英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,S/74892)


船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 | Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9
  1. S curve ==> 反转曲线
  2. s d regions ==> 源漏区
  3. S factor ==> 修正率
  4. s function ==> 轴功能
  5. s hook s ==> 形钩
  6. S matrix ==> 散射矩阵
  7. S meter ==> 信号强度计
  8. S Monel ==> 含硅蒙奈尔合金
  9. S shape distortion ==> S形ひずみ
  10. s type characteristic ==> s型特性曲线
  11. S type horn ==> S状ホーン
  12. S wave ==> 地震横波
  13. s yard ==> 木工场
  14. S&C Electric Company ==> 米国の電力会社
  15. S&E, science and engineering ==> 科学と技術
  16. S&R, search and rescue ==> 探査及び救出
  17. S&W Sediment & Water (formerly BS&W) ==> 沉淀物&水
  18. s,planetary wind system ==> 行星风系
  19. S-ANT, Sband ANTenna ==> Sバンドアンテナ
  20. S-band ==> Sバンド
  21. S-band hiran ==> 希兰
  22. S-BAND, S-band frequency ==> S帯周波数
  23. S-BAY, service bay ==> サービスベイ
  24. S-component ==> 缓变分量
  25. S-curve ==> 单位线相应的径流积分同线
  26. S-DIP, Sband DIPlexer ==> Sバンドダイプレクサ
  27. s-engined ship ==> 舯机型船
  28. S-ethyl diisobutylthiocarbamate ==> 苏达灭
  29. S-lay wire rope ==> 左捻钢丝绳
  30. S-matrix ==> S行列
  31. s-meter ==> 信号强度测量器
  32. S-N diagram S-N curve ==> 疲劳曲线
  33. S-parameter ==> Sパラメータ
  34. s-path ==> 单通路
  35. S-plane ==> 岩组平行面
  36. S-SAT, synchronous satellite ==> 同期衛星
  37. S-surface ==> 岩组平行面
  38. S-TR, S-band transmitter and receiver ==> Sバンド送受信機
  39. S-TR, S-band transponder ==> Sバンド中継器
  40. S-unit meter ==> 信号强度计
  41. S-VISSR, stretched VISSR ==> ストレッチドVISSR
  42. S-wire ==> 塞套引线
  43. S.Bekku ==> 別宮貞俊,コイルの不平衡インダクタンス解析の手段に認識されていた対称座標法の真の価値をいち早く見抜いて系統問題に適用し,グリッド系統解析の強力な武器としてその理論拡張と普及発展に大きく貢献された世界の第一人者が日本の別宮貞俊である。"Calculation of Short-circuit Ground Currents on Three-phase Power Networks, Using the Method of Symmetrical Coordinates", S.Bekku, GE.Elec.Rev. Vol.28, 1925年
  44. S/A, safe and arm device ==> 固体ロケットの安全装置
  45. S/A, safe/arm system ==> セーフアームシステム
  46. S/A, Safe/Arm(Desarme/Arme) ==> セーフ・アーム
  47. S/A, solar array ==> 太陽電池
  48. S/C, S-band to C-band converter ==> S/Cアップコンバータ
  49. S/C, spacecraft ==> 宇宙機(人工衛星等自立型宇宙飛行体の総称)
  50. S/D, synchro/digital ==> シンクロ/デジタル
  51. S/DB, synchronizer/data buffer ==> シンクロナイザ/データバッファー
  52. S/H Sample and Hold ==> サンプルホールド,入力信号をサンプル(標本化)したのち,その値を一定にホールド(保持)する回路
  53. S/H, Sample Hole ==> サンプリングホールド
  54. S/I, signal to interference ratio ==> 信号対混信比
  55. S/K, S-band to K-band ==> SバンドからKバンド
  56. S/K, stationkeeping ==> ステーションキーピング
  57. S/L-J, Spacelab J ==> スペースラブJ
  58. s/n ratio ==> 随机杂波信杂比
  59. S/N serial number ==> 系列号
  60. S/N, serial number ==> 一連番号
  61. S/O, shop order ==> 工場への指示書
  62. S/P Serial to Parallel (conversion) ==> 直列/並列変換
  63. S/P, Serial-Parallel converter ==> シリアルーパラレル変換
  64. S/Q, system qualification ==> システム認定
  65. S/S, Sub Station ==> 変電所
  66. S/W, software ==> ソフトウエア
  67. S3C2, SSS command control and communications ==> SSS司令・管制・通信
  68. S4, space station system study ==> 宇宙ステーションシステム研究
  69. S51 ==> 変圧器保護用過電流リレー
  70. SA S/A, solar array ==> 太陽電池アレイ
  71. SA Shipyard Agreement ==> 造船厂协议
  72. SA Starboard Aft ==> 右舷尾部
  73. SA, safe and arm ==> セーフ・アーム
  74. SA, Sampling Address ==> サンプリングアドレス
  75. SA, Scientific Atlanta ==> サイエンティフィックアトランタ
  76. SA, selective availability ==> 選択の有用性
  77. SA, Simulated Annealing ==> シミュレーテッドアニ-リング,金属の焼き鈍しが系の内部エネルギーを最小とする結晶を作ることを模擬する。
  78. SA, single access ==> シングルアクセス
  79. SA, spacecraft anomaly ==> 衛星の異常
  80. SA, stability analysis ==> 安定性解析
  81. SA, station acquisition ==> 位置取得(静止化)
  82. SA, sun acquisition ==> 太陽捕捉
  83. SA, sun angle ==> 太陽方位角
  84. SA, Surface-to-Air(missile) ==> 地対空(ミサイル)
  85. SA-IND, satellite identification ==> 衛星識別コード
  86. SA-N, Surface-to-Air Navy(missile) ==> 海軍-地対空(ミサイル)
  87. SAA, science and applications ==> 科学と応用
  88. SAA, South Atlantic Anomaly ==> 南大西洋異常
  89. SAA, Standards Association of Australia ==> オーストラリア標準協会
  90. SAA, sun angle analysis ==> 太陽方位角の解析
  91. SAAD, South Atlantic Anomaly Detector ==> 南大西洋異常検出器
  92. SaaS ==> ソフトウエア・アズ・ア・サービス,サービスとしてのソフトウエア
  93. saaturated steam ==> 饱和蒸汽
  94. SAB, Scientific Advisory Board ==> 科学諮問委員会
  95. SAB, solar array boom ==> 太陽電池アレイブーム
  96. SAB, Space Applications Board ==> 宇宙利用委員会
  97. SAB, sun angle bias ==> 太陽角バイアス,太陽傾角
  98. sabadillic acid ==> 沙巴酸
  99. Sabaroff circuit ==> 萨巴罗夫电路
  100. Sabathe cycle ==> 萨巴蒂循环
  101. Sabattier effect ==> 萨巴蒂尔效应
  102. sabbatical ==> サバティカルリーブ,長期有給休暇
  103. saber-type blade ==> 马刀式刀片
  104. SABIC ==> サビック,サウジアラビア基礎産業公社
  105. Sabin process ==> 萨平防锈法
  106. Sabin vaccine ==> 萨宾疫苗
  107. Sabin's oral vaccine ==> 小儿麻痹糖丸活疫菌
  108. sabina oil ==> 桧油
  109. Sabine formula ==> 赛宾公式
  110. Sabine reverberation formula ==> 赛宾混响公式
  111. sable and alterable read-only memory ==> 可擦可改写只读存储器
  112. sabotage ==> サボタージュ,妨害工作
  113. Sabouraud's agar ==> 沙保弱琼脂
  114. sabre butt ==> 曲根材
  115. sabre saw ==> 战刀形电动手锯
  116. sabtractive primary ==> 相减合成基色
  117. SAC ==> 中国国家標準管理委員会
  118. SAC, satellite attitude control ==> 人工衛星の姿勢制御
  119. SAC, Space Activities Commission ==> 宇宙開発委員会
  120. SAC, sun-angle-counter ==> 太陽角度計
  121. saccate fruit ==> 囊状果
  122. saccharated iron oxide ==> 含糖氧化铁
  123. saccharic acid ==> 糖二酸
  124. saccharide ==> 糖,糖化物,糖类
  125. saccharification of wood ==> 木材糖化
  126. saccharified pig feed ==> 糖化饲料
  127. saccharified residues ==> 制糖副产品
  128. saccharifying power ==> 糖化力
  129. saccharin insoluble ==> 不溶性糖精
  130. saccharin sodium ==> 糖精钠
  131. saccharinic acid ==> 糖精酸
  132. saccharogenic fodder ==> 糖化饲料
  133. saccharogenic power ==> 糖化力
  134. saccharoidal texture ==> 砂糖状结构
  135. Saccharomyces aceris-sacchari ==> 糖白槭酵母
  136. Saccharomyces aceti ==> 酸酒酵母
  137. Saccharomyces cartilaginosus ==> 软骨状酵母
  138. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ==> 酿酒酵母
  139. Saccharomyces paradoxus ==> 奇异酵母
  140. saccharophylous plant ==> 糖性植物
  141. sacciform recess ==> 囊状隐窝
  142. sacco holey sheet ==> 杀草膜
  143. saccular aneurysm ==> 囊状动脉瘤
  144. saccular gland ==> 囊状腺
  145. saccular nerve ==> 球囊神经
  146. saccular process ==> 成囊过程
  147. sacculated aneurysm ==> 囊状动脉瘤
  148. saccus axillaris ==> 腋囊
  149. saccus lacrimalis ==> 泪囊
  150. Sach's method ==> 萨赫法,萨氏残余应力测定法
  151. sack ==> 袋,粗布袋,麻袋,囊=>布の袋,袋
  152. sack and bale machine ==> 打包机
  153. sack cleaner ==> 麻袋清洁器
  154. sack cloth ==> 麻布,口袋布
  155. sack counter ==> 袋数计数器
  156. sack filler ==> 包装机
  157. sack filling machine ==> 装袋机
  158. sack for flour ==> 面粉袋
  159. sack gabion ==> 袋形铅丝石笼
  160. sack grip ==> 麻袋夹持器
  161. sack handling ==> 麻袋装卸
  162. sack hoist ==> 麻袋起重机
  163. sack holder ==> 麻袋夹持器
  164. sack loader ==> 装粮袋机
  165. sack mill ==> 十字型四辊万能轧机
  166. sack packer ==> 装袋机
  167. sack piler ==> 堆袋机
  168. sack sewing machine ==> 缝袋机
  169. sack stacker ==> 堆袋机,粮袋码垛机
  170. sack transporter ==> 运袋器
  171. sack-drying method ==> 袋装干燥法
  172. sack-duster ==> 袋式除尘器
  173. sack-like body ==> 囊状矿体
  174. sack-like structure ==> 囊状构造
  175. sacked cement ==> 袋装水泥
  176. sacked concrete revetment ==> 袋装水下混凝土护岸
  177. sacked material ==> 袋装料
  178. sacker auger ==> 装袋螺旋推运器
  179. sacking loom ==> 麻袋布织机
  180. sacking spout ==> 装袋口
  181. sacral block ==> 骶管麻醉
  182. sacral bone ==> 骶骨
  183. sacral flexure of rectum ==> 直肠骶曲
  184. sacral nerve ==> 骶神经
  185. sacral spot ==> 骶斑,蒙古斑
  186. sacred bamboo ==> 南天竹
  187. sacred place ==> 圣地
  188. sacrifice of ship ==> 牺牲船舶
  189. sacrifice property ==> 牺牲财产
  190. sacrifice sale ==> 亏本出售
  191. sacrificial anode ==> 牺牲阳极
  192. sacrificial anode of al-zn-in system alloy ==> 铝-锌-铟系合金牺牲阳极
  193. sacrificial anode of al-zn-in system alloy--chemical analysis ==> 铝-锌-铟系合金牺牲阳极化学分析方法
  194. sacrificial anode of zn-al-cd alloy ==> 锌-铝-镉合金牺牲阳极
  195. sacrificial anode of zn-al-cd alloy--chemical analysis ==> 锌-铝-镉合金牺牲阳极化学分析方法
  196. sacrificial anode protection ==> 牺牲阳极法
  197. sacrificial corrosion ==> 牺牲腐蚀保护法,牺牲阳极腐蚀
  198. sacrificial corrsion ==> 阴极保护腐蚀
  199. sacrificial metal ==> 牺牲金属,保护性金属
  200. sacro-anterior ==> 骶前位
  201. sacrococcygeal defect ==> 骶尾骨缺损
  202. sacrococcygeal joint ==> 交骨
  203. sacurity alarm system ==> 安全警报系统
  204. sacurity dispatching ==> 安全调度
  205. SAD, safe and arm device ==> セーフアーム装置,点火安全機構
  206. SAD, solar array drive electronics ==> 太陽電池アレイ駆動回路
  207. SAD, solar array driver ==> 太陽電池パドル駆動装置
  208. SAD, spacecraft attitude display ==> 宇宙機姿勢表示装置
  209. SADA, solar array drive assembly ==> ソーラアレイ駆動装置,太陽電池パドル駆動機構
  210. SADA, Solar Array Drive Assembly ==> 太陽電池駆動組立
  211. SADAPT-A, solar array driver & power transfer assembly ==> 太陽電池パドル駆動及び集電装置
  212. SADAPTA, solar array drive and power transfer assembly ==> 太陽電池パドル駆動電力伝達装置
  213. saddle ==> 起重小车,大拖板,床鞍,马鞍,马杠,滑鞍,滑板,滑动座架,鞍,鞍接,鞍子,鞍座,凹座,版鞍,座块,山鞍,支管架,(装窑用)耐火鞍形棒=>鞍,サドル
  214. saddle arch ==> 鞍形拱
  215. saddle axis ==> 鞍轴
  216. saddle back ==> 鞍背
  217. saddle back brick coping ==> 鞍形砖盖顶
  218. saddle back coping ==> 鞍背形盖顶
  219. saddle backed girder ==> 鞍背形大梁
  220. saddle backed harrow ==> 鞍形耙,垄作耙
  221. saddle backed horse ==> 鞍状马
  222. saddle bag ==> 鞍囊
  223. saddle bar ==> 玻璃嵌条,撑棍
  224. saddle bearing ==> 鞍承,鞍形支承,鞍状轴承
  225. saddle bend ==> 鞍顶
  226. saddle blanket ==> 鞍毡,马鞍座毯
  227. saddle block anesthesia ==> 鞍状麻醉
  228. saddle boiler ==> 鞍形锅炉,马鞍形锅炉
  229. saddle brick ==> 鞍形砖
  230. saddle cam ==> 溜板凸轮,滑板凸轮
  231. saddle clamp ==> 床鞍夹紧,鞍座夹
  232. saddle clamping lever ==> 鞍架夹杆
  233. saddle clip ==> 鞍夹,撑棍
  234. saddle cloth ==> 鞍褥=>鞍敷き
  235. saddle coil ==> 鞍形偏转线圈,鞍形线圈,产生均匀磁场的马鞍型线圈,卷边偏转线圈,卷边偏转线圈
  236. saddle coil magnet ==> 鞍形线圈磁体
  237. saddle coil storage ==> 鞍形卷座
  238. saddle control ==> 刀架控制
  239. saddle cylinder base ==> 鞍形汽缸座
  240. saddle deflecting yoke ==> 鞍形偏转线圈
  241. saddle distribution ==> 马鞍形分布
  242. saddle duster ==> 驮载式喷粉机
  243. saddle embolism ==> 鞍状塞栓症
  244. saddle embolus ==> 马鞍栓塞,血管分叉口栓子,鞍骑性栓子
  245. saddle feather ==> 鞍羽
  246. saddle feed screw ==> 鞍架进给螺杆
  247. saddle flange ==> 鞍形法兰
  248. saddle fold ==> 鞍形褶曲,鞍状褶皱
  249. saddle forging ==> 马鞍形扩孔锻造
  250. saddle friction-plates ==> 索鞍摩阻板
  251. saddle function ==> 鞍式函数,鞍形函数
  252. saddle fungus (Helvella) ==> 马鞍菌
  253. saddle gall ==> 鞍伤
  254. saddle gang stitcher ==> 长臂订书机,骑马订书机
  255. saddle gear ==> 鞍座机构
  256. saddle grafting ==> 鞍接
  257. saddle guidance ==> 鞍架导槽,刀架导座
  258. saddle hacked ==> 鞍形的
  259. saddle heather ==> 马鞍革
  260. saddle horse ==> 乘用马,骑乘马,鞍马
  261. saddle inclusion angle ==> 鞍座包角
  262. saddle jack ==> 夹头起重器
  263. saddle joint ==> 鞍接合,鞍形接合,鞍状关节,咬口接头
  264. saddle key ==> 鞍形键,空键
  265. saddle leather ==> 鞍皮
  266. saddle marks ==> 鞍印
  267. saddle node bifurcation ==> サドルノード分岐(電圧安定限界)
  268. saddle nose ==> 鞍鼻,鞍状鼻
  269. saddle of carriage ==> 拖板鞍架
  270. saddle ornament ==> 马鞍具
  271. saddle packing ==> 马鞍形填料,鞍形填料
  272. saddle pebble ==> 马鞍石
  273. saddle piece ==> 台架,鞍头块
  274. saddle pillar ==> 鞍座支架,鞍座柱
  275. saddle pivot pin ==> 鞍座系紧螺栓,鞍座支销
  276. saddle plate ==> 鞍板,鞍形板
  277. saddle point ==> 鞍点
  278. saddle point equation ==> 鞍点方程
  279. saddle point game ==> 鞍点对策
  280. saddle point method ==> 鞍点法,最速下降法
  281. saddle point theorem ==> 鞍点定理
  282. saddle point theory ==> 鞍点理论
  283. saddle rail ==> 鞍形轨
  284. saddle reef ==> 鞍状矿脉
  285. saddle ring ==> 鞍环
  286. saddle roof ==> 鞍形屋顶
  287. saddle scaffold ==> 鞍形脚手架
  288. saddle seat ==> 鞍形座
  289. saddle shaped curvature ==> 鞍形曲度
  290. saddle shaped lathe ==> 鞍形车床
  291. saddle shaped tower packing ==> 马鞍形塔填充物
  292. saddle shaped washer ==> 鞍形垫圈
  293. saddle shell ==> 马鞍形壳
  294. saddle siphon ==> 鞍形虹吸管
  295. saddle sore ==> 鞍伤
  296. saddle spinal anesthesia ==> 鞍状脊髓麻醉
  297. saddle spring ==> 鞍座弹簧
  298. saddle stich ==> 鞍形针迹
  299. saddle stitching machine ==> 鞍形订书机
  300. saddle stone ==> 鞍形石,顶石,屋脊石
  301. saddle stroke ==> 床鞍行程,大刀架行程
  302. saddle structure ==> 鞍状构造
  303. saddle support ==> 鞍式支座,马架
  304. saddle supports for horizontal vessels ==> 卧式容器的鞍形支座
  305. saddle tank ==> 鞍形油箱
  306. saddle tank locomotive ==> 鞍形水柜机车
  307. saddle tank machine ==> 驮箱式喷雾机
  308. saddle tank sprayer ==> 驮载液箱式喷雾机
  309. saddle tee ==> 马鞍形三通
  310. saddle tractor ==> 载拖式牵引车
  311. saddle traverse screw ==> 鞍架进给螺杆
  312. saddle tree ==> 鞍架
  313. saddle type ==> 鞍形
  314. saddle type conveyer ==> 鞍式运输机
  315. saddle type milling head ==> 滑鞍形铣头
  316. saddle type pin boss ==> 鞍形销座
  317. saddle type turret lathe ==> 鞍式转塔车床
  318. saddle vein ==> 鞍状矿脉
  319. saddle welding ==> 鞍形焊
  320. saddle yoke ==> 鞍座叉杆,鞍座轭
  321. saddle-back ==> 鞍背状脊柱
  322. saddle-back board ==> 门槛嵌板
  323. saddle-back coping ==> 两坡压顶,鞍形盖顶
  324. saddle-back nose ==> 鞍鼻
  325. saddle-backed girder ==> 鞍形大梁
  326. saddle-backing ==> 凸起
  327. saddle-bottmed car ==> 凹底车
  328. saddle-bottomed car ==> 鞍形底盘车
  329. saddle-bottomed wagon ==> 鞍形底盘车,凹底车
  330. saddle-bow ==> 鞍头
  331. saddle-cloth ==> 鞍褥
  332. saddle-field ==> 鞍形场透镜
  333. saddle-pin ==> 鞍栓
  334. saddle-planting ==> 畦植
  335. saddle-point azeotrope ==> 马鞍点共沸体
  336. saddle-point game ==> 鞍点的矩形特性
  337. saddle-point method ==> 鞍点法
  338. saddle-point problem ==> 鞍点问题
  339. saddle-shaped uterus ==> 马鞍形子宫
  340. saddle-tree ==> 鞍架
  341. saddle-turret lathe ==> 鞍座式转塔车床
  342. saddle-type turrct lathe ==> 鞍式转塔车床
  343. saddle-type turret lathe ==> 鞍座式转塔车床
  344. saddleback gutter ==> 鞍形天沟
  345. saddleback roof ==> 鞍形屋顶
  346. saddleback temperature curves ==> 鞍状温度曲线
  347. SADE, solar array drive electronics ==> 太陽電池パドル駆動回路
  348. SADEAB, solar array drive electronics abnormal signal ==> パドル制御異常信号
  349. SADEC, spin axis declination ==> スピン軸の赤緯
  350. SAE, The Society of Automotive Engineers Incorporated ==> 米国輸送機技術協会
  351. Saefftigen's pouch ==> 塞氏囊
  352. SAEJ, Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan ==> 日本大気電気学会
  353. Saenger's macula ==> 曾格尔氏斑
  354. Saenger's reflex ==> (瞳孔光反射)曾格尔氏反射
  355. SAF, safety engineer ==> 安全管理技術者
  356. SAFA, MDAC safety adviser ==> マグダネル社安全顧問
  357. safari suits ==> 猎装套装
  358. safaty supplements ==> 安全补充
  359. SAFCON Safety Construction Certificates ==> 安全建造证明
  360. safe ==> 安全,安全的,保险柜,保险库,保险箱,泰
  361. safe allowable load ==> 容许载荷,安全荷载,安全容许负载,安全容许应力
  362. safe allowable stress ==> 安全容许应力,安全允用应力
  363. safe anchorage ==> 安全锚泊地
  364. safe and punctual running of a train ==> 安全正点
  365. safe area ==> 画格
  366. safe area generator ==> 画框发生器
  367. safe bearing capacity ==> 安全承载能力
  368. safe bearing load ==> 安全承载,安全负载,安全载荷,轴承容许载荷
  369. safe bearing power ==> 轴承容许载荷
  370. safe berth ==> 安全泊位,安全船席
  371. safe carrying capacity ==> 安全承载能力,安全载流量,容许负荷量,容许负载量
  372. safe channel capacity ==> 河槽安全容量
  373. safe class ==> 安全等级
  374. safe clearance ==> 安全净空,安全距离,安全余量
  375. safe coefficient ==> 安全系数
  376. safe concentration ==> 安全浓度
  377. safe container ==> 安全集装箱
  378. safe current ==> 安全电流,容许电流
  379. safe current carrying capacity ==> 安全载流量,安全载流能力
  380. safe curve speed ==> (汽车的)弯道安全速度
  381. safe custody box ==> 寄存保险箱
  382. safe custody charges ==> 保管费
  383. safe deposit (SD) ==> 信托仓库
  384. safe deposit box ==> 保险箱,银行保险箱
  385. safe distance ==> 安全距离
  386. safe distance for overrun ==> 過走余裕距離
  387. safe dose ==> 安全剂量,安全量
  388. safe driving ==> 安全運転
  389. safe driving glasses ==> 安全驾驶镜
  390. safe edge ==> 安全边,护边
  391. safe edge file ==> 安全锉
  392. safe edge heart ==> 带护边心形平墁刀
  393. safe exposure level ==> 安全曝光水平
  394. safe expression ==> 安全表达式
  395. safe feeding ==> 安全饲养
  396. safe firing current ==> 准爆电流
  397. safe formula ==> 安全公式,可靠公式
  398. safe geometry ==> 安全几何条件
  399. safe gird ==> 安全栏
  400. safe guard ==> 安全设备,护轨
  401. safe guarding ==> 安全防护
  402. safe guarding duties ==> 保护性关税
  403. safe handling ==> 安全操作,安全运行,安全运转
  404. safe harbor rules ==> 避风港规则
  405. safe haven ==> 容许幅度标准
  406. safe heat transfer ==> 安全传热
  407. safe in operation ==> 安全操作
  408. safe intermodal transport ==> 安全交替运输
  409. safe international multimodal transport ==> 安全国际多式运输
  410. safe interval ==> 安全车距,安全间隔
  411. safe keep ==> 保管
  412. safe lamp ==> 安全灯
  413. safe landing ==> 安全着陆
  414. safe lantern ==> 达维氏安全灯
  415. safe length ==> 安全长度
  416. safe light ==> 安全灯
  417. safe load ==> 安全负荷,安全负载,安全载荷,安全载重,容许载荷
  418. safe load carrying capacity ==> 许用承载能力
  419. safe load carrying power ==> 许用承载能力
  420. safe load carrying property ==> 许用承载能力
  421. safe load-carrying capacity ==> 安全承载能力
  422. safe margin ==> 安全限度
  423. safe mark ==> 安全标志
  424. safe mass ==> 安全质量
  425. safe operating area ==> 安全工作域
  426. safe operating temperature ==> 容许运行温度
  427. safe operation ==> 安全操作,安全工作,安全运行
  428. safe period ==> 安全期避孕,(避孕)安全期
  429. safe port ==> 安全泊位,安全港
  430. safe practice ==> 安全措施,安全惯例,安全规章,安全技术
  431. safe pressure ==> 安全压力,容许压力
  432. safe productivity ==> 安全生产率
  433. safe protector for puncher ==> 冲床安全保护器
  434. safe pull ==> 安全拉火
  435. safe range ==> 安全范围,电气安全距离,为防止人体触及或接近带电体,确保作业者和电气设备不发生事故的电气距离
  436. safe range of stress ==> 疲劳极限
  437. safe receptive capacity ==> 安全接收能力
  438. safe region ==> 安全区
  439. safe regulation ==> 安全规程
  440. safe reliability ==> 安全可靠性
  441. safe rules ==> 安全规则
  442. safe service life ==> 安全使用年限
  443. safe shutdown ==> 安全停机,安全停堆[状态],反应堆处于足够次临界深度,并以可控速率排出堆芯余热,安全壳的密封得到保证,从而使放射性产物的释放保持在允许范围内以及为维持这些条件所必需的系统处在其正常范围内工作的停堆状态
  444. Safe Shutdown Facility ==> 安全性確保用遮断施設(SSF)
  445. safe sight distance ==> 安全视距,可靠视距
  446. safe speed ==> 安全速度
  447. safe speed of rotation ==> 安全转速
  448. safe spin ==> 安全螺旋
  449. safe starting position ==> 安全起动位置
  450. safe stopping distance ==> 安全制动距离
  451. safe stress ==> 安全应力,容许应力
  452. safe temperature ==> 安全温度
  453. safe tracer dosage ==> 安全示踪剂量
  454. safe vault ==> 保险库
  455. safe velocity ==> 安全流速,容许流速
  456. safe velocity of canal ==> 渠道安全流速
  457. safe voltage ==> 安全电压
  458. safe working ==> 安全工作,安全开采
  459. safe working load ==> 安全工作荷载,安全工作载荷,容许工作载荷,允许工作负荷
  460. safe working pressure ==> 允许工作压力,容许工作压力,安全操作压力
  461. safe working pressure (SWP) ==> 安全工作压力
  462. safe working strength ==> 安全操作强度,安全工作强度
  463. safe working stress ==> 安全工作压力,容许应力
  464. safe working temperature ==> 安全工作温度
  465. safe working voltage to ground ==> 对地安全工作电压
  466. safe yield ==> 安全产量,安全产水量
  467. SAFE, solar array flight experiment ==> ソーラーアレー飛行実験
  468. safe-conduct ==> 安全通行证
  469. safe-deposit boxes ==> 安全信托柜
  470. safe-deposit company ==> 保管公司
  471. safe-deposit vault ==> 保管库,保险库,安全储存室,安全库
  472. safe-guard door chain ==> 防盗门链
  473. safe-guard door lock ==> 防盗门锁
  474. safe-guard glasses ==> 防护眼镜
  475. safe-keeping fee ==> 保管费
  476. safe-running of vehicles ==> 安全行车
  477. safefire control line ==> 安全防火线
  478. safeguard ==> 安全装置,安全装置,保护,保护措施,保险板,保险器,防护设备,防护装置=>安全装置
  479. safeguard action ==> 緊急輸入制限措置
  480. safeguard clause ==> 保留条款,保障条款
  481. safeguard construction ==> 安全结构
  482. safeguard industries ==> 保护工业
  483. safeguard practices ==> 保护性措施
  484. safeguard provision ==> 安全保障条款,防卫条款
  485. safeguard requirement ==> 安全条款
  486. safeguard station ==> 救生电台,救生电台
  487. safeguard structure ==> 防护结构
  488. safeguarding ==> 安全措施
  489. safeguarding mechanism ==> 安全机构
  490. safeguards ==> 安全保护
  491. safelight ==> 安全灯
  492. safelight filter ==> 安全灯滤光片
  493. safener ==> 安全剂
  494. saferite ==> 两面磨光嵌网玻璃
  495. saferoute ==> 安全疏散路线
  496. safeticurb ==> 安全路缘
  497. safety ==> 安全,保险,安全性
  498. safety abscission ==> 安全落叶
  499. safety accommodation ==> 安全设备
  500. safety action ==> 安全措施,保护作用,保险装置,保证动作,屏蔽效应
  501. safety against overturning ==> 転倒防止装置
  502. safety agreement ==> 安全協定
  503. safety aids ==> 安全设备
  504. safety aisle ==> 安全通路
  505. safety alarm ==> 安全警报,安全警报器
  506. safety alarm device ==> 安全报警装置
  507. safety allowance ==> 安全补偿,安全宽限
  508. safety analysis ==> 安全解析
  509. safety analysis report ==> 安全分析报告,核设施营运单位为申请核安全许可证件而向国家核安全监管机构提交的论述该核设施安全性能及确保核安全、保障工作人员和公众健康、保护环境措施的技术文件
  510. safety and arming device ==> 保险执行机构
  511. safety and industrial gloves ==> 劳保手套
  512. safety and protection system ==> 安全防范系统
  513. safety and relief valves ==> 安全和泄压阀
  514. safety angle ==> 安全角
  515. safety apparatus ==> 安全设备,安全装置
  516. safety appliance ==> 安全设备,安全用具,保安装置
  517. safety arch ==> 安全拱,分载拱,辅助拱
  518. safety arrestment ==> 安全制动
  519. safety assessment ==> 安全評価
  520. safety bar ==> 安全棒
  521. safety barrel ==> 定筒
  522. safety barrier ==> 安全势垒,安全栅,停机拦截网
  523. safety basin ==> 安全泊地,避风港地
  524. safety belt ==> 安全带,保安带,保险带=>安全バンド
  525. safety belt for the seat of vehicle ==> 车座安全带
  526. safety block ==> 保险块
  527. safety board ==> 安全台
  528. safety bolt ==> 安全螺栓,保险螺栓
  529. safety bolt catch ==> 保险销机
  530. safety box ==> 安全箱
  531. safety brake ==> 安全闸,保险闸
  532. safety button ==> 安全钮扣
  533. safety cable ==> 安全电缆,安全索
  534. safety cage ==> 安全罐笼,(油罐操作用的)安全室
  535. safety cam ==> 安全凸轮
  536. safety can ==> 安全罐
  537. safety cap lamp ==> 安全帽灯
  538. safety car ==> 安全矿车
  539. safety carrying capacity ==> 安全载量,安全装载量
  540. safety castnet ==> 安全撒网
  541. safety catch ==> 安全掣子,安全挡,安全挡块,安全制动装置
  542. safety catches cam ==> 断绳防坠器抓爪
  543. safety catches jackshaft ==> 防坠器撑轴
  544. safety chain ==> 安全链,保险链
  545. safety chain eye ==> 安全链眼
  546. safety chain hook ==> 安全链钩
  547. safety chassis ==> 安全底盘
  548. safety check ==> 安全检测器
  549. safety chuck ==> 安全钻夹
  550. safety cinder notch stopper ==> 安全渣口塞
  551. safety circuit ==> 安全电路,保安电路
  552. safety clearance ==> 安全间隙,安全限界,许用间隙,允许间隙
  553. safety clip ==> 保险夹
  554. safety clutch ==> 安全离合器
  555. safety cock ==> 安全栓,安全旋塞
  556. safety code ==> 安全法典,安全法则,安全规程,安全规程,安全码,电气安全规程,为保证电气安全运行,根据电气设备属性和电气事故教训为生产人员制定的制度
  557. safety coefficiency ==> 安全系数
  558. safety coefficient ==> 安全率,安全系数
  559. safety coefficient of supersaturation ==> 过饱和安全系数
  560. safety collar ==> 安全环
  561. safety communication ==> 安全通信
  562. safety communications equipment ==> 安全通信设备
  563. safety condenser ==> 安全电容器
  564. safety condition ==> 安全条件
  565. safety confirmation ==> 安否確認システム
  566. safety control ==> 安全保障,安全控制,事故防护
  567. safety control rod ==> 安全棒,专用于紧急工况下迅速停堆的控制棒组。它们经常置于堆芯以外,紧急情况下靠重力或其他外力在1~2秒内自动快速插入堆芯,中止裂变链式反应,以确保安全
  568. safety copy ==> 备用原图
  569. safety cork ==> 安全管塞
  570. safety cotter pin ==> 保险开尾销
  571. safety coupling ==> 保险联接器,安全联轴节
  572. safety coupling chain ==> 安全联接链
  573. safety cover ==> 保护罩
  574. safety crank ==> 安全曲柄
  575. safety criteria of blade vibration strength of steam turbine ==> 汽轮机叶片振动强度安全准则,判别汽轮机叶片工作中抗振安全性的设计和考核依据
  576. safety criterion ==> 安全准则
  577. safety crutch ==> 安全拐杖
  578. safety culture ==> 安全文化,存在于单位和人员中的特征和态度的总和,它确定安全第一的观念,使防护与安全问题由于其重要性而保证得到应有的重视
  579. safety curb ==> 安全侧石,安全路缘,安全缘石
  580. safety current ==> 安全电流,通过人体不会对人身产生危险的电流,一般为30mA
  581. safety curtain ==> 安全卷席,安全屏障,防火幕
  582. safety curve ==> 安全曲线
  583. safety cushion ==> 安全垫
  584. safety cushion head ==> 安全垫上盖
  585. safety cut ==> 玻璃布补强切断砂轮
  586. safety cut-off ==> 安全开关,安全切断
  587. safety cut-out ==> 安全断流,安全断路器,保安断路器,保安器
  588. safety cutout ==> 安全断流器,安全开关,安全切断器,熔断开关
  589. safety cylinder ==> 安全缸
  590. safety deck ==> 安全甲板
  591. safety deforestation ==> 安全伐林
  592. safety dermatome ==> 安全植皮刀
  593. safety design ==> 安全设计
  594. safety detaching hook ==> 安全分离钩
  595. safety detector ==> 安全检测器
  596. safety detent ==> 安全卡爪,保险卡销
  597. safety device ==> 保安装置,保护装置,保险装置,安全防护装置,安全设施,安全装置,过载安全装置,紧急停车装置=>安全装置,保安装置
  598. safety disc ==> 安全片
  599. safety discharge ==> 安全泄量
  600. safety discharge capacity ==> 安全过水能力
  601. safety dog ==> 安全挡块,安全箍,安全轧头,保险挡
  602. safety dogma ==> 安全神話
  603. safety door ==> 太平门
  604. safety dose ==> 安全量
  605. safety drilling method ==> 安全钻孔法
  606. safety driver ==> 安全轧头,保险夹
  607. safety edge ==> セーフティエッジ
  608. safety element ==> 安全元件,事故棒
  609. safety enclosed switch ==> 金属盒开关,密封式保险开关,密封式闸刀开关,盒保险开关=>金属箱開閉器
  610. safety engineering ==> 安全工程,安全技术,保安工程学
  611. safety equipment ==> 安全设备
  612. safety equipment requirement ==> 设备安全要求
  613. safety evacuation area ==> 广域避难所=>広域避難場所
  614. safety evaluation ==> 安全評価
  615. safety evaluation guide ==> 安全評価指針
  616. safety evaluation of chemicals ==> 化学物安全评价
  617. safety exhaust ==> 安全排气阀
  618. safety explosive ==> 安全炸药
  619. safety extinguishing fire ==> 安全扑火
  620. safety factor ==> 安全率,安全系数,安全因数,安全因子,保险系数,信贷安全系数,可靠系数=>安全率
  621. safety factor against shear failure ==> 抗剪破坏安全系数
  622. safety factor against sliding ==> 抗滑安全系数
  623. safety factor for dropout ==> 回动可靠系数
  624. safety factor for holding ==> 吸持可靠系数
  625. safety factor for pick up ==> 始动可靠系数
  626. safety factor for ultimate load ==> 极限载荷安全系数
  627. safety factor laoding factor ==> 储备系数
  628. safety factor of insulation ==> 绝缘可靠系数
  629. safety factor of shear stress ==> 剪应力安全系数
  630. safety feature ==> 安全装置
  631. safety fence ==> 安全栅
  632. safety film ==> 安全胶片,保护膜,不燃性胶片
  633. safety finger ==> (钟)叉头钉
  634. safety fire line ==> 安全防火沟
  635. safety firebreak ==> 安全防火林
  636. safety first ==> 安全第一
  637. safety first engineering ==> 技术保安
  638. safety firstengineering ==> 安全技术
  639. safety flange ==> 安全法兰,安全轮缘
  640. safety flap ==> 安全瓣
  641. safety flare ==> 安全照明灯
  642. safety flask ==> 安全烧瓶
  643. safety forest administration ==> 安全森林管理
  644. safety fork ==> 安全夹,保险叉
  645. safety friction clutch ==> 保险摩擦离合器
  646. safety fuel ==> 安全燃料,防爆燃料
  647. safety functions ==> 安全機能
  648. safety fund ==> 安全基金
  649. Safety Fund Act ==> 安全基金法
  650. safety fund system ==> 安全基金
  651. safety fundamentals ==> 安全基本原則
  652. safety funnel ==> 安全漏斗
  653. safety funnel tube ==> 安全漏斗管
  654. safety fuse ==> 安全导火线,安全熔断器,安全引信,保险丝
  655. safety gap ==> 安全间隙,安全放电器,安全隙
  656. safety gate ==> 安全闸门
  657. safety gauge ==> 安全计量器
  658. safety gear ==> 安全装置
  659. safety glass ==> 安全玻璃,安全玻璃,保护玻璃,保险玻璃,防护玻璃
  660. safety glasses ==> 安全眼镜
  661. safety glazing material ==> 安全玻璃材料
  662. safety goggles ==> 安全护目镜,防护眼镜,护目镜
  663. safety governor ==> 危急安全阀,限速器,安全调节器
  664. safety gripper ==> 安全夹
  665. safety gripping gear ==> 安全夹
  666. safety groove ==> 安全带,保险槽
  667. safety ground ==> 安全接地
  668. safety guard ==> 安全罩
  669. safety guards ==> 护栏
  670. safety guideline ==> 防衛指針
  671. safety guides ==> 安全指針
  672. safety handle ==> 保险手柄
  673. safety harness ==> 安全背带,安全吊带,安全设备
  674. safety hat covering ==> 安全帽帽套
  675. safety hat with broad edge ==> 大边安全帽
  676. safety hatch ==> 安全舱口
  677. safety haulm pulverizer ==> 安全茎叶切碎机
  678. safety head ==> 安全盖,安全头盖
  679. safety head lamp ==> 安全头灯
  680. safety height ==> 安全高度
  681. safety helmet / hard cap ==> 安全帽
  682. safety hoist ==> 安全起重机
  683. safety hook ==> 安全吊钩,安全钩
  684. safety hub ==> 安全轮毂
  685. safety impedance ==> 安全阻抗,连接于带电部分与可触及的可导电部分之间的阻抗,其值可在设备正常使用时和可能发生故障时,把电流限制在安全值以内,并在设备的整个寿命期间保证可靠性
  686. safety important item ==> 安全重要物项,属于某一安全组合的一部分和(或)其失效或故障可能导致对厂区人员或公众过量辐射照射的物项
  687. safety in operation ==> 运行安全性,运行可靠性
  688. safety in production ==> 安全生产
  689. safety injection pump ==> 安全注入ポンプ,安全注射泵,简称“安注泵”。在反应堆失水事故时向反应堆注水以保证堆芯冷却的泵,又可分高压安注泵和低压安注泵两类。它们均须满足单一故障准则,其驱动电机由核电厂的应急母线供电
  690. safety injection system ==> 安全注入系
  691. safety injection system, emergency core cooling system,ECCS ==> 安全注射系统,又称“应急堆芯冷却系统”。反应堆发生事故导致堆芯失去冷却时,将水应急注入反应堆以持续导出堆芯余热的系统。对于压水堆核电厂,它通常由安全注射箱、高压安全注射和低压安全注射三个子系统组成
  692. safety injection tank, accumulator ==> 安全注射箱,简称“安注箱”。与一回路相连、装有浓度2000~2400μg/g的含硼水并充氮加压到2.4MPa~5.0MPa的水箱。反应堆发生冷却剂丧失事故导致堆芯失去冷却、一回路压力降到低于其压力时,它非能动地向堆芯注入含硼水
  693. safety ink ==> 安全墨
  694. safety inspection ==> 安全检查
  695. safety installation ==> 安全装置
  696. safety installations ==> 安全设备
  697. safety interlock ==> 安全联锁装置
  698. safety interlock for nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂安全联锁,使有关设备、部件的动作相互关联,每个设备、部件均必须处于规定状态或工况,否则不能投入运行或立即停运,以确保安全的核电厂控制与保护系统中的一种措施
  699. safety interlocking ==> 安全闭锁,安全联锁
  700. safety inventories ==> 安全存货
  701. safety island ==> 安全岛
  702. safety isolating transformer ==> 安全絶縁変圧器
  703. safety jack ==> 安全支柱
  704. safety jaw ==> 安全吊,安全钳口
  705. safety ladder ==> 疏散爬梯
  706. safety lamp ==> 安全灯
  707. safety lane ==> 安全航道
  708. safety latch ==> 安全闩
  709. safety latch hook ==> 自锁安全吊货钩
  710. safety level ==> 安全电平
  711. safety lever ==> 安全阀杆,保险杆,保险片
  712. safety light ==> 安全光,安全信号灯
  713. safety lighting ==> 安全照明
  714. safety lighting fitting ==> 安全照明装置
  715. safety limit ==> 安全范围
  716. safety limit switch ==> 保险总开关
  717. safety limits ==> 安全限度
  718. safety line ==> 安全绳索
  719. safety lintel ==> 安全过梁,辅助过梁
  720. safety liquid relief ==> 安全泄液
  721. safety load ==> 安全负荷,安全负载,安全载荷,容许负载
  722. safety load factor ==> 安全荷载系数,安全载荷因数
  723. safety loading ==> 安全载荷,保险费安全系数附加费
  724. safety lock ==> 保险机构,安全锁
  725. safety lock magnet ==> 安全锁闭电磁铁
  726. safety lock plunger ==> 保险活销
  727. safety lockgate ==> 应急备用闸门
  728. safety locking bolt ==> 保险锁紧螺栓
  729. safety locking pin ==> 安全锁销
  730. safety locking screw ==> 保险止动螺钉
  731. safety locking wire ==> 安全锁线
  732. safety lockwire ==> 保险锁线
  733. safety log hoist ==> 安全原木起运装置
  734. safety log-waggon ==> 安全运材车
  735. safety loop ==> 安全圈,保险圈=>命綱
  736. safety lug ==> 保险凸耳
  737. safety lumber milling machine ==> 木工安全刨床
  738. safety machinist's hammer ==> 安全钳工锤
  739. safety margin ==> 安全边缘,安全范围,安全界限,安全系数,安全线,安全余量,安全裕度
  740. safety margins ==> 安全边际量
  741. safety measure ==> 安全措施,防护措施
  742. safety measures ==> 安全対策
  743. safety measures to fish catch ==> 安全捕鱼措施
  744. safety mechanism ==> 安全机构
  745. safety member ==> 安全棒,(原子堆)事故棒
  746. safety message ==> 安全电报
  747. safety method ==> 安全措施,安全技术,安全设备
  748. safety monitor ==> 安全监察
  749. safety monitoring ==> 安全监测
  750. safety needs ==> 安全需要
  751. safety net ==> 保护网
  752. safety netting ==> 安全网
  753. safety nut ==> 安全螺母,保险螺母
  754. safety of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂安全性,核电厂正确运行、预防事故或缓解事故后果,从而保护厂区人员、公众和环境免遭过量辐射危害的性能
  755. safety operation ==> 安全運転
  756. safety operation area ==> 安全工作区
  757. safety operation specification ==> 安全操作规程
  758. safety pad ==> 安全垫,保险垫
  759. safety panel ==> 安全监督盘系统,法国核电厂设置的由安全工程师管理的系统,具有与安全参数显示系统类似的功能,以监督和支持操纵员对事故的判断和处理
  760. safety paper ==> 保险纸
  761. safety parameter display system,SPDS ==> 安全参数显示系统,将表征核电厂安全的重要参数,例如反应性控制、反应堆冷却剂系统的完整性、堆芯冷却和从反应堆冷却剂系统排出的热量、放射性控制、安全壳的完整性等集中显示的系统
  762. safety pawl ==> 安全凸爪
  763. safety period ==> 安全周期
  764. safety piece ==> 安全零件
  765. safety pin ==> 安全别针,安全销,安全销机,保险丝,保险销
  766. safety pinion ==> 保险齿轴
  767. safety pipetle ==> 安全吸管
  768. safety planning ==> 安全対策
  769. safety plug ==> 安全插头,安全塞,熔丝塞,熔丝塞子,熔线塞=>安全プラグ
  770. safety plug socket ==> 熔线塞座,安全塞座
  771. safety pole ==> 安全杆
  772. safety post ==> 安全标,安全柱
  773. safety practices ==> 安全手引き
  774. safety precaution ==> 安全措施
  775. safety precautions ==> 安全保障措施,安全措施,安全预防
  776. safety problem ==> 安全问题
  777. safety procedure ==> 安全规程,安全技术规程
  778. safety program ==> 安全规划,安全计划
  779. safety prop ==> 安全柱
  780. safety protection ==> 安全防护
  781. safety protective coverall ==> 安全保护服
  782. safety protective lighting ==> 安全防护照明,使用安全电压照明或有可靠防护的普通照明
  783. safety provision ==> 安全措施,安全设施
  784. safety quantity ==> 安全存量
  785. safety rafting ==> 安全放排
  786. safety rail ==> 护轨
  787. safety rate ==> 安全率
  788. safety razor ==> 安全剃刀,保安刀架,保安剃毛刀
  789. safety recording instrument ==> 安全记录仪
  790. safety records ==> 安全记录
  791. safety regulation ==> 保安规章
  792. safety regulations ==> 安全规程,安全守则
  793. safety regulations in coal mine ==> 煤矿安全规程
  794. safety related electrical equipment for NPP ==> 核电厂安全级电气设备,又称“1E级电气设备”。用于反应堆紧急停堆、安全壳隔离、堆芯应急冷却、从安全壳排出热量以及其他主要用于防止放射性物质向环境过量释放的各类电器设备,包括电动机、电器、电缆、蓄电池、充电器、控制保护器件等
  795. safety relay ==> 安全继电器
  796. safety relay valve ==> 安全继动阀
  797. safety release ==> 脱开安全器
  798. safety release spring ==> 安全放松弹簧
  799. safety relief and pressure relief valves ==> 安全泄放和泄压阀
  800. safety relief valve ==> 安全阀,安全泄压阀,安全泄放阀,当阀门进口侧静压超过其起座压力时,根据使用情况以不同方式自动泄压的器件。用于蒸汽时突然起跳至全开;用于液体时起跳后随压差增加而进一步开大=>安全逃し弁
  801. safety remote control ==> 安全遥控
  802. safety remote control equipment ==> 安全遥控设备
  803. safety requirement ==> 安全必备品
  804. safety requirement for nuclear installation design ==> 核设施设计安全要求,为达到安全目标,贯彻核安全技术原则,保证高度安全的核设施设计必须满足的要求。这些要求是国际上公认的,在核设施设计及运行经验积累过程中总结完善并已反映在各国的核安全法规中
  805. safety requirement for nuclear installation operation ==> 核设施运行安全要求,核设施运行必须遵循根据设计、安全分析和调试结果确定的运行规程、运行限值和条件,必须保证有足够的合格人员和工程技术支援力量,必须执行报告制度和经验反馈
  806. safety requirement for nuclear installation siting ==> 核设施选址安全要求,核设施选址中必须考虑的、可能影响核设施安全、或与核设施影响有关的周围自然和人文环境的特性,以及执行应急计划的可行性等方面的要求
  807. safety requirements ==> 安全要件
  808. safety responsibility ==> 安全责任条例
  809. safety responsibility regulations ==> 安全责任条例
  810. safety restraint system ==> 安全拘束装置
  811. safety reverse lever ==> 安全回动杆
  812. safety reverse lever spring ==> 安全回动杆簧
  813. safety review ==> 安全審査
  814. safety ring ==> 安全环,保险环
  815. safety rod ==> 保险杆,安全棒,安全杆
  816. safety rod drive ==> 安全棒駆動機構
  817. safety roller ==> 保险圆盘
  818. safety rope ==> 安全绳=>胴綱
  819. safety rule ==> 安全规程
  820. safety rules ==> 安全规程,安全条例
  821. safety rules for lifting appliances ==> 起重机械安全规程
  822. safety screen ==> 安全挡板,安全隔层,安全网,保险挡板
  823. safety service ==> 安全业务
  824. safety set screw ==> 安全螺丝,安全止动螺钉
  825. safety shear pin ==> 保险切断销
  826. safety shield ==> 安全挡板
  827. safety shim ==> 保险垫片
  828. safety shoe ==> 安全鞋,安全靴
  829. safety shut-down ==> 安全刹车
  830. safety shutdown ==> 安全关闭
  831. safety shutdown system ==> 安全停止装置
  832. safety shutoff device ==> 安全关气装置
  833. safety siding ==> 安全避车道,安全限度
  834. safety sight glass with double-layered glasses ==> 双层玻璃安全视镜
  835. safety signal ==> 安全信号
  836. safety sinking door ==> 凿井吊盘安全门
  837. safety slip clutch ==> 安全滑动离合器
  838. safety snap clutch ==> 滑转式安全离合器
  839. safety solution ==> 安全解
  840. safety spark gap ==> 安全火花隙
  841. safety specification ==> 安全规程,安全技术条件
  842. safety speed ==> 安全速度
  843. safety split pin ==> 安全开尾销
  844. safety spring ==> 安全弹簧
  845. safety spring bushing ==> 保险弹簧套
  846. safety stake ==> 安全标杆
  847. safety standard series ==> 安全基準シリーズ
  848. safety standards ==> 安全标准,安全规程
  849. safety starting crank ==> 安全起动曲柄
  850. safety statistics ==> 安全统计
  851. safety stay ==> 安全牵条
  852. safety stiich ==> 安全缝
  853. safety stirrup ==> 安全卡盘
  854. safety stitch ==> 安全线迹
  855. safety stock ==> 安全储备,安全存量,安全库存量,保险库存量
  856. safety stock concept ==> 安全存量概念
  857. safety stop ==> 安全停止,安全停止器,阻车器
  858. safety strap ==> 安全带,安全带
  859. safety strip ==> 安全岛,安全地带
  860. safety supervisor ==> 安全技术主管
  861. safety suspension device ==> 保险悬挂装置
  862. safety switch ==> 保险开关,安全按钮,安全开关,紧急开关,快速停堆按钮=>金属箱開閉器
  863. safety system ==> 安全设备,安全系统,安全上重要的系统,用于保证反应堆安全停堆、从堆芯排出余热或限制预计运行事件和设计基准事故的后果
  864. safety tank ==> 安全水舱
  865. safety tap ==> 安全旋塞
  866. safety technique ==> 安全技术,安全技术规程,保安技术
  867. safety technique of physiotherapy ==> 理疗安全技术
  868. safety test ==> 安全试验
  869. safety thermalrelief valve ==> 超温安全阀
  870. safety timber-floating channel ==> 安全流材道
  871. safety tongs ==> 安全钳
  872. safety track ==> 安全声迹
  873. safety traffic ==> 安全通信,安全行驶,安全运行
  874. safety tread ==> 安全轮胎,安全踏板,安全梯级,防滑踏步
  875. safety trip ==> 安全断路,安全释放机构,安全脱断装置
  876. safety trip beam ==> 带安全器的犁辕
  877. safety trip device ==> 安全脱开装置
  878. safety trip level ==> 事故防护程度
  879. safety trip lever ==> 紧急触摆杆
  880. safety trocar ==> 安全套管针
  881. safety tube ==> 安全管
  882. safety tyre ==> 防滑轮胎
  883. safety valve ==> 安全阀,安全活门,卸压阀,进口蒸汽或气体侧介质静压超过其起座压力整定值时能突然全开的自动泄压阀门,是锅炉及压力容器防止超压的重要安全部件=>安全弁
  884. safety valve lifting lever ==> 安全阀提升杆
  885. safety valve operating test,safety valve adjustment ==> 安全阀校验,安全阀阀瓣重新与阀座接触、升程为零时的进口侧静压。
  886. safety valve operation test ==> 安全阀动作试验
  887. safety valve pressing sleeve ==> 安全阀压套
  888. safety valve seat ==> 安全阀门座,安全阀座
  889. safety valve spring ==> 安全阀弹簧,安全阀簧
  890. safety valve turret ==> 安全阀座
  891. safety valves ==> 安全阀
  892. safety vent ==> 安全放空,安全孔,安全气孔
  893. safety verification ==> 安全验证,通过分析,监视、测试和检查等方法证实核设施、核活动或其安全重要事项的状态符合安全要求,其运行可持续符合许可限值和条件
  894. safety vest ==> 安全背包
  895. safety voltage ==> 安全电压,为防止人身电击事故,采用由特定电源供电的电压系列。这个系列的上限值为在任何情况下,加在身体不同部位之间的电压不得超过交流有效值50V或直流36V
  896. safety washer ==> 安全垫圈
  897. safety weight ==> 安全负荷,安全重量,许可重量
  898. safety wire ==> 保险丝
  899. safety work ==> 安全操作,安全作业,技术保安
  900. safety zone ==> 安全区,安全区域
  901. safety-check ==> 安全检查
  902. safety-deposit box ==> 保管箱
  903. safety-first engineering ==> 安全技术,技术保安
  904. safety-related facilities ==> 安全上重要な施設
  905. safety-supervision regulation of pressure vessel ==> 压力容器安全监察规程
  906. safflower ==> 红花=>ベニバナ
  907. safflower meal ==> 红花籽饼粉
  908. safflower oil ==> 红花油
  909. safflower seed ==> 红花籽=>ベニバナ種子
  910. saffron ==> 番红花
  911. saffron crocus ==> 番红花,藏红花=>サフラン,アヤメ科の球根植物
  912. SAFG, general safety supervisor ==> 一般安全作業責任者
  913. SAFH, hazardous safety supervisor ==> 安全物取扱保安責任者
  914. SAFISY, Space Agency Forum for the International Space Year ==> 国際宇宙年宇宙機関会議
  915. SAFM, safety mode ==> セーフティモード
  916. safranine test ==> 番红试验
  917. safrole ==> 黄樟脑素=>サフロール
  918. SAFS, special safety supervisor ==> 特殊安全作業責任者
  919. saft range of stress ==> 疲劳极限
  920. sag ==> 经济萧条,经济萧条,垂,垂度,弛垂度,弛度,塌芯,浅构造盆地,下垂,上箱下沉,凹陷,自对准栅=>サグ,たるみ,dip,電圧低下。instantaneous sag: 0.5-30cycle,momentary sag: 30cycle-3s,temporary sag: 3s-1min.
  921. sag adjustment ==> 挠度调节,垂度调节
  922. sag bolt ==> 防垂螺栓,顶板下沉测量锚杆
  923. sag calculation ==> 垂度计算
  924. sag correction ==> 垂度校正,垂曲改正,(测量带尺的)中沉校准
  925. sag curve ==> 挠度曲线,垂度曲线
  926. sag gauge ==> 垂度计,弛度计
  927. sag of belt ==> 皮带下垂
  928. sag of line ==> 电线垂度
  929. sag of the span ==> 档间弛度
  930. sag profile ==> 凹形纵断面
  931. sag ratio ==> 垂跨比
  932. sag rod ==> 吊杆
  933. sag subduction ==> 沉陷俯冲作用
  934. sag test ==> 下垂试验
  935. sag tie ==> 吊杆
  936. sagacity ==> 賢明
  937. sagapenum ==> 波斯阿魏
  938. Sagartiidae ==> 绿海葵科
  939. sagathy ==> 萨加塞毛织物
  940. SAGD, Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage ==> 蒸汽加重力驱动
  941. sage ==> 鼠尾草,洋苏草,红根草,牛膝草,神香草,柳薄荷=>セージ,セージ葉
  942. sage green paint ==> 灰绿色漆
  943. SAGE, SemiAutomatic Ground Environment ==> セイジ(SAGE)
  944. SAGE, Soviet-American Gallium Experiment ==> SAGE
  945. sagebrush ==> 蒿子
  946. sagenite ==> 网金红石
  947. sagenitic quartz ==> 网针石英
  948. Sagenocrinida ==> 网海百合目
  949. saggar ==> 匣钵
  950. saggar body ==> 匣钵坯体
  951. saggar cement ==> 匣钵修补用耐火泥料
  952. saggar clay ==> 火泥箱土
  953. saggar press ==> 匣钵压机
  954. saggar(-ger) ==> 烧盆
  955. sagged ==> 下垂的
  956. sagged bevel ==> 凹面倒边
  957. sagged weld ==> 下垂焊缝
  958. sagger ==> 匣钵
  959. sagger clay ==> 火泥箱土
  960. sagging ==> 中垂,自重烘弯,松垂,漆面流坠=>サギング,たるみ
  961. sagging axle ==> 垂弯轴
  962. sagging moment ==> 下垂力矩,正弯矩
  963. sagging of ceiling ==> 天花下垂
  964. sagging of paint ==> 漆面流坠
  965. sagging plate ==> 中间管板
  966. Sagitta ==> 天箭座
  967. sagitta ==> 矢耳石,弓形高,(数学的)矢
  968. sagittal ==> 前后向的
  969. sagittal arc ==> 颅矢状弧
  970. sagittal diameter ==> 矢状径
  971. sagittal focal line ==> 弧矢焦线,径向焦线,径向焦线
  972. sagittal focus ==> 次级焦点,弧矢焦点
  973. sagittal groove ==> 矢状沟
  974. sagittal image ==> 矢形图像
  975. sagittal plane ==> 矢状平面,径向平面,径向平面
  976. sagittal section ==> 矢状平面
  977. sagittal sinas ==> 矢状窦
  978. sagittal surface ==> 弧矢面,纵断面
  979. sagittal suture ==> 矢状缝
  980. sagittal suture of fetal head ==> 儿头矢状缝
  981. Sagittariidae ==> 鹭鹰科
  982. Sagittarius (Sgr) ==> 人马星座
  983. Sagittarius A ==> 人马座A源
  984. Sagittarius arm ==> 人马臂
  985. Sagittarius star cloud ==> 人马座星云
  986. sagittate leaf ==> 箭头形叶
  987. sagmos ==> 自对准栅金属氧化物半导体
  988. Sagnac effect ==> サニャック効果
  989. Sagnac interferometer ==> 萨尼亚克干涉仪=>サニャック干渉計
  990. Sagnac's experiment ==> 萨尼亚克实验
  991. sago ==> 西米
  992. sago grains ==> 西米状小粒
  993. sago palm ==> 西谷椰子
  994. sago spleen ==> 西米脾
  995. sags and crests ==> 凹凸不平
  996. SAGS, small aperture ground station ==> 小口径地上局
  997. Saha equation ==> 沙哈方程式
  998. Saha ionization ==> 萨哈电离
  999. Saha ionization formula ==> 沙哈电离公式
  1000. Saha's equation ==> 萨哈方程
  1001. Sai Kung Field Studies Centre ==> 西贡郊野学习馆
  1002. Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works ==> 西贡污水处理厂
  1003. said by shipper to contain ==> 内容据发货人申报
  1004. SAIDI, system average interruption duration index ==> 系統の平均供給不能持続時間(電力自由化)
  1005. SAIFI, system average interruption frequency index ==> 系統の平均供給不能頻度(電力自由化)
  1006. SAIKODA300 ==> 耐久時間300時間の耐アルミ溶湯用鋳鉄(児玉鋳物など)
  1007. sail ==> 驾,海上航行,帆,篷
  1008. Sail ==> 船帆星座
  1009. sail arm ==> 风车的翼板
  1010. sail broad ==> 顺风驶帆
  1011. sail canvas ==> 船帆布
  1012. sail cloth ==> 帆布
  1013. sail diving plane ==> (潜艇)指挥台水平升降舵
  1014. sail duck ==> 船用帆布
  1015. sail large ==> 顺风驶帆
  1016. sail plane ==> 滑翔机
  1017. sail reaper ==> 摇臂收割机
  1018. SAIL System to Automate and Integrate Logistics ==> 自动操作与整合后勤体系
  1019. sail trawler ==> 拖网帆船
  1020. sailaba ==> 泛滥平原
  1021. sailboard ==> 帆板
  1022. sailing ==> 航海,航行,航行法
  1023. sailing boat ==> 帆船
  1024. sailing course ==> 航道,航线,突腰线
  1025. sailing date ==> 开航日期
  1026. sailing free ==> 顺风驶帆
  1027. sailing in ballast ==> 压载航行
  1028. sailing instruction ==> 航海说明书,航海指南
  1029. sailing large ==> 顺风驶帆
  1030. sailing notice ==> 开航通知单
  1031. sailing on her ear ==> 满帆倾斜行驶
  1032. sailing permit ==> 出航证
  1033. sailing schedule ==> 船舶班期
  1034. sailing ship ==> 帆船
  1035. sailing terms ==> 启航条件
  1036. sailing vessel ==> 帆船
  1037. sailmaker's splice ==> 顺纹插接
  1038. sailmaking ==> 制帆术
  1039. sailmaking-knot ==> 平结
  1040. sailor's knot ==> 反结
  1041. sailors knot ==> 方结
  1042. sailplane ==> 高级滑翔机
  1043. saint Elmo's fire ==> 尖端放电
  1044. Saint Ignatius' bean ==> 吕宋豆
  1045. saint venant's principle ==> 圣文南原理
  1046. sajong soil ==> 砂姜土
  1047. Sakae Yamamura ==> 山村昌(1918-2005),直线电机解析理论创始人,著有"Theory of Linear Induction Motors"。晚年提出螺旋矢量理论,著有"Spiral Vector Theory of AC Circuits and Machines"。论文见http://www.geocities.jp/ps_dictionary/yamamura/paper5.htm
  1048. Sakae, Yamamura ==> 山村昌,1918-2005,電気工学者,交流モーターや超電導現象の世界的権威。リニアモーター・カーの生みの親としても知られている。1982年、IEEEの〈ニコラ・テスラ賞〉を授賞した。2002年,IEEE Lamme Medalを受賞した('For achievements on analysis methods of electrical circuits and machines, linear induction motors, and motion of electric arcs.')。スパイラルベクトル理論の提唱者。"Theory of Linear Induction Motors,1972",「ある電気工学者の研究の道程」(1979,オーム社),「交流モータの解析と制御」(1988,オーム社),"Spiral Vector Theory of AC Circuits and AC Machines, Oxford University Press, 1992",「電気回路と回転機の解析と制御-スパイラルベクトル理論-」(1998,オーム社). 今後技術の展望(山村昌博士,1988年)
    (9)直流リニアモータ(direct linear motor drive)
  1049. Sakata model ==> 板田模型
  1050. Sakuma HVC ==> 佐久間HVC
  1051. sakura front ==> 樱前线=>桜前線
  1052. Sakurai ==> 櫻井
  1053. sal ammoniac cell ==> 氯化氨电池
  1054. sal fossile ==> 岩盐
  1055. Sal log ==> 流压测程计
  1056. sal soda ==> 苏打,洗涤碱
  1057. SAL, scientific airlock ==> 科学用エアロック
  1058. salad chervil ==> 雪维菜
  1059. salad crop ==> 色拉作物
  1060. salad leaf crops ==> 生食叶菜类
  1061. salad plants ==> 生食菜类
  1062. Salado formation ==> 沙拉多建造
  1063. salamander ==> サラマンダー,火の精
  1064. salamander's hair ==> 石棉
  1065. Salangidae ==> 银鱼科=>シラウオ科
  1066. salaries and allowances ==> 薪金和津贴
  1067. salaries and remunerations ==> 薪给报酬所得税
  1068. salaries tax ==> 薪俸税
  1069. salary accounting ==> 薪金计算
  1070. salary distribution sheet ==> 薪金分配表
  1071. salary increase ==> 加薪
  1072. salary insurance ==> 薪金保险,薪资保险
  1073. salary plus bonus ==> 薪金加奖金制
  1074. salary progression curve ==> 薪金增长曲线图
  1075. salary rate ==> 薪金率
  1076. salary roll ==> 薪金清册
  1077. salary schedule ==> 薪金表
  1078. salary structure ==> 薪金结构
  1079. salazinic acid ==> 水杨嗪酸
  1080. sale ==> 销售
  1081. sale and lease back of real estate ==> 不动产的卖租方式
  1082. sale and leaseback ==> 返租
  1083. sale as seen ==> 凭检视买卖
  1084. sale at a valuation ==> 评价买卖
  1085. sale at an exchange ==> 在交易所出售
  1086. sale at arm's length ==> 彼此独立的买卖
  1087. sale at arms length ==> 彼此独立的买卖
  1088. sale at negotiated price ==> 议销价格
  1089. sale by bulk ==> 批发
  1090. sale by credit ==> 信用买卖
  1091. sale by description ==> 凭说明售货,凭说明书买卖
  1092. sale by real cash ==> 现款销售,现卖,现销
  1093. sale by sample ==> 凭样买卖
  1094. sale by specification ==> 凭规格售货,凭说明书买卖=>仕様書売買
  1095. sale by standard ==> 凭标准买卖
  1096. sale by trade mark ==> 凭商标售货
  1097. sale by trademark ==> 商標売買
  1098. sale by type ==> 凭型号售货
  1099. sale commission ==> 回扣
  1100. sale confirmation ==> 售货确认书,销售证明书
  1101. sale dumping ==> 贩卖倾销
  1102. sale finance company ==> 销售金融公司
  1103. sale for cash ==> 现卖
  1104. sale force ==> 人员销售力量
  1105. sale in bond ==> 保税货买卖
  1106. sale invoice ==> 销售发票
  1107. sale literature ==> 推销刊物
  1108. sale lot ==> 销售堆
  1109. sale of business ==> 出盘
  1110. Sale of Goods Act (SGA) ==> 货物买卖法
  1111. sale of goods for charity ==> 义卖
  1112. sale of property ==> 财产的变卖
  1113. sale of securities ==> 出售证券
  1114. sale on commission ==> 经售,经售
  1115. sale on domestic market ==> 内销
  1116. sale on GMQ ==> 凭适销品质买卖
  1117. sale on good merchantable quality ==> 凭适销品质买卖
  1118. sale proceeds ==> 销售收入
  1119. sale promotion ==> 推广
  1120. sale retail sales department ==> 门市部
  1121. sale technique ==> 销售技术
  1122. sale value ==> 销售价
  1123. sale volume ==> 销售额
  1124. sale-and-leaseback ==> 销后租回
  1125. sale-and-repurchase ==> 销后买回
  1126. saleable height ==> 商品材高度
  1127. Salem limestone ==> 萨勒姆石灰岩
  1128. salem-rose ==> 蔷薇莓
  1129. sales account ==> 销货帐
  1130. sales accounting ==> 销售会计
  1131. sales agency ==> 分销处
  1132. sales agent ==> 销售代理商
  1133. sales agreement ==> 销售合同
  1134. sales allowance ==> 销货折让,销售折让
  1135. sales amount ==> 销售额
  1136. sales and marketing motivation study ==> 销售激励研究
  1137. sales and profit comparisons ==> 销售额与利润的比例
  1138. sales area ==> 售货区
  1139. sales area test ==> (市场调查合法)销售区试验
  1140. sales as per specification ==> 凭规模买卖
  1141. sales at state fixed prices ==> 平价销售
  1142. sales audit ==> 销售核查
  1143. sales book ==> 销货帐簿
  1144. sales brochure ==> 推广小册子
  1145. sales budget ==> 销货预算,销售预算
  1146. sales by description ==> 货物分类出售
  1147. sales catalogue ==> 销售目录
  1148. sales chain ==> 销售链系
  1149. sales commission ==> 销售代理业务
  1150. sales company ==> 销售公司
  1151. sales conditions ==> 売買条件
  1152. sales contract ==> 售货合同,销货合同,销售合同
  1153. sales contract receivable ==> 销售合同应收帐款
  1154. sales control research ==> 销售控制研究
  1155. sales convention ==> 销货会谈
  1156. sales daybook ==> 销货日记帐
  1157. sales department ==> 销售科
  1158. sales depth test ==> (会计和审计用语)销售深度检查
  1159. sales determined by products ==> 以产定销
  1160. sales discount ==> 销货折扣,销售折扣
  1161. sales discounts and allowances ==> 销货折让
  1162. sales estimate ==> 销售估计
  1163. sales expense ==> 销售费用
  1164. sales finance company ==> 销售贷款公司
  1165. sales force ==> 推销力量
  1166. sales force composite method ==> 推销人员意见综合法
  1167. sales forecast ==> 销售额预测,销售预测
  1168. sales forecasting ==> 销售预测
  1169. sales function ==> 销售函数
  1170. sales gain ==> 销售收入
  1171. sales in hard cash ==> 现款销售
  1172. sales income ==> 销售收入
  1173. sales index ==> 销售指数
  1174. sales invoice ==> 销货发票
  1175. sales kit (SK) ==> 样品箱
  1176. sales knowledge ==> 销货知识
  1177. sales ledger ==> 销售分类帐,信售客户分户帐
  1178. sales made in advance of delivery ==> 超过供应量的销售
  1179. sales management ==> 销售管理
  1180. sales manager ==> 销售经理
  1181. sales manual ==> 销售手册
  1182. sales margin ==> 销售纯利率
  1183. sales maximization hypothesis ==> 销售额最大化假设
  1184. sales mix ==> 销售构成,销售组合
  1185. sales note ==> 售货单
  1186. sales objective matrix ==> 销售目标矩阵表
  1187. sales of commission ==> 委托销售
  1188. sales of merchandise from stock ==> 库存商品销售
  1189. sales of property ==> 财产出售
  1190. sales on approval ==> 送阅商品
  1191. sales on draft terms ==> 凭汇票付款条件
  1192. sales opportunities ==> 销售机会
  1193. sales order ==> 销货定单,销售定单
  1194. sales order processing ==> 销售订单处理
  1195. sales orientation ==> 销售导向
  1196. sales package ==> 销售包装
  1197. sales plan ==> 销售计划
  1198. sales plummet ==> 売り上げの急落
  1199. sales policy ==> 销售方针,销售政策
  1200. sales porfit and loss ==> 销售损益
  1201. sales potential ==> 销售力量,销售潜力,服务潜力
  1202. sales profit ==> 销售利润
  1203. sales profit and loss ==> 销货损益
  1204. sales profit rates ==> 销售收入盈利率
  1205. sales profits of enterprise ==> 企业销售利润
  1206. sales promotion ==> 销售促进,扩大销售,(市场运销组合构成因素之一)销售推扩
  1207. sales promotion network ==> 推销网
  1208. sales promotion planning ==> 推销计划
  1209. sales promotional cost ==> 推销成本
  1210. sales proposals ==> 売込み
  1211. sales quota ==> 销售定额,销售份额,销售限额
  1212. sales rebate and allowance ==> 销货回扣及折让
  1213. sales rebates and allowance ==> 销售回扣及折让,售货回扣
  1214. sales record ==> 販売帳票
  1215. sales region contribution statement ==> 分区销售分配表,分区销售贡献表
  1216. sales register ==> 销货登记簿
  1217. sales representative ==> 销售代表
  1218. sales resistance ==> 拒绝购买,拒绝购买
  1219. sales return and allowance journal ==> 退货及销货折让日记帐
  1220. sales return ratio ==> 退货比率
  1221. sales returns book ==> 退货记录簿
  1222. sales revenue ==> 销售收入
  1223. sales room ==> 门市部
  1224. sales sample ==> 销售样品
  1225. sales service organization ==> 销售服务组织
  1226. sales statistics ==> 销售统计
  1227. sales stimulation factor ==> 销售刺激因素
  1228. sales structure ==> 销售结构
  1229. sales system ==> 销货法
  1230. sales tax ==> 销售税
  1231. sales territory ==> 销售区域
  1232. sales test ==> 销售实验
  1233. sales to fixed assets ratio ==> 销售与固定资产的比率
  1234. sales to merchandise ratio ==> 销售与商品盘存的比率
  1235. sales to net working capital ==> 净销售额与流动资本净额比率分析,净销售额与流动资本净额比率分析
  1236. sales to net worth ==> 净销售额对资本净值比率,净销售额对资本净值比率
  1237. sales to net worth ratio ==> 销售与净值比率
  1238. sales to receivable ratio ==> 销售与应收帐款比率
  1239. sales turnover ==> 销售周转
  1240. sales value ==> 销售额
  1241. sales value method ==> 销售价值法
  1242. sales volume ==> 销售规模,销售量
  1243. sales volume quota ==> 销售量责任额
  1244. sales voucher ==> 销货凭证
  1245. sales-effect research ==> 销售效果研究
  1246. sales-force-composite method ==> 销售人员综合市场预测法
  1247. sales-inventory ratio ==> 销售-库存比率
  1248. sales-maximization principle ==> 销售额极大化原理
  1249. salesman room ==> 售货员室
  1250. salesman sales composite method ==> 销售员估计综合法
  1251. salesman sales quota ==> 销售员销售配额
  1252. salesmen's traveling and entertainment expenses ==> 推销员差旅及交际费
  1253. salford magnetic sorting bridge ==> 电磁鉴别仪
  1254. salic mineral ==> 硅铝矿物
  1255. salicide ==> 自对准多晶硅化物
  1256. salicyl alcohol glucoside ==> 水杨甙
  1257. salicylated mercury ==> 水杨酸汞
  1258. salicylic acid ==> 柳酸,水杨酸
  1259. salicylic acid acetate ==> 乙酰水杨酸
  1260. salicylic acid ethyl ether ==> 水杨酸乙酯
  1261. salicylic acid filter ==> 水杨酸过滤器
  1262. salicylic acid phenyl ester ==> 萨罗
  1263. salicylic acid plaster ==> 水杨酸硬膏
  1264. salicylic ether ==> 水杨酸乙酯
  1265. salicylsulfonic acid ==> 磺基水杨酸
  1266. saliency ==> 突極性
  1267. salient ==> 凸起,凸起的,突出部,突起地,(广告)显眼程度
  1268. salient angle ==> 凸角
  1269. salient corner ==> 凸角
  1270. salient instrument ==> 凸装型仪表
  1271. salient junction ==> 外角
  1272. salient point ==> 凸点,折点
  1273. salient pole ==> 凸极
  1274. salient pole armature ==> 凸极电枢
  1275. salient pole generator ==> 凸极发电机,磁极由机座轭部或转子轮毂部向气隙方向凸出的电机。凸极式转子适用于极数较多,转速较低的的电机,如水轮发电机
  1276. salient pole machine ==> 凸极电机
  1277. salient pole rotor ==> 凸极转子
  1278. salient pole synchronous generator ==> 凸极式同步发电机
  1279. salient pole synchronous induction motor ==> 凸极式同步感应电动机
  1280. salient pole synchronous motor ==> 凸极同步电动机
  1281. salient pole type ==> 凸极式
  1282. salient pole type rotor ==> 凸极式转子,显极式转子
  1283. salient pole type synchronous machine ==> 突極型同期機
  1284. salient-pole alternator ==> 凸板交流发电机,凸极交流发电机
  1285. salient-pole generator ==> 凸板发电机,凸极发电机
  1286. salient-pole machine ==> 凸极电机=>突極機
  1287. salient-pole synchronous induction motor ==> 巻線形始動同期電動機
  1288. salient-pole-type synchronous machine ==> 突極型同期機
  1289. Salina formation ==> 全盐组
  1290. saline ==> 盐水,含盐的
  1291. saline alkali soil ==> 盐碱土
  1292. saline bottle ==> 盐水瓶
  1293. saline concentration ==> 含盐度,含盐量
  1294. saline deposit ==> 盐类沉积,蒸发盐
  1295. saline enema ==> 盐水灌肠
  1296. saline floatation method ==> 盐水漂浮法
  1297. saline fog method ==> 盐雾法,把试品置于充满盐雾的雾室内进行人工污秽试验的方法
  1298. saline formation ==> 盐生植物群系
  1299. saline fume pollution ==> 盐雾污染
  1300. saline harbor ==> 咸水港口
  1301. saline infusion ==> 盐水输注
  1302. saline infusion needle ==> 盐水针
  1303. saline injection ==> 盐水注射
  1304. saline irrigation water ==> 含盐灌溉水
  1305. saline lake ==> 盐湖
  1306. saline land ==> 盐地,盐土
  1307. saline matter ==> 盐分
  1308. saline method ==> 盐液测流法
  1309. saline pollution ==> 盐水污染
  1310. saline purgative ==> 盐类泻药
  1311. saline soil ==> 盐土,盐渍土
  1312. saline solution ==> 盐溶液
  1313. saline solution infusion kit ==> 盐水输液器械包
  1314. saline spring ==> 盐泉
  1315. saline taste ==> 咸味
  1316. saline water conversion ==> 盐水转化
  1317. saline-sodic soil ==> 盐碱土
  1318. saline-sodic soil amelioration ==> 盐碱土改良
  1319. saline-water reclamation ==> 盐水淡化
  1320. Salinian formation ==> 全盐组
  1321. salinity (water quality objective) ==> 盐度(水质指针)
  1322. salinity indicator ==> 盐度计=>塩度指示器
  1323. salinity indicator system ==> 盐度指示器系统
  1324. salinity logging ==> 含盐测量记录井
  1325. salinity meter ==> 盐度计
  1326. salinity of irrigation water ==> 灌溉水的盐度,灌溉水含盐度
  1327. salinity test ==> 盐分测定法
  1328. salinity tolerance ==> 耐塩性
  1329. salinized chestnut soil ==> 盐化栗土
  1330. salinized soil ==> 盐溃土,盐渍土
  1331. salinized zone in seashore ==> 海滨盐渍区
  1332. salinometer ==> 盐量计
  1333. saliva borne disease ==> 唾液传染疾病,T部不常用字头唾液传染疾病
  1334. salivary acid-base ==> 唾液酸碱,唾液酸碱
  1335. salivary canal ==> 唾道
  1336. salivary centre ==> 唾液中枢,唾液中枢
  1337. salivary chromosome map ==> 唾液腺染色体图,唾液腺染色体图
  1338. salivary corpuscle ==> 唾液小体,唾液小体
  1339. salivary digestion ==> 唾液消化,唾液消化
  1340. salivary duct ==> 唾管
  1341. salivary fistula ==> 涎瘘
  1342. salivary gland ==> 涎腺,唾腺,唾液腺,唾液腺
  1343. salivary gland chromosome ==> 唾腺染色体
  1344. salivary gland disease ==> 涎腺疾病
  1345. salivary gland hormone ==> 唾液腺激素,唾液腺激素
  1346. salivary gland injury ==> 涎腺损伤
  1347. salivary gland type pharyngeal mixed tumor ==> 咽涎腺型混合瘤
  1348. salivary gland virus ==> 涎腺病毒
  1349. salivary maltase ==> 唾液麦芽糖酶,唾液麦芽糖酶
  1350. salivary meatus ==> 唾道
  1351. salivary pump ==> 唾泵
  1352. salivary reservoir ==> 贮唾囊
  1353. salivo-sudoriparous syndrome ==> 涎腺出汗综合征
  1354. Salix xerophila ==> 崖柳
  1355. Salk Institute for Biological Studies ==> 索尔克生物研究院
  1356. sallow face ==> 脸色焦黄
  1357. sally port ==> 突破口,太平门
  1358. SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring ==> 单锚停泊
  1359. salmic acid ==> 鲑红酸
  1360. salmon ==> 鲑鱼,大麻哈鱼=>サーモン
  1361. salmon brick ==> 低质红砖,欠火砖
  1362. salmon oil ==> 鲑鱼油
  1363. Salmonella georgia ==> 佐治亚沙门氏菌
  1364. Salmonella hirschfeldii ==> 希氏沙门氏菌
  1365. salmonella infection ==> 沙门氏菌感染
  1366. Salmonella luciana ==> 琉喜安沙门氏菌
  1367. Salmonella manila ==> 马尼拉沙门氏菌
  1368. Salmonella matadi ==> 马塔迪沙门氏菌
  1369. Salmonella matopeni ==> 马妥潘尼沙门氏菌
  1370. Salmonella newport ==> 新港沙门氏菌
  1371. Salmonella singapore ==> 新加坡沙门氏菌
  1372. Salomon test ==> 梅毒血清试验
  1373. Salonica fever ==> 战壕热
  1374. saloon ==> 轿车(美作:sedan)
  1375. salopette ==> 作業着
  1376. Salpeter process ==> 沙尔皮特过程
  1377. salpingopalatine fold ==> 咽鼓管腭襞
  1378. salpingopharyngeal fold ==> 咽鼓管咽襞
  1379. Salsola sinkiangensis ==> 新疆猪毛菜
  1380. salt ==> 盐=>食塩
  1381. salt & pepper set ==> 椒面缸
  1382. salt accumulation ==> 盐分积累
  1383. salt addition ==> 塩添加
  1384. salt additives ==> 塩添加物
  1385. salt air ==> 潮風
  1386. salt air heat exchanger ==> 盐空气热交换器
  1387. salt and pepper sand ==> 杂灰色沙
  1388. salt antichinal trap ==> 盐背斜圈闭
  1389. salt atmosphere ==> 盐雾
  1390. salt balance ==> 盐分平衡
  1391. salt bath ==> 盐浴
  1392. salt bath brazing ==> 盐浴钎焊
  1393. salt bath furnace ==> 盐溶炉
  1394. salt bath hardening ==> 盐浴淬火
  1395. salt bed ==> 盐床
  1396. salt block ==> 盐块,盐砖
  1397. salt bond ==> 盐键
  1398. salt brick ==> 盐砖
  1399. salt bridge ==> 盐桥
  1400. salt cake ==> 芒硝
  1401. salt cake glass ==> 硫酸盐玻璃
  1402. salt cake pan ==> 芒硝锅
  1403. salt cake roaster ==> 芒硝炉
  1404. salt cake rotary screen ==> 芒硝回转筛
  1405. salt chuck ==> 盐水原木池
  1406. salt content ==> 含盐量
  1407. salt content of crude oil ==> 原油含盐量
  1408. salt corrosion ==> 盐腐蚀
  1409. salt crust ==> 盐结度
  1410. salt damage ==> 盐害
  1411. salt deficient dehydration ==> 缺盐性脱水
  1412. salt deficit ==> 缺盐
  1413. salt dehydration ==> 岩盐脱水法
  1414. salt depletion syndrome ==> 缺盐综合征
  1415. salt deposite density ==> 塩分付着密度
  1416. salt desert ==> 盐漠
  1417. salt detector ==> 盐分探测器
  1418. salt diapir ==> 盐刺穿,盐丘,底辟盐丘
  1419. salt diapirism ==> 盐底辟(作用)
  1420. salt dissolving tank ==> 化盐桶
  1421. salt dome ==> 盐丘
  1422. salt door ==> 泥渣孔
  1423. salt effect ==> 盐效应
  1424. salt efflorescence ==> 盐霜
  1425. salt endurance ==> 耐盐度
  1426. salt exclasion ==> 除盐
  1427. salt extract ==> 盐渍提液
  1428. salt farm ==> 盐场
  1429. salt field ==> 盐场
  1430. salt figure ==> 盐值
  1431. salt filled exhaust valve ==> 盐冷排气阀
  1432. salt finger structure ==> 盐指构造
  1433. salt flowers ==> 冰花
  1434. salt form of ion-exchanger ==> 盐形离子交换剂
  1435. salt furnace ==> 煮盐锅
  1436. salt garden ==> 盐池
  1437. salt gauge ==> 盐水比重计
  1438. salt gland ==> 盐腺
  1439. salt glaze ==> 盐釉,盐釉
  1440. salt glazed stoneware ==> 盐釉炻器
  1441. salt glazing ==> 盐釉
  1442. salt grainer ==> 成盐蒸发器
  1443. salt ground ==> 撒盐地
  1444. salt hardening ==> 盐浴淬火
  1445. salt hopper ==> 盐斗
  1446. salt hydrate ==> 盐合水
  1447. salt ice ==> 盐冰
  1448. salt incrustation ==> 盐结皮
  1449. salt index ==> 盐分指标,盐值,含盐指数
  1450. salt injury ==> 盐害
  1451. salt inspectorate ==> 盐务稽核所
  1452. salt lake ==> 盐湖,含盐湖
  1453. salt lick ==> 盐碱地
  1454. salt lime ==> 硫酸钙
  1455. salt liquor ==> 盐水
  1456. salt marsh ==> 盐碱滩,盐土沼泽
  1457. salt marsh hay ==> 盐土沼泽地干草
  1458. salt meadow ==> 盐土草原
  1459. salt metabolism ==> 盐代谢,盐类代谢
  1460. salt meter ==> 盐浮计
  1461. salt mine ==> 盐矿
  1462. salt mist ==> 盐雾
  1463. salt mist resistant ==> 防盐性,耐盐雾
  1464. salt of lemery ==> 硫酸钾
  1465. salt of life ==> 生きがい
  1466. salt of organic acid ==> 有机酸盐
  1467. salt of tartar ==> 碳酸钾
  1468. salt of weak acid ==> 弱酸盐
  1469. salt oven ==> 煮盐锅
  1470. salt pan ==> 盐锅,盐田
  1471. salt pit ==> 盐井,采盐矿
  1472. salt plant ==> 盐土植物
  1473. salt playa ==> 干盐湖
  1474. salt plug ==> 盐栓,盐柱
  1475. salt poisoning ==> 食盐中毒
  1476. salt pollution ==> 盐污染
  1477. salt pond ==> 盐池
  1478. salt prism ==> 石盐棱镜
  1479. salt producer ==> 盐商
  1480. salt rack ==> (家畜)食盐架
  1481. salt rampart ==> 盐障
  1482. salt regulation ==> 盐分调节
  1483. salt resistive insulator ==> 耐盐绝缘子
  1484. salt respiration ==> 盐呼吸
  1485. salt retention ==> 盐潴留
  1486. salt rock ==> 岩盐
  1487. salt rust ==> 盐霜
  1488. salt screen ==> 荧光屏
  1489. salt sensitiveness ==> 盐分敏感性
  1490. salt setting tank ==> 盐沉清器
  1491. salt settler ==> 盐沉清器
  1492. salt sick ==> 盐病
  1493. salt slurry ==> 盐泥
  1494. salt soil ==> 盐性土
  1495. salt solustion mehtod ==> 盐溶液法
  1496. salt solution ==> 盐溶液
  1497. salt spray ==> 盐沫
  1498. salt spray corrosion test ==> 盐喷腐蚀试验
  1499. salt spray fog corrosion ==> 盐雾腐蚀
  1500. salt spray test ==> 盐雾[腐蚀]试验,盐水喷雾(耐蚀)试验,盐雾试验,喷盐试验
  1501. salt spreader ==> 盐粒撒布器=>塩散布機
  1502. salt spring ==> 盐泉
  1503. salt status ==> 盐分状况
  1504. salt steppe ==> 盐土干草原,盐渍草原
  1505. salt stock ==> 盐株
  1506. salt swamp ==> 盐土沼泽
  1507. salt system ==> 盐系统
  1508. salt tax ==> 盐税
  1509. salt tolerance ==> 耐盐度
  1510. salt tolerant ==> 耐盐性的
  1511. salt water ==> 盐水
  1512. salt water circulating pump ==> 盐水循环泵
  1513. salt water immersion test ==> 盐水浸溃试验
  1514. salt water lake ==> 咸水湖
  1515. salt water pollution ==> 海水污染
  1516. salt water sanitary pump ==> 海水卫生泵
  1517. salt water soap ==> 海水用肥皂
  1518. salt wedge ==> 盐水楔
  1519. salt well ==> 盐井
  1520. salt wind ==> 海风
  1521. salt-affected soil ==> 盐渍土壤
  1522. salt-bath brazing ==> 盐槽焊接
  1523. salt-bath chromizing ==> 盐浴渗铬
  1524. salt-bath descaling ==> 盐浴除鳞
  1525. salt-bath electric furnace ==> 盐浴电炉
  1526. salt-bath furnace ==> 盐浴炉
  1527. salt-bath hardening ==> 盐浴淬火
  1528. salt-bath hardening furnace ==> 盐浴淬火炉
  1529. salt-bath heat treatment ==> 盐浴热处理
  1530. salt-bath patenting ==> 盐浴索氏体化处理
  1531. salt-bath quenching ==> 盐浴淬火
  1532. salt-bath sintering ==> 盐浴烧结
  1533. salt-bath tempering furnace ==> 盐浴回火炉
  1534. salt-bearing rock ==> 含盐类岩石
  1535. salt-depletion hyponatremia syndrome ==> 少盐低钠血性综合征
  1536. salt-enduring species ==> 耐盐种
  1537. salt-fever ==> 食盐热
  1538. salt-fog ==> 盐雾
  1539. salt-free ==> 无盐的
  1540. salt-free diet ==> 无盐饮食
  1541. salt-glazed brick ==> 盐釉瓷砖,盐釉砖
  1542. salt-glazed tile ==> 盐釉面砖,盐釉瓦
  1543. salt-hunger ==> 盐饥饿
  1544. salt-laden atmosphere ==> 含盐大气
  1545. salt-mixture ==> 混合盐
  1546. salt-obligate species ==> 需盐种
  1547. salt-resistance ==> 抗盐性
  1548. salt-resistive insulator ==> 耐盐绝缘子
  1549. salt-secreting gland ==> 盐腺
  1550. salt-spray climax ==> 盐雾演替顶级
  1551. salt-starved animal ==> 缺盐家畜
  1552. salt-treated runway ==> 撒盐跑道
  1553. salt-water encroachment ==> 盐水入侵,海水倒灌
  1554. salt-water lock ==> 防咸水闸
  1555. salt-water-service pump ==> 盐水泵
  1556. saltation ash ==> 沉降灰,炉膛内可燃混合物发生爆炸时炉内气体压力瞬时剧增,所产生的爆炸力超过结构强度而造成向外爆破的事故。
  1557. saltation load ==> 调跃负载,跃移质
  1558. saltation point ==> 沉积点
  1559. saltation theory ==> 跳躍説
  1560. saltation velocity ==> (泥沙的)跃移速度
  1561. saltatory conduction ==> 跳跃传导=>跳躍伝導
  1562. saltatory evolution ==> 跳跃进化
  1563. saltatory movement ==> 跳躍運動
  1564. saltatory replication ==> 跳跃复制
  1565. salted and dried plum ==> 梅脯,白梅
  1566. salted and fermented soya paste ==> 黄酱
  1567. salted butter ==> 盐味黄油
  1568. salted fish ==> 腌鱼
  1569. salted meat ==> 腌肉
  1570. salted weapon ==> 加料武器
  1571. Salter's lines ==> 生长线
  1572. salting liquid ==> 盐溶液
  1573. salting liquor ==> 盐汁
  1574. salting out ==> 盐析
  1575. salting out method ==> 盐析法
  1576. salting out tank ==> 脱盐槽
  1577. salting point ==> 盐析浓度
  1578. salting-out ==> 加盐分离
  1579. salting-out agent ==> 盐析剂
  1580. salting-out chromatography ==> 盐析色谱法
  1581. salting-out effect ==> 盐析效应
  1582. salting-out electrolyte ==> 盐析电解质
  1583. salting-out elution chromatography ==> 盐析洗脱色谱
  1584. salting-out evaporator ==> 析盐蒸发器
  1585. salting-out of solvent ==> 溶剂的盐析
  1586. salting-out paper chromatography ==> 盐析纸色谱
  1587. saltpeter earth ==> 硝石土
  1588. saltwash member ==> 盐洗段
  1589. salty basin ==> 盐斑
  1590. salty soil ==> 盐渍土,含盐土壤
  1591. salty taste ==> 咸味
  1592. salty wind damage ==> 盐风灾害
  1593. saluting gun ==> 鸣放礼炮所用的炮
  1594. salvage ==> 打捞,救捞,抢救,海上救难,废料=>海難救助,救出,救助,サルベイジ,サルベージ
  1595. salvage agreement ==> 救助协议,救助协议=>海難救助契約
  1596. salvage apparatus ==> 救命器
  1597. salvage appliances ==> 海難救助用具
  1598. salvage archaeology ==> 救出考古学
  1599. salvage award ==> 救助报酬,救助报酬
  1600. salvage boat ==> 救生艇
  1601. salvage by voluntary action ==> 自愿救助
  1602. salvage charge ==> 海難救助料
  1603. salvage charges ==> 海上打捞费
  1604. salvage chemotherapy ==> 救助療法,救援化学療法
  1605. salvage company ==> 海难救援公司=>海難救助会社
  1606. salvage contract ==> 海難救助契約
  1607. salvage corporation ==> 救助会社
  1608. salvage corps ==> 火災救出隊,救難隊
  1609. salvage cost ==> 救济费,救济费,利旧费=>サルベージ費用
  1610. salvage crew ==> 救難作業員
  1611. salvage cutting ==> 拯救伐
  1612. salvage department ==> 废料利用车间,废物利用部门
  1613. salvage felling ==> 拯救伐
  1614. salvage lifting vessel ==> 打捞救生船
  1615. salvage loss ==> 救助损失,救助损失,海难救助损害,海难抢救损失,残值下降损失
  1616. salvage material ==> 回収材料
  1617. salvage money ==> 救助报酬,救助报酬,救难费,救难费=>救助料金
  1618. salvage note ==> 用途変更許可書
  1619. salvage of a ship ==> 船体の引き揚げ
  1620. salvage of casting ==> 铸件修补
  1621. salvage of plant and equipment ==> 厂房和设备残值
  1622. salvage of waste material ==> 废品回收
  1623. salvage operation ==> 海难救助作业,救助作业,救助作业
  1624. salvage point ==> 废品收集处
  1625. salvage procedure ==> 打捞作业
  1626. salvage proceeds ==> 救助收入,救助收入
  1627. salvage pump ==> 救助泵,救助泵,应急排水泵
  1628. salvage retailers ==> 废品市场
  1629. salvage shop ==> 废物综合利用工厂,三废综合利用工厂,修理厂
  1630. salvage sinking-fund ==> 残值偿债基金
  1631. salvage station ==> 废品收购站
  1632. salvage stores ==> 残余物料
  1633. salvage sump ==> (炼油厂下水道的)石油捕集器
  1634. salvage synthesis ==> 补救合成
  1635. salvage trailer ==> 金属废料运输拖车,运金属屑用拖车
  1636. salvage value ==> 处理价值,折余值,废物利用率,残余价值,可挽救价值
  1637. salvaged lining ==> 废炉衬
  1638. salvaged pipes ==> 旧管子,旧管子
  1639. salvaging ==> 船舶打捞,抢修工程,废品处理,废品废料处理,废物利用
  1640. salvaging casting ==> 焊补铸件
  1641. salvaging department ==> 废料利用车间
  1642. salve dressing ==> 软膏敷裹
  1643. salving vessel ==> 救援船,救援船
  1644. salvo breadth ==> 齐射扇面宽度
  1645. salvo point ==> 齐射目标
  1646. salvo release ==> 齐投
  1647. salvo signal ==> 齐射信号,翼次射信号
  1648. Salyout, USSR space station ==> 旧ソ連の宇宙ステーション
  1649. sam ==> 扫描式俄歇微型探针
  1650. SAM, Scanning with Active Microwaves ==> 能動的マイクロウェーブによる走査
  1651. SAM, Secure Application Module ==> SAM
  1652. SAM, self-assembled monolayer ==> 自己組織化単分子膜
  1653. SAM, stratospheric aerosol measurement ==> 成層圏エアロゾル計測
  1654. SAM, sun acquisition mode ==> 太陽捕捉モード
  1655. SAM, surface to air missile ==> 地対空ミサイル
  1656. SAM, system accounting model ==> システムアカウンティングモデル
  1657. samaric carbonate ==> 碳酸钐
  1658. samaric hydroxide ==> 氢氧化钐
  1659. samarium (Sm) ==> 钐,钐
  1660. samarium boride ==> 硼化钐
  1661. samarium carbide ==> 碳化钐
  1662. samarium nitride ==> 氮化钐
  1663. samarium oxide ==> 氧化钐
  1664. samarium poisoning ==> 钐中毒,反应堆运行时,热中子吸收截面较大的裂变产物毒物核素149Sm在堆内逐渐积累、吸收中子而引起反应性减少的现象
  1665. samarium silicate ==> 硅酸钐
  1666. samarium-cobalt magnet ==> 钐钴磁体=>サマリウムコバルト磁石
  1667. samarous chloride ==> 二氯化钐
  1668. SAMCEF ==> 法国有限元软件
  1669. same argument ==> 同理
  1670. same as blood ==> 营血
  1671. same broad soil groups ==> 相同的广土类
  1672. same change of magnitude in relative value ==> 相对价值的同样量的变化
  1673. same condition ==> 同等状态
  1674. same constant error ==> 相同固定误差
  1675. same cross ==> 同一个杂交组合
  1676. same day funds ==> 同日资金
  1677. same direction and proportion ==> 同方向同比例
  1678. same direction but in different proportions ==> 同方向不同比例
  1679. same distribution ==> 相同分布
  1680. same frequency broadcasting ==> 同一周波数放送
  1681. same labor exercised during equal periods of time ==> 同一劳动在同样时间内
  1682. same manner ==> 同样办法
  1683. same order ==> 同阶
  1684. same order bias estimators (SOBE) ==> 同阶有偏估计量
  1685. same position ==> 相同位置
  1686. same purpose as lime ==> 和石灰具有相同作用
  1687. same quality sample ==> 同品质样品
  1688. same sequence ==> 相同顺序
  1689. same system ==> 同系統
  1690. same type ==> 同型
  1691. same-phase horizontal antenna ==> 同相水平天线
  1692. same-phase vertical antenna ==> 同相垂直天线
  1693. same-size ratio ==> 等量比
  1694. samel brick ==> 半烧砖
  1695. samming machine ==> 均湿机,均湿机
  1696. samnos transistor ==> 自对准金属氮化物氧化物半导体晶体管
  1697. Samoa ==> 萨摩亚=>サモア
  1698. SAMOS program ==> 萨莫斯计划
  1699. SAMOS, satellite and missile observation satellite ==> 衛星ミサイル監視衛星
  1700. sample ==> 取样,样本,样品,样子,标本,试件=>試料
  1701. sample activity ==> 试件放射性
  1702. sample analyzer ==> 试样分析器
  1703. sample and hold ==> 样本及保存
  1704. sample and hold bridge ==> 抽样保持桥路
  1705. sample area ==> 样地面积,标准地
  1706. sample arithmetic mean ==> 样本算术均数
  1707. sample autocorrelation function ==> 样本自相关函数
  1708. sample average ==> 样本均值,样本平均值
  1709. sample averaging ==> 取样平均
  1710. sample board ==> 试样板
  1711. sample book ==> 样本
  1712. sample boring ==> 取样钻探
  1713. sample bottle ==> 样品瓶
  1714. sample brick ==> 样品砖
  1715. sample bulb ==> 样品瓶
  1716. sample can ==> 样品罐
  1717. sample canonical correlation coefficient ==> 样本标准相关系数
  1718. sample car ==> 陈列车
  1719. sample card ==> 样本卡片,样品卡
  1720. sample carrier ==> 试样容器
  1721. sample cell ==> 样品管,样品试池
  1722. sample census ==> 样本普查
  1723. sample central moment ==> 样本中心矩
  1724. sample central moments ==> 样本中心矩
  1725. sample certainty ==> 样本确定性
  1726. sample change compaction ==> 标样变更压缩
  1727. sample changer ==> 换样夹具,样品交换器
  1728. sample channels ratio(SCR) ==> 样品道比
  1729. sample characteristic value ==> 样本本征值,样本特征值
  1730. sample characteristics ==> 样本特征值
  1731. sample circuit ==> 幅度-脉冲变换电路,取样电路,量化电路,采样电路
  1732. sample coefficient ==> 样本系数
  1733. sample collection tube ==> 样品收集管
  1734. sample collector ==> 取样器,试样收集器
  1735. sample concentrator ==> 试样浓缩器
  1736. sample condensation ==> 试样冷凝
  1737. sample connection ==> 取样口
  1738. sample container ==> 试样容器
  1739. sample contamination ==> 试样污染
  1740. sample content ==> 样本含量
  1741. sample contract ==> 样品契约
  1742. sample correlation coefficient ==> 样本相关系数
  1743. sample correlation matrix ==> 样本相关矩阵,样本相关阵
  1744. sample covariance ==> 样本协方差
  1745. sample covariance coefficient ==> 样本协方差系数
  1746. sample covariance function ==> 样本协方差函数
  1747. sample covariance matrix ==> 样本协方差矩阵
  1748. sample data ==> 样本数据,抽样数据,采样数据
  1749. sample decile ==> 样本十分位数
  1750. sample degradation ==> 试样降解
  1751. sample design ==> 样本设计,样品设计
  1752. sample dilution method ==> 汁液样品稀释法
  1753. sample discount ==> 样品折扣
  1754. sample dispersion ==> 样本离差
  1755. sample distribution ==> 样本分布,样品分布,采样分布
  1756. sample distribution of mean ==> 样本均值分布
  1757. sample divider pass ==> 试样缩分
  1758. sample dot ==> 取样点
  1759. sample drawing ==> 样品图
  1760. sample drawn ==> 抽样
  1761. sample drilling ==> 取样钻进
  1762. sample edge ==> 取样边
  1763. sample error ==> 样本误差
  1764. sample evaporation ==> 试样汽化
  1765. sample expense ==> 样品费用
  1766. sample export ==> 样品出口,样品输出
  1767. sample fair ==> 样品展览会
  1768. sample fluctuation ==> 样本波动
  1769. sample for commercial coal ==> 商品煤样,代表商品煤平均性质的煤样
  1770. sample for reference ==> 参照样本
  1771. sample formation ==> サンプル構造
  1772. sample fractile ==> 样本分位数
  1773. sample fractiles ==> 样本分位,样本分位数
  1774. sample function ==> 样本函数=>標本関数
  1775. sample gear ==> 抽样齿轮
  1776. sample generator ==> 样本产生符
  1777. sample heat exchanger ==> 样品热交换器
  1778. sample hold ==> 样本保持=>サンプルホールド
  1779. sample hold circuit ==> 抽样维持电路=>サンプルホールド回路
  1780. sample household budgets ==> 样本住户收支
  1781. sample hunter ==> 样品商人
  1782. sample import ==> 見本輸入
  1783. sample importance function ==> 取样价值函数
  1784. sample in measurement ==> 样品测量
  1785. sample information ==> 样本信息
  1786. sample injection ==> 注射试样=>試料注入
  1787. sample injection port ==> 试样注射口
  1788. sample input ==> 样本输入,样本值输入,抽样输入
  1789. sample inquiry ==> 样本调查=>標本調査
  1790. sample inspection ==> 试件检验=>サンプル検査,抜き取り検査
  1791. sample interval ==> 采样时间间隔,采样间隔,取样间隔,取样时间间隔
  1792. sample introduction under pressure ==> 压力下进样
  1793. sample invoice ==> 样品发票
  1794. sample irradiation hole ==> 样品照射孔
  1795. sample level of significance ==> 样本显著性水平
  1796. sample light beam ==> 试样光束
  1797. sample line ==> 取样管线
  1798. sample log ==> 测井取样剖面,钻井取样记录
  1799. sample loom ==> 织样机
  1800. sample loop ==> 样品环管
  1801. sample loss ==> 试样损耗
  1802. sample making machine ==> 打样机
  1803. sample marking ==> 试样标记
  1804. sample mean ==> 试样平均值,采样平均值,取样平均值,样本均值,样本平均值,样品平均数
  1805. sample mean-square contingency ==> 样本均方或然性,样本均方列联
  1806. sample median ==> 样本中位数,样品中位数
  1807. sample merchant ==> 样品商人
  1808. sample mode ==> 抽样状态
  1809. sample mold ==> 试样模
  1810. sample moment ==> 样本矩
  1811. sample monitoring ==> 样本监督
  1812. sample multiple correlation coefficient ==> 样本多重相关系数
  1813. sample nozzle ==> 采样喷嘴
  1814. sample number ==> 采样号,抽样号码
  1815. sample observations ==> 样本观测值
  1816. sample of colour ==> 颜色样品
  1817. sample of existing goods ==> 现货样品
  1818. sample of no value ==> 免费货样
  1819. sample of signal ==> 信号取样
  1820. sample operating system ==> 样本操作系统
  1821. sample order ==> 样品订单,照样品定货
  1822. sample partial correlation coefficient ==> 样本偏相关系数
  1823. sample passers ==> 样品检查员
  1824. sample path length ==> 溶液厚度
  1825. sample path of power market price ==> 電力市場価格パスのサンプル
  1826. sample percentage ==> 样本百分比
  1827. sample percentiles ==> 样本百分位数
  1828. sample plan ==> 样本方案
  1829. sample plate ==> 样板
  1830. sample plot ==> 样地,试验地,标准地
  1831. sample point ==> 样本点,抽样点,取样点
  1832. sample polishing machine ==> 试样抛光机
  1833. sample post ==> 样本邮件
  1834. sample preparation ==> 样品制备,试样制备
  1835. sample pretreatment ==> 试样预处理
  1836. sample probability measure space ==> 样本概率测度空间
  1837. sample probe ==> 试样探针
  1838. sample production ==> 样本生产
  1839. sample program ==> 抽样程序
  1840. sample proportion ==> 样本比例
  1841. sample proportion of successes ==> 样本成功比例
  1842. sample pulse phase ==> 取样脉冲相位
  1843. sample quartering ==> 四分缩样法
  1844. sample quartiles ==> 样本四分位数
  1845. sample range ==> 样本范围,抽样范围
  1846. sample rate ==> 抽样率,样本率,采样速度
  1847. sample recovery ==> 试样回收
  1848. sample regression ==> 样品回归
  1849. sample regression function ==> 样本回归函数
  1850. sample rock container ==> 月球岩样贮存箱
  1851. sample room ==> 样品室
  1852. sample selection ==> 选样
  1853. sample selection rule ==> 样本抽选规则
  1854. sample significance level ==> 样本显著性水平
  1855. sample sink ==> 样品槽
  1856. sample size ==> 样本大小,样本量,样本容量,样品尺寸,样品数量=>試料サイズ
  1857. sample size code letter ==> 样本量字码
  1858. sample size in decision broblem ==> 决策问题中的样本容量,决策问题中的样本容量
  1859. sample size loss ==> 试样量损耗
  1860. sample size requirements ==> 样本容量要求
  1861. sample skein winder ==> 缕纱测长机
  1862. sample skewness coefficient ==> 样本偏斜系数
  1863. sample smear ==> 试样涂污
  1864. sample space ==> 取样空间,采样空间,样本空间=>標本空間
  1865. sample spectral function ==> 样本谱函数
  1866. sample spinner ==> 取样旋转器
  1867. sample splitter ==> 样品分离器,试样分流器
  1868. sample spoon ==> 取样勺
  1869. sample spot ==> 试样斑
  1870. sample standard deviation ==> 样本标准差,样本标准偏差,样品标准偏差
  1871. sample statistic ==> 样本统计量
  1872. sample streaker ==> 试样划痕器
  1873. sample strength ==> 样品强度
  1874. sample strip ==> 样带,采样带
  1875. sample survey ==> 样品鉴定,抽样调查,抽样检查,抽样检验
  1876. sample system minaturization ==> 取样系统小型化
  1877. sample taken at random ==> 任选样品
  1878. sample taker ==> 取样器
  1879. sample taking of aggregates ==> 骨料取样
  1880. sample tap ==> 取样口
  1881. sample temperature ==> 試料温度
  1882. sample test ==> 抽检
  1883. sample throughput ==> 试样处理量
  1884. sample time aperture ==> 抽样时间截口
  1885. sample time period (STP) ==> 取样期
  1886. sample time point ==> 样本时点
  1887. sample total ==> 样本总值
  1888. sample transfer operation ==> 试样转移操作
  1889. sample treatment ==> 样品处理
  1890. sample tree ==> 样本树,样木,取样树,标准木
  1891. sample trial ==> 样品试验
  1892. sample uncertainty ==> 取样不定性,抽样不定性
  1893. sample unit ==> 样本单位
  1894. sample value ==> 抽样值,取样值
  1895. sample valve ==> 进样阀
  1896. sample variance ==> 样本方差,采样方差
  1897. sample variance matrix ==> 样本方差矩阵
  1898. sample variance-covariance matrix ==> 样本方差协方差矩阵
  1899. sample variation ==> 样本变差
  1900. sample wafer ==> 样片
  1901. sample work piece ==> 样件
  1902. sample workpiece ==> 样品
  1903. sample, to ==> 標本化する
  1904. sample-and-hold amplifier ==> 取样与同步放大器
  1905. sample-and-hold circuit ==> 取样保持电路,取样维持电路
  1906. sample-and-hole technique ==> 取样保持技术
  1907. sample-hold ==> 取样保持
  1908. sample-out count ==> 本底测量
  1909. sampled analog computer ==> 抽样模拟计算机
  1910. sampled analog data ==> 抽样模拟数据
  1911. sampled analog(ue) data ==> 时间量化连续信息
  1912. sampled beam ==> 抽样射束,脉冲调制射束
  1913. sampled data ==> 取样数据
  1914. sampled data computer ==> 抽样数据计算机
  1915. sampled data control system ==> 抽样数据控制系统
  1916. sampled data filter ==> 取样数据滤波器
  1917. sampled data measurements ==> 样本数据量度
  1918. sampled data mode ==> 抽样数据方式
  1919. sampled data system ==> 抽样数据系统,取样数据系统
  1920. sampled grade ==> 试样品位
  1921. sampled offer ==> 附样报盘,附样品的发盘
  1922. sampled phase-locked loop ==> 取样锁相环
  1923. sampled population ==> 抽样总体
  1924. sampled region ==> 被抽中区域
  1925. sampled signal ==> 取样信号=>標本化信号
  1926. sampled threshold ==> 取样阀值
  1927. sampled value ==> 標本値
  1928. sampled well ==> 采样井
  1929. sampled-data control ==> 抽样数据控制=>サンプル値制御
  1930. sampled-data control system ==> 取样数据控制系统,数据采样控制系统=>サンプル値制御系
  1931. sampled-data polynomial ==> サンプル値多項式
  1932. sampled-data system ==> 数据取样系统,采样数据系统
  1933. sampler ==> 采样器,取样机,取样器,取样员,抽样机,快速转换器,样本检验员,样品检查员,选样器,采样器,机械采制样装置中采样部分,包括采样头及其传动机构
  1934. sampler barrel ==> 取样筒
  1935. sampler space ==> 取样空间
  1936. samples of many barn cleaner ==> 各式畜舍清扫机样品
  1937. sampletie ==> 氯磷钠铜矿
  1938. sampling ==> 采样,按规定方法采取有代表性煤样的过程,取样=>標本化,抜取り,SP
  1939. sampling action ==> 采样动作,采样作用,取样动作,脉冲作用
  1940. sampling analyzer panel ==> 取样分析仪表盘
  1941. sampling and analysis program ==> 取样分析程序
  1942. sampling and decontamination rooms ==> 取样及去污室
  1943. sampling aperture ==> 取样孔
  1944. sampling apparatus ==> 采样装置
  1945. sampling area ==> 取样区
  1946. sampling bag ==> 采样袋
  1947. sampling bench ==> 取样台
  1948. sampling boat ==> 取样舟,采样船
  1949. sampling bottle ==> 采样瓶,取样瓶
  1950. sampling by classification ==> 分类抽样
  1951. sampling by electrostatic precipitation ==> 静电集尘法采样
  1952. sampling by filtration ==> 过滤采样
  1953. sampling by impaction ==> 撞击取样
  1954. sampling by thermal precipitation ==> 热沉淀法取样
  1955. sampling by water displacement ==> 水置换法取样
  1956. sampling cabinet ==> 取样箱
  1957. sampling circuit ==> 抽样电路,取样电路,幅度-脉冲变换电路
  1958. sampling clock ==> 取样钟
  1959. sampling cock ==> 取样旋塞
  1960. sampling collection ==> 样品取集
  1961. sampling condition ==> 取样条件
  1962. sampling configuration ==> 采样模式
  1963. sampling control ==> 取样控制
  1964. sampling controller ==> 抽样控制器,采样控制器
  1965. sampling cooler ==> 取样冷却器
  1966. sampling core ==> 中心取样
  1967. sampling correlator ==> 抽样相关器
  1968. sampling cup ==> 取样杯
  1969. sampling density ==> 采样密度
  1970. sampling depth ==> 采样井深
  1971. sampling detector ==> 取样传感器
  1972. sampling distortion ==> 取样畸变=>標本化ひずみ
  1973. sampling distribution ==> 采样分布,取样分布,抽样分布,标本分布
  1974. sampling distribution of sample mean ==> 样本平均值的抽样分布
  1975. sampling distribution of the statistic ==> 统计量的抽样分布
  1976. sampling disturbance ==> 取样扰动
  1977. sampling electrode ==> 取样电极
  1978. sampling element ==> 采样元件
  1979. sampling equipment ==> 取样设备
  1980. sampling error ==> 取样误差,抽样误差,采样误差
  1981. sampling facility ==> 采样器
  1982. sampling fraction ==> 取样率
  1983. sampling frequency ==> 采样周期,在模数转换器中采样时间间隔的倒数=>サンプリング周波数,標本化周波数
  1984. sampling function ==> 采样函数
  1985. sampling gate ==> 取样门
  1986. sampling hole ==> 测孔
  1987. sampling inspection ==> 抽样检查,抽样检验,取样检查=>抜取検査
  1988. sampling inspection by attribute ==> 计数取样检验
  1989. sampling inspection by variable ==> 计量取样检验
  1990. sampling inspection for continuous production ==> 连续生产型抽样检验
  1991. sampling inspection plan ==> 抽样检查方案
  1992. sampling inspection with adjustment ==> 调整型抽样检验
  1993. sampling inspection with screening ==> 挑选型抽样检验
  1994. sampling instant ==> 采样时间
  1995. sampling instrument ==> 取样器,采样工具,采样所用的符合规定要求的工具
  1996. sampling interval ==> 采样间隔,抽样间隔,抽样区间
  1997. sampling interval time ==> 取样间隔时间
  1998. sampling kit ==> 取样全套工具
  1999. sampling line ==> 取样管线
  2000. sampling location ==> 取样点,采样位置,采样现场
  2001. sampling machine ==> 制样机,切布样机
  2002. sampling mean ==> 样本平均值
  2003. sampling mechanism ==> 观测机构,取样机构
  2004. sampling mesh ==> 采样网格
  2005. sampling method ==> 取样统计法
  2006. sampling mill ==> 采样磨机
  2007. sampling mold ==> 取样模
  2008. sampling network ==> 信号取样网络
  2009. sampling normal distribution ==> 抽样正态分布
  2010. sampling nozzle ==> 取样喷嘴
  2011. sampling observation ==> 取样检查
  2012. sampling of aerosol ==> 气溶胶采样
  2013. sampling of aggregates ==> 骨料取样
  2014. sampling of alluvial sediments ==> 冲积物采样
  2015. sampling of attributes ==> 属性抽样
  2016. sampling of auto exhaust ==> 汽车排气取样
  2017. sampling of soil values ==> 土壤值采样
  2018. sampling oscilloscope ==> 取样示波器,采样示波器=>サンプリングオシロスコープ
  2019. sampling outlet ==> 取样出口
  2020. sampling parametric computation ==> 采样
  2021. sampling period ==> 采样周期,抽样周期,周期性采样控制系统中两次采样之间的时间间隔=>サンプリング周期
  2022. sampling plan ==> 抽样方案,取样方案
  2023. sampling plan by attributes ==> 品质抽样方案
  2024. sampling plan of coal seam ==> 煤层取样平面图
  2025. sampling plotter ==> 取样标绘器
  2026. sampling point ==> 采样点
  2027. sampling points ==> 標本点
  2028. sampling port ==> 采样口
  2029. sampling position ==> 采样地点
  2030. sampling probe ==> 采样探头
  2031. sampling procedure ==> 取样步骤
  2032. sampling process ==> 取样过程,取值过程,抽样过程,采样方法,采样过程
  2033. sampling process value ==> 采样过程数值
  2034. sampling program ==> 采样程序
  2035. sampling property ==> 抽样性质
  2036. sampling pulse ==> 抽样脉冲
  2037. sampling pulse generator ==> 取样脉冲发生器,抽样脉冲发生器
  2038. sampling pulse leakage ==> 標本化パルス漏えい
  2039. sampling pulse width ==> 取样脉冲宽度
  2040. sampling rate ==> 取样比,取样率,取样频率,取样速率,取值速率,抽样速率,采样比,采样率,采样速度=>サンプリング速度
  2041. sampling ratio ==> 抽样比
  2042. sampling room ==> 取样室
  2043. sampling scheme without replacement ==> 不放回抽样方式
  2044. sampling scope ==> 取样示波器
  2045. sampling servo-mechanism ==> 取样伺服机构
  2046. sampling servomechanism ==> 采样伺服机构
  2047. sampling servosystem ==> 采样伺服系统
  2048. sampling sink ==> 取样水槽
  2049. sampling site ==> 采样点
  2050. sampling spark chamber ==> 取样火花室
  2051. sampling spoon ==> 取样环刀
  2052. sampling stand ==> 采样架
  2053. sampling station ==> 采样站,监测站
  2054. sampling statistics ==> 样本统计量
  2055. sampling survey method ==> 抽样调查法
  2056. sampling switch ==> 抽样变换器,取样变换器,取样转换器,换向开关
  2057. sampling synchronization pulse ==> 取样同步脉冲
  2058. sampling system ==> 采样系统,取样系统,抽样系统,进样法,进样系统,采样系统
  2059. sampling system of reactor ==> 反应堆取样系统,从一回路主、辅系统选定的取样点以及蒸汽发生器排污水中取得液体和气体样品进行分析的系统
  2060. sampling target ==> 取样靶
  2061. sampling technique ==> 采样技术
  2062. sampling techniques ==> 抽样技术
  2063. sampling test ==> 取样试验,抽样试验=>抜取試験
  2064. sampling theorem ==> 采样原则,抽样定理,采样定理=>標本化定理
  2065. sampling theorem in the frequency domain ==> 频域采样定理
  2066. sampling theory ==> 采样理论,抽样理论=>サンプリングの定理
  2067. sampling thickness ==> 采样厚度
  2068. sampling thief ==> 采样器
  2069. sampling time ==> 采样时间,抽样时间,取样时间=>サンプリング時間
  2070. sampling tool and equipment ==> 采样用品
  2071. sampling turntable ==> 取样转盘
  2072. sampling type ==> 采样种类
  2073. sampling unit ==> 采样单元,为了控制采样的数量,以一定量单一品种的煤作为一个相对独立的考察对象
  2074. sampling valve ==> 取样阀,采样阀
  2075. sampling valve indicator ==> 取样指示计
  2076. sampling vertical ==> 取样垂线
  2077. sampling voltage ==> 取样电压
  2078. sampling voltmeter ==> 取样伏特计
  2079. sampling waste ==> 采样废水
  2080. sampling well ==> 取样井
  2081. sampling with replacement ==> 退还抽样,放回抽样,有退还抽样
  2082. sampling without replacement ==> 无退还抽样,不回置抽样,不重复抽样
  2083. samplingcomponent ==> 采样元件,在装置中以特定时间观察输入变量值并将其转换成采样输出变量的器件或组件
  2084. SAMPS, science & application manned space platform ==> 科学的及び実用有人宇宙プラットフォーム
  2085. Sampson's cyst ==> 巧克力样囊肿
  2086. Samson post ==> 起重柱
  2087. Samsung mobile display ==> 三星移动显示器
  2088. Samuel Insull ==> 萨穆埃尔·因苏尔
  2089. San Andreas fault ==> (美国)圣安德列斯断层
  2090. San Francisco virus ==> 旧金山病毒,旧金山病毒
  2091. San Jose ==> 圣荷塞
  2092. sanatorium treatment ==> 疗养院疗法
  2093. sanatron circuit ==> 窄脉冲多谐振荡电路
  2094. sanctuary game refuge ==> 禁猎区
  2095. sand ==> 模砂,砂,沙
  2096. sand (re)conditioning ==> 旧砂处理,旧砂处理
  2097. sand (storage) case ==> 砂箱
  2098. sand additions ==> 型砂加入剂
  2099. sand aerator ==> 破砂机
  2100. sand and gravel concrete ==> 砂砾石混凝土
  2101. sand and gravel dredge(r) ==> 砂石挖掘船
  2102. sand and gravel overlay ==> 沙砾覆盖层
  2103. sand and gravel trap ==> 沉沙砾池
  2104. sand and slag inclusions ==> 夹砂与含渣
  2105. sand and storm ==> 暴风沙
  2106. sand apron ==> 砂裙
  2107. sand asphalt ==> 地沥青砂
  2108. sand asphalt mixture ==> 地沥青砂浆
  2109. sand auger ==> 尘旋
  2110. sand bag ==> 沙袋
  2111. sand bar ==> 河口沙洲
  2112. sand basin ==> 沉沙池
  2113. sand bath ==> 砂浴,沙浴疗法
  2114. sand bath tempering ==> 砂浴回火
  2115. sand bearing wind ==> 带沙风
  2116. sand bed ==> 砂床,砂垫层,沙层
  2117. sand bed germinator ==> 砂床催芽器
  2118. sand bedding ==> 铺砂层
  2119. sand bedding course ==> 砂垫层
  2120. sand belt ==> 抛光带
  2121. sand bin ==> 贮砂斗
  2122. sand binder ==> 型砂粘合剂
  2123. sand bit ==> 采砂坑
  2124. sand blast ==> 喷砂,喷砂器
  2125. sand blast cleaning ==> 喷丸清理
  2126. sand blast finish ==> 喷砂饰面
  2127. sand blast hose ==> 喷砂胶管
  2128. sand blast test ==> 喷砂试验
  2129. sand blaster ==> 喷砂机
  2130. sand blasting ==> 吹沙磨蚀作用
  2131. sand blasting machine ==> 喷砂清理机
  2132. sand blasting process ==> 喷砂工序
  2133. sand blasting unit ==> 喷砂装置
  2134. sand blender ==> 松砂机,混砂设备
  2135. sand blister ==> 砂泡,轮胎起泡
  2136. sand blower ==> 喷砂器,喷砂装置
  2137. sand blowing ==> 喷砂打光
  2138. sand boil ==> 喷水冒砂,冒水翻沙,砂涌
  2139. sand bond ==> 型砂强度
  2140. sand box ==> 砂箱
  2141. sand box strainer ==> 砂箱滤器
  2142. sand break ==> 田间沙地
  2143. sand bucket ==> 砂桶
  2144. sand buckle ==> 铸件起皮
  2145. sand burning ==> 烧结砂
  2146. sand burrowing ==> 掘沙的,掘沙的
  2147. sand bypassing ==> 输沙设施
  2148. sand cake ==> 泥芯块
  2149. sand cap ==> 防尘罩
  2150. sand carrier ==> 运砂船
  2151. sand carrier with grab bucket ==> 带抓斗运砂船
  2152. sand cast ==> 砂铸
  2153. sand cast finish ==> 砂模铸件处理
  2154. sand casting ==> 砂模铸造,砂型铸造
  2155. sand casting process ==> 砂型铸造法
  2156. sand cay ==> 小沙洲
  2157. sand cherry (Prunus pumila) ==> 沙樱
  2158. sand classifier ==> 砂子分级器
  2159. sand clay ==> 砂土,砂粘土
  2160. sand clay base ==> 砂粘土地基
  2161. sand clay loam ==> 砂质粘壤土
  2162. sand clay road ==> 砂土路
  2163. sand cleaner ==> 喷砂清洁器,喷砂式清洁器
  2164. sand cleaning ==> 喷砂清理
  2165. sand cloth ==> 砂布
  2166. sand coarse aggregate ratio ==> 砂石比
  2167. sand coating ==> 型砂覆膜
  2168. sand colic ==> 砂砾性疝痛
  2169. sand collar ==> 防尘垫圈
  2170. sand column ==> 砂桩
  2171. sand compaction ==> 型砂紧实度
  2172. sand compaction pile method ==> 砂桩加固法
  2173. sand conditioner ==> 型砂配制机
  2174. sand conditioning ==> 型砂处理,型砂制备
  2175. sand conditioning machine ==> 旧砂处理机,旧砂处理机
  2176. sand cone method ==> 灌砂法,砂锥法
  2177. sand container ==> 砂箱
  2178. sand control ==> 砂盘调度,砂子管理,型砂控制,型砂质量调整
  2179. sand conveyance ==> 型砂运送
  2180. sand cooler ==> 砂冷却器,旧砂冷却器,旧砂冷却器
  2181. sand cooling ==> 砂冷
  2182. sand cooling equipment ==> 旧砂冷却装置,旧砂冷却装置
  2183. sand core ==> 砂芯,砂型芯,泥芯
  2184. sand count ==> 砂层总厚的确定
  2185. sand course ==> 沙地试验路线
  2186. sand crab (Emerita analoga) ==> 沙蟹
  2187. sand cracking ==> 砂子裂解
  2188. sand crusher ==> 砂块破碎机,研砂机
  2189. sand crystal ==> 砂晶
  2190. sand culture ==> 砂耕,砂培,沙基培养
  2191. sand cushion ==> 砂垫层,沙垫层
  2192. sand cut ==> 冲砂
  2193. sand cutter ==> 碎砂机
  2194. sand cutting ==> 松砂,拌砂
  2195. sand cutting and screening machinery ==> 调砂及筛砂机
  2196. sand cutting machine ==> 拌砂机
  2197. sand cutting-over ==> 拌砂
  2198. sand cylinder ==> 研磨筒
  2199. sand density ==> 型砂比重,型砂密度
  2200. sand desert soil ==> 砂质漠壤土
  2201. sand devil ==> 沙暴,尘旋
  2202. sand dike ==> 砂岩墙
  2203. sand disk(-sc) ==> 抛光圆盘
  2204. sand dollar ==> 沙钱
  2205. sand dome ==> 沙穹
  2206. sand drain ==> 砂井
  2207. sand drain method ==> 砂井排水法
  2208. sand drain vacuum method ==> (用以加固地基)砂井真空排水法
  2209. sand dredge(r) ==> 挖砂船
  2210. sand drier ==> 烘砂器
  2211. sand drift ==> 沙堆,沙流
  2212. sand drop ==> 掉砂
  2213. sand dry ==> 脱砂干燥
  2214. sand dryer ==> 烘砂滚筒,烘砂器
  2215. sand drying oven ==> 烘砂炉
  2216. sand dune ==> 沙丘
  2217. sand dune area ==> 沙荒
  2218. sand dune fixation ==> 沙丘固定
  2219. sand dune plant ==> 砂丘植物
  2220. sand edge ==> 型砂挡肋
  2221. sand ejector ==> 喷砂机
  2222. sand eliminator ==> 除沙设备
  2223. sand equivalent ==> 含沙当量
  2224. sand equivalent shaker ==> 在当量振动器
  2225. sand equivalent test ==> 含沙当量试验
  2226. sand erosion ==> 砂冲蚀
  2227. sand expansion ==> 砂子膨胀,型砂膨胀
  2228. sand expansion ratio ==> 砂膨涨比
  2229. sand explosion ==> (铸件表面的)砂眼
  2230. sand facing ==> 撒砂面
  2231. sand falsemallow (Malvastrum davidsoni) ==> 沙赛葵
  2232. sand feeder ==> 给砂机
  2233. sand fence ==> 砂栅
  2234. sand fill ==> 水砂充填
  2235. sand fill reclamation ==> 填砂围垦
  2236. sand filling ==> 填砂
  2237. sand filter ==> 砂滤池,砂滤器
  2238. sand filter bed ==> 砂滤床
  2239. sand filter blanket ==> 砂滤层
  2240. sand filtering ==> 砂路
  2241. sand filtration ==> 砂路
  2242. sand fineness ==> 砂子粒度,砂子平均粒度,砂子细度
  2243. sand finish ==> 砂饰面
  2244. sand flag ==> 细粒薄层砂岩
  2245. sand flat ==> 沙坪
  2246. sand flood ==> 沙洪
  2247. sand flotation ==> 砂浮法
  2248. sand flotation process ==> 尾砂浮选法
  2249. sand flow ==> 出砂,砂流,沙流
  2250. sand flowability ==> 型砂流动性
  2251. sand flushing ==> 冲沙
  2252. sand formulation ==> 型砂配方
  2253. sand frame ==> 箱圈
  2254. sand fusion ==> 粘砂,粘砂
  2255. sand gall ==> 沙管
  2256. sand glass ==> 砂玻璃,计时沙漏
  2257. sand grading ==> 砂子粒度分级
  2258. sand grading chart ==> 砂子颗粒组成图
  2259. sand grain ==> 砂粒,泥沙颗粒
  2260. sand grain distribution ==> 砂子粒度分布
  2261. sand grape ==> 沙地葡萄
  2262. sand grape (Vitis rupestris) ==> 沙葡萄
  2263. sand grind ==> 砂磨
  2264. sand grip ==> 砂箱内壁凸条,持砂条
  2265. sand handling equipment ==> 砂子输送设备
  2266. sand hardness ==> 砂型硬度
  2267. sand heap analogy ==> 堆沙模拟
  2268. sand hedge ==> 砂丘围护
  2269. sand hickory (Carya allida) ==> 沙山核桃
  2270. sand hill ==> 沙岗,沙丘
  2271. sand hole ==> 砂孔,砂眼
  2272. sand hole and inclusions ==> 砂眼及夹杂物
  2273. sand hopper ==> 砂斗,沙蚤
  2274. sand humidity ==> 型砂水分
  2275. sand in teeter ==> 悬浮砂
  2276. sand inclusion ==> 夹砂
  2277. sand interceptor ==> 截砂阱
  2278. sand ionization formula ==> 沙堆模型
  2279. sand island method ==> 砂岛法
  2280. sand jack ==> 砂箱千斤顶
  2281. sand jet ==> 喷砂,喷砂处理
  2282. sand kicker ==> 行走式砂处理机
  2283. sand kneader ==> 叶片式混砂机
  2284. sand la(u)nce (Ammodytes personatus) ==> 玉筋鱼
  2285. sand laboratory ==> 型砂试验室
  2286. sand launder ==> 砂槽
  2287. sand leach ==> 砂路
  2288. sand ledge ==> 砂箱内壁凸条
  2289. sand lens trap ==> 砂岩透镜体圈闭
  2290. sand lift ==> 扬砂管
  2291. sand limestone ==> 砂质灰岩
  2292. sand line ==> 捞砂绳
  2293. sand lining ==> 砂衬
  2294. sand load ==> 砂负载
  2295. sand loader ==> 装砂机
  2296. sand loam ==> 砂质壤土
  2297. sand lobe ==> 朵状砂体
  2298. sand lovegrass (Eragrostis trichodes) ==> 沙画眉草
  2299. sand lump ==> 砂块
  2300. sand lump breaking ==> 砂块破碎
  2301. sand lump crushing ==> 砂块破碎
  2302. sand mat ==> 砂垫层
  2303. sand match ==> 砂胎模
  2304. sand maturing ==> 型砂调匀,型砂回性,型砂熟化
  2305. sand method ==> 砂层积贮藏法
  2306. sand mill ==> 砂磨机
  2307. sand mist ==> 沙雾
  2308. sand mix ==> 型砂
  2309. sand mixer ==> 混砂机
  2310. sand mixing machine ==> 混砂机
  2311. sand mo(u)ld ==> 砂模,砂型
  2312. sand mo(u)ld pig iron ==> 砂型生铁
  2313. sand moisture content ==> 型砂水分
  2314. sand mold ==> 砂型
  2315. sand mould casting ==> 砂型铸造
  2316. sand mulling ==> 混砂
  2317. sand of storm ==> 风沙
  2318. sand outlet ==> 泄砂孔
  2319. sand pack ==> 砂袋
  2320. sand particle size ==> 砂粒形状
  2321. sand patch ==> 沙斑
  2322. sand patch method ==> 铺砂法
  2323. sand pattern ==> 砂制模型
  2324. sand pear (Pyrus serotina) ==> 沙梨
  2325. sand penetration ==> 粘砂,粘砂
  2326. sand permeability ==> 砂粒渗透性,型砂透气性
  2327. sand phxiemoss (Pyxidanthera barbulata) ==> 沙盖花
  2328. sand pile ==> 砂桩,沙堆
  2329. sand pillar ==> 沙卷
  2330. sand pin ==> 铸型用销钉
  2331. sand pipe ==> 撒砂管,沙管
  2332. sand pit ==> 砂坑,采砂场
  2333. sand plain ==> 沙原
  2334. sand plant ==> 采砂场
  2335. sand plow ==> 刮砂板
  2336. sand plug ==> 沙塞
  2337. sand pond ==> 磨料粉砂沉积池
  2338. sand porosity ==> 型砂空隙度
  2339. sand post oak (Quercus stellata var・araneosa) ==> 沙生星毛栎
  2340. sand precoating ==> 型砂覆膜
  2341. sand preparation ==> 型砂制备
  2342. sand preparation plant ==> 砂处理装置
  2343. sand preparing machine ==> 砂处理设备
  2344. sand preparing system ==> 砂处理系统
  2345. sand prevention ==> 防砂
  2346. sand producer ==> 出砂油井
  2347. sand producing formation ==> 出砂地层
  2348. sand product ==> 砂质产品
  2349. sand production ==> 出砂
  2350. sand projection machine ==> 抛砂机
  2351. sand protecting plantation ==> 防沙林
  2352. sand pulp ==> 砂浆
  2353. sand pump ==> 砂泵,泥砂泵,扬砂泵,抽砂泵,出泥筒=>サンドポンプ
  2354. sand pump dredger ==> 砂泵采掘船,泵沙挖泥船
  2355. sand quarry ==> 采砂场
  2356. sand rammer ==> 捣固机,气动冲砂器,气动砂冲子,抛砂机型砂捣击锤
  2357. sand reclamation ==> 型砂再生
  2358. sand recycle system ==> 砂子循环系统
  2359. sand reef ==> 砂洲
  2360. sand removal ==> 冲砂
  2361. sand remover ==> 除砂器
  2362. sand replacement method ==> 灌砂法,换砂法
  2363. sand ribbon ==> 沙带
  2364. sand riddle ==> 砂筛
  2365. sand ridge ==> 沙波,沙丘线
  2366. sand ripple ==> 沙面波纹
  2367. sand road ==> 砂路
  2368. sand roll ==> 软面轧辊
  2369. sand roller mill ==> 碾轮式混砂机
  2370. sand running-down ==> 砂土流失
  2371. sand sagebrush (Artemisia filifolia) ==> 沙蒿
  2372. sand sampler ==> 采砂器
  2373. sand scale ==> 砂垢
  2374. sand screen ==> 筛砂器
  2375. sand scrubber ==> 旧砂干法清洗装置
  2376. sand sea ==> 纯砂沙漠
  2377. sand seal ==> 砂封,沙封
  2378. sand seam ==> 砂层
  2379. sand sediment trap ==> 沉沙槽,沉沙井
  2380. sand separator ==> 分砂器,型砂分选装置
  2381. sand shadow ==> 沙影
  2382. sand shaker ==> 砂筛
  2383. sand shakout ==> 落砂机
  2384. sand shallows and holms ==> 浅滩和沙洲
  2385. sand shark ==> 许氏犁头鳐
  2386. sand shark (Carcharias taurus) ==> 沙鲨
  2387. sand sheet ==> 沙席,小沙原
  2388. sand shifter ==> 摆动筛
  2389. sand shifting control forest ==> 防风固砂林
  2390. sand shoal ==> 砂质浅滩
  2391. sand shop ==> 砂处理工段
  2392. sand sieve ==> 砂筛
  2393. sand sieving machine ==> 筛砂机
  2394. sand sifter ==> 砂筛
  2395. sand skin ==> 砂皮
  2396. sand slinger ==> 抛砂机,抛砂造型机
  2397. sand slinging machine ==> 投砂器
  2398. sand sluicing ==> 冲沙
  2399. sand sluicing canal ==> 冲沙道
  2400. sand sluicing gate ==> 冲沙闸
  2401. sand snow ==> 砂性雪
  2402. sand soil ==> 砂质土
  2403. sand spraying ==> 喷砂机
  2404. sand spraying device ==> 喷砂器,撒砂设备
  2405. sand spraying gear ==> 喷砂装置
  2406. sand spreader ==> 撒砂机
  2407. sand spreading machine ==> 铺砂机
  2408. sand spun casting ==> 砂型离心浇注
  2409. sand spun process ==> 砂型离心铸造法
  2410. sand stabilizer ==> 型砂稳定剂
  2411. sand stemming ==> 砂质炮泥
  2412. sand sticking ==> 砂疤
  2413. sand stone soil ==> 砂岩土壤
  2414. sand storage ==> 砂库
  2415. sand storage bin ==> 储砂斗,贮砂斗
  2416. sand storage hopper ==> 储砂斗
  2417. sand storage pit ==> 储沙坑
  2418. sand storm ==> 尘暴,风沙,沙暴
  2419. sand strainer core ==> 滤渣砂芯
  2420. sand streak ==> 砂岩夹层,(混凝土跑浆造成的纹痕)砂纹
  2421. sand streams ==> 砂の流れ
  2422. sand strength ==> 造型材料强度
  2423. sand strength testing machine ==> 型砂强度试验机
  2424. sand strip ==> 沙带,挡砂条
  2425. sand sucker ==> 吸沙机
  2426. sand sugar ==> 砂糖
  2427. sand suspension ==> 砂悬浮体
  2428. sand swell ==> 沙隆
  2429. sand system scrubber ==> 砂系洗涤器
  2430. sand table exercise ==> 沙盘作业
  2431. sand test ==> 型砂试验
  2432. sand test specimen ==> 型砂试样
  2433. sand texture coating ==> 彩砂涂料
  2434. sand thickness ==> 含油层厚度
  2435. sand thrower ==> 抛砂机
  2436. sand throwing machine ==> 抛砂机
  2437. sand tornado ==> 沙龙卷
  2438. sand toughness number ==> 砂子韧性读数
  2439. sand tower ==> 砂滤塔
  2440. sand trap ==> 集砂器,除砂盘,撒砂器拦砂阱,截砂阱
  2441. sand treatment ==> 沙浴疗法
  2442. sand valve ==> 撒砂阀
  2443. sand valve connection ==> 砂阀接头
  2444. sand valve stem ==> 砂阀杆
  2445. sand vegetation ==> 砂地植被
  2446. sand wash ==> 砂堆积,砂型涂料,冲砂
  2447. sand washer ==> 洗砂机
  2448. sand washing ==> 冲砂
  2449. sand washover ==> 冲砂
  2450. sand wave ==> 沙波
  2451. sand wave(s) ==> 砂波
  2452. sand wedge ==> 沙楔
  2453. sand weighing barrel ==> 黄砂称筒
  2454. sand well ==> 出砂油井
  2455. sand wheel ==> 泥砂轮
  2456. sand wheel band ==> 加宽轮辋
  2457. sand yard ==> 堆沙场
  2458. sand(-)washing plant ==> 洗砂厂
  2459. sand-aerating apparatus ==> 吹砂装置
  2460. sand-basin ==> 沉砂池
  2461. sand-beach community ==> 沙滩群落
  2462. sand-bearing test ==> 砂承试验
  2463. sand-bed filter ==> 砂床过滤器
  2464. sand-binding grass ==> 固沙草
  2465. sand-blast ==> 喷砂
  2466. sand-blast apparatus ==> 喷砂机
  2467. sand-blast barrel mill ==> 喷砂滚筒
  2468. sand-blast cleaning room ==> 喷砂清理室
  2469. sand-blast hose ==> 喷砂软管
  2470. sand-blast mower ==> 喷砂灭草机
  2471. sand-blast rolling barrel ==> 回转喷砂滚筒
  2472. sand-blast shop ==> 喷砂车间
  2473. sand-blasting abrasive ==> 喷砂磨料
  2474. sand-blasting drum ==> 喷砂筒
  2475. sand-blasting gun ==> 喷砂枪
  2476. sand-blasting method ==> 喷砂清理法
  2477. sand-break ==> 防沙林
  2478. sand-calcite ==> 砂质方解石
  2479. sand-carrying capacity ==> 含砂量
  2480. sand-carrying capacity of lime ==> 石灰含砂量
  2481. sand-cast ==> 砂型铸件
  2482. sand-cast pig ==> 砂模生铁,砂铸生铁
  2483. sand-cast pig iron ==> 翻砂铸铁
  2484. sand-cast tube ==> 砂型铸铁管
  2485. sand-catcher ==> 除砂器
  2486. sand-cement ==> 水泥砂土
  2487. sand-cement grout ==> 水泥砂浆
  2488. sand-clay matrix ==> 砂土结合料
  2489. sand-clay surface ==> 砂泥路面
  2490. sand-cleaner jig ==> 洗砂淘汰机
  2491. sand-conditioning plant ==> 配砂工段
  2492. sand-conditioning system ==> 砂处理系统
  2493. sand-cored water jacket passage ==> 砂芯铸空的水套通道
  2494. sand-driving wind ==> 风沙流
  2495. sand-dune stabilization ==> 沙丘固定
  2496. sand-dune terrain ==> 砂丘地带
  2497. sand-finished brick ==> 砂面砖
  2498. sand-fish (Trichodon trichodon) ==> 毛齿鱼
  2499. sand-float finish ==> 干粘砂饰面
  2500. sand-grading ==> 砂粒级配
  2501. sand-grain volume ==> 砂粒体积
  2502. sand-grass ==> 沙草
  2503. sand-gravel aggregate ==> 砂砾集料
  2504. sand-gravel cushion ==> 砂石垫层
  2505. sand-gravel filter ==> 砂砾过滤机
  2506. sand-gravel pile ==> 砂砾桩
  2507. sand-gravel road ==> 砂砾路
  2508. sand-gravel surface ==> 砂石路面
  2509. sand-gravel-bituminous mixture ==> 沥青砂砾混合料
  2510. sand-in ==> 磨进
  2511. sand-lime brick ==> 灰砂砖
  2512. sand-mastic method ==> 砂胶灌缝施工法
  2513. sand-protecting dam ==> 防沙坝
  2514. sand-pump dredger ==> 抽砂挖泥机船
  2515. sand-pump sampler ==> 砂泵取样器
  2516. sand-rubbed finish ==> 砂磨修整
  2517. sand-shale ratio ==> 砂页比,砂页岩比,砂页岩比率
  2518. sand-soil-peat matures ==> 沙质泥碳土
  2519. sand-stemming between the charges of explosives ==> 炸药之间的砂夹层
  2520. sand-transport meter ==> 输砂计
  2521. sand-watch structure ==> 沙钟构造
  2522. sandal brick ==> 未烧透的砖
  2523. sandal wood ==> 檀香木=>サンダルウッド,白檀(びゃくだん)
  2524. sandalwood ==> 檀香木
  2525. sandalwood oil ==> 檀香木油,檀香油
  2526. sandalwood padauk (Pterocarpus santalinus) ==> 紫檀
  2527. sandalwood tree ==> 檀香
  2528. sandaracolic acid ==> 山达酸
  2529. sandaracopimaric acid ==> 山达海松酸
  2530. sandararac gum ==> 香松树胶
  2531. sandbag bunker ==> 沙袋掩体
  2532. sandbag revetment ==> 砂袋护坡
  2533. sandbag stopping ==> 砂袋隔墙
  2534. sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda,Poa sandbergi) ==> 偏生早熟禾
  2535. Sandberg process ==> 碳钢局部索氏体化处理
  2536. sandblast ==> 喷砂=>サンドブラスト
  2537. sandblast machine ==> 喷砂机
  2538. sandblast nozzle ==> 喷砂嘴
  2539. sandblaster ==> 喷砂装置
  2540. sandblasting ==> 喷砂
  2541. sandblasting machine ==> 喷砂机
  2542. sandbos tree (Hura crepitans) ==> (美洲热带植物)沙匣树
  2543. sanded brick ==> 砂砖
  2544. sanded cement grout ==> 水泥砂浆
  2545. sanded cloth ==> 磨毛织物
  2546. sanded finish fabric ==> 磨绒整理织物
  2547. sanded packed snow ==> 撒砂的压实积雪
  2548. sanded rail ==> 撒砂钢轨
  2549. sanded runway ==> 撒沙跑道
  2550. sander ==> 打磨机,打磨器,喷砂机,喷砂器,撒砂装置=>サンダー
  2551. Sander airbrom (Billbergia sanderiaan) ==> 桑德氏水塔花
  2552. Sander crinum (Crinum sanderianum) ==> 桑德氏文殊兰
  2553. Sander's formula ==> 桑德公式
  2554. sandglass ==> 沙漏
  2555. sandhill kalmia (Kalmia hirsuta) ==> 硬毛山月桂
  2556. sanding ==> 磨绒工艺,打磨,打砂,打砂纸,砂纸打光=>研磨
  2557. sanding agent ==> 研磨剂
  2558. sanding apparatus ==> 砂打机具
  2559. sanding device ==> 撒砂装置
  2560. sanding equipment ==> 撒砂设备
  2561. sanding formation ==> 出砂地层
  2562. sanding gear ==> 铺砂器,铺砂装置,喷砂器
  2563. sanding machine ==> 带式抛光机,砂轮机
  2564. sanding sealer ==> 掺砂涂料
  2565. sanding vehicle ==> 撒沙车
  2566. Sandmeyer's reaction ==> 山德梅耶反应
  2567. sandpaper ==> 砂纸=>布やすり
  2568. sandstone plum ==> (加于毛石混凝土中用)砂岩石
  2569. sandstone rock asphalt ==> 砂岩沥青
  2570. Sandstroem's gland ==> 甲状旁腺
  2571. sandur deposit ==> 冰水平原沉积
  2572. sandwave system ==> 沙波系
  2573. sandwich ==> 多层结构材料,三明治=>サンドイッチ
  2574. sandwich arrangement ==> 层叠布置=>交互重ね配置
  2575. sandwich assay ==> サンドイッチ分析
  2576. sandwich beam ==> 夹合梁,层结梁,多层叠合梁=>合わせ梁
  2577. sandwich blender ==> 夹层混和机,夹层式混棉机
  2578. sandwich board ==> 夹心板
  2579. sandwich chamber ==> 夹层槽
  2580. sandwich concrete ==> 夹层混凝土
  2581. sandwich construction ==> 夹层结构
  2582. sandwich courses ==> (三至六个月短期训练班)三明治课程
  2583. sandwich covering ==> 夹层蒙皮
  2584. sandwich cylinder ==> 夹层柱壳
  2585. sandwich effect ==> サンドイッチ効果
  2586. sandwich film ==> 层状胶片=>サンドイッチ膜
  2587. sandwich fixings ==> サンドイッチの具
  2588. sandwich foil ==> サンドイッチはく
  2589. sandwich frame ==> 双构架
  2590. sandwich heating ==> 双面加热
  2591. sandwich hologram interferometry ==> 层状全息干涉测量术
  2592. sandwich kiln ==> 扁形宽截面窑
  2593. sandwich layer ==> 芯层
  2594. sandwich manifold ==> 积层式油路板
  2595. sandwich material ==> 夹层材料,夹合材料
  2596. sandwich method ==> 夹层法
  2597. sandwich panel ==> 夹心板
  2598. sandwich plate ==> 夹层板,多层板
  2599. sandwich pocket ==> 内贴袋
  2600. sandwich ribbon fibre ==> 层状长条纤维
  2601. sandwich rolling ==> 包层轧制,夹层滚轧,夹层碾压,夹心轧制,多层板轧制法
  2602. sandwich rolling process ==> 复合轧制法
  2603. sandwich skin ==> 夹层蒙皮
  2604. sandwich steel ==> 夹心钢
  2605. sandwich structure ==> 夹层结构
  2606. sandwich technique ==> 夹层技术
  2607. sandwich type cell ==> 多层型电池
  2608. sandwich type element ==> 多层元件
  2609. sandwich type wall panel ==> 夹心墙板
  2610. sandwich welding ==> 夹紧冷焊
  2611. sandwich winding ==> 交错多层形线组,交错多层绕组,交错绕组,分层绕组,盘式绕组,盘形绕组=>サンドイッチ巻線
  2612. sandwich wound coil ==> 盘式线圈
  2613. sandwich(-type) shell ==> 夹层壳
  2614. sandwich-type ==> 夹层式,交错多层形
  2615. sandwich-type element ==> 多层结构元件
  2616. sandwich-type panel ==> 夹心板
  2617. sandwiched film ==> 多层薄膜
  2618. sandy aggregate ==> 砂质骨料,砂质集料
  2619. sandy bottom ==> 沙底
  2620. sandy clay ==> 砂粘土,含沙粘土,(垆坶)砂质粘土
  2621. sandy clay loam ==> 砂质粘壤土
  2622. sandy coast ==> 砂质海岸
  2623. sandy culture ==> 砂培法
  2624. sandy gravel ==> 砂质砾石
  2625. sandy gravel stratum ==> 砂砾层
  2626. sandy ground ==> 砂地,砂砾地
  2627. sandy land ==> 沙田
  2628. sandy limestone ==> 砂质石灰石
  2629. sandy loam soil ==> 砂壤土
  2630. sandy mobile bed ==> 砂粒流动的河床
  2631. sandy plain ==> 砂原
  2632. sandy shale ==> 砂质页岩
  2633. sandy shore ==> 砂质海岸
  2634. sandy soil ==> 砂土,砂质土壤,含沙土
  2635. sandy soil vegetation ==> 砂土植物群
  2636. sandy soils ==> 沙壤土
  2637. sandy waste ==> 沙荒
  2638. sandy wasteland ==> 沙荒
  2639. sandy well ==> 出砂油井
  2640. sanfilippo's syndrome ==> 圣菲力浦综合征
  2641. Sanford-Day car ==> 桑福特-迪型底卸式矿车,底卸式矿车
  2642. sanforizing agent ==> 防缩剂
  2643. Sanger-Brown ataxia ==> 脊髓小脑性共济失调
  2644. sanguine ==> 赤铁矿
  2645. sanguinous leukorrhea ==> 血性白带
  2646. Sanio's beam ==> 萨列阿横梁
  2647. Sanio's law ==> 萨列阿法则
  2648. sanitary ==> 公衆トイレ
  2649. sanitary accommodations ==> 衛生設備
  2650. sanitary administration ==> 衛生行政
  2651. sanitary and anti-epidemic affair ==> 卫生防疫工作
  2652. sanitary apparatus ==> 卫生器具
  2653. sanitary appliance ==> 衛生器具
  2654. sanitary area ==> 衛生地区
  2655. sanitary arrangements ==> 衛生設備
  2656. sanitary article ==> 衛生用品
  2657. sanitary bacteriology ==> 卫生细菌学
  2658. sanitary bag ==> 衛生袋
  2659. sanitary ceramics ==> 卫生陶瓷
  2660. sanitary chemical analysis ==> 卫生化学分析
  2661. sanitary chemistry ==> 卫生化学
  2662. sanitary china ==> 卫生瓷
  2663. sanitary conditions ==> 卫生条件
  2664. sanitary cross ==> 三承十字管
  2665. sanitary device ==> 卫生器具
  2666. sanitary disposal ==> 卫生处理
  2667. sanitary distance ==> 卫生距离
  2668. sanitary district ==> 衛生管理区域
  2669. sanitary drainage ==> 生活污水排泄系统
  2670. sanitary drinking fountain ==> 卫生饮水喷泉
  2671. sanitary earthenware ==> 卫生陶器
  2672. sanitary education ==> 健康教育
  2673. sanitary engineering ==> 卫生工程
  2674. sanitary fireclayware ==> 卫生洁具
  2675. sanitary fittings ==> 卫生设备,卫生设备配件
  2676. sanitary fixture ==> 卫生器具,卫生设施
  2677. sanitary installation ==> 卫生设备,卫生装置
  2678. sanitary landfill ==> 卫生垃圾堆
  2679. sanitary line ==> 卫生管道
  2680. sanitary measure ==> 卫生措施
  2681. sanitary outfit ==> 卫生设备
  2682. sanitary passage ==> 疫情证
  2683. sanitary pipe ==> 卫生水管
  2684. sanitary plumbing ==> 卫生管道
  2685. sanitary plumbing fixtures ==> (陶瓷)卫生装置零件
  2686. sanitary porcelain ==> 卫生瓷
  2687. sanitary pottery ==> 卫生洁具陶瓷
  2688. sanitary pottery fittings ==> 卫生洁具陶瓷配件
  2689. sanitary principle ==> 卫生原则
  2690. sanitary protection zone (SPZ) ==> 卫生防护带
  2691. sanitary provision ==> 卫生设备
  2692. sanitary pump ==> 卫生水泵
  2693. sanitary regulation ==> 卫生法规
  2694. sanitary regulations ==> 卫生规则
  2695. sanitary report ==> 衛生検査報告
  2696. sanitary requirement ==> 衛生対策
  2697. sanitary requirement of illumination ==> 照明卫生要求
  2698. sanitary requirement of waste residue disposal ==> 废渣处理卫生要求
  2699. sanitary room ==> 汚物処理室
  2700. sanitary science ==> 衛生学
  2701. sanitary services ==> 衛生サービス,衛生設備施工
  2702. sanitary sewage ==> 汚水
  2703. sanitary sewer ==> 卫生污水管道,污水管,生活污水管
  2704. sanitary sewer manhole ==> 污水管道窨井
  2705. sanitary sponge ==> 避妊具
  2706. sanitary standard of warming ==> 采暖卫生要求
  2707. sanitary standards ==> 卫生标准
  2708. sanitary stoneware ==> 卫生陶器,卫生炻器
  2709. sanitary survey ==> 卫生调查
  2710. sanitary tank ==> 卫生水柜
  2711. sanitary tee ==> 双承丁字管
  2712. sanitary tissue ==> 月经纸
  2713. sanitary ventilation ==> 卫生通风
  2714. sanitary ware ==> 卫生洁具,卫生陶瓷,卫生陶器
  2715. sanitary waste ==> 生活污水
  2716. sanitary wastewater ==> 生活废水,厕所污水,卫生设备废水
  2717. sanitary-chemical feature ==> 卫生化学特征
  2718. sanitation ==> 环境卫生=>公衆衛生
  2719. sanitation and antiepidemic station ==> 卫生防疫站
  2720. sanitation cutting ==> 卫生伐
  2721. sanitation department ==> 衛生部
  2722. sanitation district ==> 衛生地区
  2723. sanitation expense ==> 公衆衛生費
  2724. sanitation facilities ==> 卫生设备
  2725. sanitation facility ==> 汚物処理施設,公衆衛生施設
  2726. sanitation kit ==> 携帯トイレ
  2727. sanitation method ==> 卫生方法
  2728. sanitation of bath-room ==> 浴室卫生
  2729. sanitation of spring water ==> 泉水卫生
  2730. sanitation of swimming pool ==> 游泳池卫生
  2731. sanitation service fees ==> 清洁卫生费
  2732. sanitation store ==> 防腐库
  2733. sanitation worker ==> 清洁工人
  2734. Saniter process ==> 萨尼特脱硫法
  2735. sanitizer ==> 卫生洗涤剂,卫生消毒剂
  2736. sanitizing agent ==> 卫生消毒剂
  2737. Sanjo-Dori ==> 三条通
  2738. Sanlu Group ==> 石家庄三鹿集团=>三鹿集団
  2739. sanmartinite ==> 钨锌矿
  2740. Sanmate ==> (杀菌剂)多菌灵
  2741. sanner range sensor ==> スキャナ型測域センサ
  2742. SANP, systems for nuclear auxiliary power ==> スナップ
  2743. sans date ==> 无年代
  2744. sans serif ==> 灯芯体
  2745. sans taste ==> 无味
  2746. Sanson Flamsteed projection ==> 桑森弗兰斯蒂投影法
  2747. Sanson projection ==> 桑森投影法
  2748. Sanson's images ==> 浦桑二氏像
  2749. Santa Clara ==> 桑塔克拉拉
  2750. santalic acid ==> 檀香酸
  2751. santalyl chloride ==> 檀香基氯
  2752. Santana ==> 桑塔纳
  2753. Santas foreign body remover ==> 桑托斯氏异物取除器
  2754. Santayana ==> 桑塔雅那
  2755. santenenic acid ==> 檀烯酸
  2756. Santiago ==> サンチャゴ
  2757. Santo Stefano di Magra ==> サント・ステーファノ・ディ・マグラ
  2758. santolina ==> サントリーナ
  2759. santonic acid ==> 山道年酸,山道酸
  2760. Santorine's cartilages ==> 桑托里尼氏软骨
  2761. Santorini's duct ==> 山多利尼管
  2762. Santorini's veins ==> (头皮大脑窦静脉)桑托里尼氏静脉
  2763. Sanyo Shinkansen ==> 山陽新幹線
  2764. Sao Paulo ==> 圣保罗=>サンパウロ
  2765. Sao Paulo fever ==> 巴西热
  2766. SAO, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory ==> スミソニアン天体物理観測所
  2767. sap ==> 细胞液,树液,汁,汁液
  2768. sap cavity ==> 液腔
  2769. sap colo(u)r ==> 树汁色素
  2770. sap concentration ==> 汁液浓度
  2771. sap culture ==> 汁液样品培养
  2772. sap displacement process ==> 树液置换法
  2773. sap displacement treatment ==> 树液置换处理
  2774. sap extraction ==> 汁液提取
  2775. sap filtration ==> 汁液样品过滤
  2776. sap flow ==> 汁液样品流动,树液流动
  2777. sap fruit ==> 汁液形水果
  2778. sap indicator ==> 汁液指示剂
  2779. sap peel ==> 边材剥皮
  2780. sap pressure ==> 液压
  2781. sap rate ==> 汁液率
  2782. sap rot ==> 边材腐朽
  2783. sap sample ==> 汁液式标本,汁液样品
  2784. sap spots on the trunk ==> 树干上的叶斑
  2785. sap stain ==> 边材变色
  2786. sap store ==> 汁液积存
  2787. sap vesicle ==> 液泡
  2788. SAP(English) System, Products, and Programs in Data Processing(English) ==> SAP(English)
  2789. SAP(German) Systeme, Anwendungen und Programme in der Datenverarbeitung(German) ==> SAP(German)
  2790. SAP, solar array panel ==> 太陽電池パネル
  2791. SAP, specific application program ==> 特殊応用プログラム
  2792. SAP, sun angle pulse ==> 太陽角パルス
  2793. sap-sacking insect ==> 吸汁昆虫
  2794. sap-sample ==> 汁状样品
  2795. sap-shape ==> 汁状
  2796. sapanthracite ==> 腐泥无烟煤
  2797. Sapecron ==> 毒虫畏
  2798. sapele ==> 萨佩莱木
  2799. saphena ==> 隐静脉
  2800. saphenectomy ==> 隐静脉切除术,小隐静脉切除术
  2801. saphenous nerve ==> 隐神经
  2802. saphenous vein obstruction ==> 隐静脉梗阻
  2803. sapid ==> 美味的
  2804. sapientia ==> 智慧
  2805. Sapindaceae ==> 无患子科
  2806. Sapindales ==> 无患子目
  2807. saplier ==> 打包粗布
  2808. sapling ==> 树苗
  2809. sapling forest ==> 幼龄林
  2810. sapo mollis medicinalis ==> 药用软皂
  2811. sapodilla (Achras zapota) ==> 人心果
  2812. sapodilla tree (Sapota achra,Sapota zapotilla) ==> 人心果树
  2813. sapogenin ==> 皂甙元
  2814. sapogenol ==> 皂草精醇
  2815. saponaretin ==> 皂草黄素,肥皂草素
  2816. saponarin ==> 皂草黄甙,皂草苷
  2817. saponated cresol ==> 煤酚皂
  2818. saponated cresol solution ==> 煤酚皂溶液
  2819. saponated petroleum ==> 皂化石油
  2820. sapones medicinales ==> 肥皂剂
  2821. saponetin ==> 皂草亭
  2822. saponifiable ==> 可皂化
  2823. saponification ==> 皂化,皂化作用
  2824. saponification agent ==> 皂化剂
  2825. saponification column ==> 皂化塔
  2826. saponification degree ==> 皂化程度
  2827. saponification equivalent ==> 皂化当量
  2828. saponification flask ==> 皂化瓶
  2829. saponification glycerin ==> 皂制甘油
  2830. saponification number ==> 皂化价
  2831. saponification rate ==> 皂化率
  2832. saponification ratio ==> 皂化率
  2833. saponification value ==> 皂化价
  2834. saponified acetate ==> 皂化醋酯纤维
  2835. saponified acetate rayon ==> 皂化乙酸嫘萦
  2836. saponified emulsifier ==> 皂化乳化剂
  2837. saponified oil ==> 皂化油
  2838. saponifier ==> 皂化剂
  2839. saponify ==> 皂化
  2840. saponifying ==> 皂化
  2841. saponifying agent ==> 皂化剂
  2842. saponin ==> 皂草苷,皂素,皂甙=>サポニン
  2843. saponin(e) ==> 皂角苷
  2844. saponite ==> 皂石,滑石粉
  2845. saporimetry ==> 测味法
  2846. Sapotaceae ==> 山榄科
  2847. sapote gum ==> 人心果胶
  2848. sapotin ==> 人心果甙,山榄碱
  2849. sapotinetin ==> 山榄果苷原,人心果甙元
  2850. sapotoxin ==> 皂毒苷=>サポニン
  2851. sapotoxine ==> 皂毒类
  2852. SAPP, ==> 南部非洲电力联盟,SAPP拥有12个成员国,其中9个实现了电网互联。
  2853. sappare ==> 蓝晶石
  2854. sapphire ==> 蓝宝石
  2855. sapphire bearing ==> 蓝宝石轴承
  2856. sapphire dielectric isolation ==> 蓝宝石介质隔离
  2857. sapphire jacket ==> 蓝宝石套
  2858. sapphire laser ==> 蓝宝石激光器
  2859. sapphire microprocessor ==> 蓝宝石上硅结构微处理机
  2860. sapphire needle ==> 蓝宝石唱针
  2861. sapphire point ==> 蓝宝石轴承
  2862. sapphire quartz ==> 蓝石英
  2863. sapphire spinel ==> 蓝宝石尖晶石
  2864. sapphire substrate ==> 蓝宝石衬底,蓝宝石基片
  2865. sapphire transmittance ==> 蓝宝石透射比
  2866. sapphirine ==> 假蓝宝石
  2867. sapphism ==> 女子同性恋
  2868. sapping ==> 崖底侵蚀,基蚀
  2869. Sapporo Agricultural College ==> 札幌農学校
  2870. Sapporo Ambitious ==> 札幌アンビシャス
  2871. Sapporo Breweries Limited ==> サッポロビール
  2872. Sapporo Convention Center ==> 札幌コンベンションセンター
  2873. Sapporo International Ski Area ==> 札幌国際スキー場
  2874. SAPPWR, solar array panel power ==> 太陽電池発生電力
  2875. sappy stem ==> 多汁茎
  2876. sappy wool ==> 油汗多的羊毛
  2877. sapraemia ==> 腐血症
  2878. sapregen ==> 腐生生物
  2879. sapremia ==> 腐血症
  2880. saprist ==> 高分解有机土
  2881. saprobe ==> 污水生物
  2882. saprobic classification ==> 污水生物分类法
  2883. saprobic system ==> 污水生物系统
  2884. saprobic zone ==> 污染带
  2885. saprobien classification ==> 污水生物分类法
  2886. saprobiotic ==> 腐生的
  2887. saprocol ==> 硬腐泥,灰质腐泥
  2888. saprodite ==> 腐泥亚烟煤
  2889. saprodontia ==> 龋齿
  2890. saprogen ==> 死木寄生菌
  2891. saprogenic bacteria ==> 产腐菌,生腐菌
  2892. saprogenic bacterium ==> 产腐菌
  2893. saprogenous ooze ==> 腐生软泥
  2894. Saprolegniales ==> 水霉目
  2895. saprolite ==> 腐泥土,残余土
  2896. saprolith ==> 残余土
  2897. sapromyxite ==> 藻煤
  2898. sapropel ==> 腐泥,腐殖泥,腐殖质
  2899. sapropel-clay ==> 腐泥粘土
  2900. sapropel-peat ==> 泥炭质腐泥
  2901. sapropelic ==> 腐泥的
  2902. sapropelic coal ==> 腐泥煤
  2903. sapropelic type source rock ==> 腐泥型源岩
  2904. sapropelite ==> 腐泥煤
  2905. saprophage ==> 腐生物,腐物寄生物
  2906. saprophagous character ==> 腐食性
  2907. saprophile ==> 适腐动物
  2908. saprophitic nematode ==> 腐生线虫
  2909. saprophyte ==> 腐生菌,腐生植物,腐物寄生物,死物寄生菌,典型腐生菌
  2910. saprophyte chain ==> 腐生链
  2911. saprophytic ==> 腐生,腐物寄生的
  2912. saprophytic bacterium ==> 腐生菌,腐生细菌,产腐菌
  2913. saprophytic form ==> 腐生型
  2914. saprophytic leptospira ==> 腐生性钩端螺旋体
  2915. saprophytic phase ==> 腐生阶段
  2916. saprophytic transitional infection ==> 腐生过渡侵染
  2917. saprophytism ==> 腐生,腐生生活,腐物寄生,死物寄生
  2918. Saprosma ==> 染木树属
  2919. Saprosma ternatum ==> 染木树
  2920. Saprospira ==> 腐败螺旋菌属
  2921. saproxylobios ==> 死木生物
  2922. saprozoic ==> 腐食性
  2923. saprozoonosis ==> 腐物动物源疾病
  2924. sapwood ==> 白木质,边材
  2925. sapwood forest ==> 边材树
  2926. sapwood tree ==> 边材树
  2927. Sapygidae ==> 寡毛土蜂科
  2928. SAR Search And Rescue ==> 搜寻与营救
  2929. SAR Subcommittee on Radio Communication and Search and Rescue (IMO) ==> 无线电通讯,搜寻与营救小组委员会
  2930. SAR, International Convention on Maritime Search and ==> Rescue
  2931. SAR, search & rescue system ==> 避難救助システム
  2932. SAR, Specific Absorption Rate ==> マイクロ波の生体吸収
  2933. SAR, specific absorption rate ==> 特定吸収率
  2934. SAR, stable auroral red ==> 安定オーロラ赤
  2935. SAR, standard authorization request ==> SAR
  2936. SAR, Synthetic Aperture Radar ==> 合成開口レーダー(又は、開口合成レーダー)
  2937. SAR, synthetic aperture radar ==> 合成開口レーダー
  2938. SARA, spin axis right ascension ==> スピン軸赤経
  2939. SARAH, search rescue and homing ==> 探査・救難・帰還
  2940. Saran Wrap ==> 保鲜膜=>サランラップ
  2941. Sarawak ==> 马来西亚沙捞越州
  2942. Sarcina lutea ==> 藤黄八叠球菌
  2943. sarcofetal pregnancy ==> 胎及葡萄胎妊娠
  2944. sarcohysteric pregnancy ==> 葡萄胎假妊娠
  2945. sarcoidosis of bone ==> 骨肉样瘤病
  2946. sarcoidosis of lung ==> 肺结节病,肺肉样瘤病
  2947. sarcoma botryoides of vagina ==> 阴道葡萄样肉瘤
  2948. sarcoma of ear ==> 耳肉瘤
  2949. sarcoma of ovary ==> 卵巢肉瘤
  2950. sarcoma of penis ==> 阴茎肉瘤
  2951. sarcoma of pericardium ==> 心包肉瘤
  2952. sarcoma of pharynx ==> 咽肉瘤
  2953. sarcoma of seminal vesicle ==> 精囊肉瘤
  2954. sarcoma of spermatic cord ==> 精索肉瘤
  2955. sarcoma of spleen ==> 脾肉瘤
  2956. sarcoma of stellate cell of liver' ==> 肝星形细胞肉瘤
  2957. sarcoma of stomach ==> 胃肉瘤
  2958. sarcoma of vagina ==> 阴道肉瘤
  2959. sarcoma virus ==> 肉瘤病毒
  2960. sarcomatous change ==> 肉瘤变
  2961. sarcomatous change of leiomyoma of uterus ==> 子宫平滑肌瘤肉瘤样变
  2962. sarcomatous goiter ==> 肉瘤性甲状腺肿
  2963. sarcomatous type ==> 肉瘤型
  2964. Sarcoptes scabiei hominis ==> 人疥螨
  2965. sarcoptic mite ==> 疥虫
  2966. sarcosine oxidase ==> 肌氨酸氧化酶
  2967. SARDA, solar array retention and deployment assembly ==> 太陽電池パドル保持展開機構
  2968. Sardar Patel College of Engineering ==> 萨达潘特尔工程学院
  2969. sardine oil ==> 沙丁鱼油
  2970. Sargasso Sea ==> 马尾藻海
  2971. Sargassum carpophyllum ==> 叶托马尾藻
  2972. Sargassum horneri ==> 铜藻
  2973. Sargent cherry (Prunus sargenti) ==> 萨金特氏樱
  2974. Sargent cycle ==> 萨金特循环
  2975. Sargent honeysuckle (Lonicera sargenti) ==> 萨金特氏忍冬
  2976. sargentgloryvine stem ==> 红藤
  2977. SARGOS, Search and Rescue Argos ==> 捜索救難アルゴス
  2978. sarking board ==> 屋面衬板
  2979. sarking felt ==> 油毛毡衬层
  2980. sarking felt underlining felt ==> 屋面衬毡
  2981. SARMIS SAR Management Information System ==> SAR管理信息系统
  2982. Saros ==> 沙罗周期
  2983. Saros cycle ==> 沙罗序列
  2984. SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ==> 重症急性呼吸器症候群
  2985. SARSAT, Search and Rescue Satellite ==> サーサット
  2986. SARSAT, search and rescue satellite ==> 捜索救助衛星
  2987. sarsen stone ==> 残留岩体
  2988. SARSIM SAR Simulation Model ==> SAR模型
  2989. SART, search and rescue radar transponder ==> SART
  2990. SART, Search and Rescue Radar Transponder ==> レーダー・トランスポンダー
  2991. SARTOR, Standards and Routes to Registration ==> IEEの技術士資格要件
  2992. Sartorius sedimentation balance ==> 电笔记录沉积秤
  2993. SAS Annual Special Survey of Hull ==> 年度船体特殊检测
  2994. SAS, safety superintendent ==> 安全管理者
  2995. SAS, small astronomical satellite ==> 小型天文衛星
  2996. SAS, small astronomy satellite ==> 小型天文衛星
  2997. SAS, solar array shunt ==> 太陽電池シャント
  2998. SAS, solar array substrate ==> 太陽電池基板
  2999. SAS, solar array system ==> ソーラーアレーシステム
  3000. SAS, space adaptation syndrome ==> 宇宙不適応症候群
  3001. SAS, stability augmentation system ==> 安定増大装置
  3002. SAS, Substation Automation System ==> 变电站自动化系统=>変電所自動化システム
  3003. sasfet ==> 自对准肖特基栅场效应晶体管
  3004. sash ==> 窗框钢,锯框=>サッシ,窓枠
  3005. sash bar ==> 门窗框条=>(窓などの)桟
  3006. sash bead ==> 中旋窗窗压条
  3007. sash bit ==> 深孔木钻
  3008. sash brace ==> 水平加劲支撑
  3009. sash bustle ==> 帯揚
  3010. sash center ==> 翻窗合页
  3011. sash chain ==> 提拉窗吊链
  3012. sash clip ==> 帯留め
  3013. sash cord ==> 提拉窗吊链,升降窗玻璃的皮带=>つり綱
  3014. sash door ==> 半截玻璃门,装有升降玻璃的车门
  3015. sash fillister ==> 门窗框槽刨
  3016. sash gang saw ==> 毛方排锯
  3017. sash lift ==> 提拉窗扣手
  3018. sash line ==> 提拉窗吊链
  3019. sash mortise chisel ==> 软木榫凿
  3020. sash operator ==> 框格升降器
  3021. sash plane ==> 起线刨
  3022. sash pulley ==> 窗用滑轮,提拉窗滑轮
  3023. sash run ==> 提拉窗滑车槽
  3024. sash stuff ==> 门窗扇材料
  3025. sash weight ==> 提拉窗平衡重,吊锤
  3026. sash weights ==> 吊窗锤
  3027. SASP, Science and Applications Space Platform ==> 科学応用宇宙プラットフフォーム
  3028. SASP, single axis stable platform ==> シングルアクシステーブルプラットフォーム
  3029. SASS, solar array sun sensor ==> 太陽電池パドル用太陽センサ
  3030. sassafras oil ==> 黄樟油
  3031. sat linkage ==> 盐键
  3032. SAT, Scholastic Assessment Test ==> エスエーティー,サット,大学進学適性試験
  3033. SAT, single access transmitter ==> シングルアクセストランスミッタ
  3034. SAT-chromosome ==> 具随体染色体,具随体染色体
  3035. satain finishing ==> 擦亮
  3036. SATAN, satellite automatic tracking antenna network ==> 人工衛星自動追跡アンテナ網
  3037. satandard fodder mixtures ==> 配置标准饲料
  3038. satchel charge ==> 炸药包
  3039. Satco alloy ==> 萨特科铅合金
  3040. SATCOM, Satellite Communications System Co. ==> SATCOM社(サテライトコミュニケーション社)
  3041. sate-conduct ==> 安全条例
  3042. satellier injection system ==> 卫星入轨系统
  3043. satellite ==> 卫星,人造地球卫星,随体,伴生矿物=>衛星
  3044. satellite aerial ==> 卫星天线
  3045. satellite airborne communication ==> 卫星空中通信
  3046. satellite airfield ==> 卫星机场
  3047. satellite altimetry ==> 人卫测高
  3048. satellite and missile surveillance ==> 卫星和导弹监视
  3049. satellite and space tracking system ==> 卫星和空间目标跟踪系统
  3050. satellite antenna ==> 卫星天线,人卫天线
  3051. satellite antenna radiation pattern ==> 卫星天线辐射方向图
  3052. satellite assisted communication ==> 人造卫星通信
  3053. satellite astronomy ==> 卫星天文学,人造地球卫星天文学
  3054. satellite attack warning system ==> 卫星攻击警报系统
  3055. satellite automatic monitoring system ==> 自动卫星监视系统
  3056. satellite automatic tracking antenna ==> 人造卫星自动跟踪天线
  3057. satellite balloon ==> 卫星气球
  3058. satellite band ==> 卫星频带,随体带
  3059. satellite base ==> 辅助基地
  3060. satellite based atomic energy detection system ==> 卫生原子能探测系统
  3061. satellite battery ==> 人造卫星用电池
  3062. satellite bombardment system ==> 卫星轰炸系统
  3063. satellite bomber ==> 卫星轰炸机
  3064. satellite boosteer ==> 人造卫星运载火箭
  3065. satellite broadcasting ==> 人造卫星广播=>衛星放送
  3066. satellite camera ==> 人卫照相机
  3067. satellite camera with quadraxial tracking frame ==> 四轴式人造卫星跟踪照相机
  3068. satellite capture and retrieval ==> 卫星捕捉与收回
  3069. satellite carrier ==> 卫星运载工具
  3070. satellite cell of grey matter ==> 灰质卫星细胞
  3071. satellite cells ==> 卫星细胞
  3072. satellite chromosome ==> 具随体染色体,具随体染色体
  3073. satellite circuit ==> 卫星线路
  3074. satellite city ==> 卫星城,卫星城镇
  3075. satellite cloud picture ==> 卫星云图
  3076. satellite coating ==> 人造卫星壳体涂层
  3077. satellite communication ==> 卫星通信=>衛星通信
  3078. satellite communication 1 ==> 卫星通信,在两个或多个卫星地面站之间利用人造地球卫星转发或反射信号的无线电通信
  3079. satellite communication antenna ==> 卫星通信天线
  3080. satellite communication center ==> 卫星通信中心
  3081. satellite communication control facility ==> 卫星通信控制设施
  3082. satellite communication link ==> 卫星通信线路
  3083. satellite communication network ==> 衛星通信網
  3084. satellite communication system ==> 卫星通信系统
  3085. satellite communication technology ==> 卫星通讯技术
  3086. satellite communication terminal ==> 卫星通信终端设备
  3087. satellite computer ==> 卫星计算机,辅助计算机
  3088. satellite control center ==> 卫星控制中心
  3089. satellite control facility ==> 卫星控制设备
  3090. satellite control machine ==> 分集中联锁机,分联锁机,从属联锁机
  3091. satellite control network ==> 卫星控制网
  3092. satellite control system ==> 卫星控制系统
  3093. satellite coronagraphy ==> 人卫日冕照相术
  3094. satellite countermeasure ==> 卫星对抗
  3095. satellite countermeasures system ==> 卫星对抗系统
  3096. satellite coverage ==> 卫星覆盖范围
  3097. satellite data ==> 卫星数据
  3098. satellite data processing system ==> 卫星数据处理系统
  3099. satellite data recorder ==> 卫星数据记录器
  3100. satellite data transmission ==> 卫星数据传输
  3101. satellite defense ==> 卫星防御
  3102. satellite deployment pattern ==> 卫星在轨道上的配置图
  3103. satellite detection fence ==> 卫星警戒线
  3104. satellite detection line ==> 卫星探测线
  3105. satellite differential ==> 行星齿轮差速器
  3106. satellite disorbit ==> 卫星逸出轨道
  3107. satellite DNA ==> 卫星脱氧核糖核酸
  3108. satellite Doppler navigation system ==> 人卫多普勒导航系统
  3109. satellite drift ==> 卫星偏移
  3110. satellite dropping ==> (运载火箭)卫星脱离
  3111. satellite dynamics ==> 卫星动力学
  3112. satellite early alery system ==> 卫星预警系统
  3113. satellite early warning system ==> 卫星预警系统
  3114. satellite earth antenna for household use ==> 家用卫星接收天线
  3115. satellite eclipse ==> 卫星食
  3116. satellite ejection procedure ==> 卫星分离程序
  3117. satellite electron ==> 卫星电子
  3118. Satellite EPIRB ==> 衛星系EPIRB
  3119. satellite EPIRB ==> 衛星EPIRB
  3120. satellite equipments ==> 卫星装置
  3121. satellite exchange ==> 支局=>従局(自動電話)
  3122. satellite fairing ==> 人造卫星整流罩
  3123. satellite field ==> 卫星机场
  3124. satellite file ==> 外围资料档
  3125. satellite fire control radar ==> 卫星火力控制雷达
  3126. satellite galaxy ==> 伴星系
  3127. satellite gear ==> 行星齿轮
  3128. satellite geodesy ==> 卫星大地测量学,人卫测地
  3129. satellite gravity measurements ==> 人工衛星重力測定
  3130. satellite ground station ==> 人造卫星地面站,卫星地面站
  3131. satellite guidance ==> 卫星制导
  3132. satellite hole ==> 辅助炮眼
  3133. satellite image ==> 卫星传送图像
  3134. satellite imagery ==> 人工衛星画像
  3135. satellite industry ==> 卫星工业
  3136. satellite information ==> 附属信息
  3137. satellite information center ==> 卫星情报中心
  3138. satellite infrared spectrometer (SIRS) ==> 卫星红外分光计
  3139. satellite inspection technique ==> 卫星监视技术
  3140. satellite inspector and satellite interceptor ==> 卫星监视与拦截器
  3141. satellite inspector vehicle ==> 识别卫星的飞行器
  3142. satellite instruments ==> 衛星搭載機器
  3143. satellite intercept ==> 卫星拦截
  3144. satellite intercept system ==> 卫星拦截系统
  3145. satellite interception ==> 卫星截击
  3146. satellite interceptor ==> 卫星截击器
  3147. satellite kill ==> 卫星毁坏
  3148. satellite landing control system ==> 卫星着陆控制系统
  3149. satellite landing guidance system ==> 卫星着陆制导系统
  3150. satellite laser ranging ==> 人卫激光测距
  3151. satellite laser ranging (SLR) ==> 卫星激光测距
  3152. satellite launcher ==> 卫星运载火箭
  3153. satellite launching ship ==> 卫星发射船
  3154. satellite launching vehicle ==> 人造卫星运载火箭
  3155. satellite life ==> 卫星寿命
  3156. satellite line ==> 卫线,伴线
  3157. satellite link ==> 卫星线路=>衛星リンク
  3158. satellite mapping radar ==> 卫星测绘雷达
  3159. satellite meteorology ==> 卫星气象学
  3160. satellite missile ==> 卫星导弹
  3161. satellite monitoring ==> 卫星监控
  3162. satellite navigation ==> 卫星导航=>衛星航法
  3163. satellite navigation computer ==> 卫星导航计算机
  3164. satellite navigation earth stations ==> 卫星导航地面站
  3165. satellite navigator ==> 卫星导航定位仪
  3166. satellite observation station ==> 卫星观测站
  3167. satellite ocean surveillance evaluation center ==> 卫星海洋监视鉴定中心
  3168. satellite ocean surveillance system ==> 卫星海洋监视系统
  3169. satellite of Jupiter ==> 木卫
  3170. satellite of Neptune ==> 海卫
  3171. satellite of Saturn ==> 土卫
  3172. satellite of Uranus ==> 天卫
  3173. satellite optical surveillance system ==> 卫星光学监视系统
  3174. satellite orbit control ==> 卫星轨道控制
  3175. satellite orbit data ==> 卫生轨道运行数据
  3176. satellite orbit determination ==> 卫星轨道的测定
  3177. satellite orbit parameters ==> 卫星轨道参数
  3178. satellite order wire ==> 卫星联络线
  3179. satellite orientation device ==> 卫星定向系统
  3180. satellite orientation system ==> 卫星定向系统
  3181. satellite peak ==> 伴峰
  3182. satellite period ==> 卫星运行周期
  3183. satellite perturbance motion ==> 卫星摄动运动
  3184. satellite phenomenon ==> 卫星现象
  3185. satellite photo ==> 卫星照片
  3186. satellite photographic studies ==> 卫星相片研究
  3187. satellite photography ==> 卫星摄影术
  3188. satellite point ==> 卫点
  3189. satellite position determination ==> 卫星位置的确定
  3190. satellite position prediction and display ==> 卫星位置预测与显示
  3191. satellite power supply ==> 卫星电源
  3192. satellite processor ==> 卫星处理机,卫星计算机
  3193. satellite propulsion system ==> 卫星推进系统
  3194. satellite rangefinder ==> 卫星测距仪
  3195. satellite ranging ==> 卫星测距
  3196. satellite re-entry guidance ==> 卫星再入制导
  3197. satellite receiver subsystem ==> 卫星接收机辅助设备
  3198. satellite reconnaissance ==> 卫星侦察
  3199. satellite reconnaissance system ==> 卫星侦察系统
  3200. satellite recovery system ==> 卫星回收系统
  3201. satellite relay ==> 卫星中继器
  3202. satellite report ==> 辅助报告
  3203. satellite retroreflector ==> 卫星反射器
  3204. satellite searching radar ==> 卫星搜索雷达
  3205. satellite sounding ==> 卫星探测
  3206. satellite spin ==> 卫星自转
  3207. satellite station ==> 卫星站,星际站
  3208. satellite strategic surveillance system ==> 卫星战略监视系统
  3209. satellite sunspot ==> 卫星黑子
  3210. satellite surveillance radar ==> 卫星监视雷达
  3211. satellite switching system ==> 衛星内切換方式
  3212. satellite system monitoring ==> 卫星系统监听
  3213. satellite system operation guide ==> 卫星系统操作制导
  3214. satellite telecommunication with automatic routine ==> 自动导航卫星通信
  3215. satellite telemetry automatic reduction system ==> 卫星遥测数据自动处理系统
  3216. satellite television ==> 卫星电视
  3217. satellite test center ==> 卫星试验中心
  3218. satellite test range ==> 人造卫星试验场
  3219. satellite town ==> 卫星城,(大城市的)卫星城镇
  3220. satellite tracking ==> 卫星跟踪,人卫跟踪
  3221. satellite tracking camera ==> 人卫跟踪照相机
  3222. satellite tracking installation ==> 卫星跟踪设施
  3223. satellite tracking laser ==> 卫星跟踪激光器,卫星跟踪激光仪
  3224. satellite tracking network ==> 卫星眼踪网
  3225. satellite tracking station ==> 卫星跟踪站
  3226. satellite trail ==> 卫星痕迹
  3227. satellite trajectory ==> 卫星轨道
  3228. satellite trajectory ground track ==> 卫星轨道的地面投影
  3229. satellite transit ==> 卫星凌行星,卫星运行
  3230. satellite transmission ==> 卫星发送
  3231. satellite transmitter ==> 卫星发射机,辅助发射机
  3232. satellite transponder ==> 卫星转频器
  3233. satellite triangulation ==> 人卫三角测量
  3234. satellite vehicle ==> 人造卫星
  3235. satellite weapon ==> 卫星武器
  3236. satellite- borne romote sensing system ==> 卫星装置遥测系统
  3237. satellite-aided navigation ==> 卫星导航
  3238. satellite-based early warning system ==> 卫生载运先期警报系统
  3239. satellite-based interceptor ==> 卫星载运的截击导弹
  3240. satellite-based interceptor system ==> 卫星载运的拦截系统
  3241. satellite-borne equipment ==> 卫星载运的设备
  3242. satellite-borne laser system ==> 卫星载运激光系统
  3243. satellite-borne missile ==> 卫星载运的导弹
  3244. satellite-borne radar ==> 卫星载运雷达
  3245. satellite-borne sensor ==> 卫星装置传感器
  3246. satellite-borne surveillance system ==> 卫星载运的侦察系统
  3247. satellite-brone remote sensing system ==> 卫星装置遥感系统
  3248. satellite-landing guidance ==> 卫星着陆制导
  3249. satellite-launchedballistic missile ==> 卫星发射的弹道导弹
  3250. satellite-launching facility ==> 卫星发射装置
  3251. satellite-missile observation system ==> 卫星观测系统
  3252. satellite-orbit shadow time ==> 卫星轨道背日时间
  3253. satellite-pair ==> 伴偶
  3254. satellite-sensed event ==> 卫星可测事件
  3255. satellites coupling ==> 卫星对接
  3256. satellocentric system ==> 卫星中心坐标系
  3257. satety brake ==> 安全制动器
  3258. saticon ==> 塞蒂康视象管
  3259. Saticon ==> サチコン
  3260. satiety center ==> 饱腹中枢
  3261. satillite cloud photograph ==> 卫星云图
  3262. satin ==> 缎,加光泽
  3263. satin alcyonne ==> 表里双色缎
  3264. satin damask ==> 厚花缎
  3265. satin drill ==> 直贡
  3266. satin Ecossais ==> 埃科赛全丝条格缎
  3267. satin embroidery ==> 蟒缎
  3268. satin faille crepe ==> 横罗绉缎
  3269. satin finish ==> 毛面光洁度,无光光洁度,刷光=>なし地仕上
  3270. satin finish glass ==> 丝光玻璃
  3271. satin finished surface ==> なし地
  3272. satin finishing ==> 研光
  3273. satin glaze ==> 缎光釉
  3274. satin marabout ==> 马拉博单丝经缎
  3275. satin Messaline ==> 梅萨林薄丝缎
  3276. satin moth ==> 柳毒蛾
  3277. satin ottoman ==> 厚棱纹缎
  3278. satin plain mixed ==> 交织素八丝缎
  3279. satin spar ==> 纤维石
  3280. satin stone ==> 纤维石
  3281. satin white ==> 缎光白
  3282. satin wood ==> 椴木
  3283. satin-embossed finish ==> 梨地仕上
  3284. satin-vellum glaze ==> 缎光釉
  3285. satinwood ==> 椴木
  3286. satinwood finish ==> 半光漆
  3287. satisfaction ==> 清偿,满意,满足=>満足,満足させること
  3288. satisfaction basis ==> 満足基準
  3289. satisfaction determination ==> 満足度決定
  3290. satisfaction of lien ==> 解除留置权
  3291. satisfaction of wants ==> 满足需要
  3292. satisfaction proof ==> 满意证明
  3293. satisfactory ==> 符合要求
  3294. satisfactory approximation ==> 足够精确的近似值
  3295. satisfactory effect ==> 满意疗效
  3296. satisfactory profit ==> 满意利润
  3297. satisfactory quality ==> 满意质量
  3298. satisfactory result ==> 满意效果
  3299. satisfactory solution ==> 满意解
  3300. satisfied hydrocarbon ==> 饱和烃
  3301. satisfy ==> 满足
  3302. satisfy the liabilities ==> 清偿负债
  3303. satisfy the prescriptive period ==> 满足有效期
  3304. satisfy wants ==> 满足需要
  3305. satisfying activity ==> 満足できる活動
  3306. satisfying and adaptively rational decision ==> 满足化与适应性的合理决策
  3307. satisfying career ==> 満足のいくキャリア
  3308. satisfying criteria ==> 满足标准
  3309. satisfying criterion ==> 満足基準
  3310. satisfying job ==> やりがいのある仕事
  3311. satisfying level ==> 満足水準
  3312. satisfying life ==> 満足感の得られる生活
  3313. satisfying marriage ==> 満足な結婚
  3314. satisfying model ==> 满足的模型
  3315. satisfying needs ==> 欲求充足
  3316. satisfying place to live ==> 満足できる住環境
  3317. satisfying planning ==> 符合要求计划法
  3318. satisfying principle ==> 満足基準
  3319. satisfying profession ==> やりがいのある専門的職業
  3320. SATKA, Surveillance Acquisition Tracking and Kill Assessment ==> (意訳)監視・補足・追跡・要撃のアセスメント
  3321. sato process ==> 自对准厚氧化膜工艺
  3322. SATPM Saturday P.M. ==> 周六下午
  3323. SATS ==> 北欧電気試験所
  3324. SATS, station accommodation test set ==> ステーション塔載試験装置
  3325. SATS, substation automation training simulator ==> SATS
  3326. saturability ==> 饱和额,饱和能力
  3327. saturable ==> 可饱和,可浸透
  3328. saturable absorber ==> 飽和性吸収体
  3329. saturable absorption ==> 饱和吸收
  3330. saturable absorption Q-switching ==> 可饱和吸收Q开关
  3331. saturable autotransformer ==> 饱和自耦变压器
  3332. saturable choke ==> 饱和抗流圈
  3333. saturable core ==> 饱和铁心,饱和铁芯=>可飽和鉄心
  3334. saturable core generator ==> 饱和铁芯发电机
  3335. saturable dye Q-switch ==> 可饱和染料Q开关
  3336. saturable inductor ==> 饱和感应线圈,饱和线圈
  3337. saturable magnetic circuit ==> 饱和磁路
  3338. saturable organic dye ==> 可饱和有机染料
  3339. saturable reactor ==> 饱和电抗器,饱和扼流圈,助磁式电抗器=>可飽和リアクトル
  3340. saturable reactor A.C.arc welder ==> 饱和电抗器型交流弧焊机
  3341. saturable resonator ==> 可饱和共振腔
  3342. saturable transformator ==> 饱和变压器
  3343. saturable transformer ==> 可飽和トランス
  3344. saturable-core magnetometer ==> 可饱和铁心磁强计
  3345. saturable-core reactor ==> 饱和电抗器
  3346. saturant ==> 饱和剂,浸渍剂
  3347. saturate ==> 浸透
  3348. saturated ==> 饱和的
  3349. saturated absorption ==> 饱和吸收
  3350. saturated absorption frequency stabilization ==> 饱和吸收稳频
  3351. saturated absorption peak ==> 饱和吸收峰
  3352. saturated acid ==> 饱和酸
  3353. saturated activity ==> 饱和放射性,饱和活性
  3354. saturated acyclic hydrocarbon ==> 饱和无环烃=>飽和非環式炭化水素
  3355. saturated air ==> 饱和空气,饱和气
  3356. saturated air mixture ==> 饱和的空气混合物
  3357. saturated alloying ==> 饱和合金
  3358. saturated ammonia ==> 饱和氨
  3359. saturated asbestos felt ==> 浸油石棉毡
  3360. saturated belt ==> 饱和带
  3361. saturated bitumen asbestos felt ==> 浸沥青石棉毡
  3362. saturated brine ==> 饱和盐水
  3363. saturated calomel electrode ==> 饱和甘汞电极
  3364. saturated capacity ==> 饱和容量
  3365. saturated carbon ring ==> 饱和碳环
  3366. saturated characteristic ==> 饱和特性
  3367. saturated circuit ==> 饱和电路=>飽和形回路
  3368. saturated clay ==> 饱和粘土
  3369. saturated colo(u)r ==> 彰色
  3370. saturated color ==> 飽和
  3371. saturated colour ==> 纯色
  3372. saturated compounds ==> 饱和化合物
  3373. saturated concentration ==> 饱和浓度
  3374. saturated condition ==> 饱和状态
  3375. saturated conductivity ==> 饱和土壤传导度
  3376. saturated core ==> 饱和铁芯
  3377. saturated core reactor ==> 饱和扼流圈
  3378. saturated density ==> 飽和密度
  3379. saturated dihalide ==> 二卤代烷
  3380. saturated diode ==> 饱和二极管=>飽和ダイオード
  3381. saturated erase ==> 饱和抹音法
  3382. saturated erasure ==> 饱和消磁法
  3383. saturated fatty acid ==> 饱和脂肪酸
  3384. saturated fatty alcohol dibasic acid ester ==> 饱和脂肪醇二羧酸酯
  3385. saturated felt ==> 浸沥青毡
  3386. saturated gain ==> 饱和增益
  3387. saturated glaze ==> 饱和釉
  3388. saturated gradient ==> 饱和梯度
  3389. saturated ground ==> 水涝地
  3390. saturated gun ==> 饱和电子枪
  3391. saturated humidity ==> 饱和湿度
  3392. saturated humidity mixing ratio ==> 饱和湿度混合比
  3393. saturated inductance ==> 饱和电感
  3394. saturated level ==> 饱和水平
  3395. saturated line ==> 饱和线
  3396. saturated liquid ==> 饱和液体
  3397. saturated logic circuit ==> 饱和逻辑电路,饱和型逻辑电路
  3398. saturated magnetic flux ==> 飽和磁束
  3399. saturated magnetic flux density ==> 飽和磁束密度
  3400. saturated magnetization ==> 磁饱和
  3401. saturated market ==> 饱和市场
  3402. saturated markets ==> 饱和的市场
  3403. saturated media ==> 饱和介质
  3404. saturated mineral ==> 饱和矿物
  3405. saturated mixture ==> 饱和混合物
  3406. saturated moisture ==> 饱和湿度
  3407. saturated permeability ==> 饱和透水性
  3408. saturated pressure ==> 饱和气压
  3409. saturated reactance method ==> 饱和电抗法
  3410. saturated recombination rate ==> 饱和复合率
  3411. saturated rock ==> 饱和岩,饱水岩石
  3412. saturated roofing felt ==> 浸沥青毡
  3413. saturated salin e flotation method ==> 饱和盐水浮集法
  3414. saturated sample ==> 饱和试样,饱和样品
  3415. saturated soil ==> 饱和土,饱和土壤,饱水土壤
  3416. saturated solid solution ==> 饱和固溶体
  3417. saturated solution ==> 饱和溶液
  3418. saturated specimen ==> 饱和试样
  3419. saturated standard cell ==> 饱和标准电池
  3420. saturated state ==> 饱和状态
  3421. saturated steam ==> 饱和蒸汽=>飽和蒸気
  3422. saturated steam locomotive ==> 饱和蒸汽机车
  3423. saturated steam turbine ==> [核电用]饱和蒸汽汽轮机,曾称“核电汽轮机”。使用新蒸汽湿度为0.4%~0.5%的饱和蒸汽或过热度为(25~30)℃的微过热蒸汽做功的汽轮机
  3424. saturated steam turbine,wet steam turbine ==> 饱和蒸汽汽轮机,又称“湿蒸汽汽轮机”。主蒸汽为饱和或接近饱和状态的汽轮机
  3425. saturated steel ==> 共析钢
  3426. saturated surface ==> 地下水面,饱和面
  3427. saturated unit weight ==> 饱和单位重量,饱和容量,饱和幺重
  3428. saturated unit weight of soil ==> 土的饱和容重
  3429. saturated vapor ==> 饱和蒸气=>飽和蒸気
  3430. saturated vapor pressure ==> 饱和蒸汽压
  3431. saturated vapour pressure ==> 饱和蒸汽压力
  3432. saturated velocity ==> 饱和速度
  3433. saturated virtual temperature ==> 饱和虚温度
  3434. saturated water ==> 飽和水
  3435. saturated water line ==> 飽和水線
  3436. saturated water vapour pressure ==> 饱和水汽压
  3437. saturated weight ==> 饱和重量
  3438. saturated zone ==> 饱和层,饱和带
  3439. saturated-adiabatic lapse rate ==> 饱和绝热直减率
  3440. saturating capacity ==> 饱和量
  3441. saturating capacity of paper ==> 纸的饱和性
  3442. saturating of capillary ==> 毛细饱和法
  3443. saturating signal ==> 饱和信号
  3444. saturating supply ==> 磁饱和电源
  3445. saturation ==> 章度,因子函数,温度饱和,饱和,饱和作用,色饱和度=>飽和,彩度
  3446. saturation activation ==> 饱和激励
  3447. saturation activity ==> 饱和放射性强度
  3448. saturation adiabat ==> 饱和绝热线
  3449. saturation adiabatic process ==> 饱和绝热过程
  3450. saturation amplification ==> 饱和放大
  3451. saturation analysis ==> 饱和分析法
  3452. saturation area ==> 饱和区
  3453. saturation boiling ==> 饱和沸腾,液体整体处于与系统压力相应的饱和温度下,在加热表面上产生蒸汽的现象
  3454. saturation bombing ==> 饱和轰炸
  3455. saturation boundary ==> 饱和界限
  3456. saturation characteristic ==> 饱和特性
  3457. saturation characteristic curve ==> 饱和特性曲线
  3458. saturation characteristics ==> 飽和特性
  3459. saturation coefficient ==> 饱和系数
  3460. saturation coil ==> 饱和线圈=>飽和コイル
  3461. saturation collection ==> 饱和收集
  3462. saturation colour ==> 饱和色
  3463. saturation condition ==> 饱和状态
  3464. saturation conditions ==> 饱和条件
  3465. saturation constraint ==> 饱和限制
  3466. saturation control ==> 饱和度调整,饱和控制
  3467. saturation core regulator ==> 饱和铁芯稳压器,铁磁饱和稳压器
  3468. saturation current ==> 饱和电流=>飽和電流
  3469. saturation current density ==> 饱和电流密度
  3470. saturation curve ==> 饱和曲线=>飽和曲線
  3471. saturation deficiency ==> 饱和差
  3472. saturation deficit ==> 饱和差
  3473. saturation degree ==> 饱和度
  3474. saturation discrimination ==> 彩度鉴别本领
  3475. saturation diving ==> 饱和潜水
  3476. saturation effect ==> 饱和效应
  3477. saturation efficiency ==> 饱和效率
  3478. saturation energy ==> 饱和能量
  3479. saturation extract ==> 饱和浸出液,饱和提取液
  3480. saturation factor ==> 饱和率,饱和系数=>飽和率
  3481. saturation field ==> 饱和场
  3482. saturation flux ==> 饱和磁通,饱和通量
  3483. saturation flux density ==> 饱和磁感应强度,饱和磁通密度,饱和通量密度
  3484. saturation gain ==> 饱和增益
  3485. saturation in back-iron LEM ==> 带有饱和实心铁轭的直线电机
  3486. saturation index ==> 饱和指数
  3487. saturation induction ==> 饱和感应
  3488. saturation induction density ==> 饱和磁感应强度
  3489. saturation intensity ==> 饱和磁化强度,饱和强度
  3490. saturation irradiation ==> 饱和辐射
  3491. saturation isomerism ==> 饱和异构现象
  3492. saturation level ==> 饱和度
  3493. saturation limit ==> 饱和极限
  3494. saturation limiter ==> 饱和限幅器
  3495. saturation limiting ==> 饱和限幅
  3496. saturation limiting effect ==> 饱和极限效应
  3497. saturation line ==> 浸润线
  3498. saturation logic ==> 饱和逻辑
  3499. saturation loss ==> 饱和损耗
  3500. saturation magnetiation ==> 饱和磁化强度
  3501. saturation magnetic circuit ==> 饱和磁路
  3502. saturation magnetic flux density ==> 飽和磁束密度
  3503. saturation magnetic flux intensity ==> 饱和磁通密度
  3504. saturation magnetic induction ==> 饱和磁感应
  3505. saturation magnetic moment ==> 饱和磁矩
  3506. saturation magnetic recording ==> 饱和磁记录
  3507. saturation magnetization ==> 饱和磁化=>飽和磁化
  3508. saturation magnetometer ==> 饱和磁强计
  3509. saturation mixing ratio ==> 饱和混合比
  3510. saturation mode ==> 饱和状态
  3511. saturation moisture content ==> 饱和含水量
  3512. saturation moments ==> 饱和力矩
  3513. saturation noise ==> 饱和噪声
  3514. saturation of covalent bond ==> 共价键饱和性
  3515. saturation of excitation system ==> 励磁系统的饱和
  3516. saturation of forces ==> 力的饱和
  3517. saturation of iron ==> 铁芯饱和
  3518. saturation of nuclear force ==> 核力饱和性
  3519. saturation of photo electric current ==> 光电流饱和
  3520. saturation of pole ==> 磁极饱和
  3521. saturation of the air ==> 空气饱和
  3522. saturation of the molecular transitions ==> 分子跃迁饱和
  3523. saturation of the population inversion ==> 反转粒子数饱和
  3524. saturation of voltage transformer ==> VT飽和
  3525. saturation parameter ==> 饱和参量=>飽和パラメータ
  3526. saturation percentage ==> 饱和百分率
  3527. saturation photocurrent ==> 饱和光电流
  3528. saturation plane ==> 饱和面
  3529. saturation point ==> 饱和点
  3530. saturation polarization ==> 饱和极化
  3531. saturation pressure ==> 饱和压力=>飽和圧力
  3532. saturation range ==> 饱和区
  3533. saturation rate ==> 饱和速率
  3534. saturation ratio ==> 饱和度
  3535. saturation reactance ==> 饱和电抗
  3536. saturation recording ==> 饱和记录
  3537. saturation region ==> 饱和区,饱和区域=>飽和領域
  3538. saturation remanent flux ==> 饱和剩磁
  3539. saturation remanent level ==> 饱和剩余磁平
  3540. saturation resistance ==> 饱和电阻
  3541. saturation signal ==> 饱和信号
  3542. saturation soil paste ==> 饱和土浆
  3543. saturation specific humidity ==> 饱和比湿度
  3544. saturation spectroscopy ==> 饱和光谱学
  3545. saturation state ==> 饱和状态
  3546. saturation storage time ==> 饱和储存时间
  3547. saturation swelling stress ==> 饱和湿胀应力
  3548. saturation temperature ==> 饱和点,饱和温度=>飽和温度
  3549. saturation test ==> 饱和程度试验
  3550. saturation testing ==> 饱和测试,饱和试验
  3551. saturation time constant ==> 饱和时间常数
  3552. saturation tower ==> 饱和塔
  3553. saturation transformer ==> 饱和变压器
  3554. saturation type circuit ==> 饱和型电路
  3555. saturation value ==> 饱和值
  3556. saturation value ==> 饱和值
  3557. saturation vapor pressure ==> 饱和汽压
  3558. saturation vapor pressure method ==> 饱和蒸汽压法
  3559. saturation vapour ==> 饱和水汽
  3560. saturation vapour pressure ==> 饱和水汽压
  3561. saturation voltage ==> 饱和电压
  3562. saturation water ==> 饱和水
  3563. saturation zone ==> 饱和带,饱和区
  3564. saturation-absorption spectrum ==> 饱和吸收光谱
  3565. saturation-adiabatic lapse rate ==> 湿绝热直减率
  3566. saturation-adiabatic process ==> 湿绝热过程
  3567. saturator ==> 饱和器,饱和器操作员,饱和塔,浸渍机
  3568. Saturn ==> 土星
  3569. Saturn's colossal ring ==> 土星の巨大な環
  3570. Saturn's infrared aurora ==> 土星の赤外オーロラ
  3571. Saturn's ring ==> 土星环
  3572. Saturn's rings and inner moons ==> 土星の環と内側の衛星
  3573. Saturn's rotation period ==> 土星の自転周期
  3574. Saturnicentric ring latitude ==> 土心环纬度
  3575. Saturnicentric ring longitude ==> 土心环经度
  3576. SAU Saudi Arabia (Flag) ==> 沙特阿拉伯(注册)
  3577. sauce pot ==> 炖锅
  3578. saucer dome ==> 蝶形穹顶
  3579. saucer lake ==> 浅盆湖,浸没湖
  3580. saucer man ==> 外太空人
  3581. saucer shape ==> 凹形
  3582. saucer shaped wheel ==> 碟形砂轮
  3583. saucer spring ==> 盘状弹簧
  3584. saucer washer ==> 凹面弹簧垫圈
  3585. saucer wheel ==> 盘型砂轮,碟形砂轮
  3586. saucer-headed bolt ==> 菌头螺栓,菌头螺栓
  3587. saucer-shaped depression of vitreous body ==> 玻璃体碟状凹
  3588. Saunders' sign ==> 桑德斯氏征
  3589. saury ==> 秋刀鱼=>サンマ,秋刀魚
  3590. saury fishing ==> サンマ漁
  3591. sausage aerial ==> かご形アンテナ
  3592. sausage antenna ==> 香肠形天线
  3593. sausage balloon ==> 圆柱形系留气球
  3594. sausage binding machine ==> 灌肠结扎机
  3595. sausage casing processing equipment ==> 肠衣加工设备
  3596. sausage filler ==> 灌肠机
  3597. sausage filling machine ==> 灌肠充填机
  3598. sausage fingers ==> 腊肠样指
  3599. sausage hanging machine ==> 灌肠吊接机
  3600. sausage instability ==> 腊肠不稳定性,颈缩型不稳性,颈缩型不稳性
  3601. sausage meat extruder ==> 灌肠机
  3602. sausage perforating machine ==> 灌肠打孔机
  3603. sausage poisoning ==> 腊肠中毒
  3604. sausage stage larva ==> 腊肠期幼虫
  3605. sausage stuffer ==> 灌肠机
  3606. sausage-casing salt ==> 肠衣盐
  3607. sausage-type instability ==> 腊肠型不稳定性
  3608. Saussurea cordifolia ==> 心叶风毛菊
  3609. Savage principle ==> 塞韦奇原则
  3610. savane armee ==> 多刺高灌丛
  3611. Savart plate ==> 萨伐特片
  3612. Savart, F.Savart ==> 1791-1841,萨伐尔,法国科学家
  3613. Savathe cycle ==> 萨巴蒂循环
  3614. save all ==> 白水回收装置
  3615. save area ==> 保存区
  3616. save area table (SAVT) ==> 保存区表
  3617. save file ==> 副本文件
  3618. save instruction ==> 保存指令
  3619. save memory ==> 内存保留区
  3620. save on transport costs ==> 节约运费,节约运输费用
  3621. save path ==> 存放路径=>保存パス
  3622. save register ==> 保存寄存器
  3623. save routine ==> 保存程序,保存例行程序
  3624. SAVE statement ==> 保存语句
  3625. save tape ==> 复录磁带
  3626. Save the Earth ==> 《挽救地球》
  3627. save the plot for vegetable ==> 留这块地种菜
  3628. save to fertilize soil ==> 攒起用来肥田
  3629. save value ==> 保存值
  3630. save-all ==> 防溅器
  3631. saved area description entry ==> 保存区描述体
  3632. saved system ==> 保存系统,已保存系统
  3633. savety guard ==> 安全板
  3634. saving ==> 节省
  3635. saving energy control ==> 省エネルギー制御
  3636. saving in material ==> 节省材料
  3637. saving in money compensation ==> 节约现金补助
  3638. saving in weight ==> 节省重量
  3639. saving of labor ==> 省工
  3640. saving sequence ==> 保存序列
  3641. saving social labor economy of social labor ==> 节约人工的投资
  3642. savings at call ==> 通知储蓄存款
  3643. Savonius rotor ==> 萨伏纽斯转子
  3644. Savonius turbine ==> サボニウス形タービン
  3645. Savonius windmill ==> 萨伏纽斯风车=>サボニウス風車
  3646. savor ==> 風味
  3647. savoriness ==> 風味
  3648. savory oil ==> 香旱芹油
  3649. savoury herb ==> 香科植物
  3650. saw ==> 表面声波,圆盘锯,锯,锯床,锯开=>のこぎり
  3651. saw amplifier ==> 表面声波放大器
  3652. saw arbor ==> 锯齿铣槽刀轴,锯齿铣槽刀轴,锯轴,锯轴,花键铣刀刀杆
  3653. saw bench ==> 锯木台,锯木台
  3654. saw bit ==> 锯片,锯片
  3655. saw blade ==> 锯片,锯片
  3656. saw carriage ==> 锯座,锯座
  3657. saw cut ==> 锯痕,锯痕
  3658. saw cutting ==> 锯切,锯切
  3659. saw cutting machine ==> 切锯齿机
  3660. saw cylinder ==> 锯齿式滚筒,锯齿式滚筒
  3661. saw cylinder cleaner ==> 锯齿滚筒式清棉机,锯齿滚筒式清棉机
  3662. saw device ==> 表面声波装置
  3663. saw doctor ==> 磨锯齿机,修锯工,锉锯齿机
  3664. saw file ==> 整锯锉
  3665. saw for two men ==> 二人锯
  3666. saw grinder ==> 锯齿磨床,锯齿磨床
  3667. saw grinding machine ==> 锯齿刃磨机,锯齿刃磨机,锯齿修磨机,锯齿修磨机,锉锯齿机
  3668. saw gumming ==> 磨锯齿
  3669. saw head ==> 锯削头,锯削头
  3670. saw jointer ==> 连锯器
  3671. saw jumper ==> 锯齿器,锯齿器
  3672. saw line ==> 锯路,锯路,锯线,锯线
  3673. saw log ==> 锯材原木,锯材原木,锯架,锯架
  3674. saw mill refuse ==> 制材厂废屑
  3675. saw mill residue ==> 制材厂废料
  3676. saw mill waste ==> 制材厂废料
  3677. saw pit ==> 锯坑,锯坑
  3678. saw set ==> 整锯工具
  3679. saw set(ting) ==> 锯齿修整器,锯齿修整器,整锯器
  3680. saw setting ==> 锉锯齿
  3681. saw setting machine ==> 整锯机
  3682. saw setting pliers ==> 整锯钳
  3683. saw shaper ==> 开锯齿机
  3684. saw sharpener ==> 磨锯齿机
  3685. saw sharpener's bench ==> 整锯台
  3686. saw sharpening machine ==> 磨锯机,锯齿刃磨机,锯齿刃磨机,锯齿修磨机,锯齿修磨机,锉锯齿机
  3687. saw teeth effect ==> のこぎり効果
  3688. saw teeth wave form ==> 锯齿波形,锯齿波形
  3689. saw timber ==> 锯材林木,锯材林木,锯材原木料,锯材原木料,锯木,锯木
  3690. saw tooth current ==> 锯齿形电流
  3691. saw tooth generator ==> 锯齿波振荡器锯齿波发生器
  3692. saw tooth oscillator ==> 锯齿波振荡器锯齿波发生器
  3693. saw tooth voltage ==> 锯齿形电压
  3694. saw trace ==> 锯痕
  3695. saw type lint cleaner ==> 锯齿式清棉机
  3696. saw type platform ==> 锯齿形月台
  3697. saw vice ==> 锯机虎钳,锯机虎钳,整锯虎钳
  3698. saw web ==> 锯片
  3699. saw wrest ==> 扭锯器
  3700. saw(ing) machine ==> 锯床,锯床
  3701. saw(tooth) former ==> 锯齿波形成器,锯齿波形成器
  3702. SAW, surface acoustic wave ==> 高周波弾性波
  3703. saw-cut ==> 陡峻峡谷
  3704. saw-horse ==> 锯架,锯架
  3705. saw-mill ==> 大型锯机
  3706. saw-shaped ==> 锯齿形,锯齿形
  3707. saw-tooth crusher ==> 锯齿破碎机,锯齿破碎机
  3708. saw-tooth current ==> 锯齿形电流,锯齿形电流
  3709. saw-tooth cutter ==> 锯齿形切割器,锯齿形切割器
  3710. saw-tooth drive ==> 锯齿状激励,锯齿状激励
  3711. saw-tooth hob ==> 锯齿滚刀,锯齿滚刀
  3712. saw-tooth joint ==> 锯齿接合,锯齿接合,锯齿形接合,锯齿形接合,锯齿状接合,锯齿状接合
  3713. saw-tooth milling cutter ==> 锯齿铣刀,锯齿铣刀
  3714. saw-tooth slot ==> 锯齿形缝,锯齿形缝
  3715. saw-tooth sweep ==> 锯齿形扫描,锯齿形扫描
  3716. saw-tooth thin shell ==> 锯齿形薄壳,锯齿形薄壳
  3717. saw-tooth thread ==> 锯齿形螺纹,锯齿形螺纹
  3718. saw-tooth truss ==> 锯齿形桁架,锯齿形桁架
  3719. saw-tooth type cutter ==> 锯齿铣刀,锯齿铣刀
  3720. saw-tooth voltage ==> 锯齿波电压,锯齿波电压
  3721. saw-tooth wave(form) ==> 锯齿波,锯齿波
  3722. saw-tooth waveform ==> 锯齿波形,锯齿波形
  3723. saw-toothed grain beetle ==> 锯谷盗,锯谷盗
  3724. saw-toothed skylight ==> 锯齿形天窗,锯齿形天窗
  3725. saw-whet owl ==> ヒメキンメフクロウ
  3726. SAWD, solid amine & water desorption system ==> 固体アミン及び水脱着システム
  3727. sawdust ==> 锯屑
  3728. sawdust and peak ==> 锯末和草碳,锯末和草碳
  3729. sawdust brick ==> 锯末砖,锯末砖
  3730. sawdust cement ==> 锯末水泥,锯末水泥
  3731. sawdust concrete ==> 锯末混凝土,锯末混凝土,木屑混凝土
  3732. sawdust mortar ==> 锯末砂浆,锯末砂浆
  3733. sawdust tester ==> 锯屑种子发芽器,锯屑种子发芽器
  3734. sawed finish ==> 锯开石面
  3735. sawed veneer ==> 锯开薄板,锯开薄板,锯制层板,锯制层板
  3736. sawed-off ==> 锯断,锯断
  3737. sawer ==> 锯工
  3738. sawing ==> 锯割
  3739. sawing machine ==> 电锯
  3740. sawing mill ==> 锯木厂
  3741. sawing pattern ==> 锯剖图,锯剖图
  3742. sawmill ==> 锯木厂
  3743. sawn face ==> 锯开石面
  3744. sawn full ==> 锯切毛尺寸的,锯切毛尺寸的
  3745. sawn goods ==> 锯材,锯材,成材
  3746. sawn square ==> 方材
  3747. sawn stone ==> 锯开石料,锯开石料
  3748. sawn timber ==> 锯材,锯材=>用材
  3749. sawn-off spotted-deer antler ==> 梅花两岔锯茸,梅花三岔锯茸
  3750. sawn-off spotted-deer antler with blood ==> 带血花锯茸
  3751. sawn-off wild-deer antler ==> 马锯茸
  3752. sawn-off wild-deer antler with blood ==> 带血马锯茸
  3753. sawtooth amplitude ==> 锯齿形振幅,锯齿形振幅
  3754. sawtooth cotton gin ==> 锯齿轧花机,锯齿轧花机
  3755. sawtooth current ==> 锯齿波形电流,锯齿电流=>のこぎり波状電流
  3756. sawtooth current-wave generator ==> 锯齿电流波发生器,锯齿电流波发生器
  3757. sawtooth electromotive force ==> 锯齿形电动势
  3758. sawtooth generator ==> 锯齿波发生器
  3759. sawtooth linter ==> 锯齿剥绒机,锯齿剥绒机
  3760. sawtooth oscillator ==> のこぎり波発振器
  3761. sawtooth output ==> 锯齿波输出,锯齿波输出
  3762. sawtooth phase grating modulator ==> 锯齿形相栅调制器,锯齿形相栅调制器
  3763. sawtooth platform ==> 锯齿形月台,锯齿形月台
  3764. sawtooth projection ==> 锯齿形凸起,锯齿形凸起
  3765. sawtooth pulse ==> 锯齿形脉冲,锯齿波脉冲
  3766. sawtooth retrace ==> 锯齿形信号回程,锯齿形信号回程
  3767. sawtooth roof ==> 锯齿形屋顶,锯齿形屋顶
  3768. sawtooth shaped time series ==> 锯齿型时间数列,锯齿型时间数列
  3769. sawtooth signal ==> 锯齿形信号,锯齿形信号
  3770. sawtooth truss ==> 锯齿式屋架,锯齿式屋架
  3771. sawtooth voltage ==> のこぎり波状電圧
  3772. sawtooth wave ==> 锯齿形波
  3773. sawtooth waveform ==> のこぎり波形
  3774. sawtooth-clothed drum drafter ==> 锯齿滚筒并条机,锯齿滚筒并条机
  3775. sawtooth-like eaves plate ==> 齿形檐板
  3776. SAX, Italian-Dutch X-ray Astronomy Satellite(Satellite Astronomia raggi-X) ==> イタリア-オランダ共同の科学衛星
  3777. SAX, simple API for XML ==> SAX
  3778. saxatilic acid ==> 石地衣酸
  3779. Saxophone gate ==> 萨克管状浇口
  3780. say ladle ==> 取样勺,铸样勺
  3781. Say's Law ==> 萨伊定律
  3782. say-cast ==> 尾部粗毛
  3783. Sayan Mountains ==> 萨彦岭
  3784. Saybolt centistoke ==> 赛波特粘度单位
  3785. Saybolt color ==> 赛波色
  3786. Saybolt colorimeter ==> 赛波特比色计
  3787. Saybolt Furol viscosity ==> 赛波特-傅洛粘度
  3788. Saybolt ring number of kerosene ==> 煤油的赛波特环值
  3789. Saybolt scale ==> 赛波特粘度级
  3790. Saybolt second ==> 赛波特粘度秒=>セイボルト秒
  3791. Saybolt seconds universal (SSU) ==> 赛波特通用秒
  3792. Saybolt thermoviscosimeter ==> 赛波特热粘度计
  3793. Saybolt universal viscosity ==> 赛波特通用粘度,赛氏通用粘度
  3794. Saybolt viscometer ==> 赛波特粘度计
  3795. Saybolt viscosimeter ==> 赛波特粘度计
  3796. saybolt viscosimeter ==> 塞波特粘度计
  3797. Saybolt viscosity ==> 赛波特粘度
  3798. Sayers winding ==> 赛耶斯绕组
  3799. sb fet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  3800. SB Safe Berth ==> 安全锚位
  3801. SB, subbooster ==> 補助ロケット
  3802. SBA, Small Business Administration ==> 小ビジネス局
  3803. SBA, space-based antenna ==> 宇宙空間用アンテナ
  3804. sbar magnet ==> 条形磁铁
  3805. SBAR, space-based antenna range ==> 宇宙空間用アンテナ範囲
  3806. SBB, satellite busy box ==> 衛星ビジーボックス
  3807. SBB, Solid Booster Assembly Building ==> 固体ロケット試験棟
  3808. sbc ==> 标准埋层集极
  3809. sbc technique ==> 标准隐埋集电极技术
  3810. SBC, Sanriku Balloon Center ==> 三陸大気球観測所
  3811. SBD System-Based Design ==> 以体系为基础的设计
  3812. SBD, Schottky barrier diode ==> ショットキーバリアダイオード
  3813. SBD, schottky barrier diode ==> ショットキーダイオード
  3814. SBE, advanced Satellite Broadcasting Equipment ==> 高度衛星放送機器
  3815. SBF, S-band Rx band pass filter ==> Sバンド受信用フィルター
  3816. SBF, single barrier failure ==> 単一障害故障
  3817. SBIR ==> 中小企業技術革新制度
  3818. SBKKV, Space-Based Kinetic-Kill Vehicles ==> 宇宙設置運動エネルギー撃破飛しょう体(SDIのサブシステム)
  3819. SBM Single Buoy Mooring ==> 单浮标系泊设备
  3820. SBM, service bay manipulator ==> サービスベイマニピュレータ
  3821. sbmos ==> 肖特基势垒栅金属氧化物半导体
  3822. SBP, south bus panel ==> 南面バスパネル
  3823. SBP, System Buy Price ==> システム購入価格
  3824. SBR ==> 回分式活性污泥法=>序批式活性汚泥法
  3825. SBRC, Santa Barbara Research Center ==> サンタバーバラ研究所
  3826. SBS, Satellite Business Systems Co. ==> SBS社(衛星ビジネスシステムズ社)
  3827. SBS, single buyer system ==> 単一購入者システム,シングルバイヤーシステム
  3828. SBSA, Swedish Board for Space Activities ==> スウェーデン宇宙開発委員会
  3829. SBT Segregated Ballast Tanks ==> 隔离的压舱容器
  3830. SBU, strategic business unit ==> 戦略的事業単位
  3831. SBUV, solar backscatter ultraviolet spectrometer ==> 太陽後方散乱紫外線分析器
  3832. sc ==> 半导体
  3833. SC cable ==> 超電導ケーブル
  3834. SC&CU, signal conditioning and control ==> シグナルコンディションコントロール
  3835. SC, satellite control conductor ==> 衛星管制指揮者
  3836. SC, satellite operation conductor ==> 衛星運用指揮者
  3837. SC, schedule coordinator ==> スケジュールコーディネーター
  3838. SC, series compensation ==> 串补,串联补偿
  3839. SC, shopping center ==> ショッピングセンター
  3840. SC, signal condition ==> シグナルコンディション
  3841. SC, signal conditioner ==> シグナルコンデイショナー
  3842. SC, single character ==> 1文字
  3843. SC, solar cell ==> 太陽電池
  3844. SC, Solar Concentrator Group ==> 太陽熱研究グループ
  3845. SC, Space Commission ==> 宇宙委員会
  3846. SC, Space Commission of India ==> インド宇宙委員会
  3847. SC, spacecraft clock ==> 宇宙機の時計
  3848. SC, spacecraft controller ==> 衛星主任
  3849. SC, special computer program ==> 特殊コンピュータプログラム
  3850. SC, speed control ==> 速度制御
  3851. SC, star coupler ==> スター結合器
  3852. SC, Star Coupler ==> スターカプラー
  3853. SC, Static Capacitor ==> 静止型コンデンサ,電力用コンデンサ
  3854. SC, Static Condenser(Capacitor), Shunt Capacitor ==> スタティックコンデンサ、電力用コンデンサ
  3855. SC, storage container ==> 貯蔵コンテナ
  3856. SC, Study Committee ==> 分科会=>研究委員会(CIGRE)
  3857. SC, subcarrier ==> 副搬送波
  3858. SC, subcarrier signal ==> 副搬送波信号
  3859. SCA Suez Canal Authority ==> 苏伊士运河当局
  3860. SCA, shuttle carrier aircraft ==> シャトル輸送機
  3861. scab ==> 起夹子,拼接板,疮痂,铸件表面粘砂,钢锭结疤
  3862. scab of apple ==> 苹果黑星病
  3863. scab of cucumber ==> 黄瓜黑星病
  3864. scab of grape ==> 葡萄黑痘病
  3865. scab of peach ==> 桃疮痂病
  3866. scab of pear ==> 梨黑星病
  3867. scab of rice ==> 稻赤霉病
  3868. scab of wheat ==> 小麦赤霉病
  3869. scabbard ==> 鞘
  3870. scabbard fish ==> 带鱼
  3871. scabbed ==> 拼接
  3872. scabbed casting ==> 糙铸
  3873. scabbiness ==> 瑕,瑕
  3874. scabbing ==> 斑疤,碎甲
  3875. scabbled dressing ==> 粗琢面
  3876. scabbling hammer ==> 粗琢锤
  3877. scabicidel ==> 抗疥螨剂
  3878. scabies ==> 疥疮,疥螨病
  3879. scabies crustosa ==> 伯克氏痒症
  3880. scabies Norwegian ==> 伯克氏痒症
  3881. scabies purulenta ==> 脓疱性疥疮
  3882. scabies pustulosa ==> 脓疱性疥疮
  3883. scabiosa ==> 山萝卜属植物
  3884. scabioside ==> 黄花败酱甙
  3885. scabious ==> 山萝卜属植物
  3886. scabish ==> 月见草
  3887. scabland ==> 崎岖地,剥蚀熔岩高原
  3888. scabrock ==> 岩石劣地
  3889. scabrous leaf ==> 粗糙的叶子
  3890. scabwort ==> 土木香
  3891. SCAC Standard Carrier Alpha Code ==> 标准运输公司法典
  3892. SCADA, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ==> 监控及数据采集系统,变电站控制监视系统=>変電所制御監視
  3893. scaf folding fittings ==> 脚手架配件
  3894. scaffold ==> 浮架,脚台架,棚料,脚手架=>足場
  3895. scaffold board ==> 桟橋,足場板
  3896. scaffold branch ==> 骨干枝
  3897. scaffold clamp ==> 足場クランプ
  3898. scaffold complex ==> 骨格複合体
  3899. scaffold cradle ==> 悬挂脚手架
  3900. scaffold erector ==> 足場組立工
  3901. scaffold fabrication ==> 足場製作
  3902. scaffold frame ==> 脚手框架
  3903. scaffold lashing ==> 扎绑脚手架
  3904. scaffold ledger ==> 脚手架大横杆
  3905. scaffold limb ==> 大主枝
  3906. scaffold nail ==> 双帽钉
  3907. scaffold on brackets ==> 悬臂式脚手架
  3908. scaffold service stand ==> 工作台
  3909. scaffolding ==> 搭脚手架,脚手架工程=>足場
  3910. scaffolding timber ==> 足場丸太
  3911. scaffolding work ==> 脚手架工程=>足場組立作業
  3912. SCAID, self-contained navigation aid ==> 自閉式航海救難具
  3913. scala media ==> 中道,中阶
  3914. scala vestibuli ==> 前庭阶
  3915. scalability ==> 拡張性,スケーラビリティ
  3916. scalability scheme ==> スケーラビリティ方式
  3917. scalar ==> 标量,纯量,无向量的=>スカラ
  3918. scalar access control ==> 标量存取控制
  3919. scalar assignment ==> 标量赋值
  3920. scalar attribute ==> 标量属性
  3921. scalar axis ==> 标量轴,无向量轴
  3922. scalar computation ==> 标量计算
  3923. scalar computer ==> 标量计算机
  3924. scalar constant ==> 标量常数
  3925. scalar control ==> スカラ制御
  3926. scalar control theory ==> スカラ制御論
  3927. scalar coupling ==> 标量耦合
  3928. scalar covariance matrix ==> 纯量协方差矩阵
  3929. scalar curvature ==> スカラ曲率
  3930. scalar density ==> 标量密度
  3931. scalar diffraction theory ==> 标记衍射理论,标量衍射理论
  3932. scalar electrical conductivity ==> 标量电导率
  3933. scalar equation ==> 无向量方程
  3934. scalar expansion ==> 标量扩张
  3935. scalar expression ==> 标量表达式
  3936. scalar field ==> 标量场=>スカラ場
  3937. scalar flux ==> 标量通量,无向量流
  3938. scalar function ==> 无向量函数,纯量函数,标量函数
  3939. scalar gluonium ==> 标量胶子素
  3940. scalar horn ==> 标量喇叭,梯形喇叭
  3941. scalar illuminance ==> スカラ照度
  3942. scalar impedance ==> 无向量阻抗
  3943. scalar instruction ==> 标量指令
  3944. scalar intensity ==> 标量强度
  3945. scalar irradiance ==> 标辐照度
  3946. scalar item ==> 标量项,纯量项
  3947. scalar lepton pairs ==> 标量轻子对
  3948. scalar Liapunov function ==> 标量的李亚普诺夫函数
  3949. scalar line integral of a vector quantity ==> ベクトル量のスカラ線積分
  3950. scalar magnetic potential ==> 标量磁位=>スカラ磁気ポテンシャル
  3951. scalar magnetometer ==> 标量磁力仪
  3952. scalar magnetotelluric method ==> 标量大地电磁法
  3953. scalar matrix ==> 标量矩阵,标量阵,纯量矩阵=>スカラ行列,主対角成分がスカラaで,それ以外の成分がすべて0である正方行列を指す。
  3954. scalar meson ==> 标量介子
  3955. scalar meson field ==> 标量介子场
  3956. scalar meson theory ==> 标量介子理论
  3957. scalar metabolism ==> 无向量代谢
  3958. scalar multiplication ==> 纯量乘法,标乘,标量乘法
  3959. scalar nature ==> 标记性质,标量性质
  3960. scalar network analyzer ==> 标量网络分析器
  3961. scalar neutrino ==> 标量中微子
  3962. scalar operator ==> 标量算符
  3963. scalar pair theory ==> 标量偶理论
  3964. scalar parameter ==> 标量参数
  3965. scalar particles ==> 标量粒子
  3966. scalar photon ==> 标量光子
  3967. scalar pipeline ==> 标量流水线
  3968. scalar potential ==> 标电位,标量势,标量位,标势,标位,无矢量
  3969. scalar potential field ==> 标量势场,标量位场
  3970. scalar potential of a vector field ==> ベクトル場のスカラポテンシャル
  3971. scalar pressure ==> 标量压力,标量压强
  3972. scalar processing ==> 标量处理
  3973. scalar processing unit ==> 标量处理单元
  3974. scalar processor ==> 标量处理机
  3975. scalar processor unit ==> 标量处理部件
  3976. scalar product ==> 标积,标量乘积,标量积,数积,内积,无向积,纯量积=>スカラ積
  3977. scalar product cycle ==> 无向量积循环,标量积循环
  3978. scalar property ==> 数量特征,无向量,无向性
  3979. scalar quantity ==> 无向量,纯量,标量=>スカラ量
  3980. scalar random variable ==> 纯量随机变量
  3981. scalar register ==> 标量寄存器
  3982. scalar result ==> 标量结果
  3983. scalar singlet ==> 标量单态
  3984. scalar speed ==> 标量速度
  3985. scalar stream ==> 标量流
  3986. scalar system ==> 分级体制
  3987. scalar triple product ==> 纯量三重积
  3988. scalar type ==> 标量类型
  3989. scalar variable ==> 标量变量
  3990. scalar wave ==> 标量波
  3991. scalar wave equation ==> 标量波动方程,标量波方程
  3992. scalar wave theory ==> 标量波动理论
  3993. scalar-array operation ==> 标量数组运算
  3994. scalar-return register ==> 标量返回寄存器
  3995. scalar-save register ==> 标量保存寄存器
  3996. scalar-tensor effect ==> 标量张量效应
  3997. scalar-tensor theory ==> 标量张量理论
  3998. scalar-vector effect ==> 标量矢量效应
  3999. scalariform ==> 阶状,梯纹的,梯状,梯状的
  4000. scalariform cell ==> 梯纹细胞
  4001. scalariform conjugation ==> 梯形接合,梯形结合
  4002. scalariform duct ==> 梯纹导管
  4003. scalariform marking ==> 梯纹
  4004. scalariform parenchyma ==> 梯状薄壁组织
  4005. scalariform perforation ==> 梯状穿孔
  4006. scalariform perforation plate ==> 梯状穿孔板
  4007. scalariform pitting ==> 梯纹加厚,梯状纹孔式
  4008. scalariform tracheid ==> 梯纹管胞,梯状管胞
  4009. scalariform vessel ==> 梯纹导管,梯状穿孔导管
  4010. scalariform-reticulate thickening ==> (细胞壁)梯状网纹加厚
  4011. scalarization ==> 标量化
  4012. scalded-child syndrome ==> 儿童烫伤综合征
  4013. scalding method ==> 烫种法
  4014. scale ==> 标度,比例尺,结垢,结盐,氧化皮,刻度,换算,秤,水垢,水受热后从中沉淀出的化合物和杂质的混合物=>目盛,スケール,湯垢,歯石,基準,定規(じょうぎ)
  4015. scale (model) test ==> 缩尺模型试验
  4016. scale adhesion ==> スケール付着
  4017. scale adjustment ==> スケール調整
  4018. scale amount ==> スケール量
  4019. scale analysis ==> 水垢分析,采用规定的定量分析方法测定水垢的各种化学成分所占的质量百分比
  4020. scale arc ==> 标度弧
  4021. scale arm ==> 天平秤杆,天平杆
  4022. scale back on business travel ==> 出張を削減する
  4023. scale beam ==> 秤杆
  4024. scale breaker ==> 破鳞机,氧化皮清理机,锅垢清除器
  4025. scale breaking ==> 破鳞
  4026. scale bucket ==> 储鳞箱,贮鳞箱
  4027. scale buildup ==> 结垢
  4028. scale car ==> 称量车,磅秤车
  4029. scale change ==> 比例尺变换,标度变化,标度改变,尺寸变化
  4030. scale circle ==> 刻度圈
  4031. scale coated surface ==> 水垢覆盖面
  4032. scale coefficient ==> 水垢热阻系数
  4033. scale coefficient (factor) ==> 污垢系数
  4034. scale compression ==> 比例尺缩小,标度压缩
  4035. scale content ==> 尺度内容
  4036. scale control ==> スケール防止
  4037. scale conversion ==> 标度变换=>スケール変換
  4038. scale correction ==> スケール補正
  4039. scale crust ==> 垢层,锈块,水垢层
  4040. scale cutting ==> 鳞片插
  4041. scale data ==> 縮尺データ
  4042. scale decision ==> 規模決定
  4043. scale decomposition ==> スケール分解
  4044. scale deposit ==> 水垢,积垢
  4045. scale descaler ==> 氧化皮清除器
  4046. scale designation ==> 标度标记
  4047. scale dial ==> 标度盘
  4048. scale disk ==> 刻度盘
  4049. scale distance ==> 标距
  4050. scale distortion ==> 比例尺变形
  4051. scale division ==> 刻度
  4052. scale down ==> 分频,按比例缩小
  4053. scale economics ==> 按比例的经济
  4054. scale effect ==> 比尺效应,比例效应,比例影响,标度效应,刻度效应,缩尺效应,尺度效应,超范围误差,结垢影响,放大效益
  4055. scale effect problem ==> 尺度效应问题
  4056. scale error ==> 尺度误差,定标误差,刻度误差
  4057. scale error card ==> 刻度误差表
  4058. scale expansion ==> 刻度扩展
  4059. scale experimental model ==> 数量试验模型
  4060. scale factor ==> 换算因数,标度系数,标度因子,比例系数,污垢系数=>スケール係数,目盛の倍率
  4061. scale factor check ==> 换算系数校验,比例因子校验
  4062. scale factor designator ==> 比例因子指示符
  4063. scale factor method ==> 比例因数法
  4064. scale factor potentiometer ==> 比例系数电位器
  4065. scale formation ==> 水垢形成,结垢,锅炉引风机、烟气再循环风机等在烟气中工作,烟气中的飞灰沉积在风机叶轮上,引起风机效率降低、发生振动等故障的现象。
  4066. scale free ==> 无氧化皮
  4067. scale free heating ==> 无氧化加热
  4068. scale graduation ==> 分刻度
  4069. scale hair ==> 鳞状毛
  4070. scale handling ==> 清除氧化皮
  4071. scale handling system ==> 氧化皮排除系统
  4072. scale hook ==> 秤量吊钩,称量吊钩
  4073. scale IC large ==> 大规模集成电路
  4074. scale incrustation ==> 水垢
  4075. scale indication ==> 刻度指示
  4076. scale indicator ==> 刻度指示器
  4077. scale insect (louse) ==> 介壳虫
  4078. scale interval ==> 刻度间隔
  4079. scale label ==> 标尺刻度
  4080. scale leaf ==> 鳞片叶,鳞叶
  4081. scale length ==> 标度长度,标度尺长度=>目盛の長さ
  4082. scale level ==> 刻度水准器
  4083. scale line ==> 标度线
  4084. scale load ==> 标准负荷
  4085. scale lock ==> 度盘锁档
  4086. scale loss ==> 氧化皮损耗
  4087. scale map ==> 标尺图,比例图
  4088. scale mark ==> 刻度,分度,氧化麻点,分划标记=>目盛線
  4089. scale mark(s) ==> 氧化铁皮印痕
  4090. scale merit ==> 规模指标
  4091. scale microscope ==> 分划尺显微镜,刻度显微镜
  4092. scale mill ==> 除锈滚筒
  4093. scale model ==> 比例模型,缩尺模型,相似模型,比例模型,按比例缩小的模型,标度模型
  4094. scale model flow ==> 模型流动
  4095. scale model study of obstacles ==> 障碍缩尺模型研究
  4096. scale model vehicle ==> 比例模型车
  4097. scale multiplier ==> 标度乘法器
  4098. scale numbering ==> 标度尺数字,刻度数码
  4099. scale of a meter ==> 仪表刻度
  4100. scale of aerial photograph ==> 航空照片比例尺
  4101. scale of assessment ==> 分摊比额表,分摊比例表
  4102. scale of distance ==> 距离刻度,距离刻度
  4103. scale of dwelling unit ==> 居住单元规模,居住单元规模
  4104. scale of equal temperament ==> 等程音阶
  4105. scale of hardness ==> 硬度
  4106. scale of latitude ==> 纬度比例尺
  4107. scale of length ==> 长度比例尺
  4108. scale of notation ==> 记数单位
  4109. scale of operation ==> 操作规模,经营规模,经营规模
  4110. scale of points ==> 鉴定标准
  4111. scale of pollution ==> 污染标度
  4112. scale of relative values ==> 相对价值的比例表
  4113. scale of seismic intensity ==> 地震强度表,地震强度分级,地震强度计
  4114. scale of structural units in biopoesis ==> 生物生成中结构单位的分度
  4115. scale of ten circuit ==> 十分标电路
  4116. scale of thermometer ==> 温度标
  4117. scale of tolerance ==> 耐性等级
  4118. scale of turbulence ==> 湍流尺度
  4119. scale of two circuit ==> 二进制计数器
  4120. scale of wind-force ==> 分级
  4121. scale operation ==> 换算操作,标度操作
  4122. scale order ==> 分段订单
  4123. scale out ==> 超出尺寸范围,超过尺寸范围,标出
  4124. scale pair ==> 标度星对
  4125. scale pan ==> 砝码盘,秤盘
  4126. scale pan arrester ==> 天平盘托
  4127. scale paper ==> 比例纸,方格纸
  4128. scale paraffin ==> 片状石蜡
  4129. scale parameter ==> 尺度参数,标尺参数,标度参量
  4130. scale picture ==> 鳞纹,缩尺图形
  4131. scale pit ==> 铁皮坑
  4132. scale plate ==> 刻度板=>目盛板
  4133. scale point ==> 标度点
  4134. scale prevention treatment ==> 防垢处理,向水中加入适量化学药剂防止水垢的生成的处理过程
  4135. scale range ==> 刻度范围
  4136. scale rate ==> 生锈率
  4137. scale ratio ==> 标度比,比例尺比率
  4138. scale reading ==> 标度读数,刻度读数,刻度盘读数
  4139. scale reading projection ==> 标度投影
  4140. scale removal ==> 除氧化皮
  4141. scale removal system ==> 氧化皮排除系统
  4142. scale removing ==> 除氧化皮
  4143. scale representation ==> 比例表示法
  4144. scale resistance ==> 水垢热阻
  4145. scale ring ==> 分度环,刻度环
  4146. scale settling tank ==> 氧化皮沉淀池
  4147. scale shape ==> 刻度形状
  4148. scale sluice system ==> 氧化皮沟道排除系统
  4149. scale spacing ==> 刻度间距=>目幅
  4150. scale span ==> 刻度间隔
  4151. scale stick ==> 检尺杖
  4152. scale sump ==> 氧化皮沉淀池
  4153. scale transfer prism ==> 刻度传递棱镜
  4154. scale trap ==> 固体沉降器
  4155. scale unit ==> 格值,分划值,刻度单位,换算器,标度单位
  4156. scale value ==> 标度值,标值
  4157. scale variable ==> 标量变数
  4158. scale wax ==> 鳞状蜡,片状蜡
  4159. scale weight ==> 秤砝码
  4160. scale zero ==> 零标度,刻度零点
  4161. scale zone ==> 刻度区域
  4162. scale, to ==> 基準化する
  4163. scale-borer ==> 除垢器,磁力除垢器
  4164. scale-down ==> 按比例缩减
  4165. scale-free heating furnace ==> 无氧化加热炉
  4166. scale-invariant theory ==> 标度不变理论
  4167. scale-less of free heating ==> 少无氧化加热
  4168. scale-model investigation ==> 模型研究,缩尺模型研究
  4169. scale-model layout ==> 比例模型设置
  4170. scale-model turbine ==> 相似模型涡轮机
  4171. scale-of-ten circuit ==> 十进位定标器,十进制换算电路
  4172. scale-of-two ==> 二定标,二分标,二进位
  4173. scale-of-two circuit ==> 二进制计数器
  4174. scale-of-two counter ==> 二分标度计数装置,二进位计数管
  4175. scale-off ==> 鳞落
  4176. scale-type center drill ==> 尺型中心钻
  4177. scale-up effect ==> 比例放大效应
  4178. scale-up model ==> 放大模型
  4179. scale-up problems of technical process ==> 工艺过程放大问题
  4180. scaled decimal arithmetic ==> 带比例的十进算术运算
  4181. scaled distance ==> 折合距离,换算距离
  4182. scaled down ==> 缩小比例的
  4183. scaled down lithography ==> 按比例缩小光刻技术
  4184. scaled down version ==> 缩尺表示
  4185. scaled geometry ==> 按比例缩小的几何尺寸
  4186. scaled integrated circuit ==> 按比例缩小的集成电路
  4187. scaled isoplanar ==> 按比例缩小绝缘分离技术
  4188. scaled mos ==> 按比例缩小的金属氧化物半导体
  4189. scaled plating ==> 鳞片状镀层
  4190. scaled process ==> 按比列缩小集成电路工艺
  4191. scaled representation ==> 比列图像显示
  4192. scaled rule ==> 量尺
  4193. scaled value ==> 折合值,换算值
  4194. scalene muscle section ==> 斜角肌切开术
  4195. scalene triangle ==> 不等边三角形
  4196. scalenus anterior ==> 前斜角肌
  4197. scalenus anticus syndrome ==> 前斜角肌综合征,阿德森氏综合征
  4198. scalenus syndrome ==> 前斜角肌综合征
  4199. scaler ==> 计数器,计数电路
  4200. scaler-printer ==> 自记脉冲计数器,带印刷装置的定标器,印刷换算装置
  4201. scaler-type indicator ==> 定标式指示器
  4202. scaling ==> 起鳞,起氧化皮,缩放,洁治,洁治术,结垢,刮牙术,刮治术,定比例,定标,标定,剥落,按比例缩小=>拡大縮小,歯石除去,スケーリング
  4203. scaling analysis ==> スケーリング解析
  4204. scaling and curettage instruments ==> 洁治刮治器械
  4205. scaling approach ==> スケーリング法
  4206. scaling assumption ==> 标度假设
  4207. scaling bar ==> 敲锈棒
  4208. scaling base ==> 位取り基数
  4209. scaling behavior ==> スケーリング挙動
  4210. scaling brush ==> 除锈钢丝刷
  4211. scaling chip ==> 剥落碎屑
  4212. scaling chipper ==> 风凿
  4213. scaling chisel ==> 铲锈凿
  4214. scaling circuit ==> 定标器,脉冲计数电路
  4215. scaling constant ==> 度量常数
  4216. scaling correction ==> スケーリング補正
  4217. scaling data table ==> 换算数据表
  4218. scaling dermatosis ==> 落屑性皮膚病
  4219. scaling down ==> 按比例缩小,分频
  4220. scaling effect ==> 形成氧化皮=>スケーリング効果
  4221. scaling erythema ==> 落屑性紅斑
  4222. scaling erythematous macule ==> 落屑性の紅斑
  4223. scaling factor ==> 换算因数,换算系数,换算因子,计数递减率,定标因数,缩尺比,缩尺因数
  4224. scaling function ==> 标度函数
  4225. scaling hammer ==> 除锈锤,敲水垢锤,锅锈锤
  4226. scaling ladder ==> 云梯
  4227. scaling law ==> 缩尺定律,比例定律,比例规律,比例缩小规则=>スケーリング特性
  4228. scaling machine ==> 剥皮机床,去垢机,去锈机
  4229. scaling method ==> 缩尺法,比例法
  4230. scaling of multiplicative utility function ==> 积性效用函数的度量
  4231. scaling of variables ==> 变量的比例
  4232. scaling off ==> 除氧化皮,去除水垢
  4233. scaling parameter ==> 换算因数
  4234. scaling point ==> 定标点
  4235. scaling position ==> 小数点位置
  4236. scaling powder ==> 助焊剂=>スケーリングパウダー
  4237. scaling properties ==> スケーリング特性
  4238. scaling property ==> 标度性
  4239. scaling rate ==> 水垢增率,结垢速率
  4240. scaling ratio ==> 换算因数,定标因数,标度比
  4241. scaling relation ==> 比例关系,尺度关系
  4242. scaling rule ==> 定标法则,比例法则
  4243. scaling system ==> 计算图
  4244. scaling the Kondo lattice ==> 近藤格子のスケーリング
  4245. scaling the variable ==> 按比例换算变量
  4246. scaling tool ==> 去垢工具
  4247. scaling unit ==> 换算电路
  4248. scaling up ==> 按比例加大
  4249. scaling violation ==> 标度无关性破坏
  4250. scaling-down ==> 比例缩小
  4251. scaling-down process ==> 降低计数比率过程,缩小比例尺度过程,分频过程
  4252. scallop boat ==> 采扇贝船
  4253. scallop dredger ==> 采扇贝船
  4254. scallop hole ==> 扇形孔
  4255. scalloped orbit ==> 扇弧形轨道
  4256. scalloped rows of dots ==> 扇贝形点线
  4257. scalloped strap butt ==> 波形边搭板平接
  4258. scalloped surface ==> 扇形表面
  4259. scalp forceps ==> 头皮钳
  4260. scalp retractor ==> 头皮牵开器
  4261. scalped extrusion ingot ==> 修整的挤压锭
  4262. scalpel ==> 手术刀,解剖刀
  4263. scalper screen ==> 粗筛
  4264. scalping grizzly screen ==> 粗格筛
  4265. scalping machine ==> 清选机
  4266. scalping method ==> 剔除法
  4267. scalping practice ==> 抢帽子行为
  4268. scalping screen ==> 粗粒筛
  4269. scalping shoe ==> 上筛架
  4270. scaly bark ==> 鳞皮病
  4271. scaly dry skin ==> 肌肤甲错
  4272. scaly exfoliation ==> 鳞剥作用
  4273. scaly flute-like mold ==> 鳞形似槽模
  4274. scaly hair ==> 鳞状毛
  4275. scaly leg ==> 石灰脚病
  4276. scaly roots ==> 鳞苞根
  4277. scaly structure ==> 鳞状构造
  4278. scaly texture ==> 鳞状结构
  4279. SCAMP Shipboard Computer-Aided Maintenance Program ==> 船上计算机辅助维护项目
  4280. scamp work and stint material ==> 偷工减料
  4281. SCAMS, scanning microwave spectrometer ==> 走査マイクロ波分光計
  4282. SCAMS, schedule control and monitoring system ==> スケジュール管理監視システム
  4283. scan ==> 扫描=>走査
  4284. scan access ==> 扫描存取
  4285. scan address ==> 扫描地址
  4286. scan address generator ==> 扫描地址生成程序
  4287. scan amplitude ==> 扫描幅度,扫描振幅
  4288. scan anode ==> 扫描阳极
  4289. scan area ==> 扫描面积
  4290. scan axis ==> 扫描轴
  4291. scan conversion ==> 扫描变换
  4292. scan conversion device ==> 扫描变换器
  4293. scan conversion equipment ==> 扫描变换设备
  4294. scan conversion storage tube ==> 扫描变换存储管
  4295. scan conversion tube ==> 扫描变换管
  4296. scan converter device ==> 扫描变换装置
  4297. scan diagonal ==> 扫描对角线
  4298. scan display system ==> 扫描显示系统
  4299. scan distribution ==> 扫描分布
  4300. scan efficiency ==> 扫描效率
  4301. scan flyback interval ==> 扫描回程时间,回描时间
  4302. scan frequency ==> 扫描频率
  4303. scan generator ==> 扫描振荡器
  4304. scan imagery ==> 扫描图像
  4305. scan interlace ratio ==> 扫描隔行比
  4306. scan laser ==> 扫描激光器
  4307. scan length ==> 扫描长度
  4308. scan limit ==> 扫描界限
  4309. scan linearity ==> 扫描直线性
  4310. scan matching ==> スキャンマッチング
  4311. scan method ==> 扫描方法
  4312. scan non-linearity ==> 扫描非线性
  4313. scan oscillator ==> 扫描振子
  4314. scan out ==> 扫描输出
  4315. scan out bus ==> 扫描输出总线
  4316. scan pointer ==> 扫描指针
  4317. scan pulse ==> 扫描脉冲
  4318. scan rate ==> 扫描率,扫描频率,扫描速率,以每秒输入通道数表示的一系列输入通道的访问速率
  4319. scan registration ==> 色度信号配准
  4320. scan retrace ==> 扫描逆程
  4321. scan round ==> 循环扫描
  4322. scan sensitivity ==> 扫描灵敏度
  4323. scan table ==> 扫描表
  4324. scan type ==> 扫描类型
  4325. scan visual ==> 扫描信号发生器
  4326. scan(ing) stroke ==> 扫描正程
  4327. scan-control voltage ==> 扫描控制电压
  4328. scan-off beam ==> 扫描射束,描绘射束,消抹射束
  4329. scan-out ==> 扫出
  4330. scan-spot ==> 扫描光点
  4331. scan-stage ==> スキャンステージ
  4332. Scandinavian architecture ==> 斯堪的纳维亚建筑
  4333. scandium carbide ==> 碳化钪
  4334. scandium halide ==> 卤化钪
  4335. scandium nitride ==> 氮化钪
  4336. scandium oxide ==> 氧化钪
  4337. scandium oxynitrate ==> 硝酸氧化钪
  4338. scandium silicate ==> 硅酸钪
  4339. scandium sulfate ==> 硫酸钪
  4340. Scania ==> 斯堪尼亚
  4341. scanistor ==> 固体扫描器
  4342. scannable travelling wave phototube ==> 扫描行波光电管
  4343. scanned area ==> 扫描范围
  4344. scanned character ==> 被扫描字符
  4345. scanned document ==> 被扫描文件
  4346. scanned electrical-signal storage tube ==> 扫描电信号存储管
  4347. scanned IR interferometry ==> 扫描红外干涉测量法
  4348. scanned picture ==> 扫描图象
  4349. scanned symbol ==> 被扫描符号
  4350. scanned-laser ==> 扫描激光器
  4351. scanned-laser microscope ==> 扫描激光显微镜
  4352. scanner ==> 扫描,扫描机构,扫描程序,扫描器,扫描设备,扫视程序,雷达操纵员=>走査器
  4353. scanner dedinition facility ==> 扫描程序定义功能
  4354. scanner definition ==> 扫描程序定义
  4355. scanner detector ==> 扫描检测器
  4356. scanner interrupt ==> 扫描器中断
  4357. scanner recorder ==> 多点记录器
  4358. scanner selection ==> 扫描器选择
  4359. scanner selector ==> 扫描选择器
  4360. scanner simulator ==> 扫描模拟器
  4361. scanner stabilization ==> 扫描器稳定
  4362. scanner tracker radar ==> 扫描跟踪雷达
  4363. scanner tube ==> 扫描式发送管
  4364. scanner-recorder ==> 扫描记录器,图像记录器
  4365. scanning ==> 扫描,搜索,展开,扫描的,观测的=>走査,主走査(ファクシミリ)
  4366. scanning accuracy ==> 扫描精度
  4367. scanning acoustic holography ==> 扫描声全息术
  4368. scanning acoustic microscope ==> 扫描声学显微镜
  4369. scanning aerial ==> 扫描天线
  4370. scanning agent ==> (同位素)扫描剂
  4371. scanning agent for liver and gall bladder ==> 肝胆扫描剂
  4372. scanning amplifier ==> 扫描放大器
  4373. scanning amplitude ==> 扫描幅度
  4374. scanning angle ==> 扫描角
  4375. scanning antenna ==> 走査アンテナ
  4376. scanning apparatus ==> 扫描器
  4377. scanning area ==> 扫描范围,扫描区域
  4378. scanning auger microanalysis ==> 扫描式俄歇微量分析
  4379. scanning auger microprobe ==> 扫描式俄歇微型探针
  4380. scanning beam ==> 扫描射束,扫描波束,扫描电子束,扫描束
  4381. scanning beam current ==> 扫描电子束电流
  4382. scanning circuit ==> 扫描电路
  4383. scanning coil ==> 扫描线圈
  4384. scanning coils ==> 扫描线圈
  4385. scanning constant ==> 扫描常数
  4386. scanning control ==> 扫描控制
  4387. scanning conversion ==> 扫描转换
  4388. scanning converter unit ==> 扫描变换装置
  4389. scanning copy ==> 扫描稿
  4390. scanning cycle ==> 扫描周期
  4391. scanning densitometer ==> 扫描密度计
  4392. scanning density ==> 扫描密度=>線密度
  4393. scanning device ==> 扫描器
  4394. scanning diaphragm ==> 扫描光栏,扫描膜片
  4395. scanning direction ==> 扫描方向
  4396. scanning distortion of video signal ==> 扫描引起的图像失真
  4397. scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM) ==> 电化学扫描显微镜
  4398. scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM)) ==> 电化学扫描显微镜
  4399. scanning electron beam ==> 扫描电子束
  4400. scanning electron beam lithography ==> 扫描式电子束刻蚀
  4401. scanning electron micrograph ==> 扫描式电子显微照片
  4402. scanning electron microscope ==> 扫描电子显微镜
  4403. scanning electron microscopy (SEM) ==> 扫描电子显微镜术
  4404. scanning electron photomicrograph ==> 扫描电子显微照片
  4405. scanning electron-beam bombardment ==> 扫描电子束轰击
  4406. scanning electronic microscope ==> 扫描电子显微镜
  4407. scanning element ==> 扫描像素,扫描元件
  4408. scanning equipment ==> 扫描设备
  4409. scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer ==> 掃引ファブリペロー干渉計
  4410. scanning factor ==> 扫描因数
  4411. scanning field ==> 扫描场
  4412. scanning field probe method ==> 扫描场探针法
  4413. scanning frame ==> 扫描帧
  4414. scanning frequency ==> 扫描频率
  4415. scanning function ==> 扫描函数
  4416. scanning gate ==> 扫描脉冲
  4417. scanning generator ==> 扫描振荡器
  4418. scanning Hall sensor microscope ==> 走査形ホール素子顕微鏡
  4419. scanning harmonic optical microscope ==> 扫描谐波光学显微镜
  4420. scanning heating ==> 渐进式感应加热
  4421. scanning hole ==> 扫描孔
  4422. scanning hole distortion ==> 扫描孔失真
  4423. scanning image dissector ==> 扫描析像管
  4424. scanning impulse generator ==> 扫描脉冲源
  4425. scanning in darkness ==> 暗靶扫描,暗扫描
  4426. scanning in transmission ==> 图像分解扫描
  4427. scanning infrared inspection system ==> 扫描红外检查系统
  4428. scanning integrity check ==> 扫描完整性检验
  4429. scanning ion microscope ==> 扫描离子显微镜
  4430. scanning laser acoustic microscope ==> 扫描式激光声学显微镜
  4431. scanning laser beam ==> 扫描激光束
  4432. scanning laser radar ==> 扫描激光雷达
  4433. scanning laser radiation ==> 扫描型激光辐射
  4434. scanning lens ==> 扫描透镜,扫描透镜,瞄准透镜
  4435. scanning light beam ==> 扫描光束
  4436. scanning light spot ==> 扫描光斑
  4437. scanning line ==> 扫描线=>走査線
  4438. scanning line density ==> (单位:线/毫米)扫描线密度
  4439. scanning line frequency ==> 扫描线频率,行速
  4440. scanning line length ==> 扫描线长度
  4441. scanning line raster ==> 扫描行光栅
  4442. scanning line spacing ==> 扫描行间距
  4443. scanning line structure visibility ==> 扫描线结构可见度
  4444. scanning line width ==> 扫描线宽度
  4445. scanning linearity ==> 扫描线性
  4446. scanning linearization ==> 扫描线性化
  4447. scanning loss ==> 扫描损耗=>走査損
  4448. scanning machine ==> 扫描机
  4449. scanning mechanism ==> 扫描机理
  4450. scanning method ==> 扫描法
  4451. scanning microscope ==> 扫描显微镜(SEM)
  4452. scanning microscopy ==> 扫描显微术
  4453. scanning microscopy with X-rays ==> 走査型X線顕微鏡
  4454. scanning mode ==> 扫描方式
  4455. scanning monitor ==> 扫描监控器,扫描控制器
  4456. scanning monochromator ==> 扫描单色仪
  4457. scanning monochrometer ==> 扫描单色器
  4458. scanning mosaic system ==> 扫描镶嵌系统
  4459. scanning motor ==> 扫描电动机
  4460. scanning object beam ==> 扫描物光束
  4461. scanning objective ==> 扫描物镜
  4462. scanning ocean bottom sonar ==> 海底扫描声纳
  4463. scanning of laser directivity diagram ==> 激光方向性图扫描
  4464. scanning optical microscope ==> 扫描光学显微镜
  4465. scanning optics ==> 扫描光学系统
  4466. scanning output stage ==> 扫描输出级
  4467. scanning pattern ==> 扫描图形
  4468. scanning pattern image ==> 扫描图像
  4469. scanning pencil of light ==> 扫描光束
  4470. scanning periscope ==> 扫描潜望镜
  4471. scanning pitch ==> 扫描节距,扫描行距
  4472. scanning plane ==> 扫描平面
  4473. scanning point ==> 走査点
  4474. scanning printer ==> 扫描印片机
  4475. scanning proble microscope, SPM ==> 走査トンネル顕微鏡
  4476. scanning process ==> 扫描过程
  4477. scanning projection printing ==> 扫描式投影曝光
  4478. scanning radar ==> 扫描雷达
  4479. scanning rate ==> 扫描速度,扫描速率
  4480. scanning refractometer ==> 扫描折射计
  4481. scanning reticle ==> 扫描调制器
  4482. scanning reversal ==> 扫描倒相
  4483. scanning room ==> 扫描室
  4484. scanning routine ==> 扫描程序
  4485. scanning search ==> 扫描查找,扫描搜索
  4486. scanning section coil ==> 扫描线圈
  4487. scanning sensor ==> 扫描传感器
  4488. scanning sequence ==> 扫描程序,扫描次序,扫描序列
  4489. scanning signal ==> 扫描信号
  4490. scanning slit plane ==> 扫描狭缝平面
  4491. scanning sonar system ==> 扫描声纳系统
  4492. scanning speed ==> 扫描速度=>走査速度
  4493. scanning spherical-mirror interferometer ==> 扫描球面镜干涉仪
  4494. scanning spot ==> 扫描点=>走査点
  4495. scanning spot control ==> 扫描点控制
  4496. scanning stabilization ==> 扫描稳定
  4497. scanning stage ==> 扫描级
  4498. scanning standard ==> 扫描标准
  4499. scanning stripe ==> 扫描带
  4500. scanning switch ==> 换向开关
  4501. scanning system ==> 扫描方式
  4502. scanning technique ==> 扫描技术
  4503. scanning telemeter ==> 扫描遥测计
  4504. scanning telescope ==> 搜索目标望远镜
  4505. scanning thermography ==> 扫描温度记录仪
  4506. scanning track ==> 扫描方向
  4507. scanning transmission electron microscope ==> 扫描透射电子显微镜
  4508. scanning transmission X-ray microscopy ==> 走査型透過X線顕微鏡法
  4509. scanning tunneling microscope ==> 扫描式隧道显微镜
  4510. scanning velocity ==> 扫描速度
  4511. scanning voltage ==> 扫描电压
  4512. scanning X-ray micro-analyzer ==> 扫描X射线微型分析器
  4513. scanning yoke ==> 扫描线圈
  4514. scanning-beam current ==> 扫描束电流
  4515. scanning-beam guidance ==> 扫描波束制导
  4516. scanning-beam noise ==> 扫描射束噪声
  4517. scanning-field alternating-gradient accelerator ==> 扫描场交变陡度加速器
  4518. scanning-line displacement ==> 扫描线移动
  4519. scanning-size adjustment ==> 扫描尺寸调整
  4520. scanning-velocity modulation ==> 扫描速度调制
  4521. scant demand ==> 需求不足
  4522. scant size ==> 不留后备尺寸的
  4523. scanty ==> 不够尺寸的
  4524. scanty (paratracheal parenchyma) ==> (傍管薄壁组织)稀疏
  4525. scanty menstruation ==> 月经过少,月经减少
  4526. scanty survey ==> 不充分调查
  4527. scapal organ ==> 柄节器官
  4528. SCAPE, self-contained atmospheric protective ensemble ==> 自閉式耐環境保護服
  4529. scaphoid bone ==> 舟骨
  4530. scapose flower ==> 具花茎的花,具花茎的花
  4531. scapular arterial network ==> 肩胛动脉网
  4532. scapulo-anterior ==> 肩前位
  4533. scapulocostal syndrome ==> 肩肋综合征,肩胛肋骨综合征
  4534. scapulohumeral periarthritis ==> 肩周炎
  4535. scar and raphe ==> 种痕和种脊
  4536. SCAR, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research ==> 南極科学研究委員会
  4537. SCARA, Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm ==> スカラロボット
  4538. SCARA-type robot ==> スカラ型ロボット
  4539. scarageid beetle chafer ==> 金龟子
  4540. scarce ==> 稀,稀有的
  4541. scarce book ==> 善本
  4542. scarce currency ==> 稀少货币,稀有通货
  4543. scarce electricity ==> 乏しい電力
  4544. scarce element ==> 希少元素
  4545. scarce energy ==> 乏しいエネルギー
  4546. scarce evidence ==> 乏しい証拠
  4547. scarce food ==> 乏しい食料
  4548. scarce means of production ==> 紧缺生产资料
  4549. scarce metal ==> 稀有金属
  4550. scarce raw materials ==> 稀有原料
  4551. scarcely populated country ==> 人口稀少国家
  4552. scarcement ==> 墙凹台,壁阶
  4553. scarcity ==> 资源稀缺=>不足,欠乏,希少
  4554. scarcity definition ==> 希少性定義
  4555. scarcity economics ==> 稀缺经济学
  4556. scarcity goods ==> 希少資源
  4557. scarcity issues ==> 品薄株
  4558. scarcity of capital ==> 資本不足
  4559. scarcity of goods ==> 物資の乏しさ
  4560. scarcity of job opportunities ==> 雇用機会の不足
  4561. scarcity of jobs ==> 就職難
  4562. scarcity of labor ==> 労働力不足
  4563. scarcity value ==> 缺货价格,稀缺价值
  4564. scarf joint ==> 楔面接头,嵌接
  4565. scarf weld ==> 楔口焊接
  4566. scarf weld(ing) ==> 斜面焊接
  4567. scarf welding ==> 两端搭接焊
  4568. scarfbutt joint ==> 斜对接接头
  4569. scarfing ==> 气割清理,气刨,火焰表面清理,火焰清理,斜嵌槽
  4570. scarfing bed ==> 火焰清理台
  4571. scarfing cinder ==> 清渣
  4572. scarfing dock ==> 烧剥室
  4573. scarfing half and half ==> 对半嵌接
  4574. scarfing machine ==> 嵌接机,火焰清理机
  4575. scarfing roll ==> 焊管坯斜边成形轧辊
  4576. scarfing torch ==> 气刨割炬
  4577. scarfing yard ==> 火焰清理工段
  4578. scarification test ==> 划痕试验
  4579. scarified seed ==> 破皮种子
  4580. scarifier ==> 碎土机
  4581. scarifier attachment ==> 松土设备
  4582. scarifier plow ==> 松土犁
  4583. scarifier scraper ==> 松土平整机
  4584. scarifier tine ==> 松土机齿杆
  4585. scarifier-scraper ==> 松土平地机
  4586. scarlatina latens ==> 潜藏性猩红热,潜伏性猩红热
  4587. scarlatina vaccine ==> 猩红热菌苗
  4588. scarlatinal arthritis ==> 猩红热性关节炎
  4589. scarlet ==> 深红色的
  4590. scarlet base ==> 大红色基
  4591. scarlet bloodlily ==> 血莲
  4592. scarlet clover (Trifolium incarnatum) ==> 肉色三叶草
  4593. scarlet fever ==> 烂喉痧,疫喉痧,猩红热
  4594. scarlet fever antitoxin ==> 猩红热抗毒素
  4595. scarlet fever prophylactic ==> 猩红热预防剂
  4596. scarlet fever streptococcus toxin ==> 猩红热链球菌毒素
  4597. scarlet fever vaccine ==> 猩红热疫苗
  4598. scarlet red ==> 猩红
  4599. scarlet red stain ==> 猩红染剂
  4600. scarlet runner ==> 红花菜豆
  4601. scarlet runner bean ==> 红花菜豆
  4602. scarp ==> 陡坡,陡崖,马头丘,鬣丘
  4603. scarp face ==> 悬崖坡
  4604. scarp shoreline ==> 断线崖滨线
  4605. scarp slope ==> 悬崖坡
  4606. Scarpa's fascia ==> 史卡巴筋膜,斯卡帕氏筋膜
  4607. Scarpa's foramen ==> 鼻腭神经孔
  4608. Scarpa's ganglion ==> 史卡巴神经节
  4609. Scarpa's membrane ==> 第二鼓膜
  4610. Scarpa's nerve ==> 鼻腭神经,斯卡帕氏神经,斯卡帕氏神经
  4611. Scarpa's shoe ==> 斯卡帕氏矫形靴
  4612. Scarpa's triangle ==> 斯卡帕氏三角
  4613. Scarpas membrane ==> 第二鼓膜
  4614. Scarpas triangle ==> 股三角
  4615. scarpectomy ==> 前庭神经切除术
  4616. scarped plain ==> 梯级平原
  4617. scarph ==> 嵌接
  4618. scarpline ==> 悬崖线
  4619. SCASU, signal conditioning and switching unit ==> 信号調節と切替ユニット
  4620. scat ==> 肖特基单元阵列技术
  4621. SCAT, system commonality analysis tool ==> システム共通性分析ツール
  4622. scatter ==> 分散器,散射=>散乱する
  4623. scatter absorption coeffiiient ==> 散射吸收系数
  4624. scatter admittance ==> 泄漏电导
  4625. scatter baffles ==> 散射障板
  4626. scatter band ==> 分散带,分散频带=>散乱帯域
  4627. scatter channel simulator ==> 散射信道模拟器
  4628. scatter coating method ==> 分散涂覆法
  4629. scatter coefficent ==> 散布系数
  4630. scatter communication ==> 散射通信
  4631. scatter communication system ==> 散射通信系统
  4632. scatter communication transmitter ==> 散射通信发射机
  4633. scatter detection and ranging ==> 散射探测与测距
  4634. scatter diagram ==> 试验点散布图,散布分析,散列图解,点图,点子散布图,分布图,分散图=>散布図
  4635. scatter dispersion ==> 分散
  4636. scatter factor ==> 散乱係数
  4637. scatter fading ==> 散乱フェージング
  4638. scatter format ==> 分散格式
  4639. scatter freely over an area ==> 在一块地上漫撒
  4640. scatter gather operation ==> 分散集中操作
  4641. scatter gun ==> 鸟枪
  4642. scatter interferometer ==> 散射干涉仪
  4643. scatter load ==> 分散装入,分散装入法
  4644. scatter load method ==> 分散装入法
  4645. scatter loading ==> 分散装料,分散装入,分散装入程序
  4646. scatter matrix ==> 散布矩阵
  4647. scatter of points ==> 点的分布
  4648. scatter operation ==> 分散操作
  4649. scatter plate ==> 散射板
  4650. scatter propagation ==> 散射传播=>散乱伝搬
  4651. scatter range ==> 分散范围
  4652. scatter read ==> 分散读入
  4653. scatter read and write ==> 分散读写
  4654. scatter read operation ==> 分散读入操作
  4655. scatter reading ==> 分散读入
  4656. scatter sounding ==> 散射探测
  4657. scatter storage ==> 分散存储,散布存储
  4658. scatter storage technique ==> 散列存储技术,分散存储法
  4659. scatter table ==> 分散表
  4660. scatter unsharpness ==> 散射所致模糊
  4661. scatter warning system ==> 散射报知通信系统
  4662. scatter write operation ==> 分散写操作
  4663. scatter-fringe interferometer ==> 散射条纹干涉仪
  4664. scatter-read ==> 分散读出
  4665. scattered ==> 散射的=>散乱した
  4666. scattered allocation ==> 分散布局
  4667. scattered area ==> 星散分布区
  4668. scattered band ==> 散布范围
  4669. scattered beam ==> 散射束=>散乱ビーム(放射線などの)
  4670. scattered bundle ==> 显散维管束,星散维管束
  4671. scattered clouds ==> 散云
  4672. scattered covering ==> 散布覆盖
  4673. scattered disc ==> 离散盘,太阳系外围的一个盘状区域
  4674. scattered disc object ==> 离散盘天体
  4675. scattered distribution ==> 分散布局
  4676. scattered dose ==> 散射剂量
  4677. scattered echo ==> 散射回液
  4678. scattered field ==> 散射场
  4679. scattered funds ==> 闲散资金
  4680. scattered ion(s) ==> 散射离子
  4681. scattered Kuiper belt object ==> 离散柯伊伯带天体
  4682. scattered light ==> 散射光=>散乱光
  4683. scattered mixed forest ==> 散生的混交林
  4684. scattered motif ==> 散乱图案
  4685. scattered neutron ==> 散射中子
  4686. scattered observation ==> 分散观察
  4687. scattered outgoing wave ==> 散射行波
  4688. scattered particle ==> 散射粒子
  4689. scattered photon ==> 散射光子
  4690. scattered planting ==> 散植
  4691. scattered plots of unutilized land ==> 闲散土地
  4692. scattered power ==> 散射功率
  4693. scattered quantum ==> 散射量子
  4694. scattered radiation ==> 散射辐射
  4695. scattered rays ==> 散射线
  4696. scattered reflection ==> 散反射,扩散反射,漫反射,漫射
  4697. scattered seed ==> 散结石
  4698. scattered sheaf ==> 散射层
  4699. scattered signal ==> 散射信号
  4700. scattered stray light ==> 散射杂光
  4701. scattered striation ==> 散射条纹
  4702. scattered trees ==> 散生树木
  4703. scattered wave ==> 散射波=>散乱波
  4704. scattered x rays ==> 散射x射线
  4705. scattered-out beam ==> 散射束
  4706. scattering ==> 频散,散射=>散乱
  4707. scattering (beam) intensity ==> 散射束流强度
  4708. scattering absorption ==> 散射吸收
  4709. scattering amplitude ==> 散射辐度,散射振辐
  4710. scattering angle ==> 散射角=>散乱角
  4711. scattering angular distribution ==> 散射角分布
  4712. scattering area ==> 散射面积
  4713. scattering area coefficient ==> 散射面积系数
  4714. scattering atmosphere ==> 散射大气
  4715. scattering attenuation coefficient ==> 散射衰减系数
  4716. scattering beater ==> 撒布轮
  4717. scattering board ==> (撒播机的)撒播板
  4718. scattering by irregular interface ==> 不规则界面散射
  4719. scattering cell ==> 散射池
  4720. scattering center ==> 散射中心
  4721. scattering coefficient ==> 散射系数
  4722. scattering cross section ==> 散射截面=>散乱断面積
  4723. scattering detector ==> 散射探测器
  4724. scattering device ==> 耙散装置
  4725. scattering diagram ==> 散射图
  4726. scattering diffusion tensor ==> 散射扩散张量
  4727. scattering effect ==> 散射效应
  4728. scattering factor ==> 散射因数
  4729. scattering field ==> 散布范围
  4730. scattering formula ==> 散射公式
  4731. scattering frequency ==> 散射频率
  4732. scattering function ==> 散射函数
  4733. scattering geometry ==> 散射几何条件
  4734. scattering intensity ==> 散射强度
  4735. scattering interference ==> 散射干涉
  4736. scattering law ==> 扩散定律
  4737. scattering layer ==> 散射层
  4738. scattering length ==> 散射长度
  4739. scattering loss ==> 散射损失=>散乱損
  4740. scattering loss in optical thin-film ==> 光学薄膜的散射损耗
  4741. scattering machine ==> 散射机
  4742. scattering matrix ==> 散射矩阵=>散乱行列
  4743. scattering mean free path ==> 散射平均自由程=>散乱の平均自由行程
  4744. scattering measurement ==> 散射测量
  4745. scattering mechanism ==> 散射机理,抛撒装置
  4746. scattering medium ==> 散射介质
  4747. scattering meter ==> 散射仪
  4748. scattering nature ==> 散射性质
  4749. scattering of association ==> 联想思维散乱
  4750. scattering of electromagnetic waves ==> 電磁波の散乱
  4751. scattering of electrons ==> 電子の散乱
  4752. scattering of light ==> 光的散射=>光の散乱
  4753. scattering of points ==> 点的分散度
  4754. scattering of proton ==> 质子散射
  4755. scattering of radiant energy ==> 辐射能的散射
  4756. scattering of sound ==> 声散射
  4757. scattering of wave ==> 波散射
  4758. scattering of wave packet ==> 波包散射
  4759. scattering operator ==> 散射算子
  4760. scattering parameter ==> 散射参数
  4761. scattering pattern ==> 散射图样
  4762. scattering phase ==> 散射相
  4763. scattering phase shift ==> 散射相移
  4764. scattering phenomenon ==> 散射现象
  4765. scattering polar diagram ==> 散射极坐标图
  4766. scattering potential ==> 散射势垒
  4767. scattering power ==> 散射本领,散射长度
  4768. scattering probability ==> 散射几率
  4769. scattering process ==> 散射作用
  4770. scattering propagation ==> 散射传播
  4771. scattering properties ==> 散射特性
  4772. scattering reaction ==> 散射反应
  4773. scattering state ==> 散射状态
  4774. scattering strength ==> 散射强度
  4775. scattering surface ==> 散射面
  4776. scattering tail ==> 散射尾部
  4777. scattering target ==> 散射靶
  4778. scattering theory ==> 散射理论
  4779. scattering threshold ==> 散射阈
  4780. scattering volume ==> 散射体积,分散容积
  4781. scattering wave communication ==> 散射波通信
  4782. scattering-type pressure ga(u)ge ==> 散射式压力计
  4783. scatterread gather-write ==> 分散读入集中写出
  4784. scattersite housing ==> 零散住房
  4785. scavenge ==> 净化,清除=>排気する
  4786. scavenge area ==> 扫气孔面积
  4787. scavenge delivery ==> 油泵输出管
  4788. scavenge filter ==> 排滤器
  4789. scavenge gears ==> 油泵回油器
  4790. scavenge gradient ==> 扫气梯度
  4791. scavenge line ==> 扫气管道
  4792. scavenge oil ==> 轴承回油,废油
  4793. scavenge oil pump ==> 换油泵
  4794. scavenge oil pump body ==> 换油泵体
  4795. scavenge pipe ==> 回油管,清洗管
  4796. scavenge port ==> 排泄口
  4797. scavenge pressure ==> 换气压力
  4798. scavenge pump ==> 排油ポンプ
  4799. scavenge return pipe ==> 回油管
  4800. scavenge system ==> 扫气系统,清除系统
  4801. scavenge trunk ==> 扫气通道,换气管
  4802. scavenge unit ==> 清除装置
  4803. scavenge valve ==> (内燃机的)扫气阀
  4804. scavenge valve chest ==> 扫气阀箱
  4805. scavenger ==> 食腐动物,清除机,清除器,清道工人,净化剂,净化剂,腐食动物
  4806. scavenger circuit ==> 清洗回路
  4807. scavenger concentrate ==> 扫选精矿
  4808. scavenger effect ==> 清除剂效应
  4809. scavenger enzyme ==> 清除酶
  4810. scavenger fan ==> 换气风扇
  4811. scavenger flotation circuit ==> 扫选循环
  4812. scavenger pipe ==> 扫线管
  4813. scavenger precipitation ==> 清除剂沉淀
  4814. scavenger pump ==> 换气泵=>環油ポンプ
  4815. scavenger sheep ==> 食腐羊群
  4816. scavenger system ==> 清洗系统,吹气系统
  4817. scavenger valve ==> 部分回油阀
  4818. scavenger's cart ==> 扫街车
  4819. scavenger-cell ==> 清除细胞
  4820. scavenging ==> 清洗,纯化,除气法,扫气,吹洗,在油燃烧器或点火器停用后,使用许可的蒸汽或空气来清洗留在管道和燃烧器中剩余的液体燃料
  4821. scavenging action ==> 清除作用
  4822. scavenging air ==> 清除空气,清洗空气
  4823. scavenging air belt ==> 扫气道
  4824. scavenging air box ==> 扫气箱
  4825. scavenging air damper ==> 扫气调节风门
  4826. scavenging air non-return valve ==> 扫气空气止回阀
  4827. scavenging air pipe ==> 扫气管
  4828. scavenging air pump ==> 换气泵
  4829. scavenging air receiver ==> 扫气箱
  4830. scavenging air trunk ==> 扫气总管
  4831. scavenging air valve ==> 扫气阀,换气阀
  4832. scavenging arrangement ==> 扫气装置
  4833. scavenging blower ==> 换气鼓风机,清除鼓风机
  4834. scavenging by precipitation ==> 经雨水清洗
  4835. scavenging duct ==> 换气管,扫气导管
  4836. scavenging efficiency ==> 扫气效率
  4837. scavenging ejector ==> 清洗喷射泵
  4838. scavenging engine ==> 带有扫气泵的发动机
  4839. scavenging machine ==> 清除机,清扫机
  4840. scavenging material ==> 净化材料,净化材料
  4841. scavenging period ==> 吹气期,扫气期
  4842. scavenging piston ==> 换气活塞
  4843. scavenging port ==> 换气口=>排気ポート
  4844. scavenging pressure ==> 扫气压力
  4845. scavenging process ==> 清除过程
  4846. scavenging pump ==> 清洗泵,换气泵,回油泵
  4847. scavenging ratio ==> 换气比,扫气比
  4848. scavenging scheme ==> 规划
  4849. scavenging stroke ==> 清除冲程,排泄行程,扫气冲程
  4850. scavenging valve ==> 扫气阀
  4851. SCB, shuttle cargo bay ==> シャトルカーゴベイ
  4852. SCC, satellite control center ==> 人工衛星管制センター
  4853. SCC, satellite control console ==> 衛星管制卓
  4854. SCC, Space Communications Corporation ==> 宇宙通信株式会社
  4855. SCC, spacecraft control center ==> 宇宙機管制センター
  4856. SCC, spacecraft control console ==> 宇宙船制御卓
  4857. SCC, Standard Cross Correlation Method ==> 標準的な相互相関法
  4858. SCC, Stress Corrosion Cracking ==> 応力腐食割れ
  4859. sccd ==> 表面电荷耦合装置
  4860. SCCH, standard cubic centimeter per hour ==> SCCH毎時1立方センチメートル(標準状態換算)
  4861. SCCL, short-circuit current limiters ==> SCCL
  4862. SCCM, Society of Critical Care Medicine ==> 美国重症医学会
  4863. SCCM, standard cubic centimeter per minute ==> SCCM毎分1立方センチメートル(標準状態換算)
  4864. SCCS, standard cubic centimeter per second ==> SCCS毎秒1立方センチメートル(標準状態換算)
  4865. SCD, Security Constrainted Dispatch ==> SCD
  4866. SCD, source control drawing ==> ソース制御図
  4867. SCD, specification control drawing ==> 仕様調整図面
  4868. SCD, Substation Configuration Description ==> 全站系统配置文件
  4869. SCD, system configuration document ==> システムコンフィギュレーション文書
  4870. SCD2 ==> CIGREの情報システムと通信
  4871. SCDF, shielded confined detonating fuse ==> 高密封型導爆線
  4872. SCDM, Solar Corona Diagnostic Mission ==> 太陽コロナ診断ミッション
  4873. SCE, Signal Conditioning Equipment ==> シグナルコンディショニング装置
  4874. SCE, Southern California Edison ==> サザン・カリフォルニア・エジソン社
  4875. SCE, spacecraft command encoder ==> 衛星コマンドエンコーダ
  4876. SCE, spacecraft engineer ==> 衛星技術者
  4877. SCECOs, Saudi Consolidated Electric Companies ==> SCECOs
  4878. scenario ==> 概要,剧情,剧情=>シナリオ
  4879. scenario analysis ==> 情景分析,情况分析
  4880. scenario comparison method ==> 方案比较法
  4881. scenario method ==> 描述法,脚本法
  4882. scenario writing approach ==> 情景描述预测法
  4883. scence paint ==> 布景漆
  4884. scene analysis ==> 景物分析,景物分析
  4885. scene contrast ==> 景物对比度,景物对比度,景物反差,景物反差
  4886. scene matching ==> 景象匹配,景象匹配
  4887. scene segmentation ==> 景系分段,景系分段
  4888. scenery ==> 景観,風景,舞台装置
  4889. scenery store ==> 布景库
  4890. scenes room ==> 大型道具室
  4891. scenic beauty forest ==> 风景林
  4892. scenic focal point ==> 对景
  4893. scenic lighting ==> 舞台照明
  4894. scenic spot ==> 风景区,名胜
  4895. scenic spot and historic resort ==> 名胜古迹区
  4896. scenioscope machine ==> 布景机
  4897. scenogram ==> 透视图
  4898. scenograph broken-open view ==> 透视图
  4899. scent ==> 香味=>香り,芳香,嗅覚
  4900. scent atomizer ==> 香水噴霧器
  4901. scent gland ==> 香腺
  4902. scent plant ==> 芳香植物
  4903. scent pore ==> 臭腺乳
  4904. scent spray ==> 全景雷达
  4905. scented geranium ==> 芳香天竺葵,香叶天竺葵,香味天竺葵,香水天竺葵,依品种有不同的香味,如苹果天竺葵具有青苹果香气,玫瑰天竺葵与玫瑰香味类似=>ニオイゼラニウム,センテッドゼラニウム
  4906. scented orange pekoe ==> 熏白毫
  4907. scented poplar ==> 大叶钻天杨
  4908. scented ware ==> 芳香陶瓷
  4909. scentless mayweed ==> 淡甘菊
  4910. scentometer ==> 气味计
  4911. sceptre border ==> 如意
  4912. SCF, switched capacitor filter ==> スイッチトキャパシタフィルタ
  4913. SCG ==> サイアム・セメント・グループ
  4914. SCG, security classification guide ==> 宇宙用分類案内書
  4915. SCH, Single channel history ==> 单通道历史数据补偿方式
  4916. Schaeffer's salt ==> 薛佛盐
  4917. Schaffer's acid ==> 薛佛酸
  4918. schamotte brick ==> 粘土质耐火砖
  4919. schanz's syndrome ==> 脊椎病征
  4920. Schardinger's reaction ==> (鉴别鲜乳和消毒乳)沙丁格氏反应
  4921. Schaudinn's solution ==> 肖定氏液
  4922. Schede's operation ==> 谢德氏手术
  4923. schedulable variable ==> 可调度变量
  4924. schedular system of taxation ==> 分类税制
  4925. schedule ==> 负载图表,日程,日程表,图表,调度表,一览表,表,安排表=>計画,予定,時刻表,スケジュール
  4926. schedule by probability mode ==> 概率调度
  4927. schedule control ==> 工程管理,进度管理,进度控制,预定输出控制
  4928. schedule controller ==> 工程管理者
  4929. schedule controlling ==> 工程管理
  4930. schedule coordination ==> スケジュール調整
  4931. schedule diagram ==> 进度计划表
  4932. schedule drawing ==> 工程图
  4933. schedule file ==> 调度文件
  4934. schedule income tax ==> 分类所得税
  4935. schedule job ==> 调度作业
  4936. schedule method ==> 图表法,列表法,表格法
  4937. schedule number ==> 表号,表示管壁厚度系列的号码,管子表号
  4938. schedule of amortization ==> 摊销明细表
  4939. schedule of apportionment ==> 分配明细表
  4940. schedule of charge ==> 费率表
  4941. schedule of construction ==> 施工进度表
  4942. schedule of disbursement ==> 支出清单
  4943. schedule of doors and windows and ironmongery ==> 门窗及五金表
  4944. schedule of increase and decrease of properties ==> 财产增减表
  4945. schedule of materials ==> 材料表
  4946. schedule of materials on order ==> 已订购材料表
  4947. schedule of operation ==> 操作程序
  4948. schedule of operations ==> 施工进度表
  4949. schedule of payment ==> 支払予定
  4950. schedule of periodic tests ==> 定期测试时间表
  4951. schedule of prices ==> 估价表=>定価表
  4952. schedule of quantities ==> 工程数量表,数量表,数量清单=>数量一覧表
  4953. schedule of rate ==> 保险费率表
  4954. schedule of rates ==> 料率一覧表
  4955. schedule of room finishes ==> 房间做法表
  4956. schedule of structural steel ==> 钢材一览表
  4957. schedule of terms and conditions ==> 收费率表
  4958. schedule of values ==> 工程分项价值表
  4959. schedule panel ==> 程序转换盘
  4960. schedule planning ==> 日程计划
  4961. schedule policy ==> 分类保险单
  4962. schedule speed ==> 表定速率=>表定速度(鉄道)
  4963. schedule time ==> 规定时间
  4964. schedule weight ==> 额定重量
  4965. schedule, to ==> スケジュールする
  4966. scheduled cam ==> 程序凸轮
  4967. scheduled data ==> 预计数据
  4968. scheduled date ==> 指定日期
  4969. scheduled flight ==> 班机
  4970. scheduled frequency offset ==> 规定频率差度
  4971. scheduled interruption ==> 计划断电
  4972. scheduled maintenance ==> 定期维修,预定维修,调度维护,进度维护=>定期保守
  4973. scheduled maintenance time ==> 例行维护时间
  4974. scheduled net interchange ==> 规定交换量,计划交换功率,计划交换量
  4975. scheduled operating time ==> 规定操作时间
  4976. scheduled operation ==> 被调度的操作=>計画運転
  4977. scheduled operation of a generating set ==> 发电机组计划运行,在规定的期间内,指定某台发电机组按预先规定的出力曲线或指令运行
  4978. scheduled outage ==> 作業停止、移行可能停止
  4979. scheduled outage power ==> 作業停止電力
  4980. scheduled passenger-cargo liner ==> 客货班轮
  4981. scheduled plan ==> 进度计划
  4982. scheduled power flow ==> 計画潮流
  4983. scheduled program for allocating resource (SPAR) ==> 分配资源调度程序
  4984. scheduled repair ==> 定期修理
  4985. scheduled repayments on credits ==> 安排的信贷偿还,信贷的计划偿还
  4986. scheduled sailing time ==> 预定开航时间
  4987. scheduled speed ==> 额定速率
  4988. scheduled target ==> 预计目标
  4989. scheduler module ==> 调度程序模块,调度模块
  4990. scheduler work area (SWA) ==> 调度程序工作区
  4991. scheduler work area data set (SWADS) ==> 调度程序工作区数据集,调度工作区数据组
  4992. scheduling ==> 計画
  4993. scheduling control automation ==> 自动程序控制
  4994. scheduling control automation by network system ==> 网络系统自动程序控制
  4995. scheduling coordinator ==> An entity certified by an ISO or RTO for the purpose of undertaking scheduling functions.
  4996. scheduling discipline ==> 调度规则
  4997. scheduling in construction of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂建设进度控制,根据核电厂建设总工期目标,科学分解建设各阶段的任务,并按逻辑顺序、相互接口和资源(人力、资金、材料)状况等因素做出最优化的安排,并据此推动实施、跟踪检查、协调分析和动态调整的整套工程管理工作
  4998. scheduling management display ==> 调度管理显示
  4999. scheduling model ==> 调度模型
  5000. scheduling monitor computer ==> 调度监控计算机
  5001. scheduling priority ==> 调度优先级,调度优先权
  5002. scheduling process ==> 调度过程
  5003. scheduling program ==> 排日程计划,日程安排
  5004. scheduling queue ==> 调度排队
  5005. scheduling system ==> 调度程序系统
  5006. scheduling user task ==> 调度用户任务
  5007. Scheele's green ==> 席勒绿
  5008. Scheibel-York extractor ==> 赛贝尔萃取器
  5009. Scheie's syndrome ==> 席耶氏综合征
  5010. Scheimpflug condition ==> 沙伊姆弗勒条件
  5011. schema ==> 大纲,概要,模式=>スキーマ
  5012. schema category ==> 模式范畴
  5013. schema chart ==> 模式图
  5014. schema data description language ==> 模式数据描述语言
  5015. schema DDL ==> 模式数据描述语言
  5016. schema description language ==> 模式描述语言
  5017. schema entry ==> 模式项,模式项目
  5018. schema name ==> 模式名
  5019. schematic ==> 图解的,简图的,示意的,简略的,原理的,简图,略图,概略=>図式, 結線図
  5020. schematic automatic generation ==> 結線図自動生成
  5021. schematic circuit diagram ==> 电路图
  5022. schematic design phase ==> 初步计划阶段
  5023. schematic diagram ==> 原理图=>概略図,配線図
  5024. schematic diagram of DG inverter control ==> DGインバータ制御ブロック図
  5025. schematic diagram of experimental set up ==> 実験回路の概要図
  5026. schematic diagram of spray flash desalination ==> スプレーフラッシュ蒸発式海水淡水化システムの構成図
  5027. schematic diagram of terminal outgoing lines ==> 出线端子示意图
  5028. schematic drawing ==> 略图
  5029. schematic eye ==> 模型眼,简化眼
  5030. schematic flow diagram ==> 流程图
  5031. schematic model ==> 图解模型
  5032. schematic models ==> 图表模型
  5033. schematic piping diagram ==> 管道系统示意图
  5034. schematic plan ==> 示意图
  5035. schematic view of M-EMS for Billet mold ==> ビレット型鋳型電磁撹拌装置の鳥瞰図
  5036. schematograph ==> 视野轮廓测定器
  5037. scheme ==> 图,图表,图解,图像,电路,大纲,方案,分类表=>スキーム,計画,計画を立てる
  5038. scheme comparison ==> 方案比较
  5039. scheme competition ==> 方案竞赛
  5040. scheme for irrigation and drainage ==> 排水计划
  5041. scheme of colour ==> 配色方案
  5042. scheme of concentration ==> 选矿方案
  5043. scheme of distribution ==> 分红表
  5044. scheme of electric power supply ==> 供电方式,供电部门向用户提供的电源特性和类型,包括电源的频率,额定电压,电源相数和电源容量等
  5045. scheme of erection ==> 装配简图
  5046. scheme of fire ==> 射击计划
  5047. scheme of flood prevention ==> 防汛方案
  5048. scheme of knowledge classification ==> 知识分类表
  5049. scheme of wiring ==> 配线图,线路图
  5050. Schenick machine ==> 谢尼克金属疲劳试验机
  5051. Schenk type filter ==> 申克型过滤机
  5052. Scherbius advancer ==> 西尔毕斯进相机
  5053. Scherbius drive ==> 谢尔必斯拖动
  5054. Scherbius machine ==> 谢尔比斯电机
  5055. Scherbius phase advancer ==> 谢尔比斯进相机=>セルビウス進相機
  5056. Scherbius speed control ==> 谢尔比斯速度控制
  5057. Scherbius system ==> 谢尔比斯方式=>セルビウス方式
  5058. Schering bridge ==> 西林电桥=>シェーリングブリッジ
  5059. Schick reaction ==> 锡克氏反应
  5060. Schick test ==> 锡克试验
  5061. Schick test solution ==> 锡克氏试验液
  5062. Schiff base ==> 西佛氏碱,席夫碱
  5063. Schiff's bases ==> 希佛碱
  5064. schiff's biliary cycle ==> 希夫氏胆汁循环
  5065. Schiffli machine ==> 飞梭刺绣机
  5066. Schiiller's position ==> 许累尔氏位
  5067. schiller spar ==> 绢石,绢石
  5068. schiller structure ==> 闪光构造
  5069. Schiller's test ==> 希勒氏试验
  5070. Schilling blood count ==> 希林氏细胞计数
  5071. Schiphol ==> 荷兰史基浦机场=>スキポール空港
  5072. schism ==> 分離
  5073. schist oil ==> 页岩油
  5074. schistose clay ==> 片岩状粘土
  5075. schistose coal ==> 叶煤
  5076. schistose crystalline rock ==> 片状结晶岩
  5077. schistose mica ==> 云母片岩
  5078. schistose rock ==> 层状岩石
  5079. schistose structure ==> 层状组织,片状构造
  5080. schistosity plane ==> 片理面
  5081. schistosity sheet ==> 片岩板
  5082. schistosoma granuloma of intestinal wall ==> 肠壁血吸虫肉芽肿
  5083. Schistosoma mansoni ==> 曼森氏裂体吸虫
  5084. schistosome dermatitis ==> 血吸虫皮炎
  5085. schistosomiasis intercalata ==> 间插血吸虫病
  5086. schistosomiasis mansoni ==> 曼森氏血吸虫病
  5087. schistosomiasis of appendix ==> 阑尾血吸虫病
  5088. schistosomiasis of bladder ==> 膀胱血吸虫病
  5089. schistosomiasis of genito-urinary system ==> 泌尿生殖系统血吸虫病
  5090. schistosomiasis of spinal cord ==> 脊髓血吸虫病
  5091. schistosomiasis of stomach ==> 胃血吸虫病
  5092. schizo-affective schizophrenia ==> 情感分裂型精神分裂症
  5093. schizoaffective psychosis ==> 混合型精神病
  5094. schizocarpic fruit ==> 裂果
  5095. schizogenetic space ==> 裂生隙
  5096. schizogenic space ==> 裂生隙
  5097. schizogenous gland ==> 裂生腺
  5098. schizogonic cycle ==> 裂殖周期
  5099. schizoid personality ==> 分裂样人格
  5100. schizoid personality disorder ==> 精神分裂样人格障碍
  5101. schizoid type ==> 精神分裂样体型,精神分裂症型
  5102. schizoid type psychopathic personality ==> 分裂型病态人格
  5103. schizolysigenous cavity ==> 裂溶生腔
  5104. schizonepeta spike ==> 荆芥穗
  5105. schizophrenia ==> 統合失調症
  5106. schizophrenia-like psychosis ==> 精神分裂症样精神病
  5107. schizophrenic character ==> 精神分裂性格
  5108. schizophrenic disturbance ==> 精神分裂性障碍
  5109. schizophrenic psychosis ==> 精神分裂性精神病
  5110. schizophrenic reaction ==> 精神分裂性反应
  5111. schizophrenic reaction of simple type ==> 单纯型精神分裂性反应
  5112. schizophreniform psychosis (SFP) ==> 分裂样精神病
  5113. Schlemm's canal ==> 巩膜静脉窦
  5114. schlicht function ==> 单叶函数
  5115. schlieren apparatus ==> 纹影仪
  5116. schlieren interferometer ==> 纹影干涉仪
  5117. schlieren method ==> 条纹照相法=>シェリーレン法
  5118. schlieren optical screen ==> 纹影屏
  5119. schlieren optical system ==> 施利仑光学系
  5120. Schlieren optical system ==> 舒利莱恩光学系统
  5121. schlieren projection lens ==> 施利仑投影透镜
  5122. schlieren projection system ==> 施利仑投影系统
  5123. schlieren set-up ==> 纹影法摄影装置
  5124. schlieren technique ==> 纹影术
  5125. schlieren-method of photography ==> 施利伦照相法
  5126. schlorine bleaches ==> 含氯漂白剂
  5127. Schloss milk ==> 类人乳
  5128. Schlumberger apparatus ==> 施卢姆贝格尔热长度试验仪
  5129. Schlumberger array ==> 施卢姆贝格尔台阵
  5130. Schlumberger comb sorter ==> 施卢姆贝格尔热梳片式长度试验仪
  5131. Schmidt aspherical corrector plate ==> 施密特非球面校正板
  5132. Schmidt camera ==> シュミットカメラ
  5133. Schmidt circuit ==> シュミット回路
  5134. Schmidt correction plate ==> 施密特校正板
  5135. Schmidt corrector ==> 施密特校正板
  5136. Schmidt law ==> 施密特定律
  5137. Schmidt lens ==> 施密特透镜
  5138. Schmidt lens system ==> 施密特透镜系统
  5139. Schmidt lines ==> 施密特线
  5140. Schmidt mirror system ==> 施密特反射镜系统
  5141. Schmidt motor ==> 施密特活塞液压电动机
  5142. schmidt motor ==> 施密特活塞液压电动机
  5143. schmidt number ==> 施密特数
  5144. Schmidt optical system ==> 施密特光学系统
  5145. Schmidt optics ==> 施密特学光系统
  5146. Schmidt projection ==> 施密特投影
  5147. Schmidt projection optics ==> 施密特光学投影系统
  5148. Schmidt system ==> 施密特光学系统
  5149. Schmidt telescope ==> 施密特望远镜
  5150. Schmidt television projector ==> 施密特投影电视机
  5151. Schmidt torque meter ==> 施密特转矩表
  5152. Schmidt trigger circuit ==> シュミットトリガ回路
  5153. Schmidt's syndrome ==> (疑核副神经核性麻痹)施密特氏综合征
  5154. Schmidt-type optical system ==> 施密特反射望远镜系统
  5155. Schmitt trigger ==> 施密特触发器
  5156. Schnadt test ==> 施耐特冲击试验
  5157. Schnee bath ==> 施尼浴
  5158. Schneider ==> 施耐德=>シュナイダー
  5159. Schneider furnace ==> 谢利得高频感电炉
  5160. schneiderian membrane ==> 鼻粘膜
  5161. Schnyder-Bergeron method ==> シュナイダー・ベルジロン法
  5162. Schoddky effect ==> 肖特基效应
  5163. Schoenherr-Hes-sberger process ==> 电弧固氮法
  5164. scholarship loan ==> 貸与奨学金
  5165. Schollar process ==> 肖娄尔法
  5166. Schonrock autocollimating eyepiece ==> 施恩罗克自准直目镜
  5167. Schonrock halfshade ==> 施恩罗克偏光半荫仪
  5168. school age population ==> 学龄人口
  5169. school bus ==> 校车
  5170. school health ==> 学校卫生
  5171. school hygiene ==> 学校卫生学
  5172. school microscope ==> 教学显微镜
  5173. school of business administration ==> 商业管理学院
  5174. school of economics ==> 经济学派,经济学派
  5175. school of management ==> 管理学院
  5176. school prospectus ==> 学校案内
  5177. school ship ==> 教练船,教练舰
  5178. school subsidies ==> 教育助成
  5179. School Waste Paper Recycling Scheme ==> 学校废纸回收计划
  5180. Schools Environmental Award Scheme (SEAS) ==> 学界环境保护奖励计划
  5181. Schools Insulation Programme ==> 学校隔音计划
  5182. schools of economic thougth ==> 经济思想流派,经济思想流派
  5183. schooner ==> 纵帆船
  5184. Schoop process ==> 金属喷镀,金属丝喷涂法,斯库普法喷镀
  5185. Schopper folding tester ==> 肖伯耐折度测定仪
  5186. Schopper tensile tester ==> 肖伯抗拉试验仪
  5187. Schopper torsion meter ==> 肖伯扭力仪
  5188. Schopper's bursting strength tester ==> 肖伯型织物顶破强力机
  5189. Schopper's cloth abrasion tester ==> 肖伯型织物耐磨试验仪
  5190. Schori process ==> 肖瑞金属喷涂法
  5191. schorl rock ==> 石英黑电气岩
  5192. schot effect ==> 散粒效应
  5193. Schottky barrier ==> 肖特基势垒=>ショットキー障壁
  5194. Schottky barrier diode ==> 肖特基势垒二极管=>ショットキーバリヤダイオード
  5195. Schottky barrier gate ==> 肖特基势垒栅
  5196. Schottky barrier gate fet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  5197. Schottky barrier mos ==> 肖特基势垒栅金属氧化物半导体
  5198. Schottky barrier photodiode ==> 肖特基势垒光电二极管
  5199. Schottky bipolar decoders ==> 肖特基双极译码器
  5200. Schottky bipolar memory ==> 肖特基双极存储器
  5201. Schottky bipolar microcompter set ==> 肖特基双极微计算机系列
  5202. Schottky cell array technology ==> 肖特基单元阵列技术
  5203. Schottky circuit ==> 肖特基电路
  5204. Schottky clamp diode ==> 肖特基钳位二极管
  5205. Schottky clamped transistor ==> 肖特基钳位晶体管
  5206. Schottky contact ==> ショットキー接触
  5207. Schottky defect ==> 肖特基缺陷=>ショットキー欠陥
  5208. Schottky diode ==> 肖特基势垒二极管
  5209. Schottky diode fet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  5210. Schottky disorder ==> 肖特基缺陷
  5211. Schottky effect ==> 肖特基效应,肖脱基效应
  5212. schottky effect ==> 肖特基效应
  5213. Schottky electrode ==> 肖特基势垒栅
  5214. Schottky emission ==> 肖特基放射
  5215. Schottky emitter type transistor ==> 肖特基发射极型晶体管
  5216. Schottky gate fet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  5217. Schottky gate metallization ==> 肖特基栅金属化
  5218. Schottky guard-ring transistor ==> 肖特基保护环晶体管
  5219. Schottky interface ==> 肖特基界面
  5220. Schottky noise ==> 肖特基噪声
  5221. Schottky transistor ==> 肖特基晶体管
  5222. Schottky transistor logic ==> 肖特基晶体管逻辑
  5223. Schottky transistor transistor logic ==> 肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑
  5224. Schottky ttl gate ==> 肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑门
  5225. Schottky vacancy ==> 肖特基缺陷
  5226. Schottky-barrier avalanche photodiode ==> 肖特基势垒雪崩光电二极管
  5227. Schottky-barrier diode rectifier ==> 肖特基势垒二极管整流器
  5228. Schottky-diode transistor-transistor-logic circuit, STTL ==> ショットキーダイオードトランジスタトランジスタ論理回路
  5229. Schotty effect ==> ショットキー効果
  5230. Schotty junction ==> ショットキー接合
  5231. Schrage motor ==> 施拉盖电动机=>シュラーゲモータ
  5232. Schrdinger equation ==> 薛定锷方程
  5233. Schrdinger wave equation ==> 薛定锷波动方程
  5234. Schreiner finish ==> 缎光整理,电光整理
  5235. Schridde's granules ==> 软骨微粒
  5236. Schrodinger atom ==> 薛定谔原子
  5237. Schrodinger equation ==> シュレーディンガー方程式,i h bar d psi d t equals H psi.
  5238. Schrodinger equation for one-particle problem ==> 1体問題のシュレーディンガー方程式
  5239. Schrodinger representation ==> 位置表象
  5240. Schrodinger wave equation ==> 薛定锷波动方程
  5241. Schromberg alloy ==> 施罗莫伯格锌基合金
  5242. Schrotters catheter ==> 喉扩张导管
  5243. schrund line ==> 冰斗基线
  5244. Schuermann cupola ==> 肖尔曼热风冲天炉
  5245. Schuermann furnace ==> 肖尔曼热风冲天炉
  5246. Schulta-Charlton reaction ==> 变白反应
  5247. Schultze's bundle ==> 束间束
  5248. Schulz alloy ==> 舒尔茨锌基轴承合金
  5249. Schuster mechanism ==> 舒斯特机制
  5250. Schwabach's test ==> 骨导对比试验
  5251. Schwalbe's corpuscles ==> 味蕾
  5252. Schwalbe's line ==> 许瓦尔贝氏线
  5253. Schwann's nucleus ==> 许旺氏核
  5254. Schwann-cell tumor ==> 许旺氏细胞瘤
  5255. Schwartz kernel ==> シュワルツの核
  5256. Schwartz's syndrome ==> 急性粒细胞缺乏症
  5257. Schwartze's sign ==> 鼓膜透红症
  5258. Schwarz-Christoffel mapping ==> 施瓦茨—克里斯托费尔映射
  5259. Schwarzschild criterion ==> 史瓦西判据
  5260. Schwarzschild solution ==> 史瓦西解
  5261. Schwarzschild's metric ==> シュワルツシルト計量
  5262. Schweinfurt green ==> 巴黎绿
  5263. Schweizerische National Bank ==> 瑞士国家银行
  5264. Schweizerischer Handels-und Industrie-Verein ==> 瑞士工商联合会
  5265. Schüffner's dots ==> 薛夫讷氏点
  5266. SCI ==> 科学引文索引
  5267. SCI, Science Citation Index ==> SCI
  5268. SCI, Single Channel Interpolation ==> 单通道插值补偿方式
  5269. SCI-T, Single Channel Interpolation with Timestamp ==> 带时标的单通道插值补偿方式
  5270. sciatic bursa of internal obturator muscle ==> 闭孔内肌坐骨囊
  5271. sciatic gastrocnemius preparation ==> 坐骨神经腓肠肌标本
  5272. sciatic nerve ==> 坐骨神经
  5273. sciatic nerve block anesthesia ==> 坐骨神经阻滞麻醉
  5274. SCiB ==> 新型二次電池
  5275. Science ==> 米国科学誌
  5276. science ==> 科学
  5277. science and technology development strategy ==> 科学技术发展战略
  5278. science and technology forecast ==> 科学技术预测
  5279. science and technology input ==> 科技投入
  5280. science branches ==> 科学分支
  5281. science education ==> 科学教材
  5282. science journalism ==> 科学ジャーナリズム
  5283. science of acupuncture and moxibustion ==> 针灸学
  5284. science of building ==> 营造学
  5285. science of civil law ==> 民法学
  5286. science of economic effectiveness ==> 经济效果学,经济效果学
  5287. science of light reflection ==> 反射光学
  5288. science of naval campaign ==> 海军战役学
  5289. science of naval strategy ==> 海军战略学
  5290. science of naval tactics ==> 海军战术学
  5291. science of nuclear power ==> 核动力科学
  5292. science of personnel ==> 人才学
  5293. science of personnel management ==> 人事管理学
  5294. science of strength for materials ==> 材料强度科学
  5295. science of the artificial ==> 人工仿真科学
  5296. science of the sea ==> 海洋科学
  5297. science-oriented ==> 采用科学成果的
  5298. scientific ==> 科学的な,学術的な
  5299. scientific advance ==> 科学进展
  5300. scientific and technical development program ==> 科学技术发展规划
  5301. scientific and technical forecast ==> 科学技术预测
  5302. scientific and technical information ==> 科技情报,科技情报资料
  5303. scientific and technical literature ==> 科学技术文献
  5304. scientific and technical payoffs ==> 科技成果
  5305. scientific and technological information system ==> 科技情报系统
  5306. scientific approach ==> 科学方法
  5307. scientific calculation ==> 科学计算
  5308. scientific career ==> 科学生涯
  5309. scientific classification ==> 科学分类,精确分类
  5310. scientific computer ==> 科学计算机
  5311. scientific conundrum ==> 科学的難問
  5312. scientific data processing ==> 科学数据处理
  5313. scientific document ==> 科学文献
  5314. scientific emerald ==> 合成绿柱石
  5315. scientific information ==> 科学情报,科学资料
  5316. scientific information system ==> 科学信息系统
  5317. scientific institution ==> 科学协会
  5318. scientific instruction set ==> 科学指令集
  5319. scientific instrument ==> 科学仪表
  5320. scientific lunar exploration ==> 月球科学研究
  5321. scientific management ==> 科学管理
  5322. scientific method of amortization ==> 科学推销法
  5323. scientific misconduct ==> 学术不端行为,学术腐败
  5324. scientific name ==> 学名
  5325. scientific notation ==> 科学表示法,科学记数法
  5326. scientific paper ==> 科学著作
  5327. scientific payload ==> 科学ペイロード
  5328. Scientific Personnel Development Bank ==> 科技人才开发银行
  5329. scientific philosophy ==> 科学哲学
  5330. scientific potential ==> 科学潜力
  5331. scientific prediction ==> 科学预测
  5332. scientific procedure ==> 科学程序
  5333. scientific program ==> 科学计算用程序
  5334. scientific programmable calculator ==> 科学可编程计算器
  5335. scientific progress ==> 科学进展
  5336. scientific reasoning ==> 科学推理
  5337. scientific research cost ==> 科研费用成本
  5338. scientific satellite ==> 科学衛星
  5339. scientific subroutine package ==> 科学子程序包
  5340. scientific system ==> 科学计算系统,科学用系统
  5341. scientific tariff ==> 科学关税,科学性关税
  5342. scientific-technical information ==> 科学技术情报
  5343. scientist ==> 科学者
  5344. scintilation counter ==> 闪烁计数器
  5345. scintillate ==> せん光を発する
  5346. scintillating liquid ==> 闪烁液体
  5347. scintillating material ==> 闪烁材料,闪烁物质
  5348. scintillating medium ==> 闪烁介质
  5349. scintillating phosphor ==> 闪烁体
  5350. scintillating solution ==> 闪烁溶液
  5351. scintillating target ==> 闪烁目标
  5352. scintillation ==> 闪烁,闪烁现象,目标急速移动,起伏=>せん光,火花,シンチレーション,ひらめき
  5353. scintillation (-counter) telescope ==> 闪烁望远镜
  5354. scintillation analysis ==> 闪烁分析
  5355. scintillation camera ==> 闪烁照相机=>シンチレーションカメラ
  5356. scintillation chamber ==> 闪烁室
  5357. scintillation conversion efficiency ==> 闪烁转换效率
  5358. scintillation converter ==> 闪烁转换器
  5359. scintillation counter ==> 闪烁计数管,闪烁计数器=>シンチレーション計数器
  5360. scintillation counter crystal ==> 闪烁计数器晶体
  5361. scintillation counter head ==> 闪烁计数器探头
  5362. scintillation counting ==> 闪烁计数
  5363. scintillation crystal ==> 闪烁晶体,晶体闪烁体
  5364. scintillation decay time ==> シンチレーション減衰時間
  5365. scintillation detector ==> 闪烁计数器,闪烁检测器=>シンチレーション検出器
  5366. scintillation effect ==> 闪烁效应=>蛍光作用
  5367. scintillation efficiency ==> シンチレーション効率
  5368. scintillation error ==> 振幅起伏误差
  5369. scintillation fading ==> 起伏衰落,调制载频衰落=>シンチレーションフェージング
  5370. scintillation fission counter ==> 闪烁裂变计数器
  5371. scintillation glass ==> 闪烁玻璃
  5372. scintillation intensity ==> シンチレーション強度
  5373. scintillation jamming ==> 起伏干扰
  5374. scintillation jamming spectrum ==> 起伏干扰频谱
  5375. scintillation light ==> シンチレーション光
  5376. scintillation measurement ==> シンチレーション測定
  5377. scintillation method ==> 闪烁法
  5378. scintillation noise ==> 闪烁噪声
  5379. scintillation phosphor ==> 闪烁磷光体
  5380. scintillation probe ==> 闪烁探测器,闪烁探针
  5381. scintillation process ==> 闪烁过程
  5382. scintillation pulse ==> 闪烁脉冲
  5383. scintillation scanner ==> 闪烁扫描器
  5384. scintillation screen ==> 闪烁屏
  5385. scintillation solution ==> 闪烁液
  5386. scintillation spectrometer ==> 闪烁分光计,闪烁光谱计,闪烁谱仪=>シンチレーション分析器
  5387. scintillation spectrum ==> 闪烁光谱
  5388. scintillation statistics ==> 闪烁统计学
  5389. scintillation technique ==> 闪烁技术
  5390. scintillation telescope ==> 闪烁计数望远镜
  5391. scintillation vial ==> 闪烁管
  5392. scintillation well counter ==> 井式闪烁计数器,井式闪烁计数器
  5393. scintillation-counter monitor ==> 闪烁计数监测仪
  5394. scintillation-counter telescope ==> 闪烁计数器望远镜
  5395. scintillation-counting crystal ==> 闪烁计数晶体
  5396. scintillator ==> 闪烁体=>きらめくもの
  5397. scintillator conversion efficiency ==> 闪烁体转换效率
  5398. scintillator detector ==> 闪烁体探头=>シンチレータ検出器
  5399. scintillator fast neutron fluxmeter ==> 闪烁体快中子通量计
  5400. scintillator liquid ==> 闪烁液
  5401. scintillator material ==> 闪烁器材料
  5402. scintillator prospecting radiation meter ==> 探矿闪烁辐射计
  5403. scintillator slow neutron detector ==> 闪烁体慢中子探测器
  5404. scion ==> 接ぎ穂,(名門の)子孫,御曹司
  5405. scion grafting on root ==> 根枝接
  5406. scion rooted ==> 自根的
  5407. scion wood ==> 接穗
  5408. sciophiles plant ==> 适阴植物
  5409. Scirocco ==> 海风=>シロッコ
  5410. scirrhous carcinoma ==> 硬癌
  5411. scirrhous carcinoma of colon ==> 结肠硬癌
  5412. scirrhous carcinoma of stomach ==> 胃硬癌
  5413. scission ==> 裂变=>分離
  5414. scissor jack ==> 剪式千斤顶
  5415. scissor junction ==> 剪式连接
  5416. scissor type spring ==> 剪形弹簧
  5417. scissoring wound ==> 剪创
  5418. scissors ==> 剪刀,剪,剪形夹=>はさみ
  5419. scissors bonding ==> 剪刀焊
  5420. scissors bridge ==> 剪式桥
  5421. scissors crossing ==> 交叉跨越=>交さ渡り線(鉄道)
  5422. scissors gait ==> 剪刀步态
  5423. scissors junction ==> 锐角交叉
  5424. scissors lifter ==> 杠杆式起重机
  5425. scissors truss ==> 剪式桁架
  5426. scissors-paper-stone game ==> 剪刀-纸-石头对策
  5427. scissure ==> 分離
  5428. Scl, Sculptor ==> ちょうこくしつ座
  5429. SCL, space component lifetime ==> 宇宙用コンポーネントの寿命
  5430. SCL, stock control level ==> 在庫統制基準
  5431. SCL, Super Conducting Linac ==> 超伝導リニアック
  5432. sclera fixation forceps ==> 巩膜固定镊
  5433. sclera spur ==> 巩膜距
  5434. scleral burn ==> 巩膜烧伤
  5435. scleral chromatophore cell ==> 巩膜色素细胞
  5436. scleral contusion ==> 巩膜挫伤
  5437. scleral graft ==> 巩膜移殖术
  5438. scleral groove ==> 巩膜沟
  5439. scleral lamina ==> 巩膜板
  5440. scleral punch ==> 巩膜咬切器
  5441. scleral scissors ==> 巩膜剪
  5442. scleral shortening ==> 巩膜缩短术
  5443. scleral spur ==> 巩膜突
  5444. scleral-type contact lens ==> 巩膜型接目镜
  5445. sclerectomy of middle ear ==> 中耳硬化病变切除术
  5446. sclerema edematosum ==> 水溃性硬化病
  5447. sclerema neonatorum ==> 新生儿硬化病
  5448. sclerenchyma sheath ==> 厚壁组织鞘
  5449. sclerenchymous fibres ==> 硬细胞纤维
  5450. sclerified sheath ==> 硬化的鞘
  5451. sclero-choroiditis posterior ==> 后巩膜脉络膜炎
  5452. scleroderma neonatorum ==> 新生儿硬皮病
  5453. scleromalacia perforans ==> 穿孔性巩膜软化症
  5454. sclerometer ==> 加压刻痕硬度计
  5455. sclerometric hardness ==> 刮痕硬度
  5456. sclerometric hardness test ==> 划痕硬度试验
  5457. scleronomic constraint ==> 稳定约束
  5458. sclerophyllous forest ==> 硬叶常绿林
  5459. sclerophyllous plant ==> 硬叶植物
  5460. scleroscope ==> 回跳硬度计
  5461. scleroscope hardness ==> 回跳硬度
  5462. scleroscope hardness test ==> 回跳硬度试验
  5463. scleroscopic hardness ==> 回跳硬度
  5464. sclerosing agent ==> 硬化剂
  5465. sclerosing agent injection of articular cavity ==> 关节腔硬化剂注射
  5466. sclerotic gastritis ==> 硬化性胃炎
  5467. sclerotic nest ==> 石细胞群
  5468. sclerotic puncture ==> 巩膜穿刺术
  5469. sclerotic tooth ==> 骨质齿
  5470. sclerotium blight of clover ==> 三叶草菌核病
  5471. Sclerotium hydrophilum ==> 喜水小核菌
  5472. Sclerotium semen ==> 籽形小核菌
  5473. sclerotomal sheath ==> 生骨层
  5474. sclerotomy for bloodletting ==> 巩膜切开放血术
  5475. sclerotomy scissors ==> 巩膜切开剪
  5476. sclerous reaction ==> 硬化反应
  5477. SCLT, static closed loop test ==> 静的閉ループ試験
  5478. SCM Stern To Manifold (Distance) ==> 船尾到歧管
  5479. SCM, sequence circuit monitor ==> シーケンス回路制御監視装置
  5480. SCM, Software Configuration Management ==> 構成管理
  5481. SCM, solar cell measurement unit ==> 太陽電池測定装置
  5482. SCM, solar cell monitor ==> 太陽電池モニタ
  5483. SCM, Solar Constant Monitor ==> 太陽定数モニタ
  5484. SCM, spacecraft materials ==> 宇宙船の材料
  5485. SCM, stored command memory ==> ストアードコマンドメモリ
  5486. SCM, subcarrier modulator ==> 副搬送波変調器
  5487. SCM, Super Conducting Magnet ==> 超電導磁石
  5488. SCM, Supply Chain Management ==> サプライチェーンマネジメント
  5489. SCM, synchronous continuous mode ==> 同期持続モード
  5490. SCMF, superconducting magnetic facility ==> 超伝導磁気設備
  5491. SCMR, surface composition mapping radiometer ==> 地表成分マッピング放射計
  5492. SCMS ==> 稳定控制集中管理系统
  5493. SCMS, substation control and monitoring system ==> 変電所制御監視システム
  5494. SCN, satellite communication & navigation missions ==> 衛星通信航法ミッション
  5495. SCN, self-contained navigation ==> 自立航法
  5496. SCN, specification change notice ==> 仕様書変更通知
  5497. Sco, Scorpius ==> さそり座
  5498. SCO, Single command ==> 単一命令
  5499. SCO, subcarrier oscillator ==> 副搬送波発振器
  5500. SCO, surveillance control office ==> 監視制御局
  5501. scoinson arch ==> 对角斜拱
  5502. scoketed screw ==> 凹头螺钉
  5503. scolopendrid ==> オオムカデ
  5504. scombroid poisoning ==> 鲭鱼肉中毒
  5505. SCOMET ==> インド規制品目リスト
  5506. scondary inductance ==> 副线圈电感
  5507. scoop ==> 杓子,椭球体泛光灯,凹处,勺,锹(qiāo)=>ひしゃく,特ダネ,情報,バケット,吸入口,スクープ,かき集める
  5508. scoop channel ==> 凹槽,斗式槽
  5509. scoop condenser ==> 自流式凝汽器
  5510. scoop digger ==> 斗式挖掘机
  5511. scoop dredge ==> 斗式挖泥机,斗式挖土机
  5512. scoop dredge(r) ==> 斗式挖泥船
  5513. scoop excavator ==> 斗式挖掘机
  5514. scoop feeded ==> 戽斗式进料器
  5515. scoop feeder ==> 勺式进料器
  5516. scoop for ethmoidal sinus ==> 鼻筛窦刮匙
  5517. scoop for nursery planting ==> 苗圃移铲,苗圃移植铲
  5518. scoop fork ==> 勺形叉
  5519. scoop loader ==> 勺斗式装载机,铲斗装载机,斗式装料机
  5520. scoop shovel ==> 斗式挖土机,单斗电铲,铲斗挖土机,勺铲,勺形铲
  5521. scoop tail rope ==> 拖斗尾绳
  5522. scoop tube ==> 铲管
  5523. scoop vane ==> 挖掘叶轮
  5524. scoop wheel ==> 斗轮,斗式挖掘车轮,戽斗水车
  5525. scoop wheel pump ==> 斗轮泵
  5526. scoop with fluid drive ==> 液压传动斗
  5527. scoop-type ==> 戽斗式
  5528. scoop-type combine ==> 缩流式联合收获机
  5529. scoop-type turbine ==> 水斗式水轮机
  5530. scoop-wheel ==> 扬水轮,疏浚车轮,疏浚轮
  5531. scoop-wheel distributor ==> 勺轮式排出装置
  5532. scooping machine ==> 斗式挖土机,戽水机,铲斗挖土机
  5533. scooter ==> 小型摩托车=>スクータ
  5534. scooter deflector ==> 拖斗转向装置
  5535. scootor tire ==> 摩托车踏板车胎
  5536. scope ==> 范围,动作域=>スコープ,範囲
  5537. scope (of) cover ==> 责任范围
  5538. scope analyzer ==> 示波分析器
  5539. scope and depth of exchange ==> 交换的广度和深度
  5540. scope attribute ==> 作用域的属性
  5541. scope calibration ==> 示波器校正
  5542. scope face ==> 指示盘,显示屏,显示器荧光屏
  5543. scope horizontal sweep ==> 示波器水平扫描
  5544. scope impairment ==> 范围损害
  5545. scope limitation ==> 范围限制
  5546. scope note ==> 范围注释
  5547. scope of a variable ==> 变量域,变量作用域
  5548. scope of application ==> 适用范围
  5549. scope of assessmentp ==> 课税范围
  5550. scope of business ==> 经营范围,经营范围,业务范围
  5551. scope of command facility ==> 命令设备域
  5552. scope of commands facility ==> 命令设施范围
  5553. scope of construction item ==> 施工规模
  5554. scope of control ==> 控制范围
  5555. scope of declaration ==> 宣言の有効範囲
  5556. scope of design ==> 设计范围
  5557. scope of distribution ==> 分配范围,分配全域
  5558. scope of ecology ==> 生态学的范围
  5559. scope of examination ==> 审查范围
  5560. scope of identifier ==> 标识符作用域
  5561. scope of invention ==> 发明的范围
  5562. scope of operation ==> 经营内容,经营内容
  5563. scope of project ==> 项目范围
  5564. scope of quantifier ==> 量词的值域,量词辖域,量词作用域
  5565. scope of repair ==> 检修范围
  5566. scope of repairing course ==> 修理范围
  5567. scope of statistics ==> 统计范围
  5568. scope of supply ==> 供货范围
  5569. scope of symbolic name ==> 符号名作用域
  5570. scope of taxation ==> 课税范围
  5571. scope of work ==> 工作范围
  5572. scope overlay ==> 荧光屏透明复板
  5573. scope paragraph ==> 范围段落
  5574. scope range of the fluctuation of voltage ==> 电压波动范围
  5575. scope response ==> 示波器响应
  5576. scope return ==> 显示器的上回波信号
  5577. scope setting ==> 装定光学瞄装器
  5578. scope sweep ==> 示波器扫描
  5579. scope target ==> 荧光屏上的目标
  5580. scope track ==> 荧光屏上的目标回波
  5581. SCOPE, oscilloscope ==> オシロスコープ
  5582. SCOPE, scale coupling in plasma environment ==> 次期磁気探査衛星
  5583. scope-sight reticule ==> 光学瞄准具十字线
  5584. Scophony television system ==> 史柯峰电视装置
  5585. scopolamine methyl bromide ==> 溴甲基东莨菪碱,溴甲基东莨菪碱
  5586. scopolamine methylbromide ==> 甲基溴化东莨菪硷
  5587. scopolamine poisoning ==> 东莨菪硷中毒
  5588. scopomorphine poisoning ==> 莨菪碱吗啡中毒
  5589. scorch line ==> 灼伤线
  5590. scorched ingot ==> 粗晶铸锭
  5591. scorched rubber ==> 早期硫化橡胶
  5592. scorched steel ==> 粗晶钢,柱状晶钢
  5593. score ==> 划痕,划线,毛刺沟痕,得分,割痕,刻痕,记分,冰川擦痕
  5594. score line ==> 划线
  5595. score marks ==> 划出标记
  5596. score rail ==> 槽形钢轨
  5597. SCORE, station control and operation equipment ==> 総合管制設備
  5598. scored card ==> 缺口卡片,分数卡,成型卡片
  5599. scored crank pin ==> 刮伤曲柄销
  5600. scored cylinder ==> 刮伤气缸
  5601. scored pulley ==> 槽轮
  5602. scored slice ==> 伤痕薄片
  5603. scored surface ==> 拉毛面
  5604. scored-finish tile ==> 带槽砖
  5605. scores for sensitivity to iron chlorosis ==> 铁缺绿病的敏感程度
  5606. scoria ==> 熔渣,炉渣,火山渣=>鉱滓
  5607. scoria agglomerate ==> 火山渣集块岩
  5608. scoria cone ==> 火山渣锥
  5609. scoria mound ==> 火山渣丘
  5610. scoria pavement ==> 熔渣路面
  5611. scoria suface ==> 熔渣路面
  5612. scoria tuff ==> 火山渣凝灰岩
  5613. scoriaceous ==> (火山)渣状
  5614. scoriaceous lava ==> 渣状熔岩
  5615. scoriae ==> 熔渣
  5616. scoring ==> 擦伤
  5617. scoring line ==> 粘着撕伤线
  5618. scoring machine ==> 刻痕机
  5619. scoring resistance ==> 刮伤表面阻力
  5620. scoring system ==> 配音录制系统
  5621. scorn ==> 軽蔑,冷笑
  5622. scorpion sting poisoning ==> 蝎蜇中毒
  5623. scorpion venom poisoning ==> 蝎毒液中毒
  5624. scot blower ==> 吹灰机
  5625. SCOT, smooth coherence transform ==> コヒーレンスによる重み付け方法
  5626. scotch ==> 挡车块,圬工小锤,停车器,擦伤,止转棒,制动楔
  5627. scotch block ==> 止车楔,止轮器,制动块,制转楔
  5628. scotch boiler ==> 苏格兰锅炉
  5629. Scotch boiler ==> 苏格兰锅炉
  5630. scotch cleaner ==> 清齿刮铲
  5631. scotch club cleaner ==> 弧形底脚修型笔
  5632. Scotch crank ==> 苏格兰曲柄
  5633. Scotch dressing ==> 司各契上浆工序
  5634. scotch light ==> 反射光线
  5635. scotch marine boiler ==> 苏格兰式船用锅炉
  5636. scotch stone ==> 去痕石
  5637. scotch tape ==> 透明胶带,卡带
  5638. Scotch tape technique ==> 透明胶大法
  5639. Scotch yoke ==> 苏格兰曲柄
  5640. scotch yoke ==> 挡车轭,止转棒轭,停车器轭
  5641. scotching ==> 琢石
  5642. scotia moulding ==> 凹圆线
  5643. Scotland ==> 苏格兰=>スコットランド
  5644. Scotland Highland ==> 苏格兰高地
  5645. scotopic curve ==> 适暗曲线
  5646. scotopic eye ==> 适暗眼,暗适应眼
  5647. scotopic luminosity curve ==> 暗光光度曲线
  5648. scotopic vision ==> 暗所視
  5649. Scott cement ==> 斯柯特水泥,透明石膏水泥
  5650. Scott connection ==> 斯柯特接线法=>スコット結線(変圧器)
  5651. Scott effect ==> 斯科特效应
  5652. Scott former ==> 斯柯特真空圆网成形装置
  5653. Scott jockey ==> 斯柯特型杆式联接装置,斯科特型杆式联接装置
  5654. Scott system serigraph ==> 司各脱式纱线强力仪
  5655. Scott tensile tester ==> 司各脱拉伸强力试验仪
  5656. Scott top ==> 斯科特接线法变压器
  5657. Scott viscosimeter ==> 斯科特粘度计
  5658. Scott volumeter ==> 斯柯特容量计
  5659. Scott's cement ==> 斯科特水泥
  5660. Scottish topaz ==> 黄水晶
  5661. Scouler willow (Salix scouleriana) ==> 斯考勒氏柳
  5662. scour ==> 脱壳=>研磨剤,洗浄
  5663. scour and fill ==> 边冲边淤
  5664. scour apron ==> 防冲护坦
  5665. scour basin ==> 冲刷盆地
  5666. scour below dam ==> 坝下淘刷
  5667. scour cast ==> 冲刷铸型
  5668. scour channel ==> 冲蚀槽
  5669. scour criterion ==> 冲刷标准
  5670. scour culvert ==> 冲砂涵洞
  5671. scour depression ==> 冲刷源槽
  5672. scour depth ==> 冲刷深度
  5673. scour finger ==> 指状冲刷痕
  5674. scour forecast ==> 冲刷预测
  5675. scour gallery ==> 冲砂廊道
  5676. scour hole ==> 冲蚀穴,冲刷坑,冲刷孔
  5677. scour lag ==> 冲刷滞积物
  5678. scour mark ==> 冲痕,冲蚀痕,冲刷痕
  5679. scour outlet ==> 冲砂孔,泄水道
  5680. scour outlet channel ==> 冲砂泄水道
  5681. scour pad ==> 防冲衬垫
  5682. scour pipe ==> 冲砂管道
  5683. scour pit ==> 冲刷坑
  5684. scour prevention ==> 防冲,防冲设备
  5685. scour protection ==> 防冲刷保护,冲刷防护
  5686. scour rate ==> 冲刷率
  5687. scour resistance ==> 抗冲刷性
  5688. scour sluiceway ==> 冲砂泄水道
  5689. scour tunnel ==> 冲砂隧洞
  5690. scour valve ==> 冲沙道
  5691. scour-and-fill ==> 冲淤作用
  5692. scour-and-fill structure ==> 冲淤构造
  5693. scour-remnant ridge ==> 冲刷残留脊
  5694. scourability ==> 洗涤性能
  5695. scourage ==> 洗余水
  5696. scourclean (脱粒机的) ==> 清选筒
  5697. scoured base ==> 冲刷底面
  5698. scourer ==> 打光机,去壳机,去壳机,洗刷器,砻谷机
  5699. scourer cylinder ==> 碾谷滚筒,谷粒脱壳滚筒
  5700. scourge ==> 懲罰を下す人
  5701. scourge of AIDS ==> エイズ禍
  5702. scourge of air pollution ==> 大気汚染被害の原因
  5703. scourge of drugs ==> 麻薬の惨事
  5704. scouring ==> 冲蚀,冲刷,洗涤,洗毛,冰川刨蚀,擦净,擦磨
  5705. scouring abrasion ==> 冲擦
  5706. scouring action ==> 冲刷作用,扫清作用
  5707. scouring agent ==> 洗涤剂
  5708. scouring and silting ==> 冲刷及淤积
  5709. scouring basin ==> 冲沙池,水闸蓄水池
  5710. scouring bit ==> 清孔钻头
  5711. scouring bowl ==> 洗毛槽
  5712. scouring box ==> 磨光卷筒
  5713. scouring capability ==> 冲刷能力
  5714. scouring cinder ==> 侵蚀性熔渣
  5715. scouring cloth ==> 抹布
  5716. scouring effect ==> 冲刷效应,冲刷作用
  5717. scouring equipment ==> 冲砂设备
  5718. scouring force ==> 冲刷力
  5719. scouring machine ==> 冲浇机,水洗机,洗涤机
  5720. scouring mill ==> 脱壳机,砻谷机
  5721. scouring pad ==> スチールウール入り台所用スポンジ
  5722. scouring rush ==> 木贼草
  5723. scouring rush herb ==> 木贼
  5724. scouring sluice ==> 冲砂阀,冲砂孔,冲沙道,冲沙闸门,排沙闸门,冲沙闸,用以排沙和冲刷淤沙的闸
  5725. scouring solution ==> 擦洗溶液
  5726. scouring stand ==> 不锈钢带抛光装置
  5727. scouring table ==> 修坯台
  5728. scouring test ==> 冲刷试验
  5729. scouring velocity ==> 冲刷流速,冲刷速度
  5730. scouring water ==> 洗涤水
  5731. scouring wheel and buffing wheel ==> 打磨轮与抛光轮
  5732. scours ==> 新生动物泄泻症
  5733. scourway ==> 冲刷沟,冲刷通路
  5734. Scout ==> 侦察兵火箭
  5735. scout ==> 侦
  5736. scout (ship) ==> 侦察船
  5737. scout activity ==> 侦察活动
  5738. scout airplane ==> 侦察机
  5739. scout boring ==> 地质探眼
  5740. scout car ==> 侦察车,侦察装甲汽车
  5741. scout carrier ==> 侦察装甲运输车
  5742. scout cruiser ==> 侦察巡航艇
  5743. scout drilling ==> 钻探
  5744. scout helicopter ==> 侦察直升机
  5745. scout hole ==> 侦察探孔
  5746. scout vehicle ==> 侦察车辆
  5747. scout-bombing ==> 侦察轰炸
  5748. scout-observation seaplane ==> 侦察观测水上飞机
  5749. scouting aeroplane ==> 侦察机
  5750. scouting bombing plane ==> 侦察轰炸机
  5751. scouting course ==> 搜索航线
  5752. scouting distance ==> 搜索距离
  5753. scouting line ==> 搜索线
  5754. scouting manual ==> 侦察教范
  5755. scouting plane ==> 侦察机
  5756. scouting round ==> 侦察性巡逻
  5757. scouting speed ==> 搜索速度
  5758. scouting tank ==> 侦察坦克
  5759. scouting test ==> 探索性试验
  5760. scouting-type calculation ==> 试探性计算
  5761. scoutplane ==> 侦察机
  5762. scove kiln ==> 泥封窑
  5763. SCP, solar cell panel ==> 太陽電池板
  5764. SCP, star calibration program ==> スターキャリブレーションプログラム
  5765. scr ==> 可控硅整流
  5766. SCR ==> 选择性催化反应=>選択的触媒還元,高温高圧選択的触媒還元法
  5767. scr pg ==> 可控硅脉冲电源
  5768. scr pulse generator ==> 可控硅脉冲电源
  5769. SCR, selection catalytic reduction process ==> (脱硝装置的)SCR法
  5770. SCR, selective catalytic reduction process ==> アンモニアを用いた選択的接触還元法(脱硝装置)
  5771. SCR, selective chopper radiometer ==> 選択型チョッパー放射計
  5772. SCR, short-circuit ratio ==> 短絡比
  5773. SCR, Silicon Controlled Rectifier ==> サイリスタ, シリコン制御整流素子
  5774. SCR, strip chart recorder ==> ストリップチャートレコーダ
  5775. scraf welding ==> 嵌焊
  5776. scrag ==> 痩せた人
  5777. scrag load ==> 冲击载荷
  5778. scrag mill ==> 双平行圆锯制材厂
  5779. Scragg crimp-spin machine ==> 斯克腊格式假粘法鬈曲机
  5780. scragging ==> 冲击载荷试验
  5781. scram ==> 急停,紧急停堆,当发生危及反应堆安全的事件时,为减轻或防止危险状态,安全保护自动动作,使反应堆立即停运的动作=>スクラム,非常停止
  5782. scram button ==> 快速停堆按钮,应急按钮
  5783. scram position ==> 关断位置
  5784. scram rod ==> 快速停堆棒,安全棒,安全事故棒=>安全棒
  5785. scram system ==> 快速停堆系统
  5786. scramble ==> 紧急起飞,扰频,联接=>取り合い
  5787. scramble network ==> 杂混网络,不规则网络
  5788. scramble non-return-to-zero change on one ==> 加扰逢1变化不归零制
  5789. scramble pattern ==> 不规则模式
  5790. scramble rule ==> 杂混规则
  5791. scramble time ==> 零星时间,编码时间
  5792. scrambled image ==> 失真影像
  5793. scrambled merchandising ==> 跨行业销售
  5794. scrambled speech ==> 倒频后语言
  5795. scrambler ==> 倒频器,密码机,密码器,扰频器,脉冲量化器,保密器=>スクランブラ
  5796. scrambler circuit ==> 保密倒频电路
  5797. scrambling and unscrambling network ==> 播散与收集网络
  5798. scrambling matrix ==> 密码矩阵
  5799. scramjet ==> スクラムジェット
  5800. SCRAMJET, supersonic combustion ramjet ==> 超音速燃焼ラムジェット
  5801. scramming mechanism ==> 快速停堆机构,快速停止机构
  5802. scrap ==> 废铁,渣,炸碎,碎屑,破片,废弃,边角料,生产废料,回炉料=>スクラップ
  5803. scrap (bridge) ==> 搭边
  5804. scrap a machine ==> 报废机器
  5805. scrap accumulation ==> 废钢积累
  5806. scrap aluminium alloy ==> 废铝合金
  5807. scrap and coke process ==> 废钢焦碳炼钢法
  5808. scrap and hot metal practice ==> 废钢铁水炼钢法
  5809. scrap baling ==> 废金属堆,切屑堆
  5810. scrap baling maching ==> 废钢打捆机
  5811. scrap baling press ==> 废铁压块机
  5812. scrap baling presses ==> 废铁压块机
  5813. scrap baller ==> 废铁压块压力机,切边卷取机
  5814. scrap balling ==> 废钢打包
  5815. scrap balling press ==> 废料压块压力机
  5816. scrap body material ==> 废坯料
  5817. scrap brass ==> 碎黄铜
  5818. scrap breaker ==> 废钢铁破碎机
  5819. scrap briquetting ==> 切屑堆
  5820. scrap briquetting press ==> 切屑压块机
  5821. scrap build ==> 设备改造,设备改装
  5822. scrap bundler ==> 废钢打包机
  5823. scrap chopper ==> 碎边剪切机
  5824. scrap collection system ==> 铁屑收集装置
  5825. scrap copper ==> 废铜
  5826. scrap crepe ==> 碎屑皱片
  5827. scrap cutter ==> 碎边剪,切废料装置,废料刀断装置
  5828. scrap edge ==> 切边
  5829. scrap end ==> 切尾
  5830. scrap ends ==> 切头
  5831. scrap factor ==> 废品系数
  5832. scrap handling ==> 废料处理
  5833. scrap heap ==> 废料堆
  5834. scrap heat ==> 废钢炼钢法
  5835. scrap iron ==> 废铁=>くず鉄
  5836. scrap iron shearing machine ==> 废铁剪机
  5837. scrap lead ==> 废铅
  5838. scrap leather ==> 废皮
  5839. scrap machines ==> 报废机器
  5840. scrap mark ==> 废边印痕
  5841. scrap metal ==> 废金属=>金属くず
  5842. scrap metal processor ==> 金属废料处理设备
  5843. scrap mica ==> 云母屑
  5844. scrap pape ==> 废物
  5845. scrap practice ==> 废钢炼钢法
  5846. scrap preheater ==> 废钢预热装置
  5847. scrap press ==> 废料打包压力机,废料压块压力机
  5848. scrap process ==> 废钢法
  5849. scrap rate ==> 切屑量
  5850. scrap reel ==> 废料卷取机
  5851. scrap report ==> 废料报告单
  5852. scrap returns ==> 废钢回收
  5853. scrap ribbon ==> 条状废料
  5854. scrap seed ==> 废种子
  5855. scrap shear ==> 废钢剪床
  5856. scrap shearing machine ==> 废钢剪切机
  5857. scrap shears ==> 废钢剪切机
  5858. scrap steel ==> 废钢
  5859. scrap stock ==> 废料
  5860. scrap value ==> 废料价值,报废时价值,残余价值
  5861. scrap view ==> 局部视图,局部视图
  5862. scrap wire ==> 废线
  5863. scrape ==> 刮=>こする
  5864. scrape abrasion test ==> 擦刮磨损试验
  5865. scrape along ==> 擦及
  5866. scrape boring bar ==> 刮孔器
  5867. scrape chiller ==> 刮刀结晶器
  5868. scrape dozer ==> 刮运推土机
  5869. scrape off ==> 擦去
  5870. scraped finish ==> 扒柱石,刮毛饰面,刮磨
  5871. scraped heat exchanger ==> 刮削式热交换器
  5872. scraped plot ==> 已经刮草的地块
  5873. scraped surface ==> 刮光面,刮研表面
  5874. scraped surface heat exchanger ==> 刮板式换热器,刮面式换热器
  5875. scraped-surface exchanger ==> 刮板式换热器,刮面热交换器
  5876. scraped-swrface exchanger ==> 刮面式套管结晶机
  5877. scraper ==> 刮棒,刮刀,刮料装置,刮器,刮土机,刮削器,平土机,滤饼刮刀,扒矿机,耙的刮刀,铲土机=>きさげ,スクレーパ
  5878. scraper blade ==> 铲运机铲刀,平土铲
  5879. scraper boss ==> 刮板轮毂
  5880. scraper bowl ==> 铲运机斗
  5881. scraper bucket ==> 铲斗
  5882. scraper capacity ==> 电耙耙斗容量
  5883. scraper chain conveyer ==> 刮板运输机,铲式刮板输送机
  5884. scraper cleaner ==> 清扫刮板
  5885. scraper compression ring ==> 刮油压缩环
  5886. scraper conveyer ==> 刮板运输机,链板运输机,链板机=>スクレーパコンベヤ
  5887. scraper conveyor ==> 刮板式输送器,刮板输送机
  5888. scraper dozer ==> 推土机
  5889. scraper dredge ==> 刮刀式挖泥船
  5890. scraper elevator ==> 刮板升运器
  5891. scraper excavator ==> 铲斗挖掘机
  5892. scraper feeder ==> 刮板给料机,刮板式给煤机,依靠可改变运动速度的刮板的运动,定量供煤的设备
  5893. scraper foundry trowel ==> 刮刀
  5894. scraper haulage ==> 铲运机拖运
  5895. scraper hoist ==> 扒矿绞车,耙斗提升机
  5896. scraper hone ==> 刮刀磨石
  5897. scraper loader ==> 刮斗装载机,耙斗装料机,耙斗装载机
  5898. scraper method ==> 修刮法
  5899. scraper pan ==> 铲斗
  5900. scraper plane ==> 刮刨
  5901. scraper pump ==> 刮板泵
  5902. scraper ring ==> 刮油环,油圈=>油かきリング
  5903. scraper roller ==> 清洁辊,抄钢丝辊
  5904. scraper seal ==> 防尘圈
  5905. scraper tail gate ==> 耙斗后壁
  5906. scraper transporter ==> 刮板式运输机,刮运机
  5907. scraper trap ==> 刮屑收集器
  5908. scraper trough conveyer ==> 槽形链板运输机
  5909. scraper type hadn pump ==> 刮板手摇泵
  5910. scraper type rockloader ==> 耙式装岩机
  5911. scraper winch ==> 扒矿绞车,电耙运输车
  5912. scraper-bucket excavator ==> 铲斗挖土机
  5913. scraping ==> 刮刀,刮削=>削る
  5914. scraping and grinding method ==> 刮研磨法
  5915. scraping apparatus ==> 刮管器,铲刮器械
  5916. scraping belt ==> 带刮板的运输带,链板
  5917. scraping blade ==> 刮墨刀
  5918. scraping blade conveyor ==> 刮板运输机
  5919. scraping cut ==> 刮除很细切屑
  5920. scraping cutter ==> 刮刀
  5921. scraping dredger ==> 刮板式铲泥机
  5922. scraping edge ==> (活塞环的)刮油棱缘
  5923. scraping effect ==> 刮垢效果,擦尘效果
  5924. scraping effectiveness ==> 刮油效率
  5925. scraping grader ==> 刮板式平路机,刮土平地机
  5926. scraping iron ==> 刮秽,刮研产生的铁屑
  5927. scraping land ==> 刮油边
  5928. scraping machine ==> 铲刮机,铲土机,扒矿机=>かぎ取り機
  5929. scraping out cutter ==> 拉刀
  5930. scraping plate ==> 刮板
  5931. scraping plate type eliminator ==> 刮板式除渣机
  5932. scraping ring ==> 刮油环
  5933. scraping straightedge ==> 刮尺
  5934. scraping tool ==> 刮刀
  5935. scraping transporter ==> 刮板式运输机
  5936. scrapped part ==> 残品
  5937. scrapped parts ==> 报废零件
  5938. scrapped project ==> 报废工程
  5939. scratch ==> 条痕,撤消,小刻线刀,抓伤,划痕,擦痕,擦伤,标线,刻线,抓痒=>ひっかき,ひっかく
  5940. scratch a file ==> 撤消一个文件
  5941. scratch awl ==> 划针
  5942. scratch board ==> 刮板
  5943. scratch brush ==> 钢丝刷
  5944. scratch brush wheel ==> 钢丝磨刷轮
  5945. scratch brushing ==> 钢丝刷刷光,刷光
  5946. scratch coat ==> 打底灰泥层
  5947. scratch data cartridge ==> 临时数据盒式盘
  5948. scratch file ==> 过期文件,暂时停用文件,草稿文件
  5949. scratch filter ==> 唱针沙声滤波器
  5950. scratch hardness ==> 刮痕硬度=>ひっかきかたさ
  5951. scratch hardness number ==> 划痕硬度值
  5952. scratch hardness test ==> 划痕硬度试验
  5953. scratch hardness tester ==> 划痕硬度计
  5954. scratch lathe ==> 磨光车床,擦光机
  5955. scratch mark ==> 抓痕
  5956. scratch marks ==> (钢板表面缺陷)划痕
  5957. scratch noise ==> 唱针噪声=>スクラッチノイズ(蓄音機の)
  5958. scratch pad ==> 高速暂存存储器
  5959. scratch pad memory ==> 高速暂存器
  5960. scratch pad register ==> 便笺式寄存器
  5961. scratch pad storage ==> 超高速暂时存贮器
  5962. scratch recorder ==> 划痕记录器,划针式记录器
  5963. scratch resistance ==> 抗划伤
  5964. scratch resistant hardened glass ==> 防划痕硬化玻璃
  5965. scratch start ==> 摩擦起弧,起弧,擦弧
  5966. scratch system ==> 磨粉系统
  5967. scratch tape ==> 暂存带,草稿带
  5968. scratch template ==> 针刮样板,钉刮样板
  5969. scratch test ==> 划痕试验,划破试验,硬度划痕试验,刮痕硬度试验,抓破试验,擦痕试验=>ひっかきかたさ試験
  5970. scratch volume ==> 废卷宗
  5971. scratch wire brush ==> 钢丝刷
  5972. scratch(ing)brush ==> 金属丝刷子
  5973. scratch-pad memory ==> 高速暂存存储器
  5974. scratch-pad register ==> 暂存寄存器
  5975. scratch-pad storage ==> 高速暂存存储器,便笺式存储器
  5976. scratchability ==> 柔软度
  5977. scratchboard ==> 刮画板
  5978. scratched figure ==> 划杠的数字
  5979. scratched pebble ==> 擦痕卵石
  5980. scratcher ==> 划痕器,削皮器
  5981. scratcher chain saw ==> 直齿链锯
  5982. scratching ==> 刮痕
  5983. scratching noise ==> 唱针噪声
  5984. scratchpad ==> 便笺式暂存
  5985. scratchpad area (SPA) ==> 高速存储区,临时存储区
  5986. screed ==> 裂片,冲筋,样板=>スクリード
  5987. screed board ==> 平泥板
  5988. screed board vibrator ==> 样板式震动器
  5989. screed finish ==> 饰面找平
  5990. screed finisher ==> 刮平修整机
  5991. screed strip ==> 冲筋
  5992. screed vibrator ==> 振动样板
  5993. screed wire ==> 照准地线
  5994. screed-coat ==> 找平层
  5995. screen ==> 幕,遮,遮蔽,遮护,屏,屏蔽,屏幕,屏栅,屏障,银幕,帘,滤网,过滤网,荧光屏,荧光屏银幕,网板,保护屏,百叶箱,筛选,筛子,评选=>スクリーン,ちりよけ格子,遮蔽,選抜,評価
  5996. screen (grid) ==> 帘栅极
  5997. screen absorptance ==> 屏蔽吸收系数,屏幕吸收比,屏幕吸收系数
  5998. screen actinic efficiency ==> 屏的光化效率,荧光屏光化效率
  5999. screen afterglow ==> 荧光屏余辉
  6000. screen analysis ==> 粒度分析,筛分试验,筛分析,筛析
  6001. screen analysis chart ==> 筛析曲线图
  6002. screen analysis curve ==> 筛析曲线
  6003. screen aperture ==> 筛径
  6004. screen area ==> 画面領域
  6005. screen background ==> 画面の背景
  6006. screen banks ==> 筛组
  6007. screen basket spinner ==> 带掩蔽罩的旋转器,带掩蔽罩旋涂器
  6008. screen bed base ==> 筛网架
  6009. screen blinding ==> 筛孔堵塞
  6010. screen blowup ==> パソコン画面大写し
  6011. screen boost coil ==> 帘栅极升压线圈
  6012. screen box ==> 筛箱
  6013. screen brightness ==> 荧光屏亮度
  6014. screen brilliancy ==> 荧光屏亮度
  6015. screen brush ==> 清筛刷
  6016. screen bumper ==> 清筛用撞击器
  6017. screen burn ==> 荧光屏烧坏
  6018. screen burning ==> 萤光屏烧毁,离子辉点
  6019. screen camera ==> 荧光屏照相机
  6020. screen cap ==> 滤筛盖
  6021. screen centrifuge ==> 筛网离心机
  6022. screen classification ==> 筛分
  6023. screen classifier ==> 筛分机
  6024. screen cleaner ==> 筛式清选机,清筛器
  6025. screen cloth ==> 筛网
  6026. screen coil motor ==> 屏蔽线圈电动机
  6027. screen collector ==> 幕式集尘器,水幕除尘器
  6028. screen colour ==> 荧光屏颜色
  6029. screen condensation ==> 荧光屏淀积
  6030. screen condensation temperature ==> 外壳冷凝温度
  6031. screen constant ==> 屏蔽常数
  6032. screen control ==> 荧光屏辉光控制
  6033. screen conveyer ==> 筛式输送机
  6034. screen corn sample ==> 筛玉米粉样
  6035. screen cupboard ==> 纱橱
  6036. screen curve ==> 屏曲线
  6037. screen cylinder ==> 筛鼓
  6038. screen decanter ==> 筛式沉降器
  6039. screen deck ==> 筛板
  6040. screen deposition ==> スクリーン印刷
  6041. screen dike ==> 隔堤
  6042. screen discharge mill ==> 筛网排料式磨矿机
  6043. screen dissipation ==> 帘栅耗散,帘栅极损耗
  6044. screen distance ==> 网目距离
  6045. screen door ==> 纱门=>網戸
  6046. screen drier ==> 百叶窗式分离器
  6047. screen drum ==> 筛式滚筒
  6048. screen dryer ==> 活动栅网干燥器
  6049. screen dump ==> 画面ダンプ
  6050. screen during site display ==> サイト表示中の画面
  6051. screen earthing ==> 屏蔽接地
  6052. screen education ==> 映像教育
  6053. screen effect ==> 屏蔽效应,屏障效果=>スクリーン効果
  6054. screen effective diameter ==> 荧光屏有效直径
  6055. screen efficiency ==> 筛选效率
  6056. screen filter ==> 网式滤油器
  6057. screen filter pressure (SFP) ==> 滤器屏压
  6058. screen filtration pressure ==> 加压过滤膜测定
  6059. screen flange gasket ==> 滤网凸缘衬垫
  6060. screen floor ==> 筛子安装平面
  6061. screen for side light ==> 舷灯遮光板
  6062. screen frame ==> 银幕框架,筛体
  6063. screen frame (unit) ==> 筛架
  6064. screen glass ==> 网眼玻璃
  6065. screen grader ==> 筛选机
  6066. screen grading ==> 筛级
  6067. screen grid ==> 帘栅极=>スクリーングリッド,しゃへい格子
  6068. screen grid current ==> 帘栅极电流
  6069. screen grid voltage ==> 帘栅极电压
  6070. screen height ==> 屏幕高度
  6071. screen holder ==> 滤网架,筛孔板支架
  6072. screen hole ==> 筛孔
  6073. screen house ==> 筛分车间
  6074. screen illumination ==> 屏幕照度
  6075. screen intensity ==> 屏幕亮度,荧光屏亮度
  6076. screen lock ==> 筛子定位器
  6077. screen luminance ==> 荧光屏亮度,屏幕亮度
  6078. screen machine ==> 筛选机
  6079. screen mask ==> 印网掩模
  6080. screen memory ==> 屏障记忆
  6081. screen mesh ==> 筛号纲目,筛网,筛眼
  6082. screen method ==> 屏蔽法
  6083. screen modulation ==> 帘栅调制
  6084. screen opening ==> 筛眼
  6085. screen panel ==> 筛网
  6086. screen persistance ==> 荧光屏余辉保留时间
  6087. screen persistence ==> 荧光屏持久性,荧光屏余辉
  6088. screen phosphor ==> 屏荧光粉
  6089. screen picture ==> 屏幕图像
  6090. screen planting ==> 屏障栽植
  6091. screen plate ==> 筛选板
  6092. screen potential ==> 荧光屏电位
  6093. screen print ==> 丝网印刷
  6094. screen printable paste ==> 丝网漏印用膏
  6095. screen printer ==> 丝网漏印机
  6096. screen printing ==> 网印,丝网印刷,丝网印刷术=>スクリーン印刷
  6097. screen printing glaze ==> 印刷釉
  6098. screen printing ink ==> スクリーン印刷インキ
  6099. screen printing machine ==> 丝印刷机=>スクリーン捺染機
  6100. screen printing stencil ==> 丝网漏印模板
  6101. screen process ==> 银幕合成,背景放映,彩屏法
  6102. screen process press ==> 丝网印刷机
  6103. screen process printing ==> スクリーン印刷
  6104. screen production ==> 映画制作
  6105. screen prompt ==> 画面プロンプト
  6106. screen protected machine ==> 网罩防护式电机
  6107. screen radiant efficiency ==> 荧光屏发射效率
  6108. screen reflector ==> 金属网反射器=>金網反射器
  6109. screen residue ==> 筛余
  6110. screen response speed ==> 荧光屏响应速度
  6111. screen riddle ==> 振动筛
  6112. screen roll ==> 清筛辊
  6113. screen saturation ==> 荧光屏饱和
  6114. screen scarifier ==> 清筛机
  6115. screen separation ==> 筛分
  6116. screen set bar ==> 筛板拉杆
  6117. screen settling ==> 荧光物质沉积法
  6118. screen shaker ==> 筛子抖动器,筛子撞击器
  6119. screen sheet ==> 投影片
  6120. screen shoe ==> 筛架
  6121. screen sieve ==> 分离筛,分离筛
  6122. screen size ==> 筛号,筛分粒度,筛孔尺寸,筛眼孔径
  6123. screen size gradation ==> 筛号分级
  6124. screen size television ==> 投影电视,大屏幕电视,大屏幕电视机
  6125. screen sizing ==> 筛分分级,筛选
  6126. screen slope adjusting shaft ==> 筛网倾斜调节轴
  6127. screen sludge crusher ==> 筛余污泥压碎机
  6128. screen spectral characteristic ==> 荧光屏光谱特性
  6129. screen speed ==> 响应速度,屏幕惰性
  6130. screen storage time ==> 荧光屏余辉时间
  6131. screen tailing ==> 筛余物
  6132. screen tailings ==> 筛屑
  6133. screen temperature ==> 百叶箱温度
  6134. screen test ==> 试镜头,筛分试验
  6135. screen thermometer ==> 百叶箱温度表
  6136. screen transmittance ==> 屏蔽透明性,屏幕透射比
  6137. screen tube ==> 捕渣管
  6138. screen underflow ==> 筛下物
  6139. screen undersize ==> 筛下产品
  6140. screen unit ==> 筛架
  6141. screen vibrator ==> 振筛器
  6142. screen voltage ==> 荧光屏电压
  6143. screen wall ==> 影壁
  6144. screen wall counter ==> 屏蔽计数管,幕壁计数管
  6145. screen width ==> 荧光屏宽度
  6146. screen window ==> 纱窗=>網戸
  6147. screen wiper ==> 雨刷
  6148. screen wire cloth ==> 铁丝纱(窗纱)
  6149. screen(ing) machine ==> 筛机
  6150. screen(ing) test ==> 甄别试验
  6151. screen-bowl ==> 筛选离心机
  6152. screen-colour characteristic ==> 屏色谱特性
  6153. screen-factor ==> 屏蔽系数
  6154. screen-grid dissipation ==> 屏栅耗散
  6155. screen-grid modulation ==> 屏栅调制
  6156. screen-line count ==> 网线计数
  6157. screen-plate ==> 帘栅极板极
  6158. screen-printed conductor ==> 丝网印刷导体
  6159. screen-type centrifuge ==> 筛筒式离心机
  6160. screen-type drier ==> 筛式干燥器
  6161. screen-type film ==> 增感型胶片
  6162. screen-type mill ==> 筛网排料磨机,筛型磨碎机,周边排矿式磨碎机
  6163. screen-type separator ==> 筛式清选器
  6164. screenability ==> 筛选性能
  6165. screenable resist ==> 丝网漏印用光刻胶
  6166. screenage ==> 影像
  6167. screened aerial ==> 屏蔽天线
  6168. screened antenna ==> 屏蔽天线
  6169. screened cable ==> 屏蔽电缆=>シールドケーブル
  6170. screened camera ==> 屏蔽室
  6171. screened coal ==> 筛选煤,经过筛选加工的煤
  6172. screened coaxial cable ==> 屏蔽同轴电缆
  6173. screened coil ==> 屏蔽线圈
  6174. screened conductor ==> 丝网印制导体
  6175. screened feeder ==> 屏蔽馈线
  6176. screened film ==> 屏蔽膜
  6177. screened gravel ==> 过筛砾石
  6178. screened indicator ==> 遮蔽指示剂,筛选指示剂
  6179. screened insect proof house ==> 防虫铜纱室
  6180. screened loess soil ==> 过筛黄土
  6181. screened material ==> 过筛材料,过筛的物料
  6182. screened on resistor ==> 丝网印制电阻器
  6183. screened ore ==> 筛选矿石
  6184. screened pentode ==> 高频五极管
  6185. screened pipe ==> 衬管
  6186. screened refuse ==> 筛出废料
  6187. screened room ==> 屏蔽室
  6188. screened sand ==> 过筛砂
  6189. screened solder mask ==> 丝网印制钎焊掩模
  6190. screened spark plug ==> 屏蔽型火花塞
  6191. screened sparking plug ==> 屏蔽火花塞
  6192. screened water pump ==> 屏蔽式水泵
  6193. screened well ==> 过滤井
  6194. screened wire ==> 屏蔽线
  6195. screened-conductor cable ==> シールドケーブル
  6196. screener ==> 分级机,分级器,筛,筛分工
  6197. screenerator ==> 筛砂松砂机
  6198. screening ==> 筛除法,筛分,筛选制版,筛余物,过滤,过筛,屏蔽,普查检,遮护,电屏蔽=>シールド
  6199. screening agent ==> 掩蔽剂
  6200. screening angle ==> 屏蔽角
  6201. screening area ==> 筛孔面积
  6202. screening audiometer ==> 筛式听力计
  6203. screening box ==> 屏蔽箱=>遮蔽箱
  6204. screening burn in ==> 取样老炼
  6205. screening cage ==> 屏蔽笼
  6206. screening can ==> 屏蔽外壳
  6207. screening capacity ==> 遮蔽能力
  6208. screening chain ==> 分选输送链
  6209. screening coefficient ==> 屏蔽系数
  6210. screening constant ==> 屏蔽常数
  6211. screening design ==> 筛选设计
  6212. screening device ==> 筛机
  6213. screening effect ==> 屏蔽效应=>遮蔽効果
  6214. screening efficiency ==> 筛分效率
  6215. screening examination ==> 过筛检查
  6216. screening factor ==> 屏蔽率=>遮蔽係数
  6217. screening for colorectal cancer ==> 大腸癌のスクリーニング
  6218. screening glass ==> 护目镜片
  6219. screening hypothesis ==> 筛选假设
  6220. screening inspection ==> 筛选检查
  6221. screening installation ==> 筛选设备,分选设备
  6222. screening length ==> 遮蔽距離
  6223. screening level ==> 筛选级
  6224. screening machine ==> 筛选机
  6225. screening machinery ==> 筛分设备
  6226. screening material ==> 屏蔽材料
  6227. screening method ==> 筛选法
  6228. screening number ==> 屏蔽数
  6229. screening nursery ==> 甄别苗圃
  6230. screening of bids ==> 审定投标,投标审核
  6231. screening of import commodities ==> 筛选进口商品
  6232. screening plant ==> 筛分工场,筛分装置,筛选装置
  6233. screening procedure ==> 筛选程序
  6234. screening process ==> 筛选过程
  6235. screening protector ==> 屏蔽保护器,线路扼流圈
  6236. screening rate ==> 筛选率
  6237. screening sample ==> 筛选样品
  6238. screening seal coat ==> 石屑封层
  6239. screening slide ==> 遮护滑板
  6240. screening smoke ==> 烟幕
  6241. screening specification ==> 筛选规格
  6242. screening system ==> 滤水系统
  6243. screening tank ==> 烟幕坦克
  6244. screening test ==> 筛选检验
  6245. screening turn ==> 屏蔽线匝
  6246. screening washer ==> 筛洗器,筛选器
  6247. screening wire ==> 屏蔽线
  6248. screening-ionization waves ==> 遮蔽イオン化波動
  6249. screenings ==> 筛屑
  6250. screenings pulp ==> 木节纸浆
  6251. screenings refiner ==> 筛渣再磨机
  6252. screenings wrapping ==> 木节包装纸
  6253. screeno used in chemical processing ==> 化工用筛
  6254. screw ==> 螺钉,螺丝,螺旋,螺旋桨,推进器=>ねじ,ビス,らせん,スクリュー,スクルー
  6255. screw action ==> 捻旋作用
  6256. screw adjusting double caliper ==> 螺钉调整内外卡尺
  6257. screw adjusting inside caliper ==> 螺钉调整内卡尺
  6258. screw adjusting outside caliper ==> 螺钉调整外卡尺
  6259. screw adjustment ==> 螺钉调整
  6260. screw anchor ==> スクリューアンカ
  6261. screw and double nut ==> 螺丝和双螺母
  6262. screw arbor ==> 螺杆
  6263. screw arteries ==> らせん動脈
  6264. screw assembly ==> スクリュー装置
  6265. screw attachment ==> ねじ付属器
  6266. screw auger ==> 推运螺旋
  6267. screw axes ==> 螺旋对称轴
  6268. screw axis ==> 螺旋轴
  6269. screw axis(by axia) deviation ==> 轴线偏斜密封
  6270. screw base ==> 螺钉座=>ねじ込み口金
  6271. screw base fuse ==> 螺旋式熔断器
  6272. screw bell ==> 钻杆打捞器
  6273. screw belt ==> 螺钉带
  6274. screw belt fastener ==> 螺钉带扣
  6275. screw blade ==> 螺旋刀片,螺旋桨叶,螺旋式叶片
  6276. screw blank ==> 螺钉坯件
  6277. screw bolt ==> 螺杆,螺栓,全螺纹螺栓
  6278. screw bolt and nut ==> 螺栓和螺母
  6279. screw brake ==> 螺杆闸
  6280. screw bushing ==> 螺旋轴衬
  6281. screw cap ==> 螺母,螺丝管帽,螺丝帽=>ねじ込み口金,ねじキャップ
  6282. screw capping ==> 拧盖
  6283. screw case ==> 螺杆箱
  6284. screw case box ==> 螺杆箱机座
  6285. screw case suppressing metal ==> 螺杆箱紧固件
  6286. screw chaser ==> 螺纹板牙,螺纹梳刀,修正孔用丝锥
  6287. screw chases ==> 螺丝版框
  6288. screw chasing ==> 螺纹切削
  6289. screw chasing machine ==> 螺丝车床,螺纹切削机,制螺旋机
  6290. screw chasing tool ==> 螺纹梳刀
  6291. screw chuck ==> 螺旋卡盘
  6292. screw clamp ==> 螺丝夹,螺旋夹
  6293. screw clamp for brake shoe lining ==> 装制动磨擦夹片
  6294. screw clamp for lubricating leaf spring ==> 钢板弹簧上油卡子
  6295. screw coal conveyer ==> 螺旋式输煤机
  6296. screw coal unloader ==> 螺旋卸煤机
  6297. screw collar ==> 螺旋环,环状螺母
  6298. screw comb ==> 螺纹梳刀
  6299. screw composing-stick ==> 螺丝排字手托
  6300. screw compressor ==> 螺旋压气机,螺旋压缩机
  6301. screw compressor clamp ==> 螺旋压缩机管夹
  6302. screw cone ==> 螺旋锥体
  6303. screw contact ==> 螺丝触点
  6304. screw control ==> 压下控制
  6305. screw conveyer ==> 螺旋输送机=>スクリュー
  6306. screw conveyor ==> 螺旋输送器
  6307. screw correction ==> 螺旋形失真校正
  6308. screw coupler ==> 螺旋车钩
  6309. screw coupling ==> 螺旋车钩
  6310. screw cramp ==> 螺丝夹钳
  6311. screw cutter ==> 螺纹刀具
  6312. screw cutting ==> 螺纹切削,切螺纹,切削螺纹,车螺纹
  6313. screw cutting dies ==> 板牙
  6314. screw cutting lathe ==> 车螺丝车床,螺丝车床
  6315. screw cutting machine ==> 螺纹切削机,螺旋切削机
  6316. screw cutting tool ==> 螺纹车刀
  6317. screw decanter ==> 螺旋沉降器,螺旋澄清器
  6318. screw depth control ==> 螺杆式深度调节器
  6319. screw depth regulator ==> 螺旋式入土深度调节器
  6320. screw diad ==> 二重螺旋轴
  6321. screw diameter ==> 螺旋直径
  6322. screw die ==> 螺丝板牙,平丝板
  6323. screw dislocation ==> 螺线位错,螺旋位错=>らせん転位
  6324. screw displacement ==> 螺旋位移
  6325. screw drive ==> 螺杆传动
  6326. screw driven planer ==> 螺杆传动刨床
  6327. screw driver ==> 扁螺丝刀,螺丝批
  6328. screw driver with wooden scales ==> 夹柄螺丝批
  6329. screw drum ==> 螺旋转鼓
  6330. screw elevator ==> 螺旋升运器,螺旋式升降机,螺旋提升机,螺旋牙根挺
  6331. screw extractor ==> 断螺钉取出器,起螺丝器
  6332. screw extruder ==> 螺旋挤压机,螺旋压出机=>スクリュー押し出し機
  6333. screw extrusion ==> スクリュー押し出し
  6334. screw extrusion machine ==> 蜗杆挤压机
  6335. screw extrusion press ==> 螺旋挤出机,螺旋挤压机
  6336. screw eye ==> 螺丝眼,(羊眼)羊眼圈
  6337. screw fan ==> 螺旋扇风机,轴流式扇风机
  6338. screw fastener ==> 螺钉扣
  6339. screw fastening ==> 螺钉连接,螺丝接合
  6340. screw feed ==> 螺旋喂送器
  6341. screw feed grease cup ==> 滑脂杯
  6342. screw feed mechanism ==> 螺旋加料机构
  6343. screw feeder ==> 螺杆给料机,螺旋加料器
  6344. screw fixing ==> 螺丝固定
  6345. screw flange ==> 栓接法兰
  6346. screw flange coupling ==> 螺钉凸缘联轴节
  6347. screw for alarm clock ==> 闹钟螺钉
  6348. screw for bearing wheel of oscillating weight ==> 自动锤轴承螺钉
  6349. screw for framework of automatic device ==> 自动框架螺钉
  6350. screw for indicator guard ==> 日历指示器护板螺钉
  6351. screw for jumper spring ==> 跳杆簧螺钉
  6352. screw for motor starter ==> 马达起动器螺钉
  6353. screw for setting lever spring ==> 压簧螺钉
  6354. screw for starter fixing clamp ==> 起动器固定夹螺钉
  6355. screw friction press ==> 螺旋摩擦压力机
  6356. screw ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹规
  6357. screw ga(u)ge (S.G.) ==> 螺纹量规
  6358. screw gauge ==> 螺纹规
  6359. screw gauge for taper thread ==> 锥形螺纹量规
  6360. screw gear ==> 螺纹传动装置,螺旋齿轮,压下装置
  6361. screw gearing ==> 螺旋齿轮传动装置,蜗轮蜗杆传动装置
  6362. screw gill drawing frame ==> 螺旋杆式并条机
  6363. screw gun ==> 螺旋式油枪
  6364. screw head ==> 螺钉头
  6365. screw head file ==> 螺钉头锉
  6366. screw height control ==> 螺杆式高度调节器
  6367. screw hoist ==> 螺杆式启闭机,用蜗轮蜗杆或齿轮带动螺杆,牵引闸门升降的闸门启闭机
  6368. screw holder ==> 螺口灯头,螺丝夹持器
  6369. screw holding forceps ==> 持螺丝钳
  6370. screw hole ==> 螺丝孔
  6371. screw home ==> 拧紧
  6372. screw hoop ==> 环首螺栓
  6373. screw horseporew ==> 推进器马力
  6374. screw housing clearance ==> 推运螺旋与壳间间隙
  6375. screw hub seal ==> 蜗杆毂密封
  6376. screw impeller ==> 螺旋叶轮
  6377. screw impeller pump ==> 螺旋桨式泵
  6378. screw injection machine ==> スクリュー式射出成形機
  6379. screw injection molding machine ==> スクリュー式射出成形機
  6380. screw jack ==> 螺丝千斤顶
  6381. screw jaw with lug ==> 带舌螺扣接杆
  6382. screw jaw with movable lug ==> 带活舌螺扣接杆
  6383. screw joint ==> 螺管接头,螺旋接合
  6384. screw key ==> 螺丝扳手,螺旋键
  6385. screw lid ==> 螺旋盖
  6386. screw lift ==> 螺旋提升机
  6387. screw lifting mechanism ==> 螺旋提升机构
  6388. screw lower bridge of automatic device ==> 自动装置下夹板螺钉
  6389. screw lubrication ==> 螺旋润滑
  6390. screw machine ==> 自动车床,制螺钉机
  6391. screw making machine ==> 制螺钉机
  6392. screw mandrel ==> 螺旋心轴,丝杆
  6393. screw micrometer ==> 螺杆测微计
  6394. screw micrometer cal(l)iper ==> 螺旋千分卡尺
  6395. screw microscope ==> 螺旋测微镜
  6396. screw mixer ==> 螺旋轴搅拌机
  6397. screw motion ==> 螺旋运动
  6398. screw motor ==> 螺杆马达
  6399. screw nail ==> 螺丝钉,螺纹钉,木螺钉
  6400. screw nicking machine ==> 螺钉头开槽机
  6401. screw nut ==> 螺母
  6402. screw of tangential cutter head ==> 切向进刀架丝杠
  6403. screw off ==> 拧松
  6404. screw on ==> 拧上
  6405. screw pair ==> 丝杠螺母副,螺旋副
  6406. screw pile ==> 螺旋桩
  6407. screw pile foundation ==> 螺旋桩基
  6408. screw pin ==> 螺旋销
  6409. screw pin countersink shackle ==> 埋头螺丝卸扣
  6410. screw pinch ==> 螺旋箍缩
  6411. screw pitch ==> 螺纹距,螺旋节距
  6412. screw plasticating injection molding ==> 螺杆塑化式注塑
  6413. screw plate ==> 螺丝板牙,螺丝钢板,螺丝模,搓丝板,搓丝机,板牙
  6414. screw plow ==> 螺旋形犁
  6415. screw plug ==> 螺旋接线柱,螺旋塞
  6416. screw plug fuse ==> 螺塞熔断器
  6417. screw plug ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹塞规
  6418. screw post ==> 螺纹桩钉
  6419. screw press ==> 螺旋压机,螺旋压力机
  6420. screw prop ==> 千斤顶
  6421. screw propeller ==> 螺旋推进器
  6422. screw propellor for boat ==> 船用螺旋桨推进器
  6423. screw pump ==> 螺杆泵,螺旋泵
  6424. screw pumps ==> 螺杆泵
  6425. screw punch ==> 螺旋冲压机
  6426. screw rack ==> 斜齿条
  6427. screw rail bender ==> 螺杆弯轨机
  6428. screw release ==> 螺旋式限时解锁器
  6429. screw remover ==> 去螺钉器
  6430. screw retention ==> 螺纹防松装置
  6431. screw reverse gear ==> 螺旋回动装置
  6432. screw ring ==> 环首螺钉
  6433. screw ring ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹环规
  6434. screw rivet ==> 螺纹铆钉,螺旋铆钉
  6435. screw riveting machine ==> 螺旋铆机
  6436. screw rod ==> 螺杆
  6437. screw rolling machine ==> 滚丝机
  6438. screw rule ==> 螺旋定则
  6439. screw shackle ==> 螺纹联接环,螺纹连接环
  6440. screw shaft ==> 螺杆轴,螺旋轴
  6441. screw shaft bushing ==> 螺旋轴衬套
  6442. screw shank ==> 螺钉杆
  6443. screw shaped mo(u)ldboard ==> 螺旋形犁壁
  6444. screw shaving machine ==> 制螺母及螺栓头机
  6445. screw sheel ==> 螺旋套筒,灯头螺口
  6446. screw shell ==> 螺旋套管
  6447. screw slotting cutter ==> 螺旋开槽铣刀
  6448. screw snap ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹卡规
  6449. screw socket ==> 螺丝灯头,螺丝套筒=>ねじ込みソケット
  6450. screw spike ==> 螺丝钉,螺纹道钉,螺旋道钉
  6451. screw spindle ==> 螺旋轴
  6452. screw spindle type turning gear ==> 螺旋轴式盘车装置,电动机通过齿轮传动系统,由啮合齿轮带动盘车齿轮使主轴转动的盘车装置
  6453. screw spreader ==> 螺旋传送器,螺旋分布器
  6454. screw stairs ==> 盘旋式楼梯
  6455. screw stem ==> 螺杆
  6456. screw stock ==> 螺旋扳手
  6457. screw stopper ==> 螺旋塞
  6458. screw stud ==> 双头螺栓
  6459. screw support for adjusting regulator ==> 调整快慢针的螺钉座
  6460. screw swinging mechanism ==> 螺旋摆动机构
  6461. screw tap ==> 丝锥
  6462. screw templet ==> 螺纹样板
  6463. screw terminal ==> 螺丝接线端
  6464. screw testing interferometer ==> 螺杆检验干涉仪,检验螺纹干涉仪
  6465. screw thread ==> 螺纹
  6466. screw thread micrometer ==> 螺旋测微计
  6467. screw tight fitting ==> 紧配螺旋
  6468. screw tightener ==> 压紧螺钉
  6469. screw tip ==> 蜗杆梢
  6470. screw tourniquet ==> 螺旋止血带
  6471. screw tow bar ==> 螺旋式牵引杆
  6472. screw triad ==> 三重螺旋轴
  6473. screw tube ==> 罗纹管
  6474. screw tuner ==> ねじ同調器(導波管)
  6475. screw type oil expeller ==> 螺旋榨油机
  6476. screw unit ==> 组合机床的动力头
  6477. screw unloader ==> 螺旋卸车机,伸入敞顶运煤车的旋转螺旋将煤从运煤车侧面推出的卸煤机械
  6478. screw up ==> 拧紧
  6479. screw value ==> 螺旋周值
  6480. screw valve ==> 螺旋球阀
  6481. screw vent ==> 螺杆通孔
  6482. screw ventilation ==> 螺旋桨式风机,螺旋通风器
  6483. screw vice ==> 螺旋虎钳
  6484. screw washer ==> 螺旋垫圈,螺旋洗矿机
  6485. screw wedge ==> 丝杆调节楔
  6486. screw willow ==> 螺旋威罗机
  6487. screw winder ==> 螺杆式络纱机
  6488. screw wiper ==> 螺旋式擦拭器
  6489. screw wire ==> 螺钉用钢丝
  6490. screw with diamond knurls ==> 金刚石滚花头螺钉
  6491. screw with flat head ==> 平头螺钉
  6492. screw with knurled head ==> 滚花头螺钉
  6493. screw with round head ==> 圆头螺钉
  6494. screw with straight-line ==> 直线滚花头螺钉
  6495. screw with straight-line knurls ==> 直线滚花头螺钉
  6496. screw without nut ==> 无帽螺钉
  6497. screw worm ==> 螺旋锥蝇幼虫
  6498. screw wrench ==> 螺钉扳手,活动扳手
  6499. screw(-slot) milling machine ==> 螺钉头沟槽铣床
  6500. screw(-type) feeder ==> 螺旋给料机
  6501. screw(ing) chuck ==> 螺丝灯头
  6502. screw-and-nut mechanism ==> 螺杆螺母传动机构
  6503. screw-and-nut steering gear ==> 螺杆螺母式转向器
  6504. screw-and-nut steering-gear ==> 螺杆螺母转向装置
  6505. screw-cap ==> 螺旋帽
  6506. screw-cutting lathe ==> 车螺纹车床
  6507. screw-cutting machine ==> 螺纹切削机床
  6508. screw-down ==> 压下机构
  6509. screw-driven ==> 螺旋传动
  6510. screw-driven planer ==> 螺杆传动刨床,丝杠式刨床
  6511. screw-driven planing machine ==> 螺杆传动刨床
  6512. screw-driven shaper ==> 螺杆传动牛头刨,丝杠式牛头刨床
  6513. screw-driven slotter ==> 丝杠式插床
  6514. screw-driver bit ==> 螺丝刀
  6515. screw-driver slot ==> 螺丝起子槽
  6516. screw-driver with voltage tester ==> 试电笔
  6517. screw-driving machine ==> 螺杆传动机床
  6518. screw-feed pump ==> 螺旋喂送泵
  6519. screw-holding forceps ==> 螺钉固持钳
  6520. screw-in compression ==> 止动螺钉
  6521. screw-in depth ==> 旋入深度
  6522. screw-in filter cell ==> 拧入式滤光片环
  6523. screw-in type thermometer ==> 旋入型温度计
  6524. screw-jack ==> 螺丝千斤顶,螺旋起重器
  6525. screw-joint coupling ==> 螺丝套帽接头
  6526. screw-locking device ==> 螺钉锁紧装置
  6527. screw-on cutter ==> 螺旋铣刀
  6528. screw-piston type injection molding machine ==> 螺杆活塞式注塑成型机
  6529. screw-pitch ==> 螺距
  6530. screw-pitch deviation ==> 螺距偏差
  6531. screw-pitch ga(u)ge ==> 螺距规
  6532. screw-plug cut-out ==> 螺塞保险器
  6533. screw-plug fuse ==> 旋入式保险丝
  6534. screw-rudder ==> 转向螺旋桨
  6535. screw-shaft tube ==> 尾轴管
  6536. screw-shaft tunnel ==> 尾轴隧
  6537. screw-socket ==> 螺口插座,螺口灯头
  6538. screw-thread angle ==> 螺纹角
  6539. screw-thread bush ==> 螺纹衬套
  6540. screw-thread fit ==> 螺纹配合
  6541. screw-thread form ==> 螺纹扣形
  6542. screw-thread ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹规,螺纹卡规
  6543. screw-thread milling ==> 铣螺纹
  6544. screw-thread rolling machine ==> 螺纹滚轧机
  6545. screw-thread steel ==> 螺纹钢筋
  6546. screw-thread system ==> 螺纹制
  6547. screw-thread tool ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹梳刀样板
  6548. screw-threading tool ==> 螺纹刀具
  6549. screw-together fitting ==> 整壳式接头
  6550. screw-top ==> 螺旋盖
  6551. screw-type cooling bed ==> 螺旋式冷床
  6552. screw-type injection molding machine ==> スクリュー式射出成形機
  6553. screw-type kickoff ==> 螺旋拨料机,螺旋推出机
  6554. screw-type lens mount ==> 螺旋型透镜框,螺旋型透镜框架
  6555. screw-type lubricator ==> 螺旋式注油器
  6556. screw-type rheostat ==> 螺旋式变阻器
  6557. screw-type stop ==> 螺旋限制器
  6558. screw-worm ==> 螺旋虫
  6559. screwdown control ==> 螺旋下降式调整
  6560. screwdown gear ==> 螺旋压下机构,压下装置,轧辊压下装置
  6561. screwdown mechanism ==> 螺旋压下机构
  6562. screwdown motor ==> 轧钢机用电动机
  6563. screwdown stop valve ==> 螺杆向下制动阀
  6564. screwdown structure ==> 压下装置
  6565. screwdown valve ==> 旋压阀
  6566. screwdriver control ==> 起子控制
  6567. screwdriver set ==> 成套螺丝刀
  6568. screwdriver set with wooden handle ==> 木柄套装螺丝刀
  6569. screwdriver slot ==> 起子槽
  6570. screwdriver with black plastic handle ==> 黑塑柄螺丝刀
  6571. screwdriver with through tang ==> 穿心螺丝刀
  6572. screwdriver with through tang wooden handle ==> 木柄穿心螺丝刀
  6573. screwdriver with wooden handle ==> 木柄螺丝起子
  6574. screwed (screw,threaded ) flange ==> 螺纹法兰
  6575. screwed bonnet ==> 螺纹阀盖
  6576. screwed conduit ==> (两端有螺纹的)螺纹管
  6577. screwed connection ==> 螺纹连结,螺纹接头,螺纹套管接头,丝扣连接
  6578. screwed core plug ==> 泥芯孔螺纹堵塞
  6579. screwed flange ==> 螺旋凸缘
  6580. screwed hole ==> 螺纹孔
  6581. screwed joint ==> 螺纹连结
  6582. screwed nipple ==> 螺丝接头
  6583. screwed pipe coupling ==> 螺纹管连接
  6584. screwed pipe joint ==> 螺纹管接头,螺纹管连接
  6585. screwed plug ==> 螺纹堵=>ねじ込みプラグ
  6586. screwed shank tool ==> 螺旋手柄工具
  6587. screwed socket ==> 螺口插座
  6588. screwed socket for union ==> 螺旋承窝
  6589. screwed socket joint ==> 螺旋套管接合
  6590. screwed staybolt ==> 螺头撑杆
  6591. screwed steel conduit ==> 螺头钢导管,带螺纹的钢导线管
  6592. screwed tooth ==> 螺旋齿
  6593. screwed valve ==> 螺旋阀
  6594. screwing brass ==> 螺丝黄铜
  6595. screwing chuck ==> 螺丝钢板盘
  6596. screwing die ==> 板牙
  6597. screwing in ==> 旋入
  6598. screwing machine ==> 螺丝加工机床
  6599. screwing out ==> 拧下
  6600. screwing pack ==> 旋转浮冰群
  6601. screwing stock ==> 板牙扳手
  6602. screwstock ==> 板牙架
  6603. screwthread cutting head ==> 螺纹切削头
  6604. scribbling set ==> 梳毛联合机
  6605. scribe line definition ==> 划线图案形成
  6606. scribe projection ==> 划线投影
  6607. scribe-coating ==> 刻线
  6608. scribed circle method ==> 圆形网格法
  6609. scribed line ==> 划线
  6610. scriber ==> 划线器
  6611. scriber point ==> 划线侧块
  6612. scribing ==> 划线,雕合=>スクライビング
  6613. scribing and breaking ==> 划线折断法
  6614. scribing block ==> 划线架,划针盘
  6615. scribing compass ==> 划线规
  6616. scribing gouge ==> 竖槽凿
  6617. scribing grid ==> 划线网,划线栅格
  6618. scribing plate ==> 画线板
  6619. scribing plotting display ==> 机电笔绘显示器
  6620. scribing system ==> 划线器
  6621. scribing tool ==> 划针盘
  6622. Scribner log rule ==> 斯克莱布诺材积表
  6623. scrip dividend ==> 日后兑现的股票红利证书,期票股利,以暂时股票付红利
  6624. scrip holder ==> 临时股票持有者
  6625. script graphics tablet ==> 手迹图形输入板
  6626. script language ==> スクリプト言語
  6627. SCRN, energy spectra of cosmic ray nuclei ==> 宇宙線核種のエネルギースペクトル
  6628. SCRN, spectra of cosmic ray nuclear ==> 宇宙線核種のスペクトル
  6629. scrofulous abscess ==> 瘰疬性脓肿
  6630. scroll ==> 上卷,卷成卷轴形,卷成卷轴形,卷动,卷动,卷滚,卷滚,卷状物,卷状物,迂回扇=>巻物,渦巻き形
  6631. scroll arrow ==> 卷动箭头,卷动箭头
  6632. scroll bar ==> 涡形沙坝
  6633. scroll box ==> 卷动盒,卷动盒
  6634. scroll case ==> 螺旋形箱=>渦巻ケーシング
  6635. scroll casing ==> 渦巻ケーシング
  6636. scroll chamber ==> 《機械》渦巻室
  6637. scroll chuck ==> 三爪自动定心卡盘
  6638. scroll compressor ==> スクロール圧縮機
  6639. scroll cover ==> 螺旋套
  6640. scroll directrix ==> 涡卷准线
  6641. scroll drum ==> 圆锥形滚筒,(起重机的)圆锥鼓轮
  6642. scroll expander ==> 涡杆式开幅器
  6643. scroll file ==> 滚动文件
  6644. scroll gear ==> (直径逐渐变化的)蜗形齿轮=>スクロール歯車
  6645. scroll guard ==> 护手
  6646. scroll holder ==> 画筒
  6647. scroll lathe ==> 盘丝车床
  6648. scroll meander ==> 内侧堆积曲流
  6649. scroll mill ==> 松粉机
  6650. scroll milling ==> 铣螺旋线
  6651. scroll opener ==> 涡杆式开幅器
  6652. scroll pivoter snips ==> 圆口剪
  6653. scroll saw ==> 线锯
  6654. scroll sawing machine ==> 线锯床
  6655. scroll shaft ==> 涡形轴
  6656. scroll shear ==> 涡形剪床
  6657. scroll shear line ==> 花边剪切作业线
  6658. scroll shears ==> 曲线剪床
  6659. scroll step ==> 卷形踏步,卷形踏步
  6660. scroll steps ==> 盘旋梯阶
  6661. scroll wheel ==> 涡轮
  6662. scroll work ==> 涡卷装饰
  6663. scroll work design ==> 涡形花纹
  6664. scroll-case drain ==> 涡壳排水管
  6665. Scroll-Lock Key ==> 卷动锁定键,卷动锁定键
  6666. scrollbar ==> 卷动条,卷动条
  6667. scrolling ==> 卷动=>視野移動
  6668. scrollwork ==> 涡形装饰
  6669. scrooping agent ==> 丝鸣增效剂
  6670. scroopy handle ==> 丝鸣感
  6671. Scrophulariaceae canaria ==> 玄参
  6672. scrotal calculus ==> 阴囊结石
  6673. scrotal hernia ==> 肠阴囊疝
  6674. scrotal hydrocele ==> 阴囊淋巴积液
  6675. scrotal mass ==> 阴囊肿块
  6676. scrotal stone ==> 阴囊结石
  6677. scrotal support ==> 阴囊托带
  6678. scrotal swelling ==> 阴囊隆突,阴囊突
  6679. scrotal tongue ==> 阴囊舌
  6680. scrotum tumor ==> 阴囊肿瘤
  6681. scrren conveyer ==> 网状输送器
  6682. scrren grid tube ==> 帘栅管
  6683. SCRS Croatian Register of Shipping (Class Society) ==> 克罗地亚船舶注册
  6684. scrub column ==> 洗涤塔
  6685. scrub cutter ==> 灌木切除机
  6686. scrub pulverizer ==> 灌木切碎机
  6687. scrub rake ==> 灌木搂集机
  6688. scrub washing test ==> 擦洗试验
  6689. scrub-clearing machine ==> 灌木铲除机
  6690. scrubbed extract ==> 洗涤过的萃取液
  6691. scrubbed finish ==> 擦洗处理
  6692. scrubbed gas ==> 纯煤气,纯气体
  6693. scrubber ==> 涤气器,旧砂再生装置,旧砂再生装置,洗涤器,洗涤设备,洗净机
  6694. scrubber brush roll ==> 洗涤器刷辊
  6695. scrubber collector ==> 洗涤收集器
  6696. scrubber condenser ==> 洗涤冷凝器,涤气冷凝器
  6697. scrubber condensor ==> 涤气冷凝器
  6698. scrubber filter ==> 洗涤式滤尘器
  6699. scrubber plate ==> 洗涤器板
  6700. scrubber tank ==> 洗气罐
  6701. scrubber tower ==> 洗气罐
  6702. scrubber wash tower ==> 洗涤塔,湿式洗气塔
  6703. scrubbing ==> 洗涤
  6704. scrubbing brush ==> 板刷
  6705. scrubbing effect ==> 洗涤效果
  6706. scrubbing filter ==> 涤气过滤器
  6707. scrubbing machine ==> 清刷洗涤机
  6708. scrubbing solution ==> 洗气溶液
  6709. scrubbing unit ==> 刷洗机
  6710. scrubbing-and-drying unit ==> 刷洗干燥机,洗涤干燥机
  6711. scruffy plate ==> 锡污板
  6712. scrupulous ==> 入念な,綿密な
  6713. scruting of vouchers ==> 凭证的审核
  6714. scrutinize ==> 詳しく,調べる
  6715. scrutinizing program ==> 检验程序
  6716. scrutiny ==> 仔细检查
  6717. SCS, Security Control System ==> 緊急系統制御装置(四国)
  6718. SCS, standard customer service ==> 標準顧客サービス
  6719. SCS, supercommunications satellite ==> スーパーバード通信衛星
  6720. SCSE, State Commission for Space Exploration ==> 国家宇宙探査委員会
  6721. sct ==> 表面电荷晶体管
  6722. SCT, saturable current transformer ==> 飽和電流変圧器(発電機の励磁系)
  6723. Sct, Scutum ==> たて座
  6724. SCTE, Serial Clock Transmit External ==> 序列时钟传输外部,序列时钟传输外部(SCTE)是一个时钟信号,DTE回送到DCE维持定时。SCTE被设计在长电缆中补偿时钟相移。当DCE设备使用SCTE代替它的内部时钟来从DTE中采样数据,它能更好的采用数据而不发生错误,甚至在电缆中发生一个相移时=>外部シリアル送信タイミング信号
  6725. SCU, signal control unit ==> 信号調整器
  6726. SCU, station control unit ==> SCU
  6727. SCU, switch control unit ==> スイッチ制御回路
  6728. scudding knife ==> 切纸刀
  6729. scuff ==> 磨损
  6730. scuff preventative treatment ==> 防擦伤处理
  6731. scuff resistance ==> 耐磨强度
  6732. scuff resistant coating ==> 耐磨镀层
  6733. scuff wear ==> 熔着磨损
  6734. scuff-resistant coating ==> 耐磨面层
  6735. scuffie knife ==> 单面平切铲
  6736. scuffing ==> 擦伤,刮伤,划痕,毛刺砂光
  6737. scuffing grind ==> 砂粒表层滚磨
  6738. scuffing mark ==> 咬合痕
  6739. scuffing of cylinder bore ==> 拉缸,气缸镜面擦伤,汽缸工作面划伤
  6740. scuffle drill ==> 滑板播种机,条播机
  6741. scuffle hoe ==> 推拉锄,推式锄
  6742. scuffler ==> 中耕松土机
  6743. scull ==> 单人双桨赛艇,浇包结壳,浇包渣壳,结壳,凝壳
  6744. scullery ==> 碗碟洗涤装置
  6745. scullery basin ==> 洗碗槽
  6746. sculping screen ==> 脱介筛
  6747. sculpting tool ==> 雕刻工具
  6748. Sculptor's Apparatus ==> 玉夫星座
  6749. sculptural arts ==> 雕塑艺术
  6750. sculpture gallery ==> 雕塑馆
  6751. sculpture room ==> 雕塑室
  6752. sculptured effigy ==> 雕像
  6753. sculptured glass ==> 雕塑玻璃
  6754. scum ==> 浮渣,泡沫,渣滓,去泡沫,撇渣,鳞屑,铁渣=>スカム
  6755. scum baffle ==> 浮渣挡板=>スカム止め
  6756. scum barrier ==> 除渣栅
  6757. scum board ==> 浮渣挡板,刮渣板=>スカム止め
  6758. scum box and baffle ==> 浮渣室和挡板
  6759. scum chamber ==> 浮渣室
  6760. scum cock ==> 排污开关
  6761. scum collector ==> 浮渣收集器
  6762. scum disk ==> 浮渣盘
  6763. scum gate valves ==> 排渣闸阀
  6764. scum pipe ==> 浮渣导管
  6765. scum pump ==> 吸泥泵,泥浆泵
  6766. scum removal tank ==> 浮渣隔滤池
  6767. scum riser ==> 集渣包,集渣冒口,除渣冒口
  6768. scum rubber ==> 泡沫橡胶
  6769. scum skimmer ==> 浮渣=>スカムスキマー
  6770. scum spot ==> 渣孔
  6771. scum weir ==> 浮渣排除堰
  6772. scupper ==> 排水孔
  6773. scure speech system ==> 保密话音系统
  6774. Scurfpea Fruit ==> 补骨脂
  6775. scurvy grass ==> 辣根
  6776. scutcher ==> 打麻机
  6777. scutcher lap ==> 末道棉卷
  6778. scutcher waste ==> 梳理下脚
  6779. scutching cylinder ==> 打麻滚筒
  6780. scutching drum ==> 打麻滚筒
  6781. scutching machine ==> 打麻机
  6782. scutching rotor ==> 打麻滚筒,梳棉滚筒
  6783. scutellaria cream ==> 黄芩膏
  6784. scutellaria, skullcap ==> 黄芩
  6785. scutellum node ==> 盾片节
  6786. scution bush ==> 吸入套管
  6787. scuttle ==> 煤斗,天窗,小舱口
  6788. scuttle blind ==> 舷窗盖
  6789. scuttle bulkhead ==> 前舱壁
  6790. scuttle for ships ==> 船用舷窗
  6791. scuttle frame ==> 舷窗框
  6792. scuttle hatch ==> 舷窗铁盖
  6793. scuttle hatch cover ==> 舷窗铁盖,升降口盖
  6794. scuttle key ==> 舷窗扳手
  6795. scuttle lid ==> 舷窗水密盖
  6796. scuttle ventilation control ==> 天窗通风控制
  6797. scuttle washer ==> 舷窗橡皮垫圈
  6798. SCVNG Scavenging ==> 寻找
  6799. Scythian stage ==> 赛特阶
  6800. Scytonema sinense ==> 中国伪枝藻
  6801. SD Single Decker ==> 单层甲板
  6802. SD technique ==> SD法
  6803. SD, satellite disengaging connector ==> 衛星分離コネクタ
  6804. SD, Smoke Detector ==> 煙感知器
  6805. SD, space diversity ==> 空間ダイバシティ
  6806. SD, system design ==> システム設計
  6807. SDB, satellite data bus ==> 衛星管理用データバス
  6808. SDB, sequence distribution box ==> シーケンス制御箱
  6809. SDB, sun declination bias ==> 太陽傾斜バイアス
  6810. SDC ==> 標準設計認証,シンガポール・ディストリクト・クーリング
  6811. SDCJ, System Development Corporation of Japan Ltd. ==> 日本SDC株式会社
  6812. SDCM, spacecraft design and cost module ==> 宇宙船設計コストモジュール
  6813. SDD, short delay detonator ==> 短秒時延時起爆管
  6814. SDD, spacecraft discrepancy disposition ==> 衛星不具合処置
  6815. SDDS, signal data demodulator system ==> 信号データ復調システム
  6816. SDE, software development environment ==> ソフトウエア開発環境
  6817. sdenocarcinoma of stomach ==> 胃腺癌
  6818. SDF, total structural degree of freedom ==> 総合構造自由度
  6819. sdfet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  6820. SDFT, sliding discrete Fourier transform ==> SDFT
  6821. SDH, Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ==> 同期ディジタルハイアラーキ
  6822. SDI, selective dissemination of information ==> 選択的情報提供
  6823. SDI, Strategic Defense Initiative ==> 戦略防衛構想
  6824. SDI, strategic defense initiative ==> 戦略防衛構想, スターウォーズ計画
  6825. SDIO, Strategic Defence Initiative Office ==> 戦略防衛構想局
  6826. SDL, functional specification and description language ==> SDL
  6827. SDLF, standard data link format ==> 標準データリンクフォーマット
  6828. SDLT, static/dynamic load technology ==> 静/動荷重に関するテクノロジー
  6829. SDLV, shuttle derived launch vehicle ==> シャトル派生型使い捨てロケット
  6830. SDM, solar dynamic module ==> ソーラーダイナミックスモジュール
  6831. SDM, Space Division Multiplexing ==> SDM
  6832. SDM, structure development model ==> 構造開発モデル
  6833. SDP, S-band diplexer ==> S帯方向性結合器
  6834. SDP, signal data processor ==> 信号処理装置
  6835. SDP, standard data processor ==> 標準データプロセッサ
  6836. SDP, stochastic dynamic programming ==> 確率動的計画法
  6837. SDP, subsystem data processor ==> サブシステムデータプロセッサ
  6838. SDPF, Science Data Processing Facility ==> 科学データ処理施設
  6839. SDPF, sensor data processing facility ==> センサーデータ処理施設
  6840. SDPF, Spacelab Data Processing Facility ==> スペースラブデータ処理施設
  6841. SDR certificate of deposit ==> 特别提款权存款单
  6842. SDR Special Drawing Rights ==> 特殊制图权力
  6843. SDR standard ==> 特别提款权本位
  6844. SDR, signal data recorder ==> 信号データ記録器
  6845. SDR, Stabilizing Damping Resistor ==> 制動抵抗
  6846. SDR, System Damping Resistor ==> 制動抵抗装置
  6847. SDR, system design review ==> システム設計審査
  6848. SDRC, structural dynamics research corporation ==> 構造力学研究所
  6849. SDS, separation & deployment shock ==> 分離及び展開時の衝撃
  6850. SDSB, satellite data services branch ==> 衛星データサービス支局
  6851. SDSR, security region to guarantee small disturbance stability ==> 保证小扰动稳定性的安全域
  6852. SDT indicator ==> 开始数据通信量指示符
  6853. SDT, Super Capacity Data Transmitter ==> SDT
  6854. SDUS, small data utilization station ==> 小規模データ利用局
  6855. SDUS, small scale data utilization station ==> 小規模利用局
  6856. SDV, shuttle-derived vehicle ==> シャトル派生型ビークル
  6857. SDVP, software development & verification plan ==> ソフトウエア開発実証計画
  6858. SDWT Summer Deadweight ==> 夏季重量
  6859. se ==> 喷蚀
  6860. SE&I, system engineering & integration ==> システム取りまとめ
  6861. SE&I, system engineering and integration ==> システム工学と統合
  6862. SE, sensor ==> 観測機器
  6863. SE, solid element ==> ソリッド要素
  6864. SE, south east ==> 南東
  6865. SE, spectrometer electronics ==> 分光計エレクトロニクス
  6866. SE, structural engineer ==> 構造系技師
  6867. SE, support equipment ==> 支援機器
  6868. SE, system engineer ==> 情報システム技術者
  6869. SE, system engineering ==> システム工学
  6870. SE, systems engineer ==> システム技術者
  6871. SE-cellulose ==> 磺乙基纤维素
  6872. se-duct ==> 斯式预制暖气道
  6873. sea ==> 风涛,洋,海
  6874. sea access ==> 通海航道
  6875. sea advance ==> 海进,海侵
  6876. sea air ==> 海岸性空气,海洋性气候
  6877. sea anchor ==> 海锚
  6878. sea anemone ==> 海葵
  6879. sea approach ==> 通海水道
  6880. sea area ==> 海域
  6881. sea atmosphere corrosion ==> 海洋大气腐蚀
  6882. sea backthern ==> 沙棘
  6883. sea bacteriology ==> 海洋细菌学
  6884. sea bank ==> 海堤,海塘
  6885. sea barge carrier ==> 载驳货船
  6886. sea basin ==> 海盆
  6887. sea bath ==> 海水浴
  6888. sea bathing ==> 海水浴
  6889. sea beach ==> 海滨,海滩
  6890. sea bed ==> 海床,海底
  6891. sea bed echo ==> 海底回声
  6892. sea bed material ==> 海底物质
  6893. sea berth ==> 海上泊位,海洋停泊处
  6894. sea blubber ==> 海蜇
  6895. sea blubber skin ==> 海蜇皮
  6896. sea board ==> 海岸
  6897. sea book ==> 航海图
  6898. sea bottom cultivation ==> 海底养殖
  6899. sea bottom drift ==> 海底漂移
  6900. sea bottom gravity metre ==> 海底重力计
  6901. sea bottom percolation ==> 海底渗漏
  6902. sea breeze ==> 海风
  6903. sea breeze front surface ==> 海风锋面
  6904. sea breeze of the second kind ==> 冷锋状海风
  6905. sea buoy ==> 海界浮标,海口浮标
  6906. sea canal ==> (深水)通海运河
  6907. sea carriage ==> 海洋运输
  6908. sea cave ==> 海蚀洞
  6909. sea cell ==> 海水电池
  6910. sea channel ==> 海底峡谷
  6911. sea chart ==> 海图
  6912. sea chasm ==> 海蚀洞
  6913. sea clam ==> 海蛤
  6914. sea cliff ==> 海蚀崖,海崖
  6915. sea clutter ==> 海面杂乱回波=>海面反射(レーダ)
  6916. sea clutter simulation ==> 海面反射模拟
  6917. sea coast ==> 海岸,海滨
  6918. sea cows ==> 海牛
  6919. sea crab ==> 海蟹
  6920. sea cucumber ==> 海参,海参干=>ナマコ
  6921. sea current ==> 海流
  6922. sea current dynamics ==> 海流动力学
  6923. sea current energy ==> 海流能
  6924. sea current metre ==> 海流计
  6925. sea damage ==> 海水损害条件,海损
  6926. sea damage terms ==> 海水损害条件,海损条件
  6927. sea damaged goods ==> 海损货,湿损货
  6928. sea day ==> 平太阳日
  6929. sea demaged ==> 海水损害
  6930. sea dragon ==> 海龙
  6931. sea drift ==> 海上漂散木
  6932. sea drilling platform ==> 海上钻井平台
  6933. sea dyke ==> 海堤
  6934. sea earth ==> 海底电缆接地
  6935. sea echelon ==> 海上梯队
  6936. sea echo ==> 海面反射信号,海面回波,海区反射信号,海水反射回波
  6937. sea electric power cable ==> 海底电力电缆
  6938. sea embankment ==> 海堤,防潮堤
  6939. sea erosion ==> 海蚀
  6940. sea expedition ==> 海洋考察
  6941. sea exploration vessel ==> 海洋勘探船
  6942. sea facies ==> 海相
  6943. sea fan ==> 海底扇,海扇
  6944. sea fern ==> 石帆
  6945. sea fire ==> 海上荧光
  6946. sea fishery ==> 海洋渔业
  6947. sea floor ==> 海底
  6948. sea floor fueling station ==> 液体燃烧水下储存柜
  6949. sea floor spreading ==> 海底延伸
  6950. sea fog ==> 海雾
  6951. sea freight ==> 海运费率
  6952. sea fringe ==> 海滨
  6953. sea front ==> 海边,临海地段,滨海区
  6954. sea frontier ==> 海疆
  6955. sea gate ==> 海门,海闸
  6956. sea gauge ==> 海上验潮标
  6957. sea glow ==> 海面辉光
  6958. sea grass ==> 海草
  6959. sea gravel ==> 海砾石
  6960. sea gravimeter ==> 海洋重力仪
  6961. sea gravity ==> 海洋重力学
  6962. sea horizon ==> 海平线
  6963. sea horse ==> 海马
  6964. sea ice ==> 海冰,海上浮冰
  6965. sea ice shelf ==> 海冰架
  6966. sea inlet cock ==> 通海吸入阀
  6967. sea island ==> 海岛
  6968. sea island cotton ==> 海岛棉
  6969. sea keeping ability ==> 适航性
  6970. sea knoll ==> 海丘
  6971. sea lane ==> 海上航线
  6972. sea leather ==> 海产皮革
  6973. sea letter ==> 中立船舶证明书
  6974. sea level ==> 海平面,潮位=>海水準
  6975. sea level datum ==> 水深基准面,海平基准面
  6976. sea level departure from normal ==> 潮位偏差
  6977. sea level elevation ==> 海拔高程
  6978. sea level height ==> 海面高度
  6979. sea level-pressure chart ==> 地面天气图
  6980. sea lily ==> 海百合
  6981. sea line ==> 水平线=>シーレーン
  6982. sea lion ==> 海狮
  6983. sea lock ==> 通海船闸
  6984. sea mail ==> 海运信件
  6985. sea main thermocline ==> 海洋主温跃层
  6986. sea manners ==> 海上礼让
  6987. sea map ==> 海图
  6988. sea mark ==> 航海标志
  6989. sea medical evacuation ==> 海上医疗后送
  6990. sea mile ==> 海里
  6991. sea mine ==> 水雷
  6992. sea moat ==> 海壕
  6993. sea mud ==> 海泥
  6994. sea of channels ==> 经脉之海,经脉之海
  6995. sea of channels and collaterals ==> 经络之海,经络之海
  6996. sea of yin channels (referring to Ren Channel) ==> 阴脉之海
  6997. sea onion ==> 海葱
  6998. sea otter ==> 海虎皮,海獭
  6999. sea otter fur ==> 海獭皮
  7000. sea outfall ==> 河道出口入海处=>海中放流
  7001. sea passage ==> 海上航道
  7002. sea peak ==> 海峰
  7003. sea pink ==> 海石竹
  7004. sea placer ==> 海岸砂矿,海滩砂矿
  7005. sea plain ==> 海蚀平原
  7006. sea plug ==> 通海旋塞
  7007. sea pollution prevention act ==> 海洋污染防止法规
  7008. sea prawn ==> 对虾
  7009. sea protest ==> 海难抗辩书,海事报告
  7010. sea puss ==> 退潮流
  7011. sea rainbow ==> 海洋虹
  7012. sea range ==> 海底山脉
  7013. sea reach ==> 通海直水道
  7014. sea reclamation ==> 填海造陆
  7015. sea regime ==> 海面状况
  7016. sea return ==> 海面反射信号,海面杂乱回波
  7017. sea returns ==> 海面反射信号
  7018. sea risk ==> 海险
  7019. sea room ==> 海上活动域
  7020. sea route ==> 海上交通线
  7021. sea runway ==> (水上飞机的)水上跑道
  7022. sea salt nuclei ==> 海盐核
  7023. sea sand ==> 海沙
  7024. sea scale ==> 风浪等级
  7025. sea scurvy ==> 船员坏血病
  7026. sea seismograph ==> 海底地震仪
  7027. sea shore ==> 海岸
  7028. sea shore coast ==> 海滨
  7029. sea sickness ==> 晕船
  7030. sea silk ==> 海藻纤维
  7031. sea slide ==> 海底地滑,海底坍塌
  7032. sea slug ==> 海参,海牛=>ウミウシ,ナマコ
  7033. sea snake ==> 海蛇
  7034. sea speed ==> 対水速度
  7035. sea spider ==> 海蜘蛛
  7036. sea sponge ==> 海綿
  7037. sea squirt ==> 海鞘
  7038. sea state ==> 海面状况,海洋状况
  7039. sea state spectrum ==> 海况谱,波浪谱
  7040. sea supremacy ==> 制海权
  7041. sea surface observation ==> 海面观测
  7042. sea surface temperature threshold ==> 海面温度閾値
  7043. sea surveillance ==> 海域监视
  7044. sea swell ==> 海浪
  7045. sea temperature ==> 海水温度
  7046. sea temperature chart ==> 海水温度图
  7047. sea terminal ==> 海运码头,深水码头
  7048. sea terrace ==> 海成阶地,沿岸台地
  7049. sea thermal power station ==> 海洋温差发电厂
  7050. sea transport ==> 海洋运输
  7051. sea trial ==> 试航
  7052. sea turn ==> 海雾风
  7053. sea urchin ==> 海胆,海胆酱
  7054. sea valley ==> 海谷
  7055. sea valve ==> 通海阀
  7056. sea van ==> 海上运货车
  7057. sea wall ==> 海堤
  7058. sea water ==> 海水
  7059. sea water analysis ==> 海水分析
  7060. sea water aquiculture area ==> 海水养殖面积
  7061. sea water bath ==> 海水浴
  7062. sea water battery ==> 海水电池
  7063. sea water breeding area ==> 海水养殖面积
  7064. sea water by distillation ==> 海水蒸馏
  7065. sea water cell ==> 海水电池
  7066. sea water chemistry ==> 海水化学
  7067. sea water condenser ==> 海水冷凝器
  7068. sea water corrosion ==> 海水腐蚀
  7069. sea water corrosion test ==> 海水腐蚀试验
  7070. sea water culture ==> 海面养殖
  7071. sea water damage ==> 海上水损
  7072. sea water desalinating unit ==> 海水淡化装置
  7073. sea water desalination ==> 海水淡化,去除海水的含盐量生产出符合要求的淡水
  7074. sea water desalinization ==> 海水淡化
  7075. sea water desalting equipment ==> 海水淡化设备
  7076. sea water encroachment ==> 海水倒灌,海水浸蚀地
  7077. sea water evaporator ==> 海水蒸发器
  7078. sea water intake facility ==> 海水取水设备
  7079. sea water intrusion ==> 海水侵蚀
  7080. sea water level and depth ==> 海水水位和深度
  7081. sea water osmotic pressure energy ==> 海水渗透压能
  7082. sea water pump ==> 海水泵
  7083. sea water pumping power generation ==> 海水揚水発電
  7084. sea water science ==> 海水科学
  7085. sea water scrubbing desulfurization ==> 海水洗涤法烟气脱硫,利用海水的天然碱度的中和作用进行脱硫的工艺
  7086. sea water stratification ==> 海水分层
  7087. sea water supply ==> 海水供给
  7088. sea water treatment ==> 海水疗法
  7089. sea wave ==> 海浪
  7090. sea wave power station ==> 海浪发电厂
  7091. sea waybill ==> 海上货运单,海上运输单,海运提货单
  7092. sea wear ==> 海洋服
  7093. sea weed ==> 海苔
  7094. Sea Weed ==> 赤菜
  7095. SEA WIFS, sea wide-field sensor ==> 広海域センサー
  7096. sea wind ==> 海风
  7097. Sea World Inc. ==> (美)海洋世界公司
  7098. sea worm ==> 海中蛀船虫,蛀船虫
  7099. sea zone ==> 海丘
  7100. SEA, statistical energy analysis ==> 統計的エネルギー解析法
  7101. sea-air temperature difference correction ==> 海水空气温度差修正
  7102. sea-anemone ==> 海葵
  7103. sea-anemone and coral dermatitis ==> 海葵珊瑚皮炎
  7104. sea-barge clipper ==> 海蜂型子母船
  7105. sea-bed area ==> 海床区域
  7106. sea-bed disposal ==> 海床处置
  7107. sea-bee ship ==> 海蜂型子母船
  7108. sea-borne only ==> 限海上范围,(指保险)仅限海上
  7109. sea-bottom multiple ==> 海底多次波
  7110. sea-bottom plain ==> 海底平原
  7111. sea-bottom seismograph ==> 海底地震仪
  7112. sea-bottom survey ==> 海底勘测
  7113. sea-bottom topographical map ==> 海底地形图
  7114. sea-chalk ==> 海白垩
  7115. sea-clutter suppression ==> 海浪杂波抑制
  7116. sea-control operation ==> 控海作战
  7117. sea-cut ==> 海蚀的,浪蚀的
  7118. sea-fishing ==> 海洋捕鱼
  7119. sea-floor basalt ==> 洋底玄武岩
  7120. sea-floor geomorphy ==> 海底地貌
  7121. sea-floor gravimeter ==> 海底重力仪
  7122. sea-floor high ==> 海底高地
  7123. sea-floor relief ==> 海底地形
  7124. sea-floor soil sampling ==> 海底底质取样
  7125. sea-floor spreading ==> 海底扩大说
  7126. sea-floor surficial sampling ==> 海底表层取样
  7127. sea-floor trench ==> 海沟
  7128. sea-going ==> 航海的
  7129. sea-going destroyer ==> 远洋驱逐舰
  7130. sea-going launcher ==> 海上发射装置,舰上发射装置
  7131. sea-going ships ==> 远洋舰艇
  7132. sea-going tug ==> 海上拖轮
  7133. sea-going vessel ==> 海轮,远洋轮船
  7134. sea-hedgehog ==> 海胆
  7135. sea-ice conditions ==> 海氷条件
  7136. sea-ice shelf ==> 浮冰架
  7137. Sea-Island cotton ==> 海岛棉
  7138. sea-jet-one ==> 海空联运
  7139. sea-keeping capacity ==> 适航性
  7140. sea-lab ==> 海底实验室
  7141. Sea-Land method ==> 海陆法
  7142. sea-level chart ==> 地面天气图
  7143. sea-level correction ==> 海平面订正,海平面校正
  7144. sea-level elevation ==> 海面高程,绝对高程,绝对高程
  7145. sea-level observation ==> 海平面观潮
  7146. sea-level pressure ==> 海平面气压
  7147. sea-level rise ==> 海水面上昇
  7148. sea-line ==> 海上交通线
  7149. sea-plant ==> 海洋植物
  7150. sea-quake ==> 海啸
  7151. sea-run ==> 海行
  7152. sea-salt nucleus ==> 海盐核
  7153. sea-skimming equipment ==> 水面浮油刮集装置
  7154. sea-steps ==> 舷梯
  7155. sea-tangle ==> 昆布
  7156. sea-urchin ==> 海胆
  7157. sea-urchin jam ==> 海胆酱
  7158. sea-urchin venom poisoning ==> 海胆毒液中毒
  7159. sea-water baths ==> 海水浴场
  7160. sea-water battery ==> 海水电池
  7161. sea-water density ==> 海水密度
  7162. sea-water distillator ==> 海水淡化装置
  7163. seabed oilfield ==> 海底油田
  7164. seabed resources ==> 海底资源
  7165. seabed scouring ==> 海床冲刷
  7166. seabee ship ==> 海蜂船
  7167. seaborne aircraft ==> 舰载飞机
  7168. seaborne bottom gravimeter ==> 海底重力仪
  7169. seaborne supply ==> 海上补给
  7170. Seabright-Bantam syndrome ==> 假性甲状旁腺功能减退
  7171. SEACAL, selective calling system ==> セルコール
  7172. seacoast ==> 海岸
  7173. seadless kaki fruit ==> 水柿
  7174. seadrome contact lights ==> 水上机场降落灯
  7175. seafloor coring ==> 海底取岩心
  7176. seafloor foundation ==> 海底基础
  7177. seafloor roughness ==> 海底の粗度
  7178. seafloor soil ==> 海底土
  7179. seagoing box car ==> 坦克登陆艇
  7180. seagoing dredge(r) ==> 自航式挖泥船
  7181. seagoing pipeline ==> 海底油管
  7182. seagoing platform for acoustic research ==> 海上声学研究平台
  7183. seagoing tanker ==> 海洋油轮
  7184. seagoing vessel ==> 海轮
  7185. seagrass ==> シーグラス
  7186. seagrass habitat ==> 海草生育地
  7187. SEAJ ==> 日本半导体制造设备协会
  7188. seal ==> 海豹类,焊封,绝缘装置,绝缘装置,密封,戳记,图章,封闭,封层,封焊,封条,火漆
  7189. seal (tightness) test ==> 致密性试验
  7190. seal a mountain pass ==> 封山
  7191. seal adhesive tape ==> 封舱胶布
  7192. seal air fan ==> 密封空气风机,密封风机,煤粉制备系统中用以输送干燥剂和煤粉混合物的风机。
  7193. seal air pipe ==> 密封空气管
  7194. seal angle ==> 止水角铁
  7195. seal apron ==> 闸门挡板
  7196. seal assembly ==> 密封组件
  7197. seal assembly removal tool ==> 密封组件拆卸工具
  7198. seal bellows ==> 密封波纹管,密封皱纹管
  7199. seal boot ==> 封闭罩
  7200. seal box ==> 密封盒,密封箱
  7201. seal by arrow-like ring ==> 箭形圈密封
  7202. seal by bimetallic O-ring with teflon ==> 外包聚四氟乙烯双金属
  7203. seal by direct contact of conical faces ==> 单锥无垫密封
  7204. seal by double conical frustum ==> 双截顶圆锥密封
  7205. seal by double knife-edges double knife-edge seal ==> 双刀口密封
  7206. seal by duplex conical gasket ==> 双锥垫密封
  7207. seal by elastomeric delta gasket ==> 橡胶三角垫密封
  7208. seal by flat gasket ==> 螺纹平垫密封
  7209. seal by metallic delta gasket ==> 金属三角垫密封
  7210. seal by metallic oval-ring ==> 金属椭圆环密封
  7211. seal by plug ==> 堵塞密封
  7212. seal by precision fit ==> 研合密封
  7213. seal by screwed union ==> 螺纹连接密封
  7214. seal by simplex conical gasket ==> 单锥垫密封
  7215. seal by sleeve ==> 套管密封
  7216. seal by special wedge-like gasket ==> 特种楔形密封
  7217. seal by stainless conical ring ==> 不锈钢锥环密封
  7218. seal by wedg-like gasket and O-ring ==> 组合式楔密封
  7219. seal by wedge-like gasket ==> 楔形垫密封
  7220. seal by welding ==> 焊接连接密封
  7221. seal cage ==> 密封腔,水封环
  7222. seal cap ==> 加封盖
  7223. seal casinghousing ==> 密封壳体
  7224. seal cavity ==> 密封腔
  7225. seal cavity pressure rise ==> 密封腔压力上升
  7226. seal cement ==> 固封接合剂
  7227. seal CO2 laser ==> 封离式CO2激光器
  7228. seal coat ==> 封闭层,封闭涂层
  7229. seal coating ==> 密封敷层
  7230. seal components ==> 密封件
  7231. seal construction rope ==> 带芯股钢索
  7232. seal course ==> 密封层,封闭层
  7233. seal cover ==> 密封盖
  7234. seal CO2 laser ==> 封离式CO2激光器
  7235. seal cup ==> 溢流盘
  7236. seal diaphragm ==> 密封隔板
  7237. seal disc ==> 密封盘
  7238. seal dish ==> 密封盘
  7239. seal drain leakage ==> 密封耗损泄漏
  7240. seal drain port ==> 密封排放口
  7241. seal drive sleeve ==> 密封动环传动套,动环传动套
  7242. seal drive sleeve 动环传动套筒, ==> 密封传动套
  7243. seal driving ==> 动环传动销,密封套拨杆
  7244. seal driving pin ==> 动环传动销
  7245. seal driving 动环传动销, ==> 密封套拨杆
  7246. seal element ==> 密封件
  7247. seal end plate ==> 密封端压盖
  7248. seal energized by medium pressure ==> 自紧密封
  7249. seal face ==> 压紧面
  7250. seal fan ==> 密封风机
  7251. seal finger ==> 海豹状指
  7252. seal fitting ==> 密封接头,密封配件
  7253. seal flange ==> 密封法兰
  7254. seal fluid connection ==> 密封液接口
  7255. seal fluid outlet ==> 密封液出口
  7256. seal flush ==> 密封冲洗
  7257. seal flush liquid ==> 密封冲洗液
  7258. seal flush port ==> 密封冲洗口
  7259. seal flush pressure ==> 密封冲洗压力
  7260. seal for pipe joints ==> 管道密封
  7261. seal for pressure vessel ==> 压力容器密封
  7262. seal friction ==> 密封摩擦
  7263. seal gas extraction duct ==> 密封气体抽气管
  7264. seal gas flow ==> 密封气体流量
  7265. seal gas flow feed and shut-off control system ==> 密封气体供给和关闭控制系统
  7266. seal gas for the primary gas circulators ==> 供一次气体循环用的密封气体
  7267. seal gas injection ==> 密封气体注入
  7268. seal gas pressure ==> 密封气体压力
  7269. seal gas system ==> 密封气体系统
  7270. seal gas-supplied seal ==> 密封气体提供的密封
  7271. seal gasket ==> 密封垫片
  7272. seal gate ==> 密封门=>シールゲート
  7273. seal gate valve ==> 密封闸阀
  7274. seal gland ==> 密封盖
  7275. seal glandcartridge ==> 密封套
  7276. seal groove ==> 密封槽
  7277. seal gum ==> 密封胶
  7278. seal head ==> 动环
  7279. seal housing ==> 密封罩
  7280. seal in ==> 封入
  7281. seal in coil ==> 制动线圈
  7282. seal joint ==> 密封压环
  7283. seal lac ==> 封口漆
  7284. seal lead ==> 铅封
  7285. seal leakage ==> 汽封泄漏
  7286. seal leg ==> 气动提升器,垂直管式闸门,闸式阀门,料封管
  7287. seal lip ==> 密封唇口
  7288. seal liquid ==> 密封液
  7289. seal lock ==> 塞,孔堵
  7290. seal loop ==> 水封环
  7291. seal lubricator ==> 密封润滑器
  7292. seal of bearing ==> 轴承密封
  7293. seal of tube ==> 管密封
  7294. seal of vessel ==> 容器密封
  7295. seal off ==> 烫开,拆封
  7296. seal oil ==> 密封用油,海豹油
  7297. seal oil control equipment ==> 油密封控制装置
  7298. seal oil system ==> 油密封系统
  7299. seal packingring ==> 密封圈
  7300. seal penis ==> 海狗鞭
  7301. seal pipe ==> 密封管
  7302. seal piping ==> 密封液管
  7303. seal point ==> 液封点
  7304. seal pot ==> 密封罐
  7305. seal pouring ==> 密封注胶
  7306. seal press ==> 压印
  7307. seal replacer ==> 密封盖折卸工具
  7308. seal retainer ==> 密封护圈
  7309. seal ring ==> 封密环
  7310. seal ring assembly ==> 环形紧密装置
  7311. seal ring for pressure cooker ==> 高压锅圈
  7312. seal running dry ==> 密封干运转
  7313. seal seat ==> 密封静环
  7314. seal sleeve ==> 汽封套筒
  7315. seal soldering ==> 密封焊接
  7316. seal spring compression ring ==> 密封弹簧压圈
  7317. seal stationary ring ==> 静环,静环
  7318. seal steam ==> 汽封蒸汽
  7319. seal style ==> 密封型式
  7320. seal supply pressure ==> 密封供应压力
  7321. seal treatment ==> 封闭处理
  7322. seal washer ==> 密封垫圈
  7323. seal water ==> 轴封水
  7324. seal water booster pump ==> 轴封水升压泵
  7325. seal water filter ==> 轴封水过滤器
  7326. seal water heat exchanger ==> 轴封水冷却器
  7327. seal water injection filter ==> 轴封注水过滤器
  7328. seal water leakoff pump ==> 轴封水引漏泵
  7329. seal water pipe ==> 水封水管
  7330. seal water pump ==> 轴封水泵
  7331. seal water reflux filter ==> 轴封水回流过滤器
  7332. seal water system ==> 轴封水系统
  7333. seal water tank ==> 水封水箱
  7334. seal wax ==> 火漆
  7335. seal weld ==> 填焊,致密焊缝,密封焊,密封焊道,密封焊缝=>シール溶接
  7336. seal welding ==> 密封焊接
  7337. seal with annular groove ==> 油封槽
  7338. seal with arrow-rings ==> 箭形圈密封
  7339. seal with axis(by axia) deviation ==> 轴线偏斜密封
  7340. seal with cup packing ==> 杯形垫密封
  7341. seal with double-cone ==> 双锥密封
  7342. seal with elastometic washer ==> 橡胶圈密封
  7343. seal with flat gasket ==> 平垫片密封
  7344. seal with metal cone ring ==> 锥形垫密封
  7345. seal with metal lens ring ==> 透镜垫密封
  7346. seal with screwed joint ==> 螺纹连接密封
  7347. seal with semicircular annular groove ==> 半圆形油封槽
  7348. seal with single-cone ==> 单锥密封
  7349. seal with stainless cone-ring ==> 不锈钢锥环密封
  7350. seal without gasket ==> 无垫密封
  7351. seal-air pressure ==> 气密封压力
  7352. seal-coat ==> 封闭衣
  7353. seal-in relay ==> 自保持继电器=>シールイン継電器
  7354. seal-in relays ==> 自保持继电保护,密封继电器保护装置
  7355. seal-less stack ==> シールレススタック
  7356. seal-off mercury-arc rectifier ==> 封闭汞弧整流器
  7357. sealable tank ==> 密封罐
  7358. sealand service incorporation ==> 海陆运输公司
  7359. sealant ==> 密封膏=>封止剤,シーリング材
  7360. sealant application ==> シーラント用途
  7361. sealant for construction ==> 建築用シーラント
  7362. sealant layer ==> シーラント層
  7363. sealant material ==> 密封剤
  7364. sealant technology ==> シーラント技術
  7365. sealcontact face ==> 密封面
  7366. Seale filler wire rope ==> 西尔式带填充丝钢丝绳
  7367. Seale rope ==> 带芯股钢丝绳
  7368. Seale Warrington wire rope ==> 西尔瓦灵顿混合式钢丝绳
  7369. sealed -beam lamp ==> 封闭式灯
  7370. sealed beam headlamp ==> 封闭式前照灯
  7371. sealed beam lamp ==> 密封式前大灯=>シールドビーム電球
  7372. sealed beam unit ==> 封闭式灯光组
  7373. sealed bearing ==> 密封轴承
  7374. sealed bid pricing ==> 投标订价法
  7375. sealed book ==> 天书
  7376. sealed cabin ==> 密闭座舱,密封舱,密封坚固舱,增压舱,严封坚固舱
  7377. sealed cabinet ==> 密封培养
  7378. sealed cap ==> 密封帽
  7379. sealed capsule ==> 密封管
  7380. sealed cavity ==> 密封空腔谐振器
  7381. sealed centrifuge ==> 密封式离心机
  7382. sealed chamber ==> 气密室
  7383. sealed chart-drive motor ==> 密封式记录纸驱动电动机
  7384. sealed coil relay ==> 线圈密封式继电器
  7385. sealed contact ==> 封入接点
  7386. sealed contact relay ==> 封入接点継電器
  7387. sealed container ==> 密闭集装箱,密封容器,气密封罐
  7388. sealed cooling ==> 闭式冷却法
  7389. sealed cover ==> 密封盖
  7390. sealed cowling ==> 密封罩
  7391. sealed diode ==> 封装的二极管
  7392. sealed dust-proof van ==> 密封防尘车
  7393. sealed end ==> 密封端
  7394. sealed factor of trap ==> 圈闭的封闭因素
  7395. sealed fluid coupling ==> 闭式液力耦合器
  7396. sealed hybrid ==> 封装的混合集成电路
  7397. sealed hydraulic coupling ==> 闭式耦合器
  7398. sealed joint ==> 封闭链
  7399. sealed junction ==> 密封结
  7400. sealed laser ==> 密封激光器
  7401. sealed lead acid battery ==> 密封铅酸电池
  7402. sealed lithiam battery ==> 密封锂电池
  7403. sealed mica ring ==> 密封云母环
  7404. sealed motor ==> 密封式电动机
  7405. sealed multi-contact matrix switch ==> SMM形スイッチ
  7406. sealed nitrogen laser ==> 密封式氮激光器
  7407. sealed off vacuum system ==> 封离真空系统
  7408. sealed outer housing ==> 密封外壳
  7409. sealed pack-age ==> 密封包装
  7410. sealed pad ==> 密封包件
  7411. sealed plug ==> 屏蔽式电热塞
  7412. sealed plug sheathed plug ==> 密封式电热塞
  7413. sealed pore ==> 封闭气孔
  7414. sealed pressure balance ==> 内封补偿
  7415. sealed pump ==> 密封泵
  7416. sealed pumped vacuum system ==> 封离抽气系统
  7417. sealed pumpless vacuum system ==> 封离的无泵的真空系统
  7418. sealed quench furnace ==> 封闭式淬火炉
  7419. sealed refrigeration compressor ==> 密封冷冻压缩机,密封式制冷压缩机
  7420. sealed relay ==> 密封继电器,密封式继电器
  7421. sealed sample ==> 密封样品
  7422. sealed source ==> 密闭源,密封源,封闭放射源
  7423. sealed spark gap ==> 密封放电器
  7424. sealed spring loaded safety valve ==> 封闭式弹簧安全阀
  7425. sealed structure ==> 密閉構造
  7426. sealed tender ==> 秘密投标,密封递价,密封投标
  7427. sealed transformer ==> 密封形変圧器
  7428. sealed upright silo ==> 气密青贮塔
  7429. sealed-bid tender ==> 密封标单投标
  7430. sealed-for life bearing ==> 封闭式一次润滑轴承
  7431. sealed-for-life ==> 永久性密封
  7432. sealed-for-life bearing ==> 全期油封轴承
  7433. sealed-for-life vane pump ==> 永久密封叶片泵
  7434. sealed-off counter ==> 封离计数器,非密闭计数器
  7435. sealed-off light valve ==> 密封光阀
  7436. sealene triangle ==> 不规则三角形
  7437. sealer ==> 密封器
  7438. sealer and adhesive ==> 密封剂和粘接剂
  7439. sealing ==> 密封,嵌缝,封闭,止水,水工建筑物永久缝内设置的防止漏水的结构(金属片、塑料片、塑料棒、粘性与无粘性材料、反滤料)=>封着
  7440. sealing (strength) test ==> 石蜡密封度试验
  7441. sealing ability ==> 密闭能力
  7442. sealing air ==> 密封
  7443. sealing area ==> 密封面积
  7444. sealing bar ==> 熔接棒
  7445. sealing barrier ==> 密封膜,外壳
  7446. sealing bead ==> 密封焊道
  7447. sealing behaviours of vessel ==> 容器的密封性状
  7448. sealing bellows ==> 密封波纹管
  7449. sealing block ==> 密封块
  7450. sealing box ==> 电缆套
  7451. sealing bucket ==> (自动虹吸管的)封水戽斗
  7452. sealing bushing ==> 汽封套
  7453. sealing by bush ==> 衬套密封
  7454. sealing by fusing ==> 熔封
  7455. sealing cap ==> 封帽
  7456. sealing cap of metal ==> 封口用金属帽
  7457. sealing casing ==> 密封盖,密封外壳
  7458. sealing cement ==> 密封蜡,密封油膏,密封粘结剂
  7459. sealing chamber ==> 密封室
  7460. sealing clearance ==> 密封间隙
  7461. sealing coat ==> 封闭涂层,封面层
  7462. sealing compound ==> 封闭剂,封口膏,封口料,封塞料,密封剂,密封接合,电缆膏=>封止用コンパウンド
  7463. sealing concrete ==> 封混凝土
  7464. sealing cone ==> 密封锥面
  7465. sealing constriction ==> 密封缩颈,密封压缩
  7466. sealing cover ==> 密封盖
  7467. sealing cup ==> 密封碗
  7468. sealing current ==> 保持电流
  7469. sealing damper ==> [气体管道]密封闸板
  7470. sealing device ==> 密封装置=>封印装置
  7471. sealing diaphragm ==> 密封隔板
  7472. sealing driving rod ==> 密封拨杆
  7473. sealing edge ==> 密封唇口
  7474. sealing element ==> 密封件
  7475. sealing end ==> 电缆封端,封端,封口=>終端絶縁箱
  7476. sealing face ==> 密封面
  7477. sealing face leakage ==> 密封面泄漏
  7478. sealing failure ==> 密封失效
  7479. sealing film ==> 密封薄膜
  7480. sealing fin ==> 密封片
  7481. sealing flange ==> 密封法兰,密封凸缘
  7482. sealing for pressure vessels ==> 压力容器密封
  7483. sealing for tubing joints ==> 管道连接密封
  7484. sealing forceload ==> 密封力
  7485. sealing gas ==> 密封气体
  7486. sealing gasket ==> 密封衬片
  7487. sealing gland ==> 密封盖,密封装置,汽封装置
  7488. sealing glass ==> 封接玻璃
  7489. sealing gum ==> 密封胶
  7490. sealing joint strip ==> 密封胶条
  7491. sealing layer ==> 密封层
  7492. sealing leak ==> 密封泄漏
  7493. sealing life ==> 密封寿命
  7494. sealing lip ==> 密封唇口
  7495. sealing liquid ==> 隔离液,封液
  7496. sealing liquidfluid ==> 密封液
  7497. sealing load ==> 密封紧力,密封压力
  7498. sealing machine ==> 密封机,熔接机,封口机
  7499. sealing maching ==> 封接机
  7500. sealing mastic ==> 填塞料
  7501. sealing material ==> 封塞料,封填材料,密封材料
  7502. sealing medium ==> 密封介质
  7503. sealing member ==> 密封件
  7504. sealing of a casting ==> 铸件浸补
  7505. sealing of a mould ==> 铸型密封
  7506. sealing of closure ==> 闭气,截流合龙后封堵饯堤渗流的通道
  7507. sealing of soil ==> 土壤表面板结
  7508. sealing of vessel ==> 容器密封
  7509. sealing off ==> 脱焊,拆焊
  7510. sealing oil ring system with dual oil flow ==> 双流环密封油系统,流向轴瓦密封环起密封作用的油流有空侧和氢侧两股的密封油系统
  7511. sealing oil ring system with single oil flow ==> 单流环密封油系统,进入密封轴瓦的密封环中起密封作用的油流只有一股的密封油系统
  7512. sealing oil ring system with triple oil flow ==> 三流环密封油系统,在原来的双流密封油系统的密封环的空侧油和氢侧油中间,引进第三股经过真空处理的压力油以彻底隔绝空侧油和氢侧油的接触和交换的密封油系统
  7513. sealing oil system ==> 密封油系统,为防止氢气从转轴和机座之间的间隙漏出发电机,也防止空气进入发电机内,氢冷发电机采用压力油来密封氢气的所有设备和装置的组合。该系统主要由密封瓦,调节阀、平衡阀、压差阀、回油密封箱、油泵及管道及相应的调节控制装置和仪器等组成
  7514. sealing pad ==> 密封瓦
  7515. sealing paint for electroplating ==> 电镀封闭漆
  7516. sealing paper ==> 高级包装纸
  7517. sealing parts factory ==> 橡胶密封件厂
  7518. sealing parts of piston ==> 活塞不漏气部分
  7519. sealing pipe ==> 封闭式套管
  7520. sealing plate ==> 密封板,密封垫,嵌缝片
  7521. sealing pliers ==> 铅印钳,封印钳
  7522. sealing plug ==> 密封塞
  7523. sealing pot ==> 封液包,隔离液罐
  7524. sealing preform ==> 密封用塑
  7525. sealing pressure ==> 密封压力
  7526. sealing reliability ==> 密封可靠性
  7527. sealing resin used on color TV set ==> 彩电用灌封树脂
  7528. sealing ring ==> 封闭圈
  7529. sealing ring bushing ==> 密封环衬套
  7530. sealing ring cap ==> 密封环盖
  7531. sealing ring of gyrosphere ==> 陀螺球密封环
  7532. sealing rod ==> 止水条
  7533. sealing rubber ==> 密封橡胶
  7534. sealing rubber ring ==> 密封橡皮圈
  7535. sealing run ==> 封底焊
  7536. sealing schedule ==> 密封程序
  7537. sealing screw ==> 密封螺钉
  7538. sealing sleeve handling pallet ==> 密封套装卸托板
  7539. sealing stamp ==> 封口印章,封印
  7540. sealing steam ==> 汽封蒸汽
  7541. sealing steam box ==> 汽封蒸汽室
  7542. sealing steam desuperheater ==> 汽封蒸汽冷却器
  7543. sealing steel shell ==> 密封钢壳
  7544. sealing strand ==> 封闭索
  7545. sealing strip ==> 汽封片,密封边,密封带,密封片
  7546. sealing surface ==> 封接面
  7547. sealing surface of seat ==> 阀座密封面
  7548. sealing system ==> 密封系统
  7549. sealing thread ==> 封闭螺纹
  7550. sealing tooth ==> 汽封齿
  7551. sealing up ==> 止水,防漏
  7552. sealing voltage ==> 闭合电压
  7553. sealing washer ==> 密封垫圈
  7554. sealing water ==> 密封用水
  7555. sealing water pipe connection ==> 水封管接头
  7556. sealing wax ==> 封闭蜡,封口蜡,火漆
  7557. sealing wax palm ==> 封蜡棕
  7558. sealing weld ==> 封焊
  7559. sealing wire ==> 密封引线,焊接线
  7560. sealing without gaskets ==> 无垫密封
  7561. sealing work ==> 封闭工程
  7562. sealing-in ==> 封接
  7563. sealing-in burner ==> 密封用气体喷烧器
  7564. sealing-liquid duct ==> 水封入口
  7565. sealing-off ==> 封口,开焊
  7566. sealing-on ==> 焊上
  7567. sealingfluid inlet ==> 密封液入口
  7568. seam ==> 煤线,金属板咬口,缝,层,薄层,贴边=>縫い目,継目,シム
  7569. seam blast ==> 缝隙爆破,缝隙装药爆破
  7570. seam cell ==> 缝线细胞
  7571. seam check ==> 模缝裂纹
  7572. seam detector ==> 线缝探测器
  7573. seam doubling ==> 煤层加倍变厚
  7574. seam dustiness ==> 煤层含尘量
  7575. seam fat ==> 肉间脂肪层
  7576. seam inundation ==> 充水岩层
  7577. seam line ==> 模缝线
  7578. seam mark ==> 模缝痕
  7579. seam orientation ==> 石层裂缝方位
  7580. seam roller ==> 压缝滚子,叠缝滚压机
  7581. seam saw ==> 缝锯
  7582. seam smoother ==> 焊缝清理机
  7583. seam tube ==> 有缝管
  7584. seam weld ==> 滚焊
  7585. seam welder ==> 滚焊机,缝焊机,线焊机
  7586. seam welding ==> 线焊接,缝焊=>シーム溶接
  7587. seam welding electrode ==> 滚极
  7588. seam-free product ==> 无缝制品
  7589. seam-slag cleaner ==> 焊缝清理机
  7590. seam-welding machine ==> 缝焊机
  7591. seamans lien ==> 海员留置权
  7592. seamer ==> 折边机
  7593. seaming machine ==> 卷边接合机,卷边接合机
  7594. seaming welder ==> 缝焊机
  7595. seamless ==> 无缝的=>継目なしの
  7596. seamless article ==> 无缝制品
  7597. seamless bloom ==> 无缝钢管坯
  7598. seamless boat ==> 无缝舢板
  7599. seamless bottom ==> 无缝底
  7600. seamless casing ==> 无缝钢管的套管
  7601. seamless cathode ==> 无缝阴极
  7602. seamless cold ==> 冷拔无缝
  7603. seamless condenser tube (Sml. Cond. Tb.) ==> 无缝冷凝器管
  7604. seamless copper pipe ==> 无缝铜管
  7605. seamless crown ==> 无缝冠
  7606. seamless crown machine ==> 无缝冠冲压机
  7607. seamless drawn tube ==> 拉制无缝钢管
  7608. seamless floor ==> 无缝地面
  7609. seamless gold crown ==> 无缝金壳冠
  7610. seamless head ==> 无缝封头
  7611. seamless hollow ball bearing ==> 无缝空心球轴承
  7612. seamless hot ==> 热拔无缝
  7613. seamless mug with cover ==> 带盖杯
  7614. seamless pipe ==> 无缝管=>継目なし管
  7615. seamless pipe rolling mill ==> 无缝管轧机
  7616. seamless ring rolling ==> 无缝环轧制
  7617. seamless rolled tube ==> 无缝轧制钢管
  7618. seamless shell ==> 无缝筒体
  7619. seamless shell course ==> 无缝锅炉筒
  7620. seamless sleeve ==> シームレススリーブ
  7621. seamless steel pipe ==> 无缝钢管=>継ぎ目無し鋼管
  7622. seamless steel tube ==> 无缝钢管,无缝套筒
  7623. seamless steel tube for drilling ==> 钻探用无缝钢管
  7624. seamless steel tubing ==> 无缝套筒
  7625. seamless tube ==> 无缝管
  7626. seamless tubing ==> 无缝管状织物
  7627. seamount ==> 海底山,海峰,海山
  7628. seamount chain ==> 海山链
  7629. seamount group ==> 海山群
  7630. seamount range ==> 海底山脉,海岭,海山脉
  7631. seamount terrace ==> 海山阶地
  7632. seams ==> The boundaries between adjacent electricity-related organizations. Difference in regulatory requirements or operating practices may create "seams problems."
  7633. seamy side of city life ==> 裏面
  7634. seaplane ==> 水上飞机
  7635. seaplane alighting area ==> 水上飞机降落场
  7636. seaplane base ==> 水上飞机基地
  7637. seaplane basin ==> 水上飞机起落区域
  7638. seaplane berth ==> 水上飞机停泊处
  7639. seaplane boat ==> 水上飞机牵引艇
  7640. seaplane depot ship ==> 水上飞机供应舰
  7641. seaplane float ==> 水上飞机浮筒
  7642. seaplane hull ==> 水上飞机船身
  7643. seaplane landing area ==> 水上飞机登陆处
  7644. seaplane mother ship ==> 水上飞机母舰
  7645. seaplane tank ==> 水上飞机试验水槽
  7646. seaplane tender ==> 水上飞机勤务支援船
  7647. search ==> 检索,查找,调查,搜,搜查,搜索=>探索
  7648. search agent ==> 探索エージェント
  7649. search and clear ==> 搜索与扫荡
  7650. search and clear operation ==> 扫荡战
  7651. search and control antenna system ==> 警戒引导雷达天线
  7652. search and destroy operation ==> 搜索与摧毁战
  7653. search and fire control radar ==> 搜索与火控雷达
  7654. search and height finder radar ==> 搜索与测高雷达
  7655. search and kill method ==> 搜索删除法
  7656. search and mapping radar ==> 搜索与测绘雷达
  7657. search and navigation radar ==> 搜索与导航雷达
  7658. search and ranging radar ==> 搜索与测距雷达
  7659. search and rescue aid ==> 搜索与救援
  7660. search and rescue and homing ==> 搜索救援与自动导引无线电信标
  7661. search and rescue area ==> 搜索救援区
  7662. search and rescue beacon equipment ==> 搜索和救援信标设备
  7663. search and rescue chart ==> 搜索营救用海图
  7664. search and rescue exercise ==> 搜索与救援演习
  7665. search and rescue expense ==> 搜索营救费用
  7666. search and rescue net ==> 搜索救援网
  7667. search and rescue region ==> 搜索与救援区
  7668. search and rescue telephone ==> 搜索与救援电话
  7669. search and rescue-combat air patrol ==> 搜索救援战斗空中巡逻
  7670. search and target acquisition radar ==> 搜索与目标捕捉雷达
  7671. search and track radar ==> 搜索跟踪雷达
  7672. search angle ==> 探测角
  7673. search antenna ==> 搜索天线,探测天线
  7674. search area ==> 搜寻范围
  7675. search attack unit ==> 搜索攻击舰队
  7676. search band ==> 搜索范围
  7677. search bee ==> 侦察蜂
  7678. search bomber ==> 搜索轰炸机
  7679. search capability ==> 搜索能力
  7680. search circle ==> 搜索圆圈区
  7681. search circuit ==> 搜寻电路
  7682. search clue ==> 查找线索
  7683. search coil ==> 探测线圈,测试线圈,指示器线圈=>探りコイル,サーチコイル
  7684. search coil magnetometer ==> 探索线圈磁强计
  7685. search coil method ==> 试探线圈法
  7686. search costs ==> 求职成本
  7687. search coverage ==> 探测区域
  7688. search cycle ==> 搜索周期,查找周期,检索周期=>探索サイクル
  7689. search data ==> 搜索数据
  7690. search datum ==> 搜寻基点
  7691. search dial ==> 搜索度盘
  7692. search direction ==> 查找方向
  7693. search directory system call ==> 查找目录系统调用
  7694. search disconnect ==> 搜索切断
  7695. search distillation ==> 蒸馏式检索
  7696. search equipment ==> 搜索设备
  7697. search field ==> 检索字段
  7698. search for a mobile hider ==> 对机动隐藏者的搜索
  7699. search for a moving target ==> 对移动目标的搜索
  7700. search for an immobile hider ==> 对不动隐藏者的K弧搜索
  7701. search for experience ==> 模索经验
  7702. search for extraterrestrial life ==> 地外生命搜寻
  7703. search frequency generator ==> 搜索频率发生器
  7704. search gas ==> 探索气体,示踪气体
  7705. search gate ==> 搜索选通脉
  7706. search graph ==> 搜索图
  7707. search helicopter ==> 搜索直升机
  7708. search indicator ==> 搜索显示器
  7709. search information ==> 搜索情报
  7710. search jammer ==> 搜索式干扰机
  7711. search key ==> 查找关键字,查找键,查找码=>探索かぎ
  7712. search lamp ==> 搜索灯
  7713. search largest ==> 检索最大值
  7714. search length ==> 查找长度
  7715. search library ==> 检索库
  7716. search light ==> 探照灯
  7717. search light beacon ==> 探照灯标
  7718. search light co-operation ==> 探照灯的协同
  7719. search light signal ==> 探照灯信号
  7720. search limit ==> 检索界限
  7721. search line center ==> 搜索航线中心
  7722. search list for the linker ==> 连接程序的检索表
  7723. search memory ==> 检索存储器,内容定址存储器
  7724. search method ==> 搜栓
  7725. search mode ==> 搜索方式
  7726. search of faulty section by energizing ==> 事故空間探索(電力)
  7727. search of the optimal capacity of power storage system ==> 最適電力貯蔵設備容量の探索
  7728. search officer ==> 海关检查人员
  7729. search operation ==> 查找操作
  7730. search patrol ==> 搜索巡逻
  7731. search pattern ==> 搜寻方式
  7732. search pattern of document ==> 文献检索标志
  7733. search periscope ==> 搜索用的潜望镜
  7734. search phase ==> 搜索阶段
  7735. search plan ==> 探索计划
  7736. search plan for moving target ==> 动靶搜索方案
  7737. search plane ==> 搜索飞机
  7738. search plotter ==> 搜索情况标图板
  7739. search problem ==> 探索问题
  7740. search problem in the presence of false target ==> 出现伪靶时的搜索问题
  7741. search procedure ==> 查找过程
  7742. search process ==> 觅数过程,搜索过程
  7743. search program ==> 查找程序
  7744. search pulse ==> 搜索脉冲
  7745. search radar ==> 搜索雷达=>探索レーダ
  7746. search radar aircraft ==> 装有搜索雷达的飞机
  7747. search radar set ==> 搜索雷达
  7748. search radar terminal ==> 搜索雷达终端
  7749. search range ==> 搜索距离
  7750. search rate ==> 搜索速率
  7751. search receiver ==> 搜索接收器
  7752. search record ==> 咨询记录
  7753. search refinement ==> 絞り込み検索
  7754. search reflector ==> 搜索反射器
  7755. search result register ==> 查找结果寄存器
  7756. search scope ==> 搜索雷达显示器
  7757. search sector ==> 搜索扇形区
  7758. search sequence ==> 探索次序
  7759. search sonar ==> 搜索声纳
  7760. search space logarithm type genetic algorithm ==> 探索領域対数型遺伝的アルゴリズム
  7761. search speed ==> 搜寻速度
  7762. search statement ==> 查找语句
  7763. search stopper ==> 搜索抑制器
  7764. search strategy ==> 搜索策略,检索策略
  7765. search surveillance ==> 搜索监视
  7766. search sweep ==> 搜索扫描
  7767. search syndicate ==> 探矿辛迪加
  7768. search system ==> 搜索系统
  7769. search technique ==> 搜索技术,搜寻技术
  7770. search the air ==> 搜索空中敌人
  7771. search theory ==> 搜索理论,检索理论
  7772. search time ==> 查找时间
  7773. search tree ==> 查找树,搜索树
  7774. search tuning ==> 搜索调谐
  7775. search turn ==> 搜索圈
  7776. search unemployment ==> 求职性失业
  7777. search unit ==> 探测装置,探寻装置
  7778. search, to ==> 探索する
  7779. search-and-find ==> 搜寻与营救
  7780. search-and-rescue spacecraft ==> 搜索救援航天器
  7781. search-angle control ==> 探测角控制
  7782. search-attack radar ==> 搜索攻击雷达
  7783. search-coil test ==> 探测线圈测试法
  7784. search-lock-on radar ==> 搜索和自动跟踪雷达
  7785. search-radar installation ==> 搜索雷达站
  7786. search-read function ==> 寻读函数,查阅功能
  7787. search-stopping mechanism ==> 搜索停止机构
  7788. search-track ==> 搜索跟踪
  7789. searchable information ==> 可供查找信息
  7790. searcher ==> 膀胱石探杆,搜索器,搜索者,搜索装置,探查仪,寻觅器,海关检查人员
  7791. searching ==> 查找
  7792. searching control ==> 搜索控制
  7793. searching current ==> 探测电流
  7794. searching ephemeris ==> 搜寻星历表
  7795. searching fire ==> 纵深射击
  7796. searching lamp ==> 探照灯
  7797. searching light ==> 探照灯
  7798. searching lighting ==> 水平扫描
  7799. searching method ==> 搜索波法
  7800. searching sector ==> 搜索区
  7801. searching storage ==> 检索存储器,内容定址存储器
  7802. searching surface ==> 探测表面
  7803. searching tube ==> 探管
  7804. searchligh ==> 探照灯
  7805. searchlight ==> 探照灯(サーチライト)
  7806. searchlight and sound locator ==> 探照灯与声波定位器
  7807. searchlight antenna ==> 探照灯式天线
  7808. searchlight beam ==> 探照灯光束
  7809. searchlight belt ==> 探照灯照射区
  7810. searchlight canopy ==> 探照灯照射的天空
  7811. searchlight car ==> 探照灯车
  7812. searchlight defense ==> 探照灯掩护
  7813. searchlight emplacement ==> 探照灯掩护
  7814. searchlight flat mounting base ==> 探照灯安装座
  7815. searchlight generator ==> 探照灯发电机
  7816. searchlight intersection ==> 探照灯光交叉
  7817. searchlight kill ==> 探照灯照落飞机
  7818. searchlight lamp ==> 探照灯灯管
  7819. searchlight lens ==> 探照灯透镜
  7820. searchlight mounting ==> 探照灯固定叉架
  7821. searchlight platoon ==> 探照灯排
  7822. searchlight radar ==> 探照灯雷达
  7823. searchlight reflector ==> 探照灯反射器
  7824. searchlight screen ==> 探照灯滤光镜
  7825. searchlight sector ==> 探照灯防区
  7826. searchlight shelter ==> 探照灯掩蔽部
  7827. searchlight signal ==> 単灯形信号灯(鉄道)
  7828. searchlight site ==> 探照灯阵地
  7829. searchlight sonar ==> 探照灯声纳
  7830. searchlight support ==> 探照灯灯光保障
  7831. searchlight tandem axle trailer ==> 探照灯双轴挂车
  7832. searchlight truck ==> 探照灯汽车
  7833. searchlight unit ==> 探照灯部队
  7834. searchlight vehicle ==> 探照灯车
  7835. searchlighting ==> 探照,探照灯搜索
  7836. searchlighting antenna ==> 搜索天线
  7837. SEASAT, sea resources technology satellite ==> SEASAT
  7838. SEASAT, sea satellite ==> 海洋観測衛星の一般呼称
  7839. SEASAT, specialized experimental applications satellite ==> 特殊実験用衛星
  7840. seashore ==> 海岸,海滨,沿岸
  7841. seashore drilling ==> 海域采矿
  7842. seashore freeway ==> 沿海岸的高速公路
  7843. seashore lake ==> 海滨湖
  7844. seashore new land ==> 海滨新生地
  7845. seashore saline soil ==> 滨海盐土
  7846. seaside park ==> 海滨公园
  7847. seaside resort ==> 海滨疗养地,海滨胜地
  7848. seaside-orientated industries ==> 沿海工业
  7849. season breeder ==> 季节性繁殖的家畜
  7850. season character ==> 季节性
  7851. season colour ==> 应时色
  7852. season cracking ==> 时效破裂,季节性开裂,季节性破裂,(木材的)干燥开裂
  7853. season dynamics ==> 季节性动态
  7854. season for planting ==> 植树季节
  7855. season long grazing ==> 全期放牧
  7856. season migration ==> 季节性迁移
  7857. season of emergence ==> 出苗期
  7858. season of growth ==> 生长季节
  7859. season of rice transplanting ==> 插秧季节
  7860. season recovery ==> 潜水面季节变化
  7861. season-of-birth effect ==> 产犊季节效应
  7862. seasonal adjustments ==> 季节调整
  7863. seasonal allergic rhinitis ==> 季节性变态反应性鼻炎
  7864. seasonal ARIMA model ==> 季節性ARIMAモデル
  7865. seasonal aspect ==> 季相
  7866. seasonal balancing ==> 季节平衡
  7867. seasonal change ==> 季节变化
  7868. seasonal coefficient ==> 季节系数
  7869. seasonal cracking ==> 季节性破裂
  7870. seasonal credit accommodation ==> 季节性贷款
  7871. seasonal current ==> 季节性流
  7872. seasonal demand ==> 季节性需求
  7873. seasonal disease ==> 季节病
  7874. seasonal diversity ==> 季节性(负载)差异
  7875. seasonal effect ==> 季节影响
  7876. seasonal effect in time series ==> 时间序列的季节效应
  7877. seasonal electric energy ==> 季节性电能,水电站利用丰水季多余水量生产的电能
  7878. seasonal factor ==> 季节因素,季节因子
  7879. seasonal factors ==> 季节系数
  7880. seasonal fluctuation ==> 季节变动,季节变化,季节性波动,季节性起伏
  7881. seasonal forecasting ==> 季节预报
  7882. seasonal forest ==> 季相林
  7883. seasonal geometrical mean E. coli density ==> 季节性的大肠杆菌密度几何平均数
  7884. seasonal grazing ==> 季节放牧
  7885. seasonal hay fever ==> 季节性枯草热
  7886. seasonal inventory ==> 季节性库存量
  7887. seasonal lake ==> 季节湖
  7888. seasonal load ==> 季节性负荷,季节性载荷
  7889. seasonal loan ==> 季节性放款
  7890. seasonal loans ==> 季节性贷款
  7891. seasonal loans for circulating funds ==> 季节性流动资金
  7892. seasonal menstruation ==> 居经,居经
  7893. seasonal migration ==> 季节迁徙
  7894. seasonal nitratenitrogen content ==> 季节性硝态氮含量
  7895. seasonal operating plan ==> 季运行方式,为在次季内电力系统生产和运行而编制的运行方案
  7896. seasonal peaks on inventory ==> 库存季节性高峰
  7897. seasonal polymorphism ==> 季节多态
  7898. seasonal power ==> 季节电功率=>期間常時電力
  7899. seasonal prevalence ==> 季节分布
  7900. seasonal price ==> 季节电价,在一年中根据不同季节的特点按不同价格水平计费的电价制度
  7901. seasonal price difference ==> 季节差价
  7902. seasonal rain forest and rain forest region ==> 季雨林和热带雨林带
  7903. seasonal rate schedule ==> 季节价目制=>季節料金制
  7904. seasonal regulation ==> 季调节,又称"不完全年调节"
  7905. seasonal ring ==> 年轮
  7906. seasonal rise ==> 季节性升高
  7907. seasonal storage ==> 季节贮水
  7908. seasonal strain ==> 晚熟种
  7909. seasonal stream ==> 季节河,季节性河流
  7910. seasonal succession ==> 季节演替
  7911. seasonal tariff ==> 季节性电费率
  7912. seasonal thermocline ==> 季节性温跃层
  7913. seasonal unemployment ==> 季节性失业
  7914. seasonal variation ==> 季节变动=>季節変動
  7915. seasonal variations ==> 季节变化
  7916. seasonal variations of the pulse ==> 脉合四时
  7917. seasonal weather ==> 季节性天气
  7918. seasonal wind ==> 季节风
  7919. seasonally adjusted data ==> 调整季节变动后的数据
  7920. seasonally adjusted figure ==> 调整季节变动后的数字
  7921. seasonally dry forest zone ==> 季节性干旱林区
  7922. seasonally frozen ground ==> 季节性冻土
  7923. seasonally protected plot ==> 季节性围栏保护区
  7924. seasoned timber ==> 干材,风干木材
  7925. seasoned wood ==> 干木材
  7926. seasoning ==> 老化,老炼,贮放,陈化,晾干,时效,天然时效,证券在市场确立的时间=>エージング,枯らし,シーズニング
  7927. seasoning machine ==> 上光机
  7928. seasoning of timber ==> 木材干燥
  7929. seasoning of wood ==> 木材干燥
  7930. seat ==> 场所,所在地,装填,座,座位=>座席,腰掛け,位置,場所,所在地
  7931. seat adjuster ==> 座位调节装置
  7932. seat adjustment cntrol ==> 座椅调节操纵件
  7933. seat adjustment motor ==> 座椅调节电动机
  7934. seat and chute entanglement ==> 伞椅缠绕
  7935. seat and chute involvement ==> 伞椅缠绕
  7936. seat angle ==> 钢板弹簧座角,阀座倾斜角,座角钢
  7937. seat arm ==> 座椅臂
  7938. seat armrest ==> 肘靠
  7939. seat available ==> 空席
  7940. seat back ==> シートバック,もたれ
  7941. seat back cushion ==> 座椅靠背软垫
  7942. seat back structure ==> シートバック構造
  7943. seat base ==> 座椅底座,(桥的)座梁
  7944. seat beam ==> (桥的)座梁
  7945. seat belt ==> 座舱安全带
  7946. seat belt assembly ==> 座位安全带总成
  7947. seat belt warning tell-tale ==> 安全带警报灯
  7948. seat board ==> 座板
  7949. seat booking ==> 座席予約システム
  7950. seat bottom channel ==> 座底槽板
  7951. seat carriage vertical release ==> 座椅滑架垂直移动机构
  7952. seat catapult ==> 座椅弹射器
  7953. seat clay ==> 耐火粘土,底粘土,底粘土层
  7954. seat connection of beam to columns ==> 梁柱座接法
  7955. seat cover for vehicle ==> 车辆用座套
  7956. seat cushion ==> 弹性座垫,汽车座垫
  7957. seat cutter ==> 气门座修整刀具,阀座修整刀具
  7958. seat diameter ==> 阀座口径
  7959. seat division ==> 座椅隔臂
  7960. seat earth ==> 煤层底板,底粘土
  7961. seat filler material ==> 座垫填充材料
  7962. seat fire ==> 座椅弹射
  7963. seat for heating tube support ==> 炉管支承架底座
  7964. seat frame ==> 座架
  7965. seat framework ==> 座席构架
  7966. seat grinder ==> 座口磨削机
  7967. seat grinding ==> 研磨
  7968. seat guide ==> 座椅调节导轨
  7969. seat guide rail ==> 座椅导轨
  7970. seat harness ==> 座椅安全带
  7971. seat heater ==> 座椅取暖器
  7972. seat height ==> 座椅高
  7973. seat hinge ==> 活动座铰链,折椅铰链
  7974. seat horizontal release ==> 座椅水平移动板
  7975. seat initiator ==> 座椅弹射起爆器
  7976. seat layout ==> (在汽车内)座位布置
  7977. seat leakage test pressure ==> 阀座密封性试验压力
  7978. seat leaktest ==> 阀座漏泄密封性试验
  7979. seat leg ==> 座脚
  7980. seat material ==> 阀座材料
  7981. seat mile ==> 客运里程
  7982. seat of fatigue ==> 疲劳部位
  7983. seat of settlement ==> 沉陷影响范围
  7984. seat of the pants management style ==> 席不暇暖式的管理
  7985. seat of war ==> 战场
  7986. seat on the exchange ==> 交易所席位
  7987. seat pad ==> 垫块
  7988. seat pillar ==> 座柱
  7989. seat pin ==> 座销
  7990. seat radio ==> 车厢收音机,车箱收音机
  7991. seat rail ==> 座椅导轨,座椅横挡
  7992. seat reamer ==> 气门座修整刀具,气门座修整铰刀
  7993. seat regulator ==> 座椅调整机构
  7994. seat reservation ==> 座席予約
  7995. seat reservation system ==> 座位预定系统,座席预定系统
  7996. seat ring ==> 座圈
  7997. seat riser ==> 座椅升降机构
  7998. seat screw ==> 定位螺钉
  7999. seat separation equipment ==> 座椅分离机构
  8000. seat slide ==> 座椅滑轨
  8001. seat spacing ==> 座椅间距
  8002. seat spring ==> 座椅弹簧
  8003. seat stand ==> 座台
  8004. seat stay ==> 座撑
  8005. seat support ==> 座椅座,座支架
  8006. seat surface ==> 座面
  8007. seat tapping plate ==> 座椅安装铁
  8008. seat test ==> 阀座试验
  8009. seat testing pressure ==> 压力气密封试验压力
  8010. seat track ==> 座椅调节导轨
  8011. seat valve ==> 座阀
  8012. seat warmer ==> 座椅加温器
  8013. seat warmer control ==> 座椅加温控制
  8014. seat-ejection initiator ==> 座椅弹射起爆器
  8015. seat-man separation device ==> 人椅分离装置
  8016. seat-type breather ==> 座式呼吸器
  8017. seatainer ==> 船用集装箱
  8018. seated armature ==> 入位衔铁
  8019. seated connection ==> 托座连接
  8020. seated directional valve ==> 座式换向阀
  8021. seated gas generator ==> 固定式燃气发生器
  8022. seated knee level ==> 坐膝高度
  8023. seated L-square ==> 连座角尺
  8024. seated position ==> 坐姿
  8025. seated valve ==> 座阀
  8026. seated valve pump ==> 座阀配流泵,单向阀配流泵,(液压)止回阀调节的泵
  8027. seating ==> 底板
  8028. seating accommodation ==> 座舱
  8029. seating capacity ==> 座席定員
  8030. seating configuration ==> 座位配置
  8031. seating diagram ==> 汽车车身内的座位布置图
  8032. seating directional valve ==> 座式换向阀
  8033. seating face ==> 座表面
  8034. seating force ==> (气门等的)座合压力
  8035. seating layout ==> 座位配置方案
  8036. seating load ==> 固定载荷
  8037. seating of boiler ==> 锅炉座
  8038. seating of engine ==> 发动机座
  8039. seating plane ==> 底座面
  8040. seating ring ==> 座环
  8041. seating shoe ==> 底座
  8042. seating space ==> 座椅布置间隔
  8043. seating surface ==> 支持面
  8044. seating time ==> 磨合时间,跑合时间
  8045. seating time of piston rings ==> 活塞环的磨合时间
  8046. seating valve ==> 座阀
  8047. seating washer ==> 座垫
  8048. Seattle ==> 西雅图=>シアトル
  8049. seatworm ==> 蠕形住肠蛲虫
  8050. seawall sewage outfall ==> 沿岸排污渠口
  8051. seaward channel ==> 通海航道
  8052. seaward migration ==> 向海洄游
  8053. seaward slope ==> 向海坡面
  8054. seawater ==> 海水
  8055. seawater analysis ==> 海水分析
  8056. seawater battery ==> 海水活化电池
  8057. seawater coarse filter ==> 海水粗滤器
  8058. seawater comprehensive utilization ==> 海水综合利用
  8059. seawater damaged ==> 海水损害
  8060. seawater desalination ==> 海水脱盐
  8061. seawater encroachment ==> 海水入侵
  8062. seawater intake point ==> 海水进水口,海水引入点,海水抽吸点
  8063. seawater level meter ==> 海水面レベル計
  8064. seawater lift pump ==> 海水提升泵
  8065. seawater mercurometer ==> 海水测汞仪
  8066. seawater molecular physics ==> 海水分子物理学
  8067. seawater physics ==> 海水物理学
  8068. seawater pipes ==> 海水系配管
  8069. seawater resource ==> 海水资源
  8070. seawater thermometer ==> 海水温度计
  8071. seaweed ==> 海草,海藻=>ホンダワラ(繁殖力の強い海藻)
  8072. seaweed fiber ==> 海藻纤维
  8073. seaweed gel ==> 海藻胶
  8074. seaweed glue ==> 海藻胶
  8075. seaweed green ==> 海藻绿
  8076. seaweed meal ==> 海草粉,海藻干粉
  8077. seaweed mucilage ==> 海藻粘质
  8078. seaweed theory ==> 海藻成油说
  8079. seaweed wax ==> 海藻蜡
  8080. SeaWIFES, Sea-viewing Wide-field-of-view-sensor ==> 海洋観察広視野センサ
  8081. SeaWinds, SeaWinds ==> 海上風観測装置
  8082. seaworthy packing ==> 适航包装,耐航包装
  8083. SEB, science and engineering of balloons ==> 大気球による宇宙科学工学
  8084. SEB, skylab experience bulletin ==> スカイラブ実験報告
  8085. SEB, source evaluation board ==> ソース評価委員会
  8086. sebaceous cyst ==> 粉瘤,脂瘤
  8087. sebaceous cyst of chest wall ==> 胸壁皮脂囊肿
  8088. sebaceous cyst of scrotum ==> 阴囊皮脂腺囊肿
  8089. sebaceous cyst of vulva ==> 外阴皮脂囊肿
  8090. sebacic acid ==> 皮脂酸,癸二酸
  8091. sebacylic acid ==> 癸二酸
  8092. sebastian salt ==> 无水芒硝
  8093. sebiferic acid ==> 乌臼酸
  8094. sebl ==> 扫描式电子束刻蚀
  8095. sebm ==> 电子束切缝
  8096. SEBO, second stage engine burnout ==> 二段エンジン燃焼終了
  8097. seborrhea generalis ==> 全身性皮脂溢
  8098. seborrhea oleosa ==> 油性皮脂溢
  8099. seborrhea squamosa neonatorum ==> 新生儿鳞屑皮脂溢
  8100. seborrheic dermatitis ==> 脂溢性皮炎,脂谥性皮炎,皮脂溢性皮炎,面游风,皮下脂溢性皮炎
  8101. seborrheic epithelioma ==> 脂溢性上皮瘤
  8102. seborrhoeic dermatitis ==> 脂溢性皮炎
  8103. SEBS, spacelab emergency breathing system ==> スペースラブ緊急呼吸システム
  8104. sebum ==> 皮脂,羊脂,脂肪
  8105. sebum bovinum ==> 牛脂
  8106. sebum cutaneum ==> 皮脂
  8107. sebum praeputiale ==> 包皮垢
  8108. SEC ==> サウジ電力会社
  8109. SEC, second ==> 2次
  8110. sec, second ==> 秒
  8111. SEC, secondary electron conduction camera tube ==> SEC管
  8112. SEC, Source Evaluation Committee ==> ソース評価委員
  8113. sec-butyl amine ==> 另丁胺
  8114. sec-n-amyl alcohol ==> 二乙基甲醇
  8115. SECAM colour system ==> 塞康制彩色电视
  8116. SECAM system ==> 塞康制
  8117. secam system ==> secam制彩色电视方式
  8118. secant ==> 正割=>正割
  8119. secant bulk modulus ==> 割线体积弹性模数
  8120. secant circle ==> 正割圆
  8121. secant conic projection ==> 双标准纬线等积圆锥投影,双标准纬线圆锥投影
  8122. secant curve ==> 正割曲线
  8123. secant formula ==> 正割公式
  8124. secant galvanometer ==> 正割检流计
  8125. secant integral function ==> 正割积分函数
  8126. secant law ==> 正割定律
  8127. secant method ==> 正割法,割线法
  8128. secant modulus ==> 割线模量,正割模数,视模数=>割線係数
  8129. secant modulus of elasticity ==> 正割弹性模量=>割線弾性係数
  8130. secant plane ==> 切断平面
  8131. secant yield stress ==> 正割屈服应力
  8132. Secchi's classification ==> 塞齐分类法
  8133. SECE, specific experiment control equipment ==> 特殊実験制御装置
  8134. secession ==> 分離
  8135. seclude the country from the outside world ==> 闭关锁国
  8136. seclusion ==> 闭关锁国,闭塞过程
  8137. SECO, second stage engine cut-off ==> 第二段エンジン燃焼停止
  8138. SECO, sustainer engine cut-off ==> 補助エンジン燃焼停止
  8139. SECO, synchronous equatorial circular orbit ==> 同期赤道円軌道
  8140. secobarbital sodium ==> 速可眠,丙烯戊巴比妥钠
  8141. secohmmeter ==> 电感表
  8142. second ==> 次要的,秒,亚,二级
  8143. second action level ==> 二级措施声级
  8144. second addition time ==> 二次加法时间
  8145. second address ==> 第二地址
  8146. second anal cell ==> 腋室
  8147. second annealing ==> 二次退火
  8148. second anode ==> 第二阳极
  8149. second antenna ==> 第二触角
  8150. second approximation ==> 第二近似值,二次逼近,二次近似
  8151. second areola ==> 妊娠乳房晕
  8152. second assignment ==> 二次动作元件分配
  8153. second backcross generation ==> 回交二代
  8154. second beat ==> 秒拍
  8155. second beater ==> 第二逐稿轮
  8156. second best ==> 次的
  8157. second bomb damage ==> 炸弹间接破坏效果
  8158. second bottom ==> 一级阶地,二级底面
  8159. second bower ==> 左首锚
  8160. second breakdown ==> 二次击穿
  8161. second breaker ==> 二道梳毛机
  8162. second breaker card ==> 二道梳毛机
  8163. second by second measurement ==> 逐秒测量
  8164. second category gassy mine ==> 二级瓦斯矿
  8165. second category of commodities ==> 二类商品
  8166. second category of goods ==> 二类物资
  8167. second category vessel ==> 二类容器
  8168. second channel ==> 第二信道
  8169. second channel interference ==> 镜像干扰,镜像干扰,图像干扰
  8170. second chronograph ==> 秒表
  8171. second class ==> 二等的
  8172. second class conductor ==> 第二类导体,第二种导体
  8173. second class fish-plated bolt ==> 二级鱼尾螺栓
  8174. second class fish-plated nut ==> 二级鱼尾螺母
  8175. second class ore ==> 二级矿石
  8176. second clear ==> 清秒
  8177. second clear flour ==> 二等面粉
  8178. second clearance angle ==> 第二后隙角
  8179. second clock ==> 秒钟
  8180. second coat ==> 二次涂敷,中间漆=>中塗り
  8181. second coating optical fiber ==> 二次被覆光纤
  8182. second control ==> 秒控制
  8183. second controller ==> 秒控制器
  8184. second cosmic velocity ==> 第二宇宙速度
  8185. second counter ==> 秒数计数器
  8186. second course ==> 二道锉纹
  8187. second critical speed ==> 第二临界转速
  8188. second crop ==> 第二茬作物,第二次收成
  8189. second curvature ==> 第二曲率
  8190. second curvature radius ==> 第二曲率半径
  8191. second cut ==> 二道纹
  8192. second cut file ==> 二道纹锉,中细锉
  8193. second cut flat wood rasp ==> 中扁木锉
  8194. second data multiplexer ==> 第二数据多路转接器
  8195. second degree A-V block ==> 二度房室传导阻滞
  8196. second degree surface ==> 二次曲面
  8197. second delay electric detonator ==> 秒延期电雷管
  8198. second derivation control ==> 按二次导数调节
  8199. second derivative ==> 二次导数,二阶导数
  8200. second derivative action ==> 二次导数作用
  8201. second derivative gravity anomaly ==> 重力二次导数异常
  8202. second derivative spectroscopy ==> 二阶导数谱学
  8203. second detector ==> 第二検波器
  8204. second development ==> 第二次显影
  8205. second display ==> 秒显示
  8206. second division segregation ==> 第二次分裂分离
  8207. second DO ==> 第二个循环
  8208. second edition ==> 再版
  8209. second efficiency ==> 二次効率
  8210. second electron lens ==> 第二电子透镜
  8211. second equation of Maxwell ==> 麦克斯韦第二方程
  8212. second evaporator ==> 蒸发器中的第二效次
  8213. second explosion ==> 余爆炸
  8214. second filial ==> 子二代
  8215. second fixed head disk ==> 第二个固定头磁盘
  8216. second flow ==> 秒流
  8217. second fundamental form of a surface ==> 曲面的第二基本形式
  8218. second fundamental quantity ==> 第2基本量
  8219. second gear ==> 第二速度齿轮,二档齿轮
  8220. second gear torque ==> 二档齿轮转距
  8221. second generation ==> 第二代,子二代,改进型
  8222. second generation computer ==> 第二代计算机
  8223. second generation HTS wire ==> 次世代高温超電導線材
  8224. second generation of nuclear power reactor ==> 第二代[核电]反应堆,20世纪70年代以来运行的大部分商用发电的反应堆。其中包括已标准化、系列化和批量建设的压水堆、沸水堆、重水堆和石墨水冷堆等
  8225. second generations of inbreeding ==> 近交二代
  8226. second growth ==> 次生林,幼树
  8227. second growth stand ==> 后生树林分
  8228. second hammer ==> 秒回零杆锤头
  8229. second hammer damping stop ==> 秒锤杆制动器
  8230. second hammer maintaining washer ==> 秒锤杆定位垫圈
  8231. second hammer spring foot ==> 秒锤杆簧位钉
  8232. second hand ==> 秒针
  8233. second hand car ==> 旧汽车
  8234. second hand packing ==> 旧包装,旧包装
  8235. second hand remover ==> 起秒针钳
  8236. second hand stop ==> 停秒
  8237. second hand tap ==> 中丝锥
  8238. second harmonic ==> 第二谐波=>第二調波
  8239. second harmonic generation ==> 倍频效应
  8240. second harmonics ==> 二次谐波
  8241. second heart ==> 秒桃轮
  8242. second heart spring ==> 秒桃轮簧
  8243. second indicator ==> 秒指示盘
  8244. second intention ==> 第二期愈合,二期愈合
  8245. second intermediate rolls ==> 第二层中间辊
  8246. second involute of the circle ==> 圆的第二渐伸线
  8247. second ionization constant ==> 次级电离常数
  8248. second job ==> 副业=>副業
  8249. second jumper wheel ==> 跳秒轮
  8250. second jumper wheel driver ==> 跳秒轮驱动器
  8251. second jumper whip star ==> 跳秒杆星轮
  8252. second junction ==> 第二中心结
  8253. second kind collision ==> 第二类碰撞
  8254. second kind electrode ==> 第二类电极
  8255. second land ==> 第二槽脊
  8256. second law of motion ==> 第二运动定律
  8257. second law of thermodynamics ==> 热力学第二定律
  8258. second leaf width and length ==> 第二片叶宽度及长度
  8259. second level ==> 二级的
  8260. second level access-address ==> 二次存取地址
  8261. second level address ==> 二次地址
  8262. second level definition ==> 二级定义
  8263. second line maintenance ==> 中修
  8264. second line merchandise ==> 二等品
  8265. second line recovery ==> 第二线中修
  8266. second log ==> 第二段原木
  8267. second lower punch ==> 第二下冲杆
  8268. second mean-value theorem ==> 第二中值定理
  8269. second member ==> 右端
  8270. second memory ==> 辅助存储器
  8271. second messenger ==> 第二信使
  8272. second mining ==> 二次回采
  8273. second moment ==> 二次矩,二阶矩
  8274. second moment of area ==> 断面惯性矩,面积的二次矩
  8275. second moment of mass ==> 惯性极矩
  8276. second month of autumn ==> 仲秋
  8277. second month of spring ==> 仲春
  8278. second month of summer ==> 仲夏
  8279. second month of winter ==> 仲冬
  8280. second mortgage ==> 二次抵押权
  8281. second motion engine ==> 第二运动发动机
  8282. second motion shaft ==> 第二运动轴
  8283. second of arc ==> 角秒
  8284. second of the same tenor and date unpaid ==> 副本尚未兑付
  8285. second operand ==> 第二操作数,第二运算数
  8286. second operation machine ==> 第二操作机
  8287. second operation work ==> 第二道工序
  8288. second order ==> 二级的
  8289. second order change ==> 第二级转变
  8290. second order coherence function ==> 二阶相干函数
  8291. second order day number ==> 二阶日数
  8292. second order derivative of gravity potential ==> 重力位的二阶导数
  8293. second order differential equation ==> 二阶微分方程
  8294. second order filter ==> 二阶滤波器
  8295. second order lag element ==> 二次延迟元件
  8296. second order spectrum ==> 二级光谱
  8297. second order subroutine ==> 二级子程序
  8298. second order system ==> 二次系统
  8299. second order transition ==> 二级转变
  8300. second order viscoelastic theory ==> 二阶粘弹理论
  8301. second outlet ==> 第二条出口
  8302. second pain ==> 慢痛
  8303. second parts ==> 半旧零件
  8304. second party ==> 乙方
  8305. second pawl wheel ==> 秒棘爪轮
  8306. second pendulum ==> 秒摆
  8307. second penetration product ==> 再一次渗入市场的产品
  8308. second per revolution ==> 每一转所需秒数
  8309. second phase margin ==> 第2位相余裕
  8310. second pilot ==> 副驾驶员
  8311. second pinion ==> 秒齿轴
  8312. second pitch of coil ==> 线圈第二节距
  8313. second plate ==> 第二板极
  8314. second ploughing ==> 复耕
  8315. second power ==> 平方,二次幂
  8316. second pressing ==> 再压
  8317. second principal stress ==> 第二主应力
  8318. second probability distribution ==> 第二概率分布
  8319. second process machine ==> 光制机
  8320. Second Progress Report of the Working Group on Electric and Magnetic Fields ==> 《电磁场工作小组的第二次进度报告》
  8321. second quadrant ==> 第2象限
  8322. second quality product ==> 二等品
  8323. second quantization ==> 二次量子化
  8324. second rate ==> 二等的
  8325. second reduction machine ==> 精碎机
  8326. second remote subroutine ==> 二级远程子程序
  8327. second remove subroutine ==> 二级子程序
  8328. second reset device ==> 秒复位装置
  8329. second rice ==> 晚稻
  8330. second ripping ==> 挑顶
  8331. second rolling ==> 第二次辗压
  8332. second roots ==> 次生根
  8333. second runner ==> 秒针运行
  8334. second saddle ==> 副座板
  8335. second Saybolt furol ==> 赛波特重油粘度秒数
  8336. second Saybolt universal ==> 赛波特通用粘度秒数
  8337. second scion ==> 第二接穗
  8338. second scutching ==> 再梳麻
  8339. second septum ==> 第二隔
  8340. second set rejection ==> 再次排斥反应,二次排斥
  8341. second sheet ==> 抄本,副本
  8342. second signal ==> 第二信号
  8343. second signal system ==> 第二信号系统
  8344. second sound ==> 第二声
  8345. second source ==> 第二电源,第二资源
  8346. second speed ==> 第二速度
  8347. second speed gear ==> 第二速度齿轮
  8348. second stage impeller and above ==> 第二级叶轮并往上类推
  8349. second stage of creep ==> 二段蠕变
  8350. second stage of impact ==> 汽车碰撞的第二阶段
  8351. second steel sheet ==> 精整薄钢板
  8352. second stop watch ==> 停表
  8353. second strike ==> 第二次打击
  8354. second stud gear ==> 第二变速齿轮
  8355. second surface ==> 裏面
  8356. second tap ==> 中号丝锥,二攻丝锥,二锥,中丝锥
  8357. second teeth ==> 永久齿
  8358. second time at right angles to the first ==> (指耙地)第二次与第一次呈直角
  8359. second totalizer ==> 累计计秒器
  8360. second transit ==> 第二次中天
  8361. second trial ==> 二次接续,中关
  8362. second trimester of pregnancy ==> 妊娠中期,妊娠中三个月
  8363. second unpaid ==> 副本尚未兑付
  8364. second ventricle ==> 第二脑室
  8365. second vibration mode ==> 第二振型
  8366. second virial coefficient ==> 第二维里系数
  8367. second viscosity ==> 第二粘度
  8368. second viscosity coefficient ==> 第二粘性系数
  8369. second wall ==> 附加墙
  8370. second wheel ==> 秒轮
  8371. second wheel additional lock ==> 秒轮附加锁杆
  8372. second wheel bridge ==> 秒轮夹板
  8373. second wheel driving pinion ==> 秒轮传动齿轴
  8374. second wheel friction spring ==> 秒轮摩擦簧
  8375. second wheel lock ==> 秒轮锁杆
  8376. second wheel lock spring ==> 秒轮锁杆簧
  8377. second working ==> 复耕
  8378. second year face ==> 第二年割面
  8379. second(-)hand tap ==> 中丝锥
  8380. second(-)motion shaft ==> 中间转动轴
  8381. second-channel frequency ==> 镜像频率,镜像频率
  8382. second-class maintenance ==> 二级保养
  8383. second-degree burn ==> 二度烧伤
  8384. second-degree erythema ==> 二度红斑
  8385. second-degree parabola ==> 二次抛物线
  8386. second-delay blasting cap ==> 秒差雷管
  8387. second-foot ==> 秒英尺
  8388. second-forbiden spectrum ==> 二次禁带谱
  8389. second-generation synthetic fibre ==> 第二代合成纤维
  8390. second-growth isotope ==> 次生同位素
  8391. second-hand ==> 第二手,第二手的
  8392. second-hand brick ==> 旧砖,旧砖
  8393. second-hand machine ==> 旧机器,旧机器
  8394. second-harmonic generation ==> 二次高調波発生
  8395. second-induced breakdown ==> (半导体器件)二次击穿
  8396. second-level access address ==> 二级访问地址
  8397. second-level address ==> 二级地址
  8398. second-level addressing ==> 二级编址,二级寻址
  8399. second-level directory ==> 二级目录,次级目录
  8400. second-level index block ==> 二级索引块
  8401. second-level interrupt ==> 二级中断
  8402. second-level message ==> 二级信息,第二级信息
  8403. second-level message member ==> 第二级信息成员,二级信息成员
  8404. second-level of packaging ==> 二级组装
  8405. second-level statement ==> 二级语句
  8406. second-level storage ==> 二级存储器,次级存储器
  8407. second-mission aircraft ==> 执行次要任务的飞机
  8408. second-moment criterion ==> 二阶矩准则
  8409. second-motion engine ==> 第二运动发动机
  8410. second-operation work ==> 二道操作
  8411. second-order aberration ==> 次级像差
  8412. second-order aberration coefficient ==> 二级像差系数
  8413. second-order autoregressive model ==> 二阶段自回归模型
  8414. second-order autoregressive scheme ==> 二阶自回归型式
  8415. second-order bench mark ==> 二等水准标点
  8416. second-order branching ==> 第二级分枝
  8417. second-order calculation ==> 二级近似计算
  8418. second-order central moment ==> 二阶中心矩
  8419. second-order climatological station ==> 二级气候站
  8420. second-order compressibility rule ==> 二阶可压缩性法则
  8421. second-order condition ==> 二阶条件
  8422. second-order correction ==> 二级修正
  8423. second-order correlation function ==> 二次相关函数
  8424. second-order design ==> 二阶设计
  8425. second-order deviation ==> 二阶离差
  8426. second-order difference transformation ==> 二阶差分变换
  8427. second-order differential equation ==> 二级微分方程
  8428. second-order differential system ==> 二阶微分方程组
  8429. second-order dynamic system ==> 二阶动力系统
  8430. second-order effect ==> 二级效应
  8431. second-order effects ==> 二阶效应
  8432. second-order equation ==> 二阶方程
  8433. second-order error ==> 二次误差
  8434. second-order factor ==> 二次因子
  8435. second-order factor analysis ==> 二阶因子分析
  8436. second-order feedback system ==> 二阶反馈系统
  8437. second-order fluorescence ==> 二次荧光
  8438. second-order goal ==> 二阶目的
  8439. second-order homogeneous nonstationary process ==> 二阶齐次非平稳过程
  8440. second-order increment ==> 二阶增量
  8441. second-order lag element ==> 二次遅れ要素
  8442. second-order levelling ==> 二等水准测量
  8443. second-order linear system ==> 二阶线性系统
  8444. second-order logic ==> 二阶逻辑
  8445. second-order Markov process ==> 二阶马尔柯夫过程
  8446. second-order maximum condition ==> 二次极大条件
  8447. second-order moment around mean ==> 二阶中心矩
  8448. second-order polynomial ==> 二阶多项式,平方多项式
  8449. second-order predicate calculus ==> 二阶谓词演算
  8450. second-order radiation ==> 二级辐射
  8451. second-order reaction ==> 二级反应,二阶反应
  8452. second-order servo ==> 二阶伺服系统
  8453. second-order spin patterns ==> 二级自旋图样
  8454. second-order station ==> 二级气象站
  8455. second-order stationary ==> 二阶平稳
  8456. second-order stationary process ==> 二阶平稳过程
  8457. second-order subroutine ==> 二级子程序,第二级子例行程序
  8458. second-order system ==> 二阶系统
  8459. second-order term ==> 二阶微量项,次级效应项
  8460. second-order transition ==> 二级相变
  8461. second-order triangulation ==> 二等三角测量
  8462. second-phase ==> 第二相
  8463. second-phase dispersion ==> 第二相弥散
  8464. second-rate ==> 次
  8465. second-rate criticism ==> 二流の評論
  8466. second-rater ==> 二流人物
  8467. second-remove subroutine ==> 第二级子例行程序
  8468. second-ring groove ==> 第二活塞环槽
  8469. second-segment climb ==> 起飞第二阶段上升
  8470. second-source ==> 第二资源
  8471. second-stage annealing ==> 第二阶段退火
  8472. second-stage cofferdam ==> 第二期围堰
  8473. second-stage cooler ==> 第二级冷却器
  8474. second-stage development ==> 二期开发
  8475. second-stage ejector ==> 第二级抽气器
  8476. second-stage excavation ==> 二期开挖
  8477. second-stage grafting ==> 第二阶段芽接
  8478. second-stage graphite ==> 第二阶段石墨
  8479. second-stage graphitization (ssg) ==> 第二阶段石墨化
  8480. second-stage of reheat ==> 第二阶段中间加热
  8481. second-strike capability ==> 第二次打击的能力
  8482. second-time-around echo ==> 第二次反射回波
  8483. second-trip echo ==> 第二次反射回波
  8484. secondaly side ==> 二次侧
  8485. secondaries ==> 副翼羽,二期梅毒疹
  8486. secondary ==> 二次的,二级的,辅助的,第二次的,第二代,第二级,次,次等,次级,次级的,次级绕组,次生,次生的,次要,次要的,次站,从属,再生的,其次,中间产品,续发性的
  8487. secondary (emergency) braking conrol ==> 应急制动器操纵件
  8488. secondary abdominal pregnancy ==> 继发性腹腔妊娠
  8489. secondary account ==> 附属帐户
  8490. secondary acetate ==> 次级醋酯纤维,二代乙酸盐
  8491. secondary action ==> 二次作用,次生作用,次作用,继发作用
  8492. secondary adaptation ==> 次级适应
  8493. secondary address vector table (SAVT) ==> 辅助地址向量表
  8494. secondary adhesion ==> 继发性粘连
  8495. secondary affective insanity ==> 继发性情感性精神病
  8496. secondary air ==> 次级空气,二次风,二次进风,二次空气,二次风,悬浮燃烧时为进入炉膛的总空气量中扣除一次风、三次风和炉膛漏风以外的部分;火床燃烧时从炉排上部送入的空气。
  8497. secondary air channel ==> 补风管
  8498. secondary air conditioning system ==> 二次空调系统
  8499. secondary air control valve ==> 二次空気制御弁
  8500. secondary air inlet pipe ==> 二次空气入口管
  8501. secondary air nozzle ==> 二次风喷口,燃烧器中向炉膛喷射二次风气流的喷口。
  8502. secondary air pollutant ==> 二级空气污染物
  8503. secondary air ratio ==> 二次风率,又称"二次风份额"。燃料燃烧时,二次风量占进入炉膛总空气量的百分率。
  8504. secondary air register ==> 二次风门
  8505. secondary alcohol ==> 仲醇
  8506. secondary aliphatic amine ==> 脂肪族第二胺
  8507. secondary aliphatic monohydric alcohol ==> 脂族一元仲醇
  8508. secondary alkyl sodium sulfate ==> 促烷基硫酸钠
  8509. secondary alkyl sulphate ==> 仲烷基硫酸酯
  8510. secondary allergen ==> 继发性变应原
  8511. secondary allocation ==> 增量分配,二次分配
  8512. secondary alloy ==> 再熔合金,再生合金
  8513. secondary aluminium ==> 次铝
  8514. secondary aluminum ==> 再生铝
  8515. secondary amenorrhea ==> 继发性闭经,继发性经闭
  8516. secondary amine ==> 仲胺
  8517. secondary amine base ==> 仲胺碱
  8518. secondary amputation ==> 二期切断术
  8519. secondary amyloidosis ==> 继发性淀粉样变性
  8520. secondary aneurysm ==> 继发性动脉瘤
  8521. secondary annulus ==> 第二内齿轮
  8522. secondary anomaly ==> 次生异常
  8523. secondary answering jack ==> 副应答塞孔
  8524. secondary antibody deficiency syndrome ==> 继发性抗体缺乏综合征
  8525. secondary antibody response ==> 再次抗体应答
  8526. secondary application ==> 次应用,次站应用,二次应用
  8527. secondary application block (SAB) ==> 二次应用块,次应用块,辅助应用块
  8528. secondary application program ==> 次端应用程序,二次应用程序
  8529. secondary arc ==> 次生弧=>二次アーク
  8530. secondary arch ==> 二级弓
  8531. secondary area ==> 副区
  8532. secondary armament ==> 辅助兵器
  8533. secondary arsenate ==> 二代砷酸盐
  8534. secondary arseniate ==> 二代砷酸盐
  8535. secondary asphyxia ==> 继发性窒息
  8536. secondary assimilation ==> 二次同化
  8537. secondary association ==> 次级联合
  8538. secondary attachment epithelium ==> 继发性附着上皮
  8539. secondary attack force ==> 助攻部队
  8540. secondary attack grouping ==> 助攻集团
  8541. secondary attack rate ==> 二代发病率,续发率
  8542. secondary attribute ==> 次级表征
  8543. secondary available voltage ==> 次级有效高压
  8544. secondary axis ==> 次轴,副光轴,副轴
  8545. secondary bainite ==> 二次贝氏体
  8546. secondary balance shaft ==> 第二平衡轴
  8547. secondary ball mill ==> 二次球磨机
  8548. secondary bast ==> 次生韧皮部
  8549. secondary battery ==> 二次电池,蓄电池组=>二次電池,2次電池,再充電できる電池,蓄電池
  8550. secondary beam ==> 次级电子注,次级射束,次梁,副梁
  8551. secondary benefit ==> 次要利润,次要利益
  8552. secondary biliary cirrhosis ==> 续发性胆汁肝硬变,继发性胆汁性肝硬变
  8553. secondary biliary dyskinesia ==> 继发性胆道运动功能失调
  8554. secondary blasting ==> 二次爆破
  8555. secondary block ==> 二次群
  8556. secondary blower ==> 二次风鼓风机
  8557. secondary blowhole ==> 二次气孔
  8558. secondary bond ==> 副键
  8559. secondary bone trabeculae ==> 次级骨小梁
  8560. secondary brake shoe ==> 从动制动蹄片
  8561. secondary breakdown ==> 二次降伏
  8562. secondary breaker ==> 二级粉碎机,二级破碎机
  8563. secondary breaking ==> 二次破碎
  8564. secondary bronchitis ==> 继发性支气管炎
  8565. secondary brush ==> 副电刷
  8566. secondary bud ==> 副芽
  8567. secondary buffering ==> 继电缓冲
  8568. secondary bulbil ==> 次生株芽
  8569. secondary burden ==> 次级负载
  8570. secondary cable ==> 副绕组电线
  8571. secondary calcium phosphate ==> 二代磷酸钙,磷酸氢钙
  8572. secondary cambium ==> 次生形成层
  8573. secondary canal ==> 灌溉支渠,支渠
  8574. secondary capacitor ==> 次级电容器,低压电容器
  8575. secondary carbon ==> 仲碳原子
  8576. secondary carbon atom ==> 仲碳原子
  8577. secondary carcinogen ==> 间接致癌物
  8578. secondary carcinoma of liver ==> 继发性肝癌
  8579. secondary carcinoma of mammary gland ==> 继发性乳腺癌
  8580. secondary caries ==> 继发龋
  8581. secondary case ==> 继发病例
  8582. secondary cash reserve ==> 准现金储备
  8583. secondary cataract ==> 继发性内障
  8584. secondary cathode ==> 次级阴极,二次阴极
  8585. secondary cause ==> 继发性原因
  8586. secondary cell ==> 二次电池=>二次電池,蓄電池
  8587. secondary cell culture ==> 次代细胞培养
  8588. secondary cell wall ==> 次生细胞壁
  8589. secondary cellulose acetate ==> 二乙酸纤维素
  8590. secondary cementite ==> 二次渗碳体
  8591. secondary cementum ==> 细胞性牙骨质
  8592. secondary centre ==> 次级中心
  8593. secondary change ==> 次生变化,继发性变化
  8594. secondary channel ==> 支汊,辅助通道
  8595. secondary characteristics ==> 副性状
  8596. secondary cholesteatoma ==> 继发性胆脂瘤
  8597. secondary chromatic aberration ==> 二次色像差,二级色像差
  8598. secondary circle ==> 副圈,次大圆
  8599. secondary circuit ==> 次级电路,次要电路,二次电路,二次回路,测量回路、继电保护回路、开关控制及信号回路、操作电源回路、断路器和隔离开关的电气闭锁回路等全部低压回路=>二次回路
  8600. secondary circuit system, steam and power conversion system ==> 二回路系统,又称“蒸汽和能量转换系统”。带出一回路冷却剂热量的二次冷却剂循环系统
  8601. secondary circulation ==> 二级环流,次级环流
  8602. secondary classification ==> 二级分类
  8603. secondary clay ==> 次生粘土
  8604. secondary cleaner ==> 清滤器
  8605. secondary clearance ==> 副后角
  8606. secondary cleat ==> 次生割理
  8607. secondary cleavage ==> 次生劈理
  8608. secondary clock ==> 子钟=>子時計
  8609. secondary clone ==> 次生代无性系
  8610. secondary cluster ==> 二次簇
  8611. secondary coal recovery ==> 煤二次开采
  8612. secondary coast ==> 次生海岸,壮年海岸
  8613. secondary coating ==> 二次被覆
  8614. secondary coil ==> 副线圈,次级线圈,二次线圈=>二次コイル
  8615. secondary cold front ==> 次冷锋,副冷锋
  8616. secondary collecting duct ==> 次级集合管
  8617. secondary colo(u)r ==> 调和色
  8618. secondary colony ==> 次生菌落
  8619. secondary color ==> 次级色,复色
  8620. secondary colours ==> 次生颜色
  8621. secondary combustion ==> 再燃烧,二次燃烧,补充燃烧
  8622. secondary combustion zone ==> 辅燃区,延燃区
  8623. secondary compensator ==> 次级补偿器
  8624. secondary compression ==> 二次压固
  8625. secondary computer ==> 辅助计算机,副机,副计算机
  8626. secondary condenser ==> 次级冷凝器
  8627. secondary conditioned reflex ==> 二级条件反射
  8628. secondary consequent stream ==> 次顺向河
  8629. secondary consolidation ==> 次固结,次生固结
  8630. secondary constans ==> 二次常数
  8631. secondary constriction ==> 次缢痕
  8632. secondary contact recreation ==> 次级接触康乐活动
  8633. secondary contact recreation subzone (water control zone) ==> 次级接触康乐活动分区(水质管制区)
  8634. secondary containment ==> 二次安全壳
  8635. secondary contracted kidney ==> 继发性固缩肾
  8636. secondary contraction ==> 继发收缩
  8637. secondary control ==> 二等控制,辅助操纵=>二次管理
  8638. secondary control point ==> 辅助控制点,次控制点
  8639. secondary control[of active power in a system] ==> 二次调频,由人工或自动调频装置改变某些指定发电厂中发电机调速器的设定值,将频率调整到要求的范围内的调频方式
  8640. secondary controller ==> 次级控制器,副调节器
  8641. secondary conversion ==> 再加工
  8642. secondary coolant ==> 二次冷却剂
  8643. secondary cooler ==> 二次冷却器
  8644. secondary cooling system ==> 二次冷却系统,二次循环冷却方式
  8645. secondary copper ==> 再生铜
  8646. secondary copper loss ==> 次级铜耗=>二次銅損
  8647. secondary copper removal ==> 二次除铜
  8648. secondary cortex ==> 次级皮质,次生皮层
  8649. secondary cosmic rays ==> 次级宇宙射线
  8650. secondary creaming agent ==> 助膏化剂
  8651. secondary creep ==> 附加蠕变,附加徐变,第二阶段蠕变,蠕变恒速区,二级蠕变,后期蠕变
  8652. secondary criterion ==> 二次判据
  8653. secondary criterion for decision ==> 决策的辅助判据,决策的辅助判据
  8654. secondary crop ==> 次要作物
  8655. secondary crusher ==> 次级轧石机,次碎机,二次轧碎机,二级粉碎机,中碎机
  8656. secondary crystal ==> 次生晶体
  8657. secondary crystallization ==> 二次结晶,后期结晶
  8658. secondary culvert ==> 支涵
  8659. secondary current ==> 二次电流,次级电流,次级电路电流,次级线圈电流=>二次電流
  8660. secondary current feedback ==> 二次電流フィードバック
  8661. secondary current limitation ==> 二次電流制限
  8662. secondary curve ==> 二次曲线
  8663. secondary cut ==> 多次切割
  8664. secondary cuticula ==> 内表皮
  8665. secondary cycle ==> 后期循环,次循环
  8666. secondary cyclone ==> 次生气旋,副气旋
  8667. secondary cyst ==> 次生囊
  8668. secondary dam ==> 副坝
  8669. secondary damage ==> 连带损坏,继发损坏
  8670. secondary data ==> 二次数据,辅助数据,辅助资料
  8671. secondary data set group ==> 辅助数据集组,次级数据集组,次数据集组
  8672. secondary dealings ==> 二级交易
  8673. secondary decomposition ==> 再度分解
  8674. secondary degeneration ==> 次级退变,继发性变性
  8675. secondary dementia ==> 继发性痴呆
  8676. secondary dentition ==> 恒齿生虫,恒牙列
  8677. secondary deposit ==> 二次矿床,次生沉积,次生矿床
  8678. secondary depression ==> 副低压,继发性抑郁症
  8679. secondary destination ==> 辅助目的地,次目的地
  8680. secondary device ==> 次设备
  8681. secondary diaphragm ==> 推迟膜片
  8682. secondary dike ==> 副堤
  8683. secondary dilution solvent ==> 二次稀释溶剂
  8684. secondary discharge ==> 次级放电
  8685. secondary disease ==> 二次病,继发病,继发症,继生病
  8686. secondary disease development ==> 再次发病
  8687. secondary dispersion halo ==> 次生分散晕
  8688. secondary display ==> 二次显示
  8689. secondary distribution ==> 二级分配
  8690. secondary distribution network ==> 二次侧配电网,低压配电网
  8691. secondary distribution system ==> 低圧配電系統
  8692. secondary division of gas cleaning ==> 精洗煤气设备
  8693. secondary dormancy ==> 再休眠
  8694. secondary drilling ==> 二次爆破钻孔
  8695. secondary drying chamber ==> 第二干燥室
  8696. secondary dump system ==> 辅助转储系统
  8697. secondary dysmenorrhea ==> 继发性痛经
  8698. secondary earth ==> 次级线圈接地,二次线圈接地
  8699. secondary earthquake ==> 次地震
  8700. secondary effect ==> 次步效应,次级效应,副效应,继发效应
  8701. secondary electric clock ==> 子电钟
  8702. secondary electron ==> 二次电子=>二次電子
  8703. secondary electron conduction ==> 次级电子传导
  8704. secondary electron conduction (SEC) ==> 二次电子导电
  8705. secondary electron conduction camera tube ==> 二次电子导电摄像管
  8706. secondary electron conduction target vidicon ==> 次级电子导电视像管
  8707. secondary electron counter ==> 次级电子计数器
  8708. secondary electron emission ==> 二次电子放射
  8709. secondary electron emission coefficient ==> 二次電子放出率
  8710. secondary electron emitter ==> 二次电子发射电极
  8711. secondary electron image ==> 二次电子像
  8712. secondary electron multipactor limiter ==> 次级电子倍增限幅器
  8713. secondary electron multiplication ==> 次级电子倍增
  8714. secondary electron multiplier ==> 二次电子倍增管
  8715. secondary electron spectrum ==> 二级电子光谱
  8716. secondary electron yield ==> 二次电子发射系数=>二次電子利得
  8717. secondary elevator ==> 二级升降器
  8718. secondary embryo-cord ==> 胚囊管
  8719. secondary emission ==> 二次发射=>二次電子放出
  8720. secondary emission ceramics ==> 二次电子放射陶瓷
  8721. secondary emission characteristic ==> 二次放射特性
  8722. secondary emission coefficient ==> 次级发射系数
  8723. secondary emission photo cell ==> 二次发射光电管
  8724. secondary emission photocell ==> 次级发射光电管
  8725. secondary emission quantometer ==> 次级发射光量计
  8726. secondary emission rate ==> 二次发射率
  8727. secondary emission stage ==> 次级发射级
  8728. secondary emission tube ==> 次级发射管,二次发射管
  8729. secondary emitter ==> 次级电子发射体
  8730. secondary employment ==> 附带就业
  8731. secondary empyema ==> 继发脓胸
  8732. secondary enamel cuticle ==> 继发性釉护膜,继发性釉上皮
  8733. secondary end of a session ==> 对话次端
  8734. secondary energy ==> 二次能源=>二次エネルギー,一次エネルギーから転換プロセスを得て得られるエネルギー
  8735. secondary energy sources ==> 二次能源
  8736. secondary enlargement ==> 次生加大,次生扩大
  8737. secondary enrichment ==> 次生富集
  8738. secondary entry point ==> 次入口点,辅助入口点,二次入口点
  8739. secondary environment ==> 次生环境
  8740. secondary epilepsy ==> 继发性癫痫
  8741. secondary equation ==> 辅助方程
  8742. secondary error ==> 次要误差,二次误差
  8743. secondary eutectoid carbide ==> 二次共析碳化物
  8744. secondary exchanger ==> 二次离子变换器
  8745. secondary excitation ==> 二次激励
  8746. secondary expansion ==> (使用时膨胀)二次膨胀
  8747. secondary extinction ==> 次级消光
  8748. secondary extinction coefficient ==> 次级消光系数
  8749. secondary extra reflection ==> 次级额外反射
  8750. secondary failure ==> 从属失效,二次故障,二次失效,波及故障
  8751. secondary fairway ==> 支航道
  8752. secondary fault ==> 二次故障
  8753. secondary feeder ==> 备用馈电线,备用馈路
  8754. secondary felling ==> 受光伐
  8755. secondary fermentation ==> 后发酵作用
  8756. secondary ferrite ==> 次生铁素体
  8757. secondary fibrinolytic stage ==> 继发性纤溶期
  8758. secondary field ==> 次级场,副磁场
  8759. secondary file ==> 二次文件
  8760. secondary filter ==> 二次过滤,二次过滤器,二次滤片,精滤器,精密过滤
  8761. secondary filter screen ==> 二次滤网,循环冷却水的二次过滤装置,用以自动过滤和清除冷却水中可能堵塞凝汽器管板与胶球清洗装置收球网栅格的杂物
  8762. secondary finder ==> 二次寻线机
  8763. secondary fire regenerator ==> 辅助加热用蓄热室
  8764. secondary fissure ==> 次裂
  8765. secondary flow ==> 副流,二次流
  8766. secondary flow pattern ==> 二次流型
  8767. secondary flux of atmospheric γ-ray ==> 大气γ射线次级通量
  8768. secondary focal point ==> 次焦点
  8769. secondary focus ==> 继发性病灶
  8770. secondary focusing ==> 二次聚焦
  8771. secondary fold ==> 次生褶皱
  8772. secondary follicle ==> 次级卵泡
  8773. secondary force ==> 二次力
  8774. secondary foreign-voltage control ==> 二次励磁制御
  8775. secondary forest growth ==> 再生林
  8776. secondary forming ==> 二次成形
  8777. secondary fracture ==> 继发性骨折
  8778. secondary fragment ==> 二次破片
  8779. secondary front ==> 副锋
  8780. secondary fuel filter ==> 二次燃料油滤器
  8781. secondary fuel oil filter ==> 燃油精滤器
  8782. secondary function ==> 辅助功能,次功能
  8783. secondary gangrene ==> 继发性坏疽
  8784. secondary gas ==> 精洗煤气
  8785. secondary gear ==> 二档齿轮
  8786. secondary gear shaft ==> 中间转动齿轮轴
  8787. secondary generating rule ==> 副生成规则
  8788. secondary generation ==> 第二代,二次发生,二次组成
  8789. secondary genital cord ==> 次级生殖索
  8790. secondary geosyncline ==> 次生地槽
  8791. secondary glaucoma ==> 继发性青光眼
  8792. secondary glider ==> 中级滑翔机,低级滑翔机,高级滑翔机
  8793. secondary glycosides ==> 次级苷
  8794. secondary gonocyte ==> 次级生殖母细胞
  8795. secondary grade of release ==> 第二等級
  8796. secondary graphite ==> 次生石墨
  8797. secondary graphitization ==> 二次石墨化
  8798. secondary graphitizing ==> 二次石墨化
  8799. secondary great circle ==> 次大圆
  8800. secondary grid emission ==> 次级栅极发射
  8801. secondary grinding ==> 二次磨,二级磨
  8802. secondary grout hole ==> 二期灌浆孔
  8803. secondary growth ==> 次生加大,次生扩大,次生生长,直径生长
  8804. secondary growth of root ==> 根的次生生长
  8805. secondary gyratory crusher ==> 二次回转轧碎机
  8806. secondary gyroscope ==> 阻尼陀螺仪,进动陀螺仪
  8807. secondary half-session ==> 次对话端,辅助单边会话
  8808. secondary hardeness ==> 二次硬度
  8809. secondary hardening ==> 二次硬化
  8810. secondary harmonic ==> 二次谐波
  8811. secondary harmonic generation (SHG) ==> 二次谐波振荡
  8812. secondary haulage ==> 转运运输,次要运输
  8813. secondary heat exchanger ==> 二次热交换器
  8814. secondary heat pump ==> 二次热泵
  8815. secondary hematuria ==> 继发性血尿
  8816. secondary hemorrhage ==> 继发性出血
  8817. secondary hepatocellular jaundice ==> 继发肝细胞性黄疸
  8818. secondary high explosive ==> 次级猛炸药
  8819. secondary highway ==> 支线公路
  8820. secondary histoplasmosis ==> 继发性组织胞浆菌病
  8821. secondary hydrocephalus ==> 继发性脑积水
  8822. secondary hydroxyl group ==> 仲醇羟基
  8823. secondary hypersplenism ==> 继发性脾功能亢进
  8824. secondary hypertension ==> 继发性高血压
  8825. secondary hypertensive retinopathy ==> 继发性高血压性视网膜病
  8826. secondary hyperthyroidism ==> 继发性甲亢
  8827. secondary hypofunction of testis ==> 继发性睾丸功能减退
  8828. secondary hypoglycemia ==> 继发性低血糖
  8829. secondary hypoparathyroidism ==> 继发性甲状旁腺功能减退
  8830. secondary hypotension ==> 继发性低血压
  8831. secondary hypothyroidism ==> 继发性甲状腺功能减退
  8832. secondary idle-hole ==> 怠速副喷口
  8833. secondary image ==> 次像,重像=>副像
  8834. secondary image separation test ==> 次生影像分离试验
  8835. secondary imaging ==> 二次成像
  8836. secondary immune response ==> 二次免疫应答,再次免疫应答
  8837. secondary impedance ==> 次级阻抗
  8838. secondary inclusion ==> 二次加热时形成的夹杂物
  8839. secondary income ==> 非营业收入
  8840. secondary increased fibrinolytic activity ==> 继发性纤溶亢进
  8841. secondary index ==> 次索引,辅索引,辅助索引
  8842. secondary index data base ==> 次级索引数据库
  8843. secondary index entry ==> 辅助索引项
  8844. secondary indexing ==> 副索引
  8845. secondary indicator ==> 辅助指示符
  8846. secondary inductance ==> 二次绕组电感
  8847. secondary induction coil ==> 副感应线圈
  8848. secondary industries ==> 乙类工业
  8849. secondary industry ==> 第二产业,二级产业
  8850. secondary inertia force ==> 二次惯性力
  8851. secondary infection ==> 第二次侵染,再次侵染,继发传染
  8852. secondary information ==> 二次情报
  8853. secondary inhibition of respiration ==> 继发性呼吸抑制
  8854. secondary inoculation ==> 再接种
  8855. secondary inoculation reaction ==> 继发性接种反应
  8856. secondary input ==> 二次输入
  8857. secondary insect ==> 次生害虫
  8858. secondary instrument ==> 次级仪表,辅助仪器,二次侧仪表,二次仪表,接受由变送器、转换器、传感器(包括热电偶、热电阻)等送来的电或气信号,并指示所检测的过程工艺参数量值的表计
  8859. secondary intention ==> 第二次概念
  8860. secondary interference ==> 副干扰
  8861. secondary interstice ==> 次生裂隙
  8862. secondary interstices ==> 次生间隙
  8863. secondary invader ==> 第二次侵害者,继发入浸细菌,继发性感染菌
  8864. secondary ion emission microanalyzer ==> 二次离子发射显微分析仪
  8865. secondary ion mass spectroanalyzer ==> 二次离子质谱分析器
  8866. secondary ion mass spectrometer ==> 次级离子质谱仪
  8867. secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) ==> 二次离子质谱仪,次级离子质谱
  8868. secondary ion mass spectrometry ==> 次级离子质谱分析法
  8869. secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) ==> 次级离子质谱
  8870. secondary ionization ==> 次级电离,二级电离
  8871. secondary ionization constant ==> 二级电离常数
  8872. secondary iteration ==> 第二迭代
  8873. secondary junctional fold ==> 次级接头褶
  8874. secondary keratitis ==> 继发性角膜炎
  8875. secondary key ==> 次关键字,辅助关键字,辅助键
  8876. secondary key encrypting key ==> 辅助加密键,辅助键加密键
  8877. secondary key retrieval ==> 辅助关键字检索
  8878. secondary lateral process ==> 次级侧突
  8879. secondary laterite ==> 次生砖红壤
  8880. secondary lead ==> 再生铅
  8881. secondary leaf fall ==> 第二次落叶
  8882. secondary leakage ==> 二次泄漏
  8883. secondary leakage inductance ==> 二次漏れインダクタンス
  8884. secondary leakage reactance ==> 二次漏れリアクタンス
  8885. secondary leather cup ==> 副皮碗
  8886. secondary lens fibers ==> 续发晶状体纤维
  8887. secondary lesion ==> 继发性损害
  8888. secondary letter of credit ==> 附属信用证
  8889. secondary levee ==> 副堤
  8890. secondary liber ==> 次生韧皮部
  8891. secondary light source ==> 辅助光源
  8892. secondary limits ==> 次级极限
  8893. secondary line ==> 应急制动管路
  8894. secondary line switch ==> 第二级寻线机
  8895. secondary lining ==> 二次覆工
  8896. secondary link controller ==> 辅助链路控制器
  8897. secondary link station ==> 辅助链路站,次级链路站,次链路站
  8898. secondary load ==> 次要荷载,二次负荷,二次负载
  8899. secondary lobule ==> 次级小叶
  8900. secondary loess ==> 次生黄土,再生黄土
  8901. secondary logical unit (SLU) ==> 次级逻辑单元,次逻辑单元,辅助逻辑部件,辅助逻辑单元
  8902. secondary logical unit key ==> 次逻辑单元键
  8903. secondary logical unit key (SLU key) ==> 辅助逻辑部件键
  8904. secondary loop ==> 次级回路,二次活套
  8905. secondary loss ==> 二次侧损耗,次级损耗
  8906. secondary low ==> 次生低压,副低压,副气旋
  8907. secondary lubricating pump ==> 从动滑油泵,第二滑油泵
  8908. secondary lymphatic organ ==> 次级淋巴器官
  8909. secondary lymphoid organ ==> 二级淋巴器官
  8910. secondary lysosome ==> 二级溶酶体,次级溶酶体
  8911. secondary machine and electrical products ==> 二类机电产品
  8912. secondary magnesium phosphate ==> 磷酸氢镁
  8913. secondary malabsorption syndrome ==> 继发性吸收不良综合征
  8914. secondary malnutrition ==> 继发性营养不良
  8915. secondary mass selection ==> 继续群选
  8916. secondary maximum ==> 次级最大
  8917. secondary measuring system ==> 二次测量系统
  8918. secondary medullary ray ==> 次生髓射线
  8919. secondary member ==> 次要杆件
  8920. secondary memory ==> 辅助存储器
  8921. secondary meristem ==> 次生分生组织
  8922. secondary metal ==> 次生金属,再生金属,回炉金属,重熔金属
  8923. secondary metamorphosis ==> 次级变态
  8924. secondary meter ==> 二次仪表
  8925. secondary migration ==> 二次运移,次生运移
  8926. secondary mill ==> 二次磨碎机
  8927. secondary mineral ==> 次生矿物
  8928. secondary mirror ==> (反射式望远物镜的)次镜
  8929. secondary modem ==> 次级调制解调器
  8930. secondary modulus of elasticity ==> 第二弹性模数
  8931. secondary moment ==> 次要力矩,副力矩,二次矩,二阶矩
  8932. secondary monoclonal ==> 继发性单株细胞系的
  8933. secondary mortgage market ==> 二级抵押市场
  8934. secondary mother-tree ==> 次生代母树
  8935. secondary motion ==> 副运动
  8936. secondary mullite ==> 二次莫来石
  8937. secondary myasthenic syndrome ==> 继发性肌无力综合征
  8938. secondary mycelium ==> 次生菌丝体
  8939. secondary myocardiopathy ==> 继发性心肌病
  8940. secondary myocardosis ==> 继发性心肌病
  8941. secondary network ==> 二次侧电力网
  8942. secondary network control program ==> 次级网络控制程序
  8943. secondary neutral grid ==> 二次中心点接地网
  8944. secondary neutron source ==> 次级中子源,又称“二次中子源”。主要利用123Sb与中子发生(n,γ)反应生成的124Sb衰变放出的γ光子和铍发生8Be(γ,n)7Li反应而产生中子。124Sb半衰期虽短,只有60.9天,但它在反应堆内可以通过照射而获再生
  8945. secondary neutron source assembly ==> 次级中子源组件,又称“二次中子源组件”。换料停堆后反应堆重新启动时,提高中子注量率水平,使核测仪器能可靠测出中子注量率变化,从而保证反应堆启动过程安全的固定式可再生中子源组件
  8946. secondary nitro-compounds ==> 仲硝基化合物
  8947. secondary nodule ==> 二级小结,次级小结
  8948. secondary nodules ==> 次级淋巴小结
  8949. secondary noise ==> 次音
  8950. secondary nondisjunction ==> 次级不离开
  8951. secondary nonferrous metal ==> 再生有色金属
  8952. secondary nonlinear effect ==> 次级非线性效应
  8953. secondary nuclear fuel ==> 次生核燃料
  8954. secondary nucleus ==> 次生胞核
  8955. secondary nutrient ==> 次级营养素
  8956. secondary offering ==> 二级分配,间接出售
  8957. secondary oil recovery ==> 二次采油
  8958. secondary oocyte ==> 次级卵母细胞
  8959. secondary oogonium ==> 次级卵原细胞
  8960. secondary operation ==> 二次加工,二期手术
  8961. secondary operator control station ==> 辅助操作员控制站
  8962. secondary optic vesicle ==> 次级视泡
  8963. secondary optical axis ==> 副光轴
  8964. secondary option menu ==> 二级选择表
  8965. secondary organ ==> 附属机构
  8966. secondary orientation ==> 从属定向
  8967. secondary orogeny ==> 次生造山运动
  8968. secondary oscillator ==> 次级振荡器
  8969. secondary ossification center ==> 继发骨化点
  8970. secondary otalgia ==> 继发性耳痛
  8971. secondary output ==> 次级输出
  8972. secondary output voltage ==> 次级输出电压
  8973. secondary ovogonium ==> 次级卵原细胞
  8974. secondary paging device ==> 辅助调页设备,辅助分页设备,二级分页装置
  8975. secondary papilla ==> 次级乳头
  8976. secondary parasite ==> 次寄生
  8977. secondary parkinsonism ==> 继发性帕金森氏综合征
  8978. secondary part ==> 从动部分
  8979. secondary particle ==> 次级粒子
  8980. secondary particle of star ==> 星体的次级粒子
  8981. secondary partition ==> 二级分区
  8982. secondary paticle ==> 次生颗粒
  8983. secondary peak ==> 次峰
  8984. secondary pellagra ==> 继发性糙皮病
  8985. secondary periderm ==> 次生周皮
  8986. secondary peristalsis ==> 继发性蠕动
  8987. secondary peritonitis ==> 继发性腹膜炎
  8988. secondary phase factor ==> 二次位相係数
  8989. secondary phloem ==> 次生韧皮部
  8990. secondary phosphine ==> 仲膦
  8991. secondary photocurrent ==> 次级光电流
  8992. secondary photoelectric effect ==> 次级光电效应
  8993. secondary piezoelectric effect ==> 二次圧電効果
  8994. secondary pipe ==> 二次缩孔
  8995. secondary planet pinion ==> 第二行星小齿轮
  8996. secondary plasticizer ==> 次级增塑剂,辅助增塑剂
  8997. secondary plasticizer(-iser) ==> 助增塑剂
  8998. secondary pleurisy ==> 继发性胸膜炎
  8999. secondary ploughing ==> 复耕
  9000. secondary pneumonia ==> 继发性肺炎
  9001. secondary pneumonic plague ==> 继发性肺炎型鼠疫
  9002. secondary pneumothorax ==> 继发性气胸
  9003. secondary podzolized soil ==> 次生灰化土
  9004. secondary pole ==> 次极
  9005. secondary pollutant ==> 次级污染物,次生污染物,二级污染物
  9006. secondary pollutants ==> 二次污染物
  9007. secondary pollution ==> 二次污染,二级污染,次级污染
  9008. secondary polycythemia ==> 继发性红细胞增多症
  9009. secondary porosity ==> 次级孔隙,次生孔隙度
  9010. secondary port ==> 次等港,次级港,副港
  9011. secondary power ==> 二次功率
  9012. secondary power distribution ==> 二次配电
  9013. secondary prevention ==> 二级预防
  9014. secondary process ==> 次级突起
  9015. secondary processing sequence ==> 辅助处理顺序
  9016. secondary product ==> 副产品,次要产品,二步产物,二次产品
  9017. secondary productivity ==> 次级生产力
  9018. secondary products ==> 次级产品
  9019. secondary program ==> 次程序,次级程序
  9020. secondary program status vector ==> 次程序状态向量
  9021. secondary program status vector (secondary PSV) ==> 辅助程序状态向量
  9022. secondary programming ==> 二次规划
  9023. secondary property ==> 副性状
  9024. secondary propulsion system ==> SPS
  9025. secondary propulsion system (SPS) ==> 辅助推进系统
  9026. secondary protection tube ==> 热电偶护管
  9027. secondary protective barriers ==> 二次防护层
  9028. secondary pulmonary abscess ==> 继发性肺脓肿
  9029. secondary pulmonary amyloidosis ==> 继发性肺淀粉样变性
  9030. secondary pulmonary lobule ==> 次级肺小叶
  9031. secondary pustule ==> 继发脓疱
  9032. secondary pyothorax ==> 继发脓胸
  9033. secondary quartzite ==> 次生石英岩
  9034. secondary quenching ==> 二次淬火
  9035. secondary radar ==> 二次雷达,次级雷达,应答器=>二次レーダ
  9036. secondary radiation ==> 二次辐射
  9037. secondary radiation effect ==> 次生辐射效应
  9038. secondary radiator ==> 二次辐射器=>二次放射器
  9039. secondary range ==> 次等草场
  9040. secondary raw material ==> 二次原料
  9041. secondary raw materials cost ==> 辅助原材料费用
  9042. secondary ray ==> 次级射线
  9043. secondary reaction ==> 次级反应,副反应
  9044. secondary receiver ==> 二次接收机,差转接收机
  9045. secondary reconstruction source ==> 次级再现光源
  9046. secondary recrystallization ==> 二次再结晶,二次重结晶
  9047. secondary recycle isobutane ==> 再循环异丁烷
  9048. secondary reduction ==> 次级还原
  9049. secondary reference fuel ==> 副标准燃料
  9050. secondary reference tape ==> 亚基准磁带
  9051. secondary refining ==> 二次精炼
  9052. secondary reflecting image ==> 二次反射像
  9053. secondary reflection ==> 二次反射,人工爆炸
  9054. secondary reflex ==> 二级反射
  9055. secondary reformer ==> 二段转化炉
  9056. secondary reformer tubes ==> 二段转化炉管
  9057. secondary refrigerant ==> 间接制冷剂
  9058. secondary register set ==> 辅助寄存器组,次级寄存器组
  9059. secondary regulating pond ==> 副调节池
  9060. secondary regulation ==> 二次调节
  9061. secondary regulator ==> 副调节器,副调整器
  9062. secondary reinforcement ==> 辅助钢筋
  9063. secondary relay ==> 二次继电器
  9064. secondary relief ==> 副后隙面
  9065. secondary repair ==> 二期修补术
  9066. secondary request ==> 辅助请求,次级请求
  9067. secondary rescue facilities ==> 辅助营救设备
  9068. secondary reserve ==> 二级准备金
  9069. secondary reserves ==> 二次采油储量
  9070. secondary resistance ==> 二次侧电阻,次级线圈电阻
  9071. secondary resistance starter ==> 二次电阻起动器
  9072. secondary resonance ==> 次级线圈谐振
  9073. secondary response ==> 再次应答
  9074. secondary retinal detachment ==> 继发性视网膜脱离
  9075. secondary ridge ==> 次分水岭
  9076. secondary risks ==> 投资上的一般风险
  9077. secondary root ==> 次生根
  9078. secondary row ==> 辅助行
  9079. secondary safety mechanism ==> 辅助安全机构
  9080. secondary saline soil ==> 次生盐土
  9081. secondary salinization ==> 次生盐化
  9082. secondary salt ==> 仲盐
  9083. secondary sample ==> 二次抽样,二次取样,二级样本
  9084. secondary sampling unit ==> 二次抽样单位,二极抽样单位
  9085. secondary scaffold branch ==> 亚主枝
  9086. secondary seal ==> 二级封闭
  9087. secondary sector ==> 二级部门
  9088. secondary securities market ==> 二级证券市场
  9089. secondary security ==> 附属抵押品
  9090. secondary sedimentation ==> 二次沉淀
  9091. secondary sedimentation basin ==> 二次沉淀池
  9092. secondary sedimentation tank ==> 二次沉淀池
  9093. secondary seedling family ==> 次生代实生有性系
  9094. secondary segment ==> 次段,辅段,辅助段
  9095. secondary septum ==> 继发隔
  9096. secondary service area ==> 第二工作区
  9097. secondary seta ==> 后生刚毛
  9098. secondary settlement ==> 二次沉降
  9099. secondary sewage sludge ==> 二次下水污泥
  9100. secondary sewage treatment ==> 二次污水处理
  9101. secondary sewage treatment works ==> 二级污水处理厂,次级污水处理厂
  9102. secondary sex ==> 次级性别
  9103. secondary sex characters ==> 第二性征,副性征
  9104. secondary sexual character ==> 第二性状
  9105. secondary shaft ==> 第二轴,次要矿井
  9106. secondary shearing ==> 二次剪切
  9107. secondary shock ==> 继发性休克
  9108. secondary shoe ==> 从蹄(松蹄)
  9109. secondary shoot ==> 次生茎
  9110. secondary shrink hole ==> 二次缩孔
  9111. secondary signal ==> 二次信号
  9112. secondary sizing operation ==> 二次定型加工
  9113. secondary slip band ==> 次级滑移带
  9114. secondary soil ==> 次生土壤
  9115. secondary solid solution ==> 次生固溶体
  9116. secondary solvent ==> 辅助溶剂,二级溶剂
  9117. secondary somatosensory evoked field (SII) ==> 第2次体性感覚野(SII)
  9118. secondary sorbite ==> 二次索氏体
  9119. secondary source ==> 二次光源
  9120. secondary space allocation ==> 二次空间分配,辅助空间分配
  9121. secondary spar ==> 辅助翼梁
  9122. secondary species ==> 次级产物
  9123. secondary spectroscopic standard ==> 二级光谱标准
  9124. secondary spectrum ==> 次级光谱,(色像差)二级光谱
  9125. secondary spectrum doublet ==> 次级光谱的双线
  9126. secondary speed ==> 从动轮转速,涡轮转速
  9127. secondary speed control ==> 二次调速
  9128. secondary spermatocyte ==> 次级精母细胞
  9129. secondary spherical wave ==> 次级球面波
  9130. secondary spore ==> 次生孢子
  9131. secondary spring ==> 辅助弹簧
  9132. secondary stabilizer ==> 二级稳定器
  9133. secondary stage annealing ==> 第二阶段退火
  9134. secondary stalk ==> 主茎上长出的分蘖茎
  9135. secondary standard ==> 次级标准,副标准,副基准=>二次標準,二次標準器,副原器
  9136. secondary standard reference surface ==> 二极标准磁盘面
  9137. secondary star ==> 伴星
  9138. secondary station ==> 二次站,二等站,二级站,辅助台,附属电台,次站,从站=>二次局,従局,子装置,セカンダリステーション
  9139. secondary station algorithm ==> 次站算法
  9140. secondary stator ==> (油泵的)副边定子
  9141. secondary status ==> 次站状态
  9142. secondary stimulus ==> 再刺激
  9143. secondary storage ==> 辅助存储器,二级存储器
  9144. secondary store ==> 二级存储器,辅存储器,辅助存储器
  9145. secondary stratification ==> 次级层理,次生层理
  9146. secondary stratigraphic trap ==> 地层圈闭
  9147. secondary stress ==> 次应力,二次应力
  9148. secondary structure ==> 二次组织,二级结构,次级结构,次生构造,次生结构
  9149. secondary subroutine ==> 二次子程序
  9150. secondary subscript ==> 副下标
  9151. secondary succession ==> 次级演替
  9152. secondary sulfide zone ==> 次生硫化物带
  9153. secondary sun wheel ==> 第二太阳齿轮
  9154. secondary surface ==> 副表面
  9155. secondary surveillance radar ==> 二次监视雷达
  9156. secondary suture ==> 二期缝合术,二期缝术,延期缝合,再缝术
  9157. secondary switching center ==> 辅助交换中心
  9158. secondary syphilid ==> 二期梅毒疹
  9159. secondary syphilis ==> 二期梅毒
  9160. secondary system ==> 二次系统,电力系统中量测、保护、控制、通信及调度自动化等系统的总称
  9161. secondary system control facility (SSCF) ==> 辅助系统控制设备
  9162. secondary target ==> 次要射击目标
  9163. secondary task ==> 辅任务,辅助任务
  9164. secondary teeth ==> 恒齿
  9165. secondary tensile stress ==> 副拉应力
  9166. secondary tension ==> 副拉力
  9167. secondary test board ==> 副测试台
  9168. secondary thermal system ==> 二次回路,二次热力系统
  9169. secondary thickening ==> 次生加厚
  9170. secondary three-phase currents ==> 二次三相電流
  9171. secondary thrombocythemia ==> 继发性血小板增多症
  9172. secondary thrombocytopenic purpura ==> 继发性血小板减少性紫癜
  9173. secondary tidal wave ==> 副潮波
  9174. secondary tide station ==> 辅助测潮站
  9175. secondary tillage ==> 复耕,再耕
  9176. secondary tiller ==> 第二次分蘖
  9177. secondary timbers ==> 次要木材
  9178. secondary time effect ==> 次时间效应
  9179. secondary tint ==> 次色调
  9180. secondary tissue ==> 次生组织
  9181. secondary to primary turn ratio ==> 次级对初级的匝数比
  9182. secondary tools ==> 二次工具
  9183. secondary toxin ==> 二期毒素
  9184. secondary treatment ==> 二次处理,二级处理
  9185. secondary treatment of wastewater ==> 废水二次处理
  9186. secondary trend ==> 二级趋势
  9187. secondary triangulation ==> 二等三角测量
  9188. secondary trigeminal neuralgia ==> 继发性三叉神经痛
  9189. secondary troostite ==> 回火屈氏体
  9190. secondary tuberculosis ==> 继发性结核
  9191. secondary tuberculosis of lung ==> 继发性肺结核
  9192. secondary tumor ==> 继发瘤
  9193. secondary turbine ==> 后置式汽轮机
  9194. secondary twinning ==> 二次孪生,次生双晶,变形双晶
  9195. secondary tympanic membrane ==> 次鼓膜,第二鼓膜
  9196. secondary uranium mineral ==> 次级铀矿物
  9197. secondary urethra ==> 后成尿道
  9198. secondary vector ==> 第二向量,辅向量
  9199. secondary vegetation ==> 再生植被
  9200. secondary ventilation ==> 辅助通风
  9201. secondary vertical system ==> 次生直立枝法
  9202. secondary vibration ==> 非缓冲质量的振动
  9203. secondary vibration in rear suspension ==> 非缓冲后悬置质量的振动
  9204. secondary villus ==> 次级绒毛
  9205. secondary vitreous ==> 续发玻璃状体
  9206. secondary voltage ==> 次级电压,二次电压=>二次電圧
  9207. secondary voltage of transformer ==> 変圧器二次側電圧
  9208. secondary voltage rise time ==> 次级电压上升时间
  9209. secondary wall ==> 次生壁
  9210. secondary waste heat boiler ==> 第二废热锅炉
  9211. secondary wastewater treatment ==> 污水二级处理
  9212. secondary water ==> 次生水,外来水
  9213. secondary water pollution ==> 次生水污染
  9214. secondary wave ==> 次波,次级波,次生波,地震横波,副波,二级波=>S波(地震)
  9215. secondary wavelet ==> 次级子波
  9216. secondary weapon ==> 辅助武器
  9217. secondary weir ==> 辅助堰,副堰
  9218. secondary winding ==> 副绕组,次级绕组,次级线圈,二次绕组=>二次巻線
  9219. secondary wnding ==> 次级绕组
  9220. secondary woody growth ==> 再生林
  9221. secondary x rays ==> 二次x射线
  9222. secondary X-ray ==> 次级X射线
  9223. secondary xylem ==> 次生木质部
  9224. secondary xylem ray ==> 次生木质部射线
  9225. secondary xylem vessel ==> 次生木质部导管
  9226. secondary yield ==> 次级发射产额,二次发射系数
  9227. secondary zero-phase-sequence shunt circuit ==> 二次零相分路
  9228. secondary-electron multiplier ==> 次级电子倍增器
  9229. secondary-emission multiplication ==> 二次电子发射倍增
  9230. secondary-emission multiplier ==> 次级发射倍增器
  9231. secondary-emission ratio ==> 次级发射系数
  9232. secondary-excitation control system ==> 二次励磁制御系(可変速発電機)
  9233. secondary-level address ==> 二级地址
  9234. secondary-resistance starting ==> 转子外接电阻起动
  9235. secondary-to-primary flow ==> 辅助数据流到主数据流
  9236. secondary-to-primary-turn ratio ==> 变压系数
  9237. secondderivative test ==> 二阶导数检验法
  9238. secondipara ==> 二产妇
  9239. secondorder spatial coherence ==> 二级空间相干性
  9240. seconds ==> 二等品,二级面砖
  9241. seconds counter ==> 计秒器
  9242. secondset reaction ==> 二次移植物反应
  9243. Secor, sequential collation of range ==> セコール(球面の長基線を使用した位相比較型の軌道測定方式)
  9244. secrecy of telegram ==> 电报保密
  9245. secrecy system ==> 保密体制,保密通信制
  9246. secrecy transmission ==> 保密传输
  9247. secref code ==> 密码
  9248. secret abutment ==> 暗桥台
  9249. secret colour ware ==> 秘色瓷
  9250. secret communication ==> 保密通信
  9251. secret dovetail ==> 暗马牙榫,暗燕尾榫
  9252. secret dovetail joint ==> 暗燕尾榫接
  9253. secret dovetailing ==> 暗楔榫,暗燕尾榫接
  9254. secret fixing ==> 暗装法
  9255. secret gutter ==> 暗沟,暗天沟,屋檐暗水槽
  9256. secret heading joint ==> 暗榫接合
  9257. secret hinge ==> 暗合页
  9258. secret information ==> 秘密信息
  9259. secret ingredient ==> 隠し味
  9260. secret joint ==> 暗接,暗接头
  9261. secret language telegram ==> 密电,密语电报
  9262. secret ledger ==> 秘密分类帐
  9263. secret nail ==> 暗钉,隐钉
  9264. secret partner ==> 秘密合伙人
  9265. secret patent ==> 机密专利
  9266. secret profits ==> 秘密利润
  9267. secret remedy ==> 禁方
  9268. secret reserve ==> 秘密储蓄,秘密准备金
  9269. secret screw joint ==> 暗螺丝接合
  9270. secret signalling ==> 保密通信系统
  9271. secret spring ==> 秘簧
  9272. secret switch ==> 密封式开关,锁盖开关
  9273. secret telephone ==> 保密电话机
  9274. secret trust ==> 秘密信托
  9275. secret weapon ==> 秘密武器
  9276. secretarial staff ==> 秘书人员
  9277. Secretariat Division ==> 事務局,秘書課
  9278. secretary ==> 事務員,書記,書記官,事務机
  9279. Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands ==> 规划环境地政局局长
  9280. secretin tests ==> 肠促胰分泌素试验
  9281. secretion ==> 分泌,分泌物(液)
  9282. secretion of urine ==> 尿分泌
  9283. secretive granule ==> 分泌颗粒
  9284. secretoin hibitory syndrome ==> 分泌抑制综合征
  9285. secretor gene ==> 分泌基因,分泌者基因
  9286. secretory antibody ==> 分泌抗体
  9287. secretory body ==> 分泌小体,分沁小体
  9288. secretory canal ==> 分泌道
  9289. secretory cavity ==> 分泌腔
  9290. secretory component ==> 分泌成分
  9291. secretory cyst ==> 分泌液潴留囊肿
  9292. secretory duct ==> 分泌管
  9293. secretory electric current ==> 分泌电流
  9294. secretory fiber ==> 分泌纤维
  9295. secretory food reaction ==> 分泌性食物反应
  9296. secretory functional disturbance ==> 分泌功能障碍
  9297. secretory gland cell ==> 分泌腺细胞
  9298. secretory granule ==> 分泌颗粒,分泌粒
  9299. secretory granules ==> 泌颗粒
  9300. secretory hair ==> 分泌毛
  9301. secretory juice ==> 分泌液
  9302. secretory nerve ==> 分泌神经
  9303. secretory otitis media ==> 分泌性中耳炎
  9304. secretory passage ==> 分泌管
  9305. secretory piece ==> 分泌片
  9306. secretory portion ==> 分泌部
  9307. secretory potential ==> 分泌电位
  9308. secretory pressure ==> 分泌压
  9309. secretory reaction ==> 分泌反应
  9310. secretory regulation of hormone ==> 激素分泌调节
  9311. secretory structure ==> 分泌结构
  9312. secretory vesicles ==> 分泌小泡
  9313. secretory volume ==> 分泌量
  9314. SECT, section ==> セクション
  9315. section ==> 区,截面,部,部分,部分,片,剖面,剖面图,切断面,切开术,切面,磨片,截点,节,地区,地质剖面,派,段,断面=>部分,一片,班,セクション,クラス,切片,断面図,横断面
  9316. section (interchange) ==> 四叶形立体交叉
  9317. section (shape) iron ==> 条钢
  9318. section area ==> 断面積
  9319. section at key ==> 拱坝拱冠断面
  9320. section bar ==> 型材
  9321. section base ==> 分条定位
  9322. section beam ==> 分条整经轴
  9323. section boss ==> 分段工长
  9324. section boundary ==> 采区边界
  9325. section breaker ==> 分段开关
  9326. section canal ==> 吸食道
  9327. section caption ==> 条文の表題
  9328. section chief ==> 工段长=>課長
  9329. section code ==> 地区コード
  9330. section coefficient ==> 翼型系数,剖面系数
  9331. section configuration ==> 断面形状
  9332. section constant ==> 截面常数
  9333. section construction ==> 分段施工,组合式结构
  9334. section crack ==> 断面裂纹,剖面裂缝
  9335. section cutter ==> 切片机
  9336. section depth ==> 截面深度
  9337. section disconnecting switch ==> 分段隔离开关
  9338. section distribution ==> 分条排列
  9339. section engineer ==> 工段工程师
  9340. section factor ==> 截面系数,断面系数
  9341. section for ship ==> 船舶车辆及民用建筑型材
  9342. section foreman ==> 分段工长
  9343. section gap ==> 分段间隙,重叠间隔
  9344. section groove ==> 异型孔型,异形孔型
  9345. section head ==> 节头
  9346. section header ==> 节标题,节头,段标题,段头
  9347. section house ==> 工区房屋
  9348. section indicator ==> 分区指示灯
  9349. section insulator ==> 分段绝缘子=>セクションインシュレータ
  9350. section iron ==> 型铁
  9351. section iron chassis ==> 型铁架
  9352. section lamp ==> 分区指示灯,分组指示灯
  9353. section lease ==> 分条分绞
  9354. section line ==> 管界线,截面线,区划线,剖面线,断面线
  9355. section lining ==> 剖面线法
  9356. section marks ==> 分条痕
  9357. section mill ==> 型钢轧机
  9358. section modulus ==> 截面系数,剖面模数,截面模量,断面模数,断面系数
  9359. section moment ==> 截面力矩
  9360. section mould ==> 型模
  9361. section name ==> 段名
  9362. section number ==> 节号
  9363. section of a fuzzy relation ==> 模糊关系的截口
  9364. section of a recurrent structure ==> 四端网络节
  9365. section of bosh ==> 炉腰剖面
  9366. section of bus ==> 母线截面
  9367. section of construction project ==> 工段
  9368. section of earthwork ==> 土方截面
  9369. section of multiple ==> 复式塞孔部分
  9370. section of shear ==> 剪切面积
  9371. section of the rail ==> 钢轨剖面
  9372. section of winding ==> 绕组分段
  9373. section paper ==> 方格纸
  9374. section pillar ==> 分段支柱
  9375. section plan ==> 平面剖视图,剖面图
  9376. section plane ==> 剖切平面
  9377. section point ==> 分条纱片定位点
  9378. section preparation ==> 切片标本
  9379. section projector ==> 截面投影仪
  9380. section ribbon ==> 切片带
  9381. section right ==> 全排右翼次射
  9382. section roll ==> 型材轧辊
  9383. section rolling ==> 成形辊轧
  9384. section scanner ==> 断层扫描器
  9385. section selectivity of protection ==> 保護の区間選択性, The ability of a protection to identify the faulty section of a power system.
  9386. section sensitivity ==> 断口敏感性
  9387. section shaped ==> 定形的
  9388. section share ==> 组合犁铧
  9389. section size ==> 剖面尺寸
  9390. section staining ==> 切片染色
  9391. section steel ==> 型钢
  9392. section steel rolling mill ==> 分类轧钢机
  9393. section straightener ==> 型钢矫直机
  9394. section straightening ==> 矫形机
  9395. section strip ==> 锯条带钢,锯条带钢,异形带钢
  9396. section switch ==> 区域开关,分段断路器,分段开关=>区分開閉器
  9397. section symbols ==> 剖面符号
  9398. section thickness ==> 截面厚度,断面厚度
  9399. section topography ==> 纵剖法,剖面分析法
  9400. section valve ==> 隔离阀
  9401. section view ==> 剖视=>断面図
  9402. section warping ==> 分条整经,分段整经
  9403. section wire ==> 异形钢丝
  9404. section working machine ==> 定形材料工作机
  9405. section-bending machine ==> 型材弯曲机
  9406. section-cutting ==> 切片法
  9407. section-straightening machine ==> 型材矫直机
  9408. section-type mounting ==> 片式串联连接
  9409. sectionable photographic equipment ==> 分段摄片器
  9410. sectional ==> 分段的,分级,分级的,断面的,片式连接的,剖面,剖面的,区域的,截面的,局部,局部,地区的
  9411. sectional alidade ==> 断面照准仪
  9412. sectional area ==> 断面面积,截面积,剖面面积
  9413. sectional area of reinforcement ==> 钢筋截面积
  9414. sectional arrangement drawing ==> 装配剖视图,纵剖面图
  9415. sectional arrangement of main power building ==> 主厂房断面布置,主厂房断面布置与平面布置配套,是主厂房布置的一种表示方式
  9416. sectional assembly ==> 分段汇编程序,局部汇编,局部汇编
  9417. sectional automation ==> 分段自动化
  9418. sectional balance sheet ==> 分部资本负债表
  9419. sectional balancing ==> 分部结平,分部试算,分组结平,分组试算
  9420. sectional balancing ledger ==> 分部结平分类帐
  9421. sectional bar ==> 型材
  9422. sectional beaming ==> 分条整经
  9423. sectional bell ==> 钟型吸入口
  9424. sectional boiler ==> 分段锅炉,分节锅炉
  9425. sectional boom ==> 分段吊杆,分节起重臂
  9426. sectional box dock ==> 分段厢式船坞
  9427. sectional casing ==> 组合壳
  9428. sectional cast-iron boiler ==> 片式铸铁锅炉
  9429. sectional center ==> 地区中心,二级控制中心
  9430. sectional center (SC) ==> 地区总局
  9431. sectional coil ==> 分段线圈
  9432. sectional construction ==> 预制构件拼装结构
  9433. sectional conveyor ==> 分段式输送机
  9434. sectional core ==> 拼合型芯
  9435. sectional core barrel ==> 分段芯管
  9436. sectional core type radiator ==> 分段式散热器
  9437. sectional die ==> 组合式模具,镶块式模
  9438. sectional dimension ==> 截面尺寸
  9439. sectional draw ==> 分段穿综法
  9440. sectional drawing ==> 剖面图
  9441. sectional drawing of building ==> 房屋剖面图
  9442. sectional drive ==> 分段驱动=>セクショナルドライブ
  9443. sectional dryer ==> 分段烘干机
  9444. sectional elevation ==> 剖切立面图,剖视图,立剖面,立剖图,竖直剖面
  9445. sectional fixture ==> 安装夹具
  9446. sectional flask ==> 分格砂箱
  9447. sectional flight conveyer ==> 分组螺旋叶片式输送器
  9448. sectional floating dock ==> 分段浮船坞
  9449. sectional flywheel ==> 可拆卸飞轮,组合飞轮
  9450. sectional form ==> 分段式,断面形状
  9451. sectional groove ==> 型钢轧槽
  9452. sectional header boiler ==> 分联箱式锅炉
  9453. sectional hub ==> 组合轮毂
  9454. sectional inspection ==> 分段巡检
  9455. sectional iron ==> 型铁
  9456. sectional ledger ==> 分部分类帐,分组分类帐
  9457. sectional material ==> 型材
  9458. sectional mining ==> 分区开采
  9459. sectional mo(u)ld ==> 拼合型
  9460. sectional mould ==> 镶合砂型
  9461. sectional mounting ==> 片式串联连接,片式串联连接
  9462. sectional multi-stage centrifugal fresh water pump ==> 分段式多级离心清水泵
  9463. sectional nave ==> 可拆卸衬套
  9464. sectional observation ==> 断面观测
  9465. sectional pattern ==> 分块组合模,组合模样
  9466. sectional plan ==> 分段平面,分区平面图,平面剖视图
  9467. sectional plane ==> 剖视面
  9468. sectional plating ==> 分段添纱
  9469. sectional ploughing method ==> 分段刨煤法
  9470. sectional pontoon dock ==> 分节式浮船坞
  9471. sectional position ==> 截面位置
  9472. sectional radiator ==> 可分式散热器
  9473. sectional radiography ==> 断面X射线照相术
  9474. sectional rate ==> 分段运价
  9475. sectional rod ==> 组合钻杆
  9476. sectional roentgenography of jaw ==> 颌骨体层摄影
  9477. sectional roll ==> 分组镇压器
  9478. sectional roller ==> 分节式压路机,分节压路机
  9479. sectional route locking ==> 進路区分鎖錠
  9480. sectional sensitivity ==> 铸件壁厚的敏感度,剖面敏感性
  9481. sectional shaft ==> 组合轴
  9482. sectional smooth ==> 分段光滑
  9483. sectional stamping ==> 分段冲压
  9484. sectional switch ==> 分段区域开关
  9485. sectional tamping rod ==> 组合炮棍
  9486. sectional tank ==> 型钢水池
  9487. sectional tap ==> 组合丝锥
  9488. sectional tiller ==> 组合舵柄
  9489. sectional track ==> 轻便轨道,移动式轨道
  9490. sectional trash rack ==> 分节式拦污栅
  9491. sectional type ==> 分段式,分块式
  9492. sectional view ==> 剖面图,剖视图,截面图
  9493. sectional warper ==> 分条整经机,分段整经机
  9494. sectional warping ==> 分条整经
  9495. sectional warping machine ==> 分条整经机,分段整经机
  9496. sectional warping sizer system ==> 分条整经浆纱联合机
  9497. sectional wheel ==> 扇形轮
  9498. sectional wind ==> 分段绕组
  9499. sectional winding ==> 分段绕组
  9500. sectional-continuous function ==> 分段连续函数
  9501. sectionalization ==> 分区,分节,分组
  9502. sectionalization test ==> 分段测试
  9503. sectionalize ==> 分段
  9504. sectionalized ==> 分段的,分区的
  9505. sectionalized antenna ==> 分节天线
  9506. sectionalized bus bar ==> 分段母线
  9507. sectionalized busbars ==> 分段母线
  9508. sectionalized casing ==> 分段式外壳
  9509. sectionalized coil ==> 分段绕制线圈
  9510. sectionalized jacket ==> 分段式导管架
  9511. sectionalized line ==> 分段线路
  9512. sectionalized machine manufacture ==> 分段组装机械制造,通用机械制造
  9513. sectionalized stator ==> 分段定子
  9514. sectionalized steel form ==> 组合式金属模板
  9515. sectionalized tractor ==> 组合式拖拉机
  9516. sectionalized transformer ==> 分节变压器
  9517. sectionalized vertical antenna ==> 分段垂直天线,分段竖直天线
  9518. sectionalized winding ==> 分组绕组
  9519. sectionalizer ==> 分段隔离开关
  9520. sectionalizing panel ==> 分段屏
  9521. sectionalizing switch ==> 分段开关=>区分開閉器
  9522. sectionalizing switch control ==> 区分開閉器制御
  9523. sectionalizing valve ==> 分区截流阀
  9524. sectionally linear region ==> 分段线性区域
  9525. sectioned bar diagram ==> 分段条形图
  9526. sectioned bar-diagram ==> 分段条线图
  9527. sectioned lens ==> 分割透镜
  9528. sectioned polynomial ==> 分段多项式
  9529. sectioned Y-deflection plate oscilloscope tube ==> 垂直偏转板分段式示波管
  9530. sectiones hypothalami ==> 下丘脑切面
  9531. sectioning method ==> 分段法
  9532. sectioning of welded joints ==> 焊接连接的切片
  9533. sectioning post ==> き電区分所
  9534. sectioning search ==> 分段搜索,分割搜索
  9535. sectioning valve ==> 放泄阀
  9536. sector ==> 区=>セクタ,扇形
  9537. sector (-shaped) coil ==> 扇形线圈
  9538. sector accelerator ==> 扇形加速器
  9539. sector address ==> 扇面地址
  9540. sector address register ==> 扇面地址寄存器,扇区地址寄存器
  9541. sector address system ==> 区段地址方式
  9542. sector alignment indicator ==> 信号对准指示符
  9543. sector arm ==> 扇形臂
  9544. sector associative buffer storage ==> 区相联缓冲存储器
  9545. sector bevel gear ==> 扇形圆锥齿轮
  9546. sector boss ==> 地段队长
  9547. sector boundary ==> 扇边界,扇形边界
  9548. sector buffer ==> 扇面缓冲器
  9549. sector cable ==> 扇心电缆,扇形芯电缆
  9550. sector characteristic curve ==> 扇形区域特性曲线
  9551. sector conductor ==> 扇形导线,扇形芯线,扇形引出线=>分割導体,扇形導体
  9552. sector configuration ==> 扇形结构
  9553. sector correction factor ==> 扇形校正因数
  9554. sector display ==> セクタ表示
  9555. sector distortion ==> 扇形失真
  9556. sector electromagnet ==> 扇形磁铁
  9557. sector field ==> 扇形场
  9558. sector field mass spectrometer ==> 扇形场质谱仪
  9559. sector format ==> 区段格式
  9560. sector gate ==> 弧形闸门,扇形闸门,一种水力操作的浮箱式闸门。横断面呈扇形,门体表面镶有面板,以水平支绞支撑于堰顶的闸门
  9561. sector gear ==> 齿弧
  9562. sector gear bearing ==> 扇形齿轮轴承
  9563. sector hole ==> 扇区孔,段孔
  9564. sector length ==> 扇面长度
  9565. sector lock ==> 扇形船闸
  9566. sector magnet ==> 扇形磁铁
  9567. sector mark ==> 分段标志,区段标记
  9568. sector mark-information ==> 扇区标记信息
  9569. sector marker ==> 区段标识符,区段标志
  9570. sector method ==> 分区法
  9571. sector mode ==> 区段方式
  9572. sector number ==> 区段数
  9573. sector of a circle ==> 扇形
  9574. sector of breakdown ==> 分类的部分
  9575. sector of demand ==> 需求部门
  9576. sector of fire ==> 射击区域
  9577. sector of search ==> 搜索地区
  9578. sector of the economy ==> 经济成分,经济成分
  9579. sector pattern instrument ==> 扇形仪表
  9580. sector pattern instruments ==> 扇形仪表
  9581. sector pivot gate ==> 扇形旋转式闸门
  9582. sector plan position indicator ==> 扇形平面位置指示器
  9583. sector planning ==> 局部规划,局部规划
  9584. sector rack ==> 扇形齿板,扇形齿条
  9585. sector radio marker ==> 扇形无线电指向标
  9586. sector register ==> 区段寄存器
  9587. sector regulator ==> 滚筒式空心节水围堰
  9588. sector resonance ==> 扇形共振
  9589. sector scan indicator ==> 扇形扫描显示器
  9590. sector scanning ==> 扇形扫描
  9591. sector search ==> 分区搜索
  9592. sector search pattern ==> 扇形搜寻方式
  9593. sector selection ==> 分段选择,分区选择
  9594. sector sequence ==> 区段顺序,区段序列
  9595. sector shaft ==> 扇形板轴,扇形齿轮轴,扁形齿轮轴
  9596. sector shaft end play ==> 扇形齿轮轴轴向间隙
  9597. sector shaft module ==> 扇形轮组件
  9598. sector shaft pilot ==> 扇形齿轮轴导向端
  9599. sector shaft thrust adjustment ==> 扇形轴限制器调整
  9600. sector shaped conductor ==> 扇形芯线
  9601. sector shutter ==> 扇形快门
  9602. sector sluice valve ==> 扇形泄水阀
  9603. sector sprinkler ==> 扇形喷灌机
  9604. sector structure ==> 扇形结构
  9605. sector switch ==> 扇面开关
  9606. sector teeth ==> 扇形齿轮的齿
  9607. sector type relay ==> 扇形继电器
  9608. sector velocity ==> 扇形速度点相对于给定中心的速度
  9609. sector weir ==> 弧形堰
  9610. sector wheel ==> 扇形轮
  9611. sector wind ==> 扇形风
  9612. sector worm ==> 扇形蜗杆
  9613. sector-display indicator ==> 扇形显示器
  9614. sector-field accelerator ==> 扇形场加速器
  9615. sector-field cyclotron ==> 扇形场回旋加速器
  9616. sector-field direction focusing ==> 扇形场方向聚焦
  9617. sector-field spectroscope ==> 扇形场分光镜
  9618. sector-focused cyclotron ==> 扇形聚焦回旋加速器
  9619. sector-focused isochronous cyclotron ==> 扇形聚焦等时性回旋加速器
  9620. sector-focusing accelerator ==> 扇形聚焦加速器
  9621. sector-focusing FM cyclotron ==> 扇形聚焦调频回旋加速器
  9622. sector-focusing machine ==> 扇形聚焦加速器
  9623. sector-rim type rotor ==> 扇形迭片磁轭转子
  9624. sector-shaped conductor ==> 扇形导线
  9625. sector-type lock gate ==> 扇形船闸闸门
  9626. sectoral horn ==> 扇形喇叭
  9627. sectoral inflation ==> 局部通货膨胀,局部通货膨胀
  9628. sectored colony ==> 扇状变异菌落
  9629. sectored light ==> 扇形光,分区灯
  9630. sectorial coordinate ==> 扇形坐标
  9631. sectorial horn ==> 扇形喇叭筒
  9632. sectorial magnetic field ==> 扇形磁场
  9633. sectorial spherical harmonics function ==> 扇形球面调和函数
  9634. sectorial tides ==> 扇形潮
  9635. sectrix curve ==> 等分角线
  9636. secular ==> 長期的な,永年の
  9637. secular aberration ==> 长期光行差=>永年光行差
  9638. secular acceleration ==> 长期加速度=>永年加速
  9639. secular change ==> 长期变异,多年变化,时效变化=>経年変化
  9640. secular changes ==> 长缓变化
  9641. secular cycle ==> 长年周期,百年周期
  9642. secular distortion ==> 时效变形,经久变形,经久变形,经久畸变,经久畸变
  9643. secular equation ==> 久期方程,久期方程式,久期方程式,长期方程,特征方程
  9644. secular equilibrium ==> 长期平衡,永恒平衡
  9645. secular error ==> 永久仪差,长期误差
  9646. secular magnetic variation ==> 长期磁变
  9647. secular movement ==> 长期缓慢运动
  9648. secular parallax ==> 长期视差
  9649. secular perturbations ==> 长期摄动
  9650. secular stability ==> 长期稳定性
  9651. secular trend ==> 长期趋势,经济趋势,经济趋势
  9652. secular variable ==> 长期变星
  9653. secular variation ==> 长期变化,长期缓慢变化,多年变化,时效变化,世纪变化
  9654. secunda oil ==> 页岩太阳油
  9655. secure ==> 巩固,安全,安全的,使安全=>確実な,請け合う,保証する
  9656. secure an adequate supply ==> 保障供应
  9657. secure communication satellite ==> 保密通信卫星
  9658. secure condition of readiness ==> 三等战备状态
  9659. secure intelligence handset ==> 保密智能电话手机
  9660. secure line ==> 保密线路,安全线,安全线路
  9661. secure oneself against accidents ==> 投保人身意外险
  9662. secure printer ==> 保密打字机
  9663. secure rock ==> 稳固岩石
  9664. secure rotationally ==> 利用控制保持转动
  9665. secure server ==> 保密机=>セキュア機器,安全なサーバー
  9666. secure submarine communications ==> 潜艇保密通信
  9667. secure system ==> 可靠系统
  9668. secure telegraph equipment ==> 保密电报设备
  9669. secure telephone ==> 保密电话机
  9670. secure the diving stations ==> 取消下潜状态
  9671. secure the line ==> 占领战线
  9672. secure torpedo tubes ==> 鱼雷发射管就位
  9673. secure video conferencing interface equipment ==> 保密电视会议接口设备
  9674. secure visual communications ==> 保密视觉通信
  9675. secure voice ==> 保密语音
  9676. secure voice adaptor ==> 话密适配机
  9677. secure voice terminal ==> 话密终端
  9678. secure voice unit ==> 话密装置
  9679. secured bonds ==> 具抵押品的债券,具抵押品的债券
  9680. secured creditor ==> 具抵押债权人,具抵押债权人
  9681. secured creditors' right in bankruptcy proceedings ==> 破产清理中的保证债权
  9682. secured deposit ==> 保证存款
  9683. secured loan ==> 具抵押贷款,具抵押贷款
  9684. securing ==> 固定
  9685. securing key ==> 定位销
  9686. securing nut ==> 扣紧螺母
  9687. securing of the profit ==> 取得利润
  9688. securing pin ==> 安全销
  9689. securing plant ==> 防护植物
  9690. securing rod ==> 锁定杆
  9691. securing strip ==> 安全带,安全带
  9692. securite explosive ==> 安全炸药
  9693. securities analysis ==> 证券分析,证券投资分析
  9694. Securities and Exchange Commission ==> 证券交易管理委员会
  9695. securities borrowed ==> 借有价证券
  9696. securities business ==> 保证金买卖
  9697. securities company ==> 证券公司
  9698. securities dealer ==> 证券买卖商
  9699. securities employment ==> 具保谋职,具保谋职
  9700. Securities Exchange Act ==> 证券交易法
  9701. securities finance company ==> 证券金融公司
  9702. securities in trust ==> 信托证券
  9703. Securities Industry Automation Corporation ==> 证券业自动化公司
  9704. securities investment trust ==> 证券投资信托
  9705. securities market ==> 证券市场
  9706. securities portfolio ==> 所持有的有价证券
  9707. securities proceeds ==> 出售证券收入
  9708. securities Rand ==> 证券兰德
  9709. securities trading ==> 证券交易
  9710. securities transfer tax ==> 证券交易税
  9711. security ==> 可靠性,安全,安全性=>信頼度、セキュリティ
  9712. security and stability system ==> 安稳系统
  9713. security architecture ==> セキュリティー体系
  9714. security assessment ==> 可靠性估计
  9715. security assessor ==> 可靠性鉴定器
  9716. security axiom ==> 安全性公理
  9717. security capital ==> 安全资本
  9718. security class ==> 机密安全等级
  9719. security classification ==> 保密等级
  9720. security code ==> 保密码
  9721. security collateral loans ==> 证券抵押借款
  9722. security collateral trust bond ==> 证券抵押信托债券
  9723. security consideration ==> 安全性考虑
  9724. security constrained dispatch ==> 安全约束调度,在给定的电力系统运行方式中,在保证有功功率平衡的条件下,通过对发电机组有功出力的控制(必要时降低或切除部分负荷),来解除支路潮流越限,并使可控机组运行费用最低的调度方式
  9725. security constraint ==> 安全性约束
  9726. security control ==> 安全技术,安全技术,安全控制,保安措施=>信頼度制御
  9727. security control center ==> 安全控制中心
  9728. security coordinator ==> An individual or organization that provides the security assessment and emergency operations coordiation for a group of Control Areas.(美国)
  9729. security criteria ==> 信頼度基準
  9730. security date set ==> 安全数据集
  9731. security deposit ==> 交易保证金,为保证市场结算的顺利实现,有效地规避结算风险,根据市场规则,市场运营机构可以要求参与市场交易的市场主体在结算帐户中存入并保持一定数量的资金,这笔资金称为交易保证金
  9732. security door ==> 防盗门
  9733. security dump ==> 安全卸出,安全转储
  9734. security evaluation ==> セキュリティ評価
  9735. security explosive ==> 塑性安全炸药
  9736. security filter ==> 安全过滤器,安全滤器
  9737. security fire door ==> 安全防火门
  9738. security flaw ==> 安全性缺陷
  9739. security for claim ==> 诉讼假扣押
  9740. security glass ==> 防弹玻璃,安全玻璃
  9741. security holder ==> 证券持有人
  9742. security income and expense ==> 证券收益及费用
  9743. security infrastructure ==> セキュリティー基盤
  9744. security interest ==> 物权担保
  9745. security kernel ==> 安全核心
  9746. security level ==> 安全水准
  9747. security maintenance ==> 安全性维护,保密维护
  9748. security manual ==> 安全手册
  9749. security mechanism ==> 安全机构
  9750. security monitor microprocessor ==> 安全性监视微处理机
  9751. security number ==> 安全号码,保密代号
  9752. security of data ==> 数据保密
  9753. security of protection,〔security of relay system(USA)〕 ==> 保護の正不動作信頼性, The probability for a protection of not having an unwanted operation under given conditions for a given time interval.
  9754. security of relay protection ==> 继电保护安全性,继电保护装置在给定条件下的给定时间内,不误动的概率
  9755. security of service ==> 安全行驶,安全运行
  9756. security of supply ==> 供应可靠性
  9757. security of tax payment ==> 纳税保证金
  9758. security on the march ==> 行军警戒
  9759. security on the move ==> 行军警戒
  9760. security optical fibre ==> 安全光纤
  9761. Security Pacific National Bank ==> (美国)太平洋证券国民银行
  9762. security paper ==> 证券纸
  9763. security policy ==> 安全策略
  9764. security pricing ==> 安全性定价
  9765. security requirement ==> 安全性要求
  9766. security reserve ==> 保证准备
  9767. security restore ==> 安全再存程序
  9768. security supervisory control and data acquisition in distribution system, DSCADA ==> 配电网安全监控和数据采集系统,针对配电网进行实时数据采集和在线监控,事故处理与分析,以实现配电网安全经济运行的计算机监控系统
  9769. security valve ==> 安全阀
  9770. security window ==> 安全窗,防盗窗
  9771. security- valuation line ==> 证券评价线
  9772. SED, Space Engineering Development Co. Ltd. ==> 宇宙技術開発株式会社
  9773. SED, Space Experiment Department ==> 宇宙実験部
  9774. SED, Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display ==> 表面電界ディスプレイ
  9775. sedan ==> 四门轿车
  9776. sedan body,saloon body ==> 四门轿车车身
  9777. sedative ==> 鎮静剤,鎮痛剤
  9778. sedative and heart-invigorating pill ==> 安神补心丸
  9779. sedentary deposit ==> 原地沉积
  9780. sedentary herd ==> 定居群
  9781. sedentary product ==> 残积物
  9782. sedentary soil ==> 残积土,定积土,原生土
  9783. sedentary trade ==> 静坐作业,静坐作业
  9784. sedge grass ==> 香附子
  9785. sediment ==> 沉淀物=>沈殿物
  9786. sediment accumulation ==> 泥沙淤积
  9787. sediment accumulation rate ==> 淤积速度
  9788. sediment analysis ==> 泥沙分析
  9789. sediment and water test ==> 水和不溶物含量的测定
  9790. sediment barrier ==> 沙挡
  9791. sediment bed ==> 泥沙河床
  9792. sediment bowl ==> 沉淀杯
  9793. sediment bypassing ==> 泥沙输移
  9794. sediment carring estuary ==> 含泥沙河口
  9795. sediment catcher ==> 泥沙取样器
  9796. sediment chamber ==> 沉淀物储存槽
  9797. sediment charge ==> 泥沙含量,沉积物负荷量
  9798. sediment classification ==> 冲积物分类
  9799. sediment collector ==> 沉积收集器
  9800. sediment concentration ==> 含沙量,泥沙浓度
  9801. sediment control structures ==> 泥沙控制设施
  9802. sediment control works ==> 泥沙控制设施
  9803. sediment corer ==> 海底沉积物取芯管
  9804. sediment discharge curve ==> 输沙量曲线
  9805. sediment discharge rate ==> 输沙率
  9806. sediment dislodging force ==> 泥沙推移力
  9807. sediment drift ==> 泥沙漂移
  9808. sediment escape ==> 冲砂泄水道
  9809. sediment flushing at low water level ==> 低水位泥沙冲刷
  9810. sediment grade size ==> 沉积物分级尺寸
  9811. sediment hydrograph ==> 水位含沙量关系过程线
  9812. sediment in suspension ==> 悬浮质泥沙
  9813. sediment incrustation ==> 积垢,沉积水垢
  9814. sediment index ==> 泥沙指数
  9815. sediment induced deformation ==> 沉积物诱发变形作用
  9816. sediment load ==> 推移质
  9817. sediment load sampling ==> 泥沙取样
  9818. sediment movement ==> 泥沙运动
  9819. sediment pan ==> 沉积盘
  9820. sediment percentage ==> 含泥量
  9821. sediment reactions ==> 堆積物反応
  9822. sediment ripples ==> 沙纹
  9823. sediment runoff curve ==> 固体径流曲线
  9824. sediment sample ==> 泥沙试样
  9825. sediment sampler ==> 泥沙采样器,采泥器
  9826. sediment sampling equipment ==> 泥沙采样设备
  9827. sediment separator ==> 沉淀分离机,沉淀器
  9828. sediment size ==> 泥沙粒度
  9829. sediment source ==> 泥沙来源
  9830. sediment space ==> 沉淀空间
  9831. sediment station ==> 泥沙观测站
  9832. sediment storage basin ==> 蓄沙池
  9833. sediment storage capacity of reservoir ==> 水库储沙能力
  9834. sediment supply ==> 泥沙来源
  9835. sediment tank ==> 沉淀器
  9836. sediment transfer ==> 泥沙转移
  9837. sediment transmission ==> 泥沙输送
  9838. sediment transport ==> 泥沙输移
  9839. sediment transport budget ==> 泥沙输移量计算
  9840. sediment transport capacity ==> 泥沙输移能力
  9841. sediment transport competency ==> 泥沙输移能力
  9842. sediment transport curve ==> 泥沙输移曲线
  9843. sediment transport rate ==> 泥沙输移率
  9844. sediment transportation ==> 泥沙移动
  9845. sediment transporters ==> 沉积物输送者
  9846. sediment trap ==> 沉淀物捕集器,沉淀阱,沉积阱,除沙弯管,泥沙捕集装置
  9847. sediment yield ==> 产沙量,固体径流量
  9848. sediment-depositing side of bend ==> 河曲的淤积侧
  9849. sediment-free water ==> 无沉积物水
  9850. sediment-laden river ==> 多泥沙河流,多沙河流
  9851. sediment-laden stream ==> 含泥沙河流
  9852. sedimentary basin ==> 沉积盆地
  9853. sedimentary breccia ==> 沉积角砾岩
  9854. sedimentary clay ==> 沉积粘土
  9855. sedimentary cover ==> 沉积覆盖层
  9856. sedimentary cycle ==> 沉积旋回,沉积循环,堆积轮回
  9857. sedimentary deposit ==> 沉积层,沉积物,成层沉积
  9858. sedimentary differentiation ==> 沉积分异作用
  9859. sedimentary fault ==> 沉积断层
  9860. sedimentary formation ==> 沉积层
  9861. sedimentary injection ==> 沉积贯入
  9862. sedimentary mantle ==> 沉积覆盖层
  9863. sedimentary organic material ==> 沉积有机物
  9864. sedimentary parent materials ==> 沉积母质
  9865. sedimentary particles in suspension ==> 悬浮物中的沉淀颗粒
  9866. sedimentary pyrite deposit in coal series ==> 煤系沉积硫铁矿床
  9867. sedimentary ripple ==> 沉积波纹
  9868. sedimentary rock ==> 沉积岩,堆积岩
  9869. sedimentary sequence ==> 沉积顺序,沉积序列
  9870. sedimentary soil ==> 沉积土壤
  9871. sedimentary structure ==> 沉积构造
  9872. sedimentary transport(ation) ==> 泥沙输移
  9873. sedimentation ==> 沉淀作用,沉积,沉积法,沉积学,沉积作用,沉降,离心沉淀法,堆积作用=>沈殿(作用),堆積(作用),沈殿作用
  9874. sedimentation accumulation ==> 泥沙淤积
  9875. sedimentation agent ==> 沉降剂
  9876. sedimentation analysis ==> 沉淀分析法,沉积分析,沉降分析
  9877. sedimentation area ==> 堆積区域
  9878. sedimentation balance ==> 沉积天平,沉降天平
  9879. sedimentation balance method ==> 沉降天平法
  9880. sedimentation basin ==> 沉淀池,沉积池,沉积盆地,澄清池,沉沙池,设于渠道首部,用于沉淀引进水流中泥沙的水工建筑物=>堆積盆地,沈殿池
  9881. sedimentation centrifuge ==> 离心沉降机,离心沉降器
  9882. sedimentation coefficient ==> 沉降系数
  9883. sedimentation constant ==> 沉降常数
  9884. sedimentation curve ==> 沉积曲线
  9885. sedimentation cycle ==> 沉积循环
  9886. sedimentation diameter ==> 沉积直径,沉降粒径
  9887. sedimentation enginnering ==> 泥沙工程学
  9888. sedimentation equilibrium ==> 沉积平衡,沉降平衡
  9889. sedimentation force ==> 沉淀力
  9890. sedimentation mechanism ==> 沉积机理,沉积机制
  9891. sedimentation mode ==> 沉积方式
  9892. sedimentation pattern ==> 沉降谱,沉降式样
  9893. sedimentation potential ==> 沉积电位
  9894. sedimentation process ==> 沈殿過程
  9895. sedimentation rate ==> 沉降速度
  9896. sedimentation reaction ==> 沉降反应
  9897. sedimentation reservoir ==> 沉沙水库
  9898. sedimentation setting ==> 沉积背景
  9899. sedimentation sizer ==> 沉降法测粒度
  9900. sedimentation sizing method ==> 沉降分级法
  9901. sedimentation tank ==> 沉淀池,沉积池,澄清池
  9902. sedimentation techniques ==> 沉降技术
  9903. sedimentation test ==> 血沉试验,血沉试验
  9904. sedimentation time ==> 红细胞沉降时间,沉淀时间,沉降时间
  9905. sedimentation trough ==> 沉积海槽
  9906. sedimentation unit ==> 沉积单元
  9907. sedimentation velocity ==> 沉降速度
  9908. sedimentation velocity (SV) ==> 沉降速度
  9909. sedimentation volumn ==> 沉降容积
  9910. sedimentation-equivalent particle ==> 沉积等效颗粒
  9911. sedimentation-type centrifuge ==> 沉降式离心机
  9912. sedimented particle ==> 沉降颗粒
  9913. sedm/cedm ==> 电火花成形机
  9914. sedoheptose-7-phosphate ==> 7-磷酸景天庚(酮)糖
  9915. see bacteriology ==> 海产细菌系
  9916. see level elevation ==> 海拔高度
  9917. see through photomask ==> 透免掩模
  9918. SEE, standard end effector ==> 標準エンドエフェクター
  9919. SEE, system element evaluation ==> システム要素評価
  9920. see-in-dark rangefinder ==> 夜视测距仪
  9921. see-saw amplifier ==> 跷跷板放大器
  9922. see-saw circuit ==> 反相放大电路
  9923. see-saw motion ==> 摇摆运动
  9924. see-through clarity ==> 透明度
  9925. see-through mask ==> 彩色掩模
  9926. seebeak effect ==> 热电效应
  9927. Seebeck coefficient ==> 塞贝克系数
  9928. Seebeck effect ==> 塞贝克效应=>ゼーベック効果,1821 Thomas seebeck found that an electric current would flow continuously in a closed circuit made up of two dissimilar metals if the junctions of the metals were maintained at two different temperatures.
  9929. Seebeck electromotive force ==> 塞贝克电动势
  9930. seed ==> 播,种晶,种子,气籽,籽,籽晶,籽粒,子粒,子实
  9931. seed age ==> 种子年龄
  9932. seed agitator ==> 种子搅动器
  9933. seed amelioration ==> 种子改良
  9934. seed and seedling rot of rice ==> 稻苗腐病
  9935. seed atom ==> 种子原子
  9936. seed attachment ==> 播草籽附加装置
  9937. seed ball ==> 种球,(马铃薯的)球状果实
  9938. seed barrow ==> 手推播种车
  9939. seed bearer ==> 母树
  9940. seed bearing ==> 结种子的
  9941. seed bed ==> 下种地,播种床
  9942. seed bed heater ==> 苗床加热器
  9943. seed bed leveler ==> 平苗床器
  9944. seed bed preparation ==> 苗床整地
  9945. seed blast ==> 喷射清理机
  9946. seed blasting ==> 软粒喷砂
  9947. seed board ==> 播种板
  9948. seed boot ==> 播种开沟器
  9949. seed box ==> 种子箱
  9950. seed breeding ==> 种子选育
  9951. seed broadcaster ==> 撒播机
  9952. seed bud ==> 胚珠,子房
  9953. seed bulb ==> 种球
  9954. seed can ==> 种子筒
  9955. seed catalogue ==> 种苗目录
  9956. seed cell ==> 槽眼,子室
  9957. seed certification ==> 种子鉴定,种子验证
  9958. seed charge ==> 投种
  9959. seed cleaner ==> 种子清选机,净种机,净种机,清种机,选种机
  9960. seed cleaning ==> 种子精选,种子清选
  9961. seed cleaning apparatus ==> 种子清选机
  9962. seed clutch ==> 排种器离合器
  9963. seed coat ==> 种皮
  9964. seed collecting ==> 采种
  9965. seed collector ==> 草籽收集器
  9966. seed color ==> 种子颜色
  9967. seed colter ==> 插种开沟器
  9968. seed contamination ==> 种子混杂
  9969. seed continues to lose moisture ==> 种子继续失去水分
  9970. seed control station ==> 种子管理站
  9971. seed core ==> 强化堆芯
  9972. seed core reactor ==> 强化堆芯反应堆
  9973. seed corm ==> 种球
  9974. seed corn maggot ==> 种蝇
  9975. seed costs ==> 种子成本
  9976. seed cotton ==> 原棉,籽棉
  9977. seed cotton dryer ==> 籽棉烘燥机,烘籽棉机
  9978. seed cotton opener ==> 籽棉开棉机
  9979. seed counter ==> 种子计量器
  9980. seed covering ==> 埋种
  9981. seed crystal ==> 晶种
  9982. seed culture ==> 种子培养
  9983. seed density ==> 籽粒容量
  9984. seed deterioration ==> 种子退化
  9985. seed development ==> 种子发育
  9986. seed disinfectant ==> 种子消毒剂
  9987. seed disinfection ==> 种子消毒
  9988. seed dispenser ==> 种子分配器
  9989. seed dispersal ==> 种子传播
  9990. seed dormancy ==> 种子休眠
  9991. seed down ==> 下籽
  9992. seed dresser ==> 清种机,拌种机
  9993. seed dressing ==> 拌种,拌种剂,种子拌肥,浸种
  9994. seed drill ==> 谷物条播机,条播机
  9995. seed drill plough ==> 条播犁
  9996. seed driller ==> 条播机
  9997. seed drilling machine ==> 谷物播种机
  9998. seed dropping mechanism ==> 排种器装置
  9999. seed dusting machine ==> 干式拌种机,干式种子消毒机,药粉拌种机
  10000. seed extraction ==> 脱粒
  10001. seed extractor ==> 取籽机
  10002. seed felling ==> 下种伐
  10003. seed fermenter ==> 种子发酵器
  10004. seed fiber ==> 种子纤维
  10005. seed field model ==> 种子场模型
  10006. seed flow reducer ==> 种子流节流器
  10007. seed forest ==> 种子林
  10008. seed free ==> シードフリー
  10009. seed fresh weight ==> 种子鲜重
  10010. seed gathering machine ==> 采种机
  10011. seed grader ==> 种子清选机
  10012. seed grading ==> 种子分级
  10013. seed grafting ==> 种子嫁接
  10014. seed grain ==> 种子粮,籽晶
  10015. seed growing ==> 种子繁育
  10016. seed hair ==> 种毛,种子纤维
  10017. seed hair fiber ==> 种毛纤维
  10018. seed harrow ==> 播种耙
  10019. seed harvester ==> 草籽收获机
  10020. seed hilum ==> 种脐
  10021. seed holding ==> 落粒性
  10022. seed hopper ==> 种子漏斗
  10023. seed huller ==> 去皮机
  10024. seed husking establishment ==> 脱粒装置
  10025. seed identification ==> 种子鉴定
  10026. seed implant ==> 籽晶注入
  10027. seed improvement ==> 树种改良
  10028. seed inspection ==> 种子检查
  10029. seed ion ==> 种子离子
  10030. seed kernel oil ==> 种仁油
  10031. seed kiln ==> 种子干燥窑
  10032. seed knockout ==> 推种器
  10033. seed lac ==> 粒胶
  10034. seed leaf ==> 子叶
  10035. seed level ==> 播深
  10036. seed longevity ==> 种子寿命
  10037. seed machine ==> 拌种机
  10038. seed magma ==> 种子糖糊
  10039. seed manure ==> 种肥
  10040. seed marking ==> 播种划行
  10041. seed mixer ==> 拌种器
  10042. seed mixture ==> 混合种子
  10043. seed moisture and storage ==> 种子湿度和贮藏
  10044. seed moisture content ==> 种子水分
  10045. seed mottling ==> 种子斑纹
  10046. seed multiplication farm ==> 良种场
  10047. seed nuclei ==> 籽核
  10048. seed of nuxvomica poison nut ==> 马钱子,番木鳖
  10049. seed of oriental arborviate ==> 柏子仁
  10050. seed oil ==> 植物油
  10051. seed orchard ==> 采种园
  10052. seed orientation ==> 籽晶取向
  10053. seed origin ==> 种子来源
  10054. seed pan ==> 播种浅盆,谷粒盘
  10055. seed payment ==> 付种子款
  10056. seed pedicel ==> 种柄
  10057. seed pellet ==> 种子小丸
  10058. seed picking machine ==> 采种机
  10059. seed pickling machine ==> 湿式种子拌药机
  10060. seed placement ==> 点播
  10061. seed placing device ==> 定点播种装置
  10062. seed plant ==> 种子植物
  10063. seed planter ==> 播种机
  10064. seed plot ==> 种子小区
  10065. seed pod fiber ==> 籽皮纤维
  10066. seed polisher ==> 种子研光机
  10067. seed position ==> 种子位置
  10068. seed potato ==> 种用马铃薯
  10069. seed potato cutting machine ==> 马铃薯种切块机
  10070. seed press wheel ==> 埋种压土轮
  10071. seed pretreatment ==> 种子预先处理
  10072. seed production ==> 种子繁殖
  10073. seed production area ==> 种子产地,采种区,正号母树林
  10074. seed progeny ==> 种子后代
  10075. seed protectant ==> 种子保护地
  10076. seed purifier ==> 种子精选机
  10077. seed purity ==> 种子纯度
  10078. seed quality ==> 种子品质,种子质量
  10079. seed quantity ==> 播种量
  10080. seed rate ==> 播种量,播种率
  10081. seed rate lever ==> 排种量调节杆
  10082. seed refiner ==> 种子清选机
  10083. seed riddle ==> 种子清选筛
  10084. seed rod ==> 籽晶杆
  10085. seed roller ==> 排种槽轮
  10086. seed root ==> 胚根
  10087. seed rubbing machine ==> 种子脱壳机
  10088. seed scar ==> 种痕
  10089. seed scarification ==> 种子破皮处理
  10090. seed selection ==> 选育,选种
  10091. seed selection by mud water ==> 泥水选种
  10092. seed set propagation coefficient ==> 结实率
  10093. seed setting ==> 结籽
  10094. seed shaft ==> 排种轮轴
  10095. seed shedding ==> 天然下种造林法
  10096. seed shell ==> 种皮
  10097. seed shovel ==> 取种小铲
  10098. seed shrimp ==> 种虾
  10099. seed sieve ==> 筛粉筛
  10100. seed size ==> 种子大小,晶种粒度,籽粒大小
  10101. seed slurry ==> 糖粉糊
  10102. seed soaking ==> 浸种
  10103. seed sorter ==> 种子精选机
  10104. seed sorting ==> 选种
  10105. seed sorting by salt water ==> 盐水选种
  10106. seed sorting machine ==> 选种机
  10107. seed source ==> 种源,种子来源
  10108. seed sowing ==> 播种
  10109. seed sowing device ==> 排种器
  10110. seed sowing machine ==> 播种机
  10111. seed spacing ==> 点线播种
  10112. seed spacing drill ==> 准距点播机
  10113. seed spot ==> 播种块
  10114. seed spout ==> 输种管
  10115. seed stalk ==> 种柄
  10116. seed stand ==> 种子林,采种林分,母树林
  10117. seed station ==> 蚕种场
  10118. seed stem ==> 种茎
  10119. seed sterilization ==> 种子消毒
  10120. seed stock ==> 种畜,种子储备
  10121. seed stock production ==> 种畜生产,种子牲畜生产
  10122. seed storing ==> 种子储备
  10123. seed strand planter ==> 留保苗带播种机
  10124. seed stripper ==> 草籽采收机
  10125. seed supply can ==> 种子箱
  10126. seed system ==> 乔林作业
  10127. seed temperature ==> 籽晶温度
  10128. seed test ==> 种子测定
  10129. seed testing ==> 种子测定,种子检查
  10130. seed transmission ==> 种子传播,种子传染
  10131. seed trap ==> 种子收集器
  10132. seed treating machine ==> 种子消毒机
  10133. seed treatment ==> 种子处理,拌种剂
  10134. seed tree ==> 采种树,母树,留种树
  10135. seed tree system ==> 留母树作业
  10136. seed tuber ==> 种薯
  10137. seed unit ==> 种子栅格
  10138. seed vernalization ==> 种子春化
  10139. seed vessel ==> 种皮
  10140. seed viability ==> 种子成活率,种子生活力
  10141. seed vigor ==> 种子生活力
  10142. seed vitality ==> 种子活力
  10143. seed weight ==> 籽粒重
  10144. seed weight of tobacco ==> 烟草种子重量
  10145. seed wing ==> 种翅
  10146. seed yarn ==> 粗节花线
  10147. seed year ==> 结实年
  10148. seed-and-fertilizer unit ==> 种子肥料联合施播机组
  10149. seed-borne disease ==> 种传病害,种子传播的病害
  10150. seed-breeding ==> 良种繁育
  10151. seed-breeding field ==> 种子田
  10152. seed-case ==> 种壳
  10153. seed-eating bird ==> 食种子鸟
  10154. seed-filling period ==> 籽粒灌浆阶段
  10155. seed-parent ==> 亲本
  10156. seed-quantity regulator ==> 播种量调节器
  10157. seed-scale complex ==> 种鳞复合体
  10158. seed-test ==> 种子试验
  10159. seed-tree method ==> 伞伐作业
  10160. seed-trial ground ==> 种子试验区
  10161. seedbed frame ==> 苗床保护框
  10162. seedbed preparation ==> 播前整地
  10163. seedbed weeder ==> 苗床除草机
  10164. seedcake fertilizer ==> 饼肥
  10165. seeded slope ==> 植草边坡
  10166. seeded surface ==> 植草面
  10167. seeder ==> 播种机
  10168. seeder gang ==> 播种机单组
  10169. seeder roll ==> 去籽辊
  10170. seeding ==> 引晶技术,下种,播种=>種まき
  10171. seeding and adult ==> 苗株和成株
  10172. seeding cutting ==> 下种伐
  10173. seeding felling ==> 下种伐
  10174. seeding forest ==> 乔林
  10175. seeding in nursery bed ==> 苗床播种
  10176. seeding lath ==> 播种板条
  10177. seeding machinary ==> 播种机具
  10178. seeding machine ==> 播种机
  10179. seeding machine regulating ==> 播种机调试
  10180. seeding machinery ==> 播种机械
  10181. seeding medium ==> 播种媒质
  10182. seeding method ==> 播种方法
  10183. seeding nursery ==> 移植苗圃
  10184. seeding on unfallowing field ==> 茬地播种
  10185. seeding period ==> 播种期
  10186. seeding plough ==> 自动播种耕作机
  10187. seeding requirement ==> 播种要求条件
  10188. seeding stage ==> 下种伐,出苗期
  10189. seeding tank ==> 菌种罐,菌种罐,种子罐
  10190. seeding time ==> 播种期,产种期
  10191. seeding-growth ==> 天然幼树
  10192. seedless fruit ==> 无籽果
  10193. seedless pear ==> 无籽梨
  10194. seedless variety ==> 无核品种
  10195. seedling ==> 幼苗,苗木,籽苗,实生苗
  10196. seedling age ==> 秧龄,苗龄
  10197. seedling bed ==> 苗床,秧田
  10198. seedling blight ==> 立枯病,籽枯萎病
  10199. seedling blight of rice ==> 稻苗绵腐病
  10200. seedling breaking ==> 断秧
  10201. seedling clearing ==> 实生树植区
  10202. seedling coppice ==> 实生矮林
  10203. seedling crop ==> 实生林
  10204. seedling diseases ==> 苗病
  10205. seedling floating ==> 飘秧
  10206. seedling forest system ==> 乔林作业
  10207. seedling from seed ==> 实生苗
  10208. seedling hurting ==> 伤秧苗
  10209. seedling inarching ==> 幼苗靠接
  10210. seedling infection ==> 种苗侵染
  10211. seedling injury ==> 小苗受害
  10212. seedling laying ==> 倒秧
  10213. seedling nursery ==> 苗圃
  10214. seedling pasture ==> 青苗牧地
  10215. seedling plant ==> 实生苗
  10216. seedling planting machine ==> 播苗机,插秧机
  10217. seedling population ==> 实生树群
  10218. seedling pot ==> 移植钵
  10219. seedling puller ==> 拔秧机
  10220. seedling pulling ==> 拔秧
  10221. seedling seed orchard ==> 实生苗种子园
  10222. seedling selection ==> 籽苗选择
  10223. seedling shoot thickness ==> 苗厚
  10224. seedling sprout ==> 萌生苗
  10225. seedling stage ==> 苗期
  10226. seedling stock ==> 实生苗砧木
  10227. seedling strip ==> 实生树林带
  10228. seedling stump ==> 实生树桩
  10229. seedling test ==> 苗期检定
  10230. seedling tree ==> 实生树
  10231. seedling with adhering soil ==> 秧苗带土
  10232. seedling with soil ==> 带土小苗
  10233. seedling year ==> 出苗大年,种苗年
  10234. seedling-plant ==> 实生树
  10235. seedlings and small trees ==> 树苗和小树
  10236. seedlings following subsoil fertilizer ==> 施底肥后的植株
  10237. seedlings of cereal crops ==> 禾苗
  10238. seeds litre-weight ==> (一公升种子重量)种子升重
  10239. seeds litre-weight (一公升种子重量) ==> 种子升重
  10240. seeds of commodity rudiments of ==> 萌芽
  10241. seeds of leguminous crops ==> 豆类植物的种子
  10242. seeds per pod ==> 每荚粒数
  10243. seeds visibly weathered or poor in quality ==> 明显分布或质量低劣的种子
  10244. seeds volume-weight ==> 种子容重
  10245. seedy cotton ==> 含籽棉
  10246. seedy-toe ==> 粉蹄病
  10247. seeing disturbance ==> 视宁度扰动
  10248. seeing image ==> 视宁像,视影
  10249. seek area ==> 查找区域
  10250. seek command ==> 查找命令
  10251. seek employment ==> 谋职
  10252. seek error ==> 查找误差
  10253. seek exorbitant profits ==> 牟取暴利
  10254. seek key ==> 查找键
  10255. seek time ==> 查找时间
  10256. Seekay wax ==> 西凯蜡
  10257. seeker ==> 导引头
  10258. seeker error ==> 寻的系统误差
  10259. seeking control ==> シーク制御
  10260. seeking range ==> 自导引系统作用距离
  10261. seeking vehicle ==> 自导引飞行器
  10262. SEEL, Space Energetics and Environmental Laboratory ==> 宇宙エネルギー及び環境研究所
  10263. seen fire ==> 目视射击
  10264. seep oil ==> 渗出石油
  10265. seepage apron ==> 防渗护坦
  10266. seepage basin ==> 渗透池
  10267. seepage deformation ==> 渗透变形
  10268. seepage distance ==> 渗透距离
  10269. seepage failure ==> 渗漏破坏
  10270. seepage flow ==> 渗流,潜水径流
  10271. seepage force ==> 渗流力
  10272. seepage interception ==> 渗流截断
  10273. seepage line ==> 渗漏线
  10274. seepage loss ==> 渗出损失
  10275. seepage of dam foundation ==> 坝基渗漏,坝基发生漏失水量的现象
  10276. seepage over subdivide ==> 分水岭渗漏
  10277. seepage pit ==> 渗坑,渗流坑
  10278. seepage plugging ==> 堵漏,堵塞工程的渗漏通道
  10279. seepage pressure ==> 渗流压力
  10280. seepage prevention ==> 防渗,防止水量渗漏及渗透稳定
  10281. seepage prevention of cofferdam ==> 围堰防渗,防止施工导流时围堰的渗漏和渗透稳定
  10282. seepage prevention of dam foundation ==> 坝基防渗,防止坝基渗水和渗透稳定是大坝整体结构不可分的部分,主要处理工程为筑混凝土防渗墙,基岩灌浆(惟幕和固结灌浆),或设置铺盖等
  10283. seepage prevention of sluice foundation ==> 闸基防渗,防止闸基渗水和渗透稳定,它与坝基防渗作相似处理
  10284. seepage proof curtain ==> 防渗帷幕,通过灌注浆液而形成的连续防渗幕
  10285. seepage quantity ==> 渗流量
  10286. seepage rate ==> 渗透率
  10287. seepage recharge of stream ==> 河水入渗灌注
  10288. seepage reflux ==> 渗透回流
  10289. seepage spring ==> 渗流泉,渗水泉
  10290. seepage stress ==> 渗流应力
  10291. seepage tunnel ==> 引水隧道
  10292. seepage velocity ==> 渗流速度,渗水速度,渗透速度
  10293. seepproof screen ==> 止水墙
  10294. seepy material ==> 透水材料
  10295. seesaw action ==> 跷跷板作用
  10296. seesaw circuit ==> 跷跣板放大电路,板极输出器电路
  10297. seesaw switch ==> 交互转换开关
  10298. seet pile ==> 板桩,打入地基内,以抵抗水平方向土压力及水压力以及延长渗径或防止冲刷的板型桩
  10299. SEEV ==> 太阳能电动汽车
  10300. seeweed fertilizer ==> 海草肥
  10301. Seewer governor ==> 西沃调速器
  10302. SEF, satellite ephemeris data file ==> 軌道位置情報生成データファイル
  10303. SEG, segment switch ==> セグメントスイッチ
  10304. Segas process ==> 西盖斯法
  10305. Seger cone ==> 西格测温锥,西格示温锥,西氏测热熔锥,塞格尔测温锥,塞格锥,塞氏测温熔锥
  10306. seger cone ==> 蜗测温三角锥
  10307. Seger formula ==> 塞格尔公式,西格公式
  10308. Seger's green ==> (耐1050的陶瓷彩料)塞格尔绿
  10309. Seger's rule ==> 塞格尔规则
  10310. SEGF, Standard Electrical Grapple Fixture ==> 標準電力供給グラプルフィックスチャ
  10311. seggar ==> 匣钵,退火箱
  10312. seggar clay ==> 匣钵土
  10313. segment ==> 片段=>セグメント,弓形
  10314. segment accounting ==> 责任单位会计,分部会计
  10315. segment address ==> 段地址
  10316. segment addressing ==> 段编址
  10317. segment analysis ==> 分部分析
  10318. segment arch ==> 弓形拱
  10319. segment attribute ==> 区段特征
  10320. segment attribute field ==> 区段特征字段
  10321. segment base address ==> 区段基地址,段基地址
  10322. segment bearing ==> 多片瓦轴承
  10323. segment call ==> 段调入
  10324. segment contribution ==> 分部贡献额
  10325. segment control word ==> 分段控制字
  10326. segment core ==> 分段铁芯,扇形铁心=>分割コア
  10327. segment cover ==> 扇形盖
  10328. segment data ==> 分段数据,段数据
  10329. segment data buffer ==> 数据段缓冲器
  10330. segment definition card ==> 段定义卡
  10331. segment definition card in an object deck ==> 目标卡片的段定义卡
  10332. segment delivery ==> 分批交货
  10333. segment disable circuit ==> 段禁止电路
  10334. segment driver ==> 节段激励器,节段驱动,段驱动器
  10335. segment electrode ==> 段电极
  10336. segment electrode transistor ==> 分段电极晶体管
  10337. segment evaluation ==> 分部业绩评价
  10338. segment fault ==> 分段差错,段故障,段失败
  10339. segment gate ==> 弧形堰,弧形闸门,扇形闸门
  10340. segment gear ==> 扇形齿轮
  10341. segment grinding wheel ==> 镶片磨轮
  10342. segment information ==> 分部信息
  10343. segment length ==> 段长,段长度
  10344. segment length violation flag ==> 区段长度违章标志
  10345. segment limit ==> 区段界限,段范围,段界
  10346. segment management ==> 段式管理
  10347. segment management policy ==> 区段管理策略
  10348. segment map table ==> 段变换表
  10349. segment margin ==> 分部毛利
  10350. segment mark ==> 段标,段标记,区段标记
  10351. segment market ==> 细分市场
  10352. segment mica ==> 整连用云母片
  10353. segment name ==> 段名
  10354. segment notching press ==> 整流子片切槽专用压力机
  10355. segment nozzle ==> 组合式喷管
  10356. segment number ==> 段编号,段号,区段号
  10357. segment occurrence ==> 段出现,段具体值
  10358. segment of a circle ==> 弓形
  10359. segment of a curve ==> 弧段
  10360. segment of a cylinder ==> 柱面母线
  10361. segment of a sphere ==> 球截体
  10362. segment offset address ==> 区段偏移量地址
  10363. segment output ==> 节段输出,段输出
  10364. segment pitch ==> 整流子片距,片距,换向片节距
  10365. segment production line ==> 片断生产线
  10366. segment program ==> 程序段
  10367. segment rack ==> 扇形齿轮
  10368. segment register ==> 段寄存器
  10369. segment reporting ==> 分部报告
  10370. segment results ==> 分部成果
  10371. segment roller ==> 分隔环式镇压器
  10372. segment saw ==> 节锯,扇锯
  10373. segment search argument ==> 段搜索自变量
  10374. segment search argument (SSA) ==> 段查找变元,段检索变量
  10375. segment selection ==> 段选择
  10376. segment shutter ==> 弓形快门
  10377. segment size ==> 段长度
  10378. segment switch ==> 分频开关
  10379. segment synchronization ==> セグメント同期
  10380. segment table (SGT;ST) ==> 段表
  10381. segment table entry (STE) ==> 段表表目,段表入口
  10382. segment table origin (STO) ==> 段表起始地址
  10383. segment the market ==> 区隔市场
  10384. segment translation ==> 段转换
  10385. segment translation exception ==> 段转换异常
  10386. segment type ==> 段类型,段型
  10387. segment type code ==> 段类型码
  10388. segment type PMSG ==> セグメント形PMSG
  10389. segment valve ==> 弓形阀
  10390. segment voltage ==> 位显示电压,换向器片间电压
  10391. segment weir ==> 弓形堰
  10392. segment without contact ==> 无切线段
  10393. segment, to ==> 区分化する
  10394. segment-feed loop ==> 分段馈电环
  10395. segment-long-spacing crystallites (SLS) ==> 长节段晶粒
  10396. segment-type water-cooled cupola ==> 分段水冷冲天炉
  10397. segmental apparatus ==> 节段装置,环节器
  10398. segmental arc ==> 弧形段
  10399. segmental arch ==> 平圆拱,弓形拱
  10400. segmental baffle ==> 缺圆挡板,弓形折流板
  10401. segmental barrel vault ==> 弧筒形穹顶
  10402. segmental bearing ==> 分片瓦轴承,弓形轴承,轴瓦块轴承
  10403. segmental cavity ==> 分裂腔
  10404. segmental chip ==> 节状切屑,挤裂切屑
  10405. segmental colitis ==> 节段性结肠炎
  10406. segmental column ==> 节柱
  10407. segmental conductor ==> 弓形截面导线,扇形导线
  10408. segmental construction ==> 预制段拚装施工法
  10409. segmental core disk ==> 扇形片铁心
  10410. segmental data ==> 零碎的辅助材料
  10411. segmental distribution ==> 叶段分布
  10412. segmental duct ==> 体节性管
  10413. segmental file ==> 分段文件
  10414. segmental fire bar ==> 弓形炉条
  10415. segmental gear ==> 扇形齿轮
  10416. segmental Gothic arch ==> 哥德式弧形拱,哥特式弧形拱
  10417. segmental grinding ring ==> 扇形磨盘
  10418. segmental infarction of omentum ==> 网膜节段性梗死
  10419. segmental lamination ==> 扇形迭片
  10420. segmental lining ==> セグメント覆工
  10421. segmental meter ==> 圆缺测流器
  10422. segmental neuralgia ==> 节性神经痛
  10423. segmental nozzle group control ==> 喷嘴组调节
  10424. segmental organ ==> 体节器
  10425. segmental orifice plate ==> 缺圆孔板
  10426. segmental pad ==> (轴承的)扇形瓦
  10427. segmental pattern plate ==> 组合模板
  10428. segmental phonology ==> 分节音韵学
  10429. segmental plate ==> 体节板
  10430. segmental pointed arch ==> 弓形尖拱
  10431. segmental punching ==> 扇形冲片
  10432. segmental reflex ==> 脊髓节段反射,区域反射,分节反射
  10433. segmental resection of bone tumor ==> 肿瘤骨段截除术
  10434. segmental resection of extremity ==> 肢体段截术
  10435. segmental retinal periarteritis ==> 节段性视网膜动脉周围炎
  10436. segmental rotor ==> 扇形转子
  10437. segmental saw ==> 镶齿圆锯
  10438. segmental shoe bearing ==> 倾斜轴瓦轴承
  10439. segmental sluice gate ==> 弧形泄水闸门,扇形闸门
  10440. segmental spinal anesthesia ==> 分节性脊椎麻醉
  10441. segmental stamping ==> 扇形冲片
  10442. segmental stricture of pancreatic duct ==> 胰管节段性狭窄
  10443. segmental structure ==> 分段结构
  10444. segmental support ==> 弓形架
  10445. segmental tile ==> 弓形瓦,圆弧瓦
  10446. segmental truss ==> 弓形桁架
  10447. segmental type ==> 分装式,组合式
  10448. segmental type pump ==> 多级离心泵
  10449. segmental valve ==> 扇形阀门
  10450. segmental wheel ==> 拼合轮
  10451. segmental-rim rotor ==> (水轮发电机)扇形片磁轭转子
  10452. segmentally welded (monolayered) cylinder ==> 瓦片式圆筒
  10453. segmentary syndrome ==> 脊髓节段综合征
  10454. segmentation ==> 分段,分段法,分割,分节现象,段式,段式调度,整流子片,区段,程序分段=>セグメンテーション
  10455. segmentation cavity ==> 囊胚腔
  10456. segmentation error trap ==> 分段误差收集
  10457. segmentation fault ==> セグメンテーション違反
  10458. segmentation hardware ==> 段式硬件
  10459. segmentation in intestine ==> 肠分节运动
  10460. segmentation mechanism ==> 分段机构
  10461. segmentation movement ==> 分节运动
  10462. segmentation nucleus ==> 分裂核
  10463. segmentation overlay ==> 分段覆盖,分段重叠
  10464. segmentation paging system ==> 段页式
  10465. segmentation register ==> 分段寄存器
  10466. segmentation register table (SRT) ==> 分段寄存器表
  10467. segmentation sphere ==> 分裂球
  10468. segmented circular groove cracking test ==> 分割环形槽热裂试验,分块环形槽热裂纹试验
  10469. segmented column ==> 节柱
  10470. segmented companding ==> 折線圧伸
  10471. segmented cylindrical rod ==> 分段圆棒
  10472. segmented glass laser ==> 分节玻璃激光器
  10473. segmented granulocyte ==> 分叶核粒细胞
  10474. segmented injector ==> 分段式喷嘴
  10475. segmented insert ==> 分段式衬套
  10476. segmented machine ==> 区段式计算机
  10477. segmented mirror telescope ==> 拼合镜面望远镜
  10478. segmented mode ==> 区段方式,段方式
  10479. segmented plate ==> 分段板
  10480. segmented program ==> 分段程序
  10481. segmented pumping test ==> 分段抽水试验
  10482. segmented rod laser ==> 分节棒激光器
  10483. segmented roller ==> 分段滚压机
  10484. segmented rotor brake ==> 扇块动子制动器
  10485. segmented secondary reluctance motor ==> 次级分段的磁阻电动机
  10486. segmented spring ring ==> 扇形弹簧圈
  10487. segmented steelwheel roller ==> 分割式钢轮压路机
  10488. segmented thermocouple ==> 扇形热电偶
  10489. segmented transport ==> 分段运输
  10490. segmented-core single-mode fiber ==> 分层芯单模光纤
  10491. segmented-rod ==> 扇形棒
  10492. segmentum anterius inferius ==> 下前段
  10493. segmentum basale laterale ==> 外侧底段,外基底段
  10494. segmentum basale mediale ==> 内侧底段
  10495. segmentum basale posterius ==> 后底段,后基底段
  10496. segmentum laterale ==> 外侧段
  10497. segmentum lingulare inferius ==> 下舌段
  10498. segmentum mediale ==> 内侧段
  10499. segmentum posterius ==> 后段
  10500. segregate ==> 隔离
  10501. segregated collection system ==> 分流集水系统
  10502. segregated combustion ==> 分离燃烧
  10503. segregated goods ==> 分隔商品
  10504. segregated ice ==> 分凝冰
  10505. segregated spot ==> 偏析区
  10506. segregated vein ==> 分结脉,分凝脉
  10507. segregated zone ==> 偏析带
  10508. segregating unit ==> 分类设备,分离机,分离装置,隔离器
  10509. segregation ==> 离析,偏析,熔析,分隔,分结作用,分离,分凝,分凝作用=>偏析,分離
  10510. segregation banding ==> 分结条带,分凝条带
  10511. segregation coefficient ==> 偏析係数
  10512. segregation constant ==> 分凝,偏析常数
  10513. segregation distorter ==> 分离畸变
  10514. segregation distribution ==> 分隔分布
  10515. segregation foliation ==> 分凝叶理
  10516. segregation gas chromatography ==> 分离气相色谱
  10517. segregation in magma ==> 岩浆分凝(作用)
  10518. segregation junction ==> 分凝结
  10519. segregation kink bands ==> 分凝膝折带
  10520. segregation mutant ==> 分离突变体
  10521. segregation of character ==> 性状分离
  10522. segregation of gene ==> 基因分离
  10523. segregation of items ==> 项目划分
  10524. segregation of losses ==> 损耗分离
  10525. segregation of posterity ==> 后代分离
  10526. segregation phenomenon ==> 分离现象
  10527. segregation place for animals ==> 动物隔离处
  10528. segregation process ==> 离析法
  10529. segregation ratio distortion ==> 分离比偏差
  10530. segregation streamers ==> 偏析带
  10531. segregation zone ==> 离析区
  10532. segregation-free ==> 无偏析
  10533. segregational load ==> 分离负荷
  10534. seguencing unit ==> 命令发送器
  10535. seiche period ==> 湖面波动周期
  10536. SEID, support equipment item description ==> 支援機器品目記述
  10537. Seidal optics ==> 赛得光学
  10538. Seidel aberration ==> 塞德耳像差,赛德尔像差
  10539. Seidel coefficient of aberrations ==> 塞德耳像差系数
  10540. Seidel method ==> 赛德尔方法
  10541. Seidel optics ==> 塞德耳光学
  10542. Seidel third order theory of aberration ==> 塞德耳三级像差理论
  10543. Seidel variable ==> 塞德耳变量
  10544. Seidlitz powder ==> 赛德利茨粉
  10545. SEIDS, support equipment item description sheet ==> 支援機器品目記述リスト
  10546. SEIG, second stage engine ignition ==> 二段エンジン点火
  10547. Seigal-Cattan-Mamon Syndrome ==> 家族性地中海热
  10548. Seignette salt ==> 赛格涅特盐
  10549. seignette salt ==> 酒石酸钾钠
  10550. seignette sol ==> 酒石酸钾钠
  10551. seignette-electrics ==> 铁电体
  10552. SEIKETSU ==> 清洁(日语),认真维护生产,工作现场,确保清洁生产
  10553. Seine ==> 塞纳河
  10554. seine boat ==> 围网船,围网渔轮
  10555. seine float ==> 围网浮子
  10556. seine net ==> 大围网
  10557. seiner ==> 围网渔船
  10558. SEIRI ==> 整理(日语),及时将无用的物品清除现场
  10559. seismal,seismical,earthquake load ==> 地震载荷
  10560. seismic ==> 地震的
  10561. seismic (seismal,seismical,earthquake) load ==> 地震载荷
  10562. seismic acceleration ==> 地震加速度,震动加速度
  10563. seismic acceleration indicator ==> 地震加速指示计
  10564. seismic activity ==> 地震活动,地震活动性
  10565. seismic amplifier ==> 地震放大器
  10566. seismic analysis ==> 地震分析
  10567. seismic anisotropy of Tonga slab ==> トンガスラブの地震波異方性
  10568. seismic area ==> 地震带,地震区,震区
  10569. seismic belt ==> 地震带,地震区
  10570. seismic bending moment ==> 地震弯矩
  10571. seismic center ==> 震中
  10572. seismic coefficient ==> 地震系数
  10573. seismic core phase ==> 核震相
  10574. seismic cross-section ==> 地震剖面
  10575. seismic data ==> 地震数据,地震资料
  10576. seismic degree ==> 震度=>マグニチュード
  10577. seismic design ==> 地震设计
  10578. seismic design of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂抗震设计,核电厂所有构筑物、系统和部件抵御地震所采取措施的总称。就安全设计而言,必须考虑极限安全地震或SL-2震动水平,同时加强对低等级地震的监测
  10579. seismic detector ==> 地震检波器,地震仪
  10580. seismic detector of the displacement ==> 位移式地震检波器
  10581. seismic detector of the velocity type ==> 速度式地震检波器
  10582. seismic digital amplifier ==> 地震数字放大器
  10583. seismic discontinuity ==> 地震间断面
  10584. seismic drill ==> 地震孔用钻机
  10585. seismic dynamic load ==> 地震动力载荷
  10586. seismic element method ==> 地震元法
  10587. seismic evidence ==> 地震学的証拠
  10588. seismic exploration ==> 地层勘探,地震探测,地震探查,震波勘测
  10589. seismic exploration vessel ==> 震波勘测船
  10590. seismic filter ==> 地震滤波器
  10591. seismic floor joint cover ==> 地面抗震缝盖板
  10592. seismic focus ==> 地震震源
  10593. seismic force ==> 地震力
  10594. seismic gap ==> 地震活动空白地带
  10595. seismic geophone ==> 地震检波器,震波检测仪
  10596. seismic geophysical method ==> 地球物理地震法
  10597. seismic hazard ==> 地震危害性
  10598. seismic head wave ==> 地震首波
  10599. seismic impulse method ==> 脉冲地震法
  10600. seismic instrument car ==> 地震仪器车
  10601. seismic intensity ==> 地震烈度,地震强度
  10602. seismic intensity scale ==> 地震强度计
  10603. seismic investigation ==> 地震探测
  10604. seismic load ==> 地震荷载
  10605. seismic map ==> 地震图
  10606. seismic measurement ==> 地震测验
  10607. seismic method ==> 地震勘探法
  10608. seismic method of exploration ==> 地震法勘探,震波勘测法
  10609. seismic method of prospecting ==> 地震法勘探
  10610. seismic model ==> 地震模型
  10611. seismic moment ==> 地震力矩
  10612. seismic motion ==> 地震活动,地震运动
  10613. seismic origin ==> 地震成因
  10614. seismic phase ==> 震相
  10615. seismic processing ==> 震波图分析
  10616. seismic profile ==> 地震剖面
  10617. seismic profiler ==> 地震剖面仪,震波水下地形仪
  10618. seismic property ==> 地震性质
  10619. seismic prospect(ing) ==> 震波勘探
  10620. seismic prospecting ==> 地震勘探,地震探查
  10621. seismic prospecting system ==> 地震探查装置
  10622. seismic prospector ==> 地震预报仪
  10623. seismic reciprocity ==> 震时互易原理
  10624. seismic record ==> 地震记录
  10625. seismic record viewer ==> 地震记录观测仪
  10626. seismic recorder ==> 地震记录仪
  10627. seismic reflection amplifier ==> 地震反射放大器
  10628. seismic reflection method ==> 地震波反射法
  10629. seismic refraction ==> 震波折射
  10630. seismic refraction method ==> 地震折射法
  10631. seismic refraction profile ==> 地震折射剖面
  10632. seismic regime ==> 震情
  10633. seismic region ==> 震区,地震区
  10634. seismic regionalization ==> 地震区划分
  10635. seismic rehabilitation ==> 耐震改修
  10636. seismic resistance ==> 抗震稳定性
  10637. seismic restraint ==> 耐震
  10638. seismic retrofit ==> 耐震補強
  10639. seismic risk ==> 地震危险性
  10640. seismic sea wave ==> 地震海浪,地震海啸,地震津波,海啸=>津波
  10641. seismic sea wave apparatus ==> 海啸仪
  10642. seismic section plotter ==> 地震剖面绘图仪
  10643. seismic seiche ==> 地震假潮
  10644. seismic shock ==> 地震,地震冲击,地震震动,震波冲击
  10645. seismic signal ==> 地震信号
  10646. seismic sounding ==> 地震测深,地震测深法
  10647. seismic source function ==> 震源函数
  10648. seismic spread ==> 地震传播,地震扩散
  10649. seismic stability ==> 抗震稳定性
  10650. seismic station ==> 地震台站
  10651. seismic stratigraphy ==> 地震地层学
  10652. seismic stress ==> 地震应力
  10653. seismic surface wave ==> 地震表面波
  10654. seismic survey ==> 地震测量,地震调查,地震探查,反射法勘探
  10655. seismic travel time ==> 地震波传播时间
  10656. seismic velocity ==> 震波速度
  10657. seismic vertical ==> 震中,地震垂线
  10658. seismic vessel ==> 震波勘测船
  10659. seismic wave ==> 震波,地震波=>地震波
  10660. seismic wave path ==> 地震波路径
  10661. seismic world map ==> 世界地震图
  10662. seismic zone ==> 地震带,地震区
  10663. seismic zoning ==> 地震区划分
  10664. seismic-electric effect ==> 震电效应
  10665. seismic-like event ==> 似地震事件
  10666. seismicity map ==> 地震区域图
  10667. seismo-acoustic reflection survey ==> 震声反射测量
  10668. seismo-electric effect ==> 震电效应
  10669. seismogenic San Andreas fault ==> サンアンドレアス地震断層直下
  10670. seismogenic zone ==> 孕震区
  10671. seismogeological map ==> 地震地质图
  10672. seismogram interpretation ==> 震波图解释
  10673. seismograph ==> 地震记录仪
  10674. seismograph drill ==> 地震孔物探钻机
  10675. seismograph station ==> 地震台站
  10676. seismographic observation ==> 地震观测
  10677. seismographic station ==> 地震台
  10678. seismologic consideration ==> 震情会商
  10679. seismologic station ==> 地震台站
  10680. seismological evidence ==> 地震实迹
  10681. seismological observation ==> 地震观测
  10682. seismology ==> 地震学
  10683. seismomagnetic effect ==> 地震地磁效果,震磁效应
  10684. seismometer ==> 地震计
  10685. seismometer galvanometer ==> 地震检波器检流计
  10686. seismometer pier ==> 拾震器墩子
  10687. seismometer station ==> 地震测站
  10688. seismonastic movement ==> 感振运动
  10689. seismonastic turgor movement ==> 倾震膨压运动
  10690. seismoscope ==> 筒单地震仪
  10691. seismoscope data ==> 验震器数据,验震器数据
  10692. seismoscope response ==> 验震器响应,验震器响应
  10693. seismotectonic line ==> 地震构造线
  10694. SEISO ==> 清扫(日语),自觉地把生产,工作的责任区域,设备等清扫干净
  10695. seissors fault differential fault ==> 剪断层
  10696. Seitz filter ==> 赛氏滤器
  10697. seize ==> 扣押,捕,捕获,攫,攫,卡住,粘附,咬住,没收
  10698. seize markets ==> 争夺市场
  10699. seize smuggled goods ==> 没收,没收走私货物
  10700. seized goods ==> 海关扣押的货物
  10701. seized piston ==> 卡住活塞,卡住活塞
  10702. seizing mark ==> 粘附伤痕,卡挤伤痕,抱轴伤痕
  10703. seizing of piston rings ==> 活塞环烧蚀
  10704. seizing signal ==> 捕获信号,占机信号
  10705. seizure of plunger ==> 柱塞卡住
  10706. seizure of property ==> 财产没收
  10707. seizure of smuggled goods ==> 没收走私货物
  10708. seizure resistance ==> 抗咬合性
  10709. seizuring load ==> 胶住载荷
  10710. seizuring pressure ==> 胶住压力
  10711. SEJ ==> シュナイダー・エレクトリック
  10712. Sejournet extrusion process ==> 赛茹尔玻璃润滑热挤压法
  10713. Sejournet process ==> 玻璃润滑剂高速挤压法
  10714. Sekijima dementia paralytica tremor syndrome ==> 关岛震颤麻痹痴呆综合征
  10715. Sekur machine ==> 斯库尔携带式硬度计
  10716. SEL, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories ==> リレーメーカー
  10717. SEL, selection ==> 選択
  10718. SEL, Space Experiment Laboratory ==> 宇宙実験棟(筑波宇宙センター)
  10719. Selachii ==> 软骨鲨目
  10720. selachine ==> 鲨白化素,鲨白化素
  10721. seladang ==> 白肢野牛
  10722. Selaginella braunii ==> 毛枝卷柏
  10723. Selaginella effusa ==> 疏松卷柏
  10724. Selaginella involvens ==> 卷柏,卷柏
  10725. Selaginella sanguiolenta ==> 圆枝卷柏
  10726. Selaginella sinensis ==> 中华卷柏
  10727. Selaginellaceae ==> 卷柏科,卷柏科
  10728. Selas furance ==> 西拉斯炉
  10729. selatan ==> 塞拉坦风
  10730. selbite ==> 杂菱银矿
  10731. SELCAL, selective-calling system ==> 選択呼出方式
  10732. selcall ==> 选择呼叫装置
  10733. Seldovian (stage) ==> (植物阶)赛多维阶
  10734. select ==> 选,选择,择,挑,挑选=>セレクト
  10735. Select ==> (除草剂)麦草光
  10736. select and execute command ==> 选择并执行命令,需两个相继的动作才能使运行设备的状态改变的命令,第一个动作为"选择命令"激活部分控制电路,受激控制电路又导致返送一确认返回信息
  10737. select bit ==> 选择位
  10738. select chain ==> 选链
  10739. select circuit ==> 选择电路
  10740. select command ==> 选择命令
  10741. select finger ==> 选择指针
  10742. select good persons ==> 选择人才
  10743. select issue rates ==> 选择产次率
  10744. select life table ==> 选择生命表
  10745. select line ==> 选择线
  10746. select magnet ==> 选择磁铁
  10747. select order ==> 选择指令
  10748. select seed ==> 精选种
  10749. select set ==> 选择组
  10750. select suitable material ==> 选材
  10751. select switch ==> 选路开关
  10752. select tape ==> 选择带
  10753. select the most favorable alternatives ==> 挑选最佳方案
  10754. select transmit frequency ==> 选择发射频率
  10755. select verify ==> 选择检验
  10756. select-hold ==> 带保持的选择
  10757. selectable unit (SU) ==> 可选部件
  10758. selectance ==> 选择度=>セレクタンス
  10759. selected ==> 选择的
  10760. selected address ==> 被选地址,被选择的地址
  10761. selected agricultural fields ==> 选择性农田
  10762. selected alkylation process ==> 选择烃化过程
  10763. selected area electron diffraction ==> 选定区电子衍射
  10764. selected areas ==> 卡普坦选区
  10765. selected calling system ==> 选择呼叫系统
  10766. selected cell ==> 选址单元,寻址单元,寻址单元,被选单元
  10767. selected clone ==> 入选无性系
  10768. selected diffraction ==> 选区衍射
  10769. selected foliage contact spray ==> 选择性触杀型叶片喷药
  10770. selected function groups ==> 选定的函数群
  10771. selected heading ==> 选定航向
  10772. selected individual ==> 选择的个体
  10773. selected marker ==> 选择标记,选择性标记
  10774. selected master file tape ==> 被选的主文件带
  10775. selected mating ==> 选配
  10776. selected mine ==> 选定水雷
  10777. selected ordinate method ==> 选择波长法,选择纵坐标法
  10778. selected plant ==> 选择株
  10779. selected pulse ==> 选定脉冲
  10780. selected quality ==> 精选品,上选品质
  10781. selected range indicator ==> 被选范围显示器
  10782. selected reference ==> 选定基准,选定目标
  10783. selected seedling family ==> 经选有性系,经选有性系
  10784. selected seedlings ==> 经选实生苗,经选实生苗
  10785. selected segment ==> 选择节段
  10786. selected soils ==> 选择性土
  10787. selected stars ==> 选用恒星
  10788. selected strains ==> 入选品系
  10789. selected temperature ==> 选定温度
  10790. selected time ==> 选定时间
  10791. selected track ==> 选定的航迹
  10792. selected works ==> 選集
  10793. selected-point method ==> 选点法
  10794. selecting ==> セレクティング
  10795. selecting address technique ==> 选址术
  10796. selecting card ==> 选针纹板
  10797. selecting chain ==> 互斥电路
  10798. selecting chlorosis-resistant plant ==> 选择抗缺绿病的植株
  10799. selecting circuit ==> 选取电路,选择电路
  10800. selecting cutting ==> 择伐
  10801. selecting data ==> 选择数据
  10802. selecting females ==> 挑选母鸡
  10803. selecting lever ==> 操纵系统杠杆
  10804. selecting machine ==> 选谷机
  10805. selecting magnet ==> 选择磁铁
  10806. selecting mechanism ==> 选择机构
  10807. selecting of route ==> 选择行军路线
  10808. selecting operation ==> 选择操作
  10809. selecting perennial vegetable ==> 多年生蔬菜选择
  10810. selecting priority ==> 选择优先权
  10811. selecting sap sample ==> 汁液选择
  10812. selecting sequence ==> 选择顺序
  10813. selecting single plant ==> 进行单株选择
  10814. selecting switch for types of operation ==> 操作方式选择开关
  10815. selecting transfer cam ==> 转移三角
  10816. selecting unit ==> 选择器
  10817. selection ==> 选择,选择作用,指定终端站,拨号,(生物)淘汰=>選択
  10818. selection algorithm ==> 选择算法=>選択アルゴリズム
  10819. selection analysis ==> 選択分析
  10820. selection approach ==> 选择手段=>選択アプローチ
  10821. selection arrangement ==> 選択装置
  10822. selection assay ==> 選択分析
  10823. selection behavior ==> 選択行動
  10824. selection bias ==> 选择偏倚
  10825. selection board ==> 人员选择委员会
  10826. selection check ==> 选择检验
  10827. selection circuit ==> 选择电路
  10828. selection coefficient ==> 选择系数
  10829. selection command ==> 选择命令,用于将装置的若干部件之一连接到公用设备上的命令
  10830. selection consultant ==> 人员选择咨询师
  10831. selection control ==> 选择控制
  10832. selection coppice system ==> 择伐矮林作业
  10833. selection core matrix ==> 选择磁心矩阵
  10834. selection criterion ==> 选种标准
  10835. selection culture method ==> 选择配养法
  10836. selection cutting ==> 择伐,择伐式间伐
  10837. selection differential ==> 选择差别
  10838. selection effect ==> 选择效应
  10839. selection electrode ==> 离子选择电极
  10840. selection element ==> 选择元件
  10841. selection felling ==> 择伐
  10842. selection filter ==> 選択フィルタ
  10843. selection for high protein ==> 高蛋白选择
  10844. selection forest ==> 择伐林
  10845. selection from introduced seed ==> 从大批引种中选育的
  10846. selection from natural crosses ==> 从自然杂交中选出来的
  10847. selection function ==> 选择函数
  10848. selection gene ==> 選択遺伝子
  10849. selection guide ==> 選択ガイド
  10850. selection hypothesis ==> 淘汰仮説
  10851. selection in segregating generations ==> 分离世代的选择
  10852. selection index ==> 选择指数
  10853. selection index method ==> 选择指数法
  10854. selection intensity ==> 选择强度
  10855. selection interview ==> 人员选择访谈
  10856. selection key ==> 选择键
  10857. selection level meter ==> 选频电平表
  10858. selection lever ==> 选择杆
  10859. selection limit ==> 选择极限
  10860. selection matrix ==> 选择矩阵
  10861. selection mechanism ==> 选择机构
  10862. selection method ==> 择伐作业
  10863. selection methods ==> 选择法
  10864. selection of a high yielding variety ==> 选择高产品种
  10865. selection of athletes ==> 运动员选材
  10866. selection of average ==> 平均数的选择
  10867. selection of channel ==> 选择运销通路
  10868. selection of community ==> 群落选择
  10869. selection of edge pixel ==> エッジ画素選択
  10870. selection of feed ==> 进给选择
  10871. selection of firing position ==> 选择射击阵地
  10872. selection of indicator ==> 指示剂的选择
  10873. selection of main auxiliary equipment ==> 主要辅机选择,根据发电厂主设备选型方案,选择与之相匹配的各工艺系统的主要辅机
  10874. selection of main equipment ==> 主设备选择,根据工程具体情况和技术经济论证选择合适容量和性能参数的机组,一般采用的机组应满足节能降耗、污染物减排、节约用水的基本要求
  10875. selection of mating stock ==> 选择配种用畜
  10876. selection of mother trees ==> 母树选择
  10877. selection of risks ==> 风险的取舍
  10878. selection of scionwood ==> 接穗的选择
  10879. selection of seed by salt solution ==> 盐水选种
  10880. selection of single traits ==> 单独性状选择
  10881. selection of the second best course of action ==> 选择次优方案
  10882. selection of water source ==> 水源选择
  10883. selection parameter ==> 选择参数
  10884. selection path ==> 选择通路
  10885. selection piece ==> 选针片
  10886. selection plan ==> 选种方案,选种计划
  10887. selection plugboard ==> 选择插件板
  10888. selection pressure ==> 选择压力
  10889. selection principle ==> 选择原则
  10890. selection pulse ==> 脉冲选取
  10891. selection ratio ==> 选择比
  10892. selection replacement technique ==> 选择替换技术
  10893. selection response ==> 选择反应
  10894. selection rule ==> 選択則
  10895. selection rules ==> 选择定则
  10896. selection rules for atomic spectra ==> 原子光谱选择定则
  10897. selection scheme ==> 选择方案
  10898. selection schemer ==> 选择路线
  10899. selection signal ==> 選択信号
  10900. selection slit ==> 选择狭缝,粒子选择狭缝
  10901. selection statement ==> 选择语句
  10902. selection statistic ==> 选择统计量
  10903. selection system ==> 择伐作业
  10904. selection system of natural regeneration ==> 择伐更新法
  10905. selection theory ==> 选择学说
  10906. selection thinning ==> 择伐式疏伐
  10907. selection transportation ==> 选择搬运
  10908. selection unit ==> 选择单位
  10909. selection winding ==> 选择绕组
  10910. selection wire ==> 选择线
  10911. selection with water ==> 水选
  10912. selectionary tariff ==> 选择关税
  10913. selectionism ==> 选择学说
  10914. selections from introductions ==> 从引种中选择出来
  10915. selective ==> 选择性的=>選択的な,差別的な,精選された,目が肥えた,分離度が良い
  10916. selective ability ==> 選択能力
  10917. selective ablation ==> 選択的除去
  10918. selective abortion ==> 選択的中絶
  10919. selective about wearability ==> 衣類の着こなしにうるさい
  10920. selective absorbability ==> 选择吸收性能
  10921. selective absorbent ==> 选择性滤光片=>選択的吸収剤
  10922. selective absorber ==> 选择吸收体
  10923. selective absorption ==> 选择吸收=>選択吸収,選択吸音
  10924. selective absorption process ==> 選択吸収過程
  10925. selective acidizing ==> 选择性酸处理,选择性酸化
  10926. selective action ==> 选择作用
  10927. selective addressing ==> 选择寻址
  10928. selective administration ==> 选择参入
  10929. selective adsorbent ==> 选择性吸附剂
  10930. selective adsorption ==> 选择吸附
  10931. selective advance ==> 选择增效
  10932. selective advantage ==> 选择优势,选择有利性
  10933. selective affinity ==> 选择亲和力,选择性亲和力
  10934. selective aggregation ==> 选择性聚集
  10935. selective albuminuria ==> 选择性蛋白尿
  10936. selective alkylation ==> 选择性烃化反应
  10937. selective alkylation process ==> 选择性烷基化过程
  10938. selective amplifier ==> 周波数選択性増幅器
  10939. selective angiography ==> 选择性动脉造影
  10940. selective annealing ==> 选择退火,局部退火,局部退火
  10941. selective anodic process ==> 选择性阳极过程
  10942. selective arteriography ==> 选择性动脉造影
  10943. selective assembly ==> 选择装配
  10944. selective assembly manufacturing ==> 选择装配式制造
  10945. selective attachment ==> 选择性粘附
  10946. selective attack ==> 局部腐蚀,局部腐蚀
  10947. selective audio amplifier ==> 选择声频放大器
  10948. selective bacterial leaching ==> 选择性细菌浸出
  10949. selective bacteriostasis ==> 选择性抑菌作用
  10950. selective beacon radar ==> 选择信标雷达
  10951. selective block sequence ==> 选定多层焊次序,顺序分段焊接法
  10952. selective bombing ==> 选择性轰炸
  10953. selective bottom-up ==> 自底向上选择
  10954. selective breeding ==> 选择育种
  10955. selective bronchography ==> 选择性支气管造影术
  10956. selective browsing ==> (畜牧)选择性啃草
  10957. selective call ==> 选择呼叫
  10958. selective call with dual voice frequency ==> 双音频选叫
  10959. selective calling ==> 选台,选择呼叫
  10960. selective calling device and talking set ==> 选叫通话箱
  10961. selective calling system ==> 选择呼叫系统,选择呼叫装置,拨号呼叫系统
  10962. selective capture ==> 选择俘获
  10963. selective carburizing ==> 局部渗碳,局部渗碳
  10964. selective carryover ==> 选择性携带,锅炉蒸汽在不同压力下能选择性地溶解携带锅水中某些盐类的现象
  10965. selective catalytic conversion ==> 选择催化转化
  10966. selective catalytic cracking ==> 选择催化裂化
  10967. selective catalytic reactor ==> 选择性催化反应器
  10968. selective catalytic reduction ==> 选择性催化还原作用
  10969. selective catalytic reduction, SCR ==> 选择性催化还原,在催化剂的作用下,喷入氨把烟气中的NOX还原成N2和H2O,还原剂以NH3为主,催化剂有贵金属和非贵金属两类
  10970. selective category ==> 选择范畴
  10971. selective channel ==> 选择性信道
  10972. selective check ==> 选择检验
  10973. selective chelating resin ==> 选择性螯合树脂
  10974. selective circuit ==> 选择电路,选择性电路
  10975. selective code ==> 选择代码
  10976. selective color filter ==> 选择滤色器
  10977. selective combustion ==> 选择性燃烧
  10978. selective consonance ==> 选择谐振
  10979. selective contact ==> 选择性接触
  10980. selective control ==> 选择性控制=>選択制御
  10981. selective controls ==> 局部控制,局部控制
  10982. selective conversion ==> 选择性转化
  10983. selective corrosion ==> 选择腐蚀,选择性腐蚀,局部腐蚀,局部腐蚀,局部腐蚀作用,局部腐蚀作用
  10984. selective cracking ==> 选择裂化
  10985. selective cracking process ==> 选择裂化
  10986. selective credit control ==> 选择性信贷控制,选择性信用管理,信用质量控制
  10987. selective credit controls ==> 局部信贷控制,局部信贷控制
  10988. selective crude ==> 特定原油
  10989. selective crushing ==> 优先破碎
  10990. selective culture ==> 选择培养
  10991. selective culture medium ==> 选择性培养基
  10992. selective cupping ==> 伐前选采法
  10993. selective cutting ==> 选择砍伐
  10994. selective demodulation ==> 选择性反调制
  10995. selective deposition ==> 选择性沉积
  10996. selective depressant ==> 选择性抑制剂
  10997. selective destructive hydrogenation ==> 选择破坏加氢
  10998. selective detection ==> 选择性检测
  10999. selective differential relay ==> 选择性差动继电器
  11000. selective diffuser ==> 选择扩散器,选择性扩散器
  11001. selective diffusion ==> 选择扩散=>選択拡散
  11002. selective digging ==> 分类挖土
  11003. selective digit emitter ==> 选择数字发送器
  11004. selective dimerization ==> 选择性二叠合
  11005. selective dip soldering ==> 选择浸渍焊接
  11006. selective displacement ==> 选择性顶替
  11007. selective display ==> 选择显示
  11008. selective dissemination of information ==> 选择性信息提供,信息选择传布
  11009. selective dissemination of information (SDI) ==> 定题情报提供
  11010. selective distortion ==> 选择性扭曲
  11011. selective distribution ==> 选择性分配
  11012. selective diversity combining ==> 选择合并
  11013. selective doping ==> 选择掺杂
  11014. selective drainage method ==> 选择排流法
  11015. selective dump ==> 选择性打印,选择转储=>指定域ダンプ
  11016. selective electrode ==> 选择电极
  11017. selective elemination ==> 选择性消灭
  11018. selective elution ==> 选择性洗提
  11019. selective emission ==> 选择放射=>選択放出
  11020. selective employment tax ==> 特定就业税
  11021. selective enrichment ==> 选择富集
  11022. selective entraining agents ==> 选择性携带剂
  11023. selective entropy ==> 选择熵
  11024. selective erase ==> 选择消磁,局部擦除,局部擦除
  11025. selective erasing ==> 随机擦除,选择性擦除
  11026. selective erasure ==> 选择性消除
  11027. selective etchant ==> 选择腐蚀剂
  11028. selective etching ==> 选择腐蚀=>選択エッチング
  11029. selective evaporation ==> 选择性蒸发
  11030. selective excitation ==> 选择激发,选择激发机理
  11031. selective extractant ==> 选择性萃取剂
  11032. selective extraction ==> 选择提取
  11033. selective fading ==> 选择性衰落=>選択性フェージング
  11034. selective feeder ==> 选择进料器
  11035. selective felling ==> 选伐
  11036. selective fermentation ==> 选择性发酵
  11037. selective fertilization ==> 选择受精,选择性受精
  11038. selective filling ==> 选别充填
  11039. selective filter ==> 选择性滤光器
  11040. selective finishing ==> 选择精制
  11041. selective fit ==> 选择配合
  11042. selective flocculation ==> 选择性絮凝
  11043. selective flocculator ==> 选择性絮凝剂
  11044. selective flooding routing ==> 选择扩散式路径确定
  11045. selective flotation ==> 选择性浮选,优先浮选
  11046. selective focus ==> 选择聚焦
  11047. selective fracturing ==> 选择性压裂
  11048. selective freezing ==> 选择结晶
  11049. selective frequency control ==> 选择频率控制=>選択周波数制御(SFC)
  11050. selective fusion ==> 选择熔化
  11051. selective gapper ==> 选择式间苗机
  11052. selective gas precipitation ==> 通气选择性沉淀
  11053. selective gate ==> 选通电路
  11054. selective gear ==> 配换齿轮
  11055. selective gear drive ==> 选择齿轮传动
  11056. selective gear shift ==> 选择性变速
  11057. selective gear shifting ==> 选择性变速
  11058. selective gear transmission ==> 选择齿轮式变速器
  11059. selective gears ==> 选速齿轮箱
  11060. selective getter ==> 选择性吸气剂
  11061. selective grants ==> 特定补贴
  11062. selective grazing ==> 选择放牧,选择性放牧
  11063. selective grinding ==> 选磨
  11064. selective growth ==> 選択成長
  11065. selective hardening ==> 选择硬化,局部淬硬,局部淬硬
  11066. selective heating ==> 局部加热,局部加热,选择性加热,差别加热
  11067. selective herbicide ==> 选择性除草剂
  11068. selective high pruning ==> 选木打枝
  11069. selective hydrodesulfurization ==> 选择性加氢脱硫
  11070. selective hydrogenation process ==> 选择性加氢过程
  11071. selective hydrolysis ==> 优选水解
  11072. selective hydrotreatment ==> 选择加氢处理
  11073. selective hypoaldosteronism ==> 选择性低醛固酮症,选择性醛甾酮过少症
  11074. selective identification ==> 选择识别
  11075. selective identification feature ==> 选择鉴别特征
  11076. selective immunoglobulin deficiency ==> 选择性免疫球蛋白缺少症
  11077. selective impulse ==> 选通脉冲
  11078. selective indexing ==> 选择性标引法
  11079. selective indicator dilution curve determination ==> 选择性指示剂稀释曲线测定
  11080. selective information ==> 选择性信息
  11081. selective instability ==> 选择不稳定度
  11082. selective interchangeability ==> 选择互换性
  11083. selective interconnection ==> 选择布线
  11084. selective interference ==> 选择性干扰,窄带干扰=>選択混信
  11085. selective inventory control ==> 选择性存货管理,分级存货管理
  11086. selective inverse feedback ==> 选择性负反馈
  11087. selective ion exchange ==> 选择性离子交换
  11088. selective ionization gauge ==> 选择性的电离压力计
  11089. selective isotope absorption ==> 选择性同位素吸收
  11090. selective jammer ==> 选择性干扰机
  11091. selective jamming ==> 选择性干扰
  11092. selective jettison ==> 选择投弃
  11093. selective leaching ==> 选择浸出,局部浸出,局部浸出
  11094. selective left sided cardiography ==> 左心选择性造影
  11095. selective level measuring equipment ==> 选择性电平测量设备
  11096. selective level meter ==> 选频电平表
  11097. selective lever ==> 选速杆
  11098. selective listing ==> 选择列表
  11099. selective loading ==> 选择装载
  11100. selective localization ==> 选择性定位=>選択の局部化
  11101. selective logging ==> 选伐,选择砍伐
  11102. selective loop transferring ==> 选择移圈
  11103. selective mark insertion ==> 选择标记插入
  11104. selective masking ==> 选择屏蔽
  11105. selective maturation ==> 选择成熟
  11106. selective measuring system ==> 选择测量系统
  11107. selective medium ==> 选择培养基,选择性培养基
  11108. selective membrane ==> 选择性膜
  11109. selective metasomatism ==> 选择交代作用
  11110. selective methylation process ==> 选择性甲基化过程
  11111. selective migration ==> 选择泳移
  11112. selective mineral element ==> 选择性无机元素
  11113. selective mining ==> 选择性开采法
  11114. selective mixed-phase cracking ==> 选择混合相裂化
  11115. selective mutant ==> 选择性突变性
  11116. selective mutation ==> 选择性突变
  11117. selective negative feedback ==> 选择负反馈
  11118. selective network ==> 选择性网络
  11119. selective nitriding ==> 局部氮化,局部氮化,局部渗氮,局部渗氮
  11120. selective noise-detection circuit ==> 选择噪声检波电路
  11121. selective non-catalytic reduction, SNCR ==> 选择性非催化还原,将含有NH3基的还原剂,喷入炉膛温度为800~1100℃的区域,该还原剂迅速热分解成NH3,无须经过催化剂的催化,直接与烟气中的NOx进行反应生成N2的工艺
  11122. selective nursery ==> 选种圃
  11123. selective nutrition ==> 选择营养
  11124. selective optical lock-on ==> 选择性光学自动跟踪
  11125. selective osmosis ==> 选择性渗透作用
  11126. selective oxidation ==> 選択酸化
  11127. selective oxidation process ==> 选择氧化工艺
  11128. selective oxide etching ==> 氧化物选择腐蚀
  11129. selective oxide flo(a)tation ==> 氧化物优先浮选
  11130. selective pairing ==> 选配
  11131. selective permeability ==> 选择穿透性,选择通透性,选择透性
  11132. selective permeation ==> 选择性渗透
  11133. selective photoeffect ==> 选择性光电效应
  11134. selective photoelectric effect ==> 选择性光电效应
  11135. selective photoeletric emission ==> 选择性光电子发射
  11136. selective plating ==> 选择镀
  11137. selective poison ==> 选择毒物
  11138. selective polymer ==> 选择聚合物
  11139. selective polymerization ==> 选择聚合
  11140. selective polymerization process ==> 选择聚合过程
  11141. selective power ==> 选择能力
  11142. selective precipitation ==> 选择沉淀
  11143. selective preference ==> 优选
  11144. selective process ==> 选择过程
  11145. selective protection ==> 选择性保护
  11146. selective protection method ==> 选择性保护法
  11147. selective proteinuria ==> 选择性蛋白尿
  11148. selective pulse ==> 选择脉冲=>選択パルス
  11149. selective pumping ==> 选择抽运
  11150. selective purchase ==> 选购商品
  11151. selective quenching ==> 选择淬火
  11152. selective quota ==> 选择性配额
  11153. selective quotation ==> 選択的引用
  11154. selective radiation ==> 选择辐射=>選択放射
  11155. selective radiator ==> 选择辐射体=>選択放射体
  11156. selective radiometer ==> 选择辐射计,选择性辐射计
  11157. selective reabsorption ==> 选择性再吸收,选择性重吸收
  11158. selective reaction ==> 选择性反应
  11159. selective reactivation property ==> 选择再活化性
  11160. selective reagent ==> 选择试剂
  11161. selective receiver ==> 选择接收机
  11162. selective receiving circuit ==> 选择接收电路
  11163. selective reception ==> 选择接收
  11164. selective recrystallization ==> 选择性再结晶,优先再结晶
  11165. selective rectification ==> 选择精馏
  11166. selective reduction ==> 选择性还原
  11167. selective reflection ==> 选择反射
  11168. selective reflectivity ==> 选择反射能力
  11169. selective refraction ==> 选择折射
  11170. selective reject ==> 拒选,拒选
  11171. selective relay ==> 选择性继电器=>選択継電器
  11172. selective removal ==> 选择去除
  11173. selective renal arteriography ==> 选择性肾动脉造影
  11174. selective renal tubular dysfunction ==> 选择性肾小管功能障碍
  11175. selective replacement ==> 选择交代,选择交代作用
  11176. selective resonance ==> 选择共振=>選択共振
  11177. selective retention ==> 选择性保留
  11178. selective right cardiography ==> 选择性右心造影术
  11179. selective ringing ==> 选择振铃
  11180. selective rodenticide ==> 选择性杀鼠剂
  11181. selective role ==> 選択的な役割
  11182. selective root application ==> 选择性根部施药
  11183. selective rule ==> 选择规则
  11184. selective sales taxes ==> 特别销售税
  11185. selective sampler ==> 选择性采样器
  11186. selective sampling ==> 选择抽样
  11187. selective scattering ==> 选择散射
  11188. selective scattering of light ==> 光的选择性散射
  11189. selective screen ==> 选择滤色片
  11190. selective searching ==> 选择搜索
  11191. selective sensitivity ==> 选择性灵敏度
  11192. selective separation ==> 选择性分离
  11193. selective sequence calculator ==> 选择程序计算机
  11194. selective sequential ==> 选择顺序
  11195. selective service ==> 征兵
  11196. selective service law ==> 选征兵役法
  11197. selective service system ==> 选征兵役制
  11198. selective short-circuit relay ==> 短絡回路選択継電器(SS)
  11199. selective signal ==> 选择信号=>選出信号
  11200. selective signalling ==> 选择信号装置
  11201. selective sliding gear ==> 滑动变速齿轮,滑移配速轮
  11202. selective solubility diffusion ==> 选择性溶解扩散
  11203. selective solvent ==> 选择溶剂,选择性溶剂,有选择的溶剂
  11204. selective solvent extracted oil ==> 选择性溶剂抽提油
  11205. selective solvent extraction ==> 选择溶剂提取,选择性溶剂抽提
  11206. selective solvent extraction method ==> 选择性溶剂提取法
  11207. selective solvent method ==> 溶剂选择法
  11208. selective solvent process ==> 选择性溶剂过程
  11209. selective sorbent ==> 选择性吸着剂
  11210. selective sorting ==> 优先拣选
  11211. selective species ==> 选种
  11212. selective speed gear ==> 配速齿轮
  11213. selective spherical agglomeration ==> 选择性球状团聚
  11214. selective stacker ==> 选择接卡箱
  11215. selective staining ==> 选择染色
  11216. selective structure ==> 选择性结构
  11217. selective surface ==> 选择性表面
  11218. selective switchgear ==> 选择转换开关
  11219. selective system ==> 选择系统
  11220. selective system of gear changing ==> 变速箱的选择机构,变速箱选择机构
  11221. selective system of preference ==> 选择性优惠关税制度
  11222. selective tempering ==> 局部回火,局部回火
  11223. selective tender ==> 选择性招标
  11224. selective test ==> 选择性试验
  11225. selective thinning ==> 选择砍伐稀疏
  11226. selective tint correction circuits ==> 选择色调校正电路
  11227. selective top-down ==> 顺选,自顶向下选择
  11228. selective toxicity ==> 选择毒性,选择性毒性
  11229. selective trace ==> 选择跟踪
  11230. selective tracing routine ==> 选择追踪程序
  11231. selective track ==> 选择道
  11232. selective transducer ==> 选择性换能器
  11233. selective translocated spray ==> 选择性内吸传导型叶片喷药
  11234. selective transmission ==> 选择变速器,选择式变速器
  11235. selective transmittance ==> 选择透射率
  11236. selective transposition ==> 选择交叉
  11237. selective treatment ==> 选择性处理
  11238. selective tripping ==> 选择断路
  11239. selective tripping system ==> 选择断路系统
  11240. selective tucking ==> 选针集圈
  11241. selective type herbicidal oil ==> 选择性除莠油
  11242. selective updating ==> 选择性信息更新
  11243. selective vagotomy ==> 选择性迷走神经切断术
  11244. selective value ==> 选择值
  11245. selective volatilization ==> 选择挥发
  11246. selective weather data communication ==> 气象数据选择通信
  11247. selective weathering ==> 选择风化作用,选择性风化
  11248. selective weeding ==> 选择性除莠
  11249. selective wetting ==> 优先润湿
  11250. selective yellow ==> 局部黄色
  11251. selective-access display ==> 随机显示
  11252. selective-preferential type ==> 优择方式
  11253. selective-solvent-refined oil ==> 选择性溶剂精制油
  11254. selectivity ==> 选择性,杀虫剂选择性=>選択性,選択度
  11255. selectivity characteristic ==> 选择特性,时限特性
  11256. selectivity clause ==> 选择条款
  11257. selectivity coefficient ==> 选择系数
  11258. selectivity constant ==> 选择常数
  11259. selectivity control ==> 选择性调整
  11260. selectivity curve ==> 选择性曲线
  11261. selectivity diagram ==> 选择性图
  11262. selectivity factor ==> 选择因数
  11263. selectivity index ==> 选择指数
  11264. selectivity of fertilization ==> 受精选择性
  11265. selectivity of protection ==> 保護の選択性, The ability of a protection to identify the faulty section and/or phase(s) of a power system.
  11266. selectivity of relay protection ==> 继电保护选择性,继电保护装置检出电力系统故障点(故障区或相)的能力
  11267. selectivity Q ==> 选择性系数Q
  11268. selectivity ratio ==> 选择比
  11269. selectivity scale ==> 选择标度
  11270. selectophore ==> 选择基
  11271. selector ==> 选数器,选速器,选择器,分选炉,干扰雷达用的金属带,换档器=>選別器,セレクタ
  11272. selector bar ==> 变速杆,转换杆
  11273. selector bit ==> 选针片
  11274. selector blade ==> 分选器叶片
  11275. selector block ==> 选择字块
  11276. selector button ==> 选择按钮,选择器按钮,变速按钮
  11277. selector carrying capacity ==> 选择器负荷容量
  11278. selector channel ==> 选择通道=>選択チャネル
  11279. selector circuit ==> 选择器电路=>選出回路
  11280. selector code ==> 选择码
  11281. selector dial ==> 选择器标度盘
  11282. selector disc ==> 选择圆盘
  11283. selector fork ==> 变速叉,换档叉
  11284. selector installation ==> 选择器装置
  11285. selector key ==> セレクタ電けん
  11286. selector magnet ==> 拨号电磁铁
  11287. selector marker ==> 选择指点标,选择指示器
  11288. selector mechanism ==> 选择机构
  11289. selector panel ==> 选择器架
  11290. selector pen ==> 选择笔
  11291. selector pen attention ==> 光笔注意信号
  11292. selector plug ==> 选择器塞头
  11293. selector pushbutton ==> 选择器按钮
  11294. selector register ==> 选择器的寄存器
  11295. selector relay ==> 选择继电器,选择器继电器
  11296. selector repeater ==> セレクタレピータ
  11297. selector rod ==> 选择器杆,变速叉杆
  11298. selector rod housing ==> 变速杆罩
  11299. selector shaft guide ==> 选择器轴的导槽
  11300. selector shelf ==> 选择器架=>セレクタセルフ
  11301. selector stepping magnet ==> 选择器步进磁铁
  11302. selector switch ==> 选线开关,选线器,选择器开关
  11303. selector valve ==> 选择阀,选择活门,分配阀,手控阀
  11304. selector valve body ==> 分配阀壳体
  11305. selector-pulse generator ==> 选择脉冲发生器
  11306. selector-repeater ==> 选择器增音机,分区断接器,增音选择器,区别机
  11307. selectrifiner ==> 磨选机
  11308. selectro screen ==> 可变偏心筛
  11309. selectron ==> 选数管
  11310. selectron storage ==> 选数管存储器
  11311. seleium-glutathion peroxidase system ==> 硒谷胱甘肽过氧化酶系
  11312. selelctive oxidation ==> 分别氧化
  11313. selemium nutrition ==> 硒营养
  11314. selemium oxyfluoride ==> 氟氧化硒
  11315. selen-tellurjum ==> 硒碲
  11316. selenate ==> 硒酸盐
  11317. selene ==> 月形物
  11318. selenic acid ==> 硒酸
  11319. selenic photoelectric cell ==> 硒光电管
  11320. selenide ==> 硒化物
  11321. selenio-siegenite ==> 硒硫镍钴矿
  11322. selenious ==> 二价硒的
  11323. selenious acid ==> 亚硒酸
  11324. selenite ==> 亚硒酸盐,透明石膏,透石膏
  11325. selenitic cement ==> 透明石膏质水泥
  11326. selenitum ==> 玄精石
  11327. selenium ==> 硒=>セレン(元素,Se)
  11328. selenium (toxic metal) ==> 硒(有毒金属)
  11329. selenium bromide ==> 溴化硒,溴化硒
  11330. selenium cell ==> 硒光电池=>セレン光電池
  11331. selenium chloride ==> 氯化硒
  11332. selenium conductive cell ==> 硒光敏电阻
  11333. selenium conductive photocell ==> 硒光电池
  11334. selenium contamination ==> 硒污染
  11335. selenium copper ==> 硒铜
  11336. selenium dialkyl ==> 二烷基硒
  11337. selenium dimethyl ==> 二甲硒
  11338. selenium dioxide ==> 二氧化硒
  11339. selenium dipropyl ==> 二丙硒
  11340. selenium disulfide ==> 二硫化硒
  11341. selenium halides ==> 卤化硒
  11342. selenium intoxication ==> 硒中毒
  11343. selenium methide ==> 二甲硒
  11344. selenium methionine ==> 蛋氨酸硒
  11345. selenium mixture ==> 硒合剂
  11346. selenium nitride ==> 氮化硒
  11347. selenium oxide ==> 二氧化硒
  11348. selenium oxychloride ==> 二氯氧化硒
  11349. selenium oxyfluoride ==> 二氟氧化硒
  11350. selenium photocell ==> 硒光电池
  11351. selenium photometer ==> 硒光度计
  11352. selenium pile ==> 硒堆
  11353. selenium poisoning ==> 硒中毒
  11354. selenium propyl ==> 二丙硒
  11355. selenium rectifier ==> 硒整流=>セレン整流器
  11356. selenium rectifier for battery charging ==> 电池充电用硒整流器
  11357. selenium rectifier welder ==> 硒整流焊机
  11358. selenium stack ==> 硒堆
  11359. selenium stack type rectifier ==> 叠片型硒整流器
  11360. selenium stainless steel ==> 硒不锈钢
  11361. selenium steel ==> 加硒钢
  11362. selenium sulfide ==> 硫化硒
  11363. selenium toner ==> 硒调色剂
  11364. selenium-cell relay ==> 硒光电池继电器
  11365. selenium-layer vidicon ==> 硒层视像管
  11366. selenizing ==> 硒化
  11367. selenocentric coordinate system ==> 月心坐标系
  11368. selenocentric trajectory ==> 月心轨迹
  11369. selenocosalite ==> 硒铜辉铅铋矿
  11370. selenocystathionine ==> 丙氨酸丁氨酸硒醚
  11371. selenodesy ==> 月面测量,月面测量学
  11372. selenodont ==> 月齿动物
  11373. selenofault ==> 月面断层
  11374. selenogamia ==> 月夜梦行症
  11375. selenograph ==> 月面图
  11376. selenographic coordinates ==> 月面坐标
  11377. selenographic latitude ==> 月面纬度
  11378. selenographic longitude ==> 月面经度
  11379. selenographic projection ==> 月面投影
  11380. selenography ==> 月面学,月球物理学
  11381. selenoid bodies ==> 新月形小体
  11382. selenology ==> 月球学
  11383. Selenomonas ==> 月形单胞菌属
  11384. selenomorphology ==> 月面形态学
  11385. selenone ==> 硒砜
  11386. selenophone ==> 照相录声机
  11387. selenophysical measurement ==> 月球物理测量
  11388. selenophysical phenomena ==> 月球物理现象
  11389. selenophysics ==> 月球物理学
  11390. selenoplegia ==> 月光病
  11391. selenosis ==> 硒中毒
  11392. selenothermy ==> 月热
  11393. selenotrope ==> 月光反射器
  11394. selenous ==> 二价硒的
  11395. selenous acid anhydride ==> 二氧化硒
  11396. selenous anhydride ==> 二氧化硒
  11397. selenoxide ==> 硒亚砜
  11398. selenyl ==> 氢硒基,氧硒基
  11399. seleroscope ==> 反跳硬度计
  11400. selerotium blight of rice ==> 稻菌核病
  11401. self ==> 自身,自我
  11402. self acting brake ==> 自动制动器
  11403. self acting control ==> 自动控制
  11404. self acting door ==> 自动开关双扇风门
  11405. self acting ejector ==> 自动抽逐器
  11406. self acting injector ==> 自动喷射器
  11407. self acting lubrication ==> 自动润滑器
  11408. self acting stop valve ==> 自动关闭阀
  11409. self acting valve ==> 自动阀
  11410. self actuated controller ==> 直接调整器
  11411. self adapting ==> 自适应
  11412. self adapting computer ==> 自适应计算机
  11413. self adaptive flight control system ==> 自适应飞行控制系统
  11414. self adhesive material ==> 自粘合材料
  11415. self adjusting ==> 自动调节的
  11416. self adjusting system ==> 自调节系统
  11417. self aging ==> 自然老化
  11418. self align ==> 自己整合
  11419. self aligned ==> 自对准的
  11420. self aligned approach ==> 自对准法
  11421. self aligned ccd ==> 自对准电荷耦合装置
  11422. self aligned contact ==> 自对准接触
  11423. self aligned electrode ==> 自对准电极
  11424. self aligned gate ==> 自对准栅
  11425. self aligned gate fet ==> 自对准栅场效应晶体管
  11426. self aligned gate mos ==> 自对准栅金属氧化物半导体
  11427. self aligned injector ==> 自对准注入器
  11428. self aligned integraed circuit ==> 自对准集成电路
  11429. self aligned photoresist process ==> 自对准光刻工艺
  11430. self aligned polycide ==> 自对准多晶硅化物
  11431. self aligned polysilicon process ==> 自对准多晶硅工艺
  11432. self aligned schottky fet ==> 自对准肖特基栅场效应晶体管
  11433. self aligned semiconductor device ==> 自对准型半导体装置
  11434. self aligned thick oxide ==> 自对准厚氧化膜
  11435. self aligning ==> 自动对准
  11436. self aligning ball bearing ==> 自动祷滚珠轴承
  11437. self aligning bearing ==> 自动的轴承
  11438. self aligning double row ball bearing ==> 自位对排滚珠轴承
  11439. self aligning radial ball bearing ==> 自动祷滚珠轴承
  11440. self aligning roller bearing ==> 自调位滚柱轴承
  11441. self aligning torque ==> 自位扭矩
  11442. self alignment ==> 自对准=>セルフアライメント
  11443. self annealing ==> 自行退火,(锻后的)自退火
  11444. self antigen ==> 自体抗原
  11445. self assembler ==> 自汇编程序
  11446. self bailing boat ==> 自动泄水救生艇
  11447. self baking electrode ==> 自焙电极
  11448. self balancing ==> 自平衡
  11449. self balancing potentiometer ==> 自平衡电位计
  11450. self bias ==> 自偏压=>自己バイアス
  11451. self biased amplifier ==> 自偏放大器
  11452. self black seed coat ==> 纯褐色种皮
  11453. self brown seed coat ==> 纯褐色种皮
  11454. self capacitance ==> 自电容=>自己容量
  11455. self capacity ==> 自电容=>自己容量
  11456. self centering chuck ==> 自动定心卡盘
  11457. self centering seal ==> 自动定心密封
  11458. self charge ==> 自电荷
  11459. self checking code ==> 自校验码
  11460. self checking integrated circuit ==> 自检集成电路
  11461. self cleaning ==> 自然净化作用
  11462. self clock ==> 自计时
  11463. self closing door ==> 自关风门
  11464. self closing stop valve ==> 自闭阀
  11465. self color ==> 自然色
  11466. self commutated converter ==> 自励式変換器
  11467. self commutation ==> 自励(転流)
  11468. self compaction ==> 自挤压
  11469. self compensated motor ==> 自补偿电动机
  11470. self consistent field ==> 自洽场
  11471. self convergent yoke ==> 自动会聚偏转线圈
  11472. self cooled ==> 自冷却的
  11473. self cooled transformer ==> 自冷式变压器
  11474. self cooling ==> 自冷=>自冷
  11475. self correcting system ==> 自校正系统
  11476. self cross ==> 自交
  11477. self dataching hook ==> 分离钩
  11478. self debugger ==> 自调式程序
  11479. self demagnetization ==> 自退磁=>自己減磁
  11480. self demagnetizing force ==> 自退磁力
  11481. self developing resist ==> 自显影光刻胶
  11482. self diagnostics ==> 自诊断学
  11483. self differentiation ==> 本身分化
  11484. self discharge ==> 自放电=>自己放電
  11485. self draught beam ==> 自动索引木干
  11486. self drawbar ==> 自动索引木干
  11487. self dual circuit ==> 自对偶电路
  11488. self egg ==> 自动排卵
  11489. self embedding ==> 自嵌入
  11490. self endpapers ==> 书芯纸衬页
  11491. self excitation ==> 自励,自激=>自己励磁
  11492. self excitation conditions ==> 自激条件
  11493. self excitation threshold ==> 自激阈值
  11494. self excitation type inverter ==> 自励タイプインバータ
  11495. self excitation winding ==> 自励绕组
  11496. self excited ==> 自激的
  11497. self excited discharge ==> 自持放电
  11498. self excited generator ==> 自励发电机
  11499. self excited machine ==> 自励电机
  11500. self excited oscillations ==> 自激振荡
  11501. self excited sender ==> 自激发射机
  11502. self excited vibrations ==> 自激振动
  11503. self exciting motor ==> 自励电动机
  11504. self feed ==> 自动进给
  11505. self fertile ==> 自花能孕的
  11506. self fertility ==> 自交可结实性
  11507. self fertilization ==> 自花授精
  11508. self fertilizing ==> 自交受精
  11509. self finish ==> 清水面
  11510. self focusing ==> 自聚焦
  11511. self focusing beam ==> 自聚焦束
  11512. self focusing light ==> 自聚焦光
  11513. self focusing lightguide ==> 自聚焦光波导
  11514. self focusing property ==> 自聚焦能力
  11515. self focusing threshold ==> 自聚焦阈值
  11516. self forcusing ==> 自己集束
  11517. self generation ==> 自然发生
  11518. self grading ==> 自动分级
  11519. self grafting ==> 自己嫁接
  11520. self grinding machine ==> 自动磨床
  11521. self guidance ==> 自制导
  11522. self hardening ==> 空气硬化的
  11523. self hardening steel ==> 气硬钢
  11524. self heal ==> 夏枯草=>セルフヒール,シソ科の多年草
  11525. self healing ==> 自体愈合=>自己回復作用
  11526. self heated thermistor ==> 自热式热敏电阻
  11527. self heating ==> 自己加熱
  11528. self heterodyne ==> オートダイン
  11529. self hold ==> 自己保持
  11530. self holding circuit ==> 自保电路
  11531. self holding contact ==> 自保触点
  11532. self holding relay ==> 自保继电器
  11533. self homing ==> 自制导
  11534. self ignition ==> 自发火
  11535. self ignition condition ==> 自己点火条件
  11536. self ignition temperature ==> 自燃温度
  11537. self impedance ==> 固有阻抗=>自己インピーダンス
  11538. self incompatibility ==> 自交不亲和性
  11539. self incompatibility genes ==> 自交不亲和性基因
  11540. self induced transparency ==> 自感应透明
  11541. self induced vibrations ==> 自激振动
  11542. self inductance ==> 自感=>自己インダクタンス
  11543. self inductance current ==> 自感电流
  11544. self induction ==> 自感应=>自己誘導作用:電流が変化するとき,回路自身の中に,この電流による磁束の変化を妨げるような方向の起電力を誘起する。
  11545. self induction coil ==> 自感线圈
  11546. self induction e.m.f. ==> 自感电动势
  11547. self induction electromotive force ==> 自感电动势
  11548. self induction voltage ==> 自感电压
  11549. self infertile ==> 自交不孕的
  11550. self interval timer ==> 自动间隔计时器
  11551. self irradiation effect ==> 自辐照效应
  11552. self limiting chain reaction ==> 自限链式反应
  11553. self loading ==> 自举电路
  11554. self loading and unloading ship ==> 自动装卸船
  11555. self loading cartridge ==> 自动装入盒式磁盘带
  11556. self loading truck ==> 自动装卸式载重汽车
  11557. self locking ==> 自销
  11558. self locking nut ==> 自销螺母
  11559. self lubricating bearing ==> 自润滑轴承
  11560. self lubricating block ==> 自润滑车
  11561. self lubrication ==> 自动润滑
  11562. self luminosity ==> 自发光度
  11563. self maintained discharge ==> 自持放电
  11564. self maintained emission ==> 自持发射
  11565. self maintaining discharge ==> 自持放电
  11566. self maintaining nuclear chain reaction ==> 自持链核式反应
  11567. self masking epitaxy ==> 自掩蔽外延
  11568. self mass ==> 自镜像核
  11569. self mechanized gun ==> 自行火炮
  11570. self mobile robot ==> 自动机器人
  11571. self mode locking ==> 自锁模=>自己モード同期
  11572. self oil feeder ==> 自动注油器
  11573. self oiling ==> 自动润滑
  11574. self oiling bearing ==> 自润滑轴承
  11575. self oiling block ==> 自润滑车
  11576. self opening die head ==> 自动开合螺丝板牙切头
  11577. self organizing maps ==> 自己組織化マップ
  11578. self organizing program ==> 自组织程序
  11579. self orthogonal block code ==> 自正交块码
  11580. self oscillating regime ==> 自激振荡状态
  11581. self oscillation ==> 自激,自激振荡=>自励発振,自励振動
  11582. self oscillations ==> 自激振荡
  11583. self oxidation reduction reaction ==> 自身氧化还原反应
  11584. self pair correlation function ==> 自偶相关函数
  11585. self phasing ==> 自动相位稳定
  11586. self priming device ==> 自吸设备
  11587. self progeny ==> 自交后代
  11588. self programming ==> 程序自动化
  11589. self propelled barge ==> 自航驳船
  11590. self propelled combine ==> 自走式联合收获机
  11591. self purging trap ==> 自动净化槽
  11592. self purification ==> 自净酌
  11593. self purification process ==> 自净过程
  11594. self reactance ==> 固有电抗=>自己リアクタンス
  11595. self reading dosimeter ==> 自读剂量计
  11596. self reading pocket dosimeter ==> 自读式袖珍剂量计
  11597. self recognition ==> 自我识别
  11598. self recorder ==> 自动记录器自记器
  11599. self recording ==> 自动记录的
  11600. self recording apparatus ==> 自动记录设备
  11601. self recording pressure gauge ==> 自记压力计
  11602. self recording thermometer ==> 温度记录机
  11603. self register ==> 自动记录器
  11604. self registered gate ==> 自对准栅
  11605. self registration ==> 自配准
  11606. self regulated machine ==> 自调整电机
  11607. self regulating ==> 自行调整的
  11608. self regulation ==> 自动控制,自平衡
  11609. self regulation time ==> 自平衡时间
  11610. self relative address ==> 自己相対アドレス指定
  11611. self relocatable program ==> 可自行重新分配程序
  11612. self repair ==> 自动恢复
  11613. self reset ==> 自己復帰(継電器)
  11614. self resonance cancellation control ==> 自己共振相殺制御
  11615. self resonance cancellation disturbance observer ==> 自己共振相殺外乱オブザーバ
  11616. self restoration ==> 天然复壮
  11617. self restoring drop ==> 自复吊牌
  11618. self restoring relay ==> 自复归继电器
  11619. self restraint of boundary stress ==> 边缘应力的自限性
  11620. self retaining catheter ==> 潴留导尿管
  11621. self reversal of thermoremanent magnetism ==> 热剩余磁性的自反转
  11622. self reversing diesel engine ==> 直接逆转式柴油机
  11623. self saturated magnetic amplifier ==> 自饱和磁放大器
  11624. self scanning array ==> 自扫描天线阵
  11625. self scattering ==> 自散射
  11626. self scattering effect ==> 自散射效应
  11627. self sealing ==> 自密封
  11628. self seed ==> 自然播种
  11629. self sharpening ==> 自行刃磨
  11630. self shifting ==> 自动转换
  11631. self stabilization ==> 自动稳定
  11632. self stabilization of phase ==> 自动相位稳定
  11633. self standing system ==> 自固定系统
  11634. self start synchronous motor ==> 自动起动同步电动机
  11635. self starter ==> 自动起动器自动启动器
  11636. self starting method ==> 自起动法
  11637. self steering ==> 自动操向
  11638. self sterile ==> 自花不孕的
  11639. self sterility ==> 自花不孕性
  11640. self stopping worm ==> 自销蜗杆
  11641. self study ==> 自学习
  11642. self supported stack ==> 独立式烟囱
  11643. self supporting aerial cable ==> 自支持式架空电缆
  11644. self supporting film ==> 自保持薄膜
  11645. self supporting mast ==> 自立式电杆
  11646. self supporting tower ==> 自立式铁塔
  11647. self surge impedance ==> 波动阻抗
  11648. self sustained discharge ==> 自持放电
  11649. self sustained oscillations ==> 自持振荡
  11650. self sustained vibrations ==> 自激振动
  11651. self sustaining emission ==> 自持发射
  11652. self synchronization ==> 自动同步
  11653. self synchronizing method ==> 自同步法
  11654. self tapping screw ==> 自攻螺钉=>セルフタッピンねじ
  11655. self tempering ==> 自回火
  11656. self terminating oxidation ==> 自行终端氧化
  11657. self testing ==> 自测
  11658. self timer with infrared remote control ==> 红外线遥控自动定时器
  11659. self tolerance ==> 自身耐受性
  11660. self trimming hatchway ==> 自动平舱舱口
  11661. self trimming ship ==> 自动平舱船
  11662. self trimming tank ==> 自动平衡柜
  11663. self turn-off device ==> 自励素子
  11664. self ventilated motor ==> 自然通风电动机
  11665. self wallowing soil ==> 天然波状土
  11666. self wind ==> 自动上发条
  11667. self(-)binder ==> 自动割捆机
  11668. self(-)compensated motor ==> 自补偿电动机
  11669. self(-)restoring relay ==> 自复归继电器
  11670. self(-)scan barograph ==> 自扫描条图
  11671. self- excited multivibrator ==> 自激多谐振荡器
  11672. self- indulgence ==> 享乐欲
  11673. self- lift ==> 自动提升机
  11674. self- mutilation ==> 自残
  11675. self- poking arrangement ==> 自动搅拌装置
  11676. self-absorption ==> 自己吸収
  11677. self-absorption factor ==> 自我吸收因子
  11678. self-accelerating phase of growth ==> 生长自身加速阶段
  11679. self-acceleration ==> 自加速度,自身加速度
  11680. self-accusation ==> 自责
  11681. self-act ==> 自动
  11682. self-act travel ==> 自动行程
  11683. self-acting ==> 自动的=>自動の
  11684. self-acting (gravity) incline ==> 自重运输斜坡道
  11685. self-acting (rope) haulage ==> 自重运输
  11686. self-acting air bearing ==> 动压空气轴承
  11687. self-acting boring machine ==> 自动镗床
  11688. self-acting clutch ==> 自动离合器
  11689. self-acting controller ==> 自动控制
  11690. self-acting device ==> 自动装置
  11691. self-acting door ==> 自动开关风门
  11692. self-acting drilling machine ==> 自动钻床
  11693. self-acting feed ==> 自动进给,自动进料,自动走刀
  11694. self-acting grinding machine ==> 自动磨床
  11695. self-acting idler ==> 自调托滚
  11696. self-acting intermittent brake ==> 自动间歇制动器
  11697. self-acting lathe ==> 自动车床
  11698. self-acting lubricator ==> 自动注油器
  11699. self-acting milling machine ==> 自动铣床
  11700. self-acting mule ==> 自动机,走锭纺纱机
  11701. self-acting piano link regulator ==> (清棉机的)天平杆自动均匀装置
  11702. self-acting scale(s) ==> 自动秤
  11703. self-acting seal ==> 自紧密封
  11704. self-acting slope ==> 自动斜坡
  11705. self-acting thermos ==> 自动恒温器
  11706. self-acting thermostat ==> 自调恒温器
  11707. self-acting trailer coupling ==> 自动拖车联结器,自动拖挂装置
  11708. self-acting travel ==> 自动行程
  11709. self-acting twiner ==> 走锭拈线机
  11710. self-acting valve ==> 自动阀,自动活门
  11711. self-action ==> 自动
  11712. self-activated switch ==> 自激放电器
  11713. self-activating ==> 自激活动
  11714. self-activating orange smoke signal ==> 自然橙色烟雾信号
  11715. self-activation ==> 自激活
  11716. self-actor ==> 自动纺棉机,自动机
  11717. self-actor mule ==> 走锭纺纱机
  11718. self-actuated ==> 自行的
  11719. self-actuated contorl ==> 自力制御(自動制御)
  11720. self-actuated control ==> 自行控制
  11721. self-actuated controller ==> 直接调节器
  11722. self-actuating ==> 自动的
  11723. self-actuating brake ==> 自动刹车
  11724. self-adaptation ==> 自体适应
  11725. self-adaptation autopilot ==> 自适应自动驾驶仪,自适应自动驾驶仪
  11726. self-adaptation command receiving technique ==> 自适应指令接收技术
  11727. self-adaptation control ==> 自适应控制
  11728. self-adaptation system ==> 自适应系统
  11729. self-adapting ==> 自己適応の
  11730. self-adapting filter ==> 自适应滤波器
  11731. self-adapting system ==> 自适应系统
  11732. self-adaption ==> 自适应调节
  11733. self-adaptive ==> 自适应控制
  11734. self-adaptive autopilot ==> 自适应式自动驾驶仪
  11735. self-adaptive control system ==> 自适应控制系统
  11736. self-adaptive controller ==> 自适应控制器
  11737. self-adaptive damping ==> 自适应性阻尼,自适应阻尼
  11738. self-adaptive system ==> 自适应系统
  11739. self-adaptive-adjusting autopilot ==> 自适应式自动驾驶仪
  11740. self-adaptive-correcting autopilot ==> 自适应式自动驾驶仪
  11741. self-adhering film ==> 伸缩薄膜
  11742. self-adhesion ==> 自粘作用
  11743. self-adhesive ==> 自粘的
  11744. self-adhesive film ==> 粘着フィルム
  11745. self-adhesive label ==> 粘着ラベル
  11746. self-adhesive laminate ==> 自粘层压板
  11747. self-adhesive stamp ==> シール切手
  11748. self-adhesive sticker ==> 粘着ステッカー
  11749. self-adhesive tape ==> 自粘带
  11750. self-adjoint ==> 自伴的
  11751. self-adjoint boundary value problem ==> 自伴边值问题
  11752. self-adjoint differential equation ==> 自伴微分方程
  11753. self-adjoint differential operator ==> 自伴微分算子
  11754. self-adjoint elliptic differential operator ==> 自伴椭圆型微分算子
  11755. self-adjoint elliptic operator ==> 自伴椭圆型算子
  11756. self-adjoint equation ==> 自伴方程式
  11757. self-adjoint extension ==> 自伴扩张
  11758. self-adjoint linear differential equation ==> 自伴线性微分方程
  11759. self-adjoint operator ==> 自伴算子
  11760. self-adjoint partial differential operators ==> 自伴偏微分算子
  11761. self-adjoint spectral measure ==> 自伴谱测度
  11762. self-adjoint system ==> 自伴随系统
  11763. self-adjoint transformation ==> 自伴变换
  11764. self-adjointness ==> 自共轭性
  11765. self-adjustable ==> 自调的,可自动调节的
  11766. self-adjustable bearing ==> 自动调节轴承座,自动调整轴承
  11767. self-adjustable drill chuck ==> 自校钻夹,自调式钻卡
  11768. self-adjustable shock absorber ==> 自调式减振器,自动调整减震器
  11769. self-adjustable sliding bearing ==> 自调整滑动轴承
  11770. self-adjusting ==> 自动调整,自动调整的
  11771. self-adjusting arc welding ==> 自动调节电弧焊,自调电弧焊
  11772. self-adjusting automaton ==> 自动调节自动机
  11773. self-adjusting balance ==> 自调平衡
  11774. self-adjusting bearing ==> 自动调整式轴承
  11775. self-adjusting brake ==> 自动调整的制动器,自动调整制动器
  11776. self-adjusting brake head ==> 自动调整闸瓦托
  11777. self-adjusting control ==> 自调整控制
  11778. self-adjusting gland ==> 自调整汽封,利用蒸汽压差变化,自动调整漏汽间隙的汽封
  11779. self-adjusting jaw vice ==> 自调口虎钳
  11780. self-adjusting line of sight ==> 自调整照准线
  11781. self-adjusting magazine ==> 自调胶卷盒
  11782. self-adjusting model ==> 自调整模型
  11783. self-adjusting seal ==> 自紧密封
  11784. self-adjusting stop ==> 自动调整限动器
  11785. self-adjusting system ==> 自调整系统
  11786. self-adjusting tappet ==> 自调式挺杆,自动调隙挺杆
  11787. self-adjusting type nozzle ==> 自动调整型喷管
  11788. self-adjusting weigher ==> 自动秤量器
  11789. self-adjustment ==> 自动调节,自动调整,自调整
  11790. self-admittance ==> 自导纳,固有导纳
  11791. self-advancing prop system ==> 自进式支柱系统
  11792. self-advancing support ==> 自移式支架
  11793. self-advancing support(s) ==> 自进式支架
  11794. self-aid navigation ==> 自备式导航
  11795. self-aiming ==> 自导引
  11796. self-aiming antiaircraft gun ==> 自动瞄准的高射炮
  11797. self-aliging porous bearing ==> 自调多孔轴承
  11798. self-align ==> 自动调整
  11799. self-align type ==> 自调整式
  11800. self-aligning ==> 自动对准
  11801. self-aligning ball-bearing ==> 自动调心滚珠轴承
  11802. self-aligning bearing ==> 自动调节轴承,调心轴承,球面轴承=>心合せ軸受,調心軸受
  11803. self-aligning carrying idler ==> 自调位承载托滚
  11804. self-aligning centring roll ==> 自动对心辊
  11805. self-aligning control system ==> 自校正控制系统
  11806. self-aligning coupling ==> 自动调整联轴节
  11807. self-aligning double row ball bearing ==> 自位对排滚珠轴承,双列自动调心球面球轴承
  11808. self-aligning double-row bearing ==> 双列自动调心轴承
  11809. self-aligning effect ==> 自定位效应
  11810. self-aligning gate ==> 自控栅
  11811. self-aligning gate transistor ==> 自控栅极晶体管
  11812. self-aligning idler ==> 自调位托辊
  11813. self-aligning return idler ==> 自动调位回转段托滚
  11814. self-aligning roller ==> 自调位托滚
  11815. self-aligning roller bearing ==> 自位滚柱轴承
  11816. self-aligning seat washer ==> 球面座圈,调心座圈
  11817. self-aligning spherical rolling bearing ==> 自动调心球面滚子轴承
  11818. self-aligning support ==> 自位轴承支座,自调位轴承支座
  11819. self-aligning system ==> 自动调准系统
  11820. self-aligning torque ==> 自位转矩,(汽车转向轮等的)自回正力矩
  11821. self-alignment ==> 自动调准,自位
  11822. self-amelioration ==> 自身改良土壤
  11823. self-analysis ==> 自我分析
  11824. self-anchored suspension bridge ==> 自锚式吊桥
  11825. self-angling discs ==> 自位板
  11826. self-annealing ==> 自身退火
  11827. self-assembled binary nanoparticle superlattices ==> 自己集合二成分ナノ粒子超格子
  11828. self-assembly ==> 自动装配
  11829. self-bailing cockpit ==> 自动泄水尾阱
  11830. self-baking ==> 自焙
  11831. self-baking electrode ==> 自焙电极,自烘烤电极
  11832. self-balance protection ==> 自动平衡保护,自平衡保护
  11833. self-balanced ==> 自动平衡
  11834. self-balancing ==> 自动平衡
  11835. self-balancing amplifier ==> 自平衡放大器,零电平自动稳定放大器
  11836. self-balancing bolometer bridge ==> (微波测量)自动平衡式辐射热计电桥
  11837. self-balancing bridge ==> 自动平衡电桥,自平衡电桥
  11838. self-balancing capacitance ==> 自动平衡电容
  11839. self-balancing compensation measurement ==> 自平衡补偿测量
  11840. self-balancing extractor ==> 自动平衡脱水机
  11841. self-balancing hot wire anemometer ==> 自平衡热线风速计
  11842. self-balancing instrument ==> 自己平衡計器
  11843. self-balancing magnetic servo amplifier ==> 自平衡磁伺服放大器
  11844. self-balancing measuring equipment ==> 自平衡测量仪器
  11845. self-balancing phase inverter ==> 自动平衡倒相器
  11846. self-balancing potentiometer ==> 自动平衡电位计,自平衡式电位计=>自己平衡電位差計
  11847. self-balancing receive-recorder controller ==> 自平衡接收记录控制器
  11848. self-balancing recorder ==> 自动平衡记录器
  11849. self-balancing strain ga(u)ge ==> 自平衡应变仪
  11850. self-balancing system ==> 自平衡系统
  11851. self-balancing type recorder ==> 自动平衡式记录器
  11852. self-baling boat ==> 自排水救生艇
  11853. self-baling life boat ==> 自排水救生艇
  11854. self-beat spectroscopy ==> 自拍谱法
  11855. self-bias ==> 自生偏压
  11856. self-bias circuit ==> 自偏压电路
  11857. self-bias cut-off effect ==> 自偏截止效应,自偏压截止效应
  11858. self-bias transistor circuit ==> 自偏晶体管电路
  11859. self-biased condenser microphone ==> 自偏压电容传声器
  11860. self-biased off ==> 自给偏压截止
  11861. self-biased triode ==> 自偏三极管
  11862. self-biased tube ==> 自偏管
  11863. self-biasing effect ==> 自偏压效应
  11864. self-biasing impedance ==> 自偏阻抗
  11865. self-biasing resistor ==> 自偏电阻器
  11866. self-binder ==> 自动打捆机,自动束禾机
  11867. self-blast ==> 自力消弧方式
  11868. self-blast circuit-breaker ==> 自通风断路器
  11869. self-bleeding ==> 自动排气的
  11870. self-blended yarn ==> 同种纤维混纺纱
  11871. self-blocking ==> 自动联锁,自闭塞
  11872. self-blowing drum filter ==> 自吹鼓式过滤机
  11873. self-boiled ==> 自沸
  11874. self-boiled limesulphur ==> 自沸石灰硫黄合剂
  11875. self-boiling waste storage tank ==> 自沸废液贮罐
  11876. self-boring pressuremeter ==> 自钻式旁压仪
  11877. self-boring type torsion shear apparatus ==> 自钻式扭剪仪
  11878. self-braking ==> 自动停止
  11879. self-braking device ==> 自动制动装置
  11880. self-brazing ==> 自焊
  11881. self-breakover ==> 自转折
  11882. self-breakup unit ==> 自毁装置
  11883. self-bred progeny ==> 自交子代
  11884. self-bucking hammer ==> 自顶式铆枪
  11885. self-buoyant unit ==> 自浮装置
  11886. self-bursting fuse ==> 自爆熔断器
  11887. self-bypassing filter ==> 自动旁通滤油器
  11888. self-calibration ==> 自己校正
  11889. self-calibration angle sensor ==> 自己校正角度センサ
  11890. self-can celling trafficator ==> 自动消除讯号方向指示器
  11891. self-cancelling ==> 自相抵销(的)
  11892. self-cancelling direction indicator ==> 自动消除讯号方向指示器
  11893. self-cancelling trafficator ==> 自熄式转向指示灯
  11894. self-capacitance ==> 自电容,固有电容
  11895. self-capacity ==> 固有电容,自容量,本身容量=>自己容量
  11896. self-catalysis ==> 自催化
  11897. self-catalyzed reaction ==> 自催化反应
  11898. self-catcher ==> 自挡
  11899. self-centered ==> 静止,静止
  11900. self-centering ==> 自动定心
  11901. self-centering action ==> 自动定心作用
  11902. self-centering apparatus ==> 自动定心装置
  11903. self-centering brake ==> 自行调心制动器
  11904. self-centering capability ==> 自动定心能力
  11905. self-centering chuck ==> 自动定心夹盘,自定心卡盘
  11906. self-centering entry guide ==> 自动定心的进口导板
  11907. self-centering internal measuring instrument ==> 自定心内表面测量仪
  11908. self-centering mandrel ==> 自动定中心轴
  11909. self-centering punch ==> 自定心冲孔器
  11910. self-centering screen ==> 自动定心式筛分机
  11911. self-centering steering ==> 自动回正转向机构
  11912. self-centering trunnion ==> 自定中心耳轴
  11913. self-centering unit ==> 自动定心机构
  11914. self-centering wheel ==> 自动定心轮
  11915. self-chambering ==> 自装
  11916. self-changing gear ==> 自动变速齿轮
  11917. self-changing gearbox ==> 自动变速箱
  11918. self-charge ==> 自具电荷
  11919. self-charging ==> 自充电
  11920. self-check ==> 自检查,发票人支票
  11921. self-check key ==> 自校准开关
  11922. self-check procedures ==> 自检程序
  11923. self-check program ==> 自检程序
  11924. self-checking ==> 自行校验
  11925. self-checking code ==> 自检编码,自校验码=>自動検査コード
  11926. self-checking device ==> 自动校准装置
  11927. self-checking digit ==> 自校验数位
  11928. self-checking number ==> 自检数,自检验数,自校验号码,自验数
  11929. self-checking number feature ==> 自校验数控装置
  11930. self-checking numeral ==> 自校验数
  11931. self-checking system ==> 自校验方式
  11932. self-checking unit ==> 自检装置
  11933. self-choking chute ==> 自卡式溜口
  11934. self-circulation ==> 自循环
  11935. self-cleaning ==> 自动清洗,自消洗
  11936. self-cleaning action ==> 自洁作用
  11937. self-cleaning bit ==> 自清式钻头
  11938. self-cleaning bucket ==> 自清铲斗
  11939. self-cleaning centrifuge ==> 自动清洗离心机
  11940. self-cleaning contact ==> 滑动接点,擦拭触点
  11941. self-cleaning drilling ==> 自动除粉钻进
  11942. self-cleaning effect ==> 自行清洁作用
  11943. self-cleaning filter ==> 自净过滤器
  11944. self-cleaning flexible pipe filter ==> 自净软管过滤器
  11945. self-cleaning gradient ==> 自清坡度
  11946. self-cleaning grizzly ==> 自动清理格筛,自清式格筛
  11947. self-cleaning oil filter ==> 自洁式机油滤清器
  11948. self-cleaning rotating screen filter ==> 自净转筛过滤器
  11949. self-cleaning separator ==> 自清洗式分离器
  11950. self-cleaning spark plug ==> 自动清洁的火花塞,自净式火花塞
  11951. self-cleaning strainer ==> 自洁式过滤器,自清洗式滤器
  11952. self-cleaning tank ==> 自动清洁式油箱
  11953. self-cleaning twin-screw reactor ==> 自动清洗式双螺旋反应器
  11954. self-cleaning type centrifugal separator ==> 自动卸料离心分离机
  11955. self-cleaning viscous filter ==> 自净粘液过滤器
  11956. self-cleansing gradient ==> 自净梯度
  11957. self-cleansing velocity ==> 自清速度
  11958. self-clearing ==> 自动净化的,自动退弹
  11959. self-climbing steel-form ==> 自升式钢模
  11960. self-clinching fastener ==> 自紧夹头
  11961. self-clocking ==> 自动计时
  11962. self-clocking recording method ==> 自定时记录法
  11963. self-closing ==> 自闭合,自动关闭
  11964. self-closing air-door ==> 自闭合空气门
  11965. self-closing electric gate ==> 自闭式电动闸门
  11966. self-closing fire door ==> 自动关闭防火门
  11967. self-closing gauge seal ==> 自动关闭式量油口盖
  11968. self-closing grab ==> 自合式抓爪
  11969. self-closing hinge ==> 自动关闭铰链
  11970. self-closing link ==> 自动关闭节
  11971. self-closing valve ==> 自闭阀
  11972. self-cocking action ==> 自动起爆
  11973. self-cocking release ==> 自动连续发射
  11974. self-colo(u)red material ==> 自着色材料
  11975. self-combustion ==> 自燃,自燃作用
  11976. self-commutated ==> 自励式
  11977. self-commutated Back-To-Back ==> 自励式BTB
  11978. self-commutated conversion ==> 自变流技术
  11979. self-commutated inverter ==> 自动换向逆变器=>自励式インバータ
  11980. self-compacting concrete ==> 自密实混凝土,又称“高流态混凝土”。该混凝土既有高度流动度,又不离析,具有均匀性、稳定性,浇筑依靠自重流动,无需振捣而达到密实的混凝土
  11981. self-compaction ==> 自密实
  11982. self-comparison method ==> (短寿命核测量方法)自比较法
  11983. self-compatibility ==> 自交亲和性
  11984. self-compatible ==> 自交亲和的
  11985. self-compensated machine ==> 自补偿电机
  11986. self-compensating ==> 自动补偿
  11987. self-compensating hair-spring ==> 自动补偿游丝
  11988. self-compensating magnetic balance ==> 自补偿磁平衡
  11989. self-compensating pressure system ==> 压力自动补偿系统
  11990. self-compensating system ==> 自补偿系统
  11991. self-compensating take-up ==> 自动补偿拉紧装置
  11992. self-compensating underground water detector ==> 自动补偿地下水位电测仪
  11993. self-compensation ==> 自补偿
  11994. self-complementary antenna ==> 自互补天线
  11995. self-complementary code ==> 自补码
  11996. self-complementary counter ==> 自补计数器
  11997. self-complementing code ==> 自补码
  11998. self-complementing counter ==> 自补计数器
  11999. self-condensation ==> 自冷凝作用,自缩合作用
  12000. self-conditioned power plant ==> 自动调节动力装置
  12001. self-conductance ==> 自身电导,自导,自电导
  12002. self-congruent ==> 自相一致的
  12003. self-conjugate ==> 正规
  12004. self-conjugate conic ==> 自共轭二次曲线
  12005. self-conjugate element ==> 自共轭元素
  12006. self-conjugate element of a polarity ==> 配极的自共轭元素
  12007. self-conjugate graph ==> 自共轭图
  12008. self-conjugate nuclei ==> 自共轭核
  12009. self-conjugate operator ==> 自共轭算子
  12010. self-conjugate particle ==> 自共轭粒子
  12011. self-conjugate partition ==> 自共轭分类
  12012. self-conjugate quadric ==> 自共轭二次曲面
  12013. self-conjugate subgroup ==> 正规子群
  12014. self-conjugate tetrahedron ==> 自配极四面形
  12015. self-conjugate triangle ==> 自配极三角形
  12016. self-conjugate vector space ==> 自共轭向量空间
  12017. self-consciousness ==> 自我意识
  12018. self-consistency ==> 自洽性
  12019. self-consistent ==> 独立的
  12020. self-consistent charge and configuration ==> 自洽电荷和构型
  12021. self-consistent Coulomb potential ==> 自洽库仑电势
  12022. self-consistent family of curves ==> 自相一致的曲线族
  12023. self-consistent field ==> 自洽场,自洽力场
  12024. self-consistent field method ==> 自洽场方法,哈特里方法
  12025. self-consistent field scattered wave technique ==> 散射波自洽场法
  12026. self-consistent field theory ==> 自洽场论
  12027. self-consistent solution ==> 自洽解
  12028. self-consistent units ==> 自相一致的测量单位
  12029. self-constricted beam ==> 自收缩束
  12030. self-consumption ==> 本单位消费
  12031. self-contact ==> 自力接触
  12032. self-contained ==> 独立的,整装,自备的,闭关自守的,机内
  12033. self-contained air conditioning unit ==> 组合式空气调节器
  12034. self-contained air-conditioner ==> 自动空调器
  12035. self-contained airstairs ==> 随机客梯
  12036. self-contained automatic navigation system ==> 自备式自动导航系统
  12037. self-contained battery ==> 自备电池,固定电池
  12038. self-contained bearing ==> 不可分离型轴承
  12039. self-contained blade grader ==> 自行式平路机
  12040. self-contained boiler ==> 整装锅炉
  12041. self-contained breathing apparatus ==> 自持呼吸器,自给式呼吸器
  12042. self-contained cardan joint ==> 球窝万向节
  12043. self-contained complete ==> 配套的
  12044. self-contained controller ==> 独立式调节器
  12045. self-contained cooling unit ==> 自给冷却机组
  12046. self-contained crash tender ==> 自备式抢救车
  12047. self-contained data base ==> 独立语言数据库
  12048. self-contained drill ==> 独立式钻机,自备动力钻机,带发动机的钻机
  12049. self-contained ecosystem ==> 自给生态系统
  12050. self-contained engine ==> 独立发动机
  12051. self-contained engine drive ==> 单独发动机传动
  12052. self-contained equipment ==> 独立设备
  12053. self-contained instrument ==> 自蔵計器
  12054. self-contained language system ==> 独立语言系统
  12055. self-contained lubrication ==> 压流循环润滑法,强制循环润滑
  12056. self-contained motor drive ==> 单独电动机传动
  12057. self-contained navigation aid ==> 自载导航设备
  12058. self-contained navigator ==> 自备式导航仪
  12059. self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus ==> 自给式氧气呼吸器
  12060. self-contained oxygen generator ==> 独立式氧气发生器
  12061. self-contained penetrant inspection unit ==> 成套式渗透探伤仪
  12062. self-contained plant ==> 自备动力设备,自给企业
  12063. self-contained platform ==> 独立式平台,自备动力工作平台
  12064. self-contained popper ==> (挖泥船的)自备泥舱
  12065. self-contained portable electric lamp ==> 自给式携带电灯
  12066. self-contained press ==> 带有液压泵的压制机
  12067. self-contained projection system ==> 自容式投影系统
  12068. self-contained pump ==> 独立泵
  12069. self-contained radar ==> 自导引系统雷达
  12070. self-contained range finder ==> 光学测距仪,自动控制测远仪,直观式测距仪
  12071. self-contained rocket ==> 自律式火箭发动机
  12072. self-contained start ==> 自持起动
  12073. self-contained supply ==> 自保持电源
  12074. self-contained system ==> 自控生态系统,自律系统,独立系统
  12075. self-contained thermostat ==> 自动定温器
  12076. self-contained underwater breathing appratus ==> 轻潜呼吸器
  12077. self-contained unit ==> 自给系统
  12078. self-contained vertical drilling machine ==> 独立立式钻床
  12079. self-contained-base range finder ==> 内基线测距仪
  12080. self-containing unit ==> 自律系统
  12081. self-control ==> 自动控制
  12082. self-control enemator ==> 自动控制气压灌肠器
  12083. self-controlled oscillator ==> 自控振荡器
  12084. self-controlled synchronous ==> 無整流子電動機
  12085. self-controller ==> 自动控制器
  12086. self-convergent CRT ==> 自会聚显像管
  12087. self-conveyor feed ==> 螺旋加料机
  12088. self-cooled ==> 自冷的=>自冷の
  12089. self-cooled machine ==> 自冷式电机
  12090. self-cooled nozzle ==> 自冷式喷管
  12091. self-cooled transformer ==> 自冷式変圧器
  12092. self-cooling ==> 自动冷却,自冷却
  12093. self-cooling vane ==> 自冷式叶片
  12094. self-copulation ==> 自行交配
  12095. self-correcting ==> 自动校正
  12096. self-correcting automatic navigator ==> 自校正自动领航仪
  12097. self-correcting capability ==> 自校正能力
  12098. self-correcting code ==> 自校编码
  12099. self-correcting homeostasis ==> 自校稳态
  12100. self-correcting memory ==> 自校正记忆
  12101. self-correction ==> 自校正
  12102. self-correction code ==> 自校编码
  12103. self-correlation ==> 自相关
  12104. self-correlation function ==> 自相关函数
  12105. self-corresponding ==> 自对应的
  12106. self-cost ==> 成本
  12107. self-coupling ==> 自动联接器
  12108. self-coupling hitch ==> 自动联接器
  12109. self-crossed ==> 自己交叉的
  12110. self-cure ==> 自愈
  12111. self-curing binder ==> 自硬粘结剂
  12112. self-curing cement ==> 自动硫化胶
  12113. self-curing denture acrylic ==> 自凝牙托粉
  12114. self-curing mo(u)ld ==> 自硬砂型
  12115. self-damping ==> 自阻尼
  12116. self-decomposition ==> 自分解
  12117. self-defining data ==> 自定义数据
  12118. self-defining term ==> 自定义项
  12119. self-defining value ==> 自定义值
  12120. self-degreasing oil filter ==> 自去油过滤器
  12121. self-demagnetization ==> 自动消磁,自去磁
  12122. self-demagnetization effect of tape ==> 磁带自去磁效应
  12123. self-demagnetization factor ==> 自去磁因数
  12124. self-demagnetization force ==> 自去磁力
  12125. self-demagnetization loss ==> 自去磁损耗
  12126. self-demagnetizing factor ==> 自退磁系数
  12127. self-demagnetizing field ==> 自己減磁界
  12128. self-demagnetizing force ==> 自己減磁力
  12129. self-demarcating code ==> 自分界码
  12130. self-demarking code ==> 自检码
  12131. self-dependent missile ==> 自主控制导弹
  12132. self-deploying space station ==> 自展式航天站
  12133. self-description ==> 自描述
  12134. self-destroying device ==> 自毁装置
  12135. self-destroying fuse ==> 自毁引信
  12136. self-destruct charge ==> 自毁装药
  12137. self-destruct circuit ==> 自毁电路
  12138. self-destruct sensor ==> 自炸装置传感器
  12139. self-destruction ==> 自毁作用
  12140. self-destruction device ==> 自毁装置
  12141. self-destruction equipment ==> 自毁装置
  12142. self-destruction feature ==> 自毁装置
  12143. self-destruction system ==> 自爆系统
  12144. self-destruction-type fuze ==> 自毁引信
  12145. self-destructive cooperation ==> 自己破壊的な協力行動
  12146. self-destructor ==> 自毁器
  12147. self-detaching ==> 自分离
  12148. self-detaching hook ==> 自动脱绳钩
  12149. self-detonating mine ==> 自爆水雷
  12150. self-diagnostic facility ==> 自动诊断设备
  12151. self-diagnostic feature ==> 自诊断特性
  12152. self-diagnostic function ==> 自诊断功能
  12153. self-diagnostic program ==> 自诊断程序
  12154. self-differentiation ==> 自主分化
  12155. self-diffusion ==> 自扩散
  12156. self-diffusion coefficient ==> 自扩散系数
  12157. self-digestion ==> 自溶,自体消化,自我消化
  12158. self-directing missile ==> 自导引导弹
  12159. self-direction ==> 自动引导
  12160. self-discharge ==> 自放电,自身放电
  12161. self-discharging ==> 自卸
  12162. self-discharging barge ==> 自卸驳
  12163. self-discharging body ==> 自卸式车厢
  12164. self-discharging bucket ==> 自卸式吊桶
  12165. self-discharging bulk carrier ==> 自卸散装货轮
  12166. self-discharging car ==> 自卸车
  12167. self-discharging purifier ==> 自动排渣净油机
  12168. self-discharging ship ==> 自卸船
  12169. self-discharging system ==> 自卸系统
  12170. self-discharging trailer ==> 自卸拖车
  12171. self-discharging truck ==> 自卸卡车
  12172. self-discharging wagon ==> 自动卸料车,自卸车
  12173. self-disengaging ==> 自动脱开
  12174. self-distributivity ==> 自分配性
  12175. self-division ==> 自身分裂
  12176. self-docking dock ==> 分段接合浮坞
  12177. self-docking type ==> 自行入坞式
  12178. self-dowelling ==> 自动榫合
  12179. self-draining arrangement ==> 自动排水装置
  12180. self-draining cockpit ==> 自动泄水尾阱
  12181. self-drilling tapping screw ==> 自钻孔自攻丝螺钉
  12182. self-drive ==> 自己起动=>自己歩進(自動交換)
  12183. self-drive motor ==> 自起动电动机
  12184. self-driven ==> 自动推进的
  12185. self-driven ingot buggy ==> 自动送锭车
  12186. self-driven instrument ==> 自驱动仪表
  12187. self-driven line-scanning circuit ==> 自激行扫描电路
  12188. self-dual function ==> 自对偶函数
  12189. self-dual groups ==> 自对偶群
  12190. self-dual identities ==> 自对偶恒等式
  12191. self-dual linear space ==> 自对偶线性空间
  12192. self-dual matroid ==> 自对偶拟阵
  12193. self-dual system ==> 自对偶系
  12194. self-dump rake ==> 自翻式横向搂草机
  12195. self-dump sulky rake ==> 自翻横抽搂草机
  12196. self-dumping ==> 自动卸料,自动卸载
  12197. self-dumping barge ==> 自卸驳船
  12198. self-dumping cage ==> 翻转罐笼
  12199. self-dumping car ==> 自翻矿车,自卸矿车
  12200. self-dumping log carrier ==> 自卸式运木船
  12201. self-dumping scroll ==> 自动卸载曲轨
  12202. self-dumping truck ==> 自卸车
  12203. self-duplication ==> 自体复制,自我复制
  12204. self-editor ==> 自编辑程序
  12205. self-eject launch ==> 自弹式发射
  12206. self-elevating barge ==> 自升式平底船
  12207. self-elevating platform ==> 自升式水上作业台
  12208. self-embedding property ==> 自嵌入特性
  12209. self-emission electrode ==> 自发射电极
  12210. self-emitting light source ==> 自发光源
  12211. self-emitting radar ==> 自发射雷达
  12212. self-emptying ==> 自动卸载
  12213. self-emptying cockpit ==> 自动泄水尾阱
  12214. self-emptying hopper ==> 自卸式料仓
  12215. self-emptying trailer ==> 自动卸货拖车
  12216. self-emulsifiable oil ==> 自乳化油
  12217. self-energed brake ==> 自行加力制动器
  12218. self-energized brake ==> 自行加力制动器
  12219. self-energized seal ==> 自紧式密封
  12220. self-energizing ==> 自激励的
  12221. self-energizing action ==> 自助力作用
  12222. self-energizing brake ==> 自动制动闸,自增力式制动器,自增式制动器
  12223. self-energizing brake band ==> 自动制动带
  12224. self-energizing resilient metal gaskets ==> 自紧式弹性金属垫片
  12225. self-energy ==> 自具能(量),自身能量,固有能量,内禀能量,本征能量=>自己エネルギー
  12226. self-energy part ==> 自己エネルギー部分
  12227. self-equalibrating ==> 自动平衡
  12228. self-equalizing ==> 自动平衡
  12229. self-equalizing preamplifier ==> 自动均衡前置放大器,自均衡前置放大器
  12230. self-equilbrating ==> 自平衡
  12231. self-erecting ==> 自动装配
  12232. self-erecting batch type mixer ==> 自动投配式拌和机
  12233. self-established tide ==> 独立潮
  12234. self-excitation ==> 自激,自激发
  12235. self-excitation low-frequency generator ==> 自激低频发电机
  12236. self-excitation method regeneration generator ==> 自激式再生发电机
  12237. self-excitation oscillation ==> 自激振荡
  12238. self-excitation phenomena ==> 自激现象
  12239. self-excitation transductor ==> 自激磁放大器
  12240. self-excitation type ==> 自激型
  12241. self-excitation winding ==> 自励(磁)绕组
  12242. self-excited ==> 自励の
  12243. self-excited AC generator ==> 自励交流发电机=>自励交流発電機
  12244. self-excited alternator ==> 自激交流发电机
  12245. self-excited booster ==> 自激式升压机
  12246. self-excited circuit ==> 自激电路
  12247. self-excited dynamo ==> 自激发电机
  12248. self-excited generator ==> 自励発電機
  12249. self-excited grounded grid oscillator ==> 栅地自激振荡器
  12250. self-excited induction generator ==> 自励誘導発電機
  12251. self-excited machine ==> 自励电机
  12252. self-excited MHD generator ==> 自激式磁流体发电机
  12253. self-excited motor ==> 自励电动机=>自励電動機
  12254. self-excited oscillation ==> 自振动=>自励振動
  12255. self-excited phase advancer ==> 自激式进相机
  12256. self-excited regenerative braking ==> 自激再生制动方式
  12257. self-excited series winding ==> 自励串激绕组
  12258. self-excited shunt field ==> 自励并激磁场
  12259. self-excited system ==> 自激励系统
  12260. self-excited transductor ==> 自激磁放大器
  12261. self-excited transmitter ==> 自激发射机
  12262. self-excited vibration ==> 自励振動
  12263. self-exciter ==> 自励发电机
  12264. self-exciting ==> 自励的
  12265. self-exciting braking ==> 自激制动
  12266. self-exciting condition ==> 自激条件
  12267. self-exciting dynamo ==> 自励磁发电机
  12268. self-exciting modulating amplifier ==> 自激式调制放大器
  12269. self-exciting vibration densimeter ==> 自激式振动密度计
  12270. self-exciting winding ==> 自激绕组
  12271. self-expanding piston ring ==> 自动伸缩活塞环
  12272. self-extensible language ==> 自扩充语言
  12273. self-extinction of arc ==> 自消弧
  12274. self-extinguish ==> 自动灭火
  12275. self-extinguishing ==> 自动灭火,自熄性材料
  12276. self-extinguishing circuit-break ==> 自灭弧断路
  12277. self-extinguishing fault ==> 自熄弧故障,引起短路的电弧能自行熄灭的故障
  12278. self-extinguishing resin ==> 自熄性树脂
  12279. self-faced ==> 自然石面的,天然表面
  12280. self-feed ==> 自进给
  12281. self-feed forage trailer ==> 自喂式饲料拖车
  12282. self-feed silage rack ==> 青贮料自喂架
  12283. self-feed trailer ==> 自饲车
  12284. self-feed(er) silo ==> 自饲青贮堆
  12285. self-feedback amplifier ==> 自反馈放大器,内回授放大器
  12286. self-feedback ciucuit ==> 自反馈电路
  12287. self-feeder ==> 自动进料器,自动饲喂器,自动喂饲装置,自喂器
  12288. self-feeder section ==> 自给器
  12289. self-feeding ==> 自动加料
  12290. self-feeding carburetor ==> 自吸式汽化器
  12291. self-feeding carburettor ==> 自吸式汽化器
  12292. self-feeding portable conveyor ==> 自动上料移动式运输机
  12293. self-feeding salt-feed mixture ==> 自饲食盐饲料混合物
  12294. self-feeding silage ==> 自饲青贮
  12295. self-feeling ==> 自体感觉
  12296. self-fermentation ==> 自己发酵
  12297. self-fertile ==> 自花受精的,自孕的
  12298. self-fertile hybrid ==> 自花可稔杂种
  12299. self-fertile plant ==> 自交能孕植物
  12300. self-fertility ==> 自花结实性,自体能育性
  12301. self-fertilization ==> 自体受精,自体受精作用
  12302. self-field ==> 固有场,自场
  12303. self-filler ==> 自动充注装置
  12304. self-filling drinking bowl ==> 自动添水式饮水器
  12305. self-filling tank ==> 自注式液罐
  12306. self-filling windscreen washer ==> 自充水式风窗玻璃洗涤装置
  12307. self-finance ==> 内部筹款
  12308. self-financing ==> 自负盈亏
  12309. self-fission ==> 自裂变
  12310. self-flaring fitting ==> 自动扩口接头
  12311. self-flashing ==> 自闪光
  12312. self-flow reducer ==> 自流式节流活门,自流式排种节流活门
  12313. self-fluxing ==> 自钎,自生熔剂
  12314. self-fluxing alloy ==> 自助熔合金
  12315. self-fluxing brazing alloy ==> 自钎剂硬钎料,自带熔剂的硬钎料
  12316. self-fluxing nature ==> 自熔性
  12317. self-fluxing ore ==> 自熔矿
  12318. self-fluxing sintered ore ==> 自熔性烧结矿
  12319. self-focused laser beam ==> 自聚焦激光束
  12320. self-focused picture tube ==> 自聚焦显像管
  12321. self-focusing ==> 自聚焦
  12322. self-focusing apparatus ==> 自动对光设备
  12323. self-focusing beam ==> 自聚焦束
  12324. self-focusing fiber ==> 自聚焦纤维
  12325. self-focusing laser ==> 自聚焦激光器
  12326. self-focusing mechanism ==> 自聚焦机制
  12327. self-focusing optical fiber ==> 自聚焦光学纤维
  12328. self-focusing stream ==> 自聚焦束流
  12329. self-folding strip chart ==> 自折叠条形记录纸带
  12330. self-force ==> 自作用力,本身力
  12331. self-fractionating oil pump ==> 自分馏油泵
  12332. self-fractionating pump ==> 自馏真空泵,净化泵,净化泵
  12333. self-frequency ==> 自频
  12334. self-fruitful ==> 自己受精的
  12335. self-fruitfulness ==> 自交结实性
  12336. self-fulfilling philosophy ==> 自我实现的哲学
  12337. self-fulfilment management style ==> 自我目标管理形
  12338. self-fusible ==> 自熔的
  12339. self-gap-detection ==> センサレス
  12340. self-gating ==> 自穿透
  12341. self-generated pressure ==> 自生压力
  12342. self-generating lighting equipment ==> 自发电照明设备
  12343. self-generating method ==> (齿轮的)滚铣法
  12344. self-generating transducer ==> 自生换能器
  12345. self-glazing ==> 自动研光
  12346. self-governing ==> 自动调节
  12347. self-grafting ==> 自行嫁接
  12348. self-gravitation ==> 自吸引
  12349. self-gravity ==> 自己重力
  12350. self-grinding action ==> 自磨作用
  12351. self-gripping jaws ==> 自动夹爪
  12352. self-grown ==> 自生的
  12353. self-grown stream ==> 自生河
  12354. self-guidance ==> 自导引
  12355. self-guided missile ==> 自控导弹
  12356. self-guided weight-loaded accumulator ==> 自导向的重锤式蓄能器
  12357. self-hardening ==> 自硬化,自硬性
  12358. self-hardening property ==> 自硬性
  12359. self-hardening sand ==> 自硬砂
  12360. self-hardening steel ==> 自硬钢,自淬硬钢,气冷硬化钢,空冷淬硬钢,空气硬化钢=>自硬鋼
  12361. self-healing ==> 自复的
  12362. self-healing action ==> 自复作用,自回作用
  12363. self-healing capacitor ==> 自动恢复电容器,自愈电容器
  12364. self-healing grid ==> 自愈电网
  12365. self-healing insulation ==> 自己回復絶縁
  12366. self-heat ==> 自动加热
  12367. self-heated thermocouple ==> 自热式热电偶
  12368. self-heating ==> 自己加熱
  12369. self-heating characteristic ==> 自己加熱特性
  12370. self-heating thermionic tube ==> 自热式热离子管
  12371. self-help feeding ==> 自由采食
  12372. self-help philosophy ==> 自助の精神
  12373. self-heterodyne ==> 自差
  12374. self-hiver ==> 自动招蜂器
  12375. self-hold ==> 自锁
  12376. self-hold circuit ==> 自保持电路
  12377. self-holding ==> 自动夹紧=>自己保持
  12378. self-holding contact ==> 自保持触点
  12379. self-holding screwdriver ==> 弹力持骨螺钉镊
  12380. self-holding Self-holding ==> 自保持
  12381. self-holding taper ==> 自动夹紧拔销
  12382. self-homing bomb ==> 自搜寻炸弹
  12383. self-homing device ==> 自动寻的装置
  12384. self-hunting ==> 自己捜線
  12385. self-igniting bipropellant ==> 自燃双组分推进剂
  12386. self-igniting light ==> 烟火信号
  12387. self-ignition ==> 自己点火,自发火,自燃
  12388. self-ignition engine ==> 自发火发动机
  12389. self-ignition index ==> 自燃指数
  12390. self-ignition method ==> 自行点燃法
  12391. self-ignition point ==> 自燃点,自燃温度
  12392. self-ignition point (temperature) ==> 自燃着火点
  12393. self-ignition temperature ==> 自发火温度,自燃温度
  12394. self-illuminating sight ==> 自身照明觇标
  12395. self-impedance ==> 固有阻抗
  12396. self-impedance function ==> 自阻抗函数
  12397. self-impinging injector ==> 自冲击射流喷嘴
  12398. self-imposed ==> 自ら課した
  12399. self-imposed agony ==> 自らに課した苦痛
  12400. self-imposed anonymity ==> 自主匿名
  12401. self-in-duced vibration ==> 自激振动
  12402. self-incompatibility ==> 自交不亲和性
  12403. self-incompatible ==> 自交不亲和的
  12404. self-incompatility ==> 自交不孕性
  12405. self-indexing ==> 自动分度
  12406. self-indicating ==> 自动指示
  12407. self-indicating scale ==> 指示秤
  12408. self-indication measurement ==> 自指示测量
  12409. self-indication technique ==> 自指示法
  12410. self-induced drift ==> 自感漂移
  12411. self-induced e.m.f. ==> 自感电动势
  12412. self-induced magnetic flux ==> 自感磁通
  12413. self-induced oscillation ==> 自激振荡
  12414. self-induced transparency ( SIT) ==> 自感应透明
  12415. self-induced transparency (SIT) ==> 自感应透明
  12416. self-inductance ==> 自感
  12417. self-inductance coefficient ==> 自感系数
  12418. self-induction ==> 自感,自感应
  12419. self-induction circuit ==> 自感电路
  12420. self-induction coefficient ==> 自感系数
  12421. self-induction current ==> 自感应电流
  12422. self-inductor ==> 自感线圈
  12423. self-infection ==> 自干扰,自体传染,自体感染
  12424. self-infertility ==> 自交不孕性
  12425. self-inflammable mixture ==> 自燃混合物
  12426. self-inflating ==> 自行充气
  12427. self-inflating canopy parachute ==> 自充气伞衣降落伞
  12428. self-inflating life raft ==> 自动气胀式救生筏
  12429. self-inflation surface target ==> 自充水面目标
  12430. self-inflicted wounds ==> 自伤
  12431. self-information ==> 自信息
  12432. self-inhibiting phase of growth ==> 生长自身阻抑阶段
  12433. self-inhibition ==> 自抑制
  12434. self-initialize ==> 自初始化
  12435. self-initializing test sequence ==> 自引导测试序列
  12436. self-initiating antiaircraft munition ==> 自发防空导弹
  12437. self-injection ==> 自喷射,自我注射
  12438. self-inoculation ==> 自体疫苗接种
  12439. self-inspection report ==> 自己点検書
  12440. self-instructed carry ==> 自动进位=>自動式けた上げ
  12441. self-insurance ==> 自保
  12442. self-interaction ==> 自身相互反应
  12443. self-interest in economic management ==> 经济经营中的本身利益,经济经营中的本身利益
  12444. self-interrupter ==> 自动断续器,自行断续器
  12445. self-interrupting circuit ==> 自行断续电路
  12446. self-ionization ==> 自电离
  12447. self-irradiation ==> 自辐照
  12448. self-irradiation damage ==> 自辐照损伤
  12449. self-isolating resistor ==> 自隔离电阻
  12450. self-jamming ==> 自锁
  12451. self-killing ==> 自镇静,钢液自然脱氧
  12452. self-launching sailplane ==> 自行起飞的滑翔机
  12453. self-level(l)ing ==> 自调平
  12454. self-level(l)ing device ==> 自动调平装置
  12455. self-level(l)ing instrument ==> 自动定平水准仪
  12456. self-level(l)ing level ==> 自动测水准仪,自平水准仪
  12457. self-level(l)ing shock absorber ==> 自动调平式减震器
  12458. self-level(l)ing shoe ==> 自动调平式筛架
  12459. self-level(l)ing spreader ==> 自动水平调节吊具
  12460. self-level(l)ing suspension ==> 自动调平悬架
  12461. self-levelling level ==> 自动安平水准仪
  12462. self-lift ==> 自动起落器
  12463. self-lift plough ==> 自动升降犁
  12464. self-lift plow ==> 自动起落犁
  12465. self-lifting system ==> 自动提升系统
  12466. self-limited disease ==> 自限性疾病
  12467. self-limited growth form ==> 自限增长型
  12468. self-limited hemolysis ==> 自限性溶血
  12469. self-limiting chain reaction ==> 自限制链式反应=>自己制御連鎖反応
  12470. self-limiting reactor ==> 自调节反应堆
  12471. self-linking coefficient ==> 自环绕系数
  12472. self-liquidating ==> 自偿性
  12473. self-liquidating investment ==> 能迅速还本生利的投资
  12474. self-liquidating loan ==> 自动清偿贷款
  12475. self-load ==> 自输入
  12476. self-loading ==> 自动装填,自装入
  12477. self-loading device ==> 自动装料器
  12478. self-loading forage box ==> 自装式饲料拖车
  12479. self-loading gun ==> 自动装填炮
  12480. self-loading hauler ==> 自装载运输机
  12481. self-loading hauling unit ==> 自装运输机组
  12482. self-loading mechanism ==> 自动装填机构
  12483. self-loading mixer ==> 自装搅拌车
  12484. self-loading pistol ==> 自动手枪
  12485. self-loading program ==> 自装入程序
  12486. self-loading rifle ==> 自动装填步枪
  12487. self-loading scraper ==> 自装铲运机
  12488. self-loading skidder ==> 自装低轮集材车
  12489. self-loading skip ==> 自装式箕斗
  12490. self-loading trailer ==> 自动装载拖车
  12491. self-loading vehicle ==> 自动装货车,自动装货式汽车
  12492. self-loading wheeled scraper ==> 自动装载轮式铲运机
  12493. self-lock ==> 自锁
  12494. self-lock mechanism ==> 自锁原理
  12495. self-lock pin ==> 自锁销
  12496. self-lock Self-lock ==> 自锁
  12497. self-locking ==> 自动制动,自锁
  12498. self-locking action ==> 自锁作用
  12499. self-locking angle cock ==> 自锁角旋塞
  12500. self-locking catch ==> 自动闭锁器
  12501. self-locking differential (gear) ==> 自锁差速器
  12502. self-locking fastener ==> 自锁紧固件
  12503. self-locking gear ==> 自动闭塞装置,自动闭锁装置
  12504. self-locking nut ==> 自锁螺母
  12505. self-locking steering gear ==> 自锁转向装置,不可逆转向装置
  12506. self-locking valve ==> 自锁阀
  12507. self-lube bearing block ==> 自润滑轴承箱组
  12508. self-lube cartridge unit ==> 自润滑环形轴承箱组
  12509. self-lube flange cartridge unit ==> 自润滑圆形法兰式轴承箱组
  12510. self-lube four-bolt flange unit ==> 自润滑四螺栓方形法式轴承箱组
  12511. self-lube hanger unit ==> 自润滑悬挂式轴承箱组
  12512. self-lube pillow block unit ==> 自润滑枕式轴承箱组
  12513. self-lube take-up unit ==> 自润滑滑块式轴承箱组
  12514. self-lube two-bolt flange unit ==> 自润滑双螺栓菱形法兰式轴承箱组
  12515. self-lubricate ==> 自动润滑
  12516. self-lubricated ==> 自动润滑的
  12517. self-lubricating ==> 自动润滑的
  12518. self-lubricating bearing ==> 自动润滑轴承=>自動注油軸受
  12519. self-lubricating brush ==> 自润滑电刷
  12520. self-lubricating bush ==> 自润滑轴衬
  12521. self-lubricating journal ==> 自润轴颈
  12522. self-lubricating lower track roller ==> 自动润滑式链轨支重轮
  12523. self-lubricating material ==> 自润滑材料
  12524. self-lubricating property ==> 自润滑性能
  12525. self-lubricating pump ==> 自给润滑泵
  12526. self-lubricating sheave ==> 自润滑轮
  12527. self-lubrication ==> 自动润滑,自身润滑
  12528. self-lubricator ==> 自动润滑器
  12529. self-lubricity ==> 自身润滑性
  12530. self-luminescent lamp ==> 自发光灯
  12531. self-luminescent material ==> 自发光材料,自发光物质
  12532. self-luminous body ==> 自发光体
  12533. self-luminous colour ==> 自发光色
  12534. self-luminous compound ==> 自发光化合物
  12535. self-luminous dial ==> 自发光度盘
  12536. self-luminous paint ==> 自发光涂料
  12537. self-luminous train ==> 自发光流星余迹
  12538. self-made quicksand ==> 自成悬浮体
  12539. self-magnetic ==> 自磁(感)的
  12540. self-magnetic energy ==> 自磁能
  12541. self-magnetic field ==> 自磁场
  12542. self-magnetic flux ==> 自感磁通量
  12543. self-maintained circuit ==> 自激振荡电路
  12544. self-maintained discharge ==> 自持放电
  12545. self-maintained discharge detector ==> 自持放电检测器
  12546. self-maintaining ==> 自己保持の,自続の
  12547. self-maintaining discharge ==> 自続放電
  12548. self-maintaining nuclear chain reaction ==> 自持链式核反应=>自続核連鎖反応
  12549. self-maintaining reactor ==> 自持堆
  12550. self-maintenance ==> 自动维持
  12551. self-making ==> モノ作り
  12552. self-management ==> 自主管理权
  12553. self-maneuvering suit ==> 自身机动航天服
  12554. self-manufacture ==> 内製化,自社製造
  12555. self-manufactured semi-finished products in stock ==> 库存自制半成品
  12556. self-marker hypothesis ==> 自身标记假说
  12557. self-measuring device ==> 自动计量装置
  12558. self-measuring tank ==> 自动计量式箱
  12559. self-mixing ==> 自动混合
  12560. self-mixing trailer ==> 自动搅抖混合饲料车
  12561. self-mode-locking ==> 自锁模,模同步
  12562. self-modeling ==> 自模化
  12563. self-modulated oscillator ==> 自调制振荡器
  12564. self-modulating oscillator ==> 自调制振荡器
  12565. self-monitored autopilot ==> 自监控式自动驾驶仪
  12566. self-monitoring ==> 自行监控的
  12567. self-monitoring device ==> 自监控装置
  12568. self-monitoring system ==> 自监控系统
  12569. self-mounting ==> 自动上蔟
  12570. self-mounting tyre chain ==> 自装式轮胎防滑链
  12571. self-movement ==> 独立运动
  12572. self-mover ==> 自动推动器
  12573. self-moving ==> 自动推进的
  12574. self-mulching ==> 自覆盖
  12575. self-multiplying chain reaction ==> 自己増倍性の連鎖反応
  12576. self-mutilation ==> 自残
  12577. self-mutual inductance ==> 自互感
  12578. self-navigation ==> 自动导航
  12579. self-neutralizing frequency ==> 自中和频率
  12580. self-neutralizing valve ==> 中间自位阀
  12581. self-oil ==> 自动润滑
  12582. self-oil feeder ==> 自动给油器
  12583. self-oiler ==> 自动加油器
  12584. self-oiling ==> 自动上油的
  12585. self-oiling bearing ==> 自动润滑轴承
  12586. self-oiling guide bushing ==> 自润滑导套
  12587. self-open ==> 自然裂隙
  12588. self-opening die head ==> 自动开合螺丝板牙切头
  12589. self-opening gate ==> 自动快门
  12590. self-opening purifier ==> 自动排渣净油机
  12591. self-opening reamer ==> 自张式扩孔器
  12592. self-operated control ==> 自行控制=>自力制御(自動制御)
  12593. self-operated controller ==> 自动控制器
  12594. self-operated measuring unit ==> 自动测量装置
  12595. self-operated thermostatic controller ==> 自动调温器
  12596. self-operating fountains ==> 自动喷泉
  12597. self-optimalizing ==> 自寻最佳点
  12598. self-optimizing automatic pilot ==> 自选最佳条件的自动驾驶仪
  12599. self-optimizing control ==> 最佳自动控制
  12600. self-optimizing control system ==> 自动最佳化控制系统
  12601. self-optimizing decision system ==> 自寻最佳决策系统
  12602. self-optimizing filter ==> 自寻最佳化滤波器
  12603. self-optimizing system ==> 自寻最佳系统
  12604. self-organization ==> 自组织=>自己組織化
  12605. self-organization theory ==> 自组织理论
  12606. self-organized adaptation ==> 自律適応
  12607. self-organized criticality ==> 自组织的临界现象
  12608. self-organizing ==> 自组织
  12609. self-organizing computer ==> 自组织计算机
  12610. self-organizing control ==> 自组织控制
  12611. self-organizing controller ==> 自组织控制器
  12612. self-organizing equipment ==> 自组织设备
  12613. self-organizing flight control system ==> 自组飞行控制系统
  12614. self-organizing large information dissemination ==> 自组织大规模情报提供
  12615. self-organizing machine ==> 自编机
  12616. self-organizing map ==> 自己組織化マップ
  12617. self-organizing program ==> 自组织程序
  12618. self-organizing quantum universe ==> 自己組織化する宇宙
  12619. self-organizing system ==> 自组织系统,自编系统
  12620. self-orientating ==> 自动定向的
  12621. self-orthogonal ==> 自成正交
  12622. self-orthogonal convolutional code ==> 自正交卷积码
  12623. self-oscillating ==> 自激振荡
  12624. self-oscillating linear induction motor ==> 自振荡直线感应电机
  12625. self-oscillating regime ==> 自振状态
  12626. self-oscillating rubidium vapour magnetometer ==> 自振铷汽磁强计
  12627. self-oscillating system ==> 自振荡系统
  12628. self-oscillating valve ==> 振荡管
  12629. self-oscillation ==> 自激振荡,自生振荡,自振荡
  12630. self-oscillation elimination ==> 自振荡消除
  12631. self-oscillation method ==> 自动振荡法,固有振动法
  12632. self-oscillator radio telegraphy transmitter ==> 自激振荡器式发报机
  12633. self-oscillatory ==> 自激振荡的
  12634. self-oscillatory transducer ==> 自激振荡式换能器
  12635. self-osculation ==> 自密切
  12636. self-packing ==> 自动填实
  12637. self-parallel curves ==> 自平行曲线
  12638. self-parking wiper ==> 自动开关刮水器
  12639. self-perception ==> 自体感受
  12640. self-perpetuating ==> 自保持
  12641. self-persuasion ==> 自我辩解,自我说服
  12642. self-pillinate ==> 使自花授树
  12643. self-plugging rivet ==> 抽芯铆钉
  12644. self-poise ==> 镇定,自动平衡
  12645. self-poisoning ==> 自体中毒
  12646. self-polar curve ==> 自配极曲线
  12647. self-polar surface ==> 自配极曲面
  12648. self-polar tetrahedron ==> 自配极四面形
  12649. self-polar topology ==> 自配极拓扑
  12650. self-polar triangle ==> 自配极三角形
  12651. self-polarizing relay ==> 自极化继电器
  12652. self-pollinated plant ==> 自花传粉植物,自花授粉植物
  12653. self-pollinated progeny ==> 自花传粉后代,自交传粉后代
  12654. self-pollination ==> 自花传粉,自花授粉,自花受粉
  12655. self-potential ==> 自然电位,自位
  12656. self-potential difference ==> 自电位差
  12657. self-potential log ==> 自电位测井,自然电位录井曲线
  12658. self-potential method ==> 自然电位法
  12659. self-potential prospecting ==> 自电势勘探
  12660. self-potential survey ==> 自电势勘探
  12661. self-power neutron detector ==> 自给能中子探测器
  12662. self-powered ==> 自供电的
  12663. self-powered destructor ==> 自供电自炸装置
  12664. self-powered detector ==> 自供电探测器,自给能探测器,无需外加电源即可探测中子或γ射线的探测器。其原理是发射体原子核俘获中子生成的活化核发射缓发β粒子,或俘获瞬发γ射线而发射电子,从而在收集体产生与中子注量率或γ射线强度成正比的电流信号
  12665. self-powered recorder ==> 自供电录声机
  12666. self-powered scraper ==> 自行式铲运机
  12667. self-powered takeoff ==> 自备动力起飞
  12668. self-pressurize ==> 自动加压,自动加压供油
  12669. self-pressurized system ==> 自加压系统
  12670. self-priming ==> 自动起动注油
  12671. self-priming centrifugal pump ==> 自吸离心泵
  12672. self-priming pump ==> 自吸式泵
  12673. self-priming tank ==> 自动调节液位箱,自调液面水箱
  12674. self-program(m)ing ==> 自动编制程序
  12675. self-programming software ==> 自编程序软件
  12676. self-programming system ==> 自动编程序系统
  12677. self-promotion ==> 自促作用
  12678. self-propagating ==> 自动传布的
  12679. self-propagating exothermic reaction ==> 自动传播的放热反应
  12680. self-propagation ==> 自体繁殖
  12681. self-propelled ==> 自动推进的,自己推进的,自推进
  12682. self-propelled (blade) grader ==> 自动平地机
  12683. self-propelled air defense guided system ==> 自行式防空导弹系统
  12684. self-propelled air-to-ground weapon ==> 自行式空对地火箭武器
  12685. self-propelled air-to-surface missile ==> 自行式空对地导弹
  12686. self-propelled antiaircraft artillery ==> 自行式高射炮兵
  12687. self-propelled antitank gun ==> 自行反坦克炮
  12688. self-propelled artillery ==> 自行炮兵
  12689. self-propelled assault bridge ==> 自行式架桥车
  12690. self-propelled barrack ship ==> 自航式兵营船
  12691. self-propelled blade grader ==> 自动平地机
  12692. self-propelled blader ==> 自动平地机
  12693. self-propelled bomb ==> 自动推进炸弹
  12694. self-propelled car ==> 自动车
  12695. self-propelled carrier ==> 自动底盘
  12696. self-propelled chain-type side-rake ==> 自走链式侧向搂草机
  12697. self-propelled chassis ==> 自动底盘,自动推进式底盘
  12698. self-propelled combine ==> 自走式联合收割机
  12699. self-propelled combine harvester ==> 自动联合收割机
  12700. self-propelled concreting plant ==> 自行式混凝土灌筑机
  12701. self-propelled crane ==> 自走式起重机,移动式起重机
  12702. self-propelled crash test ==> 用自身发动机驱动的汽车碰撞试验
  12703. self-propelled crust breaker ==> 自动推进式打壳机
  12704. self-propelled cutter loader ==> 自走式收割装载机
  12705. self-propelled ditch digger ==> 自走式挖掘机
  12706. self-propelled drill ==> 自走式播种机
  12707. self-propelled driller ==> 自行式钻机
  12708. self-propelled dump rake ==> 自走式横向搂草机
  12709. self-propelled electric locomotive ==> 自备电源式机车
  12710. self-propelled flame-thrower ==> 自行喷火装甲车
  12711. self-propelled floating revolving crane ==> 自航回旋浮吊
  12712. self-propelled frame ==> 自行式底盘
  12713. self-propelled gantry manure crane ==> 自走式厩肥高架起重机
  12714. self-propelled gun ==> 自行火炮
  12715. self-propelled heavy weapon ==> 重型自行武器
  12716. self-propelled hopper dredge ==> 自行式装料斗采砂船
  12717. self-propelled ingot buggy ==> 自动送锭车
  12718. self-propelled jumbo ==> 自行式凿岩台车
  12719. self-propelled launching vehicle ==> 自行式发射装置
  12720. self-propelled lighting equipment ==> 自行式照明设备
  12721. self-propelled missile ==> 自行推进导弹
  12722. self-propelled mobile reactor ==> 自行式堆
  12723. self-propelled model ==> 带发动机的模型
  12724. self-propelled mortar ==> 自行迫击炮
  12725. self-propelled motor atomizer ==> 自走式动力喷雾机
  12726. self-propelled mount(ing) ==> 自动架,自行架
  12727. self-propelled mower ==> 自走式割草机
  12728. self-propelled pickup baler ==> 自走式检拾压捆机
  12729. self-propelled potato harvester ==> 自走式马铃薯收获机
  12730. self-propelled power frame ==> 自行式底盘
  12731. self-propelled power mower ==> 自走式动力割草机
  12732. self-propelled puller winch ==> 自行牵引绞车
  12733. self-propelled roller ==> 自动压路机
  12734. self-propelled scraper ==> 自推式铲运机
  12735. self-propelled ship ==> 自航船
  12736. self-propelled single-row harvester-thrasher ==> 自走式单行收割脱粒机
  12737. self-propelled single-row harvestor ==> 自动单行收割机
  12738. self-propelled sprayer ==> 自走式喷雾机
  12739. self-propelled three-row rotary cultivator ==> 自走式三行旋耕机
  12740. self-propelled tool carrier ==> 自动底盘
  12741. self-propelled tool chassis ==> 自动底盘
  12742. self-propelled tracked loader ==> 自行履带式运载装填车
  12743. self-propelled underwater missile ==> 自动推进的水下导弹
  12744. self-propelled wagon drill ==> 自行式钻车
  12745. self-propelled water barge ==> 自航水驳
  12746. self-propelling ==> 自行的
  12747. self-propelling dredger ==> 自动推进挖泥机,自航式挖泥船
  12748. self-propelling landing gear ==> 自行推进式起落架
  12749. self-propelling launcher ==> 自行式发射装置
  12750. self-propelling tripper ==> 自动推进倾料器
  12751. self-properlled combine ==> 自走式联合收获机
  12752. self-propulsion point ==> 自驱点
  12753. self-protected transformer ==> 自保护变压器
  12754. self-protecting ==> 自行保护
  12755. self-protecting type pump ==> 自护型泵
  12756. self-protection arms ==> 自卫武器
  12757. self-protective transformer ==> 自保护式变压器
  12758. self-provided foreign exchange ==> 自备外汇
  12759. self-pruning ==> 自己整枝,天然脱枝
  12760. self-pulsed modulation ==> 脉冲自调制
  12761. self-pulsed oscillator ==> 脉冲自调制振荡器,自调脉冲振荡器
  12762. self-pulsed system ==> 自脉冲系统
  12763. self-pulsed transmitter ==> 自动脉冲调制发射机,脉冲自调制发射机,脉冲自动调制发射机
  12764. self-pulsing ==> 自生脉冲
  12765. self-purging ==> 自动净化,自排气的
  12766. self-purging cell ==> 自动净化池
  12767. self-purification ==> 自净,自净作用
  12768. self-purification ability ==> 自清能力
  12769. self-purification capacity ==> 自净能力
  12770. self-purification characteristics ==> 自净特性
  12771. self-purification constant ==> 自净常数
  12772. self-purification of water body ==> 水体自净
  12773. self-purification parameter ==> 自净参数
  12774. self-pushing blocking oscillator ==> 自激阻塞振荡器
  12775. self-quenched counter ==> 自猝灭计数管
  12776. self-quenched detector ==> 自猝熄检波器
  12777. self-quenching ==> 自消灭,自猝灭,自淬灭
  12778. self-quenching counter ==> 自己消滅形計数管
  12779. self-quenching counter(tube) ==> 自灭式计数管
  12780. self-quenching mixture ==> 自猝灭混合物
  12781. self-quenching oscillator ==> 自猝灭振荡器
  12782. self-quenching system ==> 自灭系统
  12783. self-radiation impedance ==> 自辐射阻抗
  12784. self-radiolysis ==> 自辐射分解
  12785. self-raising flour ==> 自发粉
  12786. self-rake ==> 自动耧耙
  12787. self-rake reaper ==> 摇臂收割机
  12788. self-reactance ==> 固有电抗
  12789. self-reacting ==> 自反应的
  12790. self-reacting device ==> 自动化仪器
  12791. self-reading ==> 自动读出的
  12792. self-reading instrument ==> 自动读数仪器
  12793. self-reading level rod ==> 自读水准尺
  12794. self-reading quartz fiber dosimeter ==> 自读式石英丝剂量计
  12795. self-reading rod ==> 自读标尺,自读水准杆
  12796. self-reading staff ==> 自读标尺
  12797. self-reciprocal function ==> 自反函数
  12798. self-reclosing breaker ==> 自复断路器
  12799. self-recognition ==> 自身识别
  12800. self-recorder ==> 自动记录器,自记录器
  12801. self-recording ==> 自动记录的,自记的
  12802. self-recording accelerometer ==> 自记式加速计
  12803. self-recording anemometer ==> 自记风速计,风力计
  12804. self-recording aneroid barometer ==> 自记无液气压计
  12805. self-recording aneroidograph ==> 自记无液气压图
  12806. self-recording apparatus ==> 自动记录仪
  12807. self-recording audiometer ==> 自动记录测听计
  12808. self-recording audiometry ==> 自记测听术
  12809. self-recording barometer ==> 自记气压计,自录气压计
  12810. self-recording compensator ==> 自记补偿器
  12811. self-recording device ==> 自动记录器
  12812. self-recording displacement seismograph ==> 自动记录位移地震仪
  12813. self-recording flow meter ==> 自记流量表
  12814. self-recording gauge ==> 自动记录仪表
  12815. self-recording gold-leaf electroscope ==> 自记式金箔验电器
  12816. self-recording high-speed instrument ==> 自记录高速仪表
  12817. self-recording hygrometer ==> 自动记录湿度计,自记温度计
  12818. self-recording instrument ==> 自动记录仪,自动记录仪器
  12819. self-recording interferometric gas analyzer ==> 自记干涉式气体分析器
  12820. self-recording machenism ==> 自动记录机构
  12821. self-recording magnetic balance ==> 自记磁天平
  12822. self-recording micrometer ==> 自记测微计
  12823. self-recording microphotometer ==> 自记显微光度计
  12824. self-recording rain-ga(u)ge ==> 自记雨量计
  12825. self-recording serial colorimeter ==> 自录式连续比色计
  12826. self-recording spectrophotometer ==> 自记分光光度计
  12827. self-recording thermometer ==> 自记温度计,温度记录器
  12828. self-recording tide ga(u)ge ==> 自记水位计
  12829. self-recording titration ==> 自记滴定
  12830. self-recording unit ==> 自动记录器
  12831. self-recording wattmeter ==> 自动记录瓦特计
  12832. self-recovery ==> 自动返回,自动复原
  12833. self-recovery winch ==> 自动拉出用绞车,自救绞车
  12834. self-rectified circuit ==> 自整流电路
  12835. self-rectified transmitter ==> 自整流发射机
  12836. self-rectifier type x-ray apparatus ==> 自整流式X线机
  12837. self-rectifying alternator ==> 自整流式交流发电机
  12838. self-rectifying X-ray tube ==> 自整流X射线管
  12839. self-reducing tachometer ==> 自动归算测速仪
  12840. self-reduction ==> 自身还原作用,自吸收
  12841. self-refreshed dynamic memory (storage) ==> 自更新的动态存储器
  12842. self-refrigeration ==> 自动冷凝,自动冷凝作用
  12843. self-regenerative process ==> 自再生过程
  12844. self-registered technology ==> 自对准工艺
  12845. self-registering ==> 自动记录的
  12846. self-registering anemometer ==> 自记风力表
  12847. self-registering barometer ==> 自记气压表
  12848. self-registering gauge ==> 自记水位计
  12849. self-registering instrument ==> 自动记录式仪器,自动记录仪,自动记录仪器
  12850. self-registering thermometer ==> 自记温度表
  12851. self-regulated machine ==> 自调节电机
  12852. self-regulated vaporization cooling system ==> 自调蒸发冷却系统
  12853. self-regulating ==> 自调的,自调节的=>自己制御の
  12854. self-regulating alternator ==> 自调节交流发电机
  12855. self-regulating arc welding transformer ==> 自调节弧焊变压器
  12856. self-regulating characteristic ==> (負荷の)自己制御性
  12857. self-regulating characteristics ==> 自调特性
  12858. self-regulating feedback control ==> 自动调节反馈控制
  12859. self-regulating fuel pump ==> 自动调节燃料泵
  12860. self-regulating mass transfer system ==> 自调质量转移系统
  12861. self-regulating power transformer ==> 自调整功率变换器
  12862. self-regulating process ==> 自动调节过程
  12863. self-regulating reactor ==> 自调节堆
  12864. self-regulating system ==> 自调系统
  12865. self-regulation ==> 自己平衡性
  12866. self-regulation device ==> 自调节装置
  12867. self-regulation rate ==> 自调整率
  12868. self-relative address ==> 自相对地址
  12869. self-relative addressing ==> 自相对寻址
  12870. self-relative computer ==> 自相关计算机
  12871. self-relative subroutine ==> 自相对子程序
  12872. self-release coupling ==> 自释联轴节
  12873. self-releasing grappling device ==> 自动放开的夹具
  12874. self-releasing gripper ==> 自动开闭式夹纱器
  12875. self-releasing hook ==> 自动解缆钩
  12876. self-releasing slag ==> 自动脱落渣
  12877. self-relieving chain harrow ==> 自动适应地形的链耙,自适应链耙
  12878. self-relocating program ==> 自浮动程序
  12879. self-relocation ==> 自浮动
  12880. self-renewal resources ==> 自然更新资源
  12881. self-repair ==> 自修复
  12882. self-repairing capability ==> 自修复能力
  12883. self-repairing circuit ==> 自恢复电路
  12884. self-repairing computer ==> 自修复计算机
  12885. self-repairing system ==> 自修复系统
  12886. self-replenishing contact ==> 自补偿触点
  12887. self-reproducing automaton ==> 自再生自动机
  12888. self-reproducing system ==> 自我增殖系统
  12889. self-reproduction ==> 自繁殖,自复制,自体繁殖,自我繁殖,自增殖
  12890. self-repulsing ==> 自斥
  12891. self-rescue apparatus ==> 自救呼吸器
  12892. self-rescuer ==> 自救器
  12893. self-reset ==> 自动复位,自动还原
  12894. self-reset manual release control ==> 自动复原手动释放控制
  12895. self-reset==self-reset … ==> 自己復帰
  12896. self-resetting loop ==> 自复位回线,自复位循环,自重置循环
  12897. self-resetting timer ==> 自回复定时器
  12898. self-resistance ==> 自电阻,固有电阻
  12899. self-resonance frequency ==> 自谐振频率
  12900. self-restorability ==> 自动复原性
  12901. self-restoration ==> 天然更新
  12902. self-restoring ==> 自动恢复的
  12903. self-restoring coherer ==> 自恢复式粉末检波器
  12904. self-restoring drop ==> 自复吊牌
  12905. self-restoring indicator ==> 自动复归指示器
  12906. self-restoring relay ==> 自復継電器
  12907. self-restraint agreement ==> 自限协定,自愿限制协定
  12908. self-retailing ==> 自助零售
  12909. self-retaining catheter ==> 自留导尿管
  12910. self-retaining laryngoscope ==> 支撑式喉镜
  12911. self-retaining nasal balloon ==> 鼻腔止血气囊
  12912. self-retaining urethral catheter ==> 自留导尿管
  12913. self-retention ==> 自锁,自制动
  12914. self-return ==> 自动回位
  12915. self-return button with N.C. contact ==> 能自动返回的常闭按钮触点
  12916. self-reversal of remanent magnetization ==> 剩余磁性的自反转
  12917. self-right effect ==> 自动回正作用
  12918. self-righting ==> 自整流(的)
  12919. self-righting effect ==> 自动回正作用
  12920. self-righting lifeboat ==> 自动扶正的救生艇
  12921. self-roasting ==> 自焙
  12922. self-root plant ==> 自根植物
  12923. self-rotated stopper ==> 自动旋转伸缩式凿岩机,自动旋转向上式凿岩机
  12924. self-running sweep ==> 自激扫描
  12925. self-sale ==> 自销
  12926. self-same capital ==> 同一个资本
  12927. self-saturated magnetic amplifier ==> 自饱和磁放大器
  12928. self-saturation ==> 自饱和
  12929. self-saturation type ==> 自己帰還形(磁気増幅器)
  12930. self-scan imaging display panel ==> 自扫描图像显示板
  12931. self-scanned array ==> 自扫描阵列
  12932. self-scanned image sensor ==> 自扫描成像器件,自扫描图像传感器
  12933. self-scanned linear array ==> 自扫描线性阵列
  12934. self-scanned photodiode array ==> 自扫描光电二极管阵
  12935. self-scanned photosensing array ==> 自扫描光敏阵列
  12936. self-scanned solid image sensor ==> 自扫描固态成像传感器
  12937. self-scanned solid-state image sensor ==> 自扫描固态成像传感器
  12938. self-scattering ==> 自散射=>自己散乱
  12939. self-scheduled ==> セルフ・スケジュール
  12940. self-scouring ==> 自然冲刷
  12941. self-screening jamming ==> 自屏蔽干扰
  12942. self-screening property ==> 自蔽性能
  12943. self-screening range ==> 自屏蔽范围
  12944. self-seal by pressure coupling ==> 无垫压力偶密封
  12945. self-sealed bearing ==> 自封式轴承
  12946. self-sealing ==> 自封式
  12947. self-sealing capacitor ==> 自动密封电容器,自封闭电容器
  12948. self-sealing container ==> 自封闭容器
  12949. self-sealing coupling ==> 自封联接器
  12950. self-sealing fuel tank ==> 自封燃料箱,安全油箱
  12951. self-sealing inner chamber ==> 自身密封式内腔
  12952. self-sealing inner tube ==> 自封式内胎
  12953. self-sealing oil seal ==> 自紧油档
  12954. self-sealing oil system ==> 自封油系统
  12955. self-sealing packing ==> 自紧密封
  12956. self-sealing plastics ==> 自动封闭塑胶接合剂
  12957. self-sealing pneumatic tube system ==> 自密封气压管路系统
  12958. self-sealing ring ==> 自紧式密封环
  12959. self-sealing rubber septum ==> 自密封橡胶隔片
  12960. self-sealing tank ==> 自动封闭桶,自封箱
  12961. self-sealing tire ==> 自封轮胎
  12962. self-sealing wrapping ==> 自封包装
  12963. self-seed ==> 自然播种
  12964. self-seed crop ==> 自播作物
  12965. self-seeding ==> 自动下种,自给籽晶
  12966. self-selection bias ==> 自选择偏差
  12967. self-sensation ==> 自我感觉
  12968. self-sensing ==> セルフセンシング
  12969. self-serve station ==> 自动加油站
  12970. self-service ==> 自我服务
  12971. self-service bookstall ==> 无人售书处
  12972. self-service instrument ==> 自动工作仪表
  12973. self-service store ==> 自助商店,无人售货商店
  12974. self-servicing battery ==> 自理充电蓄电池
  12975. self-servo action ==> 自增力作用
  12976. self-set binder ==> 自硬化粘结剂
  12977. self-setting ==> 自动调整,自凝的,(粘结剂的)自硬性
  12978. self-setting bearing ==> 多向调整轴承
  12979. self-setting resin sand ==> 自固化树脂砂
  12980. self-setting silicate process ==> 水玻璃自硬砂
  12981. self-sharpening ==> 自动磨锐
  12982. self-sharpening bit ==> 自磨钻头
  12983. self-sharpening blade ==> 自磨刃式锄铲,自磨刃式刀片
  12984. self-sharpening device ==> 自动磨刀片装置
  12985. self-sharpening share ==> 自磨刃犁桦
  12986. self-shield ==> 自保护
  12987. self-shield coil ==> 自屏蔽线圈
  12988. self-shielded arc welding ==> 自保护电弧焊
  12989. self-shielded poison ==> 自屏毒物
  12990. self-shielded welding wire ==> 自保护焊丝
  12991. self-shielding ==> 自己遮蔽
  12992. self-shielding coil ==> 自屏蔽线圈
  12993. self-shielding effect ==> 自屏蔽效应
  12994. self-shielding factor ==> 自屏蔽系数
  12995. self-shielding function ==> 自屏函数
  12996. self-shift AC plasma panel ==> 自移交流等离子体显示板
  12997. self-shift plasma display ==> 自移位等离子体显示
  12998. self-shifting synchronizing clutch ==> 自动移位同步离合器
  12999. self-shifting transmission ==> 自动转换开关变速箱
  13000. self-shooter ==> 自动闸门
  13001. self-shutting hinge ==> 自关铰链
  13002. self-signalling electronic separation ==> 自发信号电子选矿
  13003. self-similar antenna ==> 自相似天线
  13004. self-similar elliptical crack ==> 自垂椭圆裂隙
  13005. self-similar solution ==> 自相似解
  13006. self-similarity ==> 自己相似性
  13007. self-simulating equation ==> 自模拟方程
  13008. self-skimming ==> 自动除渣
  13009. self-slagging impurity ==> 自生熔渣杂质
  13010. self-slip ==> 湿坯表面光洁层
  13011. self-solidifying ==> 自凝
  13012. self-solidifying liquid ==> 自凝液体
  13013. self-soured casein ==> 自行发酵酪素
  13014. self-sowing ==> 自播
  13015. self-sown crop ==> 自播作物
  13016. self-sown seed ==> 自然播种种子
  13017. self-sprinkling pump set ==> 柴油自喷泵组
  13018. self-stability ==> 自动稳定性
  13019. self-stabilization ==> 自稳定
  13020. self-stabilizing effect in braking ==> 汽车制动自稳效应
  13021. self-stabilizing steering ==> 自动稳定转向系
  13022. self-start ==> 自起动
  13023. self-start motor ==> 自起动电动机
  13024. self-start synchronous motor ==> 自起动同步电动机=>自始動同期電動機
  13025. self-starter ==> 自动起动器,机械起动器
  13026. self-starter pinion ==> 自动起动小齿轮
  13027. self-starter ring gear ==> 自动起动机环形齿轮,自动起动器齿环
  13028. self-starting ==> 自起动
  13029. self-starting injector ==> 自动吸入喷射器
  13030. self-starting method ==> 自动起动法,直接起动法
  13031. self-starting motor ==> 自起动电动机
  13032. self-starting rotary converter ==> 自起动旋转变流机,自启动旋转换流器
  13033. self-starting synchronous motor ==> 自起动同步电动机
  13034. self-steering ==> 自动控制
  13035. self-steering mechanism ==> 自转向机构
  13036. self-steering microwave array ==> 自控微波天线阵
  13037. self-sterile ==> 自交不亲和的
  13038. self-sterile plant ==> 自花不孕植物,自交不孕植物
  13039. self-sterility ==> 自交不育,自体不育,自体不育性
  13040. self-sterility genes ==> 自交不育基因
  13041. self-sterilizer ==> 自动消毒
  13042. self-stiffness ==> 自反电容,固有刚度
  13043. self-stimulated emission ==> 自受激发射
  13044. self-stopping gear ==> 自动制动传动机构,自停机构
  13045. self-stowing gate ==> 自行充填开采巷道
  13046. self-stressing cement ==> 自应力水泥
  13047. self-stressing concrete ==> 自应力混凝土
  13048. self-subduction ==> 自己沈み込み
  13049. self-sucking pump ==> 自吸泵
  13050. self-sufficiency ==> 自足性
  13051. self-sufficing economy ==> 自给经济
  13052. self-sufficing feed ==> 自给饲料
  13053. self-suggestion ==> 自我暗示
  13054. self-superposability ==> 自叠加性
  13055. self-supervision ==> 自我监督
  13056. self-supervisory ==> 自监督
  13057. self-supplied manure ==> 农家肥料
  13058. self-supply ==> セルフ・サプライ,自己供給分
  13059. self-supply power plant ==> 自备动力厂
  13060. self-supplying of feed ==> 饲料自给
  13061. self-support system ==> 自支援系统
  13062. self-supporting ==> 自立的,自燃=>自己支持の
  13063. self-supporting accounting system ==> 独立核算制
  13064. self-supporting aerial cable ==> 自支持架空电缆
  13065. self-supporting antenna mast ==> 自持天线杆
  13066. self-supporting cable ==> 自己支持形ケーブル
  13067. self-supporting coil ==> 自持线圈,自立式线圈
  13068. self-supporting grating ==> 自持光栅
  13069. self-supporting mast ==> 自立式电杆
  13070. self-supporting pack ==> 自支式充填带
  13071. self-supporting property ==> 自身支撑能力
  13072. self-supporting rock ==> 自支护岩石
  13073. self-supporting structure ==> 自立式钢结构,自承重结构
  13074. self-supporting target ==> 自托靶
  13075. self-supporting tendency ==> 自撑能力
  13076. self-supporting tower ==> 自立鉄塔
  13077. self-supporting wall ==> 自承重的墙
  13078. self-supproted opening ==> 天然支护采矿法
  13079. self-surge impedance ==> 自冲击阻抗
  13080. self-suspension ==> 自体悬吊
  13081. self-sustained emission cold cathode ==> 自持发射冷阴极
  13082. self-sustained oscillation ==> 自激振荡,自激振动
  13083. self-sustained oscillations ==> 自持振荡,当系统受到干扰时,由于其阻尼不足或负阻尼,发电机转子的功角和其他变量发生导致系统稳定破坏的增幅或等幅振荡现象
  13084. self-sustained underwater breathing apparatus ==> 自持水下呼吸器
  13085. self-sustaining ==> 自己保持の,自続
  13086. self-sustaining chain reaction ==> 自持链式反应
  13087. self-sustaining gear ==> 自动制动机构,自锁传动
  13088. self-sustaining medium ==> 自持介质
  13089. self-sustaining process ==> 自持过程
  13090. self-sustaining reaction ==> 自持反应
  13091. self-sustaining reactor ==> 自持堆
  13092. self-sustaining rock ==> 稳固岩石
  13093. self-sustaining vessel ==> 自有装卸机械的船舶
  13094. self-synchronism ==> 自动同步
  13095. self-synchronization ==> 自同步并列,将未加励磁的空载同步发电机接入电力系统后,立即给发电机加励磁,由系统将其拖入同步的操作和过程
  13096. self-synchronizing ==> 自动同步,自同步
  13097. self-synchronizing clutch ==> 自动同步离合器
  13098. self-synchronizing code ==> 自同步码
  13099. self-synchronous device ==> 自同步装置,同步机
  13100. self-synchronous motor ==> 自同步电动机,自同步机
  13101. self-synchronous repeater ==> 同步机
  13102. self-synchronous system ==> 自动同步系统
  13103. self-synchronous transmission system ==> 自动同步传输系统
  13104. self-synchronous transmitter ==> 自动同步发射机
  13105. self-tapping ==> 自动攻丝
  13106. self-tapping screw ==> 自动攻丝螺杆,自攻丝螺钉=>セルフタッピンねじ
  13107. self-taught experts ==> 土专家
  13108. self-temperature-compensated strain ga(u)ge ==> 温度自补偿应变片
  13109. self-tempering ==> 自热回火
  13110. self-test and failure warning ==> 自检测故障与告警
  13111. self-test relay ==> 自测试继电器
  13112. self-testing factor ==> 自测试因数
  13113. self-testing-and-repairing computer ==> 自测试自修复计算机
  13114. self-texturing yarn ==> 自变形丝
  13115. self-thermostat ==> 自控恒温器
  13116. self-threading ==> 自动穿线
  13117. self-threading eye ==> 自动穿入式导纱眼
  13118. self-threading screw ==> 自攻螺针,自攻丝螺钉
  13119. self-threading shuttle ==> 自动穿纱式梭子
  13120. self-tightening lever clip ==> 自紧式夹杆
  13121. self-tightening locknut ==> 自紧防松螺母
  13122. self-tightening oil seal ==> 自紧油封
  13123. self-tightening seal ==> 自紧密封
  13124. self-timer ==> 自动记秒表,自动秒表,自拍装置
  13125. self-timing anemometer ==> 自动计时风速计
  13126. self-timing gear ==> 自动调时齿轮
  13127. self-timing system ==> 自己タイミング方式
  13128. self-tipping barge ==> 自倾卸驳
  13129. self-tipping skip ==> 翻转式箕斗
  13130. self-tolerance ==> 自身耐受性,自体耐受性
  13131. self-topping ==> 自封顶
  13132. self-torque ==> 自转矩
  13133. self-tracking action ==> 自动跟踪作用
  13134. self-tracking system ==> 自动跟踪系统
  13135. self-traping effect ==> 光束自陷效应
  13136. self-trapped optical beam ==> 自聚焦光束
  13137. self-trapping effect ==> 自陷效应
  13138. self-triggered program ==> 自启动程序
  13139. self-triggering ==> 自触发的
  13140. self-troughing idler ==> 自动成槽托滚
  13141. self-tune ==> 自动调准
  13142. self-tuned filter ==> 自己同調形フィルタ
  13143. self-tuning control ==> セルフチューニング制御
  13144. self-tuning engine ==> 自调发动机
  13145. self-tuning fuzzy reasoning ==> 自己調整ファジィ推論
  13146. self-tuning short-wave transmitter ==> 自动调谐短波发射机
  13147. self-turn-off power device ==> 自己消弧型パワーデバイス
  13148. self-turning mechanism ==> 自动旋转机构
  13149. self-twilling jacquard ==> 自提地纹经线提花机
  13150. self-twist factor ==> 自捻系数
  13151. self-twisting spinning ==> 自捻纺纱
  13152. self-tying ==> 自动捆扎
  13153. self-tying baler ==> 自动捆结式捡拾压捆机
  13154. self-tying mechanism ==> 自动打捆机构
  13155. self-tying pick-up baler ==> 自动结捆式拣拾压捆机
  13156. self-unfruitfulness ==> 自交不实性
  13157. self-unloading forage box ==> 自卸式饲料分送车
  13158. self-unloading hopper ==> 自卸料仓
  13159. self-unloading pump ==> 自动卸料泵
  13160. self-unloading ship ==> 自动卸货船,自卸船
  13161. self-unloading vessel ==> 自卸船
  13162. self-unloading wagon ==> 自卸车,自卸拖车
  13163. self-ventilated machine ==> 自通风电机=>自己通風形電機
  13164. self-ventilated motor ==> 自然通风电动机,自然通风式电动机
  13165. self-ventilation ==> 自通风
  13166. self-verifying ==> 自动检验
  13167. self-virtualizing ==> 自虚拟
  13168. self-vulcanizing ==> 自硫化
  13169. self-washing filter ==> 自洗式过滤器
  13170. self-waterer ==> 自动饮水装置
  13171. self-watering device ==> 自饮器
  13172. self-weight collapse loess ==> 自重湿陷性黄土
  13173. self-weight stress ==> 自重应力
  13174. self-weight vector ==> 自重向量
  13175. self-winding ==> 自卷的
  13176. self-winding clock ==> 自上发条钟
  13177. self-winding electric clock ==> 自绕电钟
  13178. self-winding watch ==> 自动手表,自上发条表
  13179. selfacting incline ==> 重力运输
  13180. selfacting twiner ==> 走锭拈线机
  13181. selfactuated regulator ==> 测量元件控制调节器
  13182. selfaligning control ==> 跟随控制
  13183. selfcapacity ==> 固有电容
  13184. selfcost ==> 成本
  13185. SELFD Self Discharging ==> 自己卸货
  13186. selfdigestion ==> 自体溶解
  13187. selfed colone ==> 自花授粉无性系
  13188. selfed family ==> 自交有性系
  13189. selfed progeny ==> 自花传粉后代
  13190. selfed seed ==> 自交种,自交种子
  13191. selfed seedling ==> 自交实生树
  13192. selfexcited oscillation ==> 自励振動
  13193. selfhardening sand (mixture) ==> 自硬砂
  13194. Selfil ==> 夹长丝自捻纺纱机
  13195. selfing ==> 自花授精,自交,自体受精
  13196. selfing of tea ==> 茶的自花受粉
  13197. selfing process ==> 自交过程
  13198. selfmodulation ==> 自调制
  13199. selfoc ==> 自聚焦传光纤维
  13200. selfoc fiber ==> 自动聚焦传光纤维
  13201. selfoc lightguide ==> 自聚焦光波导
  13202. selfsealing coupling ==> 滑接自封接头
  13203. selftimer ==> 延时器
  13204. selfube iron ==> 多孔铜铁合金
  13205. seligmannite ==> 硫砷铅铜矿
  13206. seligocidin ==> 肠霉素
  13207. selinane ==> 芹子烷
  13208. Selinene ==> 桉叶烯
  13209. Selinon ==> (杀虫剂)二硝甲酚
  13210. Selivanoff reaction ==> 谢利瓦诺夫氏反应
  13211. sell ==> 经售,经售,卖,发售,贩卖,售
  13212. sell at a loss ==> 蚀本出售
  13213. sell at a profit ==> 赚钱卖出
  13214. sell at half price ==> 半价出售
  13215. sell at loss ==> 亏本出售
  13216. sell at market prices ==> 明码售货
  13217. sell by lots ==> 分批出售
  13218. sell by wholesale ==> 整批出售,批发,批发售出,批售
  13219. sell for cash down ==> 现卖
  13220. sell goods at a high figure ==> 高价销售
  13221. sell goods at high price ==> 高价出售,高价销售
  13222. sell large quantities of goods ==> 抛售货物,抛售物资
  13223. sell off ==> 卖清存货
  13224. sell old stock at reduced prices ==> 库存积压品处理
  13225. sell on commission ==> 经售,经售
  13226. sell on the spot ==> 现货销售
  13227. sell out ==> 卖清
  13228. sell retail over the counter ==> 门市
  13229. sell up ==> 卖光
  13230. sell well ==> 行销
  13231. sell wholesale ==> 整批出售
  13232. sell-and-leaseback agreement ==> 售出租回合约
  13233. sell-by date ==> 食品賞味期限
  13234. sell-in ==> 出荷
  13235. sella ==> 鞍
  13236. sella turcica ==> 蝶鞍
  13237. sellaite ==> 氟镁石
  13238. sellenin ==> 鞍菌素
  13239. seller ==> 卖方,卖主
  13240. seller' s coupling ==> 塞勒朕轴节
  13241. seller's coupling ==> 塞勒联轴节
  13242. Seller's coupling ==> 塞勒联轴节
  13243. seller's credit ==> 卖方信贷
  13244. Seller's drive ==> 塞勒传动
  13245. seller's hedging ==> 卖方期货,卖家套头保值
  13246. seller's lien ==> 卖方留置权,卖主扣押权
  13247. seller's market ==> 卖方市场,卖主市场
  13248. seller's monopoly ==> 卖方独占,卖方垄断
  13249. seller's option ==> 卖方决定,卖方选择,卖方选择权
  13250. seller's option (S.O.) ==> 卖主选择权
  13251. seller's price ==> 卖主控制价格
  13252. seller's rate of exchange ==> 卖价
  13253. seller's sample ==> 卖方样品
  13254. Seller's screw thread ==> 赛勒螺纹
  13255. seller's self adjusting bearing ==> 旋转轴承
  13256. seller's share ==> 卖主股
  13257. seller's surplus ==> 卖主剩余
  13258. Seller's taper ==> 塞勒锥度
  13259. seller's usance ==> 卖方惯例,卖方远期信用
  13260. seller's usance credit ==> 卖方远期信用证
  13261. seller's usual packing ==> 卖方习惯包装
  13262. Sellers coupling ==> 塞勒锥形联轴节
  13263. sellers over ==> 卖者过多,卖主过多
  13264. sellers' market ==> 卖方市场,销售者市场
  13265. sellers inflation ==> 卖方通货膨胀
  13266. sellers monopoly ==> 卖方垄断
  13267. sellers price ==> 卖方价格
  13268. sellers share ==> 卖主股
  13269. sellers surplus ==> 卖方盈余
  13270. selling ==> 卖,销售=>販売
  13271. selling against the box ==> 抛空,依据手头存券买卖证券,卖空
  13272. selling agency ==> 発売元
  13273. selling agent ==> 贩卖代理人,销售代理商
  13274. selling agreement ==> 销售协定
  13275. selling and administrative cost ==> 销售及管理成本
  13276. selling and administrative expenses ==> 销货与管理费用,销售及管理费用
  13277. selling area ==> 营业厅
  13278. selling at exposition ==> 展销
  13279. selling at less than cost ==> 亏本销售,蚀本出售
  13280. selling at premium ==> 高价出卖
  13281. selling by grade ==> 分级销售
  13282. selling charges ==> 销售费用
  13283. selling commission ==> 销货佣金,销售佣金
  13284. selling concept ==> 销售概念
  13285. selling concession ==> 销售折让,证券优惠售价,(证券市场)销售优惠
  13286. selling contract ==> 卖汇票预约
  13287. selling contract slip ==> 卖汇票预约申请书
  13288. selling cost ==> 销售费用,推销成本
  13289. selling cost budget ==> 销售成本预算
  13290. selling costs ==> 销售成本,推销费用
  13291. selling crisis ==> 销售危机
  13292. selling exchange ==> 卖外汇
  13293. selling expense ==> 销售费用
  13294. selling expense variance ==> 销售费用差异
  13295. selling expenses ==> 销货费用
  13296. selling forward ==> (外汇)卖出远期
  13297. selling goods at reduced prices ==> 削价处理商品
  13298. selling group ==> 销售集团,推销集团
  13299. selling group pot ==> 证券销售集团承销部分
  13300. selling hedge ==> 抛售的对冲处置,卖出对冲,卖期保值
  13301. selling off goods at reduced prices ==> 拍卖
  13302. selling offer ==> 销货要约,卖方发盘=>売オファー
  13303. selling operation ==> 销售业务
  13304. selling outlet ==> 流通ルート,販路
  13305. selling overhead ==> 销售间接费
  13306. selling period ==> (证券)销售期间
  13307. selling platform ==> 销售纲领
  13308. selling price ==> 销售价格,卖方报价=>販売価格
  13309. selling price (S.P.) ==> 卖价
  13310. selling quotation ==> 売り相場
  13311. selling rate ==> 卖出汇价,卖出价,卖价,销售率
  13312. selling rates ==> 卖出汇率
  13313. selling retail department ==> 门市部
  13314. selling rice variance ==> 销售价格差异
  13315. selling sample ==> 销售样品,推销样品
  13316. selling short ==> 抛空,卖短,卖空
  13317. selling syndicate ==> 推销集团
  13318. selling transportation insurance ==> 出售运输保险
  13319. selling-out ==> 卖出
  13320. Sellmeier equation ==> 塞耳迈耶尔方程
  13321. Selma chalk ==> 塞尔马白垩层
  13322. Selove receiver ==> 塞洛夫接收机
  13323. selsyn ==> 同步机,自整角机,一种发送、接收、转换角位移信息的交流控制电机=>セルシン
  13324. selsyn (-type) roll-opening indicator ==> 自整角机式轧辊开度指示器
  13325. selsyn control ==> 自动同步机控制
  13326. selsyn device ==> 自动同步设备=>セルシン装置
  13327. selsyn differential ==> 自整角机差动装置
  13328. selsyn disc ==> 自动同步机盘
  13329. selsyn drive ==> 自动同步机传动
  13330. selsyn drive gear ==> 自动同步机传动机构,自动同步机主动齿轮
  13331. selsyn driver ==> 自动同步传动装置
  13332. selsyn generator ==> 自动同步发电机,自同步发射机,自整角发电机
  13333. selsyn instrument ==> 自动同步仪表
  13334. selsyn motor ==> 自动同步电动机,自同步电动机=>セルシンモータ
  13335. selsyn motor impulse clock ==> 同步式电钟
  13336. selsyn receiver ==> 自同步接收机,自整角接收机
  13337. selsyn system ==> 自动同步机系统
  13338. selsyn train ==> 自动同步传动装置
  13339. selsyn transformer ==> 自同步接收机
  13340. selsyn transmitter ==> 自动同步发射机,自同步发射机
  13341. selsyn-data system ==> 自动同步机数据系统,自同步机数据系统,数据传送的自动同步系统
  13342. selsyn-drive electric motor ==> 自整角机驱动电动机
  13343. selsyn-type electric machine ==> 自整角电机
  13344. selsyn-type electrical motor ==> 自整角电动机
  13345. selsyn-type synchronous system ==> 自整角机式同步系统
  13346. selt anti-dual function ==> 非自对偶函数
  13347. Selter's tuberculin ==> 减毒活结核菌素
  13348. seltrap ==> 半导体二极管变阻器
  13349. selva ==> 热带雨林
  13350. selvage ==> 断层泥,锁孔板,边
  13351. selvage wire rope ==> 编织钢丝绳
  13352. selvedge ==> 边,锁孔板,断层泥
  13353. selvedge apparatus ==> 织边装置
  13354. selvedge decurler ==> 剥布边器
  13355. selvedge dividing sinker ==> 分纱片
  13356. selvedge guider ==> 导布器
  13357. selvedge stamping machine ==> 印边机
  13358. selvedge uncurler ==> 剥布边器
  13359. Selwyn granularity coefficient ==> 塞耳温颗粒度系数
  13360. selwynite ==> 铬铝石
  13361. sem ==> 扫描电子显微镜
  13362. sem micrograph ==> 扫描电子显微镜照相术
  13363. SEM, scanning electron microscope ==> 走査(形)電子顕微鏡
  13364. SEM, Space Environment Monitor ==> 宇宙環境モニタ
  13365. SEM, spacecraft environment monitor ==> 宇宙環境モニタ装置
  13366. SEM, system engineering model ==> システムエンジニアリングモデル
  13367. semantic analysis ==> 语义分析
  13368. semantic analyzer ==> 语义分析程序
  13369. semantic components analysis ==> 语义成分分析
  13370. semantic data mode ==> 语义数据模式
  13371. semantic error ==> 语义错误
  13372. semantic evaluation ==> 语义学的评价
  13373. semantic generation ==> 语义生成
  13374. semantic indicatory symbol ==> 语义指示符
  13375. semantic matrix ==> 语义矩阵
  13376. semantic memory ==> 语义存储器
  13377. semantic net ==> 语义网
  13378. semantic paradox ==> 语义悖论
  13379. semantic preference ==> 语义选择
  13380. semantic procedure ==> 语义过程
  13381. semantic processing ==> 语义处理
  13382. semantic resolution ==> 语义学的分解
  13383. semantic routine ==> 语义程序
  13384. semantic routine notation ==> 语义程序表示法
  13385. semantic shift ==> 语义演变
  13386. semantic space construction ==> 语义空间结构
  13387. semantic stack element ==> 语义栈元素
  13388. semantic validation ==> 意味的検証
  13389. semantics ==> 意味論
  13390. semantics translator ==> 语义学翻译程序
  13391. semaphore ==> 信号杆=>腕木(信号機)
  13392. semaphore code ==> 旗语信号
  13393. semaphore flag ==> 手旗
  13394. semaphore primitive ==> 信号量原语
  13395. semaphore signal ==> 横杆信号,手旗通信,塔上信号,杆上信号=>腕木信号機
  13396. semar technique ==> 涂抹法
  13397. semen ==> 输精
  13398. semen (semina) ==> 种子
  13399. Semen Abutili ==> 苘麻子
  13400. Semen Allii Tuberosi ==> 韭菜子,韭菜子
  13401. Semen Amygdali Amarae ==> 苦扁桃仁
  13402. semen arecae ==> 槟榔
  13403. semen assessment ==> 精液品质评定
  13404. semen bank ==> 精液库
  13405. semen benincasae ==> 冬瓜子
  13406. semen biotae ==> 柏子
  13407. semen biotae shelled ==> 柏子仁
  13408. Semen Cassiae ==> 决明子,决明子
  13409. semen cassiae torae ==> 草决明
  13410. semen characteristics ==> 精液特性
  13411. Semen Citri Reticulatae ==> 橘核,橘核
  13412. Semen Coicis ==> 薏苡仁
  13413. semen collection ==> 采精
  13414. semen collector ==> 采精器
  13415. semen conservation ==> 精液保存
  13416. Semen Crotonis ==> 巴豆
  13417. Semen Crotonis Pulveratum ==> 巴豆霜
  13418. semen diluter ==> 精液稀释液
  13419. semen dilution quality ==> 精液稀释质量
  13420. semen dilution rate ==> 精液稀释倍数
  13421. semen dosage ==> 精液剂量
  13422. Semen Entadae ==> 木腰子
  13423. Semen Euphorbiae Lathyridis ==> 千金子
  13424. Semen Euryales ==> 芡实
  13425. semen evaluation ==> 精液评价
  13426. semen examination ==> 精液检查,精液检查
  13427. semen freezing ==> 精液冷冻
  13428. semen from one bull ==> 一头公牛的精液
  13429. semen handling ==> 精液处理
  13430. Semen Hyoscyami ==> 莨菪子
  13431. Semen Ignatii ==> 吕宋豆
  13432. Semen Impatientis ==> 急性子
  13433. Semen Lablab Album ==> 白扁豆
  13434. semen litchi ==> 荔枝核
  13435. semen measurement ==> 精液检查
  13436. semen momordicae ==> 木鳖子
  13437. Semen Oroxyli ==> 木蝴蝶
  13438. Semen Papaveris ==> 罂粟子
  13439. Semen Pharbitidis ==> 牵牛子
  13440. Semen Phaseoli ==> 赤小豆
  13441. semen plantaginis ==> 车前子
  13442. semen processing ==> 精液处理
  13443. semen quality measurement ==> 精液品质测定
  13444. Semen Sinapis ==> 芥子
  13445. semen smear ==> 精液涂片
  13446. semen storage ==> 精液保存
  13447. Semen Stramonii ==> 曼陀罗子
  13448. semen torreyae ==> 榧子
  13449. Semen Viciae Fabae ==> 蚕豆
  13450. semen volume ==> 精液量
  13451. Semendur ==> 塞默杜尔钴铁簧片合金
  13452. semenuria ==> 精液尿
  13453. semi automatic ==> 半自动的
  13454. semi automatic chucking lathe ==> 卡盘半自动车床
  13455. semi automatic machine ==> 半自动机械
  13456. semi automatic welding ==> 半自动焊接
  13457. semi automatical ==> 半自动的
  13458. semi axle ==> 半轴
  13459. semi circle ==> 半圆
  13460. semi clasping ==> 半抱茎的
  13461. semi coke ==> 半焦炭
  13462. semi conductor ==> 半导体
  13463. semi conductor rectifier ==> 半导体整流
  13464. semi crawler vehicle ==> 半履带式汽车
  13465. semi diesel engine ==> 热球式发动机
  13466. semi eggshell ware ==> 半薄胎器
  13467. semi elliptic spring ==> 半椭圆形弹簧
  13468. semi enclosed type motor ==> 半封闭式电动机
  13469. semi finish machining ==> 半精加工
  13470. semi finished bolt ==> 半精螺栓
  13471. semi finished product ==> 半成品
  13472. semi finishing ==> 半精加工
  13473. semi floating axle ==> 半浮式轴
  13474. semi graphic panel ==> 半图解仪表盘
  13475. semi jib boring machine ==> 半臂镗床
  13476. semi killed steel ==> 半镇静钢
  13477. semi light ==> 半阳
  13478. semi lozenge riveting ==> 半阶式铆接
  13479. semi major axis ==> 长半径
  13480. semi mature soil ==> 半熟土
  13481. semi moon hoe ==> 半月形锄
  13482. semi mounted plow ==> 半悬挂式犁
  13483. semi open type ==> 半开敞式
  13484. semi permeability ==> 半透性
  13485. semi plastic stage ==> 半塑性状态
  13486. semi portal ==> 单脚高架起重机
  13487. semi portal crane ==> 单脚高架起重机
  13488. semi radial drilling machine ==> 半万能摇臂钻床
  13489. SEMI Semi-Submersible (MODU) ==> 部分潜水器
  13490. semi steel ==> 钢性铸铁
  13491. semi subterranean power plant ==> 半地下发电厂
  13492. semi sugar beet ==> 半糖用甜芽
  13493. semi trailer ==> 半挂车
  13494. SEMI, semiconductor equipment and materials international ==> SEMI
  13495. semi-able-bodied labour force ==> 半劳动力
  13496. semi-able-bodied worker ==> 半劳力
  13497. semi-acid refractory ==> 半酸性耐火材料
  13498. semi-active laser system ==> 半主动激光系统
  13499. semi-actuated controller ==> 半活动控制器,半式交通控制器
  13500. semi-annual variation ==> 半年变化
  13501. semi-apochromat ==> 半复消色差透镜,近复消色差透镜
  13502. semi-apogamy ==> 半无配子生殖
  13503. semi-arch ==> 半拱
  13504. semi-arid climate ==> 半干旱气候
  13505. semi-arid soil ==> 半干旱土壤
  13506. semi-arid zone ==> 半干燥地带
  13507. semi-armour piercing incendiary ==> 半穿甲燃烧弹
  13508. semi-auto component inserter ==> 半自动插件机
  13509. semi-auto cylindrical grinder ==> 半自动圆磨床
  13510. semi-auto folding umbrella ==> 半自动伸缩伞,半自动折叠伞
  13511. semi-auto gear hobbing machine ==> 半自动齿轮滚齿机
  13512. semi-auto matic cutting the double groves ==> 半自动气割双面坡口
  13513. semi-auto precision plain grinder ==> 半自动精密平面磨床
  13514. semi-automatic ==> 半自动的
  13515. semi-automatic action ==> 半自动动作
  13516. semi-automatic ampule spray-washing machine ==> 半自动安瓿喷射洗涤机
  13517. semi-automatic arc spot welder ==> 半自动电弧点焊机
  13518. semi-automatic arc weld ==> 半自动电弧焊
  13519. semi-automatic arc welder ==> 半自动电弧焊机,半自动焊机
  13520. semi-automatic arc welding ==> 半自动弧焊
  13521. semi-automatic arc welding machine ==> 半自动电弧焊机,半自动弧焊机
  13522. semi-automatic argon arc welder ==> 半自动氩气弧焊机
  13523. semi-automatic audiometer ==> 半自动测听计,半自动测听计器
  13524. semi-automatic batcher ==> 半自动化拌和斗
  13525. semi-automatic bearing grinder ==> 半自动轴承磨床
  13526. semi-automatic bevel gear lapper ==> 半自动锥齿轮研齿机
  13527. semi-automatic bioanalyzer ==> 半自动生物分析仪
  13528. semi-automatic book sewing machine ==> 半自动书本锁线机
  13529. semi-automatic circular sawing machine ==> 半自动圆锯床
  13530. semi-automatic clutch ==> 半自动离合器
  13531. semi-automatic command to line of sight ==> 瞄准线半自动控制
  13532. semi-automatic computer directed layout machine ==> 半自动计算机控制式划线机
  13533. semi-automatic control ==> 半自动控制
  13534. semi-automatic controller ==> 半自动控制器,半自动控制装置
  13535. semi-automatic controlling machine ==> 半自动机床
  13536. semi-automatic copying lathe ==> 半自动仿形车床
  13537. semi-automatic copying machine ==> 半自动仿形机床
  13538. semi-automatic corking unit ==> 半自动瓶塞机
  13539. semi-automatic doffer ==> 半自动落纱机
  13540. semi-automatic exchange ==> 半自动化电话局
  13541. semi-automatic exposure control ==> 半自动曝光控制器
  13542. semi-automatic feed ==> 半自动送料
  13543. semi-automatic focusing ==> 半自动调焦
  13544. semi-automatic forming ==> 半自动成形
  13545. semi-automatic gas cutting machine ==> 半自动气割机
  13546. semi-automatic gear hobbing machine ==> 半自动滚齿机
  13547. semi-automatic gravity feeding ==> 半自动重力送料
  13548. semi-automatic gun ==> 半自动焊枪
  13549. semi-automatic hack sawing machine ==> 半自动弓锯床
  13550. semi-automatic hob grinding machine ==> 半自动滚刀磨床
  13551. semi-automatic honing machine ==> 半自动搪磨机
  13552. semi-automatic hose machine ==> 半自动织袜机
  13553. semi-automatic hydro-electric station ==> 半自动化水电站
  13554. semi-automatic lathe ==> 半自动车床
  13555. semi-automatic low pressure die-casting machine ==> 半自动低压铸造机
  13556. semi-automatic machine ==> 半自动车床
  13557. semi-automatic machine tool ==> 半自动化机床
  13558. semi-automatic master fixture ==> 半自动标准夹具
  13559. semi-automatic metal arc welding ==> 半自动金属电弧焊
  13560. semi-automatic miller ==> 半自动铣床
  13561. semi-automatic milling machine ==> 半自动铣床
  13562. semi-automatic mould ==> 半自动模,半自动塑模
  13563. semi-automatic multi-cutter lathe ==> 多刀半自动车床
  13564. semi-automatic multicut vertical lathe ==> 多刀半自动立式车床
  13565. semi-automatic oiler ==> 半自动注油器
  13566. semi-automatic optical Brinell hardness tester ==> 半自动光学布氏硬度计
  13567. semi-automatic packing and pill-making machine ==> 半自动包衣造粒机
  13568. semi-automatic plant ==> 半自动装置
  13569. semi-automatic plating unit ==> 电镀半自动装置
  13570. semi-automatic precision vertical gear hobber ==> 半自动精密立式滚齿机
  13571. semi-automatic premilling machine ==> 半自动预磨机
  13572. semi-automatic press ==> 半自动压机
  13573. semi-automatic pressing ==> 半自动压制
  13574. semi-automatic private branch exchange ==> 半自动专用小交换机
  13575. semi-automatic processing ==> 半自动加工
  13576. semi-automatic programmer ==> 半自动程序设计器
  13577. semi-automatic programming ==> 半自动程序设计
  13578. semi-automatic ratchet screw driver ==> 半自动棘轮式螺丝刀
  13579. semi-automatic rectifier ==> 半自动纠正仪,半自动整流器
  13580. semi-automatic sand mixer ==> 半自动混砂机
  13581. semi-automatic scale ==> 半自动秤
  13582. semi-automatic score cutter ==> 半自动切纸机
  13583. semi-automatic screwdriver ==> 半自动螺丝刀
  13584. semi-automatic seal ==> 半自紧密封
  13585. semi-automatic signal ==> 半自动信号机
  13586. semi-automatic slideprojector ==> 半自动幻灯机
  13587. semi-automatic sprayer ==> 半自动式喷雾机
  13588. semi-automatic sprinkler system ==> 半自动喷水系统,半自动洒水系统
  13589. semi-automatic starter ==> 半自动起动器
  13590. semi-automatic strapping machine ==> 半自动捆书机
  13591. semi-automatic substation ==> 半自动变电站
  13592. semi-automatic system ==> 半自动制
  13593. semi-automatic telephone ==> 半自动电话
  13594. semi-automatic telephone switch board ==> 半自动电话交换机
  13595. semi-automatic thread book sewing machine ==> 半自动书本锁线机
  13596. semi-automatic toll dialling ==> 长途半自动接续
  13597. semi-automatic transmission ==> 半自动变速器
  13598. semi-automatic trunk board ==> 半自动式中继台
  13599. semi-automatic turret lathe ==> 半自动转塔车床
  13600. semi-automatic valve ==> 半自动阀
  13601. semi-automatic washer-dryer ==> 半自动双缸洗衣机
  13602. semi-automatic washing machine ==> 半自动洗衣机
  13603. semi-automatic watch ==> 半自动表
  13604. semi-automatic weigh batcher ==> 半自动称料机
  13605. semi-automatic weighing machine ==> 半自动称量机
  13606. semi-automatic welder ==> 半自动电焊机
  13607. semi-automatic welding ==> 半自动焊接
  13608. semi-automatic welding machine ==> 半自动焊接机
  13609. semi-automatic work ==> 半自动工作
  13610. semi-average ==> 半平均数
  13611. semi-axial flow pump ==> 半轴流泵
  13612. semi-axial-flow pump ==> 半轴流式水泵
  13613. semi-balance ==> 半平衡
  13614. semi-balloon tyre ==> 半低压轮胎
  13615. semi-base load power station ==> 半基荷电站
  13616. semi-beam ==> 半梁
  13617. semi-bodiless ware ==> 半脱胎器
  13618. semi-bolson ==> 半干旱封闭洼地
  13619. semi-bordered pit ==> 半具缘纹孔
  13620. semi-bright nut ==> 半光制螺母
  13621. semi-brittle solid ==> 半脆性固体
  13622. semi-bungalow ==> 假二层房屋
  13623. semi-butterfly circuit ==> 半蝴蝶式电路
  13624. semi-butterfly pass ==> 半蝶式孔型
  13625. semi-cantilever ==> 半悬臂
  13626. semi-cantilever spring ==> 半悬臂弹簧
  13627. semi-centrifugal casting ==> 半离心铸造
  13628. semi-centrifugal clutch ==> 半离心式离合器
  13629. semi-centrifugal type ==> 半离心式
  13630. semi-chilled mould casting ==> 半金属型铸造,半冷模铸造
  13631. semi-chilled roll ==> 半激冷轧辊
  13632. semi-chrome leather ==> 混合铬鞣革
  13633. semi-circle ==> 半圆形
  13634. semi-circular arch ==> 半圆形拱
  13635. semi-circular basin ==> 半圆形港池
  13636. semi-circular channel ==> 半圆形断面渠道
  13637. semi-circular drain ==> 半圆形排水管
  13638. semi-circular section ==> 半圆截面
  13639. semi-circular sheet steel flume ==> 半圆形钢板渡槽
  13640. semi-circular trashrack ==> 半圆形拦污栅
  13641. semi-circular vault ==> 半圆形穹顶
  13642. semi-circular weir ==> 半圆形堰
  13643. semi-circumference ==> 半圆周
  13644. semi-circumferential flow ==> 半圆周绕流
  13645. semi-closed seas ==> 半闭海
  13646. semi-closure ==> 半闭,半闭合
  13647. semi-coal gas ==> 半煤气
  13648. semi-coaxial ==> 半同轴的
  13649. semi-coercive function ==> 半强迫函数
  13650. semi-coke ==> 半焦炭
  13651. semi-colloid ==> 半胶体
  13652. semi-colloidal ==> 半胶体的
  13653. semi-column ==> 半露柱
  13654. semi-commercial ==> 半商业性
  13655. semi-commercial (semiworks) production ==> 中间试剂
  13656. semi-compound grain ==> 半复粒
  13657. semi-computable predicate ==> 半可计算谓词
  13658. semi-conducting ceramics ==> 半导体陶瓷
  13659. semi-conducting glaze ==> 半导体釉
  13660. semi-conducting glaze bushings ==> 導電釉ブッシング
  13661. semi-conducting layer ==> 半導電層
  13662. semi-conduction ==> 半导电性
  13663. semi-conductive ==> 半导体的
  13664. semi-conductive ceramics ==> 半导体陶瓷
  13665. semi-conductor air conditioner ==> 半导体空调器
  13666. semi-conductor assisted ignition system ==> 半导体辅助点火系统
  13667. semi-conductor ingnition sytem ==> 半导体点火系统
  13668. semi-conductor-diode parametric amplifier ==> 半导体二极管参量放大器
  13669. semi-container ship ==> 半货柜船,部分集装箱船
  13670. semi-continuity ==> 半连续性
  13671. semi-continuous ==> 半连续的
  13672. semi-continuous casting ==> 半连续压延法,半连续铸造
  13673. semi-continuous casting melting ==> 半连续铸造熔化
  13674. semi-continuous channel ==> 半连续信道
  13675. semi-continuous distillation ==> 半连续蒸馏
  13676. semi-continuous electrolytic process ==> 半连续电解法
  13677. semi-continuous furnace ==> 半连续式炉
  13678. semi-continuous kiln ==> 半连续式窑
  13679. semi-continuous mill ==> 半连续轧钢机
  13680. semi-continuous running ==> 半连续运转
  13681. semi-continuous stoking ==> 半连续推料
  13682. semi-convection type pipe still ==> 半对流型管式炉
  13683. semi-convergent series ==> 半收敛级数
  13684. semi-crystal ==> 半晶体
  13685. semi-crystalline ==> 半晶状的
  13686. semi-cubical parabola ==> 半立方抛物线
  13687. semi-cyclic link ==> 半环键
  13688. semi-cyclic linkage ==> 半环键
  13689. semi-cylinder ==> 半柱面
  13690. semi-cylindrical die ==> 半圆柱体模
  13691. semi-cylindrical reflector ==> 半圆柱形反射器
  13692. semi-cylindrical tile ==> 筒瓦
  13693. semi-decidability ==> 半决定性
  13694. semi-decidable ==> 半可判定的
  13695. semi-deoxidized steel ==> 半脱氧钢
  13696. semi-desert ==> 半荒漠,半沙漠
  13697. semi-desert steppe soil ==> 半漠境草原土
  13698. semi-destructive examination ==> 局部破坏性检验,局部破坏性检验
  13699. semi-determinate varieties ==> 亚有限型品种
  13700. Semi-Developed Nations (SDN) ==> 半发达国家
  13701. semi-diaphanous ==> 半透明的
  13702. semi-diesel ==> 烧球式柴油机
  13703. semi-diesel engine ==> 半柴油机
  13704. semi-diffusion ==> 半扩散
  13705. semi-diode ==> 半导体二极管
  13706. semi-direct furnace ==> 半煤气窑
  13707. semi-direct lighting ==> 半直接照明=>半直接照明
  13708. semi-direct pulverizing system ==> 半直吹式制粉系统,筒体两端均能进料和出料的筒式磨煤机。
  13709. semi-directional ==> 半定向
  13710. semi-dispensable amino acid ==> 半必需氨基酸
  13711. semi-distributed hardware system ==> 半分布式硬件系统
  13712. semi-dominance ==> 半显性
  13713. semi-dominant gene ==> 半显性基因
  13714. semi-drop center rim ==> 半凹槽轮缘
  13715. semi-dry pressing ==> 半干法成型,半干压成形
  13716. semi-dry process ==> 半干压工艺
  13717. semi-drying oil ==> 半干性油
  13718. semi-dull ==> 近暗的,近无光的
  13719. semi-dull silk ==> 半无光丝
  13720. semi-dull yarn ==> 半无光纱
  13721. semi-duplex operation ==> 半複信方式
  13722. semi-duplex process ==> 半双联法
  13723. semi-durable adhesive ==> 半耐久性粘合剂
  13724. semi-durables ==> 半耐用商品
  13725. semi-dwarf varieties ==> 半矮杆品种
  13726. semi-ebonite ==> 半硬橡胶
  13727. semi-elastic impact ==> 半弹性冲击,半弹性碰撞
  13728. semi-elastic subgrade ==> 半弹性地基
  13729. semi-electronic switching system ==> 半電子交換方式
  13730. semi-electronic typesetter ==> 半电子式照相排字机
  13731. semi-ellipsoidal mirror ==> 半椭球面镜
  13732. semi-elliptic spring ==> 半椭圆弹簧
  13733. semi-elliptical spring ==> 半椭圆形弹簧
  13734. semi-embedded penstock ==> 浅埋式管,介于坝内埋管和坝后背管之间半埋半背的水电厂压力管道
  13735. semi-empirical calculation ==> 半经验计算
  13736. semi-empirical equation ==> 半经验方程
  13737. semi-empirical relation ==> 半经验关系式
  13738. semi-empirical relationship ==> 半经验公式
  13739. semi-enclosed ==> 半封闭的
  13740. semi-enclosed arrangement,semi-outdoor arrangement ==> 半露天布置,不建厂房,但对设备采取局部封闭或半封闭措施的一种布置方式
  13741. semi-enclosed compressor ==> 半封闭式压缩机
  13742. semi-enclosed impeller ==> 半封闭式叶轮
  13743. semi-enclosed slot ==> 半闭口槽
  13744. semi-enclosed type machine ==> 半封闭式电机
  13745. semi-enclosed water body ==> 半封闭水体
  13746. semi-exciting type regenerative generator ==> 半激磁式再生发电机
  13747. semi-expendable ==> 半消耗的
  13748. semi-explicit ==> 半显式
  13749. semi-faience ==> 半瓷釉
  13750. semi-fast back body ==> 半直背式车身
  13751. semi-feathering propeller ==> 半活叶螺旋桨
  13752. semi-film coating ==> 半薄膜衣
  13753. semi-fine screw ==> 半细螺丝
  13754. semi-fined paraffin wax white ==> 半精炼白石蜡
  13755. semi-finished ==> 半光制,半加工,半精加工的,半制成的
  13756. semi-finished blank ==> 半精制坯件
  13757. semi-finished bolt ==> 半光制螺栓
  13758. semi-finished goods ==> 半成品
  13759. semi-finished inventory ==> 半成品储备
  13760. semi-finished material ==> 半成品
  13761. semi-finished metal ==> 半成品金属,坯
  13762. semi-finished nut ==> 半光制螺母
  13763. semi-finished piece ==> 半成品
  13764. semi-finished product ==> 半成品,毛坯
  13765. semi-finished product cost ==> 半成品成本
  13766. semi-finished products ==> 中间产品
  13767. semi-finished round pin ==> 半光圆销
  13768. semi-finished screw ==> 半光制螺钉
  13769. semi-finished steel ==> 半制钢
  13770. semi-finished working ==> 半细加工
  13771. semi-finishing ==> 半精加工
  13772. semi-finishing mill ==> 半成品轧钢机,半成品轧机
  13773. semi-finishing tooth ==> 半精切齿
  13774. semi-finishing tooth of broacher ==> 拉刀的半精切齿
  13775. semi-fireproof construction ==> 半防火建筑
  13776. semi-fixed girder ==> 半固定梁
  13777. semi-fixed penstock ==> 半固定式压力水管
  13778. semi-flash conditions ==> 半闪光条件
  13779. semi-flat band method ==> 半带法
  13780. semi-flat rim ==> 半平底轮辋
  13781. semi-flexible coupling ==> 半挠性联轴器,在两半刚性联轴器间加装一个波形节所构成的联轴器
  13782. semi-flexible screen ==> 半活动筛
  13783. semi-flexible shoe ==> 半刚性蹄
  13784. semi-floating axle shaft ==> 半浮式车轴
  13785. semi-floating piston pin ==> 半浮式活塞销
  13786. semi-floating rear axle ==> 半浮式后轴
  13787. semi-fluid ==> 半流质的
  13788. semi-fluid friction ==> 半液动摩擦
  13789. semi-fluid grease ==> 半流润滑脂
  13790. semi-fluid mass ==> 半流动体
  13791. semi-fluidized bed ==> 半流化床
  13792. semi-flush type ==> 半埋込形
  13793. semi-focusing ==> 半聚焦
  13794. semi-fused ==> 半熔化
  13795. semi-gantry crane ==> 单脚高架起重机
  13796. semi-gas firing ==> 半煤气烧成
  13797. semi-glaze ==> 半釉
  13798. semi-goliath crane ==> 半门式起重机
  13799. semi-granular ==> 半颗粒状态
  13800. semi-graphic keyboard ==> 半图解键盘
  13801. semi-gross weight ==> 半毛重
  13802. semi-hand ==> 半手工
  13803. semi-hard magnetic alloy ==> 半硬磁合金
  13804. semi-hard magnetic material ==> 半永磁材料=>半硬質磁性材料
  13805. semi-hard packing ==> 半硬填料
  13806. semi-hard rubber ==> 半硬橡胶
  13807. semi-hard steel ==> 半硬钢
  13808. semi-hard-drawn aluminum wire ==> 半硬铝线
  13809. semi-hard-type balancing machine ==> 半硬支承平衡机
  13810. semi-hardboard ==> 半硬质纤维板
  13811. semi-hardening ==> 半硬化
  13812. semi-hermetic compressor ==> 半封闭式压缩机
  13813. semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor ==> 半封闭制冷压缩机
  13814. semi-humid ==> 半潮湿,半湿性
  13815. semi-hydrated gypsum ==> 半水石膏
  13816. semi-hydraulic fill dam ==> 半水力冲填坝
  13817. semi-hydraulic fill method ==> 半水力冲填法
  13818. semi-immersed liquid-quenched fuse ==> 半浸液猝灭保险丝
  13819. semi-increment ==> 半增量
  13820. semi-indirect fitting ==> 半间接附件
  13821. semi-indirect lighting ==> 半間接照明
  13822. semi-indoor power plant ==> 半露天式电站
  13823. semi-industrial installation ==> 半工业生产装置
  13824. semi-industrial scale ==> 半工业规模
  13825. semi-industry scale ==> 中间工业生产规模
  13826. semi-infinite body ==> 半空间体,半无限体
  13827. semi-infinite half-space ==> 半无限空间
  13828. semi-infinite ingot ==> 半无限长锭料
  13829. semi-infinite motor ==> 半无限长电动机
  13830. semi-infinite shield ==> 半无限屏蔽体
  13831. semi-infinite tape ==> 半无穷带
  13832. semi-infinite type ==> 半无限型
  13833. semi-inflation ==> 半通货膨胀
  13834. semi-inner product ==> 半内积
  13835. semi-insulated ==> 半绝缘的
  13836. semi-insulating ==> 半绝缘的
  13837. semi-insulating substrate ==> 半絶縁性基板
  13838. semi-insulator ==> 半绝缘体
  13839. semi-integral body ==> 半承载式车身
  13840. semi-integral plow ==> 半悬挂式犁
  13841. semi-integrated type ==> 半结合式
  13842. semi-intensive grazing system ==> 中细毛
  13843. semi-invalid ==> 半病废者
  13844. semi-invariant ==> 半不変量
  13845. semi-inverse method ==> 半反算法,半逆解法
  13846. semi-irreducible graph ==> 半不可约图
  13847. semi-iterative method ==> 半迭代法
  13848. semi-iterative process ==> 半迭代过程
  13849. semi-jig boring ==> 半坐标镗削
  13850. semi-killed ingot ==> 半镇静钢锭
  13851. semi-killed steel ==> 半镇静钢
  13852. semi-knock-down ==> 半拆散式输出
  13853. semi-knockdown (SKD) ==> 半拆散式销售,半散件商品,半组合式商品
  13854. semi-knockdown export ==> 半拆散式输出
  13855. semi-kraft paper ==> 单面牛皮纸
  13856. semi-laminar flow ==> 半层流
  13857. semi-latus rectum ==> 半通径
  13858. semi-linear ==> 半線型
  13859. semi-liquid ==> 半液体的
  13860. semi-liquid diet ==> 半流质饮食
  13861. semi-liquid lubrication ==> 半液体润滑
  13862. semi-liquid phase process ==> 半液相过程
  13863. semi-liquid waste ==> 半液体废物
  13864. semi-locked coil wire rope ==> 半密封钢丝绳
  13865. semi-locking differential ==> 半闭锁分速器
  13866. semi-log ==> 半对数的
  13867. semi-log paper ==> 半对数坐标纸
  13868. semi-logarithm section paper ==> 半对数坐标纸
  13869. semi-logarithmic ==> 半对数的
  13870. semi-logarithmic chart ==> 半对数表
  13871. semi-logarithmic scale ==> 半对数标度
  13872. semi-low head machine ==> 立弯式连铸机
  13873. semi-luminous flame ==> 半发光火焰
  13874. semi-lune ==> 半月形,半匝线圈
  13875. semi-magnetic ==> 半磁的
  13876. semi-magnetic controller ==> 半磁控制器
  13877. semi-major axis ==> 半长径,长半径,长半轴
  13878. semi-malleable cast iron ==> 半可锻铸铁
  13879. semi-manual player ==> 半自动唱机
  13880. semi-manufacture ==> 半成品
  13881. semi-manufactured goods ==> 半成品,半制品
  13882. semi-manufactured material ==> 半制成品
  13883. semi-manufactured product ==> 半成品
  13884. semi-Markov process ==> 半马尔可夫过程
  13885. semi-mat glaze ==> 半无光釉
  13886. semi-matrix ==> 半矩阵
  13887. semi-measurement data ==> 半计量资料
  13888. semi-mechanical ==> 半机械化
  13889. semi-mechanical installation ==> 半机械化设备
  13890. semi-mechanized operation ==> 半机械化操作
  13891. semi-meridian ==> 半子午线
  13892. semi-metallic gasket ==> 半金属垫片,半金属填密片
  13893. semi-micro analytical balance ==> 半微量分析天平
  13894. semi-micro aniline point test ==> 半微量苯胺点试验
  13895. semi-micro calorimeter ==> 半微量量热计
  13896. semi-micro hydrogenation apparatus ==> 半微量加氢装置
  13897. semi-micro-fractionation ==> 半微量分馏
  13898. semi-microbalance ==> 半微量天平
  13899. semi-minor axis ==> 半短径,短半轴
  13900. semi-molten ==> 半熔化
  13901. semi-monocoque construction ==> 半硬壳结构
  13902. semi-monocoque structure ==> 半硬壳式结构
  13903. semi-monolithic ==> 半整体
  13904. semi-moon shaped ==> 半月形的
  13905. semi-motor ==> 往复旋转液压油缸
  13906. semi-moulded ==> 半模制
  13907. semi-mounted ==> 半安装式的
  13908. semi-mounted 9-row grain drill ==> 半悬挂九行谷物播种机
  13909. semi-mounted disk plow ==> 半悬挂式圆盘犁
  13910. semi-mounted moldboard plow ==> 半悬挂式铧式犁
  13911. semi-mounted mower ==> 半悬挂式割草机
  13912. semi-mounted plough ==> 半悬挂式犁
  13913. semi-mounted rear loader ==> 半悬挂式后装载机
  13914. semi-mounted rotary grass cutter ==> 半悬挂式旋转割草机
  13915. semi-mounted seed drill ==> 半悬挂播种机
  13916. semi-mounted sprayer ==> 半悬挂式喷雾器
  13917. semi-mounted tool ==> 半挂农具
  13918. semi-mounted tractor drill ==> 半悬挂机引条播机
  13919. semi-muffle furnace ==> 半马弗炉,半套炉,半隔焰炉
  13920. semi-muffle lehr ==> 半隔焰退火炉
  13921. semi-muffle type furnace ==> 半马弗式炉
  13922. semi-natural ==> 半野生
  13923. semi-natural economy ==> 半自然经济
  13924. semi-normal ==> 半正规的,半当量
  13925. semi-opaque ==> 半透明的
  13926. semi-open ==> 半开敞
  13927. semi-open furnace ==> 半开式炉膛
  13928. semi-open impeller ==> 半开敞式叶轮
  13929. semi-open slot ==> 半开口槽
  13930. semi-open type ==> 半封闭式,半开式
  13931. semi-open type electrical equipment ==> 半开敞式电气设备
  13932. semi-open-air installation ==> 半露天装置
  13933. semi-order ==> 偏序
  13934. semi-organic chemistry ==> 半有机化学
  13935. semi-orthogonal ==> 半正交的
  13936. semi-orthogonal coordinates ==> 半正交坐标
  13937. semi-ourdoor thermal power plant ==> 半露天式火力发电厂
  13938. semi-outdoor ==> 半露天式
  13939. semi-outdoor boiler ==> 半露天锅炉,置于露天,但在炉顶上部及四周设有轻型围护结构的炉顶小室(包括锅筒锅炉的锅筒小室)的锅炉。
  13940. semi-outdoor power house ==> 半露天式厂房,厂房上部结构没有墙壁和屋顶,水轮发电机组露天安装,加盖活动金属防护罩的厂房
  13941. semi-outdoor power plant ==> 半露天式电厂
  13942. semi-packaged boiler ==> 半快装锅炉
  13943. semi-packed ==> 半包装
  13944. semi-parabolic ==> 半抛物线的
  13945. semi-parasite ==> 半寄生物
  13946. semi-passenger ship ==> 客货船
  13947. semi-patented rod ==> 半铅淬火盘条
  13948. semi-peak stations ==> 中间负荷电站
  13949. semi-pellet ==> 中间球
  13950. semi-perched groundwater table ==> 半栖留地下水位,半滞水地下水位
  13951. semi-perimeter ==> 半周长
  13952. semi-period ==> 半周的,半周期
  13953. semi-perishable goods ==> 半易腐烂货物
  13954. semi-permanent depression ==> 半永久性低压
  13955. semi-permanent mould ==> 半永久型,半永久性模
  13956. semi-permanent snow line ==> 半永久雪线
  13957. semi-permanent store ==> 半固定存储器
  13958. semi-permanent structure ==> 半永久性结构
  13959. semi-permeability ==> 半透气性
  13960. semi-permeable ==> 半渗透性的
  13961. semi-permeable material ==> 半透水材料
  13962. semi-permeable membrane ==> 半透膜
  13963. semi-perpendicular ==> 半正交的
  13964. semi-pervious material ==> 半透水材料
  13965. semi-pervious zone ==> 半透水区
  13966. semi-physical simulation ==> 半物理仿真
  13967. semi-piercing ==> 半冲孔
  13968. semi-planar electro-optic modulator ==> 半平面电光调制器
  13969. semi-plane ==> 半平面
  13970. semi-plant ==> 试验装置,中间工厂
  13971. semi-plant scale equipment ==> 半工厂设备
  13972. semi-plastic process ==> 半塑性成形法
  13973. semi-plastic stage ==> 半塑性阶段
  13974. semi-pneumatic tyre ==> 半实心轮胎
  13975. semi-polar ==> 半极性的
  13976. semi-polar bond ==> 半极性键
  13977. semi-polar capacitor ==> 半极化电容器
  13978. semi-polarity ==> 半极性,中级性
  13979. semi-porcelain ==> 半瓷器
  13980. semi-portable engine ==> 半移动式发动机
  13981. semi-portal bridge crane ==> 半龙门起重机
  13982. semi-portal crane ==> 半门式起重机,半门座悬臂起重机,单柱高架起重机
  13983. semi-precious metal ==> 半贵金属
  13984. semi-precious stone ==> 次宝石
  13985. semi-precision measuring tool ==> 半精密量测工具
  13986. semi-predicate function ==> 半确定函数,半谓词函数
  13987. semi-private circuit ==> 半专用线路
  13988. semi-processed stock ==> 半成品储备
  13989. semi-product ==> 半成品
  13990. semi-production ==> 中间生产
  13991. semi-production equipment ==> 中间生产设备
  13992. semi-protected type ==> 半保護形
  13993. semi-public space ==> 半公共空间
  13994. semi-purse net ==> 轻型围网
  13995. semi-pyritic smelting process ==> 半自热熔炼法
  13996. semi-quantitative assessment ==> 半定量估值
  13997. semi-quantitative test for glucose ==> 葡萄糖半定量试验
  13998. semi-radial reciprocating compressor ==> 星形往复式压缩机
  13999. semi-radiant superheater ==> 半辐射式过热器,布置在炉膛出口进入对流烟道之前,既吸收炉膛辐射热,也吸收烟气对流热的过热器。
  14000. semi-range of tide ==> 半潮幅
  14001. semi-rational formula ==> 半经验公式
  14002. semi-real time processing ==> 半实时处理
  14003. semi-refined cottonseed oil ==> 半精炼棉籽油
  14004. semi-refined oil ==> 半精制油料
  14005. semi-refined paraffin wax ==> 半精炼石蜡
  14006. semi-regenerated fibre ==> 半再生纤维
  14007. semi-reinforcing furnace black ==> 半补强炉法炭黑
  14008. semi-reversibility ==> 半可逆性
  14009. semi-reversible sorption isotherm ==> 半可逆吸着等温线
  14010. semi-reversible steering ==> 半可逆转向
  14011. semi-revolution ==> 半周
  14012. semi-rigid asbestos-bitumen sheet ==> 石棉沥青板
  14013. semi-rigid connection ==> 半刚性接合
  14014. semi-rigid model ==> 半刚性模型
  14015. semi-rigid penstock ==> 半刚性压力水管
  14016. semi-rigid pipe ==> 半刚性管
  14017. semi-ring porous wood ==> 半环孔材
  14018. semi-rotary ==> 摆的
  14019. semi-rotary actuator ==> 摆动马达
  14020. semi-rotary hand pump ==> 手动摆动泵
  14021. semi-rotary motion ==> 半转动
  14022. semi-rotary pump ==> 半回转泵
  14023. semi-rotative machine ==> 半旋转机
  14024. semi-rural environment ==> 半乡村环境
  14025. semi-saturation ==> 半饱和
  14026. semi-seal plugtype fuse ==> 半封闭插入式熔断器
  14027. semi-sealed beam headlamp ==> 半封闭式前照灯
  14028. semi-sealed beam unit ==> 半封闭式灯光组
  14029. semi-section ==> 半剖面
  14030. semi-sectional view ==> 半剖面图
  14031. semi-self-propelled machine ==> 半自走式机具,牵引式机具
  14032. semi-self-service ==> 半自助
  14033. semi-selfpropelled combine ==> 半自走式联合收获机
  14034. semi-senior accountant ==> 中级会计师
  14035. semi-silica brick ==> (含游离硅氧较多的粘土耐火砖)半硅砖
  14036. semi-silica fireclay brick ==> 半硅质耐火砖
  14037. semi-silica refractory ==> 半硅质耐火材料
  14038. semi-siliceous refractory ==> 半硅质耐火材料
  14039. semi-sintered condition ==> 半烧结状态
  14040. semi-sintering ==> 半烧结的
  14041. semi-solid asphalt ==> 半固态沥青
  14042. semi-solid bituminous materials ==> 半固体沥青物质
  14043. semi-solid core door ==> 半实心门
  14044. semi-solid door ==> 半实心门
  14045. semi-solid state ==> 半固态
  14046. semi-space ==> 半空间
  14047. semi-sparse pubescence ==> 半稀疏草毛
  14048. semi-spherical ==> 半球形
  14049. semi-spherical tip ==> 半球形电极头
  14050. semi-stability ==> 半稳定
  14051. semi-stabilized dolomite ==> 半稳定白云石
  14052. semi-stable energy level ==> 半稳定能级
  14053. semi-stable state ==> 亚稳态
  14054. semi-stainless steel ==> 半不锈钢
  14055. semi-stamping ==> 半冲压,半模锻
  14056. semi-static position ==> 半静态位置
  14057. semi-steel ==> 钢性铸铁,高级铸铁
  14058. semi-steel casting ==> 半钢性铸铁件
  14059. semi-streamlined body ==> 半流线型车体
  14060. semi-streamlined form ==> 半流线型
  14061. semi-submerged offshore nuclear generating station ==> 海上半潜式核发电站
  14062. semi-submerged platform ==> 半潜平台
  14063. semi-submerged ship ==> 半潜船
  14064. semi-submersible float ==> セミサブ浮体
  14065. semi-subsistence ==> 半自给
  14066. semi-successive brazing furnace ==> 半连续钎焊炉
  14067. semi-sunk switch ==> 半埋装式开关
  14068. semi-symmetric ==> 半对称的
  14069. semi-synthetic ==> 半合成品
  14070. semi-synthetic estrogen ==> 半合成雌激素
  14071. semi-synthetic insulation paper ==> 半合成絶縁紙
  14072. semi-synthetic sand ==> 半合成砂
  14073. semi-synthetic sand mix ==> 半合成型砂
  14074. semi-tandem rolling ==> 半连轧
  14075. semi-taper pin boss ==> 半倾斜式销座
  14076. semi-thick covering ==> 中厚药皮
  14077. semi-Thue system ==> 半图厄系统
  14078. semi-tidal dock ==> 半潮差船坞
  14079. semi-topping ==> 半顶面铣
  14080. semi-topping cutter ==> 顶部倒棱剃齿刀
  14081. semi-trailer ==> 半挂车
  14082. semi-trailer tractor ==> 半拖车的牵引车
  14083. semi-transless ==> 半无变压器式
  14084. semi-transparent colour ==> 半透明色料
  14085. semi-transparent mirror ==> 半透明反射镜
  14086. semi-transparent sintered ==> 半透明烧结的
  14087. semi-transverse axis ==> 半贯轴
  14088. semi-triangular form ==> 半三角型
  14089. semi-turnkey ==> 交钥匙半包
  14090. semi-underground power house ==> 半地下式厂房,主厂房或主厂房的下部结构布置于山体明挖的深槽(井)内(竖井式或堑壕式),相应的上部结构为室内式或半敞露式
  14091. semi-underground powerhouse ==> 半地下式厂房
  14092. semi-uniform ==> 半均匀的
  14093. semi-universal radial drill ==> 半万能摇臂钻床
  14094. semi-valence ==> 半价
  14095. semi-valency ==> 半价
  14096. semi-variable capacitor ==> 半可变电容器
  14097. semi-variable condenser ==> 半可变电容器
  14098. semi-variable cost ==> 半变动成本
  14099. semi-variable expense ==> 半变动费用
  14100. semi-variable over head ==> 半变动制造费用
  14101. semi-vitreous ==> 半熔融态的
  14102. semi-vitreous china ==> 半透明瓷
  14103. semi-vitreous earthenware ==> 半玻化陶器
  14104. semi-vitreous ware ==> 半玻化器
  14105. semi-vitrified ==> 半玻化的
  14106. semi-vitrified wheel ==> 硅酸盐砂轮
  14107. semi-vocoder ==> 半声码器
  14108. semi-vulcanization ==> 半硫化作用
  14109. semi-wet frame ==> 半湿纺细纱机
  14110. semi-wild ==> 半野生
  14111. semi-wild palm ==> 半野生油棕
  14112. semi-window ==> 半窗
  14113. semi-window-semi-wall ==> 半窗半墙
  14114. semi-winterness ==> 半冬性
  14115. semi-work scale plant ==> 半工厂装置
  14116. semi-works ==> 中间车间
  14117. semi-works (plant) ==> 中间工厂
  14118. semi-works (semicommercial) production ==> 中间工厂规模生产
  14119. semiactive homing guidance ==> 半主动寻的制导
  14120. semiactive pulse ==> 半主动脉冲
  14121. semiactive radar ==> 半有源雷达
  14122. semiactive tracking system ==> 半主动跟踪系统
  14123. semiadaptive plan ==> 半适应方案
  14124. semiadditive method ==> 半添加法
  14125. semiadditive process ==> 半添加法
  14126. semianarchic state ==> 半无政府状态
  14127. semianechoic room ==> 半消声室
  14128. semiangle of beam convergence ==> 波束半会聚角
  14129. semiangular field ==> 半视场角
  14130. semiannual account ==> 半年帐单
  14131. semiannual installments ==> 半年一次的分期付款
  14132. semiannual period ==> 半年期
  14133. semiannual report ==> 半年度报告
  14134. semiapex angle ==> 半顶角
  14135. semiapochromatic objective ==> 半消色差接目镜,半消色差接物镜
  14136. semiarid fan ==> (半干旱地区冲积扇)半旱地扇
  14137. semiarid zone ==> 半干旱地区,半干旱地区
  14138. semiarticulated landing gear ==> 半摇臂式起落架
  14139. semiasphaltic oil ==> 半沥青油
  14140. semiautomatic ==> 半自动的
  14141. semiautomatic action ==> 半自动的作用,半自动作用
  14142. semiautomatic advance ==> 半自动提前
  14143. semiautomatic chucking lathe ==> 卡盘半自动车床
  14144. semiautomatic exchange ==> 半自动电话局
  14145. semiautomatic extraction of radar information ==> 雷达信息半自动提取
  14146. semiautomatic flight inspection ==> 半自动飞行检验
  14147. semiautomatic ground environment ==> 半自动地面系统
  14148. semiautomatic ground environment (SAGE) ==> 半自动化地面防空体系
  14149. semiautomatic ground environment system ==> 半自动地面防空系统
  14150. semiautomatic machine ==> 半自动机械
  14151. semiautomatic message switching ==> 半自动报文交换
  14152. semiautomatic message switching center ==> 半自动报文交换中心,半自动信息交换中心
  14153. semiautomatic placer ==> 半自动放置器
  14154. semiautomatic private branch exchange ==> 半自动专用交换机
  14155. semiautomatic signal ==> 半自动信号机
  14156. semiautomatic station ==> 半自动发电厂
  14157. semiautomatic substation ==> 半自动变电站
  14158. semiautomatic system ==> 半自动制
  14159. semiautomatic systems ==> 半自动化系统
  14160. semiautomatic tape relay ==> 半自动穿孔带中继
  14161. semiautomatic telephone system ==> 半自动电话系统
  14162. semiautomatic valve ==> 半自动阀
  14163. semiautomatic welding ==> 半自动焊
  14164. semiautomatic working ==> 半自动作业
  14165. semiautomation ==> 半自动化
  14166. semiautomation operation ==> 半自动化操作
  14167. semiautomation routine ==> 半自动顺序法
  14168. semiaverage method ==> 半期平均法
  14169. semiaxial thrust ==> 半轴向推力
  14170. semiaxis ==> 半軸
  14171. semibatch chemical reactor ==> 半连续化学反应器
  14172. semibatch reactor ==> 半间歇式反应器
  14173. semibituminous coal ==> 半褐煤,半沥青煤,半烟煤
  14174. semibreadth ==> 半宽度
  14175. semibridge system ==> 半桥式
  14176. semicanal of auditory tube ==> 咽鼓管半管
  14177. semicanal of tensor tympanic muscle ==> 鼓膜张肌半管
  14178. semicarbazide hydrochloride ==> 氨基脲化氢氯,氨基脲盐酸盐,盐酸氨基脲
  14179. semicarbon paper ==> 单面炭纸
  14180. semichemical pulp ==> 半化学纸浆
  14181. semichemical wood pulp ==> 半化学纸浆
  14182. semicircle ==> 半円
  14183. semicircle cylinder ==> 半圆列缸
  14184. semicircle orifice ==> 半圆孔
  14185. semicircular arch ==> 半圆拱
  14186. semicircular canal ==> 半规管
  14187. semicircular conductor ==> 半円形導体(ケーブル)
  14188. semicircular deviation ==> 半圆偏差
  14189. semicircular electromagnet ==> 半圆形电磁铁
  14190. semicircular in shape ==> 半圆形,呈半圆形
  14191. semicircular key ==> 月牙键
  14192. semicircular laser resonator ==> 半圆形激光谐振腔
  14193. semicircular line ==> 半环线
  14194. semicircular niche ==> 半圆壁龛
  14195. semicircular plate capacitor ==> 半圆板电容器
  14196. semicircular room ==> 半圆形室
  14197. semicircular stilted arch ==> 超半圆拱
  14198. semicircular structure ==> 半圆形结构
  14199. semicircular surface crack ==> 半圆形表面裂纹
  14200. semicircular surface flaw ==> 半圆形表面缺陷
  14201. semicircular window ==> 半圆形窗
  14202. semiclosed circuit deduster ==> 半闭路收尘器
  14203. semiclosed cycle ==> 半封闭循环
  14204. semiclosed cycle gas turbine ==> 半闭式循环燃气轮机
  14205. semiclosed fuse ==> 半封闭熔线
  14206. semiclosed motor ==> 半封闭式电动机
  14207. semiclosed slot ==> 半闭口槽
  14208. semiclosed top mo(u)ld ==> 瓶口锭模
  14209. semiclosed top mould ==> 半封顶锭模
  14210. semiclosed-cycle gas turbine ==> 半封闭循环燃气轮机
  14211. semiclosed-type impeller ==> 半开式叶轮
  14212. semiconcealed coalfield ==> 半出露煤田
  14213. semiconducter cataract freezing extractor ==> 半导体冷冻白内障吸出器
  14214. semiconducting alloy ==> 半导体合金
  14215. semiconducting coating ==> 半导电敷层,半导电涂层
  14216. semiconducting crystal ==> 半导体晶体
  14217. semiconducting glass ==> 半导体玻璃
  14218. semiconducting glaze ==> 導電釉
  14219. semiconducting intermetallic compound ==> 半导体金属互化物
  14220. semiconducting material ==> 半导体材料
  14221. semiconducting paper ==> 半导体纸
  14222. semiconducting polymer ==> 高分子半导体
  14223. semiconducting-type fault current limiter ==> 半導体形限流器
  14224. semiconductive body ==> 半导体衬底
  14225. semiconductive glass ==> 半導性ガラス
  14226. semiconductive loading tube ==> 半导体装药管
  14227. semiconductive pick-up tube ==> 半导体摄像管
  14228. semiconductor ==> 半导体=>半導体
  14229. semiconductor amplifier ==> 半导体放大器
  14230. semiconductor area ==> 半导体区,半导体芯片面积
  14231. semiconductor array ==> 半导体阵列
  14232. semiconductor assembly ==> 半导体组装
  14233. semiconductor billet ==> 半导体晶锭
  14234. semiconductor blank ==> 半导体衬底
  14235. semiconductor bolometer ==> 半导体辐射热测量器
  14236. semiconductor capacitor ==> 半导体电容器
  14237. semiconductor cartridge ==> 半导体拾音头
  14238. semiconductor ceramic capacitor ==> 半導体磁器コンデンサ
  14239. semiconductor ceramics ==> 半导体陶瓷
  14240. semiconductor chip ==> 半导体芯片=>半導体チップ
  14241. semiconductor chip carrier ==> 半导体芯片座
  14242. semiconductor circuit ==> 半导体电路
  14243. semiconductor compound ==> 半导体化合物
  14244. semiconductor compound gases ==> 半导体化合物用气体
  14245. semiconductor controlled rectifier (SCR) ==> 半导体可控整流器
  14246. semiconductor counter ==> 半导体计数器
  14247. semiconductor crystal ==> 半导体晶体
  14248. semiconductor current limiter ==> 半导体限流
  14249. semiconductor curve tracer ==> 半导体特性曲线图示仪
  14250. semiconductor detector ==> 半导体探测器=>半導体検出器
  14251. semiconductor device ==> 半导体装置=>半導体素子
  14252. semiconductor diode ==> 半导体二极管=>半導体ダイオード
  14253. semiconductor diode amplifier ==> 半导体二极管放大器
  14254. semiconductor diode laser ==> 半导体二极管激光器
  14255. semiconductor display device ==> 半导体显示装置
  14256. semiconductor doping ==> 半导体掺杂
  14257. semiconductor dosimeter ==> 半导体剂量计
  14258. semiconductor dynamic memory ==> 半导体动态存储器
  14259. semiconductor electrochemistry ==> 半导体电化学
  14260. semiconductor electron multiplier ==> 半导体电子倍增器
  14261. semiconductor electronics ==> 半导体电子学
  14262. semiconductor element ==> 半导体元件
  14263. semiconductor encapsulant ==> 半导体密封剂
  14264. semiconductor engineering ==> 半导体技术
  14265. semiconductor filament ==> 半导体丝
  14266. semiconductor freezer ==> 半导体冰箱
  14267. semiconductor freezing microtome ==> 半导体冷冻切片机
  14268. semiconductor gauge ==> 半导体应变片
  14269. semiconductor glass ==> 半导体玻璃
  14270. semiconductor grade silicon ==> 半导体级硅
  14271. semiconductor heterostructure ==> 半导体异质结构
  14272. semiconductor impurity analyzer ==> 半导体杂质分析器
  14273. semiconductor industry ==> 半导体工业
  14274. semiconductor ingot ==> 半导体晶锭
  14275. semiconductor injection laser ==> 半导体注入式激光器
  14276. semiconductor integrated circuit ==> 半导体集成电路=>半導体集積回路
  14277. semiconductor intrinsic properties ==> 半导体的本征性质
  14278. semiconductor ionics ==> 半导体离子学
  14279. semiconductor junction ==> 半导体结
  14280. semiconductor junction laser ==> 半导体结激光器
  14281. semiconductor laser ==> 半导体激光器=>半導体レーザ
  14282. semiconductor laser amplifier ==> 半导体激光放大器=>半導体レーザ増幅器
  14283. semiconductor laser array ==> 半导体激光器阵列
  14284. semiconductor laser array techniques ==> 半导体激光阵列技术
  14285. semiconductor laser demodulator ==> 半导体激光解调器
  14286. semiconductor laser detector ==> 半导体激光检测器
  14287. semiconductor laser diode ==> 半导体激光二极管=>半導体レーザダイオード
  14288. semiconductor laser head ==> 半导体激光头
  14289. semiconductor laser range finder ==> 半导体激光测距机
  14290. semiconductor laser transmitter ==> 半导体激光发射器
  14291. semiconductor light emitter ==> 半导体光发射器
  14292. semiconductor luminescent diode ==> 半导体荧光二极管
  14293. semiconductor maser ==> 半导体微波激射器
  14294. semiconductor material ==> 半導体材料
  14295. semiconductor melt ==> 半导体熔融
  14296. semiconductor memory ==> 半导体存储器
  14297. semiconductor memory test system ==> 半导体存储器测试系统
  14298. semiconductor mesa ==> 半导体台面
  14299. semiconductor microcavity ==> 半導体微小共振器
  14300. semiconductor microlithography ==> 半导体显微光刻
  14301. semiconductor microprocessor ==> 半导体微处理机
  14302. semiconductor noise ==> 半导体噪声
  14303. semiconductor on sapphire device ==> 蓝宝石上半导体装置
  14304. semiconductor optical amplifier ==> 半导体光放大器
  14305. semiconductor optical shutter ==> 半导体光学快门
  14306. semiconductor optoelectronic display ==> 半导体光电子显示器
  14307. semiconductor oscillistor ==> 半导体振荡器
  14308. semiconductor parametron ==> 半导体参量激励子,半导体参量器
  14309. semiconductor pellet ==> 半导体芯片
  14310. semiconductor photo diode ==> 半导体光电二极管
  14311. semiconductor photoelectronic device ==> 半导体光电子器件
  14312. semiconductor physics ==> 半导体物理学
  14313. semiconductor point thermometer ==> 半导体点温度计
  14314. semiconductor power converter ==> 半導体電力変換装置
  14315. semiconductor power device ==> 半導体パワーデバイス
  14316. semiconductor processing equipment ==> 半導体製造装置
  14317. semiconductor production line ==> 半导体生产线
  14318. semiconductor protection ==> 半導体保護
  14319. semiconductor pulse laser ==> 半导体脉冲激光器
  14320. semiconductor quantum wire ==> 半導体量子細線
  14321. semiconductor radiation detector ==> 半导体辐射探测器
  14322. semiconductor rectifier ==> 半导体整流=>半導体整流装置
  14323. semiconductor rectifier assembly ==> 半導体整流器
  14324. semiconductor rectifier cell ==> 半导体整流元件
  14325. semiconductor rectifier tube ==> 半导体整流管
  14326. semiconductor rectifier welder ==> 半导体整流焊机
  14327. semiconductor refrigeration ==> 半导体制冷
  14328. semiconductor refrigerator ==> 半导体式冰箱,半导体制冷机
  14329. semiconductor resistor ==> 半导体电阻器
  14330. semiconductor rod ==> 半导体晶锭
  14331. semiconductor slice ==> 半导体薄片
  14332. semiconductor spark plug ==> 半导体火花塞
  14333. semiconductor static memory ==> 半导体静态存储器
  14334. semiconductor storage unit ==> 半导体存储器
  14335. semiconductor strain gauge ==> 半导体应变计,半导体应变片
  14336. semiconductor strain gauge sensor ==> 半导体应变式传感器=>半導体歪ゲージセンサ(SSセンサ)
  14337. semiconductor substrate ==> 半导体衬底=>半導体基板
  14338. semiconductor superlattice ==> 半導体超格子
  14339. semiconductor switch ==> 半导体开关
  14340. semiconductor switching device ==> 半导体开关装置
  14341. semiconductor technology ==> 半导体工艺
  14342. semiconductor tester ==> 半导体测试器
  14343. semiconductor thermocouple ==> 半导体热电偶,半导体温差电偶
  14344. semiconductor thermoelectric material ==> 半导体热电材料
  14345. semiconductor thermometer ==> 半导体温度计
  14346. semiconductor trap ==> 陷阱
  14347. semiconductor valve ==> 半導体バルブ
  14348. semiconductor valve device ==> 半導体バルブデバイス
  14349. semiconductor wafer ==> 半导体薄片
  14350. semiconductor-controlled rectifier ==> 可控半导体整流器
  14351. semiconservative replication ==> 半保留复制
  14352. semicontinuous automatic centrifuge ==> 半连续式自动离心机
  14353. semicontinuous casting machine ==> 半连续铸造机
  14354. semicontinuous function ==> 半连续函数
  14355. semicontinuous hotstrip mill ==> 半连续式带材热轧机
  14356. semicontinuous leaching ==> 半连续浸取
  14357. semicontinuous rolling mill ==> 半连续式轧机
  14358. semicontinuous type oven ==> 半连续式烘炉
  14359. semicontinuous wide strip mill ==> 半连续式宽带钢轧机
  14360. semicontinuous wirerod mill ==> 半连续式线材轧机
  14361. semicontionous mapping ==> 半连续映射
  14362. semicontrol office ==> 統制支局
  14363. semicultivated variety ==> 半栽培品种
  14364. semicustom ==> 統制支局
  14365. semicustom array ==> 半定制阵列
  14366. semicustom chip ==> 半定制芯片
  14367. semicustom integrated circuit ==> 半定制集成电路
  14368. semicustom lsi ==> 半定制大规模集成电路
  14369. semicustom masterslice ==> 半定制母片
  14370. semicustom process ==> 半定制集成电路工艺
  14371. semicustom route ==> 半定制路由
  14372. semidefinite form ==> 半定型
  14373. semidefinite quadratic form ==> 半定二次型
  14374. semidestructive test ==> 半破坏试验
  14375. semidetached dwelling ==> 半独立式住宅
  14376. semidetached house ==> 半独立式房屋
  14377. semidiameter correction ==> 半径校正,半径修正
  14378. semidine rearrangement ==> 半联胺重排作用
  14379. semidirect illumination ==> 半直接照明
  14380. semidirect lighting ==> 半直接照明
  14381. semidistributed coil ==> 半分布线圈
  14382. semidistributed winding ==> 半分布绕组
  14383. semidiurnal constituent ==> 半日分潮
  14384. semidiurnal force ==> 半日生潮力
  14385. semidiurnal tidal current ==> 半日潮流
  14386. semidiurnal tide ==> 半日潮
  14387. semidiurnal tide producing force ==> 半日生潮力
  14388. semidiurnal wave ==> 半日波
  14389. semidominant diagonal ==> 半主对角线
  14390. semidry process ==> 半干处理,半干法工艺
  14391. semidry state ==> 半干状态
  14392. semidull coal ==> 半暗煤
  14393. semiduplex ==> 半双工的
  14394. semielliptic flaw ==> 半椭圆形缺陷
  14395. semielliptic scroll spring ==> 半椭圆形涡簧,双弯头半椭圆形钢板弹簧
  14396. semielliptic spring ==> 弓形弹簧
  14397. semielliptic surface crack ==> 半椭圆形表面裂纹
  14398. semienclosed cut-out ==> 半闭式保险器
  14399. semienclosed fuse ==> 半封闭熔线
  14400. semienclosed machine ==> 半封闭式机器
  14401. semienclosed motor ==> 半封闭式电动机
  14402. semienclosed slot ==> 半封闭槽,半封闭式槽=>セミカスタム
  14403. semienclosed switch gear ==> 半封闭式开关装置
  14404. semienclosed type ==> 半封闭式
  14405. semiessential amino acid ==> 半必需氨基酸
  14406. semifast transport ==> 中速行驶运输工具
  14407. semifinished ==> 半成品
  14408. semifinished countersunk head bolt ==> 半光埋头螺栓
  14409. semifinished hexagon head bolt ==> 半光六角螺栓
  14410. semifinished hexagon nut ==> 半光六角螺母
  14411. semifinished product control ==> 半成品管理
  14412. semifinished product warehouse ==> 半成品库
  14413. semifixed bridge ==> 半固定桥
  14414. semifixed cost ==> 半固定成本
  14415. semifixed length record ==> 半固定长度记录,半定长记录
  14416. semifixed variable resistor ==> 半固定可变电阻器
  14417. semiflexible board ==> 半软性印刷线路板
  14418. semifloating axle ==> 半浮式轴
  14419. semifluid extract of ginseng and antler glue ==> 二仙膏
  14420. semiflush inlet ==> 半埋入式进气口
  14421. semifusinoid group ==> 半丝质组
  14422. semigloss epoxide-polyester powder coating ==> 半光环氧聚酯粉末涂料
  14423. semiglossy paper ==> 半光面相纸
  14424. semigraph and alarm signal ==> 模拟报警信号
  14425. semigraphic annunciator ==> 半图解式信号器
  14426. semigraphic control panel ==> 半图解仪表盘
  14427. semigraphic panel ==> 半图式面板
  14428. semigraphical method ==> 半图解法
  14429. semigroup homomorphism ==> 半群同态
  14430. semigroup method ==> 半群法
  14431. semiguarded machine ==> 半防护式电机
  14432. semihard-drawn aluminium wire ==> 半閉スロット
  14433. semihermetically sealed condensing unit ==> 半封闭式压缩冷凝机组
  14434. semihumid soil ==> 半湿土
  14435. semihydraulic lime ==> 半水硬石灰
  14436. semihydraulic lime mortar ==> 半水硬石灰砂浆
  14437. semiindirect illumination ==> 半间接照明
  14438. semiindirect lighting ==> 半间接照明
  14439. semiinsulating substrate ==> 半绝缘衬底
  14440. semiintutitive skill ==> 半直觉技术
  14441. semikilled steel ==> 半镇静钢
  14442. semilate rice ==> 中稻
  14443. semileaky type ==> 半漏泄型
  14444. semilente insulin ==> 半慢胰岛素
  14445. semilethal gene ==> 半致死基因
  14446. semilive skid ==> 半活动小架车
  14447. semilog model ==> 半对数模型
  14448. semilog paper ==> 半对数图纸,半对数纸
  14449. semilog plot ==> 半对数图
  14450. semilog transformation ==> 半对数变换
  14451. semilogarithmic coordinate paper ==> 半对数坐标纸
  14452. semilogarithmic model ==> 半对数模型
  14453. semilogarithmic paper ==> 半对数纸
  14454. semilunar bone ==> 月骨
  14455. semilunar cartilage ==> 半月软骨
  14456. semilunar fold ==> 半月皱襞
  14457. semilunar fold of conjunctiva ==> 结膜半月襞
  14458. semilunar folds of colon ==> 结肠半月襞
  14459. semilunar ganglion decompression ==> 半月神经节减压法
  14460. semilunar hernia ==> 斯皮格耳氏疝
  14461. semilunar nucleus ==> 半月核
  14462. semilunar period ==> 半月周期
  14463. semilunar sign ==> 新月征
  14464. semilunar space ==> 半月状隙
  14465. semilunar valve ==> 半月瓣
  14466. semilunar valve of pulmonary artery ==> 肺动脉半月瓣
  14467. semilunaris gyrus ==> 半月回
  14468. semimagnetic controller ==> 半磁控制器,半磁性控制器
  14469. semimajor axis ==> 半长轴
  14470. semimajor axis of beam cross-section ==> 束流截面的长半轴
  14471. semimean axes ==> 半中轴
  14472. semimetal ==> 半金属
  14473. semimetallic lustre ==> 半金属光泽
  14474. semimetallic packing ==> 半金属填料
  14475. semimicro analysis ==> 半微量分析
  14476. semimicro method ==> 半微量法
  14477. semimicro organic synthesis ==> 半微量有机合成
  14478. semimicro-analy-tical balance ==> 半微量天平
  14479. semimicro-chemistry ==> 半微量化学
  14480. semiminor axis ==> 半短轴
  14481. semimobile artillery ==> 半机动火炮
  14482. semimonolithic construction ==> 半整体式构造
  14483. seminal book ==> 影響力の大きい本
  14484. seminal cyst ==> 精液囊肿
  14485. seminal fluid examination ==> 精液检查
  14486. seminal groove ==> 输精沟
  14487. seminal leaf ==> 子叶
  14488. seminal patent ==> 独創性に富んだ特許
  14489. seminal plasma ==> 精清
  14490. seminal principle ==> 潜在原理
  14491. seminal propagation ==> 种子繁殖
  14492. seminal protein ==> 精子タンパク
  14493. seminal root ==> 种子根
  14494. seminal vesicle ==> 精囊,精囊腺
  14495. seminal vesicle examination ==> 精囊检查
  14496. seminal vesicle fluid ==> 精囊液
  14497. seminar ==> ゼミナール
  14498. seminar on pollution prevention ==> 防止污染研讨会
  14499. semination sowing ==> 下种
  14500. seminatural vegetation ==> 半野生植被
  14501. semiopen slot ==> 半开口槽
  14502. semipaste paint ==> 半厚漆
  14503. semipermanent data ==> 半永久数据
  14504. semipermanent mold ==> 半金属型
  14505. semipermeable membrane ==> 半渗透膜,半渗膜,半透薄膜,半透性膜
  14506. semipermeable surface ==> 半渗透曲面
  14507. semipersistent virus ==> 半持久性病毒
  14508. semiplant test ==> 中间试验
  14509. semiplastic explosive ==> 半塑性炸药
  14510. semipolar double bond ==> 半极性双键
  14511. semipositive mold ==> 半溢式塑模
  14512. semipremix injector ==> 半预混式喷头
  14513. semipreparative separation ==> 半制备规模分离
  14514. semiproduct management ==> 半成品管理
  14515. semiproduction line ==> 半生产流水线
  14516. semiprone position ==> 半俯卧位
  14517. semiprotected motor ==> 半防护型电动机
  14518. semiprotic solvent ==> 半质子性溶剂
  14519. semiquantitative spectrochemical analysis ==> 光谱半定量分析
  14520. semiradial reciprocating compressor ==> 半圆辐射型往复压缩机,扇形往复式压缩机
  14521. semirandom access ==> 半随机存取
  14522. semirandom access memory ==> 半随机存取存储器,半随机访问存储器
  14523. semirandom access storage ==> 半随机访问存储器
  14524. semireal time ==> 半实时
  14525. semireclining position ==> 半卧位,半坐位
  14526. semirefined wax ==> 半精制蜡
  14527. semireflecting mirror ==> 半反射镜
  14528. semiregular variables ==> 半规则变星
  14529. semiremote control ==> 半遥控
  14530. semiremote cut-off ==> 半遥截止
  14531. semiremote handling ==> 半遥控,半远距离操纵
  14532. semiremote manipulation ==> 半远距离操作
  14533. semirigid cable ==> 半硬性电缆
  14534. semirigid container ==> 半硬容器
  14535. semirigid frame ==> 半刚性框架
  14536. semirigid framing ==> 半刚性框架做法
  14537. semirigid joint ==> 半刚性接头
  14538. semirigid plastic ==> 半刚性塑料
  14539. semirigid polyvinyl chloride sheet ==> 半硬质聚氯乙烯片材
  14540. semirimming steel ==> 半镇静钢
  14541. semirotary melting furnace ==> 可倾式熔炉
  14542. semirox ==> 半埋入式氧化物
  14543. semiself maintained discharge ==> 半自持放电
  14544. semiserialized manufacture ==> 半连续性生产
  14545. semishrouded impeller ==> 半开式叶轮
  14546. semisimple ==> 半単純の
  14547. semisimple Lie algebra ==> 半単純リー代数
  14548. semisimple matrix ==> 半单矩阵
  14549. semisimple module ==> 半単純加群
  14550. semiskilled labor ==> 半熟劳动
  14551. semiskilled labour ==> 半熟练劳动
  14552. semiskilled manpower ==> 半熟练劳动力
  14553. semislotted upper roll ==> 半槽式上辊
  14554. semisoft clay ==> 半软质粘土
  14555. semisoft collar ==> 半软硬领
  14556. semisoft packing ==> 半软包衬
  14557. semisoft steel ==> 半软钢
  14558. semisolid culturemedium ==> 半固体培养基
  14559. semisolid grease ==> 半凝润滑脂
  14560. semisolid lubricant ==> 塑性润滑剂
  14561. semisolid lubricants ==> 半固体润滑剂
  14562. semispecial trade ==> 半专门贸易
  14563. semispherical combustion chamber ==> 半球形燃烧室
  14564. semispinal muscle of neck ==> 颈半棘肌,颈半棘肌
  14565. semispiral case ==> 不完全蜗壳
  14566. semisplint coal ==> 半暗硬煤
  14567. semistable elementary particle ==> 准稳基本粒子
  14568. semistandard tableau ==> 半標準盤
  14569. semistationary process ==> 半平稳过程
  14570. semisubmersible drill rig ==> 半潜式海上钻探设备
  14571. semisubmersible drilling platform ==> 半潜式钻井平台
  14572. semisubmersible drilling vessel ==> 半潜式钻井船
  14573. semisubmersible platform ==> 半潜式钻井平台
  14574. semisubmersible tug boat ==> 半潜式驳船
  14575. semisubsistance low-income sector ==> 半自给自足的低收入阶层
  14576. semisynthetic fibre ==> 半合成纤维
  14577. semisynthetic penicillin and ergot system fungus ==> 半合成青霉素及麦角系列菌种
  14578. semitanned skin ==> 半硝皮
  14579. semitechnological factor ==> 半技术因素
  14580. semitertian malaria ==> 半间日疟
  14581. Semitic arrow-headed characters ==> 闪含语楔形文字
  14582. Semitic cuneiform characters ==> 闪含语楔形文字
  14583. semitrailing arm ==> (驱动桥的)前置斜定位臂
  14584. semitransmitting mirror ==> 半透明镜
  14585. semitransparent cathode ==> 半透明阴极
  14586. semitransparent layer ==> 半透明层
  14587. semitransparent mirror ==> 半透明镜
  14588. semitransparent photocathode ==> 半透免电阴极=>半透明光電陰極
  14589. semitransparent thin film ==> 半透明薄膜
  14590. semitransverse fault ==> 斜断层
  14591. semitubular rivet ==> 半管形铆钉,半空心铆钉
  14592. semiuniversal surface ==> 半万有曲面
  14593. semivariable cost ==> 半可变成本
  14594. semivitreous whiteware ==> 半玻化白坯器皿
  14595. semiwater gas ==> 半水煤气
  14596. semiwhite glass ==> 半白玻璃
  14597. semixylenol orange ==> 半二甲酚橙
  14598. Semper's rib ==> 森氏肋
  14599. Semple plunger ==> 离心保险销
  14600. SEN, sensor ==> センサ
  14601. Senarmont compensator ==> 塞拿蒙补偿器
  14602. send ==> 发射
  14603. send alarm ==> 対局警報
  14604. send out ==> 射
  14605. send out goods ==> 发货
  14606. send signal element timing circuit ==> 发信信号单元定时电路
  14607. send statement ==> 发送语句
  14608. send through others ==> 托带
  14609. send to the hammer ==> 拿出拍卖
  14610. send window ==> 发送窗口
  14611. send-back system ==> 回送系统
  14612. send-receive switch ==> 收发转换开关
  14613. send-receive-ground-switch ==> 收发接地转换开关
  14614. send-receiver ==> 收发报机
  14615. Sendai virus ==> 仙台病毒
  14616. sender ==> 发信机=>センダ
  14617. sender transmitting station ==> 信号发送台
  14618. sender unit ==> 信号发送器
  14619. sender unit cover ==> 传感器壳盖
  14620. sender unit insulated terminal ==> 传感器绝缘接柱
  14621. sending aerial ==> 发射天线
  14622. sending allowance ==> 传输衰耗
  14623. sending antenna ==> 发射天线
  14624. sending area ==> 发送区
  14625. sending current ==> 送信電流
  14626. sending down abnormally ascending ==> 降气
  14627. sending down the fishbone ==> 下骨
  14628. sending end ==> 发送端=>送電端
  14629. sending end impedance ==> 送电端阻抗
  14630. sending filter ==> 发送端滤波器
  14631. sending item ==> 发送项
  14632. sending key ==> 发送电键
  14633. sending machine ==> 发射机
  14634. sending power ==> 发送功率
  14635. sending receiving terminal station ==> 收发终端站
  14636. sending set ==> 发送设备
  14637. sending station ==> 发信局
  14638. sending voltage control ==> 送出し電圧制御
  14639. sending-end crosstalk ==> 发送端串话
  14640. sending-end impedance ==> 送端インピーダンス
  14641. sending-end output ==> 送電端出力
  14642. sending-end system ==> 送端系统,电力系统中以送出电能为主的局部系统
  14643. sendust core ==> 铝硅铁粉磁心
  14644. sendzimir coating process ==> 分解氨热镀锌法
  14645. Sendzimir coating process ==> 森吉米尔镀锌法,森氏镀锌法
  14646. sendzimir galvanizing process ==> 分解氨热镀锌法
  14647. Sendzimir galvanizing process ==> 森氏镀锌法
  14648. Sendzimir mill ==> 森吉米尔式轧机,森式极薄钢板多辊轧机,二十辊冷轧机
  14649. sendzimir mill ==> 森吉米尔式多辊轧机
  14650. Sendzimir planetary mill ==> 森吉米尔行星轧机
  14651. Sendzimir process ==> 森氏带钢氮化浸渍镀锌法
  14652. senecifolic acid ==> 千里光叶酸
  14653. senecifolin(e) hydrochloride ==> 盐酸千里光叶碱
  14654. Senecio cannabifolius ==> 麻叶千里光
  14655. Senecio wightii ==> 岩生千里光
  14656. senecioic acid ==> 千里光酸
  14657. senegeninic acid ==> 远志酸
  14658. senescent arthritis ==> 关节变性病
  14659. senescent ovary ==> 衰老卵巢
  14660. senile ==> 老年的=>老年の
  14661. senile amblykusis ==> 老年性重听
  14662. senile angioma ==> 老年性血管瘤=>老人性血管腫
  14663. senile anodontia ==> 老年性无牙
  14664. senile arteriosclerosis ==> 老年性动脉硬化
  14665. senile arteriosclerotic nephrosclerosis ==> 老年性动脉硬化性肾硬化
  14666. senile asomnia ==> 老年性失眠
  14667. senile atrophic gingivitis ==> 老年性萎缩性龈炎
  14668. senile atrophy ==> 老年萎缩
  14669. senile cataract ==> 老人性白内障
  14670. senile change ==> 老化現象
  14671. senile chorea ==> 老年性舞蹈病
  14672. senile congenital macular degeneration ==> 老年期先天性黄斑变性
  14673. senile deafness ==> 老年性難聴
  14674. senile decay ==> 老化
  14675. senile degeneration ==> 老年性变性
  14676. senile dementia ==> 老年痴呆,老年性痴呆=>老年性認知症
  14677. senile depression ==> 老年期鬱病
  14678. senile deterioration ==> 老衰
  14679. senile disposition ==> 老年素因
  14680. senile eczema ==> 老年性湿疹
  14681. senile elastosis ==> 老年性弹力组织变性
  14682. senile emphysema ==> 老年肺气肿,老年性肺气肿
  14683. senile ephelides ==> 老年雀斑
  14684. senile fibroelastosis ==> 老年性纤维弹性组织增生
  14685. senile fracture ==> 老年骨折
  14686. senile gangrene ==> 老年坏疽,波特氏坏疽
  14687. senile hemangioma ==> 老年性血管瘤
  14688. senile hip arthropathy ==> 老年性髋关节病
  14689. senile hip-joint disease ==> 老年髋关节病
  14690. senile insomnia ==> 老年性失眠
  14691. senile keratoma ==> 老年角质瘤
  14692. senile keratosis ==> 老年角化病
  14693. senile kyphosis ==> 老年人驼背
  14694. senile melancholia ==> 老年忧郁症
  14695. senile nephrosclerosis ==> 老年性肾硬化
  14696. senile neuritis ==> 老年性神经炎
  14697. senile paralysis agitans ==> 老年性震颤麻痹
  14698. senile paresis ==> 老年麻痹性痴呆
  14699. senile patient ==> 老年病人
  14700. senile plaque ==> 老年斑
  14701. senile plaques ==> 衰老斑
  14702. senile pruritus ==> 老年搔痒症
  14703. senile psychosis ==> 老年精神病
  14704. senile purpura ==> 老年性紫癜
  14705. senile retinal arteriosclerosis ==> 老年性视网膜动脉硬化
  14706. senile river ==> 老年河
  14707. senile sebaceous hyperplasia ==> 老年皮脂腺增生症
  14708. senile tremor ==> 老年震颤
  14709. senile vaginitis ==> 老年性阴道炎
  14710. senile wart ==> 老年疣
  14711. senile warts of lid ==> 睑老年疣,睑老年疣
  14712. senior architect ==> 高级建筑师
  14713. senior programmer ==> 高级程序员
  14714. senior system designer ==> 高级系统设计员
  14715. Senn process ==> 森方法
  14716. SenokoPower ==> (新加坡)圣诺哥能源
  14717. sensation ==> 感觉,知觉
  14718. sensation curve ==> 视觉敏感性曲线
  14719. sensation level ==> 阈上水平
  14720. sensation noise ==> 感觉噪声
  14721. sensation of acceleration ==> 加速度感觉
  14722. sensation of asphyxia ==> 窒息感
  14723. sensation of cold ==> 冷觉
  14724. sensation of dryness ==> 干涩感
  14725. sensation of fullness ==> 胀满感,饱胀感
  14726. sensation of hearing ==> 听觉
  14727. sensation of pain ==> 痛觉
  14728. sensation of warmth ==> 温觉
  14729. sensation quantity of sound ==> 声感觉量
  14730. sensation scale ==> 感觉尺度
  14731. sensation threshold ==> 感觉阈值
  14732. sensation unit ==> 感觉单位
  14733. sensational ==> 驚くべき,素晴らしい
  14734. sensational triumph ==> 素晴らしい勝利
  14735. sensational victory ==> 素晴らしい勝利
  14736. sense ==> 方向,意义,觉,觉,自动检测,读出,断定,信号方向
  14737. sense aerial ==> 辨向天线
  14738. sense amplifier ==> 读出放大器=>センス増幅器
  14739. sense antenna ==> 辨向天线=>センスアンテナ
  14740. sense byte ==> 判断字节
  14741. sense club ==> 感觉球
  14742. sense coil ==> 读出线圈
  14743. sense command ==> 读出命令,读出指令,检测命令
  14744. sense cone ==> 感觉锥
  14745. sense console ==> 读出控制台
  14746. sense control ==> 视觉控制
  14747. sense data ==> 读出数据
  14748. sense dome ==> 感觉钟
  14749. sense finder ==> 无线电罗盘,探向指器,正负向测定器,指向测定器
  14750. sense hair ==> 感觉毛
  14751. sense indicator ==> 来去指示器,方向指示器
  14752. sense information ==> 读出信息
  14753. sense light ==> 传感指示灯
  14754. sense line ==> 读出线
  14755. sense loop ==> 读出环
  14756. sense of absolute pitch ==> 絶対音感
  14757. sense of business ==> 经营意识,经营意识
  14758. sense of cold ==> 冷觉
  14759. sense of coldness ==> 冷感
  14760. sense of compression ==> 紧压感
  14761. sense of crackling of ping-pong ball ==> 乒乓球感
  14762. sense of current ==> 电流的方向
  14763. sense of direction ==> 方向感=>方向感覚
  14764. sense of equilibrium ==> 平衡觉
  14765. sense of fruition ==> 達成感
  14766. sense of hearing ==> 听觉
  14767. sense of hotness ==> 热感
  14768. sense of hunger ==> 饥饿感
  14769. sense of movement ==> 动向
  14770. sense of obstruction ==> 梗塞感,梗阻感
  14771. sense of oppression ==> 闷压感
  14772. sense of orientation ==> 定向
  14773. sense of participation ==> 参与感
  14774. sense of pleural friction ==> 胸膜摩擦感
  14775. sense of rotation ==> 旋转方向,旋转感,自转方向
  14776. sense of sight ==> 视觉
  14777. sense of smell ==> 嗅觉
  14778. sense of taste ==> 味觉
  14779. sense of worth ==> 价值观
  14780. sense organ ==> 感官,感觉器,感觉器官,感觉瀑
  14781. sense organs ==> 感觉器官
  14782. sense pore ==> 感觉孔
  14783. sense refresh amplifier ==> 读出更新放大器
  14784. sense response ==> 读出响应
  14785. sense signal ==> 读出信号
  14786. sense station ==> 读出机构
  14787. sense strand ==> 有意义股(链)
  14788. sense strobe ==> 读出选通脉冲
  14789. sense switch ==> 读出开关,感测开关,更变开关,检测开关
  14790. sense wire ==> 读出线
  14791. sense(-)class ==> 指向类
  14792. sense-finding switch ==> 定向开关
  14793. sense-reversing ==> 逆向
  14794. senser ==> 敏感元件
  14795. sensibilisation ==> 敏化
  14796. sensibility ==> 灵敏度
  14797. sensibility analysis ==> 敏感分析
  14798. sensibility control ==> 灵敏度控制
  14799. sensibility of voltage regulator ==> 稳压器敏感性
  14800. sensibility reciprocal ==> 灵敏度倒数
  14801. sensible advice ==> 合理的な助言
  14802. sensible adviser ==> 思慮のある助言者
  14803. sensible answer ==> 賢明な回答
  14804. sensible cooling effect ==> 显热冷却效果
  14805. sensible heat ==> 显热
  14806. sensible heat cooler ==> 显热冷却器
  14807. sensible heat flow ==> 显热流,可感热流
  14808. sensible heat load ==> 显热负荷
  14809. sensible heat ratio ==> 显热比
  14810. sensible horizon ==> 感觉地平圈
  14811. sensible temperature ==> 感觉温度,可感温度
  14812. sensible-heat factor (SHF) ==> 显热因子
  14813. sensilized decomposition ==> 敏化分解
  14814. sensillary base ==> 感基
  14815. sensillum basiconicum ==> 锥形感器
  14816. sensillum sagittiforme ==> 矢形感器
  14817. sensing ==> 感觉,读出,感测,感觉,测向器件,辨向,射弹观测=>検知
  14818. sensing and switching device ==> 读出转换装置
  14819. sensing antenna ==> 辨向天线
  14820. sensing bulb ==> 感温包
  14821. sensing cable ==> 传感电缆
  14822. sensing circuit ==> 传感电路
  14823. sensing coil ==> 感觉线圈
  14824. sensing component number ==> 敏感元件数
  14825. sensing crystal ==> 敏感晶体
  14826. sensing device ==> 传感器=>検出装置,センシングデバイス
  14827. sensing element ==> 感应元件,传感器,传感元件,敏感元件
  14828. sensing equipment ==> 传感设备,测定设备,测向设备,指向设备
  14829. sensing filament ==> 敏感热丝
  14830. sensing head ==> 敏感头,传感头,读出头,灵敏头
  14831. sensing hole ==> 读出孔
  14832. sensing instrument ==> 灵敏仪表,灵敏仪器,敏感仪表
  14833. sensing marker ==> 读出指示器
  14834. sensing material ==> 传感材料
  14835. sensing pin ==> 读出针
  14836. sensing probe ==> 传感器,敏感探头,敏感元件
  14837. sensing reading ==> 传感读出
  14838. sensing station ==> 感测站,读出站
  14839. sensing surface ==> 敏感表面
  14840. sensing switch ==> 传感器开关
  14841. sensing system ==> 测读系统
  14842. sensing tape ==> 读数带
  14843. sensing unit ==> 敏感元件
  14844. sensing zone technique ==> 敏感区技术
  14845. sensistor compensation ==> 热敏电阻补偿
  14846. sensitised door mat ==> 感应门踏板
  14847. sensitive ==> 灵敏的
  14848. sensitive adjustment ==> 精调,精确调整
  14849. sensitive area ==> 敏感地区,敏感面,敏感区
  14850. sensitive area along a channel ==> 经络敏感区,经络敏感区
  14851. sensitive axis ==> 量测轴,量测轴线
  14852. sensitive bench drill ==> 高速手压台钻
  14853. sensitive clay ==> 敏感粘土
  14854. sensitive colour plate ==> 灵敏色板
  14855. sensitive composition ==> 敏感成分
  14856. sensitive detector ==> 灵敏探测器
  14857. sensitive developmental period ==> 敏感发育时期
  14858. sensitive drill ==> 高速手压钻机
  14859. sensitive drill press ==> 灵敏钻床
  14860. sensitive drilling machine ==> 手动进给钻床
  14861. sensitive element ==> 灵敏元件,敏感元件
  14862. sensitive emulsion ==> 感光乳剂
  14863. sensitive explosive ==> 敏感炸药
  14864. sensitive far infrared detector ==> 高感度遠赤外線検出器
  14865. sensitive fault program ==> 故障敏感程序
  14866. sensitive film ==> 感光胶卷,感光胶片
  14867. sensitive flame ==> 灵敏焰
  14868. sensitive form ==> 敏感形式
  14869. sensitive galvanometer ==> 灵敏电流计
  14870. sensitive goods ==> 敏感性商品
  14871. sensitive goods price ==> 敏感商品价格
  14872. sensitive information network ==> 敏感情报网络
  14873. sensitive infrared telescope ==> 灵敏红外望远镜
  14874. sensitive instrumentation ==> 高感度の機器
  14875. sensitive junction ==> 灵敏结
  14876. sensitive layer ==> 敏感层,感光膜
  14877. sensitive lever ==> 敏觉杆
  14878. sensitive line ==> 灵敏线
  14879. sensitive line along a channel ==> 经络敏感线,经络敏感线
  14880. sensitive load ==> 高感度負荷
  14881. sensitive load factory ==> 高感度負荷工場
  14882. sensitive market ==> 敏感市场,敏感性商品,敏感性市场
  14883. sensitive material ==> 敏感材料,感光材料,灵敏材料
  14884. sensitive metal ==> 敏感金属
  14885. sensitive monitor ==> 敏感监测器
  14886. sensitive paper ==> 感光纸
  14887. sensitive percussion fuze ==> 瞬发引信
  14888. sensitive period ==> 感应期,灵敏周期
  14889. sensitive period of teratogenesis ==> 致畸敏感期
  14890. sensitive periods ==> 敏感期
  14891. sensitive personality ==> 敏感人格
  14892. sensitive photographic material ==> 照相感光材料
  14893. sensitive pick-up ==> 敏感元件
  14894. sensitive plant ==> 敏感性植物,敏感植物
  14895. sensitive plate ==> 感光板,灵敏板
  14896. sensitive point on the route of a channel ==> 经络敏感点,经络敏感点
  14897. sensitive product ==> 敏感产品,敏感性产品
  14898. sensitive property ==> 敏感性能
  14899. sensitive radiation thermocouple ==> 灵敏辐射热电偶,灵敏辐射温差电偶
  14900. sensitive receiver in missile ==> 自导弹头的灵敏接收机
  14901. sensitive relay ==> 敏感继电器
  14902. sensitive spot ==> 敏感点,灵敏点,反应点
  14903. sensitive stock ==> 热敏原料
  14904. sensitive strain ==> 敏感品系
  14905. sensitive switch ==> 传感开关,快动开关
  14906. sensitive tapping machine ==> 灵敏攻丝机
  14907. sensitive thermometer ==> 敏感温度计
  14908. sensitive time ==> 感光时间,感应时间,灵敏时间
  14909. sensitive tint plate ==> 灵敏色辉片
  14910. sensitive to light ==> 对光灵敏的
  14911. sensitive upright drilling machine ==> 立式灵敏钻床
  14912. sensitive volume ==> 敏感体积,灵敏范围,灵敏区,灵敏体积
  14913. sensitive zone ==> 经络敏感区,经络敏感区
  14914. sensitiveness of (the) governor ==> 调速器灵敏度
  14915. sensitiveness of light ==> 光敏感性
  14916. sensitiveness to friction ==> 摩擦敏感度
  14917. sensitiveness to shock ==> 震动灵敏度
  14918. sensitivety ==> 敏感性
  14919. sensitivity ==> 敏感度,敏感性,感度,感光度,灵敏,灵敏度,灵敏限,灵敏性=>感度
  14920. sensitivity analysis ==> 灵敏度分析,敏感度分析,敏感性分析,在电力项目财务评价时,需对可能的物价总水平变动因素,对项目赢利能力和补偿能力的影响,进行的分析,重点是投资指标、上网电量、安全条件和燃料价格,以合理估计本项目的竞争能力=>感度解析
  14921. sensitivity bolometer ==> 灵敏测辐射热计
  14922. sensitivity calibration ==> 灵敏度校准
  14923. sensitivity centre ==> 敏感中心
  14924. sensitivity characteristic ==> 敏感特性
  14925. sensitivity co-ordination ==> 感度協調
  14926. sensitivity coefficient ==> 敏感系数,灵敏度系数,灵敏系数
  14927. sensitivity compensator ==> 灵敏补偿器
  14928. sensitivity constant ==> 灵敏度常数
  14929. sensitivity control ==> 灵敏度控制
  14930. sensitivity correction ==> 灵敏度校正
  14931. sensitivity curve ==> 灵敏度曲线
  14932. sensitivity distribution ==> 灵敏度分布
  14933. sensitivity drift ==> 灵敏度漂移
  14934. sensitivity equation ==> 灵敏度方程
  14935. sensitivity for temperature ==> 感温性
  14936. sensitivity funciton ==> 感度関数
  14937. sensitivity function ==> 灵敏度函数=>感度関数
  14938. sensitivity indices ==> 電力潮流感度指標(電圧安定性), voltage/reactive power sensitivity, dV/dQL,voltage collapse proximity indicator, dQL/dQG,tangent vector index, dV/dλ
  14939. sensitivity limit ==> 灵敏度极限
  14940. sensitivity of a photoresistive cell ==> 光敏电阻管灵敏度
  14941. sensitivity of a pickup ==> 拾音灵敏度
  14942. sensitivity of control system ==> 控制系统的灵敏度
  14943. sensitivity of follow-up system ==> 随动系统灵敏度
  14944. sensitivity of instrument ==> 仪表灵敏度
  14945. sensitivity of light ==> 感光灵敏度
  14946. sensitivity of optimal solution ==> 最適解の感度
  14947. sensitivity of relay protection ==> 继电保护灵敏性,继电保护装置对设定范围内的故障或异常状态,能够可靠的进行预定反映和动作的能力
  14948. sensitivity of telephone transmitter ==> 送话器灵敏度
  14949. sensitivity of tester ==> 探伤仪灵敏度
  14950. sensitivity of the level ==> 气泡灵敏度
  14951. sensitivity points method ==> 敏感点法
  14952. sensitivity range ==> 灵敏度范围
  14953. sensitivity ratio ==> 灵敏率
  14954. sensitivity reducing ==> 感度低下法
  14955. sensitivity shift ==> 灵敏度变化
  14956. sensitivity speck ==> 敏化中心
  14957. sensitivity test ==> 灵敏度试验
  14958. sensitivity testing ==> 敏感度试验
  14959. sensitivity tests ==> 敏感性试验
  14960. sensitivity threshold ==> 灵敏度阈
  14961. sensitivity threshold of fatigue ==> 疲劳感觉阈
  14962. sensitivity time control ==> 灵敏度时间调整
  14963. sensitivity to contamination ==> 对污染的敏感性
  14964. sensitivity to initiation ==> 起爆感度
  14965. sensitivity to light ==> 感光性
  14966. sensitivity training approach ==> 敏感性训练方式
  14967. sensitivity volume ==> 灵敏区
  14968. sensitivity-time control ==> 灵敏度时间控制
  14969. sensitization ==> 激活=>(感受性の増加)感作,鋭敏化
  14970. sensitization corrosion ==> 敏化腐蚀
  14971. sensitization of skin ==> 皮肤致敏
  14972. sensitization test ==> 敏感试验
  14973. sensitization test (STT) ==> 致敏试验
  14974. sensitization time ==> 敏化时间
  14975. sensitized bacteria agglutination test ==> 致敏细菌凝集试验
  14976. sensitized cathode ==> 敏化阴极
  14977. sensitized cube ==> 敏化立方
  14978. sensitized fabric ==> 敏化织物
  14979. sensitized fluorescence ==> 敏化荧光
  14980. sensitized laser material ==> 敏化激光材料
  14981. sensitized luminescence ==> 敏化发光
  14982. sensitized lymphocyte ==> 致敏淋巴细胞
  14983. sensitized material ==> 敏感材料,敏感物质,敏化材料
  14984. sensitized medium ==> 感光媒质
  14985. sensitized paper ==> 感光纸,敏化纸
  14986. sensitized phosphorescence ==> 敏化磷光
  14987. sensitized red cell ==> 致敏红细胞
  14988. sensitized screen ==> 敏化筛网
  14989. sensitized sheep blood ==> 致敏绵羊血
  14990. sensitized surface ==> 敏化面
  14991. sensitized vaccine ==> 敏感疫苗,血清疫苗
  14992. sensitized zone ==> 敏化区
  14993. sensitizer ==> 敏化剂,激活剂
  14994. sensitizing agent ==> 敏化剂,致敏剂,致敏因素
  14995. sensitizing antibody ==> 致敏抗体
  14996. sensitizing antigen ==> 致敏性抗原
  14997. sensitizing center ==> 敏化中心
  14998. sensitizing dose ==> 致敏量
  14999. sensitizing effect ==> 敏化效应
  15000. sensitizing layer ==> 敏化层
  15001. sensitizing pulse ==> 照明脉冲
  15002. sensitizing range ==> 敏感区
  15003. sensitizing solution ==> 敏化液
  15004. sensitizing treatment ==> 敏化处理
  15005. sensitlzing effect ==> 敏感效应
  15006. sensitometer ==> 感光计
  15007. sensitometric curve ==> 感光曲线,感光深浅曲线
  15008. sensitometric refraction ==> 感光折射
  15009. sensitve drilling machine ==> 手压钻床
  15010. sensor ==> 受感器,激光流量传感器,感察器,感应元件,敏感元件,传感器,读出器=>センサ,知覚器
  15011. sensor (-ser) ==> 敏感装置
  15012. sensor alarm ==> 传感报警器
  15013. sensor amplifier ==> 传感放大器
  15014. sensor aperture opening ratio ==> 传感器开口率
  15015. sensor array ==> 传感阵列,阵列传感器
  15016. sensor board ==> 传感插板
  15017. sensor coil ==> 传感线圈,敏感线圈
  15018. sensor detector ==> 传感探测器
  15019. sensor element ==> 传感元件
  15020. sensor group ==> 传感器组
  15021. sensor information ==> 传感器信息
  15022. sensor matrix ==> 读出矩阵
  15023. sensor peen ==> 传感尖端
  15024. sensor position ==> センサ位置
  15025. sensor signal ==> 传感器信号
  15026. sensor switch ==> 读出开关
  15027. sensor system ==> 敏感元件系统
  15028. sensor transmitter ==> 敏感变送器
  15029. sensor wiring ==> 传感器布线
  15030. sensor-based ==> 传感设备,以传感器为基础的设备,基于传感器的
  15031. sensor-based computer ==> 基于传感器的计算机,传感计算机,传感器用计算机
  15032. sensor-based navigation ==> センサベーストナビゲーション
  15033. sensor-based system ==> 传感器用系统,传感系统,基于传感器的系统,采用传感系统
  15034. sensori-motor phase ==> 感觉动作时相
  15035. sensorimotor area ==> 感觉运动区
  15036. sensorineural hearing loss ==> 神经性听力损失
  15037. sensorless control ==> センサレス制御
  15038. sensorless drive ==> センサレス駆動
  15039. sensorless sinusoidal drive ==> センサレス正弦波駆動
  15040. sensorless vector control ==> センサレスベクトル制御
  15041. sensory ==> 感觉的
  15042. sensory adaptation ==> 感觉适应
  15043. sensory aphasia ==> 感觉性失语
  15044. sensory area ==> 感觉皮质区,感觉区
  15045. sensory ataxia ==> 感觉性共济运动失调
  15046. sensory block ==> 感觉阻断
  15047. sensory block experiment ==> 感觉遮断实验
  15048. sensory capsule ==> 感觉囊
  15049. sensory cell ==> 感觉细胞
  15050. sensory center ==> 感觉中枢
  15051. sensory channel ==> 感觉通道
  15052. sensory circle ==> 触觉区
  15053. sensory club ==> 感觉棒
  15054. sensory conducting function ==> 感觉传导功能
  15055. sensory control ==> 感觉控制
  15056. sensory cortex ==> 感觉皮层
  15057. sensory current ==> 感知电流
  15058. sensory decussation ==> 感觉交叉
  15059. sensory deprivation ==> 感觉剥夺
  15060. sensory disturbance ==> 感觉障碍,知觉障碍
  15061. sensory disturbance of anterior commissura type ==> 前连合型感觉障碍
  15062. sensory disturbance of thalamic type ==> 丘脑型感觉障碍
  15063. sensory ecology ==> 感覚生態学
  15064. sensory epithelial cell ==> 感觉上皮细胞
  15065. sensory fiber ==> 感觉纤维
  15066. sensory function ==> 感觉功能
  15067. sensory ganglia ==> 感觉性神经节
  15068. sensory hair ==> 感觉毛
  15069. sensory hair cell ==> 感觉毛细胞
  15070. sensory information ==> 感觉信息,敏感元件信息
  15071. sensory inhibition ==> 感觉抑制
  15072. sensory isolatien ==> 感觉分离
  15073. sensory learning ==> 感觉学习
  15074. sensory nerve ==> 感觉神经
  15075. sensory nerve ending ==> 感觉神经末梢
  15076. sensory neuron ==> 感觉神经元
  15077. sensory nucleus ==> 感觉核
  15078. sensory organ ==> 感官
  15079. sensory package ==> 传感组件
  15080. sensory pathway ==> 感觉传导路
  15081. sensory perception ==> 感性知觉
  15082. sensory pit ==> 感觉窝
  15083. sensory plate ==> 感觉板
  15084. sensory presbyacusia ==> 感觉性老年聋
  15085. sensory process ==> 感觉突
  15086. sensory processing ==> 感覚処理
  15087. sensory relay nucleus ==> 感觉中继核
  15088. sensory root ==> 感觉根
  15089. sensory speech center ==> 感觉性言语中枢
  15090. sensory spots ==> 感觉点
  15091. sensory stimuli ==> 感觉刺激
  15092. sensory system ==> 感觉系统,敏感度系统
  15093. sensory test of skin ==> 皮层感觉检查法
  15094. sensory unit ==> 感觉单位
  15095. sent request circuit ==> 发送请求电路
  15096. sentence completion ==> 填空
  15097. sentence key ==> 句子关键字,句子关键字,句子键,句子键
  15098. sentence logic ==> 语句逻辑
  15099. sentence of bankruptcy ==> 破产判决
  15100. sentence structure ==> 句子结构,句子结构
  15101. sentence symbol ==> 句子符号,句子符号
  15102. sentential calculus ==> 句子演算,句子演算
  15103. sentential form ==> 句型,句型
  15104. senter tap ==> 設定能
  15105. sentinel ==> 传送器,标记,标记符号,标志,始终标记
  15106. sentinel antibody ==> 前哨抗体
  15107. sentinel node ==> 魏尔啸氏结,看守淋巴结
  15108. sentinel pile ==> 前哨痔
  15109. sentinel pyrometer ==> 标志高温计
  15110. sentinel valve ==> 报警阀
  15111. seocnd intermediate host ==> 第二中间宿主
  15112. seocndary distribution ==> 二次配电
  15113. seocndary pollutant ==> 二次污染
  15114. seondary tap ==> 二道螺丝攻
  15115. SEOS, synchronous earth observation satellite ==> 同期地球観測衛星
  15116. Seoul National University of Technology ==> 韩国国立首尔产业大学
  15117. SEP(S), solar electric propulsion ==> 太陽電気推進
  15118. SEP, separation ==> 分離
  15119. SEP, solar electric propulsion ==> セップ(SEP)
  15120. SEP, solar energetic particle ==> 太陽エネルギー粒子
  15121. SEP, Standard-Essential Patent ==> 標準必須特許
  15122. SEPAC, space experiments with particle accelerators ==> 粒子加速器による宇宙実験
  15123. sepal ==> 萼片
  15124. separable ==> 分離できる
  15125. separable attachment plug ==> セパラブルプラグ
  15126. separable characteristic ==> 可分离性,可分特性
  15127. separable cost ==> 可独立计算的成本,可分成本,可分费用
  15128. separable coupling ==> 可拆式联轴器
  15129. separable electric connector ==> 分离式电连接器
  15130. separable extension ==> 可分扩张
  15131. separable fixed cost ==> 可分的固定成本,可分固定成本
  15132. separable function ==> 可分离函数
  15133. separable kernel ==> 可分离核
  15134. separable library ==> 可分隔程序库
  15135. separable obligation ==> 可分的债务
  15136. separable optical coupler ==> 可分离光学耦合器
  15137. separable optimization problem ==> 可分最优问题
  15138. separable polynomial ==> 可分多项式
  15139. separable programming ==> 可分规划,可分离规划
  15140. separable rim ==> 可分开轮辋
  15141. separable slide fastener ==> 分开拉链
  15142. separable space ==> 可分空间
  15143. separate ==> 分離する
  15144. separate adjustment ==> 分别调整,分部平差
  15145. separate air friction clutch and brake units ==> 分离式空气磨擦离合制动装置
  15146. separate application ==> 分别敷用
  15147. separate assembly ==> 分别汇编
  15148. separate base(plate) ==> 单独底座
  15149. separate blade ==> 分离叶片
  15150. separate carrier ==> 分离载波
  15151. separate carry adder ==> 分离进位加法电路
  15152. separate carry representation ==> 分离进位表示法
  15153. separate cast test bar ==> 单铸试件
  15154. separate code ==> 分离码
  15155. separate collection ==> 分类收集
  15156. separate collector ==> 分离式集热器
  15157. separate combustion chamber ==> 分燃室,炉外燃烧室
  15158. separate compensation ==> 单独补偿,特别报酬
  15159. separate compilation ==> 个别编译,分离编译
  15160. separate connection ==> 单独联接,单独连接
  15161. separate contract ==> 分项合同
  15162. separate cooling ==> セパレート方式
  15163. separate cut-off valve ==> 独立停汽阀
  15164. separate cylinder ==> 分段汽缸,分铸气缸
  15165. separate data ==> 分散数据
  15166. separate data processing ==> 分散数据处理
  15167. separate drainage system ==> 分流制排水系统
  15168. separate drive ==> 单独传动
  15169. separate efficiency ==> 分部效率
  15170. separate electrical motor ==> 单独电机
  15171. separate entity system ==> 纳税单位分列计税制
  15172. separate excitation ==> 他励
  15173. separate excitation type inverter ==> 他励インバータ
  15174. separate excited motor ==> 分激电动机
  15175. separate exciter ==> 独立励磁机,他励励磁机
  15176. separate export department ==> 分设出口部
  15177. separate flushing ==> 旁侧给水冲洗
  15178. separate frame construction ==> 非承载式车身
  15179. separate function ==> 分离函数
  15180. separate galvanometer ==> 分装式检流计
  15181. separate game ==> 分离对策
  15182. separate gate ==> 分离栅
  15183. separate gate type ==> 分离栅极型
  15184. separate gravity structure ==> 分离式重力结构,独立式重力结构
  15185. separate heater valve ==> 旁热式真空管
  15186. separate heterodyne reception method ==> 分激外差式接收法
  15187. separate injection well ==> 分层注水井
  15188. separate layer ==> 隔离层
  15189. separate layer fluid production rate ==> 分层产液量
  15190. separate layer quantitative oil production ==> 分层定量采油,分层定量采油量
  15191. separate lead-sheathed cable ==> 分铅包型电缆
  15192. separate loading ==> 分装式
  15193. separate loading ammunition ==> 药包分装式弹药
  15194. separate lubrication ==> 分别润滑法
  15195. separate lubricator ==> 个别润滑器
  15196. separate luminance camera ==> 分离亮度摄像机
  15197. separate luminance system ==> 分離輝度方式,輝度分離方式
  15198. separate machine ==> 分割机
  15199. separate management ==> 分散经营
  15200. separate mesh ==> 分离网
  15201. separate mesh electrode ==> 分离电极
  15202. separate mesh vidicon ==> 分离网式视像管
  15203. separate mesh vidicon pick-up tube ==> 分离网光导摄像管
  15204. separate mode ==> 分离模式
  15205. separate network operation ==> 分网运行,一个电力系统与相邻系统解列后的运行状态
  15206. separate nozzle gas cutter ==> 串列式喷嘴气割机
  15207. separate optical element ==> 分离光学元件
  15208. separate out ==> 析出
  15209. separate processor mode ==> 分隔处理方式
  15210. separate ratio estimate ==> 分别比率估计值
  15211. separate reactor ==> 分离反应器
  15212. separate regression estimate ==> 分别回归估计值
  15213. separate ring ==> 分离型套圈
  15214. separate roller ==> 分离辊
  15215. separate room ==> (餐馆中与大餐厅分开的小间)单间
  15216. separate sanitary sewer ==> 分流污水管道
  15217. separate self-excitation ==> 间接自励磁
  15218. separate sewage system ==> 分流制排水系统
  15219. separate sewer ==> 分流污水管道,单用污水管,单用下水道
  15220. separate sewer system ==> 分流排污系统,分流下水道系统
  15221. separate sewerage system ==> 分区污水系统,单用污水系统
  15222. separate slit image ==> 分离的狭缝像
  15223. separate sludge digestion ==> 分离式污泥净化法
  15224. separate sources ==> 不同来源
  15225. separate stamen ==> 离心雄蕊
  15226. separate statement ==> 附加声明
  15227. separate Stirling cycle refrigerator ==> 分置式斯特林循环制冷机
  15228. separate storage rings ==> 分离存储环
  15229. separate stratum control ==> 分层管理
  15230. separate system ==> 分流系统,分流制,分流制排水系统,雨水污水分流系统,雨污水分流制
  15231. separate tank ==> 分离池
  15232. separate thrust collar ==> 斜挡圈
  15233. separate type SFAG accelerator ==> 分离型扫描场交变陡度加速器
  15234. separate unit ==> 分立单元
  15235. separate valve box type piston pump ==> 独立阀箱式活塞泵
  15236. separate ventilation ==> 分区通风,单独通风,外通风
  15237. separate VM cycle refrigerator ==> 分置式威勒米尔循环制冷机
  15238. separate water supply ==> 分散式给水
  15239. separate water supply system ==> 分区给水系统
  15240. separate weighing ==> 分别称量
  15241. separate winding ==> 分离线圈,分绕绕组
  15242. separate wood fibre ==> 分隔木纤维
  15243. separate zone production ==> 分层开采
  15244. separate zone waterflooding ==> 分层注水
  15245. separate-application adhesive ==> 分施胶粘剂
  15246. separate-excited ==> 他励
  15247. separate-excited block oscillator ==> 他激式间歇振荡器
  15248. separate-wall lock chamber ==> 分离式闸室,两侧闸墙与闸室底板在结构上分离,不形成刚性连接的船闸闸室
  15249. separate-zone producer ==> 分层采油井
  15250. separated accumulator ==> 隔离式蓄能器
  15251. separated addressing ==> 分隔导址
  15252. separated aggregate ==> 分级骨料
  15253. separated angle of offset beams ==> 差波束分离角
  15254. separated beam system ==> 分束系统
  15255. separated broadcaster ==> 离心状撒播机
  15256. separated charge ==> 分离电荷
  15257. separated clock ==> 分离时钟
  15258. separated data ==> 分离数据
  15259. separated excitation ==> 他励
  15260. separated excitation D.C. motor ==> 分激直流电机
  15261. separated filter ==> 分隔滤波器
  15262. separated fissile fuel ==> 分离裂变燃料
  15263. separated fissile material ==> 分离可裂变物
  15264. separated flame ==> 分离式火焰
  15265. separated flow ==> 分离流,分离水流
  15266. separated layer oil production rate ==> 分层产油量
  15267. separated layer water cut ==> 分层含水量
  15268. separated lift ==> 分离升力
  15269. separated manager ==> 脱离群众的经理
  15270. separated milk ==> 脱脂奶
  15271. separated multiclad laser ==> 分离多包层激光器
  15272. separated plasma ==> 分离血浆
  15273. separated print ==> 別刷り,抜刷り
  15274. separated production and united sales ==> 分产合销
  15275. separated pulse ==> 分离脉冲
  15276. separated resonance ==> 分离共振
  15277. separated space ==> 分离空间
  15278. separated synchronizing pulse ==> 分离同步脉冲
  15279. separated thin lense ==> 分离薄透镜
  15280. separated transport of fly ash ==> 干灰分排,又称“粗细灰分排”。将电除尘器各电场收集的飞灰,根据干灰综合利用的要求,按细灰、粗灰分开输送,各自入库的措施
  15281. separated turn isochronous cyclotron ==> 分离圈等时性回旋加速器
  15282. separated type inner tube ==> 分离式锭胆
  15283. separated type spindle ==> 分离式锭子
  15284. separated weight ==> 分離重量
  15285. separated-application adhesive ==> 分敷粘合剂
  15286. separated-function synchrotron ==> 分开作用质子同步加速器
  15287. separated-gang cultivator ==> 分组式中耕机
  15288. separately cast test bar ==> 单铸试棒
  15289. separately charged traffic ==> 分段计费的运费
  15290. separately compute and pay tax on each category ==> 分别计算纳税
  15291. separately driven circuit ==> 他激励电路
  15292. separately excited ==> 他励的
  15293. separately excited dynamo ==> 他励发电机
  15294. separately excited generator ==> 他励发电机=>他励発電機
  15295. separately excited induction generator ==> 分激感应式发电机
  15296. separately excited motor ==> 他励电动机=>他励電動機
  15297. separately excited multivibrator ==> 分激多谐振荡器
  15298. separately excited oscillator ==> 分激振荡器,他激振荡器
  15299. separately extinction of arc ==> 外力消弧
  15300. separately fired supercharger ==> 分烧式过热器
  15301. separately fired superheater ==> 独立燃烧式过热器
  15302. separately heated cathode ==> 旁热阴极
  15303. separately instructed carry ==> 外激式进位
  15304. separately leaded cable ==> 铅皮分包电缆
  15305. separately leadsheathed cable ==> SLケーブル,鉛シースケーブル
  15306. separately sustained oscillation ==> 外激持续振荡
  15307. separately ventilated machine ==> 外通风式电机,他力通风式电机=>他力通風形電機
  15308. separately ventilated type ==> 外力通风式
  15309. separately-cooled machine ==> 外冷式电机,他冷式电机
  15310. separately-driven circuit ==> 分激电路
  15311. separately-excited circuit ==> 分激电路
  15312. separately-excited dynamo ==> 分激发电机
  15313. separately-excited generator ==> 分激发电机
  15314. separately-excited inverter ==> 分激式变流器
  15315. separately-excited phase advancer ==> 分激式进相机
  15316. separately-lead sheathed cable (SL cable) ==> 分析铅套电缆
  15317. separately-leaded cable ==> 铅皮分包电缆
  15318. separateness ==> 分離
  15319. separating ==> 分離
  15320. separating agent ==> 分离剂
  15321. separating ball ==> 间隔球
  15322. separating bar ==> 分纱杆
  15323. separating belt ==> 分离带
  15324. separating bowl ==> 分离篮
  15325. separating by dilution ==> 稀释分离
  15326. separating capacity ==> 区分能力
  15327. separating capacity, discrimination ==> 事件分辨力,能正确区分事件发生顺序的最小时间间隔
  15328. separating centrifuge ==> 分离机
  15329. separating character ==> 分隔符,分离符号,分离字符,舍入字符
  15330. separating column ==> 分离塔
  15331. separating cone ==> 圆锥选矿机
  15332. separating control character ==> 分隔控制字符,分离控制符号
  15333. separating course ==> 分离横列
  15334. separating cylinder ==> 圆筒分选筛,分选滚筒
  15335. separating degree ==> 分离度
  15336. separating density ==> 分选密度
  15337. separating different plot on soil fertility ==> 分成地力不同的地块
  15338. separating discharge ==> 剥離放電
  15339. separating draw thread ==> 分离纱
  15340. separating drum ==> 分离汽锅
  15341. separating efficiency ==> 分离效率,分离总效率
  15342. separating element ==> 分隔器,滚动体隔离体
  15343. separating equipment for purification ==> 净化分离设备,净化分离设备
  15344. separating factor ==> 分离因数
  15345. separating filter ==> 分色滤光镜
  15346. separating floor ==> 分隔楼层
  15347. separating fruit ==> 离果
  15348. separating funnel ==> 分液漏斗
  15349. separating grade ==> 分选品位
  15350. separating guide ==> 分离导槽
  15351. separating hyperplane ==> 分离超平面
  15352. separating infected seed ==> 分开染病种子
  15353. separating knife ==> 分离刀
  15354. separating layer ==> 分离层
  15355. separating line ==> 分像线
  15356. separating lug ==> 定距耳
  15357. separating machine ==> 分离机
  15358. separating material ==> 脱模剂
  15359. separating mechanism ==> 脱粒机构,分离设备
  15360. separating medium ==> 分选介质
  15361. separating medium density ==> 分选介质密度
  15362. separating needle ==> 分纱针
  15363. separating of grease ==> 润滑脂的分油
  15364. separating plate ==> 分离板
  15365. separating powder ==> 脱模粉
  15366. separating power ==> 分离能力
  15367. separating property ==> 分离性能
  15368. separating rate ==> 分离速度
  15369. separating resonance ==> 分离共振
  15370. separating sample ==> 分别取样
  15371. separating saw ==> 分牙锯
  15372. separating screen ==> 分极筛,分级筛,分离筛,选别筛
  15373. separating shield ==> 分隔屏蔽
  15374. separating sieve ==> 分选筛
  15375. separating solution ==> 分离剂
  15376. separating tank ==> 分离槽
  15377. separating the useful from the waste ==> 泌别清浊
  15378. separating unit ==> 分离单元
  15379. separating valve ==> 分隔阀,隔离阀
  15380. separating wall ==> 分户墙
  15381. separating yarn ==> 分离纱
  15382. separating zone ==> 分离区
  15383. separation ==> 分离,导线间距离,分隔,分离,断距,选矿,析出,隔离,离距,离析,分选,膜分离,提取法,间隔,间距=>離隔距離,分離
  15384. separation air conditioner ==> 分离式空调
  15385. separation allowance ==> 解雇费
  15386. separation and identification ==> 离析与检定
  15387. separation angle ==> 夹角,释放角
  15388. separation area ==> 气流分离区
  15389. separation axiom ==> 分离公理
  15390. separation barrel ==> 分离滚筒
  15391. separation bubble ==> 分离气流,气流分离,离体气流
  15392. separation by crystallization ==> 结晶析出
  15393. separation by deep refrigeration ==> 深冷分离法
  15394. separation by development ==> 置换分离
  15395. separation by displacement ==> 置换分离
  15396. separation by electrolysis ==> 电解分离
  15397. separation by light refrigeration ==> 浅冷分离
  15398. separation by precipitation ==> 沉淀分离法
  15399. separation by shape ==> 形状选矿
  15400. separation chamber ==> 展开槽,分隔燃烧室,分离室
  15401. separation characteristic ==> 分选特征
  15402. separation circuit ==> 分隔电路,分离电路
  15403. separation coal ==> 洗选煤,精选煤
  15404. separation coefficient ==> 分离系数,分凝系数
  15405. separation command ==> 分离指令
  15406. separation condition ==> 可分条件
  15407. separation connector ==> 分离脱落式接插件,脱落插座
  15408. separation constant ==> 分离常数
  15409. separation control circuit ==> 分离控制电路
  15410. separation corona assembly ==> 分离电晕器
  15411. separation corona discharge ==> 分离电晕放电
  15412. separation corona wire ==> 分离电晕丝
  15413. separation coupling ==> 可拆联轴节
  15414. separation density ==> 分选密度
  15415. separation device ==> 分隔装置
  15416. separation diffusion ==> 分离扩散
  15417. separation displacement ==> 置换分置
  15418. separation eddy ==> 分离涡流
  15419. separation effect ==> 分离效应
  15420. separation efficiency ==> 分离效率,分选效率
  15421. separation energy ==> 分离能,分离能量
  15422. separation equipment ==> 分选设备
  15423. separation faction ==> 分离装置
  15424. separation factor ==> 分离系数,分选系数
  15425. separation factors ==> 分解因素
  15426. separation filter ==> 分隔滤波器
  15427. separation fluid effect ==> 脱流效应
  15428. separation fracture ==> 张裂隙,分离剥裂
  15429. separation grade ==> 分选品位
  15430. separation groin ==> 分水丁坝,导水丁坝
  15431. separation in streaming current ==> 水流分选
  15432. separation indicator ==> 分离指示器
  15433. separation instrumentation ==> 脱离设备
  15434. separation layer ==> 分离层
  15435. separation levee ==> 隔堤,分流堤
  15436. separation loss ==> 分离损耗,间隙损失
  15437. separation mechanism ==> 分离机构
  15438. separation medium ==> (混凝土下的塑料薄膜垫底)隔离介质
  15439. separation membrane ==> 分隔膜
  15440. separation negatives ==> 分色底片
  15441. separation number ==> 分离数
  15442. separation of bicuspid valve under direct vision ==> 直视下二尖瓣分离术
  15443. separation of both halves of the pod ==> 荚的两半的分开
  15444. separation of boundary layer ==> 边界层分离现象
  15445. separation of carbon residue from fly ash ==> 粉煤灰选炭,从火力发电厂的煤灰中分选出未燃尽的碳粒
  15446. separation of cranial sutures ==> 颅缝分离
  15447. separation of distal radioulnar joint ==> 下尺桡关节分离
  15448. separation of distal tibial and fibular epiphyses ==> 下胫腓骨骺分离
  15449. separation of epiphysis of distal end of tibia ==> 胫骨远端骨骺分离,胫骨远端骨骺分离
  15450. separation of ferro oxides from fly ash ==> 粉煤灰选铁,从火力发电厂的煤灰中分选出铁和氧化铁
  15451. separation of fragments ==> 碎片飞散
  15452. separation of ground water flow ==> 分割地下径流
  15453. separation of groundwater flow ==> 地下径流分割
  15454. separation of homologous chromosome ==> 同源染色体分离
  15455. separation of isotopes ==> 同位素分离
  15456. separation of kerogen ==> 干酪根分离
  15457. separation of losses ==> 损耗分离,损失区分
  15458. separation of lower humeral epiphysis ==> 肱骨下端骨骺分离
  15459. separation of molecular sieve ==> 分子筛分离
  15460. separation of musculus rectus abdominis ==> 腹直肌分离
  15461. separation of placenta ==> 胎盘剥离,胎盘早期分离
  15462. separation of principal part ==> 主部分离
  15463. separation of replanted limb ==> 再植肢体解脱
  15464. separation of roots ==> 隔根法
  15465. separation of spectra ==> 谱线间距
  15466. separation of spinal cord and arachnoid adhesions ==> 脊髓蛛网膜粘连松解术
  15467. separation of symphysis pubis ==> 耻骨联合分离
  15468. separation of symphysis pubis in pregnancy ==> 孕期耻骨联合分离
  15469. separation of thoracopagus ==> 胸联胎分离术
  15470. separation of tread ==> 胎面剥落
  15471. separation of two frequencies ==> 双频间隔,两频率间的间隔
  15472. separation of two-phase fluid ==> 汽水分层,蒸发管内壁面与蒸汽接触,不再受到水的冷却,管壁向工质的放热系数大幅度下降,使壁温急剧上升的现象,包括膜态沸腾和蒸干。
  15473. separation of upper epiphysis of tibia ==> 胫骨上骨骺分离,胫骨上骨骺分离
  15474. separation of variables ==> 分离变数
  15475. separation operation ==> 分选作业
  15476. separation orifice ==> 分离孔板
  15477. separation panel ==> 分流排
  15478. separation parameter ==> 分离参数
  15479. separation pay ==> 解雇费,遣散薪金
  15480. separation picture ==> 分幅像
  15481. separation pier ==> 分水墩,隔墩
  15482. separation plane ==> 分离面
  15483. separation plant ==> 分离工厂,分离设备
  15484. separation point ==> 分离点
  15485. separation point distance ==> 分离点距离
  15486. separation polynomial ==> 分离多项式
  15487. separation potential ==> 分离势
  15488. separation principle ==> 分离原理,分选原理
  15489. separation process ==> 分选作业,分离过程
  15490. separation property ==> 分离性
  15491. separation rate ==> 分离率,解雇率
  15492. separation region ==> 分离区
  15493. separation resistance ==> 分层阻力
  15494. separation ring ==> 分离环
  15495. separation roller ==> 分离辊
  15496. separation science ==> 分离科学
  15497. separation sensor ==> 分离传感器
  15498. separation size ==> 分级粒度
  15499. separation standard ==> 间隔标准
  15500. separation strip ==> 分隔带
  15501. separation structure ==> 分隔结构
  15502. separation surface ==> 分离面
  15503. separation system ==> 分离系统
  15504. separation tank ==> 隔油池
  15505. separation technique ==> 拆分技术=>分離技術
  15506. separation technology ==> 拆分技术=>分離技術
  15507. separation temperature ==> 分离温度
  15508. separation test facility ==> 脱离试验设备
  15509. separation test for greases ==> 润滑脂分油试验
  15510. separation theorem ==> 分离定理,分离理论
  15511. separation value ==> 分离值
  15512. separation wall ==> 分隔墙
  15513. separation-break-away connector ==> 分离脱落式连接器
  15514. separation-of-charge machine ==> 静电起电机,静电起电机
  15515. separative duty ==> 分离本领
  15516. separative element ==> 分离单元
  15517. separative power ==> 分离功率,分离率,分离单元或级联单位时间所能提供的分离能力。它等于定常态下一定量的同位素混合物通过分离系统后,输出流相对于输入流的价值增率,即单位时间内输出的同位素混合物价值总和与输入的价值之差
  15518. separative sign ==> 分隔符
  15519. separative signal ==> 分离信号
  15520. separative work ==> 分离功,一段时间内(通常以年计)全厂分离功率的总和。它是对分离单元、分离级,乃至分离工厂分离能力的度量,是进行分离单元的性能研究、级联设计和工厂经济分析的目标函数
  15521. separative work content ==> 分离功量值
  15522. separative work unit,SWU ==> 分离功单位,以年为单位的分离功率。其量纲与质量流量相同。为了区别,特加注“分离功单位”的英文缩写SWU。分离功单位可写作千克分离功单位/年(kgSWU/a),或吨分离功单位/年(tSWU/a)
  15523. separator ==> 分隔符,分隔件,分隔器,分离符号,分离器,除沫室,脱粒机,脱脂器,汽包,区分标记,分梳辊,分选机,分牙器,分液器,捕捉器=>セパレータ,隔離板
  15524. separator accumulator ==> 隔离式蓄能器
  15525. separator capacity ==> 分离器处理量
  15526. separator circuit ==> 分离线路
  15527. separator clutch ==> 脱粒装置离合器
  15528. separator clutch control ==> 脱粒装置离合器操纵手柄
  15529. separator cone ==> 分离器圆锥体
  15530. separator conveyer ==> 筛分输送机,筛分运输机
  15531. separator disk ==> 分离盘,分离器圆盘
  15532. separator inducer ==> 分流式导流轮
  15533. separator inserter ==> 分隔板
  15534. separator page ==> 分离页面
  15535. separator piston ==> 隔离活塞
  15536. separator pressure ==> 分离器压力
  15537. separator riddle ==> 逐稿器
  15538. separator roller drive damper ==> 分离辊制动器
  15539. separator roller gear ==> 分离辊传动机构
  15540. separator roller sprocket ==> 分离辊链轮
  15541. separator temperature ==> 分离器温度
  15542. separator thruput ==> 分离器处理量
  15543. separator tube ==> 分离管
  15544. separator valve ==> 缓冲管
  15545. separator-filter ==> 分离过滤器
  15546. separator-press ==> 分离压榨机
  15547. separator-scrubber ==> 分离涤气机,分离洗涤机
  15548. separatory funnel ==> 分料漏斗,分液漏斗
  15549. SEPAS, Student Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme ==> 学生环境保护大使计划
  15550. sepatation etching ==> 分离腐蚀
  15551. SEPET, spacecraft electrical performance evaluation test ==> 衛星電気性能評価試験
  15552. SEPO, Space Experiment Program Office ==> 宇宙実験プログラム室
  15553. seppresssed type spark plug ==> 抑制型火花塞
  15554. SEPS, shuttle electrical power simulator ==> シャトル電力シミュレータ
  15555. sepsis intestinalis ==> 肠性脓毒病
  15556. septa interradicularia ==> 牙根间隔
  15557. septal ==> 中隔的
  15558. septal abscess ==> 中隔脓肿
  15559. septal aneurysm ==> 中隔动脉瘤,中间动脉瘤
  15560. septal area ==> 隔区
  15561. septal cell ==> 隔细胞
  15562. septal cusp ==> 隔尖瓣
  15563. septal cyst ==> 中隔嚢胞
  15564. septal defect ==> 间隔缺损
  15565. septal elevator ==> 鼻中隔剥离器
  15566. septal falx ==> 隔镰
  15567. septal filament ==> 隔壁丝
  15568. septal fluting ==> 隔壁褶皱
  15569. septal fossula ==> 内沟
  15570. septal myocardial infarction ==> 隔面梗死
  15571. septal neck ==> 隔颈
  15572. septal ostium ==> 隔壁孔
  15573. septal papillary muscles ==> 隔乳头肌
  15574. septal penetration rate ==> 间隔穿透率
  15575. septal perforation ==> 鼻中隔穿破,中隔穿孔
  15576. septal tissue ==> 中隔组织
  15577. septan fever ==> 七日热
  15578. septarian boulder ==> 龟背石
  15579. septarian nodule ==> 龟背石
  15580. septarian nodules ==> 龟甲结核
  15581. septate coaxial cavity ==> 隔片同轴空腔
  15582. septate fiber ==> 中隔纤维
  15583. septate fibre-tracheid ==> 分离纤维管胞
  15584. septate hymen ==> 中隔处女膜
  15585. septate mode ==> 旁模
  15586. septate wood fiber ==> 中隔木纤维
  15587. september equinox ==> 秋分
  15588. septenary number ==> 七进数
  15589. septet ==> 7ビットバイト
  15590. septic arthritis ==> 脓毒性关节炎
  15591. septic embolus ==> 脓毒性栓子
  15592. septic fever ==> 脓毒性热
  15593. septic granuloma ==> 脓性肉芽肿
  15594. septic infection ==> 脓毒性感染
  15595. septic knee ==> 化脓性膝关节炎
  15596. septic pulmonary embolism ==> 脓毒性肺栓塞
  15597. septic shock ==> 脓毒性休克
  15598. septic tank ==> 腐化池,化粪池
  15599. septic tank effluent ==> 化粪池污水
  15600. septic tank system ==> 化粪池系统
  15601. septicaemia pestis ==> 鼠疫败血病
  15602. septicemia of newborn ==> 新生儿败血病
  15603. septicemic plague ==> 败血性鼠疫
  15604. septinary number ==> 七进制数
  15605. Septobasidium formosense ==> 台湾隔担耳
  15606. Septobasidium sinense ==> 中国隔担耳
  15607. Septoria sinarum ==> 破坏壳针孢
  15608. septorial blight of rye ==> 黑麦斑枯病,黑麦叶斑枯病
  15609. septorial brown spot of sunflower ==> 向日葵褐斑病
  15610. septorial spot of hemp ==> 大麻斑枯病
  15611. septula ==> 中隔
  15612. septula of testis ==> 精巣中隔
  15613. septula testis ==> 睾丸小隔
  15614. septulum ==> 中隔
  15615. septum ==> 隔膜,隔片,隔墙=>隔膜,隔壁,体節間膜,中隔
  15616. septum (septa) ==> 间隔,中隔
  15617. septum atriorum ==> 心房间隔
  15618. septum atrioventriculare ==> 房室隔
  15619. septum bronchiale ==> 支气管隔
  15620. septum bulbi urethrae ==> 尿道球中隔
  15621. septum canalis musculotubarii ==> 肌咽鼓管隔=>筋耳管管中隔
  15622. septum cervicale intermedium ==> 颈中间隔,颈中间隔
  15623. septum cordis ==> 心隔
  15624. septum corporum cavernosorum ==> 海绵体中隔
  15625. septum dimension ==> 隔壁寸法
  15626. septum femorale ==> 股环隔=>大腿輪中隔
  15627. septum forceps ==> 鼻中隔钳
  15628. septum formation ==> 隔膜形成
  15629. septum glandis ==> 阴茎头中隔=>亀頭中隔
  15630. septum gouge ==> 鼻中隔娥眉凿,鼻中隔圆凿
  15631. septum interalveolare ==> 牙槽间隔=>槽間中隔
  15632. septum interatriale ==> 房间隔=>心房中隔
  15633. septum intermusculare ==> 肌间隔=>筋間中隔
  15634. septum intermusculare brachii laterale ==> 肱外侧肌间隔
  15635. septum intermusculare femoris laterale ==> 股外侧肌间隔
  15636. septum intermusculare femoris mediale ==> 股内侧肌间隔
  15637. septum magnet ==> 切隔磁铁
  15638. septum mucosa deptessor ==> 鼻中隔粘膜压迫器
  15639. septum mucosa needle ==> 鼻中隔粘膜缝合针,中隔缝针
  15640. septum mucosa raspatory ==> 鼻中隔粘膜剥离器
  15641. septum mucosa spatula ==> 鼻中隔粘膜压板
  15642. septum nasi ==> 鼻中隔
  15643. septum nasi osseum ==> 骨鼻中膈,骨性鼻中隔
  15644. septum of cervix ==> 子宫颈隔
  15645. septum of glans ==> 阴茎头中隔
  15646. septum of musculotubal canal ==> 肌咽鼓管隔
  15647. septum of scrotum ==> 阴囊中隔
  15648. septum of vagina ==> 阴道隔
  15649. septum of ventricles of heart ==> 室中隔
  15650. septum operating instrument set ==> 鼻中隔手术刀包
  15651. septum pectiniforme ==> 梳状中隔
  15652. septum pellucidum ==> 透明隔
  15653. septum penis ==> 阴茎中隔
  15654. septum perforation ==> 中隔穿孔
  15655. septum posticum ==> 后隔
  15656. septum primum ==> 原发隔,第一隔
  15657. septum rectovaginale ==> 直肠阴道隔
  15658. septum rectovesicale ==> 直肠膀胱隔
  15659. septum renis ==> 贝坦氏柱
  15660. septum retractor ==> 鼻隔拉刀
  15661. septum scroti ==> 阴囊隔,阴囊中隔
  15662. septum secundum ==> 第二隔,次隔
  15663. septum straightening forceps ==> 鼻中隔纠正钳
  15664. septum transversum ==> 原始横隔,横中隔
  15665. septum ventriculorum cordis ==> 室中隔,心室间隔
  15666. septum-type ==> 切割板型
  15667. septum-type separator ==> 切割板型分离器
  15668. septumless injector ==> 无隔片注射器
  15669. septumless syringe ==> 无隔片注射器
  15670. septuple space ==> 七维空间
  15671. sepulchral architecture ==> 坟墓建筑
  15672. SEQ, sequence ==> シーケンス
  15673. SEQUAM system ==> 塞宽制
  15674. sequela of paralysis ==> 麻痹后遗症
  15675. sequence ==> 顺序机,次,次序,程序,排列次序,定序,序,序列,数贯,天气集合,层序组,时序,定序器=>順序,列,シーケンス
  15676. sequence alternator ==> 序列改变器,序列交流发电机
  15677. sequence analysis ==> 序列分析
  15678. sequence automatics ==> 顺序自动装置
  15679. sequence axiom ==> 正合序列公理
  15680. sequence blasting ==> 顺序爆破
  15681. sequence break ==> 序列断点
  15682. sequence by merging, to ==> 併合によって順番付ける
  15683. sequence call ==> 顺序调用,顺序呼叫
  15684. sequence calling ==> 顺序调用,序列调用
  15685. sequence calls ==> 顺序呼叫
  15686. sequence camera ==> 连续照相机
  15687. sequence casting ==> 连包连铸,全连铸
  15688. sequence chart ==> 程序图表,序列图表,时序图,(开关的)转接顺序图
  15689. sequence check ==> 順番検査
  15690. sequence checking ==> 顺序检验,次序检验
  15691. sequence checking routine ==> 顺序检验程序
  15692. sequence circuit ==> 时序电路=>シーケンス回路
  15693. sequence code ==> 时序码,顺序代码,顺序码
  15694. sequence component filter ==> 対称分フィルタ
  15695. sequence conctrol register ==> 顺序控制寄存器
  15696. sequence contact ==> 程序接点
  15697. sequence control ==> 程序控制,序列控制,时序逻辑控制,顺控操作=>シーケンス制御
  15698. sequence control calculator ==> 序列控制计算器
  15699. sequence control counter ==> 程序控制计数器,顺序控制计数器
  15700. sequence control element ==> 顺序控制元件
  15701. sequence control of auxiliary equipment ==> 辅机顺序控制,按照电厂辅机及相关设备和系统在起动(投入)、停止(切除)过程中的时序和逻辑关系,将它们分组进行顺序或逻辑控制
  15702. sequence control of boiler feedwater pump ==> 给水泵顺序控制,按照电动给水泵及其辅助系统在起、停过程中的时序和逻辑关系,对它们进行顺序控制
  15703. sequence control of boiler ignition system ==> 锅炉点火系统顺序控制,按照锅炉点火系统中相关设备在投、切过程中的时序和逻辑关系,对它们进行顺序控制
  15704. sequence control of boiler sootblowing system ==> 锅炉吹灰系统顺序控制,按照锅炉吹灰系统中相关设备在起、停过程中的时序和逻辑关系,对它们进行顺序控制
  15705. sequence control of coal handling system ==> 输煤系统顺序控制,按照输煤工艺流程对火力发电厂进厂煤送锅炉房或储煤场、储煤场的煤送锅炉房等燃煤输送过程进行顺序控制
  15706. sequence control of pulverizing coal system ==> 煤粉制备系统顺序控制,按照煤粉制备系统中相关设备在起停过程中的时序和逻辑关系,对它们进行顺序控制
  15707. sequence control of water treatment system ==> 水处理系统顺序控制,对电厂中各种水处理系统的工艺过程实施顺序控制的总称,包括锅炉补给水处理系统顺序控制、凝结水处理系统顺序控制、循环水处理系统顺序控制、工业废水处理系统顺序控制以及生活污水处理系统顺序控制等
  15708. sequence control register ==> 时序控制寄存器
  15709. sequence control statement ==> 时序控制语句
  15710. sequence control system ==> 顺序检验系统,顺序控制系统,按照规定的时间或逻辑的顺序,对(某一工艺系统或主要辅机的)多个终端控制元件进行一系列操作的控制系统
  15711. sequence control tape ==> 程序带,序列控制带
  15712. sequence controlled computer ==> 程控计算机
  15713. sequence controlled machine ==> 程序控制机械
  15714. sequence controller ==> 程序控制器,顺序监控器,顺序控制器
  15715. sequence counter ==> 指令计数器
  15716. sequence criterion ==> 序列判据
  15717. sequence display system ==> 程序显示系统
  15718. sequence ejection ==> 依次弹射
  15719. sequence entropy ==> 序列熵
  15720. sequence equipment ==> 程序装置
  15721. sequence error ==> 序列误差,顺序错误
  15722. sequence etching ==> 顺序浸蚀
  15723. sequence field ==> 顺序字段
  15724. sequence filter ==> 相序滤波器
  15725. sequence flash lights ==> 顺序闪光灯
  15726. sequence generator ==> 程序发生器
  15727. sequence in time ==> 时序
  15728. sequence information data ==> 序列信息数据
  15729. sequence inhibitor ==> 时序禁止电路,时序禁止器
  15730. sequence initiation switch ==> 程序启动开关
  15731. sequence interlock ==> 顺序连结
  15732. sequence length distribution ==> 序列长度分布
  15733. sequence monitor ==> 巡回监测器,序列监视器,顺序监测器,顺序监督程序,顺序监控器
  15734. sequence number ==> 顺序号,序列数
  15735. sequence number indicator ==> 顺序号指示器
  15736. sequence of Bernoulli trials ==> 伯努利试验序列
  15737. sequence of connection ==> 接线顺序
  15738. sequence of control ==> 控制顺序
  15739. sequence of crank ==> 曲柄顺序
  15740. sequence of crystallization ==> 结晶顺序
  15741. sequence of current ==> 潮流顺序
  15742. sequence of event, SOE ==> 事件顺序记录,在发生事故时,记录开关动作的时间和顺序,并可按动作的顺序打印
  15743. sequence of events ==> 事件序列,事故顺序记录
  15744. sequence of fire ==> 射击步骤
  15745. sequence of giants ==> 巨星序,巨星序
  15746. sequence of information ==> 信息的顺序
  15747. sequence of instructions ==> 指令序列
  15748. sequence of linear functionals ==> 线性泛函序列
  15749. sequence of mapping ==> 映射序列
  15750. sequence of measurement ==> 测定次序
  15751. sequence of motor starting ==> 电机起动顺序
  15752. sequence of number ==> 数列
  15753. sequence of numbers ==> 数列
  15754. sequence of operation ==> 作用顺序,操作序列
  15755. sequence of operators ==> 算子序列
  15756. sequence of partial sums ==> 部分和序列
  15757. sequence of positive numbers ==> 正数序列
  15758. sequence of potentials ==> 位势序列
  15759. sequence of quotient group ==> 商群序列
  15760. sequence of random variables ==> 随机变量序列
  15761. sequence of real-valued functions ==> 实值函数序列
  15762. sequence of repeated trials ==> 重复试验序列
  15763. sequence of stellar spectra ==> 恒星光谱序
  15764. sequence of subspaces ==> 子空间序列
  15765. sequence of switches ==> 开关投入程序
  15766. sequence of tense ==> 时式序列
  15767. sequence of tide ==> 潮汐顺序
  15768. sequence of welding ==> 焊接顺序
  15769. sequence operation ==> 顺序运算
  15770. sequence optimization ==> 顺序最佳化
  15771. sequence photography ==> 顺序照相
  15772. sequence program ==> 次序程序
  15773. sequence program control method ==> 顺序程序控制方法
  15774. sequence program machine ==> 序列程序机
  15775. sequence program(me) ==> 顺序程序
  15776. sequence reactance ==> 相序电抗
  15777. sequence recognition ==> 顺序识别
  15778. sequence register ==> 顺序寄存器
  15779. sequence relay ==> 顺序动作继电器
  15780. sequence robot ==> 顺序控制机器人
  15781. sequence rule ==> 顺序法则
  15782. sequence scheduling ==> 时序信号
  15783. sequence search ==> 顺序检索
  15784. sequence separator ==> 顺序分隔符
  15785. sequence signal ==> 序列信号,时序信号=>顺序信号
  15786. sequence space ==> 序列空间
  15787. sequence starting ==> 顺序启动,顺起=>シーケンス起動
  15788. sequence stip nubmer ==> 定序步数
  15789. sequence switch ==> 程序开关,序轮机
  15790. sequence symbol ==> 顺序符号
  15791. sequence table ==> 程序表,序列表
  15792. sequence test ==> 程序试验,联锁顺序试验
  15793. sequence timer ==> 顺序时间调节器,序列时间调节器,时序脉冲发生器
  15794. sequence token ==> 顺序记号
  15795. sequence transformation ==> 序列变换
  15796. sequence unit ==> 程序装置
  15797. sequence valve ==> 程序阀门,顺序阀
  15798. sequence weld timer ==> 序列焊接时间调节器
  15799. sequence-checking routine ==> 序列检验程序
  15800. sequence-controlled computer ==> 程序控制计算机
  15801. sequence-controlled contacts ==> 程序控制触点
  15802. sequence-controlling advance ==> 顺序控制移动
  15803. sequence-number readout ==> 程序号读出
  15804. sequenced crossover ==> 迎面平行航向双机编队通过
  15805. sequenced ejection system ==> 顺序弹射系统
  15806. sequenced flashing approach light ==> 顺序闪光进近灯
  15807. sequencer ==> 程序装置,程控装置,程序控制器,定序程序,定序器,序列发生器=>シーケンサ
  15808. sequencer program ==> 序列程序,次序程序
  15809. sequencial ==> 順次(形容詞)
  15810. sequencial access ==> 順次アクセス
  15811. sequencial circuit ==> 順次回路
  15812. sequencial closing relay ==> 順序投入継電器
  15813. sequencial color television system ==> 順次式カラーテレビ(ジョン)
  15814. sequencial control ==> シーケンス制御,逐次制御
  15815. sequencial decoding ==> 逐次復号
  15816. sequencial operation ==> 順次演算
  15817. sequencial scanning ==> 順次走査
  15818. sequencing ==> 程序化,排序,定序
  15819. sequencing batch reactor system ==> 顺序分批式反应器系统
  15820. sequencing by merging ==> 归并排序,合并排序
  15821. sequencing circuit ==> 顺序回路
  15822. sequencing computation ==> 顺序计算
  15823. sequencing equipment ==> 定序设备
  15824. sequencing key ==> 定序键
  15825. sequencing model ==> 排序模式
  15826. sequencing problem ==> 排序问题
  15827. sequencing routine ==> 排序程序
  15828. sequencing theory ==> 顺序理论
  15829. sequencing valve ==> 程控阀
  15830. sequential ==> 顺次的,序列的,时序的
  15831. sequential absorption ==> 连续吸收
  15832. sequential access ==> 顺序存取,顺序作业,按序存取
  15833. sequential access disk ==> 顺序存取磁盘
  15834. sequential access display ==> 顺序存取显示
  15835. sequential access file ==> 顺序存取文件
  15836. sequential access medule ==> 按序存取模块
  15837. sequential access memory ==> 按序存取存储器
  15838. sequential access method ==> 顺序存取方法
  15839. sequential access module ==> 顺序存取模块
  15840. sequential access storage ==> 顺序存取存储,顺序存取存储器,按序存取存储器
  15841. sequential action ==> 連続作用
  15842. sequential activation ==> 逐次的活性化
  15843. sequential adaptation ==> 逐次適応化
  15844. sequential addressing ==> 按序编址,顺序寻址
  15845. sequential alarm ==> 顺序报警器
  15846. sequential algorithm ==> 按序算法
  15847. sequential allocation of stack ==> 堆栈的顺序分配
  15848. sequential allocation of tables ==> 表格的顺序分配
  15849. sequential analysis ==> 按序分析,序贯分析,序列分析,逐次分析,顺序分析
  15850. sequential analyzer ==> 序列分析器
  15851. sequential and numerically controlled machine ==> 程序及数字控制机器
  15852. sequential attribute ==> 顺序属性
  15853. sequential automatic control ==> 顺序自动控制
  15854. sequential automation ==> 顺序自动化
  15855. sequential bidding ==> 分次竞价,将竞价空间分成若干部分,并分次公布进行竞价
  15856. sequential branch opening ==> 逐次ブランチ開放
  15857. sequential carry ==> 按序进位,逐次进位
  15858. sequential circuit ==> 时序电路,时序线路,顺序电路=>順序回路
  15859. sequential classification algorithm ==> 顺序分类算法
  15860. sequential closing relay ==> 順序投入継電器
  15861. sequential coding ==> 连续编码,序列编码
  15862. sequential collating ==> 按序排序,按序整理
  15863. sequential collation of range ==> 不间断校对距离,距离顺序整理系统,距离顺序整理系统
  15864. sequential colo(u)r difference signal ==> 顺序色差信号
  15865. sequential colo(u)r systems ==> 顺序制彩色电视
  15866. sequential color system ==> 顺序彩色电视系统
  15867. sequential compactness ==> 列紧性
  15868. sequential compounding of games ==> 对策的序贯复合
  15869. sequential computation ==> 循序计算,时序计算
  15870. sequential computer ==> 顺序计算机
  15871. sequential construction ==> 序列施工法
  15872. sequential control ==> 时序控制,顺序控制,顺序控制时序控制,连续控制=>シーケンス制御,逐次制御
  15873. sequential control algorithm ==> 时序控制算法
  15874. sequential control mechanism ==> 时序控制机构
  15875. sequential controller ==> 程序控制器=>シーケンス制御装置
  15876. sequential conversion ==> 連続変換
  15877. sequential correcting element ==> 时序校正元件
  15878. sequential correlation ==> 逐次相関
  15879. sequential counter ==> 时序计数器
  15880. sequential cropping ==> 连作
  15881. sequential data bit ==> 顺序数据位
  15882. sequential data change ==> 顺序数据变换
  15883. sequential data set ==> 顺序数据集
  15884. sequential data storage ==> 顺序数据存储
  15885. sequential data structure ==> 顺序数据结构
  15886. sequential decision ==> 序贯决策
  15887. sequential decision problem ==> 顺序判定问题,连续决策问题
  15888. sequential decision procedure ==> 顺序决定方法,顺序判定方式
  15889. sequential decision process ==> 序贯决策过程
  15890. sequential decision-making problem ==> 连续性决策问题
  15891. sequential decoding ==> 顺序译码,序贯译码,时序译码
  15892. sequential dependent segment ==> 时序相关段
  15893. sequential design ==> 序贯设计
  15894. sequential detection ==> 序列检测
  15895. sequential determination ==> 顺序测定
  15896. sequential digital servomechanism ==> 顺序数字伺服机构
  15897. sequential disk ==> 顺序存取磁盘
  15898. sequential element ==> 时序元件
  15899. sequential encoding ==> 序贯构码,顺序编码
  15900. sequential estimation ==> 顺序寻优,序贯估计,序列估计
  15901. sequential exposure ==> 顺序曝光
  15902. sequential fault diagnosis ==> 顺序故障诊断
  15903. sequential fault simulation ==> 応動シミュレーション
  15904. sequential feature decision mechanism ==> 顺序特征判别机制
  15905. sequential feedback interactive retrieval system ==> 顺序反馈人机对话检索系统
  15906. sequential file ==> 顺序文件
  15907. sequential file structure ==> 顺序文件结构
  15908. sequential filtering ==> 序列滤波
  15909. sequential firing ==> 顺序起动
  15910. sequential flasher circuit ==> 顺序闪光回路
  15911. sequential formula translation ==> 顺序公式翻译
  15912. sequential fuel injection system ==> 顺序喷油系统
  15913. sequential function ==> 顺序函数
  15914. sequential hazard ==> 时序险态
  15915. sequential hierarchy ==> 时序层次
  15916. sequential hierarchy segment ==> 时序层次片段
  15917. sequential hypothesis testing ==> 序贯假设检验
  15918. sequential information ==> 连续信息
  15919. sequential interlace ==> 顺序隔行扫描
  15920. sequential investigation observation ==> 序贯调查观测值
  15921. sequential keyboard encoder ==> 时序式键盘编码器
  15922. sequential landform ==> 后继地形
  15923. sequential learning automaton ==> 时序学习自动机
  15924. sequential leave ==> 轮休
  15925. sequential light amplifier ==> 序贯光放大器
  15926. sequential lines ==> 相继行
  15927. sequential link ==> 时序链环
  15928. sequential lobing ==> 时序波瓣法,波瓣顺序扫掠法,顺序波束定向
  15929. sequential logic ==> 顺序逻辑,时序逻辑
  15930. sequential logic circuit ==> 时序逻辑电路
  15931. sequential logic element ==> 时序逻辑元件
  15932. sequential logic equation ==> 时序逻辑方程
  15933. sequential logic network ==> 时序逻辑网络
  15934. sequential logic system ==> 时序逻辑系统
  15935. sequential logical circuit ==> 时序逻辑电路
  15936. sequential machine ==> 时序机
  15937. sequential marked graph ==> 时序标记图
  15938. sequential measurement ==> 顺序检测
  15939. sequential memory ==> 顺序存储器
  15940. sequential memory location ==> 顺序存储单元
  15941. sequential method ==> 顺序法,序贯法,逐次逼近法
  15942. sequential mode ==> 按序方式
  15943. sequential monitoring ==> 顺序监控,顺序监视
  15944. sequential multielement analyzer ==> 多元素顺序分析仪
  15945. sequential mutation ==> 配列変異
  15946. sequential network ==> 时序网络
  15947. sequential network with reduced feedback ==> 少环时序网络
  15948. sequential notation ==> 顺序表示法
  15949. sequential number ==> 連番
  15950. sequential observation ==> 序贯观测=>連続的観測
  15951. sequential operation ==> 时序操作,顺序操作,顺序运算
  15952. sequential operator ==> 顺序操作符,顺序算子,顺序运算符
  15953. sequential organization ==> 顺序编排,顺序结构,顺序组织,时序组织
  15954. sequential organization file ==> 顺序编排文件
  15955. sequential parameters ==> 序列参数
  15956. sequential parsing scheme ==> 顺序剖析方案
  15957. sequential phase detection type ==> 順序回路形
  15958. sequential picture coding ==> 顺序图像编码
  15959. sequential prime implicant form ==> 时序质隐含式
  15960. sequential probability ratio ==> 序列概率比
  15961. sequential probability ratio test ==> 序贯概率比检验
  15962. sequential probability- ratio test ==> 序列概率比试验
  15963. sequential procedure ==> 序贯程序
  15964. sequential process ==> 顺次过程
  15965. sequential processing ==> 顺序处理,按序处理
  15966. sequential program(me) ==> 顺序规划
  15967. sequential programming ==> 顺序程序设计
  15968. sequential programming system ==> 顺序程序设计系统
  15969. sequential pulse ==> 顺序脉冲
  15970. sequential queue ==> 顺序队列,按序排队
  15971. sequential range gating technique ==> 作用距离连续接通技术
  15972. sequential raster ==> 顺序扫描光栅
  15973. sequential reaction ==> 接续反应
  15974. sequential reception ==> 序列接收
  15975. sequential reclosing ==> 顺序重合,为防止重合闸时对主设备和电力系统造成不必要的冲击,线路两侧断路器重合需按事先规定的先后顺序进行的一种重合方式
  15976. sequential recognition ==> 序贯识别
  15977. sequential record ==> 顺序记录
  15978. sequential relationship ==> 前后演变序列,时序关系
  15979. sequential relationship matrix ==> 时序关系矩阵
  15980. sequential relay ==> 顺序继电器,程序继电器
  15981. sequential rest ==> 轮休
  15982. sequential risk function ==> 序贯风险函数
  15983. sequential sample ==> 序贯试样,序贯样本
  15984. sequential sampling ==> 序贯抽样,序列采样,序列抽样,顺序抽样,顺序取样
  15985. sequential sampling inspection ==> 依次取样检验,序列抽样检验,逐次抽样检查
  15986. sequential sampling inspection plan ==> 序贯抽样检查方案
  15987. sequential sampling method ==> 按序抽样法
  15988. sequential sampling plan ==> 序列抽样法,逐次验收抽样法=>逐次サンプリング方式
  15989. sequential scan system ==> 顺序扫描系统
  15990. sequential scanning ==> 顺序扫描
  15991. sequential scheduler ==> 顺序调度程序
  15992. sequential scheduling ==> 顺序调度,时序调度
  15993. sequential scheduling system ==> 时序调度系统,按序调度系统,顺次调度系统,顺序调度系统
  15994. sequential search ==> 顺序寻优法,序贯选优法
  15995. sequential selection ==> 序贯选择,顺序选择
  15996. sequential signal ==> 顺序信号
  15997. sequential similarity detection algorithm ==> 时序相似性检测算法
  15998. sequential simplex method ==> 序贯单形法
  15999. sequential stacked job control ==> 时序堆栈作业控制
  16000. sequential steps ==> 顺序阶梯
  16001. sequential steroid therapy ==> 甾体激素序贯服药法
  16002. sequential stochastic programming ==> 顺序随机规划,序贯随机规划
  16003. sequential storage ==> 顺排存贮器
  16004. sequential storage device ==> 顺序存储器
  16005. sequential strategy ==> 序贯策略,序列战略
  16006. sequential stroke character generator ==> 序列线段字符产生器
  16007. sequential structure ==> 序列结构,顺序结构
  16008. sequential switch circuit ==> 时序开关电路
  16009. sequential switcher ==> 顺序换景器
  16010. sequential switching ==> 按序转接
  16011. sequential switching circuit ==> 依次转接电路
  16012. sequential switching network ==> 时序开关网络
  16013. sequential switching system ==> 顺序开关系统
  16014. sequential system ==> 顺序系统,顺序制,依次传送制,时序系统,序列系统
  16015. sequential television equipment programmer ==> 顺序电视设备节目控制器
  16016. sequential test ==> 顺序检验,序贯检定,逐次测定
  16017. sequential test of statistical hypotheses ==> 统计假设序贯检验
  16018. sequential testing ==> 按序检测,顺序测试
  16019. sequential therapy ==> 序贯治疗
  16020. sequential time delay ==> 顺序时延
  16021. sequential trace type scheme ==> いもづる方式
  16022. sequential transducer ==> 顺序转换器,时序变换器
  16023. sequential transmission ==> 顺序传输
  16024. sequential trial design ==> 序贯试验设计
  16025. sequential trials ==> 序贯试验
  16026. sequential tripping ==> 顺序脱扣
  16027. sequential value ==> 序列值
  16028. sequential welding ==> 程序焊接,连续焊
  16029. sequential working ==> 时序工作
  16030. sequential-access display ==> 顺序扫描显示
  16031. sequential-colo(u)r television system ==> 顺序制彩色电视系统
  16032. sequentially complete space ==> 序列完备空间
  16033. sequentially-lobed radar ==> 顺序直线扫探雷达
  16034. sequestered antigen ==> 隐蔽抗原,隔绝抗原
  16035. sequestering agent ==> 掩蔽剂,多价螯合剂
  16036. sequestration chelation ==> 多价螯合作用
  16037. sequestration cyst ==> 隔离性囊肿
  16038. sequestrum forceps ==> 死骨钳,腐骨钳
  16039. sequiatannic acid ==> 红杉单宁酸
  16040. sequnce calling ==> 顺序呼叫
  16041. sequoia ==> 红杉,加州红木=>セコイア
  16042. Ser, Serpens ==> へび座
  16043. SER, Solar Energy Research ==> 太陽エネルギー研究
  16044. SER, System Engineering Review ==> システムエンジニヤリングレビュー
  16045. serated fracture ==> 锯齿状骨折,锯齿状骨折
  16046. Serber force ==> 赛培尔力
  16047. Serber potential ==> 赛培尔势
  16048. SERC ==> 航运经济评估委员会
  16049. SERD, support equipment requirements document ==> 支援機器要求条件書
  16050. SERE, space effective resolution element ==> 空間実効分解能要素
  16051. sereened pan ==> 网罩蒸发皿
  16052. serendipitous ==> 予期せず見つけた,セレンディピタス
  16053. serendipitous association ==> 偶然の出会い
  16054. serendipitous find ==> 掘り出し物
  16055. serendipitous love ==> 奇縁で結ばれた恋
  16056. serendipitous surprise ==> 予期せぬ驚き
  16057. serendipitous thinking ==> 灵感
  16058. serendipity ==> 有意外发现,一见钟情=>セレンディピティー,the art of finding things that you are not looking for
  16059. serendipity element ==> セレンディピティ要素
  16060. serene ==> 静かな,穏やかな
  16061. Sergey Brin ==> 塞吉·布林
  16062. serial ==> 连续的,分期付款的,串行,串行的,串联的,顺次,顺次的=>直列
  16063. serial access ==> 串行存取,串行访问
  16064. serial access memory ==> 串行存取存储器
  16065. serial access storage ==> 串行存取存储器=>順次アクセス記憶装置
  16066. serial access system ==> 串行存取系统
  16067. serial accumulator ==> 串行累加器,串行式累加器
  16068. serial adder ==> 串行加法器=>直列加算器
  16069. serial adder and subtracter ==> 串行加减电路
  16070. serial addition ==> 直列加算
  16071. serial air-survey camera ==> 连续航空测绘(照)相机
  16072. serial analysis ==> 串行分析
  16073. serial arithmetic ==> 串行运算
  16074. serial arithmetic operation ==> 串行算术运算
  16075. serial arithmetic unit ==> 串行四则运算,串行运算装置
  16076. serial ask ==> 顺序任务
  16077. serial assignment table ==> (两栖)作战任务表
  16078. serial batch system ==> 串行成批处理系统,串行批处理系统
  16079. serial binary computer ==> 串行二进制计算机
  16080. serial bit ==> 位串行
  16081. serial bit string ==> 串行位串
  16082. serial bond ==> 系列债券
  16083. serial bonds ==> 分批偿还债券,分批还本债券,分期分批偿还的债券款,序列债券
  16084. serial camera ==> 自动摄影机
  16085. serial capacitor ==> 串联电容器
  16086. serial carry ==> 串行进位
  16087. serial clause ==> 串行子句
  16088. serial coding ==> 连续编码
  16089. serial communication ==> 直列通信
  16090. serial communication controller ==> 串行通信控制器
  16091. serial comparator ==> 串行比较程序
  16092. serial computer ==> 串行计算机
  16093. serial control processor ==> 串行控制处理机
  16094. serial correlation ==> 连续相关,序列相关
  16095. serial correlation coefficient ==> 序列相关系数
  16096. serial correlation model ==> 序列相关模型
  16097. serial correlation test ==> 序列相关检验
  16098. serial counter ==> 串行计数器
  16099. serial data ==> 串行数据
  16100. serial data analyzer ==> 串行数据分析器
  16101. serial data controller ==> 串行数据控制器
  16102. serial data input ==> 串行数据输入
  16103. serial data output ==> 串行数据输出
  16104. serial data set ==> 串行数据集
  16105. serial data transfer ==> 串行数据传送
  16106. serial data transmission ==> 串行数据传送
  16107. serial data transmitter ==> 串行数据发送机接收机
  16108. serial decomposition ==> 串行分解
  16109. serial design ==> 序列设计
  16110. serial device ==> 串行设备
  16111. serial digit operation ==> 串位数字运算
  16112. serial digital adder ==> 串行数字加法器
  16113. serial digital computer ==> 串行数字计算机
  16114. serial dilution ==> 连续稀释
  16115. serial distribution ==> (渗水系统的)串联布设
  16116. serial dot matrix printer ==> 串行点阵打印机
  16117. serial dot printer ==> 串行点式打印机
  16118. serial entry ==> 串行输入
  16119. serial epilepsy ==> 癫痫断续发作
  16120. serial extinction ==> 连续消光
  16121. serial feed ==> 串行馈送
  16122. serial feeding ==> 串行输送
  16123. serial file ==> 串行文件
  16124. serial file organization ==> 串行文件结构
  16125. serial flow ==> 串行流
  16126. serial format ==> 串行格式
  16127. serial full adder ==> 串行全加器
  16128. serial full subtractor ==> 串行全减器
  16129. serial half adder ==> 串行半加器
  16130. serial half subtractor ==> 串行半减器
  16131. serial hand tap ==> 成套手用丝锥
  16132. serial homology ==> 连续同源
  16133. serial I-O (SIO) ==> 串行输入输出
  16134. serial I-O buffer ==> 串行输入输出缓冲器
  16135. serial I-O command ==> 串行输入输出命令
  16136. serial impact dot matrix printer ==> 串行点矩阵击打式打印机
  16137. serial independence ==> 序列独立
  16138. serial ink-jet color printer ==> 彩色喷墨串行打印机
  16139. serial input ==> 串行输入
  16140. serial input-output address (SIO address) ==> 串行输入输出地址
  16141. serial input-output interface (SIO) ==> 串行输入输出接口
  16142. serial input-output interrupt ==> 串行输入输出中断
  16143. serial intelligent cable ==> 串行智能电缆
  16144. serial interface ==> 串行接口,串联接口
  16145. serial kymography ==> 连续式记波摄影
  16146. serial lag correlation ==> 序列滞后相关
  16147. serial learning ==> 系列学习
  16148. serial logic ==> 串行逻辑
  16149. serial loop ==> 串行环
  16150. serial machine screw tap ==> 成套机用丝锥
  16151. serial maturities ==> 分次到期
  16152. serial mean ==> 系列平均值,序列平均值
  16153. serial memory ==> 串行存储器
  16154. serial mode ==> 串行方式
  16155. serial model No. ==> 系列型号
  16156. serial multiplier ==> 串行乘法器
  16157. serial number ==> 串联数,串行数,成批号码,系列号,流水号,序号,序列号,编号=>通し番号
  16158. serial number control ==> 串行数控制
  16159. serial numbering ==> 串行编号
  16160. serial observation ==> 定点分层观测
  16161. serial operation ==> 串行操作=>直列運転
  16162. serial operation word ==> 串行操作字
  16163. serial output ==> 串行输出
  16164. serial parallel ==> 串并行
  16165. serial parallel converter ==> 串并转换器
  16166. serial photogrammetric camera ==> 连续测量摄影机
  16167. serial plate camera ==> 连续干板摄影机
  16168. serial port ==> 串行口
  16169. serial print ==> 串行打印,串行印刷
  16170. serial printer ==> 串行打印机,顺次打印机,字符打印机,字符式打印机=>逐次印字装置
  16171. serial processing ==> 串行处理,串行加工
  16172. serial processing system ==> 串行处理系统
  16173. serial processor ==> 串行处理机
  16174. serial production ==> 成批生产
  16175. serial production line ==> 连续生产线
  16176. serial program ==> 串行程序
  16177. serial programing ==> 串行编程序,串行程序设计
  16178. serial programming ==> 串编程序
  16179. serial punch ==> 串行穿孔
  16180. serial radiographic apparatus ==> 连续(X线)照相装置
  16181. serial radiography ==> 系列射线照相术
  16182. serial read ==> 串行读出
  16183. serial read punch ==> 串行读出穿孔机
  16184. serial register ==> 串行寄存器
  16185. serial regulator ==> 串联调节器
  16186. serial representation ==> 串行表示,数的串行表示
  16187. serial resonant frequency ==> 直列共振周波数
  16188. serial sampling ==> 连续取样
  16189. serial sampling inspection ==> 序列抽样检验
  16190. serial scan ==> 串行扫描
  16191. serial scheduling ==> 串行调度
  16192. serial section ==> 顺序剖面,连续剖面,连续切片
  16193. serial shift ==> 串行移位
  16194. serial shift register ==> 串行移位寄存器
  16195. serial sort ==> 串行分类,串行排序
  16196. serial station ==> 定点观测站
  16197. serial storage ==> 串行存储器
  16198. serial store ==> 串行存储器
  16199. serial synapse ==> 连续性突触
  16200. serial taps ==> 成套丝锥
  16201. serial terminal ==> 串行终端设备
  16202. serial thrombin time ==> 连续凝血酶时间
  16203. serial time-sharing system ==> 串行分时系统
  16204. serial transfer ==> 串行传送,串行转送
  16205. serial transmission ==> 串行传输,串行传递,串行传送,连续传输=>直列伝送
  16206. serial tube ==> 标准电子管
  16207. serial twin slider ==> 直列ツインスライダ
  16208. serial type of task ==> 串行任务类型
  16209. serial variance ==> 系列离散,序列方差
  16210. serial variation ==> 序列变差
  16211. serial vein ==> 序脉
  16212. serial word operation ==> 串行字操作
  16213. serial work flow ==> 串行工作流程
  16214. serial-by-bit processing ==> 按位串行处理
  16215. serial-by-character ==> 按字符串行处理
  16216. serial-contactor ==> 串动接触器
  16217. serial-gram ==> 系列照片,连续照片
  16218. serial-parallel ==> 串并行的
  16219. serial-parallel addition ==> 串并行加法
  16220. serial-parallel control ==> 串并行控制
  16221. serial-parallel conversion ==> 串并行转换
  16222. serial-parallel converter ==> 串并变换器,串并行转换器=>直並列変換器
  16223. serial-parallel mutiplication ==> 串并行乘法
  16224. serial-parallel operation ==> 串并行操作
  16225. serial-parallel register ==> 串-并行寄存器,串并寄存器,串并行寄存器
  16226. serial-parallel switch ==> 串并联开关
  16227. serial-parallel transmission ==> 串并行传输
  16228. serial-to-parallel converter ==> 串并变换器,串并行转换器,串并转换器
  16229. serial-type adder ==> 串联式加法器
  16230. serialization ==> 串行,串行化,连续化,系列化,编序,序列生产过程
  16231. serialization products ==> 系列化产品
  16232. serialize ==> 串行化
  16233. serialized manufacture ==> 连续生产
  16234. serializer ==> 并串数位转换器
  16235. serializer-deserializer (SERDES) ==> 串行器-解串器
  16236. serially connected arcs ==> 直列接続アーク
  16237. serially correlated error process ==> 序列相关误差过程
  16238. serially reusable ==> 可连续重用,可连续重用的,串行可重复使用的
  16239. serially reusable attribute ==> 可连续重用属性
  16240. serially reusable load module ==> 可连用装入模块,串行可重复加载模块
  16241. serially reusable module ==> 可连续重用模块
  16242. serially reusable program ==> 可连续重用程序,可连用程序
  16243. serially reusable resource (SRR) ==> 可连续重用资源,可连用资源,串行可重用资源
  16244. serially reusable routine ==> 可连续重用例程,可连续重用例行程序
  16245. serially shared resource ==> 串行共享资源,连续共享资源
  16246. serially uncorrelated disturbance ==> 序列不相关扰动
  16247. serially-transmitted data ==> 串行传输数据,串行发送数据
  16248. serialograph ==> 连续(X线)照相器,连续(X线)照相装置,连续拍摄照片,系列照相装置
  16249. serialography ==> 系列照相术,连续(X线)照相术
  16250. seriate poikilitic texture ==> 不等粒嵌晶结构
  16251. seriation method ==> 配列方法
  16252. sericite in powder ==> 绢云母粉,绢云母粉
  16253. sericite lumps ==> 绢云母块,绢云母块
  16254. serictery silk gland ==> 丝腺
  16255. sericultural meteorology ==> 蚕业气象学
  16256. series ==> 串联,数列,序,系列=>直列
  16257. series active filter ==> 直列形アクティブフィルタ
  16258. series ampere-turn ratio ==> 直巻度
  16259. series and parallel ==> 串并联
  16260. series and parallel circuit ==> 混联电路
  16261. series and tail series ==> 整数系列与零头系列
  16262. series arc regulator ==> 串联电弧调节器
  16263. series arc welding ==> 串联弧焊
  16264. series architecture ==> 串行体系结构
  16265. series arm ==> 串联支路,串联臂
  16266. series assignment algorithm ==> 串行分配算法
  16267. series board ==> 串列交换台,串联复式交换机
  16268. series bond ==> 系列债券
  16269. series booster ==> 串联升压机,串联增压机
  16270. series booster regulator ==> 串联升压机调节器
  16271. series branch ==> 串联分支=>直列分岐(導波管)
  16272. series capacitance ==> 串联电容
  16273. series capacitor ==> 串联电容器=>直列コンデンサ
  16274. series carry ==> 串列进位
  16275. Series cascade action ==> 串行级联作用
  16276. series characteristic ==> 串激特性
  16277. series choke ==> 串联扼流圈,串联轭流圈
  16278. series circuit ==> 串联电路
  16279. series classification ==> 顺序分类,连续分级
  16280. series coil ==> 串联线圈=>直列コイル
  16281. series commutator motor ==> 串励换向器电动机
  16282. series compensation ==> 串联补偿,利用串联接入的电容器组减小线路阻抗的一种无功功率补偿方式=>直列補償
  16283. series compensation method ==> 直列補償法
  16284. series condenser ==> 串联电容器
  16285. series conduction motor ==> 单相串励换向器电动机,交流串励换向器电动机
  16286. series conductor ==> 串联导体
  16287. series connected ==> 串联的
  16288. series connected starting motor starting ==> 串联起动电动机起动
  16289. series connected type ==> 直列形(磁気増幅器)
  16290. series connection ==> 串联=>直列接続
  16291. series connection of GCT thyristors ==> GCTサイリスタの直列接続
  16292. series connector ==> 直接插板
  16293. series contactor ==> 串联接触器
  16294. series control ==> 串联调整,连续控制
  16295. series convergence ==> 级数收敛
  16296. series copper refining ==> 串联铜精炼
  16297. series decay ==> 链式衰变,放射性系
  16298. series decomposition ==> 串行分解
  16299. series development ==> 展成级数,级数展开
  16300. series disintegration ==> 蜕变系列
  16301. series drive ==> 组合传动
  16302. series dynamo ==> 串激发电机
  16303. series electron ==> 系电子
  16304. series electronic self-balancing instrument ==> 连续式电子自动平衡仪
  16305. series element ==> 串联元件=>直列要素
  16306. series energizing type ==> 串联激励式
  16307. series equalizer ==> 串联截断电路,串联均衡器
  16308. series excitation ==> 串激
  16309. series excitation coil ==> 串励线圈
  16310. series excited machine ==> 串激电机
  16311. series expansion ==> 级数展开
  16312. series fault ==> 開放事故, "A fault for which the impedances of each of the three phases are not equal, usually caused by the interruption of one or two phases."
  16313. series fault, longitudinal fault ==> 纵向故障,通常由一相或两相断开造成的三相的各相阻抗不相等的故障
  16314. series feed ==> 串励馈电
  16315. series feed oscillator ==> 串馈振荡器
  16316. series feedback ==> 串联反馈=>直列帰還
  16317. series feedback amplifier ==> 串联反馈放大器=>直列帰還増幅器
  16318. series field ==> 串联磁场
  16319. series field coil ==> 串联磁场线圈
  16320. series filament ==> 串联灯丝
  16321. series firing ==> 连续引爆
  16322. series flow ==> 串流
  16323. series flow turbine ==> 串流式涡轮机,单轴多缸涡轮机,单轴汽轮机
  16324. series fluorescent lighting fitting ==> 荧光灯列
  16325. series forecasting methods ==> 系列预测法
  16326. series gap ==> 串联火花间隙
  16327. series gasoline meter pump ==> 自动加油计量泵
  16328. series generator ==> 串励发电机=>直巻発電機
  16329. series half shift register ==> 串行平分移位寄放器
  16330. series heater ==> 串联灯丝
  16331. series hole connection ==> 炮孔串联
  16332. series impedance ==> 串联阻抗=>直列インピーダンス
  16333. series impulse ==> 串脉冲
  16334. series in closed form ==> 闭式级数
  16335. series inductance ==> 串联电感
  16336. series interface board ==> 串行接口板
  16337. series lamp ==> 串联灯
  16338. series lighting ==> 串联照明
  16339. series load ==> 串联负荷
  16340. series loading ==> 串联加载
  16341. series loop ==> 串联回路
  16342. series machine ==> 串励电机,串行计算机
  16343. series magnet coil ==> 串激线圈,串联磁化线圈
  16344. series manufacture ==> 成批生产,系列生产
  16345. series manufacturing ==> 连续生产
  16346. series mode voltage ==> 直列モード電圧,シリースモード電圧
  16347. series modulation ==> 串联调制
  16348. series motor ==> 串激电动机,串励电动机=>直巻電動機
  16349. series multiple ==> 多重串联
  16350. series negative feedback ==> 串联负反馈
  16351. series negative impedance ==> 串联负阻抗
  16352. series network ==> 串联网络
  16353. series of concept ==> 相关概念系列
  16354. series of decreasing powers ==> 降幂级数
  16355. series of f-number ==> 光圈数系列
  16356. series of function ==> 関数列
  16357. series of intervals ==> 区間列
  16358. series of lines ==> 谱线系
  16359. series of mean ==> 均值数列,均值数列
  16360. series of natural numbers ==> 自然数级数
  16361. series of payments ==> 分期连续付款
  16362. series of payments or receipts ==> 分期分批付款或收款
  16363. series of positive terms ==> 正项级数
  16364. series of potentials ==> 电动次序,排代次序
  16365. series of powers ==> 幂级数
  16366. series of resales ==> 一系列的转卖
  16367. series of spectral lines ==> 光谱线系
  16368. series of strata ==> 岩系
  16369. series of time data ==> 时间序列数据
  16370. series of tolerance ==> 基本公差
  16371. series of variable terms ==> 变量项级数,变项数列
  16372. series of variates ==> 变量数列
  16373. series of voyage ==> 系列航次
  16374. series operation ==> 串联运转
  16375. series overcurrent relay ==> 串联过电流继电器
  16376. series paralled starting ==> 串并联起动
  16377. series parallel ==> 串并联的
  16378. series parallel battery control ==> 串并联电池控制
  16379. series parallel circuit ==> 串并联电路
  16380. series parallel connection ==> 串并联
  16381. series parallel control ==> 串并联控制
  16382. series parallel controller ==> 串并联控制器
  16383. series parallel field control ==> 串并联励磁绕组控制
  16384. series parallel motor ==> 串并激电动机,串并联电动机
  16385. series parallel starter ==> 串并联换接起动器
  16386. series parallel switch ==> 串并联开关
  16387. series parallel winding ==> 串并联绕组
  16388. series peaking ==> 串联峰化
  16389. series phase resonance ==> 串联相位谐振
  16390. series pipe still ==> 管组蒸馏釜
  16391. series port ==> 串口=>シリアルボート
  16392. series position ==> 串联位置
  16393. series printer ==> 串行式印刷机
  16394. series process ==> 串联法
  16395. series projection welding ==> 单边多极凸焊
  16396. series puffer (double volume) ==> 直列パッファ
  16397. series pyrolysis ==> 系列热解
  16398. series radio tap ==> 串联无线电分支
  16399. series reactance ==> 串联电抗
  16400. series reactor ==> 串联电抗器,串联扼流圈=>直列リアクトル
  16401. series reactor starting ==> 串联电抗起动,降低电压起动的方法之一,适用于高压异步电动机
  16402. series rectifier circuit ==> 串联整流电路
  16403. series regulator ==> 串联调整器
  16404. series relay ==> 串联继电器,电流继电器
  16405. series repeater ==> 串联增音器
  16406. series resistance ==> 串联电阻=>直列抵抗
  16407. series resistance lamp ==> 串联电阻灯
  16408. series resistor ==> 串联电阻器
  16409. series resistors ==> 串联电阻
  16410. series resonance ==> 串联谐振=>直列共振
  16411. series resonance circuit ==> 串联共振电路
  16412. series resonance frequency ==> 串联谐振频率
  16413. series resonant circuit ==> 串联谐振电路
  16414. series resonant inverter ==> 直列トランス共振形インバータ
  16415. series resonant testing equipment ==> 串联谐振试验装置,采用可调电感、电容或可变频电源,使回路发生串联谐振,以获得工频或接近于工频高电压的试验设备
  16416. series ring winding ==> 串联环式绕组
  16417. series river inflow duration curve ==> シリーズ流況曲線
  16418. series running ==> 串联运转
  16419. series seam welding ==> 串联缝焊,单边多极滚焊,单边双电极焊缝,单面多极滚焊
  16420. series sequence ==> 串联次序,串联顺序
  16421. series sharing type ==> 直列配分方式
  16422. series shot-firing ==> 串联爆破
  16423. series source resistance ==> 串联源电阻
  16424. series spark gap ==> 串联火花隙
  16425. series spot welding ==> 串点焊,串联点焊,单边多极点焊,单面点焊,单面多点点焊,连续点焊,单边多点点焊
  16426. series stabilization ==> 串联稳定化
  16427. series stage ==> 串联级
  16428. series storage battery ==> 串联蓄电池组
  16429. series submerged arc welding (SAW-S) ==> 横列双丝串联埋弧焊
  16430. series system ==> 串联系统,串联制
  16431. series system of distribution ==> 串联配电网
  16432. series transductor ==> 串联饱和电抗器
  16433. series transformer ==> 串联变压器=>直列変圧器
  16434. series transistor regulator ==> 串联晶体管稳压器
  16435. series trip coil ==> 串联解扣线圈,串联跳闸线圈
  16436. series tripping ==> 串联跳闸
  16437. series tuned circuit ==> 串联调谐电路
  16438. series tuning ==> 串联调谐
  16439. series type adder ==> 串联加法器
  16440. series ventilation ==> 串联通风,单路串列通风
  16441. series voltage ==> 串联电压
  16442. series voltage compensation ==> 直列電圧補償
  16443. series voltage regulator ==> 串联稳压器
  16444. series welding ==> 串焊,串联焊,单边多电极焊接,系列焊接
  16445. series winding ==> 串激绕法,串联绕组,串励绕组,直流电机主磁极上与电枢电路串联的励磁绕组称为串励绕组=>直列巻線
  16446. series wire terminal ==> 串联线接头
  16447. series wound dynamo ==> 串联磁电机
  16448. series wound generator ==> 串励发电机
  16449. series wound motor ==> 串绕电动机
  16450. series-aiding connection ==> 相助串联
  16451. series-and-shunt tee ==> 串并联T形接头,串并联三通,串联和并联的T形接头
  16452. series-arc furnace ==> 串联电弧炉
  16453. series-arc welding ==> 串联电弧焊接
  16454. series-break switch ==> 串联断点开关
  16455. series-characteristic motor ==> 串激特性电动机,反速电动机
  16456. series-connected voltage sag compensator ==> 直列形瞬時電圧低下対策装置
  16457. series-connected voltage-source PWM converter ==> 直列接続電圧形PWM変換器
  16458. series-excited generator ==> 串励发电机同步信号
  16459. series-excited radiator ==> 串激辐射器,串激天线
  16460. series-feed ==> 直列給電
  16461. series-feed system ==> 直列給電
  16462. series-feed vertical antenna ==> 串联馈电竖直天线
  16463. series-feedback amplifier ==> 串联反馈运算放大器
  16464. series-gap condenser ==> 串联间隙电容器,串联空气隙电容器
  16465. series-in-series-out register ==> 串入串出寄存器
  16466. series-line servomotor ==> 串联伺服马达
  16467. series-matching resistor ==> 串联匹配电阻器
  16468. series-multiple connection ==> 直並列
  16469. series-opposing connection ==> 反向串联
  16470. series-parallel ==> 串并联的=>直列
  16471. series-parallel circuit ==> 串并联电路
  16472. series-parallel compensation ==> 串并联补偿
  16473. series-parallel connection ==> 串并联=>直並列接続
  16474. series-parallel control ==> 串-并联控制,串并联控制=>直並列制御
  16475. series-parallel firing ==> 串-并联点火
  16476. series-parallel network ==> 串联网络
  16477. series-parallel operation ==> 串并联操作
  16478. series-parallel starting ==> 串并联起动
  16479. series-parallel winding ==> 串并联绕组
  16480. series-repulsion motor ==> 串激推斥电动机,串联推斥电动机
  16481. series-resonant circuit ==> 直列共振回路
  16482. series-shunt compensator ==> 直並列補償装置
  16483. series-spot welding ==> 单面点焊
  16484. series-to-parallel converter ==> 串至并行转换器,混联变换器
  16485. series-type limiter ==> 串联式限幅器,串联限幅器
  16486. series-type phase advancer ==> 串联式相位补偿器,串联式相位超前补偿机
  16487. series-wound arc lamp ==> 串联弧光灯
  16488. series-wound motor ==> 串激电动机,串励电动机
  16489. serif ==> 衬线
  16490. serific gland ==> 丝腺
  16491. serigraphy ==> 丝网漏印法
  16492. serine methylester ==> 丝氨酸甲酯
  16493. serine transhydroxymethylase ==> 丝氨酸转羟甲基酶
  16494. serious burn ==> 严重烧伤
  16495. serious incident report ==> 严重事故报告
  16496. seriplane test ==> 纱匀度试验
  16497. serir deposit ==> 卵石沙漠沉积,戈壁沉积
  16498. serium inorganic phosphorus ==> 血磷
  16499. serivce factor ==> 工作系数
  16500. serivice function ==> 服务函数
  16501. serizer-deserializer (SERDES) ==> 串行器-解串器
  16502. sero-amnion cavity ==> 浆羊膜腔
  16503. sero-fast ==> 抗血清的
  16504. sero-group ==> 血清群
  16505. sero-immunity ==> 血清免疫
  16506. sero-reaction ==> 血清反应
  16507. sero-reversal ==> 血清价倒退
  16508. seroalbumin human placental ==> 人胎盘血清白蛋白
  16509. seroenzyme activity determination ==> 血清酶活力测定
  16510. seroenzyme reaction ==> 血清酶反应
  16511. serologic identification ==> 血清学鉴定
  16512. serologic reaction ==> 血清反应
  16513. serologic test for syphilis ==> 梅毒血清学试验
  16514. serological characteristics ==> 血清特点
  16515. serological defined antigen ==> 血清学限定抗原
  16516. serological identification ==> 血清学鉴定
  16517. serological method ==> 血清方法
  16518. serological reaction ==> 血清学反应
  16519. serological specificity ==> 血清特异性
  16520. serological test ==> 血清试验,血清学试验
  16521. serologically defined antigen ==> 血清学检测抗原
  16522. serologically negative ==> 血清反应阴性的
  16523. serologically positive ==> 血清反应阳性的
  16524. serology ==> 血清学
  16525. seromucous cell ==> 浆粘液细胞
  16526. seromucous gland ==> 浆液粘液腺
  16527. seromuscular layer ==> 浆肌层
  16528. serondary lithium battery ==> 二次锂电池
  16529. serotonin ==> 血清素=>セロトニン
  16530. serotonine ==> セロトニン
  16531. serous apical pericementitis ==> 浆液性根尖牙周膜炎
  16532. serous cavity ==> 浆膜腔
  16533. serous coat ==> 浆模,浆膜
  16534. serous cyst ==> 浆液囊肿
  16535. serous cyst of nasal sinuses ==> 鼻窦浆液囊肿
  16536. serous cystadenocarcinoma ==> 浆液性囊腺癌
  16537. serous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液性囊腺癌
  16538. serous cystadenofibroma of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液性囊腺纤维瘤
  16539. serous cystadenoma ==> 浆液性卵巢囊腺瘤,浆液性囊腺瘤
  16540. serous cystadenoma of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液性囊腺癌
  16541. serous diarrhea ==> 浆液性腹泻
  16542. serous effusion ==> 浆液性渗出物,浆液性渗漏液
  16543. serous fluid ==> 浆液
  16544. serous gland ==> 浆液腺,白蛋白腺
  16545. serous hemorrhage ==> 浆液性出血
  16546. serous membrane ==> 浆模
  16547. serous papillary cystadenoma ==> 浆液性卵巢乳头囊腺瘤,浆液性乳头状囊腺瘤
  16548. serous papillary cystenoma of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液性乳头(状)囊腺瘤
  16549. serous pericardium ==> 浆膜心包
  16550. serous perichondritis of auricle ==> 耳廓浆液性软骨膜炎
  16551. serous peritonitis ==> 浆液性腹膜炎
  16552. serous pigmentary epithelial detachment ==> 浆液性色素上皮脱离
  16553. serous sputum ==> 浆液性痰
  16554. serous tumors of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液瘤
  16555. serpent gourd ==> 蛇瓜
  16556. serpent melon ==> 蛇瓜
  16557. serpentine (trombone) cooler ==> 蛇管冷却器
  16558. serpentine aneurysm ==> 匐行性动脉瘤
  16559. serpentine coil ==> 蛇形盘管
  16560. serpentine cooler ==> 盘管冷却器
  16561. serpentine cut ==> ジグザグカット
  16562. serpentine domain ==> 螺旋形磁畴
  16563. serpentine duct ==> 蛇形导管
  16564. serpentine heater ==> 蛇管加热器
  16565. serpentine jigging tenter ==> 蛇形摆动拉幅机,盘旋形摆动拉幅机
  16566. serpentine layer ==> 蛇状压条
  16567. serpentine layerage ==> 波状压条法
  16568. serpentine moth ==> 微蛾
  16569. serpentine path ==> 蛇线轨迹
  16570. serpentine rock ==> 蛇纹岩
  16571. serpentine steps ==> 曲がりくねって歩く
  16572. serpentine twill ==> 人字形斜纹
  16573. serpentine wall ==> 蛇纹形石或砖墙,蛇形墙
  16574. serpentine-talc ==> 蛇纹滑石
  16575. serpentine-tube header type heater ==> 蛇形管联箱式加热器,传热面由若干平行的蛇形管屏组成的联箱式加热器
  16576. serpiginous corneal ulcer ==> 匐行性角膜溃疡
  16577. serpiginous hollow ==> 盘旋气泡,盘旋砂眼
  16578. Serpins' mystery ==> セルピンの謎
  16579. Serpollet boiler ==> 色波里特锅炉,(蒸汽机车用)快速发汽锅炉
  16580. serrasoide modulation ==> セラソイド変調
  16581. serrated base ==> 齿状底座
  16582. serrated belt ==> 齿形三角带
  16583. serrated camshaft ==> 凸轮花键盘
  16584. serrated change ==> 锯齿形改变,锯齿形改变
  16585. serrated face ==> 锯齿面,锯齿面
  16586. serrated fin ==> 锯齿形翅片,锯齿形翅片
  16587. serrated guard ==> 刻齿割刀护刃器
  16588. serrated joint ==> 三角齿花键连接
  16589. serrated knife ==> 刻齿动刀片,齿刀
  16590. serrated ledger plate ==> 刻齿定刀片
  16591. serrated nut ==> 细齿螺母
  16592. serrated pulse ==> 顶部有切口的帧同步脉冲,锯齿脉冲
  16593. serrated ring ==> (冲裁用)齿圈
  16594. serrated ring spanner ==> 细齿环形扳手
  16595. serrated roller ==> 齿形辊,槽纹滚筒,槽纹棍
  16596. serrated root ==> 锯齿形根,锯齿形根
  16597. serrated section ==> 刻齿动刀片
  16598. serrated section sickle ==> 刻齿刀片割刀
  16599. serrated shaft ==> 细齿轴
  16600. serrated suture ==> 锯状缝,锯状缝
  16601. serrated topography ==> 齿形山脊
  16602. serrated vertical synchronizing signal ==> 交错垂直同步信号
  16603. serrated wheel ==> 锯齿轮,锯齿轮
  16604. serrated wheel hub ==> 锯齿轮毂,锯齿轮毂
  16605. serrated-surface ==> 锯齿形表面,锯齿形表面
  16606. Serratia marcescens ==> 灵杆菌,粘质沙雷氏菌=>セラチア菌
  16607. serration ==> 细齿,锯齿=>鋸歯状
  16608. serration between points ==> 冠叉
  16609. serration broach ==> 细齿拉刀
  16610. serration gauge ==> 花键廓量规
  16611. serration hob ==> 细齿滚铣刀
  16612. serration hobber ==> 细齿滚刀
  16613. serration joint ==> 细齿联接
  16614. serration plate ==> 锯齿板,锯齿板,锯齿形板,锯齿形板
  16615. serration plug ga(u)ge ==> 细齿塞规
  16616. serration ring ga(u)ge ==> 细齿环规
  16617. serration shaft ==> 细齿轴,三角形齿花键轴
  16618. Serratula centauroides ==> 麻花头
  16619. Serratula cupuliformis ==> 钟苞麻花头
  16620. serratus anterior muscle ==> 前锯肌
  16621. Serret-Frenet formulas ==> 弗雷涅-塞雷公式
  16622. serrodyne modulation ==> セロダイン変調
  16623. Serrurier truss ==> 塞路里桁架
  16624. SERs, sequence of event recorders ==> SERs
  16625. SERT, Space Electric Rocket Test ==> サート(意訳,宇宙用電気推進ロケット実験衛星,またはその計画)
  16626. SERT, test of electric rockets(Space Electric Rocket Test) ==> 電気推進ロケット試験
  16627. Sertoli cell tumor ==> 睾丸滋养细胞瘤,睾丸足细胞瘤
  16628. Sertoli cell tumor of ovary ==> 支持细胞瘤
  16629. Sertoli's cell tumor ==> 足细胞瘤
  16630. Sertoli-cell-only syndrome ==> 足细胞唯存综合征,支持细胞唯存综合征
  16631. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor ==> 卵巢含睾丸母细胞瘤,卵巢支持间质细胞瘤,卵巢睾丸母细胞瘤,支持细胞间质细胞瘤,睾丸支持细胞-间质细胞瘤
  16632. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors ==> 卵巢塞莱二氏细胞瘤
  16633. Sertolicell tumor ==> 睾丸支持细胞瘤
  16634. serum AC-globulin ==> 血清加速球蛋白
  16635. serum accelerator ==> 血清促凝素
  16636. serum accelerin ==> 血清加速素
  16637. serum agar ==> 血清琼脂
  16638. serum agglutination test ==> 血清凝集试验
  16639. serum albumin ==> 血清白蛋白,血清清蛋白
  16640. serum albumin human placental ==> 人胎盘血清白蛋白
  16641. serum alkaline phosphatase determination ==> 血清碱性磷酸酶测定
  16642. serum allergic reaction ==> 血清变态反应
  16643. serum alpha fetal protein determination ==> 血清甲种胎儿蛋白测定
  16644. serum aminotransferase determination ==> 血清转氨酶测定
  16645. serum amylase determination ==> 血清淀粉酶测定
  16646. serum anaphylactic shock ==> 血清过敏性休克
  16647. serum antidiphthericum liquidum ==> 液体白喉血清,液体抗白喉血清
  16648. serum antigen ==> 血清抗原
  16649. serum antiglobulin test ==> 血清抗球蛋白试验
  16650. serum antistreptolysin determination ==> 血清抗链球菌素测定,血清溶血性链球菌抗体测定
  16651. serum arthritis ==> 血清性关节炎
  16652. serum bilirubin determination ==> 血清胆红素测定
  16653. serum bottle ==> 血清瓶
  16654. serum calcium ==> 血钙,血清钙
  16655. serum cholesterol ester determination ==> 血清胆固醇酯测定
  16656. serum cholesterol outfit ==> 血清胆固醇测定装置
  16657. serum coagulating apparatus ==> 血清凝固器
  16658. serum colloidal stability test ==> 血清胶体稳定性试验
  16659. serum conduction calculating apparatus ==> 血清电导计测仪
  16660. serum copper ==> 血清铜
  16661. serum copper oxidase activity ==> 血清铜氧化酶活力
  16662. serum factor ==> 血清因子
  16663. serum fast ==> 抗血清的
  16664. serum fatty acid determination ==> 血清脂肪酸测定
  16665. serum fibrin degradation product determination ==> 血清纤维蛋白降解产物测定
  16666. serum fibrin degradation product test ==> 血清纤维蛋白降解产物试验
  16667. serum gamma globulin of human placenta ==> 人胎盘血丙种球蛋白
  16668. serum gastrin determination ==> 血清胃泌素测定
  16669. serum globulin ==> 血清球蛋白
  16670. serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase(SGOT) ==> 血清谷草转氨酶
  16671. serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) ==> 血清谷丙转氨酶
  16672. serum glycoprotein determination ==> 血清糖蛋白测定
  16673. serum glycoprotein electrophoresis ==> 血清糖蛋白电泳
  16674. serum gonadotrophin ==> 血清促性腺激素,马血促性素
  16675. serum heat stability test ==> 血清耐热试验
  16676. serum hepatitis ==> 血清肝炎,血清性肝炎
  16677. serum hepatitis antigen(SHA) ==> 血清肝炎抗原
  16678. serum heterophile agglutination test ==> 血清嗜异凝集试验
  16679. serum icterus index determination ==> 血清黄疸指数测定
  16680. serum inhibitor ==> 血清抑制剂
  16681. serum iron determination ==> 血清铁测定
  16682. serum lactic dehydrogenase (SLDH) ==> 血清乳酸脱氢酶
  16683. serum level ==> 血清浓度水平
  16684. serum lipase determination ==> 血清脂肪酶测定
  16685. serum lipoprotein electrophoresis ==> 血清脂蛋白电泳
  16686. serum lutein ==> 血清黄体素
  16687. serum medium ==> 血清培养基
  16688. serum monoamine oxidase determination ==> 血清单胺氧化酶测定
  16689. serum mucoprotein determination ==> 血清粘蛋白测定
  16690. serum neutralization (SN) ==> 血清中和反应
  16691. serum neutralization test ==> 血清中和试验
  16692. serum non-esterized fatty acid determination ==> 血清非酯化脂肪酸测定
  16693. serum one minute bilirubin ==> 血清一分钟胆红素
  16694. serum phospholipid determination ==> 血清磷脂测定
  16695. serum potassium ==> 血清钾
  16696. serum protein ==> 血清蛋白,血清蛋白质
  16697. serum protein electrophoresis ==> 血清蛋白电泳测定
  16698. serum protein refractometer ==> 血清蛋白折射计
  16699. serum protein-bound iodine ==> 血清蛋白结合碘
  16700. serum prothrombin conversion factor ==> 血清凝血酶原转变因子
  16701. serum reaction ==> 血清反应
  16702. serum reaction plate ==> 血清反应板
  16703. serum rheumatoid factor (SRF) ==> 血清类风湿因子
  16704. serum sensitivity test ==> 血清敏感试验
  16705. serum shock ==> 血清性休克
  16706. serum sickness reaction ==> 血清病反应
  16707. serum sodium ==> 血清钠
  16708. serum test ==> 血清试验
  16709. serum total bilirubin ==> 血清总胆红素
  16710. serum total bilirubin determination ==> 血清总胆红素测定
  16711. serum total cholesterol ==> 血清总胆固醇
  16712. serum total cholesterol determination ==> 血清总胆固醇测定
  16713. serum transaminase ==> 血清转氨酶
  16714. serum transaminase activity determination ==> 血清转氨酶活性测定
  16715. serum transferrin saturation ==> 血清转铁蛋白饱和度
  16716. serum transfusion ==> 输血清
  16717. serum TSH concentration determination ==> 促甲状腺激素血清浓度测定
  16718. serum TSH determination ==> 血清促甲状腺激素测定
  16719. serum virus vaccination ==> 血清病毒接种
  16720. serum warmer bath ==> 血清加温浴锅
  16721. serum-amylase level ==> 血清淀粉酶水平
  16722. serum-dilution technique ==> 血清稀释技术
  16723. serumal calculus ==> 血清性牙垢
  16724. SERV Service ==> 服务
  16725. SERV, Sending End Reference Voltage ==> 送出基準電圧(配電)
  16726. servant brake ==> 伺服闸,伺服闸,随动闸
  16727. servant space ==> 服务性空间
  16728. serve-operated control ==> 非直接调节
  16729. serveillance ==> 監視(航空)
  16730. server ==> 服务器=>サーバー
  16731. service ==> 维护,服务,业务,送达,部门,保养,检修,技术维护,供电=>通話,供給(電力)
  16732. service (working) condition ==> 使用状况
  16733. service ability ==> 供电可靠性,工作能力
  16734. service access point address ==> 服务存取点地址
  16735. service account ==> 劳力项目
  16736. service acitivities ==> 服务活动
  16737. service action drawing ==> 维修图
  16738. service action log ==> 维修记录
  16739. service action parts list (SAPL) ==> 维修零件一览表
  16740. service adapter ==> 服务连接器
  16741. service advantages ==> 操作优点
  16742. service after sale ==> 售后服务
  16743. service agreement ==> 服务协议
  16744. service aid ==> 服务工具
  16745. service aircraft ==> 现役飞机
  16746. service ammunition ==> 作战用弹药
  16747. service and test restrictions ==> 使用及试验的限制
  16748. service application position ==> 常用制动位
  16749. service application zone ==> 常用制动区
  16750. service area ==> 服务面积,服务区域,辅助面积,供电区,可收听区域,服务区=>有効範囲,サービスエリア,供給区域(電力)
  16751. service band ==> 公务波段,服务频带,业务波段
  16752. service basin ==> 工作水池
  16753. service behavior ==> 工作性能
  16754. service bit ==> 服务位,辅助位=>サービスビット
  16755. service blister ==> 后生泡疤表面
  16756. service boar ==> 种公猪
  16757. service bomb ==> 作战用炸弹
  16758. service box ==> 供电线路箱,接线盒
  16759. service brake ==> 脚踏闸,常用闸,行驶制动器
  16760. service braking ==> 常用制动
  16761. service braking control ==> 行车制动器制动踏板
  16762. service braking system warning tell-tale ==> 行车制动系警报灯
  16763. service bridge ==> 工作桥,专用桥
  16764. service cable ==> 引入电缆,服务电缆,用户电缆=>引込ケーブル
  16765. service call ==> 业务呼叫,业务通话=>業務通話
  16766. service capacity ==> 服务能力,服务容量,工作容量,运行出力=>有效容量
  16767. service cartridge ==> 作战用子弹
  16768. service categories ==> 供給種別
  16769. service ceiling ==> 实用升限
  16770. service center ==> 服务中心
  16771. service center accounting ==> 服务中心会计
  16772. service channel ==> 服务通道,公务波道
  16773. service channel in series ==> 串联服务通道
  16774. service charge ==> 服务费
  16775. service chute ==> 服务性滑槽
  16776. service circuit ==> 业务通信电路
  16777. service class ==> 服务级别
  16778. service code ==> 业务电码
  16779. service command ==> 服务命令
  16780. service compartment ==> 辅助格间
  16781. service completion time ==> 服务完成时间
  16782. service condition ==> 使用情况
  16783. service condition(s) ==> 使用条件
  16784. service conditions ==> 操作条件,工作情况=>使用条件
  16785. service conductor ==> 用户引入线,引入线,接户线=>引込線
  16786. service connection ==> 引入连接
  16787. service contract ==> 服务合同
  16788. service core service ==> core
  16789. service corridor ==> 服务走廊,操作廊
  16790. service cost ==> 服务成本
  16791. service cost centre ==> 服务成本中心
  16792. service counter ==> 服务台
  16793. service counter terminals (SCT) ==> 服务台终端
  16794. service craft ==> 基地勤务船
  16795. service credit ==> 服务信用
  16796. service cycle ==> 服务周期
  16797. service data ==> 服务数据,业务资料,运行数据,运转数据,维护数据,技术数据,使用数据
  16798. service data unit ==> 服务数据块
  16799. service dead load ==> 工作恒载
  16800. service delay ==> 服务点的延时
  16801. service demand factor ==> 需求系数
  16802. service department allocated cost variance ==> 辅助部门费用摊配差异,辅助生产部门费用分配差异
  16803. service department budget ==> 服务部门预算
  16804. service department cost ==> 服务部门成本,服务或辅助部门成本,辅助部门费用,辅助生产部门成本
  16805. service department expenses ==> 辅助生产部门费用
  16806. service desk ==> 服务台
  16807. service diagram ==> 运行图
  16808. service digit ==> 服务位
  16809. service discharge ==> 供用量
  16810. service discipline ==> 服务训练,设备专业
  16811. service door ==> 服务入口
  16812. service door clear width ==> 乘客门净宽
  16813. service drawing ==> 设备图纸
  16814. service drop ==> 架空引入线
  16815. service dynamo ==> 照明发电机
  16816. service economy ==> 服务经济
  16817. service efficiency ==> 使用效率
  16818. service element ==> 勤务部队
  16819. service elevator ==> 服务电梯,服务梯
  16820. service engine ==> 维修发动机
  16821. service engineer ==> 维护工程师
  16822. service engineering ==> 服务工程,服务性工程
  16823. service entrance ==> 服务入口,进户线,进线口=>引込口
  16824. service entrance switch ==> 引込開閉器
  16825. service equipment ==> 服务设备,服务设施,辅助设备,养路设备,维护设备,维修设备,修理工具
  16826. service establishments ==> 服务性企业
  16827. service evaluation flight ==> 勤务鉴定飞行
  16828. service expense ==> 服务费
  16829. service experience ==> 运行试验,维修经验
  16830. service facilities ==> 生活服务设施
  16831. service facility ==> 服务设施,服务手段条件
  16832. service factor ==> 使用系数,工作条件系数,运行率,使用因素
  16833. service failure ==> 使用损坏,使用中破坏
  16834. service fee norm ==> 取费标准
  16835. service firing ==> 实弹射击
  16836. service firm ==> 服务性企业
  16837. service firm business ==> 服务企业
  16838. service floor area ==> 辅助面积
  16839. service fluid ==> 工作介质
  16840. service form ==> 适用形式
  16841. service function ==> 服务职能
  16842. service generator ==> 营运发电机,日用发电机
  16843. service generator room ==> 厂用发电机室
  16844. service head ==> サービスヘッド
  16845. service hours ==> 运行时数
  16846. service in the field ==> 战地勤务
  16847. service industry ==> 服务产业,服务工业,服务行业
  16848. service instruction ==> 使用维护规程,使用细则
  16849. service integration ==> 业务复用
  16850. service interrrupt ==> 服务中断
  16851. service interruption ==> 业务中断,电话中断,停电=>停電,不通
  16852. service kit ==> 维修包,维修箱
  16853. service lamp ==> 轻便灯
  16854. service lease ==> 提供维修服务的租赁
  16855. service leases ==> 服务性租赁
  16856. service level ==> 服务水平,服务水准,供货水平
  16857. service level cost curve ==> 供货水平费用曲线
  16858. service level update ==> 服务级更新
  16859. service library ==> 服务程序库
  16860. service life ==> 服务年限,工作期限寿命,运行寿命,使用寿命,耐用年限,有效寿命=>有効寿命
  16861. service life of die ==> 模具寿命
  16862. service lift ==> 送货吊机
  16863. service limits ==> 使用限度
  16864. service line ==> 接户线,业务线,引入线,动力管道,用户引入线
  16865. service linkage ==> 服务联系
  16866. service load ==> 工作荷载,工作载荷,实有载荷,使用荷载
  16867. service load spectrum ==> 使用负荷频谱
  16868. service machine ==> 工作机
  16869. service macro ==> 服务宏指令
  16870. service main ==> 分干线,用户干线,支干线
  16871. service mains ==> 服务干线,接户线,从配电系统供电到用户装置的分支线路,由供电部门负责运行维护
  16872. service maintenance shop ==> 维修车间
  16873. service manual ==> 维修规程,工作手册,使用手册,使用细则,操作规程,保养细则
  16874. service mark ==> 服务标记,服务商标
  16875. service market ==> 服务市场
  16876. service mechanism ==> 服务机构
  16877. service message ==> 服务报文,服务消息
  16878. service meter ==> 通话计次器=>通話度数計
  16879. service mine ==> 作战用雷
  16880. service missile ==> 现役导弹
  16881. service mode ==> 预检方式
  16882. service observation ==> 业务检查
  16883. service observation desk ==> 監査台
  16884. service observing board ==> 服务观测板
  16885. service observing desk ==> 服务观察台
  16886. service of notice ==> 送达通知书
  16887. service of summons ==> 送达传票
  16888. service order ==> 服务顺序=>サービスオーダ
  16889. service order program ==> 服务指令程序
  16890. service order table ==> 服务次序表,服务命令表,服务顺序表
  16891. service oscillator ==> 测试振荡器,射频发生器
  16892. service output ==> 运行输出功率
  16893. service part ==> 修理用零件
  16894. service parts ==> 修理用部件
  16895. service passage ==> 鸡舍作业通道
  16896. service percentage ==> 服务百分比
  16897. service performance ==> 使用性能
  16898. service period ==> 配种期
  16899. service personnel ==> 保修人员
  16900. service pipe ==> 给水管,工作管道,接户线管,进给管,用户水管
  16901. service pit ==> 检修坑
  16902. service platform ==> 操作平台
  16903. service point ==> 检修测试点
  16904. service population ==> 服务人口
  16905. service position ==> 开车位置
  16906. service potential ==> 服务潜力
  16907. service power ==> 厂用电力,厂用电源
  16908. service power rate of power plant, auxiliary power consumption rate of power plant ==> 发电厂厂用电率,发电厂电力生产过程中所必需的自用电量占所发电量的百分比
  16909. service practice ==> 实弹练习射击
  16910. service practice firing ==> 实弹演习射击
  16911. service pressure ==> 正常工作压力,服务压力
  16912. service primitive ==> 服务原语
  16913. service probability ==> 服务概率,业务概率
  16914. service processor ==> 服务处理机
  16915. service program ==> 服务程序=>サービスプログラム
  16916. service proofing cycle ==> 运转检验周期
  16917. service property (quality) ==> 使用质量
  16918. service protocol ==> 业务协议
  16919. service pump ==> 辅助泵,值勤泵
  16920. service quality ==> 作用质量,功能质量,有效性
  16921. service queue ==> 服务队列
  16922. service ram ==> 配种用公羊
  16923. service rank ==> 服务级别
  16924. service rate ==> 服务率,服务速度
  16925. service rating ==> 运行功率,使用等级
  16926. service register ==> 通話度数計
  16927. service registor ==> 配种登记册
  16928. service regulations ==> 工作规程,服务条例,维护规程
  16929. service reliability ==> 供給信頼度,Service Reliability in a competitive market
  16930. service representative privilege class ==> 服务表示特许级,服务代表特权级
  16931. service request ==> 服务请求
  16932. service request bit ==> 服务请求位
  16933. service request block (SRB) ==> 服务请求块
  16934. service request output ==> 服务请求输出
  16935. service requirements ==> 战术技术要求
  16936. service reser voir for farming ==> 提供农田用水的水库
  16937. service reservoir ==> 供水水库,配水池
  16938. service restoration ==> 復旧制御
  16939. service restoration problem ==> 配電系統事故復旧問題
  16940. service restoring relay ==> 恢复运行继电器,重合闸继电器
  16941. service restrictions ==> 使用限制
  16942. service road ==> 便道,服务性道路,辅助道路,厂用道路,临街道路
  16943. service rocket ==> 作战用火箭
  16944. service round ==> 实弹
  16945. service routine ==> 使用程序,服务程序,服务例行程序,辅助程序=>サービスルーチン
  16946. service science ==> サービスサイエンス, SSME,services sciences, management and engineering
  16947. service sector ==> 服务行业
  16948. service set ==> 厂用机组
  16949. service several thousand cows a year ==> 一年可给几千头母牛配种
  16950. service shaft ==> 辅助矿井
  16951. service shot ==> 实弹射击
  16952. service space ==> 服务面积
  16953. service speed ==> 营运速度,操作速度
  16954. service stair ==> 服务楼梯
  16955. service state ==> 服务状态
  16956. service station ==> 加油站
  16957. service subprogram ==> 服务子程序
  16958. service switch ==> 控制器
  16959. service system ==> 服务系统
  16960. service tails ==> 进户线,向用户设备供电并由用户负责运行维护的那段线路
  16961. service tank ==> 供给箱,辅助油箱,常用油箱
  16962. service target practice ==> 实弹射击练习
  16963. service tariff of exclusive transmission project ==> 专用输电工程服务价,电网企业通过专用输电工程提供输送电能服务的价格
  16964. service tee ==> 接户三通
  16965. service telegram ==> 业务电报
  16966. service telephone ==> 公务电话
  16967. service telex call(s) ==> 业务电报
  16968. service temperature ==> 工作温度,操作温度
  16969. service test ==> 使用试验,性能试验,出力试验
  16970. service test model ==> 性能试验模型
  16971. service time ==> 使用时间,配种期,业务时间
  16972. service time distribution ==> 服务时间分布
  16973. service tools ==> 维修工具
  16974. service trade ==> 服务贸易
  16975. service trades ==> 服务行业
  16976. service trial ==> 运行试验,使用试验
  16977. service tunnel ==> 工作隧洞
  16978. service unit ==> 服务单位,服务装置
  16979. service utility ==> 服务效用
  16980. service valve ==> 工作阀门,备用阀,检修阀
  16981. service velocity ==> 标准初速
  16982. service voltage ==> 使用电压,供电电压=>使用電圧,供給電圧(電力)
  16983. service volume ==> 勤务空间
  16984. service water ==> 工厂用水,家用水
  16985. service water system ==> 厂用水系统
  16986. service wear ==> 工作磨损,使用损耗,使用性磨损
  16987. service wear index ==> 实用耐磨指数
  16988. service weight ==> 工作重
  16989. service weldability ==> 使用焊接性,使用可焊性
  16990. service well ==> 补给井
  16991. service wholesaler ==> 提供服务的批发商
  16992. service wire ==> 入户线,引入线=>引込線
  16993. service-building elevator ==> 建筑用提升机
  16994. service-drop wire ==> 引込線
  16995. service-free life ==> 无保养使用期
  16996. service-rack ==> 洗车台
  16997. service-routine address ==> 服务程序地址
  16998. service-seeking ==> 服务查询,查找服务
  16999. service-seeking pause ==> 查找服务暂停,服务查询暂停
  17000. service-shock resistance ==> 实用上的耐冲击性
  17001. service-simulated conditions ==> 模拟使用条件,运转服务条件
  17002. service-test guided missile ==> 试用导弹
  17003. service-test machine ==> 使用试验机
  17004. service-test missile ==> 试用导弹
  17005. service-type bussiness ==> 服务型行业
  17006. service-type labor ==> 服务性劳动
  17007. service-type test ==> 移交试验,使用状态试验
  17008. serviceability ==> 使用可靠性,操作上的可靠性,操作性能,可服务性,可维护性,可维修性,耐用性=>保守性
  17009. serviceability (RAS) ==> 性能最佳性
  17010. serviceability level indicator processing (SLIP) ==> 可服务性级别指示处理,服务性级指示器处理
  17011. serviceability level indicator processing trap ==> 可服务级指示器处理陷阱
  17012. serviceability limitation ==> 使用性能范围
  17013. serviceability ratio ==> 使用可靠性系数,可服务时间比,耐用率
  17014. serviceability temperature ==> 使用温度
  17015. serviceability test ==> 耐用性试验
  17016. serviceable chest ==> 多用柜
  17017. serviceable condition ==> 完好状态,可使用状态
  17018. serviceable life ==> 耐用年限,使用年限,使用期=>使用可能寿命
  17019. serviceable parts ==> 使用可能部品
  17020. serviceable range ==> 使用范围
  17021. serviceable supplies ==> 使用可能補給品
  17022. serviceable time ==> 可服务时间
  17023. serviceable vehicle ==> 实用车辆
  17024. serviced land ==> 有设施用地
  17025. serviceman ==> 维修人员,修理工
  17026. servicer ==> 燃料加注车,业务人员
  17027. services for business negotiations ==> 洽商服务
  17028. services for trade talks ==> 洽商服务
  17029. services in a group of associated enterprises ==> 联营企业集团内部提供的劳务
  17030. services per conception ==> 一次妊娠配种次数
  17031. servicing account ==> 维持帐户
  17032. servicing crew ==> 技术维护班
  17033. servicing engineering time ==> 维修时间
  17034. servicing factor ==> 服务因素
  17035. servicing installation (SE) ==> 维修设备
  17036. servicing machine ==> 维修机械
  17037. servicing materials ==> 维修材料
  17038. servicing structure ==> 辅助装置
  17039. servicing system ==> 服务系统
  17040. servicing time ==> 预检时间
  17041. serving ==> 电缆外皮=>ジュート巻
  17042. serving performance ==> 配种性能
  17043. servo ==> 继动,执行机构,随动系统,伺服,伺服电动机,伺服机,交流伺服装置=>交流サーボ装置
  17044. servo accelerometer ==> 伺服加速度计
  17045. servo action ==> 继电作用
  17046. servo actuator ==> 伺服传动机构
  17047. servo amplifier ==> 伺服放大器=>サーボ増幅器
  17048. servo balancing type ==> 追従比較形(ディジタル電圧計)
  17049. servo board ==> 伺服机构试验台
  17050. servo brake ==> 加力制动器
  17051. servo brakes ==> 伺服制动器
  17052. servo channel ==> 伺服通道,伺服信号电路
  17053. servo clutch ==> 伺服离合器
  17054. servo computer ==> 伺服计算机
  17055. servo control ==> 继动控制=>サーボ制御
  17056. servo control for linear motion ==> 直线运动伺服控制
  17057. servo control mechanism ==> 伺服机构
  17058. servo control of lensiris ==> 透镜光阑的伺服控制
  17059. servo control receiver ==> 伺服接收机
  17060. servo control unit ==> 随动操纵装置
  17061. servo controller ==> 伺服控制器
  17062. servo curve plotter ==> 伺服绘图器
  17063. servo cutout switch panel ==> 伺服断路开关盘
  17064. servo driver ==> 伺服驱动器
  17065. servo dynamics ==> 伺服机构动力学
  17066. servo element ==> 随动系统元件
  17067. servo feed system ==> 伺服进给系统
  17068. servo function generator ==> 伺服函数发生器
  17069. servo generator ==> 伺服发电机
  17070. servo governor ==> 伺服控制器
  17071. servo head ==> 伺服磁头
  17072. servo head wheel ==> 伺服磁鼓
  17073. servo integrator ==> 伺服积分器
  17074. servo jack ==> 伺服千斤顶
  17075. servo loop ==> 单环伺服机构
  17076. servo manipulator ==> 伺服机械手,伺服机械手
  17077. servo modulation ==> 伺服调制
  17078. servo noise ==> 伺服系统噪声
  17079. servo operated valve ==> 伺服传动阀
  17080. servo parameter ==> 伺服系统参数,随动系统参数
  17081. servo relief valve ==> 伺服安全阀,继动安全阀
  17082. servo resolver ==> 伺服解算器
  17083. servo response rate ==> 伺服响应率
  17084. servo sensor ==> 伺服式传感器
  17085. servo simulator ==> 伺服模拟装置
  17086. servo stabilization ==> 伺服稳定性
  17087. servo swap ==> 交替换带
  17088. servo system ==> 从动系统,伺服机构=>サーボ系
  17089. servo system drive ==> 伺服传动装置
  17090. servo transducer ==> 伺服式传感器
  17091. servo type ==> 伺服型
  17092. servo typer ==> 伺服印字机
  17093. servo valve ==> 伺服阀,从动阀
  17094. servo-actuated control ==> 从动控制
  17095. servo-actuator ==> 伺服电机,伺服拖动装置,伺服执行机构,伺服作功器
  17096. servo-amplifier ==> 伺服增幅器
  17097. servo-analog computer ==> 伺服模拟计算机,伺服模拟计算机
  17098. servo-assisted brake ==> 继动闸
  17099. servo-assisted steering ==> 继动转向
  17100. servo-balance potentiometer ==> 随机电位计
  17101. servo-computing element ==> 伺服运算元件
  17102. servo-control mechanism ==> 伺服控制机构
  17103. servo-control system ==> 伺服控制系统
  17104. servo-drive system ==> 伺服系统
  17105. servo-loop ==> 伺服回路,伺服系统
  17106. servo-loop control ==> 闭环随从自动调整系统
  17107. servo-loop model ==> 伺服回路模型
  17108. servo-lubrication ==> 中央分布润滑法
  17109. servo-motor ==> 伺服电动机
  17110. servo-operated control ==> 利用伺服机构控制
  17111. servo-operated mechanism ==> 伺服传动机构
  17112. servo-piston ==> 伺服活塞,活塞式随动传动装置
  17113. servo-positioning ==> 伺服定位
  17114. servo-recorder ==> 伺服记录器
  17115. servo-selsyn system ==> 随动自动同步机系统,追踪自动同步机系统
  17116. servo-stabilization ==> 伺服稳定
  17117. servo-tuning ==> 伺服调谐
  17118. servo-valve ==> 伺服操纵阀
  17119. servoamp (lifier) ==> 伺服放大器
  17120. servoamplifier ==> 伺服放大器
  17121. servoanalyzer ==> 伺服分析器,随动系统分析器
  17122. servobrake ==> 伺服制动器
  17123. servocontrol ==> 伺服控制
  17124. servocontrol for linear motion ==> 直线运动的伺服控制
  17125. servocontrol mirror ==> 伺服控制镜
  17126. servocontrolled axis ==> 伺服控制轴
  17127. servocontrolled scanning interferometer ==> 伺服控制扫描干涉仪,随动控制扫描干涉仪
  17128. servocontroller ==> 伺服控制器
  17129. servocylinder ==> 伺服缸
  17130. servodrive ==> 随动传动,伺服传动,伺服拖动,助力传动
  17131. servodriven ==> 伺服系统驱动
  17132. servodriver ==> 伺服传动器,伺服传动装置
  17133. servodyne ==> 伺服系统的动力传动
  17134. Servofrax ==> (三硫化二砷透红外材料)塞沃弗雷克斯
  17135. servogear ==> 伺服机构
  17136. servohydraulic actuator ==> 液压伺服执行机构
  17137. servohydraulic cylinder ==> 液压助力缸
  17138. servohydraulic rotary motor ==> 液压伺服转子马达
  17139. servolink ==> 伺服传动装置
  17140. servomagnet ==> 伺服电磁铁
  17141. servomanometer ==> 伺服压力计,伺服压力计
  17142. servomechanism ==> 伺服传动,伺服传动系统,伺服机构,伺服机构,伺服机制,助力机构,伺服系统,实现输出变量精确地跟随或复现输入变量的控制系统,亦称伺服机械装置=>サーボ機構
  17143. servomechanism installation ==> 伺服装置
  17144. servomechanism tester ==> 伺服系统测试仪,随动系统测试仪,随动系统调谐操纵台
  17145. servomechanism types ==> 伺服机构类型
  17146. servomodulator ==> 伺服调制器,伺服调制器
  17147. servomotor ==> 伺服机构能源,伺服马达,接力器,伺服电动机,输出参数(如位置、速度、加速度或力矩等)可被控制的交流或直流电动机=>サーボモータ
  17148. servomotor cylinder ==> 接力器缸
  17149. servomotor for throttle regulation ==> 风门伺服器
  17150. servomotor valve ==> 发动机助力阀
  17151. servomultiplier ==> 伺服乘法器
  17152. servonoise ==> 伺服干扰
  17153. servopiston ==> 伺服活塞
  17154. servopotentiometer ==> 伺服电位计
  17155. servoprogramming ==> 伺服程序设计
  17156. servopump ==> 伺服泵,伺服泵
  17157. servoresolver ==> 伺服分解器
  17158. servoscribe recorder ==> 伺服笔绘记录仪
  17159. servosimulator ==> 伺服仿真机,伺服模拟机,模拟伺服机构
  17160. servostabilization ==> 人工稳定
  17161. servosteering ==> 动力转向
  17162. servosystem ==> 伺服系统
  17163. servotab ==> 伺服补偿机,伺服补偿机
  17164. servotable ==> 伺服转台
  17165. servounit ==> 伺服单位,伺服机构,伺服机构,助力机构
  17166. servovalve ==> 伺服阀
  17167. SES, science and engineering of space ==> 宇宙科学工学
  17168. SES, Ship Earth Station ==> 船舶地球局
  17169. SES, shuttle engineering simulator ==> シャトルエンジニアリングシミュレータ
  17170. SES, south earth sensor ==> 南側地球センサ
  17171. SES, system engineering simulator ==> システムエンジニアリングシミュレータ
  17172. SESAC, Space and Earth Science Advisory Committee ==> 宇宙地球科学諮問委員会
  17173. sesame ==> 芝麻
  17174. sesame flower ==> 芝麻花
  17175. sesame meal ==> 芝麻饼粉
  17176. sesame oil ==> 芝麻油,麻油
  17177. sesame seed ==> 芝麻籽
  17178. sesame soy ==> 芝麻酱
  17179. sesame spot glaze ==> 麻点釉
  17180. sesamoid bone ==> 籽骨
  17181. sesamoid cartilage ==> 籽状软骨
  17182. SESL, Space Environment Simulation Laboratory ==> 宇宙環境シミュレーション研究所
  17183. sesquioxidic clay ==> 铁铝性粘土
  17184. sesquisideband transmission ==> 倍半边带传输
  17185. sessile ==> 固着的,广基型,无蒂的
  17186. sessile antibody ==> 固着的抗体,固着抗体
  17187. sessile benthos ==> 无柄水底植物
  17188. sessile dislocation ==> 不动位错,不滑动位错
  17189. sessile drop method ==> 固着液滴法,(测定表面张力)液滴法
  17190. sessile hydatid ==> 囊状附件
  17191. sessile leaf ==> 无柄叶
  17192. sessile organism ==> 附着生物,底栖固着生物
  17193. sessile-flowered oak ==> 无柄花柔毛栎
  17194. session ==> 对话,对话期,对话期间,(如前市,后市)交易所等市场的市=>セッション,会議
  17195. session activation ==> 对话激活,对话期激活
  17196. session activation request ==> 对话激活请求
  17197. session address space ==> 对话地址空间
  17198. session awareness block (SAB) ==> 对话察觉块,对话内情块
  17199. session commitment unit ==> 管理工作间隔的约会块
  17200. session control ==> 对话期间的控制,会话控制,话路控制=>セッション制御
  17201. session control (SC) ==> 对话控制
  17202. session count ==> 对话计数
  17203. session credit ==> 学年学分
  17204. session cryptographic key ==> 对话密码键
  17205. session cryptography seed ==> 对话密码初始值,对话密码籽值
  17206. session date ==> 对话日期
  17207. session deactivation ==> 对话撤消
  17208. session deactivation request ==> 对话撤消请求
  17209. session end ==> 对话端
  17210. session establishment ==> 对话建立
  17211. session information block (SIB) ==> 对话信息块
  17212. session initiation ==> 对话开始,对话期开始,会话启动
  17213. session initiation request ==> 对话启动请求
  17214. session layer ==> 对话层
  17215. session limit ==> 对话限量
  17216. session manager ==> 对话管理程序
  17217. session network service ==> 对话网络服务
  17218. session pacing ==> 对话调步
  17219. session parameter ==> 对话参数
  17220. session partner ==> 对话伙伴
  17221. session presentation service ==> 对话表示服务
  17222. session quarantine unit ==> 不可分的约会部件
  17223. session seed ==> 对话初始值,对话籽值
  17224. session sequence identifier ==> 对话顺序标识符
  17225. session sequence number ==> 对话顺序号
  17226. session service ==> 对话服务
  17227. session started command ==> 会话启动命令
  17228. session started message ==> 会话启动信息
  17229. session structure ==> 会话结构
  17230. session termination ==> 会话终止,对话中止
  17231. session termination request ==> 对话中止请求
  17232. session trace ==> 对话跟踪
  17233. session trace data ==> 对话跟踪数据
  17234. session-establishment macroinstruction ==> 对话建立宏指令
  17235. session-establishment request ==> 对话建立请求
  17236. session-level pacing ==> 对话级调步
  17237. set ==> 变定,安置,机,集,置,置位,固着,凝固,批,抹灰罩面层,长插条,调节,调整,整齿,整锯齿,定势,对准,硬化,永久变形,组织=>セット,集合
  17238. set (moonset) ==> 月没
  17239. set a file ==> 集合文件
  17240. set a young ==> 一窝仔畜
  17241. set algebra ==> 集合代数
  17242. set analyser(-yzer) ==> 通信机试验器
  17243. set analyzer ==> 测定器
  17244. set and assembling parts department ==> 配件部
  17245. set and locking screw ==> 止动及锁紧螺钉
  17246. set aside ==> 拨出,闲置
  17247. set assembling ==> 总成装配
  17248. set back front axle ==> 后移前轴
  17249. set bar ==> 锁栓
  17250. set bit ==> 嵌镶钻头
  17251. set block ==> 整齿铁钻,块规
  17252. set bolt ==> 固定螺栓
  17253. set breakpoint ==> 设置断点
  17254. set casing ==> 固定壳
  17255. set chisel ==> 尖凿
  17256. set clause ==> 集子句
  17257. set clock ==> 置位时钟
  17258. set coil ==> 置位线圈
  17259. set collar ==> 固定轴承环,顶梁,定位环,定位轴环
  17260. set command ==> 置位指令
  17261. set composite ==> 报话复合制组件,复合回路,双信回路
  17262. set control ==> 置位控制
  17263. set copper ==> 凹铜
  17264. set covering ==> 集合覆盖
  17265. set covering problem ==> 集合覆盖问题
  17266. set deformation ==> 永久变形
  17267. set description entry ==> 系描述项
  17268. set design ==> 布景设计
  17269. set die ==> 铆钉模
  17270. set difference ==> 集合差
  17271. set dominant flip-flop ==> セット優先フリップフロップ
  17272. set enable ==> 可置位
  17273. set entry ==> 系项
  17274. set equality ==> 集合相等
  17275. set feeler ==> 定位触点,调整触点
  17276. set flush ==> 顶格排版
  17277. set forth ==> 阐述
  17278. set forward ==> 前冲运动
  17279. set forward force ==> 前冲力
  17280. set forward point ==> 预期前方点
  17281. set frame ==> 整条机,制条机
  17282. set free ==> 释,游离
  17283. set function ==> 集合関数
  17284. set ga(u)ge ==> 定位规
  17285. set gate ==> 随模浇口
  17286. set girt(h) ==> 支架横撑
  17287. set grazing ==> 固定放牧,定牧
  17288. set hammer ==> 压印锤,陷型锤,击平锤
  17289. set hoop ==> 紧定环箍,定位环
  17290. set identification ==> 文件组标识
  17291. set in the narrow sense ==> 狭义集
  17292. set in use ==> (电视机)开机率
  17293. set in use (电视机) ==> 开机率
  17294. set inclusion ==> 集合蕴涵
  17295. set index instruction ==> 设定变址指令
  17296. set inhibit ==> 禁置位
  17297. set interference ==> 机内干扰,本身干扰
  17298. set intersection ==> 集合交
  17299. set key ==> 柱螺栓键
  17300. set language ==> 集合语言
  17301. set level ==> 支平,放平
  17302. set lever ==> 摇尺杆,锁紧手柄
  17303. set light ==> 照明装置
  17304. set lights ==> 照明设备
  17305. set line-and-grade stakes ==> 设置平面与坡度桩
  17306. set location mode ==> 置位定位方式,系存放方式
  17307. set member ==> 系成员,成员组,从记录,棚架构件,集合成员
  17308. set method ==> 永久变形测定法
  17309. set mining method ==> 支柱采矿法
  17310. set name ==> 集合名,集名
  17311. set noise ==> 机内噪声,本身固有噪声=>機器雑音
  17312. set occurrence ==> 集具体值
  17313. set of axes ==> 轴系
  17314. set of bands ==> 带组,谱带组
  17315. set of bills ==> 成套单据
  17316. set of bills of loading ==> 整套提单
  17317. set of boundary conditions ==> 边界条件系统
  17318. set of brushes ==> 电刷组
  17319. set of car ==> 车组
  17320. set of characteristics ==> 特征线系
  17321. set of complex numbers ==> 复数集
  17322. set of conventional signs ==> 图式符号系统
  17323. set of coordinates ==> 坐标系
  17324. set of curves ==> 曲线组
  17325. set of data ==> 诸元
  17326. set of degeneracy ==> 退化点集
  17327. set of elementary event ==> 基本事件集
  17328. set of engines ==> 发动机组
  17329. set of equation ==> 联立方程
  17330. set of equipment ==> 整套设备
  17331. set of exchange ==> 联单汇票
  17332. set of fluidization ==> 流态化起点
  17333. set of fork spanners ==> 成套叉形扳手
  17334. set of homologous lines ==> 均称谱线组,均称谱线组
  17335. set of hyperemia of bulbar conjunctiva ==> 白睛暴赤
  17336. set of inequalities ==> 不等式组
  17337. set of inequalities of probability ==> 概率的不等式集
  17338. set of instructions ==> 指令表,指令系统,指令组
  17339. set of knives ==> 动刀片组
  17340. set of node ==> 节点集
  17341. set of nonnegative integer ==> 非负整数集
  17342. set of oil piping ==> 套装油管,润滑油压力油管套装在回油管内,以防止压力油管破裂时向外漏油引起火灾
  17343. set of operating conditions ==> 操作条件组
  17344. set of particles ==> 质点集
  17345. set of patterns ==> 模式集
  17346. set of points ==> 点集
  17347. set of posts ==> 接线柱组
  17348. set of pulleys ==> 滑车组
  17349. set of residuals ==> 残差集
  17350. set of rolls ==> 全套轧辊
  17351. set of rotor vanes ==> 转子叶栅组
  17352. set of rules ==> 规则组
  17353. set of spare parts ==> 成套备件
  17354. set of spare units ==> 成套备用零部件
  17355. set of structural equations ==> 结构方程组
  17356. set of symbols ==> 符号组
  17357. set of teeth ==> 锯齿偏侧度,锯齿偏侧度
  17358. set of terminals ==> 端子对
  17359. set of the rolls ==> 辊筒组
  17360. set of tools ==> 全套工具
  17361. set of tubes ==> 成套电子管
  17362. set of variables ==> 变数组
  17363. set of weights ==> 砝码组
  17364. set of wires ==> 梳针定位
  17365. set operation ==> 集合操作,集合运算
  17366. set option ==> 集合选择
  17367. set ordering criteria ==> 系定序准则
  17368. set owner ==> 系主,集的所有者
  17369. set pair ==> 集对,集合对
  17370. set partition ==> 集划分
  17371. set partitioning problem ==> 集合划分问题
  17372. set piece ==> 调整块,定位块
  17373. set pin ==> 定位销,定位销钉,销钉
  17374. set pin for scraper blade ==> 刮板固定销
  17375. set pin sleeve ==> 定位销套
  17376. set piston ==> 调整活塞
  17377. set plaster ==> 硬化烧石膏
  17378. set point ==> 凝结点,调定点=>設定値,目標値(自動制御)
  17379. set point adjuster ==> 给定值调节器,定值调节器
  17380. set point command ==> 给定值指令
  17381. set point control ==> 设定点控制,设定值控制
  17382. set point of temperature ==> 规定温度
  17383. set point value ==> 选定点值
  17384. set prescription ==> 成方
  17385. set press ==> 压力机=>セットプレス
  17386. set pressure ==> 调定压力,[安全阀]整定压力,安全阀起座压力与回座压力之差,一般以整定压力的百分数表示。
  17387. set pressure for safety valve ==> 安全阀的调定压力
  17388. set pulse ==> 置位脉冲
  17389. set round ==> 矫圆
  17390. set rule ==> 定位尺
  17391. set run ==> 装定的航程
  17392. set sail ==> 启航
  17393. set screw ==> 紧定螺钉,调节螺钉,定位螺丝,定位螺旋,止动螺钉
  17394. set screw piston pin ==> 固定螺钉式活塞销
  17395. set screw spanner ==> 止动螺钉扳手
  17396. set screw wrench ==> 止动螺钉扳手
  17397. set section ==> 系节
  17398. set seed ==> 结籽
  17399. set selection ==> 集选择
  17400. set selection criteria ==> 集合选择准则
  17401. set sill ==> 支架底梁
  17402. set solid ==> 满排
  17403. set spring ==> 离合杆簧
  17404. set square ==> 三角尺
  17405. set statement ==> 集语句
  17406. set stock ==> 定牧畜群
  17407. set stocking ==> 定牧,固定放牧
  17408. set stud ==> 定位销
  17409. set subentry ==> 系子登记项
  17410. set swinging ==> 支架安装
  17411. set symbol ==> 集合符,设定符
  17412. set system algebra ==> 集系代数
  17413. set tap ==> 手用丝锥
  17414. set tester ==> 試験器
  17415. set the azimuth ==> 装定方位角
  17416. set the standard ==> 控制标准
  17417. set theoretic definition ==> 集合论定义
  17418. set theoretic language ==> 集合论语言
  17419. set theory ==> 集合论,集论=>集合論
  17420. set thrust plate ==> 推力挡板
  17421. set time ==> 规定时间,变定时间
  17422. set time counter ==> 置位时间计数器
  17423. set to exact size ==> 调整到正确尺寸
  17424. set to zero ==> 调到零,零调整
  17425. set type ==> 类型,集合类型
  17426. set union ==> 集合并
  17427. set up ==> 设,安设,准备,调试
  17428. set up a business ==> 开业
  17429. set up a machine ==> 使用机器,调整机器
  17430. set up business ==> 经营,经营
  17431. set up hard ==> 拉紧
  17432. set up in business ==> 开始营业
  17433. set upper limit ==> 规定的上限
  17434. set value ==> 假定值,设定值=>設定値
  17435. set value for safety system ==> 安全系统整定值,为防止出现超过安全限值的状态,而对相关自动保护装置预先设置的、在发生预计运行事件或事故工况时该装置启动的触发点
  17436. set value of controlled variable ==> 受控变量给定值
  17437. set width ==> 铅字宽度
  17438. set work ==> 摇尺机构
  17439. set wrench ==> 止动螺钉扳手
  17440. set yielding ==> 永久变形
  17441. set(setting,level,given) pressure ==> 定压
  17442. SET, servicing technology group ==> サービステクノロジーグループ
  17443. SET, space environmental testing ==> 宇宙環境試験
  17444. set-associative organization ==> 成组相联结构
  17445. set-back ==> 停止
  17446. set-back levee ==> 套堤
  17447. set-back scale ==> 零调整刻度盘
  17448. set-depth ==> 埋入深度
  17449. set-forward device ==> 提前量计算器
  17450. set-forward rule ==> 提前量计算尺
  17451. set-forward scale ==> 提前量分划盘
  17452. set-frame ==> 制条机
  17453. set-hands dial ==> 校准用小钟盘,调整指针刻度盘
  17454. set-head rivet ==> 平头铆钉,型头铆钉
  17455. set-hold circuit ==> 置位保持电路
  17456. set-iron ==> 金属样板
  17457. set-off ==> 凸缘,突出部,断流
  17458. set-oriented language ==> 集合型语言
  17459. set-out detail ==> 放样详图
  17460. set-out of mold rains ==> 出梅
  17461. set-out of plum rains ==> 出梅
  17462. set-point ==> 置位点=>目標値
  17463. set-point command ==> 设定命令,向受控站传送运行设备所需状态为某一值的命令,该命令保存在受控站中
  17464. set-point scale ==> 定点标度
  17465. set-pressure ==> 整定压力
  17466. set-reset ==> 置位复位
  17467. set-reset control ==> 置位复位控制
  17468. set-reset flip flop ==> 置位复位触发器
  17469. set-reset pulse ==> 置位复位脉冲
  17470. set-reset word ==> 置位复位字
  17471. set-root ==> (种根)临时根
  17472. set-screw wrench ==> 固位螺钉扳手
  17473. set-stock grazing ==> 定区放牧法
  17474. set-theoretic topology ==> 集-理论拓扑学,集合拓扑学
  17475. set-theoretical topology ==> 集合論的位相幾何,一般位相幾何
  17476. set-up ==> 机构,安置,编排,组装,装配调整,准备工作,调整
  17477. set-up circuitry ==> 调定电路
  17478. set-up diagram ==> 准备工作框图,设置图
  17479. set-up error ==> 安全误差,调定误差
  17480. set-up instrument ==> 调定仪表
  17481. set-up level ==> セットアップレベル
  17482. set-up procedure ==> 调整步骤,准备程序
  17483. set-up production ==> 正规生产
  17484. set-up register ==> 设定寄存器
  17485. set-up scale ==> 无零标度
  17486. set-up scale instrument (刻度不是从零开始的仪表) ==> 无零点的仪表
  17487. set-up sheet ==> 装配图表
  17488. set-up spring ==> 预压弹簧
  17489. set-up the finishing mill ==> 调整精整机
  17490. set-up time ==> 装工具时间,展开时间,设置时间
  17491. set-up unit ==> 装定机构
  17492. set-up wheel ==> 研磨整形砂轮
  17493. set-up-scale meter ==> 无零点刻度仪表
  17494. set-value adjuster ==> 设定值调整器
  17495. set-valued mapping ==> 集值映射
  17496. seta ==> 刚毛
  17497. setal map ==> 毛序图
  17498. setal membrane ==> 毛窝膜
  17499. setamine blue ==> 毛胺蓝
  17500. setback building ==> 台阶式建筑
  17501. setback buttress ==> 角扶壁,收进式扶垛
  17502. setback corner joint ==> 内收转角缝
  17503. setback force ==> 后退力
  17504. setback line ==> 收进线
  17505. setback pin ==> 惯性销
  17506. setback type ==> 台阶式
  17507. SETI ==> 地球外知的生命体探査
  17508. SETI, search for extra terrestrial intelligence ==> 地球外文明探査
  17509. setiferous sense organ ==> 刚毛感觉
  17510. Seto inland sea ==> 瀬戸内海
  17511. setoff right ==> 相殺権
  17512. setoff sheet ==> 間紙
  17513. seton ==> 排液線
  17514. seton wound preventing plate ==> 线伤痕防护板
  17515. Setonaikai National Park ==> 瀬戸内海国立公園
  17516. setose asparagus ==> 文竹
  17517. setover method ==> 偏置法,跨距法
  17518. setover screw ==> 偏距螺钉
  17519. sets room ==> 大型道具室
  17520. setscrew ==> 固定螺钉
  17521. sett frame ==> 成条机
  17522. sett grease ==> 冷煮润滑脂
  17523. sett of timber ==> 一车组材
  17524. sett paving ==> 方块铺面层
  17525. settable orifice ==> 可变节流口
  17526. setter plate ==> (装窑用)垫板
  17527. setter up ==> 蝶工
  17528. setting ==> 高定值,高值整定,整定,正确的选择和调整继电保护系统(装置)的动作参数(故障的启动值和动作时间)的工作=>設定,据付け,根入れ(電柱)
  17529. setting accelerator ==> 凝固催速剂,凝结加速剂,促凝剂
  17530. setting accuracy ==> 整定精确性,调整精度,定位精度
  17531. setting accuracy on work ==> 加工坐标精度
  17532. setting agent ==> 硬化剂
  17533. setting and lustring ==> 定形及上光
  17534. setting angle ==> 装置角,安装角=>取り付け角
  17535. setting angle of blade ==> 叶片安装角=>取り付け角
  17536. setting area ==> 布景区
  17537. setting base for counter weight ==> 配重块底座
  17538. setting basin ==> 沉沙池
  17539. setting block ==> 整锯器
  17540. setting bolt spring ==> 压簧
  17541. setting calculation ==> 整定计算,根据对保护装置的要求和电力系统运行的情况,对保护装置的动作值、动作时间等动作参数进行计算以给出其合理值
  17542. setting circle ==> 定位度盘,定位圆
  17543. setting circuit ==> 置位电路
  17544. setting coat ==> 精修饰涂层,抹灰面层,抹灰罩面层
  17545. setting command ==> 整定命令,整定指令
  17546. setting condition ==> 凝固状况
  17547. setting current ==> 整定电流
  17548. setting density ==> 植针密度
  17549. setting depth ==> 埋入深度=>根入れ(電柱)
  17550. setting device ==> 设定装置
  17551. setting dial ==> 调节盘
  17552. setting effect ==> 凝固效应
  17553. setting element ==> 定位元件
  17554. setting error ==> 装定误差
  17555. setting expansion ==> 凝结膨胀
  17556. setting finger ==> 定位指
  17557. setting free the crown ==> 树冠疏枝
  17558. setting gage ==> 定位规
  17559. setting gauge ==> 标准量规
  17560. setting height(from bottom) ==> 安装高度
  17561. setting in seedling ==> 插秧
  17562. setting knob ==> 调整旋钮,调定旋钮
  17563. setting leak ==> 砌体漏泄
  17564. setting lever ==> 倒换杠杆,移动杆,操纵杆
  17565. setting limit ==> 落限
  17566. setting load ==> 初撑力
  17567. setting machine ==> 码坯机,定型机
  17568. setting mark ==> 定位符号
  17569. setting means ==> 整定元件
  17570. setting mechanism ==> 整定机构,固定装置
  17571. setting medium ==> 凝固介质
  17572. setting movement ==> 定位运动
  17573. setting of fracture ==> 骨折复位术,接骨
  17574. setting of valve ==> 阀的装配
  17575. setting out ==> 放线
  17576. setting out detail ==> 放样详图
  17577. setting out rice seedling ==> 插秧
  17578. setting percentage ==> 结实率
  17579. setting period ==> 凝结期
  17580. setting plan ==> 平面装配图
  17581. setting plane ==> 装配平面图
  17582. setting plate ==> 垫板
  17583. setting point ==> 调整点,下落点
  17584. setting pressure ==> 初撑力,给定压力,安装压力,设定压力
  17585. setting pulse ==> 置位脉冲
  17586. setting range ==> 整定范围=>制定範囲, All the predetermined setting values obtainable on a relay.
  17587. setting range of the characteristic quantity ==> 特性量的整定范围,在规定条件下继电器(或其他器件)应该动作的特性量门限值的范围
  17588. setting rate ==> 凝固速度,硬化速度
  17589. setting ratio ==> 成果率
  17590. setting ring ==> 引信固定环
  17591. setting screw ==> 定位螺钉,定位螺旋
  17592. setting strip ==> 配合条
  17593. setting switch ==> 转接开关,置位开关
  17594. setting tank ==> 沉淀箱
  17595. setting temperature ==> 凝固温度
  17596. setting test ==> 凝固试验
  17597. setting the pace for heavy industry ==> 突出重工业
  17598. setting time ==> 凝固时间=>整定時間
  17599. setting time apparatus ==> 凝固时间测定仪
  17600. setting tool ==> 调整用工具
  17601. setting tools ==> 切肩用具
  17602. setting up business ==> 开业
  17603. setting up cost ==> 准备成本
  17604. setting up error ==> 安装误差
  17605. setting value ==> 给定值,设定值,整定值,经过整定计算和试验,所得出保护装置(或继电器)完成预定保护功能所需的动作参数(动作值、动作时间等)规定值
  17606. setting value of the characteristic quantity ==> 特性量的整定值,在规定条件下继电器(或其他器件)应该动作的特性量的门限值
  17607. setting value==setting value … ==> 整定値
  17608. setting wheel ==> 校针轮
  17609. setting-out ==> 画线,平展
  17610. setting-out detail ==> 定线详图
  17611. setting-out diagram ==> 放样草图
  17612. setting-out line ==> 划定的线,测定的线
  17613. setting-out machine ==> 除屑机
  17614. setting-out rod ==> 定线杆,定线桩
  17615. setting-out work ==> 定线工作,放线工作
  17616. setting-point test ==> 凝固点试验
  17617. setting-sun sign ==> 落日征
  17618. setting-up cost ==> 生产调整准备成本
  17619. setting-up expense ==> 生产调整准备费用,开业准备费用
  17620. setting-up of beam ==> 束流调定
  17621. setting-up piece ==> 固定垫片
  17622. setting-up procedure ==> 调整顺序
  17623. setting-up screw ==> 固定螺钉,调距螺栓
  17624. settle a bill ==> 付帐
  17625. settle a claim ==> 付帐,解决索赔,清算债务
  17626. settle accounts ==> 清结
  17627. settle an account ==> 结算
  17628. settle blow ==> 朴气
  17629. settle dispute ==> 解决争议
  17630. settle mark ==> 收缩标志
  17631. settle tank ==> 澄清槽
  17632. settle time ==> 稳定时间
  17633. settle-out time ==> 进入终态时间
  17634. settleable matter ==> 可沉淀物质
  17635. settleable solids test ==> 可沉固体试验
  17636. settled account ==> 已结清帐款
  17637. settled grease ==> 成层滑脂
  17638. settled ground ==> 沉实地层
  17639. settled material ==> 沉渣
  17640. settlement ==> 澄清,沉降,沉陷,沉渣,结算,居住区,居住区,清偿,移民点,固定,确定,定居点=>確定
  17641. settlement & billing subsystem, SBS ==> 结算管理子系统,在电力市场运营系统中,依据市场规则对市场参与者进行考核和结算的子系统
  17642. settlement account ==> 结算帐户,市场主体在市场运营机构建立的用于结算电费的帐户
  17643. settlement analysis ==> 沉降分析
  17644. settlement based on system marginal price ==> 按边际价格结算,以系统边际电价作为市场的统一出清价,所有成交电量均根据此价格进行结算
  17645. settlement basis ==> 決済ベース
  17646. settlement by agreement ==> 协商和解
  17647. settlement check ==> 清算支票
  17648. settlement coefficient ==> 沉降系数
  17649. settlement contour ==> 沉降等值线,等沉降线
  17650. settlement cracks of walling ==> 墙身沉陷裂缝
  17651. settlement crater ==> 沉陷坑
  17652. settlement curve ==> 沉降曲线
  17653. settlement date ==> 清算日
  17654. settlement day ==> 清算日,结算日,交割日,记息日
  17655. settlement device ==> 沉陷测定装置
  17656. settlement discount ==> 结算折扣
  17657. settlement due to excavation ==> 开挖引起的沉降
  17658. settlement estate duty ==> 遗产税
  17659. settlement expectancy ==> 预计沉降量
  17660. settlement failure ==> 沉陷破坏
  17661. settlement for cash ==> 现金结算
  17662. settlement fund ==> 结算资金,清算资金
  17663. settlement gauge ==> 沉降计,沉陷计
  17664. settlement inquiry ==> 结算质疑,各市场主体在收到市场运营机构出具的结算清单以后,有权对结算清单的内容进行查询和质疑,并要求市场运营机构就结算内容做出解释说明,这一过程称为结算质疑
  17665. settlement interval ==> 结算周期,市场主体两次结算的时间间隔
  17666. settlement isoline ==> 沉降等值线,等沉降线
  17667. settlement joint ==> 沉降缝,为适应地基不均匀沉降而设置的接缝
  17668. settlement loan ==> 结算货款
  17669. settlement management ==> 结算管理
  17670. settlement metre ==> 沉降测定计,沉陷计
  17671. settlement observation ==> 沉降观测,沉陷观测
  17672. settlement of account by letter of credit ==> 信用证结算
  17673. settlement of balance ==> 结清差额,结清余额
  17674. settlement of cash ==> 现金清算
  17675. settlement of claims ==> 理赔
  17676. settlement of debt ==> 清偿债务
  17677. settlement of exchange ==> 结汇
  17678. settlement of loss ==> 赔付损失
  17679. settlement of project payments ==> 工程价款结算,承包合同双方的货币结算,是承包合同价的具体实施,主要包括预付款、保留金和工程进度款
  17680. settlement of sewage ==> 污水沉淀
  17681. settlement of walling ==> 墙身沉陷
  17682. settlement on account ==> 记帐结算
  17683. settlement option ==> 清算方式选择权,结算方式选择权,赔款选择保险
  17684. settlement plate ==> 沉降板
  17685. settlement platform ==> 沉降平台
  17686. settlement prediction ==> 沉降预测,沉陷预测
  17687. settlement price ==> 结算价格,清算价格
  17688. settlement process ==> 沉降过程
  17689. settlement rate ==> 沉降速率,沉陷率=>決済レート
  17690. settlement risk ==> 清算风险
  17691. settlement service ==> 決済サービス
  17692. settlement slope ==> 沉陷斜度
  17693. settlement stress ==> 沉降应力
  17694. settlement term ==> 决算期,决算期
  17695. settlement terms ==> 清算条件
  17696. settlement test for emulsified asphalts ==> 乳化沥青沉淀试验
  17697. settlement variation ==> 清算变量
  17698. settlement warrant ==> 清帐支付命令
  17699. settlement with retiring partner ==> 退伙人股份清偿
  17700. settlement within quota ==> 限额结算
  17701. settlement-time curve ==> 沉降时间曲线
  17702. settlements date ==> 期日
  17703. settlements through accounts ==> 非现金结算
  17704. settling ==> 整定,沉淀,沉积=>沈殿
  17705. settling accelerator head tank ==> 助沉剂高位槽
  17706. settling account ==> 结算
  17707. settling agent ==> 助沉剂,理赔代理人
  17708. settling annulus ==> 环形沉降段
  17709. settling bank ==> 结算银行
  17710. settling basin ==> 沉淀池,沉降池,沈沙池
  17711. settling centrifuge ==> 沉降式离心机
  17712. settling chamber ==> 沉淀室,沉积室
  17713. settling character ==> 沉降特性
  17714. settling classifier ==> 沉降分级机
  17715. settling control ==> セトリング制御,引き込み制御
  17716. settling convection ==> 沉降对流作用
  17717. settling day ==> 结算日,清算日,交割日
  17718. settling drum ==> 沉降鼓
  17719. settling height ==> 沉降高度
  17720. settling lag ==> 沉降滞后
  17721. settling matter ==> 沉淀物
  17722. settling method ==> 沉淀法
  17723. settling out ==> 沉出
  17724. settling pit ==> 沉降坑
  17725. settling pond ==> 澄清池
  17726. settling rate ==> 沉淀速率
  17727. settling ratio ==> 沉降系数
  17728. settling reservoir ==> 沉沙水库
  17729. settling rounds ==> 稳炮射击
  17730. settling section ==> 沉降段,澄清段
  17731. settling tank ==> 沉淀槽,澄清槽,澄清桶,沉淀池,沉积池,沉清槽
  17732. settling term ==> 决算期,决算期
  17733. settling test ==> 金属液脱氧度试验
  17734. settling time ==> 沉淀时间,校正时间,还原时间=>整定時間
  17735. settling up cost ==> 清偿成本
  17736. settling velocity ==> 沉降速度
  17737. settling vessel ==> 沉降器
  17738. settling volume ==> 沈殿量
  17739. settling zone ==> 沉淀区
  17740. setulose leaf ==> 具柔毛叶,具柔毛叶
  17741. setup ==> 装置
  17742. setup amplitude ==> 顶托幅度
  17743. setup cost ==> 调整费用
  17744. setup man ==> 调整机器设备的工人
  17745. setup time ==> 准备时间
  17746. SETUP, shuttle electrical timeline utility program ==> シャトル電気使用時間プログラム
  17747. SEU, single event upset ==> シングル・イベント・アップセット(重イオンによるビット反転)
  17748. SEUL, support equipment utilization ==> 支援機器利用
  17749. seuse finder ==> 辨向器
  17750. SEV, Sending End Voltage ==> 送出電圧
  17751. seven by seven cable ==> 七股七丝钢索
  17752. seven core ==> 七芯的
  17753. seven formulae ==> 七方
  17754. seven important portals ==> 七冲门
  17755. Seven International Oil Majors ==> 七大国际石油公司
  17756. seven kinds of impairments ==> 七伤
  17757. seven orifices ==> 七窍
  17758. seven paradoxical pulse conditions ==> 七怪脉
  17759. seven prescriptions ==> 七方
  17760. seven-barks ==> 八仙花
  17761. seven-bearing crankshaft ==> 七支曲轴
  17762. seven-bit byte ==> 七位字节
  17763. seven-core connecting cable ==> 七芯连接电缆
  17764. seven-day disease ==> 七日病
  17765. seven-day notice deposit ==> 七日通知存款
  17766. seven-eighths rule ==> 八分之七定则
  17767. seven-element lens ==> 七元透镜
  17768. seven-ribbed ==> 具七脉的,具七脉的
  17769. seven-roll Abramsen miachine ==> 艾布拉姆森七辊矫直机
  17770. seven-segment code ==> 七段代码
  17771. seven-segment conversion ==> 七段变换
  17772. seven-segment driver ==> 七段驱动器
  17773. seven-segment numeric indicator ==> 七段数码显示器
  17774. seven-segment representation ==> 七段表示法
  17775. seven-stage lazer ==> 七级激光器
  17776. seven-stand forming mill ==> 七机座成形机
  17777. seven-star needle ==> 七星针
  17778. seven-tenths rule ==> 十分之七定则
  17779. seven-thirds rule ==> 三分之七定则
  17780. seven-track compatibility ==> 七道兼容性
  17781. seven-unit code ==> 七单位制电码
  17782. seven-unit error detecting code ==> 七位检错码
  17783. sever supply ==> 切断供给
  17784. severable contract ==> 可分开合同
  17785. several divisions of primary endosperm nucleus ==> 初生胚乳核的几次分裂
  17786. several generations ==> 几代
  17787. several hundred kilometers ==> 数百公里
  17788. several searchers ==> 多个搜索者
  17789. several surface arrays ==> 多面アレイ(太陽光発電システム)
  17790. several-for-one ==> 多对一
  17791. several-layer solenoid ==> 多层螺线管
  17792. severance ==> 分離
  17793. severance and conservation taxes ==> 开采和保护税
  17794. severance benefit ==> 退职福利金
  17795. severance felling ==> 离伐
  17796. severance pay ==> 退职费,解雇费,解雇金
  17797. severance tax ==> 采掘税
  17798. severe accident ==> 严重事故,严重性超过设计基准事故,造成堆芯损坏甚至可能有放射性物质向环境失控外泄后果的事故工况
  17799. severe accident procedure of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂严重事故处理规程,当核电厂无法执行所有事故处理规程,事故工况有可能演化成为可能导致反应堆堆芯严重损坏,甚至破坏安全壳完整性、造成环境放射性污染及公众人身伤亡的严重事故时所执行的一种特殊事故处理规程
  17800. severe arrhythmia ==> 严重心律失常
  17801. severe asphyxia in newborn ==> 新生儿重度窒息
  17802. severe calcification of valve ==> 瓣膜严重钙化
  17803. severe cold ==> 严寒
  17804. severe cystocele ==> 重度膀胱膨出
  17805. severe depletion of oxygen ==> 严重缺氧
  17806. severe drought ==> 严重干旱
  17807. severe duty drive ==> 重载传动
  17808. severe environment ==> 恶劣环境
  17809. severe error ==> 严重错误
  17810. severe frost ==> 严霜
  17811. severe headache ==> 剧烈头痛,剧烈头痛
  17812. severe heat stroke ==> 重症中暑
  17813. severe injury of muscle and bone ==> 筋骨寸断
  17814. severe intoxication ==> 重度中毒
  17815. severe jolt ==> 强烈振动
  17816. severe knock ==> 强烈爆震
  17817. severe mediterranean anemia ==> 重型地中海贫血
  17818. severe palpebral edema ==> 胞肿如桃,目封塞
  17819. severe palpitation ==> 忪悸,怔忡
  17820. severe poisoning ==> 重症中毒
  17821. severe radiation belt ==> 强辐射带
  17822. severe rugged environment ==> 苛刻环境
  17823. severe storm ==> 大暴雨,狂烈风暴,猛烈风暴
  17824. severe strain ==> 危险应变
  17825. severe stress ==> 危险应力
  17826. severe test ==> 严格试验
  17827. severe tolerance ==> 严格容限
  17828. severe toxemia of pregnancy ==> 重度妊娠中毒症
  17829. severe traumatic edema ==> 重创伤性水肿
  17830. severe-storm observation ==> 强风暴观测
  17831. severely affected plot ==> 严重受影响的小区
  17832. severely impair ==> 严重危害
  17833. severity code ==> 严格代码,严重出错码
  17834. severity factor ==> 严重程度因子,强度系数
  17835. severity index ==> 人体受冲击的剧烈程度指数
  17836. severity of braking ==> (汽车)制动强度
  17837. severity of grind ==> 研磨强度
  17838. severity rate ==> 严重事故率
  17839. severse weather ==> 恶劣天气
  17840. seville orange flower ==> 代代花
  17841. sew-knitting machine ==> 缝编机
  17842. sewagage ==> 下水道
  17843. sewagage dredger ==> 挖泥机
  17844. sewagage law ==> 污水工程法
  17845. sewagage system ==> 下水道工程
  17846. sewagage system overflow ==> 下水道溢流
  17847. sewage ==> 污水
  17848. sewage (waste water) recirculating pump ==> 污水循环泵
  17849. sewage aeration ==> 污水曝气
  17850. sewage analysis ==> 污水分析
  17851. Sewage and Stormwater Disposal ==> 《污水及雨水排放》
  17852. sewage catchment area ==> 污水集水区
  17853. Sewage Charging Scheme ==> 污水处理服务收费计划
  17854. sewage chlorination ==> 污水氯化作用,污水加氯消毒,污水氯化
  17855. sewage chlorination plant ==> 污水氯化厂
  17856. sewage conduit ==> 污水管道
  17857. sewage decomposition ==> 污水分解
  17858. sewage diposal area ==> 污水处理区
  17859. sewage discharge ==> 污水排放
  17860. sewage discharge standard ==> 污水排放条件
  17861. sewage disposal ==> 污水处置
  17862. sewage disposal facilities ==> 污水排放设施
  17863. sewage disposal plant ==> 污水处理厂
  17864. sewage disposal process ==> 污水处理过程
  17865. sewage disposal programme ==> 污水排放计划
  17866. sewage disposal pump ==> 污水泵
  17867. sewage disposal strategy ==> 污水排放策略
  17868. Sewage Disposal Strategy Study ==> 污水处理策略研究
  17869. sewage disposal system ==> 污水处理系统
  17870. sewage disposal works ==> 污水处理厂
  17871. sewage drainage standard ==> 污水排放标准
  17872. sewage effluents ==> 污水厂出水
  17873. sewage ejector submersible pump ==> 喷射式潜入污水泵
  17874. sewage electrolytic treatment ==> 污水电解处理法
  17875. sewage evaporator plant ==> 污水蒸发器装置
  17876. sewage extraction method ==> 污水萃取法
  17877. sewage farm ==> 下水処理場
  17878. sewage farming of land treatment ==> 污水灌溉法
  17879. sewage filter ==> 污水过滤器
  17880. sewage final settling basin ==> 污水最终沉降池
  17881. sewage final settling tank ==> 污水最终沉降槽
  17882. sewage gas ==> 污泥气,垃圾沼气,沼气
  17883. sewage grease ==> 污水油脂
  17884. sewage grit chamber ==> 污水沉砂池
  17885. Sewage Infrastructure Planning Group (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 污水基础建设规划组(环境保护署)
  17886. sewage irrigation ==> 污水灌溉
  17887. sewage load ==> 污水负荷量
  17888. sewage loading ==> 污水负荷量
  17889. sewage outfall ==> 下水排出口
  17890. sewage oxidation pond ==> 污水氧化池
  17891. sewage pipe ==> 污水管
  17892. sewage pit ==> 污水坑
  17893. sewage plant ==> 下水処理場
  17894. sewage pollution ==> 污水污染
  17895. sewage preliminary basin ==> 污水预沉池
  17896. sewage preliminary tank ==> 污水预沉池
  17897. sewage pump ==> 污水泵
  17898. sewage pump house ==> 污水泵房
  17899. sewage pump plant ==> 污水泵房
  17900. sewage pumping station ==> 污水泵站,污水抽送站
  17901. sewage purification ==> 污水清化
  17902. sewage purification plant ==> 污水净化厂
  17903. sewage quantity ==> 污水量
  17904. sewage rate ==> 污水流量
  17905. sewage reservoir ==> 污水池
  17906. sewage rising mains ==> 加压污水管
  17907. sewage sampling method ==> 污水采样方法
  17908. sewage screen ==> 污水网筛
  17909. sewage screening plant ==> 污水隔筛厂,污水隔滤厂
  17910. Sewage Services (Sewage Charge) Regulation (Cap. 463) ==> 《污水处理服务(排污费)规例》(第463章)
  17911. Sewage Services (Trade Effluent Surcharge) Regulation (Cap. 463) ==> 《污水处理服务(工商业污水附加费)规例》(第463章)
  17912. Sewage Services Ordinance (Cap. 463) ==> 《污水处理服务条例》(第463章)
  17913. sewage services project ==> 污水处理服务工程项目
  17914. Sewage Services Trading Fund ==> 污水处理服务营运基金
  17915. Sewage Services Trading Fund (Cap. 430) ==> 《污水处理服务营运基金》(第430章)
  17916. sewage sludge ==> 污水污泥,下水道污泥=>下水スラッジ
  17917. sewage sludge drying bed ==> 污水污泥干燥床
  17918. sewage sludge gas ==> 污水污泥气体
  17919. sewage sludge incineration ==> 污水污泥焚烧
  17920. sewage sludge treatment ==> 污水处理
  17921. sewage sludge washing ==> 污水污泥淘洗
  17922. sewage solid extractor ==> 污水渣滓抽出器
  17923. sewage standards and policy ==> 污水标准及政策
  17924. Sewage Strategy and Waste Disposal Plan ==> 污水策略及废物处理计划
  17925. sewage strategy study ==> 污水处理策略研究
  17926. sewage stream ==> 污水系统
  17927. sewage system ==> 污水系统
  17928. sewage tank ==> 污水槽
  17929. sewage thertment plant ==> 污水处理场
  17930. sewage treatment ==> 污水处理
  17931. sewage treatment facilities ==> 污水处理设施
  17932. sewage treatment plant ==> 污水处理设施,污水处理厂
  17933. sewage treatment process ==> 污水处理过程
  17934. sewage treatment project ==> 污水处理工程
  17935. sewage treatment station ==> 污水处理站
  17936. sewage treatment structure ==> 污水处理构筑物
  17937. sewage treatment system ==> 污水处理系统
  17938. sewage treatment works ==> 污水处理工程厂
  17939. sewage tunnel works ==> 污水隧道工程
  17940. Sewage Tunnels (Statutory Easements) Ordinance (Cap. 438) ==> 《污水隧道(法定地役权)条例》(第438章)
  17941. sewage ventilation ==> 污水通风
  17942. sewage vessel ==> 垃圾船
  17943. sewage water ==> 污水
  17944. sewage work ==> 污水工程
  17945. sewage works ==> 污水工程=>下水処理場
  17946. sewage-disposal plant ==> 下水処理場
  17947. sewage-farm ==> 污水灌溉田
  17948. sewage-treatment plant ==> 污水处理装置
  17949. sewage-works effluent ==> 污水厂流出水
  17950. Sewell Wright effect ==> 赖特氏效应
  17951. sewer ==> 下水管,污水道,下水道,排污水,阴沟
  17952. sewer appurtenances ==> 污水道附属物
  17953. sewer branch ==> 污水支管
  17954. sewer brick ==> 阴沟砖
  17955. sewer capacity ==> 污水管容量
  17956. sewer catch basin ==> 污泥井
  17957. sewer evacuator ==> 污水管道排泄设备
  17958. sewer facility ==> 污水管设施
  17959. sewer flushing ==> 污水管冲洗
  17960. sewer gas ==> 下水道气体,阴沟气
  17961. sewer line ==> 污水管道,污水管线
  17962. sewer main ==> 污水干管
  17963. sewer man-hole ==> 下水道检查井
  17964. sewer outlet ==> 污水出口
  17965. sewer pipe ==> 污水管
  17966. sewer pipe drain ==> 污水排泄管
  17967. sewer pipe press ==> 污水管压制机
  17968. sewer sluice valve ==> 污水管冲洗阀
  17969. sewer system ==> 污水管道系统
  17970. sewer tile ==> 污水管,污水瓦管
  17971. sewer tunnel ==> 污水隧洞
  17972. sewer utility ==> 污水公用事业
  17973. sewerage ==> 下水道
  17974. sewerage dredger ==> 挖槽机
  17975. sewerage filter ==> 污水滤池
  17976. sewerage first-aid measure ==> 污水收集应急措施
  17977. sewerage improvement programme ==> 排污设备改善计划
  17978. Sewerage Master Plan (SMP) ==> 污水收集整体计划
  17979. sewerage of separate system ==> 分流制下水道
  17980. sewerage station ==> 废水处理场
  17981. sewerage system ==> 下水道送水系
  17982. sewerage system of radial patterns ==> 辐射式下水道系统
  17983. sewing ==> 串线订
  17984. sewing jaw ==> 活动颚板
  17985. sewing machine ==> 缝纫机
  17986. sewing machine head ==> 缝纫机头
  17987. sewing machine needle ==> 缝纫机针
  17988. sewing machine oil ==> 缝纫机油
  17989. sewing machine stand ==> 缝纫机架
  17990. sewing machine table ==> 缝纫机台板
  17991. sewing machine with rectangular cabinet ==> 长方柜缝纫机
  17992. sewing needle ==> 缝纫机针,缝合针,缝针
  17993. sewing press ==> 手工锁线架
  17994. sewing room ==> 缝纫室
  17995. sewing scissors ==> 缝纫剪
  17996. sewing thread ==> 缝纫线
  17997. sewing thread on cone ==> 宝塔线
  17998. sewing thread on cop ==> 管纱线
  17999. sewing thread on spool wooden bobbin ==> 木纱团
  18000. sewing threads on cylinders ==> 蜡筒线
  18001. sewing-machine oil ==> 缝纫机油
  18002. sewing-press ==> 锁线装订机
  18003. sex cell cord ==> 生殖细胞索
  18004. sex center ==> 性神经中枢
  18005. sex characteristic ==> 性特征
  18006. sex chromatin ==> 性染色质
  18007. sex chromosome ==> 性染色体
  18008. sex chromosome abnormalities ==> 性染色体异常疾患
  18009. sex chromosome mosaic syndrome ==> 性染色体嵌合型综合征
  18010. sex chromosomes ==> 奇染色体
  18011. sex composition ==> 性别构成
  18012. sex control ==> 性别控制
  18013. sex cord stromal tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢性索间质肿瘤
  18014. sex cords ==> 性索
  18015. sex cycle ==> 性周期
  18016. sex determination ==> 性别决定,性決定
  18017. sex deviation ==> 性畸形
  18018. sex difference ==> 性别差异
  18019. sex differentiation ==> 性别分化,性分化
  18020. sex dimorphism ==> 两性异形
  18021. sex distortion ==> 性比失常
  18022. sex distribution ==> 性别分布
  18023. sex drive ==> 性欲冲动
  18024. sex factor ==> 性因子,致育因子
  18025. sex feathers ==> (公鸭尾部的)性羽
  18026. sex gene suppressor ==> 性基因抑制因子
  18027. sex gland ==> 性腺
  18028. sex induction ==> 性引诱剂
  18029. sex maturity ==> 性成熟
  18030. sex organ ==> 性器官
  18031. sex psychopathy ==> 性病态人格
  18032. sex rate ==> 两性比率
  18033. sex ratio ==> 两性比率,性别比率
  18034. sex reversal ==> 性逆转,性转化
  18035. sex ridge ==> 生殖脊
  18036. sex structure ==> 性别构成
  18037. sex transformation ==> 性转化
  18038. Sex, Sextans ==> ろくぶんぎ座
  18039. sex-chromatin body ==> 性染色质小体
  18040. sex-chromosome theory ==> 性染色体说
  18041. sex-conditioned character ==> 从性性状
  18042. sex-conditioned inheritance ==> 从性遗传
  18043. sex-index ==> 性指数
  18044. sex-influenced inheritance ==> 从性遗传
  18045. sex-influenced trait ==> 从性性状
  18046. sex-intergrade ==> 雌雄间体,性交叉
  18047. sex-limited autosomal dominant inheritance ==> 性限常染色体显性遗传,限性常染色体显性遗传
  18048. sex-limited character ==> 限性性状
  18049. sex-limited inheritance ==> 限性遗传,性限遗传
  18050. sex-linked ==> 性连锁,伴性的
  18051. sex-linked agammaglobulinemia ==> 性联无丙种球蛋白血症
  18052. sex-linked gene ==> 伴性基因
  18053. sex-linked hypogamma globinemia ==> 性联低丙种球蛋白血症
  18054. sex-linked incomplete dominant inheritance ==> 伴性不完全显性遗传
  18055. sex-linked inheritance ==> 伴性遗传,性连锁遗传
  18056. sex-linked lethal ==> 伴性致死
  18057. sex-linked recessive hereditary disease ==> 性连锁隐性遗传性疾病
  18058. sex-linked recessive inheritance ==> 性连锁隐性遗传
  18059. sex-linked recessiveness ==> 伴性隐性
  18060. sex-ratio spirochete ==> 性比率螺旋体
  18061. sex-separation for bedrooms ==> 大子女分室
  18062. sex-specific death rate ==> 性别死亡率
  18063. sexagesimal circle ==> 六十分制度盘
  18064. sexagesimal counting table ==> 六十进制计数表
  18065. sexagesimal cycle ==> 六十干支周
  18066. sexagesimal system ==> 六十分制
  18067. sexfoil window ==> 六叶窗
  18068. sexhormones poisoning ==> 性激素中毒
  18069. sexless connector ==> 等同接合连接器
  18070. sexlinked dominant inheritance ==> 性连锁显性遗传
  18071. sextant ==> 六分仪
  18072. sextant adjustment ==> 六分仪调准
  18073. sextant altitude ==> 六分仪高度
  18074. sextant altitude correction ==> 六分仪高度修正
  18075. sextant error ==> 六分仪误差
  18076. sextet ==> 6ビットバイト
  18077. sextile aspect ==> 六分方位,六分相互方位
  18078. sextuple star ==> 六合星
  18079. sextuple-flow turbine ==> 六排汽口汽轮机
  18080. sexual ==> 性的,性欲的
  18081. sexual abnormality ==> 性别异常,性异常
  18082. sexual accessory gland ==> 副性腺
  18083. sexual activity ==> 性活动
  18084. sexual anesthesia ==> 性感缺失
  18085. sexual behavior ==> 性行为
  18086. sexual cell ==> 性细胞
  18087. sexual character ==> 性特征
  18088. sexual charms ==> 色气=>色気
  18089. sexual clorminance ==> 性优势
  18090. sexual coloration ==> 性征色
  18091. sexual copulation ==> 性配合
  18092. sexual crime ==> 性犯罪
  18093. sexual crouch ==> (母禽)性交蹲伏
  18094. sexual cycle ==> 性周期,生殖周期
  18095. sexual cycle stage ==> 性周期
  18096. sexual development ==> 性发育
  18097. sexual deviation ==> 性欲错乱症
  18098. sexual dimorphism ==> 性别二态
  18099. sexual diseases ==> 性病
  18100. sexual disorder ==> 性功能障碍
  18101. sexual drive ==> 性冲动
  18102. sexual dyspenesis ==> 性发育不全
  18103. sexual excitement ==> 性冲动
  18104. sexual expression ==> 性表现
  18105. sexual function ==> 性功能
  18106. sexual generation ==> 有性世代
  18107. sexual gland ==> 生殖腺
  18108. sexual hallucination ==> 性幻觉
  18109. sexual hormone disturbance ==> 性激素紊乱
  18110. sexual hybridization ==> 进行有性杂交
  18111. sexual hygiene ==> 性卫生
  18112. sexual hyperesthesia ==> 性感过敏,性欲亢进
  18113. sexual hypoesthesia ==> 性欲减退
  18114. sexual impotence ==> 阳萎
  18115. sexual impulse ==> 性冲动
  18116. sexual inhibition ==> 性的抑制
  18117. sexual instinct ==> 性本能
  18118. sexual intercourse ==> 性交
  18119. sexual inversion ==> 性欲反向
  18120. sexual isolation ==> 性隔离
  18121. sexual life ==> 性生活
  18122. sexual maturation period ==> 性成熟期
  18123. sexual maturity ==> 性成熟
  18124. sexual multiplication ==> 有性繁殖
  18125. sexual neurosis ==> 性神经官能症,性欲性神经机能病
  18126. sexual offence ==> 性犯罪
  18127. sexual organ ==> 性器官
  18128. sexual partner ==> 配偶
  18129. sexual periodicity ==> 性的周期性
  18130. sexual perversion ==> 性变态,性欲倒错,变态性欲
  18131. sexual polymorphism ==> 性多态现象
  18132. sexual precocity ==> 性早熟
  18133. sexual preparation ==> 性准备
  18134. sexual propagation ==> 有性繁殖
  18135. sexual receptivity ==> 性的接受
  18136. sexual reflex ==> 性反射
  18137. sexual refractoriness ==> 性间歇
  18138. sexual relations ==> 两性关系
  18139. sexual reproduction ==> 有性繁殖,有性生殖
  18140. sexual reproductive cell ==> 有性生殖细胞
  18141. sexual season ==> 发情季节
  18142. sexual selection ==> 性选择
  18143. sexual spore ==> 性孢子,有性孢子
  18144. sexual stage ==> 性阶段
  18145. sexual stance ==> 性姿态
  18146. sexual type ==> 性型
  18147. sexual valence ==> 性价
  18148. sexuales ==> 性蚜
  18149. sexuality ==> 性欲,性征
  18150. sexually matured ==> 性成熟的
  18151. sexy prime ==> 六素数,间隔为6的素数对
  18152. Seya concave-grating monochromator ==> 濑谷凹面光栅单色器
  18153. Seychelles ==> セーシェル=>塞舌尔
  18154. Seyler's classification ==> 赛勒分类法
  18155. Sezary syndrome ==> 塞扎莱综合征,西泽里综合征
  18156. SF Starboard Forward ==> 前方右舷
  18157. SF Stowage Factor ==> 装载代理商
  18158. SF6 fuse ==> 六氟化硫熔断器,为非限流型高压熔断器,在过载或短路故障时,熔体熔化蒸发形成电弧,利用在六氟化硫气体中旋弧的熄弧原理将电弧熄灭,使电路断开
  18159. SF6 alternative gas ==> SF6代替ガス
  18160. SF6 gas circuit breaker ==> SF6ガス遮断器
  18161. SF6 gas insulated transmission line ==> 管路気中送電線
  18162. SF6,sulphurhexafluoride gas ==> SF6(六ふっ化ガス)ガス
  18163. SF6-free GIS ==> SF6フリーガス絶縁開閉装置
  18164. SFA, sales force automation ==> セールスフォース・オートメーション,営業支援システム
  18165. SFA, Spacecraft and Fairing Assembling Building ==> 衛星フェアリング組立棟
  18166. SFA, special failure analysis ==> 特別故障解析
  18167. SFAP, spin free analytic platform ==> スピンフリー解析プラットフォーム
  18168. SFC, selection frequency control ==> 選択周波数制御
  18169. SFC, Sequencial Function Chart ==> SFC
  18170. SFC, Simulator Following Control ==> SFC
  18171. SFC, Specific Fuel Consumption ==> 燃料消費率
  18172. SFC, Static Frequency Converter ==> 静止变频器
  18173. SFCG, Space Frequency Coordination Group ==> 宇宙用周波数調整グループ
  18174. SFCL, Superconducting Fault Current Limiter ==> 超電導限流器
  18175. SFCLT, Superconducting Fault Current Limiting Transformer ==> 超電導限流変圧器
  18176. SFDU, standard format data unit ==> データ記録様式標準
  18177. SFE, smart front-end ==> スマートフロントエンド
  18178. sferics fix ==> 天电定位
  18179. sfet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  18180. SFF, small formation flyer ==> スモールフォーメーションフライヤ
  18181. Sforzando (sf) ==> 突强
  18182. SFP, single failure point ==> 単一故障点
  18183. SFS, Sandia Frequency Shift ==> 分散電源単独運転検出手法の一種
  18184. SFS, Sound Field Synthesizer ==> 音場合成装置
  18185. SFU, Space Flyer Unit ==> 宇宙実験・観測フリーフライヤ
  18186. SFU, standard firing unit ==> 標準燃焼単位
  18187. SG ==> 蒸気発生器
  18188. SG, Selective Ground Relay, earth-fault transverse differential relay ==> 回線選択継電器(地絡)。平行2回線送電線の電流のバランス状況から事故回線を判定する。Baと同義語。
  18189. SG, signal generator ==> 信号発生器
  18190. SG, star ground ==> 星状結線接地
  18191. SG, study group ==> 研究委員会
  18192. sgare chain ==> 面积尺
  18193. Sge, Sagitta ==> や座
  18194. SGEP, supergravity environment plant ==> 超重力環境プラント
  18195. SGF, standard grapple fixture ==> 標準グラプルフィクスチャ
  18196. SGI, Silicon Graphics ==> SGI
  18197. SGL single ==> 单根
  18198. SGLS, space ground link subsystem ==> 宇宙・地上回線サブシステム
  18199. SGP, single ground point ==> 単一接地点
  18200. SGP, structure ground point ==> 構体接地点
  18201. Sgr, Sagittarius ==> いて座
  18202. SGSE, spacecraft ground support equipment ==> 衛星地上支援装置
  18203. SGT ==> 三次元半導体,舛岡富士雄教授が提唱
  18204. sgt ==> 硅栅晶体管
  18205. SGV, shut-off gas valve ==> ガスバルブ断
  18206. SH Superheater ==> 超级加热器
  18207. SH, sample hold ==> サンプルホールド
  18208. SH, sheet ==> シート
  18209. SH, sky horn antenna ==> スカイホーンアンテナ
  18210. SH, super heater ==> 加熱器
  18211. Sha Ling Livestock Waste Composting Plant ==> 沙岭禽畜废物堆肥厂
  18212. Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works ==> 沙头角污水处理厂
  18213. Sha Tin Fuel Restriction Area ==> 沙田燃料管制区
  18214. SHA, sidereal hour angle ==> 恒星時角
  18215. SHA, system hazard analysis ==> システムハザード分析
  18216. Shack-Hartmann method ==> 夏克-哈特曼法=>シャックハルトマン法
  18217. shackle ==> U形挂环,卸扣,带销U形钩,带销U形环,穿心绝缘子,钩环=>シャックル
  18218. shackle bar ==> 车钩,铐销,拔钉钩
  18219. shackle block ==> 带钩环滑车
  18220. shackle bolt ==> 钩环螺栓,连杆螺栓
  18221. shackle bracket ==> 钩环架
  18222. shackle hook ==> 旋转钩
  18223. shackle insualtor ==> 茶台绝缘子
  18224. shackle insulator ==> 茶托绝缘子
  18225. shackle joint ==> 钩环接头
  18226. shackle link ==> 铐链
  18227. shackle of coupling ==> 联接器钩环,联轴器钩环
  18228. shackle pin ==> 链钩销,钩环销
  18229. shackle stud ==> 钩环柱螺栓
  18230. shackle type strain insulator ==> 低圧引留がいし
  18231. shade ==> 灯罩,色荫,阴,遮光物,遮热板,遮阴棚,遮罩=>セード(照明器具),木陰(こかげ),陰影,少量,亡霊,幽霊
  18232. shade and shadow ==> 阴与影
  18233. shade bears ==> 耐阴性
  18234. shade colour ==> 暗色
  18235. shade demanding ==> 喜阴的
  18236. shade density ==> 遮阴度
  18237. shade endurance ==> 耐阴性
  18238. shade error ==> 阴影误差
  18239. shade glass ==> 遮光玻璃
  18240. shade holder ==> 灯罩座
  18241. shade leaf ==> 遮阴叶
  18242. shade line ==> 遮线,阴影线,影线
  18243. shade of gray ==> 灰度
  18244. shade plant ==> 阴地植物
  18245. shade species ==> 阴性树种
  18246. shade tolerance ==> 耐阴性
  18247. shade tree ==> 绿荫树
  18248. shade-adapted ==> 适荫性
  18249. shade-bearer ==> 阴性树,阳性树
  18250. shade-bearing tree ==> 阴性树
  18251. shade-demanding plant ==> 阴性植物
  18252. shade-loving plant ==> 喜阴植物
  18253. shaded area ==> 阴影面积
  18254. shaded ploe ==> くま取りコイル
  18255. shaded transducer ==> 束控换能器
  18256. shaded-pole motor ==> 罩极电动机=>くまとりモータ
  18257. shading ==> 发暗,遮蔽,遮光,遮阳,描影,描影法,明暗法,小量的折扣,荫影,细微差别,束控=>シェージング
  18258. shading adjustment ==> 黑斑补偿,噪声电平调整
  18259. shading amplifier ==> 黑点放大器,寄生信号放大器
  18260. shading circuit ==> 摄像管寄生信号补偿电路
  18261. shading coil ==> 校正线圈,罩极线圈,屏蔽线圈,荫蔽环=>くま取りコイル
  18262. shading coil starting method ==> 短路环起动法
  18263. shading compensating signal ==> 黑斑补偿信号
  18264. shading compensator ==> 黑斑补偿器
  18265. shading correcting ==> 荫影校正
  18266. shading correction ==> 图像斑点调整,黑点校正=>シェージング補正
  18267. shading error ==> 图像暗影
  18268. shading generator ==> 黑斑补偿信号发生器
  18269. shading loss ==> 日陰損失
  18270. shading ring ==> 罩极环,屏蔽环,荫蔽环=>くま取り環
  18271. shading signal ==> 黑斑信号,摄像管寄生信号,寄生信号
  18272. shading soil ==> 遮被土壤
  18273. shading to decrease photosynthate production ==> 遮阴减少了光合产物
  18274. shading wedge ==> 屏蔽楔
  18275. shading-pole ==> 罩极,磁极屏蔽
  18276. shading-pole type relay ==> 短路环继电器
  18277. shadow ==> 影,影子,遮蔽,屏蔽保护范围,阴影,暗影=>陰影
  18278. shadow aircraft ==> 侦察机
  18279. shadow angle ==> 荫影角,阴影角,影锥角
  18280. shadow area ==> 盲区,阴影区,投影面积
  18281. shadow attenuation ==> 阴影区衰减,阴影衰减
  18282. shadow bands ==> 影带
  18283. shadow casting ==> 投影电子显微术
  18284. shadow channel ==> 影道
  18285. shadow cone ==> 影锥
  18286. shadow corpuscle ==> 红细胞影
  18287. shadow director ==> 幕后董事
  18288. shadow distance ==> 陰影距離
  18289. shadow effect ==> 山地效应,屏蔽效应,荫影效应,阴影效应
  18290. shadow factor ==> 荫蔽因数,阴影系数,阴影因子=>陰影率
  18291. shadow filter ==> 阴影滤波器
  18292. shadow fringe ==> 阴影条纹
  18293. shadow fringe test ==> 阴影条纹试验
  18294. shadow graph ==> 阴影图
  18295. shadow graphing ==> 阴影图解
  18296. shadow grid ==> 阴影栅,镜像栅,镜像栅
  18297. shadow image ==> 阴影像
  18298. shadow line ==> 光影划线
  18299. shadow loss ==> 荫影损耗,阴影损耗,屏蔽损耗=>陰影損
  18300. shadow mask ==> 障板,遮罩,显像管荫罩,阴影掩模,影孔板,彩色显像管阴罩
  18301. shadow mask colo(u)r (CRT) ==> 障板彩色显像管
  18302. shadow mask colour picture tube ==> 荫罩式彩色显像管
  18303. shadow mask tricolor tube ==> 荫蔽三色管,荫罩三色管
  18304. shadow mask tube ==> 荫罩管,荫罩型显像管=>シャドウマスク管
  18305. shadow mask type color picture tube ==> 荫罩式彩色显象管
  18306. shadow mask type color tube ==> 荫罩式彩色显像管
  18307. shadow mask type tube ==> 荫罩式彩色显像管
  18308. shadow measurement ==> 影测量法
  18309. shadow method ==> 阴影法
  18310. shadow microdiffraction ==> 荫影显微绕射,阴影微绕射
  18311. shadow microscope ==> 荫影电子显微镜,阴影显微镜,影显微镜
  18312. shadow microscopy ==> 阴影显微术
  18313. shadow minimum ==> 影子极小
  18314. shadow of psoas muscle ==> 腰大肌阴影
  18315. shadow of worm ==> 虫体阴影
  18316. shadow page table ==> 阴影页表
  18317. shadow pattern ==> 阴影图
  18318. shadow peak ==> 暗影最大值
  18319. shadow photometer ==> 阴影光度计
  18320. shadow picture ==> 阴影照片
  18321. shadow price ==> 潜在价格,预兆价格,虚价,(推算价格)影子价格=>限界コスト
  18322. shadow projection microscope ==> 阴影投影显微镜
  18323. shadow region ==> 盲区,阴影区,阴影区域,死区,影区
  18324. shadow resource ==> 阴影资源
  18325. shadow scattering ==> 荫影散射,阴影散射,核影散射
  18326. shadow shield ==> 阴影屏蔽,局部屏蔽,局部屏蔽,遮阳光板
  18327. shadow stripes ==> 阴阳条织物
  18328. shadow surface ==> 阴影面
  18329. shadow table ==> 影像表
  18330. shadow test ==> 视网膜镜检查,暗影试验,检影法
  18331. shadow tone ==> 阴影色调
  18332. shadow transit ==> 卫影凌行星
  18333. shadow value vector ==> 影子价值向量
  18334. shadow weathering ==> 影区风化
  18335. shadow zone ==> 影带,影区,阴影区,震波微弱带
  18336. shadow-mark ==> 透影
  18337. shadow-mask kinescope ==> 荫罩彩色显像管
  18338. shadow-mask screen ==> 荫罩屏,阴影掩模屏,影孔板式荧光屏
  18339. shadow-mask tube ==> 影孔板彩色管
  18340. shadow-moire method ==> 影移法
  18341. shadow-Moire test ==> 阴影莫阿试验
  18342. shadow-tree zone ==> 遮阴影区
  18343. shadow-tuning indicator ==> 阴影式调谐指示器
  18344. shadowfactor ==> 影蔽因数
  18345. shadowgraph ==> 阴影照片,投影检测仪
  18346. shadowgraph camera ==> 阴影照相机
  18347. shadowgraph scales ==> 投射标度天平
  18348. shadowgraph system ==> 阴影照相系统
  18349. shadowgraphy ==> 影相术=>シャドウグラフ法
  18350. shadowing ==> 遮蔽
  18351. shadowing method ==> 阴影法
  18352. shadowless lamp ==> 无影灯
  18353. shadowless operating lamp ==> 无影手术灯
  18354. shadowy blue glaze porcelain ==> 影青瓷
  18355. shadowy blue ware ==> 影青瓷
  18356. shady ==> 荫=>木陰(こかげ)
  18357. Shaffer stroke function ==> 舍菲尔环节函数
  18358. shaft ==> 骨体,矿井,干,井筒,井筒,炉胸,烟囱,轴,后轴=>軸,シャフト
  18359. shaft (tower) furnace ==> 竖式炉
  18360. shaft alignement ==> 轴的对准
  18361. shaft alignment ga(u)ge ==> 轴定心卡规,找正测微仪
  18362. shaft alley ==> 轴隧
  18363. shaft allowance ==> 凿井加工留量
  18364. shaft angle ==> 轴角
  18365. shaft arm ==> 柄臂
  18366. shaft arm pin ==> 轴臂销
  18367. shaft axle ==> 轴
  18368. shaft balancing ==> 轴的平衡
  18369. shaft bearing ==> 轴承
  18370. shaft bearing plate ==> 轴承板
  18371. shaft bearing replacer ==> 轴承拆卸器
  18372. shaft blank ==> 轴坯
  18373. shaft bossing ==> 轴包套
  18374. shaft butt ==> 轴端
  18375. shaft cap ==> 轴盖
  18376. shaft casing ==> 轴壳
  18377. shaft cleaning ==> 清枝
  18378. shaft clevis ==> 连接叉
  18379. shaft clip ==> 轴箍
  18380. shaft collar ==> 凸缘,井筒锁口盘,轴环
  18381. shaft column ==> 轴承支柱
  18382. shaft compartment ==> 井筒隔间,井筒隔间
  18383. shaft concentricity ==> 轴同心度
  18384. shaft contact ==> 轴接点
  18385. shaft counter ==> 轴转数计,轴转速表
  18386. shaft coupling ==> 联轴节,联轴器=>軸継ぎ手
  18387. shaft coupling side ==> 联轴器侧
  18388. shaft crucible furnace ==> 竖筒坩埚炉
  18389. shaft current ==> 轴承电流,轴电流,由于发电机磁场不对称,发电机大轴被磁化,静电充电等原因在发电机轴上感应出的轴电压,引起的从发电机组轴的一端经过油膜绝缘破坏了的轴承、轴承座及机座底板,流向轴的另一端的电流=>軸電流
  18390. shaft current protection ==> 轴电流保护,为了防止励磁侧轴端的对地绝缘垫损坏而产生的轴电流损坏轴瓦和轴颈,大机组设有能反映工频或三次谐波分量的保护装置,动作于信号或跳闸以保护机组
  18391. shaft deepening ==> 竖井延深
  18392. shaft diameter ==> 轴径
  18393. shaft distortion ==> 主轴弯曲,汽轮机主轴在热应力和机械力作用下发生的永久挠曲变形
  18394. shaft drill jumbo ==> 钻井机,凿井钻车
  18395. shaft drilling ==> 钻粒钻机钻井
  18396. shaft drive ==> 轴传动装置,轴的传动装置
  18397. shaft eccentricity ==> 轴偏心度
  18398. shaft encoder ==> 轴端编码盘,计数鼓,转轴编码器
  18399. shaft end ==> 轴端
  18400. shaft end seal ==> 轴端汽封,又称“轴封”。在转子两端穿过汽缸的部位设置的用控制蒸汽压力来阻止机内蒸汽外泄或空气漏入的成组汽封
  18401. shaft excavation ==> 竖井掘进,井筒掘进,井筒掘进
  18402. shaft extension ==> 轴伸出,轴外伸部
  18403. shaft fatigue ==> 軸疲労?
  18404. shaft filler washer ==> 轴垫圈
  18405. shaft fit ==> 轴配合
  18406. shaft flange ==> 轴法兰
  18407. shaft for cover close ==> 筒体紧固轴,机盖压紧轴
  18408. shaft furnace ==> 竖炉,井式炉,井式炉,高炉
  18409. shaft furnace smelting ==> 鼓风炉熔炼
  18410. shaft gear ==> 轴齿轮
  18411. shaft generator ==> 轴传动发电机,轴发动机=>軸発電機
  18412. shaft generator system ==> 軸発電システム
  18413. shaft gland ==> 轴封,轴密封盖,轴端汽封,又称“轴封”。在转子两端穿过汽缸的部位设置的用控制蒸汽压力来阻止机内蒸汽外泄或空气漏入的成组汽封
  18414. shaft governor ==> 轴调速器
  18415. shaft grounding monitor ==> 轴电压监测器,与接地装置相配,测量轴电压及轴电流,可监测轴接地不良情况或转子绝缘故障的监测装置
  18416. Shaft Grounding Ring, SGR ==> シャフト・グラウンディング・ブラシ(イージス)
  18417. shaft guide ==> 轴导承
  18418. shaft hammer ==> 冲击器
  18419. shaft helical spring ==> 轴螺旋弹簧
  18420. shaft hoist ==> 矿井提升机
  18421. shaft hopper ==> 轴料料斗
  18422. shaft horsepower ==> 轴马力=>軸馬力
  18423. shaft inserting ==> 軸挿入
  18424. shaft installing sleeve ==> 密封用轴套
  18425. shaft insulation ==> 軸絶縁
  18426. shaft journal ==> 轴颈
  18427. shaft key ==> 轴键
  18428. shaft kiln ==> 竖式窑,竖窑,立式烘炉
  18429. shaft labyrinth ==> 轴迷宫密封
  18430. shaft lathe ==> 轴车床
  18431. shaft leakage ==> 轴端漏泄
  18432. shaft lever ==> 轴杆
  18433. shaft line ==> 轴线
  18434. shaft liner ==> 炉身内衬
  18435. shaft lining ==> 炉身里衬,竖井衬层
  18436. shaft locating ==> 轴定位
  18437. shaft locking ==> 轴锁紧
  18438. shaft machine ==> 轴类加工自动机
  18439. shaft material ==> 轴材料
  18440. shaft mixer ==> 轴式混合器,竖式混合器
  18441. shaft motor ==> シャフトモータ
  18442. shaft nut ==> 主轴螺帽
  18443. shaft of a hammer ==> 锤柄
  18444. shaft of an axe ==> 斧柄
  18445. shaft of chelicera ==> 螯肢杆
  18446. shaft of femur ==> 股骨体
  18447. shaft of fibula ==> 腓骨体
  18448. shaft of humerus ==> 肱骨体
  18449. shaft of ilium ==> 髂骨干
  18450. shaft of phalanx ==> 指骨体
  18451. shaft of radius ==> 桡骨体
  18452. shaft of rib ==> 肋骨体,肋体
  18453. shaft of rivet ==> 铆钉体
  18454. shaft of ulna ==> 尺骨体
  18455. shaft packing ==> 轴封填料
  18456. shaft pin ==> 轴销
  18457. shaft plumbing ==> 竖井垂线定向法
  18458. shaft pocket ==> 井底矿仓,井底矿仓
  18459. shaft position digitizer ==> 轴角模数转换器
  18460. shaft position indicator ==> 轴向位移指示器
  18461. shaft position mechanism ==> 调轴机构
  18462. shaft position-to-digital converter ==> 轴位数字变换器
  18463. shaft potential ==> 轴电位
  18464. shaft power ==> 轴功率,轴输出功率,轴端功率,汽轮机轴端输出的功率
  18465. shaft pump ==> 矿井泵
  18466. shaft revolution ==> 轴转速
  18467. shaft revolution indicator ==> 转速指示器
  18468. shaft run-out ==> 轴的径向跳动
  18469. shaft screen ==> 筒筛
  18470. shaft seal ==> 轴的密封装置
  18471. shaft seal housing ==> 轴封体
  18472. shaft seal pump ==> 轴封泵
  18473. shaft seal(ing) ==> 轴封
  18474. shaft service compartment ==> 辅助隔间
  18475. shaft shoulder ==> 轴肩
  18476. shaft signaling ==> 矿井提升信号
  18477. shaft sinking drill ==> 凿井大钻机,凿井用大钻机
  18478. shaft sleeve ==> 大轴衬面
  18479. shaft spillway ==> 直井式溢洪道,井式溢洪道,又称“竖井式溢洪道”。首部为喇叭口溢流堰,下接竖井和泄洪隧洞的溢洪道
  18480. shaft station ==> 井底车场,井底车场
  18481. shaft straightener ==> 轴矫直机,轴整直器
  18482. shaft straightening ==> 直轴,对发生永久弯曲的汽轮机、给水泵等旋转机械的主轴进行矫正,将其调直的工艺
  18483. shaft straightening machine ==> 轴整直机
  18484. shaft support ==> 轴的支架,轴支架
  18485. shaft supporting column ==> 炉身支柱
  18486. shaft tip ==> 轴端,轴梢
  18487. shaft top ==> 炉顶,井口,井口
  18488. shaft torsional oscillation monitor ==> 轴系扭振监测器,用以估计在发电机负荷突然变化,误并列和电网事故等情况下发电机大轴疲劳损伤程度的设施
  18489. shaft tube ==> 轴管
  18490. shaft tunnel alley ==> 轴隧
  18491. shaft turbine ==> 轴涡轮
  18492. shaft turning gear ==> 盘动装置
  18493. shaft type ==> 轴式
  18494. shaft unit ==> シャフトユニット
  18495. shaft vibration ==> 轴振动
  18496. shaft voltage ==> 軸電圧
  18497. shaft voltage measurement ==> 轴电压测定,在电机带电情况下,为测定电机可能产生轴电流的电压而进行的试验。被试电机在额定电压和额定转速下空载运行,测量转子两端轴上的电压以及轴承与机座之间的电压
  18498. shaft wall ==> 炉墙
  18499. shaft washer ==> 紧圈,止推轴承外圈
  18500. shaft well ==> 井窄,井窄
  18501. shaft with key ==> 带键的轴
  18502. shaft-base system ==> 基轴制
  18503. shaft-cup ==> 轴盖
  18504. shaft-cup spring ==> 轴盖簧
  18505. shaft-drive motorcycle ==> 轴动机器脚踏车
  18506. shaft-driven ==> 轴驱动的
  18507. shaft-driven exciter ==> 轴传动励磁机,同轴励磁机
  18508. shaft-driven helicopter ==> 轴转动式直升机
  18509. shaft-driven travel(l)ing crane ==> 轴动移动起重机
  18510. shaft-enclosing tube ==> 轴套管
  18511. shaft-end output ==> 轴端出力
  18512. shaft-packing leakage ==> 轴封漏气
  18513. shaft-position encoder ==> 轴角编码器
  18514. shaft-raise ==> 暗井
  18515. shaft-type governor ==> 轴调节器
  18516. shaft-well digger ==> 竖井挖掘机
  18517. shaft/bearing vibration monitor ==> 轴/轴承振动监视器,用于监视主轴承或轴振动的装置。
  18518. shafting ==> 轴系
  18519. shafting bearing ==> 轴承
  18520. shafting hanger ==> 传动轴用吊架
  18521. shafting lathe ==> 制轴车床
  18522. shafting oil ==> 轴油,传动油
  18523. shafting stability ==> 轴系稳定性,汽轮机-发电机组轴系在工作中能否稳定运行的性能
  18524. shaggy portulaca ==> 毛马齿苋
  18525. shagreen paper ==> 糙面纸
  18526. SHAIN ==> 共享模拟量
  18527. shake ==> 木瓦,轮裂,震,震动,振,振荡,振摇,摇,摇动=>振動,震動,震え,シェイク,ミルクセーキ
  18528. shake allowance ==> 松动量
  18529. shake amplitude ==> 振幅
  18530. shake culture ==> 震荡培养,振荡培养物,摇动培养法
  18531. shake frequency ==> 振动频率
  18532. shake mill ==> 摆动筛架
  18533. shake off ==> 摆脱
  18534. shake out ==> 落砂
  18535. shake table ==> 震动台
  18536. shake together ==> 仲良くやっていく
  18537. shake willey ==> 振荡式除杂机
  18538. shake-bol ==> 摇动螺栓
  18539. shake-out ==> 铸件振动脱砂,打箱
  18540. shake-out equipment ==> 振动装置
  18541. shake-resisted performance ==> 防振性能
  18542. shake-table ==> 振動台
  18543. shakedown ==> 调整,安定状态,新工艺试验
  18544. shakedown load ==> 安定状态载荷
  18545. shakedown temperary ==> 临时的
  18546. shakedown test ==> 调试=>テスト調整
  18547. shakeless deckle ==> 稳定框
  18548. shakeout ==> 落砂,落砂设备,去砂
  18549. shakeout device ==> 落砂机
  18550. shakeout equipment ==> 振动落砂机,落砂设备
  18551. shakeout grate ==> 落砂格子板,落砂栅
  18552. shakeout grid ==> 落砂格子板,落砂栅,脱砂箱格子
  18553. shakeout machine ==> 振动落砂机,摇动机
  18554. shakeout operation ==> 落砂工序
  18555. shakeout sand ==> 落箱砂
  18556. shakeout temperature ==> 打箱温度
  18557. shakeproof ==> 防振,抗振
  18558. shakeproof corrugated paper board ==> 防震瓦楞纸板
  18559. shakeproof lock washer ==> 减震锁紧垫圈
  18560. shaker ==> 筛,震动器,振打器,振荡器,振动机,振动器,振动筛,振动试验器,振子,振子,摇床
  18561. shaker arm ==> 振动臂
  18562. shaker bed ==> 分离筛
  18563. shaker chute ==> 摇动流槽,簸动槽
  18564. shaker conveyer ==> 振动输送机
  18565. shaker conveyor ==> 摇动式运输机=>振動コンベヤ
  18566. shaker convyer ==> 摇动输送机
  18567. shaker cooling ==> 振荡冷却,晃动冷却
  18568. shaker crank ==> 逐稿器曲轴
  18569. shaker digger ==> 振动筛式甜菜挖掘机
  18570. shaker digger for beet ==> 振动筛式甜菜挖掘机
  18571. shaker drier ==> 振动式干燥机
  18572. shaker feeder ==> 振动给料机
  18573. shaker hearth electric furnace ==> 摇床式电炉
  18574. shaker hearth furnace ==> 振底式炉
  18575. shaker knot screen ==> 振动除节机
  18576. shaker mechanism ==> 摇动机构
  18577. shaker pan ==> 振动筛盘,平格振动筛
  18578. shaker pitch ==> 摇动筛倾角
  18579. shaker rack ==> 分离筛
  18580. shaker screen ==> 分离筛,摇动筛,大筛
  18581. shaker separator ==> 振动分离筛
  18582. shaker share ==> 振动犁铧
  18583. shaker shoe pitman ==> 振动筛连杆
  18584. shaker type (flat) chip screen ==> 振动式木片平筛
  18585. shaker washer ==> 振动式清洗机
  18586. shaker(-pan) conveyor ==> 振动运输器
  18587. shaker-pan conveyer ==> 振动输送机
  18588. shaker-type conveyor ==> 振动式运输机
  18589. shakeup ==> 機構改革
  18590. shaking ==> 摇动
  18591. shaking a car to destruction ==> 汽车受振动试验破坏
  18592. shaking apparatus ==> 摇动器,摇动式混合机,摇动装置
  18593. shaking channel ==> 摇动槽
  18594. shaking chill ==> 恶寒战栗
  18595. shaking chute ==> 摇动漏斗
  18596. shaking conveyer ==> 摆动运输机
  18597. shaking conveyor ==> 摇动式运输机
  18598. shaking conveyor ballframe carriage ==> 振动式运输机滚珠支架
  18599. shaking conveyor carriage ==> 振动式运输机支架
  18600. shaking conveyor pan ==> 振动式运输机槽
  18601. shaking conveyor rod ==> 振动式运输机连杆
  18602. shaking conveyor screw jack ==> 振动式运输机螺旋顶杆
  18603. shaking conveyor supply truck ==> 振动式运输机给料车
  18604. shaking conveyor swivel ==> 振动式运输机回转座
  18605. shaking feeder ==> 摇动进给器
  18606. shaking flask ==> 振动烧瓶
  18607. shaking grate ==> 摇动炉篦
  18608. shaking grate stoker ==> 摇动炉篦
  18609. shaking grizzly ==> 摇动式格筛
  18610. shaking ladle ==> 摇动包
  18611. shaking machine ==> 振动机
  18612. shaking mixer ==> 摇动混合器
  18613. shaking of steering ==> 转向操纵机构振动
  18614. shaking palsy ==> 震颤性麻痹
  18615. shaking pan loader ==> 振动槽式装载机
  18616. shaking peroid ==> 摆动期
  18617. shaking pick breaker ==> 摇动针碎机
  18618. shaking picker ==> 簸动筛
  18619. shaking picking table ==> 摇动式拣矸台
  18620. shaking plate ==> 摇动式混汞板
  18621. shaking platform ==> 振动平台
  18622. shaking screen ==> 振荡筛,振动筛,摇动筛,摇筛
  18623. shaking separator ==> 振動選別機
  18624. shaking shale ==> 粘土页岩
  18625. shaking sieve ==> 振动筛
  18626. shaking sleeve ==> 摇动套筒
  18627. shaking table ==> 摇床,振动工作台=>振動台
  18628. shaking the needle ==> 摇针
  18629. shaking trough ==> 振动溜槽
  18630. shaking(-pan) conveyer ==> 震动输送机
  18631. shaking-bed sluicing device ==> 摇床流槽选矿装置
  18632. shaking-out machine ==> 理绪机
  18633. shaking-screen suction table ==> 摇动筛纤维吸出装置
  18634. shaking-screen vasher ==> 震动式洗矿筛
  18635. shaking-sieve digger ==> 振动筛式挖掘机
  18636. shaky steering ==> 转向机构摇动
  18637. shale ==> 页岩=>頁岩,泥や粘土鉱物から成る堆積岩,シェイル
  18638. shale band ==> 页岩夹层
  18639. shale break ==> 页岩夹层
  18640. shale clay ==> 页岩粘土=>頁岩粘土
  18641. shale core ==> 頁岩コア
  18642. shale cutter ==> 页岩刨泥机
  18643. shale gas ==> 页岩气=>シェールガス
  18644. shale gasoline ==> 页岩汽油
  18645. shale member ==> 頁岩部層
  18646. shale oil ==> 页岩油=>シェール油
  18647. shale planer ==> 页岩刨泥机
  18648. shale reservoir ==> 页岩储集层
  18649. shale rock ==> 页岩
  18650. shale shaker ==> 泥浆振动筛
  18651. shale-pebble conglomerate ==> 页岩砾砾岩
  18652. shallow ==> 浅,浅薄,浅的
  18653. shallow acceptor ==> 浅受主
  18654. shallow and rapid respiration ==> 浅速呼吸
  18655. shallow article ==> 盘类制品
  18656. shallow beam ==> 浅梁
  18657. shallow bed technique ==> 浅床法
  18658. shallow bending ==> 浅弯
  18659. shallow blasting ==> 浅孔爆破
  18660. shallow bowl ==> 浅浮槽
  18661. shallow box ==> 浅继箱,浅箱
  18662. shallow breathing ==> 浅呼吸
  18663. shallow chest ==> 浅胸
  18664. shallow chip structure ==> 芯片浅结构
  18665. shallow cut ==> 浅切口,浅切削,浅挖
  18666. shallow depth ==> 浅啮合
  18667. shallow diffused transistor ==> 浅扩散晶体管
  18668. shallow diffusion ==> 浅结扩散
  18669. shallow diode ==> 浅结二极管
  18670. shallow diode array ==> 浅结二极管阵列
  18671. shallow donor ==> 浅施主
  18672. shallow donor state ==> 浅施主能态
  18673. shallow dormancy ==> 浅休眠
  18674. shallow draft ==> 轻微压下
  18675. shallow draft quay ==> 浅水码头
  18676. shallow draught ==> 小量镦粗
  18677. shallow dredge ==> 浅部挖掘船
  18678. shallow dredging ==> 浅挖
  18679. shallow earthquake ==> 浅层地震,浅震
  18680. shallow emitter ==> 浅结发射极
  18681. shallow energy level ==> 浅能级
  18682. shallow exploratory boring ==> 浅孔钻探
  18683. shallow fault-zone dilatancy recovery ==> 浅部断層帯のダイラタンシーの回復
  18684. shallow fog ==> 浅雾
  18685. shallow footing ==> 浅基脚
  18686. shallow fording ==> 浅涉能力,浅水涉渡
  18687. shallow foundation ==> 浅基础
  18688. shallow freezing ==> 表层结冰,表面冻结
  18689. shallow furrow ==> 浅沟
  18690. shallow gravel ==> 浅部砂矿床
  18691. shallow hardening ==> 浅硬化,表面硬化
  18692. shallow hoisting ==> 浅井提升
  18693. shallow idea ==> 浅はかな考え
  18694. shallow impurity level ==> 浅い不純物準位
  18695. shallow inland seas ==> 浅い内海
  18696. shallow junction ==> 浅结=>浅い接合
  18697. shallow knowledge ==> 浅い知識
  18698. shallow layer ==> 薄层,薄涂层
  18699. shallow lens ==> 薄透镜
  18700. shallow level ==> 浅能级
  18701. shallow level impurity ==> 浅能级杂质
  18702. shallow marginal sea ==> 浅陆缘海
  18703. shallow marginal seas ==> 浅边缘海
  18704. shallow muck ==> 浅淤泥层
  18705. shallow needling ==> 浅刺
  18706. shallow open-cut surface mining ==> 浅部露天开采
  18707. shallow oxide ==> 半埋入式氧化物
  18708. shallow pan filter ==> 浅盘过滤器
  18709. shallow pass ==> 空轧道次,空轧孔型
  18710. shallow pattern abdominal retractor ==> 浅式腹部牵开器
  18711. shallow penetration ==> 浅近突破
  18712. shallow placer ==> 浅成砂矿
  18713. shallow ploughing ==> 浅耕
  18714. shallow ploughing and careless clutivation ==> 浅耕粗作
  18715. shallow pool ==> 浅熔池,浅水池
  18716. shallow puncture ==> 浅刺
  18717. shallow puncture with cupping ==> 浅刺拔罐法
  18718. shallow recessing ==> 浅成形,浅拉延,压凹
  18719. shallow ridge ==> 浅沟
  18720. shallow ridge slot ==> 浅槽
  18721. shallow sampling with soil auger ==> 麻花钻浅层取样
  18722. shallow scraping ==> 浅层刮泡
  18723. shallow sea ==> 浅海
  18724. shallow sea deposit ==> 浅海沉积
  18725. shallow sea facies ==> 浅海相
  18726. shallow seismic refraction ==> 浅层地震折射
  18727. shallow shell ==> 扁壳体
  18728. shallow shoal ==> 浅滩
  18729. shallow slot ==> 浅槽
  18730. shallow soil ==> 浅层土
  18731. shallow soil seeded rice ==> 旱稻
  18732. shallow tillage ==> 浅耕
  18733. shallow trap ==> 浅陷阱
  18734. shallow underground burst ==> 浅层地下爆炸
  18735. shallow underwater burst ==> 浅水爆炸
  18736. shallow v groove ==> 浅v型槽
  18737. shallow vein zone deposit ==> 浅成脉状矿床
  18738. shallow water ==> 浅水
  18739. shallow water attack light ==> 浅水攻击信号灯
  18740. shallow water blackout ==> 浅水黑视
  18741. shallow water cable ==> 浅海电缆
  18742. shallow water deposit ==> 浅水沉积
  18743. shallow water effect ==> 浅水效应
  18744. shallow water splash ==> 试车浅水池
  18745. shallow water stands for a long time ==> 浅水长期淤积
  18746. shallow water wave ==> 浅水波
  18747. shallow weld ==> 浅焊
  18748. shallow well pump ==> 浅井泵
  18749. shallow winter breaking ==> 浅耕灭茬
  18750. shallow work ==> 浅部开采工作,浅耕
  18751. shallow workings ==> 浅部巷道
  18752. shallow- vaulted roof ==> 囤顶
  18753. shallow-bodied ==> 体躯线的
  18754. shallow-draft vessel ==> 浅水船
  18755. shallow-focus earthquake ==> 浅源地震
  18756. shallow-hardening steel ==> 低淬透性钢
  18757. shallow-pocket classifier ==> 浅室式分级机
  18758. shallow-pocket free settling classifier ==> 浅室型自由沉降分级机
  18759. shallow-rooted ==> 浅根的
  18760. shallow-shell ==> 平扁壳
  18761. shallow-spherical shell ==> 扁球壳
  18762. shallow-water maneuvering ==> (水上飞机)浅水机动
  18763. shallow-water vessel ==> 浅水船
  18764. shallowfocus earthquake ==> 浅震
  18765. shaly structure ==> 页岩状结构
  18766. sham beam ==> 假梁
  18767. sham door ==> 假门
  18768. sham rage ==> 假怒,人工暴怒,伪怒
  18769. sham wood ==> 人造木,模造材
  18770. sham-movement vertigo ==> 环转眩晕
  18771. sham-operation ==> 假手术
  18772. shampoo bowl ==> 洗发盆
  18773. shampoo spray arch ==> 洗涤剂喷射拱门
  18774. Shan cotton ==> 掸棉
  18775. shank ==> 柄,镜身,镜筒,抬包,小腿,胫
  18776. shank angle ==> 刀柄角
  18777. shank base ==> 支撑面
  18778. shank clamp ==> 铲柄卡夹
  18779. shank collar ==> 钎肩
  18780. shank color ==> 腿色
  18781. shank cutter ==> 立铣刀
  18782. shank diameter ==> 柄直径
  18783. shank end mill ==> 带柄端铣刀
  18784. shank for rough boring tool ==> 粗镗刀柄
  18785. shank gear cutter ==> 带柄齿轮刀具
  18786. shank ladle ==> 端包,手浇包,手转铁水包,手转铁水桶
  18787. shank milling cutter ==> 柄式铣刀
  18788. shank of bolt ==> 螺栓杆
  18789. shank of connecting rod ==> 联杆体,连杆体
  18790. shank of drill ==> 钻头柄
  18791. shank of rivet ==> 铆钉杆
  18792. shank of screw ==> 螺钉杆
  18793. shank of tool ==> 刀具柄
  18794. shank pinion cutter ==> 带柄插齿刀
  18795. shank plug ==> 方头塞
  18796. shank reamer ==> 带柄铰刀
  18797. shank tools ==> 带柄刀具
  18798. shank type cutter ==> 柄式铣刀
  18799. shank type fraise ==> 带柄铣刀
  18800. shank type milling cutter ==> 柄式铣刀
  18801. shank type reamer ==> 柄式铰刀
  18802. shank with driving slot ==> 带卸刀槽的刀柄
  18803. shank with driving square ==> 带驱动方头的刀柄
  18804. shank with groove ==> 沟槽刀柄
  18805. shank with half tang ==> 半尾刀柄
  18806. shank with square tang ==> 方尾刀柄
  18807. shank with tang and keyway ==> 扁尾键槽刀柄
  18808. shank with tang and woodruff keyseat ==> 扁尾月牙键槽刀柄
  18809. Shank's extraction process ==> 香克氏提取法
  18810. shank-feathering ==> 腿毛
  18811. Shannon ==> シャノン
  18812. Shannon diagram ==> シャノン線図
  18813. Shannon number ==> シャノン数
  18814. Shannon's theorem ==> 香农理论(信息论的)=>シャノンの定理
  18815. Shannon-Fano code ==> シャノン・ファノ符号
  18816. Shantung soil ==> 非石灰性棕壤
  18817. shape ==> 形式,样,造型,形,形态,形状=>外形,輪郭,状態,様子,成形する
  18818. shape a future ==> 将来の方針を決める
  18819. shape a homogeneous community ==> 等質社会を作る
  18820. shape a manuscript ==> 原稿を仕上げる
  18821. shape asymmetry ==> 形状非対称性
  18822. shape beam ==> 成形波束
  18823. shape bifurcation ==> 形状分岐
  18824. shape boundary ==> 外形境界
  18825. shape broach ==> 成形拉刀
  18826. shape casting ==> 成型铸造,成形铸造
  18827. shape change ==> 形变
  18828. shape coding ==> 形状编码
  18829. shape coefficient ==> 形状係数
  18830. shape constant ==> 形状常数,梁常数
  18831. shape control ==> 形状调整
  18832. shape cutting ==> 仿形切割,成形切割
  18833. shape cutting machine ==> 成形切割机
  18834. shape detection ==> 形状检定
  18835. shape distortion ==> 形状畸变
  18836. shape distribution ==> 形状分配
  18837. shape factor ==> 形状因子,形状系数,波形因数,成形系数
  18838. shape factor- ==> 形状因子
  18839. shape function matrix ==> 形状函数矩阵
  18840. shape index ==> 形状指数
  18841. shape information ==> 波形信息
  18842. shape iron ==> 型铁
  18843. shape measure ==> 形状测量
  18844. shape memory alloy ==> 形状記憶合金
  18845. shape memory alloy engine ==> 形状記憶合金エンジン
  18846. shape memory alloys ==> 形状記憶合金
  18847. shape memory ceramics ==> 形状记忆陶瓷
  18848. shape mill ==> 型钢轧机
  18849. shape of appearance ==> 表面形状
  18850. shape of bottom roughness ==> 底部糙率型
  18851. shape of branch ==> 枝振り
  18852. shape of cup ==> 杯状
  18853. shape of exit pupil ==> 出瞳形状
  18854. shape of olyphant washer ==> オリファントワッシャー試験片の形状
  18855. shape of particle ==> 粒子形状
  18856. shape of response spectrum ==> 反应谱形状
  18857. shape of saddle ==> 马鞍形
  18858. shape of strip ==> 板形
  18859. shape of the root cap ==> 根冠形状
  18860. shape of the seed ==> 种子形状
  18861. shape of tool ==> 刀具形状
  18862. shape of tooth ==> 齿形
  18863. shape oscillation ==> 形状振荡
  18864. shape parameter ==> 形状参数
  18865. shape pruning ==> 成型修剪
  18866. shape recovery force ==> 形状回復力
  18867. shape retention ==> 形状保持性
  18868. shape rolling ==> 成形辊轧
  18869. shape stability ==> 形状稳定性
  18870. shape stabilization ==> 形状安定化
  18871. shape steel ==> 型钢
  18872. shape straightener ==> 型钢矫直机
  18873. shape symmetry ==> 形状対称性
  18874. shape syringe pear ==> 梨形洗涤球
  18875. shape up ==> 码头临时工的挑选
  18876. shape variable ==> 形状変数
  18877. shape variation ==> 形状変化
  18878. shape wave ==> 浪形
  18879. shape welding ==> 异形焊,成形零件堆焊,有型焊接
  18880. shape-based pattern matching ==> 形状ベースパターンマッチング
  18881. shape-cutting machine ==> 定形氧割机
  18882. shape-elastic scattering ==> 形状弹性散射
  18883. shape-faced ==> 棉背真丝天鹅绒
  18884. shape-righting ==> 矫形
  18885. shape-up ==> 挑选临时职工
  18886. shaped ==> 成形した
  18887. shaped bar ==> 成形杆
  18888. shaped beam ==> 定形射束,成形光束,特形光束=>成形ビーム
  18889. shaped beam antenna ==> 成形波束天线=>成形ビームアンテナ
  18890. shaped bloom ==> 异形初轧坯,异形钢坯
  18891. shaped brick ==> 定形耐火物
  18892. shaped channel ==> 定形河道
  18893. shaped charge ==> 锥孔装药
  18894. shaped conductor ==> 异形导线
  18895. shaped demolition charge ==> 锥形爆破装药
  18896. shaped dish reflector ==> 变形碟式反射器
  18897. shaped dual reflector ==> 异形双反射面
  18898. shaped electrode ==> 成形电极
  18899. shaped field stop ==> 成形的场光阑
  18900. shaped form ==> 曲线形
  18901. shaped goods ==> 定型制件,定形制件
  18902. shaped groove ==> 曲形槽
  18903. shaped iron ==> 异形钢,型铁
  18904. shaped like a pear ==> 梨形
  18905. shaped nozzle ==> 特形喷管
  18906. shaped orifice ==> 型线孔口
  18907. shaped plate ==> 形板
  18908. shaped plywood ==> 型押し合板
  18909. shaped pressure squeeze board ==> 异形压实板
  18910. shaped product ==> 成形品
  18911. shaped profile milling cutter ==> 成形铣刀
  18912. shaped pulse ==> 整形脉冲=>成形パルス
  18913. shaped reflector antenna ==> 成形反射器天线
  18914. shaped roll ==> 型钢轧辊
  18915. shaped size information ==> 形状尺寸信息
  18916. shaped steel ==> 型钢=>形鋼
  18917. shaped tree ==> 整形树
  18918. shaped tube ==> 成形管
  18919. shaped tube electrochemical machning ==> 型管电极电解加工
  18920. shaped wire ==> 成形线,异形钢丝
  18921. shaped work ==> 曲线木作
  18922. shaped-beam antenna ==> 赋形波束天线
  18923. shaped-chamber manometer ==> 异型腔流体压力计
  18924. shaped-charge antitank missile ==> 锥形装药反坦克火箭弹
  18925. shaped-charge effect ==> 锥形装药聚能效应
  18926. shaped-conductor cable ==> 特形铁芯电缆,特性导线电缆
  18927. shaper ==> 牛头刨床
  18928. shaper and planer tool ==> 刨刀
  18929. shaper chuck ==> 牛头刨的虎钳,牛头刨夹具
  18930. shaper part ==> 牛头刨零件
  18931. shaper rail ==> 成形轨
  18932. shaper tool ==> 刨刀
  18933. shaper-divider ==> 整形分频器
  18934. shaping ==> 刨削,成形,整形,刨光,立铣
  18935. shaping amplifier ==> 整形放大器
  18936. shaping and development of educational economics ==> 教育经济学形成与发展
  18937. shaping by handcraft work ==> 雕镶成形
  18938. shaping by stock removal ==> 切削成形
  18939. shaping circuit ==> 整形电路,成形电路=>整形回路
  18940. shaping dies ==> 成形模
  18941. shaping filter ==> 整形滤波器
  18942. shaping for laser pulse ==> 激光脉冲整形
  18943. shaping groove ==> 成形孔型
  18944. shaping lathe ==> 成形车床,刨削车床
  18945. shaping loop ==> 脉冲整形电路
  18946. shaping machine ==> 牛头刨床,牛头刨床
  18947. shaping method ==> 成形法
  18948. shaping mill ==> 成形机,冷弯机
  18949. shaping network ==> 整形网络,整形网路
  18950. shaping of metal powders ==> 金属粉末成形
  18951. shaping of teeth ==> 齿的成形
  18952. shaping operation ==> 成形操作,整形作用,刨削操作
  18953. shaping pass ==> 粗轧孔型
  18954. shaping plate ==> 样板,型板
  18955. shaping property ==> 成形性能
  18956. shaping stand ==> 粗轧成形机座
  18957. shaping technique for light pulse ==> 光脉冲整形技术
  18958. shaping the void ==> 無を形作る
  18959. shaping tool ==> 样板刀,成形切刀
  18960. shaping unit ==> 信号形成部件,信号形成器
  18961. shaping without pressure ==> 无压成形
  18962. shaping without stock removal ==> 无屑成形,非切削成形
  18963. Shapley-Snow procedure for matrix game ==> 矩阵对策的夏普莱-斯诺方法,矩阵对策的夏普莱-斯诺方法
  18964. share ==> 分担,锄铲,均分,均分,股份,共享,共用,份,分担量=>シェア
  18965. share assets of divisions ==> 分厂的分享资产
  18966. share beak ==> 铧尖
  18967. share bonus ==> 以股票作红利
  18968. share ceded ==> 分出的成份
  18969. share control takeover ==> 投资控股
  18970. share count ==> 共享计算,共享数目
  18971. share cover ==> 铧式覆土器
  18972. share electron pair ==> 共用电子对
  18973. share file ==> 共享文件
  18974. share holder ==> 株主
  18975. share limit ==> 共用限制
  18976. share milker ==> 分成牧工
  18977. share of market ==> 市场分配
  18978. share of trade ==> 贸易份额
  18979. share operating system ==> 共享操作系统,共用操作系统
  18980. share out equally ==> 平均分摊
  18981. share out in private the harvests they concealed ==> 瞒产私分
  18982. share plough ==> 锋式犁,铧式犁
  18983. share point ==> 铧尖
  18984. share premium account ==> 发行溢价股票
  18985. share profit ==> 分红
  18986. share request ==> 共享请求,请求共用
  18987. share responsibility for ==> 分担
  18988. share shaft ==> 铲柄
  18989. share split-up ==> 析产分股
  18990. share splitup ==> 分股
  18991. share supervisor ==> 共用管理程序
  18992. share the expenses ==> 分担费用
  18993. share the expenses equally ==> 均摊费用,均摊费用
  18994. share-cropping ==> 分成制
  18995. share-out ==> 分摊
  18996. share-the-work ==> 分享工作
  18997. share-type lifter ==> 铧式挖掘铲
  18998. shareable image ==> 可共享映像
  18999. shareable program ==> 可共享的程序
  19000. shared ==> 共通の
  19001. shared address ==> 共享地址
  19002. shared batch area (SBA) ==> 共享批处理区,共用成批程序区域
  19003. shared channel ==> 共用信道,同频信道
  19004. shared class ==> 共享分类
  19005. shared communication resource ==> 共享通信资源
  19006. shared control ==> 共享控制,共用控制
  19007. shared control unit ==> 共同控制器,共享控制器,共用控制器,分配型控制器
  19008. shared data base ==> 共享数据库
  19009. shared data set ==> 共享数据集,共用数据集
  19010. shared direct access storage device ==> 共用直接访问存储器
  19011. shared direct access storage device option ==> 共享DASD选择,共享直接存取存储器设备选择
  19012. shared disc system ==> 共享磁盘系统
  19013. shared electron ==> 公用电子,共享电子
  19014. shared experience ==> 分享经验
  19015. shared file ==> 共用文件
  19016. shared file system ==> 分时用外存储器系统
  19017. shared frequency station ==> 同频广播电台=>周波数共用局
  19018. shared hardware ==> 公用硬件
  19019. shared hospital information system (SHIS) ==> 共享型医院信息系统
  19020. shared index data base ==> 共享索引数据库
  19021. shared kiln ==> 搭烧窑
  19022. shared limit ==> 共享限量
  19023. shared lock ==> 共享封闭,共享锁,共享型锁
  19024. shared logic ==> 共享逻辑
  19025. shared logic word processing equipment ==> 共享逻辑字词处理设备
  19026. shared main storage ==> 共享主存储器
  19027. shared main storage multiprocessing ==> 共享主存储器多道处理,共享主存多重处理
  19028. shared memory ==> 共享存储区
  19029. shared page table ==> 共享页表
  19030. shared path ==> 共用路径
  19031. shared port ==> 共享入口
  19032. shared read-only system residence disk ==> 共享常驻磁盘的只读系统,共享只读系统常驻盘
  19033. shared revenue ==> 分成收入
  19034. shared routine ==> 共享程序,共用程序,共用例程,共用例行程序
  19035. shared row assignment ==> 共用行分配
  19036. shared space ==> 共享空间
  19037. shared spooling ==> 共享假脱机,共享伪脱机
  19038. shared storage ==> 共享存储器,共用存储器
  19039. shared storage manager ==> 共享存储管理程序
  19040. shared structure ==> 共享结构
  19041. shared system ==> 共享系统
  19042. shared task set ==> 共享任务组
  19043. shared tax ==> 分享的税收,分成税收
  19044. shared track ==> 共享磁道,共用磁道
  19045. shared variable ==> 共享变量
  19046. shared variable set ==> 共享变量集
  19047. shared virtual area (SVA) ==> 共享虚存区,共用虚拟区
  19048. shared-dead-time method ==> 均分死时间法,均分死时间法
  19049. shared-file system ==> 共享文件系统
  19050. shared-logic-system ==> 逻辑共享系统
  19051. shared-memory system ==> 共用存储器系统
  19052. sharedchannel broadcasting ==> 同频广播
  19053. shares in the per capita agricultural product ==> 人均农产品占有量
  19054. shares outstanding ==> 净发股票,净发股票
  19055. sharing circuit ==> 分配电路
  19056. sharing electron ==> 配对电子
  19057. sharing extra profit ==> 超额利润分成
  19058. sharing multiprocessing ==> 共享多重处理,共用多重处理,分担多重处理
  19059. sharing of procedure segments ==> 过程段的共享
  19060. sharing part of the load ==> 载荷分量
  19061. sharing system ==> 共享系统,共用系统,划分制
  19062. sharing the entire profit ==> 全额利润分成
  19063. sharing the total profit ==> 全额利润分成
  19064. shark liver oil ==> 鲨鱼肝油,鲨鱼肝油
  19065. shark oil ==> 鲨鱼肝油,鲨鱼肝油
  19066. shark-fin hydrophone ==> 敛形水听器
  19067. shark-tooth projection ==> 鲨牙突起,鲨牙突起
  19068. sharp ==> 尖锐的,尖锐,急剧的,陡的,明确的,明显的,锐,锐的,利=>シャープ,a sharper image, a lower price
  19069. sharp angle ==> 锐角
  19070. sharp appetite ==> 旺盛な食欲
  19071. sharp appreciation of the yen ==> 急激な円高
  19072. sharp beam ==> 锐光束,窄光束,尖波束
  19073. sharp bend ==> 锐弯,陡弯,弯管
  19074. sharp boundary model ==> 锐边界模型
  19075. sharp chalazion curet ==> 霰粒肿锐匙,霰粒肿锐匙
  19076. sharp contact ==> 明显接触
  19077. sharp corner ==> 锐角转角,尖角,急弯
  19078. sharp crested weir ==> 薄壁堰,堰顶厚度与堰上水头之比值小于0.67,对自由水舌没有影响的堰
  19079. sharp curve ==> 急弯曲线,锐曲线
  19080. sharp cut-off ==> 锐截止
  19081. sharp cut-off characteristics ==> 锐截止特性
  19082. sharp cut-off filter ==> 锐截止滤光片
  19083. sharp cut-off model ==> 锐截断模型
  19084. sharp cut-off pentode ==> 锐截止式五极管,锐截止五极管
  19085. sharp decline ==> 急剧下降
  19086. sharp decline in prices ==> 物価の下落
  19087. sharp decline in sales ==> 急激な売り上げの減少
  19088. sharp dissection ==> 锐器解剖法
  19089. sharp dock ==> 簇花酸模
  19090. sharp draft ==> 强力通风
  19091. sharp drill ==> 尖钻头
  19092. sharp drop ==> 暴跌
  19093. sharp drop in the birthrate ==> 少子化
  19094. sharp drop-off in production ==> 生産の激減
  19095. sharp ear hook ==> 锐耳用钩
  19096. sharp edge ==> 陡沿,锐边,清晰边沿
  19097. sharp etching ==> 陡沿腐蚀
  19098. sharp fall ==> 暴跌,激跌
  19099. sharp filter ==> 锐截止滤波器
  19100. sharp fluctuation ==> 激変,激しい変動
  19101. sharp focus ==> 锐聚焦
  19102. sharp focus(s)ing ==> 锐聚焦
  19103. sharp focusing ==> 准确调出图像
  19104. sharp focusing of laser beam ==> レーザー光線の絞り込み
  19105. sharp freezer ==> 强力致冷器
  19106. sharp freezing ==> 低温冻结,快速冰冻
  19107. sharp front ==> 陡锋
  19108. sharp height ==> 锐高
  19109. sharp hooklet ==> 小锐钩
  19110. sharp image ==> 清晰图象
  19111. sharp instrument injury ==> 锐器损伤
  19112. sharp iron ==> 板端捻缝凿
  19113. sharp junction ==> 突变结
  19114. sharp knife ==> 快刀
  19115. sharp layer ==> 特薄层,特薄片
  19116. sharp line ==> 锐谱线
  19117. sharp line spectra ==> 锐线光谱
  19118. sharp melting point ==> 明确熔点
  19119. sharp mind ==> 頭のさえ,鋭い知性
  19120. sharp mouth ==> 锐齿
  19121. sharp nose pliers ==> 尖嘴钳
  19122. sharp notch ==> 尖锐缺口
  19123. sharp observation ==> 鋭い観察力
  19124. sharp pain ==> 锐痛
  19125. sharp paint ==> 快干漆
  19126. sharp peak ==> 顶点
  19127. sharp point ==> 图像边界点
  19128. sharp pointed harelipknife ==> 裂唇修补尖刃刀
  19129. sharp pounding ==> 强烈震动
  19130. sharp prismatic crystal ==> 尖棱结晶
  19131. sharp product ==> 精确积
  19132. sharp pulse ==> 尖脉冲
  19133. sharp resonance ==> 锐共振
  19134. sharp rise ==> 猛涨,激涨
  19135. sharp sand ==> 尖角沙,尖砂,精硅砂,纯砂
  19136. sharp screw ==> 锐角螺纹
  19137. sharp selectivity ==> 锐选择性
  19138. sharp series ==> 锐线系,锐线系光谱
  19139. sharp shock ==> 强激波
  19140. sharp spoon ==> 锐匙
  19141. sharp starter cracks ==> 尖锐起始裂纹
  19142. sharp stone ==> 锐石
  19143. sharp tackle ==> 锐刀
  19144. sharp teeth profile milling cutter ==> 尖齿铣刀
  19145. sharp thoracodynia ==> 尖锐胸痛
  19146. sharp thread ==> 三角螺纹,锐角螺纹
  19147. sharp trace ==> 明显痕迹
  19148. sharp tuning ==> 锐调谐=>鋭同調
  19149. sharp turn ==> 陡弯
  19150. sharp twist ==> 急扭
  19151. sharp V thread ==> 锐角螺纹,非截顶三角螺纹
  19152. sharp video pulse ==> 锐视频脉冲
  19153. sharp wave ==> 锐波,狭频波,尖波
  19154. sharp wedge formation ==> 锐楔形队
  19155. sharp wire start ==> 尖丝引弧
  19156. sharp work ==> 快速作业
  19157. sharp yield ==> 明显屈服
  19158. sharp yield point ==> 明显屈服点
  19159. sharp-angle ==> 锐棱的
  19160. sharp-bend ==> 锐弯头,突跃弯头
  19161. sharp-cornered entrance ==> 锐角入口
  19162. sharp-cornered well ==> 锐角势阱
  19163. sharp-crested ==> 尖口
  19164. sharp-crested weir ==> 薄壁堰,锐缘堰
  19165. sharp-cutoff tube ==> 锐截止管
  19166. sharp-edge orifice meter ==> 锐孔流速计
  19167. sharp-edged ==> 边缘清晰的
  19168. sharp-edged cones ==> 锐缘锥体
  19169. sharp-edged gust ==> 突发阵风
  19170. sharp-edged intake ==> 锐缘进气口
  19171. sharp-edged orifice ==> 锐缘孔,锐缘孔口
  19172. sharp-edged orifice plate ==> 锐边孔板
  19173. sharp-flowered rush ==> 灯心草属
  19174. sharp-focus lens ==> 锐聚透镜
  19175. sharp-freezing room ==> 速冻间
  19176. sharp-lip inlet ==> 锐缘进气口
  19177. sharp-nosed ==> 尖头的
  19178. sharp-pointed ==> 急尖的
  19179. sharp-pointed nose ==> 尖锥形头部
  19180. sharp-tipped hairs ==> 锐尖茸毛
  19181. sharped dental curet ==> 锐匙口牙刮匙
  19182. sharpen ==> 磨,锐化,磨刀
  19183. sharpened steel ==> 锐钢钎
  19184. sharpener ==> 工具磨床,刃磨工
  19185. sharpening angle, tooth angle, grinding angle ==> 研磨角
  19186. sharpening guide ==> 刃磨导柱
  19187. sharpening machine ==> 磨钻机
  19188. sharpening of cutting tools ==> 刃具研磨
  19189. sharpening stone ==> 磨石
  19190. sharpening tool ==> 磨锐刀具
  19191. sharper ==> 磨具,磨刃器
  19192. Sharpey's fiber ==> 贯穿纤维
  19193. Sharpey's fibers ==> 骨纤维,夏皮氏纤维
  19194. Sharpey's fibres ==> 夏贝纤维
  19195. sharping dye ==> 阻光染料
  19196. Sharples oil purifier ==> 沙普尔斯净油器
  19197. Sharples separator ==> 沙普尔斯羊毛脂分离器
  19198. Sharples wool washing ==> 沙普尔斯油脂回收洗毛法
  19199. sharply defined image ==> 清晰像
  19200. sharply focused image ==> 清晰图像,明显聚焦图像,锐聚图像
  19201. sharpness ==> 清晰度
  19202. sharpness angle ==> 研磨角
  19203. sharpness definition ==> 临界清晰度,清晰度锐度
  19204. sharpness factor ==> 清晰度系数
  19205. sharpness of dots ==> 网点清晰度
  19206. sharpness of fractionation ==> 分馏精确度
  19207. sharpness of resonance ==> 谐振锐度=>共振の鋭さ
  19208. sharpness of selection ==> 选择锐度
  19209. sharpness of separation ==> 分离陡度
  19210. sharpness of tuning ==> 调谐锐度=>同調の鋭さ
  19211. sharpness of vision ==> 视觉锐度
  19212. Shatin Effluent Export Scheme ==> 沙田污水输出计划
  19213. Shatin Refuse Transfer Station ==> 沙田废物转运站
  19214. Shatin Sewage Treatment Works ==> 沙田污水处理厂
  19215. shatter ==> 粉砕する
  19216. shatter belt ==> 震裂带
  19217. shatter breccia ==> 震裂角砾岩
  19218. shatter index ==> 震裂系数,震裂指数,破碎指数
  19219. shatter mark ==> 震裂痕
  19220. shatter marks ==> 发裂痕
  19221. shatter proof bottle ==> 耐破損性に優れた瓶
  19222. shatter proof glass ==> 安全玻璃
  19223. shatter test ==> 震裂试验,硬度坠落试验
  19224. shatter zone ==> 震裂带
  19225. shatter-proof ==> 不碎的
  19226. shatter-proof glass ==> 防碎玻璃,防震玻璃
  19227. shattered zone ==> 碎裂带
  19228. shattering action ==> 震裂作用
  19229. shattering process ==> 破碎过程
  19230. shatterproof glass ==> 安全玻璃
  19231. shave grass ==> 木贼
  19232. shave hook ==> 钩形刮刀,铅锉
  19233. shave tooth ==> 划齿
  19234. shaver ==> 切除器,电动剃须刀=>シェーバー
  19235. shaving ==> 剃齿
  19236. shaving allowance ==> 整修余量,(冲压用语)修边余量
  19237. shaving arbor ==> 剃齿心轴
  19238. shaving board ==> 偏薄板,刨花板
  19239. shaving board and attaching veneer ==> 刨花板及贴面
  19240. shaving cutter ==> 剃齿刀
  19241. shaving machine ==> 刨花机,削片机,剃齿机,(制革用)刮里机
  19242. shaving press ==> 整修压力机
  19243. shaving stock ==> 剃齿留量
  19244. shaving stone ==> 刮面石
  19245. shaving tool ==> 精车刀具
  19246. shavings ==> 切屑
  19247. shavings exhauster ==> 废屑排除器
  19248. shavings separator ==> 切屑分离器
  19249. Shaw kiln ==> 肖氏窑
  19250. Shaw process ==> 肖氏精密铸造法,肖氏铸造法,陶瓷型法,陶瓷型铸造
  19251. SHC, Shipping Coordination Committee ==> 海运协调委员会
  19252. SHE, standard hydrogen electode ==> 标准氢电极
  19253. shea butter ==> 牛油树脂
  19254. Shea's operation ==> 希氏手术
  19255. sheaf binder ==> 割捆机
  19256. sheaf blower ==> 禾捆吹送器
  19257. sheaf carrier ==> 禾捆积运器
  19258. sheaf conveyer ==> 禾捆输送器
  19259. sheaf cutter ==> 禾捆切碎机
  19260. sheaf of planes ==> 平面束
  19261. sheaf-binding reaping machine ==> 收割打捆机
  19262. sheaflike structure ==> 束状结构
  19263. SHEAL, Shuttle High Energy Astrophysics Laboratory ==> シャトル高エネルギー天体物理実験室
  19264. shear ==> 剪切,切变,切力,垂直掏槽
  19265. shear (force) ==> 剪力
  19266. shear (ing) modulus ==> 剪切弹性模量
  19267. shear action ==> 切削作用
  19268. shear angle ==> 剪切角
  19269. shear approach table ==> 剪机给料辊道
  19270. shear bar ==> 剪切刀片,底刀片
  19271. shear beam ==> 剪切梁
  19272. shear blade ==> 剪切刀片,底刃
  19273. shear blade grinding machine ==> 剪切刀片磨床
  19274. shear bolt ==> 保险螺栓
  19275. shear bolt shank ==> 带剪销的支柱
  19276. shear buckling ==> 剪切造成材料压弯
  19277. shear building ==> 剪切形建筑
  19278. shear burst ==> 切力突出
  19279. shear center ==> 扭转中心,剪力中心,剪切中心
  19280. shear cleavage ==> 剪劈理,滑动劈理
  19281. shear coefficient ==> 切变系数
  19282. shear connector ==> 剪力接合器,受切接合部件
  19283. shear crack ==> 剪切裂缝,切变裂缝
  19284. shear crush zone ==> 剪碎带
  19285. shear cutter ==> 剪毛机刀片
  19286. shear deformation ==> 切变形,切形变
  19287. shear diagram ==> 剪力图
  19288. shear distortion ==> 切形变
  19289. shear distribution ==> 剪力分配
  19290. shear elastic wave ==> 剪切弹性波
  19291. shear elasticity ==> 切变模量
  19292. shear failure ==> 剪切破坏
  19293. shear fatigue test ==> 剪切疲劳试验
  19294. shear field ==> 剪切场,切变场
  19295. shear fissure ==> 剪切裂纹
  19296. shear flow ==> 切变流动
  19297. shear fold ==> 剪切褶曲
  19298. shear force ==> 剪力,切变应力
  19299. shear forming machine ==> 剪切成形机
  19300. shear fracture ==> 剪裂,剪裂面,剪破裂,剪切断口,剪切断裂,剪切裂隙,斜面断口
  19301. shear fracture percentage ==> 塑性断口百分率
  19302. shear fracture transition temperature ==> 剪切断裂转变温度
  19303. shear front ==> 剪切面
  19304. shear gauge ==> 定尺机
  19305. shear head ==> 剪毛机头,剪切器头
  19306. shear height ==> 倾斜切刃两端高度差
  19307. shear joint ==> 剪节理,剪切节理
  19308. shear key ==> 抗剪键
  19309. shear knife ==> 剪切刀,剪切机刀片
  19310. shear lag ==> 剪滞
  19311. shear layer ==> 剪切层
  19312. shear leg ==> 起重机挺杆
  19313. shear leg crane ==> 双腿式起重机,人字吊臂起重机
  19314. shear legs ==> 动臂起重架,三脚吊架
  19315. shear line ==> 切变线,剪力线,剪切线
  19316. shear lip ==> 剪切唇,切变裂痕
  19317. shear load ==> 剪切负荷,剪切载荷
  19318. shear mark ==> 切痕
  19319. shear measuring gear ==> 剪切机活动定尺挡板
  19320. shear mixing ==> 切剪混合
  19321. shear modulus ==> 切变模量,剪切模量
  19322. shear modulus of elasticity ==> 剪切弹性模量
  19323. shear motor ==> 剪切机电动机
  19324. shear mouth ==> 剪状齿
  19325. shear of lines of forces ==> 磁力线的剪切
  19326. shear of magnetic field lines ==> 磁力线的剪切
  19327. shear on girder edge ==> 梁缘剪力
  19328. shear pattern ==> 剪切形式
  19329. shear pin ==> 剪切销,安全销
  19330. shear pin bush ==> 安全销衬
  19331. shear pin clutch ==> 剪销式安全离合器
  19332. shear plane ==> 剪断面,剪切面,剪切平面,切变面,切应面
  19333. shear plate ==> 切边中厚板,剪力板,剪切板
  19334. shear pole derrick ==> 两足人字起重机
  19335. shear rate ==> 切变速率,切应变速率,剪切程度
  19336. shear reinforcement ==> 抗剪钢筋
  19337. shear resistance ==> 剪切阻力
  19338. shear shoulder ==> 桨叶附根
  19339. shear span ==> 剪跨
  19340. shear span length ==> 剪跨长度
  19341. shear spinning ==> 剪力旋压
  19342. shear stability ==> 剪切安定性
  19343. shear stability test ==> 剪节稳定性试验
  19344. shear stabilization ==> 剪切致稳
  19345. shear steel ==> 刀剪钢,高速切削钢
  19346. shear stiffness ==> 抗剪刚度,抗剪劲度
  19347. shear strain ==> 剪应变,切应变
  19348. shear strength ==> 切变强度,抗剪强度
  19349. shear stress ==> 剪应力,切变应力,切应力,粘性摩擦应力
  19350. shear stretch ==> 切变拉伸
  19351. shear structure ==> 剪力构造
  19352. shear test ==> 剪力试验,剪切试验,抗剪试验
  19353. shear testing machine ==> 剪切试验机
  19354. shear theory ==> 切变理论
  19355. shear thickening ==> 剪切增稠
  19356. shear thinning ==> 剪切变稀
  19357. shear thrust ==> 剪冲断层,切变推力
  19358. shear tool ==> 剪刨刀
  19359. shear transformation ==> 切变,切变相变
  19360. shear viscosity coefficient ==> 切变粘滞系数
  19361. shear visual control ==> 切变肉眼检查
  19362. shear wall ==> 剪力墙=>せん断壁
  19363. shear wall structure ==> 剪力墙结构
  19364. shear wave ==> 剪力波,剪切波,切变波,横波
  19365. shear web ==> 抗剪腹板
  19366. shear welder ==> 剪切-焊接机组
  19367. shear work ==> 剪切功
  19368. shear yield stress ==> 剪切屈服应力
  19369. shear zone ==> 剪力区,剪切带,剪切区,剪碎带,断层带
  19370. shear(ing) area ==> 受剪面积
  19371. shear(ing) cut ==> 剪断切削
  19372. shear(ing) die ==> 剪断模,剪切模
  19373. shear(ing) force ==> 剪切力
  19374. shear(ing) strength ==> 剪切强度
  19375. shear-bow ==> 剪切弯曲
  19376. shear-flocculation ==> 切变絮凝
  19377. shear-ga(u)ge length indicator ==> 定尺指示器
  19378. shear-gravity wave ==> 切变重力波
  19379. shear-leg ==> 人字起重机
  19380. shear-leg crane ==> 三脚起重机
  19381. shear-leg derrick crane ==> 合撑式起重机
  19382. shear-legs ==> 人字起重架,起重机三角架,剪形起重机
  19383. shear-out ==> 切开
  19384. shear-plate nozzle ==> 涡流片式喷嘴
  19385. shear-pole draw bridge ==> 支柱吊桥
  19386. shear-rate dependence ==> 切速依赖性
  19387. shear-seal type valve ==> 平板遮盖阀
  19388. shear-steel ==> 刃钢,剪钢,剪切钢
  19389. shear-stress gradient ==> 剪应力梯度
  19390. shear-type cutting off die ==> 带料型冲孔
  19391. shear-viscoslty function ==> 剪切-粘度函数
  19392. shear-wave anisotropy and texture ==> S波異方性と組織
  19393. sheared circle diameter covering a tube bundle ==> 管束包切圆直径
  19394. sheared edge ==> 剪断毛边,剪切边,剪切端面,剪切口
  19395. sheared hedge ==> 剪篱
  19396. sheared hysteresis ==> 切变磁滞
  19397. sheared length ==> 剪切长度
  19398. sheared plate mill ==> 切边中厚板轧机
  19399. sheared specimen ==> 整形标本树,整形独立树
  19400. sheared strip ==> 剪切的条料
  19401. shearer ==> 剪断机,剪毛机,剪毛器,齿滚刨煤机,滚齿刨煤机
  19402. shearer comb ==> 剪毛机固定刀片
  19403. shearer gearhead ==> 采煤机机头
  19404. shearer lamb ==> 待剪毛架子羔羊
  19405. Shearer plastometer ==> (测泥浆流动性)席勒塑性仪
  19406. shearforce ==> 切变力
  19407. sheargraph ==> 剪应力记录仪
  19408. shearing ==> 剪断,直立截槽,直立截槽法=>せん断変換
  19409. shearing action ==> 剪切作用
  19410. shearing and punching machine ==> 冲剪两用机
  19411. shearing area ==> 剪切断面
  19412. shearing blade ==> 剪断刀
  19413. shearing bushing ==> 凿环
  19414. shearing chip ==> 挤裂切屑
  19415. shearing clutch ==> 剪销式超载安全离合器
  19416. shearing coefficient of seismic force ==> 地震载荷剪切系数
  19417. shearing comb ==> 剪毛梳状刀片
  19418. shearing crack ==> 剪切裂缝
  19419. shearing crocodile machine ==> 杠杆式剪断机
  19420. shearing deformation ==> 剪切变形
  19421. shearing edge ==> 剪切刃口
  19422. shearing effect ==> 剪切效应
  19423. shearing equipment ==> 剪切设备
  19424. shearing ewe ==> 一岁母羊
  19425. shearing factor ==> 剪切系数
  19426. shearing failure ==> 剪断断裂,切变断裂
  19427. shearing field ==> 剪切场
  19428. shearing force ==> 剪力
  19429. shearing gang ==> 专业剪毛队
  19430. shearing instability ==> 切变不稳定性
  19431. shearing interference microscope ==> 切错干涉显微镜
  19432. shearing interferometer ==> 切变干涉仪,错位干涉仪
  19433. shearing length ==> 切断长度
  19434. shearing load ==> 剪载荷
  19435. shearing machine ==> 剪床,剪机,剪毛机,剪切机械=>せん断機
  19436. shearing machine table ==> 剪床工作台
  19437. shearing modulus ==> 抗剪模数
  19438. shearing modulus of elasticity ==> 剪切弹性模数
  19439. shearing plane ==> 剪断面
  19440. shearing pressure ==> 剪压力
  19441. shearing principle ==> 切变原理
  19442. shearing punch ==> 切料冲头
  19443. shearing ram ==> 一岁公羊
  19444. shearing rate ==> 剪切率
  19445. shearing resistance ==> 抗剪强度
  19446. shearing rigidity ==> 剪切刚度
  19447. shearing ring ==> 剪力环
  19448. shearing section ==> 剪切截面,承剪断面
  19449. shearing set ==> 剪毛机组
  19450. shearing strain ==> 切应变
  19451. shearing strength ==> 抗剪强度=>せん断強度
  19452. shearing stress ==> 剪切应力,剪应力,切应力=>せん断応力
  19453. shearing stress flow ==> 剪应力流
  19454. shearing test ==> 剪切试验
  19455. shearing thickness ==> 切断厚度
  19456. shearing tool ==> 剪切刀具
  19457. shearing tup ==> 一岁公羊
  19458. shearing wether ==> 一岁阉公羊
  19459. shearing work ==> 剪工工作,剪切工作
  19460. shearing-off ==> 切断,切面
  19461. shearing-strength of wood along the grain ==> 顺纹抗剪强度
  19462. shears ==> 剪切机,大剪刀,起重三角架,人字起重架,剪,升降托架
  19463. sheath ==> 护皮,铅包=>シース
  19464. sheath and culm blight of rice ==> 稻瘟枯病
  19465. sheath blight of rice ==> 稻纹枯病
  19466. sheath cell ==> 鞘细胞
  19467. sheath column ==> 鞘柱
  19468. Sheath current ==> 外皮电流
  19469. sheath current ==> 表皮电流,表皮涡流=>シース電流
  19470. sheath dynamics ==> シースの動的挙動
  19471. sheath eddies ==> 外皮涡流
  19472. sheath effects ==> 外皮效应
  19473. sheath extrusion ==> 护套挤压
  19474. sheath fold ==> 剑鞘褶皱
  19475. sheath for magnet coils ==> 电磁铁护罩
  19476. sheath heater ==> シーズヒーター=>护套加热器
  19477. sheath inoculation methods ==> 叶鞘接种法
  19478. sheath loss ==> 包皮损耗=>シース損
  19479. sheath losses ==> 负载损耗
  19480. sheath net blotch of rice plant ==> 水稻叶鞘网斑病
  19481. sheath of cable ==> 电缆外皮
  19482. sheath of eyeball ==> 眼球鞘
  19483. sheath of femoral vein ==> 股静脉鞘
  19484. sheath of penis ==> 阴鞘
  19485. sheath of Schwann ==> 许旺氏鞘,神经鞘
  19486. sheath of sting ==> 刺鞘
  19487. sheath of styloid process ==> 茎突鞘
  19488. sheath oxygen effect ==> シース酸素効果
  19489. sheath red rot ==> 叶鞘赤腐病
  19490. sheath red spot ==> 叶鞘毒斑病
  19491. sheath restrictive coating ==> 铠装
  19492. sheath rolling ==> 包壳轧制
  19493. sheath rot ==> (羊)龟头包皮炎
  19494. sheath rot of rice plant ==> 稻叶鞘腐败病
  19495. sheath voltage ==> シース電圧
  19496. sheath wilt ==> 鞘枯病
  19497. sheath-core bicomponent fibre ==> 皮芯型双组分纤维
  19498. sheath-core yarn ==> 皮芯双组分丝
  19499. sheath-like structure ==> 鞘状结构
  19500. sheathcircuit eddies ==> 外皮电路的涡流
  19501. sheathe ==> 装鞘
  19502. sheathed ==> 装有护套的
  19503. sheathed artery ==> 有鞘动脉
  19504. sheathed cable ==> 铠装电缆
  19505. sheathed capillary ==> 鞘毛细血管
  19506. sheathed explosive ==> 铠装炸药
  19507. sheathed plug ==> 密封式电热塞,屏蔽式电热塞
  19508. sheathed rubber insulated cable ==> 韧性橡胶护套绝缘电缆
  19509. sheathed wire ==> 金属包皮导线,金属护皮电线,铠装线
  19510. sheathed wire rope ==> 密封钢丝绳
  19511. sheathed-pilot system ==> 包皮控制系统
  19512. sheathing ==> 木望板,夹衬板,船帮材,鞘,覆套,望板,护套,韧性橡皮护皮
  19513. sheathing bronze ==> 镶饰青铜
  19514. sheathing material ==> 外壳材料
  19515. sheathing paper ==> 衬纸,绝热纸,绝热纸,隔热纸
  19516. sheathing tape ==> 覆盖钢带
  19517. sheathing tile ==> 望砖
  19518. sheathing wire ==> 铠装线
  19519. sheathreshaping converter ==> 外壳整形变模器
  19520. sheave ==> 牵引盘,绞缆轮,皮带轮,滑车轮,滑轮=>シーブ
  19521. sheave boss ==> 滑轮毂
  19522. sheave drive ==> 槽轮传动
  19523. sheave fork ==> 绞缆叉,绞缆轮叉
  19524. sheave pulley ==> 滑车
  19525. sheave wheel ==> 槽轮
  19526. sheave wheel horizon ==> 天轮水平
  19527. sheave wheel platform ==> 天轮平台
  19528. sheave-to-wire ratio ==> 槽轮和钢丝直径比,摩擦轮和钢丝直径比
  19529. sheazhing leaf ==> 具鞘叶,具鞘叶
  19530. sheblack rubber insertion sheet ==> 夹布胶片
  19531. shed ==> 榭,榭,舍,机库,绝缘子裙部,绝缘子裙部,洒,散发,车库,栈,棚,流出,窝棚=>落ちる,発散する
  19532. shed car ==> 棚车
  19533. shed coal ==> 煤线
  19534. shed dormer ==> 单坡老虎窗,三角形天窗
  19535. shed forms ==> 梭口形式
  19536. shed lambing ==> 舍内产羔
  19537. shed roof ==> 单坡屋顶=>片流れ屋根
  19538. shed station ==> 貨物上屋
  19539. shed stick ==> 分纱杆
  19540. shedder ==> 抽出机,推料机,抛料机,卸件装置,卸料器
  19541. shedder ewe ==> 育成母羊
  19542. shedding ==> 泄出,开口
  19543. shedding frequency ==> 散发频率
  19544. shedding mechanism ==> 卸料机构
  19545. shedding tappet ==> 凸轮推杆随动件
  19546. sheds water ==> 防水
  19547. Sheehan's syndrome ==> 席汉综合征,产后垂体坏死
  19548. sheen ==> 光沢,輝き
  19549. sheep ==> 绵羊,羊=>ヒツジ
  19550. sheep casing ==> 羊肠衣
  19551. sheep cell agglutination test ==> 绵羊细胞凝集试验
  19552. sheep classer ==> 绵羊鉴定员
  19553. sheep clipper ==> 羊毛剪
  19554. sheep coat ==> 羊衣
  19555. sheep cote ==> 羊圈
  19556. sheep country ==> 养羊地区
  19557. sheep erythrocyte agglutination (SEA) ==> 绵羊红细胞凝集反应
  19558. sheep erythrocyte receptor ==> 绵羊红细胞受体
  19559. sheep fold ==> 羊圈
  19560. sheep husbandry ==> 养羊学
  19561. sheep in fleece ==> 未剪毛羊
  19562. sheep in lamb ==> 妊娠母牛
  19563. sheep industry ==> 养羊业
  19564. sheep itch mite ==> 绵羊疥螨
  19565. sheep ked ==> 绵羊蜱
  19566. sheep leather ==> 绵羊革
  19567. sheep month ==> 绵羊头目,母羊月,牧羊月数
  19568. sheep operator ==> 羊场主
  19569. sheep path ==> 羊道
  19570. sheep pelt ==> 羊皮
  19571. sheep pen ==> 羊圈
  19572. sheep pox ==> 羊痘,绵羊痘
  19573. sheep production ==> 绵羊生产,养羊业
  19574. sheep pulmonary adenomatosis ==> 羊肺腺瘤样病
  19575. sheep raising ==> 养羊,养羊业
  19576. sheep RBC receptor ==> 绵羊红细胞受体
  19577. sheep red blood cell (SRBC) ==> 绵羊红细胞
  19578. sheep run ==> 养羊场地
  19579. sheep shearer ==> 剪羊毛机
  19580. sheep shearing unit ==> 剪毛装置
  19581. sheep shears ==> 羊毛剪
  19582. sheep skin ==> 羊皮
  19583. sheep skin roll ==> 羊皮覆面辊
  19584. sheep stud ==> 种羊场
  19585. sheep yard ==> 羊圈
  19586. sheep's foot roller ==> 弯脚羊蹄压路机
  19587. sheep-branding ==> 羊身标计
  19588. sheep-branding fluid ==> 羊身打印液
  19589. sheep-dung stools ==> 羊粪样便
  19590. sheep-flock effect ==> 羊群效应
  19591. sheep-foot roller ==> 羊蹄压路机,羊足碾
  19592. sheep-foot roller compaction ==> 羊足碾压实
  19593. sheep-foot tamper ==> 羊脚捣路机,羊蹄形压路机
  19594. sheepback rock ==> 羊背石
  19595. sheepfoot roller ==> 锥形羊蹄辗
  19596. sheer ==> 舷弧,崖面
  19597. sheer cliff ==> 峭壁
  19598. sheer earning power ==> 绝对的获利权
  19599. sheer lawns ==> 稀薄细麻布
  19600. sheer line ==> 舷弧线
  19601. sheer plan ==> 侧视图
  19602. sheet ==> 膜,岩席,漫洪,帆脚索,床单,图幅,片,片材,页,薄板,板,(薄钢板)张=>シート
  19603. sheet a of b ==> 第a张共b张
  19604. sheet alumin(i)um ==> 铝板
  19605. sheet anchor ==> 备用主锚
  19606. sheet and coil grinding machine ==> 薄板和带材磨床
  19607. sheet and kieselguhr filter ==> 板框硅藻土过滤机
  19608. sheet antenna ==> 平顶天线
  19609. sheet asbestos ==> 石棉板,石棉片
  19610. sheet backing ==> 背板,钢板衬背
  19611. sheet bar ==> 薄板坯
  19612. sheet bar mill ==> 薄板坯轧机
  19613. sheet bar stacker ==> 薄板坯垛放机
  19614. sheet bending machine ==> 弯板机
  19615. sheet billet ==> 钢板坯
  19616. sheet blowing ==> 薄膜吹制
  19617. sheet brass ==> 黄铜板
  19618. sheet breaker ==> 平板纸压光机
  19619. sheet calender ==> 平板纸压光机
  19620. sheet capacitance ==> 箔电容
  19621. sheet casting ==> 薄片注浆法
  19622. sheet cavitation ==> 面气蚀
  19623. sheet classifier ==> 薄钢板分选机
  19624. sheet clippings ==> 钢板的边废料
  19625. sheet collator ==> 配页机
  19626. sheet composting ==> 层状堆肥
  19627. sheet conductance ==> 薄层电导,面电导
  19628. sheet conductivity ==> 薄层导电率
  19629. sheet control ==> 纸张控制器
  19630. sheet copper ==> 薄铜皮,铜板,铜片
  19631. sheet copper roofing ==> 铜皮屋面
  19632. sheet core ==> 薄片铁芯
  19633. sheet cullet ==> 碎平板玻璃
  19634. sheet current ==> 表流
  19635. sheet cutter ==> 平板切纸机
  19636. sheet cutting table ==> 切片台
  19637. sheet deposit ==> 席状矿床
  19638. sheet detector ==> 供纸检测器,记录纸检测器
  19639. sheet diaphragm ==> 薄铁振动片
  19640. sheet dielectric ==> 片状电介质
  19641. sheet diked swarm ==> 席状岩墙群
  19642. sheet drawing process ==> 平板玻璃拉制法
  19643. sheet dryer ==> 纸页干燥器
  19644. sheet edge cutting device ==> 薄膜切边装置
  19645. sheet erosion ==> 片流侵蚀,片蚀,片状侵蚀
  19646. sheet extrusion ==> 板的挤压
  19647. sheet feed ==> 板料送进
  19648. sheet feeder ==> 供纸器
  19649. sheet feeding device ==> 板料送进机构
  19650. sheet fiber ==> 纤维纸板,硬纸板
  19651. sheet film ==> 单张胶片,散页片
  19652. sheet film camera ==> 单页片照相机
  19653. sheet film holder ==> 单页片暗匣
  19654. sheet flattening machine ==> 板料校平机
  19655. sheet flood ==> 漫流
  19656. sheet flooring ==> 卷材地面
  19657. sheet flow ==> 片流,薄层水流
  19658. sheet flow sheetwash ==> 片流
  19659. sheet format ==> 表格式
  19660. sheet former ==> 纸页成形器
  19661. sheet forming ==> 纸幅成形,板料成形,片材成形
  19662. sheet frost ==> 片霜
  19663. sheet furnace ==> 薄板加热炉
  19664. sheet gasket ==> 填密片,密封垫片,密封垫圈
  19665. sheet gauge ==> 板规,板料样规
  19666. sheet glass ==> 玻璃板,玻璃片,平板玻璃
  19667. sheet grab ==> 板状物件抓具
  19668. sheet grating ==> 片栅
  19669. sheet guard ==> 护板
  19670. sheet handling machine ==> 码纸机
  19671. sheet ice ==> 片冰,片状冰
  19672. sheet iron ==> 钢皮,薄铁皮,铁皮=>薄鋼板
  19673. sheet iron crane ==> 铁板起重机
  19674. sheet iron plate ==> 铁板
  19675. sheet iron shears ==> 钢皮切断机
  19676. sheet iron strip ==> 铁带
  19677. sheet iron tube ==> 薄钢焊接管
  19678. sheet jelly ==> 粉皮
  19679. sheet joint ==> 页状节理
  19680. sheet jointing ==> 页状剥落
  19681. sheet lead ==> 铅皮,薄铅板
  19682. sheet leveller ==> 薄板矫平机,薄板校平机
  19683. sheet lifter ==> 薄板升降台
  19684. sheet lightning ==> 片状闪电
  19685. sheet like ==> 薄片状的
  19686. sheet line ==> 图廓线
  19687. sheet material ==> 板材
  19688. sheet metal ==> 金属薄板,金属皮,金属片
  19689. sheet metal chaplet ==> 金属片芯撑
  19690. sheet metal forming ==> 薄钢板成形
  19691. sheet metal four edge folding cell ==> 板材四面折边单元
  19692. sheet metal laser processing systems ==> 板金レーザ加工機
  19693. sheet metal smoothing rollers ==> 薄板矫正辊
  19694. sheet metal stamping ==> 薄钢板成形
  19695. sheet metal strip ==> 金属带材
  19696. sheet mica ==> 云母片
  19697. sheet mill ==> 薄板压延机,薄板轧机
  19698. sheet mineral ==> 页硅酸盐
  19699. sheet nickel ==> 电解镍板
  19700. sheet number ==> 图表编号
  19701. sheet of armor ==> 装甲板
  19702. sheet of protective aircraft ==> 战斗机掩护
  19703. sheet of reclaimed cellulose for warpping ==> 包装用再生纤维纸
  19704. sheet pack ==> 薄板叠,钢板叠
  19705. sheet pack turnover ==> 板叠翻转机
  19706. sheet packing ==> 填密片,封密片,密封填料
  19707. sheet pasting machine ==> 包装粘糊机
  19708. sheet pavement ==> 整片式路面
  19709. sheet pick-up ==> 薄板分送机
  19710. sheet pile ==> 板桩=>シートパイル,矢板
  19711. sheet pile anchorage ==> 板桩锚定
  19712. sheet pile bulkhead ==> 板桩岸壁
  19713. sheet pile foundation ==> 板桩基础
  19714. sheet piler ==> 垛板机
  19715. sheet piling ==> 打板桩
  19716. sheet polarizer ==> 偏振层板
  19717. sheet polymer ==> 片状聚合物
  19718. sheet pump ==> 泥浆泵
  19719. sheet quarry ==> 水平节理花岗岩采石场
  19720. sheet rectifier ==> 薄板矫直机
  19721. sheet resistance ==> 薄层电阻,表面电阻
  19722. sheet resistivity ==> 薄层电阻率=>面積抵抗(率)
  19723. sheet rolling ==> 薄板滚压
  19724. sheet rolling mill ==> 薄板轧机,钢板轧机
  19725. sheet rubber ==> 生胶片
  19726. sheet sand ==> 砂席,平伏砂层,席状砂
  19727. sheet sandstone ==> 席状砂岩
  19728. sheet separation ==> 板间间隔,板间隙
  19729. sheet separator ==> 板料分离装置,分纸器
  19730. sheet silicate ==> 页硅酸盐
  19731. sheet slab ==> 大板坯
  19732. sheet stackers ==> 垛板机
  19733. sheet stamping ==> 薄板冲压
  19734. sheet steel ==> 薄钢板,钢皮,钢片,钢片=>鋼板
  19735. sheet steel enamel ==> 钢片搪瓷
  19736. sheet steel flume ==> 钢板渡槽
  19737. sheet steel form ==> 钢模板,用于混凝土浇筑成型的钢制模板
  19738. sheet steel mill ==> 薄钢板厂
  19739. sheet steel pipe ==> 薄钢管
  19740. sheet steel rolling mill ==> 薄钢板压延机
  19741. sheet steel straightening unit ==> 薄钢板矫平机
  19742. sheet stock ==> 薄钢板
  19743. sheet stretcher ==> 板材拉伸矫平机
  19744. sheet strip ==> 薄板条,带钢
  19745. sheet structure ==> 片状构造,片状结构
  19746. sheet thickness calibrator ==> 薄板测厚仪
  19747. sheet thickness gauge ==> 薄板厚度卡规
  19748. sheet thrust ==> 席冲断层
  19749. sheet tin ==> 锡板,马口铁皮
  19750. sheet train ==> 挤片生产线
  19751. sheet vein ==> 席状脉
  19752. sheet wash ==> 漫洪,片状冲刷
  19753. sheet wheel ==> 薄片砂轮
  19754. sheet winding ==> 扁线绕组
  19755. sheet wrench mark ==> 薄板折印
  19756. sheet-and-half foolscap ==> 四开图纸
  19757. sheet-annealing base ==> 薄钢板退火用固定式炉底
  19758. sheet-bar shears ==> 薄板坯剪切机
  19759. sheet-doubling machine ==> 薄板折叠机
  19760. sheet-fed cutter ==> 对开切纸机
  19761. sheet-fed offset perfector ==> 单张纸双面胶印机
  19762. sheet-fed offset press ==> 单张纸胶印机
  19763. sheet-fed offset rotary press ==> 单张纸轮转胶印机
  19764. sheet-fed press ==> 单张纸印刷机
  19765. sheet-fed rotary letterpress ==> 单张纸凸版轮转印刷机
  19766. sheet-fed rotogravure ==> 单张纸轮转凹印机
  19767. sheet-fed single colour perfector ==> 单张纸双面单色胶印机
  19768. sheet-fed stop cylinder press ==> 单张停转式凸版平台印刷机
  19769. sheet-folding machine ==> 折页机
  19770. sheet-forming machine ==> 板材成型机
  19771. sheet-galvanizing equipment ==> 薄板镀锌设备
  19772. sheet-galvanizing line ==> 薄板镀锌作业线
  19773. sheet-glass drawing machine ==> 平板玻璃拉制机
  19774. sheet-glass process ==> 平板玻璃制造法
  19775. sheet-glass tank furnace ==> 平板玻璃池窑
  19776. sheet-holder ==> 薄板定位销
  19777. sheet-iron chute ==> 铁板溜槽
  19778. sheet-iron gauge ==> 钢板厚度计
  19779. sheet-metal casing ==> 钢板蜗壳
  19780. sheet-metal chaplet ==> 箱式金属片芯撑
  19781. sheet-metal drawing ==> 板金工图
  19782. sheet-metal duct ==> 薄板管道,薄壁管道
  19783. sheet-metal flat roof ==> 金属板平屋顶
  19784. sheet-metal free from oxides ==> 酸洗薄钢板
  19785. sheet-metal gate ==> 金属板院门
  19786. sheet-metal grader ==> 薄板分选工
  19787. sheet-metal grinder ==> 板料磨床
  19788. sheet-metal lagging ==> 金属薄板外套
  19789. sheet-metal parts ==> 板金零件
  19790. sheet-metal perforating machine ==> 金属薄板冲孔机
  19791. sheet-metal press working ==> 板料冲压
  19792. sheet-metal processing ==> 钣金加工
  19793. sheet-metal roofing ==> 金属板屋面
  19794. sheet-metal screw ==> 金属板螺钉,自攻丝螺钉
  19795. sheet-metal shrinker ==> 板收缩机
  19796. sheet-metal smoothing roll ==> 金属板平轧机
  19797. sheet-metal stringer ==> 带筋的金属板
  19798. sheet-metal water jacket ==> 金属板水套
  19799. sheet-metal work ==> 金属板工件,金属板制品,板金工工作,钣金工程
  19800. sheet-metal worker ==> 钣金工
  19801. sheet-metal working ==> 板金加工
  19802. sheet-mill shears ==> 薄板剪切机
  19803. sheet-mill stand ==> 薄板轧机机座
  19804. sheet-pile breakwater ==> 板桩挡土墙,板桩防波堤
  19805. sheet-pile cell ==> 板桩格笼
  19806. sheet-pile cofferdam ==> 板桩围堰
  19807. sheet-pile curtain ==> 板桩帷幕
  19808. sheet-pile cut-off ==> 板桩截水墙
  19809. sheet-pile extracting ==> 板桩拔除
  19810. sheet-pile hammer ==> 板桩锤
  19811. sheet-pile levee ==> 板桩堤
  19812. sheet-pile retaining wall ==> 板桩式挡土墙
  19813. sheet-pile screen ==> 板桩防护栏,板桩围幕
  19814. sheet-pile wall ==> 板桩墙
  19815. sheet-pile wharf ==> 板桩码头
  19816. sheet-punching machine ==> 冲片机
  19817. sheet-reinforced ceramics ==> 金属板加固陶瓷
  19818. sheet-roller chain ==> 金属板链环滚子链
  19819. sheet-skin pass mill ==> 薄板平整机
  19820. sheet-straightening machine ==> 薄板矫直机
  19821. sheet-temper mill ==> 薄板平整机
  19822. sheetbar and billet mill ==> 薄板坯小坯轧机
  19823. sheeted complex ==> 席状杂岩
  19824. sheeted vein ==> 席状脉
  19825. sheeted vein deposit ==> 席状矿床
  19826. sheeted veins ==> 席状脉群
  19827. sheeted zone ==> 席状矿带
  19828. sheeting board ==> 护堤板
  19829. sheeting driver ==> 打板桩机
  19830. sheeting for excavation ==> 挖方支撑
  19831. sheeting jack ==> 板桩千斤顶
  19832. sheeting line ==> 薄板精整作业线
  19833. sheeting loom ==> 被单织机
  19834. sheeting of trench ==> 槽沟挡板
  19835. sheeting pile ==> 板桩
  19836. sheeting plank ==> 护堤板
  19837. sheeting plank of dyke ==> 护堤板桩
  19838. sheeting roll ==> 薄板轧辊
  19839. sheeting structure ==> 片状构造
  19840. sheeting twill ==> 二上二下斜纹
  19841. sheetpile quaywall ==> 板桩码头
  19842. Sheffieid plate ==> 包银铜片
  19843. Sheffield plate ==> 包银铜板
  19844. Sheffield process ==> 舍菲尔德平炉法
  19845. sheilding can-type centrifuge ==> 屏蔽型离心机
  19846. sheilding can-type pump ==> 屏蔽型泵
  19847. Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works ==> 石湖墟污水处理厂
  19848. SHEL, Shuttle High Energy Lab ==> シャトル高エネルギーラブ
  19849. shelf ==> 支架=>シェルフ
  19850. shelf angle ==> 座角钢
  19851. shelf board ==> 搁板
  19852. shelf bracket ==> 搁板托座
  19853. shelf break ==> 陆架坡折
  19854. shelf car ==> 棚架车
  19855. shelf channel ==> 陆架水道,(陆架沟谷)陆架谷
  19856. shelf characteristic ==> 贮存性能
  19857. shelf corrosion ==> 闲置腐蚀=>放置腐食
  19858. shelf depreciation ==> 闲置折旧,跑电
  19859. shelf edge ==> 陆架外缘,大陆架边缘
  19860. shelf for typewriter ==> 打字机架
  19861. shelf hydraulic regime ==> 陆架水力状态
  19862. shelf ice ==> 陆架冰
  19863. shelf label ==> 架子标签
  19864. shelf life ==> 适用寿命,保存期限,存放期,储藏期限,储藏寿命,储存期限,闲置寿命,贮存期限,搁置寿命,贮藏寿命
  19865. shelf operation ==> 造盖术
  19866. shelf operation of hip joint ==> 髋臼加盖术
  19867. shelf pin ==> 搁板座
  19868. shelf rest ==> 搁板座,搁座
  19869. shelf retaining wall ==> 搁板式挡土墙,搁架式挡土墙
  19870. shelf sea ==> 浅海,陆架海,陆棚海
  19871. shelf stand ==> 搁座
  19872. shelf support ==> 搁板座
  19873. shelf test ==> 闲置试验,存放试验=>放置試験
  19874. shelf-life ==> 搁置寿命,贮藏期限,适用期
  19875. shelf-type core oven ==> 架式烘芯炉
  19876. shell ==> 壳,壳层,壳体,壳体,机壳,筒体,型壳,剥,薄壳,疤皮,炮弹,坯材疤皮,电铸版壳,绝缘子裙,绝缘子裙,介壳,塔外壳,汽缸,汽锅身,外壳,罩,毛坯管=>貝殻,ハマグリ,外板,船殻,電子殻,砲撃する,ぶっ潰す
  19877. shell and coil condenser ==> 盘管式冷凝器
  19878. shell and milling cutter ==> 空心端铣刀
  19879. shell and tube ==> 列管式=>シェルアンドチューブ式
  19880. shell and tube (heat) exchanger ==> 列管式换热器
  19881. shell and tube condenser ==> 列管式冷凝器,管壳式冷凝器,壳管式冷凝器
  19882. shell and tube cooler ==> 管壳式冷凝器
  19883. shell and tube evaporator ==> 列管式蒸发器
  19884. shell and tube exchanger ==> 壳管式换热器
  19885. shell and tube heat exchanger ==> 管壳式换热器
  19886. shell and tube type floating head heat exchanger ==> 管壳式浮头换热器
  19887. shell aperture ==> 壳口
  19888. shell arch ==> 薄壳拱
  19889. shell armature motor ==> 管式电枢电动机
  19890. shell auger ==> 壳钻
  19891. shell bearing ==> 轴承壳
  19892. shell bearing boring machine ==> 轴承壳车孔机
  19893. Shell Better Environmental Award Scheme ==> 蚬壳美境奖励计划
  19894. shell bit ==> 筒形钻
  19895. shell boiler ==> 筒式锅炉,火管锅炉
  19896. shell broach ==> 套式拉刀
  19897. shell capacity ==> 容积,槽车容量
  19898. shell carving ==> 贝雕
  19899. shell casting ==> 壳型铸件
  19900. shell clearance ==> 套管间隙
  19901. shell coated sand ==> 复模砂
  19902. shell company ==> 控股公司
  19903. shell construction ==> 壳体结构,薄壳建筑,薄壳结构
  19904. shell cooling ==> 炉身冷却
  19905. shell core ==> 薄壳芯,壳芯
  19906. shell core blower ==> 壳芯吹制机
  19907. shell core drill ==> 筒形扩孔钻
  19908. shell core machine ==> 壳芯机
  19909. shell core process ==> 壳芯法
  19910. shell cover ==> 端盖
  19911. shell crown ==> 壳冠
  19912. shell cutter ==> 套式铣刀
  19913. shell drain nozzle ==> 壳
  19914. shell drill ==> 套式扩孔钻,套装扩孔钻,壳型钻,筒形钻
  19915. shell effect ==> 外壳效应
  19916. shell egg ==> 全蛋
  19917. shell electron ==> 壳层电子
  19918. shell element ==> 壳
  19919. shell end mill ==> 空心端铣刀,套式立铣刀,套装立铣刀,圆筒形端铣刀
  19920. shell end milling cutter ==> 套装立铣刀
  19921. shell expansion indicator ==> 汽缸膨胀指示器
  19922. shell feed plate ==> 铁托板
  19923. shell fine tooth face milling cutter ==> 套式细齿面铣刀
  19924. shell firm ==> 空壳公司
  19925. shell flange ==> 壳
  19926. shell flange of channel end ==> 管箱侧壳体法兰
  19927. shell flange of cover end ==> 盖侧壳体法兰
  19928. shell flower ==> 贝壳花
  19929. Shell fluid catalytic cracking ==> 壳牌流体催化裂化
  19930. shell formation ==> 蛋壳形成
  19931. shell foundation ==> 壳体基础
  19932. shell frame ==> 框架
  19933. shell fuse ==> 炮弹引信
  19934. shell gate ==> 薄壳闸门,面板为薄壳结构的闸门
  19935. shell gimlet ==> 套式手钻
  19936. shell gland ==> 壳腺
  19937. shell hit ==> 命中弹
  19938. shell innage ==> 容器充满部分,槽车剩余量
  19939. shell instability ==> 薄壳不稳定性
  19940. shell insulator ==> 马鞍形天线绝缘子
  19941. shell joint ==> 壳接
  19942. shell knocker ==> 敲击器,敲击器
  19943. shell lathe ==> 炮弹用车床
  19944. shell lime ==> 贝壳石灰
  19945. shell liner ==> 筒体衬板
  19946. shell manway ==> 壁侧人孔
  19947. shell membrane ==> 壳膜
  19948. shell model ==> 壳模型=>シェルモデル,殻模型
  19949. shell moisture content ==> 外部含水量
  19950. shell mold ==> 壳型
  19951. shell mold casting ==> 壳型铸造
  19952. shell mold process ==> 壳型铸造
  19953. shell mould casting ==> 壳型铸造
  19954. shell mould machine ==> 壳型造型机
  19955. shell moulded casting ==> 壳型铸件,薄壳铸造
  19956. shell moulding ==> 壳模法,壳型造型,壳型造型
  19957. shell moulding pattern ==> 壳型铸造用模型
  19958. shell number ==> 壳层内粒子数
  19959. shell of areca nut ==> 大腹皮
  19960. shell of boiler ==> 锅炉套
  19961. shell of ferro-cement ==> 铁丝网水泥壳体
  19962. shell of hawksbill turtle ==> 玳瑁
  19963. shell of hyperbolic paraboloids ==> 双曲抛物面薄壳
  19964. shell of pipe ==> 管壁,管壳
  19965. shell of radiation chamber ==> 辐射段外壳
  19966. shell of spark plug ==> 火花塞壳
  19967. shell of sword bean ==> 刀豆壳
  19968. shell of tank ==> 罐体,贮罐壳体
  19969. shell outage ==> 罐空残留容积,容器未充满部分,槽车减耗量
  19970. shell paper ==> 弹壳纸
  19971. shell pass ==> 壳程
  19972. shell pile ==> 带壳桩
  19973. shell plate ==> 锅炉板
  19974. shell plating ==> 船壳板
  19975. shell portion ==> 筒体部分
  19976. shell powder ==> 贝壳粉
  19977. shell pressure ==> 壳侧压力
  19978. shell protected egg ==> 涂油蛋
  19979. shell pump ==> 出泥筒,壳式泵
  19980. shell puncture ==> 外壳击穿
  19981. shell rack ==> 炮弹架
  19982. shell radial keyway cutter ==> 套式弧形键槽铣刀
  19983. shell reamer ==> 套式铰刀,套形铰刀,筒形铰刀
  19984. shell receiver ==> 压气爆破筒
  19985. shell ring ==> 容器筒节,卡箍带,筒节
  19986. shell road ==> 贝壳路
  19987. shell roof ==> 薄壳屋顶
  19988. shell sand ==> 贝壳砂,壳型砂
  19989. shell sanitizer ==> 消毒药
  19990. shell sections and heads ==> 筒节和封头
  19991. shell sequence ==> 壳层序列
  19992. shell shake ==> 壳裂,壳裂,环裂
  19993. shell shock ==> 炮弹休克
  19994. shell slotting cutter ==> 套式插齿刀
  19995. shell source ==> 壳源
  19996. shell source model ==> 壳源模型
  19997. shell star ==> 气壳星
  19998. shell still ==> 简单壳式蒸馏釜
  19999. shell structure ==> 壳层结构,壳层结构,壳体结构,薄壳结构
  20000. shell structure, shell construction ==> 壳体结构
  20001. shell tap ==> 筒形丝锥
  20002. shell test pressure ==> 壳体试验压力
  20003. shell theory with moments ==> 有力矩理论
  20004. shell theory without moments ==> 无力矩理论
  20005. shell thermocouple ==> 壳式热电偶
  20006. shell thickness ==> 蛋壳厚度
  20007. shell tracer ==> 炮弹曳光剂
  20008. shell tray ==> 炮弹夹
  20009. shell trough ==> 炮弹夹
  20010. shell type ==> 密闭式,贝壳型=>外鉄形
  20011. shell type core ==> 外铁型铁心
  20012. shell type magnetic circuit ==> 外铁型磁路
  20013. shell type surface attemperator ==> 管壳式表面减温器
  20014. shell type transformer ==> 外铁型变压器=>外鉄形変圧器
  20015. shell wall ==> 外壳壁,壳壁
  20016. shell with ribs ==> 加肋薄壳
  20017. shell with vacancy ==> 未填满壳层
  20018. shell wound ==> 炮弹伤
  20019. shell-and-auger boring ==> 冲击与螺旋钻探
  20020. shell-and-tube evapo(u)rator ==> 列管式蒸发器
  20021. shell-and-tube evaporator ==> 管壳式蒸发器
  20022. shell-and-tube exchanger ==> 管壳式换热器,管壳式热交换器
  20023. shell-and-tube fermentor ==> 管壳式发酵器
  20024. shell-and-tube preheater ==> 壳管式预热器
  20025. shell-bearing clay ==> 含贝壳粘土
  20026. shell-cooling annulus ==> 环形冷却套
  20027. shell-destroying device ==> 炮弹自炸装置
  20028. shell-destroying tracer ==> 炮弹引爆曳光管,炮枪曳光引爆剂
  20029. shell-form power transformer ==> 外铁形电力变压器
  20030. shell-form transformer ==> 壳式变压器,外铁形变压器
  20031. Shell-perm process ==> 包壳防渗法
  20032. shell-proof structure ==> 避弹结构
  20033. shell-rock ==> 贝壳岩
  20034. shell-slab ==> 薄壳板
  20035. shell-splash signal ==> 炮弹水柱信号
  20036. shell-structure ==> 殻構造
  20037. shell-to-shell distance ==> 设备外壳间距
  20038. shell-type ==> 铁壳式
  20039. shell-type baffle ==> 同心环形障板,迷宫式障板
  20040. shell-type edge seamer ==> 贝壳式缝边机
  20041. shell-type motor ==> 封闭型电动机
  20042. shellac ==> 紫胶片,虫胶,虫胶片,假漆,胶,胶漆皮
  20043. shellac bond ==> 虫胶粘结剂
  20044. shellac color ==> 虫胶色素
  20045. shellac disk ==> 唱片蜡盘
  20046. shellac ester ==> 虫胶酯
  20047. shellac insulating paint ==> 虫胶绝缘漆
  20048. shellac plastics ==> 虫胶塑料
  20049. shellac resin ==> 虫胶树脂
  20050. shellac varnish ==> 虫胶漆,虫胶清漆,虫漆,胶漆
  20051. shellac wax ==> 虫胶蜡
  20052. shellac wheel ==> 虫胶结合剂砂轮,虫胶砂轮,虫胶粘结砂轮
  20053. shellac(k) ==> 天然树脂
  20054. shelled cedar seed ==> 柏子仁
  20055. shelled corn cleaner ==> 玉米清选机
  20056. shelled corn drier ==> 玉米粒干燥机
  20057. shelled corn elevator ==> 玉米粒升运器
  20058. shelled corn saver ==> 玉米脱粒收集器
  20059. shelled cylinder ==> 脱粒滚筒
  20060. shelled rice ==> 玄米
  20061. sheller ==> 脱粒机,去壳机,去皮机
  20062. sheller cylinder ==> 搓擦滚筒
  20063. sheller unit ==> 脱粒装置
  20064. shellfish culture area ==> 贝介类养殖区
  20065. shellfish harvesting area ==> 贝介类养殖区,贝介类生产区
  20066. shellfish poisoning ==> 蛤贝中毒
  20067. shelling drum ==> 搓擦滚筒
  20068. shelling of rail ==> 钢轨表面剥落
  20069. shelling of refractory ==> 耐火材料剥落
  20070. shelling seed husking ==> 脱粒
  20071. shelling stone ==> 去壳机
  20072. shelling-out ==> (油漆或涂料)涂刷
  20073. shelly formation ==> 破裂岩层
  20074. shelly ground ==> 破裂地层
  20075. shelly limestone ==> 贝壳灰岩
  20076. shelly texture ==> 贝壳状结构
  20077. shelter ==> 保护地,蔽,护罩,防风雨罩,屏障,遮蔽,隐蔽处,隐避处=>避難所,シェルター
  20078. shelter belt ==> 防护林带,防田林带,海防林
  20079. shelter cost ==> 贮藏费用,保管费
  20080. shelter deck ==> 遮蔽甲板
  20081. shelter deck ship ==> 遮蔽甲板船
  20082. shelter forest ==> 护田林
  20083. shelter-clad ==> 金属防护罩,金属铠装
  20084. shelter-forest ==> 防护林
  20085. shelter-wood cutting ==> 伞伐更新法
  20086. shelter-wood forest ==> 伞伐林
  20087. shelter-wood group system ==> 群状伞伐作业
  20088. shelter-wood method ==> 伞伐作业
  20089. shelter-wood selection system ==> 伞伐择伐作业
  20090. shelter-wood uniform system ==> 全林伞伐作业
  20091. shelter-wood wedge system ==> 楔状伞伐作业
  20092. shelterdeck vessels ==> 遮蔽甲板船
  20093. sheltered bay ==> 避风河湾
  20094. sheltered ground ==> 保护地,遮蔽地,防护地区
  20095. sheltered position ==> 遮蔽阵地
  20096. sheltered shoreline ==> 隐蔽海岸线
  20097. sheltered site ==> 隐蔽场所
  20098. sheltering coefficient ==> 遮蔽系数
  20099. sheltering harbor ==> 避风港
  20100. shelterwood cutting ==> 渐伐
  20101. shelterwood group system ==> 划法作业
  20102. shelterwood method ==> 伞伐法
  20103. shelterwood system ==> 渐伐作业法
  20104. Shenzhen River Catchment ==> 深圳河集水区
  20105. Shenzhen River Pollution Control Management Plan ==> 深圳河水污染防治计划
  20106. Shenzhen River Regulation Project ==> 治理深圳河工程
  20107. shepherd dog ==> 牧羊犬
  20108. Shepherd P-F test ==> 谢泼德断口淬透试验
  20109. shepherd test ==> 高碳工具钢淬火试验,高碳工具钢的淬火性试验
  20110. Shepherd's fracture ==> 距骨后突骨折,距骨后突骨折
  20111. Sheppard's correction ==> 薛伯氏校正量
  20112. Sheppard-corrected estimator ==> 谢泼德校正估计量
  20113. sherardizing ==> 粉镀锌
  20114. Sherman Antitrust Act ==> 卸尔曼反托拉期法
  20115. sherrite process ==> 连续薄板电镀锌法
  20116. Sherwin electromagnetic vibrator ==> 肖文电磁振动器,舍尔温电磁振动器
  20117. sherwood number ==> 舍伍德数
  20118. shetterwood strip system ==> 带状渐伐作业法
  20119. Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse ==> 上水屠房
  20120. Shewhart control chart ==> 休哈特控制图
  20121. Shewhart control model ==> 休哈特控制模型
  20122. SHEX Sundays and Holidays Excluded ==> 不包括周日和节假日
  20123. SHF multiplex telephone facility ==> 超高频多路复用电话设备
  20124. SHF resonance frequency meter ==> 超高频谐振式频率计
  20125. SHF signal generator ==> 超高频信号发生器
  20126. SHF test receiver ==> 超高频测试接收器
  20127. SHF, super high frequency ==> 周波数帯の名称
  20128. SHF, superhigh frequency ==> 超短波
  20129. SHF2 ==> 低烟无卤聚烯烃
  20130. SHG, second harmonic generation ==> 二次高調波発生
  20131. shielced carbon-arc welding ==> 气保护碳弧焊
  20132. Shield ==> 盾牌星座
  20133. shield ==> 罩,遮护板,屏,屏蔽,屏蔽物,大陆核,地盾,溶残席,掩护支架,盾,护罩,防盾,防护物,铠装,保护,质构,盾构=>シールド
  20134. shield angle ==> 屏蔽角
  20135. shield arc welding ==> 封闭电弧焊
  20136. shield assembly ==> 屏蔽装置
  20137. shield basalt ==> 玄武岩盾
  20138. shield bearing ==> 防尘轴承
  20139. shield budding ==> 盾状芽接
  20140. shield bug ==> 盾椿象
  20141. shield case ==> 屏蔽箱
  20142. shield coil ==> 屏蔽线圈
  20143. shield cone ==> 盾状火山锥
  20144. shield configuration ==> 屏蔽布置
  20145. shield construction ==> 盾构施工法
  20146. shield cooling system ==> 屏蔽冷却系统
  20147. shield cost ==> 屏蔽造价
  20148. shield driving ==> 盾构掘进
  20149. shield driving method ==> シールド工法
  20150. shield effectiveness ==> 屏蔽效率
  20151. shield electrode ==> 保护电极
  20152. shield engineering ==> 屏蔽工程
  20153. shield facility ==> 屏蔽设施
  20154. shield factor ==> 屏蔽系数
  20155. shield gas ==> 保护气体
  20156. shield gas flow rate ==> 保护气体流量
  20157. shield grafting ==> 盾形嫁接
  20158. shield grid ==> 抑制栅
  20159. shield inert gas metal arc welding ==> 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊
  20160. shield method ==> (隧洞工程中用的)盾构法=>シールド工法
  20161. shield opening ==> 屏蔽孔
  20162. shield pit ==> 屏蔽坑
  20163. shield plug ==> 屏蔽塞=>遮蔽プラグ
  20164. shield relay ==> 屏蔽计数器
  20165. shield ring ==> 屏蔽环,挡圈
  20166. shield room ==> 屏蔽室
  20167. shield test apparatus ==> 屏蔽试验装置
  20168. shield test reactor ==> 屏蔽试验,屏蔽试验堆
  20169. shield tunnel construction ==> シールドトンネル施工
  20170. shield tunnel(l)ing ==> 盾构法开挖隧洞=>シールド工法
  20171. shield tunneling method ==> シールド工法
  20172. shield volcano ==> 盾状火山,火山
  20173. shield water ==> 屏蔽水
  20174. shield wire ==> 屏蔽线
  20175. shield-arc welding ==> 掩护电孤焊接
  20176. shield-cooling duct ==> 屏蔽冷却管道
  20177. shield-driven tunnel ==> 盾构掘进的隧道
  20178. shield-driven tunnel(l)ing ==> 盾构隧洞掘进法
  20179. shield-driven tunnelling ==> 铠架隧洞掘进法
  20180. shield-grid thyratron ==> 屏栅闸流管
  20181. shield-row tube ==> 屏蔽排管
  20182. shield-test facility ==> 屏蔽试验装置,防护试验装置
  20183. shielded arc welding ==> 有保护的电弧焊,保护电弧焊
  20184. shielded area ==> 阴影面积
  20185. shielded ball bearing ==> 带防护垫圈的滚珠轴承
  20186. shielded box ==> 屏蔽箱,屏蔽工作箱,采用结构和动作均较简单的工具操作放射性物质、具有强γ射线和中子屏蔽层以及窥视窗的密封箱式装置
  20187. shielded cable ==> 屏蔽电缆
  20188. shielded carbon arc welding ==> 碳弧保护焊
  20189. shielded cask ==> 屏蔽罐
  20190. shielded cathode ==> 屏蔽阴极
  20191. shielded coil ==> 屏蔽线圈
  20192. shielded electromagnet ==> 屏蔽电磁铁
  20193. shielded electron gun ==> 屏蔽式电子枪
  20194. shielded factor ==> 屏蔽系数
  20195. shielded flame ==> 屏蔽火焰
  20196. shielded flask ==> 屏蔽容器
  20197. shielded flexible cable ==> 屏蔽软电缆
  20198. shielded from interference ==> 防止干扰
  20199. shielded galvanometer ==> 屏蔽式检流计
  20200. shielded joint ==> 屏蔽接头
  20201. shielded line ==> 屏蔽线
  20202. shielded loop ==> 屏蔽环形天线
  20203. shielded macro camera ==> 屏蔽宏观照相机
  20204. shielded magneto ==> 隔电磁电机
  20205. shielded measuring instrument ==> 屏蔽型测量仪表
  20206. shielded metal (manual electric) arc welding ==> 手弧焊
  20207. shielded metal arc welding ==> 自动保护金属极电弧焊,熔化极自动保护电弧焊
  20208. shielded metal-arc welding ==> 掩护电孤焊接,气保护金属极电弧焊,保护式电弧焊
  20209. shielded nucleus ==> 屏蔽核
  20210. shielded oscillator ==> 屏蔽式振荡器
  20211. shielded pair ==> 屏蔽线对
  20212. shielded pair cable ==> 屏蔽线对电缆
  20213. shielded plug ==> 屏蔽火花塞
  20214. shielded thermocouple ==> 屏蔽式热电偶
  20215. shielded transformer ==> 屏蔽变压器
  20216. shielded wire ==> 屏蔽线
  20217. shielded-plate tube ==> 屏蔽管,帘栅管
  20218. shielded-pole motor ==> 屏蔽极电动机
  20219. shielding ==> 屏蔽,屏蔽物,电屏蔽,掩盖,护罩,保护屏=>シールド,遮蔽
  20220. shielding action ==> 屏蔽效应
  20221. shielding angle ==> 遮蔽角,遮光角,屏蔽角
  20222. shielding arc welding ==> 盾护电焊,盾护电弧焊
  20223. shielding box ==> 遮蔽箱,屏蔽盒
  20224. shielding can ==> 隔离罩
  20225. shielding case ==> 屏蔽壳,屏蔽壳箱=>シールドケース
  20226. shielding castle ==> 屏蔽容器
  20227. shielding coil ==> 屏蔽线圈
  20228. shielding concrete ==> 防护用混凝土
  20229. shielding constant ==> 屏蔽常数
  20230. shielding constituent ==> (药皮中的)保护剂
  20231. shielding container ==> 屏蔽容器,防护容器
  20232. shielding cooling system ==> 屏蔽冷却系统
  20233. shielding device ==> 屏蔽设备,屏蔽装置
  20234. shielding door for radioactive rays ==> 放射线防护门
  20235. shielding effect ==> 屏蔽效应,屏蔽作用=>遮蔽性能
  20236. shielding efficiency ==> 遮蔽効率
  20237. shielding electrode ==> 屏蔽电极
  20238. shielding facility ==> 屏蔽装置
  20239. shielding factor ==> 屏蔽系数,屏蔽因数,屏蔽因子
  20240. shielding failure ==> (雷电)绕击
  20241. shielding failure rate due to lightning stroke ==> 绕击率,雷电绕过避雷线(针)击于导线(设备)上的次数与雷击总次数之比
  20242. shielding film ==> 屏蔽膜
  20243. shielding gas ==> 保护气,保护气体
  20244. shielding gas atmosphere ==> 保护气氛
  20245. shielding geometry ==> 屏蔽几何形状
  20246. shielding ground ==> 屏蔽接地
  20247. shielding harness ==> 屏蔽系统
  20248. shielding layer ==> 屏蔽层
  20249. shielding length ==> 屏蔽长度
  20250. shielding line ==> 屏蔽线
  20251. shielding material ==> 屏蔽材料
  20252. shielding method ==> 盾构法,用带防护罩的特制机械(即盾构)在破碎岩层或土层中掘进隧洞的施工方法,可同时有序进行掘进、出碴、拼装预制混凝土衬砌块。
  20253. shielding parameter ==> 屏蔽参数
  20254. shielding pipe ==> 遮蔽管,已屏蔽电子管
  20255. shielding plug ==> 屏蔽塞
  20256. shielding pond ==> 屏蔽水池
  20257. shielding practice ==> 钢流保护法
  20258. shielding properties ==> 屏蔽性能
  20259. shielding ridge ==> シールディングリッジ
  20260. shielding ring ==> 屏蔽环=>シールドリング
  20261. shielding room 屏蔽室,又称“屏蔽笼(shielding cage)”或“屏蔽柜(shielding ==> cabinet)”。为防止电磁干扰的影响,由金属板或网格构成的封闭室
  20262. shielding slab ==> 屏蔽板,屏蔽块
  20263. shielding surface ==> 屏蔽面积
  20264. shielding system ==> 屏蔽系统,隔离系统
  20265. shielding tank ==> 屏蔽罐
  20266. shielding winding ==> 屏蔽线圈
  20267. shielding windows ==> 屏蔽窗
  20268. shielding wire ==> シールド線,遮蔽線
  20269. shielding-barrier equipment ==> 屏蔽设备
  20270. shift ==> 位移,漂移,调档,错箱,工作班,改变,移,移动,移距,移数,移位,移项,转,变速,换档,值班=>けた送り,転換,シフト
  20271. shift agriculture ==> 轮作
  20272. shift and group business accounting ==> 班组经济核算
  20273. shift and rotate ==> 移位及轮转
  20274. shift and rotate instructions ==> 移位及轮转指令
  20275. shift bar ==> 开关柄
  20276. shift bar arm ==> 换档杆
  20277. shift catalyst ==> シフト触媒
  20278. shift chain ==> 移位链
  20279. shift character ==> 移位符号
  20280. shift circuit ==> 移位电路
  20281. shift code ==> 移位码
  20282. shift comb ==> 变位梳
  20283. shift control ==> 变位调整,移位控制,偏移调整
  20284. shift conversion unit ==> 变换单元
  20285. shift converter ==> 相移变换器,移频变换器,移相变换器
  20286. shift count ==> 移位次数,移位计数值
  20287. shift counter ==> 移位计数器
  20288. shift cycle ==> 循环移位
  20289. shift defect ==> 移位缺陷
  20290. shift detection ==> シフト検出
  20291. shift device ==> 移动装置
  20292. shift differential ==> 交代勤務手当
  20293. shift divisor ==> 移位除数
  20294. shift down ==> 接低档,减速
  20295. shift driven shaft ==> 变速被动轴
  20296. shift driver ==> 移位激励器
  20297. shift driving shaft ==> 变速主动轴
  20298. shift effect hypothesis ==> 移动效应假设
  20299. shift end ==> 移位终止
  20300. shift engineer ==> 值班工程师
  20301. shift excursion ==> 偏移
  20302. shift factor ==> 平移因子
  20303. shift fault ==> 平移断层,变位断层
  20304. shift frequency ==> 移频=>ずれ周波数
  20305. shift gate ==> 移位门
  20306. shift gear ==> 调档齿轮
  20307. shift in brain wave frequencies ==> 脳波周波数の変化
  20308. shift in demand curve ==> 需求曲线的移动
  20309. shift in demand supply ==> 需求供给的转变
  20310. shift in pulse ==> 移入脉冲
  20311. shift inboard ==> 向内侧移动
  20312. shift instruction ==> 移位指令
  20313. shift integral ==> 移動積分
  20314. shift invariant ==> 移位不变性
  20315. shift joint ==> 移动接头
  20316. shift key ==> 移位键
  20317. shift keying ==> 移动键控
  20318. shift knob ==> 翻转开关
  20319. shift left ==> 左移位
  20320. shift left logical instruction ==> 向左移位逻辑指令
  20321. shift length ==> ずれ量
  20322. shift lever ==> 变速杆
  20323. shift lever bracket ==> 变速杆托架
  20324. shift lever interlock plunger ==> 变速杆联锁柱塞
  20325. shift lever shaft ==> 变速杆轴
  20326. shift linkage multiplexer ==> 移位键多路转换器
  20327. shift lock ==> 移位锁定
  20328. shift lock keyboard ==> 移锁键盘
  20329. shift logical instruction ==> 移位逻辑指令
  20330. shift matrix ==> 移位矩阵
  20331. shift mechanism ==> 换字体机构
  20332. shift mode ==> シフトモード
  20333. shift motion ==> 移动行程,移位动作
  20334. shift multibyte ==> 移位多数元组
  20335. shift network ==> 移数网络,移位网络
  20336. shift of crops ==> 作物轮作
  20337. shift of origin ==> 原点转移
  20338. shift of spectral line ==> 谱线频移
  20339. shift of taxes ==> 税负转移=>租税転嫁
  20340. shift operation ==> 移位计算,移位运算,转移操作
  20341. shift operation shifting ==> 移位操作
  20342. shift operator ==> 移位算子
  20343. shift order ==> 移位指令
  20344. shift out ==> 移出
  20345. shift out pulse ==> 移出脉冲
  20346. shift pedal ==> 控制踏板
  20347. shift plunger ==> 移动插塞
  20348. shift position ==> 移动位置,移位位置
  20349. shift pulse ==> 移位脉冲,偏移脉冲,位移脉冲
  20350. shift pulse driver ==> 移位脉冲激励器
  20351. shift rail ==> 拨叉导轨
  20352. shift reaction ==> 转移反应
  20353. shift reactor ==> 变换反应器
  20354. shift reagent ==> 位移试剂
  20355. shift register ==> 移位寄存器=>シフトレジスタ,送りレジスタ
  20356. shift register code ==> 移位寄存码,移位记发码
  20357. shift register memory ==> 移位寄存器式存储器
  20358. shift register sequence ==> 移位寄存器序列,移位暂存器顺序
  20359. shift right logical ==> 逻辑右移
  20360. shift ring ==> 控制环,调速环
  20361. shift sleeve ==> 连接套筒
  20362. shift supervisor ==> 值长,值班
  20363. shift supervisor station ==> 值长操作台
  20364. shift theorem ==> 移位定理
  20365. shift to left ==> 核左移
  20366. shift to right ==> 核右移
  20367. shift to the left ==> 白细胞左移,左移
  20368. shift to the right ==> 白细胞右移,右移
  20369. shift unit ==> 移位器装置
  20370. shift up ==> 上移
  20371. shift valve ==> (自动换档用)换档油阀
  20372. shift variant ==> 移变
  20373. shift voice frequency telegraph ==> 移频音频电报
  20374. shift winding ==> 移位绕组
  20375. shift work ==> 轮班工作
  20376. shift zone ==> 变位带
  20377. shift(ing) ring ==> 调整圈,移动环
  20378. shift-by-wire ==> シフトバイワイヤ
  20379. shift-converter ==> 变换反应器,变换炉
  20380. shift-group accounting ==> 班组核算
  20381. shift-in ==> 移进,移入
  20382. shift-in character ==> 移入符号,移入字符,移入字元,向下转移符号,换入符=>シフトイン文字
  20383. shift-out character ==> 向上转移符号,移出符号=>シフトアウト文字
  20384. shift-register circuit ==> 移位寄存器电路
  20385. shift-type decade counter ==> 移位型十进位记数器
  20386. shift-up mode ==> 上移位方式
  20387. shift-up operation ==> 上移位操作
  20388. shiftable mould-board ==> 可拆换的刀片
  20389. shifted diagonal test ==> 对角线移动测试
  20390. shifted indicator diagram ==> 移相示功图
  20391. shifted penalty function ==> 移位罚函数
  20392. shifted signal ==> 偏移信号,漂移信号,时移信号
  20393. shifted single-mode fiber ==> 分层心色散位移单模光纤
  20394. shifted structure ==> 错列结构
  20395. shifted tax ==> 已转嫁的税收
  20396. shifter ==> 变速机构
  20397. shifter cylinder ==> 关闭气缸
  20398. shifter fork ==> 换档叉
  20399. shifter fork groove ==> 换档叉轮槽
  20400. shifter housing ==> 变速杆罩
  20401. shifter hub ==> 拨叉凹口
  20402. shifter lever ==> 变速杆
  20403. shifter plate ==> 开关板
  20404. shifter shaft lock ball spring ==> 移动轴锁球弹簧
  20405. shifter shaft support ==> 移动轴支架
  20406. shifting ==> 移动,移位,改组目录,漂移,海面起伏,变更分类=>シフチング(ロラン)
  20407. shifting accumulator ==> 移位累加器
  20408. shifting agriculture ==> 移动农业,轮垦农业
  20409. shifting arm ==> 变速臂
  20410. shifting axle ==> 移动轴
  20411. shifting bar ==> 游荡性沙洲
  20412. shifting base ==> 可变基数
  20413. shifting base period ==> 变动基期,移动基期
  20414. shifting bearing ==> 活动支座
  20415. shifting bed ==> 游荡性河床
  20416. shifting block ==> 拨头
  20417. shifting bond(s) ==> 移动键
  20418. shifting cam ==> 换档凸轮
  20419. shifting channel ==> 不固定河槽,游荡性河槽,河槽变动河床
  20420. shifting charge ==> 码头搬运装卸费,搬运费
  20421. shifting chute ==> 移动槽
  20422. shifting coil voltage regulator ==> 移圈式调压器
  20423. shifting counter ==> 移位计数器
  20424. shifting coupling ==> 变速联轴节
  20425. shifting crane ==> 移动式起重机
  20426. shifting cultivation ==> 移动耕作,轮垦,毁林轮垦
  20427. shifting current ==> 不定流
  20428. shifting cylinder ==> 千斤顶
  20429. shifting down ==> 减速
  20430. shifting dullness ==> 移动性浊音
  20431. shifting field ==> 移動磁界
  20432. shifting field type ==> 移動磁界形
  20433. shifting finger bushing ==> 变换指衬套
  20434. shifting fork ==> 拔叉,齿轮换档叉
  20435. shifting fork shaft ==> 移动叉轴
  20436. shifting forward ==> 前转嫁
  20437. shifting function ==> 移位操作
  20438. shifting ga(u)ge ==> 划线规
  20439. shifting in both ratios ==> 二级传动比调档
  20440. shifting interference fringe ==> 位移干涉条纹
  20441. shifting lever ball ==> 变速杆球端,变速杠杆球端
  20442. shifting lever boot ==> 变速杆罩
  20443. shifting lever for exhaust air ==> 排风切换杆
  20444. shifting lever spring ==> 移动杆弹簧
  20445. shifting magnetic field ==> 移动磁场=>移動磁界
  20446. shifting nursery ==> 移动苗圃
  20447. shifting of a divide ==> 分水岭转移
  20448. shifting of brushes ==> 电刷的移位,电刷位移
  20449. shifting of divide ==> 分水界迁移,分水界移动,分水岭移动
  20450. shifting of house tax ==> 房屋税的转嫁
  20451. shifting of soil ==> 土体位移
  20452. shifting of tax ==> 赋税转嫁
  20453. shifting of taxation ==> 赋税的转嫁
  20454. shifting operator ==> 移位算子
  20455. shifting oscillator ==> 漂移振荡器
  20456. shifting process ==> 移位过程
  20457. shifting pump ==> 转移泵
  20458. shifting register ==> 移位寄存器
  20459. shifting reserve ==> 移动预备林
  20460. shifting responser ==> 换档反应器
  20461. shifting responser transmission shaft ==> 换档反应器传动轴
  20462. shifting rock arm bushing ==> 变速摇臂衬套
  20463. shifting sand ==> 流砂,流沙
  20464. shifting screw ==> 回动螺旋
  20465. shifting sledge ==> 移动滑轨
  20466. shifting sleeve ==> 爪型联轴节,凸轮联轴器
  20467. shifting slide gear ==> 滑移齿轮
  20468. shifting spanner ==> 活动扳手
  20469. shifting tenderness ==> 转移性触痛
  20470. shifting the base ==> 变动基期
  20471. shifting theorem ==> 移位定理,平移定理
  20472. shifting time ==> 换接时间
  20473. shifting unit ==> 移动装置
  20474. shifting wind ==> 变向风
  20475. shifting winding reel ==> 浮动式卷取机
  20476. shifting wrench ==> 活口扳手
  20477. shifting yoke ==> 拨叉
  20478. shifting yoke pin ==> 移动轭销
  20479. shifting zone ==> 换接区
  20480. shiftless register ==> 无移位寄存器
  20481. shiftout character ==> 移出字符
  20482. shifts system ==> 轮班制度
  20483. Shiga bacillus ==> 志贺氏杆菌
  20484. Shiga's bacillus ==> 志贺氏芽孢杆菌
  20485. Shigella dysenteriae type I ==> 志贺氏杆菌
  20486. shikimi fruit ==> 莽草果
  20487. shikimic acid ==> 莽草酸
  20488. shikimic acid pathway ==> 莽草酸途径
  20489. Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc. ==> 四国電力
  20490. Shikoku National Industrial Research Institute ==> 四国工業技術研究所
  20491. shilling-stroke ==> 斜划(线)
  20492. shim ==> 垫片,填隙片
  20493. shim action ==> 填隙作用
  20494. shim block ==> 垫片
  20495. shim bolt ==> 固定衬垫螺栓
  20496. shim control ==> 粗稳定调节
  20497. shim control rod ==> 补偿控制棒
  20498. shim element ==> 补偿元件
  20499. shim plate ==> 垫板
  20500. shim rod ==> 粗调整棒,补偿棒
  20501. shim rod actuator ==> 补偿棒传动机构
  20502. shim washer ==> 填隙垫圈
  20503. Shimanami Kaido ==> しまなみ海道
  20504. Shimer process ==> 氰化浴中快速渗碳法
  20505. shimming coil ==> 补偿线圈
  20506. shimming plate ==> 填隙板
  20507. shimmy damper ==> 摆振阻尼器,减摆器,转向轮减振装置
  20508. shimmy damping device ==> 前轮摆动阻尼器,减摆装置,减摇装置
  20509. shimmy detector ==> 前轮摆动测定器
  20510. shimmy of front wheels ==> 前轮摆振
  20511. shimmy-free landing gear ==> 无摆振起落架
  20512. shimmy-proof ==> 不摆动的
  20513. Shin Kobe Ropeway ==> 新神戸ロープウェー
  20514. Shin Kobe Tunnel ==> 新神戸トンネル
  20515. SHINC Sundays and Holidays Included ==> 包括周日和节假日
  20516. Shindica method ==> 欣地卡方法
  20517. shine ==> 打磨,照,耀,发光=>明るさ,輝き,研磨
  20518. shine skin ==> 光板皮
  20519. shine skin papaya ==> 光皮木瓜
  20520. shiner ==> 毛石墙边扁石
  20521. Shineton Shales ==> 闪顿页岩
  20522. shingle bank ==> 粗砾岸
  20523. shingle barrier ==> 粗砾滩
  20524. shingle bolt ==> 木瓦短圆材,制瓦木段
  20525. shingle lap ==> 瓦片搭接
  20526. shingle nail ==> 墙面板
  20527. shingle roof covering ==> 木板屋面
  20528. shingle roofing ==> 木板屋面
  20529. shingle shell construction ==> 瓦片式炉壳结构
  20530. shingle trap ==> 拦砂墙
  20531. shingle-lap tile ==> 搭接瓦
  20532. shingles zoster ==> 带状疱疹
  20533. shingling hammer ==> 锻锤,锻炼锤,压紧锤
  20534. shingling press ==> 挤渣压力机
  20535. shingling roll ==> 挤渣轧辊
  20536. Shinji Kawaji ==> 川路紳治
  20537. Shinkansen ==> 新干线
  20538. Shinkansen, Japanese Bullet Train ==> 新幹線
  20539. Shinmel emulsion ==> 铵力散混剂
  20540. shiny seed coat ==> 光亮的种皮
  20541. shiny surface ==> 光滑面
  20542. shioze colour checked ==> 彩格纺
  20543. shioze colour striped ==> 彩条纺
  20544. ship ==> 舰,船
  20545. ship auger ==> 船用钻
  20546. ship beacon ==> 船舰导航用信标
  20547. ship beam ==> 船幅,船宽
  20548. ship berth ==> 船台
  20549. ship borer ==> 蛀船虫,海中蛀船虫
  20550. ship borne expendable bathythermograph ==> 海水测温仪
  20551. ship bottom anti-fouling paint ==> 船底防污漆
  20552. ship bottom anticorrosion paint ==> 船底防锈漆
  20553. ship breaking ==> 废船拆卸业
  20554. ship broker ==> 水险掮客
  20555. ship brokerage ==> 海運仲立人
  20556. ship brokering ==> 船舶仲立業
  20557. ship building ==> 造船学
  20558. ship building material ==> 造船材
  20559. ship caisson ==> 船形沉箱,浮箱式坞门
  20560. ship calculations ==> 造船设计
  20561. ship canal ==> 运河,船运河道,深水运河
  20562. ship chamber ==> 升船厢
  20563. ship coatings—determination of resistance to salt water—salt water and hot salt water immersion method ==> 船舶漆耐盐水性的测定,盐水和热盐水浸泡法
  20564. ship construction ==> 船舶构造,造船学
  20565. ship craft ==> 船舶
  20566. ship curve ==> 船体曲线
  20567. ship design ==> 船设计
  20568. ship dock ==> 载驳货船码头
  20569. ship drift ==> 船只漂移测流法
  20570. ship elevator ==> 升船机
  20571. ship engineering ==> 船舶工程
  20572. ship fever ==> 船热
  20573. ship gammaradiac ==> 船用γ辐射级仪
  20574. ship geometry ==> 船体形状
  20575. ship goods insurance policy ==> 海上货物保险单
  20576. ship goods without permit ==> 私自下货
  20577. ship heading marker ==> 船航向标志
  20578. ship hull ==> 船体
  20579. ship impact force ==> 船只冲撞力
  20580. ship in American bottoms legislation ==> 以美国轮船载运的立法
  20581. ship in commission ==> 现役舰
  20582. ship incline ==> 斜面升船机
  20583. ship jack ==> 船起重器
  20584. ship lift ==> 船舶升降机,升船机,用升降承船厢的方法使船舶通过航道上集中落差的一种过船机械
  20585. ship lift with counterweight ==> 平衡重式升船机
  20586. ship lift with floating balancing beams ==> 浮筒平衡梁式升船机
  20587. ship loader ==> 装船机
  20588. ship loader bridge ==> 装船机伸臂
  20589. ship log ==> 航海日记
  20590. ship mortgage ==> 轮船抵押
  20591. ship motion ==> 船体运动
  20592. ship navigation ==> 航海导航
  20593. ship nominations and layday period ==> 派船电及装卸期
  20594. ship of destination ==> 收报船
  20595. ship of the line ==> 战列舰
  20596. ship of war ==> 战舰
  20597. ship out of commission ==> 退役舰
  20598. ship oven ==> 船式炉
  20599. ship pass ==> 过船道,通航水道
  20600. ship permanent magnetism ==> 永久船磁性
  20601. ship plate ==> 船用钢板,造船钢板
  20602. ship position information ==> 船位情報
  20603. ship power cable ==> 船用电力电缆
  20604. ship products ==> 船舶产品
  20605. ship protest ==> 海事报告,海损异议书
  20606. ship radar ==> 船用雷达
  20607. ship railway ==> 船排,斜面升船机
  20608. ship reactor ==> 船用反应堆,用作军用舰艇(核潜艇、核航空母舰)和商用船动力的反应堆。一般采用压水堆
  20609. ship registered length ==> 船舶登记长度
  20610. ship repair ==> 修船
  20611. ship repairing yard ==> 船舶修理场
  20612. ship report ==> 船舶报告
  20613. ship resistance ==> 航行阻力
  20614. ship return ==> 船舰反射信号
  20615. ship safety officer ==> 船舶安全员
  20616. ship screw ==> 螺旋推进器螺旋桨
  20617. ship sheathed flexible cable ==> 船用护套软缆
  20618. ship sheathed-armoured cable ==> 船用护套铠装电缆
  20619. ship smoke generator ==> 舰船烟幕施放器
  20620. ship stabilizer ==> 船舶稳定器
  20621. ship stadimeter ==> 舰船视距仪
  20622. ship synoptic code ==> 船舶天气电码
  20623. ship tackle ==> 船用滑轮组
  20624. ship tanks ==> 油船
  20625. ship telescope ==> 舰船望远镜
  20626. ship timber ==> 造船木材
  20627. ship type caisson ==> 船式沉箱
  20628. ship type tractor ==> 船式拖拉机
  20629. ship wave ==> 船行波
  20630. ship worm ==> 蛀船虫
  20631. ship's clock ==> 船用时钟,船钟
  20632. ship's crane ==> 船用起重机
  20633. ship's field error ==> 船的场误差
  20634. ship's lines ==> 船体型线图
  20635. ship's manifest ==> 轮船载货清单
  20636. ship's number ==> 通信呼号
  20637. ship's space ==> 舱位
  20638. ship's steel side scuttle ==> 钢质舷窗
  20639. ship's steel weather tight door ==> 船用钢质风雨密门
  20640. ship's sweat insurance ==> 潮腐险
  20641. ship-and-galley tile ==> 防滑地砖
  20642. ship-based aircraft ==> 舰载飞机
  20643. ship-house ==> 造船棚
  20644. ship-jack ==> 升船起重机
  20645. ship-mounted power plant, floating power station ==> 船舶电站,将整套发电设备装在船舶上的发电站
  20646. ship-plant ==> 造船厂
  20647. ship-shaped floating dock ==> 船形浮船坞
  20648. ship-timber beetles ==> 食船虫
  20649. ship-to-shore pipe line ==> 舶岸输油管
  20650. ship-to-shore radio ==> 船岸通信无线电台,海对陆电台
  20651. shipboard ==> 船侧,船上
  20652. shipboard & off shore cable ==> 船舶及海上平台电缆
  20653. shipboard antenna ==> 船用天线
  20654. shipboard communication system ==> 船载通信系统
  20655. shipboard coring technique ==> 船上岩心钻取技术
  20656. shipboard gantry crane ==> 船上桥式吊车
  20657. shipboard wave recorder ==> 船用波浪计
  20658. shipboard-type motor ==> 船用电动机
  20659. shipborne plane ==> 舰载飞机
  20660. shipborne weapon ==> 舰载武器
  20661. shipbuilding ==> 船舶建造,造船,造船学,造船业
  20662. shipbuilding circles ==> 造船界
  20663. shipbuilding dock ==> 造船船坞
  20664. shipbuilding engineer ==> 造船工程师
  20665. shipbuilding industries ==> 造船工业
  20666. shipbuilding lien ==> 造船留置权
  20667. shipbuilding section ==> 船用钢板,船用型钢
  20668. shipbuilding slip ==> 造船滑道
  20669. shipbuilding ways ==> 造船滑道
  20670. shipbuilding yard ==> 造船厂
  20671. shipbuilding--bulbous bow and side thruster symbols ==> 造船,球鼻艏和侧推器符号
  20672. shipbuilding--identification colours for schemes for ventilation systems ==> 造船,通风系统图识别颜色
  20673. SHIPLA ==> シプラ(大画面フィルム型ディスプレイ)
  20674. shiplap boarding ==> 搭叠壁板
  20675. shiplap sheet piling ==> 搭叠板桩
  20676. shiplap siding ==> 搭叠壁板
  20677. shiplap timber-sheet-pile ==> 搭叠缝木板桩
  20678. shipment ==> 船装货,发货=>出荷
  20679. shipment advice ==> 装船通知
  20680. shipment by cheapest route ==> 以船运费最廉的航线装运
  20681. shipment by first opportunity ==> 一遇机会即装运
  20682. shipment by steamer ==> 以船舶装运
  20683. shipment certificate textile ==> 纺织品装船证明
  20684. shipment control system ==> 运输控制系统
  20685. shipment index ==> 交货指数
  20686. shipment not in accord with the sample ==> 来货与样品不符
  20687. shipment of crude ==> 原油船舶输送
  20688. shipment outward ==> 寄销
  20689. shipment store ==> 发料材料厂
  20690. shipment to branch ==> 发往分店商品
  20691. shipments billed above cost ==> 计价高于成本之发货
  20692. shipments billed at cost ==> 发货按成本计价
  20693. shipped bill of lading ==> 已装船提单,装船提单
  20694. shipped on board ==> 已装船
  20695. shipped on deck at shipper's risk ==> 货主负担甲板货风险
  20696. shipped weight ==> 装运重量
  20697. shipper rod ==> 移动杆
  20698. shipper style ==> 批发式
  20699. shipper's letter of instructions ==> 空运货物委托书
  20700. shipper's load ==> 货主装载
  20701. shipper's load and tally (sl & t) ==> 发货重量和理货
  20702. shipper-arm ==> 铲斗臂
  20703. shipping ==> 发货,航运,装运,船运=>出荷
  20704. shipping accident ==> 运输事故
  20705. shipping advice ==> 装运通知
  20706. shipping amount ==> 装运量
  20707. shipping and storage container ==> 海运和贮存的集装箱
  20708. shipping berth ==> 装船泊位
  20709. shipping bill ==> 舱单
  20710. shipping bills ==> 装运单据,出口清单
  20711. shipping by chartering ==> 租船运输
  20712. shipping by rail ==> 铁路运输
  20713. shipping cage ==> 邮寄笼
  20714. shipping capacity ==> 装货容量
  20715. shipping charge ==> 运输费用
  20716. shipping claim ==> 装运索赔
  20717. shipping clearance ==> 航运净空
  20718. shipping container ==> 运输用集装箱
  20719. shipping control ==> 船运管理
  20720. shipping control procedures ==> 运输控制程序
  20721. shipping conveyer ==> 装船输送机
  20722. shipping cost ==> 货运费=>送料
  20723. shipping damage ==> 运输损伤
  20724. shipping day ==> 开船日期
  20725. shipping department ==> 成品库
  20726. shipping designator ==> 海运标号
  20727. shipping destination ==> 收点
  20728. shipping document ==> 货运单据,航运文件,装船单据
  20729. shipping enterprise ==> 航运企业
  20730. shipping fee ==> 送料船積み料金
  20731. shipping fever ==> 航运热,出血性败血病,船运热
  20732. shipping house ==> 轮船公司
  20733. shipping instruction ==> 装船指示,装运指示=>通関業務指示書,船積指示書
  20734. shipping instructions ==> 装船须知,装运指令
  20735. shipping interest ==> 海运事业
  20736. shipping list ==> 装箱单,货单,货运单
  20737. shipping load ==> 起运载重
  20738. shipping mark ==> 发货标记,货物标志
  20739. shipping order ==> 发运单,交运单
  20740. shipping order (S.O.) ==> 装货清单
  20741. shipping order (ticket) ==> 装运单
  20742. shipping ore ==> 直接外运矿石
  20743. shipping origin ==> 发点
  20744. shipping package ==> 外包装
  20745. shipping parcels ==> 小件货物
  20746. shipping permit ==> 装运通知单,准许装货单
  20747. shipping plug ==> 装运堵塞
  20748. shipping pneumonia ==> 出血性败血病
  20749. shipping point ==> 装船地点,航运点
  20750. shipping port ==> 装运港
  20751. shipping quality ==> 装船品质
  20752. shipping receipt ==> 装货收据
  20753. shipping room ==> 码头发货仓库,码头上的发货仓库
  20754. shipping sample ==> 装船货样
  20755. shipping shock ==> 装运碰撞
  20756. shipping skid ==> 运输滑轨
  20757. shipping space ==> 舱位
  20758. shipping space broker ==> 舱位经纪人
  20759. shipping specification ==> 航运规程
  20760. shipping tag ==> 发料标签,货运标签
  20761. shipping tare ==> 卖方皮重
  20762. shipping ticket ==> 运货单
  20763. shipping time ==> 运送时间
  20764. shipping ton ==> 体积吨,装载吨,货运吨
  20765. shipping transportation costs ==> 发送运费
  20766. shipping unit ==> 装运装置
  20767. shipping weight ==> 装运重量,离岸重量,起运载重,启运重量
  20768. shipping weight (SW) ==> 出运重量
  20769. shipping yard ==> 成品发运工段
  20770. shipping-dry ==> 干运的
  20771. ships entered harbor ==> 进港船舶
  20772. ships turnover rate ==> 平均航次周转期
  20773. shipway ==> 船架
  20774. shipwrecked crew ==> 失事船船员
  20775. shipyard ==> 船舶修造场,船厂,船坞,造船厂
  20776. shipyard machine tool ==> 造船机械
  20777. ships manifest ==> 海轮载货清单
  20778. ships steel weather tight door ==> 船用钢质风雨密门
  20779. shiran (short-range navigation) ==> 希兰
  20780. Shirley card ==> 锡莱梳棉机
  20781. Shirley foash steamer ==> 锡莱快速蒸化机
  20782. Shirley opener ==> 锡莱开棉机
  20783. Shirley-Ferranti viscometer ==> 雪莉-费兰梯粘度计
  20784. shirt ==> 高炉炉衬=>シャツ
  20785. shirt band ==> 衬布
  20786. shirt collar corner modelling machine ==> 衬衫领角定型机
  20787. shirt collar ironing machine ==> 衬衫烫领机
  20788. shirt collar launder ==> 衬衫衣领整烫机
  20789. shirt jacket ==> シャツジャケット
  20790. shirt round collar machine ==> 衬衫圆领机
  20791. shirt-stud abscess ==> 哑铃形脓肿
  20792. SHITSUKE ==> 素养(日语),养成自我管理,自我控制的习惯
  20793. shivering ==> 碎花,瓷釉剥落,战栗,振寒=>震える
  20794. SHM, ship's heading marker ==> SHM
  20795. SHM, simple harmonic motion ==> 単調和振動
  20796. SHMK, safe haven medical kit ==> セーフヘブン医療キット
  20797. shnovial fold ==> 滑膜皱襞
  20798. SHNT, shunt ==> 分岐回路
  20799. SHNT, shunt circuit ==> 電源制御回路
  20800. SHNT, shunt dissipator ==> シャントデシペータ
  20801. SHNT, shunt resistor ==> 分路抵抗器
  20802. Sho-Saiko-To ==> 小柴胡汤=>小柴胡湯
  20803. shoal ==> 沙洲
  20804. shoal area ==> 浅水区
  20805. shoal area of sand ==> 沙洲浅水区
  20806. shoal head ==> 沙嘴
  20807. shoal indicator ==> 浅滩标志
  20808. shoal mark ==> 浅滩标志
  20809. shoal materials ==> 淤积物
  20810. shoal patches ==> 浅滩
  20811. shoal reef ==> 浅礁
  20812. shoal retreat massif ==> 浅滩后退砂体
  20813. shoal rock ==> 浅礁
  20814. shoal water ==> 浅水,浅水区
  20815. shoal-retreat massif ==> 浅滩残余砂体
  20816. shoaler ==> 沿海船
  20817. shoaling ==> 浅水作用
  20818. shoaling coeefficient ==> 变线系数
  20819. shoaling coefficient ==> 浅水系数
  20820. shoaling effect ==> 滩浅影响
  20821. shoaling factor ==> (波浪)浅水系数
  20822. shoaling water ==> 浅水区
  20823. shoaly land ==> 湖田
  20824. shock ==> 震,震动,震扰,振荡,冲击,冲撞,爆音,休克=>衝撃
  20825. shock (wave) ==> 激波
  20826. shock absorber ==> 缓冲器,冲击吸收器,消震器,减震器
  20827. shock absorber arm ==> 减震器臂
  20828. shock absorber ball joint ==> 减震器球节
  20829. shock absorber ball stud ==> 减震器球头柱螺栓
  20830. shock absorber body ==> 减震器体
  20831. shock absorber bracker ==> 减震器托架
  20832. shock absorber combustion head ==> 减震燃烧缸头
  20833. shock absorber compression valve ==> 减震器压缩阀
  20834. shock absorber conical rubber ==> 减震器锥形橡皮
  20835. shock absorber cylinder ==> 减震器筒
  20836. shock absorber end cap ==> 减震器端盖
  20837. shock absorber end cap gasket ==> 减震器盖衬
  20838. shock absorber expander ==> 水封护罩
  20839. shock absorber eye bolt sleeve ==> 减震器有眼螺栓衬套
  20840. shock absorber filler plug ==> 减震器注入塞
  20841. shock absorber filler plug gasket ==> 减震器注油塞垫密片
  20842. shock absorber filler screw ==> 减震器注入塞
  20843. shock absorber fluid ==> 减震器油
  20844. shock absorber friction disk(-isc) ==> 减震器摩擦盘
  20845. shock absorber gland nut ==> 减震器压盖螺母
  20846. shock absorber intake valve ==> 减震器进油阀
  20847. shock absorber link ==> 减震器连杆
  20848. shock absorber link bushing ==> 减震器连杆补套
  20849. shock absorber link pin ==> 减震器连节销
  20850. shock absorber link rod ==> 减震器拉杆
  20851. shock absorber link rod pin bronze bushing ==> 减震器拉杆销铜套
  20852. shock absorber link rod pin steel bushing ==> 减震器拉杆销钢套
  20853. shock absorber oil ==> 消震油
  20854. shock absorber packing ring ==> 减震器密封环
  20855. shock absorber piston ==> 减震器活塞
  20856. shock absorber recoil spring ==> 减震器反冲阀弹簧
  20857. shock absorber recoil valve ==> 减震器回跳阀
  20858. shock absorber relief valve ==> 减震器旁通阀
  20859. shock absorber relief valve gasket ==> 减震器保险阀垫密片
  20860. shock absorber rod guide ==> 减震器杆导管
  20861. shock absorber rubber ==> 减震器橡皮
  20862. shock absorber shaft ==> 减震器轴
  20863. shock absorber strap ==> 减震器环
  20864. shock absorber strut ==> 减震器支柱
  20865. shock absorber support ==> 减震器支架
  20866. shock absorber tester ==> ショックアブソーバー試験機
  20867. shock absorber wiper seal ==> 减震器水封
  20868. shock absorbing bushing ==> 减震衬套
  20869. shock absorbing circuit ==> 压力缓冲回路
  20870. shock absorbing mount(ing) ==> 减震架
  20871. shock absorbing seat ==> 减震座
  20872. shock absorbing spring can ==> 减震弹簧筒
  20873. shock absorbing spring for vehicle ==> 车辆用缓冲弹簧
  20874. shock absorbing stud ==> 减震支柱
  20875. shock absorption ==> 减震法,冲击吸收
  20876. shock accelerometer ==> 冲击加速表,冲击加速度表,冲击加速计
  20877. shock action ==> 冲击作用,突击动作
  20878. shock angle ==> 激波倾斜角
  20879. shock antigen ==> 休克抗原
  20880. shock arrester (-tor) ==> 振动吸收装置
  20881. shock at entry ==> 入口冲击
  20882. shock bending ==> 冲击弯曲
  20883. shock bending test ==> 冲击弯曲试验
  20884. shock blasting ==> 振动爆破
  20885. shock blow stress ==> 冲击应力
  20886. shock bottle ==> 瓶状激波系
  20887. shock bottom furnace ==> 振底炉
  20888. shock bump ==> 冲击地压,冲击突出
  20889. shock chamber ==> 激冷室,骤冷室
  20890. shock chilling ==> 骤冷
  20891. shock chilling medium ==> 激冷介质
  20892. shock coagulation ==> 冲击凝固
  20893. shock component ==> 冲击分力
  20894. shock compression ==> 冲击压缩
  20895. shock concrete ==> 振捣混凝土
  20896. shock cooling ==> 激冷,骤冷
  20897. shock cord ==> 减震绳
  20898. shock cord takeoff ==> 橡筋绳牵引起飞
  20899. shock corn ==> 全株玉米捆
  20900. shock current ==> 冲击电流,电击电流,由于触电通过人体或动物身体并可能引起病理、生理效应特征的电流
  20901. shock damper ==> 阻尼器,减震器
  20902. shock deformational fabric ==> 冲击变形组构
  20903. shock diamond ==> 钻石型激波
  20904. shock diffuser ==> 振动渗滤器
  20905. shock discharge ==> 撞击排料
  20906. shock discontinuity ==> 激波间断
  20907. shock drag ==> 波阻
  20908. shock driver ==> 冲击式螺丝刀
  20909. shock dynamics ==> 冲击动力学
  20910. shock effect ==> 冲击效应,冲击影响,震动作用
  20911. shock elasticity ==> 冲击弹性
  20912. shock eliminator ==> 除震器
  20913. shock energy ==> 震动能
  20914. shock excitation ==> 震激,冲击激励,冲击励磁,碰撞激励,激振
  20915. shock excitation contact ==> 强励磁接点
  20916. shock excite ==> 冲击激励,震激
  20917. shock excited oscillator ==> 震激振荡器,冲击激励振荡器=>ショック発振器
  20918. shock excited oscillatory circuit ==> 冲击励磁振荡电路
  20919. shock exciter ==> 冲击励磁机,强行励磁机
  20920. shock factor ==> 冲击系数
  20921. shock failure ==> 冲击破坏
  20922. shock fitting ==> 激波拟合
  20923. shock front ==> 激波波前,激波前沿,激震前沿,冲波面
  20924. shock gut ==> 马急性结肠炎
  20925. shock hanger insert ==> 防震悬架垫
  20926. shock hazard ==> 冲击危险性,电击事故
  20927. shock heat ==> 冲击波加热
  20928. shock heating ==> 激波加热
  20929. shock index ==> 休克指数
  20930. shock insulator ==> 隔垫
  20931. shock interaction ==> 激波相交
  20932. shock isolation ==> 震动隔离
  20933. shock isolation system ==> 隔震系统
  20934. shock isolator ==> 隔震体
  20935. shock kidney ==> 休克肾
  20936. shock line ==> 激波线
  20937. shock liquid ==> 防震液
  20938. shock load ==> 冲缓载,振动负载,突加负载,突加载荷,冲击负荷,冲击负载,冲击荷载,冲击载荷
  20939. shock loading ==> 冲击负载
  20940. shock loss ==> 冲击损失,激波损失
  20941. shock lung ==> 休克肺
  20942. shock Mach number ==> 冲击马赫数
  20943. shock machine ==> 冲击机
  20944. shock metamorphic effect ==> 冲击变质效应
  20945. shock metamorphism ==> 冲击变质作用,震动变质作用
  20946. shock mine ==> 震发地雷
  20947. shock mitigation ==> 缓冲
  20948. shock mitigation system ==> 减震系统
  20949. shock motion ==> 激振运动,冲击波传播,冲击运动
  20950. shock mount ==> 隔振垫,防震座,减震架,减震支座
  20951. shock of transplantation ==> 移植效应
  20952. shock organ ==> 休克器官
  20953. shock oscillation ==> 激波脉动
  20954. shock oscillator ==> 冲击振荡器
  20955. shock pad ==> 减震垫
  20956. shock ply ==> 冲击层
  20957. shock polar ==> 激波极线
  20958. shock polaric diagram ==> 冲击波极线图
  20959. shock power ==> 突击力
  20960. shock pressure ==> 冲击压力,激波压力
  20961. shock pressure absorber ==> 冲击压力吸收器,水击吸收器
  20962. shock pressure experiments ==> 冲压实验
  20963. shock protector ==> 减震防护装置=>ショックプロテクター
  20964. shock pulse ==> 冲击脉冲,震动脉冲
  20965. shock reaction ==> 伤害反应
  20966. shock received during transit ==> 运输途中受震
  20967. shock recovery ==> 激波恢复
  20968. shock reducer ==> 缓冲装置,减震器
  20969. shock reflection ==> 冲击波反射
  20970. shock region ==> 激波区
  20971. shock relay ==> 冲击继电器=>ショックリレー
  20972. shock relieve vent ==> 减震孔
  20973. shock resistance ==> 耐冲击,抗震,抗冲击,抗冲击性,抗冲击性能,耐震,耐震强度,防震
  20974. shock resistant ==> 耐冲荒
  20975. shock resistant sealant ==> 防震密封剂
  20976. shock ring ==> 减震环
  20977. shock seismograph ==> 冲击地震仪
  20978. shock shoe ==> 防冲滑脚,(保护犁铧用的)缓冲滑脚
  20979. shock sink ==> 冲击壑
  20980. shock smearing ==> 激波涂抹
  20981. shock spark ==> 冲击火花
  20982. shock spectrum ==> 冲击谱
  20983. shock speed ==> 冲击波速率
  20984. shock stage ==> 休克期
  20985. shock stall ==> 激波失速
  20986. shock stall effect ==> 激波离体效应
  20987. shock state ==> 休克状态
  20988. shock stop pin ==> 减震销
  20989. shock stoppage ==> 震惊停歇
  20990. shock strength ==> 冲击强度,抗冲击强度,抗震强度
  20991. shock stress ==> 冲击应力,冲胁强,冲应力
  20992. shock strut ==> 减震支柱
  20993. shock suppressor ==> 防冲击器
  20994. shock surface ==> 冲击表面,冲击面
  20995. shock synthesis ==> 冲击波合成
  20996. shock test ==> 冲击试验=>衝撃試験
  20997. shock test machine ==> 冲击试验机
  20998. shock test of extreme-pressure lubricants ==> 特压润滑剂的振动试验
  20999. shock test of grease ==> 润滑脂震击试验
  21000. shock tester ==> 冲击试验机,震动试验器,抗震试验机
  21001. shock testing machine ==> 冲击试验机
  21002. shock therapy ==> 休克疗法
  21003. shock tissue ==> 休克组织
  21004. shock transition region ==> 冲击波过渡区
  21005. shock transmissibility ==> 冲击传递率
  21006. shock troops ==> 突击部队
  21007. shock tube ==> 震动管,冲击管,冲击激励管,激波管
  21008. shock tunnel ==> 激波风洞
  21009. shock value ==> 冲击值
  21010. shock velocity ==> 激波速度,冲击波速,冲击波速率,冲击速度,冲击值
  21011. shock vibrator ==> 颠震振捣器,摇动式振捣器
  21012. shock voltage ==> 电压脉冲,脉冲电压
  21013. shock vulneralis ==> 创伤性休克
  21014. shock wave ==> 冲击波,震波,人字形激波=>衝撃波
  21015. shock wave discontinuity ==> 冲击波不连接性
  21016. shock wave drag ==> 波阻
  21017. shock wave drilling ==> 震激波凿岩
  21018. shock wave front ==> 冲击波面,冲击波前沿
  21019. shock wave heating ==> 激波加热
  21020. shock wave implosion ==> 冲击波内爆
  21021. shock wave ionization ==> 冲击波电离
  21022. shock wave lip ==> 唇部激波
  21023. shock wave luminescence ==> 激波发光
  21024. shock wave polymerization ==> 冲击波聚合作用
  21025. shock wave pumped laser ==> 冲击波抽运激光器
  21026. shock wave refraction ==> 激波折射
  21027. shock wave shadow ==> 冲击波痕
  21028. shock wave tests ==> 冲击波试验
  21029. shock wave thickness ==> 激波厚度
  21030. shock worker ==> 突击手
  21031. shock zone ==> 冲击区域
  21032. shock-absorbing cradle ==> 减震架
  21033. shock-absorbing device ==> 减震装置
  21034. shock-absorbing seat ==> 减震座
  21035. shock-compression curve ==> 冲击压缩曲线
  21036. shock-excitation ==> 冲击激发
  21037. shock-generating body ==> 激波发生体
  21038. shock-induced boundary layer ==> 冲击边界层
  21039. shock-lithification ==> 冲击石化作用
  21040. shock-produced deformation ==> 冲击变形
  21041. shock-proof glass electrode ==> 防震玻璃电极
  21042. shock-resistance test ==> 耐碰撞试验
  21043. shock-resistant ==> 抗震的
  21044. shock-response-spectrum analysis ==> SRS解析
  21045. shock-sensitive ==> 对冲击灵敏的
  21046. shock-sensitivity ==> 冲击灵敏度,震动灵敏度
  21047. shock-sink ==> 冲击逸除
  21048. shock-stall ==> 滞止激波
  21049. shock-wave angle ==> 激波倾斜角
  21050. shock-wave drilling ==> 冲击钻进
  21051. shock-wave gas ionization ==> 冲击波气体电离,冲击气体电离
  21052. shock-wave heating ==> 冲击波加热
  21053. shock-wave high-pressure technique ==> 冲击波高压技术
  21054. shock-wave ionization ==> 激波电离
  21055. shock-wave luminescence ==> 冲击波发光,冲击发光
  21056. shock-wave noise ==> 爆音
  21057. shock-wave reflection ==> 冲击波反射,冲击反射
  21058. shock-wave-pumped laser ==> 冲击泵浦激光器
  21059. shock-wavepumped laser ==> 冲击波泵浦激光器
  21060. shocked flow ==> 冲波气流,激波流
  21061. shocked plasma ==> 受冲等离子体
  21062. shocked sheaves ==> 禾捆堆
  21063. shocking house ==> 晒全株玉米用的木架
  21064. shockless jarring machine ==> 无震冲击机
  21065. shockless jolt molding machine ==> 微震造型机
  21066. shockley equation ==> 肖克莱方程
  21067. Shockley partial dislocation ==> 肖克利局部位错
  21068. shockley partial dislocation ==> 肖克莱部分位错
  21069. shockley read hall recombination ==> 肖克莱里德霍尔复合
  21070. shockproof ==> 耐冲荒
  21071. shockproof electric apparatus ==> 耐震电气设备,耐振电气设备
  21072. shockproof mount(ing) ==> 耐震台座,减震架
  21073. shockproof steering ==> 防震转向,无反冲转向
  21074. shockproof structure ==> 防震结构
  21075. shockproof suspension ==> 减震悬挂
  21076. shockproof switch ==> 防电击开关
  21077. shocks received during transit ==> 运输途中受震
  21078. shodding in cotton ==> 棉落铃
  21079. shoddy picker ==> 开纱头机
  21080. shoddy product ==> 冒牌货
  21081. shoddy work and inferior material ==> 偷工减料
  21082. shodop, short-range Doppler ==> 短距離ドップラ測法
  21083. SHODOP, short-range Doppler radar ==> 短距離ドップラーレーダー
  21084. shoe ==> 靴,起动导轨,瓦状物,导向板,地脚板轨座,承座,履,履带板,履带片,开口坩埚,基础板,闸瓦
  21085. shoe block ==> 制动块
  21086. shoe brake ==> 刹车块,闸瓦制动器,蹄式闸,蹄式制动器,块闸
  21087. shoe colter ==> 靴式开沟器
  21088. shoe connection ==> 箍环接合
  21089. shoe contact pressure ==> 制动蹄片接触压力
  21090. shoe drill ==> 靴式开沟播种器
  21091. shoe expander mechanism ==> 蹄片张开装置
  21092. shoe nog plate ==> 马蹄铁形磨盘
  21093. shoe pitman ==> 清粮器传动连杆
  21094. shoe plate ==> 蹄片,闸瓦,支撑板
  21095. shoe polisher ==> 擦鞋机
  21096. shoe pressure force ==> 制动闸块压力
  21097. shoe retaining clips ==> 闸瓦固定夹
  21098. shoe retracing spring ==> 制动片回位弹簧
  21099. shoe runner ==> 靴式开沟器
  21100. shoe shell ==> 钻泥提取器
  21101. shoe slipper ==> (割草机的)滑脚
  21102. shoe stick ==> 度鞋尺
  21103. shoe-button cell ==> 鞋扣形电池
  21104. shoe-elbow ==> 底弯肘管
  21105. shoe-shaped drag head ==> (挖泥船的)靴状吸嘴
  21106. shoe-string sand ==> 透镜状沉积砂
  21107. shoe-type furrow opener ==> 靴式开沟器
  21108. shoebutton tube ==> 橡实形电子管
  21109. shoeless track ==> 无瓦履带
  21110. shoestring ==> 小额资本,带状体,电线
  21111. shoestring sand ==> 带状砂层,鞋带状砂层
  21112. shoestring trading ==> 小本经营
  21113. shogged stitch ==> 波纹组织
  21114. Shokusenki ==> 植繊機
  21115. Shokusenki with crusher ==> 破砕機一体型植繊機
  21116. Shokusenki with fixed quantity supply device ==> 定量供給装置付植繊機
  21117. shoo away the sparrows ==> 轰麻雀
  21118. shoot ==> 加速,坑,摄,摄影,射,急痛,枝条,流下,芽,人工爆炸,萌芽,放炮,幼株,茎轴,根出条,拍摄,抛出,富矿体,斜沟
  21119. shoot an approach ==> 练习进场着陆
  21120. shoot apex ==> 苗端,苗间
  21121. shoot at right angles ==> 直射
  21122. shoot bag ==> 新果穗袋
  21123. shoot borer ==> 嫩梢蛀虫
  21124. shoot bud ==> 枝芽
  21125. shoot core machine ==> 射芯机
  21126. shoot cutting ==> 嫩枝插
  21127. shoot dead ==> 枪杀
  21128. shoot down ==> 击落
  21129. shoot gall ==> 枝瘿
  21130. shoot moth ==> 梢蛾
  21131. shoot mutation ==> 梢变
  21132. shoot off ==> 刨光,刨去
  21133. shoot plucking ==> 采摘新芽
  21134. shoot proof tyre ==> 防弹轮胎
  21135. shoot root ==> 苗根
  21136. shoot squeeze molding machine ==> 射压造型机
  21137. shoot system ==> 茎轴系统
  21138. shoot thorn ==> 枝刺
  21139. shoot up ==> 喷出,飞涨
  21140. shoot-out ==> 起弧
  21141. shoot-root ratio ==> 条根比率
  21142. shooter ==> 射手,枪,猎者
  21143. shooting ==> 木边刨,立射俑
  21144. shooting board fixture ==> 刨光板夹具
  21145. shooting box ==> 猎屋,狩猎小屋,狩猎小屋
  21146. shooting brake ==> 电视车
  21147. shooting flow ==> 超临界流
  21148. shooting into the solid ==> 过深炮
  21149. shooting method ==> 打靶法
  21150. shooting on-the-free ==> 多自由面爆破
  21151. shooting period ==> 拔节期
  21152. shooting plane ==> 修边刨
  21153. shooting range ==> 靶场
  21154. shooting star ==> 流星花
  21155. shooting-sheet shutter ==> 棱片快门
  21156. shootingstar ==> 流星花属
  21157. shop ==> 车间,店铺,商店,计算站,店=>小売店,工場,修理工場,会社
  21158. shop act ==> 商店法
  21159. shop air ==> 车间气源,工厂用压缩空气
  21160. shop allowance ==> 工厂容差,商店容差
  21161. shop assembling ==> 工厂装配=>工場組立
  21162. shop assembly ==> 工場組立
  21163. shop assistance ==> 店員
  21164. shop bill ==> 工厂材料单
  21165. shop car ==> 厂内运货车
  21166. shop card ==> 车间工作卡片
  21167. shop characteristics ==> 工艺性能
  21168. shop condition ==> 车间生产条件,车间条件
  21169. shop crane ==> 厂用起重机
  21170. shop detail drawing ==> 工厂施工详图,加工详图
  21171. shop drawing ==> 安装图,制作图
  21172. shop driven rivet ==> 厂合铆钉,厂铆铆钉
  21173. shop environment ==> 工場環境
  21174. shop equipment ==> 工厂设备
  21175. shop erection ==> 厂内安装
  21176. shop fabricated parts (SFP) ==> 车间制作组装件
  21177. shop fabrication ==> 工場製作
  21178. shop facilities ==> 工場設備
  21179. shop foreman ==> 车间工长
  21180. shop front ==> 门面
  21181. shop gage ==> 工卓规
  21182. shop gauge ==> 车间量规,工作量规
  21183. shop hoist ==> 车间起重机
  21184. shop illuminator ==> 工厂照明器
  21185. shop instruction ==> 工场说明,工厂工作细则
  21186. shop instructions ==> 车间守则
  21187. shop lifter ==> 冒充顾客的扒手
  21188. shop line ==> 车间风管
  21189. shop lumber ==> 半成材
  21190. shop management ==> 车间管理,工场管理,工厂管理
  21191. shop manual ==> 工厂规程,工厂手册
  21192. shop order ==> 工作单
  21193. shop painted ==> 厂内油漆的
  21194. shop preassembly ==> 厂内预安装
  21195. shop repair ==> 厂修
  21196. shop rivet ==> 工厂铆钉,厂合铆钉,工厂铆合的铆钉
  21197. shop riveting ==> 工厂铆接,厂铆
  21198. shop safety ==> 车间安全
  21199. shop sign ==> 牌号
  21200. shop splice ==> 工厂拼接
  21201. shop supplies ==> 车间备品
  21202. shop sweeping ==> 车间废料
  21203. shop term ==> 生产术语
  21204. shop test ==> 厂内试验,车间试验,工厂试验=>工場試験
  21205. shop test specification ==> 工厂试验规范
  21206. shop truck ==> 工程车
  21207. shop typhus ==> 地方性斑疹伤寒
  21208. shop weld ==> 工厂焊接
  21209. shop welding ==> 工厂焊接,车间焊接,车间中焊接
  21210. shop window glass ==> 橱窗玻璃
  21211. shop-built form ==> 厂制模板
  21212. shop-fabricated ==> 厂制,厂制的,车间预制
  21213. shop-fabricated boiler ==> 快装式锅炉
  21214. shop-fabricated member ==> 工厂预制构件
  21215. shop-field erection of tank ==> 工厂内油罐的焊接装置
  21216. shop-welded connection ==> 厂焊接头
  21217. shopkeeper's strike ==> 罢市
  21218. shopkeepers' books ==> 小销售商帐册
  21219. shopkeepers strike ==> 罢市
  21220. shopowner ==> 财东
  21221. shopping bag ==> 采购用纸袋
  21222. shopping centre ==> 购物中心
  21223. shopping district ==> 商店区
  21224. shopping goods ==> 挑选购买品,选购产品,选购品
  21225. Shopping Green Exhibition ==> 环保购物展览
  21226. shopping mall ==> 步行商业街
  21227. shopping oscillator ==> 间歇作用发生器
  21228. shopping street ==> 商业街
  21229. shopwindow ==> 商店橱窗
  21230. shoran ==> 肖兰
  21231. shoran (short-range navigation system) ==> 肖兰精密导航装置
  21232. shoran set ==> 近距离助航仪
  21233. SHORAN, short-range navigation ==> 短距離航法
  21234. shore ==> 顶撑杆,顶柱,岸
  21235. shore accomodation ==> 陆战设施
  21236. shore based radar ==> 海岸雷达
  21237. shore beacon ==> 岸标
  21238. shore bird ==> 岸禽类
  21239. shore clause ==> 陆上条款,陆运条款
  21240. shore crane ==> 岸吊
  21241. shore current ==> 岸边流,岸流,滨流
  21242. shore cutting ==> 岸边冲刷,海滨冲刷
  21243. shore deposit ==> 海滨沉积,岸边淤积
  21244. shore drift ==> 滨海漂积物,海岸漂积物,沿滨漂积物
  21245. shore dune ==> 海岸沙丘
  21246. shore end cable ==> 岸边电缆
  21247. shore end optical cable ==> 岸边光缆
  21248. shore erosion ==> 岸坡侵蚀
  21249. shore facilities ==> 陆域设备
  21250. shore hardness ==> 肖氏硬度
  21251. Shore hardness ==> ショア硬さ
  21252. shore hardness test ==> 回跳硬度试验
  21253. Shore hardness tester ==> 肖氏硬度计
  21254. shore ice ==> 岸冰,滨冰
  21255. shore intake ==> 河岸进水构筑物
  21256. shore lead ==> 冰岸水道
  21257. shore line ==> 海岸线
  21258. shore man ==> 陆上工作人员
  21259. shore material ==> 海岸物质
  21260. shore mattress ==> 护岸柴排
  21261. shore pier ==> 岸墩
  21262. shore platform ==> 海滨平台
  21263. shore profile ==> 海岸剖面
  21264. shore progress ==> 海岸进展,海岸演化,海滨进展
  21265. shore protection ==> 海岸防护,护岸
  21266. shore protection embankment ==> 海岸堤防
  21267. shore protection facility ==> 海岸防护设施
  21268. shore protection structure ==> 海岸防护建筑物
  21269. shore protection works ==> 海岸防护工程
  21270. shore ramp ==> ショアランプ
  21271. shore reef ==> 岸礁,边礁
  21272. shore rights ==> 停泊权
  21273. Shore scleroscope ==> 旭尔回跳硬度器
  21274. Shore scleroscope hardness test ==> 肖氏回跳硬度试验
  21275. shore span ==> (指桥梁的)近岸跨
  21276. shore stabilization ==> 海岸稳定,海滨稳定
  21277. shore structure ==> 护岸建筑物
  21278. shore subsidence ==> 海岸坍陷
  21279. shore tackle ==> 岸吊
  21280. shore tank ==> 岸上贮罐
  21281. shore terrace ==> 岸边台地,海岸阶地,海滨阶地,海成阶地
  21282. shore wave recorder ==> 岸用波浪自记仪
  21283. shore wharf ==> 滨海码头
  21284. shore zone ==> 海滨带
  21285. shore-based radar ==> 海岸雷达
  21286. shore-end cable ==> 浅海电缆
  21287. shore-front-trials ==> 陆上试验
  21288. shore-protection works ==> 护岸工程
  21289. shore-to-ship communication ==> 陆对海通信
  21290. shoreface beach ==> 临滨滩
  21291. shoreface storm deposit ==> 临滨风暴沉积
  21292. shoreline ==> 滨线,岸边线,岸线,海岸线,海滨线
  21293. shoreline cycle ==> 岸线循环
  21294. shoreline denudation ==> 海岸剥蚀
  21295. shoreline feature ==> 海岸线特征
  21296. shoreline of depression ==> 沉降滨线
  21297. shoreline of elevation ==> 上升滨线
  21298. shoreline of emergence ==> 上升岸线
  21299. shoreline of submergence ==> 下沉岸线,下沉滨线
  21300. shoreline preservation ==> 汀線保全
  21301. shoreline profile ==> 岸线纵断面
  21302. shoreline reconnaissance ==> 海岸线踏勘
  21303. shoring ==> 临时撑,临时撑柱,临时支撑,顶撑工程,加固
  21304. shoring of foundation ==> 基础支撑
  21305. shoring of trench ==> 基槽支撑,基坑支撑
  21306. shoring to walls ==> 墙身顶撑
  21307. shoring work ==> 顶撑工程
  21308. shorn lamb ==> 已剪过毛的羔羊
  21309. short ==> 欠注,脆性,短的,短锯材,短路,零头料,卖空,空头,空头交易,矮=>短絡,ショート
  21310. short abductor muscle of thumb ==> 拇短展肌
  21311. short access storage ==> 快速存储器
  21312. short account ==> 抛空帐户,卖空帐户,空头帐户
  21313. short acting ==> 短期作用
  21314. short address ==> 短地址
  21315. short adductor muscle ==> 短收肌
  21316. short afterglow ==> 短余辉
  21317. short age strength ==> 短龄期强度
  21318. short anneal oven ==> 快速退火炉
  21319. short annealing ==> 快速退火
  21320. short annealing furnace ==> 快速退火炉
  21321. short arc ==> 低振幅,短弧
  21322. short arc discharge ==> 短电弧放电
  21323. short arc metal transfer ==> 短弧过渡
  21324. short arc method ==> 短弧法
  21325. short arc welding ==> 短弧焊
  21326. short arm ==> 短臂
  21327. short armed ==> 短臂的
  21328. short bar ==> 短絡片
  21329. short beam ==> 短梁
  21330. short bearing of tooth ==> 轮齿窄短承载区
  21331. short bills ==> 近期国库券
  21332. short block ==> 短记录块,短块
  21333. short bole ==> 矮干材
  21334. short bone ==> 短骨
  21335. short branch ==> 短转移
  21336. short branchlet ==> 短枝
  21337. short break ==> 瞬断
  21338. short breath ==> 气促,气短,气急促
  21339. short burst ==> 短脉冲,短期暴
  21340. short calling ==> 快速呼叫
  21341. short cane pruning ==> 短梢修剪
  21342. short card ==> 短卡片
  21343. short carriage knitting machine ==> 短三角座滑架横机
  21344. short cell ==> 短细胞
  21345. short central artery ==> 中央短动脉
  21346. short channel ==> 短沟道
  21347. short channel effect ==> 短チャンネル効果
  21348. short channel fet ==> 短沟道场效应晶体管
  21349. short ciliary nerve ==> 睫状短神经
  21350. short circuit ==> 短接的电路,短路=>短絡
  21351. short circuit admittance ==> 短路导纳
  21352. short circuit braking ==> 短路制动
  21353. short circuit breaking capacity ==> 短路遮断容量
  21354. short circuit brush ==> 短路电刷
  21355. short circuit calculation ==> 短絡容量計算
  21356. short circuit characteristic ==> 短路特性,在额定的转速下,发电机电枢绕组三相稳态短路时,电枢电流与励磁电流之间的关系曲线
  21357. short circuit current ==> 短路电流
  21358. short circuit current limitation ==> 短路限流
  21359. short circuit current to earth ==> 对地短路电流
  21360. short circuit curve ==> 短路特性
  21361. short circuit end ==> 短路侧
  21362. short circuit flux ==> 短路磁通
  21363. short circuit generation ==> 短絡発電機
  21364. short circuit generator ==> 短路发电机
  21365. short circuit impedance ==> 短路阻抗
  21366. short circuit making capacity ==> 短路时闭合容量
  21367. short circuit of valve arm ==> アーム短絡,三相ブリッジを構成するサイリスタバルブ1台の端子間の短絡をいう
  21368. short circuit protection ==> 短路保护
  21369. short circuit ratio ==> 短路比
  21370. short circuit rotor ==> 鼠笼式转子
  21371. short circuit subtransient time constant ==> 短路初期瞬变时间常数
  21372. short circuit test ==> 短路试验
  21373. Short Circuit Testing Liaison, STL ==> 国际短路试验联盟=>国際短絡試験協会
  21374. short circuit time constant of primary windings ==> 一次绕组短路时间常数
  21375. short circuit voltage ==> 短路电压
  21376. short circuit winding ==> 短路线圈=>短絡巻線
  21377. short circuited branch ==> 短絡状ブランチ
  21378. short circuited inductance ==> 短絡インダクタンス
  21379. short circuiter ==> 短路器
  21380. short circuiting ==> 短路
  21381. short circuiting arc ==> 短路电弧
  21382. short circuiting device ==> 短路器
  21383. short circuiting ring ==> 短路环
  21384. short circuiting switch blade ==> 短路器
  21385. short circuiting transfer ==> 短路过渡
  21386. short clay ==> 低塑性粘土
  21387. short clip ==> 短路线夹
  21388. short code dialing ==> 短代码拨号,短码拨号
  21389. short column ==> 短柱
  21390. short contract ==> 卖空合约,空头交易合同
  21391. short cord ==> 短考
  21392. short count ==> 短期积日制度
  21393. short covering ==> 抛空补回,补空
  21394. short crop ==> 低产量,低产作物
  21395. short cultivation ==> 短期培育
  21396. short current protection system ==> 短路保护装置
  21397. short cut ==> 捷路
  21398. short cycle ==> 短周期
  21399. short cylinder ==> 短圆筒
  21400. short cylindrical roller bearing ==> 短圆柱滚子轴承
  21401. short damping electric meter ==> 短阻尼电表
  21402. short day ==> 短日照
  21403. short day breeder ==> 短日照发情家畜
  21404. short day crop ==> 短日照作物
  21405. short delay line ==> 短延迟线
  21406. short delivery ==> 交货短缺,货物短缺
  21407. short descenders ==> 短形西文下伸字
  21408. short diagonal of indentation ==> 压痕的短对角线
  21409. short dialing ==> 短拨号,短代码拨号
  21410. short distance ==> 短途
  21411. short distance navigational aid ==> 近距离导航设备
  21412. short distance reception ==> 近距离接收
  21413. short distance reconnaissance ==> 近距离空中侦察
  21414. short distance scatter ==> 近距散射
  21415. short distance sender ==> 近距离发送器
  21416. short distance traffic ==> 短程交通
  21417. short distance transmission line ==> 短距離送電線路
  21418. short distance transportation ==> 短途运输
  21419. short division ==> 简捷除法
  21420. short dot ==> 短路点
  21421. short drafts ==> 短绵
  21422. short drink ==> 烈酒
  21423. short dung ==> 发酵过的粪肥
  21424. short duration ==> 短历时
  21425. short duration light source ==> 短时光源
  21426. short duration power frequency voltage withstand test ==> 短时工频耐压试验,通过施加一次相应额定耐受电压(有效值)到几分钟,对绝缘耐受短时工频电压能力进行考核的试验
  21427. short duration variations ==> 短期変動
  21428. short epicotyl ==> 短的上胚轴
  21429. short extended ==> 列入细数
  21430. short feed ==> 短期肥育
  21431. short fibers under the epidermis ==> 表皮下面的短纤维
  21432. short fire ==> 氧化焰
  21433. short flame gas burner ==> 短焰烧嘴
  21434. short flamed ==> 短火焰的
  21435. short flashing light ==> 短闪光灯
  21436. short flexor muscel of thumb ==> 拇短屈肌
  21437. short flexor muscle of toe ==> 趾短屈肌
  21438. short floating point number ==> 単精度浮動小数点数
  21439. short flute spiral pointed tap ==> 短槽螺尖丝锥
  21440. short focal length high aperture lens ==> 短焦距强光力物镜
  21441. short form bill of lading ==> 简式提单
  21442. short form test ==> 简化试验
  21443. short forward rate ==> 一个月内的期货汇率
  21444. short fuse ==> 短导火线引爆
  21445. short gap ==> 短ギャップ
  21446. short gastric arteries ==> 胃短动脉
  21447. short gastric veins ==> 胃短静脉
  21448. short glazed ==> 欠釉
  21449. short grades ==> 晾干烟叶
  21450. short grain ==> 短纹,脆纹
  21451. short grained type ==> 短粒品种
  21452. short grained variety ==> 短粒品种
  21453. short grass ==> 短草
  21454. short grass type ==> 矮草型
  21455. short grassland ==> 矮草型草地
  21456. short gravity wave ==> 短重力波
  21457. short ground return ==> 短线接地
  21458. short guide drill wagon ==> 短导轨钻车
  21459. short haul ==> 短途运输
  21460. short haul cable carrier system ==> 近距离电缆载波通信制
  21461. short haul carrier system ==> 近距离载波通信制
  21462. short haul connection ==> 近程接续
  21463. short hedge ==> 卖空套头,空头对冲
  21464. short hundredweight ==> (等于100磅)短担
  21465. short immediate instruction ==> 短立即指令
  21466. short infrared ==> 短波红外线
  21467. short instruction ==> 短指令
  21468. short interest ==> 卖空者
  21469. short internode trait ==> 短节间性状
  21470. short interruption ==> 瞬断=>短時間停電=>瞬停,A short interruption is defined as the complete loss of voltage (<0.1pu) on one or more phases for a time period between 0.5 cycles and 3s.
  21471. short interruption rate ==> 瞬断率
  21472. short interval ==> 短時間間隔
  21473. short iron ==> 脆性铁
  21474. short irradiation ==> 短时间照射
  21475. short jump ==> 短转移
  21476. short landing ==> 货差
  21477. short leg ==> 短引线
  21478. short legged ==> 矮的型
  21479. short legs ==> 腿短
  21480. short length rule ==> 短长度规
  21481. short levator muscles of ribs ==> 肋短提肌
  21482. short life ==> 短寿命
  21483. short lifetime ==> 短寿命
  21484. short limb of incus ==> 砧骨短脚
  21485. short line fault interruption ==> 近距離線路故障遮断
  21486. short linearity controller ==> 近距线性调整器
  21487. short link chain ==> 短环节链
  21488. short lived ==> 短暂的
  21489. short lived burst ==> 短寿命暴
  21490. short lived lymphocytes ==> 短龄的淋巴细胞
  21491. short loin ==> 前腰
  21492. short loop drying and heat setting range ==> 短环烘燥定型机
  21493. short loop resin finishing range ==> 短环树脂整理机
  21494. short lunge ==> 近刺
  21495. short magnetic lens ==> 短磁透镜
  21496. short mare ==> 矮个儿母马
  21497. short maturation variety ==> 早熟品种
  21498. short maturities ==> (外汇)近期到期
  21499. short message ==> 短报文
  21500. short method ==> 捷征法
  21501. short node of grape or pierce disease ==> 葡萄短节病
  21502. short notice ==> 临时通知
  21503. short nut tap ==> 短柄螺母丝锥
  21504. short of cash ==> 缺乏现金
  21505. short offset addressing ==> 短偏移量寻址,小偏差量寻址
  21506. short oil varnish ==> 少油清漆
  21507. short operation ==> 短操作
  21508. short out ==> 短路
  21509. short palmar muscle ==> 掌短肌
  21510. short pass ==> 短路
  21511. short pass principle ==> 短ギャップの理
  21512. short peak ==> 近锚泊
  21513. short period ==> 短期
  21514. short period perturbation ==> 短周期摄动
  21515. short period seismograph ==> 短周期地震记录仪
  21516. short period seismometer ==> 短周期地震计
  21517. short period superlattice ==> 短周期超晶格=>短周期超格子
  21518. short pipe ==> 短管
  21519. short pitch ==> 短节距
  21520. short pitch factor ==> 短节距因数
  21521. short pitch winding ==> 短节距绕组
  21522. short position ==> 短缺期货,卖出的期货合同,超卖,空头,(外汇)空头部位,不足部位
  21523. short posterior ciliary arteries ==> 睫后短动脉,睫状后短动脉
  21524. short precision ==> 短精度
  21525. short primary LEM ==> 短初级直线电机
  21526. short process of malleus ==> 锤骨短突
  21527. short pulse ==> 短パルス幅
  21528. short pulse gate firing system ==> 狭幅パルスゲート点弧方式
  21529. short racemes ==> 短总状花序
  21530. short radial extensor muscle of wrist ==> 桡侧腕长伸肌
  21531. short range ==> 短量程,近距离
  21532. short range ballistics ==> 近程弹道学
  21533. short range impact point ==> 近程弹着点
  21534. short range navigation ==> 近程导航,精确近程导航系统,高精度肖兰导航系统
  21535. short range navigation system ==> 近程导航系统
  21536. short range operations ==> 近距离作战
  21537. short range order structure ==> 近程有序结构
  21538. short residue ==> 减压渣油
  21539. short residuum ==> 减压渣油,脆残油,浓缩残油
  21540. short rib ==> 假肋
  21541. short root of ciliary ganglion ==> 睫状神经节短根
  21542. short rotation ==> 短期轮作
  21543. short round ==> 短头弹
  21544. short round nose pliers ==> 短圆嘴钳
  21545. short run ==> 短期运转,小批量
  21546. short runs ==> 短行程
  21547. short sale ==> 卖空,卖空交易
  21548. short scan ==> 快扫描
  21549. short scarf ==> 直齿对搭接
  21550. short screw ==> 短螺钉
  21551. short sea trade ==> 海上短程运输
  21552. short seas ==> (租船合同用语)近海运输
  21553. short selling ==> 卖空交易,卖空行为
  21554. short series ==> 短系列
  21555. short shank auger ==> 短柄木工钻
  21556. short shank drill ==> 短柄钻
  21557. short shell ==> 短壳
  21558. short shift controller ==> 近距位移调整器
  21559. short shipment ==> 退关
  21560. short shoot ==> 短枝
  21561. short shot ==> 欠注,喷丸不足
  21562. short shunt ==> 内分巻
  21563. short shunt compound winding ==> 短并激式复绕组
  21564. short side round edge tile ==> 短边圆角釉面砖
  21565. short sight ==> 近视,近视线
  21566. short sign-on ==> 短开式,短签到,简化开式,简化签到
  21567. short slab ==> 短板
  21568. short slag ==> 短渣
  21569. short spacing ==> 短间距
  21570. short span seek ==> ショートシーク制御
  21571. short square core ==> 悬臂芯
  21572. short squeeze ==> 空头轧平,期货卖方抢购
  21573. short stack ==> 浅栈,短堆栈,短排气道
  21574. short stalked plant ==> 矮秆作物
  21575. short stapled ==> 矮纤维的
  21576. short stature syndrome ==> 矮身体综合征
  21577. short stay ==> 近锚泊
  21578. short stem ==> 短漏斗
  21579. short stem plant ==> 矮茎植物
  21580. short stick (ss) ==> 短码尺
  21581. short stop ==> 急止浴
  21582. short stopped chain ==> 断链
  21583. short stopping ==> 速止,急速中止
  21584. short stopping agent ==> 速止剂
  21585. short stopping of chain ==> 链的速止,链的中止
  21586. short stress path rolling mill ==> 短应力线轧机
  21587. short sunlight photoperiod ==> 短期日光照
  21588. short support jack ==> 矮柱千斤顶
  21589. short table screen printing machine ==> 短台板筛网印花机
  21590. short tail ==> 短尾巴
  21591. short take off and landing ==> 短距起落
  21592. short take-off and landing aircraft ==> 短距起落飞机
  21593. short takeoff and landing (STOL) ==> 短距起落
  21594. short taper gage ==> 短锥度规
  21595. short term ==> 短期
  21596. short term allowable stress ==> 短期许用应力
  21597. short term drift ==> 短时间漂移
  21598. short term economical operation among the units at hydropower station ==> 水电站厂内短期经济运行,在水电站短期最优运行和电力系统调度对水电厂瞬时给定发电负荷下,使水电站耗水量和附加费用最少的运行方式
  21599. short term strength ==> 短期机械强度
  21600. short term test ==> 短期试验
  21601. short terminal or axillary racemes ==> 顶生或腋生短总状花序
  21602. short thrust ==> 近刺
  21603. short tillage ==> 短期耕作
  21604. short time diffusion ==> 短时间扩散
  21605. short time duty ==> 短时运行方式
  21606. short time interruption of voltage ==> 短时间电压中断,一相或多相电压瞬时跌落到0.01p.u(或0.1p.u.)以下,且持续时间为3s~1min
  21607. short time operation ==> 短时使用
  21608. short time over-current test ==> 短时过电流试验,保持转速和电压为额定值,迅速调节电枢电流到规定倍数并持续规定时间的试验
  21609. short time presentation ==> 短時間呈示
  21610. short time rating ==> 短时额定
  21611. short time statistics ==> 短时统计特性
  21612. short time test ==> 短时试验
  21613. short time voltage rising test ==> 短时电压升高试验,发电机在空载条件下,在额定励磁电流时产生的定子电压[但不超过130%Un]下进行。发电机有多匝线圈时,试验时间为1min,为单匝式线棒时为瞬时
  21614. short title ==> (指文献的)简明标题
  21615. short ton ==> 短吨,美吨,小吨,(等于2000磅)每吨
  21616. short tooth ==> 短齿
  21617. short traffic ocean carrier ==> 近海运输船舶
  21618. short transverse ==> (横截面中的短边)高度方向
  21619. short tube evaporator ==> 短管蒸发器
  21620. short udder ==> 短乳房
  21621. short wave ==> 短波=>短波
  21622. short wave adapter ==> 短波转换器
  21623. short wave aerial ==> 短波天线
  21624. short wave antenna ==> 短波天线
  21625. short wave capacitor ==> 短波电容器
  21626. short wave choke coil ==> 短波扼流圈
  21627. short wave converter ==> 短波变频器
  21628. short wave diathermy ==> 短波透热疗法
  21629. short wave diathermy apparatus ==> 短波透热治疗机
  21630. short wave direction finder ==> 短波测向器
  21631. short wave electrotherapy apparatus ==> 短波电疗机
  21632. short wave fadeout ==> 短波消逝
  21633. short wave fadeout (SWF) ==> 短波衰退
  21634. short wave radio transmitter ==> 短波无线电发射机
  21635. short wave receiver ==> 短波接收机
  21636. short wave sender ==> 短波发射机
  21637. short wave SSB transmitter ==> 短波单边带发射机
  21638. short wave telegraph telephone transmitter ==> 短波报话发射机
  21639. short wave therapy apparatus ==> 短波治疗仪
  21640. short wave therapy machine ==> 短波治疗机
  21641. short wave transmitter ==> 短波发射机
  21642. short wave-pass filter ==> 短波通滤波器
  21643. short wavelength region ==> 短波長帯
  21644. short week ==> 非完整工作周
  21645. short weight ==> 分量不足,缺量,缺重量,份量不足,重量不足
  21646. short word ==> 短字
  21647. short-access ==> 快速存取
  21648. short-and slight in figure ==> 矮小身材
  21649. short-baseline system ==> 短基线系统
  21650. short-bodies ==> 身体体躯短的
  21651. short-boom loader ==> 短转臂式装载机
  21652. short-brittle ==> 热脆
  21653. short-brittleness ==> 热脆性
  21654. short-cavity dye laser ==> 短腔染料激光器
  21655. short-chord winding ==> 短节距绕组,短弦绕组
  21656. short-circuit ==> 短接,短接的电路,短路,电力系统处于正常运行状态时,突然发生相间或相与地间的非正常连接,电力系统的运行状态发生急剧变化的一种故障状态=>短絡,ショートする
  21657. short-circuit admittance ==> 短路导纳
  21658. short-circuit analysis ==> 短路分析
  21659. short-circuit between conductors ==> 线间短路
  21660. short-circuit between plates ==> 极板间短路
  21661. short-circuit brake ==> 短路制动器
  21662. short-circuit braking ==> 短路闸
  21663. short-circuit calculation ==> 短路计算,电力系统发生短路时,对短路后的电流、电压及其分布的计算
  21664. short-circuit calculator ==> 短路计算器
  21665. short-circuit capacity ==> 短路容量,电力系统中某点的三相稳态短路电流、系统标称电压与系数3三者之乘积,通常以兆伏安(MVA)表示=>短絡容量
  21666. short-circuit characteristic ==> 短路特征曲线
  21667. short-circuit characteristic curve ==> 短路特性曲线=>短絡特性曲線
  21668. short-circuit condition ==> 短路状态
  21669. short-circuit contact ==> 短路触点
  21670. short-circuit control ==> 短路控制
  21671. short-circuit current ==> 短路电流,在电路中,由于短路而在电气元件上产生的不同于正常运行值的电流=>短絡電流
  21672. short-circuit current capability ==> 短路电流允许值,在规定的短路持续时间内,电气设备允许通过的短路电流值
  21673. short-circuit current gain ==> 短路电流增益
  21674. short-circuit current rush ==> 短路电流冲击
  21675. short-circuit detector ==> 短路探测器
  21676. short-circuit generator ==> 短絡発電機
  21677. short-circuit impedance ==> 短路阻抗=>短絡インピーダンス
  21678. short-circuit input admittance ==> 短路输入导纳
  21679. short-circuit input capacitance ==> 短路输入电容
  21680. short-circuit key ==> 短路键
  21681. short-circuit loss ==> 短路损失
  21682. short-circuit magnetomotive force ==> 短路磁通势
  21683. short-circuit of terminals ==> 端子短路
  21684. short-circuit operation ==> 短絡運転
  21685. short-circuit output capacitance ==> 短路输出电容
  21686. short-circuit period ==> 短路持续时间
  21687. short-circuit plug ==> 短接插头
  21688. short-circuit power ==> 短路功率
  21689. short-circuit power-factor ==> 短絡力率
  21690. short-circuit proof ==> 耐短路的
  21691. short-circuit protection ==> 短路保护,短路保护装置
  21692. short-circuit ratio ==> 短路比,同步发电机空载产生额定电压所需的励磁电流值与三相稳定短路时产生额定电流所需的励磁电流值之比,其计算用标幺值表示的直轴同步电抗不饱和值的倒数与饱和系数的乘积
  21693. short-circuit relay==short circuit … ==> 短絡継電器, Protection which operates when short-circuits occur between conductors or between two or three phases and earth or between one phase and earth in systems with solidly earthed neutral.
  21694. short-circuit resistance ==> 短路电阻
  21695. short-circuit ring ==> 短路环=>短絡環
  21696. short-circuit spark ==> 短路火花
  21697. short-circuit spring ==> 短路弹簧
  21698. short-circuit stability ==> 短路稳定性
  21699. short-circuit studies ==> 短絡解析
  21700. short-circuit subtransient time constant ==> 短路初期瞬变时间常数
  21701. short-circuit subtransient time-constant ==> 短絡初期過渡時定数
  21702. short-circuit test ==> 短路试验=>短絡試験
  21703. short-circuit time constant ==> 短絡過渡時定数
  21704. short-circuit torque ==> 短路转矩
  21705. short-circuit transfer admittance ==> 短路转移导纳
  21706. short-circuit transition ==> 分路换接过程
  21707. short-circuit voltage ==> 短路电压
  21708. short-circuit winding ==> 短絡巻線
  21709. short-circuit wire ==> 短路线
  21710. short-circuit ○○ relay ==> 短絡○○継電器
  21711. short-circuit(ed) armature ==> 鼠笼电枢
  21712. short-circuit-proof output ==> 防短路输出
  21713. short-circuited armature ==> 短路电枢
  21714. short-circuited armature coil ==> 短路电转子线圈
  21715. short-circuited brush ==> 短路电刷
  21716. short-circuited coil ==> 短路线圈
  21717. short-circuited loop ==> 短路回线
  21718. short-circuited resistance ==> 短路电阻
  21719. short-circuited turn ==> 短路线匝
  21720. short-circuited winding ==> 短路绕组
  21721. short-circuiter ==> 短路器
  21722. short-circuiting arc welding ==> 短路过渡电弧焊
  21723. short-circuiting bar ==> 短路棒
  21724. short-circuiting device ==> 短路装置
  21725. short-circuiting jumper ==> 短路金属片
  21726. short-circuiting piston ==> 短路活塞
  21727. short-circuiting ring ==> 短路环
  21728. short-circuiting switch ==> 短路开关
  21729. short-circuiting transfer ==> 短路传送
  21730. short-citcuit protection==short-circuit protection ==> 短絡保護 Protection which operates when short-circuits occur between conductors or between two or three phases and earth or between one phase and earth in systems with solidly earthed neutral.
  21731. short-contact switch ==> 短触点开关
  21732. short-coupled ==> 短背的
  21733. short-covering ==> 补进短缺
  21734. short-crested wave ==> 短峰波,短脊波
  21735. short-cut ==> 简捷
  21736. short-cut method ==> 简捷法,简捷算法
  21737. short-cut multiplication ==> 简捷乘法
  21738. short-cut tops ==> 镰刀扁针盖板针布
  21739. short-cut turn ==> 捷径旋弯,近路转弯
  21740. short-cycle annealing ==> 短时退火
  21741. short-cycle malleable iron ==> 快速退火可锻铸铁
  21742. short-day plant ==> 短日照植物
  21743. short-day plant breeding ==> 短日照植物育种
  21744. short-day plant management ==> 短日植物管理
  21745. short-day regions ==> 短日照地区
  21746. short-day-long night plant ==> 短日照长夜植物
  21747. short-delay blasting ==> 微差延发爆炸
  21748. short-delay detonator ==> 毫秒延发雷管
  21749. short-distance beam ==> 近光
  21750. short-distance navigation ==> 短程航行
  21751. short-distance scatter ==> 近距散射
  21752. short-distant sprinkler system ==> 密集喷灌系统
  21753. short-duration sustainer ==> 短期工作的主发动机
  21754. short-fed cattle ==> 短期肥育
  21755. short-flame coal ==> 短焰煤
  21756. short-flaming ==> 短焰
  21757. short-focus camera ==> 短焦距照相机
  21758. short-focus lens ==> 短焦距透镜
  21759. short-focus objective ==> 短焦距物镜
  21760. short-form report ==> 核数简报
  21761. short-format instruction ==> 短格式指令
  21762. short-gate gain ==> 短时间选通增益
  21763. short-grass plain ==> 矮草大草原
  21764. short-haul aircraft ==> 近程飞机
  21765. short-haul convoy ==> 短程护航队
  21766. short-haul modem ==> 基带调制解调器
  21767. short-haul transmission system ==> 短距離伝送方式
  21768. short-haul tropospheric scatter radio system ==> 近程对流层散射通信设备
  21769. short-head cone crusher ==> 短头锥式破碎机
  21770. short-hold mode ==> 短暂保持方式
  21771. short-hole blasting, chip blasting ==> 浅孔爆破,炮孔深度小于5m的爆破
  21772. short-hout motor ==> 短期工作电动机
  21773. short-landed memo ==> 货差证明
  21774. short-life ==> 不耐用的,短寿命的
  21775. short-line seeking ==> 短行回车
  21776. short-line-fault breaking ==> 近距離線路故障遮断
  21777. short-lived ==> 短寿命的
  21778. short-lived grass ==> 短木生草
  21779. short-lived isotope ==> 短寿命同位素
  21780. short-lived seed ==> 短命种子
  21781. short-log bolter ==> 纵剖小圆锯机
  21782. short-long-day plant ==> 短长日植物
  21783. short-memory radiation detector ==> 短记忆辐射探测器
  21784. short-out ==> 捷径
  21785. short-path distillation ==> 极窄馏分蒸馏
  21786. short-period ==> 短寿命的,短周期的
  21787. short-period circuit ==> 短期使用电路
  21788. short-period comet ==> 短周期彗星
  21789. short-period fading ==> 短周期衰落
  21790. short-period fluctuation ==> 短期变动
  21791. short-period forecast ==> 短期预报
  21792. short-period mode of motion ==> 短周期运动
  21793. short-period motion ==> 短周期运动
  21794. short-period motor ==> 短期工作发动机
  21795. short-period oscillation ==> 短周期振动
  21796. short-period seiche ==> 短周期假潮
  21797. short-period seismograph ==> 短周期地震计
  21798. short-period term ==> 短周期项
  21799. short-period test ==> 短周期试验
  21800. short-period variable ==> 短周期变量
  21801. short-period wave ==> 短周期波
  21802. short-persistance cathode-ray tube ==> 短余辉阴极射线管
  21803. short-pitch factor ==> 短節係数
  21804. short-pitch winding ==> 短节距绕组,分节距绕法,分节绕组=>短節巻
  21805. short-pitman mower ==> 短连杆式割草机
  21806. short-proof ring ==> 引弧环
  21807. short-pulse laser ==> 短脉冲激光器
  21808. short-range ==> 短距离的
  21809. short-range aids ==> 近程导航设备
  21810. short-range air defense system ==> 近距离防空系统
  21811. short-range air-defense complex ==> 近程防空综合设施
  21812. short-range antisubmarine search ==> 近距反潜搜索
  21813. short-range bombardment aviation ==> (军)近程轰炸航空兵
  21814. short-range bomber ==> 近程轰炸机
  21815. short-range bomber defense missile ==> 近程轰炸防御导弹
  21816. short-range characteristics ==> 近距特性
  21817. short-range communication ==> 近距离通信
  21818. short-range coverage acquisition ==> 近距截获
  21819. short-range design ==> 近期规划
  21820. short-range direction finding ==> 近距离探向
  21821. short-range electronic distance meter ==> 短距离电磁波测距仪
  21822. short-range fading ==> 近距离衰落
  21823. short-range field ==> 短程场
  21824. short-range fighter ==> 近程战斗机
  21825. short-range firing ==> 近距离射击
  21826. short-range force ==> 短程力
  21827. short-range forecast ==> 短期预报,当天天气预报
  21828. short-range ground position indicator ==> 近距地面位置指示器
  21829. short-range guidance ==> 近程导航,近距制导
  21830. short-range indirect fire ==> 近程间接瞄准火力
  21831. short-range interaction ==> 近程相互作用,短程相互作用
  21832. short-range interchain crankshaft ==> (指分子的)近程链间曲轴运动
  21833. short-range missile launch locator ==> 近程导弹发航定位器
  21834. short-range modem ==> 短距离调制解调器
  21835. short-range navaid ==> 近距导航设备
  21836. short-range navigation ==> 近程导航
  21837. short-range navigation aid ==> 近程导航设备
  21838. short-range navigation system ==> 近程导航系统
  21839. short-range navigator ==> 精确近程导航系统
  21840. short-range order ==> 近程序,短程序,(指链分子排列的)近程有序
  21841. short-range perturbation theory ==> 短程微扰理论
  21842. short-range photographic reconnaissance ==> (空中)近距离照相侦察
  21843. short-range pick-up television relay equipment ==> 近距离电视中继装置
  21844. short-range radar ==> 短程雷达
  21845. short-range radio beacon ==> 近距离无线电信标
  21846. short-range rocket ==> 近程火箭
  21847. short-range search ==> 近距反潜搜索
  21848. short-range sprinkler ==> 短射程喷灌机
  21849. short-range transport ==> 短程运输机
  21850. short-range weather forecast ==> 短期天气预报
  21851. short-rangel (d) aircraft ==> 近程飞机
  21852. short-run ==> 短期运转
  21853. short-run die ==> 小批生产用模具,简易模
  21854. short-run marginal cost method ==> 短期限界費用方式(SRMC)
  21855. short-run marginal cost pricing ==> 短期边际成本定价,根据系统短期边际成本制定电价的方法
  21856. short-run marginal costs ==> 短期边际成本,不考虑电厂容量变化情况下的边际成本
  21857. short-run maximization ==> 近期最大利润
  21858. short-run production ==> 短期生产
  21859. short-sea trade ==> 近海贸易
  21860. short-shaft borer ==> 短轴镗床
  21861. short-shunt compound ==> 短并复绕
  21862. short-shunt compound winding ==> 短分流复励绕组
  21863. short-sighted ==> 近视的
  21864. short-slot coupler ==> 三分贝耦合器,短槽耦合器
  21865. short-slot waveguide coupler ==> 短缝隙波导耦合器
  21866. short-sonar ==> 近程声纳
  21867. short-stalked rice ==> 矮秆稻
  21868. short-stalked variety ==> 矮秆品种
  21869. short-staple cotton ==> 短绒棉
  21870. short-staple upland cotton ==> 短绒陆地棉
  21871. short-straw sieve ==> 碎稿筛
  21872. short-straw variety ==> 矮秆品种
  21873. short-stroke engine ==> 短冲程发动机
  21874. short-stroke press ==> 短程压缩
  21875. short-stroke solenoid ==> 短冲程螺线管
  21876. short-stroke steam engine ==> 短冲程蒸汽机
  21877. short-stroke valve ==> 短行程阀
  21878. short-term and medium-term schedule ==> 短程调度与中程调度
  21879. short-term autostabilization ==> 短周期运动的自动稳定
  21880. short-term buffering ==> 短暂缓冲
  21881. short-term cost ==> 短期费用
  21882. short-term demand forecast ==> 短期需要予測
  21883. short-term development ==> 短期研制
  21884. short-term duty ==> 短时运行方式
  21885. short-term effect ==> 短期效应,短时效应,近期效应
  21886. short-term film ==> 短期胶片
  21887. short-term fire dan ger ==> 短期火险性
  21888. short-term flicker indicator ==> 短時間フリッカインジケータ
  21889. short-term fluctuation ==> 瞬间变化
  21890. short-term forecast ==> 短期预报
  21891. short-term forecasting ==> 短期間予測
  21892. short-term frequency stability ==> 短期频率稳定度
  21893. short-term goal ==> 短期目标,近期目标
  21894. short-term information ==> 短时信息
  21895. short-term instability ==> 短周期不稳定性
  21896. short-term liquidity ratio ==> 速动比率=>当座比率
  21897. short-term load ==> 短期载荷,短暂荷载
  21898. short-term load (duty) ==> 短时负荷
  21899. short-term load forecasting ==> 短期负荷预测=>短期電力負荷予測=>短期電力負荷予測
  21900. short-term memory ==> 短时记忆
  21901. short-term nutrient absorption ==> 短期养分吸收测定法
  21902. short-term operation ==> 短期运行,短时工作
  21903. short-term planning ==> 短期計画
  21904. short-term procreation ==> 目先の生殖
  21905. short-term record ==> 短期观测记录
  21906. short-term schedule ==> 短程调度
  21907. short-term schedule and medium-term schedule ==> 短程调度与中程调度
  21908. short-term stability ==> 短期稳定度,短时间稳定性
  21909. short-term stabilization ==> 短周期运动的稳定
  21910. short-term station ==> 短期测站
  21911. short-term storage ==> 短期存储,短期存储器
  21912. short-term test ==> 短时实验
  21913. short-term test of carcinogenesis ==> 致癌短期试验
  21914. short-term toxicity test ==> 亚急性毒性试验
  21915. short-term trade subsystem, STS ==> 短期交易子系统,根据相关电力市场信息和电力系统运行数据,针对月、周及多日的交易,制订交易计划并对交易过程进行管理的子系统
  21916. short-term voltage statiblity ==> 短時間電圧安定性
  21917. short-term weather forecast ==> 短期天气预报
  21918. short-thread milling machine ==> 短螺纹铣床
  21919. short-time allowable current ==> 短時間許容電流
  21920. short-time climatic variation ==> 短期气候变化
  21921. short-time current ==> 短时间电流=>短時間電流
  21922. short-time duty ==> 短时运行方式=>短時間使用
  21923. short-time fading ==> 短时衰落
  21924. short-time Fourier transform ==> 短時間フーリエ変換
  21925. short-time load ==> 短时负载=>短期電力負荷
  21926. short-time load condition ==> 短时负荷状态
  21927. short-time overload test ==> 短时过载试验
  21928. short-time rating ==> 短时出力,短时定额,短时功率,瞬时定额=>短時間定格
  21929. short-time running ==> 短时间运转
  21930. short-time storage reservoir ==> 短期调蓄水库,短期蓄水水库
  21931. short-time switching-off ==> 短时切断
  21932. short-time test ==> 短时试验,快速试验
  21933. short-time thermal rating ==> 短时发热容许电流
  21934. short-time to half-value ==> 短波尾
  21935. short-time variation ==> 短期变动
  21936. short-time voltage up-down ==> 短時間電圧昇降
  21937. short-tube vertical evaporator ==> 短管立式蒸发器,短管竖式蒸发器
  21938. short-wave (SW) ==> 短波
  21939. short-wave antenna ==> 短波天线
  21940. short-wave band ==> 短波波段
  21941. short-wave broadcast transmitter ==> 短波广播发射机
  21942. short-wave choke ==> 短波扼流圈
  21943. short-wave communication ==> 短波通信,微波通讯
  21944. short-wave cut-off filter ==> 短波截止滤波器
  21945. short-wave diathermy ==> 短波电热疗法
  21946. short-wave direction finder ==> 短波探向器
  21947. short-wave directional antenna ==> 短波定向天线
  21948. short-wave frequency band ==> 短波频带
  21949. short-wave length infrared vidicon ==> 短波红外视像管
  21950. short-wave length limit ==> 短波限
  21951. short-wave receiver ==> 短波接收机
  21952. short-wave receiving antenna ==> 短波接收天线
  21953. short-wave reception ==> 短波接收
  21954. short-wave therapy ==> 短波疗法
  21955. short-wave tower ==> 短波塔
  21956. short-wave transceiver ==> 短波收发信机
  21957. short-wave transmitter ==> 短波发射机
  21958. short-wavelength radiation ==> 短波辐射
  21959. shortage ==> 短缺,缺额,缺乏,缺量,缺少,缺陷,不足,不足额,限电=>不足,欠品,部品切れ,計画停電
  21960. shortage cost ==> 缺货成本
  21961. shortage in labor ==> 人手不足
  21962. shortage in weight ==> 缺量,重量不足
  21963. shortage of heat ==> 热量不足
  21964. shortage of manpower ==> 人力不足
  21965. shortage of oil ==> 油不足
  21966. shortage of space ==> 舱位不足
  21967. shortage penalty ==> 缺额罚款
  21968. shortage penalty cost ==> 缺货费,短缺惩罚费
  21969. shortchanging on work and materials ==> 偷工减料
  21970. shortcoming ==> 缺点,缺陷,亏损
  21971. shortcut ==> 捷径=>ショートカット
  21972. shortcut method ==> 捷算法
  21973. shorted diode fault ==> 二极管短路故障
  21974. shorted out ==> 短路的
  21975. shorted turn indicator ==> 短路线圈指示器
  21976. shorted-turn tester ==> 短路线匝探测器
  21977. shorten ==> 缩短
  21978. shorten range ==> 近程,近瞄准距
  21979. shorten sail ==> 缩帆
  21980. shorten the heat ==> 缩短冶炼时间
  21981. shortened blade ==> 削短叶片
  21982. shortened code ==> 截短码
  21983. shortened dipole antenna ==> 短縮ダイポールアンテナ
  21984. shortened McLeod gauge ==> 缩短型麦氏真空计
  21985. shortened nozzle ==> 缩短型喷管
  21986. shortened process ==> 缩短的工艺流程
  21987. shortened river section ==> 裁直河段
  21988. shortened title ==> 简称标题
  21989. shortener ==> 缩短器
  21990. shortening ==> 缩短,减少,起酥油=>ショートニング
  21991. shortening capacitor ==> 缩短电容器
  21992. shortening condenser ==> 缩短电容器
  21993. shortening deformity of extremity ==> 肢体短缩畸形
  21994. shortening of basement ==> 基底缩短作用
  21995. shortening of muscle ==> 肌缩短
  21996. shortening of pitch ==> 缩短节距
  21997. shortening of utero-sacral ligaments ==> 子宫骶韧带缩短术
  21998. shorter process ==> 火焰表面硬化处理
  21999. shorter straw cultivars ==> 较矮杆品种
  22000. shorterizing ==> 火焰表面硬化处理
  22001. shortest path length ==> 最短パス長
  22002. shortest path problem ==> 最短経路問題
  22003. shortest route problem ==> 最短路问题
  22004. shortfall freight ==> 亏舱运费
  22005. shortfall in output ==> 欠产
  22006. shorthand ==> 速记,速记法
  22007. shorthness of breath ==> 气喘
  22008. shorthorn cattle ==> 短角牛
  22009. shorthorn heifer ==> 短角青年母牛
  22010. shorting bar ==> 短路棒
  22011. shorting clip ==> 短路夹
  22012. shorting contact switch ==> 短路开关
  22013. shorting region ==> 短路区
  22014. shorting stub ==> 短接线
  22015. shorting voltage ==> 击穿电压
  22016. shorting-contact switch ==> 短路接触开关
  22017. shorting-out engine ==> 短路发动机
  22018. shortite ==> 碳酸钠钙石
  22019. shortlong flashing light ==> 短长闪光灯
  22020. shortly attenuate ==> 短渐狭的
  22021. shortly before ripening ==> 成熟前不久
  22022. shortness ==> 脆性,蓝冷脆性
  22023. shortness of breath ==> 呼吸浅短
  22024. shortrange forecast ==> 短期天气预报
  22025. shortrange order ==> 短程有序
  22026. shortrun production ==> 小量生产
  22027. shorts ==> 筛网粗粒
  22028. shortsightedness ==> 近视
  22029. shortstop pump ==> 速止泵
  22030. shortstopper ==> 速止剂
  22031. Shortt clock ==> 肖特钟
  22032. shortwall ==> 短壁,短壁工作面
  22033. shortwall coal cutter ==> 短壁截煤机
  22034. shortwall coal mining method ==> 短壁采煤法
  22035. shortwall loader ==> 窄工作面装煤机
  22036. shortwall undercutter ==> 短壁工作面用截煤机
  22037. shortwave broadcasting ==> 短波广播
  22038. shortwave propagation ==> 短波传播
  22039. shortwave radiation ==> 短波辐射
  22040. Shosei-en ==> 渉成園
  22041. shost echo ==> 假反射波假伤波
  22042. shot ==> 发射,放炮,硬粒,金属中硬夹杂,镜头,镜头,弹丸,粒,拍摄,钢丸,注料量,注塑量,摄影,实心弹=>ショット,勝ち目,玉虫色の
  22043. shot (-boring) drill ==> 钻粒粘机
  22044. shot backing ==> 硬丸衬垫,填丸加固
  22045. shot bit ==> 钻粒钻头,冲击式钻头,冲击钻
  22046. shot blast ==> 喷砂,喷丸=>ショットブラスト
  22047. shot blast chamber ==> 喷丸清理室
  22048. shot blasting ==> 喷净法,喷砂法处理,喷射清理
  22049. shot blasting cabinet ==> 喷丸清理室
  22050. shot borehole ==> 钻粒钻进钻孔
  22051. shot boring ==> 钻粒钻进,钢粒钻孔
  22052. shot box ==> 摄影箱
  22053. shot break ==> 爆炸时间标志
  22054. shot capacity ==> 注塑量
  22055. shot cardigan ==> (指双色交替)交替畦编组织
  22056. shot casting ==> 金属丸铸造
  22057. shot chamber ==> (压铸机的)压射室
  22058. shot cleaner ==> 钢珠除灰器
  22059. shot cleaning unit ==> 喷丸清砂装置
  22060. shot cold hardening ==> 喷丸硬化处理
  22061. shot copper ==> 铜粒
  22062. shot core ==> 射砂芯
  22063. shot core drill ==> 冲击取心钻
  22064. shot crete machine ==> 喷浆机
  22065. shot cycle ==> 压射周期
  22066. shot depth ==> 装药深度,爆炸深度
  22067. shot drill ==> 萼状取芯钻,钻粒粘机
  22068. shot drilling ==> 钢砂钻井
  22069. shot effect ==> 散粒效应=>散弾効果
  22070. shot elevation ==> 装药高度
  22071. shot feed ==> 钢粒供给器,钻粒给进装置
  22072. shot feeder ==> 钻粒供给器
  22073. shot feeding ==> 钻粒供给
  22074. shot firing ==> 放炮
  22075. shot gate ==> 铁丸通道
  22076. shot group ==> 射击散布图
  22077. shot gun ==> 猎枪
  22078. shot hanger blast ==> 连续喷丸清砂,悬链式连续抛丸清理机
  22079. shot hole ==> 炮眼,爆破孔
  22080. shot hole of peach ==> 桃叶细菌性穿孔病,桃园斑穿孔病
  22081. shot hole weevil ==> 穿孔象甲
  22082. shot house ==> 雷管库
  22083. shot iron ==> 铁丸
  22084. shot lubrication ==> 注射润滑
  22085. shot lubricator ==> 滑脂枪
  22086. shot metal ==> 铁豆
  22087. shot noise ==> 散粒噪声=>散弾雑音,ショット雑音
  22088. shot noise current ==> 散粒噪声电流
  22089. shot noise reduction factor ==> 散粒噪声降低因数
  22090. shot pattern ==> 射击散布图
  22091. shot peening ==> 喷丸硬化
  22092. shot peening coverage ==> 喷丸范围
  22093. shot peening forming ==> 喷丸成形
  22094. shot peening strengthening ==> 喷丸强化
  22095. shot proof tire ==> 防弹轮胎
  22096. shot separator ==> 铁丸砂分离器
  22097. shot stroke ==> 压射冲程
  22098. shot tank ==> 粒化槽,弹丸槽
  22099. shot to ==> 猛涨
  22100. shot tongs ==> 输弹夹
  22101. shot tumblast ==> 抛丸清理滚筒
  22102. shot weld ==> 点焊
  22103. shot weld(ing) ==> 瞬间点焊
  22104. shot welding ==> 脉冲焊接
  22105. shot-bag test ==> 霰弹袋试验
  22106. shot-blast ==> 喷砂加工,喷丸加工
  22107. shot-blast cabinet ==> 喷丸室
  22108. shot-blast chamber ==> 喷丸室
  22109. shot-blast cleaning barrel ==> 抛丸清理滚筒
  22110. shot-blast room ==> 喷丸室
  22111. shot-blast unit ==> 喷丸装置
  22112. shot-blasted roll ==> 喷丸加工轧辊
  22113. shot-blasting machine ==> 抛丸机
  22114. shot-blasting surface ==> 喷丸处理的表面
  22115. shot-drill hole ==> 钻粒钻进的炮孔
  22116. shot-drilled shaft ==> 钻粒钻进的井筒
  22117. shot-drilling ==> 钻粒钻眼法
  22118. shot-drilling machine ==> 钻粒粘机
  22119. shot-firing cable ==> 引燃电缆
  22120. shot-firing circuit ==> 引燃电路
  22121. shot-hole disease ==> 穿孔病
  22122. shot-like particle ==> 粒状物
  22123. shot-noise voltage ==> 散粒噪声电压
  22124. shot-peened surface ==> 喷丸处理的表面
  22125. shot-peening ==> 喷丸处理,喷丸加工
  22126. shot-shell tube paper ==> 弹壳纸
  22127. shot-up tank ==> 击毁的坦克
  22128. shotcrete ==> 喷射混凝土,借助喷射机械,利用压缩空气或其他动力,将按一定配比的拌合料,通过管道运输并以高速喷射到受喷面上,迅速凝结固化而成的混凝土。
  22129. shotcrete machine ==> 喷浆机
  22130. shotcrete shell ==> 喷射混凝土壳体
  22131. shotcrete system ==> 喷浆法,喷射混凝土支护法
  22132. shotcrete-lined shaft ==> 喷射混凝土支护的井筒
  22133. shotgum wound ==> 霰弹创,霰弹创
  22134. shotgun approach ==> 突击销售法
  22135. shotgun cartridge ==> 猎枪弹
  22136. shothole casing ==> 炮眼套管
  22137. shothole drill ==> 炮眼钻
  22138. shotted fused alloy ==> 粒化合金
  22139. shoulder ==> 轴肩,山肩,肩,肩挑,肩形突出物,台肩,突出部,瓶肩,谷肩,炉腹,路肩,(焊接用语)钝边
  22140. shoulder angle ==> 凹模台肩角度
  22141. shoulder bag ==> 背包
  22142. shoulder blade ==> 肩胛骨
  22143. shoulder bone ==> 肩胛骨
  22144. shoulder bracing test ==> 撑肩试验
  22145. shoulder butt ==> 肩胛肱骨边缘肉
  22146. shoulder carrying mower ==> 背负式割草机
  22147. shoulder drive (multi-use) bit ==> 肩座式活钎头
  22148. shoulder drops ==> 肩垂病,肩下垂
  22149. shoulder effect ==> (由肩颈现象而产生的作用)肩颈效应
  22150. shoulder eyebolt ==> 轴肩有眼螺栓
  22151. shoulder girdle ==> 肩胛带,胸带
  22152. shoulder girdle syndrome ==> 肩胛带综合征
  22153. shoulder grader ==> 平肩机,路肩用平地机
  22154. shoulder grafting ==> 肩接
  22155. shoulder grinding machine ==> 挡边磨床,台肩磨床
  22156. shoulder guard ==> 防护板
  22157. shoulder harness ==> 肩安全带,(汽车驾驶用)安全带
  22158. shoulder heads ==> 不缩格的小标题
  22159. shoulder height ==> 台阶高度
  22160. shoulder hole ==> 阶梯孔
  22161. shoulder joint ==> 肩关,肩关节,肩接,肩解
  22162. shoulder joint adhesion ==> 肩关节粘连
  22163. shoulder length ==> 肩长
  22164. shoulder length curl fall ==> 垂肩后假发圈
  22165. shoulder load ==> 腰荷,日负荷曲线中,介于尖峰负荷与低谷负荷之间的负荷
  22166. shoulder marking ==> 肩部磨蚀
  22167. shoulder motes ==> 肩注
  22168. shoulder nipple ==> 螺纹接管,螺纹口套管
  22169. shoulder of road ==> 路肩
  22170. shoulder of spindle ==> 轴肩
  22171. shoulder of weld ==> 焊缝根部钝边
  22172. shoulder pad ==> 垫肩
  22173. shoulder padding ==> 垫肩
  22174. shoulder pain ==> 肩痛
  22175. shoulder pilot ==> 带台阶的导正销
  22176. shoulder plane ==> 切肩刨刀,榫槽刨,榫槽刨
  22177. shoulder protector ==> 护肩
  22178. shoulder punch ==> 台肩式凸模
  22179. shoulder rest ==> 肩靠
  22180. shoulder ring ==> 轴肩挡圈
  22181. shoulder safety belt ==> 肩安全带
  22182. shoulder screw ==> 带肩螺钉,有肩螺钉
  22183. shoulder sprain ==> 肩扭伤
  22184. shoulder stock ==> 枪托
  22185. shoulder strap ==> 肩安全带
  22186. shoulder tap ==> 肩式分接头,处理机间通信技术,分支肩
  22187. shoulder to square up ==> 钻平孔底
  22188. shoulder tool ==> 割肩刀具,肩刀具
  22189. shoulder turning ==> 轴肩车削
  22190. shoulder turning lathe ==> 轴肩车床
  22191. shoulder tyre ==> 肋胎
  22192. shoulder vein ==> 颈静脉,颈静脉
  22193. shoulder weapon ==> 肩射武器
  22194. shoulder wheel ==> 肩車
  22195. shoulder width ==> 路肩宽度
  22196. shoulder-elbow height ==> 肩肘高
  22197. shoulder-hand syndrome ==> 肩手综合征
  22198. shouldered arch ==> 并肩形拱
  22199. shouldered architrave ==> 肩托的过梁,出肩筒子板
  22200. shouldered shaft ==> 带肩轴
  22201. shouldered sole plate ==> 钩形底板,异形板,肩托的衬垫
  22202. shouldered tap bolt ==> 带肩螺栓
  22203. shove joint ==> 挤接
  22204. shove joint brickwork ==> 挤浆砌砖法
  22205. shoved joint ==> 挤浆缝
  22206. shovel ==> 铲,铲子,铁锹,单斗挖掘机,单斗挖土机=>シャベル,ショベル
  22207. shovel access ==> 挖土机工作半径
  22208. shovel bit ==> 宽头车刀
  22209. shovel blade ==> 铲刀
  22210. shovel box ==> 铲箱
  22211. shovel box cover ==> 铲箱盖
  22212. shovel box cover latch ==> 铲箱盖闩
  22213. shovel box cover support ==> 铲箱盖托
  22214. shovel bucket ==> 挖土机铲斗
  22215. shovel car ==> 铲车=>チョベルカー
  22216. shovel cover ==> 铲式覆土器
  22217. shovel crawler ==> 履带式单斗电铲,履带挖掘机
  22218. shovel dredger ==> 单斗挖土机
  22219. shovel ejector ==> 铲式出件装置
  22220. shovel excavator ==> 铲斗式推土机,铲式挖掘机
  22221. shovel front ==> 机铲工作装置
  22222. shovel gear ==> 煤铲轮齿装置
  22223. shovel lip ==> 挖土机铲刃
  22224. shovel loader ==> 铲式装料机
  22225. shovel mining ==> 机铲开采
  22226. shovel nose tool ==> 平口车刀
  22227. shovel plough ==> 铲犁
  22228. shovel sampling ==> 用铲取样
  22229. shovel shaft ==> 铲柄
  22230. shovel shaft bearing casing ==> 铲柄套
  22231. shovel stoker ==> 铲加煤机
  22232. shovel sweep ==> 箭形中耕铲
  22233. shovel swing engine ==> 机铲回转机构
  22234. shovel truck ==> 汽车挖掘机
  22235. shovel type loader ==> 单斗式装料机
  22236. shovel-crowding engine ==> 机铲推压机构
  22237. shovel-hoisting engine ==> 机铲提升机构
  22238. shovel-nose tool ==> 铲刀
  22239. shovel-run ==> 铲程
  22240. shovel-trench-hoe unit ==> 反铲挖土机
  22241. shovel-type excavator ==> 铲式挖土机
  22242. shovel-type loader ==> 铲式装料机,斗式自动装载机
  22243. shovelling blade ==> 铲刀片
  22244. shovelling machine ==> 铲土机
  22245. shoving method of bricklaying ==> 挤浆砌砖法
  22246. shoving rake ==> 推料耙
  22247. show ==> 显示,见红,表示,示
  22248. show an invariant relationship ==> 恒常的関係を示す
  22249. show card ==> 样品卡
  22250. show condition ==> 高等膘,肥膘
  22251. show ground ==> 展览会场
  22252. show repeated deficits ==> 亏累
  22253. show shop ==> 展销店
  22254. show type ==> 展览型
  22255. show window ==> 商店橱窗
  22256. show window lamp bulb ==> 橱窗灯泡
  22257. show window lamp shade ==> 橱窗灯罩
  22258. show-how ==> 技术示范
  22259. show-ring ==> 评比会场
  22260. Showalter stability index ==> 肖沃特稳定指数
  22261. showcard color ==> 广告涂料
  22262. showcase ==> 商店橱窗,陈列柜=>ショーケース
  22263. showdown ==> 対決
  22264. showe cooling ==> 淋浴式冷却
  22265. shower ==> 淋洒器,淋浴,淋浴设备,淋浴装置,流,宇宙射线簇射,阵雨,簇射,喷灌,喷淋管,空气簇射
  22266. shower bath ==> 淋浴,淋浴装置
  22267. shower bath room ==> 淋浴室
  22268. shower bath tray ==> 淋浴槽
  22269. shower cloud ==> 阵雨云
  22270. shower compartment ==> 淋浴隔间,淋浴间
  22271. shower cooler ==> 喷射冷却器
  22272. shower cooling ==> 喷射冷却
  22273. shower counter ==> 簇射探测器
  22274. shower cubicle ==> 淋浴隔间
  22275. shower deck ==> 淋降板
  22276. shower furnace ==> 悬浮炉
  22277. shower head ==> 莲蓬式喷嘴,淋浴喷头,喷头
  22278. shower head injector ==> 莲蓬式喷嘴,莲蓬头式喷头
  22279. shower head with rubber hose ==> 带皮管淋浴莲蓬头
  22280. shower meteor ==> 流星雨流星,属群流星
  22281. shower mixer ==> 淋浴水混合器
  22282. shower nozzle ==> 淋浴喷头,喷头
  22283. shower of ash ==> 尘阵
  22284. shower of sparks ==> 火花束
  22285. shower particle ==> 簇射粒子
  22286. shower partition ==> 淋浴隔断
  22287. shower pipe ==> 喷射管
  22288. shower proofing ==> 防雨布
  22289. shower radiance ==> 簇射辐射
  22290. shower radiant ==> 流星雨辐射点
  22291. shower roasting ==> 漂悬焙烧,闪速焙烧
  22292. shower room ==> 淋浴室,浴室
  22293. shower screen ==> 淋浴管式滤网
  22294. shower stall ==> 淋浴隔间,淋浴室
  22295. shower tray ==> 淋浴槽
  22296. shower unit ==> 簇射单位路程
  22297. shower-bath drain ==> 淋浴间地漏
  22298. shower-proof cloth ==> 防雨布
  22299. showery rain ==> 阵雨
  22300. showery snow ==> 阵雪
  22301. shperical image amplifier ==> 球面放大器
  22302. SHPF, SSP hardware processing facility ==> SSPハードウエア処理設備
  22303. Shpol'skii effect ==> 施伯斯基效应
  22304. ShR, Shunt Reactor ==> 調相用リアクトル, シャントリアクトル、分路リアクトル
  22305. shrand line ==> 岸线
  22306. shrapnel(-filled) shell ==> 榴霰弹
  22307. Shrapnell's membrane ==> 鼓膜松弛部,希拉普内尔氏膜
  22308. shrcud ring ==> 围带
  22309. shred ==> 裂片,零头布
  22310. shred scrap ==> 碎废钢
  22311. shredded chips ==> 击碎木片
  22312. shredded fodder ==> 铡碎粗料
  22313. shredded wood-fiber board ==> 碎木板
  22314. shredder ==> 撕碎机,切碎机,破碎机,纤维梳散机=>シュレッダー
  22315. shredder bar ==> 切碎刀,切碎机定刀
  22316. shredder-mower ==> 割草切碎机
  22317. shredding ==> 椽底板条,击碎
  22318. shredding cylinder ==> 切碎滚筒
  22319. shredding drum ==> 切碎滚筒
  22320. shredding machine ==> 切碎机
  22321. shredding mechanism ==> 切碎装置
  22322. shredding roll ==> 撕碎辊
  22323. shredmaster ==> 撕碎机
  22324. shrimp ==> 虾
  22325. shrimp med ==> 虾粉
  22326. shrimp-darting pulse ==> 虾游脉
  22327. shrine ==> 聖堂,神社
  22328. shrink ==> 收缩,留矿,留矿切割槽,缩,拉回=>縮むこと,収縮
  22329. shrink bob ==> 补缩包
  22330. shrink characteristics ==> 収縮性
  22331. shrink film ==> 収縮性フィルム
  22332. shrink fit ==> 收缩配合,冷缩装配,热套,热套配合,红套配合
  22333. shrink fit pressure ==> 热套表面压力,热套配合压力
  22334. shrink flange ==> 收缩法兰
  22335. shrink flanging ==> 收缩翻边,收缩摺缘
  22336. shrink graduations ==> 收缩分度
  22337. shrink head ==> 冒口
  22338. shrink link ==> (指在热状态安上的)系紧夹
  22339. shrink mark ==> 缩沉,(压铸件缺陷)缩痕
  22340. shrink range ==> 过盈量
  22341. shrink resistance treatment ==> 抗缩处理
  22342. shrink resistant ==> 不缩水
  22343. shrink ring ==> 热套环,热套圈,缩紧环,(凹模的)预应力圈
  22344. shrink ring of commutator ==> 换向谱环=>整流子環
  22345. shrink rule ==> 缩尺,收缩定律
  22346. shrink stress ==> 收缩应力
  22347. shrink welding ==> 预应变焊接
  22348. shrink with age ==> 加齢に伴って縮む
  22349. shrink with cold ==> 寒くて縮みあがる
  22350. shrink wrap ==> 热缩塑料包
  22351. shrink wrapping ==> 热塑收缩包装,收缩包装
  22352. shrink(age) fit ==> 冷缩配合
  22353. shrink(age) head ==> 收缩头
  22354. shrink-fit vessel ==> 缩合式容器,套合式容器
  22355. shrink-flanging die ==> 收缩翻边模
  22356. shrink-forming ==> 冷缩成形
  22357. shrink-mixed concrete ==> 缩拌混凝土
  22358. shrink-ring ==> 套环,紧圈,紧缩环,收缩圈
  22359. shrink-ring commutator ==> 套环换向器
  22360. shrink-ring of commutator ==> 换向器套环
  22361. shrinkable ==> 会收缩的
  22362. shrinkable film ==> 收缩薄膜
  22363. shrinkable tube and thermoplastic adhesive copolymer splicing method ==> STAC法
  22364. shrinkage ==> 收缩,皱缩,留矿法=>収縮,縮み
  22365. shrinkage allowance ==> 收缩余量,容许收缩量,收缩留量,收缩容许量,收缩允许量
  22366. shrinkage and temperature reinforcement ==> 收缩与温度钢筋
  22367. shrinkage apparatus ==> 收缩性试验器,缩性试验器
  22368. shrinkage area ==> 留矿法采区
  22369. shrinkage bar ==> 收缩钢筋,伸缩缝接头钢筋
  22370. shrinkage by heat ==> 热收缩
  22371. shrinkage cavity ==> 缩孔
  22372. shrinkage character ==> 收缩特性
  22373. shrinkage coefficient ==> 收缩系数
  22374. shrinkage control ==> 留矿法放矿控制,收缩度控制
  22375. shrinkage control of wool ==> 毛织物缩水率控制
  22376. shrinkage correcting action ==> 防缩作用
  22377. shrinkage crack ==> 缩裂,收缩发纹,收缩裂缝,收缩裂纹,收缩裂隙
  22378. shrinkage cracking ==> 收缩开裂
  22379. shrinkage crimping ==> 收缩卷曲
  22380. shrinkage curve ==> 收缩曲线
  22381. shrinkage degree ==> 收缩程度
  22382. shrinkage depression ==> 缩洼,缩陷
  22383. shrinkage distortion ==> 收缩变形
  22384. shrinkage factor ==> 收缩系数,收缩因数
  22385. shrinkage fit ==> 收缩配合,红套,热套,热装
  22386. shrinkage force ==> 收缩力
  22387. shrinkage fracture distress ==> 收缩断裂破损
  22388. shrinkage front ==> 收缩线
  22389. shrinkage ga(u)ge ==> 铸造缩尺
  22390. shrinkage gauge ==> 缩尺
  22391. shrinkage glaze ==> 收缩釉
  22392. shrinkage groove ==> 收缩槽缝
  22393. shrinkage hole ==> 收缩孔
  22394. shrinkage in length ==> 径向收缩,径向收缩
  22395. shrinkage index ==> 收缩指数
  22396. shrinkage joint ==> 收缩节理
  22397. shrinkage level ==> 收缩程度
  22398. shrinkage limit ==> 收缩限度,缩性界限,土壤缩限
  22399. shrinkage limit of soil ==> 土壤收缩限,土壤缩限
  22400. shrinkage loss ==> 收缩损失=>減損
  22401. shrinkage mark ==> 收缩标志
  22402. shrinkage mass ==> 收缩量
  22403. shrinkage measurement ==> 収縮測定
  22404. shrinkage mechanism ==> 収縮メカニズム
  22405. shrinkage method ==> 留矿法
  22406. shrinkage mining ==> 留矿法开采
  22407. shrinkage model ==> 収縮モデル
  22408. shrinkage of a casting ==> 铸体冷缩
  22409. shrinkage of clot ==> 血块回缩
  22410. shrinkage of line ==> 线收缩
  22411. shrinkage of vitreous ==> 玻璃体皱缩
  22412. shrinkage on wetting ==> 湿后松弛回缩
  22413. shrinkage porosity ==> 收缩疏松,缩松,松心
  22414. shrinkage ratio ==> 收缩比,收缩率
  22415. shrinkage rib ==> 收缩筋
  22416. shrinkage rule ==> 缩尺,收缩比例尺
  22417. shrinkage segregation ==> 收缩偏析
  22418. shrinkage stope ==> 留矿采矿场,留矿采矿工作面
  22419. shrinkage stope face ==> 留矿开采法工作面
  22420. shrinkage stoping ==> 留矿采矿法
  22421. shrinkage stoping method ==> 留矿采矿法,仓贮采煤法
  22422. shrinkage strain ==> 收缩应变
  22423. shrinkage stress ==> 收缩应力
  22424. shrinkage temperature ==> 收缩温度
  22425. shrinkage test ==> 收缩试验
  22426. shrinkage test apparatus ==> 收缩试验仪器
  22427. shrinkage testing machine for textiles ==> 纺织品收缩试验机
  22428. shrinkage theory ==> 冷缩说
  22429. shrinkage void ==> 缩孔
  22430. shrinkage water ==> 收缩水
  22431. shrinkage-free ==> 无收缩的
  22432. shrinke-on fit ==> 冷缩配合
  22433. shrinker ==> 金属板波纹压机,收缩机
  22434. shrinking ==> 皱缩
  22435. shrinking and thinning ==> 收缩和细化
  22436. shrinking away from theshell ==> 离壳
  22437. shrinking disease ==> 萎缩病
  22438. shrinking mapping ==> 收缩映射
  22439. shrinking measure ==> 收缩度
  22440. shrinking of raster ==> 光栅变小
  22441. shrinking of the earth ==> 地球的收缩
  22442. shrinking percentage ==> 收缩百分比
  22443. shrinking processes ==> 预缩工序
  22444. shrinking raster ==> 收缩光栅
  22445. shrinking tolerance ==> 收缩公差
  22446. shrinking transformations ==> 收缩变换
  22447. shrinking zone ==> 收缩区
  22448. shrinking-on ==> 冷缩装配
  22449. shrinking-raster method ==> 图像收缩法
  22450. shrinkproof ==> 不缩的
  22451. shroud ==> 护套,掩蔽,屏板,屏幕,销轮的销座,桅杆侧支索,笼罩,轮盖,围带,又称“覆环”。位于叶片顶部,用于改善叶片振动特性和应力水平并减少叶顶漏汽的覆盖件=>覆う物,炉心隔壁,側板
  22452. shroud knot ==> 结绳结
  22453. shroud laid ==> 单绳芯四股绳
  22454. shroud line ==> 吊伞索
  22455. shroud ring ==> 护环
  22456. shrouded gear ==> 带有端面凸缘的齿轮
  22457. shrouded impeller ==> 闭式叶轮
  22458. shrouded pinion ==> 凸缘小齿轮
  22459. shrouded turbine ==> 闭式涡轮机
  22460. shrouded wheel ==> 凸缘小齿轮
  22461. shrouding wire ==> 拉筋,屏蔽线,包箍线
  22462. shrub althea flower ==> 木槿花
  22463. shrub forest ==> 灌木林
  22464. shrub garden ==> 灌木园
  22465. shrub zone ==> 灌木带
  22466. shrub-grassland ==> 灌木型草地
  22467. shrubalthea bark ==> 木槿皮
  22468. shrunk fit ==> 热嵌配合,烧嵌
  22469. shrunk on-pipe joint ==> 热套管接头
  22470. shrunk ring ==> 热压轮圈,紧圈,烧嵌环
  22471. shrunk-and-peened flange ==> 皱合法兰
  22472. shrunk-and-rolled flange ==> 皱卷法兰
  22473. shrunk-in shaft ==> 热套轴,红套轴
  22474. shrunk-on cylinder ==> 热套式圆筒
  22475. shrunk-on disc ==> 套装叶轮
  22476. shrunk-on multilayered cylinder ==> 热套式多层圆筒
  22477. shrunk-on ring ==> 缩圈
  22478. shrunk-on ring carrier ==> 冷缩配合环座,热装环座
  22479. shrunk-on rotor ==> 套装转子,转子体的轮盘采用热套方式装配的转子
  22480. shrunk-on sleeve ==> 热配套管
  22481. shrunken skin ==> 皮肤皱缩
  22482. shsic ==> 超高速集成电路
  22483. SHTS with aluminathermic reduction stage ==> 带铝热还原期的自蔓燃高温合成
  22484. SHTS with reduction stage ==> 带还原期的自蔓燃高温合成
  22485. shub tuner ==> 短截线调谐器
  22486. shucking machine ==> 剥壳机
  22487. Shuen Wan Landfill ==> 船湾堆填区
  22488. shuffle ==> すり足
  22489. shuffle bar ==> 活动板或杆
  22490. shuffle beat ==> シャッフルビート
  22491. shuffle box ==> 换气箱
  22492. shuffling ==> 倒料,压水堆核电厂为在整个堆芯中得到更加均匀的燃耗分布或功率密度分布,在停堆换料期间对留用的燃料组件重新进行布置的操作过程
  22493. Shuller's sliver machine ==> 棒法毛纱机
  22494. shun ==> 遠ざける,回避する
  22495. shun all social activities ==> すべての社会的活動を避ける
  22496. shun an invitation ==> 誘いを遠ざける
  22497. shunt ==> 分路,分流,并联,分流器,分路器,并联的=>分流器,分路
  22498. shunt active filter ==> 並列形アクティブフィルタ
  22499. shunt admittance ==> 并联导纳
  22500. shunt apparatus ==> 並列機器
  22501. shunt arc lamp ==> 分路弧光灯
  22502. shunt box ==> 分流器箱
  22503. shunt cam ==> 分路凸轮
  22504. shunt capacitance ==> 分路电容,并联电容,寄生电容
  22505. shunt capacitor ==> 并联电容器=>分路コンデンサ,電力用コンデンサ,進相コンデンサ
  22506. shunt capacitor bank ==> 并联电容器间隔
  22507. shunt capacitor switching ==> 并联电容器投切=>分路コンデンサ開合
  22508. shunt capacity ==> 旁路电容
  22509. shunt character ==> 并激特性,并绕特性
  22510. shunt characteristic ==> 并激特性,并激特性曲线,并励特性
  22511. shunt chopper ==> 并联逆变器
  22512. shunt circuit ==> 并联回路,旁路,分流电路=>分路
  22513. shunt coil ==> 分流线圈=>分路コイル
  22514. shunt commutator motor ==> 并励换向器式电动机
  22515. shunt compensation ==> 并联补偿,通过将电抗器、电容器或其他补偿设备并联接入电网的一种无功功率补偿方式
  22516. shunt compensator ==> 并联补偿器
  22517. shunt conductance ==> 并联电导,分流电导
  22518. shunt connection ==> 并联
  22519. shunt control ==> 并联控制
  22520. shunt current ==> 分路电流
  22521. shunt dynamo ==> 并励发电机
  22522. shunt excitation ==> 并励
  22523. shunt excitation loss ==> 并激损失
  22524. shunt excited machine ==> 并励电机
  22525. shunt factor ==> 分路系数
  22526. shunt fault, short-circuit fault ==> 短路故障,在有关电力系统的频率下,具有电流流过两相或多相之间或者流过相与地之间的特征的故障
  22527. shunt fault,〔short-circuit fault (USA)〕 ==> 短絡および地絡事故,A fault that is characterized by the flow of current between two or more phases or between phase(s) and earth at the frequency of the associated power system.
  22528. shunt feed ==> 并联馈电
  22529. shunt feed back amplifier ==> 并联反馈放大器
  22530. shunt feed high-voltage switch cabinet ==> 并联馈电高压开关柜
  22531. shunt feedback ==> 并联反馈
  22532. shunt field ==> 并激磁场,并励磁场
  22533. shunt field coil ==> 分激线圈,分路磁场线圈
  22534. shunt field relay ==> 磁分路继电器,并励场电路继电路=>分磁路継電器
  22535. shunt field rheostat ==> 并励场变阻器,分路变阻器
  22536. shunt filter ==> 并联过滤器,支管过滤器
  22537. shunt generator ==> 并励发电机=>分巻発電機
  22538. shunt hyperbilirubinemia ==> 分流性高胆红素血症
  22539. shunt impedance ==> 并联阻抗,分路阻抗
  22540. shunt inductance ==> 并联电感
  22541. shunt leads ==> 分笼线,分流器引线
  22542. shunt load ==> 并联负载
  22543. shunt loaded line ==> 并联负载线路
  22544. shunt loading ==> 并联载荷
  22545. shunt loss ==> 分路损耗=>分路損
  22546. shunt meter ==> 并联电流计
  22547. shunt motor ==> 并激电动机,并励电动机,并绕电动机=>分巻電動機
  22548. shunt neutralization ==> 分路中和,感性中和,电感中和
  22549. shunt of mobile contacts ==> 活动触头分流器
  22550. shunt off ==> 分路
  22551. shunt operation of musculi tensor veli palatini ==> 腭帆张肌改路术
  22552. shunt peaking ==> 并联峰化,并联建峰,分路升高法
  22553. shunt position ==> 分流位置
  22554. shunt ratio ==> 分路系数
  22555. shunt reactance ==> 并联电抗
  22556. shunt reactor ==> 分流扼流圈,分路电抗器,并联电抗器=>分路リアクトル
  22557. shunt reactor switching ==> シャントリアクトル開閉
  22558. shunt rectifier circuit ==> 并联整流电路
  22559. shunt regulator ==> 并联调整器,并联调节器,并联调整器,并联稳压器,分路调节器
  22560. shunt regulator tube ==> 分流稳压管,并联稳压管
  22561. shunt repeater ==> 并联增音器
  22562. shunt resistance ==> 分流电阻=>分路抵抗
  22563. shunt resistor ==> 分路器分流
  22564. shunt resonance ==> 分路谐振,并联谐振
  22565. shunt sequence ==> 并联顺序
  22566. shunt signal ==> 入換信号機
  22567. shunt switch ==> 并联开关,分路开关
  22568. shunt transformer ==> 电压互感器
  22569. shunt transition ==> 分路换接过程
  22570. shunt trap ==> 并联陷波电路=>並列トラップ
  22571. shunt trip ==> 并联跳闸装置
  22572. shunt trip coil ==> 并联脱扣线圈
  22573. shunt tripping ==> 电压跳闸
  22574. shunt type magnetic core circuit ==> 分流型磁心电路
  22575. shunt valve ==> 分流电子管,分流阀,分水阀,分水龙头,旁路管
  22576. shunt vessel ==> 分流血管
  22577. shunt voltage reg ulation ==> 分路电压调节
  22578. shunt voltage regulator ==> 并联电压调节器
  22579. shunt volume ==> 分流量
  22580. shunt winding ==> 并联线圈,分流线圈,分路绕阻,分路线圈,并激绕组,并励绕组,直流电机主磁极上与电枢电路并联的励磁绕组称为并励绕组=>分路巻線
  22581. shunt winding parallel winding ==> 并联绕组
  22582. shunt wound ==> 并绕的
  22583. shunt wound arc lamp ==> 分路弧光灯
  22584. shunt wound generator ==> 并励发电机
  22585. shunt wound motor ==> 并励电动机
  22586. shunt-back ==> 矿车自动折返装置
  22587. shunt-conduction motor ==> 并激整流式交流电动机
  22588. shunt-excited machine ==> 并励电机
  22589. shunt-fed antenna ==> 並列給電アンテナ
  22590. shunt-feed oscillator ==> 并联馈电振荡器
  22591. shunt-feed vertical antenna ==> 并馈竖直天线
  22592. shunt-field relay ==> 分激继电器
  22593. shunt-field resistance ==> 并激电阻
  22594. shunt-field winding ==> 并激绕组,并励绕组
  22595. shunt-opposed limiter ==> 并联反接式限制器
  22596. shunt-regulated amplifier ==> 并联调节放大器
  22597. shunt-resonant circuit ==> 并联谐振回路
  22598. shunt-trip attachment ==> 分路跳闸机构
  22599. shunt-wound ==> 分绕,分绕的
  22600. shunt-wound arc lamp ==> 分路弧光灯,分绕弧光灯,并绕式弧光灯
  22601. shunt-wound exciter ==> 并激励磁机
  22602. shunt-wound motor ==> 并激电动机
  22603. shunted capacitor ==> シャンテドコンデンサ
  22604. shunted field control ==> 励磁分路调速
  22605. shunting action ==> 分流作用
  22606. shunting condenser ==> 分接电容器,分流电容器
  22607. shunting contact ==> 分路触点
  22608. shunting control device ==> 磁削装置
  22609. shunting effect ==> 分流作用,分路效应
  22610. shunting index ==> 轮排索引
  22611. shunting indicator ==> 分路标识,分路指示器=>入換標識
  22612. shunting locomotive ==> 调车机车
  22613. shunting resistance ==> 分流电阻
  22614. shunting sign ==> 分路信号,叉路信号
  22615. shunting signal ==> 分路信号,调车信号=>入換信号機
  22616. shunting spring ==> 并接簧片
  22617. shunting yard ==> 档场
  22618. Shuri ==> 首里(しゅり),日本冲绳县那霸市内东北部地区
  22619. shut ==> 闭,关闭
  22620. shut down ==> 关闭,扯下,停产,停风,停止运转
  22621. shut down circuit ==> 停止电路
  22622. shut down margin ==> 停堆深度,又称“停堆裕量”。全部控制毒物投入堆芯时反应堆所达到的次临界度。它等于全部控制毒物的价值与反应堆的后备反应性之差
  22623. shut down point ==> 停止生产点
  22624. shut down procedure ==> 停止程序
  22625. shut down relay ==> 断路继电器
  22626. shut height ==> 闭合高度
  22627. shut height indicator ==> 闭合高度指示仪
  22628. shut off ==> 断路
  22629. shut off valve ==> 截璃
  22630. shut out ==> 闭厂,脱钩
  22631. shut out (S/O) ==> 退关
  22632. shut up ==> 冷塞
  22633. shut up a business ==> 停止营业
  22634. shut-down ==> 停堆
  22635. shut-down (breakdown) mainteance ==> 停工检修
  22636. shut-down amplifier ==> 停堆放大器
  22637. shut-down channel ==> 停堆通道
  22638. shut-down circuit ==> 关闭线路
  22639. shut-down device ==> 停止装置
  22640. shut-down hydraulic pilot valve ==> 停车液压操纵阀
  22641. shut-down in steps ==> 阶梯式停堆
  22642. shut-down mechanism ==> 停止机构
  22643. shut-down operation ==> 停止操作
  22644. shut-down procedure ==> 停堆程序
  22645. shut-down relay ==> 停车继电器
  22646. shut-down rod ==> 停堆棒
  22647. shut-down schedule ==> 停堆日程,停工期工作计划
  22648. shut-down servomotor ==> 停车伺服马达
  22649. shut-down switch ==> 停堆按钮
  22650. shut-in pressure ==> 闭合压力,关井压力
  22651. shut-in well ==> 关闭井
  22652. shut-off ==> 截流阀
  22653. shut-off block ==> 关闭部件
  22654. shut-off circuit ==> 停闭电路
  22655. shut-off electromagnet ==> 电磁关闭器
  22656. shut-off mechanism ==> 断路接触器
  22657. shut-off member ==> 停堆控制元件
  22658. shut-off signal ==> 停堆信号
  22659. shut-off switch ==> 分离开关
  22660. shutdown ==> 停车,停工,断路,关机=>運転停止
  22661. shutdown (shut-down) period ==> 停工期
  22662. shutdown boron concentration ==> 停堆硼浓度,在使用可溶硼控制反应性的反应堆中,为使反应堆具有设定的停堆深度,除所有的控制棒全部插入堆芯外,冷却剂中需要添加的硼的浓度
  22663. shutdown cooler ==> 停堆冷却器
  22664. shutdown cooling pump ==> 停堆冷却泵
  22665. shutdown cost ==> 停产成本,停工成本
  22666. shutdown device ==> 止动设备,止动装置
  22667. shutdown expenses ==> 停工费用
  22668. shutdown feature ==> 停止装置
  22669. shutdown handle ==> 停车手柄
  22670. shutdown heat ==> 停堆余热
  22671. shutdown inspection ==> 停工检查,停堆检查,核电厂根据计划或因意外事件停止反应堆运行后进行的检查工作
  22672. shutdown maintenance ==> 停工维修=>シャットダウンメンテナンス
  22673. shutdown margin ==> (反应性)停堆裕度
  22674. shutdown mechanism ==> 切断机构
  22675. shutdown monitor ==> 事故停机监察器
  22676. shutdown period ==> 停炉期
  22677. shutdown plunger ==> 停车柱塞
  22678. shutdown point ==> 亏损点
  22679. shutdown power ==> 停堆功率
  22680. shutdown reactivity ==> 停堆反应性
  22681. shutdown relay ==> 断路继电器
  22682. shutdown signal ==> 停车信号,停堆信号
  22683. shutdown slide valve ==> 自动停车滑阀
  22684. shutdown switch ==> 断路开关,停车开关,停止开关
  22685. shutdown system ==> 停车系统,停机系统,关闭系统
  22686. shutdown valve ==> 停车阀,停机阀
  22687. shutdown work ==> 停堆操作
  22688. shutheight ==> 停止高度
  22689. shuting ==> 檐沟
  22690. shutoff ==> 停止,关断
  22691. shutoff block ==> 排出量调节套,开关组
  22692. shutoff cock ==> 切断旋塞
  22693. shutoff contact ==> 断路接触器
  22694. shutoff cylinder ==> 停车缸
  22695. shutoff device ==> 切断装置
  22696. shutoff gate ==> 阻断闸板
  22697. shutoff head ==> 全闭压头,关闭压头
  22698. shutoff horsepower ==> 空转功率
  22699. shutoff pressure ==> 关闭压力
  22700. shutoff sequence ==> 切断序列
  22701. shutoff signal ==> 切断信号
  22702. shutoff spindle ==> 停车轴
  22703. shutoff stroke ==> 关闭行程
  22704. shutoff valve ==> 截流阀,截止阀
  22705. shutout ==> (航运)退装
  22706. shutout cargo ==> 退关货物
  22707. shutout goods ==> 退关货物
  22708. shutout memo ==> 退关货物清单
  22709. shutteer operator ==> 百叶窗开关
  22710. shutter ==> 百叶窗,天窗,屏蔽闸,节流板,开闭器,闸板,闸门,快门,断路器,光闸,提升门=>シャッター
  22711. shutter adjuster ==> 进风门调节器
  22712. shutter axis ==> 快门轴
  22713. shutter bar ==> 百叶闩
  22714. shutter blade ==> 快门叶片
  22715. shutter blind ==> 快门卷帘
  22716. shutter butt ==> 轻型合页
  22717. shutter condenser ==> 百叶窗式冷凝器
  22718. shutter contact duration ==> 闪光接触持续时间
  22719. shutter dam ==> 活板坝,翻板坝
  22720. shutter disk ==> 快门片
  22721. shutter door ==> 百叶门
  22722. shutter efficiency ==> 快门光学有效系数
  22723. shutter gate ==> 翻板闸门,百叶式闸门
  22724. shutter grate ==> 百叶炉篦,尘格,水篦
  22725. shutter liner ==> 模板垫衬
  22726. shutter mechanism ==> 快门机构
  22727. shutter opening angle ==> 快门开角
  22728. shutter pulse ==> 快门脉冲
  22729. shutter release ==> 快门开关
  22730. shutter speed ==> 快门速度
  22731. shutter speed dial ==> 快门速度刻度盘
  22732. shutter speed priority automatic exposure camera ==> 快门速度优先式自动曝光照相机
  22733. shutter speed setting ring ==> 快门速度调节圈
  22734. shutter tube ==> 快门管
  22735. shutter vibration ==> 模板振动
  22736. shutter vibrator ==> 模壳振捣器
  22737. shutter weir ==> 翻板堰,横轴闸门堰
  22738. shutter worker ==> 百叶窗开关
  22739. shutter-blade arrester ==> 快门叶片抑制器
  22740. shutter-priority mode ==> 速度优先式
  22741. shuttered fuse ==> 带隔离机构的引信
  22742. shuttering ==> 模板,模壳,立模板
  22743. shuttering mark ==> 模板痕迹
  22744. shutting clack ==> 闭断瓣
  22745. shutting down ==> 停工
  22746. shutting flap ==> 关断瓣
  22747. shutting light method ==> 分段曝光法
  22748. shutting off device ==> 关闭装置
  22749. shutting-down device ==> 停车装置
  22750. shuttingdown ==> 停止
  22751. shuttle ==> 梭子,往复移送装置,星际往返飞船,空间渡船,穿梭运动,梭,前后移动,振荡输送机,滑闸,航天飞机,列车
  22752. shuttle apron conveyer ==> 梭式板形运输机
  22753. shuttle armature ==> 梭形电枢
  22754. shuttle armature type ==> 梭形电枢型号
  22755. shuttle belt ==> 振动带
  22756. shuttle belt conveyor ==> 梭式皮带运输机
  22757. shuttle block pump ==> 梭档转子式泵,滑块泵
  22758. shuttle board ==> 抖动板
  22759. shuttle bombing ==> 穿梭轰炸
  22760. shuttle box ==> 梭箱
  22761. shuttle bus ==> 穿梭式公共汽车,区间公共汽车
  22762. shuttle car ==> 穿梭式机动矿车,梭车
  22763. shuttle car driver ==> 梭式矿车司机
  22764. shuttle car gathering ==> 梭式矿车集矿
  22765. shuttle carriage ==> 穿梭式小车
  22766. shuttle changing automatic ==> 自动换梭织机
  22767. shuttle checking ==> 梭子制动
  22768. shuttle chuck ==> 梭动夹头
  22769. shuttle chute ==> 落梭斜槽
  22770. shuttle conveyer ==> 自走式输送机,梭动运输机,梭式输送机,梭式运输机,穿梭式运输机,可逆式输送机
  22771. shuttle conveyor ==> 往复式输送机,穿梭输送机,穿梭运输器
  22772. shuttle course ==> 梭子飞行轨迹
  22773. shuttle detector ==> 探梭器
  22774. shuttle die ==> 杆式移送多工位模具
  22775. shuttle drive house ==> 梭动驾驶间
  22776. shuttle embroidery machine ==> 飞梭刺绣机
  22777. shuttle eye ==> 梭眼
  22778. shuttle feeder ==> 梭式给料机,梭式送料装置
  22779. shuttle feeler ==> 探梭指
  22780. shuttle kiln ==> 梭式窑
  22781. shuttle loader ==> 梭式送料器
  22782. shuttle magazine ==> 梭库
  22783. shuttle marks ==> 梭箱油渍
  22784. shuttle mechanism ==> 往返机制
  22785. shuttle mine car ==> 梭式矿车
  22786. shuttle pallet ==> 梭动随行工作台
  22787. shuttle path ==> 梭道
  22788. shuttle peg ==> 梭芯
  22789. shuttle point ==> 梭尖
  22790. shuttle pulse ==> 梭动式脉冲
  22791. shuttle race ==> 梭床,走梭板
  22792. shuttle receiver box ==> 落梭箱
  22793. shuttle saw ==> 滑座锯
  22794. shuttle search control ==> 磁带高速运转搜索控制
  22795. shuttle stabilizer ==> 梭子稳定装置
  22796. shuttle system ==> 交替运输制
  22797. shuttle tanker ==> 穿梭运输油轮
  22798. shuttle tongue ==> 梭芯舌头
  22799. shuttle tram ==> 梭车
  22800. shuttle valve ==> 梭动阀,梭阀,梭形滑阀
  22801. shuttle working ==> 梭行作业
  22802. shuttle-action scraper ==> 梭式刮板输送器
  22803. shuttle-adjusting machine ==> 梭子校正器
  22804. shuttle-cock ==> 梭芯
  22805. shuttle-eye cutter ==> 梭眼剪
  22806. shuttle-shaped column ==> 梭柱
  22807. shuttle-type ==> 梭式,摆动式的
  22808. shuttle-type conveyer ==> 梭式输送机
  22809. shuttle-type feed ==> 梭动式进料,摆动式供料
  22810. shuttlecock rotator ==> 羽根型回転体
  22811. shuttleless loom ==> 无梭织机
  22812. shy breeder ==> 难孕母畜
  22813. Shy-Drager syndrome ==> シャイ・ドレーガー症候群(SDS)
  22814. SHYB, S-band hybrid ==> Sバンドハイブリッド
  22815. SI base unit ==> SI基本単位
  22816. SI derived unit ==> SI組立単位
  22817. SI International System of Units ==> 国际单位制
  22818. si mesfet ==> 硅金属半导体场效应晶体管
  22819. SI Starboard Inboard ==> 船内右舷
  22820. SI supplementary unit ==> SI補助単位
  22821. SI thyristor ==> SIサイリスタ
  22822. SI unit ==> SI単位
  22823. SI, International System of Units ==> 国際単位系
  22824. SI, science instrument ==> 科学計器
  22825. SI, serial input ==> シリアル入力
  22826. SI, Service Information ==> サービス情報
  22827. SI, signal to interference ratio ==> 信号と妨害電波の強度の比
  22828. Si, silicon ==> シリコン
  22829. SI, Single Inverter ==> 単一インバータ
  22830. SI, Space Station Integrated Project ==> 宇宙ステーション総合プロジェクト
  22831. SI, Spot Image ==> スポットイマージュ社
  22832. SI, stereo imaging ==> ステレオ写像
  22833. SI, system integration ==> システムインテグレーション
  22834. SI, System Integrator ==> SI
  22835. si-steel ==> 硅钢
  22836. Si-steel strip ==> 硅钢带
  22837. SIA, station interface adapter ==> ステーションインタフェースアダプタ
  22838. Siacci method ==> 赛西法
  22839. sialic acid ==> 涎酸,唾液酸,唾液酸
  22840. sialic crust ==> 硅铝壳
  22841. Siamese blow ==> 骈体吹塑法
  22842. Siamese bore design ==> 萨米迟缸体设计
  22843. siamese connection ==> 二重连接
  22844. siamesed port ==> 连体孔
  22845. siaresinolic acid ==> 暹罗树脂酸,暹罗树脂酸
  22846. SIAT, scene image annotation ==> 画像注釈
  22847. sib group ==> 同胞群
  22848. sib method of breeding ==> 同胞育种法
  22849. sib pollination ==> 近缘授粉
  22850. sib testing ==> 同胞测定
  22851. SIB, Shuttle Integration Board ==> シャトル統合委員会
  22852. SIB, simulation interface buffer ==> シミュレーションインタフェースバッファ
  22853. SIB, system integration board ==> システム統合委員会
  22854. sib-analysis ==> 同胞分析
  22855. sib-mated ==> 同胞交配
  22856. sib-mating ==> 同胞交配
  22857. Siberian fritillary ==> 西伯利亚贝母
  22858. Siberian fritillary bulb ==> 伊贝母
  22859. Siberian iris ==> 西伯利亚鸢尾
  22860. Siberian mole ==> 西伯利亚鼹属
  22861. siberian wildrye ==> 老芒麦
  22862. sibirian button bur ==> 苍耳子
  22863. sible for ones own finance ==> 财政包干
  22864. Sibley alloy ==> 铝锌合金
  22865. Sibson's groove ==> 西布逊氏沟
  22866. sibutramine ==> 西布曲明=>シブトラミン
  22867. sic ==> 半导体集成电路
  22868. SiC varistor ==> 碳化硅可变电阻
  22869. SIC, S-band intersatellite communications equipment ==> Sバンド衛星間通信用機器
  22870. SiC, silicon carbide ==> シリコンカーバイド
  22871. SIC, spacecraft interface connector ==> 衛星インタフェースコネクタ
  22872. SIC, standard interface connector ==> 標準インタフェースコネクタ
  22873. SIC, Successive Interference Canceller ==> SIC
  22874. SIC, system integration contractor ==> システムインテグレーションコントラクタ
  22875. Sicard's treatment ==> 西卡尔氏疗法
  22876. sicca syndrome ==> 肖格伦氏综合征
  22877. siccative oil ==> 干性油
  22878. siccative varnish ==> 快干清漆
  22879. SICDH, Science Instrument Control and Data Handling ==> 科学計器制御データハンドリング
  22880. SICE, society of instrument and control engineers ==> 計測自動制御学会(日本)
  22881. sichromal steel ==> 铝铬硅合金钢,铬铝硅合金钢
  22882. Sichuan Chinaberry Powder ==> 金铃子散
  22883. Sicilian ==> 西西里=>シチリア
  22884. Sicilian Lemon ==> 西西里柠檬=>シチリアレモン
  22885. Sicilian rose ==> 西西里蔷薇
  22886. Sicily calendula ==> 西西里金盏花
  22887. sick bay ==> 军舰卫生所,军舰卫生所
  22888. sick bed ==> 病床
  22889. sick field ==> 带病的田地
  22890. sick land ==> 带病的田地
  22891. sick leave ==> 每年可拿工资的病假天数,病假
  22892. sick officer's quarters ==> 军官病房,军官病房
  22893. sick soil ==> 病土
  22894. sick tin ==> 病锡
  22895. sickel-cell anaemia ==> 镰状细胞病
  22896. sickle bar ==> 镰刀杆
  22897. sickle bill ==> 镰嘴鸟
  22898. sickle cell hemoglobin ==> 镰刀形红细胞血红蛋白
  22899. sickle cell trait ==> 镰状细胞性状,镰状细胞遗传特性
  22900. sickle cell-hemoglobin C disease ==> 镰状红细胞血红蛋白C病
  22901. sickle cell-hemoglobin D disease ==> 镰状红细胞血红蛋白D病
  22902. sickle cell-thalassemia disease ==> 镰状红细胞地中海贫血(病)
  22903. sickle grinder ==> 切割刀片磨石,磨刀石,磨切割刀片砂轮
  22904. sickle guard ==> 切割器护刃器
  22905. sickle knife ==> 切割器动刀片
  22906. sickle leaf disease ==> 镰刀形叶病
  22907. sickle of cerebrum ==> 大脑镰
  22908. sickle pump ==> 叶轮泵,镰式泵
  22909. sickle register ==> 刀片对心
  22910. sickle section ==> 切割器的动刀片
  22911. sickle senna (Cassia tora,Cassia obtusifolia) ==> 决明,决明
  22912. sickle shaped arch ==> 镰刀形拱
  22913. sickle spanner ==> 镰刀式扳手,镰刀式薄扳手
  22914. sickle-cell anaemia ==> 镰刀状细胞(红血球)贫血
  22915. sickle-cell hemoglobin ==> 镰刀细胞血红蛋白
  22916. sickle-cell trait ==> 镰形细胞(遗传)特性
  22917. sickle-hocked ==> 后肢X状腿
  22918. sickle-shaped oil passage ==> 镰刀形油道
  22919. sickle-type embryotome ==> 镰状碎胎刀
  22920. sickleleaf goldaster (chrysopsis falcata) ==> 镰叶金菊
  22921. sickling test ==> 红细胞镰变试验
  22922. sickly ==> 病弱な,多病の
  22923. sickly and off-type plants ==> 去劣去杂
  22924. sickly look ==> 病容
  22925. sickness insurance ==> 疾病保险
  22926. sickness rate ==> 发病率
  22927. SID, selected item drawing ==> 選択項目図面
  22928. SID, signal identifier ==> 信号識別符号
  22929. SID, standard instrument departure ==> 標準計器出発方式
  22930. SID, sudden ionospheric disturbance ==> 電離層突然擾乱
  22931. side ==> 边,肋,旁,旁边,端,侧,侧边,侧面,岸,作业面,作业组
  22932. side abutment pressure ==> 边墩压力
  22933. side acceleration ==> 横加速度
  22934. side acceleration transverse acceleration ==> 侧向加速度
  22935. side adjustment ==> 边平差
  22936. side air inlet louver ==> 进气用侧百叶窗
  22937. side anchor ==> 边锚=>振止め
  22938. side angle ==> 侧角
  22939. side arch brick ==> 侧拱砖
  22940. side arm ==> 侧臂,单面横臂,单面线担,前架
  22941. side armature ==> 边衔铁
  22942. side armature relay ==> 边衔铁继电器
  22943. side armature type ==> サイドアーマチュア形
  22944. side arms ==> 随身武器
  22945. side axe ==> 单面劈斧
  22946. side band ==> 旁瓣
  22947. side bar ==> 侧砂坝
  22948. side bark-grafting ==> 皮下腹接
  22949. side beam ==> 侧梁=>副ビーム
  22950. side beam mirror ==> 一阶衍射光镜
  22951. side bearer ==> 侧架
  22952. side bearing ==> 侧轴承
  22953. side bearing casing ==> 侧轴承匣
  22954. side bearing oak block ==> 侧轴承橡木垫块
  22955. side bearing plate ==> 侧承滑块
  22956. side bend ==> 侧弯
  22957. side bend specimen ==> 侧弯试件,侧弯试样
  22958. side bend test ==> 侧弯试验
  22959. side blade ==> 侧刀片
  22960. side blow ==> 侧冲,侧击,侧向鼓风,旁击
  22961. side blown ==> 侧吹的
  22962. side board ==> 侧板,侧面挡板,边材板
  22963. side bone ==> 软骨骨化症
  22964. side bones ==> 蹄软骨化骨
  22965. side boom tractor ==> 边带杆式拖拉机
  22966. side borrow ==> 路旁借土
  22967. side borrow pit ==> 路旁借土坑
  22968. side bottoms ==> 塔下部引出物,旁脚
  22969. side bracing ==> 侧拉条
  22970. side brake ==> 侧制动器
  22971. side branch ==> 侧枝
  22972. side buffer ==> 侧缓冲器
  22973. side bumper ==> 边挡
  22974. side by side ==> 并排
  22975. side by side combination refrigerator ==> 对开门式冰箱
  22976. side by side display ==> 并列显示器
  22977. side by side listing ==> 并排编目,并排列表
  22978. side camber ==> 侧边弯曲
  22979. side cap ==> 旁盖
  22980. side cap bolt ==> 侧帽螺栓
  22981. side car ==> 摩托车的跨斗
  22982. side car buffer lever ==> 边车缓冲杆
  22983. side car connecting arm ==> 边车连接臂
  22984. side car frame angle plate ==> 边车架角板
  22985. side car frame brace ==> 边车架撑
  22986. side car frame brace clamp ==> 边车底架拉条夹
  22987. side car handle bar ==> 边车手柄杆
  22988. side car leaf spring ==> 边车叠片弹簧
  22989. side car mudguard ==> 边车挡泥板
  22990. side car wheel axle bearing ==> 边车轮轴轴承
  22991. side car wheel axle bearing bushing ==> 边车轮轴轴承衬套
  22992. side casting ==> 路边弃土
  22993. side chain ==> 边链,侧链
  22994. side chain bromination ==> 侧链溴代作用
  22995. side chain compound ==> 侧链化合物
  22996. side chain isomer ==> 侧链异构体
  22997. side chain isomerism ==> 侧链异构作用
  22998. side chain motion ==> 侧链运动
  22999. side chain radical ==> 侧链基
  23000. side chamfer ==> 边斜切
  23001. side channel ==> 边渠,侧槽,横浇铸道
  23002. side channel spillway ==> 侧槽式溢洪道,具有侧进水口和明槽泄流的溢洪道
  23003. side charging ==> 侧部加料
  23004. side chemical reaction ==> 支反应
  23005. side circuit ==> 侧电路,半面电路,实线电路
  23006. side circuit loading coil ==> 实线电路加感线圈,半面电路负载线圈,侧电路负载线圈
  23007. side circuit repeating coil ==> 半面电路中继线圈
  23008. side clearance ==> 侧面间隙,侧隙
  23009. side clearance angle ==> 旁锋余隙角
  23010. side column ==> 边柱
  23011. side combusion chamber ==> 侧燃烧室
  23012. side combustion stove ==> 侧烧式热风炉
  23013. side compression ==> 侧压力
  23014. side conditions ==> 副条件
  23015. side conductor rail ==> 旁置接触轨
  23016. side connection ==> 侧边接合
  23017. side construction tile ==> 边结构面砖
  23018. side contact spike ==> 侧插棒,旁插棒
  23019. side contraction ==> 侧边收缩
  23020. side control ==> 侧面控制
  23021. side controlled multipurpose operating table ==> 侧面操纵式综合手术台
  23022. side controlled universal operation table ==> 侧面操纵式综合手术台
  23023. side corridor ==> 外廊
  23024. side coupling ==> 侧面耦合
  23025. side cover ==> 侧盖,边盖
  23026. side crank ==> 轴端曲柄
  23027. side crank arrangement ==> 轴端曲柄装置
  23028. side crank shaft ==> 轴端曲柄轴
  23029. side creel ==> 落地纱架
  23030. side culvert ==> 侧边涵洞
  23031. side curtain stop ==> 侧帘式光栏
  23032. side cut ==> 侧面切削,切边
  23033. side cutter ==> 偏铣刀,侧边切坯机,侧刀,侧面切坯机,侧牙轮
  23034. side cutterbar ==> 侧置式切割器
  23035. side cutting ==> 侧方截根,边坡挖土,堤旁取土
  23036. side cutting needle ==> 横割口缝合针
  23037. side cutting pliers ==> 斜口钳
  23038. side delivery ==> 侧方输送,侧方喂送
  23039. side delivery elevator ==> 侧卸升运器
  23040. side diameter runout ==> 外圆跳动量
  23041. side direction ==> 侧向
  23042. side discharge ==> 侧向卸料
  23043. side discharging car ==> 侧卸车
  23044. side ditch ==> 侧部沟,边沟
  23045. side door ==> 便门
  23046. side downcomer ==> 侧面降液管
  23047. side dozer ==> 侧铲推土机,斜角推土机
  23048. side draft ==> 牵引侧向阻力,牵引力侧向分力
  23049. side draft on the drawbar ==> 作用在挂钩上的横力
  23050. side drag ==> 侧面阻力,(自航耙吸挖泥船的)边耙
  23051. side drain ==> 路边排水沟
  23052. side drainage ==> 路边排水
  23053. side draught ==> 侧吸
  23054. side draw ==> 侧拉力,侧线
  23055. side draw pin ==> 侧抽销
  23056. side draw tray ==> 侧取塔板
  23057. side dressing ==> 侧面修整,侧施肥料,行测追肥,肥料侧施,旁施
  23058. side dressing method ==> 旁施法
  23059. side drive ==> 侧驱动
  23060. side drive motor mower ==> 侧驱式动力割草机
  23061. side dump ==> 侧卸式
  23062. side dump body ==> 侧倾卸车身
  23063. side dump skip ==> 侧卸式箕斗
  23064. side dump skip bucket ==> 爬式翻斗加料桶
  23065. side dump truck ==> 侧向倾卸运货汽车,侧卸汽车,侧卸式货车
  23066. side dump type ==> 旁卸式
  23067. side dumper ==> 侧倾自动卸车
  23068. side dumping ==> 侧卸
  23069. side dumping car ==> 翻斗车
  23070. side dumping hopper ==> 侧卸斗
  23071. side dumping loader ==> 侧卸装载车
  23072. side echo ==> 侧回声,旁瓣回波
  23073. side effect ==> 副作用,副作业,次要的影响
  23074. side effects of anti-cancer drugs ==> 抗癌剤副作用,所有的抗癌剤都是有副作用,中医药更是含有许多有害的毒素
  23075. side elevation ==> 侧立面,侧面图,侧视图
  23076. side elevation drawing ==> 侧视图
  23077. side emission ==> 侧向发射,旁放射
  23078. side engined chassis ==> 侧发动机底盘
  23079. side entering type agitator ==> 侧伸式搅拌器,旁入式搅拌器
  23080. side entrance ==> 侧入口
  23081. side entrance manhole ==> 侧入人孔
  23082. side equation ==> 边线方程
  23083. side erase ==> 侧边抹去,侧边清洗
  23084. side erosion ==> 侧向侵蚀
  23085. side error ==> 侧误差
  23086. side etch ==> 侧面腐蚀=>サイドエッチ
  23087. side face ==> 侧面
  23088. side face seam ==> 侧面接缝
  23089. side fastening bolt ==> 侧紧螺栓
  23090. side fed water wheel ==> 侧射式水轮
  23091. side feet ==> (指电机的)两侧底脚
  23092. side fillet weld ==> 侧面角焊缝,侧面填角焊缝,侧面贴角焊
  23093. side fillet welding ==> 侧面角焊
  23094. side fire helical antenna ==> 侧向辐射式螺旋形天线
  23095. side fired furnace ==> 单侧加热炉
  23096. side flow ==> 侧流
  23097. side force ==> 侧力,侧向力
  23098. side force coefficient ==> 侧力系数
  23099. side forklift ==> 侧面式叉车
  23100. side form ==> 侧膜
  23101. side form paving ==> 两面立模浇灌混凝土施工法
  23102. side forms ==> 边模
  23103. side fraction ==> 侧分数
  23104. side frame ==> 侧梁
  23105. side frequency ==> 边频
  23106. side friction ==> 侧面摩擦,侧向摩擦
  23107. side gate ==> 边浇道,边浇口,旁侧控制极
  23108. side gatherer ==> 侧扶导器
  23109. side gauge bar ==> 侧定位杆
  23110. side gear ==> 侧齿轮,侧面齿轮,边齿轮
  23111. side grade ==> 侧面坡度
  23112. side gradient ==> 横斜坡
  23113. side graft ==> 腹接
  23114. side grafting ==> 腹接,侧接法
  23115. side grain ==> 侧面纹理,平切面,纵纹
  23116. side grinding ==> 侧磨
  23117. side group ==> 侧基,侧群
  23118. side guard manipulator ==> 翻侧推床
  23119. side guard plate ==> 侧护板
  23120. side guard-typerepeater ==> 侧导式围盘
  23121. side guards ==> 侧导板
  23122. side guidance ==> 侧导槽
  23123. side guide ==> 侧面导板,侧压板,(指闸门的)侧向导轨
  23124. side guide wheel ==> 侧向导轮
  23125. side gun ==> 机身外侧机枪
  23126. side guy ==> 侧拉线=>側支線
  23127. side hammer ==> 边锤
  23128. side hardness ==> 侧面硬度
  23129. side head ==> 侧程刀架
  23130. side hood ==> 侧方吸气罩
  23131. side horse ==> 鞍马
  23132. side illumination ==> 侧面照明
  23133. side index plate ==> 侧分度盘
  23134. side intercostal keelson ==> 间断边内龙骨
  23135. side interlocking ==> 侧边咬接
  23136. side intersection ==> 侧方交会
  23137. side joint ==> 侧接
  23138. side keelson ==> 旁内龙骨
  23139. side knock ==> 横向冲击
  23140. side lamp ==> 侧面灯
  23141. side lantern ==> 侧灯
  23142. side lap ==> 侧边搭接
  23143. side lap weld ==> 侧边搭接焊,弯边搭焊缝
  23144. side lap welding ==> 侧搭焊,侧面搭接焊
  23145. side lapping mill ==> 侧面精研机
  23146. side lay ==> 侧放,侧面定位装置
  23147. side lay adjuster ==> 侧安排调整器,侧面定位调整器
  23148. side layer ==> 侧边料,边铺料
  23149. side leakage ==> 侧面漏泄
  23150. side leg ==> 曲拐
  23151. side lever ==> 侧杆
  23152. side lever engine ==> 边杆发动机
  23153. side lever press ==> 杠杆压机
  23154. side lift ==> 边吊机,侧置提升器
  23155. side light ==> 侧面灯,侧灯,侧光,侧光照明,侧向采光,间接说明
  23156. side lighting ==> 侧窗采光,侧光,侧向照明
  23157. side line ==> 侧道,侧线,副业
  23158. side lining ==> 侧牵引
  23159. side linkage ==> 侧悬挂装置
  23160. side load ==> 侧向负荷,边荷载,边载荷
  23161. side loader ==> 侧向装卸机
  23162. side loading ==> 侧加料,侧面加载,侧面装载
  23163. side loading fork truck ==> 侧装载自动装卸车
  23164. side loading paver ==> 从旁装料的摊铺机
  23165. side loading refuse collector ==> 侧装载废品运输车
  23166. side loading vehicle ==> 侧装载车
  23167. side lobe ==> 旁瓣=>サイドローブ
  23168. side lobe level ==> 旁瓣电平
  23169. side lock ==> 边带锁定
  23170. side looking airborne radar imagery ==> 机载侧视雷达成像
  23171. side looking radar ==> 旁视雷达
  23172. side loudspeaker ==> 侧边扬声器
  23173. side marker lamp ==> 侧灯
  23174. side member ==> 侧梁,大梁
  23175. side member extension ==> 车架纵梁伸出部分
  23176. side mill ==> 侧铣刀
  23177. side milling ==> 侧铣,边铣
  23178. side milling cutter ==> 侧面刃铣刀,侧面铣刀,偏铣刀
  23179. side mirror ==> 侧镜
  23180. side mixing nozzle ==> 侧向混合式喷嘴
  23181. side mount ==> 侧装
  23182. side mounted ==> 侧悬挂式
  23183. side mounting ==> 侧悬挂
  23184. side movement ==> 侧向移动
  23185. side neck ==> 侧管嘴,侧筒
  23186. side oblique air photograph ==> 空中倾斜摄影
  23187. side occupation ==> 副业
  23188. side of piston ring ==> 活塞环端
  23189. side of the road ==> 路边,路肩
  23190. side opening ==> 侧孔
  23191. side opposite the angle ==> 对角边
  23192. side orthogonality ==> 侧边垂直度
  23193. side oscillation ==> 侧摆动
  23194. side outlet ==> 侧孔,侧向出口
  23195. side outlet reducing tee ==> 侧口异径三通
  23196. side outlet tee ==> 支流三通管
  23197. side overflow ==> 侧向溢流
  23198. side overturned car ==> 横翻车
  23199. side paddle dyeing machine ==> 边桨式染色机
  23200. side panel ==> 侧板,测板
  23201. side part ==> 侧面机件
  23202. side part forming machine ==> 侧边成型机
  23203. side payment ==> 边支付
  23204. side payments ==> 侧向支付
  23205. side penetration ==> 侧面熔深,侧面熔透
  23206. side piece ==> 侧板,测板,颊板,车尾机架,胎壁
  23207. side piling ==> 边桩
  23208. side pillar ==> 边柱
  23209. side pincushion ==> 二侧枕形失真,两侧枕形畸变
  23210. side pipe ==> 侧管
  23211. side placement method ==> 肥料侧施
  23212. side plane ==> 边刨
  23213. side planer ==> 边缘刨床,侧刨床
  23214. side planing ==> 侧刨
  23215. side planing machine ==> 边刨机
  23216. side plate ==> 侧板,侧衬板,测板
  23217. side plate of cage ==> 保持架边框
  23218. side platform ==> 侧向收割台
  23219. side play ==> 侧面间隙,侧隙,轴端余隙,轴向间隙
  23220. side pole ==> 侧杆=>側柱
  23221. side pond ==> 船闸旁池
  23222. side port ==> 侧孔,侧喷火口
  23223. side port mouth ==> 侧面喷火口
  23224. side post ==> 边接头
  23225. side power takeoff ==> 侧置式动力输出轴
  23226. side pressure ==> 侧面压力,侧压,侧压力,侧压下
  23227. side projection ==> 侧向投影
  23228. side protecting plate ==> 侧护板
  23229. side pull lay ==> 侧拉纸规
  23230. side rabbet plane ==> 边槽刨
  23231. side rack ==> 侧护板
  23232. side radiation ==> 侧面辐射
  23233. side radiation tube ==> 侧辐射管
  23234. side radiator ==> 侧散热器
  23235. side rail ==> 导轨,护轨
  23236. side rake ==> 侧前角,侧向搂草机
  23237. side rake angle ==> 横向前角
  23238. side raking ==> 侧向搂集
  23239. side ram press ==> 角式水压泵
  23240. side ratio ==> 边长比
  23241. side reach ==> 侧向伸出长度
  23242. side reaction ==> 副反応
  23243. side reaction coefficient ==> 副反应系数
  23244. side reflector ==> 侧反光板
  23245. side reflux ==> 侧回流,侧线回流
  23246. side rein ==> 吊嚼
  23247. side relief ==> 刀背,副后角
  23248. side relief angle ==> 旁锋后让角
  23249. side rib ==> 侧肋
  23250. side rim ==> 可卸轮辋
  23251. side ring ==> 边环
  23252. side ring of rim ==> 可卸轮辋锁环
  23253. side riser ==> 边冒口,侧冒口
  23254. side rod ==> 边连杆,(机车的)连杆
  23255. side rod bearing ==> 边杆轴承
  23256. side rod crank pin ==> 边杆曲柄销
  23257. side rod drive ==> 连杆传动
  23258. side roller ==> 侧边滚轮
  23259. side roughing turning tool ==> 侧粗车刀
  23260. side run-off ==> 侧线馏分
  23261. side saddle ==> 女鞍
  23262. side scanner ==> 侧扫描器
  23263. side scanning sonar ==> 侧扫描声纳
  23264. side scatter ==> 側方散乱
  23265. side scene ==> 侧面布景
  23266. side scrap ==> 切边
  23267. side scraper ==> 壁沟铲刮机
  23268. side scuttle frame ==> 活动舷窗框
  23269. side seal ==> 侧封,侧密封
  23270. side sealing ==> 侧水封,边缘止水
  23271. side seam ==> 水平焊缝
  23272. side seamer ==> 缝边机,边封机
  23273. side select signal ==> 面选择信号
  23274. side set ==> 错齿
  23275. side shaft ==> 侧轴
  23276. side share ==> 单面平切铲
  23277. side shifter ==> 侧移器
  23278. side shoot ==> 副梢
  23279. side shore ==> 侧撑
  23280. side shoring ==> 边撑
  23281. side shot ==> 侧向爆炸
  23282. side shower ==> 侧簇射
  23283. side sill ==> 侧梁
  23284. side skid ==> 侧向滑板,横滑
  23285. side skirt of the fender ==> 保护板侧板
  23286. side skirt rail ==> 侧围裙边梁
  23287. side slat ==> 侧条
  23288. side slide ==> 侧滑块
  23289. side sling ==> 侧吊索
  23290. side slip ==> 侧向滑动
  23291. side slope ==> 边坡
  23292. side snap ==> 侧方摘取
  23293. side sorts ==> 备用活字
  23294. side spacing ==> 旁侧间距
  23295. side span ==> 边跨
  23296. side spectrum ==> 二次光谱
  23297. side splash ==> 邻近频道干扰
  23298. side splatter ==> 邻信道干扰
  23299. side spray ==> 侧向飞散破片
  23300. side squeeze ==> 侧面压制
  23301. side stage ==> 侧台
  23302. side stay ==> 侧撑
  23303. side steering ==> 变向机构
  23304. side stiffener ==> 侧面加强板
  23305. side stitching ==> 平钉=>平綴じ
  23306. side stream ==> 侧线,侧线馏出物,支流
  23307. side stream withdrawal ==> 侧流抽出口
  23308. side striking ==> 侧击
  23309. side strip ==> 路边分隔带
  23310. side stripper ==> 侧流汽提器,侧线汽提塔
  23311. side stroke ==> 侧击=>側撃
  23312. side substitution ==> 侧链取代
  23313. side suction ==> 犁体水平间隙
  23314. side surface ==> 端面
  23315. side swing hydraulic cylinder ==> 侧摆液压汽缸
  23316. side tee ==> 侧接三通
  23317. side terminal ==> 侧面端子
  23318. side thrust ==> 侧推力,侧向推力
  23319. side thrust of piston ==> 活塞侧推力
  23320. side thrustor ==> サイドスラスター,船舶推進装置
  23321. side tilt car ==> 侧卸式送锭车
  23322. side timber purline ==> 檩条
  23323. side title ==> 说明字幕
  23324. side tone ==> 侧音
  23325. side tongs ==> 边口钳
  23326. side tongue graft ==> 舌状腹接
  23327. side tongue-grafting ==> 舌状腹接
  23328. side tool ==> 侧刀,偏刀
  23329. side tool box ==> 侧刀架
  23330. side tool head ==> 侧刀架
  23331. side track ==> 側線
  23332. side trawler ==> 舷拖渔船
  23333. side trench ==> 边沟
  23334. side trimmer ==> 侧边修边机
  23335. side trimming line ==> 侧边纵剪作业线
  23336. side trip ==> 路缘带
  23337. side trip margin verge ==> 路边分隔带
  23338. side tube ==> 侧管,支管
  23339. side tying ==> 侧栓系
  23340. side valency ==> 副价
  23341. side valve ==> 旁路阀,分流活门,侧阀,测阀
  23342. side valve engine ==> 侧置气门发动机
  23343. side vane ==> 侧叶
  23344. side veneer-grafting ==> 镶合腹接
  23345. side view ==> 侧视图
  23346. side view of box ==> 箱侧视图
  23347. side wall ==> 侧围,侧壁,侧墙,岸墙,轮胎壁,轮胎侧壁,边墙,连接水工建筑物与岸边的岸边挡土墙
  23348. side wall coring tool ==> 井壁取心工具,井壁取心工具
  23349. side wall echo ==> 侧壁回波
  23350. side wall frame ==> 侧围骨架
  23351. side wall inner shield ==> 侧围护板
  23352. side wall outer panel ==> 门立柱
  23353. side wall pillar ==> 侧围立柱
  23354. side wall sheilf rail ==> 侧围搁梁
  23355. side wall stock divider ==> 侧面余量均分装置
  23356. side water wall tube ==> 侧水冷壁
  23357. side wave ==> 侧波,侧面波,边波
  23358. side web ==> 侧腹板,腹侧板
  23359. side weir ==> 侧堰,堰顶轴线与渠道水流方向平行或近于平行的堰
  23360. side weld ==> 侧焊缝,边焊
  23361. side wheel ==> 侧轮
  23362. side wheeler ==> 边轮式车
  23363. side wind ==> 侧风
  23364. side winding ==> 侧面绕组
  23365. side window ==> 侧窗
  23366. side window glass ==> 侧窗玻璃
  23367. side window lock ==> 侧窗锁
  23368. side window photomultiplier ==> 侧窗式光电倍增管
  23369. side window pillar ==> 侧窗立柱
  23370. side window viewfinder ==> 侧窗取景器
  23371. side wobble ==> 侧面摆动
  23372. side work ==> 侧压下
  23373. side yard ==> 侧院
  23374. side-aisle ==> 侧廊,边侧通道
  23375. side-and-face cutter ==> 侧平两用铣刀
  23376. side-arm electrode ==> 侧臂电极
  23377. side-attached mower ==> 侧悬挂式割草机
  23378. side-band capacity ==> 边带容量
  23379. side-band effect ==> 旁带效应
  23380. side-bend test specimen ==> 边弯曲试件
  23381. side-blown basic Bessemer steel ==> 侧吹碱性转炉钢
  23382. side-blown converter ==> 侧吹炉,侧吹转炉
  23383. side-boom tractor ==> 侧臂吊杆拖拉机
  23384. side-by-side ==> 并列式布置
  23385. side-by-side bicomponent fibre ==> 并列型双组分纤维
  23386. side-by-side connecting rod ==> 并列连杆
  23387. side-by-side dual control ==> 并座复式操纵
  23388. side-by-side mounting ==> 两侧悬挂
  23389. side-by-side turbine ==> 两轮式水轮机
  23390. side-by-side valve ==> 并列阀
  23391. side-car ==> 边车
  23392. side-car body ==> 边车身
  23393. side-chain theory ==> 侧链理论,侧链学说
  23394. side-channel interference ==> 邻频道干扰
  23395. side-channel spillway ==> 侧槽式溢洪道
  23396. side-charged furnace ==> 侧装料式炉
  23397. side-chute Lagging ==> 溜槽护壁
  23398. side-construction tile ==> 边端结构瓦
  23399. side-cut brick ==> 切边砖
  23400. side-cut distillate ==> 侧馏分,侧线馏出物
  23401. side-cut mower ==> 侧悬挂式割草机
  23402. side-cut shears ==> 剪边机
  23403. side-cut stripper ==> 侧线馏分汽提塔
  23404. side-cutter ==> 侧面刃铣刀,侧置式切割器
  23405. side-cutter gauging ==> 侧刀定位
  23406. side-cutting combine ==> 侧割型联合收割机
  23407. side-cutting edge ==> 斜切削刃,副切削刃
  23408. side-cutting edge angle ==> 旁锋缘角
  23409. side-cutting flail ==> 侧切式甩刀
  23410. side-cutting pliers ==> 旁剪钳
  23411. side-cutting reamer ==> 侧铣铰刀
  23412. side-cutting tooth ==> 侧切齿
  23413. side-delivering crop loader ==> 侧送式作物装载机
  23414. side-delivering manure spreader ==> 侧送式撒肥车
  23415. side-delivery attachment ==> 侧送附加装置
  23416. side-delivery chute ==> 侧送式卸料槽
  23417. side-delivery complete beet harvester ==> 侧卸式甜菜联合收获机
  23418. side-delivery conveyer ==> 侧送式卸载输送器
  23419. side-delivery feed ==> 侧排式排肥器
  23420. side-delivery rake ==> 侧耙
  23421. side-delivery reaper ==> 侧向铺放收割机
  23422. side-delivery spreader ==> 侧送式撒布机
  23423. side-delivery straw chopper ==> 侧喂式茎稿切碎机
  23424. side-discharged furnace ==> 侧出料式加热炉
  23425. side-discharging ==> 侧向卸载,侧卸
  23426. side-discharging car ==> 侧卸汽车
  23427. side-door container ==> 侧门式货柜
  23428. side-door hopper barge ==> 侧开式料斗船
  23429. side-draft carburetor ==> 侧吸式化油器
  23430. side-draw control ==> 侧取控制
  23431. side-draw plate ==> 侧线抽出塔板
  23432. side-draw tray ==> 侧线抽出塔板
  23433. side-dresser ==> 行侧追肥器
  23434. side-dressing application dosage ==> 行测追肥量
  23435. side-dressing attachment ==> 垄侧追肥附加装置
  23436. side-drift method ==> (隧洞开挖用)边侧导坑法
  23437. side-dump ==> 侧倾
  23438. side-dump bucket ==> 侧卸式料斗
  23439. side-dump trailer ==> 侧卸拖车
  23440. side-dump truck ==> 侧卸卡车
  23441. side-dump wagon ==> 侧倾式翻斗车
  23442. side-dumping loader ==> 侧卸式装载机
  23443. side-elevator harvester ==> 侧置升运器式收获机
  23444. side-entrance ==> 侧进口
  23445. side-entrance manhole ==> 旁进式入孔
  23446. side-entry blade ==> 侧装叶片
  23447. side-entry combustion chamber ==> 侧面进气的燃烧室
  23448. side-entry nozzle ==> 侧向进液喷嘴
  23449. side-entry serration root ==> 侧装式锯齿型叶根
  23450. side-exhaustion ==> 侧方排气
  23451. side-feed baler ==> 侧喂式捡拾压捆机
  23452. side-fired recirculating still ==> 炉侧加热与气体循环管式炉
  23453. side-flow weir ==> 侧流堰
  23454. side-frame plough ==> 侧架犁
  23455. side-frame plow ==> 侧架犁
  23456. side-frame type bogie ==> 侧架式转向架
  23457. side-frequency current ==> 边频电流
  23458. side-friction ==> 横向摩擦力
  23459. side-gatherer ==> 缩流装置
  23460. side-hill fill ==> 半路堑
  23461. side-hinged window ==> 侧铰链窗
  23462. side-hole bit ==> 侧孔钻头
  23463. side-hole planting ==> 穴侧栽植
  23464. side-inverted ==> 两侧倒置
  23465. side-layer material ==> 侧面铺料,边铺料
  23466. side-lighting ==> 侧方采光
  23467. side-line ==> 副业
  23468. side-line occupation ==> 副业
  23469. side-line product ==> 副线产品
  23470. side-lining ==> 侧牵引
  23471. side-lobe blanking ==> 旁瓣消隐
  23472. side-lobe cancellation ==> 旁瓣对消
  23473. side-lobe generation ==> 产生旁瓣
  23474. side-lobe suppression ==> 旁瓣抑制
  23475. side-looking ==> 侧视
  23476. side-looking aerial radar ==> 机载侧视雷达,航空侧视雷达
  23477. side-looking airborne radar ==> 机载侧视雷达,侧视雷达
  23478. side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) ==> 航空侧视雷达
  23479. side-looking detector ==> 侧视辐射探测器,侧视探测器,边缘光电效应探测器
  23480. side-looking radar ==> 侧视雷达
  23481. side-looking radar display ==> 侧视雷达显示器
  23482. side-looking sonar ==> 侧视声纳,旁视声纳
  23483. side-mounted condenser ==> 侧装式凝汽器
  23484. side-of-pavement line ==> 路面边缘线
  23485. side-on photomultiplier ==> 侧窗式光电倍增管
  23486. side-open mud barge ==> 侧开式泥驳
  23487. side-opening baler ==> 侧喂式捡拾压捆机
  23488. side-opening stall ==> 侧出式挤奶台
  23489. side-opening two-row tandem stalls ==> 侧出式双行串列挤奶台
  23490. side-parking ==> 路边驻车,路旁停车
  23491. side-parking lamp ==> 路旁停车信号灯
  23492. side-plat-form combine ==> 侧置割台式联合收割机
  23493. side-plate angle ==> 侧片角
  23494. side-play amount ==> 偏移量
  23495. side-rake angle ==> 副前角
  23496. side-reflected ==> 侧向反射的
  23497. side-scattered waves ==> 侧面散射波
  23498. side-shake digger ==> 抖动侧送式挖掘机
  23499. side-shake mill ==> 横振筛架
  23500. side-shake screen ==> 横向振动筛
  23501. side-shake vanner ==> 侧捣淘矿机
  23502. side-shifter ==> 侧移叉
  23503. side-slip angle control ==> 車両横すべり角制御
  23504. side-spined ==> 侧旁有刺的
  23505. side-stable relay ==> 侧稳继电器,边稳定极化继电器
  23506. side-stream heat exchanger ==> 侧流换热器
  23507. side-stroke rake ==> 侧向搂草机
  23508. side-stroke reel ==> 侧向搂草机,侧向搂草轮
  23509. side-sway ==> 侧摆
  23510. side-sway eliminator ==> 减侧摆器
  23511. side-swipe ==> 擦边撞击
  23512. side-tip bucket ==> 侧装式铲斗
  23513. side-tip dumper ==> 侧向自卸车,倾向自卸车
  23514. side-tip truck ==> 侧卸式货车
  23515. side-tip wagon ==> 侧卸车
  23516. side-tipper ==> 侧边式倾车,侧转翻笼
  23517. side-tipping ==> 侧倾,侧卸
  23518. side-tipping bucket ==> 侧倾式铲斗
  23519. side-tipping dump car ==> 侧卸车
  23520. side-tipping truck ==> 侧卸式载重卡车
  23521. side-tipping wagon ==> 侧倾车,侧倾式翻斗车
  23522. side-to-side adjustment ==> 横向调节
  23523. side-to-side anastomosis ==> 侧侧吻合
  23524. side-to-side baffles ==> 单缺圆折流板
  23525. side-to-side crosstalk ==> 两路间串话
  23526. side-to-side floating ==> 横向自动定位
  23527. side-to-side ileo-ileostomy ==> 回肠回肠侧侧吻合术
  23528. side-to-side intestial anastomosis ==> 肠侧侧吻合术
  23529. side-to-side movement ==> 左右运动
  23530. side-to-side pendulum-type distributor ==> 横摆式撒布机
  23531. side-to-side setup ==> 横向排列
  23532. side-to-side vibrations ==> 左右振动
  23533. side-tracking skate ==> 侧向滑动装置
  23534. side-tunnel fiber ==> 边隧道光纤
  23535. side-type jockey ==> 侧面连接抓叉
  23536. side-valve head ==> 侧置气门气缸盖
  23537. side-wall air-cushion vehicle ==> 侧壁式汽垫船
  23538. side-wall drill ==> 侧壁钻机
  23539. side-wall filter ==> 侧壁过滤器
  23540. side-wall sampling ==> (石油)井壁取样,井壁取样
  23541. side-way ==> 支路
  23542. side-wheel press ==> 侧轮压力机
  23543. side-window ==> 侧窗
  23544. side-window counter ==> 带侧窗膜的计数器
  23545. sideband ==> 边带=>側波帯
  23546. sideband amplitude ==> 边带振幅
  23547. sideband analyzer ==> 边带分析仪
  23548. sideband clipping ==> 边带削波,边频带限制
  23549. sideband filter ==> 边带滤波器
  23550. sideband image ==> 边带像
  23551. sideband interference ==> 边带干扰
  23552. sideband inversion ==> 边带倒转
  23553. sideband modulated signal ==> 边带调制信号
  23554. sideband suppression ==> 边带抑制
  23555. sideboom cat ==> 侧臂吊管机
  23556. sideboom tractor ==> 侧臂吊管机
  23557. sideborrow operation ==> 路旁借土工作
  23558. sideborrow work ==> 路旁借土工作
  23559. sided bead ==> 轮胎缘
  23560. sideetching ==> 侧向腐蚀
  23561. sidehill cut ==> 半填挖
  23562. sidehill lug ==> 坡地抓地爪
  23563. sidekick ==> 親友
  23564. sidelight sash ==> 側面光サッシ
  23565. sideline product ==> 副业产品
  23566. sideline production resources ==> 副业资源
  23567. sidelines of science ==> 科学的边缘区域
  23568. sideling placed blade ==> 斜置叶片,又称“倾斜叶片”。出汽边沿周向相对径向线倾斜一定角度的静叶片
  23569. sideloading container ==> 侧装货柜
  23570. sidelobe level ==> 旁瓣电平
  23571. sidelobe subtraction ==> 减旁瓣法
  23572. sidemounted rod ==> 侧插棒
  23573. sidepiercing cam actuated die ==> 侧楔作用侧向冲孔模
  23574. siderating plague ==> 电击状鼠疫
  23575. sidereal astronomy ==> 恒星天文学
  23576. sidereal chronometer ==> 恒星时计
  23577. sidereal clock ==> 恒星时钟,恒星钟
  23578. sidereal day ==> 恒星日
  23579. sidereal hour angle ==> 恒星时角
  23580. sidereal minute ==> 恒星分
  23581. sidereal month ==> 恒星月
  23582. sidereal noon ==> 恒星时正午
  23583. sidereal period ==> 恒星周期
  23584. sidereal revolution ==> 恒星周
  23585. sidereal second ==> 恒星秒
  23586. sidereal table ==> 恒星表
  23587. sidereal time ==> 恒星时
  23588. sidereal universe ==> 恒星宇宙
  23589. Siderophacus corneolus ==> 坚硬铁角菌
  23590. siderophile element ==> 亲铁元素
  23591. sides out of parallel ==> 端面平行差
  23592. sides out of square ==> 端面不方正
  23593. sidestream stripper ==> 侧流汽提器
  23594. sideswipe reflection ==> 侧向岩面多次反射
  23595. sidetone ==> 侧音=>側音
  23596. sidetone attenuation ==> 側音減衰量
  23597. sidetone circuit ==> 側音回路
  23598. sidetone level ==> 侧音电平
  23599. sidetone ranging ==> 侧音测距
  23600. sidetrack drilling ==> 侧钻
  23601. sidetrip ==> 一日来回的便游
  23602. sidewall ==> 侧壁
  23603. sidewall angle ==> 侧壁腐蚀角
  23604. sidewall core ==> 井壁岩心,井壁岩心
  23605. sidewall flashing ==> 侧墙泛水
  23606. sidewall masking ==> 侧壁掩蔽
  23607. sidewall of crucible ==> 坩埚壁
  23608. sidewall of pass ==> 孔型侧壁
  23609. sidewall oxide ==> 侧壁氧化层
  23610. sidewall register ==> 侧墙出风口
  23611. sidewall sampler ==> 井壁取样器,井壁取样器
  23612. sideway ==> 脇道,横道
  23613. sideway extrusion ==> 横向挤压
  23614. sideway floating ==> 横向自动定位
  23615. sideway swivel ==> 侧旋转
  23616. sideways chopsticks ==> 横ばし
  23617. sideways diffusion ==> 横向扩散
  23618. sideways etch ==> 侧向腐蚀
  23619. sideways feed ==> 横向馈给=>横送り
  23620. sideways movement ==> 横ばい
  23621. sideways pressure ==> 横からの圧力
  23622. sideways sum ==> 数位叠加和
  23623. sideways the body ==> 横向倾斜度
  23624. sidewise buckling ==> 侧向翘曲
  23625. sidewise component ==> 侧向分力
  23626. sidewise restraint ==> 侧向约束
  23627. sidewise scattered ==> 侧向散射的
  23628. siding ==> 侧线,壁板,备用线,板壁,板墙,铁路支线,鱼鳞板,挡板,索道滑轨=>側線
  23629. siding for splitting train ==> 列车解体线
  23630. siding machine ==> 边缘修整机
  23631. siding wall ==> 板墙
  23632. SIDM, solar internal dynamics mission ==> ソーラ内部ダイナミックスミッション
  23633. Siebenmann's canals ==> 西本曼氏管
  23634. Sieber number ==> 西伯值,齐白值
  23635. Siebert furnace ==> 西伯特三相电弧炉
  23636. Siebold's operation ==> 西博德氏手术
  23637. Siebold's organ ==> 西氏器
  23638. siegbahn notation ==> 西格巴恩标志
  23639. siege block ==> 窑底大砖
  23640. siege mentality ==> 強迫観念
  23641. Siegfried's hypothesis ==> 西格弗里德氏假说
  23642. siemens ==> 西门子
  23643. Siemens ==> ジーメンス
  23644. Siemens alloy ==> 西门子锌基轴承合金
  23645. Siemens armature ==> 西门子电枢
  23646. Siemens electrodynamometer ==> 西门子式电功率计
  23647. Siemens furnace ==> 西门子炉
  23648. Siemens Halske system ==> ジーメンス・ハルスケ式
  23649. siemens laser ==> 闻子激光器
  23650. Siemens loudspeaker group ==> 西门子扬声器组
  23651. siemens martin furnace ==> 平炉
  23652. Siemens Martin process ==> 平炉炼钢法
  23653. siemens martin process ==> 平炉炼钢法
  23654. siemens martin steel ==> 平炉钢
  23655. Siemens Method ==> 西门子法
  23656. Siemens open hearth process ==> 平炉炼钢法
  23657. Siemens ozone tube ==> 西门子臭氧管
  23658. Siemens process ==> 西门子炼铁法
  23659. Siemens static voltmeter ==> 西门子静电伏特计
  23660. Siemens steel ==> 西门子平炉钢
  23661. Siemens unit ==> 西门子电阻单位
  23662. Siemens, W.von Siemens ==> 1816-1892,西门子,德国发明家
  23663. Siemens-Martin furnace ==> 马丁炉
  23664. Siemens-Martin plant ==> 平炉车间
  23665. Siemens-Martin steel ==> 平炉钢
  23666. Siemerling's nucleus ==> 西默林氏核
  23667. Sierra Leone ==> 塞拉利昂=>シエラレオネ
  23668. Sieurin process ==> 制海绵铁法
  23669. sieve ==> 筛,筛子
  23670. sieve analysis ==> 筛分析,筛析,过筛分析
  23671. sieve analysis of powery coal ==> 煤粉筛分试验
  23672. sieve aperture adjuster ==> 鱼鳞筛筛孔调节器
  23673. sieve area ==> 筛域
  23674. sieve bean ==> 金甲豆
  23675. sieve box area ==> 筛箱的工作面积
  23676. sieve brush ==> 筛刷
  23677. sieve cell ==> 筛胞,筛细胞
  23678. sieve cell number ==> 筛胞数
  23679. sieve classification ==> 筛分分级,筛析
  23680. sieve cleaner ==> 筛式清选机,清筛器
  23681. sieve cleaning mechanism ==> 清筛机构
  23682. sieve cloth ==> 筛网布
  23683. sieve compartment ==> 筛分室
  23684. sieve diameter ==> 筛孔直径
  23685. sieve diaphragm ==> 隔膜
  23686. sieve disk ==> 筛板
  23687. sieve drum drier ==> 筛网圆筒烘干机
  23688. sieve effect ==> 筛分效应
  23689. sieve element ==> 筛分子,筛管分子
  23690. sieve elements ==> 筛管成分
  23691. sieve field ==> 筛场
  23692. sieve fraction ==> 筛分粒度级
  23693. sieve loss(es) ==> 筛选损失
  23694. sieve membrane ==> 筛膜
  23695. sieve mesh ==> 筛孔,筛眼
  23696. sieve mesh number ==> 筛网目数
  23697. sieve method ==> 筛法,筛分法,筛选法,逐步淘汰法
  23698. sieve number ==> 筛号,网目
  23699. sieve of Eratosthenes ==> 爱拉托逊斯筛法
  23700. sieve of molecular ==> 分子筛
  23701. sieve opening ==> 筛眼
  23702. sieve oversize ==> 筛上产品
  23703. sieve pan ==> 筛架
  23704. sieve part ==> 筛部
  23705. sieve pitting ==> 筛状纹孔式
  23706. sieve plate ==> 筛板,栅板
  23707. sieve potato digger ==> 筛式马铃薯挖掘机
  23708. sieve problem ==> 筛问题
  23709. sieve ragging ==> 筛上产品
  23710. sieve ratio ==> 筛比,筛分比
  23711. sieve region ==> 筛域区
  23712. sieve residue ==> 筛下料,筛余,筛余渣
  23713. sieve scale ==> 筛制
  23714. sieve series ==> 筛序
  23715. sieve series standard ==> 筛号标准
  23716. sieve shaker ==> 摇筛机
  23717. sieve shoe ==> 筛架
  23718. sieve shovel ==> 筛铲
  23719. sieve size ==> 筛分粒度,筛眼孔径
  23720. sieve size range ==> 筛析粒度范围
  23721. sieve sizing ==> 筛分分级
  23722. sieve sorbent ==> 筛状吸附剂
  23723. sieve sorption pump ==> 分子筛吸附泵
  23724. sieve test ==> 过筛试验
  23725. sieve test(ing) ==> 筛分试验
  23726. sieve texture ==> 筛状结构,变嵌晶状
  23727. sieve tissue ==> 筛管组织
  23728. sieve tray ==> 筛板
  23729. sieve tray column ==> 筛盘塔
  23730. sieve tray tower ==> 筛盘塔
  23731. sieve tube ==> 筛管
  23732. sieve tube element ==> 筛管分子
  23733. sieve tube member ==> 筛管节
  23734. sieve tube segment ==> 筛管节
  23735. sieve vessel ==> 筛管
  23736. sieve-fraction ==> 粒度分级
  23737. sieve-plate column ==> 筛板柱
  23738. sieve-plate column (tower) ==> 筛板塔
  23739. sieve-portion ==> 筛部
  23740. sieved material ==> 过筛材料
  23741. sievert ==> 希沃特(Sv)
  23742. Sievert chamber ==> 西韦特电离室
  23743. Sievert unit ==> 西韦特单位
  23744. sieving ==> 筛分
  23745. sieving actoion ==> 筛分作用
  23746. sieving area ==> 筛分面积
  23747. sieving capacity ==> 筛分能力
  23748. sieving machine ==> 筛分机
  23749. sieving mechanism ==> 筛选装置
  23750. sieving specification ==> 筛分规范
  23751. sieving test ==> 筛分试验
  23752. SIF, selective identification feature system ==> 選択識別装置
  23753. SIF, software integration facility ==> ソフトウエアインテグレーション設備
  23754. siffener angle ==> 加劲角钢
  23755. sift-proof bin ==> 防漏式贮存罐
  23756. sifted material ==> 过筛材料
  23757. sifted sand ==> 过筛砂
  23758. sifting method ==> 筛法
  23759. sifting property ==> 筛选性质
  23760. sifting reel ==> 选粮筒
  23761. sifting screen ==> 细分筛,细筛
  23762. sifting sort ==> 筛选分类法
  23763. sifting tea ==> 茶片
  23764. SIG(SPAC, Senior Interagency Group for Space ==> 宇宙関係上級関係機関グループ
  23765. SIG, Senior Interagency Group ==> 上級関係機関グループ
  23766. sigfet ==> 硅绝缘栅场效应晶体管
  23767. sight ==> 瞄准,观察孔,视觉
  23768. sight (level) glass ==> 视镜
  23769. sight adjustment ==> 瞄准具装定
  23770. sight alidade ==> 照准仪,视准仪
  23771. sight amplifier ==> 瞄准放大器
  23772. sight axis ==> 瞄准具光轴
  23773. sight base distance ==> 瞄准基准距离
  23774. sight bill ==> 来取即付的汇票
  23775. sight blade ==> 准星片
  23776. sight bracket ==> 瞄准具卡座
  23777. sight cap ==> 观察孔盖
  23778. sight case ==> 瞄准具盒
  23779. sight check ==> 同位穿孔检索,卡片目视检查,同位穿孔校验法,目视检查,目视检验
  23780. sight control ==> 视觉监督,直视控制
  23781. sight device ==> 瞄准设备
  23782. sight extension ==> 瞄准具升降器
  23783. sight feed ==> 可视进料
  23784. sight feed body ==> 可视进料器体
  23785. sight feed glass base ==> 侧望镜座
  23786. sight feed lubricator ==> 明给润滑器
  23787. sight feed nozzle ==> 明进给嘴
  23788. sight feed oil cup ==> 滴油器
  23789. sight feed oiler ==> 明给加油器,外视注油器
  23790. sight feed siphon lubricator ==> 明给虹吸润滑器
  23791. sight fire control ==> 瞄准射击控制
  23792. sight flow indicator ==> 液流目视指示器
  23793. sight for sag ==> 垂度计,垂度仪
  23794. sight gauge ==> 观测计
  23795. sight glass ==> 观察窗,观察镜=>サイトグラス
  23796. sight glass for powder material ==> 粉状物料视镜
  23797. sight glass for vacuum equipment ==> 真空设备视镜
  23798. sight glass shield ==> 视镜护罩
  23799. sight glass with covering ==> 带罩视镜
  23800. sight glass with nozzle ==> 带颈视镜
  23801. sight glass with scraping device ==> 带刮板视镜
  23802. sight glass with washing device ==> 带冲洗装置视镜
  23803. sight glass without nozzle ==> 不带颈视镜
  23804. sight graduation ==> 瞄准具分划,瞄准具刻度
  23805. sight gravity feed oiler ==> 重力注油示油器
  23806. sight head ==> 瞄准用准星
  23807. sight headrest ==> 瞄准具炉额垫
  23808. sight hole ==> 瞄准孔,验火孔,检视孔
  23809. sight indication ==> 道標
  23810. sight indicator ==> 目测指示器,观测指示器
  23811. sight leaf ==> 表尺板
  23812. sight letter of credit ==> 即期信用状
  23813. sight level ==> 水准仪
  23814. sight level gauge ==> 观测水准仪
  23815. sight liabilities ==> 不定期债务
  23816. sight line ==> 照准线
  23817. sight locating ==> 观察定位法
  23818. sight mechanism ==> 瞄准镜装置
  23819. sight microscope ==> 瞄准显微镜
  23820. sight mount ==> 瞄准具支架
  23821. sight oil feed ==> 开式供油
  23822. sight oil ga(u)ge ==> 外视油表
  23823. sight oil gauge ==> 目测油表
  23824. sight oil glass ==> 外观油表
  23825. sight oil indicator ==> 目测油标,示油规,视油规
  23826. sight plug ==> 观测塞
  23827. sight radar range light ==> 瞄准具雷达距离指示灯
  23828. sight rail ==> 照准轨,龙门板
  23829. sight ramp ==> 表尺座
  23830. sight reach ==> 瞄准极限
  23831. sight reduction ==> 视野归算
  23832. sight reticle camera ==> 光环摄影机
  23833. sight reticule ==> 瞄准具十字线
  23834. sight rule ==> 觇尺
  23835. sight scale ==> 瞄准器刻度
  23836. sight sensitivity ==> 瞄准具灵敏度
  23837. sight stop ==> 检视孔
  23838. sight tester ==> 自觉检眼器
  23839. sight tracking line ==> 跟踪瞄准点
  23840. sight unit ==> 瞄准件
  23841. sight vane ==> 瞄准孔,透视孔,觇板
  23842. sight vane alidade ==> 测斜照准仪
  23843. sight window ==> 观察窗,观察孔
  23844. sight-feed indicator ==> 明给油滴指示器
  23845. sight-feed lubricator ==> 可视给油润滑器
  23846. sight-feed tube ==> 可视进料管
  23847. sight-reading chart ==> 模拟系统图,杆位指示牌
  23848. sight-reduction tables ==> 视野归算表
  23849. sight-sound synchronization ==> 图像和伴声同步
  23850. sightcing ==> 标杆
  23851. sightglass ==> 监视孔,观察孔,窥镜
  23852. sighthead ==> 瞄准具头部
  23853. sighting ==> 照准,观察
  23854. sighting angle ==> 瞄准角
  23855. sighting bar ==> 瞄准杆
  23856. sighting board ==> 测视板,觇板,觇标
  23857. sighting colors ==> 标志染料
  23858. sighting diagram for bombing ==> 瞄准图
  23859. sighting disc ==> 觇板
  23860. sighting harmonization ==> 瞄准具校靶
  23861. sighting instrument ==> 瞄准装置
  23862. sighting mark ==> 瞄准标志
  23863. sighting marker ==> 照准标,指示器
  23864. sighting offset ==> 瞄准提前量
  23865. sighting pendant ==> 瞄准锤
  23866. sighting piece ==> 目镜
  23867. sighting platform ==> 瞄准台
  23868. sighting point ==> 瞄准点
  23869. sighting potential ==> 目视位势
  23870. sighting range ==> 瞄准距离
  23871. sighting shot ==> 试射弹
  23872. sighting slit ==> 目缝,检视缝,观察孔,窥视缝
  23873. sighting station ==> 瞄准站
  23874. sighting string ==> 瞄准刻线
  23875. sighting system ==> 瞄准系统
  23876. sighting target ==> 照准标志,观测目标,觇标,测标
  23877. sighting telescope ==> 瞄准镜
  23878. sighting wire ==> 照准丝
  23879. sighting-tube ==> 望筒
  23880. sighting-tube ring ==> 四游仪
  23881. sightproof louver ==> 防视百叶
  23882. sightseeing bus ==> 游览大客车
  23883. SIGHTVISION ==> UNIX/C言語動的解析ツール
  23884. sigma ==> Σ,σ,シグマ
  23885. sigma factor ==> 西格玛因子
  23886. sigma memory ==> 求和存储器
  23887. sigma mixer ==> 弓形混合机
  23888. sigma pile ==> 西格马堆
  23889. sigma reaction ==> 西格马反应
  23890. sigma recording methanometer ==> 丁烷火焰瓦斯检定器
  23891. sigma storage ==> 求和存储器
  23892. sigma welding ==> 西格玛焊接
  23893. sigmalium alloy ==> 西格玛铝基合金
  23894. sigmoid arteries ==> 乙状结肠动脉
  23895. sigmoid augmentation cystoplasty ==> 乙状结肠扩大膀胱术
  23896. sigmoid colon ==> 乙状结肠
  23897. sigmoid conduit ==> 乙状结肠膀胱
  23898. sigmoid groove ==> 乙状窦沟
  23899. sigmoid mesocolon ==> 乙状结肠系膜
  23900. sigmoid sinus ==> 乙状窦
  23901. sigmoid veins ==> 乙状结肠静脉
  23902. sign ==> 符号,宫,签,签名,征,征兆,正负号,标,病征,体征=>標識
  23903. sign a contract ==> 签约
  23904. sign and currency symbol character ==> 符号和货币符
  23905. sign binary digit ==> 符号ビット
  23906. sign bit ==> 符号位
  23907. sign board ==> 路标
  23908. sign bracket ==> 标牌支架
  23909. sign change ==> 正负变换
  23910. sign changer ==> 符号变换器,符号交换器,正负变换器=>正負変換器
  23911. sign changing amplifier ==> 符号变换放大器
  23912. sign changing unit ==> 符号交换器
  23913. sign character ==> 符号文字
  23914. sign check ==> 符号检查,符号校验
  23915. sign check indicator ==> 符号检查器,符号检查指示器,符号检验位,符号校验指示器
  23916. sign code ==> 符号代码
  23917. sign comparator ==> 符号比较器
  23918. sign compare flip-flop ==> 符号比较触发器
  23919. sign condition ==> 符号条件,符号状态
  23920. sign control flip-flop ==> 符号控制触发器
  23921. sign control symbol ==> 符号控制符
  23922. sign convention ==> 符号规定
  23923. sign converter ==> 符号交换器
  23924. sign digit ==> 符号数字=>符号数字
  23925. sign extended field ==> 经符号扩展的字段,经符号扩展的字段
  23926. sign field ==> 符号段,符号区,符号字段
  23927. sign flag ==> 符号标记
  23928. sign flip-flop ==> 符号触发器
  23929. sign frame ==> 符号框架
  23930. SIGN function ==> 符号函数
  23931. sign illumination system ==> 标志照明系统
  23932. sign inverter ==> 符号反相器
  23933. sign lighting ==> 广告照明
  23934. sign lighting transformer ==> 氖灯用变压器
  23935. sign magnitude ==> 符号数值
  23936. sign magnitude arithmetic ==> 符号数值运算
  23937. sign magnitude code ==> 符号-数值码
  23938. sign magnitude representation ==> 符号数值表示法
  23939. sign mould ==> 符号模型
  23940. sign of ascites ==> 腹水征
  23941. sign of capillary pulsation ==> 毛细血管搏动征
  23942. sign of cirrhosis ==> 肝硬变征象
  23943. sign of disease ==> 病征
  23944. sign of equality ==> 等号
  23945. sign of erasure ==> 涂改痕迹
  23946. sign of evolution ==> 根号
  23947. sign of greater psoas muscle ==> 腰大肌征
  23948. sign of inequality ==> 不等号
  23949. sign of integration ==> 积分号
  23950. sign of lobulation ==> 分叶征
  23951. sign of manufacturer ==> 制造厂名代号
  23952. sign of operation ==> 运算记号
  23953. sign of pericardial effusion ==> 心包积液症
  23954. sign of proportion ==> 比例号
  23955. sign of ratio ==> 比号
  23956. sign of rubber stick ==> 卷简标记,卷简标记
  23957. sign of summation ==> 累加号
  23958. sign of the zodiac ==> 黄道十二宫
  23959. sign pattern ==> 符号类型,符号模式
  23960. sign pen ==> 信号笔
  23961. sign picture character ==> 符号图像字符
  23962. sign position ==> 符号位置
  23963. sign post ==> 标志杆
  23964. sign pro ==> 标记药名
  23965. sign propagation ==> 符号传播
  23966. sign pulse ==> 符号脉冲
  23967. sign register ==> 符号寄存器,信号寄存器
  23968. sign reversal ==> 变号
  23969. sign reverser ==> 符号变换器,反演器
  23970. sign squared pulse ==> サイン二乗パルス
  23971. sign statistic ==> 符号统计量
  23972. sign stimulus ==> 符号刺激
  23973. sign symbol ==> 正负符号
  23974. sign test ==> 符号测试,符号检定,符号检验
  23975. sign treaty ==> 条约签字
  23976. sign-alternating ==> 变符,正负号交变
  23977. sign-alternating focusing ==> 变符聚焦
  23978. sign-and-magnitude code ==> 符号幅度码
  23979. sign-and-magnitude notation ==> 符号数值表示法
  23980. sign-change test ==> 符号变更检验
  23981. sign-controlled circuit ==> 符号控制电路
  23982. sign-on ==> 开始指令
  23983. sign-on verification security ==> 开始证实安全性,符号开始安全校验
  23984. signa nomine proprio ==> 标记药名
  23985. signal ==> 信号=>合図,信号,意図,警告,符号,信号機,シグナル
  23986. signal ability ==> 信号监测能力
  23987. signal acquisition report ==> 信号侦获报告
  23988. signal acquisition unit ==> 信号捕捉装置
  23989. signal activity ==> 信号活动
  23990. signal adapter ==> 信号转换器
  23991. signal alarm ==> 喇叭
  23992. signal ambiguity ==> 信号不定性,信号多重性
  23993. signal amplification ==> 信号放大
  23994. signal amplifier ==> 信号放大器
  23995. signal amplitude ==> 信号幅度
  23996. signal analysing and measuring instruments ==> 信号分析与测量仪表
  23997. signal analysis ==> 信号分析=>信号解析
  23998. signal analyzer ==> 信号解析器
  23999. signal appendant ==> 信号附属機
  24000. signal approximation ==> 信号近似
  24001. signal area ==> 信号区域,机场信号区
  24002. signal array ==> 信号配列
  24003. signal aspect ==> 信号方式,信号形态,信号式样
  24004. signal attenuation ==> 信号衰减=>シグナル減衰
  24005. signal attribute ==> 信号属性
  24006. signal autocorrelation ==> 信号自相关
  24007. signal averager ==> 信号平均器
  24008. signal averaging ==> 信号平均法=>信号加算平均
  24009. signal axis ==> 通信幹線
  24010. signal azimuth display ==> 信号方位显示
  24011. signal balancing ==> 信号调零
  24012. signal ball ==> 信号球
  24013. signal balloon ==> 信号气球
  24014. signal bandwidth ==> 信号带宽
  24015. signal base ==> 信号机底座
  24016. signal battalion ==> 通信营
  24017. signal bell ==> 信号钟
  24018. signal bias ==> 信号偏压,信号偏移
  24019. signal block system ==> 信号闭塞装置
  24020. signal bomb ==> 信号炸弹
  24021. signal bond ==> 信号接合=>信号ボンド
  24022. signal book ==> 信号书
  24023. signal box ==> 信号箱=>信号扱所
  24024. signal bridge ==> 信号台
  24025. signal bronze ==> 铜锡合金
  24026. signal bumping ==> 信号冲撞
  24027. signal button ==> 信号按钮
  24028. signal cabin ==> 信号扱所
  24029. signal capture ==> 信号俘获,捕获信号
  24030. signal carrier ==> 载波
  24031. signal carrying line ==> 信号载线
  24032. signal center ==> 信号中心
  24033. signal chain ==> シグナルチェーン
  24034. signal change ==> シグナル変化
  24035. signal channel ==> 信道,信号通路
  24036. signal channel miscellaneous interference ==> 信号通路的各种干扰
  24037. signal channel probe ==> 信道探头
  24038. signal characteristic ==> 信号特性
  24039. signal check ==> 信号检查
  24040. signal chest ==> 信号箱
  24041. signal circuit ==> 信号传输电路,信号回路,信号继电器或操作机构到中央信号(声、光、牌等信号)盘的回路=>信号回路
  24042. signal circuit controller ==> 信号电路控制器
  24043. signal classifier ==> 信号分类机
  24044. signal clock ==> 信号钟
  24045. signal code ==> 信号代码,信号电码,信号符号,信号码
  24046. signal code capacity ==> 信号编码容量
  24047. signal coding ==> 信号编码
  24048. signal coding equipment ==> 信号编码装置
  24049. signal coloration ==> 标志色
  24050. signal colour ==> 信号颜色
  24051. signal combining equipment ==> 信号组合设备
  24052. signal command ==> 信号命令
  24053. signal communication ==> 信号通信
  24054. signal communications system ==> 信号通信系统
  24055. signal compensator ==> 信号补偿器
  24056. signal complex ==> 整全电视信号
  24057. signal compression ==> 信号压缩
  24058. signal compression algorithm ==> 信号圧縮アルゴリズム
  24059. signal computing ==> 信号計算
  24060. signal condition ==> 信号状态
  24061. signal conditioner ==> 信号调节器
  24062. signal conditioning ==> 信号波形修整,信号调节,信号加工
  24063. signal constraint ==> 信号限制
  24064. signal contrast ==> 信号对比度
  24065. signal control ==> 信号控制
  24066. signal control relay ==> 信号控制继电器
  24067. signal control unit ==> 信号調整器
  24068. signal conversion ==> 信号转换=>信号変換
  24069. signal conversion equipment ==> 信号转换装置,符号转换装置
  24070. signal converter ==> 信号转换器=>信号変換器,符号変換器
  24071. signal coordinates ==> 信号坐标
  24072. signal correction ==> 信号校正
  24073. signal coupling ==> 信号結合
  24074. signal coupling loop ==> 信号耦合环
  24075. signal cover ==> 信号覆盖范围
  24076. signal curbing ==> 信号抑制
  24077. signal current ==> 信号电流=>信号電流
  24078. signal cut ==> 信号切断
  24079. signal cycle ==> 信号周期
  24080. signal data converter ==> 信号数据转换器
  24081. signal data processor ==> 信号数据处理机
  24082. signal data recorder ==> 信号数据记录器
  24083. signal data recorder unit ==> 信号数据记录器
  24084. signal decay ==> 信号減衰
  24085. signal deck ==> 信号甲板
  24086. signal decoding ==> 信号復号
  24087. signal delay ==> 信号延滞
  24088. signal delay time ==> 信号迟延时间,信号滞留时间
  24089. signal demodulator ==> 信号解调
  24090. signal design ==> 信号设计
  24091. signal detection ==> 信号检测=>信号検出
  24092. signal detection probability ==> 信号探测概率
  24093. signal detection theory ==> 信号察觉理论
  24094. signal detection threshold ==> 信号检测阀
  24095. signal detector ==> 信号检测器
  24096. signal device ==> 信号装置
  24097. signal diode ==> 信号二极管
  24098. signal discrimination ==> 信号鉴别
  24099. signal distance ==> 代码间距
  24100. signal distortion ==> 信号畸变,信号失真
  24101. signal distortion generator ==> 信号失真发生器
  24102. signal distortion rate ==> 信号失真率
  24103. signal distribution equipment ==> 信号分配装置
  24104. signal distribution panel ==> 信号分配盘
  24105. signal distribution unit ==> 信号分配装置
  24106. signal distributor ==> 信号分配器
  24107. signal division ==> 信号分配
  24108. signal drop ==> 信号吊牌
  24109. signal dropout compensator ==> 信号失落补偿器
  24110. signal duration ==> 信号持续时间=>信号継続時間
  24111. signal earth ==> 信号通地,信号用接地
  24112. signal effect ==> 信号效果
  24113. signal electrode ==> 信号电极
  24114. signal electron ==> 信号電子
  24115. signal element ==> 信号单元,信号码元=>信号エレメント
  24116. signal encrypt system ==> 信号加密系统
  24117. signal energy ==> 信号能量
  24118. signal enhancement ==> 信号增强
  24119. signal estimation ==> 信号推定
  24120. signal excursion ==> 信号偏移
  24121. signal extraction ==> 信号提取
  24122. signal face ==> 信号表示面
  24123. signal fadeout ==> 信号衰落
  24124. signal fading ==> 信号衰落
  24125. signal field ==> 信号场
  24126. signal field period ==> 信号场周期
  24127. signal field strength ==> 信号场强度
  24128. signal filtering ==> 信号滤波
  24129. signal flag ==> 信号旗
  24130. signal flasher ==> 信号闪光灯
  24131. signal flow diagram ==> 信号良=>信号伝達線図,シグナルフロー図
  24132. signal flow graph ==> 信号流程图
  24133. signal fluctuation ==> 信号起伏
  24134. signal frequency ==> 信号频率
  24135. signal frequency amplifier ==> 信号频率放大器
  24136. signal frequency range ==> 信号频率范围
  24137. signal frequency shift ==> 信号频率偏移
  24138. signal frequency side band ==> 信号边频带
  24139. signal gain ==> 信号增益=>信号利得
  24140. signal generated noise ==> 信号引起的噪声
  24141. signal generating source ==> 信号发生源
  24142. signal generating station ==> 信号产生站
  24143. signal generator ==> 信号发生器,交流信号发电机=>信号発生器
  24144. signal glass ==> 信号玻璃
  24145. signal grid ==> 信号栅极,控制栅极
  24146. signal ground ==> 信号用接地
  24147. signal group ==> 信号群
  24148. signal gun ==> 信号炮
  24149. signal halyard ==> 信号绳
  24150. signal hammer ==> 信号铃
  24151. signal handling equipment ==> 信号处理系统
  24152. signal head assembly ==> 信号机头部装置
  24153. signal hypothesis ==> 信号说
  24154. signal identification ==> 信号识别
  24155. signal imitation ==> 信号模拟
  24156. signal impulse ==> 信号脉冲
  24157. signal indication ==> 信号現示
  24158. signal indicator ==> 信号指示器
  24159. signal initiator ==> 信号引发器
  24160. signal injection ==> 信号注入
  24161. signal injector ==> 信号注入器
  24162. signal input ==> 信号输入
  24163. signal input interrupt ==> 信号输入中断
  24164. signal intelligence report ==> 通信情报报告
  24165. signal intensity ==> 信号强度
  24166. signal interface unit ==> 信号接口装置
  24167. signal interpretation ==> 信号译码
  24168. signal inversion ==> 信号极性变换
  24169. signal inverter ==> 信号变换器,信号极性变换器,信号逆变器
  24170. signal kit ==> 信号旗组
  24171. signal lag ==> 信号滞后
  24172. signal lamp ==> 信号灯
  24173. signal layer ==> 信号層
  24174. signal leading edge ==> 信号前沿
  24175. signal learning ==> 信号学習
  24176. signal length ==> 信号长度
  24177. signal letters ==> 信号字
  24178. signal level ==> 信号电平=>信号レベル
  24179. signal level detecter ==> 信号电平检测器
  24180. signal level distribution ==> 信号电平分布
  24181. signal level fluctuation ==> 信号电平波动
  24182. signal level meter ==> 信号电平表
  24183. signal level test film ==> 信号电平试验片
  24184. signal lever ==> 信号杆=>信号てこ
  24185. signal light ==> 信号灯火
  24186. signal limiter ==> 信号限值器
  24187. signal magnitude ==> 信号幅度
  24188. signal make-up ==> 信号组成
  24189. signal mast ==> 信号柱
  24190. signal measurement ==> 信号測定
  24191. signal measuring apparatus ==> 信号测量器
  24192. signal mechanism ==> 信号機構
  24193. signal message ==> 信号消息=>信号メッセージ
  24194. signal meter ==> 信号指示器
  24195. signal mine ==> 照明雷
  24196. signal mixer ==> 信号混合器
  24197. signal mixer unit ==> 信号混合装置
  24198. signal mixing ==> 信号混合
  24199. signal mixture amplification ==> 信号混合放大
  24200. signal mode ==> 信号モード
  24201. signal modification ==> 信号変形
  24202. signal modulation ==> 信号调制
  24203. signal modulation components ==> 信号调制成分
  24204. signal modulator ==> 信号调制器
  24205. signal molecule ==> シグナル分子
  24206. signal monitor ==> 信号监视器
  24207. signal monitoring ==> 信号波形监视,信号监视
  24208. signal multiplexing unit ==> 信号多路传输装置
  24209. signal multiplication ==> 信号放大
  24210. signal multiplier ==> 信号倍增器
  24211. signal neon lamp ==> 信号霓虹灯
  24212. signal node ==> 信号结,魏尔啸氏结,魏尔啸氏腺
  24213. signal noise ==> 信号噪声
  24214. signal normalization ==> 信号规范化
  24215. signal of communication ==> 通信信号
  24216. signal of distress ==> 遇险信号
  24217. signal of distress (SOS) ==> 海上遇险信号
  24218. signal of giving way ==> 让路信号
  24219. signal office ==> 通信处
  24220. signal officer ==> 通信官
  24221. signal officer-in-chief ==> 通讯兵司令
  24222. signal oil ==> 信号油
  24223. signal operation ==> 信号操作
  24224. signal operation battalion ==> 通信作业营
  24225. signal operation instruction ==> 通信作业须知
  24226. signal operation platoon ==> 通信作业排
  24227. signal operations center ==> 通信作业中心
  24228. signal oscillator ==> 信号振荡器
  24229. signal output ==> 信号输出
  24230. signal output current ==> 信号输出电流
  24231. signal output uniformity ==> 信号输出均匀性
  24232. signal output waveform ==> 输出信号波形
  24233. signal overflow ==> 信号溢出
  24234. signal panel ==> 信号盘
  24235. signal parameter ==> 信号参量
  24236. signal passage ==> 信号通路
  24237. signal path ==> 信号通道
  24238. signal pedal ==> 信号踏板
  24239. signal pennant ==> 信号旗
  24240. signal peptidase ==> 信号肽酶
  24241. signal period ==> 信号周期
  24242. signal phase fluctuation ==> 信号相位起伏
  24243. signal phase shift ==> 信号相移
  24244. signal phasor ==> 信号矢量
  24245. signal pipe ==> 信号管
  24246. signal pipe line ==> 信号管道装置=>鉄管装置(鉄道信号)
  24247. signal pistol ==> 信号枪
  24248. signal pistol cartridge ==> 信号枪弹
  24249. signal plate ==> 摄像管输出板
  24250. signal polarity ==> 信号极性
  24251. signal polarity switch ==> 信号极性转换开关
  24252. signal post ==> 信号柱
  24253. signal power ==> 信号功率
  24254. signal power source ==> 信号电源
  24255. signal preamplifier ==> 前置信号放大器
  24256. signal probability ==> 信号概率
  24257. signal procedure ==> 通信程序
  24258. signal process ==> 信号处理
  24259. signal processing ==> 信号处理
  24260. signal processing antenna ==> 信号处理天线
  24261. signal processing architecture ==> 信号処理アーキテクチャ
  24262. signal processing circuit ==> 信号处理电路=>信号処理回路
  24263. signal processing system ==> 信号处理系统=>信号処理システム
  24264. signal processing theory ==> 信号処理理論
  24265. signal processing unit ==> 信号处理单元
  24266. signal processor ==> 信号处理机
  24267. signal produced ==> 信号发生
  24268. signal projector ==> 信号放映机
  24269. signal propagation velocity ==> 信号传播速度
  24270. signal pulse interval ==> 信号脉冲间隙
  24271. signal quality detection ==> 信号质量检测,检测接收信号质量的恶化程度,目的是用于以控制差错
  24272. signal quality detector ==> 信号质量检测
  24273. signal quantization ==> 信号量子化
  24274. signal race ==> 信号追赶
  24275. signal ratio ==> 信号比
  24276. signal reading ==> 信号读出
  24277. signal receiving circuit ==> 信号接收电路
  24278. signal recognition ==> 信号识别
  24279. signal reconnaissance ==> 信号侦察
  24280. signal reconstruction ==> 信号恢复
  24281. signal recorder ==> 信号记录器
  24282. signal rectifier ==> 信号整流器
  24283. signal redundancy ==> 信号冗余度
  24284. signal reflector ==> 信号反射镜
  24285. signal reflex ==> 信号反射
  24286. signal regeneration ==> 信号再生=>信号再生
  24287. signal register power source ==> 信号寄存器电源
  24288. signal regulations ==> 信号发射规则
  24289. signal relay ==> 信号继电器,为某些装置或器件所处的状态给出明显信号(声、光、牌等)的一种继电器
  24290. signal relay point ==> 信号中站
  24291. signal repeater ==> 信号复示器,信号中继器=>信号反応器
  24292. signal replacement training center ==> 通信兵补充人员训练中心
  24293. signal reporting codes ==> 信号质量代字
  24294. signal representation ==> 信号表示法
  24295. signal reproducer ==> 信号再生装置
  24296. signal reproduction ==> 信号再生
  24297. signal reshaping ==> 信号再生,信号整形=>信号再生
  24298. signal resistance ==> 信号源电阻
  24299. signal resolution ==> 信号分解能
  24300. signal restoring ==> 信号复原
  24301. signal reverberation ==> 信号混响
  24302. signal rocket ==> 信号火箭
  24303. signal rocket projector ==> 焰火信号发射器
  24304. signal rotor ==> 信号转子
  24305. signal roundel ==> 信号ガラス
  24306. signal roundtrip time delay ==> 信号往返时间滞后
  24307. signal routing ==> 信号通路
  24308. signal scanner ==> 信号扫描器
  24309. signal search light ==> 信号探照灯
  24310. signal selector ==> 信号选择器
  24311. signal selector relay ==> 信号选择继电器
  24312. signal selector unit ==> 信号选择器
  24313. signal sensitivity ==> 信号灵敏度
  24314. signal separation ==> 信号分离
  24315. signal separator ==> 信号分离器
  24316. signal shaping ==> 信号整形
  24317. signal shifter ==> 信号转换器
  24318. signal shutdown switch ==> 信号停止开关
  24319. signal source ==> 信号源
  24320. signal spacing ==> 信号区间
  24321. signal speed ==> 信号速度
  24322. signal splitter ==> 信号分配器
  24323. signal spreading ==> 信号扩展
  24324. signal stabilization amplifier ==> 信号稳定放大器
  24325. signal staff ==> 信号杆
  24326. signal standardization ==> 信号标准化
  24327. signal star ==> 信号火箭
  24328. signal statement ==> 信号语句,符号语句
  24329. signal static ratio ==> 信号强度与天电强度之比
  24330. signal station ==> 信号站=>信号場
  24331. signal stay ==> 信号索
  24332. signal stimulus ==> 信号刺激
  24333. signal storage ==> 信号存储器
  24334. signal strength ==> 信号強度
  24335. signal strength adjustment ==> 信号强度调整
  24336. signal strength scale ==> 信号强度等级
  24337. signal strip ==> 信号布条
  24338. signal structure ==> 信号结构
  24339. signal subspace ==> 信号部分空間
  24340. signal subspace method ==> 部分空間法
  24341. signal supervisory control ==> 信号管理控制(器)
  24342. signal support ==> 信号机头支持装置
  24343. signal symptom ==> 先兆症状
  24344. signal synchronizing system ==> 信号同步系统
  24345. signal system ==> 信号制,振铃制
  24346. signal system telegraph ==> 信号制电报
  24347. signal systems control center ==> 通信系统控制中心
  24348. signal sytem ==> 信号系统
  24349. signal tail ==> 信号尾部
  24350. signal tank ==> 通信联络坦克
  24351. signal terminal area radar ==> 信号终端区域雷达
  24352. signal tester ==> 信号试验器
  24353. signal theory ==> 信号论=>信号理論
  24354. signal threshold ==> 信号可辨度界限,信号可辨阀,信号阈
  24355. signal timing dial ==> 信号配时
  24356. signal to interference noise ratio ==> SI比
  24357. signal to jamming ratio ==> 信噪比
  24358. signal to mask ratio ==> 信噪比
  24359. signal to noise and distortion ratio ==> 信号对噪声和失真比
  24360. signal to noise ratio ==> 信号噪声比,随机杂波信杂比
  24361. signal tower ==> 信号楼,信号塔
  24362. signal tracer ==> 信号故障检寻器,信号式线路故障寻找器,信号示踪器
  24363. signal tracing ==> 信号追踪
  24364. signal train ==> 信号序列
  24365. signal transducer ==> 信号变换器
  24366. signal transduction ==> シグナル伝達
  24367. signal transfer characteristic ==> 信号传递特性
  24368. signal transfer function ==> 信号传递函数
  24369. signal transfering lag ==> 信号传送滞后
  24370. signal transferring lag ==> 信号传送延迟
  24371. signal transformation ==> 信号変換
  24372. signal transformer ==> 信号变压器
  24373. signal transit time ==> 信号渡越时间
  24374. signal transition ==> 信号跃迁
  24375. signal translation ==> 信号变换
  24376. signal transmission ==> 信号传输,信号传送
  24377. signal transmission form ==> 信号传输方式
  24378. signal transmission speed ==> 信号发送速率
  24379. signal transmitter ==> 信号发送器
  24380. signal truck ==> 通信载重汽车
  24381. signal value ==> 信号值
  24382. signal velocity ==> 信号传播速度
  24383. signal voltage ==> 信号电压
  24384. signal voltage generator ==> 信号电压发生器
  24385. signal wave ==> 信号波
  24386. signal waveform ==> 信号波形
  24387. signal waveform elements ==> 信号波形成分
  24388. signal winding ==> 控制绕组,信号绕组=>制御巻線
  24389. signal wire ==> 信号线
  24390. signal(-) carrier frequency ==> 信号载波频率
  24391. signal(-)carrier FM recording ==> 信号载波调频记录法
  24392. signal(l)ing ==> 信号传输
  24393. signal(l)ing channel ==> 信号通路
  24394. signal(l)ing condition ==> 信号状况
  24395. signal(l)ing frequency ==> 振铃信号频率
  24396. signal(l)ing rate ==> 信号发送速度
  24397. signal(l)ing speed ==> 通信速度
  24398. signal(l)ing test ==> 信号传送测试
  24399. signal(l)ing-equipment test ==> 振铃器测试
  24400. signal(l)ing-nework-management signal ==> 信号网络管理信号
  24401. signal-code table ==> 信号代码表
  24402. signal-comparison method ==> 信号比较法
  24403. signal-conditioning unit ==> 信号调整器
  24404. signal-conversion equipment ==> 信号变换设备
  24405. signal-converter storage tube ==> 信号变换存储器
  24406. signal-crosstalk ratio ==> 信串比
  24407. signal-curbing ==> 信号遏制
  24408. signal-flow chart ==> 信号流图
  24409. signal-generating means ==> 信号发生法
  24410. signal-generator loop ==> 信号发生器环形天线
  24411. signal-noise ratio ==> 信噪比=>信号対雑音比
  24412. signal-nosie ratio ==> 噪声比
  24413. signal-pulse repetition frequency ==> 信号脉冲重复频率
  24414. signal-receiving electrode ==> 信号接收电极,信号输入电极
  24415. signal-recording telegraphy ==> 信号记录电报术
  24416. signal-seeking receiver ==> 信号搜索接收机
  24417. signal-separation filter ==> 信号分离带通滤波器
  24418. signal-shaping network ==> 信号波形校正网络,信号成形网络
  24419. signal-shield ground ==> 信号屏蔽接地技术
  24420. signal-strength meter ==> 信号强度计
  24421. signal-testing apparatus ==> 信号测试设备
  24422. signal-to-crosstalk ratio ==> 信号串音比
  24423. signal-to-deviation ratio ==> 信号偏差比
  24424. signal-to-noise characteristic ==> 信噪特征
  24425. signal-to-noise for playback ==> 放音信噪比
  24426. signal-to-noise improvement factor ==> 噪声改善系数
  24427. signal-to-noise performance ==> 信噪比
  24428. signal-to-noise ratio ==> 信号干扰比
  24429. signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ==> 信噪比
  24430. Signal-to-noise ratio for record-Playback ==> 录放声信噪比
  24431. signal-to-noise ratio for record-playback channel ==> 录还信噪比
  24432. signal-to-quantizing noise ratios ==> 信号与量比噪声比
  24433. signal-tracing instrument ==> 信号跟踪仪器
  24434. signal-tuned amplifier ==> 信号调谐放大器
  24435. signal-wave envelope ==> 信号波包络
  24436. signalflow graph ==> 信号流图
  24437. signaling bit ==> 信号ビット(Sビット)
  24438. signaling distance ==> 信号通信距离
  24439. signaling flag ==> 信号旗
  24440. signaling lamp ==> 信号灯
  24441. signaling network ==> 信号路網
  24442. signaling panel ==> 信号布板
  24443. signaling rate ==> 信号发送速率
  24444. signaling system ==> 信号方式
  24445. signalization ==> 信号作用
  24446. signalling ==> 发信号
  24447. signalling attention ==> 发引起注意信号
  24448. signalling capacitors ==> 发信电容器
  24449. signalling channel ==> 信号通路
  24450. signalling contact ==> 信号触点
  24451. signalling engineering ==> 信号工程,信号工程学
  24452. signalling equipment ==> 信号设备
  24453. signalling frequency ==> 铃流频率
  24454. signalling key of pull type ==> 拉引式信号开关
  24455. signalling key of push type ==> 按压式信号开关
  24456. signalling procedure ==> 信号发送程序
  24457. signalling speed ==> 信号发送速度
  24458. signalling strategy ==> 发信号策略
  24459. signalling system ==> 传信系统
  24460. signalling test ==> 发信试验
  24461. signatron ==> 数字式液晶显示管
  24462. signature ==> 符号,标记图,目标显示特征,签字,船磁特性
  24463. signature analysis ==> 信号特征分析
  24464. signature letter ==> 帖码
  24465. signature line ==> 帖码线
  24466. signature loan ==> 无担保贷款
  24467. signature log ==> 特性测井
  24468. signature mark ==> 帖码
  24469. signature payment ==> 签字费
  24470. signature symbol ==> 帖码
  24471. SignBoard ==> 电子看板
  24472. signcontrol flip-flop ==> 符号触发器
  24473. SIGNE, Solar Interplanetary Gamma Neutrons Experiment ==> 太陽惑星間ガンマ線中性子実験
  24474. signed ==> 签署
  24475. signed and sealed (SS) ==> 签名盖章
  24476. signed and sealed contract ==> 签字蜡封合同
  24477. signed binary ==> 有符号二进制数
  24478. signed binary arithmetic ==> 带符号二进制运算
  24479. signed constant ==> 带符号常数,有符号常数
  24480. signed digraph ==> 符号有向图
  24481. signed field ==> 带符号信息组,带符号字段,带有符号的信息组
  24482. signed graph ==> 带符号图
  24483. signed invoice ==> 签署发票
  24484. signed magnitude arithmetic ==> 符号量值运算
  24485. signed magnitude arithmetic(al) ==> 绝对值运算,加减法运算
  24486. signed magnitude arithmetic-(al) ==> 绝对值运算
  24487. signed magnitude computer ==> 绝对值计算机,绝对值计算机
  24488. signed measure ==> 符号测度
  24489. signed multiplicand ==> 带符号的被乘数
  24490. signed packed decimal ==> 带符号压缩十进制
  24491. signed rank ==> 符号秩
  24492. signed-magnitude arithmetic ==> 符号化数值运算
  24493. signet ==> 印
  24494. signet ring ==> 环状体
  24495. signet-ring cell ==> 印指环状细胞
  24496. signet-ring Tokamak ==> 戒指环托卡马克装置
  24497. signetring cell carcinoma of colon ==> 结肠印戒细胞癌
  24498. significance ==> 显著性,权,意义,重要性
  24499. significance exception ==> 有效位异常
  24500. significance level ==> 显著水平
  24501. significance limit ==> 显著性界限
  24502. significance of correlation coefficient ==> 相关系数显著性
  24503. significance of difference ==> 差异显著性
  24504. significance probability ==> 显著性概率
  24505. significance ratio ==> 显著性比率
  24506. significance test ==> 显著性测定
  24507. significant ==> 重要=>重要な,意義深い
  24508. significant abnormality ==> 重大な異常
  24509. significant acceleration ==> 大幅な加速
  24510. significant accident ==> 重大災害
  24511. significant amount ==> 巨数
  24512. significant area ==> 有效面积
  24513. significant bit ==> 有效比特
  24514. significant character ==> 有义字符
  24515. significant condition ==> 有意状態
  24516. significant correlation ==> 显著相关
  24517. significant degree ==> 有效程度
  24518. significant depth ==> 有效深度
  24519. significant difference ==> 显著差别,显著差异,显著性差异
  24520. significant digit ==> 有効数字
  24521. significant digit arithmetic ==> 有效数位运算,有效位运算=>有効けた演算
  24522. significant digit code ==> 有效数字码
  24523. significant error ==> 有效位误差
  24524. significant figure ==> 有効数字
  24525. significant graduation ==> 有效分度
  24526. significant instant ==> 有意瞬間
  24527. significant interval ==> 有效间隔
  24528. significant level ==> 显著性水平
  24529. significant link ==> 有效类目
  24530. significant notation ==> 有效标记
  24531. significant point ==> 有效点,显著点
  24532. significant surface ==> 有效面
  24533. significant test ==> 显著性测验
  24534. significant toxic effect ==> 显著毒害效应
  24535. significant volume ==> 有效体积
  24536. significant wave ==> 有效波,有意波
  24537. signify ==> 符号化,表示
  24538. signing authority ==> 签字权
  24539. signing ceremony ==> 签字仪式
  24540. signomial ==> 符号式
  24541. signomial geometric programming ==> 符号几何规划
  24542. signper pro ==> 以代理人资格签署
  24543. signpost ==> 路标
  24544. signs and symptoms ==> 征象
  24545. signs of failure ==> 断裂标志
  24546. signs of internal hemorrhage ==> 内出血征象
  24547. signs of pneumoperitoneum ==> 气腹征
  24548. signs of wear ==> 磨损标志
  24549. signs of zodiac ==> 黄道十二宫
  24550. signum ==> 正负号函数=>シグナム
  24551. signum burae ==> (鳞翅目昆虫)交配囊片
  24552. SIGTTO, Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators ==> 国际气体容器和终极管理人协会
  24553. SIGTTO, Society of International Gas Tankers and Terminal Operators ==> 国际气体运输船和码头经营者协会
  24554. Sigur brick ==> 硅藻土质隔热砖
  24555. SII, Space Industries Inc. ==> スペースインダストリーズINC.
  24556. sika deer (cervus nippon) ==> 梅花鹿
  24557. sika deer pilose antler essence ==> 梅花鹿茸精
  24558. Sikes hydrometer ==> 赛克斯比重计,席克斯比重计
  24559. Sikkim barberry ==> 锡金小檗
  24560. SIL ==> 操作冲击?
  24561. sil lead frame ==> 单列直插式引线框
  24562. SIL, speech interface level ==> スピーチインタフェースレベル
  24563. SIL, Surge Impedance Loading ==> 固定送電容量
  24564. sil-kcovered-cord ==> 丝包电线
  24565. silage after math ==> 再生草
  24566. silage blower ==> 青贮料吹送装填机,青贮料抛送机
  24567. silage chopper ==> 青贮料切碎机
  24568. silage combine ==> 青贮料联合收获机
  24569. silage conveyer belt ==> 青贮料输送带
  24570. silage corn ==> 青贮玉米
  24571. silage crop ==> 青饲作物,青贮作物
  24572. silage crops ==> 青贮饲料
  24573. silage cutter ==> 切草机,青贮料切割机
  24574. silage cutter-blower ==> 青贮料切碎吹送机
  24575. silage fermentation ==> 青饲料,青饲料发酵
  24576. silage harvester ==> 青贮联合收割机
  24577. silage knife ==> 青贮料切碎刀
  24578. silage ladder ==> 运青贮料车厢用附加栏栅
  24579. silage loader ==> 青贮料装载机
  24580. silage making ==> 青贮饲料制作
  24581. silage motor chain saw ==> 切青贮料用的链锯
  24582. silage pit ==> 青贮窖
  24583. silage roller ==> 青贮料压实机
  24584. silage silo ==> 青贮窖
  24585. silage spade ==> 青贮料切断铲
  24586. silage tower ==> 青贮塔
  24587. silage trailer ==> 运青贮料的挂车
  24588. silage unloader ==> 青贮料卸载机
  24589. silane ==> 硅烷,甲硅烷
  24590. silane cross-linked polyethylene ==> シラン架橋ポリエチレン
  24591. silane cvd ==> 硅烷化学汽相淀积
  24592. silane discharge ==> 硅烷放电
  24593. silane pyrolysis ==> 硅烷热解
  24594. silanizing agent ==> 硅烷化剂
  24595. silborne ==> 土传的
  24596. Silcaz alloy ==> 硅钙钛锌硼合金
  24597. silco-manganese steel ==> 硅锰钢
  24598. sildenafil ==> 西地那非=>シルデナフィル
  24599. Silel cast iron ==> 硅铸铁
  24600. silence ==> 抑制=>沈黙,無言
  24601. silence period ==> (报务用语)静默时间,静默时间
  24602. silence room ==> 静室,静室
  24603. silence signal ==> 停机信号
  24604. Silence tenuis ==> 九头草,九头草
  24605. silenced air compressor ==> 低噪音空气压缩机
  24606. silenced camera ==> 低噪声摄影机
  24607. silenced pneumatic breaker ==> 低噪音气动破碎机
  24608. silenced pneumatic drill ==> 低噪音气动钻机
  24609. silencer ==> 静声器,静声器,静噪器,静噪器,消声器=>消音器,サイレンサ
  24610. silencer chamber ==> 消声器腔
  24611. silencer mounting ==> 消音器
  24612. silencer support ==> 消声器支架
  24613. silencer-boiler ==> 消音废气锅炉,废气锅炉消音器
  24614. silencer-filter ==> 消声滤气器
  24615. silencer-filter type air intake ==> 消声滤气器型空气进口
  24616. silencing ==> 消声
  24617. silencing complex ==> サイレンシング複合体
  24618. silencing equipment ==> 消音设备
  24619. silencing of noise ==> 消声,静噪,静噪
  24620. silencing pot ==> 消声筒
  24621. silencing unit ==> 消声装置
  24622. silent arc ==> 无声电弧,静弧=>無音アーク
  24623. silent block ==> 橡胶金属铰节
  24624. silent chain ==> 静噪电路,静噪电路,无声链,无噪声电路
  24625. silent chain conveyer ==> 无声链式运输器
  24626. silent chain drive ==> 无声链传动
  24627. silent chain sprocket hob ==> 无声链轮滚刀
  24628. silent circuit ==> 无噪电路,静噪电路,静噪电路
  24629. silent cutter ==> 无噪音绞肉机
  24630. silent discharge ==> 无声放电=>無音放電,無声放電
  24631. silent electrode ==> 无关电极
  24632. silent engine ==> 静かなエンジン
  24633. silent fan ==> 无声风扇
  24634. silent film ==> 无声电影
  24635. silent film loop ==> 无声循环式幻灯片
  24636. silent gear ==> 无声齿轮
  24637. silent gear change ==> 无声变速
  24638. silent gene ==> 静止基因,静止基因
  24639. silent infection ==> 隐性感染
  24640. silent mesh ==> 无声啮合
  24641. silent mesh gearbox ==> 无声换挡变速器
  24642. silent mesh gearset ==> 无声啮合轮组
  24643. silent motor ==> 无噪声电动机
  24644. silent operation ==> 无声运转
  24645. silent partner ==> 秘密合伙人,匿名股东
  24646. silent partners ==> 外股
  24647. silent pause ==> 静止时间
  24648. silent pawl ==> 无声掣子
  24649. silent period ==> 静止期,静止时间,安静期
  24650. silent point ==> 静点,静点,无感点,零拍点
  24651. silent ratchet wheel ==> 无声棘轮
  24652. silent riveter ==> 无声铆接机
  24653. silent satellite ==> 无信号卫星
  24654. silent seal ==> 静密封,静密封
  24655. silent speed ==> 无声工作速度
  24656. silent stock support ==> 无声料托
  24657. silent stock tube ==> 塑料管
  24658. silent switch ==> 静噪开关,静噪开关,去噪开关
  24659. silent technicolor loop ==> 无声彩色循环幻灯片
  24660. silent third and fourth gearset ==> 无声三速和四速传动齿轮组
  24661. silent third gearbox ==> 无声三速传动齿轮箱,减声三速变速箱
  24662. silent third speed ==> 无声的三档速度
  24663. silent tire ==> 无声轮胎
  24664. silent trade ==> 哑巴交换
  24665. silent tuning ==> 无噪调谐
  24666. silent weapon ==> 无声武器
  24667. silent zone ==> 石英灯
  24668. silent zone of lung ==> 肺沉默区
  24669. silent-block mounting ==> 无声铰链架置
  24670. silent-flame gas burner ==> 无声煤气灯
  24671. silent-mesh gearbox ==> 无声换档变速器
  24672. silent-mesh transmission ==> 无声啮合变速器
  24673. silent-sound ==> 超音频的
  24674. silesia explosive ==> 氯酸钾
  24675. silex glass ==> 石英玻璃
  24676. Silex process ==> 西莱克斯过程
  24677. Silex's sign ==> 西莱克斯氏征
  24678. SILEX, Semiconducter Laser Intersatellite Link Experiment ==> 衛星間半導体レーザ通信実験(ESA)
  24679. SILEX, Semiconductor Laser Intersatellite Link Experiment ==> 衛星間半導体レーザ通信実験(ESA)
  24680. Silflex process ==> 西尔弗莱克斯镀锌法
  24681. silhouette ==> 轮廓,侧影=>シルエット
  24682. silhouette effect ==> 侧影效果,嘻豪特效应
  24683. silhouette photography ==> 剪影照片
  24684. silhouette picture ==> 剪影,廓影
  24685. silhouette target ==> 影像目标
  24686. silica ==> 氧化硅,硅石,硅土,硅质,二氧化硅,(二氧化硅)硅氧=>シリカ
  24687. silica adjuvants ==> 硅佐剂
  24688. silica aerogel ==> 硅土气凝胶
  24689. silica block ==> 硅酸盐砌块
  24690. silica boat ==> 石英舟
  24691. silica brick ==> 硅砖
  24692. silica cell ==> 硅质细胞
  24693. silica cement ==> 硅胶泥,硅石水泥,硅土水泥砂浆
  24694. silica cladded fibre ==> 石英包层光纤
  24695. silica coating ==> 硅石敷层=>シリカ被膜
  24696. silica crucible ==> 石英坩埚
  24697. silica deposits ==> シリカ堆積物
  24698. silica dish ==> 石英皿
  24699. silica drop ==> 硅滴
  24700. silica dust ==> 硅尘,石英粉尘
  24701. silica fiber ==> シリカ・ファイバー
  24702. silica fibre ==> 石英光纤,硅石纤维,硅纤维
  24703. silica fire clay ==> 硅质耐火粘土
  24704. silica flour ==> 石英粉
  24705. silica flour wash ==> 石英粉涂料
  24706. silica gel ==> 硅胶,矽胶,氧化硅胶=>シリカ・ゲル
  24707. silica gel leak detector ==> 硅胶探漏器
  24708. silica gel plate ==> 硅胶板
  24709. silica glass ==> 石英玻璃=>シリカガラス
  24710. silica glass fibre ==> 二氧化硅玻璃纤维
  24711. silica glass-vitreous silica ==> 硅石玻璃
  24712. silica graded fibre ==> 石英渐变型光纤
  24713. silica hydrated ==> 白炭黑
  24714. silica lamp ==> 石英水银灯
  24715. silica layer ==> 硅氧层
  24716. silica microsphere ==> 硅微球体
  24717. silica mineral ==> 硅氧矿物
  24718. silica modulus ==> 硅酸比
  24719. silica optical fiber ==> 石英光ファイバ
  24720. silica powder ==> シリカ粉末
  24721. silica refractory ==> 硅质耐火材料
  24722. silica rundown ==> 硅涕
  24723. silica sand ==> 硅砂
  24724. silica scum ==> 石英浮渣
  24725. silica sheet ==> 硅氧片层
  24726. silica sol binder ==> 硅溶胶粘结剂
  24727. silica test ==> 硅含量测定
  24728. silica tetrahedron ==> 硅氧四面体
  24729. silica tube ==> 石英管
  24730. silica valve ==> 石英真空管
  24731. silica ware ==> 石英器皿
  24732. silica wash ==> 硅涕
  24733. silica window ==> 石英玻璃观察孔
  24734. silica wool ==> 石英棉
  24735. silica-alumina refractory brick ==> 硅铝耐火砖
  24736. silica-base catalyst ==> 硅基催化剂
  24737. silica-brick checkers regenerator ==> 硅砖格子蓄热室
  24738. silica-free parting ==> 无硅分型粉
  24739. silica-gel desiccant ==> 硅胶干燥剂
  24740. silica-gel drier ==> 硅胶干燥剂
  24741. silica-gel grease ==> 硅胶填充润滑脂
  24742. silica-gel sphere ==> 硅胶球
  24743. silica-glass fiber ==> シリカガラス繊維
  24744. silica-rich zeolite ==> 高硅沸石
  24745. silica-sand ==> 硅质砂
  24746. silica-sesquioxide ratio ==> 硅铝铁率,硅铝铁氧化物分子比
  24747. silicagel ==> 硅胶
  24748. silicalite ==> 硅质岩
  24749. silicam ==> 二亚氨基硅
  24750. silicane ==> 甲硅烷
  24751. silicarenite ==> 石英砂岩
  24752. silicate ==> 硅酸盐=>ケイ酸塩
  24753. silicate bandage ==> 硅酸盐绷带
  24754. silicate binder ==> 硅酸盐粘结剂
  24755. silicate bond ==> 硅酸盐粘合
  24756. silicate brick ==> 硅酸盐砖
  24757. silicate cement ==> 硅酸盐胶,硅粘固粉,(牙科材料)硅黏固粉=>ケイ酸セメント
  24758. silicate cement plugger ==> 硅粘固粉充填器
  24759. silicate cement spatula ==> 硅粘固粉调刀
  24760. silicate ceramics ==> 硅酸盐陶瓷
  24761. silicate coment filling ==> 硅粘固粉充填
  24762. silicate cotton ==> 矿渣棉,渣棉
  24763. silicate crown ==> 硅酸盐冕玻璃
  24764. silicate ester ==> 硅酸酯=>ケイ酸エステル
  24765. silicate flintglass ==> 硅酸盐燧石玻璃
  24766. silicate glass ==> 硅酸盐玻璃
  24767. silicate grinding wheel ==> 硅酸盐胶结砂轮
  24768. silicate impregnated asbestos ==> 硅酸盐浸渍石棉
  24769. silicate inclusion ==> 硅酸盐夹杂物
  24770. silicate material ==> 硅酸盐材料
  24771. silicate mineral ==> 硅酸盐矿物
  24772. silicate of soda ==> 硅酸钠
  24773. silicate oxyapatite laser ==> 硅酸氧磷灰石激光器
  24774. silicate paint ==> 硅胶漆,硅酸盐漆
  24775. silicate pneumcconiosis ==> 矽酸盐肺
  24776. silicate process ==> 水玻璃二氧化碳硬化砂法
  24777. silicate product ==> 硅酸盐制品
  24778. silicate rock ==> 硅酸盐岩石
  24779. silicate system ==> 硅酸盐系统
  24780. silicate wheel ==> 硅酸盐砂轮
  24781. silicate-bond wheel ==> 硅酸盐胶结磨轮
  24782. silicate-containing detergent ==> 含硅酸盐洗剂
  24783. silicate-facies iron formation ==> 硅酸盐相含铁建造
  24784. silicated ==> 硅酸盐化的
  24785. silication ==> 硅化,硅酸盐化作用
  24786. silicatization ==> 硅化作用,灌注硅酸钙
  24787. silicatosis ==> 硅酸盐尘肺,硅酸盐沉着病,矽酸盐沉着病,矽酸盐肺
  24788. siliceous ==> 硅质的,含硅的
  24789. siliceous aggregate ==> 硅质骨料
  24790. siliceous cement ==> 硅质胶结物
  24791. siliceous chalk ==> 二氧化硅
  24792. siliceous clay ==> 硅质粘粒,硅质粘土
  24793. siliceous deposits ==> 硅质沉积物
  24794. siliceous dust ==> 硅尘
  24795. siliceous earth ==> 硅质土
  24796. siliceous earthenware ==> 半玻化陶器
  24797. siliceous fireclay brick ==> 半硅砖,硅质粘土耐火砖
  24798. siliceous glaze ==> 高硅质釉
  24799. siliceous lime ==> 含硅石灰
  24800. siliceous limestone ==> 硅质灰岩
  24801. siliceous ooze ==> 硅质软泥
  24802. siliceous phyllite ==> 硅质千枚岩
  24803. siliceous refractory ==> 硅质耐火材料
  24804. siliceous sand ==> 硅砂,硅质砂
  24805. siliceous sand stone ==> 玻璃砂
  24806. siliceous sandstone ==> 硅质砂岩
  24807. siliceous schist ==> 硅质片岩
  24808. siliceous sediment ==> 硅质沉积物
  24809. siliceous shale ==> 硅质页岩=>珪質頁岩(けつがん)
  24810. siliceous sinter ==> 硅华
  24811. siliceous skin ==> 硅皮
  24812. siliceous slag ==> 硅土矿渣
  24813. siliceous soil ==> 硅质土壤
  24814. siliceous sponge ==> 珪質海綿
  24815. siliceous tufa ==> 硅华
  24816. silichrome steel ==> 硅铬钢
  24817. silicic acid ==> 硅酸
  24818. silicide coating ==> 硅化物敷层,硅化物涂层
  24819. silicide metallization ==> 硅化物金属化
  24820. silicide poisoning ==> 硅化合物中毒
  24821. silicide refractory ==> 硅化物耐火材料
  24822. silicide semiconductor ==> 硅化物半导体
  24823. silicided drain ==> 硅化物漏极
  24824. silicided source ==> 硅化物源极
  24825. silicified rock ==> 硅化岩
  24826. silicified wood ==> 硅化木
  24827. silicious dust ==> 矽尘
  24828. silicious manganese ore ==> 高硅锰砂
  24829. silicious marl ==> 硅藻土
  24830. silicium steel ==> 硅钢
  24831. silico-calciummagnesium alloy ==> 硅钙镁合金
  24832. silico-mangan steel ==> 硅锰钢
  24833. silico-manganese bronze ==> 硅锰青铜
  24834. silico-spiegel iron ==> 硅镜铁
  24835. silico-tungstic acid ==> 硅钨酸
  24836. silico-tungstic acid test ==> 硅钨酸试验
  24837. silicoacetic acid ==> 硅乙酸
  24838. silicoamino-acid ==> 硅氨基酸
  24839. silicofluoric acid ==> 硅氟酸,六氟合硅氢酸
  24840. silicomanganese alloy ==> 硅锰合金钢
  24841. silicomolybdic acid ==> 硅钼酸
  24842. silicon ==> 硅=>シリコン
  24843. silicon (Si) ==> 硅,矽
  24844. silicon adhesive ==> 硅粘合剂
  24845. silicon alkyl ==> 硅烷
  24846. silicon analyzer ==> 硅含量分析仪
  24847. silicon avalanche light source ==> 硅雪崩光源
  24848. silicon avalanche photodiode ==> 硅雪崩光电二极管=>シリコンAPD
  24849. silicon base ==> 硅衬底
  24850. silicon based inoculant ==> 硅基孕育剂
  24851. silicon bilateral switch ==> 硅双向开关
  24852. silicon blow ==> 脱硅吹炼
  24853. silicon blue cell ==> 硅蓝光电池
  24854. silicon body ==> 硅衬底
  24855. silicon boride ==> 硼化硅
  24856. silicon brass ==> 硅黄铜
  24857. silicon brick ==> 硅砖
  24858. silicon briquette ==> 硅块
  24859. silicon bromide ==> 四溴化硅
  24860. silicon bronze ==> 硅青铜,坚铜
  24861. silicon bronze alloy ==> 硅青铜合金
  24862. silicon bronze wire ==> 硅铜线=>けい銅線
  24863. silicon calcium alloy ==> 硅钙合金
  24864. silicon capacitance variant transistor ==> 硅变容晶体管
  24865. silicon capacitor ==> 硅电容器
  24866. silicon carbide ==> 碳化硅,金刚砂=>シリコンカーバイド,炭化ケイ素
  24867. silicon carbide brick ==> 碳化硅砖
  24868. silicon carbide ceramics ==> 碳化硅陶瓷
  24869. silicon carbide composite ==> 碳化硅合成物
  24870. silicon carbide fibre ==> 碳化硅纤维
  24871. silicon carbide furnace ==> 碳化硅电炉
  24872. silicon carbide grinding wheel ==> 碳化硅砂轮
  24873. silicon carbide paper ==> 金钢砂纸
  24874. silicon carbide rod ==> 碳化硅棒,硅碳棒
  24875. silicon carbide schottky barrier diode ==> シリコンカーバイドショットキーバリアダイオード
  24876. silicon carbide varister ==> 碳化硅变阻器
  24877. silicon carbide whisker ==> 碳化硅晶须
  24878. silicon cell ==> 硅电池
  24879. silicon charger ==> 硅充电机
  24880. silicon chip ==> 硅基片
  24881. silicon chip area ==> 硅芯片面积
  24882. silicon chloride ==> 四氯化硅
  24883. silicon chrome-steel ==> 硅铬钢
  24884. silicon chromium ==> 硅铬,硅铬铁合金
  24885. silicon coating ==> 硅酮树脂涂层,硅涂层
  24886. silicon commutating power supply ==> 硅整流电源
  24887. silicon compiler ==> 硅版编辑器
  24888. silicon contraceptive ring ==> 硅橡胶节育环
  24889. silicon control ==> 可控硅
  24890. silicon controlled multi-purpose machine tool ==> 可控硅多用机床
  24891. silicon controlled rectifier ==> 可控硅整流,可控硅整联件
  24892. silicon controlled rectifier box panel ==> 可控硅整流箱屏
  24893. silicon controlled rectifier excitation device ==> 可控硅励磁装置
  24894. silicon controlled rectifier pulse generator ==> 可控硅脉冲电源
  24895. silicon controlled switch ==> 硅可控开关
  24896. silicon cratering ==> 硅弹坑形成
  24897. silicon crystal ==> 硅晶体
  24898. silicon crystal mixer ==> 硅晶体混频器
  24899. silicon damping transistor ==> 硅阻尼晶体管
  24900. silicon detector ==> 硅二极管,硅检波器
  24901. silicon dice ==> 硅片
  24902. silicon dichloride ==> 二氯化硅
  24903. silicon die ==> 硅片
  24904. silicon diiodide ==> 二碘化硅
  24905. silicon diode ==> 硅二极管=>シリコンダイオード
  24906. silicon diode array ==> 硅二极管阵
  24907. silicon diode rectifier ==> 硅二极管,硅二极管整流器
  24908. silicon dioxide ==> 二氧化硅
  24909. silicon dioxide etching ==> 二氧化硅腐蚀
  24910. silicon dioxide masking ==> 二氧化硅掩蔽
  24911. silicon dioxide powder ==> 二氧化硅粉
  24912. silicon disulfide ==> 二硫化硅
  24913. silicon doping ==> 硅掺杂
  24914. silicon earth ==> 硅土,硅质土
  24915. silicon epitaxial highcurrent switching diode ==> 硅外延大电流开关二极管
  24916. silicon epitaxy ==> 硅外延
  24917. silicon etch solution ==> 硅腐蚀液
  24918. silicon etchant ==> 硅腐蚀剂
  24919. silicon face ==> 硅表面
  24920. silicon field-effect transistor ==> 硅场效应晶体管
  24921. silicon fluride ==> 四氟化硅
  24922. silicon fusion transistor ==> 硅熔接晶体管
  24923. silicon gate ==> 硅栅极
  24924. silicon gate mos process ==> 硅栅金属氧化物半导体工艺
  24925. silicon gate self aligned junction isolated cmos ==> 硅栅自对准结隔离互补金属氧化物半导体
  24926. silicon gate self-aligned technology ==> 硅栅自对准工艺
  24927. silicon gate structure ==> 硅栅结构
  24928. silicon gate technology ==> 硅栅金属氧化物半导体工艺
  24929. silicon gate transistor ==> 硅栅晶体管
  24930. silicon gel ==> 硅胶
  24931. silicon glass cloth laminated sheet ==> 硅玻璃布层压片
  24932. silicon grease ==> 硅润滑油
  24933. silicon halide ==> 卤化硅
  24934. silicon hydride ==> 硅烷,甲硅烷
  24935. silicon in insulator ==> 绝缘体内硅结构
  24936. silicon in insulator technology ==> 绝缘体内硅技术
  24937. silicon in sapphire ==> 蓝宝石内硅结构
  24938. silicon ingot ==> 硅锭
  24939. silicon insulated gate fet ==> 硅绝缘栅场效应晶体管
  24940. silicon insulation ==> 硅树脂绝缘
  24941. silicon insulator structure ==> 绝缘体上硅结构
  24942. silicon integrated circuit ==> 硅集成电路
  24943. silicon intensifier target camera tube ==> 硅增强靶摄像管
  24944. silicon intensifier vidicon ==> 硅增强视像管
  24945. silicon intensifying target (SIT) ==> 硅增强靶
  24946. silicon iron ==> 硅钢,硅铁
  24947. silicon junction transister ==> 硅面结型晶体管
  24948. silicon lacquer ==> 硅漆
  24949. silicon large power switch triode ==> 硅大功率开关三极管
  24950. silicon layout ==> 硅集成电路布图
  24951. silicon limit ==> シリコンリミット
  24952. silicon low-noise transistor ==> 硅低噪音晶体管
  24953. silicon lubricant ==> 硅润滑剂
  24954. silicon metal ==> 结晶硅,金属硅=>シリコン金属
  24955. silicon microwave power diode ==> 硅微波功率二极管
  24956. silicon microwave power transistor ==> 硅微波功率晶体管
  24957. silicon molecular beam epitaxy ==> 硅分子束外延
  24958. silicon monolithic integrated circuit ==> 硅单块集成电路
  24959. silicon monooxide ==> 一氧化硅
  24960. silicon monoxide ==> 一氧化硅
  24961. silicon nitride ==> 氮化硅
  24962. silicon nitride based cutting tool ==> 氮化硅基切削工具
  24963. silicon nitride ceramics ==> 氮化硅陶瓷
  24964. silicon nitride film ==> 氮化硅薄膜
  24965. silicon nitride mask ==> 氮化硅掩膜
  24966. silicon nitride passivation ==> 氮化硅钝化
  24967. silicon nitride substrate ==> 氮化硅层衬底
  24968. silicon nutrition ==> 矽营养
  24969. silicon on dielectric ==> 绝缘体上硅结构
  24970. silicon on insulated substrate ==> 绝缘体上硅结构
  24971. silicon on insulating substrate ==> 绝缘衬底上外延硅,绝缘衬底上外延硅
  24972. silicon on insulator ==> 绝缘体上硅结构
  24973. silicon on insulator material ==> 绝缘体上硅结构材料
  24974. silicon on insulator substrate ==> 绝缘衬底上外延硅,绝缘衬底上外延硅
  24975. silicon on sapphire ==> 蓝宝石上硅
  24976. silicon on sapphire (SOS) ==> 蓝宝石硅(片),硅蓝宝石工艺
  24977. silicon on sapphire integrated circuit ==> 蓝宝石上硅集成电路
  24978. silicon on sapphire large scale integration ==> 蓝宝石上硅大规模集成电路
  24979. silicon on sapphire ribbon ==> 蓝宝石上硅带
  24980. silicon on sapphire technique ==> 蓝宝石上外延硅工艺
  24981. silicon on sapphire technology ==> 蓝宝石上外延硅技术
  24982. silicon on spinel ==> 尖晶石上硅
  24983. silicon oxide ==> 氧化硅
  24984. silicon oxynitride ==> 氮氧化硅
  24985. silicon pellet ==> 硅片
  24986. silicon photo-cell ==> 硅光电池
  24987. silicon photocell ==> 硅光电池
  24988. silicon photodetector ==> 硅光电探测器
  24989. silicon photodiode ==> 硅光电二极管
  24990. silicon photodiode vacuum ultraviolet detector ==> 硅光电二极管真空紫外探测器
  24991. silicon photoelectric cell slice ==> 硅光电池片
  24992. silicon photoelectric diode ==> 硅光电二极管
  24993. silicon photoelectric generator ==> 硅光电池,硅光电发生器
  24994. silicon photoelectric transistor ==> 硅光电晶体管
  24995. silicon phototransistor ==> 硅光电晶体管
  24996. silicon PIN diode ==> シリコンPINダイオード
  24997. silicon plastics ==> 硅塑料
  24998. silicon plate ==> 硅钢薄板
  24999. silicon pn diode ==> シリコンpnダイオード
  25000. silicon polycrystal ==> 多晶硅
  25001. silicon power diode ==> 硅功率二极管
  25002. silicon quantum computer ==> 半導体量子コンピュータ
  25003. silicon rectification generator ==> 硅整流发电机
  25004. silicon rectifier ==> 硅整流器
  25005. silicon rectifier diode ==> 硅整流二极管
  25006. silicon rectifier for charging ==> 硅充电整流器
  25007. silicon rectifier for electroplating ==> 电镀硅整流器
  25008. silicon rectifier for welding ==> 硅焊接整流器
  25009. silicon rectifier welder ==> 硅整流焊机
  25010. silicon rectifying cell ==> 硅整流电池
  25011. silicon rectifying equipment ==> 硅整流设备
  25012. silicon rectifying transformer ==> 硅整流变压器
  25013. silicon rectifying transistor ==> 硅整流晶体管
  25014. silicon resin ==> 硅树脂
  25015. silicon resistor ==> 硅电阻,硅电阻器
  25016. silicon rubber ==> 硅酮橡胶,硅橡胶,硅橡胶
  25017. silicon rubber glass paint cloth ==> 硅橡胶玻璃漆布
  25018. silicon rubber insulated cable ==> 硅橡胶绝缘电缆
  25019. silicon rubber insulation ==> 硅橡胶绝缘
  25020. silicon rubber insulator ==> 硅橡胶绝缘子
  25021. silicon sapphire interface ==> 硅蓝宝石界面
  25022. silicon sheet ==> 硅钢薄板,硅钢片
  25023. silicon sheet polisher ==> 硅片磨光机
  25024. silicon single crystal ==> 硅单晶
  25025. silicon single crystal rod ==> 单晶硅棒
  25026. silicon single photon avalanche diode ==> 硅单光雪崩二极管
  25027. silicon slice ==> 硅片
  25028. silicon slice detergent ==> 硅片清洗剂
  25029. silicon slice polishing liquid ==> 硅片抛光液
  25030. silicon software ==> 硅软件
  25031. silicon solar battery ==> 硅太阳能电池
  25032. silicon solar cell ==> 硅太阳电池
  25033. silicon solid photographic sensor ==> 硅固体摄像传感器
  25034. silicon source gas ==> 硅气体源
  25035. silicon stack ==> 硅堆
  25036. silicon steel ==> 硅钢=>けい素鋼
  25037. silicon steel lamination ==> 硅钢板
  25038. silicon steel plate ==> 硅钢板=>けい素鋼板
  25039. silicon steel sheets ==> 硅钢片=>けい素鋼板
  25040. silicon steel strip ==> けい素鋼帯
  25041. silicon steel-based transformer ==> 硅钢变压器=>けい素鋼板変圧器
  25042. silicon strip ==> 硅钢带
  25043. silicon substrate ==> 硅衬底,硅基片=>Si基板
  25044. silicon switch transistor ==> 硅开关晶体管
  25045. silicon switching triode ==> 硅开关三极管
  25046. silicon symmetric amplitude limiter ==> 硅对称限幅器
  25047. silicon symmetric twin-diode ==> 硅对称双二极管
  25048. silicon target ==> 硅靶
  25049. silicon target camera tube ==> 硅靶摄像管
  25050. silicon tertraacetate ==> 四醋酸硅
  25051. silicon tetrabromide ==> 四溴化硅
  25052. silicon tetrabutyl ==> 四丁基硅
  25053. silicon tetrachloride ==> 四氯化硅
  25054. silicon tetraethyl ==> 四乙基硅
  25055. silicon tetrafluoride ==> 四氟化硅
  25056. silicon tetrahalogen ==> 四卤化硅
  25057. silicon tetrahydride ==> 四氢化硅
  25058. silicon tetraiodide ==> 四碘化硅
  25059. silicon tetramethyl ==> 四甲基硅
  25060. silicon tetraphenyl ==> 四苯基硅
  25061. silicon tetrapropyl ==> 四丙基硅
  25062. silicon thyratron ==> 硅闸流管
  25063. silicon transistor ==> 硅晶体管
  25064. silicon triode ==> 硅三极管
  25065. silicon unilateral switch ==> 硅单向开关
  25066. Silicon Valley ==> 矽谷
  25067. silicon variable capacitor ==> 硅可变电容器
  25068. silicon varistor ==> 硅压敏电阻器
  25069. silicon varnish ==> 硅基漆
  25070. silicon varnish coated glass cloth ==> 硅漆涂玻璃布
  25071. silicon vidicon ==> 硅光导摄象管=>シリコンビジコン
  25072. silicon voltage stable transistor ==> 硅稳压晶体管
  25073. silicon voltage-regulative transistor ==> 硅调压晶体管
  25074. silicon wafer ==> 硅片
  25075. silicon wafer engineering ==> 硅片工程
  25076. silicon welding rectifier ==> 硅焊接整流器
  25077. silicon-aluminium alloy ==> 硅铝合金
  25078. silicon-avalanche photodiode detector ==> 硅雪崩光电二极管检测器
  25079. silicon-carbon rod ==> 硅碳棒
  25080. silicon-chip-based ==> シリコンチップベース
  25081. silicon-chromium ==> 硅铬钢
  25082. silicon-chromium steel ==> 硅铬钢
  25083. silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) ==> 可控硅整流器
  25084. silicon-controlled switch (SCS) ==> 可控硅开关
  25085. silicon-copper ==> 硅铜合金,硅紫铜
  25086. silicon-iron lamination ==> 硅铁叠片
  25087. silicon-manganese ==> 硅锰
  25088. silicon-on-sapphire technique ==> 硅蓝宝石技术
  25089. silicon-oxy tetrahedron ==> 硅氧四面体
  25090. silicon-oxygen tetrahedron ==> 氧化硅四面体
  25091. silicon-steel plate ==> 硅钢片
  25092. silicon-steel sheet ==> 硅钢片
  25093. silicon-symmetrical switch ==> 硅对称开关
  25094. silicone ==> 硅
  25095. silicone adhesive agent ==> 硅酮粘合剂
  25096. silicone antifoaming agent ==> 高效有机硅消泡剂
  25097. silicone bonded ==> (绝缘材料)带有机硅填充剂的
  25098. silicone building sealant ==> 硅酮嵌缝膏
  25099. silicone coated ==> 硅酮包衣的
  25100. silicone compound ==> 硅
  25101. silicone coupling ==> 硅粘合
  25102. silicone elastomer seal ring ==> 硅化人造橡皮密封环
  25103. silicone encapsulant ==> 硅密封剂
  25104. silicone encapsulation ==> 硅酮树脂密封
  25105. silicone epitaxial planar transistor ==> 硅外延平面晶体管
  25106. silicone finishing agent ==> 多功能有机硅后整理剂
  25107. silicone foam plastics ==> 硅泡沫塑料
  25108. silicone grease ==> 硅脂
  25109. silicone hose ==> 聚硅氧烷塑料软管,聚硅氧烷塑料软管
  25110. silicone jelly ==> 硅氧胶
  25111. silicone lubricant ==> 硅润滑剂
  25112. silicone oil ==> 硅酮油,硅油=>シリコーンオイル,シリコーン油
  25113. silicone paint ==> 硅酮涂料
  25114. silicone parting solution ==> 硅酮脱模液
  25115. silicone plastics ==> 有机硅塑料
  25116. silicone polish ==> 聚硅酮抛光剂,聚硅酮抛光剂
  25117. silicone resin ==> 硅树脂=>シリコーン樹脂
  25118. silicone rubber ==> 硅酮橡皮,硅橡胶=>シリコーンゴム
  25119. silicone rubber coating ==> 硅酮橡胶敷层
  25120. silicone rubber impression material ==> 硅橡胶印模材料
  25121. silicone rubber pad ==> 硅酮橡胶印头
  25122. silicone rubber putty ==> 硅橡胶腻子
  25123. silicone rubber sealant ==> 硅橡胶密封剂
  25124. silicone rubber septum ==> 硅橡胶隔片
  25125. silicone transfer printing ==> 硅酮轻移印花
  25126. silicone treatment ==> 硅酮处理
  25127. silicone wax ==> 硅酮蜡
  25128. silicone-ceramic coating ==> 硅酮陶瓷敷层
  25129. silicone-clad silica fibre ==> 硅酮包层石英光纤
  25130. silicone-epoxy coating ==> 硅酮环氧敷层
  25131. siliconHex rod ==> 六棱硅棒
  25132. siliconit ==> 硅碳棒=>シリコニット
  25133. siliconium ion ==> 硅正离子
  25134. siliconized plate ==> 硅钢片
  25135. siliconized synthetic fibre ==> 硅化合成纤维
  25136. siliconmanganese alloy ==> 硅锰合金
  25137. silicophosphate cement ==> 硅磷酸锌粘固粉
  25138. silicothermic process ==> 皮金法
  25139. silicotic nodule ==> 硅结节,矽肺结节
  25140. Silinic disturbance ==> 塞林扰动
  25141. silit heating element ==> 碳硅发热元件
  25142. silk and cotton covered cable ==> 丝棉包电缆
  25143. silk cloth ==> 丝绸
  25144. silk cotton ==> 丝光木棉,爪哇木棉,木棉
  25145. silk cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra) ==> 吉贝树
  25146. silk covered cable ==> 丝包电缆
  25147. silk covered wire ==> 丝包线
  25148. silk covering ==> 丝包覆盖层
  25149. silk culture ==> 养蚕
  25150. silk drafts staple diagram ==> 精绵纤维排列图
  25151. silk economics ==> 蚕丝经济学
  25152. silk embroidered picture ==> 刺锈画
  25153. silk faille ==> 罗锦缎
  25154. silk figure ==> 彩扎
  25155. silk filature classification ==> 厂丝等级
  25156. silk finish calender ==> 缎光机
  25157. silk finishing calender ==> 丝光砑光机
  25158. silk floss ==> 丝棉
  25159. silk gauze ==> 绢网,绢网
  25160. silk gland ==> 丝腺
  25161. silk gland protein ==> 丝腺蛋白
  25162. silk glue ==> 丝胶
  25163. silk guide roller ==> 导丝辊
  25164. silk gum ==> 丝胶
  25165. silk index of cocoon layer ==> 茧层出丝率
  25166. silk insulation tape ==> 丝绝缘带
  25167. silk lamp shade ==> 绸灯罩
  25168. silk lantern ==> 绸灯
  25169. silk loom ==> 丝织机
  25170. silk mill ==> 丝厂
  25171. silk net ==> 丝网,绢网,绢网
  25172. silk noil plain brocade ==> 抽丝葛
  25173. silk noil yarn ==> 抽丝
  25174. silk paper ==> 丝纸
  25175. silk process ==> 丝网印法
  25176. silk reed counts ==> 丝织筘号
  25177. silk reeling ==> 缫丝,缫丝
  25178. silk reeling frame ==> 络丝机
  25179. silk reeling machine ==> 络丝机
  25180. silk screen ==> 丝屏罩,丝网=>シルクスクリーン
  25181. silk screen method ==> 丝网漏印法,丝网印制法
  25182. silk screen paste mixer ==> 线网感光胶混合机
  25183. silk screen printing ==> 丝网印制法
  25184. silk screen printing method ==> 丝网印制电路法
  25185. silk screen process ==> 丝网漏印
  25186. silk screened circuit ==> 丝网印制电路
  25187. silk screening ==> 丝网漏印法
  25188. silk screening process ==> 丝网屏蔽法
  25189. silk scroll ==> 绢本,绢本
  25190. silk scrooping agent ==> 丝鸣增效剂
  25191. silk seed ==> 蚕子
  25192. silk sewing thread ==> 蚕丝缝纫线
  25193. silk spinning ==> 绢纺,绢纺
  25194. silk spinning waste ==> 绢纺屑丝,绢纺屑丝
  25195. silk spreader ==> 展棉机
  25196. silk spun ==> 绢丝,绢丝
  25197. silk surface ==> 绸纹钡地纸
  25198. silk suture ==> 丝缝线
  25199. silk thread paper ==> 含丝绒安全纸
  25200. silk tree ==> 木棉树
  25201. silk wadding ==> 丝棉
  25202. silk winding ==> 络丝
  25203. silk winding frame ==> 络丝机
  25204. silk yarn ==> 绢丝,绢丝
  25205. silk-and-cotton insulated wire ==> 棉丝包线
  25206. silk-and-cotton-covered wire ==> 丝棉包线
  25207. silk-cotton mattress ==> 木棉床垫
  25208. silk-reeling operating method ==> 缫丝操作法,缫丝操作法
  25209. silk-screen printing ==> 丝网印刷,绢网印花,绢网印花
  25210. silk-screen process ==> 绢网印花法,绢网印花法
  25211. silk-spinning machine ==> 纺丝机
  25212. silk-webbing catheter ==> 丝织导管
  25213. silkatine thread ==> 充丝有光棉线
  25214. silking in maize ==> 抽丝玉米
  25215. silks outside the covering of the ear ==> 穗外皮上的穗丝
  25216. silkworm ==> 蚕=>カイコ
  25217. silkworm anatomy ==> 蚕体解剖学
  25218. silkworm biochemistry ==> 蚕生物化学
  25219. silkworm biophysics ==> 蚕生物物理学
  25220. silkworm breeding ==> 养蚕
  25221. silkworm chrysalis ==> 蚕蛹
  25222. silkworm chrysalis meal ==> 蚕蛹粉
  25223. silkworm cocoon ==> 蚕茧
  25224. silkworm dropping ==> 蚕沙
  25225. silkworm ecology ==> 蚕生态学
  25226. silkworm egg ==> 蚕种
  25227. silkworm egg paper ==> 蚕种纸
  25228. silkworm excrements ==> 蚕粪
  25229. silkworm excreta ==> 蚕粪
  25230. silkworm faeces ==> 蚕粪
  25231. silkworm genetics ==> 蚕遗传学
  25232. silkworm gut ==> 蚕肠线
  25233. silkworm keeping ==> 养蚕
  25234. silkworm moth ==> 养蛾
  25235. silkworm nursery ==> 养蚕室
  25236. silkworm physiology ==> 蚕生理学
  25237. silkworm rearing ==> 养蚕
  25238. silkworm room ==> 养蚕室
  25239. silky fracture ==> 丝光断口,丝状断口,丝状断裂面
  25240. silky light operating lamp ==> 柔光手术灯
  25241. silky oak ==> 银桦树
  25242. silky pig iron ==> 锦生铁
  25243. silky purple willow ==> 银紫柳
  25244. silky white willow (Salix alba var sericea) ==> 绢毛白柳,绢毛白柳
  25245. sill ==> 梁,底槛,底梁,底木,垫底横木,巷道支架底梁,海底山脊,海槛,岩床,坝槛线,基木,基石
  25246. sill anchor ==> 地脚锚栓
  25247. sill bar ==> 底杆
  25248. sill basin ==> 海槛盆地
  25249. sill cock ==> 软管龙头,水龙带龙头
  25250. sill cross bar ==> 横底杆
  25251. sill depth ==> 海槛深度
  25252. sill elevation ==> 基石标高
  25253. sill for jump control ==> 控制水跃的底槛
  25254. sill plate ==> 底系定板
  25255. sill strip ==> 底条
  25256. silled basin ==> 受限盆地
  25257. Silliman bronze ==> 铝铁青铜
  25258. sillimanite brick ==> 硅线石砖
  25259. sillimanite crucible ==> 硅线石坩埚
  25260. sillimanite refractory ==> 硅线石耐火材料
  25261. silo ==> 发射井,料仓,料槽,料斗,筒仓,用钢筋混凝土或钢材制成的垂直圆筒形结构的储煤大型容器=>サイロ,貯蔵庫
  25262. silo apex ==> 青贮塔顶
  25263. silo corn ==> 青贮玉米
  25264. silo crops ==> 青贮饲料
  25265. silo cutter ==> 青饲料切碎机
  25266. silo filler ==> 青贮塔填料机
  25267. silo grab ==> 青贮塔抓斗
  25268. silo granary ==> 青贮室
  25269. silo launch ==> 井下发射
  25270. silo launch facility ==> 井下发射设施
  25271. silo launch test facilities ==> 井下发射试验设备
  25272. silo launcher ==> 井下发射装置
  25273. silo mercerizer ==> 浸碱桶
  25274. silo operating time ==> 井下作业时间
  25275. silo program ==> 仓储计划
  25276. silo test missile ==> 井下发射试验用导弹,井下发射试验用导弹
  25277. silo unloader ==> 青贮塔卸料机
  25278. silo-bin ==> 青贮箱
  25279. silo-stored missile ==> 井下保存的导弹,井下保存的导弹
  25280. silo-tift ==> 井内升降机,井内升降机
  25281. silo-type incinerator ==> 筒仓式焚烧炉
  25282. silocell ==> 绝热砖,绝热砖
  25283. silometer ==> 料仓料位计,仓贮指示器
  25284. Silon ==> 聚酰氨纤维,聚酰氨纤维
  25285. silorator ==> 青贮饲料联合收获机
  25286. silox ==> 氧化硅
  25287. silox pinhole ==> 二氧化硅层针孔
  25288. siloxane ==> 硅氧烷
  25289. siloxane grease ==> 硅氧烷润滑脂
  25290. siloxen ==> 硅氧烯
  25291. siloxicon ==> 硅碳耐火料,硅碳氧
  25292. Silsbee effect ==> 西尔斯比效应
  25293. Silsbee rule ==> 西尔斯比定律
  25294. silt ==> 沈泥
  25295. silt arrester ==> 拦砂坝,拦砂设施
  25296. silt basin ==> 淤泥池
  25297. silt box ==> 沉沙箱,集砂箱
  25298. silt coal ==> 淤泥煤
  25299. silt concentration ==> 含沙量
  25300. silt content ==> 含泥砂量
  25301. silt control ==> 淤积控制,淤泥控制
  25302. silt density index, SDI ==> 污染密度指数,在规定压力下,用0.45μm的微滤膜过滤一定量被测水所需要的时间
  25303. silt deposit ==> 淤泥沉淀
  25304. silt displacement ==> 淤泥清除
  25305. silt drain ==> 淤泥泄出口
  25306. silt field ==> 磨料粉砂沉积池
  25307. silt fraction ==> 粉粒粒组
  25308. silt gravel ==> 粉砾
  25309. silt jetty ==> 淤泥埂
  25310. silt laden river ==> 含泥沙河流
  25311. silt laden stream ==> 夹泥沙河流
  25312. silt layer ==> 粉沙层
  25313. silt loam soil ==> 粉砂壤土
  25314. silt pan ==> 粉砂磐
  25315. silt particle ==> 粉砂颗粒
  25316. silt pressure ==> 淤泥压力
  25317. silt releasing sluice ==> 放淤闸
  25318. silt size ==> 淤泥粒度
  25319. silt slurry ==> 淤泥浆
  25320. silt soil ==> 淤泥土,粉粒土
  25321. silt stable channel ==> 冲淤平衡渠道
  25322. silt stratification ==> 淤泥层
  25323. silt trap ==> 淤泥沉积地,截砂器
  25324. silt-bottomed valley ==> 淤积平底谷
  25325. silt-carrying river ==> 含泥沙河流,多沙河流
  25326. silt-determination measure ==> 泥沙测验
  25327. silt-flushing sluice ==> 放淤闸
  25328. silt-laden flow ==> 含泥水流
  25329. silt-laden river ==> 含沙河流,多泥沙河流
  25330. silt-laden stream ==> 含沙河流
  25331. siltation in estuary ==> 河口淤塞
  25332. silted land ==> 淤积地
  25333. silting basin ==> 沉沙池,设于渠道首部,用于沉淀引进水流中泥沙的水工建筑物
  25334. silting index ==> 淤塞系数
  25335. silting method ==> 淤填法
  25336. silting up of leak ==> 淤填防渗
  25337. siltladen river ==> 多沙河流
  25338. silty clay ==> 粉砂粘土,粉沙质粘土,粉质粘土
  25339. silty clay loam ==> 粉沙质粘壤土,粉质粘壤土
  25340. silty gravel ==> 粉质土砾
  25341. silty lime ==> 粉砂石灰
  25342. silty sand ==> 粉沙
  25343. silty soil ==> 粉砂土,粉沙壤土
  25344. silumin ==> 铝硅合金
  25345. Siluminite ==> 石棉或云母基复合绝缘材料
  25346. silurian paper ==> 花纹纸
  25347. Silurian System ==> 志留系
  25348. silver ==> 银,银色=>シルバー
  25349. silver (toxic metal) ==> 银(有毒金属)
  25350. silver acacia ==> 银叶相思树
  25351. silver acetate ==> 乙酸银,醋酸银
  25352. silver acetylide ==> 乙炔银
  25353. silver alloy ==> 银合金
  25354. silver amalgam ==> 银汞合金
  25355. silver amide ==> 氨基银
  25356. silver amminochloride ==> 氯化氨合银
  25357. silver anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) ==> 银鲚
  25358. silver and foreign currencies ==> 收兑金银外币
  25359. silver antimony telluride ==> 碲化锑银
  25360. silver arsenite ==> 亚砷酸银
  25361. silver arsphenamine ==> 阿斯凡纳明银盐
  25362. silver assay ==> 白银鉴定
  25363. silver bar ==> 银条
  25364. silver base filler alloy ==> 银基填充合金
  25365. silver based package ==> 银基管壳
  25366. silver bath ==> 银盐溶液槽
  25367. silver beet ==> 银甜菜
  25368. silver belt fish ==> 带鱼
  25369. silver bicarbonate ==> 碳酸氢银
  25370. silver bichromate ==> 重铬酸银
  25371. silver boat ==> 银舟
  25372. silver bond diode ==> 银键二极管
  25373. silver brain clip ==> 银脑夹
  25374. silver brazing ==> 银焊,银钎焊
  25375. silver bromate ==> 溴酸银
  25376. silver bromide ==> 溴化银,溴化银
  25377. silver bullion ==> 银条
  25378. silver carbonate ==> 碳酸银
  25379. silver catalyst for ethylene oxide ==> 环氧乙烷银催化剂
  25380. silver ceramic adhesion ==> 银陶瓷粘附
  25381. silver certificate ==> 白银证券
  25382. silver chlorate ==> 氯酸银
  25383. silver chloride ==> 氯化银
  25384. silver chloride electrode ==> 氯化银电极
  25385. silver chloride thansmission ==> 氯化银传输
  25386. silver chloride window ==> 氯化银窗
  25387. silver chloroacetate ==> 氯乙酸银
  25388. silver chloroplatinate ==> 氯铂酸银
  25389. silver chromate ==> 铬酸银
  25390. silver citrate ==> 柠檬酸银,枸橼酸银,枸橼酸银
  25391. silver coating ==> 银镀膜,涂银,镀银层
  25392. silver coating film ==> 涂银膜
  25393. silver cod ==> 银鳕
  25394. silver contact ==> 银触点,银接触
  25395. silver crassula (Crassnla argentea) ==> 银青锁龙
  25396. silver cyanate ==> 氰酸银
  25397. silver cyanide ==> 氰化银
  25398. silver deposit ==> 镀银层
  25399. silver diamminohydroxide ==> 氢氧化二氨合银
  25400. silver dichromate ==> 重铬酸银
  25401. silver diethyl dithio carbamate ==> 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银=>ジェチルジチオカルバミン酸銀
  25402. silver diethyldithiocarb nate (Ag-DDC) ==> 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银
  25403. silver dithionate ==> 连二硫酸银
  25404. silver eel ==> 银鳗
  25405. silver electrode ==> 银电极
  25406. silver ethylenediamine ==> 乙二胺银
  25407. silver express ==> 银色速写用纸
  25408. silver fahlore ==> 银黝铜矿
  25409. silver falsebeech ==> 银山毛榉
  25410. silver fatfish ==> 银大眼鲳
  25411. silver ferricyanide ==> 氰铁酸银
  25412. silver ferrocyanide ==> 氰亚铁酸银
  25413. silver figure ==> 银光纹理
  25414. silver filled adhesive ==> 填银粘合剂
  25415. silver film ==> 银膜
  25416. silver film disease ==> 椰子线疫病
  25417. silver fir ==> 银枞
  25418. silver fir oil ==> 银枞油
  25419. silver fluoride ==> 氟化银
  25420. silver foil ==> 银箔
  25421. silver fox ==> 银狐
  25422. silver frost ==> 银光霜
  25423. silver fulminate ==> 雷酸银,镭银
  25424. silver fuse ==> 银熔线
  25425. silver gasket ==> 银垫圈
  25426. silver gauze ==> 银丝网
  25427. silver gel ==> 银凝胶
  25428. silver glance ==> 辉银矿
  25429. silver grain ==> 银光花纹,径截纹,径截纹,虎斑纹
  25430. silver gray ==> 银灰色
  25431. silver greys ==> (全棉制或纬纱含毛510%)军用衬衫布,军用衬衫布
  25432. silver halide ==> 卤化银
  25433. silver halide emulsion ==> 卤化银乳胶
  25434. silver halide process ==> 银盐复制法
  25435. silver hawthorn ==> 银山楂
  25436. silver holographic plate ==> 银盐全息干板
  25437. silver hydride ==> 氢化银
  25438. silver hydrogen phosphate ==> 磷酸氢(二)银,磷酸氢银
  25439. silver hydrogen sulfate ==> 磷酸氢银
  25440. silver hydroxide ==> 氢氧化银
  25441. silver hypochlorite ==> 次氯酸银
  25442. silver hyponitrite ==> 连二次硝酸银
  25443. silver hypophosphate ==> 连二磷酸银
  25444. silver ingot ==> 银条
  25445. silver iodate ==> 碘酸银
  25446. silver iodide ==> 碘化银
  25447. silver iodide colloidale ==> 胶体碘化银
  25448. silver iodide paper ==> 碘化银相纸
  25449. silver ion conductor ==> 银离子导体
  25450. silver ion laser ==> 银离子激光器
  25451. silver jacketed wire ==> 镀银导线,镀银线
  25452. silver jamesonite ==> 银毛矿
  25453. silver lactate ==> 乳酸银,乳糖银
  25454. silver lead ore ==> 银方铅矿
  25455. silver leaf ==> 银箔,银叶,银叶病
  25456. silver lustre ==> 银光彩料,(陶瓷器边饰)亮银
  25457. silver maple ==> 银槭
  25458. silver market ==> 白银市场
  25459. silver membrane filter ==> 银膜过滤器
  25460. silver metaborate ==> 偏硼酸银
  25461. silver metallurgy ==> 银冶金学
  25462. silver metaphosphate ==> 偏磷酸银
  25463. silver methylarsonate ==> 甲胂酸银
  25464. silver migration ==> 银迁移
  25465. silver mirror ==> 银镜
  25466. silver mirror reaction ==> 银镜反应
  25467. silver mirror test ==> 银镜试验
  25468. silver nailwort ==> 银指甲草
  25469. silver necking ==> 银颈
  25470. silver needle (for acupuncture use) ==> 银针
  25471. silver nitrate ==> 硝酸银
  25472. silver nitrate colorimetic method ==> 硝酸银比色法
  25473. silver nitrate turbidimetry method ==> 硝酸银比浊法
  25474. silver nitrite ==> 亚硝酸银
  25475. silver noble fir ==> 银叶壮丽冷杉
  25476. silver number ==> 银值
  25477. silver optical record ==> 银光学记录
  25478. silver ore ==> 银矿
  25479. silver orthoarsenate ==> 原砷酸银
  25480. silver orthoarseniate ==> 原砷酸银
  25481. silver orthoarsenite ==> 原亚砷酸银
  25482. silver orthophosphate ==> 磷酸银
  25483. silver oxalate ==> 草酸银
  25484. silver oxide ==> 酸化银=>酸化銀
  25485. silver oxide battery ==> 氧化银电池
  25486. silver oxide cell ==> 氧化银电池
  25487. silver oxygen cesium photocathode ==> 银氧铯光电阴极
  25488. silver paint ==> 银色漆
  25489. silver palladium alloy ==> 银钯合金
  25490. silver paper ==> 银箔=>アルミ箔
  25491. silver paste ==> 银膏
  25492. silver pastebrushing ==> 涂银
  25493. Silver Pavilion ==> 銀閣寺
  25494. silver perch (Prunus argentear) ==> 银桃
  25495. silver perchlorate ==> 高氯酸银
  25496. silver permanganate ==> 高锰酸银
  25497. silver peroxide ==> 过氧化银
  25498. silver phosphate ==> 磷酸银
  25499. silver phosphate glass ==> 磷酸银玻璃
  25500. silver phosphide ==> 二磷化银
  25501. silver picrate ==> 苦味酸银
  25502. silver plate ==> 镀银件,银板
  25503. silver plated ==> 镀银的
  25504. silver plated tin alloy ==> 镀银锡合金
  25505. silver plating ==> 镀银
  25506. silver plating katathermometer ==> 高温镀银卡他温度计
  25507. silver ply steel ==> 不锈覆盖钢
  25508. silver point ==> 银熔点
  25509. silver poisoning ==> 银中毒
  25510. silver potassium cyanide ==> 氰化银钾
  25511. silver potassium fulminate ==> 雷酸银钾
  25512. silver powder ==> 银粉
  25513. silver process ==> 银盐工艺
  25514. silver processe ==> 银盐复制法
  25515. silver prominent (ceruramihauseri umbrosa) ==> 栗银天社蛾
  25516. silver protein ==> 蛋白银
  25517. silver pyrophosphate ==> 焦磷酸银
  25518. silver pyrovanadate ==> 焦钒酸银
  25519. silver recovery ==> 银的回收,银回收
  25520. silver reductor ==> 银还原剂
  25521. silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) ==> 银鲑
  25522. silver salt ==> 银盐
  25523. silver salt solution for silvering ==> 镀银用银盐溶液
  25524. silver sand ==> 银砂
  25525. silver screen ==> 银幕
  25526. silver selenide ==> 硒化银
  25527. silver shark ==> 银鲛
  25528. silver skin ==> シルバースキン,コーヒー豆の外側をおおう薄い種皮
  25529. silver soap ==> 银光皂
  25530. silver sodium thiosulfate ==> 硫代硫酸银三钠
  25531. silver solder ==> 银焊料
  25532. silver soldering ==> 银焊
  25533. silver spot ==> 银点
  25534. silver stain ==> 银黄着色
  25535. silver staining ==> 银黄扩散着色,银染色法
  25536. silver staining test ==> 银镜试验
  25537. silver standard ==> 银本位
  25538. silver steel ==> 银亮钢,银器钢
  25539. silver steel wire ==> 银亮钢丝
  25540. silver stock ==> 白银储备
  25541. silver stonewood ==> 银达理木
  25542. silver storm ==> 冰暴
  25543. silver suboxide ==> 低氧化银
  25544. silver sulfadiazine ==> 磺胺嘧啶银盐
  25545. silver sulfadiazine (SD-Ag) ==> 磺胺嘧啶银
  25546. silver sulfide ==> 硫化银
  25547. silver sulfite ==> 亚硫酸银
  25548. silver tartrate ==> 酒石酸银,酒石酸银
  25549. silver tetrahedrite ==> 银黝铜矿
  25550. silver thaw ==> 银光霜
  25551. silver thiocyanate ==> 硫氰酸银
  25552. silver thiosulfate ==> 硫代硫酸银
  25553. silver tipped contact ==> 银接点
  25554. silver titration conlometer ==> 银滴定电量计
  25555. silver tree ==> 银树
  25556. silver trumpettree ==> 银果钟花树
  25557. silver tungsten ==> 银钨合金
  25558. silver wattle ==> 银荆树
  25559. silver wattle(Acacia dealbata) ==> 银合欢
  25560. silver yellow ==> 银黄
  25561. silver zeolite ==> 银沸石
  25562. silver zinc accumulator ==> 银锌蓄电池
  25563. Silver's syndrome ==> 西尔弗氏综合征
  25564. silver-activated Geiger counter ==> 银激活兽革计数器
  25565. silver-activated phosphate glass ==> 银激活磷酸盐玻璃剂量计
  25566. silver-activated zinc sulfide ==> 银激活硫化锌
  25567. silver-alloy brazing ==> 银合金焊,银纤焊
  25568. silver-antimony alloy ==> 银锑合金
  25569. silver-beard grass ==> 银须芒草
  25570. silver-bearing ==> 含银
  25571. silver-bearing copper ==> 含银铜,银铜
  25572. silver-bearing lead ==> 含银铅
  25573. silver-brazing alloy ==> 银钎料
  25574. silver-cadmium alloy ==> 银镉合金
  25575. silver-cadmium contact ==> 银镉触点
  25576. silver-cadmium storage battery ==> 银镉蓄电池
  25577. silver-clad ==> 包银
  25578. silver-clad copper ==> 包银铜
  25579. silver-coated copper wire ==> 镀银铜线
  25580. silver-coated reflector ==> 镀银反射器
  25581. silver-constantan thermocouple ==> 银康热电偶
  25582. silver-copper alloy ==> 银铜合金
  25583. silver-disk pyrheliometer ==> 银盘日射强度计
  25584. silver-fish ==> 银鱼
  25585. silver-graphite ==> 银石墨制品
  25586. silver-graphite brush ==> 银石墨电刷
  25587. silver-halide ==> 卤化银
  25588. silver-impregnated zeolite ==> 浸银沸石
  25589. silver-lead solder alloy ==> 银铅焊条合金
  25590. silver-magnesium-nickel alloys ==> 银镁镍合金
  25591. silver-molybdenum ==> 银钼合金
  25592. silver-nickel ==> 银镍合金
  25593. silver-nickel contacts ==> 银镍电接触器材
  25594. silver-plated copper ==> 镀银铜
  25595. silver-plated copper conductor ==> 镀银铜线
  25596. silver-plated ware ==> 镀银器具
  25597. silver-plating bath ==> 镀银槽
  25598. silver-tin amalgam ==> 银锡合金汞齐
  25599. silver-tipped ==> 点银的
  25600. silver-tungsten bimetallic band ==> 银钨双金属带
  25601. silver-tungsten contact material ==> 银钨电接触器材
  25602. silver-zine storage battery ==> 银锌蓄电池
  25603. Silverbell ==> 银钟花属
  25604. silverberry ==> 银果胡颓子
  25605. silverdust primrose ==> 银粉报春
  25606. silvered ==> 镀银的
  25607. silvered capacitor ==> 镀银层电容器
  25608. silvered condenser ==> 镀银层电容器
  25609. silvered face ==> 镀银面
  25610. silvered film ==> 镀银层
  25611. silvered glass ==> 镀银玻璃
  25612. Silvered leaf monkey ==> 银叶猴
  25613. silvered mica capacitor ==> 镀银云母电容器=>シルバードマイカコンデンサ
  25614. silvered mirror ==> 镀银镜
  25615. silverfish ==> 衣鱼
  25616. Silverine ==> 铜镍耐蚀合金
  25617. silvering ==> 镀银
  25618. silvering powder ==> 镀银粉
  25619. silvering shop ==> 镀银车间
  25620. silvering silver coating ==> 镀银
  25621. silverleaf desmodium ==> 银叶山马蝗
  25622. silverleaf hydrangea ==> 银叶绣球
  25623. silverleaf nightshade ==> 银叶茄
  25624. silverleaf oak ==> 银叶栎
  25625. silverleaf redfir ==> 银叶红果冷杉
  25626. silverleaf rhododendron ==> 银叶杜鹃花
  25627. silverleaf scufpea ==> 银叶补骨脂
  25628. silverleaf sunflower ==> 银叶向日葵
  25629. silverleaf willow ==> 银叶柳
  25630. silverline system ==> 银线系
  25631. silvern ==> 似银
  25632. silveroid ==> 镍银
  25633. Silveroid ==> 铜镍装饰合金
  25634. silverplate glass ==> 镀银玻璃
  25635. silverprint ==> 银盐感光照片,银质印刷品
  25636. silverskin ==> 银皮
  25637. silverstat regulator ==> 银触型电压调整器,接触式调节器
  25638. silverstat relay ==> 银触头继电器
  25639. silverstat silverstripe simon bamboo ==> 银条山竹
  25640. silverthread peperomia ==> 银线豆瓣绿
  25641. silvertoun ==> 电缆故障寻找器
  25642. silverwae shop ==> 银楼
  25643. silverware ==> 银器,银制品
  25644. silvery hatchet fish ==> 银斧鱼
  25645. silvery pig iron ==> 高硅生铁,高炉硅铁
  25646. silvery pomfret ==> 银鲳,鲳鱼
  25647. silvery pout ==> 银鳕
  25648. silvery white ==> 银白色
  25649. silvicultural rotation ==> 更新轮伐期
  25650. silvicultural system ==> 森林作业法
  25651. silviculture taungya plantation ==> 间农作业
  25652. Silvola recovery ==> (指Silvola碱)碱回收法
  25653. silyl ether ==> 甲硅烷基醚
  25654. silzin bronze ==> 含硅耐蚀青铜
  25655. Sim's speculum ==> 席姆窥器
  25656. SIM, Subscriber Identity Module ==> 客户身份识别卡
  25657. simatic crust ==> 硅镁壳
  25658. SIMD architecture ==> 单指令多数据体系
  25659. SIMD computer ==> 单指令多数据计算机
  25660. SIME method, Single Machine Equivalent ==> The SIME method basically deals with the post fault configuration of a power system subjected to a disturbance which presumably drives it to instability.
  25661. simens martin steel ==> 平炉钢
  25662. simex process ==> 联合法提取过程
  25663. SIMFAC, SRMS simulation facility ==> SRMSシミュレーション設備
  25664. simian fold ==> 猿线
  25665. simian malaria ==> 猴疟
  25666. similar argument ==> 相似变量
  25667. similar asymmetric carbon atom ==> 相似的不对称碳原子
  25668. similar class ==> 相似类目
  25669. similar figures ==> 相似图形
  25670. similar flow ==> 相似流动
  25671. similar folding ==> 相似褶皱
  25672. similar genetic ==> 相同遗传因素
  25673. similar geometry ==> 相似几何
  25674. similar joint action ==> 相似联合作用
  25675. similar kinds of nutrients ==> 相同类型的养分
  25676. similar law ==> 相似法则
  25677. similar matrices ==> 相似矩阵
  25678. similar matrix ==> 相似矩阵
  25679. similar model ==> 相似模型
  25680. similar ordered aggregates ==> 相似有序集
  25681. similar parameter ==> 相似参数
  25682. similar quadrics ==> 相似二曲面
  25683. similar representation ==> 相似表示
  25684. similar square matrices ==> 相似方阵
  25685. similar systems of numbers ==> 相似数系
  25686. similar terms ==> 同类项
  25687. similar test ==> 相似检定,相似检验
  25688. similar to sample ==> 同样品相似
  25689. similar transformation ==> 相似变换
  25690. similar transportation ==> 相似変換
  25691. similarity ==> 相似=>相似
  25692. similarity coefficient ==> 相似系数
  25693. similarity criterion ==> 相似性准则,相似准则
  25694. similarity dimension ==> 相似性次元
  25695. similarity factor ==> 相似系数
  25696. similarity hypothesis ==> 相似性假说
  25697. similarity in spirit ==> 神似
  25698. similarity isomorphic ==> 相似同构的
  25699. similarity law ==> 相似法则,相似定律
  25700. similarity matrix ==> 相似矩阵
  25701. similarity method ==> 相似法
  25702. similarity model ==> 相似模型
  25703. similarity number ==> 相似数
  25704. similarity of competitive environment ==> 竞争环境的趋同,竞争环境的趋同
  25705. similarity parameters ==> 相似参数
  25706. similarity principle ==> 相似原理
  25707. similarity ratio ==> 相似比
  25708. similarity reduction ==> 相似性化简
  25709. similarity relation ==> 相似关系
  25710. similarity rule ==> 相似法则
  25711. similarity theorem ==> 相似性定理
  25712. similarity theory ==> 相似理论
  25713. similarity transformation ==> 相似变换
  25714. similarity variable ==> 相似变量
  25715. similarity-index analysis ==> 相似指数分析
  25716. similarity-rule estimation method ==> 按相似律计算法
  25717. simili paper ==> 冲沙纸
  25718. similitude ==> 相似
  25719. similitude invariant ==> 相似不変量
  25720. similitude method ==> 相似法
  25721. similitude principle ==> 相似原理
  25722. Simmer gasket ==> 翻唇垫圈,轴密封垫圈
  25723. Simmer ring ==> 轴密封环
  25724. simmering lamp ==> 预燃灯
  25725. Simon poplar ==> 小叶杨
  25726. Simon's operation ==> 西蒙氏手术
  25727. Simon's septic factor ==> 西蒙氏败血因子
  25728. Simon's suture ==> 西蒙氏缝合术
  25729. Simon's test ==> 西蒙氏检验伯胺与仲胺法
  25730. Simonart's thread ==> 西莫纳尔氏粘连线带
  25731. Simonelli's test ==> 西莫内利氏试验
  25732. Simonys' formula ==> 西蒙里氏公式
  25733. simos ==> 叠栅注入金属氧化物半导体
  25734. SIMPASS ==> 軸ねじれ振動解析シミュレーションプログラム(東電)
  25735. simpl free flexure bar ==> 简单双端弯曲棒
  25736. simple ==> 简,简单的,单纯,单的,单一的=>単体,易しい,簡略した,シンプルな
  25737. simple absolute expression ==> 简单绝对表达式
  25738. simple accident ==> 単なる事故
  25739. simple account ==> 単純勘定
  25740. simple accounting ==> 単式簿記
  25741. simple aerial cableway ==> 轻便索道,轻便铁索
  25742. simple AFC (simple automatic frequency control) ==> 简单自动频率控制
  25743. simple alternating current ==> 正弦交流
  25744. simple alternative ==> 简单备选假设
  25745. simple and opposite ==> 对生单叶
  25746. simple and opposite leaves ==> 对生单叶
  25747. simple anhydride ==> 简单酐
  25748. simple arbitrage ==> 简单套汇
  25749. simple arc ==> 简单弧
  25750. simple arithmetic average ==> 単純平均
  25751. simple arithmetic expression ==> 简单算术表达式=>単純演算式
  25752. simple arithmetic index number ==> 简单算术平均指数
  25753. simple arithmetic mean ==> 単純算術平均
  25754. simple array assignment statement ==> 简单数组赋值语句
  25755. simple assembly robot ==> 装配用单纯机器人
  25756. simple assignment statement ==> 简单赋值语句
  25757. simple astigmatism ==> 单纯散光
  25758. simple automatic electronic computer ==> 简单自动电子计算机
  25759. simple automatism ==> 简单自动症
  25760. simple axis of symmetry ==> 简单对称轴
  25761. simple balance ==> 简单平衡
  25762. simple band brake ==> 简单带式制动器
  25763. simple bar ==> 简单棒
  25764. simple barrier ==> 简单膜
  25765. simple batch distillation ==> 简单间歇蒸馏
  25766. simple beam ==> 简支梁,简支架,简支梁,单靶射束,单波束
  25767. simple bearing ==> 简支
  25768. simple bending ==> 简单弯曲,单纯弯曲,纯挠,纯弯曲
  25769. simple block letter ==> 简单方形字码
  25770. simple blocking game ==> 简单封锁对策
  25771. simple Boolean expression ==> 简单布尔表达式
  25772. simple branched tubular gland ==> 单支管状腺
  25773. simple brass ==> 纯黄铜
  25774. simple bridge ==> 简支桥
  25775. simple bud ==> 单芽
  25776. simple buffering ==> 简单缓冲法=>単純緩衝法
  25777. simple building ==> 简易房屋
  25778. simple bundle ==> 简单丛
  25779. simple burst ==> 简单暴
  25780. simple capital structure ==> 简单资本结构
  25781. simple cascade ==> 简单级联
  25782. simple catenary ==> 单吊线=>シンプルカテナリ(電鉄)
  25783. simple catenary equipment ==> シンプルカテナリ(電鉄)
  25784. simple catenary suspension ==> 单吊线悬垂,单式悬链
  25785. simple chain ==> 单铰链,简单链系
  25786. simple character ==> 简单特征标
  25787. simple check ==> 单裂
  25788. simple checkpoint ==> 简单检验点,简易检查点
  25789. simple chopper blower ==> 简易切碎吹送机
  25790. simple circuit ==> 简单环道,简单围道
  25791. simple cleavage ==> 简单裂解
  25792. simple closed curve ==> 简单闭曲线,简单封闭曲线
  25793. simple commodity economy ==> 简单商品经济
  25794. simple common subexpression ==> 简单公用子表达式
  25795. simple compiler ==> 简单编译程序
  25796. simple compounds ==> 简单化合物
  25797. simple compression ==> 单纯压缩
  25798. simple condition ==> 简单条件
  25799. simple condition expression ==> 简单条件表达式
  25800. simple conic projection ==> 普通圆锥投影
  25801. simple continued fraction ==> 简单连分数
  25802. simple continuous distillation ==> 平衡闪蒸法
  25803. simple contract creditor ==> 普通债权人
  25804. simple cooperative game ==> 简单合作对策
  25805. simple coordination ==> 简单协作
  25806. simple coppice system ==> 简单矮林作业法
  25807. simple cornice ==> 简单檐口
  25808. simple correlation ==> 简单相关,单项关系
  25809. simple credit ==> 扣押信用证,扣帐信用证
  25810. simple crossing ==> 单杂交
  25811. simple cubic lattice ==> 简单立方晶格=>単純立方格子
  25812. simple curve ==> 简单曲线
  25813. simple cutting ==> 普通枝插
  25814. simple cycle ==> 简单循环
  25815. simple cycle gas turbine engine ==> 简单循环燃气轮机
  25816. simple data terminal equipment (simple DTE) ==> 简易终端
  25817. simple decision rule ==> 简单判定规则
  25818. simple declaration ==> 简单说明
  25819. simple defining ==> 简单定义法
  25820. simple deformation ==> 简单形变
  25821. simple designational expression ==> 简单命名表达式
  25822. simple deterministic language ==> 简单的确定语言
  25823. simple dichotomy ==> 简单二分支
  25824. simple differential ==> 简单差速器
  25825. simple diffusion ==> 简单扩散
  25826. simple dike ==> 单岩墙
  25827. simple dimensional method ==> 单量纲法,简单量纲法
  25828. simple dipole source ==> 简单偶极子幅射源
  25829. simple discontinuity ==> 简单间断性
  25830. simple distllation ==> 简单蒸馏法,简单蒸馏作用
  25831. simple distribution ==> 简单分布
  25832. simple domain ==> 单纯域
  25833. simple eigenvalue ==> 简单本征值,简单特征值
  25834. simple electric transmission system ==> 単相回路モデル
  25835. simple electronic computer ==> 简易电子计算机
  25836. simple elongation ==> 简单伸长
  25837. simple embankment ==> (坝或堤)简单填筑
  25838. simple energy transient ==> 単エネルギー過渡現象
  25839. simple engine ==> 单缸发动机,单缸引擎,单级发动机
  25840. simple entry ==> 简单分录
  25841. simple equation ==> 一次方程,一次方程式,一元方程
  25842. simple equivalent circuit ==> 简化等效电路
  25843. simple ether ==> 简单醚
  25844. simple event ==> 简单事件
  25845. simple exogenous gastritis ==> 单纯外原性胃炎
  25846. simple extension ==> 简单拉伸
  25847. simple extensional flow ==> 简单拉伸流动
  25848. simple eye ==> 单眼
  25849. simple fan-in argument ==> 简单扇入变元
  25850. simple fault ==> 简单断层,简单故障:电力系统中只有一处发生故障的单一故障
  25851. simple fish-stick ==> 单头鱼叉
  25852. simple fluid ==> 简单流体
  25853. simple fold ==> 简单褶皱,单褶皱
  25854. simple folium ==> 单叶线
  25855. simple form ==> 单纯型,单形
  25856. simple formal parameter ==> 简单形式参数
  25857. simple fracture ==> 单纯骨折
  25858. simple freezing-in ==> 简单凝入
  25859. simple frontal sinusotomy ==> 额窦单纯切开术
  25860. simple fruit ==> 单果
  25861. simple function ==> 单值函数=>単関数
  25862. simple ga(u)ge relation ==> 单一水位关系
  25863. simple gate ==> 单门
  25864. simple geared train ==> 单式轮系
  25865. simple gearing ==> 单纯的齿轮传动,简单传动装置
  25866. simple genetic phenomenon ==> 简单遗传现象
  25867. simple glass ==> 普通玻璃
  25868. simple goiter ==> 单纯性甲状腺肿
  25869. simple governer ==> 简易调节器
  25870. simple grain ==> 单粒
  25871. simple graphical partition ==> 简单的图划分
  25872. simple gravity circulation ==> 简单重力循环
  25873. simple group ==> 单群
  25874. simple hand jig ==> 简单人工跳汰机,简单手动跳汰机
  25875. simple hapten ==> 简单半抗原
  25876. simple harmoinic wave motion ==> 简谐波动
  25877. simple harmonic ==> 简谐的
  25878. simple harmonic alternating current ==> 简谐交变电流
  25879. simple harmonic current ==> 纯正弦电流
  25880. simple harmonic curve ==> 简谐曲线
  25881. simple harmonic electromotive force ==> 简谐电动势
  25882. simple harmonic group ==> 简谐波组
  25883. simple harmonic motion ==> 単振動
  25884. simple harmonic motion (SHM) ==> 简谐运动,谐运动
  25885. simple harmonic motion cam ==> 简谐运动凸轮
  25886. simple harmonic oscillation ==> 単振動
  25887. simple harmonic oscillator ==> 简谐振荡器
  25888. simple harmonic quantity ==> 简谐
  25889. simple harmonic wave ==> 简谐波
  25890. simple header boiler ==> 整联箱式锅炉
  25891. simple HISAM data base ==> 简易HISAM数据库
  25892. simple index number ==> 简单指数
  25893. simple indexing ==> 简单分度法
  25894. simple inflammation ==> 单纯性炎
  25895. simple infrared system ==> 简单红外系统
  25896. simple inheritance ==> 简单遗传
  25897. simple inhibition ==> 简单抑制
  25898. simple injector ==> 简单喷射器
  25899. simple insertion ==> 简单插入,简单嵌入
  25900. simple insertion character ==> 简单插入字符
  25901. simple insertion editing ==> 简单插入编辑
  25902. simple integer invariant ==> 简单整型不变量
  25903. simple integral ==> 简单积分
  25904. simple interest ==> 直线生长,单利,单利息
  25905. simple interferometer ==> 简单干涉仪
  25906. simple intersection ==> 简单交叉口
  25907. simple joint ==> 单关节
  25908. simple ketone ==> 简单酮
  25909. simple lag network ==> 简单相移网络
  25910. simple lattic ==> 简单点阵
  25911. simple lay ==> 单绞
  25912. simple leaf ==> 单叶
  25913. simple leaf with a pair of stipules at the base ==> 每片单叶基部有一对托叶
  25914. simple lens ==> 单透镜
  25915. simple lever ==> 单杠杆
  25916. simple lever-type weighing machine ==> 杠杆式简易秤
  25917. simple licence contract ==> 普通许可证合同
  25918. simple licensing agreement ==> 普通许可证协议
  25919. simple life insurance ==> 简易人身保险
  25920. simple linear recurrence equation ==> 単純線形回帰式
  25921. simple linear representation ==> 简单线性表示
  25922. simple link ==> 单节
  25923. simple liquid ==> 单纯液体
  25924. simple Liquid ==> 简单液体
  25925. simple liquid mount ==> 简单菌液制片
  25926. simple list ==> 简单表格
  25927. simple list form ==> 简单编目形式
  25928. simple list structure ==> 简单表结构
  25929. simple live axle ==> 简单传动轴
  25930. simple loan ==> 普通贷款
  25931. simple locomotive ==> 单胀式机车
  25932. simple loop of bubble ==> 磁泡简单环
  25933. simple loss function ==> 简单损失函数
  25934. simple machine ==> 简单机械
  25935. simple macro-scheme ==> 简单宏功能方案
  25936. simple magnetic network ==> 单一磁网络
  25937. simple magnifier ==> 简单放大镜
  25938. simple mapping ==> 简单映像
  25939. simple Markovian queue ==> 简单的马尔可夫排队
  25940. simple mastectomy ==> 乳房单纯切除术
  25941. simple mastoidectomy ==> 乳突单纯切除术
  25942. simple mastoidotomy ==> 乳突单纯凿开术
  25943. simple matrix language ==> 单纯矩阵语言
  25944. simple metal ==> 纯金属
  25945. simple microelastic solid ==> 简单微弹性固体
  25946. simple microscope ==> 简单显微镜,单式显微镜
  25947. simple mixed flow ==> 简单混流
  25948. simple mixed strategy precedence grammar ==> 简单混合策略优先文法
  25949. simple money circulation ==> 简单货币流通
  25950. simple monoclinic ==> 简单单斜
  25951. simple monoclinic structure ==> 简单单斜结构
  25952. simple multihead automata ==> 简单多头自动机
  25953. simple multiple ==> 简单复联
  25954. simple multiple contact operation ==> 简单多级接触操作
  25955. simple multiple reflection ==> 简单多次反射
  25956. simple mycorhiza ==> 简单菌根
  25957. simple number ==> 单值
  25958. simple numerical system ==> 简单数字制
  25959. simple obesity ==> 单纯性肥胖
  25960. simple object ==> 简单对象
  25961. simple ocellus ==> 简单具瞳点,(昆)简单眼点
  25962. simple ocular ==> 单透目镜
  25963. simple order ==> 全序
  25964. simple ore ==> 单矿
  25965. simple oriented path ==> 简单的有向路径
  25966. simple orthorhombic ==> 简单正交
  25967. simple oscillator ==> 简单振子,简谐振子,简振荡,谐振子
  25968. simple PAL receiver ==> 简单逐行倒相制接收机
  25969. simple parabola ==> 简单抛物线
  25970. simple parallel winding ==> 简单并联绕组,单并联绕组
  25971. simple parameter ==> 简单参数
  25972. simple parity ==> 简单奇偶校验
  25973. simple parity check code ==> 简单奇偶检验码
  25974. simple pass tubular heater ==> 单程管式加热器
  25975. simple path ==> 简单道路,简单通路
  25976. simple payment loan ==> 一次偿清贷款
  25977. simple pendulum ==> 单摆=>単振り子
  25978. simple perforation ==> 单穿孔
  25979. simple perforation plate ==> 单穿孔板
  25980. simple periodic motion ==> 简谐运动,简周期运动
  25981. simple pipe tee reactor ==> 单管三通反应器
  25982. simple piston rod ==> 单面活塞杆
  25983. simple pit ==> 单纹孔
  25984. simple pit pair ==> 单纹孔对
  25985. simple plastic flow ==> 简单塑性流
  25986. simple plasticizer ==> 低分子增塑剂
  25987. simple pointer ==> 单指针
  25988. simple polyembryony ==> 简单多胚现象
  25989. simple polygon ==> 简单多边形
  25990. simple pore ==> 单纹孔
  25991. simple potato crusher ==> 马铃薯简易搅碎机
  25992. simple potentiometer ==> 线性电位计
  25993. simple power lathe ==> 简单动力车床
  25994. simple precedence relation ==> 简单优先关系
  25995. simple precedence technique ==> 简单优先技术
  25996. simple press tool ==> 单工序冲模
  25997. simple probability ==> 简单几率
  25998. simple probability curve ==> 简单概率曲线
  25999. simple process ==> 单级过程
  26000. simple process factor ==> 单级过程分离系数
  26001. simple processor ==> 单处理机
  26002. simple product ==> 简单积
  26003. simple progressive system ==> (交通信号)简单行进式系统
  26004. simple proportion ==> 单比例
  26005. simple protein ==> 单纯蛋白质,简单蛋白质,简单朊
  26006. simple pseudomanifold ==> 简单伪流形
  26007. simple pulg monary stenosis ==> 单纯性肺动脉瓣狭窄
  26008. simple pump ==> 单缸泵
  26009. simple pumping test from domestic well ==> 民井简易抽水试验
  26010. simple purpose plant ==> 目的单纯的工厂
  26011. simple pursuit game ==> 简单追击对策
  26012. simple push ==> 简单推力
  26013. simple push-down automaton ==> 简单的下推自动机
  26014. simple pushdown automaton ==> 简单下推自动机
  26015. simple quantity ==> 质数
  26016. simple radioreagent method ==> 简单放射性试剂法
  26017. simple random sampling ==> 简单随机抽样
  26018. simple reaction ==> 简单反应
  26019. simple rectification ==> 简单检波
  26020. simple recursion ==> 简单递归
  26021. simple refined iron ==> 单炼铁
  26022. simple reflection goniometer ==> 单反射测角仪
  26023. simple reflex ==> 简单反射
  26024. simple refrigeration ==> 单式冷藏
  26025. simple regression ==> 单回归,简单回归
  26026. simple regression analysis ==> 简单回归分析,一元回归分析
  26027. simple repeatable robot ==> 简单重复机器人
  26028. simple repetition ==> 简单重复
  26029. simple resonance ==> 简单共振
  26030. simple resuscitator ==> 简易复苏器
  26031. simple ring ==> 简单环形构造,单环
  26032. simple RLC parallel circuit ==> 简单的RLC并联电路
  26033. simple RLC series circuit ==> 简单的RLC串联电路
  26034. simple rolling process ==> 简易轧制过程
  26035. simple roof truss ==> 简单屋架
  26036. simple root ==> 单根
  26037. simple rotary sieve ==> 简易回转筛
  26038. simple salt ==> 简单盐
  26039. simple scan ==> 单点扫描
  26040. simple scanning ==> 简单扫描
  26041. simple schizophrenia ==> 简单型精神分裂症
  26042. simple segregation equation ==> 简单偏析方程
  26043. simple selection ==> 单项选择
  26044. simple self-excitation system ==> 简单自励系统
  26045. simple selsyn motor system ==> 简化自动同步机方式
  26046. simple senile dementia ==> 单纯性老年痴呆
  26047. simple separation ==> 简单分隔,采用基本绝缘体使导体之间或导体与地之间分隔
  26048. simple series ==> 简单级数
  26049. simple servomechanism ==> 简式随动系统
  26050. simple shake ==> 单裂
  26051. simple shape ==> 简单断面型钢
  26052. simple shear ==> 简单剪切,简单切变,单剪
  26053. simple shearing flow ==> 简单剪流切
  26054. simple shearing stress ==> 简单切应力
  26055. simple sieve plate ==> 单筛板
  26056. simple signal ==> 简单信号
  26057. simple sinusoidal alternating current ==> 正弦交流电流
  26058. simple sinusoidal current ==> 纯正弦电流
  26059. simple sinusoidal quantity ==> 正弦量,简单正弦值
  26060. simple sliding friction ==> 纯滑动摩擦
  26061. simple slip ==> 纯滑移
  26062. simple solid ==> 简单固体
  26063. simple sorus ==> 单囊群
  26064. simple span ==> 简支跨
  26065. simple square crossing ==> 简单十字形交叉
  26066. simple stain ==> 单染色
  26067. simple staining ==> 简单染色法
  26068. simple stationary gas producer ==> 固定煤气发生炉
  26069. simple steam-engine ==> 单级膨胀蒸汽机
  26070. simple steel ==> 碳钢,普通钢
  26071. simple stomach ==> 单胃
  26072. simple strain ==> 纯应变,简单应变
  26073. simple strand ==> 单股的
  26074. simple stress ==> 单轴应力,纯应力,简单受力,简胁强,简应力
  26075. simple structure ==> 简单结构
  26076. simple structure thesaurus ==> 简单结构叙词表
  26077. simple style ==> 单体花柱
  26078. simple substance ==> 单质=>単体
  26079. simple substitute ==> 简单置换
  26080. simple support ==> 简单支座,简支
  26081. simple surface ==> 简单曲面
  26082. simple syrup ==> シロップ
  26083. simple tachycardia ==> 单纯性心搏过速
  26084. simple tally mark ==> 简单记数记号
  26085. simple tarifs ==> 简单的塔立夫材积表
  26086. simple tension ==> 单向拉伸,纯拉力
  26087. simple tetragonal ==> 简单四方
  26088. simple tetragonal lattice ==> 单一正方晶格
  26089. simple theodolite ==> 简便经纬仪
  26090. simple theory of types ==> 简单类型论
  26091. simple thermodynamic material ==> 简单热力学材料
  26092. simple time quenching ==> 普通单一水淬法
  26093. simple tissue ==> 简单组织
  26094. simple tone ==> 单音,纯音=>純音
  26095. simple torsion ==> 简单扭转
  26096. simple translocation ==> 简单易位,单易位
  26097. simple treadle lathe ==> 单踏式车床
  26098. simple triclinic ==> 简单三斜
  26099. simple trisomic ==> 简单三体生物
  26100. simple trommel ==> 简单转筒筛,单筒筛
  26101. simple truss ==> 简单桁架,简支桁架
  26102. simple tuberculoma of choroid ==> 孤立性脉络膜结核瘤
  26103. simple tubular gland ==> 单管状腺
  26104. simple tungsten carbide cobalt composition ==> 纯碳化钨-钴制品,纯钴钨硬质合金制品
  26105. simple turbine ==> 单级汽轮机,单级涡轮机
  26106. simple turbine type mixer ==> 简单涡轮式混合器
  26107. simple twin ==> 简单孪晶
  26108. simple twist ==> 简单胶合,简单绞合
  26109. simple type ==> 简易式
  26110. simple type theory ==> 简单类型理论
  26111. simple umbel ==> 单伞形花序
  26112. simple unbalanced-shaft screen ==> 简单不平衡轴筛
  26113. simple unit ==> 简单单位
  26114. simple unit cell ==> 简单晶胞
  26115. simple variable ==> 简单变量
  26116. simple variation method ==> (油浸)单变法
  26117. simple vault ==> 简单穹顶
  26118. simple venation ==> 单脉
  26119. simple viscoelastic micropolar material ==> 简单粘弹微极性材料
  26120. simple viscous liquid ==> 简单粘性液体
  26121. simple volcano ==> 单火山
  26122. simple vulvectomy ==> 外阴单纯切除术
  26123. simple warping ==> 简单的色经纱排列
  26124. simple wart ==> 单纯疣
  26125. simple wave ==> 简单波
  26126. simple whip grafting ==> 单舌接
  26127. simple working stress ==> 简单工作应力
  26128. simple zero ==> 单零点
  26129. simple zone melting ==> 简单区域熔炼
  26130. simple-alternative detection ==> 简单双择检测
  26131. simple-duplex modem ==> 简单双向调制解调器
  26132. simple-frame core box ==> 敞开式芯盒
  26133. simple-harmonic law ==> 正弦定律
  26134. simple-hormontic law ==> 简谐定律
  26135. simple-integral viscoelastic fluid model ==> 简单积分型粘弹流体模型
  26136. simplest formula ==> 最简化学式
  26137. simplex ==> 单纯,单纯形,单缸,单工,单工通信,单路,单路通讯,单向,单形,模拟实验
  26138. simplex air gauge ==> 单针气压表
  26139. simplex algorithm ==> 单纯形算法
  26140. simplex burner ==> 单路燃料喷嘴
  26141. simplex channel ==> 单工信道,单向通道
  26142. simplex circuit ==> 单工通讯线路
  26143. simplex circuit (SPX circuit) ==> 单工电路,单工线路
  26144. simplex concrete pile ==> 单纯混凝土桩
  26145. simplex copying ==> 单面复制
  26146. simplex criterion ==> 单纯形判据,单体判据
  26147. simplex crusher ==> 单式压碎机
  26148. simplex dialling ==> 单工拨号
  26149. simplex double acting pump ==> 单缸式复动泵
  26150. simplex flyer frame ==> 单程粗纱机
  26151. simplex group of chromosomes ==> 单组染色体
  26152. simplex injector ==> 简单喷射器
  26153. simplex intermediate fly frame ==> 单程二道粗纱机
  26154. simplex iteration ==> 单纯形迭代
  26155. simplex lap winding ==> 单叠绕组,直流电机电枢绕组的一种绕制型式。组成一条支路的各个串联元件,其对应边处于同一主极下。元件前后相叠。槽内元件边按双层布置
  26156. simplex method ==> 单纯形法,单纯形方法,单体法=>シンプレックス法,単体法
  26157. simplex method of linear programming ==> 线性规划中的单纯形法
  26158. simplex milling machine ==> 单柱铣床
  26159. simplex mode ==> 单工方式
  26160. simplex motor ==> 单工电动机,同步感应电动机
  26161. simplex multiplier ==> 单纯形乘数,单纯形乘子,单纯形因子
  26162. simplex operation ==> 单工操作
  26163. simplex pressure-jet system ==> 简单机械雾化系统
  26164. simplex printing machine ==> 单面印花机
  26165. simplex procedure ==> 单纯形程序
  26166. simplex pull rod ==> 单拉杆
  26167. simplex pump ==> 单缸泵
  26168. simplex radio communication ==> 单工无线电通信
  26169. simplex reciprocating pump ==> 单缸往复泵,单缸往复式泵,单缸位复泵
  26170. simplex repeater ==> 单工帮电机
  26171. simplex solar shield ==> 简易太阳屏
  26172. simplex station ==> 单工收发电台
  26173. simplex steam pump ==> 单缸汽动泵
  26174. simplex system ==> 单工通信系统,单工通信制,单工系统,单工制,单向通信系统=>シンプレックス・システム
  26175. simplex tableau ==> 单纯形表=>シンプレックス表
  26176. simplex telegraphy ==> 单工电报
  26177. simplex telephony ==> 单工电话学
  26178. simplex transmission ==> 单工传输=>単方向伝送
  26179. simplex unit ==> 单工机
  26180. simplex uterus ==> 单子宫
  26181. simplex wave ==> 单波
  26182. simplex wave wind(ing) ==> 单波绕组
  26183. simplex wave winding ==> 单波绕组,直流电机电枢绕组的一种绕制型式。组成一条支路的各个串联元件,其对应边处于所有相同极性的主极下。元件展开成波浪形。槽内元件边按双层布置
  26184. simplex winding ==> 单式绕组,单排绕组,单绕组,单重绕组=>単重巻
  26185. simplex working ==> 单工通报=>単信通信
  26186. simplex-duplex pump ==> 单作用双联泵
  26187. simplicial approximation ==> 单纯逼近
  26188. simplicial complex ==> 单纯复形
  26189. simplicial homology ==> 单纯同调
  26190. simplicity radio ==> 簡易無線
  26191. simplification ==> 简易,简易性,单纯化
  26192. simplification of human head model ==> 人体頭部モデルの簡単化
  26193. simplified Chinese ==> 简体字
  26194. simplified construction ==> 構造が簡単である
  26195. simplified equivalent circuit ==> 簡易等価回路
  26196. simplified forceps ==> 简易镊,保健镊
  26197. simplified foreign body localizer ==> 简易异物定位器
  26198. simplified hypothermia unit ==> 简式低温仪
  26199. simplified infusion set ==> 简易式静脉输液器
  26200. simplified optical construction ==> 简化光学结构
  26201. simplified performance prediction ==> 特性简化预计法
  26202. simplified periodical ==> 定期小修
  26203. simplified power flow analysis ==> 簡略潮流計算
  26204. simplified probit method ==> 简化概率单位法
  26205. simplified representation ==> 简化表示
  26206. simplified saline test ==> 简易盐水试验
  26207. simplified schematic ==> 原理图
  26208. simplified solution ==> 简化解
  26209. simplified test procedure ==> 简化的试验程序
  26210. simplified thromboplastin generation test ==> 简易凝血活酶生成试验
  26211. simplified thromboplastin time determination ==> 简易凝血活酶时间测定
  26212. simplified topper ==> 简易拔顶装置
  26213. simplified transfusion outfit ==> 简易输血器
  26214. simplify working process ==> 简化工序
  26215. simply connected ==> 单连通的
  26216. simply connected curve ==> 单连通曲线
  26217. simply connected region ==> 单连通区域
  26218. simply connected space ==> 单连通空间
  26219. simply equipped ward ==> 简易病房
  26220. simply homomorphic ==> 单同态映射
  26221. simply ordered set ==> 全序集
  26222. simply periodic function ==> 单周期函数
  26223. simply supplied ward ==> 简易病房
  26224. simply supported beam ==> (两点支持)简支架
  26225. simply supported slab ==> 简支板
  26226. simply uniformly convergent ==> 简单均匀收敛
  26227. simply-connected ==> 单连通的
  26228. simply-connected surface ==> 单连通面
  26229. Simpson's forceps ==> 辛普森氏产钳
  26230. Simpson's obstetric forceps ==> 辛普森氏产钳
  26231. Simpson's rule ==> Simpson則
  26232. sims ==> 次级离子质谱分析法
  26233. Sims' position ==> 半俯卧位
  26234. Sims' speculum ==> 西姆斯氏阴道窥器
  26235. Sims's suture ==> 席姆斯氏钳夹缝合术
  26236. SIMS, secondary ion mass spectrometory ==> 二次イオン質量分析
  26237. SIMS, shuttle inventory management system ==> シャトル在庫管理システム
  26238. Sims-Huhner test of cervical mucus ==> 宫颈粘液席-胡二氏试验
  26239. Simson theorem ==> シムソンの定理
  26240. SIMU, simulation ==> シミュレーション
  26241. SIMU, simulator ==> シミュレータ
  26242. simulate thermal equilibrium ==> 模拟热平衡
  26243. simulate voice synthesizer ==> 模拟口声语音合成器
  26244. simulated ==> 装った,偽の
  26245. simulated accident ==> 模擬事故
  26246. simulated acid rain ==> 人工酸性雨
  26247. simulated acidic rain ==> 模擬酸性雨
  26248. simulated agent ==> 摹拟的化学战剂
  26249. simulated aggressor air attack ==> 模拟空袭
  26250. simulated air combat ==> 模拟空战
  26251. simulated airborne assault ==> 模拟空降突击
  26252. simulated aircraft ==> 模拟飞机
  26253. simulated altitude ==> 模拟高度
  26254. simulated altitude environment ==> 模拟高度环境
  26255. simulated annealing ==> シミュレーテッドアニーリング
  26256. simulated approach ==> 模拟进场
  26257. simulated bomb ==> 模拟炸弹
  26258. simulated bomb explosion ==> 模拟炸弹爆炸
  26259. simulated bombing mission ==> 模拟轰炸练习
  26260. simulated carrier deck ==> 模拟航空母舰甲板
  26261. simulated climatic conditions ==> 模拟气候条件
  26262. simulated clock ==> 模拟昼夜时钟
  26263. simulated clock simulation clock ==> 模拟时钟
  26264. simulated command module ==> 模拟指令舱
  26265. simulated condition ==> 模拟工况
  26266. simulated conditions ==> 模拟条件
  26267. simulated countermeasure ==> 模拟干扰
  26268. simulated crack ==> 模擬亀裂
  26269. simulated currency loan ==> 模拟的通货贷款
  26270. simulated data ==> 模抉数据=>模擬データ
  26271. simulated decentralization organization ==> 模拟分权组织
  26272. simulated defect ==> 模擬欠陥
  26273. simulated diamond ==> 模造ダイヤ
  26274. simulated distillation ==> 模擬蒸留
  26275. simulated drop ==> 模拟投放
  26276. simulated early lodging ==> 早期模拟倒伏
  26277. simulated earthquake vibration stand ==> 模拟地震振动台
  26278. simulated emission ==> 模拟发射,模拟放射
  26279. simulated engine ==> 模擬エンジン
  26280. simulated engine-out missed approach ==> 模拟单发复飞
  26281. simulated failure ==> 模拟故障
  26282. simulated fall-out ==> 模拟沉降物
  26283. simulated fire ball condition ==> 模拟火球条件
  26284. simulated flame out ==> 模拟熄火
  26285. simulated flameout landing ==> 模拟停车着陆
  26286. simulated flight ==> 模拟飞行
  26287. simulated flight plan ==> 模拟飞行计划
  26288. simulated flight test facilities ==> 模拟飞行试验设备
  26289. simulated flow ==> 模拟流动,模拟水流
  26290. simulated foods ==> 模拟食品
  26291. simulated formation ==> 模拟地层
  26292. simulated fuel slug ==> 模拟燃料块
  26293. simulated gastric fluid ==> 人工胃液
  26294. simulated gravity ==> 模拟重力
  26295. simulated gunnery ==> 模拟射击
  26296. simulated head system ==> (立体声)模拟人头制
  26297. simulated hearing loss ==> 模拟听力损失
  26298. simulated impact tester ==> 模拟冲击实验器
  26299. simulated input condition ==> 模拟输入条件
  26300. simulated installation fixture ==> 模拟装配夹具
  26301. simulated interception ==> 模拟截击
  26302. simulated interrupt condition ==> 模拟中断条件
  26303. simulated interview ==> 模拟面谈
  26304. simulated intestinal fluid ==> 人工肠液
  26305. simulated kill ==> 模拟命中靶标
  26306. simulated leakage ==> 模拟泄漏
  26307. simulated life test ==> 模拟使用寿命试验
  26308. simulated line ==> 模拟线
  26309. simulated log-on ==> 模拟注册
  26310. simulated machine indexing ==> 模拟机器标引
  26311. simulated management operation ==> 模拟管理作业
  26312. simulated maneuver ==> 模拟机动
  26313. simulated market regulation ==> 模拟市场调节
  26314. simulated medical evacuation ==> 模拟医务后送
  26315. simulated missed approach ==> 模拟复飞
  26316. simulated mission ==> 模拟飞行练习
  26317. simulated nuclear warhead ==> 模拟核弹头
  26318. simulated operational training course ==> 模拟作战训练科目
  26319. simulated optical range tester ==> 模拟光学距离测试器
  26320. simulated performance ==> 模拟性能
  26321. simulated pressure ==> 模拟压力
  26322. simulated program ==> 模拟试验程序
  26323. simulated rain trails ==> 模拟降雨试验
  26324. simulated range ==> 模拟距离
  26325. simulated road conditions ==> 模拟道路条件
  26326. simulated road test ==> 模拟道路试验
  26327. simulated roadway ==> 模拟道路
  26328. simulated routine ==> 模拟程序,模拟例行程序
  26329. simulated section ==> 模拟剖面
  26330. simulated service test ==> 模拟使用试验
  26331. simulated service testing machine ==> 模拟疲劳试验机
  26332. simulated silo ==> 模拟发射井
  26333. simulated slot ==> 模拟槽
  26334. simulated sonic log ==> 模拟声波测井
  26335. simulated space ==> 模拟宇宙空间
  26336. simulated space condition ==> 模拟空间环境条件
  26337. simulated space environment ==> 模拟的空间环境
  26338. simulated spark-ignition engine ==> 模拟火花点火发动机
  26339. simulated strain ==> 模拟应变
  26340. simulated strike ==> 模拟攻击
  26341. simulated suspension (悬架试验台) ==> 模拟悬架
  26342. simulated system ==> 模抉系统,模拟系统
  26343. simulated tank ==> 模拟坦克
  26344. simulated target ==> 模拟目标
  26345. simulated time ==> 模拟时间
  26346. simulated traffic test ==> 模拟交通试验
  26347. simulated training ==> 模拟训练
  26348. simulated transit center ==> 模拟转接中心
  26349. simulated use ==> (在试验时进行的)模拟使用
  26350. simulated value ==> 模拟值
  26351. simulated viscosity term ==> 模拟粘性项
  26352. simulated voice recognition ==> 仿真声音识别
  26353. simulated voice synthesizer ==> 模拟语音合成器
  26354. simulated waveform of current ==> 電流波形(計算値)
  26355. simulated waveform of current on earth line ==> 接地線電流波形(計算値)
  26356. simulated waveform of voltage ==> 電圧波形(計算値)
  26357. simulated weightlessness conditions ==> 模拟失重条件
  26358. simulated-aximuth ==> 模拟的方位
  26359. simulated-operations testing ==> 模拟作业试验
  26360. simulating ==> 模拟
  26361. simulating audio system ==> 模拟声频系统
  26362. simulating control ==> 模拟控制
  26363. simulating motor ==> 模拟电动机
  26364. simulating signal ==> 模拟信号
  26365. simulating strata movement ==> 模拟岩层移动
  26366. simulating tractive performance ==> 模拟牵引特性
  26367. simulation ==> 仿真,模拟=>シミュレーション
  26368. simulation accuracy ==> シミュレーション精度
  26369. simulation analysis ==> 模拟分析
  26370. simulation and dynamic programming ==> 模拟和动态程序编制
  26371. simulation architecture ==> 仿真结构
  26372. simulation circuit ==> 模似电路
  26373. simulation clock ==> 模拟时钟,仿真时钟
  26374. simulation command ==> 模拟命令
  26375. simulation context ==> 模拟范围
  26376. simulation control algorithm ==> 仿真控制算法
  26377. simulation control center ==> 模拟控制中心
  26378. simulation data ==> 模拟数据,仿真数据
  26379. simulation data subsystem ==> 模拟数据子系统
  26380. simulation device ==> 模拟设备
  26381. simulation environment ==> 模拟环境
  26382. simulation equation ==> 模拟方程
  26383. simulation equipment ==> 模拟设备
  26384. simulation error statistic ==> 模拟误差统计
  26385. simulation executive ==> 模拟执行
  26386. simulation experiment ==> 模拟实验,模拟试验
  26387. simulation game ==> 模拟博奕,模拟活动,模拟计划
  26388. simulation games for business ==> 业务管理模拟训练
  26389. simulation hardware ==> 仿真硬件
  26390. simulation imput device ==> 模拟输入设备
  26391. simulation input device ==> 仿真输入设备
  26392. simulation input tape ==> 模拟输入带
  26393. simulation jamming ==> 模拟式干扰
  26394. simulation job ==> 模拟作业
  26395. simulation laboratory ==> 模拟实验室
  26396. simulation language ==> 仿真语言
  26397. simulation manipulation ==> 模拟处理
  26398. simulation method ==> 模拟法,仿真法
  26399. simulation methodology ==> 仿真方法论,模拟方法论,模拟方法学
  26400. simulation model ==> 仿真模型
  26401. simulation model parameter estimation ==> 模拟模型参数估计
  26402. simulation model program ==> 模拟样机程序
  26403. simulation models ==> 模拟模式
  26404. simulation monitoring ==> 模拟监督,模拟监控
  26405. simulation of cognitive processes ==> 可识过程模拟
  26406. simulation of logic array ==> 逻辑阵列仿真
  26407. simulation of Markov chain ==> 马尔可夫链的模拟
  26408. simulation of Markov chains ==> 马尔可夫链模拟
  26409. simulation of microclimates ==> 小气候的模拟
  26410. simulation of trace ==> 軌跡計算
  26411. simulation operation center ==> 模拟活动中心
  26412. simulation operations control center ==> 模拟活动控制中心
  26413. simulation package ==> 模拟程序包
  26414. simulation process ==> 模拟过程
  26415. simulation programme ==> 模拟程序
  26416. simulation programming language(SPL) ==> 模拟程序设计语言
  26417. simulation programs ==> 解析プログラム
  26418. simulation pulse transmission ==> 模拟脉冲传输,仿真脉冲传输
  26419. simulation report ==> 模拟研究报告
  26420. simulation research design ==> 模拟作业研究设计
  26421. simulation run ==> 模拟运行,仿真运行
  26422. simulation science ==> 模拟科学
  26423. simulation software ==> 模拟软件,仿真软件
  26424. simulation software program ==> 模拟软件程序
  26425. simulation study ==> 模拟研究,仿真研究
  26426. simulation supervisory program ==> 仿真管理程序,仿真监督程序
  26427. simulation symposium ==> 仿真论文集
  26428. simulation system ==> 模拟系统
  26429. simulation technique ==> 模拟技术,仿真技术
  26430. simulation test ==> 模拟试验
  26431. simulation test deck ==> 模拟测试组
  26432. simulation theory ==> 仿真理论=>シミュレーション理論
  26433. simulation training system ==> 模拟训练设备
  26434. simulation war game ==> 模拟战略对策
  26435. simulation wellbore hole ==> 模拟井筒
  26436. simulation-game ==> 仿真博弈
  26437. simulation-game technique ==> 模拟对策技术
  26438. simulation-search technique ==> 模拟探索技术
  26439. simulative formability test ==> 模拟成形性试验
  26440. simulative generator ==> 模拟发生器,模拟振荡器
  26441. simulative method ==> 模拟电路法,模拟法
  26442. simulative network ==> 模拟网络
  26443. simulative type test ==> 模拟型试验
  26444. simulator ==> 模拟程序,模型设备,装病者,仿真器=>シミュレータ
  26445. simulator cabin ==> 模拟器座舱
  26446. simulator cockpit ==> 模拟驾驶舱
  26447. simulator compiler ==> 模拟程序的编译程序
  26448. simulator debug ==> 模拟程序调试
  26449. simulator debug utility ==> 模拟程序的调试应用
  26450. simulator for thermal power plant ==> 火电厂仿真机,利用计算机仿真技术,演示与真实情况相同或相近的发电机组各种运行方式的状态,并可对其进行离线控制,为机组运行值班员进行培训的计算机系统
  26451. simulator investigation ==> 模拟研究
  26452. simulator model ==> 模拟装置模型
  26453. simulator prototype development ==> 模拟样机研制
  26454. simulator rig ==> 模拟装置
  26455. simulator software ==> 模拟程序软件
  26456. simulator software package ==> 模拟程序软件包
  26457. simulator software program ==> 模拟软件程序
  26458. simulator space cockpit ==> 模拟航天器舱
  26459. simulator stand ==> 模拟试验台
  26460. simulator time ==> 模拟装置工作时间
  26461. simulator training ==> 仿真器训练
  26462. simultaneity ==> 同时发生,同时性
  26463. simultaneity factor ==> 同时率,同时系数
  26464. simultaneity of ripening ==> 同时成熟性
  26465. simultaneity of use ==> 并发使用
  26466. simultaneous ==> 同時
  26467. simultaneous access ==> 同时存取,并行存取=>同時アクセス,並列アクセス
  26468. simultaneous acquisition ==> 同时采集
  26469. simultaneous adaptation ==> 同时适应
  26470. simultaneous approximation ==> 同时逼近
  26471. simultaneous Bi-directional power flow control ==> 電力逆送
  26472. simultaneous broadcasting ==> 辅联播
  26473. simultaneous broadcasting (S.B.) ==> 同时广播
  26474. simultaneous bus operation ==> 同时总线操作
  26475. simultaneous call ==> 同时呼叫
  26476. simultaneous calling ==> 同時呼出
  26477. simultaneous carry ==> 同时进位,并行进位
  26478. simultaneous collection of twoion beams ==> 双离子束的同时接收
  26479. simultaneous collision ==> 同时碰撞
  26480. simultaneous colo(u)r television ==> 同时制彩色电视
  26481. simultaneous colo(u)r television system ==> 同时传送制彩色电视系统
  26482. simultaneous color subcarrier system ==> 副载波同时发送彩色电视系统
  26483. simultaneous color television system ==> 色场同时传送制=>同時式カラーテレビ(ジョン)方式
  26484. simultaneous colour system ==> 同时传送制彩色电视系统
  26485. simultaneous colour television ==> 同时传送制彩色电视
  26486. simultaneous communication ==> 同时通信
  26487. simultaneous comparison methos ==> 同时比较法
  26488. simultaneous conditioned reflex ==> 同时条件反射
  26489. simultaneous connection ==> 同时连接
  26490. simultaneous contrast ==> 同时对比,共时对衬
  26491. simultaneous control ==> 同时控制
  26492. simultaneous deposition and reaction process ==> 堆積・反応同時プロセス
  26493. simultaneous design ==> 同時設計
  26494. simultaneous difference equations ==> 联立差分方程
  26495. simultaneous differmination ==> 同时测定
  26496. simultaneous disconnection ==> 一斉解列
  26497. simultaneous displacement ==> 同时位移
  26498. simultaneous displacement method ==> 同时替换法
  26499. simultaneous draw texturing machine ==> 同时拉伸变形机
  26500. simultaneous earthquake ==> 同时地震
  26501. simultaneous equation ==> 联立方程
  26502. simultaneous equation estimate ==> 联立方程估计
  26503. simultaneous equations ==> 联立方程组
  26504. simultaneous equations estimator ==> 联立方程组估计量
  26505. simultaneous equations method ==> 联立方程组方法
  26506. simultaneous equations system ==> 联立方程组
  26507. simultaneous equations techniques ==> 联立方程组方法
  26508. simultaneous error ==> 同步误差,同时出错
  26509. simultaneous estimation method ==> 同时估计法
  26510. simultaneous failure ==> 同时失误
  26511. simultaneous feedback error component ==> 同时反馈误差分量
  26512. simultaneous filling ==> 同时充填
  26513. simultaneous firing ==> (多发动机)同时起动
  26514. simultaneous frequency and amplitude modulation ==> 同时幅频调制
  26515. simultaneous graphy and telephony ==> 同时进行电报电话制
  26516. simultaneous ground fault ==> 同时接地故障
  26517. simultaneous ignition ==> 同时点火
  26518. simultaneous immunization ==> 同时免疫法,合并免疫法
  26519. simultaneous impact rate ==> 同时弹着率
  26520. simultaneous induction ==> 同时诱导
  26521. simultaneous input output ==> 同时输入输出,并行输入-输出
  26522. simultaneous input pulse ==> 同时输入脉冲
  26523. simultaneous instruction system ==> 同时指令系统
  26524. simultaneous integral equation ==> 連立積分方程式
  26525. simultaneous interpretation ==> 同声传译,译意风
  26526. simultaneous landing ==> 同时着陆
  26527. simultaneous line seizing circuit ==> 同轮电路
  26528. simultaneous lobing system ==> 同时扫掠制
  26529. simultaneous measurement ==> 同时测量=>同時測定(ガス圧点検法)
  26530. simultaneous measuring ==> 同時計測
  26531. simultaneous mode ==> 同时处理方式
  26532. simultaneous mode of working ==> 同时工作方式
  26533. simultaneous motion cycle chart ==> 同步动作周期图,同时动作图解
  26534. simultaneous movement ==> 同时运动
  26535. simultaneous movements ==> 同相运动
  26536. simultaneous multiplier ==> 同时乘法器
  26537. simultaneous mutation ==> 同时突变
  26538. simultaneous observation ==> 同步观测,同时观测
  26539. simultaneous operation ==> 同时操作=>同時演算
  26540. simultaneous out diffusion ==> 同时向外扩散
  26541. simultaneous oxidation ==> 同时氧化
  26542. simultaneous peripheral operation on-line ==> 假脱机
  26543. simultaneous processing ==> 同时处理
  26544. simultaneous punching-printing ==> 同步穿孔印刷
  26545. simultaneous reaction ==> 同时反应,联立反应
  26546. simultaneous reception ==> 同时接收
  26547. simultaneous row iteration ==> 同时行迭代
  26548. simultaneous search and attack sonar ==> 同时搜索与攻击声纳
  26549. simultaneous shrinkage ==> 同時収縮
  26550. simultaneous slip theory ==> 同时滑移理论
  26551. simultaneous start ==> 一斉始動
  26552. simultaneous statistical inference ==> 同时统计学推论
  26553. simultaneous strike ==> 同序共沉淀捕集
  26554. simultaneous system ==> 同步系统,同时系统,同时制
  26555. simultaneous system of equations ==> 联立方程组
  26556. simultaneous techniques ==> 同步技术
  26557. simultaneous tension ==> 同时张拉
  26558. simultaneous throughput ==> 同时吞吐量
  26559. simultaneous traffic signal controlling ==> (交通)同时信号控制法
  26560. simultaneous transfer capability ==> 同時送電可能容量
  26561. simultaneous translation ==> 同時通訳
  26562. simultaneous transmission ==> 同时传输
  26563. simultaneous transmission and reception ==> 同時送受信
  26564. simultaneous trigger ==> 同時トリガ
  26565. simultaneous tripping ==> 同时解扣
  26566. simultaneous two-way operation ==> 同时双向操作
  26567. simultaneous two-way transmission ==> 双向同时传输
  26568. simultaneous type ==> 同时型
  26569. simultaneous type radio range ==> 同时制无线电信标
  26570. simultaneous variables ==> 联立变数
  26571. simultaneous variance ratio test ==> 联合方差比检验
  26572. simultaneous working ==> 同时工作
  26573. simultaneously realizable ==> 可同时实现的
  26574. Sin-Haruna substation ==> 新榛名变电站(日本UHV)
  26575. sinactine ==> 华尖碱
  26576. SINAD, signal to noise and distortion ratio ==> 信号对噪声和失真比,信噪比
  26577. sinalbin ==> 白芥子硫苷
  26578. Sinanthropus ==> 中国猿人属
  26579. Sinanthropus pekinensis ==> 中国猿人,中国猿人北京种
  26580. sinapic acid ==> 芥子酸
  26581. sinapine ==> 芥子碱
  26582. sinapinic acid ==> 芥子酸
  26583. sinapis ==> 芥子属
  26584. since ==> 自从
  26585. sincere ==> 纯真=>誠実な,正直な
  26586. SINCERT ==> イタリア認証機関認定機構
  26587. sincipital ==> 前顶的
  26588. sincipital presentation ==> 前顶先露,高直位
  26589. sinciput ==> 前顶,前头
  26590. Sinclair hydrogen treating ==> 辛克莱加氢精制过程
  26591. Sinclair hydrotreating process ==> 辛克莱加氢处理
  26592. Sinclair pressure viscosimeter ==> 辛克莱式压力粘度计
  26593. Sinclair-Baker reforming ==> 辛克莱-贝克重整
  26594. sincosite ==> 磷钙钒矿
  26595. Sind American cotton ==> 信德美种棉
  26596. SINDA, systems improved numerical differencing analyzer ==> システム改良型数値差分解析プログラム
  26597. Sindanyo ==> 石棉复合绝缘材料
  26598. sindepress ==> 硝基安定
  26599. Sindhi ==> 信德奶牛
  26600. sindon oleatanae ==> 油棉布剂
  26601. sine ==> 正弦
  26602. sine bar ==> 正弦杆,正弦规,正弦曲线板
  26603. sine capacitor ==> 正弦电容器
  26604. sine center ==> 正弦对准仪
  26605. sine centre ==> 正弦对准仪
  26606. sine cosine ==> 正弦-余弦
  26607. sine cosine capacitor ==> 正弦余弦电容器
  26608. sine cosine encoder ==> 正弦-余弦编码器
  26609. sine cosine mechanism ==> 正弦余弦机构
  26610. sine cosine potentiometer ==> 正弦余弦电位计
  26611. sine curve ==> 正弦曲线
  26612. sine distribution ==> 正弦分布
  26613. sine divider ==> 正弦分度器
  26614. sine electrometer ==> 正弦电流计
  26615. sine equivalent candle diagram ==> 正弦等效烛光图
  26616. sine flutter ==> 正弦调变度
  26617. sine formula ==> 正弦公式
  26618. sine function ==> 正弦函数
  26619. sine galvanometer ==> 正弦电流计
  26620. sine generator ==> 正弦波发电机
  26621. sine integral ==> 正弦积分
  26622. sine junction gate ==> 禁止门
  26623. sine law ==> 正弦定律,正弦律
  26624. sine method ==> 正弦法
  26625. sine motor ==> 正弦电动机,正弦马达
  26626. sine movement ==> 正弦运动
  26627. sine parallax ==> 正弦视差
  26628. sine plate ==> 正弦板,正弦规
  26629. sine potentiometer ==> 正弦电位计
  26630. sine product ==> 正弦积
  26631. sine protractor ==> 正弦尺,正弦规,正弦量角器
  26632. sine pulse ==> 正弦脉冲
  26633. sine pump ==> 正弦泵
  26634. sine qua non ==> 必要条件(资格)
  26635. sine relation ==> 正弦关系
  26636. sine rule ==> 正弦定理
  26637. sine series ==> 正弦级数
  26638. sine shaped ==> 正弦波形
  26639. sine signal ==> 正弦信号
  26640. sine spiral ==> 正弦螺线
  26641. sine squared pulse and bar signal ==> 正弦平方脉冲与方波信号
  26642. sine step ==> 正弦阶跃
  26643. sine sweep ==> 正弦扫描
  26644. sine table ==> 正弦表,正弦规
  26645. sine term ==> 正弦项
  26646. sine theorem ==> 正弦定理
  26647. sine transform ==> 正弦变换
  26648. sine type ==> 无模式标本
  26649. sine variohm ==> 正弦式可变电阻器
  26650. sine voltage ==> 正弦电压
  26651. sine wave ==> 正弦波=>正弦波
  26652. sine wave characteristics ==> 正弦波特性
  26653. sine wave convergence ==> 正弦会聚
  26654. sine wave envelope ==> 正弦波包络线
  26655. sine wave flux pattern ==> 正弦波通量图
  26656. sine wave form ==> 正弦波形
  26657. sine wave frequency ==> 正弦波频率
  26658. sine wave generator ==> 正弦波发电机
  26659. sine wave input power ==> 正弦波输入功率
  26660. sine wave inverter ==> 正弦波逆变器
  26661. sine wave modulator ==> 正弦波调制器
  26662. sine wave oscillations ==> 正弦波振动
  26663. sine wave oscillator ==> 正弦波振荡器
  26664. sine wave response ==> 正弦波响应
  26665. sine wave sharpener ==> 正弦波锐化电路
  26666. sine wave signal generator ==> 正弦波信号发生器
  26667. sine wave sources ==> 正弦波源
  26668. sine wave switching ==> 正弦波转换
  26669. sine, sin ==> 正弦
  26670. sine-cos resolver ==> 正弦余弦旋转变压器
  26671. sine-cosine encoder ==> 正弦余弦编码器,正弦余弦编码器
  26672. sine-cosine potentiometer ==> 正弦余弦电位计,正弦余弦电位计
  26673. sine-cosme generator ==> 分析器
  26674. sine-curve shaped structure ==> 正弦状构造
  26675. sine-Gordon equation ==> サイン-ゴルドン方程式
  26676. sine-random generator ==> 正弦随机信号发生器
  26677. sine-shaped impulse ==> 正弦脉冲
  26678. sine-shaped, sinusoidal ==> 正弦曲线形的
  26679. sine-squared approximation ==> 正弦平方逼近
  26680. sine-squared colour test signal ==> 正弦平方彩色测试信号
  26681. sine-squared network ==> 正弦平方网络
  26682. sine-squared pulse ==> 正弦平方脉冲
  26683. sine-squared pulse response ==> 正弦平方脉冲响应
  26684. sine-squared shaping network ==> 正弦平方脉冲成形网络
  26685. sine-squared testing ==> 正弦平方波测试
  26686. sine-squaring circuit ==> 正弦矩形脉冲转换电路
  26687. sine-wave ==> 同上
  26688. sine-wave carrier ==> 正弦载波
  26689. sine-wave clipper ==> 正弦波限幅器
  26690. sine-wave current ==> 正弦电流
  26691. sine-wave generaotr ==> 正弦波発電機,正弦波発生器
  26692. sine-wave generator ==> 正弦波振荡器
  26693. sine-wave input ==> 正弦波输入
  26694. sine-wave modulation ==> 正弦波调制
  26695. sine-wave power-handling capacity ==> 正波功率使用容量
  26696. Sinemurian ==> 锡内穆阶
  26697. sinesoid ==> 正弦曲线
  26698. sinetable ==> 正弦台
  26699. sinewave PWM control scheme ==> 正弦波PWM制御
  26700. sinewy ==> 纤维状
  26701. sing-along electronic organ ==> 伴唱电子口琴
  26702. sing-stage pump ==> 单级泵
  26703. singal flag ==> 标旗
  26704. Singapore ==> 新加坡
  26705. Singapore dollar ==> 新加坡元
  26706. Singapore Interbank Offered Rate ==> 新加坡银行同业拆放利率
  26707. Singapore International Monetary Exchange ==> 新加坡国际货币交易所
  26708. singaporean ==> 新加坡人;新加坡的
  26709. singe fraction ==> 简分数
  26710. singeing ==> 烧毛
  26711. singeing frame ==> 烧毛机
  26712. singeing machine ==> 点火机
  26713. singel-ply bellows ==> 单层波纹管
  26714. singer's node ==> 歌手结节,声带结节
  26715. singer's nodule ==> 歌唱者小结
  26716. singing ==> 啸声,蜂鸣,振鸣,振鸣振荡=>鳴音
  26717. singing arc ==> 歌弧,杜德尔弧
  26718. singing bird ==> 鸣禽
  26719. singing circuit ==> 振鸣电路
  26720. singing effect ==> 振鸣作用
  26721. singing electric arc ==> 歌电弧
  26722. singing margin ==> 振鸣安全系数,振鸣边际=>鳴音余裕
  26723. singing of oscillation ==> 振荡鸣声
  26724. singing phenomenon ==> 振鸣现象,鸣振现象
  26725. singing point ==> 鳴音点
  26726. singing point equivalent ==> 振鸣点等效值
  26727. singing signal ==> 振鸣信号
  26728. singing stability ==> 振鸣稳定度=>鳴音安定度
  26729. singing stovepipe effect ==> 火炉烟囱振鸣效应
  26730. singing tolerance ==> 鳴音余裕
  26731. singing-suppressor ==> 振鸣压缩器
  26732. singl-and-multi-start worm ==> 单头多头蜗杆
  26733. singla-to-noise ratio ==> 信噪比
  26734. single ==> 单,单次的,单独,单独的,单个,单个的,未婚的=>シングル,独身の,配偶者がいない,均一の,同一の
  26735. single & double action spring hinge ==> 单双弹簧铰链
  26736. single (end face) mechanical seal ==> 单端面机械密封
  26737. single (step) reduction gear unit ==> 单级减速机
  26738. single 4-strand casting machine ==> 单机四流式连铸机
  26739. single [lift] lock ==> 单级船闸,顺水流方向只有一个闸室的船闸
  26740. single acceleration ==> 单加速
  26741. single access mechanism ==> 单存取机构
  26742. single access satellite ==> 单通路卫星
  26743. single accumulator system ==> 单存储器系统,单累加器系统
  26744. single acting ==> 单向的,单动的,单动式,单向作用
  26745. single acting autoreclosing ==> 单动重合闸
  26746. single acting centrifugal pump ==> 单动式离心泵
  26747. single acting compressor ==> 单动压缩机
  26748. single acting cylinder ==> 单酌缸
  26749. single acting die ==> 单动模
  26750. single acting engine ==> 单向酌发动机
  26751. single acting hammer ==> 单动锤
  26752. single acting piston ==> 单向活塞
  26753. single acting press ==> 单动冲床
  26754. single acting pump ==> 单动泵
  26755. single acting steam engine ==> 单动式蒸汽机
  26756. single acting steam hammer ==> 单动蒸汽锤
  26757. single action ==> 单动,黑漆单弹簧铰链
  26758. single action black japanned spring hinge ==> 黑漆单弹簧铰链
  26759. single action horizontal extrusion press ==> 单动卧式挤压机
  26760. single action hydraulic stamping press ==> 单动薄板冲压液压机,单动冲压液压机
  26761. single action press ==> 单动压力机,单压头式压力机
  26762. single action printer ==> 单动式印刷装置
  26763. single address ==> 单地址
  26764. single address code ==> 单地址码
  26765. single address computer ==> 单地址计算机
  26766. single address instruction format ==> 单地址指令形式
  26767. single address message ==> 单地址报文,单地址信息
  26768. single adjustable switch box ==> 单连活络开关箱
  26769. single admission ==> 单向进给,单向入口
  26770. single air gripper feed ==> 单一式压缩空气作用爪式送料
  26771. single airhydraulic press ==> 单动气液压力机
  26772. single aluminum memory cell ==> 单层铝金属化式存储单元
  26773. single alundum ==> 单晶刚玉
  26774. single amplifier ==> 单级放大器
  26775. single and double column milling machine ==> 单双柱铣床
  26776. single and multi-phase reclosing ==> 多相再閉路
  26777. single angle cutter ==> 单角铣刀
  26778. single angle milling cutter ==> 单角铣刀
  26779. single anode mercury arc rectifier ==> 单阳极汞弧整流器
  26780. single anode mercury-arc rectifier ==> 单阳极水银整流器
  26781. single anode rectifier ==> 单阳极整流器
  26782. single antenna ==> 单天线
  26783. single argument ==> 单变量
  26784. single arm anvil ==> 单臂砧,丁字砧
  26785. single arm bone-stretcher ==> 单臂骨伸长器
  26786. single arm rig ==> 单臂钻车
  26787. single arm(ed) lever ==> 单臂杆
  26788. single armature converter ==> 单枢变换机
  26789. single armature convertor ==> 单枢整流机
  26790. single armored cable ==> 单层铠装电缆
  26791. single assignment language ==> 单赋值语言
  26792. single attribute assessment ==> 单一品质评估
  26793. single attribute transformation ==> 单一属性变换
  26794. single auger ==> 单式螺旋
  26795. single automatic operation ==> 单项自动操作
  26796. single axis gyroscope ==> 单轴陀螺仪
  26797. single axle ==> 单轴
  26798. single axle platform car ==> 单轴平板车
  26799. single axle trailer ==> 单轴挂车
  26800. single band ==> 单波段
  26801. single bank radial engine ==> 单排星型发动机
  26802. single bar feed ==> 单杆送料
  26803. single bar guide ==> 单导板
  26804. single barrel carburetor ==> 单筒式汽化器
  26805. single barrel shotgun ==> 单管猎枪
  26806. single base diode ==> 单结二极管
  26807. single battery ==> 单电池
  26808. single beam ==> 单跨梁
  26809. single bearing ==> 单轴承的,产单胎的
  26810. single beater scutcher ==> 单打手成卷机
  26811. single beater scutcher with automatic lap end ==> 带自动卷拉装置的单打手成卷机
  26812. single bed ==> 单人床
  26813. single bed guest room ==> 单人床客房
  26814. single bed knit machine ==> 单针床针织机
  26815. single bed rotary press ==> 单托床回转压呢机
  26816. single bedroom ==> 单人卧室
  26817. single belt ==> 单层带,单层皮带
  26818. single belting ==> 单带装置
  26819. single bend electrode holder ==> 单弯电极管
  26820. single bevel ==> 单斜式
  26821. single bevel corner joint ==> 单边坡口角接头
  26822. single bevel groove ==> 单边V形坡口
  26823. single birth ==> 单产
  26824. single bit ==> 一位
  26825. single bit felling axe ==> 单刃伐木斧
  26826. single blade nail clippers ==> 单刃指甲钳
  26827. single blade pocket knife ==> 单刃小刀
  26828. single blind ==> 带单圈的盲板
  26829. single block ==> 单程序段,单轮车,单轮滑车,单阻塞,整块
  26830. single blow hammer ==> 单打锤
  26831. single board caption generator ==> 单板字幕机
  26832. single board computer ==> 单板计算机
  26833. single board microcomputer ==> 单板微型计算机
  26834. single body inside micrometer ==> 单体内径千分尺
  26835. single bolting ==> 单螺栓接合
  26836. single boundary belt ==> 单行边界植带
  26837. single brake shoe ==> 单侧闸瓦
  26838. single breast gin ==> 单腔轧花机
  26839. single brick wall ==> 单砖墙
  26840. single bridging ==> 单剪刀撑
  26841. single bucket elevator ==> 单斗提升机
  26842. single bucket excavator ==> 单斗挖土机
  26843. single budding ==> 一次芽接树
  26844. single budget ==> 统一预算
  26845. single buoy mooring ==> 单浮筒系泊
  26846. single burring machine ==> 单锡林除草籽机
  26847. single burst experiment ==> 单菌释放实验
  26848. single bus ==> 単母線
  26849. single bus arrangement ==> 単母線方式
  26850. single bus operation ==> 单总线操作
  26851. single bus system ==> 单母线制
  26852. single busbar ==> 单母线
  26853. single busbar system ==> 单母线系统
  26854. single butt-strap ==> 单对接搭板
  26855. single butt-strap riveting ==> 对接单面盖板铆接
  26856. single byte instruction ==> 单字节指令
  26857. single camber ==> 单段曲面
  26858. single camshaft ==> 单凸轮轴
  26859. single capstan ==> 单传动轮,单主动轮
  26860. single capstan mode ==> 单轮方式
  26861. single card vocoder ==> 单卡式声码器
  26862. single carrier per channel (SCPC) ==> 单通道单载波
  26863. single carrier per channel(SCPC) ==> 每通路单路载波
  26864. single carry ==> 单位进位,单一进位,单值进位
  26865. single cascade ==> 单列叶栅
  26866. single casing ==> 单缸式
  26867. single cassette ==> 单磁带盒,单盒磁带,单卡
  26868. single catenary suspension ==> 单链悬挂
  26869. single cavity die ==> (压铸用)整体压型
  26870. single cavity maser amplifier ==> 单腔量子放大器
  26871. single cavity mo(u)ld ==> 单穴模
  26872. single cavity mould ==> 整体铸型
  26873. single cell ==> 単セル
  26874. single cell animals ==> 单细胞动物
  26875. single cell box girder ==> 单元箱形梁
  26876. single cell isolation ==> 单胞分裂
  26877. single celled ==> 单细胞的
  26878. single centrifugal pump ==> 单进口式离心泵,单离心泵
  26879. single chain ==> 单链
  26880. single chain stitch machine ==> 单链式缝纫机
  26881. single channel ==> 单波道,单路,单通道,单信道
  26882. single channel encryption device ==> 单通道加密装置
  26883. single channel head ==> 单路磁头
  26884. single channel mos ==> 单沟道金属氧化物半导体
  26885. single channel PCM-PSK-FDMA system ==> SPADE方式
  26886. single channel per carrier system ==> SCPC方式
  26887. single channel type ==> 单通道型
  26888. single character identifier ==> 单字符标识符
  26889. single chip ==> 单片
  26890. single chip architecture ==> 单片结构
  26891. single chip bubble ==> 单芯片磁泡装置
  26892. single chip circuit ==> 单片电路
  26893. single chip microcomputer ==> 单片微计算机,单片微型计算机
  26894. single chip microcontroller ==> 单片微控制器
  26895. single chip microprocessor ==> 单片微处理器,单片机
  26896. single chip processor ==> 单片处理机
  26897. single chopper ==> 单列缺口重型圆盘耙
  26898. single circuit ==> 单工线路,单回路
  26899. single circuit line ==> 单回路线
  26900. single circular cornering cutter ==> 单圆角铣刀
  26901. single clad board ==> 单面敷箔板
  26902. single clock ==> 单一时钟脉冲
  26903. single closed magnetic circuit relay ==> 单闭磁路继电器
  26904. single coated paper ==> 薄涂料层纸
  26905. single cog ==> 单面齿
  26906. single coil double-tuned NMR probe ==> 单线圈二重调谐核磁共振探头
  26907. single coil filament ==> 单簧灯丝
  26908. single coil spring washer ==> 单盘簧垫圈
  26909. single cold and hot heel-shaping machine ==> 单冷热式后跟定型机
  26910. single colour glaze ==> 单色釉
  26911. single column ==> 单柱的
  26912. single column footing ==> 单柱底座
  26913. single column pence ==> 单列十二单位方式
  26914. single column pence coding ==> 单列十二进制编码
  26915. single column punch ==> 单穿孔
  26916. single column vertical lathe ==> 单臂立式车床
  26917. single combed ==> 单冠的
  26918. single command ==> 单命令,使运行设备状态朝一个方向变化命令
  26919. single compartment kiln ==> 单室窑
  26920. single compartment type thickener ==> 单室增稠器
  26921. single completion ==> 单层完井
  26922. single component ==> 单组分
  26923. single compound explosive ==> 单体炸药
  26924. single conductor ==> 单导线
  26925. single conductor cable ==> 单芯电缆
  26926. single conduit ==> 单孔涵洞
  26927. single cone clutch ==> 单锥离合器
  26928. single constituent ==> 单组分
  26929. single contact ==> 单触点=>単接点
  26930. single contingency ==> 单独事故=>単一設備事故
  26931. single contract ==> 独家承包合同
  26932. single contraction pattern ==> 自由缩尺的模型
  26933. single control ==> 单按钮控制,单独控制=>単独制御
  26934. single control receiver ==> 单控接收机
  26935. single cord ==> 单塞绳,单股绳,单软线,单线塞绳
  26936. single cord wire ==> 单胶线
  26937. single core cable ==> 单芯电缆
  26938. single cotton covered wire ==> 单层纱包线
  26939. single cotton-covered copper wire ==> 单层纱漆包线
  26940. single cotton-covered enamel wire ==> 单层纱漆包线
  26941. single cotton-covered wire ==> 一重綿巻線
  26942. single counter ==> 单个计数管
  26943. single cover-plate riveting ==> 单盖板铆接
  26944. single covering ==> 单股包芯纱
  26945. single crank ==> 单曲柄
  26946. single crank press ==> 单曲柄压力机
  26947. single criterion ==> 单准则
  26948. single criterion under certainty ==> 确定条件下的单准则
  26949. single criterion under risk ==> 风险条件下的单准则
  26950. single crop farming ==> 单一经营
  26951. single cropping ==> 单季,单一作物栽培
  26952. single cropping of rice ==> 单季稻
  26953. single cross ==> 单交
  26954. single crossing over ==> 单交换
  26955. single crystal ==> 单晶,单晶体=>単結晶
  26956. single crystal alumina ==> 氧化铝单晶
  26957. single crystal camera ==> 单晶照相机
  26958. single crystal device ==> 单晶装置
  26959. single crystal fibre ==> 单晶纤维
  26960. single crystal filament ==> 单晶丝
  26961. single crystal film ==> 单晶膜
  26962. single crystal furnace ==> 单晶炉
  26963. single crystal fused alumina ==> 单晶电熔刚玉
  26964. single crystal germanium ==> 单晶锗
  26965. single crystal graphite ==> 单晶石墨
  26966. single crystal growth ==> 单晶生长
  26967. single crystal ingot ==> 单晶锭
  26968. single crystal rod ==> 单晶锭
  26969. single crystal semiconductor ==> 单晶半导体
  26970. single crystal silicon ==> 单晶硅
  26971. single crystal tungsten wire ==> 单晶钨丝
  26972. single crystal wire ==> 单晶线
  26973. single crystal X-ray diffractometer ==> 单晶体X射线衍射仪
  26974. single culture ==> 单作
  26975. single current ==> 单流,单向电流
  26976. single current method ==> 单电流法,单流法,单向电流法
  26977. single current signalling ==> 单向电流信号
  26978. single current system ==> 单向电流系统
  26979. single curve gear ==> 单曲线齿轮
  26980. single curve tooth ==> 单曲线渐开齿
  26981. single curved glass ==> 单曲面玻璃
  26982. single cut bastard half round file ==> 单纹粗半圆锉
  26983. single cut file ==> 单纹锉
  26984. single cut-length ==> 单切割长度
  26985. single cutter ==> 单刀切纸机,单铣刀
  26986. single cutting bit ==> 单刃钻头
  26987. single cutting drill ==> 单刃钻
  26988. single cutting tool ==> 单刃刀
  26989. single cycle ==> 单循环
  26990. single cycle key ==> 单行键,单周键
  26991. single cyclone dust collector ==> 单旋风除尘器
  26992. single cylinder blowing engine ==> 单汽缸鼓风机
  26993. single cylinder compressor ==> 单缸压缩机
  26994. single cylinder diesel ==> 单缸柴油机
  26995. single cylinder engine ==> 单缸发动机,单缸机
  26996. single cylinder latch needle machine ==> 单针筒舌针针织机
  26997. single cylinder machine ==> 单缸发动机
  26998. single cylinder motor ==> 单汽缸发动机
  26999. single cylinder mud pump ==> 单缸泥浆泵
  27000. single cylinder piston pump ==> 单缸活塞泵
  27001. single cylinder reciprocating pump ==> 单缸往复泵
  27002. single cylinder roving waste opener ==> 单缸粗纱头机
  27003. single cylinder steam engine ==> 单缸蒸汽机
  27004. single cylinder turbine ==> 单缸涡轮机,单汽缸汽轮机
  27005. single cylinder two stage air compressor ==> 单缸双级空压机
  27006. single cylinder two-stroke motor ==> 单缸二冲程发动机
  27007. single cylinder washer ==> 单滚筒式洗涤机
  27008. single data set volume ==> 单一数据集卷宗
  27009. single data stream ==> 单指令串-单数据串方式
  27010. single day production ==> 日产量
  27011. single declaration ==> 单个说明
  27012. single dege blade ==> 单刃刀片
  27013. single degree of freedom ==> 单一自由度
  27014. single degree of freedom system ==> 单自由度系统
  27015. single delivery contract ==> 一批交货合同
  27016. single density ==> 单密度
  27017. single density drive ==> 单密度装置
  27018. single density encoding ==> 单密度编码
  27019. single density format ==> 单密度格式,单密度记录格式
  27020. single density recording ==> 单密度记录
  27021. single device mos gate ==> 单金属氧化物半导体晶体管式门电路
  27022. single device well ==> 隔离阱
  27023. single die ==> 简单模
  27024. single diesel engine ==> 单台柴油机
  27025. single diffusion ==> 单扩散
  27026. single diffusion test ==> 单向扩散试验
  27027. single digit adder ==> 一位加法器
  27028. single digit inflation ==> 一位数通货膨胀
  27029. single dike ==> 单堤
  27030. single diode circuit ==> 单二极管电路
  27031. single direction thrust bearing ==> 单向推力轴承
  27032. single disc ==> 单闸板
  27033. single disc clutch ==> 单盘离合器
  27034. single disc flat gate valves ==> 单闸板平板闸阀
  27035. single discharge ==> 单次放电
  27036. single disk clutch ==> 单盘离合器
  27037. single dislocation ==> 单个位错
  27038. single distribution liquidation ==> 一次分配结算
  27039. single dividing method ==> 简单分齿法
  27040. single domain ==> 単磁区
  27041. single domain particle ==> 単磁区粒子
  27042. single dominant gene ==> 单显性基因
  27043. single door ==> 单扇门
  27044. single dose ==> 单次量,一剂
  27045. single draw ==> 单动拉延
  27046. single drift flight ==> 单偏航飞行
  27047. single drive ==> 单独传动
  27048. single drive floppy disk system ==> 单驱动软磁盘系统
  27049. single drug prescription ==> 单方
  27050. single drum boiler ==> 单鼓筒锅炉
  27051. single drum drier ==> 单滚筒干燥机
  27052. single drum dryer with splash-feed ==> 飞溅布料式单滚筒干燥器
  27053. single drum sheep-foot roller ==> 单滚筒式羊蹄压路机
  27054. single drum tilt rig ==> 单滚筒倾斜钻机
  27055. single drum winch ==> 单筒卷扬机
  27056. single duct system ==> 单风管系统
  27057. single ear anti-motion washer ==> 单耳止动垫圈
  27058. single ear corn ==> 单穗玉米
  27059. single ear horn lock washer ==> 单耳角形止动垫圈
  27060. single ear lock washer ==> 单耳止动垫圈
  27061. single earpiece ==> 单耳机
  27062. single echo ==> 单回波
  27063. single edge adze ==> 单刃木锛
  27064. single edge veneering machine ==> 单边截夹板机
  27065. single effect ==> 单向作用,单效
  27066. single effect evaporator ==> 单效蒸发器
  27067. single electrode potential ==> 单电极电势
  27068. single electron spectrum ==> 单电子谱
  27069. single electronic beam ==> 单电子束
  27070. single element relay ==> 一元继电器单元件继电器
  27071. single end ==> 单端
  27072. single end triode ==> 单独三极管
  27073. single ended list ==> 单终点连接表
  27074. single ended push pull high frequency inverter ==> 電子レンジ用高周波インバータ
  27075. single ended spanner ==> 单头扳手
  27076. single ended system ==> 单端系统
  27077. single ended type ==> 单端引线式
  27078. single ended wrench ==> 单头扳手
  27079. single engined plane ==> 单发动机飞机
  27080. single entry ==> 单独输入,单项,单一表目
  27081. single entry volume table ==> 一元材积表
  27082. single error ==> 单个错误,单一误差
  27083. single error correcting code ==> 单个错误校正码
  27084. single error model ==> 单一误差类型
  27085. single exchange rate ==> 单一互换率
  27086. single extended shaft ==> 单向外伸轴
  27087. single extent file ==> 单范围文件
  27088. single extraction ==> 简单抽提
  27089. single eye cutting ==> 单芽插条
  27090. single eye piston rod ==> 单环活塞杆
  27091. single eyeglass ==> 单眼镜,镜片,镜片
  27092. single face corrugated board ==> 单面瓦楞纸板
  27093. single face corrugated fiberboard ==> 单面瓦楞纤维板
  27094. single face damping machine ==> 单面给湿机
  27095. single face mechanical sealing ==> 单端面机械密封
  27096. single face planer ==> 单面刨床
  27097. single face planing machine ==> 单面刨床
  27098. single face woodworking planer ==> 单面木工刨床
  27099. single failure ==> 単一事故
  27100. single failure criteria ==> 单一故障准则,对某一安全组合或特定的安全系统要求在其任何部位发生可信的单个不能执行其预定安全功能的随机故障及其所有继发性故障时仍能执行其正常功能的准则
  27101. single family detached house ==> 独立式独户住宅
  27102. single faucet sham-poo spray ==> 单龙头洗头喷水器
  27103. single fault ==> 単一事故
  27104. single fed repulsion motor ==> 单馈推斥式电动机
  27105. single feed ==> 单级馈电
  27106. single feeder, radial feeder ==> 单馈线,配电系统中仅从一端受电的电力线路
  27107. single fertilizer ==> 单一肥料
  27108. single fiber ==> 单光纤
  27109. single fiber cable ==> 单纤光缆,单芯光缆
  27110. single fiber cable connector ==> 单芯光缆连接器
  27111. single fiber jacket ==> 单光纤套层
  27112. single fiber splicer ==> 单光纤接头机
  27113. single fibre ==> 单纤维
  27114. single filament ==> 单丝
  27115. single file volume ==> 单文件卷宗
  27116. single fillet lap joint ==> 单面搭焊接
  27117. single fillet welded lap (joint) ==> 单面搭焊接
  27118. single fillet welded T joint ==> 单面T形焊接
  27119. single filling duck ==> 单纬帆布
  27120. single fire ==> 单烧
  27121. single fired boiler ==> 单火锅炉
  27122. single fired ware ==> 一次烧成的制品
  27123. single firing ==> 一次烧成
  27124. single firing process ==> 一次烧成工艺
  27125. single fission ==> 单分裂
  27126. single flame blowpipe ==> 单焰焊炬
  27127. single flank meshingtester ==> 单面啮合检查仪
  27128. single flight ==> 单跑
  27129. single flighted screw ==> 单导程螺杆,单线螺杆
  27130. single float viscometer ==> 单浮子粘度计
  27131. single floor ==> 单跨楼板
  27132. single fluid cell ==> 单液电池
  27133. single fluke anchor ==> 单爪锚
  27134. single flush type switch ==> 单连暗开关
  27135. single flute drill ==> 单槽钻
  27136. single font ==> 单字体
  27137. single font reader ==> 单字型阅读器
  27138. single footing ==> 独立底脚,独立基础
  27139. single footling ==> 不完全臀
  27140. single force ==> 集中力
  27141. single form ==> 单套模板
  27142. single frame hammer ==> 单柱式锤
  27143. single frequency argon ion ring laser ==> 单频氩离子环形激光器
  27144. single frequency carbon dioxide laser ==> 单频二氧化碳激光器
  27145. single frequency laser ==> 单频激光器
  27146. single frequency laser diode ==> 单频激光二极管
  27147. single frequency laser oscillation ==> 单频激光振荡
  27148. single frequency lasing ==> 单频激光振荡
  27149. single front wheel tractor ==> 三轮拖拉机
  27150. single fuel conbustion ==> 専焼
  27151. single ga(u)ge ==> 单规
  27152. single gang variable condenser ==> 单轴可变电容器
  27153. single gap head ==> 单隙磁头
  27154. single gate ==> 单扇闸门
  27155. single gate FET ==> 单栅场效应晶体管,单栅极场效应晶体管
  27156. single gate mold ==> 单浇口模
  27157. single gauge ==> 单口卡规
  27158. single geared drive ==> 单齿轮传动,单级齿轮传动
  27159. single generation strain ==> 单代品系
  27160. single goal ==> 单一目的
  27161. single graft ==> 单砧接
  27162. single graft seedling ==> 单砧嫁接苗
  27163. single grain sowing ==> 单粒播种
  27164. single grain structure ==> 单粒结构
  27165. single grip regular smooth bottom wood bench plane ==> 单握手普通平底木刨
  27166. single gripper feed ==> 单爪式送进
  27167. single groove ==> 单面坡口
  27168. single groove (SG) ==> 单槽的
  27169. single guide ==> 单面导轨
  27170. single guide crosshead ==> 单滑板十字头
  27171. single harmonic distortion ==> 单谐波畸变
  27172. single harness ==> 单马挽具
  27173. single harvest rice ==> 单季稻
  27174. single head loom ==> 单幅狭织物织机
  27175. single head receiver ==> 单耳受话器,单头受话器
  27176. single headed ==> 具单花序的,具单花序的
  27177. single header ==> 单式集管
  27178. single heading flight ==> 测高术航行
  27179. single heat ==> 一次加热
  27180. single helical gear ==> 单螺旋齿轮
  27181. single heterostructure laser ==> シングルへテロ接合レーザ
  27182. single hit theory ==> 单击学说
  27183. single hook ==> 单吊钩
  27184. single hook airless shot blasting machine ==> 单钩真空抛丸清理机
  27185. single horizontal block ==> 卧式单次拉丝机
  27186. single horn anvil ==> 单角砧
  27187. single identifier ==> 单标识符
  27188. single ignition ==> 单发火
  27189. single ignition system ==> 单电源点火系统
  27190. single impression die ==> 单槽模
  27191. single impression mo(u)ld ==> 单穴模
  27192. single impulse ==> 单脉冲
  27193. single impulse welding ==> 单脉冲焊
  27194. single in line ==> 单边引出线
  27195. single in line package ==> 单列直插式组件=>シングルインラインパッケージ
  27196. single in-line package ==> 单列直插式封装
  27197. single in-line package (SIP) ==> 单行排齐封装
  27198. single inclined plane ==> 单倾斜面
  27199. single index dobby ==> 单重尾杆多臂机
  27200. single index hold ==> 单标志孔
  27201. single indirect addressing ==> 单重间接型寻址
  27202. single inductive shunt ==> 单线圈感应分流器
  27203. single injection ==> 单注入
  27204. single injector ==> 单喷嘴
  27205. single instantaneous phase apparent power ==> 単相瞬時皮相電力(スパイラルベクトル理論)
  27206. single instruction ==> 单指令
  27207. single instruction execute mode ==> 单指令执行方式
  27208. single instruction format ==> 单指令格式
  27209. single instruction stream ==> 单指令流
  27210. single instruction stream and ==> 单指令串-单数据串方式
  27211. single insulator string ==> 单列绝缘子串
  27212. single intermediate fly frame ==> 单程二道粗纱机
  27213. single interrupt request ==> 单中断请求
  27214. single ion implantation ==> 单离子注入
  27215. single ionization ==> 单电离
  27216. single iron pulley block ==> 单轮铁滑车组
  27217. single jersey ==> 单面针织物
  27218. single jersey knitting machine ==> 单面平针织物针织机
  27219. single jet ==> 单喷口
  27220. single job scheduling ==> 单作业调度
  27221. single joint ==> 单缝接头
  27222. single joint cutting ==> 单节插
  27223. single key stroke ==> 单键击打
  27224. single knife switch ==> 单刀开关
  27225. single ladder dredge(r) ==> 单梯式挖泥船
  27226. single lamp ==> 单灯
  27227. single lap ==> 单折叠
  27228. single lap joint ==> 单搭接接头
  27229. single lap weld ==> 单搭接焊
  27230. single laths ==> 抹灰板条
  27231. single layer ==> 单层
  27232. single layer coil ==> 单层线圈
  27233. single layer immunofluorescence technique ==> 单层免疫荧光技术
  27234. single layer metallization ==> 单层金属化
  27235. single layer structure ==> 单层结构
  27236. single layer winding ==> 单层绕组
  27237. single layering ==> 单枝压条
  27238. single laying of plank covering ==> 单层盖板
  27239. single lead ==> 单管线
  27240. single lead cable ==> 单芯铅包电缆
  27241. single leaf cutting ==> 单叶插条
  27242. single leaf door ==> 单扇门
  27243. single length arithmetical ==> 单倍长运算
  27244. single length working ==> 单字长处理
  27245. single level ==> 个别能级
  27246. single level address ==> 一级地址,单级地址
  27247. single level encoding microinstruction ==> 一级编码微指令
  27248. single level gate ==> 单逻辑电平门电路
  27249. single level indicator method ==> 单级显示方法
  27250. single level machine ==> 单级存储机,单级机
  27251. single level polysilicon ==> 单层多晶硅
  27252. single level system ==> 单级系统
  27253. single level turret ==> 单层转塔
  27254. single lift dobby ==> 单动式多臂机
  27255. single lift single cylinder jacquard ==> 单动式单花筒提花机
  27256. single light lamp ==> 单光灯
  27257. single line ==> 单线线路
  27258. single line diagram ==> 单线图
  27259. single line highway ==> 单线公路
  27260. single line repeater ==> 单线中继器
  27261. single line store ==> 专业商店
  27262. single liquid type manometer ==> 单液式压力计
  27263. single load ==> 单荷载
  27264. single lock ==> 单厢船闸
  27265. single longitudinal mode argon ion laser ==> 单纵模氩离子激光器
  27266. single longitudinal mode laser ==> 单纵模激光器
  27267. single loop ==> 单环路,单循环
  27268. single loop winding method ==> 可控表面线圈法
  27269. single lubricator ==> 单独润滑器,局部润滑器,局部润滑器
  27270. single lug ==> 单线夹
  27271. single machine ==> 单机,间苗机
  27272. single machine infinite bus ==> 一機無限大母線
  27273. single make contacts ==> 单合接点组
  27274. single mantle lantern ==> 单头纱罩汽油灯
  27275. single mask method ==> 单掩模法
  27276. single mass system ==> 单体系
  27277. single means of disease control ==> 一种单一病害的防治方法
  27278. single measurement ==> 单次测量
  27279. single mechanical end face seal ==> 单端面机械密封
  27280. single mechanical seal ==> 单端面机械密封
  27281. single member stay pole ==> 拉线单杆
  27282. single message mode ==> 单个报文方式,单一报文方式
  27283. single mode ==> 单模,单模态=>単一モード
  27284. single mode attenuator ==> 单模衰减器
  27285. single mode coupler ==> 单模耦合器
  27286. single mode CW laser diode ==> 单模连续波激光二极管
  27287. single mode face pumped laser ==> 单模面抽运激光器
  27288. single mode fiber ==> 单模光纤
  27289. single mode fiber system ==> 单模光纤系统
  27290. single mode fibre ==> 单模光纤=>単一モード光ファイバー
  27291. single mode film ==> 单模式膜
  27292. single mode filter ==> 单模滤光器
  27293. single mode laser ==> 单模激光器
  27294. single mode laser diode ==> 单模激光二极管
  27295. single mode laser oscillation ==> 单模激光振荡
  27296. single mode laser oscillator ==> 单模激光振荡器
  27297. single mode lasing ==> 单模激光振荡
  27298. single mode lightguide ==> 单模光波导
  27299. single mode optical fiber ==> 单模光导纤维,单模光纤
  27300. single mode wavelength-division demultiplexer ==> 单模波分解多路复用器
  27301. single mode wavelength-division multiplexer ==> 单模波分多路复用器
  27302. single module ==> 单模块
  27303. single molecule ==> 一分子操作
  27304. single motion type ==> 单运动式的
  27305. single motor ==> 单电动机,单发动机
  27306. single motor car ==> 单电动机车
  27307. single motor equipment ==> 单发动机装置
  27308. single mould ==> 单件模型
  27309. single mouldboard plough ==> 单壁犁
  27310. single mount ==> 单个安装,单托
  27311. single needle embroidery frame ==> 单针刺绣机
  27312. single needle hemstitch sewing machine ==> 单针高速缝纫机
  27313. single nip calender ==> 单一压区压光机,双辊压光机
  27314. single node cutting ==> 单节插条
  27315. single non-central load ==> 偏心集中载荷
  27316. single non-discrimination of smell (SND) ==> 嗅觉同一反应
  27317. single notching ==> 单面刻槽
  27318. single observatlon plot ==> 简单观察小区
  27319. single occupancy ==> 独门独户
  27320. single open end spanner ==> 单头开口扳手
  27321. single opening exhaust valves ==> 单口排气球
  27322. single operation ==> 单操作,单工运用
  27323. single operator arc welding generator ==> 单站电焊发动机
  27324. single operator arc welding machine ==> 单站弧焊机
  27325. single operator arc welding set ==> 单人电焊机
  27326. single operator set ==> 单焊机
  27327. single operator transformer ==> 单站焊接变压器
  27328. single operator welding machine ==> 单工使用焊机,单站弧焊机
  27329. single order ==> 单一顺序,一位
  27330. single orifice plate ==> 单孔板
  27331. single output switch function ==> 单输出开关函数
  27332. single output system ==> 单输出系统
  27333. single overhead contact system ==> 架空単線式電車線路
  27334. single oxyacetylene welding goggles ==> 单玻璃焊工护目镜
  27335. single packet message ==> 单包消息,单包信息
  27336. single pan digital analytical balance ==> 单盘光学读数分析天平
  27337. single parameter method ==> 单参数法
  27338. single part production ==> 单件生产
  27339. single particle laser velocimeter ==> 单粒子激光测速仪
  27340. single partition ==> 单分区
  27341. single pass ==> 单遍扫描,单行程的
  27342. single pass condenser ==> 单流式凝汽器
  27343. single pass loss ==> 单程损耗
  27344. single pass system ==> 单流程系统
  27345. single path ==> 单流程
  27346. single path magnetic circuit ==> 单路磁路
  27347. single path magnetic core ==> 单路磁路
  27348. single pattern ==> 整体模
  27349. single pattern photomask ==> 单图式光掩模
  27350. single payment ==> 一次付款
  27351. single payment personal cash loan ==> 一次付清的现金贷款
  27352. single pedestal desk ==> 一头沉桌
  27353. single perforated plate ==> 单层多孔板
  27354. single periodic block ==> 单一定期作业分区
  27355. single phase ==> 单相的
  27356. single phase A.C. ==> 单相交流
  27357. single phase active power ==> 単相有効電力
  27358. single phase admittance ==> 单相导纳
  27359. single phase alternating current ==> 单相交流
  27360. single phase alternator ==> 单相交流发电机
  27361. single phase apparent power ==> 単相皮相電力
  27362. single phase automatic re-closing ==> 单相自动重合,在电力系统单相故障后,按预定只进行断路器一相的自动重合闸
  27363. single phase autoreclosing ==> 单相自动重合闸
  27364. single phase brushless alternator ==> 单相无刷交流发电机
  27365. single phase circuit ==> 単相回路
  27366. single phase commutator machine ==> 单相整流电机
  27367. single phase commutator motor ==> 单相整流子式电动机
  27368. single phase commutator motor with self excitation ==> 自励单相换向电动机
  27369. single phase condenser motor ==> 单相电容起动电动机
  27370. single phase converter ==> 单反动轮液力变扭器
  27371. single phase current ==> 单相电流
  27372. single phase current vector ==> 単相電流ベクトル
  27373. single phase diesel generating unit ==> 单相柴油发电机组
  27374. single phase double insulation buffing machine ==> 单相双连绝缘抛光机
  27375. single phase double insulation electric drill ==> 单相双连绝缘电钻
  27376. single phase double insulation hand grinder ==> 单相双连绝缘手提砂轮机
  27377. single phase earthing ==> 单相接地
  27378. single phase effective power factor ==> 単相電力力率実効値(スパイラルベクトル理論)
  27379. single phase full wave rectifier ==> 単相全波整流回路
  27380. single phase half wave rectifier ==> 単相半波整流回路
  27381. single phase impedance ==> 单相阻抗
  27382. single phase induction motor ==> 单相感应电动机
  27383. single phase instantaneous active power ==> 単相瞬時有効電力(スパイラルベクトル理論)
  27384. single phase instantaneous current ==> 単相瞬時電流
  27385. single phase instantaneous power factor ==> 単相電力瞬時力率(スパイラルベクトル理論)
  27386. single phase instantaneous reactive power ==> 単相瞬時無効電力(スパイラルベクトル理論)
  27387. single phase instantaneous voltage ==> 単相瞬時電圧
  27388. single phase inverter ==> 単相インバータ
  27389. single phase LOM ==> 单相直线振荡电动机
  27390. single phase motor ==> 单相电动机
  27391. single phase power ==> 単相電力
  27392. single phase power factor ==> 単相電力力率
  27393. single phase reaction ==> 单相反应
  27394. single phase reactive power ==> 単相無効電力
  27395. single phase selsyn motor ==> 单相自动同步电动机
  27396. single phase series commutator motor ==> 单向串励换向器电动机
  27397. single phase short circuit ==> 单相短路
  27398. single phase shunt motor ==> 单相并激电动机
  27399. single phase single-pha capacitor ==> motor
  27400. single phase synchronous generator ==> 单相同步发电机
  27401. single phase synchronous motor ==> 单相同步电动机
  27402. single phase system ==> 单相系统
  27403. single phase transformer ==> 单相变压器
  27404. single phase voltage vector ==> 単相電圧ベクトル
  27405. single phase watt hour meter ==> 单相电度表
  27406. single phase wattmeter ==> 单相瓦特计
  27407. single phasing ==> 单相运行
  27408. single photoelectron emission ==> 单光电发射
  27409. single piece machining ==> 单件加工
  27410. single piece piston ==> 整体活塞
  27411. single piece production ==> 单件生产
  27412. single piece work ==> 单件生产
  27413. single pilot ==> 单先导
  27414. single pin-type spanner ==> 单销式扳手
  27415. single pipe line control ==> 单控,指水嘴控制供水管路的数量,单控是指控制一路供水
  27416. single pivot ==> 单枢
  27417. single plan of standard cost ==> 标准成本的单行记帐法,标准成本的单一记帐法
  27418. single plan of standard cost accounting ==> 标准成本会计的单一计划
  27419. single planetary mill ==> 单辊行星轧机
  27420. single plant ==> 单株
  27421. single plate ball bearing ==> 单垫片滚珠轴承
  27422. single plate clutch ==> 单盘离合器,单片离合器
  27423. single plate dark slide ==> 单片遮光滑板
  27424. single plate friction clutch ==> 单片式摩擦离合器
  27425. single plough ==> 单铧犁
  27426. single plow ==> 单体犁,单铧犁
  27427. single plunger plastic injection moulding machine ==> 单柱塞塑料注射成型机
  27428. single plunger pump ==> 单柱塞泵
  27429. single point earthing ==> 单点接地
  27430. single point grounding ==> 单点接地
  27431. single point tool ==> 单刃刀具
  27432. single pointer air ga(u)ge ==> 单针气压计
  27433. single polarization coupler ==> 单偏振耦合器
  27434. single polarization fiber ==> 单偏振光纤
  27435. single polarization mode maintaining fiber ==> 单偏振模保持光纤
  27436. single polarization single-mode fiber ==> 单偏振单模光纤
  27437. single pole ==> 单柱=>単柱
  27438. single pole cut out ==> 单极熔断器
  27439. single pole double throw switch ==> 单刀双投开关
  27440. single pole single throw switch ==> 单刀单投开关
  27441. single pole switch ==> 单极开关
  27442. single pole-piece magnetic head ==> 单极片磁头
  27443. single policy ==> 特定的危险保险单
  27444. single poly gate ==> 单晶多晶栅
  27445. single poly process ==> 单一多晶工艺
  27446. single ported slide valve ==> 单口滑阀
  27447. single position hob ==> 单圈滚刀
  27448. single potential ==> 电极电位
  27449. single power set running ==> 单机组运行
  27450. single precision ==> 单倍精度,单倍字长,单精度
  27451. single precision arithmetic ==> 单字长运算
  27452. single precision integer ==> 单精度整数
  27453. single pregnancy ==> 单胎妊娠
  27454. single premium ==> 一次付清的保险费
  27455. single pressurizator ==> 单增压器
  27456. single price auction ==> シングルプライスオークション
  27457. single prism spectrograph ==> 单棱镜摄谱仪
  27458. single process scutcher ==> 单程清棉机
  27459. single processing system ==> 单一处理系统
  27460. single processor uni(-)processor ==> 单一处理机
  27461. single product plant ==> 单一产品工厂
  27462. single program initiator (SPI) ==> 单程序的启动程序,单一程序启动程序
  27463. single program operation ==> 单一程序操作
  27464. single programmed repeatable robot ==> 单程序重复式机器人
  27465. single pulley ==> 单滑车,单体滑车
  27466. single pulse ==> 单脉冲
  27467. single pulse decatron ==> 单脉冲十进计数管
  27468. single pulse energy ==> 单脉冲能
  27469. single pulse gain ==> 单脉冲增益
  27470. single pulse laser ==> 单脉冲激光器
  27471. single pulse mode ==> 单脉冲方式
  27472. single pump ==> 单级泵,单流向泵,单流向的泵
  27473. single pumping log ==> 单孔抽水泵井
  27474. single punch ==> 单穿孔
  27475. single purchase winch ==> 单卷筒绞车
  27476. single purpose machine tool ==> 专用机床
  27477. single pusher ==> 单排推钢机
  27478. single quote mark ==> 单引号
  27479. single radial diffusion test ==> 单向辐射状扩散试验
  27480. single radiant section furnace ==> 单一辐射段炉
  27481. single rail motor crab ==> 单轨电动起重绞车
  27482. single rail track territory ==> 单轨区间
  27483. single raincoat ==> 单排扣雨衣
  27484. single range instrument ==> 单量限仪器仪表,单量程仪表
  27485. single range measuring instrument ==> 单量限测量仪器仪表
  27486. single re-entrant winding ==> 单回路绕组
  27487. single read instruction ==> 单读指令
  27488. single reasonable check ==> 单次合理检验
  27489. single recessed wheel ==> 单面槽砂轮
  27490. single recording medium word processing equipment ==> 单记录媒体字处理设备
  27491. single reduciton geared turbine ==> 单级减速齿轮传动式涡轮机
  27492. single reduction gear ==> 单级减速齿轮箱
  27493. single reduction helical gears ==> 单级减速斜齿轮
  27494. single reel ==> 单面摇纱机
  27495. single reentrant winding ==> 単口巻
  27496. single regulation ==> 单调节
  27497. single reheat ==> 一次再热
  27498. single reinforcement ==> 单筋
  27499. single request ==> 单个请求
  27500. single requesting terminal program (SRT) ==> 单请求终端程序,单一请求终端程序
  27501. single resonator ==> 单共振器
  27502. single reversing mill ==> 单机可逆式轧机,单相可逆式轧机
  27503. single rib grinding wheel ==> 单齿磨轮
  27504. single rim bearing wheel ==> 单边支重轮
  27505. single rivet ==> 单行铆钉
  27506. single rivet joint ==> 单行铆接
  27507. single riveted ==> 单行铆接
  27508. single riveted joint ==> 单行铆接
  27509. single riveting ==> 单行铆钉,单行铆接
  27510. single roll ==> 单向滚动
  27511. single roll crusher ==> 单辊破碎机,单滚筒破碎机
  27512. single roller ==> 单滚子
  27513. single roller chain coupling ==> 单排链式联轴器
  27514. single room apartment ==> 一室户
  27515. single root hair ==> 单个根毛
  27516. single row ==> 单排的,单排,单行
  27517. single row angular contact ball bearing ==> 单列向心推力球轴承
  27518. single row ball bearing ==> 单排滚珠轴承
  27519. single row cylindrical roller bearing ==> 单列短圆柱滚子轴承
  27520. single row engine ==> 单排式发动机
  27521. single row radial engine ==> 单排星型发动机
  27522. single sample ==> 一次抽样样品
  27523. single sampling inspection ==> 一次抽样检验,一次取样检验
  27524. single satin ribbon ==> 单面缎带
  27525. single scored block ==> 单沟滑车
  27526. single screen ==> 单层筛
  27527. single screened conductor ==> 单屏蔽导体
  27528. single seal ==> 单层式封层
  27529. single seated ==> 单座式
  27530. single seated main stop valve ==> 单座式主汽门
  27531. single seater aeroplane ==> 单座飞机
  27532. single section artificial line ==> 单节仿真线
  27533. single section pulverizer ==> 单列碎土镇压器
  27534. single section view ==> 单一剖视
  27535. single seed of grain ==> 单粒谷物种子
  27536. single seeded ==> 单粒种子的
  27537. single seeding ==> 单作
  27538. single segment structure ==> 单程序段结构
  27539. single segmental baffle ==> 单弓形折流板
  27540. single selection ==> 一次选择
  27541. single server ==> 单个服务员
  27542. single server queue ==> 单服务员排队
  27543. single service ==> 单个服务,单路供电
  27544. single shaft combined cycle power generation ==> 一軸型コンバインドサイクル発電
  27545. single shaft gas turbine ==> 一軸式ガスタービン
  27546. single shear ==> 单面剪切
  27547. single shear rivet ==> 单剪铆钉
  27548. single sheathing ==> 单层面板
  27549. single sheave block ==> 单柄滑车
  27550. single sheave iron pulley block ==> 单轮铁滑车
  27551. single sheave pulley block ==> 单轮滑车
  27552. single sheet cutter ==> 单张切纸机
  27553. single sheet feeding ==> 单页馈送
  27554. single shell insulator ==> 单裙边绝缘子
  27555. single shield bearing ==> 单罩轴承
  27556. single shot ==> 单发射击
  27557. single shot blocking oscillator ==> 单稳间歇振荡器
  27558. single shot camera ==> 单幅摄影机
  27559. single shot computer ==> 单步计算机,单步运算计算机
  27560. single shot mode ==> 单脉冲方式
  27561. single shot multivibrator ==> 单稳多谐振荡器
  27562. single shot reclosing ==> 一次重合闸,如果重合不成功,不再次重合的一种自动重合闸
  27563. single shot trigger ==> 单稳态触发器
  27564. single shoulder tie plate ==> 单肩垫板
  27565. single shrouded wheel ==> 半闭式叶轮
  27566. single shunt ==> シングルシャント
  27567. single shutoff hose coupling ==> 单向封闭的软管接头
  27568. single shuttle loom ==> 单梭箱织机,单梭织机
  27569. single side ==> 单面型
  27570. single side band ==> 单边带
  27571. single side band transmission ==> 单边带传输
  27572. single side drying machine ==> 单面烘燥机
  27573. single side heat sink ==> 单面散热片
  27574. single side rack ==> 单面机架
  27575. single side welding ==> 单面焊
  27576. single side-band amplifier ==> 单边带放大器
  27577. single side-band communication ==> 单边带通信
  27578. single side-band distortion ==> 单边带失真
  27579. single side-band modulator ==> 单边带调制器
  27580. single side-band radio set ==> 单边带无线电接收机
  27581. single side-band receiver ==> 单边带接收机
  27582. single side-band transmission ==> 单边带发送
  27583. single side-band transmitter ==> 单边带发射机
  27584. single side-band tuning ==> 单边带调谐
  27585. single sideband ==> 单边带=>単側波帯
  27586. single sideband modulation ==> 单边带调制
  27587. single sideband modulator ==> 单边带调制器
  27588. single sideband suppressed carrier system ==> 单边带抑制载波系统
  27589. single sideband transmission ==> 单边带传输
  27590. single sideband transmitter ==> 单边带发射机
  27591. single sided amplifier ==> 单边放大器
  27592. single sided board ==> 单面印板
  27593. single sided linear induction motor ==> 单边直线感应电动机
  27594. single sided rack ==> 单面机架
  27595. single sided single-density diskette ==> 单面单密度软磁盘
  27596. single silk ==> 多股生丝
  27597. single silk-covered copper wire ==> 单丝包线
  27598. single silk-covered wire ==> 单层丝包线=>一重絹巻線
  27599. single sling ==> 单索吊具
  27600. single slot ==> 单翼缝
  27601. single socialist market ==> 统一的社会主义市场
  27602. single sorus ==> 单孢子囊
  27603. single space ==> 单间隔
  27604. single span ==> 单跨
  27605. single spanner ==> 单翼梁
  27606. single spark gap ==> 单火花隙
  27607. single spark ignition ==> 单火花点火
  27608. single spark-plug ignition ==> 单火花塞点火
  27609. single special frontier node ==> 单一特殊边界节点
  27610. single speed ==> 单速的
  27611. single speed camera ==> 单速度摄影机
  27612. single speed hand winding machine ==> 单速手摇绕线机
  27613. single speed motor ==> 单速电动机
  27614. single spin stabilization ==> 単一スピン安定法
  27615. single spindle ==> 单轴的
  27616. single spindle automatic lathe ==> 单轴自动车床
  27617. single spindle moulding machine ==> 立式单轴木工铣床
  27618. single spindle turret lathe ==> 单轴转塔车床
  27619. single spinner ==> 单圆盘撒布机
  27620. single spiral turbine ==> 单排量蜗壳式透平,单排量蜗壳式涡轮机
  27621. single split ==> 单架劈木机
  27622. single split mold ==> 组合模
  27623. single spore isolation ==> 单孢分离
  27624. single spot welding ==> 单点焊,单行点焊
  27625. single spray gun ==> 单喷嘴喷枪
  27626. single spread ==> 单面涂布
  27627. single spreading ==> 单面涂胶
  27628. single sprocket movie camera ==> 单齿电影摄影机
  27629. single spun rayon yarn bright in hank ==> 单股有光绞装人造棉纱
  27630. single spun rayon yarn dull on cone ==> 单股无光筒装人造棉纱
  27631. single squirrel cage rotor ==> 单鼠笼式转子,单鼠笼式转子
  27632. single squirrel-cage rotor ==> 单鼠笼式转子
  27633. single stack coil annealing ==> 带卷的单垛退火
  27634. single stage ==> 单级的,单级,一级
  27635. single stage compression ==> 单级压缩
  27636. single stage compressor ==> 单级压缩机
  27637. single stage gas turbine ==> 单级燃汽轮机
  27638. single stage image tube ==> 单级显象管
  27639. single stage pump ==> 单级泵
  27640. single stage rocket ==> 单级火箭
  27641. single stage single suction volute pump ==> 单级单吸离心泵
  27642. single stage turbine ==> 单级涡轮
  27643. single stage twin element ejector ==> 单级双联喷射器
  27644. single stage voltage regulator ==> 单级电磁振动式继电器
  27645. single stamp mill ==> 单锤碎矿机
  27646. single stand ==> 单机座
  27647. single stand mill ==> 单机座轧机
  27648. single standard ==> 单一标准,单一的标准
  27649. single start thread ==> 单螺纹
  27650. single statement group ==> 单个语句组
  27651. single station analysis ==> 单站分析
  27652. single station forecast ==> 单测站预报,单站预报
  27653. single station forecasting ==> 单站预报
  27654. single station method ==> 单站法
  27655. single stationary detector system ==> 单固定探测系统
  27656. single steam chest valve ==> 单汽柜阀
  27657. single steel intrauterine device ==> 金属单环
  27658. single steel roller cotton stripper ==> 单钢辊式摘棉铃机
  27659. single step ==> 单步,单步法,单槽齿,一步
  27660. single step instruction ==> 单步指令
  27661. single step method ==> 单步法
  27662. single step mode ==> 单步方式
  27663. single step operation ==> 単一命令操作
  27664. single step run ==> 单步运行
  27665. single step switch ==> 单步开关
  27666. single stepping test ==> 单步测试
  27667. single stereo measurement ==> 単眼ステレオ計測
  27668. single storage word ==> 单存储字
  27669. single strand tester ==> 单纱强力试验机
  27670. single strap ==> 单均压环
  27671. single strap butt weld ==> 单面盖板对接焊
  27672. single strap lap joint ==> 单盖板搭接接头
  27673. single stroke ==> 单冲程,单次行程
  27674. single stroke bell ==> 单击电铃
  27675. single stub tuner ==> 单短线调谐器
  27676. single subsonic jet ==> 单亚音速喷气发动机
  27677. single suction ==> 单吸,单向吸进
  27678. single suction pump ==> 单吸泵,单吸式泵
  27679. single sugar ==> 单糖
  27680. single supercharger ==> 单增压器
  27681. single supply ==> 单电源供电,由一个电源向负荷供电
  27682. single support phase ==> 片脚支持期
  27683. single surface glazed packing paper ==> 单面光包装纸
  27684. single surface wood planer ==> 单面木工刨床
  27685. single surfacer ==> 单面木刨,单木刨
  27686. single sweep ==> 单扫描
  27687. single sweep method ==> 单一扫描法
  27688. single sweep operation ==> 単掃引
  27689. single sweep tee ==> 三通管
  27690. single switch ==> 单极开关
  27691. single switch call ==> 单接电话交换呼叫
  27692. single switchboard ==> 单连开关板
  27693. single system ==> 单系统,一元系统
  27694. single system accounting ==> 一贯制会计
  27695. single T groove ==> 丁形槽
  27696. single tandem ==> 单串式
  27697. single tank circuit breaker ==> 单桶断路器
  27698. single tank switch ==> 单桶开关
  27699. single task ==> 单任务
  27700. single task operation ==> 单一任务操作
  27701. single task system ==> 单一任务系统
  27702. single tax ==> 统一税
  27703. single tax in silver ==> 一条鞭法
  27704. single tax system ==> 一次税制
  27705. single teasel raising machine ==> 单向刺果起绒机
  27706. single template jigger ==> 单刀旋坯机
  27707. single test ==> 单个试验
  27708. single thinning shears ==> 单口梳发绞剪
  27709. single thread ==> 单线螺纹
  27710. single thread processing ==> シングルスレッド処理
  27711. single thread screw ==> 单头螺纹螺钉
  27712. single thread worm ==> 单头螺纹蜗杆
  27713. single threaded screw ==> 单头螺纹螺钉
  27714. single threading ==> 单线处理
  27715. single throw crankshaft ==> 单拐曲轴
  27716. single throw switch ==> 单掷开关
  27717. single thrust bearing ==> 单向推力轴承
  27718. single tie rod ==> 单系杆
  27719. single tilting permanent magnetic chuck ==> 单倾永磁吸盘
  27720. single time estimate ==> 单一时间估计法
  27721. single toggle crusher ==> 单肘板颚式破碎机
  27722. single toggle jaw crusher ==> 单摆颚式破碎机,单肘鄂式破碎机
  27723. single tooth X-ray apparatus ==> 单牙X射线机
  27724. single track ==> 单磁道,单道,单轨,单声道
  27725. single track crane ==> 单轨吊=>単線クレーン
  27726. single track railway ==> 单线铁路
  27727. single track recorder ==> 单声道录音机
  27728. single traits ==> 单一性状
  27729. single transfer device ==> 单传输设备
  27730. single transistor memory cell ==> 单晶体管存储单元
  27731. single transition laser ==> 单跃迁激光器
  27732. single transition time assignment ==> 一次转换时间分配
  27733. single transition time decomposition ==> 一次转换时间分解
  27734. single transverse mode laser ==> 单横向模式激光器
  27735. single trip ==> 单程
  27736. single trip station wax injection machine ==> 单工位压蜡机
  27737. single tube tyre ==> 单管轮胎
  27738. single tuned amplifier ==> 単同調増幅器
  27739. single tuned circuit ==> 单调谐电路
  27740. single tuned interstage ==> 单调谐级际电路
  27741. single tuning ==> 单调谐
  27742. single turbocompressor rotor cycle ==> 单轴燃气轮机循环
  27743. single turn film head ==> 单匝薄膜磁头
  27744. single twist drill ==> 单槽麻花钻
  27745. single type brake ==> 单闸瓦制动
  27746. single type jiyu mill ==> 单式自由粉碎机
  27747. single U-training ==> 单马蹄形整枝
  27748. single unit ==> 单机组,单组
  27749. single unit system ==> 整体装置
  27750. single upright machine ==> 单柱车床
  27751. single user access ==> 单用户存取
  27752. single utility program ==> 独立实用程序
  27753. single V butt joint ==> 单面V形对焊接
  27754. single V corner joint ==> 单面V形角焊接
  27755. single V groove with root face ==> 带纯边V形坡口
  27756. single value ==> 单一值
  27757. single valve ==> 单阀,单管
  27758. single vane rotary compressor ==> 单滑片回转式压缩机
  27759. single vaporization ==> 一次蒸发
  27760. single velocity stage ==> 单速级
  27761. single vernier ==> 单游标
  27762. single vertical block ==> 立式单次拉丝机
  27763. single vertical key ==> 单行键
  27764. single vertical sweep guard ==> 简单立式拨出式安全装置
  27765. single vibration tandem roller ==> 单筒振动串联式路碾
  27766. single virtual storage system (SVS) ==> 单独虚存系统,单重虚拟存储系统
  27767. single volume ==> 单卷宗
  27768. single volume data set ==> 单卷数据集
  27769. single volume file ==> 单卷文件,单卷宗文件
  27770. single vortex strength ==> 单涡强度
  27771. single wafer plasma system ==> 单晶片处理式等离子装置
  27772. single wafer processing ==> 单晶片处理
  27773. single wall ==> 单壁
  27774. single wall carbon NT, SWNT ==> 単層カーボンナノチューブ
  27775. single wall cofferdam ==> 单墙围堰
  27776. single washstand ==> 单洗面台
  27777. single watershed method ==> 单独流域法
  27778. single weeder ==> 单行除草机
  27779. single weft brocade ==> 单纬缎
  27780. single welded joint ==> 单面焊
  27781. single welded lap joint ==> 单面焊搭接接头
  27782. single welding ==> 单点点焊,单面焊
  27783. single welt ==> 单咬口
  27784. single wheel ==> 单坡轮
  27785. single window ==> 单层窗
  27786. single wire ==> 单线
  27787. single wire circuit ==> 单线电路
  27788. single wire line ==> 单线线路
  27789. single wire transmission line ==> 单线传输线
  27790. single wire-armored cable ==> 単重鉄線外装ケーブル
  27791. single wire-drawing machine ==> 单次拉丝机
  27792. single worm pusher ==> 单螺杆顶车机
  27793. single wrench ==> 单口扳手,单口螺丝钳
  27794. single yarn ==> 单纱
  27795. single yarn tester ==> 单纱强力试验机
  27796. single ZCS-assisted inductive snubber ==> ZCS促進インダクタスナバ
  27797. single(-)order ==> 一阶
  27798. single(-point) load ==> 集中载荷
  27799. single-acting ==> 单动的,单向作用
  27800. single-acting air compressor ==> 单动式空气压缩机
  27801. single-acting air pump ==> 单作用式空气泵
  27802. single-acting atomizer ==> 单动式弥雾机,单动式喷雾机
  27803. single-acting compressor ==> 单动空压机,单动压缩机,单向作用压缩机,单作用压缩机
  27804. single-acting cross head type engine ==> 单作用十字头式发动机
  27805. single-acting cylinder ==> 单向作用汽缸,单作用缸,单作用气缸
  27806. single-acting cylindrical cam ==> 单动圆柱偏心轮
  27807. single-acting dobby ==> 单动式多臂机
  27808. single-acting engine ==> 单动发动机,单动式发动机,单动式原动机,单向作用发动机,单作用式发动机=>単動機関
  27809. single-acting hammer ==> 单作用锤
  27810. single-acting hand pump ==> 单作用手摇泵
  27811. single-acting hydraulic shock absorber ==> 单向式减震器
  27812. single-acting pile hammer ==> 单动打桩机,单动式桩锤
  27813. single-acting piston pump ==> 单作用式活塞泵
  27814. single-acting plunger oil cylinder ==> 单作用柱塞油缸
  27815. single-acting power unit ==> 单动执行机构
  27816. single-acting pump ==> 单动泵,单动式泵,单作用泵
  27817. single-acting radial-plunger-type oil motor ==> 单作用径向柱塞式油马达
  27818. single-acting raising machine ==> 单动式起绒机
  27819. single-acting ram ==> 单动式桩锤,单向夯
  27820. single-acting relay ==> 单侧作用继动器
  27821. single-acting steam engine ==> 单动式蒸汽机
  27822. single-acting steam hammer ==> 单动气锤,单动汽锤
  27823. single-acting trunk piston type engine ==> 单作用筒形活塞式发动机
  27824. single-acting turbocharged two-stroke engine ==> 单作用增压式二冲程发动机
  27825. single-acting vane pump ==> 单作用叶片泵
  27826. single-action ==> 单效,单作用
  27827. single-action clutch ==> 单作用离合器
  27828. single-action compression ==> 单动压制,单面压制,单效压制
  27829. single-action crank press ==> 单动曲柄式压力机
  27830. single-action crankless press ==> 单动偏心式压力机
  27831. single-action cylinder ==> 单作用油缸
  27832. single-action die ==> 单动模具
  27833. single-action drawing die ==> 单动拉延模
  27834. single-action engine ==> 単動機関
  27835. single-action line ==> 单向作用线路
  27836. single-action press ==> 单动式压力机,单动压力机
  27837. single-action press with drawing cushion ==> 单拉延垫的单动压力机
  27838. single-action pressing ==> 单向压制
  27839. single-address code ==> 单地址码
  27840. single-address computer ==> 单地址计算机
  27841. single-address instruction ==> 单地址指令,一地址指令
  27842. single-address instruction format ==> 单地址指令形式
  27843. single-address message ==> 单地址信息
  27844. single-address order code ==> 单地址指令码
  27845. single-aperture lens ==> 单孔透镜,针孔透镜
  27846. single-apertured core ==> 单孔铁芯
  27847. single-arc method ==> 单弧方法
  27848. single-arch dam ==> 单拱坝
  27849. single-arch hammer ==> 单柱锤
  27850. single-arm spectrometer ==> 单臂谱仪
  27851. single-armature converter ==> 单枢变流机
  27852. single-auger unloader ==> 单螺旋卸载机
  27853. single-automatic operation ==> 单自动操纵
  27854. single-axial mode operation ==> 激光器单轴模式工作
  27855. single-axis control ==> 单轴控制
  27856. single-axis laser gyroscope ==> 单轴激光陀螺仪
  27857. single-axis linkage ==> 单轴悬挂装置
  27858. single-axle bogie ==> 单轴转向架
  27859. single-axle drill ==> 单轴式条播机
  27860. single-axle load ==> 单轴载荷
  27861. single-ball mandrel ==> 单球心轴
  27862. single-bank engine ==> 单列式发动机
  27863. single-bank superheater ==> 单级过热器
  27864. single-bar winding ==> 单条绕组
  27865. single-barrel carburetor ==> 单腔化油器
  27866. single-barrel electric hoist ==> 单筒电动卷扬机
  27867. single-barrel sigmoidostomy ==> 乙状结肠单腔造瘘术
  27868. single-base powder ==> 单基药
  27869. single-batch extraction ==> 单级分批萃取
  27870. single-bead lap joint ==> 单道搭接接头
  27871. single-bead tyre ==> 单缘轮胎
  27872. single-beam Beckman gas analyzer ==> 单光束贝克曼气体分析仪
  27873. single-beam chargecontrolled tube ==> 单束电荷控制管
  27874. single-beam colorimeter ==> 单光束色度计
  27875. single-beam crane ==> 单轨起重机,单梁起重机
  27876. single-beam electric crane ==> 电动单梁起重机
  27877. single-beam electric hook crane ==> 电动单梁吊钩起重机
  27878. single-beam laser recorder ==> 单光束激光记录仪
  27879. single-beam oscillograph ==> 单程示波器,单线示波器
  27880. single-beam oscilloscope ==> 单束示波器
  27881. single-beam photoelectric colorimeter ==> 单光束光电比色计
  27882. single-beam spectrophotometer ==> 单光束分光光度计
  27883. single-beam travel crane ==> 单梁自行式起重机
  27884. single-beat escapement ==> 单拍擒纵机构
  27885. single-beat main stop valve ==> 单座式主汽门
  27886. single-beat valve ==> 单层阀
  27887. single-beater spreader ==> 单击肥轮撒肥机
  27888. single-bend valve ==> 单弯阀
  27889. single-bevel butt joint ==> 单面斜对焊接
  27890. single-bevel groove ==> 单斜槽,单斜面坡口
  27891. single-bevel groove weld ==> 单斜角槽焊
  27892. single-bevel joint ==> 单面斜接
  27893. single-bevel T-joint ==> 单斜面T形接合
  27894. single-bit error ==> 单个位错误
  27895. single-blade ==> 单桨,单刃,单刃的,单翼
  27896. single-block bidding, continuous bidding ==> 单段报价,又称"连续报价"
  27897. single-block brake ==> 单块式制动器,单块闸
  27898. single-block braking ==> 单闸瓦制动
  27899. single-block footing ==> 独块底座
  27900. single-block machine ==> 单次拉丝机,单卷筒拉丝机
  27901. single-blow beading ==> 单击镦锻
  27902. single-board microcomputer ==> 单板微机
  27903. single-boom jumbo ==> 单臂架钻车
  27904. single-bottom plow ==> 单铧犁
  27905. single-box siphon ==> 单箱式虹吸管
  27906. single-break ==> 单独中断,单断点
  27907. single-break circuit breaker ==> 单遮断断路器
  27908. single-break contacts ==> 单断接点组
  27909. single-break disconnector ==> 一点切り断路器
  27910. single-break switch ==> 单断开关
  27911. single-bucket excavator ==> 单斗挖土机
  27912. single-bucket loader ==> 单斗装载机
  27913. single-button carbon microphone ==> 单容器炭粒传声器
  27914. single-buyer ==> 单一购买者模式,在发电侧市场中,由市场运营机构作为唯一购买方代表的发电竞争模式
  27915. single-cable ropeway ==> 单缆索道
  27916. single-cable suspension line ==> 单缆吊索
  27917. single-cable system ==> 单电缆制
  27918. single-cable-lifter ==> 单缆起锚机
  27919. single-call DTE ==> 单通道终端
  27920. single-cantilever gantry crane ==> 单悬臂式龙门起重机
  27921. single-canvas binder ==> 单帆布带割捆机
  27922. single-canvas front mounted binder ==> 单帆布带前悬挂式割捆机
  27923. single-capacity process ==> 单容调节过程
  27924. single-capacity system ==> 单容量系统
  27925. single-carrier theory ==> 单载流子理论
  27926. single-cast ==> 单铸,单铸的
  27927. single-catenary suspension ==> 单链式悬挂
  27928. single-cavity linac ==> 单腔线性电子加速器
  27929. single-cell for electrolyzation ==> 单室电解槽
  27930. single-cell technique ==> 单细胞分离技术
  27931. single-chain bale elevator ==> 单链式草捆升运器
  27932. single-chain drive ==> 单链传动
  27933. single-chain type bench ==> 单链拉拔机
  27934. single-chain type multi-purpose elevator ==> 单链式多用途升运器
  27935. single-chain type vertical elevator ==> 单链立式升运器
  27936. single-chain-type bench ==> 单链拉拔机
  27937. single-chamber furnace ==> 单室炉
  27938. single-chamber producer ==> 单室煤气发生炉
  27939. single-chamber unit ==> 单室式机组
  27940. single-channel ==> 单通路,单信道的
  27941. single-channel analyzer ==> 单道分析器
  27942. single-channel carrier ==> 单路载波机
  27943. single-channel communication ==> 单路通信
  27944. single-channel control ==> 单路控制
  27945. single-channel count ==> 单道计数
  27946. single-channel digital exploration seismograph ==> 单道数字地震仪
  27947. single-channel facsimile transmission equipment ==> 单路传真机
  27948. single-channel frequency modulation telemeter ==> 单通道调频遥测仪
  27949. single-channel galvanometric recorder ==> 单通道电流测定记录仪
  27950. single-channel heated stylus recorder ==> 单道加热式笔录记录器
  27951. single-channel image ==> 单道影像
  27952. single-channel impeller pump ==> 单路叶轮泵
  27953. single-channel instantaneous signal recorder ==> 单通道瞬态信号记录仪
  27954. single-channel monopulse processor ==> 单路单脉冲信息处理机
  27955. single-channel multiplier ==> 单渠道电子倍增器
  27956. single-channel radiometer ==> 单信道辐射计
  27957. single-channel scanning pulse analyzer ==> 单通道扫描脉冲分析仪
  27958. single-channel simplex ==> 单信道单工通信
  27959. single-channel single fiber cable ==> 单通道单纤光缆
  27960. single-channel table receiver ==> 单声道台式收音机
  27961. single-channel thermal infrared scanner ==> 单通道热红外扫描仪
  27962. single-channel tunable spectrometer ==> 单通道调谐调频仪
  27963. single-channel γ-spectrometer ==> 单道γ分光仪
  27964. single-check snow plough ==> 单向雪犁
  27965. single-circuit ==> 单回路的
  27966. single-circuit line ==> 单回路线
  27967. single-clad board ==> 单面印刷电路板
  27968. single-class estimation ==> 单类的估计
  27969. single-coat stucco ==> 一次抹面
  27970. single-coil ==> 单线圈的
  27971. single-coil cable ==> 単心ケーブル
  27972. single-coil clutch brake ==> 单盘簧离合器制动器
  27973. single-coil filament ==> 単コイルフィラメント
  27974. single-coil ignition ==> 单线圈点火
  27975. single-coil spring ==> 单圈弹簧
  27976. single-coil spring washer ==> 单盘簧垫圈
  27977. single-coiled relay ==> 单线圈继电器
  27978. single-collar thrust bearing ==> 单环推力轴承
  27979. single-colour automatic offset press ==> 单色自动胶印机
  27980. single-colour offset machine ==> 单色胶印机
  27981. single-colour offset press ==> 单色胶印机
  27982. single-colour press ==> 单色印刷机
  27983. single-colour printer ==> 单色印刷机
  27984. single-colour sheet-fed offset press ==> 单色自动胶印机
  27985. single-column gas chromatograph ==> 单柱式气相色谱仪
  27986. single-column hydraulic drawing press ==> 单柱拉伸液压机
  27987. single-column jig borer ==> 单柱坐标镗床
  27988. single-column jig boring machine ==> 单柱坐标镗床
  27989. single-column lathe ==> 单柱立式车床
  27990. single-column manometer ==> 单管式压力计
  27991. single-column milling machine ==> 单柱铣床
  27992. single-column pence coding ==> 每列单孔编码
  27993. single-column planer ==> 单柱刨床
  27994. single-column planing machine ==> 单柱刨床
  27995. single-column punch machine ==> 单柱冲床
  27996. single-column vertical boring machine ==> 单柱立式车床,单柱立式镗床
  27997. single-column vertical borring and turning mill ==> 单柱立式车床
  27998. single-column vertical lathe ==> 单柱立式车床
  27999. single-commutation direct-current signalling ==> 单换向直流发信
  28000. single-component block copolypeptides ==> 単一成分ブロックコポリペプチド
  28001. single-component phosphor ==> 单一磷光体,单一荧光粉
  28002. single-component polyurethane enamel ==> 单组分聚氨酯磁漆
  28003. single-component polyurethane varnish ==> 单组分聚氨酯清漆
  28004. single-computer system ==> 单计算机系统
  28005. single-condenser filter ==> 单电容滤波器
  28006. single-cone vessel closure ==> 单锥容器密封
  28007. single-conical saw ==> 单凸面圆锯,单斜圆锯
  28008. single-contact controller ==> 单触点控制器
  28009. single-contact system ==> 单触点制
  28010. single-control refrigerator freezer ==> 单控式冷藏冷冻箱
  28011. single-core ==> 单芯的
  28012. single-core cable ==> 单芯电缆
  28013. single-core oil-filled cable ==> 单芯充油电缆
  28014. single-core optical connector ==> 单芯光学连接器
  28015. single-cotton covered wire ==> 单纱包线
  28016. single-cotton double-silk covered wire ==> 单纱双丝包线
  28017. single-crank arch press ==> 单曲柄拱式冲床,单曲柄拱式压力机
  28018. single-crank double-action press ==> 单曲柄双动压力机
  28019. single-crank press ==> 单曲轴压力机
  28020. single-crop rice ==> 单季稻
  28021. single-cross stitching machine ==> 单横钉铆机
  28022. single-crystal ==> 单晶的
  28023. single-crystal diffractometer ==> 单晶衍射仪
  28024. single-crystal element ==> 单晶元件
  28025. single-crystal photoconductor ==> 单晶光导体,单晶光电导体
  28026. single-crystal silicon ==> 单晶硅
  28027. single-crystal spinflip laser ==> 单晶自旋反转激光器
  28028. single-current system ==> 单流制
  28029. single-current transmission ==> 单电流传输
  28030. single-curvature arch dam ==> 单曲率拱坝
  28031. single-curvature surface ==> 单曲率曲面
  28032. single-curved surface ==> 单曲面
  28033. single-cutter shearing machine ==> 单刀剪毛机
  28034. single-cutting drill ==> 单刃钻
  28035. single-cutting hand saw ==> 单刃带锯
  28036. single-cycle ==> 单循环,单循环的
  28037. single-cycle error ==> 单周误差
  28038. single-cycle key ==> 单循环键
  28039. single-cycle mountain ==> 单旋回山
  28040. single-cylinder ==> 单缸,单缸的
  28041. single-cylinder compressor ==> 单缸压缩机
  28042. single-cylinder engine ==> 单缸发动机=>単気筒エンジン
  28043. single-cylinder hay loader ==> 单滚筒式装干草机
  28044. single-cylinder loader ==> 单油缸式装载机
  28045. single-cylinder pump ==> 单缸泵
  28046. single-cylinder steam engine ==> 单汽缸蒸汽机
  28047. single-cylinder test engine ==> 单缸试验装置
  28048. single-cylinder turbine ==> 单汽缸汽轮机
  28049. single-cylinder two stage air compressor ==> 单气缸双级空气压缩机
  28050. single-day-load curve ==> 单纯日负荷曲线
  28051. single-deck ==> 单层
  28052. single-deck bus ==> 单层公共汽车
  28053. single-deck oven ==> 单层烤炉
  28054. single-deck screen ==> 单层筛
  28055. single-deck vibrating screen ==> 单层振动筛
  28056. single-degree-of-freedom ==> 单自由度
  28057. single-degree-of-freedom gyro ==> 单自由度陀螺
  28058. single-degree-of-freedom gyroscopy ==> 单自由度陀螺仪
  28059. single-degree-of-freedom system ==> 单自由度体系
  28060. single-detection receiver ==> 单极检波接收机,单检波接收机
  28061. single-die drawbench ==> 单模拉拔机
  28062. single-dielectric fiber ==> 单一介质光纤
  28063. single-digit ==> 单位数
  28064. single-disc boot ==> 单盘开沟器
  28065. single-disc clutch ==> 单盘离合器
  28066. single-disc colter ==> 单圆盘开沟器
  28067. single-disc drill colter ==> 单圆盘条播开沟器
  28068. single-disc electromagnetic brake ==> 单片式电磁制动器
  28069. single-disc electromagnetic clutch ==> 单片式电磁离合器
  28070. single-disc polyphase meter ==> 单盘式多相计数器
  28071. single-disc terrazzo grinder ==> 单盘水磨石机
  28072. single-disc winding ==> 单盘式绕组
  28073. single-disk rotary hydrostone-flat grinder ==> 单盘旋转式水磨机
  28074. single-door drop-bottom bucket ==> 单底开式加料斗
  28075. single-door household refrigerator ==> 单门家用冰箱
  28076. single-doped laser ==> 单掺杂激光器
  28077. single-doped laser rod ==> 单掺杂激光棒
  28078. single-dose application ==> 一次施肥
  28079. single-double line layout ==> 单双管式布置
  28080. single-double-side offset paper ==> 单胶双胶纸
  28081. single-drive pulley ==> 单速皮带轮
  28082. single-drum ==> 单鼓,单鼓的,单转筒
  28083. single-drum hoist ==> 单筒卷扬机
  28084. single-drum winch ==> 单卷筒绞车,单筒绞车
  28085. single-drum winder ==> 单卷筒提升机
  28086. single-duct conduit ==> 单孔管道
  28087. single-edge crack ==> 单边裂缝
  28088. single-edge grooving saw ==> 单刃割槽锯
  28089. single-edge sweep ==> 单刃锄草铲
  28090. single-edged cutting tool ==> 单刃刀
  28091. single-edged push-pull amplifier circuit ==> 单边推挽放大器电路
  28092. single-effect distillator ==> 单效蒸馏器
  28093. single-electrode system ==> 单电极系统
  28094. single-element injector ==> 单组元喷嘴
  28095. single-element lens ==> 单元透镜
  28096. single-element relay ==> 单元件继电器,一元继电器
  28097. single-end 15 degree angle wrench ==> 单头15度斜口扳手
  28098. single-end adjustable spanner ==> 单头活动扳手
  28099. single-end amplification ==> 单端放大
  28100. single-end amplifier ==> 单端放大器
  28101. single-end bottle washing machine ==> 单端洗瓶机
  28102. single-end control ==> 单端控制
  28103. single-end drive ==> 单边齿轮驱动
  28104. single-end hexagon straight wrench ==> 单头六角直口扳手
  28105. single-end snap ga(u)ge ==> 单头卡规
  28106. single-end spanner ==> 单头扳手
  28107. single-end square straight wrench ==> 单头方形直口扳手
  28108. single-end straight tenoning machine ==> 单头直榫开榫机
  28109. single-end strength and elongation tester ==> 单纱强力伸长试验机
  28110. single-end tenoning machine ==> 单头燕尾榫开榫机
  28111. single-end twisting machine ==> 单纱加捻机
  28112. single-end user ==> 单端用户
  28113. single-ended ==> 单端的
  28114. single-ended amplifier ==> 单端放大器
  28115. single-ended boiler ==> 单头锅炉,单头燃烧式锅炉
  28116. single-ended chemical laser ==> 单端化学激光器
  28117. single-ended connector ==> 单端连接器
  28118. single-ended converter ==> 单端变换器
  28119. single-ended deflection ==> 单端偏转,不对称偏转
  28120. single-ended discriminator ==> 单侧鉴频器,单端鉴频器
  28121. single-ended hydro washer ==> 单端喷淋式洗瓶机
  28122. single-ended input ==> 单端输入
  28123. single-ended mixer ==> 单端混频器
  28124. single-ended open-jawed spanner ==> 单头开口爪扳手
  28125. single-ended output ==> 单端输出
  28126. single-ended output amplifier ==> 单端输出功率放大器
  28127. single-ended push-pull amplifier ==> 单端推挽放大器
  28128. single-ended push-pull circuit ==> 单端推挽电路
  28129. single-ended spanner ==> 单头扳手
  28130. single-endwall packer ==> 单头井壁封隔器
  28131. single-energy reactor ==> 单能中子反应堆
  28132. single-engine locomotive ==> 单发动机机车
  28133. single-engined ==> 单发动机的
  28134. single-engined aircraft ==> 单发动机飞机
  28135. single-entry compressor ==> 单面进气压气机
  28136. single-entry impeller ==> 单面进气叶轮
  28137. single-entry pump ==> 单吸泵
  28138. single-entry-single-exit computer ==> 单入出口计算机
  28139. single-error correcting code ==> 单差校正码
  28140. single-error correction ==> 单一误差校正
  28141. single-extraction non-condensing turbine ==> 单抽汽非凝汽式汽轮机
  28142. single-factor model ==> 1因子モデル
  28143. single-family dwelling ==> 独户住房
  28144. single-family house ==> 独户住房
  28145. single-fillet weld ==> 单边角接焊缝
  28146. single-flame blow pipe ==> 单焰焊炬
  28147. single-flange track wheel ==> 单凸缘履带轮
  28148. single-flanged butt joint ==> 单卷边对接接头
  28149. single-flanged lap joint ==> 单法兰搭接
  28150. single-flapper valve ==> 单喷嘴挡板阀
  28151. single-flight cutter head ==> 单翼切土螺钻
  28152. single-flight stairs ==> 单跑楼梯
  28153. single-flight type augerhead ==> 单翼螺钻
  28154. single-flow ==> 单流
  28155. single-flow boiler ==> 单流式锅炉
  28156. single-flow turbine ==> 单流式汽轮机,单流式涡轮机
  28157. single-flow type boiler ==> 单流式锅炉
  28158. single-fluid breeder reactor ==> 单流体熔盐增殖堆
  28159. single-fluid process ==> 单液法
  28160. single-flute drill ==> 单槽螺旋钻
  28161. single-flux-quantum penetration ==> 単一磁束量子の侵入
  28162. single-focusing ==> 单焦点的
  28163. single-frame power hammer ==> 单柱动力锤
  28164. single-frequency code ==> 单频码
  28165. single-frequency conversion ==> 单频变换
  28166. single-frequency duplex ==> 单频双工
  28167. single-frequency laser ==> 单频激光器
  28168. single-frequency noise ==> 单频噪声
  28169. single-frequency oscillatory waveforms ==> 単一周波振動波
  28170. single-frequency polarized light ==> 单频带偏振光
  28171. single-frequency signal generator ==> 单频率信号发生器,单频信号发生器
  28172. single-frequency signalling ==> 单频发信
  28173. single-frequency simplex ==> 单频单工
  28174. single-friction-surface clutch ==> 单面摩擦圆盘离合器
  28175. single-fuel system ==> 单燃料系统
  28176. single-funnel ==> 单管的
  28177. single-furnace boiler ==> 单炉镗锅炉
  28178. single-furrow deep digger ==> 单铧开沟犁
  28179. single-furrow plough ==> 单铧犁
  28180. single-furrow plow ==> 单铧犁
  28181. single-gang edger ==> 单轴多片圆锯机
  28182. single-gate lock ==> 单闸门船闸
  28183. single-gene ==> 单基因
  28184. single-gene mutant ==> 单基因突变体
  28185. single-gene-controlled traits ==> 单基因控制性状
  28186. single-generation household ==> 无子女户
  28187. single-glass ==> 单层玻璃
  28188. single-glassed window ==> 一层玻璃窗
  28189. single-grain structure ==> 单粒构造
  28190. single-grained arrangement ==> 单粒排列
  28191. single-grained structure ==> 单粒结构
  28192. single-gun color tube ==> 单电子枪彩色电视显像管
  28193. single-gun colour picture tube ==> 单枪彩色显像管
  28194. single-gun tricolor tube ==> 单电子枪三色显像管,单束三色显像管
  28195. single-gun tricolour tube ==> 单枪彩色管,单枪电子三色管
  28196. single-gun tube ==> 单枪彩色显像管
  28197. single-hand drilling ==> 单手打眼
  28198. single-head bevel gear generator ==> 单刀头锥齿轮刨齿机
  28199. single-head box socket set ==> 单头套筒扳手
  28200. single-head computer controlled embroidery machine ==> 单头计算机控制刺绣机
  28201. single-head draw frame ==> 单眼并条机
  28202. single-head flat scraper ==> 单头平刮刀
  28203. single-head jigger ==> 单刀压坯机
  28204. single-head loom ==> 单幅狭织机
  28205. single-head scouring-bleaching machine ==> 单头洗漂机
  28206. single-head straight socket wrench ==> 单头直柄套筒扳手
  28207. single-head wire drawer ==> 单头拉丝机
  28208. single-head wire drawing machine ==> 单头拉丝机,单线拉丝机
  28209. single-head wire stitcher ==> 单头铁丝订书机
  28210. single-head wrench ==> 单头扳手
  28211. single-headed arrow ==> 单头指针
  28212. single-headed rail ==> 单头轨
  28213. single-headed stud ==> 单头芯撑
  28214. single-helical gear ==> 单螺旋齿轮
  28215. single-helical heater ==> 单螺旋灯丝
  28216. single-hetero laser ==> 单异质激光器
  28217. single-heterojunction laser ==> 单异质结激光器
  28218. single-heterojunction laser diode ==> 单异质结激光二极管
  28219. single-heterostructure junction laser ==> 单异质结激光器
  28220. single-hinged arch ==> 单铰拱
  28221. single-hoisting ==> 单钩提升
  28222. single-hole directional coupler ==> 单孔定向耦合器
  28223. single-hole nozzle ==> 单孔喷嘴
  28224. single-hook piston ring ==> 单钩活塞环
  28225. single-hook ring ==> 鼻形环
  28226. single-hop transmission ==> 单反射传输
  28227. single-hose nylon fixing seat ==> 单管尼龙固定座
  28228. single-hump camel ==> 单峰驼
  28229. single-humped camel ==> 单峰驼
  28230. single-hung window ==> 单悬窗
  28231. single-impeller impact breaker ==> 单叶轮冲击破碎机
  28232. single-impeller pump ==> 单叶轮泵
  28233. single-impulse turbine ==> 单脉冲式涡轮机
  28234. single-impulse welder ==> 单脉冲焊机
  28235. single-impulse welding ==> 单脉冲焊接
  28236. single-in-line package (SIP) ==> 单列直插式组件
  28237. single-inductor ==> 单电感线圈
  28238. single-ingot pit ==> 单座式均热炉
  28239. single-inlet impeller ==> 单面进气叶轮
  28240. single-input single-output system (SISO system) ==> 单输入单输出系统,单输入输出系统
  28241. single-instruction multiple-data ==> 单指令多数据
  28242. single-instruction multiple-data stream (SIMD) ==> 单指令多数据流
  28243. single-instruction single-data stream (SISD) ==> 单指令单数据流
  28244. single-intradermal tuberculin test ==> 单一皮内结核菌素试验
  28245. single-iris ==> 单窗孔,单膜片
  28246. single-J groove ==> 单J形坡口
  28247. single-jet carburetor ==> 单嘴汽化器
  28248. single-jet flapper valve ==> 单喷嘴挡板阀
  28249. single-jet nozzle ==> 单孔喷嘴
  28250. single-jet weaving machine ==> 单喷嘴喷气织机
  28251. single-jointed drive shaft ==> 单节主动轴
  28252. single-kernel cumulative-drop planter ==> 单粒排种积累式穴播机
  28253. single-kick multivibrator ==> 单冲多谐振荡器
  28254. single-knife hydraulic rubber cutting machine ==> 单刀液压立式切胶机
  28255. single-lane highway ==> 单车道公路
  28256. single-layer ==> 单层的
  28257. single-layer bit ==> 表面装嵌钻头
  28258. single-layer coil ==> 单层线圈
  28259. single-layer hot press ==> 单层热压机
  28260. single-layer lining ==> 单层衬里
  28261. single-layer paper bag ==> 单层纸袋
  28262. single-layer particle board ==> 单层碎料板
  28263. single-layer solenoid ==> 单层螺线管
  28264. single-layer three phase winding ==> 单层三相绕组
  28265. single-layer tube ==> 单层盘管
  28266. single-layer welding ==> 单层焊
  28267. single-layer wind(ing) ==> 单层线圈
  28268. single-layer winding ==> 单层绕组
  28269. single-leaf hinged bottom bucket ==> 单底开式加料斗
  28270. single-leaf spring ==> 单片弹簧,单片钢板弹簧
  28271. single-leaf type rolling gate ==> 单门叶式滚动闸门
  28272. single-leg manometer ==> 单管压力计
  28273. single-length ==> 单字长
  28274. single-length normalization ==> 单倍长度规格化
  28275. single-length working ==> 单字长运行
  28276. single-lens camera ==> 单镜头摄影机
  28277. single-lens reflex (SLR) ==> 单镜头反光照相机
  28278. single-lens reflex camera ==> 单镜头反光式照相机
  28279. single-level address ==> 单级地址,直接地址
  28280. single-level machine ==> 单级存储机
  28281. single-level resonance formula ==> 单能级光振公式
  28282. single-level steam turbine ==> 单级式汽轮机
  28283. single-level system ==> 单级系统
  28284. single-lever brake ==> 单杆闸
  28285. single-lever control ==> 单杆控制
  28286. single-lever relief valve ==> 单杆安全阀
  28287. single-lift jacquard ==> 单动式提花机
  28288. single-lift lock ==> 单级船闸
  28289. single-lift single-cylinder jacquard ==> 单动式单花筒提花机
  28290. single-line ==> 单线增音器,单行的
  28291. single-line clamshell ==> 单绳抓岩机
  28292. single-line diagram ==> 単線結線図
  28293. single-line fault ==> 单线故障
  28294. single-line ground ==> 单线接地
  28295. single-line operation ==> 单线工作
  28296. single-line register ==> 单行移位寄存器
  28297. single-lined belt conveyer ==> 单线皮带运输机
  28298. single-lined diagram ==> 单线接线图
  28299. single-link line ==> 单节线
  28300. single-lip wiper ==> 单唇口防尘圈
  28301. single-lobe ==> 单瓣
  28302. single-lock welt ==> 单咬口
  28303. single-longitudinal mode laser ==> 单纵向模激光器
  28304. single-loop controller ==> 单回路控制器
  28305. single-loop feedback ==> 单闭合环路反馈
  28306. single-loop servomechanism ==> 单回路伺服系统
  28307. single-loop system ==> 单回路系统
  28308. single-machine capacity ==> 单机功率,单机容量
  28309. single-magnetic key ==> 单磁电键
  28310. single-main distribution ==> 单管系统,单主管配水
  28311. single-melt ingot ==> 单熔锭
  28312. single-mesh ==> 单网孔,单网孔的
  28313. single-mesh filter ==> 单网孔滤波器
  28314. single-mode behavior ==> 单模性能
  28315. single-mode generator ==> 单模发生器
  28316. single-mode He-Ne laser ==> 单模氦氖激光器
  28317. single-mode laser ==> 单模激光器
  28318. single-mode operation ==> 单模工作
  28319. single-mode optical fiber connector ==> 单模光纤连接器
  28320. single-mode oscillation ==> 单模振荡
  28321. single-mode oscillator ==> 单模振荡器
  28322. single-mode system ==> 单模系统,单自由度系统
  28323. single-moldboard plow ==> 单臂犁
  28324. single-motion turbine ==> 单动式汽轮机
  28325. single-needle cylinder-bed machine ==> 单针筒圆台式缝纫机
  28326. single-needle device ==> 单针器件
  28327. single-needle embroidery frame ==> 单针刺绣机
  28328. single-needle high speed sewing machine ==> 单针高速缝纫机
  28329. single-needle postbed sewing machine ==> 单针高缝台缝纫机
  28330. single-nucleotide mutation rate ==> 一塩基変異率
  28331. single-office exchange ==> 单局交换,单中心交换站
  28332. single-operand instruction ==> 单操作数指令
  28333. single-operation part ==> 单工序零件
  28334. single-operator transformer ==> 单站焊接变压器
  28335. single-operator welder ==> 单站焊机
  28336. single-operator welding machine ==> 单站焊机
  28337. single-order ==> 单阶,单位的
  28338. single-order subtracter ==> 一位减法器
  28339. single-pair problem ==> 单一配对问题
  28340. single-parity check ==> 单奇偶校验
  28341. single-part bidding ==> 单部投标,在竞价上网时,发电企业只申报交易时段的容量/电价曲线
  28342. single-particle ==> 单个颗粒
  28343. single-pass ==> 单程,单通,直流
  28344. single-pass (SP) ==> 单程的
  28345. single-pass assembler ==> 单遍汇编程序
  28346. single-pass boiler ==> 单烟道锅炉,一次通过锅炉
  28347. single-pass condenser ==> 单程冷凝器,单流程凝汽器,单流式冷凝器
  28348. single-pass drier ==> 单程干燥器
  28349. single-pass exchanger ==> 单程换热器,单程热交换器
  28350. single-pass gain ==> 单程增益
  28351. single-pass mixer ==> 单程拌和机,单行程拌和机
  28352. single-pass prism dosimeter ==> 单通棱镜剂量计
  28353. single-pass prism instrument ==> 单通棱镜仪器
  28354. single-pass program ==> 单遍程序
  28355. single-pass stabilizer ==> 单程土壤稳定机
  28356. single-pass sytem ==> 单通系统
  28357. single-pass translation ==> 单遍翻译
  28358. single-pass tubular heater ==> 单程管式加热器,单程列管加热器
  28359. single-pass turbine ==> 单流程式汽轮机,单流式涡轮机
  28360. single-pass weld ==> 单道焊
  28361. single-pass welding ==> 单道焊
  28362. single-pass zone-melting ==> 一次通过区域熔炼
  28363. single-path system ==> 单路系统
  28364. single-payment compound amount factor ==> 一次偿付复利因素
  28365. single-payment factors ==> 一次支付因素
  28366. single-payment loan ==> 一次偿清贷款
  28367. single-payment present worth factor ==> 一次偿付现值因素
  28368. single-peaked ==> 单峰的
  28369. single-peakedness condition ==> 单峰条件
  28370. single-pedestal desk ==> 独柱写字台
  28371. single-pedestal table ==> 独柱台
  28372. single-perforated grain ==> 单孔药柱
  28373. single-period model ==> 单时期模型
  28374. single-phase ==> 单相的
  28375. single-phase AC current ==> 単相交流
  28376. single-phase AC synchronous alternator ==> 单相交流同步发电机
  28377. single-phase AC synchronous generator ==> 单相交流同步发电机
  28378. single-phase active filter ==> 単相アクティブフィルタ
  28379. single-phase active power ==> 单相有功功率
  28380. single-phase aircooled transformer ==> 单相汽冷式变压器
  28381. single-phase alloy ==> 单相合金
  28382. single-phase alternator ==> 单相交流发电机
  28383. single-phase arc furnace ==> 单相电弧炉
  28384. single-phase auto-transformer ==> 单相自耦变压器
  28385. single-phase automatic reclosing ==> 単相再閉路
  28386. single-phase autotransformer ==> 单相自耦变压器
  28387. single-phase bridge rectifier ==> 单相桥式整流器
  28388. single-phase brushless generator ==> 单相无刷发电机
  28389. single-phase capacitor operation asyn. motor ==> 单相电容运转异步电动机
  28390. single-phase capacitor starting induction motor ==> 单相电容起动感应电动机
  28391. single-phase circuit ==> 单相电路=>単相回路
  28392. single-phase clutch motor ==> 单相离合器电动机
  28393. single-phase commutaor machine ==> 単相整流子電機
  28394. single-phase commutator induction motor ==> 单相整流子感应电动机
  28395. single-phase commutator machine ==> 单相整流子电机
  28396. single-phase commutator motor ==> 单相换向器电动机,单相整流电动机
  28397. single-phase compound motor ==> 单相复绕电动机=>単相複巻電動機
  28398. single-phase condenser motor ==> 单相电容电动机
  28399. single-phase current ==> 单相电流
  28400. single-phase current locomotive ==> 单相电流机车
  28401. single-phase current source ==> 単相電流源
  28402. single-phase device ==> 単相機器
  28403. single-phase diesel power set ==> 单相柴油发电机组
  28404. single-phase diode rectifier ==> 単相ダイオード整流回路
  28405. single-phase directional short circuit relay ==> 单相定向短路继电器
  28406. single-phase distribution line ==> 単相配電線
  28407. single-phase double-frequency generator ==> 单相双频发电机
  28408. single-phase double-speed motor ==> 单相双速电动机
  28409. single-phase earth fault ==> 单相接地故障
  28410. single-phase electric blower ==> 单相电动吹风机
  28411. single-phase electric pump ==> 单相电泵
  28412. single-phase electric-arc furnace ==> 单相电弧炉
  28413. single-phase electricfurnace ==> 单相电炉
  28414. single-phase fault ==> 单相故障
  28415. single-phase flow ==> 单相流
  28416. single-phase full wave connection ==> 单相全波连接
  28417. single-phase full wave rectifier ==> 单相全波整流器
  28418. single-phase full-wave rectifer circuit ==> 单相全波整流电路
  28419. single-phase generator ==> 单相发电机=>単相発電機
  28420. single-phase half-wave rectifier connection ==> 単相半波(整流)接続
  28421. single-phase halfwave rectifier ==> 单相半波整流器
  28422. single-phase induction motor ==> 单相感应电动机,又称“单相异步电动机”。定子通常含有两个绕组,转子为笼型。定子主绕组一直接在单相交流电源上,辅助绕组只在起动时通电。结构简单、成本低廉,运行可靠=>単相誘導電動機
  28423. single-phase induction regulator ==> 单相感应调节器
  28424. single-phase induction voltage regulator ==> 单相感应电压调节器
  28425. single-phase instantaneous active power ==> 单相瞬时有功功率
  28426. single-phase instantaneous apparent power ==> 单相瞬时视在功率
  28427. single-phase instantaneous reactive power ==> 单相瞬时无功功率
  28428. single-phase kilowatt-hour meter ==> 单相电度表
  28429. single-phase kilowatthour meter ==> 单相电度表
  28430. single-phase KWH meter ==> 单相电度表
  28431. single-phase line ==> 单相线路
  28432. single-phase load ==> 単相負荷
  28433. single-phase loom ==> 单相织机
  28434. single-phase machine ==> 单相电机
  28435. single-phase meter ==> 单相功率因数表
  28436. single-phase microstructure ==> 单相显微组织
  28437. single-phase motor ==> 单相电动机=>単相電動機
  28438. single-phase network ==> 単相回路網
  28439. single-phase oil immersed transformer ==> 单相油浸变压器
  28440. single-phase operation ==> 单相运行=>単相運転
  28441. single-phase operation of three-phase induction motor ==> 三相誘導モータの単相運転
  28442. single-phase output ==> 単相出力
  28443. single-phase parallel inverter ==> 单相并联逆变器
  28444. single-phase PM brushless motor ==> 単相モータ
  28445. single-phase potential transformer ==> 单相电压互感器
  28446. single-phase power ==> 单相功率
  28447. single-phase power factor meter ==> 单相相位计
  28448. single-phase power station ==> 单相发电厂
  28449. single-phase protective branch switch ==> 单相保护式分路开关
  28450. single-phase reactive power ==> 单相无功功率
  28451. single-phase reclosing ==> 单相重合闸=>単相再閉路
  28452. single-phase reclosure ==> 単相再閉路
  28453. single-phase rectifier ==> 単相整流器
  28454. single-phase regulating transformer ==> 单相调整变压器,单向调整变压器
  28455. single-phase rms active power ==> 单相有功功率有效值
  28456. single-phase rms reactive power ==> 单相无功功率有效值
  28457. single-phase rotor ==> 单相转子
  28458. single-phase safety plug with socket ==> 单相保险插头座
  28459. single-phase saturable reactor ==> 单相饱和扼流圈
  28460. single-phase selsyn. motor ==> 单相自同步电动机
  28461. single-phase series commutator motor ==> 单相串激换向器电动机,单相串激整流子电动机,单相串励换向器电动机
  28462. single-phase series motor ==> 单相串激电动机,单相串励电动机,单相串联电动机=>単相直巻電動機
  28463. single-phase short circuit ==> 单相短路
  28464. single-phase short-circuit ==> 単相短絡
  28465. single-phase shunt active filter ==> 単相アクティブフィルタ
  28466. single-phase shunt commutator motor ==> 单相并励换向器电动机
  28467. single-phase shunt motor ==> 单相并激电动机,单相并联电动机=>単相分巻電動機
  28468. single-phase single-speed motor ==> 单相单速电动机
  28469. single-phase speed regulating motor ==> 单相调速电机
  28470. single-phase synchronous machine ==> 单相同步电机
  28471. single-phase synchronous motor ==> 单相同步电动机
  28472. single-phase system ==> 单相系统
  28473. single-phase three wire transformer ==> 单相三线制变压器
  28474. single-phase three-wire distribution system ==> 単相三線式配電線
  28475. single-phase three-wire secondary distribution system ==> 単相三線式配電
  28476. single-phase three-wire system ==> 単相3線式
  28477. single-phase titanium alloy ==> 单相钛合金
  28478. single-phase to three-phase power converter ==> 単相-三相電力変換器
  28479. single-phase transformer ==> 単相変圧器
  28480. single-phase two-speed motor ==> 单相双速电动机
  28481. single-phase two-wire system ==> 単相2線式
  28482. single-phase utility ==> 単相系統
  28483. single-phase voltage source ==> 単相電圧源
  28484. single-phase voltage source PWM rectifer ==> 単相電圧形PWM整流器
  28485. single-phase wattmeter ==> 单相瓦特计
  28486. single-phase wattour meter ==> 单相电度表
  28487. single-phase winding ==> 单相绕组
  28488. single-phase-alloy ==> 单相合金
  28489. single-phasing ==> 单相运行
  28490. single-photo-plotting apparatus ==> 单像测图仪
  28491. single-photon decay spectrometer ==> 单光子湮没谱仪
  28492. single-pickled sheet ==> 一次酸洗薄钢板
  28493. single-piece disposable type share ==> 单片不修复式犁铧
  28494. single-piece frame press ==> 整体机身式压力机
  28495. single-piece microcomputer ==> 单片微型计算机
  28496. single-piece milling ==> 单件铣
  28497. single-piece piston ==> 整体活塞
  28498. single-piece production ==> 单件生产
  28499. single-piece work ==> 单件加工
  28500. single-pier draught tube ==> 单墩尾水管
  28501. single-pin track ==> 单销履带
  28502. single-pin type spanner wrench ==> 单销式扳手
  28503. single-pipe brake system ==> 单管制动系统
  28504. single-piston brake cylinder ==> 单活塞制动缸
  28505. single-piston explosive press ==> 单活塞爆炸压力机
  28506. single-pitch roof ==> 单坡屋顶
  28507. single-place shift ==> 一位位移
  28508. single-plane balance test ==> 单面平衡试验
  28509. single-plane gear ==> 同平面减速器
  28510. single-plane swivel joint ==> 单面回转接头
  28511. single-plane turbine ==> 单排式汽轮机
  28512. single-planetary gear train ==> 单级行星轮系
  28513. single-planetary mill ==> 单辊行星轧机
  28514. single-plate clutch ==> 单闸片离合器
  28515. single-ploe single-throw switch ==> 单刀单掷开关
  28516. single-point ==> 单点,奇点
  28517. single-point cutter ==> 单齿铣刀
  28518. single-point cutting tool ==> 单刃刀具
  28519. single-point grounding ==> 单点接地
  28520. single-point information ==> 单点信息,仅用一个比特表示运行设备两个确定状态的监视信息
  28521. single-point lifting ==> 单点起吊法
  28522. single-point load ==> 单点载荷,单载荷
  28523. single-point method ==> 单点法
  28524. single-point press ==> 单点压力机
  28525. single-point recorder ==> 单点记录器,单点记录仪
  28526. single-point shovel ==> 单尖松土铲
  28527. single-point single action press ==> 单点单动压力机
  28528. single-point stationary press ==> 单点固定压力机
  28529. single-point suspension ==> 单点悬挂装置
  28530. single-point thread tool ==> 单刃螺纹刀具
  28531. single-point tool thread cutting machine ==> 单刃刀具螺纹铣床
  28532. single-pointed scarifier ==> 单齿耙路机
  28533. single-polarity pulse ==> 单极性脉冲
  28534. single-polarity pulse-amplitude modulation ==> 单向脉幅调制
  28535. single-pole ==> 单极的=>単極
  28536. single-pole circuit breaker ==> 单极断路器
  28537. single-pole cut-out ==> 单极断路器
  28538. single-pole distribution switch ==> 单极分路开关
  28539. single-pole double throw ==> 单刀双投,单刀双掷
  28540. single-pole double throw switch ==> 单刀双投开关,单刀双掷开关
  28541. single-pole double-throw (SPDT) ==> 单刀双掷开关
  28542. single-pole enclosed fused switch ==> 单极保护式负荷开关
  28543. single-pole knife switch ==> 单极闸刀开关
  28544. single-pole mercury switch ==> 单极水银开关
  28545. single-pole receiver ==> 单极受话器
  28546. single-pole reclosing equipment, single-phase reclosing equipment ==> 単相再閉路(継電)装置, Automatic reclosing equipment intended to reclose one pole of a circuit-breaker following a single-phase power system fault.
  28547. single-pole scaffold ==> 单柱脚手架
  28548. single-pole single throw switch ==> 单极单投开关
  28549. single-pole single-throw ==> 单刀单掷
  28550. single-pole single-throw (SPST) ==> 单刀单掷开关
  28551. single-pole switch ==> 单刀开关,单极开关
  28552. single-pole three throw switch ==> 单极三投开关
  28553. single-pole-piece magnetic head ==> 单极磁头
  28554. single-port actuating cylinder ==> 单口作动筒
  28555. single-ported slide valve ==> 单口滑阀
  28556. single-ported valve ==> 单口阀
  28557. single-post row brush dam ==> 单排桩梢料坝
  28558. single-precision ==> 単精度
  28559. single-press process ==> 一次压制法
  28560. single-pressing ==> 一次压制
  28561. single-pressure condenser ==> 单压凝汽器
  28562. single-pressure feed valve ==> 单压进给阀
  28563. single-pressure stage ==> 单压级
  28564. single-pressure steam turbine ==> 单压式汽轮机
  28565. single-prism spectrograph ==> 单棱镜摄谱仪
  28566. single-program operation ==> 单道程序操作
  28567. single-prong tester ==> 单叉探测器
  28568. single-pulley drive ==> 单皮带轮传动
  28569. single-pulse decatron ==> 单脉冲十进管
  28570. single-pulse device ==> 单脉冲装置
  28571. single-pulse voltmeter ==> 单脉冲伏特计
  28572. single-punch press ==> 单冲杆压机
  28573. single-punch tablet press ==> 单冲压片机
  28574. single-purpose local-area network ==> 单用途局部地区网络
  28575. single-purpose reservoir ==> 单目标水库
  28576. single-push-pull ==> 单次推挽
  28577. single-quad cable ==> 单四线组电缆
  28578. single-ram booster ==> 单柱塞增压器
  28579. single-ram intensifier ==> 单柱塞增压器
  28580. single-range ==> 单波段的
  28581. single-range indicating instrument ==> 单量程指示仪表
  28582. single-range instrument ==> 单量程仪表
  28583. single-range wattmeter ==> 单量程瓦特计
  28584. single-resonator laser amplifier ==> 单谐振腔激光放大器
  28585. single-reversal permanent magnet ==> 单反向永久磁铁
  28586. single-ring feed ==> 单环馈电
  28587. single-ring infiltrometer ==> 单环渗透计
  28588. single-riveted butt joint ==> 单行铆钉对接
  28589. single-riveted joint ==> 单行铆接
  28590. single-riveted lap joint ==> 单行铆钉搭接
  28591. single-rod agitator ==> 单杆翻动器
  28592. single-rod piston ==> 单杆活塞
  28593. single-roll breaker ==> 单辊破碎机
  28594. single-roll cake breaker ==> 单辊碎饼机
  28595. single-roll cast coater ==> 单辊涂铸机
  28596. single-roll feed ==> 单边辊式送料
  28597. single-roll hammer crusher ==> 单辊击打式破碎机
  28598. single-roll stripper ==> 单辊式摘棉铃机
  28599. single-rolled strip ==> 单张轧制的板材
  28600. single-roller cam ==> 单滚子凸轮
  28601. single-roller crab ==> 单滚轮起重绞车
  28602. single-roller method ==> 单辊法
  28603. single-roller mill ==> 单辊轧粉机
  28604. single-rope haulage ==> 单钩运输
  28605. single-rotor compressor ==> 单转子压气机
  28606. single-rotor gas turbine ==> 单轴燃气轮机
  28607. single-rotor helicopter ==> 单桨直升飞机,单旋翼直升机
  28608. single-rotor impact crusher ==> 单转子反击式破碎机
  28609. single-rotor mixer ==> 单转轴拌和机,单转子混合器
  28610. single-rotor turbine ==> 单转子涡轮机
  28611. single-round survey ==> 一次性调查
  28612. single-row ==> 单排的
  28613. single-row ball bearing ==> 单列滚珠轴承
  28614. single-row ball-bearing ==> 单列球轴承
  28615. single-row bearing ==> 单列轴承
  28616. single-row boot ==> 单行开沟器
  28617. single-row centripetal ball bearing ==> 单列向心滚珠轴承
  28618. single-row centripetal bearing ==> 单列向心轴承
  28619. single-row chain ==> 单列链
  28620. single-row deep groove ball bearing ==> 单列深槽滚珠轴承
  28621. single-row disc-harrow ==> 单列圆盘耙
  28622. single-row disk harrow ==> 单列圆盘耙,灭茬圆盘耙
  28623. single-row engine ==> 单列式发动机
  28624. single-row governing stage ==> 单列调节级
  28625. single-row hog house ==> 单列式猪舍
  28626. single-row layout ==> 单行排列,单行配置
  28627. single-row machine ==> 单行机具
  28628. single-row pig house ==> 单列式猪舍
  28629. single-row pile cofferdam ==> 单排桩围堰
  28630. single-row potato digger ==> 单行马铃薯收获机
  28631. single-row radial ball bearing ==> 单列向心滚珠轴承,单列向心球轴承
  28632. single-row radial engine ==> 单列辐射式发动机,单排星形发动机
  28633. single-row radial thrust ball bearing ==> 单列向心推力球轴承
  28634. single-row rivet ==> 单行铆钉
  28635. single-row riveting ==> 单行铆,单行铆钉
  28636. single-row roller bearing ==> 单列滚柱轴承
  28637. single-row self-aligning bearing ==> 单列向心球面球轴承
  28638. single-row self-aligning roller bearing ==> 单列自位滚柱轴承
  28639. single-row single butt strap riveting ==> 单对接搭板单行铆接
  28640. single-row snap ring ball bearing with shield ==> 单列有罩开口环滚珠轴承
  28641. single-row spherical roller ==> 单列向心球面滚子轴承
  28642. single-row tapered roller bearing ==> 单列圆锥滚子轴承
  28643. single-run welding ==> 单道焊,单头焊
  28644. single-runner water turbine ==> 单转轮式水轮机
  28645. single-scoop loading machine ==> 单斗装载机
  28646. single-screw ==> 单螺旋,单螺旋的
  28647. single-screw (single screw) pump ==> 单螺杆泵
  28648. single-screw extrusion machine ==> 单螺杆挤压机
  28649. single-screw oil pump ==> 单螺杆油泵
  28650. single-screw open-close machine ==> 单螺杆式启闭机
  28651. single-screw plodder ==> 单螺杆压条机
  28652. single-screw pump ==> 单螺杆泵
  28653. single-screw steamer ==> 单螺旋桨轮船
  28654. single-screw thread ==> 单螺纹
  28655. single-screw type vise ==> 单螺旋式夹具
  28656. single-seat autobike ==> 单座摩托车
  28657. single-seat valve ==> 单座阀
  28658. single-section filter ==> 单级滤波器,单节滤波器
  28659. single-seed descent ==> 一粒传法
  28660. single-seed drill ==> 单粒排种条播机
  28661. single-seed drilling ==> 单粒条播
  28662. single-seed planter ==> 单粒播种机
  28663. single-seed seeder ==> 单粒播种机
  28664. single-seed spacing unit ==> 单粒精密排种装置
  28665. single-shaft ==> 单杆的
  28666. single-shaft arrangement ==> 单轴布置
  28667. single-shaft configuration ==> 单轴结构
  28668. single-shaft engine ==> 单轴发动机
  28669. single-shaft gas turbine ==> 单轴燃气轮机
  28670. single-shaft mixer ==> 单轴式拌和机
  28671. single-shaft paddle-type mixer ==> 单叶片式混砂机
  28672. single-shaft turbo-jet ==> 单轴涡轮喷气发动机
  28673. single-shaft turbo-set ==> 单轴型汽轮机机组
  28674. single-shaft turbogenerator ==> 单轴型汽轮发电机
  28675. single-shaft vibrating screen ==> 单轴振动筛
  28676. single-shaft-screw pump ==> 单轴螺旋泵
  28677. single-shear bolt ==> 单剪螺栓
  28678. single-shear double rivet joint ==> 单剪双行铆接
  28679. single-shear joint ==> 单剪连接
  28680. single-shear rivet ==> 单剪铆钉,单面剪铆钉
  28681. single-shear rivet joint ==> 单剪铆接
  28682. single-shear riveting ==> 单面剪铆接
  28683. single-shear single rivet joint ==> 单剪单行铆接
  28684. single-sheaved block ==> 单滑轮
  28685. single-sheet classification system ==> 薄板分选系统
  28686. single-sheet grab ==> 单片爪
  28687. single-shell casing ==> 单层缸
  28688. single-shell cylinder ==> 单层缸
  28689. single-shell rotary dryer ==> 单壳旋转干燥鼓
  28690. single-shot blocking oscillator ==> 单程间歇振荡器,单稳态间歇振荡器,单稳态阻塞振荡器
  28691. single-shot booster ==> 单作用增压器
  28692. single-shot circuit ==> 单稳电路
  28693. single-shot computer ==> 单步运算计算机,一次运算计算机
  28694. single-shot exploder ==> 单发式轻便电动爆炸装置
  28695. single-shot flip-flop ==> 单击触发器,单行触发器
  28696. single-shot intensifier ==> 单作用增压器
  28697. single-shot multivibrator ==> 单稳多谐振荡器,单周期多谐振荡器,冲息多谐振荡器
  28698. single-shot operation ==> 单步操作,单拍操作
  28699. single-shot probability ==> 单发命中概率
  28700. single-shot reclosing ==> 一次式重合闸=>一回再閉路, An automatic reclosing which is not repeated if unsuccessful.
  28701. single-shot survey ==> 单点测斜
  28702. single-shot trigger circuit ==> 单冲触发电路,单稳态触发电路
  28703. single-shovel plow ==> 单铧犁
  28704. single-shrouded impeller ==> 单侧闭式叶轮
  28705. single-side bevel gear cutter ==> 单面斜齿轮刀具
  28706. single-side cutter ==> 单面刀具
  28707. single-side machine ==> 单面印刷机
  28708. single-side rack ==> 单面齿条
  28709. single-side single density floppy diskette ==> 单面单密度软磁盘
  28710. single-side stand ==> 单支架
  28711. single-side welding ==> 单面焊接
  28712. single-side wood planer ==> 单面木工刨机
  28713. single-sideband communication ==> 单边带通信
  28714. single-sideband modulation ==> 单边带调制
  28715. single-sideband receiver ==> 单边带接收机
  28716. single-sideband reception ==> 単側波帯受信
  28717. single-sideband system ==> 单边带系统
  28718. single-sideband transmission ==> 单边带传输=>単側波帯伝送
  28719. single-sided ==> 单面
  28720. single-sided (hot) bed ==> 单面冷床
  28721. single-sided amplifier ==> 单端放大器
  28722. single-sided argon arc spot welding machine ==> 单面氩弧点焊机
  28723. single-sided board ==> 单面印刷电路板
  28724. single-sided copying ==> 单面复制
  28725. single-sided corrugator ==> 单面瓦楞纸板
  28726. single-sided impeller ==> 单侧吸入式叶轮
  28727. single-sided jet ==> 一方向ジェット
  28728. single-sided pattern plate ==> 单面模板,单面型板
  28729. single-sided plate valve ==> 单面板阀
  28730. single-sided sprayer ==> 单边作用喷雾机
  28731. single-sided target tube ==> 单面靶电子管
  28732. single-signal ==> 单信号的
  28733. single-signal receiver ==> 单信号接收机
  28734. single-silk-covered wire ==> 单层丝包线
  28735. single-site network ==> 单地域网络
  28736. single-size ==> 均一尺寸,均一尺寸,均匀颗粒,均匀颗粒
  28737. single-sized aggregate ==> 均匀颗粒骨料,均匀颗粒骨料,单径骨料,单一粒度骨料
  28738. single-sized material ==> 均匀颗粒材料,均匀颗粒材料
  28739. single-skin steel dam ==> 单层钢面板坝
  28740. single-skin timber dam ==> 单层木面板坝
  28741. single-skip hoist ==> 单斗卷扬机
  28742. single-slag steel ==> 单渣钢
  28743. single-slot coil ==> 磁铁气隙线圈
  28744. single-slot winding ==> 单槽绕组
  28745. single-solenoid valve ==> 单螺线管阀
  28746. single-span beam ==> 单跨梁
  28747. single-spanshaft ==> 单跨轴
  28748. single-spar construction ==> 单梁结构
  28749. single-spar structure ==> 单梁结构
  28750. single-speed axle ==> 单速轴
  28751. single-speed floating control system ==> 单速浮点调节系统,单速无静差控制系统
  28752. single-speed governor ==> 单制调速器
  28753. single-speed synchro data system ==> 单速同步数据系统
  28754. single-spindle ==> 单杆的
  28755. single-spindle automat ==> 单轴自动机
  28756. single-spindle automatic ==> 单轴自动的
  28757. single-spindle automatic bar lathe ==> 单轴纵切自动车床
  28758. single-spindle automatic bar machine ==> 单轴自动杆式车床
  28759. single-spindle automatic chucking machine ==> 单轴自动夹头车床,单轴自动卡盘车床
  28760. single-spindle automatic lathe ==> 单轴自动车床
  28761. single-spindle automatic screw machine ==> 单轴自动螺纹车床
  28762. single-spindle boring machine ==> 单轴镗床
  28763. single-spindle cold rolling former ==> 单轴冷滚压成型机
  28764. single-spindle drilling machine ==> 单轴钻床
  28765. single-spindle lathe ==> 单轴车床
  28766. single-spindle machine ==> 单轴机床
  28767. single-spindle milling machine ==> 单轴铣床
  28768. single-spindle turret automatic lathe ==> 单轴六角自动车床
  28769. single-spiral classifier ==> 单螺旋分级机
  28770. single-spiral feeder ==> 螺旋给矿机,螺旋给料机
  28771. single-spool engine ==> 单路式发动机,单转子发动机
  28772. single-spool turboprop ==> 单转子涡轮螺桨发动机
  28773. single-spring bottom oil can ==> 单簧底油壶
  28774. single-spring flexure suspension ==> 单簧挠曲悬挂
  28775. single-stack furnace ==> 单烟筒式炉
  28776. single-stack kiln ==> 单竖井式窑
  28777. single-stage ==> 单级,单级的
  28778. single-stage air compressor ==> 单级空气压缩机,单级式空气压缩机
  28779. single-stage air cooled turbine ==> 单级气冷式透平
  28780. single-stage amplifier ==> 单级放大器
  28781. single-stage axial compressor ==> 单级轴流压气机
  28782. single-stage axial fan ==> 单级轴流风扇
  28783. single-stage blower ==> 单级鼓风机
  28784. single-stage centrifugal compressor ==> 单级离心式压缩机
  28785. single-stage centrifugal pump ==> 单级离心泵
  28786. single-stage compression ==> 一级压缩
  28787. single-stage compressor ==> 单级压气机,单级压缩机
  28788. single-stage converter ==> 单级液力变扭器
  28789. single-stage crushing ==> 单级破碎
  28790. single-stage curing ==> (预制混凝土的)单级养护
  28791. single-stage drive ==> 一级驱动
  28792. single-stage evaporation ==> 单级蒸发
  28793. single-stage evaporator ==> 单级蒸发器
  28794. single-stage harmonic drive ==> 单级谐波传动
  28795. single-stage impulse turbine ==> 单级冲动式汽轮机,单级冲力式汽轮机
  28796. single-stage interconnection network ==> 单级互连网络
  28797. single-stage nitriding ==> 单级氮化
  28798. single-stage pneumatic conveyor dryer ==> 单段气流输送干燥器
  28799. single-stage pump ==> 单级泵
  28800. single-stage quenching ==> 单级淬火法,单液淬火
  28801. single-stage reactor ==> 单级反应器
  28802. single-stage regeneration ==> 单级再生
  28803. single-stage regulator ==> 单级调节器,单级减压器,单级式减压器
  28804. single-stage rocket ==> 单级火箭
  28805. single-stage single element ejector ==> 单级单联喷射器
  28806. single-stage steam turbine ==> 单级汽轮机
  28807. single-stage supercharger ==> 单级增压器
  28808. single-stage suspension ==> 单级悬挂
  28809. single-stage system ==> 单级装置
  28810. single-stage turbine ==> 单级汽轮机,单级涡轮
  28811. single-stage turbocharger ==> 单级涡轮增压器
  28812. single-stage turbocharging ==> 单级涡轮增压
  28813. single-stage two speed supercharger ==> 单级双速增压器
  28814. single-stand mill ==> 单机座轧机
  28815. single-stand reversing cold-reduction mill ==> 单机座可逆式冷轧机
  28816. single-start thread ==> 单头螺纹,单线螺纹
  28817. single-start worm ==> 单头螺纹蜗杆
  28818. single-state recycle ==> 单级再循环
  28819. single-station analysis ==> 单站分析
  28820. single-station blow molding machine ==> 单工位吹瓶机
  28821. single-station die ==> 单工位模,单级模
  28822. single-station die attachement machine ==> 单位置板牙接合机
  28823. single-station way type machine ==> 单工位导轨式机床
  28824. single-step ==> 单级的
  28825. single-step accelerating tube ==> 单间隙加速管
  28826. single-step compressor ==> 单级压缩机
  28827. single-step debug ==> 单步调试
  28828. single-step debugging ==> 单步调试
  28829. single-step instruction ==> 单步指令
  28830. single-step iteration ==> 一步迭代
  28831. single-step method ==> 单步法
  28832. single-step operation ==> 单步操作
  28833. single-step process ==> 单步处理,单步法
  28834. single-step run ==> 单步运算
  28835. single-step Turing machine ==> 单步图灵机
  28836. single-storied ==> 单层的
  28837. single-strand casting machine ==> 单流连铸机
  28838. single-strand crop and cobble shears ==> 单线式端头废料剪切机
  28839. single-strand drag conveyer ==> 单路拖运机,单线输送机
  28840. single-strand mill ==> 单线式线材轧机
  28841. single-strand repeater ==> 单线围盘
  28842. single-strand strength tester ==> 单纱强力试验机
  28843. single-strand wire rope ==> 单股钢丝索
  28844. single-stranded ==> 单股,单股的
  28845. single-string galvanometer ==> 线电流计
  28846. single-string instrument ==> 独弦琴
  28847. single-stroke bell ==> 单击电铃
  28848. single-stroke deepwell pump ==> 单冲程深井泵
  28849. single-stroke header ==> 单击冷镦机,一次冷镦机
  28850. single-strut trussed beam ==> 单柱桁构式梁
  28851. single-stub transformer ==> 单短截线变量器
  28852. single-stub tuner ==> 单短截线调谐器
  28853. single-suckled calf ==> 单个哺乳的
  28854. single-suckling system ==> 单犊哺乳制
  28855. single-suction (single-in let) impeller ==> 单吸叶轮
  28856. single-suction centrifugal pump ==> 单进口离心泵,单吸离心泵,单吸式离心泵
  28857. single-suction impeller ==> 单吸入口叶轮
  28858. single-suction pump ==> 单吸泵
  28859. single-suction volute pump ==> 单级离心泵
  28860. single-sweep ==> 单面扫描
  28861. single-sweep tinning unit ==> 单锅式镀锡机组
  28862. single-swing blocking oscillaor ==> 单程间歇振荡器
  28863. single-system machine ==> 单系统针织机
  28864. single-tank breaker ==> 单桶式油断路器
  28865. single-tee joint ==> 单边焊缝丁字接头
  28866. single-terminal ==> 单端
  28867. single-terminal accelerator ==> 单电极加速器
  28868. single-terminal pair network ==> 二端网络
  28869. single-theodolite observation ==> 单点经纬仪观测
  28870. single-thickness sheet glass ==> 薄窗玻璃
  28871. single-thread hob ==> 单头螺纹滚刀
  28872. single-thread milling cutter ==> 单头螺纹铣刀
  28873. single-thread processing ==> 单线处理,单线索处理
  28874. single-thread sewing machine ==> 单线缝纫机
  28875. single-thread worm ==> 单线蜗杆
  28876. single-thread(ed) ==> 单头螺纹的
  28877. single-threaded screw ==> 单螺纹,单头螺纹螺钉
  28878. single-threaded worm ==> 单头螺纹蜗杆
  28879. single-throw ==> 単投形(開閉器)
  28880. single-throw contact ==> 单掷接点
  28881. single-throw crank shaft ==> 单拐曲轴,单弯曲柄轴
  28882. single-throw switch ==> 单投开关
  28883. single-time measurement ==> 一次性测定
  28884. single-time-lag servo ==> 单时间常数跟踪系统
  28885. single-toggle jaw crusher ==> 单肘板颚式破碎机
  28886. single-tone keying ==> 单音键控
  28887. single-tool ==> 单刀
  28888. single-tool axle lathe ==> 单刀切削车轴车床
  28889. single-tool holder ==> 单刀架
  28890. single-tooth cutter ==> 单齿插齿刀
  28891. single-tooth ripper ==> 单齿耙路机,单齿松土机
  28892. single-trait selection ==> 单性状选择
  28893. single-transistor ==> 单晶体管
  28894. single-transistor flipflop circuit ==> 单晶体管双稳态触发电路
  28895. single-transverse mode laser ==> 单横模激光器,单横向模激光器
  28896. single-tree mixture ==> 单株混交
  28897. single-trip trigger circuit ==> 单冲触发电路
  28898. single-triplet transition ==> 单态和三重态间跃迁
  28899. single-trolley system ==> 单触线制
  28900. single-trough flotating machine ==> 单槽浮选机
  28901. single-tub wagon tipper ==> 单矿车翻笼
  28902. single-tube injector ==> 单管喷射器
  28903. single-tube inverter ==> 单管倒相器
  28904. single-tube oscillator ==> 单管振荡器
  28905. single-tube porcelain bushing ==> 单筒瓷套管
  28906. single-tube sprayer ==> 单管喷射器
  28907. single-tube telescope ==> 单筒望远镜
  28908. single-tuned amplifier ==> 单调谐放大器
  28909. single-tuned circuit ==> 单调谐电路
  28910. single-tuned filter ==> 単一共振分路
  28911. single-tuned transformer coupled amplifier ==> 单调谐变压器耦合放大器
  28912. single-turn ==> 单匝
  28913. single-turn coil ==> 单圈绕组
  28914. single-turn deflection ==> 单圈引出
  28915. single-turn induction coil ==> 单匝感应线圈
  28916. single-turn potentiometer ==> 单匝电位计
  28917. single-turn potentionmeter ==> 单旋电位计
  28918. single-turn transformer ==> 单匝变压器,单匝式电流互感器
  28919. single-twist drill ==> 单曲钻
  28920. single-twist knotter ==> 单结扭结器
  28921. single-U groove ==> 单U形坡口,单式U形槽
  28922. single-unit ==> 单机制,单一机组
  28923. single-unit diesel locomotive ==> 单节内燃机车
  28924. single-unit furnace ==> 单体炉
  28925. single-unit hydroelectric station ==> 单机组水电站
  28926. single-unit machine ==> 单程针织机
  28927. single-unit operation ==> 单机牵引,单机运行
  28928. single-unit planter ==> 单个排种装置的播种机
  28929. single-unit semiconductor device ==> 一元半导体器体
  28930. single-unit traction ==> 单级牵引
  28931. single-use goods ==> 一次用完货品
  28932. single-V groove ==> 单式V形槽
  28933. single-V groove with root face ==> 单钝边V形坡口
  28934. single-valued ==> 单值的
  28935. single-valued function ==> 1価関数
  28936. single-valve ==> 单电子管的
  28937. single-valve knapsack pump ==> 背负式单阀泵
  28938. single-valve operation ==> 单阀操作
  28939. single-valved ==> 单阀的
  28940. single-vane actuator ==> 单叶片摆动缸
  28941. single-vane attenuator ==> 单片衰减器
  28942. single-vane rotary pump ==> 单叶片旋转泵
  28943. single-varactor parametric amplifier ==> 单变容管参量放大器
  28944. single-variable control ==> 单变量调节
  28945. single-variable system ==> 单变量系统
  28946. single-Vee groove with root face ==> 单纯边的V形坡口
  28947. single-vendor environment ==> 单售主配置设备
  28948. single-voltage rating ==> 单电压额定值,单额定电压
  28949. single-volute pump ==> 单螺旋泵
  28950. single-wall buttress ==> 单垛支墩
  28951. single-wattmeter method ==> 单瓦特计法
  28952. single-wave compensator ==> 单波补偿器
  28953. single-wave operation ==> 单波运行
  28954. single-wave oscillator ==> 单波振荡器
  28955. single-wave rectification ==> 半波整流
  28956. single-wave winding ==> 单波绕组
  28957. single-wavelength infrared analyzer ==> 单波长红外分析仪
  28958. single-way rectifier ==> 单路整流器
  28959. single-way rectifier connection ==> 単向整流接続
  28960. single-way switch ==> 单向开关
  28961. single-web plate girder ==> 单片板梁
  28962. single-wedge compensator ==> 单楔补偿器
  28963. single-welded butt joint ==> 单面焊的搭接接头,单面焊对接接头
  28964. single-welded lap joint ==> 单面焊搭接接头,单面焊的搭接接头
  28965. single-wheel barrow ==> 独轮手推车
  28966. single-wheel grinder ==> 单头砂轮机
  28967. single-wheel hoe ==> 独轮行间中耕器
  28968. single-wheel impulse turbine ==> 单级冲动式透平
  28969. single-wheel loading ==> 单轮载荷
  28970. single-wheel pulley ==> 单轮钩式滑车
  28971. single-wheel reciprocating mower ==> 单轮往复式割草机
  28972. single-wheel turbine ==> 单轮式汽轮机
  28973. single-wide shaker ==> 平台式逐稿器
  28974. single-winding multispeed motor ==> 单绕多速电动机
  28975. single-wing lock washer ==> 单耳止动垫圈
  28976. single-wire armored cable ==> 单层铠装电缆,单线铠装电缆
  28977. single-wire armoured ==> 单线铠装,单线铠装的
  28978. single-wire braided hose ==> 单层钢丝软管
  28979. single-wire circuit ==> 单线电路
  28980. single-wire drawing machine ==> 单次拉丝机
  28981. single-wire feed ==> 单线馈电
  28982. single-wire feeder ==> 单线馈送线
  28983. single-wire helix ==> 单线螺旋,单线螺旋丝
  28984. single-wire line ==> 单线线路=>単線式線路
  28985. single-wire remote control ==> 单线遥控
  28986. single-wire signal ==> 単線式信号機
  28987. single-wire transmission line ==> 单线传输线
  28988. single-word instruction ==> 单字指令
  28989. single-working beam ==> 单臂平衡杆
  28990. single-wrap cable splice ==> 傘接続
  28991. single-yarn strength tester ==> 线抗拉强度试验机
  28992. singleflow pump ==> 单流向的泵
  28993. singlehead video tape recorder ==> 一磁头录像机
  28994. singleloop servomechanism ==> 单环伺服机构
  28995. singleness ==> 单一
  28996. singlepasselectrogas process ==> 单程电焊气体保护方法
  28997. singlephase bridge type rectifier circuit ==> 单桥式整流电路
  28998. singlepipe system ==> 单管系统
  28999. singlepoint mooring ==> 单点系泊
  29000. singlerow riveted joint ==> 单行铆接
  29001. singlerow separable ball bearing ==> 分离型向心推力球轴承
  29002. singles ==> 单丝,单张轧制的板
  29003. singleseed drill ==> 单粒播种机
  29004. singlesided shears ==> 开式剪切机
  29005. singlestage vehicle ==> 单级火箭
  29006. singlet ==> 单电子键,单峰,单谱线,单态,单透镜,单线,单一
  29007. singlet interaction ==> 单谱线作用
  29008. singleton ==> 一窝一子
  29009. singleturn extraction ==> 单圈引出
  29010. singlewave rectifier ==> 半波整流器
  29011. singlewhip tackle ==> 定滑车
  29012. singlewire system ==> 单线制
  29013. singly operated drive ==> 单独传动
  29014. singly periodic ==> 单周期的
  29015. singly reentrant winding ==> 单闭路复绕组=>単口巻
  29016. singly repeated ==> 单围盘轧制的
  29017. singnalling speed ==> 发码速度
  29018. SINGREP, Singapore Ship Reporting System ==> シングレップ/星船位通報制度
  29019. singular additive set function ==> 奇加性集函数
  29020. singular angle hammer ==> 独角锤
  29021. singular arc ==> 奇异弧线
  29022. singular automorphism ==> 奇异自同构
  29023. singular bifurcation ==> 特異分岐
  29024. singular boundary condition ==> 奇异边界条件
  29025. singular boundary cycle ==> 奇异边缘循环
  29026. singular cell ==> 奇异胞腔
  29027. singular chain ==> 奇异链
  29028. singular class ==> 奇异类
  29029. singular cochain ==> 奇异上链
  29030. singular cohomology group ==> 奇异上同调群
  29031. singular collineation ==> 奇直射
  29032. singular complex ==> 奇异线丛
  29033. singular component ==> 奇异分量
  29034. singular conic ==> 奇异二次曲线
  29035. singular coordinates ==> 奇坐标
  29036. singular correlation ==> 奇对射
  29037. singular correspondence ==> 奇异对应
  29038. singular corresponding point ==> 对应奇点
  29039. singular cover ==> 奇异覆盖
  29040. singular cover list ==> 奇异覆盖表
  29041. singular cube ==> 奇异立方
  29042. singular cycle ==> 连续循环
  29043. singular determinant ==> 奇异行列式
  29044. singular direct product ==> 奇异直积
  29045. singular distribution ==> 奇异分布=>特異分布
  29046. singular divisor ==> 奇异分母,奇异因子
  29047. singular eigenfunction ==> 奇点本征函数
  29048. singular element ==> 奇异元素
  29049. singular equation ==> 奇异方程
  29050. singular flexibility matrix ==> 奇异柔度矩阵
  29051. singular function ==> 奇异函数
  29052. singular generator of a ruled surface ==> 直纹面的奇异母线
  29053. singular homology class ==> 奇异下同调类
  29054. singular homology theory ==> 奇异下同调论
  29055. singular hyperplane ==> 奇异超平面
  29056. singular index ==> 奇异指数
  29057. singular initial value problem ==> 奇异初值问题
  29058. singular inner function ==> 奇异内函数
  29059. singular integral ==> 奇积分,奇异积分
  29060. singular integral equation ==> 奇异积分方程
  29061. singular integral equations ==> 特異積分方程式
  29062. singular integral manifold ==> 奇异积分流形
  29063. singular integral operator ==> 奇异积分算子
  29064. singular kernel ==> 奇异核
  29065. singular line ==> 奇线,奇异直线
  29066. singular linear least square method ==> 奇异线性最小平方法
  29067. singular linear sequential machine ==> 奇异线性顺序机
  29068. singular locus ==> 奇轨迹
  29069. singular matrix ==> 奇异矩阵,退化矩阵,降秩矩阵=>特異行列
  29070. singular measure ==> 奇异测度
  29071. singular normal distribution ==> 奇异正态分布
  29072. singular noun ==> 单名词
  29073. singular operator ==> 奇异算子
  29074. singular orbit ==> 奇异轨道
  29075. singular ordinal ==> 特异序数
  29076. singular part ==> 奇异部分
  29077. singular periodic solution ==> 奇周期解
  29078. singular perturbation ==> 奇摄动=>特異摂動
  29079. singular perturbation system ==> 奇异摄动系统
  29080. singular perturbation theory ==> 奇异摄动理论
  29081. singular plane ==> 奇平面,奇平面,奇异平面
  29082. singular point ==> 奇点=>特異点
  29083. singular point of a function ==> 奇异点
  29084. singular point of a surface ==> 曲面的奇点
  29085. singular predicate ==> 单谓词
  29086. singular process ==> 特别过程
  29087. singular proposition ==> 特称命题,奇异命题
  29088. singular quadric ==> 奇异二次曲面
  29089. singular quadric hypersurface ==> 奇异二次超曲面
  29090. singular series ==> 奇异级数
  29091. singular set ==> 奇异集,奇异络,奇异系,奇异组,单系,无主系
  29092. singular solution ==> 奇解,奇解,奇异解
  29093. singular spectrum ==> 奇异谱
  29094. singular state ==> 奇态,奇异态
  29095. singular stiffness matrix ==> 奇异刚度矩阵
  29096. singular submodule ==> 奇异子模
  29097. singular subspace ==> 奇异子空间
  29098. singular support ==> 奇异支集
  29099. singular surface ==> 奇曲面,奇异曲面
  29100. singular tangent ==> 奇异切线
  29101. singular transformation ==> 奇变换,奇异变换
  29102. singular value ==> 奇异值,奇值
  29103. singular value decomposition ==> 特異値分解
  29104. singular value decomposition of image matrix ==> 影像矩阵的奇异值分解
  29105. singular value decomposition SVD ==> 奇异值分解
  29106. singular value plot of plant ==> プラントの特異値プロット
  29107. singular values of a matrix ==> 矩阵奇异值,矩阵奇异值
  29108. singular vector ==> 特異ベクトル
  29109. singular verb ==> 单动词
  29110. singular vertex ==> 奇异顶点
  29111. singular-solution ideal ==> 奇解理想
  29112. singular-value inequality ==> 特異値不等式
  29113. singularity ==> 奇点,奇性,奇性,奇异,奇异点,奇异性=>単一性,特異性,特異点
  29114. singularity breakthrough ==> 重大突破
  29115. singularity determination ==> 特異性決定
  29116. singularity formation ==> 特異点の形成
  29117. singularity function ==> 奇异函数=>特異関数
  29118. singularity functions ==> 特異点関数
  29119. singularity index ==> 特異性指数
  29120. singularity line ==> 奇直线
  29121. singularity matrix ==> 奇异矩阵
  29122. singularity method ==> 特異点法
  29123. singularity of a curve ==> 曲线的奇性
  29124. singularity removal ==> 異常除去
  29125. singularity set ==> 奇点集合
  29126. singularity spectrum ==> 特異性スペクトル
  29127. singularity structure ==> 特異性構造
  29128. singularity theory ==> 特異点理論
  29129. singultous ==> 呃逆的
  29130. singultus ==> 呃逆
  29131. sinhalite ==> 硼铝镁石
  29132. Sinian (system) ==> 震旦系(Z)
  29133. Sinian trend ==> 震旦走向
  29134. Sinian(period) ==> 震旦纪
  29135. sinigrin ==> 芥子甙,黑芥子硫苷酸钾,黑芥子苷
  29136. Sinimax ==> 铁镍磁软合金
  29137. sinistral ==> 左的,左旋的
  29138. sinistral egg ==> 左旋卵
  29139. sinistral fault ==> 左侧断层
  29140. sinistral fold ==> 左旋褶皱,左褶曲
  29141. sinistral shell ==> 左旋壳
  29142. sinistral transcurrent movement ==> 左旋横推运动
  29143. sinistrality ==> 左旋
  29144. sinistration ==> 左利
  29145. sinistraural ==> 左利耳的
  29146. sinistrin ==> 左旋糖
  29147. sinistrocardia ==> 左位心
  29148. sinistrocaudad ==> 左尾向的
  29149. sinistrocephalad ==> 左头向的
  29150. sinistrocerebral ==> 左大脑的
  29151. sinistrocular ==> 左利眼的
  29152. sinistrocularity ==> 左利眼
  29153. sinistrogyration ==> 左旋
  29154. sinistrogyric ==> 左旋的
  29155. sinistromanual ==> 左利手的
  29156. sinistropedal ==> 左利足的
  29157. sinistrophobia ==> 左侧恐怖
  29158. sinistrophoria ==> 左隐斜视
  29159. sinistrorsal ==> 左转的
  29160. sinistrorsal curve ==> 左挠曲线
  29161. sinistrorse ==> 左旋的
  29162. sinistrorse stem-climber ==> 左缠植物
  29163. sinistrose ==> 左旋糖
  29164. sinistrosis ==> 爆炸性精神异常
  29165. sinistrotorsion ==> 左旋
  29166. sink ==> 散热器,集养区,汇,汇点,洗涤盆,下落,浇合,浸透,沉,沉埋,沉没,沉下,缩沉,陷坑,频变沉区,冷源,转发器
  29167. sink a well ==> 挖井
  29168. sink effect ==> 吸收效应
  29169. sink evacuator ==> 污秽,清除泵
  29170. sink flow ==> 汇流
  29171. sink in a rivet ==> 埋铆钉头
  29172. sink mark ==> 缩痕
  29173. sink of graph ==> 图的终点
  29174. sink rate ==> 散热器速度
  29175. sink region ==> 振荡中断区
  29176. sink roll ==> 导辊
  29177. sink temperature ==> 冷源温度
  29178. sink-and-float separation ==> 沉浮分离法
  29179. sink-efficiency ==> 散热器效率
  29180. sink-float separation process ==> 浮沉分选法,浮沉选矿法
  29181. sink-float technique ==> 沉浮法测密度
  29182. sink-head ==> 缩头,冒口
  29183. sinkage ==> 沉陷,沉陷量,凹进处
  29184. sinkage of valve ==> 阀陷
  29185. sinker ==> 下向凿岩机,沉锤,沉块,沉水材,沉水树种,次生吸收根,向下式凿岩机,消能器,排水孔,测深锤,受油器,(浮标等的)沉锂
  29186. sinker bar ==> 冲击式钻杆,冲击钻杆
  29187. sinker bar guide ==> 冲击式钻杆的扶正器
  29188. sinker chain ==> 沉锂锚链
  29189. sinker drill ==> 冲钻
  29190. sinker top circular knitting machine ==> (有沉降片的)多三角圆型针织机
  29191. sinkhole ==> 收缩孔,灰岩坑
  29192. sinkhole Plain ==> 灰岩坑平原
  29193. sinking ==> 减径拨管,凹进处,没落,沉落=>沈没
  29194. sinking (drill) jumbo ==> 凿井钻车
  29195. sinking advance ==> 凿井进度
  29196. sinking and driving engineering ==> 井巷工程
  29197. sinking barrel ==> 凿井吊桶
  29198. sinking bogie ==> 凿井安全盖板
  29199. sinking bucket ==> 凿井吊桶,提升大吊桶
  29200. sinking bucket crosshead ==> 吊桶导向架
  29201. sinking by boring ==> 钻井法凿井
  29202. sinking compartment ==> 凿井格
  29203. sinking creek ==> 隐没河
  29204. sinking current ==> 沈降流
  29205. sinking economy ==> 減速する経済
  29206. sinking equipment ==> 凿井设备
  29207. sinking fastball ==> シンキングファストボール
  29208. sinking fund ==> 偿债基金
  29209. sinking fund factor ==> 偿债基金因子
  29210. sinking fund method of depreciation ==> 折旧偿债基金法
  29211. sinking funds bonds ==> 基金债券
  29212. sinking guide ==> 凿井罐道
  29213. sinking headframe ==> 凿井井架
  29214. sinking hoist ==> 凿井提升机
  29215. sinking kibble ==> 凿井吊桶
  29216. sinking lamp ==> 凿井吊灯
  29217. sinking lining ==> 凿井井壁
  29218. sinking machine ==> 凿井机,井筒开凿机
  29219. sinking method ==> 凿井方法
  29220. sinking mill ==> 减径机
  29221. sinking of bore hole ==> 凿井
  29222. sinking of caisson by loading ==> 加载沉箱法
  29223. sinking of qi of middle-jiao ==> 中气下陷
  29224. sinking of the crust ==> 地殻沈降
  29225. sinking operation ==> 凿井工程
  29226. sinking pile by water jet ==> 射水沉桩法
  29227. sinking plant ==> 凿井设备
  29228. sinking plate ==> 沈み込むプレート
  29229. sinking platform ==> 凿井吊盘
  29230. sinking pump ==> 凿井吊泵,凿井水泵,凿井用吊泵,沉没泵,潜水泵
  29231. sinking rate ==> 凿井速度,沈降速度
  29232. sinking region ==> 沈降領域
  29233. sinking rider ==> 凿井吊桶的导向架
  29234. sinking river ==> 伏河
  29235. sinking seafloor core drill ==> 沉入海底岩心钻机
  29236. sinking shift ==> 凿井班
  29237. sinking skip ==> 凿井箕斗
  29238. sinking speed ==> 降下速度
  29239. sinking system ==> 凿井方法
  29240. sinking technique ==> 凿井法
  29241. sinking tipple ==> 凿井井架
  29242. sinking volume ==> 缩沉量
  29243. sinking walling scaffold ==> 两用吊盘
  29244. sinking winch ==> 凿井绞车
  29245. sinking winder ==> 凿井绞车
  29246. sino-atrial block ==> 窦房性传导阻滞
  29247. sino-auricular ==> 窦房的
  29248. sino-auricular block ==> 窦房性传导阻滞
  29249. sinoacutine ==> 清风藤碱,华防己碱
  29250. sinoatrial bundle ==> 基思氏束
  29251. sinoatrial node ==> 基-弗二氏结,基思氏结,窦房结
  29252. sinoauricular node ==> 窦房结
  29253. sinobronchitis ==> 鼻窦炎支气管炎
  29254. Sinocastor ==> 中国河狸属
  29255. Sinochaitophorus ==> 中华毛蚜属
  29256. Sinochelys ==> 中国龟属
  29257. Sinochelys applanata ==> 中国龟
  29258. Sinocoelurus ==> 中国虚骨龙属
  29259. Sinocrinus ==> 中国海百合
  29260. Sinocystis ==> 中国海林擒
  29261. Sinodiaptomus ==> 中国镖水蚤属
  29262. sinofiberoscope ==> 纤维鼻窦镜
  29263. Sinogastromyzon ==> 中华爬岩鳅属
  29264. sinogenin ==> 辛诺甙元
  29265. Sinognathus ==> 中国颌兽属
  29266. sinogram ==> 正弦图
  29267. Sinograptidae ==> 中国笔石科
  29268. Sinograptus ==> 中国笔石属
  29269. sinoite ==> 氮氧硅石
  29270. sinoization ==> 汉化
  29271. Sinokannemeyeria ==> 中国肯氏兽属
  29272. sinomenine ==> 青藤碱,汉防己碱
  29273. Sinomenium ==> 青藤属
  29274. sinomin ==> 磺胺甲异恶唑
  29275. sinomontanine B ==> 高乌头乙碱
  29276. sinomontanine C ==> 高乌头丙碱
  29277. sinopaipunine ==> 华百部碱
  29278. Sinope ==> 木卫九
  29279. Sinophyllum ==> 中国珊瑚
  29280. Sinopotamon denticulatum ==> 锯齿华溪蟹,锯齿华溪蟹
  29281. Sinopotamon yangtsekiense ==> 长江华溪蟹
  29282. Sinoproductella ==> 中国小长身贝
  29283. sinoreserpine ==> 华利血平
  29284. Sinorthis ==> 中国正形贝
  29285. Sinosaukia ==> 中国索氏虫
  29286. Sinosaurus ==> 中国龙属
  29287. sinoside ==> 西诺甙,辛诺甙
  29288. sinospiral system ==> 静脉窦螺旋系统,静脉窦螺旋系统
  29289. Sinospirifer sinensis ==> 中国石燕
  29290. sinostemonine ==> 华百部碱
  29291. Sinostomatograptus ==> 中华孔笔石属
  29292. sinostroside ==> 西诺异甙
  29293. Sinox ==> 二硝甲酚
  29294. sinter ==> 硅华,热压结,渣,泉华,氧化铁皮,烧结品,烧结物
  29295. sinter bed ==> 烧结料层,烧结物床层
  29296. sinter box ==> 烧结箱
  29297. sinter breaker ==> 烧结矿破碎机
  29298. sinter cake ==> 烧结饼,烧结块
  29299. sinter coating ==> 烧结涂层
  29300. sinter cooler ==> 烧结矿冷却机
  29301. sinter forging ==> 烧结锻造,粉末冶金锻造
  29302. sinter meter ==> 烧结点测定仪
  29303. sinter point ==> 烧结温度
  29304. sinter pot ==> 烧结锅
  29305. sinter powder metal ==> 烧结粉末冶金
  29306. sinter(ed) ore ==> 烧结矿
  29307. sinter-roasting ==> 烧结
  29308. sinter-set bit ==> 烧结硬质合金钻头
  29309. sinterable powder ==> 易烧结粉末
  29310. sintercorundum ==> 烧结金刚砂
  29311. sintered ==> 热压结的
  29312. sintered (metal) ring ==> 烧结网领
  29313. sintered absorbent ==> 烧结吸收剂
  29314. sintered aggregate ==> 烧结骨料
  29315. sintered alloy ==> 粉末合金
  29316. sintered alnico product ==> 烧结铝镍铁制品
  29317. sintered alumina ==> 烧结氧化铝
  29318. sintered aluminium ==> 烧结铝
  29319. sintered aluminium powder ==> 烧结铝粉
  29320. sintered article ==> 烧结制品
  29321. sintered bar ==> 烧结棒,烧结锭条
  29322. sintered bearing ==> 烧结轴承
  29323. sintered bearing metal ==> 烧结轴承合金
  29324. sintered beryllia crucible ==> 烧结氧化铍坩埚
  29325. sintered bit ==> 烧结钻头
  29326. sintered blade ==> 粉末冶金的叶片
  29327. sintered body ==> 烧结体
  29328. sintered brass ==> 烧结黄铜
  29329. sintered brass compact ==> 烧结黄铜坯块
  29330. sintered brass product ==> 烧结黄铜制品
  29331. sintered bronze ==> 烧结青铜
  29332. sintered carbide ball ==> 硬质合金球
  29333. sintered carbide tool ==> 硬质合金工具
  29334. sintered carbides ==> 烧结碳化物
  29335. sintered catalyst ==> 烧结催化剂
  29336. sintered cathode ==> 烧结阴极
  29337. sintered charge ==> 烧结料
  29338. sintered chromatographic plate ==> 烧结色谱板
  29339. sintered clay ==> 烧结粘土
  29340. sintered coating ==> 烧结敷层,绕结敷层
  29341. sintered compact ==> 烧结的坯块
  29342. sintered component ==> 烧结元件
  29343. sintered contact material ==> 烧结电接触器材
  29344. sintered copper ==> 烧结铜
  29345. sintered corundum ==> 烧结刚玉,烧结金刚砂
  29346. sintered crucible ==> 烧结坩埚
  29347. sintered density ==> 烧结密度
  29348. sintered diamond insert ==> 烧结金刚刀头
  29349. sintered electric contact material ==> 烧结电接触器材
  29350. sintered electric parts ==> 烧结电气零件
  29351. sintered ferrite ==> 烧结铁素体
  29352. sintered ferrous product ==> 烧结铁制品
  29353. sintered fiber ==> 烧结纤维
  29354. sintered filter ==> 烧结过滤器
  29355. sintered flux ==> 烧结焊剂
  29356. sintered foamed metal ==> 烧结泡沫金属
  29357. sintered friction material ==> 烧结摩擦材料
  29358. sintered friction parts ==> 烧结摩擦零件
  29359. sintered gear(s) ==> 烧结齿轮
  29360. sintered glass ==> 烧结玻璃
  29361. sintered glass bead ==> 烧结玻璃珠
  29362. sintered glass filter ==> 烧结玻璃滤器,垂熔玻璃滤器
  29363. sintered glass filter candle ==> 垂熔玻璃滤棒
  29364. sintered glass filter-bulb ==> 垂熔玻璃滤球
  29365. sintered glass filtering crucible ==> 烧结玻璃过滤坩埚,玻璃滤坩埚
  29366. sintered glass funnel ==> 烧结玻璃漏斗,垂熔玻璃漏斗
  29367. sintered glass stem ==> 烧结玻璃心柱
  29368. sintered gold ==> 烧结金
  29369. sintered hard alloy ==> 烧结硬质合金
  29370. sintered hard metal material ==> 烧结硬质合金材料
  29371. sintered hematite ==> 烧结赤铁矿
  29372. sintered high-temperature material ==> 烧结耐高温材料
  29373. sintered ingot ==> 烧结锭
  29374. sintered interface ==> 烧结界面
  29375. sintered iron ==> 烧结铁
  29376. sintered iron parts ==> 烧结铁零件
  29377. sintered layer ==> 烧结层
  29378. sintered light metal ==> 烧结轻金属
  29379. sintered liner ==> 烧结衬里
  29380. sintered lining ==> 烧结炉衬
  29381. sintered magnet ==> 焼結磁石
  29382. sintered magnetic alloy ==> 烧结磁性合金
  29383. sintered magnetic material ==> 烧结磁性材料
  29384. sintered magnetic parts ==> 烧结磁性零件
  29385. sintered material ==> 烧结材料
  29386. sintered matrix ==> 烧结矩阵
  29387. sintered membrane ==> 烧结膜
  29388. sintered metal bearing ==> 烧结含油轴承
  29389. sintered metal filter ==> 烧结金属滤油器
  29390. sintered metal friction material ==> 烧结金属摩擦材料
  29391. sintered metal powder bearing ==> 粉末冶金轴承
  29392. sintered metal powder filter ==> 烧结金属滤油器
  29393. sintered metal powder oil impregnated alloy ==> 烧结含油轴承合金
  29394. sintered metal product ==> 粉末冶金制品
  29395. sintered metallic core ==> 烧结金属磁芯
  29396. sintered metallic filter ==> 烧结金属过滤器
  29397. sintered metallic magnet ==> 烧结金属磁铁
  29398. sintered mixture ==> 烧结混合物
  29399. sintered nickel ==> 烧结镍
  29400. sintered nickel cup ==> 烧结镍过滤杯
  29401. sintered nickel product ==> 烧结镍制品
  29402. sintered oxide coated cathode ==> 烧结敷氧化物阴极
  29403. sintered oxide-coated cathode ==> 氧化物烧结阴极
  29404. sintered part(s) ==> 烧结零件
  29405. sintered piston ring ==> 烧结活塞环
  29406. sintered plate ==> 烧结板
  29407. sintered polycrystalline diamond ==> 烧结多晶体金刚钻
  29408. sintered porosity ==> 烧坯孔隙度
  29409. sintered porous nickel cup ==> 烧结多孔镍滤杯
  29410. sintered powder ==> 烧结粉末
  29411. sintered powder magnet ==> 烧结粉末磁铁
  29412. sintered powder metal ==> 烧结粉末金属
  29413. sintered powder metal product ==> 粉末冶金制品
  29414. sintered precious metal ==> 烧结贵重金属
  29415. sintered product ==> 烧结制品
  29416. sintered quartz ==> 烧结石英
  29417. sintered refractory metal process ==> 难熔金属烧结法
  29418. sintered ring ==> 烧结环,绕结环
  29419. sintered skeleton ==> 烧结骨架
  29420. sintered slab ==> 烧结板
  29421. sintered source ==> 烧结源
  29422. sintered specimen ==> 烧结试样
  29423. sintered spinel ==> 着色块状尖晶石
  29424. sintered sponge ==> 烧结海绵金属
  29425. sintered stainless-steel ==> 烧结不锈钢
  29426. sintered steel ==> 烧结钢
  29427. sintered temperature ==> 焼結温度
  29428. sintered tungsten bar ==> 烧结钨棒
  29429. sintered wearresistant material ==> 烧结耐磨材料
  29430. sintered-alumina crucible ==> 烧结氧化铝坩埚
  29431. sintered-aluminum product ==> 烧结铝制品
  29432. sintered-carbide ==> 硬质合金
  29433. sintered-carbide die ==> 硬质合金模具
  29434. sintered-carbide tool ==> 硬质合金工具
  29435. sintered-carbon steel ==> 烧结碳钢
  29436. sintered-metal bit ==> 烧结硬质合金钻头
  29437. sintering ==> 烧结=>焼結
  29438. sintering activity ==> 烧结活性
  29439. sintering apparatus ==> 烧结设备
  29440. sintering area ==> 烧结面积
  29441. sintering atmosphere ==> 烧结气氛
  29442. sintering belt ==> 烧结带
  29443. sintering body ==> 烧结体
  29444. sintering briquette ==> 烧坯
  29445. sintering character ==> 烧结性能,绕结性能
  29446. sintering circuit ==> 烧结工序
  29447. sintering coal ==> 烧结煤,炼焦煤
  29448. sintering compact ==> 烧坯
  29449. sintering condition ==> 烧结条件
  29450. sintering control ==> 烧结控制
  29451. sintering crack ==> 烧结裂纹,绕结裂纹
  29452. sintering current ==> 烧结电流,烧纹电流
  29453. sintering emulsion ==> 烧结乳剂
  29454. sintering furnace ==> 烧结炉
  29455. sintering grate ==> 烧结炉篦
  29456. sintering grow ==> 烧结膨胀
  29457. sintering in electric field ==> 电场中烧结
  29458. sintering in sealed box ==> 密封箱烧结
  29459. sintering index ==> 熔结指数
  29460. sintering jar ==> 钟形烧结炉
  29461. sintering kinetics ==> 烧结动力学
  29462. sintering line ==> 烧结线
  29463. sintering machine ==> 烧结机=>焼結機
  29464. sintering mechanism ==> 烧结机理
  29465. sintering metal ==> 烧结金属
  29466. sintering method ==> 烧结法
  29467. sintering mill (plant) ==> 烧结车间
  29468. sintering of loose powder ==> 松粉烧结
  29469. sintering of monometallic systems ==> 单金属烧结
  29470. sintering of polymetallic systems ==> 多金属烧结
  29471. sintering of rolled powder ==> 轧制粉坯的烧结
  29472. sintering ore ==> 烧结矿
  29473. sintering pan ==> 烧结盘
  29474. sintering period ==> 烧结周期
  29475. sintering phenomenon ==> 烧结现象
  29476. sintering plant ==> 烧结厂
  29477. sintering point ==> 烧结点,软化点
  29478. sintering process ==> 烧结法,烧结过程
  29479. sintering product ==> 烧结材料
  29480. sintering properties ==> 烧结法
  29481. sintering quality ==> 烧结质量
  29482. sintering range ==> 烧结温度范围
  29483. sintering schedule ==> 烧结制度
  29484. sintering shape ==> 烧坯
  29485. sintering shrinkage ==> 烧结收缩
  29486. sintering temperatuers of pellets ==> ぺレッド焼成温度
  29487. sintering temperature ==> 烧结温度,软化温度
  29488. sintering test ==> 烧结试验,烧结性试验
  29489. sintering time ==> 焼結時間
  29490. sintering under pressure ==> 加压烧结
  29491. sintering unit ==> 烧结设备
  29492. sintering warpage ==> 烧结变形,烧结扭曲
  29493. sintering zone ==> 烧结区
  29494. sintetics ==> 合成产品
  29495. sintex(-tox) ==> 烧结氧化铝车刀
  29496. sintomycin ==> 混旋氯霉素,合霉素
  29497. Sintox ==> 陶瓷车刀
  29498. Sintropac ==> 加铜铁粉,铁铜混合粉末
  29499. sinuauricular ==> 窦房的
  29500. sinuflo tube ==> 波形管
  29501. sinuidal ==> 正弦波,正弦形
  29502. sinuosity ==> 曲折度
  29503. sinuous ==> 正弦曲线,波状的
  29504. sinuous coil ==> 蜿蜒盘管
  29505. sinuous flow ==> 乱流
  29506. sinuous header ==> 波形联管器
  29507. sinuous movement ==> 曲折运动
  29508. sinuous ripple ==> 蜿蜒波浪
  29509. sinuousness aberration test for generator voltage wave form ==> 正弦性畸变率的测定,为求出电压波形中不包括基波在内的所有各次谐波有效值平方和的平方根值与该波形基波有效值的百分比而进行的试验
  29510. sinus ==> 正弦,中槽,湾,(软体动物)弯
  29511. sinus anales ==> 肛窦
  29512. sinus aortae ==> 主动脉窦
  29513. sinus arrhythmia ==> 窦性心律失常=>洞性不整脈
  29514. sinus arrythmia ==> 洞性不整脈
  29515. sinus barotrauma ==> 航空鼻窦炎
  29516. sinus bradycardia ==> 窦性心搏徐缓
  29517. sinus cardiac arrest ==> 窦性心动停止
  29518. sinus cavernosus ==> 海绵窦
  29519. sinus circularis ==> 环状窦
  29520. sinus coronarius ==> 冠状窦
  29521. sinus costomediastinalis ==> 肋纵隔窦
  29522. sinus durac matris ==> 硬膜窦
  29523. sinus epididymidis ==> 附睾窦
  29524. sinus ethmoidei posteriores ==> 后筛窦
  29525. sinus frontalis ==> 额窦
  29526. sinus gland ==> 窦腺
  29527. sinus histiocytosis ==> 窦组织细胞增生
  29528. sinus intercavernosus anterior ==> 海绵窦间前窦
  29529. sinus intercavernosus posterior ==> 海绵窦间后窦
  29530. sinus irregularity ==> 窦性心律不齐
  29531. sinus lactiferus ==> 输乳窦
  29532. sinus maxillaris ==> 上颌窦,海默尔氏窦
  29533. sinus obliqus pericardii ==> 心包斜窦
  29534. sinus obliquus ==> 斜窦
  29535. sinus occipitalis ==> 枕窦
  29536. sinus of epididymis ==> 附睾窦
  29537. sinus of mediastinum ==> 纵隔窦道
  29538. sinus of Morgagni ==> 摩根尼窦
  29539. sinus of testis ==> 睾丸窦道
  29540. sinus of thoracic wall ==> 胸壁窦道
  29541. sinus of Valsalva ==> 瓦尔萨尔瓦氏窦
  29542. sinus of venae cavae ==> 腔静脉窦
  29543. sinus of venous vulve ==> 静脉瓣窦,静脉瓣窦
  29544. sinus paranasales ==> 鼻旁窦
  29545. sinus pericranii ==> 颅骨膜(血)窦
  29546. sinus petrosus superior ==> 岩上窦
  29547. sinus phlebitis ==> 颅内静脉窦血栓性静脉炎,颅内静脉窦炎
  29548. sinus phrenicocostalis ==> 膈肋窦
  29549. sinus pitrosus inferior ==> 岩下窦
  29550. sinus pocularis ==> 韦伯氏器,韦伯氏小体
  29551. sinus prostaticus ==> 前列腺窦
  29552. sinus rectales ==> 肛窦
  29553. sinus rectalis ==> 直肠窦
  29554. sinus rectus ==> 直窦
  29555. sinus rhomboidalis ==> 菱形窦
  29556. sinus rongeur ==> 鼻窦咬骨钳
  29557. sinus sagittalis inferior ==> 下矢状窦
  29558. sinus sagittalis superior ==> 上矢状窦
  29559. sinus sigmoideus ==> 乙状窦
  29560. sinus sphenoidalis ==> 蝶窦
  29561. sinus tachycardia ==> 窦性心搏过速
  29562. sinus tarsi ==> 跗骨窦
  29563. sinus tonsillaris ==> 扁桃体窦
  29564. sinus transversus ==> 横窦
  29565. sinus transversus pericardii ==> 心包横窦
  29566. sinus trunci pulmonalis ==> 肺动脉干窦,肺动脉窦
  29567. sinus urogenitalis ==> 泌尿生殖窦,尿生殖窦
  29568. sinus venarum cavarum ==> 腔静脉窦
  29569. sinus venosus ==> 静脉窦,静脉窦
  29570. sinus venosus sclerae ==> 巩膜静脉窦,巩膜静脉窦
  29571. sinus,antrum ==> 窦
  29572. sinuses of pulmonary trunk ==> 肺动脉干窦,肺动脉窦
  29573. sinuses paranasales ==> 副鼻窦
  29574. sinuses rectales ==> 直肠窦
  29575. sinusitis ==> 窦炎,鼻旁窦炎
  29576. sinusitis caseosa ==> 干酪性鼻窦炎
  29577. sinusitis rectalis ==> 肛窦炎
  29578. sinuso sine protractor ==> 正弦特性
  29579. sinusoid ==> 正弦波,正弦曲线,窦状隙
  29580. sinusoid quantity ==> 正弦曲线量
  29581. sinusoidal ==> 正弦曲线的
  29582. sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal periodic quantities ==> 正弦波及び非正弦波周期的量
  29583. sinusoidal angular modulation ==> 调角
  29584. sinusoidal boundary ==> 正弦边界
  29585. sinusoidal carrier ==> 正弦载波
  29586. sinusoidal congestion ==> 窦拥挤
  29587. sinusoidal current ==> 正弦电流=>正弦波電流
  29588. sinusoidal current therapy ==> 正弦电流疗法
  29589. sinusoidal curve ==> 正弦曲线
  29590. sinusoidal deformation ==> 正弦式变形
  29591. sinusoidal denier variation ==> 正弦曲线状细度变化
  29592. sinusoidal distribution ==> 正弦分布,正弦式分布
  29593. sinusoidal distribution of conductor ==> 导体的正弦分布
  29594. sinusoidal envelope ==> 正弦
  29595. sinusoidal excitation ==> 正弦的激励
  29596. sinusoidal field ==> 正弦场
  29597. sinusoidal flow ==> 正弦流动
  29598. sinusoidal flux condition ==> 磁束正弦波条件
  29599. sinusoidal frequency divider ==> 正弦分频器
  29600. sinusoidal function ==> 正弦函数,类正弦函数
  29601. sinusoidal impulse ==> 正弦脉冲
  29602. sinusoidal imput source ==> 正弦输入源
  29603. sinusoidal input ==> 正弦信号输入,正弦振荡输入
  29604. sinusoidal input current ==> 正弦波入力電流
  29605. sinusoidal interference ==> 正弦干扰
  29606. sinusoidal internal model ==> 正弦波内部モデル
  29607. sinusoidal jump function ==> 正弦跳跃函数
  29608. sinusoidal law ==> 正弦定律
  29609. sinusoidal light wave ==> 正弦光波
  29610. sinusoidal load ==> 正弦式荷重
  29611. sinusoidal loading ==> 正弦式的荷载
  29612. sinusoidal modulation ==> 正弦调制
  29613. sinusoidal motion ==> 正弦运动
  29614. sinusoidal oscillation ==> 正弦式振荡,正弦振荡
  29615. sinusoidal oscillator ==> 正弦波振荡器
  29616. sinusoidal oscillator circuit ==> 正弦波発振回路
  29617. sinusoidal output ==> 正弦输出
  29618. sinusoidal perturbation ==> 正弦扰动
  29619. sinusoidal phase(-)modulation ==> 正弦相位调制
  29620. sinusoidal pressure ==> 正弦压力
  29621. sinusoidal projection ==> 正弦曲线投影,正弦投影=>正弦曲線図法
  29622. sinusoidal quantity ==> 正弦量
  29623. sinusoidal reactivity perturbations ==> 正弦式反应性扰动
  29624. sinusoidal reactivity variation ==> 正弦式反应性变化
  29625. sinusoidal response ==> 正弦特性曲线
  29626. sinusoidal rf potential ==> 正弦射频电压
  29627. sinusoidal rotating flux field ==> 正弦旋转磁场
  29628. sinusoidal sender ==> 正弦发送器
  29629. sinusoidal sequence ==> 正弦序列
  29630. sinusoidal signal ==> 正弦信号
  29631. sinusoidal signal generator ==> 正弦信号发生器
  29632. sinusoidal spirals ==> 正弦类螺线,正弦螺线
  29633. sinusoidal stationary distribution ==> 正弦定常分布
  29634. sinusoidal strip ==> 正弦带
  29635. sinusoidal subcarrier output ==> 正弦副载波输出
  29636. sinusoidal therapy ==> 正弦电疗
  29637. sinusoidal time variation ==> 正弦式时间变化
  29638. sinusoidal trace ==> 正弦波,正弦曲线,正弦曲线扫迹,正弦线轨迹
  29639. sinusoidal variable ==> 正弦变量
  29640. sinusoidal variation ==> 正弦变化
  29641. sinusoidal vibration ==> 正弦振动
  29642. sinusoidal voltage ==> 正弦波電圧
  29643. sinusoidal wave ==> 正弦波=>正弦波
  29644. sinusoidal wave form ==> 正弦波形
  29645. sinusoidal wave method ==> 正弦波法
  29646. sinusoidal waveform ==> 正弦波
  29647. sinusoidal-strain dynamic test ==> 正弦应变动力试验
  29648. sinusoidalization ==> 正弦电疗
  29649. sinusopuncture ==> 窦穿刺术
  29650. sinusotomy ==> 窦切开术
  29651. SIO, serial input/output ==> シリアル入力/出力
  29652. SIO, Space Industry Office ==> 宇宙産業室
  29653. sio3capping ==> 二氧化硅复盖层形成
  29654. sip ==> 单列直插式组件
  29655. sip filter ==> 单列直插式外壳滤波器
  29656. SIP process ==> 埋入式吹氧法
  29657. SIP, session initiation protocol ==> SIP
  29658. SIP, standard interface panel ==> 標準インタフェースパネル
  29659. SIP, strategic information plan ==> 戦略的情報計画
  29660. SiP, System in Package ==> アーズ社
  29661. SIPE, scientific instrument protection enclosure ==> 科学計器保護封入装置
  29662. siphon ==> 管状口器,水管,虹吸,虹吸道,虹吸管,具有虹吸作用的输水管=>サイホン
  29663. siphon action ==> 虹吸作用
  29664. siphon barograph ==> 虹吸气压计
  29665. siphon barometer ==> 虹吸气压表,虹吸式气压计,弯管气压计
  29666. siphon bend ==> 虹吸弯管
  29667. siphon breaker ==> 虹吸截断器
  29668. siphon brick ==> 挡渣砖
  29669. siphon condenser ==> 虹吸冷凝器
  29670. siphon cooling system ==> 虹吸冷却装置
  29671. siphon culvert ==> 虹吸涵洞
  29672. siphon gauge ==> 虹吸表,虹吸管压力计
  29673. siphon inlet ==> 虹吸进水口
  29674. siphon jet wc pan ==> 喷射虹吸式坐便器
  29675. siphon lock ==> 虹吸式水闸
  29676. siphon lubricator ==> 虹吸润滑器
  29677. siphon neck ==> 虹吸管颈
  29678. siphon off the clean solution ==> 虹吸抽出清洁溶液
  29679. siphon oiler ==> 虹吸加油器
  29680. siphon pipe ==> 虹吸管
  29681. siphon piping ==> 虹吸管道
  29682. siphon pit ==> 虹吸坑
  29683. siphon pump ==> 虹吸泵,虹吸水泵
  29684. siphon rainfall recorder ==> 虹吸式雨量计,虹吸雨量计
  29685. siphon raingauge ==> 虹吸管雨量管,虹吸式雨量器
  29686. siphon recorder ==> 波纹收报机
  29687. siphon refuelling pump ==> 虹吸加油泵
  29688. siphon runner ==> 虹吸浇道,底注浇道
  29689. siphon separator ==> 虹吸分级机
  29690. siphon sluice ==> 虹吸式泄水闸
  29691. siphon spillway ==> 虹吸溢洪道,虹吸式溢洪道,利用倒“U”形管路产生虹吸作用的溢洪道
  29692. siphon suction ==> 虹吸抽水
  29693. siphon transition ==> 虹吸管渐变段
  29694. siphon trap ==> 虹吸管,虹吸式存水弯,虹吸式防气弯管,虹吸闸门,存水弯
  29695. siphon vortex flushing action ==> 旋涡虹吸式冲洗功能
  29696. siphon wc pan ==> 虹吸式坐便器
  29697. siphon wick-feed oiler ==> 虹吸油心注油器
  29698. siphon-operated lock ==> 虹吸充水式水闸
  29699. siphon-type flume ==> 虹吸式渡槽
  29700. siphon-type wick oiler ==> 虹吸油芯加油器
  29701. siphonic outlet ==> 虹吸式出水口
  29702. siphonic water collection ==> 虹吸集水系统
  29703. siphoning installation ==> 虹吸装置
  29704. siphoning type ==> 虹吸式
  29705. siphons battery ==> 虹吸组
  29706. Sippy powder ==> 西皮氏散
  29707. Sippy powder No 1 ==> 一号西皮氏散
  29708. Sippy treatment ==> 西皮疗法
  29709. SIPS, system integrity protection schems ==> 系统综合稳定控制装置=>総合安定化制御装置
  29710. SIPT, simulation program for three axis control ==> 三軸制御系概念設計用プログラム
  29711. sipunculid ==> 星虫
  29712. Sipunculida ==> 星虫纲,星虫门
  29713. Sipunculidae ==> 星虫科
  29714. Sipunculoidea ==> 星虫门,星虫总科
  29715. Sipunculus ==> 星虫属
  29716. SIR, launch complex inspection record (Shazyou Inspection Record) ==> 射場作業記録(NASDA種子島射場における記録文書)
  29717. SIR, Shuttle Imaging Radar ==> シャトル画像レーダ
  29718. SIR, Source Impedance Ratio ==> 保護区間インピーダンスに対する電源インピーダンス比
  29719. SIR, spacecraft inspection record ==> 射場整備検査記録書
  29720. SIR, System Interface Requirements ==> システム・インタフェース要求(NASA略語)
  29721. SIR, systems integration review ==> システムインテグレーション審査
  29722. sirafo bed ==> 同温床
  29723. SIRD, support instrumentation requirements document ==> (追跡管制)支援条件書
  29724. sire evaluation ==> 种公畜鉴定
  29725. sire index ==> 公畜指数
  29726. siren ==> 电笛
  29727. SIRIUS, SImulated Reactivity feedback Incorporated into thermal-hydraUlic Stability ==> 原子炉のシミュレーター
  29728. Sirocco fan ==> 西罗科风扇,西罗克,鼠笼式风扇
  29729. sirocco fan ==> 多叶片式风扇
  29730. SIRS, satellite infrared spectrometer ==> 衛星赤外分光計
  29731. SIRTF, shuttle infrared telescope facility ==> シャトル赤外線望遠鏡装置
  29732. SIRTF, Space Infrared Telescope Facility ==> 宇宙赤外線望遠鏡装置(NASAの観測機)
  29733. sirup ==> シロップ
  29734. sis (psychoses) mental disease ==> 精神病
  29735. SIS Special Intermediate Survey ==> 特殊中级检测
  29736. sis technology ==> sis技术
  29737. SIS, space information system ==> 宇宙情報システム
  29738. SIS, Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor ==> 超電導トンネル接合を用いたヘテロダインミキサ
  29739. sisal and parasisol cone ==> 麻筒帽坯
  29740. sisal netting bag ==> 麻网袋
  29741. sisal wax ==> 西沙尔麻蜡
  29742. sisalhemp wax ==> 西沙尔麻蜡
  29743. SISCE, S-band intersatellite communications equipment ==> Sバンド衛星間通信装置
  29744. SISP, surface imaging and sounding package ==> 地表画像観測機
  29745. sistens hyperplastica ==> 久存性胸腺,久存性胸腺
  29746. sister block ==> 复滑车
  29747. sister chromatid ==> 姐妹染色单体,姊妹染色单体
  29748. sister chromatid exchange ==> 姊妹染色单体交换
  29749. sister chromatid exchange test ==> 姐妹染色单体交换试验
  29750. sister hook ==> 和合钩,双抱钩,安全钩
  29751. sit ==> 静电感应晶体管
  29752. sit at session ==> 开审
  29753. SIT, static induction transistor ==> 静電誘導トランジスタ
  29754. site ==> 段,位置,地点,地址,所在地,所在地,现场,立地,工程地点,工地,森林生境,部位,厂址=>現場,立地
  29755. site acceptability ==> 厂址的可接受性=>立地容認可能性
  29756. site accommodation ==> 工地生活设施
  29757. site acquisition ==> 用地取得
  29758. site aligner ==> 步进重复对准器
  29759. site analysis ==> 建设场地分析
  29760. site and season ==> 场所与季节
  29761. site appraisal ==> 工程地址鉴定,坝址评价
  29762. site area ==> 厂区占地,厂区=>敷地
  29763. site assembled ==> 工地装配的
  29764. site assembly ==> 現地組立
  29765. site attenuation ==> サイト減衰量,サイトアッテネーション
  29766. site audit ==> 就地审计,就地审计
  29767. site availability test ==> 现场可用率试验
  29768. site by site alignment ==> 步进重复对准
  29769. site choice ==> 用地選択
  29770. site class ==> 地位级
  29771. site clearance ==> (指施工前的)场地清理
  29772. site clearing ==> 场地清除,场地清理,清理现场
  29773. site close to load centre ==> 近负荷中心的厂址=>負荷中心の立地
  29774. site condition ==> 厂址条件=>立地条件
  29775. site constructed ==> 工地装配的
  29776. site construction conditions ==> 建厂条件
  29777. site criterion ==> 选址准则=>用地原則
  29778. site data ==> 厂址资料=>用地データ
  29779. site development ==> 建设场地开发
  29780. site diameter ==> 微区直径
  29781. site diversity ==> サイトダイバーシチ
  29782. site drawing ==> 位置图
  29783. site engineering ==> 竖向规划
  29784. site environmental sampler ==> 就地环境采样器,就地环境采样器
  29785. site erected ==> 工地安装的
  29786. site error ==> 位置误差=>サイト誤差
  29787. site evaluation ==> 厂址评价=>用地評価
  29788. site exploration ==> 厂址勘探,坝址勘查,勘探坝址,基地勘探
  29789. site fabrication ==> 现场制造=>現場加工,現場製作
  29790. site facility ==> 现场设施
  29791. site factor ==> 立地因子
  29792. site feature ==> 場所特性
  29793. site for a factory ==> 工場用地,工場敷地
  29794. site for a new factory ==> 新工場用地
  29795. site for a new school ==> 新校舎敷地,新設校の敷地
  29796. site for a power plant ==> 発電所用地
  29797. site grade level ==> 厂址地面标高
  29798. site height ==> 测站高程
  29799. site identification ==> 位置同定
  29800. site index ==> 地位指数=>立地指数
  29801. site inspection ==> 现场检查=>現場視察
  29802. site installation ==> 現地据付け
  29803. site intensity ==> 场地烈度
  29804. site investigation ==> 厂址调查,工程地址调查,基地勘探=>現地調査
  29805. site laboratory ==> 工地实验室
  29806. site management ==> 工地管理
  29807. site manager ==> 現地管理者
  29808. site map ==> 地位图
  29809. site marking device ==> 位置指示仪
  29810. site model theory ==> 位置模型理论
  29811. site natural conditions ==> 厂区自然条件
  29812. site noise ==> 地形干扰
  29813. site of conjugation reaction ==> 结合反应位置
  29814. site of cultural heritage ==> 文化遗产地点
  29815. site of exposure ==> 接触部位
  29816. site of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂厂区,具有确定的边界,在核电厂营运单位有效控制下的核电厂所在区域。按实物保护要求,厂区通常由外向内依次分为控制区、保护区和要害区,其保安要求依次加强
  29817. site of paracentesis ==> 穿刺部位
  29818. site of puncture ==> 穿刺部位
  29819. site of semen deposition ==> 射精部位
  29820. site of special scientific interest (SSSI) ==> 具有特别科学价值的地点
  29821. site plan ==> 坝址平面图,工地布置图,总设计图
  29822. site planning ==> 总平面设计,建设场地规划
  29823. site plot plan ==> 厂区规划,根据全厂总体规划,统一规划厂区地上、地下的建、构筑物和各种设施,塑造完整的建筑群体
  29824. site plot plan of thermal power plant ==> 火力发电厂厂区规划,配合总体规划,对火力发电厂厂区内(生产区和厂前区两部分)各项建、构筑物和道路、管线的布置进行综合考虑作出具体安排
  29825. site preparation ==> 整地
  29826. site quality ==> 立地生产力
  29827. site quality of forest ==> 森林地位级
  29828. site railway ==> 工地铁路
  29829. site reconnaissance ==> (工程的)地址勘测
  29830. site rivet(ing) ==> 现场铆接
  29831. site riveted butt joint ==> 现场铆钉对接接头
  29832. site riveting ==> 工地铆接
  29833. site road ==> 工地道路
  29834. site security ==> 现场保卫=>現場警備
  29835. site selection ==> 场址选择,厂址选择,位置选择,选址,基地选择,坝址选择=>立地選択,用地選定
  29836. site selection at engineering stage ==> 工程选厂
  29837. site selection at planning stage ==> 规划选厂
  29838. site size ==> 微区尺寸
  29839. site stability evaluation ==> 厂址稳定性评估
  29840. site survey ==> 现场踏勘,现场勘测,工程地址调查
  29841. site symmetry ==> 位置对称性
  29842. site test ==> 工地试验,现场试验,当场试测,实地试验=>現地試験
  29843. site traffic ==> 现场交通
  29844. site trial ==> 现场试验,实地试验
  29845. site type ==> 立地类型
  29846. site weld ==> 现场焊接,安装焊,安装焊接
  29847. site welding ==> 工地焊,现场焊,现场焊接
  29848. SITE, spacecraft integration and test building ==> 総合環境試験棟
  29849. site-assembled ==> 現地組立
  29850. site-assembly ==> 就地组装,就地组装
  29851. site-clearing ==> 清场
  29852. site-constructed ==> 現地組立
  29853. site-erected ==> 現地組立
  29854. site-independent mode ==> 地点无关方式
  29855. site-plan ==> 总计划,总平面图,总设计图
  29856. site-shielding factor ==> 場所遮蔽係数
  29857. sites of customs inspection ==> 验关地点
  29858. siting of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂选址,依据国家有关法律、法规、标准和规范,通过普选(区域性选址)和终选,筛选和评定核电厂厂址的过程
  29859. sitting height ==> 坐高
  29860. sitting length scale ==> 坐高尺
  29861. sitting on fire ==> 起火
  29862. sitting position ==> 坐位
  29863. sitting position labor ==> (古代一种接生法)坐产
  29864. sitting still ==> 静坐,静坐
  29865. sitting wc pan ==> 坐便器
  29866. situation analysis ==> 情况分析
  29867. situation analyzer ==> 势态分析器
  29868. situation approach to management ==> 情况管理原则
  29869. situation board ==> 气候情况测绘板
  29870. situation control ==> 势态控制
  29871. situation display computer ==> 情况显示计算机
  29872. situation display console ==> 情况显示台
  29873. situation map ==> 态势图
  29874. situation recognition ==> 势态识别
  29875. situation report ==> 情况报告
  29876. situation room ==> 情况室
  29877. situation summary ==> 情况综合报告
  29878. situation therapy ==> 环境疗法
  29879. situation variable ==> 情况变量
  29880. situational analysis ==> 状況分析
  29881. situational awareness ==> 状況認識
  29882. situational calculus ==> 情景演算
  29883. situational influence ==> 状況影響
  29884. situational investigation ==> 状況的調査
  29885. situational knowledge ==> 状況認識
  29886. situational psychosis ==> 处境性精神病
  29887. situational theory of leadership ==> 情境领导方式论
  29888. situs transversus ==> 内脏逆位
  29889. SITVC, secondary injection thrust vector control ==> 二次噴射式推力方向制御
  29890. sitz bath ==> 坐浴
  29891. SIV ==> 補助電源装置
  29892. sivided flow purification ==> 分流精制
  29893. Sivim rotational abrader ==> 西维姆旋转式织物耐磨仪
  29894. Sivola process ==> 西伏拉法
  29895. SIW, Substrate Integrated Waveguide ==> ポスト壁導波路
  29896. SIWL, switching impulse withstand level ==> 開閉インパルス耐電圧レベル
  29897. six atmospheric influences ==> 六气
  29898. six component balance ==> 六分力天平
  29899. six cylinder engine ==> 六缸发动机
  29900. six degrees ==> 6次
  29901. six degrees of separation ==> 六次の隔たり
  29902. six digit system ==> 六位制
  29903. six month flow ==> 平水量
  29904. six phase ==> 六相的=>六相
  29905. six throw crankshaft ==> 六拐曲轴
  29906. six unit code ==> 六単位符号
  29907. six vital substances for human life ==> 六气
  29908. six wheel drive vehicle ==> 六轮驱动汽车
  29909. six wheel locomotive ==> 六轮机车
  29910. six wheeled vehicle ==> 六轮汽车
  29911. six wheeler ==> 六轮汽车
  29912. Six's thermometer ==> 西科斯温度计,薛氏最高最低气温计
  29913. six-bit byte ==> 六位字节
  29914. six-break oil breaker ==> 六断点油断路器
  29915. six-colour photoelectric photometry ==> 六色光电测光
  29916. six-colour photometry ==> 六色测光
  29917. six-colour recorder ==> 六色记录仪
  29918. six-element lens ==> 六片透镜
  29919. six-fold wooden rule ==> 六折木尺
  29920. six-high cluster mill ==> (用于冷轧带材)六辊轧机
  29921. six-inch thyristor ==> 六英寸晶闸管
  29922. six-inch thyristor component ==> 六英寸晶闸管元件
  29923. six-keyway broach ==> 六键拉刀
  29924. six-layer quarter-wave stack ==> 六层四分之一波长片的多层系统
  29925. six-lead tacheometer ==> 六导程测速仪
  29926. six-machine longitudinally interconnected power system model ==> 6機くし形系統モデル
  29927. six-phase circuit ==> 六相电路
  29928. six-phase star connection ==> 六相星形接法
  29929. six-phase system ==> 六相系统,六相制
  29930. six-phase voltage ==> 六相电压
  29931. six-pocket plastic foam lifejacket ==> 六袋式泡沫塑料救生衣
  29932. six-pointed star core ==> 六角星型芯
  29933. six-pointed star core space ==> 六角星形内腔
  29934. six-roller mill ==> 六辊轧机
  29935. six-row seed spacing drill ==> 六行精密播种机
  29936. six-rowed barley ==> 六棱大麦
  29937. six-spindle polishing machine ==> 六轴抛光机
  29938. six-tenths factor ==> 十分之六的因数
  29939. six-tenths rule ==> 十分之六准则
  29940. six-toothed wether ==> 三岁阉公羊
  29941. six-way plate ==> 六孔底板,六流底盘
  29942. six-way valve ==> 六通阀
  29943. six-week sold grown in shallow beds ==> 在浅床内生长六周的植株
  29944. six-wheel vehicle ==> 三轴汽车
  29945. six-year molar ==> 六岁磨牙
  29946. six-year teeth ==> 六龄齿
  29947. sixfold degeneracy ==> 六度简并度
  29948. sixteen bit ==> 十六位
  29949. sizable lump ==> 适当块状
  29950. size ==> 量值,尺寸,尺寸,长度,大小,体量
  29951. size analysis ==> 粒度分析,粒径分析
  29952. size block ==> 规块
  29953. size characteristics ==> 尺寸特性
  29954. size class ==> 大小级
  29955. size classification ==> 筛分,分选,按大小分选
  29956. size clause ==> 长度子句
  29957. size coarse aggregate ==> 规格的粗集料
  29958. size contraction ==> 截面收缩
  29959. size control ==> 尺寸控制,尺寸控制器,块度控制
  29960. size data ==> 粒径记录,筛分数据
  29961. size degradation ==> 打小,磨细,碎解
  29962. size delivery pump ==> 齿轮输浆泵
  29963. size deviation ==> 尺寸偏差
  29964. size dimension ==> 尺寸大小
  29965. size distribution ==> 粒径分布
  29966. size distribution analyzer ==> 尺寸分布分析器
  29967. size distribution curve ==> 粒度分布曲线
  29968. size distribution of firms ==> 厂商的规模分布
  29969. size effect ==> 尺寸效应,截面因数=>サイズ効果
  29970. size enlargement ==> 截面扩大,颗粒放大
  29971. size error ==> 长度误差
  29972. size error condition ==> 长度错误条件
  29973. size estimation of particle ==> 異物のサイズ効果
  29974. size factor ==> 大小因数,尺寸因子,尺度因数
  29975. size field ==> 尺寸域
  29976. size finder ==> 尺寸显示装置
  29977. size for connection ==> 连接尺寸
  29978. size fraction ==> 粒度级份额,颗粒组
  29979. size grader ==> 按尺寸分级机,径选机,径选机
  29980. size grading ==> 粒径分级,粒径级配,颗粒分级
  29981. size marking ==> 尺寸标注
  29982. size meter ==> 测尺寸器
  29983. size of a fillet weld ==> 焊角尺寸
  29984. size of anode ==> 阳极规格
  29985. size of construction ==> 施工规模
  29986. size of establishment by employment ==> 以就业工人人数而论的工厂规模
  29987. size of fetal head ==> 胎头大小
  29988. size of grain ==> 粒度
  29989. size of jaw ==> 扳口开度
  29990. size of load ==> 载荷
  29991. size of measurement ==> 量值
  29992. size of memory ==> 存储器容量
  29993. size of mesh ==> 筛号,筛眼大小
  29994. size of node ==> 节点的大小
  29995. size of pipe and tubing ==> 管材尺寸,管道标称尺寸,管子公称尺寸
  29996. size of population ==> 母体量,总数大小
  29997. size of product ==> 产品规格
  29998. size of seal contact face ==> 密封面尺寸
  29999. size of space ==> 间隔尺寸
  30000. size of test ==> 检验的码
  30001. size of timber reserves ==> 木材贮备量
  30002. size of weld ==> 焊件的大小,焊区尺寸
  30003. size operand ==> 长度操作数
  30004. size preparation ==> 粒度准备
  30005. size press coated paper ==> 表面施胶纸
  30006. size range ==> 尺寸范围,块度范围,粒度范围
  30007. size range of separation ==> 分选粒级
  30008. size reduction ==> 粉碎,减缩尺寸=>粉砕
  30009. size reduction energy ==> 捣碎能量
  30010. size reduction machinery ==> 粉碎机械
  30011. size reduction ratio ==> 破碎比
  30012. size rolls ==> 定径辊
  30013. size scale ==> 分级比
  30014. size scatter ==> 尺寸分散
  30015. size segregation ==> 颗粒偏析
  30016. size select ==> 尺寸选择
  30017. size separation ==> 粒析
  30018. size sorting ==> 粒度分选
  30019. size tolerance ==> 尺寸公差
  30020. size up ==> 测定尺寸
  30021. size-graded particle board ==> 渐变结构碎料板
  30022. size-grading ==> 粒度分级
  30023. sizeable baconer ==> 一般腌猪
  30024. sized ==> 按大小排好了的
  30025. sizematic internal grinder ==> 自动定尺寸内圆磨床
  30026. sizer ==> 分级机,分粒器,分组机,填料器,上胶器
  30027. sizing ==> 筛分
  30028. sizing agent ==> 上浆材料
  30029. sizing block ==> 垫铁=>鋼板
  30030. sizing coat ==> 胶结涂层
  30031. sizing finish ==> 上浆整理
  30032. sizing gauge ==> 尺寸控制量规,尺寸量规
  30033. sizing grill ==> 筛分格栅
  30034. sizing ingredients ==> 上浆成分
  30035. sizing instruction ==> 上浆配方
  30036. sizing knockout ==> 精压出坯杆
  30037. sizing machine ==> 径选机,径选机,分级规,分级机,上胶器,浆纱机,胶粘机
  30038. sizing mill ==> 定经机,定径机
  30039. sizing percentage ==> 上浆率
  30040. sizing press ==> 定径压力机,精整压力机
  30041. sizing procedure ==> 精压操作程序
  30042. sizing punch ==> 精压模冲
  30043. sizing reduction ==> 减径量
  30044. sizing roll ==> 定径轧辊
  30045. sizing roller ==> 上浆辊
  30046. sizing rolling mill ==> 定径轧机
  30047. sizing screen ==> 分极筛,分级筛,分粒筛,筛子
  30048. sizing screen analysis ==> 粒度分析
  30049. sizing shaker ==> 分级摇动筛
  30050. sizing size ==> 分级粒度
  30051. sizing specification ==> 尺寸说明
  30052. sizing stand ==> 定径机
  30053. sizing stripper ==> 精压出坯杆,精压脱模杆
  30054. sizing test ==> 筛分试验
  30055. sizing tool ==> 校准刀
  30056. sizing treatment ==> 上胶
  30057. sizing varnish ==> 上浆清漆
  30058. sizz-water ==> 炭酸飲料
  30059. SJ, semirigid cable ==> セミリジッドケーブル
  30060. SJ, side jet ==> サイドジェット
  30061. SJAC, Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies Inc. ==> 社団法人日本航空宇宙工業会
  30062. SJAC, The Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies ==> 社団法人,日本工業会
  30063. Sjgren's syndrome ==> 肖格伦氏综合征
  30064. SJM, special joint meeting ==> 特別合同会議
  30065. SK, service kit ==> サービスキット
  30066. SK, stationkeeping ==> 位置保持
  30067. Skagway ==> 斯盖哥威
  30068. skarn mineral ==> 矽卡岩矿物
  30069. skarn ore deposit ==> 矽卡岩矿床
  30070. skate brake ==> 刹车块
  30071. skate conveyer ==> 滑道输送器
  30072. skate valve ==> 减速器阀
  30073. skatol carboxylic acid ==> 甲基吲哚羧酸
  30074. skatole, 3-methylindole ==> 粪臭素
  30075. SKD, schedule ==> スケジュール
  30076. skeet field ==> 飞靶射击场
  30077. skeet gun ==> 长式掷弹筒
  30078. skein ==> 线球,线团,毂衬套=>かせ(糸)
  30079. skein dyeing ==> かせ染め
  30080. skein reel ==> 摇纱绞机
  30081. skein test ==> 检色盲彩线
  30082. skein winding ==> 分布绕组
  30083. skein yarn strength tester ==> 缕纱强力试验机
  30084. skeining ==> 成绞
  30085. skeletal ==> 骨骼的=>骸骨の
  30086. skeletal abnormality ==> 骨格異常
  30087. skeletal age ==> 骨龄,骨骼年龄=>骨年齢
  30088. skeletal and heart antibody ==> 骨骼肌心肌抗体
  30089. skeletal catalyst ==> 骨架催化剂
  30090. skeletal change ==> 骨骼变化
  30091. skeletal code ==> 骨干程序码,骨干码,骨架代码=>骨組コード
  30092. skeletal coding ==> 骨架编码,程序纲要,程序骨架编码,程序轮廓编码
  30093. skeletal complication ==> 骨格合併症
  30094. skeletal conformation ==> 骨格の立体構造
  30095. skeletal construction ==> 骨格構築
  30096. skeletal crystal growth ==> 骸晶生长
  30097. skeletal defect ==> 骨骼缺陷=>骨格異常
  30098. skeletal deformation ==> 骨格奇形
  30099. skeletal deformity ==> 骨骼畸形
  30100. skeletal facies ==> 骸骨相
  30101. skeletal fixation ==> 骨骼固定
  30102. skeletal limestone ==> 骨骸石灰岩,骨粒石灰岩,骸骨石灰岩
  30103. skeletal material ==> 骨料
  30104. skeletal muscle relaxant ==> 骨骼肌松弛药
  30105. skeletal muscles ==> 骨骼肌
  30106. skeletal query ==> 提纲式询问
  30107. skeletal representation ==> 梗概表示
  30108. skeletal soil ==> 粗骨土
  30109. skeletal structure ==> 骸骨构造
  30110. skeletal substance ==> 骨架物质
  30111. skeletal system ==> 骨骼系统
  30112. skeletal texture ==> 骸晶结构
  30113. skeletal thorax ==> 骨性胸廓
  30114. skeletal traction ==> 骨牵引术,骨骼牵引
  30115. skeletal traction through olecranon of ulna ==> 尺骨鹰嘴骨牵引,经尺骨鹰嘴骨牵引术,经尺骨鹰嘴骨牵引术
  30116. skeletal traction through supracondyle of femur ==> 股骨髁上骨牵引术
  30117. skeletal traction through tibial tubercle ==> 胫骨粗隆牵引术,胫骨粗隆牵引术,胫骨结节牵引,胫骨结节牵引
  30118. skeletal traction tqrongh distal end of femur ==> 股骨下端牵引术
  30119. skeleton ==> 骨骸,骨架,骨架网,骨骼,骸骨,尸骨
  30120. skeleton axiale ==> 中轴骨骼
  30121. skeleton body ==> 骨架体
  30122. skeleton branch ==> 骨干枝
  30123. skeleton case ==> 条板箱
  30124. skeleton code ==> 骨架代码
  30125. skeleton construction ==> 骨架构造,骨架结构,钢框架结构
  30126. skeleton core ==> 骨架填心
  30127. skeleton crystal ==> 骸晶
  30128. skeleton deformity ==> 骨骼畸形
  30129. skeleton diagram ==> 略図,単線結線図
  30130. skeleton dictionary ==> 轮廓目录
  30131. skeleton drawing ==> 轮廓图,原理图,骨架图=>構造線図
  30132. skeleton drum ==> 圆鼓干燥骨架
  30133. skeleton facies ==> 骨架相
  30134. skeleton frame ==> 铁骨构架=>骨組枠
  30135. skeleton framing ==> 骨組構造
  30136. skeleton layout ==> 草图,轮廓图
  30137. skeleton line ==> 轮廓线,中弧线
  30138. skeleton of building ==> 房屋骨架
  30139. skeleton of lower limb ==> 下肢骨
  30140. skeleton particle ==> 骨架颗粒
  30141. skeleton pattern ==> 骨架模,轮廓模型
  30142. skeleton soil ==> 粗骨粉
  30143. skeleton steps ==> 框架楼梯踏步
  30144. skeleton structure ==> 框架结构,骨架结构
  30145. skeleton symbol ==> 简式
  30146. skeleton system ==> 骨架体系,骨骼系统
  30147. skeleton table ==> 纲要表,宏指令表
  30148. skeleton texture ==> 骨骸结构
  30149. skeleton type selftightening oil seal ==> 骨架式自紧油封
  30150. skeleton unit ==> 辅机安装位置
  30151. skeleton view ==> 透视图
  30152. skeleton(-type) motor ==> 开敞型电动机
  30153. skeleton-skirt piston ==> 骨架侧缘活塞
  30154. skeleton-type switchboard ==> 骨架式配电盘
  30155. skeletonize ==> 极度消瘦
  30156. skeletonizing ==> 绘制草图
  30157. skeletonless body ==> 无骨架式车身
  30158. skelic index ==> 腿躯干长指数
  30159. skelp blower ==> 空气喷嘴
  30160. skelp mill ==> 焊管坯轧机
  30161. skelp steel ==> 焊接管坯钢
  30162. Skene's gland cyst ==> 尿道旁腺囊肿
  30163. skeptic ==> 懐疑論者
  30164. sketch ==> 素描,速写,设计简图,草图=>略図
  30165. sketch blank ==> 异形板坯
  30166. sketch drawing ==> 草图
  30167. sketch for the colluvial soils ==> 崩积土图样
  30168. sketch map ==> 草图,速写图
  30169. sketch of activities for gender equality ==> 男女共同参画活動の概要
  30170. sketch of elevation ==> 立面草图
  30171. sketch plan ==> 草图=>スケッチプラン
  30172. sketch plate ==> 异形板
  30173. sketch-plate ==> 裁边板
  30174. sketching paper ==> 绘草样纸
  30175. sketching pencil ==> 绘图笔
  30176. sketchy specification ==> 概略的规范
  30177. skew ==> 变形,时滞,歪的,歪斜,歪斜失真,不齐,不齐量,斜的,山墙角石=>スキュー
  30178. skew adjustment ==> 不齐量调整
  30179. skew angle ==> 斜拱角,斜交角,斜角,相交角
  30180. skew antenna ==> 斜向辐射天线=>スキューアンテナ
  30181. skew arch ==> 斜拱
  30182. skew axis ==> 斜轴,相错轴
  30183. skew back ==> 拱脚
  30184. skew barrel vault ==> 斜筒形穹顶
  30185. skew bending ==> 斜弯曲
  30186. skew bevel ==> 斜伞形
  30187. skew bevel gear ==> 斜齿锥齿轮,斜伞齿轮,歪伞齿轮
  30188. skew bevel gear pair ==> 斜齿锥齿轮付
  30189. skew bevel wheel ==> 斜伞齿轮,偏轴斜齿伞齿轮
  30190. skew block ==> 拱脚砖,斜形砌块
  30191. skew brick ==> 斜砌砖,斜削砖
  30192. skew bridge ==> 斜交桥
  30193. skew bucket ==> 扭曲挑坎,底侧面扭曲、坎顶不等高并与水流成一定夹角的挑坎
  30194. skew character ==> 斜字符
  30195. skew coil ==> 斜线圈=>斜めコイル
  30196. skew control ==> 菱形失真调整
  30197. skew coordinates ==> 斜坐标
  30198. skew corbel ==> 斜座石
  30199. skew correction ==> 菱形校正
  30200. skew correlation ==> 偏斜相关
  30201. skew crossing ==> 斜形交叉
  30202. skew culvert ==> 斜涵洞
  30203. skew curve ==> 斜曲线,不对称空间曲线,不对称曲线
  30204. skew cutter ==> 椭圆形刀头
  30205. skew determinant ==> 斜对称行列式
  30206. skew deviation ==> 眼球反侧偏斜
  30207. skew distortion ==> 偏斜失真,菱形畸变
  30208. skew distribution ==> 非对称分布,偏态分布
  30209. skew error detection ==> 偏斜出错检测
  30210. skew factor ==> 槽扭因数=>斜めスロット係数
  30211. skew failure ==> 歪斜故障
  30212. skew field ==> 反称域,斜域
  30213. skew fillet ==> 披水条
  30214. skew flashing ==> 山墙泛水
  30215. skew force ==> 斜向力
  30216. skew form ==> 邻位交叉式
  30217. skew frequency curve ==> 偏态频率曲线
  30218. skew front ==> 斜前沿
  30219. skew gear ==> 斜齿轮,交错轴齿轮
  30220. skew gear tooth ==> 斜齿
  30221. skew grillage girder bridge ==> 斜格排
  30222. skew helicoid ==> 斜面
  30223. skew Hermitian matrix ==> 斜厄密矩阵
  30224. skew hinge ==> 升降合页
  30225. skew integration ==> 偏积分
  30226. skew involution (in space) ==> 双轴对合
  30227. skew joint ==> 斜交接合,斜面接合
  30228. skew leakage flux ==> 斜槽漏磁通
  30229. skew line ==> 斜线
  30230. skew lines ==> 斜叉直线
  30231. skew master tape ==> 时差校准磁带,时差校准带
  30232. skew matrice(s) ==> 斜矩阵
  30233. skew matrix ==> 斜矩阵
  30234. skew mill ==> 斜轧式轧机
  30235. skew nailing ==> 斜钉
  30236. skew notch ==> 斜槽口
  30237. skew pantograph ==> 斜角缩放仪,斜伸缩仪
  30238. skew product ==> 斜积
  30239. skew quadrilateral ==> 挠四边形
  30240. skew ray ==> 斜光线,斜射光,不交轴光线,不沿光轴光线,偏斜光线
  30241. skew rebate plane ==> 斜槽刨
  30242. skew regression ==> 偏斜回归
  30243. skew roller table ==> 斜辊道工作台
  30244. skew rolling ==> 斜轧
  30245. skew rolling mill ==> 斜轧机
  30246. skew ruled surface ==> 不可展直纹曲面
  30247. skew running mark ==> 偏移滚迹
  30248. skew shaft ==> 偏轴,歪轴
  30249. skew shearing force ==> 斜剪力
  30250. skew surface ==> 斜面,斜曲面
  30251. skew symmetric kernel ==> 反対称核
  30252. skew symmetric matrix ==> 斜对称矩阵
  30253. skew symmetric transformation ==> 斜对称变换
  30254. skew T ==> 斜三通
  30255. skew table roll ==> 斜辊,垛板辊道的辊子
  30256. skew tee ==> 斜叉三通
  30257. skew tooth ==> 斜齿,螺旋齿
  30258. skew wall ==> 斜壁,不平行墙
  30259. skew weld ==> 斜焊
  30260. skew wheel ==> 斜齿轮,偏轴斜齿伞齿轮
  30261. skew-axes gears ==> 偏轴齿轮系
  30262. skew-axis gear ==> 偏斜齿轮
  30263. skew-back ==> 斜角拱座
  30264. skew-barrel arch ==> 斜筒形拱
  30265. skew-bow fabric straightener ==> 斜纬弓纬织物整纬器
  30266. skew-coil winding ==> 斜圈绕组
  30267. skew-Hermitian form ==> 歪エルミート形式
  30268. skew-Hermitian matrix ==> 歪エルミート行列
  30269. skew-symmetric ==> 反对称的,反号对称
  30270. skew-symmetric matrix ==> 反对称矩阵=>交代行列
  30271. skew-symmetric operator ==> 反对称算子
  30272. skew-symmetric part ==> 反对称部分
  30273. skew-symmetric tensor ==> 斜对称张量
  30274. skew-symmetry ==> 反对称性
  30275. skew-table ==> 山墙盖板座石
  30276. skew-wire line ==> 绞合线线路
  30277. skewback hinge ==> 拱肩铰链,枢轴接合
  30278. skewed boundary condition ==> 偏斜边界条件
  30279. skewed crossing ==> 斜交叉
  30280. skewed culvert ==> 斜涵
  30281. skewed density function ==> 偏斜密度函数
  30282. skewed distance ==> 斜移距离
  30283. skewed distribution ==> 偏斜分布
  30284. skewed error ==> 偏斜误差
  30285. skewed helix ==> 斜螺旋线
  30286. skewed histogram ==> 偏态直方图
  30287. skewed normal distribution ==> 非对称正态分布
  30288. skewed peak ==> 斜峰
  30289. skewed pole ==> 斜形磁极
  30290. skewed pole-shoe ==> 斜极靴
  30291. skewed roll ==> 不平行轧辊
  30292. skewed rotor ==> 斜め回転子
  30293. skewed scheme ==> 斜移方案
  30294. skewed slot ==> 斜沟=>斜めスロット
  30295. skewed slot squirrel cage rotor ==> 斜槽鼠笼式转子
  30296. skewed storage ==> 斜移存储,错位存储器
  30297. skewed surface ==> 斜表面
  30298. skewed tooth ==> 斜齿=>斜め歯
  30299. skewed track ==> 斜向磁迹,倾斜磁迹
  30300. skewed trolley ==> 斜动小车
  30301. skewer pointer ==> 磨木锭子机
  30302. skewing scheme ==> 斜移方案
  30303. skewness ==> 歪度=>ゆがみ
  30304. skewness coefficient ==> 偏斜系数
  30305. Skhl steel ==> 镍铬铜低合金钢
  30306. ski ==> 在滑板上,滑雪板
  30307. ski bob ==> 雪橇车
  30308. ski mine ==> 雪道地雷
  30309. ski rack ==> 雪橇架
  30310. ski with steel ski pole ==> 带钢撑棍的滑雪板
  30311. ski-jump energy dissipator ==> 滑雪式消能工
  30312. ski-jump spillway ==> 滑雪式溢洪道,滑雪道式溢洪道,通过坝身堰顶或孔口下泄的水流过坝后,经由设置在坝体轮廓外支承结构上的泄槽挑向下游的溢洪道
  30313. ski-lift conveyor ==> 架空无极绳式人车
  30314. ski-plane ==> 雪上飞机
  30315. ski-shaped blade ==> 雪橇形刀
  30316. skiagraph ==> 房屋纵断面图,纵断面图,投影图,正影描记器
  30317. skialith ==> 残影体
  30318. skiascope ==> 爱克斯射线透视镜,视网膜镜,眼膜曲率计,眼膜曲率器
  30319. skiascopy ==> 视网膜镜检查
  30320. skiatron ==> 暗迹管,暗迹示波管,黑迹管,黑影管,记录暗迹的阴极射线管=>スカイアトロン
  30321. skid ==> 滑动垫木,滑橇,炉底滑道,移送机,导轨,打滑,侧向滑动
  30322. skid (shoe) ==> 闸瓦
  30323. skid bank ==> 冷床
  30324. skid bars ==> 横道
  30325. skid bed ==> 装料架
  30326. skid chain ==> 防滑链
  30327. skid derrick ==> 滑动式起重机
  30328. skid force ==> 滑移力,溜滑力,侧滑力
  30329. skid pile-driver ==> 滑动打桩机
  30330. skid pipe ==> 炉底滑管
  30331. skid platform ==> 载重手推车
  30332. skid potentiometer ==> 防侧滑电位计
  30333. skid preventation ==> 防滑
  30334. skid prevention ==> スリップ抑制
  30335. skid rail ==> (移动重物用)滑轨
  30336. skid resistant carpet ==> 防滑地毯
  30337. skid resisting ==> 防滑的
  30338. skid ring ==> 溜滑环
  30339. skid shock absorber ==> 滑橇减震器,刹车减震器
  30340. skid shoe ==> 制动块,仿形滑脚
  30341. skid-fin antenna ==> 翅形天线,机翼天线
  30342. skid-free road surface ==> 防滑路面
  30343. skid-proof ==> 防滑的
  30344. skid-resistance ==> 溜滑阻力
  30345. skid-resistant surface ==> 防滑路面
  30346. skid-senser ==> 打滑感应器
  30347. Skiddavian ==> 阿伦尼克阶,斯基道阶
  30348. skidder ==> 集材拖拉机
  30349. skidder-loader ==> 集材装车联合机
  30350. skidder-piler ==> 集材归堆联合机
  30351. skidding ==> 滑走,集材,集材装置,侧滑,侧行,铺道木
  30352. skidding of wheel ==> 轮滑
  30353. skidding pan ==> 集材滑盘
  30354. skids ==> 滑板,滑动垫木,楞腿
  30355. skidway ==> 垫木楞场,横木滑道
  30356. skill ==> 技,技能,技巧,技艺,熟练,术=>スキル,技能
  30357. skill acquisition ==> 技巧获取
  30358. skill craft ==> 技术
  30359. skill intensive industry ==> 技术密集工业
  30360. skill migration ==> 技术人才的迁移
  30361. skill of labour ==> 劳动熟练程度
  30362. skill score ==> 技术评分
  30363. skill-at-arms badge ==> 熟练掌握武器证章
  30364. skill-intensive ==> 技术密集型
  30365. skilled ==> 熟练的
  30366. skilled craft ==> 熟练技艺
  30367. skilled industry ==> 技术工业
  30368. skilled labor-intensiveness of export products ==> 出口商品的熟练劳动密集程度
  30369. skilled laborer ==> 熟练技工
  30370. skilled programmar ==> 熟练的程序设计员
  30371. skilled trade ==> 専門職業
  30372. skilled work ==> 熟练工作
  30373. skilled worker ==> 熟练工人
  30374. skillet ==> 铸锅
  30375. skillet cast steel ==> 坩埚铸钢
  30376. skillful ==> 巧
  30377. skillful agricultural practice ==> 熟练的农业实践
  30378. skim ==> 扒渣,去垢,去渣,撇,撇除,撇去,撇渣,除渣,渣痕
  30379. skim bar ==> 挡渣棒,撇渣杆
  30380. skim bob ==> 集渣包
  30381. skim bob gate ==> 挡渣浇口
  30382. skim coat ==> 撇渣面层
  30383. skim coat calender ==> 平板砑光机,擦胶压光机
  30384. skim colter ==> 草皮铲除器,除茬刮草铲
  30385. skim core ==> 撇渣泥芯
  30386. skim cutter ==> 犁刀
  30387. skim gate ==> 除渣器,挡渣浇口
  30388. skim milk ==> 脱脂乳
  30389. skim milk concentrate ==> 浓缩脱脂奶
  30390. skim riser ==> 除渣冒口
  30391. skim share ==> 铲茬犁铧
  30392. skim strainer ==> 滤网芯,滤渣网
  30393. skim-coat ==> 除表层
  30394. skim-grading ==> 刮整表面
  30395. skim-the-cream pricing ==> 撇奶油式订价法
  30396. skimmed milk ==> 脱脂乳
  30397. skimmer ==> 推土机,撇沫板,撇乳器,撇渣器,除沫器,泡沫分离器,分液器,分离器,扒渣杆,剪嘴鸥
  30398. skimmer bar ==> 扒渣棒,撇渣棒,清除熔渣通条
  30399. skimmer blade ==> 刮刀
  30400. skimmer brick ==> 挡渣砖
  30401. skimmer equipment ==> 臂斗式挖掘机
  30402. skimmer shovel ==> 刮土机
  30403. skimmer tube ==> 除沫管
  30404. skimmianine ==> 茵芋碱
  30405. skimmin ==> 茵芋甙
  30406. skimming ==> 挡渣,撇清,撇取
  30407. skimming baffle ==> 撇液板,分离挡板
  30408. skimming boat ==> 滑行艇
  30409. skimming chamber ==> 撇油室
  30410. skimming coat ==> 抹灰罩面层
  30411. skimming core ==> 撇渣芯
  30412. skimming device ==> 撇油器
  30413. skimming dish ==> 撇沫器,摩托快艇
  30414. skimming door ==> 除渣门
  30415. skimming ladle ==> 撇渣勺
  30416. skimming line ==> 撇油管线
  30417. skimming machine ==> 撇渣机,乳脂分离器,离心机
  30418. skimming pit ==> 撇油池
  30419. skimming plant ==> 撇蒸厂
  30420. skimming plate ==> 撇渣板
  30421. skimming pond ==> 撇油池
  30422. skimming prices ==> 撇奶油式价格
  30423. skimming pricing ==> 高额定价法
  30424. skimming processing ==> 撇蒸过程
  30425. skimming tank ==> 撇油槽
  30426. skimming tool ==> 撇渣器
  30427. skimming wear ==> 滑动磨损
  30428. skimming-the-cream price ==> 最高价订价法
  30429. skimobile ==> 履带式雪上汽车
  30430. skimp ==> 克扣
  30431. skimping ==> 跳汰选矿法
  30432. skin ==> 表面护板,剥,肌,肌肤,蒙皮,皮,皮肤,车身蒙皮
  30433. skin a rabbit ==> 剥兔皮
  30434. skin absorption ==> 皮肤吸收
  30435. skin actinomycosis ==> 皮肤放线菌病
  30436. skin adhesive cup ==> 胶水杯
  30437. skin analyser ==> 皮肤分析器
  30438. skin and core effect ==> 皮芯效应
  30439. skin annealing ==> 表面退火
  30440. skin antenna ==> 外壳天线
  30441. skin avulsion of penis and scrotum ==> 阴茎阴囊皮肤撕脱
  30442. skin bending stress ==> 表面弯曲应力
  30443. skin biopsy ==> 皮肤活体组织检查
  30444. skin bit ==> 皮块毛
  30445. skin blanching test ==> 皮肤转白试验
  30446. skin breakage ==> 表皮裂纹,表皮破裂,(钢锭的)表面破裂
  30447. skin carcinoma ==> 皮肤癌
  30448. skin care agent ==> 护肤剂
  30449. skin closure strip ==> 皮肤胶合带
  30450. skin co(u)lter ==> 前小犁
  30451. skin coat ==> 罩面层,面层
  30452. skin color ==> 肤色
  30453. skin compression test of digital end ==> 趾端皮肤压迫试验
  30454. skin conductor ==> 表层导体
  30455. skin construction ==> 外皮结构
  30456. skin contamination ==> 皮肤污染
  30457. skin contamination accident ==> 皮肤污染事故
  30458. skin covering ==> 皮肤覆盖
  30459. skin covering of the surface ==> 表面膜
  30460. skin cream ==> 护肤霜
  30461. skin decarburization ==> 表面脱碳
  30462. skin degerming ==> 皮肤除菌
  30463. skin depth ==> 透入深度,趋肤深度,集肤深度
  30464. skin digit ==> 数字付加
  30465. skin disease ==> 曲池
  30466. skin disease of foot ==> 脚病
  30467. skin disease prevention and treatment institute ==> 皮肤病防治研究所
  30468. skin distance ==> 跳躍距離
  30469. skin diving ==> 轻装潜水
  30470. skin dose ==> 皮肤剂量,皮肤量
  30471. skin dosimeter ==> 皮肤剂量计
  30472. skin dried mould ==> 面干铸型
  30473. skin drying ==> 表面烘干,(油漆疵病)油漆结皮
  30474. skin drying mould ==> 表干型
  30475. skin effect ==> 开尔文效应,趋肤效应,皮层效应,表面效应,表皮效应,集肤效应=>表皮効果
  30476. skin effect factor ==> 表皮効果係数
  30477. skin effect rotor ==> 深槽式转子
  30478. skin effect winding ==> 深槽式绕组
  30479. skin electric reaction ==> 皮肤电反应
  30480. skin electric resistance ==> 皮肤电阻
  30481. skin electrode ==> 皮肤电极
  30482. skin electrolysis apparatus ==> 皮肤电解仪
  30483. skin eliminator ==> 去皮机
  30484. skin erythema dose ==> 皮肤红斑量
  30485. skin erythema dose (SED) ==> 皮肤红斑剂量
  30486. skin factor ==> 生物素
  30487. skin flap ==> 皮瓣
  30488. skin flap grafting transposition of skin flap ==> 皮瓣移植术
  30489. skin floatation ==> 表层浮选
  30490. skin fold ==> 皮肤皱襞,皮肤褶,皮肤褶襞
  30491. skin fold score ==> 皮肤褶襞评分
  30492. skin follicular cornification ==> 皮肤毛囊角化
  30493. skin forceps ==> 皮镊
  30494. skin formation ==> 皮层形成
  30495. skin forming ==> 表皮成形
  30496. skin friction ==> 表面摩擦
  30497. skin graft ==> 皮片
  30498. skin graft blade ==> 植皮刀片
  30499. skin graft forceps ==> 植皮镊
  30500. skin graft guard ==> 植皮保护器
  30501. skin graft instruments set ==> 植皮器械包
  30502. skin graft knife ==> 植皮刀
  30503. skin graft spatula ==> 植皮压板,压皮片
  30504. skin graft trephine ==> 植皮环钻
  30505. skin grafting ==> 植皮手术,植皮术,皮肤移植术,皮片移植术,皮移植术
  30506. skin grafting dermepenthesis ==> 皮移植
  30507. skin hard ==> 表皮硬化的
  30508. skin hardened ==> 表皮渗碳硬化的
  30509. skin hardening ==> 表皮渗碳硬化
  30510. skin hardness ==> 表面硬度
  30511. skin heating ==> 表面加热
  30512. skin hole ==> 表皮气泡
  30513. skin incision ==> 皮肤切口
  30514. skin injury ==> 皮肤损伤
  30515. skin irritant ==> 皮肤刺激剂
  30516. skin irritatin ==> 皮肤刺激
  30517. skin irritating gas ==> 皮肤刺激气
  30518. skin irritation ==> 皮肤刺激性
  30519. skin lamination ==> 大片分层,表面分层,表皮分层
  30520. skin layer ==> 表层
  30521. skin lesion ==> 皮肤损害
  30522. skin line ==> 皮肤线
  30523. skin loss ==> 趋肤效应损耗
  30524. skin material ==> 蒙皮材料,表皮材料,(如叠合板多孔材料等的外罩薄板)外皮材料
  30525. skin milk powder ==> 脱脂奶粉
  30526. skin miller ==> 平整机,表皮铣床
  30527. skin milll ==> 表皮光轧机
  30528. skin monitoring ==> 皮肤监测
  30529. skin needling ==> 毛刺
  30530. skin normal flora ==> 皮肤正常菌丛
  30531. skin notchig knife ==> 皮肤划痕刀
  30532. skin of casting ==> 铸件表皮
  30533. skin off ==> 去皮胴体
  30534. skin oil ==> 美肤油
  30535. skin on ==> 带皮的胴体
  30536. skin packaging ==> 贴体包装
  30537. skin pad ==> 护皮垫
  30538. skin pass ==> スキンパス
  30539. skin pass mill ==> 表面冷轧机
  30540. skin pass roll ==> 平整机
  30541. skin patch test ==> 皮肤斑贴试验
  30542. skin pigment ==> 皮肤色素
  30543. skin plate ==> 面板
  30544. skin plating ==> 面板
  30545. skin potential ==> 皮肤电位
  30546. skin pricker ==> 皮肤穿刺锥
  30547. skin protectant ==> 护肤剂
  30548. skin protection ==> 皮肤防护
  30549. skin ratio ==> 皮层率
  30550. skin reactive factor ==> 皮肤反应因子
  30551. skin receptor ==> 皮肤感受器
  30552. skin recovery ==> 再渗碳
  30553. skin reflex ==> 皮肤反射
  30554. skin resiliency calculator ==> 皮肤弹性计,皮肤硬度计
  30555. skin resistance ==> 趋肤电阻,表面阻力,表皮阻力
  30556. skin retractor ==> 皮肤牵开器
  30557. skin rivet ==> 蒙皮铆钉
  30558. skin rolling ==> 光整冷轧,平整
  30559. skin rolling mill ==> 表面光轧机
  30560. skin segregate ==> 表皮偏析
  30561. skin sensation ==> 皮肤感觉
  30562. skin sensitization ==> 皮肤敏比
  30563. skin soaking test ==> 浸皮试验
  30564. skin stimulus ==> 皮肤刺激
  30565. skin stones ==> 皮下石
  30566. skin stress ==> 表层应力,表皮应力
  30567. skin suction box ==> 吸皮匣
  30568. skin tag ==> 皮垂
  30569. skin temperature ==> 皮肤温度,外壳温度,表皮温度
  30570. skin temperature meter ==> 表面温度计
  30571. skin temperature recorder ==> 表面温度记录仪
  30572. skin test ==> 皮肤试验,皮试
  30573. skin test antigen ==> 皮肤试验抗原
  30574. skin test dose ==> 皮肤试验剂量,皮试剂量
  30575. skin test unit ==> 皮肤试验单位
  30576. skin texture ==> 皮肤结构,肌理
  30577. skin tolerance dose ==> 皮肤耐受剂量
  30578. skin topesthesia ==> 皮肤定位觉
  30579. skin tracking ==> 雷达跟踪
  30580. skin traction ==> 皮肤牵引,皮牵引
  30581. skin traction of lower extremity ==> 下肢皮牵引
  30582. skin transplantation ==> 皮肤移植术
  30583. skin tube ==> 皮管
  30584. skin tuberculosis of cattle ==> 牛的皮肤型结核病
  30585. skin vegetative reflex ==> 皮肤植物性神经反射
  30586. skin weld ==> 表面焊接
  30587. skin welding ==> 表面焊
  30588. skin window ==> 皮窗,皮片窗
  30589. skin window technique ==> 皮窗技术
  30590. skin wool ==> 皮板毛,剥皮羊毛,(羊毛)手拔毛
  30591. skin-bound ==> 皮肤发紧的
  30592. skin-core structure ==> 皮芯结构
  30593. skin-crackiing ==> 皮层热裂
  30594. skin-deep ==> 皮毛的
  30595. skin-depth factor ==> 皮厚因数
  30596. skin-effect attenuaction ==> 趋肤效应衰减
  30597. skin-effect attenuation ==> 趋肤衰减
  30598. skin-focus distance ==> 皮肤焦点距离
  30599. skin-friction coefficient ==> 表面摩擦系数,表摩系数
  30600. skin-friction distribution ==> 表面摩擦分布
  30601. skin-friction drag ==> 表面摩擦阻力
  30602. skin-friction effect ==> 表面摩擦效应
  30603. skin-friction force ==> 表面摩擦力
  30604. skin-friction loss ==> 表面摩擦损失
  30605. skin-friction resistance ==> 表面摩擦阻力
  30606. skin-friction temperature ==> 表面摩擦温度
  30607. skin-frictional resistance ==> 表面摩擦阻力
  30608. skin-graft ==> 皮移植片
  30609. skin-making machine ==> 造皮机
  30610. skin-marking pencil ==> 皮肤铅笔
  30611. skin-pass ==> 平整道次,调质轧制,表皮光轧,表皮冷轧
  30612. skin-pass milll ==> 表皮光轧机
  30613. skin-pass roll ==> 表皮光轧机
  30614. skin-pass rolling ==> 表皮光轧,平整冷轧
  30615. skin-passed sheet ==> 光整冷轧的薄板
  30616. skin-pop ==> 皮下注射
  30617. skin-protecting agent ==> 护肤剂
  30618. skin-pulmonary syndrome ==> 皮肤肺综合征
  30619. skin-remover ==> 去皮机
  30620. skink ==> 石龙子
  30621. skinless ==> 去皮的,无皮的
  30622. skinless grain ==> 去皮谷类
  30623. skinned ==> 剥皮
  30624. skinned wire ==> 裸线
  30625. skinner ==> 剥皮机,去皮工具,刮皮工具,剥皮段
  30626. Skinner box ==> 斯金纳箱
  30627. skinning ==> 去皮,起膜
  30628. skinning knife ==> 剥皮刀
  30629. skinning loam ==> 抹料
  30630. skinning machine ==> 去皮机
  30631. skinning-type sealant ==> 结膜型嵌缝膏
  30632. skinny ==> 干瘦
  30633. skinny-dip ==> 裸泳=>素っ裸で泳ぐ
  30634. skintle ==> 线脚
  30635. skintled ==> 表面凹凸砌体
  30636. skintled brick work ==> 线脚
  30637. skintled brickwork ==> 乱插花砌法
  30638. skiodrome ==> 波面图
  30639. skiou ==> 准平原面交切
  30640. skip ==> 跳跃,铸桶,高炉翻斗车,逃债者,吊斗,起重箱,翻斗提升机,跳行,跳跃,跳转,换页,加料机翻斗,空指令
  30641. skip (-)fading ==> 跳跃衰落
  30642. skip appendicitis ==> 分隔局限性阑尾炎
  30643. skip area ==> 死区,跳越区,空区
  30644. skip attack ==> 跳弹攻击
  30645. skip back ==> 跳越式回绕
  30646. skip band ==> 空白带
  30647. skip bar ==> 跳跃杆
  30648. skip before ==> 前跳
  30649. skip block welding ==> 分段多层跳焊,跳跃块焊接
  30650. skip block welding sequence ==> 分段多层跳焊法
  30651. skip bombing ==> 跳弹轰炸
  30652. skip bucket ==> 翻倒铸罐,料车车体,倾卸斗
  30653. skip bus input ==> 跳跃总线输入
  30654. skip car ==> 倾卸小车,料车,翻斗车
  30655. skip car loader ==> 翻斗车装料斗
  30656. skip cast ==> 跳跃铸型
  30657. skip chain ==> 跳转链
  30658. skip charger ==> 倾卸提升加料机
  30659. skip charging ==> 装箕斗
  30660. skip charging system ==> 料车上料系统
  30661. skip code ==> 跳越码,跳跃码
  30662. skip crane ==> 吊斗起重机
  30663. skip digit ==> 数字付加
  30664. skip distance ==> 越距,死区宽度,跳越距离=>跳躍距離
  30665. skip draft ==> 跳穿
  30666. skip draw ==> 跳穿
  30667. skip dress ==> 间隔修整
  30668. skip effect ==> 跳越效应
  30669. skip elevator ==> 吊斗提升机,翻斗提升机
  30670. skip fading ==> 跳躍フェージング
  30671. skip feed ==> 跳跃进给
  30672. skip field ==> 跳越信息组,跳越字段,空白场,空白指令部分,空指令部分
  30673. skip flag ==> 跳越标记,跳跃标记,(计算机)跳过标记
  30674. skip floor ==> 跳层
  30675. skip format item ==> 跳跃格式项
  30676. skip frame ==> 跳幅
  30677. skip hoist ==> 翻斗提升机,料车绞车,料车升降机,吊斗提升机,倒卸式起重机,倒卸式提升机=>スキップホイスト
  30678. skip hoist type charging machine ==> 翻斗爬式加料机
  30679. skip instruction ==> 跳转指令,空操作指令,空跳跃指令
  30680. skip link ==> 跳跃链路
  30681. skip load ==> 料车荷重
  30682. skip loader ==> 翻斗式装载机,可翻卸料斗
  30683. skip logging ==> 跳步记录
  30684. skip lorry ==> 翻斗卡车
  30685. skip mark ==> 跳痕,跳跃痕
  30686. skip mixer ==> 翻斗混合器
  30687. skip option ==> 跳跃任选
  30688. skip over ==> 跳过
  30689. skip path ==> 跳跃轨道
  30690. skip philosophy ==> 跳跃方法
  30691. skip program ==> 跳跃式程序
  30692. skip relay ==> 跳越继电器
  30693. skip scan ==> 跳跃扫描
  30694. skip sequence welding ==> 跳焊
  30695. skip sequential ==> 跳跃顺序存取
  30696. skip sequential access ==> 跳跃顺序存取,空顺序存取
  30697. skip speed ==> 跳越速度
  30698. skip stop insert bar ==> 跳跃杆
  30699. skip symbol ==> 跳跃符,空符号
  30700. skip test ==> 空白测试,空白检测指令
  30701. skip track ==> 翻斗轨道
  30702. skip trajectory ==> 跳跃轨迹
  30703. skip type charger ==> 翻斗爬式加料机
  30704. skip vehicle ==> 跳越式航天器
  30705. skip weigher ==> 翻斗秤
  30706. skip welding ==> 跳焊
  30707. skip zone ==> 跳跃区,静区域=>跳躍帯
  30708. skip(-)keying ==> 跳步键控
  30709. skip-a-day feeding ==> 每周停喂一天喂饲法
  30710. skip-a-day restriction feeding ==> 隔日饲喂法
  30711. skip-bombing aircraft ==> 跳弹轰炸机
  30712. skip-box motion ==> 跳梭箱运动
  30713. skip-every-other-day feeding program ==> 隔日饲喂法
  30714. skip-floor apartment house ==> 跳层公寓
  30715. skip-keying ==> 脉冲重复频率的分频,脉冲重复频率分频
  30716. skip-loading chute ==> 翻斗装料槽
  30717. skip-packaging paper ==> 单面光包装纸
  30718. skip-searched chain ==> 跳越检索链
  30719. skip-tooth saw ==> 间断齿锯
  30720. skip-two-days-per-week feed program ==> 每周2日饲喂法
  30721. skip-type feeder ==> 斗式给料机
  30722. skipcast ==> (地质)跳模
  30723. skipjack ==> 跳跃玩具
  30724. skiplane ==> 雪上飞机,滑橇起落架飞机
  30725. skipped ==> 跳跃的
  30726. skipped thread ==> 跳纱
  30727. skipper ==> 跳跃者=>船長,跳ねる人,セセリチョウ,サンマ
  30728. skipper arm ==> 挖土机斗柄
  30729. skipper butterfly ==> 隐纹稻苞虫
  30730. skipper road ==> 木杆道
  30731. skipping ==> 跳,跳跃,边缘脱釉,打印件跳行,打印件跳行前进
  30732. skipping printer ==> 跳印式印片机
  30733. skipping stitch ==> 跳针
  30734. skippingly ==> 跳着
  30735. skips-in-planting ==> 漏刨
  30736. skirt ==> 裙座,护墙板,导料槽,踢脚,侧板
  30737. skirt board ==> 侧壁
  30738. skirt clearance ==> 裙部间隙
  30739. skirt dipole ==> 套筒偶极子
  30740. skirt dipole antenna ==> 套筒偶极天线=>スカートダイポールアンテナ
  30741. skirt end of piston ==> 活塞侧缘
  30742. skirt expander ==> 活塞底缘涨圈
  30743. skirt of piston ==> 活塞侧缘
  30744. skirt relief ==> 裙部凹槽
  30745. skirt resolution ==> 边缘分辨力
  30746. skirt response ==> 边缘响应
  30747. skirt ring groove ==> 活塞侧缘环槽
  30748. skirt section ==> 裙部
  30749. skirt selectivity ==> 边缘选择性
  30750. skirt slot ==> 活塞侧缘开缝
  30751. skirt support ==> 裙式支座
  30752. skirt support of spherical vessel ==> 球形容器裙式支座
  30753. skirt-roof ==> 重檐
  30754. skirt-type joint bar ==> 裙形夹板
  30755. skirted piston ==> 侧缘活塞
  30756. skirting ==> 踢脚
  30757. skirting block ==> 踢脚墩,门贴脸座
  30758. skirting board ==> 踢脚板
  30759. skirting duct ==> 踢脚边沿管道
  30760. skirting level ==> 踢脚板标高
  30761. skirting plant ==> 饰边植物
  30762. skirting plate ==> 屏蔽装甲板
  30763. skirtings ==> 套毛去边
  30764. skishaped colter ==> 滑刀式开沟器
  30765. skitron ==> 黑影管,暗迹示波管
  30766. skittle pot ==> 柱形坩埚
  30767. skive ==> 磨
  30768. skiving ==> 车齿
  30769. skiving cutter ==> 车齿刀,旋刮刀
  30770. skiving tool ==> 定形切向刀,切线样板精车刀
  30771. Skoparon lens ==> 斯柯帕龙镜头
  30772. skove kiln ==> 方型无顶烧砖窑
  30773. skrag mill ==> 双平行圆锯制材厂
  30774. Skraup synthesis ==> 斯克洛浦合成
  30775. SKT, nozzle skirt ==> ノズルスカート
  30776. SKT, socket ==> ソケット
  30777. skull ==> 结壳,头骨,头颅,凝壳,颅,颅骨,炉瘤
  30778. skull cap ==> 颅顶(盖)
  30779. skull cracker ==> 落锤破碎机,渣壳破碎机
  30780. skull crucible ==> 凝壳炉
  30781. skull defeci ==> 颅骨缺损
  30782. skull elevator ==> 颅骨起子
  30783. skull forceps ==> 颅骨钳
  30784. skull furnace ==> 凝壳炉
  30785. skull identifying apparatus ==> 颅骨身源鉴定仪
  30786. skull melting ==> 凝壳熔炼法
  30787. skull melting furnace ==> 渣壳熔炼炉
  30788. skull patch ==> (钢锭缺陷)翻皮
  30789. skull perforation protector ==> 颅骨钻孔保护钳
  30790. skull perforator ==> 颅骨穿孔器
  30791. skull plate screw ==> 颅骨板螺钉
  30792. skull plate screw driver ==> 颅骨板螺丝旋凿
  30793. skull punch ==> 颅骨打孔器
  30794. skull traction ==> 颅骨牵引术
  30795. skull traction tongs ==> 颅骨牵引钳
  30796. skull traction with icetongs ==> 颅骨冰钳牵引
  30797. skull trephine ==> 皇冠钻
  30798. skunk cabbage ==> 臭菘
  30799. skunk oil ==> 臭鼬油
  30800. sky ==> 天,天空
  30801. sky -wave correction ==> 天波改正量
  30802. sky background ==> 天空背景
  30803. sky background noise ==> 天空背景噪声
  30804. sky blue ==> 天蓝色
  30805. sky blue glaze ==> 天蓝釉
  30806. sky brightness ==> 天空亮度
  30807. sky brightness temperature ==> 天空亮度温度
  30808. sky compass ==> 天空罗盘,天罗盘,晨昏罗盘
  30809. sky condition ==> 天空情况
  30810. sky cover ==> 天空覆盖
  30811. sky diagram ==> 天象图,地平坐标天图
  30812. sky dome ==> 天幕,穹顶
  30813. sky factor ==> 天空因数
  30814. sky filter ==> 天空滤光片
  30815. sky firing ==> 窑顶加柴煅烧
  30816. sky fog ==> 天雾
  30817. sky glow ==> 天空照亮
  30818. sky grey ==> 天灰
  30819. sky laboratory ==> 太空试验室
  30820. sky light ==> 天空光
  30821. sky line ==> 天边
  30822. sky map ==> 天图,云底亮度图
  30823. sky noise ==> 天电噪声
  30824. sky noise temperature ==> 天空噪声温度
  30825. sky radiance ==> 天空亮度
  30826. sky radiation ==> 天空辐射,慢天空辐射
  30827. sky ray ==> 电离层反射波
  30828. sky reference ==> 天空基准
  30829. sky scanning photometer ==> 天空扫描光度计
  30830. sky scape ==> 天空风景
  30831. sky shine shield ==> 天空回散照射屏蔽,间接射线屏蔽
  30832. sky sign ==> (位于高楼大厦的顶上)高空广告牌
  30833. sky space ==> 天空
  30834. sky spectrum ==> 天光光谱
  30835. sky wave ==> 天空电波,电离层反射波=>上空光
  30836. sky wave inter-ference ==> 天波干扰
  30837. sky wave-delay (curves) ==> 天波时延
  30838. sky-crane ==> 空中起重机
  30839. sky-high ==> 天一样高的
  30840. sky-horn switching ==> 天空喇叭开关
  30841. sky-light ==> 天光
  30842. sky-light window ==> 顶窗
  30843. sky-staring dragon eyes ==> 朝天龙
  30844. sky-wave ==> 天波
  30845. sky-wave accuracy pattern ==> 天波误差图
  30846. sky-wave backscatter ==> 天波后向散射
  30847. sky-wave correction ==> 天波校正
  30848. sky-wave effect ==> 天波效应
  30849. sky-wave operating distance ==> 天波作用距离
  30850. sky-wave pattern ==> 天波辐射图
  30851. sky-wave range ==> 天波使用范围=>上空光利用範囲
  30852. sky-wave station error ==> 天波电台误差
  30853. sky-wave synchronized long range navigation ==> 天波同步远程导航
  30854. sky-wave synchronized loran ==> 天波同步劳兰
  30855. sky-wave transmission delay ==> 天波传输延迟,天空电波传输延迟
  30856. sky-writing ==> 天空文字
  30857. skyblue ==> 天蓝
  30858. skyblue oxypetalum ==> 天兰尖瓣木
  30859. Skybolt ==> 空中弩箭导弹
  30860. skyborne ==> 机载
  30861. skyey ==> 天空的
  30862. Skyhawk ==> 空中之鹰
  30863. skyhook ==> 安装锚杆
  30864. skyhook balloon ==> 高层等高探测气球
  30865. Skylab ==> 天空实验室
  30866. skylab ==> 航天试验室
  30867. SKYLAB, Skylab ==> スカイラブ
  30868. skylight ==> 慢天空辐射
  30869. skylight coaming ==> 天窗围板
  30870. skylight cover ==> 天窗盖
  30871. skylight filter ==> 天光滤光片
  30872. skylight gear ==> 天窗开关装置
  30873. skylight glass ==> 天窗玻璃
  30874. skylight grating ==> 天窗玻璃护栅
  30875. skylight illumination ==> 天窗照度
  30876. skylight lighting ==> 天窗采光
  30877. skylight purlin ==> 天窗檩,天窗檩条
  30878. skylight quadrant ==> 天窗开关弧条
  30879. skylight sash ==> 明かり窓
  30880. skylighting ==> 天窗采光
  30881. skyline ==> 承载索
  30882. skyline cable logging ==> 架空式索道集材
  30883. skyline crane ==> 起运机
  30884. skyline yarding ==> 架空索道集材
  30885. Skype ==> スカイプ,IP電話ソフト
  30886. Skyraider ==> 天空侵略者
  30887. Skyray ==> 天光
  30888. skyrocket ==> 飞涨
  30889. skyrocketing prices ==> 物价飞涨
  30890. skysail-yarder ==> 天帆横桁式船
  30891. skyscape ==> 天空景
  30892. skyscraper ==> 摩天楼,高层建筑物
  30893. Skywarrior ==> 空中勇士
  30894. skywave trouble ==> 夜间效应
  30895. skywave-trouble ==> 天波干扰
  30896. skyway ==> 高架公路
  30897. SL Bale (Capacity) ==> 容量
  30898. SL cable ==> 分析铅套电缆
  30899. sl wing store ==> 翼下外挂物
  30900. SL, safe life ==> 安全寿命
  30901. SL, science laboratory ==> 科学実験室
  30902. SL, service life ==> 運用寿命
  30903. SL, Skylab ==> スカイラブ
  30904. SL, spacelab ==> 宇宙実験室
  30905. SL, steady load ==> 定常荷重
  30906. SL, storage limitation ==> 保管期限
  30907. SL-cable ==> 铅包三芯电力电缆=>SLケーブル
  30908. SL-J, spacelab-Japan ==> スペースラブ竏窒i
  30909. SL1, First Spacelab Mission ==> 第一スペースラブミッション
  30910. SLA, scanning laser altimeter ==> スキャンニングレーザ高度計
  30911. slab ==> 棚板,锯去背板,锯去背板,初轧板坯,长字节,切片,平板料,厚块,厚片,铁块,板,板坯,板皮,板皮料,板条,扁锭,冰板,石板,极板=>スラブ
  30912. slab and column buttress dam ==> 板柱式支墩坝
  30913. slab and column dam ==> 平板立柱坝
  30914. slab and edging pass ==> 平轧-立轧孔型
  30915. slab and girder ==> 平板梁楼面,板梁结构
  30916. slab and girder floor ==> 板梁式地板
  30917. slab anode ==> 板式阳极
  30918. slab beam ==> 薄板梁
  30919. slab billet ==> 板条
  30920. slab broach ==> 阔面拉刀
  30921. slab butts ==> 板坯的切头
  30922. slab caster ==> 板坯连铸机
  30923. slab casting machine ==> 板坯连铸机
  30924. slab centering roller ==> 初轧板坯定心辊
  30925. slab charge ==> 平面装药
  30926. slab charger ==> 板坯装料机
  30927. slab chipper ==> 板皮削片机
  30928. slab coil ==> 蛛网线圈,平线圈,盘形线圈
  30929. slab cooler ==> 板坯冷却机
  30930. slab copper ==> 扁铜锭
  30931. slab core ==> 板状芯,片型芯
  30932. slab core machine ==> 板芯塑造机
  30933. slab culvert ==> 平板涵
  30934. slab cutter ==> 平面铣刀,硬切刀
  30935. slab dielectric oplical waveguide ==> 平片介质光波导
  30936. slab dielectric wavequide ==> 平片介质波导
  30937. slab dissolver ==> 天板式溶解器
  30938. slab edge ==> 天板边缘
  30939. slab entry ==> 刷帮煤巷
  30940. slab extrator ==> 板坯出料机
  30941. slab floor ==> 钢筋混凝土楼盖
  30942. slab form ==> 楼板模板
  30943. slab formwork ==> 楼板模板工程
  30944. slab foundation ==> 板式基础
  30945. slab geometry ==> 平板几何条件
  30946. slab glass ==> 厚块玻璃,板状光学玻璃
  30947. slab grating ==> 木格选别机
  30948. slab grinder ==> 初轧板坯清理机床,磨钢板机
  30949. slab guide ==> 片状波导,平面波导
  30950. slab heating ==> 扁坯加热
  30951. slab heating furnace ==> 扁庞热炉
  30952. slab ingot ==> 扁钢锭
  30953. slab joint ==> 板缝,面板接缝
  30954. slab joint reinforcement ==> 板缝配筋
  30955. slab keel ==> 龙骨补强板
  30956. slab kiln ==> 推板窑
  30957. slab laser ==> 盘形激光器,板条激光器
  30958. slab lattice ==> 板栅
  30959. slab marker ==> 板坯打印机
  30960. slab marking machine ==> 熱間圧延設備
  30961. slab method ==> 切块法,(变形力计算用)主应力法
  30962. slab mill ==> 板坯初轧机,板坯机,扁坯轧机
  30963. slab miller ==> 大型平面铣床
  30964. slab milling ==> 平面铣削,阔面铣
  30965. slab milling machine ==> 扁钢坯铣床
  30966. slab oil ==> 白色矿物油,胶块油
  30967. slab pahoehoe ==> 板形绳状熔岩
  30968. slab partition ==> 板式隔断
  30969. slab pass ==> 扁平孔型
  30970. slab pile ==> 初轧板坯垛
  30971. slab piler ==> 初轧板坯堆垛机
  30972. slab piling ==> 垛放初轧板坯
  30973. slab pusher ==> 初轧板坯推进机
  30974. slab reactor ==> 平板堆
  30975. slab rectifier ==> 平板整流器
  30976. slab reinforcement ==> 面板钢筋
  30977. slab resolver ==> 平板分解器
  30978. slab rubber ==> 板状橡胶,胶板,胶块
  30979. slab scale ==> 全部累进率
  30980. slab share ==> 梯形犁铧
  30981. slab shear blade ==> 扁坯剪切机刀片
  30982. slab shears ==> 扁坯剪切机,初轧板坯剪切机,初轧剪切机
  30983. slab soaking treatment ==> 板坯均匀热处理
  30984. slab soffit formwork ==> 楼板底模工程
  30985. slab spacer ==> 板内垫块
  30986. slab squeezer ==> 齐边压力机
  30987. slab straightener ==> 初轧板坯齐边压力机
  30988. slab structure ==> 板块构造
  30989. slab supporting medium ==> 平板支承
  30990. slab synchro ==> 扁形同步机
  30991. slab tail ==> 全动尾翼
  30992. slab thickness ==> 板厚
  30993. slab track ==> 平板轨道
  30994. slab turning gantry ==> 初轧板坯翻转吊车
  30995. slab type carbon dioxide laser ==> スラブ形炭酸ガスレーザ
  30996. slab urinal ==> 挡墙式小便器,通长小便池
  30997. slab waveguide ==> スラブ導波路
  30998. slab winding ==> 盘形绕组
  30999. slab with ribs turned-up ==> 反梁板
  31000. slab with stiffened edges ==> 加强边缘板
  31001. slab zinc ==> 扁锌锭
  31002. slab-cooling machine ==> 肥皂冷压机
  31003. slab-milling machine ==> 板坯剥皮修整机床,板坯整修机床
  31004. slab-type apartment house ==> 板式住宅
  31005. slab-type building ==> 板式建筑
  31006. slab-type resolving potentiometer ==> 盘形分解电位计
  31007. slabbed construction ==> 平板构造
  31008. slabbed log ==> 锯去板皮的原木,锯去板皮的原木
  31009. slabber-edger ==> 轧边扁坯轧机
  31010. slabbing action ==> 板坯的垂直压下或侧压下
  31011. slabbing cut ==> 分片爆破,分片开挖
  31012. slabbing machine ==> 平面铣床,切块机,刷帮截煤机
  31013. slabbing mill ==> 板坯初轧机,扁钢坯轧机,阔面铣刀,二辊式万能板坯初轧机
  31014. slabbing milling cutter ==> 阔面铣刀,长圆柱铣刀
  31015. slabbing pass ==> 扁坯轧辊孔型
  31016. slabbing roll ==> 扁坯轧辊,板坯轧辊
  31017. slabby coal ==> 层状煤
  31018. slability domain ==> 稳定区域
  31019. slack ==> 空隙,浅谷,沼泽,弛缓,垂度,静止不动,静止不动,碎煤,松,松弛,煤屑,下垂,松弛部分=>スラック
  31020. slack adjuster ==> 松紧调整器,拉紧螺钉,拉紧装置,空隙调整器
  31021. slack adjuster block ==> 缓冲调整块
  31022. slack adjuster worm ==> 减速调整器蜗杆
  31023. slack adjuster worm gear ==> 减速调整器蜗轮
  31024. slack adjuster worm plunger ==> 减速调整器蜗杆柱塞
  31025. slack adjuster worm plunger spring ==> 减速调整器蜗杆柱塞弹簧
  31026. slack annealing ==> 不完全退火
  31027. slack barrel ==> 石蜡桶,渣屑桶
  31028. slack block ==> 煤屑砌块
  31029. slack busbar ==> 松弛结点
  31030. slack byte ==> 无效字节
  31031. slack cables switch ==> 钢绳松弛开关
  31032. slack coal ==> 煤屑,末煤,粒度大于0mm到13mm的煤
  31033. slack effective ==> 迟效的化肥或农药
  31034. slack flow ==> 不满流
  31035. slack generator ==> しわとり発電機
  31036. slack hardening ==> 不完全淬火
  31037. slack hour ==> 轻负荷时
  31038. slack ice ==> 屑冰
  31039. slack in the screw ==> 螺旋隙
  31040. slack labor market ==> 萧条的劳动市场
  31041. slack limedrowned lime ==> 消石灰
  31042. slack loop washer ==> 松式环状洗涤机
  31043. slack path ==> 松弛路线,非要径
  31044. slack piston ==> 迟滞活塞,大间隙活塞
  31045. slack quench ==> 调质
  31046. slack quenching ==> 断续淬火,晶粒细化热处理,不完全淬火
  31047. slack shook ==> 松桶板料
  31048. slack side ==> 松边,松缓侧,单板背面,单板松面,皮带从动边,皮带松边=>ゆるみ側
  31049. slack spring ==> 释放簧
  31050. slack time ==> 富裕时间,松弛时间,萧条期
  31051. slack variable ==> 余裕変数
  31052. slack warp ==> たて糸緩み
  31053. slack washing machine ==> 松式绳状洗布机
  31054. slack water ==> 憩流
  31055. slack wax ==> 散蜡
  31056. slack wire protection ==> 防索松保护器
  31057. slack-rope switch ==> 钢丝绳松弛自动断电开关
  31058. slack-running fit ==> 轻转配合
  31059. slacken ==> 松劲,放松=>ゆるめる
  31060. slacken leak ==> 松弛泄漏
  31061. slacking sky line ==> 松弛式架索道
  31062. slackline ==> 松线式索道
  31063. slackline cableway ==> 电铲索道,拉铲索道
  31064. slackline cableway excavator ==> 拖铲挖土机
  31065. slackline scraper ==> 拖铲挖土机,松绳塔式挖土机
  31066. slacktip ==> 崩坍
  31067. slag ==> 矿渣,造渣,渣,渣堆,渣化,渣状火成碎屑岩,出渣,熔渣,多化石脆性页岩=>鉱滓
  31068. slag (pin) hole ==> 渣孔
  31069. slag action ==> 熔渣侵蚀作用
  31070. slag aggregate ==> 炉渣骨料
  31071. slag bank ==> 渣坡
  31072. slag basin ==> 渣池,渣罐,渣桶
  31073. slag bath ==> 渣池
  31074. slag blanket ==> 渣层
  31075. slag blister ==> 渣眼
  31076. slag bloating ==> 炉渣起泡
  31077. slag blob ==> 渣瘤
  31078. slag block ==> 渣块
  31079. slag blower ==> 吹灰器
  31080. slag blowhole ==> 渣孔
  31081. slag bot(t) ==> 渣口塞
  31082. slag breaker ==> 碎渣机
  31083. slag brick ==> 矿渣砖
  31084. slag bridge ==> 挡渣器
  31085. slag buggy ==> 水渣车,渣罐车
  31086. slag cake ==> 渣饼
  31087. slag calculation ==> 配渣计算
  31088. slag car ==> 渣车
  31089. slag catcher ==> 接渣器
  31090. slag cement ==> 熔渣水泥,矿渣水泥,钢渣水泥,炉渣水泥
  31091. slag chamber ==> 沉渣室
  31092. slag charge ==> 渣料
  31093. slag chute ==> 渣槽
  31094. slag clouds ==> 云状非金属夹杂
  31095. slag composition ==> 熔渣成分
  31096. slag concrete ==> 矿渣混凝土,炉渣混凝土
  31097. slag concrete block ==> 矿渣混凝土彻块
  31098. slag conditioning ==> 渣成分调整
  31099. slag conveyer ==> 运渣机
  31100. slag cork ==> 矿渣板
  31101. slag coverage ==> 渣保护
  31102. slag crust ==> 渣皮
  31103. slag dam ==> 渣坝
  31104. slag deposits ==> 渣沉积
  31105. slag desledger separator ==> 除渣器
  31106. slag detachability ==> 脱渣能力
  31107. slag dump ==> 渣坑
  31108. slag entrapment ==> 夹渣
  31109. slag extractor ==> 排渣机
  31110. slag eye ==> 渣孔
  31111. slag fluidity ==> 熔渣流动性,炉渣流动性
  31112. slag formation ==> 造渣,渣化
  31113. slag former ==> 造渣剂
  31114. slag fuming process ==> 渣烟化法
  31115. slag granulating unit ==> 炉渣水碎装置
  31116. slag granulation ==> 熔渣成粒
  31117. slag hammer ==> 除渣锤
  31118. slag handling process ==> 熔渣处理法
  31119. slag handling system ==> 熔渣处理体系
  31120. slag heap ==> 熔渣堆
  31121. slag heap conveyer ==> 渣堆输送机
  31122. slag hearth ==> 渣炉
  31123. slag hole ==> 熔渣孔,出渣口
  31124. slag inclusion ==> 夹杂物,熔渣包体,渣孔,含渣,焊缝夹碴,夹渣,包渣
  31125. slag inclusions in welds ==> 焊接中的夹渣
  31126. slag ladle ==> 渣包,渣桶,储渣罐=>溶滓鍋
  31127. slag ladle and carriage ==> 渣罐车
  31128. slag ladle car ==> 渣桶车
  31129. slag line ==> 夹渣线,渣线
  31130. slag lump ==> 渣块
  31131. slag milling and granulation ==> 炉渣粉碎
  31132. slag muck ==> 渣堆,废渣
  31133. slag nodule ==> 渣瘤
  31134. slag notch ==> 出渣槽
  31135. slag notch aperture ==> 渣口
  31136. slag notch cooler ==> 渣口冷却套
  31137. slag notch stopper ==> 渣口堵塞器
  31138. slag occlusion ==> 夹渣
  31139. slag overflow ==> 熔渣溢出
  31140. slag pan ==> 渣盘
  31141. slag pancake ==> 渣饼
  31142. slag particle ==> 渣粒
  31143. slag patch ==> 渣块,夹渣
  31144. slag penetration ==> 炉渣侵蚀
  31145. slag pin hole ==> 渣口,砂眼,砂眼针孔
  31146. slag pinhole ==> 针状渣孔
  31147. slag plaster ==> 炉渣灰浆
  31148. slag plate ==> 渣板
  31149. slag pocket ==> 渣坑,沉渣室
  31150. slag portland cement ==> 炉渣水泥
  31151. slag pot ==> 渣罐,渣桶
  31152. slag print ==> 渣灰印迹法,渣印法
  31153. slag ratio ==> 渣比
  31154. slag receiver ==> 渣罐,熔渣罐,集渣前炉
  31155. slag removal ==> 夹渣的清除,除渣
  31156. slag removal equipment ==> 除渣设备,收集由炉膛中或炉排上所落下的灰渣并将其排出的设备。
  31157. slag remove ==> 清渣
  31158. slag rod ==> 挡渣棒
  31159. slag runner ==> 出渣槽,渣槽,渣沟
  31160. slag sand ==> 熔渣砂,粒状渣
  31161. slag screen ==> 捕渣管筛,防渣管,又称"凝渣管",曾称"费斯顿管"。布置在炉膛出口密排受热面之前,具有较大节距的对流蒸发受热面。
  31162. slag separation ==> 熔渣分离
  31163. slag separator ==> 熔渣分离器,撇渣器
  31164. slag shielding ==> 渣保护
  31165. slag skimmer ==> 撇渣棒,撇渣器
  31166. slag slurry bath ==> 渣水浴
  31167. slag specimen ==> 渣样
  31168. slag spot ==> 夹渣
  31169. slag spout ==> 出渣槽,流渣槽
  31170. slag streak ==> 渣痕
  31171. slag stringer ==> 长条夹渣
  31172. slag system ==> 渣系
  31173. slag tap ==> 出渣,出渣口,液态排渣
  31174. slag tapping ==> 出渣
  31175. slag tapping boiler ==> 液态排渣式锅炉
  31176. slag tapping critical load in wet bottom furnace ==> 液态排渣临界负荷,确定锅炉(热)效率的试验,包括正平衡法和反平衡法。
  31177. slag test ==> 造渣试验
  31178. slag trap ==> 挡渣板,集渣包
  31179. slag trough ==> 渣槽,流渣槽
  31180. slag truck ladle ==> 运渣桶
  31181. slag tuyere ==> 渣风口
  31182. slag wagon ==> 渣车
  31183. slag water ratio ==> 渣水比
  31184. slag welding ==> 电渣焊
  31185. slag wool ==> 渣棉,渣绒,矿渣棉
  31186. slag(-)off ==> 造渣
  31187. slag-bed ==> 渣床
  31188. slag-bonding ==> 结渣
  31189. slag-conveying machine ==> 运渣机
  31190. slag-conveying machinery ==> 运渣装置
  31191. slag-covered electrode ==> 熔渣保护型焊条
  31192. slag-formation period ==> 造渣期
  31193. slag-forming ==> 造渣
  31194. slag-forming constituents ==> 造渣剂
  31195. slag-free ==> 不含熔渣的
  31196. slag-grinding plant ==> 磨渣设备
  31197. slag-making ==> 造渣
  31198. slag-off ==> 结渣,除渣,撇渣,排渣,扒渣
  31199. slag-tap furnace ==> 液态出渣炉
  31200. slag-tap gas producer ==> 出渣气体发生炉
  31201. slag-water slurry ==> 渣水混合物
  31202. slagceram ==> 矿渣陶瓷
  31203. slaggability ==> 造渣能力
  31204. slagging ==> 造渣,渣化,结渣,液态排渣炉膛(包括旋风炉)运行中,在炉底上形成积铁或积铁熔化后经渣口流出的现象。
  31205. slagging (combustion) chamber ==> 排渣式燃烧室
  31206. slagging agent ==> 造渣剂
  31207. slagging characteristic of coal ash ==> 煤灰的结渣特性,煤粉燃烧过程中,残留的灰粒在炉膛高温气氛条件下,可能沾附于受热面及炉壁形成结渣的程度,常简称"煤的结渣特性"。
  31208. slagging constituent ==> 造渣剂
  31209. slagging gas producer ==> 放液渣的气体发生炉
  31210. slagging hearth ==> 渣底
  31211. slagging level ==> 渣面
  31212. slagging medium ==> 助熔剂
  31213. slagging of refractory ==> 耐火材料熔渣
  31214. slagging process ==> 造渣过程
  31215. slagging test ==> 造渣试验
  31216. slagheap ==> 渣堆
  31217. slaked lime ==> 熟石灰,消石灰,水化石灰
  31218. slaked lime feeding tank ==> 消石灰加料仓
  31219. slaking ==> 消化,消散,潮解
  31220. slaking apparatus ==> 消和器
  31221. slaking slag ==> 水碎渣
  31222. slaking tank ==> 消和槽
  31223. slaking test ==> (土的)崩解试验
  31224. slam ==> 单层金属化
  31225. slant ==> 斜向,倾斜,倾斜度,倾斜煤巷=>傾斜
  31226. slant agar ==> 琼脂斜面培养
  31227. slant angle type welding ==> 低角度式焊接
  31228. slant bed lathe ==> 斜床身车床
  31229. slant bore ==> 斜孔
  31230. slant chute ==> 斜溜井
  31231. slant course line ==> 傾斜コース線
  31232. slant culture ==> 斜面培养,斜面培养法
  31233. slant depth ==> 斜线深度
  31234. slant distance ==> 斜距,直线距离=>傾斜距離(レーダ)
  31235. slant drilling ==> 斜向凿岩
  31236. slant edge ==> 斜棱
  31237. slant face ==> 斜面=>傾斜,斜面
  31238. slant height ==> 斜高
  31239. slant hole ==> 斜孔
  31240. slant mill ==> 斜轧式轧机
  31241. slant plane ==> 倾斜面
  31242. slant pocket angle pocket ==> 斜袋
  31243. slant prism ==> 斜棱柱
  31244. slant product ==> 斜积
  31245. slant pyramid ==> 斜棱锥体
  31246. slant rail ==> 斜导轨
  31247. slant range ==> 倾斜距离
  31248. slant range visibility ==> 斜线距离能见度
  31249. slant vein ==> 斜交矿脉
  31250. slant visibility ==> 斜能见度,倾斜可见距离
  31251. slant-bottom bin ==> 斜底仓
  31252. slant-bottom scoop ==> 斜底的
  31253. slant-ended fiber ==> 端面倾斜光纤
  31254. slant-eye ==> 斜视的人
  31255. slant-range converter ==> 斜距变换器
  31256. slant-range voice communication ==> 斜距音频通信系统
  31257. slant-range-altitude switch ==> 斜距高度转换开关
  31258. slant-wall duct ==> 斜壁通道
  31259. slanted bar ==> 斜条
  31260. slanted bar reticle ==> 斜条形调制盘
  31261. slanted opaque bar reticle ==> 不透明斜条形调制盘
  31262. slanted prop ==> 斜撑
  31263. slanted screen ==> 斜筛
  31264. slanted side ==> 倾斜侧壁
  31265. slanted strut ==> 斜撑
  31266. slanted-bar blade ==> 斜条状叶片
  31267. slanting ==> 斜的,斜线=>傾斜した
  31268. slanting asymtote ==> 斜渐近线
  31269. slanting attack ==> 斜侧方攻击
  31270. slanting butt seam welding ==> 斜对接缝焊
  31271. slanting carburetor ==> 斜吸式化油器
  31272. slanting cut ==> 斜割法,斜切
  31273. slanting edge ==> 斜棱角
  31274. slanting face ==> 斜工作面
  31275. slanting leg manometer ==> 斜管式压力计
  31276. slanting readjustment ==> 倾斜性调整
  31277. slanting set valve ==> 斜置阀
  31278. slanting-leg manometer ==> 斜管微压计
  31279. slap additional taxes ==> 任意加税
  31280. slap ring ==> 松动活塞环
  31281. slapping percussion ==> 拍叩
  31282. slapping press ==> 管端扩口压力机
  31283. SLAR, side-looking airborne radar ==> サイドルッキング機上レーダー(側方監視機上レーダー)
  31284. SLASER, space laser ==> スペースレーザ
  31285. slash ==> 切伤,切碎,沼泽低地,螺纹旋压,猛砍,采伐剩余物,砍痕=>スラッシュ,斜線
  31286. slash capital investments ==> 設備(資本)投資を大幅に削減する
  31287. slash chopper ==> 枝梢切碎机
  31288. slash disposal ==> 伐区清理
  31289. slash grain ==> 纵向木纹
  31290. slash saw ==> 开槽锯
  31291. slash-cut ==> 伤痕材
  31292. slasher cylinder machine ==> 烘筒式浆纱机
  31293. slat ==> 前缘缝翼
  31294. slat bottom ==> 条壁犁体
  31295. slat conveyer ==> 板带式运输机,板式运输机,翻板式输送机,翻板输送机
  31296. slat conveyor ==> 板条式输送机
  31297. slat drive ==> 前缘缝翼传动
  31298. slat gum ==> 条橡胶
  31299. slat of Venetian blind ==> 软百叶片
  31300. slat packed column ==> 板条填充塔
  31301. slat packing ==> 条片填充
  31302. slat saw ==> 条板锯,板条锯
  31303. slat spring ==> 横弹簧
  31304. slat type conveyer ==> 平板输送机,平板运输机
  31305. slate ==> 石板=>スレート
  31306. slate blue ==> 石板蓝
  31307. slate boarding ==> 屋顶石板瓦衬板
  31308. slate cement ==> 板岩水泥
  31309. slate coal ==> 板岩煤
  31310. slate cramp ==> 石板扒钉
  31311. slate flooring ==> 石板楼地面
  31312. slate green ==> 石板绿
  31313. slate grey ==> 石板灰淡棕灰色
  31314. slate nail ==> 石板瓦钉
  31315. slate powder ==> 板岩粉
  31316. slate ridge ==> 圆石脊
  31317. slate roll ==> 圆石脊
  31318. slate roofing ==> 石板瓦屋面
  31319. slate scudding machine ==> 石刀推挤机
  31320. slate slab flooring ==> 石板楼地面
  31321. slate switch panel ==> 石板面配电盘
  31322. slate type conveyer ==> 板行式运输机
  31323. slate work ==> 石板瓦工程
  31324. slated roof ==> 石板屋顶
  31325. Slater's rule ==> 斯莱特定则
  31326. Slater-determinant wave function ==> 斯莱特行列式波函数
  31327. slating nail ==> 石板瓦钉
  31328. slatted apron slat conveyer ==> 板条式输送器
  31329. slatted belt and flicker type distributor ==> 板条带抛撒轮式撒肥机
  31330. slatted belt distributor ==> 板条带式撒肥机
  31331. slatted drum ==> 杆条式滚筒
  31332. slatted floor ==> 漏缝地板
  31333. slatted roller ==> 板条焊制辊
  31334. slatted-chain elevator ==> 链板式升运器
  31335. slaty clay ==> 板岩质粘土,板岩状粘土
  31336. slaty structure ==> 板状结构
  31337. slaughter ==> 亏本出售证券,宰,宰杀,屠宰
  31338. slaughter animals ==> 屠宰牲畜
  31339. slaughter calf ==> 屠用犊牛
  31340. slaughter lamb ==> 供屠宰羔羊
  31341. slaughter policy ==> (病畜)屠杀政策
  31342. slaughter sheep ==> 供宰羊
  31343. slaughter stock ==> 供屠宰家畜
  31344. slaughter tax ==> 屠宰税
  31345. slaughter weight ==> 屠宰体重
  31346. slaughter-house ==> 屠宰场
  31347. slaughterhouse ==> 屠宰场
  31348. slaughterhouse water ==> 屠宰场废水
  31349. slaughtering rate ==> 出栏率
  31350. slaughterings ==> 屠宰数
  31351. slave ==> 从属
  31352. slave anntena ==> 従属アンテナ
  31353. slave application ==> 从属应用,备用机
  31354. slave bistable ==> 他激双稳态
  31355. slave clock ==> 子钟
  31356. slave clock generator ==> 从动的时钟发生器,从动时钟发生器
  31357. slave computer ==> 从动计算机,从计算机,从属计算机
  31358. slave cylinder ==> 从动缸,从动油缸
  31359. slave drive ==> 从动
  31360. slave flip-flop ==> 从动双稳态触发器,自激多谐振荡器
  31361. slave flipflop ==> 从触发器
  31362. slave gene ==> 从属基因
  31363. slave kit ==> 全套辅助工具
  31364. slave laser detector ==> 随动激光探测器
  31365. slave lock ==> 台从锁相
  31366. slave manipulator ==> 仿效机械手
  31367. slave mode ==> 从动式,从方式,从属方式,从属式
  31368. slave motor ==> 随动电动机
  31369. slave operation ==> 从动运行=>スレーブ動作
  31370. slave oscillator ==> 他激振荡器
  31371. slave panel ==> 従属盤
  31372. slave processor ==> 従属プロセッサ
  31373. slave ram ==> 工作油缸
  31374. slave receiver ==> 分接收机
  31375. slave relay ==> 从动继电器,随动继电器
  31376. slave state ==> 从属态,从态
  31377. slave state of the control processor ==> 控制处理机的从态
  31378. slave station ==> 被控台,从属电台,从属台,从属站,从站=>従局,子装置
  31379. slave storage ==> 从属存储器,辅助存储器
  31380. slave substation ==> 遠隔監視制御変電所
  31381. slave sweep ==> 从动扫描,触发扫描,触发式扫描,等待式扫描
  31382. slave synchronization ==> 従属同期
  31383. slave system ==> 从系统
  31384. slave terminal ==> 从属终端
  31385. slave transmitter ==> 从动发射机,中断发射机
  31386. slave unit ==> 从动部件,从动环节,从属单元,从属装置,伺服装置
  31387. slave valve ==> 随动阀
  31388. slaved control ==> 从动控制
  31389. slaved gyro magnetic compass ==> 从属陀螺磁罗盘
  31390. slaved operation ==> 从动作用
  31391. slaved terminal ==> 从属终端
  31392. slaving system ==> 从属系统
  31393. slaving voltage ==> 从动电压,驱动电压
  31394. slay ==> 殺す,殺害する,破壊する、
  31395. slay the other person ==> 相手を威圧する
  31396. SLBM, Sumbarine-Launched Ballistic Missile ==> 潜水艦発射弾道ミサイル
  31397. SLC, Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate ==> 货船安全建造证明
  31398. SLC, surge limiting circuit ==> サージスライサ
  31399. SLE, Safety Equipment Certificate ==> 安全装置证明
  31400. sled ==> 换辊小滑车,雪橇
  31401. sled connector ==> 滑车连接器
  31402. sled cultivator ==> 拖板式耕耘机
  31403. sled plane ==> 雪上飞机
  31404. sled pusher ==> 滑橇发动机
  31405. sled stripper ==> 滑橇式摘棉铃机
  31406. SLED, sliding experimental device ==> スライド式実験装置
  31407. sledded cotton ==> 机摘棉
  31408. sledge ==> 滑架,滑台车
  31409. sledge car ==> 雪橇汽车
  31410. sledge cross peen hammer ==> 横口大锤
  31411. sledge hammer ==> 大锤,大榔头
  31412. sledge microtome ==> 铲式超薄切片机
  31413. sledge mill ==> 槌磨,锤磨
  31414. sledge runners ==> 滑板
  31415. sledge type lifter ==> 滑橇式甜菜挖掘机
  31416. sledge type roll changer ==> 滑座式换辊车
  31417. sledger ==> 锤劈石机
  31418. sledging ==> 二次破碎
  31419. sledging rolls ==> 单辊破碎机
  31420. sleeker ==> 磨光器,异型墁刀
  31421. sleeking glass ==> 成型玻璃刮刀
  31422. sleeking hammer ==> 抛光锤
  31423. sleeking tub ==> 磨光盆
  31424. sleep ==> 睡,睡眠=>睡眠,活動休止
  31425. sleep apnea ==> 睡眠時無呼吸
  31426. sleep mode ==> 静止方式,静止方式
  31427. sleep paralysis ==> 睡眠性麻痹
  31428. sleep peacefully ==> 安眠
  31429. sleep therapy ==> 睡眠疗法,麻醉疗法
  31430. sleep-disorder ==> 睡眠障碍
  31431. sleep-drunkenness ==> 恍惚状态
  31432. sleep-talking ==> 梦呓
  31433. sleep-walker ==> 梦行者
  31434. sleep-walking ==> 梦游
  31435. sleeper ==> 枕木,轨枕,防守型经理,枕木,可能畅销品=>まくら木
  31436. sleeper bar ==> 钢枕,轨枕钢
  31437. sleeper beam ==> 枕梁,垫梁
  31438. sleeper cab ==> 有卧铺的驾驶室
  31439. sleeper conveyor truck ==> 轨枕输送机
  31440. sleeper drilling machine ==> 轨枕钻机
  31441. sleeper fastening ==> 轨枕扣件
  31442. sleeper joint plate ==> 底梁接合板,枕木接合板
  31443. sleeper pass ==> 钢枕孔型
  31444. sleeper plate ==> 金属轨枕
  31445. sleeper steel mould ==> 轨枕钢模
  31446. sleeper wall ==> 地龙墙
  31447. sleeper-layer ==> 轨枕铺设机
  31448. sleeperwall ==> 地龙墙
  31449. sleeping car ==> 卧车
  31450. sleeping partner ==> 外股,匿名股东
  31451. sleeping pill ==> 安眠药
  31452. sleeping room ==> 卧室
  31453. sleeping sickness ==> 睡眠病
  31454. sleeping sickness maladie dusommeil ==> 昏睡病
  31455. sleepy ==> 困倦
  31456. sleet ==> 冰凌
  31457. sleet jump ==> 冰凌的混线现象=>スリートジャンプ,氷雪の脱落によって電線が上方に跳躍するものである.
  31458. sleet load ==> 复冰负荷
  31459. sleeve ==> 套,套管轴,套筒,套筒轴,体壳,插塞套,座套=>スリーブ,軸ざや
  31460. sleeve actuator ==> 滑阀联杆
  31461. sleeve amputation ==> 袖口式切断术
  31462. sleeve antenna ==> 同轴管天线,同轴偶极天线,套筒天线=>スリーブアンテナ
  31463. sleeve armature ==> 套筒式电枢
  31464. sleeve atomizer ==> 套式喷雾器
  31465. sleeve bearing ==> 套筒轴承=>スリーブ軸受け
  31466. sleeve blocking nut ==> 套筒闭塞螺母
  31467. sleeve board ==> 压袖板
  31468. sleeve brick ==> 套筒砖,袖砖
  31469. sleeve burner ==> 套筒炉
  31470. sleeve cap ==> 套管帽
  31471. sleeve clutch ==> 套筒离合器,刚性离合器
  31472. sleeve control switchboard ==> 套筒控制交换机
  31473. sleeve coupler ==> 套筒连接器
  31474. sleeve coupling ==> 套筒联轴节
  31475. sleeve dimensions ==> 套筒尺寸
  31476. sleeve dipole ==> 套管偶极子
  31477. sleeve dipole element ==> 同轴管内置偶极振子
  31478. sleeve flange ==> 套筒法兰
  31479. sleeve for taper shank drill ==> 锥孔钻套
  31480. sleeve force due to centrifugal action ==> 套筒压力
  31481. sleeve gasket ==> 套垫
  31482. sleeve gear ==> 套筒齿轮
  31483. sleeve governor ==> 套筒式调速器
  31484. sleeve grouting ==> 套管灌浆
  31485. sleeve guide ==> 导向套管
  31486. sleeve half-bearing ==> 半套筒轴承
  31487. sleeve joint ==> 套管接合,套管连接,套筒接头=>スリーブ接続,スリーブ継手
  31488. sleeve loading ==> スリーブ装荷
  31489. sleeve mounted propeller ==> 套筒式螺旋桨
  31490. sleeve net ==> 套筒网
  31491. sleeve nut ==> 套筒螺母,螺旋帽,连接螺母,轴套螺母
  31492. sleeve of jack ==> 塞孔套
  31493. sleeve of puppet head ==> 随转尾座套筒
  31494. sleeve of tail stock ==> 顶针座套筒
  31495. sleeve packing ==> 套筒密封垫
  31496. sleeve pin ==> 套筒销
  31497. sleeve protection method of pipe wall ==> 套管护壁法,将钢管(套管)下入土中,边拔出管,边灌注混凝土
  31498. sleeve puller ==> 套筒拉出器,拔套器
  31499. sleeve pump ==> 套筒活塞泵
  31500. sleeve relay ==> 套线继电器
  31501. sleeve resection ==> 袖口式切除术
  31502. sleeve resection of bronchus ==> 支气管袖状切除术
  31503. sleeve rotor ==> 空心转子
  31504. sleeve shaft ==> 筒形轴
  31505. sleeve spindle ==> 套轴
  31506. sleeve splice ==> スリーブ接続,スリーブ継手
  31507. sleeve spring ==> 套弹簧
  31508. sleeve stub ==> 套管短截线,同轴振子
  31509. sleeve surface milling cutter with coarse teeth ==> 粗齿套式面铣刀
  31510. sleeve turnbuckle ==> 套筒松紧螺旋扣
  31511. sleeve type bearing ==> 套筒式轴承
  31512. sleeve type compensator ==> 套管式调整器
  31513. sleeve type journal bearing ==> 套筒式普通轴承,套筒式轴承
  31514. sleeve valve ==> 套筒式滑阀,套筒式气门
  31515. sleeve valve engine ==> 滑阀式发动机
  31516. sleeve valve type hydraulic self-sealing coupling ==> 套管滑阀式液压自封接头
  31517. sleeve weld ==> 套筒焊接
  31518. sleeve wire ==> 塞套引线
  31519. sleeve wrapper ==> 套封包装机
  31520. sleeve yoke ==> 套筒轭
  31521. sleeve-port ==> 套阀孔,套筒口
  31522. sleeve-type chain ==> 套筒链
  31523. sleeve-type clutch ==> 套筒式离合器
  31524. sleeve-type coupling ==> 套筒式接头
  31525. sleeve-type engine ==> 套筒式发动机
  31526. sleeve-type journal bearing ==> 套筒式颈轴承
  31527. sleeved back-up roll ==> 组合式轧辊
  31528. sleeved roll ==> 双层轧辊
  31529. sleeved roller traction chain ==> 套筒滚子牵引链
  31530. sleeved roller transmission chain ==> 套筒滚子传动链
  31531. sleeved type punch ==> 套筒式凸模,导套式凸模
  31532. sleeving ==> 套管
  31533. sleeving valve ==> 套阀
  31534. sleigh ==> 滑板
  31535. sleleton-type body ==> 骨架式车身
  31536. slender ==> 细,细长的=>薄弱な,不十分な
  31537. slender beam ==> 细长梁
  31538. slender bluestem ==> 细茎须芒草
  31539. slender cone ==> 细长锥体
  31540. slender configuration ==> 细长体
  31541. slender contour ==> 流线形外形
  31542. slender fasciculus ==> 薄束
  31543. slender form ==> 细长型
  31544. slender four-o' clock ==> 细裂紫茉莉
  31545. slender froelichia ==> 细美洲满天星
  31546. slender gingerlily ==> 细姜花
  31547. slender ground-nut ==> 细茎大豆
  31548. slender lobule ==> 薄叶
  31549. slender missile ==> 细长体导弹
  31550. slender nasturtium ==> 细旱金莲
  31551. slender needle holders ==> 狭长形持针钳
  31552. slender particles ==> 细长粒子
  31553. slender penstemon ==> 细钓钟柳
  31554. slender piece ==> 细长工件
  31555. slender proportion ==> 细长比,长细比例
  31556. slender purpleosier willow ==> 细紫柳
  31557. slender rice bug ==> 大针缘蝽,针缘蝽
  31558. slender rocket ==> 细长体火箭
  31559. slender scurfpea ==> 细弱补骨脂
  31560. slender spiderherb ==> 细白花菜
  31561. slender stream ==> 细长液柱
  31562. slender tubercle ==> 薄束结节
  31563. slender type ==> 细长型
  31564. slender wedge ==> 细长楔
  31565. slender wheatgrass ==> 细茎冰草
  31566. slenderness ==> 细长度
  31567. slenderness ratio ==> 细长比,长度直径比,长径比,长细比=>細長比
  31568. slevis handle ==> 插杆手柄
  31569. slew ==> 一定速度
  31570. slew mode ==> 回转型式
  31571. slew post ==> 转臂支柱
  31572. slew rate ==> 转换速度,转换速率=>スルーレート
  31573. slew relay ==> 停止继电器
  31574. slew test ==> 转向测试
  31575. slew time ==> 旋转时间
  31576. slewability ==> 旋转机动性,回转机动性
  31577. slewer ==> 回转式起重机
  31578. slewing ==> 旋臂,驱冰航行=>スルーイング
  31579. slewing arc ==> 转向扇形齿板
  31580. slewing area ==> 转动范围,转动面积
  31581. slewing bearing ==> 旋转枢轴轴承
  31582. slewing crane ==> 旋臂起重机,转吊机,转动起重机,回臂起重机,回转式起重机=>回転クレーン,旋回式クレーン
  31583. slewing distortion ==> 转换失真
  31584. slewing drilling machine ==> 回转钻机
  31585. slewing gear ==> 转动装置=>回転装置,旋回装置
  31586. slewing gear brake ==> (起重机的)回转机构制动器
  31587. slewing gear intermediate shaft ==> 逆转横轴
  31588. slewing gear ring ==> 转车台
  31589. slewing handwheel ==> 回转手轮
  31590. slewing journal ==> 转向节
  31591. slewing mechanism ==> 旋转机构=>回転装置,旋回機構
  31592. slewing motor ==> 回转电动机=>旋回電動機
  31593. slewing pillar crane ==> 转柱式起重机
  31594. slewing radius ==> 旋回半径
  31595. slewing range ==> 变速范围
  31596. slewing rim ==> 旋转底盘
  31597. slewing table ==> 回转台
  31598. slewing winch ==> 旋转绞车
  31599. SLF condenser ==> 直线变频式电容器
  31600. SLF current interruption ==> SLF電流遮断
  31601. SLF interruption characteristic ==> SLF遮断特性
  31602. SLF Subcommittee on Stability Loadlines and Fishing Vessel Safety(IMO) ==> 装载线稳定性及渔船安全小组委员会
  31603. SLF, short line fault ==> 近距離線路故障
  31604. SLF, shuttle landing facility ==> シャトル着陸施設
  31605. SLF, Sub-Committee on Stability and Load Lines and on Fishing Vessel ==> Safety
  31606. SLF, super low frequency ==> SLF
  31607. SLF, System Load Forecasting ==> SLF
  31608. SLG, single-line-to-ground ==> 単相地絡故障
  31609. SLI, storage limitation item ==> 貯蔵寿命限定品目
  31610. slice ==> 片=>スライス
  31611. slice architecture ==> 位片结构
  31612. slice bar ==> 薄片铲
  31613. slice circuit ==> 脉冲限制电路
  31614. slice drift ==> 分段平巷
  31615. slice height ==> 分层厚度
  31616. slice lapping ==> 片研磨
  31617. slice latch network ==> 片式闩锁屏蔽网络
  31618. slice level ==> 限制电平
  31619. slice lip ==> 堰唇
  31620. slice mark ==> 堰板痕
  31621. slice mask network ==> 片式闩锁屏蔽网络
  31622. slice memory ==> 单片式存储器
  31623. slice method ==> 薄片法=>スライス法,分割法
  31624. slice microprocessor ==> 位片微处理机
  31625. slice of bread ==> ひと切れのパン
  31626. slice of furrow ==> 垡片
  31627. slice of reed root ==> 芦根片
  31628. slice opening ==> 堰板缝隙
  31629. slice pipeline system ==> 片式流水线系统
  31630. slice plate ==> 连接板
  31631. slice processing sequence ==> 晶片工艺步骤
  31632. slice resistivity ==> 晶片电阻率
  31633. slice thickness ==> スライス厚
  31634. slice time-sharing ==> 时间片分时,时间片分时
  31635. slice to slice reproducibility ==> 薄片间重现性
  31636. slice velocity ==> 堰板浆速
  31637. sliced ==> 刨切的=>薄く切った
  31638. sliced crystal ==> 切割晶体
  31639. sliced mushroom ==> 蘑菇片
  31640. sliced time ==> 分割时间
  31641. sliced vencer ==> 切片
  31642. sliced veneer ==> 切成层板,平切单板,刨切单板
  31643. slicer ==> 切片机=>スライサ
  31644. slicer blade ==> 切片机刀片
  31645. slicer knife ==> 切片刀
  31646. slicing ==> 切片
  31647. slicing and caving ==> 分层崩落法
  31648. slicing cutting ==> 切割
  31649. slicing knife ==> 切片刀
  31650. slicing lathe ==> 切锭车床,截切车床
  31651. slicing machine ==> 切分机,钢锭切分机
  31652. slicing method ==> 分层开采法
  31653. slick bit ==> 修光钻头
  31654. slick joint ==> 滑动接头
  31655. slick mill ==> 斯力克锻轧机
  31656. slick paper proof ==> 清样
  31657. slick process ==> 摇摆滚锻工艺
  31658. slick style ==> 光亮式
  31659. slicken side ==> 滑面
  31660. slickensided hair cracks ==> 擦痕面发状裂缝
  31661. Slicker solder ==> 铅锡软焊料
  31662. slicking glass ==> 磨光玻璃
  31663. slid marking ==> 滑迹
  31664. slid platform ==> 滑台
  31665. slide ==> 滑板,滑,滑错,滑动,滑块,滑座,溜,钻杆导槽,栽玻片,载玻片,载物片,片,拉筒,移位,玻片,崩塌,(显微镜的)玻璃片=>摺動(しょうどう)
  31666. slide (damper) ==> 闸板
  31667. slide (sliding) valve ==> 滑阀
  31668. slide actuating cylinder ==> 闸板操纵缸
  31669. slide adjusting valve ==> 滑动调头阀
  31670. slide adjustment ==> 滑块调节装置
  31671. slide agglutination ==> 玻片凝集法
  31672. slide agglutination test ==> 玻片凝集试验
  31673. slide angle ==> 滑动角
  31674. slide area ==> 滑动面积
  31675. slide arm ==> 滑板臂,滑臂
  31676. slide assemblies ==> 滑板组合件
  31677. slide bar ==> 滑杆,滑条,长把火铲
  31678. slide bar bracket ==> 滑杆托
  31679. slide bearing ==> 滑动轴承
  31680. slide binder ==> 幻灯片夹
  31681. slide block ==> 滑块
  31682. slide block pressure ==> 滑块压力
  31683. slide block radial drilling machine ==> 滑座式摇臂钻床
  31684. slide block slipper ==> 滑块
  31685. slide block universal radial drilling machine ==> 滑座式万向摇臂钻床
  31686. slide board ==> 滑板
  31687. slide bolt ==> 滑动螺栓
  31688. slide borer carriage ==> 滑动镗架
  31689. slide box ==> 滑阀箱,分气阀箱,载物玻片盒,贮片匣,幻灯片合,玻片盒
  31690. slide bracket ==> (钢水包升降机构的)滑块
  31691. slide bridge ==> 滑线电桥
  31692. slide bushing ==> 滑套
  31693. slide cabinet ==> 载物玻片橱
  31694. slide cal(l)iper rule ==> 滑动卡规
  31695. slide caliper ==> 游标卡尺
  31696. slide calipers ==> 滑动卡规,游标卡尺
  31697. slide carriage ==> 滑座,溜板
  31698. slide cleaner ==> 载物片清洗器
  31699. slide coefficient ==> 滑动系数
  31700. slide coil ==> 滑动接点线圈
  31701. slide cone mandrel ==> 滑锥心轴
  31702. slide contact ==> 滑动接触=>すり接点
  31703. slide control ==> 滑动调节,均匀调整,均匀调整,平滑调节,平滑控制
  31704. slide controller ==> 滑动式控制器
  31705. slide conveyer ==> 滑轨输送机
  31706. slide conveyor ==> 滑槽传送器,滑槽运输机
  31707. slide coupler ==> 滑动耦合器,可调耦合线圈
  31708. slide culture ==> 玻片培养法,载玻片培养
  31709. slide damper ==> 滑动挡板,滑动闸板
  31710. slide divider ==> 滑动接点分压器
  31711. slide door ==> 滑动门
  31712. slide down ==> 滑落現象
  31713. slide drill ==> 滑撬式钻机
  31714. slide eliminated gear ==> 无滑齿轮
  31715. slide face ==> 滑阀面,滑面
  31716. slide fastener ==> 拉链
  31717. slide fault ==> 滑动断层
  31718. slide feed ==> 槽轮式排种器
  31719. slide feed screw ==> 滑板进给螺杆
  31720. slide file box ==> 幻灯片盒
  31721. slide fit ==> 滑动配合
  31722. slide for filler valve ==> 充油滑阀
  31723. slide form ==> 滑动模板,借助机械牵引,随着混凝土浇筑逐步滑动的模板,一次立模即可连续浇筑,滑动方向可垂直、倾斜或水平
  31724. slide friction ==> 滑动摩擦
  31725. slide gate ==> 滑门,滑动闸门,闸门边柱上装置滑道作为支承行走部件的平面闸门
  31726. slide gear ==> 滑动齿轮
  31727. slide gib ==> 导轨镶条
  31728. slide glass ==> 载片
  31729. slide guide ==> 滑动导轨
  31730. slide guide bracket ==> 滑导承托架
  31731. slide hook ==> 滑钩
  31732. slide in chasis ==> 抽屉式部件
  31733. slide lathe ==> 滑架车床
  31734. slide mass ==> 滑动体,滑移体
  31735. slide matching ==> 顺序拼木法
  31736. slide member ==> 摺動部材
  31737. slide method ==> 玻片法
  31738. slide micrometer ==> 栽玻片,滑标千分尺
  31739. slide multiplier ==> 滑臂式乘法器,杠杆式乘法器
  31740. slide of papilionaceous flower ==> 蝶形花幻灯片
  31741. slide oil ==> 滑油
  31742. slide operating handle knuckle ==> 滑板操作柄关节
  31743. slide phone ==> 滑盖手机
  31744. slide plate ==> 滑板,滑块
  31745. slide plate chair ==> 滑板座
  31746. slide position ==> 滑块位置
  31747. slide prevention ==> 防止滑移
  31748. slide price ==> 浮动价格
  31749. slide probe tuner ==> 滑动探针式调谐器
  31750. slide projector ==> 幻灯放映机,幻灯机
  31751. slide rack ==> 载物片架
  31752. slide rail ==> 滑道,滑动导轨,滑轨
  31753. slide recess cap ==> 滑块模柄压紧盖
  31754. slide regulator ==> 滑动调节器
  31755. slide resistance ==> 滑动阻力,滑线电阻
  31756. slide resistor ==> 滑臂电阻,滑动电阻器
  31757. slide rest ==> 滑动刀架,滑动台架
  31758. slide rest of compound type ==> 复式滑动刀架
  31759. slide rheostat ==> 滑触变阻器,滑动变阻器,滑线变阻器=>滑り抵抗器
  31760. slide rule ==> 计算尺
  31761. slide saw ==> 滑锯
  31762. slide scale ==> 滑动标尺
  31763. slide scanner ==> 幻灯片扫描器
  31764. slide screw turner ==> 滑动螺钉调谐器
  31765. slide seal coupling ==> 滑接快速接头
  31766. slide shaft ==> 滑动轴
  31767. slide shoe ==> 滑瓦
  31768. slide show ==> 幻灯
  31769. slide show audiometer ==> 幻灯测听计
  31770. slide shutter ==> 滑阀,滑门,高速卷门=>スライドシャッター
  31771. slide speed ==> 滑块速度
  31772. slide staining machine ==> 载物玻片染色机
  31773. slide stop ==> 滑动停止装置,滑块停止装置
  31774. slide stroke ==> 滑块行程
  31775. slide surface ==> 滑面
  31776. slide switch ==> 滑动开关=>スライドスイッチ
  31777. slide tool rest ==> 滑动刀架
  31778. slide top ==> 顶部滑板
  31779. slide track ==> 滑道
  31780. slide transformer ==> 滑动式变压器,调感变压器
  31781. slide tuner ==> 滑动式调谐器
  31782. slide valve ==> 滑阀,闸板阀,分油活门
  31783. slide valve buckle ==> 滑阀套
  31784. slide valve bush ==> 滑阀衬套
  31785. slide valve case ==> 滑阀箱
  31786. slide valve chamber ==> 滑阀箱
  31787. slide valve chest ==> 滑阀箱
  31788. slide valve circle ==> 滑阀圆
  31789. slide valve distribution ==> 滑阀分配
  31790. slide valve ellipse ==> 椭圆阀图
  31791. slide valve engine ==> 滑阀发动机
  31792. slide valve face ==> 滑阀滑面
  31793. slide valve gear ==> 滑阀装置
  31794. slide valve inside lap ==> 滑阀内余面
  31795. slide valve lever ==> 滑阀杆
  31796. slide valve link ==> 滑阀联杆
  31797. slide valve opening ==> 滑阀口
  31798. slide valve outside lap ==> 滑阀外余面
  31799. slide valve pin ==> 滑阀销
  31800. slide valve pump ==> 滑阀泵
  31801. slide valve rand ==> 滑阀台肩
  31802. slide valve reciprocating pump ==> 滑阀往复泵
  31803. slide valve rod ==> 滑阀杆
  31804. slide valve seat ==> 滑阀座
  31805. slide valve slot ==> 滑阀槽
  31806. slide valve spindle ==> 滑阀杆
  31807. slide valve spindle gland ==> 滑阀杆压盖
  31808. slide valve spring ==> 滑阀弹簧
  31809. slide valve strip groove ==> 滑阀压板槽
  31810. slide valve stroke ==> 滑阀冲程
  31811. slide valve surface ==> 滑阀面
  31812. slide valve thimble ==> 滑阀套管
  31813. slide vane compressor ==> 滑片式压缩机
  31814. slide vane-type rotary blower ==> 滑片式旋转鼓风机
  31815. slide viewer ==> 观景器
  31816. slide warmer ==> 载物片加温器
  31817. slide wire ==> 滑触电阻线,滑线
  31818. slide wire bridge ==> 滑线电桥
  31819. slide wire potentiometer ==> 滑线式电位计
  31820. slide wire resistance ==> 滑线电阻
  31821. slide-action die ==> 滑块模
  31822. slide-in chassis ==> 插入式抽屉
  31823. slide-key drive ==> 滑键传动装置
  31824. slide-locking device ==> 滑块闭锁装置
  31825. slide-off transfer ==> 薄膜贴花
  31826. slide-roll ratio ==> 滑动滚动比
  31827. slide-seal selfsealing coupling ==> 滑接自封接头
  31828. slide-trap ==> 玻片捕捉器
  31829. slide-up sash ==> 上にスライド式の窓枠(サッシ)
  31830. slide-valve lead ==> 滑阀超前
  31831. slide-vane type rotary pump ==> 刮板式旋转泵
  31832. slide-wire ==> 滑触线=>滑り線
  31833. slide-wire bridge ==> 滑线电桥
  31834. slide-wire potentiometer ==> 滑线电位器,滑线式电势计
  31835. slide-wire rheostat ==> 滑线变阻器
  31836. slider ==> 滑动片,滑板,滑触头,滑动器,滑座,隔离体,木质滑板=>すり板
  31837. slider coupling ==> 十字滑块联轴器
  31838. slider crank chain ==> 滑块曲柄链系
  31839. slider crank mechanism ==> 滑块曲柄机构=>スライダークランク機構
  31840. slider locking pin ==> 滑座驻栓
  31841. slider resistance ==> 滑线电阻
  31842. slider shunt ==> 滑动分流器
  31843. slideway ==> 导轨面,滑槽,滑轨,滑路
  31844. slideway grinder ==> 导轨磨床
  31845. slideway grinding machine ==> 导轨磨床
  31846. slidewheel ==> 滑轮
  31847. sliding ==> 滑动=>摺動(しょうどう)
  31848. sliding (screw) jack ==> 滑座螺旋起重器
  31849. sliding advancement ==> 滑动进刀
  31850. sliding angle ==> 摩擦角
  31851. sliding armature starter ==> 电枢移动式起动机
  31852. sliding avalanche ==> 滑动崩坍
  31853. sliding axle ==> 滑动轴
  31854. sliding bar ==> 滑杆
  31855. sliding barrier ==> 滑栅门,防滑器
  31856. sliding base ==> 导向轨座
  31857. sliding bearing ==> 滑动轴承=>すべり軸受け
  31858. sliding bearing sleeve ==> 滑动轴承套
  31859. sliding bed lathe ==> 床身可接长的车床
  31860. sliding bevel ==> 活动曲尺
  31861. sliding blade ==> 滑动叶片
  31862. sliding block ==> 滑块
  31863. sliding block linkage ==> 滑块链系,滑块曲柄机构
  31864. sliding body ring ==> 滑动体环
  31865. sliding bottom ==> 滑动底座
  31866. sliding box feeder ==> 箱式定量器,箱形给料器
  31867. sliding box-shaped caisson ==> 滑动式箱形沉箱
  31868. sliding budget ==> 弹性预算,变动预算
  31869. sliding bush ==> 滑套
  31870. sliding caisson ==> 滑动式沉箱,滑动坞门
  31871. sliding calliper gauge ==> 活动钳卡尺
  31872. sliding cam ==> 滑动凸轮
  31873. sliding carriage ==> 刀架滑板
  31874. sliding chute ==> 滑槽
  31875. sliding clamp ==> 滑动压板
  31876. sliding class A power amplifier ==> 滑动甲类功率放大器
  31877. sliding claw clutch ==> 滑动爪形离合器
  31878. sliding closure ==> 滑盖
  31879. sliding clutch ==> 分离滑动离合器,滑动离合器
  31880. sliding collar ==> 滑动轴环
  31881. sliding contact ==> 滑动接触=>すり接点,すり接触
  31882. sliding contact coil ==> 滑动接点线圈
  31883. sliding contact electrode ==> 滑动接触电极
  31884. sliding contact gears ==> 滑动接触齿轮
  31885. sliding contact starter ==> 滑触起动器
  31886. sliding contactor ==> しゅう動子
  31887. sliding coupling ==> 滑叉式万能接头,滑动联轴节
  31888. sliding curve ==> 滑动曲线,滑坡曲线
  31889. sliding cutting ==> 滑切
  31890. sliding damper ==> 滑动调节器,活挡
  31891. sliding deformation ==> 滑移变形
  31892. sliding disc coupling ==> 滑盘联轴器
  31893. sliding disk bushing ==> 滑动盘衬套
  31894. sliding distance of moving clamps ==> 动钳位移
  31895. sliding dog clutch ==> 滑动爪形离合器
  31896. sliding door ==> 滑动门
  31897. sliding door guide ==> 滑门导轨
  31898. sliding door hanger ==> 推拉门吊件
  31899. sliding door rail ==> 推拉门滑轨
  31900. sliding door track ==> 推拉门滑轨
  31901. sliding double bearing ==> 滑动复式轴承
  31902. sliding double change speed wheel ==> 滑动双变速轮
  31903. sliding drill arm ==> 滑动钻座
  31904. sliding electrode ==> 滑动电极
  31905. sliding eliminated gear ==> 无滑动齿轮
  31906. sliding expansion joint ==> 滑动伸缩接头,滑动式伸缩缝
  31907. sliding failure ==> 滑动破坏,滑坍破坏
  31908. sliding fit ==> 滑动配合,滑配合
  31909. sliding floor ==> 滑动地板
  31910. sliding folding partition ==> 推拉折叠隔断
  31911. sliding folding window ==> 推拉折页窗
  31912. sliding fork oil seal ==> 滑动叉油封
  31913. sliding form ==> 滑动模板
  31914. sliding formwork ==> 滑动模板,滑模
  31915. sliding fracture ==> 滑动破裂
  31916. sliding friction ==> 滑动摩擦
  31917. sliding frictional force ==> 滑动摩阻力
  31918. sliding gate ==> 滑动式闸门,(连铸中间包的)滑动水口
  31919. sliding gate feed ==> 滑槽送料
  31920. sliding gate system ==> 滑动闸板机构
  31921. sliding gear ==> 滑动齿轮
  31922. sliding gear drive ==> 滑动齿轮传动
  31923. sliding gear emchanism ==> 滑动齿轮机构
  31924. sliding gear starter ==> 齿轮移动式起动机
  31925. sliding grafting and fusion of ankle joint ==> 踝关节滑动植骨融合术
  31926. sliding growth ==> 滑过生长
  31927. sliding guidance ==> 滑导承
  31928. sliding guide ==> 滑架,导轨,罐道滑槽
  31929. sliding head automatic type lathe ==> 滑动刀架自动车床
  31930. sliding head steel bar clamp ==> 木工夹
  31931. sliding head stock ==> 滑动床头箱
  31932. sliding hernia ==> 滑动性疝
  31933. sliding hiatal hernia ==> 滑动型裂孔疝
  31934. sliding housing ==> 滑动阀壳
  31935. sliding housing needle valve ==> 滑动壳针形阀
  31936. sliding joint ==> 滑动接合
  31937. sliding key ==> 滑键
  31938. sliding key system ==> 滑销系统,为使汽轮机的汽缸定向自由膨胀或收缩,并保持机组各部件正确的相对位置,在汽缸与基座或轴承座之间所设置的一系列滑键
  31939. sliding knee ==> 滑动膝杆
  31940. sliding lathe ==> (纵向车削用车床)滑架车床
  31941. sliding locking bolt ==> 滑锁螺栓
  31942. sliding metal contact ==> 滑动金属触点
  31943. sliding micro manipulator ==> 滑动显微操纵器
  31944. sliding mode control ==> スライディングモード制御
  31945. sliding mode crack ==> 滑移型裂纹
  31946. sliding motion ==> 滑移运动
  31947. sliding movement ==> 滑动
  31948. sliding nut ==> 滑动螺母,滑行螺母
  31949. sliding pair ==> 滑动副,(链系的)滑动对偶
  31950. sliding panel ==> 滑动板
  31951. sliding parallel-plate viscometer ==> 滑动平行板式粘度计
  31952. sliding part ==> 滑动件
  31953. sliding partition ==> 推拉隔断
  31954. sliding peg exchange rate ==> 爬行固定汇率
  31955. sliding pin ==> (差速器内的)滑销
  31956. sliding pinion ==> 滑动小齿轮
  31957. sliding plane ==> 滑动层面,滑移面
  31958. sliding plate ==> 滑板,滑动板
  31959. sliding plate microviscometer ==> 滑板式微量粘度计
  31960. sliding plate ring ==> 垫圈
  31961. sliding plate valve ==> 滑板式阀门
  31962. sliding plate viscometer ==> 滑板式粘度计
  31963. sliding plug ==> 滑动塞
  31964. sliding plunger ==> 滑动活塞,滑动柱活塞
  31965. sliding pressure operation ==> 滑压运行
  31966. sliding pressure operation of deaerator ==> 除氧器滑压运行,除氧器运行压力随机组负荷的变化而变化的运行方式
  31967. sliding pressure shutdown ==> 滑参数停运,在锅炉停运时,当锅炉压力降至0.5MPa~0.8MPa时,把汽水尽快放尽,并利用锅炉余热烘干(也可以放入干燥剂)、密闭隔绝空气的停炉保护方法。
  31968. sliding pressure/temperature start-up ==> 滑参数起动,锅炉起动过程中,过热器出口蒸汽压力每分钟内升高值占额定蒸汽压力的百分
  31969. sliding pulley ==> 滑轮
  31970. sliding pulse ==> 滑动脉冲,滑移脉冲
  31971. sliding rate ==> 滑率
  31972. sliding resistance ==> 抗滑阻力
  31973. sliding rheostat ==> 滑线变阻器
  31974. sliding roof ==> 活动车顶
  31975. sliding roof control ==> 活动车顶操纵件
  31976. sliding rubbing ==> 滑动摩擦
  31977. sliding saddle ==> 滑动座架
  31978. sliding sash ==> 滑框,推拉窗
  31979. sliding sash window ==> 推拉窗
  31980. sliding saw ==> 滑座锯
  31981. sliding scale agreement ==> 比例增减协约
  31982. sliding seal ==> 滑动式密封装置
  31983. sliding seat ==> 滑动座
  31984. sliding shaft ==> 滑动轴,活动轴
  31985. sliding shears for steel band ==> 钢带滑动剪刀
  31986. sliding shoe ==> 滑动式蹄
  31987. sliding shutter ==> 滑阀
  31988. sliding shuttering ==> 滑动模板
  31989. sliding shutters ==> 推拉百叶窗
  31990. sliding side saddle ==> 活动侧鞍座
  31991. sliding sleeve ==> 滑动套筒
  31992. sliding slot four bar linkage ==> 滑槽四杆链系
  31993. sliding slot linkage ==> 滑槽链系
  31994. sliding sluice gate ==> 滑动闸门
  31995. sliding socket joint ==> 滑动套筒接合
  31996. sliding speed ==> 滑动速度
  31997. sliding spool ==> 滑动柱塞,(方向阀的)滑阀芯
  31998. sliding spool flow control valve ==> 滑阀式流量控制阀
  31999. sliding spool valve ==> 滑阀
  32000. sliding spring ==> 滑簧
  32001. sliding spring key ==> 滑动弹簧键
  32002. sliding stand ==> 滑动台
  32003. sliding stay ==> 钢窗支子
  32004. sliding support ==> 滑动支架,滑动支座
  32005. sliding surface ==> 滑动面
  32006. sliding surfaces ==> 摺動面
  32007. sliding table ==> 滑台
  32008. sliding tariff ==> 非固定关税,浮动关税
  32009. sliding test ==> 滑动试验
  32010. sliding throttle valve ==> 滑动节流阀
  32011. sliding timber weir ==> 插板堰
  32012. sliding tongs ==> 带箍的锻工钳,带箍锻工钳
  32013. sliding tool carriage ==> 滑动刀架
  32014. sliding track ==> 滑轨
  32015. sliding traction ==> 滑动牵引
  32016. sliding tubesheet heat exchanger ==> 滑动管板式换热器
  32017. sliding universal joint ==> 滑叉万向联轴器
  32018. sliding vacuum seal ==> 滑动真空密封
  32019. sliding valve ==> 滑动阀
  32020. sliding vane compressor ==> 叶片式压缩机
  32021. sliding vane pump ==> 滑板泵,滑片泵
  32022. sliding vane rotary air compressor ==> 滑片回转式空压机
  32023. sliding velocity ==> 滑动速度
  32024. sliding wedge chuck ==> 滑楔卡盘
  32025. sliding wheel ==> 滑轮,轮子
  32026. sliding wheel shaft ==> 滑轮轴
  32027. sliding window ==> 推拉窗
  32028. sliding-block linkage ==> 滑块连杆机构
  32029. sliding-chain conveyor ==> 滑动链式输送机
  32030. sliding-door catch ==> 推拉门锁
  32031. sliding-door lock ==> 推拉门锁
  32032. sliding-filament model ==> 滑丝模型
  32033. sliding-folding door ==> 推拉折页门
  32034. sliding-frictional resistance ==> 滑动摩擦阻力
  32035. sliding-gear transmission ==> 滑动齿轮传动
  32036. sliding-gear type gearing mechanism ==> 滑动齿轮式传动机构
  32037. sliding-gear type transmission ==> 滑动齿轮式传动
  32038. sliding-mesh gear-box ==> 滑动齿轮变速器
  32039. sliding-mesh gearbox ==> 滑动啮合齿轮箱
  32040. sliding-mesh type transmission ==> 滑动啮合传动
  32041. sliding-mode control ==> スライディングモード制御
  32042. sliding-panel weir ==> 滑板木堰,插板堰
  32043. sliding-scale tariff system ==> スライド料金制
  32044. sliding-sleeve motor ==> 滑阀配气发动机
  32045. sliding-type carrier chain conveyer ==> 滑动链式输送机
  32046. sliding-vane air compressor ==> 滑片式空气压缩机
  32047. sliding-vane compressor ==> 滑板式压缩机,滑动叶片压缩机,滑片式压缩机,叶片式压缩机
  32048. sliding-vane meter ==> 滑片式流量计
  32049. sliding-vane motor ==> 叶片电动机,叶片马达
  32050. sliding-vane rotary blower ==> 滑片式旋转鼓风机
  32051. sliding-vane vacuum pump ==> 滑板式真空泵
  32052. sliding-vane-type rotary pump ==> 滑动叶片式回转泵
  32053. sliding-wedge method ==> 滑动楔体法
  32054. slight abnormality of electroencephalogram ==> 轻度异常脑电图
  32055. slight breeze ==> 轻风
  32056. slight drag ==> 小阻力
  32057. slight effect ==> 轻度影响
  32058. slight fever ==> 轻热
  32059. slight pressure ==> 低压
  32060. slight prominence ==> 小隆起
  32061. slight repair ==> 小修
  32062. slight sea ==> 小浪,二级风浪
  32063. slight shower of rain ==> 小阵雨
  32064. slight thunderstorm ==> 小雷暴,小雪暴
  32065. slightly enriched uranium ==> 低富集铀,燃料中235U的富集度低于20%的铀
  32066. slightly fused granule ==> 微熔颗粒
  32067. slightly mobile potassium ==> 微动性钾
  32068. slightly podzolized soil ==> 轻度灰化土
  32069. slightly soluble ==> 微溶
  32070. slightly viscoelastic fluid ==> 微粘弹性流体
  32071. slightly-embossed carving ==> 隐雕
  32072. slignment wire ==> 照准地线
  32073. slim ==> 低劣=>細い,痩せる,スリム
  32074. slim amaranth ==> 小苋=>スリムアマランス,ヒユ科の一年草
  32075. slim blade suture needle ==> 细长刃口缝合针
  32076. slim butterfly flower ==> 小蛾蝶花
  32077. slim fernleaf ligusticum ==> 细蕨叶当归
  32078. slim file ==> 细锉
  32079. slim hole ==> 小直径钻孔
  32080. slim missile ==> 细长体导弹
  32081. slim nose pliers ==> 薄嘴平口手钳
  32082. slim rocket ==> 细长体火箭
  32083. slim saw file ==> 细锯锉
  32084. slim vetch ==> 小野豌豆
  32085. slim wirilda acacia ==> 小树枝状相思树
  32086. slim-delta aircraft ==> 小展弦比三角翼飞机
  32087. slim-hole drilling ==> 小孔径钻进
  32088. slim-hole system ==> 小直径钻进法
  32089. slime ==> 泥,粘土,矿泥,煤泥=>ヘドロ,粘液,スライム
  32090. slime bacteria ==> 粘细菌,粘液细菌,粘液细菌
  32091. slime bath ==> 河泥浴
  32092. slime body ==> 粘液体,粘液体
  32093. slime coal ==> 煤泥,洗煤粒度为0.5mm以下的一种洗煤产品
  32094. slime control agent ==> 杀粘菌剂
  32095. slime crusher ==> 沉渣碾碎机
  32096. slime dam ==> 泥浆池
  32097. slime disease ==> 粘液病,粘液病
  32098. slime flux ==> 粘液,粘液流,粘液流溢,流溢
  32099. Slime fungi ==> 粘菌类
  32100. slime fungi ==> 粘菌
  32101. slime fungus ==> 粘菌
  32102. slime gland ==> 粘液腺=>粘液腺
  32103. slime index ==> 粘泥指数
  32104. slime layer ==> 粘液层
  32105. slime mo(u)ld ==> 粘菌
  32106. slime mold ==> 粘菌
  32107. slime molds ==> 粘菌
  32108. Slime molds ==> 粘菌类
  32109. slime mould ==> 粘菌
  32110. slime peat ==> 泥煤
  32111. slime plug ==> 粘液塞,粘液塞
  32112. slime product ==> 泥质产品
  32113. slime pulp ==> 泥浆
  32114. slime pump ==> 泥泵,泥浆泵,矿泥泵
  32115. slime separation ==> 泥浆分离
  32116. slime separator ==> 泥渣分离器,矿泥分离器
  32117. slime sludge ==> 泥渣
  32118. slime spore ==> 粘孢子
  32119. slime string ==> 粘液线,粘液线
  32120. slime washer ==> 矿泥洗选机
  32121. slime water ==> 泥浆
  32122. slime-forming bacteria ==> 粘液形成细菌
  32123. slime-fungi ==> 粘液菌
  32124. slimeball ==> 粘球
  32125. slimer ==> 矿泥摆床,细粒摇床
  32126. slimicide ==> 粘絮除泥剂,杀粘菌剂,抗石灰化剂
  32127. sliminess ==> 粘稠度,稀粘程度
  32128. sliming ==> 粘化,泥浆化
  32129. slimleaf bean ==> 小叶菜豆
  32130. slimleaf fig ==> 狭叶榕
  32131. slimline ==> 细线
  32132. slimline type ==> 细长形
  32133. slimline type fluorescence lamp ==> 细长管式荧光灯
  32134. slimming ==> 减食疗法
  32135. slimming air qigong ==> 减肥气功
  32136. slimming bath essence ==> 苗条浴精
  32137. slimming exercise ==> 减肥功
  32138. slimy ==> 泥浆状的
  32139. slimy arthrospore ==> 粘节孢子
  32140. slimy blastospore ==> 粘芽生孢子
  32141. slimy cakes ==> 糊状石蜡的饼块
  32142. slimy ground ==> 泥泞地
  32143. slimy milk ==> 粘乳
  32144. slimy sculpin ==> 粘杜父鱼
  32145. slimy waste material ==> 泥泞的废物
  32146. slin emissivity ==> 表面发射率
  32147. sling ==> 悬吊带,枪带,吊索,抛掷,抛掷器,钩索=>スリング
  32148. sling block ==> 吊索滑车
  32149. sling bolt ==> 连杆螺栓,活节螺栓
  32150. sling cart ==> 吊装车
  32151. sling chain ==> 吊链
  32152. sling chair ==> 躺椅
  32153. sling dog ==> 吊钩
  32154. sling fruit ==> 弹果
  32155. sling hygrometer ==> 摆动湿度计
  32156. sling lifting chains ==> 吊链
  32157. sling operation of urethra ==> 尿道悬吊术
  32158. sling psychrometer ==> 手摇干湿表,手摇干湿度计,摇动湿度计,旋转式干湿表
  32159. sling rope ==> 吊索
  32160. sling stay bolt and washer ==> 吊撑螺栓及垫圈
  32161. sling stay tee ==> 吊撑丁字头
  32162. sling thermometer ==> 旋转温度表
  32163. sling van ==> 吊车
  32164. sling wire rope ==> 钢丝吊索
  32165. sling-like suspension rod ==> 吊带形悬置杆
  32166. slinger ==> 挡油环,吊环,抛砂机,抛油环
  32167. slinger head ==> 抛砂头
  32168. slinger moulding ==> 抛砂造型
  32169. slinger ring ==> 吊环
  32170. slinger seal ==> 抛油环式密封
  32171. slinger sleeve ==> 抛油环套筒
  32172. slinger type lubrication ==> 抛油环式润滑
  32173. slinging ==> 抛砂,抛射,吊起
  32174. slinging process ==> (耐火材料)投射成形法
  32175. slingshot model ==> 引力弹弓模型
  32176. slink lamb ==> 绵羔羊裘皮
  32177. slip ==> 造型涂料,窄条,脱锚,螺旋桨滑退率,两码头间的水区,滑,滑动,滑接,滑距,滑泥,滑脱,滑致畸变,插枝,减少率,降低率,滑致,滑差,又称“转差[率]”。表达异步电动机转速的一种方法,以转子转速和同步转速的差额与同步转速的比值来表示,称为滑差或转差(率),用“s”表示=>スリップ,滑り,空転
  32178. slip additive ==> 滑爽添加剂
  32179. slip agitating tank ==> 泥浆搅拌池
  32180. slip angle ==> 滑距角,偏离角=>すべり角
  32181. slip at wall ==> 壁上滑移
  32182. slip avalanche ==> 滑移雪崩
  32183. slip band ==> 滑动带,滑脱带,滑移带
  32184. slip bearing bushing ==> 拼合轴瓦
  32185. slip bedding ==> 滑动层理
  32186. slip blade ==> 滑动托板
  32187. slip blade pin ==> 滑动托板销
  32188. slip board ==> 滑板
  32189. slip boss ==> 滑动轮毂
  32190. slip bushing ==> 可换衬套
  32191. slip casing by pressure ==> 压力注浆
  32192. slip casting ==> 流铸,流铸法
  32193. slip chart ==> 偏离图
  32194. slip circle ==> 滑动圆弧,滑弧
  32195. slip clay ==> 滑泥土,易熔粘土
  32196. slip cleavage ==> 滑动劈理,滑劈理,滑移劈理
  32197. slip clutch ==> 滑差离合器,滑动离合器,摩擦式离合器
  32198. slip coefficient ==> 滑移系数=>すべり係数
  32199. slip connection ==> 滑动连接
  32200. slip consistency ==> 泥浆稠度
  32201. slip correction ==> 滑流修正
  32202. slip counter ==> 转差计
  32203. slip coupling ==> 滑动接筒,滑动联轴器
  32204. slip cover ==> 滑盖
  32205. slip crack ==> 滑裂
  32206. slip curve ==> 转差曲线
  32207. slip deformation ==> 滑移变形
  32208. slip detector ==> 打滑指示器
  32209. slip direction ==> 滑移方向
  32210. slip dislocation ==> 滑移位错
  32211. slip dock ==> 滑船道式船坞
  32212. slip dynamic characteristic ==> すべり動特性
  32213. slip element ==> 滑移素
  32214. slip energy ==> 转差能量
  32215. slip erosion ==> 滑坡侵蚀,滑移侵蚀
  32216. slip face ==> 滑落面
  32217. slip factor ==> 滑差系数,滑动系数,滑动因数,滑移系数
  32218. slip fit ==> 滑动配合
  32219. slip fitting ==> 滑动装置
  32220. slip flask ==> 脱箱
  32221. slip flask mo(u)ld ==> 滑脱砂箱铸型
  32222. slip flask mould ==> 脱箱铸型
  32223. slip flask moulding ==> 脱箱造型
  32224. slip flow ==> 粘性流,滑流,滑移流
  32225. slip fluidity ==> 泥浆流动性
  32226. slip fold ==> 剪切褶曲
  32227. slip form ==> 滑动模板,滑模,借助机械牵引,随着混凝土浇筑逐步滑动的模板,一次立模即可连续浇筑,滑动方向可垂直、倾斜或水平
  32228. slip form concreting ==> 滑模浇筑,用滑动模板进行混凝土浇筑的一种施工方法
  32229. slip forming ==> 滑动成形
  32230. slip fracture ==> 滑动破裂
  32231. slip frequency ==> 差频=>滑り周波数,スリップ周波数
  32232. slip frequency compensation ==> すべり周波数補償
  32233. slip frequency control ==> すべり周波数制御
  32234. slip friction ==> すべり摩擦
  32235. slip friction clutch ==> 安全打滑摩擦离合器
  32236. slip ga(u)ge ==> 量块
  32237. slip gage ==> 块规
  32238. slip gauge ==> 滑规
  32239. slip gear ==> 滑动齿轮
  32240. slip gearing ==> 摩擦传动
  32241. slip glaze ==> 泥浆釉
  32242. slip hernia ==> 滑动性疝
  32243. slip hook ==> 滑钩,滑脱环
  32244. slip interference theory ==> 滑移干扰理论
  32245. slip jacket ==> 套箱,型套
  32246. slip jaw clutch ==> 波纹齿滑动式离合器
  32247. slip joint ==> 内外键槽连接,伸缩结合,伸缩式接头,剪切节理,剔茬接合,滑动接头,滑动式收缩缝,滑配接头
  32248. slip joint coupling ==> 补偿联轴节
  32249. slip joint pliers ==> 鲤鱼钳
  32250. slip joint shaft ==> 滑动接合轴
  32251. slip joint sleeve ==> 伸缩接合套
  32252. slip key ==> 伸缩键
  32253. slip line ==> 滑移线
  32254. slip line field theory ==> 滑移线场理论
  32255. slip lining ==> 滑动衬板
  32256. slip loss ==> 转差损耗
  32257. slip mark ==> (带钢表面缺陷)滑痕
  32258. slip matching ==> 顺序拼木法
  32259. slip measurement ==> 滑动测定
  32260. slip meter ==> 转差测定器,转差计,滑差计,测滑表=>滑り計
  32261. slip multiple ==> 顺差复接
  32262. slip nose ==> 嵌入式榫尖
  32263. slip of bar ==> 钢筋滑动
  32264. slip of induction motor ==> 异步电动机的转差率
  32265. slip one's mind ==> 泄漏某人的想法
  32266. slip permeability ==> 泥层渗透性
  32267. slip pipe ==> 滑管
  32268. slip plane ==> 滑动面,滑面,滑移面,侧滑面
  32269. slip power controlled drive ==> 二次励磁制御
  32270. slip printing press ==> 毛条打样机
  32271. slip proof ==> 毛条校样
  32272. slip ratio ==> 滑差系数,滑动比,滑动系数,滑距比,滑移比率,转差率=>スリップ率
  32273. slip recovery ==> 空转回收
  32274. slip region ==> 滑移区
  32275. slip regulator ==> 滑率调节器,转差率调整器=>滑り調整器
  32276. slip relay ==> 转差继电器
  32277. slip resistance ==> 滑动阻力
  32278. slip rheology ==> 泥浆流变学
  32279. slip ring ==> 汇流环,集电环,集流环,分离推力环=>スリップリング
  32280. slip ring brushes ==> 滑环电刷
  32281. slip ring motor ==> 滑环式电动机
  32282. slip ring starter ==> 滑环启动器
  32283. slip roientation ==> 滑移方向
  32284. slip scraper ==> 滑行挖土机
  32285. slip sensing relay ==> 空能继电器
  32286. slip sheet ==> 薄衬纸,滑动岩席,滑席
  32287. slip sill ==> 滑槛
  32288. slip speed control ==> スリップ回転速度制御
  32289. slip stability ==> 滑动稳定度
  32290. slip stone ==> 磨刀小油石
  32291. slip stream ==> 滑流
  32292. slip stress ==> 滑动应力
  32293. slip surface ==> 滑动面
  32294. slip system ==> 滑移系
  32295. slip tension ==> 滑动张力
  32296. slip test ==> 泵的负载特性试验
  32297. slip trailer ==> 泥浆挤出器
  32298. slip trailing ==> 泥浆涂绘
  32299. SLIP trap ==> 可服务级指示器处理陷阱
  32300. slip tube ==> 滑管
  32301. slip tube type liquid level gauge ==> 滑管式液面计
  32302. slip universal joint ==> 滑叉万向联轴器
  32303. slip velocity ==> 滑流速度,滑移速度
  32304. slip water bottle ==> 带阀门取水样器
  32305. slip wire bridge ==> 滑线电桥
  32306. slip wire drawing machine ==> 滑动拉丝机
  32307. slip zone ==> 滑移区
  32308. slip-cast Mo crucible ==> 粉浆浇铸的钼坩埚
  32309. slip-casting ==> 粉浆浇铸
  32310. slip-circle method ==> 滑弧法
  32311. slip-decorated ==> 泥浆装饰的
  32312. slip-fit liner ==> 滑动配合衬筒
  32313. slip-form ==> 滑料成型
  32314. slip-form concrete paver ==> 滑模混凝土摊铺机
  32315. slip-form construction ==> 滑模施工
  32316. slip-joint pliers ==> 鲤鱼钳
  32317. slip-line field ==> 滑移线场
  32318. slip-line field method ==> 滑移线场解法
  32319. slip-off slope ==> 滑走坡,冲积坡
  32320. slip-off slope bank ==> 冲积坡岸
  32321. slip-on filter ==> 插入式滤波器
  32322. slip-on flange ==> 松套法兰
  32323. slip-on mount ==> 滑动支架
  32324. slip-power recovery ==> 二次励磁
  32325. slip-resistant tile ==> 防滑铺地砖
  32326. slip-ring armature ==> 滑环式电枢
  32327. slip-ring brush ==> 滑环电刷
  32328. slip-ring bush ==> 滑环绝缘环
  32329. slip-ring induction motor ==> 滑环式感应电动机
  32330. slip-ring motor ==> 滑环电动机
  32331. slip-ring rotor ==> 滑环式转子,滑环转子
  32332. slip-ring short circuiting device ==> 滑环短路器
  32333. slip-ring type induction motor ==> 滑环式感应电动机
  32334. slip-ring unit ==> 滑环组
  32335. slip-ring ventilator ==> 滑环通风机
  32336. slip-ring voltage ==> 滑环电压
  32337. slip-rings ==> 滑环
  32338. slip-spring connecting link ==> 滑簧片连接的链节
  32339. slip-stick ==> 滑动粘附现象
  32340. slip-tube shaft ==> 伸缩管轴
  32341. slip-type drawing machine ==> 滑动式拉丝机
  32342. slip-type expansion joint ==> 套筒式补偿器,套筒式涨缩器
  32343. slip-vector ==> 滑动向量
  32344. slip-wedge method ==> 滑动楔体法
  32345. slip-weld hanger ==> 卡瓦焊接套管挂
  32346. slipform lining ==> 滑模衬砌
  32347. slippage ==> 空转,滑差,滑程,滑动量,滑距,滑脱,滑移量,漏损,打滑,小跳花
  32348. slippage cross ==> 滑程
  32349. slippage factor ==> 滑动因子
  32350. slippage loss ==> 滑动漏失,滑动损失
  32351. slippage mark ==> 滑动记号
  32352. slippage pump ==> 补油泵
  32353. slippage test ==> 偏移量检验
  32354. slipped bank ==> 顺差触排
  32355. slipped epiphysis of head of femur ==> 股骨头骨骺滑移症
  32356. slipped hernia ==> 滑动性疝
  32357. slipped multiple ==> 顺差触排
  32358. slipped screw ==> 打滑螺钉
  32359. slipped shoulder ==> 滑落肩
  32360. slipped tendon ==> 雏鸡锰缺乏症,肌腱滑脱
  32361. slipped thread ==> 断缺螺纹
  32362. slipper block ==> 滑板
  32363. slipper bracket ==> 滑动托架
  32364. slipper brake ==> 滑动制动器,滑块制动器
  32365. slipper collector ==> 滑动集电器
  32366. slipper dip ==> 脱式浸涂,流动浸渍
  32367. slipper path ==> 支承导环
  32368. slipper piston ==> 滑块活塞,滑履活塞
  32369. slipper plate ==> 滑动面的薄铁板
  32370. slipper pump ==> (径向柱塞泵的)滑履泵
  32371. slipper seal ==> 滑动密封
  32372. slipper shoe ==> 滑瓦
  32373. slipper tank ==> 可弃油箱
  32374. slipper type connecting rod ==> 滑动式连杆
  32375. slipping area ==> 滑动面积
  32376. slipping cam ==> 滑轮凸轮
  32377. slipping clutch ==> 安全摩擦离合器
  32378. slipping column ==> 滑动支柱
  32379. slipping contact detector ==> 滑触检波器
  32380. slipping drive ==> 滑动传动装置
  32381. slipping limit ==> 空转限制
  32382. slipping of belt ==> 传动皮带的滑动,皮带打滑
  32383. slipping of clutch ==> 离合器的滑动
  32384. slipping of upper femoral epiphysis ==> 股骨上端骨骺滑脱移位
  32385. slipping plate clutch ==> 滑动摩擦离合器
  32386. slipping rib ==> 滑动肋,肋骨滑脱
  32387. slipping stream ==> 平滑流
  32388. slipping switch ==> 滑动式开关
  32389. slipping wire drawing machine ==> 滑动式拉丝机
  32390. slit ==> 缝隙,缝,开缝,细缝,裂口=>スリット
  32391. slit antenna ==> スリットアンテナ
  32392. slit burner ==> 缝式燃烧器,长口燃烧器
  32393. slit cathode ==> 裂缝阴极,分瓣阴极
  32394. slit cellulose film ==> 纤维素薄膜条
  32395. slit coil ==> 窄带卷
  32396. slit domain ==> 裂纹域
  32397. slit edge ==> 切开边
  32398. slit fabrics ==> 狭长料子
  32399. slit injector ==> 缝隙式喷嘴
  32400. slit jet ==> スリット噴流
  32401. slit lamp ==> 狭缝灯,缝灯
  32402. slit lamp corneal microscope ==> 裂隙灯角膜显微镜
  32403. slit lens ==> 开缝透镜
  32404. slit membrane ==> 裂孔膜
  32405. slit nosed boring bar ==> 槽端镗杆
  32406. slit nut ==> 开缝螺母
  32407. slit of light ==> 光带
  32408. slit pipe ==> 纵向切口管
  32409. slit planting ==> 缝栽,切缝栽植
  32410. slit ring ==> 开口环
  32411. slit rod-and-wedge-type bolt ==> 楔缝式锚杆
  32412. slit seal ==> 间隙式密封
  32413. slit selvage ==> 切边
  32414. slit source ==> 缝隙源
  32415. slit stay bolt ==> 槽纹撑螺栓
  32416. slit trench ==> 狭壕
  32417. slit type cracking test ==> 有缝试件抗裂试验
  32418. slit type shadow mask ==> 缝隙式荫罩
  32419. slit ultramicroscope ==> 缝隙超显微镜
  32420. slit width ==> 缝宽
  32421. slit-lamp ==> 裂隙灯
  32422. slit-lamp microscope ==> 裂隙灯显微镜
  32423. slit-shaped pore ==> 狭缝形孔隙
  32424. slit-type burner ==> 缝隙式燃烧器
  32425. slit-type flip bucket ==> 窄缝挑坎,将泄水槽末端挑坎处缩成窄缝(由宽尾墩尾部形成收缩出口)式的挑坎,迫使水流收缩形成窄而立面扩散的射流,抛向空中消能,再跌入下游河床
  32426. slit-type mask ==> 开槽式荫罩
  32427. slitter ==> 纵向切片机,切条机,切纸机
  32428. slitter crack ==> 纵切裂痕
  32429. slitter edge ==> 废边
  32430. slitter knife ==> 纵剪机刀片
  32431. slitter line ==> 纵切线
  32432. slitter loss ==> 剪切损失
  32433. slitter marks ==> 裁切标记
  32434. slitter operator ==> 纵切工
  32435. slitter ramp ==> 圆盘剪旁的带卷台
  32436. slitter rewinder ==> 纵切复卷机
  32437. slitting ==> 切口加工
  32438. slitting and coiling line ==> 纵剪和卷取作业线
  32439. slitting and re-reeling machine ==> 纵切复卷机
  32440. slitting and rewinding machine ==> 纵切复卷机
  32441. slitting and shearing line ==> 纵剪和横剪作业线
  32442. slitting and trimming line ==> 纵剪和切边作业线
  32443. slitting cutter ==> 开缝铣刀,槽铣刀
  32444. slitting cutter with coarse teeth ==> 粗齿切口铣刀
  32445. slitting ebm ==> 电子束切缝
  32446. slitting knife ==> 切条刀
  32447. slitting line ==> 多刃圆盘剪纵剪作业线
  32448. slitting machine ==> 纵切机组,纵向割布机
  32449. slitting mill ==> 滚剪机,滚切机,开槽铣刀,开片机
  32450. slitting pass ==> 切分孔型
  32451. slitting roll ==> 纵切辊,纵切圆盘刀心杆
  32452. slitting roller ==> 滚剪机
  32453. slitting saw ==> 切割锯,开槽锯
  32454. slitting shear machine ==> 切条机
  32455. slitting shears ==> 纵剪切机
  32456. slitting unit ==> 纵向切分机组
  32457. slitting up method ==> 全切开法
  32458. slitting wheel ==> 切割圆盘
  32459. slity soil ==> 粉质土
  32460. sliver blending ==> 条子混和
  32461. sliver can ==> 条筒,棉条筒
  32462. sliver condenser ==> 条子集合器
  32463. sliver evenness tester ==> 粗条子均匀度试验机
  32464. sliver knitting machine ==> 毛皮针织机
  32465. sliver lap ==> 条卷
  32466. sliver lap machine ==> 条卷机
  32467. sliver lay-in circular knitting machine ==> 毛条喂入式圆型针织机
  32468. sliver mixing ==> 条子混和
  32469. sliver printing machine ==> 毛条印花机,棉条印花机
  32470. sliver reversing drawer ==> 棉条反向并条机
  32471. sliver screen ==> 小节筛
  32472. sliver separator ==> 分条器
  32473. sliver spinning machine ==> 条子直接纺纱机
  32474. sliver spreading device ==> 条子展幅装置
  32475. sliver tester ==> 棉条均匀度试验机
  32476. sliver to yarn spinning ==> 条子直接纺纱
  32477. sliver tooth ==> 刮毛搓齿
  32478. sliver unevenness ==> 条子不匀率
  32479. sliver-doubling plate ==> 条卷机导条板
  32480. slivering machine ==> 成条机,制条机
  32481. slivery wire ==> 折叠线材
  32482. SLM, science laboratory module ==> 科学実験モジュール
  32483. SLM, spatial light modulator ==> 空間光変調器
  32484. SLM, static load model ==> 静荷重モデル
  32485. SLM, Synthetic Load Model ==> 考虑配电网络的综合负荷模型
  32486. sloe bug ==> 细毛蝽
  32487. slogan pylon ==> 标语塔
  32488. slogging hammer ==> 平锤
  32489. slop cut ==> 不合格馏分
  32490. slop line ==> 废线,不合格管路
  32491. slop moulding ==> 软泥制坯法
  32492. slop of a stack ==> 材堆坡度
  32493. slop oil ==> 不合格油料,废油
  32494. slop shop ==> 现成服装店
  32495. slop tank ==> 不合格油料储罐
  32496. slop wax ==> 粗蜡
  32497. slop weight ==> 每品脱浆料的重量
  32498. slope ==> 坡,坡度,比降,斜度,倾斜,坡度=>勾配
  32499. slope air course ==> 斜风道
  32500. slope amplification ==> 斜率放大
  32501. slope angle ==> 倾角=>傾き角
  32502. slope angle of abrasion shoal patch ==> 磨蚀浅滩坡角
  32503. slope apron ==> 陆坡裙
  32504. slope bottom ==> 斜井井底车场
  32505. slope cage ==> 斜井罐笼
  32506. slope carriage ==> 斜井提升车架
  32507. slope coefficient ==> 斜率,斜率系数
  32508. slope compaction ==> 边坡压实
  32509. slope compensating device ==> 倾斜补偿装置
  32510. slope control ==> 电流升降调节,斜度调整
  32511. slope control timer ==> 陡度调整计时器
  32512. slope conveyor ==> 倾斜输送机=>スロープコンベヤ
  32513. slope correction ==> 倾斜改正,斜度改正
  32514. slope course ==> 斜坡道路
  32515. slope culture ==> 斜坡栽培
  32516. slope current ==> 梯度流
  32517. slope curve ==> 斜度曲线
  32518. slope cutting ==> 斜坡挖土
  32519. slope deposit ==> 坡地沉积
  32520. slope detection ==> 斜率检测
  32521. slope detection method ==> 斜率鉴定法,斜率鉴频法
  32522. slope detector ==> 斜率检测器,斜率鉴频器
  32523. slope deviation ==> 斜度偏差,倾斜偏差
  32524. slope down ==> 递减
  32525. slope driving ==> 斜井掘进
  32526. slope erosion ==> 边坡侵蚀,坡地侵蚀=>のり面浸食
  32527. slope face ==> 斜井掘进工作面
  32528. slope failure ==> 斜面破壊
  32529. slope filter ==> 斜率滤波器
  32530. slope function ==> 斜率函数
  32531. slope gage ==> 斜度规
  32532. slope gain ==> 斜度增益
  32533. slope grader ==> 平坡机
  32534. slope gradient ==> 坡度=>のり面勾配
  32535. slope indicator ==> 测角器
  32536. slope indicator tube ==> 斜度管
  32537. slope level ==> 斜准器,测坡度计,测斜器,测斜仪
  32538. slope LHD driving ==> 斜坡道无轨掘进
  32539. slope map ==> 坡度图
  32540. slope meter ==> 互导测定器,量斜表,斜率计,跨导计
  32541. slope mine ==> 斜井
  32542. slope mouth ==> 斜井口
  32543. slope of curves ==> 曲线斜率
  32544. slope of grain ==> 纹理斜率,木纹斜度
  32545. slope of repose ==> 休止角
  32546. slope of river bank ==> 河岸坡度
  32547. slope of river bed ==> 河床坡降
  32548. slope of roof ==> 屋顶坡度
  32549. slope of stairs ==> 楼梯坡度
  32550. slope of the ore body ==> 矿体斜度
  32551. slope of thread ==> 螺纹斜度
  32552. slope overload ==> 斜率过载
  32553. slope overload error ==> 斜率过载误差
  32554. slope overload noise ==> 斜度过载噪声
  32555. slope paving ==> 斜面铺砌
  32556. slope piling ==> 斜桩
  32557. slope pillar ==> 斜井矿柱,倾斜矿柱
  32558. slope potentiometer ==> 互导调整电位计,跨导调整电位器
  32559. slope protection ==> 边坡保护,护坡
  32560. slope ramp ==> 斜坡道
  32561. slope ratio ==> 斜率比
  32562. slope ratio assay ==> 斜率比测定
  32563. slope regulation ==> 斜调,斜率调整
  32564. slope resistance ==> 动态阳极电阻
  32565. slope revetment ==> 边坡护面
  32566. slope sensitivity ==> 斜率灵敏度,倾斜灵敏度
  32567. slope signal ==> 斜率信号
  32568. slope sinking ==> 斜井掘进
  32569. slope stability ==> 边坡稳定性,坡面稳定性
  32570. slope stabilization works ==> 斜坡巩固工程
  32571. slope stake ==> 坡度标桩,边桩
  32572. slope staking ==> 桩定坡面点
  32573. slope steepness ==> 边坡陡度
  32574. slope switch ==> 偏移开关
  32575. slope tamping ==> 边坡夯实
  32576. slope tape ==> 斜度卷尺
  32577. slope tatus ==> 边坡堆积
  32578. slope transmission ==> 斜发送
  32579. slope up ==> 递增
  32580. slope wash ==> 坡积物,斜坡冲刷
  32581. slope weighting ==> 边坡压重
  32582. slope-area discharge measurement ==> 比降面积测流法
  32583. slope-area method ==> 比降面积法
  32584. slope-controlled arc wilding power source ==> 多特性弧焊电源
  32585. slope-conveyance method ==> 比降输水法
  32586. slope-deflection method ==> 角变位法
  32587. slope-keypoint compaction ==> 斜度基点压缩
  32588. slope-lining machine ==> 边坡衬砌机
  32589. slope-velocity formula ==> 比降流速公式
  32590. sloped apron ==> 斜护坦
  32591. sloped curb ==> 斜路缘
  32592. sloped edge ==> 斜边
  32593. sloped roman ==> 斜体罗马字
  32594. sloped sidewall ==> 倾斜侧壁
  32595. sloped tube ==> 斜管
  32596. sloper ==> 斜掘机,铲坡机
  32597. slopes test ==> 斜度测定
  32598. slopes tolerance ==> 斜率容限
  32599. slopes wall ==> 斜井井壁
  32600. sloping apron ==> 斜坡护坦
  32601. sloping awning ==> 斜张天幕
  32602. sloping baffle ==> 倾斜挡板
  32603. sloping bed ==> 斜底
  32604. sloping bond ==> 斜砌法
  32605. sloping bottom ==> 斜底,斜底座,倾斜炉底
  32606. sloping bottom tank ==> 斜底罐
  32607. sloping bunker ==> 斜煤舱
  32608. sloping cam plate ==> 斜盘
  32609. sloping catalyst line ==> 倾斜催化剂管道
  32610. sloping control panel ==> 斜面控制盘
  32611. sloping core ==> 斜心墙,斜墙,在土石坝迎水面设斜的防渗墙体
  32612. sloping curb ==> 斜路缘
  32613. sloping desk ==> 倾斜面板
  32614. sloping field ==> 破田
  32615. sloping fields ==> 坡地
  32616. sloping floor ==> 倾斜地面,斜地坪
  32617. sloping front boundary ==> 斜前沿边缘
  32618. sloping grizzly ==> 斜置栅
  32619. sloping ground ==> 斜坡
  32620. sloping hinge ==> 斜铰接接头
  32621. sloping layers ==> 斜砌层
  32622. sloping loop channel ==> 倾斜式活套槽
  32623. sloping louver of the hood ==> 发动机罩斜放气孔
  32624. sloping newspaper rack ==> 斜面报架
  32625. sloping of river bank ==> 河岸边坡放缓
  32626. sloping panel ==> 倾斜板
  32627. sloping plate ==> 倾斜装甲板
  32628. sloping platform drier ==> 倾斜台式干燥机
  32629. sloping portion ==> 倾斜面
  32630. sloping radiator ==> 斜散热器
  32631. sloping radiator grille ==> 斜散热器护栅,倾斜的散热器护栅
  32632. sloping roof ==> 斜面屋顶
  32633. sloping roof furnace ==> 斜顶炉
  32634. sloping roof skylight ==> 斜层顶天窗
  32635. sloping shaft ==> 倾斜轴
  32636. sloping site ==> 倾斜地段
  32637. sloping valve ==> 斜置阀
  32638. sloping wave ==> 缓波
  32639. sloping wavefront ==> 倾斜波阵面
  32640. sloping-leg bent ==> 梯形排架
  32641. sloping-rump ==> 斜尻
  32642. sloping-shaft drive ==> 斜轴传动
  32643. sloping-wall chamber ==> 斜坡式闸室,两侧闸墙的墙面为斜坡、横断面呈梯形的船闸闸室
  32644. slopping floor ==> 倾斜地板
  32645. slosed wrench ==> 梅花双头扳手
  32646. slosh test ==> 燃料激荡试验
  32647. sloshing ==> 晃动=>スロッシング
  32648. slot ==> 裂缝,裂隙,立刨,缝,页槽,切口,窄口,存储槽,齿缝,槽,槽缝,槽位,插槽,时间段=>スロット,時間枠
  32649. slot allocation ==> スロット割り当て
  32650. slot allocation rule ==> スロット配分ルール
  32651. slot and crank ==> 带连杆的曲柄
  32652. slot and key ==> 滑键接合
  32653. slot and keyway milling machine ==> 开缝键槽铣床
  32654. slot antenna ==> 缝隙天线=>スロットアンテナ
  32655. slot applicator ==> 槽缝式施加器
  32656. slot area ==> 齿缝面积
  32657. slot array ==> 隙缝天线阵,裂缝天线阵=>スロットアレー
  32658. slot atomizer ==> 缝隙式喷油嘴
  32659. slot bar ==> 槽部线棒,槽内导条
  32660. slot base ==> 槽底
  32661. slot borer ==> 槽钻
  32662. slot bound ==> 插槽限制
  32663. slot burner ==> 扁焰喷烧器
  32664. slot charters ==> (集装箱)箱位租赁权
  32665. slot coil ==> 槽部线圈,槽线圈
  32666. slot combination ==> 槽配合=>スロット数組合せ
  32667. slot conduit ==> 开槽导管
  32668. slot coordination ==> 槽配合
  32669. slot coupling ==> 槽隙耦合
  32670. slot cross-section ==> 槽截面
  32671. slot cutter ==> 槽铣刀
  32672. slot damper ==> 槽隙阻尼器
  32673. slot depth ==> 槽深
  32674. slot diffuser ==> 条形散流器
  32675. slot dipole ==> 槽馈偶极天线
  32676. slot discharge ==> 槽部放电=>スロット放電
  32677. slot display ==> スロット陳列
  32678. slot distributor ==> 缝隙布料器
  32679. slot dozing ==> 开槽推土法
  32680. slot drill ==> 槽钻
  32681. slot driller ==> 开缝槽,开缝槽钻,开缝钻机
  32682. slot effect ==> 槽效应,齿槽效应=>スロット効果
  32683. slot element ==> スロット素子
  32684. slot extrusion ==> 缝口模头挤塑
  32685. slot factor ==> 线槽系数
  32686. slot field ==> 槽磁场
  32687. slot field-effect transistor ==> 沟道场效应晶体管
  32688. slot frequency ==> 信道间插入频率=>スロット周波数
  32689. slot gap ==> スロット
  32690. slot gate ==> 缝隙浇口,长缝浇口
  32691. slot grinder ==> 槽磨机
  32692. slot grinding ==> 磨架槽
  32693. slot group ==> 页槽组,时间段组
  32694. slot guide ==> 导向槽架
  32695. slot harmonics ==> スロット高調波
  32696. slot impedance ==> 槽阻抗
  32697. slot in frames ==> 框架中的槽
  32698. slot inserter ==> 嵌线机,嵌线器
  32699. slot insulating liner ==> 槽绝缘衬
  32700. slot insulation ==> 槽绝缘=>スロット絶縁
  32701. slot joint ==> 狭槽接,狭槽连接
  32702. slot leakage ==> 槽壁间漏磁,槽漏磁,槽漏泄
  32703. slot leakage field ==> 槽漏泄磁场
  32704. slot leakage flux ==> 槽漏磁通=>スロット漏れ磁束
  32705. slot leakage reactance ==> 槽漏电抗
  32706. slot length and width of bubble cap ==> 泡罩齿缝长度与宽度
  32707. slot liner ==> 槽衬,槽绝缘衬
  32708. slot machine ==> 投币式自动售货机,自动售货机,硬币自动机
  32709. slot magnetron ==> 槽缝磁控管,槽缝型磁控管
  32710. slot mask type tube ==> 开槽式荫罩彩色显像管
  32711. slot mesh ==> 长眼
  32712. slot mesh screen ==> 长方孔筛
  32713. slot meter ==> 预付式电度表
  32714. slot mill ==> 槽铣刀
  32715. slot miller ==> 键槽铣刀
  32716. slot milling cutter ==> 槽铣刀
  32717. slot mortising bit ==> 槽钻
  32718. slot name ==> 槽名,空位名
  32719. slot nozzle ==> 缝式喷嘴
  32720. slot number ==> 页槽号,时间段号,(集装箱)箱位号
  32721. slot opening ==> 齿缝开度,槽口宽
  32722. slot outlet ==> 条形送风口
  32723. slot packing ==> 线槽衬垫
  32724. slot part ==> 槽部
  32725. slot permeance ==> 槽部磁导,槽磁导
  32726. slot pitch ==> 槽节距,槽距,线槽节距,齿距=>スロットピッチ
  32727. slot pulsation ==> 槽隙脉动
  32728. slot quadrupole lens ==> 缝隙式四极透镜
  32729. slot radiator ==> 隙缝辐射器
  32730. slot reactance ==> 槽电抗,槽隙电抗
  32731. slot rectifier ==> 缝隙纠正仪
  32732. slot region ==> スロット領域
  32733. slot resonator ==> スロット共振器
  32734. slot ripple ==> 线槽脉动,槽脉动=>スロットリプル
  32735. slot ripples ==> 齿谐波
  32736. slot screwing ==> 螺丝长孔接合
  32737. slot scrubber ==> 百叶窗式除尘器
  32738. slot shape ==> スロット形状
  32739. slot sieve ==> 长缝筛
  32740. slot slope ==> 槽斜度
  32741. slot slope factor ==> 槽斜系数
  32742. slot sorting ==> 时间段排序,页槽分类
  32743. slot space ==> 槽空间
  32744. slot space factor ==> 线槽占空系数
  32745. slot space-factor ==> 线槽占空系数
  32746. slot squeegee ==> 槽缝式刮浆板
  32747. slot structure ==> スロット構造
  32748. slot system ==> 槽渠制=>スロット方式
  32749. slot type bed load sampler ==> 槽孔式推移质采样器
  32750. slot type coal hopper ==> 缝式煤槽,底部一侧或两侧有纵向缝隙的长条型煤槽
  32751. slot type sampler ==> 槽孔式采样器
  32752. slot value ==> 槽值,空位值
  32753. slot wall ==> 槽壁
  32754. slot wave ==> 槽波
  32755. slot way ==> 槽路
  32756. slot wedge ==> 槽楔=>くさび
  32757. slot weld ==> 槽塞焊,长孔焊,开槽搭焊缝,切口焊缝
  32758. slot welding ==> 槽焊
  32759. slot welding slotted weld ==> 槽焊
  32760. slot width ==> 槽宽
  32761. slot winding ==> 槽部绕组,槽绕组
  32762. slot-and-crank drive ==> 曲柄连杆传动
  32763. slot-and-wedge bolt ==> 楔缝式杆柱
  32764. slot-and-wedge fastening ==> 楔缝式锚杆支护
  32765. slot-and-wedge type ==> 楔缝式
  32766. slot-coupled cavity ==> 槽隙耦合空腔谐振器
  32767. slot-cutting machine ==> 切槽机
  32768. slot-fed dipole ==> 槽馈偶极子=>スロットダイポール
  32769. slot-guide intersector ==> 槽缝式旋转针梳机
  32770. slot-mask picture tube ==> 隙缝荫罩显像管
  32771. slot-type furnace ==> 缝式炉
  32772. slot-type resonator ==> 槽型谐振器
  32773. sloth bear ==> 懒熊
  32774. slotless ==> スロットレス,電機子にスロットのない鉄心に巻線を貼り付けた構造
  32775. slotless PM motors ==> スロットレスPMモータ
  32776. slots exchange ==> 舱位互换
  32777. slotted ==> 穴のある
  32778. slotted adjustement plate ==> 槽形调整板
  32779. slotted antenna array ==> 隙缝天线阵,裂缝天线阵
  32780. slotted armature ==> 有槽电枢
  32781. slotted blade ==> 开缝叶片
  32782. slotted bucket ==> 齿槽式挑流鼻坎
  32783. slotted bucket lip ==> (溢洪道的)槽式鼻坎
  32784. slotted channel piston ring ==> 槽沟活塞环
  32785. slotted circular nut ==> 槽顶圆螺母
  32786. slotted core ==> 有槽铁芯
  32787. slotted core armature ==> 有槽电枢
  32788. slotted crank ==> 槽缝曲柄
  32789. slotted cylinder antenna ==> 圆柱形缝隙天线
  32790. slotted drum ==> 槽筒
  32791. slotted edge of cap ==> 帽罩齿形边缘
  32792. slotted eye ==> 长圆形孔眼,椭圆形孔,槽孔
  32793. slotted flap ==> 开缝襟翼
  32794. slotted flip bucket ==> 差动式挑坎,变化各孔槽挑坎的高程、位置、挑角和体型,布置多孔(或多槽)泄水道,使水舌扩散并射入下游河床合适的区域,同时要避免本身发生空蚀破坏
  32795. slotted floor ==> 条缝地板
  32796. slotted gravity dam ==> 宽缝重力坝,将重力坝坝段间横缝的中间部分拓宽形成宽缝的重力坝
  32797. slotted gravity dan ==> 宽缝重力坝
  32798. slotted guide ==> 罐道滑槽
  32799. slotted head screw ==> 一字槽螺钉,槽头螺钉
  32800. slotted headless set screw ==> 带槽无头止动螺钉
  32801. slotted hole ==> 长孔,长圆孔,槽孔=>長穴
  32802. slotted hole screen ==> 长方孔筛
  32803. slotted injector ==> 缝隙式喷嘴
  32804. slotted joint ==> 开口接合杆
  32805. slotted lap weld ==> 切口搭接焊
  32806. slotted lever ==> 连杆
  32807. slotted line ==> 开槽测试线
  32808. slotted liner ==> 割缝衬管
  32809. slotted link ==> 摇杆,槽孔链节
  32810. slotted link mechanism ==> 摇杆机构
  32811. slotted link motion ==> 槽孔链节运动
  32812. slotted measuring line ==> 开缝测量线
  32813. slotted mounting screw ==> 槽头固定螺钉
  32814. slotted nozzle ==> 槽孔式喷嘴,开缝喷嘴
  32815. slotted nut ==> 开槽螺母
  32816. slotted oval countersunk head screw ==> 带槽半沉头螺钉
  32817. slotted plate ==> 带槽板,长方眼筛板,切口板
  32818. slotted ridge guide ==> 开槽脊形波导
  32819. slotted roller bucket ==> 槽齿式戽,差动式鼻坎
  32820. slotted rotor ==> 开槽转子
  32821. slotted screen ==> 长方孔筛,长眼筛,缝筛
  32822. slotted screw plug ==> 凹槽螺塞
  32823. slotted screwdriver with wooden handle ==> 木柄一字螺丝刀
  32824. slotted section ==> 开槽段
  32825. slotted shutter ==> 缝隙快门
  32826. slotted spring-finger plunger ==> 带有弹簧销的槽式活塞
  32827. slotted stator ==> 开槽定子
  32828. slotted strainer ==> 篦式过滤器
  32829. slotted template ==> 槽孔模片板
  32830. slotted top screw ==> 槽顶螺钉
  32831. slotted tunnel ==> 开缝风洞
  32832. slotted wall ==> すきま壁
  32833. slotted washer ==> 开缝垫圈,开口垫圈
  32834. slotted waveguide ==> 开槽波导管
  32835. slotted waveguide phase shifter ==> スロット導波管移相器
  32836. slotted-blade bolwer ==> 刮板式鼓风机
  32837. slotted-core armature ==> スロット付電機子
  32838. slotted-form winding ==> 分段绕组
  32839. slotter ==> 铣槽机,立刨床,铡床,插床=>立て削り盤
  32840. slotting ==> 插削,开缝,铡刨,冲孔,打孔,立刨
  32841. slotting attachment ==> 铣槽附件,铣槽装置,插削装置
  32842. slotting auger ==> 榫孔钻,榫孔钻,长孔钻
  32843. slotting cutter ==> 切口铣刀,插齿刀
  32844. slotting die ==> 切槽模
  32845. slotting end mill ==> 槽立铣刀
  32846. slotting file ==> 开槽锉
  32847. slotting machine ==> 铡床,立刨床,插床
  32848. slotting machine ram ==> 插床冲头
  32849. slotting plane ==> 裁口刨
  32850. slotting saw sharpening machine ==> 开槽锯刃磨机
  32851. slotting saw with coarse teeth ==> 粗齿锯片铣刀
  32852. slotting tool ==> 插刀
  32853. slough off ==> 脱纬
  32854. sloughed filling ==> 脱纬
  32855. sloughed-off weft ==> 脱纬
  32856. sloughing bank ==> 坍岸
  32857. sloughing of a cutting ==> 开挖坍方
  32858. sloughing-off cone ==> 脱泥圆锥分级机
  32859. sloughing-off tank ==> 脱泥槽
  32860. sloughy channel ==> 泥沼河道
  32861. slow ==> 迟的=>低速
  32862. slow -neutron exposure chamber ==> 慢中子照射室
  32863. slow -neutron filter ==> 慢中子过滤器
  32864. slow -neutron flux ==> 慢中子通量
  32865. slow accelerating wave ==> 慢加速波
  32866. slow access ==> 慢存取,慢访问
  32867. slow accumulation ==> 慢积集
  32868. slow acting cam ==> 慢动作凸轮
  32869. slow acting relay ==> 缓动继电器
  32870. slow action ==> 缓动
  32871. slow addressing ==> 缓慢寻址
  32872. slow adjustment ==> 慢速调节
  32873. slow ahead ==> 慢速正车
  32874. slow alveolus ==> 慢肺泡
  32875. slow and profound respiration ==> 呼吸慢深
  32876. slow and sunken pulse ==> 脉沉迟
  32877. slow angular variable ==> 慢角变量
  32878. slow application ==> 慢制动
  32879. slow application position ==> 缓制位
  32880. slow axis ==> 慢速轴,慢轴
  32881. slow banking method ==> 慢堆堤法,慢速筑堤法
  32882. slow blow fuse ==> 缓动式熔断器
  32883. slow breeding ==> 配种多次后受精的
  32884. slow cement ==> 慢干水泥,慢凝水泥
  32885. slow channel ==> 慢通道
  32886. slow chopper ==> 慢断路器,慢选择转子
  32887. slow combination ==> 慢结合
  32888. slow combustion ==> 慢燃烧
  32889. slow component ==> 慢部分
  32890. slow condensation ==> 慢凝集
  32891. slow cooking ==> 慢速蒸煮
  32892. slow cool section ==> 缓冷区段
  32893. slow cooling ==> 缓冷
  32894. slow cooling box ==> 缓冷箱
  32895. slow cooling methods ==> 徐冷却
  32896. slow counting rate ==> 慢计数率
  32897. slow crack growth ==> 低速亀裂成長
  32898. slow creeping ==> 慢蠕变
  32899. slow curing resin ==> 慢焙固树脂,慢干树脂
  32900. slow cut solenoid ==> 低速断油电磁阀,低速燃油切断装置
  32901. slow cutting ==> 慢切射
  32902. slow death ==> 慢速死亡,衰老
  32903. slow decline ==> 胡椒的慢蔫病
  32904. slow development ==> 慢速显影,慢显影
  32905. slow device ==> 慢速装置
  32906. slow direct shear test ==> 慢剪直剪试验
  32907. slow drift ==> 慢漂移
  32908. slow drift burst ==> 慢漂爆发
  32909. slow drift hurst ==> 慢漂暴
  32910. slow echo wave ==> 慢回波
  32911. slow ejection period ==> 缓慢射血期
  32912. slow electron ==> 慢电子
  32913. slow electron bombardment ==> 慢电子轰击
  32914. slow emulsion ==> 慢感光层
  32915. slow exchange ==> 慢交换
  32916. slow extraction ==> 慢引出
  32917. slow extraction system ==> 慢引出系统
  32918. slow extractor ==> 慢引出装置
  32919. slow fading ==> 慢衰落
  32920. slow fading margin ==> 慢衰落余量
  32921. slow feathering ==> 晚羽性
  32922. slow filling period ==> 缓慢充盈期
  32923. slow filling wave of ventricle ==> 心室缓慢充盈波
  32924. slow filter ==> 慢滤池,慢滤器
  32925. slow filtration ==> 慢滤法
  32926. slow fire ==> 慢射,缓射
  32927. slow fission reaction ==> 慢裂变反应
  32928. slow flame ==> 慢延火焰
  32929. slow flash ==> 慢闪光
  32930. slow flow rate paper ==> 慢流速纸
  32931. slow flying aircraft ==> 慢速飞行飞机
  32932. slow freezing ==> 慢速冻结
  32933. slow Geiger-Muller tube ==> 慢盖格米勒氏管
  32934. slow grower ==> 生长慢的作物
  32935. slow grown wood ==> 慢长木材
  32936. slow growth ==> 缓和生长
  32937. slow hardening ==> 缓慢硬化,慢凝,慢速硬化
  32938. slow hole ==> 慢空穴
  32939. slow igniter cord ==> 缓燃导火线
  32940. slow ignition ==> 慢速点燃
  32941. slow infection ==> 慢感染
  32942. slow interrupter ==> 缓动断续器
  32943. slow ion ==> 慢离子,大离子
  32944. slow jet ==> 慢速喷嘴
  32945. slow land treatment system ==> 慢速渗滤系统
  32946. slow lane ==> 慢车道
  32947. slow leakage ==> 慢漏失
  32948. slow lens ==> 慢速透镜,小孔径透镜,小相对孔径物镜
  32949. slow line ==> 慢车线
  32950. slow logic circuit ==> 慢逻辑电路
  32951. slow match ==> 慢凝导火线,慢燃导火线,慢燃引信头,缓燃导火线
  32952. slow memory ==> 慢速存储器,低速存储器
  32953. slow mixing ==> 慢混合
  32954. slow mode wave ==> 慢波
  32955. slow motion clamp ==> 慢动夹
  32956. slow motion film ==> 慢动作影片
  32957. slow motion screw ==> 微动螺丝
  32958. slow motion shooting ==> 慢动作摄影
  32959. slow moving animals ==> 行动迟缓的牲畜
  32960. slow neutron ==> 慢中子,热中子
  32961. slow neutron background ==> 慢中子本底
  32962. slow neutron capture reaction ==> 慢中子俘获反应
  32963. slow neutron chopper ==> 慢中子选择器
  32964. slow neutron counter ==> 慢中子计数器
  32965. slow neutron detector ==> 慢中子探测器
  32966. slow neutron elastic scattering ==> 慢中子弹性散射
  32967. slow neutron fission ==> 慢中子裂变
  32968. slow neutron impulse ==> 慢中子冲量
  32969. slow neutron interferometer ==> 慢中子干涉仪
  32970. slow neutron leakage ==> 慢中子漏失
  32971. slow neutron nuclear reaction ==> 慢中子核反应
  32972. slow neutron protection ==> 慢中子防护
  32973. slow neutron reflection ==> 慢中子反射
  32974. slow neutron resonance absorption ==> 慢中子共振吸收
  32975. slow neutron time of flight method ==> 慢中子飞行时间法
  32976. slow neutron yield ==> 慢中子产额
  32977. slow neutrons ==> 慢中子
  32978. slow operating relay ==> 缓动继电器
  32979. slow operation ==> 慢动作
  32980. slow oscillation ==> 慢振荡
  32981. slow oxidation ==> 缓缓氧化
  32982. slow pain ==> 慢痛
  32983. slow pectin ==> 慢凝果胶
  32984. slow permeability ==> 慢渗透
  32985. slow permutation ==> 慢排列
  32986. slow plate ==> 低灵敏度底片
  32987. slow powder ==> 缓爆炸药
  32988. slow process ==> 慢过程
  32989. slow progress ==> 慢进度
  32990. slow pulsar ==> 慢脉冲星
  32991. slow pulse ==> 脉搏徐缓,迟脉
  32992. slow pulse with irregular intervals ==> 结脉
  32993. slow rake-stirrer ==> 慢速耙式搅拌器
  32994. slow reacting substance ==> 慢反应物质,缓慢反应物
  32995. slow reacting substance (SRS) ==> 迟缓反应物质
  32996. slow reacting substance anaphylaxis ==> 慢反应物质变态反应
  32997. slow reaction automatic cell ==> 慢反应自律细胞
  32998. slow reaction substance asthma(SRS asthma) ==> 慢反应物质哮喘
  32999. slow reactive substance (SRS) ==> 慢反应物质
  33000. slow reactor ==> 慢中子反应堆
  33001. slow read-out ==> 慢读出
  33002. slow region ==> 遅い始動領域
  33003. slow relay ==> 慢速继电器
  33004. slow release ==> 慢释,缓慢释放
  33005. slow release formulation ==> 缓释剂型
  33006. slow release method ==> 缓释技术
  33007. slow release rate ==> 缓慢释放速度
  33008. slow release relay ==> 缓释继电器
  33009. slow release technique ==> 缓释技术
  33010. slow relief relay ==> 缓动交替继电器
  33011. slow respiration ==> 呼吸缓慢
  33012. slow response action potential ==> 慢反应动作电位
  33013. slow retardation axis ==> 慢延迟轴
  33014. slow rotator ==> 慢转天体,慢转星
  33015. slow running cut-out ==> 断油开关
  33016. slow sand filter ==> 慢滤池,慢砂滤池
  33017. slow sand filtration ==> 慢砂滤
  33018. slow scan television ==> 慢扫描电视
  33019. slow scan television system ==> 慢扫描电视系统
  33020. slow scan vidicon ==> 慢扫描光导摄像管
  33021. slow scan vidicon camera ==> 慢扫描光导摄像机
  33022. slow scanning oscillograph ==> 慢扫描示波器
  33023. slow screen ==> 长余辉荧光屏
  33024. slow setting cement ==> 慢固水泥
  33025. slow settling particles ==> 慢沉颗粒
  33026. slow settling response ==> 遅い整定応答
  33027. slow shear ==> 慢剪
  33028. slow slaking lime ==> 慢化石灰
  33029. slow solar wind ==> 慢太阳风
  33030. slow speed ==> 低速
  33031. slow speed device ==> 慢门机
  33032. slow speed diesel engine ==> 低速柴油发动机
  33033. slow speed mixer ==> 慢速度混合器
  33034. slow spin ==> 慢旋转,低速螺旋
  33035. slow start ==> 缓慢起动
  33036. slow sticking ==> 慢粘接
  33037. slow storage ==> 慢速存储器,低速存储器
  33038. slow store ==> 慢速存储器
  33039. slow supernova ==> 慢超新星
  33040. slow surface state ==> 慢表面态,慢态
  33041. slow surface wave ==> 慢表面波
  33042. slow sweep ==> 低速掃引
  33043. slow switch fibers ==> 慢肌纤维,慢缩肌纤维
  33044. slow test ==> 静力试验,静力试验
  33045. slow time division ==> 低速时间分隔
  33046. slow time scale ==> 慢速标度,慢速时标,慢速时间比例
  33047. slow traffic ==> 慢速运输
  33048. slow traffic lane ==> 慢车道
  33049. slow type ==> 慢型
  33050. slow type analog computer ==> 低速模拟计算机
  33051. slow variable ==> 遅い変数
  33052. slow vehicle lane ==> 慢车道
  33053. slow virus ==> 慢病毒,慢性病毒
  33054. slow visual search ==> 慢速图像搜索
  33055. slow wave ==> 慢波
  33056. slow wave circuit ==> 低速波电路
  33057. slow wave sleep (SWS) ==> 慢波睡眠,深睡
  33058. slow wave structure ==> 波减速结构
  33059. slow-access memory ==> 慢速存储器,慢速存取存储器
  33060. slow-acting press ==> 慢电压机,慢动压机
  33061. slow-acting relay ==> 慢动作继电器,缓动继电器
  33062. slow-back ==> 慢返回
  33063. slow-bend test ==> 慢弯试验
  33064. slow-bolw fuse ==> 缓动式熔断器
  33065. slow-break ==> 缓断
  33066. slow-break switch ==> 缓动断路器
  33067. slow-breaking emulsified asphalt ==> 慢裂乳化沥青
  33068. slow-breaking emulsion ==> 慢解乳浊,慢裂乳液
  33069. slow-burning ==> 慢燃
  33070. slow-burning insulation ==> 耐燃绝缘
  33071. slow-burning powder ==> 慢燃药
  33072. slow-burning smokeless powder ==> 慢燃无烟火药
  33073. slow-burning wire ==> 緩燃線
  33074. slow-butt welding ==> 电阻压力对焊
  33075. slow-chopper neutron spectrometer ==> 慢转中子谱仪
  33076. slow-closure type valve ==> 缓闭阀
  33077. slow-curing asphalt ==> 慢凝沥青,慢凝液体沥青
  33078. slow-curing cutback asphalt ==> 慢干稀释沥青
  33079. slow-curing liquid asphalt ==> 慢凝液体沥青
  33080. slow-curing liquid asphaltic material ==> 慢干液体沥青
  33081. slow-curing paving binder ==> 慢干的液体道路沥青
  33082. slow-decline ==> 慢蔫病
  33083. slow-down characteristic ==> 降速特性
  33084. slow-down signal ==> 慢行信号
  33085. slow-evaporating solvent ==> 慢蒸发性溶剂
  33086. slow-extracted beam ==> 慢引出束
  33087. slow-fast reactor ==> 慢快中子双区反应堆
  33088. slow-flowing stream ==> 缓慢水流
  33089. slow-mode wave ==> 慢模式波
  33090. slow-motion dial ==> 慢动度盘
  33091. slow-motion hand wheel ==> 精确调整用手轮
  33092. slow-motion starter ==> 慢动作起动器
  33093. slow-motion video tape recorder ==> 慢动作录像机
  33094. slow-moving depression ==> 慢移低气压
  33095. slow-moving traffic ==> 慢行交通
  33096. slow-moving vehicle ==> 慢行车辆
  33097. slow-neutron activation method ==> 慢中子激活法
  33098. slow-neutron bombardment ==> 慢中子轰击
  33099. slow-neutron cross-section ==> 慢中子截面
  33100. slow-neutron cycle ==> 慢中子循环
  33101. slow-neutron detecting chamber ==> 慢中子探测室
  33102. slow-neutron filter ==> 慢中子滤器
  33103. slow-neutron measurement ==> 慢中子测量
  33104. slow-neutron region ==> 慢中子区
  33105. slow-neutron scintillator ==> 慢中子闪烁体
  33106. slow-neutron velocity spectrometer ==> 慢中子速度谱仪
  33107. slow-operate fast-release relay ==> 慢吸快释继电器
  33108. slow-operate relay ==> 緩動継電器
  33109. slow-operating relay ==> 缓冲继电器,缓动继电器
  33110. slow-reacting weapon ==> 慢反应武器
  33111. slow-release ==> (指继电器)缓释的
  33112. slow-release action ==> 缓释动作
  33113. slow-release fertilizer ==> 长效肥,迟效肥
  33114. slow-release relay ==> 缓释断电器=>緩復旧継電器
  33115. slow-released part ==> 缓释部分
  33116. slow-releasing relay ==> 缓释断电器
  33117. slow-response ==> 慢响应
  33118. slow-roll stabilization ==> 转动稳定
  33119. slow-running control ==> 空转控制
  33120. slow-running jet ==> 低速喷口
  33121. slow-running jet tube ==> 低速喷管
  33122. slow-running needle ==> 低速调整针
  33123. slow-running outlet ==> 慢车出油口
  33124. slow-scan art ==> 慢扫描技术
  33125. slow-scan camera chain ==> 慢扫描摄影电路
  33126. slow-scan colour spectrum ==> 慢扫描电视彩色谱
  33127. slow-scan sync detection ==> 慢扫描同步检测
  33128. slow-scan television ==> 慢速扫描电视
  33129. slow-scan television system ==> 慢扫描电视系统
  33130. slow-scan vidicon ==> 慢扫描摄像管
  33131. slow-scan vidicon camera ==> 慢扫描光导摄像管摄像机,慢扫描视像管摄像机
  33132. slow-scanning rates ==> 慢扫描速度
  33133. slow-setting cement ==> 缓凝水泥
  33134. slow-setting emulsified asphalt ==> 慢凝乳化沥青
  33135. slow-setting emulsion ==> 慢凝乳液
  33136. slow-setting glass ==> 慢硬玻璃,长性玻璃
  33137. slow-shear test ==> 慢剪试验
  33138. slow-speed ==> 慢转
  33139. slow-speed band ==> 低速带
  33140. slow-speed bridge crane ==> 慢速桥式起重机
  33141. slow-speed coal plough ==> 慢速刨煤机
  33142. slow-speed diesel ==> 低速柴油机
  33143. slow-speed direct recording tape recorder ==> 慢速直接记录式磁带记录器
  33144. slow-speed drive ==> 慢速传动
  33145. slow-speed governor ==> 低速调节器
  33146. slow-speed high-torque converter ==> 低速高扭矩的变扭器
  33147. slow-speed jet ==> 低速ジェット
  33148. slow-speed magnet action ==> 电磁铁缓吸作用
  33149. slow-speed mixer ==> 低速混合器
  33150. slow-speed motor ==> 低速电动机
  33151. slow-speed of revolution ==> 低转速
  33152. slow-speed relay ==> 低速继电器
  33153. slow-speed rolls ==> 低速辊式破碎机
  33154. slow-speed shaft ==> 低速轴
  33155. slow-speed signal ==> 徐行信号機
  33156. slow-speed tape recorder ==> 慢速磁带记录器
  33157. slow-speed test ==> 低速试验
  33158. slow-speed-release signal ==> 徐行解除信号機
  33159. slow-spiral drill ==> 平螺旋钻
  33160. slow-to-operate relay ==> 慢动作继电器
  33161. slow-to-release relay ==> 缓释断电器
  33162. slow-turning control circuit ==> 慢转控制回路
  33163. slow-type analog computer ==> 低速模拟计算机
  33164. slow-type electronic analogue computer ==> 低速电子模拟计算机
  33165. slow-virus infection ==> 慢病毒感染
  33166. slow-virus infection of brain ==> 慢病毒脑感染
  33167. slow-wave buncher ==> 慢波聚束器
  33168. slow-wave circuit ==> 慢波电路,慢波线路=>遅波回路
  33169. slow-wave line ==> 慢波线
  33170. slow-wave pitch ==> 慢波线节距
  33171. slow-wave structure ==> 慢波结构
  33172. slow-wave structure to coaxial line coupler ==> 慢波结构同轴线耦合器
  33173. slow-wave system ==> 慢波系统
  33174. slowburning construction ==> 耐燃构造
  33175. slowed sweep oscilloscope ==> 慢扫描示波器
  33176. slower rays ==> 慢光
  33177. slower-moving track ==> 慢转履带
  33178. slowing down ==> 减速
  33179. slowing down area ==> 减速面积
  33180. slowing down brake ==> 减速制动器
  33181. slowing down power ==> 减速能
  33182. slowing factor ==> 减慢因子
  33183. slowing material ==> 慢化材料
  33184. slowing properties ==> 慢化性能
  33185. slowing time ==> 慢速运动时间
  33186. slowing-down ==> 慢化
  33187. slowing-down area ==> 慢化面积,在无限均匀介质内,中子从裂变中子产生点到慢化至某一特定能量(通常为热能区上限)时所在点的直线距离均方值的1/6。它是普遍意义下的中子年龄,与费密年龄理论是否适用无关
  33188. slowing-down cross-section ==> 慢化截面
  33189. slowing-down density ==> 慢化密度,减速密度
  33190. slowing-down energy distribution ==> 慢化能量分布
  33191. slowing-down group ==> 慢化组
  33192. slowing-down integral equation ==> 慢化积分方程
  33193. slowing-down kernel ==> 慢化核
  33194. slowing-down length ==> 慢化长度,减速长度,慢化面积(费米年龄)的平方根。热中子慢化长度的大小正比于裂变中子从产生点到慢化至热能区上限时所在地点的平均直线距离
  33195. slowing-down model ==> 慢化模型
  33196. slowing-down moment ==> 慢化矩
  33197. slowing-down nonleakage probability ==> 慢化不泄漏几率
  33198. slowing-down power ==> 慢化本领,慢化能力
  33199. slowing-down radiation ==> 慢化辐射
  33200. slowing-down region ==> 慢化区
  33201. slowing-down spectrometer ==> 慢化能谱仪
  33202. slowing-down theory ==> 慢化理论
  33203. slowing-down time spectrometry ==> 慢化时间测谱学
  33204. slowly changing component ==> ゆっくり変化する成分
  33205. slowly changing field ==> 慢变化场
  33206. slowly damped circuit ==> 缓减幅电路
  33207. slowly drained soil ==> 潮湿土壤
  33208. slowly emerging plants ==> 出苗缓慢的植株
  33209. slowly variable flow ==> 缓变流
  33210. slowly varying component ==> 缓变分量
  33211. slowly varying function ==> 慢变函数,慢化函数
  33212. slowly varying system ==> 慢变系统
  33213. slowly-accumulated dose ==> 慢累积剂量
  33214. slowmotion hoist ==> 慢速卷扬机
  33215. slowness component ==> 慢度分量
  33216. slowness-time domain ==> 慢度时间域
  33217. slows orchard sprinkler ==> 果园用低速喷灌器
  33218. slowsetting cement ==> 慢凝水泥
  33219. SLP Passenger Ship Safety Certificate ==> 客船安全证明
  33220. SLPR, Satellite Launch Readiness Review ==> 衛星最終確認審査会
  33221. SLR Cargo Ship Safety Radio Telegraphy/Telephony Certificate ==> 货船安全无线电通讯术/电话通讯证明
  33222. SLR, satellite laser ranging ==> 人工衛星レーザレンジング
  33223. SLR, side-looking radar ==> サイドルッキングレーダー(側方監視レーダー)
  33224. SLS, Sea Level Static ==> 地上静止状態
  33225. SLS, secondary landing site ==> 第2着陸基地
  33226. SLS, side lobe suppression ==> サイドローブ抑圧
  33227. SLS, space life science laboratory ==> スペースライフサイエンス実験室
  33228. SLS, spacelab flight for life science ==> ライフサイエンス用スペースシャトル飛行
  33229. SLS, Spacelab Life Sciences ==> スペースラブ生命科学
  33230. SLSS, shuttle launch support system ==> シャトル打上支援システム
  33231. SLT, static load test ==> 静荷重試験
  33232. SLU key ==> 辅助逻辑部件键
  33233. sluaghter house tax ==> 屠宰税
  33234. slub ==> 粗纱
  33235. slubbing ==> 粗纺
  33236. slubbing frame ==> 头道粗纺机
  33237. slubbing-dyed yarn ==> 粗纱染色纱
  33238. sludge ==> 污泥,淤泥,淤渣,钻泥,煤泥,废泥浆,金属碎渣,矿泥,泥浆,沉渣,水的沉淀物中的较大颗粒物=>析出物,かす,スラッジ
  33239. sludge (manure) cart ==> 液肥槽车
  33240. sludge (solid) outlet ==> 滤渣(排)出口
  33241. sludge accumulation ==> 污泥积累
  33242. sludge acid phosphate ==> 淤渣酸磷酸盐
  33243. sludge acid separating tank ==> 淤渣流酸分离槽
  33244. sludge activation ==> 污泥活化
  33245. sludge age ==> 污泥年龄
  33246. sludge application ==> スラッジ汚泥施用
  33247. sludge ash ==> スラッジ汚泥灰
  33248. sludge asphalt ==> 淤渣沥青
  33249. sludge assay ==> 钻泥分析
  33250. sludge bank ==> 淤泥滩
  33251. sludge barging ==> 污泥驳运
  33252. sludge barrel ==> 钻屑收集筒
  33253. sludge bed ==> 汚泥床
  33254. sludge blanket ==> 污泥层=>スラッジ汚泥ブランケット
  33255. sludge bucket ==> 钻屑收集筒
  33256. sludge bulking ==> 污泥膨胀
  33257. sludge calorific value ==> 污泥热值
  33258. sludge cast ==> 沟槽铸型
  33259. sludge chamber ==> 污泥池,淤渣池
  33260. sludge circulation ==> 污泥循环
  33261. sludge coking plant ==> 淤渣焦化厂
  33262. sludge collecting board ==> 集泥板
  33263. sludge collecting tank ==> 污油柜
  33264. sludge collector ==> 污泥沉积室,污泥收集器,集泥机
  33265. sludge compartment ==> 污泥分隔室
  33266. sludge composting ==> 污泥堆肥
  33267. sludge concentration ==> 污泥浓度,残渣浓度
  33268. sludge concentrator ==> 污泥浓缩器
  33269. sludge condintioning ==> 淤渣改质
  33270. sludge conditioner ==> 污泥调理剂
  33271. sludge conditioning ==> 污泥处理
  33272. sludge conditioning tank ==> 污泥调节缸
  33273. sludge conveyor ==> 污泥输送器
  33274. sludge density index (SDI) ==> 污泥密度指数
  33275. sludge deposition ==> 油泥沉积
  33276. sludge determination ==> 淤渣测定,污泥测定
  33277. sludge dewatering ==> 污泥脱水
  33278. sludge dewatering equipment ==> 污泥脱水机
  33279. sludge digester ==> 污泥消化池
  33280. sludge digestion ==> 污泥菌分解,污泥消化,污泥消解
  33281. sludge digestion chamber ==> 污泥消化室
  33282. sludge digestion compartment ==> 污泥消化间
  33283. sludge digestion process ==> 污泥消化过程
  33284. sludge digestion tank ==> 污泥消化池,污泥消解槽
  33285. sludge diluent ==> 淤渣稀释剂
  33286. sludge discharge pipe ==> 淤泥排管
  33287. sludge discharge tube ==> 残渣排出口
  33288. sludge disposal ==> 污泥处理
  33289. sludge distillate separator ==> 淤渣蒸馏
  33290. sludge dryer ==> 污泥干燥器
  33291. sludge drying bed ==> 污泥干化床,污泥干化池,晒渣池
  33292. sludge elutriation ==> 污泥淘洗
  33293. sludge emulsion ==> 淤渣乳胶
  33294. sludge excess ==> 污泥过剩
  33295. sludge filtration ==> 污泥过滤,油泥过滤
  33296. sludge float ==> 污泥浮游物
  33297. sludge formation ==> 污泥生成
  33298. sludge gas ==> 沼气
  33299. sludge growth index ==> 污泥增殖指数
  33300. sludge holding tank ==> 污泥池
  33301. sludge hopper ==> 污泥贮斗,集泥斗
  33302. sludge humus ==> 污泥腐殖质
  33303. sludge impoundment ==> 污泥池
  33304. sludge incineration ==> 污泥焚化,污泥燃烧
  33305. sludge incinerator ==> 污泥焚烧炉
  33306. sludge incinevator ==> 污泥燃烧炉
  33307. sludge index ==> 污泥指数
  33308. sludge inhibitor ==> 污泥生成抑制剂,油渣抑制剂
  33309. sludge ladle ==> 掏渣勺,渣包
  33310. sludge lagoon ==> 淤泥塘,污泥塘
  33311. sludge loading ==> 污泥负荷
  33312. sludge lump ==> 不规则松冰团
  33313. sludge moisture content ==> 污泥含水量
  33314. sludge number ==> 淤渣值
  33315. sludge occurrence ==> 油渣形成
  33316. sludge oil ==> 淤渣油
  33317. sludge oil tar ==> 淤渣油焦油
  33318. sludge outlet ==> 污泥出口
  33319. sludge pan ==> 大口软钢坩埚
  33320. sludge part ==> 污泥部分
  33321. sludge particles ==> 淤渣颗粒
  33322. sludge pipe ==> 污泥管,集泥管
  33323. sludge pit ==> 泥浆坑
  33324. sludge pond ==> 泥浆坑
  33325. sludge pool ==> 污泥池
  33326. sludge press filter ==> 盐泥压滤机
  33327. sludge preventive ==> 淤渣生成抑制剂
  33328. sludge promoter ==> 油渣促进剂
  33329. sludge pump ==> 淤泥泵,污泥泵,电动泥浆泵,排泥泵,泥浆泵,泥砂泵,汲泥泵=>スラッジ(汚泥)ポンプ
  33330. sludge pumping ==> 污泥泵送
  33331. sludge removal ==> 污泥清除,淤渣清除器
  33332. sludge remover ==> 淤渣清除器
  33333. sludge scraper ==> 刮泥器
  33334. sludge seeding ==> 污泥接种
  33335. sludge settling ==> 污泥沉降,淤泥沉淀
  33336. sludge silt ==> 污泥渣
  33337. sludge solid ==> 污泥固体物
  33338. sludge solvent ==> 淤渣溶剂
  33339. sludge stirring ==> 污泥搅动
  33340. sludge storage tank ==> 盐泥贮罐
  33341. sludge tank wagon ==> 污泥槽车
  33342. sludge test ==> 淤渣试验
  33343. sludge thickener ==> 污泥增稠器
  33344. sludge thickening ==> 污泥增稠
  33345. sludge trap ==> 灰泥捕集器,泥沙捕集装置
  33346. sludge utilization ==> 污泥利用
  33347. sludge valve ==> 污泥阀
  33348. sludge volume index ==> 污泥容积体积指数,污泥容积指数
  33349. sludge volume index (SVI) ==> 污泥沉淀量指数
  33350. sludge water ==> 污泥水
  33351. sludge well ==> 污泥井
  33352. sludge worm ==> 污泥虫
  33353. sludge-blanket filter ==> 污泥层滤池
  33354. sludge-blanket reactor ==> 污泥层反应池
  33355. sludge-dispersing agent ==> 淤渣分散剂
  33356. sludge-tank activation ==> 污泥池灌气法
  33357. sludged blood ==> 凝血块
  33358. sludgeless oil ==> 无渣油
  33359. sludging ==> 油泥
  33360. sludging in oil line ==> 油管内成渣
  33361. sludging test ==> 淤渣试验
  33362. sludging value ==> 淤渣值
  33363. slueing generator ==> 回转发电机
  33364. slug ==> 金属片状毛坯,金属小块,大嵌条,斯勒格,铅字条,坯,灌浆封闭裂缝防漏,燃料块,毛坯,缓动环,波导调配柱,棒,鼻涕虫,栓,芯片,芯子
  33365. slug bit ==> 镶嵌钻头
  33366. slug breaker ==> 废料切断刀
  33367. slug can ==> 释热元件外壳
  33368. slug casting machine ==> 条行铸字机,铸铅条机
  33369. slug clearance hole ==> 冲裁废料漏料孔
  33370. slug die ==> 废料切断模
  33371. slug disposing ==> 冲压废料处理
  33372. slug flow ==> 迟滞流,慢流,活塞流
  33373. slug in neck ==> 瓶颈过厚
  33374. slug matching ==> スラグ整合
  33375. slug mill ==> 矿渣磨=>スラグミル
  33376. slug moth ==> 刺蛾
  33377. slug neck ==> 瓶颈过厚
  33378. slug press ==> 压制毛坯
  33379. slug slot ==> 出屑槽
  33380. slug tuner ==> 铁芯调谐器=>スラグ同調器
  33381. slug tuning ==> 铁心调谐,动块调谐
  33382. slug tuning circuit ==> 滑块式调谐电路
  33383. slugged relay ==> 缓动继电器
  33384. slugging ==> 击压法,插嵌片,埋焊,冲裂,腾涌
  33385. sluggish ==> (抗抑郁药)反应缓慢
  33386. sluggish circulation ==> 缓慢环流
  33387. sluggish flow ==> 缓流,缓慢的水流,缓慢水流
  33388. sluggish layer ==> 缓动层
  33389. sluggish lubricant ==> 粘滞润滑油
  33390. sluggish market ==> 萧条市面,疲软市场,市场疲软
  33391. sluggish metal ==> 冷金属液
  33392. sluggish muscle ==> 缓缩肌
  33393. sluggish year ==> 经济停滞年份,经济停滞年份
  33394. sluggishness ==> 惯性,惰性,停滞
  33395. sluice ==> 泄洪闸,流槽,流水槽,堰水,溢水道,节流器,冲渣沟,水闸,底冰冲泄闸,闸,修建在河道和渠道上,利用闸门控制流量和调节水位,泄水底板接近河床的低水头水工建筑物;拦河闸,为拦河修建的闸=>水門,水路,樋
  33396. sluice (shutoff,shut-off) valve ==> 断流阀
  33397. sluice board ==> 泄水闸板
  33398. sluice box ==> 流矿槽,洗矿槽,洗选流矿槽
  33399. sluice capacity ==> 泄水闸通道量
  33400. sluice chamber ==> 泄水闸室,闸室,装设闸门、控制水位和流量的闸的主体部分
  33401. sluice channel ==> 泄水渠
  33402. sluice collar ==> 泄水道的截水环
  33403. sluice culvert ==> 泄水涵洞
  33404. sluice dam ==> 水沟挡板
  33405. sluice door ==> 水闸门
  33406. sluice down a floor ==> 床を水で洗う
  33407. sluice down a wall ==> 壁を水で洗う
  33408. sluice floor slab ==> 闸底板,闸室底部的承重或防护地基的基础板
  33409. sluice gate ==> 水闸门,冲刷闸门,泄水闸门
  33410. sluice gun ==> 冲洗枪
  33411. sluice line ==> 冲洗管道,泄水管线
  33412. sluice noz(zle) ==> 节流喷管
  33413. sluice opening ==> 水闸孔
  33414. sluice pipe ==> 泄水管道,又称“泄水涵管”。.设在坝体或坝基的泄水管道
  33415. sluice pump ==> 冲灰泵,冲洗泵
  33416. sluice valve ==> 水阀,闸阀=>スリース弁,仕切弁
  33417. sluice weir ==> 水沟堰
  33418. sluice-gate lips ==> 泄水闸门下缘
  33419. sluice-gate price ==> 开闸价格,(欧洲共同市场规定的最低进口价)闸门价格
  33420. sluice-mounted screen ==> 洗槽振动筛
  33421. sluiced fill ==> 水力填方
  33422. sluiceway ==> 冲灰沟,冲渣沟,排泄水道,洗砂沟
  33423. sluicing capacity ==> 冲刷量
  33424. sluicing chamber ==> 冲沙室
  33425. sluicing pond ==> 冲沙池,水闸蓄水池
  33426. sluicing-siltation earth dam ==> 水坠坝,将高于坝顶的岸坡土料用水力冲刷形成高浓度泥浆自流到筑坝位置,靠土体自重脱水固结而形成的土坝
  33427. sluicing-siltation method ==> 冲填淤积法
  33428. sluing arch ==> 八字拱
  33429. slumber-time diversion ==> 夜间改道制
  33430. slump ==> 疲软,经济萧条,经济萧条,坍塌,萧条,滑动,滑动沉陷,滑塌,暴跌,暴跌,衰退,坍落度,测定混凝土拌合物和易性的一种指标,用拌合物在自重作用下向下坍落的高度,以厘米数表示=>スランプ
  33431. slump bedding ==> 滑动层理
  33432. slump belt ==> 崩坍地带
  33433. slump block ==> 崩坍块体
  33434. slump cone ==> 坍落度筒
  33435. slump consistency test ==> 坍塌试验
  33436. slump constant ==> 坍落常数,坍落度
  33437. slump deposit ==> 滑坡沉积物
  33438. slump fault ==> 滑动断层,正常断层
  33439. slump fold ==> 崩滑褶皱
  33440. slump incoherent ==> 松散滑塌
  33441. slump of disastrous proportions ==> 严重衰退
  33442. slump sheet ==> 滑塌岩席
  33443. slump structure ==> 塌滑构造
  33444. slump test ==> 塌落度试验,坍落度试验,重陷试验
  33445. slurging screen ==> 煤泥筛
  33446. slurred speech ==> 语言不清
  33447. slurriable combination ==> 混合型制剂
  33448. slurry ==> 薄浆,浆,浆料,浆液,泥浆,淤浆,淤泥,煤浆,料浆,料液,滑泥,结晶浆液=>スラリー
  33449. slurry (livestock keeping) ==> 粪浆(禽畜饲养)
  33450. slurry agitator ==> 泥浆搅拌机,泥浆搅拌器
  33451. slurry agitator pump ==> 泥浆混合泵
  33452. slurry analysis ==> スラリー分析
  33453. slurry auger ==> 泥浆搅拌输送螺旋,浆状物搅拌输送螺旋
  33454. slurry bedding ==> 滑动层理
  33455. slurry cake ==> 泥壳
  33456. slurry casting ==> 泥浆浇注
  33457. slurry compounding machine ==> 配浆机
  33458. slurry delivery pipe ==> 供浆管
  33459. slurry dewatering ==> 泥浆脱水
  33460. slurry drier ==> 淤浆干燥机
  33461. slurry dryer ==> 泥浆干燥机
  33462. slurry drying ==> スラリー乾燥
  33463. slurry equipment ==> 拌浆设备
  33464. slurry exchanger ==> 淤浆交换器
  33465. slurry feeder ==> 煤浆进料机=>スラリー供給装置
  33466. slurry filter ==> 泥浆过滤器
  33467. slurry filter-cake ==> 泥浆滤饼,淤浆滤饼
  33468. slurry filter-preheater ==> 泥浆过滤前预热器
  33469. slurry handling ==> 淤浆处理
  33470. slurry holder ==> 料浆管支架
  33471. slurry inlet ==> 料浆进(入)口,滤浆入口
  33472. slurry mining ==> 矿泥浆开采法
  33473. slurry mixer ==> 泥浆搅拌器,拌浆器
  33474. slurry mixing tank ==> 拌浆桶
  33475. slurry mo(u)lding process ==> 陶瓷型铸造
  33476. slurry mole ==> 泥浆掘进机
  33477. slurry moulding process ==> 灌浆成型
  33478. slurry oil ==> 淤浆油
  33479. slurry outlet ==> 含尘液排出口
  33480. slurry packing ==> 浆状填充法
  33481. slurry pipeline ==> 煤浆管道
  33482. slurry polishing ==> 软膏抛光
  33483. slurry polymerization process ==> 淤浆式聚合法
  33484. slurry pond ==> 淤浆池,泥浆池
  33485. slurry preforming ==> 料浆喷射预成型
  33486. slurry preparation ==> 泥浆制备
  33487. slurry press ==> 淤浆压榨机
  33488. slurry process ==> 油浆法
  33489. slurry pump ==> 淤浆泵,煤水泵,排浆泵
  33490. slurry pumps ==> 泥浆泵
  33491. slurry reaction ==> スラリー反応
  33492. slurry reactor ==> スラリー反応器
  33493. slurry recycle ==> 浆料循环
  33494. slurry screen ==> 矿泥筛,煤泥筛
  33495. slurry service ==> 油浆系统
  33496. slurry settler ==> 油浆沉降器
  33497. slurry slump ==> 泥浆状滑塌
  33498. slurry spreader ==> 泥肥洒布器,厩液洒布机
  33499. slurry steeping ==> 淤浆碱化
  33500. slurry tank ==> 淤浆槽,料浆罐,泥浆槽,含尘液贮槽
  33501. slurry technique ==> スラリー法
  33502. slurry thickener ==> 泥浆稠化机
  33503. slurry thinner ==> 泥浆稀释剂
  33504. slurry transport ==> スラリー輸送
  33505. slurry transport system ==> スラリー輸送システム
  33506. slurry transportation ==> スラリー輸送
  33507. slurry waste ==> 浆状废物
  33508. slurry-casting casting ==> 粉浆浇注
  33509. slurry-phase reactor ==> 淤浆反应器
  33510. slurry-type seed mixer ==> 湿式拌和器
  33511. slush ==> 冰凌,淤泥,稀泥浆,废油,软泥,软湿冰雪=>潤滑油
  33512. slush casting ==> 凝壳铸造,薄壳铸件,空壳铸件,空心件铸造
  33513. slush fund ==> 行贿资金
  33514. slush grouting ==> 刮浆填缝,灌泥浆
  33515. slush ice ==> 冰泥
  33516. slush icing ==> 湿积冰
  33517. slush metal ==> 软合金
  33518. slush mo(u)lding ==> 冷凝模塑(法)
  33519. slush molding ==> 薄壳模塑
  33520. slush pit ==> 泥浆坑
  33521. slush pulp ==> 液体浆
  33522. slush pump ==> 抽泥泵,淤泥泵,汲泥泵=>泥水ポンプ
  33523. slushed joint ==> 挂刀灰砖缝
  33524. slushing ==> 抗腐蚀,抗湿,水力填土法
  33525. slushing compound ==> 防锈剂,抗蚀剂
  33526. slushing giant ==> 充填用水枪
  33527. slushing grease ==> 抗蚀润滑脂=>スラッシュ・グリース
  33528. slushing oil ==> 抗蚀润滑油,抗蚀油
  33529. SLV, satellite launching vehicle ==> 衛星打上げ用ロケット
  33530. sm ==> 表面装配
  33531. SM optical fiber cable ==> SM光ファイバケーブル
  33532. SM, Service Module ==> アポロ機械船
  33533. SM, short module ==> 短モジュール
  33534. SM, solid motor ==> 固体モーター
  33535. SM, space plasma physics solar monitor ==> 宇宙プラズマ物理学太陽監視装置
  33536. SM, synchronous motors ==> 同期電動機
  33537. SM, system management ==> システムマネージメント
  33538. SM-cellulose ==> 磺甲基纤维素
  33539. sma ==> 表面装配
  33540. SMA engine ==> 形状記憶合金熱エンジン
  33541. SMA Society of Maritime Arbitrators ==> 海事仲裁人协会
  33542. SMA, S-band multiple access ==> Sバンドマルチアクセス
  33543. SMA, science monitoring area ==> サイエンスモニタリングエリア
  33544. SMA, simple moving average ==> 単純移動平均
  33545. smack ==> 風味
  33546. Smalian's formula ==> 斯马列安公式
  33547. Smalian's method ==> 斯马利安法
  33548. small aggregate crusher ==> 细碎机
  33549. small aircraft carrier ==> 小型航空母舰
  33550. small airport runway indicator ==> 小型机场跑道指示器
  33551. small airway function ==> 小气道功能
  33552. small airway lung disease ==> 小气道肺部疾病
  33553. small airway resistance determination ==> 小气道阻力测定
  33554. small alveolar cells ==> 肺泡I型细胞
  33555. small American waterlily ==> 小香睡莲
  33556. small amplitude modulation ==> 小幅度调制
  33557. small amplitude pulse polarography ==> 小振幅脉冲极谱法
  33558. small amplitude wave ==> 小振幅波
  33559. small amplitued shear oscillation ==> 小振幅剪切振荡
  33560. small and medium sized business ==> 中小厂商
  33561. small and medium-sized enterprise ==> 中小企业
  33562. small and narrow trifoliolate ==> 小而狭长的三出叶
  33563. small and weak pulse ==> 脉细无力
  33564. small and wiry pulse ==> 脉弦细
  33565. small angle elastic scattering ==> 小角弹性散射
  33566. small angle grain boundary ==> 小角晶粒间界
  33567. small angle x-ray diffraction (SAXD) ==> 小角度X射线衍射
  33568. small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) ==> 小角度X射线散射
  33569. small animal ==> 小家畜
  33570. small animal reservior ==> 小动物饲养场
  33571. small anti-gas apparatus ==> 小型防毒器
  33572. small aperture separator system ==> 小隙缝分离系统
  33573. small application technology satellite ==> 小型应用技术卫星
  33574. small arc ==> 小弧
  33575. small area flicker ==> 小面积闪烁
  33576. small area ratio ==> 小断面積比
  33577. small arm ==> 轻武器
  33578. small articles of daily use ==> 小百货
  33579. small atmospheric sterillizer ==> 小型常压灭菌器
  33580. small batch manufacturing ==> 小批生产
  33581. small batch technology ==> 小批成组工艺
  33582. small bayonet cap ==> 小卡口灯座
  33583. small bench lathe ==> 小台式车床
  33584. small biological cycle ==> 生物小循环
  33585. small biological cycle system ==> 生物小循环规律
  33586. small bond ==> 小额债券
  33587. small bore ==> 小截面
  33588. small bore engine ==> 小径气缸发动机
  33589. small bore piston ==> 小孔径活塞
  33590. small boxed tin horn ==> 小匣式喇叭
  33591. small British nettle ==> 小荨麻
  33592. small brokens ==> 小碎粒
  33593. small bronchus ==> 小支气管
  33594. small brown rice planthopper ==> 灰飞虱
  33595. small brown-back rice plant-hopper ==> 灰稻虱
  33596. small bulb ==> 小灯泡
  33597. small bundle ==> 小维管束
  33598. small bundles of spiral vessels ==> 螺纹导管的小维管束
  33599. small burnet ==> 小地榆
  33600. small bus-bar ==> 小汇流条
  33601. small business ==> 小企业=>先進小企業
  33602. small business innovation research ==> SBIR
  33603. small business loan ==> 小企业贷款
  33604. small business management ==> 小规模企业管理,小企业管理
  33605. small business under individual ownership ==> 小商业
  33606. small caliber piece ==> 小口径火炮
  33607. small capacitive current breaking ==> 進み小電流遮断
  33608. small capacity cable ==> 细芯电缆,少芯电缆
  33609. small capital letter ==> 小体大写字母
  33610. small car ==> 轻型人汽车
  33611. small cardiac vein ==> 心小静脉
  33612. small cargo boat ==> 小货船
  33613. small casting ==> 小铸件
  33614. small cell carcinoma of salivary gland ==> 涎腺小细胞性癌
  33615. small cell undifferentiated carcinoma ==> 小细胞未分化性癌
  33616. small cell undifferentiated carcinoma of lung ==> 小细胞未分化肺癌
  33617. small change ==> 辅币
  33618. small charge ==> 小型装药
  33619. small check ==> 小额支票,小方格
  33620. small circle ==> 小圆航路
  33621. small clearance space ==> 窄缝
  33622. small clod ==> 小碎土块,小土块
  33623. small closed curve ==> 小闭曲线
  33624. small coal ==> 小块煤,粒度介于13mm~25mm之间的煤
  33625. small coastal transport ==> 小型沿岸运输船
  33626. small cold frame ==> 小阳畦
  33627. small colon ==> 小结肠
  33628. small commodity economy ==> 小商品经济
  33629. small commodity producers ==> 小商品生产者
  33630. small computer ==> 小型计算机
  33631. small container ==> 小容器,小型集装船
  33632. small control switches ==> 组合开关
  33633. small cordage ==> 细索类
  33634. small correction ==> 小改正
  33635. small craft ==> 小船
  33636. small craft anchorage ==> 小船锚地
  33637. small craft berth ==> 小船泊位
  33638. small craftsmen and traders ==> 小工商业者
  33639. small crop drying equipments ==> 小件作物干燥设备
  33640. small crossvein ==> 小横脉
  33641. small crushing ==> 细级压碎
  33642. small crystals ==> 小晶体
  33643. small crystals of calcium oxalate ==> 草酸钙小晶体
  33644. small cuboidal cells ==> 小立方形细菌,立方形的小细胞
  33645. small cup ==> 小杯
  33646. small cupola ==> 小冲天炉
  33647. small damage ==> 小额损失
  33648. small debts court ==> 小债务法庭
  33649. small deflection ==> 小挠度
  33650. small diameter blasthole ==> 小直径炮孔
  33651. small diameter gear ==> 小直径齿轮
  33652. small diameter workpiece ==> 小直径工件
  33653. small digestive gland ==> 小消化腺
  33654. small dike on levee crown ==> 子堤,又称“子捻”。为防止洪水漫溢堤顶,在邻近水面的堤顶修建的临时小堤
  33655. small dimension wood ==> 小径材
  33656. small dipole ==> 小偶极子
  33657. small disc harrow ==> 小型圆盘耙
  33658. small displacement engine ==> 小容积发动机
  33659. small disturbance ==> 小扰动,干扰量和干扰变动速率相对较小的扰动
  33660. small diurnal range ==> 小平均日潮差,小日潮差
  33661. small dorso-recti muscle ==> 小背直肌
  33662. small dose ==> 小剂量
  33663. small dose dexamethasone inhibition test ==> 小剂量地塞米松抑制试验法
  33664. small dragon's teeth ==> 小龙牙
  33665. small eared ==> 具小穗的,具小穗的
  33666. small echo ==> 小波
  33667. small economy ==> 小经济
  33668. small Edison screw-cap ==> 小型爱迪生螺旋灯头
  33669. small egg-plant screw indicating lamp ==> 小螺口茄形指示灯泡
  33670. small electronic couple ==> 小电偶
  33671. small elongated bubble ==> 小长气泡
  33672. small end ==> 连杆上端,小端,小头
  33673. small end bushing ==> 小头衬套
  33674. small end face ==> 小端面
  33675. small end of connecting rod ==> 连杆小头
  33676. small enterprise products ==> 小企业产品
  33677. small enterprises in commerce ==> 小商业
  33678. small ermine moth ==> 巢蛾
  33679. small establishment ==> 小基层单位
  33680. small exchequer ==> 小金库
  33681. small face (S.F.) ==> 窄面
  33682. small face plate ==> 拨盘
  33683. small faceplate ==> 小花盘
  33684. small factory ==> 町工場
  33685. small fan ==> (干燥种子用)消风扇
  33686. small farm tools ==> 小农具
  33687. small fennel ==> 小茴香
  33688. small fennel oil ==> 小茴香油
  33689. small fertilizer plant ==> 小化肥厂
  33690. small fibrous ring ==> 小纤维环
  33691. Small five-toed jerboa ==> 小五趾跳鼠
  33692. small floe ==> 小冰盘
  33693. small fontanel ==> 小囟门
  33694. small for date infant ==> 足月小样儿
  33695. small forceps ==> 小钳
  33696. small forged parts ==> 小的锻造部件
  33697. small formation ==> 小编队
  33698. small fracture ==> 小冰隙
  33699. small frequencies ==> 小频数
  33700. small fruit ==> 小果
  33701. small fruit culture ==> 小果栽培
  33702. small fruit having or fleshy pericarp ==> 具多浆或内质囊果皮的小果实,具多浆或内质囊果皮的小果实
  33703. small fruited strawberry ==> 欧洲草莓
  33704. small fruiting ==> 结小果的
  33705. small game ==> 小猎物
  33706. small gang plough ==> 小型开沟犁
  33707. small gap ==> 小间隙
  33708. small gap material ==> 窄禁带材料
  33709. small gladiolus ==> 小唐菖蒲
  33710. small globethistle ==> 小兰刺头
  33711. small grain ==> 粒
  33712. small grains ==> 小粒谷类作物
  33713. small granular cell ==> 小颗粒细胞
  33714. small graphite ==> 粉粒石墨
  33715. small green wood orchid ==> 小绿玉凤花
  33716. small groove ==> 小槽
  33717. small gross ==> 小罗
  33718. small group attack ==> 小机群空袭
  33719. small hail ==> 小雹
  33720. small handicraftsman ==> 小手工业者
  33721. small harbor tug ==> 小型港口拖船
  33722. small hard seeds ==> 小硬粒种
  33723. small head ==> 小水位差
  33724. small heart syndrome ==> 小心脏综合征
  33725. small heating stove ==> 小暖炉
  33726. small helm ==> 小角度转舵
  33727. small hemp ==> 小大麻
  33728. small holding of tree ==> 零星木
  33729. small hole ==> 小孔
  33730. small hook needle ==> 小型钩针
  33731. small horse hides ==> 小马皮
  33732. small horsebean ==> 小马蚕豆
  33733. small hydroelectric plant ==> 小型水力发电站
  33734. small hydroelectric power station ==> 小型水力发电站
  33735. small hydropower station ==> 小型水电站
  33736. small ice floe ==> 小冰盘,小浮冰
  33737. small impression ==> 限定版
  33738. small impurities ==> 小杂质
  33739. small inductive current breaking ==> 遅れ小電流遮断
  33740. small inductive dimension ==> 小归纳维数
  33741. small industrialists ==> 小工业者
  33742. small infrared drier ==> 小型红外线干燥机
  33743. small insect ==> 小昆虫
  33744. small inside micrometer calliper ==> 小内测千分卡尺
  33745. small intercontinental ballistic missile ==> 小型洲际弹道导弹
  33746. small internal gear ==> 小内齿圈
  33747. small interrow tractor drill ==> 小型拖拉机条播机
  33748. small intestine ==> 小肠
  33749. small ion ==> 小离子
  33750. small irregularities ==> 小不平度
  33751. small isolation circle ==> 小隔离圈
  33752. small knot ==> 小节,小树节
  33753. small land lessor ==> 小土地出租者
  33754. small lapel ==> 小卜头
  33755. small larynx ==> 小喉
  33756. small lead block test ==> 小铅柱试验
  33757. Small leaf-nosed bat ==> 小蹄蝠
  33758. small letter edition ==> 小字本
  33759. small library ==> 小型图书馆
  33760. small lift device ==> 小型单人飞行器
  33761. small light ==> 小功率灯
  33762. small light anti-submarine helicopter ==> 小型反潜直升飞机
  33763. Small long-tongued fruit bat ==> 小长舌果蝠
  33764. small lot ==> 小批量=>小ロット
  33765. small lot production ==> 小批生产
  33766. small lungworm ==> 小型肺线虫
  33767. small lymphocyte ==> 小淋巴细胞
  33768. small machine ==> 小电机
  33769. Small Magellanic Cloud ==> 小麦哲伦云
  33770. small main valve piston ==> 主阀小活塞
  33771. small manned antisubmarine helicopter ==> 小型有人驾驶反潜直升机
  33772. small market ==> 小市场
  33773. small mass of infected cell ==> 侵染细胞的小团块
  33774. small middlings ==> 小细渣
  33775. small mine block ==> 小型地雷场
  33776. small missile telecamera ==> 小型导弹电视摄像机
  33777. small molecule ==> 小分子
  33778. small moonflower ==> 小月光花
  33779. Small Multibanded Krait ==> 金钱白花蛇
  33780. small navigational radar ==> 小型导航雷达
  33781. small neat weave ==> 小花纹组织
  33782. small neighbourhood ==> 小邻域
  33783. small noise tube ==> 低噪声管
  33784. small nonlinearity ==> 弱非线性
  33785. small note ==> 小额钞票
  33786. small number ==> 小数
  33787. small numeral ==> 微小的数目
  33788. small object detector ==> 小目标探测器
  33789. small of the stock ==> 枪托握把
  33790. small oil volume circuit breaker ==> 贫油断路器
  33791. small open economy ==> 小型开放经济体系
  33792. small oscillations method ==> 小振荡法
  33793. small outline package ==> 小型外壳
  33794. small outline package integrated circuit ==> 小块集成电路
  33795. small pair boat ==> 小对船
  33796. small panda ==> 小熊猫
  33797. small particles ==> 小白点
  33798. small passenger car ==> 小客车
  33799. small pearl ==> 明花珠
  33800. small peasant farming ==> 小农经济
  33801. small pendulum ==> 小摆锤
  33802. small perturbation ==> 小微扰
  33803. small photovoltaic module ==> 小型太陽電池モジュール
  33804. small pica ==> 十一点大小的活字
  33805. small piece of coal ==> 煤渣子
  33806. small pipe line ==> 小直径管线
  33807. small pipe-line ==> 小口径管线
  33808. small pit organ ==> 小窝器
  33809. small pitch pocket ==> 小脂囊
  33810. small pitch streak ==> 小脂斑纹
  33811. small plate ==> 小板块
  33812. small platform scales ==> 小形台秤
  33813. small pole ==> 小圆材
  33814. small pork ==> 小型肉猪
  33815. small power motor ==> 小功率功率电动机
  33816. small power station ==> 小型发电厂
  33817. small prism ==> 小棱块
  33818. small profit ==> 薄利
  33819. small profit, large sale volume ==> 薄利多销
  33820. small profits ==> 薄利
  33821. small project ==> 小规模计划
  33822. small prominence ==> 小隆起
  33823. small proprietors ==> 小私有者
  33824. small pulse ==> 小脉
  33825. small punch ==> 小冲子
  33826. small purple fringeorchis ==> 小紫玉凤花
  33827. small quantity ==> 小量,少量
  33828. small rachis ==> 小花序的轴
  33829. small rail car ==> 轨道小车
  33830. small rate gyro ==> 低速率陀螺
  33831. small reflective area target ==> 小反射面目标
  33832. small region market ==> 小区域市场
  33833. small regulatory RNAs ==> 低分子調節性RNA
  33834. small rescue tug ==> 小型救援拖船
  33835. small retail items ==> 小日用品
  33836. small reverse body bush ==> 回动体小衬套
  33837. small RNAs ==> 低分子RNA
  33838. small rocket lift device ==> 小型火箭升降装置
  33839. small rockets launch operation controled center ==> 小型火箭发射活动控制中心
  33840. small rolled parts ==> 小件轧制部件
  33841. small round cell carcinoma of lung ==> 肺小圆形细胞癌
  33842. small round cells sarcoma ==> 小圆细胞肉瘤
  33843. small round epithelial cells ==> 小圆形上皮细胞
  33844. small salivary glands ==> 小唾液腺
  33845. small sample ==> 小包货样,小样本
  33846. small sample method ==> 小样本法
  33847. small sample scattering ==> 小样品散射
  33848. small sample technique ==> 小样本法
  33849. small sample time-series study ==> 小样本时序研究
  33850. small saphenous vein ==> 小隐静脉
  33851. small saver's certificate (SSC) ==> 小额储蓄者存款证
  33852. small scale chart ==> 小比例尺海图
  33853. small scale combustion ==> 小规模燃烧
  33854. small scale commercial planting ==> 小规模栽植
  33855. small scale integrated circuit ==> 小规模集成电路
  33856. small scale integration ==> 小规模集成度
  33857. small scale integration level ==> 小规模集成度
  33858. small scale map ==> 小比例尺地图
  33859. small scale problem ==> 小型问题
  33860. small scale production ==> 小规模生产
  33861. small scall yield ==> 小范围屈服
  33862. small scientific satellite ==> 小型科学卫星
  33863. small screw driver ==> 小螺丝起子
  33864. small screw jack ==> 小型螺旋起重器
  33865. small screw torch ==> 微型焊炬
  33866. small section ==> 小剖面
  33867. small section mill ==> 小型型钢轧机
  33868. small section rolling mill ==> 小轧型机
  33869. small self-contained iron and steel complex ==> 配套的小型钢铁联合企业
  33870. small serial production ==> 小批生产
  33871. small set ==> 小集合
  33872. small sett pavement ==> 小方石路面
  33873. small sett paving ==> 小方石铺砌
  33874. small ship attack sonar ==> 小型舰攻击声纳
  33875. small ship combat data system ==> 小型舰作战数据系统
  33876. small ship point defense surface missile system ==> 小型舰点防御水上导弹系统
  33877. small ship point defense system ==> 小型舰点防御系统
  33878. small shop run by husband and wife ==> 夫妻店
  33879. small shops ==> 小商业
  33880. small signal gain ==> 小信号增益
  33881. small signal impedance ==> 小信号阻抗
  33882. small signal instability ==> 電力系統の長周期動揺
  33883. small signal parameter ==> 小信号参数
  33884. small signal stability ==> 動態安定度
  33885. small signal stability, small disturbance stability ==> 小扰动稳定性,又称"小干扰稳定性"
  33886. small single-phase induction motor ==> 小型单相感应电动机
  33887. small single-phase transformer ==> 小型单相变压器
  33888. small size bearing ==> 小型轴承
  33889. small size motor ==> 小电动机
  33890. small sliding microtome ==> 小型滑动切片机
  33891. small slugs ==> 小糙
  33892. small soaptree ==> 小丝兰
  33893. Small Solar System Bodies ==> 太阳系小天体
  33894. small Solomon seal ==> 小黄精
  33895. small spacecraft ==> 小型宇宙機
  33896. small spaces through which water and air may pass ==> 水和空气可以通过的空隙
  33897. small specimen ==> 小试件
  33898. small splint ==> 小夹板
  33899. small splint immobilization ==> 小夹板固定法
  33900. small splintage of femoral shaft fracture ==> 股骨干骨折小夹板固定术
  33901. small splintage of humeral shaft fracture ==> 肱骨干骨折小夹板固定术
  33902. small square ==> 小平方
  33903. small starlight scope ==> 小型星光镜
  33904. small stature form of stock ==> 矮生砧
  33905. small steel shape ==> 小型钢材
  33906. small stems ==> 小枝条
  33907. small stipels ==> 小托叶
  33908. small stone block ==> 小方石
  33909. small strain ==> 微小应变
  33910. small strip ==> 小板条
  33911. small stuff ==> 细绳
  33912. small subunit ==> 小亚基
  33913. small sun gear ==> 小太阳轮
  33914. small swivel ==> 小旋转接头
  33915. small tactical aerial mobility platform ==> 小型战术空中机动平台
  33916. small tarpon ==> 小海鲢
  33917. small Tekken type cracking test ==> 小铁研式抗裂试验
  33918. small test ==> 小型试验
  33919. small three door car ==> 三门小轿车
  33920. small thrust hoe ==> 小推锄
  33921. small timber ==> 细工用材
  33922. small toadflax ==> 小柳穿鱼
  33923. small tool ==> 小工具,钳工工具,手工具
  33924. small tools ==> 小工具
  33925. small tractor ==> 小功率拖拉机
  33926. small tradespeople and pedlars ==> 小商小贩
  33927. small transfer ==> 小移転
  33928. small transfer line ==> 小运输线,补充管道
  33929. small trees ==> 小树
  33930. small tropic range ==> 小回归潮差
  33931. small truck ==> 小型载重汽车
  33932. small truss ==> 小桁架
  33933. small TV antenna ==> 小型电视天线
  33934. small type motor ==> 小型电动机
  33935. small ulcers ==> 小溃疡
  33936. small union nut ==> 小联管节螺母
  33937. small union stud ==> 小联管节柱螺栓
  33938. small user ==> 小型用户
  33939. small vein ==> 小静脉
  33940. small vessel fire control system ==> 小型舰船火力控制系统
  33941. small vessel forceps ==> 小血管镊
  33942. small village ==> 小村
  33943. small visual field ==> 微小視野
  33944. small volume production ==> 小量生产
  33945. small war ==> 小型战争
  33946. small ware kiln ==> 小器窑
  33947. small warhead and maneuverable reentry ==> 小型弹头与机动再入
  33948. small warhead and re-entry multiple system ==> 小型弹头与再入多弹头系统
  33949. small watersupply system ==> 小型供水系统
  33950. small wave ==> 小波
  33951. small wheel ==> 小轮
  33952. small white butterfly ==> 菜白蛾
  33953. small white nail ==> 小白铁灯
  33954. small white taro ==> 白芋仔
  33955. small wind generator ==> 小型风力发电机=>小型風力発電機
  33956. small wind power generating system ==> 小型風力発電システム
  33957. small wind turbine ==> 小型風車
  33958. small wing ==> 小翼
  33959. small wood ==> 小材
  33960. small world ==> スモールワールド,小さな世界,狭い世界
  33961. small yellow alysson ==> 小萼庭荠
  33962. small yellow croaker ==> 小黄鱼
  33963. small- scale retail business ==> 小型零售企业
  33964. small-angle boundaries ==> 小角度边界
  33965. small-angle boundary ==> 小角边界,小角度晶间界
  33966. small-angle camera ==> 低角摄影机
  33967. small-angle diffraction ==> 小角度衍射
  33968. small-arms sling ==> 背带
  33969. small-bore ==> 小孔径
  33970. small-bore cylinder ==> 小口径缸
  33971. small-bore deep-hole method ==> 小直径深孔崩矿法
  33972. small-bore machine gun ==> 小口径机枪
  33973. small-bore mobile type pump ==> 小口径机动泵
  33974. small-bore practice ==> 小口径武器射击练习
  33975. small-bore rifle ==> 小口径步枪
  33976. small-bore tubing ==> 小内径管
  33977. small-business finance ==> 小企业融资
  33978. small-cabin system ==> 小车箱系统
  33979. small-capacity cable ==> 小容量电缆
  33980. small-capacity converters ==> 小容量電力変換器
  33981. small-capacity memory ==> 小容量存储器
  33982. small-capacity motor-driven thresher ==> 电动小型脱谷机
  33983. Small-clawed otter ==> 小爪水獭属
  33984. small-core coaxial cable ==> 細心同軸ケーブル
  33985. small-craft warning ==> 小船警报
  33986. small-diameter coaxial cable ==> 小直径同轴电缆
  33987. small-diameter pipe ==> 小径管
  33988. small-disturbance voltage stability ==> 电力系统小干扰电压稳定性
  33989. small-duty pipe-still ==> 小负荷管式
  33990. small-field radiometer ==> 小视场辐射计
  33991. small-flowered ==> 小花瓣
  33992. small-flowered cranesbill ==> 小仙鹤草
  33993. small-fruited fig tree ==> 榕
  33994. small-ga(u)ge wire ==> 细钢丝
  33995. small-gain theorem ==> 小ゲイン定理
  33996. small-hole gauge ==> 小孔规
  33997. small-ion combination ==> 轻离子组合
  33998. small-kernel variety ==> 小核品种
  33999. small-loan company ==> 小额贷款公司
  34000. small-lot ==> 小批量
  34001. small-lot manufacture ==> 小规模生产,小规模制造
  34002. small-lot production ==> 小规模生产
  34003. small-lot storage ==> 小额贮存
  34004. small-mesh sieve ==> 细眼筛
  34005. small-mouth black bass ==> 小口黑鲈
  34006. small-peasant economy ==> 小农经济
  34007. small-piece bonds ==> 小债券
  34008. small-porosity gel ==> 细孔凝胶
  34009. small-power computer ==> 小功率计算机
  34010. small-power motor ==> 小功率电动机
  34011. small-sacle farming by individual owners ==> 小农经济
  34012. small-sample assay system ==> 小样品测定系统
  34013. small-sample chopper ==> 小样品选择器
  34014. small-sample method ==> 小样法
  34015. small-scale ==> 小尺寸的
  34016. small-scale centralized livestock waste treatment method ==> 小规模集中处理禽畜废物系统
  34017. small-scale experiment ==> 小規模実験
  34018. small-scale farming ==> 小农业
  34019. small-scale hydropower ==> マイクロ水力発電
  34020. small-scale integration ==> 小规模集成电路
  34021. small-scale manufacturing ==> 小批生产
  34022. small-scale map ==> 小比例尺图
  34023. small-scale model ==> 小尺寸模型
  34024. small-scale operations based on households ==> 一家一户的小规模经营
  34025. small-scale peasant economy ==> 小农经济
  34026. small-scale production ==> 小生产
  34027. small-scale test ==> 小规模试验
  34028. small-scale tunnel data ==> 小尺寸风洞试验数据
  34029. small-sclae multiple-use equipment ==> 小型多用设备
  34030. small-signal ==> 小信号
  34031. small-signal amplifier ==> 小信号増幅器
  34032. small-signal analysis ==> 小信号分析
  34033. small-signal characteristics ==> 小信号特性
  34034. small-signal conductance ==> 小信号电导
  34035. small-signal current ==> 小信号电流
  34036. small-signal diode capacitance ==> 小信号二极管电容
  34037. small-signal drain-to-source resistance ==> 小信号漏源接通电阻
  34038. small-signal equivalent circuit ==> 小信号等效电路=>小信号等回路
  34039. small-signal gain ==> 小信号增益
  34040. small-signal parameters ==> 小信号参数
  34041. small-signal performance ==> 小信号性能
  34042. small-signal power gain ==> 小信号功率增益
  34043. small-signal theory ==> 小信号理论
  34044. small-signal transconductance ==> 小信号跨导
  34045. small-size air target ==> 小型空中目标
  34046. small-size computer ==> 小型计算机
  34047. small-size Diesel electric locomotive ==> 小型柴油电机车
  34048. small-size glass ware ==> 小型玻璃器皿
  34049. small-size proudction ==> 小批生产
  34050. small-sized scrap ==> 小块废钢
  34051. small-sized seed ==> 小粒种子
  34052. small-source theory ==> 小源理论
  34053. Small-toothed harvest mouse ==> 小齿禾鼠
  34054. small-vessel anastomosis instruments kit ==> 小血管吻合器械包
  34055. small-world phenomenon ==> スモールワールド現象
  34056. smaller apple leaf roller ==> 小黄卷叶蛾
  34057. smaller citrus dog ==> 淡黄凤蝶,金凤蝶
  34058. smaller green leaf hopper ==> 小绿叶蝉
  34059. smaller muscle of helix ==> 耳轮小肌
  34060. smaller roots branch out ==> 分生出小根
  34061. smaller turnip maggot ==> 毛尾种蝇
  34062. smaller tympanic spine ==> 鼓小棘
  34063. smaller velvety chafer ==> 黑绒金龟子
  34064. smallest algebraic group ==> 最小代数群
  34065. smallest cardiac veins ==> 心最小静脉
  34066. smallest common multiple ==> 最上公倍数,最小公倍数
  34067. smallest curve radius ==> 最小曲线半径
  34068. smallest homogeneous ideal ==> 最小齐次理想
  34069. smallest ideal ==> 最小理想
  34070. smallest limit ==> 最小下限
  34071. smallest particles ==> 最小颗粒
  34072. smallest positive integral ==> 最小整数
  34073. smallest sigma-additive family ==> 最小σ可加族
  34074. smallest sub-A-module ==> 最小子A模
  34075. smallest transitive set ==> 最小可迁集
  34076. Smalley process ==> 斯马雷钢铁脱硫法
  34077. smallflower bitterorange ==> 小花苦橙
  34078. smallflower European birdcherry ==> 小花稠李
  34079. smallflower fritillary ==> 小花贝母
  34080. smallflower godetia ==> 小花高代花
  34081. smallflower gorse ==> 小花荆豆
  34082. smallflower peachbrush ==> 小花桃
  34083. smallflower rose ==> 小花蔷薇
  34084. smallflower vetch ==> 小花野豌豆
  34085. smallfruit bitter orange ==> 小果苦橙
  34086. smallpox vaccination ==> 种痘,牛痘接种法
  34087. smallpox vaccine ==> 牛痘苗,天花疫苗
  34088. smallpox virus ==> 天花病毒
  34089. smallwood form factor ==> 小材形数
  34090. smalt blue ==> 大青色
  34091. SMAP, software management and assurance program ==> ソフトウエア管理保証プログラム
  34092. smart ==> 灵活设备
  34093. smart actuator ==> スマートアクチュエータ
  34094. smart antenna ==> スマートアンテナ
  34095. smart antenna technology ==> スマートアンテナ技術
  34096. smart base station ==> 高機能基地局
  34097. smart building ==> スマートビルディング
  34098. smart business ==> 目先が利く企業
  34099. smart businessman ==> 商魂たくましい
  34100. smart cable ==> スマートケーブル
  34101. Smart Card ==> 智能卡
  34102. smart choice ==> 賢い選択
  34103. smart community ==> スマートコミュニティ,環境配慮型都市
  34104. smart composite ==> スマート複合材料
  34105. smart device ==> 高性能デバイス
  34106. smart energy grid ==> 智能能源网
  34107. smart environment ==> スマート環境
  34108. smart frost ==> 严霜
  34109. smart grid ==> 智能电网,(台灣)智慧型電網=>スマートグリッド,賢い送電線網
  34110. smart grid concept ==> スマートグリッド概念図
  34111. smart grid millionaire ==> 智能电网风险企业
  34112. smart grid technology ==> スマートグリッド技術
  34113. smart growth ==> 賢明な都市開発法
  34114. smart house ==> 智能住宅=>スマートハウス
  34115. smart meter ==> 智能计量,智能电表=>スマートメーター
  34116. smart minds think alike ==> 英雄所见略同
  34117. smart money ==> 罚款
  34118. smart peripheral ==> 灵巧外设
  34119. smart polymer ==> スマートポリマー
  34120. smart power ==> 高性能電源
  34121. smart pressure transmitter ==> 智能式压力变送器
  34122. smart price ==> 相当な値段
  34123. smart punishment ==> 厳罰
  34124. smart relay ==> 智能继电器=>スマートリレー
  34125. smart sensor ==> 智能传感器
  34126. smart storage ==> 智能电力储藏=>スマートストレージ
  34127. smart structure ==> スマート構造
  34128. smart structure modeling ==> スマート構造モデリング
  34129. smart substation ==> 智能变电站
  34130. smart technique ==> スマート技術
  34131. smart television ==> 多機能テレビ
  34132. smart terminal ==> 灵活的终端设备,灵活终端设备,灵巧终端,灵巧终端设备,智能终端,智能终端设备
  34133. smart thinking ability ==> 鋭い思考力
  34134. smart toy ==> スマート玩具
  34135. smart transducer ==> 智能变送器
  34136. SmartMedia ==> スマートメディア,ディジタルカメラ用に開発された,新しい画像記録媒体である.
  34137. SmartVU ==> GAC公司的软件,配置SDG500智能数字调速器等使用
  34138. smaser ==> 亚毫米波激射器
  34139. smash ==> 击碎=>粉砕
  34140. smash plate ==> 镇定板
  34141. smashing ==> 压平
  34142. smashing machine ==> 压平机
  34143. smashup ==> 崩溃=>粉砕
  34144. SMAX, satellite monitoring and control system ==> 衛星監視制御システム
  34145. SMAX, satellite multiple access ==> 衛星多元接続通信方式
  34146. SMB ==> IEC标准化管理局
  34147. SMC ==> 模压塑料板材
  34148. SMC, Safety Management Certificate (IMO) ==> 安全管理证明
  34149. SMC, sheet moulding compound ==> 模压塑料板材
  34150. SMC, System Management Center ==> システム・マネジメント・センタ
  34151. SMCE, secondary mirror control electronics ==> 補助反射鏡制御エレクトロニクス
  34152. SMCH, standard mixed cargo harness ==> 混載用標準ハーネス
  34153. SMD, standard market design ==> 標準市場設計
  34154. SMD, surface mounted device ==> SMD
  34155. SMDC, shielded mild detonating cord ==> 金属被覆密封型導爆線
  34156. SMDC, short magnetic drill collar ==> 短无磁钻铤
  34157. SME, solar mesosphere explorer ==> 太陽中間圏探査機
  34158. SME, solid motor engineer ==> 固体ロケット技術者
  34159. smear ==> 污迹,涂,涂敷,涂料,涂抹,涂片,瓶颈表面裂纹=>汚れ,スミア
  34160. smear camera ==> 扫描照相机
  34161. smear cell ==> 涂抹细胞
  34162. smear culture ==> 涂抹培养
  34163. smear ghost ==> 拖尾重影
  34164. smear glaze ==> 淌釉
  34165. smear layer ==> スメア層
  34166. smear of cervcal canal ==> 宫颈管涂片
  34167. smear photograph ==> 扫描摄影
  34168. smear photography ==> 扫描摄影术,模糊照相法
  34169. smear preparation ==> 涂布标本
  34170. smear test ==> 涂色斑点试验,涂色检查,擦拭检查
  34171. smear-collection ==> 涂油捕收
  34172. smearer ==> 拖尾消除电路,消冲电路
  34173. smearing ==> スミヤリング
  34174. smearing culture ==> 涂抹培养
  34175. smearing effect ==> 涂污效应,拖尾效应,模糊效应
  34176. smearing function ==> 涂污函数
  34177. SMEAT, skylab medical experiment altitude test ==> スカイラブによる高度医学実験
  34178. smectic liquid crystal ==> 调节状液晶
  34179. smectic mesophase ==> 近晶型中间相态
  34180. smectic phase ==> スメクチック相
  34181. smectite structure ==> 朦脱石结构
  34182. smegma bacillus ==> 包皮垢分支杆菌
  34183. smegma embryonum ==> 胎垢
  34184. smell of putrid egg ==> 臭蛋味
  34185. smell test ==> 嗅诊法
  34186. smelling salt ==> 嗅盐,鼻盐,碳酸铵
  34187. smelt ==> 熔炼
  34188. smelted product ==> 熔炼产物
  34189. smelter ==> 熔化工
  34190. smelter coke ==> 冶金焦炭
  34191. smelting ==> 冶炼,熔炼
  34192. smelting capacity ==> 熔炼能力
  34193. smelting flux ==> 熔炼焊剂
  34194. smelting furnace ==> 熔化炉
  34195. smelting furnace hearth ==> 熔炼炉
  34196. smelting in suspension ==> 悬浮熔炼
  34197. smelting operation ==> 冶炼操作
  34198. smelting period ==> 熔炼期
  34199. smelting plant ==> 冶炼厂
  34200. smelting pot ==> 熔炼坩锅
  34201. smelting process ==> 冶炼过程
  34202. smelting strength of blast furnace ==> 高炉冶炼强度
  34203. smelting trial ==> 熔炼试验
  34204. smelting unit ==> 熔炼设备
  34205. smelting works ==> 熔炼厂
  34206. smelting zone ==> 熔炼区,熔化层
  34207. SMES, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage ==> 高温超导储能系统=>超電導エネルギー貯蔵,SMES systems store energy fed from power lines in the magnetic fields of superconducting coils so that power is available to make up for momentary dips in voltage or lapses in current flow. When a control device detects a voltage sag or a brief loss of power, the superconducting coils-which can deliver several megajoules of energy at power levels approaching 1000 kilovolt amperes-begin to discharge with a delay of as little as 2 milliseconds. The coils send current through switching and conditioning equipment and onto the transmission line to prop up the power.
  34208. SMES, superconducting magnetic energy storage system ==> 超電導電力貯蔵システム
  34209. SMEX, Small-class Explorer ==> 小型エキスプローラ
  34210. smf ==> 系统管理功能
  34211. SMF, superconducting magnet facility ==> 超伝導電磁界設備棟
  34212. SMIB, Single-Machine-Infinite-Bus ==> 一機無限大母線
  34213. smilax saponin ==> 菝葜皂甙
  34214. SMILE-C ==> 構成管理ツール(ME/R版、PC版)
  34215. smirch ==> 污斑
  34216. SMIRR, shuttle multispectral infrared radiometer ==> シャトルマルチスペクトル赤外線放射計
  34217. smith ==> 钳工,铁匠
  34218. Smith admittance chart ==> 史密斯导纳圆图=>スミスアドミタンス線図
  34219. Smith alloy ==> 史密斯高温电热线合金
  34220. smith anvil ==> 铁工砧
  34221. Smith buckthorn ==> 史密斯鼠李
  34222. Smith chart ==> スミス図表=>史密斯圆图
  34223. Smith correlation ==> 史密斯关联
  34224. Smith curve ==> 史密斯曲线
  34225. Smith drum type machine ==> 史密斯滚筒式染色机
  34226. Smith fermentation tube ==> 史密斯发酵管
  34227. smith forging ==> 锻造,自由锻造
  34228. smith forging furnace ==> 手锻炉
  34229. Smith impedance chart ==> 史密斯阻抗圆图=>スミスインピーダンス線図
  34230. Smith river willow ==> 史密斯河柳
  34231. Smith standard cotton ==> 史密斯棉
  34232. Smith triaxial method ==> 史密斯三轴法
  34233. smith welding ==> 锻焊
  34234. Smith willow ==> 史密斯柳
  34235. Smith's alloy ==> 史密斯铁基合金,斯密司铁基合金
  34236. Smith's approximate formula ==> 史密斯近似式
  34237. Smith's bridge ==> 史密斯电桥
  34238. Smith's cloth abrasion tester ==> 史密斯织物耐磨试验仪
  34239. Smith's coupling ==> 史密斯电磁离合器,斯密司离合器
  34240. Smith's dislocation ==> 史密斯氏脱位
  34241. Smith's fracture ==> 史密斯氏骨折
  34242. smith's hammer ==> 锻锤
  34243. smith's hearth ==> 锻工炉
  34244. Smith's incision ==> 史密斯氏切开术
  34245. Smith's method ==> 史密斯氏法
  34246. Smith's operation ==> 史密斯氏手术
  34247. Smith's phenomenon ==> 史密斯氏现象
  34248. Smith's solution of bromine ==> 史密斯氏溴溶液
  34249. Smith's strength tester ==> 史密斯强力试验机
  34250. Smith's suprarenal sarcona ==> 史密斯氏肾上腺肉瘤
  34251. Smith's test ==> 史密斯氏试验
  34252. smith's tongs ==> 锻工钳
  34253. Smith-Petersen nail ==> 三刃钉
  34254. Smith-Putnam wind turbine ==> スミスパットナム風車
  34255. smithcraft ==> 金属工艺
  34256. smithereens ==> 碎片
  34257. Smitherm process ==> 斯密加热法
  34258. smithery ==> 锻工车间
  34259. smithing ==> 锻造
  34260. smithing coal ==> 锻冶煤
  34261. Smithsonian ==> 史密森尼=>スミソニアン
  34262. Smithsonian Agreement ==> 史密森协议
  34263. Smithsonian band ==> 史密森汇率幅度
  34264. Smithsonian currency realignment ==> 史密森货币调整
  34265. Smithsonian Institution Building ==> スミソニアン博物館本部ビル
  34266. Smithsonian Parities ==> 史密森平价
  34267. Smithsonian rate ==> 史密森汇率
  34268. smithsonite ==> 菱锌矿
  34269. smithy ==> 锻造车间,铁匠铺
  34270. SML Small ==> 小的
  34271. SMM, Solar Maximum Mission ==> 太陽高活動期ミッション
  34272. SMMR, scanning multichannel microwave radiometer ==> 走査多重チャネルマイクロ波放射計
  34273. smog ==> 烟雾
  34274. smog aerosol ==> 烟雾气溶胶
  34275. smog alert ==> 烟雾警报
  34276. smog chamber ==> 烟雾室
  34277. smog horizon ==> 烟雾层顶,烟雾高度
  34278. smog index ==> 烟雾指数
  34279. smog reaction ==> 烟雾反应
  34280. smog-control ==> 烟雾控制
  34281. smog-control device ==> 烟雾控制器
  34282. smoke ==> 烟,烟尘,烟雾,冒烟
  34283. smoke abatement ==> 除烟
  34284. smoke agent ==> 烟雾剂
  34285. smoke alarm ==> 烟气报警器
  34286. smoke aloft ==> 高空烟
  34287. smoke and dust ==> 烟尘
  34288. smoke attack ==> 烟幕攻击
  34289. smoke baffle plate ==> 隔烟板
  34290. smoke band ==> 烟雾地带
  34291. smoke black ==> 烟黑
  34292. smoke bomb ==> 烟雾炸弹
  34293. smoke box ==> 烟箱
  34294. smoke canal ==> 烟道
  34295. smoke cande ==> 烟罐
  34296. smoke candle ==> 烟雾罐
  34297. smoke chamber ==> 烟腔
  34298. smoke chamber(smoke box) ==> 烟箱
  34299. smoke channel ==> 烟道
  34300. smoke chart ==> 烟色浓度图
  34301. smoke cloud ==> 烟云
  34302. smoke color ==> 烟色
  34303. smoke concentration ==> 烟幕浓度
  34304. smoke condensate ==> 烟凝结物
  34305. smoke control area ==> 烟雾管制区
  34306. Smoke Control Programme ==> 黑烟管制计划
  34307. smoke curtain ==> 烟幕
  34308. smoke damage ==> 烟害,烟薰损失
  34309. smoke damper ==> 烟气挡板,烟气调节风门
  34310. smoke defenses ==> 烟幕掩护
  34311. smoke defilade ==> 烟光遮蔽高
  34312. smoke deflector ==> 折烟器
  34313. smoke densitometer ==> 烟雾显像密度计
  34314. smoke density ==> 烟浓度
  34315. smoke density meter ==> 烟浓度计=>煙濃度計
  34316. smoke deposition ==> 烟灰沉积
  34317. smoke detecting arrangement ==> 烟管式火灾报警装置
  34318. smoke detecting cabinet ==> 烟管式火灾报警装置
  34319. smoke detection system ==> 烟感系统
  34320. smoke detector ==> 烟尘探测器,烟感器
  34321. smoke discharge manifold ==> 烟幕施放喷管
  34322. smoke dried ==> 熏干的,烟熏干燥
  34323. smoke dry ==> 烟熏干燥
  34324. smoke dust ==> 烟尘
  34325. smoke effect ==> 烟幕作用
  34326. smoke eye ==> 烟眼
  34327. smoke filter ==> 烟雾滤过器,滤烟器
  34328. smoke flue ==> 烟道
  34329. smoke from burning coal ==> 煤烟
  34330. smoke generation ==> 烟熏剂
  34331. smoke generator ==> 发烟器
  34332. smoke glass ==> 烟玻璃
  34333. smoke grenade ==> 发烟枪榴弹,发烟手榴弹
  34334. smoke hazard ==> 煙害
  34335. smoke haze ==> 烟霾
  34336. smoke helmet ==> 防毒面具
  34337. smoke horizon ==> 烟层顶,烟尘层顶
  34338. smoke indicator ==> 烟管式火灾报警装置,烟气浓度计
  34339. smoke injury ==> 煙害
  34340. smoke intensity ==> 烟度
  34341. smoke jumper ==> 跳伞灭火员
  34342. smoke kiln ==> 熏烟干燥窑
  34343. smoke level ==> 排烟浓度
  34344. smoke nozzle ==> 喷烟管
  34345. smoke obscuring screen ==> 烟幕
  34346. smoke observation device ==> 烟气观测装置
  34347. smoke operation ==> 烟幕伪装下的动作
  34348. smoke ordinance ==> 烟管理条例
  34349. smoke pan ==> 烟锅
  34350. smoke pipe ==> 烟囱,烟管
  34351. smoke pipe fire alarm system ==> 烟管式火警信号系统
  34352. smoke pipe line fire detector ==> 烟管式火灾报警装置
  34353. smoke plume ==> 烟流
  34354. smoke point ==> 发烟点
  34355. smoke pollution ==> 烟气污染=>煙害
  34356. smoke pot ==> 发烟罐
  34357. smoke prevention staircase ==> 防烟楼梯
  34358. smoke printing ==> 喷粉复印,静电复印,静电复印
  34359. smoke producing bomb ==> 烟幕炸弹
  34360. smoke projectile ==> 烟幕弹,发烟弹
  34361. smoke protection ==> 烟雾防护
  34362. smoke puff ==> 烟迹
  34363. smoke recorder ==> 烟尘记录器
  34364. smoke removal efficiency ==> 烟雾滤除效率
  34365. smoke screen ==> 烟幕
  34366. smoke shade ==> 烟雾色调
  34367. smoke sheets ==> 烟片
  34368. smoke shelf ==> 烟挡
  34369. smoke shell ==> 烟雾
  34370. smoke shutter ==> 烟障
  34371. smoke signal ==> 烟幕信号
  34372. smoke spot ==> 烟斑
  34373. smoke stack ==> 烟囱帽=>煙突
  34374. smoke stack cap ==> 烟囱帽
  34375. smoke stack emission ==> 烟囱排放
  34376. smoke stack head ==> 烟囱头
  34377. smoke stack hood ==> 烟囱帽
  34378. smoke stick ==> 烟雾测风流法
  34379. smoke stone ==> 烟晶
  34380. smoke stratus ==> 烟层云
  34381. smoke substance ==> 烟雾剂
  34382. smoke suppressant ==> 防烟剂
  34383. smoke tanning ==> 烟鞣
  34384. smoke technique ==> 烟流技术
  34385. smoke test ==> 烟气试验,烟雾试验,发烟试验
  34386. smoke tester ==> 烟检验计
  34387. smoke trail ==> 烟迹
  34388. smoke train ==> 冒烟流星余迹
  34389. smoke tube ==> 烟管
  34390. smoke tube boiler ==> 火管锅炉
  34391. smoke uptake ==> 烟喉
  34392. smoke warning indicator ==> 烟雾警告指示器
  34393. smoke washer ==> 烟气洗涤器
  34394. smoke wave ==> 烟波
  34395. smoke-adjustment fire ==> 烟幕弹校正射击
  34396. smoke-box ==> (汽锅的)烟室
  34397. smoke-box front sheet ==> 烟箱前板
  34398. smoke-box shell ==> 烟箱筒
  34399. smoke-box superheater ==> 烟箱过热器
  34400. smoke-box tube sheet ==> 烟箱管板
  34401. smoke-concealed target ==> 烟幕掩护的目标
  34402. smoke-density meter ==> 烟尘密度计
  34403. smoke-detecting plant ==> 烟气探测装置
  34404. smoke-detecting system ==> 烟气探测系统
  34405. smoke-detection appliance ==> 烟气探测设备
  34406. smoke-free exhaust ==> 无烟排气
  34407. smoke-screen bomb ==> 烟幕炸弹
  34408. smoke-stop door ==> 防烟门
  34409. smoke-stop partition ==> 防烟隔断
  34410. smoke-tube ==> (锅炉的)火管
  34411. smoked glaze ==> 烟熏釉
  34412. smoked red date ==> 马牙枣
  34413. smoked sheet ==> (熏干的生橡胶片)烟胶
  34414. smoked tube type boiler ==> 火管锅炉
  34415. smokeless (gun) powder ==> 无烟火药
  34416. smokeless burner ==> 无烟燃烧器
  34417. smokeless coal ==> 無煙炭
  34418. smokeless exhaust ==> 无烟排气
  34419. smokeless flare ==> 无烟火炬
  34420. smokeless powder ==> 无烟火药
  34421. smokeless zone ==> 无烟区
  34422. smokeless-powder rocket ==> 无烟火药火箭
  34423. smoker's tongue ==> 吸烟舌
  34424. smokes cope ==> 烟尘密度测定器
  34425. smokestack ==> 大烟囱,烟囱
  34426. smokestack base ==> 烟筒座
  34427. smokestack guy ==> 烟囱支索
  34428. smoking agent ==> 烟雾剂
  34429. smoking patch ==> 烟斑
  34430. smoky flavour ==> 烟熏味
  34431. smoky fog ==> 烟雾,烟状雾
  34432. Smoky long-eared bat ==> 烟灰尖耳蝠
  34433. smoky quartz ==> 烟晶,烟晶石英,烟水晶,墨晶
  34434. smoky quartz carving ==> 墨晶石雕
  34435. smoky structure ==> 烟灰状构造
  34436. smoky topaz ==> 烟色黄玉
  34437. Smoky Vehicle Control Programme ==> 车辆黑烟管制计划
  34438. Smoky Vehicle Report ==> 车辆黑烟报告
  34439. Smoky Vehicle Spotting Scheme ==> 车辆黑烟检举计划
  34440. smoldering acute leukemia ==> くすぶり型白血病
  34441. smooth ==> 光滑的,大光钡地纸,消除数据波动,校平,平滑,平滑的,平稳,平稳的,平整,平整的,滑,滑润的,修平,修匀=>スムース,スムーズ
  34442. smooth acceleration ==> 平稳加速
  34443. smooth air ==> 平静空气
  34444. smooth air-gap ==> 均匀空气隙,均匀空气隙
  34445. smooth and steady ==> 平稳的
  34446. smooth and stepless acceleraton ==> 平滑无级加速度
  34447. smooth approach ==> 平稳进场着陆
  34448. smooth armature ==> 平滑电枢
  34449. smooth ashlar ==> 光细琢石
  34450. smooth back ==> 光滑树皮
  34451. smooth bar ==> 平圆钢,普通圆钢
  34452. smooth barrel ==> 滑膛炮管
  34453. smooth blasting ==> 平稳爆破,光面爆破,爆破开挖时,沿设计开挖轮廓钻孔装药,在开挖区主爆破孔之后起爆,以获得比较平整壁面的爆破
  34454. smooth bodied conductor ==> 平滑导线
  34455. smooth bore ==> 滑膛
  34456. smooth boundary ==> 光滑边界
  34457. smooth broach ==> 光滑髓针,平滑髓针
  34458. smooth brome ==> 无芒雀麦草
  34459. smooth burning ==> 稳定燃烧
  34460. smooth choke ==> 平滑滤波抗流圈
  34461. smooth chorion ==> 平滑绒毛膜
  34462. smooth coast ==> 平直岸
  34463. smooth colony ==> 光滑菌落,光滑型菌落
  34464. smooth combustion ==> 平稳燃烧
  34465. smooth condenser ==> 平滑电容器
  34466. smooth contour ==> 平滑外形
  34467. smooth core ==> 平滑铁芯
  34468. smooth core armature ==> 平滑电枢=>平滑電機子
  34469. smooth crabgrass ==> 平滑蒲公英
  34470. smooth curvature ==> 平滑曲率
  34471. smooth curve ==> 平滑曲线,平顺曲线,光滑曲线
  34472. smooth cut ==> 细纹锉
  34473. smooth cut file ==> 细纹锉
  34474. smooth deceleration ==> 平滑减速度
  34475. smooth dowel ==> 光面铁条榫
  34476. smooth drilling ==> 平稳钻眼
  34477. smooth endoplasmic reticulum ==> 光滑型内质网
  34478. smooth engagement ==> 平滑接合,平稳接合
  34479. smooth entry ==> 平滑入口
  34480. smooth feature ==> 柔性
  34481. smooth fibre ==> 平滑纤维,光滑纤维
  34482. smooth fillet weld ==> 平填角焊缝
  34483. smooth filter ==> 平滑滤波器
  34484. smooth finish ==> 光洁度,光面修整,光面修整
  34485. smooth finish tile ==> 模制砖
  34486. smooth flat wood rasp ==> 细扁木锉
  34487. smooth flight ==> 平稳飞行
  34488. smooth flow ==> 平滑流,平稳流动,连续流
  34489. smooth forceps ==> 无齿手术镊,无钩镊
  34490. smooth fracture ==> 细粒断裂,晶粒断裂
  34491. smooth function ==> 光滑函数
  34492. smooth grain ==> 平滑材面,平滑纹理
  34493. smooth ground surface ==> 平滑磨削表面
  34494. smooth hair ==> 光亮毛
  34495. smooth hole ==> 光滑孔
  34496. smooth line ==> 平滑线,平滑线路,均匀分布参数线路,均匀分布参数线路
  34497. smooth lining ==> 平整井壁
  34498. smooth machine finish ==> 光面修整
  34499. smooth manifold ==> 光滑流形,平滑流形
  34500. smooth map ==> 光滑映射
  34501. smooth mellowness ==> 芳醇
  34502. smooth motion ==> 平滑运动
  34503. smooth muscle ==> 平滑肌
  34504. smooth muscle antibody (SMA) ==> 抗平滑肌抗体
  34505. smooth muscle cell ==> 平滑肌细胞
  34506. smooth muscle fibers ==> 平滑肌纤维
  34507. smooth muscle fibril ==> 平滑肌原纤维
  34508. smooth muscle layer ==> 平滑肌层
  34509. smooth noise ==> 補間雑音
  34510. smooth nozzle ==> 平滑喷管
  34511. smooth operation ==> 平稳运转
  34512. smooth oriental photinia ==> 平滑石楠
  34513. smooth outflow ==> 平稳流出
  34514. smooth passage ==> 光滑通道
  34515. smooth pipe ==> 光面管
  34516. smooth pipe expansion joint ==> 光面管补偿器
  34517. smooth plain packing ==> 烟道式格子体
  34518. smooth planer finish ==> 光面修整
  34519. smooth planking ==> 平铺船壳板
  34520. smooth plate ==> 光滑板
  34521. smooth profile ==> 光滑剖面
  34522. smooth reaction ==> 平稳反应
  34523. smooth regression analysis ==> 修匀回归分析
  34524. smooth regulation ==> 平稳调整
  34525. smooth relief ==> 平坦地势
  34526. smooth roll ==> 光辊,光滚,光面轧辊
  34527. smooth roll crusher ==> 平滑辊式破碎机
  34528. smooth roller ==> 光辊
  34529. smooth rotor ==> 平滑铁芯转子
  34530. smooth run-off ==> 平稳退绕
  34531. smooth running ==> 平稳运转,平稳转动
  34532. smooth sea ==> 微浪
  34533. smooth seal face ==> 平密封面
  34534. smooth shelf ==> 平滑陆架
  34535. smooth side ==> 光滑侧
  34536. smooth side of belt ==> 皮带的毛面
  34537. smooth start ==> 平稳起动
  34538. smooth starting ==> 平稳启动
  34539. smooth steel pipe ==> 光面钢管
  34540. smooth stomach clamps ==> 无齿胃钳
  34541. smooth surface ==> 光滑表面,平滑表面,表面光滑
  34542. smooth surface caries ==> 平滑面龋
  34543. smooth surface colloid mill ==> 光面胶体磨
  34544. smooth surface red rubber hose ==> 光面红橡皮管
  34545. smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum ==> 滑面内质网
  34546. smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (SER) ==> 光面内质网
  34547. smooth texture ==> 平滑性
  34548. smooth tongue ==> 光滑舌,光舌
  34549. smooth torque ==> 平滑转矩
  34550. smooth transition ==> 平稳过渡
  34551. smooth turning ==> 光车削
  34552. smooth type ==> 光滑型,平滑型
  34553. smooth type spin ==> 平滑型螺旋
  34554. smooth vesicle ==> 平滑小泡
  34555. smooth water area ==> 平静海面区域
  34556. smooth waveguide ==> 均匀波导,均匀波导
  34557. smooth working ==> 平稳工作
  34558. smooth zone ==> 光滑带
  34559. smooth(-cut) file ==> 细锉
  34560. smooth(ing) planing machine ==> 细刨床,精刨床
  34561. smooth-acting ==> 平滑动作的
  34562. smooth-barked ==> 树皮光滑的
  34563. smooth-core rotor ==> 光滑铁心转子
  34564. smooth-cut file ==> 细纹锉
  34565. smooth-edged knife ==> 光刃动刀片
  34566. smooth-ride ==> 平稳行驶
  34567. smooth-riding surface ==> 平整路面
  34568. smooth-section sickle ==> 光刃刀片割刀
  34569. smooth-skined ==> 表皮光滑的
  34570. smooth-texture grease ==> 均匀结构润滑脂,均匀结构润滑脂
  34571. smooth-tread tyre ==> 光纹轮胎
  34572. smooth-wheel roller ==> 光轮压路机,平轮压路机
  34573. smoothed distribution ==> 平滑化分布
  34574. smoothed edge ==> 细磨边
  34575. smoothed edge-arrissing ==> 细磨边
  34576. smoothed exponential mean ==> 平滑指数平均
  34577. smoothed frequency curve ==> 修匀频数曲线
  34578. smoothed non-linearity ==> 平滑非线性
  34579. smoothed surfaced stone ==> 光面石块
  34580. smoothed theoretical dynamic series ==> 修匀理论动态数列
  34581. smoothed value ==> 修匀值
  34582. smoothing ==> 平滑,滤波,滤除,精加工,校正,使平滑
  34583. smoothing and prediction theory ==> 平滑・予測理論
  34584. smoothing board ==> 压平器
  34585. smoothing capacitor ==> 平滑电容器=>平滑コンデンサ
  34586. smoothing capacity ==> 平滑电容
  34587. smoothing choke ==> 平滑扼流
  34588. smoothing choke (coil) ==> 平滑扼流圈
  34589. smoothing choke coil ==> 平滑コイル
  34590. smoothing circuit ==> 平滑电路=>平滑回路
  34591. smoothing coil ==> 平滑扼流
  34592. smoothing condenser ==> 平滑电容器,平流电容器=>平滑コンデンサ
  34593. smoothing constant ==> 平滑常数,修匀常数
  34594. smoothing control ==> 出力平滑化
  34595. smoothing control of power fluctuation ==> 電力平滑化,電力平準化
  34596. smoothing device ==> 平滑装置=>平滑装置
  34597. smoothing effect ==> 平滑作用=>ならし効果,平滑化効果
  34598. smoothing factor ==> 平滑因子,平滑系数=>平滑化ファクタ
  34599. smoothing filter ==> 平滑滤波器
  34600. smoothing hammer ==> 平光锤
  34601. smoothing iron ==> 烙铁
  34602. smoothing kernel ==> 平滑核
  34603. smoothing method ==> 修匀法
  34604. smoothing mill ==> 精切机
  34605. smoothing of irregularities ==> 不规则性修匀
  34606. smoothing plane ==> 光刨,细刨
  34607. smoothing planer ==> 细刨床
  34608. smoothing planing ==> 细刨
  34609. smoothing preparation ==> 光滑剂
  34610. smoothing procedure ==> 修匀过程
  34611. smoothing process ==> 修匀过程,平滑过程
  34612. smoothing quality ==> 平滑质
  34613. smoothing reactor ==> 平滑电抗器,滤波电抗器=>平滑リアクトル
  34614. smoothing resistor ==> 平滑电阻
  34615. smoothing roll ==> 钢板精轧辊
  34616. smoothing stone ==> 磨平石
  34617. smoothing technique ==> 平整法
  34618. smoothing the market ==> 平整市场
  34619. smoothing the markets ==> 平顿市场
  34620. smoothing time-series data ==> 修匀时序数据
  34621. smoothing tool ==> 精加工工具,精切刀,光刀
  34622. smoothing with float ==> 木抹抹平
  34623. smoothly fluidized bed ==> 平稳流化床
  34624. smoothness ==> 平滑度
  34625. smoothness of operation ==> 运转平稳性
  34626. smoothness tester ==> 平滑度试验器
  34627. smorzando ==> 渐弱并渐慢,逐渐消失(常用于结尾处)
  34628. smother ==> 濃霧,息が詰まる
  34629. smother plant ==> 窒息植物
  34630. smothering heat wave ==> 記録的な猛暑
  34631. smouldering fire ==> 闷火
  34632. SMP, Software Management Mission ==> ソフトマネジメントプラン
  34633. SMP, software management plan ==> ソフトウエア管理計画
  34634. SMP, south mission panel ==> 南面ミッションパネル
  34635. SMP, Symmetric Multi Processing ==> 対称型マルチプロセッシングともいう。複数のCPUが基本的に同等なものとして振る舞うことができるマルチプロセッシングの方法。
  34636. SMP, Symmetric Multiprocessor ==> SMP
  34637. SMP, System Marginal Price ==> 系統限界価格
  34638. SMRC, solid motor roll control ==> 固体モータによる機体のロール制御
  34639. SMRM, solar maximum repair mission ==> ソーラマキシマム修理ミッション
  34640. SMRR, series mode rejection ratio ==> 直列モード除去比
  34641. SMS Safety Management System (ISM) ==> 安全管理体系
  34642. SMS, service manipulator system ==> 作業用マニピュレータシステム
  34643. SMS, Short Message Service ==> 短信服务=>SMS
  34644. SMS, Shuttle Mission Simulator ==> シャトルミッションシミュレータ
  34645. SMS, solid motor simulator ==> 第一段火工品シミュレータ
  34646. SMS, stratospheric and mesospheric sounder ==> 対流圏及び中間圏測器
  34647. SMS, structures and mechanisms ==> 構造及び機構
  34648. SMS, Synchronous Meteorological Satellite ==> 静止気象衛星(米国)
  34649. SMSI, strong metal support interaction ==> SMSI
  34650. SMT Inductors ==> 表面贴电感器
  34651. SMT systems ==> 高速表面実装機=>高速贴片机
  34652. SMT, Shanghai Maglev Transportation Development Co., Ltd ==> 上海磁浮交通発展有限公司
  34653. SMT, Surface Mounting Technology ==> 表面贴装技术=>表面実装技術
  34654. SMT, surface-mount technology ==> 表面実装技術
  34655. SMT, synchronized measurement technology ==> 同步相量测量技术=>同期フェーザ測定技術
  34656. SMTDS, Stability margin of the time delay system ==> 时滞系统稳定域
  34657. SMTP,Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ==> メールの配信プロトコルである。
  34658. SMU, structural mechanical unit ==> 構造機械
  34659. smudge of onion ==> 洋葱煤污病或炭疽病
  34660. smudge oil ==> 花园用燃料油
  34661. smuggle ==> 夹带,走私=>密輸する,密航する
  34662. smuggle goods into a port ==> 私运进口
  34663. smuggle products ==> 商品を密輸する
  34664. smuggled goods ==> 私货,走私货
  34665. smuggler ==> 走私船,走私者
  34666. smuggling and sale of smuggled goods ==> 走私贩私活动
  34667. smuggling ring ==> 走私集团
  34668. smut ==> 黑粉病
  34669. smut ball ==> 黑粉菌孢子球
  34670. smut of sugarcane ==> 甘蔗黑穗病
  34671. smut spore ==> 黑粉孢子
  34672. smut-free ==> 未感染黑穗病的
  34673. smut-fungi ==> 黑穗菌
  34674. SMW, small momentum wheel ==> スモールモーメンタムホイール
  34675. Smyrna art squares ==> 大型士麦拿地毯
  34676. Smz alloy ==> 斯木兹硅锰锆铁合金
  34677. sn ratio ==> 信噪比
  34678. SN ratio, signal-to-noise ratio ==> SN比
  34679. SN, serial number ==> 一貫番号
  34680. SN, space network ==> スペースネットワーク
  34681. SN2, solid nitrogen ==> 固体窒素
  34682. SNA, system network architecture ==> システムネットワークアーキテクチャ
  34683. snack ==> スナック
  34684. snad-pine (Pinus clausa) ==> 沙松
  34685. snag ==> 思わぬ障害,潜在的問題
  34686. snag grinder ==> 荒磨床
  34687. snagging equipment ==> 伐木机
  34688. snagging grinder ==> 粗磨床
  34689. snagging wheel ==> 粗砂轮
  34690. snail ==> 巻き貝
  34691. snail fever ==> 血吸虫病
  34692. snail hook ==> 螺旋钩
  34693. snail plant ==> 蜗牛植物
  34694. snail wheel ==> 蜗形轮
  34695. snail-like movement ==> 慢慢爬
  34696. snak-quench technique ==> 均热淬火工艺,均热淬火工艺
  34697. snake bend ==> 蛇形弯管,蛇形弯头
  34698. snake bite ==> 蛇伤
  34699. snake cage resin ==> 蛇笼树脂
  34700. snake core ==> 蛇形芯,弯曲芯
  34701. snake domain ==> 蛇形畴,蛇形磁畴
  34702. snake drill ==> 蛇形钻杆
  34703. snake eye ==> 蛇眼
  34704. snake fence ==> 蛇形栅栏
  34705. snake fly ==> 蛇蛉亚目昆虫
  34706. snake formation attack ==> 蛇行队攻击
  34707. snake formation search ==> 蛇形队搜索
  34708. snake gourd ==> 蛇瓜
  34709. snake hole ==> 蛇炮眼
  34710. snake in the tunnel ==> 坑道中的蛇行
  34711. snake melon ==> 蛇甜瓜
  34712. snake mode ==> 蛇形飞行
  34713. snake oil ==> 蛇油
  34714. snake pit ==> 蛇窖
  34715. snake poison ==> 蛇毒
  34716. snake riveting ==> 正常交错铆接
  34717. snake root ==> 蛇根草
  34718. snake root oil ==> 蛇根油
  34719. snake skin ==> 蛇皮
  34720. snake type strander ==> 蛇型捻股机
  34721. snake venom poisoning ==> 蛇咬中毒
  34722. snake wire ==> 绳索包皮
  34723. snake without tunnel ==> 没有坑道的蛇行
  34724. snake wood ==> 蛇根木
  34725. snake's sensor ==> 蛇感受器
  34726. snake-bite ==> 蛇咬伤
  34727. snake-locked ==> 蛇发的
  34728. snake-stone ==> 蛇石
  34729. snakehead ==> 生鱼
  34730. snakeholing method ==> 蛇穴法
  34731. snakeholing shooting ==> (大块底部打眼爆破)蛇穴法二次爆破
  34732. snakeoil ==> 直译是"蛇油",意思就是就是"狗皮膏药"
  34733. snaking ==> スネーク布設
  34734. snaking stream ==> 曲折河
  34735. snaky edge ==> 蛇形边
  34736. SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers ==> 军舰建造及海事工程师协会
  34737. snap ==> 急变,急速的,天气急变,弹响,斯耐普,快拍=>クッキー,スナップ,留め金,締め金
  34738. snap acting ==> スナップ作動
  34739. snap action ==> 快动作=>スナップアクション
  34740. snap action contact ==> 瞬动触点,突动触点
  34741. snap back ==> 快回
  34742. snap bean ==> 四季豆,豆荚
  34743. snap beans ==> 食荚菜豆
  34744. snap button ==> 按钮
  34745. snap check ==> 抽查检验
  34746. snap clasp ==> 弹簧拉钩
  34747. snap clutch ==> 弹压齿式离合器
  34748. snap corn ==> 带皮玉米穗
  34749. snap coupling ==> 快速联轴节
  34750. snap die ==> 铆钉头压型
  34751. snap fastener ==> 按扣,揿钮
  34752. snap flask ==> 活砂箱,可拆式砂箱,脱箱
  34753. snap flask band ==> 套箱
  34754. snap flask mo(u)lding ==> 活箱造型
  34755. snap flask mould ==> 活箱造型,无箱铸型
  34756. snap flask moulding ==> 脱箱造型
  34757. snap gage ==> 卡规
  34758. snap gauge ==> 卡规
  34759. snap hammer ==> 铆锤,铆钉头圆边击平锤
  34760. snap hand jet ==> 带柄气动卡规,带柄外径气动量规
  34761. snap head machine screw ==> 半圆头机器螺丝
  34762. snap header ==> 半砖,暗丁砖,假丁砖
  34763. snap hook ==> 安全钩,弹簧钩,弹簧扣
  34764. snap in cover ==> 快速压紧盖
  34765. snap jet ==> 气动测头,气动量规
  34766. snap knob ==> 铆钉模
  34767. snap lock ==> 弹簧搭扣
  34768. snap magnet ==> 速动永磁铁
  34769. snap off diode ==> 阶跃恢复二极管
  34770. snap off timing discriminator ==> 快速关断定时甄别器
  34771. snap out ==> 流出
  34772. snap over mechanism ==> 弹锁机构,弹锁机构
  34773. snap piston ring ==> 弹簧活塞环
  34774. snap remover ==> 弹性卡环装卸器,开口环装卸器
  34775. snap ring ==> 弹簧开口环
  34776. snap ring extractor ==> 止动环提取器
  34777. snap ring groove ==> 止动环槽
  34778. snap riveting ==> 型铆
  34779. snap set ==> 铆头模
  34780. snap shears ==> (剪切钢材前端)快速飞剪
  34781. snap spring ==> 卡簧=>スナッフスプリング
  34782. snap switch ==> 弹簧开关,室内开关=>スナップスイッチ
  34783. SNAP system for nuclear auxiliary power ==> 核辅助动力系统
  34784. snap tempering ==> 快速回火
  34785. snap terminal ==> 弹簧夹,揿钮接头
  34786. snap the line ==> 弹线
  34787. snap time ==> 阶跃时间
  34788. snap tool ==> 铆钉用具
  34789. snap up ==> 锁键调节式
  34790. snap valve ==> 速动阀
  34791. snap washer ==> 开口垫圈
  34792. SNAP, system for nuclear auxiliary power ==> スナップ
  34793. snap-action switch ==> 快动开关=>スナップ動作スイッチ
  34794. snap-back forming ==> 快速回吸成型
  34795. snap-fastener ==> 弹簧搭扣
  34796. snap-finger ==> 弹响指,扳机状指
  34797. snap-gauge ==> 卡板
  34798. snap-head bolt ==> 半圆头螺栓
  34799. snap-head die ==> 铆钉模,铆头模
  34800. snap-lever oiler ==> 弹簧杆润滑器
  34801. snap-lock ==> 弹簧锁
  34802. snap-lock switch ==> 弹簧锁开关
  34803. snap-off diode ==> 阶跃二极管,急变二极管
  34804. snap-on ==> 直接固定
  34805. snap-on ammeter ==> 钳式安培计
  34806. snap-on bolt ==> 自动门闩
  34807. snap-on cover ==> 弹簧扣盖
  34808. snap-on red filter ==> 快装式红色滤光片
  34809. snap-on tongs ==> 抓钳
  34810. snap-ring bearing ==> 开口环轴承
  34811. snap-ring driver ==> 止动环装卸器
  34812. snap-ring internal ==> 锁圈
  34813. snap-ring seal ==> 扣环密封
  34814. snap-shoot sight ==> 快速射击瞄准具
  34815. snapback method ==> 反复计时法
  34816. snapflask mould ==> 脱箱造型
  34817. snaphead bolt ==> 圆头螺栓
  34818. snaphead rivet ==> 圆头铆钉
  34819. snapped header ==> 半头砖
  34820. snapped-corn conveyer ==> 玉米穗输送器
  34821. snapped-corn elevator ==> 玉米穗升运器
  34822. snapping finger ==> 弹响指,扳机状指
  34823. snapping of the peroneal tendon ==> 腓骨肌腱弹响
  34824. snapping the line ==> (弹线)弹线工序
  34825. snapping unit ==> 玉米摘穗装置
  34826. snappy ==> 活発な,おしゃれな,粋な
  34827. snappy return ==> 弹回运动
  34828. snappy rubber ==> 高弹性橡胶,优质弹性橡胶
  34829. snappy spring cover ==> 自闭盖
  34830. snapring expander ==> 弹性卡环装卸器
  34831. snapshot ==> 抽点打印,瞬像,快镜拍摄,快摄照片,快照=>スナップショット(プログラム)
  34832. snapshot debug ==> 抽点查错
  34833. snapshot debugging ==> 抽点打印调试
  34834. snapshot dump ==> 抽点打印,抽点转贮,抽样转储,机动转移信息=>スナップショットダンプ
  34835. snapshot gun sight ==> 快速射击瞄准具
  34836. snapshot program ==> 抽点程序,抽点打印程序
  34837. snapshot routine ==> 抽点打印程序
  34838. snapshot schedule ==> 部分詳細工程
  34839. snare drum ==> 响弦鼓
  34840. snare loop ==> 绞断器圈套环
  34841. Snark ==> 斯纳克
  34842. snarl iron ==> 打凸纹器
  34843. snarl yarn ==> 辫子花线
  34844. snarl(ing) test ==> 线材反复缠绕试验
  34845. snarling test ==> 打结试验
  34846. snatch block ==> 开口滑车
  34847. snatch plate ==> 扣链板
  34848. SNB ==> 鞍节分岔
  34849. SNC Survey Not Complete ==> 未完成检测
  34850. SNCR ==> 选择性非催化反应=>選択的非触媒還元
  34851. snead process ==> 直接加热法
  34852. sneak circuit ==> 寄生电路,超指标电路
  34853. sneak current ==> 寄生电流=>回り込み電流
  34854. sneak in ==> スニークイン
  34855. sneak out ==> スニークアウト
  34856. sneak path ==> 潜通路
  34857. snecked wall ==> 乱石砌筑的墙
  34858. sneezing center ==> 喷嚏中枢
  34859. sneezing gas ==> 喷嚏性毒气
  34860. sneezing gas poisoning ==> 催嚏毒气中毒
  34861. sneezing powder ==> 喷嚏粉
  34862. sneezing reflex ==> 喷嚏反射
  34863. sneezing substance ==> 喷嚏性毒剂
  34864. Snell laws of refraction ==> 斯涅尔折射定律
  34865. Snell's law ==> 斯涅耳定律,折射定律=>スネルの法則
  34866. Snellen eye chart ==> 斯内伦测视力图
  34867. Snellen fraction ==> 斯涅伦小数
  34868. Snellen notation ==> 斯奈隆表示法
  34869. Snellen test ==> 斯内伦试验
  34870. Snellen's reflex ==> 耳颈神经反射
  34871. Snellen's test type ==> 钩状字形视力表
  34872. Snezhko air-operated puller ==> 斯内兹柯式风动拔棒机
  34873. snifter valve ==> 吸气阀
  34874. snifting valve ==> 喷气阀
  34875. Snip fly bands ==> 敌蝇威
  34876. SNIP, Space Network Interoperability Panel ==> 宇宙ネットワーク相互運用会議
  34877. snipper saw ==> 裁切锯
  34878. SNK Sunk ==> 下沉
  34879. SNL, Sandia National Laboratories ==> サンディア研究所(米国エネルギー省)
  34880. SNL, summation of noise level ==> 噪音声级的总和
  34881. SNM, special nuclear material ==> 特殊核物質
  34882. SNO, Sudbury Neutrino Observatory ==> 萨德伯利中微子观测台
  34883. snob effect ==> 逆反效应
  34884. Snoek effect ==> 斯诺克效应
  34885. snoop leak detector ==> 漏气检查器
  34886. snooper satellite ==> 间谍卫星
  34887. snooper scope ==> 夜视镜
  34888. snore stop ==> 鼾声停
  34889. snore-hole ==> 鼾孔
  34890. snorkel ==> 通气管,柴油机通风管工作装置,送气管,潜水送气管
  34891. snorkeling destination ==> 潜水スポット
  34892. snorkeling trip ==> ダイビング旅行に行く
  34893. snort wheel ==> 放风阀绳轮
  34894. snout moth ==> 螟蛾,草螟
  34895. snout moth's larva ==> 螟虫
  34896. snow ==> 雪化干扰,雪
  34897. snow accretion ==> 着雪
  34898. snow accretion sensor ==> 着雪センサ
  34899. snow accumulation ==> 雪的累积
  34900. snow accumulation on transmission line ==> 线路覆冰
  34901. snow algae ==> 雪生藻类
  34902. snow and mountain warfare ==> 雪地与山地作战
  34903. snow avalanche ==> 雪崩
  34904. snow bank ==> 雪堤
  34905. snow banner ==> 雪旗
  34906. snow barrier ==> 防雪栅栏,挡雪板
  34907. snow belt ==> 雪带
  34908. snow bin ==> 量雪箱
  34909. snow blight ==> 雪疫病
  34910. snow blindness ==> 雪盲
  34911. snow blink ==> 雪照云光
  34912. snow block ==> 雪片
  34913. snow blockade ==> 雪封
  34914. snow blower ==> 螺桨式除雪机,吹雪机
  34915. snow boards ==> 挡雪板
  34916. snow breaker ==> 除雪机
  34917. snow bridge ==> 雪桥
  34918. snow bube ==> 雪柱收集器
  34919. snow bunting ==> 雪鹀
  34920. snow cap ==> 雪冠
  34921. snow caster ==> 旋转清雪机
  34922. snow chain ==> 胎链
  34923. snow clearer ==> 铲雪车
  34924. snow climate ==> 极地气候,雪原气候
  34925. snow cloud ==> 雪成云
  34926. snow cock ==> 雪鸡
  34927. snow core ==> 雪样
  34928. snow course ==> 测雪路线,测雪取样路线
  34929. snow cover ==> 积雪,积雪度,雪被
  34930. snow cradling ==> 挡雪板
  34931. snow crust ==> 雪壳
  34932. snow crystal ==> 雪晶
  34933. snow damage ==> 雪害
  34934. snow defence ==> 防雪
  34935. snow density ==> 雪密度
  34936. snow deposit ==> 雪层
  34937. snow dewberry ==> 雪露莓
  34938. snow drift ==> 雪堆,吹雪
  34939. snow eater ==> 溶雪风,溶雪雾
  34940. snow erosion ==> 雪蚀
  34941. snow fence ==> 挡雪栏
  34942. snow flea ==> 跳虫
  34943. snow flurry ==> 雪阵
  34944. snow forest climate ==> 雪林气候
  34945. snow ga(u)ge ==> 雪规
  34946. snow gage ==> 量雪器,测雪计
  34947. snow garland ==> 雪花环
  34948. snow gear ==> 雪地起落架
  34949. snow gentian ==> 雪龙胆
  34950. snow geyser ==> 雪喷泉
  34951. snow glacier ==> 粒雪冰川
  34952. snow grader ==> 推雪机
  34953. snow grains ==> 米雪,雪米
  34954. snow guard ==> 防雪板
  34955. snow guards ==> 挡雪板
  34956. snow hurdle ==> 防雪栅栏
  34957. snow ice ==> 冻雪,雪冰
  34958. snow injury ==> 雪害
  34959. snow landing ==> 雪地着陆
  34960. snow leopard(Panthera uncia) ==> 雪豹
  34961. snow level ==> 噪声电平
  34962. snow limit ==> 雪线
  34963. snow line ==> 雪线
  34964. snow load ==> 雪荷载,雪载荷
  34965. snow load stress ==> 雪载应力
  34966. snow loader ==> 装雪机
  34967. snow mantle ==> 积雪
  34968. snow mat ==> 雪席
  34969. snow measuring plate ==> 测雪板
  34970. snow mold ==> 雪腐病
  34971. snow mould ==> 雪霉病,雪疫病
  34972. snow niche ==> 雪蚀凹地
  34973. snow pack ==> 雪堆
  34974. snow patch erosion ==> 雪蚀
  34975. snow pellets ==> 雪丸
  34976. snow plough ==> 雪犁
  34977. snow plume ==> 雪旗
  34978. snow point ==> 雪点
  34979. snow pollution ==> 雪污染
  34980. snow precipitation line ==> 降雨线
  34981. snow primrose ==> 雪报春
  34982. snow protection facility ==> 防雪设施
  34983. snow removal truck ==> 扫雪车
  34984. snow remover ==> 除雪机
  34985. snow residuum ==> 残留雪
  34986. snow resistant ring ==> 難着雪リング
  34987. snow retention ==> 积雪
  34988. snow ripple ==> 风成雪波
  34989. snow roller ==> 雪卷
  34990. snow rollers ==> 雪尺
  34991. snow sampler ==> 雪样,取雪管
  34992. snow scale ==> 雪尺,测雪尺
  34993. snow scavenging ==> 雪冲刷
  34994. snow scraper ==> 刮雪机,铲雪机
  34995. snow screen ==> 防雪栅栏
  34996. snow set ==> 雪地装夹
  34997. snow shed ==> 避雪所
  34998. snow sheep ==> 雪羊
  34999. snow shelter ==> 避雪所
  35000. snow shield ==> 防雪设备,防雪栅栏
  35001. snow shifter ==> 除雪机
  35002. snow sky ==> 雪照云光
  35003. snow sledge ==> 雪上自动车
  35004. snow slide ==> 雪崩
  35005. snow slip ==> 雪崩
  35006. snow sludge ==> 雪浆,粘粥冰
  35007. snow slush ==> 雪泥,湿雪
  35008. snow smoke ==> 雪旗
  35009. snow sporocket ==> 雪地驱动链轮
  35010. snow stage ==> 成雪阶段
  35011. snow stake ==> 测雪尺,测雪桩
  35012. snow static ==> 雪花静电
  35013. snow storm ==> 暴风雪
  35014. snow survey ==> 测雪,积雪测量
  35015. snow tire ==> 雪地用汽车轮胎
  35016. snow tractor ==> 雪地牵引车,雪地用拖拉机
  35017. snow trail set ==> 雪路装夹
  35018. snow tremor ==> 积雪震落
  35019. snow tube ==> 取雪管
  35020. snow virga ==> 雪幡
  35021. snow willow ==> 雪柳
  35022. snow work ==> 雪中装卸
  35023. snow-cat ==> 雪地履带式车辆
  35024. snow-cover chart ==> 积雪图
  35025. snow-feed river ==> 雪水补给的河流
  35026. snow-melting ==> 融雪
  35027. snow-plough model ==> 雪铲模型
  35028. snow-protection plantation ==> 防雪林
  35029. snow-shovel reflector ==> 雪铲形反射器
  35030. snow-storm ==> 雪花形干扰
  35031. snowball structure ==> 雪球构造
  35032. snowbank glacier ==> 雪蚀冰川
  35033. snowdrift ==> 雪堆=>雪の吹きだまり
  35034. snowdrift game ==> 雪堆博弈
  35035. snowdrift glacier ==> 吹雪冰川
  35036. snowdrift ice ==> 吹雪冰
  35037. snowflake ==> 雪片,オオマツユキソウ,スノーフレーク
  35038. snowflake formation ==> 雪片形成
  35039. snowflake glass ==> スノーフレークガラス
  35040. snowmelt runoff ==> 融雪流出
  35041. snowmobile ==> 雪地汽车
  35042. snowpack water equivalent ==> 雪的水当量
  35043. snowpit storage ==> 雪窖贮藏
  35044. snowplane ==> 摩托滑雪车
  35045. snowplough effect ==> 雪犁效应
  35046. snowplow ==> 扫雪机
  35047. snowplow effect ==> 雪犁效应
  35048. snowshoe rabbits ==> 雪地兔子
  35049. snowslip warning device ==> なだれ警報装置
  35050. snowy serviceberry ==> 雪白唐棣
  35051. SNP, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism ==> SNP
  35052. SNPC, Sanmen Nuclear Power Co.,LTD ==> 三门核电有限公司=>三門核電有限公司
  35053. snr ==> 随机杂波信杂比
  35054. SNR, signal-to-noise ratio ==> 信号対雑音比
  35055. SNS ==> ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス
  35056. SnS ==> 硫化スズ
  35057. SNS, standard noise source ==> 標準雑音源
  35058. SNSR, sensor ==> センサ
  35059. SNT, Sensitive Nuclear Technology ==> 機微核技術
  35060. sntadard heat of formation ==> 标准形成热
  35061. snub ==> 点刹
  35062. SNUBA Surface Nexus Underwater Breathing Apparatus ==> 水下呼吸装置
  35063. snubber ==> 减振器=>スナバ
  35064. snubber circuit ==> スナバ回路
  35065. snubber energy recovery ==> スナバエネルギー回生
  35066. snubber energy recovery bridge leg ==> スナバエネルギー回生ブリッジレグ
  35067. snubber in nuclear power structures ==> 核动力装置结构阻尼器,防止管道和设备在突然载荷条件下遭受损坏的装置。它允许管道和设备由于温度变化造成的缓慢位移,但在突然载荷(交变的、周期的或恒定的)作用下变为“刚性”,从而限制管道和设备的运动
  35068. snubber sprocket ==> 松放链轮
  35069. snubber valve ==> 滞流阀
  35070. snubbing line ==> 减速索
  35071. snuff bottle ==> 鼻烟壶
  35072. snuff box ==> 鼻烟壶
  35073. snuffle valve ==> 泄气阀
  35074. snug fit ==> 密配合,滑动配合,滑配合
  35075. snug washer ==> 平垫圈
  35076. SNV ==> 瑞士标准化协会
  35077. SNW,Spot Network System ==> スポット・ネットワーク・システム,20kV級配電系統の代表的な系統方式としてSNWがある。SNW系統では,複数の回線が需要家構内の変圧器二次側で常時並列しており,逆電流遮断,差電圧投入,無電圧投入などの特殊な機能を有する受電方式が採用されている。これらの機能は,需要家設備側に発電源が存在しないことを前提に成立しているものであり,分散型電源の連系にあたっては上記の各機能との的確な協調を図る必要がある。
  35078. Snyder induction furnace ==> 斯奈德电感炉
  35079. Snyder life test ==> 斯奈德寿命试验,(一种绝缘油老化试验法)斯奈德寿命试验
  35080. Snyder lift test ==> (一种绝缘油老化试验法)斯奈德寿命试验
  35081. Snyder sampler ==> 斯奈德取样器
  35082. so ==> 小型外壳
  35083. so long as ==> 只要
  35084. SO, serial output ==> シリアル出力
  35085. SO, station operator ==> ステーションオペレータ
  35086. SO-cable ==> 三角断面电缆
  35087. SOA ==> 面向服务架构
  35088. SOA, Service Oriented Architecture ==> サービス指向アーキテクチャ
  35089. SOAC, system oriented AVR controller ==> 同期調相機端子電圧制御装置
  35090. SOACT, state-of-the-art clean technology ==> 先進技術ハンドブック
  35091. soak ==> 积水洼地,高温保温,泡,均热,均热,浸泡液,浸透,浸渍,裂化
  35092. soak cleaning ==> 浸洗,化学清理
  35093. soak current ==> ソーク電流
  35094. soak heating ==> 均热加热,均热加热
  35095. soak into soil ==> 渗入土中
  35096. soak period ==> 浸泡时间
  35097. soak pit ==> 渗坑
  35098. soak(ing) ==> 均热处理,均热处理
  35099. soak-up method ==> 吸收法
  35100. soakage ==> 吸水量,均热,均热,浸湿性
  35101. soakaway ==> 渗水坑,渗水坑井
  35102. soakaway trench system ==> 渗水管系统
  35103. soakaway with channels ==> 连水渠的渗水系统
  35104. soaked bobbin ==> 浸卷机
  35105. soaker ==> 浸洗机,浸渍剂,立墙泛水,裂化反应室,裂化设备,戗脊泛水片
  35106. soaker at hip ==> 戗脊泛水片
  35107. soakers ==> 防漏嵌条
  35108. soaking ==> 高温保温,浸湿,强充电,强激励,湿=>ずぶぬれ
  35109. soaking agent for high speed loom ==> 高速织机用泡丝剂
  35110. soaking area ==> 均熱帯
  35111. soaking condition ==> 浸漬条件
  35112. soaking downpour ==> 豪雨
  35113. soaking drum ==> 裂化反应鼓
  35114. soaking furnace ==> 均热炉,均热炉
  35115. soaking period ==> 均热期,均热期,浸水期,高温保温阶段
  35116. soaking pit ==> 浸池,均热炉,等温坑
  35117. soaking pit crane ==> 夹钳起重机
  35118. soaking reactor ==> 吸收电抗器
  35119. soaking temperature ==> 均热温度,均热温度
  35120. soaking test ==> 浸水試験
  35121. soaking time ==> 保温时间
  35122. soaking zone ==> 保温段,均热带,均热带,均热区,均热区
  35123. soaking-out ==> (电容器的)剩余放电
  35124. SOANT, S-band omnidirectional antenna ==> Sバンドオムニアンテナ
  35125. soap ==> 脂肪酸盐,皂,肥皂
  35126. soap (-)film analog ==> 皂膜模拟
  35127. soap ashes ==> 草灰碱
  35128. soap bar ==> 皂条
  35129. soap bark ==> 皂皮
  35130. soap base ==> 皂坯,皂基=>せっけん基剤
  35131. soap body ==> 皂体
  35132. soap brick ==> 长条砖
  35133. soap bubble flowmeter ==> 皂泡流量计
  35134. soap bubble leak detection ==> 皂泡检漏
  35135. soap bubble method ==> (测定火焰基本速度的)皂泡法
  35136. soap bubble test ==> 皂泡试验,肥皂泡检验法
  35137. soap builder ==> 肥皂配合剂,肥皂助洗剂
  35138. soap chip ==> 皂片
  35139. soap chip drier ==> 皂片干燥机
  35140. soap chipper ==> 刨皂机
  35141. soap chromatography ==> 皂色谱
  35142. soap content ==> 皂含量
  35143. soap degumming ==> 皂练
  35144. soap dispenser ==> 给皂水器,肥皂分发器
  35145. soap drawn wire ==> 肥皂润滑拉丝
  35146. soap drier ==> 肥皂干燥机
  35147. soap drying plant ==> 肥皂干燥室
  35148. soap dye ==> 皂模
  35149. soap earth ==> 皂石
  35150. soap emulsion ==> 皂质乳液
  35151. soap factor ==> 皂因数
  35152. soap factory ==> 肥皂制造厂
  35153. soap film flowmeter ==> 皂膜流量计
  35154. soap film gas meter ==> 皂膜气量计
  35155. soap film tensor ==> 皂膜张力
  35156. soap flaking rolls ==> 制皂片辊轧机
  35157. soap for brightening textile ==> 纺织品上光皂
  35158. soap germicide ==> 皂用杀菌剂
  35159. soap grain ==> 皂核
  35160. soap graining ==> 皂的盐析
  35161. soap grease ==> 皂基脂
  35162. soap lubricant ==> 肥皂润滑剂
  35163. soap lye ==> 皂液
  35164. soap lye glycerine ==> 皂液甘油
  35165. soap micelle ==> 皂胶束
  35166. soap mill ==> 研皂机
  35167. soap mould ==> 皂模
  35168. soap oil ==> 皂油
  35169. soap paste ==> 皂糊
  35170. soap perfume ==> 皂用香料
  35171. soap plates cooling plant ==> 皂板冷却装置
  35172. soap powder ==> 肥皂粉
  35173. soap pump ==> 皂泵
  35174. soap ribbon ==> 皂带
  35175. soap roller mill ==> 肥皂辗压机
  35176. soap scum ==> 皂垢
  35177. soap shampoo ==> 含皂洗发剂
  35178. soap shaving machine ==> 刨皂机
  35179. soap slab cutter ==> 切皂条机
  35180. soap solution ==> 皂溶液,皂液,肥皂溶液
  35181. soap specks ==> 皂斑
  35182. soap spot ==> 皂渍
  35183. soap stamping press ==> 压皂机
  35184. soap stone ==> 皂石
  35185. soap stone powder ==> 滑石粉
  35186. soap tablet ==> 皂丸
  35187. soap tank ==> 皂化槽
  35188. soap test ==> 皂水试验
  35189. soap titration method ==> 皂滴定法
  35190. soap tray ==> 肥皂缸
  35191. soap treatment ==> 皂化处理
  35192. soap water film ==> 皂水膜
  35193. soap work ==> 肥皂制造厂
  35194. soap wrapping machine ==> 包皂机
  35195. soap(-)root ==> 皂根
  35196. SOAP, Simple Object Access Protocol ==> 他のコンピュータにあるデータやサービスを呼び出すための通信規約, SOAP is a XML based protocol for exchanging information over the Internet. It is a powerful tool for building web services and performing distributed.
  35197. soap-bark tree ==> 皂荚树
  35198. soap-based powder ==> 皂坯洗涤粉
  35199. soap-film ==> 皂膜
  35200. soap-film meter ==> 皂膜计
  35201. soap-film method ==> 皂膜法
  35202. soap-in-oil system ==> 皂油系统
  35203. soap-mark ==> 皂渍
  35204. soap-oil dispersion ==> 皂油分散体
  35205. soap-oil emulsion ==> 皂质油乳化液
  35206. soap-phase structure ==> 皂相构造
  35207. soap-sensitive individuals ==> 肥皂过敏者
  35208. soap-tree oil ==> 皂树油
  35209. soaper ==> 皂洗机
  35210. soapiness ==> 皂滑性
  35211. soaping ==> 皂洗
  35212. soaprock ==> 皂石
  35213. soaps ==> 穿孔砖
  35214. soapstone ==> 皂石
  35215. soapsuds ==> 起泡皂水
  35216. soapsuds cysts ==> 肥皂液样囊肿
  35217. soapsuds enema ==> 肥皂水灌肠
  35218. soapsuds method ==> 皂沫法
  35219. soapsuds test ==> 皂沫试验
  35220. soapy alcohol ==> 多脂醇
  35221. soapy clay ==> 皂土
  35222. soapy waste ==> 含皂废水
  35223. soapy water ==> 肥皂水
  35224. soaring flight ==> 翱翔飞行
  35225. soaring glider ==> 翱翔机
  35226. SOB, strap-on booster ==> 固体補助ロケット(N竏窒P,N竏窒Q,H竏窒Pロケット補助ブー・
  35227. sobbing respiration ==> 抽泣样呼吸
  35228. SOBBO, strap on booster burn out ==> 固体補助ロケット燃焼終了
  35229. sober ==> まじめな,地味な,禁酒している
  35230. sobering ==> ハッとするような
  35231. sobering experience ==> ハッとするような経験
  35232. sobering fact ==> 粛然たる事実
  35233. sobering lesson ==> ハッとさせられる教訓
  35234. sobering number ==> 驚くような数字
  35235. sobering observation ==> 冷徹な観察
  35236. sobering thought ==> ハッとするような考え
  35237. Sobral ==> 索布拉
  35238. SOC Shipper Owned Container ==> 船主所有的集装箱
  35239. SOC Society ==> 团体
  35240. SOC, System on a Chip ==> メモリなど複数の機能を集めたシステムLSI
  35241. SOC, simulation operation computer ==> シミュレーション運用計算機
  35242. SOC, Simulation Operations Center ==> シミュレーション運用センター
  35243. SOC, Space Operations Center ==> 宇宙オペレーションセンター
  35244. SOC, space operations center statement of work ==> スペースオペレーションセンターワークステートメント
  35245. SOC, state of charge ==> 蓄積電荷量
  35246. SOC, subsystem operating and checkout ==> サブシステム運用及びチェックアウト
  35247. SoC, System On Chip ==> 总线不出芯片的单片机系统=>システム・オン・チップ
  35248. SOC, system operating and checkout ==> システム運用及びチェックアウト
  35249. SOC, System Operating and Checkout Simulation Operations Center ==> システム運用及びチェックアウトシミュレーション運用センタ・
  35250. SOC, system operating concept ==> システム運用概念
  35251. social accounting ==> 社会核算
  35252. social accounting analysis ==> 社会核算分析
  35253. social accounting matrix ==> 社会核算矩阵
  35254. social adaptation ==> 社会适应
  35255. social animal ==> 群居动物
  35256. social anthropology ==> 社会人类学
  35257. social average expenditure standard ==> 社会平均支付水平
  35258. social average value ==> 社会平均价值
  35259. social behavior ==> 社会性行为
  35260. social construction of reality ==> 现实的社会构造
  35261. social contract ==> 社会契约
  35262. Social Control of Environmental Pollution in Hong Kong, The ==> 《香港环境污染的社会管制》
  35263. social cost accounting ==> 社会成本会计
  35264. social cost of congestion ==> 交通拥挤造成的社会费用
  35265. social cost-benefit ==> 社会成本效益
  35266. social dividend ==> 社会股息
  35267. social dumping ==> 社会倾销
  35268. social fringe ==> 社会利益
  35269. social goals ==> 社会目标
  35270. social increase of population ==> 人口的社会增长,人口社会增长
  35271. social insect ==> 群居昆虫
  35272. social insurance ==> 社会保险
  35273. social insurance fund ==> 社会保险基金
  35274. social investigation ==> 社会调查
  35275. social national income ==> 社会国民收入
  35276. social nature of property relations ==> 财产关系的社会性质
  35277. social needs ==> 社会需求
  35278. social net output value ==> 社会净产值
  35279. social network ==> 社会网络
  35280. social networking ==> ソーシャルネットワーキング
  35281. social objective ==> 社会目标
  35282. social opportunity cost ==> 社会机会成本
  35283. social overhead capital ==> 社会分摊资本,社会总资本
  35284. social overhead infrastructure ==> 社会固定成本
  35285. social participation ==> 社会参与
  35286. social planning ==> 社会规划
  35287. social plant ==> 群生植物
  35288. social prestige ==> 社会的名声,社会的威信
  35289. social product ==> 社会产品
  35290. social profit ==> 社会利润
  35291. social psychology ==> 社会心理学
  35292. social purchasing power ==> 社会购买力
  35293. social reserve funds ==> 社会后备基金
  35294. social responsibility of manager ==> 经营者社会责任,经营者社会责任
  35295. social risk ==> 社会风险
  35296. social science ==> 社会科学
  35297. social security program ==> 社会保险计划
  35298. social security tax ==> 社会保险税
  35299. social service system ==> 社会服务系统
  35300. social structure ==> 社会结构
  35301. social surplus ==> 社会余剰(電力自由化)
  35302. social survey ==> 社会调查
  35303. social system ==> 社会系统
  35304. social system engineering ==> 社会系统工程
  35305. social value ==> 社会的価値
  35306. social value function ==> 社会价值函数
  35307. social welfare decision making ==> 社会福利决策
  35308. social welfare function ==> 社会福利函数
  35309. socialism market ==> 社会主义市场
  35310. socialize and profession-alize service ==> 服务的社会化
  35311. socialized network of investment ==> 社会化的投资网络
  35312. socialuied sector of the economy ==> 社会化经济部门
  35313. societal marketing concept ==> 社会行销观念
  35314. society ==> 社会,小群落,组合,学会
  35315. society annual conference ==> 部門大会
  35316. Society of Nuclear Scientists and Engineers (SNSE) ==> 核能科学家和工程师协会
  35317. society-wide composite average ==> 全社会综合平均数字
  35318. society-wide general retail price index ==> 全社会零售物价总指数
  35319. socio-economic ==> 社会经济学的
  35320. socio-economic revolution ==> 社会经济革命
  35321. socioeconomic accounting ==> 社会经济会计
  35322. socioeconomic data ==> 社会经济数据
  35323. socioeconomic development ==> 社会经济发展
  35324. socioeconomic performance ==> 社会经济效益
  35325. socioeconomic statistical system ==> 社会经济统计系统
  35326. socioeconomic statistics ==> 社会经济统计,社会经济统计学
  35327. socioeconomic systems analysis ==> 社会经济系统分析
  35328. socioeconomic systems management ==> 社会经济系统管理
  35329. socioeconomic trends ==> 社会经济趋势
  35330. socioeconomic variable ==> 社会经济变量
  35331. socioeconomic variables ==> 社经变数
  35332. sociology of chronic diseases ==> 慢性病社会学
  35333. sociology of economics ==> 经济社会学,经济社会学
  35334. sociometric analysis ==> 社会计量分析
  35335. sociometric description ==> 社会计量描述
  35336. sociometric technique ==> 社会计量法,社会经济技术
  35337. sociometric test ==> 社会计量检验
  35338. sociotechnical system approach ==> 社会技术系统方法
  35339. sock ==> 铧头,滤袋
  35340. sock linking machine ==> 短袜缝连机
  35341. Sock socket ==> 套节
  35342. socker wedge ==> 插孔楔
  35343. socket ==> 槽,插孔,插口,座,砂箱定位套,窝,承窝,穿线环,灯座,套节=>ソケット,An address which specifically includes a port identifier, that is, the concatenation of an Internet Address with a TCP port.
  35344. socket adapter ==> 灯座插头,灯座接合器,插座转接器
  35345. socket and spigot joint ==> 插承接合,插口接合,承插接合,承窝接合,窝接
  35346. socket antenna ==> 插座天线
  35347. socket aperture ==> 插座孔
  35348. socket base ==> 插座底
  35349. socket bend ==> 管节弯头
  35350. socket bushing ==> 灯头绝缘套
  35351. socket cable ==> 插换电缆
  35352. socket cap screw ==> 圆柱头内六角螺钉
  35353. socket capacitance ==> 管座电容
  35354. socket chisel ==> 套柄凿,榫凿,榫凿
  35355. socket chuck ==> 套筒型夹紧夹头
  35356. socket cover ==> 插口罩,插座盖
  35357. socket drill ==> 窝钻
  35358. socket end ==> 承端,承接端
  35359. socket end fitting ==> 内螺纹终端接头
  35360. socket for electric light ==> 电灯插座
  35361. socket for lead joint ==> 填铅承插口
  35362. socket for piston rod ==> 活塞杆承插头
  35363. socket ga(u)ge ==> 套规
  35364. socket head ==> 套筒扳手头,插座头
  35365. socket head pipe plug ==> 凹头管塞
  35366. socket head screw ==> 凹头螺钉,内六角头螺丝,涡头螺丝
  35367. socket joint ==> 套筒联接,球窝接合,插座接合
  35368. socket of eyeball ==> 眼窝
  35369. socket of jack ==> 塞孔环,塞孔套管
  35370. socket of the sweeping table ==> 车板架轴座
  35371. socket outlet ==> 电器插座=>コンセント,壁コンセント
  35372. socket pilot nut ==> 内六角导向螺母
  35373. socket pipe ==> 承插管,套接管,套节管
  35374. socket power ==> 插接电源,插座电源
  35375. socket ratchet wrench ==> 套筒棘轮扳手
  35376. socket ring ==> 套环,座环
  35377. socket rosette ==> 插座
  35378. socket scoop ==> 长柄浇勺
  35379. socket screw ==> 承接螺丝,凹头螺钉
  35380. socket screw key ==> 凹头螺钉键
  35381. socket screw wrench ==> 内六角螺丝扳手
  35382. socket share ==> 盒形犁铧
  35383. socket sleeve ==> 座套
  35384. socket slide ==> 轭,环
  35385. socket spring ==> 插座弹簧
  35386. socket switch ==> 插座式开头,灯头开关
  35387. socket union ==> 凹口管节
  35388. socket wedge ==> 凹楔,套管楔
  35389. socket weld ends ==> 承插焊接端
  35390. socket weld joint ==> ソケット溶接継手
  35391. socket welding ==> 承插焊接=>差込溶接
  35392. socket wrench ==> 套筒扳手=>ソケットレンチ
  35393. socket wrench adapter ==> 套筒扳手接头
  35394. socket wrench crossbar ==> 套筒扳手扳杆
  35395. socket wrench extension bar ==> 套筒扳手加长杆
  35396. socket wrench set ==> 成套套筒扳手,全套套筒扳手
  35397. socket wrench with bar ==> 带柄套筒扳手
  35398. socket-clevis eye ==> 碗头挂板
  35399. socket-compatibility ==> 插座兼容性
  35400. socket-contact ==> 插压式接点
  35401. socket-power unit ==> 插接电源组
  35402. socket-welding fitting ==> 焊接式管接头
  35403. socket-welding flange ==> 承插焊接法兰
  35404. socketed stanchion ==> 摆动支座
  35405. socketing ==> 纳入接
  35406. socking in ==> 电容器电荷逐渐增多
  35407. socks ==> 袜子=>ソックス
  35408. SOCP, spacecraft orbital checkout procedure ==> 軌道上衛星チェックアウト手順書
  35409. sod ==> 腐殖层,草皮
  35410. sod and clay plow bottom ==> 草皮粘土地犁体
  35411. sod bottom ==> 草地用犁体
  35412. sod breaker bottom ==> 草地破土犁体
  35413. sod cover ==> 草皮覆被
  35414. sod crop ==> 草地作物
  35415. sod culture ==> 草皮培植,草皮栽培,生草法
  35416. sod cutter ==> 切草皮器
  35417. sod grass ==> 丛草,蔓草,蔓生草,草皮草
  35418. sod harvester ==> 草皮修剪机
  35419. sod lifter ==> 草铲,起草皮铲
  35420. sod mulch ==> 盖草法
  35421. sod planting ==> 草皮栽培
  35422. sod plow ==> 草地犁
  35423. sod plug cutter ==> 草皮切取机
  35424. sod podzol soil ==> 生草灰化土
  35425. sod revetment ==> 草皮护岸,草皮护坡,草皮铺面
  35426. sod seeder ==> 草皮地播种机
  35427. sod strip ==> 带状草皮
  35428. sod waterway ==> 草地泄水道,草皮泄水道
  35429. SOD, Space Operations Directorate ==> 宇宙運用理事会
  35430. SOD, statement of direction ==> 指示書
  35431. sod-bound ==> 草皮板结
  35432. sod-seeding ==> 草皮播种
  35433. sod-type ground-working equipment ==> 草地型耕作机具
  35434. soda ==> 纯碱,碳酸钠=>ソーダ
  35435. soda alum ==> 钠明矾
  35436. soda ash ==> 苏打粉,苏打灰,纯碱
  35437. soda ash compounding tank ==> 纯碱配制槽
  35438. soda ash glass ==> 钠玻璃
  35439. soda barium glass ==> 钠钡玻璃
  35440. soda bath ==> 苏打浴
  35441. soda brine ==> 苏打卤
  35442. soda cell ==> 苛性苏打电池=>ソーダ電池
  35443. soda circulating pump ==> 苏打循环泵
  35444. soda cracker ==> 苏打饼干
  35445. soda crystals ==> 苏打结晶,一水合碳酸钠
  35446. soda feldspar ==> 钠长石
  35447. soda fountain ==> 冷饮柜
  35448. soda glass ==> 钠玻璃
  35449. soda grease ==> 钠基脂
  35450. soda hornblende ==> 钠铁闪石
  35451. soda lime ==> 钠石灰,碱石灰
  35452. soda lime process ==> 苏打石灰法
  35453. soda lime process 苏打石灰法,向水中加入CaO、Na2CO3后,与水中的Ca(HCO3)2和 Mg(HCO3)2经反应后分别生成Ca ==> CO3和Mg(OH)2沉淀,从而将水中Ca2+和Mg2+除去的方法
  35454. soda lime silica glass ==> 钠钙玻璃
  35455. soda lye wash ==> 碱水洗涤
  35456. soda mesotype ==> 钠沸石
  35457. soda microcline ==> 钠微斜长石,歪长石
  35458. soda mint ==> 苏打薄荷片,苏打明
  35459. soda niter ==> 钠硝石
  35460. soda orthoclass ==> 钠正长石
  35461. soda pearl ash glass ==> 钠钾玻璃
  35462. soda potash glass ==> 钠钾玻璃
  35463. soda process ==> 苏打法
  35464. soda pulp ==> 碱法纸浆
  35465. soda pulping process ==> 碱法制浆
  35466. soda saltpeter ==> 钠硝石
  35467. soda sludge ==> 苏打淤渣
  35468. soda smelt ==> 苏打熔融物
  35469. soda soap ==> 钠皂
  35470. soda softening ==> 苏打软化
  35471. soda softening process ==> 苏打软水法
  35472. soda soil ==> 苏打土
  35473. soda solonetz ==> 苏打盐土
  35474. soda solution ==> 苏打溶液
  35475. soda tar ==> 苏打焦油
  35476. soda triphylite ==> 钠磷锰铁矿
  35477. soda wash ==> 苏打洗涤
  35478. soda water ==> 苏打水
  35479. soda-acid extinguisher ==> 酸碱灭火器
  35480. soda-acid fire extinguisher ==> 苏打酸灭火器
  35481. soda-asbestos ==> 苏打石棉
  35482. soda-ash roaster ==> 苏打粉煅烧机
  35483. soda-base grease ==> 钠脂
  35484. soda-garnet ==> 钠榴石
  35485. soda-granite ==> 钠花岗石
  35486. soda-lime ==> 苏打石灰
  35487. soda-lime feldspar ==> 钠钙长石
  35488. soda-lime glass ==> 钠钙玻璃
  35489. soda-lime process ==> 苏打石灰软化法
  35490. soda-margarite ==> 钠珠云母
  35491. soda-mica ==> 钠云母
  35492. soda-saline soil ==> 苏打盐土
  35493. soda-solonchak ==> 苏打盐土
  35494. soda-syenite ==> 钠正长岩
  35495. soda-tremolite ==> 钠透闪石
  35496. sodaacid extinguisher ==> 苏打酸灭火器
  35497. sodaclase ==> 钠长石
  35498. sodalite ==> 方钠石
  35499. sodalite Braun tube ==> 方钠石显像管
  35500. sodalitite ==> 方钠岩
  35501. sodalumite ==> 钠明矾
  35502. Sodamide ==> 氨基钠
  35503. sodanite ==> 赤道热
  35504. sodded check dam ==> 草皮谷坊
  35505. sodded spillway ==> 草皮溢水道
  35506. sodding ==> 草皮
  35507. soddy podzolic soil test ==> 生草灰化土试验
  35508. soddy podzolic soils ==> 生草灰化土
  35509. soddy soil ==> 生草土
  35510. Soddy's displacement law ==> 索第位移定律
  35511. soddyite ==> 硅铀矿
  35512. sode ash ==> (苏打灰)碱灰
  35513. sode lake ==> 高碱湖
  35514. sodemia ==> 钠血
  35515. sodian adularia ==> 钠冰长石
  35516. sodian deposition ==> 钠沉积
  35517. sodian microcline ==> 钠微斜长石
  35518. sodian orthoclase ==> 钠正长石
  35519. sodian sanidine ==> 钠透长石
  35520. sodic soil ==> 钠质土
  35521. sodick ==> 线切割机
  35522. sodified water ==> 固化水
  35523. sodio-acetoacetic ester ==> 钠代乙酰醋酸酯,钠代乙酰乙酸酯
  35524. sodio-alkylmalonic ester ==> 钠代烷基丙二酸酯
  35525. sodio-derivative ==> 钠衍生物
  35526. sodio-ethylmalonic ester ==> 钠代乙基丙二酸酯
  35527. sodio-ketoester ==> 钠代酮酸酯
  35528. sodio-methylmalonic ester ==> 钠代甲基丙二酸酯
  35529. sodiomalonic ester ==> 钠代丙二酸酯
  35530. sodiomethylmalonate ==> 钠代甲基丙二酸盐
  35531. sodion ==> 钠离子
  35532. sodiotartrate ==> 酒石酸钠盐,酒石酸钠盐
  35533. sodium ==> 钠
  35534. sodium 2,3-dimercaptopropane sulfonate ==> 2,3-二巯基丙烷磺酸钠
  35535. sodium 2,4,5-trichlorophenate ==> 三氯苯酚钠
  35536. sodium 2-chloro-3-nitrotoluene-5-sulfonate ==> 2-氯-3-硝基甲苯-5-磺酸钠
  35537. sodium 4-aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonate ==> 血凝妥
  35538. sodium acetarsol ==> 乙酰胂胺钠
  35539. sodium acetarsone ==> (抗滴虫药)乙酰胂胺钠
  35540. sodium acetate ==> 乙酸钠,结晶醋酸钠,醋酸钠
  35541. sodium acetazolamide ==> 乙酰唑胺钠
  35542. sodium acetriazoate ==> 乌洛康钠
  35543. sodium acetrizoate ==> 乙酰氨基三碘苯甲酸钠,醋碘苯酸钠
  35544. sodium acetylide ==> 乙炔钠
  35545. sodium acetylsalicylate ==> 乙酰水杨酸钠
  35546. sodium acetylsulfanilate ==> 乙酰氨基苯磺酸钠
  35547. sodium aceylide ==> 乙炔钠
  35548. sodium acid arsenate ==> 酸式砷酸钠
  35549. sodium acid arseniate ==> 酸式砷酸钠
  35550. sodium acid carbonate ==> 碳酸氢钠=>炭酸水素ナトリウム
  35551. sodium acid fluoride ==> 氢氟化钠
  35552. sodium acid methanearsonate ==> 甲基砷酸钠
  35553. sodium acid phosphate ==> 酸式磷酸钠
  35554. sodium acid pyrophosphate ==> 酸式焦磷酸钠
  35555. sodium acid sulfate ==> 硫酸氢钠
  35556. Sodium Aerofloat ==> (汗燥粉末)钠黑药
  35557. Sodium Aerofloat B ==> 钠黑药B
  35558. sodium alcoholate ==> 醇钠,乙醇钠
  35559. sodium alginate ==> 海藻酸钠
  35560. sodium alizarinesulfonate ==> 茜素磺酸钠
  35561. sodium alklyarylsulfonate ==> (作渗透作用)烷基芳基磺酸钠
  35562. sodium alkoxide ==> 醇钠
  35563. sodium alkyl amino-propionate ==> 烷基氨基丙酸钠
  35564. sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate ==> 烷基苯磺酸钠
  35565. sodium alkyl sulfate ==> 烷基硫酸钠
  35566. sodium alkyl-sulfinate ==> 烷基亚磺酸钠
  35567. sodium alkylsulfate ==> アルキル硫酸ナトリウム
  35568. sodium allylsulfonate ==> 丙烯磺酸钠
  35569. sodium alphanaphthy-lamine sulfonate ==> 对氨基萘磺酸钠
  35570. sodium aluminate ==> 铝酸钠
  35571. sodium aluminate solution ==> 铝酸钠溶液
  35572. sodium aluminium fluoride ==> 氟铝化钠
  35573. sodium aluminosilicate ==> 铝硅酸钠
  35574. sodium aluminum phosphate ==> 磷酸钠铝
  35575. sodium aluminum silicofluoride ==> 硅氟酸钠铝
  35576. sodium amalgam ==> 钠汞合金,钠汞齐
  35577. sodium amalgam-oxygen cell ==> 钠汞齐氧电池
  35578. sodium amalgamation ==> 钠汞齐化
  35579. sodium amide ==> 氨基钠
  35580. sodium amidotrizoate ==> 泛影钠
  35581. sodium aminophenylarsonate ==> 阿散酸钠
  35582. sodium aminosalicylate ==> 对氨基水杨酸钠
  35583. sodium amital ==> 异戊巴比妥钠
  35584. sodium ammonium biphosphate ==> 磷酸氢铵钠
  35585. sodium amylosulfate ==> 淀粉硫酸钠
  35586. sodium amytal ==> 阿米妥钠
  35587. sodium anilinearsonate ==> 阿散酸钠
  35588. sodium antimonate ==> 锑酸钠
  35589. sodium antimony gallate ==> 没食子酸锑钠
  35590. sodium antimony tartrate ==> 酒石酸锑钠,酒石酸锑钠
  35591. sodium antipyrine aminomethane sulfonate ==> 麦路冰
  35592. sodium arsanilate ==> 阿散酸钠
  35593. sodium arsenate ==> 砷酸钠
  35594. sodium arsenide ==> 砷化钠
  35595. sodium aryl ==> 芳基钠
  35596. sodium ascorbate ==> 抗坏血酸钠
  35597. sodium aurichloride ==> 氯化钠金
  35598. Sodium azide ==> 叠氮钠
  35599. sodium azide ==> 叠氮化钠
  35600. sodium balance ==> 钠平衡
  35601. sodium barbital ==> 巴比妥钠
  35602. sodium barbiturate ==> 巴比土酸钠
  35603. sodium barium niobate ceramics ==> 铌酸钡钠陶瓷
  35604. sodium bentonite ==> 钠基膨润土
  35605. sodium benzene sulphinate ==> 苯亚磺酸钠
  35606. sodium benzoate ==> 苯甲酸钠,安息香酸钠
  35607. sodium benzoate technical ==> 工业用苯甲酸钠
  35608. sodium benzoylacetone dihydrate ==> 苯酰丙酮钠二水合物
  35609. sodium benzyl penicillinate ==> 苄基青霉素钠盐
  35610. sodium benzylpenicillin ==> 苄青霉素钠
  35611. sodium bicarbonate ==> 重碳酸钠,碳酸氢钠,小苏打
  35612. sodium bicarbonate gargle ==> 碳酸氢钠漱口液
  35613. sodium bichromate ==> 重铬酸钠
  35614. sodium bifluoride ==> 氢氟化钠
  35615. sodium bioxalate ==> 草酸氢钠
  35616. sodium bismuthate ==> 铋酸钠
  35617. sodium bisulfate ==> 硫酸氢钠
  35618. sodium bisulfide ==> 氢硫化钠
  35619. sodium bisulfite ==> 亚硫酸氢钠
  35620. sodium bisulphate ==> 硫酸氢钠
  35621. sodium bitartrate ==> 酒石酸氢钠,酒石酸氢钠
  35622. sodium bithionolate ==> 硫双二氯酚钠
  35623. sodium borate ==> 四硼酸钠,硼砂,硼酸钠
  35624. sodium boroformate ==> 硼甲酸钠
  35625. sodium borohydride ==> 硼氢化钠,氢化硼钠
  35626. sodium bromate ==> 溴酸钠=>臭素酸ナトリウム
  35627. sodium bromide ==> 溴化钠=>臭化ナトリウム
  35628. sodium bromide concentration ==> 臭化ナトリウム濃度
  35629. sodium bromide solution ==> 臭化ナトリウム溶液
  35630. sodium bromide type ==> 臭化ナトリウム型
  35631. sodium butadiene rubber ==> 丁钠橡胶
  35632. sodium butoxide ==> 丁醇钠
  35633. sodium butylate ==> 丁醇钠
  35634. sodium butyrate ==> 丁酸钠
  35635. sodium cacodylate ==> 二甲胂酸钠
  35636. sodium calcium edetate ==> 依地酸钙钠
  35637. sodium carbolate ==> 苯酚钠
  35638. sodium carbonate ==> 碳酸钠,纯碱
  35639. sodium carbonate decahydrate ==> 苏打
  35640. sodium carbonate fusion ==> 碳酸钠熔融法
  35641. sodium carbonates' presence ==> 碳酸钠的存在
  35642. sodium carrier ==> 钠载体
  35643. sodium caseinate ==> 酪蛋白酸钠
  35644. sodium chabazite ==> 钠菱沸石
  35645. sodium channel ==> 钠道,钠通道
  35646. sodium channels ==> ナトリウムチャネル
  35647. sodium chlorate ==> 氯酸钠
  35648. sodium chloride ==> 氯化钠
  35649. sodium chloride injection ==> 氯化钠注射液
  35650. sodium chloride solution tablets ==> 氯化钠溶液片
  35651. sodium chloroacetate ==> 氯乙酸钠
  35652. sodium chloroaurate ==> 氯化钠金
  35653. sodium chloroplatinate ==> 氯铂酸钠
  35654. sodium chromate ==> 铬酸钠
  35655. sodium citrate ==> 柠檬酸钠,枸橼酸钠,枸橼酸钠
  35656. sodium citrate blood transfusion ==> 枸橼酸钠输血法,枸橼酸钠输血法
  35657. sodium citrate technical ==> 工业柠檬酸钠
  35658. sodium clay ==> 钠质粘粒
  35659. sodium cloud ==> 钠云
  35660. sodium cobaltinitrate ==> 硝酸钴钠
  35661. sodium cobaltinitrite ==> 亚硝酸钴钠
  35662. sodium cobaltinitrite test ==> 钴亚硝酸钠试法
  35663. sodium conductance ==> 钠电导
  35664. sodium contaminants ==> 钠沾染物
  35665. sodium content ==> 钠含量
  35666. sodium coolant system ==> 钠冷却剂系统,钠冷快中子反应堆的冷却剂钠在规定压力、温度的条件下进行循环、并载出堆芯热量的系统
  35667. sodium cooled reactor ==> 钠冷反应堆
  35668. sodium cooled valve ==> 钠冷却气门
  35669. sodium cooling ==> 钠冷却
  35670. sodium copper chlorophyllin ==> 叶绿素铜钠盐
  35671. sodium cromoglycate ==> 咳乐钠
  35672. sodium current ==> 钠电流
  35673. sodium cyanate ==> 氰酸钠
  35674. sodium cyanide ==> 氰化钠
  35675. sodium cyanide poisoning ==> 氰化纳中毒
  35676. sodium cyanoacetic ester ==> 钠代氰基乙酸酯
  35677. sodium cyclamate ==> 环氨酸钠,环拉酸钠
  35678. sodium D-line ==> 钠D线
  35679. sodium decyl sulfate ==> 癸基硫酸钠
  35680. sodium deficit ==> 缺钠,钠缺乏
  35681. sodium dehydroacetate ==> 脱氢醋酸钠
  35682. sodium depletion ==> 缺钠
  35683. sodium diacetate ==> 二乙酸钠
  35684. sodium diatrizoate ==> 二乙酰氨基三碘苯甲酸钠
  35685. sodium dibunate ==> 地布酸钠
  35686. sodium dibutyl dithiocarbamate ==> 二丁基氨基硫羧酸纳
  35687. sodium dichloro cyanurate ==> 二氯异氰尿酸钠
  35688. sodium dichloro isocyanurate ==> 二氯异氰尿酸钠
  35689. sodium dichloroisocyanate ==> 二氯异氰酸钠
  35690. sodium dichloroisocyanurate ==> ジクロロイソシアヌル酸ナトリウム
  35691. sodium dichromate ==> 重铬酸钠,重铬酸钠
  35692. sodium diethyldithiocarbamate ==> 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠
  35693. sodium dihydrogen phosphate ==> 磷酸二氢钠
  35694. sodium dihydrogenphosphate ==> 磷酸二氢钠
  35695. sodium dihydroxytartarateosazone ==> 二羟基酒石酸脎钠
  35696. sodium dimeraptosuccinate (DMS) ==> 二巯基丁二酸钠
  35697. sodium dimercaptopropane sulfonate ==> 二巯基丙醇磺酸钠
  35698. sodium dimercaptopropionate ==> 二巯基丙酸钠
  35699. sodium dimercaptosuccinate ==> 二巯琥钠
  35700. sodium dimethylarsenate ==> 二甲胂酸钠
  35701. sodium dimethyldithiocar-bamate (SDDC) ==> 二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸钠
  35702. sodium dinitro-1-naphthol ==> 二硝基-1-萘酚钠
  35703. sodium dinitroorthocresylate ==> 二硝基邻甲酚钠
  35704. sodium dioctyl sulphosuccinate ==> 磺代丁二酸二辛钠酯
  35705. sodium diprotrizoate ==> 二丙泛影钠
  35706. sodium disilicate ==> 二硅酸钠
  35707. sodium dithioglycolate ==> 二硫代二乙醇酸钠
  35708. sodium dithionate ==> 连二硫酸钠
  35709. sodium dithionite ==> 连二亚硫酸钠
  35710. sodium diuranate ==> 重铀酸钠
  35711. sodium doublet lines ==> 钠双线
  35712. sodium dross ==> 钠结渣
  35713. sodium error ==> 钠差
  35714. sodium ethasulfate ==> 乙己醇磺酸钠
  35715. sodium ethide ==> 乙基钠
  35716. sodium ethoxide ==> 乙醇钠
  35717. sodium ethoxynaphthamidopenicillanate ==> 乙氧萘青霉素钠
  35718. sodium ethyl sulfate ==> 乙硫酸钠
  35719. sodium ethyl xanthate ==> 乙钠黄药
  35720. sodium ethyl-xanthogenate ==> 乙基黄原酸钠
  35721. sodium ethylate ==> 乙醇钠
  35722. sodium ethylene diamine tetracetate ==> 乙二胺四乙酸钠
  35723. sodium ethylsulfate ==> 乙硫酸钠
  35724. sodium ethylxanthate ==> 乙黄原酸钠,乙基黄原酸钠
  35725. sodium feldspar ==> 钠长石
  35726. sodium ferricyanide ==> 铁氰化钠
  35727. sodium ferrocyanide ==> 黄血盐钠
  35728. sodium filter ==> 钠滤色镜
  35729. sodium fire protection system of fast reactor ==> 快中子堆钠火消防系统,监测和扑灭钠冷快堆装置钠火的专用设施和系统的总称。钠火监测系统包括光电感烟探测系统、钠管道泄漏探测系统、气温测量系统和放射性气溶胶监测系统。灭钠火系统包括接钠盘系统、氮气淹没系统和膨胀石墨喷撒系统
  35730. sodium fluoaluminate ==> 氟铝酸钠
  35731. sodium fluoborate ==> 氟硼酸钠
  35732. sodium fluorescein ==> 荧光素钠
  35733. sodium fluoride ==> 氟化钠=>フッ化ナトリウム
  35734. sodium fluoride activation ==> フッ化ナトリウム活性化
  35735. sodium fluoride concentration ==> フッ化ナトリウム濃度
  35736. sodium fluoride content ==> フッ化ナトリウム含有量
  35737. sodium fluoride glycerine paste ==> 氟化钠甘油糊剂
  35738. sodium fluoride ingestion ==> フッ化ナトリウム摂取
  35739. sodium fluoride poisoning ==> 氟化钠中毒
  35740. sodium fluoroacetate ==> 氟代醋酸钠
  35741. sodium fluoroacetate poisoning ==> 氟乙酸钠中毒
  35742. sodium fluoroaluminate ==> 氟铝酸钠
  35743. sodium fluosilicate ==> 氟硅酸钠
  35744. sodium fluosilicate poisoning ==> 氟硅酸钢中毒
  35745. sodium fusidate ==> 夫西地酸钠
  35746. sodium glucaldrate ==> 葡糖酸二羟铝钠
  35747. sodium glucaspaldrate ==> (镇痛药)葡柳铝钠
  35748. sodium glucoheptonate ==> 葡庚糖酸钠
  35749. sodium gluconate ==> 葡糖酸钠
  35750. sodium gluconatodihy droxyaluminate ==> 葡糖酸二羟铝钠
  35751. sodium glutamate ==> 谷氨酸钠
  35752. sodium glycerinate ==> 甘油酸钠
  35753. sodium glycero-phosphate ==> 甘油磷酸钠
  35754. sodium gold chloride ==> 氯化钠金
  35755. sodium gold cyanide ==> 氰化钠金
  35756. sodium graphite reactor ==> 钠石墨堆
  35757. sodium halide ==> 卤化钠
  35758. sodium hazard ==> 钠质危害
  35759. sodium heparin ==> 肝素钠
  35760. sodium hexametahposphate ==> 六偏磷酸钠
  35761. sodium hexametaphosphate ==> 六聚偏磷酸钠
  35762. sodium hexylene glycol monoborate ==> 己二酸单硼酸钠
  35763. sodium hippurate ==> 马尿酸纳
  35764. sodium houttuyfonate ==> 合成鱼腥草素
  35765. sodium hydrate (hydroxide) ==> 烧碱
  35766. sodium hydride ==> 氢化钠
  35767. sodium hydro-fluoride ==> 氢氟化钠
  35768. sodium hydrogen carbonate ==> 炭酸水素ナトリウム
  35769. sodium hydrogen difluoride ==> 二氟化氢钠
  35770. sodium hydrogen sulfate ==> 硫酸氢钠
  35771. sodium hydrogen sulfide ==> 氢硫化钠
  35772. sodium hydrogen sulfite ==> 亚硫酸氢钠
  35773. sodium hydrogen tartrate ==> 酒石酸氢钠,酒石酸氢钠
  35774. sodium hydrosulfite ==> 连二亚硫酸钠,保险粉
  35775. sodium hydrosulphide solid fused ==> 固体熔融硫氢化钠
  35776. sodium hydroxide treatment ==> 氢氧化钠处理
  35777. sodium hydroxybutyrate ==> 羟丁酸钠
  35778. sodium hydroxylamine sulfonate ==> 胲基磺酸钠
  35779. sodium hypobromite ==> 次溴酸钠
  35780. sodium hypochlorite ==> 次氯酸钠
  35781. sodium hypochlorite solution ==> 次氯酸钠液,漂白液
  35782. sodium hyponitrite ==> 次硝酸钠
  35783. sodium hypophosphite ==> 次磷酸钠
  35784. sodium hyposulphite ==> 大苏打
  35785. sodium ichthyolsulfonate ==> 鱼石脂磺酸钠
  35786. sodium illite ==> 钠伊利石
  35787. sodium iodate ==> 碘酸钠
  35788. sodium iodide ==> 碘化钠=>ヨウ化ナトリウム
  35789. sodium iodide detector ==> 碘化钠探测器
  35790. sodium iodide scintillator ==> 碘化钠闪烁体
  35791. sodium iodipamide ==> 胆影钠,己二酰双氨基三碘苯甲酸钠
  35792. sodium iodoacetate ==> 碘乙酸钠
  35793. sodium iodomethamate ==> 碘多啥
  35794. sodium iodomethanesulfonate ==> 碘甲磺酸钠
  35795. sodium ion ==> 钠离子
  35796. sodium ion analyzer ==> 钠度计,又称“pNa计”。测定单位体积水中钠离子含量的仪器
  35797. sodium ion conductor ==> 钠离子导体
  35798. sodium ion inflow ==> 钠离子内流
  35799. sodium ioth alamate ==> 碘酞钠
  35800. sodium iron edetate ==> 依地酸铁钠
  35801. sodium isoascorbate ==> 异抗坏血酸钠
  35802. sodium isopropoxide ==> 异丙醇钠
  35803. sodium isopropyl xanthate ==> 异丙黄原酸钠
  35804. sodium isopropylate ==> 异丙醇钠
  35805. sodium itaconate ==> 衣康酸钠
  35806. sodium lactate ==> 乳酸钠
  35807. sodium lamp ==> 钠灯,钠弧灯,钠汽灯=>ナトリウムランプ
  35808. sodium laurate ==> 月桂酸钠
  35809. sodium lauryl sulfate ==> 月桂基磺酸钠,月桂硫酸酯钠,硫酸月桂酯钠
  35810. sodium lauryl sulfonate ==> 月桂基磺酸钠
  35811. sodium lead alloy ==> 钠铅合金
  35812. sodium lead hyposulfate ==> 硫代硫酸铅钠
  35813. sodium lead thiosulfate ==> 硫代硫酸铅钠
  35814. sodium light ==> 钠光
  35815. sodium lignin sulfonate ==> 木质素磺酸钠
  35816. sodium lignosulphonate ==> 木质素磺酸钠
  35817. sodium line index ==> 钠线折射率
  35818. sodium liothyronine ==> 甲碘安
  35819. sodium loop ==> 钠回路
  35820. sodium lopodate ==> 碘泊酸钠
  35821. sodium maleate ==> 马来酸钠
  35822. sodium malonate ==> 丙二酸钠
  35823. sodium manganate ==> 锰酸钠
  35824. sodium meta-bisulphite ==> 礁亚硫酸钠,焦亚硫酸钠
  35825. sodium metaantimonate ==> 偏锑酸钠
  35826. sodium metaarsenite ==> 偏亚砷酸钠
  35827. sodium metabisulfite ==> 焦亚硫酸钠
  35828. sodium metaborate ==> 偏硼酸钠
  35829. sodium metagermanate ==> 偏锗酸钠
  35830. sodium metal ==> 金属钠
  35831. sodium metallic ==> 金属钠
  35832. sodium metantimonite ==> 偏亚锑酸钠
  35833. sodium metaperiodate ==> 偏高碘酸钠,高碘酸钠
  35834. sodium metaphosphate ==> 偏磷酸钠
  35835. sodium metasilicate ==> 偏硅酸钠,硅酸钠
  35836. sodium metavanadate ==> 偏钒酸钠
  35837. sodium methanearsonate ==> 甲基砷酸钠
  35838. sodium methide ==> 甲基钠
  35839. sodium methiodal ==> 碘甲磺酸钠
  35840. sodium methoxide ==> 甲醇钠,甲氧基钠
  35841. sodium methyl ==> 甲基钠
  35842. sodium methyl-acetylide ==> 丙炔钠
  35843. sodium methylarsonate ==> 甲基砷酸钠
  35844. sodium methylate ==> 甲氧基钠
  35845. sodium molybdate ==> 钼酸钠
  35846. sodium monothiophosphate ==> 一硫代磷酸钠
  35847. sodium monoxide ==> 一氧化二钠
  35848. sodium morrhuate ==> 鱼肝油酸钠
  35849. sodium morrhuate injection ==> 鱼肝油酸钠注射液
  35850. sodium n-butyl-xanthate ==> 丁基黄原酸钠
  35851. sodium naphthionate ==> 对氨基萘磺酸钠,对氨基萘磺酸钠
  35852. sodium niobate ==> 铌酸钠=>ニオブ酸ナトリウム
  35853. sodium nitrate ==> 氮酸钠,硝酸钠
  35854. sodium nitride ==> 氮化钠
  35855. sodium nitrite ==> 亚硝酸钠=>亜硝酸ナトリウム
  35856. sodium nitroprussiate ==> 硝普钠
  35857. sodium nitroprusside ==> 硝普化钠,硝普酸钠
  35858. sodium novobiocin ==> 新生霉素钠
  35859. sodium nranyl carbonate ==> 三碳酸铀酰钠
  35860. sodium nucleinate ==> 核酸钠
  35861. sodium nutrition ==> 钠营养
  35862. sodium octyl sulfate ==> 辛基硫酸钠
  35863. sodium oiethyl dithiocarbamate ==> 二乙基硫代氨基甲酸钠
  35864. sodium oleate ==> 油酸钠
  35865. sodium oleate gel ==> 油酸钠凝胶
  35866. sodium oleate soap ==> 油酸钠皂
  35867. sodium ortho-phenylphenate ==> 联苯酚钠
  35868. sodium ortho-phenylphenolate ==> 联苯酚钠
  35869. sodium orthoarsenite ==> 原亚砷酸钠
  35870. sodium orthoclase ==> 钠正长石
  35871. sodium orthophosphate ==> 一代磷酸钠
  35872. sodium orthophosphate dimetallic ==> 二代磷酸钠
  35873. sodium orthosilicate ==> 原硅酸钠
  35874. sodium oxacilin ==> 恶洒西林钠
  35875. sodium oxacillin ==> 新青霉素钠
  35876. sodium oxalate ==> 草酸钠
  35877. sodium oxide(Na2O) ==> 氧化钠
  35878. sodium oxide(Na・2O) ==> 氧化钠
  35879. sodium oxybate ==> 羟丁酸钠
  35880. Sodium p-aminobenzene sulfonat ==> 氨基苯磺酸钠
  35881. sodium para-nitro phenolate ==> 对硝基酚钠
  35882. sodium paraaminosalicylate (PASNa) ==> 对氨水杨酸钠
  35883. sodium paraperiodate ==> 仲过碘酸钠
  35884. sodium penicillin F ==> 青霉素F钠
  35885. sodium penicillin G ==> 青霉素G钠
  35886. sodium penicillin G1 ==> 苄基青霉素钠盐
  35887. sodium penicillin G・1 ==> 苄基青霉素钠盐
  35888. sodium penicillin K ==> 青霉素K钠
  35889. sodium penicillin O ==> 青霉素O钠
  35890. sodium pentaborate ==> 五硼酸钠
  35891. sodium pentachlorophenate ==> 五氯酚钠
  35892. sodium pentothal ==> 硫喷妥钠
  35893. sodium perborate ==> 过硼酸钠,过硼酸钠,高硼酸钠
  35894. sodium perchlorate ==> 高氯酸钠
  35895. sodium perchromate ==> 过铬酸钠
  35896. sodium periodate ==> 过碘酸钠,高碘酸钠
  35897. sodium permanganate ==> 高锰酸钠
  35898. sodium peroxide ==> 过氧化钠
  35899. sodium peroxy-chromate ==> 过铬酸钠
  35900. sodium peroxydisulfate ==> 过硫酸钠
  35901. sodium persulfate ==> 过硫酸钠
  35902. sodium persulfide ==> 过硫化钠
  35903. sodium phenate ==> 苯酚钠
  35904. sodium phenide ==> 苯基钠
  35905. sodium phenobarbital ==> 苯巴比妥钠
  35906. sodium phenolate ==> 苯酚钠
  35907. sodium phenolsulfonate ==> 苯酚磺酸钠
  35908. sodium phenyl-arsenite ==> 苯亚胂酸钠
  35909. sodium phenyl-arsonate ==> 苯胂酸钠
  35910. sodium phenylacetate ==> 苯基乙酸钠
  35911. sodium phenylphosphinate ==> 苯基次膦酸钠
  35912. sodium phlogopite ==> 钠金云母
  35913. sodium phosphate ==> 磷酸钠
  35914. sodium phosphate dibasic ==> 磷酸二氢钠
  35915. sodium phytate ==> 植酸钠
  35916. sodium picramate ==> 苦氨酸钢
  35917. sodium platinate ==> 铂酸钠
  35918. sodium platinichloride ==> 氯铂酸钠
  35919. sodium plumbate ==> 高铅酸钠
  35920. sodium polysulfide ==> 多硫化钠
  35921. sodium potassium silicate ==> 硅酸钾钠
  35922. sodium press ==> 压钠器,钠丝压制器
  35923. sodium propionate ==> 丙酸钠
  35924. sodium psylliate ==> 车前子油酸钠
  35925. sodium pump ==> 膜离子转移泵,钠泵
  35926. sodium pump adenosine triphosphatase ==> 钠泵三磷酸腺苷酶
  35927. sodium pump failure ==> 钠泵衰竭
  35928. sodium pyroborate ==> 四硼酸钠
  35929. sodium pyrophosphate ==> ピロリン酸ナトリウム
  35930. sodium pyrosulfite ==> 焦亚硫酸钠
  35931. sodium pyrovanadate ==> 焦钒酸钠
  35932. sodium restriction test ==> 限钠试验
  35933. sodium retention ==> 钠潴留
  35934. sodium retention syndrome ==> 钠潴留性综合征
  35935. sodium riboflavin phosphate ==> 核黄素磷酸酯钠
  35936. sodium ribonucleotide ==> 核苷酸钠
  35937. sodium rosolate ==> 玫红酸钠
  35938. sodium rubber ==> 丁钠橡胶,钠橡胶
  35939. sodium salicylate ==> 水杨酸钠
  35940. sodium salt ==> 二氯酚吲哚酚钠,二硝基酚钠,钠盐
  35941. sodium sand ==> 钠砂
  35942. sodium seconal ==> 丙烯戊巴比妥钠
  35943. sodium selective electrode ==> 钠离子选择电极
  35944. sodium selenate ==> 硒酸钠
  35945. sodium selenide ==> 硒化钠
  35946. sodium selenite ==> 亚硒酸钠
  35947. sodium sesquicarbonate ==> 碳酸氢三钠
  35948. sodium sesquisilicate ==> 倍半硅酸钠
  35949. sodium silicate ==> 水玻璃,泡化碱,硅酸钠
  35950. sodium silicate binder ==> 硅酸钠粘结剂,水玻璃粘结剂
  35951. sodium silicate bond ==> 硅酸钠结合剂
  35952. sodium silicate cement ==> 硅酸钠水泥
  35953. sodium silicate concrete ==> 水玻璃混凝土
  35954. sodium silicate mastic ==> 水玻璃胶泥
  35955. sodium silicate processing ==> 硅酸钠工序
  35956. sodium silicate solid ==> 固体硅酸钠
  35957. sodium silicate waterproofer ==> 硅酸钠防水剂
  35958. sodium silicoaluminate ==> 铝硅酸钠
  35959. sodium silicofluoride ==> 硅氟化钠,氟硅酸钠
  35960. sodium soap ==> 钠皂
  35961. sodium soap grease ==> 钠皂润滑脂
  35962. sodium soil ==> 钠质土
  35963. sodium space ==> 钠间隙
  35964. sodium stannate ==> 锡酸钠=>錫酸ナトリウム
  35965. sodium stannate trihydrate ==> スズ酸ナトリウム三水和物
  35966. sodium stannite ==> 亚锡酸钠
  35967. sodium stearate ==> 硬脂酸钠
  35968. sodium stibocaptate ==> 二巯丁二锑钠
  35969. sodium stibogluconate ==> 葡萄糖酸锑钠
  35970. sodium succinate ==> 丁二酸钠,琥珀酸钠
  35971. sodium sulfacetamide ==> 磺胺醋酰钠
  35972. sodium sulfadiazine ==> 磺胺嘧啶钠
  35973. sodium sulfadimidine ==> 磺胺二甲嘧啶钠
  35974. sodium sulfanilate ==> 氨基苯磺酸钠
  35975. sodium sulfarside ==> 磺胺苯胂钠
  35976. sodium sulfate ==> 硫酸钠
  35977. sodium sulfhydrate ==> 氢硫化钠
  35978. sodium sulfide ==> 硫化钠
  35979. sodium sulfide reagent ==> 硫化钠试剂
  35980. sodium sulfite ==> 亚硫酸钠
  35981. sodium sulfo benzoate ==> 磺基苯甲酸钠
  35982. sodium sulfocyanate ==> 硫氰酸钠
  35983. sodium sulforicinate ==> 磺基蓖麻油酸钠
  35984. sodium sulforicinolate ==> 磺基蓖麻油酸钠
  35985. sodium sulfuret ==> 硫化钠
  35986. sodium sulphate ==> 硫酸钠,芒硝
  35987. sodium sulphide ==> 硫化钠
  35988. sodium sulphite ==> 亚硫酸钠
  35989. sodium sulphur cell ==> 钠硫电流
  35990. sodium sulzol ==> 磺胺噻唑钠
  35991. sodium superoxide ==> 过氧化钠,超氧化钠
  35992. sodium system ==> 钠系统
  35993. sodium tannate ==> 丹宁酸钠
  35994. sodium tartrate ==> 酒石酸钠,酒石酸钠
  35995. sodium tellurate ==> 碲酸钠
  35996. sodium tellurite ==> 亚碲酸钠
  35997. sodium test ==> 钠试验
  35998. sodium tetraborate ==> 四硼酸钠
  35999. sodium tetrahydrotellurate ==> 碲酸四氢钠
  36000. sodium tetraphenylborate ==> 四苯硼酸钠
  36001. sodium tetrasulfide ==> 四硫化钠
  36002. sodium tetrathionate ==> 连四硫酸钠
  36003. sodium thioantimonate ==> 全硫锑酸钠
  36004. sodium thioarseniate ==> 全硫砷酸钠
  36005. sodium thiocarbonate ==> 全硫碳酸钠
  36006. sodium thiocyanate ==> 硫氰酸钠
  36007. sodium thioglycolate ==> 硫代乙酸钠
  36008. sodium thioglycollate ==> 巯基乙酸钠
  36009. sodium thiolinate ==> 硫麻子油酸钠
  36010. sodium thiopental ==> 硫喷妥钠
  36011. sodium thiosulfate ==> 硫代硫酸钠
  36012. sodium trichloroacetate ==> 三氯醋酸钠
  36013. sodium trichlorophenate ==> 三氯酚钠
  36014. sodium triiodothyronine ==> 甲碘安,(甲状腺制剂)三碘甲状腺氨酸钠
  36015. sodium trimetaphosphate ==> 三偏磷酸钠
  36016. sodium triphenylcyanboron ==> 三苯氰硼钠
  36017. sodium triphosphate ==> 三磷酸五钠
  36018. sodium tripolyp hosphate ==> 三磷酸五钠
  36019. sodium tripolyphosphate ==> (组织改进剂)三磷酸钠
  36020. sodium tungstate ==> 钨酸钠
  36021. sodium tungsten bronze ==> 钠钨青铜
  36022. sodium undecylenate ==> 十一碳烯酸钠
  36023. sodium uranium triphosphate ==> 三磷酸铀钠
  36024. sodium uranyl carbonate ==> 碳酸铀酰钠
  36025. sodium urokon ==> 乌洛康钠
  36026. sodium vanadate ==> 钒酸钠
  36027. sodium vapo(u)r ==> 钠汽灯
  36028. sodium vapor lamp ==> 钠蒸汽灯
  36029. sodium vapour lamp ==> 钠蒸汽灯
  36030. sodium vedproate ==> 丙戊酸钠
  36031. sodium wolframate ==> 钨酸钠
  36032. sodium xanthate ==> 乙基黄原酸钠,黄原酸钠
  36033. sodium xanthogenate ==> 黄原酸钠,乙基黄原酸钠
  36034. sodium α-toluene ==> 苯基乙酸钠
  36035. sodium-absorption ratio ==> 钠吸附率
  36036. sodium-acetone bisulfite ==> 丙酮合亚硫酸氢钠
  36037. sodium-amalgam extraction ==> 钠汞齐
  36038. sodium-base grease ==> 钠基润滑脂,钠基脂
  36039. sodium-conducting ceramiic solid electrolyte ==> 钠传导陶瓷固体电解质
  36040. sodium-cooled reactor ==> 钠冷堆,钠冷反应堆
  36041. sodium-cooled valve ==> 钠冷排气阀
  36042. sodium-crystal gout arthritis ==> 钠结晶痛风关节炎
  36043. sodium-ethyl-methyl-butyl barbiturate ==> 乙基甲丁基巴比土酸钠
  36044. sodium-filled exhaust valve ==> 钠冷排气阀
  36045. sodium-hydroxide method ==> 氢氧化钠法
  36046. sodium-hypochlorite process ==> 次氯酸钠法
  36047. sodium-potassium pump ==> 膜离子转移泵,钠-钾泵
  36048. sodium-sensitive cells ==> 钠敏细胞
  36049. sodium-sensitized thermoionic detector ==> 钠敏化热离子检测器
  36050. sodium-silica glass ==> 钠-硅氧玻璃
  36051. sodium-smoke abatement ==> 钠烟减退
  36052. sodium-sulfur battery ==> ナトリウム-硫黄電池
  36053. sodium-sulphur battery ==> 钠硫电池
  36054. sodium-void coefficient ==> 钠空穴系数
  36055. sodium-water reaction ==> 钠水反应,钠冷快中子堆核电厂蒸汽发生器传热管破损后,钠与水或蒸汽接触时伴随有升温、爆燃和发光等现象的剧烈化学反应
  36056. sodium-water steam generator ==> 钠-水蒸汽发生器,钠冷快中子反应堆核电厂将中间回路钠的热能传输给给水-蒸汽回路的水使之转变成高压过热蒸汽的热交换设备
  36057. sodiumbase grease ==> 钠皂润滑脂
  36058. sodoku ==> 鼠咬热
  36059. SODS, Shuttle Operational Data System ==> NASA略語(シャトル運用データシステム)
  36060. SODS, Skylab Orbit-Deorbit System ==> NASA略語(意訳,スカイラブ軌道保持竏昼O道離脱システム・
  36061. SODS, Space Operation and Data System ==> 宇宙運用データシステム
  36062. SOE, Sequence Of Event ==> 事故解析用情報処理
  36063. SOE, sequence of events ==> 時刻とイベントの対応表
  36064. SOF Statement of Facts ==> 事实陈述
  36065. sofa bed ==> 沙发床,两用沙发
  36066. SOFC, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell ==> 固体氧化物燃料电池=>固体酸化物形燃料電池。SOFCは作動温度が700―1000度Cで、高い発電効率が得られるため、コージェネレーション(熱電併給)効果が大きい。
  36067. SOFC, system operating functional core ==> システム運用機能コア
  36068. sofe moist rot ==> 湿腐
  36069. soffisian knob ==> 冻丘
  36070. soffit cusp ==> 拱尖
  36071. soffit finish ==> 底面裂抹灰
  36072. soffit formwork ==> 拱腹模板
  36073. soffit level ==> 拱腹标高
  36074. soffit lining ==> 拱底衬砌,底衬
  36075. soffit radius ==> 拱内弧半径
  36076. soffit scaffolding ==> 拱腹架,砌拱支架
  36077. soffit spring ==> 拱背起拱线点
  36078. soffit springing ==> 拱内弧起拱线
  36079. SOFIA, Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy ==> 赤外線天文学成層圏観測施設
  36080. soft (cast) iron ==> 易切削铸铁
  36081. soft acid ==> 软酸
  36082. soft action ==> 软化作用
  36083. soft agar ==> 软琼脂
  36084. soft agent ==> 软化剂
  36085. soft aggregate ==> 软骨料
  36086. soft allowance ==> 软补贴
  36087. soft annealed wire ==> 软金属线
  36088. soft arbitrage ==> 软套利
  36089. soft arc ==> 软电弧,弱弧
  36090. soft artificial light ==> 人工柔光
  36091. soft asphalt ==> 软沥青
  36092. soft automation ==> 轻松的自动化
  36093. soft bark ==> 软皮
  36094. soft base ==> 软基地,(电负性低易极化易失去电子的碱)软碱
  36095. soft based antiaircraft missile ==> 软式基地防空导弹
  36096. soft baseplate wax ==> 软底板蜡
  36097. soft beta emitter ==> 软β发射体
  36098. soft beta particle ==> 软β粒子
  36099. soft beta radiation ==> 软β辐射
  36100. soft beta ray ==> 软β射线
  36101. soft black ==> 软质碳黑
  36102. soft blue clay ==> 软绿粘土
  36103. soft bone ==> 软骨
  36104. soft bowl ==> 软质轧辊
  36105. soft break down ==> 软击穿
  36106. soft breeze ==> 和风
  36107. soft brick ==> 软砖,低温砖
  36108. soft bronze ==> 软青铜
  36109. soft budgetary restraints ==> 软预算约束
  36110. soft burning ==> 轻烧
  36111. soft burnt brick ==> 软烧砖
  36112. soft camel's hair brush ==> 软驼毛刷
  36113. soft can ==> 软罐头
  36114. soft cancer ==> 软癌
  36115. soft capsule ==> 软胶囊
  36116. soft cast iron ==> 软生铁,软铸铁
  36117. soft catheter ==> 软导管,内拉通氏导管
  36118. soft center ==> 软顶尖
  36119. soft center share ==> 软心钢犁铧
  36120. soft center steel ==> 软心钢
  36121. soft chair ==> 软椅
  36122. soft cheese ==> 软干酪
  36123. soft chemistry technique ==> 软化学技术
  36124. soft clay ==> 软粘土,软脂,软质粘土
  36125. soft clay ground ==> 软粘土地
  36126. soft clay stratum ==> 软粘土层
  36127. soft clot ==> 软凝块
  36128. soft cloth ==> 软布
  36129. soft coal ==> 软煤,烟煤=>瀝青炭(れきせいたん)
  36130. soft coat ==> 软膜
  36131. soft coating ==> 软镀层,软膜
  36132. soft coating material ==> 软镀膜材料
  36133. soft coke ==> 软焦碳,低强焦炭
  36134. soft colour ==> 柔和色
  36135. soft component ==> 软成分
  36136. soft Condensed Matter ==> 软凝聚态物理
  36137. soft confirmation ==> 附条件保兑,(对信用证有附加条件的保兑)软保兑
  36138. soft consistency ==> 柔软结持度
  36139. soft contact ==> 软接触
  36140. soft contact aligner ==> 软接触对准器
  36141. soft contact lithography ==> 软接触式光刻
  36142. soft copper ==> 软铜
  36143. soft copy ==> (供计算机阅读的复制件)软拷贝=>ソフトコピー
  36144. soft coral ==> 海鸡冠
  36145. soft core ==> 软心轴
  36146. soft core potential ==> 软心势
  36147. soft core spindle ==> 软心轴
  36148. soft corn ==> 软质玉米,粉质种玉米
  36149. soft corneal lens ==> 软角膜透镜
  36150. soft cosmic ray ==> 软宇宙线
  36151. soft credit ==> 软信贷
  36152. soft crown glass ==> 软冕牌玻璃
  36153. soft culture ==> 软文化
  36154. soft currency ==> 软币,软通货,弱货币
  36155. soft currency countries ==> 软币国家
  36156. soft cushioning ==> 软式减震
  36157. soft distortion curve ==> 软失真曲线
  36158. soft docking ==> 软对接
  36159. soft dot ==> 软点子
  36160. soft dough stage ==> 蜡熟初期
  36161. soft drawn ==> 软拉
  36162. soft drawn copper wire ==> 软拉铜丝
  36163. soft drawn wire ==> 软拉线
  36164. soft drink ==> 炭酸飲料
  36165. soft drink bottle ==> 无酒精饮料瓶
  36166. soft drinks ==> 软饮料
  36167. soft ductile material ==> 软韧性材料
  36168. soft edge ==> 图像边缘模糊,轮廓模糊
  36169. soft error ==> ソフトエラー
  36170. soft extrusion ==> 软泥挤坯
  36171. soft eye ==> 发芽眼
  36172. soft face hammer ==> 软面锤
  36173. soft feeling ==> 软接触
  36174. soft ferrite ==> 软铁氧体
  36175. soft fiber ==> 软纤维
  36176. soft fiber core ==> (钢丝绳的)软纤维芯
  36177. soft fibre ==> 软质纤维
  36178. soft fibroma ==> 软性纤维瘤
  36179. soft fine pottery ==> 低温精陶
  36180. soft finish ==> (少用或不用浆料)柔软整理
  36181. soft fire ==> 文火
  36182. soft flame ==> 碳化火焰
  36183. soft focus ==> 柔焦,软焦点
  36184. soft focus image ==> 柔焦像,软焦像
  36185. soft focus lens ==> 柔光镜头,柔焦镜头,软焦点镜头,软焦距透镜
  36186. soft focus objective ==> 软焦物镜
  36187. soft focusing ==> 软聚焦
  36188. soft fold ==> 柔软折叠
  36189. soft formation ==> 软地层
  36190. soft fruit ==> 小果
  36191. soft gamma ==> 软射线
  36192. soft gel-like matrix ==> 软拟胶骨架
  36193. soft gelatin capsule ==> 软胶胶囊
  36194. soft glass ==> 软玻璃,软质玻璃,普通玻璃
  36195. soft goods ==> 软货物,软商品,非耐用货物,不耐用商品
  36196. soft grease ==> 软膏
  36197. soft grease lubrication ==> (用低滴点润滑脂润滑)软脂润滑
  36198. soft grinding stone ==> 软磨石
  36199. soft grit ==> (金属表面喷射加工用)软质颗粒
  36200. soft ground ==> 软地,软地层,软土地面
  36201. soft ground etching ==> 软底蚀刻
  36202. soft hair polishing wheel ==> 软发抛光轮
  36203. soft hammer ==> (锤头用软材料做的)软锤
  36204. soft image ==> 低对比度图像
  36205. soft impact ==> 软着陆
  36206. soft inner part of the fruit of a plant ==> 作物果实的柔软内部
  36207. soft installation ==> 软式设施
  36208. soft iron ==> 软铁
  36209. soft iron armature ==> 低碳钢电枢
  36210. soft iron circuit ==> 软铁磁路
  36211. soft iron core ==> 软铁芯
  36212. soft iron instrument ==> 软铁芯电磁测量仪表
  36213. soft iron oscillograph ==> 电磁示波器
  36214. soft iron shunt ==> 软铁分路器
  36215. soft jaw chuck ==> 铁卡爪卡盘,软钢卡爪卡盘
  36216. soft junction ==> 软结
  36217. soft kaki fruit ==> 软柿
  36218. soft knitting yarn ==> 四股针织绒线
  36219. soft label ==> 软标号
  36220. soft landed instrument station ==> 软着陆仪器站
  36221. soft landing ==> 软着陆=>軟着陸
  36222. soft landing TV camera ==> 软着陆电视摄像机
  36223. soft landing vehicle ==> 软着陆飞行器
  36224. soft laser ==> 软激光
  36225. soft launch control center ==> 软发射控制中心
  36226. soft launch pad ==> 软式发射坪
  36227. soft launcher ==> 软式发射装置
  36228. soft launching pad ==> 软式发射坪
  36229. soft launching site ==> 软式发射阵地
  36230. soft lead ==> 软铅
  36231. soft lead plate ==> 软铅板
  36232. soft lead wire ==> 软铅丝
  36233. soft leather ==> 软革
  36234. soft light ==> 柔光
  36235. soft lighting ==> 柔光照明
  36236. soft lump ==> 软肿块
  36237. soft magnet ==> 软磁铁,暂时磁体
  36238. soft magnetic composite ==> 圧粉磁心
  36239. soft magnetic ferrite ==> 软磁铁氧体
  36240. soft magnetic material ==> 軟質磁性材料
  36241. soft magnetic property ==> 软磁性质
  36242. soft magnetism ==> 软磁
  36243. soft malm brick ==> 软白垩砖
  36244. soft management ==> 柔软经营
  36245. soft mantle ==> 软地幔
  36246. soft market ==> 软市场,疲软市场,市场疲软
  36247. soft material in the center of a culm ==> 茎秆中间的柔软物质
  36248. soft matter ==> 软物质
  36249. soft medium carbon steel ==> 软中碳钢
  36250. soft medium structural steel ==> 软中碳结构钢
  36251. soft meson technique ==> 软介子技术
  36252. soft metal ==> 软金属
  36253. soft metal jaw ==> 软金属钳口垫片
  36254. soft missile base ==> 软导弹基地
  36255. soft mission ==> 软任务
  36256. soft mode ==> 软膜
  36257. soft model theory ==> 软模理论
  36258. soft mold blocking ==> 软膜上盘
  36259. soft mud ==> 软泥
  36260. soft mud brick machine ==> 软泥造砖机
  36261. soft muddy clay ==> 软泥质粘土
  36262. soft negative ==> 软性底片
  36263. soft opening ==> 软开业
  36264. soft organ ==> 柔软器官
  36265. soft oscillation ==> 軟発振
  36266. soft pack parachute ==> 软伞包降落伞
  36267. soft package ==> 软包装
  36268. soft packing ==> 软填料
  36269. soft packing seal ==> 软填料密封
  36270. soft pad ==> 软发射场
  36271. soft paraffin ==> 软石蜡
  36272. soft particle ==> 软弱颗粒
  36273. soft paste ==> 软坯
  36274. soft paste porcelain ==> 低温瓷
  36275. soft patch ==> 柔性搭板
  36276. soft peening ==> 轻凿
  36277. soft petroleum ointment ==> 矿脂
  36278. soft phosphate ==> 软磷酸盐
  36279. soft phototube ==> (即充气光电管)软光电管
  36280. soft picture ==> 软图像,弱反差像,低对比度图像
  36281. soft pig iron ==> 软生铁
  36282. soft pine ==> 软松类
  36283. soft pion emission ==> 软π介子发射
  36284. soft pion limit ==> 软π介子极限
  36285. soft pitch ==> 软焦油沥青
  36286. soft plastics ==> 软塑料
  36287. soft plug ==> 冷型火花塞
  36288. soft point ==> 软尖弹
  36289. soft polymetric material ==> 软聚合物材料
  36290. soft position ==> 软式阵地
  36291. soft potash soap ==> 软钾皂
  36292. soft power ==> 软实力
  36293. soft pulse ==> 柔脉
  36294. soft radiation ==> 软辐射
  36295. soft RAG ==> 软式环状翼面枪榴弹
  36296. soft ray ==> 软射线
  36297. soft readjustment ==> 柔性调节
  36298. soft recovery ==> 软回收
  36299. soft red winter ==> 软粒红小麦
  36300. soft rib ==> 柔性肋
  36301. soft rime ==> 软雾凇,轻雾凇
  36302. soft ripe stage ==> 软熟期
  36303. soft rock ==> 软石,软岩,软岩石
  36304. soft rock excavation ==> 软石开挖
  36305. soft roll ==> 软胶辊
  36306. soft rot ==> 软腐病
  36307. soft rot of cabbage ==> 白菜软腐病
  36308. soft rot of crucifers ==> 十字花科蔬菜软腐病
  36309. soft rot of sweet potato ==> 甘薯软腐病
  36310. soft rubber ==> 软硫化橡胶,软橡皮
  36311. soft rubber washer ==> 软橡皮垫圈
  36312. soft science ==> 科学指挥学,(即社会科学)软科学
  36313. soft seat ==> 软底板
  36314. soft self-excitation ==> 软自励
  36315. soft sell ==> 软销售
  36316. soft shadow ==> 柔影,软性阴影
  36317. soft shale ==> 软页岩
  36318. soft shower ==> 软簇射
  36319. soft simulation ==> 软模拟
  36320. soft sinter ==> 松烧结块
  36321. soft site ==> 软式发射阵地
  36322. soft sized ==> 轻施胶
  36323. soft skin ==> 表面脱碳
  36324. soft sludge ==> 软膏状油垢
  36325. soft soap ==> 软皂,药用软皂
  36326. soft soil ==> 软土,松软性土
  36327. soft soil mobility ==> 软土机动性
  36328. soft soil performance ==> (车辆)软土通过性能
  36329. soft solder ==> 软焊料,软焊条,软钎料=>軟ろう
  36330. soft solder flux ==> 软焊剂
  36331. soft soldering ==> 软焊,软钎焊,锡焊=>軟ろう付け,はんだ付け
  36332. soft soldering alloys ==> 软焊接合金
  36333. soft spot ==> 软点,模糊光点
  36334. soft spring ==> 软簧
  36335. soft spring wheat ==> 软粒春小麦
  36336. soft start ==> 软起动,平稳起动
  36337. soft start method ==> ソフトスタート方式
  36338. soft start type ==> 软起动型
  36339. soft starter ==> 软起动器
  36340. soft state ==> 软状态
  36341. soft steel ==> 软钢,低碳钢
  36342. soft steel water-jacket ==> 软钢水套
  36343. soft stethoscope ==> 软质听诊器
  36344. soft still ==> 软静止图像
  36345. soft stone ==> 软石
  36346. soft stool ==> 软便
  36347. soft strip ==> 软带材
  36348. soft stuffing-box seals ==> 软填料密封
  36349. soft sub-soil ==> 软底土
  36350. soft subsidy ==> 软补贴
  36351. soft sugar ==> グラニュー糖
  36352. soft superconductor ==> 软超导体
  36353. soft surface road ==> 软地道路
  36354. soft surface steel hammer ==> 软面钢锤
  36355. soft swell ==> 软膨罐
  36356. soft switching ==> ソフトスイッチング
  36357. soft tar pitch ==> 软焦油沥青
  36358. soft target ==> 软目标
  36359. soft technique of decision ==> 决策软技术,决策软技术
  36360. soft temper ==> 软化回火
  36361. soft tin ==> 软锡钎料
  36362. soft tire ==> 软轮胎
  36363. soft tissue infection of neck ==> 颈部软组织感染,颈部软组织感染
  36364. soft tissue wound of chest wall ==> 胸壁软组织创伤
  36365. soft tone ==> 软调
  36366. soft top ==> 软车顶
  36367. soft top container ==> 软顶式集装箱
  36368. soft touch control ==> 软触控制
  36369. soft vacuum ==> 低真空
  36370. soft vulcanized fiber ==> 软钢纸
  36371. soft wall ==> 软壁,透声壁
  36372. soft waste ==> 软回收
  36373. soft water ==> 软水
  36374. soft water outlet ==> 软水出口
  36375. soft wax ==> 软蜡
  36376. soft wax tank ==> 软蜡槽
  36377. soft white clay ==> 软质陶土
  36378. soft white gum ==> 软白胶
  36379. soft white shavings ==> 轻施胶白纸边
  36380. soft wire ==> 软焊丝,软线
  36381. soft wired system ==> 程序布线方式
  36382. soft wood ==> 软材,软木,软木材
  36383. soft wood cutting ==> 软材插条
  36384. soft x rays ==> 软x射线
  36385. soft X-ray ==> 软X射线
  36386. soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy ==> 软X射线吸收光谱术
  36387. soft X-ray appearance potential spectroscopy ==> 软X射线表现电势能谱学
  36388. soft X-ray chamber ==> 软X射线电离室
  36389. soft X-ray emission ==> 软X射线发射
  36390. soft X-ray filter ==> 软X滤光片
  36391. soft X-ray laser 软X ==> 激光器
  36392. soft X-ray source ==> 软X射线源
  36393. soft X-rays ==> 軟X線
  36394. soft zone ==> 软化区
  36395. soft α-rays ==> 软α-线
  36396. soft-bill ==> 软嘴鸟
  36397. soft-center steel ==> 夹心钢
  36398. soft-center steel mo(u)ldboard ==> 软心钢犁壁
  36399. soft-covered book ==> 软面书
  36400. soft-drink industry ==> 软饮料工业
  36401. soft-drink vendor ==> ソフトドリンク販売者
  36402. soft-earth gear ==> 软道面用的起落架
  36403. soft-edge ==> 软边遮衬
  36404. soft-field gear ==> 软道面用的起落架
  36405. soft-flame ==> 软火焰
  36406. soft-focus ==> 软聚焦
  36407. soft-focus attachment ==> 柔焦镜
  36408. soft-focus filter ==> 柔焦镜,软焦滤光片
  36409. soft-headed hammer ==> 软头锤
  36410. soft-land ==> 软着陆
  36411. soft-land surface vehicle ==> (星体表面)软着陆飞行器
  36412. soft-land tractor ==> 软地拖拉机
  36413. soft-lander ==> 软着陆飞行器
  36414. soft-landing capsule ==> 软着陆舱
  36415. soft-landing spacecraft ==> 软着陆航天器
  36416. soft-loan window ==> (指对发展中国家的优惠贷款业务)软贷款窗口
  36417. soft-mud brick ==> 软泥砖
  36418. soft-mud process ==> 软泥制坯法,软泥制砖法
  36419. soft-mud process brick ==> 软泥砖
  36420. soft-packed stuffing box ==> 软填料填料箱
  36421. soft-paste porcelain ==> 软质瓷
  36422. soft-seated valve ==> 软座阀
  36423. soft-shell disease ==> 软壳病
  36424. soft-shelled egg ==> 软壳蛋
  36425. soft-site missile ==> 软式基地导弹
  36426. soft-surface runway ==> 软道面跑道
  36427. soft-touch control ==> 软接触控制
  36428. soft-weld ==> 铜镍焊条合金
  36429. soft-wood charcoal ==> 软材木炭
  36430. soft-wood distillation ==> 软材干馏
  36431. soft-wood tar pitch ==> 软材焦油沥青
  36432. softball diamond ==> 垒球场
  36433. softball field ==> 垒球场
  36434. softball gloves ==> 垒球手套
  36435. soften the terms ==> 放宽条件
  36436. softened lead ==> (脱除砷锑锡等杂质的铅)软化铅
  36437. softened rubber ==> 软化橡胶,塑炼橡胶
  36438. softened water ==> 软化水,经软化处理后的水,即除去了部分或全部钙、镁离子的水
  36439. softened zone ==> 软化区
  36440. softener ==> 软化剂,软化器,采用阳离子交换技术,能将水中的硬度(钙、镁离子)去除掉的设备
  36441. softener paste ==> 软化脂膏
  36442. softening ==> 软化,软化的,退火
  36443. softening agent ==> 软化剂,软化器
  36444. softening annealing ==> 软化退火
  36445. softening furnace ==> 软化炉
  36446. softening installation ==> 软化装置
  36447. softening lead ==> 软化铅
  36448. softening machine ==> 软麻机
  36449. softening of the cell wall ==> 细胞壁软化
  36450. softening of water ==> 硬水软化,软化水法,软化硬水
  36451. softening plant ==> 软化水厂,软化装置
  36452. softening point ==> 软化点,软化温度
  36453. softening point test ==> 軟化点試験
  36454. softening point thermometer ==> 软化点温度计
  36455. softening point tubes ==> 软化点测定管
  36456. softening power ==> 软化能力
  36457. softening price ==> 软化价格
  36458. softening range ==> 软化范围,软化温度范围
  36459. softening tank ==> 软化槽
  36460. softening temperature ==> 软化温度,在灰熔融性测定下,灰锥弯曲至锥尖触及托板或灰锥变成球形时的温度
  36461. softening test ==> 软化试验
  36462. softening-point test ==> 软化点试验
  36463. softest possible terms ==> 最优厚的条件
  36464. softing agent ==> 软化剂
  36465. softness ==> 软性
  36466. softness factor ==> 柔度系数
  36467. softness number ==> 软化度
  36468. softness of lithosphere ==> 岩石圈软度
  36469. softness test ==> 柔软性能测定
  36470. softness tester ==> 柔软度试验机
  36471. softness value ==> 软化度,软化值
  36472. softness-stiffness tester ==> 柔软度与挺度测定仪
  36473. software ==> 软件,软设备=>ソフトウェア
  36474. software catalog ==> 软件目录
  36475. software center ==> 软件中心
  36476. software company ==> 软件公司
  36477. software compatibility ==> ソフトウェア互換性
  36478. software component of an operating system ==> 操作系统的软件成分
  36479. software controlled machine ==> 软件控制装置
  36480. software convention ==> 软件约定
  36481. software copyright ==> ソフトウエア著作権
  36482. software diagnostic instruction ==> 软件诊断指令
  36483. software driven microcomputer ==> 程序控制微型计算机
  36484. software engineering ==> 软件工程
  36485. software flexibility ==> 软件灵活性
  36486. software function ==> 软件功能
  36487. software house 软件服务站=> ==> 软件公司
  36488. software integration test ==> 软件集中试验
  36489. software interruption ==> 软件中断
  36490. software kit ==> 节用软件
  36491. software legal protection ==> 软件法律保护
  36492. software library ==> 软件库=>ソフトウェアライブラリ
  36493. software manuals ==> 软件操作程式手册
  36494. software mapping ==> 软件变换,软件映射
  36495. software memory mapping ==> 软件存储变换,软件存储映射
  36496. software modularity ==> 程序模式化
  36497. software monitor ==> 程序监督器,软件监督
  36498. software overhead ==> 软件开销
  36499. software package ==> 软件包,软设备组件,程序包,套装软体
  36500. software polling ==> 软件轮询
  36501. software priority ==> 软件优先权
  36502. software priority interrupt ==> 程序优先中断
  36503. software procedure ==> 软件编制过程
  36504. software program(me) ==> 软件程序
  36505. software programmable ==> 可程控软件
  36506. software project ==> 软件计划
  36507. software redundancy ==> ソフトウェア冗長性
  36508. software reliability ==> 软件可靠性
  36509. software resource ==> 软件资源
  36510. software service ==> 软件服务,软件装置
  36511. software stack ==> 软件栈
  36512. software structure ==> 软件结构
  36513. software support ==> 软件支持,软件支援程序
  36514. software support service ==> 软件支援服务
  36515. software technique ==> 软件技术
  36516. software test ==> 软件测试
  36517. software tool ==> 软件工具
  36518. software trace mode ==> 软件跟踪方式
  36519. software trade ==> 软件交易
  36520. software user's manual ==> 软件用户手册
  36521. software-defined radio ==> ソフトウェア無線
  36522. software-oriented ==> 面向软件
  36523. softwood board ==> 针叶材板材,软材板
  36524. softwood cutting ==> 软插条
  36525. softwood flooring ==> 软木材楼地面
  36526. softwood pack ==> 软木木垛
  36527. softwood plank ==> 针叶材的厚板
  36528. softwood strip ==> 针叶材板条
  36529. soggy origami ==> ぺったりした折り紙
  36530. Sohm abyssal plain ==> 索姆深海平原
  36531. SOHO, Solar Heliosphere Observatory ==> 太陽及び太陽圏観測機
  36532. soi ==> 绝缘体上硅结构
  36533. soi integrated circuit ==> 绝缘体上硅结构集成电路
  36534. soi process ==> 绝缘体上硅技术
  36535. soi substrate ==> 绝缘体上硅结构衬底
  36536. soi technology ==> 绝缘体上硅技术
  36537. SOI, semiconductor on insulator ==> SOI
  36538. SOI, silicon on insulator ==> 絶縁上シリコン
  36539. SOI, Silicon On Insulator ==> SOI
  36540. soic ==> 小块集成电路
  36541. Soichi Kakeya ==> 掛谷宗一
  36542. soie ondée ==> 波纹丝线
  36543. soie platte ==> 刺绣丝线
  36544. soil ==> 土,土地,土壤,泥土,地基,污物=>土壌
  36545. soil absorption capacity ==> 土壤吸收能力
  36546. soil absorption system ==> 土壤吸收系统
  36547. soil abundance ==> 土壤资源丰富
  36548. soil acidity ==> 土壤酸度,土壤酸性
  36549. soil adhesion ==> 土壤附着力,土壤粘附
  36550. soil adsorption of herbicides ==> 土壤吸附除锈剂
  36551. soil aeration ==> 土壤通气,土壤通气性
  36552. soil aerator ==> 土壤通气器
  36553. soil age ==> 土壤年龄
  36554. soil aggregate ==> 土壤团粒结构
  36555. soil aggregate mixture ==> 土集料混合物
  36556. soil aggregate size ==> 土壤聚合体大小
  36557. soil agitator ==> 碎土器
  36558. soil air ==> 土壤空气,土壤中空气
  36559. soil algae ==> 土壤藻类
  36560. soil alkalinity ==> 土壤碱度
  36561. soil ameliorant ==> 土壤改良剂
  36562. soil amelioration ==> 土壤改良
  36563. soil amendment ==> 土壤改良,土壤改良剂
  36564. soil analysis ==> 土分析,土壤分析
  36565. soil analysis on the spot ==> 简易土壤分析
  36566. soil and water concervation ==> 水生保持
  36567. soil and water conservation program ==> 水土保持规划
  36568. soil and water conservation region ==> 水土保持区
  36569. soil and water loss ==> 水土流失
  36570. soil and water utilization ==> 水土利用
  36571. soil animal ==> 土壤动物
  36572. soil antagonist ==> 土壤拮抗体
  36573. soil application ==> 土壤施肥
  36574. soil arthropod ==> 土壤节肢动物
  36575. soil assessment ==> 土壤评价
  36576. soil association ==> 土壤结合
  36577. soil atmosphere ==> 土壤空气
  36578. soil auger ==> 土壤采样钻,土壤螺旋钻,土钻,螺旋取土钻,麻花钻
  36579. soil bacteria ==> 土壤细菌
  36580. soil bacteriology ==> 土壤细菌学
  36581. soil bank ==> 土堤
  36582. soil bank program ==> 土壤银行计划
  36583. soil bearing ratio ==> 土承载比,土壤承载比
  36584. soil bearing test ==> 土壤荷载试验
  36585. soil bin test ==> 土槽试验
  36586. soil binder ==> 土结合料
  36587. soil biochemistry ==> 土壤生物化学
  36588. soil biodynamics ==> 土壤生物动力学
  36589. soil biology ==> 土壤生物学
  36590. soil black carbon ==> 土壌の煤
  36591. soil blister ==> 土胀
  36592. soil block ==> 土块,土壤营养钵
  36593. soil block test ==> (木林防腐)土壤木块试验
  36594. soil blow-off ==> 土壤吹失
  36595. soil body ==> 土体
  36596. soil boundary ==> 土壤界线
  36597. soil box ==> 土槽
  36598. soil buffer action ==> 土壤缓冲作用
  36599. soil building ==> 造土
  36600. soil bulk density ==> 土壤颗粒密度
  36601. soil bulldozing ==> 土壤推移
  36602. soil burial test ==> (纺织品耐腐性试验)土埋试验
  36603. soil burning ==> 土的烧灼
  36604. soil capacity ==> 土壤耐压力,土壤能力
  36605. soil capillarity ==> 土壤毛,土壤毛细管作用
  36606. soil capital ==> 土地资本
  36607. soil catena ==> 土链
  36608. soil cement ==> 水泥及土混合料,掺土水泥
  36609. soil characteristics ==> 土的特性,土壤特性
  36610. soil chemical properties ==> 土壤化学性质
  36611. soil chemicals ==> 土壤化学
  36612. soil chemistry ==> 土壤化学
  36613. soil class ==> 土纲,土级,土壤类别
  36614. soil classification ==> 土壤分类
  36615. soil classification system ==> 土壤分类系统
  36616. soil classification test ==> 土分类试验,土壤分类试验
  36617. soil climate ==> 土壤气候
  36618. soil climatology ==> 土壤气候学
  36619. soil clod ==> 土块
  36620. soil coefficient of external friction ==> 土壤外部摩擦系数
  36621. soil cohesion ==> 土壤内聚力
  36622. soil colloid ==> 土胶质,土壤胶体
  36623. soil colour ==> 土色
  36624. soil column ==> 土柱
  36625. soil compaction ==> 土的压实,土壤压实
  36626. soil compaction control kit ==> 土压实控制仪
  36627. soil compaction index ==> 土壤紧实指标
  36628. soil compaction resistance ==> 土壤压实阻力
  36629. soil compactor ==> 填土夯实机
  36630. soil complex ==> 土壤复域
  36631. soil compresion ==> 土壤压实
  36632. soil concrete ==> 掺土混凝土
  36633. soil condition ==> 土壤条件,土壤状况
  36634. soil conditioner ==> 土壤调节剂,土壤结构改良剂,碎土整地刀板耢
  36635. soil conductivity ==> 土壤导电(热)率
  36636. soil conservation ==> 土壤保持
  36637. Soil Conservation and Allotment Act ==> 土壤保护和分配法案
  36638. soil conservation district ==> 土壤保持区
  36639. soil conservation extension ==> 土壤保持推广
  36640. soil consistence ==> 土壤结持度
  36641. soil consistence constent ==> 土壤结持常数
  36642. soil consistency ==> 土壤稠性,土壤结持度
  36643. soil consistency constant ==> 土壤结构常数
  36644. soil consolidation ==> 土壤固结
  36645. soil constant ==> 土壤常数
  36646. soil constitnent ==> 土壤成分
  36647. soil constitution ==> 土壤结构,土壤组成
  36648. soil contact ==> 土壤接触面
  36649. soil containing a high percentage of rotted leaves ==> 含腐叶百分比高的土壤
  36650. soil contains organic materials ==> 土壤里含有有机物
  36651. soil contamination ==> 土壤污染
  36652. soil core ==> (原状土)土样
  36653. soil core budding ==> 带土柱芽接苗
  36654. soil core method of transplanting ==> 带土柱定植法
  36655. soil core planting ==> 带土柱定植
  36656. soil core technique ==> 带土柱定植法
  36657. soil correctives ==> 土壤校正剂
  36658. soil corrosion ==> 土壤腐蚀
  36659. soil cover ==> 土被,土壤覆盖层
  36660. soil cover(ing) ==> 地被物
  36661. soil covering ==> 土被
  36662. soil crack ==> 土壤裂隙
  36663. soil cracking ==> 土裂
  36664. soil creep ==> 土滑,土爬,土潜动,土壤滑动,土壤潜动,土蠕动
  36665. soil crust ==> 土壤结皮,土壤硬表层
  36666. soil cultivating machine ==> 土壤耕作机械
  36667. soil cultivation ==> 土壤耕作
  36668. soil culture ==> 土壤,土壤培养
  36669. soil cursting ==> 土壳
  36670. soil defence ==> 土壤防护
  36671. soil deformation ==> 土壤变形
  36672. soil degradation ==> 土壤退化
  36673. soil density ==> 土壤密度
  36674. soil denudation ==> 土壤剥蚀作用,土壤浸蚀作用
  36675. soil depleting crop ==> 消耗地力强的作物
  36676. soil depletion ==> 土壤耗竭
  36677. soil deposit ==> 土壤沉积
  36678. soil deterioration ==> 土壤变质,土壤破坏
  36679. soil development ==> 土壤开辟利用
  36680. soil dilution plating technique ==> 土壤稀释平板技术
  36681. soil discharge ==> 土壤排水
  36682. soil disease ==> 土壤病症
  36683. soil disinfection ==> 土壤灭菌,土壤消毒
  36684. soil dispersion ==> 土壤分散
  36685. soil displacement ==> 换土
  36686. soil division ==> 土壤区分
  36687. soil drainage ==> 土壤排水
  36688. soil drainage map ==> 土壤排水图
  36689. soil dressing ==> 小培土
  36690. soil drifting ==> 土壤风蚀
  36691. soil drill ==> 土壤钻杆
  36692. soil drought ==> 土壤干旱
  36693. soil dynamics ==> 土壤动力学
  36694. soil ecology ==> 土壤生态学
  36695. soil ecosystem ==> 土壤生态系统
  36696. soil electrolyte ==> 土壤电介质
  36697. soil electrozhemistry ==> 土壤电化学
  36698. soil engineering ==> 土壤工程学
  36699. soil enrichment method ==> 土壤加富法
  36700. soil environment ==> 土壤环境
  36701. soil enzyme activities ==> 土壤酶活性
  36702. soil equilibrated phosphorus ==> 土壤磷的平衡
  36703. soil erosion ==> 土壤冲刷,土壤浸染,土壤侵蚀,土壤溶蚀作用
  36704. soil erosion index ==> 土壤浸蚀率
  36705. soil erosion map ==> 土壤浸蚀图
  36706. soil evaporation ==> 土壤蒸发
  36707. soil exhaustion ==> 土壤耗竭
  36708. soil expansion ==> 土膨胀
  36709. soil expectation value ==> 土地期望期
  36710. soil exploitation ==> 土壤垦植
  36711. soil exploration ==> 土质查勘,土质勘探
  36712. soil extract ==> 土壤浸出液,土壤提取
  36713. soil extract agar ==> 土壤浸出琼脂
  36714. soil extract's chemical composition ==> 土壤浸提的化学组分
  36715. soil extractor ==> 土块分离机
  36716. soil fabric ==> 土壤微结构
  36717. soil factors ==> 土壤因素
  36718. soil fail ==> 土壤破坏
  36719. soil failure ==> 土壤破坏
  36720. soil fall ==> 土崩
  36721. soil family ==> 土科,土族
  36722. soil fauna ==> 土壤动物区系
  36723. soil fertility ==> 土壤肥力
  36724. soil fertility exhaustion ==> 地力消耗
  36725. soil fertility map ==> 土壤肥力图
  36726. soil filtration ==> 土壤渗滤
  36727. soil fines ==> 土的细粒部分
  36728. soil fixation ==> 土壤加固
  36729. soil fixing ==> 土壤固定
  36730. soil flora ==> 土壤植物区系
  36731. soil flow net ==> 土壤渗流网
  36732. soil fluction ==> 泥流
  36733. soil formation ==> 土壤发生,土壤形成
  36734. soil formation and similar processes ==> 土壤形成及类似过程
  36735. soil forming process ==> 土壤形成过程,成土作用
  36736. soil fraction ==> 土壤成分,土壤粒级
  36737. soil fractions ==> 土壤粒级
  36738. soil fungi ==> 土壤真菌
  36739. soil fungistasis ==> 土壤抑菌作用
  36740. soil fungistasis and nematophagus fungi ==> 土壤抑菌作用和线虫的真菌
  36741. soil gas ==> 土壤气体
  36742. soil genesis ==> 土壤发生,土壤发生学
  36743. soil geography ==> 土壤地理学
  36744. soil geology ==> 土壤地质学
  36745. soil grades ==> 土壤粒度
  36746. soil grain ==> 土粒
  36747. soil grain distribution test ==> 土壤粒径分布试验
  36748. soil grain size accumulation curve ==> 土粒径积累曲线
  36749. soil granulation ==> 土壤团粒作用,土壤微团粒,土团粒作用
  36750. soil great group ==> 土块类
  36751. soil grinder ==> 土壤分析用研磨机,土壤研磨机
  36752. soil heterogeneity ==> 土壤差异性
  36753. soil horizon ==> 土层,土壤层
  36754. soil humic acid ==> 土壤腐殖酸
  36755. soil humic substances ==> 土壤腐殖物质
  36756. soil humidity ==> 土壤湿度
  36757. soil humification ==> 土壤腐殖化
  36758. soil hygiene ==> 土壤卫生
  36759. soil identification ==> 土壤鉴定
  36760. soil identification chart ==> 土鉴定图
  36761. soil impermeability ==> 土壤不可渗透性,土壤的不可渗透性
  36762. soil improvement ==> 土壤改良
  36763. soil improvement agent ==> 土壤改良剂
  36764. soil improving crop ==> 益土作物,养地作物
  36765. soil indicator ==> 土性指标
  36766. soil infection ==> 土壤传染,土壤感染,土壤浸染
  36767. soil infiltration rate ==> 土壤渗入速率
  36768. soil information ==> 土壤资料
  36769. soil inhabitant ==> 土壤习居菌
  36770. soil injection ==> 土壤注射
  36771. soil inoculant ==> 土壤接种物
  36772. soil inoculation method ==> 土壤接种法
  36773. soil insect ==> 地下害虫
  36774. soil insecticide ==> 土壤杀虫剂
  36775. soil invader ==> 土壤寄居菌
  36776. soil invertebrate ==> 土壤无脊椎动物
  36777. soil investigation ==> 土壤调查,土壤研究,土质调查
  36778. soil ionization ==> 地中电离=>土中放電
  36779. soil lake porosity ==> 土壤缺乏孔隙
  36780. soil layer ==> 土层
  36781. soil leaching ==> 土壤淋溶作用
  36782. soil legend ==> 土的图例
  36783. soil liming map ==> 土壤石灰施用图
  36784. soil line ==> 粪便管,厕所污水管
  36785. soil lines of equal pore pressure ==> 土内孔隙水压等同线
  36786. soil loss ==> 土壤损失
  36787. soil luck ==> 壤良
  36788. soil lump ==> 土块
  36789. soil macrofauna ==> 土栖大型动物区系,土壤大动物区系
  36790. soil macroorganism ==> 土壤大生物
  36791. soil management ==> 土地经营,土壤管理
  36792. soil management system ==> 土壤管理制度
  36793. soil mantle ==> 土被,土壤风化层
  36794. soil map ==> 土壤图
  36795. soil mapping ==> 土壤制图
  36796. soil mass ==> 土块,土体量
  36797. soil material ==> 土壤物质
  36798. soil matrix ==> 土基
  36799. soil maturation ==> 土壤熟化
  36800. soil mechanics ==> 土力学,土壤力学
  36801. soil mechanics laboratory ==> 土工试验室
  36802. soil mesofauna ==> 土栖中型动物区系
  36803. soil metabolism ==> 土壤代谢
  36804. soil microbial population ==> 土壤微生物群系
  36805. soil microbiology ==> 土壤微生物学
  36806. soil microfauna ==> 土栖小型动物区系
  36807. soil microflora ==> 土壤微生物区系,土壤微植物区系
  36808. soil miller ==> 旋转锄
  36809. soil mineralogy ==> 土矿物学
  36810. soil mixture ==> 土壤混合物
  36811. soil moisture ==> 土壤含水量,土壤湿度,土壤水分
  36812. soil moisture constant ==> 土壤含水量常数
  36813. soil moisture content ==> 土壤含水量,土壤湿度,墒情
  36814. soil moisture deficit ==> 土壤缺水度
  36815. soil moisture meter ==> 土壤湿度计
  36816. soil moisture neutron probes ==> 土壤湿度中子测定仪
  36817. soil moisture sampling ==> 土壤潮湿采样
  36818. soil moisture supply ==> 土壤水分供应
  36819. soil moisture tension ==> 土壤水分张力
  36820. soil monolith ==> 土壤整段标本
  36821. soil morphology ==> 土壤形态学
  36822. soil mulch ==> 土被,土壤覆盖
  36823. soil nail ==> 土钉
  36824. soil name ==> 土壤名称
  36825. soil nematodes ==> 土壤线虫
  36826. soil nitrogenous pollutant ==> 土壤含氮污染物
  36827. soil nutrient ==> 土壤养分,土壤营养
  36828. soil of glacial origin ==> 冰川生成土
  36829. soil of relatively formation ==> 较近形成的土壤
  36830. soil operation ==> 土壤操作
  36831. soil order ==> 土纲
  36832. soil organic matter ==> 土壤有机质
  36833. soil organic matter fractions ==> 土壤有机质部分
  36834. soil organic phosphate ==> 土地有机磷
  36835. soil organism ==> 土壤生物
  36836. soil packing ==> 土壤的压实
  36837. soil pan ==> 土壤蒸发皿
  36838. soil parabination ==> 土壤复式组合
  36839. soil parameter ==> 土壤参数
  36840. soil parameters ==> 土壤参数=>土壌パラメータ
  36841. soil particle ==> 土粒
  36842. soil particle culture method ==> 土粒培养法
  36843. soil particle inoculating method ==> 土粒接种法
  36844. soil particles ==> 土粒
  36845. soil paste ==> 土浆
  36846. soil pat ==> 土饼块
  36847. soil peak strength ==> 土壤最大强度
  36848. soil percent saturation ==> 土壤水分饱和度
  36849. soil percolate ==> 土壤渗液
  36850. soil permeability ==> 土壤渗透性
  36851. soil pesticide interaction ==> 土壤农药相互作用
  36852. soil phase ==> 土相
  36853. soil phophorus ==> 土壤磷
  36854. soil physical maturity ==> 土壤的物理适耕性,土壤物理适耕性
  36855. soil physicochemistry ==> 土壤物理化学
  36856. soil physics ==> 土壤物理学
  36857. soil physiology ==> 土壤生理学
  36858. soil pipe ==> 粪便管,粪管,厕所污水管
  36859. soil pit ==> 土穴,(观察土壤剖面用)土坑
  36860. soil plague method ==> 泥石法
  36861. soil plasma ==> 土壤细粒物质
  36862. soil plasticity ==> 土壤可塑性
  36863. soil plate method ==> 土壤平板法
  36864. soil poisoning ==> 土壤积毒,土壤中毒
  36865. soil pollution ==> 土壤污染
  36866. soil pollution analysis ==> 土壤污染分析
  36867. soil pores ==> 土孔隙
  36868. soil porosity ==> 土壤空隙度
  36869. soil preparation ==> 整地,播前耕作
  36870. soil pressure ==> 土压力
  36871. soil pressure cell ==> 土压力盒
  36872. soil pressure measurement ==> 土压力量测
  36873. soil pressure phenomena ==> 土壤压力状态
  36874. soil primary shear surface ==> (与机具前进方向平行的)土壤主剪切面
  36875. soil processing ==> (试验时)土壤制备
  36876. soil profile ==> 土剖面,土壤断面,土壤剖面
  36877. soil protecting plant ==> 护土植物
  36878. soil protection ==> 土地保护
  36879. soil protective cover ==> 护土覆盖物
  36880. soil puddling ==> 土捣密工作
  36881. soil pulverizer ==> 土的粉碎机
  36882. soil quality classification ==> 土壤质量分类
  36883. soil quality index ==> 土壤质量指数
  36884. soil rating ==> 土分级
  36885. soil reaction ==> 土壤反应
  36886. soil reclamation ==> 土壤改良,荒地垦拓
  36887. soil regime ==> 土壤情况,土壤状况
  36888. soil region ==> 土丘
  36889. soil regulation ==> 土壤管理
  36890. soil relief ==> 土壤地形
  36891. soil removed seedling ==> 洗根大苗
  36892. soil renewal ==> 土壤再生
  36893. soil rent ==> 地租
  36894. soil replacement method ==> 换土法
  36895. soil replacement works ==> 换土工程
  36896. soil resistance ==> 土壤阻力
  36897. soil resistant fibre ==> 防污纤维
  36898. soil resistivity ==> 土壤电阻率
  36899. soil resource ==> 土壤资源
  36900. soil respiration ==> 土壤呼吸
  36901. soil respirator ==> 土壤呼吸仪
  36902. soil retaining ==> 挡土的
  36903. soil ribbon ==> 土搓条
  36904. soil road ==> 土路
  36905. soil rot ==> 土壤中腐烂
  36906. soil salinity ==> 土壤盐渍度
  36907. soil sample ==> 土壤取样,土样
  36908. soil sample test ==> 土样试验
  36909. soil sampler ==> 土壤采样器,土壤取样管,采土器,采样土钻
  36910. soil samples ==> 土样
  36911. soil sampling ==> 土壤取样,取土样
  36912. soil sanitation ==> 土壤净化
  36913. soil saturation ==> 土壤饱和
  36914. soil saviour ==> 土壤保养
  36915. soil science ==> 土壤科学,土壤学
  36916. soil scientist ==> 土壤学者
  36917. soil sealant ==> 土壤封闭层
  36918. soil sealing ==> 覆土
  36919. soil secondary shear surface ==> 土壤副剪切面
  36920. soil section ==> 土纵断面
  36921. soil seepage ==> 土壤内渗流
  36922. soil separate ==> 土壤颗粒分组,土壤粒组
  36923. soil separates ==> 土壤粒级
  36924. soil separator ==> 土壤分选机
  36925. soil series ==> 土壤系列,土系
  36926. soil settlement ==> 土壤沉降
  36927. soil shear ==> 土壤剪切力
  36928. soil shear strength ==> 土壤抗剪强度
  36929. soil shifter ==> 推土机
  36930. soil shoe ==> 犁盘
  36931. soil shovel ==> 运土铲斗
  36932. soil shredder ==> 碎土器
  36933. soil shrinkage ==> 土壤下沉
  36934. soil sickness ==> 土壤衰颓
  36935. soil skeleton ==> 土骨架
  36936. soil sliding length ==> 土壤滑移长度
  36937. soil sliding path ==> 土壤滑移线
  36938. soil slip ==> 土崩,塌方
  36939. soil slipperiness ==> 土壤滑溜状态
  36940. soil slump ==> 土崩
  36941. soil soak ==> 地面施药
  36942. soil soaker ==> 湿土器
  36943. soil solidification ==> 土壤稳定法
  36944. soil solution ==> 土壤溶液
  36945. soil sounding device ==> 土触探装置
  36946. soil sourness ==> 土壤酸性
  36947. soil species ==> 土种
  36948. soil specimen ==> 土样
  36949. soil split preparation ==> 土壤切片制备
  36950. soil stabilization ==> 土壤稳定法,土稳定
  36951. soil stabilization by electro-osmosis ==> 电渗法稳定土体
  36952. soil stabilization by freezing ==> 冻结法稳定土体
  36953. soil stabilizer ==> 土壤稳定剂,土稳定剂
  36954. soil stabilizing machine ==> 土壤稳定机械
  36955. soil stack ==> 厕所污水立管
  36956. soil sterilant ==> 土壤灭菌剂
  36957. soil sterilants ==> 土壤消毒剂
  36958. soil sterilization ==> 土壤灭菌,土壤灭菌,土壤清毒
  36959. soil stickiness ==> 土壤粘性
  36960. soil strain-rate behaviour ==> 土壤应变比特性
  36961. soil strata ==> 土层
  36962. soil stratification ==> 土壤层理
  36963. soil stratum ==> 土层
  36964. soil strength ==> 土壤强度
  36965. soil strength test ==> 土强度试验
  36966. soil strip map ==> 土壤分布图
  36967. soil stripes ==> 土条带
  36968. soil structure ==> 土壤构造,土壤结构
  36969. soil suborder ==> 土壤亚纲
  36970. soil subsystem ==> 土壤亚系统
  36971. soil suction ==> 土的吸力,土壤吸力
  36972. soil suite ==> 土套
  36973. soil supension ==> 土壤悬液
  36974. soil surface ==> 土表,土路面
  36975. soil surfaced road ==> 土面路
  36976. soil survey ==> 土壤调查,土质调查
  36977. soil surveying ==> 土壤测量
  36978. soil suspension ==> 土悬液
  36979. soil system ==> 土壤系统
  36980. soil taxonomic classes ==> 土壤分类级别
  36981. soil technology ==> 土壤技术,土质技术
  36982. soil temperature ==> 土壤温度
  36983. soil test ==> 土壤试验,土质试验
  36984. soil test summaries ==> 土壤测试概要
  36985. soil testing ==> 土壤试验
  36986. soil texture ==> 土壤结构,土壤组织
  36987. soil texture classification ==> 土壤质地分类
  36988. soil texture map ==> 土壤质地图
  36989. soil thermometer ==> 土壤温度计,地温表
  36990. soil thread ==> 土搓线
  36991. soil tillage ==> 土壤耕地,土壤耕作,整地
  36992. soil tiller ==> 土翻拌机
  36993. soil tilth ==> 土壤耕性,土壤适耕性
  36994. soil tone ==> 土色
  36995. soil treatment ==> 土壤处理
  36996. soil type ==> 土型,土组
  36997. soil types ==> 土壤类型
  36998. soil use classification ==> 土壤利用分类
  36999. soil utilization ==> 土壤利用
  37000. soil utilization map ==> 土壤利用图
  37001. soil variation ==> 土壤变异
  37002. soil variety ==> 土壤变种
  37003. soil vent ==> 通气管
  37004. soil warming ==> 土壌の温暖化
  37005. soil wash ==> 流积土
  37006. soil washing ==> 土壤冲蚀,土壤冲刷
  37007. soil water ==> 土壤水,土中水
  37008. soil water belt ==> 土中水带
  37009. soil water of stress ==> 土壤水分应力
  37010. soil water potential ==> 土壤水势
  37011. soil wedge ==> 土楔
  37012. soil workability ==> 土壤机械适应率
  37013. soil working ==> 土壤耕作
  37014. soil zonality ==> 土壤地带性
  37015. soil zone ==> 土带,土壤地带
  37016. soil zoology ==> 土壤动物学
  37017. soil-aggregate stability ==> 干旱土壤团聚体的稳定性
  37018. soil-air heat pump ==> 地气式热泵
  37019. soil-borne disease ==> 土传病害
  37020. soil-bound ==> 土结的
  37021. soil-cement ==> 水泥加固土,水泥土壤
  37022. soil-climate relationship ==> 土壤气候相关性
  37023. soil-constant plant ==> 恒土植物
  37024. soil-dwelling algae ==> 土壤藻类
  37025. soil-footing contact ==> 土基接触面
  37026. soil-forming factor ==> 成土因素
  37027. soil-forming rock ==> 成土母岩
  37028. soil-fracturing agent ==> 破土剂
  37029. soil-mobility characteristics ==> 土壤的通过特性
  37030. soil-moisture zone ==> 土壤含水区
  37031. soil-peat mixtures ==> 土壤泥炭混合物
  37032. soil-percolation ==> 土壤渗滤
  37033. soil-perfusion ==> 土壤灌注
  37034. soil-plant relationship ==> 土壤植物相互关系
  37035. soil-profile characteristics ==> 土层剖面特性
  37036. soil-protection wood ==> 林地保护树
  37037. soil-protective cover ==> 土壤保持覆盖
  37038. soil-retaining structure ==> 挡土建筑物
  37039. soil-saving dam ==> 保土坝
  37040. soil-shaping measures ==> 土面整修
  37041. soil-soaker ==> 土壤浸湿器
  37042. soil-sticked seedling ==> 带土小苗
  37043. soil-stratigraphic unit ==> 土壤地层单位
  37044. soil-structure interaction ==> 土与结构物的相互作用
  37045. soil-survey map ==> 土质调查图
  37046. soil-water belt ==> 土壤水带
  37047. soil-water diffusivity ==> 土壤水扩散系数
  37048. soil-water heat pump ==> 地水式热泵
  37049. soil-water relationship ==> 土水关系
  37050. soil-water system ==> 土水关系
  37051. soil-water zone ==> 土壤水带
  37052. soilborne ==> 土壤带有的,土壤传播的
  37053. soilborne mosaic virus resistance ==> 土传花叶病毒的抗性
  37054. Soilbrom 85 ==> (熏蒸杀虫剂)二溴乙烷
  37055. soiled cocoon ==> 污染茧
  37056. soiled copy ==> 污损本
  37057. soiled cotton ==> 污布
  37058. soiled ends ==> 污经
  37059. soiled lift ==> 污物电梯
  37060. soiled plate ==> 染污薄板
  37061. soiled swatch ==> 污布样
  37062. soiled threads ==> (生丝疵点)污丝
  37063. soiled yarn ==> 污纱
  37064. soilflow ==> 泥流
  37065. soiling agent ==> (测去污力用)染污剂
  37066. soiling and amenity impact ==> 造成环境污染及对市容的影响
  37067. soiling food ==> 青饲料
  37068. soiling formula ==> 污液配方
  37069. soiling procedure ==> 污染程序
  37070. soiling solution ==> 污液
  37071. soilless agriculture ==> 无土农作
  37072. soilless culture ==> 无土栽培
  37073. soils in use for cropland ==> 土壤用作农业耕地
  37074. soils subject to moderate limination ==> 受到中等限制的土壤
  37075. soils subject to moderate limitations in use ==> 在使用时受到中等限制的土壤
  37076. soils with a high acid content ==> 含酸量高的土壤
  37077. soils with a high alkali content ==> 含碱量高的土壤
  37078. soils with normal plants ==> 植物生长正常的土壤
  37079. soilstone ==> 土壤岩
  37080. soiltest ==> 土壤试验
  37081. soilthermograph ==> 地温记录器
  37082. soilure ==> 污斑
  37083. sol golden yellow ==> 溶靛素金黄
  37084. sol rubber ==> 溶胶体橡胶,溶橡胶
  37085. sol solution ==> 溶胶溶液
  37086. sol-air temperature ==> 太阳作用气温
  37087. solanine bases ==> 茄碱
  37088. solanine content ==> 龙葵碱含量
  37089. solanine content of potato ==> 马铃薯龙葵碱含量
  37090. solanoid cancer ==> 马铃薯状癌
  37091. solar ==> 太阳,太阳的,日光
  37092. solar absorber ==> 太阳辐射能吸收器,日照吸收剂
  37093. solar absorption index ==> 太阳吸收指数
  37094. solar activity ==> 太阳活动
  37095. solar activity cycle ==> 太阳活动周
  37096. solar activity effect ==> 太阳活动效应
  37097. solar activity prediction ==> 太阳活动预报
  37098. solar activity region ==> 太阳活动区
  37099. solar air mass ==> 太阳大气光学质量,太阳照射的气团
  37100. solar altitude ==> 太阳高度
  37101. solar altitude angle ==> 太阳高度(以角度计算)
  37102. solar and wind power ==> 太阳能及风力发电技术
  37103. solar angle ==> 太阳角,日照角
  37104. solar annual tide ==> 太阳周期潮
  37105. solar antapex ==> 太阳背点
  37106. solar apex ==> 太阳向点
  37107. solar array ==> 太阳能电池阵=>太陽電池アレイ
  37108. solar array drive assembly ==> 太阳能电池阵激励组件
  37109. solar atlas ==> 太阳图
  37110. solar atmosphere ==> 太阳大气
  37111. solar atmospheric tide ==> 太阳大气潮
  37112. solar attachment ==> 太阳附件,太阳仪
  37113. solar azimuth ==> 太阳方位
  37114. solar azimuth angle ==> 太阳方位角
  37115. solar battery ==> 太阳电池=>太陽電池
  37116. solar battery solar ==> 太阳能电池
  37117. solar blind photocathode ==> 日盲光电阴极
  37118. solar blind photodetector ==> 太阳隐蔽光探测器
  37119. solar blind photomultiplier ==> 日盲光电倍增管
  37120. solar breeze ==> 微太阳风
  37121. solar bridge ==> 太阳桥
  37122. solar burst ==> 太阳暴,太阳爆发
  37123. solar burst radiometer ==> 太阳辐射爆发辐射计
  37124. solar calendar ==> 太阳历
  37125. solar calender ==> 阳历
  37126. solar cell ==> 太阳电池=>太陽電池
  37127. solar cell array ==> 太阳电池组
  37128. solar cell element ==> 太陽電池素子
  37129. solar cell paddle ==> 太阳能电池叶片
  37130. solar cell power supply equipment ==> 太陽電池電源装置
  37131. solar cells go round the bend ==> 曲げても平気な太陽電池
  37132. solar chromosphere ==> 太阳色球
  37133. solar climate ==> 天文气候
  37134. solar collector ==> 太阳能聚集器,太阳能收集器,太阳能吸收器
  37135. solar colors ==> (酸性偶氮染料)太阳染料
  37136. solar communication ==> 太阳通信
  37137. solar component ==> 太阳成分
  37138. solar concentrator ==> 太阳能集中器
  37139. solar concentrator system ==> 聚光太阳能系统
  37140. solar constant ==> 太阳常数=>太陽定数
  37141. solar continuum emission ==> 太阳连续谱辐射
  37142. solar control ==> 日照控制
  37143. solar control glass ==> 防阳光玻璃
  37144. solar converter ==> 太阳能转换器
  37145. solar cooker ==> 太阳灶
  37146. solar cooking ==> 太阳能蒸煮
  37147. solar corona ==> 日华,日冕
  37148. solar coronal hole ==> 日冕洞
  37149. solar coronal loop ==> 日冕圈
  37150. solar corpuscle ==> 太阳微粒
  37151. solar corpuscular beam ==> 太阳微粒束
  37152. solar corpuscular burst ==> 太阳微粒爆发
  37153. solar corpuscular emission ==> 太阳微粒发射
  37154. solar corpuscular flow ==> 太阳微粒流
  37155. solar corpuscular radiation ==> 太阳微粒辐射
  37156. solar corpuscular stream ==> 太阳微粒流
  37157. solar cosmic ray ==> 太阳宇宙射线
  37158. solar cosmic ray event ==> 太阳宇宙线事件
  37159. solar cosmic ray flare ==> 太阳宇宙线耀斑
  37160. solar cycle ==> 太阳活动周,太阳周
  37161. solar cycle effect ==> 太阳周效应
  37162. solar cycle variation ==> 太阳周变化
  37163. solar daily variation ==> 太阳日变化
  37164. solar day ==> 太阳日
  37165. solar declination ==> 太阳赤纬
  37166. solar depression angle ==> 日降角,日落角
  37167. solar dermatitis ==> 日光皮炎
  37168. solar disk ==> 日轮,日面,日盘,太阳圆面
  37169. solar distance ==> 日距
  37170. solar distillation ==> 日晒蒸馏,太阳能蒸馏,利用太阳热能加热海水使其蒸发并将水蒸汽冷凝、收集生产淡水的方法
  37171. solar distillation process ==> 太阳热蒸馏法
  37172. solar disturbance ==> 太阳扰动
  37173. solar disturbed daily variation ==> 太阳扰日变化
  37174. solar diurnal variation ==> 太阳日变化
  37175. solar drying ==> 日光干燥
  37176. solar eclipse ==> 日蚀
  37177. solar eclipse expedition ==> 日食观测队
  37178. solar eclipse limit ==> 日食限
  37179. solar eczema ==> 日光湿疹
  37180. solar elastosis ==> 日光性弹力组织变性
  37181. solar electrical energy generation ==> 太阳能发电
  37182. solar electromagnetic radiation ==> 太阳电磁辐射
  37183. solar electron event ==> 太阳电子事件
  37184. solar emission line ==> 太阳发射谱线
  37185. solar energy ==> 太阳能
  37186. solar energy absorbing coating ==> 太阳能吸收涂层
  37187. solar energy collector ==> 太阳能聚集器
  37188. solar energy converter ==> 太阳能转换器
  37189. solar energy materials ==> 太阳能材料
  37190. solar energy panel ==> 太阳能电池极
  37191. solar energy propulsion ==> 太阳能推进
  37192. Solar Energy Society (SES) ==> (美国)太阳能学会
  37193. solar energy source ==> 太阳能
  37194. solar energy stove ==> 太阳灶
  37195. solar energy technology ==> 太阳能技术
  37196. solar energy transmission ==> 太阳能穿透率
  37197. solar energy used by plants ==> 植物所利用的太阳能
  37198. solar energy utilization ==> 太阳能利用
  37199. solar engine ==> 太阳能发动机
  37200. solar engineering ==> 太阳能工程
  37201. solar equation ==> 日缠
  37202. solar eruption ==> 太阳暴,太阳爆发
  37203. solar escape ==> 脱离太阳引力区
  37204. solar extreme ultraviolet burst ==> 太阳远紫外线暴
  37205. solar eyepiece ==> 太阳目镜,太阳望远镜
  37206. solar facula ==> 太阳光斑
  37207. solar faculae ==> 太阳谱斑
  37208. solar filament ==> 太阳暗条
  37209. solar flare ==> 太阳耀斑=>太陽フレア,A flare is defined as a sudden, rapid, and intense variation in brightness. A solar flare occurs when magnetic energy that has built up in the solar atmosphere is suddenly released
  37210. solar flare effects ==> 太阳耀斑效应
  37211. solar flare event ==> 太阳耀斑效应
  37212. solar flare particle ==> 太阳耀斑粒子
  37213. solar flare proton event ==> 太阳耀斑粒子事件
  37214. solar flocculi ==> 太阳谱斑
  37215. solar flocculus ==> 太阳谱斑
  37216. solar flux ==> 太阳辐射流,太阳通量
  37217. solar flux unit ==> 太阳流量单位
  37218. solar focus ==> ソーラーフォーカス
  37219. solar forecast center ==> 太阳活动预报中心
  37220. solar furnace ==> 太阳炉
  37221. solar gale ==> 太阳暴风
  37222. solar gear ==> 恒星式减速齿轮
  37223. solar generator ==> 太阳发电机,太阳能发电机
  37224. solar geomagnetic tide ==> 太阳地磁潮
  37225. solar granulation ==> 太阳米粒组织
  37226. solar heat ==> 太阳热
  37227. solar heat exchanger drive (SHED) ==> 太阳换热器推进
  37228. solar heat gain ==> 日照得热量
  37229. solar heat storage ==> 太阳热储存
  37230. solar heating ==> 太阳能采暖
  37231. solar hot water ==> 太陽熱温水器
  37232. solar hour ==> 太阳小时
  37233. solar house ==> 太阳房,太阳室,太阳屋,采太阳光用于加热的玻璃房
  37234. solar illuminated satellite ==> 太阳照射卫星
  37235. solar impulsive hard X-ray burst ==> 太阳脉冲式硬X射线暴
  37236. solar incident angle ==> 太阳入射角
  37237. solar infrared ==> 太阳红外线
  37238. solar insanity ==> 日射性精神病
  37239. solar interplanetary medium ==> 太阳行星标介质
  37240. solar irradiance ==> 太阳辐射照度
  37241. solar latitude ==> 太阳纬度
  37242. solar light ==> 太陽光
  37243. solar light absorptivity ==> 太陽光吸収率
  37244. solar limb ==> 日面边缘
  37245. solar local radio source ==> 太阳局部射电源
  37246. solar longitude ==> 太阳经度,日面经度
  37247. solar luminosity ==> 太阳光度
  37248. solar magnetic field ==> 太阳磁场
  37249. solar magnetism ==> 太阳磁学
  37250. solar mass ==> 太阳质量
  37251. solar maximum temperature ==> 最高日射温度
  37252. solar microwave burst ==> 太阳微波暴
  37253. solar module ==> 太阳电池组件
  37254. solar month ==> 太阳月
  37255. solar motion ==> 太阳运动
  37256. solar nebula ==> 太阳星云
  37257. solar network ==> 太阳色球网络
  37258. solar neutrino ==> 太阳中微子
  37259. solar neutrino flux ==> 太阳中微子流量
  37260. solar neutrino problem ==> 太阳中微子问题
  37261. solar neutrino unit (SNU) ==> 太阳中微子单位
  37262. solar noise ==> 太阳噪声=>太陽雑音
  37263. solar nutation ==> 太阳章动
  37264. solar oblateness ==> 太阳扁率
  37265. solar observation satellite ==> 太陽観測衛星
  37266. solar observing and forecasting network ==> 太阳观测与预报网
  37267. solar oil ==> 太阳油
  37268. solar orbit ==> 太阳轨道
  37269. solar orientation ==> 朝阳,朝阳方位
  37270. solar outburst ==> 太阳大爆发
  37271. solar paddle ==> 太陽電池パドル
  37272. solar paddles ==> 太阳电池帆板
  37273. solar panel ==> 太阳电池板,太阳能电池板=>太陽電池パネル
  37274. solar parallax ==> 太阳视差
  37275. Solar Park ==> 太阳能园区=>ソーラーパーク
  37276. solar particle ==> 太阳粒子
  37277. solar particle alert network ==> 太阳粒子警戒网
  37278. solar particle events ==> 太阳粒子事件
  37279. solar patrol ==> 太阳巡视
  37280. solar period ==> 太阳周期
  37281. solar periscope ==> (航测用)太阳潜望镜
  37282. solar phenomena ==> 太阳现象
  37283. solar photophthalmia ==> 雪盲
  37284. solar physics ==> 太阳物理
  37285. solar plage ==> 太阳谱斑
  37286. solar plasma ==> 太阳等离子体
  37287. solar plasma stream ==> 太阳等离子体流
  37288. solar plexus ==> 太阳丛,太阳神经
  37289. solar polar wind ==> 极区太阳风
  37290. solar pond ==> 太阳能水池
  37291. solar power ==> 太阳能,太阳能动力
  37292. solar power plant ==> 太阳能发电厂
  37293. solar power satellite station ==> 太阳能卫星电站
  37294. solar power station ==> 太阳能发电厂
  37295. solar powered auto ==> 太阳能汽车
  37296. solar powered space vehicle ==> 太阳能动力航天器
  37297. solar powered telephone ==> 太阳能电话
  37298. solar powered tractor ==> 太阳能拖拉机
  37299. solar probe ==> 太阳探测器
  37300. solar probe spacecraft ==> 太阳探测宇宙飞船
  37301. solar prominence ==> 紅炎
  37302. solar propagation ==> 太阳繁殖
  37303. solar propagation frame ==> 日温繁殖箱
  37304. solar propulsion ==> 太阳能推进
  37305. solar proton ==> 太阳质子
  37306. solar proton event ==> 太阳质子事件,太阳质子效应
  37307. solar proton flare ==> 太阳质子耀斑
  37308. solar proton flux ==> 太阳质子流
  37309. solar proton monitor ==> 太阳质子监视仪
  37310. solar prurigo ==> 日光性痒疹
  37311. solar pulsation ==> 太阳脉动
  37312. solar pumping ==> 日光泵浦,日光抽运
  37313. solar quiet daily variation ==> 太阳静日变化
  37314. solar quiet daily variation field ==> 太阳静日变化场
  37315. solar quiet day ==> 太阳静日
  37316. solar radar ==> 太阳雷达
  37317. solar radiation ==> 太阳辐射,日射
  37318. solar radiation energy ==> 太阳辐射能
  37319. solar radiation error ==> 太阳辐射误差
  37320. solar radiation event ==> 太阳辐射事件
  37321. solar radiation forecast ==> 日射量予測
  37322. solar radiation intensity ==> 太阳辐射强度
  37323. solar radiation measuring satellite ==> 太阳辐射测量卫星
  37324. solar radiation measuring set ==> 太阳辐射测量仪
  37325. solar radiation observation ==> 太阳辐射观测
  37326. solar radiation pressure ==> 太阳辐射压
  37327. solar radiation satellite ==> 太阳辐射卫星
  37328. Solar Radiation Satellite ==> 太阳辐射测量卫星
  37329. solar radiation simulator ==> 太阳辐射模拟器
  37330. solar radio astronomy ==> 太阳射电天文学
  37331. solar radio burst ==> 太阳射电爆发
  37332. solar radio dynamic spectrograph ==> 太阳射电运动频谱仪
  37333. solar radio emission ==> 太阳射电发射,太阳射电辐射
  37334. solar radio noise storm ==> 太阳射电噪暴
  37335. solar radio radiation ==> 太阳射电
  37336. solar radio waves ==> 太阳射电辐射
  37337. solar radiowaves ==> 太阳射电波
  37338. solar radius ==> 太阳半径
  37339. solar reflectance ==> 日光反射比
  37340. solar reflecting glass ==> 太阳反光玻璃
  37341. solar reflection surface ==> 太阳热反射面
  37342. solar refrigeration ==> 太阳能制冷
  37343. solar regenerator ==> 太阳能再生器
  37344. solar ring ==> 环式日晷
  37345. solar rocket ==> 太阳火箭
  37346. solar roof ==> 太阳能光电瓦,太阳能光电板=>ソーラーの集熱屋根
  37347. solar roof tile ==> 太阳能光电瓦
  37348. solar rotation ==> 太阳自转
  37349. solar sail ==> 太阳帆
  37350. solar salt ==> 太阳盐
  37351. solar satellite ==> 太阳卫星
  37352. solar scarlet ==> 太阳猩红
  37353. solar seeing monitor ==> 太阳视宁度临测仪
  37354. solar semidiurnal tide ==> 太阳半日潮
  37355. solar sensor ==> 太阳传感器
  37356. solar service ==> 太阳服务
  37357. solar shield ==> 阳光防护窗
  37358. solar soft X-ray burst ==> 太阳软X射线暴
  37359. solar space ==> 太阳空间
  37360. solar space vehicle ==> 太阳研究航天器,人造太阳行星
  37361. solar spectral intensity ==> 太阳光谱强度
  37362. solar spectral irradiation ==> 分光放射照度
  37363. solar spectrograph ==> 太阳摄谱仪
  37364. solar spectrum ==> 太阳光谱,太阳谱
  37365. solar spicule ==> 太阳针状物,针状物
  37366. solar spot light ==> 太阳聚光灯
  37367. solar spot prominence ==> 黑子日珥
  37368. solar star ==> 太阳型星
  37369. solar still ==> 太阳能蒸发器
  37370. solar storm ==> 太阳暴=>太陽フレア
  37371. solar stream ==> 太阳流
  37372. solar system ==> 太陽系
  37373. solar system exploration ==> 太阳系探索
  37374. solar system meteor ==> 太阳系流星
  37375. solar telescope ==> 太阳望远镜
  37376. solar temperature ==> 太阳温度,日射温度,日照温度
  37377. solar term ==> 节气
  37378. solar thermal power generation ==> 太陽熱発電
  37379. solar thermionic generator ==> 太阳离子发电机
  37380. solar thermometer ==> 辐射温度计
  37381. solar tidal wave ==> 日潮波
  37382. solar tide ==> 太阳潮
  37383. solar time ==> 太阳时
  37384. solar tower ==> 太阳塔
  37385. solar transition region ==> 太阳过渡区
  37386. solar turboelectric drive (STED) ==> 太阳涡轮电推进
  37387. solar turboelectric power unit ==> 太阳能涡轮发电装置
  37388. solar ultraviolet ==> 太阳紫外线
  37389. solar ultraviolet radiation ==> 太阳紫外辐射
  37390. solar ultravioletimaging telescope ==> 太阳紫外成像望远镜
  37391. solar utilization ==> 太阳能利用
  37392. solar watch ==> 太阳能表
  37393. solar water heater ==> 太阳能热水器=>ソーラー集熱器
  37394. solar wind ==> 太阳风
  37395. solar wind acceleration ==> 太陽風加速
  37396. solar wind anisotropy ==> 太陽風異方性
  37397. solar wind boundary ==> 太阳风边界
  37398. solar wind flow ==> 太陽風流
  37399. solar wind geomagnetic field boundary ==> 太阳风地磁场边界
  37400. solar wind ion ==> 太陽風イオン
  37401. solar X-ray ==> 太阳X射线
  37402. solar X-ray astronomy ==> 太阳X射线天文学
  37403. solar X-ray flare ==> 太阳X射线耀斑
  37404. solar X-ray irradiance ==> 太阳X射线辐照度
  37405. solar year ==> 太阳年
  37406. solar zenith angle ==> 太阳天顶角
  37407. solar zone refiner ==> 太阳能区域精炼炉
  37408. solar γ-ray burst ==> 太阳γ射电暴
  37409. solar-cell ==> 光电管
  37410. solar-energy evaporator ==> 太阳能蒸发器
  37411. solar-excited laser ==> 太阳光抽运激光器
  37412. solar-flare forecast ==> 太阳耀斑预报
  37413. solar-flare hazard ==> 太阳耀斑危险
  37414. solar-interplanetary magnetic loop ==> 太阳-行星际磁圈
  37415. solar-powered alternator unit ==> 太阳能交流发电机
  37416. solar-powered radio ==> 太阳能无线电设备
  37417. solar-powered satellite ==> 太阳动力卫星
  37418. solar-radiation observation ==> 日射观测
  37419. solar-ray electron ==> 太阳射线电子
  37420. solar-system operation ==> 太阳系内飞行
  37421. solar-terrestrial physics ==> 日地物理学
  37422. solar-terrestrial relationship ==> 日地关系
  37423. solar-topographic theory ==> 太阳地形说
  37424. solar-type reaction ==> 太阳型反应
  37425. solar-type star ==> 太阳型恒星,太阳型星
  37426. solarimeter ==> 日射强度计
  37427. Solaris ==> Sun用のUNIX OS(サン・マイクロシステムズ社)
  37428. solarization ==> 日晒,日晒作用,曝晒作用,阳光辐射作用,晒
  37429. solarization curve ==> 负感曲线
  37430. solarization density ==> 负感密度
  37431. solarization image ==> 负感像,反转像
  37432. solarization method ==> 日晒法
  37433. solarized image ==> 光致负感像
  37434. SOLAS Safety Of Life At Sea (International Convention) ==> 海上生命安全
  37435. SOLAS, International Convention for the Safety of Life at ==> Sea
  37436. solber ==> 钎接
  37437. Solc filter ==> 索尔克滤光器
  37438. sold forward exchange ==> 卖出远期外汇
  37439. sold inside the country ==> 内销
  37440. solder ==> 焊剂,焊接剂,焊料,焊锡,焊药,软钎焊,软钎料,模板支撑,结合物,低温焊料,钎焊,钎焊填充金属,钎料=>はんだ,ろう
  37441. solder ability ==> 钎焊性
  37442. solder acid ==> 焊锡水
  37443. solder alloy ==> 焊料合金,合金钎料,钎焊合金
  37444. solder bond ==> 焊接接缝
  37445. solder brazing ==> 硬钎焊
  37446. solder bump ==> 焊料隆起焊盘
  37447. solder coater ==> 焊料涂敷装置
  37448. solder cream ==> 焊膏,焊锡膏=>はんだクリーム
  37449. solder dip(ping) ==> 浸焊
  37450. solder drop junction ==> 焊滴接点
  37451. solder embrittlement ==> 焊料渗入致脆,钎料脆性
  37452. solder evacuator device ==> 焊料排出装置
  37453. solder fusing ==> 焊料熔化
  37454. solder fusion system ==> 焊料熔化装置
  37455. solder glass ==> 焊接用玻璃,焊接用的玻璃,焊料玻璃
  37456. solder iron ==> 焊铁
  37457. solder joint ==> 焊接接缝,钎焊缝,钎焊接头
  37458. solder leach ==> はんだ浸食
  37459. solder mask ==> 焊接掩模
  37460. solder pad ==> 焊料隆起焊盘
  37461. solder paint ==> 软焊涂料
  37462. solder paste ==> 焊膏
  37463. solder paste printer ==> 焊膏印刷机
  37464. solder plating ==> はんだめっき
  37465. solder powder ==> 焊锡粉
  37466. solder seal ==> 焊封
  37467. solder sealer ==> 焊封装置
  37468. solder sealing ==> 焊封
  37469. solder set ==> 焊接用具,钎焊用具
  37470. solder stick ==> 焊锡丝
  37471. solder wire ==> 焊条,钎料丝
  37472. solder wire extruder ==> 焊条挤压机
  37473. solder(ing) iron ==> 烙铁
  37474. solder(ing)acid ==> 氯化锌水溶液
  37475. solder-covered wire ==> 焊锡包线,锡包线
  37476. solder-tail socket ==> 焊引线管座
  37477. solderability ==> 可焊性
  37478. solderable ==> 可软焊
  37479. soldered (brazed) joint ==> 点焊接合
  37480. soldered ball ==> 焊球
  37481. soldered connection ==> 焊接接头
  37482. soldered crown ==> 焊接冠
  37483. soldered fitting ==> 钎焊接头
  37484. soldered joint ==> 软钎焊接头,焊接接头,焊接头=>はんだ接続,はんだ継手
  37485. soldered lug ==> 焊连线夹
  37486. soldered pipe ==> 锡焊管
  37487. soldered seam ==> 钎焊焊缝
  37488. soldered thermoelectric refrigerating unit ==> 焊接式热电制冷器
  37489. soldered up ==> 焊接住的
  37490. solderer ==> 钎焊工,钎焊机
  37491. solderer's helmet ==> 焊工头罩
  37492. soldering ==> 焊接,软焊,软钎焊,低温焊接=>はんだ付け,ろう付け,軟ろう付け
  37493. soldering acid ==> 钎焊用酸,钎剂
  37494. soldering almp ==> 喷灯
  37495. soldering and sealing ==> 封焊
  37496. soldering apparatus ==> 焊接器
  37497. soldering appliance ==> 焊接工具
  37498. soldering bit ==> 烙铁
  37499. soldering blow pipe ==> 焊接用吹管
  37500. soldering borax ==> 焊接硼砂
  37501. soldering chemical ==> 焊接用化学品
  37502. soldering coal ==> 炼焦煤
  37503. soldering copper ==> 钎焊烙铁,钎焊用铜,铜烙铁,烙铁
  37504. soldering cup ==> 防尘套
  37505. soldering fat ==> 钎焊膏
  37506. soldering fluid ==> 焊接液,焊油
  37507. soldering flux ==> 焊剂,合金助焊剂,钎焊剂,软钎剂,助焊剂,焊料=>はんだ付剤
  37508. soldering forceps ==> 焊接镊
  37509. soldering gun ==> 焊枪,钎焊枪
  37510. soldering hammer ==> 钎焊焊接器,烙铁
  37511. soldering iron ==> 紫铜烙铁,钎焊烙铁,焊铁=>はんだごて
  37512. soldering joint ==> (用焊料焊接的)焊接缝=>はんだなし接続
  37513. soldering joint failure ==> 定子线棒接头开焊,绕组线棒接头焊接质量不良导致运行中开焊
  37514. soldering ladle ==> 焊锡杓
  37515. soldering lamp ==> 焊灯,焊接用喷灯,钎焊用喷灯
  37516. soldering leak ==> 漏焊=>はんだ付け漏れ,溶接漏れ
  37517. soldering liquid ==> 钎焊液
  37518. soldering lug ==> 钎焊片
  37519. soldering machine ==> 钎焊机,焊机
  37520. soldering paste ==> 焊膏,焊接膏,焊锡膏,焊药,钎焊膏,钎焊焊剂,钎焊油=>はんだペースト
  37521. soldering peeling ==> 脱焊=>溶接剥れ
  37522. soldering pencil ==> 钎焊笔
  37523. soldering pin ==> 焊接销
  37524. soldering point ==> 焊接点,钎焊点
  37525. soldering powder ==> 粉状钎焊剂
  37526. soldering preparation ==> 焊接制剂
  37527. soldering robot ==> 锡焊机器人
  37528. soldering salt ==> 焊盐
  37529. soldering seam ==> 钎缝
  37530. soldering sleeve ==> 焊接套管
  37531. soldering tag ==> 焊片
  37532. soldering temperature ==> 焊接温度
  37533. soldering tin ==> 焊锡
  37534. soldering tool ==> 焊接工具
  37535. soldering torch ==> 钎焊焊炬,钎焊炬
  37536. soldering turret ==> 焊钳
  37537. soldering tweezers ==> 焊接镊
  37538. soldering wire ==> 焊丝
  37539. soldering work for steel bind of rotor end winding ==> 回転子コイルエンド部バインド線はんだ揚げ
  37540. solderless assembly ==> 无焊剂装配
  37541. solderless bond ==> 无焊连接
  37542. solderless connection ==> 无焊连接
  37543. solderless connector ==> 异线绞合器
  37544. solderless fitting ==> 无焊接头
  37545. solderless joint ==> 无焊连接,无缝焊焊接,扭接
  37546. solderless splice ==> 无焊接合
  37547. solderless wiring ==> 无焊布线
  37548. solderless wrapped connection ==> 绕接
  37549. soldier ==> 立砌砖,模板立柱,兵蚁,支承土压力的竖桩
  37550. soldier arch ==> 立砌砖拱
  37551. soldier beam ==> 挡土板立桩
  37552. soldier course ==> 立砌砖层
  37553. soldier spots ==> 军人斑,军人斑
  37554. soldier's kit ==> 軍装
  37555. soldiers' pay and provisions ==> 军饷
  37556. sole ==> 底,底部,底面,炉底,足底,木隔墙下槛,基部,基底冰=>足底,唯一の
  37557. sole agent ==> 総代理人
  37558. sole and unconditional ownership clause ==> 所有权独有条款,所有权独有条款
  37559. sole bar ==> 底杆
  37560. sole bar angle ==> 底角铁
  37561. sole cutting edge countersink ==> 单刃锥口钻
  37562. sole distributorship ==> 独占販売権,総代理店の権利
  37563. sole distributorship agreement ==> 独占販売店契約
  37564. sole fault ==> 底基断层
  37565. sole flue ==> 炉底烟道
  37566. sole heel reinforced nailing machine ==> 底跟加固打钉机
  37567. sole injection ==> 基底贯入
  37568. sole leather roller ==> 底革辊筒机
  37569. sole licence contract ==> 排他性许可证合同
  37570. sole license ==> 排他性许可证
  37571. sole mark ==> 底痕
  37572. sole marking ==> 底面印痕作用
  37573. sole piece ==> (模板内的)钢筋填块
  37574. sole piece (模板内的) ==> 钢筋填块
  37575. sole plate ==> 钢轨垫板,基础板,基础底板,基础底座=>台板
  37576. sole reflex ==> 跖反射,足底反射
  37577. sole use ==> 専用
  37578. sole weight ==> 自重
  37579. sole-material cutter ==> 裁底料机
  37580. sole-toe-flexion reflex ==> 足趾屈肌反射
  37581. soleal line ==> 比目鱼肌线
  37582. Soleil compensator ==> 索累补偿器
  37583. soleil weave ==> 重缎组织
  37584. solemn mode ==> 郑重方式
  37585. solenoid ==> 圆筒形线圈,螺线管,中空螺旋管=>ソレノイド
  37586. solenoid actuator ==> 螺线管传动器,螺线管执行器
  37587. solenoid ammeter ==> 螺线管安培计
  37588. solenoid brake ==> 螺线管制动器,电磁制动器
  37589. solenoid clutch ==> 电磁圈式离合器
  37590. solenoid coil ==> 电磁线圈,电磁铁线圈,筒管形线圈
  37591. solenoid controlled pilot operational valves ==> 电磁导向切换阀=>電磁パイロット切替弁
  37592. solenoid directional valve ==> 电磁换向阀=>ソレノイド一方通行弁
  37593. solenoid drive ==> 电磁驱动
  37594. solenoid electric valve ==> 电磁控制阀
  37595. solenoid motor ==> ソレノイドアクチュエータ
  37596. solenoid operated actuator ==> 电磁操作机构
  37597. solenoid operated air valve ==> 电磁操纵空气阀
  37598. solenoid operated closing mechanism ==> 电磁闭合装置
  37599. solenoid operated clutches ==> 电磁控制离合器
  37600. solenoid operated spoiler ==> 电螺管控制的扰流片
  37601. solenoid operation ==> 電磁操作
  37602. solenoid pilot actuated valve ==> 电磁阀
  37603. solenoid relay ==> 插棒式继电器
  37604. solenoid starter ==> 螺旋线圈起动器
  37605. solenoid switch ==> 电磁开关
  37606. solenoid valve ==> 电磁阀,螺线管操纵阀=>ソレノイド電磁弁
  37607. solenoid valve box ==> 电磁阀盒
  37608. solenoid valves ==> 电磁阀
  37609. solenoid-actuated ==> 电磁铁操纵的
  37610. solenoid-and-plunger ==> 插棒式铁芯螺线管
  37611. solenoid-controlled ==> 电磁铁操纵的
  37612. solenoid-controlled valve ==> 电磁阀
  37613. solenoid-operated ==> 螺管磁铁操作
  37614. solenoid-operated closing mechanism ==> 螺线管闭合装置,电磁闭合装置
  37615. solenoid-operated switch ==> 电磁控制开关
  37616. solenoid-operated valve ==> 电磁控制阀
  37617. solenoidal field ==> 螺线管磁场,无散矢场
  37618. solenoidal index ==> 力管指数
  37619. solenoidal magnetic field ==> 螺线管磁场
  37620. solenoidal vector field ==> 螺线向量场
  37621. soletap reflex ==> 赖默氏反射
  37622. solf and thick ==> 茸毛
  37623. solfur oxide ==> 硫黄酸化物
  37624. solicit operation ==> 请求操作
  37625. solicit subscription ==> 募捐
  37626. solicited message ==> 请求信息
  37627. solid ==> 立体,固体,固体的,强固的,整体,硫化锑,实,实的,坚,坚固
  37628. solid absorbent ==> 固体吸附剂
  37629. solid abutment ==> 实体桥台
  37630. solid acid catalyst ==> 固体酸催化剂
  37631. solid adjustable taps ==> 可调整螺丝攻
  37632. solid alcohol ==> 固体酒精
  37633. solid alumina ==> 固体氧化铝
  37634. solid analytical geometry ==> 立体解析几何
  37635. solid angle ==> 立体角
  37636. solid anode ==> 实心阳极
  37637. solid antitank shot ==> 实心穿甲弹
  37638. solid apron ==> 强固铺板
  37639. solid arch ==> 实体拱
  37640. solid area ==> 实面积
  37641. solid arrow ==> 实箭头,实线箭头
  37642. solid asphalt ==> 固体沥青
  37643. solid axle ==> 实心轴
  37644. solid back transmitter ==> 竖背式送话器
  37645. solid ballast ==> 固体压载
  37646. solid bar ==> 实习型钢,实心棒材
  37647. solid beam ==> 实心梁
  37648. solid bearing ==> 整体轴承
  37649. solid bearing liner ==> 单层轴瓦
  37650. solid bed ==> 定床
  37651. solid billet ==> 实体短木段,实心坯
  37652. solid bit ==> 实心钻头
  37653. solid block ==> 实心砌块,基线三角架
  37654. solid block mold ==> 整体结晶器
  37655. solid body ==> 固体
  37656. solid body rotation ==> 固体自转
  37657. solid bolck model ==> 实心船模
  37658. solid borer ==> 钻头
  37659. solid boring bar ==> 深孔钻杆
  37660. solid boring head ==> 深孔钻刀头
  37661. solid borne sound ==> 固体载声
  37662. solid borne vibration ==> 固体载振动
  37663. solid boundary ==> 固体边壁
  37664. solid bowl ==> 无孔转鼓
  37665. solid bowl centrifuge ==> 卧式离心分选机
  37666. solid bowl type screw decanter ==> 卧式沉降螺旋卸料离心分离机
  37667. solid brick ==> 实心砖
  37668. solid brick pagoda ==> 实心砖塔
  37669. solid bridge floor ==> 实体桥面
  37670. solid bridging ==> 搁栅横撑
  37671. solid broach ==> 整体拉刀
  37672. solid bullet ==> 实心子弹
  37673. solid bushing ==> 固体瓷套管=>単一形ブッシング
  37674. solid cable ==> 实心电缆
  37675. solid cadmium ==> 固体镉
  37676. solid cam ==> 立体凸轮
  37677. solid car ==> 整体矿车
  37678. solid carbide ==> 整体硬质合金刀具
  37679. solid carbon ==> 实心炭棒
  37680. solid carbon brush ==> 实心炭刷
  37681. solid carbon dioxide ==> 干冰,固态二氧化碳,固体二氧化碳
  37682. solid carburization ==> 固体渗碳
  37683. solid carburizing ==> 固体渗碳
  37684. solid carcinoma of breast ==> 乳房实性癌
  37685. solid case ==> 实心护圈
  37686. solid cast door ==> 实体浇铸门
  37687. solid casting ==> 实体浇铸,实心铸件
  37688. solid caustic soda ==> 固碱
  37689. solid caustic soda pot ==> 熬碱锅
  37690. solid caustic soda section ==> 固碱工段
  37691. solid center ==> 整体顶尖
  37692. solid center auger bit with one spur ==> 单翼木工钻头
  37693. solid center bit ==> 木工钻头
  37694. solid center bit with one spur ==> 单翼木工钻头
  37695. solid center eyed anger ==> 木工钻
  37696. solid center eyed auger with one spur ==> 单翼木工钻
  37697. solid centre spot ==> 实心亮点
  37698. solid chimney checkerwork ==> 烟道式格子体
  37699. solid chock ==> 实心木垛
  37700. solid circuit ==> 固态电路,固体电路
  37701. solid circuit block ==> 固体电路块
  37702. solid cladding ==> 固体涂层
  37703. solid coating ==> 固体涂料
  37704. solid collecting chamber ==> 固体存积腔
  37705. solid column ==> 实体柱
  37706. solid complex ==> 固体络合物
  37707. solid concrete beam ==> 实心混凝土梁
  37708. solid conduction ==> 固体导电
  37709. solid conductivity ==> 固体传导性
  37710. solid conductor ==> 实心导线
  37711. solid cone ==> 整体锥式
  37712. solid constituent ==> 固体组分
  37713. solid content ==> 固体含量,容积
  37714. solid contraction ==> 固体收缩
  37715. solid conveying machinery ==> 固体输送机械
  37716. solid copper ==> 固体铜
  37717. solid copper wire ==> 实心铜线
  37718. solid core ==> 实心铁心=>塊状鉄心
  37719. solid core drill ==> 整体扩孔钻
  37720. solid core type ==> 中実タイプ
  37721. solid counter ==> 固态计数器
  37722. solid coupled drive ==> 刚性联接驱动
  37723. solid coupling ==> 刚性联轴器,刚性连接
  37724. solid coverage ==> 立体图,空间图
  37725. solid crankshaft ==> 实心曲轴
  37726. solid crib timbering ==> 实心木垛支护,密集井框支架
  37727. solid cribbing ==> 实心木垛
  37728. solid cryogenic cooler ==> 固体低温致冷器
  37729. solid cubic content ==> 实积
  37730. solid cutter ==> 整体刀盘
  37731. solid cylindrical rotor ==> 实心圆柱形转子
  37732. solid deck ==> 实体桥面板
  37733. solid delay line ==> 固体延迟线
  37734. solid deodorizer ==> 固体除臭剂
  37735. solid deposits ==> 固体淀积物
  37736. solid diamond bit ==> 实心金刚石钻头
  37737. solid die ==> 整体板牙,整体模,整体式凹模
  37738. solid die forging machinery ==> 实心模锻机
  37739. solid dielectric ==> 固体电介质,固体介质
  37740. solid dielectric laser ==> 固体电介质激光器
  37741. solid dielectrics ==> 固体絶縁物
  37742. solid diffusion ==> 固相扩散
  37743. solid diffusion-sintering ==> 同時拡散接合法
  37744. solid discharge ==> 固体径流量
  37745. solid disk ==> 硬磁盘
  37746. solid dispersion ==> 固态分散体
  37747. solid door ==> 实心门
  37748. solid door frame ==> 实心门框
  37749. solid dosage forms ==> 固体剂型
  37750. solid drawn ==> 整体拉制的
  37751. solid drawn tube ==> 拉制管
  37752. solid drill ==> 整体钻头
  37753. solid drilling ==> 实心钻法,实心钻头凿岩
  37754. solid drum rotor ==> 整锻鼓形转子
  37755. solid earth ==> 固定接地,固体地球
  37756. solid earthed neutral ==> 直接接地中性点
  37757. solid eccentric sheave ==> 实体偏心轮
  37758. solid electrolyte ==> 固体电解质=>固体電解質
  37759. solid electrolyte fuel cell ==> 固体电解质燃料电池
  37760. solid electrolyte oxygen sensor ==> 固体电解质测氧仪
  37761. solid electrolytic capacitor ==> 固态电解电容器,固体电解电容器
  37762. solid electronic device ==> 固态电子器件
  37763. solid electronics ==> 固体电子学
  37764. solid emplacement ==> 固态侵位
  37765. solid enclosure ==> 不透气外壳
  37766. solid error ==> 固定性错误
  37767. solid evidence ==> 手堅い証拠
  37768. solid expansion thermometer ==> 固体膨胀温度计
  37769. solid explosive ==> 固体炸药
  37770. solid extract ==> 固体萃取原料
  37771. solid feed inlet ==> 固体加料口,固体原料入口
  37772. solid ferrite ==> 固体铁淦氧
  37773. solid figure ==> 立体图形
  37774. solid filled capacitor ==> 固体充填コンデンサ
  37775. solid film lubricant ==> 固体膜润滑剂
  37776. solid film lubrication ==> 固体润滑
  37777. solid flat metal gasket ==> 实心金属垫片
  37778. solid floor ==> 实心地板,实心楼板
  37779. solid flow ==> 固态流,固体径流,固体流动
  37780. solid flow control valve ==> 固相流量控制阀
  37781. solid flux ==> 固体焊剂
  37782. solid fluxing agent ==> 固体熔剂
  37783. solid food ==> 固体食物
  37784. solid forged backup roll ==> 整锻支承辊
  37785. solid forging ==> 整体锻造,实锻
  37786. solid forming machine ==> 固体成型机
  37787. solid frame ==> 实心窗框,实心门框=>塊状枠
  37788. solid friction ==> 固体摩擦
  37789. solid front pressure ga(u)ge ==> 整体表面压力计
  37790. solid fuel ==> 固体燃料,呈固态的化石燃料、生物质燃料及其加工处理所得的固态燃料
  37791. solid fuel-fired boiler ==> 固体燃料锅炉,燃用固体燃料(煤、煤矸石、油页岩、甘蔗渣、木柴、秸秆和固体废料、垃圾等)的锅炉。
  37792. solid fuels ==> 固体燃料
  37793. solid fused ==> 氯化钙
  37794. solid fused calcium chloride ==> 固体熔融氯化钙
  37795. solid fused caustic soda ==> 固体熔融烧碱
  37796. solid fused sodium sulphide ==> 固体熔融硫化钠
  37797. solid ga(u)ge ==> 单极限量规
  37798. solid gas circuit breaker ==> 固体气体断路器
  37799. solid geometry ==> 立体几何,立体几何学
  37800. solid gold ==> 纯金,赤金,足金
  37801. solid gravity dam ==> 实心重力坝
  37802. solid gravity wall ==> 实体重力式岸壁
  37803. solid groin ==> 实体丁坝
  37804. solid ground ==> 直接接地
  37805. solid guide ==> 固态波导管
  37806. solid hacksaw frame with wooden handle ==> 木柄式固定钢锯架
  37807. solid harmonics ==> 立体谐和函数
  37808. solid head ==> 坚实叶球
  37809. solid height of spring ==> 弹簧最大压缩高度
  37810. solid helium ==> (低温)固体氦
  37811. solid hold pillar ==> 实心舱内支柱
  37812. solid horn ==> 实角
  37813. solid image microscope ==> 立体图像显微镜
  37814. solid impregnant ==> 固体含浸剤
  37815. solid impregnated capacitor ==> 固体含浸コンデンサ
  37816. solid impurity ==> 固体杂质
  37817. solid inclusion ==> 固体夹杂
  37818. solid inclusions ==> 固体夹杂物
  37819. solid ingredient ==> 固体组分
  37820. solid injection ==> 无气喷射
  37821. solid injection diesel ==> 固体喷射柴油机
  37822. solid injection diesel engine ==> 无气喷射柴油发动机
  37823. solid injection system ==> 机械喷油系统
  37824. solid insoluble precipitate ==> 不溶性固体沉淀物
  37825. solid insulated switch gear ==> 固体絶縁スイッチギア
  37826. solid insulation ==> 固体絶縁
  37827. solid insulator ==> 固体绝缘子=>固体絶縁物
  37828. solid integrated circuit ==> 固体集成电路
  37829. solid interface ==> 固体界面
  37830. solid intraductal carcinoma of breast ==> 乳房实性管内癌
  37831. solid intrusion ==> 固体侵入
  37832. solid ion laser ==> 固体离子激光器
  37833. solid iron core ==> 实铁芯,实心铁心
  37834. solid isotherm ==> 固态等温线
  37835. solid jaw ==> 固定爪,整体爪
  37836. solid jaw with lug ==> 带舌普通接杆
  37837. solid jaw with movable lug ==> 带活舌普通接杆
  37838. solid jet ==> 密实射流,连续射流
  37839. solid joint ==> 刚性接合
  37840. solid journal bearing ==> 整体轴颈轴承
  37841. solid key ==> 固定键
  37842. solid laser ==> 固体激光
  37843. solid laser operator ==> 固体激光手术器
  37844. solid layer method, pre deposited pollution test ==> 固体层法,又称“预沉积污层法”。在试品表面涂以均匀导电污层,然后在规定条件下施加电压的一种人工污秽试验方法
  37845. solid level ==> 固体料面
  37846. solid level controller ==> 固相料面调节器
  37847. solid liquid interface ==> 固液界面
  37848. solid load ==> 固体含量
  37849. solid logic technology (SLT) ==> 固态逻辑技术,固体逻辑技术
  37850. solid lower inter node ==> 较下部节间实心
  37851. solid lubricant ==> 润滑脂,固体润滑剂
  37852. solid lubrication ==> 固体润滑
  37853. solid lump ==> 固形腫瘤
  37854. solid magnetic pole ==> 实心磁极
  37855. solid mandrel ==> 整体心轴
  37856. solid manifold ==> 整体油路板
  37857. solid manure ==> 土肥,粪肥堆
  37858. solid masonry unit ==> 实体砌筑单位
  37859. solid mass ==> 实体
  37860. solid material ==> 固体物料
  37861. solid matrix ==> 固体基质
  37862. solid matte ==> 固体锍
  37863. solid matter ==> 固体物质,密排
  37864. solid measure ==> 容量测定
  37865. solid mechanics ==> 固体力学
  37866. solid media ==> 固体介质
  37867. solid medium ==> 固体培养基
  37868. solid metal ==> 固体金属
  37869. solid metal guide ==> 固体金属波导
  37870. solid metal reflector ==> 实心金属反射器
  37871. solid mixture ==> 固体混合物
  37872. solid mo(u)ld ==> 整体模,整体铸型
  37873. solid molding ==> 固体造型
  37874. solid moment of inertia ==> 刚体转动惯量
  37875. solid newel ==> 螺旋楼梯中柱,实心中柱
  37876. solid non-metallic impurity ==> 固体非金属夹杂物
  37877. solid nonmetallic impurity ==> 非金属夹杂物
  37878. solid of light distribution ==> 光强分布曲面图
  37879. solid of luminous-intensity distribution ==> 光强分布曲面图
  37880. solid of revolution ==> 回转体
  37881. solid of rotation ==> 回转体
  37882. solid oil ==> 固体润滑油
  37883. solid oxide fuel cell ==> 固体酸化物形燃料電池
  37884. solid oxygen ==> 固态氧
  37885. solid pagoda ==> 实心塔
  37886. solid panel ==> 厚镶板
  37887. solid paraffin ==> 固体石蜡
  37888. solid particles ==> 固体颗粒
  37889. solid pattern ==> 整体模,实型
  37890. solid pattern mo(u)lding ==> 整体模造型
  37891. solid pedestal ==> 整体轴承
  37892. solid phase ==> 固相
  37893. solid phase bond ==> 固相接着
  37894. solid phase condensation ==> 固相缩合
  37895. solid phase enzyme ==> 固相酶
  37896. solid phase epitaxial ==> 固相外延
  37897. solid phase epitaxy ==> 固相外延
  37898. solid phase of soil ==> 土壤固相
  37899. solid phase polymerization ==> 固相聚合
  37900. solid phase radioimmunoassay ==> 固相放射免疫测定
  37901. solid phase reaction ==> 固相反应
  37902. solid phase synthesis ==> 固相合成
  37903. solid phase welding ==> 压力焊,固相焊接
  37904. solid phosphor laser ==> 固态磷光体激光器,固体磷光体激光器
  37905. solid phosphoric acid slurry ==> 糊状磷酸催化剂
  37906. solid photoresist ==> 固体光刻胶
  37907. solid pipe wrench ==> 固定管扳手
  37908. solid piston ==> 实心活塞
  37909. solid planting ==> 密条播
  37910. solid planting of clone ==> 纯粹无性系植区
  37911. solid plate ==> 定模板
  37912. solid pole ==> 整块磁极,实磁心
  37913. solid polyethylene insulation ==> 固体聚乙烯绝缘
  37914. solid polymer electrolyte ==> 固定高分子膜
  37915. solid polymerization ==> 固相聚合
  37916. solid porcelain ==> 全瓷器皿
  37917. solid post ==> 实心接线柱
  37918. solid precipitation ==> 固态降水
  37919. solid probe ==> 固体探测器
  37920. solid propellant ==> 固体推进剂
  37921. solid propellant assisted take-off unit ==> 固体火箭助推器
  37922. solid propellant binder ==> 固体火箭燃料粘结剂
  37923. solid propellant booster ==> 固体燃料起飞发动机
  37924. solid propellant engine ==> 固体推进剂火箭发动机
  37925. solid propellant rocket ==> 固体燃料火箭
  37926. solid propellant rocket engine ==> 固体推進剤ロケット・エンジン
  37927. solid propellant sustainer ==> 固体推进剂主发动机
  37928. solid propulsor ==> 固体火箭发动机
  37929. solid pulverizing machinery ==> 固体粉碎机械
  37930. solid pump ==> 固体吹散泵,固体输送泵
  37931. solid punch ==> 整体冲头,实心冲头
  37932. solid quay wall ==> 实体岸壁
  37933. solid reaction process ==> 固相反应法
  37934. solid reamer ==> 实体铰刀
  37935. solid refrigerator ==> 固体制冷器
  37936. solid refuse ==> 固体垃圾
  37937. solid residue ==> 固体残渣,烘干残渣
  37938. solid resistance ==> 固体电阻
  37939. solid resistor ==> 固体抵抗器,ソリッド抵抗器
  37940. solid retainer ==> 整体护圈
  37941. solid rib arch ==> 实肋拱
  37942. solid rim ==> 实心圈
  37943. solid rivet ==> 实心铆钉
  37944. solid rock ==> 坚岩
  37945. solid rocket ==> 固体火箭,固体燃料火箭
  37946. solid rocket fuel ==> 固体推进剂
  37947. solid rocket propellant ==> 固体火箭推进剂,固体推进剂
  37948. solid rolled center ==> 整轧轮心
  37949. solid roller ==> 实心滚子
  37950. solid roller bearing ==> 实心滚子轴承
  37951. solid rotary conveyor ==> 固定旋转式输送机
  37952. solid rotor ==> 整块转子,实心转子=>塊状回転子
  37953. solid rubber ==> 固体橡胶
  37954. solid rubber tyre ==> 实心橡皮轮胎
  37955. solid sample ==> 固体试样
  37956. solid Schmidt telescope ==> 立体施密特望远镜
  37957. solid scintillator measurement ==> 固体闪烁测量
  37958. solid seat ==> 实心座
  37959. solid section ==> 实心部分
  37960. solid separation equipment ==> 固体分隔设备
  37961. solid set ==> 实心集
  37962. solid shaft ==> 连续轴
  37963. solid shafting ==> 实心轴
  37964. solid share ==> 单层钢犁铧
  37965. solid shell ==> 实心弹
  37966. solid shim ==> 整体垫片
  37967. solid shrinkage ==> 固态收缩
  37968. solid skirt piston ==> 导缘实心活塞
  37969. solid slab ==> 实心板
  37970. solid slag ==> 致密熔渣
  37971. solid sleeve ==> 密实套筒
  37972. solid slug ==> 实心块
  37973. solid solubility ==> 固熔度,固溶性,固态溶解度,固体可溶性,固体溶解度
  37974. solid solubility limit ==> 固溶度极限
  37975. solid solution ==> 固溶体,固溶液,固体溶液=>固溶体
  37976. solid solution alloy ==> 固溶合金,固溶体合金
  37977. solid solution cermet (SSC) ==> 固溶体金属陶瓷
  37978. solid solution heat treatment ==> 固溶热处理
  37979. solid solution phase ==> 固溶相
  37980. solid solution saturation ratio ==> 固溶饱和率
  37981. solid solution with twinning ==> 双晶固溶体
  37982. solid solvent ==> 固体溶剂
  37983. solid source ==> 固体源
  37984. solid spar ==> 实心翼梁
  37985. solid sphere ==> 实心球
  37986. solid spindle ==> 无孔心轴
  37987. solid sprinkler system ==> 固定式喷灌系统
  37988. solid state ==> 固态
  37989. solid state amplifier ==> 固态放大器
  37990. solid state camera ==> 固态照相机,固体摄像机
  37991. solid state chemistry ==> 固态化学
  37992. solid state circuit ==> 固体电路
  37993. solid state circuit breaker ==> 固态高压开关
  37994. solid state component ==> 固体组件
  37995. solid state computer ==> 第二代计算机
  37996. solid state data collector ==> 固态数据收集器
  37997. solid state detector ==> 固态探测器
  37998. solid state device ==> 固态装置
  37999. solid state devices ==> 固体器件
  38000. solid state dielectric ==> 固体电介体
  38001. solid state diffusion ==> 固态扩散
  38002. solid state diffusion method ==> 固体扩散法
  38003. solid state display ==> 固体显示器
  38004. solid state drive ==> 固态硬盘
  38005. solid state electronics ==> 固体电子学,固体电子技术
  38006. solid state epitaxy ==> 固相外延
  38007. solid state FM stereo transmitter ==> 固态立体声调频广播发射机
  38008. solid state focusing waveguide ==> 固体聚焦波导
  38009. solid state image converter ==> 固体变像管
  38010. solid state image intensifier ==> 固体像增强器
  38011. solid state image sensing device ==> 固体图像传感装置
  38012. solid state image sensor ==> 撮像(固体)デバイス
  38013. solid state imager ==> 固体成象器
  38014. solid state imaging method ==> 固态成像法
  38015. solid state imaging system ==> 固态成像系统
  38016. solid state infrared modulator ==> 固态红外调制器
  38017. solid state injection laser ==> 固体注入式激光器
  38018. solid state ionics ==> 固态离子学
  38019. solid state ionization detector ==> 固态电离探测器
  38020. solid state junction sensor ==> 固态结传感器
  38021. solid state keyboard ==> 固态键盘
  38022. solid state laser ==> 固体激光器,固态激光器
  38023. solid state laser operation ==> 固态激光器运转
  38024. solid state light detector ==> 固态光探测器
  38025. solid state light emitter ==> 固态光源
  38026. solid state light valve ==> 固态光阀
  38027. solid state logic ==> 固体逻辑
  38028. solid state maser ==> 固态微波激射器=>固体メーザ
  38029. solid state maser oscillator ==> 固态微波激射振荡器
  38030. solid state memory ==> 固态储存器
  38031. solid state metering relay ==> 固态计数继电器
  38032. solid state microwave amplifier ==> 固态微波放大器
  38033. solid state microwave device ==> 固体微波器件
  38034. solid state oscillator ==> 固态振荡器
  38035. solid state phase transition ==> 固态相位跃迁
  38036. solid state photodiode ==> 固态光电二极管
  38037. solid state photorelay ==> 固态光电继电器
  38038. solid state photosensor ==> 固态光敏器件,固体光敏元件
  38039. solid state photovoltaic device ==> 固态光伏器件
  38040. solid state physics ==> 固体物理学
  38041. solid state plasma ==> 固态等离子体
  38042. solid state power amplifier ==> 固态功率放大器
  38043. solid state pressure sensor ==> 固态压力传感器
  38044. solid state quantum electronics ==> 固态量子电子学
  38045. solid state reaction ==> 固态反应
  38046. solid state reference electrode ==> 固态参比电极
  38047. solid state regulator ==> 集成电路调节器
  38048. solid state relay ==> 固体继电器
  38049. solid state ring laser ==> 固态环形激光器,固体环形激光器
  38050. solid state sensor ==> 固态传感器
  38051. solid state sintering ==> 固相烧结
  38052. solid state software ==> 固态软件
  38053. solid state spectrum ==> 固态光谱
  38054. solid state sweep laser ==> 固态扫描激光器
  38055. solid state sweep oscillator ==> 固态扫频信号振荡器
  38056. solid state sweeper ==> 固态扫频器
  38057. solid state switch ==> 半导体开关
  38058. solid state technology ==> 固体技术
  38059. solid state tuner ==> 固体调谐器
  38060. solid state UHF TV transmitter ==> 固态超高频电视发射机
  38061. solid state VHF TV transmitter ==> 固态甚高频电视发射机
  38062. solid state vidicon ==> 固态光导摄像管
  38063. solid steel ==> 镇静钢,脱氧钢
  38064. solid stem wheat ==> 实茎小麦
  38065. solid stock guide ==> 固定式导料装置
  38066. solid stop ==> 固定式挡料装置,整体挡料器,整体制动器
  38067. solid stowing ==> 密实充填
  38068. solid strap-on ==> 固体发动机组
  38069. solid strut ==> 实心支柱
  38070. solid strutting ==> 搁栅横撑
  38071. solid sulfate ==> 固体硫化物
  38072. solid supporting roller ==> 实心导辊
  38073. solid surface ==> 固体表面
  38074. solid switch ==> 固体开关
  38075. solid tantalum capacitor ==> 固体钽电容器
  38076. solid tap ==> 整体螺丝攻
  38077. solid tap wrench ==> 固定丝锥扳手
  38078. solid target ==> 固体靶
  38079. solid tide ==> 固体潮
  38080. solid tire ==> 实心橡胶轮胎
  38081. solid tool ==> 整体刀具,刀条
  38082. solid tooth ==> 实齿
  38083. solid top internode ==> 顶端节间实心
  38084. solid torus ==> 实心环
  38085. solid transport ==> 固体物质输移
  38086. solid type ==> 固定式钢锯架
  38087. solid type cable ==> 实心电缆=>ソリッドケーブル
  38088. solid type of dock construction ==> 实体式船坞构造
  38089. solid tyre ==> 实心胎
  38090. solid unit ==> 固体组件
  38091. solid velocity ==> 固体粒子混合速度
  38092. solid vision ==> 实体视觉
  38093. solid volume ==> 实体材积,实体积
  38094. solid volume percentage ==> 实体积比率
  38095. solid wall ==> 实体岸壁,实心墙
  38096. solid wall centrifuge ==> 无孔离心机
  38097. solid wall pressure vessel ==> 单层式压力容器,整体式压力容器
  38098. solid waste ==> 固体废料,固体垃圾,固体废物,被当作无用的废物丢弃的固体物质
  38099. solid waste disposal ==> 固体废物处置
  38100. Solid Waste Project Control ==> 固体废物处理方案管制
  38101. solid wax ==> 硬接蜡
  38102. solid web ==> 实体腹板
  38103. solid web girder ==> 实腹梁,实心梁
  38104. solid welding wire ==> 实心焊丝
  38105. solid wharf ==> 实体码头
  38106. solid wheel ==> 整体车轮
  38107. solid wheel rolling mill ==> 整体车轮轧机
  38108. solid window frame ==> 实心窗框,实心的窗框
  38109. solid wire ==> 普通焊丝,单股线,单线=>単線,ソリッドワイヤ
  38110. solid wooden chock ==> 实心木垛
  38111. solid work ==> 开切工作
  38112. solid wrench ==> 呆扳手,死扳手
  38113. solid yardage ==> 实方
  38114. solid yoke ==> 实心磁轭
  38115. solid-back microphone ==> 坚背式传声器
  38116. solid-barrel arch ==> 实心板拱
  38117. solid-bed reactor ==> 固体床反应器
  38118. solid-borne noise ==> 固体声
  38119. solid-borne sound ==> 固体声=>固体伝送音
  38120. solid-borne sound transmission ==> 固体传声
  38121. solid-bottom mo(u)ld ==> 带底钢锭模
  38122. solid-cast insulation ==> 浇铸固化绝缘
  38123. solid-cast transformer ==> 浇注固化式变压器
  38124. solid-cone (type) nozzle ==> 实心锥喷嘴
  38125. solid-core packing ==> 实心填充物
  38126. solid-core support ==> 实心载体
  38127. solid-crown bit ==> 实心钻头
  38128. solid-dielectric capacitor ==> 固体介质电容器
  38129. solid-drawn ==> 整体拉制
  38130. solid-drawn steel pipe ==> 无缝钢管
  38131. solid-drawn tube ==> 拉制管
  38132. solid-electrolyte battery ==> 固体电解质电池
  38133. solid-end mill ==> 整体端铣刀
  38134. solid-gold chain ==> 纯金项链
  38135. solid-gold pendant ==> 纯金挂件
  38136. solid-head buttress dam ==> 大头坝
  38137. solid-jet injection system ==> 单射流喷射系统
  38138. solid-leg tripod ==> 固定腿三角架
  38139. solid-liquid cyclone ==> 固液旋流器
  38140. solid-liquid equilibria ==> 固液平衡
  38141. solid-liquid equilibrium ==> 固液平衡
  38142. solid-liquid extraction ==> 固体液体提取
  38143. solid-liquid interaction ==> 固液相互作用
  38144. solid-liquid interface ==> 固液相交界面
  38145. solid-liquid mixing ==> 固液混合
  38146. solid-liquid transformation ==> 固液转变
  38147. solid-not-fat ==> 非脂干物质
  38148. solid-phase bonding process ==> 固相焊接法
  38149. solid-phase diffusion ==> 固相扩散
  38150. solid-phase pressure welding ==> 固相压焊
  38151. solid-phase sintering ==> 固相烧结
  38152. solid-phase welding ==> 固相压焊
  38153. solid-phase zone melting ==> 固相区熔,固相区域熔炼
  38154. solid-planted ==> 密植
  38155. solid-plastic system ==> 固体塑性系统
  38156. solid-propellant booster rocket ==> 固体火箭助推器
  38157. solid-propellant rocket ==> 固体燃料火箭
  38158. solid-propellant rocket engine ==> 固体火箭发动机
  38159. solid-rubber dielectric ==> 硬橡胶介质
  38160. solid-set sprinkler system ==> 固定喷灌系统
  38161. solid-stat electronics ==> 固态电子学
  38162. solid-state artificial atom ==> 固体人工原子
  38163. solid-state capacitor ==> 固态电容器
  38164. solid-state cementation process ==> 固态置换方法
  38165. solid-state chemistry ==> 固体化学
  38166. solid-state circuit ==> 固态电路
  38167. solid-state circuit breaker ==> 固体电路断路器
  38168. solid-state component ==> 固体元件
  38169. solid-state computer ==> 固态计算机
  38170. solid-state control system ==> 固体电路控制系统
  38171. solid-state counter ==> 固体计数器
  38172. solid-state dendrite ==> 固态树枝状晶体
  38173. solid-state detector ==> 固体探测器
  38174. solid-state device ==> 固态器件
  38175. solid-state diffusion technique ==> 固态扩散技术
  38176. solid-state diode array ==> 固体二极管阵
  38177. solid-state electronic techniques ==> 固体电子技术
  38178. solid-state electronics ==> 固体电子学
  38179. solid-state element ==> 固体元件
  38180. solid-state graphitization ==> 固态石墨化
  38181. solid-state ignition system ==> 晶体管点火系统
  38182. solid-state image converter ==> 固态变像器
  38183. solid-state image sensor ==> 电荷耦合摄像传感器
  38184. solid-state imaging detector ==> 固体成像探测器
  38185. solid-state inductance ==> 固态电感
  38186. solid-state injection laser ==> 注入式晶体激光器
  38187. solid-state laser ==> 固态激光器,固体激光器
  38188. solid-state laser material ==> 固态激光材料
  38189. solid-state martensite ==> 固态马氏体
  38190. solid-state maser ==> 固态脉塞,固体量子放大器,固体微波激射器
  38191. solid-state memory ==> 固体存储器
  38192. solid-state metering relay ==> 固体计数继电器
  38193. solid-state nucleation ==> 固态成核
  38194. solid-state phase changes ==> 固态相变
  38195. solid-state physical electronics ==> 固体物理电子学
  38196. solid-state physics ==> 固态物理学,固体物理学
  38197. solid-state quantum memory ==> 固体量子メモリー
  38198. solid-state reaction ==> 固态反应
  38199. solid-state relay (SSR) ==> 固态继电器
  38200. solid-state scintillation counter ==> 固体闪烁计数器
  38201. solid-state switch ==> 固态开关,固体开关
  38202. solid-state technique ==> 固体电路技术
  38203. solid-state theory ==> 固体物理
  38204. solid-state thyratron ==> 固体闸流管
  38205. solid-state transformation ==> 固体转变
  38206. solid-state unit ==> 固体组件
  38207. solid-state welding ==> 固态焊,固态焊接
  38208. solid-stream noz(zle) ==> 窄雾锥喷嘴
  38209. solid-stream nozzle ==> 实心流束喷嘴
  38210. solid-to-liquid ratio ==> 固液比
  38211. solid-tooth saws ==> 整体齿锯
  38212. solid-wall bowl centrifuge ==> 实体鼓壁式离心机
  38213. solid-water reactor ==> 水固体堆
  38214. solid-web girder ==> 实体腹板梁
  38215. solid-web rigid frame ==> 实腹刚架
  38216. soliddrawn pipe ==> 无缝管
  38217. solide state acoustic image converter ==> 固态声学图像变换器
  38218. solidifiable ==> 可变硬,可充实,可固化,可凝固
  38219. solidification ==> 固化,固化作用,固结作用,固体化作用,凝固
  38220. solidification gradient ==> 凝固梯度
  38221. solidification heat ==> 固化热
  38222. solidification point ==> 固化点,冻结温度,凝固点
  38223. solidification process ==> 固结过程
  38224. solidification range ==> 固化范围
  38225. solidification shrinkage ==> 凝固收缩
  38226. solidification structure ==> 凝固结构
  38227. solidification temperature ==> 凝固温度,固化点,固化温度
  38228. solidification value ==> 固结温度值
  38229. solidified ==> 固化的,固体化的
  38230. solidified agent ==> 固化剂
  38231. solidified alcohol ==> 固化酒精
  38232. solidified carbon dioxide ==> 固体二氧化碳
  38233. solidified gasoline ==> 固体汽油,凝固汽油
  38234. solidified glaze ==> 凝固釉
  38235. solidified ingot ==> 凝固的锭料
  38236. solidified kerosene ==> 凝固煤油
  38237. solidified matte ==> 凝固锍
  38238. solidified moisture film ==> 固化水膜
  38239. solidified oil ==> 固化油
  38240. solidified oleoresin ==> 毛松香
  38241. solidified petroleum ==> 凝固石油
  38242. solidified petroleum product ==> 固化石油产品
  38243. solidified slag ==> 凝固渣
  38244. solidified slip ==> 固化泥浆
  38245. solidified water ==> 固结水分
  38246. solidify ==> 固化
  38247. solidifying ==> 凝固
  38248. solidifying front ==> 凝固面
  38249. solidifying phase ==> 凝固相
  38250. solidifying point ==> 凝固点,凝点,在规定的条件下,油品试样冷却至停止流动时的最高温度
  38251. solidity ==> 固态,密实性,坚实性,桨叶
  38252. solidity coupled shaft ==> 刚性联接轴
  38253. solidity of blades ==> 叶片稠度
  38254. solidity ratio ==> 密实度比,实积比
  38255. solidly earthed[neutral]system ==> 中性点直接接地系统,中性点经零阻抗接地的有效接地系统
  38256. solidly grounded neutral ==> 直接接地中性点
  38257. solidly grounded neutral system ==> 直接接地系統,機器の電気的中性点を直接接地する方式をいう。
  38258. solidly grounded system ==> 直接接地方式
  38259. solidness ==> 坚固度,硬性
  38260. solidography ==> 实体摄影法
  38261. solids handling technique ==> 固体物质输送技术
  38262. solids holdup ==> 固体粒子停留时间
  38263. solids recovery equipment ==> 固体物质回收设备
  38264. solidus ==> 固线,固相曲线,固相线=>固相線
  38265. solidus curve ==> 固相线
  38266. solidus line ==> 固相线=>固相線
  38267. solidus sintering ==> 固相线烧结
  38268. solidus temperature ==> 固相线温度
  38269. solidus-liquidus curve ==> 固液相曲线
  38270. solifluction lobe ==> 土溜舌
  38271. solifluction sheet ==> 泥流席
  38272. solifluction tongue ==> 土溜舌
  38273. solitaired game clock ==> 单人游戏钟
  38274. solitary ==> 单个,分离的
  38275. solitary bone cyst ==> 孤立性骨囊肿
  38276. solitary corpus luteum cyst ==> 孤立性黄体囊肿
  38277. solitary cyst of kidney ==> 孤立性肾囊肿
  38278. solitary cyst of liver ==> 孤立性肝囊肿
  38279. solitary focus ==> 孤立病灶
  38280. solitary follicle cyst ==> 孤立性卵泡囊肿
  38281. solitary kidney ==> 孤立肾
  38282. solitary lymphatic follicles ==> 孤立淋巴滤泡,淋巴孤结
  38283. solitary lymphatic nodules ==> 孤立淋巴小结
  38284. solitary neurofibroma ==> 孤立性神经纤维瘤
  38285. solitary pore ==> 单独管孔,单管孔
  38286. solitary round focus ==> 孤立性圆形病灶
  38287. solitary Schwann's cell tumor ==> 孤立性良性许旺氏细胞瘤
  38288. solitary sick point ==> 孤立病灶
  38289. solitary terminal ==> 末端枝条
  38290. solitary tract of medulla oblongata ==> 孤束
  38291. solitary tuberculoma of choroid ==> 孤立性脉络膜结核瘤
  38292. solitary ulcer of anus ==> 肛孤立溃疡
  38293. solitary wave ==> 孤波,孤立波,单波=>孤立波
  38294. soliton ==> 孤立子=>ソリトン
  38295. soliton laser ==> 孤立子激光器
  38296. soliton transmission fiber ==> 光孤立子传输光纤
  38297. Sollit's alloy ==> 索利特高度光亮镜合金
  38298. solo circuit ==> 单独对讲电路
  38299. solo fibre ==> 单纯纤维
  38300. solo type motor cycle ==> 单座式机器脚踏车
  38301. solochrome black ==> 酸性媒染黑
  38302. Solod soil ==> 脱碱土
  38303. solod state laser ==> 固体レーザ
  38304. solonchak soil ==> 盐土
  38305. solonetz soil ==> 碱土
  38306. solonetz-solonchak complex ==> 碱土和盐土复合区
  38307. Soloth soil ==> 脱碱土
  38308. SOLRAD, solar radiation satellite ==> 太陽放射線衛星
  38309. solstitial points ==> 二至点
  38310. solstitial tidal currents ==> 二至潮流
  38311. solstitial tide ==> 冬至潮
  38312. solstitial tides ==> 二至潮
  38313. SOLT, static open loop test ==> 静的開ループ試験
  38314. solubility ==> 可溶性,溶度
  38315. solubility coefficient ==> 溶度系数,可溶性系数
  38316. solubility curve ==> 溶度曲线,溶解度曲线
  38317. solubility effect ==> 溶解效应
  38318. solubility law ==> 溶解度定律
  38319. solubility limit ==> 溶解度极限
  38320. solubility method ==> 溶解度法
  38321. solubility of residue ==> 残渣溶解度
  38322. solubility of soap ==> 肥皂溶解度
  38323. solubility parameter ==> 溶解度参数
  38324. solubility product ==> 溶度积,溶解度积
  38325. solubility product constant ==> 溶度积常数
  38326. solubility product principle ==> 溶度积原理
  38327. solubility table ==> 溶解度表
  38328. solubility temperature curve ==> 溶解度温度曲线
  38329. solubility test ==> 溶解度测定,溶解度试验
  38330. solubilization chromatography ==> 增溶色谱法
  38331. solubilizing agent ==> 增溶剂
  38332. solubilizing mechanism ==> 增溶机理
  38333. soluble ==> 可溶,可溶的=>溶性の,水溶性の
  38334. soluble aluminum ==> 可溶性铝=>可溶性アルミニウム
  38335. soluble anion group ==> 易溶阳离子组
  38336. soluble anode ==> 可溶陽極
  38337. soluble antigen ==> 可溶性抗原
  38338. soluble bitumen ==> 溶性沥青
  38339. soluble cation group ==> 易溶阳离子组
  38340. soluble complex ==> 可溶性复合物
  38341. soluble crystal ==> 可溶性晶体
  38342. soluble cutting oil ==> 可溶性切削油
  38343. soluble eosin ==> 可溶性曙红
  38344. soluble fibrin complex ==> 可溶性纤维蛋白复合物
  38345. soluble glass ==> 水玻璃
  38346. soluble humus ==> 溶性腐殖质
  38347. soluble oil ==> 乳化油,调水油,水溶性润滑剂,可溶油
  38348. soluble oil emulsion ==> 溶性油质乳胶
  38349. soluble poison ==> 可溶毒物
  38350. soluble polymer ==> 可溶性聚合物
  38351. soluble protein ==> 可溶性タンパク
  38352. soluble saccharin ==> 糖精钠
  38353. soluble salt core ==> 可溶盐芯
  38354. soluble silica ==> 可溶性シリカ
  38355. soluble silicate ==> 水玻璃
  38356. soluble sodium percentage ==> 溶性钠百分率
  38357. soluble solid ==> 溶解性固体
  38358. soluble starch ==> 溶性淀粉,可溶性淀粉
  38359. soluble substance ==> 可溶物质
  38360. soluble sulfacetamide ==> 磺胺醋酰钠
  38361. soluble sulfapyridine ==> 磺胺吡啶钠
  38362. soluble sulphadiazine ==> 磺胺嘧啶钠
  38363. soluble sulphathiazole ==> 磺胺噻唑钠
  38364. solublecored oil cooling gallery ==> 可溶性型芯油冷通道
  38365. solubleness ==> 可溶性,溶解度,溶解性
  38366. solum of soil ==> 土层
  38367. solute ==> 溶质
  38368. solute atoms ==> 溶质原子
  38369. solute balance ==> 溶质衡算
  38370. solute boundary layer ==> 溶质边界层
  38371. solute concentration difference ==> 溶质浓度差
  38372. solute distribution ==> 溶质分布
  38373. solute doping ==> 溶液掺杂
  38374. solute excitation ==> 溶质激发
  38375. solute field ==> 溶质场
  38376. solute gas ==> 溶解气
  38377. solute hardening ==> 溶质硬化
  38378. solute movement ==> 溶质移动
  38379. solute potential ==> 溶质势
  38380. solute pressure ==> 溶质势
  38381. solute segregation ==> 溶质偏析
  38382. solute suction ==> 溶质吸力
  38383. solute transfer ==> 溶质传递
  38384. solute travel ==> 溶质移动
  38385. solute viscosity factor ==> 溶质粘度因子
  38386. solute volatilization interference ==> 溶质汽化干扰
  38387. solute zone ==> 溶质层
  38388. solution ==> 溶液,溶解,溶解作用,溶体,解,解答,解法,液,肥液,防锈剂
  38389. solution adsorption method ==> 溶液吸附法
  38390. solution analyzer ==> 溶液分析計
  38391. solution annealing ==> 溶体化退火,固溶退火
  38392. solution assay ==> 溶液分析
  38393. solution balance ==> 溶液天平
  38394. solution basin ==> 溶解盆地,溶蚀盆地
  38395. solution business ==> ソリューション・ビジネス
  38396. solution by a triangle ==> 三角形解法
  38397. solution by definite integral ==> 定积分解法
  38398. solution by electrical analogy ==> 电模拟解法
  38399. solution by iterative method ==> 迭代法求解
  38400. solution by polynomials ==> 多项式解
  38401. solution calorimeter ==> 溶液量热计
  38402. solution catcher ==> 溶液收集器
  38403. solution cavity ==> 溶洞
  38404. solution ceramic ==> 溶解陶瓷
  38405. solution channel ==> 溶沟
  38406. solution check ==> 解答校验
  38407. solution chemistry ==> 溶液化学
  38408. solution circuit ==> 溶液循环
  38409. solution cleavage ==> 溶解理
  38410. solution coating ==> 浸液涂漆
  38411. solution coating method ==> 溶液涂渍法
  38412. solution collapse ==> 溶解崩塌
  38413. solution composition ==> 溶液成分,溶液组成
  38414. solution composition gauge ==> 溶液成分测量计
  38415. solution concentration ==> 溶液浓度
  38416. solution concentration detector ==> 溶液浓度检定器
  38417. solution conductivity detector ==> 溶液电导检测器
  38418. solution contains a certain amount of acid ==> 溶液含一定量的酸
  38419. solution control valve ==> 溶液控制阀
  38420. solution cooler ==> 溶液冷却器
  38421. solution crevice ==> 溶洞
  38422. solution culture ==> 溶液培养
  38423. solution curve ==> 解曲線
  38424. solution density detector ==> 溶液密度检定器
  38425. solution depression ==> 溶液的冰点降低
  38426. solution dyeing ==> 原液染色
  38427. solution effect ==> 溶解作用
  38428. solution feed pump ==> 供液泵
  38429. solution film ==> 溶液膜
  38430. solution filter pump ==> 溶液过滤泵
  38431. solution flow rate ==> 溶液流速
  38432. solution gas ==> 溶解气
  38433. solution gas drive ==> 内部气驱
  38434. solution gas drive pool ==> 溶解气驱油藏
  38435. solution grout ==> 溶液灌浆
  38436. solution growth ==> 溶液生长
  38437. solution growth method ==> 溶液生长法
  38438. solution hardening ==> 溶液硬化,固溶淬火,固溶硬化
  38439. solution heat ==> 溶解热
  38440. solution heat treatment ==> 溶流热处理,固溶热处理
  38441. solution heater ==> 溶液加热器
  38442. solution heattreated condition ==> 固溶热处理状态
  38443. solution lake ==> 溶解湖,喀斯特湖
  38444. solution line ==> 溶液管道
  38445. solution load ==> 溶解负载
  38446. solution medium ==> 溶液介质
  38447. solution method ==> 溶液法
  38448. solution method of growth ==> 溶流生长法
  38449. solution mine ==> 溶浸法开采矿山
  38450. solution mining ==> 溶解开采,溶液采矿
  38451. solution mixer ==> 溶液混合器
  38452. solution mixing tank ==> 溶液混合槽
  38453. solution of a game ==> 对策的解
  38454. solution of cobalt naphthanate in styrene ==> 化122环烷酸钴溶液
  38455. solution of equations ==> 方程组解
  38456. solution of non-electrolyte ==> 非电解质溶液
  38457. solution path ==> 解答路径,解路径,解算路线
  38458. solution phenomena ==> 溶蚀
  38459. solution physical development ==> 溶解的物理显影
  38460. solution plane ==> 溶解面
  38461. solution poison ==> 溶液毒物
  38462. solution polycondensation ==> 溶液缩聚
  38463. solution polymerization ==> 溶液聚合
  38464. solution pool ==> 溶蚀潭
  38465. solution porosity ==> 溶解孔隙
  38466. solution potholes ==> 溶蚀锅穴
  38467. solution power ==> 溶解本领,溶解力
  38468. solution pressure ==> 溶解压力,溶液压力
  38469. solution procedure ==> 求解过程
  38470. solution pump sump ==> 溶液抽吸槽
  38471. solution rate ==> 溶解速度
  38472. solution reboiler ==> 溶液再沸器
  38473. solution reclaiming method ==> 溶解回收法
  38474. solution regenerator ==> 溶液再生塔
  38475. solution regrowth process ==> 溶液再生长过程
  38476. solution regrowth technique ==> 溶液再生长法,溶液再生长技术
  38477. solution ripple mark ==> 溶解波痕
  38478. solution salt ==> 溶液盐
  38479. solution scintillator ==> 溶液闪烁体
  38480. solution set ==> 解集
  38481. solution space ==> 解空间=>解(ベクトル)空間
  38482. solution spectrum ==> 溶液光谱
  38483. solution storage tank ==> 溶液贮槽
  38484. solution strength ==> 溶液浓度,固溶强化
  38485. solution strengthening ==> 固溶强化
  38486. solution stripping ==> 溶液解吸
  38487. solution subsidence ==> 溶解沉陷,溶解塌陷
  38488. solution subspace ==> 解子空间
  38489. solution sump pump ==> 溶液贮槽泵
  38490. solution tank ==> 溶液槽
  38491. solution technique ==> 溶液技术
  38492. solution temperature ==> 溶解温度
  38493. solution temperature sensing element ==> 溶流温度传感元件
  38494. solution tension ==> 溶解张力
  38495. solution theory ==> 溶解理论
  38496. solution to solvent ratio ==> 溶液和溶剂比
  38497. solution transfer ==> 溶解转移,溶移
  38498. solution transfer pump ==> 溶液输送泵
  38499. solution treating ==> 溶液处理
  38500. solution treatment ==> 溶体处理,固溶处理,固溶退火
  38501. solution trial ==> 溶液试验
  38502. solution type reactor tank ==> 溶液型堆罐
  38503. solution vector ==> 解向量
  38504. solution-control system ==> 控制求解系统
  38505. solution-drain hole ==> 溶液排放孔
  38506. solution-gas reservoir ==> 溶解气油藏
  38507. solution-grown crystal ==> 溶液生长晶体
  38508. solution-type reactor ==> 溶液型堆
  38509. solutizer steam regenerative process ==> 助溶剂蒸气再生法
  38510. solutizer-air regenerative process ==> 空气促溶剂再生法
  38511. solutizer-tannin process ==> 丹宁促溶剂过程
  38512. solvability of the system of equations ==> 方程组可解性
  38513. solvable group ==> 可解群
  38514. solvated proton ==> 溶剂阳离子
  38515. Solvay's ammonia soda process ==> 索尔维氨碱法
  38516. solve-labeling procedure ==> 可解标记过程
  38517. solved node ==> 可解节点
  38518. solvency constraint ==> 清偿力约束
  38519. solvency determination ==> 确定偿债能力
  38520. solvent ==> 溶剂,溶媒=>溶媒,溶剤,解決方法
  38521. solvent action ==> 溶解作用
  38522. solvent activated adhesive ==> 溶剂活化胶粘剂
  38523. solvent adhesive ==> 溶剂胶,溶剂性胶粘剂
  38524. solvent analysis ==> 溶剂分析
  38525. solvent antifelt finishing ==> 溶剂防毡合整理法
  38526. solvent base compound ==> 溶剂型封口
  38527. solvent blank ==> 溶剂空白
  38528. solvent blue ==> 溶剂蓝
  38529. solvent bonding ==> 溶剂粘合
  38530. solvent carrier exchange system ==> 溶剂载体的交换体系
  38531. solvent catch tank ==> 溶剂收集槽
  38532. solvent cell ==> 溶剂池
  38533. solvent cleaner ==> 溶剂洗净剂
  38534. solvent cleaning ==> 溶剂清洗,溶液净化
  38535. solvent column ==> 溶剂塔
  38536. solvent compartment ==> 溶剂室
  38537. solvent condenser ==> 溶剂冷凝器
  38538. solvent contamination ==> 溶剂污染
  38539. solvent cracking ==> 溶剂分解
  38540. solvent crystallization ==> 溶剂结晶法
  38541. solvent cut-back type rust preventive ==> 溶剂稀释型防锈剂
  38542. solvent deasphalting ==> 溶剂脱沥青
  38543. solvent decarbonizing ==> 溶剂脱碳
  38544. solvent decarbonizing process ==> 溶剂脱碳过程
  38545. solvent delivery system ==> 溶剂输送系统
  38546. solvent deoiling ==> 溶剂脱油
  38547. solvent deresining ==> 溶剂脱沥青
  38548. solvent detergent ==> 溶剂洗涤剂
  38549. solvent dewaxing ==> 溶剂脱蜡
  38550. solvent dewaxing process ==> 溶剂脱蜡法
  38551. solvent distillate ==> 溶剂蒸馏液
  38552. solvent drum dyeing machine ==> 鼓筒式溶剂染色机
  38553. solvent drying ==> 溶剂干燥
  38554. solvent dye ==> 溶剂染料
  38555. solvent dyeing ==> 溶剂染色
  38556. solvent effect ==> 溶剂效应
  38557. solvent efficiency ==> 溶剂效率
  38558. solvent entrainment ==> 溶剂夹带物
  38559. solvent etching ==> 溶剂腐蚀法
  38560. solvent ether ==> 溶剂用乙醚
  38561. solvent evaporation ==> 溶剂蒸发
  38562. solvent excitation ==> 溶剂激发
  38563. solvent exhaustion ==> 溶剂萃取
  38564. solvent extract ==> 溶剂抽出物,溶剂提出物
  38565. solvent extractable matter ==> 溶剂抽出物
  38566. solvent extraction ==> 溶剂浸提作用,溶剂提取,溶剂萃取,溶剂萃取法
  38567. solvent extraction column ==> 溶剂萃取柱
  38568. solvent extraction contactor ==> 溶剂萃取器
  38569. solvent extraction generator ==> 溶剂萃取发生器,溶剂萃取同位素发生器
  38570. solvent extraction method ==> 溶剂提取法
  38571. solvent extraction monitor ==> 溶剂萃取监测器
  38572. solvent extraction plant ==> 溶剂萃取装置
  38573. solvent extraction process ==> 溶剂萃取过程
  38574. solvent extraction technique ==> 溶液萃取技术
  38575. solvent extraction tower ==> 溶剂萃取塔
  38576. solvent feed ==> 溶剂料液
  38577. solvent feed tank ==> 溶剂贮槽
  38578. solvent fermentation ==> (丙酮丁醇发酵)溶剂发酵
  38579. solvent fractionation ==> 溶剂分馏
  38580. solvent front ==> 溶剂前沿
  38581. solvent hexane ==> 溶剂己烷
  38582. solvent hold-up ==> 溶剂滞留
  38583. solvent hopper ==> 溶剂料斗
  38584. solvent hydrogenation ==> 溶解氢化作用
  38585. solvent immobilization ==> 溶剂停流
  38586. solvent inclusion ==> 溶剂包藏作用
  38587. solvent induced crazing ==> 溶剂引致的银纹
  38588. solvent isotope effect ==> 溶剂同位素效应
  38589. solvent laminating ==> 胶粘合薄板
  38590. solvent layer ==> 溶剂层
  38591. solvent loading ==> 溶剂负荷
  38592. solvent loss ==> 溶剂损失
  38593. solvent makeup ==> 溶剂补充
  38594. solvent membrane ==> 溶剂膜
  38595. solvent method ==> 溶剂法
  38596. solvent migration-distance ==> 溶剂移动距离
  38597. solvent mixture ==> 溶剂混合物
  38598. solvent molding ==> 溶剂成型
  38599. solvent moulding ==> 溶剂挥发造型法
  38600. solvent naphtha ==> 溶剂石脑油,溶剂油
  38601. solvent neutral oil ==> 溶剂中性油
  38602. solvent paint ==> 溶媒漆
  38603. solvent pairs ==> 溶剂偶
  38604. solvent phase ==> 溶剂相
  38605. solvent polymeric membrane ==> 溶剂聚合膜
  38606. solvent polymerization ==> 溶解集合
  38607. solvent power ==> 溶解能力
  38608. solvent pressure ==> 溶媒压
  38609. solvent process ==> 溶剂精制法
  38610. solvent programmer ==> 溶剂程序变换器
  38611. solvent programming analysis ==> 梯度洗脱分析
  38612. solvent pump ==> 溶剂泵
  38613. solvent purification ==> 溶剂纯化
  38614. solvent radiolysis ==> 溶剂辐解
  38615. solvent raffinate ==> 溶剂精制产物
  38616. solvent re-treated extract ==> 溶剂二次处理抽出物
  38617. solvent reclamation ==> 溶剂再生
  38618. solvent recovery ==> 溶剂回收
  38619. solvent recovery system ==> 溶剤回収装置
  38620. solvent recuperation ==> 溶剂再生
  38621. solvent refining ==> 溶剂精制
  38622. solvent refining agent ==> 溶剂精制剂
  38623. solvent regeneration process ==> 溶剂再生法
  38624. solvent removes ==> 溶解去污剂
  38625. solvent reservoir ==> 储溶剂器
  38626. solvent resistance ==> 耐溶剂性
  38627. solvent scouring ==> 溶剂洗毛
  38628. solvent seasoning ==> 溶剂干燥
  38629. solvent segregation ==> 溶剂分离法
  38630. solvent selectivity ==> 溶剂选择性
  38631. solvent sensitive adhesive ==> 溶敏性胶粘剂
  38632. solvent separator with calibrated tank for water ==> 溶剂分离器带水计量槽
  38633. solvent sizing ==> 溶剂施胶
  38634. solvent soap ==> 溶剂皂
  38635. solvent spinning ==> 溶液纺丝
  38636. solvent spun fibre ==> 溶纹纤维
  38637. solvent stabilization operator ==> 溶剂稳定化算符
  38638. solvent strength ==> 溶剂浓度,溶剂强度
  38639. solvent stripping ==> 溶剂反萃取
  38640. solvent swell ==> 溶剂溶胀
  38641. solvent tannage ==> 溶剂鞣法
  38642. solvent tanning ==> 溶剂鞣制
  38643. solvent tolerance ==> 溶剂容许溶解度
  38644. solvent tower ==> 溶剂塔
  38645. solvent treating ==> 溶剂精制
  38646. solvent treating plant ==> 溶剂精制厂
  38647. solvent treatment ==> 溶剂精制
  38648. solvent trough ==> 溶剂槽
  38649. solvent uptake ==> 溶剂吸着
  38650. solvent vapo(u)r ==> 溶剂蒸汽
  38651. solvent vapour cure finishing ==> 溶剂汽体焙固整理
  38652. solvent viscosity ==> 溶剂粘度
  38653. solvent washer ==> 溶剂洗涤器
  38654. solvent water ==> 溶剂水分
  38655. solvent wax ==> 溶剂蜡
  38656. solvent weld ==> 溶剂焊接
  38657. solvent wide-width-continuous plant ==> 溶剂阔幅连续处理设备
  38658. solvent winterization ==> 溶剂冬化法
  38659. solvent(-)coating ==> 溶剂性涂布
  38660. solvent-activated adhesive ==> 溶剂活性胶
  38661. solvent-assisted dyeing ==> 溶剂助染法
  38662. solvent-based adhesive ==> 溶剂基粘合剂
  38663. solvent-extracted ==> 溶剂萃取的
  38664. solvent-extracted oil ==> 溶剂萃取油
  38665. solvent-extraction process ==> 溶剂提取法
  38666. solvent-free ==> 无溶剂的
  38667. solvent-in-pulp ==> 溶剂矿浆萃取
  38668. solvent-monitoring ==> 溶剂监测
  38669. solvent-oil ratio ==> 溶剂对油比
  38670. solvent-recovery column ==> 溶剂回收柱
  38671. solvent-recovery plant ==> 溶剂回收厂
  38672. solvent-recovery process ==> 溶剂回收法
  38673. solvent-refined oil ==> 溶剂精制油
  38674. solvent-soluble dye ==> 溶剂溶解染料
  38675. solvent-soluble soaps ==> 溶剂溶化皂
  38676. solvent-support ratio ==> 溶剂载体比
  38677. solventized soap ==> 溶剂化皂
  38678. solventless ==> 不溶解的
  38679. solventless coatings ==> 无溶剂涂料
  38680. solver ==> 解算机,解算器,解算装置,求解器=>ソルバー
  38681. solving kernel ==> 解答核
  38682. solving process ==> 求解过程
  38683. solvophobic chromatography ==> 疏溶剂色谱
  38684. solw surface state ==> 遅い表面準位
  38685. SOM, Solar Monitor ==> 太陽光計測装置
  38686. SOM, space oblique Mercator ==> スペースオブリークメルカトール図法
  38687. SOM, System On Module ==> SOM
  38688. somatic ==> 躯体的
  38689. somatic agglutination ==> 菌体凝集,菌体凝集
  38690. somatic agglutinin ==> 菌体凝集素,菌体凝集素
  38691. somatic aneuploidy ==> 体细胞非整倍性
  38692. somatic antibody ==> 菌体抗体,菌体抗体
  38693. somatic antigen ==> 菌体抗原,菌体抗原
  38694. somatic apogamy ==> 体细胞无配子生殖
  38695. somatic apospory ==> 体细胞无配子生殖
  38696. somatic area ==> 躯体功能代表区
  38697. somatic association ==> 体细胞联合
  38698. somatic assortative mating ==> 表型选配
  38699. somatic branches ==> 体壁支
  38700. somatic callus formation ==> 体细胞愈伤组织形成
  38701. somatic cell ==> 体细胞
  38702. somatic cell division ==> 体细胞分裂
  38703. somatic cell hybrid ==> 体细胞杂种
  38704. somatic cell hybridization ==> 体细胞杂交
  38705. somatic copulation ==> 体胞配合,体细胞接合
  38706. somatic cortex ==> 躯体感觉皮层
  38707. somatic crossing over ==> 体细胞交换
  38708. somatic crossing over theory ==> 体细胞交换学说
  38709. somatic crossingover ==> 体细胞的交换
  38710. somatic death ==> 躯体死,整体死亡,全体死亡
  38711. somatic disassortative mating ==> 表型异类交配
  38712. somatic double ==> 体细胞染色体加倍
  38713. somatic effects ==> 躯体效应
  38714. somatic efferent cranial nerve ==> 躯体传出脑神经
  38715. somatic embryo ==> 体细胞胚
  38716. somatic endoreduplication ==> 体细胞核内再重复
  38717. somatic fat ==> 体脂肪
  38718. somatic fetilization ==> 体细胞受精
  38719. somatic function ==> 躯体功能,躯体机能
  38720. somatic function area ==> 躯体功能代表区
  38721. somatic hybridization ==> 体细胞杂交
  38722. somatic induction ==> 体细胞诱导
  38723. somatic layer ==> 体壁层
  38724. somatic mesoblast ==> 体壁
  38725. somatic mesoderm ==> 体壁中胚层
  38726. somatic mitosis ==> 体细胞有丝分裂
  38727. somatic motor column ==> 体壁运动柱
  38728. somatic motor fiber ==> 体壁运动纤维
  38729. somatic movement ==> 躯体运动
  38730. somatic muscle ==> 体肌
  38731. somatic mutation ==> 体细胞突变
  38732. somatic mutation theory of cancer ==> 癌体细胞突变学说
  38733. somatic mutations ==> 体細胞変異
  38734. somatic nerve ==> 体干神经
  38735. somatic nerves ==> 体神经,躯干神经,躯体神经
  38736. somatic nervous system ==> 躯体神经系统
  38737. somatic neurofibers ==> 躯体神经纤维
  38738. somatic number ==> 体细胞数
  38739. somatic pairing ==> 体细胞配对,体细胞染色体配对
  38740. somatic parthenogenesis ==> 体细胞孤雌生殖
  38741. somatic plate ==> 体节板
  38742. somatic position effect ==> 体细胞位置效应
  38743. somatic precocity ==> 躯体早熟
  38744. somatic pseudogamy ==> 体细胞假受精
  38745. somatic reduction ==> 体细胞减数
  38746. somatic reflex system ==> 躯体反射系统
  38747. somatic segregation ==> 体细胞分离
  38748. somatic sensor ==> 躯体感受器
  38749. somatic sensory column ==> 体壁感觉柱
  38750. somatic sensory fiber ==> 体壁感觉纤维
  38751. somatic sleep ==> 体睡眠
  38752. somatic substances ==> 体质
  38753. somatic surface antigen ==> 菌体表面抗原,菌体表面抗原
  38754. somatic synapsis ==> 体细胞染色体联会
  38755. somatic umbilicus ==> 体脐带
  38756. somatic variation ==> 体细胞变异
  38757. somaticosplanchnic ==> 躯体内脏的
  38758. somaticovisceral ==> 躯体内脏的
  38759. somato-splanchnic reflex ==> 躯体内脏反射
  38760. somato-visceral reflex ==> 躯体内脏反射
  38761. somatosensory area ==> 躯体感觉区
  38762. somatostatin ==> 躯体稳定素,抑生长素,生长激素释放抑制激素,生长激素释放抑制因子=>ソマトスタチン
  38763. somatostatin accumulation ==> ソマトスタチン蓄積
  38764. somatostatin action ==> ソマトスタチン作用
  38765. somatostatinoma of pancreas ==> 胰岛生长激素抑制素瘤
  38766. some breeding program ==> 几条育种规划
  38767. some breeding stations ==> 几处选种站
  38768. some disease by seed-borne ==> 几个由种子传播的病害
  38769. some elite plot ==> 几个原种圃
  38770. Some Essential Elements for a Successful Voluntary Waste Reduction Programme ==> 《“减少废物”自愿参与计划的一些成功要诀》
  38771. some in dications of ==> 症状的研究
  38772. some major factors in soil formation ==> 土壤形成的几个因素
  38773. some mature cells in sclerenchyma layer ==> 厚壁组织层内的一些成熟细胞
  38774. some observation on ==> 某些观察
  38775. some of the introduction ==> 一些引入材料
  38776. some soil properties ==> 某些土壤性质
  38777. some soilplant relationships ==> 某些土壤与作物关系
  38778. some tropical soil ==> 一些热带土壤
  38779. someone ==> 罚款
  38780. someone with time to kill ==> 暇な人
  38781. somesthetic area ==> 躯体感觉区
  38782. something to live for ==> 生きがい
  38783. sommer beam ==> 檩条
  38784. Sommerfeld ==> ゾンマーフェルト
  38785. Sommerfeld integral ==> Sommerfeld積分
  38786. Sommerfeld radiation condition ==> 索末菲辐射条件
  38787. sommering lines ==> 基石线
  38788. somoothing board ==> 平滑台
  38789. son acquiring the property ==> 财产受让人
  38790. son of node ==> 节点之子
  38791. sonal property ==> 人的财产
  38792. sonal supervision ==> 人的监督管理
  38793. sonar ==> 声纳=>ソナー
  38794. sonar antisubmarine detection ==> 声纳反潜艇探测,反潜声纳定位探测
  38795. sonar array ==> 声纳阵列
  38796. sonar attack center ==> 声纳攻击指挥中心
  38797. sonar attack plotter ==> 反潜攻击绘迹器
  38798. sonar calibration station ==> 声纳校准站
  38799. sonar capsule ==> 声纳盒,反射高频声波器
  38800. sonar communication ==> 声纳通信
  38801. sonar control room ==> 声纳控制室
  38802. sonar control system ==> 声纳控制系统
  38803. sonar data ==> 声纳数据
  38804. sonar data recorder ==> 声纳数据记录器
  38805. sonar detecting-ranging set ==> 声纳探测与测距仪
  38806. sonar dome ==> 声纳罩
  38807. sonar early warning ==> 声纳早期警戒
  38808. sonar echo sounder set ==> 声纳回声探
  38809. sonar equipment ==> 声纳装置
  38810. sonar evaluation station ==> 声纳鉴定站
  38811. sonar gear ==> 声纳装置
  38812. sonar hoist and transducer group ==> 声纳投吊与换能器组合
  38813. sonar hoist set ==> 声纳投吊设备
  38814. sonar indicator system ==> 声纳指示系统
  38815. sonar information center ==> 声纳情报中心
  38816. sonar instrumentation probe ==> 声纳仪探测
  38817. sonar interrogator set ==> 声纳询问器
  38818. sonar listening set ==> 声纳听音仪
  38819. sonar navigation ==> 声纳导航,声波导航
  38820. sonar noise recorder ==> 声纳噪声记录器
  38821. sonar performance computer ==> 声纳性能计算机
  38822. sonar pinger ==> 声纳脉冲发射器
  38823. sonar pinger system ==> 声纳脉冲测距系统
  38824. sonar plot ==> 声纳标图
  38825. sonar range ==> 声纳作用距离
  38826. sonar receiver ==> 声纳接收机
  38827. sonar receiver-scanner ==> 圆周扫描声纳接收器
  38828. sonar resolver ==> 声纳分解器
  38829. sonar scanner ==> 声纳扫描器
  38830. sonar scanning set ==> 声纳扫描设备
  38831. sonar school ship ==> 声纳训练舰
  38832. sonar search arc ==> 声纳搜索扇面
  38833. sonar self-noise ==> 声纳自噪声
  38834. sonar set ==> 声纳设备
  38835. sonar signal processing ==> 声纳信号处理
  38836. sonar simulator ==> 声纳模拟器
  38837. sonar sounding set ==> 声纳探测仪
  38838. sonar speed measuring set ==> 声纳测速仪
  38839. sonar sphere ==> 球形声纳室
  38840. sonar SSB communication ==> 声纳单边带通信设备
  38841. sonar surveillance system ==> 声纳监视系统
  38842. sonar target ==> 声纳目标
  38843. sonar test barge ==> 声纳试验驳
  38844. sonar thumper unit ==> 声纳声波发生器
  38845. sonar towing system ==> 声纳拖曳系统
  38846. sonar transducer ==> 声纳换能器
  38847. sonar transmission ==> 声纳传输
  38848. sonar transmitter ==> 声纳发射机,声纳发射器
  38849. sonar window ==> 声纳窗,声纳透声窗
  38850. SONAR, sound navigation and ranging ==> ソナー
  38851. sonar-buoy compartment ==> 声纳浮标舱
  38852. sonaradiography system ==> 声射线摄影系统
  38853. sonde ==> 探棒,探测器探空仪,探管,探空仪,电极系,高空气象探测仪,高空探测装置,探头=>ゾンデ
  38854. sonde-type vibro-pickup ==> 探头型振动传感器
  38855. SONET, Synchronous Optical Network ==> 同期光ネットワーク
  38856. song thrush ==> 画眉
  38857. Song typeface ==> 宋体字
  38858. songbird motor pathway ==> 鳴禽運動経路
  38859. songe bath ==> 擦浴
  38860. Songshan group ==> 蒿山群,蒿山群
  38861. sonic agglomerator ==> 低声波聚灰器
  38862. sonic altimeter ==> 回音测高计,声测高度计
  38863. sonic analyzer ==> 声波分析仪,声波探伤仪
  38864. sonic anemometer ==> 声波风速计
  38865. sonic apparatus ==> 声波仪
  38866. sonic applicator ==> 声能应用设备
  38867. sonic bang ==> 声震
  38868. sonic barrier ==> 声障,音障
  38869. sonic bearing ==> 音响方位,声响方位
  38870. sonic black hole ==> 声学黑洞
  38871. sonic bonder ==> 声波接合器
  38872. sonic boom ==> 爆音,音爆,轰声
  38873. sonic boom carpet ==> 声震层
  38874. sonic button hole machine ==> 声波锁眼机
  38875. sonic carburetion ==> 声速化油
  38876. sonic carburetor ==> 声速化油器
  38877. sonic chemical analyzer ==> 声波化学分析器
  38878. sonic chemiluminescence ==> 声化学发光
  38879. sonic cleaning ==> 声波清洗,超声波清理
  38880. sonic comparator ==> 声波比较仪
  38881. sonic delay line ==> 声延迟线
  38882. sonic depth finder ==> 回声测深器,回声测深仪
  38883. sonic depth recorder ==> 声波深度记录器
  38884. sonic depth-finding instrument ==> 声波测深仪
  38885. sonic detector ==> 声波定位器,声波探伤器
  38886. sonic device ==> 声学仪器
  38887. sonic discharge carburetor ==> 声速射流化油器
  38888. sonic echo sounder ==> 回声测深仪
  38889. sonic energy ==> 声能
  38890. sonic fatigue ==> 声能疲劳,声致疲劳,音响疲劳
  38891. sonic fatigue measurement ==> 声波疲劳测试
  38892. sonic fineness tester ==> 声波式细度仪
  38893. sonic fix ==> 声响船位
  38894. sonic flaw detection ==> 声波探伤
  38895. sonic flocculation ==> 声波絮凝
  38896. sonic flowmeter ==> 声流量计,音响式流量计
  38897. sonic frequency ==> 可听声频率,声频
  38898. sonic gage ==> 声波应变仪
  38899. sonic gas analyzer ==> 声学气体分析计
  38900. sonic holography ==> 声波全息术
  38901. sonic homing ==> 声自导引
  38902. sonic homing system ==> 声自导系统
  38903. sonic inspection ==> 听声检验,音响检验
  38904. sonic interferometer ==> 声干涉仪
  38905. sonic jet ==> 音速ジェット
  38906. sonic jet plane ==> 音速ジェット機
  38907. sonic leak tester ==> 声波测漏仪
  38908. sonic line ==> 声速线,音速线
  38909. sonic line of position ==> 声位置线
  38910. sonic liquid-level meter ==> 声波液位计
  38911. sonic location method ==> 声波测位法
  38912. sonic locator ==> 水声定向器
  38913. sonic logging ==> 声波测井
  38914. sonic method ==> 声波法
  38915. sonic mine ==> 声学水雷
  38916. sonic modulus ==> 声波模数
  38917. sonic navigation ==> 声波导航
  38918. sonic nozzle ==> 音速喷管
  38919. sonic nucleation ==> 声波核晶过程
  38920. sonic pen ==> 声笔
  38921. sonic pile driver ==> 声波打桩机
  38922. sonic pollution ==> 騒音公害
  38923. sonic precipitation ==> 声波集尘
  38924. sonic precipitator ==> 音波集塵装置
  38925. sonic pressure ==> 音速压力
  38926. sonic pressure field ==> 声压场
  38927. sonic probe ==> 声探头
  38928. sonic propagation ==> 声的传播
  38929. sonic prospecting ==> (探查海底地层)声波探查
  38930. sonic pump ==> 振动泵
  38931. sonic ranging ==> 声响测距
  38932. sonic reflection ==> 声的反射
  38933. sonic rupture velocity ==> 声学破裂速度
  38934. sonic scattering layer ==> 声散射层
  38935. sonic search ==> 声检索
  38936. sonic shock ==> 声激波
  38937. sonic sifter ==> 声频筛
  38938. sonic soldering ==> 声焊
  38939. sonic sounding ==> 回声测深
  38940. sonic source ==> 声源
  38941. sonic spark chamber ==> 声火花室
  38942. sonic spark locator ==> 声火花定位器
  38943. sonic speed ==> 声速
  38944. sonic storage ==> 声存储器
  38945. sonic strain gauge ==> 声波应变计
  38946. sonic survey ==> 声波测量
  38947. sonic technique ==> 声波法
  38948. sonic test ==> 音响试验
  38949. sonic testing ==> 声波检验
  38950. sonic thermometer ==> 声波温度计
  38951. sonic threshold ==> 声障
  38952. sonic transducer ==> 声传感器
  38953. sonic velocity ==> 声速
  38954. sonic vibrator ==> 声振器
  38955. sonic washer ==> 超声波振荡水洗机
  38956. sonic washing machine ==> 超声波洗涤机
  38957. sonic well logging ==> 声波法测井
  38958. sonic-film memory (storage) ==> 声薄膜存储器
  38959. sonic-frequency band ==> 声频带
  38960. sonic-idle carburetor ==> 声速怠速化油器
  38961. sonic-nozzle carburetor ==> 声速喷嘴化油器
  38962. sonicator ==> 近距离声波定位器
  38963. sonics ==> 声能学
  38964. sonims ==> 非金属夹杂物
  38965. Sonnar lens ==> 松纳镜头
  38966. Sonnenschein's reagent ==> 宋南希因试剂
  38967. Sonnichsen process ==> 宋尼申电焊钢管法
  38968. sono-elasticity ==> 声弹性力学
  38969. sonobuoy barrier ==> 声纳浮标屏障
  38970. sonobuoy channel ==> 声纳浮标信号接收波道
  38971. sonobuoy equipment ==> 声纳浮标设备
  38972. sonobuoy indicator equipment ==> 声纳浮标指示设备
  38973. sonobuoy parachute ==> 声纳浮标降落伞
  38974. sonobuoy receiver set ==> 声纳浮标接收机
  38975. sonobuoy reference system ==> 声纳浮标参考系统
  38976. sonoelasography ==> 超音波プローブ
  38977. sonohologram ==> 声波全息照相
  38978. sonoholography ==> 声波全息术
  38979. sonolucent ==> 伪像,伪差
  38980. sonorous rale ==> 鼾音
  38981. sonorousness ==> 宏亮度
  38982. Sonotone battery ==> 沙诺通蓄电池
  38983. sonw fence ==> 防雪栅栏
  38984. SOOH, spacecraft orbital operations handbook ==> 衛星運用説明書
  38985. soon after ==> 不久以后
  38986. Soon ripe, soon rotten ==> 大器晩成。
  38987. SOOP, spacecraft orbital operations procedure ==> 衛星運用手順書
  38988. soot ==> 煤烟,烟黑色,烟灰=>スート,スス
  38989. soot blower ==> 吹灰器,吹灰装置,除烟垢器,吹灰器,利用蒸汽、压缩空气或水作介质在运行中清除受热面烟气侧沉积物的装置=>煤煙換気扇,すす吹き
  38990. soot blower system ==> 吹灰系统
  38991. soot blowing ==> 吹灰,安全阀瞬时开启,蒸汽开始强烈泄放时的进口侧静压。
  38992. soot cancer ==> 煤烟癌
  38993. soot carbon ==> 碳黑
  38994. soot collector ==> 滤烟器,集灰器
  38995. soot door ==> 出灰门
  38996. soot door of chimney ==> 烟囱出灰门
  38997. soot lance ==> 吹灰器,吹灰枪
  38998. soot luminosity ==> 焰炱发光度
  38999. soot lung ==> 煤肺症
  39000. soot removal door ==> 除煤烟门
  39001. sooting ==> スーチング
  39002. sooty bark ==> 烟皮病
  39003. sooty black ==> 烟黑色
  39004. sooty mold ==> 烟灰霉病,烟霉
  39005. sooty mold of tea ==> 茶叶煤污病
  39006. sooty mould of rice plant ==> 水稻煤病
  39007. sooty mould of tea ==> 茶叶煤污病
  39008. sop ==> 选择氧化工艺
  39009. SOP, Saturn orbiter probe ==> 土星軌道探査機
  39010. SOP, secondary oxygen pack ==> 第2次酸素パック
  39011. SOP, Small Outline Package ==> ICパッケージの名称の一つ(表面実装に適した形状で,長方形の両側から,ガルウィング状のピンが配置された部品形状)
  39012. SOP, spacecraft operation procedure ==> 衛星運用手順書
  39013. SOP, spacecraft operations procedure ==> 衛星運用手順書
  39014. SOP, standard operating procedure ==> 業務処理手続標準(NASA)
  39015. SOP, standard operation procedure ==> 業務処理手続標準書(NASDA)
  39016. SOP, System Operations Panel ==> システム運用パネル
  39017. SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan ==> 船上油污染紧急计划
  39018. Sophia University ==> 上智大学
  39019. sophisticated ==> 高機能の,精緻な
  39020. sophisticated category ==> 精细分类
  39021. sophisticated compound industry ==> 尖端复合工业
  39022. sophisticated equipment ==> 先进设备
  39023. sophisticated heat exchanger ==> 高级热交换器
  39024. soporific perfume ==> 催眠香水
  39025. soporose state ==> 迷睡状态
  39026. Sopwith staff ==> (能分段套叠的水准尺)塔尺
  39027. SOR, Step Out Relay ==> 脱調検出リレー
  39028. SOR, successive over-relaxation method ==> 加速定数を用いる潮流計算方法
  39029. SOR, synchronized orbital radiation ==> シンクロトロン軌道放射光は、リング状電子加速器から非常に強力な紫外からX線領域に及ぶ連続スペクトルの光を供給する装置である。
  39030. Sorafenib tosylate ==> 多吉美,甲苯磺酸索拉非尼片,治疗肝癌新药=>ソラフェニブ
  39031. soral membrane ==> 囊群膜
  39032. sorbent injection into furnace desulphurization process ==> 炉内喷吸收剂脱硫,将磨碎的脱硫剂(石灰石、白云石等)喷入煤粉锅炉炉膛适当的温度区域,使烟气中一部分SO2和几乎全部SO3与钙、镁氧化物反应进行脱硫的方法
  39033. sorbic acid potassium salt ==> 山梨酸钾
  39034. sorbing layer ==> 吸附层
  39035. sorbing material ==> 吸附材料
  39036. sorbitan monolaurate ==> 去水山梨糖醇月桂酸酯
  39037. sorbitan monooleate ==> 去水山梨糖醇单油酸酯
  39038. sorbitan palmitate ==> (乳化剂)去水山梨糖醇单棕榈酸酯
  39039. sorbitan stearate ==> (乳化剂)去水山梨糖醇单硬脂酸酯
  39040. sorbitan trioleate ==> (乳化剂)去水山梨糖醇三油酸酯
  39041. sorbite ==> 讼体
  39042. sorbite rail ==> 索氏体钢轨
  39043. sorbitic cast iron ==> 索氏体铸铁
  39044. sorbitic pearlite ==> 索氏型珠光体
  39045. sore ==> 疮
  39046. sore shin ==> 溃疡胫
  39047. sore throat ==> 咽喉痛,咽喉炎=>咽頭痛
  39048. sore throat remedy ==> のど薬
  39049. sore-throat due to fire of deficiency type ==> 虚火咽痹
  39050. sore-throat due to yin deficiency ==> 阴虚喉痹
  39051. soredial branch ==> 粉芽株
  39052. sorehead ==> 传染性上皮瘤
  39053. Sorel alloy ==> 索雷尔锌合金
  39054. Sorel cement ==> 索雷耳水泥
  39055. sorel cement ==> 菱镁土水泥
  39056. Sorel process ==> 索雷尔电炉炼铁法
  39057. Sorel-cement ==> 氯氧化水泥
  39058. sores all over the eye ==> 满目疮痍
  39059. Soret prism ==> 索雷特棱镜
  39060. sorethytan ==> 复杂聚氧化乙烯醚混合物
  39061. sorghum ==> 高粱,高粱属=>シロップ
  39062. sorghum aphid ==> 高粱蚜
  39063. sorghum covered smut ==> 高粱坚黑穗病
  39064. sorghum husk ==> 高粱壳
  39065. sorghum leaf purple spot ==> 高粱紫斑病
  39066. sorghum long smut ==> 高粱长黑穗病,高粱角黑穗病
  39067. sorghum loose smut ==> 高粱散黑穗病
  39068. sorghum molasses ==> 高粱饴
  39069. Sorghum Oil ==> 高粱油
  39070. sorghum pigment ==> (颜料)高粱红
  39071. sorghum planter ==> 高粱播种机
  39072. sorghum red stripe disease ==> 高粱红条病
  39073. sorghum rice ==> 高粱米
  39074. sorghum stalk curtain ==> 高粱杆帘
  39075. sorghum stalk products ==> 高粱杆制品
  39076. sorghum stem borer ==> 高粱钻心虫
  39077. sorghum Sudangrass hybrid ==> 高粱苏丹草杂交种
  39078. sorghum sweetmeat ==> 高粱饼
  39079. sorking substance ==> 工作物
  39080. Soro process ==> 索罗铸轧法
  39081. sorption ==> 吸附,吸着,吸着作用
  39082. sorption agent ==> 吸附剂
  39083. sorption and desorption ==> 吸着和解吸作用
  39084. sorption balance ==> 吸收天平
  39085. sorption capacity ==> 吸附能力,肥料吸收量
  39086. sorption curve ==> 吸收曲线
  39087. sorption detector ==> 吸着检测器
  39088. sorption equilibrium ==> 吸着平衡
  39089. sorption exhaust ==> 吸着稀薄化作用
  39090. sorption gradient ==> 吸着梯度
  39091. sorption hysteresis ==> 吸着滞后现象
  39092. sorption isotherm ==> 吸着等温线
  39093. sorption kinetics ==> 吸附动力学
  39094. sorption property ==> 吸着性能
  39095. sorption pump ==> 吸附泵
  39096. sorption pumping ==> 吸附泵送
  39097. sorption rate ==> 吸着速率
  39098. sorption site ==> 吸着点
  39099. sorption strength ==> 吸着强度
  39100. sorptive capacity ==> 吸收能力
  39101. sorptive material ==> 吸附性材料
  39102. sorptive medium ==> 吸着介质
  39103. sorptive power ==> 吸着能力
  39104. sorrel tree ==> 酸木
  39105. sorrel-top ==> 栗色顶病
  39106. sort ==> 类,类别,分类,分类法=>種類
  39107. sort algorithm ==> 分类算法
  39108. sort and merge generator ==> 分类归并生成程序,分选归并生成程序
  39109. sort application ==> 分类应用
  39110. sort balance ==> 分类平衡法
  39111. sort blocking factor ==> 分类分块因子,分类块因子
  39112. sort capacity ==> 分类量
  39113. sort control item ==> 等级控制项目
  39114. sort control key ==> 分类控制键
  39115. sort description ==> 分类说明
  39116. sort feature ==> 分类特性
  39117. sort file ==> 分类文件
  39118. sort file description entry ==> 分类文件描述项
  39119. sort function ==> 不同类分页功能
  39120. sort generator ==> 分类程序,分类生成程序
  39121. sort generator language ==> 分类产生程序语言
  39122. sort key ==> 分类关键,分类键
  39123. sort mechanics ==> 分类力学
  39124. sort merge ==> 分类合并,分类合作,分类组合
  39125. sort merge program ==> 分类归并程序
  39126. sort module ==> 分类程序模块,分类功能模块,分类模块
  39127. sort operation ==> 分类操作
  39128. sort out data ==> 整理资料
  39129. sort pass ==> 分类传送,分类扫描
  39130. sort program ==> 分类程序
  39131. sort program module ==> 分类程序模块
  39132. sort selection ==> 分类选择
  39133. sort statement ==> 分类语句
  39134. sort tree structure ==> 分类树形结构
  39135. sort utility ==> 分类程序包
  39136. sort work file ==> 分类工作文件
  39137. sort, to ==> 分類する
  39138. sort-merge file description ==> 分类合并文件说明
  39139. sort-merge file description entry ==> 分类合并文件描述体
  39140. sort-merge generator ==> 分类归并生成程序,分类合并生成程序
  39141. sort-merge package ==> 分类合并程序包,分类及合并程序包
  39142. sort-merge program ==> 分类归并程序,分类合并程序,分类及合并程序
  39143. sorted ==> 分类的,分选的
  39144. sorted bedding ==> 分选层理
  39145. sorted file ==> 已分类文件=>分類済みファイル
  39146. sorted polygon ==> 分选多边形土
  39147. sorted set ==> 分类组合
  39148. sorted stripe ==> 分选条带
  39149. sorter ==> 分类器,分类器分选机
  39150. sorter comparator ==> 分类比较器
  39151. sorter interpreter ==> 分类译释器
  39152. sorter reader ==> 分类阅读机
  39153. sorter receptacle ==> 分选器
  39154. sorter trays ==> 分页器盘
  39155. sortie ==> 出动架次,出击,出击部队,实围
  39156. sortie plot ==> 航摄区域图
  39157. sorting ==> 分类
  39158. sorting action ==> 分选作用
  39159. sorting algorithm ==> 分类算法
  39160. sorting and merging ==> 分类合并,分类合作
  39161. sorting and search operation ==> 分类和检索操作
  39162. sorting belt ==> 分级输送带,分选输送带,分选输送器
  39163. sorting by screens ==> 精筛
  39164. sorting card ==> 分类卡
  39165. sorting chain ==> 分级输送链,分选输送链
  39166. sorting charge ==> 分类费
  39167. sorting chute ==> 分群栏
  39168. sorting circuit ==> 分类电路
  39169. sorting code number ==> 分类编码
  39170. sorting coefficient ==> 分选系数
  39171. sorting conveyer ==> 分选传送带,分级传送带,分级输送器,挑选传送器
  39172. sorting conveyor ==> 分选输送器
  39173. sorting corral ==> 分群栏
  39174. sorting cylinder ==> 分级滚筒
  39175. sorting depot ==> 分类仓库
  39176. sorting device ==> 分类设备
  39177. sorting equipment ==> 分拣装置
  39178. sorting flax ==> 分级梳成麻
  39179. sorting function ==> 分类组合职能
  39180. sorting gap ==> 选材口
  39181. sorting grizzly ==> 分级格筛
  39182. sorting index ==> 分选率,分选指数
  39183. sorting jack ==> 选材绠
  39184. sorting key ==> 分类关键字
  39185. sorting key word ==> 分类关键字
  39186. sorting machine ==> 分类机
  39187. sorting memory ==> 分类存储器
  39188. sorting merge ==> 分类归并
  39189. sorting operations ==> 分类作业
  39190. sorting out and consolidating companies ==> 清理整顿公司
  39191. sorting parameter ==> 分类参数
  39192. sorting phase ==> 分类段,分类阶段
  39193. sorting program ==> 分类程序
  39194. sorting program phase ==> 分类程序段
  39195. sorting pulse ==> 分类脉冲
  39196. sorting robot ==> 分选机器人
  39197. sorting roller ==> 分级辊,分选辊
  39198. sorting room ==> 分拣室
  39199. sorting scale ==> 分类秤
  39200. sorting screen ==> 清选筛
  39201. sorting sheep ==> 绵羊分群
  39202. sorting sieve ==> 分级筛
  39203. sorting table ==> 分类表,选材台,整理表
  39204. sorting test ==> 分类测验
  39205. sorting tolerance ==> 选别公差,分选公差
  39206. sorting unit ==> 分选装置
  39207. sorting yard ==> 调车场
  39208. sorting-device ==> 分类装置
  39209. sorting-out in statistics ==> 统计整理
  39210. sorts ==> 不成套的铅字
  39211. sos ==> 蓝宝石上硅
  39212. sos approach ==> 蓝宝石上硅技术
  39213. sos cmos ==> 蓝宝石上硅互补金属氧化物半导体
  39214. sos cmos process ==> 蓝宝石上硅互补金属氧化物半导体工艺
  39215. sos complementary metal oxide semiconductor ==> 蓝宝石上硅互补金属氧化物半导体
  39216. sos island ==> 蓝宝石上硅岛
  39217. sos isolation technique ==> 蓝宝石上硅结构隔离技术
  39218. sos lsi ==> 蓝宝石上硅大规模集成电路
  39219. SOS Morse Code Distress Signal ==> 摩斯电码危难信号
  39220. sos structure ==> 蓝宝石上硅结构
  39221. sos substrate ==> 蓝宝石上硅结构衬底
  39222. sos transistor ==> 蓝宝石上硅结构晶体管
  39223. sos wafer ==> 蓝宝石上硅结构薄片
  39224. SOS, Save Our Souls ==> 救助を求める声
  39225. SOS, silicon on sapphire ==> サファイア上シリコン
  39226. SOS, Source of Supply ==> NASA略語(意訳,供給源)
  39227. SOS,Save Our Souls ==> 救救我们=>エスオーエス,国際的なモールス符号の遭難信号である。
  39228. SOSD, Soshin Electric Co. Ltd. ==> 双信電機株式会社
  39229. sosic ==> 蓝宝石上硅集成电路
  39230. sosin block instrument ==> 双工闭塞机
  39231. Sosui canal ==> 疎水
  39232. SOT, simulator of TACS ==> 擬似TACS
  39233. SOT, solar optical telescope ==> 太陽光学望遠鏡
  39234. SOT, Structural Operations Technology Group ==> 構造運用科学グループ
  39235. Sothic cycle ==> 天狼周
  39236. Soto Ayam ==> 串焼き鳥(Indonesia語)
  39237. sotto portico ==> 骑楼
  39238. SOU, stabilized oscillator unit ==> 安定化発振器ユニット
  39239. soul conjecture ==> 灵魂猜想
  39240. sound ==> 声=>音
  39241. sound absorbent pad ==> 隔声垫
  39242. sound absorber ==> 减音材料
  39243. sound absorbing coefficient ==> 吸音率
  39244. sound absorbing material ==> 吸音材
  39245. sound absorbing paint ==> 吸声涂料
  39246. sound absorbing panel ==> 吸音嵌板
  39247. sound absorption ==> 吸声,吸音作用,声吸收
  39248. sound absorption coefficient ==> 吸声系数
  39249. sound alarm system ==> 声学警报系统
  39250. sound altimeter ==> 声波测高计
  39251. sound amplifier ==> 声频放大器
  39252. sound amplitude transmission coefficient ==> 声波振幅传输系数
  39253. sound analysis ==> 声分析
  39254. sound analysis data ==> 声波分析数据
  39255. sound analyzer ==> 声分析器=>音響分析器
  39256. sound and flash ranging ==> 声光测距
  39257. sound aperture ==> 声孔径
  39258. sound archives ==> 音响资料库
  39259. sound area ==> 震声区,声区
  39260. sound arrangements ==> 声布置
  39261. sound arrester ==> 隔声器,隔音装置
  39262. sound articulation ==> 単音明りょう度
  39263. sound attenuation ==> 声衰减,消声
  39264. sound attenuation factor ==> 声衰减系数
  39265. sound attenuator ==> 声衰减器,风道消音装置
  39266. sound baffle ==> 声音反射器
  39267. sound band pressure level ==> 频带声压级
  39268. sound bandwidth ==> 声频带宽
  39269. sound barrier ==> 声障
  39270. sound beam ==> 声束
  39271. sound bearing ==> 声音方位,声源方位
  39272. sound bearing medium ==> 传声媒质
  39273. sound board ==> 响板,共鸣板
  39274. sound boarding ==> 隔声板
  39275. sound bow ==> 声唇
  39276. sound box ==> 吸声箱
  39277. sound branch amplifier ==> 声分路放大器
  39278. sound breakdown ==> 声音中断
  39279. sound bridge ==> 声桥
  39280. sound build-up ==> 音圧上昇(変圧器)
  39281. sound buoy ==> 声响浮标
  39282. sound cable ==> 通信电缆,传声电缆
  39283. sound camera ==> 录音摄像机,录音摄影机,录音照相机
  39284. sound carrier ==> 伴音载波
  39285. sound carrier sweep ==> 伴音载波偏移
  39286. sound casting ==> 坚实铸件,致密铸件
  39287. sound cell ==> 声学元件
  39288. sound cell microphone ==> 声室式传声器
  39289. sound cement ==> 安定性水泥
  39290. sound chamber ==> 声室
  39291. sound channel ==> 伴音通道,伴音信道,声道
  39292. sound collateral tube ==> 伴音管
  39293. sound coloration ==> 声染色
  39294. sound column ==> 声柱
  39295. sound component ==> 声元件
  39296. sound compressor ==> 音量压缩器
  39297. sound concentrator ==> 聚声器,聚声器
  39298. sound conduction ==> 声传导
  39299. sound conduction function ==> 传音功能
  39300. sound conductivity ==> 传声性能
  39301. sound console ==> 调音台
  39302. sound constitution ==> 结实体质
  39303. sound control ==> 声控
  39304. sound corrector ==> 声音校正器
  39305. sound cutter ==> 伴音剪辑员
  39306. sound cutting ==> 声剪辑
  39307. sound damper ==> 声阻尼器
  39308. sound deadening ==> 消音作用,隔音的,隔音法
  39309. sound decay ==> 声音消衰
  39310. sound decay curve ==> 声音衰变曲线
  39311. sound defect ==> 健全缺陷
  39312. sound deflection ==> 声波折射
  39313. sound deflection coefficient ==> 声折射系数
  39314. sound demodulator ==> 伴音信号解调器
  39315. sound density ==> 声密度
  39316. sound detection ==> 声检测
  39317. sound detector ==> 声检测器,检声器,伴音检波器,伴音信号检波器,测音器,验声器,验声器
  39318. sound diffraction ==> 声绕射,声衍射
  39319. sound diffusion ==> 声扩散
  39320. sound diffusivity ==> 声扩散率
  39321. sound discriminator ==> 声频鉴频器
  39322. sound dispersion ==> 声频散
  39323. sound distortion ==> 声失真
  39324. sound distribution ==> 声分布
  39325. sound distribution amplifier ==> 声分配放大器
  39326. sound distribution measurement ==> 声分布测量
  39327. sound disturbance effects ==> 声干扰效应
  39328. sound driver ==> 声激励器
  39329. sound duct ==> 传声筒
  39330. sound effect ==> 声效应=>音響効果,効果音
  39331. sound effect filter ==> 声响效果滤波器
  39332. sound effects ==> 音响效果
  39333. sound elimination ==> 声音消除
  39334. sound emission ==> 声发射
  39335. sound emission microphone ==> 声发射接收器
  39336. sound energy ==> 声能
  39337. sound energy density ==> 声能密度
  39338. sound energy flux ==> 声能通量
  39339. sound energy flux density ==> 声能通量密度
  39340. sound energy power generation ==> 声能发电
  39341. sound energy reflection coefficient ==> 声能反射系数
  39342. sound equipment ==> 声测设备
  39343. sound eraser ==> 唱片音模复原器
  39344. sound excitation ==> 声激励
  39345. sound exclusion ==> 排除砂子坍垮技术
  39346. sound exposure level ==> 声曝级
  39347. sound fading ==> 声衰落
  39348. sound fading device ==> 声衰减装置
  39349. sound failure ==> 声致故障
  39350. sound field ==> 声场
  39351. sound field calibration ==> 声场校准
  39352. sound field fluctuation ==> 声场起伏
  39353. sound field plotter ==> 声场标绘器
  39354. sound film ==> 声带片,声膜,录音胶片
  39355. sound filter ==> 滤音器
  39356. sound filtration ==> 滤声,滤声器
  39357. sound financial footing ==> 可靠的经费基础
  39358. sound finding and ranging ==> 声波测位和测距
  39359. sound fixing and ranging ==> 声发
  39360. sound focus test film ==> 声聚焦试验片
  39361. sound focuser ==> 聚声器,聚声器
  39362. sound focusing ==> 声聚焦
  39363. sound foil ==> 声箔
  39364. sound follower ==> 声跟随器
  39365. sound frequency ==> 可听声频率,声频
  39366. sound frequency range ==> 声频范围
  39367. sound gate ==> 伴音拾音器,放声口
  39368. sound gear ==> 水声仪器
  39369. sound generator ==> 声源
  39370. sound gobo ==> 消音隔板
  39371. sound goods ==> 完好货物
  39372. sound grating ==> 声栅
  39373. sound guidance ==> 音响制导
  39374. sound head ==> 拾声头
  39375. sound homing ==> 声波导航,声波寻的,声辐射导航
  39376. sound IF amplifier tube ==> 声频信号中频放大器
  39377. sound image ==> 音像
  39378. sound image method ==> (超声检测的)声像法
  39379. sound imperssion ==> 声印象
  39380. sound impulse ==> 声脉冲
  39381. sound information ==> 声测情报
  39382. sound insulated fire door ==> 隔音防火门
  39383. sound insulating construction ==> 隔音构造
  39384. sound insulating door ==> 隔音门
  39385. sound insulating material ==> 隔音材料
  39386. sound insulating wall ==> 隔音墙
  39387. sound insulation ==> 声绝缘,隔声,利用隔声材料和隔声结构阻挡声能的传播,把声源产生的噪声限制在局部范围内,或在噪声的环境中隔离出相对安静的场所=>遮音
  39388. sound insulation character ==> 隔声特性
  39389. sound insulation class ==> 隔声等级
  39390. sound insulation coefficient ==> 隔音系数
  39391. sound insulation construction ==> 防音構造
  39392. sound insulation cover ==> 遮音カバー
  39393. sound insulation factor ==> 防音率
  39394. sound insulation floor construction ==> 隔声楼板构造
  39395. sound insulation grading ==> 隔声等级
  39396. sound insulation improvement ==> 遮音改善
  39397. sound insulation index ==> 隔声指数
  39398. sound insulation material ==> 遮音材料
  39399. sound insulation quantity ==> 防音量
  39400. sound insulation rating ==> 遮音等級
  39401. sound insulation test ==> 隔声试验
  39402. sound insulation value ==> 隔音性能
  39403. sound insulation wall ==> 遮音壁
  39404. sound insulator ==> 隔音材料
  39405. sound intensifier ==> 增音器,声音放大器
  39406. sound intensity ==> 音の強さ
  39407. sound intensity decay ==> 声强衰减
  39408. sound intensity fluctuation ==> 声强起伏
  39409. sound intensity level ==> 声强度级
  39410. sound intensity meter ==> 声强计
  39411. sound intensity reflection coefficient ==> 声强反射系数
  39412. sound intensity transmission coefficient ==> 声强透射系数
  39413. sound intercarrier ==> 伴音载波差拍
  39414. sound interference ==> 伴音干扰,声干扰
  39415. sound intermediate ==> 声介质,传声介质
  39416. sound intermediate frequency ==> 中音频
  39417. sound interval ==> 声音音程,频程
  39418. sound investment ==> 可靠投资
  39419. sound irradiator ==> 声照射器
  39420. sound isolation ==> 声隔离,隔音
  39421. sound isolation requirement ==> 隔音要求
  39422. sound knot ==> 坚固木节,健全节,生节
  39423. sound lag ==> 声延迟
  39424. sound leakage ==> 声漏
  39425. sound legged ==> 四肢健实的
  39426. sound lens ==> 声透镜
  39427. sound level ==> 声级=>騒音レベル
  39428. sound level calibrator ==> 声级标定仪
  39429. sound level control ==> 声级控制
  39430. sound level difference ==> 声级差
  39431. sound level meter ==> 声级计=>指示騒音計
  39432. sound level meter attenuator ==> 声级计衰减器
  39433. sound level meter data ==> 声级计数据
  39434. sound level signal ==> 声级信号
  39435. sound limit ==> 声极限
  39436. sound line ==> 声频通信线中路
  39437. sound localization ==> 音源同定
  39438. sound locater ==> 声波探测仪
  39439. sound location ==> 声波定位
  39440. sound locator ==> 声波定位器
  39441. sound lock ==> 声锁,声闸,隔声前室
  39442. sound logging ==> 声测井
  39443. sound looping ==> 声循环
  39444. sound maintenance ==> 声测量技术
  39445. sound man ==> 录音员
  39446. sound masking ==> 声掩蔽
  39447. sound measurement ==> 声波测距
  39448. sound meter ==> 测声计,测声器,噪音表
  39449. sound mine ==> 声学水雷
  39450. sound mixer ==> 声音信号混合器,混声器
  39451. sound mixing ==> 声混合
  39452. sound mixing console ==> 调音台
  39453. sound modulation ==> 伴音调制
  39454. sound monitor ==> 声监控器
  39455. sound moviola ==> 声音剪辑机
  39456. sound navigation and ranging ==> 声纳
  39457. sound on vision ==> 伴音干扰图像
  39458. sound organ ==> 发音器
  39459. sound oscillation ==> 声振荡
  39460. sound output ==> 声输出,音频输出功率=>音響出力
  39461. sound overshooting ==> 声过调量
  39462. sound part ==> 合格部分
  39463. sound particle velocity ==> 声波中质点速度
  39464. sound path ==> 声程
  39465. sound pattern ==> 声模式
  39466. sound perceiving apparatus ==> 感音装置
  39467. sound perception ==> 声音感觉,声觉
  39468. sound perception function ==> 感音功能
  39469. sound phase ==> 健全相
  39470. sound pick-up ==> 拾声器,拾音器
  39471. sound pick-up outfit ==> 录音设备
  39472. sound picture ==> 声画
  39473. sound pipe ==> 声管
  39474. sound player ==> 留声机
  39475. sound pollution ==> 噪音污染,声污染
  39476. sound positive ==> (电影)声正片
  39477. sound power ==> 声功率
  39478. sound power absorption coefficient ==> 声功率吸收系数
  39479. sound power calculation ==> 声功率计算
  39480. sound power density ==> 声功率密度
  39481. sound power level ==> 声功率级
  39482. sound power of a source ==> 声源功率
  39483. sound power reflection coefficient ==> 声功率反射系数
  39484. sound power transmission coefficient ==> 声功率传输系数
  39485. sound power value ==> 声功率值
  39486. sound powered telephone ==> 声力电话
  39487. sound powered telephone set ==> 声力电话机
  39488. sound pressure ==> 声压,音压=>音圧
  39489. sound pressure calibration ==> 声压校准
  39490. sound pressure compensation method ==> 声压补偿法
  39491. sound pressure correction ==> 声压校正
  39492. sound pressure equalization ==> 声压均衡
  39493. sound pressure hydrophone ==> 声压式水听器
  39494. sound pressure level ==> 声压级=>音圧のレベル
  39495. sound pressure level (SPL) ==> 声压级
  39496. sound pressure meter ==> 声压计=>音圧計
  39497. sound pressure reflection coefficient ==> 声压反射系数
  39498. sound pressure response ==> 声压响应
  39499. sound pressure sensor ==> 声压传感器
  39500. sound pressure value ==> 声压值
  39501. sound probe ==> 声频探头,声探头,声波探测器,探声管,探声器,耳声探针
  39502. sound probe sonoprobe ==> 探声器
  39503. sound producer ==> 唱头
  39504. sound production ==> 发声
  39505. sound program transmission system ==> 音声放送中継方式
  39506. sound projection ==> 声的投射,声投射
  39507. sound proof box ==> 隔音箱
  39508. sound propagation ==> 声传播
  39509. sound pulse ==> 声脉冲
  39510. sound pulse photography ==> 声脉冲照相
  39511. sound radar ==> 声波测距器,声波定位器,(声定位和测距仪)声达
  39512. sound radiation ==> 声放射
  39513. sound radiation pressure ==> 声辐射压
  39514. sound radiator ==> 声辐射器
  39515. sound radio ==> 声音广播
  39516. sound radiometer ==> 声辐射计
  39517. sound range recorder ==> 声频记录仪
  39518. sound ranger ==> 音响测距仪
  39519. sound ranging ==> 高空探测,声波测距,声波测距法
  39520. sound ranging adjustment ==> 声测距离调整
  39521. sound ranging altimeter ==> 声波测高计
  39522. sound ranging control ==> 声纳测距控制
  39523. sound ranging instrument ==> 声测仪器
  39524. sound ranging location ==> 声波测距定位
  39525. sound ranging observation post ==> 声测所
  39526. sound ranging platoon ==> 声测排
  39527. sound ranging plotting board ==> 声测标图板
  39528. sound ranging section ==> 声测分排
  39529. sound ray ==> 声辐射线,声线
  39530. sound ray trace ==> 声线轨迹
  39531. sound ray tracking plotter ==> 声线轨迹仪
  39532. sound reading ==> 收听,音响收报
  39533. sound receiving room ==> (隔声测量时受声的房间)受声室
  39534. sound reception ==> 声接收
  39535. sound recognition ==> 声音的识别
  39536. sound recorder ==> 录音机
  39537. sound recording ==> 录音=>録音
  39538. sound recording film ==> 电影录音底片
  39539. sound reduction factor ==> 隔声量
  39540. sound reduction index ==> 隔声量,隔音量,声衰减指数
  39541. sound reduction index (SRI) ==> 隔声指数
  39542. sound reflection ==> 声反射
  39543. sound reflection board ==> 声反射板
  39544. sound reflection coefficiency ==> 声反射系数
  39545. sound reflection coefficient ==> 声反射率
  39546. sound reflector ==> 声反射器
  39547. sound regulation room ==> 调音室
  39548. sound reinforcement system ==> 扩音系统
  39549. sound rejection ==> 声抑制,伴声载波抑制
  39550. sound remote sensing ==> 声学遥感
  39551. sound reproducing equipment ==> 还音设备
  39552. sound reproducing system ==> 放声系统
  39553. sound reproduction ==> 放声,声重发
  39554. sound resonant cavity ==> 伴音谐振腔
  39555. sound reverberator ==> 混响器
  39556. sound rubber ==> 完善胶片
  39557. sound scanning device ==> 声扫描设备
  39558. sound scatterer ==> 声散射体
  39559. sound scope ==> 听音器
  39560. sound screen ==> 声障板
  39561. sound seedling ==> 壮苗
  39562. sound sensation ==> 声觉
  39563. sound shadow ==> 声影
  39564. sound shadow region ==> 声影区
  39565. sound shadow zone ==> 声影区
  39566. sound signal ==> 声频信号,伴音信号,音响信号=>音声信号
  39567. sound signal digital ==> 声信号数字
  39568. sound signalling appliance ==> 声响信号器材
  39569. sound signalling device ==> 声响讯号装置
  39570. sound slit ==> 声缝隙,窄缝光门
  39571. sound source ==> 音源
  39572. sound source room ==> 声源室
  39573. sound spark ==> 声电火花
  39574. sound spark transmitter ==> 火花式发话机
  39575. sound spectrograph ==> 音频频谱仪,语图仪
  39576. sound spectrometer ==> 声频频谱计
  39577. sound spectrum ==> 声谱
  39578. sound speed ==> 音速
  39579. sound speed profile ==> 声速垂直分布
  39580. sound splice ==> 声接头
  39581. sound spotting ==> 声波探测,声波探索
  39582. sound sprocket ==> 声链轮
  39583. sound stability ==> 声稳定性
  39584. sound stage ==> 声基宽
  39585. sound stage width ==> 基宽
  39586. sound stream absorber ==> 声流吸声器
  39587. sound studio ==> 录音室
  39588. sound suppression ==> 声抑制
  39589. sound synthesizer ==> 声音合成器
  39590. sound system ==> 声学系统,伴音系统,放声系统,音响系统
  39591. sound take-off ==> 检出声信号
  39592. sound talkback ==> 演播室对讲
  39593. sound talkie ==> 有声电影
  39594. sound tape ==> 声带
  39595. sound test ==> 锤击检查
  39596. sound track ==> 声道,声迹=>サウンドトラック
  39597. sound track advance ==> (声画不同步)声迹超前
  39598. sound track demodulator ==> 声迹解调器
  39599. sound track speed ==> 声迹速率
  39600. sound tracking ==> 声波跟踪
  39601. sound transceiver ==> 音响收发装置
  39602. sound transducer ==> 电声换能器,声换能器
  39603. sound transfer ==> 声迹复版
  39604. sound transmission ==> 声透射
  39605. sound transmission coefficient ==> 声透射系数,传声系数
  39606. sound transmission loss ==> 隔声量,隔音量,声透射损失
  39607. sound transmission qualities ==> 声传输质量
  39608. sound transmission reduction ==> 声传播降低
  39609. sound transmitter ==> 音声送信機
  39610. sound trap ==> 伴音陷波电路,声频陷波器,声阱
  39611. sound trapping ==> 陷声
  39612. sound travel ==> 声通路,声路
  39613. sound treatment ==> 声学处理
  39614. sound value ==> 重置价值,稳妥价值
  39615. sound variation ==> 声变化
  39616. sound velocimeter ==> 声速测量仪
  39617. sound velocity ==> 声速
  39618. sound velocity calibration ==> 声速校准
  39619. sound velocity meter ==> 声速仪
  39620. sound velocity method ==> 声速法
  39621. sound vibration ==> 声振动
  39622. sound volume ==> 音量=>音量
  39623. sound volume control ==> 声量控制
  39624. sound volume velocity ==> 声媒质体积速度
  39625. sound wave ==> 声波,音波=>音波
  39626. sound wave photography ==> 声波照相
  39627. sound-absorbing cover ==> 吸音罩
  39628. sound-absorbing porous material ==> 多孔吸声材料
  39629. sound-absorption coefficient ==> 吸音系数
  39630. sound-analyzing equipment ==> 声波分析仪
  39631. sound-and-chroma detector ==> 伴音和彩色信号检波器
  39632. sound-and-fire proof ==> 隔音防火
  39633. sound-control booth ==> 音响控制室
  39634. sound-control console ==> 音响控制台
  39635. sound-deadening paint ==> 隔音涂料
  39636. sound-deadening quilt ==> 消声被
  39637. sound-deadening varnish ==> 隔声清漆
  39638. sound-detecting and ranging ==> 声响探测仪
  39639. sound-face cutting ==> 健全材面锯切法
  39640. sound-groove ==> 声纹
  39641. sound-hard boundary ==> 声学刚性边界
  39642. sound-in-syncs ==> 同步传声
  39643. sound-insulating anteroom ==> 隔声前室
  39644. sound-insulating concrete ==> 隔音混凝土
  39645. sound-insulating structure ==> 隔音结构
  39646. sound-insulation value ==> 隔声值
  39647. sound-intensity measuring device ==> 声强测量仪
  39648. sound-level meter ==> 音级计,音级仪=>騒音計
  39649. sound-measuring device ==> 测声器,测声仪
  39650. sound-off switch ==> 声断路开关
  39651. sound-on-film recorder ==> 胶片录音机
  39652. sound-on-sound recording ==> 双声迹录音
  39653. sound-pipe ==> 探测管
  39654. sound-powered telephone ==> 声能电话机
  39655. sound-powered telephone system ==> 声力电话系统
  39656. sound-pressure-level measurement ==> 声压级测量
  39657. sound-print ==> 声复版
  39658. sound-proof ==> 隔音的
  39659. sound-proof chamber ==> 防音室
  39660. sound-proof concrete ==> 隔音混凝土
  39661. sound-proof door ==> 防音ドア
  39662. sound-proof drilling rig ==> 隔音钻探设备
  39663. sound-proof film camera ==> 隔音摄影机
  39664. sound-proof material ==> 隔音材料
  39665. sound-proof motor ==> 声处理的马达
  39666. sound-proof room ==> 隔音室
  39667. sound-proof structure ==> 隔音结构
  39668. sound-proof tile ==> 隔音砖
  39669. sound-proofing lagging ==> 隔音外套
  39670. sound-pulse decay ==> 声脉冲衰变
  39671. sound-ranging base ==> 声波测距基线
  39672. sound-ranging company ==> 声测连
  39673. sound-ranging station ==> 声波测距台
  39674. sound-ranging technique ==> 声测距技术
  39675. sound-ray diagram ==> 声线图
  39676. sound-recording apparatus ==> 录音机
  39677. sound-reflection factor ==> 声反射因数
  39678. sound-reinforcement system ==> 扩声系统
  39679. sound-scanning drum ==> 声扫描滚筒
  39680. sound-scattering object ==> 声散射物
  39681. sound-sensitive detector ==> 声敏探测器
  39682. sound-soft boundary ==> 声学软边界
  39683. sound-soft termination ==> 透声界面
  39684. sound-track engraving apparatus ==> 声迹刻纹机
  39685. sound-trap ==> 声频信号陷波器
  39686. sound-vision separator ==> 伴音图像分离设备
  39687. sound-wave photography ==> 声波摄影学
  39688. sounder ==> 音響器
  39689. Soundex code ==> 桑迪克斯代码
  39690. sounding ==> 发声,高空观测,探通术,测深,声探测=>サウンディング,測深(音響)
  39691. sounding alignment ==> 测深定线
  39692. sounding apparatus ==> 测深器
  39693. sounding balloon ==> 探空气球
  39694. sounding board ==> 共鸣板,测深板
  39695. sounding boat ==> 测深船
  39696. sounding bob ==> 测深锤,测深重锤,探测锤
  39697. sounding borer ==> 触探钻,钻探机,测探钻
  39698. sounding by echo ==> 回声测深
  39699. sounding chart ==> 测深图
  39700. sounding cone ==> 测深锥
  39701. sounding datum ==> 测深基准面
  39702. sounding device ==> 测深设备,声测探器
  39703. sounding electrode ==> 探测电极
  39704. sounding equipment ==> 测深设备
  39705. sounding impulse ==> 探测脉冲
  39706. sounding lead ==> 测深锤
  39707. sounding line ==> 测铅绳,测深绳,测深索,测深线
  39708. sounding line correction ==> 测深绳偏斜校正
  39709. sounding line layout ==> 测深线定位
  39710. sounding machine ==> 测深机,触探机
  39711. sounding method ==> 测深法
  39712. sounding missile ==> 探空导弹
  39713. sounding of cross section ==> 断面测深
  39714. sounding of urethra ==> 探尿道
  39715. sounding pole ==> 测深杆
  39716. sounding profile ==> 测深断面
  39717. sounding protractor ==> 测深量角器
  39718. sounding relay ==> 音响器
  39719. sounding rocket ==> 探测火箭,探空火箭
  39720. sounding rod ==> 测深杆
  39721. sounding rope ==> 量水绳,测水绳
  39722. sounding sextant ==> 测深六分仪,水文地理测量六分仪
  39723. sounding vehicle ==> 高空探测火箭
  39724. sounding velocity ==> 测深声速
  39725. sounding vertical ==> 测深垂丝
  39726. sounding weight ==> 测深重锤
  39727. sounding wire ==> 测深绳
  39728. soundness test ==> 安定性试验,耐固性试验
  39729. soundproof coefficient ==> 隔音系数
  39730. soundproof construction ==> 隔音构造
  39731. soundproof cover ==> 隔声罩
  39732. soundproof door ==> 隔音门
  39733. soundproof fiberboard ==> 隔音纤维板
  39734. soundproof floor ==> 隔声地板
  39735. soundproof material ==> 隔音材料
  39736. soundproof wall ==> 隔音墙
  39737. soundproof window ==> 隔音窗
  39738. soundproof work ==> 隔声工程
  39739. soup plate ==> 汤盘
  39740. soup spoon ==> 汤匙
  39741. sour ==> 酸,酸的,酸味=>酸っぱい,サワー
  39742. sour agent ==> 酸味料
  39743. sour apple ==> 酸っぱいリンゴ
  39744. sour bark ==> 酸性树皮
  39745. sour bath ==> 酸浴
  39746. sour cherry ==> 欧洲酸樱桃
  39747. sour citron ==> 酸枸橼
  39748. sour corrosion ==> 酸性腐蚀
  39749. sour crude ==> 高硫原油,含硫原油
  39750. sour crude oil ==> 酸性原油
  39751. sour distillate ==> 酸性馏分
  39752. sour dock ==> 酸模=>スイバ
  39753. sour dry gas ==> 酸性干气
  39754. sour felling ==> 生理干燥伐
  39755. sour flavour ==> 发酸味
  39756. sour gas ==> 含硫石油气,酸气,高硫石油气
  39757. sour gasoline ==> 酸性汽油
  39758. sour grass ==> 酸模
  39759. sour leek ==> 酸模
  39760. sour milk ==> 酸奶,酸牛奶
  39761. sour oil ==> 含硫轻油
  39762. sour regurgitation ==> 反酸
  39763. sour salt ==> 酸味盐
  39764. sour soil ==> 酸土,酸性土
  39765. sour tupelo ==> 酸紫树
  39766. sour water ==> 酸性污水
  39767. sourbush cherry ==> 酸灌丛樱
  39768. source ==> 源,源极,源头,电源,光源,发送端,信号源=>ソース(電界効果トランジスタ)
  39769. source address ==> 源地址
  39770. source address field ==> 源地址字段
  39771. source address instruction ==> 源地址指令
  39772. source admittance ==> 源导纳
  39773. source alphabet ==> 信源字母集
  39774. source and application of funds statement ==> 资金来源及运用表
  39775. source and sink ==> 源头与壑
  39776. source and time specific ==> 空间和时间的特性
  39777. source bed ==> 源岩层
  39778. source bias effect ==> 源偏压效应
  39779. source block ==> 源部件
  39780. source book ==> 原始资料,源律=>原典
  39781. source bubble ==> 源磁泡
  39782. source bulk resistance ==> 源电阻
  39783. source calibration ==> 源标准化
  39784. source capsule ==> 源管
  39785. source case ==> 出处角色
  39786. source channel junction ==> 源沟结
  39787. source circuit ==> 源电路
  39788. source code ==> 源编码
  39789. source code instruction ==> 源代码指令
  39790. source coding ==> 情報源符号化
  39791. source coding theorem ==> 情報源符号化定理
  39792. source computer ==> 源计算机
  39793. source condition ==> 源的工作条件
  39794. source conductivity ==> 源电导
  39795. source contact ==> 源接点
  39796. source container ==> 源容器
  39797. source core ==> (放射性)源芯
  39798. source current ==> 源电流=>電源電流
  39799. source data ==> 源数据,初始数据
  39800. source data entry ==> 源数据项
  39801. source data item ==> 源数据项
  39802. source data structure ==> 源数据结构
  39803. source deck ==> 原始程序卡片组,源卡片叠
  39804. source density ==> 源密度
  39805. source designation instruction ==> 源赋值指令
  39806. source destination code ==> 无操作码
  39807. source detected interference ==> 源检测干扰
  39808. source detector seperation ==> (放射性勘探)源距
  39809. source dimension ==> 震源大小
  39810. source diode ==> 源二极管
  39811. source distance ==> 震源矩
  39812. source distribution ==> 源分布
  39813. source distribution cabinet ==> 电源配电箱
  39814. source distribution function ==> 源分布函数
  39815. source document ==> 原始文件
  39816. source drain diode ==> 源极漏极二极管
  39817. source edit utility option ==> 源编辑应用程序
  39818. source editor ==> 源编辑程序
  39819. source efficiency ==> 源效率,光源效率
  39820. source electrode ==> 源电极,源极
  39821. source emittance ==> 源发射度
  39822. source encoder ==> 信源编码器
  39823. source file ==> 源文件
  39824. source file editor ==> 源文件编辑程序
  39825. source flow ==> 源流
  39826. source follower ==> ソースホロワ
  39827. source follower amplifier ==> 源输出放大器
  39828. source follower circuit ==> 源输出电路
  39829. source follower probe ==> 源输出器探头
  39830. source forcing ==> 源激励
  39831. source function ==> 源点函数
  39832. source grid electrode ==> 源栅电极
  39833. source host ==> 源主机
  39834. source image ==> 源程序信息,源像
  39835. source impedance ==> 电源阻抗=>電源インピーダンス, "For a particular fault location, the impedance in the equivalent circuit of the fault current path between the point where the voltage is applied to the measuring relay and the e.m.f in the equivalent circuit producing the fault current in the same path.",信号源インピーダンス
  39836. source index ==> 资料索引
  39837. source information ==> 源信息
  39838. source intercalibration ==> 源的相互校准
  39839. source interlock ==> 源联锁装置
  39840. source introduction method ==> 源引入法
  39841. source item ==> 源项
  39842. source jack-socket ==> 电源插头座
  39843. source key ==> 源关键字
  39844. source language ==> 原始言語
  39845. source language construct ==> 源语言构造
  39846. source language debugging ==> 源语言调试,源语言调整
  39847. source language insturction ==> 源语言指令
  39848. source language level ==> 源语言级
  39849. source language specification ==> 源语言说明书
  39850. source language statement ==> 源语言语句
  39851. source language symbol ==> 源语言符号
  39852. source language translation ==> 源语言翻译
  39853. source level ==> 源电平,声源级
  39854. source library ==> 源程序库
  39855. source library program ==> 源库存程序
  39856. source machine ==> 源机器
  39857. source macro-definition ==> 源宏定义
  39858. source material ==> 原始资料
  39859. source modulation rate ==> 源调制频率
  39860. source module ==> 源程序模块,源模块
  39861. source moment ==> 震源矩
  39862. source movement ==> 源移动
  39863. source multiplication method ==> 源倍增法
  39864. source neutron ==> 源中子
  39865. source nipple ==> 螺纹接口
  39866. source node ==> 源节点
  39867. source normalization ==> 源强度归一化
  39868. source object ==> 始对象
  39869. source of atmospheric pollution ==> 大气污染源
  39870. source of crude ==> 原矿储量
  39871. source of current ==> 电源
  39872. source of damage ==> 损坏原因
  39873. source of deduction ==> 扣除项目来源
  39874. source of dust ==> 风沙来源
  39875. source of early warning ==> 预警设备
  39876. source of electricity ==> 电源
  39877. source of energy ==> 能源
  39878. source of failure ==> 故障来源
  39879. source of feed ==> 原料来源
  39880. source of goods ==> 货源
  39881. source of graph ==> 图的起点
  39882. source of harmonic current ==> 谐波电流源,供电系统的设备或连接到系统的装置,其非线性阻抗或(和)导纳引起的电流波形畸变
  39883. source of harmonic voltage ==> 谐波电压源,供电系统的设备或连接到系统的装置,其所产生的电动势中包含有分量
  39884. source of heat ==> 热源
  39885. source of income ==> 财源
  39886. source of infection ==> 传染源,感染源
  39887. source of labor supply ==> 人工供给来源,人力供给来源
  39888. source of light ==> 光源
  39889. source of local materials ==> 当地料源
  39890. source of manure ==> 肥源
  39891. source of parallel light ==> 平行光源
  39892. source of parents ==> 母源
  39893. source of personnel ==> 人力来源
  39894. source of power ==> 动力源
  39895. source of power supply ==> 电源
  39896. source of resonant excitation ==> 共振源
  39897. source of revenue ==> 税源,财源
  39898. source of runoff ==> 补给水源
  39899. source of secondary radiation ==> 二次辐射源
  39900. source of sediment ==> 沉积源地
  39901. source of sound ==> 音源
  39902. source of supply ==> 供应来源,供应源
  39903. source of target information ==> 目标信息源
  39904. source of the disturbance ==> 干扰源
  39905. source of the engine trouble ==> エンジントラブルの原因
  39906. source of trouble ==> 故障源
  39907. source of variability ==> 变异性来源
  39908. source of voltage ==> 电源
  39909. source of water supply ==> 水供应来源
  39910. source of waves ==> 波源
  39911. source of welding current ==> 焊接电源
  39912. source output efficiency ==> 源输出效率
  39913. source oven ==> 源炉
  39914. source oven temperature ==> 源炉温
  39915. source packet ==> 源包
  39916. source plasma ==> 源等离子体
  39917. source plate ==> 源板
  39918. source point ==> 源点
  39919. source position ==> 源位置
  39920. source positioning ==> 源位置控制
  39921. source power ==> 源功率
  39922. source preparation ==> 源准备
  39923. source program ==> 源程序=>原始プログラム
  39924. source program character ==> 源程序字符
  39925. source program form ==> 源程序形式
  39926. source program library ==> 源程序库
  39927. source program operation ==> 源程序运算
  39928. source program optimizer ==> 源程序最佳化程序
  39929. source program pointer ==> 源程序指示字
  39930. source program symbol ==> 源程序符号
  39931. source program tape ==> 源程序带
  39932. source program variable ==> 源程序变量
  39933. source program word ==> 源程序字
  39934. source programming ==> 源程序设计
  39935. source protection ==> 源保护
  39936. source range ==> 中子源区段
  39937. source rate ==> 信源率
  39938. source reactor ==> 中子源反应堆
  39939. source reagent ==> 原材料
  39940. source record ==> 源记录
  39941. source recording ==> 原始记录,原始记录制作
  39942. source region ==> 源区
  39943. source register field ==> 源寄存器字段
  39944. source resistance ==> 电源电阻,内电阻
  39945. source restoration ==> 复源法
  39946. source rock ==> 源岩,生油岩
  39947. source room ==> 声源室
  39948. source routine ==> 源程序
  39949. source sampling ==> 源取样
  39950. source self-bias circuit ==> 源自偏置电路
  39951. source separation system (waste) ==> 废物产生分类制度
  39952. source series resistance ==> 源电阻
  39953. source size ==> 源大小
  39954. source sound power level ==> 源声功率级
  39955. source speed ==> 源速度
  39956. source statement ==> 源语句
  39957. source statement library ==> 源语句库
  39958. source station ==> 源站
  39959. source strength ==> 源强度,点源强度
  39960. source strength measurement ==> 源强度测定
  39961. source substrate junction ==> 源极衬底结
  39962. source subtraction ==> 减源法
  39963. source tape ==> 源带
  39964. source tape cross-assembler ==> 源带交叉汇编程序
  39965. source tape preparation ==> 源带准备
  39966. source temperature ==> 源温
  39967. source terminal ==> 源端子,源极端
  39968. source text ==> 源程序正文
  39969. source thesaurus ==> 源叙词表
  39970. source transformer ==> 电源变压器
  39971. source tray ==> 源盘
  39972. source tube ==> 源管
  39973. source unit ==> 源
  39974. source voltage ==> 源电压=>電源電圧
  39975. source word ==> 源字
  39976. source word location ==> 源字单元
  39977. source zone ==> 源区
  39978. source(-)holder ==> 源座
  39979. source-and-drain junction ==> (场效应晶体管的)源漏结
  39980. source-and-sink method ==> 源壑法
  39981. source-calibration laboratory ==> 源刻度实验室
  39982. source-computer ==> 翻译计算机
  39983. source-coupler loss ==> 光源耦合器损耗
  39984. source-coupling efficiency ==> 光源耦合效率
  39985. source-data automation ==> 源数据自动化
  39986. source-drain characteristics ==> 源漏特性
  39987. source-drain voltage ==> 源漏电压,源漏间电压
  39988. source-fibre coupling ==> 光源光纤耦合
  39989. source-free flow ==> 无源流动
  39990. source-representation ==> 源表示
  39991. source-selector disk ==> 选源盘
  39992. source-sink method ==> 源汇法
  39993. source-to-fibre loss ==> 光源光纤损耗
  39994. sourcebook ==> 原始资料,源律=>原典
  39995. Sourceforge ==> フリーソフトのプロジェクト
  39996. sources of fund ==> 资金来源
  39997. sources of information ==> 信息来源
  39998. sources of irrigation water ==> 灌溉水源
  39999. sources of manpower ==> 人力来源
  40000. sourcing ==> 纯源化
  40001. sourd transparent ==> 透声
  40002. sourdine ==> 静噪器,静噪器,噪声抑制器
  40003. souring ==> 加酸
  40004. sourness ==> 发酸味
  40005. sourwood ==> 酸木
  40006. South African lesser leaf-nosed bat ==> 南非蹄蝠
  40007. South African red squirrel ==> 南非红松鼠
  40008. South African tickbite fever ==> 南非蜱咬热
  40009. South American architecture ==> 南美洲建筑
  40010. South American cotton ==> 南美洲棉
  40011. South American Plate ==> 南アメリカプレート
  40012. South American vanilla ==> 南美香子兰
  40013. South Asia and Far East cable ==> 南亚和远东电缆
  40014. South Asian monsoon ==> 南アジアモンスーン
  40015. south by east ==> 南偏东
  40016. south cardinal mark ==> 南界标
  40017. South Carolina pride cotton ==> 南卡罗来纳棉
  40018. south celestial pole ==> 南天极
  40019. South China Sea ==> 南海
  40020. South Devon sheep ==> 南德文绵羊
  40021. South Down wool ==> 南塘种羊毛
  40022. South East New Territories Landfill (SENT Landfill) ==> 新界东南堆填区
  40023. South East Tsing Yi Development Study ==> 青衣东南部发展研究
  40024. south elevation ==> 南立面
  40025. South Equatorial Current ==> 南赤道海流
  40026. south frigid zone ==> 南寒带
  40027. south Galactic Cap ==> 南银冠
  40028. south geomagnetic pole ==> 南地磁极
  40029. south heavy ==> 南重
  40030. South Indian yellow-throated marten ==> 南印貂
  40031. South Lantau Coast Planning and Development Study ==> 大屿山南岸规划及发展研究
  40032. south latitude ==> 南纬
  40033. south magnetic dip pole ==> 南磁倾角极
  40034. south orientation ==> 南向
  40035. South Pacific Current ==> 南太平洋海流
  40036. South Pacific mahogany (red lauan) ==> 南太平洋红木
  40037. South Pacific shipping line ==> 南太平洋航线
  40038. south point ==> 南点
  40039. south polar circle ==> 南极圈
  40040. south polar distance ==> 南极距
  40041. south pole ==> 南极=>南極
  40042. south sea jasmine ==> 南海素馨
  40043. south sea timber ==> 南洋材
  40044. south temperate zone ==> 南温带
  40045. south tropical disturbance ==> 南热带扰动
  40046. South West New Territories Development Strategy ==> 新界西南发展策略
  40047. South-Africa shipping line ==> 南非航线
  40048. South-America shipping line ==> 南美航线
  40049. south-north asymmetry ==> 南北不对称性
  40050. South-Pacific disjunction ==> 南太平洋间断分布
  40051. South-seeking chariot ==> 指南车
  40052. South-South Conference ==> 南南会议
  40053. South-South Cooperation ==> 南南合作
  40054. Southampton ==> 南安普敦
  40055. southbound node ==> 降交点
  40056. southeast ==> 东南东
  40057. southeast Alaska affected ==> アラスカ南東部
  40058. Southeast Drift Current ==> 东南漂流
  40059. southeast trade wind ==> 东南信风
  40060. southeast wind ==> 东南风
  40061. southerly-facing flat collector ==> 朝南平面集热器
  40062. southern auroral zone ==> 南极光带
  40063. Southern Coalsack ==> (银河中的黑斑)南煤袋
  40064. Southern Cross ==> 南十字星座,南十字星座
  40065. Southern Crown ==> 南冕星座
  40066. southern elongation ==> 南大距
  40067. southern falsebeech ==> 南方假山毛榉
  40068. Southern Fish ==> 南鱼星座
  40069. Southern fur seal ==> 南非海狮属
  40070. Southern hairy-nosed wombat ==> 南澳毛吻袋熊
  40071. southern latitude ==> 南纬
  40072. southern limit ==> 南界限
  40073. southern limit of eclipse ==> 南食限
  40074. Southern Ocean deep-water ==> 南大洋深海
  40075. Southern pocket gopher ==> 南囊鼠
  40076. Southern Polar Front ==> 南极辐合带
  40077. Southern pygmy mouse ==> 南侏鼠
  40078. southern reference star (SRS) ==> 南天参考星
  40079. southern sclerotium blight of rice plant ==> 水稻白绢病
  40080. Southern sheath-tailed bat ==> 南鞘尾蝠
  40081. southern soapberry ==> 南部无患子
  40082. southern star ==> 南天恒星
  40083. Southern Star ==> 南星
  40084. Southern Supplementary Water Control Zone ==> 南区附水质管制区
  40085. Southern Triangle ==> 南三角星座
  40086. southern tulip ==> 南方郁金香
  40087. Southern Water Control Zone ==> 南区水质管制区
  40088. Southern Water Control Zone Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Cap. 358) ==> 《南区水质管制区水质指针声明》(第358章)
  40089. southern wax-myrtle ==> 南部杨梅
  40090. southern winter seasonal zone ==> 南半球冬季季节区带
  40091. southernly burster ==> 南寒风
  40092. southernwood ==> 青莴=>サザンウッド,オールドマン,キク科の常緑亜低木
  40093. Southwell's relaxation method ==> 索思韦尔松弛法
  40094. southwest Colorado ==> コロラド州南西部
  40095. Southwest Indian Ridge ==> インド洋南西海嶺
  40096. Southwest Research Institute ==> 美国西南研究所
  40097. southwestern United States ==> 米国南西部
  40098. souvenir ==> 記念品,土産
  40099. Sove-reign Wealth Fund, SWF ==> 主权财富基金
  40100. sow due to farrow ==> 临产母猪
  40101. sow farrowed fourteen pigs ==> 一胎产十四仔的母猪
  40102. sow heavy in pig ==> 妊娠后期母猪
  40103. sow in drill ==> 条播
  40104. sow iron ==> 沟铁
  40105. sow mouth ==> 下颚突出
  40106. sow pig ==> 小母猪
  40107. SOW, statement of work ==> 作業内容書
  40108. sower ==> 播种机
  40109. sowing ==> 播种
  40110. sowing axle ==> 排种轴
  40111. sowing boot ==> 播种开沟器
  40112. sowing chart ==> 播量表
  40113. sowing date ==> 播种日期
  40114. sowing division ==> 播种区
  40115. sowing drill ==> 播种机
  40116. sowing in bed ==> 床播
  40117. sowing in close dill ==> 窄行条播
  40118. sowing in drill ==> 条播
  40119. sowing in furrows ==> 沟播
  40120. sowing in hill ==> 垄台播
  40121. sowing in hole ==> 穴播
  40122. sowing in line ==> 行播
  40123. sowing in narrow dill ==> 窄行条播
  40124. sowing in pocket ==> 穴播
  40125. sowing in row ==> 行播
  40126. sowing in strip ==> 条播
  40127. sowing in time ==> 及时播种
  40128. sowing lath ==> 播种板条
  40129. sowing machine ==> 播种机=>種まき機
  40130. sowing mechanism ==> 播种机构
  40131. sowing on ridge ==> 垄播
  40132. sowing plot ==> 播种区
  40133. sowing point ==> 播种点
  40134. sowing season ==> 播种季节
  40135. sowing seed ==> 播种
  40136. sowing table ==> 播量表
  40137. sowing time management ==> 播种期管理
  40138. sowing width ==> 播幅
  40139. sowing width number ==> 播幅大小
  40140. sowing width regulates ==> 播幅调整
  40141. sown area ==> 播种面积
  40142. Soxhlet's apparatus ==> 脂肪抽出器
  40143. soy bean ==> 黄豆
  40144. soy milk ==> 豆乳
  40145. soy protein production line ==> 大豆蛋白生产线
  40146. soy-shell remover ==> 大豆去壳机
  40147. soya milk ==> 豆乳
  40148. soybean ==> 大豆
  40149. soybean aphid ==> 大豆蚜虫
  40150. soybean combine ==> 大豆联合收割机
  40151. soybean cutter ==> 大豆切割器
  40152. soybean cyst nematode ==> 大豆异皮线虫病
  40153. soybean export promotion ==> 促进大豆出口
  40154. soybean for oil ==> 榨油大豆
  40155. Soybean Genetics Committee ==> 大豆遗传学委员会
  40156. soybean investment ==> 存麦豆投资
  40157. soybean lecithin ==> 大豆磷脂
  40158. soybean milk ==> 豆乳
  40159. soybean mosaic ==> 大豆花叶病
  40160. soybean mosaic virus ==> 大豆花叶病毒
  40161. soybean nodulation ==> 大豆根瘤
  40162. soybean oil ==> 大豆油,豆油,豆油
  40163. soybean pod borer ==> 大豆食心虫,大豆小卷蛾
  40164. soybean pods contain form one to five seeds ==> 豆荚含1-5粒种子
  40165. soybean production ==> 大豆生产
  40166. soybean protein ==> 大豆蛋白
  40167. soybean protein fibre ==> 大豆蛋白质纤维
  40168. soybean research ==> 大豆研究
  40169. soybean research personnel ==> 大豆科研人员
  40170. soybean sheller ==> 大豆去壳机
  40171. soybean situation and outlook ==> 大豆的状况及展望
  40172. soybean sprouts ==> 黄豆芽
  40173. soybean surveys ==> 大豆调查
  40174. soybean varieties grown on a calcareous soil ==> 在石灰土壤上生长的大豆品种
  40175. soybean varieties recognized ==> 公认的大豆品种
  40176. soybean variety chippewa ==> 齐佩华大豆
  40177. soybean yields ==> 大豆产量
  40178. soybeans in pods ==> 枝豆
  40179. soymilk ==> 豆乳
  40180. soymilk drink ==> 豆乳飲料
  40181. sozoiodolic acid ==> 二碘酚磺酸
  40182. SP 1103 tetramethrin ==> 胺菊酯
  40183. SP logging ==> 自发电位测井
  40184. SP MAT Special Material ==> 特殊材料
  40185. SP record, standard play ==> SPレコード
  40186. SP Safe Port ==> 安全港
  40187. SP, launch operation procedure (Shazyou Operation Procedure) ==> 射場整備作業手順書(NASDA種子島射場における手順書)
  40188. SP, sampling ==> サンプリング
  40189. SP, separation plane ==> 分離面
  40190. SP, serial printer ==> シリアルプリンタ
  40191. SP, Shuttle Projects Office (KSC) ==> シャトル・プロジェクト・オフィス(ケネディ宇宙センター)・
  40192. SP, signal processor ==> 信号処理器
  40193. SP, single precision ==> 単精度
  40194. SP, solar paddle ==> 太陽電池パドル
  40195. SP, solar panel ==> 太陽電池パネル
  40196. SP, solar physics ==> 太陽物理学
  40197. SP, solid propellant ==> 固体推薬
  40198. SP, space phase ==> 軌道段階
  40199. SP, space plane ==> スペースプレーン
  40200. SP, space platform ==> スペースプラットフォーム
  40201. SP, Space Station Program Group ==> 宇宙環境利用推進部(宇宙開発事業団の内部組織)
  40202. SP, special command ==> スペシャルコマンド
  40203. SP, special perturbation ==> 特別摂動
  40204. SP, special process ==> 特殊工程
  40205. SP, static pressure ==> 静圧(NASA略語)
  40206. SP, sun pulse ==> サンパルス
  40207. SP-RTV, space plane reentry test vehicle ==> 宇宙往還輸送機竏注ト突入試験機
  40208. SP/PS, signal processor and power supply ==> 信号処理/電源部
  40209. spa experience ==> 温泉体験
  40210. spa hospital ==> 温泉病院
  40211. spa market ==> スパ市場
  40212. spa oil ==> 按摩油
  40213. spa resort ==> 温泉場
  40214. SPA, servo power amplifier ==> サーボ電力増幅器
  40215. SPA, signal processor assembly ==> 信号処理アセンブリー
  40216. SPA, software product assurance ==> ソフトウエア製品保証
  40217. SPA, space ==> 宇宙
  40218. SPA, space plasma accelerator ==> プラズマ加速器
  40219. SPA, Space Science Missions ==> スペースサイエンスミッション
  40220. SPA, spacer ==> スペーサ
  40221. space ==> 过行,留间隔,留空格,隙,场地,距离,距离,移动,间隔,空白,空白区,空格,空号,空间,空行,使隔开=>宇宙空間,宇宙,間隔(電信符号),間隔(文字)
  40222. space acuity ==> 空间视觉锐度
  40223. space adaptation syndrome ==> 航天适应综合征
  40224. space advertising ==> 版面广告
  40225. space aeronautics ==> 航天学
  40226. space after ==> 后空格
  40227. space allocation routine ==> 空白区分配例行程序
  40228. space antagonism ==> 颉抗间距,颉抗间距
  40229. space applications ==> 宇宙応用
  40230. space arbitrage ==> 不同地区套利,空间裁定,空间套利
  40231. space area ==> 空白区
  40232. space attenuation ==> 空间衰减
  40233. space attribute ==> 空间属性
  40234. space axes ==> 空间坐标轴
  40235. space background ==> 空间背景
  40236. space bands ==> 齐行楔
  40237. space bar ==> 空格键,空格拉杆,间隔键
  40238. space before ==> 前间隔
  40239. space between ==> 间
  40240. space between joists ==> 搁栅空当
  40241. space between the nodes of a culm ==> 植株杆上两节之间的部位
  40242. space biology ==> 空间生物学
  40243. space bit ==> 空白位
  40244. space box ==> 空铅盒
  40245. space buff ==> 隔层抛光轮
  40246. space capsule ==> 航天舱,航天密封舱
  40247. space centrifuge ==> 航天试验离心机
  40248. space chamber ==> 空间模拟室
  40249. space character ==> 空白字符,空格符,间隔字符,退格符,(计算机)空白符
  40250. space charge ==> 空间电荷,空间费用=>空間電荷
  40251. space charge accumulation ==> 空间电荷积累
  40252. space charge cloud ==> 空间电荷云
  40253. space charge density ==> 空间电荷密度
  40254. space charge effect ==> 空间电荷效应=>空間電荷効果
  40255. space charge field ==> 空间电荷场
  40256. space charge grid ==> 空间电荷栅极
  40257. space charge layer ==> 耗尽层
  40258. space charge limited current ==> 空间电荷限制电流
  40259. space charge limited diode ==> 空间电荷限制二极管
  40260. space charge neutralization ==> 空间电荷中和
  40261. space charge region ==> 空间电荷区
  40262. space charge repulsion ==> 空间电荷排斥
  40263. space charge tetrode ==> 双栅管
  40264. space charge zone ==> 空间电荷区
  40265. space charter ==> 舱位租佣
  40266. space charter system ==> 舱位租约方式
  40267. space chip ==> 宇宙芯片
  40268. space cloth ==> 空格布
  40269. space code ==> 空间码,间隔码
  40270. space coding ==> 间隔编码
  40271. space coherent beam ==> 空间相干光束
  40272. space communication ==> 宇宙通信=>宇宙通信
  40273. space communication system ==> 宇宙通信系
  40274. space communication technique ==> 空间通信技术
  40275. space computer ==> 航天计算机
  40276. space computing complex ==> 综合空间计算设备
  40277. space cone ==> 空间锥面
  40278. space configuration ==> 空间构形
  40279. space contact ==> 空号接点
  40280. space coordinate ==> 空间坐标
  40281. space coordinates ==> 空间坐标系
  40282. space coordinates system ==> 空间坐标系
  40283. space correlation ==> 空间相关
  40284. space cost ==> 空间成本
  40285. space cost curve ==> 空间成本曲线
  40286. space coupling ==> 空间耦合
  40287. space craft ==> 太空飞行器
  40288. space current ==> 空间电流
  40289. space cycle ==> 空间循环
  40290. space defense ==> 空间防御
  40291. space detection and tracking system (SPADATS) ==> 空间探测和跟踪系统
  40292. space detector ==> 航天探测器
  40293. space diagram ==> 立体图,空间图
  40294. space distortion ==> 空间畸变
  40295. space distribution ==> 空间分布
  40296. space diversity ==> 空间分集=>空間ダイバーシチ
  40297. space diversity reception ==> 空间分集接收
  40298. space division ==> 空间分割,空分=>空間分割
  40299. space division multi-channel system ==> 空间分割多路系统
  40300. space division multiplex ==> 空间分隔多工制=>空間分割多重
  40301. space division switch ==> 空間分割型(電子)交換機
  40302. space draft ==> 分区穿综法
  40303. space drawing ==> 不均匀牵伸
  40304. space economy ==> 空间经济
  40305. space electronics ==> 空间电子学,星际航行电子学
  40306. space elevator ==> 宇宙エレベーター
  40307. space encoding ==> 空间编码
  40308. space environment ==> 空间环境=>宇宙環境
  40309. space environment monitoring ==> 宇宙環境監視
  40310. space equipment ==> 航天设备
  40311. space expand key ==> 空格扩展键
  40312. space exploration ==> 空间探索
  40313. space factor ==> 空间系数,空间因数,填充系数,线圈间隙系数,占空系数,占空因数,线圈间隙因数=>占積率
  40314. space factor of winding ==> 线圈填充系数
  40315. space feed ==> 输格
  40316. space filling puzzle ==> 空间装填谜题
  40317. space fixed reference ==> 空间固定基准
  40318. space flight ==> 宇宙飞行
  40319. space for cargo ==> 货物舱位
  40320. space frame ==> 空间构架
  40321. space frame of tubular steel sections ==> 钢管空间构架
  40322. space function lever ==> 间隔动作杆
  40323. space grating ==> 空间光栅,空间衍射光栅
  40324. space group ==> 空间群,晶架群=>空間群
  40325. space group extinction ==> 空间群消光
  40326. space guidance ==> 宇宙航行导引
  40327. space harmonic wave ==> 空間高調波
  40328. space harmonics ==> 空間高調波
  40329. space heat radiator ==> 空间辐射散热器,简称“空间辐射器”。空间核电源中由高温热管和散热片组成的将热电转换后的余热向空间辐射的部件
  40330. space heater ==> 热风采暖装置,空间电热器,空间加热器=>ストーブ
  40331. space heater for motor ==> 电机加热器
  40332. space heater terminal box ==> 防潮加热器接线盒
  40333. space heating ==> 场地加热,空间加热
  40334. space heating demand and supply in winter weekday at microgrid A ==> マイクログリッドAにおける冬季平日暖房需給
  40335. space imagery ==> 宇宙图象接收
  40336. space impulse ==> 间隔脉冲
  40337. space indicate ==> 空间标志
  40338. space insertion ==> 空白插入
  40339. space instrumentation ==> 航天设备
  40340. space integral ==> 空间积分
  40341. space integration method ==> 空間積分法
  40342. space intersection ==> 空间交会
  40343. space interval ==> 区间
  40344. space interval system ==> 空間間隔法
  40345. space invariability condition ==> 空间不变性条件
  40346. space invariance ==> 空间不变性
  40347. space invariant ==> 空間不変量
  40348. space inversion ==> 反演
  40349. space key ==> 空格键,间隔键
  40350. space laboratory ==> 航天试验室
  40351. space laser communications ==> 激光宇宙通信
  40352. space lattice ==> 点阵,立体格子,立体晶格,空间点阵,空间晶格,空间网格
  40353. space length ==> 间距
  40354. space lifeboat ==> 宇宙救生船
  40355. space manager ==> 存储空间管理员
  40356. space mechanism ==> 留间隙机构,间隔机构
  40357. space medicine ==> 宇宙医学,外层空间医学
  40358. space medium ==> 空间介质
  40359. space mission ==> 航天任务
  40360. space mode ==> 空間モード
  40361. space model ==> 立体模型
  40362. space modulation ==> 空间调制,间隔调制
  40363. space motion ==> 空间运动
  40364. space navigation ==> 宇宙导航
  40365. space navigation system ==> 空间导航系统
  40366. space noise ==> 航天噪音
  40367. space nuclear power ==> 空间核电源,用核裂变能或核衰变能作热源,通过静态转换或动态转换,为空间飞行器提供电力的装置
  40368. space nuclear propulsion unit ==> 空间核推进动力装置,利用核能作为航天器推进初级能源的核动力装置。它可以分为核热火箭发动机和核电火箭发动机两类,目前均处于概念设计阶段
  40369. space number ==> 间隔数
  40370. space occupancy ==> 空间占有率
  40371. space occupancy cost ==> 空间占有成本
  40372. space occupying disease of mediastinal cavity ==> 占位性纵隔病变
  40373. space occupying disease of mediastinum ==> 纵隔占位性病变
  40374. space occupying lesion ==> 占位病变
  40375. space occupying sign ==> 占位症状
  40376. space of fossa pterygopalatina ==> 翼腭凹间隙
  40377. space of intermittent weld ==> 断续焊缝间距,断续焊间距
  40378. space of interval ==> 齿宽
  40379. space of pole winding ==> 极绕组空间
  40380. space of teeth ==> 齿间隔
  40381. space optical communication ==> 空间光通信
  40382. space optical communication research center ==> 宇宙光通信地上センター
  40383. space optics ==> 空间光学
  40384. space optimization ==> 空间优化
  40385. space oscillator ==> 空间振荡器
  40386. space out ==> 加宽行距
  40387. space out the difference in the prices ==> 拉开差价档次
  40388. space parallax ==> 空间声差,空间视差
  40389. space parasite ==> 空间寄生植物
  40390. space perception ==> 空间感受
  40391. space permeability ==> 空间磁导率=>真空透磁率
  40392. space phase ==> 空间相位
  40393. space phasor ==> 空间相量
  40394. space photograph ==> 空间摄影照片
  40395. space photography ==> 空间摄影,航天照相
  40396. space platform ==> スペースプラットホーム
  40397. space polar coordinate ==> 空间极坐标
  40398. space polymer ==> 立体聚合物
  40399. space potential ==> 空间电位
  40400. space power system ==> 航天电源系统
  40401. space power unit ==> 航天动力装置
  40402. space printer ==> 纱线间隔印花机
  40403. space prism ==> 空间棱镜
  40404. space probe ==> 宇宙探索機
  40405. space propultion ==> 空间推进
  40406. space quadrature ==> 空间90相位差
  40407. space radiation ==> 空间辐射,宇宙辐射
  40408. space radio ==> 无线电通信
  40409. space radiocommunication ==> 宇宙無線通信
  40410. space rate ==> (沸腾焙烧炉的)直线速度
  40411. space rate of change ==> 空间变率
  40412. space ray ==> 空间射线
  40413. space reconnaissance ==> 航天勘探
  40414. space record ==> 空白记录
  40415. space reddening ==> 空间红化
  40416. space required ==> 需要面积
  40417. space requirement ==> 空间要求,间隔要求,每头牲畜所用畜舍面积
  40418. space requirement work sheet ==> 空间需要量工作表
  40419. space research ==> 空间研究,航天研究
  40420. space resection ==> 空间后方交会
  40421. space resources ==> 空间资源
  40422. space retainer ==> 间隙保持器,间隙固位体
  40423. space revenue curve ==> 空间收入曲线
  40424. space ring ==> 分隔圈,隔圈
  40425. space rocket ==> 宇宙火箭
  40426. space satellite ==> 航天卫星
  40427. space segment ==> 宇宙部分
  40428. space selling ==> 提供广告版面
  40429. space ship ==> 太空飞船,航天船,航天器
  40430. space shuttle ==> 航天飞船,航天飞机,星际往返飞船=>スペースシャトル
  40431. space sickness ==> 宇航病,宇宙病
  40432. space simulation facility ==> 空间模拟装置
  40433. space simulator ==> 宇宙空间环境模拟器,太空模拟器
  40434. space specific and time specific ==> 空间和时间的特性
  40435. space spectroscopy ==> 空间光谱学
  40436. space station ==> 宇宙站=>宇宙局
  40437. space statistics ==> 空间统计量
  40438. space structure ==> 空间结构
  40439. space suit ==> 航天服,宇宙服
  40440. space suppression ==> 空格压缩,间隔控制,停止走纸
  40441. space surveillance system (SSS) ==> 空间监视系统
  40442. space switch ==> 空間スイッチ
  40443. space symbol ==> 空格符号
  40444. space synchrophasor ==> 空间同步相量=>空間同期フェーザ
  40445. space synchrophasor measuring method by using spiral vector ==> 旋转矢量测空间同步相量法=>スパイラルベクトルを用いた空間同期フェーザ測定法
  40446. space system ==> 空间系统
  40447. space target-tracking laser radar ==> 空间目标跟踪激光雷达
  40448. space technology ==> 航天工程技术,航天技术
  40449. space telecommand ==> 太空电信指挥
  40450. space telescope ==> 空间望远镜
  40451. space television ==> 空间电视
  40452. space thin0walled construction ==> 空间薄壁结构
  40453. space time continuum ==> 时空连续体
  40454. space time diagram ==> 空间时间图
  40455. space time filter ==> 时空滤波器
  40456. space toxicology ==> 航天毒理学
  40457. space track laser ==> 空间目标跟踪激光器
  40458. space tracking laser beacon ==> 空间激光跟踪指向标
  40459. space tracking system (STS) ==> 空间跟踪系统
  40460. space transportation system ==> 宇宙輸送システム
  40461. space travel ==> 宇宙飞行
  40462. space traveler ==> 宇宙旅行者
  40463. space truss ==> 空间桁架
  40464. space truss analogy ==> 空间桁架模拟法
  40465. space unit ==> 晶胞
  40466. space utilization factor ==> 空间利用系数
  40467. space variable ==> 空间变量
  40468. space variance ==> 空间可变性
  40469. space variation ==> 空间变化
  40470. space vector ==> 空间矢量
  40471. space vector method ==> 空间矢量法=>空間ベクトル法
  40472. space vector modulation ==> 空間ベクトル変調(SVM)
  40473. space vehicle ==> 宇宙飞行器,空间飞船,空间飞行器,太空运载器,宇宙飞船,航天飞船,航天器
  40474. space velocity ==> 空间速度
  40475. space vibration ==> 航天振动
  40476. space voltage vector ==> 瞬時空間電圧ベクトル
  40477. space walk ==> 空间行走
  40478. space washer ==> 间隔垫圈
  40479. space wave ==> 空间波,天波=>空間波
  40480. space weapon ==> 空间武器
  40481. space welding ==> 间隔焊接,有间隙焊接
  40482. space width ==> 齿间距
  40483. space wound coil ==> 间绕线圈
  40484. space(-)image ==> 立体像
  40485. space(d) winding ==> 疏绕线圈
  40486. space-bandwidth product ==> 空间带宽积
  40487. space-borne television ==> 星载电视侦察仪
  40488. space-charge balanced flow ==> 空间电荷平衡流
  40489. space-charge cloud ==> 空间电荷云
  40490. space-charge current ==> 空间电荷电流
  40491. space-charge debunching ==> 空间电荷散焦
  40492. space-charge effect ==> 空间电荷效应=>空間電荷効果
  40493. space-charge focus(s)ing ==> 离子聚焦
  40494. space-charge grid ==> 空间电荷栅极
  40495. space-charge layer ==> 空間電荷層
  40496. space-charge limitation ==> 空间电荷限制
  40497. space-charge limiting current ==> 空間電荷制限電流
  40498. space-charge mode ==> 空间电荷波模式
  40499. space-charge optics ==> 空间电荷光学系统
  40500. space-charge polarization ==> 空间电荷极化
  40501. space-charge region ==> 空间电荷区=>空間電荷領域
  40502. space-charge repulsion ==> 空间电荷拒斥力
  40503. space-charge tetrode ==> 空间电荷四极管
  40504. space-charge-layer widening effect ==> 空乏層広がり効果
  40505. space-charge-limited state ==> 空間電荷制限状態
  40506. space-coupling ==> 分布耦合
  40507. space-dipole array ==> 双分集偶极天线阵
  40508. space-division multiplex ==> 空分复用制
  40509. space-division multiplexing ==> 空分复用制
  40510. space-division switching ==> 空间分割交换
  40511. space-division switching system ==> 空间分割制交换机
  40512. space-division system ==> 空间分割系统
  40513. space-filtering coordinates ==> 空间滤波坐标
  40514. space-filtering operation ==> 空间滤波过程
  40515. space-filtering reticle ==> 空间滤波调制盘
  40516. space-fixed coordinate system ==> 固定于空间的坐标系
  40517. space-flight trajectory ==> 航天弹道
  40518. space-group symmetry ==> 空間群対称性
  40519. space-hold ==> 空格保持,空号同步
  40520. space-independent ==> 空间不相关的
  40521. space-like ==> 类空间
  40522. space-mark ==> 空间测标
  40523. space-modulation technique ==> 空间调制技术
  40524. space-oriented ==> 面向空间
  40525. space-qualified ==> 空间适用的
  40526. space-rated ==> 适用于空间
  40527. space-reference radiation level ==> 空间辐射基准
  40528. space-saver dial ==> 省位拨号盘
  40529. space-sharing ==> 空间共享
  40530. space-stop rack ==> 间隔架
  40531. space-time ==> 空间时间关系
  40532. space-time algebra ==> 时空代数
  40533. space-time Brownian motion ==> 时空布朗运动
  40534. space-time concept(ion) ==> 时空概念
  40535. space-time coordinates ==> 时空坐标系
  40536. space-time curvature ==> 时空曲率
  40537. space-time curve ==> 时空曲线
  40538. space-time element ==> 时空元
  40539. space-time foam ==> 時空泡
  40540. space-time functions ==> 时空函数
  40541. space-time law ==> 时空律
  40542. space-time manifold ==> 时空流形
  40543. space-time metric ==> 时空度量
  40544. space-time metric form ==> 時空計量の式
  40545. space-time optics ==> 空时光学
  40546. space-time pattern ==> 时空类型
  40547. space-time point ==> 时空点
  40548. space-time processing ==> 时差定位法,时空配合
  40549. space-time structure ==> 时空结构
  40550. space-time transformation ==> 时空变换
  40551. space-time yield ==> 时空产率
  40552. space-to-mark transition ==> 空格到符号瞬变,空号-标号转换,间格标志转换,间隔-符号变换,间隔到标志转换
  40553. spaceborne infrared cloud mapper ==> 空载红外云层测绘仪
  40554. spaceborne laser radar ==> 空载激光雷达
  40555. spaceborne lidar ==> 空载激光雷达
  40556. spaceborne optical antenna ==> 空载光学天线
  40557. spaceborne radar ==> 航天雷达
  40558. spaceborne sun pumped laser ==> 空载太阳泵浦激光器
  40559. spacecraft ==> 航天器,宇宙飞船=>宇宙機
  40560. spacecraft astronomy ==> 航天器天文学
  40561. spacecraft docking ==> 航天器对接
  40562. spacecraft landing ==> 航天器着陆
  40563. spacecraft launching ==> 航天器的发射
  40564. spacecraft propulsion ==> 航天器推进
  40565. spacecraft simulator ==> 宇宙船シミュレータ
  40566. spacecraft sterilization ==> 宇宙飞船消毒
  40567. spacecraft structure ==> 宇宙船構造
  40568. spacecraft surface ==> 宇宙機表面
  40569. spacecraft system ==> 宇宙機システム
  40570. spacecraft test ==> 試験(衛星の)
  40571. spacecraft tracking ==> 宇宙飞行器跟踪
  40572. spaced alignment ==> 接近式对准
  40573. spaced antenna ==> 分布式天线,分集式天线,等距天线阵,间隔天线
  40574. spaced armor ==> 屏蔽装甲
  40575. spaced array ==> 等距天线阵
  40576. spaced boarding ==> 疏铺望板
  40577. spaced column ==> 离缝组合
  40578. spaced frame loop antenna ==> 分集式环形天线
  40579. spaced headphone ==> 间隔式耳机
  40580. spaced loading ==> 间隔装药
  40581. spaced planting ==> 稀植
  40582. spaced receiver ==> 分隔接收机,分集式接收机
  40583. spaced slating ==> 疏铺石板,疏铺石板瓦
  40584. spaced winding ==> 间绕,间绕绕组
  40585. spaced-aerial direction finder ==> 分集天线测向仪,分级天线侧向器
  40586. spaced-loop direction-finder ==> 分集环形天线测向器
  40587. spaceflight ==> 宇宙飞行,空间飞行
  40588. spacelab ==> 航天试验室
  40589. SPACELAB, space laboratory ==> 宇宙実験室
  40590. spacelike ==> 类空
  40591. spacelike interval ==> 类空间隔
  40592. spacelike path ==> 类空路径
  40593. spacelike surface ==> 类空面
  40594. spacelike vector ==> 类空矢量
  40595. spaceman ==> 宇宙飞行员
  40596. spaceman syndrome ==> 高速飞行员综合征
  40597. spaceoccupying lesion of cerebellum ==> 小脑占位病变
  40598. spaceplane ==> 带翼航天器
  40599. spaceport ==> 航天港
  40600. spacer ==> 垫片,撑杆,定距片,定位件,定位片,预压腔,调节垫,撑挡,隔离物,间隔棒,间隔基,间隔确定装置,间隔团,间距短管=>スペーサ
  40601. spacer bar ==> 间隔条
  40602. spacer bar(s) ==> 间布钢筋
  40603. spacer basket ==> 定位框架
  40604. spacer block ==> 隔块,衬垫片,垫块,模具定位块
  40605. spacer column ==> 定距接管
  40606. spacer dimple ==> 定位波纹
  40607. spacer drill ==> 精密条播机
  40608. spacer factor ==> 占空系数
  40609. spacer flange ==> 中间法兰
  40610. spacer gauge of dermatome ==> 植皮刀定厚器
  40611. spacer gel ==> 成层胶
  40612. spacer layer ==> 分隔层
  40613. spacer medium ==> 隔离介质
  40614. spacer pin ==> 隔离销,限位销,调整销
  40615. spacer plate ==> 分离板
  40616. spacer ring ==> 定位环,隔离环,间距环,轴承隔环
  40617. spacer rod ==> 隔离棒
  40618. spacer shaft ==> 机间轴
  40619. spacer shim ==> 调整垫片
  40620. spacer sleeve ==> 定距套
  40621. spacer spool ==> 间距套管
  40622. spacer spring ==> 隔离弹簧
  40623. spacer step ==> 间步,间插步聚
  40624. spacer strip ==> 隔离棒,垫片
  40625. spacer tube ==> 间隔管
  40626. spaces of Fontana ==> 方泰纳腔
  40627. spaces of iridocorneal angle ==> 虹膜角间隙,前房角隙
  40628. spaces of iris corner ==> 方泰纳腔
  40629. spaceship ==> 宇宙飞船
  40630. spacewalk ==> 航天舱外活动
  40631. spacing ==> 定距,节距,限位,间距,空格,行株距,间隔=>間隔,線間距離,字距離(印刷電信),(照明)器具間隔
  40632. spacing accuracy ==> 间隔精度,间距准确度,螺距准确度
  40633. spacing and population tests ==> 行距和密度试验
  40634. spacing battery ==> 浮充电池
  40635. spacing between energy levels ==> エネルギー準位間の間隔
  40636. spacing bias ==> 间隔拉开,间隔偏差,空格偏移,空号偏压,电报偏移畸变
  40637. spacing block ==> 隔离片
  40638. spacing board ==> 定位板
  40639. spacing bubble ==> 定距泡
  40640. spacing calculation ==> 間隔計算
  40641. spacing chart ==> 空白表格
  40642. spacing collar ==> 间隔圈,定距环,隔圈,限位圈
  40643. spacing column ==> 定距柱
  40644. spacing computation ==> 跨距计算
  40645. spacing contact ==> 隔离触点
  40646. spacing current ==> 间隔电流=>間隔電流
  40647. spacing deviation ==> 定距偏差
  40648. spacing distance ==> 间隔距离
  40649. spacing drill unit gang seeder ==> 单组精密播种机
  40650. spacing effect ==> 分散効果
  40651. spacing error ==> 间隔误差
  40652. spacing escapement pawl ==> 间隔擒纵机爪
  40653. spacing factor ==> 間隔係数
  40654. spacing in the row ==> 株距
  40655. spacing instruction ==> 間隔指示
  40656. spacing instrument ==> 齿轮距检测仪
  40657. spacing interval ==> 间隔时间,间距
  40658. spacing layer ==> 間隔層
  40659. spacing lever ==> 间距调节杆
  40660. spacing loss ==> 空号损耗,无信号损耗
  40661. spacing lug ==> 间隔耳
  40662. spacing material ==> 衬隔材料
  40663. spacing mechanism ==> 间隔机构
  40664. spacing mould ==> 隔膜
  40665. spacing of bars ==> 钢筋间距,钢筋间距
  40666. spacing of beam ==> 梁间距
  40667. spacing of boiler tubes ==> 锅炉管距
  40668. spacing of fins ==> 翅片间距
  40669. spacing of joints ==> 接缝间距
  40670. spacing of ribs ==> 肋间距
  40671. spacing of tanks ==> 贮罐间隔,槽间间隔
  40672. spacing of the rivets ==> 铆钉距
  40673. spacing of trees ==> 树木间隔
  40674. spacing of wells ==> 钻孔间距,井距,井距
  40675. spacing out ==> 隔空齐行
  40676. spacing parameter ==> 间距参数
  40677. spacing piece ==> 定距片
  40678. spacing pulse ==> 间隔脉冲,空号脉冲
  40679. spacing punch ==> 定距冲头
  40680. spacing rail brake ==> 区间刹车器
  40681. spacing ring ==> 限位环,隔离圈
  40682. spacing screw ==> 空号螺丝
  40683. spacing shaft ==> 间隔轴
  40684. spacing shim ==> 限位填片
  40685. spacing signal ==> 間隔符号
  40686. spacing sleeve ==> 隔离套筒
  40687. spacing support ==> 定距撑
  40688. spacing table ==> 限位工作台
  40689. spacing timber ==> 隔条,定位木
  40690. spacing track ==> 间隔磁道,间隔道
  40691. spacing tube ==> 隔离套筒
  40692. spacing wave ==> 静止信号,静止信号,间隔波,空号信号,空信号
  40693. spacing-height ratio ==> 间高比
  40694. spacious waled corduroy ==> 粗条灯芯绒
  40695. spacistor ==> 雪崩注入二极管
  40696. SPADAR, space radar ==> スペースレーダー
  40697. SPADATS, space detection and tracking system ==> スパダッツ,(米国防空司令部の衛星探知追跡網)
  40698. spaddle ==> 长柄小铲
  40699. spade ==> 锄,锹,铁锹,铲=>鍬,踏み鍬
  40700. spade bit ==> 铲形钻斗=>スペード形ビット
  40701. spade bolt ==> 铲状螺栓
  40702. spade bug ==> 铲行爬地齿
  40703. spade drill ==> 扁平钻,扁钻
  40704. spade farm ==> 小园地
  40705. spade fingers ==> すき指
  40706. spade half coupling ==> 接轴扁头
  40707. spade hand ==> 铲形手,铲状手=>鍬手
  40708. spade husbandry ==> 深耕细作
  40709. spade lug ==> 平接线片
  40710. spade radium hand ==> 铲形夜光针
  40711. spade reamer ==> 扁钻形铰刀,双刃铰刀
  40712. spade tag ==> 扁形软线接头
  40713. spade terminal ==> 扁形接头
  40714. spade tuning ==> 铲形盘调谐,薄片调谐
  40715. spade vibrator ==> 铲式振动器
  40716. spade-type vibrator ==> 铲式振动器
  40717. spader ==> 铲具
  40718. spadework ==> 铁锹工作
  40719. spading ==> 铁锹捣实
  40720. spading disk ==> 翻土圆盘
  40721. spading fork ==> 翻土叉
  40722. spading harrow ==> 铲形耙
  40723. spadix ==> 肉穗状花序,佛焰花序
  40724. spaghetti ==> 绝缘套管,绝缘套管,漆布绝缘管
  40725. spaghetti tubing ==> 细麻布绝缘套管
  40726. spagirist ==> 炼丹家
  40727. spagyrist ==> 炼丹家
  40728. SPAH, spacelab payloads accommodation handbook ==> スペースラブペイロード艤装ハンドブック
  40729. Spain ==> 西班牙=>スペイン
  40730. spaleston ==> 强筋松
  40731. spall ==> 碎石,剥落物
  40732. spall drain ==> 碎石排水沟
  40733. spall shield ==> 防碎层
  40734. spall wedge ==> 穿空楔
  40735. spallation ==> 蜕变,分裂,剥落
  40736. spallation cross section ==> 散裂截面
  40737. spallation reaction ==> 散裂
  40738. spalled joint ==> 碎裂缝
  40739. spalling ==> 脱皮,胀裂,自发破裂,剥落
  40740. spalling crack ==> 剥裂
  40741. spalling effect ==> 剥落作用,激冷激热效应
  40742. spalling fatigue ==> 疲劳剥落
  40743. spalling of refractory ==> 耐火材料散裂
  40744. spalling resistance ==> 耐剥落性,耐热震性,抗热剥裂性
  40745. spalling test ==> 剥裂试验,剥落试验,散裂试验
  40746. spalling wedge ==> 碎石楔
  40747. spalt ==> 制瓦碎片
  40748. spamophilia ==> 痉挛素质,痉挛素质
  40749. span ==> 档距,取值范围,跨矩,跨越,杆间距离,变化范围,生成,生成空间,跨=>径間,範囲
  40750. span centre ==> 跨距中点,跨中
  40751. span chisel ==> 展平凿,磨平凿
  40752. span clearance ==> 跨度净空
  40753. span dogs ==> 木材抓起机
  40754. span length ==> 跨长,跨度距离=>柱間距離
  40755. span length of the installed belt ==> 安装皮带的跨度
  40756. span of arch ==> 拱跨
  40757. span of beam ==> 梁跨度
  40758. span of control ==> 控制变化范围,控制范围,控制跨度
  40759. span of control limit of control ==> 控制幅度
  40760. span of crane ==> 起重机臂伸距
  40761. span of jaw ==> 钳口开度
  40762. span of roof truss ==> 屋架跨度
  40763. span of slab ==> 板跨度
  40764. span of truss ==> 屋架跨度
  40765. span piece ==> 横梁木,水平剪刀撑
  40766. span roof ==> 等斜屋顶
  40767. span saw ==> 框锯
  40768. span wire ==> 拉线,悬索=>スパン線
  40769. span wire suspension ==> 拉线悬挂
  40770. SPAN, Space Physics Analysis Network ==> NASA略語(意味,NASAの情報網,NSIに含まれるD・
  40771. span-change rigid frame ==> 跨变刚构
  40772. span-depth ratio ==> 跨高比,跨深比
  40773. Spanband(Ger.) ==> 張りつり線
  40774. spandex stretch fabric ==> 氨纶弹力织物
  40775. spandrel ==> 上下层窗间墙,拱肩
  40776. spandrel arch ==> 空腹拱,(指主拱背上的小拱)拱肩拱
  40777. spandrel beam ==> 外墙托梁
  40778. spandrel frame ==> 三角形构架
  40779. spandrel girder ==> 承重梁
  40780. spandrel glass ==> 拱肩玻璃
  40781. spandrel hanger ==> 拱肩吊钩
  40782. spandrel panel ==> 拱肩镶板
  40783. spandrel space ==> 拱肩上空间
  40784. spandrel step ==> 三角形截面踏步,三角形踏步
  40785. spandrel wall ==> 拱肩墙
  40786. spandrel-braced arch bridge ==> 空腹拱桥,桁架式拱桥
  40787. spandril ==> 拱肩
  40788. spanemic ==> 贫血的
  40789. spangolite ==> 氯铜铝矾
  40790. Spanish barton ==> (有一个定滑轮和两个动滑轮的)滑车组
  40791. Spanish blind ==> 西班牙式遮帘
  40792. Spanish box ==> 西班牙黄杨
  40793. Spanish brown ==> 西班牙棕
  40794. Spanish cedar ==> 西班牙香椿
  40795. Spanish chestnut ==> 西班牙栗
  40796. Spanish collar ==> 轻度包茎
  40797. Spanish daisy ==> 西班牙雏菊
  40798. Spanish draba ==> 西班牙葶苈
  40799. spanish gourd ==> 南瓜
  40800. Spanish grass (Esparto) ==> (针茅属细茎针茅叶纤维)西班牙草
  40801. Spanish grass (Esparto) (针茅属细茎针茅叶纤维) ==> 西班牙草
  40802. Spanish green ==> (浅暗绿色)西班牙绿
  40803. Spanish iris ==> 西班牙鸢尾
  40804. Spanish lavender oil ==> 穗花油
  40805. Spanish mackerel ==> 燕鱼
  40806. Spanish maple ==> 西班牙槭
  40807. Spanish oak ==> 西班牙栎
  40808. Spanish poppy ==> 西班牙罂粟
  40809. Spanish sheep ==> 西班牙绵羊
  40810. Spanish snapdragon ==> 西班牙金鱼草
  40811. Spanish stonecrop ==> 西班牙景天
  40812. Spanish style ==> 西班牙式建筑
  40813. Spanish tile ==> 西班牙式屋面瓦
  40814. Spanish topaz ==> 褐石英
  40815. Spanish tourniquet ==> 绞棒帆布止血带
  40816. Spanishing ==> 堵墨
  40817. spanishing ==> 凹纹印刷
  40818. spanless ==> 不可测量的
  40819. spanned file ==> 生成文件
  40820. spanned item ==> 跨项
  40821. spanned record ==> 跨区记录,跨越记录,跨字块记录
  40822. spanner ==> 扳手,双头开口扳手,紧固扳手,紧固器,水平剪刀撑,扳紧器,扳手=>スパナ
  40823. spanner band ==> 束带
  40824. spanner drill chuck ==> 扳手钻夹头
  40825. spanner for spark plug ==> 火花塞扳手
  40826. spanner for square nut ==> 方形螺帽扳手
  40827. spanner for square screw ==> 方螺钉扳手
  40828. spanner hole ==> 扳手孔
  40829. spanner nut ==> 扳手螺母
  40830. spanner screw ==> 取り付けネジ
  40831. spanner wrench ==> 插销扳手,活络扳手,开脚扳手=>スパナーレンチ
  40832. spanning ==> 生成
  40833. spanning forest ==> 生成森林
  40834. spanning subgraph ==> 生成子图
  40835. spanning tree ==> 生成树
  40836. spanning tree algorithms ==> 生成树算法
  40837. spanning value ==> 跨越值
  40838. spanomenorrhea ==> 月经减少
  40839. spanopnea ==> 呼吸减少
  40840. spansule ==> 分时溶解胶囊
  40841. spantol ==> 强筋松
  40842. spar ==> 翼梁,晶石,柱木,亮晶,组合太阳望远镜
  40843. spar boom ==> 主梁
  40844. spar buoy ==> 柱形浮标,圆柱浮标
  40845. spar deck ==> 轻甲板
  40846. spar drying ==> 桁架干燥法
  40847. spar for ship ==> 船桅
  40848. spar frame ==> 机翼梁架
  40849. spar loading ==> 翼梁载荷
  40850. spar miller ==> 翼梁铣床
  40851. spar ship ==> 竖筒形海洋研究船
  40852. spar varnish ==> 耐水清漆
  40853. SPAR, Space Processing Applications Rocket Project ==> (意訳,宇宙材料処理応用ロケットプロジェクト?)
  40854. spar-buoy ==> スパー浮体
  40855. spar-tree ==> 集材架杆
  40856. sparagmite ==> 破片砂岩
  40857. SPARC, Space Research Committee ==> 宇宙空間研究者協議会
  40858. spare ==> 泥屑,备份,备用的=>予備の品,スペア,使わない,控える
  40859. spare area ==> 备用区
  40860. spare armature ==> 备用电枢
  40861. spare bag ==> 备用袋
  40862. spare battery ==> 备用电池
  40863. spare bedroom ==> 备用卧室
  40864. spare bit ==> 备用位
  40865. spare blade ==> 片
  40866. spare block ==> 备用块
  40867. spare boiler ==> 备用锅炉
  40868. spare bus ==> 备用母线
  40869. spare cable ==> 备份电缆
  40870. spare capacity ==> 备用容量,闲置生产能力=>予備容量
  40871. spare capital ==> 闲散资金
  40872. spare circuit ==> 备用线路=>予備回路
  40873. spare coil ==> 备用线圈
  40874. spare contact ==> 备用触点,备用接点
  40875. spare cost ==> 予備品コスト
  40876. spare detail ==> 备用零件
  40877. spare disposable blade ==> 备用可换刀片
  40878. spare duct ==> 予備管路
  40879. spare engine ==> 交換用エンジン
  40880. spare equipment ==> 备用设备
  40881. spare exciter ==> 备用励磁机
  40882. spare exciter change over test ==> 备用励磁机切换试验
  40883. spare face ==> 备用回采工作面
  40884. spare fuse ==> 备用熔断器
  40885. spare generator set ==> 备用发电机组
  40886. spare hand ==> 替班工人
  40887. spare head set ==> 头
  40888. spare line ==> 备用线路=>予備線路
  40889. spare machine ==> 予備機器
  40890. spare man ==> 補欠選手
  40891. spare module ==> 备用模件
  40892. spare motor ==> 备用电动机
  40893. spare no effort ==> 努力を惜しまない
  40894. Spare nothing ==> はっきり言えよ
  40895. spare nozzle ==> 备用管口
  40896. spare nozzle for furnace inspection ==> 炉内检视孔
  40897. spare one's busy time ==> 忙しい時間を割く
  40898. spare organ ==> 代替臓器
  40899. spare package ==> 储备组件,备用组件
  40900. spare part ==> 备件,备用品,备用元件,配件,零件=>予備品
  40901. spare part case ==> 备件箱
  40902. spare part for ==> 移植するための臓器
  40903. spare part of a product ==> 製品の予備部品
  40904. spare parts ==> 备用,备用部分,备用零件,散件=>スペアパーツ
  40905. spare parts and components ==> 备品配件
  40906. spare parts for finishing thresher ==> 清选脱粒机备件
  40907. spare parts kit ==> 零件箱,备件箱
  40908. spare parts list ==> 备件表,备件单,备件清单=>予備品表,予備部品リスト
  40909. spare parts management ==> 备件管理
  40910. spare parts per unit ==> 每台备件
  40911. spare parts prices ==> 交換部品の価格
  40912. spare parts storage ==> 备件库
  40913. spare piece ==> 备品
  40914. spare piston ==> 备用活塞
  40915. spare plant ==> 备用装置
  40916. spare power source automatic switch ==> 电源备自投
  40917. spare processor ==> 备用处理机
  40918. spare pump ==> 备用泵
  40919. spare roll ==> 备用轧辊
  40920. spare room ==> 备用房间
  40921. spare set ==> 备用机组
  40922. spare shaft ==> 备用轴
  40923. spare sieve ==> 备用筛
  40924. spare space ==> 备用位置,空位
  40925. spare spindle ==> 备用轴
  40926. spare spring ==> 备用弹簧
  40927. spare stand ==> 备用机座
  40928. spare system ==> 附加系统
  40929. spare tape ==> 备用带
  40930. spare test piece ==> 备用试样
  40931. spare tire ==> 备胎
  40932. spare track ==> 备用磁道
  40933. spare track link ==> 备用履带节
  40934. spare transformer ==> 备用变压器
  40935. spare tube ==> 备用电子管
  40936. spare unit ==> 备用部件,备用机组
  40937. spare varnish ==> 清光漆
  40938. spare wheel ==> 备用轮
  40939. spare wheel carrier ==> 备轮架
  40940. spare wheel carrier latch ==> 备轮架锁键
  40941. spare wheel container ==> 备轮壳
  40942. spare wire ==> 备用线=>予備線
  40943. spare-fixed assets ==> 备用固定资产
  40944. spare-time employment ==> 业余职业
  40945. spare-time school ==> 业余学校
  40946. spares ==> 备件=>备品
  40947. spares allocation ==> 备件分配
  40948. spares planning ==> 备件设计
  40949. spares provisioning ==> 备件供应
  40950. spares requirements ==> 备件需要量
  40951. Sparganiaceae ==> 黑三棱科
  40952. sparganosis ==> 裂头蚴病
  40953. sparganosis mansoni ==> 曼森氏裂头蚴病,孟氏裂头蚴病
  40954. Sparganum ==> 裂头蚴属
  40955. sparganum disease ==> 裂头蚴病
  40956. Sparganum mansoni ==> 孟氏裂头蚴虫
  40957. Sparganum proliferum ==> 芽殖裂头蚴,增殖裂头蚴
  40958. sparge ==> 喷洒,喷雾
  40959. sparge pipe ==> 配水管,喷水管,喷液管
  40960. sparge water ==> 冲洗水
  40961. sparger ==> 分布器,多孔管分布器
  40962. sparging ==> 喷射
  40963. sparing grain ==> 灌浆不好的籽粒
  40964. sparing therapy ==> 保护疗法
  40965. sparite ==> 胶质方解石,亮晶,亮晶石灰岩
  40966. spark ==> 火花,电火花,火花放电=>火花
  40967. spark absorber ==> 火花吸收器,消弧器
  40968. spark adjustment ==> 火花调整
  40969. spark advance angle ==> 点火提前角
  40970. spark arrester ==> 火花避雷器,火花消除器,火花制止器,灭火集尘器
  40971. spark at make contact ==> 闭合火花
  40972. spark ball ==> 火花放电球,火花球=>火花球
  40973. spark blow-out ==> 火花熄灭装置
  40974. spark blow-out plate ==> 灭火花板
  40975. spark breakdown ==> 火花破坏
  40976. spark capacitor ==> 灭火花用电容器
  40977. spark catcher ==> 灭火集尘器
  40978. spark chamber ==> 灭弧腔,火花放电室,火花室,火花熄灭室
  40979. spark chute ==> 消弧室
  40980. spark circuit ==> 火花电路
  40981. spark coil ==> 点火线圈,电火花线圈=>スパーク・コイル
  40982. spark coil leak detector ==> 火花检漏器,火花线圈探漏器
  40983. spark condenser ==> 灭火花电容器
  40984. spark control lever ==> 点火控制杆
  40985. spark counter ==> 火花计数器
  40986. spark current ==> 火花电流
  40987. spark cutter ==> 火花切割器
  40988. spark cutting ==> 电火花切割
  40989. spark detector ==> 火花检波器,火花探测器
  40990. spark dischage ==> 火花放電
  40991. spark discharge ==> 火花放电=>火花放電
  40992. spark discharge hardening ==> 火花放电硬化法
  40993. spark discharge particle generator ==> 火花放电粒子发生器
  40994. spark distance ==> 电花距离=>火花の長さ(火花長)
  40995. spark distributor ==> 火花分配器
  40996. spark duration ==> 火花持续时间
  40997. spark eroding ==> 电火花腐蚀
  40998. spark erosion ==> 电火花加工,火花电蚀=>放電加工
  40999. spark erosion drilling machine ==> 电火花穿孔机
  41000. spark erosion equipment ==> 电火花加工设备
  41001. spark erosion grinding machine ==> 电火花磨床
  41002. spark erosion machine ==> 放電加工機
  41003. spark erosion marking ==> 电火花表记
  41004. spark erosion plant ==> 电火花加工设备
  41005. spark erosion technique ==> 电火花加工机床
  41006. spark erosion wire cutting ==> 电火花线切割
  41007. spark excitation ==> 火花激发,火花激励
  41008. spark explosion method ==> 火花爆炸法
  41009. spark extinguisher ==> 火花消除器
  41010. spark frequency ==> 火花放电振荡频率
  41011. spark gap ==> 火花间隙,火花隙,放电间隙=>火花ギャップ
  41012. spark gap inspection ==> 放电检验
  41013. spark generator ==> 火花发生器
  41014. spark governor ==> 火花调节器
  41015. spark hardening ==> 放电硬化
  41016. spark ignition ==> 电火花点火,强制点火,火花点火=>火花点火方式
  41017. spark ignition engine ==> 火花点火发动机
  41018. spark impact transmitter ==> 冲击火花发报机
  41019. spark inductor ==> 火花感应线圈
  41020. spark intensifier ==> 火花增强器
  41021. spark intensity ==> 火花强度
  41022. spark ion source mass spectrometer ==> 火花离子源质谱计
  41023. spark ionization ==> 火花电离
  41024. spark ionization chamber ==> 火花电离室
  41025. spark ionization source ==> 火花离子源
  41026. spark irregular region ==> 火花不整領域
  41027. spark isostatic press sintering ==> 等静压火花烧结
  41028. spark jump ==> 发火花
  41029. spark killer ==> 电火花消灭器,消弧器,火花抑制器,减弧器=>火花消し
  41030. spark knock ==> 火花爆击,点火爆震
  41031. spark lead ==> 点火提前
  41032. spark length ==> 火花长度=>火花の長さ
  41033. spark lever ==> 点火杆
  41034. spark lighter ==> 火花点火器
  41035. spark line ==> 电花谱线
  41036. spark linkage ==> 点火联动装置
  41037. spark machining ==> 电火花加工
  41038. spark micrometer ==> 火花放电显微计
  41039. spark oscillator ==> 火花振荡器
  41040. spark out ==> 抛光到消失火花
  41041. spark pin ==> 引火针
  41042. spark plasma ==> 火花等离子体
  41043. spark plate ==> 灭火花板
  41044. spark plug ==> 火花塞=>スパークプラグ
  41045. spark plug adapter ==> 火花塞座
  41046. spark plug body ==> 火花塞外壳
  41047. spark plug body rim ==> 火花塞体环
  41048. spark plug bodyhexagon nut ==> 火花塞外壳六角螺母
  41049. spark plug cap ==> 火花塞帽
  41050. spark plug centre rod ==> 火花塞中心杆
  41051. spark plug cleaner ==> 火花塞清洁器
  41052. spark plug cooler ==> 火花塞冷却器
  41053. spark plug electrode ==> 火花塞电棒
  41054. spark plug engine ==> 火花塞点火发动机
  41055. spark plug extension ==> 火花塞伸长部
  41056. spark plug fouling ==> 火花塞积碳
  41057. spark plug ga(u)ge ==> 火花塞规
  41058. spark plug gap ==> 火花塞间隙
  41059. spark plug gap feeler ga(u)ge ==> 火花塞间隙规
  41060. spark plug gap setting tool ==> 火花塞间隙校正器
  41061. spark plug gasket ==> 火花塞填密圈
  41062. spark plug hole ==> 火花塞孔
  41063. spark plug ignition ==> 火花塞点火
  41064. spark plug insert ==> 火花塞套座
  41065. spark plug insulator ==> 火花塞绝缘体
  41066. spark plug pliers ==> 火花塞钳
  41067. spark plug post ==> 火花塞柱
  41068. spark plug resistance tester ==> 火花塞电阻测试仪
  41069. spark plug resistor ==> 火花塞电阻
  41070. spark plug shell ==> 火花塞壳
  41071. spark plug socket wrench ==> 火花塞套筒扳手
  41072. spark plug taps ==> 火花塞螺丝攻
  41073. spark plug terminal ==> 火花塞线接头
  41074. spark plug terminal nut ==> 火花塞接头螺母
  41075. spark plug terminal pin ==> 火花塞接线杆
  41076. spark plug tester ==> 火花塞试验器
  41077. spark plug thread ==> 火花塞螺纹
  41078. spark plug tire pump ==> 电线插头轮胎打气泵
  41079. spark plug type indicator ==> 火花塞式指示器
  41080. spark plug wire ==> 火花塞线
  41081. spark plug wrench ==> 火花塞扳手
  41082. spark point ==> 火花电极
  41083. spark potential ==> 火花电位
  41084. spark producer ==> 发火花器
  41085. spark protractor ==> 火花时间测定器
  41086. spark quadrant ==> 点火杆扇形齿轮
  41087. spark quench network ==> 消弧电路
  41088. spark quenching ==> 火花消去
  41089. spark quenching circuit ==> 消弧电路=>火花消去回路
  41090. spark quenching condenser ==> 火花猝灭电容器
  41091. spark quenching varistor ==> 火花消去バリスタ
  41092. spark range ==> 火花照相靶场
  41093. spark rate ==> 火花频率
  41094. spark recorder ==> 火花记录器
  41095. spark regulation ==> 火花调节器
  41096. spark resistance ==> 火花电阻=>火花抵抗
  41097. spark rod ==> スパークロッド=>火花棒
  41098. spark sender ==> 火花发送机
  41099. spark sending ==> 火花发送
  41100. spark setting ==> 火花塞装置
  41101. spark sintering machine ==> 火花烧结机
  41102. spark source ==> 电火花震源
  41103. spark source mass spectrometer ==> 火花源质谱仪
  41104. spark spacer ==> 点火分电器
  41105. spark spectral line ==> 火花谱线
  41106. spark spectrum ==> 火花光谱,电花光谱
  41107. spark spread options ==> スパークスプレッドオプション
  41108. spark stick ==> 绝缘子测试棒,绝缘子测试棒
  41109. spark suppression ==> 火花抑制
  41110. spark suppressor ==> 火花抑制器
  41111. spark system ==> 火花式系统
  41112. spark technique ==> 火花法
  41113. spark telegraphy ==> 火花电报
  41114. spark test ==> 火花检验,放电检验,(检查瓷釉的针眼)电火试验
  41115. spark tester ==> 火花检测器,利用在气体或液体间隙击穿放电测量其电压值的器件
  41116. spark therapy ==> 火花电疗
  41117. spark time lever ==> 发火定时杆
  41118. spark timer ==> 电火花计时器,火花计时器
  41119. spark timing ==> 火花定时器
  41120. spark transmitter ==> 火花发送机
  41121. spark voltage ==> 火花电压
  41122. spark welding ==> 火花焊
  41123. spark wheel ==> 点火轮
  41124. spark working ==> 火花加工
  41125. spark-discharge forming ==> 火花放电成形,电火花放电成形
  41126. spark-extinguishing ==> 灭火花,灭火花的
  41127. spark-gap adjustment ==> 火花隙调整
  41128. spark-gap arrester ==> 火花隙式避雷器
  41129. spark-gap exciter ==> 火花间隙激发器
  41130. spark-gap generator ==> 火花隙振荡器
  41131. spark-gap modulation ==> 火花隙调制
  41132. spark-gap modulator ==> 火花隙调制器
  41133. spark-gap transmitter ==> 火花隙式发射机
  41134. spark-gap type rectifier ==> 火花隙式整流器
  41135. spark-gap voltmeter ==> 火花间隙电压表,火花隙伏特计
  41136. spark-hand lever ==> 点火杆
  41137. spark-hand-lever tube ==> 点火杆管
  41138. spark-ignited engine ==> 火花点火機関
  41139. spark-ignited internal combustion engine ==> 火花点火式内燃機関
  41140. spark-ignition engine ==> 火花点火機関,火花点火エンジン
  41141. spark-ignition fuel-injection engine ==> 火花点火喷油式发动机
  41142. spark-out ==> 清磨
  41143. spark-over ==> 火花放电,打火花,火花,火花闪烁,跳火
  41144. spark-over test ==> 火花放电试验,击穿试验
  41145. spark-over voltage ==> 火花放电电压,跳火电压
  41146. spark-over-initiated discharge machining ==> 电火花加工
  41147. spark-pulse modulator ==> 火花脉冲调制器
  41148. spark-resistant wire wheel brush ==> 火花电阻圆盘钢丝刷
  41149. sparker ==> 点火线圈
  41150. sparkignition engine combustion chamber ==> 火花式内燃机燃烧室
  41151. sparking ==> 发火花
  41152. sparking alloy ==> 发火合金
  41153. sparking ball ==> 火花球
  41154. sparking coil ==> 点火线圈,电火花感应线圈
  41155. sparking commutator ==> 火花整流子
  41156. sparking contact ==> 火花触点,发火花的触点
  41157. sparking distance ==> 火花间隙
  41158. sparking electrode ==> 火花电极
  41159. sparking gear ==> 发火装置
  41160. sparking limit ==> 火花极限
  41161. sparking of brushes ==> 电刷火花,电刷冒火,直流电机运行时电刷与换向器的接触面上因换向不良产生火花,微弱的火花不影响运行,但当火花超过一定程度时,出现电刷冒火,属于故障现象,可引起换向器和电刷的电腐蚀和加重机械磨损,严重时可使电机损坏
  41162. sparking on commutator ==> 换向器发生火花
  41163. sparking out ==> 无火花磨削
  41164. sparking plug ==> 火花塞
  41165. sparking plug cleaner ==> 火花塞清洁器
  41166. sparking potential ==> 闪电电压
  41167. sparking rate ==> 发火率
  41168. sparking region ==> 火花区
  41169. sparking voltage ==> 放电电压=>火花電圧
  41170. sparkingnition combustion cycle ==> 奥托循环
  41171. sparkle ==> 火花,闪
  41172. sparkle metal ==> 起泡金属
  41173. sparkless commutation ==> 无火花整流=>無火花整流
  41174. sparkless commutation zone ==> 无火花整流领域
  41175. sparkless commutator ==> 无火花整流器
  41176. sparkless operation ==> 无火花运行,换向良好,电刷与换向器间不产生换向火花的运行状态
  41177. sparkless zone ==> 無火花帯
  41178. sparklet ==> 发泡粉
  41179. sparkling ==> 火花
  41180. sparkling glaze ==> 星盏
  41181. sparkling pistol ==> 发火手枪
  41182. sparkling water ==> 炭酸水
  41183. sparkover ==> 闪络=>火花連絡
  41184. sparkover rate ==> スパークオーバ率
  41185. sparkover voltage ==> 飞弧电压
  41186. sparkover voltage and time lag characteristics ==> V-t特性
  41187. sparkproof ==> 防火花,不起火花的
  41188. sparrite ==> 亮方解石
  41189. sparrow ==> 麻雀,雀
  41190. sparrow pecked ==> (砖面)点状花纹
  41191. Sparrow's criterion ==> 斯派罗准则
  41192. sparry ==> 晶石,亮晶的
  41193. sparry calcite ==> 亮方解石,亮晶方解石
  41194. sparry iron ==> 菱铁矿
  41195. sparry mosaic ==> 亮嵌晶
  41196. sparse ==> 稀疏的,疏
  41197. sparse coding and high-order correlations ==> 疎な符号化と高次の相関活動
  41198. sparse concealment ==> 稀疏隐蔽
  41199. sparse foliage ==> 叶子稀疏
  41200. sparse matrix ==> 稀疏矩阵=>疎行列
  41201. sparse pubescence ==> 稀疏毛类型,稀疏茸毛
  41202. sparse traffic ==> 稀疏交通
  41203. sparse vector ==> 稀疏向量
  41204. sparse vegetation ==> 稀疏的植物,稀疏植被
  41205. sparse wood ==> 稀疏林地
  41206. sparsely developed area ==> 发展项目较稀疏的地区
  41207. sparsely foliated umbrella ==> 稀疏叶蓬
  41208. sparsely or density branches ==> 枝稀疏或密集
  41209. sparsely populated area ==> 人口稀少区
  41210. sparsity ==> 稀疏
  41211. sparsogenin ==> 稀疏菌素
  41212. sparsomycin ==> 稀疏霉素
  41213. spartalite ==> 红锌矿
  41214. SPARTAN, Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy ==> 宇宙放射線観測用短期型フリーフライヤー
  41215. sparteine ==> 鹰爪豆碱
  41216. SPAS, shuttle pallet satellite ==> シャトルパレット衛星
  41217. spasm ==> 痉,痉挛,拘挛,(多指小腿腓肠肌痉挛)转筋
  41218. spasm center ==> 痉挛中枢
  41219. spasm of accommodation ==> 调节痉挛
  41220. spasm of muscles ==> 筋脉抱急
  41221. spasmodic apoplexy ==> 痉挛性卒中
  41222. spasmodic asthma ==> 痉挛性气喘
  41223. spasmodic ataxia ==> 痉挛性共济失调
  41224. spasmodic bronchostenosis ==> 痉挛性支气管狭窄
  41225. spasmodic burning ==> 反常燃烧,脉动式燃烧
  41226. spasmodic contraction ==> 痉挛性收缩
  41227. spasmodic cough ==> 痉挛性咳嗽
  41228. spasmodic dysmenorrhea ==> 痉挛性痛经
  41229. spasmodic factor ==> 间断因素
  41230. spasmodic growth ==> 阵发性生长
  41231. spasmodic hiccup ==> 痉挛性呃逆
  41232. spasmodic mydriasis ==> 痉挛性瞳孔开大
  41233. spasmodic sneezing ==> 痉挛性喷嚏
  41234. spasmodic stenosis ==> 痉挛性狭窄
  41235. spasmodic symptoms ==> 痉病,痉病
  41236. spasmodic tic ==> 痉挛性抽搐
  41237. spasmodic tracheitis ==> 痉挛性气管炎
  41238. spasmodyspnea ==> 痉挛性呼吸困难
  41239. spasmogen ==> 痉挛素原,致痉原
  41240. spasmology ==> 痉挛学
  41241. spasmolygmus ==> 痉挛性呃逆
  41242. spasmolysis ==> 解痉法
  41243. spasmolytic ==> 解痉药
  41244. Spasmolytic Powder ==> 止痉散
  41245. spasmolytin ==> 解痉素
  41246. spasmoneme ==> 柄肌
  41247. spasmophilic diathesis ==> 痉挛素质
  41248. spasmotherapy ==> 痉挛疗法
  41249. spasmotic constriction ring of uterus ==> 子宫痉挛性狭窄环
  41250. spasmotin ==> 痉挛硷,麦角痉挛碱
  41251. spasmotoxin ==> 痉挛毒素,破伤风痉挛毒素
  41252. Spasms and convulsions must be relieved. ==> 急者缓之
  41253. spasmus ==> 痉挛
  41254. spasmus nutans ==> 点头状痉挛
  41255. spastic anemia ==> 痉挛性贫血
  41256. spastic aphonia ==> 痉挛性失音
  41257. spastic bilateral paralysis ==> 痉挛性双瘫
  41258. spastic bladder ==> 痉挛性膀胱
  41259. spastic colitis ==> 痉挛性结肠炎
  41260. spastic colon ==> 痉挛性结肠,结肠痉挛
  41261. spastic constipation ==> 痉挛性便秘,痉挛性便秘
  41262. spastic diplegia ==> 痉挛性大脑性两侧瘫,痉挛性双瘫,李特尔氏病
  41263. spastic dysuria ==> 痉挛性排尿困难
  41264. spastic ectropion ==> 痉挛性睑外翻
  41265. spastic entropion ==> 痉挛性睑内翻
  41266. spastic flatfoot ==> 痉挛性扁平足
  41267. spastic gait ==> 痉挛步态,痉挛步态
  41268. spastic hemiplegia ==> 痉挛性偏瘫
  41269. spastic ileus ==> 痉挛性肠梗阻
  41270. spastic miosis ==> 痉挛性瞳孔缩小
  41271. spastic mydriasis ==> 痉挛性瞳孔开大
  41272. spastic nystagmus ==> 痉挛性眼球震颤
  41273. spastic paralysi ==> 痉挛性瘫痪
  41274. spastic paralysis ==> 痉挛性麻痹
  41275. spastic paraplegia ==> 痉挛性截瘫
  41276. spastic pseudosclerosis ==> 痉挛性假硬化,雅各布氏病
  41277. spastic stenosis ==> 痉挛性狭窄
  41278. spastic strabismus ==> 痉挛性斜视
  41279. spastic unilateral paralysis ==> 痉挛性单瘫
  41280. spastic vasoconstrictive crisis ==> 痉挛性血管收缩危象
  41281. spasticity ==> 痉挛状态,强直状态,僵直
  41282. spaston ==> 胃欢
  41283. spat ==> 流线型轮盖,流线型罩,流线形轮盖,机轮减阻罩
  41284. spat of oyster ==> 牡蛎苗
  41285. Spatangoida ==> 猬团海胆目
  41286. spate ==> 河水猛涨,洪水猛涨
  41287. spate flow ==> 河道涨洪水流,地表暴雨径流
  41288. spate runoff ==> 地表暴雨径流
  41289. spath ==> 亮晶
  41290. spathe ==> 佛焰苞
  41291. spathic iron ==> 菱铁矿
  41292. spathization ==> 亮晶化作用
  41293. spatholobus stem ==> 鸡血藤
  41294. spatia anguli iridis ==> 虹膜角间隙,丰塔纳氏间隙
  41295. spatia anguli iridocornealis ==> 前房角隙,虹膜角间隙
  41296. spatia intercostalia ==> 肋间隙
  41297. spatia interossea metatarsi ==> 跖骨间隙
  41298. spatia intervaginalia ==> 鞘间隙
  41299. spatia intervaginalia nervi optici ==> 视神经鞘间隙
  41300. spatial ==> 空間の,空間に存在する
  41301. spatial ability test ==> 空间能力测验
  41302. spatial acuity ==> 空间视觉锐度
  41303. spatial aerotriangulation ==> 空中三角测量
  41304. spatial aggregation ==> 空間集成
  41305. spatial algorithm ==> 空間アルゴリズム
  41306. spatial aliasing ==> 空間エイリアシング
  41307. spatial allocation ==> 空間配分
  41308. spatial analysis ==> 空间分析
  41309. spatial angle ==> 立体角,隅角
  41310. spatial angular frequency ==> 空間角周波数
  41311. spatial arrangement ==> 空间布局,空间排列
  41312. spatial autocorrelation ==> 空间自相关
  41313. spatial brightness ==> 空间亮度
  41314. spatial carrier ==> 空间载波
  41315. spatial change ==> 空間的変化
  41316. spatial character ==> 空间特性
  41317. spatial characteristic ==> 空間特性
  41318. spatial chemistry ==> 立体化学
  41319. spatial coherence ==> 空间相干性=>空間コヒーレンス,空間干渉性
  41320. spatial coherence function ==> 空间相干函数
  41321. spatial comparison ==> 空间比较
  41322. spatial concentration of sediment ==> 单位容积含沙量
  41323. spatial configuration ==> 立体构型
  41324. spatial configuration of moleculus ==> 分子的空间配置
  41325. spatial conjugation ==> 立体共轭
  41326. spatial data ==> 空间坐标数据
  41327. spatial decision ==> 空间决策
  41328. spatial degeneracy ==> 空间简并度
  41329. spatial degeneracy effect ==> 空间简并效应
  41330. spatial dendrite ==> 立体枝状冰晶
  41331. spatial dendritic crystal ==> 立体枝状冰晶
  41332. spatial dimension ==> 空间范围
  41333. spatial dimensions of economics ==> 经济空间范围,经济空间范围
  41334. spatial dimensions of economics 经济空间范围=> ==> 经济空间范围
  41335. spatial dispersion ==> 空间色散
  41336. spatial distribution ==> 空间布局,空间分布=>空間分布
  41337. spatial distribution of hot spots ==> ホットスポットの空間分布
  41338. spatial distribution of population ==> 人口地区分布
  41339. spatial domain ==> 空间域
  41340. spatial economic adjustment ==> 空间经济调整
  41341. spatial economics ==> 空间经济学
  41342. spatial electric load forecasting ==> 空間電力負荷予測
  41343. spatial emission ==> 空间发射
  41344. spatial exclusion chromatography ==> 空间排阻色谱法
  41345. spatial filter ==> 空间频率滤波器=>空間フィルタ
  41346. spatial filtering method ==> 空间滤波法
  41347. spatial frequency ==> 空间频率=>空間周波数
  41348. spatial frequency characteristic ==> 空间频率特性
  41349. spatial frequency discrimination ==> 空间频率鉴别
  41350. spatial frequency multiplexing ==> 空间频率倍增
  41351. spatial frequency response ==> 空间频率响应
  41352. spatial frequency spectrum ==> 空间频谱
  41353. spatial frequency vector ==> 空间频率向量
  41354. spatial grid ==> 空间格网,浮游格网
  41355. spatial harmonics ==> 空間高調波
  41356. spatial higher harmonic ==> 空間高調波
  41357. spatial hole burning mode ==> 空间烧孔膜
  41358. spatial incoherent light ==> 空间非相干光
  41359. spatial intensity distribution ==> 空间强度分布
  41360. spatial invariance ==> 空间不变性
  41361. spatial irradiance ==> 空间辐照度
  41362. spatial isolation ==> 空間的隔離
  41363. spatial isomerism ==> 空间异构,立体异构
  41364. spatial light modulator ==> 空间光调制器
  41365. spatial load ==> 空间荷载
  41366. spatial location ==> 空间位置
  41367. spatial margins to profitability ==> 可能获利的空间极限
  41368. spatial mechanism ==> 空间传动机构
  41369. spatial mode ==> 空间型
  41370. spatial model ==> 空间模型,立体模型
  41371. spatial modulation ==> 空间调制
  41372. spatial modulator ==> 空间调制器
  41373. spatial monopoly ==> 空间垄断
  41374. spatial motion ==> 空间运动
  41375. spatial multiplex tomography ==> 空间多路层析-X射线照相法
  41376. spatial multiplexing ==> 空间多路法
  41377. spatial network ==> 空間回路網
  41378. spatial noise filter ==> 空间噪声滤波器
  41379. spatial noise filtering ==> 空间噪声滤波
  41380. spatial non-uniformity ==> 空间不均匀性
  41381. spatial offset technology ==> 空间像素错位法
  41382. spatial optimization ==> 空间最优化
  41383. spatial orientation ==> 空间定向
  41384. spatial periodic inversion saturation ==> 空间周期性反转饱和
  41385. spatial phase ==> 空间相位
  41386. spatial phase shift ==> 空间相移
  41387. spatial planning ==> 空间规划
  41388. spatial price discrimination ==> 空间价格差别
  41389. spatial pricing policies ==> 区域价格政策
  41390. spatial resolution ==> 空间分辨率=>分解能
  41391. spatial resolving power ==> 空间分辨能力
  41392. spatial scanning correlator ==> 空间扫描相关器
  41393. spatial self-focusing ==> 空间自聚焦
  41394. spatial sequence ==> 空间序列
  41395. spatial series ==> 空间序列
  41396. spatial smoothing effect ==> 平滑化効果
  41397. spatial sorting ==> 空间分选
  41398. spatial statistics ==> 空间统计量
  41399. spatial summation ==> 空间性总和,空间总和
  41400. spatial switching ==> 空间转换
  41401. spatial threshold ==> 空间阈
  41402. spatial variation ==> 区域差异
  41403. spatial vectorcardiogram ==> 立体心电向量图
  41404. spatial velocity ==> 空间传播速度
  41405. spatial vision ==> 立体视觉
  41406. spatial warping ==> 空间扭曲
  41407. spatial wave ==> 天波
  41408. spatial-temporal electro-optic light modulator ==> 空间时间电光调制器
  41409. spatialization ==> 空间定位,空间化
  41410. spatially aligned bundle ==> 空间定位光纤束
  41411. spatially bound function ==> 空间束缚函数
  41412. spatially coherent beam ==> 空间相干光束
  41413. spatially coherent light ==> 空间相干光
  41414. spatially coherent radiation ==> 空间相干辐射
  41415. spatially invariant system ==> 空间不变系统
  41416. spatially multiplexed infrared camera ==> 空间多路传输红外照相机
  41417. spatially varied flow ==> 空间变化水流
  41418. spatio-temporal correlations ==> 時空間的相関
  41419. spatio-temporal frequency ==> 時空間周波数
  41420. spatiotemporal ==> 空间时间的=>時空の
  41421. spatiotemporal analysis ==> 時空間解析
  41422. spatiotemporal behavior ==> 時空挙動
  41423. spatium episclerale ==> 环球间隙,巩膜上腔,巩膜外隙
  41424. spatium intercostale ==> 肋间隙
  41425. spatium lateropharyngeum ==> 咽外侧间隙
  41426. spatium perichoroideale ==> 脉络膜周隙
  41427. spatium perilymphaticum ==> 外淋巴隙
  41428. spatium perinei profundum ==> 会阴深隙
  41429. spatium peripharyngeum ==> 咽周间隙
  41430. spatium retropharyngeum ==> 咽后间隙
  41431. spatium retropubicum ==> 耻骨后隙,膀胱前间隙
  41432. spats ==> 护脚
  41433. spatter ==> 焊接飞溅,飞溅,滴落,喷镀,溅,溅射,溅粘
  41434. spatter cone ==> 寄生熔岩锥
  41435. spatter loss ==> 溅损,飞溅损失=>スパッタ損,スパッタ損失
  41436. spatter rampart ==> 火山缘砾石梁
  41437. spatter shield ==> 防溅屏
  41438. spatter ware ==> 斑纹釉艺术陶器
  41439. spattering ==> 飞溅涂层
  41440. spatters ==> 溅出物
  41441. spatula ==> 油漆刀,压舌板,刮勺,药刀,铸型修理工具,软膏调刀
  41442. spatulate ==> 抹刀形的
  41443. spavin ==> 飞节内肿
  41444. spawn ==> 卵,菌丝,菌丝,大量生产
  41445. spawning migration ==> (鱼的)产卵回游
  41446. spay ==> 切除卵巢,阉割
  41447. spaying instrument ==> 母畜的阄割用具
  41448. SPB, Strategic Planning Board ==> 戦略計画委員会
  41449. SPC automatic message switching equipment ==> 程控自动转报设备
  41450. SPC digital toll exchange ==> 程控数字长途电话交换机
  41451. SPC exchange ==> 程控交换机
  41452. SPC Self-Polishing Copolymer (Anti-Fouling Compound) ==> 自修正异量分子聚合物(反污秽复合物)
  41453. SPC telephone exchange ==> 程控电话交换机
  41454. SPC telex exchange ==> 程控用户电报交换机
  41455. SPC, Sales Promotion Campaign ==> SPC活動,販売促進活動
  41456. SPC, Science Programme Committee ==> 科学計画委員会
  41457. SPC, second stage propellant control test set ==> 第二段推進系統試験装置
  41458. SPC, shuttle processing contractor ==> シャトル処理契約者
  41459. SPC, signal processing converter ==> 信号処理コンバータ
  41460. SPC, slit pulse code ==> スリットパルスコード
  41461. SPC, Space Polymer Chemistry ==> 宇宙空間重合体化学
  41462. SPC, specification ==> 仕様書
  41463. SPC, stored program command ==> 記憶されているプログラムコマンド
  41464. SPC, sun pulse counter ==> サンパルスカウンタ
  41465. SPC, System Emergency Preventive Controller ==> 事故波及未然防止装置(東北)
  41466. SPCS, solar panel current sensor ==> 太陽電池電流センサ
  41467. SPDCI, standard payload display and control interface ==> 標準ペイロード表示とコントロールインタフェース
  41468. SPDM, Special Purpose Dexterous (Dextrous) Manipulator ==> 特殊精巧マニピュレータ
  41469. SPDT, single pole double throw ==> 単極双投
  41470. SPDT, single pole double throw switch ==> 単極双投スイッチ
  41471. spe ==> 固相外延
  41472. SPE, 2nd stage propellant control & evaluation console ==> 第二段推進系制御中継装置
  41473. SPE, solar particle event ==> 太陽粒子現象
  41474. SPE, solid polymer electrolyte ==> 固体ポリマー電解質
  41475. SPE, Special Purpose Entity ==> 特定目的会社
  41476. SPE, static phase error ==> 静位相誤差
  41477. SPE, Synergistic Processor Elements ==> SPEコア
  41478. speak-back circuit ==> 工作联络通话电路
  41479. speaker ==> 扬声器=>スピーカー
  41480. speaker baffle ==> 扬声器障板
  41481. speaker box ==> 扬声器箱
  41482. speaker cabinet ==> 扬声器箱
  41483. speaker cone ==> 扬声器纸盆
  41484. speaker diaphragm ==> 扬声器膜片
  41485. speaker directivity index ==> 扬声器指向性指数
  41486. speaker efficiency ==> 扬声器效率
  41487. speaker enclosure ==> 扬声器箱
  41488. speaker frame ==> 扬声器盆架
  41489. speaker identification ==> 話者認識
  41490. speaker impedance ==> 扬声器阻抗
  41491. speaker pressure rating ==> 扬声器额定声压
  41492. speaker pressure-frequency response ==> 扬声器声压频率响应
  41493. speaker unit ==> 扬声器装置
  41494. speaker-dependent ==> 声音辨识器
  41495. speaker-microphone ==> 广播传声器
  41496. speaker-phone ==> 扬声器电话
  41497. speaker-reversal switch ==> 扬声器反向开关
  41498. speaking and ringing key ==> 通话呼叫振铃键
  41499. speaking battery ==> 通话电池
  41500. speaking circuit ==> 通话电路=>通話回路
  41501. speaking key ==> 通话键=>通話電けん
  41502. speaking level ==> 话声电平
  41503. speaking pair ==> 通话线对
  41504. speaking position ==> 通话位置
  41505. speaking test ==> 通话测试
  41506. speaking time ==> 通话时间
  41507. speaking wire ==> 通话线
  41508. spear asparagus ==> 石刁柏嫩茎
  41509. spear grass ==> 针茅
  41510. spear leaf ==> 心叶
  41511. spear marker ==> 矛式划行器
  41512. spear plate ==> 衬板
  41513. spear pointer ==> 矛形指针,箭头指针
  41514. spearation chamber ==> 分离槽
  41515. spearhead shovel ==> 矛形松土铲
  41516. spearmint oil ==> 留兰香油,薄荷油
  41517. spearmint spirit ==> 绿薄荷醑
  41518. spearpoint shovel ==> 矛形松土铲
  41519. SPEC, specification ==> 技术要求=>仕様
  41520. SPEC, specifications ==> 仕様書
  41521. specia1 partnership ==> 特别合伙
  41522. special ==> 特,特别的,特设的,特种的,附加的,专,专门,专门的,专用的,额外的=>特殊の
  41523. special (purpose) rubber ==> 专用橡胶
  41524. special (SPEC.) ==> 专用
  41525. special (type) motor ==> 特殊电动机
  41526. special A board ==> 特种A台
  41527. special acceptance ==> 特别承兑
  41528. special accessories ==> 专用附件
  41529. special accessory ==> 特殊附件
  41530. special account ==> 特别帐户
  41531. special add ==> 双精度加法
  41532. special advisory message ==> 特别咨询电报
  41533. special aeronautical chart ==> 特种航空图
  41534. special agent ==> 特别代理人,特定代理商
  41535. special agricultural zone ==> 特别农业区
  41536. special air operation ==> 特别空中活动
  41537. special air pick-up ==> 特种空中钩取
  41538. special air warfare ==> 特种空战
  41539. special air warfare center ==> 特种空战中心
  41540. special airborne operation ==> 特种空降作战
  41541. special airlift request ==> 特种空运申请
  41542. special allowance ==> 特别折让
  41543. special alloy ==> 特种合金
  41544. special alloy steel ==> 特殊合金钢,特种合金钢
  41545. special ammunition ==> 特种弹药
  41546. special ammunition depot ==> 特种弹药仓库
  41547. special ammunition load ==> 特种弹药携行量
  41548. special ammunition logistic element ==> 特种弹药后勤分队
  41549. special ammunition stockage ==> 特种弹药储存量
  41550. special ammunition supply ==> 特种弹药补给
  41551. special ammunition supply area ==> 特种弹药补给区
  41552. special ammunition supply point ==> 特种弹药供应站
  41553. special analog system ==> 特殊模拟系统
  41554. special anchor shackle ==> 特殊锚卸扣
  41555. special area ==> (英国)萧条地区
  41556. special areas for processing export products ==> 出口加工区
  41557. special arm and hand signal ==> 特种手势信号
  41558. special arts and crafts ==> 特种工艺
  41559. special asphalt ==> 特种沥青
  41560. special assembly systems ==> 专用组合系统
  41561. special assessment ==> 特种赋税
  41562. special assessment bond ==> 特赋债券
  41563. special assessment bonds ==> 特别捐税公债
  41564. special assessment fund ==> 特赋基金
  41565. special assessment liens ==> 特赋留置权
  41566. special assessment roll ==> 特赋清册
  41567. special assignment airlift mission ==> 特别空运任务
  41568. special atmosphere furnace ==> 保护气氛退火炉
  41569. special atmosphere oven ==> 保护气氛炉
  41570. special attachment ==> 特殊附件,专门附件
  41571. special audit ==> 特别审计,特种审计
  41572. special automatic modular type band saws ==> 组装式自动专用带锯
  41573. special automatic vacuum welding chamber ==> 特种自动真空焊接室
  41574. special bank account ==> 特种银行帐户
  41575. special bank loans ==> 专用银行借款
  41576. special bedding material ==> 特别垫料
  41577. special blended tea ==> 特别混合茶
  41578. special boat ==> (巡逻船工作船等)特种船舶
  41579. special body ==> 特种车身
  41580. special boiling point gasoline ==> 特殊沸程汽油
  41581. special bolt ==> 特种螺栓
  41582. special bonus ==> 特别红利,特别奖金
  41583. special botany ==> 植物学名论
  41584. special bracket ==> 特别分档
  41585. special branch ==> 特别兵种
  41586. special brick ==> 特种砖
  41587. special broker ==> 特种经纪人
  41588. special bronze ==> 特殊青铜
  41589. special budget ==> 特别预算
  41590. special build-up welding ==> 特殊堆焊,特殊堆焊
  41591. special building ==> 特殊建筑物
  41592. special buyer ==> 特别买方
  41593. special cable ==> 专用电缆
  41594. special caliber(-bre) ==> 专用手表机芯
  41595. special call ==> 特别呼叫
  41596. special capital ==> 专用资本
  41597. special car ==> 专用车,特种汽车
  41598. special carburettor ==> 特种化油器
  41599. special career programs ==> 特殊专业计划
  41600. special cargo ==> 特殊货物,特种货物,特种商品
  41601. special carrier ==> 特种夹头,专用夹头,专用支座
  41602. special case ==> 特例,特殊表壳
  41603. special case report ==> 特别检查报告
  41604. special cast iron ==> 特殊铸铁,特种铸铁
  41605. special cement ==> 特种水泥
  41606. special census ==> 特别普查
  41607. special ceramics ==> 特种陶瓷
  41608. special channel ==> 特殊信道
  41609. special character ==> 特殊文字
  41610. special character set ==> 特殊字符组
  41611. special charge(s) ==> 特种费用
  41612. special charges ==> 特别费
  41613. special chemical composition cooling valve ==> 特种化合物冷却阀
  41614. special chemical cylinder ==> 化工专用钢瓶
  41615. special chemical equipment ==> 化工专用设备
  41616. special chemical tanker ==> 化工专用槽车
  41617. special chemical waste ==> 特殊化学废物
  41618. special chuck jaw ==> 专用夹盘爪
  41619. special ciphers ==> 特别密码
  41620. special circumstances ==> 特殊情况
  41621. special clause ==> 特别条款
  41622. special clothing ==> 专用工作服
  41623. special code ==> 特种电码
  41624. special code selector ==> 特殊编码选择器
  41625. special color rendering index ==> 特殊演色評価数
  41626. special colour-index ==> 特殊色指数
  41627. special column ==> 特别纵队
  41628. special columnar journal ==> 特别多栏式
  41629. special comb filter ==> 特种梳状滤波器
  41630. special commerce ==> 特殊贸易,特种贸易
  41631. special commercial privileges ==> 商业特权
  41632. Special Committee on Noise ==> 管制噪音特别委员会
  41633. special communications ==> 特别通信
  41634. special communications center ==> 特别通信中心
  41635. special components ==> 专用附件
  41636. special conditions ==> 特殊条件
  41637. special construction ==> 特殊结构
  41638. special container ==> 特殊容器
  41639. special contingency reserve ==> 特别意外准备金
  41640. special contract ==> 特殊契約(電気供給規程)
  41641. special contribution ==> 一次性特别缴款
  41642. special conversion ==> 特殊换算
  41643. special coordinates ==> 特殊坐标
  41644. special corporation ==> 特种公司
  41645. special correcting circuit ==> 特种校正电路
  41646. special cost ==> 特定成本
  41647. special cost studies ==> 特殊成本调查
  41648. special credit ==> 特别信用证,特定信用证
  41649. special credit columns ==> 特别贷方专栏
  41650. special credit fund ==> 特别信贷基金
  41651. special crop ==> 特用作物
  41652. special cross-reference entry ==> 特殊参照
  41653. special cross-section steel wire ==> 特殊断面的钢丝
  41654. special crossing ==> 特定划线
  41655. special current account ==> 特别往来存款
  41656. special customs invoice (SCI) ==> 特别海关发票
  41657. special cycle ==> 特种循环
  41658. special D.C machine ==> 特种直流机
  41659. special damage ==> 特殊损害,特异性损害
  41660. special debit columns ==> 特别借方专栏
  41661. special defects ==> (双宫丝疵)特殊类
  41662. special defects test ==> (双宫丝)特殊类检验
  41663. special delivery ==> 特别投递,限时专递,快递
  41664. special deposit ==> 专项存款,特别存款
  41665. special depositary ==> 特别存款银行
  41666. special deposits ==> 特种存款
  41667. special designing (planning) ==> 特殊设计
  41668. special despatch service ==> 特种通信勤务
  41669. special detail drawing ==> 特殊详图
  41670. special development area ==> 特别开发区
  41671. special device ==> 特种器材
  41672. special diet for labour ==> 保健餐
  41673. special dietary ==> 特殊营养
  41674. special dietary food ==> 特种营养食品
  41675. special disburser ==> 特别支付代理人
  41676. special discharge ==> 特殊使用流量
  41677. special discount ==> 特别折扣
  41678. special discourse ==> 特別企画
  41679. special district ==> 特区
  41680. special dividend ==> 特别股息
  41681. special documentary credit ==> 特别押汇信用证
  41682. special door lock ==> 专用门锁
  41683. Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) ==> 特别提款权
  41684. Special Drawing Rights certificate ==> 特别提款权证明书
  41685. Special Drawing Rights certificate account ==> 特别提款权证券帐户
  41686. special drill ==> 特殊钻头
  41687. special drilling unit ==> 专用钻削头
  41688. special drivage method ==> (采矿)特殊掘进法
  41689. special duty nurse ==> 特别护士
  41690. special dynamite ==> 专用硝甘炸药
  41691. special economic zone (SEZ) ==> 经济特区,经济特区
  41692. special education ==> 特殊教育
  41693. special effect ==> 特殊効果
  41694. special effect generator ==> 特技信号发生器
  41695. special effects ==> 特殊效应
  41696. special effects amplifier ==> 特殊效应放大器
  41697. special electric company ==> 特定電気事業者
  41698. special electricity industry ==> 特定電気事業
  41699. special encyclopaedia ==> 专科性百科全书
  41700. special endorsement ==> 特别背书
  41701. special entity ==> 特设机构
  41702. special environmental variance ==> 专有环境方差
  41703. special equipment ==> 专用设备
  41704. special equipment for chemical production ==> 化工生产专用设备
  41705. special equipment for making pipe twist ==> 管子钳专用加工设备
  41706. special equivalent ==> 特殊等价物
  41707. special examination fees ==> 特殊试验费
  41708. special expenditures ==> 特别开支
  41709. special expenses ==> 特别费,特殊费用
  41710. special explanation ==> 特别说明
  41711. special export ==> 专门出口
  41712. special exporter ==> 特产出口商
  41713. special exporter's declaration ==> 特别出口商声明书
  41714. special extraneous risks ==> 特别附加险
  41715. special fee ==> 特别费
  41716. special fee for small packet ==> 小包邮件特别处理费
  41717. special fertilizer for flowers ==> 花卉专用长效肥料
  41718. special finance ==> 特别融资
  41719. special finish ==> 特殊饰面
  41720. special fixture ==> 专用夹具
  41721. special flange ==> 特殊法兰
  41722. special flight ==> 专机飞行
  41723. special form brick ==> 异型砖
  41724. special form of commodity exchange ==> 特殊商品交换
  41725. special formed milling cutter ==> 特形铣刀
  41726. special function ==> 特殊関数
  41727. special fund ==> 特别基金,特种基金
  41728. special fund appropriation accounts ==> 特种基金拨款帐户
  41729. special fund deposit ==> 特种基金存款
  41730. special fund receipt accounts ==> 特种基金收入帐户
  41731. special gelatin ==> 特种胶
  41732. special glass ==> 特种玻璃
  41733. special goods ==> 特别商品
  41734. special greases ==> 特种润滑脂
  41735. special handicraft products ==> 特种工艺
  41736. special hardware ==> (计算机的)专用设备
  41737. special hoisting bar ==> 专用吊架
  41738. special holder ==> 专用刀杆
  41739. special hospital ==> 专科医院
  41740. special identification method ==> 特殊识别法
  41741. special import ==> 特别进口,专门进口
  41742. special import licensing ==> 专案进口签证
  41743. Special Import Measures Act ==> (加拿大)特别进口措施法
  41744. special in carbide tipped ==> 专用硬质合金头
  41745. special income tax ==> 特别所得税
  41746. special index ==> 专题索引
  41747. special index analyzer ==> 专用索引分析器
  41748. special industrial services ==> 特别工业业务
  41749. special information centres ==> 专业情报中心
  41750. special information retrieval ==> 专业情报检索
  41751. special insertion editing ==> 特殊插入编辑
  41752. special installation ==> 特殊设备
  41753. special instruction ==> 专用指令
  41754. special insurance ==> 特殊保险
  41755. special integral ==> 特殊积分
  41756. special interest edition statement ==> 专业版本说明
  41757. special investigation ==> 特别调查
  41758. special iron ==> 特种铁
  41759. special isolate idea ==> 专用细目概念
  41760. special item ==> 特殊项目
  41761. special jaw ==> 特殊卡爪
  41762. special jewel ==> 专用钻
  41763. special job cover map ==> 特别任务完成情况图
  41764. special joint ==> 特种接头
  41765. special journal ==> 特种日记帐
  41766. special juristic person ==> 特别法人
  41767. special key ==> 特殊扳手
  41768. special kind of commodity economy ==> 特殊的商品经济
  41769. special language ==> 专用语言,非通用语言
  41770. special ledger ==> 辅助分类帐,特种分类帐
  41771. special legacy ==> 特定遗赠
  41772. special letter of credit ==> 特别信用证
  41773. special license ==> 特别许可证,特种执照
  41774. special lien ==> 特别留置权
  41775. special lighting ==> 特殊照明
  41776. special list of equipment ==> 临时设备表
  41777. special livestock formulation ==> 兽用剂型
  41778. special load ==> 特殊荷载,特殊载荷
  41779. special loan for producing export goods ==> 出口专项贷款
  41780. special loans ==> 特种存款
  41781. special local product ==> 特产
  41782. special locomotive ==> 专用机车
  41783. special logic ==> 专用逻辑
  41784. special logic record ==> 专用逻辑记录
  41785. special loss ==> 特别损失
  41786. special machine ==> 专用机,专用机器
  41787. special machines ==> 特殊电机
  41788. special manager ==> 特别经理
  41789. special manufacturer ==> 专业厂
  41790. special marine protection area ==> 海洋特别保护区
  41791. special mark ==> 专用标志
  41792. special materials ==> 特殊材料
  41793. special maximum resolution emulsion ==> 特高分辨率乳胶
  41794. special memory ==> 专用存储器
  41795. special metallic gaskets ==> 特种金属垫
  41796. special milling machine ==> 专用设备多头铣床
  41797. special minesweeper ==> 专用扫雷和艇
  41798. special modulator ==> 专用调制器
  41799. special module testing ==> 专用模块测试
  41800. special monetary arrangement ==> 特别货币安排
  41801. special monitoring ==> 特殊监测
  41802. special mortgage ==> 特定抵押
  41803. special name ==> 特殊名
  41804. special network ==> 专用网
  41805. special no-voltage release ==> 特殊失压脱扣器
  41806. special notes ==> 专门用语
  41807. special nuclear material ==> 特种核材料
  41808. special observation ==> 特殊观测
  41809. special of the day ==> 日替わり品
  41810. special offer ==> 特别报价,特价提供
  41811. special oil ==> 高级油
  41812. special operation exception ==> 专用操作异常
  41813. special operation of generator ==> 发电机的特殊运行,发电机为了满足电网运行的需要而采取的不寻常的运行方式。包括进相运行,不平衡负荷或非全相运行,低励或失励运行,温度异常,调峰运行等
  41814. special order cost system ==> 特种定货成本制度
  41815. special order for goods ==> 特种定货单
  41816. special orders ==> 特殊订货
  41817. special outlay ==> 特别支出
  41818. special paint used on vehicle only ==> 车辆专用漆
  41819. special partners ==> 特别合伙人
  41820. special pathology ==> 病理学各论
  41821. special pattern ==> 骨架模
  41822. special performance ==> 特殊性能
  41823. special permission export ==> 特许出口,特许出口证
  41824. special perturbation ==> 特殊摄动
  41825. special physical examination ==> 专项体检
  41826. special piece ==> 异形管件,成形机件
  41827. special pipe ==> 特种管,异形管
  41828. special pipe cross ==> 特殊十字管接头
  41829. special pipe plug ==> 特殊管塞
  41830. special plane ==> 专机
  41831. special planting ==> 特殊种植法
  41832. special plaster ==> 特殊粉刷
  41833. special policy ==> 特殊保险单
  41834. special post allowance ==> 特别职位津贴
  41835. special power pack set machine ==> 专用联动机床
  41836. special preferential treatment ==> 特别优惠待遇
  41837. special preparation ==> 特殊制备
  41838. special price, bargain price ==> 特价
  41839. special prices ==> 特别价格
  41840. special priviledge monopoly ==> 特权独占
  41841. special process ==> 特种方法
  41842. special process study ==> 特别程序研究
  41843. special product ==> 特产,名产
  41844. special product of China ==> 中国特产
  41845. special product order ==> 特殊产品定货
  41846. special production machines indexing table type ==> 工作台分度式特种加工机床
  41847. special production order ==> 特制品定单
  41848. special products ==> 特殊产品
  41849. special prolongations on forging ==> 锻件取样块
  41850. special property ==> 特有物权
  41851. special protection system ==> 系统安稳装置
  41852. special provisions ==> 特别规定,特殊条款
  41853. special pump ==> 特种泵
  41854. special purchasing ==> 特殊采购
  41855. special purpose ==> 特殊目的(供給規程)
  41856. special purpose buoy ==> 专用浮标
  41857. special purpose chuck ==> 专用夹盘
  41858. special purpose computer ==> 专用计算机
  41859. special purpose grinder ==> 专用磨床
  41860. special purpose impeller ==> 特殊叶轮
  41861. special purpose information retrieval system ==> 专用情报检索系统
  41862. special purpose intelligent terminal ==> 专用智能终端
  41863. special purpose item ==> 专用件
  41864. special purpose latex ==> 特种胶乳
  41865. special purpose lathe ==> 专用车床
  41866. special purpose machine ==> 专用机器
  41867. special purpose machine tool ==> 专用机床
  41868. special purpose memory ==> 专用存储器
  41869. special purpose module board ==> 专用模件板
  41870. special purpose packet ==> 专用包
  41871. special purpose radar set ==> 特种用途雷达
  41872. special purpose range ==> 专用叠标
  41873. special purpose rations ==> 特殊口粮
  41874. special purpose relay ==> 特殊功用继电器
  41875. special purpose ship ==> 专用船
  41876. special purpose statement ==> 专用决算表
  41877. special purpose storage ==> 专用存储器
  41878. special purpose system ==> 专用密码
  41879. special purpose table of allowance ==> 专用装备数量表
  41880. special purpose tax ==> 特种目的税
  41881. special purpose telephone ==> 专用电话
  41882. special purpose test equipment ==> 专用试验设备
  41883. special purpose tile ==> 特殊用途石砖
  41884. special purpose transit ==> 专用叠标
  41885. special purpose translator ==> 专用翻译程序
  41886. special purpose vehicle ==> 专用车辆,专用汽车
  41887. special purposes anchorage ==> 专用锚地
  41888. special putty ==> 特殊腻子
  41889. special quality fire-brick ==> 特种耐火砖
  41890. special rail ==> 铁路专用线
  41891. special rates ==> 特别运费率,特惠折扣,特种运输费率
  41892. special rates for unitized consignment ==> 统一打包货品特别费率
  41893. special reduced rate ==> 特别减低的价目
  41894. special refractories ==> 特种耐火材料
  41895. special register ==> 专用寄存器
  41896. special regulations ==> 特别规定
  41897. special relativity ==> 狭义相对论,特殊相对论=>特殊相対性理論
  41898. special relativity theory ==> 特殊相対性理論
  41899. special relay protection for generator ==> 发电机的特殊继电保护,针对发电机的特点和安全运行的要求而设置的继电保护和自动化装置。主要有断路器误合闸保护、起停机保护、轴电流保护和水冷发电机断水保护等
  41900. special repair and maintenance equipment ==> 专用修理设备
  41901. special repair shop ==> 特约维修店
  41902. special repair truck ==> 特种修理车
  41903. special reporting grid ==> 特别报告方格坐标
  41904. special representation ==> 特殊表示
  41905. special requirement ==> 特殊规格
  41906. special requisition ==> 特别申请
  41907. special reserve ==> 特种准备
  41908. special reserve fund ==> 特别储备基金,特种准备基金
  41909. special resistance ==> 特种电阻
  41910. special resolution ==> 特别决议
  41911. special revenue fund ==> 特种收入基金,特种岁入基金
  41912. special revenue sharing ==> 特别收入分成
  41913. special road oil ==> 特种路用沥青
  41914. special rolled-steel bar ==> 异形钢
  41915. special rolling-mill section ==> 特殊钢材
  41916. special ROM ==> 专用只读存储器
  41917. special rotary converter ==> 特种转动换流机
  41918. special rotary machine ==> 特殊回転機
  41919. special rubber ==> 特种橡胶,专业橡胶
  41920. special rule zone ==> 特殊规则区
  41921. special rules ==> 特殊规则
  41922. special running series of numbers ==> 特定的流水号数
  41923. special sales agency ==> 特约经销处
  41924. special sales promotion ==> 特项推销
  41925. special search ==> 特别搜索
  41926. special section ==> 异型钢材
  41927. special sections ==> 特殊型钢
  41928. special security measure ==> 特别保密措施
  41929. special sense ==> 特种感觉
  41930. special sense organ ==> 特殊感觉器官
  41931. special sensibility ==> 特种敏感性
  41932. special series ==> 特定的流水号
  41933. special service ==> 特别业务,特殊用途=>特殊通話
  41934. special service final selector ==> 特种终接器
  41935. special service practice ==> 特种练习
  41936. special service repeater ==> 特种业务中继器
  41937. special service valve ==> 专用阀
  41938. special service vessel ==> 专用船
  41939. Special Settlement Finality Committee ==> 特别清算终结委员会
  41940. special SG ==> (弹丸号名)特号SG
  41941. special shape ==> 特殊形式
  41942. special shape mo(u)lding box ==> 专用砂箱
  41943. special shaped brick ==> 异型砖
  41944. special sheaf ==> 特别射向
  41945. special shell ==> 特种炮弹
  41946. special shop ==> 特种商号
  41947. special signal(s) ==> 专用信号
  41948. special sinking method ==> 特殊凿井法
  41949. special skill ==> 专长
  41950. special sod land drill ==> 草地专用播种机,草皮地专用播种机
  41951. special soft steel ==> 特软钢
  41952. special solution ==> 特解,特殊溶液
  41953. special sonar system ==> 专用声纳
  41954. special sorts ==> 特种字符
  41955. special spanner ==> 特种扳手
  41956. special spring safety valve ==> 特种弹簧安全阀
  41957. special spy satellite ==> 专用间谍卫星
  41958. special staining ==> 特殊染色法
  41959. special stamping of combination units ==> 组合设备的特殊标志
  41960. special stand ==> 专用支架
  41961. special station ==> 专用站
  41962. special status ==> (物品的)特殊状况
  41963. special steel ==> 特殊钢,特种钢=>特殊鋼
  41964. special steel for making instruments ==> 特殊仪表用钢
  41965. special steel plate ==> 特种钢板
  41966. special steel-wheeled compactor vehicle ==> 特制钢轮碾压车
  41967. special stock ==> 特别股,特种股票
  41968. special storage ==> (对危险品)特别舱贮
  41969. special storage rate ==> (对贵重货物)特别储藏费率
  41970. special store ==> 専門店
  41971. special stores ==> 特种外挂武器
  41972. special stowage ==> (贵重品的)特殊装载
  41973. special strike ==> 特别攻击
  41974. special structural steel ==> 特种结构钢
  41975. special subject ==> 专题
  41976. special sum of foreign exchange ==> 专项外汇
  41977. special supplies ==> 特殊补给品
  41978. special supply ==> 特定供給
  41979. special support equipment ==> 特种支援装备
  41980. special surplus account ==> 特别公积金帐户
  41981. special survey ==> 特别检验
  41982. special symbol ==> 特殊符号
  41983. special synchronous machine ==> 特种同步电机
  41984. special system of point-group ==> 特殊点集系
  41985. special table ==> 专用表
  41986. special table of allowance ==> 特种数量表
  41987. special tactical purpose ==> 特定的战术目的
  41988. special tank ==> 特种坦克
  41989. special tariff concession ==> 特殊关税减让,特种关税减让
  41990. special tariff indicator ==> 专用资费标志
  41991. special tax ==> 特别税,特种营业税
  41992. special tax cut ==> 特别减税
  41993. special tax reduction ==> 特别减税
  41994. special taxes deduction ==> 特别纳税扣除
  41995. special technical report ==> 特种技术报告
  41996. special technique of Giemsa ==> 吉姆沙染色的特殊技术
  41997. special techniques ==> 特技
  41998. special technological equipment ==> 专用工艺设备
  41999. special technology ==> 专有技术
  42000. special telephone ==> 专用电话
  42001. special telephone service ==> 专用电话业务
  42002. special temperature sensor in chemical fiber ==> 化纤专用温度传感器
  42003. special terracing grader ==> 修筑梯田专用整平机
  42004. special test ==> 特殊试验
  42005. special test and handling equipment ==> 特种试验与操纵装备
  42006. special test equipment ==> 专用测试设备
  42007. special test missile ==> 特种试验导弹
  42008. special test vehicle ==> 特种试验用飞行器
  42009. special theory of relativity ==> 狭义相对论=>特殊相対性理論
  42010. special three-phase transformer ==> 特种三相变压器
  42011. special token ==> 专用记号
  42012. special toll trunk circuit ==> 专用长途中继电路
  42013. special tonnage tax ==> 特别吨位税
  42014. special tool ==> 专用工具
  42015. special tool and equipment ==> 特种工具与器材
  42016. special tool steel ==> 特殊工具钢,特种工具钢
  42017. special tool(s) ==> 特殊工具
  42018. special topic ==> 专题
  42019. special trade ==> 专门贸易
  42020. special training ==> 专业训练,特殊训练
  42021. special training device ==> 特种训练器材
  42022. special transfer paper ==> 特种转换纸
  42023. special transformation ==> 特殊变换
  42024. special transformer ==> 特种变压器
  42025. special transformer H.V. cabinet for induction voltage regulator ==> 感应调压器专用变压器高压柜
  42026. special transmission system ==> 特别传输制
  42027. special treatment steel ==> 特殊处理钢
  42028. special tree ==> 特留树
  42029. special trunk ==> 特殊トランク
  42030. special trust ==> 特种信托
  42031. special tubes and pipes of aluminium alloy ==> 铝合金异形管
  42032. special tuning ==> 特别调整
  42033. special type ==> 特殊型
  42034. special type container ==> (如压缩装货的)特种形式集装箱
  42035. special type of equipment ==> 特殊类型的设备
  42036. special type subroutine ==> 专用子程序
  42037. special tyre ==> 特种轮胎
  42038. special unemployment assistance (SUA) ==> 特种失业补助
  42039. special unit of account ==> 特别记帐单位
  42040. special unloading berth ==> 特别卸载锚位
  42041. special urgent service ==> 特别加急业务
  42042. special usage ==> 特殊用途
  42043. special use ==> 特殊用途
  42044. special use area ==> 特殊用地
  42045. special valuation method ==> 特别评价法
  42046. special varnish ==> 特种漆
  42047. special verdict ==> 特别裁定
  42048. special version ==> 特别说明
  42049. special vessel inspection certificate ==> 特种船检验合格证
  42050. special VFR flight ==> 特种目视飞行
  42051. special vice ==> 专用虎钳
  42052. special vise ==> 专用虎钳,特殊虎钳
  42053. special warfare ==> 特种战争
  42054. special warfare armoured transporter ==> 特种战争装甲运输车
  42055. special warhead arming control ==> 特种弹头保险控制
  42056. special warning lamp ==> 专用警告灯
  42057. special waste collection ==> 特殊废物收集
  42058. special waste treatment ==> 特殊废物处理
  42059. Special Wastes Facilities Group (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 特殊废物设施组(环境保护署)
  42060. special watch case ==> 专用表壳
  42061. special waveform signal generator ==> 特殊波形信号发生器
  42062. special weapon ==> 特殊武器
  42063. special weapon emergency separation system ==> 特种武器应急投放装置
  42064. special weapon overflight guide ==> 特种武器飞越引导
  42065. special weapon supply annex ==> 特种武器供应附设库
  42066. special weapon troops ==> 特种武器部队
  42067. special weapons ammunitions supply point ==> 特种武器弹药补给站
  42068. special weapons attack ==> 特种武器攻击
  42069. special weapons center ==> 特种武器中心
  42070. special weapons delivery system ==> 特种武器投射系统
  42071. special weapons depot ==> 特种武器库
  42072. special weapons disposal ==> 特种武器处理
  42073. special weapons equipment list ==> 特种武器装备表
  42074. special weapons equipment test ==> 特种武器装备试验
  42075. special weapons operation center ==> 特种武器作战中心
  42076. special weapons ordnance devices ==> 特种武器军械装置
  42077. special weapons security ==> 特种武器安全
  42078. special weapons storage site ==> 特种武器储存地
  42079. special weapons supply depot ==> 特种武器供应库
  42080. special weapons unlocked warning light ==> 特种武器开锁警告灯
  42081. special weather report ==> 特殊天气报告
  42082. special weed chemicals ==> 特效除莠剂
  42083. special welfare fund ==> 特别福利基金,特种福利基金
  42084. special wire rope ==> 特种钢丝绳
  42085. special work permit area ==> 特殊工作区
  42086. special wrench ==> 特种扳手
  42087. special-carrier ==> 特殊夹头
  42088. special-carte ==> 特制纸片,电木纸
  42089. special-duty motor ==> 特殊工作制电动机,特用电动机
  42090. special-purpose audit programs ==> 专用审计日程表
  42091. special-purpose computer ==> 専用計算機
  42092. special-purpose financial statement ==> 特定目的财务报表
  42093. special-purpose forest ==> 特用林
  42094. special-purpose fund ==> 专用基金
  42095. special-purpose language ==> 专用语言
  42096. special-purpose loan ==> 专项贷款
  42097. special-purpose motor ==> 特殊功用电动机
  42098. special-purpose port ==> 专用港
  42099. special-purpose rocket ==> 专门用途火箭
  42100. special-purpose transport ==> 特殊用途运输机
  42101. special-quality brick ==> 特种砖
  42102. special-shaped brick ==> 异形砖
  42103. special-shaped insulation ==> 绝热异构件,绝热异构件
  42104. special-shaped parts ==> 异形配件
  42105. special-special assessment bond ==> 特种特赋债券
  42106. specialism ==> 专门化
  42107. specialist ==> 专家
  42108. specialist manufacturers ==> 专业制造厂家
  42109. specialist market-making system ==> 专家经营市场制
  42110. specialist operator ==> 专门操作者
  42111. specialist shop ==> 専門店
  42112. specialists ==> 特种经纪人
  42113. speciality ==> 特产,特殊产品,特制品,专长,专业,专业性
  42114. speciality goods ==> 名产
  42115. speciality shop ==> 名牌货商店
  42116. speciality stores ==> 专卖店
  42117. specialization ==> 专化性,专门化,专业化,特化
  42118. specialization and cooperation ==> 专业化协作
  42119. specialization of commodities and duty rates ==> 商品与税率的详细分类
  42120. specialization of exportation ==> 出口专业化
  42121. specialization of industrial production ==> 工业生产专业化
  42122. specialization of repair ==> 修理专业化
  42123. specialized ==> 专门,专门的
  42124. specialized agency ==> 专门机构
  42125. specialized capital goods ==> 专用资本货物
  42126. specialized confinement system ==> 高等圈养法
  42127. specialized facility ==> 专用设备
  42128. specialized farming ==> 专业农业
  42129. specialized feature ==> 专化特性
  42130. specialized fields ==> 专业门类
  42131. specialized form ==> 专化型
  42132. specialized government agencies ==> 业务领导机关
  42133. specialized homing receiver ==> 专用归航收讯机
  42134. specialized information ==> 专业化情报
  42135. specialized information centre ==> 专业情报中心
  42136. specialized information sources ==> 专业情报源
  42137. specialized knowledge ==> 专门知识,专业知识
  42138. specialized marine terminal ==> 专业码头
  42139. specialized parasite ==> 专化寄生物
  42140. specialized pathogen ==> 专化型病原
  42141. specialized persons ==> 专业人员
  42142. specialized phases of accounting ==> 会计专门化
  42143. specialized pig-farm ==> 专业养猪场
  42144. specialized port ==> 专业港
  42145. specialized processing ==> 专业化处理
  42146. specialized purpose computer machine ==> 専用マシン
  42147. specialized sense of smell ==> 特异的嗅觉感
  42148. specialized sill ==> 业务专长
  42149. specialized standard ==> 专业标准
  42150. specialized store ==> 専門店
  42151. specialized strain ==> 专门化品系
  42152. specialized thesaurus ==> 专用叙词表
  42153. specialized training ==> 专业训练
  42154. specialized trust management ==> 特种管理信托
  42155. specialized vessel ==> 专用船
  42156. specialized vocabulary ==> 专业词汇
  42157. specialloid piston ==> 特制高硅铝合金活塞
  42158. specially ==> 特别
  42159. specially advised letter of credit ==> 特别通知信用证
  42160. specially contracted interchanged power ==> 特別融通電力
  42161. specially crossed check ==> 特别划线支票
  42162. specially designed railways ==> 特殊鉄道
  42163. specially good effect ==> 特效
  42164. specially made gasket ==> 特制垫带
  42165. specially made tool for orientation ==> 特制方向架
  42166. specially moulded brick ==> 异形砖
  42167. specially negotiating bank letter of credit ==> 特别指定结汇银行的信用证
  42168. specially surfaced metal ==> 特殊加工面金属
  42169. specially-built ==> (按特种设计要求制造的)特种定货
  42170. specialties ==> 特别商品,特殊产品
  42171. specialty ==> 特产,特制品,经签字盖印之契据,经签字盖印之契据,加盖火漆印的契约,专业=>スペシャリティ,専門,専攻,特殊性
  42172. specialty additive ==> 特殊添加剤
  42173. specialty adhesive ==> 特殊接着剤
  42174. specialty alloy ==> 特殊合金
  42175. specialty area ==> 専門分野
  42176. specialty battery ==> 特殊電池
  42177. specialty care ==> 特殊医療
  42178. specialty catalyst ==> 特殊触媒
  42179. specialty cellulose ==> 特殊セルロース
  42180. specialty ceramics ==> ファインセラミックス
  42181. specialty elastomer ==> 特种橡胶
  42182. specialty goods ==> 特别商品,特殊品,特殊商品,特种消费品
  42183. specialty hair fibres ==> 特种毛发纤维
  42184. specialty of bone-knitting ==> 接骨科
  42185. specialty of incantation ==> 禁科
  42186. specialty of ophthalmology ==> 眼科
  42187. specialty of pediatrics ==> 小方脉科
  42188. specialty of pharyngolaryngology ==> 咽喉科
  42189. specialty of supplication ==> (元或明十三科之一)祝由科
  42190. specialty of traumatology ==> 金疮肿科
  42191. specialty oil ==> 特种油品
  42192. specialty restaurant ==> 风味餐厅
  42193. specialty store ==> 特种商店
  42194. speciation ==> 種分化
  42195. specie reserve ==> 硬币准备
  42196. species ==> 种类,属种,The Origin of Species=>種類
  42197. species barrier ==> 物种屏障
  42198. species certificate ==> 品种证明书
  42199. species characteristic ==> 种类特征
  42200. species complex ==> 物种综合
  42201. species composition ==> 物种组成
  42202. species composition of a forest ==> 林木组成
  42203. species concept ==> 物种概念
  42204. species conversion ==> 树种变更
  42205. species difference ==> 种属差异
  42206. species group ==> 物种群
  42207. species identification of blood stain ==> 血痕种属测定
  42208. species immunity ==> 种免疫
  42209. species indeterminate ==> 未定种
  42210. species index ==> 种类索引
  42211. species line ==> 种界
  42212. species number ==> 分潮类数
  42213. species point ==> 种点
  42214. species population ==> 物种种群
  42215. species reflex ==> 种属反射
  42216. species saturation ==> 种饱和度
  42217. species specificity ==> 种特异性
  42218. species stage ==> 种阶梯
  42219. species transformation ==> 物种转化
  42220. species trial plots ==> 树种试种小区
  42221. species variation ==> 种属差异
  42222. species-specific antigen ==> 种特异性抗原
  42223. species-specific behaviour ==> 种的特异行为
  42224. speciffic heat consumption ==> 热耗
  42225. specific ==> 具体的,具体的,单位的,特殊的,特有的,专门,专性的,种的,比,比较的,比率的,(即单位的)比的
  42226. specific (special) requirements ==> 特殊要求
  42227. specific absorption ==> 比吸收
  42228. specific absorptivity ==> 比吸收系数
  42229. specific acoustic impedance ==> 比音響インピーダンス
  42230. specific acoustic resistance ==> 声阻率
  42231. specific acoustic(al) reactance ==> 声抗率
  42232. specific acoustical impedance ==> 比声阻抗
  42233. specific acoustical reactance ==> 比声抗,声比抗
  42234. specific acoustical resistance ==> 比声阻
  42235. specific action potential ==> 特异行动潜能
  42236. specific active immunity ==> 特异性自动免疫
  42237. specific activity ==> 专性活动,放射强度率,放射性比度,比放射性,比放射性强度,比活度,活性比
  42238. specific address ==> 专用地址,具体地址,具体地址,绝对地址,绝对地址
  42239. specific addressed location ==> 绝对地址定位,绝对地址定位
  42240. specific addressing ==> 特殊编址
  42241. specific admixture ==> 种的混杂
  42242. specific adsorption ==> 比吸附,特性吸附,专性吸附
  42243. specific adsorptive capacity ==> 比吸附额
  42244. specific agglutination ==> 特异凝集
  42245. specific agreement ==> 特别协定
  42246. specific air consumption ==> 空气消耗量
  42247. specific allotment ==> 特定预算分配
  42248. specific angular frequency ==> 固有角频率
  42249. specific antigenic macrophage inhibitory factor ==> 抗原特异性巨噬细胞抑制因子
  42250. specific area ==> 比表面积,比面积
  42251. specific assemblage ==> 种结合
  42252. specific audit objective of compliance test ==> 符合性测试的具体审计目标
  42253. specific balance ==> 比重天平
  42254. specific binding energy ==> 比结合能,原子核结合能按其中每个核子的平均值,亦即若把原子核全部拆成自由核子,平均对每个核子所要添加的能量,用以表示原子核结合松紧程度
  42255. specific birefringence ==> 特定双折射
  42256. specific bodies of water ==> 特定水域
  42257. specific body of water ==> 特定水体
  42258. specific calorific intensity of combustion chamber ==> 燃气室的比热强度
  42259. specific capacitance ==> 单位电容
  42260. specific capacity ==> 比容量,单位出水量
  42261. specific capacity of boiler ==> 锅炉的比容
  42262. specific capital ==> 特别资本
  42263. specific category ==> 特定范畴
  42264. specific character ==> 种性状
  42265. specific charge ==> 比电荷=>比電荷
  42266. specific chart ==> 特种图
  42267. specific chemical relation ==> 特有的化学关系
  42268. specific code ==> 特种码,代真码,具体码,具体码,绝对代码,绝对代码,绝对码,绝对码
  42269. specific coding ==> 绝对编码,绝对编码,特定编码,专用编码
  42270. specific collection area ==> 收尘面积,收尘板的有效投影面积,由于极板的两个侧面均起收尘作用,所以两面均应计入
  42271. specific combination ==> 特定组配
  42272. specific combining ability ==> 特殊配合力
  42273. specific combustion intensity ==> 燃烧负荷率
  42274. specific commodity rate ==> 特别货物运费率
  42275. specific commodity rate (SCR) ==> 特种货品费率
  42276. specific commodity rates ==> 特定货物运费率
  42277. specific component ==> 特定零件
  42278. specific compression ==> 单位压缩量
  42279. specific concept ==> 特定概念
  42280. specific conductance ==> 导电率,电导率,传导率,比电导,比热导=>導電率
  42281. specific conductivity ==> 电导率
  42282. specific conductivity of wood ==> 木材输导性比
  42283. specific considerations for major crops ==> 主要作物的专门论述
  42284. specific consumption ==> 单位消耗量
  42285. specific consumtion ==> 消耗比
  42286. specific cost ==> 特定成本
  42287. specific covered property insurance ==> 特定财产保险
  42288. specific creep ==> 比徐变,比蠕变
  42289. specific cross reference ==> 特定相关参照
  42290. specific crypto-system ==> 专用密码系统
  42291. specific cutting pressure ==> 切削比压
  42292. specific cycle ==> 特殊周期,具体循环,具体循环
  42293. specific cycles ==> 特定循环
  42294. specific damping ==> 比衰减,衰减比
  42295. specific death rate ==> 死亡专率
  42296. specific density ==> 特定密度,比密,比密度,比重
  42297. specific density table ==> 比重表
  42298. specific detecivity ==> 比探测率
  42299. specific detectivity ==> 比探测能力
  42300. specific dielectric strength ==> 比绝缘强度
  42301. specific discharge ==> 单位量
  42302. specific discharge of rainfall ==> 单位面积降雨流量
  42303. specific disease development ==> 专化发病
  42304. specific dispersion ==> 比色散度
  42305. specific duty ==> 单位生产量
  42306. specific dynamic action ==> 特别动力作用,特殊动力作用,特种动力作用
  42307. specific efficiency ==> 比效率
  42308. specific electric loading ==> 比电负载,单位电负荷
  42309. specific electric utility ==> 特定電気事業者
  42310. specific elongation ==> 相对伸长,延伸率,比伸长度
  42311. specific emission ==> 放射率
  42312. specific end use ==> (制品)特定用途
  42313. specific energy ==> 比内能,比能,比能量,能量率
  42314. specific energy consumption ==> 能量比耗,单位能量消耗,电能比耗
  42315. specific energy imparted ==> 比授与能量
  42316. specific energy loss ==> 能量损耗率
  42317. specific energy of sensation ==> 感觉特异能量
  42318. specific energy of shock ==> 单位冲击功,冲击比功
  42319. specific energy of tension ==> 拉伸比能
  42320. specific entry ==> 特定标目
  42321. specific exhaustibility ==> 特异的耗竭性
  42322. specific extinction coefficient ==> 比消光系数
  42323. specific flux ==> 流量比
  42324. specific force ==> 专性力,比力
  42325. specific friction resistance ==> 摩擦风阻
  42326. specific fuel comsumption ==> 燃烧比耗
  42327. specific fuel consumption ==> 燃料比耗,燃料消耗率,耗油率,比燃料消耗量,比油耗
  42328. specific function ==> 特定函数,特殊功能,特殊函数
  42329. specific functional design approach ==> 特定機能設計方式
  42330. specific gamma-ray emission ==> 特征γ射线照射率
  42331. specific gammaray constant ==> 特征γ射线常数
  42332. specific gene loci ==> 专性基因位点
  42333. specific goods ==> 特定货物
  42334. specific grain surface ==> 颗粒比表面
  42335. specific granule ==> 特异性颗粒
  42336. specific gravity ==> 比重,比重值=>比重
  42337. specific gravity at pumping temperature ==> 泵送温度下的液体比重
  42338. specific gravity balance ==> 比重水平,比重天平
  42339. specific gravity balance method ==> 比重天平法
  42340. specific gravity bottle ==> 比重瓶
  42341. specific gravity cell ==> 比重电池
  42342. specific gravity hydrometer ==> 液体比重计
  42343. specific gravity liquid ==> 比重液
  42344. specific gravity of blood ==> 血液比重
  42345. specific gravity of soil ==> 土壤比重
  42346. specific gravity of urine ==> 尿比重
  42347. specific gravity selection ==> 比重选种
  42348. specific gravity separator ==> 比重分选法,比重清选机
  42349. specific head ==> 比压头,比水头
  42350. specific head diagram ==> 比水头曲线,单位水头曲线
  42351. specific heat ==> 比热=>比熱
  42352. specific heat at constant pressure ==> 定压比热
  42353. specific heat at constant volume ==> 定容比热
  42354. specific heat by volume ==> 容积比热
  42355. specific heat capacity ==> 比热容量,比热容
  42356. specific heat capacity at constant pressure ==> 定压比热容量
  42357. specific heat capacity at constant volume ==> 定容比热容量
  42358. specific heat consumption ==> 熱消費率
  42359. specific heat of fuel ==> 燃料比热
  42360. specific heat ratio ==> 比热比
  42361. specific historical analogy method ==> 特定历史模拟法
  42362. specific humidity ==> 比湿度
  42363. specific immunity ==> 特异性免疫,专化免疫性
  42364. specific impedance ==> 比阻抗
  42365. specific impulse ==> 比冲,比冲量
  42366. specific indent ==> 特定订单
  42367. specific indicator ==> 专一指示剂
  42368. specific inductive capacity ==> 相对介电常数
  42369. specific inductive capacity (SIC) ==> 介电常数
  42370. specific inertia ==> 比惯量
  42371. specific installation ==> 单独设备
  42372. specific insulation resistance ==> 体积电阻系数
  42373. specific insurance ==> 特定保险
  42374. specific intensity of radiation ==> 辐射比强度
  42375. specific interfacial area ==> 比界面积
  42376. specific internal energy ==> 比内能
  42377. specific inventory ==> 比投料量
  42378. specific investment of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂比投资,核电厂每千瓦装机容量的固定资产投资。有基础价比投资、固定价比投资和建成价比投资三种表征方式
  42379. specific ion effect ==> 专性离子效应
  42380. specific ion electrod ==> 专性离子电极
  42381. specific ion electrode ==> 离子选择(性)电极,离子选择电极
  42382. specific ionization ==> 比电离
  42383. specific ionization coefficient ==> 比イオン化係数
  42384. specific ionization curve ==> 比电离曲线
  42385. specific ionization loss ==> 电离损失比
  42386. specific issue market ==> 特别发行市场
  42387. specific items ==> 具体项目,具体项目
  42388. specific latent heat ==> 比潜热=>潜熱
  42389. specific latent heat of fusion ==> 熔解比潜热
  42390. specific latent heat of vaporization ==> 汽化比潜热
  42391. specific leaf area ==> 比叶面积
  42392. specific legacy ==> 指定遗赠
  42393. specific length ==> 规定长度
  42394. specific level of test ==> 特定检验水平
  42395. specific lien ==> (对借契上指明的财产)特定帐产留置权
  42396. specific load ==> 单位负荷
  42397. specific loading ==> 单位载荷
  42398. specific loading condition ==> 单位载荷条件
  42399. specific locus test ==> 特定座位测验
  42400. specific loss ==> 单位损耗,比损耗
  42401. specific losses ==> 比损耗
  42402. specific luminosity ==> 比发光度
  42403. specific magnetic loading ==> 比磁负载,单位磁负荷,平均气隙磁密
  42404. specific magnetic resistance ==> 磁阻率
  42405. specific magnetic rotation ==> 磁致旋光率
  42406. specific magnetism ==> 磁化率
  42407. specific mass ==> 比质量,质量密度
  42408. specific material demand ==> 单位材料需要量
  42409. specific medicine ==> 特效药
  42410. specific melting efficiency ==> 比熔化效率
  42411. specific mo(u)lding pressure ==> 单位压制压力
  42412. specific modifier ==> 专效修饰基因
  42413. specific moisture ==> 比湿度
  42414. specific mortality ==> 死亡专率
  42415. specific motor retardation ==> 特殊运动迟缓
  42416. specific name ==> 种名
  42417. specific oil consumption ==> 油消耗率
  42418. specific on-resistance ==> オン抵抗
  42419. specific order cost system ==> 分批成本制度
  42420. specific order costing ==> 分批成本法
  42421. specific output ==> 比输出
  42422. specific parachor ==> 比等张比容
  42423. specific parasite ==> 定主寄生物
  42424. specific pathogen free ==> 无特异病原的
  42425. specific pathogen free flock ==> 无特定病原鸡群
  42426. specific pathogen free herd ==> 无特定病原群
  42427. specific pathogen free program ==> 无特定病原猪或鸡群
  42428. specific permeability ==> 比导磁率
  42429. specific phase ==> 特定相
  42430. specific policy ==> 特定保单,确定保险单,逐笔保险单
  42431. specific pore volume ==> 比孔容
  42432. specific potential power ==> 单位水力蕴藏量
  42433. specific power ==> 单位出力,单位功率,燃料比功率,比动力,比功率=>比出力
  42434. specific power interchange ==> 特定融通電力
  42435. specific power-plant consumption ==> 动力系统消耗率
  42436. specific pressure ==> 单位压力,比压
  42437. specific product of labor ==> 具体劳动产品,具体劳动产品
  42438. specific productive index ==> 特定生产指数
  42439. specific productivity ==> 单位生产率
  42440. specific productivity index ==> 比采油指数
  42441. specific products ==> 特定产品
  42442. specific program ==> 专用程序
  42443. specific propellant consumption ==> 比燃料消耗量
  42444. specific prophylaxis ==> 特效预防
  42445. specific PRR ==> 特定脉冲重复率
  42446. specific pulse detectivity ==> 比脉冲探测
  42447. specific pulse repetition rate ==> 特定パルス繰返数
  42448. specific punch diameter ==> 相对凸模直径
  42449. specific radioactivity ==> 比度放射性
  42450. specific rate ==> 分类别的比率
  42451. specific rate constant ==> 比速常数
  42452. specific rate of flow ==> 单位流量
  42453. specific reaction ==> 专化型反应
  42454. specific reaction constant ==> 比反应常数
  42455. specific reaction rate ==> 反应比速
  42456. specific reaction rate constant ==> 比反应速度常数
  42457. specific reagent ==> 特效试剂
  42458. specific refraction ==> 折射度,折射系数
  42459. specific refractivity ==> 比折射率
  42460. specific reluctance ==> 磁阻率
  42461. specific repetition rate ==> 特定重复率
  42462. specific request ==> 特殊请求
  42463. specific resistance ==> 电阻率=>抵抗率(固有抵抗)
  42464. specific resistivity ==> 比抗性
  42465. specific response ==> 比感度
  42466. specific retention ==> 持水度,持水率
  42467. specific retention of capillary water ==> 毛细持水度
  42468. specific retention volume ==> 比保留体积
  42469. specific rotary power ==> 旋光率
  42470. specific rotation ==> 旋光率,比旋
  42471. specific rotatory power ==> 比旋光度
  42472. specific routine ==> 特殊程序
  42473. specific sample survey ==> 特定样本调查
  42474. specific search ==> 全结构检索,专用检索
  42475. specific serum ==> 特异性血清
  42476. specific sinking fund ==> 特定偿债基金
  42477. specific spectral detectivity ==> 比光谱探测率
  42478. specific speed ==> 比速=>比速度
  42479. specific stain ==> 特殊染色
  42480. specific steam consumption ==> 汽轮机汽耗率,汽轮机-发电机组输出每单位电功率的汽耗量
  42481. specific stiffness ==> 比刚度
  42482. specific storage ==> 单位储水量
  42483. specific strength ==> 比强度
  42484. specific surface ==> 比表面,比面积,表面系数
  42485. specific surface area ==> 比表面积=>比表面積
  42486. specific surface energy ==> 比表面能,表面比能
  42487. specific surface of soil ==> 土壤比表面
  42488. specific surface on volume basis ==> 体积基准比表面
  42489. specific surface resistivity ==> 比表面电阻
  42490. specific surface tension ==> 比表面张力
  42491. specific susceptibility ==> 比磁化率
  42492. specific temperature rise ==> 比温升
  42493. specific tenacity ==> 比强度
  42494. specific term ==> 专用名词
  42495. specific test ==> 特效试验
  42496. specific thermal conductivity ==> 比导热率
  42497. specific thrust ==> 比冲,比拉力,比推力,单位牵引力
  42498. specific torque ==> 比转矩
  42499. specific torque coefficient ==> 比力矩系数,比扭矩系数
  42500. specific torsional angle ==> 比ねじり角
  42501. specific toxic effect ==> 特异毒害作用,专性毒害作物
  42502. specific treatment ==> 特异疗法
  42503. specific type ==> 种型
  42504. specific unemployment ==> 特定部门失业
  42505. specific utilization coefficient ==> 单位利用率
  42506. specific value ==> 比值
  42507. specific viscosity ==> 比粘,比粘度
  42508. specific viscosty ==> 比粘度
  42509. specific visibility ==> 比能见度
  42510. specific voltage ==> 比电压,单位电压
  42511. specific volume ==> 容度,特定卷宗,体积度,比积,比容,比容积
  42512. specific volume of coal-oil mixture ==> 煤油混合燃料比容
  42513. specific volume resistance ==> 体积电阻率
  42514. specific water retention ==> 单位持水量
  42515. specific wearability ==> 磨损率,比磨损度
  42516. specific weight ==> 比重量
  42517. specific weight determine ==> 比重测试
  42518. specific weight of engine ==> 每马力重量
  42519. specific working paper in agriculture ==> 专门农业研究报告
  42520. specific yield ==> 单位产量,单位产水量,单位出水量,单位给水量,单位流水量
  42521. specific(unit) weight (SW) ==> 单位重量
  42522. specific-element method ==> 特定元素法
  42523. specific-gravity stoner ==> 比重去石机
  42524. specific-order production ==> 特定订单生产
  42525. specific-purpose incinerator ==> 特种用途焚烧炉
  42526. specific-volume anomaly ==> 比容偏差
  42527. specification ==> 性能规格,技术条件,技术要求,详细说明,明细表,清单,区分,工序说明,一览表,规定,规范,规格=>仕様
  42528. specification code ==> 规格法规
  42529. specification configuration ==> 区分结构
  42530. specification curve ==> 标准曲线
  42531. specification exception ==> 说明异常
  42532. specification for delivery ==> 供应规格
  42533. specification for materials ==> 材料标准,材料规格
  42534. specification for welding of copper and copper alloy clad steel plate ==> 铜与铜合金复合钢板焊接技术条件
  42535. specification for welding of stainless steel clad steel plate ==> 不锈钢复合钢板焊接技术条件
  42536. specification for welding of titanium and titanium alloy clad steel plate ==> 钛及钛合金复合钢板焊接技术条件
  42537. specification language ==> 规范语言,分类语言
  42538. specification limit ==> 规格界限,说明书规范
  42539. specification load ==> 额定载荷
  42540. specification number (SPC No,SPEC NO) ==> 说明书号
  42541. specification of a model ==> 模型说明
  42542. specification of an item ==> 项目说明书
  42543. specification of contents ==> 内容明细表
  42544. specification of econometric model ==> 经济计量模型的设定,经济计量模型的设定
  42545. specification of econometric model structural form ==> 经济计量模型结构形式的设定,经济计量模型结构形式的设定
  42546. specification of equipment ==> 设备规格
  42547. specification of heat treatment ==> 热处理规范
  42548. specification of model ==> 模型设定,模型说明书
  42549. specification of quality ==> 质量规格
  42550. specification of the mathematical form of model ==> 模型数学形式的设定
  42551. specification of variables ==> 变量设定
  42552. specification of weight ==> 磅码单
  42553. specification part ==> 区分部分,规格部分
  42554. specification policies ==> 详细记载保险单
  42555. specification pressure ==> 技术要求压力
  42556. specification requirements ==> 技术规格要求
  42557. specification sheets ==> 说明书,样本
  42558. specification standard ==> 规格标准
  42559. specification standards ==> 规格标准
  42560. specification statement ==> 分类语句,区分语句
  42561. specification subprogram ==> 说明子程序,分区子程序
  42562. specification subroutine ==> 分类子程序,分区子程序
  42563. specification verification ==> 仕様確認
  42564. specifications ==> 性能规范=>仕様書
  42565. specifications and characteristics ==> 规格和性能
  42566. specifications for experiments ==> 実験仕様
  42567. specifications for material ==> 材料规格
  42568. specifications of quality ==> 技术规格
  42569. specifications of synchronous generator ==> 同期発電機の定数
  42570. specifications of the products ==> 产品规格
  42571. specificator ==> 区分符,分类符
  42572. specificity ==> 特异性,特征,专性,专一性
  42573. specificity of receptor ==> 感受器特异性
  42574. specified ==> 精确确定,规定的,额定
  42575. specified (rated) load ==> 额定载荷,设计载荷
  42576. specified actual carbon ration decarburization ==> 规定脱碳率的脱碳层厚度
  42577. specified altitude assignment ==> 指定高度
  42578. specified breakaway torque ==> 规定断开转矩
  42579. specified circuit ==> 指定路
  42580. specified criterion ==> 明细规范
  42581. specified current deposit ==> 特定活期存款
  42582. specified data ==> 确定数据
  42583. specified discharge ==> 额定排量
  42584. specified distribution ==> 给定分布
  42585. specified equipment inspection code ==> 专用设备检验规范
  42586. specified grading ==> 规定的级配,规定级配
  42587. specified input ==> 额定输入,确定输入
  42588. specified lengths ==> 定尺长度
  42589. specified life ==> 规定寿命
  42590. specified load ==> 规定荷载,规定载荷
  42591. specified lubricant ==> 合规格润滑剂
  42592. specified material specification ==> 规定的材料规格
  42593. specified mix ==> 指定配方
  42594. specified operating point ==> 规定的运行点
  42595. specified operation conditions ==> 规定的运行工况
  42596. specified output ==> 额定输出
  42597. specified penetration ==> 指定贯入度
  42598. specified percentage decarburization ==> 规定脱碳率的脱碳层厚度
  42599. specified performance ==> 保证性能
  42600. specified policy ==> 特约保险单
  42601. specified power ==> 指定的权限
  42602. specified rate ==> 额定量
  42603. specified rate of consumption ==> 规定耗料率
  42604. specified sensitivity ==> 基準感度
  42605. specified size ==> 公称尺寸
  42606. specified speed ==> 额定转速
  42607. specified standard ==> 规定的标准
  42608. specified standards ==> 额定标准
  42609. specified step settling ==> 有限ステップ整定
  42610. specified temperature ==> 規定温度
  42611. specified testing pressure ==> 规定试验压力
  42612. specified time relay ==> 定时限继电器,动作时间(或表征其特征的其他时限)的延时需符合规定要求(特别是准确度)的一种继电器=>限時継電器
  42613. specified total head ==> 规定总压头
  42614. specified value ==> 额定值,给定值
  42615. specified weight ==> 额定重量
  42616. specified-in-detail item ==> 详细规定项目
  42617. specified-scale electricity supplier ==> 特定規模電気事業者
  42618. specified-scale electricity supply industry ==> 特定規模電気事業
  42619. specifiedsize ==> 名义尺寸
  42620. specifying machines and equipment ==> 拟订机器和设备技术条件
  42621. specimen ==> 标本,试棒,试件,样本,样机,样品,(金相的)磨片=>標本,見本,例,検査サンプル,試料,被検査物
  42622. specimen aspirated from uterine cavity ==> 宫腔吸取标本
  42623. specimen automatically embedding equipment ==> 标本自动包埋器
  42624. specimen bottle ==> 标本瓶
  42625. specimen box ==> 标本箱
  42626. specimen clip ==> 标本玻片卡夹
  42627. specimen copy ==> 样本,样品目录
  42628. specimen cup ==> 样品杯
  42629. specimen fine adjust equipment ==> 标本微动装置
  42630. specimen fixator ==> 标本固定器
  42631. specimen heater ==> 标本加热器
  42632. specimen holder ==> 标本架,样品夹,样品座=>試料ホルダー
  42633. specimen jar ==> 标本缸
  42634. specimen machine ==> 样机
  42635. specimen material ==> 样品材料
  42636. specimen materials ==> 样品材料
  42637. specimen of authorized signature ==> 签署样本
  42638. specimen of trademark ==> 商標見本
  42639. specimen ore ==> 特富矿体
  42640. specimen page ==> 样张
  42641. specimen part ==> 样品零件
  42642. specimen rammer ==> 舂砂样器
  42643. specimen screen ==> 样品图
  42644. specimen sheet ==> 样张
  42645. specimen size ==> 试样尺寸
  42646. specimen tube ==> 舂砂试样筒,标本管
  42647. specimen-box ==> 标本盒
  42648. specimen-insertion port ==> 样品送入孔
  42649. specimen-transfer mechanism ==> 样品输送机
  42650. specimens ==> 试样
  42651. specimens of one's blood ==> 血料
  42652. speciment signature ==> 签字样本
  42653. speck yarn ==> 彩点纱
  42654. speckle ==> 斑点=>染み
  42655. speckle camera ==> 斑纹干涉照相机
  42656. speckle correlation ==> スペックル相関
  42657. speckle correlation method ==> スペックル相関法
  42658. speckle displacement ==> スペックル変位
  42659. speckle domain ==> スペックル領域
  42660. speckle effect ==> 斑纹效应,散斑效应=>スペックル効果
  42661. speckle field ==> 散斑场
  42662. speckle interference ==> 散斑干涉
  42663. speckle interferometer ==> 斑纹干涉仪,班纹干涉仪
  42664. speckle interferometry ==> 斑纹干涉测量,散斑干涉测量术=>スペックル干渉計
  42665. speckle measurement ==> スペックル計測
  42666. speckle method ==> スペックル法
  42667. speckle metrology ==> 散斑计量术
  42668. speckle movement ==> スペックル移動
  42669. speckle noise ==> 散斑干扰,散斑噪声,斑点噪声=>スペックル雑音
  42670. speckle observation ==> スペックル観察
  42671. speckle pattarn ==> 斑纹图样
  42672. speckle pattern ==> 散斑图=>スペックルパターン
  42673. speckle pattern photography ==> 散斑照相
  42674. speckle photography ==> 散斑照相,斑纹照相术
  42675. speckle random phase shifter ==> 散斑随机相移器
  42676. speckle shearing interferometry ==> 斑纹剪切干涉测量法
  42677. speckle technique ==> 斑纹技术
  42678. speckle-shearing ==> 散斑剪切
  42679. speckle-shearing camera ==> 散斑剪切照相机
  42680. speckle-shearing interferometry ==> 散斑剪切干涉计量法
  42681. speckled antinuclear factor ==> 斑点抗核因子
  42682. speckled band ==> 分散频带
  42683. speckled celadon ==> 飞青
  42684. speckled glaze ==> 斑点釉
  42685. speckled green ware ==> 飞青器
  42686. speckled surface ==> 斑纹状表面
  42687. speckled ware ==> 斑纹器
  42688. spectacle blind ==> 带双圈的盲板
  42689. spectacle frame ==> 双孔构架
  42690. spectacle glass ==> 眼镜片
  42691. spectacle lens ==> 眼镜片
  42692. spectacle plate ==> 双孔板
  42693. spectacular ==> 見事な
  42694. spectacular achievement ==> 目覚ましい業績
  42695. spectacular celebration ==> 華やかな式典
  42696. spectacular discovery ==> 華々しい発見
  42697. spectacular economic growth ==> 高度経済成長
  42698. spectinomycin hydrochloride ==> 盐酸奇放线菌素
  42699. spectra at high and low temperatures ==> 高低温光谱
  42700. spectra methods ==> 光谱分析法
  42701. spectra-spectroheliography ==> 光谱太阳单色光照相术
  42702. spectral ==> 谱的,光谱的=>スペクトルの
  42703. spectral absorptance ==> 光谱吸收比,单色吸收率=>スペクトル吸収率
  42704. spectral absorption ==> 光谱吸收=>スペクトル吸収
  42705. spectral absorption curve ==> 光谱吸收曲线
  42706. spectral absorption factor ==> 光谱吸收系数,光谱吸收率,光谱吸收因数
  42707. spectral absorption method ==> 光谱吸收法
  42708. spectral absorptivity ==> 单色吸收率
  42709. spectral acceleration ==> 谱加速度
  42710. spectral amplification ==> スペクトル増幅
  42711. spectral amplitude ==> 频谱振幅=>スペクトル振幅
  42712. spectral amplitude technique ==> 频谱振幅法
  42713. spectral analysis ==> 光谱分析,频谱分析=>スペクトル解析
  42714. spectral analyzer ==> スペクトル分析器
  42715. spectral angular cross-section ==> 能谱角截面
  42716. spectral averaging ==> スペクトル平均化
  42717. spectral background ==> 光谱背景
  42718. spectral band ==> 光谱带=>スペクトル帯
  42719. spectral band intensity ==> スペクトル強度
  42720. spectral branch ==> 光谱支
  42721. spectral calculation ==> 光谱计算
  42722. spectral carbon rod ==> 光谱碳棒
  42723. spectral centroid ==> 光谱的重心,光谱矩心
  42724. spectral centroid of light ==> 光的光谱重心
  42725. spectral character ==> 光谱特性
  42726. spectral characteristic ==> 光谱特性
  42727. spectral class ==> 光谱类,光谱型
  42728. spectral classification ==> 光谱分类
  42729. spectral color ==> 光谱颜色
  42730. spectral colour ==> 光谱色
  42731. spectral comparator ==> 光谱比较器,光谱比较仪
  42732. spectral component ==> 光谱成分
  42733. spectral concentration ==> 分光密度
  42734. spectral condensation ==> 光谱收缩
  42735. spectral condenser ==> 光谱聚光镜
  42736. spectral condition ==> 谱条件
  42737. spectral content ==> 光谱含量
  42738. spectral corner ==> 谱角
  42739. spectral correlation ==> 光谱相关
  42740. spectral decomposition ==> 光谱分析
  42741. spectral density ==> 谱密度
  42742. spectral density function ==> 谱密度函数
  42743. spectral density meter ==> 光谱密度计
  42744. spectral diagnostics ==> 分光診断
  42745. spectral difference ==> 谱差=>スペクトル差
  42746. spectral diffusion ==> スペクトル拡散
  42747. spectral directional reflectance factor ==> 光谱方向反射因子
  42748. spectral discrimination ==> 光谱鉴别
  42749. spectral dispersion power ==> 光谱色散率
  42750. spectral distribution ==> 分光分布,光谱分布,光谱强度分布
  42751. spectral distribution curve ==> 光谱分布曲线,光谱分布曲线
  42752. spectral distribution function ==> 光谱分布函数
  42753. spectral distribution graph ==> 光谱分布曲线,光谱分布图
  42754. spectral distribution of acoustic energy ==> 声能频谱分布
  42755. spectral domain moment method ==> スペクトル領域モーメント法
  42756. spectral domain technique ==> スペクトル領域法
  42757. spectral dynamics ==> スペクトル力学
  42758. spectral element ==> スペクトル要素
  42759. spectral ellipsometry ==> 分光偏光解析法
  42760. spectral emissive power ==> 光谱发射率
  42761. spectral emissivity ==> 分光放射率
  42762. spectral emittance ==> 光谱发光度,光谱发射度,波谱发射度
  42763. spectral energy distribution ==> 光谱能量分布,波谱能量分布,能谱分布
  42764. spectral energy distribution curve ==> 分光能量分布曲线
  42765. spectral evolution ==> 光谱展开
  42766. spectral extinction ==> 光谱消色=>スペクトル減衰
  42767. spectral extraction ==> スペクトル抽出
  42768. spectral fatoring ==> 谱分解
  42769. spectral filter ==> 光谱过滤器,滤光片,滤光器
  42770. spectral flash lamp ==> 光谱闪光灯
  42771. spectral frequency ==> 光谱频率
  42772. spectral function ==> 谱函数
  42773. spectral Galerkin procedure ==> スペクトル領域ガレルキン法
  42774. spectral halfwidth ==> 光谱半宽度
  42775. spectral hardening ==> 谱硬化
  42776. spectral image ==> 光谱像
  42777. spectral index ==> 光谱指数,谱指数
  42778. spectral integration ==> スペクトル統合
  42779. spectral intensity ==> スペクトル強度
  42780. spectral interference ==> スペクトル干渉
  42781. spectral interference pattern ==> 光谱干涉图样
  42782. spectral interferometry ==> スペクトル干渉法
  42783. spectral interpolation ==> スペクトル内挿法
  42784. spectral irradiation curve ==> 谱辐照度曲线
  42785. spectral lamp ==> 光谱灯
  42786. spectral leakage ==> 频谱漏泄=>スペクトル漏れ
  42787. spectral line ==> 光谱线=>スペクトル線
  42788. spectral line broadening ==> 谱线增宽=>スペクトル線の広がり
  42789. spectral line correlation ==> 谱线相关
  42790. spectral line emission ==> 谱线发射
  42791. spectral line narrowing ==> 谱线变窄
  42792. spectral line of emission ==> 发射谱线
  42793. spectral line profile ==> 谱线分布图
  42794. spectral line receiver ==> 谱线接收机
  42795. spectral line series ==> 光谱线系
  42796. spectral line shape ==> 谱线形状
  42797. spectral line shift ==> 光谱线的位移
  42798. spectral line source ==> 谱线发射源
  42799. spectral line width ==> 谱线宽,光谱线宽,光谱线宽度=>スペクトル線の幅
  42800. spectral luminance ==> 谱线亮度
  42801. spectral luminance factor ==> 光谱亮度,光谱亮度因数
  42802. spectral luminous effciency (for the CIE standard photometric observer ) ==> 標準分光視感効率
  42803. spectral luminous efficacy ==> (分光)視感度
  42804. spectral luminous efficiency ==> 分視感度
  42805. spectral measure ==> スペクトル測度
  42806. spectral measurement ==> 光谱测量=>スペクトル測定
  42807. spectral mechanism ==> スペクトル機構
  42808. spectral method ==> 波谱法
  42809. spectral moment ==> 谱矩
  42810. spectral multiplicity ==> 光谱复度
  42811. spectral norm ==> 谱范数
  42812. spectral order ==> 光谱序
  42813. spectral output ==> 光谱输出
  42814. spectral peak ==> 光谱灵敏度峰值
  42815. spectral phonocardiography ==> 光谱心音描记法
  42816. spectral power ==> 谱功率
  42817. spectral power density ==> 光谱功率密度
  42818. spectral power distribution ==> 分光分布
  42819. spectral power spectrum ==> 谱功率谱
  42820. spectral presentation ==> 光谱展开
  42821. spectral purity ==> 光谱纯度
  42822. spectral purity filter ==> 光谱纯滤光片
  42823. spectral pyrometer ==> 光谱高温计,窄带高温计
  42824. spectral quantum radiance ==> 光谱量子辐射率
  42825. spectral radiance ==> 光谱辐射率,光谱辐射强度
  42826. spectral radiance calibration ==> 光谱辐射率校准
  42827. spectral radiance factor ==> 光谱辐射亮度因子=>分光放射輝度率
  42828. spectral radiance increment ==> 光谱辐射率增量
  42829. spectral radiance map ==> 光谱亮度图
  42830. spectral radiant emissivity ==> 光谱发射率,光谱辐射率
  42831. spectral radiant emittance ==> 光谱辐射度,光谱辐射率
  42832. spectral radiant energy ==> 光谱辐射能,光谱辐射能量
  42833. spectral radiant exitance ==> 光谱辐射出射度
  42834. spectral radiant flux ==> 光谱辐射通量
  42835. spectral radiant intensity ==> 光谱辐射强度
  42836. spectral radiant power ==> 光谱辐射功率
  42837. spectral radius ==> 谱半径
  42838. spectral range ==> 光谱范围,光谱限度
  42839. spectral ratio ==> 光谱比值
  42840. spectral receiver ==> 光谱接收器
  42841. spectral reflectance ==> 光谱反射系数=>分光反射率
  42842. spectral reflectance curve ==> 分光反射率曲线
  42843. spectral reflection characteristic ==> 反射波频谱特性,光谱反射特性
  42844. spectral reflection factor ==> 光谱反射系数
  42845. spectral reflectivity ==> 光谱反射率,光谱反射系数
  42846. spectral relative distribution ==> 频谱相对分布
  42847. spectral representation ==> 谱表示
  42848. spectral resolution ==> 光谱分辨率
  42849. spectral resolution of an operator ==> 作用素のスペクトル分解
  42850. spectral resolving power ==> 光谱分辨本领
  42851. spectral resonance of photo conductivity ==> 光电导的光谱响应
  42852. spectral response ==> 光谱灵敏度
  42853. spectral response characteristic ==> 光谱响应特性
  42854. spectral response curve ==> 光谱灵敏度曲线
  42855. spectral response peak wavelength ==> 光谱响应峰值波长
  42856. spectral responsivity ==> 光谱响应度=>分光応答度
  42857. spectral selection ==> 光谱选择性
  42858. spectral selectivity ==> 光谱选择性,频谱选择性
  42859. spectral sensitivity ==> 光谱灵敏度=>分光感度
  42860. spectral sensitivity characteristic ==> 分光感度特性
  42861. spectral sensitivity curve ==> 分光感度曲线
  42862. spectral sensitivity distribution ==> 光谱灵敏度分布
  42863. spectral sensitivity measurement ==> 分光感度测量
  42864. spectral sensitivity peak ==> 光谱灵敏度峰值
  42865. spectral sequence ==> 光谱序,光谱序列
  42866. spectral shape ==> 频谱形状
  42867. spectral shift ==> 谱移,光谱移动
  42868. spectral shift control ==> 谱移控制
  42869. spectral signature ==> 光谱特征
  42870. spectral structure ==> 谱线结构
  42871. spectral term ==> 光谱项
  42872. spectral test ==> (数值解析)谱检验
  42873. spectral transmission ==> 光谱透射
  42874. spectral transmission factor ==> 光谱透射系数
  42875. spectral transmission ratio ==> 分光透射率
  42876. spectral transmittance ==> 光谱透射系数=>分光透過率
  42877. spectral tristimulus value ==> 光谱三色激励值
  42878. spectral tristimulus values ==> スペクトル三刺激値
  42879. spectral tuning laser ==> 光谱调谐激光器
  42880. spectral type ==> 光谱型
  42881. spectral type curve ==> 谱型图
  42882. spectral types ==> 光谱类型
  42883. spectral value CIE ==> 谱值
  42884. spectral window ==> 谱窗
  42885. spectral(-)shift reactor ==> 谱移堆
  42886. spectral-chemical analysis ==> 光谱化学分析
  42887. spectral-density model ==> 谱密度模型
  42888. spectral-sensitive pyrometer ==> 光谱灵敏高温计
  42889. spectral-sensitivity characteristic ==> 光谱灵敏度特性
  42890. spectrally pure colour ==> 光谱纯色
  42891. spectrally selective nature ==> 光谱选择性
  42892. spectrally selective photodetector ==> 光谱选择光电探测器,光谱选择性光电探测器
  42893. spectro analysis of isotopes ==> 同位素光谱分析
  42894. spectro-angular cross section ==> 谱角截面
  42895. spectro-angular flux density ==> 谱角通量密度
  42896. spectro-chemical analysis ==> 光谱化学分析
  42897. spectro-grating ==> 分光光栅
  42898. spectro-microscope ==> 光谱显微镜
  42899. spectrochemical analysis ==> 光谱化学分析,分光化学分析
  42900. spectrochemical analysis for gases ==> 气体光谱分析
  42901. spectrochemical analysis of gases in metal ==> 金属中气体的光谱分析
  42902. spectrochemical method ==> 光化学测定法
  42903. spectrograph ==> 摄谱仪,光谱仪
  42904. spectrograph grating ==> 摄谱仪光栅
  42905. spectrographic analysis ==> 光谱分析,分光描记分析法,摄谱分析
  42906. spectrographic control analysis ==> 摄谱控制分析
  42907. spectrographic determination ==> 光谱法测定
  42908. spectrographic laboratory ==> 光谱实验室
  42909. spectrographic orbit ==> 摄谱轨道
  42910. spectrographic purity ==> 光谱纯度
  42911. spectrographical identification ==> 光谱鉴定,摄谱鉴定
  42912. spectrometer ==> 分光计
  42913. spectrometer chamber ==> 分光计室
  42914. spectrometer cliff ==> 分光计片
  42915. spectrometer method ==> 分光计法,光谱分析法
  42916. spectrometric characteristic ==> 光谱辐射特性曲线
  42917. spectrometric photoeletric method ==> 分光计光电法
  42918. spectrometry ==> 光谱测定法,光谱测量学,光谱光度学,光谱术,测谱学
  42919. spectrophotometer ==> 分光光度计=>分光測光器
  42920. spectrophotometric analysis ==> 分光光度分析
  42921. spectrophotometric determination ==> 分光光度测定
  42922. spectrophotometric evaluation ==> 分光光度推定法
  42923. spectrophotometric method ==> 分光光度分析法
  42924. spectrophotometric study ==> 分光光度测定研究
  42925. spectrophotometric temperature ==> 分光光度温度
  42926. spectrophotometry ==> 分光测光学,分光光度测定法,分光光度测量,分光光度术=>分光測光法,分光測色法
  42927. spectroradiometer ==> 分光放射計
  42928. spectroradiometric curve ==> 分光辐射曲线
  42929. spectroradiometric measurement ==> 光谱辐射测量
  42930. spectroscope ==> 分光镜
  42931. spectroscopic analysis ==> 光谱分析,分光镜分析
  42932. spectroscopic analyzer ==> 光谱分析器
  42933. spectroscopic assay ==> 光谱测定,光谱检定
  42934. spectroscopic behaviour ==> 分光性能
  42935. spectroscopic binary star ==> 分光双星
  42936. spectroscopic buffer ==> 光谱缓冲剂
  42937. spectroscopic camera ==> 光谱摄影机
  42938. spectroscopic carrier ==> 光谱载体
  42939. spectroscopic data ==> 光谱数据
  42940. spectroscopic displacement law ==> 光谱位移律
  42941. spectroscopic ellipsometer ==> 分光エリプソメータ
  42942. spectroscopic hygrometer ==> 分光湿度计
  42943. spectroscopic illuminator ==> 光谱照明器
  42944. spectroscopic isotope shift ==> 光谱同位素移动
  42945. spectroscopic measurement ==> 分光測定
  42946. spectroscopic methodology ==> 光谱法
  42947. spectroscopic observation ==> 分光観測
  42948. spectroscopic optics ==> 光谱光学
  42949. spectroscopic orbit ==> 分光轨道,分光解
  42950. spectroscopic parallax ==> 分光视差
  42951. spectroscopic photography ==> 光谱摄影术
  42952. spectroscopic plate ==> 光谱板
  42953. spectroscopic prism ==> 光谱棱镜
  42954. spectroscopic pure ==> 光谱纯的
  42955. spectroscopic standard air ==> 光谱标准空气
  42956. spectroscopic study ==> 分光镜分析
  42957. spectroscopic term ==> 光谱项
  42958. spectroscopic test ==> 光谱试验
  42959. spectroscopical ==> 分光,分光镜的
  42960. spectroscopical plate ==> 分光板
  42961. spectroscopical purity ==> 光谱纯度
  42962. spectroscopically pure ==> 光谱纯,光谱纯的
  42963. spectroscopically pure zinc ==> 光谱纯锌
  42964. spectroscopy ==> 分光学
  42965. spectrum ==> 谱,光谱,频谱,波谱,交叉谱=>スペクトル
  42966. spectrum amplitude ==> 谱幅
  42967. spectrum analysis ==> 光谱分析=>スペクトル分析
  42968. spectrum analyzer ==> 频谱分析仪,质谱分析仪,频谱分析器=>スペクトル分析器
  42969. spectrum apparatus ==> 分光仪
  42970. spectrum atlas ==> スペクトル図表
  42971. spectrum auction ==> 周波数オークション
  42972. spectrum band ==> スペクトル帯
  42973. spectrum bandwidth ==> スペクトル帯域幅
  42974. spectrum bias ==> 範囲バイアス
  42975. spectrum binary ==> 光谱双星
  42976. spectrum calculation ==> スペクトル計算
  42977. spectrum center ==> 波長重心
  42978. spectrum change ==> スペクトル変化
  42979. spectrum color ==> 谱色
  42980. spectrum colour ==> 光谱色
  42981. spectrum comparator ==> 光谱比长仪
  42982. spectrum design ==> スペクトル設計
  42983. spectrum detector ==> スペクトル検出器
  42984. spectrum determination ==> スペクトル決定
  42985. spectrum dip ==> 谱坑
  42986. spectrum discrimination ==> 谱识别
  42987. spectrum distribution ==> 光谱分布=>スペクトル分布
  42988. spectrum distribution function ==> 光谱分布函数
  42989. spectrum domain ==> スペクトル領域
  42990. spectrum emission ==> 光频放射率
  42991. spectrum equalization ==> 谱均衡
  42992. spectrum equation ==> スペクトル方程式
  42993. spectrum estimate ==> スペクトル推定
  42994. spectrum expander ==> 频谱展宽器
  42995. spectrum factor ==> 频谱因数
  42996. spectrum field ==> 谱场
  42997. spectrum hardness ==> 谱硬度
  42998. spectrum image plane ==> 光谱像平面
  42999. spectrum index ==> 频谱指数,谱指数
  43000. spectrum intensity ==> スペクトル強度
  43001. spectrum level ==> 谱级,光谱能级
  43002. spectrum line ==> 谱线
  43003. spectrum locus ==> 単色光軌跡
  43004. spectrum matching ==> 光谱匹配
  43005. spectrum matching technique ==> スペクトルマッチング法
  43006. spectrum measurement ==> スペクトル測定
  43007. spectrum measuring projector ==> 光谱测量投影仪
  43008. spectrum method ==> スペクトル法
  43009. spectrum of carrier ==> 载波的频谱
  43010. spectrum of solid ==> 固体光谱
  43011. spectrum of turbulence ==> 湍动谱,湍流谱=>乱れのスペクトル
  43012. spectrum of vibration acceleration ==> 振動加速度スペクトル
  43013. spectrum order sorter ==> 光谱分阶器
  43014. spectrum overlap ==> スペクトルの重なり
  43015. spectrum parameter ==> スペクトルパラメータ
  43016. spectrum peak ==> スペクトルピーク
  43017. spectrum placement ==> スペクトル配置
  43018. spectrum pressure level ==> 谱压级
  43019. spectrum processing ==> スペクトル処理
  43020. spectrum property ==> スペクトル特性
  43021. spectrum quantitative analysis ==> 光谱定量分析
  43022. spectrum range ==> 光谱范围
  43023. spectrum renormalization ==> 频谱重正化
  43024. spectrum scanner ==> 光谱扫描仪
  43025. spectrum selectivity ==> 光谱选择性
  43026. spectrum selector ==> 光谱选择器,频谱选择器
  43027. spectrum sensitivity ==> 光谱灵敏度
  43028. spectrum sequence ==> 光谱序列
  43029. spectrum shape ==> 频谱形状
  43030. spectrum signature ==> 谱特征
  43031. spectrum stripping ==> 谱线分离技术
  43032. spectrum test ==> 光谱试验
  43033. spectrum types ==> 光谱类型
  43034. spectrum variable ==> 光谱变星
  43035. spectrum widening ==> 光谱展宽
  43036. spectrum width ==> 光谱宽度
  43037. spectrum(-)sensitive foil ==> 谱灵敏探测片
  43038. spectrum, the distribution of a quantity as a function of frequency or of wave length. ==> スペクトル, 周波数又は波長の関数としての量の分布.
  43039. spectrum-density diagram ==> 光谱密度图
  43040. spectrum-line stabilizer ==> 谱线稳定器
  43041. spectrum-luminosity diagram ==> 光谱光度图,光谱亮度图
  43042. spectrum-rate of variation relation ==> 光谱光变率关系
  43043. specular ==> 反射,反射的
  43044. specular angle ==> 反射角,镜面角,镜面角
  43045. specular cast-iron ==> 镜铁,镜铁
  43046. specular cross section ==> 有效反射面积
  43047. specular density ==> 定向密度,单向密度
  43048. specular glass ==> 镜面玻璃,镜面玻璃
  43049. specular hematite ==> 镜赤铁矿,镜赤铁矿
  43050. specular iron ==> 镜铁矿,镜铁矿,辉赤铁矿
  43051. specular iron ore ==> 镜铁矿,镜铁矿
  43052. specular layer ==> 镜面层,镜面层,镜面反射层,镜面反射层,反射层
  43053. specular reflectance ==> 镜面反射比,镜面反射比,镜面反射率,镜面反射率
  43054. specular reflectance slit ==> 镜反射狭缝,镜反射狭缝
  43055. specular reflection ==> 规则反射,镜面反射,镜面反射,镜面反射照明法,镜面反射照明法,单向反射,正反射=>鏡面反射
  43056. specular reflection direction ==> 镜反射方向,镜反射方向
  43057. specular reflector ==> 镜面反射器,镜面反射器,单向反射器
  43058. specular scattering ==> 镜面散射,镜面散射,反射散射
  43059. specular surface ==> 反射面,定向反射面=>鏡面
  43060. specular tranmission density ==> 镜透射密度,镜透射密度
  43061. specular transmission ==> 镜面传输=>正透過
  43062. specular transmittance ==> 镜面透射比,镜面透射比,镜透射比,镜透射比
  43063. specularite ==> 镜铁矿,镜铁矿
  43064. specularity factor ==> 镜面反射系数,镜面反射系数
  43065. speculate ==> 推测,做投机买卖=>仮説を立てる,思索する,推測する
  43066. speculate on a fall ==> 做空头投机
  43067. speculate on a rise ==> 做多头投机
  43068. speculation ==> 投机,投机倒把,投机交易=>推量,推理,推測,臆測,空論,熟考
  43069. speculation and swindling ==> 投机诈骗
  43070. speculation arbitrage ==> 投机套利
  43071. speculation business ==> 投机事业
  43072. speculation company ==> 皮包公司
  43073. speculation curve ==> 投机曲线
  43074. speculation demand ==> 投机需求
  43075. speculation in foreign exchange ==> 外国為替投機
  43076. speculation in futures ==> 先物投機
  43077. speculation in land ==> 土地投機
  43078. speculation in securities ==> 证券投机
  43079. speculation market ==> 投机市场
  43080. speculation on the rise and fall of the market ==> 市场上的买空卖空
  43081. speculative ==> 思索の,熟考する,投機の,スペキュラティブ
  43082. speculative activity ==> 投機的活動
  43083. speculative aspect ==> 投機的な側面
  43084. speculative attacks ==> 投機攻撃
  43085. speculative balances ==> 投机性现金余额
  43086. speculative behavior ==> 投機的行動
  43087. speculative boom ==> 投机性高涨
  43088. speculative business ==> 投机商业
  43089. speculative component ==> 投机性成分
  43090. speculative credit ==> 投机信用
  43091. speculative demand ==> 投机性需求,投机需求
  43092. speculative demand for money ==> 投机性货币需求
  43093. speculative efficiency hypothesis ==> 投机效率假说
  43094. speculative excesses ==> 投机过度行为
  43095. speculative investment ==> 投机投资
  43096. speculative land investment ==> 投机性土地投资
  43097. speculative market ==> 投机市场
  43098. speculative motive ==> 投机动机
  43099. speculative motive for holding money ==> 投机性的持币动机
  43100. speculative purchasing ==> 投机性采购
  43101. speculative risk ==> 投机性风险
  43102. speculative trade ==> 投机买卖
  43103. speculative transaction ==> 投机交易
  43104. speculative unemployment ==> 投机性失业
  43105. speculator's demand ==> 投机者的需求
  43106. speculum ==> 开张器,制镜合金,镜,镜,金属镜,张口器
  43107. speculum (specula) ==> 张开器
  43108. speculum alloy ==> 镜用合金
  43109. speculum alloys ==> 反射镜合金
  43110. speculum iron ==> 镜铁
  43111. speculum laser ==> 激光窥器
  43112. speculum metal ==> 镜铜
  43113. speculum specula ==> 窥器
  43114. speculum-metal ==> 镜青铜,镜用合金,铜锡合金
  43115. SPEE, special purpose end effector ==> 特殊目的エンドエフェクタ
  43116. speech ==> 话,言语
  43117. speech amplifier ==> 语频放大器=>音声増幅器
  43118. speech analyser ==> 语言分析器
  43119. speech analysis ==> 语言分析
  43120. speech apraxia ==> 言语运用不能
  43121. speech audiogram ==> 语言听力图
  43122. speech audiometer ==> 语言测听计,语言听力计
  43123. speech audiometry ==> 语言测听(法),语言信号测听术
  43124. speech average loss ==> 语言平均损耗
  43125. speech band inversion ==> 语言频带倒演
  43126. speech bandwidth ==> 语言带宽,言语带宽
  43127. speech bandwidth compression ==> 语言频带压缩
  43128. speech center ==> 语言中枢,言语中枢,布罗卡氏中枢
  43129. speech channel ==> 电话信道,语言信道
  43130. speech chip ==> 语言合成芯片
  43131. speech clipper ==> 语言截幅器,言语截幅器
  43132. speech clipping ==> 言语削波,语言截幅
  43133. speech coder ==> 语言编码器
  43134. speech coil ==> (扬声器)音圈
  43135. speech communication ==> 语言通信
  43136. speech compression ==> 语言压缩,言语压缩
  43137. speech concentrator ==> 语音集中器
  43138. speech converter ==> 语言转换器
  43139. speech detector ==> 语音检波器
  43140. speech dialogue ==> 音声対話
  43141. speech digit signalling ==> 语言位信令
  43142. speech disorders ==> 语病,语言失常
  43143. speech encoding ==> 语言编码
  43144. speech filter ==> 语声滤波器
  43145. speech frequency ==> 语频,口声频率=>音声周波数
  43146. speech frequency amplifier ==> 语频放大器
  43147. speech frequency range ==> 话频范围
  43148. speech generator ==> 语音发生器,语言合成器
  43149. speech head ==> 录音头
  43150. speech hearing level ==> 语言听力级
  43151. speech hearing loss ==> 语言呼力损失
  43152. speech impedance ==> 语言电阻抗
  43153. speech inerpolation ==> 语言内插
  43154. speech input circuit ==> 语言输入电路
  43155. speech intelligibility ==> 可懂度
  43156. speech intensity ==> 语言强度
  43157. speech interference level ==> 语言干扰级
  43158. speech interpolation ==> 言语内插
  43159. speech inversion ==> 语言倒演
  43160. speech inversion system ==> 语言频谱倒演系统,话频颠倒制=>音声反転方式
  43161. speech inverter ==> 语言频率倒演器,倒频器
  43162. speech level ==> 语言级
  43163. speech level control equipment ==> 语言电平调整装置
  43164. speech mechanism ==> 语言机理
  43165. speech modulator ==> 语言调制器
  43166. speech morphology ==> 请言形态
  43167. speech motor hallucination ==> 言语运动性幻觉
  43168. speech output ==> 语言输出
  43169. speech path ==> 通話路
  43170. speech path controller ==> 话路控制器
  43171. speech pathology ==> 语言病理学
  43172. speech pattern ==> 语音模式,言语模图
  43173. speech perception ==> 语言感知
  43174. speech plus duplex FMFV telegraph equipment ==> 语音加双工调频音频电报设备
  43175. speech plus half-duplex circuit ==> 语音加半双工报路
  43176. speech plus simplex(equipment) ==> 语音加单工
  43177. speech plus voice frequency telegraph ==> 语音加话频电报
  43178. speech power ==> 语言功率
  43179. speech predictive encoding communications ==> 语言预测编码通信
  43180. speech pressure ==> 语言声压
  43181. speech processing ==> 语言处理
  43182. speech processor ==> 语言信息处理机
  43183. speech production ==> 语言产生
  43184. speech quality ==> 声音品质=>通話品質
  43185. speech recognition ==> 语言识别=>音声認識
  43186. speech recognizer ==> 语言识别器
  43187. speech reproducer ==> 言语扩音器
  43188. speech restorer ==> 语言恢复装置
  43189. speech scrambler ==> 语言保密装置,倒频器
  43190. speech signal ==> 语言信号
  43191. speech sound ==> 语言声
  43192. speech stretcher ==> (对话速度减低装置)语言拉长器
  43193. speech synthesis ==> 语言合成
  43194. speech synthesizer ==> 语音发生器,语言合成器
  43195. speech test ==> 语言试验
  43196. speech therapy ==> 语言矫正
  43197. speech training ==> 语言训练
  43198. speech translation ==> 音声翻訳
  43199. speech translation system ==> 音声翻訳システム
  43200. speech transmission ==> 语言传送
  43201. speech understanding ==> 声音理解
  43202. speech voltmeter ==> 语言电平表
  43203. speech volume ==> 语言声量,音量
  43204. speech volume indicator ==> 语声量指示器
  43205. speech waveform ==> 讲话的波形
  43206. speech(-)frequency range ==> 语声频率范围
  43207. speech(-)modulation ==> 语言调制
  43208. speech-input amplifier ==> 语言输入放大器
  43209. speech-noise ratio ==> 噪声比,信噪比
  43210. speech-plus-tone service ==> 语言加单音工作
  43211. speech-recognizing machine ==> 语言识别机
  43212. speech-reinforcement system ==> 语言放大系统
  43213. speech-sounds ==> 语音
  43214. speech-to-speech translation ==> 音声翻訳
  43215. speech-waveform correlator ==> 语言波形相关器
  43216. speed ==> 速度,速率
  43217. speed ability ==> 速度性能
  43218. speed accumulation curve ==> 速度累积曲线
  43219. speed adjustment ==> 速度调节,速度调整,转速调整,根据需要调整电动机的转速,这种需要有时是负载对转速有特殊变速要求,有时是为了节能和经济运行
  43220. speed advantage ==> 速度优势
  43221. speed agility run ==> 变速跑
  43222. speed amplification ==> 速度放大
  43223. speed and altitude supremacy ==> 速度和高度优势
  43224. speed at continuous rating ==> 持续制功率下的速度
  43225. speed at one hour rating ==> 小时制功率下的速度
  43226. speed balancing brake ==> 抑速ブレーキ
  43227. speed barrier ==> 速度极限
  43228. speed belt ==> 调速带,变速皮带
  43229. speed boat ==> 快艇
  43230. speed brake ==> 离心闸,减速板,减速装置
  43231. speed brake setting ==> 减速装置调定
  43232. speed bulges ==> 高速鼓包
  43233. speed calculator ==> 速度计算器
  43234. speed calling ==> 快速呼叫
  43235. speed car ==> 高速车
  43236. speed change ==> 变速
  43237. speed change box ==> 变速箱
  43238. speed change gear ==> 变速器
  43239. speed change lane ==> 变速车道
  43240. speed change lever ==> 变速杆
  43241. speed change valve ==> 变速阀
  43242. speed changer ==> 变速器,同步器,又称“转速变换器”。可在一定范围内平移调节系统静态特性曲线,以整定汽轮机-发电机组转速或改变负荷的装置
  43243. speed changing ==> 速度变换
  43244. speed changing gear ==> 变速齿轮
  43245. speed characteristic ==> 转速力矩特性,速度特性
  43246. speed characteristic curve ==> 速度特性曲线=>速度特性曲線
  43247. speed chart ==> 速度曲线表
  43248. speed check tape ==> 测速带
  43249. speed checking apparatus for vehicle ==> 车辆测速器
  43250. speed circle ==> 速度圆
  43251. speed code ==> 快速代码,快速码
  43252. speed coding ==> 快速编码
  43253. speed coefficient ==> 速度系数
  43254. speed concatenation control ==> 速度关联控制
  43255. speed cone ==> 变速锥,级轮
  43256. speed constant ==> 速率常数
  43257. speed control ==> 速度调节,速度控制,转速控制,汽轮机控制系统功能之一:在汽轮机起动、升速和定速运行过程中,按照设定的目标转速和升速率改变和/或维持汽轮机转速=>速度制御,走行制御
  43258. speed control device ==> 速度调节器
  43259. speed control disc ==> 速度控制圆盘
  43260. speed control muffler ==> 出口节流阀
  43261. speed control range ==> 速度控制范围
  43262. speed control rod ==> 调速杆
  43263. speed control servo-motor ==> 调速伺服电动机
  43264. speed control switch ==> 速率控制开关
  43265. speed control system ==> 速率控制系统
  43266. speed control valve ==> 速度控制阀,调速阀
  43267. speed controller ==> 调速器,速度调节手柄
  43268. speed correction signal ==> 转速校正信号
  43269. speed correction table ==> 速度误差修正表
  43270. speed counter ==> 速率计数器,转数计,计速表
  43271. speed course ==> 速度测定基线
  43272. speed cutting steel ==> 高速切现
  43273. speed data ==> 速度数据
  43274. speed detection ==> 速度检出
  43275. speed detector ==> 速度检测器
  43276. speed dialing ==> 短縮ダイヤル
  43277. speed difference ==> 速度差,速率差
  43278. speed difference measuring device ==> 速差测量装置
  43279. speed display ==> 速度显示
  43280. speed distance curve ==> 速度距离曲线
  43281. speed distance transmitter ==> (电磁计程仪)速度航程发送器
  43282. speed distribution function ==> 速率分布函数
  43283. speed down ==> 减低速度
  43284. speed drilling machine ==> 高速钻床
  43285. speed droop ==> 速度下降率
  43286. speed droop characteristic ==> (発電機の)速度垂下特性
  43287. speed drop ==> 速度降
  43288. speed effect ==> 速度效应
  43289. speed electromotive force ==> 速率电动势=>速度起電力
  43290. speed enhancement ==> 増速機構
  43291. speed envelope ==> 速度界限
  43292. speed error ==> 速度误差
  43293. speed estimation error ==> 速度推定誤差
  43294. speed factor ==> 速度因数,速度系数
  43295. speed feedback control scheme ==> 速度差フィードバック制御の原理
  43296. speed flash ==> 速闪
  43297. speed fluctuation ==> 速度变动,转速波动=>回転速度フラクチュエション
  43298. speed fluctuation coefficient ==> 速度波动系数
  43299. speed flutuation ==> 速度变动
  43300. speed follow-up system ==> 调速随动系统
  43301. speed for maximum endurance ==> 久航速度,久航速度
  43302. speed frame ==> 粗纺机,粗纱机
  43303. speed frequency ==> 转速频率(电机的)
  43304. speed ga(u)ge ==> 速度计
  43305. speed gain ==> 速度增益
  43306. speed generator ==> 测速发电机
  43307. speed governing ==> 速度调节,调速
  43308. speed governing device ==> 调速机构,调速装置
  43309. speed governing droop ==> 转速不等率,当机组调速系统的整定值不变,在额定参数下,输出功率从零到额定值所对应的以额定转速的百分率表示的转速变化
  43310. speed governing oil pump ==> 调速油泵
  43311. speed governing operation ==> 调速运行=>ガバナフリー
  43312. speed governing system ==> 调速系统
  43313. speed governor ==> 调速器=>調速機,調速装置,スピードガバナ
  43314. speed hold ==> 速度保持
  43315. speed increase (gain) ==> 增速
  43316. speed increase (increasing) gear ==> 增速齿轮
  43317. speed increase unit ==> 增速装置
  43318. speed increaser ==> 增速器升速器
  43319. speed increasing gear ==> 增速器
  43320. speed increasing ratio ==> 增速比
  43321. speed increment ==> 速度增长
  43322. speed indicating generator ==> 测速发电机
  43323. speed indicator ==> 速度计,速度指示器,转数表,转速表
  43324. speed input ==> 速度信号输入
  43325. speed insensibility ==> 速度不灵敏度
  43326. speed instability ==> 速度不稳定性
  43327. speed lathe ==> 高速车床
  43328. speed lens ==> 快速透镜,大相对孔径物镜
  43329. speed light ==> 电子闪光
  43330. speed limit ==> 速率限度=>速度制限
  43331. speed limit switch ==> 限速开关
  43332. speed limitator ==> 限速器,转速限制器
  43333. speed limiter ==> 限速装置
  43334. speed limiting ==> 速度极限
  43335. speed limiting circuit breaker ==> 限速断路器
  43336. speed limiting device ==> 限速装置=>速度制限装置
  43337. speed line ==> 速度线,加速气管
  43338. speed load characteristic ==> 转速负荷特性
  43339. speed lock light ==> 速度保持信号灯
  43340. speed loss ==> 速度损失
  43341. speed made good ==> 已实现的速度
  43342. speed maneuver ==> 速度机动
  43343. speed margin ==> 速度储备
  43344. speed marker ==> 速度标志
  43345. speed measurement ==> 速率测量
  43346. speed measuring instrumentation ==> 速度测量仪
  43347. speed measuring motor ==> 测速电机
  43348. speed measuring radar ==> 测速雷达
  43349. speed measuring radar gun ==> 测速雷达枪
  43350. speed meter ==> 速度计=>速度計
  43351. speed modulation ==> 速度调制
  43352. speed monitor ==> 转速监视器
  43353. speed muller ==> 快速混砂机,快速研磨机,摆轮式高速混砂机
  43354. speed multiplier ==> 倍速器
  43355. speed of action ==> 作用速率
  43356. speed of adaptation ==> 自调速率
  43357. speed of advance ==> 前进速度
  43358. speed of agitator ==> 搅拌转速
  43359. speed of autorotation ==> 自转速率
  43360. speed of circulation ==> 循环速度
  43361. speed of combustion ==> 燃烧速度
  43362. speed of crankshaft ==> 曲轴转速
  43363. speed of cutter head ==> 刀架转速
  43364. speed of deformation ==> 变形速度
  43365. speed of development ==> 发展速度
  43366. speed of discharge ==> 放电速度
  43367. speed of engine ==> 发动机转速
  43368. speed of escape ==> 第二宇宙速度
  43369. speed of evacuation ==> 抽气速度
  43370. speed of exhaust ==> 抽气速率
  43371. speed of formation ==> 形成率
  43372. speed of free flexual wave ==> 自由弯曲波速
  43373. speed of instrument ==> 仪表速率
  43374. speed of lens ==> 透镜率
  43375. speed of light ==> 光速,光速
  43376. speed of light circle ==> 光速圈
  43377. speed of loading ==> 装载速度
  43378. speed of mainshaft ==> 主轴转速
  43379. speed of melting ==> 熔炼速度
  43380. speed of motor ==> 自动机转速,自机转速
  43381. speed of operation ==> 運転速度
  43382. speed of perception ==> 知觉速度
  43383. speed of photographic plate ==> 摄影干版的感光度,照相底片感光速度,照相片感光速率,感光板灵敏度
  43384. speed of photoresponse ==> 光响应速度
  43385. speed of power ==> 作用功率
  43386. speed of pumping ==> 抽气速度
  43387. speed of punch advance ==> 冲杆前进速度
  43388. speed of reset ==> 再调速度
  43389. speed of response ==> 响应速度
  43390. speed of return stroke ==> 回程速度
  43391. speed of rolls ==> 轧辊速度
  43392. speed of rotation ==> 转速=>回転数
  43393. speed of rotation of motor ==> 电动机转速
  43394. speed of sensation ==> 感觉速度
  43395. speed of service ==> 运行速度
  43396. speed of shear ==> 剪切速度
  43397. speed of silting up in harbour ==> 海湾淤积速率
  43398. speed of spindle ==> 轴转速
  43399. speed of table ==> 工作台速度
  43400. speed of the piston ==> 活塞速度
  43401. speed of transmission ==> 传送速度,发送速度
  43402. speed of travel ==> 轧制速度,行走速度
  43403. speed of turbine trip ==> 跳闸动作转速
  43404. speed of welding ==> 焊接速度
  43405. speed of welding travel ==> 焊接速度
  43406. speed of withdrawal ==> (控制棒)提棒速率
  43407. speed of working stroke ==> 工作行程速度
  43408. speed on load ==> 带负荷时转速
  43409. speed on separation ==> 分离速度
  43410. speed oscillation ==> 速度振荡
  43411. speed over the ground ==> 地面上空速度
  43412. speed overshoot ==> 速度超调量
  43413. speed panchro lens ==> 快速全色照相镜头
  43414. speed per hour ==> 时速
  43415. speed performance ==> 速度特性
  43416. speed pick-up ==> 速度检测器
  43417. speed post ==> 快捷邮件
  43418. speed power coefficient ==> 速度动力系数
  43419. speed pulley ==> 变速滑轮,变速皮带轮
  43420. speed pulser ==> 磁阻发生器,利用磁阻变化产生转速变化电信号的电气式测速敏感元件
  43421. speed range ==> 变速范围
  43422. speed range data ==> 速度范围数据
  43423. speed rate ==> 速率
  43424. speed ratio ==> 速比
  43425. speed ratio control ==> 速率比控制
  43426. speed ratio controller ==> 速率比控制器
  43427. speed reading ==> 速読法
  43428. speed recorder ==> 速度记录器
  43429. speed reducer ==> 减速器=>減速器
  43430. speed reducing ratio ==> 减速比
  43431. speed reduction ==> 减速,速率降低
  43432. speed reduction gear ==> 齿轮减速机器
  43433. speed reduction gear box ==> 齿轮减速箱
  43434. speed regulating device ==> 调速装置
  43435. speed regulating motor ==> 调速电动机,调速伺服电动机
  43436. speed regulating rheostat ==> 调速变阻器
  43437. speed regulating system ==> 调速系统
  43438. speed regulation ==> 速度调整=>速度調定率,速度変動率
  43439. speed regulation characteristic ==> 调速特性曲线
  43440. speed regulation electro-pneumatic valve ==> 调速电气阀
  43441. speed regulator ==> 调速器
  43442. speed regulator for record player ==> 电唱机速度调节器
  43443. speed relay ==> 速动继电器,速度继电器=>速度継電器
  43444. speed responser ==> 速度反应器
  43445. speed responsing ==> 速度反应
  43446. speed restriction ==> 速度限制
  43447. speed ring ==> 速率环,(水轮机的)速度环=>スピードリング(水車)
  43448. speed rise ==> 速度上升
  43449. speed sampling pulse ==> 速率取样脉冲
  43450. speed scout ==> 高速侦察机
  43451. speed selector switch ==> 速率选择开关
  43452. speed sense ==> 速度感
  43453. speed sensing control ==> 速度准确控制
  43454. speed sensitive switch ==> 速度控制的开关
  43455. speed sensitivity characteristics ==> 速度敏感特性
  43456. speed sensor ==> 速度传感器=>速度センサ
  43457. speed sensor less control ==> 速度センサレス制御
  43458. speed sensor less vector control ==> 速度センサレスベクトル制御
  43459. speed servo ==> 速度伺服
  43460. speed servo system ==> 调速随动系统=>速度サーボ系
  43461. speed setpoint ==> 转速定点,转速设定点
  43462. speed setter ==> 定速器
  43463. speed setting ==> 转速整定,速度调节
  43464. speed setting cam ==> 转速调节凸轮
  43465. speed setting controller ==> 调速控制器
  43466. speed setting cylinder ==> 转速调整缸
  43467. speed setting gear ==> 转速给定装置
  43468. speed setting lever ==> 转速调节杆
  43469. speed setting piston ==> 转速调正活塞
  43470. speed setting screw ==> 转速调节螺钉
  43471. speed setting segment ==> 调速器扇形齿轮
  43472. speed setting servomotor ==> 转速调节伺服马达
  43473. speed setting unit ==> 转速调节装置
  43474. speed setting walking beam ==> 转速调整横梁
  43475. speed shifting fork shaft ==> 变速叉轴
  43476. speed shifting fork spring ==> 变速叉弹簧
  43477. speed shifting lever casing ==> 变速杆壳
  43478. speed signal ==> 速度信号
  43479. speed sprayer ==> 高速喷雾机
  43480. speed stability ==> 速度稳定性
  43481. speed stable ==> 速度稳定的
  43482. speed stage ==> 速度级
  43483. speed standard ==> 速率标准
  43484. speed switch ==> 转速开关=>速度スイッチ
  43485. speed synchronizer ==> 速度同步器
  43486. speed teleindicator ==> 遥示速率器
  43487. speed test ==> 转速试验
  43488. speed threshold ==> 速度档位
  43489. speed through the water ==> 対水速度
  43490. speed tolerance ==> 容许转速偏差
  43491. speed transformation ==> 速度变换
  43492. speed transforming gear ==> 变速齿轮
  43493. speed transition zone ==> (汽车)速度变换阶段
  43494. speed transmitter ==> 速度传感器
  43495. speed trap ==> (汽车)速度监视站
  43496. speed trapezoidal wave ==> 速率梯形波
  43497. speed trial ==> 速率试验
  43498. speed type ==> 速力型
  43499. speed under power ==> 主动段速度
  43500. speed up theorem ==> 加速定理
  43501. speed variation ==> 速度変動率
  43502. speed variator ==> 变速器
  43503. speed voltage ==> 速度电势=>速度電圧
  43504. speed voltage generator ==> 测速发电机
  43505. speed(-)limit sign ==> 限速标志
  43506. speed(-)up effect ==> 增速效应
  43507. speed(-)up gears ==> 增速齿轮
  43508. speed, velocity ==> 速度
  43509. speed-adjustment ==> 速率调整
  43510. speed-altitude trim position ==> 速度高度配平位置
  43511. speed-and-drift indicator ==> 速度偏流指示器
  43512. speed-change area ==> 加宽超车区
  43513. speed-change gear ==> 变速机构
  43514. speed-change mechanism ==> 变速机构
  43515. speed-changer ==> 变速器
  43516. speed-changer motor ==> 同步器电动机
  43517. speed-coding system ==> 快速编码系统
  43518. speed-courselatitude error ==> 速度航向纬度误差
  43519. speed-holding servo ==> (拖缆机的)速度随动系统
  43520. speed-increasing gear ==> 増速機
  43521. speed-length ratio ==> 速长比
  43522. speed-limit road sign ==> 限速路标
  43523. speed-limiting brake ==> 限速制动器
  43524. speed-limiting device ==> 受速度限制的设备
  43525. speed-load characteristic ==> 转速-负荷特性
  43526. speed-no-load ==> 空载转速
  43527. speed-reading ==> 快速阅读
  43528. speed-regulating arm ==> 调速臂
  43529. speed-regulating hand wheel ==> 调速手轮
  43530. speed-regulating valve ==> 调速阀
  43531. speed-sensing device ==> 速度传感器
  43532. speed-sensitive release ==> 超速放气阀
  43533. speed-sensitive switch ==> 高速开关
  43534. speed-setting piston ==> 配速活塞
  43535. speed-shifting mechanism ==> 变速机构
  43536. speed-time curve ==> 速度时间曲线
  43537. speed-to-pressure transducer ==> 转速压力传感器
  43538. speed-torque characteristic ==> 转速转距特性
  43539. speed-torque characteristic curve ==> 速度トルク特性曲線
  43540. Speed-Torque Characteristics ==> (モータの)速度ートルク特性
  43541. speed-torque curve ==> 速度扭矩曲线
  43542. speed-transformation ==> 变速装置
  43543. speed-transforming transmission ==> 变速传动
  43544. speed-transmitter ==> 传速器
  43545. speed-up ==> 加速
  43546. speed-up capacitor ==> 加速电容器=>スピードアップコンデンサ
  43547. speed-up condenser ==> 加速电容器
  43548. speed-up gear ==> 增速器=>増速機
  43549. speed-up playback ==> 快速录放
  43550. speed-up press-button ==> 增速按钮
  43551. speed-variable pump ==> 变速泵
  43552. speed-variator ==> 变速器
  43553. speed-varying bandwidth ==> 応速帯域
  43554. speed-varying-ellipse high-frequency voltage ==> 速応楕円形高調波電圧
  43555. speeder ==> 增速装置,调速装置
  43556. speeder rod ==> 调速杆
  43557. speeder wrench ==> 快速扳手
  43558. speedgate ==> 速度选通
  43559. speeding ticket ==> 超速罚款条
  43560. speeding-up force ==> 起动力,加速力
  43561. Speedivac rotary oil pump ==> 快速回转油真空泵
  43562. speedlimit device ==> 限速器
  43563. speedlimiting device ==> 限速装置
  43564. speedlimiting governor ==> 限速器
  43565. speedlimiting switch ==> 限速开关
  43566. speedmuller ==> 摆轮式混砂机
  43567. speedomax ==> 电子自动电势计
  43568. speedometer ==> 速度计,速率计,里程表,转数表,测速计=>速度計
  43569. speedometer base ==> 速度计座
  43570. speedometer cable ==> 里程表软线
  43571. speedometer cable casing ==> 速度计接线套
  43572. speedometer drive gear ==> 速度计主动齿轮
  43573. speedometer driven gear ==> 速度计从动齿轮
  43574. speedometer flexible shaft ==> 速度计挠性轴
  43575. speedometer gear ==> 速度计齿轮
  43576. speedometer main shaft ==> 速度计主轴
  43577. speedometer scale error card ==> 速度计刻度误差表
  43578. speedometer set stem ==> 里程计定位杆
  43579. speedometer take-off shaft ==> 速度计传动轴
  43580. speedometer transducer ==> 速度计传感器
  43581. speedometer two-speed adapter ==> 速度计双速接头
  43582. speedometer with mileometer ==> 带里程计的速度表
  43583. speedster ==> 双座高速敞篷汽车
  43584. speedtainer system ==> 快速集装箱装卸方式,立体运转方式
  43585. speedup ==> 增速
  43586. speedway ==> 快车道,高速车道,高速公路
  43587. speedy cableway ==> 快速缆道
  43588. speedy construction method ==> 快速施工法
  43589. speedy design method ==> 快速设计法
  43590. speedy drivage ==> 快速掘进
  43591. speedy-cut ==> 快步切伤
  43592. speical purpose utility program ==> 专用实用程序
  43593. speiss cobalt ==> 不纯的砷钴矿
  43594. spelaeo-meteorology ==> 洞穴气象学
  43595. spell ==> 短时间中断,短时间间隔,转写
  43596. spell of weather ==> 天气周期
  43597. spelled fluorimeter ==> 荧光计
  43598. spelled pasture ==> 休闲草场
  43599. spelled waler ==> 模板横撑
  43600. spellerizing ==> 破鳞轧制
  43601. spelling ==> つづり,スペリング
  43602. spelly wire ==> 劈裂丝
  43603. spelter bath ==> 镀锌槽
  43604. spelter bronze ==> 青铜焊料
  43605. spelter coating ==> 涂锌,锌涂料
  43606. spelter pot ==> 锌熔液槽
  43607. spelter shakes ==> 黄铜铸工寒战病
  43608. spelter solder ==> 黄铜焊料
  43609. spelter soldering alloy ==> 锌铜焊接合金
  43610. spencer's solution ==> 钢凹版腐蚀液
  43611. spend ==> 消耗する
  43612. spend scrub stream ==> 废洗涤液
  43613. spendable average weekly earnings ==> 可供花费的平均周收入
  43614. spendable earnings ==> 可花费的收入
  43615. spendable income ==> 可支配收入
  43616. spendable weekly earnings ==> 可支配周工资收入
  43617. spendig curtailment ==> 紧缩开支
  43618. spending on administration and management ==> 行政管理费
  43619. spending on plants and equipment ==> 設備投資
  43620. spending standard ==> 开支标准
  43621. spending unit ==> 消费单位
  43622. spent ==> 消耗した
  43623. spent acid ==> 废酸,用过的酸
  43624. spent air ==> 废气
  43625. spent bill of lading ==> 已用提单
  43626. spent catalyst ==> 废催化剂
  43627. spent degreasing solution ==> 废去油剂
  43628. spent electroplating solution ==> 废电镀溶液
  43629. spent fixer and developer ==> 废定影剂和显影剂
  43630. spent fuel ==> 使用済み核燃料
  43631. spent fuel assembliy storage rack ==> 乏燃料组件貯存格架,乏燃料贮存水池中贮存乏燃料组件的设施。它必须能使贮存的乏燃料组件保持次临界的几何排列,并为乏燃料组件的冷却水构成自然循环流动通道。地震时,它必须稳定,结构保持完整
  43632. spent fuel assembly transport ==> 乏燃料组件运输,严格按照国家有关规定,用专门的乏燃料运输容器和运输工具,采用安全防护措施,将乏燃料从一地运到另一地的过程。可根据实际情况选择公路、铁路或海上运输
  43633. spent fuel assembly transport cask ==> 乏燃料组件运输容器,专门管理、专用于运输乏燃料组件的容器。它由作为结构件兼有中子屏蔽、γ屏蔽、导出衰变热及防火隔热功能的容器本体,限制燃料组件移动的组件格架,确保次临界安全的中子吸收体,屏蔽密封盖和缓冲减震器等组成
  43634. spent fuel storage pool ==> 乏燃料贮存水池,贮存和冷却乏燃料组件和破损燃料组件,以及对燃料组件进行检查、修复、运输等水下操作的场地
  43635. spent fuel,irradiated fuel ==> 乏燃料,燃耗深度已达到设计卸料燃耗,从堆中卸出且不再在该反应堆中使用的核燃料组件(称为乏燃料组件)中的核燃料。乏燃料中有未裂变和新生成的易裂变核素、未用完的可裂变核素、许多裂变产物和超铀元素
  43636. spent gas ==> 废气
  43637. spent iron sponge ==> 失效的海绵铁
  43638. spent liquor ==> 废液
  43639. spent material ==> 废料,消耗物料,使用物料
  43640. spent nuclear fuel ==> 使用済み核燃料
  43641. spent ore ==> 废矿
  43642. spent oxide ==> 废氧化物,失效的海绵铁
  43643. spent particle ==> 消耗された粒子
  43644. spent process water ==> 过程废水
  43645. spent reactivation gas ==> 废再生气
  43646. spent reagent ==> 废试剂
  43647. spent shot ==> 闷炮眼
  43648. spent solvent ==> 用过的溶剂
  43649. spent steam ==> 废汽
  43650. spent steel pickle liquor ==> 钢酸洗废液
  43651. spent waiting time ==> 消耗的等待时间
  43652. Spergen limestone ==> 萨勒姆石灰岩
  43653. spergenite Bedford limestone ==> 微壳灰岩
  43654. sperical variance function ==> 球面方差函数
  43655. sperically dished head ==> 球状碟形封头
  43656. sperm ==> 精子
  43657. sperm activity ==> 精子活力,精子活力
  43658. sperm antigen ==> 精子抗原,精子抗原
  43659. sperm aster ==> 精星体,精子星状体,精子星状体
  43660. sperm bank ==> 精子库,精子库
  43661. sperm cell ==> 精细胞
  43662. sperm collector ==> 精子收集器,精子收集器,集精器
  43663. sperm count ==> 精子计数,精子计数
  43664. sperm counting ==> 精子计算,精子计算
  43665. sperm density ==> 精子密度,精子密度
  43666. sperm head ==> 精子头部,精子头部
  43667. sperm mother cell ==> 精母细胞
  43668. sperm motility ==> 精子活力,精子活力
  43669. sperm nest ==> 精子窝,精子窝
  43670. sperm nucleus ==> 精核,精子核,精子核
  43671. sperm pump ==> 精泵
  43672. sperm retrieval room ==> 取精室
  43673. sperm tail ==> 精子尾部,精子尾部
  43674. sperm whale ==> 抹香鲸
  43675. sperm-receptor ==> 精子受体,精子受体
  43676. sperm-rich fraction ==> 浓份精液,多精子部分
  43677. spermaceti wax ==> 鲸蜡,鲸脑油
  43678. spermacrasia ==> 精子过少症,精子过少症
  43679. spermagglutination ==> 精子凝集,精子凝集
  43680. spermalist ==> 精源论者
  43681. spermanucleic acid ==> 精核酸,精子核酸,精子核酸
  43682. spermary ==> 精巢
  43683. spermase ==> 麦芽氧化酶
  43684. spermatacrasia ==> 精子过少症,精子过少症
  43685. spermatangium ==> 精子器,精子器
  43686. spermatectomy ==> 精索部分切除术
  43687. spermatemphraxis ==> 精液阻塞,排精受阻
  43688. spermatheca ==> 受精囊
  43689. spermatic calculus ==> 精囊结石
  43690. spermatic cord ==> 精索,阴筋
  43691. spermatic cord fixation clamp ==> 精索固定钳
  43692. spermatic cord hook ==> 精索钩
  43693. spermatic fascia ==> 精索筋膜
  43694. spermatic filament ==> 精子丝,精子丝
  43695. spermatic fistula ==> 精液瘘
  43696. spermatic granuloma of epididymis ==> 附睾精子肉芽肿
  43697. spermatic hydrocele ==> 精索水囊肿
  43698. spermatic vein ==> 精索静脉
  43699. spermatid ==> 精细胞,精子细胞,精子细胞
  43700. spermatin ==> 精液蛋白
  43701. spermatism ==> 精液生成
  43702. spermatitis ==> 精索炎
  43703. spermatium ==> 性孢子,不动精子
  43704. spermatoblast ==> 精细胞,精子细胞,精子细胞
  43705. spermatocele ==> 精液囊肿,精子囊肿,精子囊肿
  43706. spermatocelectomy ==> 精子囊肿切除术,精子囊肿切除术
  43707. spermatocyst ==> 精子囊肿,精子囊肿
  43708. spermatocyst forceps ==> 精囊钳
  43709. spermatocyst grasping forceps ==> 精囊把持钳
  43710. spermatocystitis ==> 精囊炎
  43711. spermatocyte ==> 精母细胞
  43712. spermatocyte I ==> 初级精母细胞
  43713. spermatocyte Ⅱ ==> 次级精母细胞
  43714. spermatocytogenesis ==> 精母细胞发生
  43715. spermatocytoma ==> 精原细胞瘤
  43716. spermatogenic cycle ==> 精子发生周期
  43717. spermatogenic value ==> 精子发生量
  43718. spermatogonium (spermatogonia) ==> 精原细胞
  43719. spermatoid ==> 精子状体
  43720. spermatology ==> 精液学
  43721. spermatolysin ==> 溶精子素
  43722. spermatolysis ==> 精子溶解
  43723. spermatolytic ==> 溶解精子的
  43724. spermatomere ==> 精核染色体
  43725. spermatomerite ==> 精核染色体
  43726. spermatomicron ==> 精液微粒
  43727. spermatoon ==> 精子细胞
  43728. spermatopathia ==> 精液病
  43729. spermatopathy ==> 精液病
  43730. spermatophore ==> 精子包囊
  43731. Spermatophyta ==> 种子植物门
  43732. spermatorrhea ==> 精溢,遗精,滑精
  43733. spermatoschesis ==> 精液分泌抑制
  43734. spermatotoxin ==> 精子毒素
  43735. spermatozoa-coating antigen ==> 精子包被抗原
  43736. spermatozoid ==> 游动精子
  43737. spermaturia ==> 精液尿
  43738. spermectomy ==> 精索部分切除术
  43739. spermiation ==> 精子放出,精子放出
  43740. spermidine ==> 精素,精脒
  43741. spermin ==> 精素
  43742. spermine ==> 精胺,精素
  43743. spermine synthase ==> 精胺合成酶
  43744. spermiogram ==> 精子发生图,精子发生图,精子图解,精子图解
  43745. spermioteleosis ==> 精子成熟,精子成熟,精子发育完成,精子发育完成
  43746. spermism ==> 精源论
  43747. spermist ==> 精源论者
  43748. spermoblast ==> 精细胞,精子细胞,精子细胞
  43749. spermogone ==> 性孢子器
  43750. spermogonium ==> 性孢子器,精子器,精子器
  43751. spermoloropexis ==> 精索固定术
  43752. spermoloropexy ==> 精索固定术
  43753. spermolysin ==> 精子毒素,精子毒素
  43754. spermolysis ==> 精子溶解,精子溶解
  43755. spermoneuralgia ==> 精索神经痛
  43756. Spermophilus ==> 掘地小栗鼠属,掘地小栗鼠属
  43757. spermophlebectasia ==> 精索静脉曲张
  43758. Spermophyta ==> 种子植物门
  43759. spermophyte ==> 种子植物
  43760. spermosphere ==> 精细胞球
  43761. spermospore ==> 精原细胞
  43762. spermotoxin ==> 精子毒素,精子毒素
  43763. sperry supersonic reflectoscope ==> 超声波反射探伤仪
  43764. Sperry's metal ==> 斯佩里铅基轴承合金
  43765. spesular iron ==> 镜铁
  43766. spew relief ==> 溢料空隙
  43767. SPEX, space plasma experiment ==> 宇宙プラズマ実験
  43768. SPF, single point failure ==> 単一点故障
  43769. SPF, software production facility ==> ソフトウエア製作設備
  43770. SPG, single point ground ==> 単一接地
  43771. SPG, single point grounding ==> 単一点接地
  43772. SPG, standard point ground ==> 標準接地
  43773. sphagnum bog ==> 苔藓沼泽
  43774. sphalerite ==> 闪锌矿
  43775. spheno-occipital suture ==> 蝶枕缝
  43776. sphenoid bone ==> 蝶骨
  43777. sphenoid irrigating cannula ==> 蝶窦灌洗管
  43778. sphenoid sinus ==> 蝶窦
  43779. sphenopalatine neuralgia ==> 蝶腭节神经痛
  43780. sphenoparietal index ==> 蝶顶指数
  43781. spherangular roller bearing ==> 球面滚子轴承,球锥滚柱轴承
  43782. sphercial tank ==> 球形罐
  43783. sphere ==> 球,球面,球体,圈,地球的圈层,领域,范围,天体仪
  43784. sphere can ==> 球形油罐
  43785. sphere gap ==> 球放电器,球隙避雷器,球间隙,由一对相同直径的金属球电极构成的稍不均匀电场的空气间隙。主要用来测量高电压的峰值,也可用作保护间隙=>球ギャップ,球間隙
  43786. sphere node ==> 球节
  43787. sphere of action ==> 作用范围,作用区
  43788. sphere of antagonistic effect ==> 相互作用圈
  43789. sphere of attraction ==> 吸引圈
  43790. sphere of Edoxus ==> 埃多克斯球
  43791. sphere of gravity ==> 重力范围
  43792. sphere of influence ==> 作用范围
  43793. sphere of inversion ==> 反演球
  43794. sphere of powder ==> 粉球
  43795. sphere packing ==> 球装问题
  43796. sphere photometer ==> 球面光度计,积分球光度计=>球形光束計
  43797. sphere pole ==> 球状电极
  43798. sphere riser ==> 球状冒口
  43799. sphere spark-gap ==> 球形火花放电器
  43800. sphere transmission method measurement ==> 球对称透射法测量
  43801. sphere-gap ==> 球ギャップ
  43802. sphere-gap voltmeter ==> 球ギャップ電圧計
  43803. sphere-packing ==> 球状填充
  43804. sphere-packing bound ==> 球包界
  43805. spheres of Eudoxus ==> 欧多克斯球
  43806. spheresthesia ==> 球状感觉
  43807. spheric (ionization) chamber ==> 球形电离室
  43808. spheric accumulator ==> 球形蓄压器
  43809. spheric active carbon ==> 球状活性炭
  43810. spheric agglomeration ==> 球团矿
  43811. spheric angle ==> 球面角
  43812. spheric annulus ==> 球形环状
  43813. spheric antenna ==> 球形天线
  43814. spheric approximation ==> 球近似
  43815. spheric armature ==> 球形电枢
  43816. spheric array ==> 球面阵
  43817. spheric attenuation ==> 球面衰减
  43818. spheric baffle ==> 球面障板
  43819. spheric balance spring ==> 球形游丝
  43820. spheric balloon ==> 球形气球
  43821. spheric bend union ==> 球面弯头活管接
  43822. spheric Bessel function ==> 球贝塞尔函数
  43823. spheric bevel gear ==> 球形伞齿轮
  43824. spheric blast ==> 球形爆炸波
  43825. spheric body ==> 球体
  43826. spheric bulb ==> 球形泡
  43827. spheric buoy ==> 球形浮标
  43828. spheric bush ==> 球形衬
  43829. spheric calotte ==> 球形屋顶
  43830. spheric cam ==> 球形凸轮
  43831. spheric capacitor ==> 球形电容器
  43832. spheric capsule ==> 球形分离舱
  43833. spheric captive balloon ==> 球形系留气球
  43834. spheric cartridge ==> 球状药包
  43835. spheric casing ==> 球形汽缸
  43836. spheric catalyst ==> 球形催化剂
  43837. spheric catenary ==> 球面悬链线
  43838. spheric cathode ==> 球形阴极
  43839. spheric center bearing ==> 球心轴承
  43840. spheric center pivot ==> 球面中心支枢
  43841. spheric chain ==> 球面运动链
  43842. spheric charge ==> 球状装药
  43843. spheric cluster ==> 球状团簇
  43844. spheric collector ==> 球形收集器
  43845. spheric combustion chamber ==> 球形烧燃室
  43846. spheric compass ==> 球面罗经
  43847. spheric condenser-type spectrometer ==> 球形聚光器型能谱仪
  43848. spheric conductor ==> 球形导体
  43849. spheric conic section ==> 球锥剖面
  43850. spheric connection ==> 球头节
  43851. spheric coordinate system ==> 球面坐标系
  43852. spheric crank chain ==> 球形曲柄链系
  43853. spheric curvature ==> 球面曲率
  43854. spheric cutter ==> 球面刀
  43855. spheric dam ==> 球面挡水墙
  43856. spheric detonation front ==> 球状爆炸前峰
  43857. spheric diffraction loss ==> 球面浇射损耗,球面绕射损耗
  43858. spheric disk ==> 球面圆盘
  43859. spheric distribution ==> 球分布
  43860. spheric dome ==> 球面穹面
  43861. spheric earth ==> 球面地
  43862. spheric electrode ==> 球形电极
  43863. spheric emitter ==> 球形发射体
  43864. spheric end ==> 球形端
  43865. spheric end needle roller ==> 球面头滚针
  43866. spheric eutectic grain ==> 球状共晶晶粒
  43867. spheric even nuclei ==> 球形偶核
  43868. spheric explosion ==> 球形爆破法
  43869. spheric face ==> 球面
  43870. spheric faceplate ==> 球面屏面
  43871. spheric float ==> 球状浮子
  43872. spheric flying ==> 球面飞行
  43873. spheric foam chromatography ==> 球形泡沫色谱法
  43874. spheric four-bar linkage ==> (一种汽车转向机构)球面四联杆机构
  43875. spheric free progressive sound wave ==> 球面行波
  43876. spheric fuel element ==> 球形燃料元件
  43877. spheric function ==> 球函数
  43878. spheric Gaussian orbital ==> 球型高斯轨道
  43879. spheric geometry ==> 球面几何
  43880. spheric glass ==> 球面镜片
  43881. spheric grain ==> 球状晶粒
  43882. spheric granules ==> 球形颗粒
  43883. spheric grating ==> 球面光栅
  43884. spheric grid analyzer ==> 球栅分析器
  43885. spheric grid-wall counter ==> 球形栅壁计数管
  43886. spheric grinding machine ==> 球面磨床
  43887. spheric ground glass joint ==> 球形磨口玻璃接头
  43888. spheric ground state ==> 球形基态
  43889. spheric harmoics ==> 球谐函数
  43890. spheric harmonic ==> 球面揩波
  43891. spheric harmonic analysis ==> 球面谐波分析
  43892. spheric harmonic calculation ==> 球谐计算
  43893. spheric harmonic equation ==> 球谐方程
  43894. spheric harmonic expansion ==> 球谐展开
  43895. spheric harmonics function ==> 球谐函数
  43896. spheric head piston ==> 球形顶式活塞
  43897. spheric head probe ==> 球形测针
  43898. spheric helix ==> 球面螺旋线
  43899. spheric hinge ==> 球铰链
  43900. spheric holder ==> 球形贮罐
  43901. spheric hyperbola ==> 球面双曲线
  43902. spheric indenter ==> 球形压头
  43903. spheric indicatrix ==> 球面指标图形
  43904. spheric iron particle ==> 球形铁粒
  43905. spheric joint ==> 球形接头
  43906. spheric journal ==> 球面轴颈
  43907. spheric lamp ==> 球形灯
  43908. spheric lathe ==> 球面车床
  43909. spheric law ==> 球面律
  43910. spheric lens ==> 球面透镜
  43911. spheric lens generating machinery ==> 球面透镜制造设备
  43912. spheric lens smoothing machinery ==> 球面透镜精加工设备
  43913. spheric loxodrome ==> 球面斜驶线
  43914. spheric luminosity of light ==> 球面光照度
  43915. spheric luminous intensity ==> 球面光强
  43916. spheric mechanism ==> 球面运动机构
  43917. spheric meniscus ==> 球形弯月面
  43918. spheric micelle ==> 球状胶束
  43919. spheric microphone ==> 球形传声器
  43920. spheric mirror resonator ==> 球面镜揩振腔
  43921. spheric motion ==> 球面运动
  43922. spheric motor ==> 球形电动机
  43923. spheric mushroom type cam follower ==> 球面蕈式凸轮随行件
  43924. spheric navigation ==> 球面航迹计算法
  43925. spheric neighbo(u)rhood ==> 球形邻域
  43926. spheric nucleus ==> 球形核
  43927. spheric nut ==> 球形螺帽
  43928. spheric particle ==> 球形颗粒
  43929. spheric pendulum ==> 球面摆
  43930. spheric photometer ==> 球形光度计
  43931. spheric pitot probe ==> 球形头皮托管
  43932. spheric pivot ==> 球形枢轴
  43933. spheric plasmoid ==> 球形等离子粒团
  43934. spheric polar ==> 球面极
  43935. spheric polar coordinate system ==> 球极坐标系
  43936. spheric polar coordinates ==> 球极坐标
  43937. spheric polisher ==> 球面磨光器
  43938. spheric polygon ==> 球面多边形
  43939. spheric powder ==> 球状粉末
  43940. spheric prepotential ==> 球面前位
  43941. spheric pressure container ==> 球形加压容器
  43942. spheric pressure tank ==> 球形压力罐
  43943. spheric probe ==> 球形探头
  43944. spheric profile ==> 球形轮廓
  43945. spheric projection ==> 球投影
  43946. spheric punch ==> 球状凸模
  43947. spheric pyranometer ==> 球形总日射表
  43948. spheric pyrgeometer ==> 球形地面辐射表
  43949. spheric pyrradiometer ==> 球形全辐射表
  43950. spheric radiometer package ==> 球形辐射计装置
  43951. spheric radius ==> 球面半径
  43952. spheric reactor ==> 球形堆
  43953. spheric reduction factor ==> 球面折算因数
  43954. spheric reflection ==> 球面反射
  43955. spheric reflector ==> 球面反射器
  43956. spheric region ==> 球形区域
  43957. spheric representation of a surface ==> 曲面的球面表示
  43958. spheric reproducing stylus tip ==> 球形唱针尖
  43959. spheric reproducing stylus tip radius ==> 球形唱针尖半径
  43960. spheric resolver ==> 球坐标分解器
  43961. spheric resonator ==> 球形揩振器
  43962. spheric retrodirective array ==> 球面反向天线阵
  43963. spheric roller ==> 球面滚子
  43964. spheric roller bearing ==> 球面滚子轴承
  43965. spheric satellite ==> 球形卫星
  43966. spheric scale ==> 球形刻度盘
  43967. spheric seat ==> 球形座
  43968. spheric seat washer ==> 球面座圈
  43969. spheric seating ==> 球面座
  43970. spheric seating nut ==> 球形支承螺帽
  43971. spheric segment ==> 球截形
  43972. spheric segment combustion chamber ==> 球形燃烧室
  43973. spheric separator ==> 球形分离器
  43974. spheric shape ==> 球形
  43975. spheric shape cocoon ==> 球形茧
  43976. spheric shape irdome ==> 球面形红外整流罩
  43977. spheric shell ==> 球壳
  43978. spheric shock ==> 球面激波
  43979. spheric space vehicle ==> 球形航天器
  43980. spheric tank ==> 球罐
  43981. spheric tensor ==> 球张量
  43982. spheric thrust bearing ==> 球形推力轴承
  43983. spheric top molecule ==> 球形陀螺分子
  43984. spheric turning lathe ==> 球面车床
  43985. spheric typewriter ==> 球形打印机
  43986. spheric union swivel ==> 球面活管接旋转接头
  43987. spheric valve ==> 球阀
  43988. spheric valving surface ==> 球形配流阀表面
  43989. spheric viruses ==> 球状病毒
  43990. spheric vortex ==> 球面旋涡
  43991. spheric washer ==> 球面垫圈
  43992. spheric wave ==> 球状波
  43993. spheric wave front ==> 球面波前
  43994. spheric wave function ==> 球波函数
  43995. spheric wave horn ==> 球面波形喇叭
  43996. spheric wave proximity effect ==> 球面波近场效应
  43997. spheric wave reciprocity calibration ==> 球面波倒易校准
  43998. spheric well ==> 球势阱
  43999. spheric wheel vehicle ==> 球形车轮车
  44000. spheric yeast ==> 球状酵母
  44001. spheric-harmoics approximation ==> 球谐函数近似法
  44002. spheric-harmonic method ==> 球谐函数法
  44003. spherical ==> 球的,球面的,球形的,球状的
  44004. spherical aberration ==> 球面象差=>球面収差
  44005. spherical accretion ==> 球对称吸积
  44006. spherical accumulator ==> 球形储能器,球形蓄能器
  44007. spherical actuator ==> 球面アクチュエータ
  44008. spherical aggregate ==> 球状集合体
  44009. spherical albedo ==> 球面反照率
  44010. spherical angle ==> 球面角
  44011. spherical antenna ==> 球面天线
  44012. spherical arrester ==> 球型避雷器
  44013. spherical astronomy ==> 球面天文学
  44014. spherical azimuth ==> 球面方位角
  44015. spherical bacteria ==> 球状细菌
  44016. spherical bearing ==> 球面支承,球面轴承,球形支座=>球面軸受
  44017. spherical bend union ==> 球面弯头活管接
  44018. spherical boiler ==> 球形蒸煮器
  44019. spherical calotte ==> 球面拱顶
  44020. spherical cam ==> 球面凸轮
  44021. spherical candle power ==> 球面烛光
  44022. spherical candlepower ==> 球面烛光
  44023. spherical capacitor ==> 球形电容器
  44024. spherical cavity ==> 球形谐振腔
  44025. spherical cavity resonator ==> 球形空腔谐振器
  44026. spherical combustion chamber ==> 球形燃烧室
  44027. spherical component ==> 球状子系
  44028. spherical concentric system ==> 球面同心系统
  44029. spherical condenser-type spectrometer ==> 球面聚光镜型分光仪
  44030. spherical coordinates ==> 球面坐标系
  44031. spherical coupling ==> 球形联轴器
  44032. spherical coverage ==> 球视界
  44033. spherical crank chain ==> 球面曲柄链系
  44034. spherical crank mechanism ==> 球面曲柄机构
  44035. spherical crucible ==> 球形坩埚
  44036. spherical cutter ==> 球面铣刀
  44037. spherical diameter ==> 球面直径
  44038. spherical diffraction of ultrashort radio wave ==> 超短波球面绕射
  44039. spherical digester ==> 蒸煮球
  44040. spherical distribution ==> 球面分布
  44041. spherical dome ==> 球形穹顶,圆穹顶
  44042. spherical earth ==> 球面接地=>球面大地
  44043. spherical fabric ==> 球组构
  44044. spherical face ==> 球面荧光屏
  44045. spherical feeder ==> 球形冒口
  44046. spherical fuel element ==> 球形燃料元件,球床型高温气冷堆用的燃料球。基本结构为无燃料的石墨球壳内填满由包覆燃料颗粒和石墨基体组成的弥散体燃料。基体石墨用来慢化中子和导出裂变热。石墨球壳和基体石墨一起承受外压、冲击、腐蚀和磨损
  44047. spherical fuel handling system of HTGR ==> 高温气冷堆球状燃料装卸系统,球床型高温气冷反应堆中新燃料球、再循环燃料球和石墨元件在堆芯内装卸、运输和在堆外贮存等设备的总称
  44048. spherical function ==> 球面波函数,球面函数=>球関数
  44049. spherical FZP ==> 球面菲涅耳波带片
  44050. spherical galaxy ==> 球状星系
  44051. spherical gas-holder ==> 球形储气罐
  44052. spherical geometry ==> 球面几何学
  44053. spherical grinding ==> 球面磨削
  44054. spherical grips ==> 球窝夹头
  44055. spherical guide ==> 球珠导轨,滚珠导轨
  44056. spherical harmonic function ==> 球体调和函数
  44057. spherical head ==> 半圆头
  44058. spherical head piston ==> 球顶式活塞
  44059. spherical head without folded edge ==> 无折边球形封头
  44060. spherical housing ==> 球面壳
  44061. spherical hypocycloid ==> 球面内摆线
  44062. spherical illuminance ==> 球面照度
  44063. spherical illumination ==> 球面照度
  44064. spherical image amplifier ==> 球面像放大镜
  44065. spherical inclusion body ==> 球形包涵体
  44066. spherical indicatrix of binormal to a curve ==> 曲线副法线球面指标
  44067. spherical indicatrix of scattering ==> 球面散射指示量
  44068. spherical indicatrix of tangent to a curve ==> 曲线切线的球面指标
  44069. spherical intensity ==> 球面强度
  44070. spherical involute ==> 球面渐开线
  44071. spherical joint ==> 球节,球窝关节,球形接头,球状节理
  44072. spherical journal ==> 球面轴颈
  44073. spherical lamp ==> 圆球灯
  44074. spherical lapping ==> 球面擦准法
  44075. spherical laser fusion target ==> 球形激光聚变靶
  44076. spherical manifold penstock ==> 球形岔管,在分岔部位设置一个球壳,主管和支管均直接和球壳相接
  44077. spherical mean direction ==> 球面平均值方向
  44078. spherical mechanism ==> 球面运动机构
  44079. spherical meniscus ==> 球面凹凸透镜,球面弯月形透镜
  44080. spherical microshell target ==> 球形微壳靶
  44081. spherical mirror ==> 球面镜
  44082. spherical mirror cavity ==> 球面镜共振腔
  44083. spherical mirror interferometer ==> 球面镜干涉仪
  44084. spherical mirror objective ==> 球面反射式物镜
  44085. spherical mirror resonator ==> 球面镜谐振腔
  44086. spherical model ==> 球状模型
  44087. spherical motion ==> 球面运动
  44088. spherical nebula ==> 球状星云
  44089. spherical normal distribution ==> 球面正态分布
  44090. spherical optics ==> 球面光学
  44091. spherical pair ==> 球面副
  44092. spherical particle ==> 球状颗粒
  44093. spherical pendulum ==> 球摆
  44094. spherical perspective ==> 球面透视
  44095. spherical phase factor ==> 球面相位因子
  44096. spherical photometer ==> 球形光度计
  44097. spherical pivot ==> 球面枢轴
  44098. spherical plain bearing ==> 关节轴承
  44099. spherical pore ==> 球形孔
  44100. spherical powder ==> 球形粉
  44101. spherical power ==> 球光焦度
  44102. spherical punch ==> 球底面模
  44103. spherical radiation ==> 球辐射
  44104. spherical radiator ==> 球辐射器,球状辐射器,全方位辐射器,全向辐射器
  44105. spherical radius factor ==> 球半径系数
  44106. spherical reference cavity ==> 球面参考共振腔,球面基准谐振腔
  44107. spherical reflecting mirror ==> 球面反射镜
  44108. spherical reflecting system ==> 球面反射系统
  44109. spherical reflector ==> 球反射面,球面反射镜
  44110. spherical reflector antenna ==> 球面反射器天线
  44111. spherical refracting surface ==> 球形折射面
  44112. spherical representation ==> 球面表示
  44113. spherical reproducing stylus tip ==> 球形唱针头
  44114. spherical resonator ==> 球面共振器
  44115. spherical riser ==> 球形冒口
  44116. spherical roller ==> 球面滚子
  44117. spherical roller bearing ==> 球面滚柱轴承
  44118. spherical roller thrust bearing ==> 球面推力滚子轴承,推力球面滚子轴承
  44119. spherical sailing calculation ==> 球面航行计算
  44120. spherical seat nut ==> 球座螺母
  44121. spherical section of vessel ==> 容器的球形部分
  44122. spherical sector ==> 球心角体
  44123. spherical sector resonator ==> 球瓣共振腔
  44124. spherical segment ==> 球截形,球面弓形
  44125. spherical shape infrared dome ==> 球形红外整流罩
  44126. spherical shell ==> 球形壳体
  44127. spherical shield ==> 球形屏蔽
  44128. spherical silver amalgam ==> 球形银汞合金
  44129. spherical solid angle ==> 球面立体角
  44130. spherical space ==> 球空间
  44131. spherical spinner ==> 球形转子
  44132. spherical spiral ==> 球面らせん
  44133. spherical structure ==> 球形结构
  44134. spherical subsystem ==> 球状次系
  44135. spherical surface ==> 球面
  44136. spherical symmetry ==> 球对称,球形对称
  44137. spherical tank ==> 球形贮罐
  44138. spherical torus ==> 球状トーラス
  44139. spherical triangle ==> 球面直角三角形
  44140. spherical trigonometry ==> 球面三角学
  44141. spherical tubesheet ==> 球形管板
  44142. spherical turning attachment ==> 球面车辖件
  44143. spherical two-mirror system ==> 球面双反射镜系统
  44144. spherical type head ==> 球型打印头,球型头
  44145. spherical union ==> 球面活接头
  44146. spherical valve ==> 球形阀,阀芯为一旋转球体的阀门
  44147. spherical vault ==> 球形穹顶
  44148. spherical vessel ==> 球形容器
  44149. spherical virtual confocal unstable resonator ==> 球面虚共焦非稳腔
  44150. spherical washer ==> 球氏垫圈
  44151. spherical wave ==> 球面波=>球面波
  44152. spherical wave illumination ==> 球面波照明
  44153. spherical weathering ==> 球状风化
  44154. spherical wedge ==> 球面楔
  44155. spherical window photomultiplier ==> 球面窗式光电倍增管
  44156. spherical xenon lamp ==> 球形氙灯
  44157. spherical zone ==> 球带
  44158. spherical-earth attenuation ==> 球形地面衰减
  44159. spherical-earth factor ==> 球形地面因数
  44160. spherical-harmonic expansion ==> 球谐函数展开
  44161. spherically dished cover plate ==> 球面碟形盖板
  44162. spherically seated ==> 球座式
  44163. spherically symmetric distribution ==> 球面对称分布
  44164. spherically symmetrical orbitals ==> (分子的)球形对称轨道
  44165. sphericity ==> 球度,球形度,球形体,球状,圆球度
  44166. sphericity interferometer ==> 球面干涉仪
  44167. sphericity limit ==> 球度极限值
  44168. sphericized lattice cell ==> 球形化晶胞,晶格等球形晶胞
  44169. spherics ==> 球面几何学,天电学
  44170. sphero conal harmonic ==> 球锥函数
  44171. sphero cyclic ==> 球面圆点曲线
  44172. sphero cylindrical lens ==> 球柱面透镜
  44173. sphero joint ==> 球接头
  44174. sphero meter ==> 球面计
  44175. sphero-conical coordinate ==> 球锥坐标
  44176. sphero-cylindrical lenticular ==> 球柱面冰凸透镜
  44177. spherochromatic aberration ==> 色球差
  44178. spheroid mass ==> 球体质量
  44179. spheroid tank ==> 球状油罐
  44180. spheroidal carbide ==> 球状碳化物
  44181. spheroidal catalyst ==> 球形催化剂
  44182. spheroidal catalyst particles ==> 球状催化剂粒子
  44183. spheroidal coordinate ==> 球体坐标
  44184. spheroidal earth ==> 球状地球
  44185. spheroidal excess ==> 球面角盈
  44186. spheroidal graphite ==> 球状石墨
  44187. spheroidal graphite cast iron ==> 球墨铸铁
  44188. spheroidal graphite iron ring ==> 球墨铸铁环
  44189. spheroidal graphite roll ==> 球墨轧辊,球墨铸铁轧辊
  44190. spheroidal group ==> 椭球体群
  44191. spheroidal harmonic ==> 球体函数
  44192. spheroidal harmonic function ==> 球体调和函数
  44193. spheroidal hypercylinder ==> 球超柱
  44194. spheroidal jointing ==> 球状节理
  44195. spheroidal mode ==> 球状模式
  44196. spheroidal oscillation ==> 球体式振荡
  44197. spheroidal pearlite ==> 粒状珠光体
  44198. spheroidal pulse ionization chamber ==> 球形脉冲电离室
  44199. spheroidal recovery ==> 球状复原
  44200. spheroidal state ==> 球腾态,球体状态
  44201. spheroidal structure ==> 球状构造,球状结构
  44202. spheroidal wave ==> 球体波
  44203. spheroidal wave function ==> 球体波函数
  44204. spheroidal-cell carcinoma ==> 球状细胞癌
  44205. spheroidal-graphite cast iron ==> 球状石墨铸钢
  44206. spheroidised pearlite ==> 粒状珠光体
  44207. spheroiditic agent ==> 球化剂
  44208. spheroidization of pearlite ==> 珠光体球化,钢中片层状珠光体组织,在高温下运行时,随时间增长所发生的形状与尺寸改变,由片层状逐步变化为球状的现象
  44209. spheroidized carbide ==> 球化碳化物
  44210. spheroidized particle ==> 球化颗粒
  44211. spheroidized steel ==> 球化处理钢
  44212. spheroidized structure ==> 球化组织
  44213. spheroidizing ==> 球化处理
  44214. spheroidizing medium ==> 球化剂
  44215. spheroidizing of powder ==> 粉末球化
  44216. spheromak ==> スフェロマク
  44217. spherometer ==> 球面仪
  44218. spherotoric lens ==> 复球面透镜
  44219. spherotoric lenticular ==> 复球面双凸透镜
  44220. spherulite ==> 球粒,球状晶体,球状微结晶,小球=>球晶,スフェルライト
  44221. spherulite growth rate ==> 球晶生长速率
  44222. spherulite radial growth rate ==> 球晶辐向生长速度
  44223. spherulite rock ==> 球粒岩
  44224. spherulitic graphic iron ==> 球墨铸件
  44225. spherulitic growth ==> 球晶生长
  44226. spherulitic structure ==> 球粒构造
  44227. spherulitic texture ==> 球粒结构
  44228. sphincter electromyography ==> 括约肌肌电图
  44229. sphincter of pancreatic duct ==> 胰管括约肌
  44230. sphincter vesicae ==> 膀胱括约机
  44231. sphingomyelin lipidosis ==> 鞘髓磷脂沉积症
  44232. sphygmic interval ==> 脉搏间期
  44233. sphygmic period ==> 脉搏期
  44234. sphygmo-oscillometer ==> 脉搏波动计
  44235. sphygmogram ==> 脉波搏曲线,脉波图,脉搏描记图,脉搏图
  44236. SPI, schedule performance index ==> スケジュール達成指標
  44237. SPI, space platform interferometer ==> スペースプラットフォームインターフェロメータ
  44238. spica bandage ==> 人字形绷带
  44239. spice ==> 香料=>薬味,スパイス,香辛料
  44240. spice addition ==> スパイス添加
  44241. spice berry ==> 香料植物
  44242. spice bush seed oil ==> 香叶树子油
  44243. spice cake ==> 香草蛋糕
  44244. spice crop ==> 香料作物
  44245. spice curing ==> 香料渍
  44246. spice extract ==> 香辛料抽出物
  44247. spice finish ==> 香味整理
  44248. spice jar ==> スパイスを入れる瓶
  44249. spice trade ==> 香料贸易
  44250. spice wood oil ==> 香树油
  44251. SPICE, Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis ==> カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校で開発された回路解析を行うシミュレータ。
  44252. spiced cabbage ==> 冬菜
  44253. spicule ==> 骨针,针状体,针状物,交合刺=>針状体,骨針,スピキュール
  44254. spicule sheath ==> 交合刺鞘
  44255. spicule sign ==> 毛刺征
  44256. spider ==> 针状盘,多脚撑,多脚架,星轮,中心架支套,中心盘,蛛蛛,支套,蜘蛛,电枢辐臂=>スパイダ
  44257. spider arm ==> 星形臂,车板横臂
  44258. spider beetle ==> 标本虫
  44259. spider bite ==> 蜘蛛咬伤
  44260. spider bonding ==> 蛛网焊,蛛网形接合,辐式键合
  44261. spider bonding technology ==> 蛛网状焊接技术
  44262. spider brick ==> 中心流钢砖,中心流钢砖
  44263. spider bushing ==> 十字叉衬套
  44264. spider cell ==> 蛛形细胞
  44265. spider center ==> 十字轴中心,星形轮毂
  44266. spider chill ==> 框架式冷铁
  44267. spider coil ==> 蛛网形线圈
  44268. spider die ==> 异型孔挤压模
  44269. spider element ==> (陀螺罗经)蜘蛛架
  44270. spider fox-hole ==> 蛛网形散兵坑
  44271. spider gear ==> 星形齿轮,差速轮
  44272. spider heart ==> (木材缺陷)蛛心裂
  44273. spider hub ==> 支架毂
  44274. spider lead ==> 蛛网状引线
  44275. spider lead frame ==> 蛛网状引线框
  44276. spider line ==> 交叉瞄准线
  44277. spider mite ==> 六点黄蜘蛛
  44278. spider mounting ==> 星形机架
  44279. spider needle bearing ==> 星形轮的滚针轴承
  44280. spider net ==> 蛛网形网眼
  44281. spider nevus ==> 蛛状痣,蜘蛛状血管痣
  44282. spider pin ==> 行星小齿轮轴
  44283. spider poison ==> 蜘蛛毒
  44284. spider reel ==> 十字形卷线轴
  44285. spider rim ==> 支架轮缘
  44286. spider silk ==> 蜘蛛丝
  44287. spider singe check valve ==> 十字单向阀
  44288. spider spanner ==> 星形套筒扳手
  44289. spider spring ==> 十字形弹簧
  44290. spider templet ==> 蛛网形模片
  44291. spider vane ==> 辐射形叶片
  44292. spider venom ==> 蜘蛛毒
  44293. spider venom poisoning ==> 蜘蛛毒液中毒
  44294. spider weave ==> 蛛网组织
  44295. spider web ==> 蛛网,蜘蛛网
  44296. spider web coil ==> 扁平蛛网形线圈
  44297. spider wheel ==> 星形轮
  44298. spider wire entanglement ==> 蛛网形铁丝网
  44299. spider wrench ==> 星形套筒扳手
  44300. spider's web ==> 蜘蛛网,(玻璃及搪瓷缺陷)蛛网状裂纹
  44301. spider(-web) coil ==> 蛛网线圈
  44302. SPIDER, Synchronous Piezoelectric Device Driver ==> 非共振型超音波モータ
  44303. spider-burst ==> (皮肤毛细管)蛛状痣
  44304. spider-cancer ==> 蛛状癌,蛛状痣
  44305. spider-lick ==> 蛛螫
  44306. spider-web antenna ==> 蛛网式天线
  44307. spider-web antenna (全波接收) ==> 蛛风形天线
  44308. spider-web coil ==> 蛛网形线圈,平扁蛛网形线圈=>くもの巣コイル
  44309. spider-web cotton ==> 蛛网棉
  44310. spider-web reflector ==> 蛛网式天线反射器
  44311. spider-web winding ==> 蛛网绕组
  44312. spider-wheel rake ==> 指轮式搂草机
  44313. spiderweb antenna ==> 蛛网天线
  44314. SPIE, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers ==> SPIE
  44315. spiegel ==> 镜铁
  44316. spiegel iron ==> 低锰铁,镜铁,镜铁
  44317. spiegeleisen ==> 镜铁
  44318. Spiegler's tumors ==> 番茄样瘤
  44319. spigelian hernia ==> 斯皮格耳氏疝
  44320. spigot ==> 套管,塞,龙头,插端,插口=>栓,蛇口
  44321. spigot and faucet pipe ==> 承插管
  44322. spigot and socket ==> 差し込み部と受け口
  44323. spigot and socket pipe ==> 窝接式接头管
  44324. spigot and socket tee ==> 承插三通
  44325. spigot bearing ==> 导向轴承,套筒轴承,小载荷轴承,轻载轴承,插口轴承
  44326. spigot density test ==> 筛下物密度试验
  44327. spigot die ==> 插入模,穿透模
  44328. spigot edge ==> 定心凸出物
  44329. spigot end ==> 插端
  44330. spigot jet nozzle ==> 锥塞喷嘴
  44331. spigot joint ==> 承插接合,套管接合
  44332. spigot mortar ==> 超口径弹迫击炮
  44333. spigot nut ==> 导向螺母
  44334. spigot shaft ==> 中心轴
  44335. spigot type ==> 塞子型
  44336. spigot-and-socket joint ==> 承插式接头
  44337. spike ==> 刺针,大钉,道钉,进口整流锥,穗状花序,起模钉,峰形,高峰值,反应堆强化,脉冲尖峰,掺料,波峰,耙齿,尖峰,尖峰脉冲,尖峰信号脉冲,尖铁,活性种,棘波,(电子束焊的)局部深熔,局部深熔,钩头道钉=>スパイク,犬くぎ
  44338. spike amplitude ==> 波尖幅度
  44339. spike and ware complex ==> 棘慢波综合
  44340. spike and ware wave ==> 棘慢波
  44341. spike and wave complex ==> スパイク複合波
  44342. spike burst ==> 尖峰暴,尖峰状暴
  44343. spike control ==> 进气道锥体操纵
  44344. spike crazyweed ==> 穗状棘豆
  44345. spike deconvolution ==> 脉冲反褶积
  44346. spike deflection control ==> 进气道锥体偏转操纵
  44347. spike density ==> 穗密度
  44348. spike disintegrator ==> 棒式松砂机
  44349. spike diverter ==> 尖脉冲分流器
  44350. spike doublet ==> 脉冲偶极子
  44351. spike dowel ==> 钉栓
  44352. spike down capacitor ==> 峰值抑制电容器
  44353. spike drawer ==> 道钉撬,拔钉钳
  44354. spike drawing winch ==> 道钉起拔器
  44355. spike driver ==> 道钉钉入机
  44356. spike dropseed ==> 穗状鼠尾粟
  44357. spike duration ==> 波尖宽度
  44358. spike eliminator ==> 尖峰脉冲消除器
  44359. spike filter ==> 窄带滤波器
  44360. spike grid ==> (一种木结构接合件)钉格钣
  44361. spike hammer ==> 道钉锤
  44362. spike harrow ==> 钉齿耙
  44363. spike hawthorn ==> 穗状山楂
  44364. spike inlet ==> 带中心锥的进气口
  44365. spike knot ==> 角状节,尖节
  44366. spike leaf ==> 针叶病
  44367. spike leakage ==> 尖漏
  44368. spike leakage energy ==> 波尖漏过能量
  44369. spike leakage power ==> 波尖漏过功率
  44370. spike length ==> 穗长
  44371. spike microphone ==> 钉子传声器
  44372. spike mill ==> 钉碎机,针碎机
  44373. spike nail ==> 道钉,长折钉,大钉
  44374. spike noise ==> 波尖噪声,尖峰脉冲噪声
  44375. spike number ==> 穗数
  44376. spike oil ==> 穗花油
  44377. spike oscillation ==> スパイク発振
  44378. spike potential ==> 峰电位,尖峰电位
  44379. spike puller ==> 道钉撬
  44380. spike pulling ==> 拔棒
  44381. spike pulse ==> 尖峰脉冲,尖脉冲,窄脉冲
  44382. spike rod ==> 道钉型钢
  44383. spike roller ==> 销钉辊
  44384. spike rot ==> 轴腐病
  44385. spike sensor ==> 尖峰脉冲探测器
  44386. spike stalk ==> 穗轴
  44387. spike tongs ==> 道钉钳
  44388. spike tooth harrow maker ==> 钉齿耙制造厂
  44389. spike voltage ==> 峰值电压
  44390. spike wave ==> 棘波
  44391. spike wheel harvester ==> 针刺轮式收获机
  44392. spike width ==> 峰值宽度
  44393. spike(d) roller ==> 钉齿辊
  44394. spike-drawer ==> 拔道钉机
  44395. spike-flowered maple ==> 穗花槭
  44396. spike-like jet ==> スパイク状のジェット
  44397. spike-tooth concave ==> 钉齿式凹板
  44398. spike-tooth cylinder ==> 钉齿式脱粒滚筒
  44399. spike-tooth flexible harrow ==> 钉齿活动耙
  44400. spike-tooth harrow ==> 钉齿耙
  44401. spike-top ==> 焦梢树
  44402. spiked beater ==> 钉齿式逐稿轮
  44403. spiked chain harrow ==> 钉齿网状耙
  44404. spiked core ==> 强化堆芯
  44405. spiked cylinder ==> 针刺轮,针形滚筒
  44406. spiked drum ==> 针形滚筒
  44407. spiked link harrow ==> 钉齿链耙
  44408. spiked reactor ==> 强化反应堆
  44409. spiked solution ==> 掺料溶液
  44410. spiked-drum type root cutter ==> 钉齿滚筒式块根切碎机
  44411. spiked-wheel lifter ==> 针刺轮式拔取器
  44412. spikelet ==> 小穗
  44413. spikelet number ==> 小穗数目
  44414. spikemoss ==> 卷柏,卷柏
  44415. spikenard ==> 甘松
  44416. spikenard oil ==> 甘松油
  44417. spiker ==> 针齿式圆盘耙
  44418. spiking data ==> 尖峰数据
  44419. spiking deconvolution ==> 脉冲反褶积
  44420. spiking hammer ==> 道钉锤
  44421. spiking output ==> 最大输出信号
  44422. spiky roller ==> 羊角碾
  44423. spilitic suite ==> 细碧岩套,细碧岩组
  44424. spill ==> 漏出,洒,溢出量,溢出物,溢漫,泄出,木片=>流出,放水路
  44425. spill beam ==> 寄生束
  44426. spill box ==> 溢流箱
  44427. spill burner ==> 回油式喷嘴
  44428. spill catcher tray ==> 贮漏盘
  44429. spill current ==> 差电流,溢流
  44430. spill incident ==> 流出事故
  44431. spill into the open ==> 明るみに出る
  44432. spill into urine ==> (糖などが)尿中に出る
  44433. spill losses ==> 溢流损失
  44434. spill needle ==> 放泄针
  44435. spill over ==> 飞弧放电,溢出信号
  44436. spill overs ==> 额外费用,额外收益
  44437. spill pipe ==> 溢流管
  44438. spill pit ==> 溢流池
  44439. spill pore ==> (油泵的)回油孔
  44440. spill prevention ==> 流出防止
  44441. spill process ==> 引出过程
  44442. spill sand ==> 散落砂
  44443. spill sand conveyer ==> 卸砂输送机
  44444. spill shield ==> 遮光栅=>ルーバ
  44445. spill stream ==> 溢出水流
  44446. spill tag ==> 漏标
  44447. spill test ==> 漏洩試験
  44448. spill time ==> 出束时间
  44449. spill valve ==> 溢液阀,溢油阀,回油阀
  44450. spill valve type fuel injection pump ==> 溢流阀式喷油泵
  44451. spill volume ==> 溢出卷
  44452. spill-off valve ==> 分路式流量阀
  44453. spill-out ==> 溢出
  44454. spill-over echo ==> 超折射效应回波
  44455. spill-way lip ==> 溢流堰堰缘
  44456. spillage area ==> 漏出区域
  44457. spillage control ==> 溢出控制
  44458. spillage of material ==> 材料损害,材料损耗
  44459. spillage oil ==> 流出油
  44460. spillage solution ==> 溢出溶液,漏出溶液,溅出溶液
  44461. Spillane permeameter ==> 斯皮兰渗透性试验仪
  44462. spilled power ==> いっ水電力
  44463. spilled power rate ==> いっ水率
  44464. spilling breaker ==> 崩れ波
  44465. spilling line ==> 絞り綱
  44466. spilling surge chamber ==> 溢流式均衡室,溢流式调压室,顶部设有溢流堰的调压室。当弃荷时,调压室的水位迅速上升,溢出的水量可排至下游,也可储存于上室或邻室。当竖井水位下降时,上室的水量经溢流堰底部的回流孔道流回竖井
  44467. spilling wave ==> 溢出浪=>押し波
  44468. spillite-keratophyre ==> 细碧角斑岩
  44469. spillover effect ==> 超溢效果
  44470. spillover efficiency ==> 溢流效率
  44471. spillover position ==> 溢出位置
  44472. spillover power ==> 溢失功率
  44473. spillover radiation ==> 漏失辐射
  44474. spillover valve ==> 溢流阀
  44475. spillover zone ==> 溢出区
  44476. spillway ==> 余水路,溢洪道,为宣泄超过水库调蓄能力的洪水或降低库水位,保证工程安全而设置的泄水建筑物
  44477. spillway apron ==> (即溢洪道防冲铺砌或护袒)溢洪道海墁
  44478. spillway basin ==> 溢水池
  44479. spillway bay ==> 溢洪道墩间跨径
  44480. spillway bridge ==> 溢流坝顶桥
  44481. spillway capacity ==> 溢洪道排水量
  44482. spillway channel ==> 溢洪道泄水槽
  44483. spillway control device ==> 溢洪道流量控制设备
  44484. spillway crest ==> 溢流堰顶
  44485. spillway crest gate ==> 溢流堰顶闸门
  44486. spillway gate ==> 溢洪闸,溢水闸
  44487. spillway slab ==> 溢流板
  44488. spillway tunnel ==> 溢流隧洞
  44489. spilly place ==> 未焊透
  44490. spilt-second collet support ==> 双秒针制动杆座
  44491. spime ==> スパイム,時間と空間で位置が特定できる理論上の物体
  44492. spin ==> 旋转,自旋,施压成形,离心浇铸=>スピン
  44493. spin algebra ==> 自旋代数
  44494. spin alignment ==> 自旋排列
  44495. spin angular momentum ==> 自旋角动量
  44496. spin angular momentum quantum number ==> 自旋角动量量子数
  44497. spin axis ==> 自旋轴,旋转轴线
  44498. spin burst test ==> 旋转破坏试验
  44499. spin chamber ==> 旋流室
  44500. spin chuck ==> 旋压车床用夹头
  44501. spin chute ==> 反螺旋伞
  44502. spin coated ==> 旋转涂敷
  44503. spin coating ==> 旋涂
  44504. spin compensation ==> 自旋补偿
  44505. spin component ==> 自旋部分
  44506. spin control ==> 旋转控制
  44507. spin coordinates ==> 自旋坐标
  44508. spin correlation ==> 自旋关联
  44509. spin counter ==> 转速记数器,转速表
  44510. spin coupling ==> 自旋偶合,自旋耦合
  44511. spin decoupling ==> 自旋去偶
  44512. spin degeneracy ==> 自旋简并度
  44513. spin delocalization ==> 自旋离域
  44514. spin density ==> 自旋密度
  44515. spin dependence ==> 自旋有关
  44516. spin direction ==> 自旋方向
  44517. spin down ==> 旋转减慢
  44518. spin dry wafer ==> 旋转干噪薄片
  44519. spin echo ==> 自旋回声
  44520. spin echo technique ==> 自旋回声技术
  44521. spin effect ==> 自旋效应=>スピン効果
  44522. spin energy ==> 自旋能
  44523. spin engine ==> 旋转发动机
  44524. spin etching ==> 旋转腐蚀
  44525. spin factor ==> 自旋因子
  44526. spin fading ==> 旋转衰荡
  44527. spin flip ==> 自旋反转
  44528. spin flip collision ==> 自旋翻转碰撞
  44529. spin flip conversion ==> 自旋反转
  44530. spin flip laser ==> 自旋反转激光器
  44531. spin flip Raman laser ==> 自旋翻转喇曼激光器
  44532. spin flip raman laser ==> 自旋转向喇曼激光器
  44533. spin flip scattering ==> 自旋反向散射
  44534. spin flipping ==> 自旋变相
  44535. spin forming ==> 旋压成形法
  44536. spin forming machine ==> 旋压成形机,旋压成形机床
  44537. spin gearing ==> 盘车装置
  44538. spin glass ==> 自旋玻璃
  44539. spin hardening ==> 旋转表面淬火法,火焰硬化=>回転焼入れ
  44540. spin in ==> 辊口
  44541. spin intensity ==> 旋转强度
  44542. spin isomer ==> 自旋异构体
  44543. spin isomerization ==> 自旋异构化
  44544. spin label ==> 自旋标记物
  44545. spin labelling ==> 自旋标记
  44546. spin lattice ==> 自旋点阵
  44547. spin magnetic moment ==> 自旋磁矩
  44548. spin magnetism ==> 自旋磁性
  44549. spin matrix ==> 自旋矩阵,旋转矩阵
  44550. spin model ==> 螺旋试验模型
  44551. spin modulation ==> スピン変調
  44552. spin moment ==> 自转力矩
  44553. spin moment vector ==> 自旋矩矢量
  44554. spin momentum ==> 自旋动量矩
  44555. spin motion ==> 自旋运动
  44556. spin motor ==> 旋转发动机
  44557. spin multiplet ==> スピン多重項
  44558. spin multiplicity ==> 自旋多重性
  44559. spin network ==> スピンネットワーク
  44560. spin nozzle ==> 切向喷管
  44561. spin of photon ==> 光子自旋
  44562. spin off method ==> 脱离法
  44563. spin operator ==> 自旋算符
  44564. spin orbital coupling ==> 自旋轨道耦合
  44565. spin orientation ==> 自旋取向
  44566. spin over ==> 扩口
  44567. spin paired complex ==> 自旋成对配合物
  44568. spin paired electrons ==> 自旋成对旋的电子
  44569. spin pairing ==> 自旋成对
  44570. spin paramagnetism ==> 自旋顺磁性
  44571. spin polarization ==> 自旋的极化,自旋极化
  44572. spin precession ==> 自旋轴进动
  44573. spin projection ==> 自旋投影
  44574. spin projection operator ==> 自旋投影算符
  44575. spin quantum number ==> 自旋量子数=>スピン量子数
  44576. spin rate ==> 自旋速率
  44577. spin reference axis ==> 自转基准轴
  44578. spin relaxation time ==> 自旋弛豫时间
  44579. spin resonance ==> 自旋共振,磁共振
  44580. spin rocket ==> 自旋火箭
  44581. spin safe ==> 旋转安全
  44582. spin scan cloud camera ==> 自旋扫描摄云照相机
  44583. spin Seebeck effect ==> スピン・ゼーベック効果
  44584. spin sequence ==> 自旋顺序
  44585. spin space ==> 自旋空间,旋量空间
  44586. spin splitting ==> 自旋分裂
  44587. spin stabilization ==> 自旋稳定=>スピン安定法
  44588. spin stabilized geostationary satellite ==> 自旋稳定地球同步卫星
  44589. spin state ==> 自旋态
  44590. spin susceptibility ==> 自旋磁化率
  44591. spin temperature ==> 自旋温度
  44592. spin tensor ==> 自旋张量
  44593. spin vector ==> 自旋矢量
  44594. spin velocity ==> 自转角速度
  44595. spin wave ==> 自旋波
  44596. spin wave function ==> 自旋波函数
  44597. spin wave spectrum ==> 自旋波谱
  44598. spin weeder ==> 旋转除草器
  44599. spin welding ==> 旋转焊接,旋转熔接,摩擦焊
  44600. spin(-)correlation parameter ==> 自旋关联系数
  44601. spin(-)dependent force ==> 自旋相关力
  44602. spin(-)echo information storage ==> 自旋回波法信息存储器
  44603. spin(-)echo spectroscopy ==> 自旋回波谱法
  44604. spin(-)echo storage ==> 自旋回波存储
  44605. spin(-)flip scattering ==> 自旋翻转散射
  44606. spin(-)flop transition ==> 自旋转向转变
  44607. spin(-)lattice coupling ==> 自旋晶格耦合
  44608. spin(-)lattice coupling constant ==> 自旋晶格耦合常数
  44609. spin(-)lattice interaction ==> 自旋晶格相互作用
  44610. spin(-)magnetic resonance ==> 自旋磁共振
  44611. spin(-)momentum vector ==> 自旋动量矢量
  44612. spin(-)orbit ==> 自旋轨道
  44613. spin(-)phonon parametric amplifier ==> 自旋声子参量放大器
  44614. spin(-)precession method ==> 自旋进动法
  44615. spin(-)probe technique ==> 自旋取样技术
  44616. spin(-)rate control ==> 自转率调节
  44617. spin(-)spin splitting ==> 自旋裂分
  44618. spin(-)spreader ==> 自转式洒布机
  44619. spin(-)stabilized satellite ==> 自旋转稳定卫星
  44620. spin(-)wave resonance ==> 自旋波共振
  44621. spin-decelerating moment ==> 自旋减速力矩
  44622. spin-dependence of nuclear force ==> 核力自旋相关性
  44623. spin-down ==> 自旋减慢
  44624. spin-draw-up winding machine ==> 纺丝拉伸卷绕联合机
  44625. spin-drier ==> 旋转式干燥器,旋转式脱水机,离心式脱水机
  44626. spin-echo method ==> 自旋回波法
  44627. spin-flip collision ==> 自旋反向碰撞
  44628. spin-flip laser ==> 自旋反转激光器
  44629. spin-forging machine ==> 旋转锻机
  44630. spin-hard heat treatment ==> 旋转硬化热处理
  44631. spin-label immunoassay ==> 自旋标记免疫测定法
  44632. spin-lattice interaction ==> 自旋点阵相互作用
  44633. spin-lattice relaxation ==> 自旋点阵弛豫
  44634. spin-magnetic moment ==> スピン磁気モーメント
  44635. spin-magnetic resonance ==> スピン磁気共振
  44636. spin-off ==> 让产易股,附带利益
  44637. spin-on ==> 旋压
  44638. spin-orbit coupling ==> 轨旋耦合,自旋轨道耦合=>スピン軌道結合
  44639. spin-orbit multiplet ==> 自旋轨道多重态
  44640. spin-orbit resonance ==> 自旋轨道共振,轨旋共振
  44641. spin-orbit transition ==> 轨旋跃迁,自旋轨道跃迁
  44642. spin-orbital ==> 自旋轨道
  44643. spin-parity ==> 自旋宇称
  44644. spin-rate meter ==> 角速计
  44645. spin-ring meter ==> 钢领丝圈摩擦力测定仪
  44646. spin-spin coupling ==> 自旋自旋耦合
  44647. spin-spin energy ==> 自旋自旋能
  44648. spin-spin interaction ==> 自旋间相互作用
  44649. spin-spin relaxation ==> 自旋自旋弛豫
  44650. spin-stabilized missile ==> 旋转稳定导弹
  44651. spin-stabilized payload ==> 旋转稳定的有效载重
  44652. spin-stabilized projectile ==> 旋转稳定射弹
  44653. spin-stabilized rocket ==> 旋转稳定火箭
  44654. spin-stabilized spacecraft ==> 旋转稳定航天器
  44655. spin-stabilized vehicle ==> 旋转稳定飞行器
  44656. spin-tickling ==> (低强度扫描法)自旋挠痒法
  44657. spin-up ==> 自旋加快
  44658. spina ==> 内刺突
  44659. spina bifida and cranium bifidum ==> 脊柱颅骨裂
  44660. spina bifida cystica ==> 囊肿性脊柱裂
  44661. spina bifida manifesta ==> 显性脊柱裂
  44662. spina bifida occulta ==> 隐性脊柱裂
  44663. spina bifida occulta of chest ==> 胸部隐性脊柱裂
  44664. spina bifida posterior ==> 脊柱后裂
  44665. spina helicis ==> 耳轮棘
  44666. spina iliaca anterior inferior ==> 髂前下棘
  44667. spina iliaca anterior superior ==> 髂前上棘
  44668. spina iliaca posterior inferior ==> 髂后下棘
  44669. spina iliaca posterior superior ==> 髂后上棘
  44670. spina ischiadica ==> 坐骨棘
  44671. spina nasalis ==> 鼻棘
  44672. spina nasalis anterior ==> 鼻前棘,前鼻棘
  44673. spina scapulae ==> 肩胛冈
  44674. spina trochlearis ==> 滑车棘
  44675. spina tym panica major ==> 鼓大棘
  44676. spina tympanica minor ==> 鼓小棘
  44677. spina ventosa ==> 风刺,指气臌,趾气臌
  44678. spinacene ==> 鲨烯,鲨烯
  44679. spinach ==> 菠菜=>ホウレンソウ
  44680. spinach leaf miner ==> 菠菜潜叶蝇,甜菜潜叶蝇
  44681. spinach leaves ==> 菠菜叶子
  44682. spinacin ==> 菠菜蛋白,菠菜素
  44683. spinae palatinae ==> 腭棘
  44684. spinal ==> 棘状突起=>脊髄麻酔薬,とげの,とげ状の,背骨の,脊髄の
  44685. spinal abnormality ==> 脊髄異常
  44686. spinal abscess ==> 脊柱脓肿=>脊髄膿瘍
  44687. spinal accessory nerve ==> 脊髄副神経
  44688. spinal anesthesia ==> 脊椎麻醉
  44689. spinal anesthetic needle ==> 脊髓麻醉注射针
  44690. spinal animal ==> 脊髓动物
  44691. spinal arachnoiditis ==> 脊髓蛛网膜炎
  44692. spinal brace ==> 背甲,矫形用背甲
  44693. spinal branches ==> 脊支
  44694. spinal canal ==> 脊柱管,脊椎管,髓管
  44695. spinal canal myelography ==> 椎管造影
  44696. spinal canal stenosis ==> 椎管狭窄,脊椎管狭窄
  44697. spinal caries ==> 波特氏病
  44698. spinal column ==> 脊柱,脊柱
  44699. spinal column and cord operating instruments set ==> 脊柱脊髓手术器械包
  44700. spinal compression ==> 脊髓压迫
  44701. spinal concussion ==> 脊髓震荡
  44702. spinal cord ==> 脊髓
  44703. spinal cord deformity ==> 脊髓畸形
  44704. spinal cord evoked magnetic fields ==> 脊髄誘発磁場
  44705. spinal cord fiberscope ==> 纤维光束脊髓腔内窥镜
  44706. spinal cord injury ==> 脊髓损伤
  44707. spinal cord injury in newborn ==> 新生儿脊髓损伤
  44708. spinal curvature ==> 脊柱弯曲度
  44709. spinal disease ==> 脊柱病
  44710. spinal elevator ==> 脊髓剥离器
  44711. spinal fluid ==> 脊髓液,脊液
  44712. spinal fusion ==> 脊柱融合术,脊柱制动术
  44713. spinal fusion curete ==> 脊柱融合术刮匙
  44714. spinal fusion osteotome ==> 脊柱融合术骨凿
  44715. spinal ganglion ==> 脊神经节,感觉性脊神经节
  44716. spinal gouge ==> 脊柱圆骨凿
  44717. spinal hemianesthesia ==> 脊髓性偏身麻木
  44718. spinal hemiplegia ==> 脊髓性偏瘫
  44719. spinal lemniscus ==> 脊髓丘系
  44720. spinal marrow ==> 脊髄
  44721. spinal meninges ==> 脊膜
  44722. spinal micturition center ==> 脊髓排尿中枢
  44723. spinal muscle ==> 棘肌
  44724. spinal muscle of neck ==> 颈棘肌,颈棘肌
  44725. spinal muscle of thorax ==> 胸棘肌
  44726. spinal muscular atrophy ==> 脊髓性肌萎缩
  44727. spinal needle ==> 脊椎穿刺针,腰椎穿刺针
  44728. spinal nerve injury ==> 脊神经损伤
  44729. spinal nerves ==> 脊神经
  44730. spinal nucleus of accessory nerve ==> 副神经脊髓核
  44731. spinal nucleus of vestibular nerve ==> 前庭神经脊核
  44732. spinal osteoaarthrosis ==> 脊椎骨性关节病
  44733. spinal osteoarthritis ==> 脊柱骨关节炎
  44734. spinal paralysis ==> 脊髓麻痹
  44735. spinal pia mater ==> 软脊膜
  44736. spinal puncture ==> 腰椎穿刺,椎管穿刺
  44737. spinal rasping forceps ==> 棘突切除钳
  44738. spinal rasping surgical instruments set ==> 椎弓切除手术刀包
  44739. spinal reflex ==> 脊髓反射
  44740. spinal retractor ==> 棘突牵开器,脊柱牵开器
  44741. spinal rongeur ==> 棘突咬骨钳
  44742. spinal roots ==> 脊髓根
  44743. spinal scissors ==> 棘突剪
  44744. spinal segment ==> 脊髓节段
  44745. spinal shock ==> 脊髓休克
  44746. spinal spatula ==> 脊髓压板
  44747. spinal stenosis in cervical region ==> 颈部脊柱狭窄,颈部脊柱狭窄
  44748. spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage ==> 脊髓蛛网膜下腔出血
  44749. spinal subarachnoid space ==> 脊髓蛛网膜下腔
  44750. spinal subarachnoid space scanning ==> 脊髓蛛网膜下腔扫描
  44751. spinal tap ==> 脊椎抽液
  44752. spinal tweezer ==> 小棘突镊
  44753. spinal veins ==> 脊髓静脉
  44754. spinamycin ==> 刺霉素
  44755. spinant ==> 脊髓兴奋剂
  44756. spinathricin ==> 刺链丝菌素
  44757. spinc ==> 皮棘
  44758. spincurrent ==> スピンカレント
  44759. spindle ==> 杆状信标,转轴,汽车转向节,纺锤体,型心轴,轴=>スピンドル,軸
  44760. spindle alignment ==> 主轴对准
  44761. spindle angle ==> 接轴倾斜角
  44762. spindle arm ==> 主轴臂
  44763. spindle arm ga(u)ge ==> 转向臂规
  44764. spindle axis ==> 主轴线
  44765. spindle balance ==> 联接轴的平衡
  44766. spindle band ==> 锭绳
  44767. spindle band stretching machine ==> 锭绳拉伸机
  44768. spindle bearing ==> 环形轴承
  44769. spindle bolt ==> 转向关节栓,转向节主销
  44770. spindle bore ==> 主轴孔径
  44771. spindle bore lathe ==> 大孔径车床
  44772. spindle box ==> 床头箱,主轴箱
  44773. spindle brake ==> 螺杆制动器,轴梗制动器
  44774. spindle carrier ==> 轴支持装置,主轴托架,接轴支架
  44775. spindle carrier bar ==> 连接轴支架
  44776. spindle cell ==> 皮质层细胞
  44777. spindle cell carcinoma of breast ==> 乳房梭形细胞癌
  44778. spindle cell sarcoma ==> 梭形细胞肉瘤
  44779. spindle cell sarcoma of ovary ==> 卵巢梭形细胞肉瘤
  44780. spindle center ==> 主轴中心
  44781. spindle clamp ==> 柄夹
  44782. spindle clean-oiler ==> 锭子清洗加油器
  44783. spindle collar ==> 心轴环
  44784. spindle connecting rod ==> 转向横拉杆
  44785. spindle control lever ==> 主轴离合杆
  44786. spindle counterweight ==> 接轴平衡锤
  44787. spindle doffer ==> 摘锭的脱棉器
  44788. spindle drive ==> 主轴传动机构
  44789. spindle drive motor ==> 主轴电动机
  44790. spindle drive shaft ==> 摘锭传动轴
  44791. spindle driving gear ==> 主轴运动传动机构
  44792. spindle drum ==> 主轴鼓轮,主轴座,摘锭滚筒
  44793. spindle extension ==> 延长轴
  44794. spindle face ==> 主轴面
  44795. spindle fiber ==> 纺锤丝
  44796. spindle galaxy ==> 纺锤状星系
  44797. spindle gearing ==> 床头箱
  44798. spindle governor ==> 心轴调节器
  44799. spindle guide ==> 轴导,杆导
  44800. spindle head ==> 主轴头,主轴箱,床头箱
  44801. spindle headstock ==> 床头,主轴箱
  44802. spindle holder ==> 主轴托架
  44803. spindle hole ==> 主轴孔
  44804. spindle inclination ==> 主轴倾斜度
  44805. spindle inner oil seal ==> (平衡器)轴内油封
  44806. spindle jam nut ==> 轴锁紧螺帽
  44807. spindle jaw half coupling ==> 接轴铰接叉头
  44808. spindle keyway ==> 转轴上的键槽
  44809. spindle level ==> 锭子水平仪
  44810. spindle lever linkage ==> 转向臂杠杆式拉杆机构
  44811. spindle lift ==> 螺柱升降机
  44812. spindle lubricant ==> 锭子润滑油
  44813. spindle motor ==> 主轴电动机=>スピンドルモータ
  44814. spindle moulder ==> 立式成形铣床
  44815. spindle nose ==> 主轴端部,轴头
  44816. spindle nut ==> 轴螺母
  44817. spindle of spinning machine ==> 纺纱机锭子
  44818. spindle of streamline section ==> 流线剖面轴
  44819. spindle oil ==> 锭子油,主轴润滑油=>スピンドル油
  44820. spindle oiler ==> 锭子加油器
  44821. spindle picker ==> 摘锭式采棉机
  44822. spindle press ==> 螺旋压力机
  44823. spindle saddle ==> 主轴滑动座架
  44824. spindle seat ==> 主轴座,心轴座
  44825. spindle shaped ==> 纺锤形的穗
  44826. spindle shaped training ==> 纺锤形整枝
  44827. spindle shield ==> 摘锭罩
  44828. spindle shoulder ==> 主轴肩
  44829. spindle sleeve ==> 轴套=>主軸スリーブ(旋盤)
  44830. spindle slide ==> 主轴滑动座架
  44831. spindle socket ==> 轴承窝
  44832. spindle speed ==> 轴转速
  44833. spindle speed function ==> 轴功能
  44834. spindle speed range ==> 轴转速范围
  44835. spindle stay bolt tap ==> 轴式撑螺丝锥
  44836. spindle stock ==> 头架
  44837. spindle tape ==> 锭带
  44838. spindle taper ==> 主轴锥度
  44839. spindle tilt ==> 心轴倾斜
  44840. spindle traverse ==> 主轴横动
  44841. spindle tuber ==> 梭状块茎
  44842. spindle unit ==> 主轴部件
  44843. spindle winder ==> 竖锭式卷绕机
  44844. spindle-cyclide ==> 纺锤形圈纹曲面
  44845. spindle-knife shredder ==> 轴刀式茎秆切碎器
  44846. spindle-shaped ==> 梭状的
  44847. spindle-shaped meteor ==> 纺锤状流星
  44848. spindle-shaped solid ==> 纺锤形圈纹曲面
  44849. spindle-speed control ==> 主轴转速控制
  44850. spindle-speed over ride ==> 主轴转速超控
  44851. spindle-type drilling machine ==> 边坡钻机
  44852. spindles in operation ==> (纺织)开工锭数
  44853. spindling ==> 徒长
  44854. spindling sprout ==> 纤芽病
  44855. spindling sprout of potato ==> 马铃薯纤块茎病,马铃薯纤芽病
  44856. spindown ==> 缩颈旋压
  44857. spine ==> 皮刺,棘,脊,脊骨,脊柱,(火山颈)火山栓
  44858. spine apparatus ==> 棘器
  44859. spine arthrodesis ==> 脊柱固定术
  44860. spine disease ==> 脊椎疾患
  44861. spine disorder ==> 脊椎疾患
  44862. spine fracture ==> 脊柱骨折
  44863. spine in group ==> 群生棘
  44864. spine of helix ==> 耳轮棘
  44865. spine of scapula ==> 肩胛冈
  44866. spine of stratum ==> 表皮细胞棘
  44867. spine of tibia ==> 胫骨棘,胫骨棘
  44868. spine osteoporosis ==> 脊柱骨质疏松
  44869. spinel ==> 尖晶石=>スピネル(尖晶石)
  44870. spinel particle ==> スピネル粒子
  44871. spinelline ==> 榍石,榍石
  44872. spinfunction ==> 旋转功能
  44873. spingling ==> 熟铁坯挤压
  44874. spinhard heat treatment ==> 旋转表面淬火法
  44875. spinnaker ==> 大三角帆
  44876. spinnaret ==> 纺器
  44877. spinnbarkeit of cervical mucus ==> 子宫颈粘液成丝现象
  44878. Spinnbarkeit relaxation ==> 可抽丝松弛
  44879. spinner ==> 旋转器=>スピナ
  44880. spinner broadcaster ==> 旋转式撒布机,旋转式撒种机,离心式撒播机
  44881. spinner chip spreader ==> 旋动石屑摊铺机,旋转石屑摊铺机
  44882. spinner column ==> 旋转塔
  44883. spinner disk spreader ==> 旋盘铺砂器
  44884. spinner distributor ==> 旋转式撒布机
  44885. spinner fertilizer spreader ==> 转盘式撒肥机
  44886. spinner gritter ==> 旋盘铺砂器
  44887. spinner magnetometer ==> 旋转式磁力仪
  44888. spinner motor ==> 双转子电动机
  44889. spinner rocket ==> 旋转稳定式火箭
  44890. spinner runner ==> 旋涡集渣浇口
  44891. spinner shaft ==> 掘薯轴,掘薯轴
  44892. spinner's chisel ==> 旋压工具
  44893. spinner-type plow ==> 双向犁
  44894. spinner-type spreader ==> 旋转式撒布机
  44895. spinneret ==> 纺丝头,喷丝头,喷丝嘴
  44896. spinneret assembly ==> 喷丝板组合件
  44897. spinneret draft ==> 喷丝头拉伸
  44898. spinneret holder ==> 喷丝板座
  44899. spinneret orifice ==> 喷丝板细孔
  44900. spinnerule ==> 纺织管
  44901. spinnery ==> 纱厂
  44902. spinning ==> 纺纱,纺丝,旋压,旋压加工,自旋,卷边铆接,卷边铆接,抽丝=>紡績,瞬動予備力
  44903. spinning apparatus ==> 吐丝器
  44904. spinning apparatus with variable pressure ==> 变压纺丝装置
  44905. spinning axis ==> 回转轴
  44906. spinning band column ==> 旋带蒸馏柱
  44907. spinning blade ==> 旋转刀
  44908. spinning block ==> 旋压模
  44909. spinning chuck ==> 旋压模
  44910. spinning count ==> 羊毛纺纱支数
  44911. spinning crop ==> 纺织用作物
  44912. spinning die ==> 旋压螺丝钢板
  44913. spinning disc distributor ==> 转盘式撒肥机
  44914. spinning disk ==> 旋流片,涡流盘
  44915. spinning electron ==> 旋转电子=>回転電子
  44916. spinning former ==> 旋压成形机
  44917. spinning gate ==> 离心集渣浇口
  44918. spinning gland ==> 吐丝腺
  44919. spinning glands ==> 纺绩腺
  44920. spinning jet ==> 喷丝头
  44921. spinning lathe ==> 旋压机床=>ろくろ
  44922. spinning machine ==> 旋绕机,旋压机,旋压机床,纺纱机,细纱(精纺)机,细纱机,离心机=>ラッシングマシン
  44923. spinning magnetometer ==> 旋转式磁力仪
  44924. spinning mandrel ==> 旋压芯模
  44925. spinning mill ==> 纺厂=>紡績工場
  44926. spinning mo(u)ld ==> 离心铸型
  44927. spinning motor ==> 精紡電動機
  44928. spinning nozzle ==> 喷丝头
  44929. spinning number ==> 品质号数
  44930. spinning process ==> 纺丝过程
  44931. spinning pump ==> 纺纱泵,纺丝泵,抽丝泵
  44932. spinning reserve ==> 运转备用=>瞬動予備力,瞬時予備電力
  44933. spinning riffler ==> 旋转缩分器
  44934. spinning riveter ==> 扩口铆机
  44935. spinning roller ==> (旋压用)旋轮
  44936. spinning solution ==> 纺丝溶液
  44937. spinning stability ==> 自旋稳定
  44938. spinning top ==> 陀螺,陀螺
  44939. spinning unit ==> 抽丝装置
  44940. spinning wheel ==> 纺车
  44941. spinning with chip forming ==> 剥皮旋压
  44942. spinning with tension ==> 张力旋压
  44943. spinning-disk distributor ==> 转盘式撒布机
  44944. spinning-frame ==> 细纱(精纺)机
  44945. spino-olivary tract ==> 脊髓橄榄束
  44946. spinocebellar ataxia ==> 脊髓小脑性共济失调
  44947. spinochrome ==> 棘色素
  44948. spinodal ==> 旋节线,拐点
  44949. spinodal curve ==> 拐点分解曲线
  44950. Spinodal curve ==> 旋节溶线
  44951. spinodal decomposition ==> 旋节线分解
  44952. spinodal phenomenon ==> 旋节现象
  44953. spinoff ==> 派生,附属结果,伴随结果
  44954. spinoglenoid notch ==> 冈盂切迹
  44955. spinogram ==> 脊髓造影照片,脊柱X线片
  44956. spinograph ==> 脊柱X线片
  44957. Spinomatic frame ==> 斯平诺玛蒂克细纱机
  44958. spinometer ==> 纺丝测速仪
  44959. spinor ==> 旋量=>スピノル
  44960. spinoreticular tract ==> 脊髓网状束
  44961. spinosum epidermidis ==> 表皮细胞棘
  44962. spinotectal tract ==> 脊髓顶盖束
  44963. spinous ==> 刺的
  44964. spinous foramen ==> 棘孔
  44965. spinous layer ==> 棘层
  44966. spinous process ==> 棘突,棘状突起
  44967. spinous process of the seventh corvical vertebra ==> 柱骨
  44968. spintronics ==> スピントロニクス,電気と磁石の両方の性質を利用する技術
  44969. spinule ==> 小剌
  44970. Spinulosida ==> 有棘目
  44971. spiny cocklebur ==> 刺苍耳
  44972. spiny hair ==> 棘毛
  44973. spiny leaved sow thistle ==> 大叶苣荬菜
  44974. spiny lobster ==> 多刺龙虾
  44975. spiny palm ==> 刺棕
  44976. spiny plum tree ==> 黑刺李
  44977. spiny sow thistle ==> 大叶苣荬芽
  44978. spiny-headed worm ==> 棘头虫
  44979. spioniform worm ==> 海椎型蠕虫
  44980. spipot and socket cast iron pipe ==> 承插式铸铁管
  44981. spiracle line ==> 气门线
  44982. spiracular annulus ==> 气门环
  44983. spiracular button ==> 气门钮
  44984. spiracular line ==> 气门线
  44985. spiral ==> 螺,螺旋,盘旋=>らせん,らせん形の,スパイラル,うずまき線
  44986. spiral (helical) ribbon mixer ==> 螺旋带式搅拌机
  44987. spiral (mode)divergence ==> 螺旋型扩散
  44988. spiral agitator ==> 螺旋搅拌器
  44989. spiral angle ==> 螺旋角,捻角
  44990. spiral arms ==> 旋臂
  44991. spiral arrangement ==> 螺旋状排列=>らせん状配列
  44992. spiral axis ==> 螺旋轴线
  44993. spiral bacteria ==> 螺旋状细菌
  44994. spiral balance ==> 螺旋平衡重
  44995. spiral band ==> スパイラルバンド
  44996. spiral bar ==> 螺旋筋
  44997. spiral bevel axle ==> 螺旋斜轴
  44998. spiral bevel gear ==> 螺旋伞齿轮,斜齿伞齿轮=>はすばがさ歯車
  44999. spiral bevel gear cutter ==> 螺旋伞齿轮铣刀
  45000. spiral bevel gear generating machine ==> 螺旋伞齿轮滚齿机
  45001. spiral bevel gear generator ==> 螺旋伞齿轮滚齿机
  45002. spiral bevel gear pair ==> 螺旋伞齿轮副,螺旋锥齿轮副
  45003. spiral bevel gearing ==> 螺旋伞齿轮装置
  45004. spiral bevel gears with offset axes ==> 轴线偏置螺旋伞齿轮
  45005. spiral binding ==> 螺旋装订
  45006. spiral bit ==> 螺旋钻头,麻花钻头
  45007. spiral blower ==> 螺旋鼓风机,叶轮式鼓风机
  45008. spiral books ==> 罗旋簿
  45009. spiral borer ==> 麻花钻
  45010. spiral bottom ==> 螺旋形犁体
  45011. spiral Bourdon tube ==> 螺旋弹簧管
  45012. spiral breaker ==> 螺旋辊揉布机
  45013. spiral brush sifter ==> 螺旋刷筛
  45014. spiral cam ==> 螺线凸轮,螺旋凸轮
  45015. spiral canal ==> 蜗螺旋管
  45016. spiral canal of cochlear axis ==> 蜗轴螺旋管
  45017. spiral case ==> 水轮机蜗壳=>うず巻きケーシング
  45018. spiral cased water turbine ==> 蜗壳式水轮机
  45019. spiral casing ==> 蜗壳=>うず形室(水車)
  45020. spiral cast ==> 螺旋排绕,反盘
  45021. spiral cell ==> 螺纹细胞
  45022. spiral charge ==> 螺旋形锭料
  45023. spiral chute ==> 螺旋滑槽
  45024. spiral classifier ==> 螺旋分级机
  45025. spiral cleaner ==> 螺旋式选种机
  45026. spiral cleavage ==> 旋裂
  45027. spiral cloud ==> 螺旋云系
  45028. spiral coal unloader ==> 螺旋选煤机
  45029. spiral coil ==> 螺旋线圈,螺旋形盘管,螺旋形线圈=>らせんコイル
  45030. spiral column ==> 螺旋形塔,螺旋形柱
  45031. spiral computed tomography ==> スパイラルCT
  45032. spiral concentrator ==> 螺旋选矿机
  45033. spiral condenser ==> 蛇形管冷凝器,盘管凝汽器
  45034. spiral cone ==> 旋锥体,锥形螺旋式分离器
  45035. spiral cone seed cleaner ==> 螺旋锥式选种机
  45036. spiral continuous slab ==> 螺旋形连续板
  45037. spiral convergence ==> 螺旋收敛
  45038. spiral conveyer ==> 螺旋输送机,螺旋运输机
  45039. spiral conveyor ==> 螺旋输送器
  45040. spiral cord ==> スパイラルコード
  45041. spiral crest ==> 螺旋嵴
  45042. spiral crystal ==> 螺旋形晶体
  45043. spiral curve ==> 螺旋曲线
  45044. spiral cut end mill ==> 螺旋槽端铣刀
  45045. spiral cut milling cutter ==> 螺旋槽铣刀
  45046. spiral cut reamer ==> 螺旋槽铰刀
  45047. spiral cutter ==> 螺旋铣刀
  45048. spiral cutter roller ==> スパイラルカッターローラー
  45049. spiral cutter-head ==> 螺旋形挖掘头
  45050. spiral cutting ==> 螺旋切削
  45051. spiral delay line ==> 螺线延迟线
  45052. spiral diposition ==> 螺旋形排列
  45053. spiral disease ==> 螺纹病
  45054. spiral disk ==> 旋转分像盘
  45055. spiral dislocation ==> 螺旋型位错
  45056. spiral distortion ==> 螺旋畸变,螺旋形失真,各向异性失真
  45057. spiral drill ==> 螺旋钻
  45058. spiral duct ==> 螺纹导管,螺旋导管
  45059. spiral effect of slipstream ==> 滑流螺旋效应
  45060. spiral electrode ==> 螺旋形电极
  45061. spiral elevator ==> 螺旋式升运器
  45062. spiral end ==> 螺旋形终末
  45063. spiral expander ==> 螺旋伸张器,螺旋形扩幅装置,螺旋展平机
  45064. spiral feeder ==> 螺旋状送料器
  45065. spiral field ==> 螺旋形视野
  45066. spiral filament ==> 螺旋式灯丝
  45067. spiral filament forming machine ==> 绕丝机
  45068. spiral fin ==> 螺旋肋片
  45069. spiral fin fuel element ==> 螺旋肋燃料元件
  45070. spiral finned tube ==> 螺旋肋片管
  45071. spiral flight ==> 螺旋提升刮片
  45072. spiral flow tank ==> 旋流加气池,斜流箱
  45073. spiral flute ==> 螺旋槽,螺旋钩
  45074. spiral flute hand reamer ==> 螺旋槽手用铰刀
  45075. spiral flute hob ==> 螺旋槽滚刀
  45076. spiral fluted end mill ==> 螺旋槽端铣刀
  45077. spiral fluted expansion hand reamer ==> 螺旋槽可胀式手铰刀
  45078. spiral fluted expansion reamer ==> 螺旋槽可胀式铰刀
  45079. spiral fluted reamer ==> 螺旋槽铰刀
  45080. spiral fluted roller ==> 螺槽辊
  45081. spiral fluted tap ==> 螺旋槽丝锥
  45082. spiral fold ==> 螺旋襞
  45083. spiral forming ==> 螺旋形绕管成形
  45084. spiral four ==> 四芯扭绞,简单星绞
  45085. spiral four cable ==> 星绞四芯软电缆
  45086. spiral four type cable ==> 特殊星形ケーブル
  45087. spiral fracture ==> 扭转骨折,螺旋形骨折
  45088. spiral fracture of tibia ==> 胫骨螺旋形骨折,胫骨螺旋形骨折
  45089. spiral fringe ==> 螺旋形条纹
  45090. spiral galaxy ==> 旋涡星系=>渦巻銀河
  45091. spiral ganglion ==> 螺旋神经节
  45092. spiral ganglion of cochlea ==> 蜗螺旋神经节
  45093. spiral gear ==> 螺旋齿轮,螺旋形齿轮
  45094. spiral gear drive ==> 螺旋齿轮传动
  45095. spiral gear teeth ==> 螺旋齿轮齿
  45096. spiral gearing ==> 螺旋齿轮装置
  45097. spiral gill ==> 螺杆式针梳机
  45098. spiral grain ==> 螺旋纹理,螺状纹理
  45099. spiral grain index ==> 螺纹指数
  45100. spiral grain loader ==> 螺旋式装粮机
  45101. spiral grating ==> 螺旋形光栅
  45102. spiral gravity separator ==> 螺旋重力分离器
  45103. spiral groove ==> 螺旋槽
  45104. spiral grooved spherical bearing ==> 螺旋槽球面轴承
  45105. spiral grooved tube ==> 螺旋槽管
  45106. spiral growth ==> 螺线生长
  45107. spiral guide ==> 螺旋形导向装置
  45108. spiral head ==> 分度头
  45109. spiral heat exchanger ==> 螺旋板式换热器
  45110. spiral heater ==> 螺旋形加热器,旋管加热器
  45111. spiral helicine ==> 螺旋状的
  45112. spiral highway ==> 螺旋形公路
  45113. spiral hoop ==> 螺旋箍
  45114. spiral hoop-iron ==> 螺旋钢箍
  45115. spiral hooping ==> 加螺旋钢筋
  45116. spiral horn ==> 螺旋状角
  45117. spiral idler ==> スパイラルローラー
  45118. spiral induction sodium pump ==> 螺旋式感应[电磁]钠泵
  45119. spiral inlet ==> 蜗管入口
  45120. spiral jacket ==> 螺旋式夹套
  45121. spiral jaw clutch ==> 螺旋面牙嵌式离合器
  45122. spiral jaw coupling ==> 螺旋形爪式联轴节
  45123. spiral jet ==> 螺旋喷流=>螺旋型ジェット
  45124. spiral layer ==> 埃克曼层
  45125. spiral lead-in and spiral throw-out ==> 盘首纹和盘尾纹
  45126. spiral ligament ==> 螺旋韧带
  45127. spiral limbus ==> 螺旋缘
  45128. spiral line ==> 螺旋线
  45129. spiral lobe (type) compressor ==> 螺杆式压气机
  45130. spiral lobe(type) compressor ==> 螺杆压缩机
  45131. spiral loop ==> 可调谐环形天线
  45132. spiral mandrel die ==> スパイラルマンドレルダイ
  45133. spiral membrane ==> 螺旋膜
  45134. spiral micrometer ==> 螺旋测微计
  45135. spiral micrometer eyepiece ==> 螺旋式测微目镜
  45136. spiral microscope ==> 螺旋显微镜
  45137. spiral milling ==> 螺旋铣削
  45138. spiral milling cutter ==> 螺旋铣刀=>はすばフライス
  45139. spiral mixer ==> 螺旋式混合器
  45140. spiral mixing rod ==> 螺旋搅拌棒
  45141. spiral mo(u)ldboard ==> 螺旋形犁壁
  45142. spiral mode of motion ==> 螺旋运动
  45143. spiral model ==> スパイラルモデル
  45144. spiral mold ==> スパイラル金型
  45145. spiral mold cooling ==> 铸型螺旋孔冷却
  45146. spiral molding ==> 螺旋形线脚
  45147. spiral motif ==> 螺旋线饰
  45148. spiral motion ==> 螺旋运动
  45149. spiral movement ==> 螺旋运动
  45150. spiral of archimedes ==> 阿基米德螺线
  45151. spiral oil grooves ==> 螺旋油槽
  45152. spiral oil press ==> 螺旋榨油机
  45153. spiral optical micrometer ==> 螺旋光学测微计
  45154. spiral orbit ==> 螺旋轨道
  45155. spiral organ ==> 螺旋器
  45156. spiral pancake winding ==> 螺旋饼式绕组
  45157. spiral path ==> 螺旋形轨道
  45158. spiral pattern ==> 螺旋图样
  45159. spiral phyllotaxis ==> らせん葉序
  45160. spiral picker ==> 螺旋分选器
  45161. spiral pin ==> 螺旋销
  45162. spiral planetary speed reducer ==> 螺环行星减速器
  45163. spiral plate ==> 骨螺旋板
  45164. spiral plate exchanger ==> 旋板换热器
  45165. spiral point ==> 螺线极点
  45166. spiral pointed tap ==> 螺尖丝锥,枪式丝锥
  45167. spiral polymer ==> 螺旋状聚合物
  45168. spiral positive-displacement compressor ==> 螺旋型正排量压气机
  45169. spiral power spring ==> 发条
  45170. spiral press working spring ==> 螺旋冲压弹簧
  45171. spiral pressure ga(u)ge ==> 螺旋管压力计
  45172. spiral prismatic dislocation ==> 蜷柱位错
  45173. spiral production ==> 轮番生产
  45174. spiral prominence ==> 螺旋凸
  45175. spiral pump ==> 螺旋泵
  45176. spiral quad ==> 扭绞四芯电缆,星绞四线组
  45177. spiral quad cable ==> 星绞四芯软电缆
  45178. spiral ramp ==> 螺旋坡道,螺旋式溜槽,螺旋形滑道
  45179. spiral ramp vortex generators ==> 螺旋坡道涡流发生器
  45180. spiral ratchet drill ==> 擦旋钻
  45181. spiral ratchet screwdriver ==> 螺旋槽棘轮旋凿
  45182. spiral reamer ==> 螺旋槽铰刀
  45183. spiral reel ==> 螺线轴
  45184. spiral reinforcement ==> 螺旋钢筋
  45185. spiral ring ==> 螺旋环
  45186. spiral ring structure ==> 旋涡环形构造
  45187. spiral roller ==> 螺柱滚子
  45188. spiral rope ==> 螺旋绳
  45189. spiral roving frame ==> 螺旋杆式粗纺机
  45190. spiral rubber hose ==> 缠绕胶管
  45191. spiral sash balance ==> 螺旋平衡重
  45192. spiral scale ==> 螺旋标度
  45193. spiral scan ==> 螺旋式扫描
  45194. spiral scanning ==> 螺旋扫描=>渦巻走査
  45195. spiral scanning spot ==> 螺旋扫描点
  45196. spiral scroll ==> 螺旋槽
  45197. spiral seam ==> 螺旋缝
  45198. spiral seam tube (pipe) ==> 螺旋焊缝管
  45199. spiral separator ==> 螺旋分离器,螺旋分选器,螺旋选矿机
  45200. spiral septum ==> 螺旋形隔板
  45201. spiral shaft ==> 螺旋轴
  45202. spiral shute ==> スパイラルシュート
  45203. spiral slit ==> 螺旋缝隙
  45204. spiral slot ==> 螺旋形槽
  45205. spiral slotted oil control ring ==> 开有螺旋槽的油环
  45206. spiral spectrometer ==> 螺旋形分光仪
  45207. spiral spline broach ==> 螺旋花键槽拉刀
  45208. spiral spring ==> 螺旋形弹簧,盘簧,蜷簧=>うず巻ばね,ぜんまい
  45209. spiral spring suspension ==> 盘簧悬置
  45210. spiral spur gear ==> 螺旋正齿轮
  45211. spiral staircase ==> 螺旋梯
  45212. spiral stairs ==> 盘梯
  45213. spiral stairway ==> 螺旋階段
  45214. spiral staple chute ==> 暗井螺旋溜槽
  45215. spiral steel pipe ==> 螺旋钢管=>スパイラル鋼管
  45216. spiral stirrer ==> 螺旋搅拌器
  45217. spiral structure ==> 螺环结构
  45218. spiral superheater ==> 螺旋管过热器
  45219. spiral surface ==> 螺旋面
  45220. spiral sweep ==> 螺旋形扫描
  45221. spiral tamping machine ==> 螺旋捣固机
  45222. spiral tap ==> 螺旋丝锥
  45223. spiral taper pipe ==> 锥形螺盘管
  45224. spiral taper reamer ==> 螺旋槽式锥铰刀
  45225. spiral test ==> 螺旋试验
  45226. spiral thermometer ==> 螺旋带式温度计
  45227. spiral thickening ==> 螺纹加厚
  45228. spiral thread of trachead tube ==> 气管螺旋丝
  45229. spiral threaded roofing nail ==> 螺纹屋面钉
  45230. spiral tracheide ==> 螺纹细胞
  45231. spiral tube ==> 螺旋管
  45232. spiral tube welder ==> 螺旋管焊机
  45233. spiral tungsten cable ==> 螺线钨丝
  45234. spiral type core ==> 螺旋型铁芯,卷铁芯
  45235. spiral valve ==> 螺旋瓣
  45236. spiral vane disk cutter ==> 螺旋叶盘式截装机
  45237. spiral vector ==> 螺旋矢量=>スパイラルベクトル=>スパイラルベクトル
  45238. spiral vector current ==> 螺旋矢量电流,复数电流,实数部(余弦)为实测电流=>スパイラルベクトル電流
  45239. spiral vector equation ==> スパイラルベクトル方程式
  45240. spiral vector impedance ==> 螺旋矢量阻抗=>SVインピーダンス
  45241. spiral vector in the complex plane ==> 複素平面上のスパイラルベクトル
  45242. spiral vector method ==> 螺旋矢量法=>スパイラルベクトル法=>スパイラルベクトル法
  45243. spiral vector special solution ==> スパイラルベクトル特殊解
  45244. spiral vector symmetrical component method ==> スパイラルベクトル対称座標法
  45245. spiral vector theorem ==> スパイラルベクトル定理
  45246. spiral vector theory ==> 螺旋矢量理论=>スパイラルベクトル理論
  45247. spiral vector theory of AC circuit ==> スパイラルベクトル交流回路理論
  45248. Spiral Vector Theory of AC Circuits and Machines ==> Sakae Yamamura, Oxford University Press, 1992. 山村昌博士の著作
  45249. spiral vector voltage ==> 螺旋矢量电压,复数电压,实数部(余弦)为实测电压=>スパイラルベクトル電圧
  45250. spiral vein of modiolus ==> 蜗轴螺旋静脉
  45251. spiral vessel ==> 螺纹细胞,螺旋血管
  45252. spiral vessels ==> 螺纹导管
  45253. spiral vibrating conveyer ==> 螺旋振动运输机
  45254. spiral vibrating conveyor ==> 螺旋式振动运输机
  45255. spiral visual field ==> 螺旋形视野
  45256. spiral vortex ==> 螺旋形涡流,漩涡,漩涡
  45257. spiral water lift ==> 螺旋提水器,螺旋扬水机
  45258. spiral water mill ==> らせん水車
  45259. spiral weld ==> 螺旋形焊缝
  45260. spiral weld-pipe mill ==> 螺旋焊管机
  45261. spiral welded pipe ==> 螺旋焊管
  45262. spiral welded steel pipe ==> 螺旋焊接钢管
  45263. spiral welded tube ==> 螺盘管
  45264. spiral weldedon wing stabilizer ==> 焊接螺旋翼片式稳定器
  45265. spiral welding ==> 螺旋焊
  45266. spiral welding steel pipe ==> 螺焊钢管
  45267. spiral wheel ==> 螺旋齿轮,斜螺旋齿轮
  45268. spiral winding ==> 螺线绕法,螺旋绕组,螺旋式盘绕
  45269. spiral wire column ==> 螺线精馏柱
  45270. spiral wire inserts ==> 螺旋金属丝插入件
  45271. spiral wound gasket ==> 缠绕式垫片
  45272. spiral wound module ==> 螺旋卷式组件
  45273. spiral wound type ==> スパイラル型膜モジュール
  45274. spiral yarn ==> 螺旋花线
  45275. spiral(-curved) tooth ==> 螺旋齿
  45276. spiral(l)ed knife ==> 螺旋形切刀
  45277. spiral(milling) cutter ==> 螺旋铣刀
  45278. spiral(plate) heat exchanger ==> 螺旋(板)换热器
  45279. spiral-band brake ==> 多往复带制动器
  45280. spiral-beam modulation ==> 螺旋电子束调制
  45281. spiral-cased water turbine ==> 蜗壳式水轮机=>うず巻水車
  45282. spiral-cavity mo(u)ld ==> 螺线腔模
  45283. spiral-finned tube economizer ==> 螺旋[环状]肋片省煤器,在钢管的直段部分焊上螺旋形(或环状)肋片形成扩展受热面的省煤器。
  45284. spiral-flow tank ==> 旋流箱
  45285. spiral-flow washer ==> 旋流式清洗机
  45286. spiral-fluted reamer ==> はすばリーマ
  45287. spiral-groover roll ==> 螺旋凹槽辊
  45288. spiral-jaw clutch ==> 螺旋爪离合器=>スパイラルジョークラッチ
  45289. spiral-orbit spectrometer ==> 螺旋轨道分光仪
  45290. spiral-plate heat exchanger ==> 螺旋形片状热交换器
  45291. spiral-ribbed roll ==> 螺旋凸棱辊
  45292. spiral-riveted pipe ==> 螺旋铆接管
  45293. spiral-shaped agitator ==> 螺旋形搅动器
  45294. spiral-shaped rotor ==> 蜗壳形转子
  45295. spiral-staircase coil ==> 毕特线圈
  45296. spiral-tube heat exchanger ==> 螺旋管式热交换器
  45297. spiral-type seed grader ==> 螺旋种子清选机
  45298. spiral-welded pipe ==> 螺旋焊接管
  45299. spiral-wound electrode ==> 螺旋状焊丝
  45300. spiral-wound gasket ==> 螺旋形垫衬
  45301. spiraled transition curve ==> 螺旋缓和曲线
  45302. spiraling ==> 成螺旋形的
  45303. spiraling rate ==> 径向扩张率,径向扩张率
  45304. spiraling-beam amplifier ==> 旋束放大管
  45305. spiraling-beam oscillator ==> 旋束振荡管
  45306. spirality helicity ==> 螺旋形
  45307. spirality of cotton fibre ==> 棉纤维转曲度
  45308. spiralled water hose ==> 缠绕输水管
  45309. spirally ==> らせん状に
  45310. spirally coilayered cylinder ==> 螺旋绕带式多层圆筒,绕板式圆筒
  45311. spirally coiled tube ==> 盘管
  45312. spirally grooved roller ==> 螺旋槽纹辊
  45313. spirally grooved tube ==> 螺纹沟槽管
  45314. spirally reinforced column ==> 螺旋箍筋柱
  45315. spirally wound tubes ==> 水平围绕管圈,多根并联的微倾斜或部分微倾斜、部分水平的管子,沿整个炉膛周壁盘旋上升的水冷壁管屏。
  45316. spiratron electron multiplier ==> 螺旋形电子倍增器
  45317. spire roof ==> 尖塔屋顶
  45318. spirit ==> 灵魂,精神,酒剂,酒精,酒精饮料,汽油=>気分
  45319. spirit blue ==> 醇溶青
  45320. spirit bubble ==> 水平泡
  45321. spirit color ==> 醇溶染料
  45322. spirit colors ==> 醇溶苯胺染料
  45323. spirit compass ==> 液体罗经
  45324. spirit duplicating ==> 乙醇复印,醇溶碳纸复印法,酒精复印,酒精复印
  45325. spirit duplicator ==> 酒精复印机,酒精复印机,乙醇复印机
  45326. spirit dye ==> 醇溶染料
  45327. spirit dyestuff ==> 醇溶染料
  45328. spirit lamps ==> 酒精灯,酒精灯
  45329. spirit level ==> 酒精水平仪,酒精水平仪,水准器,气泡水准仪,酒精水准仪
  45330. spirit master ==> 酒精靠模,酒精靠模,乙醇复印原版,乙醇原版
  45331. spirit of enterprise ==> 企业精神
  45332. spirit of formaldehyde ==> 甲醛醑
  45333. spirit of sulphur ==> 硫酸
  45334. spirit of wine ==> 乙醇
  45335. spirit solvent ==> 酒精溶剂,酒精溶剂
  45336. spirit stain ==> 酒精着色剂,酒精着色剂,醇溶着色剂
  45337. spirit varnish ==> 醇溶清漆,酒精清漆,酒精清漆,挥发漆,挥发清漆
  45338. spirit yellow G ==> 醇溶黄G
  45339. spirits ==> 気分
  45340. spirituous ==> 醇的
  45341. spiritus ==> 酒精,酒精
  45342. spiritus menthae ==> 薄荷醑
  45343. spiro ring system ==> 螺环系
  45344. spiro-compound ==> 螺环化合物
  45345. spiro-index ==> 呼吸指数,肺活量指数
  45346. spiro-jet ==> 螺旋形喷射染色机
  45347. Spirobrachiidae ==> 旋腕虫科
  45348. Spirochaeta ==> 螺旋体属
  45349. Spirochaeta anserina ==> 鹅螺旋体
  45350. Spirochaeta buccalis ==> 颊螺旋体
  45351. Spirochaeta gallinarum ==> 鹅包柔氏螺旋体
  45352. Spirochaeta japonicum ==> 日本螺旋体
  45353. Spirochaeta mucosa ==> 粘膜螺旋体
  45354. Spirochaeta pallida ==> 苍白密螺旋体
  45355. Spirochaeta recurrentis ==> 回归热螺旋体
  45356. Spirochaeta vincentii ==> 奋森氏螺旋体
  45357. Spirochaetaceae ==> 螺旋体科
  45358. spirochaetal granule ==> 螺旋体微粒
  45359. Spirochaetales ==> 螺旋体目
  45360. Spirochaetidae ==> 螺旋体目
  45361. spirochaetosis ==> 螺旋体病
  45362. spirochaetosis arthritica ==> 关节炎性螺旋体病
  45363. spirochaetosis icterohemorrhagica ==> 黄疸性螺旋体病
  45364. spirochetal arthritis ==> 螺旋体性关节炎
  45365. spirochetal dermatosis ==> 螺旋体性皮肤病
  45366. spirochetal hemorrhagic bronchitis ==> 螺旋体性出血性支气管炎
  45367. spirochetal protein complement fixation test ==> 螺旋体蛋白补体结合试验
  45368. spirochetalytic ==> 溶螺旋体的
  45369. spirochete motility inhibition test ==> 螺旋体活动抑制试验
  45370. spirochetemia ==> 螺旋体血症
  45371. spirocheticide ==> 杀螺旋体药
  45372. spirochetolysin ==> 溶螺旋体素
  45373. spirochetolysis ==> 螺旋体溶解作用
  45374. spirochetosis ==> 螺旋体病
  45375. spirocheturia ==> 螺旋体尿
  45376. spirochin ==> 凤尾辣木素
  45377. spirocid ==> 醋酰胺胂
  45378. spirocyst ==> 旋胞
  45379. spiroetry ==> 肺活量测定法
  45380. spirofibrillae ==> 螺形纤丝
  45381. spirograhic porphyrin ==> 血绿卟啉
  45382. spirogram ==> 肺量图,呼吸描记图
  45383. spirograph ==> 呼吸记录器,呼吸描记器,肺量描记器
  45384. spirography ==> 呼吸描记法
  45385. spiroid ==> 偏轴弧齿近平面齿轮
  45386. spirometer ==> 呼吸量计,肺功能测试仪,肺量计,肺气量计
  45387. spirometer for mass examination ==> 集体检查式肺量计
  45388. Spirometra mansoni ==> 曼森氏迭宫绦虫
  45389. spirometric curve ==> 呼吸量曲线
  45390. spirometry ==> 呼吸量测定法,肺量测定法
  45391. spirono-lactone test ==> 螺旋内酯试验
  45392. spironolactone ==> 螺旋内酯,螺旋内酯固醇,安体舒通
  45393. spirooscope ==> 呼吸量测视器
  45394. spiropent ==> 氨双氯喘通,氨哮素
  45395. spiroperidol ==> 螺环哌啶酮
  45396. spirophore ==> 柜式人工呼吸器
  45397. Spiroplasma ==> 螺原体属
  45398. spiroscope ==> 呼吸量测定器,呼吸量检视器
  45399. spiroscopy ==> 呼吸量测视法
  45400. spirosolane ==> 螺旋甾碱烷
  45401. spirosparta ==> 螺形纤丝体
  45402. spirostane ==> 螺旋甾烷
  45403. spirotallic gasket ==> 缠绕垫片
  45404. spirotheca ==> 旋壁
  45405. Spirotricha ==> 旋毛虫目
  45406. Spirotrichia ==> 旋毛亚纲
  45407. spirotron ==> 高速粒子减速器
  45408. spit platform ==> 沙嘴台地
  45409. spit ring ==> 挡油板
  45410. spite effect ==> 泄愤效应
  45411. spittle bug ==> 吹沫虫
  45412. spittle gland ==> 沫腺
  45413. spittle insects ==> 沫蝉
  45414. SPL, solar pumped laser ==> 太陽ポンプレーザー
  45415. SPL, space plasma laboratory ==> スペースプラズマ実験室
  45416. SPL, spectrum power level ==> スペクトル電力レベル
  45417. SPL, standard part list ==> 標準部品リスト
  45418. SPL, standard parts list for space use ==> 宇宙用標準部品リスト
  45419. splanchnic arteriography ==> 内脏动脉造影术
  45420. splanchnic block ==> 内脏神经阻滞麻醉,内脏神经阻滞术
  45421. splanchnic circulation ==> 内脏循环
  45422. splanchnic hematoma ==> 内脏血肿
  45423. splanchnic layer ==> 脏壁层
  45424. splanchnic mesoderm ==> 脏壁中胚层,内脏中胚层
  45425. splanchnic nerve ==> 内脏神经
  45426. splanchnopleure visceral layer ==> 脏层
  45427. splash ==> 溅,溅水,冲浪,泼,喷溅=>スプラッシュ
  45428. splash (feed) system ==> 溅油润滑系统
  45429. splash apron ==> 挡溅板
  45430. splash baffle ==> 防喷溅挡板
  45431. splash bar ==> 搅棒
  45432. splash basin ==> 溅盘
  45433. splash beacon ==> 闪光灯塔,闪光指向标
  45434. splash block ==> 水簸箕
  45435. splash board ==> 挡板,挡泥板,防泥板,溅水板
  45436. splash box ==> 溅水盘=>スプラッシュボックス
  45437. splash cooler ==> 飞溅冷却器
  45438. splash core ==> 防冲刷芯片
  45439. splash cover ==> 挡油护罩
  45440. splash erosion ==> 溅击侵蚀
  45441. splash free evaporation ==> 无溅射蒸发
  45442. splash guard ==> 切削液挡板,防溅罩=>はねよけ
  45443. splash head ==> 喷射头
  45444. splash jacket ==> 水套
  45445. splash loading ==> 喷射加料
  45446. splash lubrication ==> 飞溅润滑
  45447. splash lubrication system ==> 飞溅润滑系统
  45448. splash net ==> 溅落网
  45449. splash pan ==> 水簸箕
  45450. splash plate ==> 挡水板
  45451. splash pocket ==> 飞溅油箱
  45452. splash proof machine ==> 防溅型电机
  45453. splash ring ==> 润滑油环,润滑油圈,溅油环
  45454. splash shield ==> 防溅板
  45455. splash system ==> 飞溅润滑系统
  45456. splash system lubrication ==> 飞溅式润滑
  45457. splash trough ==> 飞溅槽,溅油润滑油池
  45458. splash yarn ==> 黑白竹节纱
  45459. splash-back ==> 防溅挡板
  45460. splash-guard ring ==> 防溅环
  45461. splash-plate injector ==> 溅板式喷嘴
  45462. splash-proof ==> 防溅式的
  45463. splash-proof cover ==> 防水盖
  45464. splash-proof enclosure ==> 防溅外壳
  45465. splash-proof machine ==> 防溅式机器,防溅型电机
  45466. splash-proof motor ==> 防溅式电动机
  45467. splash-proof type induction motor ==> 防溅式感应电动机
  45468. splash-ring injector ==> 溅环式喷嘴
  45469. splash-wall injector ==> 溅板式喷嘴
  45470. splashed glaze ==> 斑点釉
  45471. splashed lustre ==> 斑点光泽彩
  45472. splashing plate ==> 挡溅板
  45473. splashing sound ==> 震水音,振水音,拍水声,击水音
  45474. splashproof case ==> 防まつ外箱
  45475. splashproof construction ==> 防滴溝造
  45476. splashproof machine ==> 防まつ形電機
  45477. splashproof motor ==> 防まつ形モータ
  45478. splashproof type ==> 防はね形
  45479. splat cooling ==> 急冷,喷涂细片冷却法
  45480. splay angle ==> 八字角
  45481. splay foot ==> 八字脚
  45482. splay knot ==> 尖节
  45483. splayed abutment ==> 八字形桥台
  45484. splayed arch ==> 八字拱
  45485. splayed baseboard ==> 八字形踢脚
  45486. splayed coping ==> 薄边式盖顶,单坡屋顶
  45487. splayed door ==> 八字门
  45488. splayed heading joint ==> 八字接头
  45489. splayed jamb ==> 八字形侧墙
  45490. splayed joint ==> 八字形接合,楔形接缝
  45491. splayed niche ==> 八字形壁龛
  45492. splayed skirting ==> 八字形踢脚
  45493. splayed spring ==> 喇叭状配置弹簧
  45494. splayed window ==> 八字窗
  45495. splaying arch ==> 喇叭形拱
  45496. spleen ==> 脾
  45497. Spleen Channel of Foot-Taiyin ==> 足太阴脾经
  45498. Spleen Collateral ==> 足太阴络脉
  45499. spleen colony ==> 脾集落
  45500. spleen index ==> 脾肿指数
  45501. spleen irradiation ==> 脾照射
  45502. spleen lobule ==> 脾小叶
  45503. Spleen Muscle Channel ==> 足太阴经筋
  45504. spleen rate ==> 脾肿率
  45505. spleen regulation exercise ==> 理脾功
  45506. spleen scanning ==> 脾扫描,脾脏扫描
  45507. spleen trabeculae ==> 脾小梁
  45508. spleen-pulp cord ==> 脾髓索
  45509. spleen-renal arterial anastomosis ==> 脾-肾动脉吻合术
  45510. spleen-seeking thymocyte ==> 趋脾胸腺细胞
  45511. splenco-gastric ==> 脾胃的
  45512. splenial bone ==> 夹骨
  45513. splenial teeth ==> 夹骨齿
  45514. splenic ==> 脾的
  45515. splenic abscess ==> 脾脓肿
  45516. splenic anemia ==> 脾性贫血,班替氏病
  45517. splenic anemia with fever ==> 布鲁耳氏病
  45518. splenic arteriography ==> 脾动脉造影术
  45519. splenic artery ==> 脾动脉
  45520. splenic branches ==> 脾支
  45521. splenic capsule ==> 脾被膜
  45522. splenic cell ==> 脾细胞
  45523. splenic cord ==> 脾索
  45524. splenic cords ==> 脾索
  45525. splenic corpuscle ==> 脾小结
  45526. splenic dullness ==> 脾脏浊音
  45527. splenic embolism ==> 脾栓塞
  45528. splenic fever ==> 脾热,炭疽
  45529. splenic flexure ==> 脾曲
  45530. splenic flexure of colon ==> 结肠脾曲,结肠左曲
  45531. splenic flexure syndrome ==> 结肠脾曲综合征
  45532. splenic granulocytopenia ==> 脾性粒细胞减少
  45533. splenic infarction ==> 脾梗塞
  45534. splenic leukemia ==> 脾性白血病
  45535. splenic lymph nodules ==> 脾小结
  45536. splenic lymphonodules ==> 脾淋巴小结
  45537. splenic malpighian corpuscle ==> 脾小结
  45538. splenic notch ==> 脾切迹
  45539. splenic organ ==> 脾
  45540. splenic organs ==> 脾脏器
  45541. splenic pancytopenia ==> 脾性各类血细胞减少
  45542. splenic panhematopenia ==> 脾性各类血细胞减少
  45543. splenic pulp ==> 脾髓
  45544. splenic puncture ==> 脾穿刺
  45545. splenic recess ==> 脾隐窝
  45546. splenic rupture ==> 脾破裂
  45547. splenic scintigraphy ==> 脾闪烁照相术
  45548. splenic stalk ==> 脾蒂
  45549. splenic thrombocytopenia ==> 脾性血小板减少症
  45550. splenic tumor ==> 脾肿瘤
  45551. splenic vein ==> 脾静脉
  45552. splenic venography ==> 脾静脉造影
  45553. splenicterus ==> 脾炎黄疸
  45554. splenium corporis callosi ==> 胼胝体压部
  45555. splenium of corpus callosum ==> 胼胝体压部
  45556. splenius muscle of neck ==> 颈夹肌,颈夹肌
  45557. spleno ==> 脾
  45558. splenoblast ==> 成脾细胞
  45559. splenocleisis ==> 脾表面刺激法,脾刺激法
  45560. splenocolic ==> 脾结肠的
  45561. splenocyte ==> 脾细胞
  45562. splenodynia ==> 脾痛
  45563. splenogram ==> 脾X线片,脾X线照片
  45564. splenogranulomatosis ==> 脾肉芽肿病
  45565. splenography ==> 脾X线照相术,脾线造影术
  45566. splenohemia ==> 脾充血
  45567. splenohepatitis ==> 脾肝炎
  45568. splenohepatomegalia ==> 脾肝巨大
  45569. splenohepatomegaly ==> 脾肝巨大
  45570. splenoid ==> 脾样的
  45571. splenokeratosis ==> 脾硬化
  45572. splenology ==> 脾脏学
  45573. splenolysin ==> 脾溶素,溶脾素
  45574. splenolysis ==> 脾溶解,脾组织破坏
  45575. splenoma ==> 脾瘤
  45576. splenomalacia ==> 脾软化
  45577. splenomegalia ==> 脾肿大
  45578. splenomegalic polycythemia ==> 脾大性红细胞增多
  45579. splenomegaly ==> 脾大,脾肿大,巨脾,巨脾
  45580. splenomeglia ==> 脾大
  45581. splenometry ==> 脾测量法
  45582. splenomyelomalacia ==> 脾骨髓软化
  45583. splenoncus ==> 脾瘤
  45584. splenonephric ==> 脾肾的
  45585. splenonephritic ==> 脾肾炎的
  45586. splenonephroptosis ==> 脾肾下垂
  45587. splenoparectama ==> 脾过大
  45588. splenoparectasia ==> 脾过大
  45589. splenoparectasis ==> 脾过大
  45590. splenopathy ==> 脾病
  45591. splenopexia ==> 脾固定术
  45592. splenopexis ==> 脾固定术
  45593. splenopexy ==> 脾固定术
  45594. splenopneumonia ==> 脾样变性肺炎
  45595. splenoportal venous anastomosis ==> 脾门静脉吻合术
  45596. splenoportography ==> 脾门静脉X线造影术,脾门静脉造影术
  45597. splenoptosia ==> 脾下垂
  45598. splenoptosis ==> 脾下垂
  45599. splenopuncture ==> 脾穿刺术
  45600. splenorenopexy ==> 脾肾固定术
  45601. splenorrhagia ==> 脾充血,脾出血
  45602. splenorrhaphy ==> 脾缝合术,脾缝术
  45603. splenosis ==> 脾机能亢进,脾组织移植
  45604. splenotherapy ==> 脾疗法,脾质疗法
  45605. splenotomy ==> 脾切开术
  45606. splenotoxicosis ==> 脾脏中毒症
  45607. splenotoxin ==> 脾毒素
  45608. splenotyphoid ==> 脾型伤寒
  45609. splent coal ==> 暗硬煤
  45610. SPLF, station/platform lidar facility ==> ステーション/プラットフォームライダー施設
  45611. splice ==> 电缆接头,连接套管,中间接头=>永久接続,スプライス,中間接続
  45612. splice angle ==> 绞接角
  45613. splice bolt ==> 拼接螺栓
  45614. splice box ==> 电缆分线箱=>接続箱
  45615. splice graft ==> 搭接
  45616. splice joint ==> 鱼尾板接合,拼合接头
  45617. splice length ==> 搭接长度
  45618. splice loading ==> スリーブ装荷
  45619. splice loss ==> 接続損
  45620. splice pad ==> 拼合衬垫
  45621. splice plate ==> 拼接板,接合板,镶接板,鱼尾板,连接板=>継ぎ目板
  45622. splice web ==> 直梁接合
  45623. spliced joint ==> 分层接合
  45624. spliced pole ==> 叠接电杆=>継柱
  45625. spliceosomal cleavage ==> スプライソソームの切断
  45626. splicer ==> 接合器铅工=>接続具
  45627. splicer for magnetic film ==> 磁带片接片机
  45628. splicing ==> 接合,接片,接绳,拼接
  45629. splicing apparatus ==> 拼接装置,接纸装置
  45630. splicing chamber ==> マンホール
  45631. splicing code ==> スプライシングコード
  45632. splicing ear ==> 连接端子
  45633. splicing fitting ==> 接线夹
  45634. splicing length ==> 搭接长度
  45635. splicing loss ==> 接头损耗
  45636. splicing of bars ==> 钢筋搭接
  45637. splicing pole ==> 叠接杆
  45638. splicing sleeve ==> 连接套筒,交接套=>(接続)スリーブ
  45639. splicing sleeve(circular) ==> 接续管(圆形)
  45640. splicing sleeve(oval) ==> 接续管(椭圆形)
  45641. splicing tape ==> 接合磁带,接片胶带,拼接带
  45642. splicing tpae ==> 接合带
  45643. spline ==> 塞缝片,齿槽,曲线尺,样条,止转楔键槽,键槽条,楔条,多键,花键=>スプライン
  45644. spline a keyway ==> 切出键槽
  45645. spline adapter ==> 键槽接头
  45646. spline analysis ==> 样条分析
  45647. spline and keyway miller ==> 花键与键槽铣床
  45648. spline and keyway milling machine ==> 花键与键槽铣床
  45649. spline approximation ==> 样条逼近,样条函数近似
  45650. spline broach ==> 花键拉刀,多键形拉刀,键槽拉刀
  45651. spline conversion ==> スプライン変換
  45652. spline coupling ==> 花键联轴节=>スプライン継ぎ手
  45653. spline curve ==> スプライン曲線
  45654. spline cutter ==> 花键铣刀
  45655. spline feed rod ==> 花键进给杠
  45656. spline fit ==> 花键配合,样条拟合
  45657. spline fit approximation ==> 试配逼近法
  45658. spline fit curve ==> 试配曲线,样条拟合曲线
  45659. spline fit method ==> 试配法
  45660. spline fitting ==> 花键座
  45661. spline function ==> 仿样函数,样条函数
  45662. spline gauge ==> 花键量规
  45663. spline gear ==> 花键齿轮
  45664. spline grinder ==> 沟槽磨床
  45665. spline grinding machine ==> 花键磨床
  45666. spline hob ==> 花键滚刀
  45667. spline hobbing machine ==> 花键滚齿机,花键轴铣床
  45668. spline housing ==> 花键套
  45669. spline hub ==> 花键座
  45670. spline interpolation ==> 仿样内插,仿样内插法,样条内插=>スプライン補間
  45671. spline joint ==> 花键接合,填实缝,键槽连接=>スプライン継ぎ手
  45672. spline method ==> スプライン法
  45673. spline miller ==> 花键铣床
  45674. spline milling ==> 花链铣
  45675. spline milling cutter ==> 花键铣刀
  45676. spline milling machine ==> 花键铣床
  45677. spline pinion cutter ==> 花键插齿刀
  45678. spline plug gauge ==> 花键塞规
  45679. spline push broach ==> 花键推刀
  45680. spline ring gauge ==> 花键环规
  45681. spline rolling ==> スプライン転造
  45682. spline shaft ==> 花键轴,多键轴,多槽轴=>スプライン軸,スプラインシャフト
  45683. spline shaft gear ==> 花键轴齿轮
  45684. spline shaft grinder ==> スプライン軸研削盤
  45685. spline shaft grinding machine ==> 花键轴磨床
  45686. spline shaft hob ==> 花键滚刀
  45687. spline shaft hobbing machine ==> 花键轴铣床
  45688. spline shaft milling machine ==> 花键轴铣床
  45689. spline shaft yoke ==> 花键轴叉头
  45690. spline slip yoke ==> 花键套叉头
  45691. spline surface ==> スプライン曲面
  45692. spline tooth ==> スプライン刃
  45693. splined connection ==> 花键连接
  45694. splined coupling ==> 齿槽联轴节
  45695. splined curve ==> スプライン曲線
  45696. splined feed shaft ==> 多键进给轴
  45697. splined hobbing machine ==> 花键滚床
  45698. splined hole ==> 花键孔
  45699. splined hub ==> 花键套
  45700. splined joint ==> 花键接合
  45701. splined mandrel ==> 花键心轴
  45702. splined nut ==> 带槽螺母
  45703. splined portion of shaft ==> 轴的多键部分
  45704. splined shaft ==> 花键轴
  45705. splined shaft hob ==> 花键滚刀
  45706. splined shaft milling cutter ==> 花键铣刀
  45707. splined sleeve ==> 花键套管
  45708. splined spanner ==> 花键扳手
  45709. splined spindle ==> 花键轴
  45710. splined york dust seal ==> 滑槽轭防尘圈
  45711. splint ==> 暗硬煤,薄木片,火柴杆=>つぎ板
  45712. splint bandage ==> 副子固定
  45713. splint bone ==> 赘骨=>腓骨
  45714. splint coal ==> 暗硬煤
  45715. splint cutting machine ==> 割木片机
  45716. splint for spinal cord ==> 脊髓夹板
  45717. splint pin ==> 开口销
  45718. splint wood ==> 边材
  45719. splinter forceps ==> 裂片镊(钳)
  45720. splinter hemorrhage ==> 裂片形出血
  45721. splinter of stone ==> 碎石片
  45722. splinter-proof glass ==> 防碎玻璃
  45723. splintering fracture ==> 碎片状破裂
  45724. splintery fracture ==> 裂片断口,粗糙断面
  45725. split ==> 等信号区,拼合,拼合的,劈,劈裂,裂,裂缝,裂开,裂口的,分叉的,分割,分开,分裂,对开材,未清股票分割,夹层煤,中分面=>分割,分割した
  45726. split (strip packing) gland ==> 对开填料压盖
  45727. split across ==> 对裂开
  45728. split adapter sleeve ==> 剖分式紧定套
  45729. split adjusting collar ==> 开口调整环
  45730. split ag(e)ing ==> 两段时效
  45731. split ageing ==> 分级时效
  45732. split anode ==> 分瓣阳极,双瓣阳极=>分割陽極
  45733. split anode magnetron ==> 分瓣阳极磁控管
  45734. split application ==> 少量频施肥料,分期施肥,分期施用,双行施肥
  45735. split applications ==> 分施
  45736. split axle ==> 分轴
  45737. split axle box ==> 对开轴承
  45738. split back ==> 画幅分割滑板
  45739. split barrel ==> 对开试样筒
  45740. split batch charging ==> 分散配料
  45741. split beam ==> 分裂波束
  45742. split bearing ==> 可调轴承=>割り軸受
  45743. split bearing bushing ==> 可拆衬垫
  45744. split block ==> 裂纹式砌块
  45745. split boards ==> 层合封面纸板
  45746. split bolt ==> 开口螺栓,带开尾销螺栓,燕尾螺栓,对拉螺栓
  45747. split boot ==> 带分种管的开沟器
  45748. split box ==> 拼合式滑动轴承,分线箱,对开式滑动轴承
  45749. split brick ==> 长度方向的半砖
  45750. split brush ==> 分瓣电刷,分块电刷=>分割ブラシ
  45751. split bump ==> 接头噪声
  45752. split burner ==> 裂口灯,裂口喷嘴
  45753. split bus protection ==> 分析母线保护
  45754. split bush ==> 剖分轴衬
  45755. split bushing ==> 拼合衬套,裂口衬套
  45756. split cache ==> 分割キャッシュ
  45757. split cameras ==> 分束照相机
  45758. split capital ==> 分割资本=>分割資本金
  45759. split carrier ==> 载波分离
  45760. split carrier system ==> 分裂载波制
  45761. split casing ==> 对分外壳,中分面式气缸=>分割ケーシング
  45762. split cast method ==> スプリットキャスト法
  45763. split catalog ==> 分类目录
  45764. split catalogue ==> 分部目录
  45765. split cavity ==> 分裂槽,对开模
  45766. split chaining field ==> 分离链接字段
  45767. split charging ==> 分装
  45768. split charter ==> 分包
  45769. split chuck ==> 弹簧卡盘
  45770. split circlip ==> 开口簧环
  45771. split clamping bearing ==> 拼合夹紧套
  45772. split clearance ==> 分开单独清除
  45773. split coal ==> 分叉煤层,夹层煤
  45774. split collar ==> 开口垫圈,裂口环,拼合环
  45775. split collar retainer ==> 拼合环座圈
  45776. split collector ring ==> 分瓣式汇流环
  45777. split collet ==> 弹簧套筒夹头,夹头
  45778. split column journal ==> 专栏日记帐
  45779. split compressor ==> 分级压气机
  45780. split conductor ==> 多股绝缘导线,多芯线
  45781. split confounding ==> 裂区混杂
  45782. split conical bushing ==> 切口锥形套筒
  45783. split contact ==> 双头接点
  45784. split contract ==> 分项承包
  45785. split core ==> 分裂铁芯=>分割鉄心
  45786. split core box ==> 对分式芯盒
  45787. split core rod ==> 拼合芯棒
  45788. split core type current transformer ==> 钳形电流互感器,分裂铁芯式变流器
  45789. split cotter ==> 开扁销,开尾扁销=>割りコッタ
  45790. split cotter pin ==> 开尾销
  45791. split coupling ==> 开口套管
  45792. split crack ==> 纵裂
  45793. split crankcase ==> 对开曲轴箱,可拆曲柄箱
  45794. split crankcase ==> 对开曲轴箱,可拆曲柄箱
  45795. split cup ==> 分瓣感应环
  45796. split cutoff ==> 分叉式阻种器
  45797. split cylinder mode ==> 分割同位标磁道组方式
  45798. split dc capacitors ==> 分圧直流コンデンサ
  45799. split decision ==> 非一致性决定
  45800. split delivery ==> 分批到货,均分到货,均分到货
  45801. split design ==> 分割设计
  45802. split developer ==> 双液显影
  45803. split diaphragm ==> 拼合隔板
  45804. split die ==> 拼合模,缝口板牙
  45805. split diopter ==> 层光分割
  45806. split disk ==> 分离盘
  45807. split dose irradiation ==> 分剂量照射
  45808. split ear ==> 耳廓裂,耳裂,裂耳(廓)
  45809. split electrode ==> 多回路电极
  45810. split end ==> 劈头
  45811. split fabric ==> 分片多层织物
  45812. split feed ==> 分路馈给
  45813. split field ==> 分类信息组,分离视场,分裂场,分像视场
  45814. split field motor ==> 串励绕组分段式直流电动机
  45815. split field picture ==> 分场图像,分画面图像
  45816. split fire bridge ==> 空冷火桥
  45817. split fitting ==> 分裂接头件,分支配件
  45818. split fix ==> 分段定位,分角定位
  45819. split flame furnace ==> 分焰炉
  45820. split flap ==> 分裂式襟翼
  45821. split flow ==> 分导流
  45822. split flow pump ==> 分流泵,双联泵
  45823. split flywheel ==> 可拆卸飞轮
  45824. split focus ==> 分裂焦点,折中聚焦
  45825. split friction cone ==> 拼合摩擦锥轮
  45826. split furnace ==> 开缝炉
  45827. split gear ==> 拼合齿轮,双片齿轮
  45828. split guide ==> 剖分式导管
  45829. split hairs ==> 钻牛角尖=>重箱の隅をつつく
  45830. split hand ==> 手裂
  45831. split heads ==> 马凳
  45832. split holder ==> 拼合刀架,弹簧刀杆,弹簧夹持器
  45833. split housing ==> 拼合壳
  45834. split hub ==> 拼合毂,可卸毂
  45835. split image ==> 振铃效应图像,双像,分裂图像
  45836. split image wedge ==> 裂像光楔,分像光楔
  45837. split indication ==> 等强信号指示
  45838. split ingot mo(u)ld ==> 对开钢锭模
  45839. split instruction ==> 分指令
  45840. split investment company ==> 分裂投资公司
  45841. split joint ==> 拼接
  45842. split key ==> 切断按钮,切断电键,开口键=>分割電鍵
  45843. split keyboarding ==> 分开键入
  45844. split knob ==> 线路瓷夹
  45845. split leaf gate ==> 分扇拼合闸门
  45846. split ledger account ==> 分割分类帐户
  45847. split lens ==> 剖开透镜
  45848. split lever end ==> 叉式杆端
  45849. split line ==> 拼合线,分模线
  45850. split log drag ==> 木条刮路器
  45851. split mo(u)ld ==> 组合模,拼合铸模
  45852. split mould ==> 对开模
  45853. split muff coupling ==> 开口套筒联轴节,壳形筒联轴节
  45854. split nut ==> 对开螺母,拼合螺母
  45855. split nuts ==> 开合螺母
  45856. split of thought ==> 思维破裂
  45857. split off ==> 分裂,分裂出来
  45858. split open ended core box ==> 对分式无底芯盒
  45859. split order ==> 分次订单,分批订单,散分定货
  45860. split outer race bearing ==> 拼合外压圈滚柱轴承
  45861. split pair ==> 劈分线对=>スプリット対
  45862. split paraboloid ==> 裂瓣抛物面
  45863. split pastern ==> 球节裂
  45864. split pattern ==> 解体模,分体模,分块模拼合木模
  45865. split pattern mo (u)lding machine ==> 拼合木模制型机
  45866. split pelvis ==> 分裂骨盆
  45867. split personality ==> 分裂人格
  45868. split phase ==> 分裂相位,分相
  45869. split phase belt winding ==> 分割相带绕阻
  45870. split phase induction motor ==> 分相感应电动机
  45871. split phase motor ==> 分相电动机
  45872. split phase starting ==> 分相起动
  45873. split phase starting system induction motor ==> 分相起动式感应电动机
  45874. split picture ==> 分裂图像
  45875. split pin ==> 开尾销
  45876. split pin extractor ==> 起开口销器
  45877. split pin for set piston rod ==> 活塞杆定位销
  45878. split pin for set pitman pin ==> 连杆开口销
  45879. split pipe ==> 对开管=>割り管
  45880. split piston skirt ==> 沟槽活塞裙
  45881. split piston valve ==> 两台肩阀
  45882. split plate ==> 分裂板,单面模板
  45883. split plate pattern ==> 双面模板
  45884. split plot ==> 裂区
  45885. split plot arrangement ==> 裂区排列
  45886. split plot design ==> 裂区设计,分割设计
  45887. split plot experiment ==> 裂区实验
  45888. split plug ==> 香蕉插头
  45889. split pointer ==> 叉式指针
  45890. split pole ==> 分裂磁极
  45891. split pole machine ==> 分裂磁极电机
  45892. split pricing ==> 非单一价格政策,分别订价
  45893. split product ==> 分裂产物
  45894. split projector ==> 分裂式发射器
  45895. split pulley ==> 拼合皮带轮
  45896. split punch pad ==> 拼合式凸模压板
  45897. split range positioner ==> 分段定位器
  45898. split ratio ==> 分流比
  45899. split reactor ==> 分裂电抗器
  45900. split resistance ==> 抗劈强度
  45901. split rim ==> 拼合轮辋
  45902. split ring ==> 裂环,开口环
  45903. split ring commutator ==> 分环整流子
  45904. split rivet ==> 开口铆钉
  45905. split rods ==> 分纱辊
  45906. split rotor ==> 分裂式转子
  45907. split rotor plate ==> 分瓣动片,分瓣转片
  45908. split row application ==> 双行施肥
  45909. split row boot ==> 分叉导种双行播种开沟器
  45910. split run ==> 交流水蒸汽鼓风,(水煤气炉)交替通蒸汽
  45911. split S-turn ==> 拼合S形转弯
  45912. split sale ==> 分割销售
  45913. split sample method ==> 样品等分法
  45914. split sampling ==> 分流进样
  45915. split saw ==> 粗齿锯
  45916. split screen ==> 拼接特技画面,屏蔽分割,分割屏面,分区屏幕
  45917. split screen effect ==> 分画面特技
  45918. split screen viewing ==> 分画面电视
  45919. split seam ==> 分裂煤层
  45920. split secondary ==> 分节初级线圈
  45921. split seedling ==> 纵剖实生苗
  45922. split separation of impulses ==> 脉冲分散
  45923. split series servomechanism ==> 双绕组伺服电动机
  45924. split series servomotor ==> 双绕组串激伺服电动机
  45925. split shaft ==> 分轴式
  45926. split shaft gas turbine ==> 分轴式燃气轮机,分辆式燃气轮机
  45927. split share ==> 分割股
  45928. split sheet size ==> 分片上浆
  45929. split shell ==> 二合罩
  45930. split shift ==> 分次上班,交替分次轮班,交替轮班
  45931. split shipment ==> 分批发货
  45932. split shovel ==> 缝口铲
  45933. split skirt ==> 沟槽活塞裙,开缝活塞导缘
  45934. split skirt piston ==> 裙部开槽活塞
  45935. split sound receiver ==> 伴音分路电视接收机
  45936. split spline crankshaft ==> 键槽连接式曲轴
  45937. split spoon ==> 对开式取土勺
  45938. split spread ==> 分段利差,分割加码
  45939. split sprocket ==> 拼合式链轮
  45940. split stator ==> 分瓣定子
  45941. split stator capacitor ==> 分裂定片电容器
  45942. split stator condenser ==> 分定片电容器
  45943. split suit ==> 分开套装
  45944. split system ==> 分离系统,分流系统
  45945. split system heating ==> 分立系统加热
  45946. split taper cotter ==> 锥形开尾销
  45947. split taper pin ==> 锥形开尾销
  45948. split tapered bushing ==> 拼合锥形衬套
  45949. split test ==> 开裂试验
  45950. split test method ==> 裂检验法
  45951. split the cost ==> 分担成本
  45952. split the layout line ==> 按设计图准确加工
  45953. split thread ring ==> 开口带线圈
  45954. split throw winding ==> 階段巻
  45955. split tolerance ==> 分裂耐受性
  45956. split tongue ==> 舌裂
  45957. split torsion test ==> 扭转断口试验
  45958. split tower erection ==> 分解组塔
  45959. split transformation ==> 分裂转变
  45960. split transmission ==> 分置式传动装置
  45961. split tube ==> 对开管口
  45962. split turbine ==> 分轴式透平
  45963. split type ==> 拼合式
  45964. split type air conditioner ==> 分离式空调器
  45965. split type crankcase ==> 拼合式曲柄箱
  45966. split up ==> 分割
  45967. split valve guide ==> 剖分式阀导管
  45968. split variometer ==> 分档可变电感器
  45969. split ventilation ==> 分风式通风,分流通风
  45970. split vertical photography ==> 分行竖直摄影
  45971. split washer ==> 开口挡圈
  45972. split wedge ==> 拼合楔
  45973. split wheel ==> 拼合轮
  45974. split winding ==> 抽头绕组,分裂绕组=>階段巻
  45975. split winding goniometer ==> 分割线圈测向器,抽头绕组式测向器
  45976. split winding type synchronous motor ==> 抽头绕,抽头绕组式同步电动机
  45977. split wooden carrying roller ==> 拼合式木支持轮
  45978. split year ==> 跨年度
  45979. split-altitude profile ==> 不连续高度剖面图
  45980. split-anode magnetron ==> 分瓣阳极磁控管
  45981. split-arm flywheel ==> 分模面飞轮,中分面飞轮
  45982. split-bamboo kiln ==> 劈竹形窑
  45983. split-bar generator ==> 分离条信号发生器
  45984. split-batch charging ==> 分批下料
  45985. split-battery system ==> 分组电池装置
  45986. split-beam cathode ray tube ==> 分束阴极射线管
  45987. split-beam hologram ==> 分束全息图
  45988. split-beam photometric analyzer ==> 分裂光束光度分析仪
  45989. split-blip ==> 裂峰信号,双峰
  45990. split-casing pump ==> 剖壳式泵
  45991. split-clamp crankshaft ==> 夹紧式曲轴
  45992. split-compressor ==> 二级压缩机
  45993. split-compressor engine ==> 分级压缩发动机
  45994. split-condenser circuit ==> 低通滤波器Z形节电路,低通滤波器π形节电路
  45995. split-conductor cable ==> 分芯电缆,分股电缆
  45996. split-conductor protection ==> 分股导线保护
  45997. split-coupon bonds ==> 分息债券
  45998. split-cycle control ==> 快速调整
  45999. split-die ==> 拼合板牙,组合锻模,可拆模
  46000. split-die liner ==> 组合模衬
  46001. split-digger blade ==> 开口式挖掘铲
  46002. split-disk film-type bolometer ==> 分裂圆盘薄膜型测辐射热器
  46003. split-draft metier ==> 热风分向干式纺丝机
  46004. split-drum mixer ==> 裂筒式拌和机
  46005. split-face block ==> 裂纹式砌块
  46006. split-feed control ==> 分路馈给控制
  46007. split-field ==> 像场分割取景器
  46008. split-field analyser ==> 分场分析器
  46009. split-field filter ==> 远近镜
  46010. split-field finder ==> 场像分割取景器
  46011. split-field lens ==> 分场透镜
  46012. split-field motor ==> 串激绕组分段式直流电动机
  46013. split-field photometer ==> 分场光度计
  46014. split-field photometery ==> 分场光度学
  46015. split-field polarizer ==> 分场偏振镜
  46016. split-flow ==> 分开流动,分流
  46017. split-flow heater ==> 分流加热器
  46018. split-flow metier ==> 热风分向干式纺丝机
  46019. split-flow reactor ==> 分流反应堆
  46020. split-folded waveguide ==> 分离折叠波导
  46021. split-half correlation ==> 二分法相关
  46022. split-half method ==> 半分法
  46023. split-half reliability ==> 折半信度
  46024. split-hub pulley ==> 拼合轮毂式皮带轮
  46025. split-image field range-finder ==> 裂像测距器
  46026. split-jet injector ==> 缝隙式喷嘴
  46027. split-lens interference ==> 对切透镜干涉
  46028. split-level investment trust ==> 两级投资托拉斯
  46029. split-mode ==> 分裂模
  46030. split-mode unstable resonator ==> 分裂模不稳定共振腔
  46031. split-off ==> 分营,以股易股=>分離
  46032. split-phase conductor ==> 分裂导线
  46033. split-phase differential relaying ==> 分析差动继电方式,分相差动继电方式
  46034. split-phase enclosed bus ==> 分析封闭母线
  46035. split-phase induction motor ==> 分析感应电动机=>分相誘導電動機
  46036. split-phase method ==> 分相法
  46037. split-phase motor ==> 分析电动机,分析机,分相电动机,分相机
  46038. split-phase protection ==> 分相継電方式
  46039. split-phase relay ==> 分析继电器
  46040. split-phase relay protection ==> 分相继电保护
  46041. split-phase relaying scheme ==> 分相継電方式
  46042. split-phase starting ==> 分析起动,分相起动
  46043. split-phase starting system induction motor ==> 分析起动式感应电动机
  46044. split-phase type ==> 分相式=>分相形
  46045. split-phase type relay ==> 分析式继电器
  46046. split-phase winding ==> 分析绕组,分相绕组
  46047. split-phase-start motor ==> 分相始動電動機
  46048. split-plate magnetron ==> 瓣形阳极磁控管
  46049. split-plot analysis of variance ==> 裂区方差分析
  46050. split-plot confounding ==> 裂区混杂
  46051. split-plot design ==> 裂区试验法
  46052. split-plot experiment ==> 分割试验
  46053. split-pole converter ==> 分割磁极换流器,分割磁极旋转换流机,分极变流机,分裂磁极变流机
  46054. split-pole motor ==> 分极电动机,分级电动机
  46055. split-pole rotary converter ==> 分极旋转变流机
  46056. split-pole spectrograph ==> 分割磁极摄谱仪
  46057. split-pump hydraulic system ==> 多泵液压系统
  46058. split-pumping ==> 分别给料
  46059. split-rag head ==> 叉形头
  46060. split-renal function test ==> 分肾功能试验
  46061. split-ring clutch ==> 裂环离合器,扣环离合器
  46062. split-ring connection ==> 开环接合,裂环接合
  46063. split-ring connector ==> 裂环接件,开环接件,开口环连接件
  46064. split-ring core lifter ==> 开口环提芯器
  46065. split-ring lifter ==> 开口环提芯器
  46066. split-ring mo(u)ld ==> 组合模
  46067. split-ring mold ==> 瓣合模
  46068. split-ring piston packing ==> 开环式活塞胀圈
  46069. split-ring seal ==> 开口毡封圈
  46070. split-rivet wire ==> 开口铆钉用钢丝
  46071. split-rod graphite resistor ==> 割口石墨电阻棒
  46072. split-rod resistor ==> 割口电阻棒
  46073. split-row boot ==> 分叉导种双行开沟器
  46074. split-row fertilizer boot ==> 分叉导肥双条施肥开沟器
  46075. split-run ==> 分割法
  46076. split-run copy testing ==> 分开广告测验
  46077. split-run test ==> 分割实验
  46078. split-screen display ==> 分屏幕显示
  46079. split-second cam ==> 双秒针凸轮
  46080. split-second cam driver ==> 双秒针凸轮驱动器
  46081. split-second cam driver jumper ==> 双秒针凸轮驱动跳杆
  46082. split-second cam jumper ==> 双秒针凸轮定位杆
  46083. split-second chronograph wheel ==> 双秒针计时器轮
  46084. split-second collet ==> 双秒针制动杆
  46085. split-second collet cover ==> 双秒针夹套压片
  46086. split-second collet spring ==> 双秒针制动杆簧
  46087. split-second collet support eccentric ==> 双秒针制动杆偏心销
  46088. split-second collet tube ==> 双秒针夹套管
  46089. split-second collets cover support ==> 双秒针制动杆盖座
  46090. split-second column wheel ==> 双秒针柱轮
  46091. split-second column wheel jumper ==> 双秒针柱轮定位杆
  46092. split-second column wheel ring ==> 双秒针柱轮衬套
  46093. split-second column wheel tube ==> 双秒针柱轮套
  46094. split-second control ==> 快速控制
  46095. split-second delay detonator ==> 微差电雷管
  46096. split-second hand module ==> 双秒针组件
  46097. split-second heart ==> 双秒针桃轮
  46098. split-second lever ==> 双秒针杆
  46099. split-second lever spring ==> 双秒针杆簧
  46100. split-second lever support ==> 双秒针杆座
  46101. split-second mechanism ==> 双秒机构
  46102. split-second operating lever ==> 双秒针活动杆
  46103. split-second operating lever cover ==> 双秒针活动杆压片
  46104. split-second operating lever hook ==> 双秒针活动杆钩
  46105. split-second operating lever pin ==> 双秒针活动杆销
  46106. split-second operating lever spring ==> 双秒针活动杆簧
  46107. split-second operating lever stud ==> 双秒针活动杆桩
  46108. split-second operating lever tube ==> 双秒针活动杆套
  46109. split-second pusher ==> 双秒推扭
  46110. split-second response ==> 瞬时动作
  46111. split-second spindle ==> 双秒针轴
  46112. split-second timer ==> 双秒针记时器,精密定时器,精密秒表
  46113. split-second watch ==> 双秒针停表
  46114. split-second wheel ==> 双秒轮
  46115. split-second wheel bridge ==> 双秒针轮夹板
  46116. split-second wheel cover ==> 双秒针压片
  46117. split-second wheel cover seating ==> 双秒针轮盖片
  46118. split-second(-hand) ==> 双秒针
  46119. split-second(s) chronograph ==> 双秒针计时器
  46120. split-second-hand ==> 秒分指针
  46121. split-seconds chronograph ==> 双针秒表
  46122. split-segment die ==> 可拆模
  46123. split-skin graft ==> 分层皮移植片
  46124. split-sound system ==> 分离声系统,分路伴音系统
  46125. split-spoon sample ==> 对开式取土样
  46126. split-stator tuning capacitor ==> 分裂定片调谐电容器
  46127. split-stator variable capacitor ==> 分裂定片可变电容器
  46128. split-step Fourier migration ==> 分步傅立叶偏移
  46129. split-target ==> スプリットターゲット
  46130. split-tear ==> 剥撕
  46131. split-train drive ==> 拼合齿轮系驱动
  46132. split-tube drive sampler ==> 对开管打入式取土器
  46133. split-tube sampler ==> 对开管式取土器
  46134. split-type housing ==> 分开式后轴壳
  46135. split-up ==> 析产分股
  46136. split-up point allowance ==> 废品限额
  46137. split-word operation ==> 分字段运算,分字运算
  46138. splitband fertilizer boot ==> 分叉导肥双条施肥开沟器
  46139. splits system ==> 分立系统
  46140. splitted level ==> 分裂能级
  46141. splitter ==> 劈木机,剖皮机
  46142. splitter blade ==> 分流叶片
  46143. splitter box ==> 分离沟,分流槽,分线箱
  46144. splitter plate ==> 分隔板
  46145. splitter wall ==> 分水墙
  46146. splitting ==> 劈裂,蜕变,分裂,裂开,析产分股,解列,电力系统或发电设备由于保护或安全自动装置动作或按规定的要求,解开相互连接使其单独运行的操作
  46147. splitting (decomposition) ==> 裂解
  46148. splitting action ==> 裂解作用,分裂作用
  46149. splitting and reassembling technique ==> 分裂与还原技术
  46150. splitting angle ==> 分束角
  46151. splitting beam ==> 分束
  46152. splitting chisel ==> 开尾凿
  46153. splitting decomposition ==> 分裂分解
  46154. splitting die ==> 分离模,组合模
  46155. splitting factor ==> 分离系数
  46156. splitting forceps ==> 分劈钳
  46157. splitting gun ==> 爆破枪
  46158. splitting instrument ==> 分解器
  46159. splitting key ==> 切断按钮
  46160. splitting machine ==> 分切机
  46161. splitting maul ==> 锤斧
  46162. splitting method of pillar recovery ==> 煤柱分隔回采法
  46163. splitting network ==> 分裂网络
  46164. splitting of blocks ==> 块的分割
  46165. splitting of energy levels ==> 能级分裂
  46166. splitting of heart sounds ==> 心音分裂
  46167. splitting of spectral lines ==> 光谱线分裂
  46168. splitting of words ==> 字分隔
  46169. splitting plane ==> 分裂面
  46170. splitting point ==> 解列点,电网的联络线或设备在电网解列时的预定断开处
  46171. splitting ratio ==> 分束比
  46172. splitting scheme ==> 劈因子格式
  46173. splitting strength ==> 劈裂强度
  46174. splitting style ==> 分岔型式
  46175. splitting system ==> 分裂系统
  46176. splitting technique ==> 分离技术,分裂法,分裂技巧,分裂技术
  46177. splitting test ==> 分裂试验
  46178. splitting time ==> 分隔时间
  46179. splitting tower ==> えぼし鉄塔
  46180. splitting up ==> 裂开
  46181. splitting wedge ==> 劈裂楔,劈木楔
  46182. splitting-pad ==> 分裂衰减器
  46183. splitting-up ==> 分裂
  46184. splittings ==> 云母薄片
  46185. SPM Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ==> 卫生及植物保健测量协议
  46186. SPM Single Point Mooring System ==> 单点停泊系统
  46187. SPM strokes per minute ==> 冲程每分钟
  46188. SPM, 'Shajo' Procedure Module ==> 打上げ準備作業手順書
  46189. SPM, Satellite Procedure Module ==> 射場作業手順書
  46190. SPM, Scanning Probe Microscope ==> 走査プローブ顕微鏡
  46191. SPM, solar power module ==> 太陽電力モジュール
  46192. SPM, solar proton module ==> 太陽プロトン監視装置
  46193. SPM, solar proton monitor ==> 太陽陽子モニター
  46194. SPM, spin precession maneuver ==> スピン軸プレセッションマヌーバ
  46195. SPM, spin rocket motor ==> スピンロケットモータ
  46196. SPM, surface-permanent magnet ==> 表面磁石形
  46197. SPM, synchronized phasor measurements ==> 同步相量测量=>同期フェーザ測定
  46198. SPM, synchronous pulse mode ==> 同期パルスモード
  46199. SPME, specified powered mechanical equipment ==> 指明机动设备
  46200. SPMSM, surface permanent magnet synchronous motors ==> 表面磁石シンクロナスモータ
  46201. SPO, System Provider Office ==> システムプロバイダ局
  46202. spodic horizon ==> 灰化层,灰壤淀积层
  46203. spodogenous splenomegaly ==> 红细胞废质性脾大
  46204. spoil area ==> 废料场,废渣场
  46205. spoil disposal ==> 废渣处理
  46206. spoilage and defective work losses ==> 废品损失
  46207. spoilage in excess of norm ==> 超定额损耗
  46208. spoilage random fluctuation ==> 废品不规则波动
  46209. spoilage report ==> 废品损失报告书
  46210. spoiled goods market ==> 废品市场
  46211. spoiled material report ==> 废料报告
  46212. spoiled products management ==> 废品管理
  46213. spoiled work ==> 仕損品
  46214. spoiler ==> 扰连
  46215. spoils system ==> 分赃制
  46216. spoke ==> 轮辐,车轮连接轮毂和轮辋的多支辐条
  46217. spoke barrel ==> 辐轮毂
  46218. spoke bolt ==> 辐螺栓
  46219. spoke centre ==> 轮辐中心
  46220. spoke clip for wheel ==> 车轮辐条紧杆
  46221. spoke dowel ==> 辐尖端,轮辐尖端
  46222. spoke key ==> 辐条扳手
  46223. spoke modulation ==> 辐式调制
  46224. spoke nipple ==> 轮辐钢丝螺母
  46225. spoke planing machine ==> 轮辐刨床
  46226. spoke reticle ==> 辐条状调制盘
  46227. spoke reticle blade ==> 辐条状调制盘叶片
  46228. spoke ring ==> 轮辐环
  46229. spoke shave plane ==> 辐刨
  46230. spoke wire ==> 辐条钢丝
  46231. spoke-divided flywheel ==> 分模面飞轮,中分面飞轮
  46232. spoke-shave with wooden handle ==> 木柄弯刨
  46233. spoked disc wheel ==> 冲压辐车轮
  46234. spoked handwheel ==> 有辐手轮
  46235. spoked wheel ==> 辐条轮
  46236. spoken word recognition ==> 对话字识别
  46237. spondylosis chronica ankylopoietica ==> 慢性椎关节强硬
  46238. sponge ==> 海绵,海绵动物,海绵状物,多孔材料,泡沫材料=>スポンジ,海綿体
  46239. sponge ball ==> 海绵球
  46240. sponge ball cleaning device of condenser ==> 凝汽器胶球清洗装置,装设在凝汽器循环水入口和出口管段上的用特制海绵橡胶小球连续通过凝汽器冷却管以清洗管子内壁污垢的装置
  46241. sponge blanket ==> 海绵毯
  46242. sponge brush ==> 海绵刷
  46243. sponge cake ==> 海绵状金属块
  46244. sponge carrier ==> 持海绵器
  46245. sponge dough method ==> 一次发酵法,海绵团制造法
  46246. sponge drier ==> 海绵吸水式干燥器
  46247. sponge filter ==> 海绵过滤器,海绵滤器
  46248. sponge forceps ==> 海绵钳
  46249. sponge glass ==> 海绵玻璃,毛玻璃
  46250. sponge graft ==> 海绵移植物
  46251. sponge grease ==> 海绵状润滑脂,钠皂基润滑脂
  46252. sponge holder ==> 海绵夹
  46253. sponge holding forceps ==> 海绵镊,海绵钳,卵圆钳,持海绵钳
  46254. sponge injury ==> 海绵刺伤
  46255. sponge iron ==> 海绵铁
  46256. sponge matress ==> 海绵床垫
  46257. sponge method ==> 海绵法
  46258. sponge nickel ==> 海绵镍
  46259. sponge plastics ==> 多孔泡沫塑料,多孔塑料
  46260. sponge platinum ==> 铂绒
  46261. sponge product ==> 海绵制品
  46262. sponge rubber ==> 海绵橡胶,多孔橡皮,橡胶海绵=>スポンジゴム
  46263. sponge seat cushion ==> 海绵座垫
  46264. sponge silk ==> 海绵绸
  46265. sponge silver ==> 海绵状银
  46266. sponge tent ==> 海绵塞条
  46267. sponge tree ==> 金合欢
  46268. sponge underlay ==> 海绵底层
  46269. sponge zirconium ==> 海绵锆
  46270. sponge-diver's disease ==> 采海绵潜水员病
  46271. sponge-like ==> 海绵样的
  46272. sponge-type porosity ==> 海绵状孔隙
  46273. spongelike structure ==> 海绵状结构
  46274. spongeous structure ==> 海绵状结构
  46275. spongioblastoma cavernosum ==> 海绵状细胞瘤
  46276. spongioblastoma multiforme ==> 多形性神经胶质瘤,成胶质细胞瘤
  46277. spongioid structure ==> 海绵体样结构
  46278. spongiose part of male urethra ==> 海绵体部,尿道海绵体部
  46279. spongiostrome structure ==> 海绵层构造
  46280. spongy bone ==> 松质骨,海绵状骨
  46281. spongy chromium plating ==> 松孔镀铬
  46282. spongy copper ==> 海绵铜
  46283. spongy cortex ==> 海绵皮层
  46284. spongy cushion ==> 海绵垫
  46285. spongy iron ==> 海绵铁
  46286. spongy layer ==> 海绵层
  46287. spongy layer of endometrium ==> 子宫粘膜海棉层
  46288. spongy lead ==> 海绵状铅
  46289. spongy lead paste ==> 海绵状铅泥
  46290. spongy lead plate ==> 海绵状铅板
  46291. spongy material ==> 海绵状材料,海绵状物质
  46292. spongy metal ==> 海绵状金属
  46293. spongy particle ==> 海绵状粉粒
  46294. spongy platinum ==> 海绵铂,铂绒
  46295. spongy polyp ==> 粘膜炎性息肉
  46296. spongy powder ==> 海绵状粉末
  46297. spongy rot ==> 海绵状腐朽
  46298. spongy rubber ==> 海绵状橡胶
  46299. spongy soil ==> 海绵田,海绵土
  46300. spongy spot ==> 海绵斑
  46301. spongy structure ==> 海绵状结构
  46302. spongy substance of bones ==> 骨松质
  46303. spongy surface ==> 麻面
  46304. spongy texture ==> 海绵状构造
  46305. spongy top ==> 海绵头
  46306. sponson ==> 船旁保护装置
  46307. sponson mount ==> 车侧突出架
  46308. sponsor ==> 出资人,发起人,保人
  46309. sponsor shareholder ==> 发起股东
  46310. sponsored television ==> 商业电视
  46311. spontaneous ==> 自发的,自然的,自生的,出于自然的
  46312. spontaneous aberration ==> 自发畸变
  46313. spontaneous abortion ==> 自发流产,自发性流产,自然流产
  46314. spontaneous action ==> 自発的な行動
  46315. spontaneous activity ==> 自发性活动
  46316. spontaneous activity emission ==> 自发辐射
  46317. spontaneous agglutination ==> 自发凝集,自发凝集反应
  46318. spontaneous allergy ==> 自发变态反应
  46319. spontaneous alternation ==> 自发更迭
  46320. spontaneous amputation ==> 自然断连
  46321. spontaneous angina ==> 自发型心绞痛
  46322. spontaneous annealing ==> 自行退火
  46323. spontaneous atlanto-axial dislocation ==> 自发性寰枢椎脱位,非外伤性坏枢椎脱位
  46324. spontaneous atlanto-axial subluxation ==> 自发性寰枢椎半脱位
  46325. spontaneous avalanche-like fission reaction ==> 瞬时突变裂变反应
  46326. spontaneous azotemia ==> 自发性氮质血症
  46327. spontaneous beat ==> 自发搏动
  46328. spontaneous behaviour ==> 自发行为
  46329. spontaneous brain wave ==> 自发性脑波
  46330. spontaneous braking ==> 自然制动
  46331. spontaneous breaking ==> 自发破裂
  46332. spontaneous bunching ==> 自发群聚
  46333. spontaneous caving ==> 自然崩落
  46334. spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid fistula ==> 自发性脑脊液瘘
  46335. spontaneous change ==> 自然变化
  46336. spontaneous coagulation ==> 自然凝固
  46337. spontaneous combustible substance ==> 自燃物质
  46338. spontaneous combustion ==> 自发燃烧,自燃,自燃烧
  46339. spontaneous combustion coal ==> 自燃煤
  46340. spontaneous combustion of coal ==> 煤自燃,煤(尤其是煤化程度低的煤)在贮存时与空气接触发生氧化,并放出热量,煤层温度升高,氧化作用愈加剧烈,最终发展成燃烧的现象
  46341. spontaneous contraction ==> 自发性收缩
  46342. spontaneous corrosion ==> 自然腐食
  46343. spontaneous creaming ==> 自然膏化
  46344. spontaneous cretinism ==> 散发性呆小病
  46345. spontaneous crimp ==> 自发卷曲
  46346. spontaneous crystallization ==> 自发结晶
  46347. spontaneous cure ==> 自愈
  46348. spontaneous curing ==> 自然固化
  46349. spontaneous current ==> 自然流
  46350. spontaneous decay ==> 自发裂变
  46351. spontaneous decomposition ==> 自发分解
  46352. spontaneous depolarization ==> 自动除极化
  46353. spontaneous detonation ==> 自爆
  46354. spontaneous discharge ==> 自发放电
  46355. spontaneous disintegration ==> 自发蜕变
  46356. spontaneous doubling ==> 自发加倍
  46357. spontaneous elastic recovery ==> 自发弹性恢复
  46358. spontaneous electric activity ==> 自发的神经电活动,自发电活动
  46359. spontaneous electrical current ==> 自然电流
  46360. spontaneous electrogravimetry ==> 自发电重量测定法
  46361. spontaneous elongation ==> 自发伸长
  46362. spontaneous emission ==> 自然放出
  46363. spontaneous emission coefficient ==> 自发发射系数,自发射系数
  46364. spontaneous emission noise ==> 自发射噪声
  46365. spontaneous emitter ==> 自发发射体
  46366. spontaneous emulsification ==> 自发乳化
  46367. spontaneous emulsion ==> 自发乳状液
  46368. spontaneous evaporation ==> 自然蒸发
  46369. spontaneous fermentation ==> 自然发酵
  46370. spontaneous fibrillation ==> 自发原纤化
  46371. spontaneous fire ==> 自然火
  46372. spontaneous fire prevention ==> 自燃预防
  46373. spontaneous firing ==> 自然燃烧
  46374. spontaneous fission ==> 自动裂化,自发裂变,处于基态或同质异能态的重核在没有外部粒子参与或外加能量的情况下仍能发生裂变的现象
  46375. spontaneous fission counting ==> 自发裂变计数
  46376. spontaneous fission dating ==> 自然裂变年代测定法
  46377. spontaneous fission process ==> 自发裂变过程
  46378. spontaneous fission rate ==> 自发裂变率
  46379. spontaneous fission source ==> 自发裂变源
  46380. spontaneous fluctuation ==> 自然涨落
  46381. spontaneous formation ==> 自発形成
  46382. spontaneous fracture ==> 自发性骨折
  46383. spontaneous generation ==> 自然发生,无生源说
  46384. spontaneous generation theory ==> 自然发生说
  46385. spontaneous grain growth ==> 晶粒自发长大
  46386. spontaneous Hall effect ==> 自発的ホール効果
  46387. spontaneous hardening ==> 自然硬化
  46388. spontaneous heating ==> 自发热,自然加热,自燃热
  46389. spontaneous hemialgia ==> 自发性半身疼痛
  46390. spontaneous hemorrhage ==> 自发性出血
  46391. spontaneous hybridization ==> 天然杂交
  46392. spontaneous hypoglycemia ==> 自发性低血糖
  46393. spontaneous ignition ==> 自然発火,自发着火,自燃
  46394. spontaneous ignition point ==> 自然发火温度
  46395. spontaneous ignition temperature ==> 自燃温度,自燃着火点
  46396. spontaneous ignition temperature (SIT) ==> 自发着火点
  46397. spontaneous infection ==> 自发侵染
  46398. spontaneous ionization ==> 自然电离
  46399. spontaneous labor ==> 自然分娩
  46400. spontaneous laser pulse ==> 自发激光脉冲
  46401. spontaneous light ==> 自发光
  46402. spontaneous light emitter ==> 自发光发射器
  46403. spontaneous liquefaction ==> 液化作用
  46404. spontaneous luminescence ==> 自发发光
  46405. spontaneous magnetic domain ==> 自然磁畴
  46406. spontaneous magnetism ==> 天然磁性
  46407. spontaneous magnetization ==> 自発磁化
  46408. spontaneous magnetostriction ==> 自发磁致伸缩
  46409. spontaneous mode locking ==> 自发模锁定
  46410. spontaneous mutant ==> 自然变异
  46411. spontaneous mutation ==> 自发突变,自然突变
  46412. spontaneous nuclear reaction ==> 自发核反应
  46413. spontaneous nuclear transformation ==> 自发转化
  46414. spontaneous nucleation ==> 自发成核,自发核化
  46415. spontaneous nystagmus ==> 自发性眼球震颤
  46416. spontaneous origin ==> 自然发生
  46417. spontaneous oscillation ==> 自发振荡
  46418. spontaneous ovulation ==> 自发性排卵,自然排卵
  46419. spontaneous ovulator ==> 自发排卵动物
  46420. spontaneous oxidation ==> 自动氧化作用,自发氧化
  46421. spontaneous pain ==> 自发性疼痛
  46422. spontaneous peritonitis ==> 自发性腹膜炎
  46423. spontaneous perspiration ==> 自汗
  46424. spontaneous perspiration due to yang insufficiency ==> 阳虚自汗
  46425. spontaneous phagocytosis ==> 自发吞噬作用
  46426. spontaneous pneumoperitoneum ==> 自发性气腹
  46427. spontaneous pneumothorax ==> 自发性气胸
  46428. spontaneous polarization ==> 自发极化,自然极化=>自発分極
  46429. spontaneous polarization method ==> 自发极化法,自然极化法
  46430. spontaneous pollination ==> 自然授粉
  46431. spontaneous potential ==> 自然电位
  46432. spontaneous potential method ==> 自然电位法
  46433. spontaneous process ==> 自发过程
  46434. spontaneous pulsation ==> 自发搏动
  46435. spontaneous radiation ==> 自发辐射
  46436. spontaneous reaction ==> 自发反应
  46437. spontaneous recombination ==> 自发复合
  46438. spontaneous recombination radiation ==> 自发复合辐射
  46439. spontaneous recovery ==> 自然恢复,自然痊愈
  46440. spontaneous recrystallization ==> 自发再结晶,自生再结晶
  46441. spontaneous regression ==> 自发消退
  46442. spontaneous regression of tumor ==> 肿瘤自然消退
  46443. spontaneous remanent magnetization ==> 自发剩余磁化
  46444. spontaneous remission ==> 自动缓解,自然康复,自行缓解
  46445. spontaneous resistance ==> 自动抑阻
  46446. spontaneous restoration ==> 自发复原
  46447. spontaneous rupture of esophagus ==> 自发性食管破裂
  46448. spontaneous rupture of mesenteric vessel ==> 肠系膜血管自发性破裂
  46449. spontaneous rupture of round window membrane ==> 自发性圆窗膜破裂
  46450. spontaneous rupture of tendon ==> 肌腱自发性断裂
  46451. spontaneous scattering ==> 自发散射
  46452. spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage ==> 自发性蛛网膜下腔出血
  46453. spontaneous subluxation of cervical vertebra ==> 颈椎自发性半脱位,颈椎自发性半脱位
  46454. spontaneous sweating due to deficientcy of blood ==> 血虚自汗
  46455. spontaneous symmetry breaking ==> 自发对称性破坏,自发破缺
  46456. spontaneous tension pneumothorax ==> 高压性自发性气胸
  46457. spontaneous transfer reaction ==> 自转移反应
  46458. spontaneous transformation ==> 自发转化
  46459. spontaneous transition ==> 自发跃迁
  46460. spontaneous transition probability ==> 自发跃迁几率
  46461. spontaneous transmission ==> 自发传输,一种传输方式,仅当发送站发生事件时,才传送报文=>突発伝送
  46462. spontaneous variation ==> 自发变化
  46463. spontaneous whisker growth ==> 自发的须状晶体生长
  46464. spontaneous-potential log ==> 自然电位测井
  46465. spontaneous-potential well logging ==> 自发电位测井
  46466. spooky action at a distance ==> (量子力学)不可解な遠隔作用
  46467. spool ==> 绕线管,假脱机,胶片卷轴,双端法兰管,双端凸缘管,并行联机外部操作,磁带盘,卷筒,卷筒,线管,线圈,转子,有边筒管,有边筒子,绕线轴,短管=>巻枠
  46468. spool bar ==> 线轴形沙坝
  46469. spool box ==> 胶卷盒,轴瓦盒
  46470. spool chamber ==> 阀芯腔
  46471. SPOOL control ==> 假脱机控制
  46472. spool control command ==> 假脱机控制命令
  46473. spool cotton ==> 合股线团
  46474. spool displacement ==> 阀芯位移
  46475. spool donkey ==> 卷轴式牵引机,卷轴式牵引机
  46476. spool element ==> 芯形件
  46477. spool end ==> 阀芯端面
  46478. spool face ==> 阀芯表面
  46479. spool for inking ribbon ==> 打字色带轴
  46480. spool gear ==> 长齿轮
  46481. spool insulator ==> 圆柱形绝缘子
  46482. spool land ==> 阀芯台肩
  46483. spool management ==> 假脱机管理
  46484. spool MULTI-LEAVING (SML) ==> 假脱机多路递交
  46485. spool paper ==> 纱管纸=>紙ボビン
  46486. spool partition ==> 假脱机分区
  46487. spool pilot valve ==> 滑阀
  46488. spool position ==> 阀芯位置
  46489. SPOOL processing ==> 假脱机处理
  46490. spool queue ==> 假脱机队列
  46491. spool roll ==> 圆盘辊
  46492. spool session ==> 假脱机对话
  46493. spool spindle ==> 卷盘轴,卷盘轴
  46494. spool stand ==> 卷线架,卷线架,筒管架
  46495. spool stroke ==> 阀芯行程
  46496. spool tile ==> 筒形瓦
  46497. spool travel ==> 阀芯位移
  46498. spool traverse ==> 阀芯位移
  46499. spool turbojet ==> 筒管式涡轮喷气发动机
  46500. spool valve ==> 短管阀,柱形阀
  46501. spool valve pump ==> 滑阀配流泵
  46502. spool volume ==> 假脱机卷宗,假脱机容量
  46503. spool wheel ==> 大卷轮
  46504. spool winding ==> 模型绕组
  46505. spool-mounted bearing ==> 安装在圆盘耙间距套管上的轴承
  46506. spool-type control valve ==> 绕线轴式控制阀
  46507. spool-type potato sorter ==> 槽轮式马铃薯分级机
  46508. spooled pseudo unit ==> 假脱机模拟装置
  46509. spooler ==> 绕线机,假脱机程序,筒子车,络纱机,卷取机构,卷取机构,卷线筒,卷线筒,线轴
  46510. spoolin ==> 假脱机输入
  46511. spooling ==> 缠卷,并行联机外设操作,打轴,绕线圈,乱卷,乱绳=>スプーリング,乱巻き
  46512. spooling equipment ==> 绕线设备,打筒设备,打轴设备
  46513. spooling machine ==> 绕线机
  46514. spooling operator privilege class ==> 假脱机操作员特权级
  46515. spooling program ==> 假脱机程序
  46516. spoolout ==> 假脱机输出
  46517. spoon ==> 勺,匙,匙形刮刀,匙形物,吊斗
  46518. spoon bit ==> 匙头钻
  46519. spoon brake ==> 凹入工作面制动器
  46520. spoon curette ==> 匙形刮治器
  46521. spoon dredge(r) ==> 单斗式挖泥船
  46522. spoon gauge ==> 管簧真空规
  46523. spoon manometer ==> 管簧压力计
  46524. spoon nail ==> 匙状形甲,反甲
  46525. spoon of the blade ==> 叶片凹边
  46526. spoon sample ==> 熔池取样
  46527. spoon scaler ==> 匙形洁治器
  46528. spoon slicker ==> 匙形刮刀,修型小勺
  46529. spoon test ==> 手勺取样,勺样检验
  46530. spoon-shaped blade ==> 匙状轮叶
  46531. spoonful ==> 一匙量
  46532. sporadic ==> 散発的な,時々起こる,散発性の
  46533. sporadic acute hepatitis ==> 散発性急性肝炎
  46534. sporadic adenoma ==> 散発性腺腫
  46535. sporadic distribution ==> 不规则分布
  46536. sporadic dumping ==> 突発的ダンピング
  46537. sporadic E layer ==> 分散E层=>スポラジックE層
  46538. sporadic e layer ==> 分散e层
  46539. sporadic mutation ==> 自然突变
  46540. sporadic rate ==> 出現割合,発生率
  46541. sporadic reflection ==> 异常反射,不规则反射,散现反射
  46542. sporadic reflections ==> 异常反射
  46543. sporadic X-ray source ==> 暂现X射线源
  46544. sporadie distribution of salinity ==> 斑状盐渍分布
  46545. sporangial vesicle ==> 次孢囊
  46546. sporangium ==> 孢子囊
  46547. sporangium bearing leaf ==> 孢子叶
  46548. spore ==> 孢子=>胞子
  46549. spore ball ==> 孢子球,孢子团
  46550. spore case ==> 孢子囊
  46551. spore cell ==> 孢子床,孢子细胞
  46552. spore floating ==> 孢子表面排列
  46553. spore formation ==> 孢子形成
  46554. spore germination ==> 孢子萌发
  46555. spore inoculum ==> 孢子接种体
  46556. spore load ==> 孢荷,胞荷
  46557. spore mother cell ==> 孢子母细胞
  46558. spore of fungus ==> 霉菌孢子
  46559. spore population ==> 孢子群
  46560. spore print ==> 孢子印
  46561. spore producing plant ==> 孢子植物
  46562. spore sac ==> 孢囊,孢子囊
  46563. spore staining ==> 孢子染色法,芽胞染色法
  46564. spore surface ==> 孢子表面
  46565. spore suspension ==> 孢子悬液
  46566. spore tetrad ==> 孢子四分体
  46567. spore vaccine ==> 芽孢苗
  46568. spore-bearing ==> 产生孢子
  46569. spore-bearing bacillus ==> 孢子杆菌
  46570. spore-bearing bacterium ==> 产孢子细菌
  46571. spore-forming ==> 产芽胞厌氧菌
  46572. spore-forming bacterium ==> 产孢细菌
  46573. spore-pollen complex ==> 孢子花粉组合
  46574. spore-pollen statistics ==> 孢粉统计
  46575. sporeforming bacillus ==> 产芽胞杆图
  46576. sporo-pollen ==> 孢子花粉
  46577. sporo-pollen statistics ==> 孢子花粉统计学
  46578. sporogenic cycle ==> 孢子生殖周期
  46579. sporogenic division ==> 造孢分裂
  46580. sporogenous cycle ==> 孢子生殖周期
  46581. sporogenous yeast ==> 产孢子酵母
  46582. sporophytic embryony ==> 孢子体胚现象
  46583. sporosorus ==> 休眠孢子堆
  46584. sporozoite rate ==> 子胞子率
  46585. sport chassis ==> 运动车底盘
  46586. sport deviation ==> 芽变
  46587. sport efficiency ==> 运动效率
  46588. sport plane ==> 运动飞机
  46589. sport quality ==> 运动素质
  46590. sport ventilation volume ==> 运动通气量
  46591. sport(s) car ==> 运动车
  46592. sport-racing car ==> 运动赛车
  46593. sport-tourer ==> 运动型篷顶小客车,双门敞车
  46594. sport-touring car ==> 运动旅游两用车
  46595. sporting driver ==> 赛车运动员
  46596. sporting gun ==> 猎枪
  46597. sports advertisement ==> 体育广告
  46598. sports airplane ==> 体育用飞机
  46599. sports architecture ==> 体育建筑
  46600. sports building ==> 体育建筑
  46601. sports car ==> 竞赛车
  46602. sports center ==> 体育中心
  46603. sports culture ==> 体育文化
  46604. sports development strategy ==> 体育发展战略
  46605. sports economics ==> 体育经济学
  46606. sports fatigue ==> 运动疲劳
  46607. sports ground ==> 运动场
  46608. sports health ==> 运动保健
  46609. sports hygiene ==> 运动卫生学,体育卫生
  46610. sports market ==> 体育推销
  46611. sports model ==> 运动车型
  46612. sports psychology ==> 运动心理学
  46613. sports reform ==> 体育改革
  46614. sports science ==> 运动科学
  46615. sports statistics ==> 体育统计
  46616. sports telemeter ==> 运动遥测计
  46617. sports tourism ==> 体育旅游
  46618. spot ==> 斑,斑点,斑点,斑痕,辉点,点,疵点,侦察目标,光点,亮点,卖方当地交货价格,污点=>にきび,汚点,点,場所,スポット放送
  46619. spot activity ==> 黑子活动
  46620. spot adjustment ==> 光点调整
  46621. spot and butt welding machine ==> 点焊对焊两用机
  46622. spot annealing ==> 局部退火
  46623. spot application ==> 点状施用,肥料定点施,定点施用
  46624. spot area ==> 黑子面积
  46625. spot asset ==> 现金资产
  46626. spot assuming geometrical optics ==> 光点几何光学
  46627. spot beam antenna ==> 区域覆盖天线
  46628. spot blight ==> 斑枯病,脂点病
  46629. spot board ==> 小拌砂浆板
  46630. spot bond ==> 点状粘结
  46631. spot broadcasting ==> 本地广播
  46632. spot broker ==> 现货交易掮客
  46633. spot burning ==> 点状烧除,点状用火
  46634. spot buyer ==> 现货买家
  46635. spot canker ==> 斑溃疡
  46636. spot cargo ==> 現物荷
  46637. spot cash ==> 库存现金=>即金,即金払い
  46638. spot cash transactions ==> 现金现货交易
  46639. spot cheating ==> 不正を見つける
  46640. spot check ==> 滴定法材料检验,抽查
  46641. spot checker ==> 成品检验员
  46642. spot checking ==> 现场抽查,现场检查
  46643. spot chromatography ==> 斑点色谱
  46644. spot colorimetry ==> 点滴比色法
  46645. spot commodity ==> 現物
  46646. spot comparism exposure meter ==> 比光点曝光计
  46647. spot contact bearing ==> 球轴承,滚珠轴承
  46648. spot contract ==> 现货契约=>現物契約
  46649. spot cooling ==> 现场冷却=>局所冷房
  46650. spot corrosion ==> 点腐蚀,点蚀
  46651. spot cover ==> 现货抛补
  46652. spot cure ==> 局部硫化,局部硫化
  46653. spot curer ==> 斑点消除器
  46654. spot dancing ==> 斑点跳动
  46655. spot deal ==> 现货交易
  46656. spot defect ==> 点缺陷
  46657. spot definition ==> 光斑清晰度,光点尺寸
  46658. spot delivery ==> 现货交付
  46659. spot desmosome ==> 桥粒点
  46660. spot diameter ==> 光斑直径
  46661. spot disease ==> 斑点病
  46662. spot dispatch ==> 现场调度
  46663. spot distortion ==> 扫描点失真
  46664. spot drilling ==> 定心钻
  46665. spot error indicator ==> 斑点式误差指示器
  46666. spot exchange rate ==> 即期汇率,现期汇率
  46667. spot exposure meter ==> 反射光曝光表
  46668. spot face ==> 孔口平面
  46669. spot faceplate ==> 刮孔口刀
  46670. spot facing ==> 锪平台
  46671. spot film ==> 缩影片,点片
  46672. spot fire ==> 飞火
  46673. spot frequency ==> 标定频率
  46674. spot galvanometer ==> 光点电流计
  46675. spot glare ==> 局部眩光,局部眩光
  46676. spot glueing ==> 点状胶结
  46677. spot gluing ==> 点滴胶合法,点状胶合,(木模的)点胶合
  46678. spot gouging ==> 局部表面切割,局部表面切割
  46679. spot grazing ==> 牧斑
  46680. spot grinding ==> 点磨法
  46681. spot group ==> 黑子群
  46682. spot hardening ==> 局部硬化,局部硬化
  46683. spot heating ==> 就地供暖,就地供暖,点状加热
  46684. spot height ==> 地面点高度,高程点
  46685. spot hover ==> 定点悬停
  46686. spot infection ==> 斑点侵染
  46687. spot infestation ==> 小面积虫害
  46688. spot inspection ==> 现场检验
  46689. spot intensity ==> 光点强度
  46690. spot investigation ==> 现场调查
  46691. spot jammer ==> 选择性干扰机
  46692. spot jamming ==> 定点干扰,特定频率干扰,局部干扰
  46693. spot killer ==> 亮点消除器
  46694. spot lamp ==> 点形灯
  46695. spot light ==> 点光源照明,局部照明,投光灯
  46696. spot limiter ==> 脉冲干扰限制器
  46697. spot maps ==> 标点地图
  46698. spot market ==> 现货市场,现金交易市场,现金市场=>スポット市場
  46699. spot measurement ==> 单点测量,光点大小测定
  46700. spot measurement of flow ==> 单点测流
  46701. spot meter ==> 点亮度计
  46702. spot method ==> 点滴试验法
  46703. spot net ==> 点网络
  46704. spot network ==> スポットネットワーク
  46705. spot of light ==> 亮点
  46706. spot of potato ==> 马铃薯早疫病
  46707. spot option ==> 现货期权
  46708. spot pains ==> 斑点状痛
  46709. spot plate ==> 滴试板
  46710. spot power price ==> 实时电价
  46711. spot price ==> 现金付款的最低价格,现款价格,即期交割价,现货价格,在电力现货市场中的价格,包括日前市场电价和时前市场电价
  46712. spot punch ==> 补孔器,单穿孔机,单孔穿孔机,点式穿孔机,点式穿孔器,打点穿孔,(即每次穿一孔)点式穿孔=>スポットせん孔機
  46713. spot punching ==> 点穿机
  46714. spot radiograph ==> 局部射线照片,局部射线照片
  46715. spot radiographed ==> 局部射线照相,局部射线照相
  46716. spot rate ==> 即期价格
  46717. spot reaction ==> 斑点反应
  46718. spot receiver ==> 点波束接收机
  46719. spot reconcentration ==> 斑点再浓集现象
  46720. spot reflecting galvanometer ==> 光点反射检流计
  46721. spot reflector ==> 点波束反射器
  46722. spot remover ==> 除斑剂,光点消除器,亮度消除器,余辉消除器
  46723. spot repair ==> 现场修理
  46724. spot resolution ==> 光点分辨率
  46725. spot sale ==> 现货销售
  46726. spot sample ==> 个别取样
  46727. spot scan ==> 光点扫描
  46728. spot scanning ==> 光点扫描
  46729. spot seeding ==> 点播
  46730. spot segregation ==> 点状偏析,局部偏析,局部偏析,气体偏析
  46731. spot seller ==> 现货卖家
  46732. spot ship ==> 现成船舶
  46733. spot size ==> 点尺寸,光斑尺寸,斑点大小,黑子大小=>スポットサイズ
  46734. spot size divergence ==> 发射度
  46735. spot sod method ==> 点铺草皮法
  46736. spot softening phenomena ==> 真空管漏气放电现象=>吸込現象(電子管)
  46737. spot soldering ==> 点焊
  46738. spot sowing ==> 穴播
  46739. spot speed ==> 点速度,光点扫描速率
  46740. spot spray ==> 点射
  46741. spot survey ==> 局限性调查,局限性调查,现场调查
  46742. spot test ==> 硝酸浸蚀试验法,点滴试验,当场试测,斑点试验
  46743. spot trading ==> 现货交易,与期货交易和实时交易相对,分为日前交易和时前交易
  46744. spot transaction ==> 现货交易
  46745. spot turn ==> 原地转弯
  46746. spot value date ==> 即期外汇买卖起息日
  46747. spot watering at planting ==> 种时浇水
  46748. spot weld ==> 焊点
  46749. spot weld bonding ==> 胶结点焊
  46750. spot weld nugget ==> 点焊熔核
  46751. spot welder ==> 点焊机
  46752. spot welding ==> 点焊=>スポット溶接
  46753. spot welding fixture (SWFX) ==> 点焊夹具
  46754. spot welding gun ==> 点焊枪
  46755. spot welding head ==> 点焊钳
  46756. spot welding laser machine ==> 点焊用激光器
  46757. spot welding machine ==> 点焊机
  46758. spot welding point ==> 点焊点
  46759. spot welding robot ==> 点焊机器人
  46760. spot wind ==> 定点风
  46761. spot wobble ==> 光点摇摆
  46762. spot(ting) ==> 找正
  46763. SPOT, Satellite Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre ==> スポット(フランスの地球観測衛星)
  46764. SPOT, solid state polarization observation tracker ==> 全固体化偏波面観測追尾受信機
  46765. SPOT, System Probatoire d'Obsevation de la Terre ==> スポット(フランスの地球観測衛星システム)
  46766. SPOT, System Program for Observing the Earth ==> スポット(フランスの地球観測衛星システム)
  46767. spot-analysis ==> 斑点分析
  46768. spot-exposure microscope ==> 点曝光显微镜
  46769. spot-facing ==> 刮孔口平面,锪孔
  46770. spot-homogen ==> 铁板铅被覆
  46771. spot-light transmitter ==> 扫描射线式发射机
  46772. spot-network arrangement ==> スポットネットワーク方式
  46773. spot-next ==> 现货日期的次日
  46774. spot-size error ==> 光点直径误差
  46775. spot-size resolution ==> 光点分辨率,斑点大小分辨率
  46776. spot-welded joint ==> 点焊接头
  46777. spot-welder ==> 点焊机
  46778. spot-welding electrode ==> 点焊电极
  46779. spot-welding gun ==> 点焊焊枪,点焊钳
  46780. spot-welding machine ==> 点焊机=>スポット溶接機
  46781. spot-welding sealer ==> 点焊用密封材料
  46782. spotfacing ==> 平头钻
  46783. spotlight ==> 聚光,聚光,聚光灯,聚光灯=>スポットライト
  46784. spotlight flap ==> 面光
  46785. spotlight with stand ==> 带支座的聚光灯
  46786. spotlighting ==> 聚光照明=>スポット照明
  46787. spots appear ==> 出现稀疏斑点
  46788. spotted area ==> 黑子覆盖面积
  46789. spotted asparagus beetle ==> 石刁柏十二星叶甲
  46790. spotted bamboo sheath ==> 斑竹壳
  46791. spotted cane ==> 斑竹
  46792. spotted deer antler slice ==> 梅花鹿茸片
  46793. spotted fever ==> 落基山热,斑疹热
  46794. spotted leaf curl of apricot ==> 杏疗病
  46795. spotted minutiae ==> 标准点
  46796. spotted state ==> 点状
  46797. spotted type ==> 斑点型
  46798. spotted wilt ==> 斑萎病
  46799. spotted wilt of tomato ==> 番茄斑枯病
  46800. spotted wilt virus ==> 斑枯病毒
  46801. spotter ==> 测位器,中心钻,除污机,警戒雷达站,警戒雷达站
  46802. spottiness ==> 斑点度,(图像的)斑点
  46803. spotting ==> 测定点位,钟表精饰加工,精饰加工,蒸呢工艺,涂污,去油污渍,配研,飞火蔓延,确准位置=>位置決定(レーダ),偵察,スポッティング
  46804. spotting board ==> 挖穴器
  46805. spotting drill ==> 定位钻
  46806. spotting fire ==> 蔓延飞火
  46807. spotting from the air ==> 空中偵察
  46808. spotting gain control ==> 增益校正调整
  46809. spotting pistol ==> 试射信号枪
  46810. spotting rifle ==> 试射枪
  46811. spotting scope ==> 射弹观测镜
  46812. spotting spindle ==> 定位心轴
  46813. spotting tool ==> 定中心工具
  46814. spotting-in ==> 测定点位
  46815. spotty bristle ==> 霉猪鬃
  46816. spotty steel ==> 白点钢
  46817. spotweld ==> 点焊缝
  46818. spotweld fixture ==> 点焊接夹具
  46819. spouse ==> 配偶者
  46820. spout ==> 排水口,喷,喷射,喷注,流槽,嘴,射=>口,注ぎ口,蛇口,スパウト
  46821. spout delivery pump ==> 喷射泵
  46822. spout delivery system ==> (喷粉机的)喷粉压送系统
  46823. spout feeder ==> 喷粉式加料器
  46824. spout guide ==> 出口导槽
  46825. spout hole ==> 喷水孔,溢流孔
  46826. spout mist sprayer ==> 带软管的弥雾机
  46827. spout of stock ==> 喷浆
  46828. spout plug ==> 注口塞,出口塞,孔塞
  46829. spout pouring pot ==> 喷油罐
  46830. spout test ==> 喷出试验
  46831. spout velocity ==> 喷射速度
  46832. spout-adjusting lever ==> 滑槽调节杆
  46833. spouted bed ==> 喷射床
  46834. spouting ==> 喷注
  46835. spouting fountain ==> 喷泉
  46836. spouting spring ==> 喷泉
  46837. spouting time interval of layer ==> 分层间隔时间
  46838. spouting velocity ==> 喷出速度,喷射出口速度,级热降理论速度
  46839. SPP ==> 中学校、高等学校等と、大学、公的研究機関、民間企業等との連携により先進的な科学技術・理科、数学教育等を実施するための「サイエンス・パートナーシップ・プログラム事業」を行う。
  46840. SPP, solar plasma physics ==> 太陽プラズマ物理学
  46841. SPP, solar pumped plasma ==> 太陽ポンププラズマ
  46842. SPP, space plasma payload ==> スペースプラズマペイロード
  46843. SPP, space plasma physics ==> スペースプラズマ物理学
  46844. spped-up function ==> 加速试验功能
  46845. SPPG, Space Plasma Physics Payload Group ==> スペースプラズマ物理学ペイロードグループ
  46846. SPPO, Spacelab Payload Project Office ==> スペースラブペイロードプロジェクト室
  46847. SPR Strategic Petroleum Reserve ==> 策略的石油贮备
  46848. spraddled hind leg ==> 仔猪后肢外张病
  46849. sprag clutch ==> 斜撑式离合器,超越离合器
  46850. sprag type one way clutch ==> 斜撑式单向离合器
  46851. spragging gear ==> 制动齿轮
  46852. sprain fracture ==> 扭伤性骨折
  46853. sprain of acromioclavicular joint ==> 肩锁关节扭伤
  46854. sprain of distal radioulnar joint ==> 下尺桡关节扭伤
  46855. sprain of interphalangeal joint of hand ==> 指间关节扭伤
  46856. sprain of knee joint ==> 膝关节扭伤
  46857. sprain of muscle and tendon ==> 筋扭
  46858. sprain of phalangeal joint of hand ==> 指关节扭伤
  46859. sprain of quadriceps femoris ==> 股四头肌扭伤
  46860. sprain of shoulder joint ==> 肩关节扭伤
  46861. sprain the foot ==> 脚扭伤
  46862. sprained knee ==> 膝捩伤
  46863. sprawling ==> 乱雑に広がった
  46864. sprawling array of products ==> 雑多な製品
  46865. sprawling fiction ==> 壮大なフィクション
  46866. spray ==> 日喷,洒,水雾,喷,喷补,喷镀,喷淋,喷洒,喷射,喷涂物,喷雾,浪花,分枝断层,枝状饰,枝状物
  46867. spray absorber ==> 喷淋吸收器,喷洒吸收器
  46868. spray acid cleaning ==> 喷雾酸洗
  46869. spray aerator ==> 喷雾曝气器
  46870. spray agent ==> 喷显剂
  46871. spray anaerobic dish ==> 喷雾厌氧培养皿
  46872. spray angle ==> 喷射角,喷雾角
  46873. spray apparatus ==> 喷器
  46874. spray application ==> 喷洒技术,喷射应用
  46875. spray application technique ==> 应用喷射技术
  46876. spray application techniques ==> 喷射技术
  46877. spray application techniques for crop protection ==> 植物保护的喷射技术
  46878. spray arc ==> 喷射电弧
  46879. spray arrester ==> 喷射避雷器,喷水式避雷器
  46880. spray atomizer ==> 喷淋雾化器
  46881. spray attemperator ==> 喷水减温器
  46882. spray bar ==> 喷油管
  46883. spray barrow ==> 手推式喷雾车
  46884. spray bonding ==> 喷洒粘合法
  46885. spray bonding method ==> 喷淋粘膜法
  46886. spray booth ==> 喷柜,喷漆室,喷釉橱
  46887. spray bottle ==> 喷药瓶
  46888. spray box ==> 喷箱
  46889. spray broom ==> 多嘴喷枪
  46890. spray burner ==> 喷烧器
  46891. spray burning ==> 喷雾燃烧
  46892. spray calcining ==> 喷雾灼烧
  46893. spray can ==> 喷壶,喷雾器
  46894. spray carburetor ==> 喷雾式汽化器
  46895. spray catcher ==> 捕雾器
  46896. spray chamber ==> 喷漆室,喷雾室,喷洗室,气体喷洗室
  46897. spray charge ==> 喷射电荷
  46898. spray cistern ==> 喷雾槽
  46899. spray coater ==> 喷涂器=>スプレー塗装機
  46900. spray coating ==> 喷涂=>吹き付け
  46901. spray colouration ==> 喷涂着色
  46902. spray column ==> 喷淋式气体洗涤塔,喷雾柱
  46903. spray combustion ==> 喷雾燃烧
  46904. spray concentrate ==> 浓喷雾液
  46905. spray condenser ==> 喷雾冷凝器
  46906. spray configuration ==> 喷射形状
  46907. spray congealing ==> 喷雾冷凝
  46908. spray controller ==> 喷涂控制器
  46909. spray cooler ==> 喷雾冷却器
  46910. spray cooling ==> 喷淋冷却,喷雾冷却=>噴霧冷却
  46911. spray cooling tower ==> 喷雾冷却塔
  46912. spray crop ==> 喷药作物
  46913. spray crystallization ==> 喷雾结晶
  46914. spray cultivation ==> 喷药除草
  46915. spray cup ==> 喷头,喷嘴头
  46916. spray current feedback ==> 喷射电流反馈
  46917. spray damage ==> 喷药伤害
  46918. spray damper ==> 喷雾润湿器
  46919. spray date ==> 喷药时间
  46920. spray deaerator ==> 喷雾除气器
  46921. spray decorated porcelain ==> 吹彩瓷
  46922. spray decoration ==> 喷彩
  46923. spray degreaser ==> 喷雾脱脂剂
  46924. spray deposit ==> 喷雾附着,金属层喷涂
  46925. spray desuperheating ==> 喷水减温,喷水减温
  46926. spray developer ==> 喷射显影器
  46927. spray development ==> 喷射显影
  46928. spray device ==> 喷雾器
  46929. spray disc ==> 喷雾盘
  46930. spray discharge ==> 高压放电分选
  46931. spray dome ==> 喷水水墩
  46932. spray drain ==> 排水暗沟
  46933. spray drawing ==> 喷淋拉伸
  46934. spray drier ==> 喷雾干燥,喷雾式干燥机
  46935. spray dryer ==> 喷雾干燥器
  46936. spray drying ==> 喷雾干燥
  46937. spray drying chamber ==> 喷雾干燥室
  46938. spray drying FGD ==> 喷雾干燥法烟气脱硫,在干燥吸收塔内,石灰浆液经喷雾轮或压力喷嘴雾化成细滴喷入烟气中,与硫氧化物接触反应,生成亚硫酸钙和少量的硫酸钙,烟气的热量将石灰浆液的水分蒸干,反应物呈干态的脱硫工艺
  46939. spray drying process ==> 喷雾干燥法,喷雾制奶粉法
  46940. spray drying tower ==> 喷雾干燥塔
  46941. spray dust ==> 雾尘
  46942. spray dyeing ==> 喷雾染色
  46943. spray egg drier ==> (制蛋粉的)喷雾式蛋液干燥机
  46944. spray eliminator ==> 喷淋净化器
  46945. spray etcher ==> 喷雾腐蚀机
  46946. spray evaporator ==> 喷雾蒸发器
  46947. spray extraction column ==> 喷淋式抽提塔
  46948. spray fan ==> 喷雾风机
  46949. spray fault ==> 分枝断裂
  46950. spray feed ==> 喷射送料
  46951. spray film ==> 雾液
  46952. spray film evaporator ==> 喷雾薄膜蒸发器
  46953. spray finish ==> 喷涂涂饰剂
  46954. spray finishing ==> 喷浆整理
  46955. spray finishing system ==> 喷漆光滑法
  46956. spray flash ==> スプレーフラッシュウ蒸発
  46957. spray fountain ==> 喷水池
  46958. spray freezer ==> 喷淋式冻结装置
  46959. spray freezing ==> 喷淋冻结
  46960. spray fusing ==> 喷熔
  46961. spray galvanizing ==> 喷涂涂锌
  46962. spray gate ==> 分支内浇口
  46963. spray glazing ==> 喷釉法
  46964. spray gun ==> 喷镀枪,喷浆器,喷漆枪,喷散器,喷射枪,金属喷镀器,泥炮=>スプレーガン
  46965. spray gun process ==> 金属喷镀
  46966. spray header ==> 喷淋头,喷嘴集管
  46967. spray helmet ==> 喷雾面罩
  46968. spray humidification ==> 喷雾增湿
  46969. spray injector ==> 射流式喷嘴
  46970. spray injury ==> 喷药伤害
  46971. spray insecticide ==> 喷洒农药,喷射杀虫剂
  46972. spray insecticide for control insect pests ==> 洒药治害虫
  46973. spray irrigation ==> 喷灌,喷洒灌溉法,喷水灌溉
  46974. spray irrigation system ==> 喷灌系统
  46975. spray jet ==> 喷淋器,喷水口,喷雾嘴
  46976. spray lacquer ==> 喷漆
  46977. spray lance ==> 喷杆,喷雾杆,喷枪
  46978. spray layup ==> 喷涂积层法
  46979. spray line ==> 喷洒管
  46980. spray lubrication ==> 喷溅润滑,喷淋润滑
  46981. spray machine ==> 喷雾机
  46982. spray manifold ==> 喷水减温器,喷水减温箱
  46983. spray mask ==> 喷雾护面罩
  46984. spray metal ==> 喷涂金属
  46985. spray metal coating ==> 喷镀金属,喷镀金属法
  46986. spray metal plating ==> 金属喷涂
  46987. spray method ==> 喷射法,喷药方法=>スプレー法
  46988. spray mo(u)lding ==> 喷涂成型
  46989. spray needle ==> 喷雾针
  46990. spray nozzle ==> 喷雾管嘴,喷雾嘴,雾化喷射器
  46991. spray of electrons ==> 电子流
  46992. spray oil ==> 喷淋油
  46993. spray oil cooling ==> 喷油冷却
  46994. spray oiler ==> 喷淋润滑器
  46995. spray paint ==> 喷漆
  46996. spray paint malodour ==> 喷漆异味
  46997. spray painting ==> 喷涂=>吹き付け
  46998. spray painting equipment ==> 喷涂机
  46999. spray particle size ==> 喷雾颗粒尺寸
  47000. spray pattern ==> 喷流型,雾化状态
  47001. spray penetration ==> 喷射深度,喷雾射程
  47002. spray pipe ==> 喷雾管
  47003. spray pipe passage ==> 喷雾管路
  47004. spray pistol ==> 喷雾枪,手枪式喷雾器
  47005. spray plant ==> 喷雾器
  47006. spray plate ==> 喷漆挡板,隔沫板
  47007. spray plot ==> 喷药地块
  47008. spray point ==> 喷电针尖,放电针
  47009. spray pole ==> 喷杆
  47010. spray pond ==> 喷淋池,喷水池
  47011. spray pond condenser ==> 喷泉式凝结器
  47012. spray potential ==> 喷电电势
  47013. spray printing ==> 喷印
  47014. spray probe ==> 喷雾探头
  47015. spray processing ==> 喷雾加工法
  47016. spray prominence ==> 喷射日珥
  47017. spray pump ==> 喷淋,喷雾筒唧筒
  47018. spray quenching ==> 喷射淬火,喷水淬火,喷液淬火,雾化淬火
  47019. spray reagent ==> 显色试剂,显示剂
  47020. spray refining ==> 喷吹精炼
  47021. spray regime ==> 喷射方式
  47022. spray region ==> 边缘层
  47023. spray repair ==> 喷补
  47024. spray residue ==> 喷雾沉残渣,喷药残渣
  47025. spray rig ==> 喷射式凿井机
  47026. spray rinsing ==> 喷洗
  47027. spray roasting ==> 喷雾熔烧
  47028. spray rod ==> 喷杆
  47029. spray roll ==> 喷淋辊
  47030. spray sagging ==> 喷釉波纹,喷釉流痕
  47031. spray sand ==> 喷砂
  47032. spray scrubber ==> 喷淋洗涤塔
  47033. spray separator ==> 喷淋分离器
  47034. spray sheet ==> 喷流幕
  47035. spray shield tube ==> 金属喷涂屏蔽玻璃壳电子管
  47036. spray shop ==> 喷漆车间
  47037. spray sizing ==> 喷雾上浆
  47038. spray soldering ==> 喷镀软钎焊,喷射软钎焊,波峰钎焊
  47039. spray solidification ==> 喷淋固化
  47040. spray spinning ==> 喷纺成形
  47041. spray starching machine ==> 喷雾上浆机
  47042. spray sticker ==> 喷雾粘着剂
  47043. spray stuffing type deaerator ==> 喷雾填料式除氧器,具有喷嘴和填料的除氧器,上部为喷淋区,中下部为填料层。用于中,高压机组,有立式和卧或两种
  47044. spray supply ==> 喷电电源
  47045. spray system ==> 喷淋系统,喷雾装置
  47046. spray tank ==> 喷水冷却塔
  47047. spray technique ==> 喷药技术
  47048. spray test ==> 喷淋试验,喷雾试验
  47049. spray testing ==> 喷雾试验
  47050. spray thrower ==> 喷淋器
  47051. spray tip ==> 喷嘴梢
  47052. spray torch ==> 喷镀枪
  47053. spray tower ==> 喷雾塔
  47054. spray transfer ==> 喷射过渡,射流过渡
  47055. spray tray (type) deaerator ==> 喷雾淋盘式除氧器
  47056. spray treatment ==> 喷射处理,喷涂处理
  47057. spray truck ==> 喷洒车
  47058. spray type attemperator, spray type desuperheater ==> 喷水减温器,又称"混合式减温器"。将减温水直接喷入过热蒸汽,在容器内进行混合的减温器。
  47059. spray type deaerator ==> 喷雾式除氧器
  47060. spray type fire extinguisher ==> 喷雾式灭火器
  47061. spray type heat exchanger ==> 喷淋型热交换器
  47062. spray type recovery furnace ==> 喷射式回收炉
  47063. spray type sulfur burner ==> 喷射式硫磺燃烧炉
  47064. spray vaccination ==> 喷雾接种疫苗
  47065. spray value ==> 喷药量
  47066. spray valve ==> 喷雾阀
  47067. spray valve cover ==> 喷雾阀盖
  47068. spray valve spring ==> 喷雾阀簧
  47069. spray washer ==> 喷射式清洗机,喷洗机,喷洗器
  47070. spray washer for sand ==> 喷水洗砂机
  47071. spray washing ==> 喷射冲洗
  47072. spray water ==> 喷水
  47073. spray water pipe ==> 喷水管
  47074. spray weather ==> 喷药天气
  47075. spray welding ==> 喷雾熔接
  47076. spray welding unit ==> 喷焊器
  47077. spray wire ==> 喷镀用的金属丝
  47078. spray wiring ==> 喷涂布线
  47079. spray zone ==> 浪花带
  47080. spray-bubbling [without deaerating head] type deaerator ==> 无除氧头喷雾沸腾式除氧器,储水箱上部设置雾化喷嘴,凝结水经喷嘴后被蒸汽一次加热,然后送入水箱底部的蒸汽进行二次加热,达到沸腾,从而实现除去给水中气体的目的
  47081. spray-cone ==> 喷射雾锥,锥形的
  47082. spray-cone angle ==> 喷射锥角
  47083. spray-cup injector ==> 溅板式喷嘴
  47084. spray-curing rig ==> 喷洒养护配备
  47085. spray-dip ==> 喷谷,喷浴
  47086. spray-dried detergent ==> 喷雾干燥洗涤剂
  47087. spray-droplet ==> 喷射油滴
  47088. spray-dust ==> 喷漆粉尘
  47089. spray-hole ==> 喷射孔
  47090. spray-making valve ==> 喷溅喷嘴
  47091. spray-nozzle burner ==> 喷嘴燃烧器
  47092. spray-on ==> 喷涂
  47093. spray-on process ==> 喷镀法,喷雾法
  47094. spray-painted ==> 喷漆
  47095. spray-painting ==> 喷染,喷雾涂层
  47096. spray-painting plant ==> 喷漆装置
  47097. spray-pipe system ==> 喷水管道系统
  47098. spray-plate injector ==> 溅板式喷嘴
  47099. spray-pond cooler ==> 喷水冷却池
  47100. spray-pressure controller ==> 喷雾机压力控制器,喷雾压力控制器
  47101. spray-type air cooler ==> 喷淋式空气冷却器
  47102. spray-type cement ==> 喷用胶浆
  47103. spray-type collector ==> 喷洒器式集尘器
  47104. spray-type controller ==> 喷水式调节器
  47105. spray-type desuperheater ==> 喷水减温器
  47106. spray-type drier ==> 喷淋式干燥器
  47107. spray-type dryer ==> 喷淋式干燥器
  47108. spray-type evaporator ==> 喷淋式蒸发器
  47109. spray-type humidifier ==> 喷雾增温塔
  47110. spray-up ==> 喷层,喷附成型
  47111. spray-up method ==> 喷射成形法
  47112. spray-up process ==> (玻璃钢)喷射成形
  47113. spray-wash ==> 喷洗
  47114. sprayed cathode ==> 喷涂阴极
  47115. sprayed coating ==> 喷敷
  47116. sprayed concrete ==> 喷射混凝土
  47117. sprayed earth ==> 喷制土
  47118. sprayed metal ==> 喷镀的金属
  47119. sprayed printed circuit ==> 喷涂法印刷电路
  47120. sprayed rubber ==> 喷制橡胶
  47121. sprayed salt mist ==> 喷射盐雾
  47122. sprayed tank ==> 喷淋罐
  47123. sprayed-metal bonding ==> 喷射金属法结合
  47124. sprayed-on acoustical material ==> 喷涂吸声材料
  47125. sprayer attachment ==> 喷雾附加装置
  47126. sprayer duster ==> 喷雾喷粉机
  47127. sprayer jet arc ==> 喷雾器弧形喷管
  47128. sprayer plate ==> 雾花片
  47129. sprayer simulator ==> 喷射模拟器
  47130. sprayer unit ==> 喷雾装置
  47131. sprayer-flame ==> (中耕除草用)火焰喷射机
  47132. sprayer-intermittent ==> 间歇式喷雾器
  47133. sprayer-slide ==> 柱塞泵式喷雾器
  47134. spraying ==> 喷涂
  47135. spraying agent ==> 喷雾剂
  47136. spraying altitude ==> 喷洒高度
  47137. spraying anesthesia ==> 喷雾麻醉
  47138. spraying angle ==> 喷射角
  47139. spraying apparatus for ash pan ==> 灰盘喷水器
  47140. spraying arch ==> (喷雾器的)拱形喷杆
  47141. spraying boom ==> 喷杆
  47142. spraying burner ==> 喷射燃烧器,喷油燃烧器=>噴射バーナー
  47143. spraying cabin ==> 喷雾匣
  47144. spraying car ==> 洒水车
  47145. spraying carburettor ==> 喷射式化油器
  47146. spraying cleaner ==> 喷洗器
  47147. spraying cock ==> 喷洒龙头
  47148. spraying cone ==> 喷雾锥
  47149. spraying device ==> 喷洒器
  47150. spraying dryer ==> 喷雾干燥器
  47151. spraying equipment ==> 喷射设备,喷涂设备,喷雾设备
  47152. spraying film ==> 溶射皮膜
  47153. spraying for corrosion prevention ==> 防食溶射
  47154. spraying fungicide ==> 喷淋杀菌剂
  47155. spraying glazing ==> 喷釉
  47156. spraying gun ==> 雾化器
  47157. spraying hose ==> 喷雾胶管
  47158. spraying jet ==> 喷射流,喷雾射流
  47159. spraying machine ==> 喷洒机
  47160. spraying method ==> 喷雾法
  47161. spraying nipple ==> 喷雾嘴
  47162. spraying nozzle ==> 喷雾嘴,雾化喷头=>噴霧ノズル
  47163. spraying overlay ==> 喷镀堆焊
  47164. spraying pistol ==> 喷漆枪
  47165. spraying plant ==> 喷涂设备,喷雾设备
  47166. spraying process ==> 喷射法,喷涂法,喷雾法
  47167. spraying rate ==> 喷射率
  47168. spraying reagent ==> 喷显剂
  47169. spraying screen ==> 喷水筛
  47170. spraying soap powder ==> 喷皂粉
  47171. spraying swath ==> 喷幅
  47172. spraying system ==> 喷淋系统
  47173. spraying tanker ==> 喷洒机
  47174. spraying treatment ==> 喷涂处理
  47175. spraying varnish ==> 喷涂清漆
  47176. spraying vehicle ==> 喷洒车
  47177. Spraypak packing ==> 金属网交织排列填料,斯普雷帕克填料
  47178. spread ==> 撒,锤薄,传,传播,涂敷,推广,展开,展扩,展形,张,敷胶量,延伸,蔓延,伸展,不合理组合,散布度
  47179. spread advance experience ==> 推广先进经验
  47180. spread all over ==> 遍及
  47181. spread card record ==> 展开卡记录
  47182. spread coating ==> 刷涂法
  47183. spread control ==> 展宽调节,散布控制
  47184. spread device ==> 撒布装置
  47185. spread effect ==> 波及效果
  47186. spread factor ==> 分布系数,宽度系数,零散因数,分布因数
  47187. spread footing ==> 扩大式底脚,扩展底座,扩展基脚
  47188. spread foundation ==> 扩大式基础,扩展底座,扩展基础
  47189. spread function ==> 扩散函数,弥漫函数
  47190. spread groove ==> 连接纹
  47191. spread in performance ==> 工作特性的变动范围
  47192. spread length ==> 传播长度
  47193. spread lens ==> 发散透镜
  47194. spread loss reinsurance ==> 分散损失再保险
  47195. spread manure ==> 施肥
  47196. spread of a projector ==> ビームの開き
  47197. spread of axles ==> 轴距
  47198. spread of bearing ==> 方位角摆动范围
  47199. spread of distribution ==> 分布的分散程度,分布曲线的展开范围
  47200. spread of holes ==> 孔的宽展
  47201. spread of indications ==> 示值分布
  47202. spread of points ==> 点的散布
  47203. spread of productivity ==> 生产率变动范围
  47204. spread of scientific knowledge ==> 科学知識の普及
  47205. spread of the fork ==> 叉齿距
  47206. spread of the variables ==> 变量的离差
  47207. spread of viscosity ==> 粘度变化范围
  47208. spread of wave function ==> 波函数扩展
  47209. spread oil cooling ==> 喷油冷却
  47210. spread order ==> 套做买卖订单,分散订单
  47211. spread out ==> 摊,展,铺展
  47212. spread out in different direction ==> 伸向不同方向的枝条
  47213. spread plate method ==> 平板涂布培养法
  47214. spread recorder ==> 扩张记录器
  47215. spread reflection ==> 漫反射,发散反射
  47216. spread risk ==> 分散风险
  47217. spread roll ==> 展毯辊
  47218. spread rolling ==> 宽展轧制
  47219. spread sheet ==> 棋盘式帐目分析表
  47220. spread span ==> 展宽端跨
  47221. spread spectrum ==> 展布频谱=>スペクトル拡散
  47222. spread spectrum modulation technique ==> 展布频谱调制技术
  47223. spread spectrum multiple access ==> 展布频谱多址=>スペクトル拡散多元接続
  47224. spread spectrum technique ==> 展布频谱技术
  47225. spread spectrum titransmission ==> 展布频谱传输
  47226. spread suspension method ==> 悬滴涂布观察法
  47227. spread to ==> 波及する
  47228. spread to distant sites ==> 遠隔部位に広がる
  47229. spread to other emerging market economies ==> 他の新興市場国に広がる
  47230. spread to other locations ==> 他の部位に広がる
  47231. spread to the entire body ==> 全身に広がる
  47232. spread variable capacitor ==> 频带展宽可变电容器
  47233. spread velocity ==> 传播速度
  47234. spread voltage ==> 分布电压
  47235. spread-blade cutter ==> 双面刀盘
  47236. spread-layer chromatography ==> 涂层色谱
  47237. spread-spectrum ==> 扩展频谱
  47238. spreadability ==> 覆盖性,铺展性
  47239. spreader ==> 铺层器,涂布机,涂布器,展平锤,撑柱,撒布机,摊铺机,摊药器,喷液器,刮胶机,分隔撑板,分流梭,分纱器=>バターナイフ
  47240. spreader bar ==> 扩杆
  47241. spreader beam ==> 担梁,分布梁
  47242. spreader block ==> 撒煤砖
  47243. spreader cone ==> 扩张锥
  47244. spreader device ==> 筑路撒料机
  47245. spreader feeder ==> 抛煤机
  47246. spreader hoisting mechanism ==> 集装箱吊具起升机构
  47247. spreader level-ling mechanism ==> 集装箱吊具水平保持机构
  47248. spreader nozzle ==> 喷洒喷嘴
  47249. spreader spool ==> 间距套管
  47250. spreader spring ==> 扩张弹簧
  47251. spreader stoker ==> 抛煤机炉排
  47252. spreader strip ==> 分流防冲带
  47253. spreader with vertical rotors ==> 立辊式撒肥机
  47254. spreader-finisher ==> 铺整两用机
  47255. spreader-steamer ==> 扩幅汽蒸机
  47256. spreader-sticker ==> 粘展剂
  47257. spreader-stoker-fired furnace ==> 抛煤机加煤锅炉
  47258. spreader-trailer ==> 拖车式撒布机
  47259. spreading ==> 展宽,撒布,接长,摊铺,套期图利,喷散,敷,敷涂,分散风险,蔓延,加宽焊道
  47260. spreading angle of wedge tool ==> 楔展角
  47261. spreading area ==> 分水面积
  47262. spreading bead ==> 宽焊道
  47263. spreading board ==> 撒布板
  47264. spreading calender ==> 等速砑光机,涂胶压延机
  47265. spreading chest ==> 压延头
  47266. spreading coefficient ==> 铺展系数,扩展系数=>拡張係数
  47267. spreading concept ==> 海底扩展
  47268. spreading concept of seafloor ==> 海底扩张说
  47269. spreading conveyer ==> 抛撒输送器
  47270. spreading disk ==> 撒布盘
  47271. spreading draught tube ==> 扩大式尾水管
  47272. spreading effect ==> 扩散效应
  47273. spreading factor ==> 透明质酸酶
  47274. spreading fire ==> 火力扩展
  47275. spreading floor hypothesis ==> 海底扩展,海底扩张假说
  47276. spreading form ==> 铺展型
  47277. spreading gangren ==> 蔓延性坏疽
  47278. spreading gear ==> 撒播装置
  47279. spreading knife ==> 刮刀
  47280. spreading machine ==> 散布机,摊铺机,涂胶机
  47281. spreading machine for adhesive plaster ==> 橡皮膏涂料机
  47282. spreading of spray ==> 喷雾角
  47283. spreading power ==> 展布力
  47284. spreading range ==> 扩展范围
  47285. spreading reel ==> 抛撒轮
  47286. spreading resistance ==> 扩展电阻=>広がり抵抗
  47287. spreading rotor ==> 撒布轮
  47288. spreading stand ==> (用于增大板坯宽度)宽展机座
  47289. spreading the work ==> 分散工作
  47290. spreading ulce ==> 蔓延性溃疡
  47291. spreading variety ==> 推广品种
  47292. spreading via tissue space ==> 组织蔓延
  47293. spreading waveform generator ==> 扩展波形发生器
  47294. spreading weld ==> 宽缝焊接,加宽的焊缝
  47295. spreadlight lens ==> 偏光透镜
  47296. spreadlight roundel ==> 偏光镜
  47297. spreads ==> 双向差额套头
  47298. spreadsheet ==> 棋盘式对照表,空白表格软件
  47299. Sprengel pump ==> 斯普伦格尔泵,施普伦格尔真空泵
  47300. SPRF, SSP problem report format ==> SSP問題報告書様式
  47301. sprig ==> 小枝
  47302. sprig bolt ==> 棘螺栓
  47303. spring ==> 拱脚,起拱点,泉,泉水,弹,弹出,弹簧,弹力,弹跳,反翘,轰眼,边弯,跳跃,簧=>ばね,泉,湧水,スプリング,バネ,発条,復元力,弾力
  47304. spring (center) bolt ==> 弹簧中心螺栓
  47305. spring accumul ator ==> 弹簧式蓄能器
  47306. spring action ==> 弹簧作用=>バネ作用
  47307. spring actuated ==> 弹簧启动的
  47308. spring additional buffer ==> 弹簧副缓冲块
  47309. spring adjuster ==> 弹簧调整器
  47310. spring adjusting collar ==> 弹簧调整环
  47311. spring adjusting screw ==> 弹簧调整螺钉
  47312. spring adjustment ==> 弹簧调节,弹簧调整
  47313. spring anchor plug ==> 弹簧固定塞
  47314. spring anchorage bracket ==> 弹簧固定架
  47315. spring and dashpot model ==> 弹簧和粘壶模型
  47316. spring and guide assembly ==> 弹簧导承组合
  47317. spring and lever loaded valve ==> 弹簧平衡阀
  47318. spring and piston ring elasticity tester ==> 弹簧及活塞环弹性检查器
  47319. spring antenna ==> 弹簧天线
  47320. spring anti-squeak ==> 弹簧减声器
  47321. spring application ==> 喷洒施肥
  47322. spring application catalog ==> 春季施肥目录
  47323. spring arch ==> 弹簧拱
  47324. spring arch clasp ==> 弹簧弓卡环
  47325. spring arrangement ==> 弹簧布置
  47326. spring assembly ==> 弹簧组,簧片组件
  47327. spring attachment ==> 弹簧固定,弹簧压紧装置
  47328. spring back ==> 弹簧式书脊,回弹,跳回
  47329. spring back cover ==> 弹簧脊封面
  47330. spring balance ==> 弹簧秤
  47331. spring balance system ==> 弹性平衡系统
  47332. spring ball joint ==> 弹簧球节
  47333. spring band ==> 弹簧箍
  47334. spring bar connection ==> (边车的)弹簧杆接头
  47335. spring barley ==> 春大麦
  47336. spring barrel ==> 弹簧锁定装置
  47337. spring base ==> 弹簧座
  47338. spring basket retainer ==> 弹簧篮式盛土器
  47339. spring beam ==> 弹簧杆,弹性梁
  47340. spring beard needle ==> 弹簧针
  47341. spring bearer plate ==> 弹簧压板
  47342. spring bearing ==> 弹簧轴承
  47343. spring bearings ==> 支撑轴承,支撑瓦
  47344. spring bed ==> 弹簧床,(剪毛机的)弹性托板
  47345. spring beetling machine ==> 弹簧捶布机
  47346. spring bellows ga(u)ge ==> 弹簧膜盒压力计
  47347. spring bender ==> 弹簧折弯机=>ばね曲げ
  47348. spring bending ==> 弹簧弯曲
  47349. spring bending machine ==> 弯簧机
  47350. spring bending tool ==> 弹簧弯曲器
  47351. spring board ==> 弹簧板,伐木踏板
  47352. spring bolster ==> 弹簧承梁
  47353. spring bolt ==> 弹簧插销=>スプリングボルト
  47354. spring bolt pressure lubricator ==> 弹簧销油嘴
  47355. spring box ==> 弹簧箱
  47356. spring box for excess pressure head ==> 超压簧箱
  47357. spring box for maximum pressure ==> 高压头簧箱
  47358. spring box mo(u)ld ==> 弹簧箱铸型
  47359. spring bracket bushing ==> 弹簧托架衬套
  47360. spring brake ==> 弹簧闸
  47361. spring brake chamber ==> 弹簧制动器室
  47362. spring brass ==> 弹簧黄铜=>バネ黄銅
  47363. spring break ==> 春季解冻
  47364. spring breakage ==> 弹簧断裂
  47365. spring buckle ==> 弹簧箍,弹簧扣,骑马螺丝
  47366. spring bud grafting ==> 春季芽接
  47367. spring budding ==> 春季芽接
  47368. spring buffer ==> 弹簧缓冲器
  47369. spring buffer cap ==> 弹簧缓冲器帽
  47370. spring buffer chamber ==> 弹簧缓冲室
  47371. spring buffer stroke ==> 弹簧缓冲压缩行程
  47372. spring bumper ==> 弹簧避震垫,弹簧缓冲器,弹簧缓冲装置
  47373. spring bumper bracket ==> 弹簧减振垫托架
  47374. spring bumper cover ==> 弹簧盖板
  47375. spring bushing ==> 弹簧衬套
  47376. spring busker sheller ==> 弹簧式玉米脱粒机
  47377. spring butt hinge ==> 弹簧合页,(门窗)弹簧铰链
  47378. spring cage ==> (压机的弹簧压力机构)弹簧笼
  47379. spring cal(l)ipers ==> 弹簧规
  47380. spring calipers ==> 弹簧卡钳
  47381. spring camber ==> 弹簧弯度
  47382. spring cap ==> 弹簧座盘
  47383. spring cap nut ==> (喷嘴)弹簧调节螺塞
  47384. spring cap nut (喷嘴) ==> 弹簧调节螺塞
  47385. spring capacity ==> 弹簧容量
  47386. spring carrier ==> 弹簧托架
  47387. spring carrier arm ==> 弹簧吊架,弹簧挂钩
  47388. spring catapult ==> (撞车试验用的)弹簧弹射器
  47389. spring catarrb ==> 春季卡他
  47390. spring catch ==> 弹簧挡,弹簧销
  47391. spring cavity ==> 弹簧腔
  47392. spring center ==> 弹簧顶尖
  47393. spring center clamp ==> 弹簧心夹
  47394. spring center clutch plate ==> 弹簧心离合器板
  47395. spring center hump ==> 弹簧心瘤
  47396. spring centered ==> 弹簧对中的
  47397. spring centering ==> 弹簧定中,对心弹簧
  47398. spring centre(s) ==> 弹动中心
  47399. spring centrifugal clutch ==> 弹簧延动离心式离合器
  47400. spring chamber parking brake ==> 弹簧室式停车制动器
  47401. spring chaplet ==> 螺旋心撑
  47402. spring characteristic ==> 弹出特性=>バネ特性
  47403. spring chasis bumper seat ==> 弹簧车架缓冲块座
  47404. spring chuck ==> 弹簧夹盘
  47405. spring circulation ==> 春季环流
  47406. spring clamp bolt ==> 弹簧夹紧螺栓
  47407. spring clamping plate ==> 弹簧夹板
  47408. spring cleaner ==> 弹簧清洁器
  47409. spring clip ==> 弹簧卡子
  47410. spring clip bar ==> 弹簧夹条
  47411. spring clip bar spacer ==> 弹簧钩簧隔片
  47412. spring clip plate ==> 弹簧夹板
  47413. spring clip retainer ==> 弹簧保险圈
  47414. spring clip spacer ==> 弹簧夹定位架
  47415. spring clock ==> 发条钟
  47416. spring cloth wind-up motion ==> 弹簧卷布装置
  47417. spring clutch ==> 弹簧离合器
  47418. spring coil ==> 弹簧圈,簧圈
  47419. spring coil shank ==> 弹簧圈式铲柄
  47420. spring coiling machine ==> 卷簧机,卷簧机
  47421. spring coiling machines and apparatus ==> 弹簧圈机和装置
  47422. spring collar ==> 弹簧挡圈,弹簧定位圈,弹性驻环
  47423. spring collet ==> 弹簧套筒夹头
  47424. spring collet chuck ==> 弹簧套爪夹头
  47425. spring collet holder ==> 弹簧筒夹架
  47426. spring compasses ==> 弹簧圆规
  47427. spring compression ==> スプリング圧
  47428. spring compression adjustment ==> 弹簧压紧调整装置
  47429. spring compressor ==> 弹簧帽
  47430. spring conjunctivitis ==> 春季结膜炎
  47431. spring connection ==> スプリング接続
  47432. spring constant ==> 弹簧比率,弹簧常数=>ばね定数
  47433. spring contact ==> 弹簧触点,弹簧接点,簧片接点=>バネ接点
  47434. spring contact arc welding ==> 弹力焊
  47435. spring contactor ==> 弹簧接触器
  47436. spring control ==> 弹簧调整,弹簧控制=>バネ制御
  47437. spring controlled valve ==> 弹簧控制阀
  47438. spring corn sheller ==> 弹压式玉米脱粒机
  47439. spring cotter ==> 弹簧插销,弹簧锁销,弹簧制销
  47440. spring coupling ==> 弹性联轴器
  47441. spring coupling plate ==> 弹簧箍圈,弹簧连接板
  47442. spring course ==> 起拱层
  47443. spring cover ==> 弹簧盖
  47444. spring cross shaft ==> 弹簧横轴
  47445. spring crust ==> 春季冰壳
  47446. spring cultivation ==> 春季中耕
  47447. spring cup ==> 弹簧盖,弹簧压罩
  47448. spring curve ==> 弹力曲线
  47449. spring cushion ==> 弹簧垫
  47450. spring damper ==> 弹簧减震器
  47451. spring damper coil ==> 盘簧减震器
  47452. spring damper system ==> 弹簧减震系统
  47453. spring deflection ==> 弹簧变位
  47454. spring depth ga(u)ge ==> 弹簧深度规
  47455. spring detent ==> 弹簧爪
  47456. spring diaphragm ==> 弹簧膜
  47457. spring die ==> 弹簧板牙,管子板牙,可调板牙
  47458. spring disconnecting mechanism ==> 弹簧分离机构
  47459. spring dividers ==> 弹簧量规
  47460. spring dog ==> 弹簧钩
  47461. spring draft gear ==> 环簧缓冲器
  47462. spring draw gear ==> 弹簧车钩,弹簧拖拉装置
  47463. spring draw nail ==> 弹簧起模钉
  47464. spring drive ==> 弹簧传动
  47465. spring driven ==> 弹簧驱动的
  47466. spring dust cover ==> 弹簧的防尘套
  47467. spring dynamometer ==> 弹簧动力计
  47468. spring dynomometer ==> 弹簧测力计
  47469. spring element ==> 弹簧元件
  47470. spring end ==> 弹簧端部
  47471. spring energizer ==> 弹簧增能器
  47472. spring equalizing device ==> 弹簧平衡装置
  47473. spring equinox ==> 春分点
  47474. spring exerciser ==> 拉力器
  47475. spring expander ==> 弹簧扩张器
  47476. spring expander oil ring ==> 弹簧胀圈油环
  47477. spring eye ==> 卷耳,卷耳,钢板弹簧卷耳
  47478. spring eye bolt ==> 弹簧眼螺丝
  47479. spring eye bushing ==> 弹簧圆眼衬套
  47480. spring eye needle ==> 弹机孔缝合针
  47481. spring fastener ==> 弹簧扣
  47482. spring fastening ==> 弹簧支座
  47483. spring faucet ==> 弹簧龙头
  47484. spring feed ==> 弹簧进给
  47485. spring fender ==> 弹簧碰垫
  47486. Spring Festival ==> 年历始
  47487. spring finger ==> 弹簧爪式定位装置
  47488. spring fixed end ==> 弹簧固定端
  47489. spring fixed eye ==> 固定簧眼
  47490. spring flexibility ==> 弹簧挠性
  47491. spring flood ==> 春洪,春汛
  47492. spring flood forecasting ==> 春汛预报
  47493. spring floor ==> 弹簧地板
  47494. spring follow ==> 弹性随动件
  47495. spring follower ==> 随动簧
  47496. spring follwer ==> 弹性随动件
  47497. spring for air pump ==> 气泵弹簧
  47498. spring for governor ==> 调节器弹簧
  47499. spring for grip chuck ==> 套爪夹头
  47500. spring force ==> 弹簧弹力
  47501. spring forge ==> 弹簧锻工车间
  47502. spring fork ==> 弹簧叉
  47503. spring forming machine ==> 弹簧成形机
  47504. spring fracture ==> 弹簧断裂
  47505. spring frame ==> 弹簧框架,弹性悬架式车架
  47506. spring frame of seat ==> 弹簧座架
  47507. spring free end ==> 弹簧自由端
  47508. spring freshet ==> 春汛
  47509. spring frost ==> 晚霜
  47510. spring fuse ==> 弹簧保险丝
  47511. spring ga(u)ge ==> 手按弹簧定位装置
  47512. spring gate stick ==> 弹簧直浇口模棒
  47513. spring gauze ==> 春纱
  47514. spring gear ==> 弹簧传动装置
  47515. spring generation of leaf beetle ==> 叶甲的春季代
  47516. spring gold ==> 弹簧金
  47517. spring governor ==> 弹簧调速器,弹簧控制器
  47518. spring grafting ==> 春季嫁接,盾形嫁接
  47519. spring gravimeter ==> 弹簧重力仪
  47520. spring grease cup ==> 弹簧加油杯,弹簧润滑器
  47521. spring grinding machine ==> 弹簧磨床
  47522. spring guard ==> 弹簧护板
  47523. spring guide ==> 弹簧导承,弹簧导杆
  47524. spring guide collar ==> 弹簧导环
  47525. spring guide pin ==> 弹簧导销
  47526. spring guide plate ==> 弹压导板
  47527. spring guide trunnion ==> 弹簧导杆耳轴
  47528. spring hammer ==> 弹簧锤
  47529. spring hammer beetle ==> 弹簧槌布机
  47530. spring handle ==> 弹簧手柄
  47531. spring hanger ==> 弹簧吊架,弹簧挂钩,钢板弹簧吊耳
  47532. spring hanger bar ==> 弹簧吊架杆
  47533. spring hanger bushing replacer ==> 弹簧挂钩衬套换装器
  47534. spring hanger gib ==> 弹簧吊架扁栓
  47535. spring hanger link ==> 弹簧吊杆
  47536. spring hanger pin ==> 弹簧挂钩销
  47537. spring harrow ==> 弹簧路耙
  47538. spring head ==> 弹簧头
  47539. spring height ==> 起拱高度
  47540. spring highwater mark ==> 大潮高水位
  47541. spring hinge ==> 弹簧合页,弹簧铰链
  47542. spring hitch ==> 弹簧联结器
  47543. spring holddown ==> 弹簧压紧板
  47544. spring holder ==> 弹簧柄,弹簧定位销,弹簧盘,弹簧支架,弹簧座
  47545. spring holding pressure ==> 弹簧保持压力
  47546. spring hook ==> 弹簧钩
  47547. spring horn ==> 弹簧导架
  47548. spring housing ==> 弹簧套
  47549. spring injection system ==> 弹簧喷射系统
  47550. spring insert ==> 弹簧隔板
  47551. spring inside caliper ==> 弹簧内卡钳
  47552. spring installation ==> 弹簧装置
  47553. spring jack ==> 弹簧塞孔,触簧开关,侧簧底脚片
  47554. spring joint ==> 弹簧接合
  47555. spring key ==> 弹簧键
  47556. spring knockout ==> 弹簧式顶件工具,弹簧式顶件器
  47557. spring lamb ==> 春季上市羔羊
  47558. spring lancet ==> 弹簧式刺血针
  47559. spring latch ==> 弹簧门闩
  47560. spring lay rope ==> 麻与金属丝合股绳
  47561. spring leaf ==> 弹力叶片,片簧,钢板弹簧主片
  47562. spring leg ==> (独立悬挂的)弹簧支柱
  47563. spring lever ==> 弹簧杆
  47564. spring lifter ==> 开口环提芯器
  47565. spring ligament ==> 弹簧韧带
  47566. spring line ==> 倒缆,拱脚线,斜系船缆
  47567. spring link ==> 弹簧连杆
  47568. spring load test ==> 弹簧载荷试验
  47569. spring loaded ==> 受载弹簧
  47570. spring loaded apex seal ==> 弹簧加载径向密封片
  47571. spring loaded lip seal ==> 弹簧唇形密封
  47572. spring loaded needle valve ==> 弹簧加载式针阀
  47573. spring loaded nozzle ==> 弹簧加压喷嘴
  47574. spring loaded pressure relief valve ==> 弹簧加载的压力泄放阀
  47575. spring loaded stop ==> 弹簧加载的挡块
  47576. spring lock ==> 弹簧锁
  47577. spring lock washer ==> 弹簧锁紧垫圈
  47578. spring locking pin ==> 弹簧锁式销
  47579. spring low-water line ==> 大潮低潮线
  47580. spring lubricator ==> 弹簧润滑器,弹簧注油器
  47581. spring main buffer ==> 弹簧主缓冲块
  47582. spring manometer ==> 弹簧压力表
  47583. spring mass ==> 弹性体
  47584. spring mass system ==> 弹簧质量系统
  47585. spring material ==> 弹簧材料
  47586. spring mattress ==> 弹簧垫子,钢丝垫子
  47587. spring mechanism ==> 弹簧机构
  47588. spring medium ==> 弹簧介质
  47589. spring modulus ==> 弹簧模量
  47590. spring motor ==> 发条传动装置
  47591. spring mounting ==> 弹簧安装,弹簧垫架
  47592. spring needle ==> 弹簧针
  47593. spring needle machine ==> 弹簧针针织机,钩针针织机
  47594. spring oats ==> 春燕麦
  47595. spring of arch ==> 拱顶高度,拱脚
  47596. spring of carriage ==> 车架弹簧
  47597. spring offset ==> 弹簧偏置式
  47598. spring offset valve ==> 弹簧移位的阀
  47599. spring onion ==> 大葱
  47600. spring opener ==> 开簧器
  47601. spring opening ==> 泉眼
  47602. spring operation ==> ばね操作
  47603. spring ophthalmia ==> 春季卡他性眼炎
  47604. spring overturn ==> 春季对流
  47605. spring pack ==> 弹簧组
  47606. spring pad ==> 弹簧垫
  47607. spring pawl ==> 弹簧爪
  47608. spring perch ==> 弹簧夹具,弹簧座
  47609. spring performance ==> 弹簧特性
  47610. spring pick loom ==> 弹簧投梭织机
  47611. spring picking motion ==> 弹簧投梭装置
  47612. spring pilot ==> 弹簧退让式导销
  47613. spring pin ==> 弹簧销,弹性销
  47614. spring pinchcock ==> 弹簧节流夹
  47615. spring piot ==> 钢板弹簧销
  47616. spring pit ==> 泉坑
  47617. spring pivot ==> 弹簧销,弹簧支枢
  47618. spring pivot bracket ==> 弹簧枢架,弹簧销支架
  47619. spring pivot seat ==> 弹簧支枢座
  47620. spring plank ==> 簧板
  47621. spring plant ==> 春性植物
  47622. spring planting ==> 春植
  47623. spring plunger ==> 弹簧定位销,弹簧锁销
  47624. spring plunger stripper ==> 弹簧柱塞式卸料板
  47625. spring pocket ==> 弹簧腔,弹簧套
  47626. spring point, one of the five Shu points ==> 荥穴
  47627. spring preloading device ==> 弹簧预紧装置
  47628. spring pressure ==> 弹簧压力
  47629. spring pressure ga(u)ge ==> 弹簧压力计
  47630. spring pressure plate ==> 弹簧压板
  47631. spring pressure rod ==> 弹簧加压杆
  47632. spring protecting sleeve ==> 弹簧护套
  47633. spring pruning ==> 春剪
  47634. spring puncture needle ==> 弹簧采血针
  47635. spring puttee ==> 弹簧钢板套
  47636. spring quadrant ==> 弹簧舵柄弧
  47637. spring rail frog ==> (铁路)弹簧辙叉
  47638. spring range ==> 大潮潮差
  47639. spring rate ==> 大潮流速,弹簧比率,弹簧刚度,弹簧刚性系数,弹簧应变率
  47640. spring reaction ==> 弹簧反作用
  47641. spring reamer ==> 弹簧铰刀,扩张铰刀
  47642. spring rebound clip ==> 弹簧箍圈,弹簧连接夹
  47643. spring receiver ==> 弹簧接受器
  47644. spring reducing valve ==> 弹簧减压阀,弹簧减压阀安全阀,安全阀
  47645. spring reed ==> 弹性筘
  47646. spring reed release motion ==> 弹簧游筘装置
  47647. spring regulator ==> 弹簧调速器
  47648. spring reinforced eye ==> 弹簧加强卷耳,加强簧眼
  47649. spring release ==> 弹簧安全器,弹簧式脱开装置
  47650. spring release hitch ==> 弹簧松脱式联结装置
  47651. spring resonance ==> 弹簧共振
  47652. spring retainer ==> 弹簧限位器
  47653. spring retainer lock ==> 弹簧底座销
  47654. spring retaining in position ==> 弹簧座圈
  47655. spring retaining plate ==> 弹簧限动板
  47656. spring return ==> 弹簧回程
  47657. spring reverse motion ==> 弹簧复位装置
  47658. spring ride model ==> 弹簧滑块模型
  47659. spring rigging ==> 弹簧配重机构,弹簧装置
  47660. spring ring ==> 弹簧圈,弹簧圈
  47661. spring rise ==> 大潮升
  47662. spring rod ==> 弹簧导杆
  47663. spring rod bushing ==> 弹簧杆衬套
  47664. spring roll balance ==> 轧辊的弹簧式平衡
  47665. spring roll crusher ==> 弹簧辊式破碎机
  47666. spring roll(s) ==> 弹簧辊碎机
  47667. spring roller ==> 弹簧滚柱
  47668. spring rubber bushing ==> 弹簧橡皮衬套
  47669. spring runoff ==> 春季径流
  47670. spring rye ==> 春黑麦
  47671. spring saddle ==> 弹簧鞍座
  47672. spring safety hitch ==> 弹簧安全联结装置
  47673. spring safety valve ==> 弹簧安全阀
  47674. spring sag ==> 弹簧垂度,弹簧弯度
  47675. spring scale ==> 弹簧秤,弹簧压力标
  47676. spring scale with stabilized pan ==> 盘式弹簧秤
  47677. spring screw ==> 弹簧螺钉
  47678. spring season ==> 大潮期
  47679. spring seat ==> 弹簧座
  47680. spring seat angle ==> 弹簧装置角
  47681. spring seat bearing ==> 弹簧座轴承
  47682. spring seat bearing adjusting nut ==> 弹簧座轴承调整螺母
  47683. spring seat bearing cap ==> 弹簧座轴承盖
  47684. spring seat center line ==> 弹簧座中心线
  47685. spring seat lock pin ==> 弹簧座锁销
  47686. spring seating ==> 弹簧座
  47687. spring seating collar ==> 弹簧座挡圈
  47688. spring seepage ==> 渗流泉
  47689. spring seismometer ==> 弹簧式地震仪
  47690. spring separator ==> 弹簧钢板隔片,弹簧隔离件
  47691. spring set ==> 弹簧组
  47692. spring shackle ==> 弹簧吊架,弹簧钩环,弹簧挂钩
  47693. spring shackle bar ==> 弹簧钩杆
  47694. spring shackle bolt lock ==> 弹簧吊钩保险
  47695. spring shackle bracket ==> 弹簧钩环托架
  47696. spring shackle bushing ==> 弹簧挂钩衬套
  47697. spring shackle pin ==> 弹簧钩环销
  47698. spring shaft ==> 弹簧轴
  47699. spring shank ==> 弹簧铲柄
  47700. spring sheet-holder ==> 弹簧定位销
  47701. spring sheller ==> 弹压式脱粒机
  47702. spring shield ==> 弹簧罩
  47703. spring shim ==> 弹簧垫片
  47704. spring shock (absorber) strut ==> 弹簧减震柱
  47705. spring shock absorber ==> 弹簧减震器
  47706. spring shoe ==> 弹簧瓦,弹簧支架
  47707. spring side ga(u)ge cam ==> 弹簧式测边定位楔块
  47708. spring silencer ==> 弹簧消声器
  47709. spring single coil ==> 单圈弹簧
  47710. spring sleeve ==> 弹簧套
  47711. spring sludge ==> 蜂窝冰
  47712. spring smithy ==> 弹簧车间
  47713. spring snap ring ==> 弹簧开口环
  47714. spring snow ==> 春天粒雪
  47715. spring snubber ==> 弹簧减震器
  47716. spring solid eye ==> 实心簧眼
  47717. spring space ==> 弹簧定位器
  47718. spring spacer bar ==> 弹簧撑杆
  47719. spring spindle ==> 弹簧顶杆
  47720. spring spline ==> 弹簧花键
  47721. spring spool ==> 弹簧卷筒
  47722. spring spreader ==> 弹簧扩张器
  47723. spring squeak ==> 弹簧尖叫声
  47724. spring starter ==> (发动机)弹簧起动器
  47725. spring starting mechanism ==> 弹簧起动机构
  47726. spring stay ==> 弹簧撑条
  47727. spring steel ==> 弹簧钢
  47728. spring steel band ==> 弹簧钢带
  47729. spring steel wire ==> 弹簧钢丝
  47730. spring steering wheel ==> 弹性转向盘
  47731. spring stiffness ==> 弹簧刚度
  47732. spring stock ga(u)ge ==> 弹簧式坯料定位装置
  47733. spring stock guide ==> 弹簧式导料板
  47734. spring stop ==> 弹簧挡板,弹簧门闩,弹簧限动器
  47735. spring stop block ==> 弹簧阻车器
  47736. spring stop-nut locking fastener ==> 弹簧防松螺母锁紧件
  47737. spring stripper ==> 弹簧卸料板
  47738. spring strut ==> 弹簧支柱
  47739. spring stud ==> 弹簧柱螺栓
  47740. spring support ==> 弹簧支架,弹簧支座,弹性座,簧架
  47741. spring supported type ==> ばね形(軸受)
  47742. spring surge ==> 弹簧颤动
  47743. spring surge frequency ==> 弹簧颤动频率
  47744. spring suspended ==> 弹簧悬吊
  47745. spring suspension ==> 弹簧悬置
  47746. spring suspension exerciser ==> 弹簧悬挂训练器
  47747. spring suspension rod ==> 弹簧悬挂杆
  47748. spring swage ==> 弹簧陷型模
  47749. spring swench ==> 弹簧冲击扳手
  47750. spring switch ==> 弹簧开关,弹簧转辙器
  47751. spring tab ==> 弹簧调整片
  47752. spring take-up ==> 弹簧张紧装置
  47753. spring temper ==> 弹簧回火,弹性回火
  47754. spring tension ==> 弹簧张力
  47755. spring tension adjusting screw ==> 弹簧压力调节螺钉
  47756. spring tension gauge ==> 弹簧压力计
  47757. spring tension pawl ==> 弹簧爪
  47758. spring tension tester ==> 弹簧弹力试验器
  47759. spring tensioner ==> 弹簧的调压螺钉
  47760. spring tester ==> 弹簧检验,弹簧试验仪
  47761. spring testing machine ==> 弹簧试验机=>バネ試験機
  47762. spring thrust ==> 弹簧推力
  47763. spring thrust bearing ==> (水轮发电机的)弹簧支撑式推力轴承
  47764. spring tidal current ==> 大潮潮流,大潮流
  47765. spring tide ==> 潮汛,朔望大潮,高潮
  47766. spring tide range ==> 大潮潮差
  47767. spring tides ==> 大潮
  47768. spring tie bolt ==> 弹簧系紧螺栓
  47769. spring tiller ==> 弹簧舵柄弧
  47770. spring tip ==> 弹簧端头
  47771. spring to break ==> 断电弹簧
  47772. spring to pull off ==> 反拉簧
  47773. spring tool ==> 鹅颈刀,弹簧车刀,弹簧刀
  47774. spring tool holder ==> 弹簧刀夹
  47775. spring tooth harrow ==> 簧齿耙
  47776. spring top-dressing ==> 春肥
  47777. spring tracheid ==> 春生管胞
  47778. spring track ==> 弹簧履带
  47779. spring trip ==> 弹簧避障器
  47780. spring tube ==> 弹性管
  47781. spring tup ==> 弹簧锻模
  47782. spring type welding ==> 弹力式焊接
  47783. spring tyre ==> 弹性轮胎
  47784. spring U-bolt ==> 弹簧骑马螺栓
  47785. spring valve ==> 弹簧阀,弹簧活门
  47786. spring velocity ==> 大潮流速
  47787. spring washer ==> 弹簧垫圈,弹性垫圈
  47788. spring water ==> 泉水
  47789. spring water stopper ==> 弹簧止水夹
  47790. spring wedge plate ==> 弹簧楔片
  47791. spring weight ==> 弹簧重量
  47792. spring welding ==> 弹力焊
  47793. spring wheel ==> 弹簧悬架车轮
  47794. spring wind tape ==> 弹簧卷尺
  47795. spring wire ==> 弹簧钢丝
  47796. spring wood ==> 春材
  47797. spring wool ==> 羊毛的春毛
  47798. spring wound clock ==> 发条钟
  47799. spring yoke ==> 弹簧轭
  47800. spring(-supported) mount ==> 弹簧架
  47801. spring-activated firing pin ==> 弹簧推动式击针
  47802. spring-actuated ==> 弹簧驱动
  47803. spring-actuated knockout pawl ==> 弹簧促动式推种爪
  47804. spring-actuated mechanism ==> 弹簧致动机构
  47805. spring-actuated piston ==> 弹簧作用的活塞
  47806. spring-applied nitrogen fertilizers ==> 春季施氮肥
  47807. spring-assisted cutter ==> 弹簧式切割器
  47808. spring-back ==> 弹性回复,弹性回跳,回跳
  47809. spring-back labyrinth gland ==> 弹簧迷宫汽封
  47810. spring-backed discharge spout ==> 弹簧返回式卸粮管
  47811. spring-backed oil ring ==> 弹簧胀圈油环
  47812. spring-backed pilot ==> 弹性导正销
  47813. spring-backed quill ==> 弹性套管
  47814. spring-backed type indirect pilot ==> 弹簧式间接导正销
  47815. Spring-Bak ==> 代森钠
  47816. spring-balance safety valve ==> 弹簧平衡安全阀
  47817. spring-balanced bell ga(u)ge ==> 弹簧钟形压力计
  47818. spring-balanced guard ==> 弹簧平衡的吊挂卫板
  47819. spring-biased valve ==> 弹簧加载的阀
  47820. spring-binder ==> 弹簧活页夹
  47821. spring-born calf ==> 春犊
  47822. spring-centered direction control valve ==> 弹簧对中的方向控制阀
  47823. spring-controlled float valve ==> 弹簧操纵浮阀
  47824. spring-coupler damper ==> 弹簧防震器
  47825. spring-cushioned pick up ==> 弹簧缓冲式捡拾器
  47826. spring-cushioned pick-up ==> 弹簧浮动式捡拾器
  47827. spring-disk valve ==> 簧盘阀
  47828. spring-fall range ==> 牧区的春秋羊场
  47829. spring-finger pick-up ==> 弹簧指式捡拾器
  47830. spring-floated die ==> 弹簧浮动模,弹簧模
  47831. spring-go ==> 弹复
  47832. spring-joint caliper ==> 弹簧接合卡钳
  47833. spring-leaf opener ==> 开簧器
  47834. spring-leaf retainer ==> 弹簧座圈
  47835. spring-loaded ==> 弹簧支承,受弹簧力作用
  47836. spring-loaded antenna ==> 弹簧天线
  47837. spring-loaded apron ==> 弹簧支承的挡板
  47838. spring-loaded bearing ==> バネ荷重軸受
  47839. spring-loaded brake ==> 弹簧制动器
  47840. spring-loaded catch ==> 弹簧卡子
  47841. spring-loaded check valve ==> 弹簧止回阀
  47842. spring-loaded clutch ==> 常闭式弹簧离合器
  47843. spring-loaded cock ==> 弹簧旋塞
  47844. spring-loaded crusher ==> 弹簧加压破碎机
  47845. spring-loaded cultivator ==> 弹簧加载式中耕机
  47846. spring-loaded drill colter ==> (条播机的)弹簧加力开沟器
  47847. spring-loaded floating die ==> 弹簧模
  47848. spring-loaded fly governor ==> 弹簧调节器
  47849. spring-loaded gear ==> (消除啮合间隙的一种齿轮结构)弹簧加载齿轮
  47850. spring-loaded governor ==> 弹簧调节器,弹簧调速器
  47851. spring-loaded grease cup ==> 弹簧滑脂杯
  47852. spring-loaded idler ==> 弹簧托辊,装簧空转轮
  47853. spring-loaded idling valve ==> 弹簧加压怠速阀
  47854. spring-loaded leather seal ==> 弹簧压紧皮碗
  47855. spring-loaded live centre ==> 弹簧活顶尖
  47856. spring-loaded membrane ==> 弹簧承力膜片,承弹簧力膜片
  47857. spring-loaded oil control ring ==> 弹簧油环
  47858. spring-loaded oil seal ==> 弹簧油封
  47859. spring-loaded overflow valve ==> 弹簧溢流阀
  47860. spring-loaded piston ==> 弹簧加荷的活塞
  47861. spring-loaded plunger ==> 弹簧柱塞
  47862. spring-loaded pressure relief valve ==> 弹簧式安全阀
  47863. spring-loaded quilled type indirect pilot ==> 弹簧套管式间接导正销
  47864. spring-loaded regulator ==> 弹簧承力调节器,弹簧加载调压器
  47865. spring-loaded release pin ==> 弹簧释放销
  47866. spring-loaded relief valve ==> 弹簧安全阀
  47867. spring-loaded roller ==> 弹起轮
  47868. spring-loaded scissor gear ==> 弹簧加载剪式齿轮
  47869. spring-loaded scraper ==> 弹簧加载式土刮器
  47870. spring-loaded seal ==> 弹簧加压密封
  47871. spring-loaded sheave ==> 弹簧加压皮带轮
  47872. spring-loaded shedder ==> 弹簧式顶出装置
  47873. spring-loaded spindle carrier ==> 弹簧平衡式接轴托架
  47874. spring-loaded stick ==> 弹簧加力的操纵杆
  47875. spring-loaded thrust meter ==> 弹簧测力计
  47876. spring-loaded tine cultivator ==> 弹簧加载齿式中耕机
  47877. spring-loaded valve ==> 弹簧阀
  47878. spring-mounted engine ==> 弹簧减震发动机
  47879. spring-mounted roller conveyor ==> 弹簧支承滚轴运输机
  47880. spring-mounted shank ==> 带弹簧安全器的铲柄
  47881. spring-operated brake ==> 弹簧闸
  47882. spring-operated magazine ==> 弹簧送弹匣
  47883. spring-operated mechanism ==> ばね操作器
  47884. spring-operated stripper ==> 弹簧卸料板
  47885. spring-opposed air valve ==> 弹簧承力空气阀
  47886. spring-opposed bellows ==> 弹簧承力波纹管
  47887. spring-opposed piston ==> 弹簧承力活塞
  47888. spring-opposed valve ==> 弹簧加载的阀
  47889. spring-pad clip ==> 弹簧垫夹
  47890. spring-pad clip nut ==> 弹簧垫固定螺帽
  47891. spring-pad wear plate ==> 弹簧垫耐磨板
  47892. spring-rebound plate ==> 弹簧回弹片
  47893. spring-return ==> 弹力回程
  47894. spring-return button ==> 弹簧自动还原按钮
  47895. spring-return directional valve ==> 弹簧复位的换向阀
  47896. spring-return operating switch ==> 自动复位的操作开关
  47897. spring-return piston ==> 弹簧回程活塞
  47898. spring-return switch ==> 弹簧复位开关
  47899. spring-shank cultivator ==> 弹柄式中耕机
  47900. spring-spoke steering wheel ==> 弹性辐操向轮
  47901. spring-spoked steering wheel ==> 弹性辐条转向盘
  47902. spring-spoked wheel ==> 弹性辐条轮
  47903. spring-steel floor member ==> 弹性钢底梁
  47904. spring-steel holder ==> 弹簧持钎器
  47905. spring-steel roof member ==> 弹性钢顶梁
  47906. spring-steel shutter ==> 弹簧钢活门
  47907. spring-strip suspension ==> 弹簧片悬挂
  47908. spring-style ==> 草图设计
  47909. spring-supported ==> 弹簧支撑的
  47910. spring-supported screen ==> 弹簧减震筛
  47911. spring-supported screen box ==> 弹簧支架筛箱
  47912. spring-suspended movable stripper ==> 弹簧式可动卸料板
  47913. spring-tensioned oil seal ==> 弹簧自紧油封
  47914. spring-time harrow ==> 春耙
  47915. spring-tine applicator ==> 弹齿施肥开沟器
  47916. spring-tine cultivator ==> 弹簧齿中耕机
  47917. spring-tine harrow ==> 弹齿耙,弹簧齿耙
  47918. spring-tine shank ==> 弹齿柄
  47919. spring-tine weeder ==> 弹簧齿除草耙
  47920. spring-tined cultivator-harrow ==> 簧齿式中耕耙
  47921. spring-tooth attachment ==> 弹齿附加装置
  47922. spring-tooth cultivator ==> 弹齿式中耕机
  47923. spring-tooth cylinder ==> 弹齿式滚筒
  47924. spring-tooth disk harrow ==> 弹齿圆盘耙
  47925. spring-tooth drag ==> 弹齿耙
  47926. spring-tooth flexing standard ==> 弹齿挠性铲柄
  47927. spring-tooth harrow ==> 弹齿耙路机,弹簧齿耙
  47928. spring-tooth harrow plough ==> 弹齿耙犁
  47929. spring-tooth harrow section ==> 弹齿耙组
  47930. spring-tooth rake ==> (附于平地机后端的)弹齿耙
  47931. spring-toothed harrow ==> 簧齿耙
  47932. spring-toothed weeder ==> 簧齿除草耙
  47933. spring-trip beam ==> 带弹簧安全器的犁辕
  47934. spring-trip hitch ==> 弹簧销拖挂装置
  47935. spring-trip shank ==> 带弹回安全器的铲柄
  47936. spring-trip shovel ==> 带弹回安全器的锄铲
  47937. spring-trip standard ==> 带弹回安全器的铲柄
  47938. spring-tube manometer ==> 弹性管式压力计
  47939. spring-type forceps ==> 弹簧镊子
  47940. spring-type governor ==> 弹簧式调速器
  47941. spring-type self-starter ==> 弹簧自动起动器
  47942. spring-weighted ==> 弹簧加压
  47943. springback gland ==> 簧压密封
  47944. springbed mattress ==> 钢丝网床垫
  47945. springing ==> 弹动,拱脚石=>サスペンション
  47946. springing course ==> 起拱层
  47947. springing front ==> 前悬置弹动
  47948. springing of intrados ==> 拱腹起拱线
  47949. springing of the stand ==> 机座的弹跳
  47950. springness form ==> 春种性类型
  47951. springy land ==> 湿润土地
  47952. sprinkle ==> 撒,洒,泼,喷,喷洒
  47953. sprinkle fire extinguisher ==> 自动喷水灭火器
  47954. sprinkler ==> 喷灌机,喷壶,喷洒器,喷水设备=>スプリンクラー,自動発水消化装置のこと。天上などに取り付けられ、火災を認知すると、自動的に発水、消化を行う。
  47955. sprinkler (rig) ==> 人工降雨装置
  47956. sprinkler apparatus ==> 喷灌器
  47957. sprinkler box ==> 喷灌机控制箱
  47958. sprinkler control ==> 喷灌装置调节器
  47959. sprinkler coupler ==> 喷灌装置管接头
  47960. sprinkler coupling ==> 喷灌装置管接头
  47961. sprinkler fire extinguishing system ==> 喷洒灭火系统
  47962. sprinkler gun ==> 喷灌枪,喷灌头
  47963. sprinkler head ==> 喷洒头,喷水头,喷头,撒水头
  47964. sprinkler irrigation ==> 喷灌
  47965. sprinkler jet ==> 喷灌装置的喷管
  47966. sprinkler lateral ==> 喷灌支管
  47967. sprinkler main ==> (灭火)喷水干管
  47968. sprinkler nozzle ==> 喷灌机喷嘴=>散水ノズル
  47969. sprinkler oscillating mechanism ==> 喷灌装置摆动机构
  47970. sprinkler plant ==> 喷灌装置
  47971. sprinkler plate ==> 喷射板
  47972. sprinkler rig ==> 喷溉装置
  47973. sprinkler system ==> 喷灌系统,喷洒灭火系统,喷水灭火装置
  47974. sprinkler tank ==> 撒水灭火箱
  47975. sprinkler valve ==> 喷淋器阀
  47976. sprinkling bar ==> 泼油管
  47977. sprinkling can ==> 喷壶,喷淋润滑器
  47978. sprinkling car ==> 洒水车
  47979. sprinkling fan ==> 喷雾风扇
  47980. sprinkling filter ==> 喷滤
  47981. sprinkling irrigation ==> 喷灌,喷水灌溉
  47982. sprinkling liquid chemicals ==> 撒化学药液
  47983. sprinkling machine ==> 喷灌机,喷水器,人工降雨机
  47984. sprinkling machine sparger ==> 喷淋器
  47985. sprinkling system ==> 喷洒系统
  47986. sprint ==> 短距離走,スプリント
  47987. sprint runners ==> 短距離ランナー
  47988. Sprite (signal processing in the element) detector ==> 扫积型探测器
  47989. sprmatorrheal ring ==> 精溢环
  47990. sprocke hole ==> 定位孔
  47991. sprocked gear wheel ==> 链轮
  47992. sprocket ==> 链齿,带齿卷盘,挑椽接木,星轮=>スプロケット
  47993. sprocket (gear) ==> 输片齿轮
  47994. sprocket bit ==> 中导位,定位位
  47995. sprocket chain ==> 链轮环链,扁环节链,扣齿链=>鎖車,スプロケットチェーン
  47996. sprocket channel ==> 链轮道,定位道
  47997. sprocket crank ==> 链轮曲柄
  47998. sprocket cutter ==> 链轮铣刀,星形齿轮铣刀
  47999. sprocket drive ==> 链轮传动=>スプロケット駆動
  48000. sprocket dynamometer ==> 链轮式拉力表
  48001. sprocket eaves ==> 接椽挑檐
  48002. sprocket feed ==> 链轮传动,链轮送纸
  48003. sprocket gear ==> 链轮,扣链齿轮
  48004. sprocket hob ==> 链轮滚刀
  48005. sprocket hole ==> 扣齿孔,输送孔=>フィルムの送り孔
  48006. sprocket mechanism ==> スプロケット機構
  48007. sprocket pulse ==> 计时脉冲,中导脉冲,轮齿脉冲,定位脉冲
  48008. sprocket shaft ==> 链轮轴
  48009. sprocket shaft bearing ==> 链轮轴轴承
  48010. sprocket shift claw ==> 链轮换档爪
  48011. sprocket shift claw bushing ==> 链轮换档爪衬套
  48012. sprocket shift claw press ring ==> 链轮换档爪压圈
  48013. sprocket shift fork ==> 链轮换档叉
  48014. sprocket tooth ==> 链轮齿=>スプロケットの歯
  48015. sprocket track ==> 定位道
  48016. sprocket wheel ==> 输片惰性轮
  48017. sprocket winch ==> 链轮绞车
  48018. sprocket-hole effect ==> 片孔效应
  48019. sprocket-worm gear type turning gear ==> 链轮-蜗轮蜗杆盘车装置,主要由电动机、传动齿轮系统、操纵杆及连锁装置等组成的盘车装置
  48020. sprocketed eaves ==> 接椽挑檐
  48021. sprout ==> 新芽,萌芽,芽=>芽,芽キャベツ,もやし
  48022. sprout and opening ==> 苗窍
  48023. sprout cell ==> 芽细胞
  48024. sprout damage ==> 发芽损失
  48025. sprout discharge gate ==> (水稻插秧机的)秧门板
  48026. sprout inhibitor ==> 发芽抑制剂
  48027. sprout land ==> 萌芽林
  48028. sprout tuber ==> 芽块
  48029. sprouting broccoli ==> 嫩茎花椰菜
  48030. sprouting of seed cane ==> 蔗种出苗
  48031. sprouting test ==> 萌发试验
  48032. spruce ==> 云杉
  48033. spruce bark ==> 云杉树皮
  48034. spruce extract ==> 云杉栲胶
  48035. spruce needle rust ==> 云杉叶锈病
  48036. spruce oil ==> 云杉油
  48037. spruce pulp ==> 云杉木浆
  48038. spruce sulfite extract ==> 云杉亚硫酸提取物
  48039. spruce wood ==> 云杉木
  48040. sprue base ==> 直浇道窝,直浇口窝,直浇口压痕
  48041. sprue bush ==> 浇道套
  48042. sprue bushing ==> 浇口衬瓦
  48043. sprue button ==> 水口钮
  48044. sprue cup ==> 浇口杯,浇铸漏斗,漏斗形浇口,漏斗形外浇道
  48045. sprue cutter ==> 浇口切断机,加工浇口和冒口的铣刀
  48046. sprue gate ==> 浇注口
  48047. sprue hole ==> 直浇口
  48048. sprue mill ==> 浇冒口清理滚筒
  48049. sprue pin ==> 直浇道模型,直浇口模棒
  48050. sprue plug ==> 浇口塞棒
  48051. sprue puller ==> 直浇口拉出器
  48052. sprue recess ==> 钳口凹入部分
  48053. sprue wire ==> 铸道针
  48054. sprue-runner-gate area ratio ==> 直浇道横浇道内浇道面积之比
  48055. spruing station ==> 打浇冒口区
  48056. sprung ==> 边弯材
  48057. sprung arch ==> 悬拱,起拱点,弓形拱
  48058. sprung axle ==> 簧上轴
  48059. sprung floor ==> 弹簧地板
  48060. sprung mass ==> 悬挂质量
  48061. sprung molding ==> 弯曲线脚
  48062. sprung parts ==> 悬挂部件
  48063. sprung roof ==> 悬拱
  48064. sprung weight ==> 簧上重量,弹簧承受的重量
  48065. sprung-hub wheel ==> 悬架车轮
  48066. SPS, Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ==> SPS协议,实施卫生与植物卫生措施协议
  48067. SPS, sample per second ==> 毎秒サンプル数
  48068. SPS, satellite power system ==> 衛星電源システム
  48069. SPS, secondary propulsion subsystem ==> 二次推進系サブシステム
  48070. SPS, shuttle procedure simulator ==> シャトル手順シミュレータ
  48071. SPS, solar array paddle subsystem ==> 太陽電池パドル系
  48072. SPS, Solar Pointing Structure Group ==> 太陽指向構造グループ
  48073. SPS, solar power satellite ==> 太陽発電衛星
  48074. SPS, Solar Power Satellite ==> 宇宙太陽発電衛星
  48075. SPS, Space Solar Power Satellite/Station ==> 宇宙太陽発電所
  48076. SPS, spacelab pallet system ==> スペースラブパレットシステム
  48077. SPS, Special Protection System ==> 電力系統安定化システム
  48078. SPS, special purpose satellite ==> 特殊目的衛星
  48079. SPS, Standard Positioning Service ==> SPS
  48080. SPS, Strategic Policy Statement ==> SPS
  48081. SPS, support proposal segment ==> 支援提議部署
  48082. SPSB, Solid Propellant Storage Building ==> 第一火薬庫(種子島宇宙センターの施設名称,意訳,固体推進・
  48083. SPSS, solar paddle sun sensor ==> パドル追尾用太陽センサ
  48084. SPST, single pole single throw switch ==> 単極単投スイッチ
  48085. SPT, science pilot ==> 科学者パイロット
  48086. SPT, solar panel technology ==> ソーラーパネルテクノロジー
  48087. SPT, spacecraft prelaunch testing ==> 衛星打上前試験
  48088. SPT, system performance test ==> システム性能試験
  48089. SPU, signal processing unit ==> 信号処理部
  48090. SPU-EL, signal processing unit-electronics ==> 信号処理部竏駐d気回路
  48091. SPU-PS, signal processing unit-power supply ==> 信号処理部竏駐d源
  48092. spuare rump ==> 臀部丰满
  48093. spudding bit ==> 开眼顿钻钻头
  48094. spume ==> 泡沫,起泡沫
  48095. spumescence ==> 泡沫性,泡沫状
  48096. spun acetate ==> 醋酯短纤维纱
  48097. spun bearing ==> 离心浇铸轴承
  48098. spun cast pipe ==> 离心铸管
  48099. spun casting ==> 离心浇铸
  48100. spun cotton ==> 棉纱
  48101. spun glass ==> 玻璃丝,玻璃纤维
  48102. spun pipe ==> 旋制管
  48103. spun plied yarn ==> 合股短纤纱
  48104. spun rayon ==> 粘胶纱
  48105. spun tussah cloque ==> 凹凸绉
  48106. spun work ==> 压制工件
  48107. spun-barrel reflector ==> 桶形反射器
  48108. spun-blended yarn ==> 短纤维混纺纱
  48109. spun-bonded fibre ==> 纺粘纤维
  48110. spun-dyed fibre ==> 纺前染色纤维
  48111. spun-in casting ==> 离心铸造法
  48112. spun-refined iron ==> 离心精炼铁
  48113. spun-with-colour fibre ==> 纺前染色纤维
  48114. spunbonded fabric ==> 不織布
  48115. spur ==> 木杆接桩,陆架山脊,花距,丁坝,短木支撑,排出口,骨刺,径迹,径迹,岔坝,石嘴,山嘴,支撑物,支线
  48116. spur and helical hobbing machine ==> 正齿轮和斜齿轮滚齿机
  48117. spur band ==> 分路频带
  48118. spur bevel gear ==> 正齿伞齿轮
  48119. spur blight ==> 短枝疫病
  48120. spur budding ==> 短枝芽接
  48121. spur canal ==> 支渠
  48122. spur differential ==> 正齿轮分速器
  48123. spur dike ==> 丁坝
  48124. spur driving pinion ==> 主动小正齿轮
  48125. spur formation ==> 骨刺形成
  48126. spur friction wheel ==> 筒形摩擦轮
  48127. spur gear ==> 直齿圆柱齿轮,正齿轮
  48128. spur gear lubricant ==> 正齿轮润滑剂
  48129. spur geared winch ==> 正齿轮绞车
  48130. spur gearset ==> 正齿轮传动装置
  48131. spur guard ==> 保险销
  48132. spur guide ==> 直导轨
  48133. spur of nasal septum ==> 鼻中隔骨刺
  48134. spur pinion ==> 正小齿轮,柱形直齿轮
  48135. spur protection ==> 护岸丁坝
  48136. spur pruning ==> 短枝修剪
  48137. spur rack ==> 正齿齿条
  48138. spur shaper cutter ==> 直齿插齿刀
  48139. spur teeth ==> 正齿
  48140. spur type ==> 正齿式,直齿式
  48141. spur type planetary gearing ==> 正齿式行星齿轮装置
  48142. spur type planetary reducer ==> 正齿式行星减速齿轮
  48143. spur wheel back gear ==> 正齿背齿轮
  48144. spur wheel countershaft ==> 正齿轮副轴
  48145. spur wheel outrigger gear ==> 正齿轮外运传动装置
  48146. spur(-)gear cutter ==> 正齿轮铣刀
  48147. spur(-)gear pump ==> 直齿齿轮泵
  48148. spur(-)line ==> 支线
  48149. spur-gear ==> 直齿轮
  48150. spur-gear blank ==> 正齿轮坯料
  48151. spur-gear cutting ==> 正齿轮切削
  48152. spur-gear differential ==> 直齿圆柱齿轮差速器
  48153. spur-gear drive ==> 正齿轮传动
  48154. spur-gear lubrication ==> 正齿轮润滑
  48155. spur-gear pulley ==> 正齿轮滑车
  48156. spur-gear set ==> 正齿轮组
  48157. spur-gear speed reducer ==> 正齿轮减速机
  48158. spur-gear wheel ==> 正齿齿轮
  48159. spur-geared ==> 正齿轮传动的
  48160. spur-gearing ==> 正齿轮传动装置,正齿轮对
  48161. spur-line filter ==> 支线滤波器
  48162. spur-mark ==> 支烧痕
  48163. spur-type planetary gear ==> 正齿式行星齿轮
  48164. spur-wheel reversing gear ==> 正齿轮回动装置
  48165. spurgear ==> 正齿轮
  48166. spurging ==> 起疤,产生泡沫
  48167. spurion ==> 斯普里昂
  48168. spurious ==> 干扰的,乱真,赝=>偽の,うその,偽造の
  48169. spurious background ==> 乱真背景
  48170. spurious berry ==> 假浆果
  48171. spurious capacitance ==> 寄生电容
  48172. spurious charge ==> 寄生电荷,乱真电荷
  48173. spurious coincidences ==> 假符合
  48174. spurious correlation ==> 伪相关
  48175. spurious count ==> 乱真计数
  48176. spurious counts ==> 假计数
  48177. spurious coupling ==> 寄生耦合,杂散耦合
  48178. spurious discharge ==> 乱真放电
  48179. spurious disk ==> 盘状假星象
  48180. spurious dissepiment ==> 假隔膜
  48181. spurious distortion ==> 假畸变,乱真畸变
  48182. spurious frequency ==> 寄生频率
  48183. spurious image ==> 寄生图像,乱真影像
  48184. spurious impedance ==> 寄生阻抗
  48185. spurious inductance ==> 寄生电感
  48186. spurious level ==> 寄生电平
  48187. spurious ligulate floret ==> 假舌状小花
  48188. spurious lobe ==> 假波瓣
  48189. spurious lock ==> 假锁定
  48190. spurious mode ==> 寄生模式
  48191. spurious modulation ==> 寄生灯
  48192. spurious noise ==> 寄生噪声
  48193. spurious oscillation ==> 寄生振荡,乱真振荡
  48194. spurious output ==> 乱真输出=>スプリアス出力
  48195. spurious pattern ==> 寄生图像
  48196. spurious power meter ==> 乱真信号功率测量仪
  48197. spurious pregnancy ==> 假妊娠,假孕
  48198. spurious pulse ==> 假脉冲,寄生脉冲,乱真脉冲
  48199. spurious radiation ==> 乱真辐射,伪辐射,寄生辐射=>スプリアス放射
  48200. spurious resolution ==> 乱真分辨率,乱真清晰度
  48201. spurious resonance ==> 乱真共振,寄生振荡
  48202. spurious response ==> 假信号=>スプリアスレスポンス
  48203. spurious revenues ==> 虚假收入
  48204. spurious side band ==> 乱真边带
  48205. spurious signal ==> 乱真信号
  48206. spurious spike ==> 假穗
  48207. spurium ==> 寄生束
  48208. spurrite ==> 灰硅钙石
  48209. spurt ==> 价格突然高涨,溅射,射,唧,唧,喷,喷射
  48210. spurt (spirt) ==> 溅
  48211. spurt in prices ==> 价格猛涨
  48212. spurt loss volume ==> 初滤失量
  48213. spurt tone ==> 突发音调
  48214. spurting ==> 喷射状
  48215. Spurway's syndrome ==> 蓝巩膜综合征
  48216. Sputnik ==> スプートニク
  48217. Sputnik program ==> 卫星计划
  48218. sputter ==> 溅镀,溅射,溅射机,溅蚀
  48219. sputter cleaning ==> 溅射清洗
  48220. sputter coating ==> 溅射涂膜
  48221. sputter deposition ==> 溅射淀积
  48222. sputter etching ==> 溅射蚀刻=>スパッタエッチング
  48223. sputter gun ==> 溅射用电子枪
  48224. sputter ion pump ==> 溅射离子泵
  48225. sputter reactor ==> 溅射反应器
  48226. sputter-ion pump ==> 离子溅射泵
  48227. sputtered beam ==> 溅射射束
  48228. sputtered dielectric film ==> 溅射介质薄膜
  48229. sputtered film ==> 喷镀薄膜
  48230. sputtered film disk ==> 溅射薄膜磁盘
  48231. sputtered layer ==> 溅射膜层
  48232. sputterer ==> 溅射反应器
  48233. sputtering ==> 喷涂,溅射=>スパッタ,スパッタ法,スパッタリング
  48234. sputtering chamber ==> 溅射室
  48235. sputtering equipment ==> 溅涂装置
  48236. sputtering hollow cathode discharge ==> 溅射型空心阴极放电
  48237. sputtering of metal ==> 金属喷镀
  48238. sputtering source ==> 溅射源
  48239. sputtering system ==> 溅射系统
  48240. sputtering target ==> 溅射靶
  48241. sputtering yield ==> 溅射效率,溅镀率,溅镀系数,溅射率,溅射系数
  48242. sputum ==> 痰,痰液
  48243. sputum aspirator ==> 吸痰器
  48244. sputum coctum ==> 粘液脓性痰
  48245. sputum crudum ==> 粘液痰
  48246. sputum cruentum ==> 血痰
  48247. sputum cytodiagnosis ==> 痰液细胞学诊断=>喀痰細胞診
  48248. sputum cytology ==> 喀痰細胞診
  48249. sputum examination ==> 痰液检查
  48250. sputum examination for tubercle bacillus ==> 痰结核菌检查
  48251. sputum serosum ==> 浆液性痰
  48252. SPV, secondary purge valve ==> 補助パージバルブ
  48253. SPW, stimulated plasma wave ==> 励起プラズマ波
  48254. SPWG, space parts working group ==> 宇宙用部品検討グループ
  48255. SPWM ==> 正弦脉宽调制
  48256. SPX circuit ==> 单工电路,单工线路
  48257. spy hole ==> 探视孔,窥孔
  48258. spy on ==> 窥视
  48259. spy satellite ==> 间谍卫星
  48260. spy-in-the-sky ==> 侦察卫星
  48261. sq ft, Square Feet ==> 平方フィート
  48262. SQ, sequence number ==> SQ
  48263. SQ, system qualification test ==> システム確認試験
  48264. SQA, software quality assurance ==> ソフトウェア品質保証
  48265. SQA, Statistical Quality Assurance ==> 統計的品質保障
  48266. SQC, Statistical Quality Control ==> 統計的品質管理
  48267. SQIB, squib ==> スクイブ
  48268. SQL ==> SQLサーバ
  48269. SQL, squelch circuit ==> スケルチ回路
  48270. SQM, square meter ==> 平方メータ
  48271. SQPN, staggered quadriphase pseudonoise ==> スタッガード四相疑似雑音
  48272. SQPS, staggered quadriphase shift ==> スタッガー4シフト
  48273. squabbing pass ==> 梯形立轧孔型
  48274. squabbing roll ==> 阶梯轧辊
  48275. squall cloud ==> 飑云
  48276. squall line ==> 飑线
  48277. squama frontalis ==> 额鳞
  48278. squamiform cast ==> 鳞形铸型
  48279. squamiform mark ==> 鳞形痕
  48280. squamobasal cell carcinoma of skin ==> 皮肤鳞状基底细胞癌
  48281. squamosal bone ==> 鳞骨,鳞状骨
  48282. squamose structure ==> 鳞片状结构
  48283. squamosomastoid suture ==> 鳞乳缝
  48284. squamous ==> 鳞状的
  48285. squamous alveolar cells ==> 肺泡I型细胞
  48286. squamous and dry skin ==> 肌肤甲错
  48287. squamous bulb ==> 鳞基
  48288. squamous carcinoma ==> 鳞状癌,鳞状上皮细胞癌,鳞状细胞癌
  48289. squamous carcinoma of larynx ==> 喉鳞状细胞癌
  48290. squamous cell ==> 鳞状上皮细胞
  48291. squamous cell atypical hyperplasia of cervix ==> 不典型子宫颈鳞状上皮增生
  48292. squamous cell carcinoma ==> 鳞状细胞癌
  48293. squamous cell carcinoma of anus ==> 肛门鳞状细胞癌
  48294. squamous cell carcinoma of bladder ==> 膀胱鳞状上皮细胞癌
  48295. squamous cell carcinoma of bone ==> 骨鳞状上皮细胞癌
  48296. squamous cell carcinoma of breast ==> 乳房鳞状上皮细胞癌,乳腺鳞状细胞癌
  48297. squamous cell carcinoma of bronchus ==> 支气管鳞状细胞癌
  48298. squamous cell carcinoma of conjunctiva ==> 结膜鳞状上皮细胞癌
  48299. squamous cell carcinoma of cornea ==> 角膜鳞状上皮细胞癌
  48300. squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid ==> 眼睑鳞状细胞癌
  48301. squamous cell carcinoma of lid ==> 睑鳞状上皮癌,睑鳞状上皮癌
  48302. squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx ==> 鼻咽鳞状上皮细胞癌
  48303. squamous cell carcinoma of palate ==> 腭部鳞状细胞癌
  48304. squamous cell carcinoma of penis ==> 阴茎鳞状上皮细胞癌
  48305. squamous cell carcinoma of salivary gland ==> 涎腺鳞状细胞癌
  48306. squamous cell carcinoma of scrotum ==> 阴囊鳞状细胞瘤
  48307. squamous cell carcinoma of stomach ==> 胃鳞状细胞癌
  48308. squamous cell carcinoma of trachea ==> 气管鳞状上皮癌
  48309. squamous cell carcinoma of vagina ==> 阴道鳞状上皮细胞癌
  48310. squamous cell carcinoma of vulva ==> 外阴鳞状上皮细胞癌
  48311. squamous cell hyperplasia of cervix ==> 子宫颈鳞状上皮增生
  48312. squamous cell metaplasia of cervical mucosa ==> 子宫颈粘膜鳞状上皮化生
  48313. squamous cell metaplasia of cervix ==> 子宫颈鳞状上皮化生
  48314. squamous cell papilloma of nose ==> 鼻鳞状细胞乳头状瘤
  48315. squamous crust ==> 鳞屑状痂皮
  48316. squamous cytoma ==> 鳞状细胞瘤
  48317. squamous eczema ==> 鳞屑性湿疹
  48318. squamous epithelial carcinoma ==> 鳞状上皮癌
  48319. squamous epithelioma ==> 鳞状细胞上皮癌
  48320. squamous epithelium ==> 鳞状上皮,扁平上皮
  48321. squamous eruption ==> 鳞屑疹
  48322. squamous follicular keratosis ==> 鳞状毛囊角化病
  48323. squamous metaplasia ==> 鳞状化生,鳞状上皮化生
  48324. squamous part ==> 鳞部
  48325. squamous suture ==> 鳞缝
  48326. squamous syphilid ==> 鳞屑性梅毒疹
  48327. squamous-cell carcinoma ==> 鳞状细胞癌
  48328. squamous-cell papilloma of tonsil ==> 扁桃体鳞状细胞乳头状瘤
  48329. square ==> 矩,矩,矩形的,矩形的,四方,正方形,平方,平方的,期货轧平,广场,方块,二次幂,直角尺=>正方形,四角,直角定規,差し金,直角の,清算する
  48330. square accounts ==> 清理帐目,清算,结清,结清帐目
  48331. square and flat panel ==> 方块平镶板
  48332. square array ==> 方阵列
  48333. square auger ==> 方孔钻
  48334. square back body ==> 方背式车身
  48335. square bands machine ==> 带条剪方机
  48336. square bar ==> 方棒料,方杆,方钢筋
  48337. square bar iron ==> 方铁条
  48338. square bar spiral spring ==> 方条盘簧
  48339. square bearing ==> 正接触
  48340. square bellmouth transition ==> 方喇叭形渐变段
  48341. square bellows ==> 正方形伸缩风箱
  48342. square bend ==> 直角弯头
  48343. square bent ==> 直角弯头
  48344. square billet ==> 方坯
  48345. square bloom ==> 方钢坯
  48346. square bodied suture needle ==> 方体缝合针
  48347. square bolt ==> 方螺栓=>四角ボルト
  48348. square bottle ==> 角瓶
  48349. square bowl ==> 角鉢
  48350. square box socket wrench ==> 方套筒扳手
  48351. square box spanner ==> 方套筒扳手
  48352. square box wrench ==> 方套筒扳手
  48353. square bracket ==> 方格形,方括号=>角括弧
  48354. square brick ==> 方砖
  48355. square budding ==> 方形芽接
  48356. square butt joint ==> 平头对接,平头对接接头
  48357. square butt weld ==> 平头对接焊缝
  48358. square butt welding ==> 平头对接焊
  48359. square calliper ==> 游标卡尺
  48360. square cascade ==> 方块级联
  48361. square center ==> 方顶尖
  48362. square centimeter ==> 平方公分
  48363. square centimetre ==> 平方厘米
  48364. square channel tile ==> 方槽形瓦管
  48365. square chart ==> 方形图
  48366. square check irrigation ==> 方格灌溉
  48367. square chest ==> 方箱
  48368. square cluster planting method ==> 方形簇种法
  48369. square coil ==> 矩形线圈=>方形コイル
  48370. square college cap ==> 方顶学位帽
  48371. square column ==> 方柱
  48372. square contingency ==> 平方列联
  48373. square corner ==> 直角转角,内夫角
  48374. square corner Braun tube ==> 矩形电子束管,矩形电子束管,矩形显像管,矩形显像管
  48375. square cotter ==> 方销
  48376. square coupling ==> 方头联轴节
  48377. square cross section ==> 方形截面
  48378. square cross-section ==> 方形断面
  48379. square crossing ==> 垂直交叉,十字形交叉
  48380. square crossing center line ==> 十字形交叉中心线
  48381. square cutting ==> 直角切割,垂直切割,平头切割
  48382. square decimeter ==> 平方公寸
  48383. square degree ==> 平方度,方角度
  48384. square delayed pulse ==> 矩形延迟脉冲,矩形延迟脉冲
  48385. square detector ==> 方形探测器
  48386. square die ==> 方板牙,方形板牙
  48387. square digging blade ==> 方头挖掘铲
  48388. square distribution ==> 二乗分布
  48389. square doily ==> 方盆垫
  48390. square domain ==> 平方領域
  48391. square downpipe ==> 方水落管
  48392. square drift ==> 方形冲头
  48393. square edge ==> 直角边缘
  48394. square edged ==> 方边的
  48395. square edged orifice ==> 方孔
  48396. square elbow ==> 直角弯管接头
  48397. square end ==> 方端,垂直切头
  48398. square endplate ==> 方形端板
  48399. square engine ==> 方形发动机,等径程发动机,等行程发动机
  48400. square error consistency ==> 平方误差相容性
  48401. square eyed auger ==> 方孔木钻
  48402. square field picket fence reticle ==> 矩形栅状调制盘,矩形栅状调制盘
  48403. square flange ==> 方法兰
  48404. square flue ==> 方形烟道
  48405. square foot ==> 平方英尺
  48406. square foundation ==> 方形基础
  48407. square gauge ==> 方规
  48408. square grade ==> 平方度
  48409. square grid ==> 方格网
  48410. square grooe corner joint ==> 平头角接头
  48411. square groove ==> 平头坡口,四方进刀架,方槽,无坡口,不开坡口
  48412. square groove weld ==> 无坡口槽焊
  48413. square hall ==> 方厅
  48414. square harrow ==> 方形耙
  48415. square head ==> 四方头
  48416. square head flat point set screw ==> 方头平尖紧定螺钉
  48417. square head screw ==> 方头螺钉
  48418. square head wrench ==> 方扳手
  48419. square headed window ==> 方头窗
  48420. square hewn ==> 四面斧砍的
  48421. square hoe ==> 方锄
  48422. square hole ==> 方孔
  48423. square hole cutting slotting tool ==> 方孔插刀
  48424. square hole screen ==> 方孔筛
  48425. square hole slotting tool ==> 方孔插刀
  48426. square hysteresis loop material ==> 方形磁滞回线材料
  48427. square impact ==> 正冲
  48428. square impulse ==> 方形波インパルス
  48429. square inch ==> 平方英寸
  48430. square indexable carbide milling cutter insert ==> 方形可转位铣刀片
  48431. square ingot ==> 方钢锭
  48432. square iron ==> 方铁
  48433. square iron bar ==> 方铁条
  48434. square iron core coil ==> 矩形铁芯线圈,矩形铁芯线圈
  48435. square iron-core coil ==> 方形铁芯线圈
  48436. square jackscrew ==> 方形起重螺杆
  48437. square jaw clutch ==> 矩形凸爪离合器,矩形凸爪离合器
  48438. square jet ==> 正方形噴流
  48439. square joint ==> 平头接头
  48440. square Kelly ==> 方钻杆
  48441. square key ==> 方键
  48442. square kilometer ==> 平方公里
  48443. square kiosk ==> 方亭
  48444. square knot ==> 反结,方结
  48445. square land valve ==> 方形台肩阀
  48446. square lattic ==> 方点阵
  48447. square law ==> 二乘法
  48448. square law capacitor ==> 平方律可变电容器,直线波长式可变电容器
  48449. square law condenser ==> 平方律可变电容器,直线波长式可变电容器
  48450. square law detection ==> 平方律检波
  48451. square law detector ==> 平方律检波器
  48452. square law modulator ==> 平方律调制器
  48453. square level ==> 方水平仪
  48454. square lever ==> 直角形杠杆
  48455. square lock nut ==> 方头锁紧螺母
  48456. square log ==> 方原木
  48457. square loop ==> 矩形回线,矩形回线
  48458. square loop ferrite ==> 矩形磁滞环铁氧体
  48459. square loop material ==> 矩形磁滞回线材料
  48460. square matrix ==> 方矩阵=>正方行列
  48461. square mean ==> 中误差
  48462. square measure ==> 面积单位
  48463. square mesh ==> 方网眼
  48464. square mesh screen ==> 方网眼筛
  48465. square mesh sieve ==> 方孔筛,方眼筛
  48466. square meter ==> 平方米
  48467. square method ==> 方格法
  48468. square metre ==> 平方公尺
  48469. square mile ==> 平方英里
  48470. square millimeter ==> 平方毫米
  48471. square mosaic ==> 矩形镶嵌,矩形镶嵌
  48472. square motion comb ==> 平梳机,直行精梳机
  48473. square mounting flange ==> 方形座法兰
  48474. square nail ==> 方钉
  48475. square neck ==> 方颈
  48476. square neck bolt ==> 方颈螺栓
  48477. square net emdossing ==> 方形网式透镜栅
  48478. square nose shovel ==> 方头锹
  48479. square number ==> 平方数
  48480. square nut ==> 方螺母,方形螺母
  48481. square oil stone ==> 方油石
  48482. square opening ==> 方形孔
  48483. square opening sieve ==> 方孔筛
  48484. square opening single end box wrench ==> 方口单头套筒扳手
  48485. square orifice ==> 方形口
  48486. square parachute ==> 方形伞
  48487. square parenthesis ==> 方括号
  48488. square pass ==> 方形孔型
  48489. square pavilion ==> 方亭
  48490. square pier ==> 方墩
  48491. square pillar vertical drilling machine ==> 方柱立式钻床
  48492. square pitch arrangement ==> 正方形排列
  48493. square planting ==> 正方形栽培
  48494. square plug gauge ==> 方孔塞规
  48495. square pocket sowing ==> 正方形穴播
  48496. square point shovel ==> 方头铲
  48497. square pole ==> 四角柱
  48498. square position ==> 均衡部位,均衡部位
  48499. square pot ==> 钫
  48500. square prism ==> 四角棱柱体
  48501. square pulse ==> 矩形脉冲
  48502. square pyramid ==> 正方棱锥
  48503. square ram ==> 方形压头
  48504. square ratio ==> 矩形系数,矩形系数
  48505. square reamer ==> 方铰刀
  48506. square rebate ==> 方裁口
  48507. square rebate plane ==> 方槽刨
  48508. square rebated joint ==> 方裁口接头
  48509. square red clay floor tile ==> 红土方阶砖
  48510. square repeater ==> 方形孔型用围盘
  48511. square reticle ==> 矩形调制盘,矩形调制盘
  48512. square ring ==> 方形密封环,方形圈
  48513. square ring laser ==> 方环形激光器
  48514. square ring spanner ==> 方套筒扳手
  48515. square riser ==> 方冒口
  48516. square rod ==> 方棒
  48517. square roller ==> 等长径滚子
  48518. square roof ==> 直角脊角屋顶
  48519. square root ==> 平方根,二次根
  48520. square root extractor ==> 开方器
  48521. square root function ==> 平方根関数
  48522. square root key ==> 平方根キー
  48523. square root method ==> 平方根法
  48524. square root of time ==> 時間平方根
  48525. square root transformation ==> 平方根変換
  48526. square root-floating ==> 平方根-浮点运算
  48527. square roughing pass ==> 方形粗轧孔型
  48528. square rubber gasket ==> 方形橡胶垫片
  48529. square rubber gaskets ==> 矩形橡胶垫圈,矩形橡胶垫圈
  48530. square rubble ==> 方块毛石
  48531. square rubble wall ==> 方块毛石墙
  48532. square ruler ==> 丁字尺
  48533. square sail ==> 横帆
  48534. square screw ==> 方纹螺旋
  48535. square screw thread ==> 方螺纹
  48536. square search ==> 正方形式搜索
  48537. square section ==> 方截面,方形断口
  48538. square section ring ==> 方截面密封圈
  48539. square set ==> 方框支架
  48540. square shaft ==> 方轴
  48541. square shank ==> 方形柄
  48542. square shank bolt ==> 方杆螺栓
  48543. square shank drill ==> 方柄钻
  48544. square shank ratchet drill ==> 方柄扳钻,方柄棘轮钻
  48545. square shears ==> 龙门剪床
  48546. square shoot ==> 木水落管
  48547. square shoulder ==> 方肩,方形肩
  48548. square shoulder carpenter's pincers ==> 方肩胡桃钳
  48549. square shovel ==> 方铲
  48550. square signal ==> 方信号=>矩形波信号
  48551. square silicon ingot ==> 正方形截面硅晶锭
  48552. square slide ==> 方滑板
  48553. square slot bush ==> 带方槽的衬块
  48554. square socket ==> 四角穴
  48555. square socket wrench ==> 方套筒扳手
  48556. square solid pipe die ==> 整体方形管子板牙
  48557. square spade ==> 方铲
  48558. square spanner ==> 方头扳手
  48559. square spigot ==> 方形头
  48560. square spiral spring ==> 方条盘簧
  48561. square spring steel ==> 方弹簧钢
  48562. square staff ==> 方缘线,墙角方线条,角缘线
  48563. square steel ==> 方钢
  48564. square steel bar ==> 方钢筋,方钢条
  48565. square stirrup ==> 方形箍筋
  48566. square stock ==> 方料
  48567. square stone ==> 方石,方砖
  48568. square stroke ==> 等径冲程
  48569. square stroke engine ==> 等行程发动机
  48570. square sum of residuals ==> 残差平方和
  48571. square tank ==> 正方形贮罐,方形贮罐
  48572. square tap ==> 方形丝锥
  48573. square tee joint ==> 平头丁字接头
  48574. square thread ==> 平顶螺纹,方螺纹,方牙螺纹
  48575. square thread tap ==> 方螺丝攻
  48576. square tile ==> 方砖
  48577. square tongs ==> 方钳
  48578. square topped pulse ==> 矩形脉冲
  48579. square torque load ==> 低減トルク負荷
  48580. square trench ==> 方形沟槽
  48581. square trowel ==> 方头墁刀
  48582. square turret ==> 车床回转刀架,车床四方转刀架
  48583. square type level ==> 方形水准仪
  48584. square up ==> 结清,做成直角
  48585. square vase ==> 方瓶
  48586. square washer ==> 方垫圈,方形垫圈
  48587. square wave ==> 方波,矩形波,矩形波=>方形波,矩形波,方形波フラッシュ
  48588. square wave amplifier ==> 矩形波放大器,矩形波放大器
  48589. square wave analyzer ==> 方形波分析器
  48590. square wave carrier ==> 矩形波载波,矩形波载波
  48591. square wave generator ==> 方波发生器
  48592. square wave modulation ==> 方波调制
  48593. square wave of a digital signal ==> デジタル信号の方形波
  48594. square wave response ==> 方形波応答
  48595. square wave voltage ==> 矩形波电压,矩形波电压
  48596. square wave voltage generator ==> 方波电压发生器,产生方波电压的装置
  48597. square wave-form oscillator ==> 方形波振荡器
  48598. square waveguide ==> 方形波导管
  48599. square wheel ==> 方轮
  48600. square with the axis ==> 与轴垂直
  48601. square wobbler ==> 方辊头
  48602. square work ==> 方形工件
  48603. square wrench ==> 方头扳手
  48604. square yard ==> 平方码,平方英码
  48605. square yoke ==> 矩形磁偏转系统,矩形磁偏转系统
  48606. square(ness) ratio ==> 矩形比,矩形比
  48607. square-area sprinkler ==> 方面积喷灌器
  48608. square-bore ball bearing ==> 方轴孔滚珠轴承
  48609. square-cut ==> 四面锯切
  48610. square-cutting ==> 横截
  48611. square-edge timber ==> 方木,方正木材
  48612. square-edged ==> 方棱的
  48613. square-edged orifice ==> 方缘孔口
  48614. square-end Nicol prism ==> 方头尼科尔棱镜
  48615. square-ended shovel ==> 方铲
  48616. square-error ==> 误差平方
  48617. square-foot unit of absorption ==> 赛宾
  48618. square-head bolt ==> 方头螺栓
  48619. square-head nut ==> 方头螺母
  48620. square-integrable ==> 平方可积的
  48621. square-integrable function ==> 平方可积函数
  48622. square-jaw clutch ==> 方齿牙嵌式离合器
  48623. square-law ==> 平方律
  48624. square-law detection ==> 二乗検波
  48625. square-law scale ==> 平方标度
  48626. square-link chain ==> 方形节链
  48627. square-mesh wire cloth ==> 方孔金属丝网
  48628. square-mouth navvy shovel ==> 方口单斗挖掘机
  48629. square-mouth tongs ==> 方口钳
  48630. square-nose bit ==> 平面金刚石钻头
  48631. square-nose tool ==> 方头刀具
  48632. square-on reflector ==> 直角初调器
  48633. square-root characteristics ==> 平方根特性
  48634. square-root formula ==> 平方根公式
  48635. square-root law ==> 平方根律=>二乗則
  48636. square-root of sum of squares ==> 二乗和平方根
  48637. square-root operation ==> 平方根演算
  48638. square-root potentiometer ==> 平方根律电位计
  48639. square-root scale ==> 開平目盛
  48640. square-rooting algorithm ==> 求平方根算法
  48641. square-sawn ==> 四面锯切的
  48642. square-serif type ==> 方截线西文活字
  48643. square-set cap ==> 方框支架横梁
  48644. square-set sill ==> 方框支架底梁
  48645. square-shaped array ==> 矩形天线阵,矩形天线阵
  48646. square-shaped roof ==> 方形屋顶
  48647. square-shouldered punch ==> 方形台肩冲头
  48648. square-spray irrigation system ==> 方格式喷灌系统
  48649. square-thread form ==> 方螺纹样
  48650. square-thread tool ==> 方螺纹车刀
  48651. square-topped pulse ==> 平顶脉冲
  48652. square-tube splicer ==> 方管接头器
  48653. square-wave ==> 方形波
  48654. square-wave carrier ==> 矩形载波,矩形载波
  48655. square-wave contrast transfer function ==> 方波对比传递函数
  48656. square-wave form ==> 方波形状
  48657. square-wave form stimulator for inducing labor ==> 方波引产器
  48658. square-wave generator ==> 方波发生器
  48659. square-wave grating ==> 方波光栅
  48660. square-wave inverter ==> 方形波インバーター
  48661. square-wave modulator ==> 方形波调制器
  48662. square-wave oscillator ==> 方形波振荡器,矩形波发生器,矩形波发生器
  48663. square-wave output ==> 方波输出
  48664. square-wave pattern ==> 方波图样
  48665. square-wave polar-o-graph ==> 方形波极谱仪
  48666. square-wave pulse of light ==> 方波型光脉冲
  48667. square-wave response ==> 方波响应,矩形波响应,矩形波响应
  48668. square-wave response characteristic ==> 矩形波响应特性曲线,矩形波响应特性曲线
  48669. square-wave ringer ==> 方波振铃器
  48670. square-wave signal generator ==> 方形波信号发生器
  48671. square-wave-form oscillator ==> 矩形波振荡器,矩形波振荡器
  48672. squared absolute value ==> 平方模数
  48673. squared error asymptotically efficient estimator ==> 平方误差渐近有效估计量
  48674. squared loop ==> 矩形回线,矩形回线
  48675. squared modulation ==> 方波调制
  48676. squared paper ==> 方格纸
  48677. squared pitching ==> 方格式护坡
  48678. squared rubble ==> 方块毛石墙
  48679. squared stone masonry ==> 方石圬工
  48680. squared timber ==> 方材,方正木材
  48681. squared-off cascade ==> 当量方块级联
  48682. squarely ==> 成方形
  48683. squareness ==> 垂直度,直角度
  48684. squareness gauge ==> 垂直度测量器
  48685. squareness ratio ==> 角形比(ヒステリシス)
  48686. squareoval roughing passes ==> 方形-椭圆粗轧孔型系
  48687. squarer ==> 乘方器,矩形波形成器,矩形波形成器,平方电路,平方器
  48688. squares ==> 封面伸出书芯的部分,方钢
  48689. squaresawn lumber ==> 方材
  48690. squarewave electromagnetic flow-meter ==> 方波电磁流量仪
  48691. squaring circuit ==> 矩形波整形电路,矩形波整形电路,矩形脉冲形成电路,矩形脉冲形成电路,平方电路
  48692. squaring network ==> 平方网络
  48693. squaring off ==> 対決
  48694. squaring pusher ==> 对正挡板
  48695. squaring shear ==> 平行刃口剪切机
  48696. squaring shears ==> 四方剪机,剪边机,直刃剪床
  48697. squaring stage ==> 现蕾期
  48698. squaring the circle ==> 化圆为方=>円積問題
  48699. squaring tool ==> 方头刀具
  48700. squaring up machine ==> 方边刨床
  48701. squaring valve ==> 矩形脉冲发生管,矩形脉冲发生管
  48702. squash bug ==> 南瓜缘蝽
  48703. squash jacket ==> 扁水套
  48704. squash technique ==> 压片技术
  48705. squash vine borer ==> 南瓜蔓吉丁虫
  48706. squat ingot ==> 短钢锭
  48707. squat pier ==> 矮墩
  48708. squatter area ==> 木屋区
  48709. squatter settlement ==> 违章居留地
  48710. squatting pan ==> 蹲便器,蹲式便器
  48711. squaw vine ==> 孪果藤
  48712. squawk box ==> 通话盒
  48713. squeegee ==> 刮浆刀,涂刷器,橡皮滚子,路刷=>スキージ
  48714. squeegee grinding machine ==> 磨刮浆刀机
  48715. squeegee oil ==> 印油
  48716. squeegee pump ==> 挤压泵
  48717. squeegee roller ==> 挤压轮
  48718. squeezable wave-guide ==> 可压缩波导
  48719. squeezable waveguide ==> 可压缩波导管
  48720. squeeze ==> 空头轧平,挤,煤层变薄,压,压挤灌浆=>圧搾する
  48721. squeeze (SQ) ==> 紧排
  48722. squeeze board ==> 压实板
  48723. squeeze bottle ==> (挤压时能排出所装之物)塑料挤瓶
  48724. squeeze buggy ==> 滚压车
  48725. squeeze casting ==> 模压铸造
  48726. squeeze effect ==> 挤压效应
  48727. squeeze film bearing ==> 压膜轴承
  48728. squeeze head ==> 压头
  48729. squeeze lifter ==> 挤压式挖掘铲
  48730. squeeze mo(u)lding ==> 压实造型
  48731. squeeze molding machine ==> 压实式造型机
  48732. squeeze mortar pump ==> 挤压式灰浆泵
  48733. squeeze motion ==> 夹取运动
  48734. squeeze moulding machine ==> 压实造型机
  48735. squeeze on profit ==> 压缩利润
  48736. squeeze piston ==> 压实活塞
  48737. squeeze rammer ==> 震压式造型机
  48738. squeeze riveter ==> 压铆机
  48739. squeeze roll ==> 挤干辊,挤压辊
  48740. squeeze roll(s) ==> 压水辊
  48741. squeeze roller ==> 挤压辊
  48742. squeeze section ==> 可压缩波导段,可压缩区段
  48743. squeeze stripper moulding machine ==> 顶箱压实式造型机
  48744. squeeze technique ==> 挤压手法
  48745. squeeze the shorts ==> (交易所行话)杀空头
  48746. squeeze theorem ==> 夹挤定理=>はさみうちの原理
  48747. squeeze time ==> 预压时间
  48748. squeeze track ==> 可压声道,疏密声迹
  48749. squeeze valve ==> 压挤阀,压实阀
  48750. squeeze-type moulded seal ==> 压缩式成形密封
  48751. squeeze-wheel lifter ==> 挤压轮挖掘铲
  48752. squeezed file ==> 紧排文卷
  48753. squeezed fold ==> 挤压褶皱
  48754. squeezed joint ==> 挤压接头
  48755. squeezed riveting ==> 挤压铆接
  48756. squeezed vacuum ==> 压缩真空
  48757. squeezer ==> 挤干机构,挤压机,型砂挤压机,压紧器,压铆器,压榨机
  48758. squeezer for vascular anastomosis ==> 血管吻合挤压器
  48759. squeezer pump ==> 挤压泵
  48760. squeezer roll ==> 压液辊
  48761. squeezing ==> スクイージング
  48762. squeezing action ==> 挤压作用
  48763. squeezing and pressing method ==> 挤压法
  48764. squeezing cylinder ==> 压实缸
  48765. squeezing honing machine ==> 挤压珩磨机
  48766. squeezing press ==> 挤压机
  48767. squeezing screw ==> 挤压螺丝
  48768. squegging oscillation ==> 断续振荡器
  48769. squegging oscillator ==> 间歇振荡器
  48770. squelch ==> スケルチ
  48771. squelch circuit ==> 静噪电路,静噪电路,噪声抑制电路=>スケルチ回路
  48772. squelch control ==> 静噪控制,静噪控制
  48773. squelch system ==> 静噪装置,静噪装置
  48774. squid ==> 超导量子干涉装置
  48775. SQUID, superconducting quantum interference device ==> 超電導量子干渉素子,スクイッド, 超電導電子に与えられた理想的な量子効果を利用した超高感度の磁気センサである。
  48776. squill tincture ==> 海葱酊
  48777. squinch arch ==> 突角拱
  48778. squint ==> 偏移,眼珠牵斜,发射偏斜,两波束轴间夹角,目珠偏斜,斜角隅砖,斜角砖,斜倾,斜眼,波束夹角,偏斜
  48779. squint brick ==> 异形砖
  48780. squint hook ==> 斜视钩
  48781. squint in myogenic paralysis ==> 肌原性轻瘫性斜视
  48782. squint in progressive myodystrophia ==> 进行性肌营养障碍性斜视
  48783. squint pier ==> 尖角墙垛
  48784. squints in myasthenia gravis ==> 重症肌无力性斜视
  48785. Squire's catheter ==> 分节导管
  48786. squirrel ==> 松鼠
  48787. squirrel cage ==> 鼠笼绕组
  48788. squirrel cage blower ==> 鼠笼式鼓风机
  48789. squirrel cage induction generator ==> かご形誘導発電機
  48790. squirrel cage induction motor ==> 鼠笼式电动机,笼型感应电动机,转子绕组为笼型绕组的感应电动机,结构简单、制造方便
  48791. squirrel cage magnetron ==> 鼠笼式磁控管
  48792. squirrel cage motor ==> 鼠笼式电动机
  48793. squirrel cage repulsion motor ==> 鼠笼式推斥电动机
  48794. squirrel cage rotor ==> 鼠笼式转子,由置于转子槽中的导条及两端的端环组成闭合回路,整个转子形成坚实的整体。结构简单牢固。槽型上分单笼、深槽单笼和双笼。工艺上分铸铝笼和焊接笼
  48795. squirrel cage shunt ==> かご形分流器
  48796. squirrel cage type fan ==> 多叶片式风扇
  48797. squirrel cage typefan ==> 西罗克
  48798. squirrel cage winding ==> 鼠笼绕组
  48799. squirrel-cage ==> 鼠笼,鼠笼式
  48800. squirrel-cage armature ==> 鼠笼式电枢
  48801. squirrel-cage balancing machine ==> 鼠笼型平衡机
  48802. squirrel-cage bar ==> 鼠笼条
  48803. squirrel-cage coil ==> 笼形线圈
  48804. squirrel-cage damper ==> かご形ダンパ
  48805. squirrel-cage disintegrator ==> 鼠笼式碎解机
  48806. squirrel-cage dynode ==> 鼠笼式倍增极
  48807. squirrel-cage grid ==> 鼠笼形栅极
  48808. squirrel-cage induction motor ==> 鼠笼式感应电动机
  48809. squirrel-cage induction type ==> 鼠笼式感应型
  48810. squirrel-cage magnetron ==> 鼠笼式磁控管
  48811. squirrel-cage mill ==> 鼠笼式磨碎机
  48812. squirrel-cage motor ==> 鼠笼式电动机,短路式电动机=>かご形電動機
  48813. squirrel-cage repulsion motor ==> 鼠笼式推斥电动机
  48814. squirrel-cage rotor ==> 鼠笼式转子=>かご形回転子
  48815. squirrel-cage type filament ==> 鼠笼式灯丝
  48816. squirrel-cage winding ==> 鼠笼绕组,鼠笼式绕组
  48817. squirt ==> 注射器,喷出,喷气式飞机
  48818. squirt can ==> 喷射油壶,弹性注油器
  48819. squirt feeder ==> 喷射送料器
  48820. squirt hole ==> 喷油孔
  48821. squirt hose ==> 喷灌用软管
  48822. squirt pump ==> 喷射泵
  48823. squirt welding ==> 埋弧半自动焊,埋弧斗自动焊
  48824. squirting cucumber ==> 喷瓜
  48825. squirting irrigation ==> 喷灌
  48826. squish velocity ==> 挤流速度,挤气速度
  48827. squitter pulse ==> 断续脉冲
  48828. squoze pack ==> 压缩程序穿孔卡片叠,压缩穿孔卡片叠
  48829. sr ==> 移位寄存器
  48830. SR bistable ==> 置位复位双稳
  48831. SR cylinder oil ==> 直接蒸汽拔头汽缸油
  48832. SR&QA, safety reliability and quality assurance ==> 安全性,信頼性,品質保証
  48833. SR, safety reliability ==> 安全信頼性
  48834. SR, scanning radiometer ==> 走査放射計
  48835. SR, security region ==> 电力系统安全域
  48836. SR, specification responsibility ==> 仕様責任
  48837. SR, The Saturated Reactor ==> SR
  48838. SR-CNT, scanning radiometer-controller ==> 走査放射計コントロール部
  48839. SR-HD, scanning radiometer-hood ==> 走査放射計フード部
  48840. SR-OPT, scanning radiometer-optics ==> 走査放射計本体
  48841. SR-PS, scanning radiometer-power supply ==> 走査放射計電源部
  48842. SR/RC, scanning radiometer radiation cooler ==> 走査放射計放射冷却部
  48843. SRA Ship Repair Agreement ==> 船只修理协议
  48844. SRA, support requirements analysis ==> 支援要求事項分析
  48845. SRAD, Shuttle Radiation Assembly Demonstration ==> シャトル放射組立デモンストレーション
  48846. SRAM, static random access memory ==> エスラム,RAMの一種.
  48847. sran ==> 静态随机存取存储器
  48848. SRANT, S-band Rx antenna ==> Sバンド受信用アンテナ
  48849. SRATS, Solar Radiation and Thermospheric Satellite ==> 超高層大気観測衛星
  48850. SRB, software review board ==> ソフトウェア審査委員会
  48851. SRB, Solid Rocket Booster ==> 固体ロケットブースタ(H竏窒Qロケットの補助ブースター)
  48852. SRB, specification review board ==> 仕様書審査委員会
  48853. SRBL Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading ==> 装载货物时签署和发放帐单
  48854. SRC, Science Research Council ==> 科学研究会議
  48855. SrC, Series Capacitor ==> 直列コンデンサ
  48856. SRC, small scale route control ==> JR西日本
  48857. srd ==> 阶跃恢复二极管
  48858. SRD, U.S. Space Station System Requirements Document ==> 米国宇宙ステーションシステム要求書
  48859. SRE, surveillance radar equipment ==> 探査レーダ機器
  48860. SRE, systems request executive ==> システム要求実行委員会
  48861. SRF, Synchronous Reference Frame ==> SRF
  48862. srg process ==> 自对准栅工艺
  48863. Sri Lanka ==> 斯里兰卡=>スリランカ
  48864. SRL, shuttle radar laboratory ==> シャトルレーダ実験室
  48865. SRL, Space Radar Laboratory ==> 宇宙レーダー実験室
  48866. SRM, safety reliability maintainability ==> 安全性,信頼性,保全性
  48867. SRM, solid rocket motor ==> 固体ロケットモーター
  48868. SRM, standard reference materials ==> 標準的参考材料
  48869. SRM, switched reluctance motors ==> スイッチトリラクタンスモータ
  48870. SRMC, The State Radio Monitoring Center ==> 国家无线电监测中心=>国家無線測定所
  48871. SRMS, Shuttle Remote Manipulator System ==> スペースシャトル搭載マニピュレータ
  48872. SRMS, shuttle remote manipulator system ==> シャトルリモートマニピュレータシステム
  48873. SRO, system review office ==> システム審査局
  48874. SRON, Department of Industry Technology Commerce ==> オランダ宇宙研究機構
  48875. sROS, scalable Real Time OS ==> sROS
  48876. SRP, seat reference point ==> シート関連項目
  48877. SRP, standard repair procedures ==> 修理作業標準
  48878. SRP, static reference plane ==> 静止基準面
  48879. SRR, Search and Rescue Region ==> 捜索救助区域
  48880. SRR, system requirements review ==> システム要求審査
  48881. SRS, shock response spectrum ==> 衝撃応答スペクトル
  48882. SRT, support ==> 支援
  48883. sRTC, scalable Real Time Computer ==> sRTC
  48884. SRTFR, support frame ==> サポートフレーム
  48885. SRTRL, support rail ==> サポートレール
  48886. SRU, shop replaceable unit ==> 工場変換ユニット
  48887. SRU, Space Radiation Measurement Unit ==> 宇宙放射線計測機器
  48888. srum lysozyme activity determination ==> 血清溶菌酶活力测定
  48889. SRV, short range vehicle ==> 短距離運搬手段
  48890. SRX, S-band receiver ==> Sバンド受信機
  48891. SS Cygni star ==> 天鹅SS型星
  48892. SS Cygni stars ==> 双子座U型星
  48893. SS Special Survey ==> 特殊检测
  48894. SS Steam Ship ==> 蒸汽船
  48895. SS(SSR), Selective Short Relay, (Short-circuit) Transverse Differential Relay ==> 回線選択継電器(短絡)。平行2回線送電線の電流のバランス状況から事故回線を判定する。Baと同義語。
  48896. SS, single sideband ==> 単側波帯
  48897. SS, solar sensor ==> 太陽センサ
  48898. SS, solar simulator ==> 太陽シミュレータ
  48899. SS, space segment ==> スペースセグメント
  48900. SS, Space Shuttle ==> スペースシャトル
  48901. SS, space station ==> 宇宙ステーション
  48902. SS, Spread Spectrum ==> スペクトラム拡散
  48903. SS, spread spectrum ==> スペクトラム拡散
  48904. SS, sun sensor ==> 太陽センサ
  48905. SS, sun simulator (=solar simulator) ==> 太陽シミュレータ
  48906. SS, superstructure ==> スーパーストラクチャー
  48907. SS, Surface-to-Surface(missile) ==> 空対空(ミサイル)
  48908. SS, Surveillance Station ==> 防空警戒所
  48909. SS, suspended solid ==> 浮遊固形物
  48910. SS, Suspended Solid ==> 浮遊物質
  48911. SS-N, Surface-to-Surface Navy(missile) ==> 海軍ー空対空(ミサイル)
  48912. SS-TDMA, satellite switching-TDMA ==> 衛星内切換え時分割多元接続
  48913. SS/L, Space Systems Loral ==> スペースシステムズ/ロラール社
  48914. SSA Special Periodical Survey of Automated Control System ==> 特殊自动控制系统定期检测
  48915. SSA, S-band single access ==> Sバンド単源接続
  48916. SSA, S-band single access equipment ==> Sバンド衛星間通信実験機器
  48917. SSA, Small Signal Analysis ==> 電力系統長周期動揺解析
  48918. SSA, space suit assembly ==> 宇宙服アセンブリ
  48919. SSA, structural support assembly ==> 構造サポートアセンブリ
  48920. SSA, sun sensor assembly ==> 太陽センサ組立
  48921. SSA, sun spin angle ==> スピン軸の太陽角
  48922. SSAB, sun angle bias ==> 太陽バイアス
  48923. SSAD, south solar array drive electronics ==> 南側太陽電池駆動回路
  48924. SSAEPL, space station approved EEE parts list ==> 宇宙ステーション承認EEEパーツリスト
  48925. SSAR, stereo synthetic aperture radar ==> 立体合成開口レーダ
  48926. SSB, single sideband ==> 単側波帯通信方式
  48927. SSB, single sideband communication ==> 単側波帯通信
  48928. SSB, Space Science Board ==> 宇宙科学評議会(または宇宙科学委員会)
  48929. SSBUV, shuttle solar backscatter UV instrument ==> シャトル太陽後方散乱紫外線測定器
  48930. ssc ==> 固体电路
  48931. SSC of the rotation phase angle ==> 旋转矢量指定功角合闸开关=>回転ベクトル開閉極位相制御装置
  48932. SSC Ship Structure Committee ==> 船只结构委员会
  48933. SSC, sample storage container ==> サンプル収納箱
  48934. SSC, scanning shadow camera ==> 走査型シャドウカメラ
  48935. SSC, Servo System Controller ==> SSC
  48936. SSC, standard rack storage container ==> 標準ラック収納箱
  48937. SSC, Swedish Space Corporation ==> スウェーデン宇宙公社
  48938. SSC, synchronous switching controller ==> 指定功角合闸开关=>開閉極位相制御装置
  48939. SSC, System Stabilizing Controller ==> 电力系统安全稳定控制装置=>系統安定化制御装置
  48940. SSCAG, space systems cost analysis group ==> 宇宙機システム費用分析班
  48941. SSCB, Space Station Control Board ==> 宇宙ステーション技術管理委員会
  48942. SSCBD, space station control board directive ==> 宇宙ステーション技術管理委員会指令
  48943. SSCC, Space Station Control Center ==> 宇宙ステーションコントロールセンター
  48944. SSCC, spin scan cloud camera ==> スキャン式雲観測カメラ
  48945. SSCM, space station cost model ==> 宇宙ステーションコストモデル
  48946. SSCN, space station change number ==> 宇宙ステーション変更番号
  48947. SSCP, small self-contained payload ==> 小自動式ペイロード
  48948. SSCS, Space Station Control Station ==> 宇宙ステーションコントロールステーション
  48949. SSD, solid state detector ==> 半導体検出器
  48950. SSD, Solid State Drive ==> 静态硬盘=>フラッシュメモリドライブ
  48951. SSD, space station documentation ==> 宇宙ステーション文書作成
  48952. SSD, sun sensor detector ==> 太陽センサーの検出器
  48953. SSD, System Specification Description ==> 系统规格文件
  48954. SSDA, sequential similarity detection method ==> 残差逐次検定法
  48955. SSDA, Space Systems Development Agreement ==> 宇宙システム開発協定
  48956. SSDB, spin system distribution box ==> スピンシステム分布ボックス
  48957. SSDMS, Space Station Data Management System ==> 宇宙ステーション資料管理システム
  48958. SSDN, space station data network ==> 宇宙ステーションデータネットワーク
  48959. SSDN, sun synchronous day night ==> 太陽周期の昼夜
  48960. SSDS, space station data system ==> 宇宙ステーションデータシステム
  48961. SSDS, Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme ==> 策略性污水排放计划
  48962. sse ==> 固体电子学
  48963. SSE, software support environment ==> ソフトウェア開発支援環境
  48964. SSE, solar system exploration ==> 太陽系探査
  48965. SSE, space station element ==> 宇宙ステーションエレメント
  48966. SSE, space support equipment ==> スペースサポート装置
  48967. SSE, subsystem engineering ==> サブシステム技術
  48968. SSE, sun sensor electronics ==> 太陽センサー電子回路
  48969. SSEC, second stage electrical control console ==> 第二段電気系制御卓
  48970. SSED, software support environment design ==> ソフトウエア支援環境設計
  48971. SSEDF, software support environment development facility ==> ソフトウエア支援環境開発設備
  48972. SSEMU, space station EMU ==> 宇宙ステーションEMU(EMU,船外活動ユニット)
  48973. SSES, software support environment system ==> ソフトウェア開発支援システム
  48974. SSFR, Standstill Frequency Response ==> SSFR
  48975. SSG Special Safeguard (In Agreement on Agriculture) ==> 特殊安全设施
  48976. SSG, signal speed generator ==> 速度検出器
  48977. SSGCC, Space Station Ground Control Center ==> 宇宙ステーション地上管制センター
  48978. SSH Special Periodical Survey of Hull ==> 特殊定期船体检测
  48979. SSH, sun sensor head ==> 太陽センサヘッド
  48980. SSHEX Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays ==> Excluded不包括周六,周日和节假日
  48981. SSHINC Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included ==> 包括周六,周日和节假日
  48982. ssi ==> 标准规模集成化
  48983. SSI, sector scan indicator ==> 扇形走査指示器
  48984. SSI, small scale integrated circuit ==> 小規模集積回路
  48985. SSI, small scale integration ==> 小規模集積化
  48986. SSI, space station interconnect ==> 宇宙ステーション相互連結
  48987. SSI, standard serial interface ==> インタフェース連番基準
  48988. ssic ==> 标准规模集成电路
  48989. SSIF, space station integration facility ==> 宇宙ステーション統合設備
  48990. SSIGS Special Periodical Survey of Inert Gas System ==> 特殊定期惰性气体系统检测
  48991. SSIP, Space Station Integrated Project Center ==> 宇宙ステーション総合プロジェクトセンター
  48992. SSIP, Space Station Integration & Promotion Center ==> 宇宙ステーション総合センター
  48993. SSIS, space station information system ==> 宇宙ステーション情報システム
  48994. SSIT, subsystem interface test ==> サブシステム組合せ試験
  48995. ssive pre-stress ==> 预压应力
  48996. ssl ==> 固体逻辑
  48997. SSL, Secured Sockets Layer ==> SSL is a protocol that transmits your communications over the Internet in an encrypted form.
  48998. SSL, standard sea-level (static) conditions ==> 海面上(静止)状態
  48999. SSLG, Standing Senior Liaison Group ==> 宇宙開発委員会及びNASAの間の常設幹部連絡会議
  49000. SSLV, Statistical Stressed Liquid Volume ==> 統計的電界体積
  49001. SSM Special Periodical Survey of Machinery ==> 特殊定期机械检测
  49002. SSM, space science mission ==> スペースサイエンスミッション
  49003. SSM, space station manipulator ==> 宇宙ステーション用マニピュレータ
  49004. SSM, surface to surface missile ==> 地対地ミサイル
  49005. SSM, system support module ==> システム支援モジュール
  49006. SSMA, spread spectrum multiple access ==> スペクトラム拡散多元接続
  49007. SSMB, Space Station Managing Board ==> 宇宙ステーション管理委員会
  49008. SSMB, Space Station Manned Base ==> 宇宙ステーション本体
  49009. SSMCC, Space Shuttle Mission Control Center ==> スペースシャトルミッションコントロールセンタ
  49010. SSME, Space Shuttle main engine ==> スペースシャトル主エンジン
  49011. SSME, Space Shuttle Main Engine ==> スペースシャトルメインエンジン
  49012. SSMI, spectral sensor microwave imager ==> スペクトルセンサーマイクロウエーブ影像装置
  49013. SSMK, space station medical kit ==> 宇宙ステーション用医療器具
  49014. SSMSS, space station maintenance and statusing station ==> 宇宙ステーション保守/維持ステーション
  49015. SSMVP, space station master verification plan ==> 宇宙ステーションマスタ検証計画
  49016. SSMVR, space station master verification requirement ==> 宇宙ステーションマスタ検証要求条件
  49017. SSN, Space Surveillance Network ==> 宇宙監視ネットワーク
  49018. SSO ==> 次同步振荡
  49019. SSO, source selection official ==> 源泉選択官
  49020. SSO, space station office ==> 宇宙ステーション局
  49021. SSOC, space station operation center ==> 宇宙ステーション運用センター
  49022. SSOCC, Space Station Operations Control Center ==> 宇宙ステーション運用管制センター
  49023. SSOF, Space Station Operations Facility ==> 宇宙ステーション運用棟(筑波宇宙センター)
  49024. SSOL, space station operations language ==> 宇宙ステーション運用言語
  49025. SSOP, standard security operating procedure ==> 保全運用標準手順
  49026. SSOSC, space station operations support center ==> 宇宙ステーション運用支援センター
  49027. SSP, scientific simulation program ==> 科学的シミュレーションプログラム
  49028. SSP, second stage propulsion console ==> 第二段推進コンソール
  49029. SSP, space shuttle program ==> スペースシャトル計画
  49030. SSP, space station program ==> 宇宙ステーション計画
  49031. SSP, standard switch panel ==> 標準スイッチパネル
  49032. SSP, System Sell Price ==> システム販売価格
  49033. SSPA, solid state power amplifier ==> ソリッドステート電力増幅器
  49034. SSPC, Space Station Program Center ==> 宇宙ステーション計画センター
  49035. SSPC,Steel Structures Painting Council ==> SSPC
  49036. SSPD, space station program directive ==> 宇宙ステーション計画指令
  49037. SSPDS, Space Shuttle Payload Data Study ==> スペースシャトルペイロードデータの研究
  49038. SSPE ==> ウイルス性の亜急性硬化性全脳炎
  49039. SSPE, space station program element ==> 宇宙ステーション計画要素
  49040. SSPF, space station processing facility ==> 宇宙ステーション処理設備
  49041. SSPLIMP, Space Station Plume Impingement Program ==> 宇宙ステーション噴射圧衝突プログラム
  49042. SSPM, space station pricing model ==> 宇宙ステーション価格モデル
  49043. SSPMVP, space station program master verification process requirement ==> 宇宙ステーション計画主検証工程要求条件
  49044. SSPO, space station program office ==> 宇宙ステーション計画室
  49045. SSPP, space station program participant ==> 宇宙ステーション参加協力者
  49046. SSPS, second stage propulsion system ==> 第二段推進系
  49047. SSPS, space shuttle program schedule ==> スペースシャトル計画スケジュール
  49048. SSPS, space solar power system ==> 宇宙太陽光発電
  49049. SSPS, space station propulsion system ==> 宇宙ステーション推進系
  49050. SSPU, second stage propulsion unit ==> 第二段推進ユニット
  49051. SSPVU, space station pressurized volume utilization ==> 宇宙ステーション与圧部内容積利用
  49052. SSQ, subscene sequential ==> サブシーンデータの並び
  49053. SSR ==> 次同步谐振
  49054. SSR, secondary surveillance radar ==> 二次監視レーダ
  49055. SSR, series switching regulator ==> シリーズスイッチングレギュレータ
  49056. SSR, software specification review ==> ソフトウェア要求審査
  49057. SSR, solid state relay ==> ソリッドステート継電器
  49058. SSR, space station radar ==> 宇宙ステーションレーダ
  49059. SSR, subsynchronous resonance ==> 次同步谐振=>軸ねじれ共振現象
  49060. SSRA, speed spectrum random access ==> 周波数拡散多元接続
  49061. SSRB, Senior Safety Review Board ==> 上級安全性審査委員会
  49062. SSRMS, space station remote manipulator system ==> 宇宙ステーションリモートマニピュレータシステム
  49063. SSRMS, Space Station Remote Manipulator System ==> 宇宙ステーション用マニピュレータ
  49064. SSRMS, SS remote manipulator system ==> SSマニピュレータ
  49065. SSS, second stage simulator ==> 第二段シミュレータ
  49066. SSS, small scientific satellite ==> 小型科学衛星
  49067. SSS, space station system ==> 宇宙ステーションシステム
  49068. SSS, spacecraft specific software ==> 衛星固有ソフトウェア
  49069. SSS, spin sun sensor ==> スピン式太陽センサ
  49070. SSS, U.S. space station system ==> 米国宇宙ステーションシステム
  49071. SSSC, space station support center ==> 宇宙ステーションサポートセンター
  49072. SSSC, space station support complex ==> 宇宙ステーション支援複合施設
  49073. SSSC, Static Synchronous Series Compensator ==> SSSC
  49074. SSSE, small scale science experiment ==> 小規模科学実験
  49075. SSSE, space station support equipment ==> 宇宙ステーション支援機器
  49076. SSSF, SS support facility ==> 宇宙ステーション支援施設
  49077. SSST, space station system trainer ==> 宇宙ステーションシステムトレーナー
  49078. sst ==> 固体技术
  49079. SST, satellite servicing technology ==> 衛星サービス工学
  49080. SST, single system trainer ==> 単一システムトレイナー
  49081. SST, Space Station Test Building ==> 宇宙ステーション試験棟(筑波宇宙センター)
  49082. SST, subsystem test set ==> サブシステム試験装置
  49083. SST, supersonic transport ==> 超音速輸送
  49084. SST, Supersonic Transport ==> 超音速輸送機
  49085. SSTB, Space Station Technical Board ==> 宇宙ステーション技術委員会
  49086. SSTDP Sealift Ship Technology Development Program ==> 海运船技术发展项目
  49087. SSTF, space station task force ==> 宇宙ステーションタスクフォース
  49088. SSTI, Sub-Synchronous Tortional Interaction ==> 軸ねじれ負制動現象
  49089. SSTIMR, Sea Surface Temperature Imaging Microwave Radiometer ==> 海表面温度画像用マイクロ波ラジオメータ
  49090. SSTS ==> 固态切换开关
  49091. SSTS, Solid State Transfer Switch ==> 半導体切替スイッチ,高速スイッチ。機械スイッチと半導体スイッチの並列接続により,通電時の損失低減,機械スイッチの無電圧遮断による高速遮断を実現。
  49092. SSTS, Space Surveillance and Tracking System ==> 宇宙監視・追跡システム(SDIのサブシステム)
  49093. SSTV signal ==> 慢扫描电视信号
  49094. ssu ==> 半导体存储器
  49095. SSU, sequential shunt unit ==> シーケンシャルシャントユニット
  49096. SSUP, space station support facility ==> 宇宙ステーション支援設備
  49097. SSUP, Space Station Users Panel ==> 宇宙ステーション利用者部会
  49098. SSUP, Space Station Utilization Panel ==> 欧州宇宙ステーション利用諮問委員会
  49099. ssure pre-heater ==> 高压预热器
  49100. SSUS, solid spinning upper stage ==> スピン式固体上段ロケット
  49101. SSUS, spin stabilized upper stage ==> スピン安定上段ロケット
  49102. SSUS, spinning solid upper stage ==> スピン式固体上段
  49103. SSVS, Super Smart Vehicles System ==> 人と社会に調和した自動車システム(通産省)
  49104. SSW, S-band coaxial switch ==> Sバンド同軸スイッチ
  49105. SSW, separation switch ==> 分離スイッチ
  49106. SSWP, space station work package ==> 宇宙ステーション作業パッケージ
  49107. ST Special Treatment ==> 特殊处理
  49108. ST, satellite ==> 衛星
  49109. ST, sensibility technology ==> 感性技術,感性制御技術
  49110. ST, sidereal time ==> 恒星時
  49111. ST, space telescope ==> 宇宙望遠鏡
  49112. ST, spherical tokamak ==> 球状トカマク
  49113. ST, spin table ==> スピンテーブル
  49114. ST, star sensor ==> 恒星センサ
  49115. ST, star tracker ==> 恒星センサ
  49116. ST, strobe ==> ストローブ
  49117. St. Peteraburg Standard ==> (木材标准尺度)圣彼得标准
  49118. St.Andrew's cross bond ==> 英式十字砌法
  49119. St.Petersburg Paradox ==> 圣彼得斯堡反论
  49120. STA, satellite test area ==> 衛星試験棟
  49121. STA, Science and Technology Agency ==> 科学技術庁
  49122. STA, Spacecraft Testing and Assembling Building ==> 衛星試験棟(種子島宇宙センター)
  49123. STA, station ==> ステーション
  49124. STA, supersonic transport airplane ==> 超音速輸送機
  49125. STAA Surface Transportation Assistance Act ==> 海面运输辅助法案
  49126. stab culture ==> 穿刺培养
  49127. stab form granulocyte ==> 杆状粒细胞
  49128. stab inoculation ==> 穿刺接种法,针刺接种,针刺接种法
  49129. stab knife ==> 穿刺刀
  49130. stab neutrophil leukocyte ==> 幼稚白细胞
  49131. stab nucleus ==> 杆状核
  49132. STAB Stability ==> 稳定性
  49133. stab tuner ==> スタブ同調器
  49134. stab wound ==> 戳伤,刺创,刺伤
  49135. stab wound of larynx ==> 喉刺伤
  49136. stab-clipped wound ==> 刺剪创
  49137. stab-incised wound ==> 刺切创
  49138. stabbing pain ==> 刺痛,针刺痛
  49139. Stabilene fly repellent ==> 丁氧聚丙二醇
  49140. stabilidyne receiver ==> 高稳式接收机
  49141. stabilised finish ==> 稳定整理,定形整理
  49142. stabilised power unit ==> 稳定电源设备
  49143. stabilised voltage supply ==> 稳定电源
  49144. stabilising condenser ==> 稳定电容器
  49145. stability ==> 稳定,稳定度,稳定度,稳定性,稳度,动力稳定性,安定性,坚固性=>安定度,安定性
  49146. stability against sliding ==> 抗滑稳定性
  49147. stability alarm ==> 稳定度警报
  49148. stability analysis ==> 稳定性分析=>安定度解析
  49149. stability analysis method ==> 安定解析法
  49150. stability area ==> 稳定区域
  49151. stability augmentation ==> 稳定性的增长=>中間領域安定度
  49152. stability bound ==> 安定性限界
  49153. stability boundary ==> 稳定性范围
  49154. stability calculation ==> (整体)稳定性计算
  49155. stability calculation system ==> 安定度計算システム
  49156. stability change ==> 稳定性变化
  49157. stability characteristic (quality) ==> 稳定特性
  49158. stability chart ==> 稳定度图
  49159. stability coefficient ==> 稳定性系数,安定性系数
  49160. stability coefficient of capacitance ==> 电容稳定性系数
  49161. stability condition ==> 稳定性条件,稳定条件,稳定状态
  49162. stability conditions of equilibrium ==> 平衡的稳定条件
  49163. stability constant ==> 稳定常数
  49164. stability control ==> 稳定性调节
  49165. stability criterion ==> 稳定度判据,稳定性准则=>安定判別
  49166. stability curve ==> 稳定特性曲线
  49167. stability derivative ==> 稳定性导数
  49168. stability diagram ==> 稳定图
  49169. stability disruption ==> 稳定破坏
  49170. stability domain ==> 稳定区域
  49171. stability domain border ==> 稳定区域界限
  49172. stability exchange principle ==> 稳定性交换原理
  49173. stability factor ==> 稳定系数,刚性系数
  49174. stability for disturbance ==> 扰动稳定性
  49175. stability group ==> 稳定群
  49176. stability improvement ==> 稳定度改进
  49177. stability in periscopic aimingline ==> 潜望镜瞄准线稳定
  49178. stability in the large ==> 全局稳定性,总稳定度=>大域安定
  49179. stability in the small ==> 局部稳定度
  49180. stability index ==> 稳定指数,稳定因子,稳定度指数=>安定度指標
  49181. stability index of power swing oscillation ==> 動揺安定性指標
  49182. stability lagoon ==> 稳定湖
  49183. stability limit ==> 稳定极限
  49184. stability limit amplitude ==> 稳定极限振幅
  49185. stability line ==> 稳定限
  49186. stability loci ==> 稳定域
  49187. stability malfunction ==> 稳定系统故障
  49188. stability margin ==> 稳定边际,稳定裕度,稳定储备系数,电力系统实际运行状态离稳定极限远近程度的系数,是衡量整个系统安全运行的重要标志=>安定余裕
  49189. stability measurement ==> 稳定性测量
  49190. stability meter ==> 稳定性试验仪
  49191. stability model ==> 稳定性试验模型
  49192. stability moment ==> 安定力矩
  49193. stability monitoring ==> 安定度監視
  49194. stability of a system ==> 系统稳定性
  49195. stability of high slope ==> 高边坡稳定,水电工程涉及自然边坡和开挖边坡高达百米以上,常见有滑坡,崩塌,松驰张裂,蠕动(又分扭曲、倾倒、松动、塑流型)和剥落等失稳问题,对此需专题研究处理稳定的措施
  49196. stability of joint ==> 关节稳定性
  49197. stability of molecule ==> 分子稳定性
  49198. stability of resonator ==> 共振腔稳定性
  49199. stability of rigid frame ==> 刚架稳定性
  49200. stability of solution ==> 溶液稳定性,解的稳定性
  49201. stability of synchronization ==> 同步稳定性
  49202. stability of vibration ==> 振动稳定性
  49203. stability operation ==> 稳定局势战
  49204. stability parameter ==> 稳定性参数
  49205. stability pond ==> 稳定池
  49206. stability power limit ==> 稳定功率极限=>安定極限電力
  49207. stability problem ==> 安定性问题
  49208. stability product ==> 稳定积
  49209. stability range ==> 稳定范围
  49210. stability reduction ==> 稳定性减小
  49211. stability region ==> 稳定区,稳定范围
  49212. stability regions determination ==> 稳定区域的确定
  49213. stability sensor ==> 稳定传感器
  49214. stability series ==> 稳定系
  49215. stability setting ==> (指干温热法)稳定性定形
  49216. stability simulation ==> 稳定度模拟
  49217. stability studies ==> 安定度解析
  49218. stability subgroup ==> 稳定子群
  49219. stability test ==> 稳定度试验,稳定试验,稳定性试验
  49220. stability test model ==> 稳定性试验模型
  49221. stability theory ==> 稳定理论
  49222. stability theory of large-scale systems ==> 大系统稳定性理论
  49223. stability threshold ==> 稳定性阈值
  49224. stability triangle ==> 稳定性三角形
  49225. stability under irradiation ==> 辐照稳定性
  49226. stability value ==> 稳定度值
  49227. stability variation ==> 稳定性变化
  49228. stability zone ==> 稳定区域
  49229. stabilizable ==> 可安定
  49230. stabilization ==> 稳定,稳定化,坚固,安定面,稳定,稳定处理,稳定过程,稳定化,稳定现象,稳定性,稳定作用,定影
  49231. stabilization agent ==> 安定剤
  49232. stabilization basin ==> 稳定池
  49233. stabilization bonds ==> 安定债券
  49234. stabilization by compaction ==> 压实稳定,压实加固,对土石料施加重力、冲击力或振动,使土石颗粒产生位移减少孔隙,增加容重
  49235. stabilization by consolidation ==> 固结稳定
  49236. stabilization by freezing ==> 冻结加固,用降温冰冻固结措施作加固处理
  49237. stabilization by jet grouting pile ==> 旋喷桩加固,将带有喷咀的注浆管下入钻孔内旋转,并以高压喷射水泥浆,使之与周围土颗粒混掺凝结硬化而成的桩,以加固松软地基
  49238. stabilization by ramming ==> 夯实加固,用夯板自重和重力加速度产生的冲击力使土石料达到密实
  49239. stabilization by rotary churning pile ==> 旋喷桩加固,将带有喷咀的注浆管下入钻孔内旋转,并以高压喷射水泥浆,使之与周围土颗粒混掺凝结硬化而成的桩,以加固松软地基。
  49240. stabilization by vibrating ==> 振动加固,利用机械和爆破的强烈振动加密松软地基
  49241. stabilization by vibrosinking pile ==> 振冲桩加固,利用机械的强烈振动冲击造孔并填入碎石成桩,以加固松软地基
  49242. stabilization characteristics of genetics ==> 遗传性状稳定
  49243. stabilization control ==> 姿勢安定化制御
  49244. stabilization efficiency ==> 稳定效率
  49245. stabilization factor ==> 稳定系数
  49246. stabilization fund ==> 稳定基金,平准基金
  49247. stabilization lagoon ==> 稳定池
  49248. stabilization loan ==> 稳定借款
  49249. stabilization mixer ==> 稳定土用拌和机
  49250. stabilization network ==> 稳定网络
  49251. stabilization of currency ==> 通货稳定
  49252. stabilization of level ==> 电平的稳定
  49253. stabilization of output ==> 出力安定化
  49254. stabilization of river bed ==> 河床稳定
  49255. stabilization of speed ==> 转速稳定
  49256. stabilization parachute ==> 稳定伞
  49257. stabilization period ==> 稳定期
  49258. stabilization plant ==> 稳定装置
  49259. stabilization pond ==> 稳定塘
  49260. stabilization power ==> 稳定功率
  49261. stabilization process ==> 稳定过程
  49262. stabilization range ==> 稳定范围
  49263. stabilization ratio ==> 稳定比
  49264. stabilization signal ==> 稳定信号
  49265. stabilization system ==> 稳定系统
  49266. stabilization test ==> 稳定试验
  49267. stabilization time ==> 稳定时间
  49268. stabilization treatment ==> 稳定处理
  49269. stabilization works ==> 稳定设施
  49270. stabilization-drogue parachute ==> 稳定伞
  49271. stabilizator rod ==> 平衡杆
  49272. stabilizator suspension ==> 平衡悬挂
  49273. stabilize the market ==> 稳定市场
  49274. stabilize the prices of commodities ==> 稳定物价
  49275. stabilized (steady-state) speed ==> 稳定转速
  49276. stabilized accounting ==> 稳定币值会计
  49277. stabilized amplitude ==> 稳定振幅
  49278. stabilized animal fat ==> 稳定的动物脂肪
  49279. stabilized approach ==> 稳定进场着陆
  49280. stabilized ash ==> (石灰或水泥)稳定灰渣
  49281. stabilized base ==> (结合料)稳定基层
  49282. stabilized beam ==> 稳定束
  49283. stabilized bombing approach equipment ==> 稳定轰炸进入装置
  49284. stabilized bond ==> 稳值债券,指数化债券
  49285. stabilized channel ==> 不冲不淤河槽
  49286. stabilized conditions ==> 稳定状态
  49287. stabilized coupling ==> 稳定联接轴
  49288. stabilized crude (oil) ==> 稳定原油
  49289. stabilized current source ==> 稳定电流源
  49290. stabilized current supply ==> 稳流电源
  49291. stabilized D.C. source ==> 直流稳压电源
  49292. stabilized deflection ==> 稳定偏转
  49293. stabilized descent ==> 稳定下降
  49294. stabilized dolomite brick ==> 稳定白云石砖
  49295. stabilized earth road ==> (处理的)稳定土路
  49296. stabilized ejection ==> 稳定弹射
  49297. stabilized elementary transformation ==> 稳定初等变换
  49298. stabilized feedback ==> 稳定反馈,稳定回授
  49299. stabilized feedback amplifier ==> 稳定反馈放大器
  49300. stabilized flight ==> 稳定飞行
  49301. stabilized flight condition ==> 稳定飞行状态
  49302. stabilized frequency ==> 稳定频率
  49303. stabilized front ==> 稳定的正面
  49304. stabilized gasoline ==> 稳定汽油
  49305. stabilized glass ==> 稳定玻璃
  49306. stabilized grade ==> 不冲不淤比降
  49307. stabilized granular surface ==> 稳定砂石路面
  49308. stabilized gravel surface ==> 稳定砾石路面
  49309. stabilized grease ==> 稳定润滑脂
  49310. stabilized insoluble azo dyes ==> 稳定不溶性偶氮染料
  49311. stabilized local oscillator ==> 稳定本机振荡器
  49312. stabilized master oscillator ==> 稳定主控振荡器
  49313. stabilized mixture ==> 稳定混合物
  49314. stabilized natural gasoline ==> 稳定天然汽油
  49315. stabilized negative feedback amplifier ==> 稳定负反馈放大器
  49316. stabilized non-torque yarn ==> 稳定的无捻回弹力丝
  49317. stabilized oscillator ==> 稳定振荡器
  49318. stabilized pinch ==> 稳定箍缩
  49319. stabilized plateform ==> 稳定平台
  49320. stabilized platform ==> 稳定平台
  49321. stabilized power source ==> 稳定电源
  49322. stabilized power supply ==> 稳定电源供应
  49323. stabilized power-supply ==> 安定化電源
  49324. stabilized prints ==> 稳定复制品
  49325. stabilized pulse duration ==> 稳定脉冲持继时间
  49326. stabilized relativistic electron beam ==> 稳定相对论的电子束
  49327. stabilized satellite ==> 稳定卫星
  49328. stabilized shoulder ==> 稳定处理路肩
  49329. stabilized shunt motor ==> 稳定并绕电动机
  49330. stabilized shunt-wound motor ==> 稳并励电动机
  49331. stabilized shuntwound generator ==> 稳定并励发电机
  49332. stabilized soil base ==> 稳定土基
  49333. stabilized soil road ==> 稳定土路
  49334. stabilized soil-bound surface ==> 稳定泥结路面
  49335. stabilized speed ==> 稳定速度
  49336. stabilized state ==> 稳定状态
  49337. stabilized steel ==> (经过加铝稳氮处理的低碳沸腾钢)稳定化钢
  49338. stabilized steel (sheet) ==> 稳定化钢板
  49339. stabilized steel sheet ==> 稳定处理钢板
  49340. stabilized strand ==> 稳定处理的预应力钢绞线
  49341. stabilized supply voltage ==> 稳定电源电压
  49342. stabilized toroidal pinch ==> 稳定环形箍缩
  49343. stabilized voltage ==> 稳定电压,稳压
  49344. stabilized winding ==> 稳定绕组
  49345. stabilized wire ==> 稳定化处理的预应力钢丝
  49346. stabilized zirconia ==> 稳定二氧化锆
  49347. stabilizer ==> 稳定器
  49348. stabilizer bar ==> 稳定器杆
  49349. stabilizer blade ==> 支脚
  49350. stabilizer bottoms ==> 稳定塔底产物
  49351. stabilizer bracket ==> 稳定托架
  49352. stabilizer cavity ==> 稳定空腔谐振器
  49353. stabilizer chord ==> 安定面弦
  49354. stabilizer column ==> 稳定塔
  49355. stabilizer feed pump ==> 稳定塔进油泵
  49356. stabilizer foot ==> 稳定支脚
  49357. stabilizer gas ==> 稳定塔气体
  49358. stabilizer link assembly ==> 稳定器固定柱
  49359. stabilizer overhead ==> 稳定塔顶排出气体
  49360. stabilizer plant ==> 稳定装置
  49361. stabilizer rod ==> 稳定杆
  49362. stabilizers ==> 稳定器
  49363. stabilizing adjustment ==> 稳定度调整,稳定线路调整
  49364. stabilizing agent ==> 稳定剂,稳弧剂
  49365. stabilizing annealing ==> 稳定性退火
  49366. stabilizing bag ==> 安定囊
  49367. stabilizing beam ==> 梭梁
  49368. stabilizing choke ==> 稳定扼流圈
  49369. stabilizing circuit ==> 稳定电路
  49370. stabilizing colloid ==> 胶体稳定剂
  49371. stabilizing connecting bracket ==> 稳定联接托架
  49372. stabilizing correction ==> 稳定修正
  49373. stabilizing effect ==> 稳定效应
  49374. stabilizing element ==> (阻止石墨化元素)稳定性元素
  49375. stabilizing factor ==> 稳定系数,稳定因素
  49376. stabilizing feedback ==> 稳定反馈
  49377. stabilizing field ==> 稳定场
  49378. stabilizing fin ==> 稳定翅,减摇鳍
  49379. stabilizing float ==> 稳定浮筒
  49380. stabilizing force ==> 稳定力
  49381. stabilizing inductance ==> 稳流电感
  49382. stabilizing inoculant ==> 稳定碳化物孕育剂
  49383. stabilizing material ==> 稳定材料
  49384. stabilizing measures ==> 稳定措施,保证和提高电力系统稳定性(包括静态、暂态和动态稳定等)的各种技术手段
  49385. stabilizing moment ==> 稳定力矩
  49386. stabilizing network ==> 稳定电路
  49387. stabilizing nozzle ==> 稳定喷口
  49388. stabilizing plane ==> 安定面
  49389. stabilizing potential ==> 稳定电势
  49390. stabilizing power ==> 稳定能力
  49391. stabilizing resistance ==> 稳流电阻
  49392. stabilizing selection ==> 稳定化选择
  49393. stabilizing skirt ==> 稳定裙,安定缘
  49394. stabilizing surface ==> 稳定面
  49395. stabilizing tester ==> (汽车的)稳定性试验台
  49396. stabilizing transformer ==> 稳定变压器,稳压变压器
  49397. stabilizing treatment ==> (使合金结构或零件尺寸稳定的)稳定化处理
  49398. stabilizing turned coil ==> 稳定用调谐线圈
  49399. stabilizing winding ==> 稳定绕组,平衡绕组=>安定巻線
  49400. stabilometer design method ==> 稳定度仪设计法
  49401. stabilotron ==> 季荥
  49402. stabilovolt ==> 辉光放电稳压管
  49403. stable ==> 稳定的
  49404. stable acceleration process ==> 稳定加速过程
  49405. stable aggregate ==> 稳定性团聚体
  49406. stable air ==> 稳定气团
  49407. stable air column ==> 稳定气柱
  49408. stable air mass ==> 稳定气团
  49409. stable alloy ==> 稳定合金
  49410. stable amplitude ==> 稳定振幅
  49411. stable angina cordis ==> 稳定型心绞痛
  49412. stable arc ==> 稳定的电弧,稳定电弧
  49413. stable area ==> 稳定区
  49414. stable atmospheric condition ==> 稳定的大气条件
  49415. stable auroral red arc ==> 稳压极光红弧
  49416. stable banks ==> 稳定河岸
  49417. stable beach ==> 稳定岸滩
  49418. stable beta titanium alloy ==> 稳定的β型钛合金
  49419. stable bituminous dispersion ==> (即慢裂乳化沥青)稳定沥青分散液
  49420. stable bladder ==> 稳定性膀胱
  49421. stable block ==> 稳定地块
  49422. stable breeding ==> 圈养,圈养
  49423. stable burning ==> 稳定燃烧
  49424. stable but adjustable par value ==> 稳定但可调整的平价
  49425. stable cavity ==> 稳定谐振腔
  49426. stable center ==> 稳定中心
  49427. stable channel ==> 稳定河槽
  49428. stable cohomology operation ==> 稳定上同调运算
  49429. stable component ==> 稳定的环节
  49430. stable compound ==> 稳定化合物,安定化合物
  49431. stable condition ==> 稳定状态
  49432. stable conditions ==> 稳定状态
  49433. stable confinement ==> 稳定约束
  49434. stable control ==> 稳态控制
  49435. stable convergence ==> 稳定收敛
  49436. stable coordinates ==> 稳定坐标
  49437. stable crack ==> 稳定裂缝
  49438. stable creep-resistant titanium alloy ==> 稳定的抗蠕变钛合金
  49439. stable currency ==> 稳定货币
  49440. stable current ==> 稳定电流,定常流
  49441. stable deterrrence ==> 稳定威慑
  49442. stable detonation ==> 稳定爆炸
  49443. stable diabetes mellitus ==> 稳定型糖尿病
  49444. stable diagram ==> 平衡图
  49445. stable distillate fuel ==> 稳定馏出燃料
  49446. stable distribution ==> 稳定分布
  49447. stable distribution function ==> 稳定分布函数,平稳分布函数
  49448. stable door ==> 两截门
  49449. stable dung ==> 厩粪,厩粪
  49450. stable effluent ==> 稳定排液
  49451. stable electron orbit ==> 稳定电子轨道
  49452. stable element ==> 稳定元件,稳定元素
  49453. stable elements ==> 稳定成分
  49454. stable elimination technique ==> 不开切口技术
  49455. stable emulsion ==> 稳定乳状液
  49456. stable equilibrium ==> 稳定平衡
  49457. stable equilibrium phase ==> 稳定平衡相位
  49458. stable equilibrium position ==> 稳定平衡位置
  49459. stable equillibrium point ==> 安定平衡点
  49460. stable equivalent ==> 稳定等价的
  49461. stable equivalent vector bundles ==> 稳定等价向量丛
  49462. stable exchange rate ==> 稳定汇率
  49463. stable fabric ==> 稳定织物
  49464. stable factor ==> 稳定因子
  49465. stable factor deficiency ==> 稳定因子缺乏症
  49466. stable filter ==> 稳定滤波器
  49467. stable fission products ==> 稳定的裂变产物
  49468. stable fixed point ==> (稳定区的)稳定固定点
  49469. stable flame ==> 稳定火焰,在锅炉负荷某个运行范围内和大变化率下,始终保持其连续性的火焰包络
  49470. stable flying ==> 稳定飞行
  49471. stable force ==> 平稳力
  49472. stable form ==> 稳定型
  49473. stable fracture ==> 稳定骨折,稳定性骨折
  49474. stable frequency signal ==> 稳定频率信号
  49475. stable gasoline ==> 稳定汽油
  49476. stable gel structure ==> 稳定凝胶构造
  49477. stable governor ==> 稳定调速器
  49478. stable group ==> 安定群
  49479. stable homeomorphism ==> 稳定同胚猜想
  49480. stable homotopy group ==> 稳定同伦群
  49481. stable humus ==> 稳性腐殖质
  49482. stable hydrocarbon ==> 稳定烃
  49483. stable in the sense of Liapunov ==> リアプノフの意味で安定
  49484. stable island ==> 稳定岛
  49485. stable isobar ==> 稳定同量异位素
  49486. stable isotope ==> 稳定同位素,稳定性同位素
  49487. stable isotope dilution mass spectrometry ==> 稳定同位素稀释质谱法
  49488. stable isotope indicator ==> 稳定同位素指示剂
  49489. stable isotopic tracer ==> 稳定同位素示踪
  49490. stable law ==> 稳定律
  49491. stable layer ==> 稳定层
  49492. stable limit cycle ==> 稳定极限循环
  49493. stable loop ==> 稳定回路
  49494. stable lysogeny ==> 稳定溶原性
  49495. stable malarial endemic area ==> 稳定性疟区
  49496. stable manifold ==> 稳定流形
  49497. stable manure ==> 动物粪便
  49498. stable matrix ==> 稳定矩阵=>安定行列
  49499. stable maximum ==> 稳定最高量
  49500. stable missile ==> 稳定的导弹
  49501. stable monetary unit assumption ==> 币值不变假设
  49502. stable motion ==> 稳定运动
  49503. stable node ==> 稳定节点
  49504. stable nucleus ==> 稳定核
  49505. stable nuclide ==> 稳定核素,稳定性核素,安定核素
  49506. stable operation ==> 稳定操作,稳定运行
  49507. stable orbit ==> 稳定轨道,平衡轨道
  49508. stable orbit contraction ==> 稳定轨道收缩
  49509. stable orbit expansion ==> 稳定轨道扩展
  49510. stable oscillation ==> 稳定振荡
  49511. stable oscillator ==> 稳定振荡器
  49512. stable oxidase ==> 稳定氧化酶
  49513. stable pair ==> 稳定对
  49514. stable parallelizable flow ==> 稳定可平行流
  49515. stable particle ==> 稳定粒子
  49516. stable period ==> 稳定周期
  49517. stable phase ==> 稳定期,稳定相
  49518. stable phase angle ==> 稳定相位
  49519. stable phase oscillations ==> 稳相振荡
  49520. stable phase parameter ==> 稳相参数
  49521. stable phytocoenosium ==> 稳定植物群落,稳定值物群落
  49522. stable plasma ==> 稳定等离子体
  49523. stable plastics ==> 不变形塑料
  49524. stable platform ==> 稳定平台
  49525. stable pneumonia ==> 马流行性感冒
  49526. stable point ==> 稳定点
  49527. stable position ==> 稳定位置
  49528. stable potential ==> 稳定电位
  49529. stable pour-point ==> 稳定倾点
  49530. stable price ==> 稳定的价格
  49531. stable primary cohomology operation ==> 稳定一阶上同调运算
  49532. stable pulse generator ==> 稳定脉冲发生器
  49533. stable pulse generator clock ==> 稳定脉冲发生器
  49534. stable range ==> 稳定范围
  49535. stable reactor period ==> 反应堆稳定周期
  49536. stable reduction ==> 稳定约化
  49537. stable region ==> 稳定境,稳定区域,稳定域
  49538. stable remanent magnetization ==> 稳定剩余磁性
  49539. stable resonator ==> 稳定谐振器
  49540. stable river bed ==> 稳定河床
  49541. stable running ==> 稳定转动
  49542. stable secondary cohomology operation ==> 稳定二阶上同调运算
  49543. stable series ==> 稳定级数
  49544. stable servo ==> 稳定伺服系统,稳定随动系统
  49545. stable shield ==> 稳定地盾
  49546. stable sliding ==> 稳滑
  49547. stable soil road ==> 稳定处理的土路
  49548. stable solution ==> 稳定解,(微分方程的)稳态解
  49549. stable star ==> 稳定恒星
  49550. stable state ==> 稳态=>安定状態
  49551. stable state of motion ==> 稳态运动
  49552. stable state oscillation ==> 稳态振荡
  49553. stable static model ==> 稳定统计模型
  49554. stable stenocardia ==> 稳定型心绞痛
  49555. stable strobe ==> 稳定频闪放电管
  49556. stable structure ==> 稳定的结构,稳定结构
  49557. stable subgroup ==> 稳定子群
  49558. stable subspace ==> 不变子空间
  49559. stable suspension ==> 稳定悬浮液
  49560. stable switch ==> 稳定开关
  49561. stable system ==> 稳定系统
  49562. stable temperature of concrete dam ==> 坝体混凝土稳定温度,经过人工冷却或长期天然冷却,坝内混凝土的初始温度和水化热影响完全消失之后,坝体稳定温度为上游面水库水温及下游面气温和尾水温度影响下的坝体混凝土温度
  49563. stable tracer isotope ==> 稳定示踪同位素
  49564. stable trajectory ==> 稳定轨迹
  49565. stable transistor ==> 稳定晶体管
  49566. stable transverse oscillations ==> 稳定横向振荡
  49567. stable trigger circuit ==> 稳态触发电路
  49568. stable type ==> 稳定型
  49569. stable valley ==> 稳定谷
  49570. stable value ==> 稳定值
  49571. stable vector bundle ==> 稳定向量丛
  49572. stable vegetation ==> 稳定植被
  49573. stable vertical ==> 稳定的竖向准直
  49574. stable voltage source for TV ==> 电视稳压电源
  49575. stable wave ==> 稳定波
  49576. stable-base film ==> 片基尺寸稳定的胶片
  49577. stable-isotope dilution technique ==> 稳定同位素稀释技术
  49578. stable-shelf facies ==> 稳定陆架相
  49579. stableness of filter ==> 滤光片的稳定性
  49580. stably parallelizable ==> 稳定可平行的
  49581. stably stratified flow ==> 稳定层流
  49582. stably trapped radiation zone ==> 稳定捕获辐射带
  49583. stachyose ==> 水苏糖=>スタキオース
  49584. stachyose hydrate ==> スタキオース水和物
  49585. stack ==> 草堆,草垛,层垛,扳键,石柱,竖起,存储栈,栈,立管,高炉炉身,归垛,海蚀柱,叠,叠层,叠片,堆,堆积,堆栈,垛,垛垛,烟囱,组套=>スタック,煙突
  49586. stack address ==> 栈地址
  49587. stack address control ==> 栈地址控制
  49588. stack addressing ==> 栈访问
  49589. stack algorithm ==> 堆栈算法
  49590. stack alignment ==> 堆栈对界
  49591. stack allocation ==> 堆栈分配
  49592. stack antenna ==> 叠排天线
  49593. stack arch ==> 烟道碹
  49594. stack architecture ==> 堆栈结构,栈结构
  49595. stack area ==> 堆栈范围,堆栈区,烟道切面积
  49596. stack automaton ==> 栈自动化装置
  49597. stack base register ==> 栈基址寄存器
  49598. stack bit ==> 堆栈数位
  49599. stack bond ==> 对缝砌法,通缝砌法
  49600. stack brickwork ==> 炉身衬砖
  49601. stack capability ==> 栈能力
  49602. stack casing ==> 炉身套壳,炉身外壳
  49603. stack casting ==> 叠箱铸型,层叠铸造
  49604. stack cell ==> 堆栈单元,栈单元
  49605. stack cooler ==> 炉身冷却板
  49606. stack crane ==> 堆装起重机
  49607. stack cross section ==> 烟囱截面
  49608. stack cutting ==> 叠板切割,成叠切割=>スタック切断
  49609. stack damper ==> 烟囱闸板
  49610. stack draft ==> 烟囱气流,自生通风压头,沿烟道(包括烟囱)高度,热烟气和外部大气密度差所产生的压头。
  49611. stack draught ==> 烟囱抽风
  49612. stack failure ==> スタック故障
  49613. stack fault ==> 縮退故障
  49614. stack flue ==> 烟道
  49615. stack frame ==> 栈构架
  49616. stack friction ==> 烟囱阻力
  49617. stack furnace ==> (烧砖用)围窑
  49618. stack gas ==> 烟道气=>煙道ガス
  49619. stack gas desulfurization ==> 烟气脱硫
  49620. stack gate ==> 叠层栅
  49621. stack handler ==> 栈处理机
  49622. stack head ==> 堆栈头
  49623. stack height ==> 堆积高度,烟囱高度
  49624. stack holder ==> 堆叠材料的夹持装置
  49625. stack honing ==> 多件珩磨
  49626. stack in recursive procedure ==> 递归过程的栈
  49627. stack indicator ==> 栈指示器,堆栈指示符
  49628. stack instruction ==> 栈指令
  49629. stack interrupt ==> 栈溢出中断,栈中断
  49630. stack job ==> 栈式处理
  49631. stack job processing ==> 栈式作业处理
  49632. stack level ==> 栈深度,堆栈级
  49633. stack limit register ==> 栈界限存储器
  49634. stack lining ==> 炉身衬
  49635. stack loader ==> 堆料装料机
  49636. stack machine ==> 堆栈机器
  49637. stack manipulation ==> 堆栈操作,栈处理
  49638. stack marker ==> 栈标志
  49639. stack memery ==> 栈存储点
  49640. stack memory ==> 栈存储器
  49641. stack mixing ==> 堆积混合
  49642. stack mo(u)ld ==> 叠箱铸模
  49643. stack mo(u)lding ==> 双面型箱造型
  49644. stack mo(u)lding machine ==> 叠箱造型机
  49645. stack molding ==> 叠箱造型
  49646. stack moulding ==> 分层模制,分层压制
  49647. stack nonterminal ==> 栈的非终极符
  49648. stack of fuel elements ==> 释热元件组件
  49649. stack of laminations ==> 叠片组合件
  49650. stack of work ==> 工件垛
  49651. stack operation ==> 栈操作,堆栈操作
  49652. stack operator ==> 栈算子
  49653. stack option ==> 栈选择区
  49654. stack order ==> 栈指令
  49655. stack overflow ==> 栈溢出
  49656. stack page ==> 栈页面
  49657. stack pallet ==> 送料车
  49658. stack point register ==> 栈指示寄存器
  49659. stack pointer ==> 栈指示器,堆栈指示器,堆栈指示字,堆栈指针=>スタックポインタ
  49660. stack pointer alignment (SPA) ==> 堆栈指示字对界
  49661. stack pointer definition ==> 栈指示字定义
  49662. stack pollutants ==> 烟突污染物
  49663. stack pop-up ==> 堆栈上弹,堆栈上托
  49664. stack pouring ==> 叠箱浇注
  49665. stack processing ==> 栈处理
  49666. stack processing technique ==> 栈处理技术
  49667. stack push down ==> 堆栈压入
  49668. stack push-down ==> 堆栈下推
  49669. stack reduction ==> 栈归约
  49670. stack reference operation ==> 堆栈访问操作
  49671. stack register ==> 栈寄存器
  49672. stack retting ==> 堆沤
  49673. stack room ==> 书库
  49674. stack scan ==> 栈扫描
  49675. stack segment ==> 栈段
  49676. stack silage ==> 青贮料堆
  49677. stack stave ==> 炉身冷却壁
  49678. stack symbol ==> 栈符号
  49679. stack tape ==> 叠加带,组合磁带
  49680. stack temperature ==> 烟囱温度
  49681. stack top ==> 栈顶
  49682. stack top location ==> 栈顶单元
  49683. stack transformation ==> 栈变换
  49684. stack turner ==> 翻垛机
  49685. stack underflow ==> 堆栈下溢
  49686. stack unwinding ==> 堆栈解退
  49687. stack up yard ==> 堆积场
  49688. stack vector ==> 栈向量
  49689. stack velocity ==> 出烟速度
  49690. stack vent ==> 立管通气口,通气管
  49691. stack ventilation system ==> 草垛通风系统
  49692. stack venting ==> 立管通气法
  49693. stack welding ==> 多层接触点焊
  49694. stack-building equipment ==> 堆垛机具
  49695. stack-cooling plate ==> 炉身冷却板
  49696. stack-mounted ==> 片式连接的
  49697. stack-oriented register ==> 面向堆栈寄存器
  49698. stack-up ==> 层叠
  49699. stacked ==> 成叠的,成堆
  49700. stacked aerial ==> 多层天线
  49701. stacked antenna ==> 多层天线=>積重ねアンテナ
  49702. stacked antennas ==> 多层天线
  49703. stacked arrangement ==> 多层结构
  49704. stacked array ==> 多层天线阵,分层天线阵
  49705. stacked beam ==> 聚积束,聚积束
  49706. stacked bond ==> 对缝砌法,通缝砌法
  49707. stacked capacitor ==> 叠层电容器
  49708. stacked complementary mos ==> 叠栅互补金属氧化物半导体
  49709. stacked content ==> 层积
  49710. stacked cubic feet ==> 层积立方英尺
  49711. stacked double directional throttle valve ==> 叠加式单向节流阀
  49712. stacked gate ==> 積層ゲート
  49713. stacked gate injection mos ==> 叠栅注入金属氧化物半导体
  49714. stacked gate structure ==> 叠栅结构
  49715. stacked graph ==> 叠式图表
  49716. stacked integrated circuit ==> 叠层集成电路,层叠集成电路
  49717. stacked job ==> 连续作业项,成批处理作业,栈式作业,栈作业
  49718. stacked job control ==> 暂存工作控制,堆栈式作业控制
  49719. stacked job processing ==> 堆积式作业处理,成批作业处理
  49720. stacked loop antenna ==> 双ループアンテナ
  49721. stacked loops ==> 多层环形天线
  49722. stacked memory ==> 堆栈存储器,栈式存储器
  49723. stacked packing ==> 规则填料
  49724. stacked plate ==> 堆积式承载板
  49725. stacked ribbon cable ==> 多层带状电缆
  49726. stacked sheets ==> 成叠薄板
  49727. stacked unidirectional throttle valve ==> 叠加式单向节流阀
  49728. stacked unidirectional valve ==> 叠加式单向阀
  49729. stacked volume ==> 层积容积,(按薪材堆垛单位计算的材积)虚积容积
  49730. stacked wafer module ==> 叠片组件,叠式组件
  49731. stacked-beam radar ==> 多层波束雷达
  49732. stacked-dipole antenna ==> 多层偶极天线
  49733. stacked-foil mica capacitor ==> 箔式云母电容器
  49734. stacked-job processing ==> 栈式作业处理
  49735. stacker ==> 退火窑送料装置,打垛机,卡片积存器,叠卡器,叠式存储器,堆垛工,堆垛机,堆积机,堆积箱,码垛机,可升降摄像机台,集草车,集草器,集纸箱=>スタッカー,積み重ねておく装置
  49736. stacker crane ==> 堆垛机=>スタッカークレーン
  49737. stacker full ==> 接卡箱满
  49738. stacker-loader ==> 装载堆垛机
  49739. stacker-reclaimer ==> 堆垛运输机,堆取料(煤)机,一种能送煤进煤场堆存又能从煤场取煤的设备=>スタッカーリクレーマー
  49740. stacker-reclaimer for circular coal storage ==> 圆形煤场堆取料机,物料由堆取料机顶部进料,通过能360°旋转的悬臂堆料机和刮板取料机分别向煤场堆料或把煤采取到中心地下料斗,并通过料斗下的给料机和地下皮带机向外出料
  49741. stacking ==> 叠加法,堆积,堆积干燥法,堆料,堆置,多层叠加,分层等待,群集度
  49742. stacking (tap) density ==> 堆积密度
  49743. stacking apparatus ==> 堆垛设备
  49744. stacking area ==> 备用堆置场
  49745. stacking bed ==> 带收集装置的冷床
  49746. stacking conveyer ==> 堆垛输送器
  49747. stacking density ==> 层积密度
  49748. stacking derrick ==> 堆垛起重吊杆
  49749. stacking elevator ==> 堆垛升运器
  49750. stacking factor ==> 绕组占空系数,填充系数,填充因数
  49751. stacking fault ==> 堆垛层错=>積層欠陥
  49752. stacking height ==> 堆置高度
  49753. stacking machine ==> 堆垛机
  49754. stacking machinery ==> 堆垛机械
  49755. stacking mechanism ==> 叠卡机构,整卡机构
  49756. stacking of layers ==> 层状堆集
  49757. stacking ratio ==> 歩どまり率
  49758. stacking straddle carrier ==> 堆装跨运车
  49759. stacking unit ==> 产品堆垛机
  49760. stacking yard ==> 堆物
  49761. STADAN, satellite tracking and data acquisition network ==> 衛星追跡データ取得ネットワーク
  49762. Stader's splint ==> 斯塔德尔夹
  49763. stadia addition constant ==> 视距加常数
  49764. stadia arc ==> 视距弧
  49765. stadia constant ==> 视距常数
  49766. stadia factor ==> 视距因数
  49767. stadia hairs ==> 视距丝,视距线
  49768. stadia interval ==> 视距间隔
  49769. stadia level(l)ing ==> 视距测高
  49770. stadia line ==> 视距线
  49771. stadia measurement ==> 视距测量
  49772. stadia method ==> 视距法
  49773. stadia metric range finder ==> 视距测距仪
  49774. stadia multiplication constant ==> 视距乘常数
  49775. stadia plane-table survey ==> 视距平板仪测量
  49776. stadia point ==> 视距点
  49777. stadia range finder ==> 视距测距仪
  49778. stadia reading ==> 视距读数
  49779. stadia reduction ==> 视距改正
  49780. stadia rod ==> 视距标杆,视距尺
  49781. stadia slide rule ==> 视距计算尺
  49782. stadia survey ==> 视距测量
  49783. stadia table ==> 视距计算表
  49784. stadia telescope ==> 视距望远镜
  49785. stadia transit ==> 视距经纬仪
  49786. stadia transit survey ==> 视距经纬仪测量
  49787. stadia traverse ==> 视距导线
  49788. stadia work ==> 视距测量工作
  49789. stadiametric range indicator ==> 视距测距指示器
  49790. stadium acmes ==> 极期
  49791. staff ==> 测尺,支柱,导引探子,小轴,平衡轴,杆,棍,麻刀灰
  49792. staff car ==> 指挥车
  49793. staff catcher ==> 铁路收签机
  49794. staff change ==> 人事異動
  49795. staff comparison ==> 标尺比长
  49796. staff cost ==> 人事费用
  49797. staff costs ==> 人员费用
  49798. staff count ==> 希林氏细胞计数
  49799. staff engineer ==> 主管工程师
  49800. staff error ==> 标尺误差
  49801. staff executive ==> 幕后参谋主管
  49802. staff form ==> 秆状型
  49803. staff function ==> 职能机构
  49804. staff gage ==> 水位标尺
  49805. staff gauge ==> 标尺
  49806. staff man ==> 司尺员
  49807. staff managers ==> 辅助工作管理人员
  49808. staff objective ==> 参谋部门目标
  49809. staff proportion quota ==> 比例定员法
  49810. staff punch ==> 平衡轴冲头
  49811. staff reading ==> 水准尺读数,测尺读数,标尺读数
  49812. staff reassignment ==> 人事異動
  49813. staff ship ==> 司令舰
  49814. staff tablet ==> 通票
  49815. stafffloat ==> 长杆浮标
  49816. staffing function ==> 人事职能
  49817. staffman ==> 扶尺员
  49818. Staffordshire blues ==> 斯塔福德蓝砖
  49819. stag antler ==> 牡鹿角
  49820. stag breeding ==> 养鹿业
  49821. stag-headed ==> 鹿头状的
  49822. stag-horn calculus ==> 鹿角样结石
  49823. stage ==> 舞台,阶段,程度,登台,水深,水位,台,载物台,期,升级,级,汽轮机中由静叶栅和动叶栅组成的实现蒸汽能量转换的基本工作单元=>ステージ,期間,足場
  49824. stage (multistage,multi-stage) pump ==> 多级泵
  49825. stage acidizing ==> 分级酸化
  49826. stage adapter ==> 级转接器
  49827. stage addition ==> 分批加入
  49828. stage adjustment ==> 水位調整
  49829. stage aeration ==> 分段曝气,(指处理活性污泥的一种方法)分级通气
  49830. stage agent addition ==> 分段加药
  49831. stage analysis ==> 阶段分析
  49832. stage area ==> 舞台区
  49833. stage average ==> 阶段平均数
  49834. stage between the egg and adult butterfly ==> 蝶卵和蝶虫之间阶变
  49835. stage box ==> 舞台口包厢,前侧包厢
  49836. stage breaking ==> 分段破碎
  49837. stage by stage ==> 分批分期
  49838. stage casing pump ==> 多级套管泵
  49839. stage cementing ==> 分级注水泥
  49840. stage circuit ==> 分级电路
  49841. stage compaction ==> 分级压实法
  49842. stage construction ==> 分期施工
  49843. stage cooling ==> 分级冷却
  49844. stage crushing ==> 分段破碎,分级破碎
  49845. stage curtain ==> 舞台幕布
  49846. stage development ==> 分级开发,分期发展,阶段发育
  49847. stage die ==> 过渡模
  49848. stage dimmer ==> 舞台调光机
  49849. stage diversion ==> 分期导流,在河道中修建纵向围堰(或利用河中洲坝)将河流一分为二,先在一侧修筑围堰,形成一期基坑,待一期基坑内修建的永久和临时泄水建筑可以引导河水时,另一侧修筑围堰,形成二期基坑的施工导流。有时为封堵一期中的临时导流建筑物,尚须进行三期导流
  49850. stage dredging ==> 分期疏浚
  49851. stage drop ==> 级内压降
  49852. stage drying ==> 分段干燥
  49853. stage efficiency ==> 分段效率,级效率=>段効率
  49854. stage entrance ==> 舞台入口
  49855. stage equipment ==> 舞台设备
  49856. stage escape ==> 舞台疏散口
  49857. stage evaporation ==> 分段蒸发,分级蒸发
  49858. stage extraction ==> 分段提取,分段萃取
  49859. stage filter ==> 分层滤器,分级过滤器,分级滤器
  49860. stage flotation ==> 分级浮选
  49861. stage fluctuation ==> 水位波动
  49862. stage gain ==> 级增益
  49863. stage grafting ==> 分级接枝
  49864. stage grinding ==> 分段磨矿
  49865. stage grouting ==> 分段灌浆,分期灌浆
  49866. stage head ==> 级差,级间压差,级压头
  49867. stage heat drop ==> 级的热降
  49868. stage hoist ==> 分段提升机
  49869. stage holding dolly ==> 弹体支承车
  49870. stage improvement ==> 分级调质,分期改善
  49871. stage indicator ==> 水准指示器
  49872. stage intercooling ==> 级间冷却
  49873. stage invariant ==> 阶段不变量
  49874. stage lamp ==> 舞台灯
  49875. stage left ==> (以演员面对观众时为准)舞台左侧
  49876. stage level ==> 舞台标高,舞台高程
  49877. stage lift ==> 舞台升降机
  49878. stage light ==> 舞台灯光
  49879. stage lighting ==> 舞台照明
  49880. stage lighting units ==> 舞台灯光装置
  49881. stage liquefaction ==> 分段液化
  49882. stage load ==> 级负荷
  49883. stage loader ==> 分段装载机,装料传送机
  49884. stage loading ==> 分级加荷,分阶段加荷
  49885. stage machinery ==> 舞台机械设备
  49886. stage matching ==> 级间匹配
  49887. stage micrometer ==> 分级测微计,镜台测微尺,镜台测微尺,镜台测微计,镜台测微计,台式测微计,载物台测微器
  49888. stage number ==> 级数
  49889. stage observation ==> 水位观测
  49890. stage of a relative standstill ==> 相对停滞阶段
  49891. stage of amplification ==> 放大级
  49892. stage of attack ==> 发作期
  49893. stage of complete ripeness ==> 完熟期
  49894. stage of development ==> 发展阶段
  49895. stage of dissolution ==> 溶解期
  49896. stage of economic development ==> 经济发展阶段,经济发展阶段
  49897. stage of fattening ==> 肥育期
  49898. stage of fervescence ==> 发热期
  49899. stage of first larvae ==> 第一代幼虫期
  49900. stage of introduction ==> (指产品寿命)初期
  49901. stage of invasion ==> 侵入期
  49902. stage of ionization ==> 电离级
  49903. stage of milky repeness ==> 乳熟期
  49904. stage of nodulation ==> 根瘤形成的阶段
  49905. stage of onset ==> 起病期
  49906. stage of pneumocardial compensation ==> 肺心功能代偿期
  49907. stage of pneumocardial decpmpensation ==> 肺心功能失代偿期
  49908. stage of pupation ==> 蛹期
  49909. stage of reaction ==> 反应阶段,反应期
  49910. stage of ripple wave ==> 涟波期
  49911. stage of spasmodic cough ==> 痉咳期,痉咳期
  49912. stage of wax ripeness ==> 蜡熟期
  49913. Stage of Yanshan ==> 燕山期
  49914. stage of yellow ripeness ==> 黄熟期
  49915. stage of zero flow ==> 断流水位
  49916. stage planning ==> 分期规划
  49917. stage projector ==> 舞台聚光灯
  49918. stage purification ==> 分级净化
  49919. stage reaction step ==> 反应阶段
  49920. stage reduction ==> 分度粉碎,分级粉碎
  49921. stage right ==> (以演员面对观众时为准)舞台右侧
  49922. stage rocket ==> 多级火箭
  49923. stage rope ==> 吊盘钢丝绳
  49924. stage scenery ==> 舞台布景
  49925. stage speed ==> 级速率
  49926. stage spinning ==> 分步纺纱法
  49927. stage teeth ==> 高低齿
  49928. stage temperature rise ==> 级温升
  49929. stage tooth ==> 汽封高低齿
  49930. stage transmitter ==> 水位传送器
  49931. stage treatment ==> 分级处理
  49932. stage trickling filter ==> 分段滴滤池
  49933. stage turbine ==> 分级式汽轮机,分级涡轮,多级涡轮,分式涡轮
  49934. stage twisting machine ==> 分步法捻线机
  49935. stage twisting system ==> 分步法捻线系统
  49936. stage valve ==> 旁路阀
  49937. stage variation ==> 阶段变异
  49938. stage wing ==> 舞台袖
  49939. stage working area ==> xy平板工作域
  49940. stage Ⅰ ==> 第一阶段
  49941. stage Ⅱ ==> 第二阶段
  49942. stage,multi-stage) pump ==> 多级泵
  49943. stage-based piecework wage ==> 分段计酬计件工资
  49944. stage-capacity curve ==> 水位容积曲线
  49945. stage-hardening ==> 分段淬火
  49946. stage-lighting effect ==> 舞台灯光效果,舞台照明效应
  49947. stage-motor ==> 多级火箭发动机
  49948. stage-wise contactor ==> 多级式接触装置
  49949. staged ==> 段階的な
  49950. staged absorption ==> 段階的吸収
  49951. staged capacity ==> 分期容量
  49952. staged combustion ==> 分级燃烧,组织燃烧所需空气和燃料在燃烧行程的不同部位供入参加燃烧,实现总体抑制NOX生成的燃烧技术。
  49953. staged crew ==> 中途接班空勤组
  49954. staged diffusion technique ==> 多重扩散技术
  49955. staged laser heating ==> 分级激光加热
  49956. staged limited-entry technique ==> 分段限流量法
  49957. staged operation ==> 分段操作
  49958. staged transformer ==> 分级变压器
  49959. staged vehicle ==> 多级火箭
  49960. stagefrequency curve ==> 水位频率曲线
  49961. stageless transmission ==> 无级传动
  49962. stages in germination ==> 萌芽期
  49963. stages of economic growth ==> 经济成长阶段论,经济成长阶段论,经济发展阶段,经济发展阶段
  49964. stages of labor ==> 分娩期,产程
  49965. stages of leaflet formation ==> 小叶形成时期
  49966. stagewise operation ==> 分段操作
  49967. stagewise process ==> 逐级过程
  49968. stagewise regression procedure ==> 逐段回归方法
  49969. stagger ==> 跳动,斜罩,摆动误差,交错,交错配置,错开排列,拐折
  49970. stagger amplifier ==> 参差调谐放大器=>スタガ増幅器
  49971. stagger arrangement ==> 错列
  49972. stagger blanking ==> 锯齿形冲裁,锯齿形冲裁
  49973. stagger converting circuit ==> 交错变换电路
  49974. stagger feed ==> 交错送料,锯齿形送进
  49975. stagger holidays ==> 轮休
  49976. stagger joint ==> 错缝,错接
  49977. stagger moving-target indicator ==> 交错对消式动目标显示器
  49978. stagger of stabilizer ==> 稳定器摆动
  49979. stagger ratio ==> 参差度
  49980. stagger time ==> 参差时间
  49981. stagger tuned amplifier ==> 参差调谐放大器
  49982. stagger tuned frequency discriminator ==> 二同調形周波数弁別器
  49983. stagger tuning ==> 串联同调,串联调谐=>スタガ同調
  49984. stagger tuning amplifier ==> 参差调谐放大器
  49985. stagger wire ==> 倾角线
  49986. stagger(ed) cycle ==> 交叉周期,交错周期
  49987. stagger-peaked ==> 参差峰化
  49988. stagger-tuned filter ==> 参差调谐滤波器
  49989. stagger-wound coil ==> 筐形线圈,笼形线圈
  49990. staggered ==> 错开
  49991. staggered arrangement ==> 错排,交错布置=>千鳥配列
  49992. staggered brush arrangement ==> 电刷的交错布置
  49993. staggered brushes ==> 参差安置的电刷组
  49994. staggered circuit ==> 参差调谐电路,相互失谐级联电路
  49995. staggered circuits ==> 相互失谐级电路
  49996. staggered comparison test ==> 交错比较试验
  49997. staggered conformation ==> 参差构像
  49998. staggered cylinders ==> 交错汽缸
  49999. staggered difference scheme ==> 交替差分格式
  50000. staggered electrode ==> 参差电极
  50001. staggered fan ==> 交错叶风扇
  50002. staggered feed ==> 不均匀进给
  50003. staggered form ==> 交叉式
  50004. staggered gauging ==> 参差调测
  50005. staggered gear ==> 交错齿轮,错牙齿轮
  50006. staggered header ==> 交错集管
  50007. staggered intermittent fillet weld (ing) ==> 交错断续角焊
  50008. staggered intermittent weld ==> 交错断续焊缝,交错间断焊
  50009. staggered joint ==> 交错式接缝,错缝接合,错开接缝,错列接头,错缝,混凝土坝分层分块浇筑混凝土时,分层交错设置的缝
  50010. staggered multiple rows of tubes ==> 错列多排管,多行管的交错排列
  50011. staggered perforated plate ==> 错列式多孔板
  50012. staggered piling ==> 错列打桩,打梅花桩
  50013. staggered planting ==> 交错形栽植
  50014. staggered plug weld ==> 交错塞焊
  50015. staggered rivet joint ==> 错列铆接
  50016. staggered rolling train ==> 布棋式机座布置
  50017. staggered scanning ==> 隔行扫描
  50018. staggered section view ==> 阶梯剖视图
  50019. staggered square pitch ==> 正方形错列
  50020. staggered stacking ==> 错列堆垛法
  50021. staggered tooth ==> 错齿
  50022. staggered tooth double-helical gear ==> 交错齿人字齿轮
  50023. staggered tooth side cutter ==> 错齿侧铣刀
  50024. staggered triangular pitch ==> 正三角形错列
  50025. staggered triple tunning ==> 三重参差调谐
  50026. staggered tube ==> 交错管排
  50027. staggered tuning ==> 参差调谐
  50028. staggered welding ==> 错列焊接
  50029. staggered working day ==> 交错工作时间
  50030. staggering ==> 交错,参差调谐
  50031. staggering advantage ==> 参差效益
  50032. staging ==> 演出
  50033. staging adapter ==> 阶梯转接器,升级适配器
  50034. staging and support area ==> 中间整备与支援区
  50035. staging area ==> 中间整备区域的集结待运地域
  50036. staging base ==> 飞机中间停留基地
  50037. staging drive ==> 阶梯驱动,登台驱动器
  50038. staging drive group ==> 登台驱动器组,阶梯驱动组
  50039. staging effective data rate ==> 阶梯有效数据传输率,登台数据有效率
  50040. staging error ==> 登台错误,级错误
  50041. staging field ==> 中间机场
  50042. staging flight ==> 中途降落的飞行
  50043. staging hierarchy ==> 分级体系,分级体系结构
  50044. staging pack ==> 登台盘组,阶梯组合
  50045. staging point ==> 中途站
  50046. staging station ==> 中途站
  50047. stagnant air ==> 滞空气,滞止气流,停滞空气
  50048. stagnant ambient medium ==> 静止周围介质,静止周围介质
  50049. stagnant area corrosion ==> 停滞区腐蚀
  50050. stagnant bottom water ==> 停滞底水
  50051. stagnant bureaucracy ==> 停滞的官僚作风
  50052. stagnant conditions ==> 滞止条件
  50053. stagnant evolution ==> 停滞进化
  50054. stagnant film ==> 停滞膜,滞膜
  50055. stagnant gas ==> 停滞气体
  50056. stagnant glacier ==> 停滞冰川
  50057. stagnant glass ==> (池窑底部)停滞层玻璃
  50058. stagnant hypoxemia ==> 瘀血性低氧症
  50059. stagnant inversion ==> 停滞逆温
  50060. stagnant mould ==> 不动模型
  50061. stagnant part ==> 不动部分
  50062. stagnant steam ==> 停滞蒸汽
  50063. stagnant wake ==> 停滞区,滞流区
  50064. stagnant zone ==> 粘滞区,难变形区,滞流带
  50065. stagnant-film model ==> 停滞膜模型
  50066. stagnated air mass ==> 停滞气团
  50067. stagnation condition ==> 临界点参数,临界点条件
  50068. stagnation conditions ==> 滞止参数,停滞状态
  50069. stagnation density ==> 滞止密度
  50070. stagnation line ==> 滞点线,滞止线,临界点线
  50071. stagnation mastitis with fever ==> 蒸乳发热
  50072. stagnation of blood ==> 瘀血
  50073. stagnation of gastrointestinal tract ==> 胃肠道郁血
  50074. stagnation of movement ==> 停驶
  50075. stagnation overpressure ==> 临界点剩余压力
  50076. stagnation parameters ==> 滞止参数
  50077. stagnation period ==> 停滞时间
  50078. stagnation point ==> 停止点,滞留点,滞流点,临界点,驻点
  50079. stagnation point movement ==> 临界点位移
  50080. stagnation point shift ==> 临界点偏移
  50081. stagnation point temperature ==> 滞点温度
  50082. stagnation pressure ==> 滞点压力,滞止压力,总压,驻点压力
  50083. stagnation pressure probe ==> 滞点压力传感器
  50084. stagnation pressure ratio ==> 全圧比(MHD発電機)
  50085. stagnation pressure reduction ==> 滞止压力减小,总压力减小
  50086. stagnation properties ==> 滞止参数
  50087. stagnation state ==> 滞止状态
  50088. stagnation surface ==> 驻面
  50089. stagnation temperature ==> 驻点温度,总温,临界温度,滞流温度,滞止温度
  50090. stagnation value ==> 滞止值
  50091. stagnation-temperature probe ==> 滞点温度传感器
  50092. stagnationtemperature control ==> 滞止温度调节
  50093. Stahl turbine ==> 斯坦尔汽轮机,双回转反击式汽轮机
  50094. staight needle ==> 直针
  50095. stain ==> 沾污,斑点,污点,生锈
  50096. stain resistance ==> 耐蚀性
  50097. stain resisting paint ==> 防污涂料
  50098. stain smear ==> 染色涂片
  50099. stain soil suspen sion preparation ==> 土壤深色制片术
  50100. stain-fast ==> 抗染色剂的
  50101. stain-proof paint ==> 防污涂料
  50102. stain-proofing agent ==> 防污剂
  50103. stained ==> 着色した
  50104. stained area ==> 染みの付いた部分
  50105. stained cell ==> 染色した細胞
  50106. stained clay ==> 呈色粘土
  50107. stained glass ==> 着色玻璃,有色玻璃,冰屑玻璃,彩花玻璃,彩绘玻璃=>ステンド・ガラス
  50108. stained method ==> 染色法
  50109. stained preparation ==> 染色标本
  50110. stained rice ==> 汚染米
  50111. stained soil suspersion preparation ==> 土壤染色制片法
  50112. staining ==> 污染,着色,锈蚀,生锈
  50113. staining bath ==> 染色槽
  50114. staining dish ==> 染色碟
  50115. staining intravital staining ==> 活组织染色
  50116. staining material ==> 染色剂
  50117. staining method ==> 染色法
  50118. staining of hemoglobin H inclusion ==> 血红蛋白H包涵体染色
  50119. staining plate ==> 染色皿
  50120. staining power ==> 染色本领
  50121. staining rack ==> 染色架
  50122. staining reaction ==> 染色反应
  50123. staining smear examination ==> 染色体涂片检查
  50124. staining solution ==> 染色溶液,染液
  50125. staining stand ==> 染架,染色架
  50126. staining technique ==> 染色法
  50127. staining trough ==> 染色槽
  50128. stainless ==> 不锈钢的=>ステンレス
  50129. stainless acid resistant steel ==> 不锈耐酸钢
  50130. stainless acid-resistant tube ==> 不锈钢耐酸管
  50131. stainless acid-resisting steel ==> 不锈耐酸钢
  50132. stainless acid-resisting steel wire ==> 不锈耐酸钢丝
  50133. stainless and graphite ==> 不锈钢/石墨
  50134. stainless bushing ==> 不锈衬套
  50135. stainless capillary tube ==> 不锈毛细管
  50136. stainless clad steel ==> 不锈复合钢
  50137. stainless compound steel plate ==> 不锈复合钢板
  50138. stainless conveyer belt ==> 不锈钢运输带
  50139. stainless foil ==> 不锈箔
  50140. stainless gear pump ==> 不锈钢齿轮泵
  50141. stainless iron ==> 不锈铁,铁素体不锈钢,低碳铁素体不锈钢
  50142. stainless oil ==> 不锈油
  50143. stainless paint ==> 防污涂料
  50144. stainless pin ==> 不锈钢针
  50145. stainless rule ==> 不锈钢尺
  50146. stainless sheet steel ==> 不锈钢薄板
  50147. stainless steel ==> 不锈钢=>ステンレス
  50148. stainless steel alcohol stove ==> 不锈钢酒精炉
  50149. stainless steel alloy ==> 不锈钢,不锈钢合金
  50150. stainless steel angle rule ==> 不锈钢拐尺
  50151. stainless steel ball ==> 不锈钢球
  50152. stainless steel ball valve ==> 不锈钢球阀
  50153. stainless steel band ==> 不锈钢带
  50154. stainless steel basin and plate ==> 不锈钢盘碟
  50155. stainless steel blank ==> 不锈钢种板
  50156. stainless steel buckle ==> 不锈钢扣
  50157. stainless steel burden drum ==> 不锈钢配料桶
  50158. stainless steel case ==> 不锈钢壳
  50159. stainless steel clasp ==> 不锈钢丝卡环
  50160. stainless steel cleaner ==> 不锈钢清洗剂
  50161. stainless steel cloth ==> 不锈钢丝网
  50162. stainless steel condenser ==> 不锈钢冷凝器
  50163. stainless steel condiment pot ==> 不锈钢调料罐
  50164. stainless steel corrosion-resistant needle valve ==> 不锈钢防腐针型阀
  50165. stainless steel crucible ==> 不锈钢坩埚
  50166. stainless steel disc ==> 不锈钢盘
  50167. stainless steel disc for casting ==> 铸造用不锈钢块
  50168. stainless steel electrode ==> 不锈钢焊条
  50169. stainless steel enamel ==> 不锈钢搪瓷
  50170. stainless steel fertillizer belt ==> 不锈钢撒肥带
  50171. stainless steel fibre ==> 不锈钢纤维
  50172. stainless steel filter ==> 不锈钢过滤器
  50173. stainless steel flag hinge ==> 不锈钢旗铰链
  50174. stainless steel flexible hose ==> 不锈钢软管
  50175. stainless steel foil ==> 不锈钢箔(bó)
  50176. stainless steel foil insulation ==> 不锈钢箔保温层
  50177. stainless steel grating ==> 不锈钢滤栅
  50178. stainless steel heavy duty vernier calipers ==> 不锈钢重型游标卡尺
  50179. stainless steel helices ==> 不锈钢填料
  50180. stainless steel honeycomb core ==> 不锈钢蜂窝芯子
  50181. stainless steel honeycomb panel ==> 不锈钢蜂窝板
  50182. stainless steel inside calipers ==> 不锈钢内卡钳
  50183. stainless steel kettle ==> 不锈钢锅
  50184. stainless steel kitchenware ==> 不锈钢厨具
  50185. stainless steel mineral spring pump ==> 不锈钢矿泉水泵
  50186. stainless steel mother blank ==> 不锈钢母板
  50187. stainless steel net-cover of axial fan ==> 不锈钢轴流风机网罩
  50188. stainless steel nylon hinge ==> 不锈钢尼龙铰链
  50189. stainless steel nylon ring square hinge ==> 不锈钢尼龙垫圈方铰链
  50190. stainless steel outside calipers ==> 不锈钢外卡钳
  50191. stainless steel palatal bar wire ==> 不锈钢腭杆丝
  50192. stainless steel paper holder ==> 不锈钢纸托
  50193. stainless steel plate ==> 不锈钢板
  50194. stainless steel powder ==> 不锈钢粉
  50195. stainless steel products ==> 不锈钢制品
  50196. stainless steel pump ==> 不锈钢泵
  50197. stainless steel retainer ring ==> 不锈钢卡环
  50198. stainless steel retort ==> 不锈钢蒸馏罐
  50199. stainless steel rule ==> 不锈钢直尺
  50200. stainless steel ruler ==> 不锈钢板尺,不锈钢尺
  50201. stainless steel screen ==> 不锈钢屏,不锈钢丝网
  50202. stainless steel seamless thin-wall tube ==> 不锈钢薄壁无缝管
  50203. stainless steel square ==> 不锈钢直角尺
  50204. stainless steel square hinge ==> 不锈钢方铰
  50205. stainless steel submersible pump ==> 不锈钢潜水泵
  50206. stainless steel tank electric water heater ==> 不锈钢储水内胆电热水器
  50207. stainless steel telescopic joint ==> 不锈钢伸缩节
  50208. stainless steel try square ==> 不锈钢矩尺
  50209. stainless steel tube ==> 不锈钢管
  50210. stainless steel vacuum pugmill ==> 不锈钢真空炼泥机
  50211. stainless steel valve ==> 不锈钢阀
  50212. stainless steel ware ==> 不锈钢器皿
  50213. stainless steel watch ==> 不锈钢表
  50214. stainless steel watch band ==> 不锈钢表带
  50215. stainless steel watch case ==> 不锈钢表壳
  50216. stainless steel watch case blank ==> 不锈钢表壳粗坯
  50217. stainless steel welding electrode ==> 不锈钢电焊条
  50218. stainless steel wire ==> 不锈钢丝
  50219. stainless steel wire cloth ==> 不锈钢丝布
  50220. stainless steel wire contraceptive ring ==> 不锈钢丝节育环
  50221. stainless steel wire ligation ==> 不锈钢丝结扎
  50222. stainless steel wire mesh ==> 不锈钢金属网
  50223. stainless steel wire sieve ==> 不锈钢丝筛网
  50224. stainless steel wire suture ==> 不锈钢丝缝合线
  50225. stainless steel wire wrapped screen ==> 不锈钢钢丝绕制筛管
  50226. stainless steel wool ==> 不锈钢绒
  50227. stainless steel wrap wire ==> 不锈钢绕丝
  50228. stainless steels—method of electrochemical test for crevice corrosion ==> 不锈钢缝隙腐蚀电化学试验方法
  50229. stainless strip ==> 不锈钢带材
  50230. stainless try square ==> 不锈钢直角尺
  50231. stainless valve ==> 不锈钢阀门
  50232. stainless-clad steel ==> 不锈包层钢,不锈钢钢包层金属
  50233. stainless-steel ladle ==> ステンレスおたま
  50234. stainless-steel mesh anode ==> ステンレスメッシュ陽極
  50235. stainless-steel pump ==> 不锈钢泵
  50236. stair ==> 梯级,楼梯砖=>(階段の)段
  50237. stair carriage ==> 楼梯搁棚
  50238. stair clip ==> 楼梯地毯夹
  50239. stair hall ==> 楼梯厅
  50240. stair headroom ==> 楼梯净空
  50241. stair landing ==> 楼梯平台
  50242. stair lift ==> 楼梯升降机
  50243. stair nosing ==> 踏步前缘
  50244. stair rail ==> 楼梯扶手
  50245. stair railing ==> 楼梯栏杆
  50246. stair rise ==> 梯段高度
  50247. stair riser ==> 楼梯踢板
  50248. stair rod ==> 楼梯地毯棍
  50249. stair run ==> 梯段水平距
  50250. stair soffit ==> 楼梯底面
  50251. stair step ==> 楼梯踏步
  50252. stair tread ==> 楼梯踏板
  50253. stair turret ==> 楼梯间塔楼
  50254. stair well ==> 楼梯井
  50255. stair wire ==> 楼梯地毯棍
  50256. stair-step ==> 楼梯踏步
  50257. stair-step cost ==> 梯级成本,阶梯成本
  50258. staircase ==> 阶梯,楼梯,楼梯间
  50259. staircase curve ==> 阶梯形曲线
  50260. staircase deflection ==> 阶梯式偏移
  50261. staircase design ==> 阶梯形设计
  50262. staircase distribution ==> 阶梯形分布
  50263. staircase function ==> 阶梯函数
  50264. staircase generator ==> 阶梯波发生器
  50265. staircase iteration ==> 阶梯迭代
  50266. staircase maser ==> 阶梯激射器,阶梯式微波激射器
  50267. staircase of bifurcated type ==> 双分楼梯
  50268. staircase of open-well type ==> 明梯井式楼梯,带梯井式楼梯
  50269. staircase phenomenon ==> 阶梯现象
  50270. staircase signal ==> 阶梯信号
  50271. staircase structure ==> 阶梯结构
  50272. staircase tower ==> 楼梯间塔楼
  50273. staircase voltage generator ==> 阶梯型电压发生器
  50274. staircase waveform ==> 阶梯波形
  50275. staircase with several flights ==> 多梯段楼梯
  50276. stairs ==> 楼梯=>階段
  50277. stairs of the airplane ==> タラップ
  50278. stairstep signal ==> 阶梯信号,步进信号
  50279. stairway ==> 楼梯
  50280. stake culture ==> 支柱栽培
  50281. stake driver ==> 打桩机
  50282. stake line ==> 标桩线
  50283. stake out ==> 立桩
  50284. stake-man ==> 标桩工
  50285. stakeholder ==> 投資家,利害関係者
  50286. staking machine ==> 打桩机,拉软机,刮软机
  50287. staking out ==> 立标,立桩,打桩放样,钉龙门桩
  50288. staking pin ==> 测针
  50289. staking punch ==> 凿缝凸模
  50290. staking tool ==> 打标桩模,冲心凿,冲心錾
  50291. staking-out ==> 放样
  50292. staking-out work ==> 标定工作
  50293. stale bill of lading ==> 失效提单,过期提单
  50294. stale cow ==> 泌乳末期母羊
  50295. stale flavor ==> 腐败味
  50296. stale wastewater ==> 腐臭污水
  50297. staling product ==> 陈废产物
  50298. stalk ==> 柱,灯丝杆,模柄,茎,直墙,晶体管管座
  50299. stalk butt cutter ==> 茎杆根部切割器
  50300. stalk cell ==> 茎细胞,柄细胞
  50301. stalk cell test ==> 柄细胞测试
  50302. stalk crusher ==> 茎杆压扁机
  50303. stalk cutter ==> 茎秆切碎机,割秆刀
  50304. stalk cutting ==> 全茎插条
  50305. stalk eyes fly ==> 稻突眼蝇
  50306. stalk gatherer ==> 扶茎器
  50307. stalk lifter ==> 扶茎器
  50308. stalk moving device ==> 茎杆输送器
  50309. stalk muller ==> 茎杆切碎机
  50310. stalk nucleus ==> 柄核
  50311. stalk of sesame ==> 芝麻茎
  50312. stalk portion ==> 柄部
  50313. stalk-end transporter ==> 麻杆输送器
  50314. stalk-pipe chaplet ==> 单面芯撑,管子芯撑
  50315. stalked barnacle ==> 茗荷
  50316. stalked eye ==> 具柄眼,具柄眼
  50317. stalker ==> ストーカー
  50318. stall ==> 喘振,麻车,停住,停转,泥窑,失速,由于气流冲角过大而造成压气机叶片背弧上附面层严重分离,以致压气机性能严重下降甚至丧失功能的现象=>ストール
  50319. stall [of motor] ==> [电动机]失速,电动机的一种故障现象,表征是运行中因电磁功率不足以克服负载力矩而停转
  50320. stall condition ==> 失速条件
  50321. stall conditions ==> 失速状态
  50322. stall delay ==> 失速延迟
  50323. stall flow ==> (涡轮)失速流量
  50324. stall flutter ==> 失速颤动
  50325. stall indicator ==> 失速指示器
  50326. stall landing ==> 失速着陆
  50327. stall limit ==> 分离界限,(涡轮性能曲线)失速线
  50328. stall line ==> 失速线
  50329. stall margin ==> 失速边际,喘振边界
  50330. stall mode ==> 失速状态
  50331. stall performance ==> 失速特性,分离特性
  50332. stall point ==> 失速点
  50333. stall propagation ==> 失速传播
  50334. stall protection system ==> 失速预防系统
  50335. stall recognition ==> 失速判别
  50336. stall recovery control unit ==> 失速改出操纵机构
  50337. stall recovery failure warning lamp ==> 失速改出系统故障警告灯
  50338. stall recovery operating lamp ==> 失速改出系统工作指示灯
  50339. stall recovery system ==> 失速改出系统
  50340. stall regulated ==> 失速调节=>ストール(失速)制御
  50341. stall roasting ==> 泥窑焙烧
  50342. stall severity ==> (发动机)失速的严重程度
  50343. stall simulation ==> 失速模拟
  50344. stall speed ==> (液力变矩器等的)失速速度
  50345. stall spot ==> 失速点
  50346. stall start ==> 失速起步
  50347. stall torque ==> 失速扭矩,极限力矩=>停動トルク
  50348. stall torque ratio ==> 失速变矩系数
  50349. stall urinal ==> 立式小便器
  50350. stall warning device ==> 失速警告器
  50351. stall warning indicator ==> 失速警告指示器
  50352. stall warning light ==> 失速警告灯
  50353. stall zone ==> 失速区
  50354. stall-barn system ==> 分栏舍饲法
  50355. stall-dive ==> 失速后俯冲
  50356. stall-warning ==> 失速告警的
  50357. stall-warning system ==> 失速警告系统
  50358. stall-warning unit ==> 失速警告装置
  50359. stalled ==> 失速的
  50360. stalled aircraft ==> 失速的飞机
  50361. stalled area ==> 失速区
  50362. stalled blade ==> 失速叶片
  50363. stalled descent ==> 失速下降
  50364. stalled flight ==> 失速飞行
  50365. stalled flow ==> 失速气流
  50366. stalled fluid ==> 失速区内的流体
  50367. stalled glide ==> 失速下滑
  50368. stalled landing ==> 失速着陆
  50369. stalled leakage flow ==> 临界泄漏量
  50370. stalled pressure ==> 极限压力
  50371. stalled rotor ==> 失速转子
  50372. stalled speed ==> 失速转速
  50373. stalled torque ==> 反接力矩,电动机制动力矩
  50374. stalling ==> 失速,停转
  50375. stalling characteristic ==> 离体特性,分离特性
  50376. stalling current ==> 停转电流,制动电流
  50377. stalling flight ==> 失速飞行
  50378. stalling limit ==> 失速界限
  50379. stalling load ==> 失速荷载,停转负荷
  50380. stalling Mach number ==> 失速马赫数
  50381. stalling moment ==> 失速力矩
  50382. stalling of engine ==> 发动机熄火
  50383. stalling point ==> 气流分离点,失速点,极限负荷
  50384. stalling range ==> 失速范围
  50385. stalling region ==> 失速区
  50386. stalling relay ==> 失速继电器
  50387. stalling run ==> 失速状态试验
  50388. stalling torque ==> 制动转矩=>誘導電動機の停動トルク
  50389. stalling trial ==> 失速试验
  50390. stalling turn ==> 失速转弯
  50391. stalling work capacity ==> 机器的临界工作参数,设备最小工作参数
  50392. stallion ==> 雄马,牡马=>種馬,雄馬
  50393. stallometer ==> 气流分离指示器,临界速度指示仪,失速信号器,失速仪
  50394. stallout ==> 失速
  50395. stalloy ==> 硅钢片
  50396. stalo ==> 安定局部発振器
  50397. stalpeth cable ==> スタルペススケーブル
  50398. stamen ==> 雄蕊,花蕊,蕊=>(植物)雄蕊,雄しべ
  50399. stamen bundle ==> 雄蕊维管素
  50400. stamen development ==> 雄蕊发育
  50401. Stamen Nelumbinis ==> 莲须,莲子
  50402. stamens simulant of petals ==> 花瓣似的雄蕊
  50403. Stamey test ==> 斯塔梅试验
  50404. Stamicarbon caprolactam process ==> 斯塔密卡邦公司制己内酰胺过程
  50405. Stamicarbon melamine process ==> 斯塔密卡邦公司制蜜胺过程
  50406. Stamicarbon process ==> 斯代米卡邦法
  50407. Stamicarbon urea process ==> 斯塔密卡邦公司制尿素过程
  50408. stamina column ==> 雄蕊柱
  50409. staminal column ==> 雄蕊柱
  50410. staminal sterility ==> 雄蕊不育性
  50411. staminate flower ==> 雄花
  50412. staminate papaya tree ==> 公木瓜树
  50413. staminiferous plant ==> 雄株
  50414. staminody plant of hemp ==> 雄麻
  50415. staminody spikelet ==> (指莎草科)雄性小穗
  50416. stamp ==> 敲击棒,捣磨,捣碎机,戳记,戳子,打印记,踏,印,印模=>種類,判,印紙,封印,印,マーク
  50417. stamp battery ==> 捣矿机,捣矿机组,连续重击杵=>スタンプ・バッテリ
  50418. stamp board ==> 踏み切り板
  50419. stamp box ==> 捣矿机,捣臼
  50420. stamp breaking ==> 捣碎
  50421. stamp copper ==> 锤碎铜矿石
  50422. stamp crushing ==> 捣碎
  50423. stamp for application of code ==> 施用规范印章
  50424. stamp forging ==> 模锻,落锻
  50425. stamp hammer ==> 捣锤
  50426. stamp ink ==> 打印墨水
  50427. stamp mark ==> 刻印
  50428. stamp mass ==> 打结料,捣结料
  50429. stamp mill ==> 捣矿厂,捣碎机=>砕鉱機
  50430. stamp milling ==> 捣磨
  50431. stamp mortar ==> 捣锤研碎机
  50432. stamp mortar screen ==> 捣研筛
  50433. stamp of the maker ==> 制造厂的标记
  50434. stamp out ==> 模锻
  50435. stamp position ==> 刻印位置
  50436. stamp slhotting ==> 模具型面刨削
  50437. stamp stem ==> 捣杆
  50438. stamp tax ==> 印紙税
  50439. stamp tax act ==> 印花税法
  50440. stamp tax law ==> 印紙税法
  50441. stamp washer ==> 槌式洗呢机
  50442. stamp with the size ==> 打印尺寸
  50443. stamp work ==> 模锻件,压印工作
  50444. stamp work's crane ==> 碎铁用起重机
  50445. stamp(ing) hammer ==> 模锻锤
  50446. stamp-pad ink ==> 印刷油墨
  50447. stamped circuit ==> 冲压印成电路
  50448. stamped concrete ==> 捣固混凝土
  50449. stamped dropcenter rim ==> 冲压凹槽轮辋
  50450. stamped gear ==> 模锻齿轮
  50451. stamped nail ==> 压制钉
  50452. stamped nut ==> 模压螺母
  50453. stamped packing ring ==> 冲切式密封环
  50454. stamped plate ==> 成型钢板,异形金属板
  50455. stamped sheet ==> 模压板
  50456. stamped sieve ==> 冲孔筛
  50457. stamped thread ==> 模压螺纹
  50458. stamping ==> 压印花纹,捣碎,捣碎物,锤击捣碎,打印,冲压,冲压片,模冲,模印,烫字=>スタンピング
  50459. stamping article ==> 冲压制品
  50460. stamping back ==> 模印
  50461. stamping board ==> 托模板
  50462. stamping copper washer ==> 冲压平铜垫圈
  50463. stamping core plate ==> 电枢铁片=>電機子鉄板
  50464. stamping design ==> 冲压设计,模锻设计
  50465. stamping die ==> 模锻模,冲压模,落模
  50466. stamping equipment ==> スタンピング設備
  50467. stamping form ==> 捣实模板
  50468. stamping hammer ==> 捣碎锤,冲压锤
  50469. stamping ink ==> 打印墨,打印油墨
  50470. stamping iron hammer ==> 捣固铁锤
  50471. stamping knife ==> 冲刀
  50472. stamping machine ==> 冲压机,锤击机
  50473. stamping manipulation ==> 踩法
  50474. stamping of powder ==> 粉末冲压
  50475. stamping press ==> 打印机,模锻压力机,模压机,烫金机,压箔机
  50476. stamping room ==> 模锻车间,冲压车间
  50477. stamping sheet ==> 冲压片
  50478. stamping shop ==> 压模车间
  50479. stamping steel ribbon ==> 密封条
  50480. stamping tool ==> 冲压工具
  50481. stamping trimmer ==> 冲压式切边机
  50482. stamping wheel ==> 成品打印轮
  50483. stamping-material cost ==> 冲压材料费用
  50484. stamping-welded ==> 冲压焊接的
  50485. stampings ==> 冲压废料
  50486. stance ==> 姿势=>スタンス,立場,構え,姿勢
  50487. stance fatigue ==> 姿势疲劳,静立疲劳,静立疲劳
  50488. stanchion barn ==> 系枷牛舍
  50489. stand ==> 支持架,支架,作业林,座,座,停潮,架,机架,机座,露天看台,林分,林分蓄积,隐射点,个体植物群丛,立,台,倾斜试验台=>立場,態度,見解,姿勢,屋台,売店
  50490. stand a candle ==> ろうそくを立てる
  50491. stand a chance ==> チャンスがある
  50492. stand alone ==> 単独科目,独立型=>孤立する,無類である
  50493. stand alone emulator ==> 独立仿真器
  50494. stand alone printer ==> 独立打印机
  50495. stand alone program ==> 独立程序
  50496. stand alone support program ==> 独立支援程序
  50497. stand alone type ==> 独立式
  50498. stand alone utility ==> 独立实用程序
  50499. stand an egg ==> 卵を立てる
  50500. Stand and P & I Club ==> 标准保赔协会
  50501. stand bar ==> 支撑杆,支脚
  50502. stand basal area ==> 林分底面积
  50503. stand by ==> 准备
  50504. stand by face ==> 备用回采工作面
  50505. stand by facility arrangement ==> 备用贷款安排
  50506. stand by lamp ==> 告警灯
  50507. stand by one's principles ==> 主義を守る
  50508. stand by one's promise ==> 約束を守る
  50509. stand climate ==> 林内气候
  50510. stand column ==> 管柱
  50511. stand competition ==> 競争に耐える
  50512. stand density ==> 林分密度
  50513. stand density index ==> 林分密度指数
  50514. stand development ==> 林分发育
  50515. stand fire ==> 树干火
  50516. stand forest ==> 林分
  50517. stand height ==> 林分高
  50518. stand in debt ==> 负有债务
  50519. stand leg ==> 机腿,支柱
  50520. stand mat ==> 台式拧螺丝机
  50521. stand method ==> 林分法
  50522. stand motor ==> 轧机电机
  50523. stand oil ==> 厚油,熟油
  50524. stand on ==> 航向保持
  50525. stand ring ==> 座环
  50526. stand sheet ==> 固定窗扇
  50527. stand stretch ==> 机架变形
  50528. stand structure ==> 试车台结构
  50529. stand table ==> 林分表
  50530. stand test ==> 台架试验
  50531. stand to lose ==> 一定失利
  50532. stand transect ==> 直立式样条
  50533. stand type ==> 林分类型
  50534. stand type switchboard ==> スタンド形配電盤
  50535. stand under load ==> 受载
  50536. stand up ==> 起
  50537. stand vibration ==> 機台振動
  50538. stand volume table ==> 林分材积表
  50539. stand wear and tear ==> 耐磨损
  50540. stand-alone ==> 独立
  50541. stand-alone capability ==> 独立能力
  50542. stand-alone computer ==> 独立计算机,单计算机
  50543. stand-alone data processing system ==> 独立的数据处理系统,独立数据处理系统
  50544. stand-alone dump ==> 独立转储
  50545. stand-alone dump diskette ==> 独立转储软盘
  50546. stand-alone network system ==> 独立网络系统
  50547. stand-alone operation ==> 独立操作
  50548. stand-alone photovoltaic system ==> 独立型太陽電池システム
  50549. stand-alone power system ==> 自立電源システム
  50550. stand-alone processor ==> 单立处理机
  50551. stand-alone software ==> 独立软件
  50552. stand-alone system ==> 独立系统,单机系统
  50553. stand-alone utility ==> 独立应用程序
  50554. stand-alone word processing equipment ==> 独立的字处理设备,独立字词处理设备
  50555. stand-alone word-processing system ==> 单机字处理系统
  50556. stand-away neckline ==> 不贴颈圆
  50557. stand-by ==> 备品,待用的
  50558. stand-by application ==> 备用机工作,备用应用
  50559. stand-by arrangement (SBA) ==> 备用安排
  50560. stand-by battery ==> 备用电池组
  50561. stand-by block ==> 备用单元,备用缓存单元,备用信息块
  50562. stand-by boiler ==> 备用锅炉
  50563. stand-by channel ==> 备用波道,备用通路
  50564. stand-by column ==> 备用塔
  50565. stand-by commitment ==> 备用承诺
  50566. stand-by compressor ==> 备用空气压缩机,备用压缩机
  50567. stand-by credit ==> 备用贷款安排,备用信贷,备用信用证
  50568. stand-by crew ==> 扑火外站
  50569. stand-by drive ==> 备用驱动机构
  50570. stand-by equipment ==> 备用设备,闲置设备
  50571. stand-by equipment key ==> 备用设备转接电键
  50572. stand-by facilities ==> 备用工具
  50573. stand-by facility ==> 予備設備
  50574. stand-by generator ==> 备用发电机,急救发电机
  50575. stand-by generator set ==> 备用发电机组
  50576. stand-by heat ==> 热备用
  50577. stand-by instrument ==> 备用仪表
  50578. stand-by letter of credit ==> 备用信用证
  50579. stand-by load ==> 备用荷载
  50580. stand-by loss ==> 备用损失,停工损失
  50581. stand-by machine ==> 予備機器
  50582. stand-by mode ==> 准备方式
  50583. stand-by motor ==> 辅助电机
  50584. stand-by plant ==> 工地设备
  50585. stand-by power ==> 储备功率,后备功率,备用电力,备用电源,备用动力
  50586. stand-by power plant ==> 备用发电厂,备用发电站
  50587. stand-by power source ==> 备用能源
  50588. stand-by power station ==> 备用发电站
  50589. stand-by process ==> 准备处理
  50590. stand-by pump ==> 备用水泵
  50591. stand-by pump station ==> 备用泵站
  50592. stand-by redundancy ==> 备用位
  50593. stand-by set ==> 备用机组
  50594. stand-by set of dies ==> 备用模
  50595. stand-by state ==> 待機状態
  50596. stand-by station ==> 备用电站
  50597. stand-by still ==> 备用塔,辅助塔
  50598. stand-by storage ==> 备用储备
  50599. stand-by system ==> 待機システム
  50600. stand-by time ==> 待机时间
  50601. stand-by unit ==> 备用机组
  50602. stand-by(expedition)pump ==> 应急泵
  50603. stand-in rate ==> 替代汇率
  50604. stand-insulator ==> 支座绝缘子
  50605. stand-off ==> 基准距
  50606. stand-off bomb ==> 巡航炸弹,巡航炸弹
  50607. stand-off error ==> 变位误差
  50608. stand-off glass insulator ==> 高脚玻璃绝缘体
  50609. stand-off insulator ==> 托脚绝缘子
  50610. stand-off operation ==> 间接式爆炸成形
  50611. stand-up ==> 备用,直立,直立的
  50612. stand-up formation ==> 直立地层
  50613. stand-up-drive ==> 直立式传动装置,安全传动
  50614. standadized ratio ==> 标准化化率
  50615. standar error of quantiles ==> 分位数标准误差
  50616. standard ==> 立柱,正规,正规的,锯材树,锯材树,木材标准单位,规范,规格标准,标准,标准的,标准品,标准器,环境综合影响=>標準,標準規格,標準器,STD,基準
  50617. Standard & Poor's Corporation ==> (美国)标准及蒲耳氏公司
  50618. Standard & Poor's Indices ==> 标准普尔指数
  50619. standard A ship earth station ==> 標準A船舶地球局
  50620. standard absorber ==> 标准吸收
  50621. standard absorption costing ==> 标准全部成本法
  50622. standard acceleration of free fall ==> 标准自由落体加速度
  50623. standard account ==> 标准帐户
  50624. standard acid ==> 标准酸溶液
  50625. standard acoustic signal ==> 标准声信号
  50626. standard acoustical principle ==> 常用声学原理
  50627. standard actinometer ==> 标准曝光表
  50628. standard addition method ==> 标准加入法,标准添加法
  50629. standard adjustable wrench ==> 标准活扳手
  50630. standard adjustment ==> 标准调整=>標準調整
  50631. standard advanced base units ==> 标准前进基地分队
  50632. standard agricultural tractor ==> 标准农用拖拉机
  50633. standard air ==> 标准空气
  50634. standard air capacitor ==> 标准空气电容器
  50635. standard air compressor ==> 普通空气压缩机,非低噪音空气压缩机
  50636. standard air density ==> 标准空气密度
  50637. standard air leak rate ==> 标准空气漏率
  50638. standard air munitions package ==> 标准空运军需品集装箱
  50639. standard air-actuated brake ==> 标准空气调节刹车
  50640. standard alcohol ==> 标准酒精
  50641. standard alkali solution ==> 标准碱溶液
  50642. standard ambient condition ==> 标准大气状态
  50643. standard ambient temperature ==> 标准环境温度
  50644. standard ammeter ==> 标准安培计=>標準電流計
  50645. standard amounts ==> 标准数额
  50646. standard amperemeters ==> 标准电流表
  50647. standard amplitude ==> 标准振幅
  50648. standard analog circuit ==> 标准模拟电路
  50649. standard analysis ==> 标准分析
  50650. standard analytical model ==> 標準解析モデル
  50651. standard analytical process ==> 标准分析法,标准分析过程
  50652. standard analyzer ==> 标准分析程序
  50653. standard anionics ==> 标准阴离子表面活性剂
  50654. standard annual rate ==> 标准年率
  50655. standard annuity ==> 标准年金
  50656. standard antenna ==> 标准天线=>標準アンテナ
  50657. standard antitoxin ==> 标准抗毒素
  50658. standard approval ==> 标准审批
  50659. standard arbitration clause ==> 标准仲裁条款
  50660. standard arm ==> 制式武器
  50661. standard artillery atmosphere ==> 标准弹道大气
  50662. standard artillery zone ==> 标准弹道带
  50663. standard as technical barrier to trade ==> 贸易技术性壁垒标准
  50664. standard atmosphere ==> 常压,标准大气
  50665. standard atmosphere pressure ==> 标准大气压力
  50666. standard atmospheric condition ==> 标准大气状态
  50667. standard atmospheric pressure reading ==> 标准大气压读数
  50668. standard atmospheric state ==> 空气的标准状态
  50669. standard attenuator ==> 标准衰减器
  50670. standard audit program ==> 标准审计程序表
  50671. standard axle ==> 标准轴
  50672. standard B ship earth station ==> 標準B船舶地球局
  50673. standard baffle ==> 标准障板
  50674. standard balance ==> 标准天平
  50675. standard ballistic conditions ==> 标准弹道条件
  50676. standard bar ==> 标准杆,标准条料,检验杆,检验轴
  50677. standard barometer ==> 标准气压表
  50678. standard base ==> 标准碱(SB)
  50679. standard base (SB) ==> 标准碱
  50680. standard basic rack tooth profile ==> 原始齿形
  50681. standard basic unit ==> 标准基本部件
  50682. standard beam approach ==> 标准波速进场
  50683. standard beam approach system ==> 标准波束引导进场系统
  50684. standard beam approach(SBA) ==> 标准射束着陆系统
  50685. standard bearing ==> 标准型轴承
  50686. standard bicarbonate ==> 标准碳酸氢盐(SB)
  50687. standard bicarbonate (SB) ==> 标准碳酸氢盐
  50688. standard bight ==> 标准角槽
  50689. standard bill of lading ==> 标准格式提单,标准提单
  50690. standard billing rate ==> 标准收费率
  50691. standard binary code ==> 标准二进制码
  50692. standard biochemical oxygen domand ==> 标准生化需氧量
  50693. standard blackbody source ==> 标准黑体光源
  50694. standard blanket policy ==> 标准统保单
  50695. standard blasting crater ==> 标准爆破漏斗
  50696. standard block ==> 标准单元
  50697. standard block gauge ==> 标准块规
  50698. standard block of hardness ==> 标准硬度块
  50699. standard body beef ==> 肉用肥犊
  50700. standard bolt ==> 标准螺栓
  50701. standard branch ==> 标准支路
  50702. standard brand ==> 正牌子
  50703. standard brass ==> 标准黄铜
  50704. standard breaking capacity ==> 标准断路能力
  50705. standard brick ==> 标准砖
  50706. standard broadcast band ==> 标准广播波段,广播波段
  50707. standard broadcast channel ==> 标准广播信道
  50708. standard broadcasting ==> 标准广播=>標準放送
  50709. standard brown kraft wrapping paper ==> 标准牛皮包装纸
  50710. standard budget ==> 标准预算
  50711. standard buffer solution ==> 标准缓冲溶液,标准缓冲液
  50712. standard building cost ==> 标准建筑造价
  50713. standard bullion ==> 标准银块
  50714. standard burden rate ==> 标准负荷率
  50715. standard buried collector ==> 标准埋层集板
  50716. standard C ship earth station ==> 標準C船舶地球局
  50717. standard cable ==> 标准电缆=>標準ケーブル
  50718. standard caliper ==> 标准卡板
  50719. standard calliper gauge ==> 标准测径规
  50720. standard calomel electrode ==> 标准甘汞电极
  50721. standard candle ==> 标准烛光,国际烛光
  50722. standard capacitance ==> 标准电容
  50723. standard capacitance box ==> 标准电容箱
  50724. standard capacitor ==> 标准电容,标准电容器=>標準コンデンサ
  50725. standard car ==> 标准车
  50726. standard carbon blade ==> 标准碳素钢锯条
  50727. standard card cage ==> 标准插件箱,标准卡片箱
  50728. standard case conversion factor ==> 标准箱折合系数
  50729. standard casting ==> 标准铸块
  50730. standard cationics ==> 标准阳离子表面活性剂
  50731. standard caustic soda solution ==> 标准氢氧化钠溶液
  50732. standard cavity ==> 标准谐振腔
  50733. standard cavity circuit ==> 标准空腔谐振电路
  50734. standard cell ==> 标准单元,标准电池=>標準電池
  50735. standard cell circuit ==> 标准单元电路
  50736. standard cellulose ==> 标准纤维素
  50737. standard chamber ==> 标准电离室
  50738. standard change gear ==> 标准配换齿轮
  50739. standard character ==> 标准字符
  50740. standard characters ==> 标准字符串
  50741. standard charter party ==> 标准租船合同
  50742. standard charter party form ==> 标准型租船契约格式
  50743. standard chartered bank ==> 标准特许银行
  50744. Standard Chartered Bank ==> (英国)标准麦加利银行
  50745. standard chemical potential ==> 标准态化学位
  50746. standard chi-square test ==> 标准卡方检验
  50747. Standard China Green Tea ==> 标准茶
  50748. standard chroma subcarrier frequency ==> 标准彩色副载波频率
  50749. standard cipher ==> 标准密码
  50750. standard clause ==> 标准条款,条文范例
  50751. standard cleaning bench ==> 标准净化工作台
  50752. standard clearance ==> 标准清除率
  50753. standard clerical costs ==> 标准办公费用
  50754. standard coal ==> 标准煤
  50755. standard coal consumption ==> 标准煤耗
  50756. standard coal consumption rate ==> 标准煤耗率
  50757. standard coal 标准煤,发热量为29308 ==> kJ/kg(7000kcal/kg)的假想煤
  50758. standard coaxial cable ==> 标准同轴电缆=>標準同軸ケーブル
  50759. standard code ==> 标准规定
  50760. standard code for interchange ==> 数据交换用标准码
  50761. standard coil ==> 标准线圈
  50762. standard color-mixture curves ==> 标准配色曲线
  50763. standard colorimetric observer ==> 标准比色观测仪
  50764. standard colorimetric plate ==> 标准比色板
  50765. standard colorimetric systems ==> 標準表色系
  50766. standard colorimetric tube ==> 标准比色管
  50767. standard colors ==> 标准色
  50768. standard colour chart ==> 标准色谱
  50769. standard column ==> 标准柱
  50770. standard column of water ==> 标准水柱
  50771. standard commission ==> 标准佣金
  50772. standard commodity ==> 标准商品
  50773. standard communication link ==> 标准通信链路
  50774. standard communication protocol ==> 标准通信协议
  50775. standard communication subsystem ==> 标准通信子系统
  50776. standard compass ==> 标准罗盘
  50777. standard component ==> 标准件
  50778. standard concentration ==> 标准浓度
  50779. standard concept ==> 标准概念
  50780. standard condenser ==> 标准电容器=>標準コンデンサ
  50781. standard condenser tube alloy ==> 标准冷凝管合金
  50782. standard condition ==> 标准情况,标准状态=>標準状態
  50783. standard conditions ==> 标准条件
  50784. standard conductivity ==> 标准导电率
  50785. standard cone ==> 标准锥,标准锥形筒子
  50786. standard connector ==> 标准接头
  50787. standard consistency ==> 标准稠度
  50788. standard consolidated area ==> 标准统一区
  50789. standard construction ==> 标准结构
  50790. standard construction element ==> 通用构件
  50791. standard contract ==> 标准合同
  50792. standard contract form ==> 标准合同格式,标准契约格式
  50793. standard contract provisions ==> 标准合同规定,标准合同条款
  50794. standard control ==> 标准品对照
  50795. standard conversion cost ==> 标准加工费
  50796. standard convex program ==> 标准凸规则
  50797. standard coordinates ==> 标准坐标
  50798. standard copper ==> 标准工业铜,标准铜=>標準銅
  50799. standard copper wire ==> 标准铜线
  50800. standard core drill ==> 标准取芯钻井
  50801. standard cosmological model ==> 标准宇宙模型
  50802. standard cost center ==> 标准成本中心
  50803. standard cost clearing ==> 标准成本结算
  50804. standard cost control ==> 标准成本控制法
  50805. standard cost sheet ==> 标准成本单
  50806. standard cost system ==> 标准成本制度
  50807. standard cost tableau ==> 标准成本形态
  50808. standard costing ==> 标准成本计算
  50809. standard counter ==> 标准计数管
  50810. standard couple ==> 标准热电偶
  50811. standard coupler ==> 标准形车钩
  50812. standard cover mixtures ==> 标准混合覆盖
  50813. standard cover paper ==> 标准封面纸
  50814. standard cow day ==> 母牛每日标准采食量
  50815. standard crab vibrator ==> 标准蟹式可控震源
  50816. standard crop ==> 标准作物
  50817. standard cross-section ==> 标准横断面
  50818. standard crystal oscillator ==> 标准晶体振荡器
  50819. standard cubic foot ==> 标准立方英尺
  50820. standard curing ==> 标准养护
  50821. standard currency ==> 本位货币
  50822. standard current generator ==> 標準電流発生器
  50823. standard current generators ==> 标准电流发生器
  50824. standard current metre ==> 标准流速仪
  50825. standard current transformer ==> 标准电流互感器
  50826. standard curve ==> 标准曲线
  50827. standard cutter ==> 标准刀具
  50828. standard cylindrical gauge ==> 标准圆柱形规
  50829. standard D coupler ==> 标准D形车钩
  50830. standard data format ==> 标准数据格式
  50831. standard data interchange ==> 标准数据交换(SDI)
  50832. standard data interchange (SDI) ==> 标准数据交换
  50833. standard data message ==> 标准数据电报
  50834. standard data phone ==> 标准数据电话装置
  50835. standard datum plane ==> 标准基准面
  50836. standard DC power supply ==> 标准直流电源
  50837. standard deadweight press tester ==> 标准静压力机试验器
  50838. standard deals ==> 标准厚窄板
  50839. standard death rate ==> 标准死亡率
  50840. standard declaration ==> 标准说明
  50841. standard deduction ==> 标准扣除额
  50842. standard definition ==> 标准定义
  50843. standard deflection ==> 标准偏转
  50844. standard density ==> 标准密度
  50845. standard depth ==> 标准深度,标准水深
  50846. standard depth dyeing ==> 标准深度染色(SDD)
  50847. standard depth dyeing (SDD) ==> 标准深度染色
  50848. standard depth scale ==> 标准深度分级样卡
  50849. standard depth-pressure recorder ==> 标准深度压力记录仪
  50850. standard design ==> 标准设计
  50851. standard design flood ==> 标准设计洪水
  50852. standard design of thermal power plant ==> 火力发电厂标准设计,按有代表性的工程条件或技术条件编制的质量高、适应性强、技术经济指标先进合理的设计,可供接近条件的具体工程套用或参考
  50853. standard detail ==> 通用详图
  50854. standard details ==> 标准大样,标准细部图,标准详图
  50855. standard developer ==> 标准显影剂
  50856. standard deviate ==> 标准离差值=>標準偏差値
  50857. standard deviation ==> 标准差,标准离差,标准偏差,标准偏移,标准误差,中误差,平均误差=>標準偏差
  50858. standard deviation observating ==> 标准差观察
  50859. standard deviation of difference ==> 差收标准差
  50860. standard deviation of mean ==> 平均数标准差
  50861. standard deviation of probability distribution ==> 概率分布的标准离差
  50862. standard deviation rate ==> 标准量
  50863. standard die ==> 标准模
  50864. standard die set ==> 标准模架
  50865. standard diet ==> 标准饮食
  50866. standard disk gauge ==> 标准圆盘规
  50867. standard disk plow ==> 标准圆盘犁
  50868. standard dispersion ==> 标准散布
  50869. standard displacement ==> 标准排水量
  50870. standard distillation test ==> 标准蒸馏试验
  50871. standard distributed lag function ==> 标准分布滞后函数
  50872. standard distribution ==> 标准分布
  50873. standard dome lighting fitting ==> 配照型灯
  50874. standard dosimetry ==> 标准剂量学
  50875. standard draft for approval ==> 标准报批稿
  50876. standard drawing ==> 标准图,通用图
  50877. standard drilling machine ==> 标准钻床
  50878. standard drive ==> 标准传动装置
  50879. standard drop measure ==> 标准量滴器
  50880. standard dyeing time ==> 标准染色时间
  50881. standard dynamite ==> 标准硝甘炸药
  50882. standard dynamometer ==> 标准测力机
  50883. Standard Earth (SE) ==> 标准地球
  50884. standard earth model ==> 标准地球模型
  50885. standard earth station ==> 标准地面站
  50886. standard economic ordering quantity ==> 标准经济订货量
  50887. standard edge connector ==> 标准印制板边端插头
  50888. standard effective temperature (SET) ==> 标准有效温度
  50889. standard electric log ==> 标准电极测井
  50890. standard electrode ==> 标准电极=>標準電極
  50891. standard electrode EMF ==> 标准电极电势
  50892. standard electrode potential ==> 标准电极电势,标准电极电位,标准电势=>標準電極電位
  50893. standard electromotive force of the cell ==> 标准电池电动势
  50894. standard electronic automatic computer ==> 标准电子自动计算机
  50895. standard electroweak model ==> 标准弱电模型
  50896. standard element ==> 标准构件,定型构件
  50897. standard eleotromotive force ==> 标准电动势
  50898. standard elevation ==> 标准高程,高程控制点
  50899. standard emitter ==> 标准发射体
  50900. standard engine rating ==> 标准发动机功率
  50901. standard engineering ==> 标准工程
  50902. standard enthalpy of formation ==> 标准生成焓
  50903. standard entropy ==> 标准熵
  50904. standard entropy change ==> 标准熵变
  50905. standard environment ==> 标准环境,标准系统环境
  50906. Standard Environmental Protection Clauses for Land Title Documents (Lands Administration Office Technical Circular No. 611) ==> 《土地业权文件内的标准环境保护条款》(地政处技术通告611号)
  50907. standard equation ==> 标准方程,标准方程式
  50908. standard equipment ==> 标准设备
  50909. standard error ==> 标准机误,标准偏差=>標準エラー
  50910. standard error (SE) ==> 标准误差
  50911. standard error of estimate ==> 标准估计误差,估计值标准误差
  50912. standard error of estimate based on sample ==> 样本估计值的标准误
  50913. standard error of mean ==> 均值标准误差,均值标准误差
  50914. standard error of proportion ==> 比例的标准误差
  50915. standard error of sample mean ==> 样本平均值的标准误
  50916. standard error of the mean ==> 平均数标准误差
  50917. standard error test ==> 标准误检验
  50918. standard Euro-currency rates ==> 标准欧洲通货利率
  50919. standard evaporator ==> 标准式蒸发器,短管立式蒸发器
  50920. standard exploring area of heart ==> 心脏标准探查区
  50921. standard export packing ==> 出口标准包装
  50922. standard facility ==> 标准装备
  50923. standard fade-o-meter hour ==> 标准耐晒试验仪小时
  50924. standard Fahrenheit thermometer ==> 标准华氏温度计
  50925. standard fall velocity ==> 标准降落速度
  50926. standard fastener ==> 标准扣件
  50927. standard fasteners ==> 标准紧固件
  50928. standard fee ==> 标准费用
  50929. standard fertility rate ==> 标准生育率
  50930. standard fiber glass ==> 标准玻璃纤维
  50931. standard field generator ==> 标准场强发生器
  50932. standard field logging system ==> 标准野外测井系统
  50933. standard figure ==> 标准体型
  50934. standard file ==> 标准文件
  50935. standard file label ==> 标准文件标号
  50936. standard files input ==> 标准输入文件
  50937. standard files print ==> 标准打印文件
  50938. standard film ==> 标准片
  50939. standard film projector ==> 标准影片放映机
  50940. standard film stock ==> 标准电影片
  50941. standard filter ==> 标准滤光片
  50942. standard fine grain aerial photo paper ==> 标准精细航空照相纸
  50943. standard fire policy ==> 标准火险保单
  50944. standard fireclay brick ==> 标准粘土耐火砖
  50945. standard fit ==> 标准配合
  50946. standard fitting ==> 标准配件
  50947. standard fixed cost ==> 标准固定成本
  50948. standard fixed-length record ==> 标准定长记录
  50949. standard flange ==> 标准法兰
  50950. standard flat wagon ==> 标准平车
  50951. standard flood ==> 标准洪水
  50952. standard floor ==> 标准层
  50953. standard fluorescence ==> 标准荧光
  50954. standard focal length ==> 标准焦距
  50955. standard for collecting fees ==> 取费标准
  50956. standard for sound insulation ==> 隔音标准
  50957. standard forecast ==> 标准经济预测
  50958. standard form ==> 标准公式
  50959. standard form contract ==> 标准的印就合同
  50960. standard form equation ==> 標準形方程式
  50961. standard form for LC ==> 标准的印就信用证
  50962. standard form for letter of credit ==> 标准的印就信用证
  50963. standard form of salvage agreement ==> 救助合同标准格式,救助合同标准格式
  50964. standard format ==> 标准格式,标准开本
  50965. standard format of type real ==> 整数型标准格式
  50966. standard free energy ==> 标准自由能
  50967. standard free energy of formation ==> 标准生成自由能
  50968. standard frequency ==> 标准频率=>標準周波数,規定周波数
  50969. standard frequency allocation ==> 標準周波数配置
  50970. standard frequency and time signal (SFTS) ==> 标频时号
  50971. standard frequency deviation oscillator ==> 标准频偏振荡器
  50972. standard frequency generator ==> 标准频率发生器
  50973. standard frequency service ==> 标准频率业务
  50974. standard frequency spectrum ==> 标准频谱
  50975. standard frequency station ==> 标准频率电台=>標準周波数局
  50976. standard fruit-tree ==> 乔木果树
  50977. standard fuel ==> 标准燃料
  50978. standard fuel management ==> 标准燃料管理
  50979. standard fuel rod ==> 标准燃料棒
  50980. standard full shot ==> 标准全景拍摄
  50981. standard full V thread ==> 正三角形标准螺纹
  50982. standard function ==> 标准函数
  50983. standard funnel ==> 标准漏斗
  50984. standard gage ==> 标准轨距
  50985. standard gas ==> 标准气体
  50986. standard gauge ==> 标准隔距,标准规,标准轨距,标准计,标准量规,标准量具,标准水尺,法定度量表=>標準軌間,標準ゲージ
  50987. standard gauge block ==> 标准规块
  50988. standard gear ratio ==> 标准齿轮速比
  50989. standard geometric deviation ==> 标准几何离差
  50990. standard Gibbs free energy ==> 标准吉布斯自由能
  50991. standard Gibbs free energy of formation ==> 标准生成吉布斯自由能
  50992. standard Gibbs function increase ==> 标准吉布斯函数增加
  50993. standard global geochronologic scale ==> 标准全球地质年代表,标准世界地质年代表
  50994. standard gold ==> 标金,标准金
  50995. standard grade ==> 标准级
  50996. standard grading ==> 标准级配
  50997. standard gravity ==> 标准重力
  50998. standard gravity value ==> 标准重力值
  50999. standard grey scale ==> 标准灰色分级样卡
  51000. standard grooved recording ==> 标准纹录音
  51001. standard ground joint ==> 标准磨口接头
  51002. standard group ==> 标准群
  51003. standard guard ==> 标准防护器
  51004. standard guy thimble ==> 标准拉线牵线环
  51005. standard half-cell ==> 标准半电池
  51006. standard hard board ==> 标准密度级
  51007. standard hardware program ==> 标准硬件程序
  51008. standard heat consumption ==> 标准耗热量
  51009. standard heat of combustion ==> 标准燃烧热
  51010. standard heat of formation ==> 标准生成热
  51011. standard heat pipe ==> 标准热管
  51012. standard heavy duty engine lathe ==> 标准重型普通车床
  51013. standard high explosive ==> 标准猛烈炸药
  51014. standard high frequency signal generator ==> 标准高频信号发生器
  51015. standard hook ==> 标准弯钩
  51016. standard hooked bolt ==> 标准型钩螺栓
  51017. standard horn ==> 标准喇叭
  51018. standard horn antenna ==> 标准喇叭天线
  51019. standard horsepower ==> 标准马力
  51020. standard hour ==> 标准小时
  51021. standard hour plan ==> 标准时间工资制
  51022. standard hour system ==> 标准点制度
  51023. standard hours worked ==> 标准工作时数
  51024. standard humic type ==> 标准腐殖型
  51025. standard hundred ==> 长百装件
  51026. standard hydraulic cylinder ==> 标准液压缸
  51027. standard hydraulic station ==> 标准液压站
  51028. standard hydrogen electrode ==> 标准氢电极=>標準水素電極
  51029. standard hydrophone ==> 标准水听器
  51030. standard I-O instruction ==> 标准输入输出指令
  51031. standard I-O interface ==> 标准输入输出接口
  51032. standard I-O request ==> 标准输入输出请求
  51033. standard identifier ==> 标准标识符
  51034. standard illuminant ==> 标准光源
  51035. standard illuminants ==> 标准照明
  51036. standard illumination ==> 标准照明
  51037. standard impedance ==> 标准阻抗
  51038. standard implicit method ==> 标准隐式法
  51039. standard incandescent lamp ==> 标准白炽灯
  51040. standard income statement ==> 标准收益表
  51041. standard index number formula ==> 标准指数公式
  51042. standard indicator with a unit expressed in kind ==> 标准实物指标
  51043. standard inductance ==> 标准电感=>標準インダクタンス
  51044. standard inductor ==> 标准电感,标准电感器=>標準インダクタ,標準誘導器
  51045. standard industrial classification ==> 标准产业分类
  51046. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) ==> 标准工业分类
  51047. standard information ==> 标准信息
  51048. standard ink ==> 标准油墨
  51049. standard ink swatch ==> 标准油墨色样
  51050. standard input ==> 標準入力
  51051. standard input file ==> 标准输入文件
  51052. standard input-output instruction ==> 标准输入指令
  51053. standard inputs allowed ==> 标准投入量限额
  51054. standard inspection record ==> 标准检验记录
  51055. standard instruction memonic ==> 标准指令助记符
  51056. standard instruction set ==> 标准指令组
  51057. standard instrument ==> 标准仪器=>標準計器
  51058. standard instrumental variable estimators ==> 标准工具变量估计量
  51059. standard instrumentation ==> 标准仪表装置
  51060. standard insulation class ==> 标准绝缘等级
  51061. standard interface ==> 标准接口
  51062. Standard International Age Classifications ==> 标准国际年龄分组
  51063. standard international atmosphere ==> 国际标准气压
  51064. standard international trade classification ==> 标准国际贸易商品分类
  51065. standard interrupt ==> 标准中断
  51066. standard inventory ==> 标准储备
  51067. standard investment opportunity ==> 标准投资机会
  51068. standard involute gear ==> 标准渐开线齿轮
  51069. standard involute gear tooth ==> 标准渐开线齿轮齿
  51070. standard ion dose ==> 标准离子剂量
  51071. standard ionization chamber ==> 标准电离室
  51072. standard irradiance ==> 标准辐照度
  51073. standard jig ==> 标准样板
  51074. standard job cost sheet ==> 标准分批成本单
  51075. standard key ==> 标准键
  51076. standard Kittel tray ==> 标准基特尔塔板
  51077. standard kittel tray ==> 标准克特尔塔板
  51078. standard kittel tray with a packed intermediate ==> 板间充填料的克特尔塔板
  51079. standard knot ==> 标准节,标准木节
  51080. standard label ==> 标准标号
  51081. standard laboratory atmosphere ==> 标准实验室气压,标准试验室气压
  51082. standard labour costs ==> 标准人工成本
  51083. standard labour rate ==> 标准工资率
  51084. standard lag line ==> 标准延迟线
  51085. standard lamp ==> 标准灯,标准电灯泡,标准光度灯=>フロアスタンド,標準電球
  51086. standard language ==> 标准语言
  51087. standard language symbol ==> 标准的语言符号,标准语言符号
  51088. standard Latin square ==> 标准拉丁方
  51089. standard layout ==> 标准格式,数的标准分布
  51090. standard lead ==> 标准导程
  51091. standard leak ==> 标准漏孔,标准泄漏
  51092. standard least squares regression analysis ==> 标准最小平方回归分析
  51093. standard least squares regression coefficient ==> 标准最小平方回归系数
  51094. standard legal price ==> 标准法定价格
  51095. standard length ==> 标准长度
  51096. standard lens ==> 标准镜头
  51097. standard letter ==> 标准字体
  51098. standard level ==> 标准水平
  51099. standard lever ==> 调节杆
  51100. standard light and medium duty engine lathe ==> 标准轻型和中型普通车床,标准轻中型普通车床
  51101. standard light source ==> 标准光源
  51102. standard limb leads ==> 标准肢体导程
  51103. standard linear model ==> 标准线性模型
  51104. standard liquid heating system ==> 标准液体供热系统
  51105. standard load ==> 标准负荷,标准荷载,标准载荷
  51106. standard load system ==> 标准载重制
  51107. standard load test ==> 标准荷载试验
  51108. standard log ==> 标准测井
  51109. standard logic module ==> 标准逻辑微型组件
  51110. standard loran ==> 标准罗兰
  51111. standard lottery ==> 标准彩票,标准奖券
  51112. standard luminance response ==> 标准亮度响应
  51113. standard luminosity curve ==> 标准亮度曲线
  51114. standard luminosity function ==> 标准发光度函数
  51115. standard machine hour ==> 标准机器工时,标准机器小时
  51116. standard machine time ==> 标准机器工时
  51117. standard machine tool ==> 标准机床
  51118. standard machinery and electric products ==> 标准机电产品
  51119. standard magnet ==> 标准磁铁
  51120. standard magnetic amplifier ==> 标准磁放大器
  51121. standard maize sheller ==> 标准玉米脱粒机
  51122. standard man ==> 标准人
  51123. standard mandrel ==> 标准心轴
  51124. standard manual ==> 标准手册
  51125. standard manufacturing cost ==> 标准制造成本
  51126. standard manufacturing expenses ==> 标准制造费用
  51127. standard manufacturing overhead ==> 标准间接制造费
  51128. standard map ==> 标准地图
  51129. standard mark ==> 标准银符号
  51130. standard market merchant ==> 标准市集商人
  51131. standard material ==> 标准料
  51132. standard material cost ==> 标准材料成本,标准原材料的成本
  51133. standard mathematical constant ==> 标准数学常数
  51134. standard mathematical function ==> 标准数学函数
  51135. standard maturities ==> 标准到期日
  51136. standard mean chord ==> 标准平均弦长
  51137. standard measure ==> 标准量
  51138. standard measure of quantity ==> 标准计量单位
  51139. standard measurement ==> 标准测量,标准尺度,标准度量
  51140. standard measuring device ==> 标准计量设备,产生检定或检验条件,或者既能产生检定、校准或检验条件,又能进行标准计量检定、校准或检验的设备
  51141. standard measuring instrument ==> 标准计量仪器,对计量仪表及装置进行标准计量检定以确定其性能(准确度、稳定度、灵敏度、可靠性等)是否合格所用的仪器
  51142. standard measuring signal ==> 标准测试信号
  51143. standard member ==> 通用构件
  51144. standard memory ==> 标准存储器
  51145. standard memory interface ==> 标准存储器接口
  51146. standard memory location ==> 标准存储单元
  51147. standard mercurial barometer ==> 标准水银气压表
  51148. standard meridian ==> 标准经线,标准子午线
  51149. standard meter ==> 标准测量仪,标准计,标准米,标准仪表
  51150. standard method ==> 标准措施,标准方法
  51151. standard method of measurement ==> 标准测量方法
  51152. standard method of payment ==> 标准结算方法
  51153. standard method of settlement ==> 标准支付方式,结算的标准方法
  51154. Standard Methods (American Public Health Association) ==> 《标准方法》(美国公共卫生协会)
  51155. standard metre bar ==> 标准米尺
  51156. standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA) ==> 标准都市统计区
  51157. standard mica capacitor ==> 标准云母电容器
  51158. standard microphone ==> 标准传声器
  51159. standard mile ==> 标准英里
  51160. standard milk ==> 标准产乳记录,标准牛奶
  51161. standard milled bit ==> 标准铣齿钻头
  51162. standard milling machine ==> 标准铣床
  51163. standard mineral ==> 标准矿物
  51164. standard mix ==> 标准配合,(指混凝土的)标准配合比
  51165. standard mode ==> 标准方式,标准模式
  51166. standard mode key ==> 标准状态键
  51167. standard model ==> 标准模型,标准型式,标准样品=>標準モデル
  51168. standard model of particle physics ==> 粒子物理标准模型
  51169. standard modular system ==> 标准模块系统
  51170. standard modular system card ==> 标准模块系统插件
  51171. standard modulation degree ==> 标准调制度
  51172. standard module ==> 标准模数
  51173. standard moisture regain ==> 标准回潮率
  51174. standard money ==> 标准货币,本位货币
  51175. standard money unit of account ==> 标准货币记帐单位
  51176. standard mortality rates ==> 标准死亡率
  51177. standard mortality ratio(SMR) ==> 标化死亡比
  51178. standard mu ==> 标准亩
  51179. standard multimode fiber ==> 标准多模光纤
  51180. standard muzzle velocity ==> 标准腔口速度
  51181. standard natural rubber ==> 标准天然胶
  51182. standard network access protocol (SNAP) ==> 标准网络存取规程
  51183. standard neutron source ==> 标准中子源
  51184. standard noise factor ==> 标准噪声因子
  51185. standard noise generator ==> 标准噪声发生器
  51186. standard noise temperature ==> 标准噪声温度
  51187. standard nomenclature ==> 统一命题
  51188. standard nominal voltage ==> 标准标称电压
  51189. standard noon ==> 标准时正午
  51190. standard normal curve ==> 标准正态曲线
  51191. standard normal density function ==> 标准常态密度函数
  51192. standard normal deviate ==> 标准正态差
  51193. standard normal deviation ==> 标准正态偏离
  51194. standard normal distribution ==> 标准常态分配,标准正态分布
  51195. standard normal probabillity curve ==> 标准正态概率曲线
  51196. standard normal random variable ==> 标准正态随机变量
  51197. standard normal value ==> 标准正规值
  51198. standard normal variable ==> 标准正态变量
  51199. standard normal variate (SNV) ==> 标准正态变量
  51200. standard normal Z distribution ==> 标准正态Z分布
  51201. standard normal Z transformation ==> 标准正态Z变换
  51202. standard normalization ==> 标准正规化
  51203. standard notation ==> 标准符号表示法,标准计数法
  51204. standard numeric display ==> 标准数字显示器
  51205. standard numeric keyboard ==> 标准数字键盘
  51206. standard numerical attribute (SNA) ==> 标准数值属性
  51207. standard nut ==> 标准螺母
  51208. standard observation ==> 标准观测
  51209. standard observer ==> 标准观测员
  51210. standard observer data ==> 标准观测数据
  51211. standard of an executive ==> 行政上的标准
  51212. standard of classification ==> 分类标准
  51213. standard of comparison ==> 比较标准
  51214. standard of deferred payments ==> 延期支付标准
  51215. standard of economic ==> 经济上的标准,经济上的标准
  51216. standard of feasibility ==> 可行性标准
  51217. standard of luminous intensity ==> 光强标准
  51218. standard of perfection ==> 鉴定标准
  51219. standard of productive forces ==> 生产力标准
  51220. standard of security ==> 安全标准
  51221. standard of stable isotope ==> 稳定同位素标准
  51222. standard of taxation ==> 课税标准
  51223. standard of the Renminbi ==> 人民币的本位
  51224. standard of tolerance ==> 标准公差
  51225. standard of wavelength ==> 波长标准
  51226. standard ohm ==> 标准欧姆
  51227. Standard Oil Company ==> (美国)标准石油公司
  51228. standard Oil Company ==> (美国)标准石油公司
  51229. standard oil tank ==> 标准油槽
  51230. standard operating instructions ==> 标准操作规程
  51231. standard operating procedure ==> 标准经营活动程序,标准作业程序
  51232. standard operating procedure (SOP) ==> 标准操作程序
  51233. standard operation ==> 标准操作,标准处理过程,标准工作,标准运算
  51234. standard operation procedure ==> 标准作业程序
  51235. standard operation sheet ==> 标准作业表
  51236. standard operation time ==> 标准操作时间
  51237. standard operator ==> 标准操作符,标准算符
  51238. standard opinion ==> 标准意见
  51239. standard optical dynamometer ==> 标准光学测力机
  51240. standard option ==> 标准选件,标准选择
  51241. standard orifice ==> 标准孔口,标准孔流速计
  51242. standard orthogonal basis ==> 标准正交基
  51243. standard oscillator ==> 标准振荡器
  51244. standard output ==> 标准输出=>標準出力
  51245. standard over head rate ==> 标准制造费用分配率
  51246. standard overhead cost ==> 标准制造费用
  51247. standard oxidation potential ==> 标准氧化势
  51248. standard oxidation-reduction potential ==> 标准氧化还原势
  51249. standard oxidationreduction potential ==> 标准氧化还原电位
  51250. standard oxidizing potential ==> 标准氧化电位
  51251. standard package ==> 标准程序包,标准组合器
  51252. standard packet protocol ==> 标准包协议
  51253. standard page ==> 标准页
  51254. standard parallel ==> 标准纬线
  51255. standard parameter ==> 标准参数
  51256. standard partial regression coefficient ==> 标准偏回归系数
  51257. standard parts ==> 标准装件
  51258. standard pattern ==> 标准模式,标准式样,标准图案,标准型
  51259. standard pattern dissecting forceps ==> 标准解剖镊,标准型解剖镊
  51260. standard payback period of investment ==> 标准投资偿还年限
  51261. standard payment ==> 标准支付
  51262. standard penalty function ==> 标准罚函数
  51263. standard penetration resistance ==> 标准贯入阻力
  51264. standard penetration test (SPT) ==> 标准贯入试验
  51265. standard penetrometer ==> 标准贯入器,标准贯入仪
  51266. standard performance ==> 标准工作成绩,标准性能,标准业绩,产量定额
  51267. standard periodical inspection ==> 大修
  51268. standard petal ==> 旗瓣
  51269. standard petroleum densimeter ==> 标准石油密度计
  51270. standard phase meter ==> 标准相位表
  51271. standard photopic eye ==> 标准适光眼
  51272. standard physical units ==> 标准物量单位
  51273. standard picture ==> 标准图像
  51274. standard pile ==> 标准堆,标准桩
  51275. standard pipe ==> 标准管
  51276. standard pipe bender ==> 标准弯管机
  51277. standard pipe prover ==> 标准体积管
  51278. standard pipe size ==> 标准管径
  51279. standard piston ring ==> 标准活塞环
  51280. standard pitch ==> 标准螺距,标准音高
  51281. standard pitch auger ==> 标准螺距螺旋
  51282. standard plain metal-slitting ==> 标准普通金属开槽锯床
  51283. standard plain milling cutter ==> 标准普通铣刀
  51284. standard plan ==> 标准计划
  51285. standard plan of amortization ==> 分期摊还标准法
  51286. standard plane ==> 标准面
  51287. standard plasma ==> 标准等离子体
  51288. standard plate ==> 标准感光板
  51289. standard platinum-rhodium alloy thermocouple ==> 标准铂铑热电偶
  51290. standard play ==> 标准放音
  51291. standard playing record ==> 普通唱片
  51292. standard polarity ==> 标准极性
  51293. standard policy ==> 标准保单,标准保险单
  51294. standard population ==> 标准人口
  51295. standard port ==> 标准港,参考港
  51296. standard postlude ==> 标准尾部
  51297. standard potential ==> 标准电势,标准电位
  51298. standard potential transformer ==> 标准电压互感器
  51299. standard potentiometer ==> 标准电位计
  51300. standard power ==> 标准功率,额定功率
  51301. standard power meter ==> 标准功率计
  51302. standard practice instruction ==> 标准作法说明书
  51303. standard precipitation coefficient ==> 标准沉降系数
  51304. standard preemphasis ==> 标准预加重
  51305. standard prelude ==> 标准开关,标准序部
  51306. standard preparation ==> 标准制剂
  51307. standard preparation hours ==> 标准准备时数
  51308. standard pressure ==> 标准气压,标准压力=>標準圧力
  51309. standard pressure altitude ==> 标准气压高度
  51310. standard pressure parts ==> 标准承压部件,标准受压件
  51311. standard pressure vessel ==> 标准压力罐
  51312. standard price ==> 标准价格
  51313. standard price method ==> 标准价格法
  51314. standard print file ==> 标准打印文件
  51315. standard priority ==> 标准优先权
  51316. standard procedure ==> 标准程序,标准过程
  51317. standard procedure instructions ==> 标准作业说明
  51318. standard procedure manual ==> 标准程序手册
  51319. standard procedure program ==> 标准过程程序
  51320. standard process cost sheet ==> 标准分类成本单,标准加工成本单
  51321. standard processing mode ==> 标准处理方式
  51322. standard Proctor test ==> 标准普氏压实试验
  51323. standard product ==> 标准产品,标准积
  51324. standard product cost ==> 标准产品成本
  51325. standard production ==> 标准产额
  51326. standard production volume ==> 标准产量
  51327. standard program ==> 标准程序
  51328. standard program procedure ==> 标准程序编制步骤
  51329. standard projection ==> 标准投影
  51330. standard projection lens ==> 标准投影透镜
  51331. standard propagation ==> 标准传播=>標準伝搬
  51332. standard provisions ==> 标准条款
  51333. standard pull tension cable ==> 标准抗拉电缆
  51334. standard pulse generator ==> 标准脉冲发生器
  51335. standard punched washer ==> 标准冲制垫圈
  51336. standard purchase price ==> 标准采购成本,标准购入价格
  51337. standard purify materials ==> 标准纯物质
  51338. standard pyranometer ==> 标准辐射强度
  51339. standard pyrometric cone ==> 标准测温锥
  51340. standard quality ==> 标准品位,标准质量
  51341. standard quality control (SQC) ==> 标准质量管理
  51342. standard quantity manufacture ==> 标准量制造
  51343. standard radiation curve ==> 标准辐射曲线
  51344. standard radio aids ==> 标准无线电导航设备
  51345. standard radio atmosphere ==> 标准无线电大气层
  51346. standard radius ==> 标准半径
  51347. standard RAM ==> 标准随机存取存储器
  51348. standard rammer ==> 标准夯机,夯样机
  51349. standard random walk ==> 标准随机走动
  51350. standard rate ==> 标准费率,规定标准
  51351. standard rate of tax ==> 标准税率
  51352. standard rate of wages ==> 标准工资率
  51353. standard rate turn ==> 标准转弯
  51354. standard rated load ==> 标准额定负荷
  51355. standard rated output ==> 标准额定产量,标准额定出力
  51356. standard rated voltage ==> 标准额定电压
  51357. standard rating ==> 标准定额,标准额定值
  51358. standard rating cycle ==> 标准循环
  51359. standard ratio ==> 标准比率
  51360. standard ratio method ==> 标准比较率法
  51361. standard reactor ==> 标准电抗器
  51362. standard recipe ==> 标准配方
  51363. standard recording tape ==> 标准测试磁带
  51364. standard reference materials ==> 标准参考物质
  51365. standard reference position ==> 标准参考位置
  51366. standard reference sample ==> 标准参考样品
  51367. standard reference surface ==> 标准磁盘面
  51368. standard reference tape ==> 标准磁带
  51369. standard reference temperature ==> 标准参考温度
  51370. standard reference zero ==> 标准听力零级
  51371. standard refraction ==> 标准折射=>標準屈折
  51372. standard refractive modulus gradient ==> 标准折射模数梯度
  51373. standard regions ==> 标准地区
  51374. standard regression ==> 标准回归
  51375. standard regression coefficient ==> 标准回归系数
  51376. standard regression model ==> 标准回归模型
  51377. standard reinforced fillet weld ==> 标准加强角焊缝
  51378. standard relatlve visibility ==> 标准相对可见度
  51379. standard reliability equation ==> 标准可靠性方程
  51380. standard repair method ==> 标准修理法
  51381. standard reservation procedure ==> 标准预订程序
  51382. standard resistance ==> 标准电阻=>標準抵抗器
  51383. standard resistance box ==> 标准电阻箱
  51384. standard resistor ==> 标准电阻,标准电阻器=>標準抵抗器
  51385. standard response time ==> 标准响应时间
  51386. standard reverberation time ==> 标准混响时间
  51387. standard rifle ==> 标准步枪
  51388. standard ring gauge ==> 标准环规
  51389. standard rolling twist equipment ==> 标准转环假捻装置
  51390. standard rotary rig ==> 标准旋转钻机
  51391. standard rotating direction ==> 标准旋转方向
  51392. standard rule ==> 标准尺
  51393. standard run quantity ==> 标准分批量
  51394. standard running conditions ==> 额定工况
  51395. standard sample ==> 标准货样,标准试样,标准样品
  51396. standard sample survey ==> 标准抽样调查
  51397. standard sample survey theory ==> 标准抽样调查理论
  51398. standard sampling container ==> 标准采样容器
  51399. standard sand ==> 标准砂
  51400. standard sapropelic type ==> 标准腐泥型
  51401. standard scale ==> 标准表,标准刻度
  51402. standard scale integrated circuit ==> 标准规模集成电路
  51403. standard scale integration ==> 标准规模集成化
  51404. standard scalpel handle ==> 标准型手术刀柄
  51405. standard schedules of development ==> 发育标准表
  51406. standard screen ==> 标准筛
  51407. standard screen scale ==> 标准筛制
  51408. standard screw thread form ==> 标准螺纹样式
  51409. standard screw thread gauge ==> 标准螺纹规,标准螺纹量规
  51410. standard sea level ==> 标准海平面
  51411. standard sea-water conditions ==> 标准海水条件
  51412. standard seawater ==> 标准海水
  51413. standard section ==> 标准断面,标准截面,标准剖面
  51414. standard seismic coefficient ==> 标准地震系数
  51415. standard seismograph ==> 标准地震仪
  51416. standard seismometer ==> 标准地震计
  51417. standard sensitometer ==> 标准感光计
  51418. standard sequential file ==> 标准顺序排列档,标准顺序文件
  51419. standard serial program ==> 标准串行程序
  51420. standard series ==> 标准系列
  51421. standard series colorimetric method ==> 标准系列比色法
  51422. standard series method ==> 标准系列法
  51423. standard series table ==> 标准系列表
  51424. standard serum ==> 标准血清
  51425. standard setting ==> 标准定位
  51426. standard settling velocity ==> 标准降落速度
  51427. standard shaft ==> 基轴
  51428. standard shaft system ==> 标准轴制
  51429. standard shank ==> 标准手柄
  51430. standard shape parameter ==> 标准形参数
  51431. standard sheet metal gauge ==> 薄钢板标准厚度
  51432. standard ship ==> 标准船
  51433. standard ship size ==> 标准船型尺度
  51434. standard shipment ==> 标准装运
  51435. standard short tube ==> 标准短管
  51436. standard sieve ==> 标准筛
  51437. standard signal ==> 标准信号
  51438. standard signal amplifier ==> 标准信号放大器
  51439. standard signal generator ==> 标准信号发生器=>標準信号発生器
  51440. standard signal oscillator ==> 标准信号振荡器
  51441. standard silver ==> 标银
  51442. standard single-mode fiber ==> 标准单模光纤
  51443. standard size ==> 标准尺寸
  51444. standard size brick ==> 标准型耐火砖,标准型砖
  51445. standard size of flange ==> 标准法兰尺寸
  51446. standard size piston ==> 标准尺寸活塞
  51447. standard sizing scale ==> 标准筛序表
  51448. standard software package ==> 标准软件包,标准软设备组件
  51449. standard soil sample ==> 标准土样
  51450. standard solar model ==> 标准太阳模型
  51451. standard solenoid ==> 标准螺管线圈,标准螺线管
  51452. standard solution ==> 标准解法,标准溶液
  51453. standard sort routines ==> 标准分类常规
  51454. standard source ==> 标准源
  51455. standard span ==> 标准跨度
  51456. standard species ==> 标准种
  51457. standard specific volume ==> 标准比容
  51458. standard specification ==> 标准规范,标准说明书
  51459. standard specifications ==> 标准规格,标准技术规范
  51460. standard specimen ==> 标准试件,标准试样
  51461. standard spectroscopic notation ==> 标准光谱符号
  51462. standard spectrum ==> 标准光谱
  51463. standard speed ==> 标准速度
  51464. standard sphere gap ==> 标准球形放电器,标准球隙,按标准要求所制造和安装的一种专用于高压测量的球间隙
  51465. standard spheroid ==> 标准椭球
  51466. standard sports pistol ==> 标准运动手枪
  51467. standard square ==> 标准方块砖
  51468. standard star ==> 标准星
  51469. standard state ==> 標準状態
  51470. standard station ==> 标准港
  51471. standard statistic ==> 标准统计量
  51472. standard statistical routines ==> 标准统计方法
  51473. standard statistical tabulation ==> 标准统计汇总表
  51474. standard statistical test ==> 标准统计检验
  51475. standard steam pressure ==> 标准蒸汽压
  51476. standard steam table ==> 标准蒸汽表
  51477. standard steel ==> 标准钢
  51478. standard steel construction ==> 标准钢结构
  51479. standard steel ingot mould ==> 标准钢锭模
  51480. standard steel section ==> 标准型钢
  51481. standard steel window section ==> 标准钢窗断面
  51482. standard step method ==> 标准逐步推算法
  51483. standard stock ==> 标准库存量,纯种马群
  51484. standard stocks ==> 标准股票
  51485. standard stop ==> 标准光栏
  51486. standard storage location ==> 标准存储单元
  51487. standard storage tank ==> 标准贮罐
  51488. standard stove ==> 标准炉
  51489. standard strain ==> 标准品系
  51490. standard strain gauge analyser ==> 标准应变分析器
  51491. standard structure ==> 标准组织
  51492. standard subchannel ==> 标准子通道
  51493. standard submerged orifice ==> 标准淹没孔口
  51494. standard subroutine ==> 标准子程序
  51495. standard subset ==> 标准子集合
  51496. standard substance ==> 标准物质
  51497. standard substance selection ==> 标准物质选择
  51498. standard subtraction method ==> 标准减量法
  51499. standard sum ==> 标准和
  51500. standard surface ==> 标准表面
  51501. standard swing meter ==> 标准回转表
  51502. standard switch ==> 标准开关
  51503. standard switching voltage impulse ==> 标准操作冲击电压波
  51504. standard swivel ==> 标准水龙头
  51505. standard symbol ==> 标准符号
  51506. standard sync signal ==> 标准同步信号
  51507. standard system ==> 标准制
  51508. standard system action ==> 标准系统操作,标准系统动作
  51509. standard system dump ==> 标准系统转储
  51510. standard system label ==> 标准系统标记
  51511. standard system of level ==> 标准水准系
  51512. standard system program ==> 标准系统程序
  51513. standard system scanner ==> 标准系统扫描程序
  51514. standard system table ==> 标准体系表
  51515. standard system tape ==> 标准系统带
  51516. standard table ==> 标准表式
  51517. standard table telephone set ==> 标准台式电话机
  51518. standard tap ==> 标准抽头,标准丝锥
  51519. standard tape ==> 标准带,基准磁带
  51520. standard tape executive program ==> 标准带执行程序
  51521. standard tape label ==> 标准磁带标记
  51522. standard taper ==> 标准锥度,正常收缩
  51523. standard taper file ==> 标准锥形锉
  51524. standard taper gauge ==> 标准锥度规
  51525. standard taper reamer ==> 标准锥形铰刀
  51526. standard tapping machine ==> 标准撞击机
  51527. standard tar viscometer ==> 标准焦油粘度计
  51528. standard target ==> 标准目标
  51529. standard tax rate ==> 标准税率
  51530. standard tax rate zone ==> 标准税率范围
  51531. standard technique ==> 标准技术
  51532. standard television signal ==> 标准电视信号
  51533. standard temperature ==> 标准温度=>標準温度
  51534. standard tensile-test core ==> 型砂标准拉力试块
  51535. standard tensiletest core ==> 标准拉力试块
  51536. standard tension ==> 标准拉力
  51537. standard terminal ==> 标准终端
  51538. standard terminal arrival route ==> 标准场站到达航线
  51539. standard termination ==> 标准负载
  51540. standard test ==> 标准测定,标准测试,标准检定,标准试验
  51541. standard test block ==> 标准试块
  51542. standard test conditions ==> 标准试验条件
  51543. standard test frequency ==> 标准测试频率=>標準試験周波数
  51544. standard test method ==> 标准试验方法
  51545. standard test output ==> 标准实验输出功率
  51546. standard test piece ==> 标准试件,标准试样,标准试样
  51547. standard test procedure ==> 标准试验程序
  51548. standard test specimen ==> 标准试件
  51549. standard test tone power ==> 标准测试音调功率
  51550. standard test weight ==> 标准砝码
  51551. standard test-tone power ==> 标准试音功率,标准音调测试功率
  51552. standard thermodynamic scale ==> 标准热力学温标,标准温标
  51553. standard thermometer ==> 标准温度计
  51554. standard thickness tape ==> 常用磁带
  51555. standard thimble ==> 标准套环
  51556. standard thread ring gage ==> 标准螺纹环规
  51557. standard throw-blasting charge ==> 标准抛掷药包
  51558. standard time ==> 标准时,额定工时=>標準時
  51559. standard time meter ==> 標準時計
  51560. standard time zone ==> 标准时区
  51561. standard titrimetric substance ==> 标准滴定物
  51562. standard tolerance unit ==> 标准公差单位
  51563. standard ton ==> 冷吨
  51564. standard tooth ==> 标准齿,标准轮齿
  51565. standard tooth taper ==> 普通收缩齿
  51566. standard tower ==> 标准铁塔
  51567. standard toxin ==> 标准毒素
  51568. standard track ==> 标准声道
  51569. standard tractor ==> 标准型拖拉机
  51570. standard trade terms ==> 标准贸易术语
  51571. standard trajectory ==> 标准弹道
  51572. standard transition probability ==> 标准转移概率
  51573. standard transmitter ==> 标准送话器
  51574. standard transposition system ==> 标准交叉制
  51575. standard transverse-test core ==> 标准抗变试块
  51576. standard transversetest core ==> 标准抗弯试块,型砂标准抗弯试块
  51577. standard tray installation method ==> 标准塔板的安装方法
  51578. standard treatment ==> 标准疗法
  51579. standard tree ==> 标准乔木
  51580. standard trickling filter ==> 标准滴滤池
  51581. standard turbidity solution ==> 标准浊度液
  51582. standard twist ==> 标准捻度
  51583. standard type ==> 标准类型,标准型,标准型式,标准形态
  51584. standard type bowl ==> 标准型转筒
  51585. standard type of proembryo ==> 标准型原胚
  51586. standard type sprue former ==> 标准式铸道形成器
  51587. standard type wheeled tractor ==> 标准型轮式拖拉机
  51588. standard unified electroweak theory ==> 标准统一弱电论
  51589. standard unit ==> 标准单位,标准件
  51590. standard unit cost ==> 标准单位成本
  51591. standard unit of accounting ==> 标准记帐单位
  51592. standard unit of processing ==> 标准处理单位
  51593. standard unit of value ==> 标准的价格单位
  51594. standard unit rate ==> 标准单位费率
  51595. standard unit transportation ==> 标准单位运费
  51596. standard units of mean error ==> 均值误差的标准单位,均值误差的标准单位
  51597. standard user label ==> 标准用户标号
  51598. standard vacuum gauge ==> 标准真空计
  51599. standard vacuum meter ==> 标准真空表
  51600. standard value ==> 标准价值,标准值
  51601. standard value of production ==> 额定成本
  51602. standard variable condenser ==> 标准可变电容器
  51603. standard variable costing ==> 标准变动成本计算法
  51604. standard variance analysis ==> 标准差异分析
  51605. standard variety ==> 标准品种
  51606. standard vertical tube evaporator ==> 标准竖管蒸发器
  51607. standard vertical-tubes evaporator ==> 中央循环管式蒸发器
  51608. standard vice ==> 标准平虎钳
  51609. standard virtual machine ==> 标准虚拟机
  51610. standard viscosimeter ==> 标准粘度计
  51611. standard viscosity liquid ==> 标准粘度液
  51612. standard visibility ==> 标准能见度
  51613. standard vision ==> 标准视力
  51614. standard voltage ==> 标准电压=>標準電圧
  51615. standard voltage divider ==> 标准分压器
  51616. standard voltage generator ==> 標準電圧発生器
  51617. standard voltage generators ==> 标准电压发生器
  51618. standard voltmeter ==> 标准电压表,标准伏特计=>標準電圧計
  51619. standard volume ==> 标准容积,标准体积
  51620. standard volume indicator ==> 标准音量指示器
  51621. standard volume label ==> 标准卷标号
  51622. standard wage and salary ==> 标准工薪
  51623. standard wages ==> 标准工资
  51624. standard water column ==> 标准水柱
  51625. standard water metre ==> 标准量水计
  51626. standard water tank ==> 标准水槽
  51627. standard wave ==> 标准波,标准电波=>標準電波
  51628. standard wave length ==> 标准波长
  51629. standard wave-meter ==> 标准波长计
  51630. standard waveguide ==> 标准波导
  51631. standard wavemeter ==> 標準周波計
  51632. standard weather meter ==> 标准耐气候
  51633. standard weathering hour (SWH) ==> 标准耐气小时数
  51634. standard week ==> 标准工作周
  51635. standard weekly hours ==> 标准周工时数
  51636. standard weight ==> 标准砝码
  51637. standard weight car ==> 标准校重车
  51638. standard weights ==> 标准重量
  51639. standard weights and measures ==> 标准度量衡
  51640. standard welding symbols ==> 标准焊接符号
  51641. standard Weston cell ==> 标准电池
  51642. standard white ==> 标准白,标准白度
  51643. standard white plaque ==> 标准白瓷板
  51644. standard white plate ==> 标准白板
  51645. standard white plate of diffuse reflectance ==> 标准漫反射白板
  51646. standard width ==> 标准宽度
  51647. standard wire gage ==> 标准线规
  51648. standard Wire Gauge ==> 标准线规
  51649. Standard Wire Gauge ==> 标准线规
  51650. standard wire rope ==> 标准钢丝绳
  51651. standard with cranked head ==> 弓形床架
  51652. standard work force ==> 标准工时
  51653. standard workday length ==> 标准工作日长度
  51654. standard working time ==> 标准操作时间
  51655. standard working week ==> 标准工作周
  51656. standard writer ==> 标准打字,标准写程序
  51657. standard yield method ==> 标准收获量法
  51658. standard zone ==> 标准带
  51659. standard 基准站 ==> [自定义库]
  51660. standard 标准摩尔燃烧焓 ==> [自定义库]
  51661. standard-bred ==> 标准马
  51662. standard-consolidated statistical areas (SCSA) ==> 标准合并统计区
  51663. standard-frequency meter ==> 标准频率计
  51664. standard-frequency signal ==> 标准频率信号
  51665. standard-gauge rail ==> 标准轨距钢轨,标准铁轨
  51666. standard-length rail ==> 标准长度钢轨
  51667. standard-metering base ==> 标准计量基准
  51668. standard-processing mode ==> 标准加工方式
  51669. standard-processing techinque ==> 标准加工工艺
  51670. standard-run quantity ==> 标准批量
  51671. standard-type farm tread tire ==> 标准型农用胎纹轮胎
  51672. standard-type mechanical tableting machine ==> 标准机械压片机
  51673. standard-type mudstone flow ==> 标准型泥石流
  51674. standard-type purifying table ==> 标准净化工作台
  51675. standard-voltage oscillator ==> 标准电压振荡器
  51676. standarded value ==> 規格値
  51677. standardization and inspection ==> 标准与检验
  51678. standardization equivalent ==> 标准当量
  51679. standardization measures ==> 标准化措施
  51680. standardization of accounting ==> 会计标准化
  51681. standardization of packing ==> 包装标准化
  51682. standardization of solution ==> 溶液标定
  51683. standardization parameter ==> 标准化参数
  51684. standardization program ==> 标准化程序
  51685. standardization rule ==> 标准化法则
  51686. standardized accounting ==> 标准化会计
  51687. standardized amplitude ==> 标准化振幅
  51688. standardized birth rate ==> 标准化出生率
  51689. standardized burden rate ==> 标准化负荷,标准制造费用率
  51690. standardized component ==> 标准部件,标准化部件,定型构件
  51691. standardized contract ==> 标准化契约
  51692. standardized curve ==> 标准化曲线
  51693. standardized data ==> 标准化数据
  51694. standardized death rate ==> 标准化死亡率
  51695. standardized denomination ==> 标准命名法
  51696. standardized deviation ==> 标准化离差
  51697. standardized distribution ==> 标准化分布
  51698. standardized element ==> 标准零件
  51699. standardized fertility rate ==> 标准化的生育率
  51700. standardized financial statements ==> 标准化财务报表
  51701. standardized house ==> 标准住宅
  51702. standardized incidence ratio ==> 标准化发病比
  51703. standardized index ratio ==> 标准化指标比
  51704. standardized instruction ==> 标准化指令
  51705. standardized mass production phases ==> 标准化大批量大生产阶段
  51706. standardized method ==> 标准化方法
  51707. standardized milk ==> 标准化牛奶
  51708. standardized moments of the range ==> 全局标准化矩
  51709. standardized mortality rate ==> 标准化死亡率
  51710. standardized mortality ratio ==> 标准化死亡率比
  51711. standardized mortality ratio (SMR) ==> 标准化死亡比
  51712. standardized normal distribution ==> 标准化正态分布
  51713. standardized normal variate ==> 标准化正态变量
  51714. standardized parts and components ==> 标准件
  51715. standardized products ==> 标准化产品,标准制品
  51716. standardized products 标准化产品=> ==> 标准制品
  51717. standardized program ==> 标准化程序
  51718. standardized random variable ==> 标准化随机变量
  51719. standardized rate ==> 标化率,标准化率
  51720. standardized rate by direct method (SRD) ==> 直接法标准化率
  51721. standardized rate by indirect method ==> 间接法标准化率
  51722. standardized regression coefficient ==> 标准化回归系数
  51723. standardized residual ==> 标准化残差
  51724. standardized score ==> 标准化比数
  51725. standardized shape member ==> 标准构件
  51726. standardized signal ==> 标准化信号
  51727. standardized space launch vehicle ==> 标准化空间发射飞行器
  51728. standardized technique ==> 标准化法
  51729. standardized test ==> 标准测试
  51730. standardized uniform ==> 标准化制服
  51731. standardized value ==> 标准化数值,额定值
  51732. standardized variable ==> 标准化变数
  51733. standardized work ==> 标准工作
  51734. standardized-shape member ==> 标准断面构件,标准截面构件
  51735. standardizing body ==> 标准体型
  51736. standardizing box ==> 标准负荷测定仪,标准箱
  51737. standardizing load sequences ==> 标准化载荷系列
  51738. standardizing order ==> 标准化指令
  51739. standardizing reagents ==> 基准和标准试剂
  51740. standards ==> 標準と標準器
  51741. standards and methods department ==> 标准与方法部门
  51742. standards and performance appraisal ==> 标准与完成评定
  51743. Standards Code ==> 标准规约
  51744. standards conversion ==> 标准变换
  51745. standards of consumption ==> 消费水平
  51746. standards of television broadcasting ==> テレビ(ジョン)放送標準方式
  51747. standards organization ==> 标准组织
  51748. standards standing order ==> 规程
  51749. standby ==> 备用的,备用设备,辅助设备
  51750. standby agreement ==> 备用协定
  51751. standby analogue controller ==> 备用模拟控制器
  51752. standby application ==> 备用
  51753. standby auxiliary plant ==> 备用辅助发电设备
  51754. standby battery ==> 备用蓄电池
  51755. standby block ==> 备用块,备用数据块
  51756. standby boiler ==> 备用锅炉
  51757. standby capacity ==> 备用容量
  51758. standby charge ==> 备用电费,凡属热备用状态或未加封的,不论用户是否使用备用电源,都需为其可用而支付电费
  51759. standby circuit ==> 备用电路,附加电路
  51760. standby computer ==> 备用计算机
  51761. standby cooling ==> 备用冷却
  51762. standby current ==> 维持电流
  51763. standby equipment ==> 备用设备
  51764. standby facility ==> 备用设备
  51765. standby firing system ==> 辅助燃烧系统
  51766. standby function ==> スタンバイ機能
  51767. standby gas treatment system ==> 备用气体处理系统
  51768. standby heat ==> 储备热
  51769. standby heat source ==> 备用热源
  51770. standby heating ==> 值班采暖
  51771. standby hydro unit ==> 备用水力机组
  51772. standby letdown valve ==> 备用下泄阀
  51773. standby lighting ==> 备用照明
  51774. standby liquid control system ==> 备用液体控制系统
  51775. standby loss ==> 备用损失
  51776. standby oil pump ==> 备用油泵
  51777. standby period ==> 备用期
  51778. standby plant ==> 备用装置
  51779. standby power ==> 备用功率,储用功率
  51780. standby power plant ==> 备用电厂
  51781. standby power station ==> 备用电站
  51782. standby protection ==> 备用保护,通常不处于工作状态、但可切换到工作状态以代替其它保护的保护=>待機保護, Protection normally not in service but which can be switched into service to replace another protection.
  51783. standby pump ==> 备用泵
  51784. standby redundancy ==> 备用信息,备用位
  51785. standby register ==> 备用寄存器
  51786. standby replacement redundancy ==> 备用替换冗余
  51787. standby service ==> 备用
  51788. standby set ==> 备用机组
  51789. standby station ==> 备用电站
  51790. standby supply ==> 备用电源,工作电源中断或不充足时可投入使用的独立电源
  51791. standby system ==> 备份系统,等待系统
  51792. standby tank ==> 备用罐
  51793. standby time ==> 待命时间,闲置时间,轮空时间,备用时间,空闲时间
  51794. standby transformer ==> 备用变压器
  51795. standby unattended time ==> 空闲时间,非工作时间
  51796. standby unit ==> 备用机组,备用部件
  51797. standby valve ==> 应急阀门,备用阀门
  51798. standing acoustic waves ==> 声学驻波
  51799. Standing Advisory Committee (Oil Storage Installations) ==> 常务咨询委员会(贮油设备)
  51800. standing block ==> 定滑轮
  51801. standing bobby ==> 闷炮眼
  51802. standing bolt ==> 固定螺栓
  51803. standing business ==> 继续交易
  51804. standing capacity ==> 立席定員
  51805. standing carry ==> 直通进位
  51806. standing charge ==> 固定费用
  51807. standing charge tariff ==> 固定费用,按容量计费或按需量计费的基本电费均属固定费用
  51808. standing cloud ==> 驻云
  51809. standing corn ==> 未割的玉米,未收割的玉米
  51810. standing crop ==> 未割的玉米,未收割的作物,动物现存量
  51811. standing crop biomass ==> 现存生物量
  51812. standing cutter ==> 立式犁刀
  51813. standing derrick ==> 立式起重机,起重桅杆,扒杆
  51814. standing electromagnetic wave ==> 电磁驻波
  51815. standing expense order ==> 经常费用单,经常费用单
  51816. standing factory ==> 停工工厂
  51817. standing finish ==> 固定配件
  51818. standing forest ==> 林分
  51819. standing formes ==> 存版
  51820. standing gas ==> 滞留瓦斯
  51821. standing hay ==> 地面干草,未收割的干草
  51822. standing heat period ==> 发情旺期
  51823. standing height ==> 立高
  51824. standing ladder ==> 人字梯
  51825. standing level ==> 静水面,静水面,停水位
  51826. standing load ==> 持续负荷,持续负载
  51827. standing lock ==> 立咬口
  51828. standing machine ==> 停工机器,停开的机器
  51829. standing motionless as if facing a wall ==> 壁观
  51830. standing operating procedure ==> 标准操作规定
  51831. standing order ==> 长期订单,经常定单,经常定单,经常性支付授权,经常性支付授权
  51832. standing panel ==> 长镶板,立式镶板
  51833. standing paste ==> 标准浆
  51834. standing pier ==> 独立桥墩
  51835. standing position ==> 立位
  51836. standing reaction ==> 静立反应,静立反应
  51837. standing rigging ==> 固定索具
  51838. standing room ==> 营养面积
  51839. standing root ==> 向上根
  51840. standing rule ==> 章程=>定款
  51841. standing sale ==> 立木销售
  51842. standing seam ==> 立接缝
  51843. standing seam metal roof ==> 立接缝金属屋面
  51844. standing seam roofing ==> 立接缝屋面
  51845. standing seam system ==> 立接缝做法
  51846. standing shock wave ==> 驻激波
  51847. standing shot ==> 松动爆破
  51848. standing state ==> 现有状态,定常状态
  51849. standing storage ==> 长期储藏
  51850. standing surface wave ==> 表面驻波
  51851. standing tank ==> 固定储罐
  51852. standing test ==> 静止试验,静止试验
  51853. standing time ==> 存放时间,放置时间,停工时间,停留时间
  51854. standing tree ==> 立木
  51855. standing valve ==> 固定阀
  51856. standing water level ==> 常驻水位,停水位
  51857. standing wave ==> 立波,驻波=>定常波
  51858. standing wave accelerator ==> 驻波加速器
  51859. standing wave aerial ==> 驻波天线
  51860. standing wave amplifier ==> 驻波放大器
  51861. standing wave analysis ==> 驻波分析
  51862. standing wave antenna ==> 驻波天线
  51863. standing wave apparatus ==> 驻波仪器
  51864. standing wave conditions ==> 驻波条件
  51865. standing wave detector ==> 驻波检测器
  51866. standing wave field ==> 驻波场
  51867. standing wave indicator ==> 驻波指示器
  51868. standing wave linac ==> 驻波直线加速器
  51869. standing wave line ==> 驻波线
  51870. standing wave linear accelerator ==> 驻波直线加速器
  51871. standing wave linear resonance accelerator ==> 驻波线性谐振加速器
  51872. standing wave loss factor ==> 驻波损耗因数
  51873. standing wave measurement ==> 驻波测量
  51874. standing wave measuring instrument ==> 驻波测量仪
  51875. standing wave meter ==> 驻波测定器
  51876. standing wave method ==> 驻波法
  51877. standing wave node ==> 驻波节点
  51878. standing wave operation ==> 驻波运行
  51879. standing wave pattern ==> 驻波图案
  51880. standing wave power ratio ==> 驻波功率比
  51881. standing wave producer ==> 驻波激发器
  51882. standing wave proton accelerator ==> 驻波质子加速器
  51883. standing wave ratio ==> 驻波比
  51884. standing wave ratio indicator ==> 驻波比指示器
  51885. standing wave ratio measuring kit ==> 成套驻波比测量器
  51886. standing wave separator ==> 驻波选矿机
  51887. standing wave structure ==> 驻波结构
  51888. standing wave system ==> 驻波系统
  51889. standing wave type discriminator ==> 驻波式鉴别器
  51890. standing wave voltage ratio ==> 驻波电压比
  51891. standing-eyes closed test ==> 闭目直立试验
  51892. standing-off dose ==> 离职剂量
  51893. standing-on-nines carry ==> 高速进位,逢九进位,逢九跳跃进位,标准十进位
  51894. standing-up work of the rotor after coil assembling work ==> コイル組立後の回転子起立作業
  51895. standing-wave detector ==> 定常波測定器
  51896. standing-wave indicator ==> 驻波检测器
  51897. standing-wave meter ==> 驻波测定器,驻波检测器,驻波指示器=>定常波測定器
  51898. standing-wave producer ==> 驻波产生器
  51899. standing-wave protecting circuit ==> 驻波保护电路
  51900. standing-wave voltage ratio ==> 定常波電圧比
  51901. standing-wave-ratio meter ==> 驻波检测器
  51902. standoff target acquisition system (SOTAS) ==> 机载目标捕获系统
  51903. standoff weapon ==> 远射武器
  51904. standstill ==> 静止
  51905. standstill locking ==> 止转
  51906. standstill policy ==> 停顿政策,停滞政策
  51907. standstill reactance ==> 止转电抗
  51908. standstill response test ==> 静止試験
  51909. standstill test ==> 静止試験
  51910. Stanford achievement test ==> 斯坦福成就测验
  51911. Stanford Automated Bibliography System ==> 斯坦福自动化书目系统
  51912. Stanford linear accelerator ==> 斯坦福直线加速器
  51913. Stange's test ==> (麻醉前检呼吸)斯坦格氏试验
  51914. Stanley bacillus ==> (沙门氏菌属)斯坦利氏杆菌
  51915. Stanley Kent's fibres ==> 斯坦利-肯特纤维
  51916. Stanley up and down work ==> 斯坦利紧松指示器
  51917. Stanley's cervical ligaments ==> 斯坦利氏股骨颈韧带
  51918. stannic bromide ==> 溴化锡,溴化锡
  51919. stannic chloride ==> 氯化锡
  51920. stannic disulfide ==> 二硫化锡
  51921. stannic hydroxide ==> 氢氧化锡
  51922. stannic iodide ==> 碘化锡
  51923. stannic oxide ==> 氧化锡,二氧化锡
  51924. stanniol steel bimetal sheet ==> 高锡钢双金属板
  51925. stannonic ester ==> 亚锡酸酯
  51926. stannous bromide ==> 溴化亚锡,溴化亚锡
  51927. stannous chloride ==> 氯化亚锡
  51928. stannous chromate ==> 铬酸锡,铬酸亚锡
  51929. stannous fluoboric acid ==> 氟硼酸亚锡
  51930. stannous fluoride ==> 氟化亚锡
  51931. stannous hydroxide ==> 氢氧化亚锡
  51932. stannous iodide ==> 碘化亚锡
  51933. stannous mono-sulphate ==> 硫酸亚锡
  51934. stannous oxide ==> 氧化亚锡
  51935. stannous sulfate ==> 硫酸亚锡
  51936. stannous sulphate electrolyte ==> 硫酸锡电解液,硫酸盐电解液
  51937. STANT, S-band Tx antenna ==> Sバンド送信用アンテナ
  51938. Stanton number ==> 斯坦顿数
  51939. stapedial nerve ==> 镫骨神经
  51940. Stapeley volcanic series ==> 斯塔佩利火山岩统
  51941. stapes prosthesis ==> 人工镫骨装置
  51942. staphylo-opsonic index ==> 葡萄球菌调理指数
  51943. staphylococcal clumping test ==> 葡萄球菌猬集试验
  51944. staphylococcic arthritis ==> 葡萄球菌性关节炎
  51945. staphylococcus enterotoxin food poisoning ==> 葡萄球菌肠毒素食物中毒
  51946. staphylococcus vaccine ==> 葡萄球菌菌苗
  51947. staphyloma corneae ==> 角膜萄葡肿
  51948. staphyloma corneae racemosum ==> 蔓状角膜葡萄肿
  51949. staple ==> 骑马钉,卡钉,棉毛纤维,棉丝,订书钉,化学短纤维,环钩,肘钉=>ステップル
  51950. staple bolt ==> 卡钉,杆环
  51951. staple crop ==> 主要作物
  51952. staple cutter ==> 短纤维切断机
  51953. staple fiber ==> 人造羊毛,切断纤维
  51954. staple fibre bulk yarn ==> 短纤维膨体纱
  51955. staple fibre muslin ==> 人造棉细布
  51956. staple fibre top ==> 人造短纤维条
  51957. staple food ==> 主食,主食品
  51958. staple food grain ==> 主粮
  51959. staple formation ==> 毛丛形态
  51960. staple length ==> 毛长,毛丛长度
  51961. staple market ==> 主要市场
  51962. staple pin ==> 订书钉
  51963. staple pit ==> 暗井
  51964. staple shaft ==> 暗井
  51965. staple sorter ==> 短纤维长度分析器
  51966. staple vice ==> 立式虎钳,长腿火钳
  51967. staple wool ==> 精梳毛
  51968. staple-fibre cutting machine ==> 人造短纤维切断机
  51969. staple-fibre washing machine ==> 人造短纤维清洗机
  51970. staple-shaft hoist ==> 暗井提升机
  51971. stapler ==> 订书机,主要商品批发商
  51972. stapling machine ==> 钉书机,订书机
  51973. stapling nail ==> 订书钉
  51974. stapling press ==> 订书机
  51975. stapling-machine ==> 订书机
  51976. star ==> 星=>恒星,核星,星球,星形,星状物
  51977. star aerial ==> 星形天线
  51978. star ager ==> 星形架蒸化机
  51979. star algebra ==> 星代数
  51980. Star alloy ==> 星轴承合金
  51981. star aniseed ==> 八角,八角茴香
  51982. star aniseed powder ==> 八角粉
  51983. star antimony ==> 星锑,精炼锑,精制锑,精制锑,纯锑
  51984. star apple ==> 金星果
  51985. star atlas ==> 星图
  51986. star bit ==> 星形钻头,梅花钻头
  51987. star body ==> 星形体
  51988. star bowl ==> 精锑块材
  51989. star box ==> 星形联结电阻箱
  51990. star braid ==> 星带
  51991. star burst ==> 星爆式,星形脉冲组
  51992. star cable-stay bridge ==> 星式斜缆桥
  51993. star catalog ==> 星表
  51994. star cells ==> 星状空泡细胞
  51995. star centralizer ==> 星形定心器
  51996. star chain ==> 星形信标链,台卡电台链
  51997. star charts ==> 星图
  51998. star check ==> 星裂
  51999. star circuit ==> 星形联接电路
  52000. star clock ==> 校星钟
  52001. star cloud ==> 恒星云,星云
  52002. star cluster ==> 星团
  52003. star color ==> 星色
  52004. star communication network ==> 星式信息交流网络
  52005. star compass orientation ==> 星象罗盘定向
  52006. star complex ==> 星形复形
  52007. star connect ==> 星形连接
  52008. star connection ==> 星形结线=>星形結線,星形接線
  52009. star connection circuit ==> 星形电路
  52010. star controller ==> 星形控制器
  52011. star convergence ==> 星收敛
  52012. star conveyer ==> 星轮式输送器
  52013. star count ==> 恒星计数
  52014. star counting ==> 恒星计数
  52015. star coupler ==> スターカップラ
  52016. star coupling ==> 星形联接器
  52017. star crack ==> (玻璃制品表面缺陷)星状裂纹
  52018. star crater crack ==> 星形弧坑裂纹
  52019. star cross section ==> 星形截面
  52020. star current ==> 星形电流
  52021. star cut ==> 星形琢磨花样
  52022. star day ==> 恒星日
  52023. star delta connection ==> 星形三角形结线
  52024. star delta starter ==> 星形三角形起动器
  52025. star delta starting ==> 星形三角形起动
  52026. star delta switch ==> 星形三角开关
  52027. star delta switching starter ==> 星形三角形起动器
  52028. star delta transformation ==> 星形三角变换
  52029. star density ==> 恒星密度
  52030. star distributed system ==> 星形分布系统
  52031. star dresser ==> 星形修整工具
  52032. star drift ==> 星流
  52033. star drill ==> 星形钻,十字形钻,梅花钻,小孔钻
  52034. star dust ==> 星团
  52035. star dyeing ==> 星形架染色法
  52036. star dyeing machine ==> 星形染色机
  52037. star electromotive force ==> 星形电动势
  52038. star elevator ==> 星轮升运器
  52039. star feed ==> 星轮进给
  52040. star feeder ==> 星形加料器,星形进料器
  52041. star finder ==> 寻星仪,寻星仪
  52042. star finite ==> 星形有限的
  52043. star finite complex ==> 星形有限复合形
  52044. star finite covering ==> 星形有限覆盖
  52045. star finite property ==> 星形有限性
  52046. star finite space ==> 星形有限空间
  52047. star flare ==> 星式信号弹
  52048. star flashing glaze ==> 星盏釉
  52049. star flower ==> 星状花
  52050. star flowered ==> 星状花的
  52051. star formation ==> 恒星形成
  52052. star fracture ==> (平板玻璃)星形裂纹
  52053. star galaxies ==> 星系
  52054. star gate ==> 星形给料闸门
  52055. star gauge ==> 星形测膛规
  52056. star gear ==> 星形轮
  52057. star ghost ==> 恒星鬼像
  52058. star glacier ==> 星状冰川
  52059. star globe ==> 星球仪,天球仪
  52060. star grain ==> 星形药柱
  52061. star graph ==> 星形图
  52062. star grid ==> 星形炉栅
  52063. star group ==> 星群
  52064. star hand wheel ==> 星形手轮
  52065. star handle ==> 星形手轮
  52066. star handwheel ==> 星形手轮
  52067. star honeycomb ==> 星形蜂巢形
  52068. star identifier ==> 寻星仪,寻星仪
  52069. star junction ==> 星形交叉
  52070. star knob ==> 星形捏手
  52071. star knob nut ==> 捏手螺母
  52072. star lamp ==> 星灯
  52073. star lapping machine ==> 行星研磨机
  52074. star lattice ==> 星形格
  52075. star lots ==> 星号小批毛
  52076. star map ==> 星图
  52077. star mark ==> (搪瓷表面缺陷)星形裂纹
  52078. star metal ==> 精锑,精制锑,精制锑
  52079. star mica ==> 星云母
  52080. star model ==> 恒星模型
  52081. star motions ==> 恒星运动
  52082. star moulding ==> 星形线脚
  52083. star names ==> 星名
  52084. star navigation ==> 恒星导航
  52085. star net ==> 星形网眼
  52086. star network ==> 星状网=>星状網
  52087. star note ==> 星币
  52088. star number ==> 星号
  52089. star observation ==> 恒星观测
  52090. Star of Africa ==> 非洲之星
  52091. star of David ==> 大卫王之星
  52092. star of Minas ==> 密纳斯之星
  52093. Star of South Africa ==> 南非之星
  52094. Star of the South ==> 南星
  52095. star peak group ==> 星峰岩群
  52096. star photometer ==> 恒星光度计
  52097. star pinion ==> 链轮
  52098. star place ==> 恒星位置
  52099. star plate ==> 星形片
  52100. star point ==> 星点,中性点
  52101. star polymer ==> 星形高聚物
  52102. star program ==> 手编无错程序
  52103. star program(me) ==> 无错程序
  52104. star prong ==> 星支
  52105. star quad ==> 星绞四线组=>星形カッド
  52106. star quad cable ==> 星绞电缆
  52107. star quad stranding ==> 星绞
  52108. star quad twist ==> (电缆)星形四线组扭绞
  52109. star reamer ==> 星形扩孔器
  52110. star refinement ==> 星形加细
  52111. star representation ==> 星表示
  52112. star reticle ==> 星形调制盘
  52113. star roller ==> 星轮式镇压器
  52114. star route ==> 星形相交路线
  52115. star ruby ==> 星彩红宝石,星形红宝石
  52116. star salesman ==> 首席销货员
  52117. star sapphire ==> 星彩蓝宝石
  52118. star section ==> 十字形截面
  52119. star seeker ==> 星球自动定向器
  52120. star sensor ==> 星传感器,恒星传感器
  52121. star shake ==> 星裂,星形环裂
  52122. star shaped ==> 星形的
  52123. star shaped network ==> 星状网
  52124. star shaped set ==> 星形集
  52125. star shell ==> 照明弹
  52126. star sight ==> 恒星目测
  52127. star star connection ==> 星形星形结线
  52128. star statics ==> 天体干扰
  52129. star steamer ==> 星形架蒸汽箱
  52130. star stitch ==> 星形刺绣针迹
  52131. star stonecrop ==> 星状景天
  52132. star structure ==> 星形结构
  52133. star strut ==> 星形支撑
  52134. star subalgebra ==> 星子代数
  52135. star system ==> 恒星系统,银河系
  52136. star target ==> 星标
  52137. star telescope ==> 恒星望远镜
  52138. star temple ==> 星形边撑
  52139. star test ==> 星点检验
  52140. star to delta convertion ==> 星形三角结线变换
  52141. star topology ==> 星形布局
  52142. star tracker ==> 星跟踪式定位器,星象跟踪仪
  52143. star tracking ==> 星体的跟踪
  52144. star twisting ==> 星形绞合
  52145. star valve ==> 星形阀
  52146. star voltage ==> 星形接线相电压,对中性线电压,相电压
  52147. star washer ==> 星形垫圈
  52148. star wheel ==> 星形轮,开关旋轮
  52149. star wheel extractor ==> 星轮排渣器
  52150. star wheel feed ==> 星轮排种器
  52151. star wheel type ==> 星轮式
  52152. star wheel type feeder ==> 星形轮式给料机
  52153. star wire rope ==> 梅花股芯钢丝绳
  52154. STAR, scientific and technical aerospace reports ==> 航空宇宙科学技術報告抄録
  52155. STAR, Search Tracking and Rescue Aid ==> 捜索,追跡,救助手段
  52156. STAR, shuttle turn-around assessment report ==> シャトル運用評価報告書
  52157. STAR, standard terminal arrival route ==> 標準到着経路
  52158. star-cap ==> 星状帽
  52159. star-connected ==> 星形联接的
  52160. star-connected circuit ==> 星形连接电路
  52161. star-connected device ==> 星形接続機器
  52162. star-connected system ==> 星形接法
  52163. star-connected three phase windings with neutral outlet ==> 有中性点引出线的星形连接的三相绕组
  52164. star-coupler ==> 星形耦合器
  52165. star-delta connection ==> 星形三角接线
  52166. star-delta control ==> (感应电动机)星形三角起动
  52167. star-delta conversion, star-delta transformation ==> 星形-三角形变换,星形接线的网络变换成三角形接线的网络,它是一种减少节点数的网络变换
  52168. star-delta starter ==> 星形三角起动器,星形三角形起动器
  52169. star-delta starting ==> 星形三角起动,星-三角起动,起动时先将电机绕组接成星形,使每相绕组上的供电电压为相电压,待电机转速升高到一定值后,再将电机绕组的接线方式改为三角形,使每相绕组的供电电压为线电压,完成电机起动
  52170. star-delta switch ==> 星形三角开关,星形三角形转换开关,星角开关=>スターデルタスイッチ
  52171. star-delta switching ==> 星形三角转接
  52172. star-delta switching starter ==> 星形三角形切换起动器
  52173. star-field mapping ==> 星空测绘
  52174. star-field tracker ==> 星场跟踪仪
  52175. star-grounded ==> 星形中点接地的
  52176. star-like crack ==> 星状裂纹
  52177. star-like curve ==> 星状曲线
  52178. star-mesh transformation ==> 星形网眼变换
  52179. star-navigation ==> 天体导航
  52180. star-network ==> 星状网络
  52181. star-producing region ==> 恒星产生区
  52182. star-quad ==> 星绞四线组
  52183. star-quad construction ==> 星绞结构
  52184. star-quartz ==> 星彩石英
  52185. star-shaped ==> 星形的
  52186. star-shaped bit ==> 星形钻头
  52187. star-shaped bruise ==> 星形撞伤
  52188. star-shaped carbon cell ==> 星状碳极电池
  52189. star-shaped disposition ==> 星形排列
  52190. star-shaped filter element ==> 星形滤油片
  52191. star-shaped landing gear ==> (航天器的)星形着陆装置
  52192. star-shaped plan ==> 星形布置图
  52193. star-shaped profile ==> (化纤)星状截面
  52194. star-shaped slug ==> 星形棒
  52195. star-star connection ==> 星星形接线=>Y-Y結線
  52196. star-stone ==> 星彩石
  52197. star-streaming ==> 星流
  52198. star-tracking guidance ==> 星体跟踪天文导航
  52199. star-tracking system ==> 星体跟踪系统
  52200. star-tracking telescope ==> 星体跟踪望远镜
  52201. star-type charge ==> 星式装药
  52202. star-wheel axle controller ==> (控制矿车运行用)星轮式控轴器
  52203. star-wheel beater ==> 星轮式击肥轮
  52204. star-wheel feed fertilizer distributor ==> 星轮排肥式施肥机
  52205. star-wheel fertilizer feed ==> 星轮排肥机
  52206. star-wheel mechanism ==> 星轮机构
  52207. star-wheel motion ==> 星形轮运动,间歇运动
  52208. star-wheeled roller ==> 星轮式镇压器
  52209. star-zigzag connection ==> 星形曲折接法
  52210. star-Δ connection ==> Y-Δ結線
  52211. star-Δ starting ==> スターΔ始動
  52212. starblind ==> 半盲的
  52213. starboard ==> 右舷
  52214. starboard-engine clutch ==> 右舷エンジンクラッチ
  52215. starburst pattern ==> 星芒图案
  52216. starch ==> 淀粉=>でんぷん
  52217. starch adhesive ==> 淀粉胶粘剂
  52218. starch biosynthesis ==> でんぷん生合成
  52219. starch blend ==> でんぷんブレンド
  52220. starch bottle ==> 糊料瓶
  52221. starch breakdown ==> でんぷん分解
  52222. starch cell ==> でんぷん細胞
  52223. starch centrifugal separator ==> 淀粉离心分离计
  52224. starch concentration ==> でんぷん濃度
  52225. starch constituent ==> デンプン成分
  52226. starch content ==> デンプン含量
  52227. starch crescent ==> 淀粒月芽
  52228. starch damage ==> でんぷん損傷
  52229. starch equivalent ==> 淀粉当量
  52230. starch free ==> 无淀粉的
  52231. starch glue ==> 淀粉胶
  52232. starch grain ==> 淀粉粒
  52233. starch granules ==> 淀粉颗粒
  52234. starch gum ==> 淀粉胶
  52235. starch paste ==> 淀粉糨糊
  52236. starch plant ==> 淀粉植物
  52237. starch powder ==> 淀粉
  52238. starch processing ==> 淀粉加工
  52239. starch splitting ==> 分解淀粉的
  52240. starch storage crop ==> 淀粉作用
  52241. starch sugar ==> 淀粉糖
  52242. starch sweet corn ==> 粉质甜玉米
  52243. starch syrup ==> 淀粉糖浆
  52244. starch test ==> 淀粉测定
  52245. starch value ==> 淀粉价
  52246. starch value changing ==> 淀粉价变化
  52247. starch yielding plant ==> 含淀粉植物
  52248. starch-liquifying chemical ==> 淀粉化学液
  52249. starch-making equipment ==> 淀粉生产设备
  52250. starch-oil size ==> 淀粉油浸润剂
  52251. starching machine ==> 上浆机
  52252. starchsplitting ==> 分解淀粉的
  52253. starchy corn ==> 粉质种玉米
  52254. starchy food ==> 含淀粉的食物
  52255. stare ==> 注视
  52256. stare decisis ==> 依照先例
  52257. starex ==> 浮油松香
  52258. starfighter ==> 星座式战斗机
  52259. Starfighter ==> 星
  52260. starfish ==> 海星
  52261. starflower grewia ==> 星花解宝叶
  52262. starflower scabious ==> 星花山萝卜
  52263. starframe ==> 星形架
  52264. staring blankly ==> 目直
  52265. staring blankly forward ==> 直视
  52266. Starjasmine Stem ==> 络石藤
  52267. Stark ==> 斯塔克
  52268. Stark active cavity ==> 斯塔克激活腔
  52269. Stark broadening ==> 斯塔克增宽=>シュタルク広がり
  52270. Stark effect ==> 斯塔克谱线磁裂效应,斯塔克效应=>シュタルク効果
  52271. Stark induced frequency shift ==> 斯塔克感生频移
  52272. stark induced frequency shift ==> 斯塔克感生频移
  52273. Stark laddier ==> シュタルク梯子
  52274. Stark modulation ==> シュタルク変調
  52275. Stark number ==> 斯忒藩数
  52276. stark quantum beat ==> 斯塔克量子拍频
  52277. Stark quantum beat ==> 斯塔克量子拍频
  52278. Stark shift ==> 斯塔克位移
  52279. Stark spectroscopy ==> 斯塔克光谱学
  52280. Stark splitting ==> 斯塔克裂距
  52281. Stark tuned laser ==> 斯塔克效应调谱激光器
  52282. Stark-Einstein law ==> 斯塔克-爱因斯坦定律,爱因斯坦光化当量定律
  52283. starlight ==> 星光
  52284. starlight illumination ==> 星光照度
  52285. starlight medium range observation device ==> 星光中程观察装置
  52286. starlight scope ==> 星光镜
  52287. starlight telescope ==> 星光望远镜
  52288. starlight viewer ==> 夜视仪
  52289. starlike ==> 星形的
  52290. starlike image ==> 星象
  52291. starlike nucleus ==> 类星星系核
  52292. starlike optical object ==> 类星光学天体
  52293. starlikeness ==> 星形性
  52294. starling ==> 欧椋鸟=>ムクドリ
  52295. Starling's law of heart ==> 心脏斯塔林氏定律
  52296. Starling's law of the heart ==> 斯塔林定律
  52297. starlite ==> 蓝锆石
  52298. starred glaze ==> 星状结晶釉
  52299. starred nonterminal ==> 带星号的非终结符号
  52300. starred polygon ==> 星多边形
  52301. starred roll ==> 星形卷取
  52302. starred signature ==> 套配书帖星标
  52303. starred tortoise ==> インドホシガメ
  52304. STARS Ship Tracking and Retrieval System ==> 船只追踪检索系统
  52305. STARS, Space Transportation Accounting and Resources System ==> 宇宙運輸会計リソースシステム
  52306. starspot ==> 恒星黑子
  52307. starspot model ==> 恒星黑子模型
  52308. start ==> 开动,开端,起始,起动,始,开工
  52309. start and stop lever ==> 启闭杆
  52310. start auditing ==> 开始审计
  52311. start binary out-put ==> 起动二进制输出
  52312. start bit ==> 起动位,起始位,启动位,开始位
  52313. start business ==> 开业
  52314. start capapcitor ==> 起动电容器
  52315. start code ==> 起动电码
  52316. start codon ==> 起始密码子
  52317. start control ==> 起始控制器
  52318. start cycle ==> 起始周期
  52319. start delay ==> 启动延迟,起动延迟
  52320. start dialing signal ==> 起始拨号信号
  52321. start distance ==> 起动距离
  52322. start distributor ==> 启动分配器
  52323. start drill ==> 定位中心站
  52324. start element ==> 起始单元,起始码元,开始元素
  52325. start element number ==> 开始元素号,起始单元数
  52326. start gate ==> 起动闸门
  52327. start gauge ==> 起始定位装置
  52328. start gradient ==> 起始梯度
  52329. start horsepower ==> 起动马力
  52330. start I/O instruction ==> 起动输入输出指令,启动输入输出指令
  52331. start interlocking relay ==> 起动联锁继电器
  52332. start interval ==> 起动位间隔
  52333. start key ==> 起动键
  52334. start knob ==> 起动按扭
  52335. start lead ==> 线圈内引线
  52336. start lever ==> 起动杆
  52337. start light ==> 起动灯
  52338. start margin ==> 起始空白
  52339. start mark ==> 起始标记
  52340. start node ==> 起始节点
  52341. start of a run ==> 行程起点
  52342. start of header ==> 标题开始
  52343. start of header (SOH) ==> 标头开始符,首标开始
  52344. start of heading ==> 报文开始
  52345. start of heading character ==> 报文开始字符=>ヘッディング開始文字
  52346. start of message (SOM) ==> 报文开始,报文起始
  52347. start of pulsing ==> 脉冲发送起始信号
  52348. start of record mark ==> 记标开始,记录标起始
  52349. start of text ==> 正文开始
  52350. start of text character ==> 文本开始字符=>テキスト開始文字
  52351. start of track control ==> 磁道起始控制器
  52352. start option ==> 启动任选项,开始选择
  52353. start point ==> 起点,出发点
  52354. start point correction ==> 起始点校正
  52355. start point for warning ==> 警報開始点
  52356. start position ==> 起动位置
  52357. start pulse ==> 起动脉冲,触发脉冲
  52358. start readout ==> 起始读出
  52359. start relay box ==> 起动继电器箱
  52360. start resistor ==> 起动电阻器
  52361. start sensor ==> 起动传感器
  52362. start signal ==> 起始信号=>スタート信号
  52363. start signal element ==> 起始信号单元
  52364. start spot ==> 起始斑点
  52365. start state ==> 起始状态
  52366. start statement ==> 开初语句
  52367. start stop system ==> 起止式
  52368. start stop teleprinter ==> 起止式电传打字机
  52369. start stop transmission ==> 起止传输
  52370. start symbol ==> 起始符号
  52371. start symbol probability distribution ==> 起始符的概率分布
  52372. start the engine ==> 启动发动机
  52373. start time ==> 起动时间,开始时间,启动时间,远动系统从加电到全部运行所需的时间
  52374. start trigger ==> 起动触发器
  52375. start up an engine ==> エンジンをかける
  52376. start vector ==> 起始向量,启动向量
  52377. start with load ==> 有载起动
  52378. start(ing) drill ==> 中心孔钻头
  52379. start-data-traffic indicator ==> 开始数据通信量指示符,启动数据通信指示器
  52380. start-finish line ==> 起止线
  52381. start-ignition system ==> 起动点火系统
  52382. start-of-chain ==> 起始链,链开始
  52383. start-of-format control ==> 格式开始控制
  52384. start-of-format control (SOF) ==> 起始格式控制
  52385. start-of-heading ==> 标题开始
  52386. start-of-heading character ==> 标题符号的启动,标题开始字符,标头开始字符
  52387. start-of-message ==> 报文开始符
  52388. start-of-message code ==> 报文开始代码,报文起始代码
  52389. start-of-message indicator ==> 报文开始符
  52390. start-of-text character ==> 报文起始字符,正文起始符
  52391. start-oscillation ==> 起振
  52392. start-oscillation condition ==> 起振条件
  52393. start-pilot device ==> 起动辅助设备
  52394. start-stop ==> 起止,起止的,启动终止,开停
  52395. start-stop and speed control ==> 起动停止及转速控制
  52396. start-stop apparatus ==> 起止装置
  52397. start-stop bit ==> 起停位
  52398. start-stop correspondence ==> 起止式通信
  52399. start-stop counter ==> 起停式计数器,单程计数器,一次计数器
  52400. start-stop distortion ==> 起止失真
  52401. start-stop distortion-measuring ==> 起止畸变测试
  52402. start-stop double-current channel ==> 启闭式双流通路
  52403. start-stop lever ==> 起停操纵杆
  52404. start-stop mechanism ==> 起止机构
  52405. start-stop modulation ==> 起止调制
  52406. start-stop multivibrator ==> 起止多谐振荡器
  52407. start-stop network ==> 起止式网络
  52408. start-stop operation ==> 起止操作
  52409. start-stop oscillator ==> 间歇振荡器
  52410. start-stop printing telegraph code ==> 起止式电传打字电报码
  52411. start-stop push button ==> (电机)起动和停止按钮
  52412. start-stop restitution ==> 起止式解调
  52413. start-stop scanning ==> 起止扫描
  52414. start-stop self-phasing code ==> 起止式自同步码
  52415. start-stop signal ==> 起止信号
  52416. start-stop signal distortion tester ==> 起止信号畸变测试器
  52417. start-stop signal generator ==> 起止信号发生器
  52418. start-stop supervisor ==> 起停管理程序
  52419. start-stop synchronism ==> 起止同步
  52420. start-stop telecontrol transmission 启停式远动传输,又称"异步远动传输(asynchronous telecontrol ==> transmission)"
  52421. start-stop telegraph ==> 起止式电报机
  52422. start-stop telegraph distortion ==> 起止式电报畸变
  52423. start-stop telegraph signal distortion tester ==> 起止式电报信号畸变测试仪
  52424. start-stop teleprinter ==> 起止式电传打字机
  52425. start-stop teletypewriter signal ==> 起止式电传打字机信号
  52426. start-stop teletypewriter system ==> 起止式电传机系统
  52427. start-stop time ==> 起停时间
  52428. start-stop transmission ==> 起止传输,启停同步传送=>調歩(式)伝送
  52429. start-stop type ==> 起止式
  52430. start-to-discharge pressure ==> [安全阀]前泄压力,在汽轮机调节汽阀全开的情况下,锅炉逐渐减弱燃烧,降低蒸汽压力和温度,汽轮机负荷逐渐降低,直到机组停运的过程。
  52431. start-to-leak pressure ==> 起漏压力
  52432. start-up ==> 起动,运转,开始工作,投料试车=>開始,起動,始動
  52433. start-up (trial run) cost ==> 试运转费用
  52434. start-up (trial run) procedure ==> 试运转顺序
  52435. start-up a car ==> 起动汽车
  52436. start-up accident ==> 起动事故
  52437. start-up burner ==> 点火燃烧器
  52438. start-up capability ==> 起动能力
  52439. start-up circuit ==> 起动电路
  52440. start-up components ==> 起动设备
  52441. start-up cost ==> 起岸成本=>起動費, 起動コスト
  52442. start-up curve ==> 起动曲线
  52443. start-up experience ==> 起动经验
  52444. start-up feed pump ==> 起动给水泵
  52445. start-up flash tank, vapor liquid separator ==> 起动分离器,在直流锅炉起动系统中,设置在蒸发受热面与过热器之间,用作汽水分离的筒形压力容器。当完成起动进入纯直流工况运行时被切除在汽水系统之外的称为外置汽水分离器;设置在蒸发受热面与过热器之间,当完成起动进入纯直流工况运行时分离器干态运行,成为蒸汽通道中的一部分,不需切除的称为内置汽水分离器(separator)。
  52446. start-up flow rate ==> 起动流量,锅炉停运时间较短(2h~8h),还保持有一定的压力和温度情况下的起动方式。
  52447. start-up from cold ==> 冷起动
  52448. start-up function ==> 起动操作,起动功能
  52449. start-up in gear ==> 传动装置起动
  52450. start-up man ==> 启动调整工
  52451. start-up method ==> 起動方法
  52452. start-up of the furnace ==> 开炉操作
  52453. start-up oil pump ==> 起动油泵,在机组起停或主油泵发生故障时,为调节油系统和润滑油系统提供压力油的交流电动油泵或汽动油泵
  52454. start-up operation ==> 起动操作
  52455. start-up period ==> 起动周期,试车期
  52456. start-up phase ==> 起始相
  52457. start-up plate ==> 起动板
  52458. start-up pressure ==> 起动压力,锅炉停运8h~48h的起动。
  52459. start-up procedure ==> 起动过程
  52460. start-up rod ==> 起动棒
  52461. start-up sequence ==> 起动程序
  52462. start-up source ==> 起动源,反应堆起动源
  52463. start-up system ==> 起动系统,在直流锅炉、低循环倍率锅炉或复合循环锅炉上为起动和低负荷运行专门设置的汽水管道。
  52464. start-up test of non-nuclear steam ==> 非核蒸汽冲转试验,用调试锅炉生产的蒸汽对常规岛进行的试验。包括对主蒸汽系统的温度调节试验、汽轮发电机冲转试验、给水系统试验、电动和汽动给水泵试验等
  52465. start-up time ==> 起动时间
  52466. start-up wear ==> 起动磨损
  52467. start==to startup==startup ==> 始動
  52468. startability of motor fuel ==> 发动机燃料起动性
  52469. STARTDT, Start Data Transfer ==> STARTDT
  52470. started pullet ==> 产蛋前母鸡
  52471. starter ==> 发动机起动机,起动机,起动装置,启动器,初始值,导向钻头,开动器,起动器,用于电机起动和停止并同适当过载保护元件组合在一起的所需的所有开合方式的组合体。注:起动器可按提供合闸主触头所需力的方法来分类=>スタータ
  52472. starter armature ==> 起动机电枢,起动机转子
  52473. starter armature shaft spacer ==> 起动机电转子轴隔片
  52474. starter battery ==> 起动器电池
  52475. starter box ==> 起动箱
  52476. starter bruch spring ==> 起动机电刷簧
  52477. starter brush ==> 起动机电刷
  52478. starter brush field coil ==> 起动机磁场线圈电刷
  52479. starter button ==> 起动钮
  52480. starter button guard ==> 起动机按钮护套
  52481. starter cable ==> 起动机电缆
  52482. starter cartridge ==> 起爆管
  52483. starter casing cover packing ==> 起动器箱盖密垫
  52484. starter cathode ==> 起动阴极,启动阴极,触发阴极
  52485. starter center bearing bushing ==> 起动机中心轴承衬套
  52486. starter center bearing plate ==> 起动机中心轴承板
  52487. starter clutch ==> 起动机离合器
  52488. starter clutch spring ==> 起动机离合弹簧
  52489. starter commutator end cover ==> 起动机整流器端盖
  52490. starter commutator shield ==> 起动机整流器护罩
  52491. starter condenser ==> 起动机电容器
  52492. starter contact ==> 起动器触点
  52493. starter control ==> 起动机控制
  52494. starter control lever ==> 起动机控制杆
  52495. starter cover band ==> 起动机罩箍带
  52496. starter crank ==> 起动摇柄
  52497. starter diskette ==> 初始值软磁盘
  52498. starter dog ==> 起动机传动轴棘爪,起动棘爪
  52499. starter drive ==> 起动机传动
  52500. starter drive housing bushing ==> 起动机轴壳衬套
  52501. starter drive spring ==> 起动机驱动弹簧
  52502. starter driving gear ==> 起动机驱动齿轮
  52503. starter engine ==> 起动发动机
  52504. starter field coil ==> 起动机磁场线圈
  52505. starter field coil connection ==> 起动机磁场线圈接头
  52506. starter field coil equalizer ==> 起动机磁场线圈中间接头
  52507. starter formula ==> 初始值公式
  52508. starter frame block ==> 起动机座
  52509. starter frame through bolt ==> 起动机架穿过长螺栓
  52510. starter front cover ==> 起动机前盖
  52511. starter gap ==> 起导间隙,起动隙缝
  52512. starter gear ==> 起动装置
  52513. starter gear housing ==> 起动机齿轮传动壳体
  52514. starter gear shifting fork ==> 起动机齿轮拨叉
  52515. starter generator ==> 起动器发电机
  52516. starter ground brush ==> 起动机地线电刷
  52517. starter ground strap ==> 起动机接地片
  52518. starter handle ==> 起动手柄
  52519. starter housing ==> 起动机壳
  52520. starter interlock ==> 起动机互锁机构
  52521. starter interlock cct ==> 起动机互锁电路
  52522. starter key ==> 起动机钥匙
  52523. starter magneto ==> 起动磁电机
  52524. starter main shaft bearing ==> 起动机主轴轴承
  52525. starter main shaft gear ==> 起动机主轴齿轮
  52526. starter mechanism ==> 起动机构
  52527. starter motor ==> 起动电动机
  52528. starter motor commutator ==> 起动电动机整流子
  52529. starter motor control ==> 起动电动机控制
  52530. starter motor cover ==> 起动机盖
  52531. starter motor drive spring ==> 起动马达传动簧
  52532. starter motor shift lever ==> 起动机传动臂
  52533. starter motor strap ==> 起动电动机固定带
  52534. starter motor wire ==> 起动马达导线
  52535. starter mounting ==> 起动机架
  52536. starter nozzle ==> 起动机喷嘴
  52537. starter of fertilizer in seedbed ==> 播种肥
  52538. starter operation system ==> 初始操作系统
  52539. starter pedal ==> 起动踏板
  52540. starter pedal return spring ==> 起动器踏板回动弹簧
  52541. starter pinion ==> 起动机小齿轮
  52542. starter pinion and clutch yoke ==> 起动机小齿轮及离合器轭
  52543. starter pole shoe ==> 起动机磁极瓦
  52544. starter push button ==> 起动器按钮
  52545. starter relay ==> 起动继电器
  52546. starter relay switch ==> 起动机继电器开关
  52547. starter rheostat ==> 变阻起动器
  52548. starter ring gear ==> 起动机环齿轮
  52549. starter shaft ==> 起动机轴
  52550. starter shift lever ==> 起动机变速杆
  52551. starter shift spring ==> 起动机移动叉弹簧
  52552. starter shifting lever ==> 起动机接合杆
  52553. starter solenoid ==> 起动机电磁线圈
  52554. starter solenoid coil ==> 起动机电磁线圈
  52555. starter solenoid relay cover ==> 起动机电磁继电器盖
  52556. starter solenoid switch ==> 起动器电磁线圈开关
  52557. starter spring ==> 起动机弹簧
  52558. starter switch ==> 起动机开关,起动器开关
  52559. starter switch contact ==> 起动机开关接触片
  52560. starter switch push rod ==> 起动机开关推杆
  52561. starter system ==> 初始系统,初始值系统
  52562. starter terminal cover ==> 起动机接线盒盖
  52563. starter terminal post ==> 起动机接线端子
  52564. starter tile ==> 檐瓦
  52565. starter toggle switch ==> 起动机肘节开关
  52566. starter toothed wheel ==> 起动齿轮
  52567. starter voltage ==> 起动装置电压
  52568. starter winding ==> 起动绕组
  52569. starter-generator ==> 起动发电机
  52570. startercontrol ==> 起动机操纵件
  52571. starterdynamo ==> 起动充电发电机
  52572. starters kit ==> スターターキット
  52573. starting ==> 起动,起点=>始動,起動(火力原動機)
  52574. starting ability ==> 起动性能
  52575. starting acceleration ==> 起动加速度,起始加速度,始加速度
  52576. starting address decoder ==> 起始地址译码器
  52577. starting aids ==> 起动辅助设备
  52578. starting air ==> 起动空气
  52579. starting air bottle ==> 起动空气瓶
  52580. starting air compressor ==> 起动空气压缩机
  52581. starting air consumption ==> 起动空气耗量,起动用压缩空气消耗量
  52582. starting air container ==> 起动空气瓶
  52583. starting air cylinder ==> 起动空气瓶
  52584. starting air distributor ==> 起运空气分配器
  52585. starting air distributor drive ==> 起动空气分配器传动装置
  52586. starting air indicator ==> 起动空气指示器
  52587. starting air line ==> 起动空气管路
  52588. starting air master handwheel ==> 起动空气主操纵手轮
  52589. starting air master valve ==> 起动空气主阀
  52590. starting air pilot valve ==> 起动空气控制阀
  52591. starting air piping ==> 起动空气管系
  52592. starting air silencer ==> 起动空气消音器
  52593. starting air slide valve ==> 起动空气滑阀
  52594. starting air stop valve ==> 起动空气截止阀
  52595. starting air system ==> 起动空气系统
  52596. starting air tank ==> 起动空气瓶
  52597. starting air timing valve ==> 起动空气分配阀
  52598. starting air valve ==> 起动气阀
  52599. starting air valve mechanism ==> 起动空气阀机构
  52600. starting algorithm ==> 起步算法,启动算法
  52601. starting amortisseur ==> 启动阻尼绕组(同步电机的)
  52602. starting and acceleration performance ==> 起步
  52603. starting and control equipment ==> 起动控制设备
  52604. starting and fuel control handle ==> 起动及燃油控制手柄
  52605. starting and load-limiting device ==> 启动和负荷限制装置
  52606. starting and regulating resistance ==> 起动调节电阻
  52607. starting and stopping mechanism ==> 起停装置
  52608. starting anode ==> 起动阳极
  52609. starting apparatus ==> 起动装置
  52610. starting arc ==> 起动电弧,引发电弧,引弧
  52611. starting arrangement ==> 起动装置
  52612. starting at sliding parameters ==> 滑参数启动
  52613. starting autotransformer ==> 启动用自偶变压器,起动自耦变压器,启动自耦变压器
  52614. starting bar ==> 起动柄
  52615. starting barrel ==> 起始岩芯管
  52616. starting battery ==> 起动用蓄电池
  52617. starting block ==> 起熔块,起始块
  52618. starting board ==> 起动盘
  52619. starting box ==> 启动箱,电阻箱
  52620. starting bucket ==> 起始相稳定区
  52621. starting burner ==> 点火燃烧器
  52622. starting button ==> 启动按钮
  52623. starting cable ==> 起动电线
  52624. starting cam ==> 起动凸轮
  52625. starting capability ==> 起动能力
  52626. starting capacitance ==> 起动电容
  52627. starting capacitor ==> 起动电容器
  52628. starting capacity ==> 起动功率
  52629. starting cartridge ==> 起动药柱
  52630. starting cell ==> 開始細胞
  52631. starting chain ==> 起动链
  52632. starting chamber ==> 起动燃烧室
  52633. starting character ==> 開始文字
  52634. starting character position ==> 起始字符位置
  52635. starting characteristic ==> 起动特性,启动特性=>始動特性
  52636. starting characteristic curve ==> 启动特性曲线
  52637. starting circuit ==> 起动电路,触发电路
  52638. starting cock ==> 起动旋塞
  52639. starting coil ==> 始動巻線,始動コイル
  52640. starting compensator ==> 自耦变压起动器,启动补偿器=>始動補償器
  52641. starting component ==> 启动元件,装置中对故障或不正常状态首先反映并导致其他元件启动的器件或组件
  52642. starting compressor ==> 起动压缩机,起动用空气压缩机
  52643. starting condition ==> 启动条件,启动状况,起始条件
  52644. starting condition for oscillation ==> 起振条件
  52645. starting contactor ==> 起动接触器=>始動接触器
  52646. starting control ==> 起动操纵
  52647. starting control slide valve ==> 起动控制滑阀
  52648. starting course ==> 起动距离
  52649. starting crank ==> 起动曲柄
  52650. starting crank bearing ==> 起动曲柄轴承
  52651. starting crank bracket ==> 起动曲柄托架
  52652. starting crank handle ==> 起动曲柄摇手,起动手摇曲柄,起动摇手柄
  52653. starting crank jaw ==> 起动曲柄爪
  52654. starting crank jaw pin ==> 起动摇把爪销
  52655. starting crank nut ==> 起动曲柄螺帽
  52656. starting crank pin ==> 起动曲柄销
  52657. starting crank ratchet ==> 起动曲柄棘轮机构
  52658. starting crank shaft ==> 起动曲柄轴
  52659. starting crank shaft spring ==> 起动曲柄轴弹簧
  52660. starting crank socket cap ==> 起动曲柄孔盖
  52661. starting crankshaft ==> 起动摇柄
  52662. starting crude ==> 起动原油
  52663. starting current ==> 启动电流,起动电流=>始動電流
  52664. starting current ratio ==> 起动电流比
  52665. starting curve ==> 启动曲线
  52666. starting curve at sliding parameter ==> 滑参数启动曲线
  52667. starting cut-out solenoid ==> 起动中止螺线管
  52668. starting cycle ==> 起动周期
  52669. starting damper ==> 启动风阀
  52670. starting data address ==> 起始数据地址
  52671. starting date of a project ==> 开工日期
  52672. starting dead time ==> 始動時間
  52673. starting device ==> 启动装置,启动设备,起动装置=>始動装置
  52674. starting difficulty ==> 起动困难
  52675. starting distributor ==> 起动分配器
  52676. starting dog ==> 起动用凸块,起动爪
  52677. starting drill ==> 粗钻头
  52678. starting drive spring ==> 起动机驱动弹簧
  52679. starting duration ==> 起动时间
  52680. starting duty ==> 启动功率,启动负载
  52681. starting dynamo ==> 起动电机
  52682. starting effort ==> 起动力
  52683. starting ejector ==> 启动抽气器
  52684. starting electro-pneumatic valve ==> 起动电空阀
  52685. starting electrode ==> 起动电极
  52686. starting element ==> 起动元件
  52687. starting engine ==> 起动机=>起動機
  52688. starting equipment ==> 起动设备,起动装置
  52689. starting failure ==> 起动失败
  52690. starting fan ==> 起动风扇
  52691. starting fluid ==> 启动燃料
  52692. starting fluid capsule ==> 起动液囊
  52693. starting force ==> 启动力
  52694. starting fraction ==> 起始馏分
  52695. starting frequency ==> 起始频率
  52696. starting friction ==> 起动磨损
  52697. starting friction loss ==> 起动摩擦损失
  52698. starting from cold ==> 冷态启动
  52699. starting fuel ==> 升炉燃料
  52700. starting fuel control ==> 起动燃料供给控制
  52701. starting fuel supply ==> 起动燃料供给
  52702. starting gear ==> 起动齿轮
  52703. starting gear shifting bolt ==> 起动齿轮拨叉
  52704. starting grade ==> 起程坡度
  52705. starting grid voltage ==> 起动栅压
  52706. starting grip ==> 起动摇手柄
  52707. starting grip voltage ==> 着火栅压
  52708. starting guide relay ==> 起动用继电器
  52709. starting hand-wheel ==> 起动手轮
  52710. starting handle ==> 起动摇把
  52711. starting handle bracket ==> 起动摇手柄支架
  52712. starting hum ==> 起动交流声
  52713. starting impedance relay ==> 启动阻抗继电器
  52714. starting impedance-relay ==> 起动阻抗继电器
  52715. starting impulse ==> 启动脉冲
  52716. starting induction ==> 起始感应
  52717. starting inertia ==> 起动惯性
  52718. starting ingot ==> 原始铸锭
  52719. starting jaw ==> 起动爪
  52720. starting knob ==> 起动钮
  52721. starting length ==> 起始带长度,开始长
  52722. starting lever ==> 起动机操纵杆
  52723. starting lever hydraulic interlock ==> 起动杆液压联锁
  52724. starting lever interlock ==> 起动杆联锁
  52725. starting lever reversing interlock servomotor ==> 起动杆换向联锁装置伺服马达
  52726. starting lever spring ==> 起动杆簧
  52727. starting limit switch ==> 起动限位开关
  52728. starting line ==> 起线
  52729. starting link ==> 起步链节
  52730. starting load ==> 启动负载
  52731. starting location ==> 起始位置
  52732. starting looper ==> 起头器
  52733. starting loss ==> 起动损失
  52734. starting lubrication ==> 起动润滑
  52735. starting machine ==> 起动机
  52736. starting magneto ==> 起动磁电机
  52737. starting manostat ==> 启动稳压器
  52738. starting material ==> 原材料,起始物料
  52739. starting mechanism ==> 起动机构
  52740. starting method ==> 启动方法=>始動法, 起動方式
  52741. starting mix ==> 传火药
  52742. starting mixture ==> 启动混合气
  52743. starting moment ==> 起动转矩
  52744. starting motor ==> 起动电动机,起动马达,发动机起动机
  52745. starting motor brush ==> 起动机电刷
  52746. starting motor flange ==> 起动机连接盘
  52747. starting motor pinion ==> 起动机驱动齿轮
  52748. starting motor torque ==> 起动机扭矩
  52749. starting newel ==> 楼梯栏杆端柱
  52750. starting node ==> 始端ノード
  52751. starting of oscillation ==> 起振
  52752. starting open-phase protection ==> 起动时断相保护装置
  52753. starting operation ==> 起动运转
  52754. starting order ==> 起动指令
  52755. starting panel ==> 起动操纵盘,起动控制盘
  52756. starting pay ==> 任职首次薪金
  52757. starting period ==> 起动周期,起始时间
  52758. starting phase ==> 起动相位
  52759. starting place ==> 起点
  52760. starting place for shipping ==> 起运地点
  52761. starting place of shipping ==> 启运地点
  52762. starting plan ==> 实施计划
  52763. starting point ==> 起始点,起动点,出发点
  52764. starting point of wholesale ==> 批发起点
  52765. starting position ==> 起动位置
  52766. starting post ==> 起点
  52767. starting potential ==> 起动电位
  52768. starting power ==> 起动功率
  52769. starting prechamber ==> 起动预燃室
  52770. starting preheater ==> 起动预热器
  52771. starting preheater boiler ==> 起动预热锅炉
  52772. starting preheater boiler bracket ==> 起动预热锅炉支架
  52773. starting preheater burner ==> 起动预热器喷灯
  52774. starting preheater fire pan ==> 起动预热火盆
  52775. starting preheater lamp nozzle ==> 起动预热灯喷嘴
  52776. starting preparation ==> 起动准备
  52777. starting pressure ==> 起动压力
  52778. starting pressure ga(u)ge ==> 起动压力计
  52779. starting price ==> 开价
  52780. starting probability ==> 起动概率
  52781. starting procedure ==> 起动程序
  52782. starting process ==> 起动过程
  52783. starting protection contactor ==> 起动保护接触器
  52784. starting pulse ==> 触发发脉冲
  52785. starting push-button ==> 起动按钮
  52786. starting ratchet ==> 起动摇把棘爪
  52787. starting rate ==> 起动率
  52788. starting reactance ==> 起动电抗,起动阻力
  52789. starting reactor ==> 起动电抗器,起动扼流圈=>始動リアクトル
  52790. starting receiver ==> 起动空气罐,起动用压缩空气瓶
  52791. starting relay ==> 起动继电器
  52792. starting resistance ==> 起动电阻=>始動抵抗,出発抵抗(列車)
  52793. starting resistor ==> 起动电阻器
  52794. starting rheostat ==> 变阻起动器=>始動抵抗器
  52795. starting ring ==> 起动圆盘
  52796. starting rod ==> 起动杆,引弧棒
  52797. starting rope ==> 起动索
  52798. starting run ==> 起飞滑跑
  52799. starting section ==> 前截面
  52800. starting sector number ==> 起始扇面号
  52801. starting servo-motor ==> 起动伺服马达
  52802. starting shaft ==> 起动轴
  52803. starting sheet ==> 起始板,始极片
  52804. starting sheet blank ==> 始极片母板
  52805. starting sheet cell ==> 种板槽
  52806. starting sheet cells ==> 始极槽
  52807. starting shock ==> 起动震动
  52808. starting signal ==> 起动信号,出站信号=>出発信号機
  52809. starting signal transmitter ==> 起动信号发送器
  52810. starting source ==> 起动源
  52811. starting speed control valve ==> 起动转速控制阀
  52812. starting spring ==> 启动簧
  52813. starting submergence ==> 启动沉没深度
  52814. starting switch ==> 起动接触器,起动开关
  52815. starting switch terminal ==> 起动机开关接线端子
  52816. starting symbol ==> 开始符号
  52817. starting system ==> 起动加浓系
  52818. starting tableau ==> 初始表
  52819. starting tank ==> 起动燃料箱
  52820. starting taper ==> 导锥
  52821. starting taper of reamer ==> 铰刀导锥
  52822. starting technique ==> 起动方法,起动技术
  52823. starting temperature ==> 起始温度
  52824. starting test ==> 起动试验
  52825. starting thrust ==> 起始推力
  52826. starting tiem ==> 起动时间
  52827. starting time ==> 启动时间,起动时间
  52828. starting time interval ==> 起动时间间隔
  52829. starting time jitter ==> 起动时间抖动
  52830. starting time limit ==> 起动时限
  52831. starting torch ==> 起动吹管,起动火舌
  52832. starting torque ==> 起动力矩,起动扭矩,起动转矩=>始動トルク
  52833. starting torque of asynchronous motor ==> 异步电动机起动转矩,用堵转转矩、最小转矩及最大转矩分别与额定转矩之比(标幺值)表示,是异步电动机主要技术性能指标之一
  52834. starting track number ==> 起始磁道号
  52835. starting tractive effort ==> 起动牵引力
  52836. starting tractive force ==> 起动牵引力
  52837. starting transformer ==> 起动变压器=>始動変圧器
  52838. starting transient ==> 起动瞬变量
  52839. starting turbine ==> 起动用涡轮
  52840. starting under load ==> 带负荷起动
  52841. starting unit ==> 起动部件=>起動素子
  52842. starting unloader ==> 起动卸载器
  52843. starting up ==> 起动,开机,投产
  52844. starting up of speed ==> 起动变加速度
  52845. starting up period ==> 起动周期
  52846. starting up to speed ==> 起动并加速
  52847. starting value ==> 起始值,初始值,初值,启动值,在规定条件下使继电器启动(离开初始状态或释放状态的瞬间活动)的输入量(激励量)的值
  52848. starting value==startup (value) ==> 始動値
  52849. starting valve ==> 起动阀
  52850. starting vector ==> 起动向量
  52851. starting velocity ==> 起始速度,初速
  52852. starting vessel ==> 启动器
  52853. starting volatility ==> 启动挥发性
  52854. starting voltage ==> 起始电压,起动电压,阈电压=>始動電圧,放電開始電圧(放電ランプ)
  52855. starting vortex ==> 起始涡流
  52856. starting weight ==> 初重,始重
  52857. starting winding ==> 起动绕组
  52858. starting wire clip ==> 起动拉索夹
  52859. starting with current chopping ==> 電流断続始動法
  52860. starting with load ==> 带负荷起动
  52861. starting work ==> 起动工作
  52862. starting-ingot ==> 始锭
  52863. starting-lighting-ignition cell ==> 起动点火照明用电池
  52864. starting-pulse action ==> 起动脉冲作用
  52865. starting-up course ==> 起头横列
  52866. starting-up oil ==> 起动油
  52867. startle reflex ==> 莫罗氏反射
  52868. startle response ==> 吃惊反应
  52869. startling ==> 驚くべき
  52870. startling act ==> 驚くべき行為
  52871. startover data transfer and processing program ==> 启动数据传送和处理的程序
  52872. startstop multivibrator ==> 单稳多谐振荡器
  52873. startup ==> 起动,投产=>操業開始
  52874. startup & shutdown time of generation unit ==> 机组启停时间,在系统及机组正常状态下,机组启动或停运所需要的时间
  52875. startup job stream ==> 启动作业流
  52876. startup time ==> 投产期
  52877. startup transformer ==> 起動変圧器
  52878. starvation ==> 饥饿
  52879. starvation cure ==> 饥饿疗法,禁食疗法
  52880. starvation diabetes ==> 饥饿性糖尿病
  52881. starvation test ==> 饥饿试验
  52882. starvation treatment ==> 饥饿疗法,艾伦氏疗法,禁食疗法
  52883. starvation wages ==> 不足温饱的工资,难以维持温饱生活的工资
  52884. starved basin ==> 不补偿盆地,非补偿盆地
  52885. starved continental margin ==> 不补偿型大陆边缘带
  52886. starved glaze ==> 薄釉
  52887. starved joint ==> 欠胶接头
  52888. starved ripple mark ==> 不完全波痕
  52889. starweed ==> 臭荠状车前
  52890. starwise disposition ==> 星形排列
  52891. stasis and nematophagus fungi ==> 土壤抑菌作用和线虫的真菌
  52892. stasis dermatitis ==> 停滞性皮炎,瘀滞性皮炎,郁滞性皮炎
  52893. stasis of blood ==> 瘀血
  52894. stasis of blood flow ==> 血流郁滞
  52895. stasis of blood stream ==> 血流淤滞
  52896. stasis of hepatic sinusoid ==> 肝窦郁血
  52897. Stassano furnace ==> 斯塔山诺电炉,旋转电弧炉
  52898. Stassfurt potash salt ==> 斯塔斯弗特钾盐
  52899. Stassfurt salt ==> 斯塔斯弗特盐
  52900. STATCOM ==> 静止同步补偿器
  52901. STATCOM, STATic Synchronous COMpensator ==> 静止形同期調相器, 自励式変換器適用並列型機器。電圧形自励式変換器(VSC)の無効電力出力の制御により,設置点の電圧変動抑制を実現。有効電力制御要素は,直流電圧一定制御に利用。
  52902. state ==> 陈述,态,情况,状况,状态,述,指定=>状態
  52903. state assignment ==> 状态分配,状态指定
  52904. state at negative temperature ==> 负温状态
  52905. State Audit Bureau of Finland ==> 芬兰国家审计局
  52906. State Audit Bureau of Republic of Finland ==> 芬兰国家审计局
  52907. state bank ==> 国家银行
  52908. state byte ==> 状态字节
  52909. state classification ==> 状态分类
  52910. state constraint ==> 状态受限
  52911. state control ==> 状态控制
  52912. state control register ==> 状态控制寄存器
  52913. state controllability ==> 状态可控性
  52914. state coordinate ==> 状态坐标
  52915. state coordinate system ==> 国家坐标系统
  52916. state criterion ==> 状態判定法
  52917. state density ==> 态密度=>状態密度
  52918. state description ==> 状态描述
  52919. state diagram ==> 状态图
  52920. state enable signal ==> 允许状态信号
  52921. state enumeration method ==> 状態列挙法
  52922. state equation ==> 状态方程=>状態方程式
  52923. state equations ==> 状态方程
  52924. state equivalent ==> 状态等价
  52925. state estimation ==> 状态估计,在给定网络拓扑结构及元件参数的条件下,利用遥测遥信信息估算电力系统运行状态=>状態推定, state estimation methods in competitive electric markets
  52926. state estimation observer ==> 状態推定オブザーバ
  52927. state estimator ==> 状态估计器,进行状态估计的计算机软件=>状態推定プログラム,computer software that takes redundant measurements of quantities related to system state as input and provides an estimate of the system state(bus voltage phasors).
  52928. state farm ==> 国营农场
  52929. state feedback ==> 状态反馈=>状態フィードバック
  52930. state flip-flop ==> 状态触发器
  52931. state forest ==> 国有林
  52932. state function ==> 状态函数=>状態関数
  52933. state function method ==> 状態関数法
  52934. state grammar ==> 状态文法
  52935. state graph ==> 状态图
  52936. State Grid Corporation of China ==> 中国国家电网公司
  52937. state highway ==> 州道
  52938. state highway department ==> 州公路局
  52939. state highway system ==> 州道系统
  52940. state indicator ==> 状態表示器
  52941. state information ==> 状态信息,反映运行设备特征状况的监视信息
  52942. state information of power system ==> 电力系统状态信息,电力系统运行在正常状态、异常状态、事故状态及恢复状态时的信息总称
  52943. state investment ==> 国家投资
  52944. state language ==> 状态语言
  52945. state law ==> 状态方程
  52946. state logic ==> 状态逻辑
  52947. state matching condition ==> 状态符合条件
  52948. state medical service ==> 国家公费医疗
  52949. state medicine ==> 国家公费医疗,公费医疗制度
  52950. state model ==> 状态模型
  52951. state monoply of material supply and marketing ==> 统配包销
  52952. state observability ==> 状态可观测性
  52953. state observer ==> 状态观测器=>状態観測器,状態オブザーバ
  52954. State Oceanography Bureau (China) ==> 国家海洋局(中国)
  52955. state of a frontier ==> 末梢状态
  52956. state of a process ==> 进程的状态
  52957. state of activation ==> 激活状态,活化状态
  52958. state of art ==> 目前工艺水平,工艺现状
  52959. state of arts ==> 工艺状况
  52960. state of capillary equilibrium ==> 毛细管平衡状态
  52961. state of charge ==> 充电状态=>充電状態
  52962. state of compression ==> 压缩状态
  52963. state of consciousness ==> 意识状态
  52964. state of cooling ==> 冷却状态
  52965. state of cultivation ==> 耕作情况
  52966. state of cure ==> 固化程度
  52967. state of cure (vulcanization) ==> 硫化程度
  52968. state of disturbance ==> 扰动状态
  52969. state of economy ==> 经济状态,经济状态
  52970. state of elastic equilibrium ==> 弹性平衡状态
  52971. state of emergency ==> 紧急状态
  52972. state of equalization ==> 均等状态,均等状态,均衡状态,均衡状态
  52973. state of equilibrium ==> 平衡状态=>平衡状態
  52974. state of export ==> 输出国
  52975. state of flow ==> 流态
  52976. state of ground ==> 地面状况
  52977. state of illness ==> 病情
  52978. state of insulation ==> 绝缘状态
  52979. state of ionization ==> 电离态
  52980. state of loading ==> 负荷状态
  52981. state of matter ==> 物态
  52982. state of mind ==> 気分
  52983. state of operation ==> 经营状况,经营状况
  52984. state of oxidation ==> 氧化状态
  52985. state of plane stress ==> 平面应力状态
  52986. state of polarization ==> 偏振态
  52987. state of population ==> 人口静态
  52988. state of repose ==> 休止状態
  52989. state of rest ==> 静态
  52990. state of saturation ==> 饱和状态
  52991. state of starting operating ==> 起动工况
  52992. state of strain ==> 应变状态
  52993. state of stress ==> 应力状态
  52994. state of tension ==> 拉力状态
  52995. state of the art ==> 工艺水平,技术发展水平=>進歩・発達
  52996. state of the sky ==> 天空状况
  52997. state of trade ==> 贸易情况
  52998. state of transit ==> 过境国
  52999. state of viscera ==> 脏象
  53000. state organs ==> 国家机关
  53001. state oriented emergency operational procedure ==> 状态导向应急操作规程,不要求先做事故诊断,也不以特定事故为对象,而是根据安全相关参量的当前值及所有安全功能受冲击的程度确定的核电厂状态,将不同的事故状态转入长期安全状态的应急操作规程
  53002. state parameter ==> 状态参数
  53003. state path ==> 状态途径
  53004. state plane ==> 状态平面
  53005. state point ==> 状态点
  53006. state power ==> 中国国家電力公司
  53007. state price ==> 牌价
  53008. state probability ==> 状态概率
  53009. state procedure ==> 状态过程
  53010. state purchase and allocation on a monopoly basis ==> 统一收购统一调拨
  53011. state rate ==> 法定利率
  53012. state reconstruction ==> 状态重构
  53013. state reduction ==> 状态简化
  53014. state register ==> 状态寄存器
  53015. state selectivity ==> 状态选择性
  53016. state simulator ==> 状态模拟程序
  53017. state space ==> 状态空间=>状態空間
  53018. state space averaging method ==> 状態平均化法
  53019. state space kinetics ==> 状态空间动力学
  53020. state space method ==> 状態空間法
  53021. state space models ==> 状態空間モデル
  53022. state space system matrix ==> 状态空间系统矩阵
  53023. state space theory ==> 状態空間理論
  53024. state specified standards ==> 国家规定的标准
  53025. state surface ==> 状态表面
  53026. state table ==> 状态表
  53027. state table analysis ==> 状态表分析
  53028. state tape symbol pair ==> 状态带符号对
  53029. state trajectory ==> 状態軌道
  53030. state transition ==> 状态迁移
  53031. state transition diagram ==> 状態遷移図
  53032. state transition equation ==> 状态转移方程
  53033. state transition function ==> 状态迁移函数
  53034. state transition matrix ==> 状態遷移行列
  53035. state transition model ==> 状态称模型
  53036. state transition probability ==> 状态转移概率
  53037. state transition table ==> 状态转移表=>状態遷移表
  53038. state treasury ==> 金库
  53039. state variable ==> 状态变量=>状態変数
  53040. state variable diagram ==> 状態変数線図
  53041. state variable filter ==> 状态可变滤波器
  53042. state variable method ==> 状态变量法=>状態変数法
  53043. state variable technique ==> 状态变量技术
  53044. state vector ==> 状态向量,状态矢量=>状態ベクトル
  53045. state vector equation ==> 状态矢量方程
  53046. state vector space ==> 状态向量空间
  53047. state verification ==> 状态测试,国家鉴定
  53048. state-capitalist economy of a new type ==> 新式的国家资本主义经济
  53049. state-controlled goods ==> 统配部管物资
  53050. state-correspondence error ==> 状态对应误差
  53051. state-dependent service ==> 依赖于状态的服务
  53052. state-estimator ==> 状态判定器
  53053. state-event ==> 事件状态
  53054. state-of-art ==> 技术发展水平
  53055. state-of-flow factor ==> 流动状态因子
  53056. state-of-the art ==> 目前技术水平
  53057. state-of-the art facility ==> 现代化设备
  53058. state-of-the-art ==> 发展现状,技术发展现状
  53059. state-of-the-art science ==> 最先端科学
  53060. state-of-the-theoretical-art ==> 理论发展水平
  53061. state-sanctioned synchrony ==> 公認の同期性
  53062. state-space model ==> 状态空间模型
  53063. state-specified standard ==> 国家规定标准
  53064. state-transition matrix ==> 状态传递矩阵
  53065. state-transition method ==> 状态过渡法
  53066. state-variable equation ==> 状态变量方程式
  53067. state-variable-synthesized active filter ==> 状態変数合成形能動フィルタ
  53068. stated capital ==> 法定资本,额定资本,设定资本,申报股本
  53069. stated value ==> 设定价值,法定价格
  53070. statement ==> 语句,说法,结单,命题,陈述,报告书,声明
  53071. statement analysis ==> 决算表分析,决算表分析
  53072. statement bracket ==> 语句括号
  53073. statement classification ==> 语句分类
  53074. statement code ==> 语句码
  53075. statement form ==> 报告格式
  53076. statement formula ==> 命题公式
  53077. statement from creditors ==> 应付帐款清单
  53078. statement function ==> 命题函数,语句函数
  53079. statement function defining statement ==> 语句函数定义语句
  53080. statement function definition ==> 语句函数定义
  53081. statement function definition statement ==> 语句函数的定义语句
  53082. statement function name ==> 语句函数名
  53083. statement function reference ==> 语句函数的引用,语句函数引用
  53084. statement heading ==> 报表表头
  53085. statement identifier ==> 语句标识符
  53086. statement in answer to the charge ==> 控罪答辩陈述书
  53087. statement interlude ==> 语句段
  53088. statement label ==> 语句标号
  53089. statement label array ==> 语句标号数组
  53090. statement label constant ==> 语句标号常数
  53091. statement label data ==> 语句标号数据
  53092. statement label designator ==> 语句标号标志符
  53093. statement label indentifier ==> 语句标号标识符
  53094. statement label variable ==> 语句标号变量
  53095. statement law ==> 命题法则
  53096. statement level ==> 语句级
  53097. statement list ==> 语句表
  53098. statement logic ==> 命题逻辑
  53099. statement name ==> 语句名
  53100. statement number ==> 语句编号,语句号,指令数号
  53101. statement number column ==> 语句编号列
  53102. statement of absorption of deficit ==> 亏损处理计算书
  53103. statement of account ==> 结算表,客帐结单
  53104. statement of affair ==> 清算资产负债表
  53105. statement of affairs ==> 清算式资产负债表,财产状况说明书,财务情况计算书
  53106. statement of air quality objectives ==> 空气质素指针声明
  53107. statement of appropriation of net income ==> 净收入分配计算表,净收入分配计算表,净收益分配表,净收益分配表,纯利分配计算书
  53108. statement of assets and liabilities ==> 资产负债表
  53109. statement of auction ==> 拍卖清单
  53110. statement of business operation ==> 业务经营表
  53111. statement of cash ==> 现金收支表
  53112. statement of cash flow ==> 现金流动表
  53113. statement of cash in treasure ==> 库存现金表
  53114. statement of cash in vault ==> 库存表
  53115. statement of cash receipts and disbursements ==> 现金收支表
  53116. statement of claim ==> 索偿陈述
  53117. statement of condition ==> 财务状况计算书
  53118. statement of cost of production ==> 生产成本表
  53119. statement of current position ==> 流动财务情况表
  53120. statement of daily cash ==> 现金日记表
  53121. statement of debt account ==> 负债一览表
  53122. statement of expenses ==> 费用清单
  53123. statement of final accounts ==> 决算说明书,决算说明书,会计决算报表
  53124. statement of financial accounting standards ==> 财务会计标准说明书
  53125. statement of financial income ==> 财务收益表
  53126. statement of financial income and expense ==> 财务收入及费用表
  53127. statement of financial operations ==> 财务情况表
  53128. statement of fund ==> 基金表
  53129. statement of fund application ==> 资金运用表
  53130. statement of income and expenditure ==> 收益及支出明细表,收支表
  53131. statement of liquidation ==> 破产清算书
  53132. statement of loans approved ==> 已批准的贷款项目表
  53133. statement of necessity ==> 需要声明书
  53134. statement of objectives ==> 叙述目标
  53135. statement of production cost ==> 生产成本报告表
  53136. statement of profit calculation ==> 利润计算表
  53137. statement of realization and liquidation ==> 变现清算表
  53138. statement of reasons for court's decision ==> 法庭判决理由的陈述
  53139. statement of receipts and disbursements of cash ==> 现金收支表
  53140. statement of retained earnings ==> 留存收益表,保留盈余表
  53141. statement of standard accounting practice (SSAP) ==> 标准会计实例说明书
  53142. statement of water quality objectives ==> 水质指针声明
  53143. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Deep Bay Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(后海湾水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53144. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Eastern Buffer Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(东部缓冲区水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53145. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Mirs Bay Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(大鹏湾水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53146. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (North Western Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(西北部水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53147. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Southern Supplementary Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(南区附水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53148. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Tolo Harbour Supplementary Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(吐露港附水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53149. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Victoria Harbour (Phase One) Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(维多利亚港(第一期)水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53150. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Victoria Harbour (Phase Three) Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(维多利亚港(第三期)水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53151. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Victoria Harbour (Phase Two) Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(维多利亚港(第二期)水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53152. Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Western Buffer Water Control Zone) (Cap. 358) ==> 《水质指针声明(西部缓冲区水质管制区)》(第358章)
  53153. statement on audit standards ==> 审计准则声明
  53154. statement option ==> 语句选择
  53155. statement prefix ==> 语句前缀
  53156. statement prelude ==> 语句首都
  53157. statement quantifier ==> 命题量词
  53158. statement rearrangement ==> 语句重排
  53159. statement relationship ==> 语句关系
  53160. statement repertoire ==> 语句库
  53161. statement scale ==> 说明比例尺
  53162. statement separator ==> 语句分隔符
  53163. statement substitution ==> 语句替换
  53164. statement-by-statement search ==> 逐句搜索
  53165. statenchyma ==> 平衡组织
  53166. stateown enterprise ==> 国营企业
  53167. stateroom ==> 客舱
  53168. static ==> 静止的,静态的,静电的,静电,静力=>静的(形容詞)
  53169. static (fluid) mixer ==> 静态混合器,静态混合器
  53170. static accuracy ==> 静态精度,静态精度,静态准确度,静态准确度
  53171. static action ==> 静态作用
  53172. static adhesive weight ==> 静粘着重量
  53173. static admittance ==> 静态导纳
  53174. static advertising ==> 静态广告,静态广告
  53175. static allocation ==> 静态分配,静态分配
  53176. static analog device ==> 静态模拟装置
  53177. static analysis ==> 静态分析
  53178. static analysis tools ==> 静态分析工具
  53179. static and dynamic equilibrium ==> 动静平衡
  53180. static apparatus ==> 静电治疗机=>静止器
  53181. static architecture ==> 不变体系结构
  53182. static ataxia ==> 静止性共济失调,静止性共济失调
  53183. static atmospheric discharger ==> 静電放電器(航空)
  53184. static attribute ==> 静态表征,静态表征,静态属性,静态属性
  53185. static autoclave test ==> 高压釜静态试验
  53186. static balance ==> 静力均衡,静力均衡,静平衡,静平衡,静态平衡,静态平衡
  53187. static balance (SBAL) ==> 静态均衡,静态均衡
  53188. static balancer ==> 静止平衡器
  53189. static balancing ==> 静平衡,静平衡
  53190. static ball indentation test ==> 布氏硬度试验
  53191. static barrier ==> 静止隔板
  53192. static bearing ==> 静压轴承,静压轴承
  53193. static bed ==> 静止床(沸腾炉)
  53194. static bending ==> 静力弯曲,静力弯曲,静弯曲,静弯曲
  53195. static binding ==> 静态联编,静态联编
  53196. static blow-out preventer ==> 静力防喷器,静力防喷器
  53197. static breeze ==> 对流放电
  53198. static budget ==> 静态预算,静态预算
  53199. static burn in ==> 静态老化
  53200. static calibration ==> 静力校准
  53201. static call ==> 静态调用,静态调用
  53202. static capacitance ==> 静态电容
  53203. static capacitor ==> 静电电容器
  53204. static capacitor cabinet ==> 静电电容器柜
  53205. static capacity ==> 静电容量,静电容量,静能力,静能力
  53206. static cascade ==> 静叶
  53207. static catalog ==> 静态目录表,静态目录表
  53208. static cell ==> 静态元件
  53209. static characteristic ==> 静态特性
  53210. static characteristic curve ==> 静态特性曲线=>静特性曲線
  53211. static characteristic of arc ==> 电弧静特性
  53212. static characteristic test ==> 静态特性试验
  53213. static characteristics ==> >静态特性,汽轮机稳定运行时,转速变化与输出功率变化的对应关系=>静特性
  53214. static charge ==> 静电荷=>静電荷
  53215. static check ==> 静态校验
  53216. static circuit ==> 静态电路,静态电路
  53217. static coil magnetic powder clutch ==> 静止线圈磁粉离合器,静止线圈磁粉离合器
  53218. static column mode ==> スタティックコラムモード
  53219. static compliance ==> 静态柔度,静态柔度
  53220. static compliance value ==> 静态声顺值,静态声顺值
  53221. static condenser ==> 静电电容器,固定电容器=>電力用コンデンサ
  53222. static condition ==> 静态条件
  53223. static conditions ==> 静态条件,静态条件
  53224. static constant ==> 静态常数
  53225. static contact ==> 静触点
  53226. static control ==> 静电控制,静电控制,静态控制,静态控制
  53227. static control logic ==> 静的制御論理
  53228. static control module area ==> 静态控制模块区,静态控制模块区
  53229. static control program area (static CP area) ==> 静态CP区,静态CP区,静态控制程序区,静态控制程序区
  53230. static controller ==> 静态控制器,静态控制器,固定控制器
  53231. static convergence ==> 静集中
  53232. static conversion ==> 静态变换,静态变换
  53233. static converter ==> 静止变流器
  53234. static converter phase control system ==> 静止変換装置の位相制御方式
  53235. static corrosion test ==> 静态腐蚀试验
  53236. static coupling ==> 固定接合=>静電結合
  53237. static CP area ==> 静态CP区,静态CP区,静态控制程序区,静态控制程序区
  53238. static crossed-field electron multiplication ==> 静态交叉场电子倍增,静态交叉场电子倍增
  53239. static current therapy ==> 静电疗法,静电疗法
  53240. static data ==> 静态资料,静态资料
  53241. static debugging routine ==> 静态调试程序,静态调试程序
  53242. static decoupling ==> 静态去耦,静态去耦
  53243. static deflection ==> 静挠度
  53244. static deviation ==> 静态偏差
  53245. static direct reactance ==> 静态纵轴电抗
  53246. static discharge ==> 静电放电,静态放电=>静電放電
  53247. static discharger ==> 静電放電器(航空)
  53248. static display image ==> 静态显示图像,静态显示图像
  53249. static draft ==> 静压头
  53250. static draft head ==> 吸出し高さ
  53251. static dump ==> 静电打印,静电打印,静态打印,静态打印,静态信息转储,静态信息转储,静态转储,静态转储=>静的ダンプ
  53252. static dust ==> 静电尘,静电尘
  53253. static economics ==> 静态经济学,静态经济学
  53254. static economy ==> 静态经济,静态经济
  53255. static effect of conjugation ==> 静态共轭效应,静态共轭效应
  53256. static efficiency ==> 静效率
  53257. static electric device ==> 静止器
  53258. static electricity ==> 静电,静电学=>静電気
  53259. static electricity eliminator ==> 静电消除器,静电消除器
  53260. static electricity indicator ==> 静态检电器
  53261. static electricity machine ==> 静电治疗机,静电治疗机
  53262. static electrification ==> 流動帯電
  53263. static electrode potential ==> 电极静态电位
  53264. static electrometer ==> 静力静电计,静力静电计
  53265. static electron microscope ==> 静电电子显微镜,静电电子显微镜
  53266. static elevation ==> 位差
  53267. static elevation difference ==> 静压头
  53268. static elimination ==> 静电消除
  53269. static eliminator ==> 静电消除器,静电消除器,静噪装置,静噪装置,除静电器,天电干扰限制器=>空電除去装置
  53270. static enthalpy ==> 静焓
  53271. static equation systems ==> 静态方程组,静态方程组
  53272. static equilibrium ==> 静态平衡
  53273. static equilibrium test ==> 静平衡试验,静平衡试验
  53274. static equilibrium value ==> 静态均衡值,静态均衡值
  53275. static equivalent load ==> 当量静负荷
  53276. static eraser ==> 静电消除器,静电消除器
  53277. static error ==> 静态误差
  53278. static error coefficient ==> 静态误差系数
  53279. static evaluatin value ==> 静态求值,静态求值
  53280. static evaluation score ==> 静态求分,静态求分
  53281. static excitation system ==> 静止励磁系统
  53282. static exciter ==> 变压器励磁=>静止励磁器
  53283. static exciting equipment ==> 静止励磁装置
  53284. static expression ==> 静态表达式,静态表达式
  53285. static external area ==> 静态外区,静态外区
  53286. static father ==> 静态源,静态源
  53287. static fatigue ==> 静疲劳,静疲劳
  53288. static fatigue failure ==> 静疲劳失效,静疲劳失效
  53289. static fault tolerance ==> 静态故障容限,静态故障容限
  53290. static field ==> 静止场
  53291. static file ==> 静态文件,静态文件
  53292. static flip-flop ==> 静态触发器,静态触发器
  53293. static flip-flop register ==> 静态触发寄存器
  53294. static fluid column ==> 静止流体柱,静止流体柱
  53295. static focusing ==> 電界集束
  53296. static frequency ==> 静频率
  53297. static frequency and dynamic frequency of blade ==> 叶片静频率和动频率,分别指叶片在静止和运行状态(受离心力影响)时的固有振动频率
  53298. static frequency changer ==> 静止变频器
  53299. static frequency converter ==> 静止变频器
  53300. static frequency convertor ==> 静止变频器,利用晶闸管将工频交流电输入变成连续可调的变频交流电输出的装置。主要用于抽水蓄能电站中起动机组按水泵工况投入运行
  53301. static frequency measurement ==> 静频率测量
  53302. static frequency measurement method ==> 静频率测量法
  53303. static friction ==> 静摩擦
  53304. static friction coefficient ==> 静摩擦系数,静摩擦系数
  53305. static friction factor ==> 静摩擦因数
  53306. static function hazard ==> 静函数险态,静函数险态
  53307. static gain ==> 静态增益
  53308. static gas pressure system ==> ガス永久封入方式
  53309. static gate ==> 静态门电路,静态门电路
  53310. static gauge pressure ==> 静态
  53311. static generator ==> 静电高压起电机
  53312. static governor ==> 静止调节器,静止调节器
  53313. static grizzly ==> 固定格筛
  53314. static ground ==> 静接地,静接地,永恒接地
  53315. static handling ==> 静态处理,静态处理
  53316. static hardness test ==> 布氏硬度试验
  53317. static harmonic absorber ==> 静天电谐波滤除器,静天电谐波吸收器,静天电谐波吸收器
  53318. static hazard ==> 静的ハザード
  53319. static head ==> 静压头
  53320. static head turn indicator ==> 静压转弯指示器,静压转弯指示器
  53321. static hill-holding test ==> 静态驻坡试验
  53322. static hoisting moment ==> 静提升力矩,静提升力矩
  53323. static image ==> 静止画像
  53324. static impedance ==> 静态阻抗
  53325. static indentation test ==> 球印硬度试验
  53326. static index ==> 静态索引,静态索引
  53327. static induction ==> 静电感应=>静電誘導
  53328. static induction device ==> 静電誘導デバイス
  53329. static induction thyristor ==> SIサイリスタ
  53330. static induction transistor ==> 静电感应晶体管=>静電誘導トランジスター
  53331. static inductive effect ==> 静态诱导效应,静态诱导效应
  53332. static ingot ==> 模铸钢锭
  53333. static input-output analysis ==> 静态投入产出分析,静态投入产出分析
  53334. static input-output system ==> 静态投入产出系统,静态投入产出系统
  53335. static instability ==> 静态不稳定
  53336. static interference ==> 静电干扰,静电干扰
  53337. static inventory problem ==> 静态库存的问题,静态库存的问题
  53338. static inverter ==> 静变流器,静变流器
  53339. static jet ==> 固定喷嘴
  53340. static jet pressure ==> 喷流静压力
  53341. static knowledge ==> 静态知识,静态知识
  53342. static Kraemer system ==> 静止クレーマー方式
  53343. static Leonard system ==> 静止レオナード方式
  53344. static level ==> 静电级,静电级,静水位,静水位,静止水位,静止水位,大气干扰电级,天电干扰电平,天电级
  53345. static life ==> 静态寿命
  53346. static lift ==> 静压头,静压头
  53347. static limit ==> 静态极限,静态极限
  53348. static line ==> 静压操纵管路,静压操纵管路,强制开伞拉绳
  53349. static live load ==> 静力活载荷,静力活载荷
  53350. static load ==> 静态负载
  53351. static load deflection ==> 静荷载挠度
  53352. static load error ==> 静态负载误差
  53353. static load fatigue test ==> 静载疲劳试验,静载疲劳试验
  53354. static load leveling ==> 静态装载均衡,静态装载均衡
  53355. static load of freight cars ==> 货车静载量
  53356. static load stress ==> 静载荷应力,静载荷应力
  53357. static load test ==> 静荷载试验,静荷载试验
  53358. static loading ==> 静力载荷,静力载荷
  53359. static logic ==> 静态逻辑,静态逻辑
  53360. static logic diode element ==> 静态逻辑二极管元件
  53361. static logic hazard ==> 静逻辑险态,静逻辑险态
  53362. static logic machine ==> 静态逻辑计算机,静态逻辑计算机
  53363. static logic transistor element ==> 静态逻辑晶体管元件
  53364. static longitudinal stability ==> 纵向静力稳定性
  53365. static machine ==> 静电起电机,静电起电机
  53366. static magnetic memory ==> 静态磁存储器,静态磁存储器
  53367. static magnetic storage ==> 磁心存储器
  53368. static map ==> 静态图,静态图
  53369. static margin ==> 静态幅度,静态幅度,静余量,静余量
  53370. static mark ==> 静电感光痕迹
  53371. static matte ==> 静止蒙罩法,静止蒙罩法
  53372. static measurement ==> 静态测量,静态测量
  53373. static mechanical strength ==> 静态机械强度,静态机械强度
  53374. static medium ==> 静态介质
  53375. static memory ==> 静态存储器=>スタテイックメモリ
  53376. static memory card ==> 静态存储板,静态存储板,静态存储插件,静态存储插件
  53377. static memory interface ==> 静态存储器接口
  53378. static method ==> 静的手法
  53379. static microphone ==> 静电传声器
  53380. static model ==> 静力实验模型,静力实验模型,静态模型,静态模型,静态宇宙模型,静态宇宙模型
  53381. static modulus ==> 静模量,静模量
  53382. static MOS RAM ==> 静态MOS随机存储器,静态MOS随机存储器
  53383. static multifunction pipeline ==> 静态多功能流水线,静态多功能流水线
  53384. static multifunctional pipeline ==> 静态多功能流水线,静态多功能流水线
  53385. static multiplication ==> 静态放大
  53386. static noise ==> 静电噪声
  53387. static nozzle tester ==> 静态喷嘴试验台
  53388. static oceanography ==> 海洋静力学
  53389. static opening ==> 静压测孔,静压测孔
  53390. static optimization problem ==> 静态最优化问题,静态最优化问题
  53391. static oscillograph ==> 静电示波器
  53392. static output ==> 静态输出
  53393. static overvoltage ==> 静态过电压
  53394. static parameter ==> 静态参数
  53395. static partition ==> 静态分区,静态分区
  53396. static penetration test ==> 静力贯入试验,静力贯入试验
  53397. static phase comparator ==> 静电相位比较器
  53398. static phase-shift circuit ==> 静态移相电路
  53399. static picture character ==> 静态图像字符,静态图像字符
  53400. static pile press ==> 静力压桩机
  53401. static pin ==> 固定销
  53402. static plate manometer ==> 静压板状压差计,静压板状压差计
  53403. static potential ==> 静息电位,静息电位
  53404. static power ==> 静的電力
  53405. static power coefficient ==> 静态功率系数
  53406. static power converters ==> 静止電力変換装置
  53407. static power down mode ==> 低功耗待命状态
  53408. static precipitator ==> 电气除尘器
  53409. static pressure ==> 静力压,静力压,静压,静压,静压力,静压力,静压强,静压强
  53410. static pressure coefficient ==> 静压系数,静压系数
  53411. static pressure compensator ==> 静压补偿器,静压补偿器
  53412. static pressure difference ==> 静压差
  53413. static pressure drop ==> 静压差
  53414. static pressure line ==> 静水压线
  53415. static pressure probe ==> 静压测针,静压测针
  53416. static pressure ratio ==> 静压比,静压比=>静圧比(MHD発電機)
  53417. static pressure tap ==> 测压孔
  53418. static print-out ==> 静态印出,静态印出
  53419. static printout ==> 静态打印,静态打印
  53420. static probabilistic inventory model ==> 概率型静态库存模型
  53421. static process ==> 静态过程,静态过程
  53422. static project cost estimate ==> 静态工程投资概算,按概算编制年执行的标准、定额、税法、材料设备价格、收费标准以及工程项目设计工程费计算确定,由建筑工程费、安装工程费、设备购置费、其他费用及基本预备费构成
  53423. static pulse jet ==> 固定式脉动空气喷气发动机
  53424. static RAM ==> 静态随机存取存储器,静态随机存取存储器
  53425. static RAM (SRAM) ==> 静态RAM,静态RAM
  53426. static random access memory ==> 静态随机存取存储器
  53427. static ratio ==> 静态比率,静态比率
  53428. static recovery ==> 静态回复,静态回复
  53429. static regime ==> 静止状态
  53430. static register ==> 静态寄存器
  53431. static regulation ==> 静调节
  53432. static regulator ==> 静态调节器
  53433. static relay ==> 静态继电器,静态继电器=>静止形継電器
  53434. static response ==> 静态响应,静态响应
  53435. static restructuring ==> 静态再构成,静态再构成
  53436. static routine ==> 静态程序,静态程序,静态例程,静态例程
  53437. static Scherbius system ==> 静止セルビウス方式
  53438. static screen ==> 静态屏幕,静态屏幕
  53439. static seal ==> 静液封,静液封,密封垫
  53440. static segment attribute ==> 静态图块属性,静态图块属性
  53441. static self-excitation method ==> 静止自励方式
  53442. static self-inductance ==> 静态自感系数
  53443. static semantic rule ==> 静态语义规则,静态语义规则
  53444. static sense ==> 静位觉,静位觉
  53445. static sensitivity ==> 静态灵敏度,静态灵敏度
  53446. static shielding ==> 静电屏蔽
  53447. static shift register ==> 静态移位寄存器,静态移位寄存器
  53448. static shock ==> 静电冲击
  53449. static simulation ==> 静态模拟,静态模拟
  53450. static skew ==> 静态扭斜,静态扭斜
  53451. static slot ==> 静压缝口,静压缝口
  53452. static spontaneous potential (SSP) ==> 静止自然电位,静止自然电位
  53453. static stability ==> 静态稳定度=>定態安定度
  53454. static state approach ==> 静态状况研究,静态状况研究
  53455. static statement ==> 静态报表,静态报表
  53456. static statistics ==> 静态统计,静态统计
  53457. static storage ==> 静态存储器
  53458. static storage allocation ==> 静态存储器分配,静态存储器分配
  53459. static storage area ==> 静态存储区,静态存储区
  53460. static storage cell ==> 静态存储单元,静态存储单元
  53461. static storage investment ==> 静态投资,按照国家法律、条例、行业制度和市场行情,以规范的计价方法、采集某一时刻(一般以某年某月)价格水平所计算出的项目投资
  53462. static store ==> 静态存储,静态存储,静态存储器,静态存储器
  53463. static strain indicator ==> 固定式应变指示器
  53464. static structure ==> 静态结构,静态结构
  53465. static structure equilibrium analysis method ==> 静态结构均衡分析法,静态结构均衡分析法
  53466. static suction head ==> 静吸升水头,静吸升水头
  53467. static suction lift ==> 静吸升高度,静吸升高度,静止吸入高度,静止吸入高度
  53468. static surface tension ==> 静的表面張力
  53469. static switch ==> 静态开关,静态开关
  53470. static switching ==> 静态开断,静态转换
  53471. static system ==> 静态系统,静态系统
  53472. static table ==> 静态表,静态表
  53473. static target ==> 静止目标,静止目标
  53474. static team ==> 静队,静队
  53475. static temperature ==> 静温,静温
  53476. static tension test ==> 静载张力试验,静载张力试验
  53477. static test ==> 静态试验,静态试验,静载试验,静载试验
  53478. static test mode ==> 静态测试方式,静态测试方式
  53479. static test site ==> 静力试验场,静力试验场
  53480. static testing pad ==> 静力试验台,静力试验台
  53481. static thrust ==> 静推力,静推力
  53482. static time delay ==> 静时滞,静时滞
  53483. static torque ==> 静转矩,静转矩,止转转矩
  53484. static torque characteristic ==> 静トルク特性
  53485. static tracking error ==> 静态跟踪误差,静态跟踪误差
  53486. static training ==> 静止性训练,静止性训练
  53487. static transformer ==> 静电变压器,静电变压器,静止感应器,静止感应器
  53488. static tremor ==> 静时震颤,静时震颤,静止性震颤,静止性震颤
  53489. static tube reading ==> 静压管读数,静压管读数
  53490. static type ==> 静止形
  53491. static unifunction pipeline ==> 静态单功能流水线,静态单功能流水线
  53492. static universe ==> 静态宇宙,静态宇宙
  53493. static var compensator ==> 静止型無効電力補償装置
  53494. static var compensator, SVC ==> 静止无功补偿装置,由静止器件构成的并联可控无功补偿装置,通过改变其容性或(和)感性等效阻抗来调节输出以维持或快速控制电力系统的特定参数(典型参数是电压、无功功率)
  53495. static variable ==> 静态变量,静态变量
  53496. static vent ==> 静压孔,静压孔
  53497. static voltage detector ==> 静电检电器,静电检电器
  53498. static voltage stability ==> 静的電圧安定性
  53499. static voltage stability region ==> 静态电压稳定域
  53500. static voltmeter ==> 静电伏特计,静电伏特计=>静電電圧計
  53501. static watt-hour meter ==> 静止式有功电能表
  53502. static work ==> 静力作业,静力作业,静态作业,静态作业
  53503. static(al) equilibrium ==> 静定平衡,静定平衡
  53504. static-elevation difference ==> 静水位差,静水位差,静压头,静压头
  53505. static-free ==> 无静电,不受天电干扰=>静電気が起きない
  53506. static-pressure compensation ==> 静压力补偿,静压力补偿
  53507. static-pressure gradient ==> 静压力梯度,静压力梯度
  53508. static-pressure inlet ==> 测静压孔
  53509. static-pressure ratio ==> 静压比
  53510. static-pressure vent hole ==> 静压力测定孔,静压力测定孔
  53511. static-stability characteristic ==> 静态安定性,静态安定性
  53512. static-type analytical method ==> 静的解析手法
  53513. statical analysis ==> 静力分析,静力分析
  53514. statical redundant ==> 静力多余约束,静力多余约束
  53515. statical test ==> 静载试验,静载试验
  53516. statically determinate ==> 静定,静定,静力确定,静力确定
  53517. statically determinate beam ==> 静定梁,静定梁
  53518. statically determinate frame ==> 静定构架,静定构架
  53519. statically determinate structure ==> 静定结构,静定结构
  53520. statically determinate system ==> 静定系统,静定系统
  53521. statically determinate truss ==> 静定桁架,静定桁架
  53522. statically indeterminate ==> 静不定,静不定,静不定的,静不定的,超静定
  53523. statically indeterminate beam ==> 超静定梁
  53524. statically indeterminate structure ==> 超静定结构,静不定结构,静不定结构
  53525. statically indeterminate system ==> 超静定体系,超静定系,超静定系,超静定系统
  53526. statically indeterminate truss ==> 超静定桁架
  53527. staticizer ==> スタティサイザ
  53528. statics ==> 天电干扰,静电干扰,静力学
  53529. statics of ocean current ==> 海流静力学
  53530. statics rate ==> 静止率,静止率
  53531. stating mode of pumping ==> 水泵起动,抽水蓄能机组抽水时,起动电动机的方法
  53532. stating the facts net ==> 净额表示
  53533. station ==> 发电厂,局,局,磁带组件,场所,车站,电台,站,观察站,装配站,段,巡逻站,巡逻站,同生区,测点,测量点
  53534. station add-on ==> アッドオン
  53535. station adjustment ==> 测站平差
  53536. station amplifier ==> 功率放大器
  53537. station authentication ==> 电台鉴定
  53538. station auxiliary transformer ==> 起動変圧器
  53539. station battery ==> 厂用蓄电池
  53540. station black-out accident ==> 全厂断电事故,核电厂失去两路外电源、失去厂内电源、加上两台柴油发电机起动失效形成的事故,或由于厂内两个配电盘同时失效使全部安全设备得不到交流电源形成的事故。它属于发生频率较高的超设计基准事故
  53541. station blackout ==> 全厂断电
  53542. station blackout accident ==> 全厂断电事故
  53543. station board ==> 电厂操纵台
  53544. station boiler ==> 电站锅炉
  53545. station break ==> 联播结束信号
  53546. station breakdown ==> 停播
  53547. station buffer unit ==> 站缓冲部件
  53548. station buoy ==> 标位浮标,地点指标
  53549. station capacity ==> 电站功率,电站容量,发电厂容量,发电站容量=>発電所容量
  53550. station cluster ==> 站群集器
  53551. station consumption ==> 电站消耗
  53552. station continuity chart ==> 台站连续图
  53553. station control ==> 位置控制器,测站控制
  53554. station coordinate ==> 台站坐标
  53555. station coordinates ==> 站坐标
  53556. station correction ==> 台站改正,台站校正
  53557. station deactivation ==> 站停止
  53558. station density ==> 台站密度
  53559. station dial feed ==> 多工位转盘送进
  53560. station distribution board ==> 厂用配电盘
  53561. station drilling machine ==> 连续自动钻床
  53562. station efficiency ==> 电站效率
  53563. station electric motor ==> 厂用电动机,特指电厂、电站内部发、变电设备主机的辅助电动机,用于驱动风机或水泵等动力设备
  53564. station elevation ==> 台站海拔高
  53565. station equation ==> 测站方程
  53566. station equipment ==> 電気所設備
  53567. station error ==> 测站误差,台站误差
  53568. station for popularizing agricultural technique ==> 农业技术推广站
  53569. station for reporting epidemic disease ==> 疫情预防站
  53570. station identifier ==> 局识别符,局识别符
  53571. station index ==> 台站索引,转位
  53572. station index machine ==> 转位加工机床
  53573. station index number ==> 台站号
  53574. station insulator ==> 电站绝缘子
  53575. station keeping ==> 位置保持(静止衛星)
  53576. station line ==> 站间线
  53577. station load factor ==> 发电厂负载率,发电厂负荷率,发电厂负载因数=>発電所負荷率
  53578. station mark ==> 测站标点
  53579. station meter ==> 标准量具,基准尺,基准仪
  53580. station model ==> 填图格式
  53581. station network ==> 测站网,厂内电力网,局内电力网,局内电力网
  53582. station of fetal head ==> 胎头状态
  53583. station operation log ==> 台站日志
  53584. station output ==> 电站输出功率
  53585. station pair ==> 台对
  53586. station plant factor ==> 发电厂设备利用率
  53587. station point ==> 三角点
  53588. station pointer ==> 三杆定位仪,三杆分度仪,三角分度规,示点器
  53589. station post insulator ==> ステーションポストがいし
  53590. station pressure ==> 本站气压
  53591. station rating curve ==> 测站水位流量关系曲线
  53592. station refixation ==> 重新埋石
  53593. station roof ==> 伞形屋顶,车站顶盖
  53594. station service ==> 厂用电,所用电
  53595. station service electrical system ==> 厂用电系统
  53596. station service power ==> 所内消費電力
  53597. station service power consumption rate ==> 厂用电率
  53598. station service supply ==> 厂用电源
  53599. station service turbine ==> 厂自用透平
  53600. station signal ==> 测站标志
  53601. station square ==> 厂前广场
  53602. station step-up transformer ==> 电厂升压变压器
  53603. station stock level ==> 驻地补给品储存量
  53604. station test ==> 静立试验,静立试验
  53605. station time ==> 装载结束时刻,停留时间
  53606. station to station call ==> 局间呼叫
  53607. station to station transport ==> 站到站运输
  53608. station transformer ==> 厂用变压器
  53609. station wagon ==> 厢式车身,工具车
  53610. station wagon body, estate car body ==> 旅行轿车或客货两用轿车车身
  53611. station-control error ==> 电厂控制误差
  53612. station-line facilities ==> 台站线路设施
  53613. station-pointer fix ==> (三标两角定位的海图作业)三杆定位法
  53614. station-service ==> 厂用
  53615. station-service distribution switch gear ==> 厂用配电设备
  53616. station-service generator cubicle ==> 厂用发电机开关柜
  53617. station-service power ==> 厂用电,厂用动力
  53618. station-to-station call ==> 局间通话,局间通话
  53619. station-type ==> 厂用型
  53620. stationarity Gaussian process ==> 平稳性高斯过程
  53621. stationary ==> 不动的,平稳,常设的,静止,静止,固定的,留,稳定的=>定常
  53622. stationary accumulator ==> 固定蓄电池
  53623. stationary air ==> 静气
  53624. stationary air compressor ==> 固定式空气压缩机,固定式空压机,固定式压缩空气机
  53625. stationary approximation ==> 定常近似
  53626. stationary arc ==> 稳定弧光
  53627. stationary armature ==> 固定電機子
  53628. stationary article ==> 置物
  53629. stationary attenuator ==> 固定衰减器
  53630. stationary axis ==> 固定轴
  53631. stationary axisymmetric ==> 定常軸対称な
  53632. stationary axle ==> 静止轴,静止轴
  53633. stationary baler ==> 固定式压捆机
  53634. stationary bar type of screen ==> 固定栅条式栅网
  53635. stationary barrier ==> 固定支架
  53636. stationary base machinist's vise ==> 固定式机工虎钳
  53637. stationary base machinists vise ==> 固定式机工虎钳
  53638. stationary base vise ==> 固定式虎钳
  53639. stationary battery ==> 固定电池组
  53640. stationary bed ==> 固定床
  53641. stationary belt conveyer ==> 固定式皮带运输机
  53642. stationary blade ==> 固定叶片,静叶片,静叶片=>静翼,固定羽根
  53643. stationary blade carrier ==> 静叶持环,静叶持环
  53644. stationary blade groove ==> 静叶根槽,静叶根槽
  53645. stationary blade row ==> 静叶列,静叶列,固定叶列
  53646. stationary block ==> 稳定地块,(拔丝机的)固定式卷筒
  53647. stationary body cylinder ==> 缸体固定的缸
  53648. stationary boiler ==> 固定式锅炉,陆用锅炉,固定式锅炉,安装于固定基础上不可移动的锅炉。
  53649. stationary bound ==> 定常限界
  53650. stationary boundary ==> 定常境界
  53651. stationary bowl dough mixer ==> 固定碗式和面机
  53652. stationary breaker contact ==> 固定断电器接触点
  53653. stationary bubble ==> 静止気泡
  53654. stationary bushing ==> 固定衬套
  53655. stationary camera ==> 固定式照相机
  53656. stationary cascade ==> 固定叶栅
  53657. stationary cataract ==> 静止性内障,静止性内障
  53658. stationary cavity ==> 常驻空穴,固定空穴
  53659. stationary center ==> 固定顶尖
  53660. stationary center of pressure ==> 固定压力中心
  53661. stationary cine projector ==> 固定式放影机
  53662. stationary clamp ==> 固定夹钳
  53663. stationary coil ==> 静止线圈=>固定コイル
  53664. stationary collapsible container ==> 固定可折叠容器
  53665. stationary component ==> 静止分量
  53666. stationary compressor ==> 固定式压缩机
  53667. stationary concrete pump ==> 固定式混凝土泵
  53668. stationary condition ==> 恒定状态
  53669. stationary cone classifier ==> 固定式锥形分级器
  53670. stationary contact ==> 固定接触=>固定接触子
  53671. stationary contact member ==> 固定触点部件
  53672. stationary contact point ==> 固定触点
  53673. stationary contact spring ==> 静触点弹簧
  53674. stationary continuous steaming plant ==> 固定式连续蒸煮设备
  53675. stationary convection ==> 定常対流
  53676. stationary cooling bed ==> 非机动冷床
  53677. stationary core ==> (压铸用)固定的型芯
  53678. stationary core rod ==> 固定芯棒
  53679. stationary correlation ==> 定常相関
  53680. stationary counter ==> 固定式计数器
  53681. stationary crane ==> 固定起重机,固定式起重机=>定置起重機
  53682. stationary crucible furnace ==> 固定式坩埚炉
  53683. stationary crusher ==> 固定式碎石机,固定式轧碎机,固定轧碎机
  53684. stationary curve ==> 停留曲線
  53685. stationary cutter ==> 固定割样器
  53686. stationary cyclone ==> 静止气旋,静止气旋
  53687. stationary cylinder machine ==> 固定针筒式针织机
  53688. stationary derrick ==> 固定起重机
  53689. stationary die half ==> 固定的半型
  53690. stationary diesel concrete mixer ==> 固定式柴油混凝土搅拌机
  53691. stationary diesel engine ==> 固定式柴油机
  53692. stationary direction finder ==> 固定探向器
  53693. stationary distribution ==> 稳定分布
  53694. stationary distribution process ==> 平稳分布过程
  53695. stationary dog ==> 固定爪
  53696. stationary dredger ==> 固定式挖泥船
  53697. stationary echo ==> 固定回波
  53698. stationary electric field ==> 固定电场,驻立电场
  53699. stationary electric pumping set ==> 固定式电动泵组
  53700. stationary electromagner ==> 定子电磁铁组
  53701. stationary energy storage ==> 電力貯蔵
  53702. stationary engine ==> 固定发动机,固定式发动机=>固定機関
  53703. stationary ergodic noise ==> 平稳偏历噪声
  53704. stationary error ==> 静态误差
  53705. stationary evaporation loss rate ==> 稳定蒸发损失率
  53706. stationary exercise bicycle ==> 锻炼用固定自行车,固定式健身自行车
  53707. stationary extraction cylinder ==> 固定圆筒形抽提器
  53708. stationary extrusion ==> 恒定挤压
  53709. stationary extrusion pressure ==> 固定挤压压力
  53710. stationary field ==> 恒定场=>定常場
  53711. stationary film ==> 稳定膜
  53712. stationary film camera ==> 固定胶片照相机
  53713. stationary fit ==> 固定配合,静配合,静配合
  53714. stationary flow ==> 稳定流,稳定水流
  53715. stationary forehearth ==> 固定式前炉
  53716. stationary forge ==> 固定锻炉
  53717. stationary form ==> 停滞型
  53718. stationary front ==> 准静止锋,静止锋,静止锋
  53719. stationary function ==> 停留関数
  53720. stationary galvanometer ==> 固定电流计
  53721. stationary gas turbine ==> 固定式燃气轮机
  53722. stationary grate ==> 固定隔栅,受料隔栅
  53723. stationary grate bar ==> 固定炉条
  53724. stationary grid ==> 固定滤线栅,利硕姆栅板
  53725. stationary gripper coil ==> 固定夹持线圈
  53726. stationary gripper die ==> (平锻机上的)固定头模
  53727. stationary gripper latch ==> 固定夹持销爪
  53728. stationary grizzly ==> 固定格筛,固定格栅
  53729. stationary guide blade ==> 静叶,静叶
  53730. stationary guide shoe ==> 固定导板
  53731. stationary hoist ==> 永久提升机
  53732. stationary hole ==> 不动空穴
  53733. stationary hopper ==> 固定式漏斗
  53734. stationary horizontal diesel engines ==> 固定卧式柴油机
  53735. stationary hysteresis ==> 稳态滞后现象
  53736. stationary independent increment ==> 平稳独立增量
  53737. stationary induction apparatus ==> 静止誘導器
  53738. stationary information source ==> 固定信息源
  53739. stationary ingot tilting pot ==> 固定式翻锭机
  53740. stationary interface ==> 静止界面,静止界面
  53741. stationary iteration ==> 定长迭代
  53742. stationary jaw ==> 固定卡爪
  53743. stationary knife ==> 固定刀
  53744. stationary knockout grid ==> 固定式落砂栅
  53745. stationary ladle ==> 座包
  53746. stationary limit ==> 静态极限,静态极限
  53747. stationary line ==> 无位移谱线
  53748. stationary lip ==> 固定颚板
  53749. stationary lower punch ==> 固定下冲杆
  53750. stationary machine ==> 固定式机器,定置机
  53751. stationary magnetic field ==> 恒定磁场
  53752. stationary Markov process ==> 平稳马尔可夫过程
  53753. stationary message source ==> 固定信息源=>定常情報源
  53754. stationary meteor ==> 驻留流星
  53755. stationary mill ==> 固定制材厂
  53756. stationary mirror ==> 固定反射镜
  53757. stationary mixer ==> 固定式拌和机
  53758. stationary model ==> 平稳模型,稳定宇宙模型
  53759. stationary motion ==> 稳定运动
  53760. stationary motor pison pump ==> 固定式动力活塞泵
  53761. stationary noise ==> 平稳噪声=>定常雑音
  53762. stationary nozzle ==> 固定喷头
  53763. stationary open system ==> 稳定开放系统
  53764. stationary orbit ==> 静止轨道,静止轨道,同步轨道,不动轨道
  53765. stationary orbit system ==> 静止轨道系统,静止轨道系统
  53766. stationary pain ==> 静止性疼痛,静止性疼痛
  53767. stationary paper carrier ==> 固定式输纸装置
  53768. stationary part ==> 固定部分
  53769. stationary pattern ==> 静止图像,静止图像
  53770. stationary pawl ==> 固定齿轮爪
  53771. stationary period ==> 停留时间
  53772. stationary petrol concrete mixer ==> 固定式汽油混凝土搅拌机
  53773. stationary phase ==> 固定相,静止期,静止期,平稳期,稳定期,稳定时期
  53774. stationary phase gradient ==> 固定相梯度
  53775. stationary phase method ==> 稳相位法
  53776. stationary picture ==> 静的形象,静的形象,静止图像,静止图像
  53777. stationary plane ==> 固定面
  53778. stationary plant ==> 陆用设备
  53779. stationary plate ==> 静止板块,静止板块,(压铸用)不动板
  53780. stationary platen document copying machine ==> 固定台板式资料拷贝机
  53781. stationary platform ==> 固定钻井平台
  53782. stationary point ==> 驻点,驻定点,平稳点,留点,不动点
  53783. stationary point on a curve ==> 曲线的平稳点
  53784. stationary point thermometer ==> 留点温度计
  53785. stationary poisoning ==> 稳定中毒
  53786. stationary Poisson process ==> 平稳泊松过程
  53787. stationary pollution source ==> 固定污染源
  53788. stationary pot furnace ==> (有色压铸用)固定式坩埚炉
  53789. stationary potential ==> 稳定势
  53790. stationary process ==> 平稳过程
  53791. stationary prominence flare ==> 稳定日珥型耀斑
  53792. stationary radiant ==> 固定辐射点
  53793. stationary random action ==> 平稳随机作用
  53794. stationary random distribution ==> 平稳随机分布
  53795. stationary random function ==> 平稳随机函数
  53796. stationary random input ==> 平稳随机输入
  53797. stationary random noise ==> 定常ランダム雑音
  53798. stationary random process ==> 平稳随机过程=>定常不規則過程
  53799. stationary random sequence ==> 平稳随机序列
  53800. stationary raster ==> 稳定光栅
  53801. stationary ratchet train ==> 固定棘轮系
  53802. stationary reactor ==> 固定式反应器
  53803. stationary rectifier ==> 静止整流器,静止整流器
  53804. stationary rectifier excitation ==> 静止整流器励磁,一种交流励磁机励磁系统
  53805. stationary reel ==> 固定リール
  53806. stationary reference frame ==> 固定座標系
  53807. stationary resistance welder ==> 固定式电阻焊机
  53808. stationary rigid member ==> 固定剛性材
  53809. stationary riveting machine ==> 固定铆机
  53810. stationary rod cylinder ==> 活塞杆固定的缸
  53811. stationary rotor ==> 静止转子
  53812. stationary sandslinger ==> 固定式抛砂机
  53813. stationary satellite ==> 静止卫星,静止卫星
  53814. stationary satellite camera ==> 固定式人卫照相机
  53815. stationary sawmill ==> 固定制材厂
  53816. stationary screen ==> 固定筛,固定筛
  53817. stationary seal ring ==> 静环,静环,密封静环
  53818. stationary seal ring seal seatretainer ==> 密封静环护圈
  53819. stationary seat ==> 静环座,静环座
  53820. stationary secretion ==> 稳态性分泌
  53821. stationary set of vanes ==> 固定叶片组
  53822. stationary shaft ==> 固定轴
  53823. stationary shaft factor ==> 固定轴因数
  53824. stationary shearing load ==> 恒定剪切载荷
  53825. stationary shell ==> 稳定气壳
  53826. stationary shock ==> 驻激波,定激波
  53827. stationary shock wave ==> 驻激波
  53828. stationary sinter cooler ==> 固定式烧结冷却机
  53829. stationary slewing crane ==> 定柱旋臂起重机
  53830. stationary slinger ==> 固定式抛砂机
  53831. stationary solid bed ==> 固定固体床
  53832. stationary sound film projector ==> 固定式有声电影放映机
  53833. stationary source ==> 固定污染源
  53834. stationary spray pump ==> 固定式喷雾泵
  53835. stationary squeezer ==> 固定式压铆机
  53836. stationary stand grinder ==> 固定式砂轮机
  53837. stationary star ==> 稳定恒星
  53838. stationary state ==> 稳态,定常状态,定态,静止状态,静止状态,能态=>定常状態
  53839. stationary steady ==> 固定中心架
  53840. stationary steam engine ==> 定置蒸気機関
  53841. stationary steel bushing ==> 固定钢套
  53842. stationary stochastic process ==> 平稳随机过程=>定常確率過程
  53843. stationary stop ==> 固定挡板
  53844. stationary straw press ==> 固定式茎稿压捆机
  53845. stationary stream ==> 静流,静流
  53846. stationary stripper ==> 固定印料板
  53847. stationary stroage battery ==> 固定蓄电池
  53848. stationary swash plate ==> 固定的斜盘
  53849. stationary tachograph ==> 固定式转速记录仪
  53850. stationary tailstock center ==> 固定尾座顶尖
  53851. stationary target ==> 固定觇标
  53852. stationary temperature ==> 恒定的温度
  53853. stationary term ==> 定常項
  53854. stationary thresher ==> 固定脱粒机
  53855. stationary thrust collar ==> 固定推力环
  53856. stationary time series ==> 固定时间序列,平稳时间序列=>定常時系列
  53857. stationary tire ==> 定位轮箍
  53858. stationary torus ==> 环形定子
  53859. stationary transition probability ==> 平稳转换概率
  53860. stationary transmitter ==> 固定发射机
  53861. stationary tripper ==> 固定式倾料器
  53862. stationary tube sheet ==> 固定管板
  53863. stationary turbine ==> 固定式透平
  53864. stationary turbine components ==> 透平静止部件
  53865. stationary two-arm resin sand mixing unit ==> 固定式双臂树脂砂混砂装置
  53866. stationary type ==> 固定式
  53867. stationary type cradle ==> 固定式筐架
  53868. stationary type projector ==> 固定式电影放映机
  53869. stationary universe ==> 静的宇宙
  53870. stationary utility value ==> 平稳效用值
  53871. stationary vane ==> 固定叶片=>固定羽根
  53872. stationary vector ==> 固定ベクトル,フェーザ
  53873. stationary vertical diesel engine ==> 固定立式柴油机
  53874. stationary vortex ==> 固定旋涡
  53875. stationary wave ==> 立波,定波
  53876. stationary wave theory of tide ==> 潮汐立波理论,潮汐驻波理论
  53877. stationary welder ==> 固定式电焊机
  53878. stationary welding machine ==> 固定焊机,固定式焊机
  53879. stationary X-ray detection apparatus ==> 固定式X射线探伤机
  53880. stationary X-ray equipment ==> 固定式X射线机
  53881. stationary-opened metering device ==> 常开式定量排种装置
  53882. stationary-opening seed metering device ==> 定孔式排种器
  53883. stationary-piston sampler ==> 固定活塞式取样器
  53884. stationary-plate type regenerative air preheater ==> 风罩回转式空气预热器,蓄热元件放在不动的定子之内,上、下方对称布置的两个风罩同步旋转,使烟气和空气交替通过蓄热元件的回转式空气预热器。
  53885. stationery case ==> 文具匣
  53886. Stationery Office ==> 文书局
  53887. stationery room ==> 文具室
  53888. stations auxiliaries ==> 厂用需电量
  53889. statisfactory fraction ==> 满足比
  53890. statistic ==> 统计的,统计,统计量
  53891. statistic absorption coefficient ==> 统计吸收系数
  53892. statistic accelerometer ==> 统计加速度仪
  53893. statistic algorithm ==> 统计算法
  53894. statistic analysis ==> 统计分析
  53895. statistic analysis monitor (SAM) ==> 统计分析监视器
  53896. statistic arbitration ==> 统计判优法
  53897. statistic arrangement ==> 统计排列
  53898. statistic association ==> 统计关连性
  53899. statistic behavior ==> 统计状态
  53900. statistic bias ==> 统计偏差
  53901. statistic breakdown ==> 统计分析
  53902. statistic bulletin ==> 统计公报
  53903. statistic burst-correction ==> 统计突发校正
  53904. statistic calculation ==> 统计计算
  53905. statistic chain ==> 统计链
  53906. statistic chart ==> 统计表
  53907. statistic communication theory ==> 统计通信理论
  53908. statistic compensation ==> 统计补偿
  53909. statistic computer ==> 统计计算机
  53910. statistic concept ==> 统计概念
  53911. statistic constant ==> 统计常数
  53912. statistic contamination ==> 统计性沾污
  53913. statistic control ==> 统计控制
  53914. statistic correlation ==> 统计相关性
  53915. statistic curve ==> 统计曲线
  53916. statistic data ==> 统计数据
  53917. statistic data recorder ==> 统计数据记录器
  53918. statistic decision ==> 统计决策
  53919. statistic decision function ==> 统计判决函数
  53920. statistic decision method ==> 统计决策法
  53921. statistic decision problem ==> 统计判决问题
  53922. statistic decision procedure ==> 统计判决过程
  53923. statistic descriminant function ==> 统计判别函数
  53924. statistic descriminant technique ==> 统计判别方法
  53925. statistic description ==> 统计说明
  53926. statistic design ==> 统计设计
  53927. statistic design value ==> 统计设计值
  53928. statistic detector ==> 统计检波器
  53929. statistic diagram ==> 统计图表
  53930. statistic diameters ==> 统计直径
  53931. statistic dispersion ==> 统计离差
  53932. statistic distribution ==> 统计学上的分布
  53933. statistic distribution theory ==> 统计分配定律
  53934. statistic ecology ==> 统计生态学
  53935. statistic economics ==> 统计经济学
  53936. statistic energy analysis ==> 统计能量分析
  53937. statistic ensemble ==> 统计系综
  53938. statistic equation ==> 统计方程
  53939. statistic equilibrium ==> 统计平衡
  53940. statistic error ==> 统计误差
  53941. statistic estimated value ==> 统计估计值
  53942. statistic evaluation ==> 统计计算
  53943. statistic experiment ==> 统计性试验
  53944. statistic figures ==> 统计数学
  53945. statistic fluctuation ==> 统计涨落
  53946. statistic fluid mechanics ==> 统计流体力学
  53947. statistic forecast ==> 统计预报
  53948. statistic frequency ==> 统计频率
  53949. statistic function ==> 统计函数
  53950. statistic game ==> 统计对策
  53951. statistic graphic presentation method ==> 统计图示法
  53952. statistic graphic symbols ==> 统计图符号
  53953. statistic graphical analysis ==> 统计的图解分析
  53954. statistic graphs ==> 统计图
  53955. statistic handbook ==> 统计手册
  53956. statistic hot spot factor ==> 统计热点因子
  53957. statistic hypothesis ==> 统计假设
  53958. statistic hypothesis testing ==> 统计假设检验
  53959. statistic image ==> 统计象
  53960. statistic independence ==> 统计独立
  53961. statistic induction ==> 统计归纳
  53962. statistic inductive methods ==> 统计归纳法
  53963. statistic inference ==> 统计推断
  53964. statistic information ==> 统计信息
  53965. statistic interpretation ==> 统计解释
  53966. statistic invariance ==> 统计不变性
  53967. statistic irreversible procedure ==> 统计不可逆方法
  53968. statistic law ==> 统计法则
  53969. statistic level analysis ==> 统计电平分析
  53970. statistic level distribution ==> 统计电平分布,统计电平分布
  53971. statistic linear model ==> 统计线性模型
  53972. statistic linearization ==> 统计线性化
  53973. statistic logic ==> 统计逻辑
  53974. statistic machine ==> 统计机
  53975. statistic map ==> 统计地图
  53976. statistic mass ==> 统计群体
  53977. statistic mechanics ==> 统计力学
  53978. statistic method ==> 统计法
  53979. statistic model ==> 统计模型
  53980. statistic models evaluation ==> 统计模型评价
  53981. statistic moments ==> 统计动差
  53982. statistic multiplexing ==> 统计复用
  53983. statistic noise ==> 统计噪声
  53984. statistic overall hot spot factor ==> 统计的总热点因子
  53985. statistic parameter ==> 统计参数
  53986. statistic pattern recognition ==> 统计模式识别
  53987. statistic phenomena ==> 统计现象
  53988. statistic physics ==> 统计物理学
  53989. statistic population ==> 统计学群体
  53990. statistic prediction ==> 统计预测
  53991. statistic probability ==> 统计概率
  53992. statistic problem ==> 统计问题
  53993. statistic procedure ==> 统计步骤
  53994. statistic processes ==> 统计过程
  53995. statistic property ==> 统计性能
  53996. statistic quality control ==> 统计法质量管理
  53997. statistic quality control system ==> 统计的质量控制法
  53998. statistic range ==> 统计度
  53999. statistic reception ==> 统计接收
  54000. statistic record ==> 统计记录
  54001. statistic relative frequency ==> 统计相对频率
  54002. statistic report ==> 统计报告
  54003. statistic sampled-data control system ==> 统计数据采样控制系统
  54004. statistic samples ==> 统计样本
  54005. statistic sampling ==> 统计采样
  54006. statistic scattering ==> 统计散布
  54007. statistic segment ==> 统计链段
  54008. statistic semantics ==> 统计语义学
  54009. statistic series ==> 统计级数
  54010. statistic services ==> 统计工作
  54011. statistic significance ==> 统计显著性
  54012. statistic simulation ==> 统计模拟
  54013. statistic soil mechanics ==> 统计土力学
  54014. statistic sound power absorption coefficient ==> 统计声功率吸收系数
  54015. statistic straggling ==> 统计离散
  54016. statistic survey ==> 统计调查
  54017. statistic switch ==> 统计开关
  54018. statistic table ==> 统计表
  54019. statistic technique ==> 统计法
  54020. statistic test ==> 统计检验
  54021. statistic theory ==> 统计理论
  54022. statistic thermodynamic method ==> 统计热力学方法
  54023. statistic thermodynamics ==> 统计热力学
  54024. statistic tolerance limits ==> 统计容许极限
  54025. statistic treatment ==> 统计处理
  54026. statistic uncertainty ==> 统计不准
  54027. statistic unit ==> 统计单位
  54028. statistic universe ==> 统计全域
  54029. statistic validity ==> 统计真实性
  54030. statistic variance ==> 统计方差
  54031. statistic variation or dispersion ==> 统计的变差或离差
  54032. statistic weight ==> 统计权重
  54033. statistic weight theorem ==> 统计权重定理
  54034. statistic yearbook ==> 统计年鉴
  54035. statistic-dynamic prediction ==> 统计动力预报
  54036. statistic-weight factor ==> 统计权重因数
  54037. statistical ==> 统计学的=>統計的. The theory of airplane prediction had become statistical.
  54038. statistical absorption coefficient ==> 統計吸音係数
  54039. statistical abstract ==> 统计摘要
  54040. statistical account ==> 统计科目,统计帐户
  54041. statistical accounting ==> 统计核算
  54042. statistical accuracy ==> 统计的准确性
  54043. statistical agency ==> 统计机构
  54044. statistical analysis ==> 统计分析=>統計的分析
  54045. statistical analysis method ==> 统计分析法
  54046. statistical analysis of experiments ==> 统计实验分析
  54047. statistical analysis technique ==> 统计分析技术
  54048. statistical and economic analysis ==> 统计与经济分析
  54049. statistical appraisal ==> 统计评价
  54050. statistical approach to estimation ==> 统计估测方法
  54051. statistical arrangement ==> 统计排列
  54052. statistical association ==> 统计相联
  54053. statistical assumption ==> 统计假定
  54054. statistical astronomy ==> 统计天文字
  54055. statistical authority ==> 统计当局
  54056. statistical balance method ==> 统计平衡表法
  54057. statistical betatron process ==> 统计回旋加速器过程
  54058. statistical bioclimatology ==> 统计生物气候学
  54059. statistical body ==> 统计机构,统计团体
  54060. statistical book ==> 统计簿
  54061. statistical bound ==> 統計的限界
  54062. statistical boundary ==> (进出口)统计边界
  54063. statistical breakdown ==> 统计性分类
  54064. statistical broadening ==> 统计变宽
  54065. statistical bulletin ==> 统计公报
  54066. statistical bureau ==> 统计局
  54067. statistical calculation ==> 统计计算
  54068. statistical cartography ==> 统计制图法
  54069. statistical characteristics ==> 统计特征值
  54070. statistical chart ==> 统计表,统计图
  54071. statistical circles ==> 统计界
  54072. statistical classification ==> 统计分类法
  54073. Statistical Commission ==> 统计委员会
  54074. statistical communication theory ==> 统计通信理论
  54075. statistical computer ==> 统计计算机
  54076. statistical confluence analysis ==> 统计合流分析
  54077. statistical constant ==> 统计常数
  54078. statistical consultation ==> 统计咨询
  54079. statistical control ==> 统计管理,统计控制,统计性的控制
  54080. statistical control chart ==> 统计管制图
  54081. statistical control chart and variance analysis ==> 统计控制图和差异分析
  54082. statistical control theory ==> 统计控制理论
  54083. statistical copy ==> 统计报单
  54084. statistical cost analysis ==> 统计成本分析
  54085. statistical criteria tests ==> 统计准则检验
  54086. statistical data ==> 统计数据
  54087. statistical data processing ==> 统计数据处理
  54088. statistical data recorder ==> 统计数据记录器
  54089. statistical data recorder (SDR) ==> 统计数据记录器
  54090. statistical decision function ==> 统计决策函数
  54091. statistical decision method ==> 统计决定法
  54092. statistical decision procedure ==> 统计决策过程
  54093. statistical decision rule ==> 统计决策原则
  54094. statistical decision theory ==> 統計的決定理論
  54095. statistical decision-making theory ==> 统计决策论
  54096. statistical demand analysis ==> 统计需求分析
  54097. statistical demand function ==> 统计需求函数
  54098. statistical department ==> 统计部门
  54099. statistical dependence ==> 统计上的相关性
  54100. statistical description ==> 统计说明=>統計的記述
  54101. statistical design ==> 统计设计
  54102. statistical design of experiments ==> 统计实验设计
  54103. statistical determination ==> 统计测定
  54104. statistical diagram ==> 统计图表
  54105. statistical discernibility ==> 统计辨别力
  54106. statistical discrepancy ==> 统计差异,统计误差
  54107. statistical distribution ==> 统计分布
  54108. statistical economics ==> 统计经济学
  54109. statistical education ==> 统计教育
  54110. statistical efficiency ==> 统计有效性
  54111. statistical ensemble ==> 统计总体
  54112. statistical environment ==> 统计环境
  54113. statistical equalizer ==> 固定均衡器
  54114. statistical equilibrium ==> 统计均衡
  54115. statistical ergodic theorem ==> 统计遍历定理
  54116. statistical error ==> 统计误差=>統計誤差
  54117. statistical estimate ==> 统计估计值
  54118. statistical estimate of error ==> 统计误差估计值
  54119. statistical estimated value ==> 统计性估计值
  54120. statistical estimation ==> 统计估计,统计性估计,统计评价法=>統計的推定法
  54121. statistical estimation approach to audit ==> 审计的统计估算法
  54122. statistical estimation of parameters ==> 参考统计估值
  54123. statistical evaluation ==> 统计计算,统计学评价
  54124. statistical evidence ==> 统计论据
  54125. statistical fact ==> 统计事实
  54126. statistical factor in Breit-Wigner formula ==> 布雷特-魏格纳公式的统计因子
  54127. statistical family ==> 统计中的家庭
  54128. statistical Fermi process ==> 统计费米过程
  54129. statistical figures ==> 统计数学
  54130. statistical findings ==> 统计观测结果
  54131. statistical fire ==> 统计内的火灾
  54132. statistical fit ==> 统计拟合
  54133. statistical fluctuation ==> 统计起伏,统计涨落=>統計的変動,統計的ゆらぎ
  54134. statistical forecast ==> 统计预报,统计预测
  54135. statistical forecast of sales ==> 销售额统计预测
  54136. statistical framework ==> 统计结构
  54137. statistical frequency ==> 统计频率
  54138. statistical function ==> 统计函数
  54139. statistical game ==> 统计博奕
  54140. statistical gaps ==> 统计缺口
  54141. statistical geography ==> 统计地理学
  54142. statistical graphic analysis ==> 统计图解分析
  54143. statistical graphic presentation method ==> 统计图示法
  54144. statistical graphic symbols ==> 统计图符号
  54145. statistical graphics ==> 统计制图法
  54146. statistical graphy ==> 统计图表
  54147. statistical grouping ==> 统计分组
  54148. statistical homogeneity ==> 统计同质性
  54149. statistical hypothesis ==> 统计假设
  54150. statistical hypothesis testing ==> 統計的仮説検定
  54151. statistical identifiability ==> 统计可识别性
  54152. statistical independence ==> 统计的独立性,统计上的独立性
  54153. statistical indicator system ==> 统计指标体系
  54154. statistical indicators ==> 统计指标
  54155. statistical indices ==> 统计指数
  54156. statistical inference ==> 统计推断
  54157. statistical inference research design ==> 统计推论法研究设计
  54158. statistical information ==> 统计信息
  54159. statistical information system ==> 统计信息系统
  54160. statistical inquiry ==> 统计调查
  54161. statistical institution ==> 统计学会
  54162. statistical integration ==> 统计一体化
  54163. statistical interpretation ==> 统计解释
  54164. statistical interpretive language (STIL) ==> 统计解释语言
  54165. statistical investigation ==> 统计调查
  54166. statistical investigation of odontopathy ==> 牙病调查统计
  54167. statistical item ==> 统计项目
  54168. statistical judgement ==> 统计判断
  54169. statistical language ==> 统计语言
  54170. statistical learning ==> 统计学习
  54171. statistical least square fit ==> 统计最小平方拟合
  54172. statistical ledger ==> 统计台帐
  54173. statistical level distribution ==> 统计电平分析
  54174. statistical linear model ==> 统计线性模型
  54175. statistical literature ==> 统计文献
  54176. statistical lithofacies ==> 统计岩相
  54177. statistical machine ==> 统计机
  54178. statistical macroeconometric model ==> 统计宏观经济计量模型
  54179. statistical magnitude ==> 统计量,统计数量
  54180. statistical management ==> 统计管理
  54181. statistical mass ==> 统计总体
  54182. statistical mathematics ==> 统计数学
  54183. statistical matrix ==> 统计矩阵
  54184. statistical measurement ==> 统计测度
  54185. statistical Mechanics ==> 统计力学
  54186. statistical mechanics ==> 统计力学=>統計力学
  54187. statistical mechanics of irreversible changes ==> 不可逆变化统计力学
  54188. statistical method ==> 统计法
  54189. statistical methodology ==> 统计方法论
  54190. statistical model ==> 统计模式,统计模型,将坝的各项已有历史观测数据看作随机变量,用数理统计方法建立起定量描述大坝监测值变化规律的数学方程,将大坝实际工作性态加以抽象和简化的经验模型
  54191. statistical multiplexer ==> 统计多路转换器,统计复用器
  54192. statistical noise ==> 杂乱噪声
  54193. statistical norm ==> 统计定额
  54194. statistical object ==> 统计对象
  54195. statistical observation ==> 统计观测值
  54196. statistical ogive ==> 统计学的卵形曲线
  54197. statistical orbit deter mination theory ==> 统计定轨理论
  54198. statistical organization ==> 统计组织
  54199. statistical package ==> 统计软件包
  54200. statistical parallax ==> 统计视差
  54201. statistical parameter ==> 统计参数
  54202. statistical pattern recognition ==> 统计模式识别=>統計的パターン認識
  54203. statistical phenomena ==> 统计事件
  54204. statistical point estimation ==> 统计点估计
  54205. statistical population ==> 统计总体
  54206. statistical precision interval ==> 统计精度区间
  54207. statistical prediction ==> 统计预测
  54208. statistical prior information ==> 统计先验信息
  54209. statistical probability ==> 统计概率
  54210. statistical problem ==> 统计问题
  54211. statistical procedure ==> 统计程序
  54212. statistical processing and analysis ==> 统计处理及分析
  54213. statistical processing and analysis (SPAN) ==> 统计处理与分析
  54214. statistical processing system ==> 统计处理系统
  54215. statistical production function ==> 统计生产函数
  54216. statistical program ==> 统计程序
  54217. statistical project ==> 统计方案
  54218. statistical property ==> 统计性质
  54219. statistical quality control ==> 统计法质量管理,统计品质管理,统计质量控制,质量统计检验
  54220. statistical quantity ==> 统计量
  54221. statistical questionnaire ==> 统计调查
  54222. statistical range ==> 统计范围
  54223. statistical record ==> 统计台帐
  54224. statistical regression analysis ==> 统计回归分析
  54225. statistical regression model ==> 统计回归模型
  54226. statistical regularity ==> 统计规律性
  54227. statistical relationships among variables ==> 变量间的统计关系
  54228. statistical relative frequency ==> 统计相对频率
  54229. statistical reliability ==> 统计可靠性
  54230. statistical report ==> 统计报告
  54231. statistical requirements ==> 统计要求
  54232. statistical risk ==> 统计风险
  54233. statistical rules ==> 统计规划
  54234. statistical sample moment ==> 统计样本矩
  54235. statistical sampled-data control system ==> 统计数据采样控制系统
  54236. statistical sampling ==> 统计抽样
  54237. statistical sampling in voucher examination ==> 凭证查检统计抽样法
  54238. statistical sampling investigation method ==> 统计抽样调查法
  54239. statistical sampling model ==> 统计抽样模型
  54240. statistical series ==> 统计数列,统计序列
  54241. statistical significance ==> 统计显著性
  54242. statistical simulation ==> 统计模拟
  54243. statistical software ==> 统计软件
  54244. statistical specifications ==> 统计规范
  54245. statistical staff ==> 统计工作人员
  54246. statistical standard ==> 统计标准
  54247. statistical standard (SS) ==> 统计标准
  54248. statistical straggling ==> 统计离散=>ストラグリング
  54249. statistical subject ==> 统计主体
  54250. statistical summary ==> 统计汇总,统计摘要
  54251. statistical survey ==> 统计测定
  54252. statistical system ==> 统计制度
  54253. statistical table ==> 统计表,统计图表
  54254. statistical tabulation ==> 编制统计表
  54255. statistical technique ==> 统计法
  54256. statistical techniques ==> 统计技术
  54257. statistical test ==> 统计测验,统计检验,统计试验=>統計的検定,統計的検査法
  54258. statistical test procedure ==> 統計的試験手順
  54259. statistical test sample ==> 统计试样
  54260. statistical testing ==> 統計的検定
  54261. statistical theory of extreme ==> 极值统计理论
  54262. statistical thermodynamics ==> 统计热力学
  54263. statistical time lag ==> 统计延时=>統計的時間遅れ,統計遅れ
  54264. statistical tolerance limit ==> 统计容许极限
  54265. statistical tolerance limits ==> 统计允许极限
  54266. statistical tolerance region ==> 统计容许域
  54267. statistical tool ==> 统计工具
  54268. statistical treatment ==> 统计处理,统计加工
  54269. statistical turbulence theory ==> 湍流统计理论
  54270. statistical uncertainty ==> 统计不确定性,统计不准,统计误差
  54271. statistical uniformity ==> 统计的均匀性
  54272. statistical variable estimation ==> 统计变量估计
  54273. statistical variation ==> 统计涨落
  54274. statistical variation or dispersion ==> 统计变异
  54275. statistical weight ==> 统计权,统计权数,统计权重,统计体重
  54276. statistical work ==> 统计工作
  54277. statistical yardstick ==> 统计尺度
  54278. statistical yearbook ==> 统计年鉴
  54279. statistical-weight factor ==> 统计权重因数
  54280. statistically ==> 統計的に
  54281. statistically evident ==> 统计上显著的
  54282. statistically nonsignificant ==> 统计上不显著的
  54283. statistically significant ==> 统计上显著的
  54284. statistician ==> 统计工作者,统计师,统计学家,统计员
  54285. statistico-thermodynamical analysis ==> 统计热力学分析
  54286. statistics ==> 统计,统计学=>統計学,統計
  54287. statistics act ==> 统计法
  54288. statistics by group ==> 统计分组
  54289. Statistics Department ==> 统计局
  54290. statistics for coal reserves variation ==> 煤炭储量变动统计
  54291. statistics for entire group ==> 统计总体
  54292. statistics law ==> 统计法
  54293. statistics of attributes ==> 品质统计
  54294. statistics of classification frequency ==> 分组频率统计
  54295. statistics of consumption expenditures ==> 消费支出统计
  54296. statistics of finances ==> 金融统计
  54297. statistics of groping the same item ==> 同项归并统计
  54298. statistics of mining area ==> 矿区统计
  54299. statistics of ore reserve ==> 矿产储量统计
  54300. statistics of population change ==> 人口变动统计
  54301. statistics of population movement ==> 人口变动统计
  54302. statistics of safety in mine ==> 矿山安全统计
  54303. statistics of social insurance ==> 社会保险统计
  54304. statistics of stationary population ==> 静态人口统计,静态人口统计
  54305. statistics of total hours worked ==> 全部工作小时统计
  54306. statistics of wholesales and retail sales ==> 批发与零售商业统计
  54307. statistics on labor input ==> 劳动投入统计
  54308. statistics recording feature ==> 统计记录功能
  54309. statment function defining statement ==> 语句函数定义语句
  54310. statment function definition statement ==> 语句函数的定义语句
  54311. statment-by-statement search ==> 逐句搜索
  54312. stato-tonic reflex ==> 静位紧张反射,静位紧张反射
  54313. statokinetic labyrinth ==> 平衡运动觉迷路
  54314. statolithic membrane ==> 位觉砂膜
  54315. stator ==> 静止,静止,静子,静子,固定盘,定片,定子=>固定子,ステータ
  54316. stator ampere-turn ==> 定子安匝[数]
  54317. stator armature ==> 定子电枢
  54318. stator assembly ==> 定子装配,定子总成
  54319. stator bar ==> 定子线棒
  54320. stator blade ==> 静叶,静叶,静叶片,静叶片=>静翼
  54321. stator blade carrier ring ==> 静叶环套,外缘嵌装在汽缸槽内,安装多级静叶环的中间支撑体
  54322. stator blade ring ==> 静叶环,反动式汽轮机中,全级静叶片沿周向分成若干弧段的环状组合体
  54323. stator bore ==> 定子内孔,定子内径
  54324. stator cage ==> 定子机壳,定子机座
  54325. stator can ==> 定子屏蔽套
  54326. stator case ==> 定子罩
  54327. stator casing ==> 定子外壳
  54328. stator circuit ==> 定子电路
  54329. stator coil ==> 定子线圈,嵌入定子槽内的绝缘导体,是组成绕组的元件
  54330. stator coil bar ==> 定子线棒,整个线圈的任何一半,各自具有一个线圈边和相应的端部,拼起来就成为一个完整的线圈
  54331. stator coil pin ==> [穿心式]定子线圈拉杆
  54332. stator conductor ==> 定子导线
  54333. stator contactor ==> 定子接触器
  54334. stator cooling water conductivity cell ==> 定子冷却水电导率计,通过测量定子冷却水的电导率,监测内冷水质量的设备
  54335. stator copper ==> 定子铜
  54336. stator copper loss ==> 定子铜耗
  54337. stator core ==> 定子铁芯=>固定子鉄心
  54338. stator core and frame vibration ==> 铁心及机座振动,在运行中的发电机铁心主要有基频和倍频振动,机座除了有本身的固有振动外,还要承受来自铁心的倍频振动。如机组采用端盖式轴承时,还要承受来自转子振动的激振力
  54339. stator core fault detection,ELCD ==> 铁心故障探测,近几年来开始应用了一种叫做电磁铁心故障探测的方法,需要专门的仪器进行定子铁心检查试验
  54340. stator core loss and temperature rise test ==> 定子铁心的损耗发热试验,采用规定的磁通密度和加热的持续时间,测量铁心损耗和各齿的温度,检查铁心有无局部发热情况、铁心比损耗和最热齿的温度升高以及冷热齿的最大温差均不得超过规定值。在出厂前,局部和全部更换定子绕组前后发现铁心有缺陷时应进行本试验
  54341. stator core segment ==> 定子铁芯扇形片
  54342. stator core/frame vibration monitor ==> 定子铁心机座振动监测器,装在铁心或机座上测量振动幅值的加速度传感器,用来监测铁心或结构部件有无松动或损坏
  54343. stator current ==> 定子电流=>固定子電流
  54344. stator damping torque ==> 固定子制動トルク
  54345. stator earth-leakage ==> 定子对地泄漏
  54346. stator end ==> 定子端部
  54347. stator end plate ==> 定子端板
  54348. stator end winding vibration monitor ==> 定子绕组端部振动监测器,利用光学振动传感器或其它加速计监测定子绕组端部振动幅值的装置
  54349. stator end-winding ==> 固定子コイルエンド
  54350. stator field ==> 定子磁场
  54351. stator flange ==> 定子[铁芯]突缘
  54352. stator frame ==> 定子机座,支承定子铁心或铁心组件以及定子绕组的构件。由两端机盖、环形中隔板、外罩板、通风道、支撑件等焊接而成
  54353. stator frame turning & boring machine ==> 定子机座车镗床
  54354. stator groove ==> 定子槽
  54355. stator ground fault protection ==> 定子接地保护,当发电机定子绕组发生接地故障时即发出警告信号或相应保护动作的一种保护
  54356. stator housing ==> 定子机壳,定子机座
  54357. stator impedance ==> 定子阻抗
  54358. stator insulation ==> 定子绝缘
  54359. stator iron ==> 定子铁芯
  54360. stator iron loss ==> 定子铁耗
  54361. stator lamination ==> 定子叠片
  54362. stator leakage field ==> 定子漏磁场
  54363. stator leakage flux ==> 定子漏磁通
  54364. stator leakage reactance ==> 定子漏抗
  54365. stator loss ==> 定子损耗
  54366. stator magnetic circuit ==> 定子磁路
  54367. stator of condenser ==> 电容器定片
  54368. stator outer diameter ==> 定子外径
  54369. stator over-current for a short time ==> 定子短时过电流,当电力系统发生扰动或其它原因引起系统电压严重下降时,发生短时性的定子过电流
  54370. stator phase ==> 定子相位
  54371. stator plate ==> 电容器定片
  54372. stator punching ==> 定子冲片
  54373. stator reactance ==> 定子电抗
  54374. stator resistance estimation ==> 一次抵抗推定
  54375. stator resistance starter ==> 定子电阻起动器
  54376. stator resistance starting ==> 定子电阻起动
  54377. stator rheostat ==> 定子变阻器
  54378. stator ring ==> 静环,静环
  54379. stator screw insulator ==> 起动器绝缘螺纹
  54380. stator shell ==> 定子外壳,机壳
  54381. stator short circuit protection ==> 定子短路保护
  54382. stator slot ==> 定子槽
  54383. stator slot[partial discharge]coupler ==> 定子槽放电监测器,监测定子绕组的高频放电,可发现定子槽内部绕组绝缘的早期局部放电故障的监测装置
  54384. stator spool ==> 定子线圈
  54385. stator starter ==> 定子电阻起动器
  54386. stator tester ==> 定子试验器
  54387. stator tooth ==> 定子齿
  54388. stator vane ==> 静叶,定子叶片
  54389. stator vibration ==> 定子振动
  54390. stator voltage ==> 定子电压
  54391. stator voltage control ==> 改变定子电压调速
  54392. stator winder ==> 定子绕线机,定子嵌线机
  54393. stator winding ==> 定子线圈,定子绕组,电机定子的主要组成部分。由线圈组在端部以一定方式连接起来构成定子电路,与转子磁通相对运动产生感应电势,实现机械-电能转换
  54394. stator winding insulation failure ==> 定子绕组绝缘故障,运行中或预防性试验时定子绕组绝缘击穿。起因是绝缘老化、局部过热、外部短路或非同步合闸的过电流冲击、制造工艺不良、线槽中或端部留有金属异物、绕组固定不紧产生振动、磨损绝缘等
  54395. stator winding protection ==> 固定子巻線の保護
  54396. stator yoke ==> 定子磁轭
  54397. stator-core lamination ==> 定子铁芯叠片
  54398. stator-core structure ==> ステータコア構造
  54399. stator-feed-type poly-phase shunt motor ==> 定子馈电式多相并激电动机
  54400. stator-feed-type shunt motor ==> 定子馈电式并激电动机
  54401. stator-plate assembly ==> 定子叠片组
  54402. stator-rotor starter ==> 定子转子起动器
  54403. stator-rotor unit ==> 定子转子组
  54404. stator-slot puncher ==> 定子冲槽机
  54405. stator-to-rotor air gap ==> 定子转子间的空气隙
  54406. stator-winding copper ==> 定子绕组铜线
  54407. stator[winding]resistance ==> 定子[绕组]电阻,定子单相绕组的电阻值,具体数值可以通过施加直流电压测取
  54408. statoreceptor ==> 平衡感受器
  54409. statorless advancer ==> 无定子相位超前补偿
  54410. statorless compensator ==> 无定子调相机
  54411. statuary bronze ==> 雕像青铜,雕像铜,塑像用青铜
  54412. statuary marble ==> 雕像大理石
  54413. statue niche ==> 雕像龛
  54414. statury bronze alloys ==> 雕塑青铜合金
  54415. status ==> 状态=>ステータス,「status」は「状態」の意味で、ハードウェア/ソフトウェアの状態を表わす。 ハードウェア/ソフトウェアを制御するものは、そのステータスを調べることで、ハードウェア/ソフトウェアが現在どのような状態にあるかを検査する。
  54416. status bit ==> 状态位
  54417. status buffer ==> 状态缓冲器
  54418. status change report ==> 状况变化报告
  54419. status circuit ==> 状态电路
  54420. status code ==> 状况代号,状态码
  54421. status display ==> 状态显示,现场显示
  54422. status display area ==> 状态显示区域
  54423. status display mode ==> 状态显示方式
  54424. status field ==> 状态字段
  54425. status filters ==> 状态滤光片
  54426. status flag ==> 状态特征位
  54427. status format ==> 状态形式
  54428. status indicating ==> 状態表示
  54429. status indicator ==> 状态指示符,状态指示器=>状態表示器
  54430. status information ==> 状态信息
  54431. status input instruction ==> 状态输入指令
  54432. status lamp ==> 状态灯
  54433. status memory and real-time system ==> 状态存储器及实时系统
  54434. status modifier ==> 状态修改符
  54435. status monitoring of process equipment ==> 工艺设备状态监测,采集和监视主机及主要辅机设备运行状态及参数,并将其存入数据库,作为实现电厂状态检修功能和设备故障诊断的基础数据
  54436. status of a legal person ==> 法人身分
  54437. status read ==> 状态读出
  54438. status region ==> 状态区
  54439. status register ==> 状态寄存器
  54440. status report ==> 资信报告,现况报告
  54441. status reporting program ==> 库存报表程式
  54442. status resistance identification ==> 一次抵抗同定
  54443. status routine ==> 状态程序
  54444. status signal ==> 状态信号
  54445. status source document ==> 状态源文件
  54446. status switch ==> 状态序列
  54447. status switching instruction ==> 状态开关指令
  54448. status word condition ==> 状态字条件
  54449. status word error ==> 错误状态字
  54450. status word program ==> 状态字程序
  54451. status word register ==> 状态字寄存器
  54452. status-of-equipment board ==> 装备状况登记板
  54453. status-of-equipment report ==> 装备状况报告
  54454. statute book ==> 法令全书
  54455. statute-barred ==> 已逾时效的规定
  54456. statutes at large ==> 法令汇编
  54457. statutory ==> 法定,法定的,法令的
  54458. statutory accounting principles ==> 法定会计原则
  54459. statutory agent ==> 法定代理人
  54460. statutory air quality objectives ==> 空气质素的法定指针
  54461. statutory appropriated retained earnings ==> 法定拨用留存收益
  54462. statutory audit ==> 法纪审计
  54463. statutory audit engagement ==> 法定审计约定
  54464. statutory audit requirement ==> 法定审计要求
  54465. statutory audit responsibilities ==> 法定的审计责任
  54466. statutory auditor ==> 法定审计师
  54467. statutory body ==> 法定团体
  54468. statutory books ==> 法定登记本
  54469. statutory capital ==> 法定股本,法定资本
  54470. statutory company ==> 法定公司
  54471. statutory control and enforcement ==> 法定管制及执行
  54472. statutory copyright ==> 法定版权
  54473. statutory declaration ==> 法定声明
  54474. statutory depletion ==> 法定折耗
  54475. statutory document ==> 法定文件
  54476. statutory duty ==> 法定责任
  54477. statutory duty of maintenance ==> 法定扶养义务
  54478. statutory financial statement ==> 法定财务报表
  54479. statutory formula ==> 法定公式
  54480. statutory general meeting ==> 法定股东大会
  54481. statutory grouping of gross income ==> 毛收入法定分类
  54482. statutory guarantee ==> 法定担保
  54483. statutory income ==> 法定所得
  54484. statutory inspection ==> 法定检查
  54485. statutory limitation ==> 法定时效
  54486. statutory loading ==> 法定荷载
  54487. statutory meeting ==> 法定会议
  54488. statutory merger ==> 法定兼并
  54489. statutory minimum ==> 法定最小限度
  54490. statutory noise standards ==> 噪音管制标准
  54491. statutory order ==> 法定顺序
  54492. statutory period ==> 法定期间
  54493. statutory profit ==> 法定利润
  54494. statutory punishment ==> 法定刑罚
  54495. statutory qualification ==> 法定资格
  54496. statutory rate ==> 法定税率
  54497. statutory records ==> 法定记录
  54498. statutory report ==> 法定报告
  54499. statutory reserve ==> 法定准备
  54500. Statutory Reserve of Deposits (SRD) ==> 法定存款准备率
  54501. statutory salary increase ==> 法定加薪
  54502. statutory shares of estate ==> 法定遗产继承份额
  54503. statutory tariff ==> 法定关税
  54504. statutory tenant ==> 法定租户
  54505. statutory trust ==> 法定信托
  54506. statutory undertaker ==> 法定公用事业承办者
  54507. Stauffer lubricator ==> 牛油环润滑器
  54508. staunch ==> 忠実な,信頼できる
  54509. staunch admirer ==> 忠実なファン
  54510. stave bolt ==> 桶板短圆材
  54511. stave silo ==> 桶状青贮塔
  54512. staving press ==> 扩孔机
  54513. stay ==> 拉条,车立柱,撑杆,撑条,锁紧片,留,停留,牵条=>支線
  54514. stay (number plate support) ==> 牌照板支架
  54515. stay adjuster ==> 撑条调整器
  54516. Stay alloy ==> 斯特耶铝铜合金
  54517. stay bearing ==> 支撑
  54518. stay block ==> 支線ブロック
  54519. stay bolt ==> 长螺栓,拉撑,拉杆螺栓,锚栓,系杆
  54520. stay bolt body ==> 撑螺体
  54521. stay bolt pitch ==> 撑螺距
  54522. stay bolt shank ==> 撑螺体
  54523. stay bolt tap ==> 撑螺栓丝锥
  54524. stay bracket ==> 悬臂轴承架,(铣床的)柱身
  54525. stay collar ==> 牵环
  54526. stay cord ==> 拉绳,支索
  54527. stay fork ==> 支撑叉
  54528. stay green throughout the year ==> 常年总绿的树
  54529. stay guy ==> 固定拉索
  54530. stay hook ==> 撑钩
  54531. stay hungry, stay foolish ==> 求知若饥,虚心若愚=>ハングリーであり続けろ、バカであり続けろ
  54532. stay in grade ==> 品质稳定
  54533. stay insulator ==> 拉线绝缘子=>支線がいし
  54534. stay knot ==> 合结
  54535. stay nut ==> 撑条螺母
  54536. stay of arm ==> 臂端撑条
  54537. stay of execution ==> 停止执行
  54538. stay of lathe ==> 车床撑架
  54539. stay of proceedings ==> 停止进行诉讼
  54540. stay out ==> 罢工
  54541. stay pile ==> 牵拉桩,拉索锚桩,拉索桩,锚固桩
  54542. stay pipe ==> 撑管,支撑管,支持管
  54543. stay plate ==> 垫板
  54544. stay pole ==> 加固杆=>支線柱
  54545. stay ring ==> 座环(水轮机的)
  54546. stay rod ==> 锁定杆,拉线桩,终端杆=>支線ロッド
  54547. stay rod pin ==> 拉杆销
  54548. stay rope ==> 牵索
  54549. stay tap ==> 铰孔攻丝复合刀具
  54550. stay thimble ==> 支線シンブル
  54551. stay tightener ==> 拉线紧固体
  54552. stay transom ==> 拉条横梁
  54553. stay tube ==> 牵条管
  54554. stay vane ==> 固定导叶(水轮机的)=>固定羽根
  54555. stay washer ==> 撑条垫圈
  54556. stay wedge ==> 调整楔
  54557. stay wire ==> 系紧线,拉线
  54558. stay(ed) pole ==> 拉线杆
  54559. stay-chain ==> 系链
  54560. stay-furring tool ==> 除垢器,清垢器
  54561. stay-line method ==> 标线测流法
  54562. stay-pole ==> 撑杆
  54563. stay-put button ==> 锁定按钮
  54564. staybolt ==> 撑螺栓,支撑螺栓
  54565. staybrite ==> 镍铬耐蚀可锻钢
  54566. stayed mast ==> 拉力杆,拉线杆
  54567. stayed pole ==> 拉线杆
  54568. stayed surface ==> 支撑表面
  54569. stayed tower ==> 拉线铁塔=>支線式鉄塔
  54570. stayer ==> 支撑物
  54571. stayguy ==> 拉线
  54572. staying ==> 撑,撑法
  54573. staying power ==> 持久力
  54574. staying quality ==> 持久性
  54575. stayover room ==> 超期用房
  54576. staypak ==> 压定木,压实材
  54577. stays ==> ステー
  54578. stays and staybolts ==> 支撑件及拉杆螺栓
  54579. STB, set-top box ==> 机顶盒=>セットトップボックス
  54580. STB, spin test building ==> スピン試験棟
  54581. STB, stabilized power source ==> 安定化電源
  54582. STB, stabilizer ==> 钻杆扶正器
  54583. STBD Starboard ==> 右舷
  54584. STBY, standby ==> スタンバイ
  54585. STC, Satellite Television Corp. ==> サテライトテレビジョン社
  54586. STC, Satellite Test Center ==> 人工衛星試験センター
  54587. STC, satellite tracking console ==> 衛星追跡操作卓
  54588. STC, sensitivity time ==> STC
  54589. STC, sensitivity time control ==> 感度時間制御
  54590. STC, sound transmission class ==> 透声类别
  54591. STC, space technology corporation ==> 宇宙技術コーポレーション
  54592. STC, Space-Time Coding ==> 時空間符号化
  54593. STC, system test console ==> 衛星システム総合試験装置
  54594. stcmos ==> 叠栅互补金属氧化物半导体
  54595. STCW Standards For Training Certification and Watchkeeping (IMO Convention) ==> 培训证明和船员值班标准
  54596. STCW, International Convention on Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers ==> 船員の訓練及び資格証明並びに当直の基準に関する国際条約
  54597. STD, special test device ==> 特殊試験装置
  54598. STD, standard ==> 標準
  54599. STDN, satellite tracking and data acquisition network ==> 衛星追跡管制網
  54600. STDN, space flight tracking & data network ==> 追跡管制網
  54601. STDN, space flight tracking and data network ==> 宇宙飛行追跡データネットワーク(追跡管制網)
  54602. STDS stands ==> 立柱
  54603. STE, special test equipment ==> 特殊試験装置
  54604. STE, star sensor electronics ==> 恒星センサ電子回路
  54605. STE, system test equipment ==> システム試験装置
  54606. stead ==> 代替=>利益
  54607. stead state system ==> 稳定状态系统
  54608. stead'd brittleness ==> 斯氏脆性
  54609. steadier ==> 支架
  54610. steadily convergent series ==> 固敛级数
  54611. steadily rise ==> 平稳上涨
  54612. steadiness ==> 常定度,持续性
  54613. steadiness parameter ==> 稳定参数
  54614. steadite ==> 磷共晶,磷共晶体,斯氏体
  54615. steady ==> 固定中心架,稳定的,稳恒的=>定常
  54616. steady acceleration ==> 等加速度
  54617. steady air flow ==> 稳定气流
  54618. steady allocation method ==> 平稳分配法
  54619. steady analysis ==> 定常解析
  54620. steady arm ==> 定位器,支持杆
  54621. steady background ==> 稳定本底
  54622. steady baseline ==> 稳定基线
  54623. steady beam ==> 稳恒束
  54624. steady bearing ==> 稳态方位,支撑轴承,支撑瓦
  54625. steady brace ==> 稳定用拉条,固定销=>振止め
  54626. steady center rest ==> 固定中心架
  54627. steady clientele ==> 固定客
  54628. steady climb ==> 稳定上升
  54629. steady component ==> 稳态分量,稳定部分
  54630. steady condition ==> 稳定工况,交流系统的稳定工况下,电压电流波形为正弦波。
  54631. steady creep ==> 稳定蠕变,持续徐变
  54632. steady current ==> 稳定电流
  54633. steady deformation process ==> 稳定变形过程
  54634. steady delivery ==> 均衡交货,均衡交货
  54635. steady discharge ==> 稳定流量
  54636. steady dive ==> 稳定俯冲
  54637. steady divergence motion ==> 非周期渐强运动
  54638. steady draw ==> 稳定放矿
  54639. steady drift ==> 稳定偏移
  54640. steady energy input ==> 稳定能量输入
  54641. steady extrusion ==> 稳定挤压
  54642. steady field ==> 稳定场,规则场
  54643. steady field demagnetization ==> 稳恒场退磁
  54644. steady flame ==> 稳定火焰
  54645. steady flight ==> 稳定飞行
  54646. steady flow ==> 稳定流,稳流,恒定流,恒流,恒态流,定常流,定常流动
  54647. steady flow energy equation ==> 稳定流动能量方程
  54648. steady flow model ==> 定常流模式
  54649. steady flow nozzle headbox ==> 稳流喷嘴流浆箱
  54650. steady flow of heat ==> 稳定热流
  54651. steady flow process ==> 稳流过程
  54652. steady flow turbine ==> 稳流式涡轮
  54653. steady flow viscosity ==> 稳流粘度
  54654. steady fluidized bed ==> 平稳流态化床
  54655. steady gas dynamics ==> 定常流气体动力学
  54656. steady glide ==> 稳定滑翔
  54657. steady glow ==> 稳定辉光
  54658. steady gradient ==> 稳定坡度
  54659. steady head ==> 稳定压头
  54660. steady heat conduction ==> 稳定导热
  54661. steady heat transfer ==> 稳定传热
  54662. steady hydraulic jump ==> 定常水跃
  54663. steady illumination ==> 稳定照明
  54664. steady jet ==> 定常噴流
  54665. steady jet flow ==> 定常噴流
  54666. steady laminar flow ==> 稳定层流
  54667. steady load ==> 稳定负荷,稳定负载,稳定荷载,稳定载荷,静载荷,静载荷,不变载荷,不变负载=>不変負荷
  54668. steady load test ==> 稳定负荷试验
  54669. steady mark ==> 稳恒传号
  54670. steady market ==> 市场坚稳
  54671. steady motion ==> 稳定运动,定态运动,恒稳运动,定常运动
  54672. steady motion period ==> 稳定运转阶段
  54673. steady noise ==> 稳态噪声
  54674. steady non-uniform flow ==> 稳定变速水流
  54675. steady operation ==> 稳定工作,稳定运行
  54676. steady oscillation ==> 稳态振荡
  54677. steady persistence ==> 长余辉
  54678. steady pin ==> 锁紧销,固定销,定位销
  54679. steady planar detonation ==> 稳定平面爆震
  54680. steady position deviation ==> 稳定位置偏差
  54681. steady potential ==> 稳定电势
  54682. steady pressure ==> 稳定压力,定常压力
  54683. steady process ==> 稳恒过程
  54684. steady pull ==> 稳恒拉力
  54685. steady pulsation ==> 稳定脉动
  54686. steady rain ==> 均衡雨,均衡雨
  54687. steady rate ==> 稳定速率
  54688. steady resistance ==> 镇流电阻
  54689. steady response ==> 定常应答
  54690. steady rest ==> 稳定架,固定支架,辅助支架
  54691. steady rolling conditions ==> 稳定滚动条件
  54692. steady rotation ==> 稳定旋转,定常转动,等角速度转动
  54693. steady run ==> 定常运行
  54694. steady running ==> 稳定运转
  54695. steady running condition ==> 稳定运转条件
  54696. steady seepage ==> 稳定渗流,等量渗透
  54697. steady shear compliance ==> 稳剪切柔量
  54698. steady short circuit current ==> 定常短路电流(短路电流的基波分量)
  54699. steady short-circuit ==> 稳定短路
  54700. steady short-circuit current ==> 稳定短路电流
  54701. steady signal ==> 稳定信号
  54702. steady space ==> 稳定车距
  54703. steady speed ==> 稳定速度
  54704. steady speed deviation ==> 稳定速率偏差
  54705. steady speed test ==> (发动机的)稳速试验
  54706. steady spin ==> 稳定绕转
  54707. steady stability ==> 静态稳定,静态稳定
  54708. steady state ==> 固定状态,稳定状态,稳恒态,稳态,恒定状态,恒稳定态,(稳态)定态=>定常状態
  54709. steady state characteristic ==> 稳态特性
  54710. steady state compliance ==> 稳态柔量
  54711. steady state condition ==> 稳定条件,稳定工况
  54712. steady state conditions ==> 恒定状态
  54713. steady state core ==> 稳态芯部
  54714. steady state cosmology ==> 稳态宇宙论
  54715. steady state creep ==> 稳态蠕变,二级蠕变
  54716. steady state current ==> 稳态电流
  54717. steady state deviation ==> 静态偏差
  54718. steady state diffusion ==> 稳态扩散
  54719. steady state equation ==> 稳态方程
  54720. steady state error ==> 稳态误差,静态误差
  54721. steady state estuary ==> 定态河口
  54722. steady state frequency control ==> 稳态频率控制
  54723. steady state fuel conversion ratio ==> 稳态燃料转换比
  54724. steady state fusion reactor ==> 稳态聚变堆
  54725. steady state heat exchanger ==> 稳态热交换器
  54726. steady state instability of a power system ==> 电力系统静态不稳定性,电力系统受到小干扰后,由于缺乏同步转矩而引起发电机转子角逐步增大的现象
  54727. steady state loading ==> 稳态载荷
  54728. steady state measurement ==> 稳态测量
  54729. steady state model ==> 稳恒态模型
  54730. steady state of a power system ==> 系统稳态,不考虑系统状态变量变化过程的电网运行状态
  54731. steady state of motion ==> 稳定运动状态
  54732. steady state operation ==> 稳态运行,电力系统正常的、运行参数可视为不变的运行状态
  54733. steady state oscillations ==> 稳态振荡
  54734. steady state performance ==> 静态特性
  54735. steady state period ==> 稳态周期
  54736. steady state probability vector ==> 定常状態確率ベクトル
  54737. steady state reactance ==> 稳态电抗
  54738. steady state regime ==> 稳定状态
  54739. steady state response ==> 稳态响应
  54740. steady state short-circuit current ==> 稳态短路电流,暂态过程衰减消失后,短路电流的稳态有效值
  54741. steady state signal ==> 稳态信号
  54742. steady state sinusoidal regime ==> 稳定正弦波状态
  54743. steady state stability ==> 静态稳定度,静稳定度
  54744. steady state stability limit ==> 静态稳定度限界
  54745. steady state stability limit with constant flux ==> 恒定磁时静态稳定极限
  54746. steady state stability of a power system ==> 电力系统静态稳定性,电力系统受到小扰动后,不发生非周期性的失步,自动恢复到初始运行状态
  54747. steady state stability of synchronous generator ==> 同步发电机的静[态]稳定,同步发电机受到微小干扰后,不考虑发电机励磁和调速系统作用时,具有恢复到原工作状态的能力
  54748. steady state temperature ==> 定常温度
  54749. steady state theory ==> 稳恒态学说
  54750. steady state transport ==> 稳态运输
  54751. steady state value ==> 恒定值,稳态值
  54752. steady state vibration ==> 稳定振动状态
  54753. steady steaming ==> 稳定航行
  54754. steady stimulation ==> 稳态激励
  54755. steady stimulus ==> 稳态激励
  54756. steady strain ==> 稳定应变=>振止め
  54757. steady stream ==> 稳定流,稳恒流
  54758. steady stress ==> 静应力,剩余应力
  54759. steady sunspot ==> 稳态黑子
  54760. steady temperature damp test ==> 恒温恒湿试验
  54761. steady traffic ==> 均衡运输,均衡运输
  54762. steady turning motion ==> 稳定回转运动
  54763. steady turning performance ==> 稳定旋转特性
  54764. steady turning speed ==> 稳定回转速度
  54765. steady uniform flow ==> 稳定等速流动,等速均匀流
  54766. steady uniform turbulent folw ==> 稳定等速湍流
  54767. steady velocity ==> 稳定速度
  54768. steady vibration ==> 稳态振动
  54769. steady voltage ==> 稳定电压
  54770. steady working condition ==> 稳定工况
  54771. steady-flow combustion ==> 稳流燃烧
  54772. steady-flow forming ==> 稳定流动成形
  54773. steady-flow ram jet ==> 稳流冲击式喷气发动机
  54774. steady-flow reactor ==> 稳流堆
  54775. steady-state acceleration ==> 定常加速度
  54776. steady-state acceleration error ==> 定常加速度偏差
  54777. steady-state amplitude ==> 稳态振幅
  54778. steady-state analysis ==> 稳态分析
  54779. steady-state behavio(u)r ==> 稳态性能
  54780. steady-state boundary condition ==> 稳态边界条件
  54781. steady-state boundary layer ==> 稳态边界层
  54782. steady-state chain reaction ==> 稳态链式反应
  54783. steady-state characteristic ==> 静特性
  54784. steady-state characteristics ==> 稳态特性,定态特性
  54785. steady-state characteristics of load ==> 静态负荷特性,负荷的功率与负荷端电压和/或频率之间的静态关系,通常用代数方程描述
  54786. steady-state commutation ==> 稳态换向
  54787. steady-state concentration ==> 稳态密度
  54788. steady-state condition ==> 稳态条件
  54789. steady-state conduction ==> 稳态热传导
  54790. steady-state constant ==> 稳态常数
  54791. steady-state culture ==> 稳定态培养
  54792. steady-state current ==> 稳态电流=>定常電流
  54793. steady-state cycle ==> 平稳循环
  54794. steady-state damp heat test ==> 恒定湿热试验
  54795. steady-state deformation ==> 稳定变形
  54796. steady-state density ==> 稳态密度
  54797. steady-state deviation ==> 稳态偏差
  54798. steady-state discharge ==> 稳态放电
  54799. steady-state distillation ==> 稳态蒸馏
  54800. steady-state distribution ==> 稳态分布,稳态分配
  54801. steady-state distribution equation ==> 稳态分布方程
  54802. steady-state equation ==> 稳态方程
  54803. steady-state equivalent circuit for single-phase operation of three-phase induction motor ==> 三相誘導モータの単相運転時の定常等価回路
  54804. steady-state error ==> 稳态误差,静差,静差=>定常偏差
  54805. steady-state flow ==> 稳态流,定常流
  54806. steady-state frequency control ==> 稳态频率控制
  54807. steady-state gain ==> 稳态增益
  54808. steady-state growth ==> 稳态生长
  54809. steady-state heat transfer ==> 稳定状态的热交换
  54810. steady-state incidence ==> 定常迎角
  54811. steady-state lateral acceleration ==> 稳态转向离心加速度
  54812. steady-state level ==> 稳态级
  54813. steady-state lifetime ==> 稳态寿命
  54814. steady-state method ==> 稳态法
  54815. steady-state method of test ==> 稳态测试方法
  54816. steady-state model ==> 稳态模型,定常状态模型
  54817. steady-state noise ==> 稳态噪声
  54818. steady-state noise level ==> 稳态噪声级
  54819. steady-state operation ==> 稳态运行=>定常状態
  54820. steady-state optimization ==> 稳态最佳化
  54821. steady-state output ==> 稳态输出
  54822. steady-state performance ==> 稳态特性
  54823. steady-state period ==> 稳态周期
  54824. steady-state permeation ==> 稳态渗透
  54825. steady-state plasma ==> 稳态等离子体
  54826. steady-state poisoning ==> 稳态中毒
  54827. steady-state position error ==> 定常位置偏差
  54828. steady-state power coefficient ==> 稳态功率系数
  54829. steady-state power limit ==> 稳态极限功
  54830. steady-state pressure ==> 稳定态压力
  54831. steady-state reactance ==> 稳态电抗=>定常リアクタンス
  54832. steady-state reactor ==> 稳态堆
  54833. steady-state recombination ==> 稳态复合
  54834. steady-state regulation ==> 稳态调节
  54835. steady-state residence time ==> 稳态保持时间,定常状态保持时间
  54836. steady-state response ==> 稳定态特性
  54837. steady-state response gain ==> 稳态反应增益
  54838. steady-state reverberation sound ==> 稳态混响声
  54839. steady-state short-circuit ==> 稳态短路
  54840. steady-state signal ==> 稳态信号
  54841. steady-state solution ==> 静态解,静态解
  54842. steady-state sound ==> 稳态声
  54843. steady-state sound pressure level ==> 稳态声压级
  54844. steady-state speed ==> 稳态转速
  54845. steady-state speed regulation ==> 稳态速度调整率
  54846. steady-state stability ==> 定態安定度
  54847. steady-state stability analysis ==> 定態安定度解析
  54848. steady-state stability limit ==> 稳态稳定极限
  54849. steady-state stream ==> 均衡河流,均衡河流
  54850. steady-state system ==> 稳态系统
  54851. steady-state tape tension ==> 稳态磁带张力
  54852. steady-state temperature ==> 稳定状况温度
  54853. steady-state theory ==> 稳态说,恒稳态学说
  54854. steady-state thermal stress ==> 稳态热应力
  54855. steady-state transistor ==> 稳态晶体管
  54856. steady-state turn ==> 稳态转弯
  54857. steady-state type of signal ==> 稳态信号
  54858. steady-state value ==> 稳定值
  54859. steady-state variable ==> 稳态变量
  54860. steady-state velocity error ==> 定常速度偏差
  54861. steady-state vibration ==> 稳态振动,定常振动
  54862. steady-state viscosity ==> 稳态粘度
  54863. steady-state wave motion ==> 稳态波动
  54864. steady-static vibration ==> 稳态振动
  54865. steadying bands ==> 走锭纺纱机均衡绳
  54866. steadying bar ==> 支撑杆
  54867. steadying bracket ==> 稳定夹
  54868. steadying effect ==> 稳定效应,旋转质量惯性
  54869. steadying line ==> 稳定索
  54870. steadying resistance ==> 镇流电阻
  54871. steadystate cavitation ==> 面气蚀
  54872. steal syndrome ==> スチール症候群
  54873. stealing cycle ==> 窃用周期
  54874. stealth jet ==> ステルス・ジェット機
  54875. steam ==> 蒸汽=>蒸気
  54876. steam (-heated) drier ==> 蒸汽加热式干燥机
  54877. steam (mass) quality ==> 蒸汽干度
  54878. steam (or hot water) inlet ==> 蒸汽(或热水)入口
  54879. steam (pipe) coil ==> 蒸汽盘蛇管
  54880. steam (vapor) cure ==> 蒸汽处治
  54881. steam (vapor) heated ==> 蒸汽加热的
  54882. steam (vapor) outlet ==> 蒸汽出口
  54883. steam (vapor) superheater ==> 蒸汽过热器
  54884. steam accumulator ==> 蒸汽储蓄器,蒸汽收集器,储汽箱,蓄汽器=>蒸気アキュムレータ
  54885. steam activation ==> 蒸汽活化
  54886. steam admission ==> 进汽
  54887. steam admission nozzle governing ==> 进汽喷嘴调节,把第一级喷嘴隔成几组,每组喷嘴由一个调节阀供汽,通过顺序开闭这些调节阀来调节进汽量的调节方式
  54888. steam admission side ==> 进汽侧,进蒸汽侧
  54889. steam admission throttle governing ==> 进汽节流调节,汽轮机的进汽量全部由一个调节阀或几个同时开闭的调节阀改变开度来调节进汽量的调节方式
  54890. steam admitted above the piston ==> 活塞上面进汽
  54891. steam admitted below the piston ==> 活塞下面进汽
  54892. steam ager ==> 蒸汽熟化器
  54893. steam air heater ==> 蒸汽加热式空气预热器
  54894. steam air heater, air heater ==> 暖风器,又称"前置预热器"。用蒸汽加热空气预热器进口空气防止热空气预热器低温腐蚀和堵塞的热交换器。
  54895. steam air-heater ==> 蒸汽热风器
  54896. steam and air mixture ==> 蒸汽空气混合气
  54897. steam and gas mixture ==> 蒸汽煤气混合气
  54898. steam and water pipe fittings ==> 汽水管道附件,保证汽水管道正常工作功能的连接件如接头、三通、大小头、弯头、法兰、螺栓等零配件
  54899. steam and water piping ==> 汽水管道,火电厂内由管子、管道附件、热力测量装置、支吊架和保温设施等组成的汽水管道的总称
  54900. steam and water radiator ==> 蒸汽及热水散热器
  54901. steam and water separation nozzle ==> 汽液分离喷嘴
  54902. steam annihilator ==> 蒸汽灭火装置
  54903. steam asphalt ==> 蒸汽处理沥青
  54904. steam atmospheric distillation ==> 常压蒸气蒸馏,常压蒸汽蒸馏
  54905. steam atomization ==> 蒸汽雾化
  54906. steam atomized flat spray ==> 蒸汽雾化扁平喷嘴
  54907. steam atomizer ==> 蒸汽喷油器,蒸汽雾化器
  54908. steam atomizing ==> 蒸汽雾化
  54909. steam atomizing burner ==> 蒸汽雾化燃烧
  54910. steam atomizing conical jet ==> 蒸汽雾化圆锥形喷嘴
  54911. steam atomizing oil burner ==> 蒸汽雾化型油喷燃器,蒸汽雾化油燃烧器(烧嘴)
  54912. steam attemperation ==> 蒸汽的减温
  54913. steam autoclave ==> 蒸汽压力罐
  54914. steam automobile ==> 蒸汽汽车
  54915. steam balancing main ==> 蒸汽平衡干管
  54916. steam bell ==> 蒸汽警钟
  54917. steam bending ==> 蒸汽弯曲,蒸汽弯曲法,蒸煮弯曲法
  54918. steam binding, steam blanketing ==> 汽塞,自然循环锅炉循环回路中,接入锅筒水空间的并联管屏中,上升管受热弱到一定程度,循环流速已低到进入管中水量等于该管出口蒸汽量的流动停滞状态。
  54919. steam black ==> 蒸化黑
  54920. steam blancher ==> 蒸汽烫漂器
  54921. steam blanket ==> 蒸汽膜
  54922. steam blast ==> 蒸汽鼓风,蒸汽喷净装置,蒸汽喷洗
  54923. steam blast device ==> 蒸汽喷洗装置
  54924. steam bled ==> 抽气
  54925. steam blower ==> 蒸汽鼓风机
  54926. steam blowing ==> 蒸汽吹扫,蒸汽喷吹法
  54927. steam blowing machine ==> 蒸汽吹制机
  54928. steam blown ==> 蒸汽吹制
  54929. steam boiler ==> 蒸气锅炉,蒸汽发生器,蒸汽锅炉,汽锅=>蒸気ボイラ
  54930. steam boiler for domestic heating ==> 民用蒸汽锅炉
  54931. steam boiler, steam generator ==> 蒸汽锅炉,生产规定参数和品质的蒸汽的锅炉。
  54932. steam boiling ==> 蒸汽熬煮
  54933. steam boundary curve ==> 蒸汽界面曲线
  54934. steam box ==> 蒸汽箱
  54935. steam brake ==> 蒸汽制动器,汽闸
  54936. steam bronze ==> 汽阀青铜
  54937. steam bubbling ==> 蒸汽加热搅拌
  54938. steam by-pass ==> 蒸汽旁路
  54939. steam cabinet ==> (消毒用的)蒸汽室
  54940. steam calorifier ==> 蒸汽加热器,蒸汽热水器
  54941. steam calorimeter ==> 蒸汽干度测量器,蒸汽量热器
  54942. steam can ==> 蒸汽发生器
  54943. steam canal ==> 进汽口
  54944. steam cans ==> 蒸汽圆筒烘燥机
  54945. steam capability ==> 蒸发能力
  54946. steam capacity ==> 蒸汽容量
  54947. steam capstan ==> 蒸汽绞盘
  54948. steam cargo winch ==> 蒸汽绞车
  54949. steam casting die ==> 蒸气压迫铸造法
  54950. steam catapult ==> 蒸汽弹射器
  54951. steam chamber ==> 蒸汽室,汽室
  54952. steam channel ==> 蒸汽沟
  54953. steam chart ==> 蒸汽图
  54954. steam chest ==> 蒸気室,蒸汽通过主汽阀后进入调节汽阀前,为均衡汽流而设置的腔室
  54955. steam circuit ==> 蒸汽循环回路
  54956. steam circulating pipe ==> 蒸汽循环管
  54957. steam cleaner ==> 蒸汽清洗装置
  54958. steam cleaning ==> 蒸汽喷洗,蒸汽清洁法,蒸汽清洗
  54959. steam cleaning unit ==> 蒸汽清除装置,蒸汽清扫装置
  54960. steam cloud ==> 蒸汽云
  54961. steam coach ==> 蒸汽车
  54962. steam coal ==> 汽煤,动力煤,锅炉用煤
  54963. steam coal rates ==> 汽煤比
  54964. steam cock ==> 通汽考克
  54965. steam cocoon cooking ==> 蒸汽煮茧
  54966. steam collector ==> 蒸汽收集器
  54967. steam colo(u)r printing ==> 蒸汽印染
  54968. steam companions ==> 蒸汽伴热管
  54969. steam condensate ==> 蒸汽冷凝液
  54970. steam condensate (SC) ==> 蒸汽冷凝水
  54971. steam condenser ==> 蒸汽冷凝器=>復水器
  54972. steam conditions ==> 蒸汽参数
  54973. steam conductivity ==> 蒸汽导电性
  54974. steam conduit ==> 蒸汽管道
  54975. steam cone ==> 蒸汽喷嘴
  54976. steam consumption ==> 蒸気消費量
  54977. steam consumption meter ==> 蒸汽消耗计
  54978. steam consumption per hour ==> 每小时汽耗
  54979. steam content ==> 蒸汽含量
  54980. steam control valve ==> 蒸汽调节阀
  54981. steam converter valve ==> 减温减压阀
  54982. steam convertor ==> 蒸汽发生器
  54983. steam cooked ==> 蒸煮的
  54984. steam cooled roof superheater ==> 顶棚过热器,布置在炉顶内壁上的过热器。
  54985. steam cooled slag ==> 蒸汽淬冷渣
  54986. steam cooled wall superheater ==> 包墙管过热器,布置在水平烟道和尾部烟道内壁上的过热器。
  54987. steam cooler ==> 蒸汽冷却器
  54988. steam cooling ==> 蒸汽冷却
  54989. steam cooling coil ==> 蒸汽冷却蛇管
  54990. steam cooling system ==> 蒸汽冷却系统
  54991. steam cost ==> 蒸汽成本
  54992. steam cracking ==> 蒸汽裂化
  54993. steam cracking unit ==> 蒸汽裂化装置
  54994. steam crane ==> 蒸汽起重机=>蒸気クレーン
  54995. steam crane (hoist) ==> 蒸汽吊车
  54996. steam cultivator ==> 蒸汽机引式中耕机
  54997. steam cure ==> 蒸汽熟化
  54998. steam curing ==> 蒸气养护
  54999. steam curing of concrete ==> 蒸汽养护混凝土
  55000. steam cushion ==> 蒸汽垫
  55001. steam cycle ==> 兰金循环
  55002. steam cylinder ==> 蒸汽缸,汽缸=>蒸気シリンダ
  55003. steam cylinder oil ==> 蒸汽缸油
  55004. steam damping machine ==> 蒸汽给湿机
  55005. steam deaerator ==> 热力除气器
  55006. steam dealkylation ==> 蒸汽脱烷基化
  55007. steam deck machinery ==> 蒸汽甲板机械
  55008. steam developing ==> 蒸汽显色
  55009. steam diagram ==> 蒸汽图
  55010. steam digester (-tor) ==> 蒸汽蒸缸
  55011. steam digestion ==> 蒸煮消化
  55012. steam digger ==> 蒸汽挖掘机
  55013. steam discharge control ==> 蒸汽排放控制,汽轮发电机甩负荷时按预定程序打开或关闭蒸汽排放阀,为反应堆提供热阱,带走堆芯剩余释热,避免造成紧急停堆的措施
  55014. steam discharge pipe ==> 排汽管
  55015. steam disengaging surface ==> 蒸发表面
  55016. steam dispersion mixer ==> 蒸汽喷布拌和机
  55017. steam distillation ==> 水蒸気蒸留
  55018. steam distilled ==> 蒸汽蒸馏的,汽馏的
  55019. steam distributing gear ==> 配汽机构,分配进入汽轮机进汽量的调节汽阀及其提升机构
  55020. steam distribution ==> 蒸汽配汽
  55021. steam distributor ==> 蒸气分配器
  55022. steam dome ==> 汽室=>蒸気ドーム
  55023. steam drier ==> 蒸汽干燥器
  55024. steam drive ==> 蒸汽动力传动
  55025. steam driven ==> 蒸汽动力的
  55026. steam driven pump ==> 蒸汽驱动泵
  55027. steam drop hammer ==> 蒸汽落锤,锻锤
  55028. steam drum ==> 蒸汽鼓,蒸汽锅筒,汽鼓,泡包,汽锅筒=>蒸気ドラム
  55029. steam drum (pockets) ==> 蒸汽包
  55030. steam dryer ==> 蒸汽干燥器,蒸汽烘缸
  55031. steam drying ==> 蒸汽干燥
  55032. steam drying apparatus ==> 蒸汽干燥器
  55033. steam economy ==> 蒸汽耗用量
  55034. steam efficiency ==> 蒸汽效率
  55035. steam ejection system ==> 蒸汽弹射系统
  55036. steam ejector ==> 蒸汽喷射器
  55037. steam electric generating set ==> 汽轮机组
  55038. steam electric propulsion ==> 蒸汽电力推进
  55039. steam emulsification ==> 蒸汽乳化
  55040. steam emulsion number ==> 蒸汽乳化值
  55041. steam emulsion test ==> 蒸汽乳化试验
  55042. steam engine ==> 蒸汽机=>蒸気機関
  55043. steam engine governor ==> 蒸汽机调节器
  55044. steam engine indicator ==> 蒸汽机示功器
  55045. steam engine locomotive ==> 蒸汽机火车
  55046. steam engine lubricant ==> 蒸汽机润滑剂
  55047. steam engine plow ==> 锅驼机犁
  55048. steam engine vehicle ==> 蒸気自動車
  55049. steam escape valve ==> 放汽阀
  55050. steam exhaust ==> 乏回汽,乏汽
  55051. steam exhaust chamber ==> 排汽缸,又称“排汽室”。引导排汽进入凝汽器的腔室
  55052. steam exhaust hood ==> 排汽缸,又称“排汽室”。引导排汽进入凝汽器的腔室
  55053. steam exhaust port ==> 废汽排出孔
  55054. steam exhausting way ==> 排汽道
  55055. steam expansion ==> 蒸汽膨胀
  55056. steam exploded wood ==> 蒸汽爆裂木材纤维
  55057. steam explosion ==> 蒸汽喷发
  55058. steam extraction ==> 抽気
  55059. steam feed heater ==> 蒸汽式给水预热器
  55060. steam feed pump ==> 汽动给水泵
  55061. steam film ==> 汽膜,蒸汽膜
  55062. steam filtration ==> 蒸汽过滤
  55063. steam finish ==> 蒸汽光泽
  55064. steam fire-extinguishing ==> 蒸汽灭火
  55065. steam fitter ==> 蒸汽管道工人,汽管装配工
  55066. steam fitting ==> 蒸汽管道配件
  55067. steam fittings ==> 蒸汽管件,蒸汽锅炉配件
  55068. steam fixation ==> 蒸汽固色
  55069. steam flow ==> 蒸汽流量,汽流
  55070. steam flow channel ==> 蒸汽流道
  55071. steam flow diagram ==> 蒸汽管路系统图,蒸汽流程图
  55072. steam flow excited vibration ==> 蒸汽激振,又称“汽流涡动”。蒸汽通过动、静间隙流动时激励转子发生的低频自激振动
  55073. steam flow meter ==> 蒸汽流量计
  55074. steam flow recorder ==> 蒸汽流量记录器
  55075. steam flow sealing ==> 蒸汽排气真空封罐
  55076. steam flowmeter ==> 蒸汽流量表
  55077. steam flushing ==> 蒸汽清洗
  55078. steam fog ==> 蒸气雾,蒸汽雾
  55079. steam for fire-extinguishing ==> 灭火蒸汽
  55080. steam forging hammer ==> 蒸汽锤
  55081. steam friction loss ==> 汽阻损耗
  55082. steam ga(u)ge ==> 蒸汽压力计
  55083. steam gas ==> 高过热气体
  55084. steam gauge ==> 汽压表,汽压计
  55085. steam gauge (table) ==> 蒸汽表
  55086. steam gauge cock ==> 汽压计旋塞
  55087. steam gauge plate ==> 汽压计座
  55088. steam gauge stand ==> 汽压计座
  55089. steam generation ==> 蒸发
  55090. steam generator ==> 蒸气发生器,蒸汽发生器=>蒸気発生器
  55091. steam generator (raising unit) ==> 蒸汽锅炉
  55092. steam generator blowdown system ==> 蒸汽发生器排污系统
  55093. steam generator isolation & dump system ==> 蒸汽发生器隔绝与排放系统
  55094. steam generator module ==> 蒸汽发生器组件
  55095. steam generator tube rupture accident, SGTR ==> 蒸汽发生器传热管破裂事故,压水堆核电厂中由于蒸汽发生器传热管破裂、一次侧具有放射性的水进入二次侧,使二回路污染的事故。该事故是核电厂设计基准事故之一,在国际核电史上已发生多起,成为发生频率最高的极限事故
  55096. steam generator,SG ==> 蒸汽发生器,采用间接循环的反应堆动力装置中把反应堆冷却剂从堆芯获得的热能传给二回路工质使其变为蒸汽的热交换设备。它有产生过热蒸汽的直流式蒸汽发生器和带汽水分离器、干燥器的饱和蒸汽发生器两类
  55097. steam gland ==> 蒸汽用填密胀圈
  55098. steam grate shaker ==> 汽力炉篦摇动机
  55099. steam hamerring analysis ==> 汽锤分析
  55100. steam hammer ==> 汽锤,蒸汽锤=>蒸気ハンマ
  55101. steam hammer anvil ==> 汽锤砧
  55102. steam hauler ==> 蒸汽吊车,蒸汽卷扬机
  55103. steam hauling machine ==> 蒸汽绞车
  55104. steam header ==> 蒸汽汇集器,蒸汽联箱,蒸汽室,汽包蒸汽联箱
  55105. steam heat ==> 蒸汽热量,(冷凝时放出的)蒸汽热
  55106. steam heat dryer ==> 蒸汽烘燥机
  55107. steam heat tracing ==> 蒸汽伴加热
  55108. steam heat-supply network ==> 蒸汽热网
  55109. steam heat-supply system ==> 蒸汽供热系统
  55110. steam heated airheater ==> 蒸汽加热空气预热器
  55111. steam heater ==> 蒸汽加热器=>蒸気過熱器
  55112. steam heating ==> 蒸汽加热=>蒸気暖房
  55113. steam heating boiler ==> 蒸汽采暖锅炉
  55114. steam heating coil ==> 蒸汽加热盘管
  55115. steam heating pipe ==> 暖汽管
  55116. steam heating system with dry return ==> 干式回水蒸汽供暖系统
  55117. steam heating system with wet return ==> 湿式回水蒸汽供暖系统
  55118. steam heating tracer ==> 蒸汽伴随加热管道
  55119. steam hoist ==> 蒸汽升降机
  55120. steam homo-treatment ==> 蒸汽均匀化处理
  55121. steam honey-knife ==> 蒸汽割蜜刀
  55122. steam hose ==> 蒸汽软管,通气软管
  55123. steam hose connection ==> 蒸汽软管接头
  55124. steam humidifier ==> 蒸汽湿润器
  55125. steam hydraulic power gear ==> 蒸汽液力传动
  55126. steam hydraulic press ==> 蒸汽液压机,蒸汽增压式水压机=>蒸気水圧プレス
  55127. steam hydraulic shears ==> 蒸汽液压剪切机
  55128. steam hydrocarbon reformer ==> 烃蒸汽转化炉
  55129. steam infusion ==> 蒸汽注入
  55130. steam inhalation ==> 蒸气吸入,蒸汽吸入
  55131. steam injection ==> 蒸汽喷射
  55132. steam injection equipment ==> 蒸汽喷射装置
  55133. steam injector ==> 蒸汽喷射器=>インゼクタ
  55134. steam inlet ==> 蒸汽入口,进汽口
  55135. steam inlet for snuffing ==> 熄火蒸汽吹入管
  55136. steam inlet nipple ==> 进汽管螺纹接套
  55137. steam inlet pipe ==> 进汽管
  55138. steam inlet plug ==> 进汽口塞
  55139. steam intensifier ==> 蒸汽增压器
  55140. steam iron generator ==> 蒸汽铁屑生氢器,氢气发生器
  55141. steam isolating ==> 蒸汽隔离阀
  55142. steam jacket ==> 蒸汽夹套,蒸汽加热套,蒸汽套,蒸汽套管,汽套=>蒸気ジャケット
  55143. steam jacketed ==> 蒸汽套的
  55144. steam jet ==> 蒸汽喷嘴,蒸汽射流,喷汽器=>水蒸気噴流
  55145. steam jet agitator ==> 喷汽搅拌槽,蒸汽搅动器
  55146. steam jet air ejector ==> 射汽抽气器,在喷管中喷射高速蒸汽来抽吸空气的装置=>蒸気式空気抽出器(SJAE)
  55147. steam jet air pump ==> 蒸汽泵
  55148. steam jet blower ==> 喷汽鼓风机
  55149. steam jet burner ==> 蒸汽雾化式燃烧器
  55150. steam jet exhauster ==> 排汽器
  55151. steam jet water heater ==> 喷汽式热水器
  55152. steam kettle ==> 蒸气壶
  55153. steam lance ==> 低压蒸汽除冰器
  55154. steam lap ==> 蒸汽余面,排汽余面
  55155. steam leak-off valve ==> 漏汽阀
  55156. steam leakage test of boiler ==> 锅炉蒸汽严密性试验,大型锅炉运行控制室所在的标高层。
  55157. steam lift ==> 蒸汽提升器
  55158. steam lighter ==> 蒸汽动力驳船
  55159. steam line ==> 蒸汽管道,蒸汽线路,供汽管
  55160. steam line blowing ==> 蒸汽吹管,又称"炉水浓度"。单位容积锅水盐和二氧化硅含量。
  55161. steam line smothering ==> 蒸汽灭火管系
  55162. steam lock ==> 汽封,汽塞
  55163. steam locomotive ==> 蒸汽机车=>蒸気機関車
  55164. steam loop ==> 蒸汽环道,蒸汽环管
  55165. steam lorry ==> 蒸汽货车
  55166. steam lubrication ==> 蒸汽润滑
  55167. steam main ==> 蒸汽总管,主蒸汽管,主蒸汽管道
  55168. steam manifold ==> 汽包,集汽箱
  55169. steam meter ==> 蒸汽流量计
  55170. steam meter manometer ==> 蒸汽流量表
  55171. steam moisture ==> 蒸汽湿度,在汽轮机中作了一部分功又送回锅炉再加热的蒸汽。
  55172. steam molecule ==> 蒸汽分子
  55173. steam mooring winch ==> 蒸汽系泊绞车
  55174. steam motor car ==> 蒸汽车
  55175. steam navvy ==> 蒸汽控掘机,蒸汽挖掘机,汽铲,汽力掘凿机,单斗挖土机
  55176. steam nebulization ==> 蒸气喷雾法
  55177. steam nozzle ==> 蒸汽喷嘴
  55178. steam oil heater ==> 蒸汽式油加热器
  55179. steam oil magnetic valve ==> 蒸汽燃油电磁阀
  55180. steam out ==> 蒸汽吹出
  55181. steam outlet valve ==> 蒸汽出口阀
  55182. steam output ==> 蒸发量
  55183. steam oxidation ==> 蒸汽氧化
  55184. steam packing ==> 汽密封
  55185. steam packing unloading valve ==> 汽封卸载阀
  55186. steam parameter ==> 蒸汽参数
  55187. steam period ==> 通蒸汽期
  55188. steam pile driver ==> 汽力打桩机
  55189. steam pile hammer ==> 打桩汽锤
  55190. steam pipe ==> 蒸気管
  55191. steam pipe coil ==> 蒸汽盘管,蒸汽旋管
  55192. steam pipe expansion loop ==> 蒸汽管膨胀圈
  55193. steam pipe isolating valve ==> 汽管隔离保安阀
  55194. steam pipe line ==> 蒸汽管线
  55195. steam pipe linesteam supply ==> 蒸汽管道
  55196. steam pipe oven ==> 蒸汽加热炉
  55197. steam pipe plug ==> 汽管塞
  55198. steam pipe sleeve ==> 汽管套
  55199. steam pipe stud ==> 汽管柱螺栓
  55200. steam pipe support ==> 汽管架
  55201. steam pipe swivel ==> 汽管旋转接头
  55202. steam pipe T connection ==> 丁字形汽管接头
  55203. steam pipe tee ==> 汽管丁字管节
  55204. steam pipe tee head ==> 蒸汽管丁字头
  55205. steam pipeline (trace) ==> 加热蒸汽管道
  55206. steam piping ==> 蒸汽管道
  55207. steam piston ==> 蒸汽活塞
  55208. steam piston ring ==> 蒸汽活塞环
  55209. steam plant ==> 蒸汽动力厂
  55210. steam plate ==> 蒸汽板
  55211. steam platen press ==> 蒸汽平压
  55212. steam plow ==> 蒸汽机引犁
  55213. steam plunger pump ==> 蒸汽活塞泵
  55214. steam pocket ==> 汽袋,汽囊
  55215. steam point ==> 水汽化点,沸点
  55216. steam port ==> 蒸気口
  55217. steam power ==> 蒸気力
  55218. steam power forging press ==> 汽力锻压机
  55219. steam power generating units ==> 蒸汽动力发电机组,产生一定参数的蒸汽作为工质,推动汽轮机作功驱动发电机发电的设备
  55220. steam power plant ==> 蒸汽发电厂=>汽力発電所
  55221. steam power station ==> 汽力発電所
  55222. steam pressure ==> 蒸汽压,蒸汽压力,蒸汽压强=>蒸気圧
  55223. steam pressure detector ==> 蒸汽压力指示器
  55224. steam pressure gauge ==> 蒸汽压力表=>蒸気圧力計
  55225. steam pressure test ==> 汽压试验
  55226. steam puffer ==> 蒸汽喷射烫衣机
  55227. steam pump ==> 蒸汽泵,气泵
  55228. steam purge ==> 蒸气吹扫=>蒸気パージ
  55229. steam purge noise ==> 蒸汽喷冲噪音
  55230. steam purging with oxygen ==> 蒸汽加氧吹洗,液态排渣炉运行中的炉膛温度随负荷降低而降低,能保证顺利流渣时的最低负荷。
  55231. steam purification ==> 蒸汽净化,热力系统中,因各种汽水损失或因无生产回水而从系统外部补充的给水。
  55232. steam purifier ==> 蒸汽净化器
  55233. steam purifier(steam separator) ==> 汽水分离器
  55234. steam purity ==> 蒸汽纯度
  55235. steam quality ==> 蒸汽参数,蒸汽品质,蒸汽质量,再热蒸汽加热达到的温度。
  55236. steam quality at minimum heat transfer coefficient ==> 最高壁温处含汽率,在统计期内采样蒸汽品质检测合格的时间占运行时间的百分比。
  55237. steam quality by mass ==> 质量含汽率[干度],在一定的热流密度、工作压力和质量流速下,蒸发管中汽水混合物沸腾换热开始恶化,使壁温急剧升高时的质量含汽率。
  55238. steam quality by section ==> 截面含汽率,湿蒸汽中所含水分的质量百分数。
  55239. steam quality by volume ==> 容积含汽率,在一定的热流密度、工作压力和质量流速下,蒸发管中管壁对汽水混合物的放热系数降低到最小值,使壁温达到最高值处的质量含汽率。
  55240. steam radiator ==> 蒸気放熱器(暖房用)
  55241. steam raising ==> 蒸汽蒸发,气化蒸发,产生蒸汽
  55242. steam raising equipment ==> 蒸汽发生器
  55243. steam raising plant ==> 蒸汽发生装置
  55244. steam raising unit ==> 蒸気発生器
  55245. steam ram ==> 汽动锤体,汽动推钢机,汽动撞头,直接作用蒸汽汽缸
  55246. steam rate ==> 汽耗率,汽轮机汽耗率,汽轮机-发电机组输出每单位电功率的汽耗量
  55247. steam rate guarantee ==> 保证汽耗
  55248. steam receiver ==> 储汽器,储汽室,集气管=>蒸気だめ
  55249. steam reciprocating pump ==> 蒸汽往复泵
  55250. steam recovery tower ==> 蒸汽回收塔
  55251. steam reducing tee ==> 汽管缩径丁字管节
  55252. steam reducing valve ==> 蒸汽减压阀
  55253. steam reduction ==> 蒸汽还原
  55254. steam refining ==> 蒸汽精炼,蒸汽精制
  55255. steam regulator ==> 蒸汽调节器
  55256. steam reheater ==> 蒸気再熱器
  55257. steam release valve ==> 放汽阀
  55258. steam relieving area ==> 蒸发面积
  55259. steam requirement ==> 蒸汽需用量
  55260. steam reserve ==> 蒸汽备用量
  55261. steam reservoir ==> 储汽筒
  55262. steam return line ==> 蒸汽返回管道,蒸汽回管,冷凝蒸汽管线
  55263. steam reversing gear ==> 蒸汽反向机构
  55264. steam rocket ==> 蒸汽火箭发动机
  55265. steam roll ==> 蒸汽加热辊
  55266. steam roller ==> 蒸汽滚筒,蒸汽压路机
  55267. steam run ==> 蒸汽吹炼,蒸汽鼓风
  55268. steam run gas ==> 蒸汽吹出的气体
  55269. steam sand blaster ==> 蒸汽喷砂机
  55270. steam sand blower ==> 蒸汽喷砂器
  55271. steam scrubbing ==> 蒸汽清洗
  55272. steam seal ==> 蒸汽密封,汽封
  55273. steam seal diverting valve ==> 汽封分流阀
  55274. steam seal feed valve ==> 汽封给水阀
  55275. steam seasoned ==> 蒸汽加热处理
  55276. steam seasoning ==> 蒸汽干燥,蒸汽干燥法
  55277. steam section ==> 蒸汽解吸段
  55278. steam security valve ==> 蒸汽安全阀
  55279. steam separator ==> 蒸汽分离器,汽水分离器,隔汽具,分气器=>汽水分離器
  55280. steam setwork ==> 汽动摇尺机
  55281. steam ship (SS,S/S) ==> 蒸汽机船
  55282. steam shock ==> 蒸汽激波
  55283. steam shop ==> 锅炉间
  55284. steam shovel ==> 蒸汽挖掘机,汽铲,汽力铲
  55285. steam silencer ==> 蒸汽消音器
  55286. steam slewing crane ==> 蒸汽旋臂起重机
  55287. steam smothering system ==> 蒸汽灭火装置
  55288. steam soaking ==> 蒸汽除灰,蒸汽清扫
  55289. steam space ==> 蒸気スペース
  55290. steam spinning (of nylon) ==> (耐纶)蒸汽纺丝法
  55291. steam spray ==> 蒸汽喷雾
  55292. steam sprayer ==> 蒸汽雾化器
  55293. steam stamp ==> 蒸汽冲压机
  55294. steam station ==> 蒸汽发电厂
  55295. steam steering gear ==> 蒸汽转向装置
  55296. steam sterilization ==> 蒸气灭菌,蒸气灭菌法,蒸汽灭菌法
  55297. steam sterilized soil ==> 蒸气消毒土壤
  55298. steam sterilizer ==> 蒸气灭菌器,蒸气消毒器,蒸汽灭菌器
  55299. steam sterilizing ==> 蒸汽灭菌
  55300. steam still ==> 蒸汽蒸馏器
  55301. steam stirring ==> 蒸汽搅拌
  55302. steam stop ==> 蒸汽截止阀
  55303. steam stop valve ==> 停汽阀
  55304. steam strainer ==> 滤汽器
  55305. steam strainer valve ==> 滤汽阀
  55306. steam stripping ==> 汽提
  55307. steam stuffing box ==> 汽缸填密函
  55308. steam superheater ==> 蒸気過熱器
  55309. steam superheating ==> 蒸汽过热
  55310. steam supply ==> 蒸汽供应,供汽
  55311. steam supply and power generation ==> 热电站=>熱併給発電
  55312. steam supply and power generation plant ==> 热电厂
  55313. steam supply line ==> 蒸汽供应线
  55314. steam supply pipe ==> 供汽管
  55315. steam supply valve ==> 供汽阀
  55316. steam support ==> 貯水用汽力
  55317. steam table ==> 食物保温箱
  55318. steam tail piece ==> 进汽部尾管
  55319. steam temperature ==> 蒸気温度
  55320. steam temperature control ==> 蒸气温度控制,汽温调节,在锅炉运行中对过热蒸汽温度和再热蒸汽温度进行调节,使其稳定在规定的数值范围内。
  55321. steam tempering ==> 蒸汽回火
  55322. steam tension ==> 蒸汽压
  55323. steam test ==> 蒸汽试验
  55324. steam thawing ==> 蒸汽解冻
  55325. steam throttling ==> 蒸汽节流
  55326. steam tight ==> 蒸汽密封,汽密的,不透蒸汽的=>気密
  55327. steam tight globe ==> 汽密灯罩
  55328. steam tight joint ==> 汽密接合
  55329. steam tight test ==> 汽密性试验
  55330. steam tightness ==> 汽密性
  55331. steam trace ==> 蒸汽伴随加热
  55332. steam trace heating ==> 蒸汽式伴随加热法
  55333. steam tracing ==> 蒸汽保温加热器,伴热蒸气管
  55334. steam tracing line ==> 蒸汽伴随加热
  55335. steam transformer ==> 蒸汽发生器
  55336. steam trap ==> 阻气器,蒸汽疏水器,隔汽具,疏水阀,疏水器=>スチームトラップ,蒸気トラップ
  55337. steam trap valve ==> 滤汽阀
  55338. steam treatment ==> 蒸汽处理
  55339. steam treatment of soil ==> 土壤蒸气处理
  55340. steam trial ==> 蒸汽动力装置试验
  55341. steam tug ==> 蒸汽机拖轮
  55342. steam tumble ==> 汽蒸圆筒
  55343. steam tunnel ==> 汽管隧道
  55344. steam turbine ==> 汽轮机,蒸汽涡轮,将蒸汽的热能转换为机械能的叶轮式旋转原动机=>蒸気タービン
  55345. steam turbine admission parts ==> 汽轮机进汽部分,蒸汽进入汽轮机的部位和部件
  55346. steam turbine by-pass system ==> 汽轮机旁路系统,中间再热机组设置的与汽轮机并联的蒸汽减压减温系统
  55347. steam turbine condenser ==> 蒸汽透平冷凝器
  55348. steam turbine condition line ==> 热力过程曲线,又称“汽轮机膨胀过程线”。流经通流部分膨胀作功的蒸汽,在焓熵图或温熵图上所表示的热力状态点的轨迹
  55349. steam turbine control system ==> 汽轮机控制系统,使汽轮机适应各种运行工况的控制系统的总称,包括汽轮机调节系统、液压伺服系统,还包括超速保护、热应力计算、自起停和负荷自动控制、操作监视等子系统
  55350. steam turbine cylinder ==> 汽轮机汽缸,汽轮机本体的外壳,蒸汽在其间完成能量转换的重要部件。它还具有支承其它静止部件,如隔板、隔板套(反动式汽轮机为静叶环或静叶环套)、喷嘴汽室等的功能
  55351. steam turbine for cogeneration ==> 热电联产汽轮机,能同时承担供热和发电两项任务的汽轮机
  55352. steam turbine generator ==> タービン発電機
  55353. steam turbine governing system ==> 汽轮机调节系统,控制汽轮机旋转速度和输出功率(或包括抽汽压力)以维持机组正常运行的设备
  55354. steam turbine main body ==> 汽轮机本体,主要由静子和转子两大部分组成,与回热加热系统(包括抽汽、给水、凝结水及疏水系统等)、调节保安系统、油系统以及其它辅助设备共同组成的汽轮机组件
  55355. steam turbine oil ==> 汽轮机油,曾称“透平油”。具有抗乳化能力,用于润滑蒸汽轮机的润滑油
  55356. steam turbine oil system ==> 汽轮机油系统,供给汽轮机-发电机组工作用油的成组设备和相应管道组成的系统
  55357. steam turbine protection system ==> 汽轮机保安系统,对汽轮机实行安全保护的系统
  55358. steam turbine rotor ==> 汽轮机转子,由主轴、叶轮或转鼓、动叶片和联轴器等汽轮机旋转部件组成的组合体
  55359. steam turbine speed governor ==> 汽轮机调速器,感知汽轮机转速变化,并输出相应物理量变化信号使调节阀动作的转速敏感元件
  55360. steam turbine stage losses ==> 汽轮机级内损失,蒸汽在级内流动产生的能量损失,主要包括叶栅损失、余速损失、叶轮摩擦损失、鼓风损失、漏汽损失、湿汽损失等项
  55361. steam turbine thermodynamic system,steam turbine thermal power system ==> 汽轮机热力系统,使汽轮机的热功转换过程得以连续进行的所有设备和管道的组合
  55362. steam turbine-driven feedwater pump ==> 汽动给水泵,由可变速的汽轮机驱动的给水泵
  55363. steam turbo-alternator ==> 汽轮发电机
  55364. steam turbo-compressor ==> 汽轮压缩机
  55365. steam turbo-generator ==> 汽轮发电机
  55366. steam turboalternator ==> 汽轮交流发电机组
  55367. steam turboset ==> 汽轮发电机组
  55368. steam under pressure ==> 加压蒸气
  55369. steam union ==> 汽管联管节
  55370. steam union gasket ==> 汽管节垫密片
  55371. steam valve ==> 蒸汽阀
  55372. steam valve center piece ==> 汽阀中心件
  55373. steam valve controller ==> 汽阀控制器
  55374. steam valve disk lock nut ==> 汽阀盘防松螺母
  55375. steam valve gland ==> 汽阀压盖
  55376. steam valve packing ==> 汽阀填密
  55377. steam valve packing gland ==> 汽阀填密压盖
  55378. steam valve spindle ==> 汽阀轴
  55379. steam valve stem ==> 汽阀杆
  55380. steam vapo(u)rizer ==> 蒸汽蒸发器
  55381. steam vaporizer ==> スチーム加湿器(吸入器)
  55382. steam vapour system ==> 低压蒸汽系统
  55383. steam vessel ==> 汽船
  55384. steam void ==> 汽泡,汽穴,蒸汽空腔
  55385. steam vulcanization (cure) ==> 蒸汽硫化
  55386. steam washer ==> 蒸汽清洗设备
  55387. steam washing ==> 蒸汽清洗,补给水量占锅炉蒸发量的百分比。
  55388. steam water mixture ==> 汽水混合物
  55389. steam water system ==> 蒸汽水系统
  55390. steam whirl ==> 蒸汽激振,又称“汽流涡动”。蒸汽通过动、静间隙流动时激励转子发生的低频自激振动
  55391. steam winch ==> 蒸汽绞车
  55392. steam working pressure (SWP) ==> 蒸汽工作压力
  55393. steam(-driven) excavator ==> 蒸汽挖掘机
  55394. steam-age ==> 蒸汽蒸化
  55395. steam-agitated autoclave ==> 蒸汽搅拌高压釜
  55396. steam-air activation ==> 蒸汽空气活化
  55397. steam-air decoking method ==> 蒸汽空气烧焦法
  55398. steam-air die forging hammer ==> 蒸汽空气模锻锤
  55399. steam-air forging hammer ==> 蒸汽空气自由锻锤
  55400. steam-and-solvent condenser ==> 蒸汽与溶剂冷凝器
  55401. steam-and-water gland ==> 汽水填密胀圈
  55402. steam-assisted pressure jet burner ==> 蒸汽机械喷油燃烧器
  55403. steam-blown fiber ==> 蒸汽喷吹纤维
  55404. steam-blown poke hole ==> 蒸汽吹孔
  55405. steam-blown process ==> 蒸汽吹制工艺
  55406. steam-bottom still ==> 底部蒸汽加热蒸馏釜
  55407. steam-break accident ==> 蒸汽破裂事故
  55408. steam-bubbling type autoclave ==> 蒸汽鼓泡搅拌式高压釜
  55409. steam-coil ==> 蒸汽旋管,蛇形蒸汽管
  55410. steam-coil-heated ==> 蒸汽旋管加热的
  55411. steam-coil-heater tank car ==> 蒸汽盘管加热槽车,蒸汽旋管加热的油槽车
  55412. steam-cured ==> 蒸汽养护
  55413. steam-curing chamber ==> 蒸汽养护室
  55414. steam-cylinder assembly ==> 蒸汽缸部件
  55415. steam-cylinder gasket ==> 汽缸填密片
  55416. steam-cylinder jacket band ==> 汽缸套带
  55417. steam-cylinder lagging ==> 汽缸外套
  55418. steam-cylinder lower cover ==> 汽缸下盖
  55419. steam-cylinder lubrication ==> 汽缸润滑
  55420. steam-cylinder lubricator ==> 汽缸润滑器
  55421. steam-cylinder piston ==> 汽缸活塞
  55422. steam-cylinder stock ==> 汽缸油料
  55423. steam-cylinder upper cover ==> 汽缸上盖
  55424. steam-descaling sprayer ==> 蒸汽除鳞喷嘴
  55425. steam-digestion reclaim ==> 蒸煮法回收
  55426. steam-distributing pipe ==> 蒸汽分配管
  55427. steam-distributing system ==> 蒸汽分配系统
  55428. steam-distributing valve ==> 蒸汽分配阀
  55429. steam-driven catapult ==> 蒸汽弹射器
  55430. steam-driven generator ==> 蒸汽发电机
  55431. steam-driven lift ==> 蒸汽升降机
  55432. steam-driven pump ==> 蒸汽泵
  55433. steam-driven pumpig system ==> 蒸汽燃气涡轮泵式输送系统
  55434. steam-driven pumping system ==> 蒸汽燃气涡轮泵式
  55435. steam-driven reciprocating pump ==> 蒸汽往复泵
  55436. steam-driven riveting machine ==> 蒸汽铆机
  55437. steam-driven truck ==> 蒸汽机运货车
  55438. steam-driven vessel ==> 蒸汽机船
  55439. steam-dump system ==> (汽轮机事故时用的)蒸汽排放系统
  55440. steam-electric generating station ==> 蒸汽发电厂
  55441. steam-electric power ==> 蒸汽发电
  55442. steam-electric power plant ==> 火力发电厂
  55443. steam-gas cycle ==> 蒸汽燃气联合循环
  55444. steam-gas mixture ==> 蒸汽煤气混合气
  55445. steam-generating bank ==> 蒸发管束
  55446. steam-generating equipment ==> 蒸汽发生装置
  55447. steam-generating furnace ==> 蒸汽锅炉
  55448. steam-generating heavy water reactor ==> 蒸汽重水反应堆
  55449. steam-generating plant ==> 蒸汽发生装置
  55450. steam-generating reactor ==> 蒸汽发生堆
  55451. steam-generating station ==> 蒸汽发电厂
  55452. steam-generating unit ==> 蒸汽发生器
  55453. steam-generator lead ==> 主蒸汽管道
  55454. steam-hammer oil ==> 回火油
  55455. steam-haulage engineer ==> 蒸汽机车司机
  55456. steam-heated circle ==> 蒸汽加热圈
  55457. steam-heated concentrator ==> 蒸汽加热浓缩器
  55458. steam-heated evaporator ==> 蒸汽加热的蒸发器
  55459. steam-heated mo(u)ld ==> 蒸汽加热模
  55460. steam-heated oven ==> 蒸汽干燥器
  55461. steam-heated pipe line ==> 蒸汽加热管道
  55462. steam-heated rabble-type hearth drier ==> 蒸汽加热耙膛式干燥机
  55463. steam-heated still ==> 蒸汽加热蒸馏釜
  55464. steam-heated tempering coil ==> 蒸汽调温蛇管
  55465. steam-heating apparatus ==> 蒸汽加热设备
  55466. steam-heating boiler ==> 蒸汽锅炉
  55467. steam-heating chamber ==> 蒸汽加温室
  55468. steam-heating coil ==> 蒸汽加热盘管
  55469. steam-heating down-feed system ==> 上行下给式蒸汽供暖系统
  55470. steam-heating pipe ==> 蒸汽加热管
  55471. steam-heating system ==> 蒸汽加热系统
  55472. steam-heating tank ==> 蒸汽加热柜
  55473. steam-heating tube ==> 蒸汽加热管
  55474. steam-in ==> 蒸汽入口
  55475. steam-injector type burner ==> 喷汽式燃烧器
  55476. steam-jacked kettle ==> 蒸汽夹层锅
  55477. steam-jacketed bucket ==> 蒸汽套桶
  55478. steam-jacketed mold ==> 蒸汽夹套模
  55479. steam-jet agitator ==> 蒸汽喷射搅拌器
  55480. steam-jet air ejector ==> 蒸汽喷射式空气抽逐器
  55481. steam-jet air pump ==> 蒸汽喷射式空气泵=>蒸気噴射空気ポンプ
  55482. steam-jet air-conditioning system ==> 蒸汽喷射空调系统
  55483. steam-jet atomizer ==> 蒸汽雾化器
  55484. steam-jet attriter ==> 蒸汽喷射磨细器
  55485. steam-jet blower ==> 蒸気噴射送風機
  55486. steam-jet blower kiln ==> 蒸汽喷射干燥窑
  55487. steam-jet chiller ==> 蒸汽喷射式冷冻机
  55488. steam-jet compression ==> 蒸汽喷射压缩
  55489. steam-jet cooler ==> 蒸汽喷射冷却器
  55490. steam-jet cooling system ==> 蒸汽喷射冷却系统
  55491. steam-jet cycle ==> 蒸汽喷射循环
  55492. steam-jet drawing process ==> 蒸汽喷射拉伸法
  55493. steam-jet ejector ==> 射汽抽气器
  55494. steam-jet heater ==> 蒸汽喷射加热器
  55495. steam-jet injector ==> 蒸汽喷射器
  55496. steam-jet kiln ==> 喷蒸干燥窑
  55497. steam-jet mixer ==> 蒸汽喷射式混合器
  55498. steam-jet pump ==> 蒸汽喷射泵
  55499. steam-jet refrigerating machine ==> 蒸汽喷射致冷机
  55500. steam-jet refrigerating system ==> 蒸汽喷射式制冷系统
  55501. steam-jet sand blast ==> 蒸汽喷砂机
  55502. steam-jet siphon ==> 蒸汽喷射管
  55503. steam-jet sprayer ==> 蒸汽喷雾器
  55504. steam-jet stoker ==> 蒸汽鼓风层燃炉
  55505. steam-jet sucker ==> 蒸汽喷射吸入器
  55506. steam-jet texturing ==> 蒸汽喷射变形
  55507. steam-jet vacuum pump ==> 蒸汽喷射真空泵
  55508. steam-limit curve ==> 蒸汽极限曲线
  55509. steam-mixer ==> 蒸煮拌和器
  55510. steam-out (SO) ==> 外接蒸汽
  55511. steam-outlet valve ==> 主汽阀,主蒸汽闸阀
  55512. steam-power engineering ==> 蒸汽动力工程
  55513. steam-power plant ==> 蒸汽动力装置,蒸汽发电厂,热电厂,火力发电厂
  55514. steam-powered ==> 蒸汽驱动的
  55515. steam-powered car ==> 蒸汽动力汽车
  55516. steam-powered motor-car ==> 蒸汽动力汽车
  55517. steam-powered rotary engine ==> 蒸汽转子发动机
  55518. steam-proof ==> 不透汽=>気密な
  55519. steam-purity value ==> 蒸汽纯度
  55520. steam-quench treatment ==> 气热淬冷处理
  55521. steam-refined ==> 汽炼,蒸汽精制
  55522. steam-refined asphalt ==> 蒸汽精制的沥青
  55523. steam-refined cylinder oil ==> 蒸汽提炼汽缸油
  55524. steam-refined residuum ==> 蒸汽精制油
  55525. steam-refining ==> 蒸汽蒸馏
  55526. steam-reformer ==> 蒸汽转化作用装置
  55527. steam-reforming ==> 蒸汽转化
  55528. steam-releasing surface ==> 蒸发面
  55529. steam-set ink ==> 蒸汽凝固油墨
  55530. steam-smoothering line ==> 蒸汽灭火管道
  55531. steam-smothering ==> 蒸汽灭火
  55532. steam-spraying ==> 蒸汽喷涂
  55533. steam-tent ==> 蒸气帐
  55534. steam-to-steam heat exchanger ==> 汽汽热交换器
  55535. steam-traction engine ==> 蒸気けん引機関車
  55536. steam-tube bundle ==> 蒸汽管束
  55537. steam-tube dryer ==> 蒸汽管干燥器
  55538. steam-turbine automatic remote control system ==> 汽轮机自动遥控系统
  55539. steam-turbine for power plant ==> 电站汽轮机
  55540. steam-turbine generator ==> 汽轮发电机
  55541. steam-turbine lead ==> 汽轮机蒸汽管道
  55542. steam-turbine lubricating system ==> 汽轮机润滑系统
  55543. steam-turbine lubrication ==> 汽轮机润滑
  55544. steam-turbine oil ==> 汽轮机油
  55545. steam-turbine parts ==> 汽轮机零件
  55546. steam-turbine plant ==> 汽轮机装置
  55547. steam-turbine-driven alternator ==> 汽轮发电机
  55548. steam-turbine-driven windlass ==> 汽轮机驱动起锚机
  55549. steam-turbine-electric drive ==> 汽轮机电气驱动
  55550. steam-water separation ==> 汽水分离,减少锅筒出口饱和蒸汽中所携带水滴和盐类的含量,使蒸汽品质达到规定的要求的过程。
  55551. steam-water separator ==> 汽水分离器
  55552. steam-water two-phase flow ==> 汽水[液]两相流,蒸汽泡在蒸发受热面上升管中聚集,阻塞水循环的现象。
  55553. steam[static] bending stress ==> 蒸汽[静]弯应力,蒸汽流过叶片产生的汽流力在叶片横截面上所引起的弯应力
  55554. steamed bone meal ==> 蒸骨粉
  55555. steamed bun making machine ==> 馒头机
  55556. steamed duck slices ==> 宏图鸭
  55557. steamer ==> 轮船,蒸汽发生器,蒸汽机,蒸汽机船,汽锅,汽蒸器
  55558. steamer-mixer ==> 蒸煮混和器
  55559. steamhammer piling machine ==> 汽锤打桩机
  55560. steaming and brushing machine ==> 蒸刷机
  55561. steaming apparatus ==> 蒸汽养护设备
  55562. steaming chamber ==> 蒸汽室
  55563. steaming graded thin-layer chromatography ==> 蒸气梯度薄层层析法
  55564. steaming header ==> 沸腾联箱
  55565. steaming machine ==> 茶叶蒸制机
  55566. steaming of wood ==> 木材蒸干
  55567. steaming operation ==> 蒸汽通入操作
  55568. steaming out ==> 吹汽
  55569. steaming out system ==> 蒸汽灭火管系
  55570. steaming out tank ==> 吹汽槽
  55571. steaming part for permeation ==> 高温渗透部
  55572. steaming plant ==> 蒸汽设备,蒸煮装置
  55573. steaming power ==> 蒸汽生产额
  55574. steaming surface ==> 蒸发表面
  55575. steaming treatment ==> 蒸气处理,蒸汽处理
  55576. steamy place ==> 漏汽点
  55577. stear calf ==> 去势公犊
  55578. stearate ==> 硬脂酸化物=>ステアレート,ステアリン酸塩
  55579. stearate chromium complex ==> 硬脂酸铬络化物
  55580. stearate film ==> ステアリン酸塩膜
  55581. stearate incorporation ==> ステアリン酸塩混入
  55582. stearate ligand ==> ステアリン酸エステル配位子
  55583. stearate monolayer ==> ステアリン酸エステル単分子層
  55584. stearate radical ==> 硬脂酸根
  55585. stearatochromic chloride ==> 硬脂酸氯化铬
  55586. stearic acid ==> 粉状硬脂酸,硬脂酸,二压硬脂酸,十八酸
  55587. stearic acid film ==> 硬脂酸膜
  55588. stearin ==> ステアリン
  55589. stearin oil ==> 硬脂油
  55590. stearin pitch ==> 硬脂沥青
  55591. stearinic acid ==> 硬脂酸
  55592. stearo palmito-olein ==> 硬脂酸棕榈酸油酸甘油酯
  55593. steatite ==> ステアタイト
  55594. steatite bobbin ==> 块滑石线圈架
  55595. Stebbins-Whitford system ==> 斯特宾斯-惠特福德系统
  55596. Steckel mill ==> 斯特克尔式轧机,可逆式炉卷轧机
  55597. steckel rolling ==> 斯特克尔轧制法
  55598. Stedman packing ==> 斯特曼填料,金属网规则填料
  55599. steel ==> 钢,钢制,钢制的=>鋼,鋼鉄,スチール
  55600. steel accommodation ladder ==> 钢质舷梯
  55601. steel adhesive ==> 钢铁粘合胶
  55602. steel alloy ==> 钢合金,合金钢
  55603. steel aluminium trolley wire ==> 钢铝电车线
  55604. steel analyzer ==> 钢含量分析仪
  55605. steel anchor ==> 钢锚件
  55606. steel and aluminium trolley wire ==> 钢铝电车线
  55607. steel and iron slag cement ==> 钢渣水泥
  55608. steel angle ==> 角钢
  55609. steel anvil ==> 钢砧
  55610. steel arch ==> 钢拱支架
  55611. steel arch-gate ==> 弧形钢闸门
  55612. steel area ==> 钢筋截面面积,钢筋面积
  55613. steel armoured ==> 铠装,铠装的,包钢
  55614. steel back brake shoe ==> 钢背闸瓦
  55615. steel backing ==> 钢背
  55616. steel backing plate ==> 钢背板
  55617. steel baling strap ==> 打包铁皮
  55618. steel ball ==> 钢球,钢种
  55619. steel ball coal mill ==> 钢球磨煤机
  55620. steel ball indent ==> 钢球痕
  55621. steel ball lapping machine ==> 钢球研磨机
  55622. steel ball polishing machine ==> 钢球抛光机
  55623. steel ball-type valve ==> 钢珠活门
  55624. steel band ==> 钢带,钢箍带=>鋼ベルト,スチールバンド,鋼帯
  55625. steel band butt welder ==> 钢带对焊机
  55626. steel band knitting machine ==> 钢带提花圆型针织机
  55627. steel band tape ==> 钢卷尺
  55628. steel bar ==> 钢棒,钢材,钢筋,条钢
  55629. steel bar bender ==> 钢筋弯曲机
  55630. steel bar shearing machine ==> 钢筋切断机
  55631. steel bar straightening and shearing machine ==> 钢筋拉直切断机
  55632. steel baseplate ==> 钢座板
  55633. steel beaker ==> 钢制烧杯
  55634. steel beam ==> 钢梁
  55635. steel beam for crane ==> 吊车钢轨
  55636. steel beam trammel ==> 钢杆规
  55637. steel bed ==> 钢床
  55638. steel belt ==> 钢带,传动钢带
  55639. steel belt conveyor ==> 钢丝绳芯胶带输送机
  55640. steel belt lacing ==> 钢带接头
  55641. steel belted piston ==> 钢带轻合金活塞
  55642. steel bender ==> 钢筋弯具
  55643. steel bending yard ==> 钢筋工场
  55644. steel bloom ==> 大钢坯
  55645. steel blue ==> 钢青色
  55646. steel body ==> 钢质车身
  55647. steel bomb ==> 钢弹,钢制反应釜
  55648. steel bond ==> 铁粉结合剂
  55649. steel bond hard alloy ==> 钢结硬质合金
  55650. steel bonded carbide ==> 钢结硬质合金
  55651. steel bonded carbide tool ==> 钢结硬质合金工具
  55652. steel bottom plate ==> 钢底盘
  55653. steel bottom rim ==> 钢底箍
  55654. steel bowl ==> 钢杯,钢辊筒
  55655. steel box pile ==> 盒形钢桩
  55656. steel bracket ==> 钢支架
  55657. steel bridge member ==> 鋼橋部材
  55658. steel bronze ==> 钢青铜,钢性青铜
  55659. steel brush ==> 钢刷,钢丝刷
  55660. steel bulkhead ==> 钢板驳岸,(钢管的)钢闷头
  55661. steel bur ==> 钢牙钻
  55662. steel burnisher ==> 钢磨光器
  55663. steel bushing ==> 钢套
  55664. steel button ==> 钢钮
  55665. steel cable ==> 钢缆,钢丝绳,钢丝索,钢索
  55666. steel cable baffle ring ==> 钢丝挡圈
  55667. steel cable clamp ==> 钢丝绳绳夹
  55668. steel cable conveyor belt ==> 钢缆输送带
  55669. steel cable hoist ==> 钢丝绳式电动葫芦
  55670. steel cable terminal ==> 钢丝绳接头
  55671. steel cable yarn ==> 钢丝绳芯纱
  55672. steel cage ==> 钢罩
  55673. steel caisson ==> 钢沉箱
  55674. steel caisson breakwater ==> 钢沉箱防波堤
  55675. steel calender ==> 钢丝压延机
  55676. steel can ==> 钢罐=>スチール缶
  55677. steel cap ==> 钢顶梁
  55678. steel cap and plastic barrel ==> 钢套塑杆
  55679. steel capacity ==> 炼钢生产能力
  55680. steel capsule ==> 钢包套
  55681. steel casement ==> 钢窗,钢窗框
  55682. steel casement door ==> 钢门
  55683. steel casement window ==> 钢窗
  55684. steel casting ==> 钢铸件,铸钢件=>鋳鋼
  55685. steel casting iron ==> 碳素钢铸件
  55686. steel cell ==> 钢壳电解槽
  55687. steel cellular bulkhead ==> 钢板格型岸壁
  55688. steel channel beam ==> 槽钢梁
  55689. steel channel column ==> 槽钢柱
  55690. steel chips ==> 钢切屑
  55691. steel chisel ==> 钢扁凿,钢钎
  55692. steel clad ==> 包钢的
  55693. steel clip ==> 钢夹
  55694. steel coach screw ==> 钢制方头木螺钉
  55695. steel cofferdam ==> 钢围堰
  55696. steel collar ==> 钎肩
  55697. steel collector bar ==> 钢导电棒
  55698. steel column ==> 钢柱
  55699. steel complex ==> 钢铁联合企业
  55700. steel composing stick ==> 钢手托
  55701. steel composite construction ==> 劲性钢筋混凝土结构
  55702. steel concrete ==> 钢筋混凝土
  55703. steel concrete composite girder ==> 钢筋混凝土合成梁
  55704. steel concrete sleeper ==> 钢筋混凝土轨枕
  55705. steel conditioning ==> 钢表面修整,钢的表面修整
  55706. steel conduit ==> 布线钢管
  55707. steel cone concrete column ==> 钢心混凝土柱
  55708. steel construction ==> 钢结构
  55709. steel conveyor belt ==> 钢质运输带
  55710. steel cooling coil ==> 钢制冷却蛇管
  55711. steel cord conveyor belt ==> 钢丝绳输送带
  55712. steel cord for tyre ==> 轮胎细钢丝绳
  55713. steel cord tyre ==> 钢丝织轮胎
  55714. steel core ==> 钢芯,钢心
  55715. steel cored alumium cable ==> 钢芯铝线
  55716. steel cotter pin ==> 钢扁销
  55717. steel crucible ==> 钢坩埚
  55718. steel cup ==> 钢杯
  55719. steel current conducting plate ==> 导电钢板
  55720. steel cuttings ==> 钢屑
  55721. steel cylinder ==> (装氧气等气体的瓶)钢瓶=>鋼製円筒
  55722. steel cylindrical column ==> 钢管柱
  55723. steel dam ==> 钢坝
  55724. steel deck ==> 钢板层
  55725. steel deck girder dam ==> 钢面板梁式坝
  55726. steel diaphragm ==> 钢隔板,钢膜片,(坝内的)钢心墙
  55727. steel die ==> 钢模
  55728. steel disc ==> 钢片
  55729. steel distributor ==> 钢传墨辊
  55730. steel dog ==> 钢索钩
  55731. steel door ==> 钢门
  55732. steel door frame ==> 钢门框
  55733. steel double bolt pipe clamp ==> 钢制双螺栓管卡
  55734. steel dowel ==> 插筋
  55735. steel drag ==> 钢板路刮
  55736. steel drift ==> 钢冲
  55737. steel drop ==> 钢粒
  55738. steel drum ==> 钢桶,铁桶
  55739. steel dryer ==> 钢制晾衣架
  55740. steel electrode ==> 钢焊条
  55741. steel electrode for low temperature service ==> 低温钢焊条
  55742. steel emery ==> 钢砂
  55743. steel engraver ==> 钢版雕刻机
  55744. steel engraving ==> 钢凹板,钢雕
  55745. steel eraser ==> 刮墨水字迹刮刀
  55746. steel erector ==> 钢架装置机,钢结构安装工
  55747. steel fabric reinforcement ==> 网状钢筋
  55748. steel facing ==> 钢板护面,钢棉面板,钢面板,表面钢化
  55749. steel feed ==> 钢坯
  55750. steel fiber reinforced concrete ==> 钢纤维混凝土
  55751. steel fibre ==> 钢纤维
  55752. steel file ==> 钢锉
  55753. steel file cabinet ==> 钢制卷宗柜
  55754. steel film selection ==> 钢带式选针
  55755. steel filter ==> 钢板过滤器
  55756. steel finger ==> 钢梭子
  55757. steel fitting for windowdoor ==> 钢门窗配件
  55758. steel fixer ==> 钢筋定位器
  55759. steel flat ==> 扁钢
  55760. steel foil ==> 钢箔
  55761. steel folding door ==> 钢折页门
  55762. steel folding rule ==> 钢皮折尺,钢折尺
  55763. steel for generator retaining ring ==> 护环用钢,护环锻件用钢要求有很高的强度,良好的塑性和最小的残余应力,并具有低的导磁率和较强的抗应力腐蚀性,应选用高强度非磁性奥氏体钢
  55764. steel for rotor ==> 转子用钢,锻件用钢要求有足够高的屈服强度以承受旋转时强大的离心力,并尽可能高的塑性及韧性、较低的脆性转变温度以及良好的导磁性
  55765. steel for special purposes ==> 特殊用钢
  55766. steel for stator core ==> 铁心用钢,定子铁心用的具有高磁感应强度、低铁损、冲切性能好且双面涂绝缘漆的薄硅钢片
  55767. steel forging ==> 锻钢
  55768. steel forgings ==> 钢锻品
  55769. steel fork ==> 钢叉
  55770. steel fork head ==> 钢叉头
  55771. steel fork with handle ==> 带把钢叉
  55772. steel form ==> 钢模板,用于混凝土浇筑成型的钢制模板
  55773. steel foundry (shop) ==> 铸钢车间
  55774. steel frame ==> 钢架,钢框格=>鉄骨
  55775. steel frame dam ==> 钢架坝
  55776. steel frame mill building ==> 钢架厂房
  55777. steel frame mill plant ==> 钢架厂房
  55778. steel frame structure ==> 钢框格
  55779. steel framed building ==> 钢框架房屋
  55780. steel framed reinforced concrete column ==> 钢骨钢筋混凝土柱
  55781. steel framework ==> 钢构架
  55782. steel framing ==> 钢框格
  55783. steel framing plan ==> 钢框架平面图
  55784. steel furniture ==> 钢家具
  55785. steel girder ==> 钢梁
  55786. steel grade ==> 钢的等级,钢的等级牌号,钢号,钢种
  55787. steel grade and type ==> 钢号及钢种
  55788. steel grade character ==> 钢级代号
  55789. steel grader ==> 钢材分选装置
  55790. steel grating floor ==> 钢箅子地板
  55791. steel gray ==> 青灰色,铁青毛
  55792. steel grey ==> 钢灰色
  55793. steel grid ==> 钢筋网格,格砖炉篦
  55794. steel grid floor ==> 钢格楼板
  55795. steel grillage foundation ==> 钢格排基础
  55796. steel grille ==> 钢窗栅
  55797. steel grit ==> 钢丸
  55798. steel guy wire ==> 钢拉线
  55799. steel hammer ==> 钢锤
  55800. steel hanger ==> 钢吊架
  55801. steel hardening oil ==> 钢材淬火油
  55802. steel hatch cover ==> 鋼製ハッチカバー
  55803. steel heald ==> 钢片综
  55804. steel helmet ==> 钢盔
  55805. steel hoop ==> 钢箍
  55806. steel hose ==> 钢制软管
  55807. steel I-beam ==> 工字钢梁
  55808. steel I-column ==> 工字钢柱
  55809. steel impression mark ==> 钢印标记
  55810. steel industry ==> 钢铁工业
  55811. steel ingot ==> 钢锭
  55812. steel ingot scale ==> 钢锭秤
  55813. steel ink ==> 钢材划线用墨
  55814. steel insert for valve seat ==> 钢阀座圈
  55815. steel jack ==> 矿用螺旋立柱,闪锌矿
  55816. steel jacket ==> 钢套,钢质导管架
  55817. steel jacket platform ==> (近海建筑物用)钢套管架平台
  55818. steel joist ==> 钢龙骨
  55819. steel key ==> 钢键
  55820. steel knife-edge ==> 钢质刀口
  55821. steel L-plate ==> 铁三角
  55822. steel ladder ==> 钢梯
  55823. steel ladle ==> 钢水包
  55824. steel lagging ==> 钢挡板,钢套
  55825. steel lathing ==> 钢丝网,抹灰用钢丝网
  55826. steel lattice structure ==> 钢格构结构
  55827. steel lattice truss ==> 钢格构桁架
  55828. steel latticework ==> 钢格构
  55829. steel letters ==> 钢字
  55830. steel line drawer ==> 钢线拉线机
  55831. steel linear ==> 钢覆面
  55832. steel lined ==> 衬钢的
  55833. steel liner ==> 钢衬
  55834. steel lining ==> 钢板衬砌,钢衬,钢内衬,金属支护,钢衬砌,用钢板作衬砌,其外回填混凝土
  55835. steel link chain ==> 钢链条
  55836. steel link conveyer ==> 钢制链板式输送机
  55837. steel link harrow ==> 链耙
  55838. steel lintel ==> 钢过梁
  55839. steel loop ==> 钢环
  55840. steel lumber ==> スチール材
  55841. steel magnet ==> 磁钢
  55842. steel making process ==> 製鉄プロセス
  55843. steel manufacture ==> 钢铁工业
  55844. steel mark ==> 钢标号,钢的标号
  55845. steel marking system ==> 钢的标号制
  55846. steel mast ==> 钢桅杆
  55847. steel measuring tape ==> 钢卷尺,钢卷尺
  55848. steel member ==> 钢构件=>スチール部材
  55849. steel membrane ==> 钢膜
  55850. steel mesh ==> 钢丝网,钢网
  55851. steel mesh reinforcement ==> 网状钢筋
  55852. steel mesh silo ==> 钢丝网制青贮筒
  55853. steel metallurgy ==> 钢冶炼学
  55854. steel mill ==> 钢铁厂,轧钢厂=>製鋼所
  55855. steel mirror ==> 钢镜
  55856. steel mo(u)lder's paint ==> 铸钢涂料
  55857. steel mold ==> スチール製鋳型
  55858. steel mortar ==> 钢研钵
  55859. steel motor lifeboat ==> 钢质机动救生艇
  55860. steel mould ==> 钢锭模,钢模
  55861. steel mould for electric pole ==> 电杆钢模
  55862. steel moulding plate ==> 钢模板
  55863. steel movable form ==> 钢滑动模板
  55864. steel nail ==> 钢钉
  55865. steel pad ==> 钢安全臼
  55866. steel panel ==> 钢护板
  55867. steel pattern number ==> 钢型号
  55868. steel perforating rule ==> 打孔用钢尺
  55869. steel pick ==> 钢镐
  55870. steel pick head ==> 镐头
  55871. steel pickling operation ==> 钢酸洗作业
  55872. steel pickling waste liquid ==> 钢酸洗废液
  55873. steel picks and mattock ==> 钢镐
  55874. steel pig ==> 炼钢生铁
  55875. steel pile ==> 钢桩
  55876. steel pile type dolphin ==> 钢桩系船墩
  55877. steel pipe ==> 钢管=>鋼管
  55878. steel pipe clamp ==> 钢制管卡
  55879. steel pipe column ==> 钢管柱
  55880. steel pipe flange ==> 钢管法兰
  55881. steel pipe furniture ==> スチールパイプ家具
  55882. steel pipe handrailing ==> 钢管扶手
  55883. steel pipe pile ==> 鋼管杭
  55884. steel pipe pole ==> 鋼管柱
  55885. steel pipe railing ==> 钢管栏杆
  55886. steel pipe scaffold ==> 钢管脚手架
  55887. steel pipe support ==> 钢管支柱
  55888. steel piping ==> 钢管
  55889. steel pit ==> 凹坑
  55890. steel plain splice ==> 钢板平面拼接
  55891. steel plane ==> 钢刨
  55892. steel plant ==> 钢铁厂
  55893. steel plate ==> 钢板=>鋼板
  55894. steel plate door ==> 钢板门
  55895. steel plate flange ==> 钢板法兰
  55896. steel plate for fixation of fracture ==> 接骨板
  55897. steel plate girder ==> 钢板梁
  55898. steel plate lining ==> 钢板衬层
  55899. steel plate radiator ==> 钢制板式散热器
  55900. steel plate square washer ==> 方形钢垫板
  55901. steel plate stamping ==> 钢板冲件
  55902. steel plate thickness meter ==> 钢板测厚仪
  55903. steel plated ==> 包钢板
  55904. steel plates for boiler and pressure vessels ==> 锅炉和压力容器用钢板
  55905. steel plates for low temperature service ==> 低温用钢板
  55906. steel plating ==> 镀钢的
  55907. steel pole ==> 钢杆=>鉄柱
  55908. steel production ==> 炼钢
  55909. steel products ==> 钢材
  55910. steel profile ==> 钢材剖面
  55911. steel prop ==> 钢支柱
  55912. steel protractor ==> 钢制分度器
  55913. steel puller ==> 钻杆提取器
  55914. steel purlin ==> 钢檩
  55915. steel rabble ==> 钢渣棒
  55916. steel rail ==> 钢轨
  55917. steel ratio ==> 钢筋百分比,钢筋百分率=>鉄筋比
  55918. steel reactor ==> 钢制反应釜
  55919. steel reinforced aluminium wire ==> 钢芯铝线
  55920. steel reinforcement ==> 钢筋
  55921. steel reinforcement bar delivering roller ==> 钢筋输送辊
  55922. steel reinforcement bar feeder ==> 钢筋送料机
  55923. steel reinforcement bar pre-drawn platform ==> 钢筋预拉台
  55924. steel reinforcement cage ==> 钢筋笼
  55925. steel reinforcement laying machine ==> 钢筋敷设机
  55926. steel reinforcing rod ==> 钢筋棍
  55927. steel relaxation ==> 钢筋的松弛
  55928. steel retort ==> 钢蒸馏罐
  55929. steel ribbed floor ==> 肋形钢楼盖
  55930. steel ribbon ==> 钢条
  55931. steel rider ==> 钢辊
  55932. steel rim ==> 钢轮辋
  55933. steel ring ==> 钢环,钢圈
  55934. steel ring set ==> 钢圈支架
  55935. steel rivet ==> 钢铆钉
  55936. steel rod ==> 钢棍,钢拉杆,钢条
  55937. steel roll ==> 钢轧辊
  55938. steel roller ==> 钢辊,钢轮压路机
  55939. steel rolling ==> 钢材轧制,轧钢
  55940. steel roof ==> 鋼板製屋根
  55941. steel roof truss ==> 钢屋架
  55942. steel rope ==> 钢索
  55943. steel rule ==> 钢尺
  55944. steel rung ==> 钢踏棍
  55945. steel sand drilling ==> 钢砂钻进
  55946. steel sash ==> 钢窗,钢框格=>スチールサッシ,鋼製建具
  55947. steel saw ==> 钢锯
  55948. steel scaffolding ==> スチールの足場
  55949. steel scale ==> 钢尺
  55950. steel scoria ==> 钢渣=>スチールスコリア
  55951. steel scrap ==> 钢屑,废钢=>鉄くず
  55952. steel scraper ==> 刮钢尺
  55953. steel screen ==> 钢板网
  55954. steel sets ==> 矿用钢支架
  55955. steel shank ==> 钎子尾
  55956. steel sharpening ==> 锻钎
  55957. steel sheath ==> 钢皮
  55958. steel sheathing ==> 钢棉面板,钢面板
  55959. steel sheel ==> 钢壳体
  55960. steel sheet ==> 鋼板
  55961. steel sheet disk wheel ==> 钢板盘轮
  55962. steel sheet pile ==> 钢板桩
  55963. steel sheet pile breakwater ==> 钢板桩防波堤
  55964. steel sheet pile bulkhead ==> 钢板桩驳岸,钢板桩护岸
  55965. steel sheet pile cellular cofferdam ==> 钢板桩格型围堰
  55966. steel sheet pile earth cofferdam ==> 钢板桩填土围堰
  55967. steel sheet pile quaywall ==> 钢板桩岸壁,钢板桩码头
  55968. steel sheet pile wharf ==> 钢板桩码头
  55969. steel sheet piling ==> 钢板桩,钢板桩
  55970. steel sheet piling cofferdam ==> 钢板桩围堰,用特制钢板桩组成的围堰
  55971. steel sheet piling cutoff ==> 钢板桩截水墙
  55972. steel sheet piling type dolphin ==> 钢板桩式系船墩
  55973. steel sheet product ==> 鋼板製品
  55974. steel sheet shears ==> 钢皮剪刀
  55975. steel sheet straightener ==> 钢板校直机
  55976. steel sheet-pile wall ==> 钢板桩墙
  55977. steel shell ==> 钢壳,钢制炉体
  55978. steel shelled box type load switch ==> 钢壳负荷开关
  55979. steel shield ==> 钢盾,防护钢壳
  55980. steel shoe ==> 钢挡板,钢桩靴
  55981. steel shot ==> 钢粒,钢丸
  55982. steel shot abrasive ==> 钢砂磨粒
  55983. steel shot boring ==> 钢珠钻探
  55984. steel shot drilling ==> 钢砂钻井,钢珠钻孔,钢珠钻探
  55985. steel shotcrete ==> 钢支撑
  55986. steel shovel ==> 钢铲,钢锹
  55987. steel skeleton ==> 钢骨架
  55988. steel skeleton building ==> 钢骨架房屋,钢骨架建筑
  55989. steel skeleton compact ==> 钢骨架坯块
  55990. steel skeleton construction ==> 钢骨架构造
  55991. steel slab ==> 钢锭
  55992. steel slab bridge ==> 钢板桥
  55993. steel slag ==> 钢渣
  55994. steel sleeper ==> 钢枕,钢枕木
  55995. steel sleeve ==> 钢衬垫,钢套管
  55996. steel slip gauge ==> 钢制块规
  55997. steel snare wire ==> 鼻息肉绞断钢丝
  55998. steel socket ==> 钢套节
  55999. steel sorter ==> 钢鉴别仪
  56000. steel space frame structure ==> 钢空间框架结构
  56001. steel spade ==> 钢锹
  56002. steel specification ==> 钢号
  56003. steel spirit level ==> 钢水平尺
  56004. steel spoke wheel ==> 钢制辐轮
  56005. steel spout ==> 出钢槽
  56006. steel sprial spring ==> 钢螺簧
  56007. steel spring ==> 钢簧
  56008. steel spring plate ==> 弹簧钢板
  56009. steel spring undercarriage ==> 钢簧起落架
  56010. steel square ==> 钢角尺,钢曲尺,直角钢,直角钢尺
  56011. steel stack ==> 钢通风管,钢烟囱,钢制烟囱
  56012. steel stair ==> 钢楼梯
  56013. steel staple ==> スチール止め金
  56014. steel strand ==> 钢绞线
  56015. steel strand rope ==> 钢索
  56016. steel stranded wire ==> 钢绞线
  56017. steel strap ==> 钢片
  56018. steel strapping equipment ==> 钢带捆轧机
  56019. steel string ==> 钢绳弦线
  56020. steel string stair ==> 钢梁楼梯
  56021. steel strip ==> 钢带
  56022. steel strip die ==> 钢带模
  56023. steel structural derrick ==> 钢结构钻塔
  56024. steel structure ==> 钢结构
  56025. steel structure design ==> 钢结构设计
  56026. steel structure work ==> 钢结构工程
  56027. steel strut ==> 钢支柱
  56028. steel stud ==> 钢立筋
  56029. steel sub-tread ==> 钢踏步底板
  56030. steel superstructure ==> 上部钢结构
  56031. steel support ==> 钢圈支架,金属支架
  56032. steel support structure ==> 钢支撑结构
  56033. steel supporting ==> 钢支架
  56034. steel supporting stock column ==> 钢支柱料柱
  56035. steel swarf-removing tool ==> 断屑刀片
  56036. steel tank ==> 钢槽,钢罐,金属结构罐
  56037. steel tape ==> 钢合尺,钢卷尺=>鋼帯,はがね巻尺
  56038. steel tape armor ==> 钢带铠装
  56039. steel tape armoring ==> 钢带铠装
  56040. steel tape ruler ==> 钢卷尺
  56041. steel tape web divider ==> 钢带毛网分条器
  56042. steel tendon ==> 钢丝束
  56043. steel test piece ==> 钢材取样块
  56044. steel thimble ==> 钢套管
  56045. steel thread ==> 钢丝
  56046. steel tie ==> スチールタイ,鉄枕木
  56047. steel tie beam ==> 钢拉梁
  56048. steel tie rod ==> 钢拉杆
  56049. steel timber ==> 金属支架
  56050. steel tool box ==> 钢壳工具箱
  56051. steel tooth ==> 钢齿
  56052. steel tooth bit ==> 钢齿牙轮钻头
  56053. steel tower ==> 钢塔,铁架,铁塔=>鉄塔
  56054. steel trap ==> 捕兽夹
  56055. steel traveler ==> 钢丝圈
  56056. steel trestle ==> 钢栈桥
  56057. steel trowel ==> 钢抹子,钢镘,钢镘刀
  56058. steel troweling ==> 钢抹镘光
  56059. steel truss ==> 钢桁架
  56060. steel truss pole ==> 鉄柱
  56061. steel tube ==> 钢管
  56062. steel tube armour ==> 钢管铠装
  56063. steel tube for fired heater ==> 加热炉用钢管
  56064. steel tubes for heat transfer ==> 热传导用钢管
  56065. steel tubing ==> 钢管
  56066. steel tubular handrailing ==> 钢管扶手
  56067. steel tunnel support ==> 隧道钢支护
  56068. steel type ==> 钢材型号
  56069. steel tyre ==> 钢轮箍
  56070. steel upright ==> 钢支柱
  56071. steel vessel ==> 钢制容器
  56072. steel washer ==> 钢垫圈
  56073. steel wedge ==> 钢楔
  56074. steel weir ==> 钢堰
  56075. steel wheel ==> 钢轮
  56076. steel window ==> 钢窗
  56077. steel window frame & accessory ==> 钢窗框及配件
  56078. steel window section ==> 钢窗料
  56079. steel wire ==> 钢丝,钢线=>鋼線
  56080. steel wire armored cable ==> 钢丝铠装电缆
  56081. steel wire armour ==> 钢线铠装
  56082. steel wire armoured ==> 钢丝铠装的
  56083. steel wire armoured air rubber hose ==> 钢丝编织空气胶管
  56084. steel wire armoured cable ==> 钢线铠装电缆
  56085. steel wire armoured high pressure rubber hose ==> 钢丝编织高压胶管
  56086. steel wire armoured water rubber hose ==> 钢丝缠绕排水胶管
  56087. steel wire braid ==> 钢丝编织层
  56088. steel wire braided high pressure hose ==> 钢丝编织高压管
  56089. steel wire brush ==> 钢丝刷=>鋼線ブラシ
  56090. steel wire clamp ==> 钢丝绳卡头
  56091. steel wire cloth ==> 铁砂布
  56092. steel wire cutter ==> 钢丝刀
  56093. steel wire cutter one step quick forming ==> 钢丝刀一次快速成形法
  56094. steel wire embedded water suction rubber hose ==> 埋线工业吸水胶管
  56095. steel wire for aural polyp snare ==> 耳息肉绞断器用钢丝
  56096. steel wire for welding electrode ==> 焊条钢丝
  56097. steel wire gauge ==> 钢丝线规,钢线规
  56098. steel wire gauze ==> 钢丝网
  56099. steel wire heald ==> 钢丝综
  56100. steel wire lashing ==> 钢丝绑扎
  56101. steel wire mesh ==> 钢丝网
  56102. steel wire netting ==> 钢丝网
  56103. steel wire of high tensile strength ==> 高强钢丝
  56104. steel wire packer ==> 钢丝打包机
  56105. steel wire reinforced belt ==> 钢丝芯加固橡胶带
  56106. steel wire ring wheel ==> 钢丝圈刷轮
  56107. steel wire rope ==> 钢丝绳,钢丝索
  56108. steel wire rope clip ==> 钢丝绳卡头
  56109. steel wire rope graphite-base grease ==> 钢丝绳石墨润滑油
  56110. steel wire rope stranding-bundling machine ==> 钢丝绳绞束机
  56111. steel wire rope with thimble ==> 带线环钢丝绳
  56112. steel wire rotary brush ==> 钢丝轮刷
  56113. steel wire strand ==> 多股钢丝,多股钢线
  56114. steel wire stylet ==> 钢丝针芯
  56115. steel wire tube brush ==> 钢丝管刷
  56116. steel wire wheel brush ==> 钢丝轮刷
  56117. steel wires ==> 钢绞线
  56118. steel wiring reinforced brick wall ==> 钢丝网加劲砖墙
  56119. steel wool ==> 钢棉,钢丝棉,钢丝绒,铁绒=>鋼綿,スチールウール
  56120. steel wool filter ==> 钢丝绒滤油器
  56121. steel work ==> 钢制件
  56122. steel works ==> 钢厂,钢铁厂
  56123. steel works equipment ==> 钢厂设备
  56124. steel yoke end ==> 钢叉
  56125. steel(y) iron ==> 炼钢生铁
  56126. steel-alkaline battery ==> 碱性镍铁蓄电池
  56127. steel-aluminium conductor ==> 钢铝线
  56128. steel-backed ==> 钢背的
  56129. steel-backed bearing ==> 钢背轴承
  56130. steel-backed bearing alloy ==> 钢背轴承合金
  56131. steel-backed bearing metal ==> 钢背轴承合金
  56132. steel-backed bronze-faced washer ==> 钢背铜面垫圈
  56133. steel-band conveyer ==> 钢带输送机,钢带运输机
  56134. steel-based plate ==> 钢基印版
  56135. steel-bonded carbide products ==> 钢结硬质合金产品
  56136. steel-cable conveyor belt ==> 钢索输送机皮带
  56137. steel-cage construction ==> 钢骨架构造
  56138. steel-cast ==> 钢铸的,铸钢的
  56139. steel-casting foundry ==> 铸钢厂,铸钢车间
  56140. steel-clad ==> 钢片衬,铁甲,包钢
  56141. steel-clad brick ==> 铁皮砖,钢皮砖
  56142. steel-clad rope ==> 钢甲绳
  56143. steel-clad switchbox ==> 铠装开关箱
  56144. steel-concrete composite girder ==> 钢材混凝土组合梁
  56145. steel-cord conveyor belt ==> 钢丝绳运输带
  56146. steel-cored ==> 钢芯的
  56147. steel-cored aluminium cable ==> 钢芯铝线
  56148. steel-cored aluminium strand wire ==> 钢芯铝绞线
  56149. steel-cored aluminium wire ==> 钢芯铝线
  56150. steel-cored aluminum strand ==> 钢芯铝绞线
  56151. steel-cored copper conductor ==> 钢芯铜线
  56152. steel-cored copper wire ==> 钢芯铜线
  56153. steel-cored wire rope ==> 钢芯钢丝绳
  56154. steel-die engraving press ==> 钢凹版印刷机
  56155. steel-encased beam ==> 劲性钢筋混凝土梁
  56156. steel-frame construction ==> 钢架结构,钢框架结构
  56157. steel-frame structure ==> 钢架结构
  56158. steel-framed woodlined silo ==> 钢架木衬青贮塔
  56159. steel-hide picker ==> 钢合皮皮结
  56160. steel-lattice rigid frame ==> 钢格构刚架
  56161. steel-lined ==> 衬钢的
  56162. steel-lined concrete pipe ==> 钢板衬砌混凝土管
  56163. steel-mesh lagging ==> 钢丝网衬板
  56164. steel-pan wheelbarrow ==> 钢斗手推车
  56165. steel-pipe construction ==> 钢管结构
  56166. steel-pipe furniture ==> 钢管家具
  56167. steel-pipe pile ==> 钢管桩
  56168. steel-pipe space frame ==> 钢管空间构架
  56169. steel-plate paper ==> 钢版雕刻用纸
  56170. steel-ring burr cylinder ==> 钢环除杂锡林
  56171. steel-rope drive ==> 钢索传动
  56172. steel-rope guide ==> 钢丝绳罐道
  56173. steel-rope tracting belt conveyer ==> 钢绳牵引带式输送机
  56174. steel-seal type cell ==> 铁皮封闭式电池
  56175. steel-shelled concrete pile ==> 钢壳混凝土桩
  56176. steel-shod ==> 装有钢靴的,底部包钢皮
  56177. steel-smelting ==> 炼钢
  56178. steel-smelting furnace ==> 炼钢炉
  56179. steel-studded tyre ==> 钢叠层轮胎
  56180. steel-tank mercury-arc rectifier ==> 铁壳汞弧整流器
  56181. steel-tank rectifier ==> 钢壳汞弧整流器
  56182. steel-tape armor ==> 鋼帯がい装(電力ケーブル)
  56183. steel-tape armoring ==> 鋼帯がい装(電力ケーブル)
  56184. steel-tape armouring ==> 钢带铠装
  56185. steel-tape recorder ==> 钢带录音机
  56186. steel-tape sheath ==> 钢带外皮
  56187. steel-tape-armored cable ==> 鋼帯外装ケーブル
  56188. steel-tapping hole ==> 出钢口
  56189. steel-tired wheel ==> 钢圈轮
  56190. steel-troweled concrete ==> 钢镘抹面混凝土
  56191. steel-tube seat ==> 钢管座
  56192. steel-welding fittings ==> 钢焊接管件
  56193. steel-wheel roller ==> 钢轮压路机
  56194. steel-wheeled tractor ==> 钢轮拖拉机
  56195. steel-wire armoring ==> 鋼線外装
  56196. steel-wire inducer ==> 钢丝导引器
  56197. steel-wire napper ==> 钢丝起毛机
  56198. steel-wire rope type electric block ==> 钢丝绳电动葫芦
  56199. steel-wire screen ==> 钢丝筛网
  56200. steel-wire sheath ==> 钢丝外皮
  56201. steel-wood furniture ==> 钢木家具
  56202. steel-wool finishing ==> スチールウール研磨
  56203. steel-wool method ==> スチールウール法
  56204. steelflex coupling ==> 钢栅挠性联轴节
  56205. steelmaking furnace ==> 炼钢炉
  56206. steelmaking process ==> 炼钢法
  56207. Steelman language requirement ==> 钢人语言要求
  56208. steels for pressure vessel use ==> 压力容器用钢
  56209. steely iron ==> 炼钢用铁
  56210. steely pig ==> 钢性生铁
  56211. steem-cooled cyclone separator ==> 汽冷旋风分离器,流化床锅炉中用于底渣的冷却并回收其物理热的设备。主要有水冷螺旋冷渣器、风冷式流化床冷渣器及风水共冷流化床冷渣器三种。
  56212. Steenrod square ==> 斯丁洛特平方
  56213. steep ==> 浸渍,泡,陡的,陡削的=>けわしい,浸す
  56214. steep angle bearing ==> 大锥角滚柱轴承
  56215. steep bank revetment ==> 陡坡护岸
  56216. steep channel ==> 陡槽,陡坡河槽
  56217. steep channel fish pass ==> 陡槽式鱼道
  56218. steep coal seam ==> 急倾斜矿层
  56219. steep coast ==> 陡海岸
  56220. steep curve ==> 急弯
  56221. steep dip ==> 陡倾角
  56222. steep dropping voltampere characteristic ==> 陡降伏安特性
  56223. steep fall ==> 暴跌
  56224. steep front square pulse voltage ==> 急峻方形波
  56225. steep gradient ==> 陡坡
  56226. steep increase in prices ==> 物价飞涨
  56227. steep land ==> 陡坡地
  56228. steep land soil ==> 陡坡土
  56229. steep pitch ==> 粘质沥青,急倾斜
  56230. steep pitch of thread ==> 螺纹大节距
  56231. steep pulse ==> 陡前沿脉冲
  56232. steep rise ==> 急剧上升
  56233. steep roof ==> 陡坡屋顶
  56234. steep rump ==> 斜尻
  56235. steep sharply turned moldboard ==> 大角度翻转犁壁
  56236. steep slope ==> 陡坡,急坡
  56237. steep spectrum ==> 陡谱
  56238. steep spin ==> 急螺旋
  56239. steep taper shank ==> 大锥度刀柄
  56240. steep wall ==> 陡壁
  56241. steep wave ==> 陡波
  56242. steep-front wave ==> 前陡波
  56243. steep-fronted wave ==> 陡峭前缘波
  56244. steep-grade tunnel(l)ing ==> 陡坡隧洞掘进
  56245. steep-lead thread ==> 大导程螺纹
  56246. steep-pitch thread ==> 大螺距螺纹
  56247. steep-walled canyon ==> 陡壁峡谷
  56248. steep-walled valley ==> 陡壁河谷
  56249. steepest descent method ==> 最急降下法
  56250. steephead ==> 陡头谷,溶蚀谷
  56251. steeping ==> 浸渍
  56252. steeping and pressing tank ==> 浸碱压榨机
  56253. steeping in wine ==> 酒浸,酒浸
  56254. steeping press ==> 浸压机
  56255. steeping treatment ==> 冷浸处理
  56256. steeple ==> 尖顶
  56257. steeple engine ==> 倒行发动机
  56258. steeple skull ==> 尖颅
  56259. steeple-compound stamp ==> 尖柱捣磨
  56260. steeple-compound turbine ==> 叠置式汽轮机
  56261. steepletop ==> 尖塔状顶部
  56262. steeplifting ==> 垂直提升
  56263. steeply pitching seam ==> 急倾斜矿层
  56264. steepness ==> 陡度=>しゅん度
  56265. steepness of edge filter ==> 截止滤光片的陡度
  56266. steepness of pulse edge ==> 脉冲边缘陡度
  56267. steer-dampet unit ==> 操纵和缓冲组件
  56268. steerable antenna ==> 方向性可控制的天线
  56269. steerable wheel ==> 导向轮
  56270. steerage ==> 统舱
  56271. steerage fin ==> 导向板
  56272. steerage gear ==> 转向装置,操纵齿轮
  56273. steerhorn stomach ==> 牛角型胃,角型胃
  56274. steering ==> 导向,导引,引导,操纵,操纵方向=>ステアリング,操舵,操縦
  56275. steering (reduction) ratio ==> 转向减速比
  56276. steering action ==> 操縦動作
  56277. steering actuation cylinder ==> 转向助力缸
  56278. steering algorithm ==> 操舵アルゴリズム
  56279. steering analysis department ==> 转向系检验工间
  56280. steering and brake linkage ==> 转向和制动的联动系统
  56281. steering angle ==> 转向角=>ステアリング角,舵取り角
  56282. steering angle indicator ==> 转向角指示器
  56283. steering anti-kickback snubber ==> 转向减震器
  56284. steering apparatus ==> 转向装置=>舵取り装置
  56285. steering arm ==> 转向臂,转向操纵杆
  56286. steering arm adjusting screw wrench ==> 转向臂调节螺钉扳手
  56287. steering arm ball ==> 转向杆球端
  56288. steering arm ball stud ==> 转向臂球头柱螺栓
  56289. steering arm bolt ==> 转向臂螺栓
  56290. steering arm nut ==> 转向臂固定螺帽
  56291. steering arm pin ==> 转向臂销
  56292. steering arm shaft ==> 转向臂轴
  56293. steering arm shaft felt washer cup ==> 转向垂臂轴毡垫盖
  56294. steering arrangement ==> 操舵装置=>かじ取り装置
  56295. steering axis ==> 转向节主销轴线
  56296. steering axle ==> 转向轴=>舵取り車軸
  56297. steering axle quadrangle ==> 前轴方形转向架
  56298. steering ball ==> 转向球
  56299. steering ball cap ==> 转向球节盖
  56300. steering ball joint ==> 转向球节
  56301. steering band ==> 转向闸带
  56302. steering bar ==> 导向杆=>操舵棒
  56303. steering behavior ==> 转向性能
  56304. steering body ==> 運営団体
  56305. steering bogey ==> 操舵转向架
  56306. steering bogie ==> 操舵转向架
  56307. steering booster ==> 转向助力器
  56308. steering box ==> 转向机构箱,转向箱
  56309. steering box cover ==> 转向变速器盖
  56310. steering box side cover ==> 转向机侧盖
  56311. steering brake ==> 转向制动器
  56312. steering brake bleed nipple ==> 转向制动器放油开关
  56313. steering brake cross-shaft ==> 转向制动器横轴
  56314. steering brake drum ==> 转向制动鼓
  56315. steering brake drum shaft bearing ==> 转向制动鼓轴轴承
  56316. steering brake lever ==> (坦克)转向制动杆
  56317. steering brake shoe ==> 转向闸瓦
  56318. steering by rack and pinion ==> 齿条和小齿轮转向
  56319. steering cam ==> 转向蜗杆凸轮
  56320. steering capability ==> 操縦可能性
  56321. steering capacity ==> 舵取り性能
  56322. steering circuit ==> 引导电路,操纵电路,控制电路=>ステアリング回路
  56323. steering clutch ==> 转向离合器
  56324. steering clutch adjusting screw ==> 转向离合器调整螺钉
  56325. steering clutch brake ==> 转向离合器制动器
  56326. steering clutch control ==> 转向离合器控制
  56327. steering clutch control butt ==> 转向离合器杠杆挡块
  56328. steering clutch control button ==> 转向离合器控制钮
  56329. steering clutch driven disk ==> 转向离合器从动盘
  56330. steering clutch driving drum ==> 转向离合器主动鼓
  56331. steering clutch housing ==> 转向离合器壳
  56332. steering clutch lever ==> 转向离合器,操向杆
  56333. steering clutch lining ==> 转向离合器摩擦片
  56334. steering clutch plate ==> 转向离合器钢片
  56335. steering clutch pressure plate ==> 转向离合器压板
  56336. steering clutch push rod ==> 转向离合器推杆
  56337. steering clutch push rod arm ==> 转向离合器推杆臂
  56338. steering clutch release ==> 转向离合器分离叉
  56339. steering clutch release crank axle ==> 转向离合器开关曲柄轴
  56340. steering clutch release fork ==> 转向离合器分离拨叉
  56341. steering clutch release ring ==> 转向离合器分离环
  56342. steering clutch release rocking lever ==> 转向离合器分离摇臂
  56343. steering clutch release yoke ==> 转向离合器拨叉
  56344. steering clutch shaft ==> 转向离合器轴
  56345. steering clutch spring ==> 转向离合器弹簧
  56346. steering column ==> 转向管柱,转向盘轴,转向轴护管,转向柱,驾驶杆
  56347. steering column clamp ==> 转向柱夹
  56348. steering column control ==> 转向柱控制,操纵杆控制
  56349. steering column gear change ==> 转向柱变速
  56350. steering column jacket ==> 转向轴套
  56351. steering column jacket oil hole cover ==> 转向轴套油孔盖
  56352. steering column mounting ==> 转向柱套管托架
  56353. steering column tube ==> 转向柱管
  56354. steering column universal joint ==> 转向柱万向节
  56355. steering command ==> 操纵信号
  56356. steering committee ==> 運営委員会
  56357. Steering Committee on Noise Abatement Measures for Schools ==> 学校噪音消减措施督导委员会
  56358. steering compass ==> 驾驶转发器
  56359. steering component ==> ステアリング部品
  56360. steering computer ==> 驾驶用计算机,操纵用计算机
  56361. steering connecting rod ==> 转向联杆
  56362. steering connections ==> 转向关节
  56363. steering control ==> 转向控制=>ハンドル制御,ステアリング制御
  56364. steering control level ==> 转向控制杆
  56365. steering control rope ==> 操向索
  56366. steering control wheel ==> 操向輪
  56367. steering controller ==> 操舵制御装置
  56368. steering controlling shaft ==> 转向控制轴
  56369. steering correction ==> 操纵修正
  56370. steering coupling ==> 转向联轴节
  56371. steering crank ==> 转向曲柄
  56372. steering cross rod ==> 转向横拉杆
  56373. steering cross rod jaw ==> 转向横拉杆接头
  56374. steering current ==> 引导气流=>指向流
  56375. steering curve ==> 转向曲线
  56376. steering cylinder ==> 转向助力油缸,操纵动作筒
  56377. steering damper ==> 转向减震器
  56378. steering damper assembly ==> 转向减震器组合
  56379. steering damper friction assembly ==> 转向减震器摩擦片组合
  56380. steering damper rod ==> 转向减震杆
  56381. steering damper unit ==> 转向机构中的减振器
  56382. steering device ==> 转向器=>ステアリング装置
  56383. steering deviceor ==> 操纵装置
  56384. steering diode ==> 控向二极管
  56385. steering disc and bevel gear ==> 换向机盘和伞齿轮
  56386. steering disk ==> 操向圆盘
  56387. steering drag ==> 转向阻力
  56388. steering drag link ==> 转向纵拉杆
  56389. steering drag link rear end grease fitting ==> 转向纵拉杆后端油嘴
  56390. steering drag link rubber boot ==> 转向纵拉杆橡皮套
  56391. steering drag rod ==> 转向纵拉杆
  56392. steering drag rod ball ==> 转向纵拉杆球接头
  56393. steering drag rod front end pressure lubricator ==> 转向纵拉杆前端油嘴
  56394. steering drag rod spring ==> 转向纵拉杆弹簧
  56395. steering drive axle ==> 转向传动轴
  56396. steering driving bevel gear ==> 换向主动伞齿轮
  56397. steering drop arm ==> 转向臂
  56398. steering drum ==> 转向离合器闸轮
  56399. steering effort ==> 转向力
  56400. steering engine ==> 舵机,操向机=>操舵機
  56401. steering equipment ==> ステアリング装置
  56402. steering fin ==> 导向滑板
  56403. steering flow ==> 引导气流
  56404. steering force ==> 转向操作力
  56405. steering gate ==> 导流门
  56406. steering gear ==> 舵机
  56407. steering gear adjusting nut ==> 转向齿轮调整螺母
  56408. steering gear adjusting nut lock ==> 转向齿轮调整螺母保险
  56409. steering gear adjustment ==> 转向机构调整
  56410. steering gear arm ==> 转向装置臂
  56411. steering gear assembly ==> 转向装置总成
  56412. steering gear back lash ==> 转向传动间隙
  56413. steering gear box ==> 转向齿轮箱
  56414. steering gear bracket ==> 转向机支架
  56415. steering gear cam bearing ==> 转向机构蜗轮轴承
  56416. steering gear case ==> 转向装置箱
  56417. steering gear check ==> 转向机构减震器
  56418. steering gear checking scale ==> 转向装置检验秤
  56419. steering gear clamp ==> 转向器夹箍
  56420. steering gear clamp plate ==> 转向齿轮夹板
  56421. steering gear column bushing ==> 转向齿轮柱衬套
  56422. steering gear column clamp ==> 转向齿轮柱夹紧夹子
  56423. steering gear connecting rod ==> 转向联杆
  56424. steering gear connecting rod end ==> 转向联杆端
  56425. steering gear connection ==> 转向杆系
  56426. steering gear frame bracket ==> 转向柱固定架
  56427. steering gear housing ==> 转向器壳
  56428. steering gear housing (oil) filler plug ==> 转向装置壳注油塞
  56429. steering gear housing bracket ==> 转向机壳支架
  56430. steering gear housing cover ==> 转向器壳盖
  56431. steering gear housing cover gasket ==> 转向器壳垫密片
  56432. steering gear housing end plate ==> 转向器壳端盖
  56433. steering gear housing lower cover ==> 转向机壳底盖
  56434. steering gear housing plug ==> 转向装置壳塞
  56435. steering gear housing side cover ==> 转向器侧盖
  56436. steering gear housing top cover ==> 转向器上盖
  56437. steering gear lock ==> 转向角限止器,转向装置保险
  56438. steering gear ratio ==> 转向齿轮速比,转向传动比
  56439. steering gear reduction ratio ==> 转向齿轮机构降速比
  56440. steering gear shaft ==> 转向机构轴
  56441. steering gear tube ==> 转向柱管
  56442. steering gear tube cam ==> 转向装置空间凸轮
  56443. steering gear worm ==> 转向蜗轮
  56444. steering gear worm shaft ==> 转向蜗轮轴
  56445. steering gear worm thrust bearing ==> 转向蜗杆止推轴承
  56446. steering geometry ==> 转向几何图形
  56447. Steering Group on Floating Refuse ==> 漂浮垃圾管理小组
  56448. Steering Group on Water Quality ==> 水质督导小组
  56449. steering hand wheel ==> 操纵盘
  56450. steering handle ==> 操纵杆,舵把
  56451. steering handwheel ==> 转向轮
  56452. steering hardware ==> 转向机构
  56453. steering head ==> 转向头
  56454. steering head bracket ==> 转向头托架
  56455. steering head bushing ==> 转向头衬套
  56456. steering head lock ==> 转向头保险
  56457. steering head lock key ==> 转向头钥匙
  56458. steering horizontal shaft ==> 换向机水平轴
  56459. steering impulse ==> 控制脉冲
  56460. steering index ==> 操纵指数
  56461. steering indicator ==> 操纵指示器,驾驶指示器
  56462. steering journal ==> 转向轴颈
  56463. steering king pin ==> 转向主销
  56464. steering knuckle ==> 转向关节,转向节
  56465. steering knuckle arm ==> 转向关节臂,转向节臂
  56466. steering knuckle bearing grease nipple ==> 润滑转向节轴油嘴
  56467. steering knuckle bracket ==> 转向节支架
  56468. steering knuckle bush ==> 转向关节衬套
  56469. steering knuckle bush(ing) ==> 转向节衬套
  56470. steering knuckle case oil seal retainer ==> 转向关节油封座圈,转向节油封座圈
  56471. steering knuckle gear rod arm ==> 转向节臂
  56472. steering knuckle king pin ==> 转向关节主销
  56473. steering knuckle king pin bushing ==> 转向关节主销衬套,转向节主销衬套
  56474. steering knuckle king pin dust cover ==> 转向关节主销盖,转向节主销盖
  56475. steering knuckle king pin dust washer ==> 转向节主销盖
  56476. steering knuckle king pin locking pin ==> 转向关节主销键钉,转向节主销键钉
  56477. steering knuckle king pin lower bearing ==> 转向关节主销下轴承,转向节主销下轴承
  56478. steering knuckle king pin lubricator ==> 转向关节主销加油器,转向节主销加油器
  56479. steering knuckle king pin upper bearing ==> 转向关节主销上轴承,转向节主销上轴承
  56480. steering knuckle lever ==> 转向关节杆,转向节臂
  56481. steering knuckle pin ==> 转向关节销
  56482. steering knuckle pivot ==> 转向关节枢,转向节销
  56483. steering knuckle sleeve ==> 转向节套筒
  56484. steering knuckle spindle ==> 转向关节枢,转向节上的轮毂轴
  56485. steering knuckle stop screw ==> 转向关节止动螺钉,转向节的限位螺钉
  56486. steering knuckle support ==> 转向节支架
  56487. steering knuckle thrust bearing ==> 转向关节主动轴承,转向主销推力轴承
  56488. steering knuckle thrust washer ==> 转向关节止推垫圈,转向节止推垫片
  56489. steering knuckle tie rod ==> 转向关节系杆,转向节系杆
  56490. steering knuckle tie rod ball ==> 转向关节系杆球端,转向节系杆球端
  56491. steering knuckle tie rod ball joint ==> 转向关节横拉杆球节,转向节横拉杆球节
  56492. steering knuckle tie rod ball seat ==> 转向关节系杆球座
  56493. steering knuckle tie rod end ==> 转向关节系杆端,转向节系杆端
  56494. steering knuckle tie rod end assy ==> 转向关节横拉杆接头总成,转向节横拉杆接头总成
  56495. steering knuckle tie rod end pressure lubricator ==> 转向关节横拉杆接头油嘴,转向节横拉杆接头油嘴
  56496. steering knuckle tie rod plug ==> 转向关节系杆端塞,转向节系杆端塞
  56497. steering knuckle tie rod spring ==> 转向关节系杆弹簧,转向节系杆弹簧
  56498. steering knuckle tie rod yoke ==> 转向横拉杆轭
  56499. steering knuckle type ==> 转向节型式
  56500. steering level ==> 引导高度
  56501. steering lever ==> 转向杆
  56502. steering lever arm ==> 转向杆臂
  56503. steering lever column ==> 转向杆柱
  56504. steering lever handle ==> 转向杆柄,转向杆手柄
  56505. steering lever quadrant ==> 转向杆扇形齿轮
  56506. steering lever shaft ==> 转向杆轴
  56507. steering link ==> 转向联动装置,转向连杆,操向拉杆
  56508. steering linkage ==> 转向杆系,转向联动装置,导向铰链装置
  56509. steering linkage assembly ==> 转向拉杆机构总成
  56510. steering linkage reduction ratio ==> 转向杆系降速比
  56511. steering lock ==> 转向保险,转向极限
  56512. steering lock angle ==> 转向保险角
  56513. steering lock lever ==> 转向装置锁定杆,转向装置销定杆
  56514. steering locking angle ==> 最大转向角
  56515. steering machanism ==> 转向机构
  56516. steering mast ==> 转向柱
  56517. steering mechanism ==> 操向机构
  56518. steering needle ==> 控制指针
  56519. steering nozzle ==> 转向导流管
  56520. steering nut ==> 转向螺母
  56521. steering order ==> 控制信号,控制指令,操纵信号
  56522. steering pad ==> 转向试验场
  56523. steering parameter ==> 操舵パラメータ
  56524. steering performance ==> ステアリング性能
  56525. steering pillar ==> 转向柱
  56526. steering pillar shell ==> 转向柱壳
  56527. steering pitman ==> 转换装置轴销,转向装置轴销
  56528. steering pitman arm ==> 转向舵盘,转向连接杆臂
  56529. steering pitman arm shaft felt wahser ==> 转向臂轴油封毡垫
  56530. steering pivot ==> 转向枢轴,操向装置轴销
  56531. steering pivot lever ==> 转向回转杆
  56532. steering planetary gear ==> 转向行星机构
  56533. steering play ==> 转向余隙
  56534. steering plow ==> 操向犁
  56535. steering pointer ==> 操向指示器
  56536. steering post ==> 转向柱
  56537. steering post bracket ==> 转向柱座托架
  56538. steering post clamp ==> 转向柱夹
  56539. steering post clamp insulator ==> 转向柱夹绝缘体
  56540. steering post collar ==> 转向柱套管轴环
  56541. steering post gear shift ==> 转向柱变速
  56542. steering post jacket ==> 转向柱套
  56543. steering post spacer ==> 转向柱隔片
  56544. steering program ==> 导引程序
  56545. steering pump ==> 转向助力油泵
  56546. steering quadrant ==> 转向扇形齿轮
  56547. steering qualities ==> 转向性能
  56548. steering rack ==> 转向齿条
  56549. steering rake ==> 转向柱斜度
  56550. steering ram ==> 操向油缸
  56551. steering range ==> 操纵范围,转向范围
  56552. steering ratio ==> 转向机构传动比
  56553. steering reference position ==> 转向基准位置
  56554. steering relay ==> 控制继电器
  56555. steering repeater ==> 驾驶转发器
  56556. steering resistance ==> 转变阻力,转向阻力
  56557. steering resisting moment ==> 转向阻力矩
  56558. steering response ==> 转向路感,可操向性,可转向性
  56559. steering reversal ==> 转向回正
  56560. steering rim ==> 转向轮辋
  56561. steering rod ==> 转向操纵杆
  56562. steering room ==> 驾驶室
  56563. steering routine ==> 操纵程序,执行程序,导引程序
  56564. steering sail ==> 补助帆
  56565. steering screw ==> 转向螺杆,转向蜗杆
  56566. steering sensitivity ==> 转向灵敏度
  56567. steering shaft bearing ==> 转向轴轴承
  56568. steering shaft bearing packing ==> 转向轴轴承填密
  56569. steering shaft grommet ==> 转向轴护环
  56570. steering shaft thrust bearing ==> 转向轴止推轴承
  56571. steering shaft worm ==> 转向轴蜗杆
  56572. steering shock eliminator ==> 转向机构减震器
  56573. steering spindle ==> 转向螺杆
  56574. steering spindle bushing ==> 转向轴套
  56575. steering sprocket key ==> 链轮键
  56576. steering stability ==> 转向稳定性
  56577. steering stabilizer ==> 转向稳定器
  56578. steering stop ==> 转向停止器,操向机构限位器,操向限位器
  56579. steering stress ==> 操纵应力
  56580. steering stub ==> 转向关节枢,转向节枢
  56581. steering stub axle ==> 转向节短轴
  56582. steering surface ==> 转向面
  56583. steering swivel ==> 转向旋转面
  56584. steering system ==> 转向系统
  56585. steering system vibration ==> 转向系统的振动
  56586. steering technology ==> ステアリング技術
  56587. steering test ==> 转向试验,操纵试验,可控性试验
  56588. steering tie rod ==> 转向系杆
  56589. steering tire ==> 转向轮轮胎
  56590. steering torque indicator ==> 转向力矩测定仪,转向转矩指示器
  56591. steering track rod ==> 转向拉杆
  56592. steering transistor ==> 引导晶体管
  56593. steering trapezium ==> 转向梯形
  56594. steering tube ==> 转向柱套
  56595. steering tube bush ==> 转向轴套管衬套
  56596. steering universal joint ==> 转向万向联轴节
  56597. steering wheel ==> 转向盘,方和盘,方向盘,操向轮,操纵轮
  56598. steering wheel arm ==> 转向轮辐
  56599. steering wheel clearance checking scale ==> 转向盘自由间隙测量器
  56600. steering wheel for vehicle ==> 车辆方向盘
  56601. steering wheel hub ==> 转向轮毂,转向盘轮毂
  56602. steering wheel key ==> 转向轮键,操向轮键
  56603. steering wheel rim ==> 转向轮辋,转向盘轮缘
  56604. steering wheel shaft ==> 转向轮轴,转向盘轴
  56605. steering wheel spider ==> 转向轮十字架
  56606. steering wheel spindle ==> 转向盘轴
  56607. steering wheel steel core ==> 转向盘钢架芯
  56608. steering wheel tilting ==> 转向轮隙
  56609. steering wheel tube ==> 转向柱套
  56610. steering wheel-arm ==> 转向盘辐条
  56611. steering wheels adjustment control ==> 转向盘调节装置操纵件
  56612. steering wire ==> 转舵索
  56613. steering worm ==> 转向蜗杆
  56614. steering worm bearing ==> 转向蜗杆轴承
  56615. steering worm bearing outer ring ==> 转向蜗杆轴承外环,轴向蜗杆轴承外环
  56616. steering worm eccentric adjusting sleeve ==> 转向蜗杆偏心调整套
  56617. steering worm gear ==> 转向蜗轮
  56618. steering worm roller bearing ==> 转向蜗杆滚柱轴承
  56619. steering worm sector ==> 转向器扇形蜗轮
  56620. steering worm sector bearing ==> 转向器扇形蜗轮轴承
  56621. steering worm sector shaft ==> 转向蜗杆齿形齿轮轴
  56622. steering worm shaft ==> 转向蜗杆轴
  56623. steering worm wheel ==> 转向蜗轮
  56624. steering yoke ==> 转向节叉,转向头
  56625. steering yoke bolt ==> 转向关节枢
  56626. steering-column bracket ==> 转向柱套管固定架
  56627. steering-column case ==> 转向柱套管
  56628. steering-column gear control ==> 转向盘柱变速杆
  56629. steering-column lock ==> 转向盘柱锁
  56630. steering-column support ==> 转向柱支架
  56631. steering-column upper bracket ==> 转向盘柱上支架
  56632. steering-engine ==> 转向舵机
  56633. steering-wheel (rim) effort ==> 转向盘操纵力
  56634. steering-wheel actuator ==> 转向盘操纵器
  56635. steering-wheel cover ==> 转向盘套
  56636. steering-wheel flutter ==> 转向轮摆振
  56637. steering-wheel gear change ==> 转向盘下变速杆
  56638. steering-wheel geometry ==> 转向轮安装几何位置
  56639. steering-wheel lock ==> 转向盘锁
  56640. steering-wheel movement ==> 转向盘运动
  56641. steering-wheel nut ==> 转向盘螺母
  56642. steering-wheel placing ==> 转向盘定位
  56643. steering-wheel play ==> 转向盘游隙
  56644. steering-wheel puller ==> 转向盘拉具
  56645. steering-wheel spider ==> 转向盘轮辐
  56646. steering-wheel tire ==> 转向轮专用轮胎
  56647. steering-wheel torque ==> 转向盘扭矩
  56648. stefan boltzmann law ==> 斯忒藩玻耳兹曼定律
  56649. Stefan number ==> 斯忒藩数
  56650. Stefan's formula ==> 斯忒藩公式
  56651. Stefan-Boltzmann constant ==> 斯忒藩-玻耳兹曼常数
  56652. Stefan-Boltzmann law ==> 斯忒藩-玻耳兹曼定律
  56653. Stefan-Boltzmann's ==> ステファン・ボルツマンの法則
  56654. Stefan–Boltzmann constant ==> 斯忒藩-玻耳兹曼常数
  56655. Steffen process ==> 斯蒂芬法
  56656. Stein-Leventhal syndrome ==> 多囊卵巢综合征
  56657. stein-leventhal syndrome ==> 进行性核上性麻痹
  56658. Steinach's operation ==> 斯太纳赫手术
  56659. Steiner education ==> シュタイナー教育
  56660. Steiner tree ==> シュタイナー木
  56661. Steiner tunnel test ==> シュタイナートンネル試験
  56662. Steiner's tumors ==> 关节旁结节
  56663. Steinhall mix ==> 斯坦哈尔混合剂
  56664. Steinheil lens ==> 斯坦海尔透镜
  56665. Steinmann pin ==> 斯坦曼钉
  56666. Steinmetz ==> 斯泰因梅茨=>電気工学者,スタインメッツ(定常交流理論の提唱者),Charles Proteus Steinmetz,1865 - 1923,While engaged in his studies of magnetism at Yonkers, Steinmetz studied alternating current phenomena, which were then little understood and most complex. Through the application of pure mathematics, he found a mathematical method of reducing alternating-current theory to a basis of practical calculation, and outlined the new method to the International Electrical Congress in session at Chicago, Illinois, in 1893. He found himself in an unapproachable intellectual solitude, however, for practically no one could understand his theory or use his method. Through the publication of several textbooks, he ultimately brought about a clear understanding of his symbolic method, which is now universally used in alternating-current calculation. "Theory and Calculations of Electrical Apparatus".
  56667. Steinmetz coefficient ==> 斯泰因梅茨系数
  56668. Steinmetz's constant ==> 磁滞系数=>スタインメッツ定数
  56669. Steinmetz's law ==> 斯泰因梅茨定律
  56670. Steinmetz, C.P.Steinmetz ==> 斯泰因梅茨,1865-1923,美国科学家
  56671. Stekelian analysis ==> 司太克分析
  56672. stele lime ==> 陈石灰
  56673. Stellant-chasmus falcatus ==> 镰刀星隙吸虫
  56674. stellar ==> 恒星的,星球的,星状
  56675. stellar aberration ==> 恒星光行差
  56676. stellar activity ==> 恒星活动性
  56677. stellar association ==> 星协
  56678. stellar astronomy ==> 恒星天文学
  56679. stellar astrophysics ==> 恒星物理学
  56680. stellar atmosphere ==> 恒星大气,天体大气
  56681. stellar atmosphere model ==> 恒星大气模型
  56682. stellar birthrate ==> 恒星产生率
  56683. stellar brightness ==> 恒星亮度
  56684. stellar chromosphere ==> 恒星色球
  56685. stellar chronometer ==> 恒星天文钟
  56686. stellar classification ==> 恒星分类
  56687. stellar collapse ==> 恒星坍缩
  56688. stellar collision ==> 恒星碰撞
  56689. stellar complex ==> 恒星复合体
  56690. stellar component ==> 恒星成分
  56691. stellar constitution ==> 恒星结构
  56692. stellar cosmogony ==> 恒星演化学
  56693. stellar disk ==> 恒星圆面
  56694. stellar dynamics ==> 恒星动力学
  56695. stellar dynamo ==> 恒星发电机
  56696. stellar encounter ==> 恒星相遇
  56697. stellar envelope ==> 恒星包层
  56698. stellar evolution ==> 恒星演化
  56699. stellar flare ==> 恒星耀斑
  56700. stellar group ==> 恒星群
  56701. stellar guidance ==> 恒星导航,天文导引
  56702. stellar inertial guidance ==> 天文惯性导航,恒星惯性导航
  56703. stellar interferometer ==> 恒星干涉仪
  56704. stellar interior structure ==> 恒星内部结构
  56705. stellar jet ==> 恒星ジェット
  56706. stellar kinematics ==> 恒星运动学
  56707. stellar light ==> 背景星光
  56708. stellar lightning ==> 星状闪电
  56709. stellar luminosity ==> 恒星光度
  56710. stellar magnetic field ==> 恒星磁场
  56711. stellar mass ==> 恒星质量
  56712. stellar metallicity ==> 恒星金属丰度
  56713. stellar model ==> 恒星模型
  56714. stellar nevus ==> 蛛状痣
  56715. stellar occultation ==> 恒星掩星
  56716. stellar orbit ==> 恒星轨道
  56717. stellar parallax ==> 恒星视差
  56718. stellar photometry ==> 恒星测光
  56719. stellar photosphere ==> 恒星光球
  56720. stellar physics ==> 恒星物理学
  56721. stellar population ==> 星族
  56722. stellar pulsation ==> 恒星脉动
  56723. stellar radiation ==> 恒星辐射
  56724. stellar radio astronomy ==> 恒星射电天文学
  56725. stellar radio source ==> 恒星射电源
  56726. stellar reddening ==> 恒星红化
  56727. stellar ring ==> 恒星环
  56728. stellar rotation ==> 恒星自转
  56729. stellar scintillation ==> 天文闪烁
  56730. stellar spectrograph ==> 恒星摄谱仪
  56731. stellar spectrometer ==> 恒星光谱仪
  56732. stellar spectroscopy ==> 恒星光谱学
  56733. stellar spectrum ==> 恒星光谱
  56734. stellar stability ==> 恒星稳定性
  56735. stellar statistics ==> 恒星统计学
  56736. stellar structure ==> 恒星结构
  56737. stellar surface ==> 恒星表面
  56738. stellar system ==> 恒星系统
  56739. stellar temperature ==> 恒星温度
  56740. stellar ultraviolet radiation ==> 恒星紫外辐射
  56741. stellar universe ==> 恒星宇宙
  56742. stellar-inertial stable platform ==> 天体惯性导航稳定平台
  56743. stellarator ==> 仿星器
  56744. stellarator configuration ==> 仿星器位形
  56745. stellaria root ==> 银柴胡
  56746. stellarite ==> 星状沥青煤
  56747. stellate cells of liver ==> 枯否氏细胞
  56748. stellate diaphragm ==> 星状隔膜
  56749. stellate fracture ==> 星形骨折
  56750. stellate hair ==> 星状毛
  56751. stellate hairy ==> 具星状的,具星状的
  56752. stellate leaf ==> 星状叶
  56753. stellated structure ==> 星状构造
  56754. Stellite faced valve ==> 司太立合金覆面阀
  56755. stellite hard facing ==> 硬质合金表面硬化
  56756. Stelmor process ==> 盘条轧制控制冷却法
  56757. stem ==> 羽轴,船首,船首材,船首柱,词干,导源,晶体管管座,茎,干,干线,转柄,转动表,梃,艏,艏柱,重型钻杆=>ステム,茎,柄,葉柄
  56758. stem absorption ==> 母体吸收
  56759. stem and leaf analysis ==> 茎叶分析
  56760. stem and leaf display ==> 茎叶显示
  56761. stem apex ==> 茎尖
  56762. stem backer ==> 挤压杆支撑垫
  56763. stem bag ==> 炮泥纸袋
  56764. stem bar ==> 流嘴
  56765. stem base ==> 茎基
  56766. stem bleeding ==> 茎泻白病
  56767. stem blight ==> 茎枯病
  56768. stem borer ==> 蛀茎虫,天牛,茶天牛
  56769. stem break ==> (植病)变褐
  56770. stem breaking disease ==> 槟榔断茎病
  56771. stem bud ==> 胚芽
  56772. stem calorimeter ==> 支管量热器
  56773. stem casing ==> 杆套
  56774. stem cell ==> 干细胞,骨髓干细胞,成血细胞
  56775. stem cell defect ==> 干细胞缺陷
  56776. stem cell leukemia ==> 干细胞性白血病
  56777. stem cell lymphoma ==> 干细胞恶性淋巴瘤,未分化型恶性淋巴瘤
  56778. stem cell malignant lymphoma ==> 干细胞性恶性淋巴瘤
  56779. stem cells ==> 幹細胞
  56780. stem chaplet ==> 单面芯撑
  56781. stem class ==> 树干级,树干级木
  56782. stem correction ==> 管茎改正
  56783. stem cutting ==> 茎插条
  56784. stem dieback ==> 茎部顶死
  56785. stem dike ==> 干堤,在河道干流两侧所建保护两岸地区安全的堤
  56786. stem eelworm ==> 秆线虫
  56787. stem effect ==> 支柄影响
  56788. stem elongation stage ==> 拔节阶段
  56789. stem end ==> 果茎
  56790. stem eye ==> 茎芽
  56791. stem eye budding ==> 茎芽芽接
  56792. stem foot ==> 茎基
  56793. stem form factor ==> 干材形数,树干形数
  56794. stem freedom test ==> ステムフリーテスト
  56795. stem gear ==> 连轴齿轮
  56796. stem girth ==> 茎围
  56797. stem grafting ==> 干接
  56798. stem grass ==> 分茎草
  56799. stem guide ==> 柄的导承
  56800. stem hygrometer ==> 插入式湿度表
  56801. stem knob ==> 销钉头
  56802. stem lead ==> 底座引线
  56803. stem leaf ==> 茎生叶
  56804. stem machine ==> 模压机
  56805. stem maggot ==> 秆蝇
  56806. stem mut ==> 阀杆螺母
  56807. stem of a plant ==> 株
  56808. stem of funnel ==> 漏斗茎管
  56809. stem of plant ==> 作物茎
  56810. stem of stamp ==> 冲杆
  56811. stem of villus ==> 绒毛干
  56812. stem pitting disease ==> 茎纹孔病
  56813. stem pruning ==> 主干修剪
  56814. stem pushing ==> 拔节
  56815. stem radiation ==> 靶径辐射
  56816. stem remover ==> 除梗滚筒
  56817. stem rot ==> 茎腐
  56818. stem rot of beet ==> 甜菜菌核病
  56819. stem rust ==> 秆锈
  56820. stem rust of cereals ==> 麦类秆锈病
  56821. stem rust of wheat ==> 小麦杆锈病
  56822. stem rust resistance ==> 对杆锈抗性
  56823. stem rust resistance inhibitor ==> 对杆锈病抗性的抑制因子
  56824. stem seal ==> 芯轴密封=>ステムシール
  56825. stem seal on valves ==> 阀杆防尘盖
  56826. stem section ==> 梁腹断面
  56827. stem section method ==> 切茎繁殖法
  56828. stem smut of wheat ==> 小麦杆黑粉病
  56829. STEM Subject To Enough Merchandise ==> 受充足货品的限制
  56830. stem succulent ==> 茎肉植物,肉茎植物
  56831. stem sweep ==> 箭形铲
  56832. stem system above the hypocotyl ==> 下胚轴以上的茎系统
  56833. stem tendril ==> 茎卷须
  56834. stem thorn ==> 茎刺
  56835. stem valve ==> 杆阀(截止阀)
  56836. stem valve coupling ==> 推杆阀快速接头
  56837. stem valve self-sealing coupling ==> 推杆阀自封接头
  56838. STEM, storable tubular extendible member ==> アンテナ伸展装置
  56839. stem-clasping ==> 抱茎的
  56840. stem-like characteristics ==> 基状特性
  56841. stem-operated valve ==> 推杆操纵的阀
  56842. stem-pessary ==> 有杆子宫托
  56843. stemmer saw ==> 除梗的刻齿圆盘
  56844. stemming ==> 炮泥,填塞物
  56845. stemming machine ==> 去梗机
  56846. stemming material ==> 込め物
  56847. stemming rod ==> 炮眼封泥棒
  56848. Stemona Root ==> 百部
  56849. stench capsule ==> 臭气胶囊
  56850. stencil ==> 模版,模绘板,图案,漏印板,镂花模版=>ステンシル
  56851. stencil bit ==> (操作码中的)特征位
  56852. stencil duplicater (-tor) ==> 模版蜡纸复印机
  56853. stencil duplicating ==> 模版复印,模版复制
  56854. stencil duplicator ==> 模版复印机
  56855. stencil film ==> 漏印薄膜
  56856. stencil master ==> 仿形模板,模版原版
  56857. stencil paper ==> 钢板蜡纸
  56858. stencil paper for type-writing ==> 打字蜡纸
  56859. stencil printing ==> 模版印刷,丝网印刷术
  56860. stencil set ==> 印字器
  56861. stencil tissue paper ==> 薄棉纸
  56862. stencil-coloured print ==> 模版彩色印刷
  56863. stencil-like ==> 模板型的
  56864. stenciler ==> 模板印刷机
  56865. Stengel process ==> 斯腾格尔法
  56866. stenochoria ==> 狭窄症
  56867. stenode circuit ==> 高选择性超外差接收电路
  56868. stenohaline organism ==> 狭盐分生物
  56869. stenopaic-slit scope ==> 测散光镜
  56870. stenosis ==> 狭窄=>狭窄症
  56871. stenosis of anterior naris ==> 前鼻孔狭窄
  56872. stenosis of aortic orifice ==> 主动脉口狭窄
  56873. stenosis of cervix ==> 子宫颈狭窄
  56874. stenosis of common bile duct ==> 总胆管狭窄
  56875. stenosis of coronary orifice ==> 冠状动脉口狭窄
  56876. stenosis of gastroenteric stoma ==> 胃肠吻合口狭窄
  56877. stenosis of nasolacrimal duct ==> 鼻泪管狭窄
  56878. stenosis of nostril ==> 鼻孔狭窄
  56879. stenosis of small intestine ==> 小肠狭窄
  56880. stenosis of vulva ==> 阴门狭窄
  56881. stenothermal organism ==> 狭温生物
  56882. stenotic type ==> 狭窄型
  56883. Stensen ==> ステノ
  56884. Stensen's duct ==> 腮腺管
  56885. stenter ==> 拉幅机,拉条机=>テンター,幅出し機
  56886. stentering machine ==> 展幅机
  56887. step ==> 档,阶,阶步,阶段,节距,踏步,梯级,偏口,楼梯踏步,步骤,擦阶,步,步调,步进,级,阶梯=>ステップ
  56888. STEP ==> 四国産業・技術振興センター
  56889. step (ped) ag(e)ing ==> 阶段时效
  56890. step (up) voltage ==> 阶跃电压
  56891. step accuracy ==> ステップ角度精度
  56892. step acquisitions ==> 分步取得
  56893. step action ==> 阶跃动作
  56894. step aeration ==> 分段曝气,分段曝气法
  56895. step allocation ==> 阶跃分配
  56896. step and hole type image quality indicator ==> 级孔式缺陷指示器,级孔式图像质量指示器
  56897. step and repeat aligner ==> 步进重复对准器
  56898. step and repeat camera ==> 步进重复照相机
  56899. step and repeat equipment ==> 步进重复装置
  56900. step and repeat exposure ==> 步进重复曝光
  56901. step and repeat lens ==> 步进重复照相机镜头
  56902. step and repeat lithography ==> 步进重复光刻
  56903. step and repeat machine ==> 逐步反复加工机
  56904. step and repeat mask ==> 步进重复曝光掩模
  56905. step and repeat mechanism ==> 步进重复移位装置
  56906. step and repeat micro-reduction printer ==> 分步重复缩微复印机
  56907. step and repeat multiplication ==> 步进重复倍增
  56908. step and repeat photography ==> 步进重复照相术
  56909. step and repeat process ==> 分步重复,分步重复法,分步重复工序
  56910. step and repeat projection ==> 步进重复投影
  56911. step angle ==> ステップ角
  56912. step annealing ==> 逐步冷却退火
  56913. step aperture ==> 分步光圈
  56914. step area ==> 分段面积
  56915. step attenuator ==> 步进衰减器分压器
  56916. step bar ==> 阶梯试块
  56917. step bearing ==> 阶式推力轴承,立式推力轴承,立式止推轴承
  56918. step bearing bracket ==> 立式止推轴承托架
  56919. step block ==> 阶梯形垫铁
  56920. step bolt ==> 阶梯形螺栓,半圆头方颈螺栓=>ステップボルト
  56921. step brass ==> 黄铜轴瓦
  56922. step brazing ==> 层次钎焊,层次硬钎焊,分层焊接,分段钎焊,分级钎焊
  56923. step budget ==> 分步预算
  56924. step budget method ==> 梯级预算法
  56925. step button ==> 阶跃按钮,步进按钮
  56926. step by step ==> 步进
  56927. step by step action ==> 阶跃动作
  56928. step by step aligner ==> 步进重复对准器
  56929. step by step assembly ==> 逐步组装
  56930. step by step braking ==> 阶梯制动
  56931. step by step control ==> 步进控制
  56932. step by step exchange ==> 步进式电话交换局
  56933. step by step method ==> 步进法
  56934. step by step reaction ==> 逐步反应
  56935. step by step regulator ==> 阶式调节器
  56936. step by step resistance ==> 分步式电阻
  56937. step by step roller spot welding ==> 步进式滚点焊
  56938. step by step seam welding ==> 步进式缝焊
  56939. step by step system ==> 步进制
  56940. step by step tray ==> 逐板,逐步板
  56941. step change ==> 步进变化,级变,阶段变速,阶跃变化,单增量变化=>階段状変化
  56942. step chromatography ==> 台级色谱法,台阶色谱法
  56943. step chuck ==> 阶梯弹簧夹头
  56944. step cleaner ==> 梯形除杂机,梯形开棉机,六辊筒开棉机
  56945. step cone ==> 塔轮,级轮
  56946. step connection ==> 级式连接,分级连接,分品连接
  56947. step control ==> 分步控制,分级控制,步控制
  56948. step core ==> 阶梯形铁心
  56949. step cost ==> 阶梯成本,梯级成本,梯式成本
  56950. step count set ==> 步进计数装置
  56951. step counter ==> 步进计数机,步进计数器
  56952. step counterbore ==> 阶级式平底扩孔钻
  56953. step cover ==> 轴承盖
  56954. step coverage ==> 阶梯覆盖=>ステップカバレージ,段差被覆
  56955. step current ==> 阶跃电流
  56956. step curve ==> 梯形曲线
  56957. step cut ==> 分段裁切
  56958. step cutting test ==> 分段切削试验
  56959. step delay ==> 分级延迟,步进延迟
  56960. step depth ==> 踏步深
  56961. step diffuser headbox ==> 方锥管布浆器
  56962. step discharge tube ==> 分级放电管
  56963. step distribution method ==> 阶梯分配法
  56964. step divider circuit ==> 脉冲分频电路,逐级分频电路
  56965. step down substation ==> 降压变电所
  56966. step down transformer ==> 降压变压器
  56967. step down voltage regulator ==> 降压调节器
  56968. step drill ==> 分级钻头
  56969. step drilling ==> 分段钻削
  56970. step drive ==> 步进驱动
  56971. step error ==> 阶跃误差
  56972. step execution ==> 逐步执行
  56973. step expression ==> 步长表达式
  56974. step feed ==> 分级进给
  56975. step feed drill attachment ==> 分级进给钻削附件
  56976. step filter ==> 阶梯滤光片
  56977. step flange ==> 阶式法兰
  56978. step flashing ==> 阶梯形泛水
  56979. step flyer ==> 梯级
  56980. step fold ==> 阶状褶皱
  56981. step forced response ==> 阶扰响应
  56982. step function ==> 阶跃函数=>ステップ関数
  56983. step function generator ==> 阶跃函数发生器
  56984. step function input ==> 階段状入力
  56985. step function response ==> 阶扰响应,阶跃函数响应
  56986. step ga(u)ge ==> 台阶形量规,梯形隔距
  56987. step gable ==> 梯形山墙,阶形山墙,马头山墙
  56988. step gate ==> 分层浇口,阶梯浇口
  56989. step generator ==> 阶梯信号发生器,级信号发生器
  56990. step graded index lightguide ==> 阶梯折射率剖面光波导
  56991. step gray scale ==> 灰度等级
  56992. step growth ==> 阶梯式生长
  56993. step hanger ==> 踏阶支架
  56994. step hardening ==> 分级淬火
  56995. step height ==> 陡度,阶跃高度
  56996. step height interferometer ==> 阶跃高度干涉仪
  56997. step in ==> 步入
  56998. step index ==> 步长指数
  56999. step index fiber ==> 阶梯折射率纤维
  57000. step index optical fiber ==> ステップ形光ファイバ
  57001. step index optical waveguide ==> 阶跃折射率光波导
  57002. step index profile ==> 阶跃折射率分布
  57003. step induction regualtor ==> 分接头式感应调压器
  57004. step induction regulator ==> 阶梯感应式电压调整器,步进感应式电压调节器
  57005. step input ==> 阶式信号输入
  57006. step input action ==> 阶跃输入动作
  57007. step jaw ==> 阶梯形卡爪
  57008. step joint ==> 齿式接合,台阶状接合,槽齿联结
  57009. step junction ==> 突变结,阶跃结=>階段接合
  57010. step kiln ==> 渐进干燥窑
  57011. step labyrinth ==> 阶梯式迷宫密封
  57012. step lamp ==> 踏步灯
  57013. step length ==> 步长
  57014. step lens ==> 棱镜,分步透镜=>段付レンズ
  57015. step library ==> 步进程序库
  57016. step load change ==> 负荷阶跃
  57017. step logic ==> 步进逻辑
  57018. step measuring ==> 步测
  57019. step mechanical hand ==> 步进机械手
  57020. step meter rate ==> 级差电费制,用电量递减收费制
  57021. step method ==> 光阶法
  57022. step micrometer ==> 阶梯型测微计
  57023. step mill cutter ==> 阶梯形端铣刀
  57024. step milling ==> 步进式铣削
  57025. step mode of control ==> 分段调节法
  57026. step multiplier ==> 阶梯式乘法器,步进式乘法器
  57027. step multiply ==> 步进式乘法
  57028. step multiply operation ==> 步进式乘法运算
  57029. step name ==> 步骤名
  57030. step number ==> 步数
  57031. step of reaction ==> 反应阶段
  57032. step on ==> 踏
  57033. step optical fiber ==> 阶跃光纤
  57034. step out ==> 失步=>同期はずれ,脱調
  57035. step out detection system ==> 脱調検出機能
  57036. step out prediction ==> 脱調予測
  57037. step over voltage ground relay ==> 多段式地絡過電圧継電器(SOVG)
  57038. step photometer ==> 阶梯光度计
  57039. step piston ==> 阶梯形活塞,级差活塞
  57040. step planning ==> 着地点計画
  57041. step planting ==> 垄边栽植
  57042. step plate ==> 踏步板
  57043. step potentiometer ==> 分级电位计,步进式电位器
  57044. step principle ==> 多级火箭原理
  57045. step printer ==> 分步印片机,步进式印刷机
  57046. step printing ==> 步进式曝光
  57047. step pulley ==> 塔轮
  57048. step pulse ==> 阶跃脉冲
  57049. step quenching ==> 分段淬火
  57050. step ramp loading chute ==> 斜梯式装车台
  57051. step rate ==> 步进梁
  57052. step recovery ==> 阶跃恢复
  57053. step recovery diode ==> 阶跃恢复二极管
  57054. step recovery diode frequency multiplier ==> 阶跃恢复二极管倍频器
  57055. step recovery effect harmonic generator ==> 阶跃恢复效应谐波发生器
  57056. step recovery effect pulse sharpener ==> 阶跃恢复效应脉冲整形器
  57057. step recovery photodiode ==> 阶跃恢复光电二极管
  57058. step regulator ==> 阶跃调整器,分级调压器,步进式调节器
  57059. step repeat ==> 分步重复
  57060. step resistance ==> 跳步电阻
  57061. step resistance type tide gauge ==> 分级电阻式潮汐计
  57062. step response ==> 过渡特性,阶扰响应=>ステップ応答,ステップ変化,直角波応答
  57063. step response problem ==> 阶跃响应问题
  57064. step response time ==> 阶跃响应时间=>ステップ応答時間
  57065. step restart ==> 步进式再启动,步进再启动,步式重新启动
  57066. step riddle ==> 阶梯式清选筛
  57067. step rocket ==> 分级火箭,多级火箭
  57068. step sampling ==> 分层抽样
  57069. step scale ==> 分极标度,分级标度
  57070. step scan ==> 步进扫描
  57071. step screen ==> 阶梯式筛
  57072. step screw ==> 带阶梯螺钉,止杆螺钉
  57073. step seal ==> 阶式密封
  57074. step sector ==> 阶梯遮光板
  57075. step sequence ==> 步进顺序
  57076. step shaft ==> 变截面轴,级形轴,塔形轴
  57077. step shutdown ==> 分步停运
  57078. step signal ==> 阶跃信号
  57079. step size ==> 步长
  57080. step sizing ==> 连续筛选
  57081. step slide switch ==> 分档滑动开关
  57082. step soldering ==> 分级钎焊,层次软钎焊
  57083. step spectrum method ==> 数阶法
  57084. step speed ==> 级速度
  57085. step speed change ==> 有级变速
  57086. step start ==> 分级起动
  57087. step stress test ==> 级增应力试验,步进应力试验,逐级加载试验
  57088. step strobe marker ==> 逐级选择标记
  57089. step switch converter ==> 步进式变压器,步进转换器
  57090. step tariff ==> 阶梯电价,在电价表中规定的期间内,kWh电费率随用电量多少而变化的电价
  57091. step terrace ==> 梯状阶地
  57092. step test ==> 台阶试验,逐级曝光试验
  57093. step the sizes ==> 注明尺寸等级
  57094. step timer ==> 步进计时器
  57095. step transformer ==> 升降压变压器,分降压变压器
  57096. step transition ==> 阶梯跃变
  57097. step tube ==> 阶跃式放电管,间距式电子管
  57098. step tuning ==> 阶梯式调谐
  57099. step type multimode fiber ==> 阶跃型多模纤维
  57100. step type optical fiber ==> 阶跃形光导纤维
  57101. step type single mode ==> 阶跃型单模
  57102. step up ==> 升高,升压
  57103. step up circuit ==> 升压电路
  57104. step up substation ==> 升压变电所
  57105. step up transformer ==> 升压变压器
  57106. step valve ==> 层式阀,级阀,阶式阀
  57107. step vane ==> 阶梯形叶片
  57108. step vein ==> 阶状矿脉
  57109. step velocity ==> 级速度
  57110. step voltage ==> 阶迁电压,突跳电压,跨步电压,人在有不同电位的大地上行走,两脚之间承受的电压=>歩幅電圧
  57111. step voltage regulator ==> 阶跃电压调整器,分级电压调节器,步进式电压调整器,步进式调压器=>電圧調整器(SVR)
  57112. step wave ==> 阶梯波
  57113. step weakener ==> 级梯减光板
  57114. step wedge ==> 步进式光楔,阶跃式光楔,感光级谱
  57115. step wedge sensitometer ==> 阶梯光楔感光计
  57116. step winding ==> 多段绕组
  57117. step wire ==> 台阶形线
  57118. STEP, space technology experiment platform ==> 技術実験宇宙機
  57119. STEP, STandard for the Exchange of Product model data ==> STEP
  57120. step-and-repeat ==> 分步重复,连晒机
  57121. step-and-repeat negative machine ==> 连拍照相机
  57122. step-and-repeat pattern ==> 分步重复图形
  57123. step-and-repeat system ==> 分步重复系统
  57124. step-and-repeat technique ==> 分布重复技术
  57125. step-back method ==> 分段反向焊法
  57126. step-back method of welding ==> 分段反向焊法
  57127. step-back relay ==> 跳返继电器
  57128. step-back welding ==> 逆向分段焊接,后向分段焊接
  57129. step-bore cylinder ==> 异径缸
  57130. step-by step antomatic telephone system ==> 步进式自动电话制
  57131. step-by step computation ==> 按步计算
  57132. step-by step method ==> 逐步逼近法
  57133. step-by-step ==> 逐步的
  57134. step-by-step accelerator ==> 步进加速器,级联加速器
  57135. step-by-step automatic system ==> 步进自动制
  57136. step-by-step carry ==> 按位进位,逐位进位
  57137. step-by-step computation ==> 逐位计算
  57138. step-by-step control ==> 步进控制
  57139. step-by-step controller ==> 步进式控制器,逐级控制器
  57140. step-by-step counter ==> 步进计数器,积蓄电路
  57141. step-by-step counting ==> 步进计数,脉冲计数
  57142. step-by-step decoding ==> 逐步译码
  57143. step-by-step design ==> 分段设计
  57144. step-by-step drilling ==> 逐步钻法
  57145. step-by-step drive ==> 步进传动
  57146. step-by-step excitation ==> 逐步激发,逐步励磁
  57147. step-by-step feed ==> 逐步进给
  57148. step-by-step impulse ==> 步进脉冲
  57149. step-by-step instruction ==> 步进指令
  57150. step-by-step integration ==> 逐步积分
  57151. step-by-step method ==> 逐步测量法,逐步法,步进法=>ステップバイステップ法
  57152. step-by-step motor ==> 步进式电动机
  57153. step-by-step operation ==> 步进操作,步进式操作,按步操作,按位操作,逐位操作,单步操作=>逐一命令操作
  57154. step-by-step procedure ==> 逐步过程,按步法,步进法
  57155. step-by-step process ==> 逐次逼近求解过程
  57156. step-by-step recycling ==> 步进循环
  57157. step-by-step regulation ==> 逐级调节
  57158. step-by-step relay ==> 步进继电器,步进式继电器
  57159. step-by-step selection ==> 步进选择
  57160. step-by-step selector ==> 步进式选择器
  57161. step-by-step simulation ==> 步进模拟,逐步模拟
  57162. step-by-step switch ==> 步进式开关,步进制开关
  57163. step-by-step switch testing equipment ==> 步进制机键测试仪
  57164. step-by-step system ==> 步进系统,步进制,史特鲁乔式=>ステップバイステップ方式
  57165. step-by-step telephone switching system ==> 变进制电话交换机
  57166. step-by-step test ==> 阶段试验
  57167. step-by-step type ==> 步进制的
  57168. step-by-step welding ==> 步进焊缝,跨步焊
  57169. step-characteristic ==> 阶梯特性
  57170. step-cut milling ==> 分段铣削
  57171. step-down ==> 降圧
  57172. step-down amplifier ==> 降低放大器,降压放大器
  57173. step-down chopper ==> 降圧チェッパ
  57174. step-down frame ==> 尾部降低式车架
  57175. step-down gear ==> 减速器
  57176. step-down method ==> 间接分摊法
  57177. step-down ratio ==> 降压比,变压器降压比
  57178. step-down substation ==> 降压变电所
  57179. step-down transformer ==> 降压变压器=>降圧変圧器,ステップダウントランス,逓降変圧器
  57180. step-fault zone ==> 断阶带
  57181. step-function signal ==> 阶跃信号
  57182. step-input ==> 阶梯输入,阶跃输入
  57183. step-kiln ==> 连续窑
  57184. step-ladder method ==> 梯级分配法,梯式分摊法
  57185. step-like epitaxial growth ==> 台阶状外延生长
  57186. step-like interface ==> 阶梯界面
  57187. step-like rates ==> 台阶式运率
  57188. step-out locking circuit ==> 失步镇定电路
  57189. step-out relay ==> 失调继电器=>同期外れ継電器
  57190. step-out separating relay ==> 脱調分離リレー方式
  57191. step-out well ==> 扩边井
  57192. step-pulsed welding ==> 步进脉冲焊
  57193. step-rate prepayment meter ==> 分级预付电度计
  57194. step-reaction ==> 逐步反应
  57195. step-recovery diode ==> 急变二极管
  57196. step-refraction index ==> 阶跃折射率
  57197. step-scan mode ==> 分段扫描方式
  57198. step-servo motor ==> 步进电机,步进伺服电机
  57199. step-size change ==> 步长改变
  57200. step-sizing operation ==> 按顺序筛分,分段筛分作业
  57201. step-step ==> 逐步的
  57202. step-step method ==> 逐步逼近法
  57203. step-switch converter ==> 步进式开关转换器,步进式转换器
  57204. step-taper pile ==> 分段锥形桩
  57205. step-test procedure ==> 分级试验法,逐步试验法,逐级试验法
  57206. step-tube counter ==> 步进式计数器
  57207. step-ty-step(point-by-point) test ==> 逐步试验
  57208. step-type ==> 步进式的
  57209. step-type counter ==> 步进式计数器
  57210. step-type recording wave gauge ==> 分档式波高仪
  57211. step-type seam welder ==> 步进式缝焊机
  57212. step-type spot welder ==> 步进式点焊机
  57213. step-type support ==> 迈步式支架
  57214. step-up austempering ==> 升温等温淬火
  57215. step-up auto-transformer ==> 升压自耦变压器
  57216. step-up coil ==> 升压线圈
  57217. step-up direct-current transformer ==> 升压直流变压器
  57218. step-up drive ==> 增速传动
  57219. step-up error ==> 升压误差
  57220. step-up exchange ==> 步进制交换机
  57221. step-up excitation ==> 升压激励
  57222. step-up frequency changer ==> 升频变换器
  57223. step-up gear ==> 增速传动装置=>増速機
  57224. step-up method ==> 变数增加法
  57225. step-up motor ==> 步进电动机
  57226. step-up piston spring ==> 加力活塞弹簧
  57227. step-up poston ==> 加力活塞
  57228. step-up pulse transformer ==> 升压脉冲变压器
  57229. step-up ratio ==> 升高系数,升压比,变压器升压比
  57230. step-up ring ==> 大小连接环
  57231. step-up side ==> 高压侧,高压绕组边
  57232. step-up substation ==> 升压变电所
  57233. step-up system ==> 加浓装置,增力装置
  57234. step-up transformer ==> 升压变压器,升压器=>昇圧変圧器
  57235. step-up transmission ==> 增速传送
  57236. step-up-&-down transformer ==> 固定升降变压器
  57237. step-variable capacity cost ==> 梯式变动能量成本
  57238. step-variable cost ==> 梯式变动成本
  57239. step-wedge ==> 梯尺
  57240. step-wedge type ==> 级楔式
  57241. steped start-stop system ==> 步进式起停系统
  57242. Stephan William Hawking ==> ホーキング,ブラックホールの研究で有名
  57243. Stephenson link ==> 斯蒂芬逊连杆
  57244. Stephenson's alloy ==> 斯蒂芬逊减摩轴承合金
  57245. stepladder method ==> 间接分摊法,阶梯分配法
  57246. stepladder stage ==> 阶梯状热期
  57247. stepladder-like visible intestinal peristalsis ==> 阶梯状肠型
  57248. stepless (speed) change ==> 无级变速
  57249. stepless acceleration ==> 无级加速
  57250. stepless action ==> 无分步作用,连续作用,均匀作用,均匀作用
  57251. stepless canal ==> 无梯级运河
  57252. stepless change ==> 连续变速
  57253. stepless control ==> 连续调整,连续控制,无级控制,均匀调整,均匀调整
  57254. stepless control gearing ==> 无级调节传动
  57255. stepless friction transmission ==> 无级摩擦式传动
  57256. stepless regulation ==> 無段調整
  57257. stepless servo-motor ==> 无级调速伺服电动机
  57258. stepless speed adjusting gear ==> 无级调速器
  57259. stepless speed change device ==> 无级变速装置
  57260. stepless speed changing type ==> 无级变速型
  57261. stepless speed regulating ==> 无级调速
  57262. stepless speed regulation ==> 无级调速
  57263. stepless speed variation ==> 无级调速
  57264. stepless transmission ==> 无级变速器
  57265. stepless variable drive ==> 无级变速传动装置
  57266. stepless variation of torque ratio ==> 变扭比无级变化
  57267. stepless voltage regulator ==> 无级调压器
  57268. steplessly variable automatic transmission ==> 无线自动变速器
  57269. steplike function ==> 步进函数
  57270. stepout-relay ==> 失步继电器
  57271. steppe black earth ==> 草原黑土
  57272. steppe plant ==> 草原植物
  57273. steppe soil ==> 草原土,草原土壤
  57274. steppe type of soil formation ==> 草原成土作用
  57275. steppe vegetation ==> 草原植被
  57276. steppe zone ==> 草原带
  57277. stepped ==> 分级,分级的,分节
  57278. stepped (cut) ring ==> 直切环
  57279. stepped acclimatization ==> 分段式气候驯化
  57280. stepped addressing ==> 逐步寻址
  57281. stepped annealing ==> 分段退火
  57282. stepped arch ==> 阶形拱
  57283. stepped atomic time (SAT) ==> 跳跃原子时
  57284. stepped austenitizing ==> 分段奥氏体化
  57285. stepped beam ==> 阶形梁
  57286. stepped bearing ==> 阶式轴承
  57287. stepped bore ==> 级形孔
  57288. stepped bowl centrifuge ==> 多级碗式离心机
  57289. stepped cam ==> 分级凸轮
  57290. stepped clamping block ==> 级形垫铁
  57291. stepped comb ==> 分级伸缩筘
  57292. stepped cone ==> 级轮
  57293. stepped cone pulley ==> 锥形柄轮
  57294. stepped construction ==> 阶梯式结构,层叠结构
  57295. stepped control ==> 阶梯控制
  57296. stepped cooling ==> 分级冷却
  57297. stepped cost ==> 台阶式成本
  57298. stepped costs ==> 步序费用
  57299. stepped cross-section ==> 阶梯形截面,阶跃式截面
  57300. stepped cup ==> 阶梯式拉延件
  57301. stepped curve distance time protection ==> 阶梯时限特性距离保护装置
  57302. stepped curve distance-time protection ==> 阶梯时限特性距离保护装置=>段限時距離継電方式
  57303. stepped cut ==> 分级切削
  57304. stepped cutter ==> 多联齿轮铣刀
  57305. stepped diameter ==> 等级直径
  57306. stepped diameter auger ==> 梯级异径螺旋
  57307. stepped drive ==> 分级变速传动装置
  57308. stepped driving cone ==> 主动级轮
  57309. stepped extrusion ==> 阶段式挤压
  57310. stepped face ==> 台阶式工作面
  57311. stepped filter ==> 阶梯滤光片,阶梯滤光器
  57312. stepped flashing ==> 阶梯形泛水
  57313. stepped floor ==> 阶形地板
  57314. stepped focusing magnet ==> 阶梯型聚焦磁铁
  57315. stepped footing ==> 阶形底脚
  57316. stepped foundation ==> 阶形基础
  57317. stepped gear ==> 塔齿轮,分级齿轮
  57318. stepped gear wheel ==> 台阶齿轮
  57319. stepped gearing ==> 级齿轮传动装置
  57320. stepped grey wedge ==> 阶梯式灰度光楔
  57321. stepped hardening ==> 分段淬火
  57322. stepped hole ==> 阶梯孔
  57323. stepped impedance resonator ==> ステップインピーダンス共振器
  57324. stepped increase ==> 台阶式工资增加
  57325. stepped joint ==> 挖割的分型面
  57326. stepped labyrinth gland ==> 高低齿迷宫汽封
  57327. stepped leader ==> 梯级先导=>ステップトリーダ
  57328. stepped lens ==> 阶梯形透镜
  57329. stepped oxide ccd ==> 阶梯氧化物型电荷耦合装置
  57330. stepped piston ==> 级形活塞
  57331. stepped plain ==> 梯状平原
  57332. stepped plug gauge ==> 台阶形塞规
  57333. stepped pulley ==> 级轮,宝塔式滑轮
  57334. stepped pyramid ==> 阶形金字塔
  57335. stepped quenching ==> 分级淬火
  57336. stepped radial interstage seal ==> 级间高低齿式径向密封
  57337. stepped ramp ==> 阶形坡道
  57338. stepped refining ==> 分段精炼,分级调质,分级精炼
  57339. stepped resistance ==> 分段电阻
  57340. stepped retaining wall ==> 阶式挡土墙
  57341. stepped roller ==> (旋压用)台阶旋轮
  57342. stepped scarf joint ==> 阶梯斜接
  57343. stepped screw ==> 台阶螺钉
  57344. stepped seating ==> 踏步式座位
  57345. stepped side wall ==> 阶式边墙
  57346. stepped sliding regulator ==> 滑接阶式调节器
  57347. stepped slit ==> 阶梯狭缝
  57348. stepped spinning ==> 错距旋压
  57349. stepped stacking ==> 梯形堆垛法
  57350. stepped start-stop system ==> 分步起停方式,分段起停系统,分级起止式
  57351. stepped starting ==> 分级起动
  57352. stepped surface ==> 级形面
  57353. stepped taper tube ==> 逐节变直径管
  57354. stepped teeth gear ==> 级齿轮传动装置
  57355. stepped teeth reamer ==> 阶梯齿形铰刀
  57356. stepped time ==> 階段形限時
  57357. stepped voltage ==> 步进电压
  57358. stepped voussoirs ==> 阶形拱石
  57359. stepped waveguide ==> 阶梯式波导管
  57360. stepped weakener ==> 阶梯减光板
  57361. stepped wheel ==> 塔轮
  57362. stepped wheel gear ==> 塔轮装置
  57363. stepped winding ==> 阶梯绕组
  57364. stepped-ply belt ==> 厚边输送带
  57365. stepped-pool fish pass ==> 跌塘式鱼道
  57366. stepped-up ==> 加速的
  57367. stepper ==> 步进电动机
  57368. stepper aligner ==> 步进重复对准器
  57369. stepper lithography ==> 步进重复光刻
  57370. stepper motor ==> 步进电动机,步进电机,步进马达
  57371. stepping ==> 步进,生理树液置换处理,逐步变化的,成区,改变
  57372. stepping accuracy ==> 步距精度,步位准确度
  57373. stepping angle ==> 步进角,步位角
  57374. stepping counter ==> 分级计算器
  57375. stepping lightly and heavily alternately ==> 虚实徘徊势
  57376. stepping mechanism ==> 步进机构,阶跃机构
  57377. stepping method ==> 步进焊法
  57378. stepping motor ==> 步进电机,步进马达=>ステッピングモータ
  57379. stepping motor bank ==> 步进马达群
  57380. stepping motor controlled module ==> 步进马达控制模块
  57381. stepping preselector ==> 步进式预选器
  57382. stepping rate ==> 步进速度
  57383. stepping reflex ==> 跨步反射
  57384. stepping register ==> 步进式寄存器,移位寄存器
  57385. stepping relay ==> 步进继电器,步进式继电器
  57386. stepping scanning circuit ==> 分级扫描电路
  57387. stepping switch ==> 分档开关,步进继电器,步进开关
  57388. stepping technique ==> 步进法,步进技术
  57389. stepping time ==> 步进时间
  57390. stepping up from zero voltage ==> 零起升压,发电机变压器组、线路、母线以及与之连接的相应设备,自零电压开始,逐步平稳升压,直至额定电压1.05~1.10倍额定电压
  57391. stepping(-type) relay ==> 分段动作继电器
  57392. stepping-stone method ==> (解答运输问题的一种方法)踏脚石法
  57393. stepping-stone state ==> 起脚石状态
  57394. steps in decision-making ==> 决策步骤,决策步骤
  57395. steps-teller ==> 记步器
  57396. stepwise ==> 步进式,逐步的,阶式
  57397. stepwise continuous ==> 按步连续
  57398. stepwise convergence ==> 步长型收敛
  57399. stepwise countercurrent extraction ==> 分段逆流抽提
  57400. stepwise distillation ==> 分段蒸馏
  57401. stepwise excitation ==> 分步激发
  57402. stepwise method ==> 分段法,分段逐次计算法
  57403. stepwise regression ==> 分段回归,逐步回归
  57404. stepwise solution ==> 阶式解
  57405. stepwise synthesis ==> 分步合成
  57406. stepwise titration ==> 分步滴定,依次滴定
  57407. stepwise variable optical attenuator ==> 分级可变光衰减器
  57408. steradian ==> 球面角度
  57409. Sterba curtain ==> 斯梯巴幛形天线
  57410. stercoral diarrhea ==> 积粪性腹泻
  57411. stereo (scopic) pair ==> 立体像对
  57412. stereo 4-channel receiver ==> 四声道立体声收音机
  57413. stereo amplifier ==> 立体声放大器
  57414. stereo broadcasting ==> 立体声广播
  57415. stereo camera ==> ステレオカメラ
  57416. stereo cartridge ==> 立体声拾音头
  57417. stereo caster ==> 铅版浇铸机
  57418. stereo circuit ==> 立体声电路
  57419. stereo comparator ==> 体视比较镜
  57420. stereo crossed microphone ==> 立体声交叉传声器
  57421. stereo culltivation and stereo breeding ==> 立体种养
  57422. stereo effect ==> 立体声效应
  57423. stereo electron microscope ==> 立体电子显微镜
  57424. stereo electron microscopy ==> 立体电子显微术
  57425. stereo exposure ==> 立体摄影曝光
  57426. stereo holography ==> 立体全息照相术
  57427. stereo lens pair ==> 立体物镜对
  57428. stereo measurement ==> ステレオ計測
  57429. stereo multiplex ==> 立体声多路传输
  57430. stereo pair ==> 立体像对
  57431. stereo perception ==> 立体感,立体感觉
  57432. stereo phantom channel ==> 立体声仿真通道
  57433. stereo pickup ==> 立体声拾声器
  57434. stereo power ==> 体视率
  57435. stereo projection ==> 立体投影
  57436. stereo receiver ==> 双声道立体声收音机
  57437. stereo recorded tape ==> 立体声录声磁带
  57438. stereo recording ==> 立体声录声磁带,立体声声盘
  57439. stereo reflector ==> 立体反射器
  57440. stereo reticle ==> 立体分划板
  57441. stereo screen ==> 立体荧光屏
  57442. stereo sound system ==> 立体声系统
  57443. stereo speaker system ==> 立体声扬声系统
  57444. stereo strip camera ==> 立体条带照相机
  57445. stereo tape recorder ==> 立体声磁带录声机
  57446. stereo transparency ==> 立体正片
  57447. stereo tuner ==> 立体声调谐器
  57448. stereo-block ==> 立构规整嵌段,立体块规
  57449. stereo-directed polymer ==> 立体定向聚合物
  57450. stereo-identical points ==> 立体对合点
  57451. stereo-mixer ==> 立体声调音台
  57452. stereo-television system ==> 立体电视系统
  57453. stereodecoder ==> 立体声解码器
  57454. stereograft polymer ==> 立构规整接枝聚合物
  57455. stereographic mapping ==> 球极映射
  57456. stereographic net ==> 球极投影网,赤平网
  57457. stereographic polar projection ==> 极射赤平投影
  57458. stereographic projection ==> 立体射影(複素関数)
  57459. stereographic technique ==> 赤平极射技术
  57460. stereoisomeric polymer ==> 立体异构聚合物
  57461. stereoisomeric specificity ==> 立体异构特异性
  57462. stereome cylinder ==> 坚实组织圆柱
  57463. stereometer type instrument ==> 立体测量仪
  57464. stereometric map ==> 立体测绘地形图,立体测量图
  57465. stereometry ==> ステレオメトリー,立体幾何学
  57466. stereomicrophone system ==> 立体声传声系统
  57467. stereomicroscopy ==> 立体显微镜
  57468. stereonet analysis ==> 赤平分析
  57469. stereophonic modulation ==> 立体声调制
  57470. stereophonic receiver ==> 立体声收音机
  57471. stereophonic record ==> 立体声唱片
  57472. stereophonic recording ==> 立体声录音
  57473. stereophonic reproduction ==> 立体声放音
  57474. stereophonic sound system ==> 立体声系统
  57475. stereophonic system ==> 立体声系统
  57476. stereophonic transmission ==> 立体声传输
  57477. stereophony ==> 立体音响
  57478. stereophotogrammetric method ==> 立体摄影测量法
  57479. stereophotogrammetric survey ==> 立体摄影测量
  57480. stereoscopic acuity ==> 体视锐度
  57481. stereoscopic aerial photograph ==> 立体航测照片
  57482. stereoscopic contact ==> 体接触
  57483. stereoscopic depth ==> 立体景深
  57484. stereoscopic effect ==> 立体效果,立体效应,体视效应
  57485. stereoscopic electron microscope ==> 立体电子显微镜
  57486. stereoscopic electron microscopy ==> 立体电子显微术
  57487. stereoscopic film ==> 立体电影
  57488. stereoscopic graticule ==> 立体网
  57489. stereoscopic high-speed framing camera ==> 高速分幅立体摄影机
  57490. stereoscopic image ==> 立体象
  57491. stereoscopic map ==> 立体图
  57492. stereoscopic microscope ==> 立体显微镜,体视显微镜,双目立体显微镜
  57493. stereoscopic model ==> 立体感图像,立体模型
  57494. stereoscopic observation ==> 立体像观察(法),体视观测
  57495. stereoscopic ocular ==> 立体接目镜
  57496. stereoscopic parallax ==> 立体视差
  57497. stereoscopic parallax apparatus ==> 立体视差仪
  57498. stereoscopic picture ==> 立体像,体视像片
  57499. stereoscopic power ==> 体视率
  57500. stereoscopic presentation ==> 立体显示
  57501. stereoscopic screen ==> 立体視スクリーン
  57502. stereoscopic strip camera ==> 立体条带照相机
  57503. stereoscopic telescope ==> 立体望远镜
  57504. stereoscopic television ==> 立体电视
  57505. stereoscopic view ==> 立体像
  57506. stereoscopic vision ==> 立体视法,立体视觉,体视,实体视觉
  57507. stereoscopic X-ray photograph ==> 立体X射线照片
  57508. stereoscopically covered surface ==> 立体重叠面
  57509. stereosound ==> 立体声
  57510. stereospecific polymer ==> 立体定向聚合物,立体有择聚合物
  57511. stereospecific synthesis ==> 立体定向合成
  57512. stereotaxic apparatus ==> 立体定位器,脑立体定位仪
  57513. stereotaxic technique ==> 立体定位术
  57514. stereotemplet method ==> 立体模板法
  57515. stereotype ==> ステレオタイプ,紋切り型,固定概念
  57516. stereotype alloy ==> 铅版合金,铅字合金
  57517. stereotype casting machine ==> 铅版浇铸机
  57518. stereotype metal ==> 活字金
  57519. stereotyped command ==> 标准指令
  57520. stereotypy of attitude ==> 刻板姿势
  57521. stereovectograph film ==> 立体偏振软片
  57522. stereovision ==> 立体視,ステレオビジョン
  57523. steric anomaly ==> 比容偏差
  57524. steric conformation ==> 立体构像
  57525. steric effect ==> 位阻效应
  57526. steric exclusion chromatography ==> 凝胶色谱法
  57527. steric factor ==> 位阻因素
  57528. steric information ==> 立体信息
  57529. steric inhibition of resonance ==> 共振空间阻碍
  57530. sterile ==> 消毒的=>無精子症,不妊の,想像力がない,不毛な,無益な,無菌の
  57531. sterile abscess ==> 無菌性膿瘍
  57532. sterile absorbent cotton ==> 滅菌脱脂綿
  57533. sterile absorbent gauze ==> 无菌脱脂纱布=>滅菌ガーゼ
  57534. sterile acupuncture needle ==> 滅菌鍼
  57535. sterile adhesive plaster ==> 无菌绊创膏,无菌橡皮膏
  57536. sterile board ==> 无菌箱
  57537. sterile cabinet ==> 无菌操作柜
  57538. sterile cell ==> 不育细胞
  57539. sterile chamber ==> 无菌容器
  57540. sterile culture ==> 无菌培养
  57541. sterile cyst ==> 不育囊
  57542. sterile cytoplasm ==> 不育细胞质
  57543. sterile deionized water ==> 无菌无离子水
  57544. sterile dermacarrier ==> 消毒皮片盒
  57545. sterile distilled water ==> 无菌蒸馏水
  57546. sterile distribution ==> 不育分布区
  57547. sterile egg ==> 无精卵
  57548. sterile elution generator ==> 无菌淋洗发生器
  57549. sterile filling ==> 无菌灌装
  57550. sterile flower ==> 不育花,不孕花
  57551. sterile food ==> 无菌食品
  57552. sterile frond ==> 不育叶
  57553. sterile generator ==> 无菌发生器
  57554. sterile glume ==> 不育颖片
  57555. sterile gown ==> 消毒手术衣
  57556. sterile hyphae ==> 无实菌丝,不实菌丝
  57557. sterile hyphase ==> 不育菌丝
  57558. sterile immumity ==> 消除性免疫
  57559. sterile immunity ==> 无菌免疫,无虫免疫
  57560. sterile insect ==> 不孕昆虫
  57561. sterile latex ==> 无菌胶乳
  57562. sterile lemma ==> 不育花外稃
  57563. sterile male insect ==> 雄性不孕昆虫
  57564. sterile male technique ==> 不育雄性技术
  57565. sterile medicine spiral ejector ==> 绝育药物螺旋推进器,绝育药物螺旋推进器
  57566. sterile mycelium ==> 无实菌丝体
  57567. sterile neutrino ==> 惰性中微子
  57568. sterile nutrient ==> 无菌营养物
  57569. sterile pack fluid ==> 器械消毒液
  57570. sterile plant ==> 不育植株
  57571. sterile product ==> 无菌产品
  57572. sterile room ==> 无菌操作室,无菌室
  57573. sterile seed ==> 不育种子,不孕籽粒
  57574. sterile shoot ==> 不结果实枝,不孕枝
  57575. sterile slip ==> 不繁殖滑移
  57576. sterile solution ==> 无菌溶液,灭菌溶液
  57577. sterile solution for injection ==> 灭菌注射液
  57578. sterile spikelet ==> 不结实的小穗
  57579. sterile stamen ==> 不育期蕊
  57580. sterile telome ==> 不育顶枝
  57581. sterile tobramycin ==> 灭菌妥布霉素
  57582. sterile tree ==> 不孕树
  57583. sterile vein ==> 不育脉
  57584. sterile water for injection ==> 灭菌注射水
  57585. sterile working ==> 无菌操作
  57586. sterile-male release technique ==> 雄性不孕昆虫释放技术
  57587. sterility ==> 不结实性,不育,不育症=>不妊,不毛,無効,貧困
  57588. sterility and mutant ==> 不育性和突变体
  57589. sterility detector ==> 灭菌指示器
  57590. sterility due to deficiency of blood ==> 血虚不孕
  57591. sterility in rice cultivars ==> 水稻品种的不育性
  57592. sterility test ==> 无菌试验,不育试验
  57593. sterility-fertility ==> 不育性和能育性
  57594. sterilization ==> ,中和政策,消毒,消毒法,消毒灭菌,灭菌,灭菌法,绝育,绝育,绝育手术,绝育手术=>殺菌,消毒
  57595. sterilization by filtration ==> 细菌滤除法,滤过除菌法,过滤灭菌法
  57596. sterilization by infrared radiation ==> 红外线照射灭菌法
  57597. sterilization by oil bath ==> 油浴灭菌法
  57598. sterilization instruments ==> 绝育器械,绝育器械
  57599. sterilization law ==> 绝育法律,绝育法律
  57600. sterilization of glasshouse soil ==> 灭生处理
  57601. sterilization of liquid foods ==> 液体食品の殺菌
  57602. sterilization operation ==> 冲销措施
  57603. sterilization rate ==> 绝育率,绝育率
  57604. sterilized absorbent points ==> 消毒纸尖
  57605. sterilized beaker ==> 消毒烧杯
  57606. sterilized cotton ==> 消毒棉
  57607. sterilized cotton ball ==> 消毒棉球
  57608. sterilized crucible ==> 消毒坩埚
  57609. sterilized fennel ==> 消毒漏斗
  57610. sterilized filter paper ==> 消毒滤纸
  57611. sterilized flask ==> 消毒烧瓶
  57612. sterilized milk ==> 消毒牛奶
  57613. sterilized powder ==> 灭菌粉,灭菌散剂
  57614. sterilized powder for injection ==> 注射用灭菌粉剂
  57615. sterilized suspension ==> 灭菌混悬液
  57616. sterilized test tube ==> 消毒试管
  57617. sterilized wastewater ==> 灭菌废水
  57618. sterilized water for injection ==> 灭菌注射用水
  57619. sterilizer ==> 灭菌机,灭菌器,消毒器,杀菌器
  57620. sterilizer circulator ==> 灭菌液循环泵
  57621. sterilizer forceps ==> 器械钳
  57622. sterilizing agent ==> 绝育药,绝育药
  57623. sterilizing chamber ==> 灭菌室
  57624. sterilizing equipment decontaminating apparatus ==> 消毒设备
  57625. sterilizing facilities for environment ==> 环境卫生消毒设施
  57626. sterilizing facilities for staff ==> 工作人员卫生消毒设施
  57627. sterilizing forceps ==> 消毒钳
  57628. sterilizing installation ==> 灭菌设备
  57629. sterilizing mixer ==> 灭菌混合机
  57630. sterilizing operation ==> 绝育手术,绝育手术
  57631. sterilizing outfit ==> 消毒器
  57632. sterilizing room ==> 消毒室
  57633. Sterling aluminium solder ==> 斯特林锡锌铝合金焊料
  57634. sterling article ==> 本物
  57635. sterling balance ==> 英镑结存
  57636. sterling bonds ==> 英镑证券
  57637. sterling constants ==> 英币常数
  57638. sterling crisis ==> 英镑危机
  57639. sterling forward price ==> 英镑远期价格
  57640. Sterling furnace ==> 斯特林炼锌电弧炉
  57641. sterling gold ==> 标准纯金
  57642. sterling picture ==> 英币图象
  57643. Sterling process ==> 斯特林精炼锌法
  57644. sterling silver ==> 纯银,标准纯银
  57645. stern ==> 船尾,艄,艄,舰尾=>船尾(せんび),厳格な,厳しい
  57646. Stern ==> 船尾星座
  57647. stern anchor ==> 尾锚
  57648. stern approach ==> 厳しいアプローチ
  57649. stern attack ==> 尾后攻击
  57650. stern bearing ==> 尾轴管轴承,船尾轴承
  57651. stern boss ==> 尾轴毂
  57652. stern bossing ==> 尾轴毂
  57653. stern breast rope ==> 尾横缆
  57654. stern budget ==> 緊縮財政予算
  57655. stern bush ==> 尾轴管衬套
  57656. stern climate ==> 严酷气候
  57657. stern compartment ==> 尾舱
  57658. stern davit ==> 尾锚吊锚杆
  57659. stern fast ==> 尾缆
  57660. stern frame ==> 尾柱,船尾构架,船尾框
  57661. stern gland ==> 尾轴管压盖
  57662. stern layer ==> 腹层
  57663. stern line ==> 船尾缆
  57664. stern line stopper ==> 尾缆链掣
  57665. Stern molecular beam technique ==> 斯特恩分子束技术
  57666. stern mooring point ==> 尾部系留点
  57667. stern notch ==> 尾槽
  57668. stern post ==> 船尾柱,船尾骨
  57669. stern rope, after line, stern line ==> 尾缆
  57670. stern tube ==> 船尾轴管
  57671. stern tube bearing ==> 船尾管軸受
  57672. stern tube seals ==> 尾轴密封装置
  57673. stern tube seals sealing ==> 艉轴密封
  57674. stern wheel ==> 船尾明轮
  57675. stern-fast ==> 船尾缆
  57676. Stern-Gerlach experiment ==> 斯特恩-盖拉赫实验
  57677. sternal body ==> 胸骨体
  57678. sternal border ==> 胸骨缘
  57679. sternal branches ==> 胸骨支
  57680. sternal line ==> 胸骨线
  57681. sternal membrane ==> 胸骨膜
  57682. sternal part ==> 胸骨部
  57683. sternal plane ==> 胸骨平面
  57684. sternal plate ==> 胸板
  57685. sternal pore ==> 胸板孔
  57686. sternal puncture ==> 胸骨穿刺
  57687. sternal puncture needle ==> 胸骨穿刺针
  57688. sternal rib ==> 胸肋
  57689. sternal seta ==> 胸毛
  57690. sternal spatula ==> 胸叉
  57691. sternal traction ==> 胸骨牵引术
  57692. sternoclavicular angle ==> 胸锁角
  57693. sternocleidomastoid branch ==> 胸锁乳突肌支
  57694. sternocostal joints ==> 胸肋关节
  57695. sternocostal part ==> 胸肋部
  57696. sternum ==> 胸骨,腹板
  57697. sternum chisel ==> 胸骨凿
  57698. sternum height ==> 胸骨垂距
  57699. sternum retractor ==> 胸骨牵开器
  57700. sternum shears ==> 胸骨剪
  57701. sternum suture awl ==> 胸骨缝合用锥
  57702. sternumward acceleration ==> 胸向加速度
  57703. steroid 5α-reductase deficiency ==> 类固醇5α-还原酶缺陷
  57704. steroid diabetes ==> 类固醇糖尿病
  57705. steroid hormone ==> 类固醇激素,固醇激素
  57706. steroid hormones poisoning ==> 甾体激素中毒
  57707. steroid nucleus ==> 甾核
  57708. steroid sapogenin ==> 甾体皂甙元
  57709. steroid saponin ==> 甾体皂甙
  57710. sterol carrier protein ==> 固醇载体蛋白
  57711. sterol ester ==> 固醇酯,甾醇脂
  57712. Sterro alloy ==> 斯特罗黄铜合金
  57713. sterro alloy ==> 铜锌铁合金
  57714. Sterro metal ==> 特罗黄铜,铜锌铁合金
  57715. Stetefeldt furnace ==> 斯特德菲尔特炉
  57716. stethoscope ==> 导音探测器,金属探伤器,听诊器
  57717. Stettiner Haff ==> シュテッチン湖
  57718. stevedore's warehouse ==> 装卸工具房
  57719. stevedore('s) gear ==> 装卸工具
  57720. stevedoring barge ==> 装卸货驳
  57721. stevedoring company ==> 装卸公司,码头搬运公司
  57722. stevedoring crane ==> 装卸起重机
  57723. stevedoring operation ==> 装卸作业
  57724. stevedoring organization ==> 装制公司
  57725. Stevens former ==> 斯蒂文思真空圆网纸机
  57726. Stevens-Johnson syndrome ==> 多形糜烂性红斑
  57727. Stevenson screen ==> 斯蒂文森百叶箱,百叶箱
  57728. stevia ==> 甜菊=>ステビア
  57729. stevia sweetener ==> ステビア甘味料
  57730. Stevin anchor ==> 斯特文大抓力锚
  57731. Stevin principle ==> 固化原理
  57732. Stevix anchor ==> 斯特威克斯大抓力锚
  57733. stew ==> 噪声=>とろとろ,シチュー
  57734. stew pan ==> シチュー鍋
  57735. stew pot ==> シチュー鍋
  57736. stew-pan ==> 炖锅
  57737. Stewart alloy ==> 斯图尔特铸造铝合金
  57738. STGS, Spacecraft System Test Ground Station ==> 衛星装置試験地上局
  57739. STH, star sensor head ==> 恒星センサヘッド
  57740. sthenic fever ==> 强壮性发热
  57741. sthenic fire ==> 壮火
  57742. sthenic type ==> 强壮体型
  57743. sthrust ball(ball thrust) bearing ==> 止推球(滚珠)轴承
  57744. STI, STring Inverter ==> ストリングインバータ
  57745. stibio-natrium gluconicum ==> 葡萄糖酸锑钠
  57746. stick ==> 连续投弹,棍,卡住,木垛,拉杆,杠秤,棒状炸药,贴,火药柱=>スティック
  57747. stick and Chinese ink ==> 墨块和墨汁
  57748. stick and-rag work ==> 石膏墁灰制品
  57749. stick antenna ==> 棒形天线,棒状天线
  57750. stick bit ==> 切槽刀
  57751. stick bite ==> 割刀
  57752. stick circuit ==> 保持回路
  57753. stick control ==> 手柄操纵
  57754. stick culture ==> 穿刺培养
  57755. stick displacement ==> 操纵杆角位移
  57756. stick electrode ==> 手工焊条
  57757. stick force instrumentation ==> 驾驶杆测力装置
  57758. stick force recorder ==> 驾驶杆力自记器
  57759. stick gage ==> 测量杆
  57760. stick gate ==> 直浇口
  57761. stick gauge ==> 测量杆
  57762. stick grip ==> 驾驶杆
  57763. stick harness ==> 塞柱
  57764. stick insect ==> 竹节虫
  57765. stick insulator ==> 棒形绝缘子
  57766. stick jet gun ==> 杆式聚能射孔器
  57767. stick lac ==> 树枝虫胶
  57768. stick locking ==> 保留鎖錠
  57769. stick marks ==> 叉杆擦痕
  57770. stick micrometer ==> 杠杆式千分表
  57771. stick motion ==> 驾驶杆运动
  57772. stick of solder ==> 焊料棒
  57773. stick of tool ==> 夹钻
  57774. stick perforator ==> 金属棒凿孔机,锤击穿孔机
  57775. stick phosphorus ==> 棒状磷
  57776. stick plot ==> 杆状图
  57777. stick point ==> 发粘点
  57778. stick position ==> 操纵杆位置
  57779. stick pusher ==> 自动推杆器
  57780. stick relay ==> 保持继电器=>保持継電器
  57781. stick servo ==> 操纵杆随动机构
  57782. stick shellac ==> 棒状虫漆
  57783. stick signal ==> 保持信号机=>保留信号機
  57784. stick spectra ==> 不分离光谱
  57785. stick spring ==> 自保弹簧
  57786. stick thinning ==> 丈量疏伐
  57787. stick zone ==> 粘着区
  57788. stick(ing) ==> 粘附
  57789. stick(ing)relay ==> 吸持继电器
  57790. stick-and-green leaf machine ==> 枝叶清理机
  57791. stick-out weld ==> 未熔合点焊接头
  57792. stick-shift car ==> 手波车=>マニュアル車
  57793. stick-slip ==> 粘滑运动=>スティックスリップ
  57794. stickability ==> 胶性
  57795. sticker ==> 尖物,粘补剂
  57796. sticker break ==> 粘结条痕
  57797. sticker mark ==> 粘痕
  57798. sticker price ==> 标签价格
  57799. stickiness ==> 粘性
  57800. sticking ==> 趋稳性,粘冲,吸持,残留图像,贴,坚持性,残留影象=>焼きつき,粘着
  57801. sticking agent ==> 粘着剂,粘着剂
  57802. sticking circuit ==> 自保电路
  57803. sticking coefficient ==> 粘着系数=>付着係数
  57804. sticking force ==> 密着力
  57805. sticking friction ==> 粘着摩擦
  57806. sticking knife ==> 屠宰刀
  57807. sticking memory ==> 荧光屏图像保留现象
  57808. sticking of contacts ==> 烧结触点
  57809. sticking of needle (in acupuncture) ==> 滞针
  57810. sticking patch ==> 贴胶,补片
  57811. sticking picture ==> 烧附图像,荧光屏图像保留
  57812. sticking place ==> 顶点
  57813. sticking plaster ==> 橡皮膏
  57814. sticking point ==> 顶点
  57815. sticking potential ==> 极限电位,饱和电位
  57816. sticking probability ==> 粘附几率
  57817. sticking voltage ==> 粘着电压
  57818. sticklac ==> 紫梗原虫胶
  57819. Stickland reaction ==> 斯蒂克兰反应
  57820. stickleback ==> 丝鱼
  57821. stickogram ==> 反射系数图
  57822. stickout ==> 外伸长度,(电极或焊丝的)伸出长度
  57823. sticks ==> 麻骨
  57824. stickum ==> 粘性物质
  57825. stickup ==> 注记剪贴
  57826. sticky ==> 粘性的
  57827. sticky cement ==> 粘性水泥
  57828. sticky charge ==> 粘性炸弹
  57829. sticky consistency ==> 粘韧结持度,粘着结持度
  57830. sticky end ==> 粘性末端
  57831. sticky ends ==> 发粘纱
  57832. sticky ga(u)ge ==> 粘滞真空规
  57833. sticky grenade ==> 粘性炸弹
  57834. sticky limit ==> 粘着度
  57835. sticky oil ==> 高粘石油
  57836. sticky point ==> 粘点,脱粘
  57837. sticky price ==> 粘性价格
  57838. sticky printing machine ==> 不干胶印刷机
  57839. sticky sputum ==> 燥痰
  57840. sticky wax ==> 粘蜡
  57841. sticky weather ==> 湿热的天气
  57842. stictch abscess ==> 缝线脓肿
  57843. Stiefel mill ==> 斯蒂费尔式轧机
  57844. Stiefel process ==> 斯蒂费尔自动轧管法,自动轧管法
  57845. Stieltjes integral ==> 司蒂吉斯积分=>スティールチェス積分
  57846. Stieltjes transform ==> 司蒂吉斯变换
  57847. stiff ==> 稠的,强直的,刚性的,非弹性的=>堅い,固い,完全に,全く,極度に
  57848. stiff arc ==> 刚性弧
  57849. stiff artery ==> 硬い動脈
  57850. stiff batch ==> 稠厚装料
  57851. stiff breeze ==> 激しい風
  57852. stiff brush ==> 堅いブラシ
  57853. stiff chair ==> 固いいす
  57854. stiff chest wall ==> 胸壁の硬化
  57855. stiff clay ==> 硬粘土,僵粘土
  57856. stiff concrete ==> 稠混凝土
  57857. stiff consistency concrete ==> 干硬性混凝土
  57858. stiff differential equation ==> 僵化微分方程,病态微分方程
  57859. stiff dough stage ==> 硬熟期
  57860. stiff dowel bar ==> 劲性接缝条
  57861. stiff end ==> 固定端
  57862. stiff equation ==> 刚性方程
  57863. stiff extrusion ==> 硬泥挤坯
  57864. stiff frame ==> 刚架
  57865. stiff girder ==> 加劲梁
  57866. stiff girder connection ==> 加劲梁节点
  57867. stiff glaze ==> 硬性釉
  57868. stiff heart syndrome ==> 强直心脏综合征,僵硬心脏综合征
  57869. stiff hinge ==> 固いヒンジ
  57870. stiff in straw ==> 茎秆坚硬
  57871. stiff joint ==> 刚性接头
  57872. stiff leaf ==> 密叶饰
  57873. stiff leaved plant ==> 硬叶植物
  57874. stiff mill ==> 高刚度轧机
  57875. stiff mix ==> 干硬性拌合物
  57876. stiff mud ==> 硬泥
  57877. stiff mud brick ==> 硬泥砖
  57878. stiff neck ==> 落枕,颈强直,颈强直
  57879. stiff paper form ==> 硬纸模板
  57880. stiff piston ==> 刚性活塞
  57881. stiff pupil' Argyll Robertson pupil ==> 强直性瞳孔
  57882. stiff reinforcement ==> 劲性钢筋
  57883. stiff shaft ==> 刚性轴
  57884. stiff shoulder due to age ==> 五十肩
  57885. stiff spring ==> 牵引弹簧
  57886. stiff stability ==> 强稳定性
  57887. stiff stand ==> 刚性机座
  57888. stiff standard ==> 刚性铲柄
  57889. stiff standard cultivator ==> 刚柄式中耕机
  57890. stiff straw ==> 坚硬茎杆
  57891. stiff wind ==> 強い風,強風
  57892. stiff-boom crane ==> 固定伸臂起重机
  57893. stiff-finger pickup ==> 刚性指式捡拾器
  57894. stiff-leg ==> 复式河绠
  57895. stiff-leg derrick crane ==> 定腿式人字起重机
  57896. stiff-man syndrome ==> 全身肌强直综合征
  57897. stiff-mud process ==> 硬泥成形法,可塑法
  57898. stiff-plastic brick-making machine ==> 低水分砖料成型机
  57899. stiff-plastic making ==> 低水分料成型
  57900. stiff-plastic process ==> 硬塑性成形法
  57901. stiff-shaft centrifugal compressor ==> 刚性轴离心式压缩机
  57902. stiff-shaft turbine ==> 刚性轴汽轮机
  57903. stiffened arched girder ==> 加劲拱梁
  57904. stiffened compression element ==> 加强受压构件
  57905. stiffened edge ==> 加强边
  57906. stiffened expanded metal ==> 加强钢板网
  57907. stiffened shell ==> 加强壳
  57908. stiffened skin ==> 加强蒙皮
  57909. stiffened suspension bridge ==> 加劲悬索桥
  57910. stiffened wire lath ==> 加劲钢丝灰网,加强钢丝网
  57911. stiffened-shell fuselage ==> 半硬壳式机身
  57912. stiffener ==> 補強剤,補強材,硬化剤,防撓材
  57913. stiffener angle ==> 加筋角钢
  57914. stiffening agent for chemical fibric ==> 化纤布硬化剂
  57915. stiffening angle ==> 加筋角钢,加劲角钢
  57916. stiffening angle of web ==> 梁腹加筋角铁
  57917. stiffening bar ==> 刚性梁
  57918. stiffening bead ==> 助强波纹,加强梗
  57919. stiffening beam ==> 加强梁
  57920. stiffening diaphragm ==> 加劲隔板
  57921. stiffening frame ==> 加劲框架
  57922. stiffening piece ==> 加劲件
  57923. stiffening plate ==> 加劲板
  57924. stiffening rib ==> 加劲肋,加劲条
  57925. stiffening ring ==> 加劲环,加强圈,补强圈,刚性环
  57926. stiffening ring attached to vessel ==> 与容器连接的加强环
  57927. stiffening sleeve ==> 加固轴套
  57928. stiffening truss ==> 加劲桁架
  57929. stiffleg derrick ==> 刚腿人字起重机,刚性柱架起重机,固定支架桅杆式起重机
  57930. stiffleg derrick traveler ==> 刚性腿移动式转臂起重机
  57931. stiffness ==> 刚性=>スチフネス
  57932. stiffness coefficient ==> 刚度系数
  57933. stiffness constant ==> 刚度常数,劲度常数
  57934. stiffness control ==> 强度调整
  57935. stiffness criterion ==> 刚度准则
  57936. stiffness distribution ==> 剛性分布
  57937. stiffness effect ==> 剛性効果
  57938. stiffness estimation ==> 剛性推定
  57939. stiffness factor ==> 刚劲因数,劲度系数
  57940. stiffness matrix ==> 刚度矩阵
  57941. stiffness modulus ==> 劲性模量
  57942. stiffness of coupling ==> 耦合强度
  57943. stiffness of foot in children ==> 脚硬
  57944. stiffness of muscle and joint ==> 筋骨不利
  57945. stiffness of neck in children ==> 颈硬,颈硬
  57946. stiffness of waist in children ==> 腰硬
  57947. stiffness ratio ==> 刚度比,劲度比
  57948. stiffness test load ==> 劲度试验荷载
  57949. stiffness tester ==> 刚度测量器
  57950. stifle ==> 抑える
  57951. stifle innovation ==> 技術革新を阻害する
  57952. stifle laughter ==> 笑いをこらえる
  57953. stifle of rice plant ==> 水稻赤枯病
  57954. stigma ==> 柱頭
  57955. stigma just prior to pollination ==> 传粉前的柱头
  57956. stigma of degeneracy ==> 变质特征
  57957. stigmal plate ==> 气门板
  57958. stigmasterol ==> 豆甾醇=>スチグマステロール
  57959. stigmasterol administration ==> スチグマステロール投与
  57960. stigmatal field ==> 气门区
  57961. stigmatal line ==> 气门线
  57962. stigmatal plate ==> 气门片
  57963. stigmatic concave grating ==> 凹面聚焦光栅
  57964. stigmatic cord ==> 气门索
  57965. stigmatic image ==> 斑点成像
  57966. stigmatic process ==> 气门突
  57967. stigmatic spine ==> 气门刺
  57968. stigmometric test card ==> 弗里登伯格氏视力卡
  57969. stigmonene bromide ==> 溴化苄吡啶,溴化苄吡啶
  57970. stiker alignment ==> 隔条对线
  57971. stiker spacing ==> 隔条间距
  57972. stilb ==> 熙提(表面亮度单位,等于每平方厘米1新烛光)
  57973. stilb-meter ==> 亮度计
  57974. stilbene ==> 二苯乙烯,均二苯乙烯,均二苯乙烯,芪=>スチルベン
  57975. stilbene accumulation ==> スチルベン蓄積
  57976. stilbene acid ==> スチルベン酸
  57977. stile plate ==> 门推板
  57978. Stiles method ==> 斯蒂尔斯法
  57979. Stiles-Crawfood effect ==> 斯太耳斯-克劳福德效应
  57980. still ==> 静片,静片,静止,静止,蒸馏,蒸馏釜,蒸馏锅,仍然
  57981. still ADJ ==> 静止图像调整,静止图像调整
  57982. still adjust lever ==> 静止图像调整杆,静止图像调整杆
  57983. still adjust SW ==> 静止图像调整开关,静止图像调整开关
  57984. still adjustment ==> 静像调整,静像调整
  57985. still ADV ==> 静止图像步进钮,静止图像步进钮
  57986. still air ==> 静止空气,静止空气
  57987. still air range ==> 无风航程
  57988. still birth ==> 死胎
  57989. still column ==> 蒸馏塔
  57990. still command ==> 静止命令,静止命令,静止指令,静止指令
  57991. still current of gas ==> 静止气流,静止气流
  57992. still dome ==> 釜室
  57993. still estrus ==> 安静发情
  57994. still frame ==> 静止画面,静止画面,静止帧,静止帧
  57995. still gas ==> 蒸馏气
  57996. still head ==> 蒸馏盖,蒸馏头
  57997. still image ==> 静像,静像,静止像,静止像
  57998. still image adjustment switch ==> 静像调整开关
  57999. still image adjustment switch (S ADJ SW ) ==> 静像调整开关
  58000. still kettle ==> 蒸馏釜,蒸馏锅
  58001. still layer ==> 普瓦泽伊氏间隙,缓动层
  58002. still liquor ==> 釜馏液
  58003. still OK ==> 静止图像正常,静止图像正常
  58004. still optimizable loop ==> 尚可优化循环
  58005. still photography ==> 静止摄影,静止摄影
  58006. still picture ==> 静止图像,静止图像
  58007. still picture communication ==> 静止画像通信
  58008. still preheater ==> 蒸馏釜预热器
  58009. still shell ==> 釜壳
  58010. still speed ==> 静像速度,静像速度,静止图像速度,静止图像速度
  58011. still speed sw ==> 静止图像速度开关,静止图像速度开关
  58012. still steam ==> 蒸馏釜用蒸汽
  58013. still SW ==> 静止图像开关,静止图像开关
  58014. still switch ==> 静像开关,静像开关
  58015. still tube ==> 蒸馏管
  58016. still water ==> 静水,静水
  58017. still water head ==> 流体静压头
  58018. still water surface ==> 静水面,静水面
  58019. still wax ==> 釜馏蜡,蜡渣
  58020. still well ==> 稳水器
  58021. Still's disease ==> 斯提耳病
  58022. still-cooled cylinder ==> 自冷式汽缸
  58023. still-H ==> 静止状态高电平,静止状态高电平
  58024. stillage ==> 堆装架,蒸馏釜馏出物,釜馏物
  58025. stillage bottoms ==> 釜脚
  58026. stillage gas ==> 釜馏气
  58027. stillage residue ==> 釜残渣
  58028. stillbirth ==> 死产
  58029. stillbirth rate ==> 死产率
  58030. stillborn foetus ==> 死胎
  58031. stilling ==> 蒸馏,釜馏
  58032. stilling basin ==> 消速池,静水池,静水池,沉水池,消力池,又称“水跃消能塘”。设于泄水槽末端有一定水垫深度的池塘,对过坝急流进行底流水跃消能的建筑物
  58033. stilling box ==> 消速池,分馏箱
  58034. stilling chamber ==> 消涡室,静水箱,静水箱,镇静室,蒸馏室
  58035. stilling pond ==> 静水池,静水池,沉砂砾池
  58036. stilling pool ==> 消力池,又称“水跃消能塘”。设于泄水槽末端有一定水垫深度的池塘,对过坝急流进行底流水跃消能的建筑物
  58037. stilling well ==> 静水井,静水井
  58038. stillingia oil ==> 乌柏油
  58039. stillpot ==> 沉淀槽,沉淀釜
  58040. Stillson wrench ==> 斯蒂尔森扳手,管子钳,可调管扳手
  58041. stillstand period ==> 静止期,静止期
  58042. stilt ==> 承坯架,支材,支撑物
  58043. stilt root ==> 支柱根,高跷根
  58044. stilt-tractor ==> 高架式拖拉机
  58045. stilted arch ==> 高矢拱,上心拱
  58046. stilted style ==> 大げさな文体
  58047. stilted vault ==> 上心穹顶,高矢拱
  58048. stimulate ==> 激
  58049. stimulate nodule formation ==> 刺激根瘤形成
  58050. stimulated ==> 受激
  58051. stimulated absorption ==> 受激吸收
  58052. stimulated absorption transition probability ==> 受激吸收跃迁几率
  58053. stimulated Brillouin diffusion ==> 受激布里渊漫射
  58054. stimulated Brillouin effect ==> 受激布里渊效应
  58055. stimulated Brillouin scattering ==> 受激布里渊散射=>誘導ブリユアン散乱
  58056. stimulated Compton scattering ==> 受激康普顿散射
  58057. stimulated emission ==> 受激发射=>誘導放出
  58058. stimulated emission detection ==> 受激发射探测
  58059. stimulated emission detector ==> 受激发射探测器
  58060. stimulated emission of radiation ==> 辐射受激发射
  58061. stimulated emission transition probability ==> 受激发射跃迁几率
  58062. stimulated light emission ==> 受激光发射
  58063. stimulated luminescence ==> 受激发光
  58064. stimulated oscillation ==> 受激振荡
  58065. stimulated photon ==> 受激光子
  58066. stimulated photon liberation ==> 受激光子释放
  58067. stimulated radiation ==> 受激辐射
  58068. stimulated radiation threshold ==> 受激辐射阈值
  58069. stimulated Raman effect ==> 受激喇曼效应
  58070. stimulated Raman mission ==> 受激喇曼发射
  58071. stimulated Raman pumping ==> 受激喇曼泵浦
  58072. stimulated Raman scattering ==> 受激喇曼散射=>誘導ラマン散乱
  58073. stimulated Rayleigh effect ==> 受激瑞利效应
  58074. stimulated Rayleigh scattering ==> 受激瑞利光散射
  58075. stimulated Rayleigh wing scattering ==> 受激瑞利翼散射
  58076. stimulated recombination radiation ==> 受激复合辐射
  58077. stimulated scattering ==> 受激散射
  58078. stimulated spin flip raman scattering ==> 喇曼散射
  58079. stimulated spin flip scattering ==> 受激自旋反转散射
  58080. stimulated threshold ==> 受激阈
  58081. stimulated transition ==> 受激跃迁
  58082. stimulating action ==> 受激作用
  58083. stimulating bath ==> 刺激浴
  58084. stimulating electrode ==> 刺激电极
  58085. stimulating optical field ==> 受激光场
  58086. stimulation ==> 激励,兴奋,刺激,刺激性,刺激作用,荧光增强
  58087. stimulation fatigue ==> 刺激性疲劳
  58088. stimulation isolator ==> 刺激隔离器
  58089. stimulation level ==> 刺激级,激励电平
  58090. stimulation of lactation ==> 催乳
  58091. stimulation therapy ==> 刺激疗法
  58092. stimulator ==> 刺激器,刺激质,激励器
  58093. stimuli generator ==> 激励振荡器
  58094. stimulus ==> 激励,刺激,刺激物,刺激源,色质=>刺激,興奮剤,興奮薬,激励,鼓舞=>激励,励み
  58095. stimulus budget ==> 景気刺激予算
  58096. stimulus input ==> 刺激输入
  58097. stimulus irritant ==> 刺激物
  58098. stimulus threshold ==> 刺激阈
  58099. stimulus wave ==> 刺激波
  58100. sting poison ==> 蜂毒
  58101. sting support ==> 张臂式支架
  58102. sting-out ==> 喷火
  58103. sting-out losses ==> 冒火热损失
  58104. stinging insect ==> 针昆虫
  58105. stinging nettle ==> 大荨麻,小荨麻,刺荨麻
  58106. stings of lid by insects ==> 睑昆虫刺伤,睑昆虫刺伤
  58107. stink bomb ==> 臭气弹
  58108. stink bug ==> 椿象
  58109. stink cupboard ==> 通风橱,通风柜
  58110. stink-bug ==> 九香虫,九香虫
  58111. stinking goosefoot ==> 臭藜
  58112. stinking root rot ==> 臭根腐病
  58113. stipend ==> 养老金=>年金
  58114. stipple roller ==> 满地细点印花辊筒
  58115. stipple streak ==> 马铃薯条痕花叶病
  58116. stipulate ==> 保证条件,爱因斯坦离婚的条件是把诺贝尔奖金全部赠送给前妻=>条件として要求する
  58117. stipulate patent ownership and compensation ==> 特許権や報酬に関する取り決めをする
  58118. stipulated commission ==> 契约规定佣金
  58119. stipulated velocity ==> 额定速度
  58120. stipulation ==> 合同,规定,规定=>規定
  58121. stipulative definition ==> 约定定义
  58122. stipule ==> 托葉
  58123. stir speed (S.S.) ==> 搅拌速率
  58124. stir-bake ==> 炒
  58125. stir-bake to brown ==> 炒焦
  58126. stir-bake to cracking ==> 炒爆
  58127. stir-bake to yellowish ==> 炒黄
  58128. stir-fry ==> 炒
  58129. Stirling boiler ==> 斯特令锅炉
  58130. stirling cycle ==> 回热循环
  58131. Stirling cycle ==> 斯特林循环,斯特令循环,等温等容循环
  58132. Stirling engine ==> 斯特林发动机,斯特令发动机=>スターリングエンジン,英国のR・スターリングが1816年に発明。
  58133. stirling engine ==> 斯特林发动机
  58134. Stirling engine regenerator ==> スターリングエンジン再生器
  58135. Stirling metal ==> 斯特林合金
  58136. Stirling number ==> 斯特令数
  58137. Stirling's formula ==> 斯特令公式=>スターリングの公式
  58138. Stirling's interpolation formula ==> 斯特令内插公式
  58139. stirred bed agitator-conveyor ==> 搅动床搅拌送料器
  58140. stirred bed plant ==> 搅动床设备
  58141. stirred bed reactor ==> 搅动床反应器
  58142. stirred vessel ==> 搅拌容器
  58143. stirrer paddle ==> 搅拌桨叶
  58144. stirrer shaft ==> 搅拌器轴
  58145. stirrer with four tilted blades ==> 搅拌棒
  58146. stirrer with spiral blades ==> (旋板式)搅拌棒
  58147. stirring apparatus ==> 搅动器
  58148. stirring arm ==> 搅拌器臂
  58149. stirring blade ==> 搅拌桨叶
  58150. stirring coil ==> 搅动盘管
  58151. stirring device ==> 搅拌装置
  58152. stirring hole ==> 搅孔
  58153. stirring motion ==> 湍流
  58154. stirring paddle ==> 搅拌桨
  58155. stirring rod ==> 搅棒
  58156. stirring screw conveyer ==> 螺旋拌和输送机
  58157. stirring section ==> 搅动区
  58158. stirring time ==> 搅拌时间
  58159. stirring-type mixer ==> 搅式拌合机
  58160. stirring-up rake ==> 翻料耙
  58161. stirrup ==> 卡,蹬形铁件,钳具,骑马螺钉,箍筋,镫带,镫骨,镫形座,夹钳,镫形夹=>あぶみ
  58162. stirrup bolt ==> 镫式夹螺栓
  58163. stirrup for hoisting ==> 起重箍
  58164. stirrup frame ==> 框式机架
  58165. stirrup hook ==> 箍筋弯钩
  58166. stirrup iron ==> 马蹬铁
  58167. stirrup leather ==> 马蹬革,镫革带=>あぶみ革
  58168. stirrup leather bar ==> あぶみ金
  58169. stirrup link ==> 框式连杆
  58170. stirrup repair clamp ==> 镫形夹
  58171. stirrup spacing ==> 箍筋间距
  58172. stirrup strap ==> 铁靴
  58173. stirrup type pedal ==> 蹬形踏板
  58174. stirrup wire ==> 箍钢丝
  58175. stirrup-piece ==> 镫形支架
  58176. stirrup-pump ==> 手摇灭火泵
  58177. stitch ==> 缝合,缝线,医用缝合线,绑结
  58178. stitch bond ==> 针脚式接合
  58179. stitch bonding ==> 针脚式焊,针脚式接合法,自动点焊,跳焊
  58180. stitch rivet ==> 缀缝铆钉,缝合铆钉
  58181. stitch scissors ==> 拆线剪
  58182. stitch washer ==> 构件间垫圈
  58183. stitch welding ==> 针脚点焊法,自动点焊,连续点焊,合缝焊接,叠焊,叠焊法,断续缝焊,跳焊
  58184. stitch-and-seam weld ==> 点线焊
  58185. stitch-and-seam welding ==> 断续缝焊,断续焊缝
  58186. stitch-bonded camping cloth ==> 缝编帐篷布
  58187. stitch-bonded carpet ==> 缝编地毯
  58188. stitch-bonded monolithic chip ==> 针脚式接合单块片,滚压粘合单块片
  58189. stitch-knitting machine ==> 缝编机
  58190. stitch-up ==> 缝补
  58191. stitch-varied construction ==> 变化组织结构
  58192. stitch-welding ==> 垫缝焊接
  58193. stitched canvas ==> 缝合的帆布带
  58194. stitched wire joint ==> 编缝丝结合
  58195. stitching ==> 缝合
  58196. stitching flat wire ==> 扁铁丝
  58197. stitching machine ==> 订书机
  58198. stitching needle ==> 订书针
  58199. stitching oil ==> 滚压油
  58200. STL torque limiter ==> STLトルクリミッター
  58201. STL, studio transmitter link ==> STリンク
  58202. STLNA ==> 米国電気試験所
  58203. STM N, Synchronous Transport Module level N ==> 同步传送模块
  58204. STM, scanning tunneling microscope ==> 走査形トンネル顕微鏡
  58205. STM, State Transition Model ==> STM
  58206. STM, structural and thermal model ==> 熱構造モデル
  58207. STM, Structural Test Model ==> 構造試験モデル
  58208. STM, structural thermal model ==> 熱構造モデル
  58209. STNG, strain gauge ==> 歪ゲージ
  58210. STO Now used as a Storage Tanker ==> 现在作为贮存罐船/车
  58211. STO, Solar Terrestrial Observatory ==> 太陽地球間観測所
  58212. STO, space transportation operation ==> 宇宙輸送運用
  58213. Stobie furnace ==> 斯托比电炉,司托比耶炉
  58214. STOCC, Space Telescope Operations Control Center ==> 宇宙望遠鏡操作制御センター
  58215. stochastic ==> 随机的,偶然的=>確率論的な,確率変数の
  58216. stochastic abstracting ==> 随机编制文摘
  58217. stochastic acceleration ==> 随机加速
  58218. stochastic accelerator ==> 随机加速器
  58219. stochastic activity ==> 確率的動作
  58220. stochastic algorithm ==> 確率アルゴリズム
  58221. stochastic allocation ==> 随机分布
  58222. stochastic analysis ==> 随机分析=>確率的解析
  58223. stochastic approach ==> 確率手法
  58224. stochastic approximation ==> 随机近似法=>確率近似
  58225. stochastic approximation learning system ==> 随机逼近学习系统
  58226. stochastic arithmetic ==> 確率的演算
  58227. stochastic aspect ==> 確率的側面
  58228. stochastic assessment ==> 確率的評価
  58229. stochastic augmented transition network ==> 随机扩展转移网络
  58230. stochastic automata inference ==> 随机自动机推断
  58231. stochastic automata models ==> 随机自动机模型
  58232. stochastic automaton ==> 随机自动机=>確率オートマトン
  58233. stochastic average ==> 確率平均
  58234. stochastic basis ==> 確率論的基礎
  58235. stochastic beam ==> 随机束
  58236. stochastic behavior ==> 確率的挙動
  58237. stochastic bound ==> 確率的限界
  58238. stochastic calculus ==> 随机计算
  58239. stochastic chain rule ==> 随机链规则
  58240. stochastic choice ==> 確率的選択
  58241. stochastic circuit ==> 随机电路
  58242. stochastic coefficient ==> 確率係数
  58243. stochastic collision ==> 確率的衝突
  58244. stochastic comparison ==> 確率的比較
  58245. stochastic complexity ==> 確率的複雑さ
  58246. stochastic computing ==> 確率論的計算
  58247. stochastic concept ==> 確率論的概念
  58248. stochastic consideration ==> 確率的考察
  58249. stochastic constraint ==> 確率的制約
  58250. stochastic context-free grammar ==> 随机上下文无关文法
  58251. stochastic continuity ==> 随机连续性
  58252. stochastic control ==> 随机控制
  58253. stochastic control theory ==> 随机控制理论
  58254. stochastic convergence ==> 随机收敛
  58255. stochastic cyclotron ==> 随机回旋加速器
  58256. stochastic decision process ==> 随机决定过程,随机判定过程
  58257. stochastic decision tree analysis ==> 随机决策树分析
  58258. stochastic dee ==> 随机D盒
  58259. stochastic deformation model ==> 随机畸变模型
  58260. stochastic demand ==> 確率的需要
  58261. stochastic dependence ==> 随机相依
  58262. stochastic description ==> 確率的記述
  58263. stochastic difference equation ==> 随机差分方程=>確率差分方程式
  58264. stochastic differentiability ==> 随机可微性
  58265. stochastic differential ==> 随机微分=>確率微分
  58266. stochastic differential equation ==> 随机微分方程=>確率微分方程式
  58267. stochastic differential game ==> 確率微分ゲーム
  58268. stochastic differentiation ==> 確率微分
  58269. stochastic diffusion ==> 確率的拡散
  58270. stochastic disturbance ==> 随机干扰,随机扰动
  58271. stochastic effect ==> 随机性效应
  58272. stochastic effects ==> 随机效应
  58273. stochastic ejection ==> 随机引出
  58274. stochastic error-correction ==> 随机误差修正
  58275. stochastic event ==> 随机事件
  58276. stochastic extraction ==> 随机引出
  58277. stochastic extraction system ==> 随机引出系统
  58278. stochastic finite automaton ==> 随相有限自动机
  58279. stochastic finite state automata ==> 随机有限状态自动机
  58280. stochastic finite state grammar ==> 随机有限状态文法
  58281. stochastic functional equation ==> 随机函数方程
  58282. stochastic game ==> 随机对策
  58283. stochastic grammar ==> 随机文法
  58284. stochastic grammar inference ==> 随机文法推断
  58285. stochastic heating ==> 随机加热
  58286. stochastic independence ==> 随机独立
  58287. stochastic indexed production ==> 随机附标产生式
  58288. stochastic input ==> 随机输入
  58289. stochastic instability ==> 随机不稳定性
  58290. stochastic integral ==> 随机积分
  58291. stochastic integral equation ==> 随机积分方程
  58292. stochastic inverse ==> 随机反演
  58293. stochastic kernel ==> 随机核
  58294. stochastic language ==> 随机语言
  58295. stochastic linear discrete system ==> 随机线性离散系统
  58296. stochastic linear grammar ==> 随机线性文法
  58297. stochastic load flow analysis ==> 確率的潮流計算
  58298. stochastic mapping ==> 随机映射
  58299. stochastic matrix ==> 随机阵
  58300. stochastic method ==> 随机方法=>確率的手法,stochastic methods in power quality assessment
  58301. stochastic model ==> 随机模型=>確率モデル
  58302. stochastic modulation ==> 随机调制
  58303. stochastic monotonicity ==> 随机单调性
  58304. stochastic motion ==> 随机运动
  58305. stochastic movement ==> 随机位移
  58306. stochastic network ==> 随机网络
  58307. stochastic noise ==> 随机噪声
  58308. stochastic nonlinear system ==> 随机非线性系统
  58309. stochastic operator ==> 随机算子
  58310. stochastic optimal control ==> 随机最佳控制
  58311. stochastic parameter ==> 随机参数
  58312. stochastic pattern ==> 随机型
  58313. stochastic plasma heating ==> 随机等离子体加热
  58314. stochastic prediction ==> 随机预测
  58315. stochastic problem ==> 随机问题
  58316. stochastic process ==> 随机过程=>確率過程
  58317. stochastic processes ==> 確率過程
  58318. stochastic programming ==> 随机规划法
  58319. stochastic push-down automata with a cutpoint A ==> 带有一个切点A的随机下推自动机
  58320. stochastic pushdown automata ==> 随机下推自动机
  58321. stochastic quantity ==> 随机量
  58322. stochastic quantity linear energy ==> 随机量线能量
  58323. stochastic queue ==> 随机排队
  58324. stochastic queuing systems ==> 随机排队模式
  58325. stochastic regime ==> 随机状态
  58326. stochastic relation ==> 随机关系
  58327. stochastic retrieval ==> 随机检索
  58328. stochastic sampling ==> 随机采样
  58329. stochastic scheme ==> 随机方案
  58330. stochastic searching ==> 随机查找
  58331. stochastic selection algorithm ==> 随机选择算法
  58332. stochastic sequence ==> 随机序列
  58333. stochastic service system ==> 随机服务系统
  58334. stochastic signal ==> 随机信号
  58335. stochastic simulation ==> 随机模拟=>確率的シミュレーション
  58336. stochastic state transition matrix ==> 随机状态转移矩阵
  58337. stochastic syntax analysis ==> 随机句法分析
  58338. stochastic syntax analyzer with a random strategy ==> 具有随机策略的随机文法分析程序,具有随机策略的随机文法分析程序
  58339. stochastic system ==> 随机系统
  58340. stochastic transformation ==> 随机变换
  58341. stochastic transition function ==> 随机转变函数
  58342. stochastic transition network ==> 随机转移网络
  58343. stochastic type of acceleration ==> 随机型加速
  58344. stochastic variable ==> 随机变量,无规变量
  58345. stochastic vibration ==> 随机振动
  58346. stochastic(al) ==> 随机
  58347. stochasticity adjustment ==> 随机性修正
  58348. stock ==> 原料,原种,轧件,母株,粗钢料,存货,承印物,砧木,托,工具台座,管状矿脉,盘料坯,坯料,炉料,岩株,标准木料,材料,蓄积,库存,库存品,纸浆,存储=>ストック,在庫,家畜
  58349. stock (line) indicator ==> 探料尺装置
  58350. stock accounting ==> 库存帐目
  58351. stock acquired by borrowing ==> 借入股票
  58352. stock adjustment ==> 库存调整
  58353. stock allowance ==> 机械加工余量
  58354. stock and rolling stock accessories ==> 车辆及配件
  58355. stock appreciation ==> 库存增值
  58356. stock article ==> 库存物品
  58357. stock at par ==> 面值股票
  58358. stock authorized ==> 额定股本
  58359. stock balance ==> 库存量,库存余额
  58360. stock barn ==> 牲口棚
  58361. stock bin ==> 料仓
  58362. stock boar ==> 种公猪
  58363. stock board ==> 规格板材
  58364. stock borrowed ==> 借入股票
  58365. stock breeder ==> 养畜者
  58366. stock brokerage ==> 仲介手数料
  58367. stock brush ==> 润砖刷
  58368. stock budget ==> 库存量预算
  58369. stock bull ==> 屠用公牛
  58370. stock cap ==> 风口盖
  58371. stock capacity ==> 载畜量
  58372. stock card ==> 材料卡片
  58373. stock cattle ==> 食用牛,肥育用牛
  58374. stock column ==> 料柱
  58375. stock commodities ==> 大量生产产品,大量生产的产品
  58376. stock company ==> 株式会社
  58377. stock control ==> 存货控制,存量管制,库存管理,库存控制=>在庫管理
  58378. stock control card ==> 库存管理卡,库存控制卡
  58379. stock control level ==> 存量管制基准
  58380. stock control system ==> 零件管理方式,库存管理制度,备件管理方式
  58381. stock converter ==> 冷料转炉
  58382. stock core ==> 长条泥芯,棒状芯,备用型芯
  58383. stock corporation ==> 株式会社
  58384. stock crane ==> 堆货吊车
  58385. stock culture ==> 存储培养,原种培养,贮备培养
  58386. stock cum right ==> 附有增资权的股票
  58387. stock cutter ==> 坯料剪切机
  58388. stock cutting ==> 下料
  58389. stock die ==> 管子铰板板牙
  58390. stock distributing gear ==> 布料器
  58391. stock dividend ==> 以股票付股息
  58392. stock dump ==> 贮料堆
  58393. stock emulsion ==> 储藏乳剂
  58394. stock engine ==> 座式发动机
  58395. stock exchange ==> 交易所
  58396. stock exchange list ==> 证券交易所牌价
  58397. stock exchange settlement ==> 证券交易清算
  58398. stock farm ==> 畜牧场
  58399. stock farmer ==> 畜牧业者
  58400. stock farming ==> 畜牧业
  58401. stock feed ==> 条材进给
  58402. stock fluctuation ==> 储量变化
  58403. stock form ==> 卷纸,卷纸
  58404. stock freezer ==> 冷藏库
  58405. stock fulling mill ==> 槌打式缩绒机
  58406. stock fund ==> 材料基金,库存基金
  58407. stock grazing ==> 放牧
  58408. stock ground ==> 料场
  58409. stock growing ==> 苗木栽培
  58410. stock guide ==> 导料板,板料导向块
  58411. stock handling facilities ==> 牲畜管理设备
  58412. stock head ==> 车床的头座,车床头
  58413. stock heap ==> 料堆
  58414. stock holding ==> 股权=>持分
  58415. stock holding agriculture ==> 养畜农业
  58416. stock horse ==> 放牧用乘车
  58417. stock indicator ==> 料线指示器
  58418. stock influence ==> 砧木影响
  58419. stock inventory ==> 存货清单,现有存货,固定资本清单,财产清单,库存目录
  58420. stock jobber ==> 证券批发商,(美)证券经纪人
  58421. stock keeping ==> 养畜
  58422. stock keeping unit ==> 库存单位
  58423. stock layout ==> 排样
  58424. stock level ==> 库存水平
  58425. stock lifter ==> 板料升降器
  58426. stock line armo(u)r ==> 料线保护板,炉喉护板
  58427. stock list ==> 存货单,材料表
  58428. stock livestock ==> 放牧牲口
  58429. stock locator systems ==> 出货编序系统
  58430. stock lock ==> 外装弹簧锁
  58431. stock machine ==> 槌打式缩绒机
  58432. stock management for jobbers ==> 批发商股票管理
  58433. stock map ==> 林相图,林型图,牲畜分布图
  58434. stock mare ==> 母种马
  58435. stock market ==> 牲畜市场,证券市场
  58436. stock mentor ==> 砧木蒙导
  58437. stock mould ==> 定型模
  58438. stock note ==> 木材报价单
  58439. stock number (SN) ==> 库存品号码
  58440. stock nursery ==> 砧木苗圃
  58441. stock of manpower ==> 人力储备
  58442. stock of real capital ==> 全部实际资本
  58443. stock of wheat ==> 存麦豆投资
  58444. stock oil ==> 原料油
  58445. stock on hand ==> 现存量,现有存货,库存货
  58446. stock option ==> 材料选择,认股选择权
  58447. stock order ==> 备货生产
  58448. stock original species ==> 原种
  58449. stock out ==> 库存耗竭,库存中断=>欠品
  58450. stock pig ==> 存锭
  58451. stock pile ==> 存堆,储料堆,贮备品,料堆,藏量
  58452. stock plant ==> 母株
  58453. stock plots ==> 几个原种圃
  58454. stock prepartion ==> 备料
  58455. stock price average ==> 证券价格平均数
  58456. stock production ==> 估需生产
  58457. stock pusher ==> 装炉推料器,推料机
  58458. stock rack ==> 成品放置架
  58459. stock rail ==> 基本轨
  58460. stock raising ==> 畜牧业,饲养家畜
  58461. stock ram ==> 种公羊
  58462. stock redemption fund ==> 收回股份基金
  58463. stock reel ==> 棒料架
  58464. stock removal ==> 切削量
  58465. stock removal action ==> 切削动作
  58466. stock removal rate ==> 切削率
  58467. stock removing ==> 切削
  58468. stock requirements for machine planting ==> 机械化造林对苗木的要求
  58469. stock rod ==> 探尺
  58470. stock room ==> 储藏室,贮料间
  58471. stock root ==> 砧木根
  58472. stock scrip ==> 小额股票
  58473. stock seedling ==> 砧木实生苗
  58474. stock shears ==> 台剪机
  58475. stock size ==> 常规尺寸,一般尺寸,库存量,标准尺寸
  58476. stock sizes ==> 仓库存货数量
  58477. stock solution ==> 贮备溶液,储备溶液,原液
  58478. stock split ==> 析产分股
  58479. stock split-up ==> 析产分股
  58480. stock stop ==> 挡料机构,挡料器
  58481. stock subscription ==> 认股
  58482. stock support ==> 带座支架,送料支架,材料支架
  58483. stock taking ==> 清货,盘存
  58484. stock tank ==> 储罐
  58485. stock tank barrels ==> 油罐桶数
  58486. stock thickness ==> 坯料厚度
  58487. stock tree ==> 种株
  58488. stock turnover ==> 库存周转率
  58489. stock utilization ==> 材料利用率
  58490. stock vice ==> 台虎钳,台式虎钳
  58491. stock warrant ==> 认股权证,可转让票据
  58492. stock washer ==> 洗浆机
  58493. stock with par value ==> 面值股票
  58494. stock yard ==> 原料场(间),贮矿场
  58495. stock, web ==> 坯料
  58496. stock-carrying capacity ==> 养畜能力
  58497. stock-carrying capacity of pastures ==> 草原载畜量
  58498. stock-core machine ==> 挤芯机
  58499. stock-cutter ==> 切料机
  58500. stock-dye ==> 纤维染色
  58501. stock-exchange committee ==> 证券交易所委员会
  58502. stock-gang ==> 框锯
  58503. stock-line ga(u)ge ==> 料线指示器
  58504. stock-minded ==> 证券意识
  58505. stock-out cast ==> 库存削价成本
  58506. stock-releasing ==> 抛售储存
  58507. stock-removing efficiency ==> 切削效率
  58508. stock-removing machine ==> 切削机床
  58509. stock-run material ==> 堆场材料
  58510. stock-sales ratio ==> 库存率
  58511. stock-taking ==> 库存盘点
  58512. stock-work ==> 备售制品
  58513. stockage objective ==> 库存指示
  58514. stockbridge damper ==> 架空线减震器,储能桥式防震锤
  58515. stocked quadrat ==> 立木样方
  58516. stockes line ==> 斯托克斯线
  58517. stockfeed potato ==> 饲用马铃薯
  58518. stocking cutter ==> 预切刀,柄式铣刀
  58519. stocking degree ==> 立木度
  58520. stocking density ==> 载畜量,草原载畜量
  58521. stocking frame ==> 织袜机
  58522. stocking indicator ==> 装载指示器
  58523. stocking level ==> 放牧头数
  58524. stocking limit ==> 放养限度
  58525. stocking machine ==> 装料机
  58526. stocking rate ==> 载畜量,载畜率
  58527. stocking tool ==> 粗切刀
  58528. stocking yard ==> 成品仓库
  58529. stockkeeping unit (SKU) ==> 存库标识,库存保管单位
  58530. stockout cost ==> 缺货成本,脱销费用,库存不足费用
  58531. stockpile loading ==> 堆装材料
  58532. stockpile of strategic agricultural materials ==> 战略性农产品库存
  58533. stocks for margin trading ==> 套做股票
  58534. stocks speculation ==> 作股票投机
  58535. stockscion interaction ==> 砧穗相互作用
  58536. stocky ==> 瑞典币
  58537. stockyard fever ==> 出血性败血病
  58538. Stoddard solvent ==> 斯陶达溶剂
  58539. stoichiometric calculation ==> 化学计算
  58540. stoichiometric coefficient ==> 理想化合系数
  58541. stoichiometric concentration ==> 化学计量浓度
  58542. stoichiometric equation ==> 化学计算方程式
  58543. stoichiometric impurity ==> 化学计量杂质=>化学量論的不純物
  58544. stoichiometric proportion ==> 化学计量比
  58545. stoichiometric ratio ==> 化学计量比
  58546. stoichiometric reaction ==> 化学计量反应
  58547. stoichiometric(al) combustion ==> 化学计量燃烧
  58548. stoichiometric(al) mixture ==> 理论混合物
  58549. stoichiometry ==> 化学量論
  58550. stoikiometric ratio ==> 化学当量比
  58551. stoke (the CGS unit of kinematic viscosity) ==> 沱
  58552. stoke hole ==> 拨火孔,加煤孔
  58553. stoke the engine ==> 勢いをつける
  58554. Stoke's law ==> 斯托克定律
  58555. stoker ==> 加煤机,添煤器=>火夫,ストーカー,給炭機
  58556. stoker casing ==> 自动加煤机罩
  58557. stoker distributor jet ==> 加煤机喷煤器
  58558. stoker drive mechanism ==> 机械炉排拖动机构
  58559. stoker elevator conveyer ==> 加煤机输煤器
  58560. stoker furnace ==> ストーカー炉
  58561. stoker rating ==> 炉排燃烧率
  58562. stoker surface ==> 炉排表面,抛煤面
  58563. stokes ==> 斯托克斯
  58564. Stokes drift ==> 斯托克斯漂移
  58565. Stokes law ==> 斯托克斯定律
  58566. Stokes line ==> 斯托克斯谱线=>ストークス線
  58567. Stokes meter ==> 斯托克斯参数测量仪
  58568. Stokes number 1 ==> 第一斯托克斯数
  58569. Stokes number 2 ==> 第二斯托克斯数
  58570. Stokes parameter ==> 斯托克斯参数
  58571. Stokes press ==> 斯托克斯凸轮式压机
  58572. Stokes radiation ==> 斯托克斯辐射
  58573. Stokes shift ==> 斯托克斯频移=>ストークス偏移
  58574. Stokes stream function ==> 斯托克斯流函数
  58575. Stokes theorem ==> 斯托克斯定理
  58576. Stokes transition ==> 斯托克斯跃迁
  58577. stokes' furrow ==> 季肋肝间沟
  58578. Stokes' integral theorem ==> 斯托克斯积分定理
  58579. stokes' integral theorem ==> 斯托克斯积分定理
  58580. stokes' law ==> 斯托克斯定律
  58581. Stokes' law of resistance ==> 斯托克斯阻力定律
  58582. Stokes' paradox ==> ストークスの背理
  58583. Stokes-Raman scattering ==> 斯托克斯喇曼散射
  58584. Stokesian fluid ==> 斯托克斯流体
  58585. stoking tool ==> 烧火工具
  58586. STOL aircraft ==> 短距起落飞机
  58587. stolen bill ==> 被窃票据
  58588. stolen goods ==> 失窃货物
  58589. stomach ==> 胃
  58590. Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming ==> 足阳明胃经
  58591. stomach clamp ==> 胃夹
  58592. Stomach Collateral ==> 足阳明络脉
  58593. Stomach Divergent Channel ==> 足阳明经别
  58594. stomach insecticide ==> 胃毒剂,胃毒杀虫剂,胃毒性杀虫剂
  58595. stomach irrigator ==> 胃冲洗器
  58596. stomach juice ==> 胃液
  58597. stomach mouth ==> 胃入口
  58598. Stomach Muscle Channel ==> 足阳明经筋
  58599. stomach perforation ==> 胃穿孔
  58600. stomach poison ==> 胃毒剂
  58601. stomach pump ==> 胃抽器
  58602. stomach scanning ==> 胃扫描
  58603. stomach siphon ==> 胃虹吸管
  58604. stomach tube ==> 胃管
  58605. stomach wall ==> 胃壁
  58606. stomach-ache ==> 胃痛
  58607. stomachal ==> 胃的
  58608. stomachbowel hydrostatic test ==> 胃肠浮扬试验
  58609. stomachial secretion ==> 胃分泌
  58610. stomachic tonic ==> 健胃药
  58611. stomachics ==> 健胃药
  58612. stomachoscopy ==> 胃镜检查
  58613. stomatal index ==> 气孔指数
  58614. stomatal movement ==> 气孔运动
  58615. stomatal transpiration ==> 气孔蒸腾
  58616. stomatic movement ==> 气孔运动
  58617. stomatitis neurotica chronica ==> 慢性神经性口炎
  58618. stomatoblastula ==> 体囊胚
  58619. stomatocyte ==> 裂口红细胞
  58620. stomatocytosis ==> 裂口红细胞症
  58621. stomatodeum ==> 口凹,口道
  58622. stomatodynia ==> 口腔痛
  58623. stomatogastric ==> 口胃的
  58624. stomatoglossitis ==> 口舌炎
  58625. stomatologic therapeutics ==> 口腔病治疗学
  58626. stomatologist ==> 口腔科医师,口腔学家
  58627. stomatology ==> 口腔学
  58628. stomatomalacia ==> 口腔软化
  58629. stomatomenia ==> 月经期口出血
  58630. stomatomycosis ==> 口霉菌病
  58631. stomatonoma ==> 口颊坏死
  58632. stomatopathy ==> 口腔病
  58633. stomatophyma ==> 口瘤
  58634. stomatoplasty ==> 口腔成形术
  58635. Stomatopoda ==> 口足目
  58636. stomatopsychology ==> 精神口腔科学
  58637. stomatorrhagia ==> 口出血
  58638. stomatoscope ==> 口腔镜
  58639. stomatoscopy ==> 口腔镜检查
  58640. stomatosis ==> 口腔病
  58641. stomatosyringosiphonosism ==> 咽鼓管内注药法
  58642. stone ==> 斯通,磨刀小油石,结石,成型宝石,材核,石,石块,石料,石头,石围栏=>石,石材,墓石,墓碑,ストーン
  58643. stone (mason's) hammer ==> 石工锤
  58644. Stone Age ==> 石器时代
  58645. stone arch ==> 石拱
  58646. stone balustrade ==> 石栏杆
  58647. stone block ==> 石块
  58648. stone block pavement ==> 石块路面,石块铺面
  58649. stone bolt ==> 棘螺栓,底脚螺钉,底脚螺栓,地脚螺栓
  58650. stone building ==> 石屋
  58651. stone canal ==> 石管,石渠
  58652. stone carving ==> 石雕
  58653. stone casting ==> 铸石
  58654. stone catcher ==> 采石器
  58655. stone cell ==> 短石细胞
  58656. stone chamber ==> 石室
  58657. stone china ==> 白色硬质陶器=>硬質陶器
  58658. stone chip ==> 碎石片
  58659. stone chip filler ==> 石屑填充料
  58660. Stone circuit ==> 斯通电路
  58661. stone cleaner ==> 石块分离机,除石机
  58662. stone coal ==> 石煤=>無煙炭
  58663. stone coffin ==> 石棺
  58664. stone collector ==> 集石机,集石机,捡石机
  58665. stone column ==> 石柱
  58666. stone concrete ==> 块石混凝土
  58667. stone coping ==> 石压顶
  58668. stone crusher ==> 砕石機
  58669. stone curb ==> 石路牙
  58670. stone curlew ==> イシチドリ
  58671. stone cutter ==> 截石机,切割石工,切石机
  58672. stone cutting ==> 切石法
  58673. stone cutting machine ==> 切石机
  58674. stone dead wire ==> 退火钢丝,软钢丝
  58675. stone desert ==> 戈壁
  58676. stone die ==> 石制代型
  58677. stone disease ==> 結石疾患
  58678. stone disintegration ==> 結石の破砕
  58679. stone dissolution ==> 結石溶解法
  58680. stone drain ==> 石砌排水沟
  58681. stone drawing tool ==> 挖石工具
  58682. stone drier ==> 干石机
  58683. stone dumper ==> 抛石船
  58684. stone eliminator ==> 除石机,石块分离机
  58685. stone expulsion ==> 結石排除
  58686. stone extractor ==> 石块分离机,除石机
  58687. stone facing ==> 石材饰面,石料镶面
  58688. stone finish ==> 石材饰面
  58689. stone fixing ==> 石作安装
  58690. stone fixing work ==> 石作安装工程
  58691. stone fly ==> 石蝇
  58692. stone foundation ==> 石基础
  58693. stone fragment ==> 碎石片
  58694. stone furrow ==> 磨盘沟纹
  58695. stone grafting ==> 核接
  58696. stone grapple ==> 攫石器,攫石器
  58697. stone grinder ==> 磨盘,石磨
  58698. stone guard ==> 除石机
  58699. stone hand ==> 拼版工人
  58700. stone house ==> 石屋
  58701. stone ice ==> 地下冰
  58702. stone lantern ==> (常见于日本式庭园中)石灯笼
  58703. stone levee ==> 石堤
  58704. stone lifting bolt ==> 吊石栓
  58705. stone lily ==> ウミユリの化石
  58706. stone line ==> 石线
  58707. stone lined ==> 块石衬砌的
  58708. stone lining ==> 石衬
  58709. stone lintel ==> 石过梁
  58710. stone lion ==> ライオンの石像
  58711. stone mark ==> 標石
  58712. stone marker ==> 标石
  58713. stone material ==> 石材
  58714. stone mill ==> 磨石机,岩石破碎机,石磨
  58715. stone mortar with pestle ==> 带捣杵石臼
  58716. stone needle ==> 砭石
  58717. stone of apricots ==> 杏仁
  58718. stone picker ==> 集石机,选石机
  58719. stone picking machine ==> 集石机
  58720. stone pillar ==> 石柱
  58721. stone pine ==> 意大利五针松
  58722. stone pit ==> 采石场
  58723. stone pitching ==> 石砌护坡,干砌石
  58724. stone plug ==> 瓷火花塞
  58725. stone pockets of concrete ==> 混凝土蜂窝状气孔
  58726. stone polishing machine ==> 石材磨光机
  58727. stone polygon ==> 分选多边形土
  58728. stone press ==> 压石机
  58729. stone rake ==> 搂石器
  58730. stone releaser ==> 石块排除器
  58731. stone remover ==> 除石器
  58732. stone retarder ==> 石块分离器
  58733. stone ring ==> 石环
  58734. stone roll ==> 石辗
  58735. stone roller ==> 石滚筒
  58736. stone sand ==> 石砂
  58737. stone saw ==> 石锯
  58738. stone sawing machine ==> 锯石机,锯石机
  58739. stone scrubber ==> 洗石机
  58740. stone searcher ==> 膀胱石探杆
  58741. stone separator ==> 石块分离机
  58742. stone sidewalk ==> 石砌人行道
  58743. stone skeleton construction ==> 石骨架结构
  58744. stone slab facing ==> 石板贴面
  58745. stone slate ==> 石板瓦
  58746. stone spreader ==> 撒石机
  58747. stone staircase ==> 石楼梯
  58748. stone steps ==> 石砌台阶
  58749. stone stopper ==> 除石块机,清石机
  58750. stone stream ==> 岩石流
  58751. stone structure ==> 石结构=>石材構造物
  58752. stone stud ==> 棘螺栓
  58753. stone sweeper ==> 排障器
  58754. stone tablet ==> 石碑
  58755. stone template ==> 垫石
  58756. stone tongs ==> 吊石夹钳,吊装夹具
  58757. stone tracery window ==> 石雕花格窗
  58758. stone veneering ==> 石板贴面
  58759. stone vessel ==> 石器
  58760. stone wall ==> 石墙,石围栏
  58761. stone wall phenomenon ==> 极限现象
  58762. stone walling ==> 石墙
  58763. stone washer ==> 洗石机
  58764. stone weir ==> 堆石坝,堆石堰
  58765. stone wheel ==> 砂轮
  58766. Stone's representation theorem ==> 斯通表示定理
  58767. stone-block paving ==> 石块铺路面
  58768. stone-carved pagoda ==> 石雕塔
  58769. stone-crusher ==> 碎石机
  58770. stone-faced arch ==> 石面拱
  58771. stone-faced masonry ==> 石面圬工
  58772. stone-filled timber crib groin ==> 木笼填石丁坝
  58773. stone-filled works ==> 堆石工程
  58774. stone-pit ==> 采石坑
  58775. stone-separating device ==> 除石装置
  58776. stone-tablet pavilion ==> 碑亭
  58777. Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works ==> 昂船洲污水处理厂
  58778. stoneless preserved cherry-apple ==> 化核海棠脯
  58779. stonemesh apron ==> 钢丝网填石沉排
  58780. stonemesh groynes ==> 钢丝网填石丁坝
  58781. stonemesh mattress ==> 钢丝网填石沉排
  58782. stoneware pipeline ==> 缸瓷管道
  58783. stoneware pump ==> 陶制泵
  58784. stoneware sanitary ware ==> 卫生炻器
  58785. Stoney gate ==> 司东尼式闸门=>ストーニゲート
  58786. stony bottom ==> 多石地犁体
  58787. stony coral ==> 石珊瑚
  58788. stony soil ==> 含石土,(碎石土)多石土壤
  58789. stony-iron meteorite ==> 铁石陨石
  58790. stony-land guard ==> 多石地护刃器
  58791. stony-land share ==> 多石地犁铧
  58792. stood off hour ==> 停工小时
  58793. stool ==> 模底板,大便,凳子,根株,内窗台
  58794. stool layer ==> 根株压条
  58795. stool layerage ==> 堆土压条法
  58796. stool layering ==> 根株压条
  58797. stool pigeon ==> 钻机记录仪
  58798. stool plate ==> 垫板
  58799. stool sedimentation and hatching ==> 粪便沉淀检查
  58800. stool shoot ==> 根株萌条
  58801. stool sticker ==> 粘底板钢锭
  58802. stool stock ==> 根桩茎
  58803. stool test ==> 验粪
  58804. stooling ==> (用托板)托芯
  58805. stooling stage ==> 抽穗期,分蘖期
  58806. stop ==> 停止,止档
  58807. stop adjustment ==> 停止调节
  58808. stop alarm test ==> 停止警报试验
  58809. stop an engine ==> エンジンを止める
  58810. stop and go signal ==> 停止和通行信号
  58811. stop and license plate light ==> 停车和牌照灯的组合灯
  58812. stop and license plate light cable ==> 停车灯和牌照灯线
  58813. stop and release mechanism ==> 停放机构
  58814. stop and tail light ==> 停车和尾灯的组合灯
  58815. stop arm ==> 止动杆
  58816. stop bath ==> 停显液,急止浴
  58817. stop bit ==> 停止位,终止位,结束位
  58818. stop block ==> 触止块,限动块,阻块
  58819. stop bolt ==> 定位销钉
  58820. stop buffer ==> 停车缓冲器
  58821. stop bumpers ==> 停车防冲装置
  58822. stop butt hinge ==> 半开铰链
  58823. stop button ==> 停机按钮,停止按钮,制动按钮
  58824. stop catch ==> 止动挡
  58825. stop chamfer plane ==> 带调整装置例棱刨
  58826. stop claw ==> 止爪
  58827. stop cock ==> 停止旋塞
  58828. stop code ==> 停机码,停止代码,停止码,终止码,结束符号
  58829. stop collar ==> 挡圈,限动环,限位环
  58830. stop conducting ==> 停止导通
  58831. stop cylinder press ==> 对开平台印刷机
  58832. stop distance ==> 停止距离
  58833. stop dog ==> 止动器,碰停块
  58834. stop dowel ==> 定位销钉
  58835. stop down ==> 光阑缩小
  58836. stop drill ==> 钻头
  58837. stop drum ==> 碰停鼓,止动鼓
  58838. stop element ==> 停止码元
  58839. stop element number ==> 结束符号数
  58840. stop finer ==> 止动指针,止销
  58841. stop finger ==> 停车指针
  58842. stop firing ==> 歇火
  58843. stop flow ==> 截流
  58844. stop frame ==> 停帧
  58845. stop gate ==> 快速闸门
  58846. stop gauge ==> 挡料装置,可调整量规
  58847. stop hitch ==> 超载停车联结器
  58848. stop imagery ==> 光阑成像
  58849. stop impulse ==> 停住脉冲
  58850. stop index ==> 光阑指数
  58851. stop indicator ==> 停机指示器
  58852. stop instruction ==> 停止命令
  58853. stop interval ==> 停车间隔时间
  58854. stop joint ==> ストップ接続
  58855. stop key ==> 停机键
  58856. stop lamp ==> 停车灯
  58857. stop lamp switch ==> 制动灯开关
  58858. stop latch spring ==> 满线跳杆簧
  58859. stop lever ==> 挡杆,止动杆,制动杆
  58860. stop light ==> 停止信号灯
  58861. stop list ==> 非用词表
  58862. stop log ==> 叠梁闸门
  58863. stop log gate ==> 叠梁闸门
  58864. stop log gate slot ==> 叠梁闸门槽
  58865. stop log weir ==> 叠梁堰
  58866. stop loop ==> 循环停机
  58867. stop loss cover ==> 超额赔款分保合同
  58868. stop loss order ==> 截损指示,停止损失指令
  58869. stop loss orders ==> 减价平仓单,限亏止单
  58870. stop loss reinsurance ==> 超率赔款再保险
  58871. stop loss treaty ==> 超额赔款分保合同
  58872. stop mechanism ==> 停车机构
  58873. stop meter ==> 制动距离测量仪
  58874. stop model ==> ストップモデル
  58875. stop motion mechanism ==> 自动停车机构
  58876. stop motion motor ==> 间歇驱动电机
  58877. stop number ==> 光圈数
  58878. stop nut ==> 防松螺母
  58879. stop order ==> 限价补进或卖出,停止委托,证券停止交易通知书,(股票)停止损失指令
  58880. stop pawl ==> 制动爪
  58881. stop payment on a check ==> 停付支票,停止支付支票
  58882. stop pick-up ==> 止动传感器
  58883. stop piece ==> 停止块,行程限制器
  58884. stop piece of lath ==> 齿条行程限制器
  58885. stop pin ==> 挡料销,防转销,定位销,止动销,止销
  58886. stop plank ==> 插板
  58887. stop plate ==> 止动片板,盲板,挡板
  58888. stop plunger ==> 限位柱塞,停止柱塞
  58889. stop position ==> 停止位置,停止状态,光阑位置
  58890. stop pulse ==> 停止脉冲
  58891. stop push-button ==> 还原按钮
  58892. stop ring ==> 止动环,止推环,制动环,轴承止环
  58893. stop riveting ==> 消除铆接漏缝
  58894. stop rod ==> 止动杆,停车杆
  58895. stop rod arm ==> 止动杆臂
  58896. stop roll ==> 碰停转筒
  58897. stop screw ==> 止动螺钉
  58898. stop section ==> 停车区段
  58899. stop shift ==> 光阑位移
  58900. stop shoulder ==> 止推肩
  58901. stop sign ==> 停车标
  58902. stop signal ==> 停止信号=>停止信号,ストップ信号
  58903. stop sleeve ==> 支撑套筒,停止套筒
  58904. stop slide ==> 报时开关片
  58905. Stop Smoke Emission from Motor Vehicle ==> 《防止汽车排放烟雾》
  58906. stop speculum ==> 固定开睑器
  58907. stop spindle ==> 止动杆
  58908. stop spring ==> 止动弹簧
  58909. stop statement ==> 停语句
  58910. stop switch ==> 停止开关,停止信号开关
  58911. stop tab ==> 止动挡块
  58912. stop time ==> 制动时间,停机时间,休止时间,减速时间
  58913. stop value ==> 光阑值
  58914. stop valve ==> 主汽阀,截止阀,节流阀,断流阀,断流闸,止动阀,停气阀=>止め弁,ストップ弁
  58915. stop valve ball ==> 停止阀球
  58916. stop valve for washing ==> 洗涤水截止阀
  58917. stop valve spindle ==> 主汽阀芯子
  58918. stop valves ==> 截止阀
  58919. stop washer ==> 止动垫圈
  58920. stop watch ==> 秒表
  58921. stop work ==> 停工,歇工,制档机件
  58922. stop work order ==> 停工命令
  58923. stop(-motion) switch ==> 停车开关
  58924. stop(ing) signal ==> 停闭信号
  58925. stop(per) screw ==> 紧定螺钉
  58926. stop(ping) signal ==> 停机信号,终止信号
  58927. stop-adjusting screw ==> 止动挡块
  58928. stop-all button ==> 全切断按钮
  58929. stop-and reverse rod ==> 止动回动杆
  58930. stop-and-go driving ==> 频繁停车操作,(按交通规则)停止再行的驾驶
  58931. stop-and-go valve ==> 起动阀,起停阀
  58932. stop-and-start operation ==> 停停走走运行
  58933. stop-band ==> ストップバンド
  58934. stop-clock ==> 停表
  58935. stop-cock ==> 活栓,旋阀
  58936. stop-cock buret ==> 活塞滴定管
  58937. stop-cock grease ==> 活栓润滑脂
  58938. stop-cylinder press ==> 间歇滚筒印刷机,停转式凸版平台印刷机
  58939. stop-gear ==> 停止装置
  58940. stop-go ==> 停停走走
  58941. stop-go control ==> 双位控制
  58942. stop-leak compound ==> 密封脂
  58943. stop-limit order ==> 限价平仓单,限价停止订单
  58944. stop-loss ==> 停业损失
  58945. stop-loss order ==> 限价补进或卖出
  58946. stop-nut ==> 制动螺母
  58947. stop-off ==> 填塞,补砂
  58948. stop-off agent ==> 阻化剂
  58949. stop-off core ==> 补砂型芯
  58950. stop-off lacquer ==> 护皮漆,漆封
  58951. stop-off piece ==> 补砂块,(模型的)不铸出部分
  58952. stop-off strip ==> 加强筋
  58953. stop-out price ==> 停止降价,截止价
  58954. stop-over transition ==> 级联跃迁
  58955. stop-second ==> 停秒
  58956. stop-start chromatograph ==> 间断式色谱仪
  58957. stop-start switch ==> 停止起动开关
  58958. stop-start test ==> 停车起步试验
  58959. stop-watch cycle time ==> 秒表循环时间
  58960. stopcock plug ==> 活栓塞
  58961. STOPDT, Stop Data Transfer ==> STOPDT
  58962. stope board ==> 采矿场凿岩台
  58963. stope face ==> 采矿工作面
  58964. stope filling ==> 采矿场充填,采区充填
  58965. stope hoist ==> 采场绞车
  58966. stope of coal mines ==> 煤矿回采
  58967. stope pillar ==> 采场矿柱,采样矿柱
  58968. stope stowing ==> 采区充填
  58969. stopgap unit ==> 暂时装置
  58970. stoping area ==> 采区
  58971. stoping face ==> 采煤工作面
  58972. stoping ground ==> 准备回采区段
  58973. stoping machine ==> 回采机械
  58974. stoplog gate ==> 叠梁闸门,用若干单独的横梁叠放在门槽内,为封闭孔口的简易闸门
  58975. stoplog groove ==> 叠梁门槽
  58976. stoplog handling equipment ==> 叠梁吊装起重机
  58977. stoplog hoisting equipment ==> 叠梁吊装设备
  58978. STOPP, solar terrestrial observatory polar platform ==> 太陽地球観測極プラットフォーム
  58979. stoppage alarm ==> 停转报警
  58980. stoppage at the source ==> 赋税从源扣缴,赋税的从源扣缴
  58981. stoppage en route ==> 停止运货权
  58982. stoppage in transit ==> 停运,停运权,停止运货权,货运中途停运权,(行使停运权)中止运输
  58983. stoppage of business ==> 停止营业
  58984. stoppage of consignment ==> 停止托运
  58985. stoppage of growth of fetus ==> 荫胎
  58986. stoppage of interest ==> 停付利息
  58987. stoppage of publication ==> 停止发行
  58988. stoppage of work ==> 停工
  58989. stoppage on acceptance of goods ==> 停止承运货物
  58990. stoppage period ==> 停工时期
  58991. stoppage time ==> 停工时间
  58992. stopped engine landing ==> 停车着陆
  58993. stopped process ==> 停止过程
  58994. stopped reaction ==> 停止反应,中止反应,制止反应
  58995. stopped state ==> 停机状态
  58996. stopped time ==> 停止时间
  58997. stopped-flow method ==> 停流法
  58998. stopper ==> 停机地址,停止器,伸缩式凿岩机,制动器,限动件,挡块,塞棒,浇口塞=>ストッパ
  58999. stopper brick ==> 塞头砖
  59000. stopper circuit ==> 带除滤波器
  59001. stopper drill ==> 套筒式凿岩机
  59002. stopper head ==> 塞头砖,柱塞头,铸罐顶头
  59003. stopper ladle ==> 底注浇包,底注式浇包=>ストッパー取鍋
  59004. stopper lifting device ==> 开启柱塞装置
  59005. stopper mechanism ==> 限动机构
  59006. stopper noz(zle) ==> 浇铸嘴
  59007. stopper pin ==> 塞头栓,限动销,止动销
  59008. stopper pouring ==> 拔塞浇注
  59009. stopper ring ==> 止动圈
  59010. stopper rod ==> 塞棒铁芯,塞杆,柱塞杆
  59011. stopper rod ladle ==> 塞杆式底注浇包
  59012. stopper screw ==> 止动螺钉
  59013. stoppered bottle ==> 带阀取样器
  59014. stoppered graduated measuring glass ==> 带塞刻度量筒
  59015. stoppered pouring basin ==> 带塞棒的钢水包
  59016. stoppered test tube ==> 有塞试管
  59017. stopping ==> 阻止,嵌填,风道隔墙,光阑调节,止动,填补料
  59018. stopping agent ==> 终止剂
  59019. stopping bar ==> 止杆,渣口塞杆
  59020. stopping bleeding and absorbing clots ==> 止血行瘀
  59021. stopping brake ==> 止动闸
  59022. stopping capacitor ==> 隔直流电容器=>阻止コンデンサ
  59023. stopping condenser ==> 隔流电容器
  59024. stopping criterion ==> 停止准则
  59025. stopping cross-section ==> 制动截面,抑制截面
  59026. stopping cycle ==> 停车循环
  59027. stopping device ==> 停车装置
  59028. stopping direct current ==> 隔直流
  59029. stopping distance ==> 停车距离
  59030. stopping effect ==> 抑制效应
  59031. stopping equivalent ==> 阻止当量
  59032. stopping knife ==> 油灰刀
  59033. stopping layer ==> 停蚀层
  59034. stopping lever ==> 止杆
  59035. stopping line ==> 停车横条
  59036. stopping motions ==> 自停机构
  59037. stopping of reaction ==> 反应中止
  59038. stopping off ==> 涂保护层,补砂
  59039. stopping pad ==> 停车坪
  59040. stopping payment of check ==> 停止支付支票
  59041. stopping performance ==> 停车性能
  59042. stopping period ==> 停止期间
  59043. stopping place ==> 停止的地方
  59044. stopping point ==> 停止点,爆炸点
  59045. stopping potential ==> 遏止电位
  59046. stopping power ==> 阻止本领,制动功率,制动能力
  59047. stopping push-button ==> 停止按钮
  59048. stopping reaction ==> 稳定反应
  59049. stopping resistance ==> 停止阻力
  59050. stopping resistor ==> 制动电阻
  59051. stopping rule ==> 停止规则
  59052. stopping signal ==> 停止信号
  59053. stopping switch ==> 停机开关
  59054. stopping the service ==> 停止操作,停止运行
  59055. stopping time ==> 停止时间,制动时间
  59056. stopping up ==> 堵塞
  59057. stopping valve ==> 停汽阀
  59058. stopping-distance test ==> 停车距离试验
  59059. stopping-off ==> 阻止
  59060. stopping-out ==> 分段腐蚀
  59061. stopwatch time method ==> 码表计时法
  59062. stopwatch time study ==> 马表测时法
  59063. stopwatch timing ==> 码表测时
  59064. storable cost ==> 可储存成本
  59065. storage ==> 保管费,仓库,蓄电,库存,集器,储存,储存器,存储,累积,一组服务台,贮藏,贮藏库,贮槽,贮存,贮积,贮藏室=>記憶装置,収納,保存,保管,格納
  59066. storage (tank) ==> 贮罐
  59067. storage access ==> 存储器存取
  59068. storage access conflict ==> 存储器存取冲突
  59069. storage access control unit ==> 存储器访问控制部件
  59070. storage access width ==> 存储器存取宽度
  59071. storage address ==> 存储器地址
  59072. storage address display light ==> 存储器地址显示灯
  59073. storage administration ==> 存储管理
  59074. storage allocation ==> 存储单元,存储分配,存储器分配,分配内存,库容分配=>記憶割振り
  59075. storage allocation algorithm ==> 存储器分配算法
  59076. storage allocation location ==> 存储器分配单元
  59077. storage allocation plan ==> 存储分配方案
  59078. storage allocation routine ==> 存储器分配程序
  59079. storage allocation statement ==> 存储器分配语句
  59080. storage allocator ==> 存储器分配程序
  59081. storage and information retrieval system ==> 存储和情报检索系统
  59082. storage and information retrieval system (STAIRS) ==> 存储和信息检索系统
  59083. storage and retrieval ==> 存储与检索
  59084. storage and retrieval system ==> 存储和检索系统
  59085. storage and shipping of oil products ==> 油品贮运
  59086. storage and transportation ==> 储运
  59087. storage and transportation (delivery) ==> 贮运
  59088. storage and transportation equipment ==> 贮运设备
  59089. storage area ==> 贮油区,储藏区,存储部分,存储区
  59090. storage area definition ==> 存储区限定
  59091. storage battery ==> 蓄电池,蓄电池组=>蓄電池, 2次電池
  59092. storage battery car ==> 电瓶车
  59093. storage battery locomotive ==> 蓄电池机车
  59094. storage battery reserve ==> 备用蓄电池组
  59095. storage battery room ==> 电池室,电瓶间
  59096. storage battery trailer ==> 电瓶拖车
  59097. storage bed ==> 储存台
  59098. storage bin ==> 储存箱,贮料仓,料仓
  59099. storage bin (livestock keeping) ==> 贮粪桶(禽畜饲养)
  59100. storage bin hopper ==> 储料斗
  59101. storage bin(hopper) ==> 贮料斗
  59102. storage bit ==> 存储位
  59103. storage block ==> 存储块,储存器部件
  59104. storage box ==> 贮藏箱=>収納箱
  59105. storage buffer ==> 存储缓冲区,存储器缓冲器
  59106. storage building ==> 貯蔵庫
  59107. storage bunker ==> 储煤仓,贮料仓
  59108. storage bunker (livestock keeping) ==> 贮粪仓(禽畜饲养)
  59109. storage bus in ==> 存储器总线输入
  59110. storage bus out ==> 存储器总线输出
  59111. storage cabbage ==> 貯蔵キャベツ
  59112. storage cabinet ==> 収納キャビネット
  59113. storage calorifier ==> 加热储水罐
  59114. storage camera ==> 光电摄像管
  59115. storage camera tube ==> 积储式摄象管
  59116. storage capability ==> 存储容量
  59117. storage capacitance ==> 存储电容
  59118. storage capacitor ==> 存储电容器
  59119. storage capacity ==> 储藏容量,储存容量,储量,储水能力,存储器容量,存储容量,贮藏能力,贮存量,积聚电容,库容,库容量=>記憶容量,貯水量
  59120. storage capacity, reservoir storage ==> 水库容积,简称"库容"
  59121. storage cathode ray tube ==> 储存式阴极射线管
  59122. storage cell ==> 二次电池,存储单元,存储单元胞,存储器单元,存储元件,贮藏细胞=>記憶セル,2次電池,蓄電池
  59123. storage cellar ==> 贮藏窖
  59124. storage center ==> 存储中心,藏书中心
  59125. storage channel ==> 存储器通道
  59126. storage characteristics ==> 存储特性
  59127. storage charge ==> 保管费
  59128. storage charges ==> 仓储费用,库存费用=>倉敷料,保管料
  59129. storage circuit ==> 记忆电路,存储电路,储存电路
  59130. storage class ==> 存储类,存储类型
  59131. storage class attribute ==> 存储类属性
  59132. storage class attribute restriction ==> 存储类属性的限制
  59133. storage class attribute with structures ==> 构件的存储类属性
  59134. storage coefficient ==> 储水系数,库容系数=>貯留係数
  59135. storage compacting ==> 存储紧化,存储紧缩,存储精简,存储密化,存储器紧致,存储压缩
  59136. storage compaction ==> 存储器的紧凑
  59137. storage compartment ==> 储料室=>収納用仕切り
  59138. storage compound ==> 貯蔵化合物
  59139. storage compression ==> 記憶圧縮
  59140. storage condition ==> 保存方法
  59141. storage constant for aquifer ==> 含水层蓄水常数
  59142. storage container ==> 贮藏箱
  59143. storage container (livestock keeping) ==> 废物贮存器(禽畜饲养)
  59144. storage contents ==> 存储内容
  59145. storage control ==> 存储控制,存储控制器,存储器控制
  59146. storage controll condition ==> 存储控制条件
  59147. storage controller ==> 存储控制器
  59148. storage core ==> 存储磁芯
  59149. storage cost ==> 保管费,保管费用
  59150. storage counter ==> 中间得数存储计数器,累积式计数器
  59151. storage curve ==> 储量曲线,容量曲线,库容曲线
  59152. storage cycle ==> 存储器周期,存储周期,存取周期
  59153. storage cycle time ==> 存储周期,存储周期时间
  59154. storage dam ==> 贮水堰
  59155. storage data ==> 存储数据
  59156. storage data register ==> 存储数据寄存器
  59157. storage decoder ==> 存储解码器,存储译码器
  59158. storage delay ==> 存储延迟
  59159. storage density ==> 存储密度
  59160. storage descriptor ==> 存储器描述符
  59161. storage detector ==> 存储探测器
  59162. storage device ==> 记忆设备,存储部件,存储设备,存储装置=>記憶装置
  59163. storage diode ==> 存储二极管
  59164. storage disease ==> 贮藏病害,贮积病
  59165. storage display tube ==> 存储显示管
  59166. storage distance ==> 存放间距
  59167. storage drier ==> 仓库式干燥机,仓贮式干燥机
  59168. storage dump ==> 存储器内容打印,存储器信息转储,存储器转储,存储转储
  59169. storage effect ==> 储能效应,累积效应
  59170. storage efficiency ==> 存储效率
  59171. storage egg ==> 冷藏蛋
  59172. storage element ==> 存储元素=>記憶素子
  59173. storage enclosure (livestock keeping) ==> 禽畜废物贮存舍,禽畜粪便贮存舍(禽畜饲养)
  59174. storage energy ==> 储存能
  59175. storage equation ==> 储量方程,蓄量方程
  59176. storage erasing ==> 存储抹去
  59177. storage exchange ==> 存储内容互换的控制装置,存储内容交换,存储内容交换控制装置,两个存储单元中的内容互换
  59178. storage expense ==> 保管费
  59179. storage expenses ==> 仓储费用,库存费用
  59180. storage facilities ==> 储存设备
  59181. storage facility ==> 存储设备,器材库,贮存设备
  59182. storage factor ==> 存储因数,储能因数,库容系数
  59183. storage file ==> 存储文件
  59184. storage fill ==> 存储器填充,存储填充
  59185. storage for dangerous goods ==> 危险品库
  59186. storage format ==> 存储格式
  59187. storage fragmentation ==> 存储残片,存储器分段存储,存储剩余空间,存储碎片
  59188. storage gain ==> 累积增益=>積分利得
  59189. storage grid ==> 存储栅极
  59190. storage guard ==> 存储警戒
  59191. storage head ==> 存储磁头
  59192. storage hierachy ==> 存储器系列
  59193. storage hierarchy ==> 存储层次,存储器分级体系,存储器体系,分级存储器系统
  59194. storage holdings ==> 堆储场地
  59195. storage hole ==> 存储孔
  59196. storage hopper ==> 储仓,储料斗
  59197. storage image ==> 存储器映像,存储图像,存储映像=>記憶イメージ
  59198. storage in ambient temperature ==> 室温寄存
  59199. storage in reach ==> 河段蓄水量
  59200. storage in valley ==> 河谷蓄水
  59201. storage indicator ==> 存储指示器
  59202. storage input ==> 存储器输入
  59203. storage input-output ==> 存储器输入输出
  59204. storage integrator ==> 存储积分器,存储用积分器,记忆积分器
  59205. storage interference ==> 存储干扰,存储器冲突
  59206. storage key ==> 存储关键字,主存储键
  59207. storage key memory key ==> 存储键
  59208. storage level ==> 存储级,存储器级别
  59209. storage level representation ==> 存储级的表示
  59210. storage life ==> 存储寿命,储藏寿命,储存期限,储存寿命,贮藏期限,贮存的延续时间,贮存寿命,贮存有效期,保存期限
  59211. storage light ==> 存储器指示灯
  59212. storage light amplifier ==> 存储光放大器,光储存放大器
  59213. storage limit register ==> 存储范围寄存器
  59214. storage limit register (SLR) ==> 存储界限寄存器
  59215. storage list ==> 存储表
  59216. storage load module ==> 存储器加载模块,存储装入模块
  59217. storage location ==> 存储单元,存储器单元,存储位置,储存单元=>記憶場所
  59218. storage location selection ==> 存储单元选择
  59219. storage logic array ==> SLA
  59220. storage loss ==> 仓储损耗
  59221. storage losses ==> 储存时的损失,贮存损失
  59222. storage macroinstruction ==> 存储器宏指令
  59223. storage magazine ==> 仓库
  59224. storage management ==> 存储管理,存储器管理
  59225. storage management strategy ==> 存储管理策略
  59226. storage map ==> 存储图,存储映像表
  59227. storage mapping ==> 存储映射,存储映像
  59228. storage mapping function ==> 存储映射函数,存储映像函数
  59229. storage mark ==> 存储标志
  59230. storage matrix ==> 存储矩阵
  59231. storage means ==> 存储方法
  59232. storage medium ==> 存储材料,存储介质,存储媒介,存储媒体,保藏培养基,信息存储体,记录材料
  59233. storage mesh ==> 存储栅网,储荷网络
  59234. storage meter ==> 仓库计量器
  59235. storage method ==> 存储法
  59236. storage mode ==> 存储模式
  59237. storage module ==> 存储模式,存储器模块,存储体
  59238. storage modulus ==> 储能模量
  59239. storage mosaic ==> 存储镶嵌
  59240. storage norm per unit of warehouse floor space ==> 仓库单位面积储存量定额
  59241. storage number ==> 存储数
  59242. storage occupancy ==> 存储器占有率
  59243. storage of data ==> 资料储存
  59244. storage of fat ==> 脂肪存积
  59245. storage of information ==> 情报存储
  59246. storage of valuables ==> 贵重物品库
  59247. storage operation ==> 存储操作,存储器操作
  59248. storage organization ==> 存储结构,存储组织
  59249. storage orthicon ==> 存储正析摄像管,存储正析像管
  59250. storage oscillograph ==> 存储示波器
  59251. storage oscilloscope ==> 存储示波器,记忆示波器=>蓄積オシロスコープ,ストレージオシロスコープ
  59252. storage output ==> 存储器输出
  59253. storage overflow ==> 存储器溢出
  59254. storage overlay ==> 存储器覆盖
  59255. storage overlay area ==> 存储覆盖区,存储器覆盖区
  59256. storage parenchyma ==> 贮藏薄壁组织
  59257. storage parity ==> 存储奇偶校验
  59258. storage pattern ==> 存储模块,存储模式
  59259. storage period ==> 放置时间,停放时间
  59260. storage pile ==> 储料堆
  59261. storage pipe line ==> 仓库管线
  59262. storage piping installation ==> 油库管线装设
  59263. storage pit (livestock keeping) ==> 贮粪池(禽畜饲养)
  59264. storage pitn ==> 贮藏髓
  59265. storage place ==> 贮料场,堆栈
  59266. storage plant ==> 贮藏室,储油场,蓄能式水电站,蓄能式水力发电厂,蓄水式水电厂
  59267. storage plate ==> 存储板
  59268. storage pool ==> 存储池,存储器的池,储存池,贮存池
  59269. storage power ==> 储存能力
  59270. storage premises ==> 库房
  59271. storage principle ==> 积累原理,存储原理=>蓄積原理
  59272. storage print ==> 存储内容打印
  59273. storage print program ==> 存储打印程序,存储单元打印程序,存储器打印程序
  59274. storage procedures ==> 贮存方法
  59275. storage processor ==> 存储处理机
  59276. storage program computer ==> 存储程序计算机
  59277. storage properties ==> 贮藏性质
  59278. storage property ==> 耐贮性
  59279. storage protect bit ==> 存储保护位
  59280. storage protect feature ==> 存储保护特性
  59281. storage protection ==> 存储保护,存储器保护=>記憶保護
  59282. storage protection block ==> 存储保护区
  59283. storage protection key ==> 存储保护键
  59284. storage protein ==> 贮藏蛋白
  59285. storage pulverized-coal system ==> 仓贮式制粉煤系统
  59286. storage pulverizing system with exhuast air used as primary air ==> 中间储仓制乏气送粉系统,又称"磨煤机铭牌出力"。磨煤机在规定的煤质条件和煤粉细度下的出力。通常基本出力在磨煤机性能系列参数表中给出。
  59287. storage pulverizing system with hot air used as primary air ==> 中间储仓式热风送粉系统,制粉系统中分离出煤粉后的乏气部分排入炉膛,其余经过布袋除尘后排放到大气或引风机前的烟道内的制粉系统。主要用于磨制高水分煤。
  59288. storage pump ==> 蓄能泵,蓄水泵=>揚水ポンプ
  59289. storage queue ==> 存储队列,存储器队列
  59290. storage rack ==> 存放架,带卷垛存台架
  59291. storage rain gauge ==> 储瓶式雨量计
  59292. storage rate ==> 库存量,库容系数,水库调节库容与入库多年平均年水量之比
  59293. storage rate of thermal energy ==> 热能储存率
  59294. storage reconfiguration ==> 存储器再组合功能,存储器重新配置
  59295. storage redundancy ==> 存储冗余
  59296. storage region ==> 存储区,存储区域
  59297. storage register ==> 存储记录器
  59298. storage regulation ==> 保管条例
  59299. storage relay ==> 存储继电器
  59300. storage reservoir ==> 貯水池,储藏仓库,蓄水库
  59301. storage restoration ==> 重新蓄水
  59302. storage ring ==> 存贮环
  59303. storage rings ==> 储存环
  59304. storage ripple ==> 存储器重叠
  59305. storage room ==> 库房
  59306. storage rope storage ==> 磁心线存储器
  59307. storage rot ==> 贮藏腐烂
  59308. storage routing ==> 洪水演算,库容演算
  59309. storage rule ==> 存储规则
  59310. storage safety ==> 仓储安全
  59311. storage scheme ==> 存储方案
  59312. storage screen ==> 储存屏,储荷屏
  59313. storage section ==> 存储部件
  59314. storage shed ==> 物入れ棚
  59315. storage signal ==> 存储信号
  59316. storage silo ==> 储料仓,储料罐,贮料筒仓
  59317. storage site ==> 存储位置
  59318. storage site assignment ==> 存储位置指定
  59319. storage site element ==> 存储位置单元
  59320. storage site node ==> 存储位置节点
  59321. storage space ==> 存储空间,储料场,堆料场
  59322. storage speed ==> 存储速率
  59323. storage sphere ==> 球形气瓶
  59324. storage stability ==> 储藏稳定性,储存稳定性,耐储存性
  59325. storage stability test ==> 耐贮性试验
  59326. storage stack ==> 存储堆栈,存储体,存储栈
  59327. storage stage ==> 存储状态
  59328. storage station ==> 蓄能式水电站=>貯水池式発電所
  59329. storage structure ==> 存储结构,存储器结构
  59330. storage structure definition ==> 存储结构限定
  59331. storage structures ==> 仓储结构
  59332. storage subsystem ==> 存储子系统
  59333. storage surface ==> 存储表面,存储面,贮荷面
  59334. storage switch ==> 存储开关,存储器开关
  59335. storage system ==> 存储器存储系统
  59336. storage system design ==> 存储系统设计
  59337. storage tab setting ==> 存储表设定,存储制表置位
  59338. storage tank ==> 储槽,储存箱,储罐,储料罐,储桶,储箱,贮槽,油罐
  59339. storage tank for salt dissolving water ==> 化盐水贮槽
  59340. storage tape ==> 磁带,存储磁带
  59341. storage tape symbol ==> 存储带符号
  59342. storage target ==> 储荷靶
  59343. storage temperature ==> 储存温度
  59344. storage theory ==> 存储论
  59345. storage time ==> 存储时间,储备时间,保持时间,保管时间,衰减时间=>蓄積時間
  59346. storage time constant ==> 存储时间常数
  59347. storage tracheide ==> 贮藏管胞
  59348. storage tube ==> 贮能管,存储管,存储显像管,记忆管=>蓄積管
  59349. storage tube display ==> 存储管显示
  59350. storage under pressure ==> 加压储存
  59351. storage unit ==> 存储器
  59352. storage vat ==> 储料桶
  59353. storage vault ==> 储存库
  59354. storage vessell ==> 贮水箱
  59355. storage volatility ==> 存储器易失性,存储易失性
  59356. storage volume ==> 存储体,存信息卷,储存量
  59357. storage water ==> 储存水
  59358. storage water tank ==> 储水箱
  59359. storage word ==> 存储字
  59360. storage writing speed ==> 存储写入速度
  59361. storage yard ==> 贮藏场
  59362. storage-and-conveyor train ==> 仓式列车
  59363. storage-battery locomotive ==> 电瓶机车
  59364. storage-capacity curve ==> 库容曲线,水库水位与其容积的关系曲线
  59365. storage-discharge curve ==> 库容-流量曲线
  59366. storage-elevation curve ==> 高程-库容关系曲线,高程库容关系曲线
  59367. storage-precipitation gauge ==> 储瓶式雨量计
  59368. storage-selection circuit ==> 存储器选择电路
  59369. storage-transport tank ==> 贮运罐
  59370. storage-transport vessel ==> 储运容器
  59371. storage-type camera tube ==> 贮存式摄像管,光电摄像管,记忆式摄像管=>蓄積形撮像管
  59372. storage-type heat exchanger ==> 储蓄式热交换器
  59373. storax pill for treating coronary heart disease ==> 冠心苏合丸
  59374. storde charge transistor ==> 存储电荷晶体管
  59375. store ==> 存储,储藏,店铺,贮,贮存,库存品,商店,仓库储存,写入=>店
  59376. store access controller ==> 存储访问控制器
  59377. store access cycle ==> 存取周期
  59378. store access time ==> 存储存取时间,存储访问时间,存储器的存取时间
  59379. store accumulator ==> 存储累加器
  59380. store adjustment ==> 库存调整
  59381. store and forward ==> 信息转接,储存和转送
  59382. store and forward basis ==> 先储存后发送制
  59383. store and forward switching system ==> 蓄積交換方式
  59384. store beast ==> 待肥育牲畜
  59385. store block ==> 存储块
  59386. store blood ==> 藏血
  59387. store button ==> 存储按钮
  59388. store calf ==> 肥育用小牛
  59389. store capacity ==> 存储器容量
  59390. store card ==> 库存卡
  59391. store cattle ==> 架子牛,肉用后备幼龄牛
  59392. store cell ==> 存储单元
  59393. store character ==> 存储字符
  59394. store chest ==> 存放柜
  59395. store control logic ==> 存储器控制逻辑
  59396. store controller ==> 存储控制器
  59397. store controller data ==> 存储控制器数据
  59398. store controller definition record (SCDR) ==> 存储控制器定义记录
  59399. store controller disk ==> 存储控制器磁盘
  59400. store controller storage ==> 存储控制存储器,存储控制器存储器
  59401. store controller storage save ==> 存储控制器存储保护,存储控制器存储器保留
  59402. store crane ==> 仓库起重机
  59403. store cycle time ==> 存储器的周期时间
  59404. store data buffer ==> 存储数据缓冲器
  59405. store double precision ==> 双精度存储
  59406. store empty ==> 存储器空
  59407. store essential substances ==> 藏精
  59408. store flood-water for use in a drought ==> 蓄洪防旱
  59409. store goods ==> 囤积货物
  59410. store holder ==> 储料器
  59411. store imprest account ==> 仓库预付帐
  59412. store input ==> 存储器输入
  59413. store instruction ==> 存储指令
  59414. store issue ==> 发料,仓库发料
  59415. store ledger clerk ==> 材料会计
  59416. store location ==> 存储单元
  59417. store loop ==> 存储环路,存储回路
  59418. store loop driver ==> 存储环路驱动,存储回路驱动器
  59419. store management ==> 存储管理,仓库管理
  59420. store method ==> 保存方法
  59421. store negative operation ==> 存储负操作
  59422. store operation ==> 存储操作
  59423. store operator ==> 存储操作符
  59424. store output ==> 存储器输出
  59425. store pests ==> 仓库虫害
  59426. store phasing ==> 存储器定相
  59427. store pig ==> 肥育猪,生长肥育猪
  59428. store protection ==> 存储保护
  59429. store record card ==> 库存记录卡
  59430. store records card ==> 仓库记录卡
  59431. store requisition ==> 领料单
  59432. store returned ==> 退还材料
  59433. store rod ==> 炉条
  59434. store service ==> 存储服务
  59435. store shelf ==> 商品陈列架
  59436. store ship ==> 粮食补给船
  59437. store ship (SS) ==> 补给船
  59438. store shuffling ==> 存储移动
  59439. store status ==> 存储状态
  59440. store stock ==> 待肥育牲畜
  59441. store support procedure ==> 存储支持程序
  59442. store tank ==> 储槽
  59443. store through ==> 全存储
  59444. store through cache ==> 存入高速存储器,经高速缓冲存储器的存储,经高速缓冲存储器的存储
  59445. store transmission bridge ==> 存储传输电桥
  59446. store up ==> 贮备,贮藏,收藏
  59447. store up essence ==> 藏精
  59448. store up grain ==> 蓄积粮食
  59449. store, to ==> 記憶する
  59450. store-and-forward ==> 存储转发
  59451. store-and-forward mode ==> 存储和向前方式,存储转发方式
  59452. store-and-forward switching ==> 存储转发交换
  59453. store-and-forward switching center ==> 存储转发交换中心
  59454. store-house ==> 堆栈
  59455. store-room ==> 贮藏室
  59456. store-status save area ==> 存储状态保留区
  59457. stored ==> 存信息的
  59458. stored at room temperature in daylight ==> 贮藏于温室光照下
  59459. stored carry ==> 存储进位
  59460. stored carry multiplication ==> 存储进位乘法
  59461. stored charge ==> 积累电荷,存储电荷,累积电荷
  59462. stored charge pattern ==> 存储电荷图
  59463. stored command ==> ストアードコマンド
  59464. stored count ==> 累计计数
  59465. stored counts ==> 累积计数
  59466. stored data ==> 存储数据
  59467. stored data base ==> 存储数据库
  59468. stored data definition language ==> 存储数据定义语言
  59469. stored data description language ==> 存储数据的描述语言,存储数据描述语言
  59470. stored energy ==> 储能
  59471. stored energy welding ==> 贮能焊
  59472. stored fat ==> 体脂肪
  59473. stored format instruction ==> 存储格式指令
  59474. stored grain insects ==> 仓库害虫
  59475. stored hologram ==> 存储全息图
  59476. stored in a stack out-of-door ==> 室外堆垛贮存
  59477. stored locomotive ==> 备用机车
  59478. stored logic ==> 存储逻辑
  59479. stored logic computer ==> 存储逻辑计算机
  59480. stored logic control ==> 存储逻辑控制
  59481. stored logic controller ==> 存储逻辑控制器
  59482. stored matrix ==> 存储矩阵
  59483. stored program ==> 内存程序,存储程序
  59484. stored program computer ==> 存储程序计算机,程序存储方式计算机
  59485. stored program concept ==> 存储程序概念
  59486. stored program control ==> 存储程序控制=>蓄積プログラム制御方式
  59487. stored program controller ==> 存储程序控制器
  59488. stored program element ==> 存储程序单元
  59489. stored program logic ==> 存储程序逻辑
  59490. stored program system ==> 存储程序方式,存储程序系统
  59491. stored record ==> 存储记录
  59492. stored routine ==> 存储程序,存入程序
  59493. stored word ==> 存储词
  59494. stored-energy function ==> 储能函数
  59495. storeroom ==> 保管室
  59496. storeroom expenses ==> 仓库费用
  59497. storeroom layout ==> 仓库布置
  59498. stores ==> 备用品=>予備品
  59499. stores adjustment ==> 材料调整
  59500. stores audit ==> 仓库审计,库存审计
  59501. stores balance book ==> 材料余额簿
  59502. stores coordination ==> 库存调剂
  59503. stores inventory report ==> 库存物资盘存报告单,库存物资盘点报告
  59504. stores inventory sheet ==> 材料盘点单
  59505. stores ledger ==> 材料分类帐,库存物资分类帐
  59506. stores ledger card ==> 库存物资分类户卡
  59507. stores ledger sheet ==> 库存物资分类清单
  59508. stores purchase book ==> 库存物资购入簿
  59509. stores received and issued book ==> 库存物资收发簿
  59510. stores rejected book ==> 拒收材料登记簿,拒收材料登记簿
  59511. stores reserve ==> 库存物资准备
  59512. stores returned note ==> 退料单
  59513. stores-issued material ==> 厂发材料
  59514. stores-issuing book ==> 发料登记簿
  59515. storesl wing store ==> 翼下外挂物
  59516. storeyed drying machine ==> 多层烘布机
  59517. storeyed high forest ==> 分层乔林
  59518. storeyed structure ==> 叠生构造
  59519. storied building ==> 楼房
  59520. storied cork ==> 叠生木栓
  59521. storied element ==> 叠生分子
  59522. storied high forest ==> 分层乔林
  59523. storied house ==> 楼房
  59524. storied structure ==> 叠生构造
  59525. storing ==> 储料=>保存,記憶,保存方法
  59526. storing and not eliminating ==> 藏而不泻
  59527. storing compartment ==> 存放柜
  59528. storing mechanism ==> 存储机构
  59529. stork bites ==> 毛细血管扩张斑
  59530. storm ==> 风暴,暴风,暴风雨=>嵐,荒天
  59531. storm and tempest insurance ==> 暴风雨保险
  59532. storm axis ==> 风暴轴
  59533. storm beach ==> 风暴海滩,暴风海滩
  59534. storm belt ==> 暴风雨地带,暴雨地带,风暴区
  59535. storm berme ==> 风暴浪滩肩
  59536. storm boots ==> 风雨靴
  59537. storm burst ==> 噪暴
  59538. storm cellar ==> 避风窖
  59539. storm center ==> 风暴中心
  59540. storm centre ==> 暴雨中心
  59541. storm cloud ==> 暴风云,风暴云=>嵐雲
  59542. storm collector ==> 暴雨排水设备
  59543. storm cone ==> 风暴信号
  59544. storm current ==> 风暴潮流
  59545. storm delta ==> 越浪堆积,冲溢三角洲
  59546. storm detection ==> 风暴探测
  59547. storm distribution pattern ==> 暴雨分布类型
  59548. storm door ==> 防风暴门,防风门
  59549. storm drain ==> 雨水排水道,溢洪道,暴雨排水道,暴雨排水沟,暴雨排水管,暴雨下水道
  59550. storm drainage ==> 暴雨排泄
  59551. storm drum ==> 暴风雨讯号筒
  59552. storm duration ==> 暴雨历时
  59553. storm flood ==> 暴雨洪水
  59554. storm flow ==> 暴雨径流
  59555. storm forecasting ==> 暴风雨预测
  59556. storm frequency ==> 暴雨频率
  59557. storm hydrograph ==> 洪水曲線
  59558. storm igloo ==> 風よけイグルー
  59559. storm inlet ==> 雨水口
  59560. storm intensity ==> 暴雨强度
  59561. storm intensity pattern ==> 暴雨强度类型
  59562. storm investigation ==> 暴雨调查
  59563. storm lane ==> 暴雨路径,风暴路径
  59564. storm loading ==> 暴风负荷(架空线路)
  59565. storm loss ==> 暴雨损失
  59566. storm maximization ==> 暴雨极大化
  59567. storm mechanism ==> 暴雨机制
  59568. storm microseism ==> 风暴微震
  59569. storm model ==> 风暴模式
  59570. storm outfall ==> 雨水吐き
  59571. storm outfall sewer ==> 暴雨排水管
  59572. storm overflow ==> 暴雨溢水槽,雨水溢流
  59573. storm overflow sewer ==> 暴雨溢流排水管
  59574. storm path ==> 暴雨路径,风暴路径
  59575. storm pattern ==> 暴雨类型
  59576. storm pavement ==> 防暴雨护面,护坡铺面
  59577. storm period ==> 暴雨期
  59578. storm petrel hair style ==> 海燕式
  59579. storm porch ==> 防风门斗
  59580. storm protection ==> 防风暴
  59581. storm radiation ==> 噪暴辐射
  59582. storm rail ==> 保险索
  59583. storm rainfall ==> 暴雨量
  59584. storm region ==> 风暴区
  59585. storm runoff ==> 暴雨径流
  59586. storm runoff forecasting ==> 暴雨径流预报
  59587. storm sash ==> 防风外重窗=>雨戸
  59588. storm sea ==> 风暴海况
  59589. storm seepage ==> 雨水渗流,暴雨渗流
  59590. storm sewage ==> 暴雨水,雨水排污
  59591. storm sewer ==> 雨水道,暴雨排水沟
  59592. storm sewer system ==> 雨水道系统
  59593. storm sewerage ==> 暴雨水下水道工程
  59594. storm signal ==> 风暴信号
  59595. storm surge ==> 风暴潮,风暴大潮
  59596. storm surge protection breakwater ==> 风暴潮防波堤
  59597. storm survey ==> 暴雨调查
  59598. storm tide ==> 风暴波浪,风暴潮位
  59599. storm tide gate ==> 挡风暴潮闸门
  59600. storm track ==> 风暴路径
  59601. storm transposition ==> 风暴转移,暴雨移置
  59602. storm valve ==> 排水口止回阀,节汽阀
  59603. storm warning ==> 风暴警报
  59604. storm wastewater ==> 雨水废水
  59605. storm water ==> 雨水,暴雨水
  59606. storm wave ==> 暴风浪,风暴潮
  59607. storm wind ==> 暴风
  59608. storm window ==> 防暴风雨外重窗,防风窗,防风外重窗
  59609. storm zone ==> 暴雨地带
  59610. storm-proof ==> 防暴风雨的
  59611. storm-proof building ==> 抗风暴建筑物
  59612. storm-sewage system ==> 暴雨污水合流系统
  59613. storm-surge dynamics ==> 冲击波动力学
  59614. storm-surge forecasting ==> 风暴潮预报
  59615. storm-time ==> 暴时分量
  59616. storm-warning signal ==> 风暴警报信号
  59617. storm-water drain ==> 雨水排水道
  59618. storm-water system ==> 雨水系统
  59619. storm-water tanks ==> 雨水沉砂井
  59620. stormcollector system ==> 雨水道系统
  59621. storminess ==> 风暴度
  59622. stormograph ==> 气压记录器
  59623. stormproof ==> 能御暴风雨的,防暴风雨的
  59624. stormproof louvres ==> 防风雨百叶
  59625. stormproof window ==> 防风雨窗
  59626. stormwater ==> 暴雨水
  59627. stormwater channel ==> 雨水渠
  59628. stormwater drainage infrastructure ==> 雨水渠基本设施
  59629. stormwater drainage system ==> 雨水渠系统
  59630. stormwater inlet ==> 雨水口
  59631. stormwater overflow ==> 雨水溢流,暴雨溢流
  59632. stormwater sewer ==> 暴雨排水道,暴雨下水道
  59633. stormwater tank ==> 暴雨水流储水池,雨水池
  59634. stormwater tanks ==> 雨水池
  59635. stormy weather ==> 风暴天气,暴风雨天气
  59636. story ==> 物語,ストーリー
  59637. story pole ==> 量层杆
  59638. story post ==> 楼层柱
  59639. story rod ==> 量层杆
  59640. story shear force ==> 層せん断力
  59641. story stiffness ==> 層剛性
  59642. stotic pressure moulding machine ==> 吹气压实造型机
  59643. stove ==> 窑,炉,炉子,烘干,烘干炉,火炉=>ストーブ
  59644. stove bolt ==> 炉用螺栓,毛螺栓,小螺栓
  59645. stove bolt tap ==> 炉用螺栓丝锥
  59646. stove clay (fire clay) ==> 耐火土
  59647. stove drying ==> 硫熏
  59648. stove finish ==> 烘干的油漆
  59649. stove fuel ==> 火炉燃料油
  59650. stove oil ==> 点炉用的油
  59651. stove plant ==> 温室植物
  59652. stove polish ==> 擦炉粉
  59653. stove tile ==> 壁炉用砖,炉面砖,搪炉砖
  59654. stove-drying ==> 烘箱烤干
  59655. stovepipe ==> 烟囱,迫击炮,火炉管
  59656. stoving ==> 硫熏,烘干
  59657. stoving paint ==> 焼き付け塗料
  59658. stoving varnish ==> 烤漆
  59659. stow ==> 充填
  59660. STOW, stowage ==> 積荷
  59661. stow-wood ==> 楔木
  59662. stowage ==> 仓库,储存,贮藏,贮藏物
  59663. stowage bin ==> 荷物箱
  59664. stowage capacity ==> 載貨容積
  59665. stowage charges ==> 理舱费
  59666. stowage conveyer ==> 充填输送机,充填运输机
  59667. stowage factor ==> 载货系数,积载因数=>載貨係数
  59668. stowage of cargo ==> 積み付け
  59669. stowage option ==> 套购选择权
  59670. stowage plan ==> 装载图
  59671. stowage requirement ==> 配载要求
  59672. stowage ship ==> 跨月度船舶
  59673. stowage straddle ==> 套利
  59674. stowage survey ==> 積付検査
  59675. stowage unit ==> 充填设备
  59676. stowboard ==> 充填巷道
  59677. stowbord ==> 充填巷道
  59678. stowed (FOB stowed) ==> 离岸价包括理舱费
  59679. stowed value ==> 复合值
  59680. stower ==> 充填工,充填机
  59681. stowing gun ==> 充填喷枪
  59682. stowing machine ==> 充填机
  59683. stowing mechanism ==> 货物收藏机构
  59684. stowing pipe ==> 充填管
  59685. stowing pressure ==> 充填压力
  59686. stowing ratio ==> 充填率
  59687. stowing tool ==> 推料器
  59688. stowing weight ==> 紧实重量
  59689. STP, sewage-treatment plant ==> 下水処理場
  59690. STP, spanning tree protocol ==> 生成树协议=>スパニングツリープロトコル
  59691. STP, support technology program ==> サポートテクノロジプログラム
  59692. STPAD, surface tension propellant acquisition device ==> 表面張力推進燃料付捕捉装置
  59693. STPNOC ==> サウス・テキサス・プロジェクト・ニュークリア・オペレーティング・カンパニー
  59694. str ==> 选通脉冲
  59695. STr, starting transformer ==> 起動用変圧器
  59696. STr, station transformer ==> 所内変圧器
  59697. STR, stator ==> ステータ
  59698. STR, structure ==> 構体
  59699. STR, structure subsystem ==> 構体系
  59700. STR, system test review ==> システムテストレビュー
  59701. strabismus after convulsive seizure ==> 惊后瞳斜
  59702. strabismus fixus ==> 固定性斜视
  59703. strabismus forceps ==> 斜视手术镊
  59704. strabismus hook ==> 斜视钩
  59705. strabismus scissors ==> 斜视剪
  59706. straddle ==> 同价买卖,投机性约期套购,跨,一手买进一手卖出的交易(股票),套期图利,期货买卖的期权
  59707. straddle AC power forklift ==> 插腿式交流电叉车
  59708. straddle attachment ==> 跨装法,跨装附件
  59709. straddle broach ==> 跨式拉刀
  59710. straddle carrier ==> 长重货物运输车,跨车
  59711. straddle carrier crane ==> 跨载起重机
  59712. straddle carrier lifting lug ==> 跨车起重夹头
  59713. straddle carrier system ==> 跨运车方式,跨载机法
  59714. straddle crane ==> 跨装起重机
  59715. straddle cutter ==> 跨式铣刀,双面铣刀
  59716. straddle erase head ==> 跨立式清洗磁头
  59717. straddle injury ==> 骑跨伤
  59718. straddle mill ==> 跨式铣刀,双面铣刀
  59719. straddle mill work ==> 跨铣加工
  59720. straddle milling ==> 跨铣
  59721. straddle mounted pinion ==> 跨架置小齿轮
  59722. straddle mounted type ==> 跨立式
  59723. straddle mounting ==> 跨架置,跨式架
  59724. straddle option ==> 套购选择权,套利选择权
  59725. straddle scaffold ==> 跨立式脚手架,鞍形脚手架
  59726. straddle ship ==> 跨月度船舶
  59727. straddle sprocket milling cutter ==> 跨式链轮铣刀
  59728. straddle thrombus ==> 骑跨性血栓
  59729. straddle type ==> 跨式
  59730. straddle wrench ==> 叉形扳手
  59731. straddle-type mill ==> 跨鞍式减径-定径机
  59732. straddler ==> 跨车
  59733. straggling parameter ==> 偏差参数,离散参数
  59734. strahlungs vector ==> 放射ベクトル
  59735. straighening by bending ==> 弯曲法矫形
  59736. straight ==> 正,纯,直,直边,直的
  59737. straight (cut) burr ==> 直纹刻石刀
  59738. straight (toothed) spur gear ==> 直齿圆柱齿轮
  59739. straight advancing klystron ==> 直进式速调管,直射式速调管
  59740. straight air brake ==> 直通空气制动器
  59741. straight air brake valve ==> 直通空气制动阀
  59742. straight alcohol ==> 纯酒精,纯乙醇
  59743. straight amplification ==> 直接放大
  59744. straight angle ==> 平角(180度)
  59745. straight argon ==> 纯氩
  59746. straight arrival bill ==> 直达汇票
  59747. straight arterioles ==> 直小动脉
  59748. straight artery ==> 直动脉
  59749. straight asphalt ==> 直馏沥青,纯沥青
  59750. straight atraumatic hemostatic forceps ==> 直无损伤止血钳
  59751. straight axle ==> 直轴
  59752. straight back hand saw ==> 直背手锯
  59753. straight back syndrome ==> 直背综合征
  59754. straight bank ==> 直触排
  59755. straight barrel ==> 平辊身
  59756. straight base rim ==> 平底轮辋
  59757. straight baseline ==> 直基线
  59758. straight bead ==> 直线焊缝
  59759. straight bead welding ==> 直线焊接
  59760. straight beam ==> 直射束
  59761. straight beam element ==> 直梁单元
  59762. straight beam method ==> 直梁法
  59763. straight beam probe ==> 直探头
  59764. straight bed ==> 直床
  59765. straight bed lathe ==> 普通床身式车床
  59766. straight bevel (gear) generator ==> 直齿锥齿轮刨齿机
  59767. straight bevel gear ==> 直齿伞齿轮
  59768. straight bevel gear cutter ==> 直齿伞齿轮刨刀
  59769. straight bevel gear generator ==> 直齿伞齿轮刨齿机
  59770. straight bevel gear pair ==> 直齿锥齿轮付
  59771. straight bill of lading ==> 直运提单,记名提单
  59772. straight bills of lading ==> 不转让提单,直接提单
  59773. straight binary ==> 标准二进制
  59774. straight binary code ==> 标准二进码
  59775. straight bit ==> 一字形钻头,钻
  59776. straight bituminous filler ==> 纯沥青填塞料
  59777. straight blade ==> 直叶片,沿叶高的叶型相同或相似、安装角不变且横截面形心连线与径向线一致的叶片
  59778. straight blade bulldozer ==> 直刃推土机
  59779. straight blade dozer ==> 直铲推土机
  59780. straight blood-vessel forceps ==> 直血管钳
  59781. straight boiler ==> 平顶锅炉
  59782. straight boiler tap ==> 直柄锅炉丝锥
  59783. straight bond ==> 普通债券
  59784. straight bore ==> 直通
  59785. straight boring ==> 镗圆柱形孔,镗圆柱形孔
  59786. straight bow ==> 直首,直线型船首
  59787. straight brace ==> 直拉条
  59788. straight brass wire cup wheel ==> 直黄铜丝杯刷轮
  59789. straight brass wire wheel ==> 直黄铜丝刷轮
  59790. straight brick ==> 长方形砖
  59791. straight bridge ==> 直线桥
  59792. straight bud ==> 直生芽
  59793. straight burr ==> 直纹
  59794. straight butt weld ==> 无坡口对接接头
  59795. straight cement ==> 纯水泥
  59796. straight cement mortar ==> 纯水泥灰浆
  59797. straight chain ==> 直链
  59798. straight chain alcohol ==> 直链醇
  59799. straight chain compound ==> 直链化合物
  59800. straight chain hydrocarbon ==> 直链烃
  59801. straight chain molecule ==> 直链分子
  59802. straight chain polymer ==> 直链聚合物
  59803. straight channel ==> 直槽
  59804. straight check valve ==> 直通单向阀
  59805. straight chrome tanning ==> 纯铬鞣
  59806. straight circuit ==> 直接式电路,直通回路,直通线路
  59807. straight climb ==> 直线上升
  59808. straight cock ==> 直旋塞
  59809. straight collecting tubule ==> 直集合管
  59810. straight collet ==> 直夹套
  59811. straight condensing turbine ==> 纯凝汽式汽轮机
  59812. straight connecting rod ==> 直连杆
  59813. straight connector ==> 直管接头,直管连接管,直接管头,直套管
  59814. straight conveyer ==> 直线流水作业
  59815. straight cooler ==> (烧结矿的)直列式冷却器
  59816. straight coupling ==> 直通接头
  59817. straight course ==> 直线航线
  59818. straight crank web ==> 直曲柄板
  59819. straight credit ==> 直接信用证
  59820. straight crossing course ==> 直越航线
  59821. straight cup wheel ==> 直角碗形砂轮,杯形砂轮
  59822. straight curved grooving cutter ==> 直刃弯旋槽刀
  59823. straight cut ==> 纵切的
  59824. straight cutting ==> 直播,直插
  59825. straight cutting machine ==> 直条切布机
  59826. straight cycle ==> 直接蒸汽循环
  59827. straight cylinder ==> 直列式多缸发动机
  59828. straight cylindrical duct ==> 直圆柱孔道
  59829. straight dam ==> 直线型坝
  59830. straight deck ==> 直纹甲板
  59831. straight deposit ==> 纯粹存款
  59832. straight die ==> 校平模,平面配合模
  59833. straight diesel ==> 直列式柴油机
  59834. straight dissecting forceps ==> 直解剖镊
  59835. straight distillation ==> 直接蒸馏,直馏
  59836. straight dive ==> 直线俯冲
  59837. straight dovetail ==> 直鸠尾榫
  59838. straight downward-sloping lines ==> 下斜直线
  59839. straight dozer ==> 直铲推土机,直进式推土机
  59840. straight drawn shell ==> 直缘拉制件
  59841. straight drill ==> 直柄钻头,直钻头
  59842. straight drive ==> 直接传动
  59843. straight dynamite ==> 纯炸药
  59844. straight edge ==> 校正装置,直尺,直规,直缘
  59845. straight edge boundary ==> 直线晶界
  59846. straight edge line ==> 直母线
  59847. straight edge ruler ==> 刀口直尺
  59848. straight edge(side) ==> 直边
  59849. straight eight ==> 直排八汽缸
  59850. straight electrolytic (tin) plate ==> 双面等厚镀层镀锡薄钢板
  59851. straight elevator ==> 直挺
  59852. straight embedment of anchorage ==> (无弯钩的)钢筋直端锚固
  59853. straight embryo ==> 直立胚
  59854. straight end guide ==> 直端导轨
  59855. straight endwall ==> 直端墙
  59856. straight engine ==> 直列式发动机
  59857. straight extinction ==> 直消光
  59858. straight extrusion die head ==> 顺挤压模
  59859. straight face piston ring ==> 圆柱面活塞环
  59860. straight faced roughing tool ==> 直面粗车刀
  59861. straight fan ==> 直扇状流
  59862. straight fender ==> 直碰垫
  59863. straight fertilizer ==> 单质肥料
  59864. straight filing ==> 直锉法
  59865. straight fin ==> 平直翅片
  59866. straight finger gloves ==> 直手指手套
  59867. straight firing ==> 直接加热
  59868. straight fitting ==> 直通接头
  59869. straight flange ==> 直边,折边
  59870. straight flange method ==> 直配孔型轧制法
  59871. straight flash welding ==> 直接闪光焊
  59872. straight flight ==> 直线飞行,单跑楼梯
  59873. straight flow ==> 直流
  59874. straight flute ==> 直槽,直出屑槽,直沟
  59875. straight fluted drill ==> 直槽钻头
  59876. straight fluted hob ==> 直沟滚刀
  59877. straight fluted reamer ==> 直槽铰刀
  59878. straight fluted tap ==> 直沟丝锥
  59879. straight forceps ==> 直镊
  59880. straight forward calculation ==> 直接计算
  59881. straight forward system ==> 直通制
  59882. straight forwardjunction working ==> 直通汇接呼叫制
  59883. straight fractional distillation ==> 直接分馏
  59884. straight frame semitrailer ==> 直梁半挂车
  59885. straight gaslift ==> 连续气举
  59886. straight gasoline ==> 直馏汽油
  59887. straight gear ==> 直齿齿轮
  59888. straight gear (wheel) ==> 直齿轮
  59889. straight girder support ==> 直梁支护
  59890. straight glide ==> 直线下滑
  59891. straight grade ==> 直坡度
  59892. straight grain ==> 直纹理,直行纹理
  59893. straight grained ==> 直纹的
  59894. straight grained wood ==> 直纹木材
  59895. straight grip ==> 直把手
  59896. straight grizzly bar ==> 直筛条
  59897. straight grooving cutter ==> 直刃铣槽刀
  59898. straight grooving iron ==> 直槽刨铁
  59899. straight guide ==> 直导轨
  59900. straight guide way ==> 直导轨
  59901. straight guiding ==> 直线运动导向器
  59902. straight gun ==> 直进式电子枪
  59903. straight gyrus ==> 直回
  59904. straight half round ==> 直头半圆
  59905. straight half round scraper ==> 直头半圆刮刀
  59906. straight halved joint ==> 对合接头
  59907. straight hand lever ==> 直手柄
  59908. straight head of rice plant ==> 水稻青立病
  59909. straight hole ==> 直孔
  59910. straight horn ==> 直射式喇叭
  59911. straight in ==> 直通
  59912. straight intestinal spatula ==> 直形压肠板
  59913. straight iris knife ==> 直刃虹膜刀
  59914. straight iron powder ==> 纯铁粉
  59915. straight jaw plate ==> 直线型颚板
  59916. straight jet ==> 单回路涡轮喷气发动机=>ジェット機
  59917. straight job ==> 载重汽车
  59918. straight joint ==> 无分支连接套管,直缝接头,直缝砌缝,直接口,直线接头,通缝=>直線接続,さお接ぎ
  59919. straight joint floor ==> 直拼缝地板
  59920. straight key ==> 平键
  59921. straight knife ==> 直刀
  59922. straight land ==> 锋后导缘
  59923. straight leg raising and foot dorsiflexion test ==> 抬腿足背屈试验
  59924. straight letter of credit ==> 一次使用信用证,指定受益人信用证,不能转让信用证,(一次使用信用证)直接信用证
  59925. straight ligament ==> 直线吊线
  59926. straight line ==> 直线
  59927. straight line (SL) ==> 直线
  59928. straight line basis ==> 直线基线
  59929. straight line coding ==> 直线式编码=>直接的コーディング
  59930. straight line correlation ==> 直线相关
  59931. straight line course ==> 直线航线
  59932. straight line crane ==> 直线运动起重机
  59933. straight line cross-cut saw ==> 直线横切锯
  59934. straight line current ==> 直线电流
  59935. straight line detection ==> 线性检波
  59936. straight line equation ==> 直线方程式
  59937. straight line furnace ==> 直线炉
  59938. straight line lever ==> 直叉锚式擒纵机构
  59939. straight line method of amortization ==> 直接摊还法
  59940. straight line motion ==> 直线流动
  59941. straight line portion ==> 直线部分
  59942. straight line support ==> 直线形支撑物
  59943. straight line wave-length condenser ==> 直线波长式电容器
  59944. straight linear polyethylene ==> 直链聚乙烯
  59945. straight lining ==> 直线衬里
  59946. straight link ==> 直线滑槽连杆
  59947. straight loan ==> 信用贷款
  59948. straight magnetic axis ==> 直线形磁轴
  59949. straight main motion ==> 直线主运动
  59950. straight main movement ==> 直线主运动
  59951. straight matter ==> 毛条版
  59952. straight method ==> 直配孔型轧制法
  59953. straight mineral oil ==> 直馏矿物油
  59954. straight mo(u)ld ==> 直结晶器
  59955. straight mortgage ==> 分期付息到期还本的抵押贷款
  59956. straight motor ==> 直管式发动机
  59957. straight multiple ==> 直触排,直接复接
  59958. straight muscle of abdomen ==> 腹直肌
  59959. straight needle ==> 直穿针
  59960. straight numerical system ==> 纯数字系统
  59961. straight oar ==> 直叶桨
  59962. straight one-way valve ==> 直通式单向阀
  59963. straight or slightly curved ==> 荚直或稍弯曲形
  59964. straight part ==> 直部,展长轧辊型缝
  59965. straight pass ==> 直孔型
  59966. straight path ==> 直线路径
  59967. straight peen ==> 直头
  59968. straight peen hammer ==> 直头尖顶锤
  59969. straight peen sledge ==> 纵棱锤
  59970. straight penetration method ==> 直接贯入法
  59971. straight pin ==> 直脚钉,直销,绝缘子直脚钉,绝缘子直脚钉
  59972. straight pin porcelain insulator ==> 直脚瓷瓶
  59973. straight pipe injector ==> 直管式喷射器
  59974. straight pipe tap ==> 直式管用丝锥
  59975. straight pipe union ==> 直接接头
  59976. straight pipe-line ==> 直管线
  59977. straight platen ==> 平面字辊
  59978. straight plowing ==> 顺坡耕,直耕
  59979. straight point scriber ==> 直线画线针
  59980. straight polarity ==> 正接,正极性
  59981. straight pole boundary ==> 直极边
  59982. straight pole brace ==> 撑杆
  59983. straight portion ==> 直部
  59984. straight portion of distal convoluted tubule ==> 远端小管直部
  59985. straight pressing ==> 直接压制法
  59986. straight product ==> 纯产品
  59987. straight profiled bat ==> 直型杆
  59988. straight pulsed device ==> 直管状脉冲器件
  59989. straight radial blade ==> 径向直叶子,径向直叶子
  59990. straight reaming ==> 直接扩孔
  59991. straight receiver ==> 高放式接收器
  59992. straight reciprocating motion ==> 直线往复运动
  59993. straight reduced asphalt ==> 直馏沥青
  59994. straight reeling ==> 直绞式摇纱
  59995. straight refinary gasoline ==> 精制纯汽油
  59996. straight resin ==> 净树脂,净树脂
  59997. straight roll ==> 平面辊
  59998. straight roller ==> 直滚子
  59999. straight roller bearing ==> 普通滚柱轴承
  60000. straight rolling ==> 等断面轧制
  60001. straight root ==> 直根
  60002. straight roughing shaping tool ==> 直粗刨刀
  60003. straight run ==> 直馏产品
  60004. straight run gasoline ==> 直馏汽油
  60005. straight running torpedo ==> 直航鱼雷
  60006. straight saw ==> 直锯
  60007. straight scale ==> 直尺
  60008. straight scissors ==> 直剪
  60009. straight section ==> 直边段
  60010. straight selective flotation ==> 直接选择性浮选
  60011. straight seminiferous tubules ==> 精直小管
  60012. straight sending system ==> 直接传送系统,直接发送式
  60013. straight serial bond ==> 分期平均偿付债券
  60014. straight shaft ==> 直轴
  60015. straight shank ==> 直柄
  60016. straight shank arbo(u)r ==> 直柄刀杆
  60017. straight shank drill ==> 直柄钻头
  60018. straight shank drill holder ==> 直柄钻夹头
  60019. straight shank end mill ==> 直柄端铣刀
  60020. straight shank milling cutter ==> 直柄铣刀
  60021. straight shank punch ==> 直柄冲头
  60022. straight shank reamer ==> 直柄铰刀
  60023. straight shank tager tap ==> 直柄螺母丝锥
  60024. straight shank triple grip drill chuck ==> 直柄三牙钻夹头
  60025. straight sharp-pointed scalpel ==> 直尖刃手术刀
  60026. straight shovel ==> 直铲
  60027. straight shunt-wound motor ==> 直并激电动机
  60028. straight side double crank press ==> 闭式双点压力机
  60029. straight side four point press ==> 闭式四点压力机
  60030. straight side high speed precision press ==> 闭式高速精密压力机
  60031. straight side length ==> 直边高度
  60032. straight side press ==> 闭式压力机,双柱压床
  60033. straight side press with side slide ==> 闭式侧滑块压力机
  60034. straight side single crank press ==> 闭式单曲柄压力机
  60035. straight side single point press ==> 闭式单点压力机
  60036. straight side transfer press ==> 闭式多工位压力机
  60037. straight side two point press ==> 闭式双点压力机
  60038. straight sided axial worm ==> 阿基米德蜗杆
  60039. straight sided lamp ==> 茄子形灯泡
  60040. straight sinus ==> 直窦
  60041. straight slit ==> 直线裂缝
  60042. straight slot hand reamer ==> 直槽手用铰刀
  60043. straight slot head ==> 一字槽螺丝帽
  60044. straight smooth spindle ==> 光滑直摘锭
  60045. straight snips ==> 平剪,直剪
  60046. straight sopke shave ==> 直刃刮刨
  60047. straight splice ==> ストレート接続
  60048. straight spoon type ethmoid forceps ==> 直锐匙型筛窦钳
  60049. straight spur gear teeth ==> 直线正齿
  60050. straight stair with landing ==> 双跑直楼梯
  60051. straight steam cycle ==> 纯蒸汽循环
  60052. straight steel ruler ==> 钢直尺
  60053. straight steel wire cup wheel ==> 直钢丝杯形刷轮
  60054. straight steel wire wheel ==> 直钢丝刷轮
  60055. straight stem ==> 直首,直线型船首
  60056. straight stomach clamps ==> 直胃钳
  60057. straight strap clamp ==> 直条夹
  60058. straight stretch ==> 直线距离
  60059. straight strut ==> 直支柱
  60060. straight suture needle ==> 直形缝合针
  60061. straight system ==> 直接式
  60062. straight table rolls ==> 辊道的正置辊
  60063. straight tail ==> 直彗尾
  60064. straight tail dog ==> 直尾夹头,直尾轧头
  60065. straight tail lathe dog ==> 直尾床子鸡心夹头
  60066. straight takeoff run ==> 直线起飞滑跑
  60067. straight tea ==> ストレートティー
  60068. straight team pass ==> 梁形直孔型
  60069. straight tee ==> 等径三通管
  60070. straight tee (ST.TEE) ==> 直三通
  60071. straight tenon ==> 直榫
  60072. straight tension rod ==> 直受拉钢筋
  60073. straight thawing ==> 直接解冻,一次融透
  60074. straight thread ==> 直螺纹
  60075. straight through combustion chamber ==> 冲压式燃烧室
  60076. straight through extrusion ==> 直通压出
  60077. straight through flow ==> 直通流动
  60078. straight time ==> 正式工作时间
  60079. straight tongs ==> 直钳
  60080. straight tongue ==> 直纹凸榫
  60081. straight tool ==> 直锋刀具,直头车刀
  60082. straight toolholder ==> 直刀架
  60083. straight tooth gear ==> 直齿齿轮
  60084. straight top ==> 平顶
  60085. straight trunnion end needle roller ==> 直销头滚针
  60086. straight tube ==> 直管
  60087. straight tube steam generator ==> 直管式蒸汽发生器
  60088. straight tubular gland ==> 直管腺
  60089. straight tubular motor ==> 直管式发动机
  60090. straight tubule ==> 集合小管
  60091. straight tubules ==> 直细精管
  60092. straight tuner ==> 直接放大式调谐器
  60093. straight turning ==> 直车,直线车削
  60094. straight turning between centers ==> 顶尖间直车削
  60095. straight venules ==> 直小静脉
  60096. straight vessels ==> 直小血管
  60097. straight wall ==> 竖墙
  60098. straight way (line) valve ==> 通直阀
  60099. straight way cock ==> 直通旋塞
  60100. straight weld(ing) ==> 直缝焊
  60101. straight wheel ==> 直轮,平面磨轮,盘形轮
  60102. straight wheel grader ==> 直轮式平路机
  60103. straight wool ==> 直毛
  60104. straight worm ==> 直蜗杆
  60105. straight(-)line commutation ==> 直线整流
  60106. straight(-cut) gear ==> 正齿轮
  60107. straight(-line) knurling ==> 直纹滚花
  60108. straight(-run) diesel distillate ==> 直馏柴油馏分
  60109. straight(-run) tops ==> 直馏轻汽油
  60110. straight(cross, bent, coil, thimble)-tube boiler ==> 直 (横,弯,盘,指) 管锅炉
  60111. straight-across-cut ==> 正切,横切
  60112. straight-ahead method ==> 直前法
  60113. straight-arm ==> 直臂,直幅,直桨叶
  60114. straight-arm mixer ==> 直臂混合机
  60115. straight-arm stirrer ==> 直臂搅拌机
  60116. straight-armed pulley ==> 直辐带轮
  60117. straight-axle landing gear ==> 直轴式起落架
  60118. straight-bar rib machine ==> 钩针平型罗纹机
  60119. straight-beam bracket ==> 桥形机架
  60120. straight-blade ==> 直叶片
  60121. straight-blade centrifugal fan ==> 直叶离心式风扇
  60122. straight-blade paddle mixer ==> 直桨叶片拌和机
  60123. straight-blade snow plough ==> 直刃雪犁
  60124. straight-blade type rail sawing machine ==> 直锯条式锯轨机
  60125. straight-braced frame ==> 直拉条架
  60126. straight-breeding ==> 纯种繁育
  60127. straight-chain ==> 直链
  60128. straight-chain hydrocarbon liquids ==> 直鎖状炭化水素液体
  60129. straight-chain paraffin ==> 直链烷烃
  60130. straight-chromium stainless steel ==> 铬不锈钢
  60131. straight-collector ionization chamber ==> 直线集电极电离室
  60132. straight-cut ==> 直线掏槽,纵向切削
  60133. straight-cut gear ==> 直齿齿轮,直齿圆柱齿轮
  60134. straight-cut operation ==> 纵向切削操作
  60135. straight-cutter holder ==> 直角装刀式刀杆
  60136. straight-draft furnace ==> 直接通风炉
  60137. straight-edge cone ==> 直边锥形筒子
  60138. straight-edge level(l)ing ==> 直尺水准测量
  60139. straight-eight ==> 八汽缸直排式
  60140. straight-eight engine ==> 直列八缸发动机=>直列8気筒エンジン
  60141. straight-flanked ring ==> 矩形环,矩形环
  60142. straight-flute drill ==> 直槽钻
  60143. straight-forward circuit ==> 直通线路
  60144. straight-forward fractional distillation ==> 直接分馏
  60145. straight-forward method ==> 直接法
  60146. straight-four engine ==> 直列4気筒エンジン
  60147. straight-going traffic ==> 直行交通
  60148. straight-halved joint ==> 对合接合
  60149. straight-in approach ==> (飞机)直线进场
  60150. straight-in approach (飞机) ==> 直线进场
  60151. straight-in feed ==> 直进给,横向走刀
  60152. straight-in grinding machine ==> 直进外圆磨床
  60153. straight-in landing ==> 直线进入着陆
  60154. straight-in penetration ==> 直线下降
  60155. straight-in run ==> 直线进入目标
  60156. straight-line ==> 直排式,直线,直线性
  60157. straight-line approach ==> 直线进场
  60158. straight-line approximation method ==> 直线近似法
  60159. straight-line attack ==> 直线攻击
  60160. straight-line bending ==> 直线弯曲
  60161. straight-line body ==> 直线车身,直线型车身
  60162. straight-line capacitor ==> 直线频率式电容器,直线性可变电容器,容标正比电容
  60163. straight-line capacity condenser ==> 直线电容式可变电容器
  60164. straight-line characteristic ==> 直线特性
  60165. straight-line code ==> 直接式程序,直线编码
  60166. straight-line coding ==> 直接式程序编制,直线编码,无循环程序
  60167. straight-line commutation ==> 直線整流
  60168. straight-line compressor ==> 直立压缩机,直线式压缩机
  60169. straight-line condenser ==> 直线可变电容器,容标正比电容
  60170. straight-line depreciation method ==> 直接折旧法
  60171. straight-line design ==> 直线轮廓的结构
  60172. straight-line displacement ==> 直线位移
  60173. straight-line distance ==> 直线距离
  60174. straight-line diving attack ==> 直线俯冲攻击
  60175. straight-line drive ==> 直线传动
  60176. straight-line engine ==> 直列气缸发动机
  60177. straight-line flight ==> 直线飞行
  60178. straight-line flow ==> 直线流动
  60179. straight-line formula ==> 直线关系公式,直线关系式
  60180. straight-line frequency ==> 直线频率式
  60181. straight-line frequency capacitor ==> 直线频率式电容器,线性频率电容器
  60182. straight-line frequency variable condenser ==> 直线频率式可变电容器
  60183. straight-line gale ==> 直击大风
  60184. straight-line generator ==> 直母线
  60185. straight-line hammer ==> 直线运动的击锤
  60186. straight-line hardening ==> 端部淬火
  60187. straight-line harmonic motion ==> 直线和谐运动
  60188. straight-line knurling ==> 直线滚花
  60189. straight-line knurls ==> 直线滚花
  60190. straight-line law ==> 直线定律
  60191. straight-line leakage path ==> 直线泄漏通路
  60192. straight-line link motion ==> 直线连杆运动
  60193. straight-line lower bound ==> 直线下限
  60194. straight-line machine ==> 直线式拉丝机
  60195. straight-line mechanism ==> 直线机构
  60196. straight-line motion ==> 直线运动
  60197. straight-line motion mechanism ==> 直线运动机构
  60198. straight-line oscillation ==> 直线振动
  60199. straight-line pass ==> 直线通过
  60200. straight-line pattern ==> 直线花型
  60201. straight-line pen ==> 直线画笔
  60202. straight-line program ==> 非转移式程序
  60203. straight-line seam welder ==> 直线滚焊机
  60204. straight-line sintering machine ==> 带式烧结机
  60205. straight-line tunnel kiln ==> 直线隧道式窑
  60206. straight-line type automatic sampler ==> 直线型自动取样器
  60207. straight-line type regulator ==> 接点直线运动式调节器
  60208. straight-line vee bottom ==> 直线V形底
  60209. straight-line wave-length capacitor ==> 波长标度正比电容器
  60210. straight-line wavelength ==> 直线波长式
  60211. straight-line wavelength capacitor ==> 线性波长电容器
  60212. straight-line-capacity capacitor ==> 直线电容式可变电容器
  60213. straight-line-frequency condenser ==> 直线变频式电容器
  60214. straight-line-wave-length capacitor ==> 直线波长式可变电容器
  60215. straight-lobe compressor ==> 转子压缩机,罗茨压缩机
  60216. straight-on starter ==> 直接起动器
  60217. straight-pane hammer ==> 平头錾锤
  60218. straight-path approximation method ==> 直线路近似法
  60219. straight-path sampler ==> 直路取样机
  60220. straight-ribbed ==> 具有脉的,具有脉的
  60221. straight-run asphalt ==> 直馏沥青
  60222. straight-run bitumen ==> 直馏沥青
  60223. straight-run clear gasoline ==> 直馏无铅汽油
  60224. straight-run coal tar pitch ==> 直馏煤焦油脂
  60225. straight-run diesel oil ==> 直馏柴油
  60226. straight-run distillate ==> 直馏馏分
  60227. straight-run distillation ==> 直馏
  60228. straight-run fuel ==> 直馏燃油
  60229. straight-run heavy fraction ==> 直馏重馏分
  60230. straight-run light fraction ==> 直馏轻馏分
  60231. straight-run motor fuel ==> 直馏发动机燃料
  60232. straight-run naphtha ==> 直馏石脑油
  60233. straight-run oil ==> 直馏油品
  60234. straight-run pitch ==> 直馏沥青
  60235. straight-run product ==> 直馏产品
  60236. straight-run spirit ==> 直馏汽油
  60237. straight-run stock ==> 直馏油料
  60238. straight-run virgin ==> 直馏馏分
  60239. straight-shank drill bit ==> 直柄螺钻
  60240. straight-side 4-point double-action drawing press ==> 闭式四点双动拉伸压力机
  60241. straight-side flank splines ==> 直边式花键
  60242. straight-side flat rim ==> 直边平轮缘
  60243. straight-side frame ==> 闭式机身
  60244. straight-side hydraulic press ==> 液压直边冲压机
  60245. straight-side knuckle joint press ==> 闭式双柱肘节式压力机
  60246. straight-side mechanical power press ==> 机动校直压力机
  60247. straight-side press ==> 闭式双柱压力机
  60248. straight-side rim ==> 直边轮辋
  60249. straight-side slot ==> 直线侧缝
  60250. straight-side(d) core bit ==> 直孔空心钻头
  60251. straight-sided bucket ==> 直边料斗
  60252. straight-sided flank ==> 直齿面
  60253. straight-six engine ==> 直列6気筒エンジン
  60254. straight-stem sweep ==> 直尾箭形铲
  60255. straight-teeth conical gear ==> 直齿柱齿轮
  60256. straight-teeth cylindrical gear ==> 直齿柱齿轮
  60257. straight-teeth harrow ==> 直齿耙
  60258. straight-through ==> 直流
  60259. straight-through arrangement ==> 直线布置
  60260. straight-through cock ==> 直通旋塞
  60261. straight-through cracking ==> 直通裂化
  60262. straight-through current transformer ==> 穿心式电流互感器
  60263. straight-through drive ==> 直接传动
  60264. straight-through drive condition ==> 直接传动条件
  60265. straight-through fast acting valve ==> 直通快动阀
  60266. straight-through joint ==> 直接接头,直通连接
  60267. straight-through labyrinth ==> 直通式迷宫密封
  60268. straight-through pulverized coal burner ==> 直流煤粉燃烧器,出口气流为直流射流或直流射流组的煤粉燃烧器。
  60269. straight-through valve ==> 直通阀
  60270. straight-tooth ==> 直齿
  60271. straight-tooth (milling) cutter ==> 直齿铣刀
  60272. straight-tooth bevel gear ==> 直齿伞齿轮
  60273. straight-tooth(ed)gear ==> 直齿齿轮
  60274. straight-toothed ==> 直齿的
  60275. straight-tube boiler ==> 直管锅炉
  60276. straight-type engine ==> 单排气缸发动机
  60277. straight-vaned fluid flywheel ==> 直叶水力飞轮
  60278. straight-wall bit ==> 直壁空心钻头
  60279. straight-wall core shell ==> 直壁式扩孔筒
  60280. straight-wall nozzle ==> 直壁喷管
  60281. straight-wedge mechanism ==> 直楔机构
  60282. straightaway ==> 直线行进
  60283. straightaway cut ==> 直线切削
  60284. straightaway mill ==> 串列式小型型钢轧机,串列式轧机
  60285. straightaway stands ==> 串列式盘条轧机机组
  60286. straightblade ==> 直叶片
  60287. straightedge ==> 直尺,直规,直棱
  60288. straightedge rule ==> 直线尺
  60289. straightedge tyre ==> 直边轮胎
  60290. straighten ==> 使矫直
  60291. straighten out ==> 矫
  60292. straightener ==> 校直机,矫正器,矫直装置=>真っすぐにする装置
  60293. straightener roll ==> 矫直辊,校平辊,调直辊
  60294. straightener(stator) blade ==> 整流叶片
  60295. straightening ==> 校正,整直,矫直,调直,压直,变形矫正
  60296. straightening anvil ==> 校正砧
  60297. straightening cutting machine ==> 矫直切断机
  60298. straightening device ==> 矫直装置
  60299. straightening of bars ==> 钢筋调直
  60300. straightening of river channels ==> 把河裁弯取直
  60301. straightening plate ==> 矫直板
  60302. straightening press ==> 校正压力机,压直机
  60303. straightening roll ==> 辊式棒料矫直机
  60304. straightening rolls ==> 辊式矫直机
  60305. straightening speed ==> 矫正速度
  60306. straightening vane ==> 整流导叶
  60307. straightforward ==> 简单的,直接
  60308. straightforward line ==> 直达线路
  60309. straightforward method ==> 直接方法
  60310. straightforward operation ==> 遥控操作
  60311. straightforward procedure ==> 简单方法
  60312. straightforward trunking ==> 直通中继
  60313. straightline control ==> 直线控制
  60314. straightline controller ==> 直线控制器
  60315. straightline type unloader ==> 直线运动式取出装置
  60316. straightness ==> 正直度,直线性,直线性度,平直度
  60317. straightness of weir plate top ==> 溢流堰顶面不平度
  60318. straightside tyre ==> 直边外胎
  60319. straighttube boiler ==> 直管锅炉
  60320. straighttype wheel ==> 盘轮
  60321. straightway ==> 直线部分,直线段
  60322. straightway check valve ==> 直通单向阀
  60323. straightway cock ==> 直通旋塞
  60324. straightway drill ==> 直槽钻头
  60325. straightway setup ==> 串列式布置
  60326. straightway valve ==> 直通阀
  60327. strain ==> 变形,株,胁变,菌种,菌种,菌株,菌株,品系,张紧度,胀砂,扭歪,拉紧,劳损,应变,过劳,滤波=>ひずみ
  60328. strain accumulation ==> 应变积累
  60329. strain age ==> 应变时效
  60330. strain amplifier ==> 应变放大器
  60331. strain amplitude ==> 应变幅度
  60332. strain analysis ==> 应变分析
  60333. strain and stress ==> 应变和应力
  60334. strain annealing ==> 应变退火
  60335. strain axis ==> 应变轴,应变主轴
  60336. strain bar ==> 应变测定棒
  60337. strain birefringence ==> 应变双折射
  60338. strain break ==> 应变破裂
  60339. strain bridge accelerometer ==> 应变桥加速度计
  60340. strain build-up ==> 应变积累
  60341. strain burst ==> 应变爆裂
  60342. strain bursts ==> 应变岩石突出
  60343. strain capacity ==> 应变量,应变能力
  60344. strain cell ==> 应变计
  60345. strain center ==> 应变中心
  60346. strain clamp ==> 拉紧夹,拉线夹,耐张线夹,耐胀线夹,耐拉线夹=>耐張クランプ
  60347. strain clamp(bolted type) ==> 耐张线夹(螺栓型)
  60348. strain clamp(compression type) ==> 耐张线夹(压缩型)
  60349. strain clamp(wedge type) ==> 耐张线夹(楔型)
  60350. strain coefficient ==> 应变系数
  60351. strain complementary energy ==> 应变余能
  60352. strain complex ==> 复合品系
  60353. strain component ==> 应变分量=>ひずみの成分
  60354. strain concentration factor ==> 应变集中因子
  60355. strain control ==> 应变控制
  60356. strain crack ==> 应变裂纹
  60357. strain cracking ==> 应变开裂,应变裂缝,变形开裂
  60358. strain creep ==> 应变蠕变
  60359. strain crystallization ==> 应变结晶
  60360. strain curve ==> 应变曲线
  60361. strain cycling ==> 应变循环
  60362. strain detector ==> 应变检验仪,应变探测器
  60363. strain deviation ==> 应变偏移
  60364. strain deviator ==> 应变偏量
  60365. strain diagram ==> 应变图
  60366. strain disk ==> 应变盘
  60367. strain distribution ==> 应变分布
  60368. strain ellipse ==> 应变椭圆
  60369. strain ellipsoid ==> 应变椭球
  60370. strain energy ==> 应变能
  60371. strain energy density ==> 应变能密度
  60372. strain energy due to impact ==> 冲击应变能
  60373. strain energy function ==> 应变能函数
  60374. strain energy method ==> 应变能法,变形能法
  60375. strain energy of distortion ==> 变形能量
  60376. strain energy rate ==> 应变能释放率
  60377. strain energy release rate ==> 应变能释放率
  60378. strain energy storage ==> 应变能存储
  60379. strain evaluation ==> 劳损评价
  60380. strain exponent ==> 应变指数
  60381. strain factor ==> 应变灵敏度系数
  60382. strain field ==> 应变场
  60383. strain figure ==> 应变图
  60384. strain figures ==> 应变图形,滑移线
  60385. strain foil ==> 应变片
  60386. strain force ==> 应变力,变形力
  60387. strain ga(u)ge ==> 应变计,应变仪,电阻应变计,张线式传感器
  60388. strain ga(u)ge scanner recorder ==> 应变计式多点记录器
  60389. strain ga(u)ge tester ==> 应变片式测试仪
  60390. strain ga(u)ge type pickup ==> 应变仪型传感器
  60391. strain ga(u)ge type sensor ==> 应变型传感器
  60392. strain gage accelerometer ==> 应变仪式加速度仪计
  60393. strain gage bridge ==> 应变片桥
  60394. strain galvanometer ==> 应变检流计,张力检流计
  60395. strain gauge ==> 应变片=>(抵抗線)ひずみゲージ
  60396. strain gauge method ==> 应变仪法
  60397. strain gauge sensor ==> 应变式传感器=>歪ゲージセンサ
  60398. strain hardenability ==> 应变硬化性
  60399. strain hardening ==> 应变硬化,冷加工硬化,变形硬化,机械硬化=>ひずみ硬化
  60400. strain hardening effect ==> 应变硬化效应
  60401. strain hardening exponent ==> 应变硬化指数=>ひずみ硬化指数
  60402. strain harding law ==> 应变硬化规律
  60403. strain hardness ==> 应变硬度
  60404. strain increment ==> 应变增量
  60405. strain indicating lacquer ==> 应变指示漆
  60406. strain indicator ==> 应变指示计,电阻应变仪
  60407. strain induced cracking ==> 应变诱导开裂
  60408. strain induced fracture ==> 应变诱导断裂
  60409. strain influence factor ==> 应变影响因数
  60410. strain instrument ==> 应变仪
  60411. strain insulator ==> 耐张绝缘子
  60412. strain insulator string ==> 耐张绝缘子串
  60413. strain invariant ==> 应变不变量
  60414. strain level ==> 应变水平
  60415. strain line ==> 应变线
  60416. strain mark ==> 应变痕
  60417. strain matrix ==> 应变矩阵
  60418. strain measurement ==> 应变测定,应变测量
  60419. strain measurement technique ==> 应变测量技术
  60420. strain measuring bridge ==> 应变测量电桥
  60421. strain measuring instrument ==> 应变仪
  60422. strain meter ==> 应变计
  60423. strain net method ==> 变形网格法
  60424. strain of breed ==> 品系
  60425. strain of flexure ==> 挠曲应变
  60426. strain of joint ==> 关节劳损
  60427. strain offset ==> 应变截距
  60428. strain optical coefficient ==> 应变光学系数
  60429. strain pacer ==> 定速应变试验装置
  60430. strain path ==> 应变过程
  60431. strain pickup ==> 应变拾音器
  60432. strain plate ==> 拉线板
  60433. strain quadric ==> 应变二次曲面,应变二次式
  60434. strain rate ==> 应变速率,变形速度
  60435. strain rate tensor ==> 应变率张量
  60436. strain ratio ==> 应变率
  60437. strain reactance ==> 寄生电抗
  60438. strain rebound ==> 应变回弹
  60439. strain recovery ==> 应变恢复
  60440. strain recovery curve ==> 应变回复曲线
  60441. strain recrystallization ==> 应变再结晶作用
  60442. strain regime ==> 应变状态
  60443. strain relaxation ==> 应变松弛
  60444. strain release ==> 应变分离
  60445. strain relief ==> 应变消除
  60446. strain relief clamp ==> 电缆卡,电缆卡子
  60447. strain relief method ==> 应变起伏法应
  60448. strain relief tempering ==> 消除应力回火
  60449. strain resolution ==> 应变分解
  60450. strain retardation ==> 应变推迟
  60451. strain roll ==> 张力辊
  60452. strain rosette ==> 应变电阻花,应变花
  60453. strain screw ==> 张力螺钉
  60454. strain seismometer ==> 应变地震计,应变地震仪
  60455. strain sensation ==> 紧张感觉
  60456. strain sensitivity ==> 应变敏感性
  60457. strain sensor ==> 应变感传器=>歪みセンサ
  60458. strain shadow ==> 应变影,波动消光
  60459. strain slip cleavage ==> 应变裂缝
  60460. strain slipcleavage ==> 滑动劈理
  60461. strain softening ==> 应变软化
  60462. strain spectrum ==> 应变谱
  60463. strain step ==> 应变阶
  60464. strain tensor ==> 应变张量
  60465. strain test ==> 品系试验
  60466. strain tester ==> 应变仪
  60467. strain testing system ==> 品系试验系统
  60468. strain theory ==> 张力学说
  60469. strain thickening ==> 应变稠化
  60470. strain thinning ==> 应变稀化
  60471. strain threshold ==> 应变阈值
  60472. strain tide ==> 应变固体潮
  60473. strain tolerance ==> 应变公差
  60474. strain tower ==> 耐張鉄塔
  60475. strain transducer ==> 应变传感器
  60476. strain triangular element ==> 应变三角形单元体
  60477. strain tube ==> 应变管
  60478. strain viewer ==> 应变测验仪,应变观查器,应力测验仪,胁变观察器
  60479. strain wave velocity ==> 应变波速
  60480. strain work ==> 应变功
  60481. strain-age brittleness ==> 应变时效脆性
  60482. strain-age cracking ==> 应变时效裂纹
  60483. strain-age embrittlement ==> 应变时效脆性
  60484. strain-age hardening ==> 应变时效硬化
  60485. strain-age-embrittlement test ==> 应变时效脆性试验
  60486. strain-aged steel ==> 应变时效钢
  60487. strain-aging ==> 应变时效
  60488. strain-controlled direct shear apparatus ==> 应变控制式直接剪力仪
  60489. strain-displacement relation ==> 应变位移关系
  60490. strain-energy amplitude ==> 应变能振幅
  60491. strain-free single crystal ==> 无应力单晶
  60492. strain-ga(u)ge amplifier ==> 应变仪放大器
  60493. strain-ga(u)ge dynamometer ==> 应变测力仪
  60494. strain-ga(u)ge indicator ==> 应变仪指示器
  60495. strain-ga(u)ge installation ==> 应变仪设备
  60496. strain-ga(u)ge installed by spraying process ==> 喷涂式应变仪
  60497. strain-ga(u)ge instrumentation ==> 应变仪设备
  60498. strain-ga(u)ge load cell ==> 应变仪负荷传感器
  60499. strain-ga(u)ge measurement ==> 应变仪测量
  60500. strain-ga(u)ge pickup ==> 应变仪传感器
  60501. strain-ga(u)ge pressure indicator ==> 应变仪式压力表
  60502. strain-ga(u)ge reading ==> 应变仪读数
  60503. strain-ga(u)ge recorder ==> 应变仪记录器
  60504. strain-ga(u)ge rosette ==> 应变花
  60505. strain-ga(u)ge sting ==> 应变仪支架
  60506. strain-ga(u)ge system ==> 应变仪系统
  60507. strain-ga(u)ge technique ==> 应变片技术
  60508. strain-ga(u)ge torquemeter ==> 应变片转矩计
  60509. strain-ga(u)ge transducer ==> 应变片传感器
  60510. strain-ga(u)ging ==> 应变测量
  60511. strain-gage pickup ==> 应变计传感器
  60512. strain-gauge extensimeter ==> 变形测定器
  60513. strain-gauge rosette ==> 应变片花
  60514. strain-hardening ==> 形变硬化,加工硬化
  60515. strain-hardening material ==> 应变硬化材料
  60516. strain-hardening steel ==> 应变硬化钢
  60517. strain-induced molecular orientation ==> 应变诱导的分子取向
  60518. strain-measuring bridge ==> 应变测量电桥
  60519. strain-optical equation ==> 应变光性方程
  60520. strain-optical relaxation ==> 应变光学松弛
  60521. strain-pulse ==> 应变脉冲
  60522. strain-rate equation ==> 应变率方程
  60523. strain-recording equipment ==> 应变记录仪器
  60524. strain-recording instrument ==> 应变记录仪
  60525. strain-release point ==> 应变消失点
  60526. strain-slip ==> 应变滑动
  60527. strain-slip cleavage ==> 应变滑劈理,错动劈理
  60528. strain-slip folding ==> 滑移褶皱
  60529. strain-strengthening ==> 应变强化
  60530. strain-wave ==> 应变波
  60531. strained condition ==> 应变状态
  60532. strained rubber ==> 应变橡胶,弹性疲劳的橡胶
  60533. strainer ==> 粗滤器,松紧螺旋扣,张紧机构,张紧器,漏勺,滤器,滤网,过滤机,筛滤网=>ストレーナ
  60534. strainer cartridge ==> 粗滤片筒
  60535. strainer case ==> 滤器箱
  60536. strainer core ==> 滤网芯,滤网状型芯,滤渣片,浇口滤片,筛状芯片
  60537. strainer core gate ==> 滤网芯浇口
  60538. strainer cover ==> 滤清器盖,过滤器盖
  60539. strainer filter ==> 粗滤器
  60540. strainer gate ==> 滤网浇口,筛状浇口
  60541. strainer head ==> 过滤器水头
  60542. strainer plate ==> 滤板
  60543. strainer plug ==> 滤器塞,粗滤堵塞
  60544. strainer retainer ==> 滤器卡簧
  60545. strainer screen ==> 过滤器滤网
  60546. strainer tub ==> 滤渣槽
  60547. strainer valve ==> 滤汽阀,过滤阀
  60548. strainer well ==> 过滤井,过滤器管井
  60549. strainer-gate core ==> 滤渣芯片
  60550. strainght line detector ==> 线性检波器
  60551. straingt vein ==> 直脉
  60552. straining ==> 绷皮操作,下坠
  60553. straining arch ==> 扶拱
  60554. straining beam ==> 系梁,横系梁
  60555. straining box ==> 筛箱
  60556. straining chamber ==> 滤室,粗滤室
  60557. straining element ==> 抑制元件
  60558. straining piece ==> 跨腰梁
  60559. straining pulley ==> 张力轮
  60560. straining ratchet ==> 棘轮拉紧器
  60561. straining ring ==> 紧圈
  60562. straining sill ==> 双柱桁架的分柱木,二重桁架腰梁
  60563. straining vice ==> 紧线钳
  60564. strainmeter ==> 应变仪
  60565. strains ==> 菌株
  60566. strait port ==> 海峡港
  60567. strait work ==> 狭窄地采掘
  60568. strait-jacket ==> 约束衣
  60569. straited secondary wall ==> 条纹次生壁
  60570. Straits tin ==> 邦加锡
  60571. strake ==> 轮箍,轮爪,列板,溜槽,防滑轮爪,防滑爪链,洗矿槽,船侧板,船舷侧板,铁箍
  60572. stramonium leaf ==> 曼陀罗叶
  60573. stramonium seed ==> 曼陀罗籽,曼陀罗子
  60574. stramonium tablets ==> (解痉药)曼陀罗片
  60575. stramonium tincture ==> (解痉药)曼陀罗酊
  60576. strand ==> 股,扭绞,裸多芯电缆,海荒滩,河道,细条,导线束,单丝,绞,绞合线,索状,缆股,股绳,搁浅,钢绞线,(用于预应力混凝土中)股绞钢丝索=>より,より線,素線(より線)
  60577. strand cable ==> 扭绞电缆,绞合电缆,绞线
  60578. strand cable superconducting wire ==> 股绞电缆超导线
  60579. strand casting machine ==> 单流连铸机
  60580. strand clamp ==> 绞线箍
  60581. strand clip ==> 绞线箍
  60582. strand coating ==> 线层包覆层
  60583. strand core ==> 钢绞线芯
  60584. strand core wire rope ==> 钢芯钢丝绳
  60585. strand deposit ==> 海滨沉积物
  60586. strand fiber cable ==> 扭绞电缆
  60587. strand flat ==> 沿海台地
  60588. strand ground ==> 不规则花叶花纹
  60589. strand guide ==> 铸坯导架,连铸铸坯导架
  60590. strand insulation ==> 单股导线绝缘
  60591. strand line ==> 滨线,岸边线
  60592. strand losses ==> 涡流附加损失
  60593. strand mill ==> 多辊型钢轧机
  60594. strand of rolls ==> 粗轧机,粗轧机
  60595. strand pig casting machine ==> 单线铸铁机
  60596. strand pitch ==> (钢丝绳的)绳股捻距
  60597. strand plain ==> 滨海平原,潮间平原,海滨平原
  60598. strand plant ==> 海滨植物
  60599. strand reduction ==> 铸坯轧压
  60600. strand tracheid ==> 索状管胞
  60601. strand wire ==> 多股线
  60602. strand wire bond ==> 多股绞线连接,扎线
  60603. strand(ed) wire ==> 绞合线
  60604. strand-anneal(ing) ==> 带材退火
  60605. strand-annealing ==> 分股退火,连续退火
  60606. strand-forming machine ==> 股线搓捻机
  60607. stranded cable ==> 多股绞合电缆,股绞电缆,绞线=>より線
  60608. stranded conductor ==> 绞线,多股绞合线=>より線
  60609. stranded copper cable ==> 铜绞线电缆
  60610. stranded cost ==> 回収不能費用
  60611. stranded electrode ==> 综合焊条
  60612. stranded floe ice foot ==> 搁浅冰脚
  60613. stranded galvanized steel wire ==> 镀锌钢绞线
  60614. stranded ice ==> 搁浅冰
  60615. stranded ice foot ==> 搁浅冰脚
  60616. stranded ignition wire ==> 多股发火电线
  60617. stranded rope ==> 股绞绳,股绳
  60618. stranded welding wire ==> 综合焊条
  60619. stranded wire ==> 多股绞合线=>より線
  60620. stranded wire cable ==> 多股绞合电缆
  60621. stranding ==> 搁浅,捻
  60622. stranding factor ==> 铰线系数
  60623. stranding machine ==> 铰线机,合股机,制绳机
  60624. stranding pitch ==> よりピッチ
  60625. stranding roll ==> 条钢粗轧机
  60626. strange attractor ==> ストレンジアトラクタ
  60627. strange peak ==> 假峰
  60628. strange reaction of animals ==> 动物的异常反应
  60629. strangeness conservation ==> 奇异性守恒
  60630. strangeness number ==> 奇异数
  60631. strangulated external hemorrhoids ==> 绞窄性外痔
  60632. strangulated hernia ==> 绞窄性疝
  60633. strangulated indirect inguinal hernia ==> 绞窄性腹股沟斜疝
  60634. strangulated internal hemorrhoids ==> 绞窄性内痔
  60635. strangulated intestinal obstruction ==> 绞窄性肠梗阻
  60636. strangulation of Meckel's diverticulum ==> 美克尔氏憩室绞窄
  60637. stranguria caused by overstrain ==> 劳淋
  60638. stranguria during pregnancy ==> (孕妇出现小便次数多)子淋
  60639. stransference of patents ==> 出售专利
  60640. strap ==> ストラップ
  60641. strap and key end ==> 叉端
  60642. strap bevel(l)ing machine ==> 皮带斜切机
  60643. strap bolt ==> 带螺栓,带栓,带形螺栓,长平头螺栓
  60644. strap brake ==> 带式制动器,带闸
  60645. strap cam ==> 带凸轮
  60646. strap clamp ==> 带夹
  60647. strap coil ==> 铜带线圈
  60648. strap cutting machine ==> 裁带机
  60649. strap electrode ==> 帯状電極
  60650. strap fork ==> 皮带移动器
  60651. strap frame gridiron ==> 挂轮架
  60652. strap hammer ==> 带式落锤
  60653. strap hanger ==> 樋受け金物
  60654. strap hinge ==> 铁皮折页,带式铰链
  60655. strap holder ==> 带夹
  60656. strap iron ==> 带铁,条钢
  60657. strap joint ==> 搭板对接,铰接,盖板接头
  60658. strap lap joint ==> 夹板接合,夹板塔接
  60659. strap link ==> 带端链节
  60660. strap lock ==> 带结合
  60661. strap of the brake ==> 闸带
  60662. strap oneself in ==> に縛りつける
  60663. strap rivet ==> 皮带铆钉
  60664. strap saw ==> 带锯
  60665. strap snap ==> 皮带锁扣
  60666. strap steel ==> 带钢
  60667. strap stub ==> 夹箍形端头
  60668. strap tension ==> 闸带张力
  60669. strap type lightning protector ==> 避雷带
  60670. strap valve guide ==> 阀导承
  60671. strap wire ==> 带状电线
  60672. strap wrench ==> 带绕扳钳,带式扳手
  60673. strap-brake ==> 带闸
  60674. strap-wound winding ==> 带绕绕组,扁绕绕组
  60675. strapdown inertial navigation equipment ==> 捷联式惯性导航设备
  60676. strapped bar line ==> 带杆线
  60677. strapped joint ==> 搭板接合,盖板接头,夹板接合
  60678. strapped multiresonator circuit ==> 带均压环多谐振荡电路
  60679. strapped wall ==> 板条墙
  60680. strapped weld ==> 搭板对接焊缝
  60681. strapped-down inertial navigation equipment ==> 束带式惯性导航设备
  60682. strapped-down inertial navigation system ==> ストラップダウン式INS
  60683. strapping ==> 多腔磁控管空腔间的异体耦合系统
  60684. strapping band making machine ==> 打包带生产机
  60685. strapping fertilizer colter ==> 带式施肥开沟器
  60686. strapping machine ==> 带卷捆扎机,捆扎机
  60687. strapping plaster ==> 绊创膏
  60688. strapping table ==> 容积表
  60689. strapping tool ==> 打包工具
  60690. strapping wire ==> 双连开关接线法
  60691. Strassman-type cutter ==> 粗加工铣刀
  60692. strata alternation ==> 层的交互变化
  60693. strata control ==> 顶板管理
  60694. strata group ==> 地层群
  60695. strata inclination ==> 地层倾斜度
  60696. strata movement ==> 地层运动
  60697. strata pinching ==> 地层变薄,地层尖灭
  60698. strata sequence ==> 地层次序,层理次序,层序
  60699. strata strike ==> 地层走向
  60700. strata succession ==> (指地层的)层序
  60701. strata tilting ==> 地层倾倒
  60702. strategic aeromedical evacuation ==> 战略空运伤病员
  60703. strategic aerospace division ==> 战略航空空间师
  60704. strategic aerospace wing ==> 战略航空空间联队
  60705. strategic air arm ==> 战略空军
  60706. strategic air attack ==> 战略空中突击
  60707. strategic air base ==> 战略空军基地
  60708. strategic air base air defense ==> 战略空军基地防空
  60709. strategic air bombing ==> 战略轰炸
  60710. Strategic Air Command ==> 战略空军司令部
  60711. strategic air command (SAC) ==> 战略空军
  60712. Strategic Air Command addressee designator ==> 战略空军司令部收电地址指标
  60713. Strategic Air Command communication(s) network ==> 战略空军通信网
  60714. Strategic Air Command control system ==> 战略空军指挥控制系统
  60715. Strategic Air Command photograph network ==> 战略空军司令部传真网
  60716. Strategic Air Command security system ==> 战略空军司令部保密系统
  60717. strategic air defense ==> 战略防空
  60718. strategic air element ==> 战略空军
  60719. strategic air force ==> 战略空军部队
  60720. strategic air intelligence ==> 战略空军情报
  60721. strategic air operations ==> 战略性空中作战
  60722. strategic air power ==> 战略空军力量
  60723. strategic air reconnaissance ==> 战略空中侦察
  60724. strategic air supply ==> 战略性空中补给
  60725. strategic air transport ==> 战略空运
  60726. strategic air transport operations ==> 战略空运活动
  60727. strategic air warfare ==> 战略性空战
  60728. strategic airborne operation ==> 战略空降作战
  60729. strategic aircraft ==> 战略飞机
  60730. strategic airlift transport ==> 战略运输机
  60731. strategic alert light ==> 战略警报信号灯
  60732. strategic alert sound system ==> 战略警报声响系统
  60733. strategic alerting system ==> 战略空军警报系统
  60734. strategic analysis ==> 战略分析
  60735. strategic and critical raw material ==> 战略与稀有重要原料
  60736. strategic area ==> 战略地区
  60737. strategic area task force ==> 战略地区特遣部队
  60738. strategic army forces ==> 战略陆军部队
  60739. strategic atomic attack ==> 战略原子突击
  60740. strategic atomic bomb ==> 战略性原子炸弹
  60741. strategic atomic stalemate ==> 战略原子僵局
  60742. strategic atomic war ==> 战略原子战争
  60743. strategic atomic weapon ==> 战略性原子武器
  60744. strategic aviation ==> 战略航空兵
  60745. strategic balance ==> 战略平衡
  60746. strategic ballistic missile ==> 战略弹道导弹
  60747. strategic bargaining ==> 战略交易
  60748. strategic bomb line ==> 战略轰炸线
  60749. strategic bombardment ==> 战略轰炸
  60750. strategic bomber base ==> 战略轰炸机基地
  60751. strategic bomber force ==> 战略轰炸部队
  60752. strategic bombing capability ==> 战略轰炸能力
  60753. strategic breakthrough ==> 战略突破
  60754. strategic budget ==> 谋略性预算
  60755. strategic center of gravity ==> 战略重心
  60756. strategic command in the air ==> 战略制空权
  60757. strategic communication system ==> 战略通信系统
  60758. strategic concentration ==> 战略集结
  60759. strategic concept ==> 战略原则
  60760. strategic cruise missile guidance set ==> 战略巡航导弹制导装置
  60761. Strategic Defense Command ==> 战略防御司令部
  60762. strategic delivery weapon ==> 战略运载工具
  60763. strategic demolition ==> 战略破坏
  60764. strategic deployment ==> 战略展开
  60765. strategic development proposal ==> 策略性发展建议
  60766. strategic environmental concern ==> 值得注意的策略性环境问题
  60767. strategic equivalence ==> 策略等价
  60768. strategic estimate of situation ==> 战略情况判断
  60769. strategic facsimile network ==> 战略传真通信网
  60770. strategic flexibility ==> 策略灵活性
  60771. Strategic Goods Control Act ==> シンガポール戦略物資管理法
  60772. strategic growth area ==> 策略性增长地区
  60773. strategic intelligence ==> 战略情报
  60774. strategic intelligence digests ==> 战略情报摘要
  60775. strategic intelligence team ==> 战略情报小队
  60776. strategic interceptor ==> 战略截击机
  60777. strategic level of supply ==> 战略储备标准
  60778. strategic location ==> 战略位置
  60779. strategic maneuver ==> 战略机动
  60780. strategic map ==> 战略地图
  60781. strategic material ==> 战略物资
  60782. strategic mineral ==> 战略矿物
  60783. strategic missile site ==> 战略导弹发射阵地
  60784. strategic missile support area ==> 战略导弹支援区
  60785. strategic missile support base ==> 战略导弹供应基地
  60786. strategic missile wing ==> 战略导弹联队
  60787. strategic missile wing crew ==> 战略导弹联队人员
  60788. strategic mission ==> 战略任务
  60789. strategic move(ment) ==> 战略行军
  60790. strategic nuclear delivery vehicles ==> 战略核武器发射火箭
  60791. strategic nuclear forces ==> 战略核力量
  60792. strategic nuclear weapon ==> 战略核武器
  60793. strategic objective ==> 战略目标
  60794. strategic objectives plan ==> 战力目标计划
  60795. strategic operation ==> 战略性作战行动
  60796. strategic operational communication system ==> 战略作战通信系统
  60797. strategic orbit point ==> 战略盘旋点
  60798. strategic orbital weapon system ==> 战略性轨道武器系统
  60799. strategic outline chart ==> 战略目标标示航图
  60800. strategic photographic reconnaissance ==> 战略照相侦察
  60801. strategic plan ==> 战略计划
  60802. strategic plan for distributed energy ==> 分散エネルギー源に関する戦略計画
  60803. strategic planning ==> 策略计划=>戦略的計画
  60804. strategic planning and control ==> 策略性规划及管制
  60805. strategic planning and policy development ==> 策略性规划及政策制定
  60806. strategic planning chart ==> 战略计划航图
  60807. strategic planning process ==> 策略计划程序
  60808. strategic point ==> 控制关键点,战略要点
  60809. strategic position ==> 战略态势
  60810. strategic posture analysis ==> 战略态势分析
  60811. strategic propaganda ==> 战略性宣传
  60812. strategic psychological operation ==> 战略心理作战
  60813. strategic psychological warfare ==> 战略性心理战
  60814. strategic psychological warfare intelligence ==> 战略性心理战情报
  60815. strategic pursuit ==> 战略追击
  60816. strategic raw material ==> 战略原料
  60817. strategic reconnaissance aviation ==> 战略侦察航空兵
  60818. strategic reconnaissance mission ==> 战略侦察任务
  60819. strategic reconnaissance unit ==> 战略侦察部队
  60820. strategic reconnaissance wing ==> 战略侦察机联队
  60821. strategic reserve ==> 战略储备品
  60822. strategic retaliatory concept ==> 战略报复概念
  60823. strategic retaliatory force ==> 战略报复力量
  60824. strategic road ==> 战略要路
  60825. strategic road link ==> 策略性连接信道
  60826. Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme Stage I--Baseline Monitoring and Performance Verification ==> 策略性污水排放计划第一期──基线监察及效能验证
  60827. Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme Stage I--Pilot Plant Study on Chemical Dosing and Disinfection ==> 策略性污水排放计划第一期──化学剂量与消毒试验设备测试
  60828. strategic signal ==> 战略信号
  60829. strategic spacecraft ==> 战略航天器
  60830. strategic strike force ==> 战略打击力量
  60831. strategic studies group ==> 战略研究小组
  60832. strategic support ==> 战略支援
  60833. strategic support squadron ==> 战略支援中队
  60834. strategic surprise ==> 战略突然性
  60835. strategic target ==> 战略目标
  60836. strategic telecommunications ==> 战略电信
  60837. strategic television ==> 战略电视
  60838. strategic transport ==> 战略运输机
  60839. strategic underground site ==> 战略导弹地下发射阵地
  60840. strategic unit ==> 战略单位
  60841. strategic use ==> 战略使用
  60842. strategic vulnerability ==> 战略脆弱性
  60843. strategic warning ==> 战略性警报
  60844. strategic warning lead time ==> 战略警报提前时间
  60845. strategic weapon ==> 战略武器
  60846. strategic weapon firing post ==> 战略武器发射控制站
  60847. strategic weapons system ==> 战略武器系统
  60848. strategic withdrawal ==> 战略撤退
  60849. strategic-striking capability ==> 战略突击能力
  60850. strategic-tactical map ==> 战略与战术地图
  60851. strategically equivalent ==> 策略等价的
  60852. strategically equivalent game ==> 策略等价对策
  60853. strategically equivalent utility function ==> 策略等价效用函数
  60854. strategically value function ==> 策略值函数
  60855. Strategy for Controlling Chemical Wastes--The Hong Kong Experience ==> 《化学废物的管制策略──香港经验》
  60856. strategy for new product development ==> 新产品经营策略
  60857. strategy formation ==> 策略形成
  60858. strategy of economy development ==> 经济发展战略,经济发展战略
  60859. strategy space ==> 策略空间
  60860. strategy value ==> 策略值
  60861. stratification ==> 层次法,层叠现象,层叠形成,层化作用,层理,分层,分层法,成层法,成层现象,成层作用=>成層,層別
  60862. stratification line ==> 分层线
  60863. stratification of hot gas ==> 气体分层
  60864. stratification of temperature and salinity ==> 温度与盐度的分层状况
  60865. stratification plane ==> 层理面,层面
  60866. stratified analysis ==> 层状分析
  60867. stratified bed ==> 分层床,双层床,在一个离子交换器内装入密度不同的弱型(处于上层)和强型(处于下层)树脂,采用逆流再生,正流运行的离子交换器。分为阳双层床和阴双层床
  60868. stratified charge ==> 分层进气
  60869. stratified charge engine ==> 分层充气发动机
  60870. stratified clot ==> 层状血块
  60871. stratified cluster sampling ==> 分层集合体抽样,分层整群抽样
  60872. stratified coal seam sample ==> 分层煤样
  60873. stratified cone ==> 层状锥
  60874. stratified crown ==> 分层型树冠
  60875. stratified deposit ==> 成层沉积,成层矿床
  60876. stratified development ==> 梯度发展
  60877. stratified drift ==> 成层漂碛,层状冰碛
  60878. stratified flow ==> 分层流,分层流动
  60879. stratified fluid ==> 分层流体,层叠流体
  60880. stratified foundation ==> 层状地基,成层地基
  60881. stratified language ==> 成层语言=>成層言語
  60882. stratified material ==> 层状材料
  60883. stratified media ==> 成层介质
  60884. stratified medium ==> 層状媒質
  60885. stratified mixture ==> 层混合气流,层状混合物
  60886. stratified multistage cluster sampling ==> 分层多级整群抽样
  60887. stratified multistage sampling ==> 分层多级抽样
  60888. stratified ocean ==> 层化海洋
  60889. stratified one-stage cluster sampling ==> 分层单级整群抽样
  60890. stratified pavement epithelium ==> 复层扁平上皮
  60891. stratified plastics ==> 层压塑料
  60892. stratified proportional sampling ==> 分层比例抽样
  60893. stratified purposive sample ==> 分层目的样本
  60894. stratified random ==> 分层随机
  60895. stratified random sample ==> 分层随机样本
  60896. stratified random sampling ==> 分层任意抽样,分层随机抽样,分层随机取土样
  60897. stratified random sampling method ==> 分层随机抽样法
  60898. stratified randon sampling ==> 分层随机抽样法
  60899. stratified ratio estimate ==> 分层比率估计
  60900. stratified regression estimate ==> 分层回归估计
  60901. stratified relief ==> 层状地貌
  60902. stratified rock ==> 沉积岩
  60903. stratified sample ==> 分层样本
  60904. stratified sampling for proportions ==> 比例的分层抽样
  60905. stratified sampling method ==> 分层抽样法
  60906. stratified sand ==> 层夹砂
  60907. stratified segregation ==> 层状偏析
  60908. stratified simple random sampling ==> 分层简单随机抽样
  60909. stratified single-stage cluster sampling ==> 分层单级整群抽样
  60910. stratified soil ==> 分层土,分层土壤,成层土,层状土壤
  60911. stratified squamous epithelium ==> 复层扁平上皮,复层鳞状上皮
  60912. stratified structure ==> 层状构造
  60913. stratified subsampling method ==> 分层抽子样本法,分层二段抽样法
  60914. stratified systematic sampling ==> 分层等距抽样
  60915. stratified training ==> 层型整枝
  60916. stratified-charge engine ==> 層状給気機関
  60917. stratiform cloud ==> 成层云
  60918. stratiform deposit ==> 层状矿床
  60919. stratigraphic analysis ==> 地层分析
  60920. stratigraphic break ==> 层缺
  60921. stratigraphic column ==> 地层柱状图
  60922. stratigraphic control ==> 地层控制
  60923. stratigraphic correlation ==> 地层对比
  60924. stratigraphic cross-section ==> 地层横剖面
  60925. stratigraphic division ==> 地层划分
  60926. stratigraphic guide ==> 地层标志
  60927. stratigraphic high resolution dipmeter tool ==> 地层学高分辨率地层倾角测井仪
  60928. stratigraphic model ==> 地层模式
  60929. stratigraphic oil fields ==> 地层油田
  60930. stratigraphic oil pool ==> 地层油藏
  60931. stratigraphic paleontology ==> 地层古生物学
  60932. stratigraphic range of species ==> 物种的地层分布
  60933. stratigraphic section ==> 地层剖面,地层剖面图
  60934. stratigraphic separation ==> 地层断距,地层落差
  60935. stratigraphic sequence ==> 地层层序,层序组
  60936. stratigraphic throw ==> 地层落差
  60937. stratigraphic timescale ==> 地层年表,地层时间表
  60938. stratigraphic trap ==> 地层圈闭
  60939. stratigraphic unit ==> 地层单位,地层单元,地层分层单位
  60940. stratigraphic well ==> 参数井
  60941. stratigraphical break ==> 地层断缺,(地层缺失)地层间断
  60942. stratigraphical division ==> 地层划分
  60943. stratigraphical time scale ==> 地层年表
  60944. stratigraphical time table ==> 地层年表
  60945. stration of aero-spraying ==> 示范表演空中喷药
  60946. stration technique ==> 辉纹技术
  60947. stratit element ==> 钼电阻加热元件
  60948. stratoid structure ==> 似层状构造
  60949. straton model ==> 层子模型
  60950. stratosphere ==> 平零=>成層圏
  60951. stratosphere balloon ==> 平流层气球
  60952. stratosphere flight ==> 平流层飞行
  60953. stratosphere interception ==> 平流层截击
  60954. stratosphere of the ocean ==> 海洋平流层
  60955. stratosphere radiation ==> 平流层辐射
  60956. stratosphere suit ==> 平流层飞行服
  60957. stratosphere-to-troposphere ozone flux ==> 成層圏から対流圏へのオゾン流量
  60958. stratospheric coupling ==> 平流层耦合作用
  60959. stratospheric disturbance ==> 平流层扰动
  60960. stratospheric fallout ==> 平流层放射性沉降
  60961. stratospheric ozone layer ==> 平流臭氧层,同温臭氧层
  60962. stratospheric pollutant ==> 平流层污染物
  60963. stratospheric pollution ==> 平流层污染
  60964. stratospheric steering ==> 平流层引导
  60965. stratospheric telescope ==> 平流层望远镜
  60966. stratovision ==> 在同温层转播的电视
  60967. stratum ==> 地层,子总体,层
  60968. stratum (strata) ==> 地层
  60969. stratum (strata) layer ==> 地层
  60970. stratum album colliculi superioris ==> 颅侧丘白质层
  60971. stratum basale ==> 子宫粘膜基底层,基底层
  60972. stratum board ==> 多层硬纸板
  60973. stratum circulare ==> 环层
  60974. stratum compactum ==> 致密层,子宫粘膜致密层
  60975. stratum corneum ==> 角质层
  60976. stratum corneum epidermidis ==> 表皮角质层
  60977. stratum dentatum epidermidis ==> 表皮生发层
  60978. stratum disjunctum ==> 脱落层
  60979. stratum dorsale ==> 背侧层
  60980. stratum functionale ==> 子宫粘膜功能层
  60981. stratum germinativum ==> 马尔皮基氏层,生发层
  60982. stratum germinativum epidermidis ==> 表皮生发层,马耳皮基氏层
  60983. stratum granulosum ==> 粒层,颗粒层
  60984. stratum granulosum epidermidis ==> 郎格罕氏层
  60985. stratum griseum colliculi superioris ==> 颅侧丘灰质层
  60986. stratum intermedium ==> 中间层
  60987. stratum internum ==> 内层
  60988. stratum lemnisci ==> 丘系层
  60989. stratum longitudinale ==> 纵层
  60990. stratum lucidum ==> 透明层
  60991. stratum moleculare ==> 分子层
  60992. stratum moleculare cerebelli ==> 小脑分子层
  60993. stratum mucosum membranae tympani ==> 鼓膜粘膜层
  60994. stratum neuronorum piriformium ==> 梨状神经元层
  60995. stratum nucleare ==> 核层
  60996. stratum of humus ==> 腐殖层
  60997. stratum oil production rate ==> 分层配产
  60998. stratum papillare cutis ==> 乳头层
  60999. stratum society ==> 层组合
  61000. stratum spinosum ==> 棘层
  61001. stratum spinosum epidermidis ==> 棘细胞层
  61002. stratum spongiosum ==> 子宫粘膜海棉层,海绵层
  61003. stratum synoviale ==> 滑膜层
  61004. stratum water ==> 地层水,层状水
  61005. stratum zonale ==> 带状层
  61006. Straub curve ==> 苛性脆化曲线,斯特劳伯曲线
  61007. Strauss reaction ==> 斯特劳斯反应
  61008. Strauss test ==> 斯特劳斯试验
  61009. straw ==> 稻草,稿杆,禾秆,麻茎=>わら,麦わら,ストロー,麦わら帽子
  61010. straw and earth cofferdam ==> 草土围堰,以麦草、稻草和土互层为主要材料修建的围堰
  61011. straw and hay elevator ==> 禾秆升运机
  61012. straw and willow products ==> 草柳制品
  61013. straw automobile cushion ==> 草汽车垫
  61014. straw bag ==> 草包,草袋
  61015. straw bail ==> 空保証,空保証人
  61016. straw bale buncher ==> 草捆堆垛机
  61017. straw bale conveyer ==> 草捆输送器
  61018. straw bale piler ==> 草捆码垛机
  61019. straw baler ==> 茎稿压捆机
  61020. straw band ==> 草辫
  61021. straw basket ==> 草篮,麦秸筐
  61022. straw berry tomato ==> 毛酸浆
  61023. straw bid ==> 空入札
  61024. straw binder ==> 麦草打捆机,稿草打捆机,稿秆捆束机
  61025. straw bit ==> 空入札
  61026. straw blower ==> 稿草吹送器,麦草吹送器
  61027. straw board ==> 茎稿输送板,草纸板
  61028. straw bond ==> 假证券
  61029. straw boss ==> 副领班
  61030. straw breaker ==> 铡草机
  61031. straw carpet ==> 草地毯
  61032. straw carrier ==> 茎稿输送带
  61033. straw chopper ==> 铡刀
  61034. straw collector ==> 集草车
  61035. straw compressor ==> 稿秆压捆机
  61036. straw cord ==> 草带
  61037. straw cushion ==> 草垫
  61038. straw cushion cover ==> 草靠垫
  61039. straw cutter with feeder ==> 带喂入器的铡草机
  61040. straw deflector ==> 集草器
  61041. straw dumpz ==> 茎稿倾卸器
  61042. straw elevator ==> 茎稿升运器
  61043. straw fan ==> 草扇
  61044. straw fiber ==> 草纤维
  61045. straw file ==> 粗齿锉
  61046. straw floor mat ==> 草垫
  61047. straw from rye ==> 黑麦秸
  61048. straw governor ==> 禾谷进量控制器
  61049. straw green epoxy polyvinyl butyral enamel ==> 草绿环氧聚乙烯醇丁缩醛磁漆
  61050. straw hat body ==> 草帽胚
  61051. straw hat glue ==> 草帽胶
  61052. straw line ==> 引索
  61053. straw loader ==> 装茎稿机
  61054. straw man ==> 名义上的所有者=>わら人形
  61055. straw manure ==> 草肥
  61056. straw mat ==> 草席
  61057. straw mat loom ==> 草垫编织机
  61058. straw mattress ==> 草垫,草席
  61059. straw mulch ==> 草盖,草幂,盖草层
  61060. straw mushroom ==> 草菇
  61061. straw oil ==> 草黄油,锭子油
  61062. straw paper ==> 草纸
  61063. straw patchwork ==> 麦秸画
  61064. straw press ==> 茎稿压捆器
  61065. straw products ==> 草编制品
  61066. straw pulp ==> 草浆粕,草纸浆
  61067. straw pulping wastewater ==> 草纸浆废水
  61068. straw rake ==> 耙
  61069. straw scatterer ==> 茎稿撒布器
  61070. straw separator ==> 茎稿分离器
  61071. straw shoe ==> 禾捆梳解器
  61072. straw shopping bag ==> 草制购物袋
  61073. straw shredder ==> 茎稿切碎机,铡草机
  61074. straw spreader ==> 茎稿撒布器
  61075. straw stacker ==> 集草车
  61076. straw stacking ==> 堆秆
  61077. straw stop ==> 茎稿分捆器
  61078. straw stripper ==> 茎稿排除器
  61079. straw suitcase ==> 草提箱
  61080. straw wall paper ==> 草墙纸
  61081. straw wall picture ==> 草墙画
  61082. straw ware ==> 草织品
  61083. straw willow ==> 草柳
  61084. straw wrapping paper ==> 草浆包装纸
  61085. straw-made articles ==> 草制品
  61086. straw-rack louver ==> 逐稿器鱼鳞筛
  61087. straw-rope ==> 草绳
  61088. straw-rope spinning machine ==> 打草绳机
  61089. straw-rope twisting machine ==> 打草绳机
  61090. straw-walker feeder beater ==> 第一逐稿轮
  61091. straw-weaved product ==> 草编织品
  61092. straw-yard benyard ==> 铺草运动场
  61093. strawberry ==> 杨梅,草莓,草莓红=>ストローベリー,イチゴ
  61094. strawberry aldehyde ==> 草莓醛
  61095. strawberry capillary hemangioma ==> 杨梅样毛细血管瘤
  61096. strawberry cinquefoil root ==> 莓叶委陵菜
  61097. strawberry clover ==> 草莓三叶草
  61098. strawberry cultivator ==> 草莓中耕机
  61099. strawberry essence ==> 草莓精,草莓香精,草莓油香精
  61100. strawberry gallbladder ==> 草莓样胆囊,草莓状胆囊
  61101. strawberry guava ==> 草莓番石榴=>テリハバンジロウ,ストロベリーグアバ,(分類)フトモモ科の常緑低木,(分布)ブラジル
  61102. strawberry harvester ==> 草莓收获机
  61103. strawberry hemangioma ==> 草莓样血管瘤
  61104. strawberry jam ==> 草莓酱
  61105. strawberry juice ==> 草莓汁
  61106. strawberry nutrition ==> 草莓营养
  61107. strawberry oil ==> 草莓油
  61108. strawberry preserve ==> 草莓脯
  61109. strawberry tongue ==> 草莓舌
  61110. strawberry tree ==> 杨梅树
  61111. strawberry yellow edge ==> 草莓黄边病
  61112. strawberry-like ==> 杨梅状
  61113. strawberry-like tongue ==> 杨梅舌
  61114. strawboard ==> 稻草板
  61115. strawboards ==> 黄纸板
  61116. strawbuncher ==> 集草车,茎秆堆垛机,茎稿打捆机,茎稿收集车
  61117. strawsoil cofferdam ==> 草土围堰,以麦草、稻草和土互层为主要材料修建的围堰。
  61118. strawtrusser ==> 茎稿压捆器,捆草机
  61119. strawwalker ==> 逐稿器,逐稿器曲轴
  61120. strawwalker beater ==> 逐稿器逐稿轮
  61121. strawwalker crank ==> 逐稿器曲轴
  61122. strawy formyard manure ==> 稿秆拌和的农家肥
  61123. strawy manure ==> 稿秆厩肥
  61124. stray ==> 杂散
  61125. stray beam ==> 杂散束
  61126. stray capacitance ==> 寄生电容=>浮遊容量
  61127. stray capacitor ==> 浮遊容量
  61128. stray capacity ==> 杂散电容=>浮遊容量
  61129. stray copper loss ==> 杂散铜损
  61130. stray coupling ==> 杂散耦合
  61131. stray curren ==> 標遊電流,迷走電流(通信線路)
  61132. stray current ==> 杂散电流,漏泄电流,通过工作接地极或其它途径流入地中的电流,它无规律地流向大地或接地金属件
  61133. stray current corrosion ==> 杂散电流腐蚀
  61134. stray earth current ==> 杂散地电流
  61135. stray electric field ==> 杂散电场
  61136. stray electrical current ==> 杂散电流
  61137. stray electromagnetic field ==> 標遊電磁界
  61138. stray electromotive force ==> 杂散电动势
  61139. stray electron ==> 杂散电子,散失电子=>迷走電子
  61140. stray electrostatic field ==> 杂散静电场
  61141. stray element ==> 杂散元件,离群分子
  61142. stray EM field ==> 杂散电磁场
  61143. stray emission ==> 杂散发射
  61144. stray field ==> 杂散场
  61145. stray flux ==> 杂散磁通=>標遊磁束
  61146. stray illumination ==> 散射照明,寄生照明,杂散光照
  61147. stray inductance ==> 杂散电感=>寄生インダクタンス
  61148. stray induction ==> 杂散电感,杂散感应
  61149. stray ion ==> 杂散离子
  61150. stray light ==> 迷光,杂散光,漫射光
  61151. stray light cone ==> 漫射光锥
  61152. stray light emission ==> 杂散光发射
  61153. stray light error ==> 漫射误差
  61154. stray light filter ==> 杂散光滤器
  61155. stray lighting ==> 漫射照明
  61156. stray line ==> 空白线
  61157. stray load ==> 杂散载荷=>漂遊負荷
  61158. stray load loss ==> 杂散载荷损耗,杂散负载损耗,发电机在负载状态下产生的杂散铜损耗和杂散铁损耗。前者包括由槽部漏磁引起定子绕组导体中的电流集肤现象而增加的铜损耗和因绕组中各股线间的循环电流而增加的杂散铜损耗,后者包括由定、转子磁势高次谐波和齿部谐波分别在转子和定子表面产生的磁滞涡流损耗以及定子绕组漏磁场引起的磁滞涡流损耗=>漂遊負荷損(測定や計算によって定めることが困難な損失)
  61159. stray loss ==> 杂散损耗
  61160. stray losses ==> 杂散损耗
  61161. stray magnetic field ==> 漂遊磁界
  61162. stray neutron ==> 杂散中子
  61163. stray noise ==> 杂音
  61164. stray parameter ==> 杂散参数,寄生参数,补充参数
  61165. stray pick-up ==> 杂散噪声拾波,感应干扰
  61166. stray power ==> 杂散功率
  61167. stray power loss ==> 杂散功率损耗
  61168. stray radiance ==> 漫射光亮度
  61169. stray radiant energy ==> 漫射辐射能
  61170. stray radiation ==> 杂散损射
  61171. stray reactance ==> 杂散电抗
  61172. stray resistance ==> 杂散电阻
  61173. stray resonance ==> 杂散谐振
  61174. stray sand ==> 零散油砂层,夹层沙
  61175. stray signal ==> 寄生信号
  61176. stray transformer ==> 大漏抗变压器,高漏磁变压器
  61177. stray voltage ==> 寄生电压=>漂遊電圧
  61178. stray-capacity coupling ==> 杂散电容耦合
  61179. stray-capacity effect ==> 杂散电容效应
  61180. stray-current electrolysis ==> 杂散电流电解
  61181. stray-field effect ==> 杂散场效应
  61182. stray-loss factor ==> 杂散损耗系数
  61183. stread flaw ==> 条痕
  61184. streak ==> 条痕,斑纹,夹层,煤层出露边缘
  61185. streak camera ==> 超高速扫描摄影机,超快扫描摄影机,快速扫描照相机,扫描照相机,条纹摄像机=>ストリークカメラ
  61186. streak chlorosis ==> 条纹褪绿病
  61187. streak culture ==> 划线培养
  61188. streak decoration ==> 条纹装饰
  61189. streak flaw ==> 条状裂痕
  61190. streak image ==> 拖尾图像
  61191. streak inoculation ==> 划线接种
  61192. streak lighting ==> 枝状闪电
  61193. streak lightning ==> 枝状闪电
  61194. streak line ==> 条纹线
  61195. streak method ==> 痕色法
  61196. streak photograph ==> 纹影照相,条纹照片,条纹照相
  61197. streak plate ==> 条痕板,划线平板法,划线平面培养法
  61198. streak reagent ==> 涂显剂,喷显剂
  61199. streak test ==> 刻痕试验
  61200. streak yarn ==> 黑白竹节毛纱
  61201. streak(ing) ==> 条纹
  61202. streaked glaze ==> 条纹釉
  61203. streaked necrosis ==> 条纹坏死
  61204. streaking ==> 斑纹,划线分离,图像拖尾,拖影=>ストリーキング
  61205. streaking chart ==> 图像拖尾测试卡
  61206. streaky ==> 似条纹的
  61207. streaky structure ==> 条带构造,条纹构造,条状组织
  61208. stream ==> 潮流,伏河,河流,流,流动,流路,流束,溪,溪流
  61209. STREAM ==> ストリーム,発電・送電事故の確率を設定したうえで平均の停電発生頻度を示す
  61210. stream abstraction ==> 河流合流作用
  61211. stream action ==> 河流作用
  61212. stream adjustment ==> 河道调整,河流调节
  61213. stream aeration ==> 河流曝气
  61214. stream analysis method ==> 流路分析法
  61215. stream anchor ==> 船尾锚
  61216. stream attribute ==> 流属性
  61217. stream axis ==> 河流中心线,河流轴线
  61218. stream bank erosion control ==> 河岸防冲
  61219. stream bank stability ==> 河岸稳定
  61220. stream bed ==> 河床
  61221. stream bed erosion ==> 河床冲蚀
  61222. stream bed intake ==> 河底取水口
  61223. stream bed profile ==> 河床纵断面
  61224. stream bed protection ==> 河床保护
  61225. stream betrunking ==> 河流干涸
  61226. stream bit transmission ==> 数位流传输
  61227. stream bottom soil ==> 河底土壤
  61228. stream breaker ==> 碎流板
  61229. stream capacity ==> 河流能力
  61230. stream capture ==> 河流截夺,河流袭夺
  61231. stream channel ==> 河槽,河道
  61232. stream channel form ratio ==> 河槽形状比
  61233. stream control ==> 河流控制
  61234. stream cross section ==> 河流横断面
  61235. stream current ==> 河川水流,海洋急流,水流,窄急海流
  61236. stream cut terrace ==> (岩石阶地)河切阶地
  61237. stream data specification ==> 数据流说明
  61238. stream data transmission ==> 流式数据传输
  61239. stream day ==> 连续开工日
  61240. stream degradation ==> 河道刷深
  61241. stream deposition ==> 河川沉积,河流堆积
  61242. stream direction ==> 河流流向
  61243. stream discharge ==> 河流流量
  61244. stream driving ==> 河道流送
  61245. stream dynamics ==> 河流动力学
  61246. stream enclosure ==> 地下输水道
  61247. stream encryption ==> 流编码
  61248. stream energy ==> 河流能量
  61249. stream erosion ==> 河道侵蚀,河流冲蚀,河流侵蚀
  61250. stream factor ==> 运转系数
  61251. stream fall ==> 河流落差,河流水位落差
  61252. stream feeder ==> 流水式给纸装置
  61253. stream filament ==> 流线
  61254. stream flow ==> 河道流量
  61255. stream flow gaging ==> 河川流量测量,河道流量测量
  61256. stream flow hydrograph ==> 河川流量过程线
  61257. stream fluting ==> 河流槽蚀
  61258. stream frequency ==> 河流频数,水流密度频率
  61259. stream function ==> 流函数=>流れ関数
  61260. stream gage ==> 水标尺
  61261. stream gaging ==> 河道水文测量,测流
  61262. stream gaging station ==> 测流站
  61263. stream gold ==> 河金
  61264. stream gradient ==> 河道比降,河道坡度,河流比降,河流坡降
  61265. stream gradient ratio ==> 河流比降比率
  61266. stream I/O statement ==> 流式输入输出语句
  61267. stream ice ==> 河冰
  61268. stream improvement ==> 河流治导
  61269. stream input ==> 流输入,流输入输出
  61270. stream inspection ==> 不停车检查
  61271. stream length ==> 河流长度
  61272. stream length ratio ==> 河长比
  61273. stream limiter ==> 防溅器
  61274. stream line ==> 流水线
  61275. stream line flow ==> 层流
  61276. stream line operation ==> 流水线操作
  61277. stream line regime ==> 片链态
  61278. stream load ==> 河流负荷,河流荷重,河流泥沙量,河流挟带物含量
  61279. stream mode ==> 流方式,流状态
  61280. stream of business activity ==> 经营活动流程,经营活动流程
  61281. stream of electrons ==> 电子流
  61282. stream of people ==> 人流
  61283. stream on ==> 在流程中
  61284. stream option ==> 流选择
  61285. stream order ==> 河流等级,河流分极
  61286. stream oriented file ==> 面向信息流的文件
  61287. stream oriented transmission ==> 面向信息流的传输
  61288. stream outlet ==> 河口
  61289. stream pattern ==> 河流类型,流线谱,流型
  61290. stream penetrating ==> 喷入射流
  61291. stream piracy ==> 河流截夺,河流袭夺
  61292. stream pollution ==> 河川污染,河流污染
  61293. stream power ==> 河流功率
  61294. stream profile ==> 河道纵剖面,河流纵断面
  61295. stream purification ==> 河水净化
  61296. stream reach ==> 河区
  61297. stream regime ==> 河流状况
  61298. stream robbery ==> 河流袭夺
  61299. stream routing ==> 河流洪水演算,洪水演算
  61300. stream runoff ==> 河川径流,地表迳流
  61301. stream sediment ==> 河流泥沙
  61302. stream seepage ==> 河川渗漏
  61303. stream segment ==> 河段
  61304. stream self-purification ==> 河流自净
  61305. stream slope ==> 河道坡度,河流比降,河流坡降,河面坡度
  61306. stream source area ==> 河源地区
  61307. stream steam sterilization ==> 流动蒸气(灭菌)法
  61308. stream straightening ==> 河道整直
  61309. stream stretch ==> 河段
  61310. stream surface ==> 流面
  61311. stream surveillance ==> 河流监测
  61312. stream survey ==> 河流调查
  61313. stream swirl ==> 气流涡流
  61314. stream system ==> 河系
  61315. stream takeoff ==> 跟进起飞
  61316. stream terrace ==> 河成阶地,河流阶地
  61317. stream thread ==> 河道主流线
  61318. stream time ==> 连续开工时间
  61319. stream tin ==> 河沙锡
  61320. stream traction ==> 河流推移作用
  61321. stream transmission ==> 流传输,流式传输,数据流传输
  61322. stream transmission mode ==> 流传输方式
  61323. stream transport ==> 河流搬运
  61324. stream transportation ==> 河流搬运
  61325. stream trenching ==> 河流下切
  61326. stream tube ==> 流管
  61327. stream underflow ==> 河底潜流
  61328. stream unit ==> 流部件
  61329. stream variables ==> 川流参变量
  61330. stream velocity ==> 临
  61331. stream way ==> 河道
  61332. stream with uniform distribution ==> 均匀分布流,均匀分布流
  61333. stream-bank erosion ==> 河岸冲蚀
  61334. stream-borne material ==> 河流挟带物
  61335. stream-channel degradation ==> 河槽刷深
  61336. stream-channel erosion ==> 河槽侵蚀
  61337. stream-discharge record ==> 河道流量记录
  61338. stream-flow data ==> 河川流量资料
  61339. stream-flow data compilation ==> 汇编流量资料
  61340. stream-flow measurement station ==> 河道测流站
  61341. stream-flow record ==> 河道流量记录,测流记录
  61342. stream-flow record extension ==> 河川径流资料延长
  61343. stream-gaging network ==> 河道测站网,河流测站网
  61344. stream-interacting element ==> 射流相互作用型元件
  61345. stream-mode ==> 连续(方)式
  61346. stream-oriented computation ==> 流式计算
  61347. stream-oriented file ==> 流式文件
  61348. stream-oriented input/output ==> 流式输入输出
  61349. stream-oriented transmission ==> 流式传输
  61350. streambeds ==> 河床
  61351. streamchannel erosion ==> 河槽冲蚀
  61352. streamer ==> ストリーマ
  61353. streamer corona discharge ==> ストリーマコロナ放電
  61354. streamer discharge ==> 菱式放电=>ストリーマ放電
  61355. streamer discharges in water ==> 水中ストリーマ放電
  61356. streamer theory ==> ストリーマ理論
  61357. streamflow ==> 河川径流,河川迳流,河道水流
  61358. streamflow data ==> 河道流量数据
  61359. streamflow forecasts ==> 河川流量予測
  61360. streamflow record extension ==> 河道流量记录延长
  61361. streamflow routing ==> 河川水流演算,河道流量演算,河流洪水演算,洪水演算
  61362. streamflow separation ==> 河流分叉
  61363. streaming electrification ==> 流動帯電現象
  61364. streaming electrification characteristics ==> 流動帯電特性
  61365. streaming potential ==> 流动电位=>流動電位
  61366. streaming steam method ==> 流动蒸汽灭菌法
  61367. streaming suspension ==> 流动悬浮液
  61368. streaming tape drive ==> 流型磁带机
  61369. streaming technology ==> ストリーミング技術
  61370. streamline ==> 流线,流线型,流线形的,日冕射线=>流線
  61371. streamline body ==> 流线体,流线型车身
  61372. streamline casing ==> 流线外皮
  61373. streamline field ==> 流线场
  61374. streamline flow ==> 流线型流动,平滑流动
  61375. streamline form ==> 流线形
  61376. streamline form(shape) ==> 流线型
  61377. streamline picture ==> 流线图
  61378. streamline section ==> 流线型截面
  61379. streamline shape ==> 流线型,流线形
  61380. streamline space ==> 流线间隔
  61381. streamline support ==> 流线型支架
  61382. streamline theory ==> 流线理论,一维流动理论
  61383. streamline tool joint ==> 贯眼接头,贯眼钻杆接头
  61384. streamline wire ==> 流线型张线
  61385. streamline working system ==> 流水作业法
  61386. streamlined body ==> 流线型体
  61387. streamlined contour ==> 流线型外形
  61388. streamlined course ==> 速成班
  61389. streamlined cross section ==> 流线型横截面
  61390. streamlined cross-section ==> 流线型截面
  61391. streamlined gating ==> 流线型浇口
  61392. streamlined housing ==> 流线型机壳
  61393. streamlined strut ==> 流线型支柱
  61394. streamlined unit ==> 流线型机组
  61395. strecytoptosmic flagellum ==> 胞质内鞭毛
  61396. street ==> 芯片间隔
  61397. street "canyon" effect ==> 大厦林立街道“峡谷”作用
  61398. street architecture ==> 沿街建筑
  61399. street bend ==> 内外接弯头
  61400. street bend union ==> 内外接弯头联管节
  61401. street car ==> 有轨电车
  61402. street crossing ==> 交差点=>横断歩道
  61403. street door ==> 临街门
  61404. street elbow ==> 导径弯管,带内外螺纹的弯管接头,长臂肘管,异径弯头
  61405. street floor ==> 街道层
  61406. street lamp ==> 路灯
  61407. street level ==> 街道标高
  61408. street lighting ==> 街道照明
  61409. street lighting in plant area ==> 厂区道路照明灯
  61410. street nameplate ==> 路牌
  61411. street network ==> 街道网
  61412. street noise ==> 街道噪音
  61413. street pipe system ==> 街道管网
  61414. street planting ==> 街路緑化
  61415. street price ==> 末端価格
  61416. street reducer ==> 单向联轴节的减速器
  61417. street shadow area ==> 街影投射面积
  61418. street sweeper ==> 扫路机
  61419. street tee ==> 直管外螺纹三通接头
  61420. street traffic ==> 街道交通
  61421. street view ==> 街景照片=>ストリートビュー
  61422. street virus ==> 街病毒,普通病毒
  61423. stregth properties ==> 强度性质
  61424. strengh testing pressure ==> 强度试验压力
  61425. strenght at high temperature ==> 高温强度
  61426. strength ==> 强度
  61427. strength analysis ==> 强度分析
  61428. strength and elongation ==> 强伸度
  61429. strength and sedimentation test ==> 强度和酸度试验
  61430. strength and well being ==> 富强康乐之境
  61431. strength anisotropy ==> 異方性
  61432. strength assurance coefficient ==> 强度安全系数
  61433. strength at pulsating load ==> 脉冲载荷强度
  61434. strength calculation ==> 强度计算
  61435. strength character ==> 强度性能
  61436. strength characteristics ==> 强度特性
  61437. strength constant ==> 强度常数
  61438. strength contour graph ==> 等强度线图
  61439. strength deck ==> 强力甲板
  61440. strength depending on shape ==> 疲劳强度
  61441. strength development ==> 强度发展
  61442. strength distribution curve ==> 强度分布曲线
  61443. strength efficiency ==> 强力利用率
  61444. strength elongation diagram ==> 强力伸长曲线图
  61445. strength evaluation method ==> 強度評価手法
  61446. strength factor ==> 强度系数,强度系数
  61447. strength freeboard ==> 强度干舷
  61448. strength imparting material ==> 加强物料
  61449. strength joint ==> 加顶接头,坚固连接
  61450. strength level ==> 强度级,强度水平
  61451. strength member ==> 强力构件,重要零件
  61452. strength modulus ==> 强度模数
  61453. strength of blade ==> 叶片强度,叶片在设计条件下长期安全可靠工作的力学性能
  61454. strength of bladed disk ==> 叶轮强度,叶轮承受汽轮机各种工况下的离心力、蒸汽力、热应力、振动应力以及加工、装配过程中引起额外应力的强度
  61455. strength of brake current ==> 闸电流强度
  61456. strength of brazed joint ==> 钎焊连接强度
  61457. strength of cement ==> 水泥强度
  61458. strength of cement mortar ==> 水泥砂浆强度
  61459. strength of compression ==> 抗压强度
  61460. strength of domestic sewage ==> 住宅污水浓度
  61461. strength of ebb ==> 最大落潮流
  61462. strength of ebb interval ==> 最大落潮流间隙
  61463. strength of electric field ==> 电场强度
  61464. strength of extension ==> 抗拉强度
  61465. strength of field ==> 场强,场强度
  61466. strength of flange ==> 法兰强度
  61467. strength of flexure ==> 抗弯强度
  61468. strength of flood ==> 最大涨潮流
  61469. strength of flood interval ==> 最大涨潮流间隙
  61470. strength of illumination ==> 光照强度
  61471. strength of level ==> 能级强度
  61472. strength of magnet ==> 磁极强度
  61473. strength of magnetic field ==> 磁场强度
  61474. strength of magnetic pole ==> 磁极强度=>磁極の強さ
  61475. strength of materials ==> 材料力学,材料强度学
  61476. strength of pressure parts of boiler ==> 锅炉承压元件强度,锅炉受压元件承受介质压力和温度作用而不破坏的能力。
  61477. strength of resonance ==> 共振强度
  61478. strength of sound source ==> 声源强度
  61479. strength of structure ==> 结构力学,结构强度
  61480. strength per unit area ==> 单位面积强度
  61481. strength prediction ==> 强度预计
  61482. strength pressure ==> 强度计算压力
  61483. strength property ==> 强度特性
  61484. strength range ==> 强度范围
  61485. strength ratio ==> 强度比
  61486. strength recovery ==> 强度恢复
  61487. strength reduction ==> 强度降低,强度削减
  61488. strength reduction pass ==> 强度削减扫描
  61489. strength reduction processor ==> 强度削减处理程序
  61490. strength retention ==> 强度保留
  61491. strength riveting ==> 强度铆接
  61492. strength safety coefficient ==> 强度安全系数
  61493. strength test ==> 強度試験
  61494. strength test method ==> 強度試験方法
  61495. strength tester ==> 强度试验仪
  61496. strength under shock ==> 抗震强度
  61497. strength weld ==> 受载焊缝,强固焊接,承载焊缝,高强度焊接
  61498. strength-deformation characteristic ==> 强度变形特性
  61499. strength-duration curve ==> 强度时间曲线
  61500. strength-member optical cable ==> 加强构件光缆
  61501. strength-retention ==> 残留强力
  61502. strength-testing machine ==> 强度试验机
  61503. strength-weight ratio ==> 强度重量比,强重比
  61504. strengthen the bone ==> 壮筋骨
  61505. strengthen the spleen and stomach ==> 补益脾胃
  61506. strengthened condition ==> 加强状态
  61507. strengthened edge ==> 加固边缘
  61508. strengthening action ==> 补强作用
  61509. strengthening business management ==> 强化企业管理
  61510. strengthening by means of tonics ==> 滋补强壮
  61511. strengthening effect ==> 强化效应
  61512. strengthening mechanism ==> 强化机理,加固机构
  61513. strengthening net ==> 加强网
  61514. strengthening of foundation ==> 基础加固
  61515. strengthening of soil ==> 土壤加固
  61516. strengthening of welded seam ==> 焊缝补强
  61517. strengthening pills ==> 劲之力
  61518. strengthening rib ==> 加劲条,加强筋,加强肋
  61519. strengthening ring ==> 加强环
  61520. strengthening stability ==> 强化稳定性
  61521. strengthening stud ==> 加强螺栓
  61522. strengthening the spleen ==> 健脾
  61523. strengthening the spleen and reducing phlegm ==> 健脾化痰
  61524. strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi ==> 健脾益气
  61525. strengthening the spleen and stomach ==> 健脾和胃,健脾胃
  61526. strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lung ==> 健脾补肺
  61527. strengthening the stomach ==> 健胃
  61528. strenuous ==> 非常に骨が折れる
  61529. strenuous activity ==> 活発な運動
  61530. strenuous attempt ==> 精力的な試み
  61531. strenuous breathing ==> 激しい呼吸
  61532. strenuous contest ==> 厳しい競争
  61533. strenuous coughing ==> 激しい咳
  61534. strenuous diplomacy ==> 粘り強い外交
  61535. strenuous efforts ==> 多大な努力
  61536. strenuous exam ==> 難しい試験
  61537. strenuous meeting ==> 神経の疲れる長い会議
  61538. strenuous movement ==> 激しい動き
  61539. strenuous objection ==> 猛烈な反対
  61540. strenuous test ==> 强化试验
  61541. streptobacillary fever ==> 哈弗希尔热
  61542. streptococcal A polysaccharide ==> 链球菌A多糖
  61543. streptococcal arthritis ==> 链球菌性关节炎
  61544. streptococcal food poisoning ==> 链球菌性食物中毒
  61545. streptococcal ionsillitis ==> 链球菌性扁桃体炎
  61546. streptococcal lymphadenitis of swine ==> 猪链球菌淋巴腺炎
  61547. streptococcal M protein ==> 链球菌M蛋白
  61548. streptococcal nuclease ==> 链球菌核酸酶
  61549. streptococcal nucleinase ==> 链球菌核酸酶
  61550. streptococcus agglutination test ==> 链球菌凝集试验
  61551. streptomycin ==> 链霉素
  61552. streptomycin B ==> 链霉素B
  61553. streptomycin glycyrrhizinate ==> 甘草酸链霉素
  61554. streptomycin pantothenate ==> 链霉素泛酸盐
  61555. streptomycin poisoning ==> 链霉素中毒
  61556. streptomycin sulfate ==> 链霉素硫酸盐
  61557. streptomycin sulphate ==> 硫酸链霉素
  61558. streptomycin-dependent strain ==> 依链菌株
  61559. strerch thrust ==> 引伸冲断层
  61560. stres issued book ==> 库存物资发出簿
  61561. stress ==> 受力,受力状态,胁强,应激反应,应力,强调,压迫=>応力
  61562. stress accent ==> 強さアクセント
  61563. stress accommodation ==> 张紧夹具,拉紧装置
  61564. stress activated model ==> 应力活化模型
  61565. stress adjustment ==> 应力调整
  61566. stress ageing ==> 消除应力时效
  61567. stress alternation ==> 应力循环,交变负荷,交变应力
  61568. stress amplitude ==> 应力幅,应力幅度
  61569. stress amplitude ratio ==> 应力循环脉动系数
  61570. stress analysis ==> 应力分析
  61571. stress and strain fields ==> 应力和应变场
  61572. stress anisotropy ==> 应力各向异性
  61573. stress annealing ==> 消除应力退火
  61574. stress application ==> 加力
  61575. stress area ==> 应力面积
  61576. stress axis ==> 应力轴
  61577. stress beyond yield strength ==> 超过屈服强度的应力
  61578. stress birefringence ==> 应力双折射,受力双折射
  61579. stress bolt ==> 拉力螺栓
  61580. stress broadening ==> 应力增宽
  61581. stress buffer ==> 应力缓冲器
  61582. stress build up ==> 应力聚集
  61583. stress calculation ==> 应力计算
  61584. stress circle ==> 应力圆
  61585. stress coat ==> 应力涂料
  61586. stress component ==> 应力分量,分应力
  61587. stress concentration ==> 应力集中
  61588. stress concentration factor ==> 应力集中系数,应力集中因素,应力集中因子
  61589. stress concentration factor K ==> 应力集中系数K
  61590. stress concentration point ==> 应力集中点
  61591. stress condition ==> 应力状态
  61592. stress cone ==> 应力锥
  61593. stress control ==> 应力控制
  61594. stress controller ==> 应力控制器
  61595. stress corrosion ==> 应力腐蚀,应力侵蚀,材料在拉应力集中和特定的腐蚀环境共同作用下发生腐蚀裂纹扩展的现象
  61596. stress corrosion (cracking) test ==> 应力腐蚀试验
  61597. stress corrosion crack ==> 応力腐食割れ(SCC)
  61598. stress corrosion cracking ==> 应力腐蚀开裂
  61599. stress corrosion fracture ==> 应力腐蚀断裂,金属材料在张应力和腐蚀介质联合作用下产生的断裂
  61600. stress corrosion of disk ==> 叶轮应力腐蚀,由于静态拉力和腐蚀介质共同作用于低压转子套装叶轮的键槽圆角处,引起应力腐蚀,常发生在蒸汽干湿交变的过渡区,严重时可能导致叶轮裂飞
  61601. stress corrosion test ==> 应力腐蚀试验
  61602. stress couple ==> 应力偶
  61603. stress crack ==> 应力裂缝
  61604. stress cracking ==> 应力开裂,应力裂纹
  61605. stress crazing ==> 应力银纹
  61606. stress cycle ==> 应力循环
  61607. stress decay ==> 应力衰减
  61608. stress deflection chart ==> 垂度-应力图
  61609. stress deflection diagram ==> 应力屈挠曲线图
  61610. stress deformation ==> 应力形变,应力变形
  61611. stress degree of freedom ==> 应力自由度
  61612. stress dependence ==> 应力依赖性
  61613. stress dependent behavor ==> 应力依从性质
  61614. stress detector ==> 应变计,应力计
  61615. stress determination ==> 应力的确定
  61616. stress deviator ==> 应力偏量
  61617. stress diagram ==> 应力图
  61618. stress difference ==> 应力差
  61619. stress dispersion ==> 应力扩散
  61620. stress dispersion capacity ==> 应力扩散能力
  61621. stress displacement vector ==> 应力位移矢量
  61622. stress dissipation ==> 应力散失
  61623. stress distribution ==> 応力分布
  61624. stress distribution property ==> 应力分布性质
  61625. stress drop ==> 应力降
  61626. stress due to temperature ==> 温度应力
  61627. stress dyadic ==> 应力并向量
  61628. stress effect ==> 应力效应
  61629. stress element ==> 应力单元
  61630. stress ellipse ==> 应力椭圆
  61631. stress ellipsoid ==> 应力椭球
  61632. stress endurance curve, fatigue curve ==> 疲劳曲线,又称“σ-Ν曲线”。反映加载应力幅度和材料失效周次的关系曲线
  61633. stress energy ==> 应力能
  61634. stress envelope ==> 应力分布图
  61635. stress equalizing ==> 应力均匀化
  61636. stress equation ==> 应力方程
  61637. stress etching ==> 应力腐蚀
  61638. stress exponent ==> 应力指数
  61639. stress fatigue ==> 应力疲劳
  61640. stress field ==> 应力场
  61641. stress flow ==> 应力流
  61642. stress fluctuation ==> 应力波动,应力起伏,交变应力
  61643. stress fracture ==> 应力性骨折
  61644. stress fracture of fibula ==> 腓骨应力性骨折
  61645. stress fracture of foot ==> 足应力骨折
  61646. stress fracture of the metatarsals ==> 跖骨应力骨折
  61647. stress fracture of tibia ==> 胫骨应力性骨折,胫骨应力性骨折
  61648. stress freezing ==> 应力冻结
  61649. stress freezing method ==> 应力冻结法
  61650. stress function ==> 应力函数
  61651. stress function element ==> 应力函数单元
  61652. stress ga(u)ge ==> 应力计,应力仪
  61653. stress galvanometer ==> 应力检流计
  61654. stress generation ==> 应力产生
  61655. stress gradient ==> 应力梯度
  61656. stress grading ==> 应力分级
  61657. stress guide ==> 应力导
  61658. stress hardening ==> 应力硬化
  61659. stress heating ==> 应力加热
  61660. stress history ==> 应力变化历程
  61661. stress hormone ==> 应激激素
  61662. stress in earth crust ==> 地壳应力
  61663. stress in ligaments ==> 管口带中的应力
  61664. stress in thin film ==> 膜层应力
  61665. stress incontinence ==> 张力性尿失禁,腹部压迫性尿失禁,压力性尿失禁,压迫性尿失禁
  61666. stress index method ==> 应力指数法
  61667. stress intensity ==> 应力大小,应力强度
  61668. stress intensity factor ==> 应力场强度系数,应力强度因子
  61669. stress intensity factor range ==> 应力强度因子范围
  61670. stress intensity range under cyclic loading ==> 周期载荷作用下应力强度范围
  61671. stress intensity value ==> 应力强度值
  61672. stress invariant ==> 应力不变量=>応力不変量
  61673. stress isobar ==> 等应力线
  61674. stress level ==> 应力级,应力水平
  61675. stress limit ==> 极限应力
  61676. stress management ==> 压力管理
  61677. stress map ==> 应力图
  61678. stress marks ==> 应力斑痕
  61679. stress matrix ==> 应力矩阵
  61680. stress measurement ==> 应力测量
  61681. stress meter ==> 应力仪
  61682. stress mineral ==> 应力矿物
  61683. stress minerals ==> 应力矿物
  61684. stress model ==> 应力模型
  61685. stress of conductor ==> 导线应力
  61686. stress of fluidity ==> 流体的应力
  61687. stress of soil moisture ==> 土壤水分应力
  61688. stress of the first kind ==> 第一类应力
  61689. stress optic constant ==> 光学力学常数
  61690. stress overshoot ==> 应力超越
  61691. stress path ==> 应力过程
  61692. stress path method ==> 应力路径法
  61693. stress pattern ==> 应力分布型式,应力型式
  61694. stress peak ==> 应力峰
  61695. stress peening ==> 喷砂强化,喷丸强化
  61696. stress periostitis of tibia ==> 胫骨应力性骨膜炎,胫骨应力性骨膜炎
  61697. stress physiology ==> 逆境生理
  61698. stress plane ==> 应力面
  61699. stress plate ==> 应力板
  61700. stress program(me) ==> 应力程序
  61701. stress propagation ==> 应力传播
  61702. stress quadric ==> 应力二次式
  61703. stress raiser ==> 应力集中因数,应力集中源
  61704. stress raisers ==> 局部应力集中,局部应力集中
  61705. stress range ==> 应力范围
  61706. stress rate ==> 应力速度
  61707. stress ratio ==> 应力比,疲劳试验应力比
  61708. stress rearrangement ==> 应力调整
  61709. stress recorder ==> 应力记录仪
  61710. stress redistribution ==> 应力再分配
  61711. stress reduction ==> 应力减低
  61712. stress reduction factor ==> 应力折减系数
  61713. stress reflection coefficient ==> 应力反射系数
  61714. stress relaxation ==> 应力松弛,金属在高温和应力作用下,如维持总变形量不变,则随着时间的延长,弹性变形逐渐转变为塑性变形,从而逐渐使应力减小的现象。常见于高温汽轮机汽缸和阀门的法兰紧固螺栓上
  61715. stress relaxation under constant load ==> 恒定荷载下应力松驰
  61716. stress relaxometer ==> 应力松弛试验机
  61717. stress releasing borehole ==> 应力解除钻孔
  61718. stress releasing cut ==> 应力解除切口
  61719. stress relief ==> 应力消除
  61720. stress relief (SR) crack(ing) ==> 再热裂纹
  61721. stress relief annealing ==> 消应回火
  61722. stress relief annealing crack ==> 消除应力处理裂纹
  61723. stress relief course ==> 应力消减层
  61724. stress relief cracking ==> 应力消除裂纹
  61725. stress relief heating ==> 应力消除加热
  61726. stress relief slot ==> 应力解除切槽
  61727. stress relief tempering ==> 消应回火
  61728. stress relief test ==> 应力消除试验
  61729. stress relief treatment ==> 应力消除热处理,消应处理
  61730. stress relieved ==> 应力消失
  61731. stress relieving ==> 应力消除,应力消除热处理,去应力
  61732. stress relieving annealing furnace ==> 低温退火炉
  61733. stress reorientation ==> 应力重取向
  61734. stress repetition ==> 应力反复
  61735. stress repletion ==> 应力饱和
  61736. stress restoration ==> 应力恢复
  61737. stress resultant ==> 应力综合
  61738. stress reversal ==> 应力变向,应力反向
  61739. stress ring ==> 应力环
  61740. stress riser ==> 应力梯级
  61741. stress rupture ==> 应力破断
  61742. stress rupture curve ==> 应力断裂曲线
  61743. stress rupture strength ==> 应力破裂强度
  61744. stress rupture test ==> 应力破坏试验
  61745. stress rupture testing machine ==> 持久强度试验机
  61746. stress section ==> 应力检验片
  61747. stress sensitive ==> 应力灵敏
  61748. stress sheet ==> 应力表,应力图
  61749. stress similitude ==> 应力相似
  61750. stress singularity ==> 应力奇点
  61751. stress solid element ==> 应力立体单元
  61752. stress stability ==> 应力稳定性
  61753. stress state ==> 应力状态
  61754. stress step ==> 应力阶跃
  61755. stress surface ==> 受力面
  61756. stress system ==> 应力分级法,应力状态
  61757. stress tempering ==> 应力调质,应力回火,加载回火处理
  61758. stress tensor ==> 应力张量
  61759. stress tensor ga(u)ge ==> 应力张量计
  61760. stress test ==> 应力试验
  61761. stress testing for pressure vessel ==> 受压容器应力测试
  61762. stress theory ==> 应力理论
  61763. stress threshold ==> 应力阈值
  61764. stress time superposition ==> 应力时间叠加作用
  61765. stress to rupture ==> 断裂应力
  61766. stress trajectory ==> 应力图,应力轨迹
  61767. stress transfer ==> 应力传递=>応力伝播
  61768. stress transmission coefficient ==> 应力传递系数
  61769. stress ulcer ==> 应激性溃疡
  61770. stress ulcer after war injury ==> 战伤后应激性溃疡
  61771. stress under compression ==> 应缩应力,压缩应力
  61772. stress under impact ==> 冲应力
  61773. stress value ==> 应力值
  61774. stress vector ==> 应力向量
  61775. stress wave ==> 应力波,应力波形
  61776. stress wave emission ==> 应力波发射
  61777. stress wire ==> 应力钢丝
  61778. stress work ==> 应力功
  61779. stress zone ==> 应力带
  61780. stress-activative flow ==> 应力活化流动
  61781. stress-breaker ==> 应力中断器
  61782. stress-control winding ==> 可调脉冲电压绕组
  61783. stress-controlled direct shear apparatus ==> 应力控制式直接剪力仪
  61784. stress-cycle diagram ==> 疲劳曲线,应力循环图
  61785. stress-deformation characteristic ==> 应力变形特性
  61786. stress-deformation curve ==> 应力形变曲线
  61787. stress-deformation diagram ==> 应力应变图,应力变形图
  61788. stress-deviation ==> 应力偏差
  61789. stress-difference line ==> 应力差
  61790. stress-displacement relation ==> 应力变形关系
  61791. stress-elongation curve ==> 应力伸长曲线
  61792. stress-elongation ratio ==> 应力伸长比
  61793. stress-endurance diagram ==> 应力往复线图
  61794. stress-free initial strain ==> 应力释放初始应变
  61795. stress-freezing oven ==> 应力冻结烘箱
  61796. stress-graded lumber(timber) ==> 应力分级木材
  61797. stress-induced birefringence ==> 应力双折射
  61798. stress-induced crystallization ==> 应力诱发结晶
  61799. stress-induced growth ==> 应力诱导生长
  61800. stress-induced order locking of dislocation ==> 应力诱导有序位错固定
  61801. stress-induced orientation ==> 应力诱导取向
  61802. stress-induced phase transformation ==> 应力诱导相变
  61803. stress-inducing factor ==> 应力诱导系数
  61804. stress-intensity factor ==> 应力强化因子
  61805. stress-optic constant ==> 应力光学常数
  61806. stress-optic law ==> 应力光学定律
  61807. stress-relief annealing ==> 消除内残余应力退火
  61808. stress-relief heat treatment ==> 消除应力热处理
  61809. stress-relief method ==> 地应力解除法
  61810. stress-relief temperature ==> 消除应力加热温度
  61811. stress-relieving by beat treatment ==> 热处理消除应力
  61812. stress-relieving by local heating ==> 局部加热消除应力,局部加热消除应力
  61813. stress-relieving cavity ==> 应力减除穴
  61814. stress-relieving furnace ==> 应力解除炉
  61815. stress-relieving interlayer ==> 应力消除层
  61816. stress-rupture testing of tube ==> 管子的应力破裂试验
  61817. stress-softening effect ==> 应力软化效应
  61818. stress-space ==> 应力空间
  61819. stress-strain ==> 应力应变
  61820. stress-strain behaviour ==> 应力应变性状
  61821. stress-strain circle ==> 应力应变圆
  61822. stress-strain curve ==> 应力应变曲线,应力应变图,变形曲线
  61823. stress-strain diagram ==> 应力应变曲线,应力应变图解
  61824. stress-strain function ==> 应力应变函数
  61825. stress-strain ga(u)ge ==> 应力应变仪
  61826. stress-strain loop ==> 应力应变回线
  61827. stress-strain matrix ==> 应力应变矩阵
  61828. stress-strain modulus ==> 应力应变模量
  61829. stress-strain plot ==> 应力应变图
  61830. stress-strain properties ==> 应力应变特性
  61831. stress-strain property ==> 应力应变性质
  61832. stress-strain ratio ==> 应力应变比
  61833. stress-strain relationship ==> 应力应变关系
  61834. stress-strain sample ==> 应力应变试样
  61835. stress-strain tester ==> 应力应变试验
  61836. stress-strain-history relation ==> 应力史应变史关系式
  61837. stress-strain-temperature space ==> 应力应变温度空间
  61838. stress-strained curve ==> 应力应变曲线
  61839. stress-strength ratio ==> 应力强度比
  61840. stress-temperature characteristic ==> 应力温度特性
  61841. stressed collar ==> 剪力环
  61842. stressed cord ==> 应力条纹
  61843. stressed covering ==> 受力蒙皮
  61844. stressed oil volume ==> ストレスオイルボリューム
  61845. stressed plate ==> 应力板
  61846. stressed polymer ==> 应力聚合物
  61847. stressed skin construction ==> 承力表层式结构
  61848. stressed zone ==> 应力区
  61849. stressed-skin construction ==> 应力外皮结构,蒙皮结构,蒙皮受力式结构,表层应力结构,薄壳建筑
  61850. stressed-skin structure ==> 承力蒙皮结构
  61851. stresses due to friction ==> 摩擦应力
  61852. stressrupture test ==> 持久试验
  61853. stretch ==> 地段,展开,展宽,张,拉长,拉紧,延伸,影像拉长,段,加宽,伸展,舒,直尺,直规=>広がり,ストレッチ
  61854. stretch bender ==> 拉弯机
  61855. stretch bending ==> 拉伸弯曲,拉弯
  61856. stretch blow molding ==> 延伸ブロー成形
  61857. stretch breaking machine ==> 牵切机
  61858. stretch circuit ==> 脉冲展宽电路
  61859. stretch elongation ==> 拉伸长度
  61860. stretch fault ==> 引伸冲断层,椭曳冲断层
  61861. stretch flange ==> 拉伸凸缘
  61862. stretch flanging ==> 拉伸翻边,拉伸摺缘
  61863. stretch former ==> 拉伸成形机,延伸压力机
  61864. stretch forming ==> 延伸造型,拉伸成形
  61865. stretch forming machine ==> 拉伸成形机
  61866. stretch level(l)ing ==> 拉伸校平
  61867. stretch material ==> ストレッチ素材
  61868. stretch mode ==> 伸縮モード
  61869. stretch moulding ==> ストレッチ成形
  61870. stretch neuritis ==> 牵伸性神经炎
  61871. stretch rate ==> 伸び率
  61872. stretch ratio ==> 伸張比
  61873. stretch receptor ==> 牵张感受器
  61874. stretch reducer ==> 张力减径机,拉力减径机
  61875. stretch reducing ==> 拉力减径,张力减径
  61876. stretch reflex ==> 牵张反射,肌伸张反射
  61877. stretch ribber ==> 弹力罗纹机
  61878. stretch roll ==> 张力辊
  61879. stretch rolling ==> 拉伸矫直
  61880. stretch rotary forming ==> 拉伸回转成形
  61881. stretch straightening ==> 张力变形法矫形
  61882. stretch thrust ==> 椭曳冲断层
  61883. stretch- flanging die ==> 拉伸翻边模
  61884. stretch-draw dies ==> 张拉成形模
  61885. stretch-draw forming machine ==> 张拉成形机
  61886. stretch-draw press ==> 张拉成形压力机
  61887. stretch-out ==> 拖延工作
  61888. stretch-out line ==> 直伸线
  61889. stretch-proof ==> 耐拉伸,抗拉伸
  61890. stretch-twister ==> 抽伸加拈机
  61891. stretch-wrap forming ==> 拉伸卷缠成形
  61892. stretched diaphragm ==> 张紧膜片
  61893. stretched fiber ==> 受拉纤维
  61894. stretched length ==> 伸直长度
  61895. stretched out structure ==> 伸展结构
  61896. stretched wire method of aligning ==> 拉线找中法
  61897. stretched-wire method ==> 张线法
  61898. stretcher bar ==> 伸张杆
  61899. stretcher bond ==> 顺砖砌合
  61900. stretcher course ==> 顺砖层
  61901. stretcher duster ==> 担架式喷粉机
  61902. stretcher level(l)ing ==> 拉伸矫直
  61903. stretcher paving ==> 顺砖铺地
  61904. stretcher straightening ==> 拉伸矫直
  61905. stretcher strain ==> 拉伸变形
  61906. stretcher strain marking ==> 拉伸变形纹
  61907. stretcher strain markings ==> (轨材矫直时的)滑移线痕
  61908. stretcher-mounted sprayer ==> 担架式喷雾器
  61909. stretcher-mounted sprayer with engine drive ==> 担架式机动喷雾机
  61910. stretching apparatus ==> 拉尺器
  61911. stretching bed ==> 张拉台
  61912. stretching bolt ==> 拉紧螺栓
  61913. stretching bond ==> 顺砖砌合
  61914. stretching course ==> 顺砖层
  61915. stretching effect ==> 拉伸效应
  61916. stretching force ==> 拉力,张力
  61917. stretching hammer ==> 锻扁锤
  61918. stretching machine ==> 撑鞋机,拉幅机
  61919. stretching mandrel ==> 扩张芯轴
  61920. stretching mode crack ==> 拉伸型裂纹
  61921. stretching press ==> 拉延压机,薄板伸张压力机
  61922. stretching resistance ==> 抗拉力,抗张力
  61923. stretching roller ==> 拉伸辊,张力辊
  61924. stretching screw ==> 扩张螺丝,拉紧螺钉,调整螺杆,夹紧螺钉
  61925. stretching slide ==> 张紧滑轨
  61926. stretching strain ==> 拉伸应变,拉应变
  61927. stretching stress ==> 拉伸应力
  61928. stretching wire ==> 拉绳,张拉钢丝
  61929. stretchy nylon ==> 弹性尼龙
  61930. Stretto ==> 加速,紧凑些
  61931. Stretton group ==> 斯特雷顿岩群
  61932. strew ==> 広める
  61933. strewing sand ==> 散沙
  61934. STRI ==> 瑞典输电研究院
  61935. stria Baillargeri interna ==> 内粒层纹
  61936. stria longitudinalis lateralis ==> 外侧纵纹
  61937. stria medullaris thalami ==> 丘脑髓纹
  61938. stria of external granular layer ==> 外粒层纹
  61939. stria terminalis ==> 终纹
  61940. striae of pregnancy ==> 妊娠纹
  61941. striae olfactoria lateralis ==> 外侧嗅纹
  61942. striae olfactoriae medialis ==> 内侧嗅纹
  61943. striae transversae corporis callosi ==> 王尔德氏索
  61944. striate body ==> 纹状体
  61945. striated border ==> 纹状缘
  61946. striated boulder ==> 擦痕巨砾,擦痕漂砾
  61947. striated column ==> 凹槽柱
  61948. striated effect ==> 成纹效应
  61949. striated finish ==> 条纹饰面
  61950. striated ground ==> 带状土
  61951. striated marble ==> 条纹大理石
  61952. striated rock surface ==> (岩石的)擦痕面
  61953. striated surface ==> 条纹表面
  61954. striation ==> 光条
  61955. striation cast ==> 擦痕铸型
  61956. striation free coating ==> 无条纹涂敷
  61957. striation technique ==> 辉纹技术,纹影技术
  61958. striations ==> 光条纹
  61959. stricking board ==> 刮型板
  61960. strickle board ==> 造型刮板,旋转刮板
  61961. strickle board support ==> 造型刮托,车板座
  61962. strickle molding ==> 车板造型
  61963. strickle moulding ==> 刮板造型
  61964. strickle sweep ==> 旋转刮板
  61965. strickling core ==> 刮制芯
  61966. strict bed rest ==> 绝对卧床,绝对卧床
  61967. strict comparison principle ==> 严格比较原理
  61968. strict compliance rule ==> 严格一致原则
  61969. strict enforcement of law and discipline ==> 严格法纪
  61970. strict inductive limit ==> 严格归纳极限
  61971. strict local extremum ==> 严格局部极值
  61972. strict lower bound ==> 严格下限
  61973. strict performance of contract ==> 严格遵守合同条款
  61974. strict preference ==> 严格偏好,严格优先
  61975. strict root condition ==> 严格的开根条件,严格开平方条件
  61976. strict sequential order ==> 严格串行顺序
  61977. strict simple ordering ==> 严格简单排序
  61978. strict standard ==> 严格标准
  61979. strict upper bound ==> 严格上界,严格上限
  61980. strict-sense stationary series ==> 严格平稳数列
  61981. strictional self-focusing ==> 紧缩自聚焦
  61982. strictly concave function ==> 严格凹函数
  61983. strictly confidential ==> 严守秘密,绝密,绝密
  61984. strictly convex function ==> 严格凸函数
  61985. strictly convex game ==> 严格凸对策
  61986. strictly convex space ==> 严格凸空间
  61987. strictly decreasing ==> 严格递减
  61988. strictly decreasing function ==> 严格递减函数
  61989. strictly determined matrix game ==> 严格决定矩阵博奕
  61990. Strictly diagonal dominance ==> 严格对角优势
  61991. strictly enforce economic discipline ==> 严肃财经纪律
  61992. strictly increasing ==> 严格递增
  61993. strictly increasing function ==> 严格递增函数
  61994. strictly increasing sequence ==> 严格递增序列
  61995. strictly inductive limit ==> 严格归纳极限
  61996. strictly initial functor ==> 严格初始函子
  61997. strictly linear equation ==> 严格线性方程
  61998. strictly linear function ==> 严格线性函数
  61999. strictly monotone ==> 严格单调
  62000. strictly monotone decreasing ==> 严格单调递减
  62001. strictly monotone decreasing function ==> 严格单调递减函数
  62002. strictly monotone function ==> 严格单调函数
  62003. strictly monotone increasing ==> 严格单调递增
  62004. strictly monotone increasing function ==> 严格单调递增函数
  62005. strictly positive definite operator ==> 严格正定算子
  62006. strictly positive functional ==> 严格正泛函
  62007. strictly positive linear mapping ==> 严格正线性映射
  62008. strictly positive operator ==> 严格正算子
  62009. strictly positive vector ==> 严格正向量
  62010. strictly same asper attached sample ==> 同附贴样品严格一致
  62011. strictly stationary process ==> 严格平稳过程
  62012. strictly stationary random distribution ==> 严各平稳随机分布
  62013. strictly transitive operator algebra ==> 严格可递算子代数
  62014. strictly triangular matrix ==> 严格三角矩阵
  62015. strictly unimodal function ==> 严格单调函数
  62016. strictly upper triangular matrix ==> 严格上三角矩阵
  62017. strictly weak digraph ==> 严格弱有向图
  62018. stricture ==> 狭窄症
  62019. stricture of external auditory canal ==> 外耳道狭窄
  62020. stricture of pancreatic duct ==> 胰管狭窄
  62021. stricture of vesicourethral orifice ==> 膀胱尿道口狭窄
  62022. stricture ring of vagina ==> 阴道狭窄环
  62023. stricturotemy of naso-lacrimal duct ==> 鼻泪管狭窄切开术
  62024. stride level ==> 跨式水准器,骑式水准器
  62025. strided distance ==> 跨矩
  62026. striding compass ==> 跨乘罗盘
  62027. striding level ==> 跨水准器
  62028. stridulating sound ==> 摩擦音
  62029. stridulatory apparatus ==> 摩控发音器
  62030. strike ==> 冲击,触发,触击电镀膜,触击弧坑,锁舌片,起弧,敲,突袭,撞击,发横财,走向,拆除,罢工,罢市,生根,闪击=>ストライキ,襲う,突く,打つ,ストライク
  62031. strike a balance ==> 结算
  62032. strike a bargain ==> 拍板成交
  62033. strike alarm system ==> 调闹系统
  62034. strike arc ==> 打火
  62035. strike delay insurance ==> 罢工延误险
  62036. strike expense insurance ==> 罢工追加费用保险
  62037. strike fault ==> 走向断层
  62038. strike fold ==> 走向褶皱
  62039. strike fund ==> 罢工津贴基金
  62040. strike in sympathy ==> 同情罢工
  62041. strike joint ==> 走向节理
  62042. strike note ==> 撞击音
  62043. strike of indefinite duration ==> 无限期罢工
  62044. strike off ==> 刮平
  62045. strike off an appropriation from the budget ==> 取消拨款
  62046. strike off an entry ==> 抹去帐项
  62047. strike photography ==> 命中摄影术
  62048. strike plate ==> 冲击板,锁舌片,击碎凹板
  62049. strike plating ==> 触击电镀
  62050. strike price ==> 敲订价格
  62051. strike separation ==> 走向间距
  62052. strike shift ==> 走向移距
  62053. strike slop ==> 走向滑距
  62054. strike stream ==> 走向河,后成河
  62055. strike surcharge ==> 罢工附加费
  62056. strike through ==> 線を引いて消す
  62057. strike valley ==> 走向谷
  62058. strike work ==> 罢工
  62059. strike-breaking ==> 破坏罢工
  62060. strike-off ==> 整平
  62061. strike-off bar ==> 刮砂板
  62062. strike-off board ==> 刮板
  62063. strike-off machine ==> 机印打样机
  62064. strike-off method ==> 刮平法
  62065. strike-off stick ==> (量谷物用的)刮平板
  62066. strike-on ==> 复打,打字
  62067. strike-overlap ==> 走向超覆
  62068. strike-shift fault ==> 走向滑动断层,平移断层
  62069. strike-slip fault ==> 走向滑动断层,走向平移断层
  62070. strike-through ==> 透印
  62071. striker ==> ストライカ
  62072. striker cylinder ==> 冲击唧筒
  62073. striker fork ==> 操作叉
  62074. striker plate ==> 挡料板,撞针托板
  62075. striker spring ==> 击针簧
  62076. strikeslip fault ==> 平移断层
  62077. striking ==> 引燃,冲制,刮制,击法,拆除支架=>点火
  62078. striking & forged tool ==> 锻打工具
  62079. striking ability ==> すごい腕前
  62080. striking alteration ==> 著しい変化
  62081. striking angle ==> 转动角,转角,入射角
  62082. striking arm ==> 冲击臂
  62083. striking blade ==> 簧舌
  62084. striking block ==> 冲头
  62085. striking board ==> 引型板(鋳造)
  62086. striking change ==> 著しい変化
  62087. striking current ==> 起弧电流=>始動電流
  62088. striking current of arc ==> 点弧電流
  62089. striking distance ==> 击穿距离
  62090. striking end ==> 焊条引弧端
  62091. striking formwork ==> 拆除模板
  62092. striking gear ==> 拨动装置,打击传动装置,皮带拨杆
  62093. striking job ==> 拆模作业
  62094. striking knife ==> 三棱刮刀
  62095. striking lever ==> 操纵杆
  62096. striking machine ==> (制革用)扩展机
  62097. striking mechanism ==> 打点机构
  62098. striking network pattern of white color ==> 显著的白色网状图案
  62099. striking of cutting ==> 插枝成活
  62100. striking off ==> 刮平
  62101. striking off lines ==> 勾划线
  62102. striking parallels ==> 著しい類似
  62103. striking pin ==> 三棱刮皮刀
  62104. striking plate ==> 锁舌片,门锁舌片
  62105. striking point ==> 熔断点
  62106. striking potential ==> 起弧电位,着火电位,闪击电势
  62107. striking root ==> 生根
  62108. striking surface ==> 承击面,电弧触发面
  62109. striking surface of weapon ==> 凶器打击面
  62110. striking technique ==> 击打手法
  62111. striking temperature ==> 玻璃显色温度
  62112. striking the arc ==> 引弧
  62113. striking time ==> 拆模时间
  62114. striking velocity ==> 冲击速度
  62115. striking voltage ==> 起弧电压,引弧电压,引燃电压,闪击电压
  62116. striking voltage of arc ==> 点弧電圧
  62117. striking wedges ==> 拆除架楔
  62118. striking weight cartridge ==> 打点锤筒
  62119. striking winding ==> 起弧线圈
  62120. striking winding weight drum ==> 打点绕锤辊
  62121. striking work ==> 打点机件,打时装置,报时装置
  62122. striking wrench ==> 冲击式扳手
  62123. striking-distance ==> 起弧距离
  62124. striking-off ==> 刮砂
  62125. striking-up ==> 刮制
  62126. strikingly color ==> 鲜明的颜色
  62127. string ==> 带子,弦,行,串(计算机),(绝缘子)串,列,排,线=>列
  62128. string assignment ==> 串赋值
  62129. string attribute ==> 串属性,串型属性,字符串属性,信息串属性
  62130. string bead ==> 直焊道
  62131. string bean ==> 多纤维的菜豆
  62132. string binder ==> 麻绳捆扎机
  62133. string break ==> 串断点
  62134. string built-in function ==> 串行内函数,字符串内部函数
  62135. string chart ==> 架线图表,架线垂度,与温度关系图表
  62136. string constant ==> 串常数
  62137. string control byte (SCB) ==> 串控制字节
  62138. string course ==> 腰线,束带层
  62139. string data ==> 成串数据,串式数据,串数据,字符串数据
  62140. string distribution technique ==> 字符串分布技术
  62141. string drive ==> 弦丝传动
  62142. string efficiency ==> 串效率(绝缘子的)=>連効率
  62143. string electrometer ==> 弦线静电计
  62144. string expression ==> 串表达式
  62145. string field theory ==> 弦の場の理論
  62146. string file ==> 串文件,成串文件
  62147. string format ==> 字符串格式
  62148. string frame ==> 串框架
  62149. string function ==> 串函数
  62150. string galvanometer ==> 弦线检流计
  62151. string grammar ==> 链文法
  62152. string handling built-infunction ==> 字符串处理内部函数
  62153. string item ==> 串项
  62154. string length ==> 字串长,字符串长度,串长度
  62155. string length check ==> 串长度校验
  62156. string list ==> 串表
  62157. string manipulation ==> 串操作,串处理,字符串处理
  62158. string manipulation language ==> 字符串处理语言
  62159. string manipulation scheme ==> 串处理方案
  62160. string method treatment ==> 线扩张疗法
  62161. string milling ==> 连续铣削
  62162. string of casing ==> 套管柱
  62163. string of formulas ==> 公式串
  62164. string oscillograph ==> 弦线式示波器,线式示波器
  62165. string parameter ==> 串参数
  62166. string pointer ==> 糸指針
  62167. string potentiometer ==> 弦线电位计
  62168. string process system (SPS) ==> 串处理系统
  62169. string processing ==> 字符串处理
  62170. string processing language ==> 串处理语言
  62171. string quantity ==> 串量
  62172. string repetition factor ==> 字符串重复因数
  62173. string replacement rule ==> 串替换规则
  62174. string representation ==> 字符串表示
  62175. string sign ==> 线样征
  62176. string sort ==> 串分类,字符串分类
  62177. string space ==> 字符串空间,行间隔
  62178. string specification operand ==> 串说明操作数
  62179. string statement ==> 串语句,并串语句
  62180. string switch ==> 串开关,成串开关
  62181. string symbol ==> 串符号
  62182. string theory ==> 弦理論,ひも理論
  62183. string tying ==> 麻绳打捆
  62184. string unit ==> 串部件
  62185. string variable ==> 串变量,字符串变量
  62186. string warp machines ==> 经编花边机,经编花边机
  62187. string wire ==> 钢弦
  62188. string(er) bead ==> 窄焊道
  62189. string-oriented instruction ==> 面向字符串的指令
  62190. string-oriented symbol language ==> 面向字符串的符号语言
  62191. string-oriented symbol language (SNOBOL) ==> 串式处理符号语言
  62192. string-shadow instrument ==> 弦线式仪表
  62193. string-shaped mass in the abdomen ==> 疹气
  62194. string-theory ==> 弦理论
  62195. string-wire concrete ==> 钢弦混凝土,钢纤混凝土,在水泥沙浆或小骨料混凝土拌和物中加入适量钢纤维制成的混凝土
  62196. stringed instrument theory ==> 弦楽器説
  62197. stringency of the money market ==> 金融市场银根紧
  62198. Stringendo ==> 加紧,加快
  62199. stringent ==> 厳しい
  62200. stringent assumption ==> 严格假定
  62201. stringent cash ==> 银根紧
  62202. stringent control ==> 紧缩控制
  62203. stringent selection ==> 厳選
  62204. stringent specification ==> 高标准
  62205. stringent test ==> 厳しい試験
  62206. stringent testing ==> 厳しい検査
  62207. stringent tolerance ==> 精确容差,严格容差
  62208. stringer ==> 燃料束棒,楼梯斜梁,纵梁,细矿脉脉道,细脉,穿串装置,沉积薄层,牵条,排梁,桁条,架设装置
  62209. stringer bead ==> 线状焊道
  62210. stringer bracing ==> 纵梁联结系
  62211. stringer formation ==> 纤维状形成
  62212. stringer lode ==> 细复成脉
  62213. stringer plate ==> 纵桁板
  62214. stringing ==> 架线=>架線
  62215. stringing winch ==> ウィンチ
  62216. stringless bean ==> 无纤维菜豆
  62217. stringy rot ==> 丝片腐朽
  62218. stringy selvedge ==> 木耳边
  62219. strip ==> 带,捣矿机排矿沉淀槽,磨带,窄条,梳刷,条,条地=>細長い切れ,細長い一片
  62220. strip a still ==> 开蒸馏器的入孔盖
  62221. strip and skelp mill ==> 带材和焊管坯轧机
  62222. strip annealing ==> 带材退火
  62223. strip application ==> 条施
  62224. strip attenuator ==> 条形衰减器
  62225. strip attenuator(-ter) ==> 条带形衰减器
  62226. strip bar ==> 窄扁钢
  62227. strip borer ==> 露天矿穿孔机
  62228. strip breakage ==> 带材拉断
  62229. strip breakdown ==> 板坯
  62230. strip building ==> 条形建筑
  62231. strip burning ==> 带状烧除
  62232. strip calender ==> 条胶压延机
  62233. strip camera ==> 条幅式照相机
  62234. strip canker ==> 条溃疡
  62235. strip caster ==> 带坯连铸机
  62236. strip casting ==> 漏模造型
  62237. strip ceiling ==> 板条顶棚
  62238. strip chart ==> 帯形記録紙,带状记录纸,长条记录纸,长图记录纸=>ストリップチャート,帯状記録紙
  62239. strip chart autobalancing recorder ==> 长图自动平衡记录仪
  62240. strip chart recorder ==> 帯形記録計
  62241. strip check ==> 条田
  62242. strip city ==> 帯状都市
  62243. strip clamping device ==> 带钢夹持器
  62244. strip cleaning machine ==> 带材清净机
  62245. strip coating ==> 活盖
  62246. strip coil ==> 带材卷
  62247. strip coiler ==> 带材卷取机
  62248. strip coiling apparatus ==> 带材卷取装置
  62249. strip conductor ==> 条形导线,条状导线,扁导线=>条導体,ストリップ導体
  62250. strip copper ==> 铜带,带状铜条
  62251. strip count ==> 刨削材帐
  62252. strip cropping ==> 带状播种,等高条植
  62253. strip cropping field ==> 等高条植地
  62254. strip cultivation ==> 带状耕作,条垄耕作,条植
  62255. strip cutter ==> 切布样机
  62256. strip cutting ==> 带伐
  62257. strip cutting machine ==> 带材切割机
  62258. strip development ==> 带料展开,条料展开,条形发展
  62259. strip diffuser ==> 条形散流器
  62260. strip dryer ==> 带材干燥机
  62261. strip electrode ==> 带状电极,框极
  62262. strip end ==> 成卷带材的端头
  62263. strip end engaging ==> 带材端头嵌入
  62264. strip enumeration ==> 带状清查
  62265. strip feed device ==> 条料进给装置
  62266. strip feeding device ==> 带料进给装置
  62267. strip figure ==> 带状花纹
  62268. strip filling ==> 带式加料
  62269. strip film ==> 条状胶片,可剥膜
  62270. strip filter ==> 带式滤色器
  62271. strip fin ==> 条形翅片
  62272. strip flipper ==> 板料弹动器
  62273. strip flooring ==> 条形地板
  62274. strip footing ==> 布基礎
  62275. strip force ==> ストリップ力
  62276. strip foundation ==> 条形基础
  62277. strip front end detector ==> 带钢前端检测器
  62278. strip fuse ==> 带状熔丝,片状保险器,片状保险丝=>板ヒューズ
  62279. strip geometry heterostructure ==> 带形异质结构
  62280. strip geometry laser ==> 带状激光器
  62281. strip grazing ==> 限界放牧法,条牧
  62282. strip handle ==> 起模手柄
  62283. strip handling car ==> 带卷运送车
  62284. strip heater ==> 带状加热器,电热丝式加热器
  62285. strip heating ==> 条状加热,木条胶接缝加热
  62286. strip inspection ==> 拆检,解体检查
  62287. strip intercepting ==> 条带截取法,将破碎、筛分和混合均匀后的煤样,铺成长度不少于宽度10倍的长方形条带,用宽度大于煤样最大粒度3倍、长度大于条带宽度的取样框,沿条带长度每隔一定距离截取一段煤样,合并后即为缩分后的煤样
  62288. strip iron ==> 窄带钢,冷轧带钢
  62289. strip irrigation ==> 带状灌溉
  62290. strip jasper ==> 缟玉髓
  62291. strip lamp ==> 灯管
  62292. strip layer ==> 带卷的圈
  62293. strip leaf ==> 烟叶
  62294. strip lightguide ==> 带状光波导
  62295. strip lighting ==> 灯串照明,管状白炽灯照明
  62296. strip lights ==> 着陆灯
  62297. strip line ==> 带状传输线,电介质条状线,条线
  62298. strip load ==> 条形荷载,条状载荷
  62299. strip log ==> 柱状剖面图
  62300. strip machine ==> 拉荒机床,抽锭机,脱模机
  62301. strip management ==> 带状管理
  62302. strip manipulation ==> 带状处理,符号序列处理
  62303. strip map ==> 進路要図
  62304. strip marker ==> 带钢打印机
  62305. strip material ==> ストリップ材料
  62306. strip method ==> 带状法=>ストリップ法
  62307. strip mill ==> 带材轧机=>ストリップミル,連続圧延装置
  62308. strip mine ==> 露天矿
  62309. strip mining ==> 露天开采,(采矿)露天剥采
  62310. strip mulching ==> 带状盖草
  62311. strip of element ==> 元素带
  62312. strip of fuses ==> 熔线排
  62313. strip of keys ==> 电键排,按钮排
  62314. strip of tags ==> 接线条组
  62315. strip of tin foil ==> 锡箔条
  62316. strip off ==> 剥开
  62317. strip oiler ==> 带钢涂油机
  62318. strip overlay welding experiment ==> 板极堆焊试验
  62319. strip peel ==> 条状剥皮
  62320. strip pickle ==> 带材酸洗装置
  62321. strip planting ==> 带状栽植
  62322. strip plate ==> 带坯,轧坯
  62323. strip plot ==> 航线图
  62324. strip preparation ==> 切片標本
  62325. strip printer ==> 带材表面涂层印花机,带层表面涂层印花机
  62326. strip processing ==> 精整成卷带材
  62327. strip processor ==> 带地耕作机组
  62328. strip pulse ==> 行同步脉冲
  62329. strip record ==> 条纹记录
  62330. strip reeling ==> 带材卷取成卷
  62331. strip repeater ==> 窄带材围盘
  62332. strip ridge buckle ==> 带材皱纹
  62333. strip road ==> 轨道式道路=>作業道
  62334. strip rolling ==> ストリップ圧延
  62335. strip roughing mill ==> 带材粗轧机
  62336. strip rust ==> 条纹病
  62337. strip seeder ==> 带播机
  62338. strip shaped ==> 带状的
  62339. strip sheet mill ==> 板卷轧机
  62340. strip sight glass ==> 条形视镜
  62341. strip skimmer ==> 带式撇油器
  62342. strip slate ==> 沥青瓦
  62343. strip slitter ==> 带材纵切圆盘剪
  62344. strip slitting machine ==> 带材纵切机组
  62345. strip slitting shears ==> 带材纵切圆盘剪
  62346. strip sowing ==> 条播
  62347. strip steel ==> 带钢
  62348. strip steel rolled stock ==> 带材
  62349. strip storage ==> 带材备用量
  62350. strip surfacing ==> 带极堆焊=>帯状電極肉盛溶接
  62351. strip survey ==> 带状调查
  62352. strip suspension ==> 吊带悬挂
  62353. strip system ==> 帯方式
  62354. strip temperature ==> ストリップ温度
  62355. strip tension ==> 带钢张力
  62356. strip tension meter ==> 带钢张力计
  62357. strip tensioning apparatus ==> 带钢的张力设备
  62358. strip terminal ==> 接线条,片接头=>ストリップ端子
  62359. strip thermocouple pyrometer ==> 带状热电偶高温计
  62360. strip thickness gauge ==> 带材测厚仪
  62361. strip tillage ==> 带状整地,条行耕作
  62362. strip transistor ==> 带型晶体管
  62363. strip transmission line ==> 带状传输线
  62364. strip uncoiler ==> 带材开卷机
  62365. strip virus ==> 条纹病毒
  62366. strip water ==> 带状灌溉
  62367. strip weeding ==> 带状除草
  62368. strip width ==> 带宽,行宽
  62369. strip width meter ==> 带材测宽仪
  62370. strip winding ==> 绕带,条带形绕组
  62371. strip winding machine ==> 绕带机
  62372. strip winding vessel ==> 绕带式容器
  62373. strip wiper ==> 带材擦拭器,带式擦拭器
  62374. strip with water ==> 水力剥离
  62375. strip wound core ==> 带绕铁芯
  62376. strip-and-group system ==> 带状群状渐伐作业法
  62377. strip-area ==> 带形地区
  62378. strip-borer drill ==> 露天矿水平炮眼钻机
  62379. strip-card reader ==> 磁卡阅读机
  62380. strip-chart ==> 带状图
  62381. strip-chart instrument ==> 记录式仪表
  62382. strip-chart recorder ==> 长条记录纸式记录仪,长图式记录仪
  62383. strip-chart temperature recorder ==> 长条图温度记录仪
  62384. strip-edge scanning equipment ==> 带材边缘扫描器,带材自动定心装置
  62385. strip-film camera ==> 自动摄影机,条幅式摄影机
  62386. strip-grinding line ==> 带材磨光作业
  62387. strip-lacquering line ==> 带材涂漆作业线
  62388. strip-light lamp ==> 顶灯,天幕灯
  62389. strip-line circuit ==> 带状线电路
  62390. strip-processing mechanism ==> 带材除鳞机
  62391. strip-rolling ==> 带材轧制
  62392. strip-suspension type ==> 轴尖悬置式
  62393. strip-type magnetron ==> 耦腔磁控管
  62394. strip-wound armature ==> 铜带绕的电枢
  62395. stripborer ==> 水平眼钻车
  62396. stripe ==> 带,横撑,纹,条纹,斑纹,色条=>種類,ストライプ
  62397. stripe canker ==> 黑线病
  62398. stripe density ==> 縞密度
  62399. stripe disease ==> 水稻条纹叶枯病=>縞葉枯病
  62400. stripe disease of barley ==> 大麦条纹病
  62401. stripe domain ==> ストライプ磁区
  62402. stripe fluorescent screen ==> ストライプ蛍光面
  62403. stripe geometry ==> ストライプ構造
  62404. stripe of barley ==> 大麦条纹病
  62405. stripe or yellow rust of cereals ==> 麦类条锈病
  62406. stripe pattern ==> 色条信号图
  62407. stripe rust ==> 条锈病
  62408. stripe rust of cereals ==> 麦类条锈病
  62409. stripe rust of wheat ==> 小麦条锈病
  62410. stripe rust resistance ==> 条锈病
  62411. stripe screen tube ==> 条屏显像管
  62412. stripe signal ==> 条纹信号
  62413. stripe smut ==> (植病)杆黑粉病
  62414. stripe virus of rice ==> 水稻条纹叶枯病
  62415. stripe with shafting ==> 异色羽轴纵斑
  62416. stripe yarn ==> 长结子花式线
  62417. striped beam ==> 分条整经轴
  62418. striped cucumber bettle ==> 黄瓜条纹甲虫
  62419. striped flea-beetle ==> 黄条跳甲
  62420. striped ground ==> 带状土
  62421. striped half hose ==> 横条短统袜
  62422. striped muscle ==> 横纹肌
  62423. striped rayon shameuse ==> 横条葛
  62424. striped soil ==> 带状土
  62425. striped stem borer ==> 高粱条螟
  62426. striped symbol ==> 写入横线的符号
  62427. striped toothpaste ==> 彩条牙膏
  62428. striped veneer ==> 条纹单板
  62429. stripextraction ==> 反萃取
  62430. striping ==> 横线,断开线,去胶,去膜,拆开
  62431. striplight ==> 长条状灯
  62432. striplight lamp ==> 带形照明器
  62433. stripline ==> 带状线
  62434. stripline antenna ==> 带状线天线
  62435. stripline circulator ==> 带状线循环器带状线衰减器
  62436. stripline filter ==> 带状线滤波器
  62437. stripline power divider ==> 带状线功率分配器
  62438. stripline resonator ==> 带状线谐振器
  62439. stripling ==> 修剪苗
  62440. strippable coating ==> 活盖,可剥离层
  62441. strippable coatings ==> 可剥性涂料
  62442. strippant ==> 解吸剂
  62443. stripped ==> 条带状
  62444. stripped atom ==> 剥脱原子
  62445. stripped bedding plane ==> 条带状层面
  62446. stripped emulsion ==> 脱基乳胶
  62447. stripped illite ==> 退化伊利石
  62448. stripped nucleus ==> 裸核
  62449. stripped plane ==> 剥露平面
  62450. stripped plasma ==> 完全电离等离子体
  62451. stripped structural surface ==> 剥露构造面,条带状构造面
  62452. stripped surface ==> 剥露构造面,表层剥除的地面
  62453. stripper ==> 去层器去膜剂,拆卸板,拆卸器,剥开机,剥离器,剥皮器,板条圆锯,卸料板,涂消除剂,脱模工,脱模机,汽提塔,贫油井,低产井,低产油井,抄针器,冲孔模板,抽锭机,出坯杆,摘穗机,露天矿矿工,分离装置=>はぎ手,ストリッパー
  62454. stripper and grinder ==> 磨钢丝车工人
  62455. stripper and worker ==> 剥取辊和工作辊
  62456. stripper band ==> 钢皮环,(捡拾器的)滑环
  62457. stripper bar ==> 摘穗器颊板,清理杆
  62458. stripper bush ==> 脱模衬套
  62459. stripper cell ==> 刮板槽,种板槽
  62460. stripper crane ==> 脱模吊车
  62461. stripper cylinder ==> 起模缸
  62462. stripper flash drum ==> 汽提闪蒸罐
  62463. stripper knife ==> 电缆刀
  62464. stripper loop ==> 清齿环,分隔环
  62465. stripper machine ==> 卸料机
  62466. stripper mechanism ==> 芯棒抽出机构,脱锭机构
  62467. stripper pin ==> 脱模销,起模顶杆
  62468. stripper plant ==> 汽提车间,汽提装置
  62469. stripper plate ==> 脱模板,冲模退料板,分馏柱塔板,漏模板,挤压板
  62470. stripper plunger ==> 柱塞式炉用推料机
  62471. stripper punch ==> 脱模冲头
  62472. stripper reboiler ==> 汽提塔再沸器
  62473. stripper rod ==> 栉梳杆
  62474. stripper roller ==> 抄钢丝辊
  62475. stripper rolls ==> (自动轧管机的)回送辊
  62476. stripper rubber ==> 密封胶皮
  62477. stripper shockless jolt squeeze moulding machine ==> 顶箱微震压实造型机
  62478. stripper shovel ==> 剥离电铲
  62479. stripper station ==> 起模工位
  62480. stripper unit ==> 摘取装置,梳摘装置
  62481. stripper zone ==> 汽提段
  62482. stripper-crane ==> 脱模吊车,剥片吊车
  62483. stripper-plate mo(u)ld ==> 漏模造型
  62484. stripper-plate mould ==> 脱模板塑模
  62485. strippilaster ==> 狭条扁柱
  62486. stripping ==> 反萃取,脱模,去色,削裂,溶出,解吸作用,抽锭,剥除表土,剥离,剥脱
  62487. stripping agent ==> 剥色剂,脱模剂,反萃取剂
  62488. stripping analysis ==> 提溶极谱分析
  62489. stripping apparatus ==> 解吸设备,分离设备,洗提设备
  62490. stripping area ==> 剥离区
  62491. stripping attachment ==> 拆卸器,退料器
  62492. stripping bay ==> 脱模跨
  62493. stripping cascade ==> 再生级联,级联贫化部分
  62494. stripping column ==> 反萃取柱
  62495. stripping comb ==> 棉铃梳摘器
  62496. stripping cracking ==> 汽提裂化
  62497. stripping crane ==> 脱锭起重机,脱模起重机,剥片吊车
  62498. stripping depth ==> 剥离深度
  62499. stripping electrography ==> 纸条电谱法
  62500. stripping field ==> 间作田,带状田
  62501. stripping film ==> 乳胶片,可剥膜,剥离胶片,剥离片
  62502. stripping film method ==> 剥裸法
  62503. stripping folk ==> 钩形卸料装置
  62504. stripping frame ==> 漏模框
  62505. stripping machine ==> 玉米摘穗机,脱皮机,起模机,剥皮机,卸料机
  62506. stripping method ==> 脱锡法
  62507. stripping of hemorrhoid ==> 痔核剥离
  62508. stripping of insulatin ==> 剥开绝缘
  62509. stripping operation ==> 拆模作业
  62510. stripping out the midrib ==> 剥除叶中脉
  62511. stripping pattern ==> 漏模
  62512. stripping pin ==> 起模顶杆
  62513. stripping pins ==> 推杆
  62514. stripping plate ==> 漏模板
  62515. stripping plate machine ==> 抽模制型机
  62516. stripping post ==> 顶杆
  62517. stripping pressure ==> 脱模压力
  62518. stripping rack ==> 剥片架
  62519. stripping ratio ==> 采剥比
  62520. stripping reaction ==> 剥裂反应
  62521. stripping ring ==> 拆卸环
  62522. stripping roller ==> 抄针辊
  62523. stripping room ==> 剥片间
  62524. stripping sheet ==> 種板
  62525. stripping shovel ==> 表土层剥离机铲,矿山表层剥离机
  62526. stripping solution ==> 反提取剂
  62527. stripping speed ==> 顶模速度
  62528. stripping spider ==> 线盘卸料器
  62529. stripping steam ==> 解吸用蒸汽
  62530. stripping still ==> 汽提蒸馏器
  62531. stripping table ==> 起模台
  62532. stripping taper ==> 拔模斜度
  62533. stripping technique ==> 分离技术
  62534. stripping test ==> 汽提试验,去胶试验,去膜试验,去色试验
  62535. stripping time ==> 起模时间,拆模时间
  62536. stripping tongs ==> 剥片钳,脱锭钳
  62537. stripping topsoil ==> 剥除表土
  62538. stripping tower ==> 汽提塔
  62539. stripping yield ==> 挤干奶量
  62540. strippings ==> 抄针花
  62541. strippr ==> 抽出机
  62542. stripscan ==> 带状扫描
  62543. strive ==> 努力する,努める、
  62544. strive against fate ==> 運命に抵抗する
  62545. strive against temptation ==> 誘惑と戦う
  62546. strive for excellence ==> 優れたものにするために努力する
  62547. strive for versatility ==> 芸を磨く
  62548. STRK, star tracker ==> 恒星追跡装置(スタートラッカ)
  62549. strobe ==> 选通脉冲=>ストローブ
  62550. strobe circuit ==> 选通电路
  62551. strobe edge ==> 选通脉冲边缘
  62552. strobe flash ==> 频闪器闪光
  62553. strobe gate ==> 选通脉冲门
  62554. strobe light ==> 频闪光
  62555. strobe marker ==> 选通脉冲标志
  62556. strobe pulse ==> 选通脉冲
  62557. strobe switch ==> 选通脉冲转换开关
  62558. strobe unit ==> 选通装置,选择装置
  62559. strobing gate ==> 选通门
  62560. strobing pulse ==> 选通脉冲
  62561. strobodynamic balancing machine ==> 闪动平衡机
  62562. stroboscope ==> 频闪观测器
  62563. stroboscopic checking ==> 频闪校验法
  62564. stroboscopic direction finder ==> 频闪式测向仪
  62565. stroboscopic effect ==> 频闪效应
  62566. stroboscopic illumination ==> 频闪照明
  62567. stroboscopic indicator ==> 频闪指示器
  62568. stroboscopic instrumentation ==> 频闪仪式检测仪表
  62569. stroboscopic lamp ==> 闪光灯
  62570. stroboscopic light ==> 频闪光,高速闪光灯
  62571. stroboscopic meter disc ==> 频闪观测盘
  62572. stroboscopic method ==> 闪光测频法=>ストロボ法
  62573. stroboscopic observation ==> (高速机床试验)频闪观察
  62574. stroboscopic pattern wheel ==> 频闪图案轮
  62575. stroboscopic principle ==> 频闪观测原理
  62576. stroboscopic tube ==> 频闪观测管
  62577. stroboscopic xenon lamp ==> 频闪氙灯
  62578. strobotron circuit ==> 频闪管电路,门电路
  62579. strode of crane ==> 起重机起重高度
  62580. stroke ==> 笔划,敲,推摩法,打,冲程,冲孔,冲量冲击,动程,击打,笔画,笔划,行程,中风=>ストローク,脳梗塞,ピストン行程
  62581. stroke adjuster ==> 冲程调节器
  62582. stroke adjusting mechanism ==> ストローク調整機構
  62583. stroke adjusting screw ==> ストローク調整ネジ
  62584. stroke adjusting shaft ==> 行程调整轴
  62585. stroke adjustment ==> 行程调整=>ストローク調整
  62586. stroke alteration ==> 行程改变
  62587. stroke analysis ==> 笔画分析,笔划分析=>ストローク解析
  62588. stroke capacity ==> 冲程容积,气缸工作容积
  62589. stroke center line ==> 笔划中线
  62590. stroke centerline ==> 笔画的中线,笔画中线
  62591. stroke character ==> 短画字符
  62592. stroke character generator ==> 笔画符号发生器,笔画字符发生器=>線分文字発生器
  62593. stroke charactor generator ==> 笔划字符发生器,线段字符发生器
  62594. stroke coefficient ==> 冲程系数
  62595. stroke control ==> 冲程调节,行程调节
  62596. stroke control knob ==> 行程控制捏手
  62597. stroke counter ==> 行程计
  62598. stroke cure ==> 抚熟试验
  62599. stroke current ==> 雷撃電流
  62600. stroke density ==> 闪击密度
  62601. stroke device ==> ストローク入力装置
  62602. stroke display ==> 笔画显示
  62603. stroke dog ==> 行程挡块
  62604. stroke edge ==> 笔画边缘,笔划边缘
  62605. stroke edge irregularity ==> 笔画边缘不规则性,笔划边缘不规则性
  62606. stroke end ==> 行程终点
  62607. stroke generator ==> 笔画发生器,短画生成器
  62608. stroke in evolution ==> 進行期の脳卒中
  62609. stroke indicator ==> 冲程指示器
  62610. stroke length ==> 行程长度
  62611. stroke limiter ==> 冲程限制器
  62612. stroke limiting pin ==> 行程限制销
  62613. stroke milling ==> 行切,行切,直线走刀曲面仿形铣
  62614. stroke multiplier ==> 行程放大器
  62615. stroke of a press ==> 压力机行程
  62616. stroke of crane ==> 吊车起重高度
  62617. stroke of machine ==> 机器冲程
  62618. stroke of piston ==> 活塞冲程
  62619. stroke of punch ==> 冲程,冲量
  62620. stroke of ram ==> 滑枕行程
  62621. stroke of shear blade ==> 剪片冲程
  62622. stroke of slide valve ==> 滑阀冲程
  62623. stroke of table ==> 工作台冲程
  62624. stroke operation ==> 加横运算
  62625. stroke output ==> 每搏输出量
  62626. stroke prevention ==> 脳卒中予防
  62627. stroke prognosis ==> 脳卒中予後
  62628. stroke protection ==> 発作防止
  62629. stroke rate ==> 冲数
  62630. stroke speed ==> 行速
  62631. stroke volume ==> 心搏出量,心搏量,心搏排血量,行程排量,冲程容积,每搏输出量
  62632. stroke width ==> 笔画宽度,笔划宽度
  62633. stroke-bore ratio ==> 冲程缸径比,冲程与直径比
  62634. stroke-incidence rate ==> 雷击事故率
  62635. strokes of pump ==> 冲数
  62636. strokes per minute ==> 冲数,每分钟冲程,每分钟行程
  62637. stroking fixture ==> 冲程试验装置
  62638. stroking mechanism ==> 变量机构,活塞行程调节机构
  62639. stroking the lower limbs ==> 击下肢
  62640. strolling ==> 旅回りの
  62641. stroma free hemoglobin ==> 基质游离血红蛋白
  62642. stroma of iris ==> 虹膜基质
  62643. stroma of red blood corpuscles ==> 红细胞基质
  62644. stroma starch ==> 基质淀粉
  62645. stromal lamellae ==> 基质片层
  62646. stromal luteinization ==> 基质黄体化
  62647. stromal tumors of ovary ==> 卵巢基质瘤
  62648. stromatolithic structure ==> 叠层构造
  62649. stromatoporoid limestone ==> 层孔虫灰岩
  62650. Stromberg asymmetrical drift ==> 斯特龙伯格不对称漂移
  62651. Stromeyer test ==> 疲劳强度试验
  62652. Stromgren fourcolour index ==> 斯特龙根四色指数
  62653. Stromgren radius ==> 斯特龙根半径
  62654. Stromgren sphere ==> 斯特龙根球
  62655. strong ==> 烈,放长,强,强固的,强烈,强壮的
  62656. strong absorption ==> 强吸收
  62657. strong acetate ==> 强力醋酯纤维
  62658. strong acid ==> 强酸,镪水=>強酸
  62659. strong acid tower ==> 强酸塔
  62660. strong acidic glutaraldehyde ==> 强化酸性戊二醛
  62661. strong acidity ==> 强酸度
  62662. strong adhesive ==> 大力胶
  62663. strong ammonia solution ==> 浓氨溶液
  62664. strong ammonium citrate solution ==> 浓枸橼酸铵溶液
  62665. strong and healthy ==> 强健
  62666. strong anthropic principle ==> 強い人間原理
  62667. strong army horse ==> 高大军马
  62668. strong backs ==> 支撑
  62669. strong balanced rapid type ==> 强均衡迅速型
  62670. strong balanced slow type ==> 强均衡徐缓型
  62671. strong bank ==> 资力雄厚的银行
  62672. strong barrier function ==> 强闸函数
  62673. strong base ==> 强碱
  62674. strong basicity ==> 强碱性
  62675. strong basis ==> 强基
  62676. strong beam ==> 强梁
  62677. strong bounding pulse ==> 脉洪有力
  62678. strong box ==> 保险箱
  62679. strong breed ==> 健壮品种
  62680. strong breeze ==> 强风
  62681. strong broke ==> 完全破产
  62682. strong capture ==> 强俘获
  62683. strong clay ==> 强粘土,不合格砖泥
  62684. strong coal ==> 强煤
  62685. strong collinearity ==> 强共线性
  62686. strong colo(u)rs ==> 硬彩
  62687. strong complete ==> 强完全性的
  62688. strong component ==> 强分量,强构件,强支
  62689. strong compression ==> 强压缩
  62690. strong concrete ==> 高强度混凝土,高强混凝土
  62691. strong connection ==> 强连接
  62692. strong convergence ==> 强收敛
  62693. strong convergence theorem ==> 强收敛定理
  62694. strong converse theorem ==> 强逆定理
  62695. strong correlation ==> 强相关
  62696. strong coupling rotational model ==> 强耦合转动模型
  62697. strong currency ==> (强通货)强币
  62698. strong current ==> 强电流
  62699. strong current generator ==> 大电流发生器
  62700. strong current transformer ==> 大电流变压器
  62701. strong decay ==> 强衰变
  62702. strong definition ==> 强定义
  62703. strong deflagration ==> 强烈燃烧,急燃
  62704. strong deformation retract ==> 强形变收缩核
  62705. strong dependency ==> 强依赖性
  62706. strong differentiability ==> 强可微性
  62707. strong digraph ==> 强双图,强有向图
  62708. strong discontinuity ==> 强间断
  62709. strong discontinuity surface ==> 强间断面
  62710. strong drink ==> 烈性酒
  62711. strong dual space ==> 强对偶空间
  62712. strong earthquake motion ==> 强地震动
  62713. strong electrolyte ==> 强电解质
  62714. strong equivalence principle ==> 强等效原理
  62715. strong excited type ==> 强兴奋型
  62716. strong extremum ==> 强性极值
  62717. strong fiber ==> 强力纤维
  62718. strong field ==> 强场
  62719. strong fix ==> 强定位
  62720. strong flier ==> 能飞的飞虫
  62721. strong focusing ==> 强聚焦
  62722. strong focusing accelerator ==> 强聚焦加速器
  62723. strong focusing cyclotron ==> 强聚焦回旋加速器
  62724. strong focusing lens ==> 强聚焦透镜
  62725. strong focusing orbit ==> 强聚焦轨道
  62726. strong focusing principle ==> 强聚焦原理
  62727. strong focusing synchrotron ==> 强聚焦同步加速器
  62728. strong force field ==> 强力场
  62729. strong function ==> 强函数
  62730. strong gale ==> 烈风
  62731. strong ground motion ==> 强地面震动
  62732. strong histocompatibility antigen (SHA) ==> 强组织相容性抗原
  62733. strong holding device ==> 强力夹具
  62734. strong hydraulic jump ==> 强水跃
  62735. strong hydraulic lime ==> 强水硬性石灰
  62736. strong infrared emitting star ==> 强红外发射星体
  62737. strong interaction ==> 强相互作用
  62738. strong interaction dynamics ==> 强相互作用动力学
  62739. strong interaction effect ==> 强相互作用效应
  62740. strong interaction model ==> 强相互作用模型
  62741. strong interference blocking ==> 强干扰阻塞
  62742. strong iodine solution ==> 浓碘溶液,卢戈氏溶液
  62743. strong jamming ==> 强干扰
  62744. strong law of large numbers ==> 强大数定律,加强大数定律
  62745. strong line ==> 强谱线
  62746. strong liquor ==> 强碱液
  62747. strong loop ==> 强循环
  62748. strong lye ==> 强碱水,强碱液
  62749. strong magnetic fields ==> 強磁場
  62750. strong market ==> 看涨的行情
  62751. strong Markov process ==> 强马尔可夫过程
  62752. strong measurability ==> 强可测性
  62753. strong measures ==> 强硬措施,高压手段
  62754. strong merino ==> 美利奴粗毛
  62755. strong method ==> 强方法
  62756. strong mixing ==> 强混合
  62757. strong mixing hypothesis ==> 强混合假设
  62758. strong mixing property ==> 强混合性
  62759. strong mode ==> 强模式
  62760. strong monotonic property ==> 强单调性
  62761. strong motion displacement ==> 强震位移
  62762. strong motion earthquake ==> 强烈地震
  62763. strong motion seismogram ==> 强烈震波图
  62764. strong motion seismograph ==> 强震仪
  62765. strong motion seismology ==> 强震学
  62766. strong noise ==> 高噪声
  62767. strong nonlinear patterns ==> 强非线性类型
  62768. strong object ==> 强对比度景物
  62769. strong oblique reflection ==> 强斜反射
  62770. strong operator topology ==> 强算子拓扑
  62771. strong order unit ==> 强顺序单位
  62772. strong oxidative free radical ==> 强氧化自由基
  62773. strong oxidizing property ==> 强氧化性
  62774. strong point ==> 坚固支撑点=>長所,強み,得意,ストロングポイント
  62775. strong protargin ==> 强蛋白银
  62776. strong protein silver ==> 强蛋白银
  62777. strong pulp ==> 高强度纸浆
  62778. strong reducing property ==> 强还原性
  62779. strong relative minima ==> 强性相对极小
  62780. strong renormalization effect ==> 强重正化效应
  62781. strong room ==> 保险库,保险库
  62782. strong rubber ==> 强胶
  62783. strong sand ==> 强粘力砂
  62784. strong seam ==> 受载焊缝
  62785. strong sideband ==> 强单边带
  62786. strong signal ==> 强信号
  62787. strong signal blocking ==> 强信号阻塞,大信号阻塞
  62788. strong silver protein ==> 强蛋白银
  62789. strong solution ==> 浓溶液
  62790. strong solvent ==> 强溶剂
  62791. strong spring ==> 强弹簧
  62792. strong springing suspension ==> 强簧悬置法
  62793. strong stability ==> 强稳定性
  62794. strong stand oil ==> 稠熟油
  62795. strong stationary stochastic process ==> 强平稳随机过程
  62796. strong steel ==> 强力钢,高强度钢
  62797. strong stimulation ==> 强刺激
  62798. strong supperradiation ==> 强超辐射
  62799. strong supporting layer ==> 强有力的支持层
  62800. strong surface-coupling nuclear model ==> 强表面耦合的核模型
  62801. strong tower ==> 强酸塔
  62802. strong turbulence ==> 强湍动
  62803. strong turbulence theory ==> 强湍动理论
  62804. strong type ==> 强型
  62805. strong udder attachment ==> 乳房附着坚实
  62806. strong unrestrained type ==> 强烈不可制止型
  62807. strong variation ==> 强性变分
  62808. strong vat ==> 强碱瓮
  62809. strong viscose rayon ==> 强力粘胶嫘萦
  62810. strong void clause train ==> 强无值子句列
  62811. strong well ==> 高产井
  62812. strong wheat ==> 面筋强的小麦
  62813. strong wind ==> 大风,强风,疾风
  62814. strong wind fumigation plume ==> 强风下沉型烟羽
  62815. strong wine ==> 高度酒
  62816. strong wool ==> 强毛
  62817. strong-acid cure leaching ==> 强酸熟化浸出
  62818. strong-acid ion exchange resin ==> 强酸性离子交换树脂
  62819. strong-acid number ==> 强酸中和值
  62820. strong-back ==> (焊接用)定位板
  62821. strong-base number ==> 强碱中和值
  62822. strong-coupling approximation ==> 强耦合近似法
  62823. strong-coupling meson theory ==> 强耦合介子论
  62824. strong-coupling model ==> 强耦合模型
  62825. strong-coupling theory ==> 强耦合理论
  62826. strong-field method ==> 强场法
  62827. strong-focusing cyclotron with separated orbits ==> 分离轨道强聚焦回旋加速器
  62828. strong-interaction theory ==> 强相互作用理论
  62829. strong-line approximation ==> 强谱线近似
  62830. strong-signal theory ==> 强信号理论
  62831. stronger ammonia water ==> 浓氨水
  62832. stronger rose water ==> 浓玫瑰水
  62833. strongly absorbing medium ==> 强吸收介质
  62834. strongly absorbing region ==> 强吸收区
  62835. strongly acidic cation-exchange ==> 强酸型阳离子交换树脂
  62836. strongly acidic solution ==> 强酸性溶液
  62837. strongly alkaline soil ==> 强碱性土
  62838. strongly connected ==> 强关联的
  62839. strongly connected automaton ==> 强连接自动机
  62840. strongly connected complex ==> 强连通复形
  62841. strongly connected component ==> 强连接成分
  62842. strongly connected digraph ==> 强连通有向图
  62843. strongly connected directed graph ==> 强连通的有向图
  62844. strongly connected graph ==> 强连通的图
  62845. strongly connected region ==> 强连接区域
  62846. strongly connected sequential machine ==> 强连接时序机
  62847. strongly connected system ==> 强连接系统
  62848. strongly consistent ==> 强相容,强一致
  62849. strongly consistent estimator ==> 强一致估计量
  62850. strongly continuous mapping ==> 强连续映射
  62851. strongly continuous representation ==> 强连续表示
  62852. strongly continuous semigroup ==> 强连续半群
  62853. strongly continuous stochastic process ==> 强连续随机过程
  62854. strongly corrosion liquid ==> 强腐蚀性液体
  62855. strongly coupled single-quantum-dot-nanocavity ==> 強く結合した単一量子ドット-ナノ共振器系
  62856. strongly coupled system ==> 强耦合系统
  62857. strongly cyclic measure space ==> 强循环测度空间
  62858. strongly damped collision ==> 拟裂变
  62859. strongly elcctronegative metal ==> 强负电性金属
  62860. strongly elliptic differential operator ==> 强椭圆微分算子
  62861. strongly elliptic operator ==> 强椭圆算子
  62862. strongly flattened and elongate ==> 极扁平和细长
  62863. strongly hyperbolic differential operator ==> 强双曲微分算子
  62864. strongly hyperbolic operator ==> 强双曲算子
  62865. strongly inaccessible ordinal number ==> 强不可达序数
  62866. strongly independent collection ==> 强无关集合
  62867. strongly interacting Fermi gas ==> 強く相互作用するフェルミ気体
  62868. strongly magnetic material ==> 强磁性物料
  62869. strongly measurable function ==> 强可测函数
  62870. strongly mixing ==> 强混合性
  62871. strongly mixing automorphism ==> 强混合性自同构
  62872. strongly monotone ==> 强单调
  62873. strongly monotonic function ==> 强单调函数
  62874. strongly non-linear differential equation ==> 强非线性微分方程
  62875. strongly non-linear system ==> 强非线性系统
  62876. strongly overlapping resonance ==> 强重叠共振
  62877. strongly oxidizing slag ==> 强氧化性渣
  62878. strongly reducing atmosphere ==> 强还原气氛
  62879. strongly reference ==> 强引用
  62880. strongly salined soil ==> 重盐土
  62881. strongly subsiding belt ==> 强裂沉降带
  62882. strongly-typed ==> 强类型
  62883. Strongyloides intestinalis ==> 粪类圆线虫,肠类圆线虫
  62884. strontium ==> 锶=>ストロンチウム
  62885. strontium absorption ==> ストロンチウムの吸収
  62886. strontium accumulation ==> ストロンチウム蓄積
  62887. strontium acetate ==> 乙酸锶
  62888. strontium age ==> 锶龄
  62889. strontium barium niobate ==> 铌酸锶钡
  62890. strontium bismuth titanate ceramics ==> 钛酸锶铋陶瓷
  62891. strontium boride ==> 硼化锶
  62892. strontium bromide ==> 溴化锶
  62893. strontium carbide ==> 碳化锶
  62894. strontium carbonate ==> 碳酸锶
  62895. strontium chlorate ==> 氯酸锶
  62896. strontium chloride ==> 氯化锶
  62897. strontium chloride tooth paste ==> 氯化锶牙膏
  62898. strontium chromate ==> 铬酸锶=>クロム酸ストロンチウム
  62899. strontium compound ==> ストロンチウム化合物
  62900. strontium concentration ==> ストロンチウム濃度
  62901. strontium contamination ==> ストロンチウム汚染
  62902. strontium dioxide ==> 过氧化锶
  62903. strontium fluoride ==> 氟化锶
  62904. strontium hydrate ==> 氢氧化锶
  62905. strontium hydroxide ==> 氢氧化锶
  62906. strontium immobilization ==> ストロンチウム固定化
  62907. strontium incorporation ==> ストロンチウム混入
  62908. strontium iodide ==> 碘化锶
  62909. strontium lactate ==> 乳酸锶
  62910. strontium lanthanum chromate ceramics ==> 铬酸锶镧陶瓷
  62911. strontium metal ==> ストロンチウム金属
  62912. strontium method ==> 锶测定法
  62913. strontium migration ==> ストロンチウム移動
  62914. strontium monosulfide ==> 硫化锶
  62915. strontium niobate ==> ニオブ酸ストロンチウム
  62916. strontium nitrate ==> 硝酸锶
  62917. strontium nitride ==> 氮化锶
  62918. strontium oxalate ==> 草酸锶
  62919. strontium oxide ==> 氧化锶
  62920. strontium peroxide ==> 过氧化锶
  62921. strontium potassium niobate ==> 铌酸钾锶
  62922. strontium salicylate ==> 水杨酸锶
  62923. strontium silicate ==> 硅酸锶
  62924. strontium sulfate ==> 硫酸锶
  62925. strontium sulfide ==> 硫化锶
  62926. strontium sulphate ==> 硫酸锶
  62927. strontium titanate ==> 钛酸锶=>チタン酸ストロンチウム
  62928. strontium unit ==> 锶单位
  62929. strontium zirconate ==> 锆酸锂
  62930. strontium zirconate ceramics ==> 锆酸锶陶瓷
  62931. strophulus intertinctus ==> 红点性婴儿苔癣
  62932. Strouhal number ==> 斯德鲁哈尔数,斯特拉哈数
  62933. Strowger selector ==> 史特劳格尔选择器
  62934. Strowger system ==> ストロージャー式
  62935. struck atom ==> 反跳原子,被击原子
  62936. struck capacity ==> 平斗容量,装载容量
  62937. struck core ==> 车制芯
  62938. struck joint ==> 敲接,刮平缝
  62939. struck joint work ==> 勾斜缝
  62940. STRUCT, structure ==> 構造物
  62941. structual mechanics ==> 结构力学
  62942. structural ==> 结构的,结构上的,构造的,组织的=>構造物の,構造の
  62943. structural aberration ==> 结构畸变=>構造の異常
  62944. structural acoustics ==> 構造音響学
  62945. structural activity ==> 構造活性
  62946. structural actuator ==> 構造アクチュエータ
  62947. structural adaptation ==> 構造的適応
  62948. structural adhesive ==> 结构粘结剂
  62949. structural adjustment lending ==> 结构调整贷款
  62950. structural alloy steel ==> 结构合金钢,结构用合金钢,合金结构钢
  62951. structural analysis ==> 结构分析,构造分析
  62952. structural analysis system ==> 構造解析システム
  62953. structural analysis technique ==> 構造解析法
  62954. structural anatomy ==> 構造解剖学
  62955. structural and thermal model ==> 熱構造モデル
  62956. structural anisotropy ==> 構造異方性
  62957. structural anomaly ==> 構造異常
  62958. structural anthropology ==> 構造人類学
  62959. structural antigen ==> 構造抗原
  62960. structural appraisal ==> 構造評価
  62961. structural approach ==> 结构变革方式=>構造的アプローチ
  62962. structural approach to pattern recognition ==> 结构化模式识别法
  62963. structural approximation ==> 構造近似
  62964. structural area ==> 结构面积
  62965. structural attachment ==> 结构附件
  62966. structural balance ==> 结构平衡
  62967. structural basin ==> 构造盆地
  62968. structural bay ==> 结构开间
  62969. structural bead ==> 结构加强筋
  62970. structural behaviour ==> 构造品质
  62971. structural bench ==> 构造阶地
  62972. structural biology ==> 構造生物学
  62973. structural biophysics ==> 構造生物物理学
  62974. structural birefringence ==> 结构双折射,形状双折射
  62975. structural block ==> 構造ブロック
  62976. structural borne noise ==> 经结构传送的噪音
  62977. structural botany ==> 植物结构学
  62978. structural break ==> 结构断裂
  62979. structural breccia ==> 构造角砾岩
  62980. structural capacity ==> 结构力,结构能力=>構造性能
  62981. structural carbohydrate ==> 構造性炭水化物
  62982. structural carbon ==> 構造炭素
  62983. structural carbon steel ==> 结构碳钢
  62984. structural case ==> 構造格
  62985. structural casting ==> 结构铸件
  62986. structural cation ==> 结构阳离子
  62987. structural change ==> 结构改变,构造改变=>構造変化
  62988. structural changes ==> 结构变化
  62989. structural chemistry ==> 结构化学
  62990. structural class ==> 结构等级
  62991. structural clay tile ==> 粘土空心砖
  62992. structural coefficient ==> 结构系数
  62993. structural color ==> 结构色
  62994. structural compatibility ==> 结构相容性,结构协调性
  62995. structural complexity ==> 構造的な複雑さ
  62996. structural component ==> 结构零件
  62997. structural component connection ==> 构件接合
  62998. structural composite ==> 構造用複合材料
  62999. structural composition ==> 構造組成
  63000. structural computation ==> 構造計算
  63001. structural concept ==> 構造概念
  63002. structural concrete ==> 结构混凝土
  63003. structural configuration ==> 構造配置
  63004. structural conformance ==> 構造的適合
  63005. structural connection ==> 结构连接
  63006. structural consequence ==> 構造的影響
  63007. structural conservation ==> 構造的保存
  63008. structural consideration ==> 構造的考察
  63009. structural constant ==> 结构常数
  63010. structural constituent ==> 结构组分,组织成分
  63011. structural constitution ==> 结构成分
  63012. structural constraint ==> 结构限制,结构约束=>構造的拘束
  63013. structural constructivism ==> 構造構成主義
  63014. structural contour map ==> 构造等高线图
  63015. structural control ==> 构造控制,结构控制=>構造規制
  63016. structural controversy ==> 構造論争
  63017. structural conversion ==> 構造変換
  63018. structural coordination ==> 组织配位
  63019. structural cracks ==> 结构裂缝
  63020. structural crystallography ==> 构造结晶学
  63021. structural damage ==> 结构的破坏,结构破坏,结构损坏
  63022. structural damping ==> 结构阻尼
  63023. structural decomposition ==> 構造的分解
  63024. structural defect ==> 構造欠陥
  63025. structural deflection ==> 结构挠度
  63026. structural depression ==> 构造洼地
  63027. structural design ==> 结构设计
  63028. structural design criterion ==> 结构设计准则
  63029. structural design drawing ==> 结构设计图
  63030. structural detail ==> 结构细部,结构元件
  63031. structural deterioration ==> 结构破坏
  63032. structural determinants of behavior ==> 行为的结构因素
  63033. structural diagram ==> 合金平衡图,合金状态图
  63034. structural discordance ==> 构造不整合
  63035. structural disequilibrium ==> 结构性不平衡
  63036. structural disorder ==> 構造破壊
  63037. structural displacement ==> 構造変位
  63038. structural disruption ==> 構造的混乱
  63039. structural distortion ==> 结构变形
  63040. structural drawing ==> 结构构体,构造图
  63041. structural drilling ==> 结构钻探
  63042. structural dynamics ==> 结构动力学
  63043. structural econometric model ==> 结构计量经济模型
  63044. structural economic crisis ==> 结构性经济危机
  63045. structural economics ==> 经济结构学,经济结构学
  63046. structural effects index ==> 结构影响指数
  63047. structural efficiency ==> 结构强度=>構造的効果
  63048. structural eigenvalue ==> 構造固有値
  63049. structural elasticity ==> 结构弹性
  63050. structural element ==> 结构要素,结构元素,构造要索=>構造要素
  63051. structural element (member,unit) ==> 结构构件
  63052. structural elements ==> 结构成分
  63053. structural elevation ==> 结构标高
  63054. structural employment ==> 结构性就业
  63055. structural engineering ==> 结构工程学
  63056. structural engineering system solver (STRESS) ==> 结构工程系统解算程序,建筑结构分析语言
  63057. structural equation ==> 结构方程,结构方程式,组织平衡=>構造方程式
  63058. structural equation model ==> 结构方程模型=>構造方程式モデル
  63059. structural equation parameter ==> 结构方程参数
  63060. structural equilibrium ==> 構造的均衡
  63061. structural erosion ==> 构造侵蚀
  63062. structural evolution ==> 结构演变
  63063. structural fabric ==> 组构
  63064. structural failure ==> 结构失效,结构损坏,结构误差
  63065. structural feature ==> 结构要点,构造形迹
  63066. structural features ==> 构造细部
  63067. structural FEM analysis ==> 有限要素法構造解析
  63068. structural forging ==> 结构锻件
  63069. structural form ==> 构造形式
  63070. structural formula ==> 构造式,结构式
  63071. structural fracture ==> 构造裂隙
  63072. structural frame ==> 构架
  63073. structural framing ==> 结构构思,结构框架
  63074. structural gene ==> 结构基因,顺反子
  63075. structural geology ==> 构造地质学=>構造地質学
  63076. structural geometry ==> 構造幾何学
  63077. structural glass ==> 结构玻璃,大块玻璃
  63078. structural grid ==> 结构柱网
  63079. structural group analysis ==> 结构族分析
  63080. structural hardening ==> 结构淬火
  63081. structural heterogenity ==> 组织不均匀性,组织多样性
  63082. structural heterozygote ==> 结构杂合子
  63083. structural high ==> 构造隆起
  63084. structural homogenity ==> 组织均匀性
  63085. structural hybrid ==> 结构杂种
  63086. structural identification ==> 结构鉴定
  63087. structural imbalance ==> 结构性失调
  63088. structural impediments ==> 结构阻扰
  63089. structural imperfection ==> 结构不完整性
  63090. structural index ==> 结构指数
  63091. structural indicator ==> 構造指標
  63092. structural induction ==> 構造帰納法
  63093. structural industrial policy ==> 産業構造政策
  63094. structural inference ==> 構造推論
  63095. structural inflation ==> 结构型通货膨胀,结构性通货膨胀=>構造的インフレーション
  63096. structural information ==> 構造情報
  63097. structural inheritance ==> 构造继承
  63098. structural innovation ==> 構造的革新
  63099. structural insight ==> 構造的洞察
  63100. structural insights ==> 構造的考察
  63101. structural inspection ==> 構造物検査
  63102. structural instability ==> 结构不稳定=>構造不安定性
  63103. structural integrity ==> 结构完整性,构造完整性
  63104. structural intervention ==> 结构性干预
  63105. structural iron ==> 结构铁
  63106. structural isomerism ==> 结构同分异构,结构同分异构现象
  63107. structural joint ==> 构造缝,结构缝,由于结构需要而设置的缝
  63108. structural landform ==> 构造地形
  63109. structural lesion ==> 结构损害
  63110. structural level ==> 构造层位
  63111. structural light-weight concrete ==> 轻质结构混凝土
  63112. structural lighting ==> 建築化照明
  63113. structural lightweight concrete ==> 轻结构混凝土
  63114. structural limit ==> 结构强度极限
  63115. structural line ==> 构造线
  63116. structural linguistics ==> 结构语言学
  63117. structural load ==> 结构负荷,结构荷载
  63118. structural lumber ==> 结构木材
  63119. structural machinability ==> 结构工艺性
  63120. structural map ==> 构造等高线图
  63121. structural mast ==> 塔式灯桅
  63122. structural material ==> 结构材料
  63123. structural material for reactor ==> 反应堆结构材料,反应堆燃料组件结构材料和堆内构件材料的统称。要求其热中子吸收截面小、与燃料相容性好、抗腐蚀性好、辐照损伤与感生放射性小、合适的强度和延性、热膨胀系数小、导热性与加工性能好等
  63124. structural mechanics ==> 结构力学
  63125. structural mechanics in reactor technology ==> 反应堆结构力学,应用工程力学一般原理和方法研究分析反应堆结构部件力学性状的分支学科
  63126. structural mechanics of beam system ==> 杆系结构力学
  63127. structural member ==> 构件,构件
  63128. structural metal ==> 结构金属
  63129. structural metallic materials ==> 金属结构材料
  63130. structural mill ==> 结构钢轧机,钢轨钢梁轧机,钢梁轧机
  63131. structural model ==> 构造型式,结构模型,几何相似模型=>構造モデル
  63132. structural module ==> 结构模数
  63133. structural mutation ==> 结构突变
  63134. structural nature of employment ==> 结构性就业
  63135. structural noise ==> 構造ノイズ
  63136. structural non-linearity ==> 構造非線形性
  63137. structural non-uniformity ==> 構造の不均一性
  63138. structural nose ==> 构造鼻
  63139. structural object ==> 構造物
  63140. structural obstacles ==> 结构性障碍
  63141. structural oil-gas field ==> 构造型油气田
  63142. structural optimization method ==> 结构优化方法
  63143. structural parameter ==> 结构参数
  63144. structural part ==> 结构零件
  63145. structural parts ==> 构件
  63146. structural pattern ==> 构造型式
  63147. structural pattern recognition ==> 结构图形识别
  63148. structural perturbation ==> 结构扰动
  63149. structural petrology ==> 构造岩石学
  63150. structural phase transition ==> 结构相变
  63151. structural plan ==> 结构平面
  63152. structural plane ==> 结构面,构造面
  63153. structural pool ==> 构造油气藏
  63154. structural position ==> 构造层位
  63155. structural preservation ==> 構造保持
  63156. structural pressure ==> 構造圧力
  63157. structural probability distribution ==> 结构概率分布
  63158. structural profile ==> 结构剖面
  63159. structural protein ==> 结构蛋白质
  63160. structural province ==> 构造区
  63161. structural purity ==> 结构纯度
  63162. structural ratios ==> 财务结构比率
  63163. structural readjustment ==> 结构调整
  63164. structural readjustment of rural industry ==> 调整农村产业结构
  63165. structural reference ==> 结构访问
  63166. structural reform ==> 结构改革
  63167. structural regression relationship ==> 结构回归关系
  63168. structural regulation ==> 構造規則
  63169. structural reinforcement ==> 结构配筋
  63170. structural relief ==> 构造地形
  63171. structural representation ==> 结构表示法,结构示意
  63172. structural resolution ==> 结构分解
  63173. structural return loss ==> 结构回路损耗=>不均等反射減衰量
  63174. structural riveting ==> 结构铆接
  63175. structural rock bench ==> 构造岩石阶地
  63176. structural saddle ==> 构造沉降部分
  63177. structural sandwich ==> 结构夹心板
  63178. structural scoliosis ==> 结构性脊柱侧凸
  63179. structural section ==> 构造剖面图,型钢材
  63180. structural shape ==> 结构型材,结构形状
  63181. structural similarity ==> 结构相似性
  63182. structural skin ==> 结构蒙皮
  63183. structural slab ==> 结构板
  63184. structural stability ==> 结构稳定性,组织稳定性
  63185. structural stand ==> 建筑型钢轧机机座
  63186. structural steel ==> 结构钢,钢架
  63187. structural steel design ==> 钢结构设计
  63188. structural steel plate ==> 结构用钢板
  63189. structural steelwork ==> 钢结构工程
  63190. structural stiffness ==> 结构刚度
  63191. structural strength ==> 结构强度
  63192. structural stress ==> 组织应力
  63193. structural style ==> 结构形式
  63194. structural support ==> 支撑结构
  63195. structural surface ==> 结构面
  63196. structural system ==> 结构体系,构造体系
  63197. structural system of equations ==> 结构方程组
  63198. structural table ==> 结构表
  63199. structural terrace ==> 构造阶地
  63200. structural test ==> 结构试验
  63201. structural theory ==> 结构理论
  63202. structural theory for large-scale systems ==> 大系统结构理论
  63203. structural timber ==> 结构木材
  63204. structural transformation ==> 结构变化,结构转变,组织转变
  63205. structural trap ==> 构造圈闭
  63206. structural tube ==> 结构管材
  63207. structural type ==> 构造类型
  63208. structural unconformity ==> 构造不整合
  63209. structural unemployment ==> 结构性失业
  63210. structural unit ==> 构造单元,构件
  63211. structural units ==> 结构单位
  63212. structural valley ==> 构造谷
  63213. structural variation index ==> 结构变异指数
  63214. structural veneer ==> 结构单板
  63215. structural viscosity ==> 结构化粘度,结构粘度
  63216. structural wall ==> 结构墙,承重墙
  63217. structural weakness ==> 组织弱化
  63218. structural weight ==> 结构重
  63219. structural weight per square meter ==> 建筑自重
  63220. structural weld ==> 强固焊缝
  63221. structural welding ==> 结构焊接
  63222. structural working drawing ==> 结构施工图
  63223. structural-functional analysis ==> 结构功能分析
  63224. structural-load-carrying capacity ==> 结构承载能力
  63225. structural-wall tile ==> 承重墙用空心砖
  63226. structuralist ==> 结构派
  63227. structurally complete positive sample set ==> 结构完整的正样本集
  63228. structurally nonspecific drug ==> 结构非特异性药物
  63229. structurally-ordered instrumental variables (SOIV) ==> 结构有序工具变量
  63230. structure ==> 结构,结构件,构造,构造物,配置,组织,建筑物,机构=>構体(衛星),屋外鉄構(電力),構造,骨組み,仕組み
  63231. structure analyzer ==> 结构分析器
  63232. structure and function of the brain ==> 脳の構造と機能
  63233. structure anisotropy ==> 構造異方性
  63234. structure anomaly ==> 構造異常
  63235. structure array ==> 结构数组,结构阵列
  63236. structure assignment ==> 构件赋值
  63237. structure attribute ==> 构件属性,结构属性
  63238. structure backing ==> 垫板
  63239. structure breaking ==> 结构破裂
  63240. structure cache ==> 结构超高速缓存
  63241. structure capacity ==> 结构能力
  63242. structure category ==> 结构目录
  63243. structure cell ==> 晶胞
  63244. structure characteristics ==> 结构特征
  63245. structure choice ==> 構成選択
  63246. structure clash ==> 结构分裂=>構造不一致
  63247. structure classification ==> 構造分類
  63248. structure closure ==> 构造闭合度
  63249. structure component ==> 结构成分
  63250. structure composition ==> 结构综合
  63251. structure contour ==> 构造等高线
  63252. structure control ==> 结构控制
  63253. structure controller ==> 结构控制器
  63254. structure controller module ==> 结构控制器模块
  63255. structure conversion ==> 体制转换
  63256. structure declaration and attribute ==> 结构说明和结构属性
  63257. structure defect ==> 结构缺陷
  63258. structure definition ==> 構成定義
  63259. structure deformation ==> 構造変形
  63260. structure degradation ==> 構造劣化
  63261. structure description ==> 结构简述
  63262. structure design of main power building ==> 主厂房结构设计,满足火力发电厂的安全运行和检修方便,以及场地的地质条件和承载力,对主厂房结构、材料和基础选型的设计
  63263. structure deterioration ==> 结构恶化
  63264. structure determination ==> 结构测定,结构确定
  63265. structure diagram ==> 构造图
  63266. structure discipline ==> 结构专业
  63267. structure dispersion ==> 構造分散
  63268. structure display ==> 结构显示
  63269. structure division ==> 结构部分
  63270. structure double refraction ==> 结构双折射
  63271. structure drill ==> 构造钻
  63272. structure economics ==> 结构经济学
  63273. structure editor ==> 结构编辑程序
  63274. structure evaluation ==> 構造評価
  63275. structure evolution ==> 構造の進化
  63276. structure experiment ==> 结构试验=>構造実験
  63277. structure expression ==> 结构表达式
  63278. structure extraction ==> 構造抽出
  63279. structure factor ==> 结构因数
  63280. structure failure ==> 结构故障
  63281. structure follows strategy ==> 结构随着经营策略而变
  63282. structure formation ==> 结构形成=>構造形成
  63283. structure formula ==> 構造式
  63284. structure function ==> 结构功能,结构函数
  63285. structure height ==> 结构高度
  63286. structure index ==> 结构指标
  63287. structure indicator ==> 结构指标
  63288. structure information ==> 结构信息
  63289. structure irregularity ==> 结构不规则性
  63290. structure length ==> 结构长度
  63291. structure level number ==> 结构层数
  63292. structure line ==> 构造线
  63293. structure low ==> 构造低地
  63294. structure management ==> 结构管理,结构管理
  63295. structure matrix ==> 结构矩阵=>構造行列
  63296. structure measurement ==> 構造測定
  63297. structure member ==> 结构部件,结构成员=>構成要素
  63298. structure memory ==> 结构存储器
  63299. structure memory reference ==> 结构存储器访问
  63300. structure name ==> 结构名
  63301. structure node ==> 结构节点
  63302. structure node memory ==> 结构节点存储器
  63303. structure nose ==> 构造鼻
  63304. structure number ==> 结构编号,组织号数
  63305. structure of a compiler ==> 编译程序结构
  63306. structure of a microgrid ==> マイクログリッドの構成
  63307. structure of a system ==> 系统结构
  63308. structure of an argonaute silencing complex ==> argonauteサイレンシング複合体の構造
  63309. structure of consumer demand ==> 消费构成
  63310. structure of consumption ==> 消费构成
  63311. structure of energy consumption ==> 能源消费结构
  63312. structure of equipment (device) ==> 设备结构
  63313. structure of imports and exports ==> 进出口商品结构
  63314. structure of investment ==> 投资结构
  63315. structure of metal complex ==> 金属络合物结构
  63316. structure of mining ==> 采掘业结构
  63317. structure of rate ==> 比率结构
  63318. structure of reborner ==> 转化炉的结构
  63319. structure of sample ==> 样本构成
  63320. structure of silicates ==> 硅酸盐结构
  63321. structure of the hilum ==> 种脐的结构
  63322. structure of the model ==> 模型的结构
  63323. structure of the soil itself ==> 土壤自身结构
  63324. structure of thin film ==> 薄膜结构
  63325. structure of threshold function ==> 阈值函数的构造
  63326. structure operation ==> 结构操作
  63327. structure operation request ==> 结构操作请求
  63328. structure option ==> 结构选择
  63329. structure page ==> 结构页面
  63330. structure plane ==> 构造面
  63331. structure pointer ==> 结构指示器
  63332. structure profile ==> 结构剖面
  63333. structure program ==> 程序结构
  63334. structure property ==> 组织性能
  63335. structure qualification ==> 结构限定
  63336. structure reference ==> 结构引用
  63337. structure representation ==> 结构表达
  63338. structure representation in memory ==> 存储器的结构表示
  63339. structure retrieval ==> 结构检索
  63340. structure ring ==> 结构环
  63341. structure section ==> 构造断面,构造剖面
  63342. structure sensitive ==> 構造敏感
  63343. structure silicon on isolant ==> 绝缘体上硅结构
  63344. structure soil ==> 结构土壤
  63345. structure stability ==> 组织稳定性
  63346. structure storage allocation ==> 结构的存储分配
  63347. structure symbol ==> 结构符号
  63348. structure testing machine ==> 结构试验机
  63349. structure trap ==> 构造圈闭
  63350. structure tree ==> 结构树
  63351. structure type ==> 结构类型
  63352. structure unit ==> 构造单位
  63353. structure variable ==> 结构变量
  63354. structure water ==> 构造水
  63355. structure with DEFINED attribute ==> 具有DEFINE属性的结构,具有DEFINE属性的结构
  63356. structure with LIKE attribute ==> 具有LIKE属性的结构,具有LIKE属性的结构
  63357. structure with storage class attribute ==> 构件的存储类属性
  63358. structure, shell construction ==> 壳体结构
  63359. structure-activity correlation ==> 结构-活性相关
  63360. structure-activity relationship (SAP) ==> 构效关系
  63361. structure-borne noise ==> 结构传递噪音,结构声
  63362. structure-borne sound ==> 结构声
  63363. structure-borne sound transmission ==> 结构传声
  63364. structure-breaking property ==> 结构破裂性质
  63365. structure-conduct-performance framework ==> 结构-行为-实绩体制
  63366. structure-contour map ==> 构造等高线图
  63367. structure-sharing ==> 结构共享
  63368. structured analysis ==> 结构化分析
  63369. structured analysis and design technique ==> 结构分析和设计技术
  63370. structured approach ==> 构造法
  63371. structured buffer pool ==> 结构缓冲区
  63372. structured design process ==> 结构设计过程
  63373. structured design specification ==> 结构化设计技术条件
  63374. structured field syntax ==> 结构字段语法
  63375. structured graphics ==> 结构化图形
  63376. structured interview ==> 结构性采访
  63377. structured keyboard routine ==> 结构式键盘程序
  63378. structured learning ==> 構造化学習(ニューラルネットワーク)
  63379. structured light ==> 结构光
  63380. structured multiprocessor system ==> 结构式多处理机系统
  63381. structured object ==> 结构化对象,结构化事物
  63382. structured object representation ==> 结构化对象表示法
  63383. structured paging system ==> 结构式分页系统
  63384. structured representation on genetic algorithms ==> 構造的GA
  63385. structured specification ==> 结构化技术条件
  63386. structured statement ==> 结构化语句
  63387. structured system analysis ==> 结构化系统分析,结构系统分析
  63388. structured system design ==> 结构化系统设计,结构系统设计
  63389. structured system implement ==> 结构化系统实现,结构系统实现
  63390. structured value ==> 结构值
  63391. structured walk-through ==> 结构化普查,结构普查,结构业务,结构预演
  63392. structured walkthrough ==> 结构预演
  63393. structureless soil ==> 无结构土壤
  63394. structures for ore housing ==> 储矿构造体系
  63395. structures of hierarchical clustering ==> 多级聚合结构
  63396. structuring ==> 结构化
  63397. struggle against corruption ==> 反腐败斗争
  63398. struggle against Right deviations ==> 反右倾
  63399. struggle for existence ==> 生存竞争
  63400. strum ==> 吸入滤网
  63401. Strum-Liouville system ==> スツルム・リゥビゥ系
  63402. struma basedowii ==> 巴塞多氏甲状腺肿
  63403. struma lymphomatosa ==> 淋巴瘤性(样)甲状腺肿,淋巴细胞性甲状腺肿,桥本氏病,桥本氏甲状腺肿
  63404. Strumpell-Leichtenstern type of encephalitis ==> 出血性脑炎
  63405. strung red brilliant ==> 红啃毛串线
  63406. strung wire ==> 架渉線
  63407. strut ==> 斜杆,支撑,支撑短柱,支柱=>支柱
  63408. strut antenna ==> 支杆天线
  63409. strut attachment ==> 支承装置,支柱附件
  63410. strut boom ==> 受压伸臂,柱式伸臂
  63411. strut bracing ==> 受压联系件
  63412. strut of axle guard ==> 车轴护挡支柱
  63413. strut of roof truss ==> 屋架斜撑
  63414. strut rail ==> 横撑
  63415. strut rod ==> 支柱
  63416. strut section ==> 支柱剖面
  63417. strut sleeve ==> 间隔衬套
  63418. strut socket ==> 撑杆座
  63419. strut support ==> 支柱架
  63420. strut-beam ==> 支梁,受压梁
  63421. strut-framed ==> 下撑式
  63422. strut-framed beam ==> 撑架式梁,撑托梁
  63423. strut-framed bridge ==> 撑架式桥
  63424. strutted pole ==> 撑杆
  63425. strutting piece ==> 支撑件
  63426. struvite calculus ==> 磷酸铵镁结石
  63427. strychnine ==> 马钱子碱
  63428. strychnine bases ==> 马钱子碱类
  63429. strychnine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸士的宁
  63430. strychnine poisoning ==> 番木鳖碱中毒
  63431. strychninic acid ==> 马钱子碱酸
  63432. strychninolic acid ==> 马钱子碱醇酸
  63433. strychninonic acid ==> 马钱子碱酮酸
  63434. STS, sequence test set ==> シーケンス回路試験器
  63435. STS, skylab transition section ==> スカイラブ転位セクション
  63436. STS, Space Transportation System ==> スペースシャトル輸送システム,宇宙輸送システム
  63437. STS, spacecraft tracking station ==> 宇宙機追跡局
  63438. STS, star sensor ==> スターセンサ
  63439. STS, Static Transfer Switch ==> 系統切替スイッチ
  63440. STSEMU, space transportation system EMU ==> 宇宙輸送システムEMU(EMU,船外活動ユニット)
  63441. STSW, serial transaction specification word ==> シリアルトランザクション指定語
  63442. STT ==> スタートラッカー,恒星センサ
  63443. sttl ==> 肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑
  63444. Stuart factor ==> 司徒因子
  63445. Stuart-Power factor ==> 司徒因子
  63446. stub ==> 柱脚,短粗卡头,短截棒,短截线,短卡,短支柱,导体棒,存根,截线,线头,小伐根,柱墩,树桩,残茬,残段,残极,残桩,枝槎,支脚,中介轴,轴端=>スタブ
  63447. stub (tube) ==> 接管座
  63448. stub aerial ==> 短截线天线
  63449. stub angle ==> 短截棒角接头
  63450. stub antenna ==> 短截线天线
  63451. stub arm ==> 支路=>スタブアーム
  63452. stub axle ==> 转向节,转向轴
  63453. stub bar ==> 料头
  63454. stub cable ==> 连接电缆=>スタブケーブル
  63455. stub card ==> 存根卡片,计数卡片
  63456. stub cutoff wall ==> 防渗矮墙
  63457. stub end ==> 焊条裸尾,连杆端
  63458. stub feeder ==> 直接电源馈路
  63459. stub frame ==> 短型车架
  63460. stub gear tooth ==> 短齿
  63461. stub ingot ==> 残锭
  63462. stub matching ==> 短截线匹配
  63463. stub mortise ==> 短粗榫眼
  63464. stub nail ==> 短粗钉
  63465. stub pile ==> 短粗桩
  63466. stub pin ==> 套销
  63467. stub pipe ==> 短管
  63468. stub pole ==> 主梁
  63469. stub puller ==> 树桩挖掘机
  63470. stub screw machine reamer ==> 短型机用铰刀
  63471. stub shaft drill ==> 短轴钻机
  63472. stub sowing ==> 留茬地播种
  63473. stub station ==> 高峰负载发电厂
  63474. stub switch ==> 钝轨转辙器
  63475. stub tenon ==> 短粗榫,短粗榫舌
  63476. stub tuner ==> 短线调谐器
  63477. stub tuning ==> 短线调谐
  63478. stub wall ==> 矮墙
  63479. stub-supported coaxial ==> 短截线支承同轴线
  63480. stub-supported line ==> 短截线支承传输线
  63481. stub-survivor curve ==> 残段生存曲线
  63482. stub-tooth gear ==> 短齿齿轮
  63483. stubble ==> 残茬
  63484. stubble bottom ==> 茬地犁体
  63485. stubble cleaner ==> 表土犁,灭茬机,浅耕机
  63486. stubble crop ==> 留茬作物,茬地作物
  63487. stubble cultivation ==> 灭茬耕作
  63488. stubble grazing ==> 茬地放牧
  63489. stubble mulch ==> 残茬覆盖,茬地覆盖层
  63490. stubble mulch farming ==> 留茬耕作
  63491. stubble mulch tillage ==> 留残茬耕作,留茬覆盖耕作
  63492. stubble mulching ==> 茬后覆盖物
  63493. stubble ploughing ==> 灭茬
  63494. stubble seeder ==> 茬地播种机
  63495. stubble share ==> 茬地犁铧,熟地犁铧
  63496. stubble skim plough ==> 灭茬机
  63497. stubble-mulch tillage ==> 残茬覆盖耕作
  63498. stubborn ==> 頑固な,強情な,意地を張る,不変の,スタボン
  63499. stubborn door ==> 立て付けの悪いドア
  63500. stubborn fact ==> 不変の事実
  63501. stubborn faith ==> 断固とした信念
  63502. stubbornly ==> 頑固に,強情に
  63503. stubbornly honest ==> 愚直に徹する
  63504. Stubbs-Perry system ==> 斯塔布斯-佩里系统
  63505. stubby driver ==> 木柄木螺钉起子
  63506. stubs gage ==> 线径规
  63507. stubs of a paying-in book ==> 解款簿存根
  63508. stucco fluidized bed ==> 沸腾撒砂
  63509. stuck rod criterion ==> 卡棒准则,为确保反应堆安全停堆、并且具有足够停堆深度而在设计中必须遵循的一项准则。它规定当要求所有控制元件全部插入堆芯时,即使反应性当量最大的一根控制棒被卡在堆外,反应堆仍具有足够的停堆深度
  63510. stud ==> 柱螺栓,电钮,立筋,立柱,模板支柱,双头螺栓,外桩,嵌钉,芯撑=>植込ボルト,スタッド
  63511. stud (bolt) ==> 柱螺栓
  63512. stud (double-end) bolt ==> 柱螺栓
  63513. stud (type) transistor ==> 柱式晶体三极管
  63514. stud bolt ==> 双端螺柱
  63515. stud bolt hole ==> 柱螺栓孔
  63516. stud bolt thread ==> 双头螺栓螺纹
  63517. stud book ==> 良种马登记册
  63518. stud breeding ==> 个体交配
  63519. stud bull ==> 种公牛
  63520. stud chain ==> 柱环节链
  63521. stud chaplet ==> 双面芯撑
  63522. stud driver ==> 柱螺栓传动轮
  63523. stud farm ==> 种马场,种畜场
  63524. stud framed partition ==> 立筋构架隔断
  63525. stud framed wall ==> 立筋构架墙
  63526. stud gear ==> 柱齿轮,变速轮
  63527. stud hexagonal nut ==> 柱螺栓六角螺母
  63528. stud horse ==> 种公马,种马
  63529. stud lathe ==> 柱螺栓车床
  63530. stud link ==> 高节链节,日字形链节
  63531. stud link chain ==> 有挡环链,柱环节链
  63532. stud mating ==> 个体交配
  63533. stud mount ==> 铰轴安装
  63534. stud nut ==> 柱螺栓螺母
  63535. stud partition ==> 隔墙架,立筋隔断,木隔断墙,木筋隔断
  63536. stud pin ==> 柱螺栓销
  63537. stud plot ==> 留种区
  63538. stud ram ==> 种公羊
  63539. stud removal machine ==> 柱螺栓切削机
  63540. stud remover ==> 双头螺栓拧出器
  63541. stud ring ==> 齿环
  63542. stud rivet ==> 螺柱铆钉
  63543. stud screw ==> 柱螺栓螺钉
  63544. stud setter ==> 装双端螺栓工具,双头螺栓拧入器
  63545. stud shaft ==> 螺栓轴,交换齿轮架中间轴,栓轴
  63546. stud spacer ==> 栓螺栓隔片
  63547. stud stock ==> 种公羊,种畜
  63548. stud switch ==> 按钮式转接开关
  63549. stud type chain ==> 挡环式链
  63550. stud wall ==> 立柱墙
  63551. stud weld ==> スタッド溶接
  63552. stud weld(ing) ==> 螺栓焊接
  63553. stud welding ==> 螺栓焊,螺柱焊,柱极焊,电栓焊=>スタッド溶接
  63554. stud welding (SW) ==> 柱钉焊接
  63555. stud welding gun ==> 螺柱焊枪
  63556. stud wheel ==> 柱齿轮,柱栓齿轮
  63557. stud wheel plate ==> 柱栓齿轮板
  63558. studded connection ==> 双头螺栓连接
  63559. studded roller ==> 锁齿式排种轮
  63560. studded-cage beater ==> 钉头笼式打浆器
  63561. student ==> スチューデント
  63562. student assessment ==> 学生评价
  63563. Student Green Painting Competition ==> 小学生环保绘画比赛
  63564. Student Loan Marketing Association ==> 学生贷款市场协会
  63565. student nurse ==> 护生
  63566. student recommended for admission ==> 保送生
  63567. students and apprentices ==> 学生及实习生
  63568. studies of the life histories ==> 生活史的研究
  63569. Studies on Halogenated Aliphatic Compounds ==> 对卤代脂族化合物的研究
  63570. studies on seed health ==> 种子健康研究
  63571. studies on the use of mutagenic agents ==> 利用诱变因素的研究
  63572. studies on tolyposporium chrenbergii ==> 堆黑粉菌的研究
  63573. studio ==> 演播室=>スタジオ,演奏所
  63574. studio absorption ==> 演播室吸声
  63575. studio acoustics ==> 演播室声学
  63576. studio allocations schedule ==> 演播室排用表
  63577. studio apparatus ==> 演播室设备
  63578. studio backgrounds ==> 演播室背景
  63579. studio booking ==> 演播室排用表
  63580. studio broadcast ==> 播音室广播,演播室直播,室内广播
  63581. studio camera ==> 演播室摄像机
  63582. studio camera chain ==> 演播室摄像机通路
  63583. studio camera dolly ==> 演播室摄像机移动车
  63584. studio camera equipment ==> 演播室摄像设备
  63585. studio camera pedestal ==> 演播室摄像机三角架
  63586. studio camera rehearsal ==> 演播室排演
  63587. studio capacity ==> 演播室容量
  63588. studio centre ==> 演播中心
  63589. studio complex ==> 演播中心
  63590. studio control ==> 演播室控制
  63591. studio control booth ==> 播控调整室
  63592. studio control console ==> 演播室控制台
  63593. studio control room ==> 演播控制室,播控室=>副調整室
  63594. studio couch ==> 沙发床
  63595. studio crane ==> 演播室升降设备
  63596. studio decorations ==> 演播室布景
  63597. studio display facility ==> 演播室重放设备
  63598. studio equipment ==> 播控设备
  63599. studio exterior ==> 演播室外景模拟
  63600. studio facilities ==> 演播室设备
  63601. studio floor ==> 演播室表演区
  63602. studio floor manager ==> 演播室现场导演
  63603. studio foldback circuit ==> 演播室返送电路,播音室返送电路
  63604. studio light boards ==> 演播室灯光板
  63605. studio lights ==> 演播室照明
  63606. studio lining ==> 演播室声衬,播音室声衬
  63607. studio manager ==> 演播室监督
  63608. studio mixer ==> 演播室混合台
  63609. studio monitor ==> 演播室监视器,广播监听机
  63610. studio pick-up ==> 播音室拾音
  63611. studio pickup ==> 播音室直播,演播室拾声
  63612. studio pottery ==> 艺术陶器
  63613. studio recording ==> 演播室摄制
  63614. studio recording parctices ==> 演播室摄制工作
  63615. studio reverberation ==> 演播室混响,播音室混响
  63616. studio scenery ==> 演播室布景
  63617. study ==> 研究,书房
  63618. study by hand-copying books ==> 抄书学习法
  63619. study mode ==> 研究模型
  63620. study of investment opportunities ==> 投资机会研究
  63621. study of the meiotic irregularities ==> 减数分裂不规则行为的研究
  63622. study on agrobiology ==> 农业生物学研究
  63623. study on animal breeding ==> 动物育种研究
  63624. study on controlling of winter injury ==> 冬害防治研究
  63625. study on large sample ==> 大样本研究
  63626. study on the ecological value of fish ponds ==> 鱼塘生态价值研究
  63627. study on water management scheme ==> 进一步研究排水计划
  63628. study plot ==> 标准地
  63629. study room ==> 书房
  63630. stuff ==> 填,填充,材料,棉毛交织衬里布,原料,料
  63631. stuff chest ==> 贮浆池
  63632. stuff coloring ==> 布料着色
  63633. stuff cusp configuration ==> 填充会切位形
  63634. stuff goods ==> 毛织品
  63635. stuff grinder ==> 磨浆机
  63636. stuff multiplex ==> スタッフ多重
  63637. stuff pump ==> 纸料泵
  63638. stuffed ==> 实心的
  63639. stuffed basin ==> 填塞盆地
  63640. stuffed flat cabbage ==> 海棠菜心
  63641. stuffed mineral ==> 填塞矿物
  63642. stufffed animal ==> 剥制动物标本
  63643. stuffiness ==> 不通气
  63644. stuffing ==> 装载,填充,填充剂,填料,填密,填塞料,低劣充饥物
  63645. stuffing (box) gland ==> 填料盖,填料函压盖
  63646. stuffing box ==> 填料函,填料槽,填料箱,密封箱=>スタッヒィング箱
  63647. stuffing box bearing ==> 填料压盖轴承
  63648. stuffing box bushing ==> 填料函衬套
  63649. stuffing box gland ==> 填料压盖
  63650. stuffing box heat exchanger ==> 填料函式换热器
  63651. stuffing box model ==> 填料箱型号
  63652. stuffing box thermal compensator ==> 填料函热补偿器
  63653. stuffing chamber ==> 填料压盖室,衬套室
  63654. stuffing character ==> 塞入字符
  63655. stuffing digit ==> 塞入数字
  63656. stuffing gland ==> 填料箱压盖
  63657. stuffing ring ==> 填料压盖
  63658. stuffing(box)gland ==> 密封压盖
  63659. stuffy nose ==> 曲差
  63660. stuffy room ==> 不通气的室
  63661. stull piece ==> 加固斜撑木
  63662. stumble ==> よろめく,巡り合う,遭遇する,偶然見いだす
  63663. stumble across a bacteria ever found ==> 未発見のバクテリアを偶然見つける
  63664. stumble across a wonderful website ==> 偶然素晴らしいホームページを見つける
  63665. stumble and learn ==> つまずきながら学んでいく
  63666. stumbling block ==> 障害
  63667. stump ==> 残端,残干,残余部分,残肢,残桩,树墩,树桩,掘伐根,掘伐根,平茬,柱桩,钢凿承托,短柱,伐根=>切り株,刈り株,幹
  63668. stump age ==> 伐根年龄
  63669. stump auger ==> 挖根螺旋钻
  63670. stump bed ==> 柱のないベッド
  63671. stump bur ==> 残根牙钻
  63672. stump cancer ==> 残胃癌
  63673. stump fence ==> 树桩围培
  63674. stump figure ==> 根株花纹
  63675. stump hallucination ==> 残肢幻觉
  63676. stump height ==> 伐根高
  63677. stump leakage ==> 残端漏
  63678. stump neuralgia ==> 残肢神经痛,截肢残端痛
  63679. stump neuroma ==> 残端神经瘤
  63680. stump of stomach ==> 胃残端
  63681. stump of tonsil ==> 扁桃体残体
  63682. stump pain ==> 残端痛
  63683. stump pasture ==> 森林砍伐后牧地
  63684. stump plant ==> 栽植平茬苗,平茬苗
  63685. stump pregnancy ==> 残端子宫妊娠
  63686. stump puller ==> 拔根机,掘根机,掘根机,除根机
  63687. stump remover ==> 树桩拔除机
  63688. stump revision ==> 残端修整术
  63689. stump root ==> 筒状肉质直根
  63690. stump rot ==> 伐根腐朽
  63691. stump scale ==> 根际材积,根经立木材积表
  63692. stump tenon ==> 宽脚榫
  63693. stump turpentine ==> 明子松节油
  63694. stump-clearing digger ==> 树桩挖除机
  63695. stump-jump device ==> 跃障复位装置
  63696. stump-jump disk plow ==> 跃障式圆盘犁
  63697. stump-jump mechanism ==> 跃障机构
  63698. stump-jump type chisel cultivator ==> 开垦用凿形中耕机
  63699. stump-jumper ==> 带弹返安全器的犁
  63700. stump-tailed macaque ==> 断尾猴
  63701. stumpage ==> 伐木支出,立木,立木采伐权,立木山价
  63702. stumped budding ==> 截干芽接树
  63703. stumper ==> 除根机
  63704. stumptail ==> 残尾钞票
  63705. stumpwood ==> 伐根材
  63706. stun ==> 衝撃,失神
  63707. stunt ==> 矮化=>離れ業,妙技
  63708. stunt box ==> 停印装置,限定器
  63709. stunt-box ==> 特技匣
  63710. stunted brushwood ==> 矮小灌木
  63711. stunted growth ==> 矮化生长
  63712. stunted plant ==> 阻碍生长的植株
  63713. stupendous ==> 驚くべき,膨大な
  63714. stuporous depression ==> 木僵性抑郁症
  63715. stuporous melancholia ==> 迟钝性忧郁症
  63716. stuporous state ==> 木僵状态
  63717. sturdy seedling ==> 壮实苗
  63718. Sturm motor ==> 斯特姆式叶片液压电动机,斯特姆式叶片液压马达
  63719. sturm motor ==> 斯特姆式叶片液压电动机,斯特姆式叶片液压马达
  63720. Sturm sequence ==> 斯图姆序列
  63721. Sturm-Liouville system ==> 斯图姆-刘维系
  63722. Sturmdorf's operation ==> 宫颈大型楔状切除术,宫颈锥形切除术
  63723. Sturtevent blower ==> 史氏鼓风机
  63724. Sturtian low-latitude glaciation ==> スターティアン低緯度氷期
  63725. STUS, status ==> 状態
  63726. stuttering ==> 口吃
  63727. STV, Satellite Transfer Vehicle ==> (意訳,衛星輸送機,〔英国が開発中,シャトルから静止軌道・
  63728. STV, solar thermal vacuum test ==> 太陽熱真空試験
  63729. STV, Space Transfer Vehicle ==> (意訳,軌道間輸送機〔旧称OTV.高低軌道間の衛星輸送手・
  63730. STW Subcommittee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping (IMO) ==> 培训证明和船员值班标准小组委员会
  63731. STW, Sub-Committee on Standards of training and ==> Watchkeeping
  63732. stwining stem ==> 缠绕茎
  63733. STX, start of text ==> テキスト開始
  63734. stylar canal ==> 花柱道
  63735. style ==> 花柱,风格,款式,类型,格式,样式,型式=>スタイル,流儀,種類=>スタイル,流派,針,花柱
  63736. style control ==> スタイル制御
  63737. style corsaire ==> 海盗款式
  63738. style definition ==> スタイル定義
  63739. style file ==> スタイルファイル
  63740. style indirect libre ==> 自由間接体
  63741. style number ==> 形式番号
  63742. style of offence ==> 犯罪方式
  63743. style of the shoe ==> 马掌型,蹄型
  63744. style of the Victorian Age ==> ビクトリア朝様式
  63745. style of traveling ==> 旅行スタイル
  63746. style of writing ==> 文体
  63747. style-book ==> 样本
  63748. styles of dressing ==> 修整类型
  63749. styli density ==> 记录针密度
  63750. styling ==> 造型
  63751. styling mousse ==> 定型摩丝
  63752. stylohyoid branch ==> 茎突舌骨肌支
  63753. styloid process ==> 茎突
  63754. styloid process of radius ==> 桡骨茎突
  63755. styloid process of ulna ==> 尺骨茎突
  63756. styloid prominence ==> 茎突凸
  63757. styloide process syndrome ==> 埃格尔氏综合征
  63758. stylolite line ==> 缝合线
  63759. stylolitic structure ==> 柱状构造,柱状结构,缝合构造,缝合结构
  63760. stylomastoid artery ==> 茎乳动脉
  63761. stylomastoid vein ==> 茎乳静脉
  63762. stylopharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve ==> 茎突咽肌支
  63763. stylus ==> 尖笔
  63764. stylus drag ==> 唱针阻力
  63765. stylus force ==> 唱针作用力=>針圧
  63766. stylus guard ==> 唱针保护装置
  63767. stylus holder ==> 触针座
  63768. stylus kicker ==> 唱针跳槽器
  63769. stylus pen ==> 铁笔
  63770. stylus pin ==> 指销
  63771. stylus point ==> 记录针,划线针
  63772. stylus pressure ==> 针压=>針圧
  63773. stylus printer ==> 针阵打字机,触针印刷机
  63774. stylus radius ==> 唱针半径
  63775. stylus type instrument ==> 记录针式仪器
  63776. styphnic acid ==> 收敛酸
  63777. styptic cotton ==> 止血棉
  63778. styptic powder ==> 止血散
  63779. styralyl acetate ==> 醋酸α-甲基苄酯
  63780. styrax pill for coronary heart disease ==> 冠心病苏合丸
  63781. styrenated alkyd ==> 苯乙烯改性醇酸树脂
  63782. styrenated oil ==> 苯乙烯化油
  63783. styrenated phenol ==> 苯乙烯酚
  63784. styrene ==> 苯乙烷,苯乙烯=>スチレン
  63785. styrene acrylic exterior wall coating ==> 苯丙外墙涂料
  63786. styrene acrylic matt latex paint ==> 苯丙无光乳胶漆
  63787. styrene alloy ==> 苯乙烯合金
  63788. styrene butadiene rubber ==> 充油丁苯橡胶
  63789. styrene dichloride ==> a,β-二氯乙基苯
  63790. styrene dielectric cable ==> 苯乙烯绝缘电缆
  63791. styrene emulsion ==> 苯乙烯乳剂
  63792. styrene glycol ==> 苯代乙二醇
  63793. styrene monomer ==> 苯乙烷
  63794. styrene oxide ==> 苯乙烯化氧,氧化苯乙烯
  63795. styrene plastic ==> 苯乙烯类塑料
  63796. styrene plastics ==> 苯乙烯塑料
  63797. styrene resin ==> 苯乙烯树脂=>スチレン樹脂
  63798. styrene sulfonic acid ==> 苯乙烯磺酸
  63799. styrene-acrylic emulsion ==> 苯丙共聚乳液
  63800. styrene-acrylic interior latex paint ==> 苯丙内墙乳胶漆
  63801. styrene-acrylic interior wall matt latex paint ==> 苯丙内墙无光乳胶漆
  63802. styrene-acrylic latex coating ==> 苯丙乳胶漆,硅灰石水性乳胶涂料
  63803. styrene-acrylic latex primer for metal ==> 苯丙型金属乳胶底漆
  63804. styrene-acrylonitrile ==> 苯乙烯丙烯腈
  63805. styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) ==> 丁苯橡胶=>スチレンブタジエンゴム
  63806. styroflex cable ==> 聚苯乙烯软电缆,聚苯乙烯软电缆
  63807. styry1-formic acid ==> 肉桂酸
  63808. styryl methyl ketone ==> 苯乙烯基甲基酮
  63809. SU, Sensing Unit ==> SU
  63810. SUA, Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Marine Navigation ==> 海洋航行の安全に対する不法な行為の防止に関する条約
  63811. sub ==> 次于,代替物
  63812. sub 1 circuit ==> 减一电路
  63813. sub chromatid ==> 亚染色单体
  63814. sub cooling line ==> 欠热管
  63815. sub data base ==> 亚数据库
  63816. sub grid scale process ==> 次网格尺度过程
  63817. sub group ==> 子群
  63818. sub licensing ==> 技术转让
  63819. sub routine ==> 子程序
  63820. sub scriber set ==> 电话用户机
  63821. SUB Subject (To .....) ==> 受…限制
  63822. sub-aerator ==> 底吹机
  63823. sub-agent ==> 副代理人
  63824. sub-aggregate ==> 子集
  63825. sub-allocation ==> 子分配
  63826. sub-allotment ==> 转分配
  63827. sub-application ==> 分申请
  63828. sub-arable layer ==> 亚耕作物
  63829. sub-arm ==> 辅助臂
  63830. sub-assembly ==> 部件装配
  63831. sub-average ==> 低于平均值的
  63832. sub-base ==> 底基层
  63833. sub-bill of lading ==> 副提单
  63834. sub-bill of landing ==> 副提单
  63835. sub-block ==> 小组信息
  63836. sub-boundary ==> 亚晶界
  63837. sub-branch ==> 子分支
  63838. sub-category ==> 子范畴
  63839. sub-circular ==> 近似环形,近似圆形
  63840. sub-class ==> 子集
  63841. sub-clinical disease ==> 轻症疾病
  63842. sub-coating ==> 包底衣
  63843. sub-company ==> 附属公司
  63844. sub-configuration ==> 子格局
  63845. sub-conoffer ==> 附条件要约
  63846. sub-contract ==> 分包合同
  63847. sub-contractor ==> 分承包人,副承包商
  63848. sub-control traverse ==> 采区控制线
  63849. sub-cooling ==> 局部冷却,局部冷却
  63850. sub-critical centrifuge ==> 亚临界离心机
  63851. sub-criticality ==> 次临界,反应堆的有效中子增殖因数keff<1的状态。这种状态下,裂变链式反应将趋于停止,反应堆的裂变率和功率都将不断减小,直至为零
  63852. sub-definite ==> 子定义
  63853. sub-diagonal ==> 副斜杆
  63854. sub-digastric abscess ==> 二腹肌下脓肿
  63855. sub-divided share ==> 再分股票
  63856. sub-dominant species ==> 亚优生种
  63857. sub-edge connector ==> 片状插座
  63858. sub-element ==> 子元件
  63859. sub-elliptical ==> 近似椭圆
  63860. sub-family ==> 子族
  63861. sub-filling ==> 分申请
  63862. sub-first grade structure ==> 次一级构造
  63863. sub-fraction ==> 子分式
  63864. sub-fractional rating ==> 小分数功率
  63865. sub-frame ==> 副架
  63866. sub-gene ==> 亚基因
  63867. sub-group ==> 子群
  63868. sub-harmonic ==> 分数調波
  63869. sub-harmonic radiation ==> 分谐波辐射
  63870. sub-header ==> 分联箱
  63871. sub-hunter ==> 猎潜艇
  63872. sub-irrigation ==> 地下渗灌
  63873. sub-item ==> 子项目
  63874. sub-joint ==> 副接头
  63875. sub-ke V ==> 亚千电子伏
  63876. sub-kiloton ==> 低于千吨,千吨以下
  63877. sub-lethal dose ==> 半致死量
  63878. sub-level drift stoping ==> 分段平巷回采
  63879. sub-licence ==> 副许可证
  63880. sub-license ==> 分许可
  63881. sub-line differentiation ==> 亚系分化
  63882. sub-loop ==> 子回路
  63883. sub-manager ==> 副经理
  63884. sub-mark ==> 副标志
  63885. sub-merged pier ==> 暗墩
  63886. sub-metal ==> 非金属
  63887. sub-micron ==> 亚微米
  63888. sub-millisecond optical pulsar ==> 亚毫秒光学脉冲星
  63889. sub-millisecond pulsar ==> 亚毫秒脉冲星
  63890. sub-model ==> 分模型
  63891. sub-mortgage ==> 副抵押权
  63892. sub-multiple unit ==> 分数单位
  63893. sub-oceanic structure ==> 海底构造
  63894. sub-opaque ==> 近似不透明
  63895. sub-optimization basis for decision making ==> 决策的分级优选基准,决策的分级优选基准
  63896. sub-parsec supermassive binary black hole system ==> サブパーセクの超大質量連星ブラックホール
  63897. sub-partner ==> 附股合伙人
  63898. sub-projectile ==> 子导弹
  63899. sub-quality products ==> 次级品,不合格产品
  63900. sub-quality products 次级品=> ==> 不合格产品
  63901. sub-radar point ==> 雷达下点
  63902. sub-schema description language ==> 子模式描述语言
  63903. sub-science ==> 科学分支
  63904. sub-screw ==> 副螺杆
  63905. sub-sea missile ==> 潜对舰导弹
  63906. sub-second measurement ==> 1秒単位以内の測定
  63907. sub-semigroup ==> 子半群
  63908. sub-sheaf ==> 子层
  63909. sub-sidiary companies ==> 附属公司
  63910. sub-sieve sizer ==> 颗粒分析仪
  63911. sub-slot ventilation ==> 副槽通风,转子绕组内冷的一种通风冷却系统。在这种冷却系统中,冷却转子绕组所需的气体由转子本体两端进入槽底的副槽中,经过铜线上的径向直风道,从槽稧上的出风孔排入气隙
  63912. sub-solar point ==> 太陽直下点
  63913. sub-span ==> サブスパン
  63914. sub-subroutine ==> 次子程序,亚子程序
  63915. sub-superheavy elements ==> 亚超重元素
  63916. sub-surface porosity ==> 皮下疏松
  63917. sub-surface tillage machine ==> 亚表耕机
  63918. sub-synchronous orbit ==> 分同期軌道
  63919. sub-synchronous resonance ==> 次同步谐振,当有串联电容补偿的电力系统受到扰动发生电感电容谐振时,其谐振频率与汽轮发电机组的轴系扭振某一振型的频率之和接近或等于系统的同步频率时发生的谐振。调整直流输电的功率,或有串联补偿装置的电力系统重合闸时也有可能引起次同步谐振=>軸ねじれ共振、低周波
  63920. sub-synchronous satellite ==> 亚同步卫星=>分同期衛星
  63921. sub-synchronous speed ==> 分同期速度
  63922. sub-tank ==> 水位计平衡器
  63923. sub-telephone frequency ==> 亚电话频率
  63924. sub-threshold dose ==> 阈下剂量
  63925. sub-tow ==> 分丝束
  63926. sub-trace analysis ==> 亚痕量分析
  63927. sub-transient reactance ==> 次瞬变电抗
  63928. sub-tread ==> 踏步底板
  63929. sub-truss ==> 支撑桁架
  63930. sub-type ==> 副型
  63931. sub-variety ==> 亚变种
  63932. sub-zero ==> 零度以下
  63933. sub-zero coolant ==> 零下冷却剂
  63934. sub-zero gear oil ==> 寒区齿轮油
  63935. sub-zero treatment ==> 零下处理
  63936. sub-zero weather ==> 严寒天气
  63937. sub-zero working ==> 零下温度加工
  63938. sub-zone ==> 附属贸易区
  63939. subacute bacterial endocarditis ==> 亚急性细菌性心内膜炎
  63940. subacute combined degeneration ==> 亚急性混合变性
  63941. subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord ==> 脊髓亚急性联合变性
  63942. subacute dermal toxicity ==> 亚急性皮肤毒性
  63943. subacute effusion-constrictive pericarditis ==> 亚急性渗液缩窄性心包炎
  63944. subacute fatal hepatitis ==> 亚急性重症型肝炎
  63945. subacute granulocytic leukemia ==> 亚急性粒细胞性白血病
  63946. subacute granulomatous thyroiditis ==> 亚急性肉芽肿性甲状腺炎
  63947. subacute hepatic failure ==> 亜急性肝不全
  63948. subacute hepatic necrosis ==> 亚急性肝坏死
  63949. subacute inclusion body encephalitis ==> 亚急性包涵体脑炎
  63950. subacute liver atrophy ==> 亚急性肝萎缩
  63951. subacute liver necrosis ==> 亚急性肝坏死
  63952. subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy ==> 亚急性脊髓视神经障碍
  63953. subacute non-suppurative thyroiditis ==> 亚急性非化脓性甲状腺炎
  63954. subacute non-suppurative type ==> 亚急性非化脓型
  63955. subacute thyroiditis ==> 亚急性甲状腺炎
  63956. subacute toxicity ==> 亚急性毒性
  63957. subacute toxicity test ==> 亚急性毒性试验
  63958. subacute type ==> 亚急型
  63959. subacute yellow atrophy of liver ==> 亚急性黄色肝萎缩
  63960. subadditive function ==> 次可加函数
  63961. subadjoint surface ==> 次拌随曲面
  63962. subaeration flotation machine ==> 机械搅拌式浮造机
  63963. subaerial spring ==> 地表泉
  63964. subaerial-laminated crust ==> 陆上纹理壳
  63965. subalitiber gun ==> 次口径炮
  63966. suballocated file ==> 次分配文件
  63967. subalpine belt ==> 亚高山带
  63968. subalpine meadow ==> 亚高山草甸
  63969. subalpine zone ==> 亚高山带
  63970. subaluminous rock ==> 次铝质岩
  63971. subambient chromatography ==> 低温色谱法
  63972. Subantarctic Intermediate Water ==> 亚南极中层水
  63973. subaortic lymph nodes ==> 主动脉下淋巴结
  63974. subaortic stenosis ==> 主动脉瓣下狭窄
  63975. subapical initial ==> 亚顶端原始细胞
  63976. subaqueous cable ==> 水底电缆,水下电缆=>水底ケーブル
  63977. subaqueous cable house ==> 水线房
  63978. subaqueous cable marker ==> 水线标志牌
  63979. subaqueous concrete ==> 水底混凝土
  63980. subaqueous corrosion ==> 水下侵蚀
  63981. subaqueous deposit ==> 水底沉积物
  63982. subaqueous foundation ==> 水下基础
  63983. subaqueous glide ==> 水底滑动
  63984. subaqueous mining ==> 水下开采
  63985. subaqueous rock excavation ==> 水下采掘岩石
  63986. subaqueous signalling ==> 水下信号装置
  63987. subaqueous slump ==> 水下滑塌
  63988. subaqueous sound ranging ==> 水声测距
  63989. subaqueous survey ==> 水下测量
  63990. subaqueous tunnel ==> 水底隧道
  63991. subarachnoid bleeding ==> くも膜下出血
  63992. subarachnoid cavity ==> 蛛网膜下腔
  63993. subarachnoid cisterns ==> 蛛网膜下池
  63994. subarachnoid hemorrhage ==> 蛛网膜下出血,蛛网膜下腔出血=>くも膜下出血(SAH)
  63995. subarachnoid root block with chemical agents ==> 蛛网膜下神经根化学阻滞术
  63996. subarachnoid space ==> 蛛网膜下腔
  63997. subarachnoidal bleeding ==> くも膜下出血
  63998. subarachnoidal hemorrhage ==> くも膜下出血
  63999. subareolar abscess ==> 乳晕下脓肿
  64000. subartesian well ==> 地面下自流井,半自流井
  64001. subassembly ==> 子配件
  64002. subassembly wrapper ==> 元件盒
  64003. subastral point ==> 星下点
  64004. subatmospheric heating system ==> 负压供暖系统
  64005. subatmospheric hydraulic model ==> 负压水工模型
  64006. subatmospheric pressure ==> 负压,真空计压力,低气压
  64007. subatomic debris ==> 亚原子碎片
  64008. subatomic particle ==> 次原子粒子,亚原子微粒
  64009. subatomic reaction ==> 亚原子反应
  64010. subaudio frequency ==> 亚音频,声频下频率
  64011. subaudio generator ==> 亚音频振荡器
  64012. subaudio oscillation ==> 亚声波振荡,亚音频振荡
  64013. subaudio oscillator ==> 亚声频振荡器
  64014. subaudio telegraphy ==> 亚音频电报
  64015. subaudio time delay circuit ==> 亚声频延时电路
  64016. subaudio wave ==> 亚声波
  64017. subauricular deep cervical abscess ==> 耳下颈深部脓肿
  64018. subauroral latitude ==> 极光下点纬度
  64019. subbase course ==> 底基层
  64020. subbase mounted ==> 板式安装的
  64021. subbase mounting ==> 板式连接
  64022. subbottom depth recorder ==> 海底浅层深度记录仪,海底深度记录仪
  64023. subbottom reflection ==> 海底反射
  64024. subbottom structure ==> 海底构造
  64025. subboundary structure ==> 亚晶界结构
  64026. subcaliber equipment ==> 次口径装置
  64027. subcaliber mount ==> 次口径炮座
  64028. subcallosal area ==> 胼胝体下区,布罗卡氏区
  64029. subcapillary interstice ==> 次毛细孔隙,亚毛细管孔隙
  64030. subcapsular hemorrhage of liver ==> 肝包膜下出血
  64031. subcapsular sinuses ==> 淋巴结缘窦
  64032. subcardinal vein ==> 下主静脉
  64033. subcarrier ==> 副载波=>副搬送波
  64034. subcarrier balance ==> 副载波平衡
  64035. subcarrier frequency ==> 副载频
  64036. subcarrier generator ==> 副载波发生器
  64037. subcarrier monitor ==> 副载波监视器
  64038. subcarrier oscillator ==> 副载波振荡器
  64039. subcarrier PM-CW laser ranging ==> 连续波副载波调频激光测距
  64040. subcarrier pulse ==> 副载波脉冲
  64041. subcarrier regenerator ==> 副载波再生器
  64042. subcarrier sideband ==> 副载波边带
  64043. subcarrier tracking loop ==> 副载波跟踪回路
  64044. subcartilaginous osseous lamella ==> 软骨下骨板
  64045. subcellular autoradiograph ==> 亚细胞水平放射自显影
  64046. subcellular component ==> 亚细胞成分
  64047. subcellular fraction ==> 亚细胞部分
  64048. subcellular organelle ==> 亚细胞器
  64049. subcellular selective theory ==> 亚细胞选择学说
  64050. subcellular structure ==> 亚细胞结构
  64051. subcerebral plane ==> 大脑下平面
  64052. subchannel ==> 分通道,子通道,为了精确计算反应堆堆芯内热工水力特性,将燃料组件内冷却剂流道假想划分成的一些更小的并联流道
  64053. subchannel address ==> 分通道地址
  64054. subchoroid dropsy ==> 脉络膜下积水
  64055. subclavian artery ==> 锁骨下动脉
  64056. subclinical infection ==> 亚临床感染,不显性感染
  64057. subclinical vitamin deficiency ==> 亚临床型维生素缺乏症
  64058. subcon offer ==> 附条件要约
  64059. SUBCON, subsystem console ==> サブシステムコンソール
  64060. subconjunctival hemorrhage ==> 结膜下出血
  64061. subconjunctival injection ==> 结膜下注射
  64062. subconsequent stream ==> 次顺向河
  64063. subcontract control ==> 外注管理
  64064. subcontract factory ==> 分包工厂
  64065. subcontract management ==> 外注管理
  64066. subcontracted work ==> 分包合同工程
  64067. subcontracting cost ==> 分包成本
  64068. subcontracting management ==> 外注管理
  64069. subcontracting manufacture ==> 分包生产
  64070. subcontracting system ==> 分包制度
  64071. subcontractors ==> 下請け業者
  64072. subcontrol station ==> 分指挥局
  64073. subcooled boiling ==> 过冷沸腾,欠热沸腾,液体整体温度比其所受压力对应的饱和温度低、但在加热表面上产生蒸汽的现象
  64074. subcooled liquid ==> 过冷液体
  64075. subcooling ==> 低温冷却
  64076. subcooling austenite ==> 过冷奥氏体
  64077. subcooling condensate ==> 过冷凝液
  64078. subcooling condenser ==> 低温冷却器
  64079. subcorneal pustulosis ==> 角层下脓疱病
  64080. subcortical center ==> 皮层下中枢
  64081. subcortical intracerebral hemorrhage ==> 脑内皮质下出血
  64082. subcostal area ==> 亚前缘域
  64083. subcostal artery ==> 肋下动脉
  64084. subcostal cross vein ==> 亚前缘横脉
  64085. subcostal fold ==> 亚前缘褶
  64086. subcostal furrow ==> 亚前缘沟
  64087. subcostal line ==> 肋下线
  64088. subcostal nerve ==> 肋下神经
  64089. subcostal plane ==> 肋下平面
  64090. subcostal vein ==> 亚前缘脉
  64091. subcritical ==> 亚临界,低于临界,次临界的=>亜臨界
  64092. subcritical annealing ==> 亚临界温度退火
  64093. subcritical assembly ==> 次临界反应堆,次临界装置
  64094. subcritical austenite ==> 亚临界奥氏体
  64095. subcritical bifurcation ==> 亜臨界分岐
  64096. subcritical cluster ==> 压临原子团
  64097. subcritical condition ==> 亜臨界条件
  64098. subcritical crack growth ==> 亚临界扩展,亚临界裂纹增长
  64099. subcritical extraction ==> 亜臨界抽出
  64100. subcritical flaw growth ==> 亚临界缺陷增长
  64101. subcritical flow ==> 亚临界流动,次临界流,缓流
  64102. subcritical hardening ==> 低温硬化
  64103. subcritical mass ==> 次临界质量,亚临界质理
  64104. subcritical measurement ==> 亚临界状态的测量,次临界状态的测量
  64105. subcritical pressure ==> 亚临界压力=>亜臨界圧
  64106. subcritical pressure boiler ==> 亚临界压力锅炉,出口蒸汽压力低于临界压力,为15.7MPa~19.6MPa(160at~200at)的锅炉=>亜臨界圧ボイラ
  64107. subcritical pressure steam turbine 亚临界压力汽轮机,主蒸汽压力接近于临界压力(一般为15.7 MPa ==> ~19.6MPa)的汽轮机
  64108. subcritical pressure units 亚临界压力机组,蒸汽压力为15.7MPa ==> ~19.6MPa,温度为538/538℃左右的蒸汽动力发电机组
  64109. subcritical reactor ==> 次临界反应堆
  64110. subcritical region ==> 亜臨界領域
  64111. subcritical rotor ==> 亚临界转子
  64112. subcritical speed ==> 亚临界速度
  64113. subcritical state ==> 次临界态
  64114. subcritical temperature ==> 低于临界温度的温度
  64115. subcritical treatment ==> 亚临界处理,亚相变(临界)处理
  64116. subcritical velocity ==> 亚临界速度
  64117. subcritical volume ==> 亚临界的体积
  64118. subcritical water ==> 亜臨界水
  64119. subcritical water condition ==> 亜臨界水条件
  64120. subcriticality ==> 亚临界度
  64121. subcrustal healing ==> 痂下愈合,痂下愈合
  64122. subcrystalline structure ==> 亚晶态结构
  64123. subcutaneous abscess ==> 皮下脓肿
  64124. subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence ==> 喉结皮下囊
  64125. subcutaneous bursa of lateral malleolus ==> 外侧踝皮下囊
  64126. subcutaneous bursa of tibial tuberosity ==> 胫骨粗隆皮下囊,胫骨粗隆皮下囊
  64127. subcutaneous cysticercosis ==> 皮下组织囊虫病
  64128. subcutaneous dropsy ==> 皮下水肿
  64129. subcutaneous fascia ==> 皮下筋膜
  64130. subcutaneous fat ==> 皮下脂肪
  64131. subcutaneous fat calipers ==> 皮下脂肪测定器
  64132. subcutaneous fat necrosis ==> 皮下脂肪坏死
  64133. subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborn ==> 新生儿皮下脂肪坏死
  64134. subcutaneous gangrene of newborn ==> 新生儿皮下坏疽
  64135. subcutaneous hematoma ==> 皮下血肿
  64136. subcutaneous hemorrhage ==> 皮下出血
  64137. subcutaneous inguinal ring ==> 腹外环
  64138. subcutaneous injection ==> 皮下注射
  64139. subcutaneous layer ==> 皮下层
  64140. subcutaneous mass ==> 皮下包块
  64141. subcutaneous nodes ==> 结核
  64142. subcutaneous nodular type ==> 皮下结节型
  64143. subcutaneous nodule ==> 皮下结节,皮下小结
  64144. subcutaneous part ==> 皮下部
  64145. subcutaneous pocket hematoma ==> 皮下袋状血肿
  64146. subcutaneous suture needle ==> 皮下组织缝合针
  64147. subcutaneous transfusion ==> 皮下输液法
  64148. subcutaneous tuberculin test ==> 皮下结核菌素试验
  64149. subcutaneous tuberculous fistula ==> 皮下结核性瘘
  64150. subcutaneous vaccination ==> 皮下接种
  64151. subcutaneous varicose vein of abdominal wall ==> 腹壁坡下静脉曲张
  64152. subcutaneous veins ==> 皮下静脉
  64153. subcuticular suture ==> 皮下缝合
  64154. subcycle generator ==> 分周波发生器,副周波发生器
  64155. subdermal cyst ==> 皮下囊肿
  64156. subdermal electrode ==> 皮下电极
  64157. subdevice bit ==> 选择位
  64158. subdiaphragmatic abscess ==> 膈下脓肿
  64159. subdiaphragmatic free air ==> 膈下游离气体
  64160. subdicrotic pulse ==> 弱二波脉
  64161. subdivided capacitor ==> 电容箱
  64162. subdivided panel ==> 复分镶板,再分节间
  64163. subdivided resistance ==> 分段电阻
  64164. subdivided shaft ==> 组合轴
  64165. subdivided transformer ==> 带分接头的变压器
  64166. subdivided truss ==> 再分式桁架
  64167. subdivision control ==> 分段控制
  64168. subdivision method ==> 下分法
  64169. subdivision of degrees of freedom ==> 自由度的重分
  64170. subdivisional work ==> 分项工程
  64171. subdrainage structure ==> 地下排水构筑物
  64172. subduction complex ==> 俯冲带杂岩,俯冲复合体
  64173. subduction of the Greater Indian continent ==> 大インド大陸の沈み込み
  64174. subduction orogenic belt ==> 俯冲造山带
  64175. subduction plate ==> 下降板块
  64176. subduction zone ==> 俯冲带,潜没带,消减带
  64177. subdued light ==> 柔光
  64178. subdural abscess ==> 硬膜下脓肿
  64179. subdural hematoma ==> 硬脑膜下血肿
  64180. subdural hemorrhage ==> 硬脑膜下出血
  64181. subdural space ==> 硬膜下腔
  64182. subdwarf sequence ==> 亚矮星序
  64183. subendocardial infarction ==> 心内膜下梗死
  64184. subendocardial layer ==> 心内膜下层
  64185. subendocardial myocardial infarction ==> 心内膜下心肌梗塞
  64186. subendothelial layer ==> 内皮下层
  64187. subentry address ==> 分入口地址
  64188. subepicardial layer ==> 心外膜下层
  64189. suberic acid ==> 软木酸,木栓酸
  64190. suberin lamella ==> 木栓质层
  64191. suberin membrane ==> 栓质壁
  64192. suberized wall ==> 木栓化壁
  64193. suberous layer ==> 木栓层
  64194. subexciter ==> 副励磁机=>副励磁機
  64195. subfascial abscess ==> 筋膜下脓肿
  64196. subfebrile temperature ==> 微热
  64197. subfeeder ==> 副馈电线=>副き電線(電鉄)
  64198. subfeldspathic lithic arenite ==> 亚长石质岩屑砂屑岩
  64199. subflare kernel ==> 亚耀斑核
  64200. subflow ==> 副流程=>サブフロー
  64201. subfluvial tunnel ==> 河底隧道
  64202. subframe ==> 副帧
  64203. subframing supported panel flooring ==> 架空板材地面
  64204. subfreezing temperature ==> 冰点下温度
  64205. subfrigid zone ==> 亚寒带
  64206. subfringe technique ==> 亚条纹技术
  64207. subgaleal abscess ==> 帽状腱膜下脓肿
  64208. subgaleal hematoma ==> 帽状腱膜下血肿
  64209. subgenual organ ==> 膝下器
  64210. subgeostrophic wind ==> 次地转风
  64211. subgiant sequence ==> 亚巨星序
  64212. subgiant spiral ==> 亚巨旋涡星系
  64213. subgiant star ==> 亚巨星
  64214. subgingival calculus ==> 龈下积石
  64215. subgingival scaling ==> 龈下刮治术
  64216. subglacial channel ==> 冰下水道
  64217. subglacial floods ==> 氷河下の洪水
  64218. subglacial stream ==> 冰川下河流
  64219. subgrade modulus ==> 地基模数
  64220. subgrade reaction ==> 地基反力
  64221. subgradient wind ==> 次梯度风
  64222. subgrain structure ==> 亚晶粒结构
  64223. subgroup ==> 簇,亚群,分群,(元素周期表上的)族
  64224. subgroup A ==> 主族
  64225. subgroup assembling ==> 组件装配
  64226. subgroup B ==> 副族
  64227. subgroup blood ==> 亚型血
  64228. subgroup movement ==> 侧链运动
  64229. subharmonic ==> 分谐波=>分数調波,低調波
  64230. subharmonic function ==> 次调和函数
  64231. subharmonic generator ==> 次谐波发生器,分谐波发生器
  64232. subharmonic oscillation ==> 分谐波振荡,次谐波振荡
  64233. subharmonic oscillator ==> 分数調波発振器
  64234. subharmonic phase modulation ==> 分谐波相位调制
  64235. subharmonic resonance ==> 次调和共振,次谐波共振
  64236. subharmonic vibration ==> 分频振动
  64237. subharmonic wave ==> 分谐波
  64238. subhepatic abscess ==> 肝下脓肿
  64239. subhepatic pouch ==> 肝下陷凹
  64240. subhepatic recess ==> 肝下隐窝
  64241. subhumid and temperate zones ==> 半湿润温带
  64242. subhumid soil ==> 半湿土
  64243. subhumid zone ==> 半湿润地带
  64244. subhymenial layer ==> 子实层基的下层
  64245. subinclined shaft ==> 暗斜井
  64246. subinterrupt control block (SICB) ==> 次中断控制块
  64247. subirrigation system ==> 地下灌溉系统
  64248. subjacent bed ==> 下卧层
  64249. subjacent body ==> 下卧体
  64250. subjacent igneous body ==> 下延火成岩体
  64251. subjacent support ==> 下面的支承
  64252. subject ==> 学科,主题,题,题目,目板,受验者,受支配
  64253. subject access project ==> 主题检索规划
  64254. subject analysis ==> 主题分析
  64255. subject analysis and indexing ==> 主题分析与标引
  64256. subject analyst and indexer ==> 主题分析标引员
  64257. subject analytic ==> 主题分析
  64258. subject analytic card ==> 主题分析卡
  64259. subject analytical entry ==> 主题分析款目
  64260. subject and name-authority file ==> 主题与人名标准档
  64261. subject area ==> 主题范围
  64262. subject arrangement ==> 主题排架法
  64263. subject authority file ==> 主题标准档
  64264. subject beam ==> 目标束
  64265. subject bibliography ==> 主题书目
  64266. subject bid ==> 可商讨的出价
  64267. subject breadth ==> 主题范围
  64268. subject brightness range ==> 目标亮度范围
  64269. subject card ==> 主题卡
  64270. subject catalog ==> 主题目录
  64271. subject cataloging ==> 主题目录编制法
  64272. subject category ==> 主题范畴
  64273. subject category index ==> 主题范畴索引
  64274. subject category list ==> 主题范畴表
  64275. subject category number ==> 主题范畴号
  64276. subject classification ==> 主题分类法
  64277. subject classification outline ==> 主题分类法大纲
  64278. subject classification table ==> 主题分类表
  64279. subject content ==> 主题内容
  64280. subject contrast ==> 被摄物对比度
  64281. subject copy ==> 主件副本
  64282. subject cross reference ==> 主题相互参照
  64283. subject description ==> 主题著录
  64284. subject dictionary ==> 主题词典
  64285. subject entry ==> 主题款目
  64286. subject guide ==> 主题目录
  64287. subject guide card ==> 主题导卡
  64288. subject heading ==> 主题标目
  64289. subject heading language ==> 主题标目用语
  64290. subject heading list ==> 主题表
  64291. subject index ==> 主题索引,标题索引
  64292. subject index card ==> 主题索引卡
  64293. subject index entry ==> 主题索引款目
  64294. subject index heading ==> 主题索引的标题表
  64295. subject investigated ==> 研究对象
  64296. subject matter ==> 论题,题材,课题=>素材
  64297. subject matter of an invention ==> 发明的主题
  64298. subject of crime ==> 犯罪主体
  64299. subject of entry ==> 项目,项主语,描述体主体,记入项主词,输入项主语
  64300. subject of investment ==> 投资主体
  64301. subject of numerous patents ==> 专利权
  64302. subject of private right ==> 民事权利主体
  64303. subject of taxation ==> 课税主体
  64304. subject retrieval ==> 主题检索
  64305. subject study ==> 课题研究
  64306. subject to approval ==> 需经批准
  64307. subject to approval (SA) ==> 以批准为条件
  64308. subject to approval of export license ==> 出口证待领
  64309. subject to contract ==> 以签订契据为条件
  64310. subject to cost ==> 可催缴
  64311. subject to customs duty ==> 须付关税
  64312. subject to immediate reply ==> 立即回答生效
  64313. subject to import license ==> 需取得进口许可证的交易
  64314. subject to overflow damage ==> 遭受洪水的危害
  64315. subject to prior approval ==> 须经预先核准
  64316. subject to rapid pressure fluctuation ==> 承受快速的压力波动
  64317. subject to severe limitations ==> 受到严格限制
  64318. subject to severe risks of damage ==> 遭受严重破坏
  64319. subject to shipping space available ==> 以获有舱位为条件,以有舱位为准
  64320. subject to tax ==> 负缴税义务
  64321. subject to taxation ==> 负缴税义务,课税对象
  64322. subject to third part inspection ==> 接受第三方监督检验
  64323. subject-matter of contract ==> 契约标的
  64324. subjection ==> 满射
  64325. subjective ==> 自觉的,主观的=>主観的な,主観の
  64326. subjective antisepsis ==> 自身抗菌
  64327. subjective approach ==> 主観的アプローチ
  64328. subjective aspect ==> 主観的な見方
  64329. subjective assessment ==> 主観評価
  64330. subjective audiometry ==> 主观测听法
  64331. subjective brightness ==> 舟亮度
  64332. subjective colo(u)r ==> 主观色彩
  64333. subjective error ==> 主观误差
  64334. subjective expression of worth ==> 价值的主观表现
  64335. subjective measurement ==> 主观量度
  64336. subjective noise meter ==> 主观噪声计
  64337. subjective nuisance provision ==> 主观滋扰规定
  64338. subjective photometer ==> 主观光度计,目视光度计
  64339. subjective photometry ==> 目视测光
  64340. subjective probability ==> 主观概率
  64341. subjective sample ==> 主观样本
  64342. subjective scale of sensation ==> 感觉的主观尺度
  64343. subjective sensation ==> 主观感觉
  64344. subjective spectrophotometer ==> 目视分光光度计
  64345. subjective symptom ==> 主观症状,自觉症状
  64346. subjective territorial principle ==> 主观的领域原则
  64347. subjective thinning ==> 主观疏伐
  64348. subjective tinnitus ==> 主观性耳鸣
  64349. subjective tone ==> 主観音
  64350. subjective trial of lens ==> 主觉验光法
  64351. subjective value ==> 商品的主观价值
  64352. subjective view of probability ==> 概率的主观观点
  64353. subjectivity ==> 主观性
  64354. sublacustrine channel ==> 湖下水道
  64355. sublacustrine spring ==> 湖底泉
  64356. subland drill ==> 阶梯钻头
  64357. sublateral canal ==> 毛渠,斗渠,分支渠
  64358. sublateral shoot ==> 副梢
  64359. sublattice ==> 亚晶格=>副格子
  64360. sublayer ==> 底层
  64361. sublayer laminar ==> 次层流
  64362. sublease ==> 转租,分租=>転貸
  64363. sublet number ==> 副约号
  64364. sublethal amount ==> 亚致死量
  64365. sublethal concentration ==> 亚致死浓度
  64366. sublethal dose ==> 亚致死中量
  64367. sublethal effect ==> 亚致死效应
  64368. sublethal exposure ==> 亚致死照射
  64369. sublethal gene ==> 亚致死基因,半致死基因
  64370. sublethal level ==> 亚致死水平
  64371. sublevel ==> 次能级
  64372. sublevel caving ==> 分段崩落采矿法
  64373. sublevel drive ==> 分段掘进
  64374. sublevel fill stoping ==> 分段充填
  64375. sublevel limited-entry method ==> 分段限流量法
  64376. sublevel stoping mining ==> 分段梯段回采
  64377. sublevel undercut-caving method ==> 分段下部掏槽崩落开采法
  64378. sublevel-long-hole benching ==> 分段深孔梯段式回采
  64379. sublimated ice ==> 生华冰,升华冰
  64380. sublimation (transfer) printing ==> 升华印花
  64381. sublimation cooling ==> 升华冷却
  64382. sublimation curve ==> 生华曲线,升华曲线
  64383. sublimation drying ==> 升华干燥
  64384. sublimation from the frozen state ==> 冻结升华
  64385. sublimation nucleus ==> 凝华核
  64386. sublimation pressure ==> 升华压力
  64387. sublimation pump ==> 升华泵,提纯泵
  64388. sublimation temperature ==> 升华温度
  64389. sublimation vein ==> 升华矿脉
  64390. sublime ==> 崇高なもの
  64391. sublimed iodine ==> 升华碘
  64392. sublimed method ==> 升华法
  64393. sublimed salicylic acid ==> 工业水杨酸
  64394. sublimed sulfur ==> 硫华,升华硫
  64395. sublimed white lead ==> 升华白铅
  64396. subliminal ==> 意識下の
  64397. subliminal consciousness ==> 潜在意識
  64398. subliminal image ==> サブリミナル映像
  64399. subliminal self ==> 潜在的自我=>潜在自我
  64400. subliminal stimulus ==> 阈下刺激物
  64401. subliming pot ==> 升华皿
  64402. sublingual arch ==> 舌下弓
  64403. sublingual cartilage ==> 舌下软骨
  64404. sublingual duct ==> 舌下腺导管,舌下腺管
  64405. sublingual fold ==> 舌下襞
  64406. sublingual gland ==> 舌下腺,里维纳斯氏腺
  64407. sublingual tablets ==> 舌下片剂
  64408. sublittoral plant ==> 亚沿岸植物
  64409. sublittoral zone ==> 亚滨海带,潮下带,浅海地带
  64410. sublobular vein ==> 小叶下静脉
  64411. subluminous star ==> 亚光度恒星
  64412. sublunar point ==> 月下点
  64413. subluxation of acromioclavicular joint ==> 肩锁关节半脱位
  64414. subluxation of capitulum radii ==> 桡骨小头半脱位
  64415. subluxation of cervical vertebra ==> 颈椎半脱位,颈椎半脱位
  64416. subluxation of head of radius ==> 桡骨头半脱位
  64417. subluxation of head of the radius ==> 牵拉肘
  64418. subluxation of joint ==> 关节半脱位
  64419. subluxation of lens ==> 晶状体半脱位
  64420. subluxation of sternoclavicular joint ==> 胸锁关节半脱位
  64421. subluxation of talus ==> 距骨半脱位,距骨半脱位
  64422. submachine gun ==> 冲锋枪
  64423. submain sewer ==> 污水次干管
  64424. submandibular abscess ==> 颌下脓肿
  64425. submandibular duct ==> 颌下腺管
  64426. submandibular lymph nodes ==> 颌下淋巴结,下颌下淋巴结
  64427. submarginal area ==> 亚缘区
  64428. submarginal land ==> 限界以下的耕作土地
  64429. submarginal ore ==> 亚边缘贫矿石
  64430. submarginal vein ==> (小峰)亚缘脉
  64431. submarine ==> 海底的,水底,水底的,水下,水下的,潜艇=>潜水艦
  64432. submarine active detection sonar ==> 潜艇主动搜索声纳
  64433. submarine air defense ==> 潜艇防空
  64434. submarine air defense weapon system ==> 潜艇防空武器系统
  64435. submarine antenna drive system ==> 潜艇天线驱动系统
  64436. submarine bar ==> 海底沙坝
  64437. submarine barchan ==> 海底沙丘
  64438. submarine blasting ==> 海底爆破
  64439. submarine block ==> 海底断块
  64440. submarine bottom scanner ==> 海底扫描器
  64441. submarine bulge ==> 海底凸起,扇形地
  64442. submarine cable ==> 海底电缆,海底送电线,水下电缆=>海底ケーブル
  64443. submarine cable buoy ==> 海底电缆浮标
  64444. submarine cable carrier communication system ==> 海底电缆载波通信系统
  64445. submarine cable equalizer ==> 海底电缆均衡器
  64446. submarine cable repeater ==> (中继器)海缆增音机
  64447. submarine cable telegraph system ==> 水底电缆电报,水线电报制
  64448. submarine camera ==> 海底摄影机
  64449. submarine canyon ==> 海底峡谷,海谷
  64450. submarine cave ==> 海底扇
  64451. submarine climate ==> 副海洋性气候
  64452. submarine coal field ==> 海底煤田
  64453. submarine coaxial cable ==> 海底同轴电缆=>海底同軸ケーブル
  64454. submarine communication cable ==> 海底通信电光缆
  64455. submarine conduit ==> 海底管道
  64456. submarine cone ==> 海底扇形地
  64457. submarine contour ==> 海底等高线
  64458. submarine countermeasure ==> 潜艇对抗措施
  64459. submarine delta ==> 海底三角洲,海底沙洲,海底扇,扇形地
  64460. submarine denudation ==> 海底剥蚀
  64461. submarine depot boat ==> 潜艇母舰
  64462. submarine depression ==> 海底洼地
  64463. submarine detecting system ==> 潜艇探测系统
  64464. submarine detection ==> 潜艇探测
  64465. submarine detection gear ==> 潜艇探测装置
  64466. submarine detection satellite ==> 潜艇探测卫星
  64467. submarine detector ==> 潜艇探测器,海底探测器
  64468. submarine drilling engineering ==> 海底钻井工程
  64469. submarine dune ==> 海底沙丘
  64470. submarine earth ==> 海底电缆接地
  64471. submarine earthquake ==> 海底地震,海震
  64472. submarine electromagnetic deception system ==> 潜艇电磁诱骗系统
  64473. submarine electromagnetic passive intercept ==> 潜艇电磁被动式拦截
  64474. submarine emergency buoyancy system ==> 潜艇紧急上浮系统
  64475. submarine emergency communication system ==> 潜艇应急通信系统
  64476. submarine emergency communication transmitter ==> 潜艇应急通信发信机
  64477. submarine eruption ==> 海底喷发,海下喷发
  64478. submarine escape equipment ==> 潜艇脱险设备
  64479. submarine escape immersion equipment ==> 潜艇逃生与沉水救援设备
  64480. submarine fan ==> 海底扇,海底扇形地
  64481. submarine fan valley ==> 海底扇谷
  64482. submarine fault ==> 海底断层
  64483. submarine fault scarp ==> 海底断崖
  64484. submarine gate ==> 下浇口
  64485. submarine geology ==> 海底地质学,地质海洋学
  64486. submarine geomorphology ==> 海底地貌学
  64487. submarine geomorphy ==> 海底地貌
  64488. submarine height finding radar ==> 潜艇测高雷达
  64489. submarine hunter ==> 猎潜艇
  64490. submarine integrated battle and data system ==> 潜艇综合战斗与数据系统
  64491. submarine integrated control system ==> 潜艇综合控制系统
  64492. submarine integrated sonar system ==> 潜艇综合声纳系统
  64493. submarine land-slide ==> 海底地滑
  64494. submarine landslide ==> 海底滑坡,海底坍塌
  64495. submarine launcher ==> 潜艇发射装置
  64496. submarine launching ==> 潜艇发射
  64497. submarine lifting pontoon ==> 潜艇打捞浮筒
  64498. submarine light ==> 潜水灯
  64499. submarine limited line of approach ==> 潜艇有限接近线
  64500. submarine line ==> 水底线路=>海底線路
  64501. submarine meadow ==> 海底草地
  64502. submarine mine ==> 海底采矿,海底矿
  64503. submarine morphology ==> 海底地形学
  64504. submarine optical fiber cable ==> 海底光缆
  64505. submarine optoelectronic mast ==> 潜艇光电桅杆
  64506. submarine oscillator ==> 潜水振荡器
  64507. submarine passive detection and tracking set ==> 潜艇被动探测与跟踪设备
  64508. submarine passive fire control sonar ==> 潜艇被动火力控制声纳
  64509. submarine passive sonar ==> 潜艇被动声纳
  64510. submarine patrol areas ==> 潜艇巡逻区
  64511. submarine patrol zone ==> 潜艇巡逻海域
  64512. submarine peninsula ==> 海底半岛
  64513. submarine periscope ==> 潜艇潜望镜,潜艇望远镜
  64514. submarine pipeline ==> 水下管道,海底管道
  64515. submarine pit ==> 海底坑
  64516. submarine plain ==> 海平原
  64517. submarine plateau ==> 海底高原,海蚀平原
  64518. submarine platform ==> 海底台地,海蚀台地
  64519. submarine radio transmitter ==> 潜艇无线电信机
  64520. submarine range finder ==> 潜艇测距计
  64521. submarine reactor ==> 潜艇用反应堆
  64522. submarine receiving set ==> 潜艇接收装置
  64523. submarine reconnaissance collection system ==> 潜艇侦察收集系统
  64524. submarine relief ==> 海底地形,海底起伏
  64525. submarine repair facility ==> 潜艇修配所
  64526. submarine repeating equipment ==> 海底中継装置
  64527. submarine rescue chamber ==> 潜艇救生舱
  64528. submarine rescue ship ==> 潜艇救难舰
  64529. submarine rescue vessel ==> 潜水艇救生船
  64530. submarine resources ==> 海底资源
  64531. submarine ridge ==> 海脊,海岭
  64532. submarine rift ==> 海底裂谷
  64533. submarine rocket ==> 潜艇火箭
  64534. submarine safety lanes ==> 潜艇安全航线
  64535. submarine safety monitoring system ==> 潜艇安全监控系统
  64536. submarine sampling ==> 海底取样
  64537. submarine sanctuary ==> 潜水艇演习区
  64538. submarine scouting force ==> 潜艇侦察部队
  64539. submarine search attack unit ==> 潜艇搜索攻击小队
  64540. submarine search sonar ==> 潜艇搜索声纳
  64541. submarine secure depth sounder ==> 潜艇安全深度探测器
  64542. submarine seismograph ==> 海底地震仪
  64543. submarine selvage exercise ==> 潜艇救难演习
  64544. submarine sentry ==> 水下拖测器
  64545. submarine sewage pipeline ==> 海底污水管道
  64546. submarine single-mode fiber cable ==> 海底单模光缆
  64547. submarine slide ==> 海底滑动
  64548. submarine soil ==> 海底土
  64549. submarine soil mechanics ==> 海底土壤力学
  64550. submarine sound signal ==> 水声信号
  64551. submarine spring ==> 海底泉
  64552. submarine structure ==> 海底构造
  64553. submarine target strength ==> 潜艇目标反射强度
  64554. submarine tectonic geology ==> 海底构造地质学
  64555. submarine telegraph ==> 海底电报
  64556. submarine telegraphy ==> 水底电报
  64557. submarine telephone cable ==> 海底电话电缆
  64558. submarine tender ==> 潜艇母舰,潜艇勤务支援船
  64559. submarine thermal reactor ==> 潜水艇用热中子反应堆
  64560. submarine thermometer ==> 海水温度计
  64561. submarine topographical map ==> 海底地形图
  64562. submarine torpedo tube ==> 潜艇鱼雷发射器
  64563. submarine transmission ==> 海底输电
  64564. submarine transmission cable ==> 海底输电电缆
  64565. submarine trench ==> 海沟
  64566. submarine tunnel ==> 海底遂道
  64567. submarine uplift ==> 水下隆起
  64568. submarine valley ==> 海底谷,海谷
  64569. submarine volcano ==> 海底火山
  64570. submarine warfare ==> 潜艇战
  64571. submarine weathering ==> 海底风化
  64572. submarine well ==> 海底坑
  64573. submarine-based missile ==> 潜艇导弹
  64574. submarine-borne missile ==> 潜艇导弹
  64575. submarine-defense missile ==> 潜艇防御导弹
  64576. submarine-detecting set ==> 潜艇探测器
  64577. submarine-launched ballistic missile ==> 潜艇发射的弹道导弹
  64578. submarine-launched cruise missile ==> 潜艇发射的巡航导弹
  64579. submarine-launched inertial missile ==> 潜艇发射的惯性导弹
  64580. submatrix ==> 小行列,正方な部分行列
  64581. submaxillary gland ==> 颌下腺
  64582. submaxillary lymph nodes ==> 颌下淋巴结
  64583. submaxillary space ==> 颌下间隙
  64584. submaxillary swelling ==> 颌下区肿胀
  64585. submaxillary triangle ==> 二腹肌三角
  64586. submaxillary triangle dissection ==> 颌下三角清扫术
  64587. submaximal oxygen intake ==> 极限下吸氧量
  64588. submental lymph nodes ==> 颏下淋巴结
  64589. submental space ==> 颏下间隙
  64590. submerged ==> 下沉的
  64591. submerged aerial ==> 水中天线
  64592. submerged antenna ==> 水下天线
  64593. submerged arc ==> 埋弧
  64594. submerged arc furnace ==> 埋弧炉
  64595. submerged arc welding ==> 埋弧焊,焊剂层下焊,水下弧焊,潜弧焊,隐弧焊
  64596. submerged arc welding machine ==> 埋弧焊机
  64597. submerged beach ==> 沉没海滩
  64598. submerged breakwater ==> 潜堤
  64599. submerged bucket energy dissipation ==> 戽斗消能,又称“消力戽消能”。利用淹没于水下的挑坎形成的戽流,消耗分散下泄水流的能量
  64600. submerged canned pump ==> 液下屏蔽泵
  64601. submerged canned pump for chemical industry ==> 化工液下屏蔽泵
  64602. submerged cargo vessel ==> 潜水货船
  64603. submerged cathode cell ==> 沉阴极电池
  64604. submerged coast ==> 沉没岸,溺岸
  64605. submerged coastal plain ==> 沉没海岸平原
  64606. submerged coil condenser ==> 沉浸盘管式冷凝器,沉浸式蛇管冷凝器
  64607. submerged coil evaporator ==> 沉浸式盘管蒸发器
  64608. submerged coil type cooler ==> 沉浸盘管式冷却器
  64609. submerged combustion ==> 沉没燃烧
  64610. submerged combustion evaporator ==> 液下燃烧式蒸发器
  64611. submerged condenser ==> 潜管冷凝器,潜没冷凝器
  64612. submerged condition ==> 水下状态
  64613. submerged craft ==> 潜水艇
  64614. submerged cultivation ==> 浸没培养
  64615. submerged culture ==> 沉没培养,深层培养
  64616. submerged cultuse ==> 深层发酵
  64617. submerged decompression chamber (SDC) ==> 下潜式减压舱
  64618. submerged dike ==> 潜丁坝
  64619. submerged draw bar ==> 引砖
  64620. submerged drill ==> 沉入式钻机
  64621. submerged dyke ==> 潜堤
  64622. submerged embankment ==> 潜堤
  64623. submerged fermentation ==> 深层发酵
  64624. submerged flow diversion work ==> 潜流式分子设施
  64625. submerged generator ==> 沉浸式发生器
  64626. submerged groin ==> 河底潜堤
  64627. submerged heating ==> 浸渍电加热
  64628. submerged hydro-electric unit ==> 淹没式水力发电机组
  64629. submerged ice cracking engine ==> 水下破冰机
  64630. submerged incinerator ==> 液下焚烧器
  64631. submerged inlet ==> 埋入式进气口
  64632. submerged intake ==> 埋入式进气口
  64633. submerged isothermal current ==> 等温潜流
  64634. submerged jet ==> 淹没射流
  64635. submerged joint ==> 暗缝
  64636. submerged lubrication ==> 浸入式润滑
  64637. submerged marine delta ==> 沉没海相三角洲
  64638. submerged mole ==> 潜突堤
  64639. submerged motor pumps ==> 潜水电泵(排污泵)
  64640. submerged orifice ==> 潜流孔口
  64641. submerged paddle aerator ==> 潜桨式曝气设备
  64642. submerged pier ==> 潜丁坝,暗板
  64643. submerged pipe ==> 水底管,水下管
  64644. submerged pipeline ==> 海底管线
  64645. submerged plant ==> 沉水植物
  64646. submerged plunger die-casting machine ==> 柱塞式热压铸机
  64647. submerged plunger diecasting machine ==> 柱塞式浸注压铸机
  64648. submerged pump ==> 液下泵,沉没泵,浸没泵,潜水泵
  64649. submerged reef ==> 沉没礁
  64650. submerged reef type breakwater ==> 暗礁式防波堤
  64651. submerged repeater ==> 海底中继器
  64652. submerged roll ==> 沉浸辊
  64653. submerged root ==> 沉水根
  64654. submerged screw log ==> 水轮计程仪
  64655. submerged shoreline ==> 沉没滨线,下沉岸线
  64656. submerged soils ==> 深层土壤
  64657. submerged spring ==> 沉没泉
  64658. submerged stage ==> 沉水植物阶段
  64659. submerged steady bearing ==> 浸没式支撑轴承
  64660. submerged storage tank ==> 沉没式油罐,水下油罐
  64661. submerged switch ==> 埋入式开关
  64662. submerged telegraph repeater ==> 海缆电报转发器
  64663. submerged telephone repeater ==> 海缆电话增音机
  64664. submerged tube ==> 潜管
  64665. submerged tunnel ==> 沉埋隧道
  64666. submerged unit weight ==> 浮容重
  64667. submerged valley ==> 沉没谷,沉没河谷,溺谷
  64668. submerged vaporizer ==> サブマージドLNG気化器(SMV)
  64669. submerged vegetation ==> 沉水植被
  64670. submerged weight ==> 浮重
  64671. submerged weir ==> 潜堰
  64672. submerged-arc welding ==> 埋弧焊
  64673. submerged-belt separator ==> 浸入带式磁选机
  64674. submerged-combustion evaporator ==> 沉没燃烧蒸发器
  64675. submerged-combustion heater ==> 沉没燃烧加热器
  64676. submerged-tube boiler ==> 潜管锅炉
  64677. submerged-tube evaporator ==> 潜管蒸发器,浸没管束蒸发器
  64678. submerged-type contraction joint ==> 暗收缩缝
  64679. submergence coast ==> 沉降海岸
  64680. submergence control ==> 吸上高度调节
  64681. submergenic horizon ==> 淹育层
  64682. submergible roller dam ==> 可淹没式圆辊坝
  64683. submergienc paddy soil ==> 淹育水稻土
  64684. submersible ==> 可潜,潜水
  64685. submersible boat ==> 可潜小艇,深潜器
  64686. submersible bridge ==> 漫水桥
  64687. submersible decompression chamber ==> 下潜式减压舱
  64688. submersible electric pump ==> 沉入式电动泵
  64689. submersible machine ==> 水中用电机=>水中形電機
  64690. submersible motor ==> 潜水电动机,潜水式电动机,防水发动机
  64691. submersible non-clog centrifugal pump ==> 潜水防塞离心泵
  64692. submersible pump ==> 水下泵=>水中ポンプ
  64693. submersible-fish pump ==> 潜水渔泵
  64694. submetacentric chromosome ==> 亚中央着丝粒染色体
  64695. submetallic inorganic substance ==> 亚金属无机物质
  64696. submetallic lustre ==> 半金属光泽
  64697. submicro analysis ==> 亚微量分析
  64698. submicro method ==> 亚微量法
  64699. submicro particle ==> 亚微细粒
  64700. submicro powder ==> 亚微粉末
  64701. submicro sample ==> 亚微量试样
  64702. submicrogram quantity ==> 亚微克量
  64703. submicrometer processing ==> 亚微米工艺
  64704. submicrometer resolution ==> 亚微米分辨力
  64705. submicrometer structure ==> 亚微米结构
  64706. submicron ==> 亚微米,亚微型=>サブミクロン
  64707. submicron aerosol ==> 亚微米气溶胶
  64708. submicron airborne particle ==> 亚微米空传微粒
  64709. submicron analysis ==> サブミクロン解析
  64710. submicron bubble pattern ==> 亚微细粒磁泡图型
  64711. submicron channel width ==> 亚微米沟道宽度
  64712. submicron conductor ==> 亚微米导线
  64713. submicron film ==> 亚微米膜
  64714. submicron gate ==> 亚微型棚
  64715. submicron integrated circuit ==> 亚微米集成电路
  64716. submicron lithography ==> 亚微米光刻
  64717. submicron mask aligner ==> 亚微米掩模对准器
  64718. submicron metal ==> 超微金属粉末,超细金属粉末
  64719. submicron particle ==> 超微末微粒
  64720. submicron particulate emission ==> 亚微米微粒排放
  64721. submicron particulate matter ==> 亚微米微粒物质
  64722. submicron patterning ==> 亚微米图案形成
  64723. submicron scale mos device ==> 亚微米尺寸金属氧化物半导体装置
  64724. submicron technology ==> 亚微米技术
  64725. submicron-sized particulate ==> 超微细粒
  64726. submicroscopic clustering ==> 亚微观束状簇
  64727. submicroscopic cracking ==> 亚微裂纹
  64728. submicroscopic damage track ==> 次显微的损坏径迹
  64729. submicroscopic particle ==> 亚微观粒子,超显微质点
  64730. submicroscopic size ==> 亚微观的大小
  64731. submicroscopic structure ==> 亚微观构造,次显微构造
  64732. submillimeter astronomy ==> 亚毫米波天文学
  64733. submillimeter laser ==> 亚毫米激光器
  64734. submillimeter laser emission ==> 亚毫米波激光发射,亚毫米激光发射
  64735. submillimeter maser ==> 亚毫米脉泽
  64736. submillimeter wave ==> 亚毫米波,亚微米波=>サブミリ波
  64737. submillimeter-wave laser ==> 亚毫米波激光器
  64738. submilliwatt circuit ==> 亚毫瓦电路
  64739. subminiat ure indicator lamp ==> 超微型指示灯
  64740. subminiature accelerometer ==> 超小型加速表
  64741. subminiature coaxial cable ==> 超小型同轴电缆
  64742. subminiature motor ==> 超小型电动机
  64743. subminiature relay ==> 超小型继电器
  64744. subminiature tube ==> サブミニチュア管
  64745. subminiature tubes ==> 超小型电子管
  64746. subminiaturization ==> 超小型化
  64747. submission ==> 提交公断=>提出
  64748. submission of paper ==> 論文投稿
  64749. submit a dispute for arbitration ==> 提前仲裁
  64750. submit public bids ==> 招标
  64751. submit state ==> 提交状态
  64752. submit to the relevant authority ==> 申报
  64753. submittal plan ==> 提出計画
  64754. submodular size ==> 分模数尺寸
  64755. submucoperiosteous resection of inferior turbinate ==> 下鼻甲粘骨膜下切除术
  64756. submucosal abscess ==> 粘膜下脓肿
  64757. submucosal abscess of rectum ==> 直肠粘膜下脓肿
  64758. submucosal carcinoma ==> 粘膜下癌
  64759. submucosal gland ==> 粘膜下腺
  64760. submucous abscess ==> 粘膜下脓肿
  64761. submucous anal fistula ==> 粘膜下肛瘘
  64762. submucous cordectomy ==> 粘膜下声带切除术
  64763. submucous gland of urethra ==> 尿道粘膜下腺体
  64764. submucous implantation ==> 粘膜下充填术
  64765. submucous resection of nasal septum ==> 鼻中隔粘膜下切除术
  64766. submultiple resonance ==> 分谐波谐振,分频谐波共振
  64767. subnano second-emitter coupled logic ==> 亚毫微秒射极耦合逻辑
  64768. subnanometre single-molecule localization ==> ナノメートル以下の単一分子の位置特定
  64769. subnanosecond device ==> 亚毫微秒速度装置
  64770. subnanosecond fluorescence ==> 亚纳秒荧光
  64771. subnanosecond laser pulse ==> 亚纳秒激光脉冲
  64772. subnanosecond performance ==> 亚毫微秒工作
  64773. subnanosecond technology ==> 亚毫微秒技术
  64774. subneuronal system ==> 亚神经元系统
  64775. subnormal integral ==> 次法线积分
  64776. subnormal pressure ==> 低于正常压力
  64777. subnormal temperature ==> 低于正常的温度,低于正常温度,正常下温度,亚正常温度,不正常温度
  64778. subnormal voltage ==> 低于额定值的电压,低于额定值电压
  64779. subnormal voltage operation ==> 低电压运行
  64780. suboccipital cisternal puncture ==> 枕骨下脑池穿刺术
  64781. suboccipital decompression ==> 枕下减压术
  64782. suboccipital nerve ==> 枕下神经
  64783. suboccipital sitting position headres ==> 枕骨下神经手术坐位头靠
  64784. suboccipital trocar ==> 枕骨下穿刺套管针
  64785. suboccipital venous plexus ==> 枕下静脉丛
  64786. suboccipitobregmatic circumference ==> 枕下前囟周围径
  64787. suboffice ==> 従局
  64788. suboptical diffraction pattern ==> 亚光频衍射图样
  64789. suboptical frequency ==> 亚光频
  64790. suboptimal control ==> 次最优控制
  64791. suboptimal stopping rule ==> 次最优停止规则
  64792. suboptimal system ==> 次优系统
  64793. suboptimality bound ==> 次优化界限
  64794. suboptimality index ==> 次最优指标
  64795. suborbital flight ==> 亚轨道飞行
  64796. subordinate class ==> 附类
  64797. subordinate complement ==> 从属补体
  64798. subordinate crop ==> 补播作物
  64799. subordinate debenture ==> 附属信用公司债
  64800. subordinate fold ==> 从属褶皱
  64801. subordinate line ==> 辅线
  64802. subordinate load ==> 附加荷载,次要荷载
  64803. subordinate profession ==> 副业
  64804. subordinate quantum number ==> 次量子数
  64805. subordinate station ==> 次要站港,辅助站
  64806. subordinate tide station ==> 辅助观潮站,次要潮汐观测站
  64807. subordinated debenture ==> 附属公司债券
  64808. subordination agreement ==> 劣位契約
  64809. subordination of perjury ==> 偽証教唆
  64810. subout crop ==> 埋藏露头
  64811. subpartition ==> 辅助分区
  64812. subpectoral abscess ==> 胸肌下脓肿
  64813. subperiodic type ==> 亚周期型
  64814. subperiosteal abscess ==> 骨膜下脓肿
  64815. subperiosteal fracture ==> 骨膜下骨折
  64816. subperiosteal hematoma ==> 骨膜下血肿
  64817. subperitoneal fascia ==> 腹膜下筋膜
  64818. subpermanent magnetism ==> 亚恒磁,次恒磁
  64819. subpermanent set ==> 非永久变形
  64820. subphrenic abscess ==> 膈下脓肿
  64821. subphrenic recess ==> 膈下隐窝
  64822. subphrenic space ==> 膈下间隙
  64823. subphylum vertebrata ==> 脊椎動物亜門
  64824. subpicosecond pulse ==> 亚皮秒脉冲,亚微微秒脉冲
  64825. subplate mounted ==> 板式连接的
  64826. subpodocytic space ==> 足突间隙
  64827. subpolar glacier ==> 副极地冰川
  64828. subpolar lowpressure belt ==> 副极地低压带
  64829. subpool number ==> 子存区组合序号
  64830. subpopliteal recess ==> 肌下隐窝
  64831. subport of embarkation ==> 辅助装货港
  64832. subpower range ==> 低于额定功率范围
  64833. subprimary seta ==> 亚刚毛
  64834. subprime lending ==> 美国次贷危机=>サブプライムローン,信用度の低い借手への住宅貸付の焦げ付き
  64835. subproduction order ==> 附属生产通知单
  64836. subprogram statement ==> 子程序语句
  64837. subpubic angle ==> 耻骨下角
  64838. subpyloric lymph nodes ==> 幽门下淋巴结
  64839. subquadriceps hematoma ==> 股四头肌下血肿
  64840. subrack ==> 插箱
  64841. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar ==> 钱德拉塞卡,萨拉马尼安·强德拉塞卡=>スブラマニアン・チャンドラセカール
  64842. subrecurrent orbit ==> 準回帰軌道
  64843. subregion ==> 子区域
  64844. subrogation form ==> 权利代位书,权利转让书,债权转让书
  64845. subrogation of rights ==> 权利转移
  64846. subroutine ==> 子程序=>サブルーチン
  64847. subroutine address stack ==> 子程序地址栈
  64848. subroutine analyzer ==> 子程序用分析程序,子例程序
  64849. subroutine area ==> 子程序区
  64850. subroutine call ==> 子程序调用,子例行程序调用
  64851. subroutine call instruction ==> 子程序调用指令
  64852. subroutine call sequence ==> 子程序调用序列
  64853. subroutine data area ==> 子程序数据区
  64854. subroutine entry address ==> 子程序入口地址
  64855. subroutine instruction ==> 子程序指令
  64856. subroutine jump ==> 子程序转移
  64857. subroutine level ==> 子程序级
  64858. subroutine library ==> 子程序库,子例行程序库
  64859. subroutine library tape ==> 子程序库磁带
  64860. subroutine linkage ==> 子程序连接
  64861. subroutine name ==> 子程序名字
  64862. subroutine nesting ==> 子程序嵌套,子程序套用,例行子程序嵌套
  64863. subroutine package ==> 子程序包
  64864. subroutine page ==> 子程序页
  64865. subroutine parameter ==> 子程序参数
  64866. subroutine pointer ==> 子程序指针
  64867. subroutine procedure ==> 子程序过程
  64868. subroutine programming ==> 子程序程序设计
  64869. subroutine reference ==> 子程序引用,子例行程序引用
  64870. subroutine return ==> 子程序返回
  64871. subroutine return instruction ==> 子程序返回指令
  64872. subroutine return sequence ==> 子程序返回序列
  64873. subroutine separation ==> 子程序分离
  64874. subroutine stack ==> 子程序栈
  64875. subroutine statement ==> 子程序语句
  64876. subroutine status table ==> 子程序状态表
  64877. subroutine tape ==> 子程序带
  64878. subsarcolemmal cisterna ==> 肌膜下池
  64879. subsatellite point ==> 衛星直下点
  64880. subscale ==> 皮下氧化,次生氧化皮,内部氧化物
  64881. subscale mark ==> 子刻度
  64882. subscapular artery ==> 肩胛下动脉
  64883. subscapular branches ==> 肩胛下窝,肩胛下支
  64884. subscapular lymph nodes ==> 肩胛下淋巴结
  64885. subscapular nerve ==> 肩胛下神经
  64886. subschema description ==> 子模式描述项
  64887. subschema name ==> 子模式名
  64888. subschema section ==> 子模式段
  64889. subscribe capital stock ==> 认购股本
  64890. subscribe government bond ==> 认购公债
  64891. subscribed capital ==> 认购资本
  64892. subscribed capital stock ==> 已认购股本
  64893. subscribed demand ==> 约定需量,按协议约定的用户可使用的最大需量
  64894. subscriber ==> 用户=>加入者
  64895. subscriber access line ==> 用户入口线
  64896. subscriber behaviour ==> 用户状态
  64897. subscriber branch line ==> 用户分线
  64898. subscriber cable ==> 用户电缆
  64899. subscriber capital ==> 认购资本
  64900. subscriber carrier telephone system ==> 用户载波电话系统
  64901. subscriber carrier terminal ==> 用户载波终端机
  64902. subscriber circuit ==> 用户电路=>加入者回路
  64903. subscriber class circuit ==> 用户类别路
  64904. subscriber connecting equipment ==> 用户连接设备
  64905. subscriber data ==> 加入者データ
  64906. subscriber device ==> 用户电话机
  64907. subscriber dialing ==> 用户拨号
  64908. subscriber distribution wire, SD ==> 加入者
  64909. subscriber equipment ==> 用户设备
  64910. subscriber extension ==> 用户分机
  64911. subscriber line ==> 用户线
  64912. subscriber line circuit ==> 用户电路
  64913. subscriber line equipment ==> 用户线路设备
  64914. subscriber line signaling ==> 加入者線信号方式
  64915. subscriber loop ==> 用户回线
  64916. subscriber meter ==> 用户计费表
  64917. subscriber multiple ==> 用户复式塞孔
  64918. subscriber number ==> 用户号码
  64919. subscriber plant transmission index ==> 用户设备传输指标
  64920. subscriber selector ==> 用户选择器
  64921. subscriber set ==> 用户电话机
  64922. subscriber station ==> 用户终端
  64923. subscriber supervisory circuit ==> 用户状态监视电路
  64924. subscriber telegraph device ==> 用户电报装置
  64925. subscriber telegraph network ==> 用户电报网
  64926. subscriber telephone set ==> 用户电话机
  64927. subscriber terminal ==> 用户终端
  64928. subscriber terminal equipment ==> 用户终端设备
  64929. subscriber toll dialing system ==> 用户长途拨号制
  64930. subscriber trunk dialling (STD) ==> 用户中继拨号
  64931. subscriber's apparatus ==> 用户电话机
  64932. subscriber's cable ==> 加入者ケーブル
  64933. subscriber's drop ==> 电话用户的落线
  64934. subscriber's exchange ==> 用户交换台
  64935. subscriber's extension ==> 用户分机
  64936. subscriber's extension station ==> 用户分机
  64937. subscriber's group service ==> 多数共同電話
  64938. subscriber's inter-communication installation ==> 用户内部通话装置
  64939. subscriber's jack ==> 用户塞孔
  64940. subscriber's line ==> 用户线路,用户专用线=>加入者線
  64941. subscriber's loop ==> 用户闭路,用户线路
  64942. subscriber's machine ==> 用户机
  64943. subscriber's main station ==> 用户主机,用户总机
  64944. subscriber's multiple jack ==> 用户复式塞孔
  64945. subscriber's number display circuit ==> 用户显号电路
  64946. subscriber's protector ==> 用户保护装置
  64947. subscriber's register ==> 用户通话计数器
  64948. subscriber's set ==> 用户话机
  64949. subscriber's station ==> 用户话机
  64950. subscriber's telegraph service ==> 用户电报业务
  64951. subscriber's telegraph station ==> 用户发报台
  64952. subscriber-busy signal ==> 用户占线信号
  64953. subscribers ==> 捐款人,捐款人
  64954. subscribers group service ==> 同线电话
  64955. subscribers number ==> 市内番号
  64956. subscribing to shares in company ==> 认购公司股票
  64957. subscript ==> 添字
  64958. subscripting ==> 添字指定
  64959. subscription ==> 认购,认股,认捐,订购=>購読
  64960. subscription agreement ==> 认购合同,认股合同
  64961. subscription blank ==> 认购单
  64962. subscription book ==> 认购债券登记簿,认股簿,应募公司债簿
  64963. subscription call ==> 特约通话
  64964. subscription date ==> 认购日期,认股日期
  64965. subscription for shares ==> 认购股本,认股
  64966. subscription instalment ==> 分期缴款认股登记簿
  64967. subscription instalment book ==> 认购分期付款债券,认缴分期支付股款
  64968. subscription ledger ==> 认股分户帐
  64969. subscription list ==> 认购清册,认股册
  64970. subscription period ==> 认购期间,认可期限
  64971. subscription price ==> 认购价格,认缴价值,认可价格
  64972. subscription privilege ==> 认购新股权利
  64973. subscription quota ==> 认定份额,认缴份额
  64974. subscription realized ==> 已募得的总金额
  64975. subscription records ==> 认购纪录,认股记录
  64976. subscription register ==> 认购债券登记簿
  64977. subscription right ==> 认购股权,认购权
  64978. subscription television ==> 收费电视
  64979. subscription to capital stock ==> 认缴股款
  64980. subscription to common captital stock ==> 认缴普通股本
  64981. subscription to preferred capital stock ==> 认缴优先股款
  64982. subscription warrant ==> 认股凭证,认股权证
  64983. subsea apron ==> 海底扇
  64984. subsea cable ==> 海底电缆
  64985. subsea cable ship ==> 海底电缆敷设船
  64986. subsea cone ==> 海底锥
  64987. subsea equipment ==> 水下井口装置
  64988. subsea oilfield reactor ==> 海底油田反应堆
  64989. subsea pipeline ==> 海底管道
  64990. subsea telemanipulation ==> 海底遥控操作
  64991. subsea topographic survey ==> 海底地形调查
  64992. subsecond access time ==> 亚秒存取时间
  64993. subsepsis allergica ==> 韦斯勒氏综合征
  64994. subsequence unit ==> 子程序装置
  64995. subsequent acceptance ==> 附条件承兑,付条件承兑
  64996. subsequent crop ==> 后作
  64997. subsequent distillate ==> 续馏液
  64998. subsequent effects of fertilizer ==> 肥料残效
  64999. subsequent events ==> 财务报表编制后发生的事项
  65000. subsequent faults ==> 连续事故
  65001. subsequent generation ==> 后代
  65002. subsequent handling ==> 后续工序
  65003. subsequent ore deposit ==> 后成矿床
  65004. subsequent pick-up ==> 继续拾取
  65005. subsequent pulses ==> 脉冲串
  65006. subsequent river ==> 后成河
  65007. subsequent settlement ==> 附加沉降量
  65008. subsequent stream ==> 后成河,后生河
  65009. subsequent stroke ==> 後続雷撃
  65010. subsequent supervision ==> 事后监督
  65011. subsequent time period ==> 接续时期
  65012. subsequent valley ==> 后成谷
  65013. subserous layer ==> 浆膜下层
  65014. subsessile leaf ==> 近无柄叶
  65015. subset ==> 用户电话机=>部分集合
  65016. subset of a programming language ==> 程序设计语言子集
  65017. subside ==> 凹陷
  65018. subsidence ==> 下沉,沉淀,沉下,地表沉陷,消退
  65019. subsidence basin ==> 沉陷盆地
  65020. subsidence break ==> 地层沉裂
  65021. subsidence curve ==> 沉降曲线,沉陷曲线图,下沉曲线
  65022. subsidence flows ==> 沉降流
  65023. subsidence inversion ==> 下沉逆温
  65024. subsidence inversion aloft ==> 高下沉逆温
  65025. subsidence rate ==> 沉陷率
  65026. subsidence theory ==> 下沉说
  65027. subsidence volumn ==> 沉淀容积
  65028. subsidency ==> 沉下
  65029. subsidiary ==> 辅助的,副流,附属的,附属机构,补助的
  65030. subsidiary account ==> 辅助帐户
  65031. subsidiary air supply ==> 补充的空气供应
  65032. subsidiary attribute ==> 附属属性地位,随附属件
  65033. subsidiary body ==> 附属机构
  65034. subsidiary book ==> 辅助簿记
  65035. subsidiary books ==> 明细帐簿
  65036. subsidiary building ==> 辅助建筑,附属建筑
  65037. subsidiary business ==> 附属营业
  65038. subsidiary civil action ==> 附带民事诉讼
  65039. subsidiary class ==> 附类
  65040. subsidiary classification ==> 辅助分类
  65041. subsidiary coin ==> 辅币
  65042. subsidiary commercial transaction ==> 辅助商业交易
  65043. subsidiary company ==> 子公司
  65044. subsidiary condition ==> 附加条款
  65045. subsidiary conditions ==> 辅助条件
  65046. subsidiary conduit ==> 辅助管道,配线管道,支管道
  65047. subsidiary conveyer ==> 辅助输送机
  65048. subsidiary credit ==> 辅助信用贷款
  65049. subsidiary crop ==> 副作物,次要林作
  65050. subsidiary dam ==> 辅助坝,副坝
  65051. subsidiary department ==> 辅助部门
  65052. subsidiary development drivage ==> 准备巷道
  65053. subsidiary documents ==> 附属单据
  65054. subsidiary drain ==> 辅助排水沟
  65055. subsidiary equation ==> 補助方程式
  65056. subsidiary export company ==> 附属出口公司
  65057. subsidiary farming ==> 补充耕作
  65058. subsidiary felling ==> 副伐
  65059. subsidiary fold ==> 分支褶皱
  65060. subsidiary foodstuffs ==> 副食品
  65061. subsidiary fracture ==> 张破裂
  65062. subsidiary functions research ==> 辅助功能研究
  65063. subsidiary hospital ==> 附属医院
  65064. subsidiary index number ==> 辅助指数
  65065. subsidiary insurance ==> 附属保险
  65066. subsidiary journal ==> 辅助日记帐
  65067. subsidiary labour power ==> 辅助劳动力
  65068. subsidiary ledger ==> 辅助分类帐,辅助帐户,辅助总帐,明细分类帐
  65069. subsidiary ledger account ==> 明细分类帐户
  65070. subsidiary ledger accounts ==> 明细分类帐,辅助分类帐户
  65071. subsidiary ledger for properties ==> 财产明细分类帐
  65072. subsidiary ledger of merchandise in store ==> 库存商品明细帐
  65073. subsidiary legislation ==> 附属立法
  65074. subsidiary letter of credit ==> 附属信用证
  65075. subsidiary magnet ==> 辅助电磁铁
  65076. subsidiary materials cost ==> 辅助材料成本
  65077. subsidiary money ==> 辅币
  65078. subsidiary note ==> 辅币
  65079. subsidiary occupation ==> 副业
  65080. subsidiary operation time ==> 辅助作业时间
  65081. subsidiary optical system ==> 辅助光学系统
  65082. subsidiary or vertical method ==> 附属工厂或直式方法
  65083. subsidiary organ ==> 附属机构
  65084. subsidiary patent ==> 附属专利
  65085. subsidiary plant ==> 辅助电站
  65086. subsidiary pollination ==> 辅助授粉
  65087. subsidiary producing industries ==> 辅助生产部门
  65088. subsidiary product ==> 副产物
  65089. subsidiary production ==> 辅助生产,副业生产,附属生产
  65090. subsidiary production plan ==> 辅助生产计划
  65091. subsidiary production process ==> 辅助生产过程
  65092. subsidiary production specialization ==> 辅助生产专业化
  65093. subsidiary production workshop ==> 辅助生产车间
  65094. subsidiary products ==> 辅助产品
  65095. subsidiary questionnaire ==> 辅助调查表
  65096. subsidiary reaction ==> 副反应
  65097. subsidiary record ==> 辅助记录,辅助帐簿,明细记录
  65098. subsidiary reservoir ==> 辅助水库
  65099. subsidiary revenue ==> 辅助收入
  65100. subsidiary road ==> 辅助道路
  65101. subsidiary rod ==> 辅助杆
  65102. subsidiary services ==> 辅助性服务
  65103. subsidiary signal ==> 従属信号機
  65104. subsidiary standard oxidation reduction potential ==> 副标准氧化还原电势
  65105. subsidiary station ==> 分站,辅助电站
  65106. subsidiary stress ==> 附加应力
  65107. subsidiary trade ==> 辅助职业技能
  65108. subsidiary transport ==> 辅助运输
  65109. subsidiary triangulation ==> 辅助三角测量
  65110. subsidiary unit ==> 从属单位
  65111. subsidiary valence ==> 副化合价
  65112. subsidiary weir ==> 辅助堰,副堰
  65113. subsidiary workpoints ==> 补贴工分
  65114. subsidiary workshop ==> 辅助车间,附属品车间
  65115. subsidies ==> 助成金
  65116. subsidies for health ==> 保健费
  65117. subsidies for heating expenses ==> 取暖费补贴
  65118. subsidies for home leaves ==> 探亲假补贴
  65119. subsidies granted for policy considerations ==> 政策性补贴
  65120. subsiding sheet ==> 下沉板片
  65121. subsidize trial manufacture of new products ==> 新产品试制费
  65122. subsidized export ==> 受补贴的出口
  65123. subsidized housing ==> 补贴住房
  65124. subsidized import ==> 受补贴的进口
  65125. subsidy ==> 补贴,补助金,津贴=>助成
  65126. subsidy energy ==> 补加能,补助能量
  65127. subsidy for capital expenditure ==> 投资补贴
  65128. subsieve analysis ==> 亚筛分析
  65129. subsieve fineness ==> (不能用筛子分级的微粒)亚筛细度
  65130. subsieve fraction ==> 亚筛粉,亚筛份额,亚筛料末
  65131. subsieve particle ==> 亚筛颗粒,亚筛粒子
  65132. subsieve powder ==> 亚筛粉,亚筛料末,(超筛粉)亚筛粉末
  65133. subsieve range ==> 亚筛范围
  65134. subsieve size ==> 亚筛粒度
  65135. subsieve size apparatus ==> 亚筛粒度分析仪
  65136. subsieve size range ==> (小于325目的粉末)亚筛粒度范围
  65137. subsistence economy ==> 仅能维持生存的经济
  65138. subsized specimen ==> 小型试件
  65139. subsoil ==> 心土,底层土壤,底土,亚土层
  65140. subsoil (subsurface) water ==> 地下水
  65141. subsoil agricultural drain ==> 底层土壤农用排水
  65142. subsoil application ==> 深层施肥
  65143. subsoil application method ==> 施底肥法
  65144. subsoil attachment ==> 深耕器
  65145. subsoil drain ==> 地下排水沟,地下排水管,下层土排水沟
  65146. subsoil drainage ==> 亚土层排水,底层土壤排水
  65147. subsoil exploration ==> 底土查勘,亚土层勘探
  65148. subsoil flow ==> 地下径流
  65149. subsoil ice ==> 地下冰
  65150. subsoil improvement ==> 底土改良,地基处理,对建筑物和设备的基础下的受力层进行提高其强度和稳定性的强化处理
  65151. subsoil irrigation ==> 底土灌溉
  65152. subsoil permissible load ==> 天然地基允许荷载
  65153. subsoil plough ==> 底土犁
  65154. subsoil tillage ==> 心土层耕作
  65155. subsoil water ==> 底土水,亚土层水
  65156. subsoil water movement ==> 地下水运动
  65157. subsoiler ==> 深耕铲
  65158. subsolar point ==> 日下点
  65159. subsolar point altitude ==> 日下点高度
  65160. subsolar point temperature ==> 日下点温度
  65161. subsolidus data ==> 亚固线数据
  65162. subsonic aerodynamics ==> 亚声速空气动力学
  65163. subsonic aircraft ==> 亚音速飞机
  65164. subsonic area ==> 亚声速区
  65165. subsonic axial compressor ==> 亚音速轴流压气机
  65166. subsonic boundary layer ==> 亚声速边界层
  65167. subsonic climb path ==> 亚音速上升航迹
  65168. subsonic compression ==> 亚声速压缩
  65169. subsonic compressor ==> 亚音速压气机
  65170. subsonic cruise range ==> 亚音速巡航距离
  65171. subsonic diffuser ==> 亚音速扩压器
  65172. subsonic ejection ==> 亚音速弹射
  65173. subsonic ejection seat ==> 亚音速弹射座椅
  65174. subsonic escape ==> 亚音速离机
  65175. subsonic flight ==> 亚音速飞机
  65176. subsonic flow ==> 亚音速流
  65177. subsonic force coefficient ==> 亚声速空气动力学系数
  65178. subsonic glider ==> 亚音速滑翔机
  65179. subsonic hold ==> 以亚音速等待
  65180. subsonic inlet ==> 亚音速入口
  65181. subsonic jet aircraft ==> 亚音速喷气式飞机
  65182. subsonic launch ==> 亚音速发射
  65183. subsonic lift ==> 亚声速升力
  65184. subsonic maneuver ==> 亚音速机动
  65185. subsonic maneuverability ==> 亚音速机动性
  65186. subsonic mode ==> 亚音速飞行状态
  65187. subsonic nozzle ==> 亚音速喷嘴
  65188. subsonic operation ==> 亜音速運転
  65189. subsonic performance ==> 亚音速飞行性能
  65190. subsonic range ==> 亚音速范围
  65191. subsonic rupture ==> 亚声破裂
  65192. subsonic rupture speed ==> 亚声破裂速度
  65193. subsonic speed ==> 亚声速,亚音速
  65194. subsonic speed target ==> 亚音速目标
  65195. subsonic stability ==> 亚声速稳定性
  65196. subsonic sweep ==> 亚音速后掠
  65197. subsonic takeoff ==> 亚音速起飞
  65198. subsonic turbine ==> 亚音速涡轮
  65199. subsonic velocity ==> 亚音速
  65200. subsonic vibrations ==> 亚声频振动
  65201. subsonic whistle ==> 亚声哨
  65202. subsonic wind tunnel ==> 亚音速风洞
  65203. subspace identification method ==> 部分空間同定法
  65204. subsporangial vesicle ==> 囊下小泡
  65205. substage condenser ==> 镜台下聚光镜,镜台下聚光镜,台下聚光器
  65206. substage condenser iris ==> 聚光器光栏,聚光器光栏
  65207. substage illumination ==> 穿透照明
  65208. substance ==> 单重,皮质,物质,剂,实物
  65209. substance of bone ==> 骨质
  65210. substance of economic law ==> 经济法实体,经济法实体
  65211. substance of property ==> 财产实体
  65212. substandard ==> 副標準器
  65213. substandard film ==> 窄电影胶片
  65214. substandard film stock ==> 窄影片
  65215. substandard goods ==> 副品
  65216. substandard housing ==> 不合标准住房
  65217. substandard instrument ==> 副标准仪表
  65218. substandard meter ==> 副标准电度表
  65219. substandard part ==> 不合格零件
  65220. substandard parts ==> 次等零件
  65221. substandard products ==> 等外废品,副品
  65222. substandard products 等外废品=> ==> 副品
  65223. substandard project ==> 不合标准项目
  65224. substandard propagation ==> 亚标准传播
  65225. substandard rate ==> 标准以下的工资率
  65226. substandard rim ==> 窄口轮缘
  65227. substantia corticalis ==> 皮质
  65228. substantia gelatinosa ==> 胶状质
  65229. substantia gelatinosa centralis ==> 中央胶状质
  65230. substantia grisea centralis ==> 中央灰质
  65231. substantia grisea intermedia centralis ==> 中央中间灰质
  65232. substantia perforata anterior ==> 前穿质
  65233. substantia perforata posterior ==> 马拉卡内氏隙,后穿质
  65234. substantia perforata rostralis ==> 嘴侧穿质
  65235. substantia reticularis ==> 网状质
  65236. substantial ==> 富裕的=>多くの,多大な,根本の,実体がある,実在する
  65237. substantial amount ==> 相当量
  65238. substantial corrosion ==> 严重腐蚀=>著しい腐食
  65239. substantial cost differentials ==> 巨大成本差额,巨大成本差额,巨额的成本差异,巨额的成本差异
  65240. substantial derivative ==> 物质导数
  65241. substantial results ==> 实效
  65242. substantial-unemployment area ==> 严重失业地区
  65243. substantially ==> 大幅に,大いに
  65244. substantially better ==> 明らかに良好
  65245. substantially sinusoidal waveform ==> 正弦波に近い波形
  65246. substantive dye ==> 直接染料
  65247. substantive law ==> 实体法
  65248. substantive variation ==> 实质性变异
  65249. substation ==> 分局,变电所,配电装置,子站=>変電所
  65250. substation busbars ==> 变电所母线
  65251. substation capacity ==> 変電所容量
  65252. substation control and monitoring system ==> 変電所監視制御システム
  65253. substation grounding ==> 变电站接地
  65254. substation island ==> 电气岛
  65255. substation local backup protection ==> 变电站近后备保护,由与相应的主保护位于同一变电站内、但不共用同一个一次电路的仪用互感器激励的后备保护=>自所入力後備保護, Backup protection which is energized from instrument transformers located within the same substation as the corresponding main protection and not associated with the same primary circuit.
  65256. substation monitoring ==> 変電所監視
  65257. substation power loss ==> 变电站失压
  65258. substation support equipment ==> 変電所補完装置
  65259. substation wire ==> 屋内線(電話)
  65260. substellar point ==> 星下点
  65261. substernal goiter ==> 胸骨后甲状腺肿
  65262. substernal nontoxic goiter ==> 胸骨后非毒性甲状腺肿
  65263. substituent constant ==> 取代基常数
  65264. substitute ==> 替,替代物,置换,置换物,取代物,代替=>置換する,代入する,代用する,代品,代用品,代替,代理人,サブスチチュート
  65265. substitute (material) ==> 代用品
  65266. substitute (SUB,subst) ==> 代入
  65267. substitute (subst) ==> 代理人
  65268. substitute alloy ==> 代替合金
  65269. substitute application ==> 代替出願
  65270. substitute arbitrator ==> 替代仲裁员
  65271. substitute attorney ==> 副代理人
  65272. substitute block system ==> 代用閉塞方式
  65273. substitute cargo ==> 替代货物
  65274. substitute character ==> 置換文字
  65275. substitute community ==> 替代群落
  65276. substitute fibre ==> 代用纤维
  65277. substitute fixed assets ==> 替代固定资产
  65278. substitute for ==> 替代,替换
  65279. substitute for asbestos ==> アスベスト代替品
  65280. substitute for SF6 ==> SF6代替
  65281. substitute fuel ==> 代用燃料
  65282. substitute function ==> 代替機能
  65283. substitute gas ==> 代替ガス
  65284. substitute goods ==> 替代商品
  65285. substitute high speed steel ==> 代用高速钢
  65286. substitute mode ==> 代入方式,代替方式,更换方式,转接方式,替换方式
  65287. substitute natural gas ==> 代用天燃气
  65288. substitute part ==> 代用零件
  65289. substitute point ==> 代入点
  65290. substitute products ==> 替代商品
  65291. substitute simply ==> 简单地置换
  65292. substitute soldering alloys ==> 代焊接合金
  65293. substitute variable ==> 替代变量
  65294. substitute vessel ==> 替代船
  65295. substituted benzene ==> 取代苯
  65296. substituted expenses ==> 替代费用
  65297. substituted security ==> 替代担保
  65298. substituted service ==> 替代送达
  65299. substituted uracils ==> 取代脲嘧啶类
  65300. substitutes for imported goods ==> 替代进口
  65301. substituting effect ==> 取代效应
  65302. substitution ==> 取代,取代作用,代入,替换作用,置换,置换反应,替代=>置換,代入,代用
  65303. substitution (substit) ==> 代用,调换
  65304. substitution account ==> 替代帐户,替换帐户
  65305. substitution analysis ==> 替代分析
  65306. substitution atom ==> 替代原子
  65307. substitution cipher ==> 代换密码,代用记号,代用密码,置换密码
  65308. substitution cover ==> 临时盖
  65309. substitution curve ==> 替代曲线
  65310. substitution defect ==> 替代缺陷
  65311. substitution deletion and insertion errors ==> 代换删除和插入错误
  65312. substitution detector ==> 置换检测装置
  65313. substitution effect ==> 替代效果,替代效应
  65314. substitution impedance measuring set ==> 置换阻抗测量装置
  65315. substitution imperfetion ==> 替代缺陷
  65316. substitution impurity ==> 置换型杂质
  65317. substitution instance ==> 代换实例
  65318. substitution instance of the statement function ==> 命题函数的置换实例,命题函数置换实例
  65319. substitution law ==> 替代规律
  65320. substitution line ==> 代换系
  65321. substitution list ==> 代替表
  65322. substitution measurement ==> 替代测量,置换测量
  65323. substitution method ==> 置换法,代换法,代入法,代替法,替代法=>置換法
  65324. substitution method of measurement ==> 替代测量法,置換測定方法
  65325. substitution method of photometry ==> 光度学代替法
  65326. substitution multipliers ==> 替代乘数
  65327. substitution of invoice transfer ==> 替换发票的转让
  65328. substitution of rationing for exchange ==> 配给代替交换
  65329. substitution of SF6 ==> 代替SF6
  65330. substitution operation ==> 代替运算
  65331. substitution principle ==> 替代原理
  65332. substitution product ==> 置换产物,取代产物
  65333. substitution property ==> 代换性质
  65334. substitution rate ==> 代换率,替代率
  65335. substitution reaction ==> 置换反应,取代反应
  65336. substitution solid solution ==> 置换固溶体
  65337. substitution theorem ==> 替代原理
  65338. substitution therapy ==> 替代疗法
  65339. substitution transfusion ==> 交换输血
  65340. substitution urethroplasty ==> 外科治疗
  65341. substitution(al) solid solution ==> 替代固溶体
  65342. substitutional acceptor ==> 替代式受主
  65343. substitutional atom ==> 置換原子
  65344. substitutional circuit ==> 等效线路
  65345. substitutional connection ==> 等效线路
  65346. substitutional diffusion ==> 替代式扩散
  65347. substitutional element ==> 置换元素
  65348. substitutional impurity ==> 替代式杂质
  65349. substitutional material ==> 替换材料
  65350. substitutional production function ==> 替代生产函数
  65351. substitutional relation ==> 替代关系
  65352. substitutional resistance ==> 替代电阻,等值电阻
  65353. substitutional solid solution ==> 置換形固溶体
  65354. substitutional type solid solution ==> 置换型固溶体
  65355. substitutive ==> 代用の
  65356. substitutive derivative ==> 取代衍生物
  65357. substitutive therapy ==> 替代疗法
  65358. substore ==> 辅助仓库,备用仓库
  65359. substraction chromatography ==> 扣除色谱法
  65360. substrate ==> 基片,基件,基片,酶底物,酶解物,酶作用物,底金属,底物,底质,衬底,基质=>基質,基板
  65361. substrate bias ==> 衬底偏置
  65362. substrate contact region ==> 衬底接触区
  65363. substrate cracking ==> 衬底断裂
  65364. substrate destabilization ==> 底质去稳定作用
  65365. substrate dicing saw ==> 衬底切割锯
  65366. substrate diffusion ==> 衬底扩散
  65367. substrate feed logic (SFL) ==> 衬底馈电逻辑
  65368. substrate film ==> 衬底膜
  65369. substrate gate ==> 衬底栅
  65370. substrate holder ==> 衬底架
  65371. substrate impurity ==> 衬底杂质
  65372. substrate layer ==> 衬底层
  65373. substrate leakage ==> 衬底漏电
  65374. substrate magazine ==> 基片暗箱
  65375. substrate material ==> 衬底材料,基底材料
  65376. substrate mycelium ==> 基内菌丝
  65377. substrate parallelism ==> 衬底平行度
  65378. substrate pollution ==> 底质污染
  65379. substrate preparation ==> 衬底预加工
  65380. substrate reflection polarizer ==> 基片反射偏振器
  65381. substrate scriber ==> 衬底划线器
  65382. substrate slice ==> 衬底片
  65383. substrate sludge ==> 底泥
  65384. substrate stabilization ==> 底质稳定作用
  65385. substrate strength ==> 衬底强度
  65386. substrate temperature ==> 衬底的温度=>基板温度
  65387. substrate transistor ==> 衬底晶体管,基片晶体管
  65388. substrate transmission ==> 衬底透射率
  65389. substrate-fed logic circuit ==> 衬底馈电逻辑电路
  65390. substrate-mask ==> 挡光板,基片遮板
  65391. substructure ==> 底层结构
  65392. substructure cost ==> 地下工程造价
  65393. substructure for electrical device ==> 电子元件基板
  65394. substructure work ==> 地下工程
  65395. subsumption architecture ==> サブサンプションアーキテクチャ
  65396. subsurface boring ==> 地下钻探
  65397. subsurface canal ==> 地下渠道
  65398. subsurface circulation ==> 次表层环流,海面下环流
  65399. subsurface contour ==> 构造等高线
  65400. subsurface correlation ==> 地层对比
  65401. subsurface defect ==> 亚表面缺陷
  65402. subsurface detention ==> 地下滞留
  65403. subsurface disposal ==> 地下处置法,地下排放
  65404. subsurface divide ==> 地下分水界,地下水界
  65405. subsurface drainage basin ==> 地下流域,地下水流域
  65406. subsurface exploration ==> 地下查勘,地下探测,地下探查
  65407. subsurface field ==> 亚表土
  65408. subsurface filter ==> 地下滤场
  65409. subsurface flaw ==> 次表面裂隙
  65410. subsurface float ==> 水下浮标
  65411. subsurface flow ==> 地下水流,地下迳流
  65412. subsurface ice ==> 地下冰
  65413. subsurface illuminator ==> 内反光器
  65414. subsurface investigation ==> 地下勘探,地下探测,地下探查
  65415. subsurface irrigation ==> 地下灌溉
  65416. subsurface land roller ==> 亚表土镇压器
  65417. subsurface layer ==> 地下层
  65418. subsurface level ==> 次表层水位
  65419. subsurface mark ==> 地下标点
  65420. subsurface sand filter ==> 地下滤场
  65421. subsurface sewage disposal ==> 地下污水处理
  65422. subsurface sewage disposal system ==> 地下污水处理系统
  65423. subsurface soil ==> 次表土
  65424. subsurface stratum ==> 亚表层
  65425. subsurface structure ==> 地下结构
  65426. subsurface system ==> 暗管系统
  65427. subsurface tillage ==> 不翻垡耕作,次表土耕作法,亚表土耕作
  65428. subsurface trickle irrigation ==> 地下滴水灌溉
  65429. subsurface utility ==> 地下公用设施
  65430. subsurface water inquiry ==> 地下水的查询
  65431. subsurface water measurement ==> 地下水测量
  65432. subsurface wave ==> 亚表面波
  65433. subsynchronous oscillation, SSO ==> 次同步振荡,汽轮发电机轴系会与电力系统功率控制设备,如高压直流输电系统,静止无功补偿系统等,发生相互作用,产生低于同步频率的振荡即次同步振荡(SSO)
  65434. subsynchronous resonance, SSR ==> 次同步谐振,交流输电系统采用串联电容补偿后,其电气系统固有频率可能会与汽轮发电机轴系的自然扭振频率形成谐振关系,此时如系统受到扰动,电气系统与汽轮发电机轴系之间可能会产生次同步频率的功率交换,形成次同步谐振(SSR)
  65435. subsynchronous speed ==> 次同步速率=>次同期速度
  65436. subsynovial cyst ==> 滑膜下囊肿
  65437. subsystem ==> 子系统=>サブシステム
  65438. subsystem equivalent ==> 部分系統等価モデル
  65439. subsystem index ==> 分系统索引
  65440. subsystem model ==> 部分系統モデル
  65441. subtalar joint ==> 距下关节,距下关节
  65442. subtask ==> 子任务
  65443. subtask program ==> 子任务程序
  65444. subtending leaf ==> 苞叶
  65445. subtendinous bursa of latissimus dorsi ==> 背阔肌腱下囊
  65446. subtendon bursa of anterior tibial muscle ==> 胫骨前肌腱下囊,胫骨前肌腱下囊
  65447. subtense angle ==> 弦角,视差角
  65448. subtense bar ==> 横测尺,横基尺
  65449. subtense technique ==> 视距法
  65450. subteranean termite ==> 地白蚁
  65451. subternal pain ==> 胸骨后疼痛
  65452. subterranean cable ==> 地下电缆,地下光缆
  65453. subterranean deposit ==> 地下矿床
  65454. subterranean disposal ==> 地下处置
  65455. subterranean divide ==> 地下分水线
  65456. subterranean flow ==> 地下径流
  65457. subterranean ice ==> 地下冰
  65458. subterranean layer ==> 地下层
  65459. subterranean line ==> 地下线路
  65460. subterranean organ ==> 地下器官
  65461. subterranean pipe line ==> 地下管路
  65462. subterranean railway ==> 地下铁道
  65463. subterranean river ==> 地下河流
  65464. subterranean river course ==> 地下水道
  65465. subterranean stream ==> 地下河,地下河流,伏流河
  65466. subterranean termites ==> 地下蚁
  65467. subterranean tunnel ==> 地下隧洞
  65468. subterranean water parting ==> 地下水界
  65469. subterranean works ==> 地下工程
  65470. subterraneous outcrop ==> 掩盖露头
  65471. subterraneous root ==> 地下根
  65472. subtertian malaria ==> 恶性疟
  65473. subthreshold ==> 低于最低限度,次阈值,亚阈值
  65474. subthreshold behavior ==> 次阈值性能
  65475. subthreshold curren ==> サブスレショルド電流
  65476. subthreshold current ==> 亚阈值电流
  65477. subthreshold resonance ==> 次阈值共振
  65478. subthreshold response ==> 次阈值响应
  65479. subthreshold spectrum ==> 次阈值光谱
  65480. subthreshold stimulus ==> 阈下刺激,阈下刺激物
  65481. subtidal deposit ==> 潮滩沉积
  65482. subtidal line ==> 低潮线
  65483. subtidal zone ==> 潮下带
  65484. subtitle ==> 副标题=>サブタイトル,副題
  65485. subtle ==> 锐敏的=>微妙な,敏感な,巧妙な
  65486. subtle abnormality ==> わずかな異常
  65487. subtle air ==> 希薄空気
  65488. subtle analysis ==> 鋭い分析
  65489. subtle trap ==> 隐秘圈闭
  65490. subtlety ==> 巧妙さ,繊細さ,機微,デリカシー
  65491. subtotal gastrectomy ==> 大部胃切除术
  65492. subtotal thyroidectomy ==> 甲状腺次全切除术
  65493. subtract ==> 減ずる
  65494. subtract bit circuit ==> 减位电路
  65495. subtract pulse ==> 减法脉冲,相减脉冲
  65496. subtract statement ==> 减法语句
  65497. subtract time ==> 减法运算时间
  65498. subtracter ==> 减法器=>減算器
  65499. subtracting circuit ==> 减法电路
  65500. subtraction ==> 减法,减去,抵扣=>減法,控除
  65501. subtraction circuit ==> 减法电路,相减电路
  65502. subtraction operator ==> 减法算符
  65503. subtraction with serial operation ==> 串行减法
  65504. subtractive color mixture ==> 減法混色
  65505. subtractive combination ==> 差组合
  65506. subtractive complementary colors ==> 减补色=>減法混色の補色
  65507. subtractive direct-positive process ==> 减色法直接正像处理
  65508. subtractive mixture ==> 減法混色
  65509. subtractive polarity ==> 减极性=>減極性(変圧器)
  65510. subtractive primaries ==> 減法混色の原色
  65511. subtractive print plate ==> 金属面腐蚀法印刷电路板
  65512. subtractive process ==> 精制过程
  65513. subtractive reducer ==> 等量减薄液
  65514. subtractive-type interlacing ==> 相减式隔行扫描
  65515. subtrahend ==> 減数
  65516. subtransient reactance ==> 超瞬变电抗,起始瞬态电抗=>初期過渡リアクタンスxd''
  65517. subtransient short-circuit current ==> 次暂态短路电流,突然三相短路瞬间,计及转子阻尼绕组作用的短路电流的周期分量
  65518. subtransient stator current ==> 起始瞬态定子电流
  65519. subtransmission ==> 二次输电,A functional or voltage classification relating to lines at voltage levels between 69kV and 115kV.(美国)
  65520. subtransmission network ==> 二次输电网络
  65521. subtransmission system ==> 二次系統
  65522. subtrochanteric fracture ==> 股骨转子下骨折
  65523. subtrochanteric osteotomy of femur ==> 股骨粗隆下切除术
  65524. subtroical plant ==> 亚热带植物
  65525. subtropical animal ==> 亚热带动物
  65526. subtropical anticy clone ==> 副热带高压
  65527. subtropical belt ==> 亚热带
  65528. subtropical calm ==> 副热带无风带
  65529. subtropical convergence ==> 副热带辐合带
  65530. subtropical cyclone ==> 副热带气旋
  65531. subtropical easterlies ==> 热带东风带
  65532. subtropical easterlies index ==> 副热带东风带指数
  65533. subtropical forest ==> 亚热带森林,温带雨林
  65534. subtropical fruit ==> 亚热带水果
  65535. subtropical gardening ==> 副热带园艺
  65536. subtropical high belt ==> 副热带高压带
  65537. subtropical high pressure belt ==> 副热带高压区
  65538. subtropical high pressure zone ==> 副热带高压区
  65539. subtropical jet stream ==> 副热带急流
  65540. subtropical rain forest ==> 亚热带雨林
  65541. subtropical ridge ==> 副热带高压脊
  65542. subtropical soil ==> 亚热带土壤
  65543. subtropical zone ==> 亚热带,副热带
  65544. subtropital belt ==> 副热带
  65545. subtype of soil ==> 土壤亚类
  65546. subungual abscess ==> 指甲下脓肿,甲下脓肿
  65547. subunit construction ==> 部件结构
  65548. subunit vaccine ==> 亚单位疫苗
  65549. suburban area ==> 郊外地域
  65550. suburban railway ==> 郊外鉄道
  65551. subvelocity of light ==> 亚光速
  65552. subventral space ==> 侧腹区
  65553. subversive element ==> 痕量元素
  65554. subvertical member ==> (桥梁的)副垂直杆
  65555. subvital gene ==> 亚生活力基因
  65556. subvitreous luster ==> 半玻璃光泽
  65557. subvoice-grade channel ==> 副音频等级信道,亚音频级通道
  65558. subwater pipeline ==> 水下管线
  65559. subwaxy soap ==> 次蜡状皂
  65560. subway ==> 地下鉄(道)
  65561. subway station ==> 地下铁道车站
  65562. subway transformer ==> 地下变压器,浸没式变压器
  65563. subway-type transformer ==> 地道型变压器
  65564. subzero coolant ==> 冷处理剂,冷处理用冷却剂,冷却剂
  65565. subzero cooling ==> 冷处理
  65566. subzero fractionation ==> 冷冻分离
  65567. subzero oil ==> 低温润滑油
  65568. subzero refrigerator ==> 零下冰箱
  65569. subzero temperature ==> 零下温度
  65570. subzero treatment ==> 低温处理
  65571. subzone ==> 亚带,分区
  65572. subzone (water control zone) ==> 分区(水质管制区)
  65573. SUC, Static Unbalanced voltage compensator ==> 電圧不平衡補償装置
  65574. succeding soybean crops ==> 后茬大豆作物
  65575. succeed at selling ==> 販売で成功する
  65576. succeeding crop ==> 后续作物,后作物
  65577. succeeding lift ==> 后继浇筑层
  65578. succeeding pump ==> 顺序启动泵,继动泵
  65579. succeeding tide ==> 后续潮
  65580. succenturiate placenta ==> 副胎盘
  65581. succesive transfer culture ==> 继代培养
  65582. success go-to field ==> 成功的去向区
  65583. successful bid ==> 落札
  65584. successful location rate ==> 標定率
  65585. successful reclosing ==> 再閉路成功
  65586. successful reclosure ==> 再閉路成功
  65587. successful search ==> 成功查找
  65588. succession ==> 顺序性,演替,继承性,继续性
  65589. succession crop ==> 后茬作物
  65590. succession cropping ==> 连作
  65591. succession of aspect ==> 季相演替
  65592. succession of crop ==> 复种制
  65593. succession of crops ==> 作物持续栽培法
  65594. succession of generation ==> 生成序次
  65595. succession of plant ==> 植物演替
  65596. succession of shoots ==> 枝顺序性
  65597. succession species ==> 演替种
  65598. succession spectrum ==> 演替系列
  65599. succession tectonics ==> 继承性构造
  65600. successive ==> 累次,递次
  65601. successive approximate values ==> 逐次近似值
  65602. successive approximation ==> 连续近似
  65603. successive approximation method ==> 逐步近似法,分段渐近法
  65604. successive approximation type ==> 逐次比較形(ディジタル電圧計)
  65605. successive approximation type A-D ==> 逐次逼近型模拟数字转换
  65606. successive approximation unit ==> 逐步逼近装置
  65607. successive bounds ==> 逐次跃进
  65608. successive byte ==> 连续字节
  65609. successive cambium ==> 继生形成层
  65610. successive carry ==> 逐次进位,顺序进位
  65611. successive conditioned reflex ==> 继时条件反射
  65612. successive contrast ==> 继时对比,相继对比,连续对比
  65613. successive cycles ==> 逐次循环
  65614. successive decay ==> 逐次衰变
  65615. successive derivative ==> 逐次导数
  65616. successive difference ==> 逐次差分
  65617. successive differences ==> 递差
  65618. successive differential coefficient ==> 逐次微分系数
  65619. successive differentiation ==> 逐次微分
  65620. successive displacement method ==> 逐次代入法
  65621. successive doubling ==> 顺次加倍
  65622. successive elimination ==> 逐次消元法
  65623. successive elimination method ==> 连续消去法
  65624. successive eruptive events ==> 连续喷发活动
  65625. successive feedback repression ==> 连续反馈抑制
  65626. successive field ==> 相继场
  65627. successive fracture treatment ==> 连续压裂作业
  65628. successive group overrelaxation ==> 逐次成群超松弛
  65629. successive holographic summation ==> 连续全息叠加
  65630. successive induction ==> 逐次归纳法
  65631. successive inhibition ==> 后抑制
  65632. successive integration ==> 逐次积分法
  65633. successive intervals ==> 逐次区间
  65634. successive intervals method ==> 逐步间隔法
  65635. successive iteration method ==> 逐次代入法
  65636. successive layers ==> 连续层
  65637. successive line ==> 连续谱线
  65638. successive line overrelaxation ==> 逐次线超松弛
  65639. successive linear filtering ==> 逐次线性滤波
  65640. successive losses ==> 连续损失
  65641. successive minimum points ==> 逐次极小点
  65642. successive overrelaxation ==> 逐次超松弛
  65643. successive overrelaxation method ==> 逐次超松弛法
  65644. successive phase of deformation ==> 连续变形幕
  65645. successive point overrelaxation method ==> 逐次点超松弛法
  65646. successive point relaxation method ==> 逐点松弛法
  65647. successive pulse groups ==> 连续脉冲组
  65648. successive quadrature ==> 逐次求积分
  65649. successive range ==> 逐次范围,逐次距离,移动范围
  65650. successive reciprocating ==> 连续往复
  65651. successive reduction ==> 逐次简化
  65652. successive row relaxation method ==> 逐次行松弛法
  65653. successive sampling method ==> 逐次抽样法,连续抽样法
  65654. successive scans ==> 逐行扫描
  65655. successive selection ==> 连续选择
  65656. successive spacial threshold ==> 继时空间阈
  65657. successive structure ==> 逐次结构
  65658. successive substitution ==> 逐次代换法,递代法
  65659. successive substitution method ==> 逐次代入法
  65660. successive summation ==> 相继总和
  65661. successive sweep method ==> 逐步淘汰法
  65662. successive synthesis ==> 逐次综合法
  65663. successive tectonism ==> 连续构造作用
  65664. successive term ==> 邻项
  65665. successive terms ==> 逐项
  65666. successive transformation ==> 递次变换
  65667. successive transition ==> 连续跃迁
  65668. successive trials ==> 逐次试探
  65669. successive trip after reclosing ==> 再閉路失敗
  65670. successive trip after reclosure ==> 再閉路後遮断
  65671. successive value ==> 逐次值
  65672. successive withdrawal ==> 逐次撤退
  65673. successor address ==> 后继指令地址
  65674. successor block ==> 后继块
  65675. successor in title ==> 权利继承人
  65676. successor instruction ==> 后继指令
  65677. successor list ==> 后继表
  65678. succin ==> サクシン,毒薬指定の骨格筋弛緩剤
  65679. succinaldehyde ==> 丁二醛
  65680. succinamic acid ==> 琥珀酰胺酸
  65681. succinamide ==> 琥珀酸胺,琥珀酰胺
  65682. succinanil ==> 琥珀酰苯胺
  65683. succinanilic acid ==> 琥珀酰苯胺酸
  65684. succinate ==> 琥珀酸盐,琥珀酸酯,丁二酸盐
  65685. succinate oxidation ==> 琥珀酸氧化
  65686. succinate thiokinase ==> 琥珀酸硫激酶
  65687. succinct ==> 簡潔な,簡明な,The circuit equation is succinct and easy to solve.
  65688. succinct analysis ==> 簡潔な分析
  65689. succinct answer ==> 簡潔な答え
  65690. succinct conclusion ==> 簡潔な結論
  65691. succinctly ==> 簡潔に
  65692. succindialdehyde ==> 丁二醛
  65693. succinic acid ==> 丁二酸,琥珀酸=>コハク酸
  65694. succinic acid 2 ==> 丁二酸-2
  65695. succinic acid dehydrogenase ==> 琥珀酸脱氢酶
  65696. succinic aldehyde ==> 丁二醛
  65697. succinic anhydride ==> 琥珀酐,琥珀酰酐
  65698. succinic chloride ==> 琥珀酰氯
  65699. succinic chlorimide ==> 琥珀酰氯亚胺
  65700. succinic dehydrogenase ==> 琥珀酸脱氢酶
  65701. succinic diamide ==> 琥珀酰胺
  65702. succinic monoamide ==> 琥珀一酰胺
  65703. succinic oxidase ==> 琥珀酸氧化酶
  65704. succinic thiokinase ==> 琥珀酸硫激酶
  65705. succinimide ==> 琥珀酰亚胺
  65706. succinimido- ==> 琥珀酰亚胺基
  65707. Succinimonas ==> 琥珀酸单胞菌属
  65708. succinite ==> 钙铝榴石
  65709. Succinivibrio ==> 琥珀酸弧菌属
  65710. succinoamino- ==> 琥珀酰胺基
  65711. succinodehydrogenase ==> 琥珀酸脱氢酶
  65712. succinonitrile ==> 琥珀腈
  65713. succinonitrite ==> 乙撑二氰
  65714. succinoresinol ==> 琥珀树脂醇
  65715. succinosuccinic acid ==> 琥珀酰琥珀酸
  65716. succinoxidase ==> 琥珀酸氧化酶
  65717. succinyl ==> 琥珀酰,丁二酰
  65718. succinyl chloride ==> 琥珀酰氯,丁二酰氯
  65719. succinyl CoA deacylase ==> 琥珀酰CoA脱酰酶,琥珀酰辅酶A脱酰酶
  65720. succinyl CoA synthetase ==> 琥珀酰CoA合成酶
  65721. succinyl oxide ==> 琥珀酰化氧,琥珀酰酐
  65722. succinylcholine ==> 琥珀酰胆碱,丁二酰胆硷
  65723. succinylcholine chloride ==> 氯化丁二酰胆碱,氯化琥珀酰胆碱,氯化琥珀酰胆硷,琥珀酰氯化胆碱
  65724. succinylsulfathiazole ==> 琥珀磺胺噻唑,琥珀酰磺胺噻唑
  65725. succinylsulfathiazole (SST) ==> 丁二酰磺胺塞唑
  65726. succison ==> サクシゾン,抗炎症ステロイド剤
  65727. succulent fodder ==> 多汁饲料
  65728. succulent fruit ==> 多汁果
  65729. succulent fruits ==> 汁果
  65730. succulent leaf ==> 多汁叶,肉质叶
  65731. succulent stem ==> 肉质茎
  65732. succulent wood cutting ==> 软材插条
  65733. succusion-sound ==> 震荡音
  65734. succussion-sound ==> 振荡音
  65735. sucess-fail value ==> 成败值
  65736. suck ==> 抽吸,吸吮,凹形
  65737. suck-back device ==> 回吸装置
  65738. sucker cutting ==> 徒长枝插花
  65739. sucker gland ==> 吸盘腺
  65740. sucker growth ==> 徒长枝
  65741. sucker rod ==> 抽油杆
  65742. sucker rod guide ==> 抽油杆导向器
  65743. sucker rod hanger ==> 抽油杆悬挂器
  65744. sucker rod hook ==> 抽油杆大钩
  65745. sucker rod jar ==> 抽油杆震击器
  65746. sucker rod joint ==> 抽油杆接箍
  65747. sucker rod pump ==> 杆式泵
  65748. sucker-rod pump ==> 有杆泵
  65749. suckering root ==> 寄生根
  65750. suckering seedling ==> 连根苗
  65751. sucking ==> 吸引,拉细,抽,缩号,(窑具吸取釉中挥发性成份)吸釉
  65752. sucking action ==> 吸吮动作
  65753. sucking and forcing pump ==> 抽气压力泵
  65754. sucking booster ==> 馈线升压器
  65755. sucking coil ==> 吸引线圈
  65756. sucking disc ==> 吸盘
  65757. sucking disk ==> 吸盘
  65758. sucking electromagnet ==> 吸入电磁铁
  65759. sucking fit ==> 推入配合
  65760. sucking insect ==> 刺吸口器害虫,吸啜式昆虫
  65761. sucking jet pump ==> 吸引喷嘴泵
  65762. sucking louse ==> 吸血虱
  65763. sucking mouth parts ==> 吸吮口器,刺吸式口器
  65764. sucking pest ==> 刺吸式口器害虫
  65765. sucking pig ==> 乳猪
  65766. sucking pump ==> 抽气泵,抽吸泵,吸抽加压泵
  65767. sucking rate ==> 抽气量
  65768. sucking reflex ==> 吸吮反射
  65769. sucking solenoid ==> 吸持螺线圈
  65770. sucking spear ==> (褐蛉幼虫)吸矛
  65771. suckler cow ==> 带仔母牛
  65772. suckling mouse ==> 乳鼠
  65773. suckling period ==> 哺乳期
  65774. suckling pig ==> 哺乳期仔猪,仔猪
  65775. sucralose ==> 三氯蔗糖=>スクラロース
  65776. sucrose ==> 蔗糖=>サッカロース,蔗糖
  65777. sucrose accumulation ==> スクロース蓄積
  65778. sucrose addition ==> 蔗糖添加
  65779. sucrose concentration ==> 蔗糖濃度
  65780. sucrose crystal ==> スクロース結晶
  65781. sucrose deficiency ==> ショ糖分解酵素欠損症
  65782. sucrose density gradient ==> 蔗糖密度梯度
  65783. sucrose distearate ==> 蔗糖二硬脂酸酯
  65784. sucrose ester ==> 蔗糖酯
  65785. sucrose ether ==> 蔗糖醚
  65786. sucrose glucosyltransferase ==> 蔗糖转葡糖基酶
  65787. sucrose gradient centrifugation ==> 蔗糖梯度离心
  65788. sucrose gradient sedimentation ==> 蔗糖浓度梯度沉降法
  65789. sucrose in water ratio ==> 蔗糖比
  65790. sucrose monoester ==> 蔗糖单酯
  65791. sucrose monostearate ==> 蔗糖单硬脂酸酯
  65792. sucrose octaacetate ==> 蔗糖八乙酸酯
  65793. sucrose phosphorylase ==> 蔗糖磷酸化酶
  65794. sucrose solution hemolysis test ==> 蔗糖水溶血试验
  65795. sucrose-isomaltose intolerance ==> 蔗糖异麦芽糖不耐
  65796. sucrosemia ==> 蔗糖血
  65797. suction ==> 抽力,抽吸,抽吸器,抽真空度,吸力,吸引术,空吸=>吸引,吸い上げ,吸い込み,吸い込む
  65798. suction (eye) ==> 吸入口
  65799. suction air ==> 抽吸空气
  65800. suction air chamber ==> 抽吸空气室
  65801. suction and discharge valve ==> 吸水与放泄阀簧
  65802. suction and discharge valve seat ==> 吸水及放水阀座
  65803. suction and force pump ==> 吸压泵
  65804. suction anemometer ==> 吸管式风速表
  65805. suction apparatus ==> 吸引器
  65806. suction area ==> 吸引面積
  65807. suction aspirator ==> 吸引装置
  65808. suction aspirator tip ==> 吸引器头
  65809. suction attachment ==> 吸管接头
  65810. suction bailer ==> 吸入式砂泵
  65811. suction basket ==> 吸管滤网
  65812. suction bay ==> (抽水站的)吸水池
  65813. suction bell ==> 吸入喇叭
  65814. suction bell ring ==> 钟型吸入罩
  65815. suction belt ==> 吸附带
  65816. suction bend ==> 吸管弯头
  65817. suction blanket mark ==> (纸病)吸引毛毯痕
  65818. suction blower ==> 吸风机,吸入式鼓风机
  65819. suction boiler ==> 吸入式钻泥提取器
  65820. suction bottle ==> 吸滤瓶,吸引瓶
  65821. suction bottle frame ==> 吸引器瓶架
  65822. suction boundary layer control ==> 吸除式附面层控制
  65823. suction bowl ==> 吸入筒
  65824. suction box ==> 吸入箱,吸水箱
  65825. suction branch ==> 抽气支管
  65826. suction button ==> 吸引钮
  65827. suction cap ==> 排气罩壳,排烟罩壳
  65828. suction capacity ==> 自吸能力
  65829. suction casing ==> 入口壳体,进口壳体
  65830. suction casting ==> 抽吸浇铸,真空吸铸,真空铸造
  65831. suction catheter ==> 抽吸导管
  65832. suction chamber ==> 吸入腔
  65833. suction check valve ==> 吸入管止逆阀
  65834. suction chute ==> 吸入管
  65835. suction clack ==> 吸瓣
  65836. suction cleaner ==> 吸尘器
  65837. suction cleaning ==> 吸气式清洗
  65838. suction cock ==> 吸入开关,抽气旋塞,抽汽旋塞,进水旋塞
  65839. suction compressor ==> 吸除系统压气机
  65840. suction cone ==> 吸入喇叭口,吸入锥
  65841. suction connection ==> 吸入口连接,吸入连接管
  65842. suction conveyer ==> 吸力输送器,吸力运输机,吸送式气力输送器
  65843. suction cover ==> 吸入端泵盖=>吸い込みカバー,サクションカバー
  65844. suction culvert ==> 吸扬暗渠
  65845. suction cup ==> 吸盘
  65846. suction cup tread tyre ==> 吸盘花纹的轮胎
  65847. suction curette ==> 吸引刮匙
  65848. suction current ==> 吸入流
  65849. suction cutter ==> 吸砂头
  65850. suction cutter apparatus ==> 吸砂机构
  65851. suction cylinder ==> 吸气缸
  65852. suction damper ==> 吸入口调节器
  65853. suction deaerator ==> 真空除氧器
  65854. suction device ==> 吸引装置
  65855. suction disc ==> 吸板
  65856. suction draft ==> 吸气通风,抽引通风
  65857. suction drag ==> 吸阻力
  65858. suction drainage ==> 吸引导液法,吸引引流法
  65859. suction draught ==> 吸入式通风
  65860. suction dredge ==> 吸泥机,吸入式采砂船
  65861. suction dredger ==> 吸扬式挖泥船,抽砂挖泥机船
  65862. suction drill ==> 气吸式播种机
  65863. suction drilling ==> 吸出式凿岩
  65864. suction duct ==> 吸水管
  65865. suction eddy ==> 吸气涡流,负压旋涡
  65866. suction effect ==> 吸气作用
  65867. suction eye ==> 吸入孔
  65868. suction fan ==> 吸风电扇,吸风机
  65869. suction feed cup ==> 吸力进给杯
  65870. suction feeder ==> 真空式给纸器,空吸式供纸器
  65871. suction filter ==> 吸滤器=>サクションフィルタ,吸込フィルター
  65872. suction flange ==> 进口法兰
  65873. suction flask ==> 吸滤瓶
  65874. suction forceps ==> 吸引镊
  65875. suction funnel ==> 吸入漏斗
  65876. suction ga(u)ge ==> 吸力计
  65877. suction gas ==> 吸引瓦斯
  65878. suction gas engine ==> 吸入式煤气机=>サクションガス機関
  65879. suction gas producer ==> 吸入式煤气发生炉
  65880. suction gauge ==> 吸入压力表
  65881. suction gradient ==> 抽吸力梯度,负压梯度
  65882. suction guide wheel ==> 吸导轮
  65883. suction gun ==> 吸枪
  65884. suction head ==> 吸料头,吸入侧压头,吸入高度,吸入水头,吸上高度,吸升力,吸水头,虹吸水头=>吸込みヘッド
  65885. suction header ==> 吸入集管,吸收器
  65886. suction heater ==> 吸入加热器
  65887. suction height ==> 吸入高度
  65888. suction hole ==> 吸气孔
  65889. suction hood ==> 吸尘罩
  65890. suction hopper dredge(r) ==> 吸扬式开底挖泥船
  65891. suction hose ==> 吸入软管,抽吸胶管,抽吸软管=>吸込みホース
  65892. suction inlet ==> 吸入口
  65893. suction intake ==> 吸入管
  65894. suction intensity ==> 抽吸强度
  65895. suction ladder ==> 吸砂机构
  65896. suction lead ==> 吸入导管
  65897. suction leakproof-ring ==> 入口防漏环
  65898. suction lift ==> 吸上高度,吸升高度,吸升力,吸引高度
  65899. suction lift of pump ==> 泵的吸引升力
  65900. suction line ==> 吸入管,吸入管路,吸入管线,吸引管线
  65901. suction line filter ==> 吸入管滤油器
  65902. suction machine ==> 吸尘机,抽吸机,气吸式捡拾机
  65903. suction main ==> 吸入总管
  65904. suction manifold ==> 吸入口底板,吸入支管
  65905. suction method ==> 抽吸法
  65906. suction mill ==> 吸磨机
  65907. suction mo(u)ld ==> 真空成形,真空铸造
  65908. suction moisture equivalent ==> 吸收水分当量
  65909. suction mold ==> 抽吸成形
  65910. suction mouth ==> 吸嘴
  65911. suction noise ==> 吸气噪声
  65912. suction nozzle ==> 吸嘴
  65913. suction oiling ==> 吸力加油
  65914. suction opening ==> 抽风口
  65915. suction overfall ==> 吸入溢流
  65916. suction parameter ==> 入口参数
  65917. suction passage ==> 吸入孔道
  65918. suction phase ==> 吸引相
  65919. suction pickup ==> 气吸式捡拾器
  65920. suction piece ==> 进气管
  65921. suction pipe ==> 空吸管
  65922. suction pipe bracket ==> 吸管托架
  65923. suction pipe joint ==> 吸入管接头
  65924. suction pipe line ==> 吸水管线
  65925. suction pipe losses ==> 吸管损失
  65926. suction pipe system with filter system ==> 带滤水器的吸水管
  65927. suction pipette ==> 移液管
  65928. suction piping ==> 吸水管道
  65929. suction pistol ==> 吸枪
  65930. suction plant ==> 吸尘装置,抽吸泵站
  65931. suction planter ==> 气吸排种器式播种机,气吸式播种机
  65932. suction pneumatic conveyer ==> 气吸式输送器
  65933. suction port ==> 吸入孔=>吸気口
  65934. suction port of compressor ==> 压缩机入口
  65935. suction pouring ==> 真空吸铸
  65936. suction press ==> 真空压榨,吸水压榨
  65937. suction press roll ==> 吸水压榨辊
  65938. suction pressure ==> 吸水压,吸引压,吸引压力,抽吸压,负压,负压力
  65939. suction pressure ga(u)ge ==> 吸气压力计
  65940. suction pressure maximum ==> 最大吸入压力
  65941. suction primer ==> 吸入式起动注水器
  65942. suction producer ==> 吸气式发生器
  65943. suction pulsation ==> 吸引管中的脉动
  65944. suction pump ==> 抽水泵,抽吸泵,真空泵
  65945. suction pyrometer ==> 真空高温计,抽吸式高温计,空吸式高温计
  65946. suction rate ==> 吸收率
  65947. suction replenishing valve ==> 吸入补充阀
  65948. suction resistance ==> 吸入阻力
  65949. suction reversing valve ==> 吸入转换阀
  65950. suction roll ==> 真空辊
  65951. suction sapdisplance meat ==> 抽吸树液置换处理
  65952. suction scour ==> 波浪退吸冲刷
  65953. suction seal ==> 吸力密封,吸入密封
  65954. suction seeder ==> 吸入式排种器播种机
  65955. suction shaft ==> 吸引开关
  65956. suction side ==> 吸入边,吸引端,真空面
  65957. suction side bearing cover ==> 吸入口轴承压盖
  65958. suction side cartridge ==> 吸入侧筒形接头
  65959. suction side sleeve ==> 进口轴套
  65960. suction sleeve ==> 吸泥套管
  65961. suction sorter ==> 吸入式分级机
  65962. suction spindle ==> 吸针
  65963. suction stop valve ==> 吸入截止阀
  65964. suction strainer ==> 吸入滤网=>吸い込みストレーナ
  65965. suction strip feed ==> 真空吸力式板料送进装置
  65966. suction stroke ==> 吸气行程,吸入冲程
  65967. suction surface ==> 吸力面,真空面
  65968. suction sweeper ==> 吸入式收集器
  65969. suction system ==> 吸入系统
  65970. suction take-down ==> 吸风式牵拉
  65971. suction tank ==> 吸入罐
  65972. suction temperature ==> 吸气温度,吸入温度
  65973. suction tension ==> 吸水压,抽吸张力
  65974. suction therapy apparatus ==> 抽吸治疗设备
  65975. suction throttling valve ==> 吸入节流阀
  65976. suction trap ==> 液体分离器
  65977. suction treatment ==> 吸引疗法
  65978. suction tube ==> 吸入管,吸筒,吸引管
  65979. suction type ==> 吸扬式
  65980. suction type suspension load sampler ==> 抽吸式悬移质采样器
  65981. suction unit ==> 吸扬设备
  65982. suction valve ==> 吸入阀,吸水阀,进口阀
  65983. suction valve bolt and split pin ==> 吸入阀螺栓及开尾销
  65984. suction valve cover ==> 进口阀盖
  65985. suction valve disc ==> 吸入阀片
  65986. suction valve lifter ==> 吸入阀片提举器
  65987. suction valve seat ==> 吸水阀座
  65988. suction valve spring ==> 吸入阀簧
  65989. suction vane ==> 引流叶片
  65990. suction vane gear ==> 引流叶片齿轮
  65991. suction velocity ==> 吸入速度
  65992. suction ventilating fan ==> 吸气风箱
  65993. suction ventilation ==> 吸入通风器
  65994. suction ventilation system ==> 吸入式通风系统
  65995. suction ventilator ==> 吸风机
  65996. suction volume ==> 吸入量
  65997. suction vortex ==> 吸入旋涡
  65998. suction washer ==> 吸力洗净器,真空洗涤机
  65999. suction water column ==> 负压水柱,吸力水柱
  66000. suction water head ==> 吸力水头,吸升扬程
  66001. suction water pipe ==> 吸水管
  66002. suction wave ==> 稀疏波,负压波,空吸波
  66003. suction-and-pressure fan ==> 吸压式通风机
  66004. suction-chamber ==> 吸室
  66005. suction-cup ==> 吸杯
  66006. suction-cutter dredger ==> 吸扬式挖泥机
  66007. suction-extraction ==> 吸出术
  66008. suction-operated instrument ==> 吸动仪表
  66009. suction-type carburetor ==> 吸气型化油器,吸入汽化器
  66010. suction-type dredge ==> 吸砂船
  66011. sudachi ==> スダチ
  66012. Sudan grass ==> 苏丹草
  66013. Sudan gum arabic ==> 苏丹阿拉伯树胶
  66014. Sudan red ==> 苏丹红
  66015. sudanophobic unit ==> 拒苏丹单位,拒苏丹单位
  66016. sudden ==> 突然,骤=>突然の,いきなりの
  66017. sudden acceleration ==> 突然加速=>急発進
  66018. sudden accident ==> 突発事故,不意の事故
  66019. sudden application of a load ==> 負荷投入
  66020. sudden applied load ==> 突加载荷
  66021. sudden arrest of heart beat ==> 心搏骤停
  66022. sudden attack of a serious illness ==> 暴病
  66023. sudden burst ==> 猝发
  66024. sudden cardiac arrest ==> 心脏骤停
  66025. sudden cardiac death syndrome ==> 心脏性猝死综合征
  66026. sudden change relay ==> 突变量继电器,当输入量(激励量)的突然变化量超过规定值时能够作出相应动作的一种继电器=>変化幅継電器
  66027. sudden commencement ==> 急始
  66028. sudden deafness ==> 暴聋
  66029. sudden death ==> 猝死,急死
  66030. sudden death caused by acute infectious diseases ==> 急性传染病急死
  66031. sudden death caused by autoimmune diseases ==> 自家免疫病急死
  66032. sudden death caused by immunoincompetence diseases ==> 免疫缺陷病急死
  66033. sudden death disease ==> 胡椒瘟
  66034. sudden death due to pancreatic desease ==> 胰病猝死
  66035. sudden death from angiocardiopathy ==> 心血管疾病急死
  66036. sudden death syndrome ==> 青壮年猝死综合征
  66037. sudden drawdown ==> 水位突降
  66038. sudden drop ==> 急剧下降
  66039. sudden drop in temperature ==> 气温突降
  66040. sudden enhancement of atmospherics (SEA) ==> 天电突增
  66041. sudden fall ==> 骤退
  66042. sudden huge profits ==> 暴利
  66043. sudden ionospheric disturbance (SID) ==> 电离层突然骚扰
  66044. sudden load ==> 骤加载荷
  66045. sudden load change ==> 负荷突变,荷载突变
  66046. sudden loss of hearing ==> 暴聋
  66047. sudden magnetic disturbance ==> 急始磁扰
  66048. sudden onset of hyperemia of bulbar conjunctiva ==> 白睛暴赤
  66049. sudden pressure relay ==> 瞬時圧力継電器
  66050. sudden pressure type ==> 衝撃圧力形
  66051. sudden profuse uterine bleeding ==> 崩证
  66052. sudden short circuit test ==> 突然短路试验
  66053. sudden short wave fade-out (SSWF) ==> 短波突然衰退
  66054. sudden short-circuit ==> 突発(急)短絡
  66055. sudden short-circuit current ==> 突発短絡電流
  66056. sudden short-circuit of synchronous machine ==> 同步电机的突然短路,同步电机的绕组与绕组之间或绕组与外壳(或地)之间发生的非正常短接,使定、转子绕组内会出现很大的冲击电流,可能造成电机本身结构的损坏,并对电网及相关设备造成不利的冲击
  66057. sudden stress ==> 骤加应力
  66058. sudden syncope ==> 僵仆
  66059. sudden three-phase short circuit current ==> 三相突発短絡電流
  66060. sudden tip wither ==> 剑麻叶尖猝枯病
  66061. sudden unexpected death in newborn ==> 新生儿意外猝死
  66062. suddenly ==> 突然
  66063. suddenly applied load ==> 骤加载荷
  66064. suddenly-applied short circuit ==> 突然短路
  66065. sudomotor nerves ==> 泌汗神经
  66066. sudoriferous duct ==> 汗腺管
  66067. sudoriferous gland ==> 汗腺
  66068. sudorific centers ==> 发汗中枢
  66069. sue and labor clause ==> (海上保险)救护条款,救护条款,事故防止条款
  66070. sue and labour charges ==> 施救费用
  66071. sue and labour clause ==> 施救条款,(海上保险船方的救护条款)损害防止条款
  66072. sue for a breach of promise ==> 控告违约
  66073. Suez Canal ==> 苏伊士运河
  66074. SUEZMAX A tanker of the maximum size capable of transit of the Suez Canal (approx. 150,000-200,000 DWT) ==> 可在苏伊士运河运输的大体积罐船(载重公吨位大约150000——200000)
  66075. sufficiency condition ==> 充分性条件
  66076. sufficient approximation ==> 充分近似法
  66077. sufficient condition ==> 充分条件
  66078. sufficient estimate ==> 充分估计,充分估计量
  66079. sufficient lubrication ==> 充分润滑
  66080. sufficient receiver ==> 充分接收机
  66081. sufficient seed ==> 足够的种子
  66082. sufficient statistic ==> 充分统计量
  66083. sufficient supply ==> 敞开供应
  66084. suffix ==> 词尾,后缀,添标=>拡張子
  66085. suffix experiment ==> 反缀实验
  66086. suffix letters ==> 后缀字母
  66087. suffix notation ==> 反向波兰表示法,后继表示法=>後置表記法
  66088. suffix numbers ==> 后缀编号
  66089. suffix partition ==> 后缀划分
  66090. suffix signal ==> 后缀信号,词尾信号
  66091. suffocating gas ==> 窒息毒气,窒息性气体
  66092. sugar ==> 糖=>糖類,シュガー,砂糖
  66093. sugar acid ==> 糖酸
  66094. sugar alcohol ==> 糖醇
  66095. sugar and starch ==> 糖和淀粉
  66096. sugar apple ==> 番荔枝
  66097. sugar baits ==> 加糖毒耳
  66098. sugar basin ==> 糖缸
  66099. sugar bea ==> 四季豆
  66100. sugar beet ==> 糖用甜菜,甜菜=>てん菜
  66101. sugar beet combine ==> 甜菜联合收获机
  66102. sugar beet drill unit ==> 甜菜条播装置
  66103. sugar beet pickup loader ==> 甜菜捡拾装载机
  66104. sugar beet planter ==> 甜菜种植机
  66105. sugar beet quality and plant food ==> 甜菜品质与作物营养
  66106. sugar beet topping and lifting units ==> 甜菜切割掘取机
  66107. sugar berg ==> 松冰山
  66108. sugar campaign ==> 糖役
  66109. sugar candy ==> 冰甜
  66110. sugar cane ==> 糖甘蔗=>サトウキビ
  66111. sugar cane cottony aphid ==> 甘蔗绵蚜
  66112. sugar cane shoot borer ==> 甘蔗小卷蛾
  66113. sugar cane to meal ==> 甘蔗蒲粉
  66114. sugar chain ==> 糖鎖
  66115. sugar charcoal ==> 糖炭
  66116. sugar coating ==> 糖衣
  66117. sugar compound ==> 糖化合物
  66118. sugar content ==> 含糖量
  66119. sugar corn ==> 甜玉米
  66120. sugar crop ==> 糖料作物
  66121. sugar degree ==> 糖度
  66122. sugar denitration ==> 糖脱硝
  66123. sugar detergent ==> 糖洗涤剂
  66124. sugar dish ==> 糖碟
  66125. sugar duty ==> 糖税
  66126. sugar ether ==> 糖醚
  66127. sugar granulation ==> 糖成粒析出
  66128. sugar group ==> 糖類
  66129. sugar is made from a type of maple trees ==> 枫树可以制糖
  66130. sugar leaf ==> 糖叶
  66131. sugar lime ==> 糖酸盐
  66132. sugar liquor ==> 糖浆
  66133. sugar lump ==> 角砂糖
  66134. sugar maize ==> 甜玉蜀黍
  66135. sugar manufacturing machinery ==> 制糖机械
  66136. sugar mercaptal ==> 糖缩硫醇
  66137. sugar metabolism ==> 糖类代谢
  66138. sugar mill ==> 糖厂
  66139. sugar mill effluent ==> 糖厂流出水
  66140. sugar mill juice heater ==> 甘蔗磨汁加热器
  66141. sugar milling machinery ==> 甘蔗压榨机
  66142. sugar of lead ==> 乙酸铅
  66143. sugar palm ==> 糖棕,糖棕榈
  66144. sugar pea ==> 糖荚豌豆
  66145. sugar pear ==> 糖梨
  66146. sugar photometer ==> 糖光度计
  66147. sugar pills of live poliomyelitis vaccine ==> 脊髓灰质炎活菌苗糖丸
  66148. sugar plant ==> 糖料作物,含糖植物
  66149. sugar refinery ==> 炼糖,糖厂
  66150. sugar refining ==> 糖精制
  66151. sugar snow ==> 浓霜
  66152. sugar tax ==> 糖税
  66153. sugar tolerance curve ==> 耐糖曲线
  66154. sugar-acid ratio ==> 糖酸比
  66155. sugar-beet lifter ==> 甜菜挖堆机
  66156. sugar-cane ==> 甘蔗
  66157. sugar-coated bullets ==> 糖衣炮弹
  66158. sugar-free ==> 無糖の
  66159. sugar-granular ==> 糖粒状
  66160. sugar-related organic compound ==> 糖関連有機化合物
  66161. sugarbeet pulp ==> 甜菜渣
  66162. sugarcane borer ==> 甘蔗螟虫
  66163. sugarcane borer eggs ==> 甘蔗螟卵
  66164. sugarcane crusher ==> 甘蔗压榨机
  66165. sugarcane cultivator ==> 甘蔗地中耕机
  66166. sugarcane defoliator ==> 甘蔗除叶器
  66167. sugarcane dehusker ==> 甘蔗除叶器
  66168. sugarcane fibre ==> 甘蔗纤维
  66169. sugarcane grapple ==> 装甘蔗抓斗
  66170. sugarcane harvester ==> 甘蔗收割机
  66171. sugarcane loader ==> 装甘蔗机
  66172. sugarcane mill ==> 压蔗机
  66173. sugarcane mosaic virus ==> 甘蔗花叶病
  66174. sugarcane moth borer ==> 甘蔗螟虫
  66175. sugarcane pectinatehorned click beetle ==> 甘蔗栉叩头虫
  66176. sugarcane production ==> 甘蔗生长
  66177. sugarcane segmentizing apparatus ==> 甘蔗茎切段器
  66178. sugarcane syrup ==> 甘蔗露
  66179. sugarcane top ==> 甘蔗叶
  66180. sugarcane wax ==> 甘蔗蜡
  66181. sugarcane weighing platform ==> 称蔗台
  66182. sugared honey ==> 粒状蜂蜜
  66183. sugarin ==> 甲糖精
  66184. sugarless ==> 無糖の
  66185. sugarloaf arkose ==> 糖块长石砂岩
  66186. sugarloaf sea ==> 三角浪
  66187. sugars ==> 糖類
  66188. sugary ==> 砂糖状
  66189. suggest another diagnosis ==> 他の診断を示す
  66190. Suggest Approach on Ventilation Standard Based on the Characteristics of Outdoors and Indoor Air Quality, A ==> 《根据室内外空气特质建议的通风方法标准模式》
  66191. suggested common name ==> 建议通用名称
  66192. suggestion ==> 暗示,建议,提案,忠告
  66193. suggestion box ==> 意见箱
  66194. suggestion system ==> 提案制
  66195. suggestion therapy ==> 暗示疗法
  66196. suggestive selling ==> 提示销售法
  66197. suhl effect ==> 苏尔效应
  66198. Suhler-white copper ==> 苏里锌白铜
  66199. suicidal behavior ==> 自杀行为
  66200. suicidal death ==> 自杀死
  66201. suicidal wound ==> 自杀伤
  66202. suicide contactor ==> 自动灭磁开关
  66203. suit ==> 适应
  66204. suit at law ==> 民事案件
  66205. suitability ==> 适合性,适配性=>適切なこと,適合,相当
  66206. suitability analysis ==> 適合性分析
  66207. suitability for cycle operation ==> 适合于循环操作的
  66208. suitable ==> 适,适当的,恰当,合适的
  66209. suitable condition ==> 适宜条件
  66210. suitable conditions for germination ==> 适宜的发芽条件,适宜于发芽的条件
  66211. suitable for agricultural operations ==> 适宜做农事
  66212. suitable for eating ==> 适于食用的
  66213. suitable for limed ==> 适用于石灰性土壤
  66214. suitable phase switching ==> 适当相位接入
  66215. suitable to cultivation ==> 宜耕土地
  66216. suitamycin ==> 吹田霉素
  66217. suitcase ==> 手提箱
  66218. suite ==> 数贯,程序组,程序组合,套房=>一組
  66219. suite deluxe ==> 高级套房
  66220. suite of racks ==> 成套机架
  66221. suite of rooms ==> 套房
  66222. suiting measures to different conditions ==> 制宜
  66223. suitor ==> 起诉者
  66224. sulamyd sodium ==> 磺胺醋酰钠
  66225. sulbenicillin sodium ==> 磺苄青霉素钠
  66226. sulci interlobares ==> 叶间沟
  66227. sulci of skin ==> 皮沟
  66228. sulci orbitales ==> 眶沟
  66229. sulci orbitales lobi fronttalis ==> 额叶眶沟
  66230. sulcus ==> 沟,胼胝体沟,凹,槽
  66231. sulcus ampullaris ==> 壶腹沟
  66232. sulcus arteriae occipitalis ==> 枕动脉沟
  66233. sulcus arteriae vertebralis ==> 椎动脉沟
  66234. sulcus auriculae anterior ==> 耳廓前沟
  66235. sulcus auriculae posterior ==> 耳廓后沟
  66236. sulcus basilaris ==> 基底沟
  66237. sulcus basilaris pontis ==> 脑桥基底沟
  66238. sulcus bicipitalis lateralis ==> 肱二头肌外侧沟
  66239. sulcus bicipitalis medialis ==> 肱二头肌内侧沟
  66240. sulcus bulbopontinus ==> 延髓脑桥沟
  66241. sulcus calcanei ==> 跟骨沟
  66242. sulcus calcarinus ==> 距状沟,距状沟
  66243. sulcus carpi ==> 腕骨沟
  66244. sulcus centralis ==> 中央沟
  66245. sulcus centralis cerebri ==> 罗朗多氏裂
  66246. sulcus chiasmatis ==> 交叉沟
  66247. sulcus cinguli ==> 扣带沟
  66248. sulcus collateralis ==> 侧副沟
  66249. sulcus colli mandibulae ==> 下颌颈沟
  66250. sulcus coronarius ==> 冠状沟,心冠状沟
  66251. sulcus costae ==> 肋沟
  66252. sulcus cruris helicis ==> 耳轮脚沟
  66253. sulcus for vertebral artery ==> 椎动脉沟
  66254. sulcus frontalis inferior ==> 额下沟,额下裂
  66255. sulcus frontalis superior ==> 额上沟,额上裂
  66256. sulcus hamuli pterygoisei ==> 翼钩沟
  66257. sulcus hippocampi ==> 海马沟
  66258. sulcus horizontalis cerebelli ==> 小脑水平沟
  66259. sulcus hypothalamicus ==> 丘脑下部沟
  66260. sulcus infraorbitalis maxillae ==> 上颌骨眶下沟
  66261. sulcus infrapalpebralis ==> 睑下沟,睑下沟
  66262. sulcus interdemius ==> 中间沟
  66263. sulcus intermedius anterior ==> 前中央沟
  66264. sulcus intermedius posterior ==> 后中间沟
  66265. sulcus interparietalis ==> 顶间沟
  66266. sulcus intertubercularis ==> 结节间沟
  66267. sulcus intertubercularis humeri ==> 肱骨结节间沟
  66268. sulcus interven-tricularis posterior ==> 后室间沟
  66269. sulcus interventricularis anterior ==> 前室间沟
  66270. sulcus interventricularis posterior ==> 后室间沟
  66271. sulcus laterais anterior ==> 前外侧沟
  66272. sulcus lateralis ==> 外侧沟
  66273. sulcus lateralis cerebri ==> 大脑外侧裂,西尔维厄斯氏裂
  66274. sulcus limitans ==> 界沟
  66275. sulcus longitudinalis anterior cordis ==> 前室间沟
  66276. sulcus lunatus ==> 月状沟
  66277. sulcus malleolaris ==> 踝沟
  66278. sulcus matricis unguis ==> 甲沟
  66279. sulcus medialis ==> 内侧沟
  66280. sulcus medianus posterior ==> 后正中沟
  66281. sulcus medianus posterior medullae spinalis ==> 脊髓后正中沟
  66282. sulcus mentolabialis ==> 颏唇沟
  66283. sulcus nervi radialis ==> 桡神经沟,桡神经沟
  66284. sulcus nervi spinalis ==> 脊神经沟
  66285. sulcus nervi ulnaris ==> 尺神经沟
  66286. sulcus obturatorius ==> 闭孔沟
  66287. sulcus occipitalis transversus ==> 枕横沟
  66288. sulcus occipitotemporalis ==> 枕颞沟
  66289. sulcus of auditory tube ==> 咽鼓管沟
  66290. sulcus of chiasm ==> 交叉沟
  66291. sulcus of inferior petrosal sinus ==> 岩下窦沟
  66292. sulcus of palatine bone ==> 腭骨翼腭沟
  66293. sulcus of radial nerve ==> 桡神经沟
  66294. sulcus of sclera ==> 巩膜沟
  66295. sulcus of spinal nerve ==> 脊神经沟
  66296. sulcus of superior petrosal sinus ==> 岩上窦沟
  66297. sulcus of talus ==> 距骨沟,距骨沟
  66298. sulcus of tendon of peroneus longus muscle ==> 腓骨长肌腱沟
  66299. sulcus olfactorius ==> 嗅沟,嗅束沟
  66300. sulcus palatini ==> 腭沟
  66301. sulcus palatinovaginalis ==> 腭鞘沟
  66302. sulcus palatinus major ==> 腭大沟
  66303. sulcus popliteus ==> 肌沟
  66304. sulcus postcentralis ==> 中央后沟
  66305. sulcus precentralis cerebri ==> 中央前沟
  66306. sulcus rhinalis ==> 嗅脑沟
  66307. sulcus sagittalis ==> 矢状沟
  66308. sulcus sclerae ==> 巩膜沟
  66309. sulcus sigmoideus ==> 乙状沟
  66310. sulcus sinus sigmoidei ==> 乙状窦沟
  66311. sulcus spiralis externus ==> 外螺旋沟
  66312. sulcus spiralis internus ==> 内螺旋沟
  66313. sulcus tali ==> 距骨沟,距骨沟
  66314. sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi ==> 腓骨长肌腱沟
  66315. sulcus terminalis ==> 界沟
  66316. sulcus to crus of helix ==> 耳轮脚沟
  66317. sulcus tubae auditivae ==> 咽鼓管沟
  66318. sulcus tympanicus ==> 鼓沟
  66319. sulcus venae cavae ==> 腔静脉的,腔静脉窝
  66320. sulcus vomeris ==> 犁骨沟
  66321. sulcus vomerovaginalis ==> 犁鞘沟
  66322. sulfa drug ==> 磺胺剂,磺胺药,磺胺制剂
  66323. sulfa film ==> 磺胺薄膜
  66324. sulfadiasulfone sodium ==> 磺胺苯砜钠
  66325. sulfaloxic acid ==> 磺胺洛西酸
  66326. sulfamerazine sodium ==> 磺胺甲基嘧啶钠
  66327. sulfamic acid ==> 氨基磺酸
  66328. sulfamide-formaldehyde resin ==> 磺酰胺甲醛树脂
  66329. sulfamine-benzoic acid ==> 氨磺酰苯甲酸
  66330. sulfamylon cream ==> 磺胺米隆冷霜
  66331. sulfanilamido radical ==> 磺氨基
  66332. sulfanilic acid ==> 磺胺酸,对氨基苯磺酸
  66333. sulfanilyl radical ==> 磺胺酰基
  66334. sulfapyrazine sodium ==> 磺胺吡嗪钠
  66335. sulfapyridine calcium ==> 磺胺吡啶钙
  66336. sulfapyridine sodium ==> 磺胺吡啶钠
  66337. sulfasuccinamide sodium ==> 磺胺琥珀酰胺钠
  66338. sulfatase ==> 硫酸酯酶
  66339. sulfatase deficiency ==> 硫酸酯酶缺乏
  66340. sulfate ==> 硫酸盐,硫酸酯
  66341. sulfate (sulphate) of copper ==> 硫酸銅
  66342. sulfate attack ==> 硫酸盐侵蚀
  66343. sulfate liquor ==> 硫酸盐黑液,硫酸盐溶液
  66344. sulfate mineral ==> 硫酸盐矿物
  66345. sulfate paper ==> 硫酸盐纸
  66346. sulfate pulp ==> 硫酸盐纸浆
  66347. sulfate pulping ==> 硫酸盐制浆法
  66348. sulfate radical ==> 硫酸根
  66349. sulfate soundness test ==> 抗硫酸盐试验
  66350. sulfate sulfur ==> 硫酸盐硫,煤中矿物质以硫酸盐的形态存在的硫
  66351. sulfate transferase ==> 硫酸转移酶
  66352. sulfate turpentine ==> 硫酸盐松节油
  66353. sulfate-reduction bacterium ==> 硫酸还原细菌
  66354. sulfated fatty oil ==> 硫酸化脂肪油
  66355. sulfathiazole sodium ==> 磺胺噻唑钠
  66356. sulfatide lipidosis ==> 脑磷脂积累症
  66357. sulfating roasting ==> 硫酸盐化焙烧
  66358. sulfation ==> 硫酸化=>サルフェーション
  66359. sulfaurea drugs ==> 磺脲类药
  66360. sulfenamide type accelerators ==> 次磺酰胺类促进剂
  66361. sulfenic acid ==> 次磺酸
  66362. sulfhydryl-containing enzymes ==> 巯基酶类
  66363. sulfidation corrosion ==> 硫蚀
  66364. sulfidation pan ==> 磺化锅
  66365. sulfide inclusion ==> 硫化物夹杂
  66366. sulfide mineral ==> 硫化物矿物
  66367. sulfide of copper ==> 硫化銅
  66368. sulfide zone ==> 硫化物带
  66369. sulfide-facies iron formation ==> 硫化物相含铁建造
  66370. sulfinopyruric acid ==> 亚磺丙酮酸
  66371. sulfinuz process ==> 硫氮共渗
  66372. sulfinuz processing ==> 渗硫处理
  66373. sulfisoxazole acetyl ==> 磺胺乙酰异恶唑
  66374. sulfite liquor ==> 亚硫酸盐黑液
  66375. sulfite ore ==> 黄铁矿
  66376. sulfite pulp ==> 亚硫酸盐纸浆
  66377. sulfite waste liquor ==> 亚硫酸废液
  66378. sulfo-chlorinated lubricant ==> 硫氯化润滑剂
  66379. sulfo-naphthyl red ==> 磺基萘红
  66380. sulfoacetic acid ==> 磺基醋酸,磺基乙酸
  66381. sulfoaminobenzoic acid ==> 磺氨基苯甲酸
  66382. sulfobenzoic acid ==> 磺基苯酸
  66383. sulfobenzylpenicillin sodium ==> 磺苄青霉素钠
  66384. sulfobromophthalein sodium ==> 磺溴酞钠
  66385. sulfocarbolic acid ==> 苯酚磺酸
  66386. sulfocillin sodium ==> 磺苄青霉素钠
  66387. sulfocyanic acid ==> 硫氰酸=>スルホシアン酸
  66388. sulfoethanoic acid ==> 磺基醋酸
  66389. sulfoethyl cellulose ==> 磺乙基纤维素
  66390. sulfofatty acid salt ==> 磺基脂肪酸盐
  66391. sulfoleic acid ==> 磺化油酸
  66392. sulfonamide crystals ==> 磺胺药物结晶
  66393. sulfonamide goiter ==> 磺胺中毒性甲状腺肿
  66394. sulfonamides poisoning ==> 磺胺类中毒
  66395. sulfonate grease ==> 磺化脂
  66396. sulfonated bodies ==> 磺化物=>スルホン化物
  66397. sulfonated castor oil ==> 磺化蓖麻油
  66398. sulfonated coal ==> 磺化煤
  66399. sulfonated hydrocarbon ==> 磺化烃
  66400. sulfonated lignite ==> 磺化褐煤
  66401. sulfonated oil ==> 磺化油
  66402. sulfonated phenol formaldehyde resin ==> 磺化酚醛树脂
  66403. sulfonated rape oil ==> 磺化菜子油
  66404. sulfonated soybean oil ==> 磺化豆油
  66405. sulfonated stearic acid ==> 磺化硬脂酸
  66406. sulfonated-methyl brown coal ==> 磺甲基褐煤
  66407. sulfonated-pheno-formoldehyde resin ==> 磺甲基酚醛树脂
  66408. sulfonation method ==> 磺化法
  66409. sulfonation number ==> 磺化值
  66410. sulfonation reaction ==> 磺化反应
  66411. sulfonation value ==> 磺化值
  66412. sulfone ==> 砜
  66413. sulfone methanes ==> (催眠药物)砜甲烷类
  66414. sulfonediacetic acid ==> 磺酰二醋酸
  66415. sulfonephthalein ==> 磺酞
  66416. sulfones ==> 砜类
  66417. sulfones poisoning ==> 砜类中毒
  66418. sulfonethylmethane ==> 眠砜乙基甲烷
  66419. sulfonic acid ==> 磺酸
  66420. sulfonic acid bromide ==> 磺酰溴
  66421. sulfonic acid cation exchange ==> 磺酸阳离子交换
  66422. sulfonic acid chloride ==> 磺酰氯
  66423. sulfonic acid halide ==> 磺酰卤
  66424. sulfonic acid iodide ==> 磺酰碘
  66425. sulfonic group ==> 磺基,磺酸基
  66426. sulfonie acid ion exchange resin ==> 磺酸型阳离子交换树脂
  66427. sulfonium methylide ==> 二甲基亚甲基硫
  66428. sulfonium salt ==> 锍盐
  66429. sulfonyl chloride ==> 磺酰氯,硫酰氯
  66430. sulfonyldiacetic acid ==> 磺酰二醋酸
  66431. sulforicinoleic acid ==> 磺化蓖麻油酸,磺基蓖麻酸
  66432. sulfosalicylic acid ==> 磺基水杨酸,磺柳酸
  66433. sulfosalicylic acid sodium salt ==> 磺基水杨酸钠
  66434. sulfoxonium methylide ==> 二甲基亚甲基硫氧
  66435. sulfur ==> 硫,硫黄,硫磺=>硫黄(元素,S)
  66436. sulfur acid ==> 含硫酸
  66437. sulfur attack ==> 硫腐蚀,低温腐蚀
  66438. sulfur bacteria ==> 硫细菌
  66439. sulfur bacterium ==> 硫磺细菌
  66440. sulfur ball ==> 硫黄球
  66441. sulfur bath ==> 硫黄浴
  66442. sulfur bearing steel ==> 含硫钢
  66443. sulfur boiler ==> 硫浴炉
  66444. sulfur bromide ==> 溴化硫,溴化硫
  66445. sulfur cement ==> 硫结合剂
  66446. sulfur chloride ==> 氯化硫
  66447. sulfur coalescer ==> 硫黄回収
  66448. sulfur compound ==> 硫黄化合物
  66449. sulfur content ==> 硫分,硫含量
  66450. sulfur content in gas ==> 煤气含硫量
  66451. sulfur crack ==> 硫蚀裂纹,硫引起的裂纹,(焊接缺陷)硫裂
  66452. sulfur cycle ==> 硫循环
  66453. sulfur dichloride ==> 二氯化硫,二氯化硫
  66454. sulfur dioxide ==> 二氧化硫=>二酸化硫黄,SO2
  66455. sulfur dioxide emission standards ==> 二氧化硫排放标准
  66456. sulfur dioxide fumigation ==> 二氧化硫熏蒸法
  66457. sulfur dioxide monitor ==> 二氧化硫监测仪
  66458. sulfur dioxide poisoning ==> 二氧化硫中毒
  66459. sulfur dioxide pollution ==> 二氧化硫污染
  66460. sulfur dioxide reduced chrome ==> 二氧化硫还原的铬鞣液
  66461. sulfur dome ==> 硫罩
  66462. sulfur ether ==> 硫醚
  66463. sulfur fertilizer ==> 硫肥
  66464. sulfur heterocyclic ring ==> 含硫的杂环
  66465. sulfur hexafluoride ==> 六氟化硫
  66466. sulfur hexameter ==> 六氟化硫计
  66467. sulfur iodide ==> 碘化硫
  66468. sulfur monobromide ==> 溴化硫,溴化硫
  66469. sulfur monochloride ==> 氯化硫
  66470. sulfur monoxide ==> 一氧化硫
  66471. sulfur mustard ==> 硫芥子气
  66472. sulfur number ==> 硫值
  66473. sulfur ointment ==> 硫黄软膏
  66474. sulfur oxide perchlorate ==> 高氯酸氧硫
  66475. sulfur oxyfluoride ==> 二氟二氧化硫
  66476. sulfur point ==> 硫沸点
  66477. sulfur print ==> 硫黄检验,硫印
  66478. sulfur recovery plant ==> 硫回收车间
  66479. sulfur recovery process ==> 硫回收过程
  66480. sulfur removal plant ==> 脱硫车间
  66481. sulfur subbromide ==> 二溴化二硫
  66482. sulfur subchloride ==> 氯化硫
  66483. sulfur subiodide ==> 二碘化二硫
  66484. sulfur test ==> 硫试验
  66485. sulfur water ==> 硫黄泉水
  66486. sulfur-bearing ==> 含硫
  66487. sulfur-bearing (sulfurous) gas ==> 含硫气体
  66488. sulfur-bearing gases ==> 含硫气体
  66489. sulfur-bearing oil ==> 含硫石油
  66490. sulfur-coated urea ==> 硫磺包膜肥料
  66491. sulfur-containing alloy ==> 含硫合金
  66492. sulfurated hydrogen ==> 硫化水素
  66493. sulfurated lime ==> 硫化石灰
  66494. sulfurated lime solution ==> 硫化石灰液
  66495. sulfurated potash ==> 含硫钾
  66496. sulfuric acid ==> 硫酸
  66497. sulfuric acid bath ==> 硫酸浴
  66498. sulfuric acid burns ==> 硫酸烧伤
  66499. sulfuric acid cooler ==> 硫酸冷却器
  66500. sulfuric acid mist ==> 硫酸雾
  66501. sulfuric acid mist eliminator ==> 硫酸捕沫器
  66502. sulfuric acid poisoning ==> 硫酸中毒
  66503. sulfuric acid scrubbing ==> 硫酸洗涤
  66504. sulfuric acid separator ==> 硫酸分离器
  66505. sulfuric chloride ==> 硫酰氯
  66506. sulfuric chlorohydrin ==> 氯磺酸
  66507. sulfuric-acid alkylation ==> 硫酸烃化
  66508. sulfurified lubricant ==> 含硫润滑剂
  66509. sulfurized oil ==> 硫化切削油
  66510. sulfurous acid ==> 亚硫酸
  66511. sulfurous method ==> 亚硫酸法
  66512. sulfuryl bromide fluoride ==> 磺酰氟溴
  66513. sulfuryl chloride ==> 氯化硫酰,硫酰氯
  66514. sulfuryl chloride fluoride ==> 磺酰氟氯
  66515. sulfuryl fluoride ==> 磺酰氟,硫酰氟
  66516. sulfuz trioxide ==> 三氧化硫
  66517. sulidus face ==> 固相面
  66518. sulky derrick ==> 三角吊架
  66519. sulky disk plow ==> 乘式圆盘犁
  66520. sulky ladle ==> 轻便双轮车式浇包
  66521. sull coating ==> 黄化处理
  66522. sullage ==> 熔渣=>鉱滓
  66523. sullage pipe ==> 冒口
  66524. Sullivan angle compressor ==> 苏利文角形压气机
  66525. sulphadiazine tablet ==> 磺胺嘧啶片
  66526. sulphadimidine sodium ==> 磺胺二甲基嘧啶钠
  66527. sulphadimidine tablet ==> 磺胺二甲基嘧啶片
  66528. sulphaguanidine tablet ==> 磺胺脒片
  66529. sulphaloxic acid ==> 磺酰苯胺甲酰基苯甲酸
  66530. sulphate liquor ==> 硫酸盐黑液
  66531. sulphate of ammonia ==> 硫酸铵
  66532. sulphate of potash magnesia ==> 硫酸镁钾
  66533. sulphate pulp ==> 硫酸盐纸浆
  66534. sulphate reducing bacteria ==> 硫酸还原物
  66535. sulphate-resisting cement ==> 耐硫酸盐水泥
  66536. sulphathiazole sodium ==> 磺胺噻唑钠
  66537. sulphating roasting ==> 硫酸化焙烧
  66538. sulphenothiazine calcium ==> 吩噻嗪磺钙
  66539. sulphide fog ==> 硫化灰雾
  66540. sulphide inclusion ==> 硫化物夹杂
  66541. sulphide magma ==> 硫化物マグマ
  66542. sulphide mastic ==> 硫磺胶泥
  66543. sulphide of copper ==> 硫化銅
  66544. sulphide phosphor ==> 硫化物磷光体
  66545. sulphide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) ==> 硫化物应力腐蚀破裂
  66546. sulphide zone ==> 硫化矿物带
  66547. sulphite cellulose liquor ==> 亚硫酸废液
  66548. sulphite liquor ==> 亚硫酸盐废液,亚硫酸盐黑液,纸浆废液
  66549. sulphite process ==> 亚硫酸盐法,酸法制浆
  66550. sulphite pulp ==> 亚硫酸盐纸浆
  66551. sulphite waste liquor ==> 亚硫酸废液
  66552. sulphite waste lye ==> 亚硫酸废液
  66553. sulphite wood pulp ==> 亚硫酸盐木浆
  66554. sulphited juice ==> 亚硫酸化果汁
  66555. sulpho-aluminate cement ==> 硫酸铝水泥
  66556. sulpho-aluminous cement ==> 硫酸铝水泥
  66557. sulphonated fatty amide ==> 磺化脂肪酰胺
  66558. sulphonated Kynol fibre ==> 磺化凯诺尔纤维
  66559. sulphonated oil ==> 磺化油
  66560. sulphonating agent ==> 磺化剂
  66561. sulphonating bottle ==> 磺化瓶
  66562. sulphonic acid ester ==> 磺酸酯
  66563. sulphonyl chloride ==> 磺酰氯
  66564. sulphonyl dye ==> 磺酰染料
  66565. sulphophile element ==> 亲硫元素
  66566. sulphur ==> 硫磺
  66567. sulphur black ==> (硫化青)硫化黑
  66568. sulphur black B200% ==> 硫化青B200%
  66569. sulphur black BR200% ==> 硫化青BR200%
  66570. sulphur black BRN ==> 硫化青BRN
  66571. sulphur blue BRN 150% ==> 硫化蓝BRN150%
  66572. sulphur box ==> 熏硫箱
  66573. sulphur bright green ==> 硫化亮绿
  66574. sulphur brilliant green G ==> 硫化艳绿G
  66575. sulphur cement ==> 硫磺沥青胶结料,硫磺水泥
  66576. sulphur chloride ==> 氯化硫
  66577. sulphur coal ==> 高硫煤
  66578. sulphur concrete ==> 硫磺混凝土
  66579. sulphur content ==> 含硫量
  66580. sulphur dark-green 220% ==> 硫化墨绿220%
  66581. sulphur dioxide absorber ==> 二氧化硫吸收器
  66582. sulphur fever therapy ==> 硫黄发热疗法
  66583. sulphur free ==> 无硫的
  66584. sulphur free-cutting steel ==> 含硫易切削钢
  66585. sulphur fuel oil ==> 硫燃油
  66586. sulphur grass-green 150% ==> 硫化草绿150%
  66587. sulphur green-blue CV ==> 硫化宝蓝CV
  66588. sulphur hexafluoride ==> 六氟化硫
  66589. sulphur laser ==> 硫激光器,硫蒸汽激光器
  66590. sulphur olive ==> 硫化橄榄绿
  66591. sulphur ore ==> 黄铁矿
  66592. Sulphur oxides SOX ==> 硫氧化物SOX,二氧化硫(SO2)和三氧化硫(SO3)及两者的混合物的总称
  66593. sulphur print ==> 鲍曼硫印
  66594. sulphur reducing dyes ==> 硫化及硫化还原染料
  66595. sulphur removal efficiency ==> 脱硫效率,单位时间内脱硫系统脱除的二氧化硫量占进入脱硫系统烟气中二氧化硫量的百分比
  66596. sulphur spring ==> 硫黄泉,硫磺泉,含硫泉
  66597. sulphur steel ==> 高硫钢
  66598. sulphur treatment kettle ==> 加硫除铜精炼锅
  66599. sulphur trioxide injection system ==> 三氧化硫注射系统
  66600. sulphur yellow GC 250% ==> 硫化淡黄GC250%
  66601. sulphur yellow GCD 250% ==> 硫化淡黄GCD250%
  66602. sulphur yellow GR 250% ==> 硫化淡黄GR250%
  66603. sulphur-bearing waste water ==> 含硫污水
  66604. sulphur-iron ratio ==> 硫铁比
  66605. sulphuric acid ==> 硫酸
  66606. sulphuric acid works ==> 硫酸工程
  66607. sulphurized asphalt ==> 硫化沥青
  66608. sulphurized lubricant ==> 含硫润滑剂
  66609. sulphurous acid ==> 亚硫酸
  66610. sultancy services on heredity ==> 遗传性问题咨询所
  66611. sultry weather ==> 闷热天气
  66612. Sulzer alloy ==> 苏尔泽锌基轴承合金
  66613. Sulzer packing ==> 苏采尔填料
  66614. sum ==> 和,合计,总额,总和,总计
  66615. sum accumulator ==> 和数累加器
  66616. sum aggregate ==> 和集
  66617. sum check ==> 总计检验,求和检查,求和校验
  66618. sum check code ==> 检查和代码
  66619. sum check digit ==> 和数校验位
  66620. sum counter ==> 和计数器
  66621. sum difference system of stereo ==> 立体声和差变换系统
  66622. sum digit ==> 和数位,和数数字
  66623. sum electrode ==> 积分电极
  66624. sum formula ==> 求和法,求和公式
  66625. sum frequency ==> 和频,总频率
  66626. sum frequency generation ==> 和周波発生
  66627. sum lent on a mortgage ==> 押款,已提供押款金额
  66628. sum module ==> 加法组件
  66629. sum of a random number of random variables ==> 任意个随机变量和
  66630. sum of circular vector ==> 圆矢量和
  66631. sum of distribution ==> 分布和
  66632. sum of infinite series ==> 无穷级数的和
  66633. sum of maintenance ==> 维护费
  66634. sum of money ==> 款项
  66635. sum of newly-gained national income ==> 新增国民收入
  66636. sum of phasor ==> 相量和
  66637. sum of products ==> 积和,乘积之和
  66638. sum of products of mean deviations ==> 离均差积和
  66639. sum of products 积和=> ==> 乘积之和
  66640. sum of series ==> 级数和
  66641. sum of spiral vector ==> 螺旋矢量和
  66642. sum of square between treatment ==> 处理间平方和
  66643. sum of squares ==> 平方和
  66644. sum of squares of deviations ==> 离差平方和,差方和
  66645. sum of squares of standardized residuals ==> 标准化残差平方和,标准化剩余平方和
  66646. sum of states ==> 配分函数
  66647. sum of vector ==> 矢量和
  66648. sum out gate ==> 和数输出门
  66649. sum output ==> 和数输出
  66650. sum over states ==> 配分函数=>状態和
  66651. sum product output ==> 和积输出
  66652. sum pulse ==> 集合脉冲
  66653. sum readout ==> 和数读出
  66654. sum register ==> 和数寄存器
  66655. sum rule ==> 加法定则
  66656. sum set ==> 和集合
  66657. sum signal ==> 相加信号,和信号,积分信号
  66658. sum storage ==> 和数存储器,和数累加器
  66659. sum transistor ==> 求和晶体管
  66660. sum up ==> 综述,总括
  66661. SUM, single event upset monitor ==> シングルイベント反転モニター
  66662. sum-and-difference net ==> 求和求差网络
  66663. sum-and-difference system ==> 和差系统
  66664. sum-bit ==> 和数位,两位和
  66665. sum-of-digits method ==> 总和数字法
  66666. sum-of-product canonical form ==> 积之和的正则形式
  66667. sum-of-product form ==> 积之和形式
  66668. sum-of-the-year-digits ==> (美国租赁业一种折旧法)数字总和法
  66669. sum-of-the-years digits depreciation ==> 总和年数折旧法
  66670. sum-of-years digits depreciation ==> 年数总和折旧
  66671. sum-of-years-digits depreciation method ==> 年数总和折旧法
  66672. sum-product ==> 和积
  66673. sum-product output ==> 和积输出
  66674. sum-product register ==> 和积寄存器
  66675. sum-total of element functions ==> 要素作用总和
  66676. sumable electrode used only for heating ==> 加热用焊条
  66677. sumac wax ==> 日本蜡
  66678. Sumatra earthquake ==> スマトラ地震
  66679. Sumatra megathrust ==> マトラ巨大逆断層帯
  66680. sumatron ==> 132 practical electrical engineering calculations.
  66681. SUMD, Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. ==> 住友電気工業
  66682. Sumet bronze ==> 萨米特轴承青铜
  66683. sumi ink ==> 黑墨汁
  66684. SUMIS, submillimeter spectrometer ==> 準ミリ波分光計
  66685. summable ==> 加算可能な
  66686. summable bounded ==> 受限可加
  66687. summable function ==> 可和函数,可积函数
  66688. summable series ==> 可和级数
  66689. summarize ==> 概括,综述
  66690. summarize instruction ==> 求和指令
  66691. summarized information ==> 被综合的信息
  66692. summarizing instruction ==> 求和指令
  66693. summary ==> 摘要,大略,概括,概略,概要,一览,一览表,综述,归纳=>要約,要旨,概要
  66694. summary abstract ==> 要点抜粋
  66695. summary bill enforcement procedure ==> 简化票据生效程序
  66696. summary calculation ==> 总计
  66697. summary card ==> 总计卡片
  66698. summary card punch ==> 总计卡片穿孔机
  66699. summary counter ==> 累加计数器
  66700. summary gang punch ==> 总计复穿孔机
  66701. summary index ==> 总和指数
  66702. summary mechanic ==> 纪要
  66703. summary of cost of goods sold ==> 销货成本汇总表
  66704. summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied ==> 已分摊制造费用汇总表
  66705. summary of cost of returned goods ==> 退货成本汇总表
  66706. summary of customers orders ==> 客户定单汇总表
  66707. summary of element costs ==> 分项造价汇总
  66708. summary of factory payroll taxes ==> 全厂工资税汇总表
  66709. summary of factory wages ==> 全厂工资汇总表
  66710. summary of housing conditions ==> 居住条件摘要,居住条件摘要
  66711. summary of invention ==> 发明摘要
  66712. summary of labor cost ==> 人工成本汇总表
  66713. summary of materials returned ==> 退料汇总表
  66714. summary of receipts and expenditures ==> 收支汇总表
  66715. summary of reinforcement ==> 钢筋表
  66716. summary of scrap and spoiled materials ==> 材料耗损汇总表,材料损耗汇总表
  66717. summary pamphlet ==> 要約パンフレット
  66718. summary panel ==> 要約パネル
  66719. summary paper ==> 要約論文
  66720. summary posting ==> 合計転記
  66721. summary printing ==> 总计打印
  66722. summary punch ==> 总计穿孔机=>合計せん孔機
  66723. summary punch (er) ==> 总计穿孔机
  66724. summary punch(er) ==> 结果凿孔机
  66725. summary punching ==> 总计穿孔
  66726. summary recorder ==> 总计记录器
  66727. summary register ==> 概览寄存器,简略寄存器
  66728. summary report ==> 概要报表,报告摘要=>報告概略
  66729. summary sheet ==> 观察记录表,汇总表=>集計表
  66730. summary statement of development credits ==> 开发信贷汇总表
  66731. summary statement of resources and obligations ==> 财力负担汇总表
  66732. summary tag-along sort ==> 沿用标志累加分类
  66733. summary total of estimated expenditure ==> 费用估计简表
  66734. summating meter ==> 累计计数计
  66735. summating potential (SP) ==> 总合电位
  66736. summation ==> 总和,求和,相加=>総和
  66737. summation by part ==> 部分求和
  66738. summation by parts ==> 分部求和法
  66739. summation check ==> 总和校验,求和检查
  66740. summation circuit ==> 累积电路
  66741. summation coil ==> 和動コイル
  66742. summation convention ==> 求和缩写法
  66743. summation current transformer ==> 总和电流
  66744. summation flowmeter indicator ==> 总流量指示器
  66745. summation index ==> 求和指数
  66746. summation instruction ==> 求和指令
  66747. summation instrument ==> 总和仪表
  66748. summation law ==> 累加定律
  66749. summation meter ==> 总和计=>多回路総合計器(電気計測)
  66750. summation metering ==> 累积计量法
  66751. summation network ==> 求和网络
  66752. summation of binomial coefficients ==> 二项式系数求和
  66753. summation of geometric progression ==> 几何级数求和
  66754. summation of parts ==> 分部求和法
  66755. summation of series ==> 级数求和
  66756. summation of temperature ==> 温度总和
  66757. summation panel ==> 总和配电盘,总输出功率记测板
  66758. summation potential ==> 和电位
  66759. summation principle ==> 累加原则
  66760. summation process ==> 求和法
  66761. summation sign ==> 総和記号
  66762. summation time ==> 累計総時間
  66763. summation tone ==> 加音
  66764. summation transformer ==> 总和变压器,总加变压器
  66765. summator ==> 加法电路,加法器,相加器
  66766. summed current ==> 总电流
  66767. summer ==> 加,加法,加法器
  66768. summer accumulation ==> 夏季堆积
  66769. summer air-conditioning ==> 夏季空调
  66770. summer and winter radish ==> 四季萝卜
  66771. summer apple ==> 伏苹果
  66772. summer beam girder ==> 大梁
  66773. summer black oil ==> 夏用黑色润滑油,回火油
  66774. summer capacity ==> 夏季冷却容量
  66775. summer compound oil ==> 夏季用齿轮油
  66776. summer construction ==> 夏季施工,工程在高温季修建时,需要采取温控措施
  66777. summer cutting ==> 夏季插
  66778. summer desiel oil ==> 夏季用柴油
  66779. summer diarrhea ==> 夏季腹泻
  66780. summer draft mark ==> 夏季载重线标志
  66781. summer dry region ==> 夏干区
  66782. summer egg ==> 夏卵
  66783. summer fallow ==> 夏季休耕,夏季休闲
  66784. summer fallow field ==> 夏季休闲地
  66785. summer fallowing ==> 放牧休闲
  66786. summer fever ==> 疰夏
  66787. summer flood ==> 伏汛
  66788. summer flow of honey ==> 夏季流蜜期
  66789. summer food crops ==> 夏收粮食作物
  66790. summer freeboard mark ==> 夏季干舷标志
  66791. summer freshet ==> 伏汛
  66792. summer gasoline ==> 夏季汽油
  66793. summer grade ==> 夏季级
  66794. summer grade gasoline ==> 夏季级汽油
  66795. summer grape ==> 夏葡萄
  66796. summer growing legume ==> 夏季生长的豆科植物
  66797. summer half year ==> 夏半年
  66798. summer house ==> 避暑别墅
  66799. summer leaf-drop ==> 夏季落叶
  66800. summer loading ==> 夏令载货吃水线
  66801. summer lubricating oil ==> 夏季用润滑油
  66802. summer lubrication ==> 夏季润滑
  66803. summer noon ==> 日光节约正午
  66804. summer oil ==> 夏用油
  66805. summer oil level ==> 夏用润滑液面高度
  66806. summer on loadline ==> 夏令载货吃水线
  66807. summer pasture gain of yearling cattle ==> 一岁牛夏季放牧增重
  66808. summer plantinge ==> 夏植
  66809. summer pulse crop ==> 夏季豆荚作物
  66810. summer range ==> 夏季牧场
  66811. summer resort ==> 避暑胜地
  66812. summer rice ==> 夏收禾堆
  66813. summer ripened fruit ==> 夏熟果
  66814. summer savory oil ==> 香旱芹油
  66815. summer seeding ==> 夏播
  66816. summer shoot ==> 夏梢
  66817. summer sporelings (of laminaria) ==> (海带的)夏苗
  66818. summer spray ==> 夏季喷药
  66819. summer sterile hermaphrodite tree ==> 夏季不孕两性株
  66820. summer sterility ==> 夏季不育
  66821. summer time ==> 日光节约时间
  66822. summer tree ==> 大梁
  66823. summer variety ==> 夏季品种
  66824. summer wet region ==> 夏湿区
  66825. summer with gain ==> 带增益加法器
  66826. summer wood ==> 大木材
  66827. summer-pruned shoots ==> 夏季修剪枝
  66828. summing amplifier ==> 加法放大器
  66829. summing circuit ==> 加法电路,求和电路
  66830. summing impact modulator ==> 加法对冲元件
  66831. summing integrator ==> 加法积分器=>加算積分器
  66832. summing junction ==> 求和点
  66833. summing network ==> 加法网络,求和网络
  66834. summing point ==> 和点=>加え合わせ点
  66835. summing stage ==> 加法级
  66836. summing unit ==> 求和装置
  66837. summit ==> 丘顶,高峰,顶
  66838. summit canal ==> 越岭运河
  66839. summit concordance ==> 山顶平齐
  66840. summit level ==> 峰顶面
  66841. summit metabolism ==> 定点代谢
  66842. summit reach ==> 分水岭上河段
  66843. summitor ==> 相加器
  66844. Sumner line ==> 塞姆纳线
  66845. Sumner method ==> 塞姆纳法
  66846. sump ==> 灰渣浆池,积垢器,集水坑,沉淀器,池,曲柄箱,贮槽,污水槽=>水だめ
  66847. sump (waste oil) pump ==> 污油泵
  66848. sump oil ==> 沉积池油
  66849. sump pit ==> 排液槽,集水坑
  66850. sump pump ==> 集水坑泵,井底水窝水泵,井底水窝水泵,浅池泵
  66851. sump shoot ==> 桩蘖
  66852. sump tank ==> 废油罐
  66853. sump water ==> 污水
  66854. sump water hold up tank ==> 污水滞留箱,污水暂存箱
  66855. sump water monitoring and storage tank ==> 污水监测贮存箱
  66856. sump water train ==> 污水处置系统
  66857. sump well ==> 集水井
  66858. sun and planet gear ==> 行星齿轮装置
  66859. sun angle ==> 日照角
  66860. sun arc ==> 太阳弧光
  66861. sun bath ==> 日光浴
  66862. sun blister ==> 晒焦
  66863. sun bronze ==> 钴铜铝合金
  66864. Sun bronze ==> 铜钴铝合金,森氏青铜
  66865. sun bronze alloy ==> 太阳青铜合金
  66866. sun burst ==> (锆合金的一种腐蚀破裂形式)太阳状破裂
  66867. Sun Chemical Corporation ==> (美国)太阳化学公司
  66868. sun compass ==> 太阳罗盘,日光罗盘
  66869. sun compass orientation ==> 太阳罗盘定向
  66870. sun cross ==> 十字晕
  66871. sun crust ==> 再结雪壳
  66872. sun deck ==> 日光浴平台
  66873. sun dog ==> 幻日
  66874. sun effect ==> (通过窗户和结构材料传入室内的太阳能)日照得热量
  66875. sun finder ==> 太阳定向仪
  66876. sun follower ==> 太阳跟随器
  66877. sun gear ==> 太阳齿轮,中心齿轮
  66878. sun glass ==> 遮光玻璃,有色玻璃
  66879. sun glasses ==> 太阳镜
  66880. sun grown coffee ==> 无荫蔽种植的咖啡
  66881. sun gun ==> 太阳枪
  66882. sun hedge system ==> 无荫蔽篱笆式栽植法
  66883. sun interference ==> 太阳干扰=>太陽妨害
  66884. sun light ==> 日光
  66885. sun light leaf ==> 阳叶
  66886. sun line ==> 太阳位置线
  66887. sun observation ==> 太阳观测
  66888. sun pillar ==> 日光柱,日柱,竖光柱
  66889. sun pinion ==> 太阳小齿轮
  66890. sun porch ==> 日光室
  66891. sun power ==> 太阳能
  66892. sun pumped laser ==> 日光泵激激光器
  66893. sun pumping ==> 太阳光抽运
  66894. sun radiation ==> 日射
  66895. sun reflection ==> 日光反射
  66896. sun relay ==> 太阳继电器
  66897. sun satellite ==> 太阳卫星
  66898. sun screen drug ==> 遮光剂
  66899. sun sensor ==> 太阳传感器
  66900. sun spot ==> 太阳黑子
  66901. Sun steel ==> 聚氯乙烯薄膜色层压花钢板,聚氯乙烯薄膜色层压花钢板
  66902. sun stroke ==> 中暑
  66903. sun synchronous orbit ==> 太陽同期軌道
  66904. sun system ==> 太阳系
  66905. sun time ==> 太阳时
  66906. sun time clock ==> 太阳时钟
  66907. sun tracker ==> 太阳跟踪仪
  66908. sun visor ==> 遮阳板(帘)
  66909. sun wheel ==> 太阳轮
  66910. sun wind ==> 太阳风
  66911. sun's meridian altitude ==> 太阳中天高度
  66912. sun's radiation ==> 太阳辐射
  66913. sun-and-planet gear ==> 行星齿轮,行星式齿轮
  66914. sun-and-planet gearing ==> 行星齿轮传动
  66915. sun-and-planet motion ==> 太阳-行星运动
  66916. sun-and-planet strander ==> 筐篮式捻股机
  66917. sun-cured hay ==> 日晒干草
  66918. sun-curing ==> 晒干
  66919. sun-dried mud brick ==> 土坯
  66920. sun-dring ==> 晒干
  66921. sun-fever ==> 日光热
  66922. sun-generated electric power ==> 太阳能电源
  66923. sun-illuminated cloud background ==> 日照云层背景
  66924. sun-illuminated cloud brightness ==> 日照云层亮度
  66925. sun-illuminated earth background ==> 日照地球背景
  66926. sun-illuminated target ==> 日照目标
  66927. sun-oriented vehicle ==> 太阳定向飞行器
  66928. sun-proof ==> 耐晒
  66929. sun-proof paint ==> 耐晒漆
  66930. sun-pump ==> 日光泵,日光泵浦
  66931. sun-pumped laser ==> 日光泵激光器,太阳抽运激光器,太阳光抽运激光器
  66932. sun-resistant plastics ==> 耐晒塑料
  66933. sun-rise industry ==> 朝阳工业
  66934. sun-roof car ==> 带天窗的小汽车
  66935. sun-room ==> 日光室
  66936. sun-screening agent ==> 防晒剂
  66937. sun-shading ==> 遮阳
  66938. sun-stone ==> 太阳石
  66939. sun-synchronous orbit ==> 太阳同步轨道
  66940. sun-vector sensor ==> 太阳角传感器
  66941. sun-weather relationship ==> 太阳-天气关系
  66942. Sunalux glass ==> 透紫外线玻璃
  66943. Sunbelt Area ==> 阳光地带
  66944. sunburst area ==> 日光放射区
  66945. Sunbury shale ==> 森伯里页岩
  66946. suncillin sodium ==> 磺氨苄青霉素钠
  66947. suncured white ginseng root ==> 白干参
  66948. sundial ==> 日晷
  66949. sundry commission paid ==> 已付杂项手续费
  66950. sundry credit ==> 暂时存款
  66951. sundry deposit account floating ==> 浮存
  66952. sundry goods ==> 杂货
  66953. sundry interest paid ==> 已付杂项利息
  66954. sundry interest recieved ==> 已收杂项利息
  66955. sundry native products ==> 小土产
  66956. Sundstrand pump ==> 组合泵
  66957. sunflower ==> 向日葵=>ヒマワリ
  66958. sunflower cataract ==> ヒマワリ白内障
  66959. Sunflower kernel can be used as a topping on salads ==> ひまわりの種はサラダのトッピングとして使える
  66960. sunflower moth ==> 向日葵螟
  66961. Sunflower Nebula ==> ひまわり星雲
  66962. sunflower oil ==> 向日葵油=>ひまわり油
  66963. sunflower oil cake ==> 向日葵籽饼
  66964. sunflower seed ==> ヒマワリの種
  66965. sunflower seed oil ==> ヒマワリ種子油
  66966. sunk bead ==> 凹入线脚
  66967. sunk cost ==> 无差别成本
  66968. sunk drill ==> 埋头钻
  66969. sunk fillet ==> 埋嵌线条
  66970. sunk foundation ==> 埋沉基础
  66971. sunk gutter ==> 暗天沟
  66972. sunk handle ==> 沉入把手
  66973. sunk key ==> 嵌入键,埋头键,槽键
  66974. sunk molding ==> 凹形线脚
  66975. sunk moulding ==> 凹沉饰条
  66976. sunk panel ==> 凹形镶板
  66977. sunk pin ==> 埋头销
  66978. sunk rivet ==> 埋头铆钉
  66979. sunk screw ==> 埋头螺丝,沉头螺钉
  66980. sunk shaft ==> 沉井
  66981. sunk shaft foundation ==> 沉井基础
  66982. sunk spot ==> 沉陷处
  66983. sunk wood screw ==> 埋头木螺丝
  66984. sunk-type switch ==> 埋装式开关
  66985. sunken and solid pulse ==> 脉沉实
  66986. sunken arc ==> 潜弧
  66987. sunken bed ==> 低床
  66988. sunken blue ==> 凹陷蓝色彩饰
  66989. sunken chest ==> 陷胸
  66990. sunken evaporation ==> 埋置式蒸发
  66991. sunken evaporation pan ==> 埋置式蒸发器
  66992. sunken fascine layer ==> 沉柴埽层
  66993. sunken fascine mattress ==> 沉排
  66994. sunken joint ==> 接缝凹陷
  66995. sunken meadow ==> 淹水草原
  66996. sunken plant ==> 沉水植物
  66997. sunken stream ==> 地下河,隐人河,流失河
  66998. sunken-ship breakwater ==> 沉船防波堤
  66999. sunlight ==> 太阳光,阳光,日光=>直射日光
  67000. sunlight greenhouse ==> 日光温室
  67001. sunlight ordinance ==> 日照标准
  67002. sunlight pressure ==> 阳光压力
  67003. sunlight pumping energy ==> 日光泵浦能
  67004. sunlighting ==> 退休后工作
  67005. sunlit path ==> 日照通路
  67006. sunlit surface ==> 日耀表面
  67007. sunned oils ==> 润滑油
  67008. sunset ==> 夕日
  67009. sunset over the sea ==> 海に沈む夕日
  67010. sunshine collector ==> 阳光收集器
  67011. sunshine control ==> 日照控制
  67012. sunshine duration ==> 日照時間
  67013. sunshine integrator ==> 日照累积器
  67014. sunshine leaf ==> 阳生叶
  67015. sunshine period ==> 日照期
  67016. sunshine roof ==> 天窗车顶
  67017. sunshine time ==> 日照时间
  67018. sunshine unit ==> 锶单位,锶单位
  67019. sunspot ==> 太陽黒点
  67020. sunspot component ==> 黑子分量,太阳黑子分量
  67021. sunspot cycle ==> 太阳黑子周,黑子周
  67022. sunspot flare ==> 黑子耀斑,太阳黑子耀斑
  67023. sunspot group ==> 太陽黒点群
  67024. sunspot number ==> 太陽黒点数
  67025. sunspot prominence ==> 黑子日珥,太阳黑子日珥
  67026. sunspot radiation ==> 太阳黑子辐射,黑子辐射
  67027. sunspot relative number ==> 太阳黑子相对数
  67028. sunspot zone ==> 黑子带,太阳黑子带
  67029. suntan ==> 日光色素増強(日焼け)
  67030. sup-complete ==> 上半完备的
  67031. SUPARCO, Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commision ==> パキスタン宇宙上層大気研究委員会
  67032. supecrtical nucleus ==> 超临界晶核
  67033. super ==> 超级,平方
  67034. super accelerator ==> 超促进剂
  67035. super ageing mix ==> 超老化混合胶
  67036. super alloy steel ==> 超级耐热合金钢
  67037. super antigen ==> 超抗原
  67038. super atmospheric pressure ==> 表压
  67039. super balloon ==> 超压轮胎
  67040. super balloon tire ==> 超低压轮胎
  67041. super bell paging ==> スーパベル
  67042. super brand ==> (被世界公认和使用的商品)超级名牌商品
  67043. super bronze ==> 超级青铜,高强度青铜
  67044. super calendered woodfree printing paper ==> 超级砑光道林纸
  67045. super capacity bucket ==> 大容量斗
  67046. super capillary pore ==> 超毛细管孔隙
  67047. super category gassy mine ==> 超级瓦斯煤矿
  67048. super cavitation ==> 超空化
  67049. super cell ==> 超晶胞
  67050. super chopper ==> 超高速断续器
  67051. super cleaner ==> 梯形除杂机
  67052. super CNC wirecutting machine ==> 电火花数控线切割机
  67053. super coil ==> 超外差线圈
  67054. super commutation ==> 超换接,超转接=>スーパコミュテーション
  67055. super compactor ==> 重型压力机
  67056. super complete well ==> 超完善井
  67057. super concentrated low-sud laundry detergent ==> 超浓缩无泡沫洗衣粉
  67058. super coner ==> 高速络筒机
  67059. super converter ==> 超级转换堆
  67060. super cosmic radiation ==> 超宇宙辐射
  67061. super couducting film ==> 超导膜
  67062. super crimp ==> 超卷曲
  67063. super crystal lattice material ==> 超晶格材料,超晶体材料
  67064. super cut ==> 细纹锉
  67065. super distributed energy systems ==> 超分散型エネルギーシステム
  67066. super draft ==> 超大牵伸
  67067. super drawing ==> 超拉伸,高倍拉伸
  67068. super duralumin ==> 超级硬铝
  67069. super E-core ==> スーパーEコア
  67070. Super Eight ==> (荷兰)超级-8型赛车
  67071. super elevation ==> 超仰角
  67072. super emitron ==> 超光电摄像管,超光电摄像管
  67073. super engineering plastic ==> スーパーエンプラ
  67074. super fibre ==> 超强力纤维
  67075. super fine calcium carbonate ==> 超微细碳酸钙
  67076. super fine grain film ==> 超微粒胶片
  67077. super fine(SF) ==> 超细粉
  67078. super foot ==> 片英尺
  67079. super gasket ==> 耐热垫片
  67080. super giant ==> 超巨型
  67081. super giant oil field ==> 超级油田
  67082. super Gleamax ==> 超光泽镀镍法
  67083. super hardboard ==> 超密度级硬质纤维板
  67084. super heavy quantum ==> 超重量子
  67085. super high draft ==> 超大牵伸
  67086. super high pressure polyethylene reaction pot ==> 超高压聚乙烯反应釜
  67087. super high pressure synthetic diamond press ==> 超高压合成金刚石压力机
  67088. super high pressure units 超高压机组,蒸汽压力为11.8MPa ==> ~14.7MPa,温度为538/538℃左右的蒸汽动力发电机组
  67089. super high purity indium ==> 超高纯铟
  67090. super high purity mercury ==> 超高纯汞
  67091. super high-rise ==> 超高层建筑
  67092. super high-rise building ==> 超高层建筑
  67093. super high-speed spinning (SHSS) ==> 超高速纺丝
  67094. super HILAC ==> 超级重离子直线加速器,超重离子直线加速器
  67095. super iconoscope ==> 移像式光电摄像管
  67096. super inflate (SI) ==> 超膨胀粘胶纤维
  67097. super Invar ==> 超恒范钢,超因瓦低膨胀系数合金,超殷钢
  67098. super jet cleaner ==> 气流除杂机,高效喷气清棉机
  67099. super lamp ==> 超级灯泡
  67100. super laser ==> 高能激光器
  67101. super lattice high speed switch device ==> 超晶格高速开关器件
  67102. super light insulated sandwich panel ==> 超轻隔热夹芯板
  67103. super liquid asset ==> 超速动资产
  67104. super long range transmission ==> 超长程传输
  67105. super low temperature store element ==> 超低温存储元件
  67106. super magnet ==> 超强磁铁
  67107. super many time formalism ==> 超多时格式
  67108. super master group ==> 超主群(多重通信)
  67109. super microcomputer ==> 超级微型计算机,超微型计算机
  67110. super micron mill ==> 超微粉碎机
  67111. super microprocessor ==> 超微处理器
  67112. super minicomputer ==> 超微型电脑,超小型计算机
  67113. super NOW ==> 超级可转让提款命令书帐户
  67114. super NOW account ==> 超级可转让提款单帐户
  67115. super oilite ==> 超级多孔铁铜合金
  67116. super optic ==> 超级万能测长机
  67117. super patent-coated board ==> 高级白纸板
  67118. super permalloy ==> 超高导磁率合金
  67119. super polyamide ==> 高聚酰胺
  67120. super premium needle coke ==> 超级针状焦
  67121. super press wood ==> 高密度胶合板
  67122. super pressure-high temperature ==> 高压高温
  67123. super prompt criticality ==> 超瞬发临界,中子增殖因数keff≥1+β,即反应性ρ≥β(β为缓发中子份额)时,系统仅仅依靠瞬发中子就可维持裂变链式反应的状态。此时缓发中子失去控制作用,堆功率会急剧上升,在运行中必须绝对防止
  67124. super protective trade policy ==> 超保护贸易政策
  67125. super pure silica glass ==> 超纯石英玻璃,高纯石英玻璃
  67126. super quality combination pliers ==> 高级多用钳
  67127. super rocket ==> 超型火箭,大功率火箭
  67128. super royal ==> 超王裁
  67129. super rubber ==> 超级橡胶
  67130. Super Sabre ==> 超佩刀
  67131. super scanning ==> 超扫描
  67132. super sensitizer ==> 超敏化剂
  67133. Super Seven ==> (英)超级-7型赛车
  67134. super sifter ==> 超级筛
  67135. super silenced air compressor ==> 超低噪音空气压缩机
  67136. super silent winch ==> 超低騒音型ウインチ
  67137. super slurper ==> 超级吸湿材料
  67138. super sonic forming ==> 超声成形
  67139. super spiral ==> 超螺旋
  67140. super stall ==> 超失速
  67141. super strength ==> 超高强度
  67142. super structure ==> 超级结构
  67143. super supercomputer ==> 超スーパーコンピュータ
  67144. super surfacer ==> 超级刨床
  67145. super symmetry ==> 超対称性
  67146. super synchronous ==> 超同期
  67147. super tanker ==> 超大型油船,大型油船
  67148. super thin box fan ==> 超薄型箱式电扇
  67149. super time relay ==> 超级时间继电器
  67150. super tyre ==> 超级轮胎
  67151. super ultrasonic facial instrument ==> 超声波高效美容仪
  67152. super vector computer ==> 超级矢量计算机
  67153. super velocity of light ==> 超光速
  67154. super viscose fibres ==> 超强粘胶纤维
  67155. super vision ==> スーパビジョン
  67156. super water proof multi-coated lens ==> 超级防水加硬多涂层光学镜片
  67157. super way computer ==> 超大规模计算机
  67158. super welder ==> 超级焊机,超精密焊机,超精密小型焊机
  67159. super β-transister ==> 超β晶体管
  67160. super-ACE project ==> 交流超電導電力機器基盤技術研究開発
  67161. super-air-filter ==> 高效空气滤净器
  67162. super-alpha titanium alloy ==> 超α型钛合金
  67163. super-ascoloy ==> 超级奥氏体耐热不锈钢
  67164. super-bubble ==> 超级磁泡
  67165. super-cardioid microphone ==> 超心形传声器
  67166. super-cell ==> 精制硅藻土助滤剂
  67167. super-check ==> 超级检验
  67168. super-chlorina tion ==> 过量氯消毒法
  67169. super-civilization ==> 超级文明世界
  67170. super-clean ==> 超净的
  67171. super-clean bench ==> 超净台
  67172. super-cluster ==> 超星团
  67173. super-compactor ==> 重型压实机
  67174. super-contracted fibre ==> 超收缩纤维
  67175. super-cooled accelerator ==> 低温加速器
  67176. super-dense lining ==> 高密度炉衬
  67177. super-dislocation ==> 超位错
  67178. super-dry ==> 过干燥
  67179. super-duper ==> 高超的
  67180. super-dural ==> 超级硬铝
  67181. super-dural umin alloys ==> 超硬铝合金
  67182. super-duty brick ==> 高级砖
  67183. super-ego ==> 超我
  67184. super-elevation(in track) ==> 外轨垫高
  67185. super-fast polymerization ==> 超速聚合
  67186. super-fast-setting cement ==> 超快凝水泥
  67187. super-fine quality ==> 上等货
  67188. super-foot true ==> 实片英尺
  67189. super-fuel ==> 超级燃料
  67190. super-gasoline ==> 超级汽油,高抗爆性汽油
  67191. super-GM ==> 超電導発電関連機器・材料技術研究組合
  67192. super-hard X-ray ==> 超强X射线
  67193. super-heater ==> 过热器
  67194. super-heterodyne radio set ==> 超外差收音机
  67195. super-high density ==> 超高密度
  67196. super-high energy cosmic ray ==> 超高能宇宙线
  67197. super-high frequency ==> 超高频率
  67198. super-high pressure mercury (vapor) lamp ==> 超高圧水銀ランプ
  67199. super-high speed railway ==> 超高速鉄道
  67200. super-high-pressure hose ==> 超高压胶管
  67201. super-high-strength optical fiber ==> 超高强度光纤
  67202. super-honing ==> 超精磨
  67203. super-huge turbogenerator ==> 特大型汽轮发电机
  67204. super-iconoscope ==> 超光电摄像管
  67205. super-Isoperm ==> 超级导磁钢,超级恒导磁率铁镍合金
  67206. Super-kamiokande ==> スーパーカミオカンデ,神岡宇宙素粒子研究施設の前身である東京大学宇宙線研究所神岡地下観測所は、素粒子物理学のなかでも最も謎の多い大統一理論を、陽子崩壊の探索により実験的に検証するのを目的として、1983年に設立されました。そのため、その実験装置、水チェレンコフ装置は、カミオカンデ(KAMIOKA Nucleon Decay Experiment) と名付けられました。
  67207. super-large-scale integration (SLSI) ==> 超大规模集成电路
  67208. super-long-range navigation receiver ==> 超远程导航接收机
  67209. super-low frequency voltmeter ==> 超低频电压表
  67210. super-luminous star ==> 高光度恒星
  67211. super-many-time theory ==> 超多時間理論(朝永振一郎)
  67212. super-metal-rich star ==> 特富金属星
  67213. super-microprocessor ==> 超级微处理机
  67214. super-monopoly ==> 超级垄断
  67215. super-network ==> 超网络
  67216. Super-nickel ==> 超级耐蚀铜镍合金,铜镍耐蚀合金
  67217. super-non-expansion steel ==> 超级不膨胀钢
  67218. super-oilite bearing ==> 多孔铁铜含油轴承
  67219. super-oilite machine parts ==> 多孔铁铜机械零件
  67220. super-paramagnetism ==> 超常磁性
  67221. super-per mivar ==> 超级坡明伐恒导磁率合金
  67222. super-permalloy ==> 超级坡莫合金
  67223. super-Poisson distribution ==> 超泊松分布
  67224. super-position turbine ==> 重叠式汽轮机
  67225. super-pressure pump ==> 超高压泵
  67226. super-prompt criticalitv ==> 超瞬间临界性
  67227. super-radiator ==> 超辐射器
  67228. super-range rocket ==> 超远程火箭
  67229. super-rapid hardening cement ==> 超快硬水泥,高级快硬水泥
  67230. super-reaction ==> 超反应,超再生
  67231. super-refining ==> 超精炼
  67232. super-refraction ==> 超屈折
  67233. super-regenerative receiver ==> 超再生受信機
  67234. super-relativistic effect ==> 极端相对论性效应
  67235. super-resolution ==> 超分辨率
  67236. super-Schmidt camera ==> 超施密特照相机
  67237. super-Schmidt meteor camera ==> 超施密特流星摄影系统
  67238. super-Schmidt telescope ==> 超施密特望远镜
  67239. super-Schmidt telescope system ==> 超施密特望远镜系统
  67240. super-sens ==> 增加感光度
  67241. super-sensitive ==> 超灵敏的
  67242. super-spiromatic ==> 高级手表游丝自动定长仪
  67243. super-standard news ==> 超标新闻纸
  67244. super-steel ==> 超级钢
  67245. super-strength ==> 超强度,超强度的
  67246. super-strength steel ==> 超高强度钢
  67247. super-strong stimulus ==> 超强刺激物
  67248. super-synchronous resonance ==> 超同步谐振,又称“倍频共振”。当发电机三相负荷不平衡时,发电机每旋转一周,轴系扭矩有两次变化,即受两倍工频的干扰。如果轴系的固有扭振频率或转子上的部件振动频率也是两倍工频,则可能引起轴系超同步共振的危害=>高調波軸共振
  67249. super-thickener ==> 超浓缩机
  67250. super-thin speaker ==> 超薄型扬声器
  67251. super-wide-angle camera ==> 超文角照相机
  67252. super-wide-angle photograph ==> 超广角摄影
  67253. super-wide-angle photography ==> 超广角摄影术
  67254. superabduction ==> 外展过度
  67255. superabound ==> 过多
  67256. superabundance ==> 冗余
  67257. superachromatic ==> 超消色差的
  67258. superachromatic lens ==> 超消色差透镜
  67259. superacid ==> 过量酸的
  67260. superacidity ==> 过度酸性
  67261. superacidulated ==> 过酸化的
  67262. superacidulation ==> 过酸化作用
  67263. superactinide ==> 超锕系元素
  67264. superactivity ==> 超活性
  67265. superaddition ==> 附加物,添加物
  67266. superadditivity ==> 超加和性,超加性
  67267. superadiabatic ==> 超绝热
  67268. superadiabatic convection ==> 超绝热对流
  67269. superadiabatic lapse rate ==> 超绝热直减率
  67270. superadiabatic state ==> 超绝热的状态,超绝热状态
  67271. superaerodynamics ==> 超高空空气动力学,超高速空气动力学,超越空气动力学,高空空气动力学,稀薄气体空气动力学
  67272. superageing ==> 超老化
  67273. superagency ==> 超级管理机构
  67274. superalethal dose of x-irradiation ==> 超致死剂量照射
  67275. superalimentation ==> 超量营养法
  67276. superalkali ==> 苛性钠
  67277. superallowed capture ==> 超容许俘获
  67278. superallowed transition ==> 超容许跃迁
  67279. superalloy ==> 超合金,超级合金,超耐热不锈钢,超耐热合金,高温高强合金
  67280. superalloy power processing ==> 超合金粉末加工
  67281. superaltitude ==> 超高空
  67282. superalumag ==> 超级铝锌镁合金
  67283. superannuation ==> 退休金
  67284. superannuation and retired allowances ==> 养老金及退休金税收优惠
  67285. superannuation fund ==> 养老基金,退休金基金
  67286. superannuation payment ==> 退休金
  67287. superanthracite ==> 超无烟煤,变无烟煤
  67288. superantiferromagnetism ==> 超反铁磁性
  67289. superantigen ==> 超级抗原,上层抗原
  67290. superatmospheric pressure ==> 超大气压力
  67291. superatomic bomb ==> 超级原子弹
  67292. superaudiable ==> 超音频的
  67293. superaudiable frequency ==> 超音频
  67294. superaudibcy ==> 超听觉频率
  67295. superaudible ==> 超声波
  67296. superaudible frequency ==> 超可聴周波数
  67297. superaudio ==> 超音频的
  67298. superaudio frequency ==> 超声频率
  67299. superaudio telegraph ==> 超音频电信
  67300. superaudio telegraphy ==> 超音频电报
  67301. superb ==> 高超
  67302. superb anticold ==> 精制伤风灵,精制伤风灵
  67303. superb durability and reliability ==> 耐久性,信頼性が高い
  67304. superballon tyre ==> 超压轮胎
  67305. superbang ==> 超大爆炸
  67306. superbar ==> 上横号
  67307. superbasin ==> 超级盆地
  67308. superbeta transistor ==> 超β晶体管
  67309. superblock ==> 大街区
  67310. superblock plan ==> 大街区规划
  67311. superbolide ==> 超火流星
  67312. superbomber ==> 超级轰炸机
  67313. superbooster ==> 超功率运载火箭
  67314. superbound particle ==> 超束缚粒子
  67315. superbright ==> 超亮
  67316. superbroadening ==> 超展宽
  67317. superburning ==> 过烧
  67318. superbust ==> 经济突然大倒退,经济突然大倒退
  67319. supercalender ==> 超级辗光机,高度压光机,(制纸用)高度砑光机
  67320. supercalendered cover paper ==> 超级砑光封皮纸
  67321. supercalendered finish ==> 超级轧光纸
  67322. supercalendered paper ==> 超级砑光纸
  67323. supercalendering ==> 高度压光
  67324. supercallosal ==> 胼胝体上的
  67325. supercapacitor ==> スーパーキャパシタ
  67326. supercapillary ==> 超毛细管,超毛细现象
  67327. supercapillary interstice ==> 超毛细管间隙,超毛细孔隙
  67328. supercapillary percolation ==> 超毛细管渗透,超毛细渗透,超毛细渗透作用
  67329. supercapillary porosity ==> 超毛细管孔隙率
  67330. supercapillary seepage ==> 超毛细管渗流
  67331. supercapister ==> 超阶跃变容二极管,超跃变容二极管
  67332. supercapital ==> 副柱头
  67333. supercarbon steel ==> 超碳钢
  67334. supercargo ==> 货运监督
  67335. supercarrier ==> 超级航空母舰
  67336. supercavitating flow ==> 超空蚀水流
  67337. supercavitating hydrofoils ==> 超空蚀水翼
  67338. supercavitating propeller ==> 超空泡螺旋桨
  67339. supercell ==> 超晶胞
  67340. supercement ==> 超级水泥
  67341. supercentral station ==> 区域电厂
  67342. supercentrifuge ==> 超速离心机,高速离心机
  67343. supercharge ==> 超荷,增压
  67344. supercharge load ==> 超载
  67345. supercharge method ==> 增压法
  67346. supercharge pressure ==> 增压压力,进气压力
  67347. supercharge pump ==> 增压泵
  67348. supercharge(r) ==> 增压器
  67349. supercharge-exchange interaction ==> 超荷交换相互作用
  67350. supercharged boiler ==> 增压锅炉,蒸汽-燃气联合循环中,作为燃气轮机燃烧室以产生高压烟气的锅炉,其烟气压力一般大于294kPa(3个绝对大气压)。
  67351. supercharged engine ==> 過給機関
  67352. supercharged steam generator ==> 增压锅炉
  67353. supercharged turboprop ==> 增压式涡轮螺旋桨发动机
  67354. supercharger ==> 增加器,超装器=>スーパーチャージャー,過給機
  67355. supercharger blast gate ==> 增压器节流阀,送风机节流挡板
  67356. supercharger control ==> 增压调节
  67357. supercharger electronic tachometer ==> 過給機電子回転計
  67358. supercharger impeller ==> 增压器叶轮
  67359. supercharger pressure ga(u)ge ==> 增压机压力计
  67360. supercharger regulator ==> 增压器调节器
  67361. supercharger turbine ==> 過給機タービン
  67362. supercharging ==> 增压作用
  67363. supercharging compressor ==> 增压压气机,增压压缩机
  67364. supercharging device ==> 增压装置
  67365. supercharging equipment ==> 增压设备
  67366. supercharging pressure ==> 充液压力
  67367. superchip ==> 高密度芯片
  67368. superchlorination ==> 过量氯化法
  67369. superchopper ==> 超速断路器,特快断路器
  67370. superchromatic lens ==> 超彩色透镜
  67371. superciliary ==> 眉的,眉纹的
  67372. superciliary arch ==> 眉弓
  67373. superciliary corrugator muscle ==> 皱眉肌
  67374. supercillium ==> 眉毛
  67375. supercirculation ==> 超环量,超循环
  67376. superclass ==> 母集合
  67377. superclean bench ==> 超净工作台
  67378. superclean room ==> 超净室
  67379. supercluster ==> 超星系团
  67380. supercoated stress ==> 叠加应力
  67381. supercobalt drill ==> 超钴钻头
  67382. supercode ==> 超码
  67383. supercoducting power cable ==> 超電導ケーブル
  67384. supercoil ==> 超卷曲,超螺旋
  67385. supercolumniation ==> 重柱式
  67386. supercombat gasoline ==> 超级战斗机用汽油
  67387. supercommutation ==> 超倍采样,超级分配
  67388. supercompact ==> 超紧
  67389. supercompensation ==> 超量补偿
  67390. supercompressibility ==> 超压缩性
  67391. supercompressibility factor ==> 超压缩因子,压缩因数
  67392. supercompression ==> 过度压缩,超压缩
  67393. supercompression arrangement ==> 超压缩装置
  67394. supercompression engine ==> 超压缩发动机
  67395. supercompressor ==> 超压缩机,超压缩器
  67396. supercomputer ==> 超大型计算机,巨型计算机=>スーパーコンピュータ
  67397. supercomputer architecture ==> 巨型计算机体系结构
  67398. superconcentrated juice ==> 超浓缩果汁
  67399. superconduct gravimeter ==> 超导重力仪
  67400. superconducting ==> 超导的
  67401. superconducting accelerator ==> 超导加速器
  67402. superconducting alloy ==> 超导合金
  67403. superconducting amplifier ==> 超导放大器
  67404. superconducting antenna ==> 超导天线
  67405. superconducting bolometer ==> 超导测辐射计,超导测辐射热计,超导体测辐射热计
  67406. superconducting cable ==> 超导电缆=>超電導ケーブル
  67407. superconducting circuit ==> 超导电路,超导回路
  67408. superconducting coil ==> 超导线圈=>超電導コイル
  67409. superconducting coil accumulator ==> 超导线圈式蓄电器
  67410. superconducting coils arrangement ==> 超電導コイル配置
  67411. superconducting component ==> 超导元件
  67412. superconducting computer ==> 超导计算机
  67413. superconducting delay line ==> 超导延迟线
  67414. superconducting device ==> 超导装置,低温器件
  67415. superconducting electronics ==> 超导电子学
  67416. superconducting element ==> 超导元件
  67417. superconducting energy storage ==> 超导储能
  67418. superconducting fault current limiter ==> 超伝導限流器
  67419. superconducting field winding ==> 超電導界磁巻線
  67420. superconducting filament ==> 超导丝
  67421. superconducting film ==> 超電導膜
  67422. superconducting galvanometer ==> 超导电流计
  67423. superconducting generator ==> 超导材料发生器,超导发电机,转子绕组采用以液氦或液氮作冷却介质的超导导线构成,而定子电枢则采用无槽铁心,定子绕组置于气隙中或采用水内冷的发电机=>超電導発電機
  67424. superconducting gravity gradiometer ==> 超导重力梯度仪
  67425. superconducting gyroscope ==> 超导磁场陀螺仪,超导陀螺仪,低温陀螺仪
  67426. superconducting helix ==> 超导螺旋线
  67427. superconducting heterostructure ==> 超伝導ヘテロ構造
  67428. superconducting integrated circuit ==> 超导集成电路
  67429. superconducting junction ==> 超导结
  67430. superconducting laser ==> 超导激光器
  67431. superconducting layer ==> 超导层
  67432. superconducting lens ==> 超导透镜
  67433. superconducting line ==> 超导输电线
  67434. superconducting link ==> 超导链
  67435. superconducting logic ==> 超导逻辑
  67436. superconducting machine ==> 超导电机=>超電導機器,超伝導機器
  67437. superconducting machinery ==> 超导机械
  67438. superconducting magnet ==> 超导磁体,超导磁铁=>超電導磁石
  67439. superconducting magnetic gradiometer ==> 超导磁重力梯度仪
  67440. superconducting magnetic shielding ==> 超导磁屏蔽
  67441. superconducting magnetometer ==> 超导磁力仪,超导磁强计
  67442. superconducting material ==> 超导材料,超导体
  67443. superconducting memory ==> 超导存储器
  67444. superconducting memory array ==> 超导存储阵列
  67445. superconducting metal ==> 超导金属,超导性金属
  67446. superconducting microscope ==> 超导显微镜
  67447. superconducting motor ==> 超导电机,超导马达
  67448. superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance meter ==> 超导核磁共振计
  67449. superconducting nuclear particle detector ==> 超导核粒子探测器
  67450. superconducting parametric amplifier ==> 超导参量放大器
  67451. superconducting pulse power supply ==> 超导脉冲电源
  67452. superconducting quantum circuit ==> 超伝導量子回路
  67453. superconducting quantum interference device ==> 超导量子干涉装置
  67454. superconducting quantum interference magnetometer ==> 超导量子干涉磁力仪
  67455. superconducting qubit ==> 超伝導キュービット
  67456. superconducting resonator ==> 超导谐振器
  67457. superconducting stability ==> 超電導安定性
  67458. superconducting state ==> 超导态=>超電導状態
  67459. superconducting state supercooling ==> 超导态过冷
  67460. superconducting temperature ==> 超导温度
  67461. superconducting thin film ==> 超导薄膜
  67462. superconducting thin-film ring ==> 超导薄膜环
  67463. superconducting transition ==> 超导跃迁
  67464. superconducting transmission ==> 超导输电,以超导材料作为导体输送电能的方式
  67465. superconducting wire ==> 超電導線
  67466. superconduction ==> 超导
  67467. superconduction cable ==> 超导电缆
  67468. superconduction current ==> 超导电流
  67469. superconduction phenomenon ==> 超导现象
  67470. superconductive ==> 超导的,超导电的
  67471. superconductive a. c. generator ==> 超导交流电机
  67472. superconductive cable ==> 超電導ケーブル
  67473. superconductive chopper ==> 超导斩波器
  67474. superconductive generator ==> 超导发动机
  67475. superconductive gravimeter ==> 超导重力仪
  67476. superconductive layer ==> 超导层
  67477. superconductive magnetometer ==> 超导磁力仪
  67478. superconductive resonator ==> 超导谐振器
  67479. superconductive state ==> 超导电状态
  67480. superconductive suspension ==> 超导悬浮
  67481. superconductive transition ==> 超导跃迁
  67482. superconductive tunnel effect ==> 超导隧道效应
  67483. superconductive wire ==> 超导体铌锡合金丝
  67484. superconductivity ==> 超导性,超导,超导电率,超导电性,超导技术,超电导率=>超伝導
  67485. superconductivity bolometer ==> 超导电测辐射热器
  67486. superconductivity coaxial cable transmission ==> 超電導同軸ケーブル伝送
  67487. superconductivity memory ==> 超导存储器
  67488. superconductivity supraconductivity ==> 超导性
  67489. superconductivity technology ==> 超导技术
  67490. superconductor ==> 超导体=>超電導体
  67491. superconductor alloy ==> 超导体合金
  67492. superconductor fibre ==> 超导体纤维
  67493. superconductor motors ==> 超電導モータ
  67494. superconductor of the first kind ==> 第一種超電導体
  67495. superconductor of the second kind ==> 第二種超電導体
  67496. superconductor physics ==> 超导体物理学
  67497. superconductor quantum computer ==> 超伝導量子コンピュータ
  67498. superconductor thermometer ==> 超导电温度计
  67499. superconsistent ==> 超相容
  67500. supercontinent ==> 超级大陆
  67501. supercontraction ==> 超收缩
  67502. supercontrol tube ==> 超跨导管,可变互导管,变互导管,变跨导管
  67503. superconvergence ==> 超收敛
  67504. superconvergent bootstrap ==> 超收敛自举
  67505. superconvergent propagator ==> 超收敛传播子
  67506. superconverter ==> 超外差变频器
  67507. supercool ==> 超冷,过冷
  67508. supercooled ==> 过冷的
  67509. supercooled air ==> 过冷空气
  67510. supercooled austenite ==> 过冷奥氏体
  67511. supercooled cloud ==> 过冷云
  67512. supercooled drizzle ==> 过冷毛毛雨
  67513. supercooled liquid ==> 过冷液体
  67514. supercooled magnet ==> 超冷磁铁
  67515. supercooled state ==> 过冷状态
  67516. supercooled steam ==> 过冷蒸汽
  67517. supercooled vapour ==> 过冷蒸汽
  67518. supercooled water ==> 过冷水
  67519. supercooled water droplet ==> 过冷水滴
  67520. supercooled water droplets ==> 过冷的水滴
  67521. supercooling ==> 过度冷却现象,过冷,过冷现象
  67522. supercooling degree ==> 过冷度,凝汽器中汽轮机排汽饱和温度与凝结水温度之差
  67523. supercorona ==> 超冕,超日冕
  67524. supercosmotron ==> 超高能粒子加速器
  67525. supercrevice ==> 超裂缝
  67526. supercriterion ==> 超标准,超级标准
  67527. supercritical ==> 超临界,超临界的,上临界的
  67528. supercritical cycle ==> 超临界压力循环
  67529. supercritical damping ==> 超临界阻尼
  67530. supercritical extraction process ==> 超临界抽提过程
  67531. supercritical flow ==> 超临界流动,超临界气流,超临界水流
  67532. supercritical fluid ==> 超臨界流体
  67533. supercritical fluid chromatography ==> 超监界流体色谱法,超临界流体色谱法
  67534. supercritical mass ==> 超临界质量
  67535. supercritical nuclear chain reaction ==> 超临界链式核反应
  67536. supercritical phenomenon ==> 超临界现象
  67537. supercritical plant ==> 超临界参数装置
  67538. supercritical pressure ==> 超临界压力=>超臨界圧
  67539. supercritical pressure boiler ==> 超临界压力锅炉,出口蒸汽压力超过临界压力的锅炉=>超臨界圧ボイラ
  67540. supercritical pressure cycle ==> 超临界压力循环
  67541. supercritical pressure steam power plant ==> 超臨界圧汽力発電所
  67542. supercritical pressure steam turbine ==> 超临界压力汽轮机,主蒸汽压力高于临界压力(一般高于24MPa)的汽轮机
  67543. supercritical pressure units ==> 超临界压力机组,蒸汽压力为24MPa左右,温度为538/538℃左右的蒸汽动力发电机组
  67544. supercritical reactor ==> 超临界反应堆
  67545. supercritical recovery ==> 超临界回收
  67546. supercritical rotor ==> 超临界转子
  67547. supercritical steam power plant ==> 超临界蒸汽发电厂
  67548. supercritical steam pressure ==> 超临界蒸汽压力
  67549. supercritical volume ==> 超临界体积
  67550. supercritical water-cooled reactor ==> 超临界水冷反应堆,冷却剂参数超过热力学临界值(22.1Mpa,647K)的轻水反应堆。它属于第四代反应堆
  67551. supercritical wing ==> 超临界机翼
  67552. supercriticality ==> 超临界性,超临界状态
  67553. supercurrent ==> 超导电流
  67554. supercurrent accelerator ==> 超强流加速器
  67555. supercutical fluid ==> 超临界流体
  67556. superdeep hole ==> 超深钻
  67557. superdeformation ==> 超形变
  67558. superdeformed states ==> 超形变态
  67559. superdelocalizability ==> 超离域性
  67560. superdense memory ==> 超密度存储器
  67561. superdense star ==> 超密恒星
  67562. superdiagonal matrix ==> 超对角矩阵
  67563. superdiamagnetic ==> 超抗磁
  67564. superdicrotic pulse ==> 强二波脉
  67565. superdielectric glass ==> 高介电玻璃
  67566. superdimensioned ==> 超尺寸的
  67567. superdip ==> 超灵敏磁倾仪,超倾磁力仪
  67568. superdirective antenna ==> 超锐定向天线
  67569. superdirectivity ==> 超方向性系数,超锐定向性,超指向性系数
  67570. superdislocation ==> 超断层
  67571. superdisruption ==> 超崩裂
  67572. superdistention ==> 膨胀过度
  67573. superdividend ==> 附加的股息
  67574. superdivisional organization ==> 超事业部组织
  67575. superdominance ==> 超显性
  67576. superduct ==> 上转
  67577. superduction ==> 两目翻上
  67578. superduper ==> 高超
  67579. superduralumin ==> 超强铝,超硬铝
  67580. superduty ==> 超级,超级的,超重型
  67581. superduty fireclay brick ==> 特级粘土耐火砖
  67582. superduty refractory ==> 超级耐火材料
  67583. superduty silica refractory ==> 持级硅质耐火材料
  67584. superefficiency ==> 超有效性
  67585. superego ==> 超自我
  67586. superelastic collision ==> 超弹性碰撞
  67587. superelastic load ==> 超弹性极限负荷
  67588. superelasticity ==> 超弹性
  67589. superelevated curve ==> 超高的曲线,超高曲线
  67590. superelevation ==> 超高,高角
  67591. superelevation gauge ==> 超高规
  67592. superelevation templet ==> 超高规
  67593. superemitron camera ==> 超光电摄像机
  67594. superenergy ==> 超高能
  67595. superenergy proton synchrotron ==> 超高能质子同步加速器
  67596. superenvironment ==> 超级环境
  67597. superette ==> 小型超级市场
  67598. superevacuation ==> 高度排空
  67599. superexchange ==> 超交换
  67600. superexchange interaction ==> 超交换作用
  67601. superexcitation ==> 超激发
  67602. superexcition ==> 过激励电机
  67603. superfacial velocity ==> 表观速度
  67604. superfacies ==> 超相
  67605. superfamily ==> 超科,总科
  67606. superfast ==> 超高速的
  67607. superfast plasma bunch ==> 超速等离子体凝块
  67608. superfatted ==> 脂肪过多的
  67609. superfatted soap ==> 富脂皂
  67610. superfatting agent ==> 富脂剂
  67611. superfault list ==> 超故障表
  67612. superfecundation ==> 同期复孕
  67613. superfemale ==> 超雌,超雌性
  67614. superfemale syndrome ==> 超雌综合征
  67615. superferromagnetism ==> 超铁磁性
  67616. superfetation ==> 异期复孕,重孕
  67617. superfibrination ==> 血纤维蛋白生成过多
  67618. superfical anterior cervical lymph nodes ==> 颈前浅淋巴结,颈前浅淋巴结
  67619. superficeal venous palmar arch ==> 掌浅静脉弓
  67620. superfiche ==> 超微胶片
  67621. superficial ==> 浅表的,平方,表面的
  67622. superficial and rapid pulse ==> 脉浮数
  67623. superficial anesthesia of eye ==> 眼部表面麻醉
  67624. superficial anneal ==> 表面退火
  67625. superficial area ==> 表面积
  67626. superficial basal cell epithelioma ==> 表浅性基底细胞上皮瘤
  67627. superficial brachial artery ==> 肱浅动脉
  67628. superficial caries ==> 浅层龋
  67629. superficial cells ==> 表层细胞
  67630. superficial cells with pyknotic nuclei ==> 致密核表层细胞
  67631. superficial cementation ==> 表面渗碳
  67632. superficial cervical artery ==> 颈浅动脉,颈浅动脉
  67633. superficial charring ==> (一种木材防腐法)表面炭化
  67634. superficial cleavage ==> 表面卵裂
  67635. superficial coat ==> 表层
  67636. superficial compaction ==> 表面压实
  67637. superficial cooling ==> 表面冷却
  67638. superficial corrosion ==> 表面腐蚀
  67639. superficial degradation ==> 表层剥蚀,表面损坏
  67640. superficial density ==> 表面密度
  67641. superficial dentin caries ==> 牙本质浅龋
  67642. superficial deposit ==> 地面沉积,表层沉积
  67643. superficial deposits ==> 表土
  67644. superficial deterioration ==> 表层剥蚀,表面损坏
  67645. superficial dimension ==> 表面尺度
  67646. superficial distributing cancer of stomach ==> 表层分布性胃癌
  67647. superficial dorsal veins of clitoris ==> 阴蒂背浅静脉
  67648. superficial dorsal veins of penis ==> 阴茎背浅静脉
  67649. superficial epdigastric vein ==> 腹壁浅静脉
  67650. superficial exfoliative esophagitis ==> 表层脱落性食管炎
  67651. superficial expansion ==> 表面膨胀
  67652. superficial femoral vein ==> 股浅静脉
  67653. superficial flexor muscle of fingers ==> 指浅屈肌
  67654. superficial fold ==> 表层褶曲
  67655. superficial gastric cancer ==> 浅表型胃癌
  67656. superficial gastric carcinoma ==> 表浅性胃癌
  67657. superficial greater petrosal nerve ==> 岩浅大神经
  67658. superficial growth ==> 表面生长
  67659. superficial inguinal lymph nodes ==> 腹股沟浅淋巴结
  67660. superficial injury ==> 浅表损伤
  67661. superficial insertion ==> 浅刺
  67662. superficial layer ==> 浅层,颈筋膜浅层,颈筋膜浅层,颈皮下筋膜,颈皮下筋膜,表面层
  67663. superficial layer fascia ==> 颈浅筋膜,颈浅筋膜
  67664. superficial layer of myocardium ==> 浅层心肌
  67665. superficial lesser petrosal nerve ==> 岩浅小神经
  67666. superficial lymphatic vessels ==> 浅淋巴管
  67667. superficial mass velocity ==> 表面质量速度
  67668. superficial measure ==> (木材的)表面积计量
  67669. superficial muscles of back ==> 背浅肌
  67670. superficial mycosis ==> 浅部真菌
  67671. superficial nephron ==> 表浅肾单位
  67672. superficial pain ==> 浅表疼痛
  67673. superficial palmar arch ==> 掌浅弓
  67674. superficial palmar branch ==> 掌浅支
  67675. superficial palpation ==> 浅部触诊法
  67676. superficial part ==> 浅部
  67677. superficial perineal fascia ==> 会阴浅筋膜
  67678. superficial phlebangioma ==> 筋瘤
  67679. superficial popliteal lymph nodes ==> 浅淋巴结
  67680. superficial prickle cell ==> 浅棘层
  67681. superficial punctate keratitis ==> 浅层点状角膜炎
  67682. superficial radiation therapy ==> 表层辐射治疗
  67683. superficial reflex ==> 浅层反射,浅反射
  67684. superficial Rockwell hardness test ==> 洛氏表面硬度试验
  67685. superficial Rockwell hardness tester ==> 轻压力洛氏硬度试验机,表面洛氏硬度计,表面洛氏硬度试验机
  67686. superficial root ==> 表土根
  67687. superficial sensibility ==> 浅感觉
  67688. superficial sensibility test ==> 浅感觉检查法
  67689. superficial spreading gastric adenocarcinoma ==> 表浅扩散性胃腺癌
  67690. superficial superficialis ==> 表面的
  67691. superficial superomedial inguinal lymphnodes ==> 腹股沟上内侧浅淋巴结
  67692. superficial surface ==> 浅面
  67693. superficial transverse metacarpal ligament ==> 掌浅横韧带
  67694. superficial transverse perineal muscle ==> 会阴浅横肌
  67695. superficial treatment of timber ==> 木材表面处理
  67696. superficial unit ==> 面积单位
  67697. superficial vapour velocity ==> 表面的蒸气速度
  67698. superficial vascularization ==> 表层血管形成
  67699. superficial vein ==> 浅静脉
  67700. superficial velocity ==> 表面速度
  67701. superficial venule of index finger ==> 指纹
  67702. superficial water ==> 表层水,地表水,地面水
  67703. superficial X ray therapy ==> 表层X线疗
  67704. superficial x-ray treatment ==> 浅层X线治疗
  67705. superficially porous particle ==> 表面多孔颗粒
  67706. superficially porous supports ==> 表浅多孔担体
  67707. superficialspreading carcinoma of stomach ==> 胃表浅扩散癌
  67708. superficies ==> 表面,表面积
  67709. superfield ==> 超场
  67710. Superfill ==> 苏珀菲耳无锭卷纬机
  67711. superfilter ==> 超滤机
  67712. superfiltrol ==> 超滤士
  67713. superfine ==> 超细,超细的
  67714. superfine aluminium power ==> 超细铝粉
  67715. superfine antimony power ==> 超细锑粉
  67716. superfine cement ==> 超细水泥
  67717. superfine classifier ==> 超细分级机
  67718. superfine fibre ==> 超细纤维
  67719. superfine file ==> 最细锉
  67720. superfine glass ==> 超细玻璃
  67721. superfine glass fabric ==> 超细玻璃丝布
  67722. superfine grain ==> 超微粒
  67723. superfine grinding ==> 超细粉磨
  67724. superfine powder ==> 极细粉末
  67725. superfine quality ==> 特上品质
  67726. superfine structure ==> 超精细结构
  67727. superfine thermoplastic fibre ==> 超细热塑性纤维
  67728. superfine white ==> 超精白
  67729. superfine writing paper ==> 高级书写纸
  67730. superfines ==> 超细粉末
  67731. superfinish ==> 超精表面,超精加工
  67732. superfinish surface ==> 超精加工面
  67733. superfinisher ==> 超精加工机床
  67734. superfinishing ==> 超精加工
  67735. superfinishing equipment ==> 超精加工装置
  67736. superfinishing machine ==> 超精加工机床,超精整机
  67737. superfinishing stone ==> 超精整磨石
  67738. superfische ==> 缩微平片
  67739. superfissure ==> 浅沟
  67740. superflexion ==> 屈曲过度
  67741. superfluent ==> 顶流的
  67742. superfluent lava flow ==> 顶熔岩流
  67743. superfluid ==> 超流体
  67744. superfluid core ==> 超流体核
  67745. superfluid density ==> 超流体密度
  67746. superfluid gyroscope ==> 超流回转仪
  67747. superfluid helium ==> 超流态氦
  67748. superfluid helium theory ==> 超流氦理论
  67749. superfluidity ==> 超流动性,超流体性=>超流動
  67750. superfluidity theory ==> 超流理论
  67751. superfluity of ornamentation ==> 多余装饰
  67752. superfluorescence ==> 超荧光
  67753. superfluorescent ==> 超荧光的
  67754. superfluorescent fiber laser ==> 超荧光光纤激光器
  67755. superfluous ==> 冗,多余的,过剩的=>余分な,過分な
  67756. superfluous activities ==> 過剰な活動
  67757. superfluous and complicated ornamentation ==> 烦琐装饰
  67758. superfluous argument ==> 不必要な議論
  67759. superfluous constraint ==> 多余约束
  67760. superfluous expenses ==> 冗費
  67761. superfluous finger ==> 赘生指
  67762. superfluous information ==> 多余信息
  67763. superfluous ornamentation ==> 多余装饰
  67764. superfluous stuff ==> 人浮于事
  67765. superfluous term ==> 冗余项
  67766. superfluous water ==> 多余水,过剩水分
  67767. superfluous water vapour ==> 过剩水气
  67768. superfoetation ==> 异期复孕
  67769. superfraction ==> 超精馏
  67770. superfraction column ==> 超精馏柱
  67771. superfractionation ==> 超精馏
  67772. superfractionator ==> 超精馏器
  67773. superframe ==> 超帧
  67774. superfrequency ==> 超高频
  67775. superfrontal fissure ==> 额上裂
  67776. superfusion ==> 过熔
  67777. supergage ==> 超规范
  67778. supergain ==> 超增色,超增益
  67779. supergain antenna ==> 超增益天线=>スーパゲインアンテナ
  67780. supergain transistor ==> 超增益晶体管
  67781. supergalactic astronomy ==> 超星系天文学,超银河系天文学
  67782. supergalactic coordinates ==> 超星系坐标
  67783. supergalaxy ==> 超星系
  67784. supergauge field theory ==> 超规范场论
  67785. supergene ==> 超基因,浅生的,浅生矿床,表生的
  67786. supergene enrichment ==> 表生富集,次生富集
  67787. supergene rock ==> 浅成岩
  67788. supergene structure ==> 表生构造
  67789. supergenerator ==> 超级起电机
  67790. supergenual ==> 膝上的
  67791. supergeostrophic wind ==> 超地转风
  67792. supergiant ==> 特大的
  67793. supergiant elliptical galaxy ==> 超巨椭圆星系
  67794. supergiant galaxy ==> 超巨星系
  67795. supergiant radio galaxy ==> 超巨射电星系
  67796. supergiant star ==> 超巨星
  67797. superglacial river ==> 冰川表面河流
  67798. superglacial stream ==> 冰面水流
  67799. superglycerinated oil ==> 超甘油化油
  67800. supergold tranche ==> 超黄金份额
  67801. supergoldstone ==> 超哥德斯顿粒子
  67802. supergradient wind ==> 超梯度风
  67803. supergranular cell ==> 超米粒泡
  67804. supergranulation ==> 超粒化,超米粒组织
  67805. supergraph ==> 超图,母图
  67806. supergravity ==> 超引力,超重力
  67807. supergravity theories ==> 超引力理论
  67808. supergrid ==> 超高压电网,超高压输电网,特大功率电网,超级电网
  67809. supergrinding ==> 超精磨
  67810. supergroup ==> 超群=>超群(多重通信)
  67811. supergroup connector ==> 超群连接器
  67812. supergroup demodulator ==> 超群解调器
  67813. supergroup demultiplexer ==> 超群多路分解器
  67814. supergroup equipment ==> 超群装置
  67815. supergroup filter ==> 超群滤波器
  67816. supergroup modem ==> 超群调制解调器
  67817. supergroup modulation ==> 超群変調
  67818. supergroup multiplexer ==> 超群多路复用器
  67819. supergroup translating equipment ==> 超群转换设备
  67820. supergroup translator ==> 超群变换器,超群译码器
  67821. supergrown ==> 超生长
  67822. supergrown transister ==> 超生长型晶体管
  67823. superhard ==> 超硬,过硬的
  67824. superhard alloy ==> 超硬合金
  67825. superhard coating ==> 超硬涂层
  67826. superhard material ==> 超硬材料
  67827. superhard tool material ==> 超硬工具材料
  67828. superhardness ==> 超级硬度,超硬度
  67829. superharmonic function ==> 上调和函数
  67830. superheat ==> 过热度
  67831. superheat meter ==> 过热计
  67832. superheat region ==> 过热区域
  67833. superheat resisting alloy ==> 超耐热合金
  67834. superheat section ==> 过热段
  67835. superheat steam temperature control system ==> 过热汽温度控制系统,使过热蒸汽温度维持在设定范围内的模拟量控制系统
  67836. superheat temperature ==> 过热温度
  67837. superheated ==> 过热的,过热蒸汽
  67838. superheated engine ==> 过热发动机
  67839. superheated molten steel ==> 过热钢液
  67840. superheated region ==> 超热区
  67841. superheated steam ==> 过热蒸汽=>過熱蒸気
  67842. superheated steam boiler ==> 过热蒸汽锅炉
  67843. superheated steam engine ==> 过热蒸汽发动机
  67844. superheated steam system ==> 过热蒸汽系统,从过热器入口至汽轮机高压缸进口全部管道及其附属部件的总称。
  67845. superheated vapor ==> 过热蒸汽
  67846. superheated vapor drier ==> 过热蒸气干燥器
  67847. superheated vapour ==> 过热水蒸汽
  67848. superheater ==> 过热器=>過熱器
  67849. superheater header ==> (机车的)过热箱
  67850. superheater tube ==> 过热管,过热器管
  67851. superheater unit ==> 过热器
  67852. superheater, SH ==> 过热器,将饱和温度或高于饱和温度的蒸汽加热到规定过热温度的受热面。
  67853. superheaterodyne ==> スーパヘテロダイン
  67854. superheaterodyne receiver ==> スーパヘデロダイン受信機
  67855. superheating ==> 过热
  67856. superheating calorimeter ==> 高温测量器,过热量热器
  67857. superheating surface ==> 过热面
  67858. superheating temperature ==> 过热温度
  67859. superheavy ==> 超重
  67860. superheavy element halides ==> 超重元素卤化物
  67861. superheavy elements ==> 超重元素
  67862. superheavy hydrogen ==> 超重氢
  67863. superheavy ion ==> 超重离子
  67864. superheavy nucleus ==> 超重核
  67865. superheavy particle ==> 超重粒子
  67866. superheavy quark ==> 超重夸克
  67867. superheavy weight ==> 超重量级
  67868. superhelicity ==> 超螺旋性
  67869. superhelix ==> 超卷曲,超螺旋
  67870. superhelix density ==> 超螺旋密度
  67871. superhet ==> 超外差,超外差接收机,超外差式
  67872. superheterodyne ==> 超外差
  67873. superheterodyne circuit ==> 超外差电路
  67874. superheterodyne converter ==> 超外差变频器
  67875. superheterodyne detection ==> 超外差检波
  67876. superheterodyne interference ==> 超外差干扰
  67877. superheterodyne mixer ==> 超外差混频器
  67878. superheterodyne optics ==> 超外差光学
  67879. superheterodyne radio set ==> 超外差式接收机
  67880. superheterodyne receiver ==> 超外差式接收机,超外差接收机=>スーパーヘテロダイン受信機
  67881. superheterodyne reception ==> 超外差式接收
  67882. superheterodyne spectrometer ==> 超外差分光计
  67883. superhigh density state ==> 超高密态
  67884. superhigh energy ==> 超高能
  67885. superhigh energy particle ==> 超高能粒子
  67886. superhigh frequency ==> 超高频
  67887. superhigh frequency band ==> 厘米波段
  67888. superhigh intensity ==> 超高强度
  67889. superhigh pressure ==> 超高压
  67890. superhigh pressure boiler ==> 超高压锅炉,出口蒸汽压力为11.8MPa~14.7MPa(120at~150at)的锅炉。
  67891. superhigh pressure compressor ==> 超高压压缩机
  67892. superhigh pressure hydraulic press ==> 超高压液压机
  67893. superhigh pressure sealing ==> 超高压密封
  67894. superhigh pressure steam turbine 超高压汽轮机,主蒸汽压力为11.8 MPa ==> ~14.7MPa的汽轮机
  67895. superhigh pressure technique ==> 超高压技术
  67896. superhigh pressure turbine ==> 超高压汽轮机
  67897. superhigh pulse ==> 超高脉冲
  67898. superhigh speed alloy ==> 超高速切削合金
  67899. superhigh speed cutting alloy ==> 超高速切削合金
  67900. superhigh speed digital intergrated circuit ==> 超高速数字集成电路
  67901. superhigh speed integrated circuit ==> 超高速集成电路
  67902. superhigh speed steel ==> 超高速钢
  67903. superhigh steel ==> 超高速钢
  67904. superhigh tension ==> 超高电压
  67905. superhigh voltage ==> 超高压
  67906. superhigh voltage mercury lamp ==> 超高压水银灯
  67907. superhighspeed ==> 超高速的
  67908. superhighspeed cutting ==> 超高速切削
  67909. superhighway ==> (指超高速公路)超级公路
  67910. superhilac ==> 超级重离子直线加速器
  67911. superhuge computer ==> 超大型计算机
  67912. supericonoscope ==> 超光电析象管,超光电摄像机,复式光电摄像管,移像式光电摄像管
  67913. superimpose ==> 叠加,添加,信息叠加,安装
  67914. superimposed ==> 上叠的,叠覆的,叠合的,叠加的
  67915. superimposed arches ==> 层叠拱
  67916. superimposed back pressure ==> 附加背压
  67917. superimposed circuit ==> 叠置电路
  67918. superimposed clause ==> 附加条文
  67919. superimposed coding ==> 重叠编码
  67920. superimposed component protection ==> 事故変化分保護, "Protection which depends on the measurement or comparison of extracted superimposed quantities, i.e. on the differences between appropriate prefault and fault values of current, voltage, etc. "
  67921. superimposed core ==> 舂入芯,预埋芯
  67922. superimposed current ==> 重叠电流
  67923. superimposed cylinder machine ==> 双针筒针织机
  67924. superimposed drainage ==> 重叠排水系统,叠置水系
  67925. superimposed effect ==> 叠加效应
  67926. superimposed fan ==> 叠置扇
  67927. superimposed fields ==> 重畳場
  67928. superimposed filter ==> 重叠式过滤器
  67929. superimposed flow ==> 叠流
  67930. superimposed fold ==> 叠加褶皱,横跨褶皱
  67931. superimposed glacier ==> 上层迭置冰川
  67932. superimposed grid ==> 叠上坐标网
  67933. superimposed halo ==> 重叠晕
  67934. superimposed image ==> 重叠图像,重叠影像
  67935. superimposed images ==> 重叠图象
  67936. superimposed layer ==> 叠加层
  67937. superimposed layers ==> 叠加层
  67938. superimposed load ==> 叠加荷载,超负荷=>積載重量
  67939. superimposed magnetization ==> 重畳励磁
  67940. superimposed metamorphism ==> 叠加变质作用
  67941. superimposed notation ==> 附加批注
  67942. superimposed point sources ==> 重叠点辐射源
  67943. superimposed pulse ==> 重畳パルス
  67944. superimposed record ==> 重合记录法
  67945. superimposed ringing ==> 叠加振铃
  67946. superimposed ripple voltage ==> 附加波动电压
  67947. superimposed river ==> 積載河川
  67948. superimposed signal ==> 重畳信号
  67949. superimposed stream ==> 叠置河,叠置河流,(遗传河)上置河流
  67950. superimposed stress ==> 重畳応力
  67951. superimposed valley ==> 叠置谷,叠置谷地,(遗传谷)上置谷
  67952. superimposed wave ==> 重叠波
  67953. superimposing ==> 迭加
  67954. superimposing multiple discharge ==> 複数放電重畳
  67955. superimposing technique ==> 叠加技术
  67956. superimposition ==> 叠加,叠印,叠置,重叠,重接
  67957. superimposition evoked potential ==> 加算诱发电位
  67958. superindividual crystal ==> 超单晶
  67959. superinduce ==> 重复诱导
  67960. superinduced stream ==> 叠置河
  67961. superinducibic mutant ==> 超诱导突变体
  67962. superinducible mutant ==> 超诱导突变体
  67963. superinduction ==> 超感应,增加感应,添加
  67964. superinfection ==> 重复传染,重复感染,重复侵染,超感染,过度感染
  67965. superinfection immunity ==> 超感染免疫性
  67966. superinsulant ==> 超绝热体,超绝缘体
  67967. superinsulation ==> 超绝热,超绝缘体,附加绝缘
  67968. superintegrated memory ==> 高密度集成存储器
  67969. superintegrated storage ==> 高密度集成存储器
  67970. superintegration ==> 高密度集成
  67971. superintend ==> 监督
  67972. superintendence ==> 支配,管理
  67973. superintendent ==> 管理人员
  67974. superintendent of customs ==> 海关监督
  67975. superinvar ==> 超级镍钴钢
  67976. superinverse ==> 上逆
  67977. superionic conductors ==> 超离子导体
  67978. superionic crystal ==> 超离子晶体
  67979. superior ==> 精良,上等的,上位=>目上の人,上司
  67980. superior air ==> 高层空气,高空下沉空气
  67981. superior alveolar canals ==> 上齿槽管
  67982. superior ampullary crest ==> 上壶腹脊
  67983. superior angle of scapula ==> 肩胛上角
  67984. superior annulus ==> 上位菌环
  67985. superior antenna ==> 上触角
  67986. superior aperture of tympanic canaliculus ==> 鼓室小管上口
  67987. superior auricular ligament ==> 耳廓上韧带
  67988. superior automobile radio cassette player ==> 高档汽车收放机
  67989. superior boundary of lung ==> 肺上界
  67990. superior bulb of jugular vein ==> 颈静脉上球,颈静脉上球
  67991. superior bursa of biceps femoris muscle ==> 股二头肌上囊
  67992. superior cardiac branches ==> 心上支
  67993. superior cardiac nerve ==> 心上神经
  67994. superior carotid triangle ==> 马耳盖尼氏三角
  67995. superior cerebellar artery ==> 小脑上动脉
  67996. superior cerebellar artery syndrome ==> 小脑上动脉闭塞综合征
  67997. superior cerebellar peduncle ==> 小脑上脚
  67998. superior cervical cardiac branches ==> 颈上心支,颈上心支
  67999. superior cervical cardiac nerve ==> 颈上心神经,颈上心神经
  68000. superior cervical ganglion ==> 颈上神经节,颈上神经节
  68001. superior conjunction ==> 上合
  68002. superior conjunctival fornix ==> 结膜上穹
  68003. superior constrictor muscle of pharynx ==> 咽上缩肌
  68004. superior dental plexus ==> 上牙丛,博赫达勒克氏神经节
  68005. superior earnings ==> 超额收益
  68006. superior eclipse limit ==> 上食限
  68007. superior epigastric artery ==> 腹壁上动脉
  68008. superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm ==> 盆膈上筋膜
  68009. superior figures ==> 上标
  68010. Superior Fish Gravy ==> 超级鱼露
  68011. superior fovea of rhomboid fossa ==> 菱形窝上凹
  68012. superior frontal gyrus ==> 额上回
  68013. superior frontal sulcus ==> 额上沟,额上裂
  68014. superior frontorbital bristle ==> 上侧额鬃
  68015. superior function ==> 上函数
  68016. superior ganglion ==> 上神经节
  68017. superior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve ==> 舌咽神经上节
  68018. superior gastric lymph nodes ==> 胃上淋巴结
  68019. superior geodesy ==> 高等大地测量学
  68020. superior grease ==> 超级润滑脂
  68021. superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis ==> 出血性脑上部灰质炎
  68022. superior hemorrhoidal vein ==> 痔上静脉
  68023. superior horn of falciform margin ==> 镰缘上角
  68024. superior hypophyseal artery ==> 垂体上动脉
  68025. superior ileocecal recess ==> 回盲上隐窝
  68026. superior joinery ==> 高级细木作
  68027. Superior Lake ==> 苏必利尔湖
  68028. superior laryngeal artery ==> 喉上动脉
  68029. superior laryngeal nerve ==> 喉上神经
  68030. superior laryngeal neuralgia ==> 喉上神经痛
  68031. superior laryngeal vein ==> 喉上静脉
  68032. superior laryngotomy ==> 喉上部切开术
  68033. superior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm ==> 臂外侧上皮神经
  68034. superior leaf ==> 上位叶
  68035. superior ligamen of epididymis ==> 附睾上韧带
  68036. superior ligament of incus ==> 砧骨上韧带
  68037. superior ligament of malleus ==> 锤骨上韧带
  68038. superior limit ==> 上限=>最大限
  68039. superior limit event ==> 上极限事件
  68040. superior lobe ==> 上叶
  68041. superior lobe of right lung ==> 右肺上叶
  68042. superior lumbar triangle ==> 格林费尔特氏三角
  68043. superior macular arteriole ==> 黄斑上小动脉
  68044. superior macular venule ==> 黄斑上小静脉
  68045. superior maxillary bone ==> 上颌骨
  68046. superior mesenteric artery ==> 肠系膜上动脉
  68047. superior mesenteric ganglion ==> 肠系膜上神经节
  68048. superior mesenteric lymph nodes ==> 肠系膜上淋巴结
  68049. superior mesenteric plexus ==> 肠系膜上丛
  68050. superior mesenteric vein ==> 肠系膜上静脉
  68051. superior mouth ==> 上口鱼
  68052. superior nasal crossing fibers ==> 鼻上交叉纤维
  68053. superior omental recess ==> 网膜囊上隐窝
  68054. superior ophthalmic vein ==> 眼上静脉
  68055. superior orbit ==> 上眼眶
  68056. superior orbital fissure ==> 眶上裂
  68057. superior ovary ==> 上位子房
  68058. superior pancreatic lymphnodes ==> 胰上淋巴结
  68059. superior pancreaticoduodenal artery ==> 胰十二指肠上动脉
  68060. superior pancreaticoduodenal lymph nodes ==> 胰十二指肠上淋巴结
  68061. superior passage ==> 上中天
  68062. superior pelvic aperture ==> 骨盆上口
  68063. superior pelvic strait ==> 骨盆上口
  68064. superior peroneal retinaculum ==> 腓骨肌上支持带
  68065. superior petrosal sinus ==> 岩上窦
  68066. superior phrenic arteries ==> 膈上动脉
  68067. superior phrenic lymph nodes ==> 膈上淋巴结
  68068. superior phrenic veins ==> 膈上静脉
  68069. superior planet ==> 外行星
  68070. superior pubic ligament ==> 耻骨上韧带
  68071. superior pulmonary sulcus tumors ==> 肺上沟瘤
  68072. superior quality ==> 品质优等
  68073. superior ramus of ischium ==> 坐骨上支
  68074. superior ramus of pubis ==> 耻骨上支
  68075. superior recess of tympanic membrane ==> 鼓膜上隐窝
  68076. superior rectal artery ==> 直肠上动脉
  68077. superior rectal plexus ==> 直肠上丛
  68078. superior rectal vein ==> 直肠上静脉
  68079. superior rectus ==> 上直肌
  68080. superior right pulmonary vein ==> 右肺上静脉
  68081. superior spiral vein ==> 上螺旋静脉
  68082. superior technology ==> 優れた技術力
  68083. superior thoracic artery ==> 胸上动脉
  68084. superior thyroid artery ==> 甲状腺上动脉
  68085. superior thyroid vein ==> 甲状腺上静脉
  68086. superior tide ==> 上中天潮,向月潮
  68087. superior tracheobronchial lymph nodes ==> 气管支气管上淋巴结
  68088. superior tracheotomy ==> 气管上部切开术,高位气管切开术
  68089. superior transit ==> 上中天
  68090. superior transverse ligament of scapula ==> 肩胛上横韧带
  68091. superior trochoid ==> 延长摆线
  68092. superior tympanic artery ==> 鼓室上动脉
  68093. superior ulnar collateral artery ==> 尺侧上副动脉
  68094. superior vein of choroid plexus ==> 脉络丛上静脉
  68095. superior veins of cerebellar hemisphere ==> 小脑半球上静脉
  68096. superior vena cava ==> 上腔静脉
  68097. superior vertebral notch ==> 椎骨上切迹,椎上切迹
  68098. superior vesical arteries ==> 膀胱上动脉
  68099. superior vestibular area ==> 前庭上区
  68100. superior vestibular nucleus ==> 前庭神经上核
  68101. superior wave ==> 主波
  68102. superior whorl ==> 上轮
  68103. superior-bore ==> 上位开孔
  68104. superiority ==> 优越性=>上位,優越,優勢,スピアリオーリティ
  68105. superiority complex ==> 优越感,自尊情结,自尊情结=>優越感
  68106. superiority condition ==> 優位条件
  68107. superiority feeling ==> 優越感情
  68108. superiority in language ability ==> 言語能力に長けていること
  68109. superir thalamostriate vein ==> 丘纹上静脉
  68110. superisocon ==> 分笼摄象管
  68111. superjacent bed ==> 上层
  68112. superjacent waters ==> 上覆水域
  68113. superjet ==> 超声速喷气机,超音速喷气飞机
  68114. superkey ==> 超关键字,超码
  68115. superlactation ==> 泌乳过的
  68116. superlanguage ==> 母语言
  68117. superlarge scale integration ==> 超大规模集成
  68118. superlaser ==> 高能激光
  68119. superlattice ==> 超点阵,超格,超结晶格子,超晶格>超格子
  68120. superlattice dislocation ==> 超点阵位错
  68121. superlattice laser ==> 超点阵结构激光器
  68122. superlattice material ==> 超点阵材料
  68123. superlattice ordering of defects ==> 超晶格有序化
  68124. superlattice structure ==> 超点阵结构,超晶格结构
  68125. superlattice symmetry ==> 超点阵对称性
  68126. superlattice type magnet ==> 规则点阵型磁铁
  68127. superleak ==> 超漏
  68128. superledge ==> 超步
  68129. superlethal ==> 超致死量的
  68130. superlight material ==> 特轻材料
  68131. superlight particle ==> 超光速粒子
  68132. superlinear ==> 超线性
  68133. superlinear convergence ==> 超线性收敛
  68134. superlinear variable capacitance transducer ==> 超线性可变电容换能器
  68135. superlinearity ==> 超线性
  68136. superload ==> 超载,附加荷载
  68137. superlock ==> 超级锁定
  68138. superlow power schottky ttl ==> 超低功率肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑
  68139. Superloy ==> 超硬熔敷面用管型焊条
  68140. superluminescene ==> 超发光
  68141. superluminescent diode ==> 超发光二极管
  68142. superluminous star ==> 特高光度恒星
  68143. supermagaluma ==> 超级铝镁合金板,超级镁铝合金,超级镁铝锰合金
  68144. supermale ==> 超雄性
  68145. supermalloy ==> 镍铁钼超导磁合金,超导磁合金,超级镍铁磁性合金,超坡莫合金,超透磁合金,超叵姆合金
  68146. Supermalloy ==> 含钼超导磁率合金,镍铁钼超导磁合金
  68147. supermarket ==> 超级市场
  68148. supermarket subsystem definition record (SSDR) ==> 超级商店子系统定义记录,超级市场子系统定义记录
  68149. supermassive black hole candidate ==> 超大質量ブラックホール候補
  68150. supermassive rotator ==> 特大质量旋体
  68151. supermassive star ==> 特大质量恒星,大质量恒星
  68152. supermastergroup translating equipment ==> 超主群变换设备
  68153. supermatic ==> 高度自动化,高度自动化的
  68154. supermatic drive ==> 高度自动化传动,高全自动化传动,全自动化传动
  68155. supermature ==> 超成熟的
  68156. supermemory gradient method ==> 超存储梯度法,超记忆梯度法
  68157. supermethylation ==> 超甲基化
  68158. supermicro computer processed moisture tester ==> 超级微机水分测定仪
  68159. supermicro-analysis ==> 超微量分析
  68160. supermicrometer ==> 超级测微仪,超级显微镜
  68161. supermicroplanktology ==> 超微浮游生物学
  68162. supermicroscope ==> 超倍显微镜,超级电子显微镜,超级显微镜,大功率电子显微镜
  68163. supermicroscopic ==> 超显微镜的
  68164. superminiature ==> 超小型
  68165. superminiature capacitor ==> 超小型电容器
  68166. superminiaturization ==> 超小型化
  68167. supermiser ==> 超级节热器
  68168. supermode competition ==> 超模竞争
  68169. supermode generator ==> 超模发生器,超模振荡器
  68170. supermode laser ==> 超模激光器
  68171. supermode technique ==> 超模技术
  68172. supermolecular structure ==> 超分子结构
  68173. supermolecule ==> 超分子
  68174. supermoron ==> 半痴愚者
  68175. supermultiplet ==> 超多重态,超多重线,超重态
  68176. supermultiplet theory ==> 超多重态理论
  68177. supermultiplicity ==> 超多重性
  68178. supermumetal ==> 超导磁合金
  68179. supermumetal alloy ==> 超高磁导率镍铁合金,超镍钢合金
  68180. supermutagen ==> 高效诱变剂
  68181. supernatant ==> 浮于上层的,上层清液
  68182. supernatant fluid ==> 上清液,浮面液
  68183. supernatant layer ==> 清液层
  68184. supernatant liquid ==> 清液层,澄清液,浮于上层清液
  68185. supernatant liquor ==> 上层清液
  68186. supernate ==> 上层清液,上清液
  68187. supernational bodies ==> 超国家机构
  68188. supernational corporation ==> 超国家公司
  68189. supernational organizations ==> 超国家机构
  68190. supernatural ==> 超自然の
  68191. supernatural being ==> 超自然的存在
  68192. supernatural events ==> 超常現象
  68193. superneat soap ==> 超液晶皂
  68194. supernegotiable certificate of withdrawal ==> 超级可转让提款命令书帐户
  68195. supernetwork ==> 超级线路网
  68196. superneutrality ==> 超中性
  68197. supernickel alloy ==> 超级镍合金
  68198. supernilvar ==> 超级尼尔瓦合金
  68199. supernmerary mammae ==> 额外乳房
  68200. supernode ==> 超节点, Any computer using Kazaa can become a Supernode if they have a modern computer and are accessing the Internet with a broadband connection.
  68201. supernormal ==> 超常的,超正常
  68202. supernormal conduction ==> 超常传导
  68203. supernormal dispersion ==> 超正态离差
  68204. supernormal growth ==> 超速成长
  68205. supernormal period (SNP) ==> 超常兴奋期
  68206. supernormal profit ==> 超额利润
  68207. supernormal profits ==> 超正常利润
  68208. supernormal refraction ==> 超常折射,超正常折射
  68209. supernormal sign stimulus ==> 超常符号刺激
  68210. Supernova ==> 超新星,スーパーノヴァ
  68211. supernova core ==> 超新星コア
  68212. Supernova Cosmology Project ==> 超新星宇宙学计划
  68213. supernova ejecta ==> 超新星喷出物
  68214. supernova matter ==> 超新星物質
  68215. supernova neutrinos ==> 超新星ニュートリノ
  68216. supernova nucleosynthesis ==> 超新星元素合成
  68217. supernova observation ==> 超新星観測
  68218. supernova occurrence ==> 超新星の発生
  68219. supernova outburst ==> 超新星爆发
  68220. supernova radio source ==> 超新星射电源
  68221. supernova remnant (SNR) ==> 超新星遗迹
  68222. supernova shell ==> 超新星壳层
  68223. supernucleus ==> 超核
  68224. supernumerary ==> 超数量的
  68225. supernumerary auditory ossicles ==> 额外听骨
  68226. supernumerary auricular lobule ==> 赘生耳垂
  68227. supernumerary bud ==> 副芽
  68228. supernumerary chromosome ==> 超数染色体,超数染色体
  68229. supernumerary egg ==> 超数卵
  68230. supernumerary finger ==> 额外指
  68231. supernumerary income ==> 额外收入,额外收益
  68232. supernumerary kidney ==> 额外肾
  68233. supernumerary mammae ==> 迷离乳房
  68234. supernumerary muscle ==> 副肌
  68235. supernumerary nipples ==> 额外乳头
  68236. supernumerary pollen tubes ==> 超粉花粉管
  68237. supernumerary rainbow ==> 多余虹
  68238. supernumerary root ==> 额外根
  68239. supernumerary sperm ==> 超数精子
  68240. supernumerary tear ==> 多余乳头
  68241. supernumerary teeth ==> 额外牙
  68242. supernumerary thumb ==> 额外拇指
  68243. supernumerary toe ==> 额外趾
  68244. supernunerary bud ==> 附芽
  68245. superoctane number fuel ==> 超辛烷值燃料
  68246. superoctave ==> 超倍频程,双八度音栓
  68247. superometer ==> 超高测量仪
  68248. superorbital velocity ==> 超轨道速度
  68249. superorder ==> 超目,总目
  68250. superordinate goal ==> 超常目标
  68251. superorthicon ==> 超正析象管
  68252. superosculation curve ==> 超密切曲线
  68253. superovulation ==> 超数排卵,排卵过速
  68254. superoxide ==> 超氧化物,过氧化物
  68255. superoxide dismutase ==> 超氧化物歧化酶
  68256. superparamagetism ==> 超顺磁性
  68257. superparamagnetic material ==> 超顺磁性材料
  68258. superparamagnetism ==> 超顺磁性
  68259. superparametric elements ==> 超参数元素
  68260. superparasite ==> 重寄生物
  68261. superparasitic ==> 重寄生的
  68262. superparasitism ==> 重寄生,重寄生现象
  68263. superparasitization ==> 过寄生
  68264. superparticle ==> 超粒子
  68265. superpenumbra ==> 超半影
  68266. superperformance ==> 超级性能,良好性能
  68267. superperiod ==> 超周期
  68268. superperiod effect ==> 超周期效应
  68269. superphantom circuit ==> 超幻电路,超幻像电路=>超重信回路
  68270. superphosphate ==> 过磷酸钙
  68271. superphosphate fertilizer ==> 过磷酸钙肥料
  68272. superphosphate rate ==> 过磷酸肥料施用量
  68273. superpiezochemistry ==> 超高压化学
  68274. superplastic ==> 超塑性的
  68275. superplastic deformation ==> 超塑性变形
  68276. superplastic forging ==> 超塑性锻造
  68277. superplastic forming ==> 超塑成形
  68278. superplastic forming technology ==> 超塑成形技术
  68279. superplasticity ==> 超塑性
  68280. superplasticity creep ==> 超塑性蠕变
  68281. superplasticizer ==> 超增塑剂
  68282. superpneumatic tyre ==> 超压轮胎
  68283. superpolishing ==> 超级抛光
  68284. superpolyester ==> 超聚酯,高聚酯
  68285. superpolymer ==> 高分子聚合物,高聚物,超高聚物
  68286. superpopulation ==> 超总体
  68287. superpose ==> 叠置
  68288. superposed ==> 叠覆的,叠加的,叠加信号,叠生的,上叠的
  68289. superposed [WTBX]yang[WTBZ] ==> 重阳
  68290. superposed [WTBX]yin[WTBZ] ==> 重阴
  68291. superposed basin ==> 上叠盆地
  68292. superposed bud ==> 叠生芽
  68293. superposed circuit ==> 重叠电路
  68294. superposed drainage ==> 重叠排水系统
  68295. superposed field ==> 叠加场
  68296. superposed fluid ==> 叠加流体
  68297. superposed fold ==> 叠加褶皱,重叠褶皱
  68298. superposed graph ==> 叠置水系
  68299. superposed layer ==> 悬浮层
  68300. superposed magnetization ==> 重叠磁化,叠加磁化
  68301. superposed plant ==> 前置机组
  68302. superposed ringing ==> 叠加振铃
  68303. superposed square planting ==> 梅花形栽植
  68304. superposed stream ==> 叠置河,顺向河
  68305. superposed turbine ==> 前置式汽轮机
  68306. superposed type SFAG accelerator ==> 重叠式扫描场交变陡度加速器
  68307. superposition ==> 重合,重接,被覆,叠合原理,叠加,叠加信号,叠加作用,叠置,迭加=>重ね合わせ
  68308. superposition effect ==> 重畳効果
  68309. superposition eye ==> 重叠像眼
  68310. superposition image ==> 重叠像
  68311. superposition integral ==> 重叠积分=>累積積分
  68312. superposition law ==> 迭加定律
  68313. superposition method ==> 重叠法=>重層法
  68314. superposition model ==> 重ね合わせモデル
  68315. superposition of waves ==> 波叠加
  68316. superposition pattern ==> 重ね合わせパターン
  68317. superposition principle ==> 叠加原理=>重ね合わせの原理
  68318. superposition specific heat ==> 叠加比热
  68319. superposition state ==> 重畳状態
  68320. superposition technique ==> 重ね合わせ手法
  68321. superposition theorem ==> 叠加定理,叠加原理=>重畳定理
  68322. superposition theory ==> 叠加理论
  68323. superpotential ==> 超电势的,超势
  68324. superpower ==> 超功的,超功率,大功率,特大功率,强功率的,高功率
  68325. superpower boiler ==> 特大功率锅炉
  68326. superpower electromagnetic ==> 超强电磁吸盘
  68327. superpower laser ==> 超功率激光器,超强功率激光器,高功率激光器
  68328. superpower permanent magnetic ==> 超强永磁
  68329. superpower station ==> 超功率电站
  68330. superpower system ==> 超级电力系统,特大功率系统
  68331. superpower tube ==> 特大功率管,超功率管,强功率管
  68332. superprecipitation ==> 超沉淀
  68333. superpressure ==> 超压力
  68334. superpressure boiler ==> 超高压锅炉
  68335. superpressure plant ==> 超高压设备,超高压设备,超临界压力发电厂
  68336. superpressure technology ==> 超高压技术
  68337. superprism ==> スーパープリズム
  68338. superprofit ==> 超额利润
  68339. superprojects ==> 特大工程
  68340. superpropagator ==> 超传播子
  68341. superproportional ==> 超比例的
  68342. superproportional reducer ==> 超比例衰减器
  68343. superproton ==> 超高能质子,超质子
  68344. superpsychology ==> 超心理学
  68345. superpure metal ==> 超纯度金属,超纯金属
  68346. superpurgative working table ==> 超净化工作台
  68347. superpurity ==> 超纯度,超钝度
  68348. superpurity metal ==> 超纯度金属,超纯金属
  68349. superquantization ==> 超量子化
  68350. superquark ==> 超夸克
  68351. superquench oil ==> 特质淬火油
  68352. superquenching ==> 超淬火
  68353. superradiance ==> 超发光,超辐射的
  68354. superradiance generator ==> 超辐射发生器
  68355. superradiance loss ==> 超辐射损耗
  68356. superradiant emission ==> 超辐射发射
  68357. superradiant laser ==> 超辐射激光器
  68358. superradiant oscillation ==> 超辐射振荡
  68359. superradiant transition ==> 超辐射跃迁
  68360. superradiant wiggler interaction ==> 超辐射摇摆互作用
  68361. superradiation ==> 超放射
  68362. superreducing atmosphere ==> 过度还原的气氛
  68363. superrefining ==> 超精炼
  68364. superrefining process ==> 高度精炼法
  68365. superrefraction ==> 超折射
  68366. superrefractory ==> 超级耐火材料,超效耐火材料,超效耐熔质
  68367. superregeneration ==> 超再生
  68368. superregeneration reception ==> 超再生接收法
  68369. superregenerative amplifier ==> 超再生放大器
  68370. superregenerative detector ==> 超再生检波器
  68371. superregenerative maser ==> 超再生微波激射器
  68372. superregenerative receiver ==> 超再生式接收机
  68373. superregenerative reception ==> 超再生接收
  68374. superregenerator ==> 超再生振荡器
  68375. superregulator ==> 高灵敏度调节器,极精确调整器
  68376. superrepressed mutant ==> 超阻遏空变种
  68377. superresolution ==> 超限分辨
  68378. superrocket ==> 超级火箭
  68379. supersaline water ==> 超咸水
  68380. supersaprohic zone ==> 超腐生带
  68381. supersaturated ==> 过饱和的
  68382. supersaturated air ==> 过饱和空气
  68383. supersaturated design ==> 超饱和设计
  68384. supersaturated glaze ==> 过度饱和着色氧化物的釉
  68385. supersaturated solid solution ==> 过饱和固溶体
  68386. supersaturated solution ==> 过饱和溶液
  68387. supersaturated steam ==> 过饱和蒸汽
  68388. supersaturated vapor ==> 过饱和蒸气
  68389. supersaturated vapour ==> 过饱和汽,过饱和蒸汽
  68390. supersaturation ==> 过饱和
  68391. supersaturation coefficient ==> 过饱和系数
  68392. supersaturation nucleation ==> 过饱和核化
  68393. supersaturation ratio ==> 过饱和比
  68394. supersaturation water ==> 过饱和水
  68395. superscope ==> 超宽银幕,超视镜
  68396. superscript ==> 上标
  68397. superscript character(SPS) ==> 上标字符
  68398. superscript representation ==> 上标表示法
  68399. superscription ==> 处方标记,处方头
  68400. supersecretion ==> 分泌过多
  68401. supersede ==> 免职,取代=>取って代わる
  68402. superseded scientific theories ==> 被主流科学废弃的权威理论(如地心说)
  68403. superseded suretyship riders ==> 替代担保附加条款
  68404. superseding clause ==> 替代条款
  68405. superselection rule ==> 超选择规则
  68406. superselective vagotomy ==> 高度选择性迷走神经切除术
  68407. superseniority ==> 超年资制度
  68408. supersensibilization ==> 超敏化作用
  68409. supersensitive ==> 超灵敏度的,增加感光度,高灵敏度的
  68410. supersensitive relay ==> 高灵敏度继电器,超灵敏继电器
  68411. supersensitivity ==> 超灵敏度,超敏感性,过敏性
  68412. supersensitization ==> 超色增感,促过敏作用
  68413. supersensitized cell ==> 超敏感性细胞
  68414. supersequence ==> 超层序,超序列
  68415. superservice station ==> 通用技术保养站
  68416. supersession ==> 接替,废弃
  68417. superset ==> 超集
  68418. supersicon ==> 超硅靶视像管
  68419. supersilent motor ==> 绝对无噪声电动机,绝对无噪声电动机,高无噪声电动机
  68420. supersilica brick ==> 高硅质硅砖
  68421. supersoft ==> 超软性
  68422. supersolenoid ==> 超螺线管,超螺旋管
  68423. supersolid ==> 超固体
  68424. supersolidification ==> 超凝固,超凝固现象
  68425. supersolidus sintering ==> 超固相线烧结
  68426. supersolubility ==> 超溶度,超溶解度,过饱和,过溶度
  68427. supersolubility curve ==> 超溶解度曲线
  68428. supersolution ==> 超解
  68429. supersonic ==> 超声,超声波,超声波的,超声的,超声速的,超音速=>超音速
  68430. supersonic acceleration ==> 超音速加速度
  68431. supersonic accretion ==> 超声速吸积
  68432. supersonic aerodynamics ==> 超声空气动力学,超声速空气动力学,超声速气体动力学,超音速空气动力学,超音速气体动力学
  68433. supersonic aging ==> 超声波时效
  68434. supersonic aircraft ==> 超音速飞机
  68435. supersonic aircraft engine ==> 超音速飞机发动机
  68436. supersonic aircraft oil ==> 超声航空油
  68437. supersonic airfoil ==> 超音速翼型
  68438. supersonic airscrew ==> 超音速螺旋桨
  68439. supersonic anti-ship missile ==> 超音速反舰导弹
  68440. supersonic axial compressor ==> 超音速轴流压气机
  68441. supersonic bang ==> 轰声
  68442. supersonic bias ==> 超声偏压
  68443. supersonic biology ==> 超声生物学
  68444. supersonic boundary surface transmitter ==> 超声界面变送器
  68445. supersonic casting ==> 超声波铸造
  68446. supersonic combustion ramjet ==> 超音速燃冲击式发动机,超音速燃烧冲压喷气发动机,超音速燃烧冲压式发动机
  68447. supersonic compressor ==> 超声压气机,超音速压缩机
  68448. supersonic crack detector ==> 超声波裂纹探测器
  68449. supersonic deep drawing ==> 超声波深拉延
  68450. supersonic delay line ==> 超声波延迟线
  68451. supersonic density transmitter ==> 超声浓度变送器
  68452. supersonic detector ==> 超声波检测器,超声波探测器,超声速探伤器,回声显示器
  68453. supersonic diagnosis instrument ==> 超声波诊断仪
  68454. supersonic diagnostic set ==> 超声波诊断仪
  68455. supersonic diffuser ==> 超声扩压器,超声漫射器,超声速扩压器
  68456. supersonic dispersed oil ==> 超声分散油
  68457. supersonic echo sounder ==> 超声波回声测深仪
  68458. supersonic engine ==> 超音速エンジン
  68459. supersonic flaw detecting ==> 超声波探伤
  68460. supersonic flaw detector ==> 超声波探伤仪
  68461. supersonic flight ==> 超声速飞行
  68462. supersonic flow ==> 超声流,超声速流,超音速流动=>超音速流れ
  68463. supersonic fluorometer ==> 超声荧光计
  68464. supersonic frequency ==> 超音频
  68465. supersonic generator ==> 超声波发生器
  68466. supersonic grain refinement ==> 超声波晶粒细化
  68467. supersonic hardness tester ==> 超声波硬度测试机
  68468. supersonic heat treatment ==> 超声波热处理
  68469. supersonic heterodyne receiver ==> 超声波外差式接收机,超音频外差式接收机
  68470. supersonic inlet ==> 超音速进气道
  68471. supersonic inspection ==> 超声波检验,超声波探伤
  68472. supersonic interferometer ==> 超声干涉计
  68473. supersonic isobar ==> 超声等压线
  68474. supersonic isothermal pachymeter ==> 超声波等温测厚仪
  68475. supersonic jet ==> 超声射流,超音速喷气发动机,超音速射流
  68476. supersonic light valve ==> 超声光阀
  68477. supersonic liquid carburizing ==> 超声波液体渗碳
  68478. supersonic machining ==> 超声波加工
  68479. supersonic medicine ==> 超声医学
  68480. supersonic microtome ==> 超声切片机
  68481. supersonic modulator ==> 超声波调制器
  68482. supersonic nitriding ==> 超声波渗氮
  68483. supersonic nozzle ==> 超声速喷管,超音速喷嘴
  68484. supersonic oscillations ==> 超声波振荡
  68485. supersonic propeller ==> 超音速螺旋桨
  68486. supersonic quenching ==> 超声波淬火
  68487. supersonic ramjet ==> 超音速冲压式喷气发动机
  68488. supersonic range ==> 超声波段,超声频段
  68489. supersonic reception ==> 超音频接收
  68490. supersonic reflectoscope ==> 超声波反射探伤仪,超声波检测仪,超声反射镜
  68491. supersonic relay ==> 超声继电器
  68492. supersonic sounding ==> 超声波测深,超声测深法,超声测探法
  68493. supersonic source ==> 超声源
  68494. supersonic spectrometry ==> 超声测谱学
  68495. supersonic spectrum ==> 超声频谱
  68496. supersonic speed ==> 超声速,超音速
  68497. supersonic splash ==> 超音速のはね
  68498. supersonic tempering ==> 超声波回火
  68499. supersonic test ==> 超音波探傷検査
  68500. supersonic thickness gauge ==> 超声波测厚计仪
  68501. supersonic transport plane (SST) ==> 超音速运输机
  68502. supersonic turbo jet ==> 超声速透喷气发动机
  68503. supersonic velocity ==> 超声速,超音速
  68504. supersonic vibration ==> 超声振动
  68505. supersonic viscometer ==> 超音速粘度计
  68506. supersonic wave ==> 超声波
  68507. supersonic wave Doppler diagnosing instrument ==> 超声波多普勒诊断仪
  68508. supersonic wave drill ==> 超声波钻井
  68509. supersonic welding ==> 超声波焊,超声波焊接,超声焊
  68510. supersonic wind tunnel ==> 超声风洞
  68511. supersonic working ==> 超声波加工
  68512. supersonic-flow anemometer ==> 超声气流风速仪
  68513. supersonics ==> 超声波学,超声速空气动力学,超声学
  68514. supersound ==> 超声,超音
  68515. supersound projector ==> 大功率扬声器
  68516. superspace ==> 超空间
  68517. superspace group ==> 超空間群
  68518. supersparsity ==> 超稀疏
  68519. superspecies ==> 超种
  68520. superspeed ==> 超高速,超高速的
  68521. superspeed film ==> 超感光度胶片
  68522. superstability ==> 超稳定性
  68523. superstabilizer ==> 超稳定剂,超稳定器
  68524. superstable orbit ==> 超稳定轨道
  68525. superstage ==> 超阶
  68526. superstainless ==> 超级不锈的
  68527. superstandard ==> 超标准,超标准的
  68528. superstandard kraft wrapping paper ==> 超标牛皮包装纸
  68529. superstandard propagation ==> 超标准传播
  68530. superstandards ==> 超级标准
  68531. superstation ==> 超功率电台,特大功率电台,特大型发电厂
  68532. supersteel ==> 超钢
  68533. superstition ==> 迷信,迷行
  68534. superstoichiometric ==> 过当量的
  68535. superston ==> 超级斯通合金
  68536. superstrain ==> 超应变
  68537. superstratosphere ==> 超平流层
  68538. superstratum ==> 上覆层
  68539. superstring ==> 超弦
  68540. superstring theory ==> 超弦理论
  68541. superstrong carbon fibre ==> 超强力碳纤维
  68542. superstrong focusing ==> 超强聚焦
  68543. superstrong interaction ==> 超强相互作用
  68544. superstructure ==> 超点阵
  68545. superstructure line ==> 超结构线
  68546. supersulcus ==> 浅沟
  68547. supersulphated cement ==> 富硫酸盐水泥,高硫酸盐水泥
  68548. supersunernova ==> 超超新星
  68549. supersuppressor ==> 超抑制因子
  68550. supersymmetric dark matter ==> 超対称暗黒物質
  68551. supersymmetric multiplet ==> 超対称多重項
  68552. supersymmetric property ==> 超対称特性
  68553. supersymmetric transformations ==> 超对称变换
  68554. supersymmetry ==> 超对称性
  68555. supersymmetry charge ==> 超对称荷
  68556. supersynchronous ==> 超同步的
  68557. supersynchronous moter ==> 超同步电动机
  68558. supersynchronous motor ==> 超同步电动机=>超同期電動機
  68559. supersynchronous orbit ==> 倍同期軌道
  68560. supersynchronous satellite ==> 倍同期衛星
  68561. supersynchronous speed ==> 超同步速度=>超同期速度
  68562. supersynthesis aperture ==> 超综合孔径,地球自转综合孔径
  68563. supersystem ==> 超级系统,超系,超系统
  68564. supertanker ==> 超级油槽车,超级油船,超级油轮
  68565. supertanker wharf ==> 超级油轮码头
  68566. supertax ==> 附加累进税,附加累进所得税,附加税
  68567. supertelephone frequency ==> 超声频率
  68568. supertelephonic telegraphy ==> 超音频电报
  68569. supertension ==> 超高压,超限应变
  68570. supertension network ==> 超高压电力网
  68571. superterranean ==> 地上的,架空
  68572. Supertherm ==> 苏珀萨姆超级耐热合金
  68573. superthermal ==> 超热
  68574. superthermal diesel ==> 带中间冷却器的增压柴油机
  68575. superthermal electron tail ==> 超热电子尾
  68576. superthermostat ==> 超恒温器
  68577. superthin asbestos paper ==> 超薄石棉纸
  68578. superthreshold ==> 超阈,超阈值
  68579. supertrain ==> 超高速火车
  68580. supertransuranics ==> 超铀元素
  68581. superturbulent flow ==> 超湍流,超紊流
  68582. superturnstile aerial ==> 超绕杆式天线
  68583. superturnstile antenna ==> 超绕杆式电视天线=>スーパターンスタイルアンテナ
  68584. superunification ==> 超统一
  68585. superuniversal shunt ==> 超万能分流器
  68586. superunmerary ==> 额外的
  68587. supervacuum chamber ==> 超高真空室
  68588. supervarnish ==> 超级清漆,桐油清漆
  68589. supervelocity ==> 超高速,超速度
  68590. supervene ==> 并发
  68591. supervenosity ==> 静脉性过度,静脉性过度,血液静脉性过渡
  68592. supervirulent ==> 超毒力的
  68593. supervise ==> 监,监督
  68594. supervised alarm system ==> 监督报警系统
  68595. supervised classification ==> 监督分类法
  68596. supervising device ==> 监视设备
  68597. supervising editor ==> 監修者
  68598. supervising the duration of fees ==> 费用期限监视
  68599. supervision ==> 管理,监督,监视,施工监督,指导=>監視
  68600. supervision and control over freight transport ==> 货运监督管理
  68601. supervision by statistical means ==> 统计监督
  68602. supervision in advance ==> 事先监督
  68603. supervision level ==> 监控级,分散控制系统结构中过程控制级的上一级,由人机接口、外围设备等组成,主要完成集中监视、操作处理、制作报表、优化控制等功能
  68604. supervision of construction ==> 施工监督
  68605. supervision of works ==> 工程监督
  68606. supervision plan system ==> 监工计划制度
  68607. supervision system of construction ==> 工程监理制,监理单位受项目法人委托,依据批准的工程项目建设文件、有关法律法规和工程建设监理合同及其它工程建设合同,对工程建设进行监督、管理和咨询业务的责任制度
  68608. supervisions table ==> 監督台
  68609. supervisor ==> 监察员,管理程序,管理机,管理器,核对收报机,监控器,监控者,监视器,技术指导=>スーパバイザ,管理者
  68610. supervisor call ==> 管理程序调入,管理程序调用,请求管理程序
  68611. supervisor call code ==> 管理程序调入码
  68612. supervisor call instruction (SVC) ==> 管理程序调入指令,管理程序调用命令,访管指令
  68613. supervisor call interrupt ==> 管理程序调用中断,调入管理程序的中断
  68614. supervisor call interruption ==> 管理程序调用命令中断,管理程序调用中断,访管中断
  68615. supervisor call program ==> 管理调用程序
  68616. supervisor call routine ==> 管理程序调用命令子程序,访管例行程序
  68617. supervisor communication macro ==> 管理通信宏指令
  68618. supervisor communication region ==> 管理程序通信区,管理通信区
  68619. supervisor console ==> 监视控制台
  68620. supervisor control ==> 监视控制系统
  68621. supervisor control program ==> 管理控制程序
  68622. supervisor interrupt ==> 管理程序中断,访管中断
  68623. supervisor lock ==> 管理程序封锁,管理程序锁,管理程序锁定
  68624. supervisor mode ==> 管理程序方式,管理程序状态,管理方式,管态
  68625. supervisor operation system ==> 管理操作系统
  68626. supervisor overlay ==> 管理覆盖程序,重叠管理程序
  68627. supervisor program test ==> 管理程序测试
  68628. supervisor queue area ==> 管理程序队列区,管理排队区
  68629. supervisor register ==> 管理寄存器
  68630. supervisor request block ==> 管理请求分程序
  68631. supervisor residant area ==> 管理程序常驻区域
  68632. supervisor resident area ==> 管理程序驻留区
  68633. supervisor routine ==> 管理程序的例行程序
  68634. supervisor services ==> 管理服务,管理服务程序,管理业务
  68635. supervisor state ==> 管理程序状态,管态
  68636. supervisor state of the control processor ==> 控制处理机的管理程序状态
  68637. supervisor status ==> 管态
  68638. supervisor test program ==> 管理程序的试验程序
  68639. supervisor transient area ==> 管理程序暂驻区
  68640. supervisor's circuit ==> 话务监察电路
  68641. supervisor's desk ==> 监控台,监视操作台
  68642. supervisor-call interrupt ==> 监控程序请求中断,进入管理程序中断
  68643. supervisor-privileged instruction ==> 管理特许指令
  68644. supervisory ==> 监控=>監視
  68645. supervisory agency ==> 监督管理机构
  68646. supervisory authorities ==> 监督管理机构
  68647. supervisory capability ==> 管理能力
  68648. supervisory character ==> 监督用字符
  68649. supervisory circuit ==> 监控电路
  68650. supervisory computer ==> 上位机
  68651. supervisory computer control ==> 計算機監視制御方式
  68652. supervisory console ==> 监控台
  68653. supervisory control ==> 监督控制,监视用的控制系统,管理控制,管理控制系统=>監視制御
  68654. supervisory control and data acquisition, SCADA ==> 监控与数据采集系统,对地域上分布的过程进行监视和控制的系统
  68655. supervisory control center ==> 集中制御所(C.C)
  68656. supervisory control computer ==> 监控计算机
  68657. supervisory control desk ==> 控制台
  68658. supervisory control disk ==> 管理控制盘
  68659. supervisory equipment ==> 监视设备
  68660. supervisory frame ==> 管理画面
  68661. supervisory gear ==> 检测监视装置
  68662. supervisory institution ==> 监护制度,工作人员在电气作业过程中,设置监护人并受其指导与监督,及时纠正作业中的一切不安全因素,达到安全作业目的的一整套制度
  68663. supervisory instrument ==> 监测装置
  68664. supervisory keyboard ==> 监控键盘,控制键盘,管理键盘
  68665. supervisory lamp ==> 监视灯=>監視ランプ
  68666. supervisory level ==> 管理级别
  68667. supervisory memory ==> 监视存储器
  68668. supervisory methods ==> 监督管理方法
  68669. supervisory mode ==> 管态
  68670. supervisory operating system ==> 管理操作系统
  68671. supervisory policy ==> 监督管理政策
  68672. supervisory powers ==> 监督管理权力
  68673. supervisory program ==> 管理程序=>監視プログラム
  68674. supervisory program simulation ==> 管理程序仿真,管理程序模拟
  68675. supervisory relay ==> 管理中继,管理转接
  68676. supervisory role ==> 监督管理作用
  68677. supervisory routine ==> 管理程序,管理例行程序,管理子程序
  68678. supervisory sequence ==> 管理顺序,管理序列,监督序列
  68679. supervisory service ==> 管理业务
  68680. supervisory signal ==> 监视信号=>監視信号
  68681. supervisory system ==> 监控系统
  68682. supervisory system using harmonic signal as additional input of protective digital relay ==> 保護リレーの高調波重畳監視方式
  68683. supervisory systems ==> 监管系统
  68684. supervisory unit ==> 管理设备
  68685. supervisory-controlled robot ==> 监控机器人
  68686. supervisors circuit ==> 话务监察电路
  68687. supervital mutant ==> 超活力突变型
  68688. supervital reaction ==> 超生反应
  68689. supervoltage ==> 超高压
  68690. supervoltage radiation ==> 高压辐射,高能辐射
  68691. supervoltage radiotherapy ==> 超高压放射治疗
  68692. supervoltage therapy ==> 超压治疗
  68693. superweak force ==> 超弱作用力
  68694. superweak interaction ==> 超弱相互作用
  68695. superweak luminescence ==> 超微弱发光
  68696. superwide array ==> 超宽组合
  68697. superwide band oscilloscope ==> 超宽频带示波器
  68698. superwide-angled object glass ==> 超宽视角物镜
  68699. superword ==> 超字
  68700. superzigzag decorative stitch ==> 高级曲折形装饰线迹
  68701. superzone ==> 超带,超区
  68702. supination tester ==> 旋后测试器
  68703. supinator position ==> 旋后位
  68704. supine hypotensive syndrome ==> 仰卧低血压综合征
  68705. supine hypotensive syndrome in pregnancy ==> 孕期仰卧低血压综合征
  68706. supine position ==> 仰卧,仰卧位,背卧位
  68707. supine position headrest ==> 仰卧位头靠
  68708. supplant ==> 取代=>取って代わる,サプラント,追い越す
  68709. supple ==> 柔軟な,しなやかな
  68710. supplement ==> 增补,增刊,附册,补充,补角,补码,补遗,添加物=>補足,補遺,補完,追補,付録,栄養補助食品,サプリメント,サプルメン
  68711. supplement feed ==> 补充饲料
  68712. supplement of an arc ==> 补弧
  68713. supplement to authorized signature ==> 补充印鉴
  68714. supplement unemployment benefits (SUB) ==> 补充失业救济金
  68715. supplemental ==> 补足的
  68716. supplemental air ==> 补呼气,储气
  68717. supplemental capacity ==> 补供输出功率
  68718. supplemental chords ==> 补弦
  68719. supplemental colour ==> 补色
  68720. supplemental credit ==> 附加信贷,追加信贷
  68721. supplemental crop ==> 辅助作物
  68722. supplemental deed ==> 补充契据
  68723. supplemental equipment ==> 补充设备
  68724. supplemental equipment requirement ==> 辅助设备要求
  68725. supplemental factor ==> 补助因子
  68726. supplemental fertilizer ==> 补肥
  68727. supplemental firing ==> 强化燃烧
  68728. supplemental gene ==> 补加基因
  68729. supplemental illumination ==> 辅助光照
  68730. supplemental information ==> 增补信息
  68731. supplemental irrigation ==> 辅助灌溉,补充灌溉,补充性灌溉
  68732. supplemental material ==> 辅助物料
  68733. supplemental medium ==> 补给性培养基
  68734. supplemental pasture ==> 补充牧场,辅助牧草
  68735. supplemental teeth ==> 额外牙
  68736. supplemental trimming filter ==> 辅助微调滤光片
  68737. supplemental water ==> 补充灌溉水
  68738. supplemental water-supply source ==> 辅助供水水源
  68739. supplementary ==> 辅助的,辅助信息,副的,附加的,补充的,补足的
  68740. supplementary accounts ==> 辅助帐户
  68741. supplementary air ==> 补充空气,补助空气
  68742. supplementary air valve ==> 补充气阀
  68743. supplementary allowance ==> 补充免税额
  68744. supplementary angle ==> 补角=>補角
  68745. supplementary appropriations ==> 追加拨款
  68746. supplementary bearing ==> 副轴承
  68747. supplementary bench mark ==> 辅助水准点
  68748. supplementary boiler ==> 辅助锅炉
  68749. supplementary budget ==> 追加预算,补充预算
  68750. supplementary buildings of thermal power plant ==> 火力发电厂附属建筑物,为生产和管理服务以及为消防、保卫和对外联系需要而设置的建筑物
  68751. supplementary calls ==> 追加股款
  68752. supplementary civil compensation ==> 附带民事赔偿
  68753. supplementary condition ==> 补充条件
  68754. supplementary conditions ==> 辅助条件
  68755. supplementary contour ==> 辅助等高线,补助等高线,补助性等高线
  68756. supplementary contract ==> 补充契约
  68757. supplementary cooling ==> 补充冷却
  68758. supplementary costs ==> 辅助成本
  68759. supplementary course ==> 补充课程
  68760. supplementary data ==> 补充数据
  68761. supplementary data report ==> 补充数据报告
  68762. supplementary design formula ==> 补充设计公式
  68763. supplementary diaphragm pump ==> 备用隔膜泵
  68764. supplementary dividend ==> 附加股息,追加股息
  68765. supplementary earning ==> 补充收益
  68766. supplementary effect ==> 互补作用
  68767. supplementary equipment ==> 补充设备
  68768. supplementary estimates ==> 追加概算
  68769. supplementary exploration ==> 补充查勘
  68770. supplementary exposure ==> 附加曝光
  68771. supplementary feeding ==> 补充喂饲,补饲
  68772. supplementary fertilizer ==> 补充肥料
  68773. supplementary financing facility ==> 补充贷款
  68774. supplementary flux ==> 炉外熔剂
  68775. supplementary fuel ==> 补充燃料
  68776. supplementary gear-box ==> 副变速箱
  68777. supplementary genes ==> 补加基因
  68778. supplementary group ==> 辅助线组
  68779. supplementary guarantee ==> 补充担保
  68780. supplementary heating ==> 补充供暖
  68781. supplementary humidification ==> 补充加湿
  68782. supplementary income ==> 附加收入
  68783. supplementary income tax ==> 追加所得税
  68784. supplementary instrument ==> 辅助仪表,辅助仪器
  68785. supplementary insulation ==> 补充绝缘,附加绝缘,基本绝缘之外使用的独立绝缘,可在基本绝缘损坏的情况下更好的防止电击
  68786. supplementary irrigation ==> 补充灌溉
  68787. supplementary item ==> 补充项目
  68788. supplementary judgment ==> 补充判决
  68789. supplementary labour ==> 附带劳动
  68790. supplementary layer of felt ==> 附加油毡层,辅助油毡层
  68791. supplementary lens ==> 附加镜,附加镜头,附加透镜,前置透镜
  68792. supplementary lighting ==> 辅助照明
  68793. supplementary list ==> 补充项目表
  68794. supplementary live steam nozzle ==> 补助进汽嘴
  68795. supplementary live steam pipe ==> 辅助进汽管
  68796. supplementary loan ==> 补充贷款
  68797. supplementary loss ==> 附加损失
  68798. supplementary maintenance ==> 附加维修
  68799. supplementary maintenance time ==> 附加维修时间,辅助维护时间
  68800. supplementary means ==> 辅助工具,辅助手段
  68801. supplementary mill ==> 辅助轧机
  68802. supplementary observation ==> 辅助观测,补充观测
  68803. supplementary occupation ==> 辅助职业
  68804. Supplementary Paper on Planning Intention for Sunshine Island ==> 《周公岛的规划意向补充文件》
  68805. supplementary parts ==> 补充配件
  68806. supplementary petroleum duty ==> 补充石油税
  68807. supplementary point ==> 补充测点
  68808. supplementary power ==> 补充电力
  68809. supplementary power supply set ==> 附加电源装置
  68810. supplementary pressure ==> 附加压力
  68811. supplementary production ==> 副业生产
  68812. supplementary properties ==> 次要性能
  68813. supplementary provision ==> 补充规定
  68814. supplementary radial arm ==> 辅助旋臂
  68815. supplementary rate ==> 补充比率
  68816. supplementary ratios ==> 补充比率
  68817. supplementary recovery method ==> 补充开采法
  68818. supplementary regulation ==> 补充规定
  68819. supplementary relay ==> 辅助继电器
  68820. supplementary reserve ==> 附加准备金
  68821. supplementary set ==> 补集
  68822. supplementary special deposit ==> 补充特别存款
  68823. supplementary special deposits ==> 辅助性特别存款
  68824. supplementary specification ==> 补充说明
  68825. supplementary speed reduction means ==> 辅助减速装置
  68826. supplementary spring ==> 保险弹簧
  68827. supplementary station ==> 补充测站
  68828. supplementary steam valve ==> 进汽补充阀
  68829. supplementary storage ==> 辅助存储,辅助存储法
  68830. supplementary subroutine ==> 辅助子程序
  68831. supplementary table ==> 辅助表,补充表
  68832. supplementary tables ==> 补充表格
  68833. supplementary tax ==> 附加税
  68834. supplementary tax sensitivity ==> 附加税敏感性
  68835. supplementary tax survey ==> 附加税调查表
  68836. supplementary tax types ==> 辅助税种
  68837. supplementary therapy ==> 补充治疗
  68838. supplementary treatment ==> 补充处理,补充治疗
  68839. supplementary triangulation ==> 补充三角测量
  68840. supplementary unemployment benefit ==> 补偿失业福利
  68841. supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) ==> 辅助失业救济金
  68842. supplementary volume ==> 补编,补卷
  68843. supplementary wall ==> 附加墙
  68844. supplementary water control zone ==> 附水质管制区
  68845. supplementary water injection ==> 补充注水
  68846. supplementary-fired steam generator ==> 补充燃烧式蒸汽发生器
  68847. supplemented subspace ==> 补充子空间
  68848. supplementing qi and nourishing yin ==> 益气养阴
  68849. supplementing qi and restoring yang ==> 益气回阳
  68850. supplements ==> 补脉
  68851. supplements (petroleum substitutes) ==> 石油代用品
  68852. supplements to wages and salaries ==> 附加薪资
  68853. supplied load ==> 馈电负载容量
  68854. supplied power to private generation ==> 自家発補給電力
  68855. supplied-air respirator ==> 供气呼吸器
  68856. supplied-air suit ==> 气衣
  68857. supplier ==> 供应商=>サプライヤー
  68858. supplier credit ==> 卖方信贷
  68859. supplier's account ==> 卖主帐户
  68860. supplier's company name ==> 調達先名
  68861. supplier's credit ==> 卖主信贷,信贷供应者
  68862. supplier's profit ==> 供給者利益
  68863. supplies inventory ==> 辅助材料储备
  68864. supplies on hand ==> 库存物料
  68865. Supplies under Category I ==> 一类物资
  68866. supplies under Category Ⅱ ==> 二类物资
  68867. supply ==> 给料,供给,供应,电源,补充,补给,填补
  68868. supply a deficiency ==> 补缺
  68869. supply active fertilizer ==> 提供速效肥
  68870. supply air duct ==> 送风管道
  68871. supply air line ==> 供气管路
  68872. supply air pipe ==> 供气管
  68873. supply air system ==> 送风系统
  68874. supply air tube ==> 供气管
  68875. supply and demand control ==> 需給制御
  68876. Supply and Demand Division Committee of Electric Utility Industry Council ==> 電気事業審議会需給部会
  68877. supply and demand mutual backup interchange power ==> 需給相互応援融通電力
  68878. supply and erection ==> 供应与装设
  68879. supply and installation ==> 供应与安装
  68880. supply area ==> 补给区
  68881. supply barge ==> 補給船
  68882. supply boat ==> 補給船
  68883. supply canal ==> 供水渠
  68884. supply capability ==> 供給[能]力
  68885. supply capacity for base load ==> ベース供給力
  68886. supply capacity for middle load ==> ミドル供給力
  68887. supply capacity for peak load ==> ピーク供給力
  68888. supply capacity scheduling system ==> 供給力計画支援システム
  68889. supply center ==> 供应中心
  68890. supply certified seed ==> 提供合格种子
  68891. supply channel ==> 供水渠
  68892. supply colter ==> 栽植开沟器
  68893. supply column ==> 供应塔
  68894. supply constraint ==> 供给约束条件
  68895. supply container ==> 供应容器
  68896. supply continuity criteria ==> 供电连续性判锯,在给定时间内,由停电时偏离连续供电的理想状态的特征量(诸如停电次数、持续时数、电量丧失)累计导出的量值
  68897. supply contract ==> 供应合同
  68898. supply control ==> 补给品管理制
  68899. supply correspondence ==> 供应对应
  68900. supply current ==> 馈电电路
  68901. supply current harmonics ==> 電源電流高調波
  68902. supply delay time ==> 供应等待时间,待料时间
  68903. supply demand balance ==> 需給バランス
  68904. supply depot ==> 补给仓库
  68905. supply different vitamins ==> 提供不同维生素
  68906. supply disconnecton ==> 电源切断
  68907. supply elite seed ==> 提供优种种子
  68908. supply endemic species ==> 提供当地种
  68909. supply equipment ==> 供水设备
  68910. supply faecal manure ==> 提供粪肥
  68911. supply failure ==> 供应中断
  68912. supply fan ==> 进气风扇
  68913. supply farm reservoir ==> 提供农田用水的水库
  68914. supply fertilizer source ==> 提供肥源
  68915. supply flume ==> 供水槽
  68916. supply frequency ==> 电源频率
  68917. supply gate ==> 补充栅
  68918. supply glassing bag ==> 提供玻璃纸袋
  68919. supply grill ==> 进气花格板
  68920. supply grille ==> 送风格栅
  68921. supply header ==> 料集流管,加料集流管
  68922. supply heat ==> 供热
  68923. supply high yielding seed ==> 提供高产品种
  68924. supply honest goods at honest price ==> 货真价实
  68925. supply hub ==> 电源插孔
  68926. supply hybrid species ==> 提供杂交种
  68927. supply implements for inter-cultivations ==> 提供中耕机具
  68928. supply in accordance with special needs ==> 特需供应
  68929. supply indigenous species ==> 提供当地种
  68930. supply interruption ==> 供电中断,断电
  68931. supply interruption costs ==> 停电费用,由停电造成的社会经济损失费用的估算值
  68932. supply irrigation hydrant ==> 提供灌溉龙头
  68933. supply irrigation layout plan ==> 提供灌溉系统图
  68934. supply jet ==> 供给射流
  68935. supply lead ==> 馈电线
  68936. supply line ==> 馈电线,馈电线路,供应管线,补给线,补给线
  68937. supply lines ==> 供电线
  68938. supply lock arm ==> 供带锁定臂
  68939. supply main ==> 给水总管,供电干线,供应总管,馈电干线
  68940. supply main pipes ==> 提供输水管
  68941. supply margin ==> 供給可能電力
  68942. supply medium variety ==> 提供中熟品种
  68943. supply meter ==> 馈路电度表
  68944. supply mid-variety ==> 提供中熟品种
  68945. supply mother seed ==> 提供原种
  68946. supply network ==> 供电网,馈电网
  68947. supply nozzle ==> 供给喷嘴
  68948. supply of commodities ==> 商品供应
  68949. supply of emergency electric source ==> 保安电源送电
  68950. supply of equipment ==> 设备供应
  68951. supply of equipment and materials ==> 设备材料供应
  68952. supply of fuel ==> 燃料供应
  68953. supply of goods ==> 货源
  68954. supply of heat ==> 供热
  68955. supply of inflation ==> 通货膨胀的根源
  68956. supply of manpower ==> 人力供应
  68957. supply of people ==> 人的供给
  68958. supply of power ==> 动力供应,电力供应
  68959. supply of technical information agreement ==> 提供技术情报协议
  68960. supply of the market ==> 市场供应
  68961. supply of water ==> 供水
  68962. supply oscillator ==> 信号源
  68963. supply other fertilizer materials ==> 提供其他肥料
  68964. supply parent material ==> 提供原始材料
  68965. supply pedigree seed ==> 提供原种
  68966. supply perforated sprinkler ==> 提供多孔管喷灌装置
  68967. supply pipe ==> 给水管,供应管
  68968. supply pressure ==> 供给压力,供应压力
  68969. supply pressure level ==> 供给压力值
  68970. supply pressure null shift ==> 供给压力零漂
  68971. supply protable sprinkler ==> 提供活动喷灌装置
  68972. supply pump ==> 供油泵
  68973. supply quick-acting fertilizer ==> 提供速效肥
  68974. supply range of complete set ==> 成套供应范围
  68975. supply rate ==> 供水率
  68976. supply reel ==> 供带卷轴,供带盘,绕线车=>テープ繰り出しリール
  68977. supply relay ==> 供电继电器
  68978. supply reliability ==> 供給信頼度
  68979. supply riser ==> 给水立管
  68980. supply room ==> 供应室
  68981. supply service, line connection ==> 接户线路,从配电系统供电到用户装置的分支线路
  68982. supply ship ==> 補給船
  68983. supply short-stalked variety ==> 提供矮秆品种
  68984. supply side ==> 进给端,供应方面,馈电侧
  68985. supply soil sample ==> 提供土样
  68986. supply source ==> 电源,供应源
  68987. supply spool ==> 供卷筒,供片盒
  68988. supply station ==> 供电站
  68989. supply stock seed ==> 提供原种
  68990. supply subsurface water ==> 提供地下水
  68991. supply suspension ==> 断电
  68992. supply system ==> 供应系统,包干制
  68993. supply tank ==> 给水箱,供水柜,供水箱,供应槽,供应油罐,贮液槽
  68994. supply terminal ==> 馈供终端=>受給地点
  68995. supply terminals ==> 电源接线端,供电点,供电(配电)系统与用户电气系统的联结点
  68996. supply to seal ==> 供给密封
  68997. supply transformer ==> 供电变压器,馈电变压器,电源变压器
  68998. supply tube ==> 供给管
  68999. supply underground water ==> 提供地下水
  69000. supply unit ==> 电源装置,电源部件
  69001. supply urea ==> 提供尿素
  69002. supply valve ==> 供给阀,供应阀
  69003. supply valve spring ==> 供给阀簧
  69004. supply variation ==> 供电波动
  69005. supply voltage ==> 电源电压,供电电压,供电点处的线电压或相电压
  69006. supply voltage indicator ==> 电源电压指示器,供压指示器
  69007. supply voltage variation ==> 电源电压变动
  69008. supply water management scheme ==> 提供排水计划
  69009. supply without cost (obligation) ==> 无条件供应
  69010. supply-air outlet ==> 送风口
  69011. supply-demand control ==> 需給運用
  69012. supply-demand ratio ==> 市场供需比,市场供应需求比,它借助于分析市场总需求量和总供给量之间的比值来检验在何种条件下会引发市场力
  69013. supply-end reserves ==> 供給端予備力
  69014. supply-side ==> サプライサイド,供給側
  69015. supply-water pump ==> 供水泵
  69016. supplying fluid for laxation ==> 增液泻下
  69017. support ==> 载体,台,光学座,支,支承,支持,支持器,支点,支护,支集,支架,支柱,载波=>支持物
  69018. support (saddle) ==> 支座
  69019. support a single floret ==> 支撑单位
  69020. support abutment ==> 支座
  69021. support aircraft ==> 支援飞机
  69022. support arm ==> 支架臂
  69023. support arm shaft ==> 支臂轴
  69024. support artillery ==> 支援炮兵
  69025. support aviation ==> 支援航空兵
  69026. support bar ==> 支承杆件
  69027. support beam ==> 支撑梁
  69028. support blade ==> 支撑叶片
  69029. support bolt ==> 支螺栓
  69030. support boss ==> 支撑套筒
  69031. support bracket ==> 支托,承托架
  69032. support bracket bolt ==> 支架螺栓,支托架螺栓
  69033. support cage ==> 支承轮毂
  69034. support cage carrier ==> 支承轮毂架
  69035. support cap ==> 支柱帽
  69036. support center ==> 供应中心
  69037. support chip ==> 支片
  69038. support circuit ==> 辅助电路
  69039. support circuitry ==> 支架电路
  69040. support coated open tubular column ==> 涂载体的开口管柱
  69041. support column ==> 支承杆柱,支承管,支承柱
  69042. support cylinder ==> 支撑油缸
  69043. support design ==> 支座设计
  69044. support device ==> 支撑装置
  69045. support element ==> 支架构件
  69046. support for aged people and disabled people ==> 高齢者障害者支援
  69047. support for elderly people and disabled people ==> 高齢者障害者支援
  69048. support for fixing down lead ==> 引下线固定支脚
  69049. support frame ==> 支架
  69050. support function ==> 支撑函数
  69051. support graph ==> 支座图
  69052. support grid ==> 支承栅板
  69053. support hardware ==> 辅助设备,支援硬件
  69054. support hosiery ==> 护腿袜
  69055. support insulator ==> 支持绝缘子
  69056. support jaw ==> 支座夹片
  69057. support lead ==> 框架引线
  69058. support leg ==> 支脚,支柱
  69059. support lug ==> 支承凸缘
  69060. support mechanism ==> 维持机制,承重机构
  69061. support microprocessor ==> 辅助微处理器
  69062. support moment ==> 支承力矩
  69063. support of a game ==> 对策的支撑
  69064. support of bearing ==> 轴承支架
  69065. support of large vessels for stiffness ==> 大容器支座刚性
  69066. support of motor ==> 电动机支座
  69067. support of pipelines ==> 管道支架
  69068. support of table ==> 工作台支架
  69069. support of vessel ==> 容器支承
  69070. support oneself or one's family ==> 维持生活
  69071. support pad ==> 支承耳
  69072. support piece ==> 支承块
  69073. support pillar ==> 支柱
  69074. support pin ==> 支钉
  69075. support pitch ==> 支撑节距=>サポートピッチ
  69076. support plate ==> 支承板,底板
  69077. support post ==> 栏板立柱
  69078. support pressure ==> 支承反力,支承压力,支点压力,支座反力
  69079. support price ==> 支持价格,维持性价格
  69080. support processor ==> 辅助处理程序
  69081. support program ==> 支援程序
  69082. support program(me) ==> 支架程序
  69083. support rail ==> 承轨
  69084. support reaction ==> 支承反力
  69085. support removal ==> 拆除支撑
  69086. support resistance ==> 支承阻力
  69087. support ring ==> 支撑环,支承环,支承圈
  69088. support rod ==> 载体棒
  69089. support screw cap ==> 结合螺帽
  69090. support services ==> 支援服务
  69091. support setting ==> 支架安设
  69092. support shaft ==> 支架轴
  69093. support ship ==> 补给运输船,火力支援舰
  69094. support signal ==> 支承式信号装置
  69095. support skirt ==> 支承裙筒,承压支承筒
  69096. support slot ==> 支承槽
  69097. support software ==> 支援软件
  69098. support spring ==> 支承弹簧
  69099. support stand ==> 支架,支柱
  69100. support stand with bearing ==> 轴承支架
  69101. support stockings ==> 护腿长袜
  69102. support stringer ==> 栅篱架设机
  69103. support structure ==> 支承结构
  69104. support stud ==> 支架柱螺栓
  69105. support surface ==> 支承表面
  69106. support system ==> 支援系统
  69107. support tool ==> 后援手段
  69108. support transmission, distribution, etc. ==> 送配電等支援業務
  69109. support trunnion ==> 支撑端轴
  69110. support tube ==> 支承管
  69111. support type tool holder ==> 刀架式刀杆
  69112. support unit ==> 单体支架,支护构件
  69113. support utility ==> 后援实用程序
  69114. support value ==> 支承量
  69115. support value duty ==> 保价关税
  69116. support vector machine ==> サポートベクターマシン
  69117. support window ==> サポートウィンドウ
  69118. supported adhesive ==> 载体胶粘剂
  69119. supported along four sides ==> 四边支承
  69120. supported bar ==> 支承杆
  69121. supported beam ==> 支持梁
  69122. supported boiler structure ==> 支承式锅炉构架,锅炉部件直接支承在横梁上的锅炉构架。
  69123. supported by other credit ==> 信贷支持的信贷
  69124. supported by the meteorology development ==> 在气象部门的协助下
  69125. supported cable ==> 支撑电缆
  69126. supported face ==> 支护工作面
  69127. supported flange ==> 压紧法兰
  69128. supported joint ==> 支承接头
  69129. supported piston ==> 平衡活塞
  69130. supported shaker ==> 支架式振动运输机
  69131. supported-spindle (type) gyratory ==> 支轴式旋回破碎机
  69132. supported-spindle type crusher ==> 支轴型破碎机
  69133. supporter ==> 支撑物,支架,支脚,支柱,载体,担体
  69134. supporter combustion ==> 助燃剂
  69135. supporting ==> 撑,支承,支承面
  69136. supporting a fence ==> 支撑篱笆
  69137. supporting angle iron ==> 支角铁
  69138. supporting angle steel ==> 支承角钢
  69139. supporting area ==> 支承面积=>支持組織部
  69140. supporting arm ==> 支持臂,撑臂,支臂,支承弧门门叶的传力结构部件,形如“两臂”
  69141. supporting arrangements ==> 支持装置
  69142. supporting axle ==> 支承轴
  69143. supporting back ==> 支背
  69144. supporting base ==> 衬底
  69145. supporting bead ==> 支承垫圈,支承珠
  69146. supporting beam ==> 支承梁
  69147. supporting bearing ==> 支撑轴承,支座轴承,支撑瓦=>支持軸受
  69148. supporting block ==> 支持凸轮,支柱,支座
  69149. supporting body ==> 承载体
  69150. supporting bracket ==> 支承架
  69151. supporting capacity ==> 承载能力
  69152. supporting cell ==> 支持细胞
  69153. supporting clip ==> 支持环箍
  69154. supporting column ==> 支柱
  69155. supporting cone ==> 支承锥体
  69156. supporting construction ==> 支承结构
  69157. supporting course ==> 支承层,承重层,持力层
  69158. supporting culture ==> 支撑栽培
  69159. supporting cylinder ==> 支承圆柱体,支持圆柱体
  69160. supporting device ==> 支承装置
  69161. supporting dielectric ==> 支持介质
  69162. supporting disk ==> 支承盘
  69163. supporting distance ==> 支援距离
  69164. supporting distance of beam ==> 梁的支承间距
  69165. supporting evidence ==> 附属证据
  69166. supporting facilities ==> 配套设施
  69167. supporting fibers ==> 支柱纤维
  69168. supporting film ==> 支持膜
  69169. supporting fixture ==> 支承夹具
  69170. supporting flange ==> 压紧法兰
  69171. supporting force ==> 支承力,支承力
  69172. supporting frame ==> 支承构架,支架
  69173. supporting gas ==> 负载气体
  69174. supporting heelplate ==> 支持导向背靠板
  69175. supporting housing ==> 支罩
  69176. supporting hyperplane ==> 支撑超平面
  69177. supporting hyperplane algorithm ==> 支撑超平面算法
  69178. supporting instrument ==> 辅助仪表
  69179. supporting jack ==> 支撑千斤顶
  69180. supporting journal ==> 支承轴颈
  69181. supporting lamella ==> 支持板
  69182. supporting layer ==> 支承层,支持层,承托层
  69183. supporting lever ==> 支承杠杆
  69184. supporting line ==> 支撑线
  69185. supporting line function ==> 支撑线函数
  69186. supporting liquid ==> 支承液体
  69187. supporting lug ==> 支撑耳柄
  69188. supporting machinery ==> 支承机械
  69189. supporting mass ==> 支承体
  69190. supporting measures ==> 配套措施
  69191. supporting mechanism ==> 支撑机构
  69192. supporting medium ==> 支持媒质,负载介质
  69193. supporting member ==> 承重构件,支承构件
  69194. supporting memorandum ==> 附属单据
  69195. supporting mobile structures ==> 机动支承构架
  69196. supporting nut ==> 支承螺母
  69197. supporting part ==> 支承部分,承重部分
  69198. supporting performance ==> 支护性能
  69199. supporting pier ==> 支承墩
  69200. supporting pile ==> 支承桩
  69201. supporting pillar ==> 支持柱,支柱
  69202. supporting plane ==> 支撑平面
  69203. supporting plate ==> 支承板,撑板
  69204. supporting plug ==> 支持柱塞
  69205. supporting point ==> 支点
  69206. supporting pole ==> 支承杆,支持柱
  69207. supporting position ==> 支援阵地
  69208. supporting power ==> 承重量
  69209. supporting pressure ==> 支撑压力
  69210. supporting process ==> 辅助过程
  69211. supporting rail ==> 支承轨,支承轨
  69212. supporting reaction ==> 支承反力
  69213. supporting reactions ==> 支持反应
  69214. supporting record ==> 辅助记录
  69215. supporting reflex ==> 支持反射
  69216. supporting resistance ==> 支承反力
  69217. supporting rib ==> 支承肋
  69218. supporting ring ==> 支承环,支环,绑环,垫环
  69219. supporting rod ==> 支杆
  69220. supporting roll ==> 支承辊,承压液
  69221. supporting roller ==> 随动轮,托轮,支承辊,支承滚柱,支承轮
  69222. supporting root ==> 支持根
  69223. supporting screw ==> 支承螺钉
  69224. supporting seat ==> 支座
  69225. supporting shell ==> 支壳
  69226. supporting shoe ==> 支撑块
  69227. supporting sleeve ==> 支承套
  69228. supporting spring ==> 支承弹簧,承簧
  69229. supporting stand hole distance ==> 支座孔距
  69230. supporting stand size ==> 支座尺寸
  69231. supporting statements ==> 附表
  69232. supporting steel plate ==> 支承钢板
  69233. supporting strap ==> 支承带
  69234. supporting strategies ==> 辅助战略
  69235. supporting structure ==> 支持物
  69236. supporting strut ==> 支柱
  69237. supporting stub ==> 支撑短截线
  69238. supporting surface ==> 支承面,支持面
  69239. supporting system ==> 支承系统,支架系统,辅助系统
  69240. supporting technology ==> 基础技术,技术基础
  69241. supporting tissue ==> 支持组织
  69242. supporting tissue of tooth ==> 支持组织
  69243. supporting treatment ==> 支持疗法
  69244. supporting tube ==> 支撑管,支柱管
  69245. supporting value ==> 承重量
  69246. supporting wall ==> 支承墙
  69247. supporting washer ==> 支承垫圈
  69248. supporting wire ==> 支撑线,吊线
  69249. supporting-wire ==> 支持線
  69250. supportive psychotherapy ==> 支持性心理治疗
  69251. supportive treatment ==> 支持疗法
  69252. supports of spherical vessel ==> 球形容器支座
  69253. supports to prevent distortion ==> 用支撑防止大变形
  69254. supposedly ==> たぶん,恐らく,仮に
  69255. suppositional growth ==> 虚拟的增长
  69256. suppress ==> 抑,取缔,删除
  69257. suppress interference ==> 排除干扰
  69258. suppress length indicator ==> 控制长度指示器
  69259. suppress statement ==> 抑制语句
  69260. suppressed carrier ==> 抑制载波=>抑圧搬送波
  69261. suppressed carrier operation ==> 抑制载波工作
  69262. suppressed carrier optical modulation ==> 抑制载频光学调制
  69263. suppressed carrier system ==> 抑制载波体制
  69264. suppressed carrier transmission ==> 载波抑制式传输
  69265. suppressed carrier transmitter ==> 载波抑制式发射机
  69266. suppressed circuit ==> 抑制电路
  69267. suppressed contraction ==> 不完全收缩
  69268. suppressed demand ==> 被抑制的需求
  69269. suppressed field system ==> 抑制场制
  69270. suppressed frame ==> 被删的框架
  69271. suppressed inflation ==> 被遏制的通货膨胀
  69272. suppressed red response ==> 抑制红色灵敏度
  69273. suppressed respiration ==> 呼吸音消失
  69274. suppressed scale ==> 圧縮目盛
  69275. suppressed sideband ==> 抑制边带
  69276. suppressed time ==> 抑制时间
  69277. suppressed time delay ==> 抑制时间延迟
  69278. suppressed tree ==> 被压木
  69279. suppressed tree farm ==> 被压木场
  69280. suppressed weir ==> 两端不收缩狭堰
  69281. suppressed zero ==> 校正零点
  69282. suppressed-carrier ==> 载波抑制式
  69283. suppressed-carrier transmission ==> 抑制载波传输
  69284. suppressed-carrier transmitter ==> 抑制载波发射机
  69285. suppressed-zero instrument ==> 无零点仪表,无零位仪表
  69286. suppressed-zero meter ==> 无零点刻度仪表
  69287. suppressed-zero pressure ga(u)ge ==> 无零位压力表
  69288. suppressible character frame ==> 可删字符框架
  69289. suppressible complex frame ==> 可删点框架
  69290. suppressible digit frame ==> 可删数字框架
  69291. suppressible exponent frame ==> 可删指数框架
  69292. suppressible point frame ==> 可删点框架
  69293. suppressing agent ==> 抑制剂
  69294. suppressing surge voltage ==> サージ電圧抑制
  69295. suppression ==> 抑止,抑制,禁止打印,禁止显示,遏抑,遏止,压制作用,制止
  69296. suppression character ==> 抑制字符
  69297. suppression circuit ==> 抑制电路
  69298. suppression condenser ==> 噪声消除电容器,噪声抑制电容器
  69299. suppression device ==> 抑制装置
  69300. suppression filter ==> 抑制滤波器
  69301. suppression hangover time ==> 抑制延迟时间
  69302. suppression method ==> 抑制法
  69303. suppression of disturbance signal ==> 干扰信号抑制
  69304. suppression of homoeologous pairing ==> 对部分同源配对的压制
  69305. suppression of noise ==> ノイズ抑制
  69306. suppression of sweating ==> 止汗
  69307. suppression operate time ==> 抑制工作时间
  69308. suppression pulse ==> 抑制脉冲
  69309. suppression recovery ==> 抑制恢复
  69310. suppression resistance ==> 抑制电阻
  69311. suppression resistor ==> 抑制电阻
  69312. suppression symbol ==> 取消符号
  69313. suppression test ==> 抑制试验
  69314. suppressive drug ==> 抑制性药物
  69315. suppressor ==> 抑制栅
  69316. suppressor choke ==> 抑制扼流圈,降低干扰扼流圈
  69317. suppressor condenser ==> 抑制干扰电容器
  69318. suppressor electrode ==> 抑制电极
  69319. suppressor factor ==> 抑制因子
  69320. suppressor gauge ==> 抑制型电离真空计
  69321. suppressor gene ==> 抑制基因,校正基因
  69322. suppressor grid ==> 抑制栅极
  69323. suppressor grid amplitude modulation ==> 抑制栅极调幅
  69324. suppressor grid modulation ==> 抑制栅极调变,抑制栅极调制
  69325. suppressor grid modulation circuit ==> 抑制栅调制电路
  69326. suppressor impulse ==> 抑制脉冲
  69327. suppressor ion gauge ==> 抑制型电离真空计
  69328. suppressor kit ==> 抑制无线电干扰的成套装置
  69329. suppressor loss ==> 抑制损耗
  69330. suppressor mesh ==> 抑制网
  69331. suppressor modulation ==> 抑制栅极调制
  69332. suppressor mutation ==> 抑制基因突变,抑制因子突变
  69333. suppressor nozzle ==> 消音喷管
  69334. suppressor potential ==> 抑制栅电位,抑制栅极电位
  69335. suppressor pulse ==> 抑制脉冲,闭塞脉冲
  69336. suppressor resistor ==> 阻尼电阻
  69337. suppressor-grid voltage ==> 抑制栅电压
  69338. suppuration rate of aseptic operation ==> 无菌手术化脓率
  69339. suppurative arthritis ==> 化脓性关节炎
  69340. suppurative cervical lymphadenitis ==> 化脓性颈淋巴结炎
  69341. suppurative chondritis of rib ==> 化脓性肋软骨炎
  69342. suppurative fever ==> 化脓热
  69343. suppurative hepatitis ==> 化脓性肝炎
  69344. suppurative hidradenitis ==> 化脓性汗腺炎
  69345. suppurative infection of mediastinum ==> 纵隔化脓感染
  69346. suppurative interstitial pneumonia ==> 化脓性间质性肺炎
  69347. suppurative mandibular arthritis ==> 化脓性下颌关节炎
  69348. suppurative pericarditis ==> 化脓性心包炎
  69349. suppurative pericementitis ==> 化脓性牙周膜炎
  69350. suppurative perichondritis of auricle ==> 化脓性耳郭软骨膜炎
  69351. suppurative perifolliculitis ==> 化脓性毛囊周炎
  69352. suppurative wound ==> 化脓伤口
  69353. supra piston alloy ==> 超强铝活塞合金
  69354. supra-acoustic frequency ==> 超声频,超音频
  69355. supra-auricular ==> 耳上的
  69356. supra-auricular point ==> 耳上点
  69357. supra-orbital ==> 眶上骨
  69358. supra-orbital bone ==> 眉棱骨
  69359. supra-phrenic diverticulum of esophagus ==> 膈上食管憩室
  69360. supraaortic stenosis ==> 主动脉瓣上狭窄
  69361. supracardinal vein ==> 上主静脉
  69362. suprachoroid lamina ==> 脉络膜上板,脉络膜上板层,脉络膜外层,脉络膜周层
  69363. supracondylar ==> 髁上的
  69364. supracondylar amputation of femur ==> 股骨髁上截肢术
  69365. supracondylar fracture ==> 髁上骨折
  69366. supracondylar fracture of femur ==> 股骨髁上骨折
  69367. supracondylar fracture of humerus ==> 肱骨髁上骨折
  69368. supracondylar osteotomy of femur ==> 股骨髁上切骨术
  69369. supracrustal erosion ==> 上地壳侵蚀
  69370. supraeconomic administrative measures ==> 超经济的行政手段
  69371. supragingival calculus ==> 龈上积石
  69372. supragingival scaling ==> 龈上刮治术
  69373. supraglacial debris ==> 冰面岩屑
  69374. suprahepatic abscess ==> 肝上脓肿
  69375. supralateral tangent arcs ==> 太阳上侧正切弧
  69376. supraliminal stimulus ==> 阈上刺激
  69377. supralittoral zone ==> 潮上带
  69378. supramarginal gyrus ==> 缘上回,环曲回
  69379. supramastoid crest ==> 乳突上嵴
  69380. supramaximal stimulation ==> 超最大刺激
  69381. suprameatal triangle ==> 外耳道上三角,麦丘恩氏三角
  69382. supramine yellow G ==> 超胺黄G
  69383. supramolecular chemistry ==> 超分子化学
  69384. supramolecular complex ==> 超分子复合物
  69385. supramolecular structure ==> 超分子结构
  69386. supranuclear paralysis ==> 核上性麻痹,假性延髓性麻痹
  69387. supraorbital neuralgia ==> 眶上神经痛
  69388. supraorbital vein ==> 眶上静脉
  69389. suprapermafrost layer ==> 永冻土活动层
  69390. suprapleural membrane ==> 胸膜上膜
  69391. suprapubic cystostomy ==> 耻骨上膀胱切开术,耻骨上膀胱造口术,耻骨上膀胱造瘘术
  69392. suprapubic hair margin ==> 毛际
  69393. suprapubic lithotomy ==> 耻骨上膀胱切开取石,耻骨上切石术
  69394. suprapyloric lymph node ==> 幽门上淋巴结
  69395. suprarenal gland hormone ==> 肾上腺素
  69396. suprascapular artery ==> 肩胛上动脉
  69397. suprascapular nerve ==> 肩胛上神经
  69398. suprascapular nerve injury ==> 肩胛上神经损伤
  69399. suprascapular vein ==> 肩胛上静脉
  69400. suprasellar cyst ==> 鞍膈上囊肿
  69401. suprasternal bone ==> 胸骨上骨
  69402. suprasternal space ==> 胸骨上间隙,胸骨上隙
  69403. supratalus bone ==> 距上骨,距上骨
  69404. supratenuous fold ==> (同沉积褶皱)上薄褶皱
  69405. suprathermal electron ==> 超热电子
  69406. suprathermal proton bremsstrahlung ==> 超热质子轫致辐射
  69407. supratidal flat ==> 潮上坪
  69408. supratidal zone ==> 潮上带
  69409. supratopset fan ==> 超电积扇
  69410. supratrochlear artery ==> 额动脉,滑车上动脉
  69411. supratrochlear nerve ==> 滑车上神经
  69412. suprauptic hypohystal tract ==> 视上垂体束
  69413. supravaginal space ==> 鞘膜上间隙
  69414. supravalvular aortic stenosis ==> 瓣上型主动脉口狭窄,主动脉瓣上狭窄
  69415. supravalvular aortic stenosis syndrome ==> 主动脉瓣上狭窄综合征
  69416. supreme genicular artery ==> 膝最上动脉
  69417. supremum norm ==> 上限ノルム
  69418. sural arteries ==> 腓肠动脉
  69419. surbased arch ==> 扁圆拱,矮矢拱
  69420. surbased dome ==> 扁圆顶
  69421. surcharge depth ==> (溢流堰顶以上的)超高水深
  69422. surcharge load ==> 超载,超载荷重
  69423. surcharge on each mu of land ==> 亩捐,亩捐
  69424. surcharge storage ==> 超高库容
  69425. surcharge value ==> 附加金额
  69426. surcharged steam ==> 过热蒸汽
  69427. surcharged wall ==> 超载式挡土墙
  69428. surd number ==> 不尽根数
  69429. surd root ==> 不尽根
  69430. sure event ==> 必然事件
  69431. sure-thing principle ==> 确实原则
  69432. surety company ==> 保証会社
  69433. surety obligation ==> 保证债务
  69434. surf beat ==> 破波拍岸,岸边碎波拍击
  69435. surf board ==> 冲浪板
  69436. surf days ==> 风浪日
  69437. surf port ==> 风浪港
  69438. surf ski ==> 冲浪橇
  69439. surf zone ==> 碎波带,碎浪带,拍岸浪带
  69440. surface ==> 面,面层,平面切削,外部,表面,可展曲面=>表面,水面,外見,船便
  69441. surface ablation ==> 表面消融
  69442. surface abrasion ==> 表面磨耗,表面磨蚀
  69443. surface abrasion resistance ==> 表面耐磨损性
  69444. surface absorbed dose ==> 表面吸収線量
  69445. surface absorber ==> 表面吸收器
  69446. surface absorption ==> 表面吸附,表面吸收
  69447. surface accommodation ==> 表面調整
  69448. surface accumulation ==> 表面蓄積
  69449. surface accumulation layer ==> 表面增强层
  69450. surface accumulation-layer capacitance ==> 表面增强层电容
  69451. surface accuracy ==> 表面精度
  69452. surface acidity ==> 表面酸性度
  69453. surface acoustic filter ==> 表面弾性波フィルタ
  69454. surface acoustic wave ==> 表面声波
  69455. surface acoustic wave (SAW) ==> 表面声波
  69456. surface acoustic wave amplifier ==> 声表面波放大器
  69457. surface acoustic wave bandpass filter ==> 声表面波带通滤波器
  69458. surface acoustic wave coder ==> 声表面波编码器
  69459. surface acoustic wave convolver ==> 声表面波卷积器
  69460. surface acoustic wave correlator ==> 声表面波相关器
  69461. surface acoustic wave delay line ==> 表面声波延迟线
  69462. surface acoustic wave device ==> 表面声波器件
  69463. surface acoustic wave filter ==> 表面声波滤波器,声表面波滤波器
  69464. surface acoustic wave oscillator ==> 声表面波振荡器
  69465. surface acoustic wave phase shifter ==> 声表面波移相器
  69466. surface acoustic wave pressure sensor ==> 声表面波式压力传感器
  69467. surface acoustic wave pulse compression filter ==> 声表面脉冲压缩滤波器
  69468. surface acoustic wave sensor ==> 声表面波传感器
  69469. surface acoustic wave techniques ==> 声表面波技术
  69470. surface acoustic wave transducer ==> 声表面波换能器
  69471. surface acoustic waveguide ==> 声表面波波导
  69472. surface acoustic waves ==> 表面声波
  69473. surface acting fungicide ==> 表面作用的杀菌剂
  69474. surface action ==> 表面效应,表面作用,集肤效应
  69475. surface active agent ==> 表面活性剂
  69476. surface active agent ad uvants ==> 表面活性剂佐剂
  69477. surface active agent pollution ==> 表面活性剂污染
  69478. surface active material ==> 表面活性材料
  69479. surface active substance ==> 表面活性物质
  69480. surface activity ==> 表面活度,表面活性
  69481. surface adhesion ==> 表面附着
  69482. surface aeration ==> 表面曝气
  69483. surface air ==> 大气底层,地面大气
  69484. surface air cooler ==> 表面空气冷却器,表面式空气冷却器
  69485. surface air leakage ==> 外部漏风
  69486. surface air observation ==> 地面观测
  69487. surface air temperature ==> 地面气温
  69488. surface analgesia ==> 表面无痛法
  69489. surface analyser(-yzer) ==> 显微光波干涉仪
  69490. surface analysis ==> 范围分析,表面分析
  69491. surface analyzer ==> 表面测定器,表面光洁度检查仪
  69492. surface anatomy ==> 表面解剖学
  69493. surface and boring machine ==> 端面镗床
  69494. surface and dimension inspection ==> 表面和尺寸检查
  69495. surface anesthesia ==> 表面麻醉
  69496. surface anesthesia of urethra ==> 尿道表面麻醉
  69497. surface anomaly ==> 地表异常
  69498. surface antibody ==> 表面抗体
  69499. surface antigen ==> 表面抗原
  69500. surface appearance ==> 表面状况
  69501. surface application ==> 表施,表土施肥,敷面
  69502. surface applicator ==> 表面敷贴器,表土施肥机
  69503. surface applicats to calcareous soil ==> 石灰性土壤表层施用
  69504. surface arcade ==> 假拱廊
  69505. surface area ==> 表面积,表面面积,体表面积
  69506. surface area apparatus ==> 表面积仪
  69507. surface area of aggregate ==> 骨料表面面积
  69508. surface area per unit capacity of packing ==> 单位填料表面积
  69509. surface area test ==> 表面积测定
  69510. surface area theory ==> 表面积学说
  69511. surface arrangement of control box ==> 控制箱面部布置图
  69512. surface as forged ==> 黑皮锻件
  69513. surface associate ==> 表面缔合物
  69514. surface availibility ==> 表面有效度
  69515. surface bar ==> 测平杆
  69516. surface bargaining ==> 敷衍性谈判
  69517. surface barrier ==> 表面势垒=>表面障壁
  69518. surface barrier detector ==> 面垒型探测器
  69519. surface barrier diode ==> 表面势垒二极管
  69520. surface barrier transistor ==> 表面势垒晶体管
  69521. surface beacon ==> 地面信标
  69522. surface bearing ==> 面支承,平面轴承
  69523. surface bed ==> 浅床
  69524. surface behaviour ==> 表面特性
  69525. surface biopsy ==> 表面活组织检查
  69526. surface blemish ==> 表面缺陷,表面瑕疵
  69527. surface blemishes ==> 表面疵病
  69528. surface blind plug ==> 外侧盲塞
  69529. surface blow-down valve ==> 上排污阀
  69530. surface blowhole ==> 表面气孔
  69531. surface boiling ==> 表面沸腾,在加热表面上产生蒸汽的现象
  69532. surface bolt ==> 明装插销
  69533. surface bonding ==> 表面粘结
  69534. surface boundary layer ==> 表面边界层,地表边界层
  69535. surface box ==> 地面操纵器
  69536. surface breakdown ==> 表面破坏=>沿面絶縁破壊
  69537. surface breakdown characteristic ==> 沿面破壊特性
  69538. surface broach ==> 扁拉刀,平面拉刀
  69539. surface broaching ==> 平面拉削,表面拉削
  69540. surface broaching machine ==> 平面拉床
  69541. surface broaching tool ==> 表面拉刀
  69542. surface burning ==> 表面燃焼
  69543. surface burnishing facet ==> 磨光棱面
  69544. surface calculate ==> 表面计算
  69545. surface calibrate ==> 表面标定
  69546. surface capacitance ==> 表面电容
  69547. surface capacitor ==> 表面电容器
  69548. surface carburetor ==> 表面汽化器,表面式化油器
  69549. surface carburization ==> 表面渗碳
  69550. surface carburizing ==> 表面渗碳
  69551. surface casing ==> 地面套筒
  69552. surface catalysis ==> 表面催化作用
  69553. surface caterpillar ==> 叶面毛虫
  69554. surface cell ==> 表面电池,表面晶胞
  69555. surface cement ==> 表面粘合剂
  69556. surface change ==> 表面变化
  69557. surface channel ==> 表面沟道
  69558. surface channel ccd ==> 表面沟道电荷耦合装置
  69559. surface character ==> 表面特征
  69560. surface characteristics ==> 表面特征
  69561. surface charge ==> 表面电荷
  69562. surface charge coupled device ==> 表面电荷耦合装置
  69563. surface charge density ==> 表面电荷密度=>表面電荷密度
  69564. surface charge effect ==> 表面电荷效应
  69565. surface charge method ==> 表面電荷法
  69566. surface charge transistor ==> 表面电荷晶体管
  69567. surface chart ==> 地面天气图
  69568. surface check ==> 表层裂
  69569. surface checking ==> 表面龟裂,表面起网状裂纹
  69570. surface chemical reaction ==> 表面化学反应
  69571. surface chemistry ==> 表面化学
  69572. surface chill ==> 表面激冷,外冷铁
  69573. surface circulation ==> 海面环流
  69574. surface clay ==> 地表粘土
  69575. surface cleaning ==> 表面清理
  69576. surface clearness ==> 表面清洁度
  69577. surface coarseness profiling instrument ==> 表面粗糙度轮廓仪
  69578. surface coat ==> 表面层
  69579. surface coating ==> 表面镀膜,表面覆层,表面涂层=>表面被覆
  69580. surface cock ==> 液面开关
  69581. surface coefficient ==> 表面系数
  69582. surface coefficient of heat transfer ==> 表面散热系数
  69583. surface colling ==> 表面冷却
  69584. surface color ==> 表面色
  69585. surface colour ==> 表面色,表面着色
  69586. surface colour hologram ==> 面彩色全息图
  69587. surface combustion ==> 表面燃烧
  69588. surface combustion burner ==> 表面燃烧喷燃器
  69589. surface combustion method ==> 表面燃烧法
  69590. surface compaction ==> 表面夯实
  69591. surface comparator ==> 表面比较仪
  69592. surface compressibility ==> 表面压缩性
  69593. surface compression ==> 表面压缩
  69594. surface concentration ==> 表面浓度
  69595. surface concentration excess ==> 表面浓度过剩
  69596. surface condensation ==> 表面凝结
  69597. surface condenser ==> 表面冷凝器,表面式凝汽器,汽轮机的排汽与在管内流动的冷却水进行热交换的凝汽器=>表面復水器
  69598. surface condition ==> 表面条件,水上状态
  69599. surface conditioning ==> 表面修整
  69600. surface conductance ==> 表面导电,表面电导
  69601. surface conductivity ==> 表面电导率
  69602. surface configuration ==> 表面形状,地表形态,地势
  69603. surface connecting system (SCS) ==> 表面相连管道系统
  69604. surface contact ==> 表面接触
  69605. surface contact hole ==> 表面接触孔
  69606. surface contact rectifier ==> 面接触整流器
  69607. surface contaminant detector ==> 表面污染物质检测仪
  69608. surface contamination ==> 表面污染
  69609. surface continuous row fluorescent fixture ==> 明装荧光灯带
  69610. surface contraction ==> 表面收缩
  69611. surface contribution ==> 面贡献量
  69612. surface coordinate ==> 曲面坐标
  69613. surface cord ==> 表面结瘤
  69614. surface corona ==> 表面电晕放电=>沿面コロナ
  69615. surface corrosion ==> 表面腐蚀
  69616. surface coupling ==> 表面耦合
  69617. surface course ==> 面层
  69618. surface cover ==> 地表被覆
  69619. surface coverage ==> 表面覆盖度
  69620. surface crazing ==> 表面网纹
  69621. surface creep ==> 表层滑动,表层爬动,表层塌滑,表层土蠕动
  69622. surface crust ==> 表面壳层
  69623. surface crusting ==> 结皮
  69624. surface crystalline glaze ==> 表面结晶釉
  69625. surface crystallization ==> 表面结晶
  69626. surface cultivation ==> 表土中耕
  69627. surface cultivator ==> 表面中耕机
  69628. surface culture ==> 表面培养
  69629. surface current ==> 表面电流
  69630. surface current classifier ==> 表流分级器
  69631. surface curvature ==> 表面曲率
  69632. surface cut ==> 表面切削
  69633. surface damage ==> 表面损坏,面损伤
  69634. surface damage field ==> 表面损伤场
  69635. surface decarburization ==> 表面脱碳
  69636. surface decoration material ==> 表面装饰材料
  69637. surface decorative material ==> 表面装饰材料
  69638. surface defect ==> 表面缺陷
  69639. surface defects ==> 表面疵病
  69640. surface density ==> 表面密度=>表面密度
  69641. surface deposit ==> 表层沉积
  69642. surface depression ==> 表面缩陷
  69643. surface detail ==> 表面花纹
  69644. surface detention ==> 表面滞留,地表滞流,地面滞流,地面阻滞
  69645. surface developed diagram of console ==> 控制箱台面展开图
  69646. surface development ==> 表面显影
  69647. surface diffusion ==> 表面扩散=>表面拡散
  69648. surface diffusion coefficient ==> 表面扩散系数
  69649. surface dipole ==> 表面偶极子
  69650. surface dipole moment ==> 表面偶极矩
  69651. surface direction dependence ==> 面方位依存性
  69652. surface discharge ==> 表面放电=>沿面放電
  69653. surface discharge pattern ==> 沿面放電形態
  69654. surface discontinuity ==> 表面不连续性
  69655. surface dislocation ==> 表面位错
  69656. surface dispersion ==> 表面色散
  69657. surface distance ==> 地表距離
  69658. surface divergence ==> 表面散度
  69659. surface doping ==> 表面掺杂
  69660. surface drag ==> 表面曳力,表面阻力
  69661. surface drain ==> 地面排水沟,明沟排水,排涝沟
  69662. surface drainage ==> 明沟排水,地表排水,地表水系,地面排水,表面排水
  69663. surface drainage ditch ==> 地表排水沟
  69664. surface drainage water ==> 地面排水
  69665. surface dredger ==> 表面除油器
  69666. surface dressing ==> 表面修琢,道路表面处治,面层
  69667. surface drift ==> 表层漂流
  69668. surface driling ==> 浅条播
  69669. surface drill ==> 撒播机
  69670. surface drilling ==> 表施追肥
  69671. surface drop technique ==> 表面涂沫法
  69672. surface drying ==> 表面干燥
  69673. surface duct ==> 表面波导,地面波导,地面管道=>接地ダクト
  69674. surface dump ==> 地面堆放场
  69675. surface durability ==> 表面耐久性
  69676. surface dust ==> 浮尘
  69677. surface dynamic profilometer ==> 表面动态光洁度检查仪
  69678. surface earthing ==> 表面接地
  69679. surface eddy ==> 表面涡流
  69680. surface effect ==> 表面效应
  69681. surface electric double layer ==> 表面双电层
  69682. surface electrode ==> 表面电极,皮肤电极
  69683. surface element ==> 面积元,面积元素,面元素,曲面元素
  69684. surface elevation ==> 地面高程
  69685. surface EMG ==> 表面筋電位
  69686. surface emissivity ==> 表面辐射
  69687. surface emitter ==> 面发射体
  69688. surface emitting laser ==> 表面发射激光器
  69689. surface emitting light emitting diode ==> 表面发射发光二极管
  69690. surface endurance limit ==> 表面持久极限
  69691. surface energy ==> 表面能,表面能力
  69692. surface energy level ==> 表面能级
  69693. surface energy-absorbing layer ==> 表面能吸附层
  69694. surface engraving ==> 表面雕刻
  69695. surface entropy ==> 表面熵
  69696. surface erosion ==> 表面冲刷,表面侵蚀,地表冲刷
  69697. surface error ==> 表面误差
  69698. surface evaporation ==> 表面蒸发
  69699. surface evaporation pan ==> 地面蒸发器
  69700. surface evaporative condenser ==> 表面蒸发凝汽器
  69701. surface exchanger ==> 表面换热器
  69702. surface exclusion ==> 表面排斥
  69703. surface exploration ==> 地表探测
  69704. surface factor ==> 表面因素
  69705. surface failure ==> 表面失效
  69706. surface fatigue ==> 表面疲劳
  69707. surface feature ==> 表面形态,地貌
  69708. surface feed heater ==> 表面式给水加热器
  69709. surface fermentation ==> 表层发酵
  69710. surface field ==> 表面电场
  69711. surface filler ==> 表面填料
  69712. surface film ==> 表面膜
  69713. surface film balance ==> 表面膜平衡
  69714. surface filter ==> 表面型滤油器
  69715. surface finish ==> 表面光洁处理
  69716. surface finish indicator ==> 表面光洁度检查仪,表面光洁度指示仪
  69717. surface finish meter ==> 表面光洁度测量仪
  69718. surface finish quality ==> 表面光洁度
  69719. surface finish recorder ==> 表面光洁度记录器
  69720. surface finish testing microscope ==> 表面光洁度测量显微镜
  69721. surface finishing ==> 表面精加工,表面修整
  69722. surface finishment ==> 表面光洁度
  69723. surface fire ==> 地表火
  69724. surface fitting ==> 曲面拟合
  69725. surface fixation test ==> 表面固定试验
  69726. surface flash ==> 表面溅点,喷溅
  69727. surface flash-over ==> 表面闪络
  69728. surface flashover ==> 沿面放電
  69729. surface flatness ==> 表面光滑度
  69730. surface flaw ==> 表面发裂纹,表面发纹,表面缺陷
  69731. surface flooding ==> 地面泛流,漫灌
  69732. surface flooding irrigation ==> 地表漫灌
  69733. surface flow ==> 地表水流,地面水流,坡面漫流,表流,表面流动
  69734. surface flow pattern ==> 面流形态
  69735. surface fluorescent fixture ==> 明装荧光灯
  69736. surface folding ==> 表面褶皱
  69737. surface free energy ==> 表面自由能
  69738. surface friction ==> 表面摩擦,地面摩擦
  69739. surface friction drag ==> 表面摩擦阻力
  69740. surface friction windup device ==> 表面摩擦卷取机
  69741. surface front ==> 地面锋
  69742. surface frost ==> 地面霜
  69743. surface ga(u)ge ==> 平面规
  69744. surface gap spark plug ==> 沿面间隙火花塞
  69745. surface gauge ==> 划针盘
  69746. surface geologic map ==> 表层地质图
  69747. surface geology ==> 地表地质,地表地质学
  69748. surface geometry ==> 表面几何图形
  69749. surface graft ==> 表面移植物
  69750. surface gravity wave ==> 表面重力波
  69751. surface grinder ==> 磨面机,平面磨床
  69752. surface grinding ==> 表面研磨
  69753. surface grinding machine ==> 表面磨光机
  69754. surface guide ==> 地面波导
  69755. surface gunfire control ==> 地面炮火控制
  69756. surface hardening ==> 表面硬化,表面淬火,表面淬硬,表面硬化法
  69757. surface hardening by flame heating ==> 火焰加热表面淬火
  69758. surface hardening steel ==> 低淬透性钢
  69759. surface hardness ==> 表面硬度
  69760. surface harmonic function ==> 面谐函数
  69761. surface heat exchanger ==> 表面式热交换器
  69762. surface heat transfer coefficient ==> 表面热的传递系数
  69763. surface heat treatment ==> 表面热处理
  69764. surface heater ==> 表面加热器,表面式加热器,表面式加热器,加热介质通过传热组件的壁面与被加热介质进行热量交换的加热器
  69765. surface heterogeneity ==> 表面不均匀性,表面不匀性,表面多相性
  69766. surface hologram ==> 面全息图
  69767. surface humidity ==> 地面湿度
  69768. surface ice ==> 地面冰,表冰
  69769. surface ignition ==> 表面点火
  69770. surface ignition engine ==> 表面点火发动机,热球式发动机
  69771. surface immumoglobulin ==> 表面免疫球蛋白
  69772. surface impedance ==> 表面阻抗
  69773. surface impedance method ==> 表面インピーダンス法
  69774. surface imperfection ==> 表面不规则
  69775. surface impurity ==> 表面杂质
  69776. surface in contact ==> 接触表面
  69777. surface inactivation ==> 表面钝化
  69778. surface incandescent lamp ==> 明装白炽灯
  69779. surface inclusion ==> 表面夹杂物
  69780. surface indentation ==> 表面凹陷,表面压痕
  69781. surface indicator ==> 表面规,平面规
  69782. surface induction ==> 表面感应
  69783. surface inflow ==> 地表入流,地面来水量
  69784. surface inspection ==> 表面探伤
  69785. surface instability ==> 表面不稳定性
  69786. surface insulation ==> 表面绝缘
  69787. surface integral ==> 面积分,球面积分=>面積分
  69788. surface inversion ==> 地面逆温
  69789. surface inversion layer ==> 表面反転層
  69790. surface ionization ==> 表面电离
  69791. surface irradiation ==> 表辐照,表面辐照,表面照射
  69792. surface irregularity ==> 表面不均匀性
  69793. surface irrigation ==> 地面灌溉,地面浇灌
  69794. surface junction ==> 表面结
  69795. surface lap ==> 表面结疤
  69796. surface lapping machine ==> 平面精研机
  69797. surface latch ==> 明装碰锁
  69798. surface law ==> 表面积定律
  69799. surface layer ==> 表面层
  69800. surface layer ni-triding ==> 表面层氮化法
  69801. surface leakage ==> 表面漏泄=>表面漏れ
  69802. surface leakage conductance ==> 表面漏泄电导
  69803. surface leakage current ==> 表面漏泄电流=>表面漏れ電流
  69804. surface level ==> 表面能级
  69805. surface lifetime ==> 表面寿命
  69806. surface lift ==> 地面隆起
  69807. surface light source ==> 面光源
  69808. surface load ==> 表面荷载,表面载荷
  69809. surface loading ==> 表面负荷,表面加载
  69810. surface lubrication ==> 表面润滑
  69811. surface magnet charge ==> 面磁荷
  69812. surface magnet type ==> 表面磁石型
  69813. surface magnetic wave ==> 磁表面波
  69814. surface magnetism ==> 表面磁性
  69815. surface mail ==> 普通邮件
  69816. surface management ==> 地面整理
  69817. surface manuring ==> 表土施肥
  69818. surface map ==> 地面天气图,地面图
  69819. surface mark ==> 地面标志
  69820. surface marker ==> 表面标志
  69821. surface marking ==> 表面印痕,地面花纹
  69822. surface mat ==> 表面薄毡
  69823. surface matting of roots ==> 根铺表土
  69824. surface mean diameter ==> 表面平均直径
  69825. surface measure ==> 单面量度
  69826. surface measurement ==> 表面测量
  69827. surface medium ==> 表面培养基
  69828. surface membrance immunoglobulin ==> 表面膜免疫球蛋白
  69829. surface membrane immunoglobulin ==> 膜表面免疫球蛋白
  69830. surface meristem ==> 表面分生组织
  69831. surface meter ==> 表面仪
  69832. surface microanalyzer ==> 表面显微分析仪
  69833. surface migration ==> 表面徙动
  69834. surface migration instability ==> 表面徙动的不稳定性
  69835. surface miller ==> 平面铣床
  69836. surface milling ==> 面铣,辊铣
  69837. surface milling machine ==> 平面铣床
  69838. surface mining ==> 露天开采法
  69839. surface mining methods ==> 地面采矿法分类
  69840. surface mobility ==> 表面迁移率
  69841. surface modification ==> 表面改質,表面処理
  69842. surface moisture ==> 表面水分,表面自由水份,外在水分,在一定条件下,煤样与周围空气湿度达到平衡时所失去的水分
  69843. surface morphology ==> 表面形态学
  69844. surface motor ==> サーフェスモータ
  69845. surface mount assembler ==> 表面装配器
  69846. surface mount component placement machine ==> 表面安装元件布局机
  69847. surface mounted assembly ==> 表面装配
  69848. surface mounted luminaire ==> 直付け形(照明)器具
  69849. surface mounted placer ==> 表面装配器
  69850. surface mounting ==> 表面装配
  69851. surface movement ==> 表层移动
  69852. surface mulch ==> 覆盖料
  69853. surface nature ==> 表面性质
  69854. surface navigation ==> 地表航行
  69855. surface nitriding ==> 表層窒化
  69856. surface noise ==> 表面噪声,地面噪声,唱针划纹噪声,音纹噪音=>表面雑音
  69857. surface normal ==> 曲面法线
  69858. surface observation ==> 地面观测
  69859. surface of bed ==> 床面
  69860. surface of bone ==> 骨面
  69861. surface of centres ==> 中心距曲面
  69862. surface of compensation ==> 补偿面
  69863. surface of constant geopotential ==> 等重力势面
  69864. surface of constant surface ==> 等曲率面
  69865. surface of constant total curvature ==> 定值全曲率的曲面
  69866. surface of cryogen ==> 寒剤の表面
  69867. surface of density discontinuity ==> 密度不连续面
  69868. surface of discontinuity ==> 突变面
  69869. surface of equal density ==> 等密度面
  69870. surface of equal dynamic depth ==> 等动力深度面
  69871. surface of equal potentials ==> 等势面
  69872. surface of equal specific volume ==> 等比容面
  69873. surface of fracture ==> 断裂面
  69874. surface of friction ==> 摩擦面
  69875. surface of intensity distribution ==> 光强分布图
  69876. surface of no distortion ==> 无扭面
  69877. surface of operation ==> 操作参考面
  69878. surface of positive curvature ==> 正曲率的曲面
  69879. surface of revolution ==> 回转面,回转曲面
  69880. surface of rolling ==> 滚动曲面
  69881. surface of second order ==> 二阶曲面,织面
  69882. surface of separation ==> 界面
  69883. surface of slide ==> 滑动面
  69884. surface of subsidence ==> 下沉面
  69885. surface of the soil ==> 表土,表土层
  69886. surface of unconformity ==> 不整合面
  69887. surface of weld ==> 焊缝表面
  69888. surface of wound ==> 创面
  69889. surface of zero velocity ==> 零速度面
  69890. surface orientation ==> 表面定向
  69891. surface oscillation ==> 表面振荡
  69892. surface overlaying ==> 表面堆焊
  69893. surface packer ==> 表土镇压器
  69894. surface paddle aerator ==> 河面桨形曝气机
  69895. surface pan ==> 表土磐
  69896. surface passivated transistor ==> 表面钝化晶体管
  69897. surface passivation ==> 表面钝化=>表面安定化
  69898. surface passivation technology ==> 表面钝化工艺
  69899. surface peening ==> 表面强化,表面强化处理
  69900. surface permanent magnet synchronous motor ==> 表面磁石同期モータ
  69901. surface phagocytosis ==> 表面吞噬作用
  69902. surface phase ==> 表面相,地面相
  69903. surface phenomenon ==> 表面现象
  69904. surface photoeffect ==> 表面光电效应
  69905. surface photoelectric effect ==> 表面光电效应
  69906. surface photoemission ==> 表面光电发射
  69907. surface photoresponse ==> 单晶光敏电阻
  69908. surface photovoltage ==> 表面光电压
  69909. surface pinholes ==> 表面针孔
  69910. surface pipe irrigation method ==> 地面水管灌溉法
  69911. surface pitting ==> 表面凹孔,(混凝土的)表面点蚀
  69912. surface planer ==> 平面刨床
  69913. surface planting ==> 培土浅种法
  69914. surface plasmon ==> 表面プラズモン
  69915. surface plasmon emission light ==> 表面プラズモン放射光
  69916. surface plasmon mode ==> 表面等离子激元模
  69917. surface plasmon polariton ==> 表面等离子激元
  69918. surface plasmon wave ==> 表面等离子激元波
  69919. surface plasmons ==> 表面等离子激元=>表面プラズモン
  69920. surface plate ==> 验平板,平板,平版,平台,划线台
  69921. surface plot ==> 水面目标标图板,封面图
  69922. surface plug receptacle ==> 露出插座=>露出コンセント
  69923. surface poise ==> 表面泊
  69924. surface polariton waves ==> 表面极化元波
  69925. surface polishing ==> 表面抛光
  69926. surface polishing machine ==> 表面抛光机
  69927. surface pond ==> 地面水源
  69928. surface pore ==> 表面孔隙
  69929. surface pores ==> 表面气孔
  69930. surface porosity ==> 表面孔隙度
  69931. surface potential ==> 表面电势,表面电位,表面势=>表面ポテンシャル
  69932. surface potential barrier ==> 表面势垒
  69933. surface potential detector ==> 表面电位检测器
  69934. surface power ==> 表面屈光度,表面折光力
  69935. surface power station ==> 地面电站
  69936. surface preparation ==> 表面预加工
  69937. surface preparation technology ==> 表面制备工艺
  69938. surface pressing ==> 表面压力
  69939. surface pressure ==> 表面压力,地面气压,膜压
  69940. surface pressure coefficient ==> 表面压力系数
  69941. surface pressure model ==> 表面压力试验模型
  69942. surface printing ==> 凸版印刷
  69943. surface printing machine ==> 凸纹辊筒印花机
  69944. surface probe ==> 表面传感器
  69945. surface processing ==> 表面処理
  69946. surface production ==> 表面生成,表面形成
  69947. surface profile ==> 表面轮廓
  69948. surface profiling ==> 表面轮廓形成
  69949. surface property ==> 表面性质
  69950. surface protectant ==> 表面保护剂
  69951. surface protection ==> 表面保护
  69952. surface protuberance ==> 表面凸出物
  69953. surface pyrometer ==> 表面高温计
  69954. surface quality ==> 表面质量
  69955. surface quality measurement ==> 表面质量测定
  69956. surface quenching ==> 表面淬火
  69957. surface radiator ==> 表面辐射器
  69958. surface railway ==> 路面鉄道
  69959. surface rating ==> 表面光洁度等级
  69960. surface ratio ==> 表面比
  69961. surface reactance ==> 表面电抗
  69962. surface reaction ==> 表面反応
  69963. surface reactions ==> 表面反応
  69964. surface receptor ==> 表面受体
  69965. surface recombination ==> 表面复合=>表面再結合
  69966. surface recombination rate ==> 表面复合率=>表面再結合速度
  69967. surface recombination velocity ==> 表面再結合度
  69968. surface recombination velocity (S.R.V.) ==> 表面复合速度
  69969. surface recording ==> 表面记录,磁表面记录
  69970. surface reflection ==> 表面反射
  69971. surface reinstatement ==> 地表填平复元
  69972. surface reistance ==> 表面电阻
  69973. surface rejuvenation ==> 地面覆生
  69974. surface relic ==> 地面残片
  69975. surface relief ==> 地表起伏,地面起伏,地势
  69976. surface relief method ==> 表面浮雕法
  69977. surface relief pattern ==> 表面起伏图
  69978. surface renewal theory ==> 表面更新理论
  69979. surface renewing ==> 重修表面
  69980. surface reservoir ==> 地面水库
  69981. surface resistance ==> 表面阻力=>表面抵抗
  69982. surface resistivity ==> 表面电阻率,表面电阻系数=>表面抵抗率
  69983. surface resonator ==> 表面波谐振器
  69984. surface retention ==> 地表滞留,地面蓄水
  69985. surface reverberation ==> 表面反射
  69986. surface rheometer ==> 表面流变仪
  69987. surface roller ==> 表面旋滚,表面镇压器
  69988. surface rolling ==> 表面滚压,表面冷轧,滚压加工
  69989. surface rotational ==> 表面旋量
  69990. surface roughness ==> 表面糙度,表面糙率,表面粗糙度,表面粗度=>表面粗さ
  69991. surface roughness automatic tester ==> 表面粗糙度自动测量分析仪
  69992. surface roughness measurement ==> 表面糙度测定
  69993. surface roughness measuring gauge ==> 表面粗糙度测量计
  69994. surface roughness measuring instrument ==> 粗糙度仪
  69995. surface roughness microscope ==> 表面光洁度显微镜
  69996. surface roughness specimens ==> 表面粗糙度样块
  69997. surface roughness tester ==> 表面粗糙度检查仪
  69998. surface runoff ==> 地表径流,地面径流
  69999. surface sample ==> 表面取样器
  70000. surface sander ==> 磨面机
  70001. surface scaling ==> 表面掉皮
  70002. surface scarfing ==> 表面火焰清除,表面嵌接
  70003. surface scattering ==> 表面散射
  70004. surface scouring ==> 表面冲刷
  70005. surface scratch ==> 表面划痕
  70006. surface sealer ==> 表面密封剂
  70007. surface search ==> 海面搜索
  70008. surface segregation ==> 表面偏析
  70009. surface self diffusion ==> 表面自扩散
  70010. surface shape ==> 面形
  70011. surface shear viscosity ==> 表面剪切粘性
  70012. surface ship ==> 水面舰艇
  70013. surface ship gravity metre ==> 船上重力计
  70014. surface ships periscope ==> 水面舰艇潜望镜
  70015. surface shrinkage ==> 表面收缩,表面缩陷
  70016. surface silo ==> 地面青贮堆
  70017. surface sizing ==> 上胶
  70018. surface sketch ==> 地面草图
  70019. surface skimmer ==> 面浮车,面浮船
  70020. surface skin ==> 表面皮
  70021. surface slope ==> 地表坡度
  70022. surface smoothness ==> 表面光洁度,表面平滑度
  70023. surface soil ==> 表土,地面土
  70024. surface sound pressure level ==> 表面声压级
  70025. surface source ==> 面光源
  70026. surface sown ==> 地面播种的
  70027. surface speed ==> 表面速度
  70028. surface spread of flame ==> 表面延烧性
  70029. surface stability ==> 表面稳定性
  70030. surface stain ==> 表面变黑
  70031. surface staining ==> 表面失去光泽
  70032. surface state ==> 表面準位
  70033. surface state concentration ==> 表面状态浓度
  70034. surface states ==> 表面态
  70035. surface sterilization ==> 表面消毒
  70036. surface storage ==> 地表蓄水,地面蓄水
  70037. surface stormflow ==> 地面暴雨径流
  70038. surface strain ==> 表面应变
  70039. surface streamline ==> 表面流线
  70040. surface strength ==> 表面强度
  70041. surface stress ==> 表面应力
  70042. surface stringer ==> 表面长条夹杂物
  70043. surface stripping ==> 剥离
  70044. surface structure ==> 表面结构
  70045. surface surge ==> 表面涌浪
  70046. surface table ==> 划线台
  70047. surface temperature ==> 地面温度,表层水温,表面温度=>表面温度,地表温度
  70048. surface temperature sensor ==> 表面温度传感器
  70049. surface tensile force tester ==> 表面张力试验机
  70050. surface tensiometer ==> 表面张力计
  70051. surface tension ==> 表面张力=>表面張力,界面張力
  70052. surface tension apparatus ==> 表面张力测定仪,表面张力测定装置
  70053. surface tension balance ==> 表面张力测定杆,表面张力测定天平,表面张力计,表面张力天平
  70054. surface tension change ==> 表面張力変化
  70055. surface tension constant ==> 毛细常数
  70056. surface tension depressant ==> 表面張力低下剤
  70057. surface tension effect ==> 表面張力効果
  70058. surface tension measurement ==> 表面張力測定
  70059. surface tension method ==> 表面张力法
  70060. surface tension number ==> 表面张力数
  70061. surface tension reducing agent ==> 表面张力降低剂
  70062. surface tension test ==> 表面张力测定
  70063. surface tension theory ==> 表面張力説
  70064. surface tension wave ==> 表面张力波
  70065. surface tensity ==> 表面张力
  70066. surface tester ==> 表面检查仪
  70067. surface texture ==> 表面结构,表面状态,表面组织
  70068. surface thermocouple ==> 表面温差电偶
  70069. surface thermometer ==> 表面测温计,表面温度计,贴附温度计,海面温度计,地面温度表
  70070. surface tidemeter ==> 地面潮汐重力仪
  70071. surface tillage ==> 表土耕作
  70072. surface tillage method ==> 表土耕作法
  70073. surface to be exposed to fluid ==> 接触介质的表面
  70074. surface to be pressed ==> 拟压面
  70075. surface topography ==> 表面形貌
  70076. surface trap ==> 表面陷阱
  70077. surface trapping ==> 表面俘获,表面抑制=>地表面トラッピング
  70078. surface trash ==> 地面上的残碎叶
  70079. surface traverse ==> 地面导线
  70080. surface treating ==> 表面处理
  70081. surface treating machine ==> 表面处理机
  70082. surface treatment ==> 表面处理,改进构件表面性能的处理工艺=>表面処理,表面改質
  70083. surface tuft method ==> 表面丝线法
  70084. surface type ==> 表面形
  70085. surface type attemperator ==> 面式减温器,利用管内流动的锅炉给水冷却管外蒸汽的调节蒸汽温度的设备。
  70086. surface type heating ==> 表面式加热
  70087. surface type intercooler ==> 表面式中间冷却器
  70088. surface type meter ==> 面板式仪表,面板用仪表
  70089. surface type vibrator ==> 表面振动器
  70090. surface undulation ==> 表面起伏,地面起伏
  70091. surface varactor ==> 表面变容二极管
  70092. surface velocity ==> 表面流速,表面速度
  70093. surface vent ==> 表面通风孔
  70094. surface vibration ==> 表面振动
  70095. surface vibrator ==> 表面式振动器,表面振捣器,表面振动器,平面振实器,附着式振动器
  70096. surface view of epidermis ==> 表皮的外观
  70097. surface viscometer ==> 表面粘度计
  70098. surface viscosimeter ==> 表面粘度计
  70099. surface viscosity ==> 表面粘度
  70100. surface visibility ==> 表面能见度,地面能见度
  70101. surface voids ==> 麻面
  70102. surface voltage ==> 表面电压
  70103. surface washing ==> 表面冲洗
  70104. surface washoff ==> 地表冲刷
  70105. surface waste ==> 地面径流
  70106. surface water ==> 地表水,地面水,表层水,表面水,混合层
  70107. surface water drain ==> 地面排水渠
  70108. surface water intake facilities ==> 取[地表]水设施,汲取地表水的取水构筑物,一般分为岸边式,河床式和低坎式等
  70109. surface water quality ==> 地表水质
  70110. surface water resources ==> 地表水资源
  70111. surface water sampling ==> 表层采水
  70112. surface water supply ==> 地表水补给,地面水给水,地面水供应
  70113. surface waterproofer ==> 表面防水剂
  70114. surface waterproofing ==> 表面防水
  70115. surface watershed ==> 地面分水岭
  70116. surface wave ==> 地表电波,地面电波,面波,海面波,表面波=>表面波
  70117. surface wave antenna ==> 表面波天线
  70118. surface wave delay line ==> 表面波延迟线
  70119. surface wave filter ==> 表面波滤波器
  70120. surface wave guide ==> 表面波波导
  70121. surface wave plasma ==> 表面波プラズマ
  70122. surface wave probe ==> 表面波辐射测试器,表面波探测器
  70123. surface wave signal correlator ==> 表面波信号相关器
  70124. surface wave transmission line ==> 表面波传输线
  70125. surface wave-ness recording instrument ==> 表面波度记录仪
  70126. surface waveguide ==> 表面波線路
  70127. surface waviness ==> 表面波度
  70128. surface weather chart ==> 地面天气图
  70129. surface weather observation ==> 地面天气观测
  70130. surface weathering ==> 地表风化
  70131. surface weeds ==> 表土杂草
  70132. surface weld ==> 表面焊缝
  70133. surface weld metal buildup ==> 表面焊缝金属的形成
  70134. surface welding ==> 表面焊接
  70135. surface wide stripping ==> 全表面脱胶
  70136. surface wind ==> 地面风
  70137. surface winding ==> 沿面绕组,表面绕组
  70138. surface wiring ==> 明线布线,表面布线
  70139. surface wiring switch ==> 明装搬把开关
  70140. surface work function ==> 表面功函数
  70141. surface working ==> 表面加工,表面研磨
  70142. surface wrinkling ==> 表面起皱
  70143. surface(bottom)blow-off valve ==> 上 (下) 部吹除阀
  70144. surface-activated polymerization ==> 表面敏化聚合作用
  70145. surface-activator ==> 表面活性剂
  70146. surface-active ==> 表面活性的
  70147. surface-active agent ==> 表面活化剂
  70148. surface-active anion ==> 表面活性阳离子
  70149. surface-active cation ==> 表面活性阳离子
  70150. surface-active impurity ==> 表面活性杂质
  70151. surface-active material ==> 表面活化物质
  70152. surface-alloy phototransistor ==> 表面合金光电晶体,表面合金光电晶体管
  70153. surface-area factor ==> 表面面积系数
  70154. surface-barrier photodiode ==> 表面势垒光电二极管
  70155. surface-barrier phototransistor ==> 表面阻挡层光电晶体管
  70156. surface-barrier transistor ==> 表面势垒晶体管,面垒晶体管
  70157. surface-blowing ==> 面吹法
  70158. surface-blown converter ==> 侧吹转炉
  70159. surface-catalysed cyclodehydrogenation ==> 表面触媒脱水素環化
  70160. surface-catalyzed reactions ==> 表面催化的反应
  70161. surface-charge integral equation ==> 表面電荷法
  70162. surface-coated mirror ==> 表面镀膜反射镜
  70163. surface-contact ==> 面接触
  70164. surface-contact reheater ==> 表面接触式再热器
  70165. surface-contact system ==> 表面接触系统,面接触系统
  70166. surface-contrcolled secondary recrystallization ==> 表面控制二次再结晶
  70167. surface-controlled avalanche transistor ==> 可控表面雪崩晶体管
  70168. surface-cooled ==> 表面冷却的
  70169. surface-damage field ==> 面损伤场
  70170. surface-dry ==> 表面干的
  70171. surface-effect vehicle ==> 表面效应运载工具,气垫艇
  70172. surface-emitting laser diode ==> 表面发射激光二极管
  70173. surface-emitting LED ==> 面发射发光二极管
  70174. surface-fed intermittent stream ==> 表源间歇河流
  70175. surface-finish analyzer ==> 表面光洁度分析仪
  70176. surface-finish microscope ==> 表面光洁度显微镜
  70177. surface-flatness checker ==> 表面平直度检查器
  70178. surface-grinding machine ==> 平面磨床
  70179. surface-hardened steel ==> 表面硬化钢
  70180. surface-hydrated cement ==> 表面水化水泥
  70181. surface-measuring instrument ==> 表面测量仪
  70182. surface-mounted 2-pole receptacle ==> 明装双极插座
  70183. surface-mounted luminaire ==> 明装照明设备
  70184. surface-mounted single phase 3-pole receptacle ==> 单相三孔明插座
  70185. surface-mounted single-pole toggle switch ==> 明装单极板钮开关
  70186. surface-piercing hydrofoil ==> 半浸水水翼艇
  70187. surface-polarization-controlled taste sensor ==> 界面電位制御型味覚センサ
  70188. surface-potential barrier ==> 表面势垒,表面位垒
  70189. surface-pumping laser ==> 面泵浦激光器,面抽运激光器
  70190. surface-reaction control ==> 表面反应的控制
  70191. surface-reflection camera ==> 表面反射照相机
  70192. surface-set drill ==> 表面装嵌钻头
  70193. surface-ship torpedo tube ==> 水面舰艇鱼雷发射器
  70194. surface-tension balance ==> 表面張力計
  70195. surface-tension modifier ==> 界面活性剤
  70196. surface-tension property ==> 表面張力特性
  70197. surface-tension wave ==> 表面張力波
  70198. surface-to-air missile (SAM) ==> 地对空导弹
  70199. surface-to-mass ratio ==> 表面与质量之比
  70200. surface-to-surface missile (SSM) ==> 地对地导弹
  70201. surface-to-underwater ==> 舰对水下目标
  70202. surface-transfer type regenerator ==> 表面传热式回热器
  70203. surface-type vibrator ==> 表面振捣器
  70204. surface-volume ratio ==> 面积体积比
  70205. surface-water drainage ==> 地面排水
  70206. surface-water hydrology ==> 地表水水文学,地面水水文学
  70207. surface-water inlet ==> 地表水进口,地面水入口
  70208. surface-water irrigation ==> 地表水灌溉
  70209. surface-water rice soil ==> 地表水型水稻土
  70210. surface-wave antenna ==> 表面波天线
  70211. surface-wound armature ==> 平滑电枢
  70212. surfaced ==> 表面的,刨光,刨光的,刨平
  70213. surfacial spalling ==> 表面剥落
  70214. surfacing (build-up welding) ==> 堆焊
  70215. surfacing and boring machine ==> 车面镗孔两用机床
  70216. surfacing by fire cracker welding process ==> 躺板极堆焊
  70217. surfacing cut ==> 端面车削
  70218. surfacing electrode ==> 堆焊焊条
  70219. surfacing gear ==> 横向进刀机构
  70220. surfacing lathe ==> 落地车床
  70221. surfacing machine ==> 端面切削机床,表面平整机
  70222. surfacing mat ==> 表面修整用席
  70223. surfacing power feed ==> 端面机动进给
  70224. surfacing welding electrode ==> 堆焊焊条
  70225. surfacing welding rod ==> 堆焊填充棒,堆焊填充焊棒,堆焊填充丝
  70226. surfacing with band-electrode ==> 带极堆焊
  70227. surfactant ==> 表面活性剂
  70228. surfactant property ==> 表面活化性能
  70229. surficial creep ==> 土爬
  70230. surficial deposit ==> 地表沉积,表层沉积
  70231. surfused liquid ==> 过冷液体
  70232. surge ==> 膜式泵,电涌,冲击波,喘振,浪涌,风暴潮,冒涨,涌波,急变,冰川涌流,波动,波涛,冲击波,湍振,喘振,由于严重失速导致在压气机和连接管道中,出现工质流量以较低的频率振荡为特征的不稳定流动的有害工况=>サージ,活性化
  70233. surge absorber ==> 过电压吸收器,过压吸收器,冲击吸收器,冲击压力吸收器,电涌吸收器=>サージ吸収器,サージアブソーバ
  70234. surge absorber condenser ==> 电涌吸收电容器,过压吸收电容器
  70235. surge absorbing capacitor ==> サージ吸収コンデンサ
  70236. surge admittance ==> 特性导纳,浪涌导纳
  70237. surge analysis ==> 过电压分析=>サージ解析手法
  70238. surge arrester ==> 避雷器,过电压吸收器,电涌放电器=>避雷器
  70239. surge arrester with a spark gap ==> 直列ギャップ付酸化亜鉛型避雷器
  70240. surge arrester with parallel gaps ==> 带并联间隙避雷器
  70241. surge bin ==> 平衡料仓
  70242. surge block coil ==> 冲击波阻尼线圈
  70243. surge bunker ==> 调节仓
  70244. surge calculation ==> サージ計算
  70245. surge capability ==> 过载能力,浪涌能力
  70246. surge capacity ==> 浪涌能力
  70247. surge chamber ==> 调压室,减少压力管道和有压尾水道水击作用的建筑物
  70248. surge characteristic ==> 瞬态特性,过电压特性
  70249. surge check valve ==> 充液阀
  70250. surge column ==> 缓冲柱
  70251. surge connector ==> 脉冲接插件
  70252. surge control ==> 喘振控制,抗喘振调节器
  70253. surge crest ammeter ==> 脉冲峰值安培计
  70254. surge current ==> 冲击电流,浪涌电流=>サージ電流
  70255. surge diverter ==> 避雷器
  70256. surge drum ==> 平衡罐,平衡筒
  70257. surge effect ==> 涌浪效应
  70258. surge endurance ==> 耐サージ性
  70259. surge excitation ==> 冲击励磁
  70260. surge flask ==> 缓冲瓶
  70261. surge front ==> 冲击波前沿
  70262. surge gap ==> 脉冲放电器
  70263. surge generator ==> 冲击波发生器,冲击发生器,脉冲发电器,马克斯发生器
  70264. surge generators ==> 冲击发电机
  70265. surge guard ==> 冲击防护,喘振防护,振荡闭锁装置
  70266. surge hopper ==> 缓冲漏斗
  70267. surge immunity tests ==> (1.2/50Us~8/20Us)浪涌(1.2/50Us~8/20Us)抗干扰性试验
  70268. surge impedance ==> 波动阻抗,特性阻抗=>波動インピーダンス
  70269. surge impedance loading ==> 特性负荷,The maximum amount of real power that can flow down a lossless transmission line such that the line does not require any VAs to support the flow.
  70270. surge injector ==> 脉冲引弧器,脉冲注入器
  70271. surge level ==> 冲击电压电平
  70272. surge limit ==> 喘振极限
  70273. surge limiting capacitor ==> サージ制限コンデンサ
  70274. surge line ==> 喘振线
  70275. surge margin ==> 喘振裕度,压气机的运行点离开该转速下的喘振点的裕量
  70276. surge modifier ==> 电涌吸收器
  70277. surge oscillography ==> 脉冲示波术
  70278. surge overvoltage ==> サージ過電圧
  70279. surge parameter ==> 波参数
  70280. surge pile ==> 储料堆
  70281. surge pipe ==> 调压管
  70282. surge plate ==> 涌浪挡板
  70283. surge point ==> 供压陡降点
  70284. surge pressure ==> 峰值压力,冲击压力,波动压力
  70285. surge prominence ==> 冲浪日珥
  70286. surge proof transformer ==> 非谐振变压器
  70287. surge protecter ==> 突波保护器
  70288. surge protecting transformer ==> 電源保安器
  70289. surge protection ==> 高峰电压保护,过电压保护
  70290. surge protective device ==> 避雷装置=>避雷装置,サージ保護デバイス(SPD),雷防護素子
  70291. surge pump ==> 涌浪泵,薄膜式泵
  70292. surge pumping limit ==> 喘振限
  70293. surge receiving fault-locator ==> サージ受信型フォルトロケータ
  70294. surge relay ==> 冲击继电器,波前陡度继电器
  70295. surge separator ==> 缓冲分离器
  70296. surge shaft ==> 调压井,位于地面以下的调压室
  70297. surge simulator ==> 浪涌模拟器
  70298. surge strength ==> 冲击强度
  70299. surge stress ==> 冲击应力
  70300. surge suppression cable ==> サージ抑制線
  70301. surge suppressor ==> 电涌抑制器,涌波抑制器
  70302. surge tank ==> 平衡箱,倒水槽,稳压罐,调压水箱,均压箱,均压箱,水电站调压塔,平衡罐,平缓罐,缓冲罐=>サージタンク
  70303. surge test ==> 冲击波试验
  70304. surge tester ==> 脉冲试验仪
  70305. surge tower ==> 调压塔,位于地面以上的调压室
  70306. surge transformer ==> 浪涌变压器
  70307. surge valve ==> 间歇作用阀,补偿阀
  70308. surge voltage ==> 冲击电压=>サージ電圧
  70309. surge voltage generator ==> 冲击电压发生器,冲击发电机
  70310. surge voltage ratio ==> サージ電圧比
  70311. surge voltage recorder ==> 过电压记录器
  70312. surge voltage suppressor ==> 冲击电压抑制器
  70313. surge withstand capability ==> 抗冲击能力,冲击电压承受能力
  70314. surge-chamber ==> 调压室
  70315. surge-crest ammeter ==> 电涌峰值安培计,冲击峰值电流表=>サージ波高電流計
  70316. surge-preventing system ==> 防喘装置
  70317. surge-proof transformer ==> 非共振変圧器,防电涌变压器
  70318. surge-protect socket ==> 电涌保护插座
  70319. surge-protect switch ==> 电涌保护开关
  70320. surge-tank ==> 调配槽,充液油箱
  70321. surgeless relay ==> 无冲动继电器
  70322. surgeon ==> 外科医生
  70323. surgeon cap for women ==> 女式外科帽
  70324. surgeon dentist ==> 牙外科医师
  70325. surgeon's needle holder ==> 持针器
  70326. surgeon's rubber glove ==> 外科橡皮手套
  70327. surgeons' knot ==> 外科结
  70328. surgery ==> 外科,外科手术,外科学
  70329. surgery of intestine ==> 肠外科
  70330. surgetank ==> 气室
  70331. surgical (operation) microscope ==> 手术显微镜
  70332. surgical abdomen ==> 急腹症
  70333. surgical and hygienic rubber goods ==> 医用橡胶制品
  70334. surgical catgut ==> 羊肠线
  70335. surgical cloth ==> 外科纱布
  70336. surgical correction of microgenia ==> 小颏矫正术
  70337. surgical correction of microstomia ==> 小口矫正术
  70338. surgical drape ==> 手术单
  70339. surgical dressings ==> 外科绷带
  70340. surgical fever ==> 外科手术热
  70341. surgical forceps ==> 手术镊
  70342. surgical gauze ==> 外科纱布
  70343. surgical hospital ==> 外科医院
  70344. surgical insemination ==> 外科法输精,手术授精
  70345. surgical knife ==> 手术刀
  70346. surgical knot ==> 外科结
  70347. surgical mallet ==> 外科锤
  70348. surgical neck ==> 外科颈
  70349. surgical operation ==> 手術手技
  70350. surgical pathology ==> 外科病理学
  70351. surgical plaster ==> 绊创膏
  70352. surgical scissors ==> 手术剪
  70353. surgical sewing needle ==> 外科缝针
  70354. surgical spirit ==> 外科用酒精
  70355. surgical stitching ==> 缝合
  70356. surgical suture needle ==> 外科缝针
  70357. surgical sutures ==> 外科缝线
  70358. surging ==> 冲击脉动
  70359. surging breaker ==> 激散碎波
  70360. surging characteristic ==> 喘振特性
  70361. surging flow ==> 脉动流
  70362. surging force ==> 冲击力
  70363. surging glacier ==> 间歇冰川
  70364. surging lap ==> 波状重皮,反复折叠
  70365. surging line ==> 喘振线,浪涌线
  70366. surging pad ==> 摩擦轮垫
  70367. surging shock ==> 浪涌撞击,液锤
  70368. surimi ==> 鱼糜
  70369. surmountable fatigue ==> 可耐受疲劳
  70370. surmounted arch ==> 超半圆拱
  70371. surmounted dome ==> 超半圆穹隆
  70372. surpass ==> 超额,超过
  70373. surplus ==> 残料,剩余的,剩余量,嬴余,超量,净余,顺差,过剩,过剩的
  70374. surplus at liquidation ==> 清算盈余
  70375. surplus at opening of the period ==> 期初盈余
  70376. surplus available for dividends ==> 可供股息分配的盈余
  70377. surplus buoyancy ==> 剩余浮力
  70378. surplus capacity ==> 富裕容量,过剩生产能力
  70379. surplus charge ==> 冲转公积的借项,冲转盈余
  70380. surplus compensation ==> 超额补偿
  70381. surplus country ==> 顺差国家
  70382. surplus earth ==> 剩余土方
  70383. surplus electric power ==> 余剰電力
  70384. surplus electricity ==> 余剰電力
  70385. surplus factor ==> 剩余因子
  70386. surplus for the year ==> 本年盈余
  70387. surplus from cancellation of stock ==> 减股盈余,销股差益
  70388. surplus from donated stock ==> 赠股盈余
  70389. surplus from donation ==> 捐赠差益,捐赠差益
  70390. surplus from forfeited stock ==> 没收股本差益,没收股本盈余
  70391. surplus from profit ==> 已获盈余
  70392. surplus from property reappraisal ==> 财产重估盈余
  70393. surplus from revaluation ==> 重估盈余
  70394. surplus fund ==> 经费剩余,经费剩余
  70395. surplus generation ==> 剩余发电量
  70396. surplus heat ==> 过剩热,余热
  70397. surplus heat utilization ==> 余热利用
  70398. surplus in preceding fiscal year ==> 财政年度盈余
  70399. surplus in the budget ==> 财政结余
  70400. surplus income ==> 额外收入
  70401. surplus inventories ==> 超储
  70402. surplus load ==> 超额载荷
  70403. surplus material ==> 剩余材料
  70404. surplus materials ==> 剩余物资
  70405. surplus materials division ==> 剩余物资处
  70406. surplus mature wheat variety ==> 极晚熟小麦品种
  70407. surplus of capital ==> 资本过剩
  70408. surplus of cash ==> 现金过剩
  70409. surplus oil ==> 剩余油
  70410. surplus or deficit of appropriation ==> 经费余绌,经费余绌
  70411. surplus population ==> 人口过剩
  70412. surplus power ==> 剩余功率=>余剰溢(いっ)水電力、余剰電力
  70413. surplus power rate ==> 余剰率
  70414. surplus pressure ==> 剩余压力
  70415. surplus products ==> 剩余产品
  70416. surplus profit ==> 额外利润,分余利润
  70417. surplus purchasing power ==> 结余购买力
  70418. surplus receipts ==> 额外收入,额外收入,额外盈余
  70419. surplus reconcilement ==> 盈余调节
  70420. surplus reinsurance ==> 溢额再保险
  70421. surplus share ==> 溢额部分
  70422. surplus social purchase power ==> 社会节余购买力
  70423. surplus stock ==> 剩余原料,多余原料
  70424. surplus torque ==> 剩余扭矩
  70425. surplus trade balance ==> 贸易顺差
  70426. surplus transportation ==> 剩余运输工具
  70427. surplus value ==> 剩余价值,剩余值
  70428. surplus variable ==> 剩余变量
  70429. surprise ==> 驚き
  70430. surprise action ==> 突袭
  70431. surprise air attack ==> 突然空袭
  70432. surprise announcement ==> 突然の発表
  70433. surprise attack ==> 突然袭击
  70434. surprise audit ==> 空袭式审计
  70435. surprise check ==> 空袭式核查
  70436. surprise checkpoint ==> 突击检查站
  70437. surprise count ==> 空袭式清点
  70438. surprise dosage attack ==> 突然化学袭击
  70439. surprise fire ==> 突然射击
  70440. surprise investigation ==> 抜き打ち調査
  70441. surprise landing ==> 突袭着陆
  70442. surprising side effects ==> 予想外の副作用
  70443. surrender ==> 解约,放弃
  70444. surrender documents ==> 交单
  70445. surrender ill-gotten gains ==> 退赃
  70446. surrender of bills ==> 返还票据
  70447. surrender of rights ==> 放弃权利
  70448. surrender value ==> 退保金额,保险单退保值
  70449. surrogate constraint method ==> 代理制約法(OPFに適用)
  70450. surrogate data ==> サロゲートデータ
  70451. surrouding rock of chamber ==> 硐室围岩,地下空间周边的岩体
  70452. surround ==> 围绕,环绕,支撑
  70453. surrounded by three bracts ==> 三个苞片围着
  70454. surrounding ==> 周围的,周围介质=>包囲,環境
  70455. surrounding air ==> 周界风,又称"吸风机"。用以克服烟道阻力将烟气送入烟囱的风机。
  70456. surrounding environment ==> 周围环境
  70457. surrounding equipment ==> 囲障設備
  70458. surrounding facts ==> 周辺事実
  70459. surrounding fluid pressure ==> 周围液体压力
  70460. surrounding illuminance ==> 周囲照度
  70461. surrounding region ==> 周围地区
  70462. surrounding structure ==> (指包晶)包覆组织
  70463. surroundings ==> 生活环境
  70464. SURS, standard umbilical retractor system ==> 標準アンビリカル格納システム
  70465. SURSAT, surveillance satellite ==> 監視衛星
  70466. surtax survey ==> 附加税调查表
  70467. Suruga bay earthquake ==> 駿河湾地震
  70468. surveillance ==> 监视,监督=>監視
  70469. surveillance approach ==> 监视进场
  70470. surveillance camera ==> 監視カメラ
  70471. surveillance device ==> 监视装置,警戒装置,警戒装置
  70472. surveillance equipment ==> 監視装置
  70473. surveillance mirror ==> 观测镜
  70474. surveillance network ==> 监测台网
  70475. surveillance of disease ==> 疾病监视
  70476. surveillance of variation of virus ==> 病毒变异监测
  70477. surveillance radar ==> 监视雷达,警戒雷达,警戒雷达
  70478. surveillance requirements ==> 监督条件
  70479. surveillance satellite ==> 监视卫星
  70480. surveillance ship ==> 监视船,侦察船
  70481. surveillance sonar ==> 监视声纳
  70482. surveillance system ==> 观测系统
  70483. surveillance testing ==> 检查性试验
  70484. survey ==> 观察,概况,调查,勘测,勘查,草测,测绘,测量,查勘,述评=>測量
  70485. survey accuracy ==> 测量精度
  70486. survey aircraft ==> 测量飞机
  70487. survey and design expense ==> 勘察设计费
  70488. survey and geological exploration ==> 测量和地质勘探
  70489. survey area ==> 测区面积
  70490. survey beacon ==> 测量标志
  70491. survey boat ==> 测量船,观察船
  70492. survey bureau ==> 测量局
  70493. survey camera ==> 测量摄影机
  70494. survey craft ==> 测量艇
  70495. survey crew ==> 勘测队
  70496. survey data ==> 测量资料
  70497. survey during development period ==> 发育期调查
  70498. survey foot ==> 测量英尺
  70499. survey for the finding of oceanic minerals ==> 海洋矿产调查
  70500. survey for water table level ==> 地下水位调查
  70501. survey grid ==> 测量格网
  70502. survey group ==> 测量队,测量组
  70503. survey map ==> 测量图
  70504. survey mark ==> 测标
  70505. survey marker ==> 测量标志
  70506. survey meter ==> 测量器,探索器
  70507. survey method ==> 鉴定法
  70508. survey monument ==> 测量标石
  70509. survey network ==> 测图网
  70510. Survey of Current Business ==> (美国)现代商业概览
  70511. survey of dam breach flood ==> 溃坝洪水调查
  70512. survey of maize-growing soils ==> 种植玉米的土壤鉴定
  70513. survey on people's living-conditions ==> 人民居住条件调查
  70514. survey pin ==> 测钎
  70515. survey platform ==> 勘探平台,观测平台
  70516. survey point ==> 测点
  70517. survey probe ==> 测针
  70518. survey report ==> 鉴定报告
  70519. survey report on quality ==> 品质鉴定证明书
  70520. survey scale ==> 测量比例尺
  70521. survey service ==> 测绘局,测量局
  70522. survey sheet ==> 测图原图
  70523. survey station ==> 测站
  70524. survey target ==> 测量觇标
  70525. survey team ==> 测量队,勘测队
  70526. survey the terrain ==> 察看地形
  70527. survey theodolite ==> 测地经纬仪
  70528. survey traverse ==> 测图导线
  70529. surveyed drawing ==> 实测图
  70530. surveyed line ==> 观测线
  70531. surveying ==> 测量学,数量估算
  70532. surveying altimeter ==> 测量用高度计
  70533. surveying and mapping ==> 测绘
  70534. surveying boat ==> 测验船
  70535. surveying calculation ==> 测量计算
  70536. surveying camera ==> 测量照相机
  70537. surveying chain ==> 测链
  70538. surveying compass ==> 测量罗盘
  70539. surveying computation ==> 测量计算
  70540. surveying guide ==> 调查准则
  70541. surveying instrument ==> 测绘仪,测量仪器
  70542. surveying line ==> 测线
  70543. surveying peg ==> 测桩
  70544. surveying plane table ==> 测量平板仪,平板仪
  70545. surveying record ==> 测量记录
  70546. surveying rod ==> 测杆
  70547. surveying sextant ==> 测量六分仪,水文地理测量六分仪
  70548. surveying stake ==> 标桩
  70549. surveying vessel ==> 测量艇
  70550. surveyingpin ==> 测量针
  70551. surveyor ==> 测量器,测量员,勘测程序,验货员
  70552. surveyor of customs ==> 海关检查人员
  70553. surveyor of the technical inspection ==> 技术鉴定者
  70554. Surveyor program ==> 月球勘测者计划
  70555. surveyor's compass ==> 测量罗盘,测量用罗盘仪
  70556. surveyor's cross ==> 测量十字线
  70557. surveyor's dial ==> 测量用罗盘仪
  70558. surveyor's fee ==> 鉴定费
  70559. surveyor's level ==> 测量水准器,水准仪
  70560. surveyor's quality certificate ==> 鉴定品质证书
  70561. surveyor's report ==> 鉴定报告,鉴定行报告
  70562. surveyor's table ==> 平板仪
  70563. surveyor's transit ==> 测量经纬仪
  70564. surveyor's weight certificate ==> 鉴定重量证书
  70565. surveyors level ==> 测量水平仪
  70566. surveys of attitudes ==> 态度调查
  70567. survivability criteria ==> 生存性准则
  70568. survivable route ==> 保险路线
  70569. survival ==> 残存者,残余
  70570. survival bond ==> 残存债券
  70571. survival craft ==> 救生载具,救生载具
  70572. survival craft station ==> 救命浮機局
  70573. survival curve ==> 存活曲线
  70574. survival equipment ==> 救生设备,救生设备
  70575. survival family ==> 遺族
  70576. survival function ==> 残存函数,剩余函数
  70577. survival game ==> 生存对策
  70578. survival kit ==> 急救装置=>サバイバルキット
  70579. survival method ==> 幸存法
  70580. survival of the fittest ==> 适者生存
  70581. survival percent ==> 成活率
  70582. survival potential ==> 生存潜能
  70583. survival probability ==> 残存確率
  70584. survival rate ==> 生存率
  70585. survival ratio ==> 生存率
  70586. survival rations ==> 救生口粮,救生口粮
  70587. survival suit ==> 救生服,救生服
  70588. survival wind speed ==> 安全风速=>耐風速
  70589. survived winter mosquitoes ==> 越冬蚊
  70590. surviving company ==> 续存公司
  70591. surviving relative ==> 遺族
  70592. survivor ==> 遺族
  70593. survivor curve ==> 残存曲线
  70594. survivor's annuity ==> 遗族年金
  70595. survivor's insurance ==> 遗族保险
  70596. survivors ==> 遺族
  70597. survivorship curve ==> 生存曲线
  70598. survivorship method ==> 幸存法
  70599. sus ==> 硅单向开关
  70600. SUS, stainless steel ==> ステンレス鋼
  70601. SUS, Substation Automation System ==> 変電所自動化装置
  70602. Sus, suspension ==> 懸垂型鉄塔
  70603. susceptance ==> 电纳=>サセプタンス
  70604. susceptance loop ==> 电纳环
  70605. susceptance standard ==> 电纳标准
  70606. susceptibility ==> 磁化率=>磁化率,妨害感受性
  70607. susceptibility meter ==> 磁化率计
  70608. susceptibility of population ==> 人群易感性
  70609. susceptible ==> 影響を受けやすい,感染しやすい
  70610. susceptible period ==> 易感受期
  70611. susceptible population ==> 易感人群
  70612. susceptor element ==> 敏感元件,感应元件
  70613. susceptor phase advancer ==> 感受器相位超前补偿器
  70614. SUSIM, solar ultraviolet spectral irradiance monitor ==> 太陽紫外線スペクトル放射モニター
  70615. suspected supernova ==> 疑似超新星
  70616. suspected variable ==> 疑似变星
  70617. suspend bed sediment ==> 悬浮泥沙
  70618. suspend or cancel projects ==> 停建缓建项目
  70619. suspend payment ==> 暂停支付
  70620. suspend tube ==> 悬吊管,悬吊受热面并用工质进行冷却的管子。
  70621. suspended ==> 悬吊的,悬挂的,被中止的=>つるした,ぶらさがった
  70622. suspended absorber ==> 空间吸声体,悬挂吸收器
  70623. suspended acoustic ceilling ==> 悬挂式吸声天花板
  70624. suspended animation ==> 假死
  70625. suspended arch ==> 悬拱
  70626. suspended array surveillance system (SASS) ==> 悬挂式基阵监视系统
  70627. suspended ash ==> 悬浮灰分
  70628. suspended block ==> 吊砖
  70629. suspended body flowmeter ==> 悬浮体流量计
  70630. suspended boiler structure ==> 悬吊式锅炉构架,锅炉部件通过吊杆悬挂在炉顶梁格上的锅炉构架。
  70631. suspended cable ==> 懸垂ケーブル
  70632. suspended cable roof ==> 悬索屋盖
  70633. suspended call ==> 中止的呼叫
  70634. suspended car ==> 悬空车
  70635. suspended carbon ==> 悬浮碳
  70636. suspended cargo ==> 悬吊货物
  70637. suspended cartridge test ==> 悬吊药包试验
  70638. suspended catwalk ==> 悬挂跳板
  70639. suspended ceiling ==> 吊车,悬吊顶=>吊り天井
  70640. suspended ceiling system ==> 吊顶体系
  70641. suspended cell culture ==> 悬浮细胞培养
  70642. suspended centrifuge ==> 上悬式离心机,悬挂式离心机
  70643. suspended chute ==> 悬挂式溜槽
  70644. suspended clasp ==> 悬吊挂钩,吊架=>天吊り金具
  70645. suspended coil galvanometer ==> 悬挂式电流计,悬圈式电流计
  70646. suspended colloid ==> 悬浮胶体
  70647. suspended core ==> 吊芯
  70648. suspended deck ==> 悬桥面
  70649. suspended diode ==> 中断二极管
  70650. suspended dust ==> 悬浮尘埃
  70651. suspended electromagnet ==> 悬吊电磁铁
  70652. suspended expanded metal lath ceiling ==> 钢板网吊顶
  70653. suspended fender ==> 悬挂式防撞装置
  70654. suspended flight conveyor ==> 悬式刮板输送机
  70655. suspended floor ==> 悬桥面
  70656. suspended flyer ==> 悬挂式锭翼
  70657. suspended forms ==> 悬吊式模板
  70658. suspended formwork ==> 悬吊式模板
  70659. suspended gravity fender ==> 悬挂式重力防撞装置
  70660. suspended grinder ==> 悬挂砂轮机
  70661. suspended highway bridge ==> 悬索公路桥
  70662. suspended histogram ==> 悬浮式直方图
  70663. suspended hydrogenerator ==> 悬式水轮发电机,立式水轮发电机中的一种,其推力轴承位于转子上方,支撑在上机架上
  70664. suspended idler ==> 悬挂式托辊
  70665. suspended idler structure ==> 悬挂式托辊结构
  70666. suspended joint ==> 悬式接头
  70667. suspended lamp ==> 吊灯
  70668. suspended load ==> 悬移质,悬浮负荷,悬浮物
  70669. suspended load sampler ==> 悬移质采样器
  70670. suspended magnet ==> 悬吊磁铁
  70671. suspended mass ==> 悬挂质量
  70672. suspended material ==> 悬浮泥沙
  70673. suspended matter ==> 悬浮物,悬浮质,混悬物质
  70674. suspended microphone ==> 悬挂式传声器
  70675. suspended mixture ==> 悬浮混合物
  70676. suspended model ==> 悬挂模型
  70677. suspended moisture ==> 悬着水分
  70678. suspended oil ==> 悬浮油类
  70679. suspended particle ==> 悬浮颗粒,悬浮粒子
  70680. suspended particles ==> 悬浮颗粒
  70681. suspended particulate ==> 悬浮颗粒
  70682. suspended particulate matter ==> 悬浮颗粒物
  70683. suspended pattern ==> 懸垂式
  70684. suspended pedal ==> 悬吊式踏板
  70685. suspended pendant luminaire ==> つり下げ形照明器具
  70686. suspended phase ==> 悬浮相
  70687. suspended placenta ==> 悬垂胎座
  70688. suspended platform ==> 悬空操作台
  70689. suspended railroad ==> 悬架铁道
  70690. suspended railway ==> 悬架铁道,高架铁道
  70691. suspended refractory wall ==> 悬吊耐火墙
  70692. suspended roof ==> 悬索屋顶
  70693. suspended roof brick ==> 吊顶砖
  70694. suspended sand ==> 悬浮泥沙
  70695. suspended scaffold ==> 挂脚手架,悬挂式脚手架
  70696. suspended scintillator ==> 悬浮闪烁体
  70697. suspended screen ==> 悬挂筛
  70698. suspended sediment ==> 悬浮沉积物
  70699. suspended sediment sampler ==> 悬浮体渣脚取样器
  70700. suspended sedimentation ==> 悬浮体渣脚
  70701. suspended shake-out device ==> 悬挂式落砂架
  70702. suspended shaker ==> 悬吊式簸动运输机
  70703. suspended sludge ==> 悬浮淤渣
  70704. suspended solid ==> 悬浮固体,悬浮性固体,悬浊固体
  70705. suspended solid (SS) ==> 悬浮固体
  70706. suspended solid contact reaction basin ==> 悬浮固体接触反应池
  70707. suspended solid discharge standard ==> 悬浮固体排放标准
  70708. suspended solid material ==> 悬浮固体,悬浮固体物质
  70709. suspended solids ==> 悬浮固体物
  70710. suspended span ==> 悬跨
  70711. suspended spring ==> 悬挂式弹簧,悬簧
  70712. suspended staging ==> 悬挂式脚手架
  70713. suspended state ==> 挂起状态,暂行状态,悬浮状态
  70714. suspended stiffening truss ==> 悬式加劲桁架
  70715. suspended substance ==> 悬浮物,悬浮物质,悬浮于水溶液中直径大于1×10-4mm的颗粒物
  70716. suspended sulfate ==> 悬浮硫酸盐
  70717. suspended tow ==> 悬挂拖运
  70718. suspended transformation ==> 悬浮转变作用
  70719. suspended tray conveyer ==> 悬吊槽式运输机,悬筐式输送设备
  70720. suspended tray conveyor ==> 吊盘输送机
  70721. suspended tray elevator ==> 悬挂盘式提升机
  70722. suspended truss ==> 悬式桁架
  70723. suspended tubbing ==> 悬挂式预制弧形块井壁
  70724. suspended type ==> 悬挂式
  70725. suspended type generator ==> 悬式发电机
  70726. suspended type of furnace ==> 悬吊式炉
  70727. suspended type unit heater ==> 悬挂式单位散热器
  70728. suspended wall ==> 悬墙
  70729. suspended wall lining ==> 悬吊式壁面铺盖层
  70730. suspended water ==> 悬浮水分,包气带水,悬着水
  70731. suspended wooden lath ceiling ==> 木板条吊顶
  70732. suspended zone melting ==> 悬区熔化
  70733. suspended-ceiling load ==> 吊顶荷载
  70734. suspended-drop current metre ==> 滴漏式流速仪
  70735. suspended-frame weir ==> 悬挂式框架堰,活动式悬架堰
  70736. suspended-shaft crusher ==> 悬轴式破碎机
  70737. suspended-solid contact reactor ==> 悬浮固体接触反应器
  70738. suspended-spindle gyratory crusher ==> 悬轴回转碎矿机
  70739. suspended-spindle type gyratory ==> 悬轴式旋回破碎机
  70740. suspending agent ==> 悬浮剂
  70741. suspending beam scale ==> 悬梁秤
  70742. suspending dust ==> 飘尘,悬浮尘埃
  70743. suspending liquid ==> 悬浮液
  70744. suspending medium ==> 悬浮介质
  70745. suspending operation or slashing production ==> 停工减产
  70746. suspending power ==> 悬浮能力
  70747. suspense account ==> 暂记帐户
  70748. suspense credit ==> 暂记贷项,暂收款
  70749. suspense debit ==> 暂付款项,暂记借项
  70750. suspense payment account ==> 暂付款帐户
  70751. suspense receipt account ==> 暂收款帐户
  70752. suspense receipts on capital subscription ==> 认购股本暂收款
  70753. suspension ==> 悬挂物,悬架,悬丝,悬液,悬移作用,无力偿付,吊挂,挂起状态,悬吊,悬吊术,悬浮,停止工作,同纬映像,双角锥,混悬浮液=>サスペンション,一時停止,保留,差し止め,中ぶらりん,宙づり,懸垂,懸架,緩衝装置
  70754. suspension access ==> 悬挂装置检查孔
  70755. suspension additive ==> 悬浮添加剂
  70756. suspension agent ==> 懸濁剤
  70757. suspension anchor cable ==> 悬吊锚锭索
  70758. suspension and support ==> 支吊架,将管道(汽、水、烟、风管道)产生的载荷用支承或悬吊的方式传递给锅炉构架的装置。
  70759. suspension arch ==> 悬拱
  70760. suspension architecture ==> サスペンション構造
  70761. suspension arm ==> 悬挂臂,弹簧吊架=>サスペンションアーム
  70762. suspension arrangement ==> 弹簧架吊件,悬挂装置=>懸架装置
  70763. suspension attachment ==> 悬吊工具
  70764. suspension attachment points ==> 悬架固定点
  70765. suspension bearing ==> 吊悬轴承,悬浮轴承
  70766. suspension bogie ==> 悬挂转向架
  70767. suspension bolt ==> 挂环螺栓
  70768. suspension box-cofferdam ==> 浮箱式围堰,吊箱围堰
  70769. suspension bracket ==> 悬挂架=>支持ブラケット
  70770. suspension bridge ==> 悬索桥=>つり橋
  70771. suspension bridge tower ==> つり橋主塔
  70772. suspension bunker ==> 悬吊进漏斗
  70773. suspension burning ==> 浮遊燃焼
  70774. suspension cable ==> 悬缆,吊索
  70775. suspension cable anchor ==> 悬索锚固
  70776. suspension cable railway ==> 悬索铁路
  70777. suspension center ==> 悬点
  70778. suspension centre ==> 吊点
  70779. suspension chain ==> 悬链
  70780. suspension clamp ==> 悬挂线夹,悬垂线夹,吊夹,吊架=>懸垂クランプ
  70781. suspension clamp(aluminium) ==> 悬垂线夹(铝质)
  70782. suspension clamp(steel) ==> 悬垂线夹(钢质)
  70783. suspension coating machine ==> 悬浮包衣机
  70784. suspension coating method ==> 悬浮包衣法
  70785. suspension coil ==> 悬吊线圈
  70786. suspension colloid ==> 悬浮胶体,胶体悬液
  70787. suspension combustion ==> 悬浮燃烧,又称"火室燃烧"。燃料以粉状、雾状或气态随同空气经燃烧器喷入锅炉炉膛,在悬浮状态下进行燃烧的方式。
  70788. suspension compass ==> 悬式罗盘
  70789. suspension copolymerization ==> 悬浮共聚
  70790. suspension current ==> 浑浊流,混浊流,悬移流,含沙流,浊流=>懸濁流
  70791. suspension damper ==> 悬挂减震器
  70792. suspension deck LNG tank ==> 吊顶式液化天然气罐
  70793. suspension design ==> サスペンション設計
  70794. suspension development ==> サスペンション開発
  70795. suspension device ==> 悬挂装置=>懸架装置
  70796. suspension dredge ==> 悬挂式挖泥机
  70797. suspension dyeing ==> 悬浮染色
  70798. suspension effect ==> 悬浮作用,悬液效应
  70799. suspension electrode ==> 悬浮电极
  70800. suspension electrodynamometer ==> 悬置式电功率计
  70801. suspension equipment ==> 悬挂设备
  70802. suspension feeder ==> 食悬浮体动物
  70803. suspension fertilizer ==> 悬浮肥料
  70804. suspension fiber ==> 悬丝
  70805. suspension firing ==> 悬浮燃烧
  70806. suspension flow ==> 懸濁流
  70807. suspension for barium enema ==> 钡灌肠用混悬液
  70808. suspension fork ==> 悬架
  70809. suspension fuel ==> 悬浮燃料
  70810. suspension gasifier ==> 悬浮气化煤气发生炉
  70811. suspension gear ==> 悬吊机构
  70812. suspension girder ==> 悬梁
  70813. suspension grout ==> 悬液浆
  70814. suspension height ==> つり下げ高さ(照明器具)
  70815. suspension hook ==> 吊钩
  70816. suspension insulator ==> 悬式绝缘子,悬垂绝缘子=>懸垂がいし
  70817. suspension insulator string ==> 悬式绝缘子串
  70818. suspension joint ==> 悬式接头,浮接
  70819. suspension laryngoscope ==> 悬吊式喉镜
  70820. suspension laryngoscopy ==> 悬吊喉镜检查
  70821. suspension lever ==> 悬架臂
  70822. suspension lever pivot pin ==> 悬架杠杆销轴
  70823. suspension line ==> 悬挂索,悬挂线,架空线
  70824. suspension link ==> 悬架臂,拉环
  70825. suspension linkage ==> 悬挂装置
  70826. suspension load ==> 悬移质,悬浮负荷,悬浮泥沙
  70827. suspension load sampler ==> 悬移质采样器
  70828. suspension locking handle ==> 悬挂锁紧手柄
  70829. suspension loop ==> 挂耳
  70830. suspension lubrication pipe ==> 悬挂装置滑油管
  70831. suspension lubrication pump ==> 悬挂装置滑油泵
  70832. suspension lubrication tank ==> 悬挂装置滑油箱
  70833. suspension member ==> 悬索
  70834. suspension method ==> 悬浮法
  70835. suspension mounting ==> 悬式装置
  70836. suspension mounting reinforcement ==> 悬架支承加强板
  70837. suspension natural frequency ==> 悬挂系固有频率
  70838. suspension of business ==> 停业,停止营业
  70839. suspension of business transaction ==> 取引停止
  70840. suspension of cells ==> 細胞懸濁液
  70841. suspension of cement ==> セメントの懸濁液
  70842. suspension of contracts for a fixed term ==> 一定期間の取引停止
  70843. suspension of convertibility ==> 交換性停止
  70844. suspension of emission of air pollutants ==> 大気汚染物質の排出差し止め
  70845. suspension of fresh sheep red cells ==> 绵羊新鲜红细胞悬液
  70846. suspension of hire ==> 停租船
  70847. suspension of payment ==> 停止付款
  70848. suspension of prescription ==> 停止时效
  70849. suspension of right ==> 停止权利
  70850. suspension of the dollar's conversion into gold ==> 美元停止兑换黄金
  70851. suspension of the sale of securities ==> 停止出售证券
  70852. suspension of water supply ==> 断水
  70853. suspension oil ==> 悬浮油类
  70854. suspension packing ==> 悬浮填充
  70855. suspension pantograph ==> 悬式缩放仪
  70856. suspension percentage ==> 悬浮率
  70857. suspension period ==> 停息段
  70858. suspension piercing ==> 悬吊式火力钻进
  70859. suspension pin ==> 悬挂轴
  70860. suspension plaster ==> 悬垂石膏
  70861. suspension point ==> 悬挂点
  70862. suspension polymerization ==> 悬浮聚合
  70863. suspension population ==> 悬浮总体
  70864. suspension porcelain ==> 瓷质悬挂隔电子
  70865. suspension preheater ==> 悬浮预热器=>サスペンションプレヒータ
  70866. suspension property ==> 悬浮性
  70867. suspension pump linkage ==> 悬挂装置滑油泵联杆
  70868. suspension push ==> 悬垂式按钮
  70869. suspension rail ==> 悬轨
  70870. suspension rate ==> 悬架刚度
  70871. suspension reactor ==> 悬浮液堆,悬浮液反应堆
  70872. suspension rheology ==> 悬浮体流变学
  70873. suspension ring ==> 吊环
  70874. suspension roast ==> 漂悬焙烧法
  70875. suspension roaster ==> 悬浮焙烧炉
  70876. suspension roasting ==> 悬浮焙烧
  70877. suspension roll center ==> 悬挂滚翻中心
  70878. suspension roll geometry effect ==> 悬挂系统侧倾效应
  70879. suspension roof ==> 悬索屋顶
  70880. suspension roof support ==> 锚杆支护,杆柱支护,悬顶支护
  70881. suspension rope ==> 悬缆
  70882. suspension screen ==> 悬挂筛
  70883. suspension seat ==> 悬挂式座椅
  70884. suspension sequence ==> 同纬映像序列
  70885. suspension setting ==> 吊装
  70886. suspension shackle ==> 悬架吊耳
  70887. suspension shaft ==> 悬挂轴
  70888. suspension sheave ==> 懸垂シーブ
  70889. suspension shelving ==> 悬挂式书架
  70890. suspension shock absorber for vehicle ==> 车辆用悬挂式缓冲器
  70891. suspension smelting ==> 悬浮熔炼
  70892. suspension spike ==> 悬挂架销钉
  70893. suspension spotlight ==> 悬挂式聚光灯
  70894. suspension spring ==> 悬簧,悬置弹簧
  70895. suspension stability ==> 悬液稳定性,悬浮稳定性
  70896. suspension stability control ==> 悬挂稳定性控制
  70897. suspension stiffness ==> 悬架刚度
  70898. suspension strand ==> 吊线钢索
  70899. suspension string ==> 悬垂绝缘子串
  70900. suspension structure ==> 悬浮结构
  70901. suspension support ==> 悬架支承
  70902. suspension system ==> 悬挂装置,悬架系统,悬置系统,摇动法,悬浮体系
  70903. suspension traction of pelvis ==> 骨盆悬吊牵引
  70904. suspension transmissibility ==> 悬架传递振动的性能
  70905. suspension transport ==> 悬移作用,悬浮搬运
  70906. suspension type ==> 悬挂型
  70907. suspension type conveyer ==> 悬架式运输机
  70908. suspension type drawing frame ==> 高架式并条机
  70909. suspension type fuel ==> 悬浮态燃料
  70910. suspension type log haul-up ==> 悬架式拉木机
  70911. suspension type oil hydraulic press ==> 悬挂式双动油压机
  70912. suspension valve ==> 悬置阀
  70913. suspension vertical stiffness ==> 悬挂系统垂直刚度
  70914. suspension weight ==> 悬锤
  70915. suspension wheelbase ==> 悬架轴距
  70916. suspension winch ==> 悬置绞车
  70917. suspension wire ==> 吊线,悬吊钢丝=>つり線
  70918. suspension yoke ==> 悬吊台
  70919. suspension, suspended solids ==> 悬浮体
  70920. suspension-explosive ==> 悬吊药包
  70921. suspension-piercing machine ==> 悬吊式火力钻机
  70922. suspension-truss bridge ==> 悬式桁架桥
  70923. suspension-type direct desulfurization ==> 悬浮式直接脱硫
  70924. suspensoid catalytic cracking process ==> 悬胶催化裂化过程
  70925. suspensoid cracked fuel ==> 悬胶催化裂化燃料
  70926. suspensoid process ==> 悬浮体分选法
  70927. suspensoid state ==> 悬胶态
  70928. suspensory attachment ==> 乳房附着不紧
  70929. suspensory bandage ==> 悬吊绷带
  70930. suspensory ligament of axilla ==> 腋窝悬韧带,坎贝尔氏韧带
  70931. suspensory ligament of clitoris ==> 阴蒂悬韧带
  70932. suspensory ligament of lens ==> 晶状体悬韧带
  70933. suspensory ligament of ovary ==> 卵巢悬韧带
  70934. suspensory ligament of penis ==> 阴茎悬韧带
  70935. suspensory membrane ==> 悬膜
  70936. suspensory wire ==> 悬丝
  70937. suspention of business ==> 休业
  70938. suspicion ==> 容疑,感づくこと
  70939. suspicious package ==> 可疑物品=>不審物
  70940. Sussex garden wall bond ==> 三顺一丁砌法
  70941. Sussex garden-wall bond ==> 苏塞克斯花园墙砌合
  70942. sustain ==> 支撑,支持,持续
  70943. sustain damage to engine and fuselage ==> エンジンと胴体に損傷を受ける
  70944. sustain losses ==> 蒙受损失
  70945. sustain losses in business ==> 赔本
  70946. sustainability ==> 持续发展学=>持続可能性
  70947. sustainability education ==> 持続可能性教育
  70948. sustainability index ==> 持続可能性インデックス
  70949. sustainability indicator ==> 持続可能性指標
  70950. sustainability science ==> 持続可能性科学
  70951. Sustainability--to be or not to be, that is the question ==> 《问题是环境能否持续发展》
  70952. sustainable ==> 維持できる
  70953. sustainable action ==> 持続可能な行動
  70954. sustainable agriculture ==> 可持续农业=>持続的農業
  70955. sustainable comeback ==> 持続的回復
  70956. sustainable construction ==> 持続可能な建設
  70957. sustainable consumption ==> 持続可能な消費
  70958. sustainable deployment ==> 持続的配置
  70959. sustainable design ==> 環境を持続させる設計
  70960. sustainable development ==> 環境維持開発
  70961. Sustainable Development for the 21st Century (SUSDEV 21) ==> 二十一世纪持续发展
  70962. sustainable economics ==> 衍续经济学
  70963. sustainable economy ==> 持続可能な経済
  70964. sustainable energy ==> 持続可能なエネルギー
  70965. sustainable environment ==> 持続可能な環境への
  70966. sustainable fisheries ==> 持続可能な漁業
  70967. sustainable growth ==> 持続的成長,持続可能な成長
  70968. sustainable management ==> 持続可能な経営
  70969. sustainable plan ==> 持続可能な計画
  70970. sustainable policy ==> 持続可能な政策
  70971. sustainable yield ==> 可维持产量
  70972. sustained ==> 持続した
  70973. sustained acceleration ==> 持続加速度
  70974. sustained action ==> 継続した行動
  70975. sustained activation ==> 持続的活性化
  70976. sustained annual yield working ==> 定期保续收获
  70977. sustained arc ==> 持续弧
  70978. sustained breakdown ==> 持续破坏
  70979. sustained collector voltage ==> 集电极保持电压
  70980. sustained combustion ==> 持续燃烧
  70981. sustained contraction ==> 持久性收缩
  70982. sustained fault ==> 持续故障
  70983. sustained interruption ==> 持続停電
  70984. sustained load ==> 持续负荷
  70985. sustained modulus of elasticity ==> 持久弹性模量
  70986. sustained oscillation ==> 持续振荡=>持続振動
  70987. sustained oscillations ==> 持续振荡
  70988. sustained oscillator ==> 持续振荡器
  70989. sustained overvoltage ==> 持续过压
  70990. sustained period ==> 持続時間
  70991. sustained phase ==> 支持相
  70992. sustained radiation ==> 持续辐射,等幅波辐射=>持続放射
  70993. sustained rate of fire ==> 持续射击速率
  70994. sustained short circuit ==> 持续短路
  70995. sustained short circuit test ==> 持续短路试验
  70996. sustained short-circuit ==> 持续短路=>持続短絡
  70997. sustained sound ==> 持续噪声
  70998. sustained speed ==> 持久速率
  70999. sustained stress ==> 持续应力
  71000. sustained surge ==> 持续涌浪
  71001. sustained three-phase short-circuit current ==> 稳态三相断路电流
  71002. sustained vibration ==> 持续振荡
  71003. sustained wave ==> 持续波
  71004. sustained yield ==> 持续产量,持续生产量,持续收获,永续收获
  71005. sustained-yield management ==> 永续收获经营
  71006. sustainer chamber ==> 主发动机燃烧室,主级发动机
  71007. sustainer motor ==> 主发动机,主火箭发动机,续航发动机
  71008. sustainer unit ==> 主发动机组
  71009. sustainer-pumped laser ==> 持续泵浦激光器
  71010. sustaining plane ==> 支持面
  71011. sustaining power ==> 支持能力,持续力
  71012. sustaining valve ==> 支撑阀
  71013. sustaining voltage ==> 保持电压
  71014. sustaining wall ==> 扶墙
  71015. sustentacular fibers ==> 支持纤维,支柱纤维
  71016. sustentaculum of talus ==> 跟骨载距突,载距突
  71017. susy transformations ==> 超对称变换
  71018. Sutro weir ==> 苏特罗式堰,比例式堰
  71019. suttle weight ==> 净重,净重
  71020. Sutton stone ==> 萨顿石
  71021. sutura coronalis ==> 冠状缝,额顶缝
  71022. sutura coronaria ==> 冠状缝
  71023. sutura frontalis ==> 额缝
  71024. sutura frontoethmoidalis ==> 额筛缝
  71025. sutura frontolacrimalis ==> 额泪缝
  71026. sutura frontomaxillaris ==> 额颌缝
  71027. sutura frontonasalis ==> 额鼻缝
  71028. sutura frontotemporalis ==> 额颞缝
  71029. sutura frontozygomatica ==> 额颧缝
  71030. sutura internasalis ==> 鼻骨间缝
  71031. sutura palatina mediana ==> 腭中缝
  71032. sutura palatina transversa ==> 腭横缝
  71033. sutural basin ==> 缝合带盆地
  71034. sutural bone ==> 缝间骨
  71035. sutural vein ==> 缝脉
  71036. suture ==> 缝,缝合,缝合术,缝术,缝线,医用缝合线,线缝=>縫合糸,縫い目
  71037. suture adjustment ==> 縫合調整
  71038. suture an incision ==> 傷口を縫い合わせる
  71039. suture and ligation of varicose vein ==> 曲张静脉缝合结扎术
  71040. suture belt ==> 縫合帯
  71041. suture bobbin ==> 缝线轴
  71042. suture diastasis ==> 縫合離開
  71043. suture guide ==> 缝线导子
  71044. suture instrument and material ==> 医用缝合器材
  71045. suture line ==> 缝合线,地缝合线
  71046. suture material ==> 缝合材料
  71047. suture needle ==> 缝合针,缝针
  71048. suture of ear ==> 耳缝合术
  71049. suture of internal orifice of cervix ==> 子宫颈内口缝合术
  71050. suture of lacerated lid margin ==> 睑缘撕脱伤缝合术,睑缘撕脱伤缝合术
  71051. suture of myometrium ==> 子宫肌层缝合
  71052. suture of perforation ==> 穿孔缝合术
  71053. suture of scleral rupture ==> 巩膜破裂缝合术
  71054. suture of scrotum ==> 阴囊缝合术
  71055. suture of wound ==> 创口缝合术
  71056. suture orogenic belt ==> 缝合造山带
  71057. suture scissors ==> 缝线剪
  71058. suture scissors titch scissors ==> 拆线剪
  71059. suture sterilizing jar ==> 缝合线消毒缸
  71060. suture sutura sphenofrontalis ==> 额蝶缝
  71061. suture wire cutter ==> 缝合钢丝切割钳
  71062. suture with weaving prosthesis ==> 编织假体缝合法
  71063. suture zone ==> 缝合带
  71064. sutured quartz ==> 缝合石英
  71065. suturing of corneal rupture ==> 角膜破裂缝合术
  71066. SUV, solar ultraviolet radiation ==> 太陽紫外線放射
  71067. SUV, Sport Utility Vehicle ==> スポーツ・ユーティリティー・ビークル,スポーツ多目的車
  71068. suxethonium chloride ==> 琥乙氯铵
  71069. Suzhou ==> 苏州=>蘇州,スーチョウ,そしゅう
  71070. Suzhou-style decorative painting ==> 苏式彩画
  71071. Suzlon ==> 苏司兰(印度风电设备公司)=>スズロン
  71072. Suzuki effect ==> 铃木秀茨效应
  71073. SV method analysis ==> スパイラルベクトル法の解析
  71074. SV Single Visit ==> 单独参观
  71075. SV Theorem 1. The real vaule expression of state variable is the real part of its SV expression. ==> SV定理1, スパイラルベクトルに対応する実数瞬時値はその実数分である。
  71076. SV Theorem 2. The spiral vector rotates counter-clockwise in the complex plane. ==> SV定理2, スパイラルベクトルは複素平面上で反時計方向に回転する。
  71077. SV, schedule variance ==> スケジュール変位
  71078. SV, servicing vehicle ==> 作業船
  71079. Sv, sievert ==> シーベルト
  71080. SV, sine wave vibration test ==> 正弦波振動試験
  71081. SV, sophisticated verification ==> SV法
  71082. SV, space vehicle ==> 宇宙飛翔体
  71083. SV, spiral vector ==> スパイラルベクトル
  71084. SV, start valve ==> スタートバルブ
  71085. SV, Supervision ==> スーパービジョン,遠隔監視表示信号
  71086. SV, SuperVision equipment ==> スーパービジョン(遠隔表示装置)
  71087. SVC ==> 静止无功补偿
  71088. SVC 76 Error Recording Interface ==> 访管指令76出错记录接口
  71089. SVC interruption ==> 访管中断
  71090. SVC routine ==> 访管例行程序
  71091. SVC, Static Var Compensator ==> 静止形無効電力補償装置
  71092. SVC, Static Var Controller ==> 静止形無効電力補償装置
  71093. SVC, supervisor call ==> スーパーバイザコール
  71094. SVC, switched virtual connenction ==> 相手先選択接続
  71095. SVC/STATCOM control ==> SVC/STATCOM控制=>SVC/STATCOM制御
  71096. SVD, singular value decomposition ==> 特異値分析
  71097. SVE, space vehicle ==> 宇宙船(主に輸送を目的とするもの)
  71098. Svedberg equation ==> 斯维德贝格方程
  71099. Svenska Handelsbanken ==> 瑞典商业银行
  71100. SVG, scaleable vector graphics ==> XMLを用いて2次元グラフィックスを記述するための言語
  71101. SVG, Static Var Generator ==> 静止形無効電力補償装置。海外では、STATCOM が業界標準用語。
  71102. SVI, smoke volatility index ==> 煙蒸発性指数
  71103. SVP, service processor ==> サービスプロセッサ
  71104. SVR, Step Voltage Regulator ==> 自動電圧調整器,線路用電圧調整器,SVRの機能は,次のとおりである。1.取り付け点により負荷側の要求する電圧幅,タップ幅を有する。2.線路容量に見合う自己容量を有する。3.制御方式は,LDC方式が一般的である。 4.電圧継電器の整定,柱上変圧器のタップの決め方は,母線電圧調整の場合と同様である。
  71105. SVRR, supply voltage rejection ratio ==> 電源電圧変動除去比
  71106. SVS, Sandia Voltage Shift ==> 分散電源単独運転検出手法の一種
  71107. SVS, space vision system ==> スペースビジョンシステム
  71108. SVS, Static Var System ==> SVS
  71109. SVSR, security region to guarantee static voltage stability ==> 电力系统静态电压稳定的安全域
  71110. SVWP, synthetic vector wind profile ==> 合成ベクトルによる風プロファイル
  71111. SVY Survey ==> 检测
  71112. SW, south west ==> 南西
  71113. SW, switch ==> スイッチ
  71114. SW-VAWT, Straight Wing Non-Articulated Vertical Axis Wind Trubine ==> 直線翼垂直風力発電システム
  71115. swab holding forceps ==> 持卷棉子钳
  71116. swab sink ==> 墩布池
  71117. swab-man ==> 管道清洁工
  71118. swabbing cloth ==> 抹布
  71119. swabbing pass ==> 送料孔型
  71120. swage ==> 铁模,型模=>加締工具,ハチノス,カシメ部
  71121. swage block ==> 型砧,花板砧=>ハチノス
  71122. swage bolt ==> 棘螺栓
  71123. swage die ==> 型锻模,型砧
  71124. swage engine ==> 型锻机
  71125. swage head ==> 铆钉头
  71126. swage machining ==> 旋转模锻
  71127. swage pliers ==> 轧印钳
  71128. swage process ==> 陷型模锻
  71129. swage sharper ==> 整齿器
  71130. swaged bar ==> 环锻金属条
  71131. swaged file ==> 梯形锉
  71132. swaged leads ==> 成形リード
  71133. swager ==> 陷型模锻机,锤锻,锤锻机,旋锻机,压模器
  71134. swaging machine ==> 型锻机,擦洗机,锻冶机,锤造器
  71135. swaging mandrel ==> 型锻芯轴
  71136. swallow ==> 吞,燕子
  71137. swallow hole ==> 石灰坑
  71138. swallow's nest ==> スイーツ
  71139. swallowing ==> 吞咽,下咽运动
  71140. swallowing-capacity ==> 临界流量
  71141. swallowtail ==> 燕尾榫
  71142. swallowwort ==> 白屈菜
  71143. swamp ==> 圧倒される,浸水して沈む
  71144. swamp blueberry ==> 伞房花越桔
  71145. swamp boat ==> 沼泽船
  71146. swamp buggy ==> 沼泽车,沼泽地用汽车
  71147. swamp chestnut oak ==> 沼生栎
  71148. swamp deposit ==> 沼泽堆积
  71149. swamp ditch ==> 沼泽排水沟
  71150. swamp fever ==> 沼泽热,传染性贫血,马传染性贫血
  71151. swamp formation ==> 沼泽形成,沼泽形成作用
  71152. swamp hickory ==> 沼泽地
  71153. swamp land ==> 沼泽地,沼泽土
  71154. swamp meadow ==> 沼泽草甸
  71155. swamp ore ==> 沼铁矿
  71156. swamp pine forest ==> 沼泽松林
  71157. swamp process ==> 沼泽过程
  71158. swamp road ==> 沼地道路
  71159. swamp rose ==> 沼泽蔷薇
  71160. swamp soil ==> 沼泽土,渍水沼泽土
  71161. swamp thicket ==> 沼泽灌丛
  71162. swamp vegetation ==> 沼泽植被
  71163. swamped ground ==> 沼泽地
  71164. swamped land ==> 湿地
  71165. swamping resistance ==> 扩程电阻
  71166. swampy ground ==> 沼泽,沼泽地
  71167. swampy land ==> 湿地
  71168. swampy tudra soil ==> 治泽化冰沼土
  71169. Swan ==> 天鹅星座
  71170. swan ==> 天蛾,天鹅=>ハクチョウ,スワン,白鳥座
  71171. Swan bands ==> 斯旺谱带
  71172. swan base ==> 卡口灯座,恰当
  71173. Swan cube ==> 斯旺立方棱镜
  71174. swan goose ==> 鸿雁
  71175. Swan Nebula ==> 斯旺星云
  71176. swan neck ==> 鹅颈管,弯头管
  71177. swan neck tube (pipe) ==> 鹅颈式管
  71178. swan socket ==> 卡口灯座,卡口灯座,插入式插座=>差込ソケット
  71179. swan song ==> 芸術家の最後の作品,最後の舞台
  71180. swan-neck ==> 弯曲管
  71181. swan-neck bent tube ==> 鹅颈弯管
  71182. swan-neck hook ==> 鹅颈钩
  71183. swan-neck street lamp ==> 马路弯灯
  71184. swan-neck vehicle ==> 鹅颈车
  71185. SWANS ==> スワンズ
  71186. Swanscombe man ==> 斯旺斯柯姆人
  71187. swansdown ==> 纬面起绒厚棉布,天鹅绒毛
  71188. swansdown twill ==> 三上一下斜纹
  71189. swanskin ==> 厚密法兰绒
  71190. swap ==> スワップ
  71191. swap action valve ==> 交换作用阀
  71192. swap agreement ==> 通货互换协定
  71193. swap allocation unit ==> 交换分配装置
  71194. swap data ==> 交换资料
  71195. swap data set ==> 交换数据集
  71196. swap deposit ==> 假美金
  71197. swap mode ==> 交换方式
  71198. swap set ==> 页换入换出
  71199. swap table ==> 交换表
  71200. SWAP, shared wireless access protocol ==> 家庭内無線ネットワーク技術の1つ
  71201. swap-out ==> 换出
  71202. swapping ==> スワッピング
  71203. swapping algorithm ==> 交換論理
  71204. swapping buffer ==> 交接缓冲区
  71205. SWAR, software acceptance review ==> ソフトウエア検収検査
  71206. sward ==> 牧草地,草土,生草
  71207. sward podzolic soil ==> 生草灰化
  71208. swarf ==> 屑,切屑,钢板切边
  71209. swarf box ==> 切屑箱
  71210. swarf clearance ==> 切屑余隙
  71211. swarf collector for drills ==> 钻屑收集器
  71212. swarf extraction ==> 切屑排出
  71213. swarf removal ==> 切屑排除
  71214. swarf tray ==> 切屑盘
  71215. swarm intelligence computation ==> 粒子群优化算法(PSO)
  71216. swarm parameter ==> スオームパラメータ
  71217. swarming and migratory ==> 成群迁徒的
  71218. Swarts reaction ==> 斯沃茨反应
  71219. swash ==> 冲流水道,冲刷坝,冲刷口,冲刷滩,波浪冲溅,波浪上爬,上爬
  71220. swash bank ==> 波浪爬溅岸
  71221. swash bar ==> 冲流沙坝
  71222. swash bulkhead ==> 缓冲舱壁=>制水隔壁
  71223. swash cam ==> 旋转斜盘
  71224. swash channel ==> 冲流水道
  71225. swash height ==> 波浪爬高
  71226. swash letters ==> 花饰大写斜体字
  71227. swash limit ==> 波浪上冲界线
  71228. swash mark ==> 冲痕,冲流痕,冲流线
  71229. swash plate ==> 倾斜盘
  71230. swash pool ==> 冲流潭
  71231. swash way ==> 冲流水道
  71232. swash zone ==> 冲流带
  71233. swash-backwash zone ==> 冲洗回流带
  71234. swash-plate pump ==> 旋转斜盘泵
  71235. swash-plate type axial piston pumps ==> 傾板形アキシャルピストンポンプ
  71236. swashplate motor ==> 斜盘电机
  71237. swashplate pump ==> 摆盘式活塞泵
  71238. swastika corridor ==> 万字廊
  71239. swath ==> 刈り跡
  71240. swath aerator ==> 草条通风机
  71241. swath board ==> 拨草板,集条板
  71242. swath lifter ==> 草条捡拾器,禾铺捡拾器
  71243. swath loader ==> 叉式装载机
  71244. SWATH Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull ==> 小型水上飞机区域双船体
  71245. swath stick socket ==> 拨草杆窝座
  71246. swather for tractor draft ==> 机引割晒机
  71247. sway ==> 摇摆
  71248. sway bar ==> 活动连结杆,(悬挂装置的)锁定斜杆
  71249. sway brace ==> 抗摆系杆,抗摇摆系杆,斜支撑
  71250. sway bracing ==> 抗摇支撑,阻摇联
  71251. sway chain ==> 锁定链
  71252. sway rod ==> 防倾杆,抗倾斜杆,斜撑杆
  71253. sway sand screen ==> 摆动筛砂机
  71254. swayback ==> 背部凹陷
  71255. swaying motion ==> 船舶晃摇动作
  71256. SWC, Surge Withstand Capability ==> SWC
  71257. SWC, switching condenser ==> SWC
  71258. SWCC, Saudi Water Conversion Corporation ==> 沙特海水淡化工厂=>海水淡水化公団
  71259. SWCDR, software critical design review ==> ソフトウエア最終設計審査
  71260. SWCI, software configuration inspection ==> ソフトウエアコンフィギュレーション検査
  71261. SWD, Super sonic Wave Drive ==> オリンパスイメージング社が開発した調音波モータ
  71262. SWDE, small momentum wheel drive electronics ==> スモールモーメンタムホイール駆動回路
  71263. SWE Sweden (Flag) ==> 瑞典(注册)
  71264. sweat bath ==> 发汗浴
  71265. sweat centers ==> 发汗中枢
  71266. sweat cooling ==> 发汗冷却,蒸发冷却
  71267. sweat duct ==> 汗腺管
  71268. sweat furnace ==> 热析炉
  71269. sweat gland ==> 汗腺
  71270. sweat gland carcinoma of breast ==> 乳房汗腺癌
  71271. sweat gland cystic tumor of breast ==> 乳房汗腺囊瘤
  71272. sweat gland fatigue ==> 汗腺疲劳
  71273. sweat iron ==> 焊铁
  71274. sweat pen ==> 发汗栏
  71275. sweat pit ==> 发汗槽
  71276. sweat pore ==> 汗腺孔
  71277. sweat roll ==> 蒸汽滚筒
  71278. sweat soldering ==> 软焊,热熔焊接
  71279. sweat-out ==> 热析
  71280. sweated joint ==> 熔焊接头
  71281. sweated wax ==> 发汗石蜡
  71282. sweating ==> 发汗,磨损硬币以盗取金银粉末,出汗,钎焊,凝结水,排汗=>復水
  71283. sweating heat ==> 焊接热,熔化热
  71284. sweating method ==> 发汗法
  71285. sweating out ==> 热析珠
  71286. sweating rate ==> 出汗速度
  71287. sweating room ==> 蒸汽室
  71288. sweating soldering ==> 热熔焊接
  71289. sweating stage ==> 出汗期
  71290. sweating test ==> 出汗试验,发汗试验
  71291. sweating water ==> 表面凝结水
  71292. Sweden mill ==> 瑞典自动轧管机
  71293. Sweden's international vehicleregistration letter ==> 瑞典国际车辆注册字
  71294. Swedish architecture ==> 瑞典建筑
  71295. Swedish Employers' Confederation ==> 瑞典雇主联合会
  71296. Swedish Hoganas powder ==> 瑞典塞格纳斯铁粉
  71297. Swedish iron ==> 瑞典木炭生铁
  71298. Swedish mill ==> 瑞典自动轧管机,自动轧管机
  71299. Swedish Trade Union Confederation ==> 瑞典工会联合会
  71300. Swedish window ==> (中间装有活动百叶的双层玻璃窗)瑞典式窗
  71301. Swedish(iron) powder ==> 瑞典海绵铁粉
  71302. sweel-and-swale topography ==> 高低相间的地形
  71303. sweep ==> 吹扫,车板,后掠角,反曲,扫,扫描=>席捲する,掃引,スイープ
  71304. sweep account ==> 流动帐户
  71305. sweep amplifier ==> 扫描放大器
  71306. sweep amplitude ==> 扫描幅度
  71307. sweep angle ==> 扫描角
  71308. sweep arm ==> 车板横臂,导向杆
  71309. sweep arm auger unloader ==> 转臂式螺旋卸载机
  71310. sweep auger ==> 刮扫式输送螺旋
  71311. sweep away ==> 冲走
  71312. sweep back ==> 回扫描
  71313. sweep balance ==> 扫描平衡
  71314. sweep bandwidth ==> 扫描带宽
  71315. sweep beam ==> 扫描射束
  71316. sweep blade ==> 平铲
  71317. sweep board ==> 刮型板
  71318. sweep boom ==> 扫油板
  71319. sweep camera ==> 扫描照相机
  71320. sweep capacitor ==> 扫描电容器
  71321. sweep check ==> 扫频测试,扫频检验,摇频检验
  71322. sweep circuit ==> 扫回电路,扫描电路,扫描线路=>掃引回路
  71323. sweep coil ==> 扫描线圈
  71324. sweep current ==> 扫描电流
  71325. sweep current generator ==> 扫描电流发生器
  71326. sweep delay ==> 扫描延时
  71327. sweep diameter ==> 扫描直径
  71328. sweep diffusion ==> 分离扩散
  71329. sweep drive ==> 扫描末级前置放大器
  71330. sweep driver ==> 扫描激励器
  71331. sweep efficiency ==> 波及系数
  71332. sweep electron microscope ==> 扫描式电子显微镜
  71333. sweep expander ==> 扫描扩展器
  71334. sweep expansion ==> 扫描扩展
  71335. sweep finger ==> 刮板指
  71336. sweep fitting ==> 月弯
  71337. sweep frequency ==> 扫描频率=>掃引周波数
  71338. sweep frequency modulation ==> 扫描调频
  71339. sweep gas ==> 扫掠气,残气
  71340. sweep gate ==> 扫描脉冲,扫描门电路,扫描闸门电路
  71341. sweep gate pulse ==> 扫描门脉冲
  71342. sweep gauge ==> 曲线样板
  71343. sweep gear ==> 扫雷工具
  71344. sweep generator ==> 扫描发生器=>掃引発振器
  71345. sweep guard ==> 拨开式安全装置,推出式安全装置
  71346. sweep hold-off ==> 扫描间歇
  71347. sweep integrator ==> 扫描积分器
  71348. sweep intensification ==> 扫描增强
  71349. sweep intensifier ==> 扫描增强器
  71350. sweep intensity ==> 扫描线亮度
  71351. sweep interval ==> 扫描时间
  71352. sweep jammer ==> 扫频干扰机
  71353. sweep length ==> 扫描长度
  71354. sweep limiter ==> 扫描限幅器
  71355. sweep linearity ==> 扫频线性
  71356. sweep lock-on jamming ==> 扫频跟踪干扰
  71357. sweep magnifier ==> 扫描扩展器
  71358. sweep marker generator ==> 扫描标志发生器
  71359. sweep mechanism ==> 扫描机构
  71360. sweep mo(u)lding ==> 样板造型
  71361. sweep molding ==> 车板造型
  71362. sweep motor ==> 扫描电动机,扫描用电动机
  71363. sweep net ==> 大拖网
  71364. sweep optical square ==> 平面扫描仪,扫描式光学直角头,扫描直角转光器
  71365. sweep oscillator ==> 掃引発振器
  71366. sweep oscillator voltage ==> 扫描振荡器电压
  71367. sweep pattern ==> 刮板模型
  71368. sweep phase ==> 扫描信号相位
  71369. sweep phase of garbage collection ==> 不用单元收集的扫描阶段
  71370. sweep phasing ==> 扫描定相
  71371. sweep Q meter ==> 扫描观测式Q表
  71372. sweep rake ==> 集堆机
  71373. sweep ramp ==> 扫描斜坡
  71374. sweep rate ==> 扫描频率,扫描速度
  71375. sweep record ==> 扫描记录
  71376. sweep recurrence rate ==> 扫描重复频率
  71377. sweep reflectometer ==> 扫描反射计
  71378. sweep retrace ==> 扫描回程
  71379. sweep second hand ==> 长秒针
  71380. sweep signal generator ==> 扫描信号发生器,扫频仪
  71381. sweep spacing ==> 扫描间隔
  71382. sweep speed ==> 扫描速度,扫描速率
  71383. sweep speed calibrator ==> 扫速校准器
  71384. sweep speed control ==> 扫描速度控制
  71385. sweep stabilization ==> 扫描稳定
  71386. sweep start ==> 扫描启动器
  71387. sweep stem nematode ==> 甘薯茎线虫病
  71388. sweep stone picker ==> 捡石机
  71389. sweep switching ==> 扫描交换
  71390. sweep synchronization ==> 扫描同步
  71391. sweep system ==> 扫描系统
  71392. sweep template ==> 车板,造型刮板
  71393. sweep test ==> 扫描测试=>掃引試験
  71394. sweep time ==> 扫描期=>掃引時間
  71395. sweep time range ==> 扫描时间范围
  71396. sweep trigger ==> 扫描触发器
  71397. sweep tube ==> 扫描管
  71398. sweep turnoff ==> 扫描停止
  71399. sweep unit ==> 扫描部件
  71400. sweep vector ==> 扫描矢量
  71401. sweep voltage ==> 扫频电压
  71402. sweep volume ==> 扫过容积,扫描容积
  71403. sweep waveform ==> 扫描波形
  71404. sweep wood ==> 沉底木
  71405. sweep(ing) coil ==> 扫描线圈
  71406. sweep-delay circuit ==> 扫描延迟电路
  71407. sweep-frequency attenuation measurement technique ==> 扫频衰减测试技术
  71408. sweep-frequency audiometer ==> 扫描频率听力计
  71409. sweep-frequency generator ==> 扫描频率发生器
  71410. sweep-frequency heterodynetype analyser ==> 扫描频率外差式分析器
  71411. sweep-frequency modulation ==> 扫描频率调制
  71412. sweep-frequency radar responder beacon ==> 扫描频率雷达应答器
  71413. sweep-frequency receiver ==> 扫频接收机
  71414. sweep-frequency reflectometer ==> 扫频反射计
  71415. sweep-frequency technique ==> 扫频技术
  71416. sweep-generation circuit ==> 扫描发生电路,锯齿波发生器电路,锯齿波发生器电路
  71417. sweep-initiating pulse ==> 扫描起始脉冲
  71418. sweep-length selecting switch ==> 扫描长度选择开关
  71419. sweep-out effect ==> 扫出效应
  71420. sweep-out pattern ==> 清扫面积
  71421. sweep-output amplifier ==> 扫描输出放大器
  71422. sweep-saw ==> 曲线锯,弧锯
  71423. sweep-spot jamming ==> 扫频瞄准式干扰
  71424. sweep-stopping circuit ==> 扫描停止电路,扫找停止电路
  71425. sweep-through ==> 扫频式干扰机
  71426. sweep-through jammer ==> 扫掠干扰机
  71427. sweep-through jamming ==> 扫掠式干扰
  71428. sweep-type agitator ==> 扫动式搅拌机
  71429. sweep-work ==> 车板造型,刮板造型
  71430. sweepage ==> 扫描=>掃引
  71431. sweepback ==> 后掠
  71432. sweepback agitator ==> 后掠形搅拌器
  71433. sweepback impeller ==> 后掠式叶轮
  71434. sweepback swept-back angle ==> 后掠角
  71435. sweeper ==> 清管器,清理机,清扫车,清扫机,扫除机,扫海船,扫频仪
  71436. sweepforward ==> 前掠
  71437. sweeping ==> 清扫,车板造型,吹扫,扫集物,扫描
  71438. sweeping beam ==> 扫描射束
  71439. sweeping board ==> 车板
  71440. sweeping core ==> 车制砂芯
  71441. sweeping curve ==> 大半径曲线
  71442. sweeping dislocation ==> 扫动位错
  71443. sweeping electrode ==> 扫除电极
  71444. sweeping electron beam ==> 扫描电子束
  71445. sweeping field ==> 净化场,净化场,漂移电场
  71446. sweeping gas ==> 吹扫气体
  71447. sweeping gear ==> 扫雷装置
  71448. sweeping guide ==> 导框
  71449. sweeping hold charges ==> 扫舱费
  71450. sweeping line ==> 流线
  71451. sweeping loam mould ==> 刮泥型
  71452. sweeping machine ==> 扫街机
  71453. sweeping magnet ==> 扫描磁铁
  71454. sweeping mo(u)lder's horse ==> 铁马
  71455. sweeping molder's horse ==> 车板架
  71456. sweeping repetition rate ==> 扫描重复频率
  71457. sweeping repetition time ==> 扫描重复周期
  71458. sweeping scheme ==> 扫描方案
  71459. sweeping star ==> 扫帚星
  71460. sweeping table ==> 扫动式淘汰盘
  71461. sweeping tackle ==> 车板架
  71462. sweeping up ==> 车制砂型
  71463. sweeping vehicle ==> 清道车
  71464. sweeping-out method ==> 刮去法
  71465. sweeping-out operation ==> 掃出し操作
  71466. sweepings ==> 金属屑
  71467. sweeps ==> 废屑
  71468. sweeps tax ==> 彩票税
  71469. sweepstakes ==> 配当金
  71470. sweepstakes route ==> 漂流航线
  71471. sweet ==> 脱硫的,糖果,甜=>キャンデー,あめ,デザート
  71472. sweet almond ==> 甜扁桃=>スイートアーモンド
  71473. sweet almond oil ==> 甘扁桃油
  71474. sweet basil ==> スウィートバジル(シソ科メボウキ属の植物)
  71475. sweet basil in plum juice ==> 梅水紫苏
  71476. sweet basil oil ==> 罗勒油=>メボウキ油
  71477. sweet bay oil ==> 挥发性月桂油
  71478. sweet birch ==> 山桦
  71479. sweet broad pea ==> 荷兰豆
  71480. sweet broom weed ==> 野甘草
  71481. sweet butter ==> 淡黄油
  71482. sweet cacao ==> 薄皮种可可
  71483. sweet carrot ==> 新鮮なニンジン
  71484. sweet cassava ==> 甜木薯
  71485. sweet cherry ==> 甜樱桃=>セイヨウミザクラ,甘果桜桃
  71486. sweet cherry spider mite ==> 山楂红蜘蛛
  71487. sweet chestnut ==> 甜粟
  71488. sweet cider ==> 甜苹果汁
  71489. sweet clover ==> 草木樨,草木樨属植物
  71490. sweet clover disease ==> 草木犀中毒,草木樨出血病
  71491. sweet cloverdisease ==> 甜三叶草病
  71492. sweet coconut ==> 甜椰子
  71493. sweet condensate storage tank ==> 除盐凝结水箱
  71494. sweet corn ==> 甜玉米,甜质玉米
  71495. sweet corrosion ==> 无硫腐蚀
  71496. sweet crude oil ==> 低硫原油
  71497. sweet feed ==> 甜饲料
  71498. sweet femel ==> 茴香
  71499. sweet gale family ==> 杨梅科
  71500. sweet gas ==> 脱硫气=>スイートガス,無硫ガソリン
  71501. sweet grass ==> 香草
  71502. sweet green pepper ==> 甜青椒
  71503. sweet gum ==> 胶皮糖香树
  71504. sweet herb ==> 香草
  71505. sweet husk ==> 甜皮椰子
  71506. sweet juice ==> 甜汁
  71507. sweet manioc ==> 甜种木薯
  71508. sweet marjoram ==> 甜马娇兰,美蕨兰=>スイートジョラム,別名マヨラナ,シソ科の多年草
  71509. sweet milk ==> 鲜乳
  71510. sweet nitre ==> 甜硝酒
  71511. sweet oil ==> 橄榄油
  71512. sweet orange ==> 甜橙
  71513. sweet orange oil ==> 甜橙油
  71514. sweet osmanthus ==> モクセイ,木犀,銀木犀
  71515. sweet pea ==> 香豌豆花
  71516. sweet peach ==> 密桃
  71517. sweet pepper ==> 甜椒
  71518. sweet petroleum product ==> 无硫石油产品
  71519. sweet pickled ginger ==> 甘酢生姜
  71520. sweet potato ==> 红薯,番薯,白薯
  71521. sweet potato bacterial wilt ==> 甘薯瘟病
  71522. sweet potato beetle ==> 甘薯甲
  71523. sweet potato cultivation ==> 甘薯栽培
  71524. sweet potato leaf roller ==> 甘薯卷叶虫
  71525. sweet potato mosaic ==> 甘薯花叶病
  71526. sweet potato root knot nematode ==> 甘薯根结线虫病
  71527. sweet potato scurf ==> 甘薯黑痣病
  71528. sweet potato tortoise beetle ==> 甘薯龟甲
  71529. sweet potato toxicity ==> 甜甘薯毒性
  71530. sweet potato vine ==> 甘薯藤
  71531. sweet potato weevil ==> 甘薯象虫
  71532. sweet potato white rust ==> 甘薯白锈病
  71533. sweet potatorice bran silage ==> 甘薯加米糖青贮饲料
  71534. sweet reed ==> 芦粟
  71535. sweet roasting ==> 全脱硫焙烧,死烧
  71536. sweet silage ==> 甜青贮
  71537. sweet silo ==> 甜青贮料
  71538. sweet smelling ==> 芳香的
  71539. sweet spice ==> 香料
  71540. sweet sultam ==> 香芙蓉
  71541. sweet taste ==> 甜味
  71542. sweet tester ==> 汗液分泌测试仪
  71543. sweet violet ==> 香菜=>ニオイスミレ,スイートバイオレット,スミレ科,スミレ属,多年草
  71544. sweet water ==> 淡水,饮用水,甜水
  71545. sweet white ==> (白釉品种之一)甜白
  71546. Sweet's syndrome ==> 急性发热性中性白细胞增多性皮病
  71547. sweet-dock ==> 拳参
  71548. sweet-lemon rationalization ==> (行为科学用语)甜柠檬式的文饰
  71549. sweet-scented osmanthus ==> 木犀
  71550. sweet-tasting substance ==> 甘味料
  71551. sweet-water tank ==> 除盐水箱
  71552. sweetbell redpepper ==> 柿子椒
  71553. sweetened condensed milk ==> 甜炼乳=>加糖練乳
  71554. sweetened crimsoned ginger ==> 红酥姜
  71555. sweetened tomato pulp ==> 番茄脯
  71556. sweetener ==> 脱硫设备
  71557. sweetening ==> 甘味料
  71558. sweetening of the soil ==> 中和土壤
  71559. sweetening process ==> 脱硫过程
  71560. sweeter ==> 全景分析器
  71561. sweetgum ==> 枫香
  71562. Sweetgum Fruit ==> 路路通
  71563. Sweetland press ==> 斯威特兰叶状压滤机
  71564. sweetmeats ==> 糖果
  71565. sweetsop ==> 番荔枝
  71566. swell ==> 隆起,隆起地,马脊岭,梭箱板,增大,增减音器,增音器,大舒缓穹窿,涨,胀大,胀箱,构造隆起,膨胀=>スウェル,電圧上昇。instantaneous swell: 0.5-30cycle,momentary swell: 30cycle-3s,temporary swell: 3s-1min. An increase in rms voltage or current at the power frequency for a duration from 0.5 cycles to 1 minute. Caused by short-circuits, capacitor connection, and ferroresonance.
  71567. swell diameter ==> 膨胀直径
  71568. swell factor ==> 膨胀系数
  71569. swell increment ==> 膨胀量
  71570. swell index ==> 膨胀指数
  71571. swell measurement ==> 隆起测定
  71572. swell of a mould ==> 胀砂
  71573. swell of pulley ==> 滑轮槽
  71574. swell of seafloor ==> 海底隆起
  71575. swell pedal ==> 增减音器踏板
  71576. swell test ==> 膨胀试验
  71577. swell value ==> 膨胀值
  71578. swell wall ==> 膨胀曲壁
  71579. swell-butted ==> 根端膨大的
  71580. swell-neck pan head rivet ==> 盘头锥颈铆钉
  71581. swell-shrink characteristics ==> 胀缩性
  71582. swelled field ==> 膨胀场
  71583. swelled ground ==> 膨胀土
  71584. swelling ==> 膨胀,膨化,鼓泡,铸铁长大,溶胀,胀箱,冻胀,肿,肿大,肿胀,加粗柱身中部,(冒口的)隆起,(砂型等的)胀大
  71585. swelling acid ==> 膨胀性酸
  71586. swelling agent ==> 泡胀剂,膨润剂,膨胀剂=>膨張剤
  71587. swelling around the anus ==> 沿肛痔
  71588. swelling capacity ==> 膨润度,膨胀量,溶胀
  71589. swelling clay ==> 膨胀粘土,易膨化的粘土
  71590. swelling fold ==> 膨胀褶
  71591. swelling ground ==> 膨胀性地基,冻胀土
  71592. swelling heat ==> 膨胀热
  71593. swelling index ==> 膨胀指数
  71594. swelling isotherm ==> 等温膨胀性
  71595. swelling number ==> 膨胀指数
  71596. swelling of coal ==> 煤膨润
  71597. swelling of nasopharyngeal fossa ==> 鼻咽窝肿胀
  71598. swelling of nucleus ==> 核膨胀
  71599. swelling of replanted limb ==> 再植肢体肿胀
  71600. swelling of the lower eyelids ==> 目下有卧蚕
  71601. swelling of the pattern ==> 模型膨胀
  71602. swelling of the tidal wave ==> 潮波升高
  71603. swelling of tonsil ==> 扁桃体肿大
  71604. swelling of vulva ==> 阴肿,子户肿胀
  71605. swelling pain ==> 胀痛,肿胀痛
  71606. swelling power ==> 胀箱力,膨胀力,膨胀能力
  71607. swelling press ==> 膨胀压力机
  71608. swelling pressure ==> 膨润压力,膨胀压,膨胀压力
  71609. swelling properties ==> 膨胀性质
  71610. swelling ration ==> 膨胀比
  71611. swelling rock ==> 膨胀岩石
  71612. swelling salt ==> 膨胀性盐
  71613. swelling soil ==> 膨胀土
  71614. swelling stress ==> 膨胀应力
  71615. swelling test ==> 膨胀试验
  71616. swelling value ==> 膨胀值,溶胀值
  71617. sweltering hot weather ==> 闷热气候
  71618. swept area ==> 扫及区,射及区
  71619. swept area of rotor ==> 风轮扫掠面积
  71620. swept capacity ==> 排量
  71621. swept frequency ==> 摇频,扫描频率
  71622. swept frequency interferometer ==> 扫频干涉仪
  71623. swept frequency oscillator ==> 扫频振荡器
  71624. swept frequency picture modulation ==> 扫频信号图像调制
  71625. swept front end type spectrum analyzer ==> 扫前端式频谱分析仪
  71626. swept frquency technique ==> 扫频技术
  71627. swept gain ==> 扫描增益
  71628. swept IF type spectrum analyzer ==> 扫中频式频谱分析仪
  71629. swept pumping ==> 扫描抽运
  71630. swept signal generator ==> 扫频信号发生器
  71631. swept valley ==> 屋角斜瓦面
  71632. swept volume ==> 工作容积,体积排量,活塞排量
  71633. swept wing ==> 后掠翼
  71634. swept-back angle ==> 后掠角
  71635. swept-focus ==> 扫描焦点
  71636. swept-lobe interferometer ==> 扫瓣干涉仪
  71637. sweptback blade ==> 后弯叶片
  71638. sweptback wing ==> 后掠翼
  71639. swerve ==> 脱線
  71640. SWG, software working group ==> ソフトウエア作業グループ
  71641. swift control ==> 速やかな制御
  71642. swift electron ==> 快速电子
  71643. swift growth ==> 快速增长
  71644. swift moth ==> 蝙蝠蛾
  71645. swift pulse ==> 疾脉
  71646. SWIIS, short wave infrared imaging spectrometer ==> 短波赤外画像スペクトロメータ
  71647. swim ==> 失神
  71648. swim bladder ==> 鳔
  71649. swim ear ==> 游泳性耳病,游泳性耳炎
  71650. swim eye ==> 游泳性眼病
  71651. swimbladder ==> 魚の浮き袋
  71652. swimmer's conjunctivitis ==> 包涵体结膜炎
  71653. swimmer's dermatitis ==> 游泳皮炎
  71654. swimmer's ear ==> 游泳性耳病,游泳性耳炎
  71655. swimmer's eye ==> 游泳性眼病
  71656. swimmer's itch ==> 血吸虫皮炎
  71657. swimmer's prurigo ==> 游泳者痒疹
  71658. swimmer's shoulder ==> 游泳运动员肩
  71659. swimmeret ==> 游泳足
  71660. swimming beach ==> 游泳场,海滨游泳场
  71661. swimming bird ==> 游禽
  71662. swimming place ==> 游泳场
  71663. swimming pool ==> 游泳池
  71664. swimming pool conjunctivitis ==> 游泳池性结膜炎,包涵体结膜炎
  71665. swimming pool paint ==> 游泳池漆
  71666. swimming suit ==> 水着
  71667. swimming vortex ==> 浮涡
  71668. swimming wear ==> 水着
  71669. swimming-associated gastroenteritis and skin symptom rate ==> 因游泳而染上肠胃炎和出现皮肤病征状的比率
  71670. swimsuit ==> 水着
  71671. swimwear ==> 水着
  71672. swin arm ==> 摆臂
  71673. Swinburne test ==> 斯温伯恩试验,斯温泊试验
  71674. swine ==> 猪
  71675. Swine ==> 猪类
  71676. swine dysentery ==> 猪痢疾
  71677. swine enzootic pneumonia ==> 猪气喘病
  71678. swine erysipelas ==> 猪丹毒
  71679. swine fever ==> 猪瘟
  71680. swine flu ==> 猪流感=>豚インフル
  71681. swine herd ==> 猪群
  71682. swine industry ==> 养猪业
  71683. swine influenza ==> 猪流行性感冒
  71684. swine infuenza ==> 猪流感
  71685. swine paratyhoid ==> 猪副伤寒
  71686. swine pest ==> 猪瘟
  71687. swine plague ==> 猪肺疫
  71688. swine pox ==> 猪痘
  71689. swine production testing ==> 猪生产性能测定法
  71690. swine rearing ==> 猪的饲养
  71691. swine repopulation ==> 猪群集体转换
  71692. swine taeniasis ==> 猪绦虫病
  71693. swine vesicular disease ==> 猪传染性水疱病,猪水疱病
  71694. swine-breeding center ==> 合格种猪场
  71695. swing ==> 摆动,动荡,摆度,振幅,秋千,摇,摇摆,摇动,峰-峰值,悬腿架,旋转度,指针最大偏转,摆程,摆动额,摆幅,侧移,甩,机头偏斜,回转=>揺れ,振れ
  71696. swing account ==> 波动性帐户,悬欠帐户
  71697. swing anchor ==> 摆动锚
  71698. swing and tilt mechanism ==> 移轴机构
  71699. swing angle ==> 相差角
  71700. swing arm ==> 摇动臂,摆动杆
  71701. swing arm sprinkler ==> 摇臂式喷灌器
  71702. swing axle ==> 摆动轴
  71703. swing bar ==> 吊杆
  71704. swing barboom ==> 吊杆
  71705. swing base compass ==> 动座式罗盘
  71706. swing bearing ==> 摆动支座
  71707. swing beater grinder ==> 活动锤片式击碎机
  71708. swing bend pipe ==> 转动弯管
  71709. swing block four bar linkage ==> 摆杆四杆链系
  71710. swing block linkage ==> 摆块链系
  71711. swing bolster ==> 摆动承梁=>揺れまくら
  71712. swing bolster link ==> 摆动承梁连杆
  71713. swing bolt ==> 活接头螺栓,活节螺栓,铰接螺栓
  71714. swing boom ==> 转向河绠
  71715. swing brake ==> 旋回ブレーキ
  71716. swing bridge ==> 平旋桥,平转桥=>旋回橋
  71717. swing cam ==> 摆动凸轮
  71718. swing capacity ==> 冲击性瞬时负荷
  71719. swing check valve ==> 摆动式止回阀,回旋逆止阀,回转逆止阀,回转止回阀,旋启式止回阀
  71720. swing check valves ==> 旋启式止回阀
  71721. swing choke ==> 摆动扼流圈,变感扼流圈
  71722. swing circle ==> 摆动圆
  71723. swing clause letter of credit ==> 交互计算信用证
  71724. swing crane ==> 回转式起重机,旋臂起重机
  71725. swing credit ==> 转向信贷,信用摆动额
  71726. swing credits ==> 摆动信贷,额度高低变化的贷款
  71727. swing cross-cut saw ==> 横割摆锯
  71728. swing cross-cut sawing machine ==> 摆动式锯床
  71729. swing curve ==> 摆动曲线,振荡曲线,摇摆曲线,稳定计算和实测得到的发电机转子间相对角度随时间变化的曲线
  71730. swing cut-off saw ==> 切断摆锯
  71731. swing cylinder ==> 转臂转动油缸
  71732. swing detection ==> 動揺検出
  71733. swing device ==> 旋回装置
  71734. swing diameter of work ==> 工件回转直径
  71735. swing door ==> 弹簧门,转门
  71736. swing equation ==> 動揺方程式
  71737. swing error ==> 旋角误差
  71738. swing excavator ==> 全回转式挖掘机
  71739. swing forklift ==> 摆动叉式起重车
  71740. swing frame ==> 旋架
  71741. swing frame grinder ==> 摇动框架式研磨机
  71742. swing gate ==> 锁气器式挡板,双向摇摆大门,摆动挡板
  71743. swing generator ==> スイング発電機
  71744. swing hammer crusher ==> 摆锤式破碎机,锤磨机,摇锤破碎机,转锤破碎机,旋锤式破碎机
  71745. swing hammer mill ==> 摆锤磨,摆锤式磨机
  71746. swing hanger ==> 摆动吊挂
  71747. swing indicator ==> 摆偏指示器
  71748. swing jack ==> 横式起重机,折叠式千斤顶,脱轨车起重器
  71749. swing jaw ==> 动凿板
  71750. swing joint ==> 铰接,活动连接,可转接头
  71751. swing knuckle ==> 摆动爪扣
  71752. swing lever crane ==> 旋臂起重机,旋臂式起重机
  71753. swing lift ==> 集装箱装卸车
  71754. swing line (pipe) ==> 吊管
  71755. swing link ==> 摆杆
  71756. swing link bolster ==> 摆动杆枕梁
  71757. swing link carrier ==> 摆动支座
  71758. swing link guide ==> 导向摆杆
  71759. swing link pin ==> 摆杆销
  71760. swing loader ==> 转臂式装载机
  71761. swing man ==> 代班人
  71762. swing mechanism ==> 摆动机构
  71763. swing method ==> 摆动法
  71764. swing milker ==> 吊挂式挤奶机
  71765. swing motion ==> 旋回,摆动
  71766. swing node ==> 无穷大电源节点(潮流计算)=>スイングノード
  71767. swing of lights ==> スウィング・オブ・ライツ
  71768. swing of the pendulum ==> 振り子運動
  71769. swing offset ==> 摆支距
  71770. swing over bed ==> 床面以上的摆度
  71771. swing over carriage ==> 车径,刀架上旋径,刀架上最大加工直径
  71772. swing over compound rest ==> 刀架滑座以上的摆度,车径
  71773. swing pipe ==> 吊管,摆管
  71774. swing plough ==> 摆杆步犁,平衡犁
  71775. swing plow ==> 摆杆步犁
  71776. swing reactor ==> 摇摆式反应器
  71777. swing saw ==> 摆锯,摆式锯
  71778. swing screw ==> 关节螺杆
  71779. swing sieve ==> 摇动筛
  71780. swing slinger ==> 悬挂式抛砂机
  71781. swing span ==> 摆动架
  71782. swing spout ==> 摆动给料器,摆动流嘴,摆式给料器
  71783. swing stem ==> 摆杆
  71784. swing stop ==> 转动定位器
  71785. swing swift ==> 轮班制度
  71786. swing table ==> 振实台
  71787. swing table abrator ==> 抛丸清理转台
  71788. swing test ==> 摆动试验
  71789. swing time ==> 交代勤務時間
  71790. swing tooth plate ==> 活动齿板
  71791. swing type ==> 旋启式
  71792. swing type centrifuge ==> 中速离心机
  71793. swing up saw ==> 倒摆式截锯
  71794. swing valve ==> 回转阀
  71795. swing voltage ==> 激励电压,摆动电压
  71796. swing wedge ==> 摆动光楔
  71797. swing wire ==> 摆动缆
  71798. swing(ing) choke ==> 交感抗流圈
  71799. swing-arm mechanical hand ==> 摇臂机械手
  71800. swing-around trajectory ==> 绕行星返地轨道
  71801. swing-around(hay) stack ==> 转臂式垛草机
  71802. swing-beater pulverizer ==> 摆锤式粉碎机
  71803. swing-bucket conveyer ==> 吊斗式输送机
  71804. swing-by trajectory ==> 借力飞行轨道
  71805. swing-forging machine ==> 摆锻开坯机
  71806. swing-frame grinder ==> 悬挂式砂轮机,旋架磨床
  71807. swing-frame grinding machine ==> 旋架磨床
  71808. swing-hammer crusher ==> 锤击式破碎机
  71809. swing-in-mirror ==> 摆动反射镜
  71810. swing-position steady rest and ejector ==> 转位中心架和工件自动装卸器
  71811. swing-roof furnace ==> 旋转炉顶电炉
  71812. swing-sieve potato digger ==> 摇筛式马铃薯挖掘机
  71813. swing-type check mechanism ==> 回转止回机构
  71814. swing-type plate shears ==> 摆式剪板机
  71815. swing-type quickopening handhole ==> 旋柄快开手孔
  71816. swing-type quickopening manhole ==> 旋柄快开入孔
  71817. swing-type ram ==> 摆动式压实器
  71818. swing-type valve ==> 回转阀
  71819. swing-up door ==> 上开门,翻门
  71820. swingback blade ==> 连枷式刀片
  71821. swingback release ==> 摆回式安全器
  71822. swingback unloading auger ==> 后退转位式螺旋
  71823. swinger ==> 唱片失真,回转角对
  71824. swinger spring ==> 回摆弹簧
  71825. swinging ==> 摆动
  71826. swinging a claim ==> 调整矿区形状
  71827. swinging angle ==> 摆动角
  71828. swinging arc ==> 摆弧
  71829. swinging arm ==> 摆臂,摇臂
  71830. swinging arm extractor ==> 摆动臂取件器
  71831. swinging arm head-positioning actuator ==> 摆臂式磁头定位驱动器
  71832. swinging axis ==> 摆动轴
  71833. swinging belt conveyer ==> 摆动式皮带输送机
  71834. swinging block linkage ==> 回转滑块联动机构
  71835. swinging block quick return motion ==> 摆杆急回运动
  71836. swinging block slider crank mechanism ==> 摆杆滑块曲柄机构
  71837. swinging boom ==> 起重机回转臂
  71838. swinging boom stack ==> 转臂式垛草机
  71839. swinging bracket ==> 可转支架
  71840. swinging choke ==> 变感扼流圈
  71841. swinging chute ==> 吊式漏口
  71842. swinging circle ==> (挖土机等的)回转底盘
  71843. swinging compass ==> 摆动罗盘
  71844. swinging conveyer ==> 摆动式运输机,回转式输送机,回转式运输机,摇摆输送机
  71845. swinging crane ==> 摇臂吊车,摇臂起重机
  71846. swinging cross ==> 混线
  71847. swinging delivery tray ==> 摆动输送盘,摆动转移托架
  71848. swinging die method ==> 摆动辗压法
  71849. swinging die press ==> 摆动辗压机
  71850. swinging door ==> 摇门
  71851. swinging earth ==> 活接地,暂时接地
  71852. swinging fork ==> 摆动叉
  71853. swinging fork type bale loader ==> 摆动叉式装草捆机
  71854. swinging grinding machine ==> 摇摆研磨机
  71855. swinging hopper ==> 吊斗
  71856. swinging lever ==> 摇摆式杠杆
  71857. swinging load ==> 负荷摆动=>変動負荷
  71858. swinging machine ==> 打麻机
  71859. swinging mechanical hand ==> 摇摆式机械手,回转式机械手
  71860. swinging mooring ==> 单点系泊
  71861. swinging mounting ==> 摆动支架
  71862. swinging of signal ==> 信号不稳
  71863. swinging pillar jib crane ==> 定柱旋臂起重机
  71864. swinging radius ==> 旋转半径,起重机臂工作半径
  71865. swinging reactor ==> 变感扼流圈
  71866. swinging scaffold ==> 吊篮
  71867. swinging screen ==> 摇动筛,摆动筛
  71868. swinging shield ==> (联合收获机的)摆动板
  71869. swinging ship ==> 摆动法罗盘校正
  71870. swinging sieve ==> 摇筛
  71871. swinging stage ==> 吊篮
  71872. swinging table ==> 回转台
  71873. swinging the arc ==> 六分仪弧尺的转动
  71874. swinging traverse ==> 扫射
  71875. swinging valve ==> 平旋阀
  71876. swinging weight ==> 回转锤
  71877. swinging wet masher ==> 摆动式湿饲料搅碎机
  71878. swinging-bucket ditch cleaner ==> 摆斗式清沟机
  71879. swinging-out casement window ==> 外开窗
  71880. swinging-vane oil pump ==> 转叶式油泵
  71881. swinging-vane pump ==> 旋叶式泵
  71882. swings of demand ==> 需求波动
  71883. SWIR, short wave infrared radiation ==> 短波長赤外線
  71884. SWIR, Short Wave Infrared Radiometer ==> 短波長赤外放射計
  71885. swirl ==> 漩涡,涡卷纹=>スワール
  71886. swirl air register ==> 旋流式配风器,组织油燃烧所需空气通过切向或轴向旋流叶片产生旋转射流参与油雾燃烧的配风装置。
  71887. swirl angle ==> 涡流角
  71888. swirl atomizer ==> 旋流式雾化器
  71889. swirl chamber ==> 旋涡室
  71890. swirl defect ==> スワール欠陥
  71891. swirl diffuser ==> 旋流风口
  71892. swirl error ==> 涡旋误差
  71893. swirl flame ==> 旋转火焰
  71894. swirl gate ==> 离心集渣浇口
  71895. swirl grain ==> 涡卷木纹
  71896. swirl injection ==> 涡旋喷注
  71897. swirl jet ==> 旋流式喷嘴
  71898. swirl nozzle ==> 旋涡式喷嘴
  71899. swirl plate ==> 涡流片
  71900. swirl reducing baffle ==> 减小气流偏扭度的隔板
  71901. swirl sprayer ==> 旋涡喷嘴
  71902. swirl vane ==> 旋流叶片
  71903. swirl vanes ==> 回旋叶片
  71904. swirl-nozzle type injector ==> 旋流喷嘴型喷射器,旋涡喷嘴型喷射器
  71905. swirl-type atomizer ==> 涡流式弥雾机
  71906. swirling combustion chamber ==> 涡流燃烧室
  71907. swirling flow ==> 旋流
  71908. swirlyflo tube ==> 麻花管
  71909. swish ==> 棒,むち
  71910. swish pan ==> 快速摇镜头
  71911. Swiss Air ==> 瑞士航空公司
  71912. Swiss architecture ==> 瑞士建筑
  71913. Swiss Bank Corp ==> 瑞士银行
  71914. Swiss blue ==> 瑞士蓝
  71915. Swiss Brown ==> 瑞士褐牛
  71916. Swiss cheese hyperplasia ==> 增生过长
  71917. Swiss Credit Bank ==> 瑞士信贷银行
  71918. Swiss Federation of Trade Unions ==> 瑞士工会联合会
  71919. Swiss forget-me-not ==> 瑞士勿忘草
  71920. Swiss Formula ==> 瑞士公式
  71921. Swiss gold franc ==> 瑞士金法郎
  71922. Swiss gold-trading pool ==> 瑞士黄金联营
  71923. Swiss pattern file ==> 瑞士式锉刀
  71924. Swiss pine ==> 瑞士松
  71925. Swiss pine oil ==> 瑞士松油
  71926. Swiss screw-thread ==> 细牙螺纹
  71927. Swiss style hammer ==> 瑞士锤
  71928. Swiss type agammaglobulinemia ==> 瑞士型无丙种球蛋白血症
  71929. Swiss Watch Chamber of Commerce ==> 瑞士钟表商会
  71930. Swiss-cheese hyperplasia ==> 瑞士干酪样增生
  71931. Swiss-type automatic ==> 瑞士型自动机床,单轴自动机床
  71932. switch ==> 换接,机键,交换,分支符号,转辙器,切换开关,电键,电闸,道岔,闸,交换机=>スイッチ,開閉器,転てつ器(鉄道)
  71933. switch (board) ==> 转换器
  71934. switch adjuster ==> スイッチアジャスタ
  71935. switch adjustment ==> 开关调整
  71936. switch and switching-control device ==> 開閉・制御機器
  71937. switch apparatus ==> 开关器具,开关设备
  71938. switch arm ==> 开关转臂
  71939. switch bail ==> 开关把手
  71940. switch bank ==> 转换触排
  71941. switch bar ==> 开关柄
  71942. switch base plate ==> 开关板
  71943. switch bed plate ==> 道岔垫板
  71944. switch blade ==> 闸刀开关铜片,辙尖,岔尖
  71945. switch block ==> 开关部件
  71946. switch board ==> 开关柜
  71947. switch board room ==> 电话接线室
  71948. switch box ==> 电闸盒,闸盒,开关盒=>配電箱,開閉器箱
  71949. switch cabinet ==> 开关柜
  71950. switch cam ==> 超针闸刀
  71951. switch capacitance box ==> 旋钥式电容箱
  71952. switch cargo ==> 转手货物
  71953. switch cell ==> 开关间
  71954. switch character (SW) ==> 开关字符
  71955. switch circuit controller ==> 転てつ器回路制御器
  71956. switch clock ==> 开关钟
  71957. switch combination ==> 开关组合
  71958. switch command ==> 开关命令
  71959. switch connection ==> 转换连接
  71960. switch contact ==> 开关触点
  71961. switch control circuit ==> 转接控制电路
  71962. switch control computer ==> 转接控制计算机
  71963. switch control relay ==> 转接控制继电器
  71964. switch cover ==> 开关罩
  71965. switch cover plate ==> 开关盖板
  71966. switch cylinder ==> 筒形开关
  71967. switch designator ==> 开关命名符
  71968. switch desk ==> 开关台
  71969. switch disconnector ==> 负荷开关
  71970. switch engine ==> 構内機関車
  71971. switch for control supply ==> 控制电源开关
  71972. switch frame ==> 开关架=>スイッチフレーム(上昇回転スイッチ)
  71973. switch function ==> 开关函数
  71974. switch gallery ==> 开关廊道
  71975. switch gap ==> 开关间隔
  71976. switch gear ==> 开关柜
  71977. switch gear room ==> 开关室
  71978. switch grease ==> 电闸润滑脂
  71979. switch handle ==> 开关把手
  71980. switch hook ==> 开关钩键,叉簧开关,电话中断开关,钩键=>フック棒(断路器)
  71981. switch house ==> 开关室
  71982. switch identifier ==> 开关标识符
  71983. switch impulse ==> 转换脉冲
  71984. switch in ==> 合闸
  71985. switch indicator ==> 开关指示符,开关指示器=>スイッチ標識
  71986. switch inductance box ==> 旋钥式电感箱
  71987. switch insertion ==> 开关插入
  71988. switch jack ==> 机键插孔,机键塞口=>スイッチジャック(自動交換機)
  71989. switch jaw contact ==> 簧片接触
  71990. switch knob ==> 开关手柄,扳钮,合闸按钮,切换旋钮
  71991. switch lamp holder ==> 开关灯头
  71992. switch lamp socket ==> 开关灯头
  71993. switch lever ==> 合闸手柄,开关杆
  71994. switch lever with counter-weight ==> 带锤转辙杆
  71995. switch lever with reversing counter-weight ==> 回动锤转辙杆
  71996. switch lighting ==> 开关照明
  71997. switch list ==> 开关表
  71998. switch lock ==> 开关锁,道岔锁闭器
  71999. switch martrix ==> 开关矩阵
  72000. switch mode power ==> 开关式电源
  72001. switch mode power supply ==> スイッチング電源
  72002. switch motion ==> 开关动作
  72003. switch motor ==> 转辙电动机
  72004. switch of tail ==> 尾毛
  72005. switch off ==> 断距,切除,开闸=>スイッチを切る
  72006. switch off the engine ==> エンジンを切る
  72007. switch off the power supply ==> 电源切除
  72008. switch oil ==> 电闸油=>開閉器油
  72009. switch on ==> 合闸=>スイッチを入れる
  72010. switch on delay ==> 接通延迟
  72011. switch on the steering wheel ==> 操向轮开关
  72012. switch operated ==> 开关操作
  72013. switch operations ==> 转手交易
  72014. switch or circuit-breaker ==> 多重开关
  72015. switch out ==> 断开,切除
  72016. switch over ==> 转换,切换,转接
  72017. switch over-travel ==> 开关越程
  72018. switch panel ==> 控制盘
  72019. switch plant ==> 开关设备,转换植物
  72020. switch plate ==> 开关板
  72021. switch plug ==> 电门插座
  72022. switch pretravel ==> 开关预行程
  72023. switch rack ==> 机键架
  72024. switch rate ==> 转手汇率
  72025. switch rating ==> 开关额定值
  72026. switch register ==> 开关寄存器
  72027. switch resistance box ==> 旋钥式电阻箱
  72028. switch room ==> 交换机机房,交换室,机键室,转换室
  72029. switch springs ==> 塞孔簧片
  72030. switch starter ==> 起动开关
  72031. switch station ==> 开关站
  72032. switch steel section ==> 道岔钢材
  72033. switch step ==> 切换阶段
  72034. switch storage ==> 开关存储器,手动开关存储器
  72035. switch system ==> 开关系统
  72036. switch tank ==> 开关油箱
  72037. switch target ==> 転てつ標識
  72038. switch tender ==> 扳道工
  72039. switch terminal ==> 开关接线端子
  72040. switch the feed ==> 转换进料
  72041. switch through ==> 接转
  72042. switch tongue ==> 闸刀开关铜片,辙尖,岔尖
  72043. switch train ==> 开关列,开关系列
  72044. switch transaction ==> 套汇交易
  72045. switch transmission ==> 交换传输
  72046. switch tree ==> 开关树
  72047. switch tube ==> 开关电子管=>スイッチ管
  72048. switch type ==> 开关型号
  72049. switch value ==> 开关值
  72050. switch valve ==> 开关阀,转换阀
  72051. switch wheel ==> 开关轮,机键轮
  72052. switch yard ==> 互换机
  72053. switch-and-fuse ==> 带保险丝的开关
  72054. switch-and-lock movement ==> 转换锁闭器=>転換鎖錠器
  72055. switch-back ==> 转向线
  72056. switch-base memory loader ==> 以开关为基础的存储器输入程序
  72057. switch-box ==> 开关箱
  72058. switch-desk ==> 开关台
  72059. switch-disconnector ==> 隔离开关
  72060. switch-fuse ==> 开关保险丝,开关熔丝
  72061. switch-in ==> 接入
  72062. switch-off delay ==> 断开延迟
  72063. switch-on ==> 接入,接通
  72064. switch-operated response control ==> 灵敏度调节装置,开关操纵的力调节
  72065. switch-plate ==> 拨料板
  72066. switch-point derail ==> 脱線転てつ器
  72067. switch-start fluorescent lamp ==> スタータ形蛍光ランプ
  72068. switch-starter ==> 开关起动器
  72069. switch-status condition ==> 开关状态条件
  72070. switch-stop ==> 开关制动销
  72071. switch-timing error ==> 开关同步误差
  72072. switch-type voltage regulator ==> 分级电位调整器
  72073. switchable code ==> 可转换代码
  72074. switchable network ==> 可转接的网络
  72075. switchable-mode line ==> 可交换方式线路,交换方式线路
  72076. switchback ==> (山区的)之字形路线
  72077. switchback station ==> 车辆调车站
  72078. switchblade knife ==> 开关闸刀
  72079. switchboard ==> 交换机,配电盘=>配電盤,交換台
  72080. switchboard attendant ==> 配电盘值班员
  72081. switchboard cable ==> 局用电缆
  72082. switchboard cell ==> 配电盘间隔
  72083. switchboard cord ==> 交换机塞绳
  72084. switchboard dial ==> 交换机拨号盘
  72085. switchboard fitting ==> 交换机配件
  72086. switchboard fittings ==> 配电盘配件
  72087. switchboard frame ==> 配电盘构架
  72088. switchboard framework ==> 配电盘框架
  72089. switchboard fuse ==> 配电盘熔断器
  72090. switchboard instrument ==> 配电盘仪表
  72091. switchboard jack ==> 交换机插孔
  72092. switchboard lamp ==> 配电盘照明灯
  72093. switchboard meter ==> 配电盘仪表
  72094. switchboard panel ==> 配电板,开关板,配电屏
  72095. switchboard type instrument ==> 配电盘式仪表
  72096. switchboard wiring diagram ==> 配电盘接线图
  72097. switched capacitor ==> スイッチトキャパシタ
  72098. switched circuit ==> 交换线路,开关电路
  72099. switched circuit automatic network ==> 开关
  72100. switched communication network ==> 交换式通信网,交换通信网络
  72101. switched distance protection ==> 切替式距離保護, Distance protection generally having only one measuring element for all power system faults and/or for all zones.
  72102. switched line ==> 交换线路
  72103. switched major node ==> 交换主节点
  72104. switched memory ==> 反转存储器
  72105. switched message network ==> 交换电信网络
  72106. switched network ==> 开关网络
  72107. switched network backup (SNBU) ==> 交换网络后备支持,交换网络后援
  72108. switched on ==> 接通(电流)
  72109. switched reluctance drive ==> スイッチトリラクタンスモータ
  72110. switched reluctance motors ==> スイッチトリラクタンスモータ
  72111. switched telecommunication network ==> 交换长途通信网络,交换型远程通信网络
  72112. switched telephone network ==> 电话交换网
  72113. switched virtual circuit (SVC) ==> 交换虚拟电路
  72114. switched virtual circuit connection ==> 相手選択接続
  72115. switched-capacitor converter ==> スイッチトキャパシタコンバータ
  72116. switcher ==> 转换开关
  72117. switchette ==> 小型开关
  72118. switchgear ==> 开关设备,开关装置=>開閉装置
  72119. switchgear cabinet ==> 开关盒
  72120. switchgear framework ==> 开关装置的构架,配电装置的构架
  72121. switchgear pillar ==> 柱形开关装置
  72122. switchgear room ==> 开关室=>開閉器室
  72123. switching ==> 开关,转换=>交換
  72124. switching AC voltage ==> 开关交流电压
  72125. switching action ==> 转换作用
  72126. switching angle ==> (Q开关的)开关角
  72127. switching arc ==> 开合闸电弧,开关电弧,切换电弧
  72128. switching arrangement ==> 配电装置
  72129. switching boundary ==> 开关边界
  72130. switching cable ==> 开关电缆
  72131. switching capacity ==> 开断容量
  72132. switching center ==> 交换台,交换中心,转接中心
  72133. switching characteristic ==> 开关特性=>スイッチング特性
  72134. switching circuit ==> 开关电路,开关线路,转换电路=>スイッチング回路
  72135. switching coefficient ==> 开关系数,转换系数
  72136. switching column technique ==> 色谱柱切换技术
  72137. switching compound ==> 开关站
  72138. switching computer ==> 开关计算机
  72139. switching configuration ==> 开关组态
  72140. switching constant ==> 开关常数(开关时间与磁场强度之比)
  72141. switching control ==> 开关控制,转换控制=>切替制御
  72142. switching core ==> 开关磁心
  72143. switching criterion ==> 开关准则,转换准则
  72144. switching current ==> 合闸电流,操作电流
  72145. switching curve ==> 开关曲线
  72146. switching cycle ==> 开关操作循环,转换周期,切换循环
  72147. switching cycles ==> 書き換え特性
  72148. switching DC voltage ==> 开关直流电压
  72149. switching declaration ==> 开关说明
  72150. switching delay ==> 开关延迟
  72151. switching device ==> 开关装置=>開閉機器,スイッチング機器
  72152. switching diode ==> 开关二极管
  72153. switching element ==> 开关[操纵]元件
  72154. switching elements ==> スイッチ要素
  72155. switching equation ==> 切换方程
  72156. switching equipment ==> 交换机
  72157. switching force ==> 合闸力
  72158. switching function ==> [电路]开闭函数=>スイッチング関数
  72159. switching gate ==> 开关门电路
  72160. switching group ==> 开关组
  72161. switching impulse ==> 开关脉冲
  72162. switching impulse test ==> 开关脉冲试验
  72163. switching impulse voltage withstand test ==> 操作冲击耐压试验,通过人工模拟电力系统操作冲击过电压波形,对绝缘耐受操作冲击电压能力进行考核的试验
  72164. switching impulse withstand test voltage ==> 開閉インパルス耐電圧試験電圧値
  72165. switching in ==> 接入
  72166. switching input ==> 开关输入,[电路]开闭输入
  72167. switching installations ==> 开关装置
  72168. switching interval ==> 转换时间
  72169. switching key ==> 开关操作钥匙
  72170. switching kiosk ==> 开关亭
  72171. switching knob ==> 合闸按钮
  72172. switching lever ==> 合闸手柄
  72173. switching line ==> 开关线
  72174. switching loss ==> 开关损耗=>スイッチング損失
  72175. switching magnet ==> 合闸磁铁
  72176. switching manipulation ==> 开关操纵
  72177. switching matrix ==> [电路]开闭矩阵
  72178. switching mechanism ==> 切换机构,开闭机构,转换机构,开关机构,开关装置
  72179. switching member ==> 开关构件
  72180. switching mode ==> 切换方式
  72181. switching modulation ==> スイッチング変調
  72182. switching modulator ==> スイッチング変調器
  72183. switching network ==> 开关网络=>交換網
  72184. switching node ==> 转换节点
  72185. switching off ==> 断开
  72186. switching office ==> 中継局(電話交換)
  72187. switching on ==> 接入,合闸
  72188. switching operatin sequence determination ==> 手順操作(電力系統)
  72189. switching operation ==> 开关操作,倒闸操作,断路操作
  72190. switching order ==> 开关操作顺序,合闸顺序
  72191. switching oscillator ==> 开关振荡器,换接式振荡器
  72192. switching out ==> 断开
  72193. switching over ==> 切换
  72194. switching over of auxiliary power system ==> 自用电源切换
  72195. switching overvoltage ==> 開閉過電圧
  72196. switching overvoltage level ==> 開閉過電圧レベル
  72197. switching pad ==> 开关衰减器,自动转接衰减器
  72198. switching panel ==> 开关配电板
  72199. switching pattern ==> スイッチングパターン
  72200. switching pattern control ==> スイッチングパターン制御
  72201. switching performance ==> 接続品質
  72202. switching period ==> [开关]切换时间
  72203. switching photodiode ==> 开关光电二极管
  72204. switching point ==> 开关点
  72205. switching position ==> 切换位置,转换位置
  72206. switching power ==> 切换功率
  72207. switching power supply ==> スイッチング電源
  72208. switching principle ==> 切换原理
  72209. switching process ==> 转换过程,线路倒换过程,电路倒换过程=>切替処理
  72210. switching program ==> [开关]开闭程序
  72211. switching programme ==> 开闭程序,开关程序
  72212. switching pulse ==> 控制脉冲,转换脉冲
  72213. switching pulse generator ==> 切换脉冲发生器
  72214. switching push button ==> 开关按钮
  72215. switching push-button ==> 开关按钮
  72216. switching range ==> 开关转换范围
  72217. switching rate ==> 开关速度
  72218. switching reactor ==> 开关电抗器
  72219. switching regulator ==> 开关式=>スイッチングレギュレータ
  72220. switching relay ==> 开关操纵继电器,转换继电器=>切換継電器
  72221. switching rod ==> 开关绝缘棒
  72222. switching room ==> 配电室
  72223. switching rule ==> 切替規則
  72224. switching schedule ==> 切换计划
  72225. switching section ==> 倒换段,转接段
  72226. switching selector repeater ==> 选局中继器
  72227. switching sequence ==> 开关顺序
  72228. switching sequence detector ==> 切换顺序检测器
  72229. switching signal ==> 合闸信号,转换信号,触发信号
  72230. switching speed ==> 转换速度
  72231. switching stage ==> 交換階梯
  72232. switching starter ==> 直接启动器,开关启动器
  72233. switching station ==> 开关站,开闭所,交换站=>開閉所
  72234. switching surface ==> 开关曲面
  72235. switching surge ==> 操作过电压,开关浪涌,开关冲击=>開閉サージ
  72236. switching surge overvoltage ==> 操作过电压
  72237. switching surge test ==> 操作波试验
  72238. switching system ==> 开关系统,操作制度
  72239. switching table ==> スイッチングテーブル
  72240. switching theory ==> スイッチング理論
  72241. switching time ==> 开关时间,转换时间,切变时间,切换时间,磁心的翻转时间
  72242. switching time constant ==> 开关时间常数
  72243. switching time of bipolar transistor ==> 双极晶体管开关时间
  72244. switching torque ==> (电动机的)换接力矩
  72245. switching transient ==> 开关操作过电压,开关瞬态,开关瞬变现象
  72246. switching transient studies ==> 開閉時の過渡解析
  72247. switching transistor ==> 开关晶体管
  72248. switching tube ==> 开关管
  72249. switching unit ==> 开关装置
  72250. switching value ==> 开关量,开关值,切换值,在规定条件下使继电器切换(到达动后状态或完成指定动作的瞬间活动)的输入量(激励量)的值
  72251. switching valve ==> 开关阀
  72252. switching variable ==> 逻辑变量,开关变量=>スイッチング変数
  72253. switching voltage ==> 動作過電圧(ヒューズ)
  72254. switching-impulse sparkover voltage ==> 开关冲击闪络电压,操作过电压,闪络电压
  72255. switching-loss ==> スイッチング損失
  72256. switching-off arc ==> 开关断路电弧
  72257. switching-off transient ==> 断路时的瞬变现象
  72258. switching-on transient ==> 断路时的瞬变现象
  72259. switching-over ==> 换向
  72260. switching-ripple filters ==> スイッチングリプルフィルタ
  72261. switching-state table ==> スイッチングテーブル
  72262. switching-surge protective level ==> 操作过电压保护水平,开关冲击波保护水平
  72263. switchover capability ==> 转接能力
  72264. switchover point ==> 转换点
  72265. switchpoint ==> スイッチ点
  72266. switchyard ==> 開閉所
  72267. swithed repetitively-pulsed laser ==> 开关重复脉冲激光器
  72268. swivel ==> 转环,转体=>回転する
  72269. swivel adjustment ==> 旋转调整器
  72270. swivel anchor ==> 转环锚
  72271. swivel angle plate ==> 转盘角板,倾转台
  72272. swivel base ==> 转座
  72273. swivel bearing ==> 旋转轴承
  72274. swivel block ==> 转枕
  72275. swivel bolt ==> 旋转螺栓
  72276. swivel bottom vice ==> 转盘虎钳
  72277. swivel bow ==> 转弓
  72278. swivel bushing ==> 轴头衬套
  72279. swivel butt ==> 回转连结体
  72280. swivel carriage ==> 回转刀架
  72281. swivel chain ==> 斗链
  72282. swivel chute ==> 回转滑槽
  72283. swivel connection ==> 回转接头
  72284. swivel coupling ==> 旋转接头,转动式联轴器,转环式车钩,转环式连接器
  72285. swivel damper ==> 转动式风门,旋转风挡
  72286. swivel davit ==> 转动式吊艇杆
  72287. swivel disk colter ==> 自动定位圆犁刀
  72288. swivel disk jointer ==> 自位式圆盘小前犁
  72289. swivel draw bar ==> 转动车钩
  72290. swivel feeding ==> 旋转进给,旋转送料,回转进给,回转送料
  72291. swivel gun ==> 回旋炮,回旋枪
  72292. swivel head ==> 旋转头
  72293. swivel head chute ==> 转头滑槽
  72294. swivel hook ==> 转钩
  72295. swivel jaw vice ==> 转口虎钳
  72296. swivel joint ==> 转环接合,铰接,旋转管接头,旋转接头,回转接头
  72297. swivel lever ==> 旋转操纵杆
  72298. swivel link ==> 转环节
  72299. swivel loader ==> 回转式装载机
  72300. swivel loom ==> 加梭织机,挖花织机
  72301. swivel mount ==> 转座
  72302. swivel mount pulley ==> 转轴滑轮
  72303. swivel neck ==> 水旋转接头
  72304. swivel pen ==> 曲线笔
  72305. swivel piece ==> 转环链段
  72306. swivel pin boss ==> 转向销支撑凸块
  72307. swivel plate ==> 旋转板
  72308. swivel plough ==> 双向犁
  72309. swivel plow ==> 翻转犁
  72310. swivel portion of cutter head ==> 进刀架回转部分
  72311. swivel shanks binge-type ripper ==> 转腿铰接松地机
  72312. swivel table ==> 旋转工作台=>自在テーブル(旋盤)
  72313. swivel tightener ==> 旋转紧线器
  72314. swivel union ==> 转向管接头
  72315. swivel vice ==> 旋转虎钳,旋转平口钳,旋转座老虎钳=>回り万力
  72316. swivel weaving ==> 挖花织造
  72317. swivel wheel ==> 自位轮
  72318. swivel(l)ing block ==> 转枕
  72319. swivel(l)ing characteristic ==> 转换特性
  72320. swivel-joint ==> 转节
  72321. swivel-pin ==> 转向节销,回转销
  72322. swivelase ==> 转轴酶
  72323. swiveling gear ==> 回转齿轮
  72324. swiveling head ==> (插床的)回转头
  72325. swiveling lever ==> 回转杆
  72326. swiveling speed ==> 回转速度
  72327. swiveling table ==> 回转工作台
  72328. swiveling tool post ==> 回旋刀架
  72329. swivelling airscrew ==> 回转螺旋桨
  72330. swivelling head lamp ==> 旋转式前灯
  72331. swivelling idler ==> 旋转滚柱
  72332. swivelling jib ==> 转臂,转动起重臂
  72333. swivelling movement ==> 旋转移动
  72334. swivelling pile driver ==> 旋转打桩机
  72335. swivelling pipe ==> 旋转管
  72336. swivelling pressure cloth beam ==> 旋转卷布压辊
  72337. swivelling propeller ==> 回转螺旋桨
  72338. swivelling ring ==> 旋转环
  72339. swivelling speed ==> 回转速度
  72340. swivelling spotlight ==> 旋转式聚光灯
  72341. swivelling tool-holder ==> 旋转刀架
  72342. swivelling turnbuckle ==> 旋转式松紧螺旋扣
  72343. swivelling vane ==> 回转叶片
  72344. swivelling-nozzle ==> 旋转喷管
  72345. swivelling-roller flanging die ==> 旋转辊凸缘
  72346. swollen and rigid tongue ==> 木舌胀
  72347. swollen consumption demand ==> 消费需求膨胀
  72348. swollen credit ==> 信用膨胀
  72349. swollen investment ==> 投资膨胀
  72350. swollen lips ==> 唇肿
  72351. swollen navel with exudation ==> 脐湿肿
  72352. swollen painless testicles ==> 木肾
  72353. swollen shoot disease ==> 肿枝病
  72354. swollenness ==> 膨張
  72355. swoller pain ==> 胀痛
  72356. sword bean ==> 刀豆,剑豆
  72357. sword fingers ==> 箭指
  72358. sword grass ==> 具剑状叶的草,具剑状叶的草
  72359. sword shaped leaf ==> 剑形叶
  72360. sword-thrusting gesture ==> 剑决式
  72361. sworn commercial invoice ==> 宣誓发票
  72362. sworn invoice ==> 宣誓发票
  72363. SWP, surface wave plasma ==> 表面波プラズマ
  72364. SWPC, Space Weather Precition Center ==> 宇宙天気予報センター
  72365. SWPDR, software preliminary design review ==> ソフトウエア予備設計審査
  72366. SWPR, software production review ==> ソフトウエア製品検査
  72367. SWPRR, software preliminary requirements review ==> ソフトウエア予備要求条件審査
  72368. SWR measurement ==> 驻波比测量
  72369. SWR meter ==> 驻波比测量器
  72370. SWR, standing wave ratio ==> 定在波比
  72371. SWR, standing-wave ratio ==> 定常波比
  72372. SWREG, switching regulator ==> スイッチングレギュレータ
  72373. SWSRR, software system requirements review ==> ソフトウエアシステム要求条件審査
  72374. SWSTR, software system test review ==> ソフトウエアシステム試験審査
  72375. SX ==> sacks
  72376. SXR, solar X-rays ==> 太陽X線
  72377. SXU, solar extreme ultraviolet rays ==> 太陽超紫外線
  72378. SYBASE ==> RDB (Sybase Inc.の商標)
  72379. sycamore ==> 美国梧桐
  72380. sychometric room ==> 人工气候室
  72381. sychronization ==> 并网
  72382. sychronous homopolar motor ==> 同步单极电动机
  72383. sychroscope ==> 同步指示器,同步示波器
  72384. sychrotron radiation source ==> 同步加速器辐射源
  72385. SYCI, system corrected image ==> システム補正画像
  72386. sycnhronizing slave unit ==> 同步从动装置
  72387. sycosis barbae ==> 须疮
  72388. Sydenham's chorea ==> 西登哈姆氏舞蹈病
  72389. Sydney Brenner ==> 悉尼·布伦纳
  72390. syenite-aplite ==> 正长细晶岩
  72391. Sykes microphone ==> 塞克斯传声器,赛克斯线圈式传声器
  72392. syllabic articulation ==> 音节清晰度=>音節明りょう度
  72393. syllabic compander ==> 音節圧伸器
  72394. syllabic notation ==> 音节标记符号
  72395. syllabic sign ==> 音节符
  72396. syllabified code ==> 音节码,字节代码
  72397. syllable ==> 音节=>音節
  72398. syllable articulation ==> 音節明りょう度
  72399. syllable compander ==> シラブル圧伸
  72400. syllable dependent ==> 字节相关的
  72401. syllable hyphen character ==> 音节连字符
  72402. syllabric articulation ==> 音节清晰度
  72403. syllabus planning ==> 授業計画
  72404. sylphon ==> 膜盒,涨缩盒,波纹管,皱纹管
  72405. sylphon bellows ==> 波纹管,薄壁金属圆筒风箱
  72406. sylphon seal ==> 波纹管密封
  72407. Sylphone temperature relay ==> シンホン型温度継電器
  72408. sylvatic plague ==> 腺鼠疫
  72409. Sylvester's theorem ==> シルベスターの定理
  72410. sylvestre soil ==> 森林土
  72411. sylvian aqueduct syndrome ==> 中脑水管综合征
  72412. sylvian fissure ==> 大脑外侧裂
  72413. sylvogenic soil ==> 森林土
  72414. Sym's tractor ==> 前列腺牵引器
  72415. sym-triazine ==> 均三嗪
  72416. sym-triazinetriol ==> シアヌル酸
  72417. symbiont control ==> 共存控制
  72418. symbiont manager ==> 共存管理程序
  72419. symbiosis ==> 共生关系
  72420. symbiotic ==> 共生的
  72421. symbiotic action ==> 共生活动
  72422. symbiotic bacteria ==> 共生细菌
  72423. symbiotic bacteriophage ==> 共生噬菌体
  72424. symbiotic nitrogen fixation ==> 共生固氮作用
  72425. symbiotic nitrogen fixation rates ==> 共生固氮率
  72426. symbiotic nova ==> 共生新星
  72427. symbiotic objects ==> 共生星
  72428. symbiotic saprophitism ==> 共生腐生现象
  72429. symbiotic star ==> 共生星
  72430. symbiotic variable ==> 共生变星
  72431. symboic parameter standard value ==> 符号参数标准值
  72432. symbol ==> 符号,象征=>記号
  72433. symbol control table ==> 符号控制表
  72434. symbol definition ==> 符号定义
  72435. symbol definition instruction ==> 符号定义指令
  72436. symbol dictionary ==> 符号字典
  72437. symbol identifier ==> 符号辨识器
  72438. symbol input ==> 符号输入
  72439. symbol instruction address ==> 符号指令地址
  72440. symbol language ==> 符号语言
  72441. symbol manipulation ==> 符号操作,符号处理
  72442. symbol manipulation language ==> 符号处理语言
  72443. symbol mould ==> 符号模型
  72444. symbol of element ==> 元素符号
  72445. symbol of operation ==> 运算符号
  72446. symbol of statement ==> 语句符号
  72447. symbol printing mechanism ==> 符号印刷机
  72448. symbol program ==> 符号程序
  72449. symbol programming ==> 符号程序设计
  72450. symbol rank ==> 符号列,符号排列,符号位置,符号秩
  72451. symbol request ==> 符号请求
  72452. symbol sequence ==> 符号序列
  72453. symbol string ==> 記号列
  72454. symbol substitution ==> 符号替换
  72455. symbol synchronization ==> 码元同步
  72456. symbol synchronization error ==> 码元同步误差
  72457. symbol system of account ==> 结帐符号法
  72458. symbol table ==> 符号表
  72459. symbol table algorithm ==> 符号表算法
  72460. symbol table control ==> 符号表控制
  72461. symbol table entry ==> 符号表登记项,符号表项目
  72462. symbol weight ==> 符号量
  72463. symbolic ==> 符号的,符号替代
  72464. symbolic address ==> 符号地址=>記号アドレス
  72465. symbolic addressing ==> 符号编址,符号地址法,符号选址=>記号アドレス指定
  72466. symbolic addressing mode ==> 符号寻址方式
  72467. symbolic age of neutron ==> 费密年龄
  72468. symbolic analysis ==> 符号分析
  72469. symbolic assemblers ==> 符号汇编程序
  72470. symbolic assembly ==> 符号汇编
  72471. symbolic assembly language ==> 符号汇编语言
  72472. symbolic assembly language list ==> 符号汇编语言表
  72473. symbolic assembly language listing ==> 符号汇编语言列表
  72474. symbolic assembly program ==> 符号汇编程序
  72475. symbolic assembly system ==> 符号汇编系统
  72476. symbolic atom ==> 符号原子
  72477. symbolic circuit ==> 符号电路,职能图
  72478. symbolic code ==> 符号代码,符号码,象征码
  72479. symbolic coding ==> 符号编码,符号编码技术
  72480. symbolic coding format ==> 符号编码技术
  72481. symbolic concordance ==> 符号便览,符号索引程序
  72482. symbolic control ==> 符号控制
  72483. symbolic conversion program ==> 符号转换程序
  72484. symbolic conversion routine ==> 符号转换例行程序
  72485. symbolic cross assembler ==> 符号交叉汇编程序
  72486. symbolic data set ==> 符号数据集
  72487. symbolic debugger ==> 符号调试程序,符号调试器
  72488. symbolic debugging ==> 符号调试
  72489. symbolic deck ==> 符号卡片组
  72490. symbolic delivery ==> 象征性交货,推定交货
  72491. symbolic device name ==> 符号设备名
  72492. symbolic diagram ==> 记号图
  72493. symbolic differential equation ==> 符号微分方程
  72494. symbolic differentiation ==> 符号微分法
  72495. symbolic editing ==> 符号编辑,符号编排
  72496. symbolic editor ==> 符号编辑程序
  72497. symbolic equivalent ==> 符号等价
  72498. symbolic expression ==> 符号式
  72499. symbolic file ==> 符号文件
  72500. symbolic file name ==> 符号文件名
  72501. symbolic function ==> 符号函数
  72502. symbolic I/O assignment ==> 符号输入输出分配
  72503. symbolic identifier ==> 符号标识符
  72504. symbolic information ==> 符号信息
  72505. symbolic input language ==> 符号输入语言
  72506. symbolic input programme ==> 符号输入程序
  72507. symbolic input/output ==> 符号输入输出
  72508. symbolic instruction ==> 符号指令
  72509. symbolic key ==> 符号关键字,符号键
  72510. symbolic label ==> 符号标号
  72511. symbolic language ==> 符号语言,符号语言
  72512. symbolic layout ==> 符号布局
  72513. symbolic library ==> 符号程序库,符号库
  72514. symbolic logic ==> 符号逻辑,符号逻辑学=>記号論理学
  72515. symbolic logical operator ==> 符号逻辑算子
  72516. symbolic machine ==> 符号机器,符号计算机
  72517. symbolic machine code ==> 符号机器代码
  72518. symbolic machine instruction ==> 符号机器指令
  72519. symbolic machine language ==> 符号机器语言
  72520. symbolic manipulation ==> 符号操作
  72521. symbolic mathematical system ==> 符号数学系统
  72522. symbolic mathematics ==> 符号数学
  72523. symbolic memory addressing ==> 符号存储定址
  72524. symbolic method ==> 記号法
  72525. symbolic microprogram ==> 符号微程序
  72526. symbolic model ==> 符号模型,符号模型
  72527. symbolic name ==> 符号名称,符号名字
  72528. symbolic notation ==> 符号表示法
  72529. symbolic number ==> 符号地址,符号数
  72530. symbolic operand ==> 符号操作数,符号运算数
  72531. symbolic operation ==> 符号操作,符号运算
  72532. symbolic operation code ==> 符号操作码
  72533. symbolic operator ==> 符号算子
  72534. symbolic optimal assembly program ==> 符号最优汇编程序
  72535. symbolic optimum assembly program ==> 符号的优化汇编程序,符号优化汇编辑序
  72536. symbolic parameter ==> 符号参数
  72537. symbolic parameter initial value ==> 符号参数初值
  72538. symbolic placeholder ==> 符号占位符
  72539. symbolic pointer ==> 符号指示字,符号指针
  72540. symbolic polynomial ==> 符号多项式
  72541. symbolic power ==> 形式幂
  72542. symbolic programme ==> 符号化程序
  72543. symbolic programming ==> 符号编码技术,符号程序,编制符号程序
  72544. symbolic programming system ==> 符号程序设计系统
  72545. symbolic programming tape ==> 符号程序带
  72546. symbolic representation ==> 符号表示,符号表示法
  72547. symbolic solution ==> 符号解法
  72548. symbolic source program ==> 符号源程序
  72549. symbolic table control ==> 符号表控制
  72550. symbolic table element ==> 符号表元素
  72551. symbolic table entry ==> 符号表项目
  72552. symbolic table pointer ==> 符号表指示字,符号表指针
  72553. symbolic table routine ==> 符号表程序
  72554. symbolic terminal name ==> 符号终端名
  72555. symbolic text editor ==> 符号文本编辑程序
  72556. symbolic thought ==> 象征性思维
  72557. symbolic tools ==> 符号工具
  72558. symbolic unit ==> 符号部件,符号汇编程序,部件符号
  72559. symbolic variable ==> 符号变量
  72560. symbolic vector ==> 符号矢量,形式矢量
  72561. symbolic virtual address ==> 符号虚拟地址
  72562. symbolically ==> 用符号表示
  72563. symbolism ==> 符号化,符号体系
  72564. symbolization ==> 象征化作用
  72565. symbolization of accounts ==> 帐户编号,科目编号
  72566. symbolize ==> 象征=>記号を用いる
  72567. symbolize the new lifestyle ==> 新しい生活様式を象徴する
  72568. symbolize truth ==> 真理を象徴する
  72569. symbolizing system ==> 标记制度
  72570. symbols for ships ventilation system ==> 船舶通风系统图形符号
  72571. symbols for specific values of periodic quantities ==> 周期的量の特定値に対する記号
  72572. symclosene ==> シムクロセン,トリクロロイソシアヌル酸
  72573. symmedian point ==> 类似重心
  72574. symmetric ==> 对称的=>左右対称の,対称的な
  72575. symmetric adjustment ==> 对称调整
  72576. symmetric alternating quantity ==> 对称交变量
  72577. symmetric antenna ==> 对称天线
  72578. symmetric autooscillation ==> 对称自振
  72579. symmetric balance ==> 对称平衡
  72580. symmetric barycenter ==> 对称重心
  72581. symmetric bedding ==> 对称层理
  72582. symmetric binomial distribution ==> 对称的二项分布
  72583. symmetric bipolar transistor ==> 对称双极晶体管
  72584. symmetric blading ==> 对称叶片
  72585. symmetric breaking capacity ==> 对称遮断容量
  72586. symmetric cable ==> 对称电缆
  72587. symmetric center ==> 对称中心
  72588. symmetric channel ==> 对称信道
  72589. symmetric circuit ==> 对称电路=>対称回路
  72590. symmetric closure ==> 对称闭包
  72591. symmetric colour vision model ==> 对称色觉模型
  72592. symmetric component ==> 对称分量
  72593. symmetric component filter ==> 对称成分过滤器
  72594. symmetric configuration ==> 对称配置
  72595. symmetric cooperative game ==> 对称合作对策
  72596. symmetric coordinate axis transformation ==> 対称座標軸変換
  72597. symmetric current ==> 对称电流
  72598. symmetric deflection ==> 对称偏移
  72599. symmetric difference ==> 对称差,对称差分
  72600. symmetric digraph ==> 对称有向图
  72601. symmetric dimer ==> 対称二量体
  72602. symmetric distribution ==> 对称分布
  72603. symmetric element ==> 対称素子
  72604. symmetric extension ==> 対称拡張
  72605. symmetric extinction ==> 对称消光
  72606. symmetric eyepiece ==> 对称目镜
  72607. symmetric fabric ==> 对称结构
  72608. symmetric face ==> 対称面
  72609. symmetric fault ==> 对称故障
  72610. symmetric fiber ==> 对称光纤
  72611. symmetric figure ==> 对称图形=>対称図形
  72612. symmetric filter ==> 对称滤波器
  72613. symmetric formulation ==> 对称表示法
  72614. symmetric function ==> 对称函数=>対称関数
  72615. symmetric game ==> 对称比赛,对称对策=>対称ゲーム
  72616. symmetric gradient ==> 对称梯度
  72617. symmetric graph ==> 对称图
  72618. symmetric group ==> 对称群=>対称群
  72619. symmetric heterostatic circuit ==> 对称异电位电路
  72620. symmetric hypertrophy ==> 対称性肥大
  72621. symmetric I/O unit ==> 对称输入输出装置
  72622. symmetric impedance ==> 对称阻抗
  72623. symmetric induction machine ==> 对称感应电机
  72624. symmetric instability ==> 対称不安定
  72625. symmetric integral form ==> 对称积分形式
  72626. symmetric junction ==> 对称结,对称联结
  72627. symmetric laminate ==> 対称積層板
  72628. symmetric laminated plate ==> 対称積層板
  72629. symmetric law ==> 対称の公理
  72630. symmetric linear equation ==> 对称线性方程
  72631. symmetric linear operator ==> 对称线性算子
  72632. symmetric linear programming ==> 对称线性规划
  72633. symmetric loading ==> 对称荷载,均衡负载
  72634. symmetric logic ==> 符号逻辑
  72635. symmetric matching ==> 对称匹配
  72636. symmetric matrix ==> 对称矩阵=>対称行列
  72637. symmetric matrix game ==> 对称矩阵对策
  72638. symmetric method ==> 符号法
  72639. symmetric microthermoanalyzer ==> 对称式微热量分析仪
  72640. symmetric mode ==> 对称型
  72641. symmetric moment ==> 对称力矩
  72642. symmetric multi-processor ==> 対称型マルチプロセッサ
  72643. symmetric multiprocessor ==> 对称多处理机
  72644. symmetric multivibrator ==> 对称多谐荡振器
  72645. symmetric negative sequence current ==> 对称负序电流
  72646. symmetric network ==> 对称网络
  72647. symmetric operation ==> 対称操作
  72648. symmetric operator ==> 対称作用素
  72649. symmetric order for binary tree ==> 二叉树的对称次序
  72650. symmetric oscillation ==> 对称振荡
  72651. symmetric parameter ==> 符号参数
  72652. symmetric part ==> 对称部分
  72653. symmetric periodic solution ==> 対称周期解
  72654. symmetric phase ==> 对称相
  72655. symmetric polyphase system ==> 对称多相制
  72656. symmetric potential ==> 対称ポテンシャル
  72657. symmetric processor ==> 对称处理机
  72658. symmetric profile ==> 对称叶型
  72659. symmetric programming ==> 符号程序
  72660. symmetric property ==> 対称性
  72661. symmetric quadratic form ==> 对称二次形式
  72662. symmetric rank-one algorithm ==> 对称秩1算法
  72663. symmetric relation ==> 对称关系
  72664. symmetric resonator ==> 对称谐振腔
  72665. symmetric ring synchrocyclotron ==> 对称环形同步回旋加速器
  72666. symmetric ripple mark ==> 对称波痕
  72667. symmetric short-circuit ==> 对称短路
  72668. symmetric situation ==> 対称的状況
  72669. symmetric space ==> 对称空间=>対称空間
  72670. symmetric spaces ==> 对称空间结构
  72671. symmetric stage ==> 对称级
  72672. symmetric state ==> 对称态
  72673. symmetric stress cycle ==> 对称应力循环
  72674. symmetric stretch ==> 対称伸縮
  72675. symmetric structure ==> 対称構造物
  72676. symmetric successive overrelaxation ==> 对称逐次超松弛
  72677. symmetric system ==> 对称系统=>対称システム
  72678. symmetric tensor ==> 対称テンソル
  72679. symmetric three-input majority gate ==> 对称三输入端多数决定元件
  72680. symmetric three-phase load ==> 对称三相负载
  72681. symmetric three-phase system ==> 对称三相制
  72682. symmetric top ==> 对称陀螺
  72683. symmetric top molecule ==> 对称陀螺分子
  72684. symmetric transducer ==> 对称换能器
  72685. symmetric transformation ==> 対称変換
  72686. symmetric varistor ==> 对称变换器
  72687. symmetric voltage ==> 对称电压
  72688. symmetric vortex ==> 対称渦
  72689. symmetric wave ==> 对称波
  72690. symmetric(al) arch dam ==> 对称式拱坝
  72691. symmetric(al) balance ==> 对称平衡
  72692. symmetric(al) banded structure ==> 对称带状构造
  72693. symmetric(al) flow ==> 对称流
  72694. symmetric(al) fold ==> 对称褶皱
  72695. symmetric(al) load ==> 对称荷载
  72696. symmetric(al) plane ==> 对称面
  72697. symmetric(al) vein ==> 对称脉
  72698. symmetric(al) wave ==> 对称波
  72699. symmetric-component method ==> 对称分量法
  72700. symmetrical ==> 对称的=>対称な
  72701. symmetrical about a point ==> 点対称である
  72702. symmetrical about the axis of rotation ==> 回転軸に関して対称である
  72703. symmetrical about the middle vector ==> 中間ベクトルに関して対称である
  72704. symmetrical achromat lens ==> 对称式消色差透镜
  72705. symmetrical adjustment ==> 对称调节
  72706. symmetrical all-dielectric interference filter ==> 全介质对称干涉滤光片
  72707. symmetrical alternating current ==> 对称交流
  72708. symmetrical alternating electromotive force ==> 对称交流电动势
  72709. symmetrical alternating quantity ==> 对称交变量
  72710. symmetrical alternating voltage ==> 对称交变电压
  72711. symmetrical anastigmat ==> 对称消像散镜组
  72712. symmetrical antenna ==> 対称アンテナ
  72713. symmetrical appearance ==> 左右対称の外見
  72714. symmetrical arrangement ==> 対称配置
  72715. symmetrical attenuator ==> 对称衰减器
  72716. symmetrical avalanche rectifier ==> 对称雪崩整流器
  72717. symmetrical band-pass filter ==> 对称通带滤波器
  72718. symmetrical band-reject filter ==> 对称阻带滤波器
  72719. symmetrical beam ==> 对称光
  72720. symmetrical blading ==> 对称叶片
  72721. symmetrical body ==> 对称体
  72722. symmetrical boundary ==> 対称境界
  72723. symmetrical breaking current ==> 対称遮断電流
  72724. symmetrical cable ==> 对称电缆
  72725. symmetrical channel ==> 対称チャネル
  72726. symmetrical characteristic ==> 对称性
  72727. symmetrical cipher ==> 対称暗号
  72728. symmetrical circuit ==> 对称电路
  72729. symmetrical circulator ==> 对称环行器
  72730. symmetrical clipper ==> 对称斩波器
  72731. symmetrical component ==> 对称部分
  72732. symmetrical component method ==> 对称分量法
  72733. symmetrical components ==> 对称分量
  72734. Symmetrical Components as Applied to the Analysis of Unbalanced Electrical Circuits ==> C.F.Wagner, R.D.Evans
  72735. symmetrical componet ==> 対称分
  72736. symmetrical componet transient analysis of AC circuit and AC machinery ==> 交流回路と交流機器の対称座標法解析
  72737. symmetrical componets ==> 対称座標法
  72738. symmetrical compressor ==> 对称型压缩机
  72739. symmetrical control ==> 対称制御
  72740. symmetrical coordinates ==> 対称座標
  72741. symmetrical correspondence ==> 对称对应
  72742. symmetrical cryptography ==> 対称暗号
  72743. symmetrical curve ==> 对称曲线
  72744. symmetrical curves ==> 対称曲線
  72745. symmetrical decomposition ==> 対称分解
  72746. symmetrical deflection ==> 对称偏转=>対称偏向
  72747. symmetrical diagram ==> 对称图解
  72748. symmetrical dichotomy ==> 対称二分法
  72749. symmetrical distribution ==> 对称分布
  72750. symmetrical division ==> 対称性分裂
  72751. symmetrical dom cap ==> 对称顶
  72752. symmetrical domain ==> 対称領域
  72753. symmetrical electrometer ==> 对称静电计
  72754. symmetrical element ==> 対称要素
  72755. symmetrical energy ==> 対称エネルギー
  72756. symmetrical equilibrium ==> 対称平衡
  72757. symmetrical ether ==> 対称エーテル
  72758. symmetrical expression ==> 対称式
  72759. symmetrical extinction ==> 对称消光
  72760. symmetrical facade ==> 对称立面
  72761. symmetrical filter ==> 对称滤波器
  72762. symmetrical fission ==> 対称核分裂
  72763. symmetrical flower ==> 整齐花
  72764. symmetrical fluid ==> 対称流体
  72765. symmetrical fold ==> 对称褶曲
  72766. symmetrical form ==> 対称形式
  72767. symmetrical formulation ==> 对称表示法
  72768. symmetrical fret ==> 对称回纹饰
  72769. symmetrical grading ==> 对称分品连接
  72770. symmetrical gyro ==> 対称ジャイロ
  72771. symmetrical H attenuator ==> 对称H型衰减器
  72772. symmetrical idler arm ==> 对称空转臂
  72773. symmetrical impedance ==> 対称分インピーダンス
  72774. symmetrical indication amplifier ==> 对称式指示放大器
  72775. symmetrical inductive diaphragm ==> 对称电感窗口片
  72776. symmetrical intensity distribution ==> 对称光强分布
  72777. symmetrical kernel ==> 対称核
  72778. symmetrical ketone ==> 対称ケトン
  72779. symmetrical lens ==> 对称透镜
  72780. symmetrical limiting ==> 对称限幅
  72781. symmetrical loading ==> 对称荷载,对称载荷
  72782. symmetrical luminous intensity distribution ==> 対称配光
  72783. symmetrical machine ==> 対称機
  72784. symmetrical mirror ==> 对称镜
  72785. symmetrical molecule ==> 对称分子
  72786. symmetrical motor ==> 对称电动机
  72787. symmetrical mounting ==> 对称装置
  72788. symmetrical multivibrator ==> 对称多谐荡振器
  72789. symmetrical network ==> 対称回路網
  72790. symmetrical O attenuator ==> 对称O型衰减器
  72791. symmetrical object glass ==> 对称物镜
  72792. symmetrical objects ==> 対称物体
  72793. symmetrical pass ==> 对称孔型
  72794. symmetrical pattern ==> 对称图案
  72795. symmetrical pi attenuator ==> 对称π型衰减器
  72796. symmetrical plan ==> 对称平面
  72797. symmetrical plane ==> 对称平面
  72798. symmetrical polyphase circuit ==> 对称多相电路
  72799. symmetrical polyphase current source ==> 対称多相電流源
  72800. symmetrical polyphase system ==> 对称多相制
  72801. symmetrical polyphase voltage source ==> 対称多相電圧源
  72802. symmetrical predicate ==> 対称述語
  72803. symmetrical problem ==> 対称問題
  72804. symmetrical product ==> 対称積
  72805. symmetrical profile ==> 对称剖面
  72806. symmetrical quadripole ==> 对称四端网络
  72807. symmetrical radiator ==> 对称辐射器
  72808. symmetrical ring ==> 对称环
  72809. symmetrical section ==> 对称状分段
  72810. symmetrical short circuit ==> 对称短路
  72811. symmetrical short-circuit ==> 对称短路
  72812. symmetrical short-circuit current ==> 对称短路电流,三相对称短路时,短路电流中的对称交流分量的有效值
  72813. symmetrical shunt-type thermoammeter ==> 对称分路型热电偶安培计
  72814. symmetrical solution ==> 対称解
  72815. symmetrical source ==> 対称電源
  72816. symmetrical stable process ==> 対称安定過程
  72817. symmetrical stage ==> 树木对称期
  72818. symmetrical state ==> 対称状態
  72819. symmetrical stretch frequency ==> 対称伸縮振動数
  72820. symmetrical structure ==> 对称结构
  72821. symmetrical T attenuator ==> 对称T型衰减器
  72822. symmetrical T type equivalent circuit ==> 対称T形等価回路
  72823. symmetrical theory ==> 対称理論
  72824. symmetrical three phase circuit ==> 对称三相电路
  72825. symmetrical three-phase AC ==> 対称三相交流
  72826. symmetrical transducer ==> 对称换能器
  72827. symmetrical two port network ==> 对称四端网络
  72828. symmetrical two-port network ==> 対称2端子対回路網
  72829. symmetrical wave ==> 对称波=>対称波
  72830. symmetrical winding ==> 对称电枢绕组,对称绕阻
  72831. symmetrization ==> 对称化作用
  72832. symmetrization of a game ==> 对策的对称化
  72833. symmetry ==> 对称,对称现象,对称性,相称,不变性=>対称,裏返し,相称,シンメトリー,対称性,均整美
  72834. symmetry adaptation ==> 対称性適合
  72835. symmetry algebra ==> 対称性代数
  72836. symmetry analysis ==> 対称解析
  72837. symmetry assessment ==> 対称性評価
  72838. symmetry assumption ==> 対称性の仮定
  72839. symmetry axis ==> 对称轴,旋转轴=>対称軸
  72840. symmetry breaking ==> 対称性の破れ
  72841. symmetry breaking transition ==> 対称性の破れ転移
  72842. symmetry center ==> 对称中心
  72843. symmetry centre ==> 对称中心
  72844. symmetry change ==> 対称性変化
  72845. symmetry circuit ==> 对称电路
  72846. symmetry class ==> 対称類
  72847. symmetry coefficient ==> 対称係数
  72848. symmetry concentration ==> 对称浓度
  72849. symmetry condition ==> 対称条件
  72850. symmetry consideration ==> 対称性考慮
  72851. symmetry constraint ==> 対称制約
  72852. symmetry control ==> 対称制御
  72853. symmetry coordinates ==> 対称座標
  72854. symmetry criterion ==> 対称基準
  72855. symmetry deformation ==> 対称変形
  72856. symmetry detection ==> 対称性検出
  72857. symmetry determination ==> 対称性決定
  72858. symmetry direction ==> 対称方向
  72859. symmetry effect ==> 対称性効果
  72860. symmetry element ==> 对称要素
  72861. symmetry elements ==> 对称要素
  72862. symmetry energy ==> 対称エネルギー
  72863. symmetry evaluation ==> 対称性評価
  72864. symmetry factor ==> 対称性因子
  72865. symmetry filter ==> 対称フィルター
  72866. symmetry function ==> 对称变换
  72867. symmetry law ==> 对称定律
  72868. symmetry map ==> 対称写像
  72869. symmetry measurement ==> 対称性測定
  72870. symmetry method ==> 対称法
  72871. symmetry model ==> 対称性モデル
  72872. symmetry number ==> 対称数
  72873. symmetry of crystal ==> 結晶の対称性
  72874. symmetry of crystal structures ==> 結晶構造の対称性
  72875. symmetry of crystals ==> 結晶の対称性
  72876. symmetry of elementary particles ==> 素粒子の対称性
  72877. symmetry of faces ==> 对称面
  72878. symmetry of quantum mechanical operators ==> 量子力学运算子的对称性
  72879. symmetry of reflection ==> 鏡映対称
  72880. symmetry of rotation ==> 回転対称
  72881. symmetry of strategic equivalence ==> 策略等价的对称性
  72882. symmetry of the pattern ==> パターンの調和
  72883. symmetry operation ==> 対称操作
  72884. symmetry operator ==> 対称演算子
  72885. symmetry orbital ==> 対称軌道
  72886. symmetry perception ==> 対称認識
  72887. symmetry perturbation ==> 対称摂動
  72888. symmetry phenomenon ==> 対称現象
  72889. symmetry plane ==> 对称面,对称平面=>対称面
  72890. symmetry point ==> 对称点
  72891. symmetry potential ==> 対称ポテンシャル
  72892. symmetry preservation ==> 対称性保持
  72893. symmetry principle ==> 对称原理
  72894. symmetry problem ==> 対称性問題
  72895. symmetry properties of wave function ==> 波函数对称性
  72896. symmetry property ==> 対称性
  72897. symmetry recovery ==> 対称性回復
  72898. symmetry reduction ==> 対称性低下
  72899. symmetry return ==> 対称性復原
  72900. symmetry rotating spiral vectors ==> 对称旋转螺旋矢量=>対称スパイラルベクトル
  72901. symmetry rotating vectors ==> 对称旋转矢量=>対称回転ベクトル
  72902. symmetry state ==> 対称状態
  72903. symmetry structure ==> 対称構造
  72904. symmetry synthesis ==> 対称合成
  72905. symmetry testing ==> 対称性テスト
  72906. symmetry theorem ==> 対称性定理
  72907. symmetry theory ==> 対称性理論
  72908. symmetry transform ==> 対称変換
  72909. symmetry transformation ==> 对称变换
  72910. symmetry type ==> 对称型
  72911. symmetry violation ==> 対称性の破れ
  72912. symmetry with respect to a line ==> 線対称
  72913. symmetry with respect to a plane ==> 面対称
  72914. symmetry with respect to a point ==> 点対称
  72915. symmetry-breaking event ==> 对称性破坏现象=>対称性崩壊イベント
  72916. sympathectomy hook ==> 交感神经钩
  72917. sympathetic ==> 交感神経
  72918. sympathetic action ==> 交感神経作用
  72919. sympathetic activation ==> 交感神経活性
  72920. sympathetic activity ==> 交感神経活動
  72921. sympathetic agent ==> 交感神経作用薬
  72922. sympathetic apraxia ==> 交感性失行
  72923. sympathetic block ==> 交感神经节阻滞,交感神经阻滞
  72924. sympathetic branch ==> 交感支
  72925. sympathetic cracking ==> 感应开裂
  72926. sympathetic damage ==> 同情罢工损失
  72927. sympathetic detonation ==> 感应起爆
  72928. sympathetic formative cells ==> 成交感细胞
  72929. sympathetic ganglia ==> 交感神经节
  72930. sympathetic ganglionic cell ==> 交感神经节细胞
  72931. sympathetic hyperfunction ==> 交感神经功能亢进
  72932. sympathetic inhibitor ==> 交感神经阻滞药
  72933. sympathetic innervation ==> 交感神经支配
  72934. sympathetic inrush ==> 和应涌流,当发电厂或变电所内母线上连接两台或两台以上的变压器时,如果一台变压器进行空载合闸,在变压器绕组中将出现励磁涌流,与此同时,在与其并联运行的其它中性点接地变压器绕组中也将出现浪涌电流,称作和应涌流。和应涌流与励磁涌流密切相关,交替产生
  72935. sympathetic interaction ==> 誘引作用
  72936. sympathetic iritis ==> 交感性虹膜炎
  72937. sympathetic irritation ==> 交感性刺激
  72938. sympathetic nerve ==> 交感神经
  72939. sympathetic nerve depressant ==> 交感神经系统抑制药
  72940. sympathetic nerve pain ==> 交感神经痛
  72941. sympathetic nerve system ==> 交感神经系
  72942. sympathetic nervous center ==> 交感中枢
  72943. sympathetic nervous system ==> 交感神经系
  72944. sympathetic neuron ==> 交感神经原
  72945. sympathetic ophthalmia ==> 交感性眼炎
  72946. sympathetic premature beat ==> 交感性过早搏动
  72947. sympathetic radio burst ==> 共振射电暴
  72948. sympathetic reflex dystrophy ==> 反射性交感神经营养不良
  72949. sympathetic root cell ==> 交感根细胞
  72950. sympathetic strike ==> 同情罢工
  72951. sympathetic symptom ==> 交感症状
  72952. sympathetic system ==> 交感系统
  72953. sympathetic trunk ==> 交感干
  72954. sympathetic vasoconstrictor center ==> 交感缩血管中枢
  72955. sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerve ==> 交感缩血管神经
  72956. sympathetic vasodilation ==> 交感神经性血管扩张
  72957. sympathetic vasodilator nerve ==> 交感血管舒张神经
  72958. sympathetic vibration ==> 和应振动,共振
  72959. sympatheticalgia ==> 交感神经节痛,交感神经痛
  72960. sympatheticoma ==> 交感神经瘤
  72961. sympatheticoma of mediastinum ==> 纵隔交感神经瘤
  72962. sympatheticotonia ==> 交感神经过敏,交感神经紧张症
  72963. sympatheticotripsy ==> 交感神经压轧术
  72964. sympathic hyperfunction ==> 交感神经功能亢进
  72965. sympathoadrenal system ==> 交感神经肾上腺系统
  72966. sympathoma embryonale ==> 胚性交感神经瘤
  72967. sympathomimetic nerve ==> 拟交感神经
  72968. sympathy ==> 共感,同情
  72969. sympathy strike ==> 同情罢工
  72970. sympatric population ==> 同地种群,(同地种群)同地居群
  72971. symphysial cavity ==> 耻骨联合腔
  72972. symphysial surface ==> 耻骨联合面
  72973. symphysis intervertebralis ==> 椎间联合
  72974. symphysis manubriosternalis ==> 柄胸联合
  72975. symplasmatic state ==> 共质态
  72976. symplastic growth ==> 协同生长
  72977. symplastic state ==> 共质态
  72978. symplectic ==> 接続骨,シンプレクティック
  72979. symplectic form ==> シンプレクティック形式
  72980. symplectic geometry ==> シンプレクティック幾何学
  72981. symplectic group ==> シンプレクティック群,斜交群
  72982. symplectic integration ==> シンプレクティック積分
  72983. symplectic manifold ==> シンプレクティック多様体
  72984. symplectic map ==> シンプレクティック写像
  72985. symplectic matrices ==> 辛矩阵
  72986. symplectic matrix ==> シンプレクティック行列
  72987. symplectic method ==> シンプレクティック法
  72988. symplectic structure ==> シンプレクティック構造
  72989. symplectic transformation ==> シンプレクティック変換
  72990. sympodia branch ==> 果枝
  72991. sympodial branch ==> 合轴枝
  72992. sympodially branched ==> 假轴式分枝
  72993. symposia ==> 座谈会,评论集
  72994. symposium ==> (专题)讨论会,论文集,学术报告会=>シンポジウム,討論会
  72995. Symposium on Hydraulics of Hong Kong Waters ==> 《香港水域的水力学研究》
  72996. symposium on medical topics ==> 医论
  72997. symptom of brain hypertension ==> 脑压过高症状
  72998. symptom of digestive tract ==> 消化道症状
  72999. symptom-complex ==> 征群
  73000. symptom-group ==> 征群
  73001. symptomatic aneurysm ==> 症状性动脉瘤
  73002. symptomatic anthrax ==> 症状性炭疽,气肿性炭疽,黑腿病
  73003. symptomatic chorea ==> 症状性舞蹈病
  73004. symptomatic hirsutism ==> 症状性多毛症
  73005. symptomatic hypertension ==> 症状性高血压
  73006. symptomatic psychosis ==> 症状性精神病
  73007. symptomatic treatment ==> 症状疗法
  73008. symptomatic vascular purpura ==> 症状性血管性紫癜
  73009. symptomology ==> 症状学
  73010. symptoms of excess in extreme deficiency ==> 至虚有盛候
  73011. SYN code ==> 同步码
  73012. SYN register ==> 同步寄存器
  73013. SYN, synchronizing signal ==> 同步信号
  73014. syn-position ==> 顺位
  73015. synantherous stamen ==> 聚药雄蕊,聚药雄蕊
  73016. synapse ==> 突触,神经键=>シナプス
  73017. synapse specificity ==> シナプス特異性
  73018. synaptic junction ==> 突触
  73019. synaptic knobs ==> 突触小结
  73020. synaptic plane ==> 联会面
  73021. synaptic stage ==> 联会期
  73022. synaptic transmission ==> 突触传递
  73023. synaptonemal complex ==> 联会丝复合体
  73024. synarthrodial cartilage ==> 不动关节软骨
  73025. sync amplitude ==> 同步信号振幅
  73026. sync bit ==> 同步位
  73027. sync buffering ==> 同步缓冲
  73028. sync carrier ==> 同步载波
  73029. sync character ==> 同步字符
  73030. sync circuit ==> 同步电路
  73031. sync clipper ==> 同步脉冲限制器
  73032. sync code ==> 同步电码
  73033. sync comparator ==> 同步比较器
  73034. sync compression ==> 同步信号压缩
  73035. sync control ==> 同步控制
  73036. sync distribution amplifier ==> 同步分配放大器
  73037. sync edge muting ==> 同步边缘静噪
  73038. sync equalizing ==> 同步均衡
  73039. sync fail ==> 同步失效
  73040. sync feedback ==> 同步反馈
  73041. sync generator ==> 同步信号发生器
  73042. sync generator for monochrome ==> 黑白同步机
  73043. sync generator vertical drive ==> 同步脉冲发生器垂直激励
  73044. sync input ==> 同步输入
  73045. sync inversion ==> 同步倒相
  73046. sync level ==> 同步电平
  73047. sync line-up ==> 同步信号对齐
  73048. sync logic ==> 同步逻辑电路
  73049. sync mark ==> 同步标记
  73050. sync motor ==> 同步马达
  73051. sync non-linearity ==> 同步信号非线性
  73052. sync output ==> 同步输出
  73053. sync peaks ==> 同步峰值
  73054. sync pedestal ==> 同步基底电平,同步基座
  73055. sync process ==> 同步处理
  73056. sync pulse ==> 同步脉冲
  73057. sync pulse amplitude ==> 同步脉冲振幅
  73058. sync pulse distortion ==> 同步脉冲波形失真
  73059. sync pulse encoding ==> 同步脉冲编码
  73060. sync pulse generation ==> 同步脉冲发生
  73061. sync pulse generator ==> 同步脉冲发生器
  73062. sync pulse inverter ==> 同步脉冲倒相器
  73063. sync pulse regeneration ==> 同步脉冲再生
  73064. sync pulse regenerator ==> 同步脉冲再生器
  73065. sync pulse selection ==> 同步脉冲选择
  73066. sync pulse separation ==> 同步脉冲分离
  73067. sync section ==> 同步部分
  73068. sync select switch ==> 同步选择开关
  73069. sync selector ==> 同步选择器
  73070. sync separating circuit ==> 同步分离电路
  73071. sync separator ==> 同步信号分离器
  73072. sync separator circuit ==> 同步脉冲分离电路,同步信号分离电路
  73073. sync signal ==> 同步信号
  73074. sync signal amplitude ==> 同步信号振幅
  73075. sync signal compression ==> 同步信号压缩
  73076. sync signal generator ==> 同步信号发生器
  73077. sync signal insertion ==> 同步信号插入
  73078. sync signal level ==> 同步信号电平
  73079. sync signal limiter ==> 同步信号限幅器
  73080. sync signal purifier ==> 同步信号滤清器
  73081. sync signal re-insertion ==> 同步信号重插入
  73082. sync source ==> 同步脉冲源,同步源
  73083. sync stretch circuit ==> 同步脉冲延长电路,同步脉冲展宽电路
  73084. sync stretch tube ==> 同步脉冲展宽管
  73085. sync tip ==> 同步脉冲顶部
  73086. sync tip carrier ==> 同步脉冲顶部载波
  73087. sync tip carrier frequency ==> 同步脉冲顶部载频
  73088. sync tip clamp ==> 同步脉冲顶部箝位
  73089. sync tip clipping ==> 同步脉冲顶部切割
  73090. sync tip frequency ==> 同步脉冲顶部频率
  73091. sync tip level ==> 同步脉冲幅度
  73092. sync tone ==> 同步音
  73093. sync track ==> 同步磁迹
  73094. SYNC, sampling synchronization control circuit ==> サンプリング同期制御回路
  73095. SYNC, synchronization ==> 同期
  73096. SYNC, synchronizer ==> 同步器
  73097. SYNC, synchronous ==> 同期
  73098. SYNC, synchronous signal ==> 同期信号
  73099. sync-in pulse ==> 同步输入脉冲
  73100. sync-lock equipment ==> 同步锁定设备
  73101. sync-lock unit ==> 同步锁定单元
  73102. sync-out pulse ==> 同步输出脉冲
  73103. sync-output ==> 同步输出
  73104. sync-timing error ==> 同步脉冲时间误差
  73105. syncarpous fruit ==> 合心皮果
  73106. synchondrosis intra-occipitalis posterior ==> 枕内后结合
  73107. synchro ==> 同步机=>シンクロ
  73108. synchro angle ==> 同步角
  73109. synchro assembling line ==> 同步装配线
  73110. synchro control ==> 同步调整,同步控制
  73111. synchro control receiver ==> 同步控制接收机
  73112. synchro control transformer ==> 同步控制变压器
  73113. synchro control transmitter ==> 同步控制发射机
  73114. synchro coupling ==> 同步耦合
  73115. synchro device ==> 同步机=>シンクロ装置
  73116. synchro differential generator ==> 差动式自动同步电动机
  73117. synchro differential motor ==> 差动式自动同步电动机,差动同步电动机
  73118. synchro differential receiver ==> 差动同步接收机
  73119. synchro differential transmitter ==> 差动同步发射机
  73120. synchro drive ==> 同步传动
  73121. synchro error ==> 同步误差
  73122. synchro generator ==> 同步发电机,同步机,自同步发射机
  73123. synchro light ==> 同步指示灯
  73124. synchro mesh gear ==> 同步配合齿轮机构
  73125. synchro mesh transmission ==> 同步配合变速器
  73126. synchro oscilloscope ==> 同步示波器
  73127. synchro phase shifter ==> 同步移相器
  73128. synchro phasometer ==> 同步相位计
  73129. synchro pick-up ==> 同步传感器
  73130. synchro reader ==> 同步读出器
  73131. synchro receiver ==> 自整角接收装置,自同步接收机=>シンクロ受信機
  73132. synchro repeater ==> 同步重发器
  73133. synchro resolver ==> 分析器
  73134. synchro resolver differential transmitter ==> 同步解算器差动式发送器
  73135. synchro resolver receiver ==> 同步解算器接收机
  73136. synchro resolver repeater ==> 同步解算器重发器
  73137. synchro resolver transformer ==> 同步解算器变压器
  73138. synchro resolver transmitter ==> 同步解算器发送器
  73139. synchro scope ==> 汽车点火整步器
  73140. synchro switch ==> 同步开关
  73141. synchro system ==> 同步随动系统
  73142. synchro texturing system ==> 同步变形体系
  73143. synchro transmitter ==> 同步发送机,同步系统发送装置,自同步发射机,自动传感器=>シンクロ発信機
  73144. synchro-clock ==> 同步电钟
  73145. synchro-control ==> 同步控制
  73146. synchro-draw ==> 同步拉伸
  73147. synchro-duplexing pulse ==> 同步双工脉冲
  73148. synchro-fly cutter ==> 双刀辊式切纸机
  73149. synchro-indicator ==> 同步指示器
  73150. synchro-lift system ==> 同步升降系统
  73151. synchro-marketing ==> 同步销售
  73152. synchro-mating punch ==> 同步配合穿孔机
  73153. synchro-position control ==> 同步位置控制
  73154. synchro-self-shifting clutch ==> 同步自脱离合器
  73155. synchro-shear ==> 同步切变
  73156. synchro-shutter ==> 同步快门
  73157. synchro-speed ==> 同步转速
  73158. synchro-spiral gearbox ==> 同步斜齿轮变速箱
  73159. synchro-transformer ==> 同步控制变压器
  73160. synchrobetatron resonance ==> 同步电子感应加速器共振
  73161. synchrocyclotron ==> 同步电子回旋加速器,稳相加速器
  73162. synchrodyne ==> 零拍同步机
  73163. synchrodyne circuit ==> 同步电路
  73164. synchrodyne mixer ==> 同步混频器
  73165. synchrodyne reception ==> 零拍接收
  73166. synchroflash mechanism ==> 闪光同步机构
  73167. synchroized operation ==> 同步运行
  73168. synchromagslip ==> 自动同步机
  73169. synchromesh change gear ==> 同步变速齿轮
  73170. synchromesh clutch gear ==> 同步齿轮离合器
  73171. synchromesh gear ==> 同步齿轮,同步啮合齿轮
  73172. synchromesh gearbox ==> 同步啮合齿轮副变速箱
  73173. synchromesh transmission ==> 同步变速装置,同步啮合变速器
  73174. synchromesh type transmission ==> 同步变速装置
  73175. synchrometer ==> 同步表,同步指示器
  73176. synchroniser ==> 同步器,同步装置,整步器=>シンクロナイザー
  73177. synchronising (connecting) rod ==> 同步连杆
  73178. synchronising torque ==> 同步力矩
  73179. synchronism ==> 同步=>同期
  73180. synchronism check relay ==> 同步校验继电器
  73181. synchronism detection ==> 同期検定
  73182. synchronism detection relay, synchrocheck relay ==> 同步检查继电器,有两个输入量(激励量),并按规定对两个交流电源的同步情况进行检查和作出相应动作的一种继电器
  73183. synchronism detection unit, synchrocheck unit ==> 同步检查装置,对被测电源(如被并网的发电机,输电线路)与系统是否同步的情况进行检查判定的设备
  73184. synchronism deviation ==> 同步偏差
  73185. synchronism indicator ==> 同步指示器=>同期検定器
  73186. synchronism of periodic quantities ==> 周期量の同期
  73187. synchronism-check relay ==> 同期検出継電器
  73188. synchronization ==> 同步,同步化,同期,同期录音,整步,同步并列,将两个达到同步条件(用准同步或自同步的方法)的交流电源并网运行=>同期,同期化
  73189. synchronization accuracy ==> 同期精度
  73190. synchronization acquisition ==> 同步捕获
  73191. synchronization action ==> 同步动作
  73192. synchronization adjustment ==> 同步调整
  73193. synchronization algorithm ==> 同期アルゴリズム
  73194. synchronization bay ==> 同步机架
  73195. synchronization character ==> 同步字,同步字符
  73196. synchronization check ==> 同步校验
  73197. synchronization check word ==> 同步校验字
  73198. synchronization compression ==> 同步脉冲压缩
  73199. synchronization contraint ==> 同步限制
  73200. synchronization control ==> 同步控制,同步控制=>同期化制御
  73201. synchronization error ==> 同步误差
  73202. synchronization factor ==> 同步系数,同步因数
  73203. synchronization frequency ==> 同步频率
  73204. synchronization frequency division ==> 同步分频
  73205. synchronization generator ==> 同步发电机,同步振荡器
  73206. synchronization indicator ==> 同步显示器
  73207. synchronization loss ==> 同步损失
  73208. synchronization mechanism ==> 同步机构
  73209. synchronization of estrus ==> 同期发情
  73210. synchronization of generator to working bus ==> 发电机与工作母线并车
  73211. synchronization of jacking up ==> 同步顶升
  73212. synchronization of oscillator ==> 振荡器的同步
  73213. synchronization of processes ==> 进程的同步
  73214. synchronization of two systems ==> 两系统同步,使两系统的频率、电压幅值和相位相等,以便使其互联
  73215. synchronization panel ==> 同步配电板
  73216. synchronization phenomena ==> 同步现象=>同期化現象,多数の誘導発電機型風力発電設備が存在するウィンドファームにおいて,各機のブレード回転角の位相が時間の変化とともに次第に揃ってくる現象
  73217. synchronization primitives ==> 同步原语
  73218. synchronization pulse ==> 同步脉冲
  73219. synchronization regulation ==> 同步调节
  73220. synchronization regulator ==> 同步调速器
  73221. synchronization sensitivity ==> 同步灵敏度
  73222. synchronization signal ==> 同步信号
  73223. synchronization stretching ==> 同步展宽
  73224. synchronization system ==> 同步系统
  73225. synchronization therapy ==> 同步化治疗
  73226. synchronization time ==> 同步时间
  73227. synchronization unit ==> 同步装置
  73228. synchronization waveform ==> 同步信号波形
  73229. synchronization zone ==> 同步区
  73230. synchronize ==> 使同步,同步,同步化=>同期させる,同調させる
  73231. synchronize and close ==> 并网
  73232. synchronized ==> 同步的
  73233. synchronized asynchronous motor ==> 同步化的异步电动机
  73234. synchronized brake ==> 同步作用制动机
  73235. synchronized breaker ==> 同步断路器
  73236. synchronized broadcast ==> 同步广播
  73237. synchronized broadcasting network ==> 同步广播网
  73238. synchronized changeover contact ==> 同步转换接点
  73239. synchronized clock ==> 同步电钟
  73240. synchronized countershaft transmission ==> 同步啮合副轴式变速器
  73241. synchronized culture ==> 同步培养
  73242. synchronized cycle ==> 同步循环
  73243. synchronized division ==> 同步分裂
  73244. synchronized driving device ==> 同步传动装置
  73245. synchronized indicator ==> 同步指示器
  73246. synchronized measurement system ==> 同時刻計測システム
  73247. synchronized model ==> 同步型
  73248. synchronized multiple access communication system ==> 同步多址通信系统
  73249. synchronized operation ==> 同步运转=>同期運転
  73250. synchronized oscillation ==> 同步振动
  73251. synchronized phasor measurements ==> 同期位相計測
  73252. synchronized pulse jamming ==> 同步脉冲干扰信号
  73253. synchronized quorum ==> 同調クオラム
  73254. synchronized reserve ==> 同步备用
  73255. synchronized sampler ==> 同步采样器
  73256. synchronized signal ==> 同步信号
  73257. synchronized sleep ==> 同步睡眠
  73258. synchronized sparks ==> 同步火花
  73259. synchronized spectrum analyzer ==> 同步光谱分析器
  73260. synchronized stroke ==> 同步行程
  73261. synchronized sweep ==> 同步扫描
  73262. synchronized switch ==> 同步开关
  73263. synchronized switching ==> 同步开断
  73264. synchronized system ==> 同步系统
  73265. synchronized time schedule ==> 同步进度表
  73266. synchronized timing ==> 同步成圈
  73267. synchronized transmission ==> 同步传输
  73268. synchronized trigger generator ==> 同步触发脉冲发生器
  73269. synchronized-signal ==> 同步信号
  73270. synchronized-signal control ==> 同步信号控制
  73271. synchronized-signal generator ==> 同步信号发生器
  73272. synchronized-timing oscillator ==> 同步定时振荡器
  73273. synchronizer ==> 同步装置,同步器,又称“转速变换器”。可在一定范围内平移调节系统静态特性曲线,以整定汽轮机-发电机组转速或改变负荷的装置=>同期装置
  73274. synchronizer (-iser) ==> 整步器
  73275. synchronizer cone ==> 同步器摩擦锥轮
  73276. synchronizer equipment ==> 同步设备
  73277. synchronizer gear ==> 同步齿轮
  73278. synchronizer hub ==> 同步器毂
  73279. synchronizer knob ==> 同步旋钮
  73280. synchronizer motor ==> 同步器电动机,又称“调速马达”。可以远距离操作同步器的电动机
  73281. synchronizer ring ==> 同步器闭锁环
  73282. synchronizer sleeve ==> 同步器啮合套
  73283. synchronizer switch ==> 同步开关
  73284. synchronizer trigger ==> 同步触发器
  73285. synchronizer unit ==> 同步装置,控制、调整两个交流电源达到同步条件的有关设备(包括手动、自动)
  73286. synchronizing ==> 同步,整步,同步的=>同期化,同期調整
  73287. synchronizing amplifier ==> 同步放大器
  73288. synchronizing angle ==> 同步角
  73289. synchronizing apparatus ==> 同步设备
  73290. synchronizing at load ==> 负荷同步
  73291. synchronizing band ==> 同步频带,整步频带
  73292. synchronizing bar ==> 同步杆
  73293. synchronizing broadcasting ==> 同期放送
  73294. synchronizing bus-bar ==> 同步母线
  73295. synchronizing cabinet ==> 瓶车箱
  73296. synchronizing capacity ==> 同步能力
  73297. synchronizing cash flows ==> 同步现金流转
  73298. synchronizing channel ==> 同步通道,同步信道
  73299. synchronizing characteristics ==> 同步特性
  73300. synchronizing circuit ==> 同步电路
  73301. synchronizing clock ==> 同步时钟
  73302. synchronizing clutch ==> 同步离合器
  73303. synchronizing cone ==> 同步器摩擦锥轮的锥形工作面
  73304. synchronizing controls ==> 同步调整装置,同步控制机构
  73305. synchronizing current ==> 同步电流=>同期化電流
  73306. synchronizing cycle ==> 同步周期
  73307. synchronizing delays ==> 同时间阻滞
  73308. synchronizing detection ==> 同步探测
  73309. synchronizing device ==> 整步装置
  73310. synchronizing drum ==> 同步转鼓
  73311. synchronizing error ==> 同步误差,整步误差
  73312. synchronizing force ==> 同步力
  73313. synchronizing frequency ==> 同步频率,整步频率=>同期周波数
  73314. synchronizing function ==> 同步功能
  73315. synchronizing gear ==> 同步齿轮
  73316. synchronizing generator ==> 同步发电机,同步信号发生器
  73317. synchronizing impulse ==> 同步脉冲
  73318. synchronizing indicator ==> 同步状态指示器
  73319. synchronizing information ==> 同步信息
  73320. synchronizing knob ==> 同步旋钮
  73321. synchronizing lamp ==> 同步指示灯
  73322. synchronizing leader ==> 同步引线
  73323. synchronizing level ==> 同步信号电平
  73324. synchronizing linkage ==> 同步装置,同步连锁
  73325. synchronizing mechanism ==> 同步机构
  73326. synchronizing modulation ==> 同步调制
  73327. synchronizing moment ==> 同步瞬间
  73328. synchronizing network ==> 同步网络
  73329. synchronizing of images ==> 图像同步
  73330. synchronizing pilot ==> 同步导频
  73331. synchronizing potential ==> 同步电位,同步电平
  73332. synchronizing power ==> 同步功率,全称“比整步功率”。在恒定励磁,恒定频率和恒定电网电压下某一功率角对称运行时,发电机电磁功率微小增量与对应的功率角微小增量之比值,比整步功率大表示发电机保持同步运行能力强=>同期化力
  73333. synchronizing primitive command ==> 同步的基本命令,同步基本命令
  73334. synchronizing process ==> 同步过程,整步过程
  73335. synchronizing pulse ==> 同步脉冲,整步脉冲=>同期パルス
  73336. synchronizing pulse distribution unit ==> 同步脉冲分配器
  73337. synchronizing pulse generating equipment ==> 同步脉冲发生设备
  73338. synchronizing pulse regeneration ==> 同步脉冲再生
  73339. synchronizing pulse regenerator ==> 同步脉冲再生器
  73340. synchronizing pulse selection ==> 同步脉冲选择
  73341. synchronizing pulse separator ==> 同步脉冲分离器
  73342. synchronizing pulse stretcher ==> 同步脉冲扩展器
  73343. synchronizing pulse-timing correcting step ==> 同步脉冲定时校正梯级
  73344. synchronizing pulse-timing errors ==> 同步脉冲定时误差
  73345. synchronizing quality ==> 同步质量
  73346. synchronizing range ==> 同步范围,整步范围
  73347. synchronizing reactor ==> 同步电抗器
  73348. synchronizing relay ==> 同步继电器=>同期投入継電器
  73349. synchronizing selector ==> 同步选择器
  73350. synchronizing sensitivity ==> 同步灵敏度
  73351. synchronizing separation ==> 同步分离
  73352. synchronizing separator circuit ==> 同步分离电路
  73353. synchronizing separator tube ==> 同步分离管
  73354. synchronizing sequence ==> 同步序列
  73355. synchronizing shaft ==> 同步轴
  73356. synchronizing signal ==> 同步信号=>同期信号
  73357. synchronizing signal amplitude ==> 同步信号幅度
  73358. synchronizing signal compression ==> 同步信号压缩
  73359. synchronizing signal generator ==> 同步信号振荡器=>同期信号発生器
  73360. synchronizing signal level ==> 同步信号电平
  73361. synchronizing signal separation ==> 同步信号分离
  73362. synchronizing signal separator ==> 同步信号分离器
  73363. synchronizing signal source ==> 同步信号源
  73364. synchronizing sleeve ==> (齿形离合器)同步套
  73365. synchronizing step ==> 同步
  73366. synchronizing switch ==> 同期开关
  73367. synchronizing system ==> 同步方式,同步系统
  73368. synchronizing time ==> 同步时间
  73369. synchronizing tone ==> 同步音
  73370. synchronizing torque ==> 同步转矩=>同期化トルク
  73371. synchronizing transformer ==> 同步变压器
  73372. synchronizing valve ==> 同步电子管,同步脉冲管
  73373. synchronizing voltage ==> 同步电压
  73374. synchronizing voltmeter ==> 同步电压表,整步电压表,零值电压计
  73375. synchronizing wheel ==> 同步惯性轮,同步轮
  73376. synchronizing-impulse generator ==> 同步脉冲发生器,整步脉冲发生器
  73377. synchronome impulse clock ==> 同步脉冲钟
  73378. synchrononus communications satellite ==> 同步通信卫星
  73379. synchronoscope ==> 同步指示器=>同期検定器
  73380. synchronous ==> 同步的=>同期した
  73381. synchronous 7-unit system ==> 同步七单位系统
  73382. synchronous acceleration ==> 同步加速
  73383. synchronous accelerator ==> 同步加速器
  73384. synchronous admittance ==> 同步导纳
  73385. synchronous advancer ==> 同步进相机
  73386. synchronous alarm clock ==> 同步闹钟
  73387. synchronous alternator ==> 同步发电机,同步交流发电机
  73388. synchronous altitude ==> 同步高度
  73389. synchronous altitude gravity gradient experiment ==> 同步高度重力梯度实验
  73390. synchronous altitude spin stabilized experiment ==> 同步高度自旋稳定实验
  73391. synchronous angular speed ==> 同期角速度
  73392. synchronous angular velocity ==> 同步角速度
  73393. synchronous apparatus ==> 同步设备
  73394. synchronous astrocompass ==> 同步天文罗盘
  73395. synchronous asynchronous motor ==> 滑环式感应电动机
  73396. synchronous automaton ==> 同步式自动机
  73397. synchronous belt ==> 同步皮带
  73398. synchronous binary data transmission ==> 同步二进制数据传输
  73399. synchronous blocs ==> 电力系统同步网=>電力系統同期網
  73400. synchronous bombsight ==> 同步轰炸瞄准具
  73401. synchronous booster ==> 同步升压器,同步增压机
  73402. synchronous booster converter ==> 同步升压变流机,同步增压变流机
  73403. synchronous booster-inverter ==> 同步调压逆变器
  73404. synchronous boundary ==> 同期界线
  73405. synchronous braking ==> 同步制动
  73406. synchronous camera ==> 同步摄影机
  73407. synchronous capacitor ==> 同期調相機
  73408. synchronous capacity ==> 同步能力
  73409. synchronous carrier system ==> 同步载波系统
  73410. synchronous character ==> 同步字符
  73411. synchronous circuit ==> 同步电路
  73412. synchronous clamping ==> 同步箝位
  73413. synchronous clock ==> 同步电钟
  73414. synchronous clock motor ==> 电钟同步电动机
  73415. synchronous code ==> 同步码
  73416. synchronous communication ==> 同步通信
  73417. synchronous communication electrodynamic system ==> 同步通信电气动态系统
  73418. synchronous communication interface ==> 同步通信接口
  73419. synchronous communication satellite ==> 同步通信卫星
  73420. synchronous commutator ==> 同期整流器
  73421. synchronous commutator lock-in-amplifier ==> 位相検波器
  73422. synchronous commutator type rectifier ==> 同步整流子式整流器
  73423. synchronous compensator ==> 同步补偿器,同步调相机
  73424. synchronous computer ==> 同步式计算机
  73425. synchronous condenser operation ==> 同步调相运行
  73426. synchronous condenser==同步电容器,同步调相机,同步调相器=>同期調相機 ==>
  73427. synchronous condition ==> 同步条件
  73428. synchronous construction ==> 同步建设
  73429. synchronous contactor ==> 同步断续器
  73430. synchronous control ==> 位相制御
  73431. synchronous converter ==> 同步变流机
  73432. synchronous coordinate system ==> 平衡坐标系
  73433. synchronous correction ==> 同步校正
  73434. synchronous counter ==> 同步计数器
  73435. synchronous cryptographic unit ==> 同步密码装置
  73436. synchronous culture ==> 同步培养
  73437. synchronous data link control ==> 同步数据链控制
  73438. synchronous data transmission ==> 同步数据传输
  73439. synchronous demodulation ==> 同步解调
  73440. synchronous demodulator ==> 同步解调器
  73441. synchronous deposits ==> 同时沉积物
  73442. synchronous detection ==> 同期検波
  73443. synchronous detector ==> 同步检定器,互相关器=>同期検波器
  73444. synchronous discharge ==> 同步放电
  73445. synchronous disperse address beacon system ==> 同步离散地址信标系统
  73446. synchronous distortion ==> 同步失真
  73447. synchronous drive ==> 同步传动
  73448. synchronous driving ==> 同步传送
  73449. synchronous earth observatory satellite ==> 同步地球观测卫星
  73450. synchronous effect ==> 同步作用
  73451. synchronous electric clock ==> 同步电钟
  73452. synchronous electric sampler ==> 同步采样器,同步电子开关
  73453. synchronous electromotive force ==> 同步电动势
  73454. synchronous electronic sampler ==> 同步电子开关
  73455. synchronous electronic switch ==> 同步电子开关
  73456. synchronous energy ==> 同步能量
  73457. synchronous energy gain ==> 同步能量增益
  73458. synchronous equatorial orbit ==> 同步赤道轨道
  73459. synchronous error ==> 同步误差
  73460. synchronous estrus ==> 同期发情
  73461. synchronous executive cycle ==> 同步执行周期
  73462. synchronous exit routine ==> 同步出口程序
  73463. synchronous fading ==> 同步衰减=>同期性フェージング
  73464. synchronous field ==> 同步磁场
  73465. synchronous frequency ==> 同步频率
  73466. synchronous frequency booster ==> 同步频率放大器
  73467. synchronous frequency changer ==> 同期周波数変換機
  73468. synchronous gate ==> 同步门电路,同步闸门电路
  73469. synchronous generated voltage ==> 同步电动势
  73470. synchronous generator ==> 同步发电机=>同期発電機
  73471. synchronous generator-motor ==> 同期発電電動機
  73472. synchronous governor ==> 同步调节器
  73473. synchronous granite ==> 同期花岗岩
  73474. synchronous growth ==> 同步生长
  73475. synchronous head ==> 同步头
  73476. synchronous homodyne ==> 同步零差
  73477. synchronous hysteresis motor ==> 同步磁滞电动机
  73478. synchronous idle character ==> 同步空闲字符=>同期信号文字
  73479. synchronous impedance ==> 同步阻抗=>同期インピーダンス
  73480. synchronous increment of energy ==> 同步能量增量
  73481. synchronous inductance ==> 同期インダクタンス
  73482. synchronous induction motor ==> 同步感应电动机=>誘導同期発電機
  73483. synchronous initiation ==> 同步起动
  73484. synchronous inputs ==> 同步输入
  73485. synchronous interface ==> 同步接口
  73486. synchronous internal voltage ==> 内部同期リアクタンス電圧
  73487. synchronous inverter ==> 同步逆变器,电动机发电机组
  73488. synchronous ion ==> 同步离子
  73489. synchronous jammer ==> 同步干扰器
  73490. synchronous jamming ==> 同步干扰
  73491. synchronous leader ==> 同步引导器
  73492. synchronous lever ==> 同步杠杆
  73493. synchronous lever shaft ==> 同步摇臂轴
  73494. synchronous linear motor ==> 同步线性电动机
  73495. synchronous link ==> 同步联动装置
  73496. synchronous logical circuit ==> 同步逻辑电路,同步式逻辑电路
  73497. synchronous machine ==> 同步电机=>同期機
  73498. synchronous margin ==> 同步边限
  73499. synchronous mark ==> 同步标记
  73500. synchronous measurement ==> 同期計測
  73501. synchronous meteorological satellite ==> 同步气象卫星
  73502. synchronous mitosis ==> 同步有丝分裂
  73503. synchronous mixer ==> 同步混合器,同步混频器
  73504. synchronous mode comparator ==> 同步式比较器
  73505. synchronous modem ==> 同步调制解调器
  73506. synchronous modulation ==> 同步调制
  73507. synchronous momentum ==> 同步动量
  73508. synchronous motor ==> 同步电动机,由直流供电的励磁磁场与电枢的旋转磁场相互作用而产生转矩,以同步转速旋转的交流电动机
  73509. synchronous motor clock ==> 同步电钟=>同期電気時計
  73510. synchronous motor-generator ==> 同步电动发电机
  73511. synchronous multiplex ==> 同期多重
  73512. synchronous multiplex equipment ==> 同期端局
  73513. synchronous multiplexer ==> 同步多路转接器
  73514. synchronous multiplexing terminal equipment ==> 同期多重端局装置
  73515. synchronous network ==> 同步网络=>同期網
  73516. synchronous operation ==> 同步运行=>同期運転
  73517. synchronous operation of a machine ==> 电机同步运行,连接到电网的各同步电机运行的电角速度与电网频率相一致的状态
  73518. synchronous operation of a system ==> 系统同步运行,系统中所有的同步电机都以同步转速运行的系统状态
  73519. synchronous optical bombsight ==> 同步光学轰炸瞄准具
  73520. synchronous orbit ==> 同步轨道=>同期軌道
  73521. synchronous orbit mission ==> 同步轨道飞行任务
  73522. synchronous oscillations ==> 同步振荡
  73523. synchronous output analysis ==> 同步输出分析
  73524. synchronous particle ==> 同步粒子
  73525. synchronous period ==> 同步周期
  73526. synchronous phase advancer ==> 同步进相机
  73527. synchronous phase converter ==> 同步相位变换器
  73528. synchronous phase modifier ==> 同步调相机,同步相位补偿器=>同期調相機
  73529. synchronous phasor ==> 同期フェーザ
  73530. synchronous pluton ==> 同期深成岩体
  73531. synchronous power ==> 同步功率
  73532. synchronous process ==> 同步过程
  73533. synchronous processing ==> 同步处理
  73534. synchronous protective ==> 同步保护的
  73535. synchronous protective code ==> 同步保护码
  73536. synchronous pull out torque ==> 同步牵出转矩
  73537. synchronous pull-in torque ==> 同步牵入转矩
  73538. synchronous pulse ==> 同步脉冲
  73539. synchronous pulse generator ==> 同步脉冲发生器
  73540. synchronous pulse jamming ==> 同步脉冲干扰
  73541. synchronous punching ==> 同步穿孔
  73542. synchronous radar bombing ==> 雷达协调轰炸
  73543. synchronous reactance ==> 同步电抗=>同期リアクタンス
  73544. synchronous receiver ==> 同步接收机
  73545. synchronous receiving motor ==> 同步接收电动机
  73546. synchronous recorder ==> 同步录音机
  73547. synchronous recording ==> 同步记录
  73548. synchronous rectifier ==> 同期整流
  73549. synchronous rectifier type ==> 同期積分形
  73550. synchronous recurrent waveform ==> 同步再现波形
  73551. synchronous regime ==> 同步状态
  73552. synchronous regulator ==> 同步调节器
  73553. synchronous relay ==> 同步继电器
  73554. synchronous relay system ==> 同步中继系统
  73555. synchronous reluctance motor ==> 同步磁阻电动机=>同期リラクタンスモータ,SynRM,シンクロナスリラクタンスモータ
  73556. synchronous remote control ==> 同步摇控
  73557. synchronous repair approach ==> 同步修理法
  73558. synchronous request ==> 请求同步
  73559. synchronous revolution ==> 同步旋转
  73560. synchronous rotary condenser ==> 同期調相機(RC)
  73561. synchronous rotary switch ==> 同步转动开关
  73562. synchronous rotating vector ==> 同步旋转矢量
  73563. synchronous rotation ==> 同步旋转
  73564. synchronous running ==> 同步运行
  73565. synchronous sampler ==> 同步取样器
  73566. synchronous satellite ==> 同步卫星,地球同步卫星=>同期衛星
  73567. synchronous satellite orbit ==> 同步卫星轨道
  73568. synchronous satellite system ==> 同步卫星系统
  73569. synchronous scanning ==> 同步扫描
  73570. synchronous selector system ==> 同步选择制
  73571. synchronous separation ==> 同步分离
  73572. synchronous sequential system ==> 同步时序系统
  73573. synchronous serial data adapter ==> 同步串行数据转接器
  73574. synchronous serial system ==> 同步串联系统
  73575. synchronous servo ==> 同步伺服机构
  73576. synchronous sights ==> 同步瞄准器
  73577. synchronous signal ==> 同步信号
  73578. synchronous signalling ==> 同步信号法
  73579. synchronous spark ==> 同步火花
  73580. synchronous spark gap ==> 同步火花隙
  73581. synchronous speed ==> 同步速度=>同期速度
  73582. synchronous stability ==> 同步稳定性
  73583. synchronous starting ==> 同步起动
  73584. synchronous station ==> 同步航天站
  73585. synchronous storage method ==> 同步存储方法
  73586. synchronous supervision mechanism ==> 同步监控装置
  73587. synchronous swing ==> 同步摇摆,系统消除干扰后系统恢复到稳态同步运行的中间过程
  73588. synchronous switch ==> 同步开关
  73589. synchronous switching ==> 同步转接
  73590. synchronous system ==> 同步系统
  73591. synchronous telecontrol transmission ==> 同步远动传输,一种远动传输方式,该方式采用了同步信号,同步信号元素之间分为若干时间间隔,间隔的宽度或为单位时间或为其倍数,远动设备以相同速率连续运行于各自的间隔内
  73592. synchronous telegraph equipment ==> 同步电报设备
  73593. synchronous terminal ==> 同步终端
  73594. synchronous tie ==> 同步耦合,同步耦合
  73595. synchronous time ==> 同步时间,电力系统同步电钟指示的时间
  73596. synchronous time division multiplexer ==> 同步时间分配多路转换器
  73597. synchronous time selector ==> 同步时间选择器
  73598. synchronous timer ==> 同步秒表
  73599. synchronous timing comparator ==> 同步定时比较器
  73600. synchronous torque ==> 同步力矩
  73601. synchronous tracking ==> 同步跟踪
  73602. synchronous tracking antenna ==> 同步跟踪天线
  73603. synchronous tracking computer ==> 同步跟踪计算机
  73604. synchronous traffic signal ==> 同步交通信号
  73605. synchronous transfer ==> 同步传送
  73606. synchronous transfer orbit ==> 同步转移轨道
  73607. synchronous transmission ==> 同步传输=>同期転送
  73608. synchronous transmission device ==> 同步传输装置
  73609. synchronous tuning ==> 同步调谐
  73610. synchronous type vibrator ==> 同步式振动器
  73611. synchronous vector ==> 同步矢量
  73612. synchronous velocity ==> 同步速度
  73613. synchronous verification ==> 同步检定,对准备并列的两个电源进行同步(并列点电压的频率、相位、幅值相同或相近)情况的检查和鉴定
  73614. synchronous vibration ==> 同步根动,同步振动,共振振动
  73615. synchronous vibrations ==> 同步振动
  73616. synchronous vibrator ==> 同步振子
  73617. synchronous vision demodulator ==> 同步视频解调器
  73618. synchronous voltage ==> 同步电压
  73619. synchronous watt ==> 同步瓦特=>同期ワット
  73620. synchronous watts ==> 同步瓦特=>同期ワット
  73621. synchronous waves ==> 同步波
  73622. synchronous working ==> 同步工作
  73623. synchronous-altitude communications satellite ==> 同步高度通信卫星
  73624. synchronous-asynchronous motor ==> 同步异步电动机
  73625. synchronous-type magnetically suspended planar actuator ==> 同期型磁気支持平面アクチュエータ
  73626. synchrony ==> 共時態,共時性
  73627. synchrophasing ==> 同步定相
  73628. synchrophasor ==> 同步相量=>同期フェーザ
  73629. synchrophasor applications ==> 同期フェーザの応用
  73630. synchrophasor measurement ==> 同期フェーザ測定
  73631. synchrophasor measuring method by using spiral vector ==> 旋转矢量测同步相量法=>スパイラルベクトルを用いた同期フェーザ測定法
  73632. synchrophasor network ==> 同期フェーザネットワーク
  73633. synchrophasor solution ==> 同期フェーザ解決法
  73634. synchrophasor technology ==> 同期フェーザ技術
  73635. synchrophasotron ==> 同步稳相加速器
  73636. synchropulse amplitude filter ==> 同步脉冲振幅滤波器
  73637. synchropulse amplitude separation ==> 同步脉冲振幅分离
  73638. synchroscope ==> 同步示波器,同步指示仪=>シンクロスコープ(レーダ)
  73639. synchrostat regulator ==> 同步调节器
  73640. synchrostep remote control ==> 同步摇控
  73641. synchrotherm reactor ==> 同步热反应器
  73642. synchrotron ==> 同步加速器=>シンクロトロン
  73643. synchrotron (oscillation) damping ==> 同步加速器振荡阻尼
  73644. synchrotron (oscillation) phase space ==> 同步加速器振荡相位空间
  73645. synchrotron acceleration ==> 同步加速器加速
  73646. synchrotron damping rate ==> 同步加速阻尼速率
  73647. synchrotron generator ==> 同步加速器
  73648. synchrotron injector ==> 同步加速器注入器
  73649. synchrotron light ==> 同步加速器辐射
  73650. synchrotron oscillation ==> 同步加速器振荡
  73651. synchrotron oscillations ==> 同步加速振荡
  73652. synchrotron principle ==> 同步加速器原理
  73653. synchrotron process ==> 同步加速器过程
  73654. synchrotron radiation ==> 同步辐射=>シンクロトロン放射光
  73655. synchrotron radiation decay ==> 同步辐射衰减
  73656. synchrotron radiation source ==> 同步加速辐射源
  73657. synchrotron regime ==> 同步加速器状态
  73658. synchrotron ring ==> 同步加速器环
  73659. synchrotron selfabsorption (SSA) ==> 同步加速自吸收
  73660. synchrotron source ==> 同步加速辐射源
  73661. synchrotron voltage ==> 同步加速器电压
  73662. synclastic surface ==> 同向曲面
  73663. synclinal axis ==> 顺斜轴,向斜轴
  73664. synclinal oil pool ==> 向斜油藏
  73665. synclinal valley ==> 向斜谷
  73666. SYNCOM, synchronous communication satellite ==> 同步通信卫星
  73667. syncope ==> 失神
  73668. syncsignal generator ==> 同步信号发生器
  73669. syncytial cell ==> 合胞体细胞,合体细胞
  73670. syncytial cell endometritis ==> 合体细胞性子宫内膜炎
  73671. syncytial knots ==> 合胞体结
  73672. syncytial layer ==> 合胞体层
  73673. syncytial trophoblast ==> 合胞体滋养层
  73674. syncytiolysin ==> 溶合胞体素
  73675. syncytioma benignum ==> 良性合胞体瘤
  73676. syncytioma malignum ==> 恶性合胞体瘤,恶性合体细胞瘤
  73677. syncytiosis of vulva ==> 外阴合体细胞增生症
  73678. syncytiotrophoblast ==> 合胞体滋养层
  73679. syncytoid thymoma ==> 合浆细胞样胸腺瘤
  73680. syncytotoxin ==> 溶细胞毒素
  73681. syndepositional fold ==> 同沉积褶皱
  73682. syndesmosis radio-ulnaris ==> 桡尺联合
  73683. syndiagenetic stage ==> 同生成岩期
  73684. syndicate ==> 企业联合组织=>シンジケート
  73685. syndicate agreement ==> 辛迪加协议
  73686. syndicate banking ==> 辛迪加银行业务
  73687. syndicate release ==> 辛迪加解除限制
  73688. syndicate restrictions ==> 辛迪加限制
  73689. syndicate termination ==> 辛迪加限制终止
  73690. syndicated market research ==> 联合市场研究
  73691. syndicated product comparison engine ==> シンジケート化された製品比較エンジン
  73692. syndicated tender ==> 辛迪加投标
  73693. syndiotactic polymer ==> 间同立构聚合物
  73694. syndiotactic polypropylene ==> シンジオタクチックポリプロピレン
  73695. syndiotactic sequence ==> 间同序列
  73696. syndrome ==> 并发位,并发症状,伴随式,综合征,特征群,校验子,校正子,出错,征群=>症候群,シンドローム
  73697. syndrome decoding ==> 故障译码
  73698. syndrome due to attack of pathogenic dampness ==> 中湿
  73699. syndrome of alkalosis ==> 碱中毒综合征
  73700. syndrome of cauda equina ==> 马尾综合征
  73701. syndrome of cerebellar hemisphere injury ==> 小脑半球损害综合征
  73702. syndrome of cerebellopontine angle ==> 小脑脑桥角综合征
  73703. syndrome of channel ==> 经证,经证
  73704. syndrome of corpus callosum ==> 胼胝体病变综合征
  73705. syndrome of corpus striatium ==> 伏格特氏综合征
  73706. syndrome of crocodile tears ==> 鳄泪综合征
  73707. syndrome of exterior cold and interior heat ==> 表寒里热
  73708. syndrome of external wall of cavernous sinus ==> 海绵窦外侧壁综合征
  73709. syndrome of globus pallidus ==> 苍白球综合征
  73710. syndrome of high-titer cold hemagglutination ==> 冷凝集综合征
  73711. syndrome of inapropriate ADH ==> 抗利尿激素分泌异常综合征
  73712. syndrome of posterior inferior cerebellar artery ==> 小脑下后动脉综合征
  73713. syndrome of prisoner of war ==> 战俘综合征
  73714. syndrome of qi system ==> 气分证
  73715. syndrome of retroparotid space ==> 维拉雷氏综合征
  73716. syndrome of sea-blue histiocyte ==> 海蓝色组织细胞综合征
  73717. syndrome of seablue histiocyte ==> 绀青细胞综合征
  73718. syndrome of tumor of corpus callosum ==> 胼胝体肿瘤综合征
  73719. syndrome of Weber ==> 韦伯氏综合征
  73720. syndrome-threshold decoder ==> 校正子门限译码器
  73721. syndromes of middle-jiao ==> 中焦病证
  73722. synecdochic method ==> 提喻法
  73723. synergic curve ==> 最优上升曲线
  73724. synergic flexion ==> 联合屈曲
  73725. synergic flexion symptoms ==> 联合屈曲症状
  73726. synergic reflex ==> 合作反射
  73727. synergic system ==> 公用系统
  73728. synergid embryo ==> 助细胞胚
  73729. synergid nuclei ==> 助核
  73730. synergism ==> 相乗効果
  73731. synergistic agent ==> 增效剂
  73732. synergistic curve ==> 协合(效应)曲线
  73733. synergistical action ==> 协合作用
  73734. synergized action ==> 增效作用
  73735. synergy ==> 增效,整合效果=>相乗効果,相乗作用
  73736. synergy analysis ==> シナジー分析
  73737. synergy effect ==> 相乗効果,シナジズム効果
  73738. synfuel ==> 合成燃料
  73739. syngenetic deposit ==> 同生矿床
  73740. syngenetic structure ==> 同生构造
  73741. syniphase excitation ==> 同相激励
  73742. synodic month ==> 朔望月
  73743. synodic period ==> 会合周期
  73744. synodic revolution ==> 会合周
  73745. synodic rotation ==> 会合自转周
  73746. synodic rotation number ==> 会合自转周数
  73747. synodic rotation period ==> 会合自转周期
  73748. synonym ==> 同義語,類義語
  73749. synonym resolution ==> 同义词分解
  73750. synonymous ==> 同義の,同意語の,Now almost all large generators are synchronous generators, which are synonymous with AC generators.
  73751. synopsis ==> 摘要,梗(gěng)慨,大纲=>大意,粗筋,概要,一覧
  73752. Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber ==> 金匮要略方论
  73753. Synopsis of Treating Women's Diseases ==> 济阴纲目
  73754. synopsis sheet ==> 概要シート
  73755. synoptic ==> 大意,天气图的
  73756. synoptic analysis ==> 天气图分析
  73757. synoptic chart ==> 天气图,概况图
  73758. synoptic climatology ==> 天气气候学
  73759. synoptic code ==> 天气电码
  73760. synoptic correlation ==> 欧拉相关
  73761. synoptic map of the sun ==> 太阳综合图
  73762. synoptic meteorology ==> 天气学
  73763. synoptic method for weather forecasting ==> 天气图方法
  73764. synoptic model ==> 天气模式
  73765. synoptic oceanography ==> 海况海洋学,预报海洋学
  73766. synoptic report ==> 天气报告
  73767. synoptic terrain photography ==> 地表概要摄影术
  73768. synoptic type ==> 天气型
  73769. synoptic view ==> 衬视
  73770. synoptic wave chart ==> 波浪状况图
  73771. synoptical report ==> 天气预报
  73772. synorogenic basin ==> 同造山期盆地
  73773. synorogenic coalification ==> 同造山期煤化作用
  73774. synorogenic period ==> 同造山期
  73775. synovectomy of knee joint ==> 膝关节滑膜切除术
  73776. synovial cyst ==> 滑囊囊肿
  73777. synovial cyst of popliteal space ==> 窝粘液囊炎
  73778. synovial diverticulum ==> 滑膜憩室
  73779. synovial fluid ==> 滑液
  73780. synovial fold ==> 滑膜皱襞
  73781. synovial hernia ==> 滑膜突出,伯基特氏疝
  73782. synovial interposing of knee ==> 膝滑膜嵌顿症
  73783. synovial joint ==> 滑膜连结
  73784. synovial layer ==> 滑膜层
  73785. synovial membrane ==> 滑膜
  73786. synovial sheath of tendon ==> 腱滑膜鞘,腱滑膜鞘
  73787. synovitis of shoulder joint ==> 肩关节滑膜炎
  73788. synovium biopsy ==> 滑膜活组织检查
  73789. SynRM, synchronous reluctance motors ==> シンクロナスリラクタンスモータ
  73790. synsedimentary deformational process ==> 同沉积变形作用
  73791. synsedimentary fault ==> 同生断层
  73792. syntacic foam ==> 复合泡沫塑料
  73793. syntactic analyser ==> 语法分析程序
  73794. syntactic analysis ==> 语法分析
  73795. syntactic analysis phase ==> 语法分析阶段
  73796. syntactic category ==> 语法分类
  73797. syntactic class ==> 语法类,语法子分类
  73798. syntactic correction ==> 语法校正
  73799. syntactic data model ==> 语法数据模型
  73800. syntactic definition ==> 语法定义
  73801. syntactic description ==> 语法描述
  73802. syntactic element ==> 语法元素
  73803. syntactic error ==> 语法错误
  73804. syntactic link ==> 语法连接
  73805. syntactic mark ==> 语法标记
  73806. syntactic position ==> 语法位置
  73807. syntactic reduction ==> 语法归约
  73808. syntactic stack ==> 语法栈
  73809. syntactic structure ==> 语法结构
  73810. syntactic tree ==> 语法树
  73811. syntactic type ==> 语法类型
  73812. syntactical unit ==> 语法单位
  73813. syntax ==> 統語論,構文
  73814. syntax analysis ==> 语法分析
  73815. syntax analysis phase ==> 语法分析阶段
  73816. syntax analyzer ==> 语法分析程序
  73817. syntax constructor ==> 语法构造程序
  73818. syntax control ==> 语法控制
  73819. syntax description ==> 语法描述
  73820. syntax diagram form ==> 语法图形式
  73821. syntax error ==> 语法错误
  73822. syntax machine ==> 语法机
  73823. syntax notation ==> 语法表示法
  73824. syntax oriented compiler ==> 面向语法编译程序
  73825. syntax parsing ==> 句法剖析,句法剖析
  73826. syntax rule ==> 语法规则
  73827. syntax stack ==> 语法栈
  73828. syntax summary ==> 语法概要
  73829. syntax table ==> 语法表
  73830. syntax translator ==> 语法翻译程序
  73831. syntax tree ==> 语法树,句法树,句法树
  73832. syntax-controlled generator ==> 语法控制的生成程序,语法控制发生器
  73833. syntax-directed compiler ==> 面向语法的编译程序,语法制导的编译程序
  73834. syntax-directed method ==> 语法制导的方法,面向语法的方法
  73835. syntax-directed method of compiling ==> 语法制导的编译方法
  73836. syntax-directed recognition algorithm ==> 面向语法的识别算法
  73837. syntax-directed translation schema (SDTS) ==> 句法指导的翻译系统,句法指导的翻译系统,面向语法的翻译模式
  73838. syntax-oriented compiler ==> 面向语法的编译程序
  73839. syntax-oriented translator ==> 面向语法翻译程序
  73840. syntaxial overgrowth ==> 衔接复生
  73841. syntaxial system ==> 共生体系
  73842. syntectic magma ==> 同熔岩浆
  73843. syntenic group ==> 同线群
  73844. synthctic fat ==> 合成脂肪
  73845. synthesic gas compressor ==> 合成气压缩机
  73846. synthesic gas compressor turbine ==> 合成气压缩机透平
  73847. synthesic gas loop ==> 合成气回路
  73848. synthesis ==> 合成,合成法,综合,拼合,标准工作时间=>構成,統合,総合,合成
  73849. synthesis activity ==> 合成作用
  73850. synthesis algorithm ==> 合成アルゴリズム
  73851. synthesis ammonia ==> 合成氨
  73852. synthesis application ==> 合成的応用
  73853. synthesis approach ==> 合成方法
  73854. synthesis area ==> 合成分野
  73855. synthesis catalyzed by RNApolymerase ==> 核糖核酸聚合酶促合成作用
  73856. synthesis flow chart ==> 合成流れ図
  73857. synthesis gas ==> 合成气
  73858. synthesis map ==> 综合图
  73859. synthesis method ==> 合成法,综合法=>合成法
  73860. synthesis of control system ==> 控制系统综合
  73861. synthesis of fuzzy functions ==> 模糊函数的综合
  73862. synthesis of hydrograph ==> 过程线合成
  73863. synthesis of network ==> 网络综合
  73864. synthesis of new materials ==> 新材料合成
  73865. synthesis of purine nucleotide ==> 嘌呤核苷酸合成
  73866. synthesis of switching network algorithm ==> 开关网络综合算法
  73867. synthesis of the theoretical and the practical ==> 理论和实践的结合
  73868. synthesis phase ==> 合成期
  73869. synthesis plasma ==> 合成等离子体
  73870. synthesis radiotelescope ==> 综合孔径射电望远镜
  73871. synthesis reactor ==> 合成反应器
  73872. synthesis telescope ==> 综合孔径望远镜
  73873. synthesize ==> 総合する
  73874. synthesized beam ==> 综合波束
  73875. synthesized hydrocarbon fluid ==> 合成烃润滑液
  73876. synthesized image ==> 合成像
  73877. synthesized mixed crystal ==> 合成混合晶体
  73878. synthesized pattern ==> 综合方向图
  73879. synthesized separation control system ==> 综合解列系统
  73880. synthesizer ==> 合成器,合成器综合者=>シンセサイザ
  73881. synthesizer mixer ==> 合成混频器
  73882. synthesizing arbitrary phasors ==> 任意のフェーザを合成する
  73883. synthesizing arbitrary quantum states ==> 任意の量子状態を合成する
  73884. synthesizing tower ==> 合成塔
  73885. synthetic ==> 合成的,人造的=>合成品,合成繊維,合成の,統合的な,合成物質
  73886. synthetic absorbent ==> 合成吸収剤
  73887. synthetic acaricide ==> 合成杀螨剂
  73888. synthetic acceleration ==> 合成加速
  73889. synthetic acid-binding resin ==> 合成酸性結合樹脂
  73890. synthetic action ==> 合成作用
  73891. synthetic address ==> 合成地址,生成地址
  73892. synthetic adhesive ==> 合成胶粘剂
  73893. synthetic agar ==> 合成琼脂
  73894. synthetic alcohol ==> 合成酒精
  73895. synthetic aluminium base grease ==> 合成铝基润滑脂
  73896. synthetic ammonia ==> 合成氨
  73897. synthetic ammonia equipments ==> 合成氨设备
  73898. synthetic ammonia installation ==> 合成氨装置
  73899. synthetic and many-sided ==> 综合性和多方面的
  73900. synthetic antigen ==> 综合抗原,合成抗原
  73901. synthetic aperture ==> 综合孔径=>合成開口
  73902. synthetic aperture antenna ==> 合成孔径天线
  73903. synthetic aperture radar ==> 合成孔径雷达=>合成開口レーダー
  73904. synthetic aperture radar antenna ==> 合成孔径雷达天线
  73905. synthetic apparatus for weld thermal cycle ==> 焊接热循环模拟装置
  73906. synthetic array ==> 合成天线阵
  73907. synthetic asphalts ==> 合成沥青
  73908. synthetic auxin ==> 合成生长激素
  73909. synthetic bag ==> 化纤包
  73910. synthetic baking enamel ==> 合成烘漆
  73911. synthetic baking enamel white ==> 合成白烘漆
  73912. synthetic biology ==> 合成生物学
  73913. synthetic birefringence ==> 人工双折射,人造双折射
  73914. synthetic borneol ==> 合成冰片
  73915. synthetic brake fluid ==> 合成制动液
  73916. synthetic calcium base lubricating grease ==> 合成钙基润滑脂
  73917. synthetic camphor ==> 合成樟脑
  73918. synthetic camphor powder ==> 合成樟脑粉
  73919. synthetic camphor tablet ==> 合成樟脑片
  73920. synthetic carbon film potentiator ==> 合成碳膜电位器
  73921. synthetic cast iron alloy ==> 合成铸铁合金
  73922. synthetic casting ==> 合成渣浇注
  73923. synthetic castor oil ==> 合成蓖麻油
  73924. synthetic catalyst ==> 合成催化剂
  73925. synthetic cation exchanger ==> 合成阳离子交换剂
  73926. synthetic chemistry ==> 合成化学
  73927. synthetic chicken ==> 人造鸡肉
  73928. synthetic chloroprene rubber ==> 人造橡胶
  73929. synthetic complex aluminium base grease ==> 合成复合铝基润滑脂
  73930. synthetic complex calcium base grease ==> 合成复合钙基润滑脂
  73931. synthetic continuous fibre ==> 合成长纤维
  73932. synthetic corundum ==> 合成刚玉,人造刚玉
  73933. synthetic cream ==> 合成奶油
  73934. synthetic cross variety ==> 综合杂交种
  73935. synthetic crude ==> 合成原油
  73936. synthetic crystal ==> 合成晶体
  73937. synthetic crystalline bovine insulin ==> 合成结晶牛胰岛素
  73938. synthetic crystalline insulin ==> 人工合成结晶胰岛素
  73939. synthetic damping ==> 合成阻尼
  73940. synthetic detergent ==> 合成洗剂
  73941. synthetic diet ==> 合成日粮
  73942. synthetic display generation ==> 合成显示产生法
  73943. synthetic division ==> 综合除法
  73944. synthetic dye ==> 合成染料
  73945. synthetic dyestuff ==> 合成染料
  73946. synthetic edible oil ==> 合成食用油
  73947. synthetic elastomer ==> 合成弹性体
  73948. synthetic emerald ==> 人造祖母绿
  73949. synthetic emulsifier ==> 合成乳化剂
  73950. synthetic enamel ==> 醇酸磁瓷漆
  73951. synthetic enamelled copper wire ==> 合成漆包线
  73952. synthetic enamels ==> 胶玉磁漆
  73953. synthetic engine oil ==> 合成エンジンオイル
  73954. synthetic enzyme ==> 人工合成酶
  73955. synthetic estrogen ==> 合成雌激素,全合成雌激素
  73956. synthetic eye ==> 人造眼
  73957. synthetic fabric cleaner ==> 化纤清洗剂
  73958. synthetic fabrics ==> 合成纤维织物
  73959. synthetic fat liquor ==> 合成加脂剂
  73960. synthetic fatting acid detergent ==> 合成脂肪酸洗涤剂
  73961. synthetic fatty acid ==> 合成脂肪酸
  73962. synthetic fault ==> 顺向断层,同向断层
  73963. synthetic felt ==> 合成毛毡
  73964. synthetic fertilizer ==> 合成肥料,人造肥料
  73965. synthetic fiber in dustry ==> 合成纤维工业
  73966. synthetic fiber wig ==> 合成纤维制假发
  73967. synthetic fibre ==> 合成纤维
  73968. synthetic fibre fabric ==> 合成纤维织物
  73969. synthetic fibre goods ==> 合成纤维货物
  73970. synthetic fibre hat body ==> 合成纤维帽胚
  73971. synthetic fibre knitwear ==> 合成纤维针织品
  73972. synthetic fibre mixed fabric ==> 合成纤维混纺织物
  73973. synthetic fibre paper ==> 合成纤维纸
  73974. synthetic flavouring material ==> 合成香料
  73975. synthetic food color ==> 人工合成食用色素
  73976. synthetic food colors ==> 合成食用色素
  73977. synthetic fuel ==> 合成燃料
  73978. synthetic furnace ==> 合成炉
  73979. synthetic gas ==> 合成气=>混合ガス
  73980. synthetic gasoline ==> 合成汽油
  73981. synthetic gem ==> 合成宝石,人造宝石
  73982. synthetic gene ==> 人工合成基因
  73983. synthetic glue powder ==> 合成胶粉
  73984. synthetic glycerine ==> 合成甘油
  73985. synthetic graphite ==> 合成石墨,人造石墨
  73986. synthetic growth substance ==> 合成植物生长刺激剂
  73987. synthetic gum tragacanth ==> 合成龙胶
  73988. synthetic headrest ==> 综合型头靠
  73989. synthetic houttuynine ==> 合成鱼腥草素
  73990. synthetic humans ==> 人造腐殖质
  73991. synthetic humic acids ==> 合成腐殖酸
  73992. synthetic hydrochloric acid ==> 合成盐酸
  73993. synthetic hydrochloric acid section ==> 合成盐酸工段
  73994. synthetic hydrology ==> 综合水文学
  73995. synthetic industry ==> 人工合成工业
  73996. synthetic ink ==> 合成油墨
  73997. synthetic instruction ==> 合成指令
  73998. synthetic insulating oil ==> 合成絶縁油
  73999. synthetic ion-exchange resin ==> 合成离子交换树脂
  74000. synthetic ject ==> シンセティックジェット
  74001. synthetic language ==> 人工语言
  74002. synthetic latex ==> 合成胶乳,合成乳胶
  74003. synthetic leather ==> 合成革,合成皮革
  74004. synthetic light curve ==> 综合光变曲线
  74005. synthetic lignosulfonate ==> 合成木质素磺酸钠
  74006. synthetic line ==> 综合品系
  74007. synthetic lipid ==> 合成类脂物
  74008. synthetic load testing ==> 综合负荷试验,双频试验法(电机)
  74009. synthetic lubricant ==> 合成润滑剂
  74010. synthetic lubricant fluid ==> 合成润滑油
  74011. synthetic manure ==> 人造厩肥
  74012. synthetic manure hotbed ==> 人造厩肥温床
  74013. synthetic medium ==> 人工培养基,合成培养基,综合培养基
  74014. synthetic membrane ==> 人工膜
  74015. synthetic metal ==> 烧结金属
  74016. synthetic method ==> 合成方法,综合法
  74017. synthetic mica ==> 合成云母
  74018. synthetic milk ==> 人造肉
  74019. synthetic mill scale ==> 综合鳞皮
  74020. synthetic mineral ==> 合成矿物
  74021. synthetic mineral fibre ==> 合成矿物纤维
  74022. synthetic motor oil ==> 合成机油
  74023. synthetic moulding sand ==> 合成型砂
  74024. synthetic mustard oil ==> 合成芥子油
  74025. synthetic natural gas ==> 合成天然气
  74026. synthetic natural rubber (SNR) ==> 合成天然橡胶
  74027. synthetic neat's foot oil ==> 合成牛蹄油
  74028. synthetic observation ==> 内插同步观测
  74029. synthetic obstetric table ==> 综合产床
  74030. synthetic oil ==> 合成油,合成原油
  74031. synthetic organic pesticide ==> 合成有机农药,有机合成农药
  74032. synthetic organic pigment ==> 合成有机颜料
  74033. synthetic paint ==> 合成涂料
  74034. synthetic papers ==> 合成纸
  74035. synthetic pattern generator ==> 复试验振荡器
  74036. synthetic petroleum ==> 合成石油
  74037. synthetic pheromone ==> 合成外激素
  74038. synthetic philosophy ==> 総合哲学
  74039. synthetic pig iron ==> 再制生铁,再制铁
  74040. synthetic plant milk ==> 植物合成奶
  74041. synthetic plasma ==> 合成等离子体
  74042. synthetic polymeric flocculant ==> 合成高分子絮凝剂
  74043. synthetic price index ==> 综合物价指数
  74044. synthetic process ==> 合成过程
  74045. synthetic product ==> 合成产物
  74046. synthetic propulsive system ==> 船舶推進システム
  74047. synthetic protein ==> 合成蛋白质,人工合成蛋白质
  74048. synthetic pyrethrum powder ==> 合成除虫菊粉
  74049. synthetic quartz ==> 合成石英,人工水晶,人造石英,人造水晶
  74050. synthetic quartzcrystal ==> 人造石英晶体
  74051. synthetic ratio ==> 合成率
  74052. synthetic reaction ==> 合成反应
  74053. synthetic resin ==> 合成树脂,人造树脂=>合成樹脂
  74054. synthetic resin adhesive ==> 合成树脂粘合剂
  74055. synthetic resin bearing ==> 合成树脂轴承
  74056. synthetic resin binder ==> 合成树脂粘合剂
  74057. synthetic resin bond ==> 合成树脂粘合剂,合成树脂粘结剂
  74058. synthetic resin bonded laminate ==> 合成树脂粘固层压板
  74059. synthetic resin cement ==> 合成树脂胶接剂
  74060. synthetic resin emulsion ==> 合成树脂乳胶
  74061. synthetic resin emulsion paint ==> 合成树脂乳胶漆
  74062. synthetic resin filling- packaging machine ==> 合成树脂灌装机
  74063. synthetic resin gasket ==> 合成树脂垫片
  74064. synthetic resin gum ==> 合成树脂胶
  74065. synthetic resin hydraulic hose ==> 合成树脂液压软管
  74066. synthetic reverberation ==> 人工混响
  74067. synthetic route ==> 合成路线
  74068. synthetic rubber ==> 合成橡胶,人造橡胶=>合成ゴム
  74069. synthetic rubber accessory ==> 合成橡胶附件
  74070. synthetic rubber apron ==> 合成橡胶裙板
  74071. synthetic rubber resin ==> 合成橡胶树脂
  74072. synthetic rubber washer ==> 合成橡胶垫圈
  74073. synthetic rubber waste water ==> 合成橡胶废水
  74074. synthetic ruby ==> 合成红宝石,人造红宝石
  74075. synthetic sand ==> 合成型砂
  74076. synthetic sandal wood oil ==> 合成檀香油
  74077. synthetic sandenol ==> 合成檀香
  74078. synthetic sands ==> 合成砂,合成型砂
  74079. synthetic sapphire ==> 合成蓝宝石,人造蓝宝石
  74080. synthetic scheelite ==> 合成白钨
  74081. synthetic seismogram ==> 合成地震记录
  74082. synthetic short-circuit test ==> 合成短絡試験
  74083. synthetic soil ==> 人工合成土
  74084. synthetic solvent ==> 合成溶液
  74085. synthetic sound ==> 合成声
  74086. synthetic spectrum ==> 合成光谱
  74087. synthetic spinel ==> 合成尖晶石,人造尖晶石
  74088. synthetic stabiliy system ==> 综合稳定系统
  74089. synthetic staple ==> 合成短纤维
  74090. synthetic starch ==> 合成淀粉
  74091. synthetic steam cylinder oil ==> 合成汽缸油
  74092. synthetic steel ==> 合成钢
  74093. synthetic stone ==> 人造石
  74094. synthetic stop ==> 合成音栓
  74095. synthetic system ==> 合成体系,综合系统
  74096. synthetic systems biology ==> 合成系统生物学
  74097. synthetic tanning agent ==> 合成鞣剂
  74098. synthetic tanning material ==> 合成鞣料
  74099. synthetic test method ==> 合成試験法
  74100. synthetic textile ==> 合成纤维纺织品
  74101. synthetic thinner ==> 合成稀料,醇酸稀料
  74102. synthetic tree ==> 合成樹木
  74103. synthetic trough ==> 合成糟
  74104. synthetic variety ==> 综合品种
  74105. synthetic varnish ==> 合成清漆
  74106. synthetic wax ==> 合成蜡
  74107. synthetic wetting agent ==> 合成湿润剂
  74108. synthetic zeolite ==> 合成沸石=>合成ゼオライト
  74109. synthetic-rubber waste water ==> 合成橡胶废水
  74110. synthetical instruction ==> 合成指令
  74111. synthetical leather ==> 合成皮革
  74112. synthetical stearic acid ==> 合成脂肪酸
  74113. synthetics from coal ==> 煤合成物
  74114. synthol process ==> 合成醇法
  74115. synthowater heater ==> 合成水加热器
  74116. syntomycin capsule ==> 合霉素胶囊
  74117. syntomycin palmitate ==> 棕榈酸合霉素
  74118. syntony ==> 谐振,共振,电流谐振
  74119. Syowa base ==> 昭和基地
  74120. syphilis diagnostic examining set ==> 梅毒诊断器
  74121. syphilis hereditaria tarda ==> 迟发性遗传梅毒
  74122. syphilis of bladder ==> 膀胱梅毒
  74123. syphilis of bone ==> 骨梅毒
  74124. syphilis of central nervous system ==> 中枢神经梅毒
  74125. syphilis of liver ==> 肝梅毒
  74126. syphilis of lung ==> 肺梅毒
  74127. syphilis of penis ==> 阴茎梅毒
  74128. syphilis of pharynx ==> 咽梅毒
  74129. syphilis of scrotal skin ==> 阴囊皮肤梅毒
  74130. syphilis of seminal vesicle ==> 精囊梅毒
  74131. syphilis of spinal vessels ==> 脊髓血管梅毒
  74132. syphilis of spleen ==> 脾梅毒
  74133. syphilis of testis ==> 睾丸梅毒
  74134. syphilis of urogenital organ ==> 泌尿生殖器官梅毒
  74135. syphilis serum antibody test ==> 梅毒血清抗体试验
  74136. syphilis test ==> 梅毒试验
  74137. syphilitic ==> 梅毒的
  74138. syphilitic aneurysm ==> 梅毒性动脉瘤
  74139. syphilitic aortic aneurysm ==> 梅毒性主动脉瘤
  74140. syphilitic aortic insufficiency ==> 梅毒性主动脉瓣关闭不全
  74141. syphilitic aortic regurgitation ==> 梅毒性主动脉瓣关闭不全
  74142. syphilitic arteritis ==> 梅毒性动脉炎
  74143. syphilitic arthritis ==> 梅毒性关节炎
  74144. syphilitic bubo ==> 梅毒性腹股沟淋巴结炎
  74145. syphilitic cardio-vascular disease ==> 梅毒性心血管病
  74146. syphilitic chancre ==> 梅毒下疳
  74147. syphilitic chorioretinitis ==> 梅毒性脉络膜视网膜炎
  74148. syphilitic cirrhosis ==> 梅毒性肝硬变
  74149. syphilitic encephalitis ==> 梅毒性脑炎
  74150. syphilitic gumma of myocardium ==> 心肌梅毒性瘤
  74151. syphilitic heart disease ==> 梅毒性心脏病
  74152. syphilitic hepatitis ==> 梅毒性肝炎
  74153. syphilitic impetigo ==> 梅毒性脓疱病
  74154. syphilitic leukoderma ==> 梅毒性白斑病,着色梅毒疹
  74155. syphilitic lymphangitis ==> 梅毒性淋巴管炎
  74156. syphilitic meningitis ==> 梅毒性脑脊髓膜炎,梅毒性脑膜炎
  74157. syphilitic meningoencephalitis ==> 麻痹性痴呆
  74158. syphilitic meningomyelitis ==> 梅毒性脊膜脊髓炎
  74159. syphilitic myocardial gumma ==> 梅毒性心肌树胶样肿
  74160. syphilitic node ==> 梅毒性结节
  74161. syphilitic osteitis ==> 梅毒性骨炎
  74162. syphilitic perichondritis of larynx ==> 梅毒性喉软骨膜炎
  74163. syphilitic pseudoparalysis ==> 梅毒性假麻痹
  74164. syphilitic reinfection ==> 梅毒再感染
  74165. syphilitic roseola ==> 梅毒性蔷薇疹
  74166. syphilitic secondary par-kinsonism ==> 梅毒性继发性帕金森氏综合征
  74167. syphilitic skin lesions ==> 杨梅疮
  74168. syphilitic spastic paraplegia ==> 梅毒性痉挛性截瘫
  74169. syphilitic stenosis of coronary orifice ==> 梅毒性冠状动脉口狭窄
  74170. syphilitic teeth ==> 梅毒性牙,郝秦生氏牙,锯齿形牙
  74171. syphilitic tibia ==> 梅毒性胫骨
  74172. syphilitic ulceration ==> 梅毒性溃疡
  74173. syphiloma of chest wall ==> 胸壁梅毒瘤
  74174. syphils serodiagnosis analyzer ==> 梅毒血清诊断分析仪
  74175. syphon hood ==> 虹吸罩
  74176. syphon mouth ==> 虹吸管进口
  74177. syphon runner ==> 底注浇口
  74178. Syracuse University ==> 美国雪城大学
  74179. syren ==> 警报器
  74180. Syringa amurensis concrete ==> 白丁香浸膏
  74181. syringe ==> 针筒,冲洗器,喷射器,注射管,注射器,唧筒,唧筒,手动活塞泵=>(皮下)注射器
  74182. syringe barrel ==> 注射筒
  74183. syringe boiling sterilizer ==> 注射器煮沸消毒器
  74184. syringe buret ==> 注射滴定管
  74185. syringe burette ==> 注射滴定管
  74186. syringe case ==> 注射器盒,注射器针盒
  74187. syringe disposable ==> 注射器
  74188. syringe fluid ==> 注射器内の液体
  74189. syringe for lubrication ==> 润滑油枪
  74190. syringe glass ==> 注射器玻璃
  74191. syringe graduation ==> 注射器刻度
  74192. syringe guide ==> 注射导引器
  74193. syringe holding forceps ==> 注射器持钳
  74194. syringe hydrometer ==> 吸込比重計
  74195. syringe needle ==> 注射器针头,注射针头,针头=>注射針
  74196. syringe nozzle ==> 注射器喷嘴
  74197. syringe pipette ==> 注射器吸液管
  74198. syringe piston ==> 注射器活塞
  74199. syringe reaction ==> 注射器针管反应
  74200. syringe sampling ==> 注射器进样
  74201. syringectomy ==> 瘘管切除术
  74202. syringenin ==> 紫丁香甙元
  74203. syringic acid ==> 紫丁香酸
  74204. Syrmaticus reevesii ==> 长尾雉
  74205. SYROP, system reliability optimization program ==> 電子機器の信頼性設計用プログラム(NASDA)
  74206. Syrtis major volcanic complex on Mars ==> 火星のシルティス・メジャー火山複合体
  74207. syrup ==> 糖浆,浆=>シロップ
  74208. syruping machine ==> 灌糖浆机
  74209. syrupus ==> 糖浆
  74210. SYS, system ==> システム
  74211. SYSID ==> 時間応答波形からのシステム同定を行う。制御系設計および波形解析が可能(東電)
  74212. SYST System ==> 系统
  74213. system ==> 多干修枝法=>システム,方式,系,系統,組織
  74214. system above the hypocotyl ==> 下胚轴以上的茎系统
  74215. system acceptance tests (SAT) ==> 系统验收试验
  74216. system action command ==> 系统处理命令,系统启动命令
  74217. system advisory board ==> 系统咨询部
  74218. system algorithm ==> 系统算法
  74219. system alternatives ==> 系统的选择方法
  74220. system analysis ==> 系统分析
  74221. system analysis engineering ==> 系统工程学
  74222. system analysis manager ==> 系统分析经理
  74223. system analyst ==> 系统分析员
  74224. system approach ==> 系统论方法,系统途径
  74225. system aspects of electrical energy supply ==> 電力供給に関わるシステムアスペクト
  74226. system assemble ==> 系统安装
  74227. system availability ==> 系统可用性
  74228. system backup ==> 系统后备
  74229. system balance ==> 系统补偿
  74230. system bandwidth ==> 系统带宽
  74231. system based on progressive rates ==> 全额累进税制
  74232. system behavio(u)r ==> 系统功效
  74233. system behavio(u)r model ==> 系统功效模型
  74234. system behavior ==> 系统行为
  74235. system bit in a descriptor ==> 描述器的系统位,描述子的系统位
  74236. system blackout ==> 系統崩壊
  74237. system blackstart capability ==> 全停復旧
  74238. system board ==> 系统插板
  74239. system buffer element ==> 系统缓冲单元
  74240. system building ==> 系统施工法
  74241. system bus ==> 系统总线
  74242. system bus interface ==> 系统总线接口
  74243. system bus interface circuit ==> 系统总线接口电路
  74244. system bus interface logic ==> 系统总线接口逻辑
  74245. system bus loading ==> 系统总线负载
  74246. system bus width ==> 系统总线宽度
  74247. system busbar ==> 系统母线
  74248. system calibration ==> 系统校准
  74249. system call ==> 系统调度,系统调用
  74250. system call interrupt ==> 系统调用中断
  74251. system capacity ==> 系統容量
  74252. system center ==> 系统中心
  74253. system centralized control ==> 系统集中控制
  74254. system chart ==> 系统框图
  74255. system check ==> 系统检验,系统校验
  74256. system check module ==> 系统校验模件
  74257. system clock ==> 系统时钟
  74258. system clock control ==> 系统时钟控制
  74259. system clock control signal ==> 系统时钟控制信号
  74260. system code ==> 系统码
  74261. system collapse ==> 系統崩壊
  74262. system command ==> 系统指令
  74263. system command executive ==> 系统命令执行程序
  74264. system command interpretation compatibility ==> 系统命令解释兼容性
  74265. system communication ==> 系统通信
  74266. system communication processing ==> 系统通信处理
  74267. system completion code ==> 系统完成码
  74268. system component ==> 系统元件
  74269. system composition ==> 系统组成
  74270. system concept ==> 系统概念
  74271. system configuration ==> 系统配置=>系統構成,システム構成
  74272. system configuration of wireless tramcar ==> 架線レス電車のシステム構成
  74273. system connection ==> 系统连接
  74274. system connection fee ==> 系統連系料金
  74275. system connection pattern ==> 系统连接方式,电力系统节点的布局及其连接方式
  74276. system constant ==> 系統定数
  74277. system constituent ==> 系统组件
  74278. system constraints ==> 系統制約
  74279. system construction ==> 体系工程
  74280. system control ==> 系统控制=>系統制御
  74281. system control panel ==> 系统控制板
  74282. system control room ==> 系统调度室
  74283. system convention ==> 系统规则
  74284. system conversion ==> 系统更换
  74285. system coordination ==> 系统的协调
  74286. system coordination between generation and transmission ==> 電源と流通の協調
  74287. system damping ==> 系统阻尼
  74288. system damping resistor ==> 制動抵抗装置
  74289. system data acquisition ==> 系统数据收集
  74290. system data bus ==> 系统数据总线
  74291. system debug ==> 系统调试
  74292. system definition ==> 系统定义
  74293. system definition information ==> 系统定义信息
  74294. system degradation ==> 系统性能降低
  74295. system delay ==> 系统固有延迟
  74296. system demand control ==> 系统需量控制,对电力系统用户的电力需量进行控制
  74297. system description maintenance ==> 系统现状的保存
  74298. system design ==> 系统设计
  74299. system design aids ==> 系统设计工具
  74300. system design criteria ==> 系统设计标准
  74301. system design simulator ==> 系统设计模拟器
  74302. system designer ==> 系统设计员
  74303. system determinant ==> 系数行列式,体系行列式
  74304. system development ==> 系统发展,系统开发=>システム開発
  74305. system development commission ==> システム開発の委託
  74306. system development concept ==> システム開発プロジェクト
  74307. system development cycle ==> システム開発サイクル
  74308. system development engineering ==> システム開発工学
  74309. system development environment ==> システム開発環境
  74310. system development period ==> システム開発期間
  74311. system deviation ==> 系统偏差
  74312. system diagnostics ==> 系统诊断
  74313. system diagram ==> 系统图
  74314. system disturbance ==> 系统扰动
  74315. system diversity factor ==> 系统不同时率
  74316. system down ==> 系统失灵
  74317. system drawing ==> 系统图
  74318. system dump ==> 系统转储
  74319. system dynamics ==> 系统动态学
  74320. system earth ==> 系统运转接地
  74321. system effectiveness ==> 系统效率,系统有效性
  74322. system efficiency ==> 系统效率
  74323. system eigenvalue ==> 系统本征值
  74324. system electrical power swing ==> 系统电功率摆动,电力系统振荡
  74325. system element ==> 系统元件
  74326. system emergency control and restoration ==> power,消除电力系统事故起因,调整电力系统运行方式和恢复正常运行的过程
  74327. system emergency protection ==> 系统应急保护,系统事故保护
  74328. system engineer ==> 系统工程师
  74329. system engineering ==> 系统工程
  74330. system engineering evaluation ==> 系统工程学评价
  74331. system engineering tools ==> 系统工程工具
  74332. system environment recording ==> 系统环境记录
  74333. system environmental simulation ==> 系统环境仿真
  74334. system environments ==> 系统环境
  74335. system equivalence ==> 系统等价
  74336. system error ==> 系统误差
  74337. system error recovery ==> 系统错后复原
  74338. system error routine ==> 系统查错程序
  74339. system evaluation ==> 系统评价
  74340. system exercisor ==> 系统试验器
  74341. system expansion ==> 系统扩充
  74342. system factor ==> 系统因子
  74343. system failure ==> 系统故障=>システム障害,装置異常
  74344. system fan ==> 系统风机,装置排风机
  74345. system fault ==> 电力网故障
  74346. system file ==> 系统外存储器
  74347. system firmware ==> 系统固件
  74348. system floppy disk ==> 系统软盘
  74349. system flowchart ==> 系统流程图
  74350. system for electric power business ==> 电力业务许可证制度license,为了维护电力生产运营的正常秩序,电力监管机构规定凡是欲从事电力业务的企业都必须提出申请,经监管机构审查批准,取得电力业务许可证
  74351. system for heat treatment of semi-conductor ==> 半导体瞬态热处理设备
  74352. system for noniventoriable items ==> 不可储存产品系统
  74353. system for reporting and filing ==> 报告和档案制度
  74354. system frequency ==> 系统频率=>系統周波数
  74355. system frequency characteristic constant ==> 系統周波数特性定数,系統定数
  74356. system frequency excursion ==> 系统频率偏移
  74357. system function ==> 系统功能,系统函数
  74358. system generation ==> 系统形成=>システム生成
  74359. system generation macrolanguage ==> 系统生成宏语言
  74360. system generation time ==> 系统生成时间
  74361. system ground ==> 系统接地
  74362. system grounding conductor ==> 系统接地导体
  74363. system grounding method ==> 系统接地法
  74364. system hardware ==> 系统硬件
  74365. system head ==> 系统压头
  74366. system head loss ==> 系统水头损失
  74367. system identification ==> 系统鉴别,系统识别=>システム同定,系統同定,系統推定
  74368. system identification problem ==> 系统识别问题
  74369. system identification theory ==> 系统辨识理论
  74370. system impedance ==> 系统阻抗,在系统计算(或考虑)点的系统侧等值阻抗
  74371. system impedance ratio ==> 系统阻抗比
  74372. system impedance ratio,〔source impedance ratio (USA)〕 ==>  電源インピーダンス比, "At a given measurement location, commonly at one end of a line, the ratio of the power system source impedance to the impedance of the protected zone."
  74373. system implementation language ==> 系统执行语言
  74374. system improvement time ==> 系统改进时间
  74375. system in three-dimensional space ==> 三维空间体系
  74376. system information ==> 系统信息
  74377. system information management ==> 系统情报管理
  74378. system initialization ==> 系统预置
  74379. system initiation ==> 系统开始
  74380. system install ==> 系统安装
  74381. system installation ==> 系统安装
  74382. system integration ==> 系统综合=>システムインテグレーション
  74383. system integration area ==> システム統合分野
  74384. system integration technique ==> 系统集成技术
  74385. system integration test ==> システム結合テスト
  74386. system integrity ==> 系统完整性
  74387. system interconnection ==> 系統連系(電力)
  74388. system interface design ==> 系统接口设计
  74389. system interface module ==> 系统接口模件
  74390. system interrogation ==> 系统询问
  74391. system interrupt ==> 系统中断
  74392. system interrupt action ==> 系统中断动作
  74393. system interrupt dispatch routine ==> 系统中断调度程序
  74394. system interrupt request ==> 系统中断请求
  74395. system invariants ==> 系统不变量
  74396. system language ==> 系统语言
  74397. system layout ==> 系统布置
  74398. system library ==> 系统程序库
  74399. system life cycle ==> 系统寿命周期
  74400. system linking ==> 系统耦合
  74401. system load ==> 系统负载
  74402. system load characteristic ==> 系统负载特性
  74403. system load dispatching office ==> 系統給電指令所
  74404. system loader ==> 系统装入程序
  74405. system loading ==> 系统负荷
  74406. system loading conditions ==> 系统负载状况
  74407. system log ==> 系统记录
  74408. system log (SYSLOG) ==> 系统记录
  74409. system log data set ==> 系统记录数据集
  74410. system log function ==> 系统记录功能
  74411. system logic ==> 系统逻辑
  74412. system loss ==> 系统损耗=>総合損失
  74413. system macro instruction ==> 系统宏指令
  74414. system macroinstruction ==> 系统宏指令
  74415. system maintenance ==> 系统维护
  74416. system maker ==> 整机制造厂
  74417. system malfunction ==> 系统功能失灵,系统故障
  74418. system management ==> 系统管理
  74419. system management facilities ==> 系统管理功能
  74420. system management function ==> 系统管理功能
  74421. system manager ==> 系统经理
  74422. system map ==> 系统图
  74423. system margin ==> 系統余力
  74424. system mask ==> 系统屏蔽
  74425. system matrix ==> 系统矩阵,体系矩阵
  74426. system maximum hourly load ==> 系统小时最大负载
  74427. system measurement routine ==> 系统测量程序
  74428. system mechanization ==> 系统机械化,全盘机械化
  74429. system message data set ==> 系统信息数据集
  74430. system mimic board ==> 系統監視盤
  74431. system mistake ==> 系统错误
  74432. system mode ==> 系统状态
  74433. system mode instruction ==> 系统状态指令
  74434. system model ==> 系统模型
  74435. system modelling ==> 系统模造
  74436. system module ==> 系统模件
  74437. system monitor ==> 系统监督程序
  74438. system monitor unit ==> 系统监视装置
  74439. system multiplex ==> 系统多路转换
  74440. system network ==> 系统网络
  74441. system network architecture ==> 系统网络结构
  74442. system noise ==> 系统噪声
  74443. system noise figure ==> 系统噪声指数
  74444. system of a measurement ==> 测量制度
  74445. system of absolute unit ==> 绝对单位制,绝对单位制
  74446. system of absolute units ==> 絶対単位系
  74447. system of all employees signing labor contracts ==> 全员劳动合同制
  74448. system of astronomical constants ==> 天文常数系统
  74449. system of automatic internal audit ==> 内部自动审计制度
  74450. system of axes ==> 坐标系
  74451. system of axis ==> 坐标轴系
  74452. system of behavior ==> 行为系统
  74453. system of breeding ==> 繁育方法,繁育体系
  74454. system of bridges of stage ==> 舞台桥面系统
  74455. system of centered spherical surfaces ==> 同轴球面系统
  74456. system of check and acceptance ==> 验收制度,验收制度
  74457. system of civil aviation management ==> 民用航空管理制度
  74458. system of civil justice ==> 民事审判体制
  74459. system of civil registration ==> 民事登记体系
  74460. system of classification ==> 分类法
  74461. system of coalition ==> 联合制
  74462. system of compensatory financing ==> 补偿贷款制度,补偿货款制度
  74463. system of compounds ==> 化合物系统
  74464. system of comprehensive evaluation of sports ==> 体育综合评价体系
  74465. system of conductors ==> 導体系
  74466. system of conics ==> 二次曲线系
  74467. system of controls ==> 控制制度
  74468. system of cooperative medical care ==> 合作医疗制度
  74469. system of coordinates ==> 坐标系
  74470. system of crystallization ==> 结晶系
  74471. system of decentralization ==> 分权制
  74472. system of distinct representation ==> 不同表示系列
  74473. system of dividing taxes ==> 分税制
  74474. system of economic calculation ==> 经济核算制,经济核算制
  74475. system of economic contract ==> 经济合同制,经济合同制
  74476. system of economic cooperation ==> 经济合作制度,经济合作制度
  74477. system of economic laws and decrees ==> 经济法规体系,经济法规体系
  74478. system of election of cadres ==> 选任制
  74479. system of equations ==> 方程组
  74480. system of exploitation of man by man ==> 人剥削人的制度
  74481. system of export credit insurance ==> 出口信贷保险制度
  74482. system of export licensing ==> 出口许可制度
  74483. system of extending loans to students ==> 学生贷款制度
  74484. system of fertilization ==> 施肥制
  74485. system of fit(s) ==> 配合制
  74486. system of fixed ecliptic ==> 固定黄道坐标系
  74487. system of floatation ==> 浮动率制度
  74488. system of forces ==> 力系
  74489. system of free use of land ==> 土地无偿使用制度
  74490. system of groove for roll forging ==> 辊锻型槽系
  74491. system of holdings ==> 参与制
  74492. system of identification ==> 鉴定制
  74493. system of import and export license ==> 进出口许可证制
  74494. system of in-factory economic accounting ==> 厂内核算制
  74495. system of incomplete mutual solubility ==> 不完全互溶物系
  74496. system of inequalities ==> 不等式组
  74497. system of internal check ==> 内部牵制制度
  74498. system of inventory control ==> 库存控制系统
  74499. system of investment responsibility ==> 投资包干制
  74500. system of irrigation pipes built under the ground ==> 地下灌溉管道系统
  74501. system of land classification ==> 土类分级法
  74502. system of land equalization ==> 均田制,均田制
  74503. system of linear algebraic equations ==> 线性代数方程组
  74504. system of linear equations ==> 連立一次方程式
  74505. system of logarithm ==> 对数制
  74506. system of macroeconomic management ==> 宏观方面的经济管理体制
  74507. system of mating ==> 繁育方法,繁育体系
  74508. system of measurement ==> 測定系
  74509. system of measuring units ==> 测量单位制
  74510. system of medical care insurance ==> 医疗保险制度
  74511. system of nets ==> 网系
  74512. system of nonlinear equations ==> 非线性方程组
  74513. system of notation ==> 符号制,记数法
  74514. system of one-head leadership ==> 一长制
  74515. system of one-man leadership ==> 一长制
  74516. system of ownership ==> 所有制,所有制
  74517. system of partial free supply and partial wages ==> 部分供给
  74518. system of periodical maintenance ==> 定期修缮制
  74519. system of pipes ==> 管系
  74520. system of plates ==> 电容器片组
  74521. system of power transmission ==> 功率传递系统
  74522. system of practical units ==> 実用単位系
  74523. system of processing ==> 加工系统
  74524. system of production responsibility ==> 生产责任制
  74525. system of promotion ==> 晋级制度
  74526. system of rating ==> 定额制度
  74527. system of rays ==> 辐射纹系统
  74528. system of rectangular coordinates ==> 直角坐标系
  74529. system of rectangular tables ==> 矩形表体系,矩形表体系
  74530. system of regular pay ==> 薪饷制
  74531. system of risers ==> 补缩系统
  74532. system of rotating green manure crops ==> 绿肥轮作制
  74533. system of selection ==> 选择方法
  74534. system of semiprivate ownership ==> 半私有制
  74535. system of share-cropping of net income ==> 净收入分成制,净收入分成制
  74536. system of simultaneous equations ==> 联立方程组
  74537. system of space-time coordiates ==> 時空座標系
  74538. system of statement ==> 报表制度
  74539. system of statistical indicators ==> 统计指标体系
  74540. system of statistical report ==> 统计报表制度
  74541. system of statistics ==> 统计制度
  74542. system of uncompensated land use ==> 土地无偿使用制度
  74543. system of unit ==> 有名制,系统中所有参数和变量都以其有名值(含单位)表示的体制
  74544. system of units ==> 单位制=>単位系
  74545. system of vectors of reference ==> 参考矢系,参照向量系
  74546. system of verification ==> 核查制度
  74547. system of vocational assessment ==> 人事考核制度
  74548. system of winds ==> 风系
  74549. system operating plan ==> 系统运行方式,为电力系统在正常状态及非正常状态下运行而编制的运行方案
  74550. system operation ==> 系统操作=>系統運用,系統操作
  74551. system operation organization ==> 系統運用機関
  74552. system operation within safe limits ==> 安定範囲内の系統運用
  74553. system operator ==> 调度员=>系統操作員,An individual at an electric system control center whose responsibility it is to monitor and control that electric system in real time.
  74554. system optimization ==> 系统优化,系统最佳化,系统最优化
  74555. system organization ==> 系统结构,系统组织
  74556. system outage ==> 系统中断
  74557. system output device ==> 系统输出设备
  74558. system output writer ==> 系统输出记录程序
  74559. system overhead ==> 系统总开销
  74560. system overshoot ==> 系统过调量
  74561. system pack ==> 操作系统程序包
  74562. system parameter ==> 体系参数,系统参数=>系統パラメータ
  74563. system parameters ==> 系统参数,表征系统元件特性的量,如电阻、电感、电容、阻抗、导纳、变压器变比等
  74564. system partition ==> 系统划分
  74565. system partitioning ==> 系统划分
  74566. system peak load ==> 系统尖峰负荷,电网尖峰负荷
  74567. system performance ==> 系统特性,系统性能
  74568. system performance criterion ==> 系统性能判据
  74569. system performance effectiveness ==> 系统性能有效度
  74570. system performance index ==> 系统性能指标
  74571. system performance information ==> 系统性能数据
  74572. system performance monitor ==> 系统性能监视器
  74573. system phase control ==> 系统相位控制
  74574. system planner ==> 系统计划人员
  74575. system planning ==> 系统计划=>系統計画
  74576. system plating ==> 内外叠板法
  74577. system power supply ==> 系统电源
  74578. system preparation routine ==> 系统准备程序
  74579. system pressure ==> 系统压力
  74580. system price ==> システム価格(電力市場)
  74581. system production time ==> システム実働時間
  74582. system program(me) ==> 系统程序
  74583. system program(me) error ==> 系统程序错误
  74584. system program(me) operator ==> 系统程序操作员
  74585. system program(me) planning ==> 系统规划程序
  74586. system programmer ==> 系统程序计划员,系统程序设计员
  74587. system programming ==> 系统程序设计
  74588. system programming language ==> 系统程序设计语言
  74589. system protection ==> 系統保護
  74590. system re-synchronization ==> 系統並列
  74591. system realm ==> 系统区域
  74592. system reconfiguration ==> 系统结构改变,系统重组
  74593. system record file ==> 系统记录文件
  74594. system recovery ==> 系统恢复
  74595. system reduction ==> 系統縮約
  74596. system relevance response ==> 系统相关性响应
  74597. system reliability ==> 系统可靠性=>系統信頼度,A measure of an electric system's ability to deliver uninterrupted service at the proper voltage and frequency.
  74598. system research ==> 系统研究
  74599. system reserve ==> [电力]系统储备
  74600. system reset ==> 系统复位
  74601. system residence ==> 系统程序常驻区
  74602. system residence (SYSRES) ==> 常驻系统
  74603. system residence disk (SYSRES) ==> 常驻系统盘
  74604. system residence volume ==> 系统常驻卷
  74605. system resistance ==> 系统电阻
  74606. system resolution ==> 系统分辨能力
  74607. system resource ==> 系统资源
  74608. system resource management ==> 系统资料管理,系统资源管理
  74609. system response ==> 系统频率特性,系统反应
  74610. system risk ==> 系统风险
  74611. system roll-back ==> 系统重新运行
  74612. system safety ==> 系统安全=>システム安全性
  74613. system safety engineering ==> 系统安全工程
  74614. system sampling ==> 系统抽样
  74615. system sand ==> 单一砂,再生砂
  74616. system save file ==> 系统保存文件
  74617. system scanner ==> 系统扫描程序
  74618. system science ==> 系统科学
  74619. system security monitoring ==> 系統安全性監視
  74620. system self regulation ==> 系统自调节
  74621. system self-calibration ==> 系统自校准
  74622. system separation ==> 系统解列=>系統分離
  74623. system separation relay ==> 系統分離継電器
  74624. system service control point ==> 系统服务控制点
  74625. system service request ==> 系统服务申请
  74626. system service transformer ==> 系统供电变压器
  74627. system similarity ==> 系统相似性
  74628. system simulation ==> 系统仿真,系统模拟
  74629. system software ==> 系统软件
  74630. system software component ==> 系统软件成分
  74631. system software package ==> 系统软件包
  74632. system specifications ==> 系统规范
  74633. system split incident ==> 系统解列事故
  74634. system splitting ==> 系统解列,系统分列
  74635. system splitting relay ==> 系統分離継電器
  74636. system stability ==> [电力]系统稳定性=>系統安定性
  74637. system stability analysis ==> 系统稳定性分析
  74638. system stability calculation ==> 系统稳定计算,按电力系统的物理过程建立数学模型,利用数学方法求解数学模型,对电力系统的稳定性能进行分析所作的计算
  74639. system stabilizing control ==> 系統安定化装置
  74640. system standard ==> 系统标准
  74641. system standard label ==> 系统标准标号
  74642. system start-up ==> 系统启动
  74643. system state ==> 系統状態
  74644. system state measurement and estimation ==> 系統データ測定と状態推定
  74645. system state table ==> 系统状态表
  74646. system state variables ==> 系统状态变量,确定电力系统运行状态的最小一组变量
  74647. system statistical analysis ==> 系统统计分析
  74648. system statistical information ==> 系统统计信息
  74649. system status ==> 系统状况
  74650. system status interrogation ==> 系统状况询问
  74651. system stop page ==> 系统停止页
  74652. system storage ==> 系统存储器
  74653. system storage capacity ==> 系统存储量
  74654. system stored energy ==> 系统储能
  74655. system structure monitoring (what is energized and what is not) ==> 系統構成の変化,steady state, on-going
  74656. system study ==> 系统研究
  74657. system subcomponent ==> 系统子成分
  74658. system subroutine ==> 系统子程序
  74659. system supervisor ==> 系统管理程序
  74660. system support ==> 系统支援设备
  74661. system support channel ==> 系统后援通道
  74662. system support function ==> 系统支援功能
  74663. system support program ==> 系统支援程序
  74664. system switcher ==> システムスイッチャ
  74665. system switching ==> 系統操作,系統切替
  74666. system synthesis ==> 系统综合
  74667. system tape ==> 系统带
  74668. system task ==> 系统任务
  74669. system task partition ==> 系统任务区
  74670. system task save area ==> 系统任务保存区
  74671. system technology ==> 系统工程
  74672. system test ==> 系统测试,系统试验
  74673. system test complex ==> 系统测试全套设备
  74674. system test mode ==> 系统测试方式
  74675. system test time ==> システム試験時間
  74676. system tester ==> 系统测试程序
  74677. system testing ==> 系统试验
  74678. system testing program ==> 系统测试程序
  74679. system thermal power plant ==> 系统火力发电厂
  74680. system time stamp ==> 系统计时
  74681. system timer ==> 系统记时器
  74682. system trace ==> 系统跟踪
  74683. system trace tab ==> 系统跟踪标记
  74684. system transfer function ==> 系统传递函数
  74685. system transient output response ==> 系统干扰性,系统频率特性,瞬变过程
  74686. system transposition ==> 系统交叉
  74687. system transter ==> 系统的传递函数
  74688. system under test (SUT) ==> 被测系统
  74689. system unit ==> 系统处理单位
  74690. system utility program ==> 系统实用程序
  74691. system utility program(me) support ==> 系统应用程序的提供
  74692. system utilization ==> 系统利用率
  74693. system utilization factor ==> 系统利用率
  74694. system utilization logger ==> 系统利用率记录程序
  74695. system variable ==> 系统的变量
  74696. system variable symbol ==> 系统可变符号
  74697. system variables ==> 系统变量
  74698. system voltage ==> 系统电压
  74699. system voltage drop ==> 系统电压降
  74700. system voltage stabilizer ==> 系统电压稳定器
  74701. system volume ==> 系统卷宗
  74702. system wait ==> 系统等待
  74703. system with one degree of freedom ==> 一自由度系统
  74704. system with several degrees of freedom ==> 多自由度体系
  74705. system with variable utilization ==> 可变利用系统
  74706. system's ability for orderly change ==> 序变能力
  74707. system's transient response ==> 系统的瞬态响应
  74708. system-centered approach to change ==> 系统导向的变革
  74709. system-diseases ==> (脊髓)系统病
  74710. system-down ==> 系统故障,系统停机
  74711. system-modulation-transfer acutance ==> 系统的调制传递锐度
  74712. system-oriented ==> 面向系统的
  74713. system-oriented com-puter ==> 面向系统计算机
  74714. system-oriented hardware ==> 面向系统的硬件
  74715. system-wide control ==> 全系统范围的控制
  74716. systema digestorium ==> 消化系统
  74717. systema lymphaticum ==> 淋巴系统
  74718. systema nervorum sympathicum ==> 交感神经系
  74719. systema nervosum centrale ==> 中枢神经系统
  74720. systema nervosum periphericum ==> 周围神经系
  74721. systema skeletale ==> 骨骼系统
  74722. systematic ==> 整齐,系统的,系统性的
  74723. systematic analog network testing approach ==> 系统模拟网络测试方法
  74724. systematic analysis ==> 系统分析
  74725. systematic anatomy ==> 系统解剖学
  74726. systematic approach ==> 系统研究法
  74727. systematic arrangement ==> 顺序排
  74728. systematic botany ==> 植物分类学
  74729. systematic category ==> 系统类目
  74730. systematic code ==> 組織符号
  74731. systematic convergence error ==> 系统会聚误差
  74732. systematic correction ==> 系统修正
  74733. systematic decision model ==> 系统决策模式
  74734. systematic description ==> 系统著录
  74735. systematic desensitization ==> 系统脱敏,系统脱敏疗法
  74736. systematic design discipline ==> 系统设计规范
  74737. systematic deviation ==> 系统偏差
  74738. systematic deviation from linearity ==> 系统性直线离差
  74739. systematic distortion ==> 系统失真,规则性失真,基本畸变
  74740. systematic distribution ==> 系统分布
  74741. systematic drift rate ==> 系统漂移速率
  74742. systematic engineering ==> 系统工程
  74743. systematic entomology ==> 系统昆虫学
  74744. systematic error ==> 系统误差,系统错误=>系統誤差
  74745. systematic error checking code ==> 系统检错码
  74746. systematic fashion information ==> 系统化信息
  74747. systematic graden ==> 植物分类园
  74748. systematic grouping ==> 系统分组
  74749. systematic identification ==> 系统鉴定
  74750. systematic inaccuracy ==> 系统不精确性
  74751. systematic infection ==> 系统的传染
  74752. systematic inspection ==> 系统检查
  74753. systematic investigation and study ==> 系统调查研究
  74754. systematic isolate idea ==> 系统细目概念
  74755. systematic layout planning ==> 系统的布置管理
  74756. systematic management ==> 分类管理法,分类控制法
  74757. systematic mathematical analysis ==> 系统数学分析法
  74758. systematic mating ==> 系统交配
  74759. systematic measure ==> 系统的测度
  74760. systematic method ==> 体系的方法
  74761. systematic microbiology ==> 分类微生物学
  74762. systematic mnemonics ==> 系统助记法
  74763. systematic mutation ==> 系统突变
  74764. systematic name ==> 系统名称,分类名,分离名
  74765. systematic negative anomaly ==> 系统负异常
  74766. systematic noise ==> 系统噪声
  74767. systematic nomenclature ==> 系统命名法,分类命名法
  74768. systematic observation ==> 系统观测
  74769. systematic order ==> 系统顺序
  74770. systematic overrelaxation ==> 系统超松弛
  74771. systematic perspective ==> 系统观
  74772. systematic plant sociology ==> 系统植物社会学
  74773. systematic point of view ==> 系统观点
  74774. systematic procedure ==> 系统过程
  74775. systematic production of substitution lines ==> 系统的产生代换品系
  74776. systematic random sample ==> 系统随机样本
  74777. systematic relaxation procedure ==> 系统松弛步骤
  74778. systematic requirement criteria ==> 系统要求标准
  74779. systematic residuals ==> 系统误差
  74780. systematic risk ==> 系统性风险,不可避免的风险
  74781. systematic sample ==> 系统抽样,系统抽样样品,系统样本
  74782. systematic sampling ==> 系统抽样,按相同的时间、空间或质量的间隔采取子样,但第一个子样在第一个间隔内随机采取,其余的子样按选定的间隔采取的采样方法,系统抽样法,系统化采样,等间隔抽样
  74783. systematic sampling in two dimensions ==> 二维系统等距抽样
  74784. systematic sampling scheme ==> 系统抽样概型
  74785. systematic search decoder ==> 系统搜索译码器
  74786. systematic selection ==> 系统选种
  74787. systematic self-adjustment ==> 系统的自我调节
  74788. systematic self-organization ==> 系统的自我组织
  74789. systematic separation ==> 系统分离
  74790. systematic socioeconomic factors ==> 系统的社会经济因素
  74791. systematic spectral analysis ==> 系统光谱分析
  74792. systematic statistic ==> 系统统计量
  74793. systematic support ==> 系统化支护
  74794. systematic uncertainty ==> 系统不确定度
  74795. systematically ==> 系统地=>体系的に,系統的に
  74796. systematically use ==> 有系统应用
  74797. systematicness ==> 系统性
  74798. systematics ==> 系统学,分类学
  74799. systematics of science and technology ==> 科学技术体系学
  74800. systematist ==> 分类学家
  74801. systematization ==> 系统化
  74802. systematization of design ==> 设计系统化
  74803. systematized delusion ==> 系统化妄想,系统性妄想
  74804. systematized sales management ==> 系统化售货管理
  74805. systematology ==> 系统学
  74806. systemic ==> 系统的,全身的,向药性的,内吸的
  74807. systemic action ==> 内吸作用,全身作用
  74808. systemic amyloidosis ==> 系统性淀粉样变
  74809. systemic anaphylaxis ==> 全身性过敏反应
  74810. systemic arch ==> 体动脉弓
  74811. systemic circulation ==> 体循环,大循环,系统循环
  74812. systemic defoliant ==> 内吸落叶剂
  74813. systemic disease ==> 系统病,全身疾病
  74814. systemic distortion ==> 基本畸变
  74815. systemic effect ==> 全身效应
  74816. systemic embryology ==> 系统胚胎学
  74817. systemic factor ==> 全身因素
  74818. systemic fungicide ==> 内吸杀菌剂
  74819. systemic gain drift ==> 系统增益漂移
  74820. systemic heart ==> 体心脏
  74821. systemic herbicide ==> 内吸收性除草剂
  74822. systemic infection ==> 系统侵染
  74823. systemic insecticcide ==> 内吸性农药
  74824. systemic insecticide ==> 内呼性杀虫剂,内吸杀虫剂
  74825. systemic lesion ==> 系统性病变
  74826. systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) ==> 系统性红斑狼疮,全身性红斑狼疮
  74827. systemic perfusion treatment ==> 全身灌流疗法
  74828. systemic pesticide ==> 内吸性农药
  74829. systemic physiology ==> 分类生理学
  74830. systemic reaction ==> 全身性反应
  74831. systemic scleroderma ==> 系统性硬皮病
  74832. systemic sclerosis ==> 系统性硬化
  74833. systemic selection ==> 系统选择
  74834. systemic toxic action ==> 全身毒作用
  74835. systemic toxic symptoms ==> 全身毒性症状
  74836. systemic velocity ==> 质心速度
  74837. systemics ==> 内呼剂,内吸剂
  74838. systems alternatives ==> 系统选择方案
  74839. systems analysis ==> 系统分析
  74840. systems analysis staff ==> 系统分析人员
  74841. systems analyst ==> 系统分析人员
  74842. systems and procedures ==> 系统和程序
  74843. systems approach ==> 系统方法,系统思路,系统研究法
  74844. systems approach in education ==> 教育系统法
  74845. systems approach to management ==> 系统研究法
  74846. systems assessment ==> 系统评价
  74847. systems audit ==> 系统审计
  74848. systems behavior ==> 系统行为
  74849. systems biology ==> 系统生物学=>システム生物学
  74850. systems building ==> 工业化建筑
  74851. systems design specification ==> 系统设计说明书
  74852. systems development corporation ==> 系统发展公司
  74853. systems development process ==> 系统发展过程
  74854. systems deviation ==> 系统离差
  74855. systems dynamics predictive model ==> 系统动态预示模型
  74856. systems ecology ==> 系统生态学
  74857. systems engineering methodology ==> 系统工程方法论
  74858. systems estimation ==> 系统估计
  74859. systems function diagram ==> 系统功能图
  74860. systems group ==> 系统小组
  74861. systems implementation ==> 系统实施
  74862. systems implementation test ==> 系统运行试验
  74863. systems integration ==> 系统集成
  74864. systems inventories ==> 系统库存量
  74865. systems life cycle ==> 系统生命周期
  74866. systems linking ==> (电脑)系统连贯
  74867. systems management school ==> 系统管理学派
  74868. systems method ==> 系统方法
  74869. systems modelling ==> 系统模型化
  74870. systems operation ==> 系统运行
  74871. systems operational mechanism ==> 系统运行机制
  74872. systems philosophy ==> 系统哲学
  74873. systems proof test ==> 系统检验试验
  74874. systems reliability analysis ==> 系统可靠性分析
  74875. systems requirements specification ==> 系统要件说明书
  74876. systems research ==> 系统研究法
  74877. systems revovery management ==> 系统恢复管理
  74878. systems school ==> 系统学派
  74879. systems science ==> 系统科学
  74880. systems selling ==> 配套出售
  74881. systems structure ==> 系统式管理组织结构
  74882. systems synthesis ==> 系统综合
  74883. systems technology ==> 系统技术
  74884. Systems with Multiple DC Infeed ==> 多馈入直流系统
  74885. systolic pressure ==> 心收缩压
  74886. systolic retraction ==> 收缩期回缩
  74887. systox poisoning ==> 内吸磷中毒
  74888. syzygetic tide ==> 朔望潮
  74889. syzygial tide ==> 朔望潮
  74890. SZ twisting ==> SZより
  74891. SZG ==> 上海舟基有限公司
  74892. S社 ==> Sequentia社(米)

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